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Motivational Vibes

English, Health / Medicine, 1 season, 418 episodes, 1 day, 1 hour, 40 minutes
Hello, You can find here mind refreshing audio, that will help you during your daily workout. A quick daily motivation to boost your day and to improve your Mental and Physical health.
Episode Artwork

Don't Target For Breakeven - Scale Up Yourself

It's often said that don't aim low because you will achieve less. And that's true because who knows what kind of potential you might have. Don't just keep a passing mentality because remember there are others too who are in the competition. They will attain minimum marks in order to pass the exam. But only the toppers flourish because they aim high. You have to scale up. #Potential #Target Check out my latest book on Amazon:
9/6/20233 minutes, 47 seconds
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Don't Assume Someone's Handsome Job To Be Simple - Hear This

We assume a lot especially when someone is earning big fat salary. But no one knows the amount of hardwork they had poured in to get the position. The position might sound dreamy but always remember that even best jobs have something to lose, either their mental or physical health. So always keep in mind that when you go into the market for job, you will have to lose something.
8/22/20233 minutes, 47 seconds
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Don't Let Addictions Control Your Life - Hear This

Addictions such as consuming drugs, alcohol can affect you physically but there are lot of things in our life which we never get to know that controls our life. You will never know what they are doing to you emotionally and Mentally. It's important to understand these addictions now itself. Don't get too late or else they will control your life. Check out my latest book on Amazon:
7/25/20233 minutes, 47 seconds
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Don't Let Toxic Expectations Kill You - Hear This

We expect too much from our people. And this expectation is the reason that so many of us get depressed and frustrated. Expectations are kind of emotional attachments we put into someone. Majority of times these expectations are never fulfilled. And that's why people suffer so much from anxiety. So avoid any toxic expectations. Focus on yourself first. #Expectations #Attachments Check out my latest book on Amazon:
7/20/20233 minutes, 47 seconds
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Satisfaction Though Addiction Is Ultimate Cause Of Death - Hear This

Yes, you hear it right. Sometimes we are so much addicted to a particular habit that we put ourselves into danger to receive satisfaction. It's important to choose habit which is beneficial for longer term. Majority of good habits will want you to sacrifice your time, hard work, patience. But remember it will reward you. #Habits #Satisfaction Check out my latest book on Amazon:
7/18/20233 minutes, 8 seconds
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Don't Try To Prove Others Wrong - Stay Grounded

It happens so many times that we make a mindset of proving others wrong. Like some people feel that we will fail in an exam but we try to prove them wrong again and again. In reality people are not going to be happy because they just try to predict future based on current condition. So you need to prove yourself right and not them. #Prove Check out my latest book on Amazon:
7/8/20233 minutes, 47 seconds
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Be Straight Forward With Your Relationships - Hear This

Don't keep unwanted expectations from your relationships because it will keep you in uncomfortable and stressful situation. Don't keep anything in your mind or hide your feelings from someone. Be straight forward and keep it simple. If you will always try to protect your relationships, you will burnout yourself. Let them grow organically. #Relationships Check out my latest book on Amazon:
7/3/20233 minutes, 47 seconds
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Don't Let A Single Person Decide Your Fate - Hear This

We all have that mentality where we let a person decide our future. Like in a reality show or somewhere we find that person is always right. But in reality this is not true. No one knows how far you will go. The future is not crystal clear and that is why you have to focus on doing better everyday. Just keep continuing what you love to do always. #Fate #Love #Mentality Check the link to get the best self-help book:
6/23/20233 minutes, 47 seconds
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Invest Your Time With Productive People - Hear This

It's important that you choose worthy people around yourself. No one will tell you that you have to spend time with these people only. It's your decision what to choose. Don't get too comfortable with people. You never know when they will push you back. That's why it's important to choose worthy people. #Productive #Invest #Time Check the link to get the best self-help book:
6/7/20233 minutes, 47 seconds
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Choose Smart Ways To Deal With Problems - Don't Work Hard

So many of us are so stubborn that we only think or remain dependent on one way of achieving success. Though a lot of people are moving on the same path but remember that you have to play different in order to save your energy or else you will drain out very quickly. Smarter ways are still alive but you have to use your brains in the right way. #Smart #Work Check the link to get the best self-help book:
5/29/20233 minutes, 47 seconds
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Love Can Never Be Felt Through Forceful Behaviour - Hear This

Love has become a problem in this world because people think that love is created by being dominant and powerful. Such people will never follow peaceful ways to a healthy relationship. We need to be aware and stay away from such people because they can never change their behaviour. #Love #Toxicrelationships #Relationships Check the link to get the best self-help book:
5/24/20233 minutes, 47 seconds
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Don't Forget To Practise Kindness In Your Bad Times

We deviate from what we had learned, and judge according to an uneducated person. When we perform such actions during public occasions or in function, the observers will of course catch those initial moments, and decide in the first impression. We feel like hurting someone by talking bad about them, in order to recreate peace. But as it is said that for every action there is equal and opposite reactions, which happens in such cases. This is the most common problem among those people, who feel jealous about someone else’s success. Don’t let others suffer, just because you were treated in that manner. Keep our surrounding always positive. Buy my Book Here:  
5/15/20233 minutes, 47 seconds
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Love The Competitive Challenges From Your Enemies

When it comes to enemies, we see them as nothing. This is wrong at various levels because they are the one's who will provide you free learning. Of course it will be difficult but not Insane. Show support towards your enemies
5/10/20233 minutes, 47 seconds
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Don't Depend On Your Existing Knowledge - Always Upgrade It

Many people depend on the knowledge which they have learnt in their childhood and carry same knowledge everywhere they go. This world demands for inovation and change which can make their life simple. If you depend on the knowledge which is not useful for the current society then you will start losing your customers. So always upgrade your knowledge as much as possible. #Knowledge #Dependence #Upgrade
11/22/20223 minutes, 47 seconds
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Help People Without Keeping Any Expectation - Hear This

When someone is in need we should actually proceed with a particular mindset. What we do is stay in between helping and lending. We want to help but at the same time we also expect from them. Which is actually wrong because if you don't get what you wanted, then it will lead to frustration. Always help and never lend.
11/15/20223 minutes, 47 seconds
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Ask For Help When Nothing Is Working - Hear This

Most of the times we hesitate to ask for help from someone. This is because we feel that it will hurt ourselves and our strength. That's where you will never step out from your boundaries. If you want to learn and grow then you have to take help from others as not all the things can be self-learnt.  #Help 
11/10/20223 minutes, 47 seconds
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Don't Fall Prey On Gossips - Know The Truth

Don't get trapped into the world of gossips. They are the primary cause of rumors. Avoid them as much as possible. #Gossips #Prey
11/8/20223 minutes, 47 seconds
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Stop Caring About Unworthy People - Hear This

There are people in this world who don't care about others no matter how much you cry or beg to them. You won't find peace even if they are around you. Such people won't let you go ahead and they will always put you down. Stop caring for such people because they will always spread negativity around themselves. So put yourself ahead and take care of yourself first. Don't find your worth in someone else. Remember this. #Care #Unworthy 
10/12/20223 minutes, 47 seconds
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Don't Wait For Validation From People - Hear This

Do you think that appreciation from people will make you feel good. Most of the people do it and seek validation from others. It's actually not good for your mental and emotional health. It will become too much stressful for you because you won't be able to satisfy anyone. Stop thinking about other's thoughts and you will truly experience freedom. #Validation 
10/3/20223 minutes, 47 seconds
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Don't Get Attracted To Unworthy Hacks - They Will Kill You

We get so much involved in finding growth hacks that we forget to actually work on that problem. Remember that no one can solve your problem other than yourself. If you want to achieve great put in hardwork and surely you will be gifted one day. #Unworthy #Hacks
9/29/20223 minutes, 47 seconds
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Don't Think About Your Age For Achieving Success - Hear This

Many people have this mindset because they think that the most experienced person will be successful. But it never happens like that since many people around the world who are in their fifties and sixties living on millenial jobs. There's no specific age to become successful. We are never early or too late. Just focus on your purpose and work hard on it. You will discover success someday. #Success #Achievements #Time
9/26/20223 minutes, 47 seconds
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Never Wait For Appreciation From Others - Stop Expecting

We are humans and most importantly our emotions play a very important role in our life. We are dependent on others for almost every need and thus we also seek emotional dependence from others. The main problem is this dependence itself since we can't satisfy other's expectations permanently. And you will fool yourself if you do so. And that's why you should stop focusing on others and start concentrating on your work. #Appreciation #Expectations 
9/19/20223 minutes, 47 seconds
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Don't Worry About The Criticism From People - You Need To Hear This

Many of us have this kind of attitude where we think about the people who will talk or gossip about our work. We give so much attention to the gossips of those people what we only focus on them and forget what we are doing. People will talk bad about your work but it completely depends on how you perceive. Stay focus on the good work you are doing. #Criticism #Worry #People
9/17/20223 minutes, 47 seconds
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Never Hold Too Long On Someone - Hear This

We are never happy in an environment, where there are constant ups and downs. The point is we humans will have to accept the way other living beings are. So you need to stop keeping any expectations, because at last they will always make you feel unworthy. In order to deviate you have to focus more on your work and future. Don’t love anyone more than your own life. It will kill you. Whatever that has happened with you no matter how worse it is, don’t think about them again and again. And that’s how you will be able to focus more on yourself than others. #Hold #Dependence
9/10/20223 minutes, 47 seconds
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Don't Get Involved In An Unworthy Group - Hear This

It matters a lot because your group can change your mindset and though process. Many people ignore this and in longer run they get affected by their friends. #Group #Choose
8/22/20223 minutes, 47 seconds
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Never Have Regrets Of Helping Others - Hear This

Never Keep regret or feel guilt of helping wrong or right people.
8/17/20223 minutes, 47 seconds
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Don't Build Relationships As A Piece Of Entitlement - Hear This

Many people just think that relationship is a show which will grab attention of people and will give respectful place in the society. This assumption is based on the way we perceive idea about relationships through the people around us. You have to change this mindset and think relationship as space of happiness and peace. #Relationships #Entitlement
8/14/20223 minutes, 47 seconds
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Never Criticize And Mourn Over Your Weaknesses - Hear This

When we criticize ourselves for certain weaknesses, then we are actually losing our value in the society. Acceptance is the important value missing in our culture. We never remain grateful for the good values, memories we are having. Thus we mourn over, again and again, to let others know that we aren’t worthy enough to live this life. When you take the responsibility you will feel motivated while making improvements. While making improvements over yourself, don’t forget your strengths. So again it’s important to value ourselves no matter whatever be your strengths or weaknesses. Never try to devalue yourself by criticizing over your weakness. #Criticize #Weaknesses
8/9/20223 minutes, 47 seconds
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Don't Keep Regrets Over Lost Opportunities - Hear This

There’s too much of competition we all know, and there’s unbelievable amount of rejections within the competition. What we forget is that we are not the only ones who are working for our dreams and opportunities. There’s nothing called as missed opportunities since you know that you have given your hundred percent for it. We need to also understand that there are some parameters which are never under our control. Regret should be held only when you don’t give or work hard at all. #Opportunities #Regrets
8/8/20223 minutes, 47 seconds
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Stop Trying To Convince Yourself To Work - Hear This

This is one of the biggest problem for people who have all necessary support and favourable environment to achieve their dreams, but inability to work on it for longer term. This similar attitude is carried on our job. We just work only when our boss tells us to do it, otherwise we won’t even put any efforts to ask for it. No one is going to punch you to work for your business. The hunger should come from within, and that’s where you will start seeing changes in your life. So it all depends on how you respond to your ambitions, dreams with a casual or healthy attitude. #Convince #Work
8/6/20223 minutes, 47 seconds
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Never Hesitate To Appreciate Others - Hear This

A healthy appreciation can only be made when your thoughts about others are healthy. No matter you win or lose you will still feel respected once you keep respect about others. So always keep respecting people and their good work. #Hesitate #Appreciate
8/4/20223 minutes, 47 seconds
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Stop Worrying Over Your Time And Efforts Gone - You Need To Hear This

We humans get stuck over something which is negative and toxic for a longer period of time. When we put maximum efforts and time into something and it doesn't give the returns we call it as a failure. But no one realizes that whatever they had gone through was a part of their journey. People don't try to learn from this journey and most importantly we never feel grateful of this bitter journey. Instead of wasting your crucial time worrying, think it as a lesson of your life. Take maximum learning and apply them to your future. #Efforts  #Future
8/2/20223 minutes, 47 seconds
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Don't Dwell Over Your Past Losses - Accept And Move On

We humans have that tendency where we are unable to move on from our past mistakes and losses. This is because we hold on them thinking that we could have changed it. This might be funny but in reality we all do it. One should be free from such feelings because it's only going to harm us. It will kill you internally. So you have to stop thinking about your losses and start learning from those mistakes. #Dwell #Losses
8/1/20223 minutes, 47 seconds
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Prove It To Yourself And Not For Others - Hear This

Most of the time we do this that we try to prove others wrong and make them feel guilty of whatever they had said was bad. Bad in the sense for their respect and trust from others. This attitude is more like a negative attitude you will be showing to others which in turn will make them even more furious. You have to treat them wisely but at the same time you have to work hard and prove yourself through your actions. Don't prove it to others because you won't get any satisfaction from anyone. #Prove
7/28/20223 minutes, 47 seconds
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Don’t Trust Everything You See Online - Hear This

People don’t realise that when something goes up then it has to come down after sometime. The trust is built because we also see others watching the same shit. So without a second thought we invest our time and money into it. This is where we should get aware of whatever which we see online has some different side in reality. No matter how innocent you are you have to stay alert while browsing online. It’s hard to understand what is genuine but anything which promises you beyond your expectations can be untrustworthy.
7/22/20223 minutes, 47 seconds
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Think Before Investing Your Energy Into Unknown - You Need To Hear This

We don't value our energy because we focus on things which degrades our own value. Just like a toxic relationship, we concentrate on those thoughts which makes us feel uncomfortable and gives bad vibes at the same time. So it's very important to take corrective actions by these feelings and unhealthy experiences. If it's not helping you right now then don't expect it to help even in the future. #Experience #Invest
7/9/20223 minutes, 47 seconds
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Never Pass Your Time Doing Nothing - You Need To Hear This

Many people don't try to understand that the biggest asset of their life are their thoughts. A mind which doesn't have anything to do will always turn to doing something evil. This is a fact because we humans get easily attracted to evil thoughts and actions. An idle mind serves no one in the longer run but instead hurts almost everyone. Do something even if you don't have anything because it will keep you away from evil. #Idle #Mind #Thoughts
6/27/20223 minutes, 47 seconds
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Don't Work To Achieve Smaller Goals - Think High

Many of us have this kind of mindset that we only work for smaller goals in life. This is because we think that higher one's will require much  more amount of dedication and efforts. In the similar way we only think of passing a particular exam rather than flourishing in it. That is why we are never able to create a brighter future for ourselves. If you really want to grow then you will have to think on longer term. You will have to think high. #Goals #Achievements
6/21/20223 minutes, 47 seconds
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Be A Risk Taker - Don't Get Attached To Average Life

