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pod people

English, Arts, 1 season, 22 episodes, 2 hours, 27 minutes
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episode 22: what i did on my christmas vacation

In this week's episode we discuss the craziness that has been transpiring while we've been on hiatus--- also,man meat. find episode links at
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episode 21: classically cultish

in this episode we talk about cult films and why we think they hold such draw.
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episode 20: hate ya' babe!

in which we discuss professional platforms and political views. aka how this election filled me with dark, horrific rage...
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Ai: E.J. Wesley- BLOOD FUGUE

in today's episode we superspeed through the news then interview E.J. Wesley, author of the MOONSONGS series Book One of which is now availabe called BLOOD FUGUE
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episode 18: our worst pod ever

heya guys! in this week's episode we kinda...  ramble. this is what happens when you combine a lack of direction with legal drugs.  O.O hope you enjoy. :D
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episode 17- who'd you rather

heya guys! this week we share a TON of news and em agonizes over who she'd rather...
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sexy pony pictures... i think

SPECIAL. CROSS-OVER. EPISODE!!!! with Matt Jeske and Phil Jacke of the Bombast Podcast!!!! things get a little...odd.
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episode 15: ultra-bad

heya guys! this week we get all ranty about the crappiest movies we've ever seen... and also spread some YA and publishing news! :)
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episode 14: squeals of terror

heya guys! in this week's episode em and i discuss some experiences that have chilled us to the core... or at least made our toes a little cool... :)
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episode 13: em's going to be a size z???

heya guys! another more free form episode this week... but what's cRaZy about this episode??? miss em makes a shocking confession about a pet fantasy she's been harboring for i don't know how long. tune in and be prepared for a jaw-dropping good time...  eep!
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episode 12: of obsessions and butt-wiping

heya guys! in this week's episode, we discuss some cool things that we've enjoyed and think you might like. and some other silliness...
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episode 11: squirrelly violence

heya guys! in today's episode, emily tells us of her lifechanging experience this week and then we discuss violence and the media- and who beget who
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episode 10- ai Michael Pierce

Heya Guys!!! this week's episode has a SUPER AWESOME interview with the brilliant Mr. Michael Pierce- author of one of my favorite reads of the year PROVEX CITY.
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episode 9- the things book chicks fight over

heya guys! this week's episode starts with the news as usual... with a brief interlude about emily's body hair. then proceeds to cover the usefulness of pinterest before diving into a tailspin of a bunny trail concerning the words "genre" and "YA" WARNING! there may be an inappropriate amount of passion concerning the silly topic, and the decibel of the conversation increases...ummm... a bit.
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episode 8: almost gender roles

heya guys! in this episode we attempt to discuss gender roles in YA, but end up getting distracted and bunny trailing... a lot. for links visit the blog at :)
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ai Kendra Saunders- episode 7

heya guys! in this week's episode, there is no news.  mostly because vic spaced out on it... moving on! what we DO have is an awesome interview with author Kendra Saunders. she self-published her debut novel INANIMATE OBJECTS, a "dark and glittering novel of artists and magicians, muses and immortals. At the heart of the story is Leonidas Bondi, a charismatic young artist who falls under the watchful gaze of Matilda August. Matilda has been a patron to the stars for hundreds of years, but this fickle muse is more than a little taken with her new protégé, blurring her own lines of work and obsession. Providing opposition is Matilda’s son, Elisha, a moody figure who holds revenge above all else after he suffers a terrible wrong." i was impressed with her vivid imagination and insights into humanity. i hope you enjoy the interview as much as we did!
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ai: Kate Avery Ellison- episode 6

heya guys!!! today's episode features an AW-thor  interview with the super, cute and charming Miss Kate Avery Ellison! author of THE CURSE GIRL, ONCE UPON A BEANSTALK, and FROST visit for links! YAY!
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episode 5- social medi-huh?

heya guys! (we've been having some technical difficulties lately.  if the ep reads as longer than an hour, don't believe it.  :)  ) click "POD" to download in this week's news we discuss: the passing of Mr. Ray Bradbury, the opening of Words Like Candy editing service, and a new book picked up by Spencer Hill Press then we get to hear a bit about the BEA experience as an exhibiting author, and em and i discuss the importance of finding your niche in social media. (something i'm still trying to figure out). hope your week has been going well! :)
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ai Susan Kaye Quinn

heya guys!!! EDIT:  this episode is only 51 minutes, i have no idea why it claims to be longer... we're trying to figure that out! vic here. this week we host our VERY FIRST guest!!! and HOO BOY!  what a guest!!! Susan Kaye Quinn is the author of several YA novels. LIFE, LIBERTY, and PURSUIT released by Omnific Publishing and her self published MindJack series OPEN MINDS and CLOSED HEARTS i gotta say, Sue is genius!  and she brings a lot of insight into publishing in this interview. tune in and listen up, you're likely to learn bunches.  :) thank you miss sue for coming on the show!
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BEA competitive- Episode 3

in today's episode Em and i discuss the implementation of kickstarter to try to fund the theatrical version of KC Going's FAT KID RULES THE WORLD.  then we each talk about two books we're really looking forward to being released in june 2012. and the BIG TOPIC for the day: BEA!!!!! (book expo america!!!!) emily's going and she's scared outta her wits.  vic gives her some unbelievably profound advice (i know, right?).  tune in to hear whether she's willing to take it or not... dun.dun.duuuuuuunnnnn.....
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episode 2: BAN THIS!!!!

 in this episode's YA NEWS segment, we discuss the one and only Neil Gaiman's commencement speech, The Writer's Voice competition, and Kate Hart's amazing analysis of 2011 YA covers. and then we move on to discuss book banning, challenging, and the banned books that each of us read in preparation for the episode.
5/25/20121 hour, 8 minutes, 13 seconds
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welcome the the madness!!!- episode 1

In this, our first episode, we introduce ourselves to you by discussing some of our favorite YA novels. Also discussed- recent YA news, why we're patient about young adults, and having a potty mouth..
5/18/20121 hour, 18 minutes, 49 seconds