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On Your Behalf Podcast Profile

On Your Behalf Podcast

English, Public-Community, 1 season, 31 episodes, 12 hours, 40 minutes
Linda McAuley champions the cause of consumers in Northern Ireland, from welfare rights to health education and the law
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Planes, Post Office and Debt

No trains or automobiles but we are talking a lot about Planes. The Consumer Council are in the studio to explain your rights when it all goes wrong. Debt continues to be a big problem amidst the cost of Living Crisis. Advice NI dealt with 4000 cases last year and we'll hear from them and one woman they helped when her debt reached nearly £20,000. We're also helping listeners with everything from Christmas presents to grocery deliveries And OFCOM wants to know how you feel about the future of the Royal Mail!
2/3/202423 minutes, 4 seconds
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Childcare Special

Today we're taking an in depth look at childcare in Northern Ireland and why we are losing out compared to the rest of the UK.We hear from childcare providers, parents and experts.And take an overview of the importance of early learning – it’s not just about who's minding the baby!The Public Service Ombudsman is Margaret Kelly and you've probably heard her on Television or radio, or on this programme talking about major issues like nursing homes, but she's also there for the smaller issues.This morning I'm going to find out what she does and who she can help.
1/27/202426 minutes, 42 seconds
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Building Regulations, Broadband and Debt

Oil tanks – the saga continues as new building regulations might mean your tank needs to move. Blue Monday became Brew Monday last week and this week its Budget Monday. Linda talks to Christians Against Poverty about how they can help those in debt. Which? magazine tell us why they think mid-contract rises for broadband are immoral and should be made illegal. And have you got a shock recently when your insurance renewal came through the door. Malcolm Tarling from the Association of British Insurers tells Linda why prices have gone up so much in the last year.
1/20/202412 minutes, 7 seconds
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January Blues, Oil Tanks & Silver Surfers

Christmas is a distant memory and the nights are still dark and cold but is describing the start of next week as Blue Monday helpful? Fiona McClelland from The Samaritans tells Linda why they prefer Brew Monday with a cuppa and chat. It has been cold this week and Raymond Gormley from the Consumer Council is recommending that you check your oil tank. If it ruptures the cost could be astronomical! We also help a listener whose car was written off by his insurance company who then went on to auto renew the policy for the next 2 years. We also find out why Northern Ireland uses more cash than the rest of the UK and why silver surfers are ruling the internet?
1/13/202413 minutes, 8 seconds
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Tackling textiles, Plane Pains & Button Batteries

Tackling textiles, Plane Pains & Button Batteries
1/6/202456 minutes, 20 seconds
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What we've learned in 2023

The useful. The surprising. The vital - we're looking back at what we've learned in 2023
12/30/202357 minutes, 3 seconds
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Know your rights in case things go wrong over Christmas

Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat ... but do you know for how long and at what temperature your dinner should be in the oven? Linda McAuley will be finding out from her guests how you can avoid some of the things that go wrong at Christmas. Airports and ferry terminals are at their busiest and cancellations can disrupt plan for family reunions. The postal and parcel delivery networks don't always keep their promises. Not every present works when the box is opened. Can you exchange those socks for a pair that fits? And what are the rules around refunds? Linda's joined by travel expert Sandra Corken, consumer guru Jimmy Hughes, and the Consumer Council's Richard Williams.
12/23/202315 minutes, 24 seconds
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Scams, Smartphones and Safety

Tis the season to avoid the scammers! Linda looks at banking scams and the use of AI to make them more sophisticated. She talks to Tony Neate from Get Safe Online about how to shop safely for Christmas and avoid common mistakes. The NSPCC have advice on smartphones for Christmas and Advice NI have created Digital Champions to help people embrace and understand the online world. And there is never a bad time to talk about retirement particularly if you are in 40’s or 50’s!
12/16/202323 minutes, 54 seconds
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Banks, Childcare and Pensions

Linda visits Kilkeel which has gone from a town with no banks to having a hub with a different bank there each day.And there are four more of these Banking Hubs planned for N Ireland.With the average cost of a full time childcare place in NI more than £10,000 a year who is staying home to mind the baby? Linda talks to Aoife Hamilton who has published this year's NI Childcare report. And the knock on affect for women's pensions when it’s time to retire. Alison Nicolson from Scottish Widows tells us why three quarters of single moms face pension poverty. Johnny came to On Your Behalf when his identity was stolen, and his credit rating plummeted making getting a new mortgage very tricky. And as people struggle to pay the bills, Buy Now Pay Later becomes the second most used form of Credit in N Ireland.
12/9/202328 minutes, 1 second
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Floods, Christmas Shopping and Post