People think that whatever job they are doing is their only worth of life. This is often a misconception among people because they live with others having similar mindset. But afterwards they regret of doing the same job, not living a wealthy life and most importantly working under someone's rule. It should be in your blood to take risks or else you will find yourself living average life.  #Risks #Life
6/17/20223 minutes, 47 seconds
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Don't Work Over Building Someone's Fortune Forever - Hear This

When you are working under someone then remember that you are helping them to create a big fortune for themselves and not for you. Many of us don't realize this simple concept and only focus on completing their respective responsibilities. Though that work provides a mean for our survival but that can never be called as your freedom. Remember that. #Fortune 
5/25/20223 minutes, 47 seconds
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Be 100 Percent Confident With Your Decision - Hear This

Have you ever doubted over your decision? It's not only you but a lot of people doubt their decisions since they remain confused of what to exactly choose. Don't think that education will help you in your decision. Remember knowledge is just a small of your decision whereas the rest of the part lies how confident and sure you are including your past experiences. Never think decision as a chance or else you will hurt your future. #Decisions #Confident
5/13/20223 minutes, 47 seconds
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Never Think That Getting A Job As Your Personal Success - Hear This

All of us have this kind of thinking that achieving a job or making through an interview in a company is called as success. But they don't understand that they are working under someone's reign and they can never change the rules of those companies. Most importantly they don't own a company. What we think as success is just fulfilling our needs and wants. Try to understand that there's difference between owning a company and working for a company. You can get fired anytime from your position. Remember that. #Success #Job
5/12/20223 minutes, 47 seconds
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Appreciate How Far You Have Come In Your Life - You Need To Hear This

How can a person value himself if he is wasting his time in devaluing others? You need to also ask this to yourself, and if you are suffering through this issue then you have to think about it deeply. At some point of time even the most sympathetic human beings were actually immature with no emotional and mental stability. We have to pass through these phases because the realization lies far ahead. There will be time when you will be remembering these moments, but if you remain irritated, jealous on them then you won’t ever be grateful for this life. If you want to enjoy this life then you have to show respect to your past, present and the future. #Appreciate #Life
5/10/20223 minutes, 47 seconds
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Don't Give Up On Your Decision To The Criticizing Community - Hear This

We easily get demotivated because some people try to dominate our decision by talking negative about us. You might not be liking those people but remember that you can't even hurt them. Because if you try to hurt them you will deviate from your decision and lose focus on yourself. Some people will intently criticize you, blame you but you need to be firm with your decision. At last it is you who will be working with that decision. #Decision #Criticism
5/9/20223 minutes, 47 seconds
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Never Get Dependent On Anyone To Motivate You - You Need To Hear This

Motivation is something that everyone needs in order to energize themselves. But what makes them unworthy is their thirst and dependency on these sources. Remember that these sources are only their for temporary period of time. So never get dependent on anyone to motivate you. #Dependent #Motivate 
5/4/20223 minutes, 47 seconds
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Don't Get Trapped Into Unworthy Investments Promising High Returns - Hear This

Investments should be done thinking about the product and service offered by the company. This is because you will get returns only when the company treats it's customers well. Most of businesses fail because they don't try to understand the customer's requirement. Eventually they lose a lot of money. Among these most of them lose their entire 100% capital into these companies. So you need to think before investing in such companies. #Trap #Unworthy #Investments #Returns 
5/2/20223 minutes, 47 seconds
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Respect Those Who Work To Make Your Life Better - You Need To Hear This

No work in the world is bad or wrong. Every work has its own advantages and disadvantages. Though they might look having lower standards, but more than standards we have to appreciate these people. Majority of people prefer a working environment which is friendlier, rather than being dominated and forced by company through substantial salary. But this concept doesn’t apply to the workers and lower level employees, since they have to do things which require lot of physical efforts. Remember that without them your job would be a great struggle. You should make sure that you don’t hurt them or make them feel as they are labourers in your company. #Respect #Life
4/28/20223 minutes, 47 seconds
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Change Your Perception When Reality Triggers – Nothing Is Easy

No one knows how much time it will take to achieve success. Actually we can never measure the timeline to make our ideas successful. People who think that their ideas will become a sensation within days only live in the world of illusion. You might have felt that there are some people who just try to hide that they are successful, but in reality they try to fake everything. People don’t try to be loyal with their work and that is because they constantly ignore the reality. As the time passes and we get to understand more, we should change the mindset at that time itself. So never ignore the reality and be more loyal to the work you are doing. #Perception #Reality #Trigger
4/20/20223 minutes, 47 seconds
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Be Stubborn With Your Work But Not On Your Thinking - Accept Ideas

There are people who just don't want to change their mindset at all. They move forward with the same old mentality and after sometime they lose in the competition. It's important to be stubborn with the work you are doing but not on your thinking because there might be a way where you can learn a lot. You have to accept different ideas, plans, thoughts from people. Try to be flexible as much as possible because in that way you will be improving yourself. So just move one. #Thoughts #Accept
4/13/20223 minutes, 47 seconds
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Prioritize Your Sleep Over Everything - You Need To Hear This

It's a crucial part of everyone's life because this is where we are going to declutter from all the stress and problems we have faced throughout the day. It is said that if you don't have a pleasant sleep then it's going to affect you for longer period of time. You will be attracting more diseases because of disturbance in your sleeping pattern. Therefore you should prioritize your sleep first. Always remember. #Prioritize #Sleep 
4/12/20223 minutes, 23 seconds
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Focus On Your Good Values More Than Just Money And Fame - Hear This

We talk so much about having good values but in reality we don't give a shit about it. In reality we don't accept it. This is why we don't get to value ourselves. Money and fame are the part of our lives but more than that having good values will help you to attract good people in life. So it is very much important to take time and look over improving our values first.  #Focus #Values #Money
4/8/20223 minutes, 47 seconds
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Don't Spread Fear If You Haven't Achieved Success - Hear This

There are lot of people who form community in order to spread fear among individuals who are working on their career. This has become a critical problem since they had never beat the competition. Just because of increase in competition they try to spread threat among the brightest candidates. It's important for you to not get involved in such community because their only aim is to demotivate others. #Achievement #Success
4/6/20223 minutes, 47 seconds
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Control Your Negative Emotions And Always Practice Kindness - Hear This

We act according to our negative emotions and forget the good values taught by our people. This happens most of the time because we get irritated by those individuals and there's always some kind of jealousy lying in between because of their success. Remember that karma is always watching you no matter where you are. Your every action will be counted in the future. So always treat people with utmost kindness. #Negative #Emotions #Kindness
4/5/20223 minutes, 47 seconds
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Always Be Prepared To Face The Worst Part Of Life - Hear This

Life is completely uncertain and you never know what’s going to happen tomorrow. Some people are so much sensitive to the social environment, that they can never adapt the conditions below their current lifestyle. There are few individuals who in spite of having the most luxurious lifestyle but still prefer to adapt even the worst possible conditions. These people are basically the explorers who stay away from their comfort zones to taste different phases of life. What matters is experiencing all the aspects of life because those people accept any challenges that come on their way. Don’t just think about the fun and enjoyment part of life. Accept the negatives and evolve yourself through them. #Prepared #Worst #Period
4/3/20223 minutes, 47 seconds
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Don't Let Numbers Manipulate Your Mind - You Need To Hear This

Numbers can easily pull you off from the actual reality very easily. Manipulation is done by our own mind because we expect more and work less. It is important for people to know that numbers never tell the reality. This is because some individuals cheat while others work harder for achieving those numbers. You need to always keep in mind that never fall for numbers no matter what happens. #Manipulation #Mind #Numbers
4/1/20223 minutes, 47 seconds
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Get Experience First Before Complaining About Low Pay - Hear This

A fresher is an unknown person for them and no one knows how much he or she is really going to contribute way forward. There are times where fresher candidates join for the purpose of good salary, but leave immediately after not being able to handle the workload. A lot of people don’t realise the importance of experience until they find themselves struggling to enter a company. The ultimate reason why experience matters the most is because it helps the business to reduce the burden of training. And that’s why at last you have to focus more on your experience and brushing up your skills. Because that’s what going to increase your value in the future. #Experience #Complain
3/31/20223 minutes, 47 seconds
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Sell Yourself Where You Will Be Getting Value - Hear This

A person who knows that he deserves better than the current situation, but still acts in the same manner can never find peace in his life. Majority of the people don’t try to understand that the future lies in their hands. There needs to be a common mindset, where you are trying to improve yourself and learn new skillsets. Even if you want to work for financial purpose but don’t get trapped in that routine. Also remember that nothing can be achieved in a day or two. Everyone has to work equally hard for achieving their purpose. So never sell yourself into unworthy things. #Value
3/24/20223 minutes, 47 seconds
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Stay Away From Things Which Give You Temporary Relief - Hear This

People find most of their addiction in drugs, alcohol, weed which creates a temporary effect on their mind. This can become a problem for our mental health and most importantly we will never know it. This is because it kills our thinking and thoughts. Remember that these addictions will only pull you out from problems for a certain period but afterwards you will suffer through them deeply. That's why it is better to stay away from such kind of addictions. #Temporary #Relief 
3/18/20223 minutes, 47 seconds
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Stop Indulging In Their Personal Lives - You Need To Hear This

We all are blessed with beautiful family. Each one of us have parents, partners to share love. In similar way we have to love people, but never indulge in anyone’s personal matter. In today’s world we hardly share our personal matters with our parents and family members. But prefer colleagues and friends to share. Many people don’t realise this shitty habit and take the personal freedom to any limits. We have to always be within limits when we socialise. It’s better to never indulge with them because you will be wasting your time and nothing else. You won’t be benefited at all and instead you will put yourself in a big danger. Therefore stay away from this kind of discussion and use that time to improve your skills. Always learn something new. #Lives #Indulge #Privacy
3/14/20223 minutes, 47 seconds
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Never React Back Towards Your Toxic Relationships - Hear This

Smart people who have problems living with toxic individuals do their best to cut off from them as early as possible. And that’s why they focus more on becoming self-dependent. For them toxic relationships mean nothing because they don’t hold over their statements and emotions. This time period is going to be temporary. You have to put efforts in moving on from these temporary situations. Don’t react back because the whole point is you will waste your time in creating nothing. #Toxic #Relationships 
3/13/20223 minutes, 47 seconds
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No One Is Born Flawless - You Need To Hear This

It is said that a person is not always happy, the way he or she is showed on social media. You don’t know what someone is suffering through, and the number of issues he or she is having in life. And we as a living being of the same species have no right to judge, or compare that person with others. Some people complain that they are born without any talents, and that is why they blame their parents or the creator for those struggles. But actually we can become best version of ourselves by improvements. #Flawless #Imperfection
2/26/20223 minutes, 47 seconds
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Don’t Wait For Anyone To Love You - You Need To Hear This

Expecting love from an unknown person is similar to expecting love from a toxic individual. You will only feel better for a temporary period of time, and afterwards they will show you their true colors. Only we can know what we need and that’s why we have to spend that time for exploring ourselves. This world can be called as selfish, but you need to accept the fact that each one of us has some needs to be fulfilled. And that is why you have to stop wasting your time thinking about people and their shit. You can only grow if you focus more on developing your skills, knowledge and learning. #Love #Selfish
2/24/20223 minutes, 47 seconds
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Assumptions Will Never Let You Live With Peace - Hear This

When we feel for someone our thinking process gradually gets lowered down, and those emotions dominate more. No matter how much intelligent you might be, but there are certain processes happening in your body, which forces you to follow that pattern. There are people around the world, who judge others based on their assumptions, and there are people who use certain parameters. Remember nothing works best without using your brains. Thinking is important part of judgements, but you need to think in the right manner without differentiating based on feelings. #Assumptions #Peace #Live
2/21/20223 minutes, 47 seconds
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Build Your Own Unique Routine - You Need To Hear This

Most of the individuals who have struggled their entire life in chasing their dreams, will definitely like to win. But what if you don’t win? Sometimes even after struggling hard to achieve that specific purpose, but it doesn’t win your expectations. One of the main point of a competition is that you shouldn’t always focus on winning. What happens is that athletes, who think about winning never focus on the reality. The reality is working hard and improving the key areas. Chasing your competitor’s routine, or trying to be like them, won’t improve yourself. A major mistake we do is chasing successful people around. #Routine #Unique
2/17/20223 minutes, 47 seconds
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Push Your Limitations Every Single Day - You Need To Hear This

No one likes to compromise on their health, when it comes to living a healthy life. And that’s why we choose only those things which will help us live a healthy life. It is said that when you set limits you become more comfortable and stress free. There are very few people and these are called as hustlers. They don’t just hold on their jobs. They have big dreams and goals which are set every day. Remember that none of us are perfectionist. We can go beyond any limit if we don’t set a limit at first place. Only a person who is focused on working hard will be able to cope up with stress and pressure. #Limitations #Hardwork
2/16/20223 minutes, 47 seconds
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Never Have Regrets Of Missed Opportunities - Hear This

There’s too much of competition we all know, and there’s unbelievable amount of rejections within the competition. What we forget is that we are not the only ones who are working for our dreams and opportunities. Like you there are millions of people in different streams and fields who are making their career. There’s nothing called as missed opportunities since you know that you have given your hundred percent for it. We need to also understand that there are some parameters which are never under our control. Remember that these opportunities have no ending till there’s demand. You can get even more of them. #Regrets #Opportunities 
2/15/20223 minutes, 47 seconds
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Always Stay Humble When People Criticise You - Hear This

Someone’s negative emotions can affect our mood, but there are few individuals who never react negatively in the same way. We humans always say that bad karma must be punished equally, and this shows how cheap our mindset is. It shows how cheap our thoughts are and when we think negative, we too become part of them. Humble humans never take negative comments personally. They will be thankful for those people thinking about them. Rather than changing the world according to your beliefs, try to change your perspective first. Being thankful shows your level of maturity and definitely it dominates the other person’s aggression. #Humble #Criticise 
2/14/20223 minutes, 47 seconds
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Respect Your Passion To Become Successful - You Need To Hear This

Being humble and showing a positive attitude towards work is very much required to survive. Your respect towards your passion also shows, how grateful you are to work with someone and make your dreams come true. Success doesn’t have to last forever, and people who give up in midway miss the opportunity to complete their dreams. And this happens because of lack of passion and inner desire that only comes from within. Remember that the rest of the journey you have to complete is through your passion and work. #Passion #Successful
2/13/20223 minutes, 47 seconds
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You Will Have To Deal With Trust Issues In Your Relationship Patiently - Hear This

Trust issues are very common and it happens to a lot of people, but that doesn’t mean they are going through a breakup, or the couple is making a divorce. Trust issues take place especially when the relationship is new, and when both of the genders are trying to pour their mutual hard work into the relationship. These trust issues doesn’t mean it will lead to breakup, but they are the one’s which will test our patience and understanding. When there are trust issues, the understanding decreases because of that only thought, which makes us angry or infuriated. If you are true over your responsibilities, the relationship will definitely flourish, irrespective of whatever problems pops up in your life. #Trust #Issues #Relationships
2/11/20223 minutes, 47 seconds
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Don't Give Your Opinion To People - Let Them Take Their Decisions

