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Stories of the Tudors

English, Arts, 1 season, 19 episodes, 6 hours, 44 minutes
Stories of the Tudors
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Podcast Nineteen - Queen Elizabeth I Part Three

This podcast is the third of a series of three looking at the life of Queen Elizabeth the first, and I’m exploring the myths and rumours surrounding the life of Queen Elizabeth, England’s ‘Gloriana’ – the virgin queen who reigned England and Ireland for 44 years. In this podcast we take a look behind the familiar façade, to see what Elizabeth was really like. My book, Drake - Tudor Corsair is available from Amazon in paperback and eBook 🇺🇸 🇬🇧 More information about all my books can be found on my website at The Introductory music is La Volta,  composed by David Hirschfelder  
12/23/202016 minutes, 42 seconds
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Podcast Eighteen - Queen Elizabeth I Part Two

This podcast is the second of a series of three looking at the life of Queen Elizabeth the first, and I’m exploring the myths and rumours surrounding the life of Queen Elizabeth, England’s ‘Gloriana’ – the virgin queen who reigned England and Ireland for 44 years. The third podcast in this series and the third will look behind the familiar façade, to see what Elizabeth was really like.   My book, Drake - Tudor Corsair is available from Amazon in paperback and eBook 🇺🇸 🇬🇧   More information about all my books can be found on my website at   The Introductory music is La Volta,  composed by David Hirschfelder      
11/18/202019 minutes, 15 seconds
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Podcast Seventeen - Queen Elizabeth I Part One

This podcast is the first of a series of three looking at the life of Queen Elizabeth the first, and is an introduction to the key events of Elizabeth’s life.  I’ll be looking at Elizabeth’s challenging childhood, her teenage years, how she ended up imprisoned in the Tower of London,  and why she spent most of her reign in fear of assassination.  The next podcast explores the myths and legends which surround the last Tudor queen, and the third will look behind the familiar façade, to see what Elizabeth was really like. For more information please see my website
10/23/202026 minutes, 12 seconds
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Podcast Sixteen - Katherine Willoughby

Attractive, wealthy and influential, and a favourite of King Henry VIII, Katherine Willoughby knew all his six wives, his daughters Mary and Elizabeth, and his son Edward, so how did this daughter of a proud Catholic become a champion of religious reform and risk her life for the Protestant cause when Queen Mary Tudor came to the throne? My book Katherine - Tudor Duchess is available in eBook, paperback and audiobook editions from Amazon UK and Amazon US
8/28/202023 minutes, 56 seconds
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Podcast Fifteen - Catherine Parr

Catherine Parr, the sixth and last wife of Henry VIII, is popularly known as the wife who 'survived', but why did Henry choose her, and how did she feel about becoming his queen?  Although her story lacks the tragic romance of Anne Boleyn, the scandal of Catherine Howard, or the politics surrounding the life of Anne of Cleves, I hope to show that Catherine Parr was the cleverest of Henry VIII's six wives. Historian Elizabeth Norton, in her book on Catherine Parr says, ‘the woman who would become the sixth and last queen of Henry VIII was born into a prominent, but not royal family, and during her childhood, Catherine can never have dreamt of the future that lay in store for her.’
5/26/202021 minutes, 30 seconds
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Podcast Fourteen - Katherine Howard

Katherine Howard, the fifth wife of Henry VIII, reigned as queen from the 28th of  July 1540 to the 22nd of  November 1541, and is often described as naive at best, at worst wanton and reckless. As always, the truth is more complex, and in this podcast we’ll explore the known facts.
5/1/202029 minutes, 15 seconds
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Podcast Thirteen - Anna of Cleves

In this podcast I’ll be looking at the life of the fourth wife of Henry VIII, Anna of Cleves. I had to research her story for my new book, Katherine Tudor Duchess, about Katherine Willoughby, who was the senior lady sent by King Henry, with her husband Charles Brandon, to welcome Anna when she first arrived in England. The shortest reigning of all Henry’s  queens, Anna of Cleves outlived them all.
6/24/201916 minutes, 43 seconds
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Podcast Twelve - Jane Seymour

Jane Seymour, the third wife of King Henry VIII, is often portrayed as being shy and even boring and described as the opposite of Anne Boleyn, passive and introvert, but of course the truth is far more complex. Her short reign was during the often chaotic events of the reformation, and she must have struggled with her conscience as a devout Catholic when the Church of England was established. One chronicler of the time said Jane Seymour was the most beautiful of all Henry’s wives, noting that when she donned her queenly regalia no woman was more beautiful - while others described her as pale and unattractive. Which is likely to be true?
3/21/201923 minutes, 23 seconds
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Podcast Ten - Catherine of Aragon