One month after devastating floods in Downpatrick Linda meets traders to see if they can get back to business in time for Christmas. Consumer guru Jimmy Hughes is in the studio with his list of Christmas do’s and don’ts and to answer listener queries. And Michael Legge from the Consumer Council gets us up to date with Christmas postal dates and parcel advice. It’s Energy Saving Week and we investigate whether Geo-Energy has a future in Northern Ireland.
12/2/202314 minutes, 32 seconds
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The Cost of Caring

Carers NI latest research shows that unpaid carers are saving the economy £5.8 billion a year. Linda looks at the research and talks to a woman who has been caring for her mother for thirty years. Simon Murray from the Law Society joins Linda in the studio to answer listener questions on wills and power of attorney. And ahead of Energy Saving Week Kevin McGarry from the Energy Saving Trust has tips on saving money and we look at the potential for Geo-Energy in Northern Ireland. Finally we help one listener who faced losing 48 percent of her tax refund to a company she had never heard of.
11/25/202328 minutes, 56 seconds
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Benefits, Borders and Black Friday

Universal credit – six benefits into one - affects hundreds of thousands of people in Northern Ireland. All those on legacy benefits are now being transferred. Linda visits Limavady Jobs and Benefits Office to see how the process works. Paddy Rooney from the Dept of Communities and Kevin Higgins from Advice NI are in the studio to answer questions. Linda also talks to optician Sam Baird about why the move to Universal Credit is affecting free eye and dental care. We also help one listener who is paying a daily roaming charge on her mobile phone despite never crossing the border and brace ourselves for the Black Friday sales. Consumer Expert Martyn James tells Linda why the bargains are not all they are cracked up to be and how to protect yourself from scams.
11/18/202340 minutes, 14 seconds
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Food, Fuel and Flu Jabs

Winter is here and food and energy costs are still very high. Linda talks to Philippa Mckeown-Brown and Raymond Gormley from the Consumer Council about how to get the best deals possible. It’s flu season but take up of this year’s vaccine is lagging behind in Northern Ireland. Linda talks to Dr Hilary Jones about the reasons behind the reluctance. We also follow up on the case of the fire that destroyed lots of wedding dresses but so far the insurance has not paid out. And Cash v Card – Is Linda selfish for using her phone to pay for a newspaper? One listener thinks so but UK finance has a more measured approach.
11/11/202317 minutes, 6 seconds
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Floods and Insurance

After the devastation brought by flooding to many parts of Northern Ireland, Paul Hatty, spokesperson for The British Insurance Brokers Association, explains what insurance can and cannot do in regards to claims. He also has advice for a number of listeners about claiming for dental work with travel insurance and how postcodes can change the amount you pay for insurance. Also, consumer expert Alice Beer has some tips to take some of the financial stress out of the fast approaching Christmas season.
11/4/202313 minutes, 13 seconds
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Costly Caring, Banking Hubs and Digital Poverty

Your nearest bank is your Post Office , that's what it says on the bill hoardings! But is that enough to fill the gap when your bank shuts up shop? Linda visits a new banking hub in Holywood post office to see what people think. It costs to care. New research shows almost half the carers in Northern Ireland are living in poverty. Linda hears from Barbara who cares for 2 autistic children and Craig Harrison from Carers NI who thinks the benefit system is failing carers. Also on the programme the Trussell trust explains why their food banks are giving out Sim Cards and we hear from the Consumer Council on passenger rights when things go wrong at airports.
10/28/202319 minutes, 47 seconds
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Parenting, Tech Help and Travel

This week we look at the financial reality for single and separated parents. Linda joins Parenting NI at Stormont as they highlight the daily struggle faced by many. Have you heard of AbilityNet? We hadn't but it's a charity that provides free IT support to older people and people with a disability. Linda goes on a house call to help one client learn how to get connected online. And On a wet stormy week we look at current travel hotspots and also talk to ATOL about protecting your package holidays.
10/21/202310 minutes, 9 seconds
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Universal Credit, Book Week and Conveyancing fees

The migration to Universal Credit is upon us and people on a range of benefits will be receiving letters to migrate to the new system. We ask Paddy Rooney, Deputy Permanent Secretary for Welfare and Benefits at the Dept for Communities and Kevin Higgins from Advice N.I. what the practicalities are. Also, Samantha Gallagher, Assistant Manager and Welfare Rights Specialist with Fermanagh Community Advice centre will be telling us how Universal Credit will affect the rural community. It's Book Week across BBC Radio Ulster, Foyle and Sounds and Peter Hughes of Libraries NI has news of new apps from libraries allowing you to borrow e-books, and read magazines and newspapers. Solicitor Simon Murray and Charted Surveyor Samuel Dicky have information about how the conveyancing process has changed to make it easier for consumers.
10/14/202332 minutes, 29 seconds
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Death, Deeds and Mental Health