Sometimes people give suggestions because they had failed in that course, and in order to safe guard others they spill their thoughts. Though it might be mixed with painful feelings, but that doesn’t mean the amateur will also experience the same feeling. We can never tell what kind of powers someone has, since they always remain hidden. People get to know about these powers when they constantly keep experimenting with themselves. Like you there can be thousands of people around someone who might act as discouraging. #Opinion #Decisions #People 
2/9/20223 minutes, 47 seconds
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Always Be Compassionate To Your Opponents - You Need To Hear This

Nothing is wrong creating an enemy, but we need to be compassionate and humble towards them at the same time. Our mentality is shaped in such a way, that there’s no way that we can tell them how much grateful we are to have them. Even though they criticize a lot but it helps to create positive upside growth. Compassion needs to be shown to every person because each one of us deserve it. In the world of constant violence and hatred we have to keep our good values alive. Without that we won’t be able to maintain stability in the society. #Compassionate #Opponents #Enemy 
2/8/20223 minutes, 47 seconds
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Accept Small Losses Or Else Bigger One’s Will Drag You Down - Hear This

The human mentality is built in such a way that it holds on values, memories that are long form of negativity and torture. We always try to remember whatever bad things had happened in our lifetime, and remain depressed on them. This creates a toxic environment around, and more than focussing over what’s working we tend to focus on what’s not working for us. A small loss is a part of the process, and if we don’t accept it then we have to suffer for bigger ones which can arrive in future. So always put your equal amount of efforts in accepting losses like the way you get happy seeing good results. That’s how you will grow in your life. #Acceptance #Losses #Drag
2/5/20223 minutes, 47 seconds
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Don’t Wait For The Right Time To Come - You Need To Hear This

We quickly fall into illusions because of our uncontrolled emotions and dreams that only float on our minds. You are trying to avoid work right now, and when you will find it difficult to survive then you won’t be able to stay in the competition at all. Competition has been increasing rigorously, and the more it gains the more you will be going to lose. And there will be point where competition might become incredibly tough and insane to fight with. So the best way to enter a successful phase of life is by working on it today. #Time #Limits #Illusion
2/4/20223 minutes, 47 seconds
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Spread Your Breaks Throughout Your Daily Routine - You Need To Hear This

This is no joke and when it comes to family, one has to think about them and the bond they have formed over years. Home is the place where you live. You might get resigned from the job, or transfer to other place, whereas the home remains the same. A single break can cause mental stress since we get to know that there are no breaks available in between. Productivity standards can be maintained only if we put equal amount of efforts every time, and avoid last minute rush. #Breaks #Routine
2/3/20223 minutes, 47 seconds
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Always Try To Surround Yourself With Positive Humans - Hear This

We humans are lovable if the other person treats us with due respect, or otherwise, we will turn cruel. This seems to be more logical when we need emotional and mental peace. If there’s stress and problems beyond our limitations, then we won’t be able to handle that pain. A hardworking and energetic group will make you feel positive, which will improve your mental health and definitely increase your output. And that’s why you have to always take care of your social network because at last they will be shaping some part of your life. So never let your social network spoil or ruin your career and relationships. #Surround #Positive #Humans
2/1/20223 minutes, 47 seconds
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Keep Experimenting With Your Life But Don’t Cheat - Hear This

It is said that if you are honest with your work, you will definitely find success in your life. Everyone wants honesty and will always love to stick with it because we know that in return we will get good results. Of course life is tough but remember when you change your intentions, then you are also changing your purpose. And when you change your purpose, you are definitely deviating from your destiny. No one wants to struggle for the rest of their lives, since they only think that there’s only one way. And then they give up on their hopes to turn on the greed. So it’s very much important to understand and to play with the right intention no matter how bad the struggle is. #Experiment #Life #Cheat
1/31/20223 minutes, 47 seconds
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Never React To Unworthy People – Stay Calm And Neglect

A person who holds a degree or higher qualification dominates everyone, and that is why we are finding peace by demotivating the surrounding. So when everyone tries to chase the same idea, then definitely it’s going to be tough to survive. People create philosophy depending on their emotions, and that’s why emotions become dominant than intelligence. The best example you can take are myths and beliefs which restricted people from developing. The only way to get out from that environment is to neglect and change the living space. Remember that you will do much better in supportive surrounding. #Unworthy #React #Calm #Neglect
1/29/20223 minutes, 47 seconds
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None Of Your Efforts Go In Vain - You Need To Hear This

Acceptance in life means being grateful for everything that has happened till now, no matter even they are counted as losses. For some people those losses become a form of motivation in their future. No one thinks about the experience we achieved and learning about bitter part of life. These learnings is what everyone forgets when things don’t turn up accordingly. What we only remember is the efforts we poured in unworthy things. Actually whatever efforts we put into something always has a reason behind it. There’s no way to avoid them because some or other day you will have to deal with them. So don’t cry over your time or efforts lost because all of them are still counted positively. #Efforts #Vain #Acceptance
1/28/20223 minutes, 47 seconds
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Everyone Has Their Own Way To Achieve Success - Hear This

A lot of times people tend to think that what works for a person might even work for them. And this creates an illusionary world in their minds. They get lost into their dreams, as just if those things can be manipulated very much easily. You might be having a mentor or a coach from whom you are acquiring good amount of knowledge. Though they have achieved their success by themselves, but you shouldn’t think that you can also do it in the similar way. So it’s better to self-start your journey no matter how many troubles you gain. Remember that these circumstances will convert into experiences someday, and you will never regret of facing them by yourself alone. #Success #Path
1/27/20223 minutes, 47 seconds
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Being Grateful With What You Have Determines Your Patience - Hear This

No one ever thought that their freedom of traveling to places would get snatched from authorities. And we all know that this situation has tested our patience at the highest levels. If you had watched the news daily you might have heard, the level of suicides that had been committed due to mental health issues. We forget about the better life we are living and all we do is complain of not being able to achieve our dreams. This patience is what says how grateful you are with your life. Always appreciate your current time no matter how many struggles you go through. Because that is where you are going to give the real test of your life. #Grateful #Determined #Patience
1/21/20223 minutes, 47 seconds
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Your Investment Will Save Your Future – Invest Wisely

A lot of people see that wearing branded clothes, watches and buying an expensive car will help them to achieve a remarkable status. Though this is true but you have to wait for it. This is because if you are surviving on a job or have only few income sources, then you need to invest or save it for your future. No matter how much amount you are earning from your organization, but if you don’t save for your future then you won’t be able to get retired even in sixties. Successful businessmen and entrepreneurs always invest their money, in order to gain more amount of money. Your financial investment will decide what will be your lifestyle when you will get retired. And remember that this significant investment will save your future. #Investment #Future 
12/23/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Don’t Take The Entire Burden Over Yourself – Prioritise Your Mental Health

People don’t try to understand that they are actually ruining their own mental health to make others happy. Even if you try to maintain respect by putting your impression first but you won’t be able to gain the respect no matter what you do. Some or other day those people will turn their backs away from you. Gaining impression is good but don’t do things, which will kill your mental health and don’t torture yourself for the sake of winning in someone’s vision. Never take burden over yourself except only when a person is unwell. We have been used to this over driven routine but there’s no benefit lying for your mind. Remember never chase success so much that you forget to live a peaceful life. #Burden #Prioritize 
10/30/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Never Ignore Positive Criticism From People - Hear This

Criticism as per the society is opposition against someone’s principles, actions and behaviour. Due to this ideology we put it on our blacklist and imagine as toxic for our mental health. Positive criticism shouldn’t be seen as danger or harm to you. In positive criticism people never try to intentionally hurt others rather they give suggestions according to what they have experienced. It completely depends on how you absorb such knowledge and benefit yourself through it. Remember in order to grow with the work you are carrying on, you have to also understand the practical experience from others. #Positivecriticism #Positive 
10/22/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Complete The Finish line Before You Celebrate Your Success - Hear This

It's common for humans to feel that they are on top of the world when they get to know they have been winning the race. They enjoy and celebrate even before completing the work. And this attitude makes them lose because someone else gets through them from behind and win the race while they keep themselves imagining about their dreams. Before you celebrate or get satisfied don't forget to pass through the finish line at very first place. #Complete #Success #Celebrate  
10/21/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Never Chase Love If You Want To Seek Peace Of Your Mind - Hear This

As we all know that human beings have a specific attitude inbuilt by their values and we can see it through their unique behaviour. So what remains same for one person won’t always apply for the other human being. People who remain blind in love can take whatever possible steps to change the person whom they care the most. They will put themselves in danger in order to change the love of their life. They will put their love as first priority of their life. Realization is when you don’t give importance to such people and more than your relationship you give importance to your growth. Trust me once you stop following them you will live better and healthier life. #Chase #Peace #Love #Mind
10/1/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Love The Person Whom You Marry And Not Their Wealth - Understand This

Mostly people prefer arrange marriage since it looks organized as both the parties closely observe each other’s history and profile. Apart from expectations people first look at the assets of the family. The amount of wealth the family is having as well as the background. Actually arrange marriages come up with an unexpected surprise. Whatever the luxury might be money is only associated for a temporary period of time and afterwards we get to know the reality. Arrange marriages are riskier than love marriages because of the fact that it is a form of unwanted surprise. #Love #Marriage #Wealth
9/27/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Don’t Plagiarize Someone’s Hard Work For Your Benefit - Hear This

There are some self-motivated people, who will try to copy your information in order to make some money and at the same time to get a personal benefit from it. Everyone takes care of their hard work not going in vain, but not everyone respects other’s hard work. When there is jealousy formed we lose our patience and try to make things work quickly as possible. If you want to share someone’s content then give credits to the person who has actually created it. Always keep respect about the work someone has done no matter how much far they have gone. #Plagiarism #Hardwork 
9/26/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Don’t Try To Prove Others Wrong If You Are Right - Hear This

They won’t align with your thoughts and your perspective as well. They will feel disrespected if you are called right all the time. And if they prove themselves right they will laugh on you. You can never keep any kind of relation with such people because they will always look for retaliation. Let them win and don’t say anything. Even if they call you wrong don’t try to prove yourself right because ultimately you will find yourself in an unworthy competition.  Have patience and soon they will realize that you were ignoring all the time. #Prove #Wrong #Right 
9/19/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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You Never Deserve A Narcissist In Your Relationship - Hear This

No matter how much smart we are it’s not easy to identify such people at first meet. Most importantly when you meet such people they will appreciate you in some or other way. This is because they always want some or other person to fall in their trap. This generally happens when you are made comfortable. You will feel like you are stuck in some shit and then blame yourself for falling in love. Remember you cannot change the behaviour of such people no matter who you are. They will always put you in some or other trouble and then beg for forgiveness. Remember you deserve a better treatment and a true loving partner. #Narcissism #Relationships 
9/18/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Don't Sit Idle If You Wish For Growth - You Need To Hear This

Some of us might have experienced this happening with our closest people. They feel they have been cheated by others and because of that they constantly hold grudge against them. Idle minds are said to be dangerous because they create these evil thoughts and plans which can hurt others as well as themselves. They only live for three things that is luxury, food and sleep. So one can never get inspired by such people. They can never be called as good or bad but because of their trigger of emotions and evil thoughts others also have to suffer. So stop sitting idle. #Growth #Wish
9/16/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Never Seek Attention Through Victim Mentality - Hear This

As we all know that social media has become a platform or a source to garn views and attention from people. Basically people have found a shortcut to become overnight sensation and this is through by becoming the victim of the situation. Being entitled as a victim can be felt by others because at last we all are human beings. But these people can even act during times when they are in the happiest state of mind. Let me tell you though it looks like the easiest way to get famous, but at the other side something is always waiting for you. Way forward this can put those individuals into a very miserable condition causing goodwill to vanish. #Attention #Victim #Mentality
9/14/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Never Rush To Get Married – Understand This

Some people whom we meet for the first time are like quick sand. We try to make relationship in order to satisfy our needs, but then we realize they only want money. And such relationships as usual will never make till the end. An arranged marriage can be disaster if the person whom you love never reciprocates back. You will consume your energy and at the same time you will have to forcefully follow what law says. Instead of chasing marriage spend that same amount of time in learning yourself. Save that time for learning, playing and doing things what you love the most. Remember that you can still enjoy your life being single and avoiding the complexity of marriage. #Rush #Marriage 
9/13/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Convert Your Complaints Into Compliment - You Need To Hear This

Mistakes are seen as complaints but when they happen frequently then it can be said that those people are having faults. First of all we judge people through their attitude, actions, looks and abnormal activities. This is because our vision easily figures out this unusual behaviour. We refuse to communicate since we feel ourselves uncomfortable with the persons. Whatever complaints you have within you, try to turn them into compliments so that it can help them to put their best into it. Your support will not only help them to fight, but also strengthen your bond with your partner. Remember your appreciation can change someone’s life forever. #Complaints #Compliment
9/8/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Choosing Violence Is The Biggest Sign Of Immaturity - Hear This

Violence can be a reason to defend ourselves from unwanted problems and people who show aggression, but it is limited to our self-defence. Violence should only be chosen when the opposition doesn’t try to understand you. Violence should only be chosen when your security is threaten. Before violence comes peace and we should treat our enemies just like we treat God. More importantly when you choose violence as a tool you not only spread the fear but also make the problem even more complex. It will also hurt those who are not involved with you because of war. So in order to maintain harmony with everyone we should try to resolve problems calmly. #Violence #Immaturity
9/7/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Your Greatest Treasure Is What Your Earn By Yourself - Hear This

Shortcuts far or more can be best way to settle in life but you cannot settle yourself without struggling for it. This is because you won’t respect something without struggles and hard work. Even if you have already gained something without struggling, you need to keep respecting it. The same lies with everything that’s there in our life. When you keep respect about something you make it even more valuable. And those values sets an impression of how much far you have come through. #Treasure #Earn 
9/4/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Never Surrender Yourself To Evil - Hear This

We all have good values as well as bad values but it is our decision to choose them. Some people do both evil and good deeds but afterwards when they feel guilty of their wrong deeds they don’t commit it again. The biggest mistake you can do is supporting these people because of some fear in your mind. In this so called free world there are some parts where people still live in terror. They don’t only live in terror but also surrender themselves. But there are also some people who don’t bow to evil and fight against it. Such people are deserved to be respected because of their fearless attitude. #Surrender #Evil
9/3/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Don’t Be Afraid To Talk With Your Partner About Your Desires - Hear This

People are always afraid since the society doesn’t accept it and because of that they feel of doing things secretly. And when they are caught red handed they feel guilty of their actions. The person who gets hurt will feel a sudden impulse of being cheated and that’s what every relationship suffers through. It is said that communication is the key to long term relationship, which is absolutely very much true. So it’s very much important to talk to your partner about your personal desires which you were wanting from long time. It will definitely clear all of your doubts and might also help to make you find a solution. #Afraid #Desires Partner
8/31/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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The Root Of Evil To Destruction – Terrorism