When Henry VIII married Catherine, she was an auburn-haired beauty in her twenties with a passion she had inherited from her parents, Isabella of Castile and Ferdinand of Aragon, the joint-rulers of Spain. This daughter of conquistadors showed the same steel and King Henry was to learn, to his cost, that he had not met a tougher opponent on or off the battlefield when he tried to divorce her.
1/24/201929 minutes, 41 seconds
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Podcast Nine - Charles Brandon

Handsome, charismatic and a champion jouster, Sir Charles Brandon is the epitome of a Tudor Knight. A favourite of King Henry VIII, Brandon has a secret. He has fallen in love with Henry’s sister, Mary Tudor, the beautiful widowed Queen of France, and risks everything to marry her without the King’s consent. Brandon becomes Duke of Suffolk, but his loyalty is tested fighting Henry’s wars in France. Mary’s public support for Queen Catherine of Aragon brings Brandon into dangerous conflict with the ambitious Boleyn family and the king’s new right-hand man, Thomas Cromwell. Torn between duty to his family and loyalty to the king, Brandon faces an impossible decision: can he accept Anne Boleyn as his new queen? Links to all my books can be found at
12/15/201828 minutes, 28 seconds
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Podcast Eight - Arthur Tudor

Prince Arthur was heir to the throne of England and the embodiment of the union between Lancaster and York. His wedding to the young and beautiful Catherine of Aragon was one of the first great events of Henry's reign. Then, at the age of fifteen, Arthur's sudden death changed history.  
11/19/201820 minutes, 12 seconds
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Podcast Seven - Henry VIII

What changed Henry VIII from a renaissance prince into the 'tyrant' we know in his later rule? In this podcast I take a look at the theories and evidence for the possible causes, as well as talk about some of the less well know facts about King Henry.
10/31/201824 minutes, 3 seconds
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Podcast Six - Margaret Tudor, Queen of Scotland

Margaret was the eldest daughter of Henry Tudor and Elizabeth of York, and was born on 28 November 1489 at the Palace of Westminster, a year and a half before her famous brother,  who became King Henry VIII. Henry VII wanted to use his daughter’s marriage to James IV of Scotland to end the wars, stop him supporting Perkin Warbeck, pretender to the English throne, and make a lasting alliance with Scotland. This podcast tells the story of what happened next.
9/23/201828 minutes, 35 seconds
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Podcast Five - Mary Tudor, Queen of France

I chose to write about Mary Tudor, Queen of France, because I’d researched her birth and early life for Book Three of the Tudor Trilogy, about Mary’s father King Henry VII. In the trilogy I’d moved forward one generation with each book, so it appealed to me to write a ‘sequel’ which did the same. I’d become intrigued with Mary’s story of how she risked everything to defy her brother when he became King Henry VIII. My book Mary - Tudor Princess is available from Amazon in audiobook, eBook and paperback editions
8/27/201814 minutes, 9 seconds
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Podcast Four - Henry Tudor

Bosworth 1485: After victory against King Richard III, Henry Tudor becomes King of England. Rebels and pretenders plot to seize his throne. The barons resent his plans to curb their power and he wonders who he can trust. He hopes to unite Lancaster and York through marriage to the beautiful Elizabeth of York.
7/27/201811 minutes, 15 seconds
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Podcast Three - Jasper Tudor

Jasper Tudor escapes to Brittany with his young nephew, Henry Tudor. Then after the sudden death of King Edward and the mysterious disappearance of his sons, a new king, Edward’s brother Richard III takes the English Throne. With nothing but his wits and charm, Jasper sees his chance to make young Henry Tudor king with a daring and reckless invasion of England.  
6/11/201815 minutes, 39 seconds
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Podcast Two - Owen Tudor

Henry Tudor is often described as the founder of the Tudor dynasty, but in this podcast, I’d like to take you back much further to the original Tudor family in Wales, and the amazing story of Owen Tudor, the Welsh servant who married a queen, and is the subject of book one of the Tudor Trilogy.
5/10/201815 minutes, 8 seconds
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Introduction to the Stories of the Tudors Podcasts

Welcome to the first of a series of short podcasts about the stories of the Tudors. My name is Tony Riches. I’m a historical fiction author and specialist in the early Tudors. These podcasts are about the stories I uncovered during my research.  Find out more at my website
4/24/201813 minutes