People Like Us is a groundbreaking conversation show hosted by award winning journalist Kim Ghattas, bringing people together to connect the dots between today’s Middle East and the world, how it works and why it matters to everyone, wherever they are. In the first season of the show, Kim talks to film makers, activists, authors, refugees, politicians, a sexologist, exploring a pressing theme in every episode, from Roe v Wade to impunity in Syria and Ukraine, bringing a fresh, distinctive perspective on current events, as well as socio-economic and cultural trends. Anchored in Kim’s home city of Beirut, the show takes a step back from the headlines to push the envelope by discussing the big questions, uncovering surprising connections and the powerful personal stories of the speakers, doers, movers and shakers from across the region, as well as ordinary people doing extraordinary things. It will unpack the key issues that matter in the Arab world but resonate with a global audience, connecting the dots that bind people everywhere, from Beirut to Belfast, from Kabul to Hong Kong. From rising prices at gas pumps across America to how the Roe v Wade decision impacts the Arab world, there is an inescapable need to better understand the Middle East.. People like Us fills a gaping in the hole in the podcast world, from and about, the greater Middle East, explaining why events and trends in the region matter, challenging dominant narratives. Tapping into the renewed interest in international news, following the war in Ukraine, People like Us will step back from the daily headlines every season to reflect on larger themes, to produce episodes that are timely and timeless and speak to the concerns of a young generation both in the US and in the Arab world, as well as a global Arab diaspora. People Like Us is THE show that makes sense of the Middle East and the world. Follow People like Us on Instagram and Twitter @peoplelikeuspod Meet your host - Kim Ghattas www.kimghattas.com (http://www.kimghattas.com) Check out the show’s website www.peoplelikeuspod.com (http://www.peoplelikeuspod.com)