Terrorism never created by itself. It’s a fact because without any reason we don’t kill humans. The only reason behind it is our emotions. Not all of us can forgive so easily and some of us keep that negative emotion for a long period of time. Humans fight for revenge and that is what happens in any war. There’s clash between differing ideologies and then that clash is turned into physical hurt. We can’t change them or make them understand, since they are easily brainwashed into spreading terror. What we need to do is to stop harming others for the sake of revenge. Terrorism can never get vanish but at least each one of us can mitigate the risk through peace and harmony. #Evil #Terrorism 
8/29/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Never Trust What You See On Screens - Shortcuts Don't Exist

There are so many individuals who call them as life coach, or motivational speakers, but very few of them can have an actual impact on your life. Those gurus, motivators are nothing, but it’s your trust over them. You trust them because they are trying to convey message to tons of audience around. Customers buy it blindly because there is no other way. It’s because of customer’s struggle someone else gets benefitted through it. So it’s very important to know whom you are trusting. #Shortcuts #Advertisments
8/25/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Don't Waste Your Life Chasing For Jobs - You Need To Hear This

Many people will say that they have strived hard through educational route and that’s why they need a job. But what a job can basically do. A job only provides you money from a fair share. Most people don’t realise that they are over burdening their lifestyle because of a job. A job though might be eight hours but consumes a lot of energy from you. And therefore some people even get tired and can’t focus on their family or on their loved ones. Side hustles are gifts that can give you the most unimaginable surprises. #Chase #Jobs #Hustle
8/24/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Never Believe In Someone’s Words Too Quickly – Watch Their Actions First

It’s pretty very much easy to gain attention by raising our voice but at the same time it is very difficult to practise what we have been saying. It might be for days, months or years but it will have zero impact if we don’t work on it. Similarly when we don’t have enough experience or haven’t spent years practising, then it really won’t make any difference at all. It is very much difficult to handle situation when we are on the actual ground though we might know the theory or the concept behind. Words do matter but no more than actions because at last we all want to see the results. It is only their actions which will reveal the true results. #Believe #Actions
8/22/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Comforting People And Draining Yourself Is A Serious Crime - Hear This

The one thought which will disturb you all the time are your relationships. Your friends, your colleagues and random people whom you meet. They all will disturb you in the way by consuming your time, your energy and at the end you will get nothing. That person who always looks at you from the mirror, and yet you are unable to think about it. We have to appreciate other human beings too, but that doesn’t mean you will end drain up yourself in the process. Most of the people complain about others draining their energy, but they don’t realise that they are at fault. #Comfort #Drain #Crime
8/15/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Don't Give Up If The Person Judges Your Private Life - Put Your Purpose First

Humans cannot just rely on their predictions what judges do, and sometimes they even lose one of the most crucial opportunities because they keep themselves busy in judging other things. They never realise those diamonds. No matter how much experience the person has, he or she can never determine the potential of talents, until they are connected with emotions and have better understanding about the audience. There are such kind of judges who are not able to differentiate talents. And because of this problem a lot of inspiring and young talents lag behind. So please don't give up. #Lifestyle #Purpose
8/10/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Never Find Your Worth In Others - It Will Always Kill You

We try to make connections with some purpose, but nowadays this purpose is changing into toxic mentality. And now compare this with a person, who thinks about long term growth. The person who wants to learn new through experiments but not in relationship. Average people will only help when they have nothing to do, whereas these bright individuals will never reject someone’s need during the time of crisis. What we need to learn is their honesty and compassion they shower at every step. #Worth 
8/2/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Choose Yourself Before Other's Opinion - People Will Change By Themselves

There will always be two sides of our work. One side will talk negative and wrong about it, and the other side will always appreciate you no matter in which situation you are. And even during bad times they step to help. What matters are your decisions and the community you are living with. Their complaints is not going to hinder your growth at all until you take it personally. Someone will tell you to act as per their way, while the other one will completely deviate your goals. You cannot follow everyone and you shouldn’t work as per their manner. People will complain of not listening and caring for them. Instead of caring for others take care of yourself first. #Opinion #Change 
7/31/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Take What You Can Eat – Don’t Be Greedy

There’s difference between greed and hunger. Hunger arises when we want something to fulfil our emotional, mental and physical need. Hunger is cause by a natural response which we feel when we want something. So it doesn’t mean we do it intentionally which is true in case of greed. Greed doesn’t take place by itself but it is our excitement which gets out of control. And when this excitement gets out of control, everything starts converting into serious destruction. Mistakes can happen and we might overestimate our own capabilities. Always watch out over your habits and most importantly learn from your mistakes if they take place. You will learn better from them than understanding it theoretically. #Eat #Greed
7/25/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Be Compassionate To Your Enemies - You Need To Hear This

Nothing is wrong creating an enemy, but we need to be compassionate and humble towards them at the same time. Our mentality is shaped in such a way that there’s no way that we can tell them how much grateful we are to have them. Remember that more than friends it’s our enemies which make us stronger so that we can defend ourselves in the best possible way. A friend is only there during good days and for the sake of enjoyment. Whereas an enemy will pop up in middle of your happy day to change your mood for a fight. So always be good to your enemies just like you do with your dear friends no matter how they are. #Compassionate #Enemies 
7/23/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Mentally And Emotionally Strong People Don't Fear Of Death - Hear This

Senior citizens especially those who have been diagnosed with certain diseases suffer through such problems. They get attached to all those things which they feel as important but at the same time they also fear of losing it to death. On the other side you will meet people who don’t have any limitations, or set boundaries or even hold on such things. These people are mostly regarded as philanthropist because they donate to charities, create non-governmental organizations in order to feed and serve poor. People who are mentally and emotionally strong never have fears.  #Death #Fear
7/9/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Diversification Is Key To Success - You Need To Hear This

Time is money as said before and that is why diversification needs to be done. It’s important and equal in terms of money. We all have heard about time management, but none of the education system teaches this part because it feels easy. Just like diversification of time, one shouldn’t concentrate the entire time in one. You never know will that thing be successful or not. Focusing only one thing can lead to frustration. One has to think about this part, or else it will become too late to achieve your ambitions. #Diversification #Success
7/8/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Don’t Quickly Quit Your Job To Start A Business – Know The Truth

A business gives freedom from such emotional and mental tortures only if you manage it correctly. Humans work in herd and when they hear something which is trending, they quickly try to react accordingly. Without knowledge and experience they even kick their jobs ending with no proper income source. Business requires a lot of patience and without patience you won’t be successful to manage even a small one. So you need to understand that it’s not a quick rich game. Definitely it will give you very high amount of returns, but don’t try to rush in it quickly and invest more than your capacity. #Quit #Start #Business 
7/6/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Appreciate Them With A Healthy Mindset - You Need To Hear This

We try to chase rewards since we feel ourselves worthy. Remember that it’s not only you but there are others too who are on the same track. That doesn’t mean you will criticize your competitor. A competition isn’t healthy when we build toxic emotions about our competitors. More than chasing reward what lies important are your values. Appreciation starts from healthy mindset so keep your thoughts clear. Don’t try to hide your anger in your smile because it will drain out your energy very quickly. #Appreciate #Healthy #Mindset
7/5/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Growth Hacks Will Never Help You To Succeed - Hear This

Growth hacks will always make humans tempted to find solution to solve their problems. This happens because we can’t wait for a longer period of time than usual. It is said that patience is necessary for achievements but this is not true for those people, who always want to find shortcuts in order to grow. After not being able to see any growth, they turn towards the next technique. And this gives opportunity to businesses. They don’t leave such cases at all and in order to motivate in a wrong way, they provide their very expensive products and services. Never follow them. #Growth Hacks
6/17/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Never Jump Over Conclusions Too Early - You Need To Hear This

Many times we fall in the same trap because what we see makes an immediate impression and then it turns into a belief. And we carry that same belief everywhere at every place. A majority of confusion among people, who hear from others come up, when they don’t listen clearly or when they don’t dig into the matter to know the truth. We humans just observe what’s floating above the water, and not what’s inside into the depth. So before you judge too quickly first know that if you are going anywhere wrong. Always have patience and deeply understand what the reality is. #Conclusions
6/15/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Don’t Change Your Identity For Impressing Others - You Need To Hear This

A lot of times a human’s intention become questionable as others can’t identify that it is right or wrong. And that’s why because of having no clue others strongly force them to change accordingly. They believe what others believe and after a period of time the same mentality starts fading away. We all are incomparable if we consider every value and that’s why we all are so unique. Just believe who you are and not what others want from you. Someday society will accept your perspective. #Identity #Impression 
6/14/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Don’t Lose Yourself While Making Someone Happy - You Need To Hear This

Humans are social animals, and we will try to do something for someone, who is suffering through pain only if we get something in return. It means that we won’t make someone happy unnecessarily, since we are so much busy in our daily work. Mind your own business is the only quote applicable for the ones, who don’t want to let their energy get drained away by serving their relationships. At last humans will show their true colours no matter how much close we are. We will act cruel, rude after loving them because it’s embedded in our values. #Lose #Happy 
6/12/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Manage Your Anger Before It Controls You - Hear This

Nowadays some people have introduced coaching classes for anger management and the response is very well indeed. This is because everyone is suffering through this problem, and that can be even the silent ones. People want to resolve it, but they hardly get anytime to take necessary steps. Managing anger is a concern that can only be treated if we treat our anger correctly. It’s not the other people but it’s we who need to think before bursting out temper over someone. #Manage #Anger #Control
6/10/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Never Negotiate Your Security For Achieving Targets - You Need To Hear This

Most of the people don’t understand this, and they walk in to complete their ambitions and also to earn a fair amount of incentive. Every time they negotiate their security in order to serve someone else’s goals. If you are experiencing this at your workplace or in any situation which is happening on a daily basis, then remember it’s a reminder that your security is in danger. If there is no passion in the work you do then it will only mean that someone is forcing you to do so. Stay away from achieving targets because that is what which will kill you the most. #Negotiate #Achievements #Targets
6/9/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Don’t Dream To Achieve Your Needs – Think Out Of The Box

A dream can be achievable but is not under our control. You can never buy a dream through money whereas you can buy your desires. A dream can only be achieved through consistent hard work, passion and your determination. So at the same time you need to change your mindset as well. So don’t just think about your needs all the time, it’s very much important to have dreams which can improve your existing condition. You have to get out of your comfort zone in order to think out of the box. #Dream #Achievements
6/8/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Marry Your Best Friend – Advice For Happy Relationship

The way you open up with your best friend might not be same with the person whom you love, Isn’t it? There is no freedom, flexibility with the person whom we are married to. We cannot discuss our personal matter with our partner rather we will prefer our friends. But don’t you think this is a form of entitlement? A friendship with someone helps you to recognize the person’s values in advance. We get to know more about them, than what we couldn’t do when we remain intact with that mindset about relationship. So you need to think again and wait before you take step forward into unknown. There might be some serious consequences waiting for you. #Marry #Advice #Relationships
6/7/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Don't Let People Around You Decide Your Destiny - Hear This

Destiny is not decided but it is created and successful people create them. The most common misunderstanding that is going through every individual’s mind is that their relationships or parents shape their destinies. They think that people around will help them in their journey’s and that is why they do the same thing. There are some people who follow the suggestions of their relationships, and when they fail, they blame them for those results. #Destiny #People
6/6/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Be Grateful Towards People Who Criticize You - You Need To Hear This

Criticism can actually be very healthy but because of our emotions and sensible feelings we fall prey for it. Actually when we are running towards achieving fame, we never realize that we are trying to gain attention of humans. We are trying to provoke their emotions. So in such case we forget that there are also some people who will criticize our work for nothing. Sometimes criticism can make a difference if it really impacts the person but not all of them. Remember that we need to also be grateful to those who couldn’t add value to your life because at least they taught you an important lesson. #Grateful #Criticize #People 
6/5/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Never Leave Opportunities From Hand With Intention Of Achieving Big - Hear This

We never try to understand that these smaller opportunities are going to contribute to bigger ones. Actually very rarely people are able to get bigger opportunities without having enough experience of the work. Most of the times the inexperienced ones will find handful of opportunities. But this shouldn’t be a condition for you to stop working. So expect a slow start and once you will gain enough experience, you will be able to achieve what you always wanted. Always stay grounded because that is what going to contribute towards your career. #Opportunities #Intention #Big
6/4/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Never Make A Promise According To Your Mood - You Need To Hear This

When a person has no experience about what worst could happen to him/her, then they might take the present condition very casually. And such casual promises afterwards become very much difficult to get fulfilled. A lot of people don’t understand this, and quickly try to set a positive impression on the other person’s mind. Promises come up with time strain since the other person starts counting the days from the time he or she is promised. So if you are happy then remember to never get someone involved with your happiness. You have to live that moment. #Promise #Mood
6/3/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Don’t Make Relationships For The Sake Of Impressing People - Hear This

One of the important aim of today’s fast growing world is to impress others and forcefully act according to the mentality of the society. We act according to the needs of the society and what they expect from us. And that is why we are still illiterate even after qualifying from reputed institutes. The more we try to impress the more it will drain out our energy and time. We won’t be able to focus on what is important to us because of this mindset. There’s no other option than discarding the present mentality of the society. It will surely kill us more than break ups. #Relationships #Impress #People
6/2/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Don’t Think About Achieving Big Targets Unless You Achieve Small One’s - Hear This

There are so many of us who want to become influencers and garn a lot views, follows but very few are able to make it. Only one percent of them are able to make it to millions, but this figure shouldn’t be a motivation for you. What happens is that we directly think of the future targets without even satisfying the present one’s. Don’t try to get things quick since it is a marathon and not a sprint. Remember you are going to do this for longer period of time so don’t try to find out shortcuts. #Achievements #Targets #Big #Small
6/1/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Never Seek Validation In Order To Impress Others - You Need To Hear This

You might have experienced this while being with a group that a person is judged according to the branded clothes he or she is in. And because of this reason so many of us are secretly judged. The world we are living in is purely based on approval from others and because of this we feel unappreciated. If you truly want to enjoy freedom then you will have to ignore what others want from you. All of those will give rise to unwanted hopes. If you really want to impress then impress yourself first and then you will start seeing positive changes in your life. #Validation #Impress 
5/31/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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High Returns Means Huge Amount Of Risks – Invest Wisely

Whenever we hear greed we feel there’s something wrong with someone because it can kill them. But no one knows what greed is until they truly experience it. A human can never understand certain situation with theoretical knowledge and that’s why because of their curiosity they fall over such traps. You need to first discard such unwanted expectations from your mind because it will start giving you toxic hopes. Investments should be created thinking about how long you want to go. Remember that they become part of your life and therefore you need to invest it wisely. #HighReturns #Risks #Invest
5/30/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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People Who Underestimate Others Are Immature - You Need To Hear This

Life is uncertain and you might have seen people turning failures into success in their very last moments of a race. Yes, it happens and in the future it might also happen with you. Whoever the competitor is you should never imagine, the abilities of a person depending on how he or she is looking. Actually the most desirable things turn out to be toxic, which you might have experienced in reality too. It can be a relationship, a marriage or even your work you need to stop differentiating people in such manner. Because at last you will be called as immature and at the same time it will make you feel ashamed of your own thoughts.
5/29/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Never Conclude Until It Ends - You Need To Hear This