Over a third of adults in the UK have no idea what kind of help is available when it comes to end of life care. Sara talks to Ciara Gallagher from Marie Curie about why we need to talk about this and also what support is available. We also have lots of listener queries including Johns lost deeds, Patricks frozen bank account, Paul’s unfrozen food and John’s boiler replacement scheme woes. Finally Liam Neeson is looking for you, he will find you and he will help you. Find out why the Hollywood star is supporting a new service here called FindhelpNi that will connect people to over 400 health and community groups.
10/7/202311 minutes, 59 seconds
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Linda McAuley champions the cause of consumers in Northern Ireland, helping them to solve their problems, make the right choices and avoid the pitfalls - contact the show with your consumer and benefits queries: Write to: OYB BBC Ormeau Avenue BELFAST BT2 8HQ
9/30/202338 minutes, 56 seconds
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Landlines, Childcare and Cancer

We're talking about the move from landlines to Digital Voice BT's new digital phone service. Linda visits the BT roadshow to find out what happens if there's a power cut or if you have a personal safety or burglar alarm. We're talking about the cost of childcare and about the challenges for childcare providers with Aoife Hamilton from Employers for Childcare and Becca Harper from Melted Parents. Also the experiences of blind and partially sighted people who are also living with cancer and the additional barriers they face. And if there's a young adult in your household there may be a pot of gold waiting for them from the Child Trust Fund.
9/23/202319 minutes, 13 seconds
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Ageism, Landlines and Car Hire Woes.

The Car hire traps that can cost you thousands of pounds – if you are 59 minutes lates then they can cancel your booking. Linda talks to Guy Hobbs from Consumer group Which. She also joins the Commissioner for Older People at a roadshow in Armagh and helps the listeners bumped of a flight by Loganair. And in the biggest change in a generation James Stinson from OFCOM tells Linda how the move from copper wires to broadband for phonelines will work.
9/16/202318 minutes, 3 seconds
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Caravans, Consumer Woes and Tax Refunds

The Leaky Caravan that didn't do well during the wettest July on record, the listener still being charged for a bed that was never delivered and the tax refund that shrank when an online firm got involved. Also can a shop change its mind after you have bought and paid for something? Consumer Guru Jimmy Hughes joins Linda to sort out our listener woes.
9/9/202320 minutes, 27 seconds
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Back to School, Flight Chaos and 90s Broadband

Its back to school this week with School uniforms, mobile phones and everything in between - it all adds up to a big bill for parents. Siobhan Harding from the Womens Support Network and Matt Cole from Advice NI join Linda to talk about the help that is available. Also on the programme when should kids get mobile phones and are earbuds destroying young people's hearing? Audiologist Feraz Ashraf is worried. And if you were caught up in this week's flight chaos can you get compensation. Andrew McConnell from the CAA says the answer is Yes and No! Finally jump aboard the Tardis with one of our listeners whose Broadband Connection is taking him back to the 1990's.
9/2/202316 minutes, 45 seconds
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Gone fishing, breaking down in England, and a Child Benefit deadline

Some anglers at Loughgall Country Park aren't happy with changes that mean going fishing can't be a spontaneous decision but now needs 48 hours notice to access the lakeside. If you break down on the side of the road in England will your breakdown cover get you and your vehicle home? We hear from one family whose van has been in limbo for three and a half weeks. And with GCSE results out this week, child benefit will stop for some children unless parents tell HMRC that their children are staying in education. Linda McAuley finds out more.
8/26/202311 minutes, 47 seconds
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The tool library

Linda McAuley hears about a library that can help your next DIY job. What financial pressures are parents under with uniforms and other charges in the run up to schools going back? A listener's car was recalled with an airbag safety issue, but the dealer was slow to fix it. And do you need a licence to listen to music in work?
8/19/202318 minutes, 57 seconds
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Student Special

Linda McAuley is joined by a panel from Further and Higher Education colleges, and from Housing Rights, to discuss the options facing students who are hoping to enter third level education in September. How does clearing work? What pitfalls should be avoided when signing up for accommodation? Tips for financial management? And how courses – vocational as well as academic – can be accessed in different ways, at different ages and stages, not just when you’re 18.
8/12/202355 minutes, 16 seconds
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Episode 3 - Canada