It is so common and it happens when we are too much confident about our results. This is because the first moment sets an impression on our minds that who will win and who will lose. People think it as a sprint and try to complete the loops as fast as possible, but they forget that they need to be consistent overtime. And this mistake is very common among inexperienced players who after then get to know how much tough it is to sustain. It’s better to never conclude too quickly unless and until your marathon ends. At the end it’s not about losing or winning. What remains important is to complete the marathon. #Conclusion #Patience
5/27/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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If You Accept Failure You Will Get More Strength To Fight For Success - Hear This

The destiny of the individual will be dependent on how he or she reacts in the present conditions. Think it as an awareness programme and embrace it even if you are at that position. So have great dreams but also keep your thoughts aware because in future, it may cause panic and can be a great shock for you. And that is applicable in every case or in any field you are in since success and failures are everywhere. It’s very much a part of our day to day life. And at last it is totally dependent on how you deal with it. #Acceptance #Failure #Strength
5/25/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Stop Flirting With Everyone And Focus On One - Hear This

Some people say that friends do last forever. But we forget that they too are humans and they can’t stay with us forever. What’s going to remain forever is your body, mind and your soul. They too are going to die when you will die. Most of the people complain about others draining their energy but they don’t realise that they are at fault. So before you complain take some time and realize this mistake you are making all the time. Stop making others comfortable and start focusing on yourself. #Flirt #Focus
5/20/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Choose Your Group Wisely – They Manifest Your Thoughts

A group is created because their thoughts and ideas are aligned in the same way, and that is why they are able to accept each other’s thoughts. Suppose there is a group which create violence and spread hatred, so what will happen if you stay in that group and get comfortable with them very quickly. It’s obvious that you too will prefer their way and set according to their ideology. But that won’t happen unless you join them. And that is why your preference becomes more important as it will also reveal your values. So before accepting a group understand the mindset and the purpose of every person contributing towards group and ultimately impacting each other. At last they are going to help you to manifest thoughts. #Manifest #Thoughts 
5/18/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Don’t Take Undue Advantage Of Someone’s Pain - You Need To Hear This

It’s very much important to control that greed or else it can go out of our control. When someone is suffering we offer help to them and it is done in order to calm them down. So you need to think about the humans whom you are keeping close. They might be waiting for the right time to make you feel down and control your mind and thoughts. It’s very much important to look over your relationships, and choose people who don’t make you feel down. Don’t forget that they can also be your close ones who are in temporary relationship with you. #Undue #Advantage #Pain
5/12/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Take Care Of Yourself Even if You Are Strong - You Need To Hear This

Some people have that mindset, where they feel themselves as strong enough, since they have enough strength to fight with it. Their physical strength shows it all, but remember that even the smallest mistake can create big difference and variable impact on yourself. Don’t think this problem will get solved by itself. It’s we who need to put every effort into it. But in this current time you need to protect yourself first as danger is lying everywhere. Don’t think about money and luxury. Take care of your mental and physical health. Remember this will only end if we take responsibility of ourselves. #Strong #Care
5/3/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Set Your Enemies As Real Time Motivators - Hear This

You will feel encouraged till the time they are showering their love and time. But they won’t be there with you forever. They won’t be supporting you till the end. Even if they are with you but no one knows that they will be tomorrow too. What remains constant is you and your competitors. Since they are our competitors we try to stay away from their thoughts. But rather this can demotivate you instead, since you have taken it in a negative manner. Set yourself free from any kind of entitlement and work over yourself first. #Enemies #Motivators 
4/29/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Don’t Take Your Skills For Granted – They Need Your Attention

It can be a shame for all of us and yes this is true because no matter how much skillful we are but we still lack emotional intelligence. What we need to change is this mentality of getting settled with a normal job. If you are having skills or talents then they should be treated as important. Everyone cannot take the risk of creating a successful business but at least he or she must take care of searching talents within them. So if you have that mindset then you need to change it now. If you are taking risks, then make sure you are well prepared with that mentality. #Granted #Attention #Skills
4/24/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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First Fix Yourself Before Pointing Others Mistakes - Hear This

It’s commonly found among individuals who are jobless, and people who have ample amount of time to waste other’s time. That’s why they try to fix others in order to earn for living. Pointing out mistakes is commonly found around uneducated humans who are clueless about their values. They don’t know how to behave and talk with others in a very harsh way. Right or wrong is not the case but pointing out other’s mistakes can provoke their emotions. It’s similar like our changing tradition with variation in culture and time. So it’s better to look over yourself and improve your mistakes first. #Mistakes #Fix
4/22/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Don’t Fear Of Death If You Want To Live Peacefully - You Need To Hear This

We all want to protect our treasure like our personal property, family, relationships, money and all those things which are valuable to us. And that is why one wishes to live a longer life in order to take care of them. They get attached to all those things which they feel as important, but at the same time they also fear of losing it to death. And this stress can become a form of illness which most of the people have due to such fear. On the other side you will meet people who don’t have any limitations, or set boundaries or even hold on such things. These people are mostly regarded as philanthropist because they donate to charities, create non-governmental organizations in order to feed and serve poor. Life is uncertain so it’s better to enjoy every moment rather than fearing of death all the time. #Fear #Death #Peaceful 
4/20/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Stay Firm No Matter How Much People Criticize You - You Need To Hear This

People commonly make a perception that when someone criticizes, it means that they have made a mistake. Though this is not true, but there is nothing other way than fighting over such situations. What you need to believe is your decision. If you are firm with a thought then you shouldn’t change it later just because a group of people have criticized you. A decision is something which you have taken with your right senses. Don’t get confused or try to fall weak, as it can give chance to the dominant and cheap minded people. Never be a victim of your own decision. #Firm #Criticize 
4/16/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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You Need To Figure Out Things By Yourself – True Sign Of Entrepreneur

Entrepreneurs don’t rely on someone else’s decision rather they take risks on their ideas. In simple words one should not enter business just because he or she has enough amount of money. It’s a wrong perception because if you do so then you might even lose the wealth you have accumulated for so many years. Entrepreneurs have those values and can understand things better than anyone. It’s very much dependent on your innovation and uniqueness. Some people think that they can create successful business by copying others concept. #Figure #Entrepreneur
4/13/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Respect Your Past No Matter How Far You Go - Watch This

There is no reason to play blame game just because you had to struggle more. People who hold on such emotions of their past can never remain satisfied, no matter how much successful they become. But on the other hand what we call as success becomes a form of jealousy. Jealousy which can destruct lives of humans. Actually this can never be called as success as it is pure jealousy of that person. People call this as success because they hide their negative emotions into it. Respecting your past is not only going to make you happy but it will also be a form of appreciation of how much far you have come. Always embrace it. #Respect #Past
4/12/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Don’t Try To Run Over Every Opportunity – Know Your Worth

The expectation for a job is not just for money, but also to gain better comfort and flexibility. We humans come up with great expectation, but as said before that even the management is handled by humans. And therefore conflicts can arise because of your unfulfilled expectations. Your family might be thinking about your position as great, but you yourself know what’s happening in that environment. Even if you try to think about working in some another field for a company, then those rules still apply on you. So don’t run behind money and respect, because if you do you will have to suffer. You can build that worth by yourself by investing in yourself first. #Opportunity #Worth
4/10/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Never Hold On The One's Who Make You Feel Tired - Hear This

Some people are just like quicksand, nice, charming and kind through the looks, but deep inside they are filled with hatred and guilt. While they might seem to be excellent at first meet, but when we spend some amount of time with them, the problem gets out of our hands. No one will like to do such self-destruction, but some people get so much attached that even after knowing they can’t stop themselves. They hold on that person with a slight hope of improvement. It is commonly said that mind your business and look over yourself which is true for living beings. #Hold
4/7/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Whatever Comes On Your Way Deal With It Fearlessly - Hear This

Life is always highly uncertain. You never know what will happen if you marry that person. Your marriage can be a heaven or a complete hell. And it can never be predicted until we experiment and take that step. You never know the final result when two chemicals are mixed together, unless you have done it several times. And that’s why so many people fear to take steps ahead, just because the outcome can be negative. It’s not to the public, but you need to impress yourself first. And at last it’s important to remain grounded because you can’t carry out these experiments casually. You can’t be careless as it can hurt you. #Fearless 
4/3/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Don’t Underestimate The Power Of Small Breaks - Hear This

Home is the place where one should keep away from any negative thoughts as the same thoughts can cause fights within family. These fights are caused because people absorb negative energy from the external environment and release it at home. People underestimate the power of small breaks and because of it they have to suffer in the longer term. A single break can cause mental stress since we get to know that there are no breaks available in between. Productivity standards can be maintained only if we put equal amount of efforts every time and avoid last minute rush. #Underestimate #Power #Breaks
4/2/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Don’t Treat Others According To The Social Mentality - You Need To Hear This

Sometimes what we call as social awareness can actually be harmful and dangerous to ourselves. And this is caused due to lack of curiosity and understanding the depth of that topic. You can’t rely always on people to understand what is right and what is wrong. News, thoughts are shared in such a manner without knowing and understanding the truth behind it. Treating people according to the news which is spreading within your group or at national level has been seen as wrong. But people don’t realise it at that moment and follow what others are doing. Media, social platforms are helpful in different ways but that doesn’t mean the information will always be true. #Social #Mentality 
4/1/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Respect Your Helpers No Matter How Much They Earn - Hear This

Wealth is a primary tool for categorising people and their values. Even if a person is enriched with good values and pleasant behaviour but he or she will be called as poor because of financial problems. No matter how much the world gets educated but when our emotions come to play we lose our temper and tolerance. Helpers though might have uncertain future but that doesn’t mean they have to be treated poor. Owning that mentality is ultimately going to hurt ourselves as others will get to know the attitude and might fall under that impression. So whenever someone is working under you appreciate them after they complete the task. Being kind to them will not only increase your respect but also it will help you in the near future. #Helpers #Matter #Respect
3/31/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Don’t Judge Someone’s Potential By Their Lifestyle - Hear This

The way glamorous some industries look like are absolutely not at all that glamorous. And it’s a fact that once you want your space in order to show skills, you have to pay some price. And that price includes being under right impression of judges. Analysis and parameters can be helpful to know whether the person is strong or weak. But even this doesn’t determine the true potential of work. Judges mix up the parameters and when it is beyond their understanding they conclude it as failure and step back from taking risk. So don’t think too much when you are rejected. You will find much better opportunities than you think. #Judge #Potential #Lifestyle
3/30/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Don't Give Up Too Easily - You Still Have Time To Try

No one has patience to take time in order to think and get towards conclusion. And that is why so many people who are walking on the path of their dreams are failing very quickly. They are failing quickly because the examiner is not stable himself. Times are changing and more number of people are adapting, to such strategies in order to lower down the competition. While fighting for something or someone, you might lose down and feel tired of multiple rejections. But remember you need to stay true to yourself. #Try #Time 
3/28/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Don’t Involve Emotions While Taking Crucial Decisions - Hear This

Emotions can be very part of your life, but remember that they only lie for a temporary period of time. Once that phase passes they might repeat again but not always. Since we humans face mood swings we are bound to be the victim of our own decisions. Most of the decisions which we take won’t be totally working according to our plans as there are various factors affecting it. And due to changes in the external environment it can deviate from what you had thought and visualised. Remember that even if it goes fail, you still have infinite number of attempts to make the impossible possible. But the biggest regret you can make is playing it with your emotions. #Emotions #Crucial #Decisions
3/27/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Idle Mind Serves No One But Hurts Everyone - You Need To Hear This

Some of us might have experienced this happening with our closest people. They feel they have been cheated by others and because of that they constantly hold grudge against them. Idle minds are said to be dangerous because they create these evil thoughts and plans which can hurt others as well as themselves. They can never be called as good or bad but because of their trigger of emotions and evil thoughts others too have to suffer. So never settle over one place. #Idle #Mind #Hurt
3/26/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Don’t Let That Significant One Limit Down Your Capabilities - Hear This

One of the most important value sensitive individuals have is that they are able to adjust in the most dangerous environment. They are able to take down their comforts and still have a better lifestyle which is not same with people who react with frustration and anger. But what harms these kind humans is when someone tries to cheat with their feelings, with their emotions and hurt them intentionally. It might not be possible for you to forget that person but make sure that you don’t take him or her personally. Don’t forget that we all have limited time here, don’t waste it to live it for someone else. #Significant #Limit #Capabilities
3/25/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Never Fear Of Taking A Small Loss Or Else It Will Turn Into Big - Hear This

There is always a situation in our life which triggers our mental abilities, intelligence and even our emotions to substantial levels. So during this time it’s a real challenge as humans tend to go completely blank. If you are not able to manage these risks properly then in further cases you won’t be able to accept huge amount of losses. The only way is to cut off from the place and secure yourself from any future threats. Fear has been the main issue of every human being out there but that doesn’t mean you won’t take risks at all. It should be noted that when you take risks don’t blame anyone and not even yourself. You need to learn through your mistakes and develop yourself stronger than ever. #Fear #Loss #Small  
3/24/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Your Silence Will Never Lower Down Your Self-worth - You Need To Hear This

When you bother about others, their feelings, their emotions, then actually you are lowering your self-worth. This is because you are giving less attention towards yourself and more amount of attention towards others. People who talk a lot actually have very less amount of knowledge and wisdom. They listen to the wordings from their friends, or through the social media and believe that it is the truth. While the silent people always make a thorough analysis about the situation. They collect information and never try to show off themselves. So never think or judge the power of silence because on the other side they might be working for the same. #Silence #Self-worth
3/21/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Success Comes To Those Who Have Ability To Take Bold Risks - Hear This

It’s a fact that if you don’t try to become different, you will have to go with the crowd. There is no other opportunity other than that. Actually people think it is the safest way to settle life like its relationship, desires, dreams and needs. Average mindset doesn’t want to take any risks and plays solely on someone else’s money. They might be in their ways but remember that extraordinary people build themselves by taking extraordinary risks People lack this knowledge and that is why they are suffering in large numbers. So a slightest difference can help you to improve or possibly hurt you a lot. There is no other safe way to get entitled to success because if that was possible then the entire crowd would have been successful. #Success #Ability #BoldRisks
3/20/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Never Gain Attention Through Victim Mentality - Hear This

We all know how difficult it is to become a famous celebrity. Some of them invest their half of their lifetime in building it. Victim mentality is a kind of behaviour, in which a person always try to make himself or herself stressed in something, that will make people show sympathy towards them. Being entitled as a victim can be felt by others because at last we all are human beings. But these people can even act during times when they are in the happiest state of mind. Way forward this can put those individuals into a very miserable condition causing goodwill to vanish. So never try to play with anyone’s emotions as this can hurt others too. You need to fight in a right manner or else you will have to lose. #Gain #Attention
3/19/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Too Much Caring About Addicted Person Can Kill You - Hear This

A parent who is not working or having a job will feel it easy. But it is not the same with people who are struggling on their daily job, while taking care of family. They are role model for many of us, and their daily struggles are need to be respected. Actually this happiness is formed in materialistic things. As said before that, when person is attracted to materialistic form of happiness, then it only remains for a temporary period of time. It can be visualised like if I get that thing I will be happy. Life never turns up into their manner. The person will form it as a very personal requirement, and will even forget emotions, humans, relationships just for its consumption. So before caring for such people know the serious consequences you will have to suffer. #Addiction #kill
3/17/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Growth Is When You Are Able To Accept Losses - Hear This

There are people who just enter businesses with the mindset of earning heavy profits, and when they lose their morale they regret. Just like a business there’s a lot of risk involved with our time and energy. You know how much important time is and when we push our energy we expect to gain benefits. And the question still lies that are you able to accept losses? When you are able to accept losses, then you are trying to understand that important move, which will arrive in the future. And in the future you might get to earn benefits by turning the move. So if you focus at the core of learning then this idea can gain a lot of profits. #Growth #Accept #Losses
3/9/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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People Stalk Because They Find Their Worth In Others - Hear This

Average people only think about their relationships because they find worth in happiness of others. Unfortunately the truth kicks them over and over again. But they never understand such signs at all. Whereas a person who is able to understand the mess in creating meaningless relationship never looks at the past. Average people find worth in their relationships and because of this tendency they trap themselves in toxicity. Whereas these active individuals maintain certain distance and never involve much since they have to focus on their work. It’s you who need to decide where your worth lies. #Stalk #Worth 
3/8/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Don’t Marry Someone On The Basis of Wealth - You Need To Hear This

It is said that you won’t be able to find a perfect human and similar is the case in marriages. But what we are not able to recognize is the values and behavior of the other person. Arrange marriages are mostly preferred, since it helps to minimize losses and to be in a well-settled environment. Remember that surplus amount of wealth is a part of luxury. It has nothing to do with values. If you are not able to recognize the person, then you shouldn’t move ahead, or else you will find yourself in a terrible mess. #Marriage #Wealth
3/2/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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The Ultimate Freedom Is Setting Free From Social Expectations - Hear This

Someone might expect us to be kind while the other person will say that we are not worthy, and then we get messed in this cycle. What we are doing is that following every individual’s opinion, and constantly pouring energy from one person to other in order to satisfy every person. The more you get involved the more those thoughts will entwine you. Societal pressures make our lives miserable, and if it is troubling you then you need to stay away from them. #Freedom #Free #Social #Expectations
3/1/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Always Complete Your Work On Time Or Regret Later - Hear This

People suffer because they try to skip the most important work at last. What lies more important is the time limit. Every task has a specific time limit. And if you don’t complete it within the limit then it will be a loss. Work according to your priorities because this will reduce your fear from being eliminated. Remember money is not the solution in every part of a problem. You have to act before it gets out from your hands. If you don’t want to regret later then take care of it now. #Complete #Work #Time
2/27/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Have Patience If You Want To Grow On A Consistent Basis - Hear This

When we are talking about self-improvements, then there is no term called explosive growth. It’s not like a business where a product gets viral quickly by marketing strategies. Some people are able to grow much quicker than others. There are different cases and sometimes the growth becomes rigid due to hindrances present in the middle of the way. We are not in a competition because this self-improvement is a marathon. It is not a sprint and that’s why we have to run on our pace. #Patience #Grow #Consistent
2/25/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Don’t Promise People About Your Aims – Achieve It Silently

A person who really wants to achieve something in life won’t ever tell others about it. And these are the people who believe in themselves, and don’t try to talk shit or share their goals with anyone. They don’t even share their goals with their close relationships. The reason behind this is that others then try to ruin them. Remember whatever you have told someone becomes a proof about your personality and your behaviour. And when we are not able to complete it on time, the same people turn their backs and criticize about our work. Working in silence will not only increase your chances, but also help you to stay low for achieving long term growth. #Promise #People #Aims
2/23/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Addictions Can Worsen Your Thoughts And Mentality - Hear This

Addicted people have one value in common that is repetition of a specific activity, and exponentially growing it with time. You have to accept it and there is no possible way to understand, how a person gets addicted. Before you try to make your life happier, know there are serious and deadly consequences lying ahead, than what you are thinking right now. If you have found yourself in this trap, then you need take necessary decision right now in right senses, or else the situation will become inevitable. #Addictions #Thoughts #Mentality
2/22/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Your Curiosity Is Enough Even If You Don’t Have Talents - Hear This

Previously it was said that if you have talents, then you don’t have to do much. Approach the necessary platform provider, and you will be able to make yourself famous. Though we think talents as the most important part, but in today’s competitive world exposure has gain much more importance. This is because of the competition. Since the competition has increased drastically, the demand for talents has decreased gradually. More than talents the amount of hard work you do in cracking out the way, to reach your platform is much more important. If you are curious enough to learn new things, then nothing can stop you from being successful. #Curiosity #Talents
2/21/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Diversify Your Time When You Are Nowhere – Don’t Get Attached

Diversification is not a new term and even if the company has a profile of lower risks but who has seen the future. Even big companies operate on the basis of the invested amount by the customers. It means that they have to clear the debts, and if it fails then there is no guarantee that your amount will be returned. The problem nowadays is that people are not aware about the concept called time management. This is because it needs to be adapted naturally. One has to think about this part or else it will become too late to achieve your ambitions. #Diversification #Time #Attached
2/20/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Don’t Get Disheartened If Your Plan Has Not Worked Accordingly - Hear This

At every second this happens with someone around you. So you can imagine that how many people suffer through failures. You are not only one but this happens at least once with every individual. And for a person to get experience he or she needs to experiment out different plans, and work hard which best suits the same. Even during the second plan the process might fail but this shouldn’t be a reason to give up. Not all plans will work and it totally depends on the conditions too. Remember that there are many people facing failures right now at every passing second. You should always keep yourself motivated that you are not alone in this journey. And this situation too will pass. #Disheartened #Plan #Work
2/19/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Never Discourage Others If You Haven’t Achieved it - Hear This

This is rising as a major concern for people, who are still trying hard to fulfil their ambitions, and struggling to achieve their goals. You will have to deal with a situation, where you will see others moving forward with great pace than what you had expected. If you are not able to achieve something, then don’t try to discourage others because they too have involved the same amount of struggles to move forward in life. It’s important to cheer for others and enjoy their success, the way we do it for ourselves. Instead of discouraging encourage them for the same. #Discourage #Achievement
2/16/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Your Laziness Can Become A Reason For Mental Stress – Change Your pattern

When we try to do something new it makes us feel excited, and creates happiness once it is completed. But completing it again and again can make those things boring. It’s common because doing one thing every day can even cause stress. Nowadays people care more about their physical relationships than peace of the mind. At last even these materialistic desires will become a problem for our life. You should understand your internal requirement, rather than being happy physically. What lies permanent is our mental peace and a healthy lifestyle. #Laziness #Stress #Mental
2/15/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Work For The Betterment Of Your Life – World Will Change

There’s a saying that don’t try to change the world, first try to improve yourself. There are lot of people who do social work in order to improve the society. But there is no use to involve your emotions on someone, who cannot change or understand the amount of pain, and struggle you are taking on them. What we call as our audience are nothing, but a myth that we believe in. A myth, which is associated with the influencing class of the society that our audience is everything. No one has to change the world because once we change ourselves the world will change its direction. That’s the only formula to make change possible. #Work #Betterment #World
2/13/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Take Risks Or Else You Will Live Average Life - You Need To Hear This

When you try to lower down risks, then remember you are missing the advantage of living a better life. You have to live life under someone else’s set of rules and policies. The main disadvantage of not taking risks is that you are not able to enjoy the freedom of life. Taking risks is very important nowadays because the competition has become fierce. You will have to get somewhere or else you will keep comforting yourself till the end. Remember that the greatest people have come through struggles, pain and most importantly their risk taking capacity. #Risks #Live #Average #Life
2/11/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Don’t be Judgemental By The External Beauty - Hear This

You might get attracted to the skin colour, clothes and the facial matter, but remember that you are trying to observe the external features. Comparing skin colour or facial matter can be seen as being racist, and even if they look better but that can cause a negative impact on your expectations. Most of the relationships don’t work because a person might feel that the other has not performed as per the desired expectation. It’s necessary that before you try to connect with people, discard all of your expectations. Judgements though might thought to be unworthy, but we realise it late, when the external beauty overpowers our expectations. Take care of what you perceive, and don’t try to create an issue with the person whom you are sharing a relationship. #Judgemental #External #Beauty
2/10/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Never Pour Your Time And Energy On Stubborn Humans - Hear This

Brainwashing is generally considered to be an unhealthy act but it can benefit people who are suffering through poor mental health. Unfortunately humans are using this technique to create violence, and tensions among innocents in order to make their lives miserable. You should analyse the way a person is easily triggered and takes decision in sudden. They lack understanding which remains obvious, but should we care for such people? Once in a lifetime you will find such type of people, and then they will turn their minds into some cheap ways. So know whom you are caring for because all of your expectations can die sudden. #Time #Energy #Stubborn
2/8/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Don’t try To Complicate When You Have Been Cheated - Hear This

When you personally take someone seriously, who has years of trust involved can still cheat no matter even if it is not his behavior. The reason behind this is we are humans, and a person doesn’t maintain a strong strategy to an unknown situation. Humans complicate their life and because of complications they are not able to enjoy their freedom. When people are cheated their frequency of negative thoughts almost gets multiplied. The only way to deal with them is to keep your feelings simple. Never hold or try to create complications, they will kill you in turn. #Complicate #Cheat 
2/6/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Don’t Be The Guardian of Anyone’s Feelings – Hear This

There is no one caring more than a parent because they know that they have invested a lot of time and hard work in them. The child might flourish or not, but the love of a parent never dies. When we grow up we try to connect with unknown people simply as a parent, and get involved in order to relieve their stress and societal pressures. And this is not generally free because we expect something from them that is in terms of their personal time, space and even their wealth. It’s best to not guard and get involved deep in such misconception because a lot of people fall into sudden depression when their expectations are not met. #Guardian #Feelings 
2/5/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Prove It To Yourself Not To Others - You Need To Hear This

I know this might be a very general case for everyone, since there are so many discouraging individuals around. We take in a hurtful way, when someone tries to criticize our hard work. Prove it to yourself because no one is left in this world who will be truly happy for your result. Even family members, relationships are only there for a necessary support. This is because everyone is busy in creating their life beautiful. So many of us think that success is proving others wrong, but actually for this long journey the real success is proving yourself right. #Prove #Yourself
2/4/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Love Your Enemies - They Are Your Biggest Motivation

Everyone needs motivation and we as humans take it from our elders and experienced professionals. This is because of the more amount of experience. There are several biggest role models in the world serving every competition out there, but they themselves were made at the position by their closest competitors. Most of the people have habit of getting motivated through the competitors around. And this is actually very helpful because this kind of motivation makes your mind stronger. Mental peace can get seriously affected if you take your competitors as unhealthy for your mind. Set yourself free from any kind of entitlement and work over yourself first. #Love #Enemies #Motivation
2/3/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Be Grateful About Your Present Resources - You Need To Hear This

When people don’t get to travel, they complain. When people don’t get their gifts and presents on time, they complain. And that is why they never get satisfied, no matter how much they are comforted. Though this might be wrong but this is the truth. We all have boundaries. One who has lived entire life in a peaceful and calm surrounding with nature, will never like to live in a place where crimes are common. Even if these are non-living things, they have certain value in the society just like money. And because of them we are surviving. We are not only surviving, but also thriving because of them. So be happy for having good amount of wealth and health at present. #Grateful #Present #Resources
2/2/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Forget The Past If You Want To Avoid Conflicts - You Need To Hear This

The best kind of humans are those who don’t fell into attachments, even if the past environment is against their growth. It doesn’t affect them because they remove people from their list, who act hurtful and don’t try to understand the reason behind the plan. That’s why one has to forget the past in order to grow. It’s because of the external environment one has to struggle a lot. And that’s why it is said that to mind your own business. #Conflicts #Forget #Past
2/1/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Don’t Use Your Freedom For Wrong Purpose - You Need To Hear This

Freedom can create a lot of healthy changes, if a person uses it for a good purpose. It is one of those most important elements not only for survival, but also for the overall development. A terrorist uses this freedom to destruct the lives of his own species. And this is done to gain peace, which is why freedom on other side can create a negative impact on lives of people. Don’t think that gaining freedom is always a right of humans, since it all depends on your purpose. If you are trying to create peace and growth then only it can be called as freedom. #Freedom #Wrong #Purpose 
1/30/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Keep Your Relationship Private From The External World - Hear This

A physical bond deals with body and physical satisfaction, which humans seek in order to control the stress level. Scars which are seen on a body can heal through the cells present but same is not the case with the mental and emotional trauma. Since very few relationships get to the point of success, and one’s who achieve heights are judged by such people around. Sharing your relationship status on online platforms is even more lethal than the offline ones. It’s better to play alone with a special one rather than involving everyone. And that is why it is truly said that work in silence let success make noise. #Relationship #Private #External #World
1/27/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Don’t Try To Force Positivity – It Needs To Come From Within

You might have attended a lot of seminars, which try to show their quick result strategies. They act aggressive externally, but within they are always weak. The audience never knows and gets entangled in that illusion through their speech. Have you ever tried to ask if that was the way to stay positive then why they aren’t happy with their lives? We all know that it is unanswerable but we need to also think about the time, we are wasting in such courses and seminars. People are able to manage their internal turmoil with a smile. And this is not okay for health, since they are trying to act fake. Positivity should always come from within. #Force #Positivity 
1/26/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Even If It Looks Impossible Don’t Quit - You Need To Hear This

More than half of the players in a game give up because they think they have already lost. This is a myth and even professionals still believe in this. Actually it’s not about winning or losing because we only think about them while working. When we watch through the television about the live events happening on the ground. People majorly vote on the basis of the score. If the target is beatable then most of the audience will choose someone, who has won several times in the game. People give reasons that the game is impossible to play, since it is not everyone’s piece of cake. And ultimately they have to quit without even working over it. So don’t lose your hopes early. You have to give the best to do impossible. #Impossible #Quit 
1/25/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Never Chase Relationships Instead Lead Them - You Need To Hear This

People think that social media is extremely useful because it helps them to keep constant eye on someone’s action. But have we ever tried to ask ourselves that why do we try to breach someone’s personal privacy. There are so many cheat cases happening around that we take extra precautions, so that person doesn’t deviate from promises. Actually such relationships only remain in terms of entitlement. Leading a relationship means giving equal amount of efforts, patience and time towards the bond. When such efforts go in vain, then it frustrates both of them. Stay independent and allow the bond to grow by itself. #Relationships #Chase #Lead
1/24/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Don’t Depend On Any Kind Of Relationship - You Need To Hear This

None of us are stable and even if it is true, but at some phase of our life there can be incidents happening which can make us unstable. Basically it’s not the perspective, but our intensive attachments which affect our mind, thoughts and even our mental health. Our mind is unique and it can quickly set an aim without even thinking about the future. We need to take care of ourselves, since it is impossible to do when we fall over such dependence. It can be any relationship we need to always be ready to step back. #Dependence #Relationship  
1/23/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Don’t Depend Upon Government To Make Your Life Simpler - Hear This