Every week On Your Behalf hears about problems people in Northern Ireland are having with broadband, travel, scams, banks, shopping and more. Everything from getting a refund for a cancelled flight, to making a complaint about a product or a service you're not happy with, or being kept on hold for hours. Most of the issues we hear about relate to companies in the UK, and many of them, we're happy to say, are fixable - particularly when On Your Behalf gets involved. But, here's something we want to know - Is it just us? Is it just us being kept on hold, or unable to get broadband in rural areas? Is it just us losing bank branches in small towns or being bombarded by scam texts and emails? Presenter Linda McAuley is having conversations with consumer experts from around the world to find out how consumers are treated where they are. In this episode we're heading to Canada to find out what issues and topics people there are struggling with, and what support is available when something goes wrong? Welcome to On Your Behalf - Is It Just Us? - Canada Presenter: Linda McAuley Producers: Daniel Lynch & Rhiannon Mulligan Assistant Editor: Séamus Boyd
4/27/202327 minutes, 34 seconds
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Episode 5 - Sweden

Every week On Your Behalf hears about problems people in Northern Ireland are having with broadband, travel, scams, banks, shopping and more. Everything from getting a refund for a cancelled flight, to making a complaint about a product or a service you're not happy with, or being kept on hold for hours. Most of the issues we hear about relate to companies in the UK, and many of them, we're happy to say, are fixable - particularly when On Your Behalf gets involved. But, here's something we want to know - Is it just us? Is it just us being kept on hold, or unable to get broadband in rural areas? Is it just us losing bank branches in small towns or being bombarded by scam texts and emails? Presenter Linda McAuley is having conversations with consumer experts from around the world to find out how consumers are treated where they are. In this episode we're heading to Sweden to find out what issues and topics people there are struggling with, and what support is available when something goes wrong? Welcome to On Your Behalf - Is It Just Us? - Sweden Presenter: Linda McAuley Producers: Daniel Lynch & Rhiannon Mulligan Assistant Editor: Séamus Boyd
4/27/202320 minutes, 12 seconds
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Episode 2 - Germany

Every week On Your Behalf hears about problems people in Northern Ireland are having with broadband, travel, scams, banks, shopping and more. Everything from getting a refund for a cancelled flight, to making a complaint about a product or a service you're not happy with, or being kept on hold for hours. Most of the issues we hear about relate to companies in the UK, and many of them, we're happy to say, are fixable - particularly when On Your Behalf gets involved. But, here's something we want to know - Is it just us? Is it just us being kept on hold, or unable to get broadband in rural areas? Is it just us losing bank branches in small towns or being bombarded by scam texts and emails? Presenter Linda McAuley is having conversations with consumer experts from around the world to find out how consumers are treated where they are. In this episode we're heading to Germany to find out what issues and topics people there are struggling with, and what support is available when something goes wrong? Welcome to On Your Behalf - Is It Just Us? - Germany Presenter: Linda McAuley Producers: Daniel Lynch & Rhiannon Mulligan Assistant Editor: Séamus Boyd
4/27/202323 minutes, 52 seconds
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Episode 1 - Spain

Every week On Your Behalf hears about problems people in Northern Ireland are having with broadband, travel, scams, banks, shopping and more. Everything from getting a refund for a cancelled flight, to making a complaint about a product or a service you're not happy with, or being kept on hold for hours. Most of the issues we hear about relate to companies in the UK and many of them are fixable - particularly when On Your Behalf gets involved. But, we want to know - Is it just us? Is it just us being kept on hold or unable to get broadband in rural areas? Is it just us losing bank branches in small towns or being bombarded by scam texts and emails? Presenter Linda McAuley is having conversations with consumer experts from around the world to find out how consumers are treated where they are. In this episode we’re heading to Spain to find out what issues and topics people there are struggling with, and what support is available when something goes wrong? Welcome to On Your Behalf - Is It Just Us? – Spain Presenter: Linda McAuley Producers: Daniel Lynch & Rhiannon Mulligan Assistant Editor: Séamus Boyd
4/27/202320 minutes, 18 seconds
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Episode 4 - South Africa

Every week On Your Behalf hears about problems people in Northern Ireland are having with broadband, travel, scams, banks, shopping and more. Everything from getting a refund for a cancelled flight, to making a complaint about a product or a service you're not happy with, or being kept on hold for hours. Most of the issues we hear about relate to companies in the UK, and many of them, we're happy to say, are fixable - particularly when On Your Behalf gets involved. But, here's something we want to know - Is it just us? Is it just us being kept on hold, or unable to get broadband in rural areas? Is it just us losing bank branches in small towns or being bombarded by scam texts and emails? Presenter Linda McAuley is having conversations with consumer experts from around the world to find out how consumers are treated where they are. In this episode we're heading to South Africa to find out what issues and topics people there are struggling with, and what support is available when something goes wrong? Welcome to On Your Behalf - Is It Just Us? - South Africa Presenter: Linda McAuley Producers: Daniel Lynch & Rhiannon Mulligan Assistant Editor: Séamus Boyd
4/27/202325 minutes, 11 seconds