Every country is run by a Government or there can be a supreme leader. Most of the people say that such differences can create a vast variation in their earnings, lifestyle, health and many other things. This is because we feel that we have voted for them, and they haven’t done anything in return. We pay heavy taxes and they make use of money in some unworthy use. We always see the negative side of the Government, and then we flip our mind in next elections. Actually we shouldn’t depend on a Government to make our lives better or beautiful, because it’s not in their hands. And even if they do, but it won’t be possible to match your expectations. We need to be flexible with ourselves because we own freedom. #Government #Depend #Life #Simple
1/21/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Intelligence Quotient Doesn’t Mean Emotional Stability - Hear This

One might have higher level of intelligence, but it is not the same with the EQ. The technology has grown up, and at same time some of the products are in surplus. It’s harming the environment as well as our lifestyle. The problems with relationships are on rise because people are not focusing on their emotional quotient. There is a lot of satisfaction in terms of brainwork, but it is not the same with our emotions. Humans nowadays are facing frustrations in relationships and not in the technology, since no one has found out solution over it. Relationships can only be maintained by the way you communicate, the way you try to match feelings and the way you relate. Remember that life will become better if you are emotionally mature. #Intelligence #Quotient #Emotional #Stability
1/20/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Make Your Own Meal Even If Someone Offers You - You Need To Hear This

If we are comfortable with someone, we will tend to form a relationship. If we are not comfortable, then we won’t even try to do so. Humans are known to make things complex. Most of us have that tendency when we offer something to someone, we expect them to at least say Thank You for the same. No matter whatever that thing might be but in order to get some satisfaction, we expect that the person should complement it. All we can do is prepare our own meal no matter even if we are starving. This is because the behaviour of human changes with time, and we never know who is carrying grudges. It’s better to deny such offers and create it by yourself. #Meal #Offering
1/19/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Don’t Get Tempted Over Growth Hacks – They Aren’t True

No one likes to struggle, until the person is sure it actually works. When we find out a particular method to solve a problem. We try out the method to solve the problem, but no matter how much we try it doesn’t work. Like us there are several individuals who are also on that similar phase of struggle. Since they are unstable thus this finds an opportunity for the businesses to set in. Growth hacks will always make humans tempted to find solution to solve their problems. This happens because we can’t wait for a longer period of time than usual. Actually there is no technique when it comes to hard work. It always require your pure efforts. #Tempted #Growth #Hacks
1/18/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Be Honest With What You Promise - You Need To Hear This

Some people smartly take advantage of emotional and sensitive individuals and try to cheat with them. Being honest is best but it all depends on the person. Actually it all depends on the character of that individual because no matter how much bad the situation might be, he or she will resist change. Now when it comes to fulfilling promises it’s tough, since we directly create them without even trying to understand the situation. Promise is a very respectful decision because there is lots of trust involved between people. That trust is necessary to maintain a promise, or else it will never be called as a promise. We cannot play with promises especially when they are made into contractual agreements, and that’s why we need to be honest with ourselves first. Or else we will have to suffer for longer period of time. #Honest #Promise 
1/16/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Your Grudge Will Hinder Your Growth – Forgiveness Is Must

When we are told by someone to change, we take that suggestion in an insulted way. Negative emotions and positive thoughts can never be formed at the same time. Nowadays a lot of people go through such situation apart from office workers who suffer every day. It is fine to go through such phase, but we need to understand that if we hold on feelings, and keep them repeating again and again, then it can cause a negative impact on ourselves. People will always respect a person who has a high level of thinking, and at the same time has a very humble behaviour. At last the ultimate peace is forgiveness itself. #Grudge #Hinder #Growth
1/15/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Don’t Hold Grudges Instead Seek Motivation – Be Mature

People choose this way because they feel hurt as their emotions are hurt. And when they are hurt, they don’t try to understand the other’s point of view. Grudge itself defines a term, where we hold on negative emotion for a long period of time. This basically takes place when we put too much weight over our ego, which ultimately harms our thought process. This not only shows a sense of maturity, but we also get to know that such kind of emotions cause serious destruction. At last we are human beings and we won’t be able to hold grudges for the entire lifetime. Because if we do so then we are at loss. #Hold #Grudges #Seek #Motivation
1/14/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Time Won’t Wait For You To Learn - Act Before It's Too Late

A lot of people do this mistake that they don’t try to learn or adapt, when they come across a concept or a thought. Sometimes these thoughts become an essential part of life and during the upcoming years it can be a very useful tool to tackle problems. If we don’t take right actions at that time, then we will not be able to survive the drastic changes in the society, which we are even facing right now. When we come across ideas, we reject them or try to postpone the learning because of our fixed schedules, work and the only reason remains is lack of time. Learning will save your efforts, time and make you smarter, always remember. #Time #Learn #Wait #ActNow
1/13/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Every Job Is Dangerous – Don’t Think About Comfort

Managers, CEO’S, directors, assistant managers are thought to be one of the most prestigious positions of a company. The main difference between the lower category workers, and the managerial position is educational qualifications as well as the amount of knowledge. They have to produce results and that is what their main responsibility is. If the results are not according to the expectations then they are troubled for the same. So there is not much difference between these positions in any of the sector. Don’t think about comfort because none of those jobs are simple. In order to gain something we have to lose our part. #Job #Dangerous #Comfort
1/12/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Don’t Hold On Someone Who Is Draining Your Energy - Hear This

Some people are just like quicksand, nice, charming and kind through the looks, but deep inside they are filled with hatred and guilt. While they might seem to be excellent at first meet, but when we spend some amount of time with them, the problem gets out of our hands. There are certain stories, in which a person tries to motivate the other one whom he or she loves, but instead of improving such individuals take undue benefits from them. We can never say such love stories will be successful because the source itself sucks the positive energy from the individual. They hold on that person with a slight hope of improvement. So there is no value on holding such people since you will be at loss. Fall back before those thoughts conquer. #Hold #Drain #Energy
1/11/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Your Hopes Are Dependent On Your Actions - You Need To Hear This

Hopes are not physically placed anywhere, since we have generally idealised it as an emotion. Most of the people just rely on their hopes, and wait for the right to come. They wait for so long that they never think about how these hopes work. Everything has a specific time limit, and if that time limit is crossed hopes die themselves. We don’t have control over them and neither on us. If you want to survive in that time period you have to fuel your hopes that is you need to act accordingly. No one can leave their hopes in the silence. If someone tries to do so then he has to wait for a long time period till all the hopes die. #Hopes #Dependent #Actions
1/10/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Maturity Is When You Realise You Can Be Better - You Need To Hear This

We are like algorithm in which we perform set tasks as per the data fed in the system. None of us are actually mature because we are forced to act like robots. This is all happening because of our old habits. They are ruining our mentality. And most importantly even after growing old, people never realise that they are actually making their life look like shit. Knowledge is just for realization that a process takes place in a certain manner. No one tries to ask that why do things take in place in this manner only. No one tries to ask that what they will do with the information. Maturity is scraping down the traditional old beliefs and developing the thought process. #Maturity #Realise #Better
1/9/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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New Year’s Resolution Is A Shit - You Need To Hear This

Making a New Year’s Resolution has become a tradition especially for those people, who can’t remain firm on their decisions.  Though they might follow it for a specific period of time, but in the longer run their productivity standards always remain zero. Many people have this misconception that a fresh start is going to help them a lot. Such people can never achieve their aims because they waste their time each and every year. New Year’s resolution is only going to make temporary changes, and once your release the button you will get back to the original state. So in order to change you need to act right now and not wait for New Year to make it happen. #Resolution #Shit #NewYear 
1/7/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Be Lenient While Checking Your Growth Result - Hear This

Everyone is running behind growth, but very handful of people realise that they are truly evolving. This is because we humans never analyse our results. The way we had performed in previous years, can be a very crucial data to understand what is happening in the actual life. Actually we shouldn’t convince people, because it is the reality which is going to judge you. If you believe in your work people will ultimately believe you. Being truthful is the most important value if you are working hard towards your growth. #Lenient #Check #Growth #Results  
1/6/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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You Cannot Hold Success For Your Entire Lifetime - You Need To Hear This

A lot of people will ignore this, but analysts and future thinkers will always think about this in advance. As said that time and money waits for no man. Similar is the tragedy of success. Success in true meaning is not identified by the amount of time you have spent with it. People avoid failure, because they don’t want to be crumbled inside misery. Actually money itself gets attracted to success. Where there is growth there are investments. Those investments create wealth. Don’t worry about your needs, focus on your work first. #Succeess #Lifetime
1/5/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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World Won’t Change By Your Opinion – Start Acting Now

Sometimes people give suggestions because they had failed in that course, and in order to safe guard others they spill their thoughts. Though it might be mixed with painful feelings, but that doesn’t mean the amateur will also experience the same feeling. There can be a time if you suggest someone different path, and if they get success what they were aiming for, then you might be called as a toxic person. Like you there can be thousands of people around someone who might act as discouraging. World won’t be changing by your opinions, since we all are unique and special in our manner. #Opinion #Actnow
1/3/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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You Won’t Always Be Able To Hide Secrets - You Need To Hear This

It is said that even the most hidden truth, which has seen by no one can be revealed. Even if it is not seen but we as humans are able to find it out. The value of curiosity is one of the most interesting aspect of a human being. In today’s culture there is no control on our emotions, our mentality and the way we talk to others. We are so much involved with other people, that we don’t think of keeping secrets as private. Privacy is slowly degrading because of our mentality and curiosity. If these two values are under some proper control, then we can limit ourselves from disclosing and interfering in someone’s private life. #Hide #Secrets
1/2/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Never Quit Even If It Is Tough To Maintain Growth - Hear This

When it comes to personal growth, you won’t be able to concentrate for a longer duration. This is because we are humans. And since we are humans we have to get tired. People quit because they lose their momentum very quickly. Discipline though plays an important role, but more than that it’s really important to give time to yourself from that daily routine. . Even if you love doing your work, but you won’t always be able to work your butts off. People complain that they had to quit, just because they felt tired to carry on their work. These thoughts create only because of mental health issue. #Quit #Maintain #Growth 
1/1/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Never Try To Manipulate In Order To Grow - You Need To Hear This

No matter how much knowledge or judgemental you are, no one has ever predicted the market will turn in their manner. This is because it is so huge that at every second it changes. We can plan so much to an extent where our judgements might seem to be right according to our thoughts, but this isn’t true when emotions are playing role. If you try to manipulate it, then it will be out of your boundaries in no time. People have freedom to spend their money, and they will love something only when they get personally attached to it. #Manipulate #Growth 
12/31/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Don’t Limit Your Growth In Traditional Environment - You Need To Hear This

The traditional environment is more about exchanging thoughts, which are limited to the mentality of people. It means that people exchange similar kind of thoughts, which is said to be involving with that environment. Though being alone might look like tough, but there is no other way in life to grow. Just think why do those people never ever deviate from their culture in order to become something. More than that mess self-realization is of greatest important. There are people who have come through that kind of environment, where there is no development at all, but still they are one of the richest people alive. #Limit #Growth #Traditional #Environment
12/28/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Don’t Just Wait For The Right Time To Come - You Need To Hear This

People often confuse that when their net worth increases with time, they are called as successful. Time is money but more importantly, it is not just about money. When we are earning we require enjoyment, a family, relationships, hobbies and equal amount of overall happiness. We need to remember ourselves that smart investment is not just about money, but its equal distribution of energy, time and your actions into every part of life. There is nothing more important than being happy with life. #Right #Time #Wait
12/26/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Never Try To Mask The Truth In Your White Lies - You Need To Hear This

It’s even difficult to imagine how many lies every individual living on this planet use daily. This is applicable with the young developing generation, who are using online social and dating apps to meet their needs. Even if you try to destroy it but someone will find it. As it is said that honesty is the best policy, which is true for everyone no matter how much rich or intelligent he or she might be. Remember that your truth can save this planet to withstand the burden of lies. Don’t be afraid to speak truth no matter what consequences you have to face. #Mask #Truth #WhiteLies 
12/24/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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A Single Person Cannot Judge Your Final Results - You Need To Hear This

A person whom you believe having those judgemental qualities, won’t be able to decide it’s potential. What happens is that people, who are new to something, only think about taking suggestions from a person, who has certain amount of knowledge. But that never determines the main potential of your work. Sometimes there are even multiple rejections for a great work. But then too there are lot of stories, which have become successful. A single human being can hardly identify the real potential of your work, because it is never in his hands.  Remember that every rejection is a form of motivation in the reality. #Judgements #Results
12/23/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Never Let Your Success Be Caged For The Sake Of Money - Hear This

Even the most intelligent candidate use thinking, in order to grow and tackle interview situations, where he or she has to show a good amount of positive impression in the interviewer’s vision. You might purchase or buy anything you want, only when you have money. And that money comes through restriction within your daily routine. Even in those twenty four hours, more than half of the time is spent doing nothing productive. We keep ourselves affixed in those busy schedules just to earn some incentives. That is how we all degrade our lives. So before you think it as success remember about the routine, which you are playing with. It’s degrading your life. #Cage #Sake #Money 
12/22/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Never Force Anyone To Build Relationship With You - You Need To Hear This

Your behavior can have impact on someone’s impression and because of that sudden wrong impression, relationships broke up. The problem is with our ideology, that since others have created relationship, then why not me. We want others to observe our status, just like how the trend is going. Without understanding and purpose relationships won’t even survive. There are some kind of people who build relationships, just to make benefits or to fulfil their desires. The more you are flexible, the better will be the bond. The way we are comfortable with our friends, in the similar manner we should be comfortable with our partners. #Force #Build #Relationships 
12/19/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Passing Versus Flourishing Mentality – Know the Difference

There are two categories of people in an exam hall. The number one are those, who aim to pass with the minimum marks. They always think about a particular score and prepare for the same. And the second category consist of students, who aim to score the maximum marks. These two categories have same physical structure, but totally different mindset. . A person who is satisfied with passing marks won’t even think of high targets. And that’s why their growth always remain constant with time. Don’t be under wrong impression that skills and talents will make you successful. They can become part of success, but people who want to flourish never settle for less. #Pass #Flourish #Mentality
12/18/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Don’t Just Think Of Money And Fame All The Time

In the name of money and fame, we are taking our values for granted. Just like what happens with a balloon, when it is released in the open air. Our values too can vanish out in matter of time. People focus on their money and fame and forget about their values. The time period we are given is same, and in that time we have to focus on our personal growth. Change is not something related with your talent. It is related to your values. The way you behave, the way you act and the way you think, this all is going to affect your life. #Money #Fame #Time
12/17/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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We Have Great Ambitions But No Time To Fulfil It - Hear This

It might be funny but it is actually the reality. Time is the only element that can neither be confiscated nor robbed by anyone. This leads to supposition and we might think that it is right, but in reality it is never true. The similar case happens with our ambitions. When we think that this is the right way, but definitely it doesn’t happen as per our expectations. Time is not a constraint, since every individual on this planet is blessed with twenty four hours of day. We need to set priorities for our work, and then see you will be amazed by your results. #Ambitions #Time #Fulfil #Great
12/9/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Money Can Never Buy Your Talents Until You Do So - Hear This

Though there might be still some countries, suffering through poor literacy rate, but as per the current growth, almost every country has accomplished the target of providing a good amount of education. There are people who are enough talented, but feel shy of getting out from their comfortable place. A decade ago it was said that, there are lack of candidates to take advantage of those brilliant opportunities. And now the current situation is turned such that because of the competition almost every opportunity is filling out. It’s important to look back, and think what we are doing with life. #Money #Buy #Talents
12/6/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Maintain Some Personal Space In Your Life – Sign Of Maturity

Have you ever seen your mom or dad putting restrictions for using their personal belongings? When we take those things for some reason, they might feel it as touching over their privacy. It can be also called as personal space and it’s very important to maintain. There are two emotions involved, the first one is the pain or struggle we go through to achieve it. And the second one is the amount of patience we invest. When they start working and start feeling the intensity of pain, then they never think of sharing privacy. And that is the time they deviate and maintain boundaries. #Maturity #Personalspace #Life
12/4/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Deviate From Unhealthy Relationships - Know Your Worth

Nowadays relationships are created in order to get an entitlement. Just like what we see on social media platforms, people are also practising it in reality. Humans cannot lead their life in an organize way, and that’s why they step out of their boundaries, in order to feed and comfort people around. Happiness is not in a relationship rather it is in the form of love and Peace. Time is money and the way you use it will define your output. #Relationships #Unhealthy
12/3/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Don’t Wait For Someone To Motivate You – The Bitter Truth

We will always like to intake motivation from someone, who can make their ideas feel related to our day to day life, and also understands our problems. Just listening to words and getting inspired won’t help you at all. You need to also understand the power of wisdom. A proper wisdom can gain access to deeper insights and will thrill you out, about dark and bright sides of life. Just imagine what will happen if the person who motivates us the most is no more? We can’t even imagine being lonely or without them. The bitter truth is that none of us will survive forever. #Motivation #Bitter #Truth
12/2/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Toxic People Are The Main Emotional Triggers - You Need To Hear This

Our tradition might be different, but no one supports violence as it causes problems. We all are humans, but at a certain limit we too need time for self-care, and maintaining a good mental stability. You will never understand that someone is toxic, until they pass through their limits. It’s all about engagement and the community you are involving yourself. Similar is the community we are living with. If your family is shaped in such a manner that they support violence, then you too might get infected by their toxic thoughts. #Toxic #People #Emotional #Triggers
11/30/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Never Get Too Close To Strangers – Advice For Peace Finders

When we were child we knew that taking a chocolate or talking with an unknown person is dangerous. But now when we grow up and become a responsible person, then why we are not able to sense the danger. We have changed our aim and finding peace in lust and physical love. But what we were told by our grandparents and ancestors still lies true because we are just physically mature. Even the closest person you feel like sharing thoughts or ideas, are also not the true soul mates. We are still immature like the small children, because we think of finding peace by staying close to strangers. #Peace #Strangers #Advice 
11/28/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Never Stop To Work Over Your Passion – Sky Is Not The Limit

One should never stop to work or try to limit work, for the sake of enjoyment and fun. We must maintain boundaries with people, and not with our passion. An achievement is a physical certificate that only gives a temporary satisfaction. Actually beyond achievement lies our strong desire to work. The problem is that, we think that after achieving certain goals and targets of our life, we think that we are done. Don’t be a coward and hold your feelings over your status. We need to move on because some or another day, there will always be someone formed who will break your record. #Stop #Work #Passion #Limit
11/27/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Friendships Are Not Your Personal Comfort Zones – Humans Change

We enjoy the amount of freedom we get while discussing with friends. That is not same with our seniors or elders. The point is that when we have more amount of freedom, we can misuse someone else’s personal property. Some friendships lie only in terms of give and take basis. Humans though might be nice, but when it comes to disputes and conflicts, they change their minds quickly. Everyone has to earn benefits, and they look over themselves first. Don’t be too much comfortable with people because these boundaries are important. #Friendships #Personal #Comfortzones 
11/24/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Never Jump On Conclusions Too Early - You Need To Read This

Nowadays people judge too quickly, and that is why it is giving rise to assumptions. Without having any actual proof or a fact, they feel about that person according to that though or idea. No one has patience to take time in order to think and get towards conclusion. The competition is vast and moderators have hardly any time to check the truth. While fighting for something or someone, you might lose down and feel tired of multiple rejections. Patience and consistency have become so much important in this world, that only few people are able to achieve it. One shouldn’t think of the finish line, and work hard over again. Never dream to touch finish line and keep trying hard. #Jump #Early #Conclusion
11/22/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Anger Management – The Main Problem Of The Society

A larger section of the society might have heard this term, but very few of them try to understand it. People want to resolve it, but they hardly get anytime to take necessary steps. They are so much busy on their regular jobs and duties, that someday the mind might burst out its temper all at once. Educated people are felt to be uneducated, just because of their attitude. Due to lack of emotional and mental understanding, we are becoming trap of our own thoughts. #Anger #Management #Problem #Society
11/21/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Don’t Get Attracted To Positive Unworthy Thoughts Easily - Hear This

There are people who show positive attitude from the outside, but fail to preserve it from inside. Nowadays there are scams happening through content creation. Cheaters are using copyrighted content in order to earn money, and this is done through a series of white lies. There is no solution to this kind of problem, because we ourselves need to understand, what is right and what is wrong. We need to understand the reality behind the false, and the audience themselves need to be smarter. #Attraction #Positive #Unworthy
11/20/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Practice Kindness Even If You Are Angry - You Need To Hear This

When we perform such actions during public occasions or in function, the observers will of course catch those initial moments, and decide in the first impression. They might think about you as that kind of person, and as a common human tendency, you might get angry with yourself. We feel like hurting someone by talking bad about them, in order to recreate peace. Kindness is dissolving just because of this issue, and it is leading people to find unworthy ways, in order to pull down people who are working to achieve success. Don’t let others suffer, just because you were treated in that manner. Keep your surrounding always positive. #Practice #Kindness #Angry
11/19/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Assumptions Are Your Unworthy Illusions - You Need To Hear This

So assumptions are basically imaginations or thoughts without any proofs. And trust me, it can lead to the most destructing part of your life. No matter how much intelligent you might be, but there are certain processes happening in your body, which forces you to follow that pattern. Remember nothing works best without using your brains. Thinking is important part of judgements, but you need to think in the right manner, without differentiating based on feelings. #Assumptions #MentalHealth
11/18/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Never Force Someone To Love You - Hear This

Have you ever seen a person, forcing the other one to love him or her? It definitely happens with males, who always want their female partner to love them as per their expectations. Many partners try to force the other one in order to love them, rather than evolving it in a natural way. Forced love is a kind of crime according to the natural law. If you go against the natural law, then it will in turn be harmful for the doer. An egoistic and forceful minded person or a calm and full of wisdom. It totally depends on what you choose. #Force #Love 
11/17/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Even Oldest Masters Are Not Perfect – Update is Requirement

At every second the technology is updating, there are more number of things to learn, and eventually the techniques too are changing. Even the oldest master cannot be called as perfect, because he or she never knows how many concepts are arising daily. And it is our responsibility to pass on the updated knowledge. Though it might remain the same, but if we don’t update ourselves thoroughly, then in a contrary manner we will be called as uneducated. #Masters #Oldest #Perfection
11/15/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Always Appreciate Your Parents - You Need To Hear This

There are kids who die just because of hunger. There are millions of kids around the world, who are malnourished and hardly get something to eat. They take care of them even after being attacked through terrorism and violence. The child and parent relationship is one of the purest form of bond. A major portion of appreciation and respect, should always be towards our parents first. We need to respect that bond between a parent and child because they are the creators of this entire planet which we call earth. #Appreciate #Parents 
11/14/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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You Become What You Choose - You Need To Hear This

There are innumerable number of ways, and everyday these ways go on increasing. While dealing between truth and false, we can settle in the trap of choosing the option to cheat. While dealing with options it also depends upon your intention. If you are intentionally doing it, then forcibly you have to choose it. Remember one way to decide a character of a person in a more accurate manner, is to understand how many times a person chooses that same option. #Choose #Option
11/13/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Never Settle For Less – You Always Deserve More

People think that this work or job is their real value, and they only dream of achieving that particular thing. You might feel it as successful but actually it’s still unworthy, or its value will get decrease after sometime. When you think that you deserve less, you are actually degrading your self-respect in your vision, as well as that of others. You always deserve more than those low quality thoughts. Everyone want to be settled as early as possible, but very few of them actually do it. #Settle #Less #Deserve 
11/12/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Caring About Others Thoughts Will Always Kill Your Happiness - Hear This

No matter how much better you might be, people will perceive what they will observe. You will take care of their thinking, but deep inside they will start taking you in some other way. It seems to be quite hurting, but we need to understand that this is the reality and absolute truth. The more you try to imagine and think about others thoughts, the more toxic it will be for your expectations. Reality is you will definitely be unhappy, if you always think about others thoughts. #Care #Thoughts #Kill #Happiness
11/11/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Be Aware About Your Responsibilities - You Need To Hear This

Responsible citizen doesn’t mean controlling or directing people, but it is informing and educating others about the same. If we are not responsible over small things, then how can we be responsible over our life? But in such mess up and inactive world there are few people, who are also thinking about others as well as their future. If you are aware of your responsibilities and fulfil them successfully, then you have almost achieved your purpose. At last it’s your responsibilities which is going to fulfil your purpose of life. #Awareness #Responsibilities 
11/10/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Never Criticize People Through Their Achievements - You Need To Hear This

Remember that no matter how much you work hard for attracting fame and money, but your respect will always be lowered, if you keep a dominant and supreme attitude towards others. Because of the audience, so many opportunities are coming, and that is how our value increases. You might feel like it is a kind of competition, and your answer might turn bitter. Every successful individual who is alive has to go through that process. They have to start from the scratch, and that is why they grow at such substantial amount. At last you need to understand, and keep in mind that no one has ever achieved by criticizing others. #Criticize #People #Achievements 
11/9/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Never Let Your Relationships Decide Your Fate - You Need To Hear This

The most common misunderstanding that is going through every individual’s mind is that their relationships or parents shape their destinies. Not only that but most of the people get inspired because of their friend circle or relationships, and they make it as their purpose of their life. We feel that it is so good, when someone calls through that name. Your relationship can never and will never ever decide your fate. Trust in your work because that is the only way for your fate to be accomplished. #Relationships #Decision #Fate #Decide
11/8/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Never Stop Helping People No Matter How They React - Hear This

Scam is the single and most important reason for good people, to avoid stepping forward for help. In some scams, people are emotionally and mentally trapped by providing donations, to some random group of people. There are people who want to offer help, but they fear of being reacted in a cheap way. Certain stories have such tragic endings that even after getting helped from that poor situation, they only think about themselves. The criticizing community will only criticize, because they don’t have any purpose other than that. It is so important, to keep yourself going with that helping attitude. #Help #Matter #React
11/7/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Never Lose Excitement In Your Passion – Keep It Consistent

A human cannot withstand over his past mistakes and wrong decisions, therefore he changes his decisions as he passes through several failures. They step on it in order to earn more amount of money or to gain fame instantly. A lot of people misunderstand the value of passion. What you had showed during your initial stages should be continued throughout your journey. What you love needs to be consistent, or else you should start thinking about something else. #Excitement #Passion #Consistent
11/6/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Never Argue With Cheap Minded People – They Love To Poke

Childhood is the basic stage where a lot of changes can happen, and if a parent teaches wrong habits or actions, then it can easily get converted into long term values. That same child will carry out those values in the future too. When you meet these type of people it is better to deviate and part your way from them. They radiate negative energy around them. Arguments never lead to a result or conclusion, and even after knowing it, they do it because they feel contented. #Argument #Cheap #Mentality
11/4/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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You Will Never Be Able To Find Happiness In Humans - Hear This

A lot of incidents have happened in which someone betrays other, in order to steal the entire benefits leading to disputes and fights. You cannot trust humans when it comes to money. Similarly relationships go through such situation, ultimately making it to divorce and breakups. Absolutely there is no solution to this problem because we can never change someone’s mindset. We don’t have the remote control of their thoughts. And this is all happening because of our desire to find happiness in people around. #Happiness #Humans 
11/3/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Always Help Never Lend – Know The Difference

Lending means to grant the use of property through an understanding and agreement that it will be returned as per the expectation. On the other hand, helping means to ease someone’s actual struggle. One doesn’t expect something when he or she truly wants to help. Most of the people try to lend things in order to earn benefits when returned. Remember if you want to help someone, then never expect something in return because it will lead to hunger. #Help #Lend #Difference 
11/2/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Always Remind Yourself That You Are Blessed To Live - Hear This

During the journey of this life you will meet people who are always complaining about the frustrations and problems they are facing in life. And you will meet people who are turning issues into opportunity. It's important to stay happy no matter how many problems pop up in life. Always remind yourself that life is a beautiful journey. #Reminder #Blessed #Life
11/1/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Don’t Think About Winning Prizes – Short Term Mindset

A small child wishes can be fulfilled because he seems to look cute and requires some support to grow. But that is not the same case with the adulthood. As we grow, our wants become complex and that is why we no longer want to play with those small gifts or toys. If we want to get profit, then we need to first educate ourselves, and learn to invest in something which can help us in our long term growth. People who play for short term needs never grow because their mindset only dwells in achieving prizes. So always focus on achieving long term goals. #Child #Mindset #Win #Prizes 
10/31/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Addictions Can Trigger Your Mental Health - You Need To Hear This

Stuffs like weed, alcohol, cigarettes are consumed on daily basis in order to control frustration that is caused due to the presence of triggers around. Basically they consume such stuffs in order to heal their wounds, which had caused in their past. It controls their mind because it releases stress and they feel a temporary relief. When frustrations arise again, they use it again and slowly it forms and addiction. And that is what addictions do. It triggers and disturbs our overall system. Stop consuming it from today itself. #Addictions #Trigger #Mentalhealth
10/30/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Never Take Chance If You Don’t Believe In It - Hear This

When we experiments with the things around, the outcome can be success or failure. But you need to understand that if you don’t experiment, you won’t get any outcome. If they just emotionally feel that the idea will be success, then they never step back and that is where they go wrong. If you don’t believe in that particular matter then never move ahead because a slightest doubt can become a complete failure. Never think an idea as a chance, always see it as an opportunity because that is what success means. #Chance #Believe 
10/29/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Life Will Always Give You Lemons - You Need To Hear This

When life throws lemons, it can become a question to what to do with them. Will you create lemonade in order to get energy to step on the further journey, or will you dispose them. When we are working from the scratch, trying to build a new platform for ourselves, there will be people who might have negative opinions about it. . No matter how much rich or talented you are, but life is a system and in this system one has to suffer. We always dream for a particular goal, but in that environment a lot of people are aiming the same thing. #Life #Lemons
10/28/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Never Sell Yourself For Making Money - You Need To Hear This

If you divide that fixed monthly salary as per day to day basis, then you will look at yourself none other than a daily wage maker. When it comes to position, people think that a managerial position is definitely a very important one. But no it can be never be that important, because they too are paid a fixed monthly salary. No matter how much high paying job you get, but once you are under someone’s control, you need to follow their rules. Our positions are just changing, but our mindset is always remaining same. You can also say that we are selling ourselves in exchange of money. #Sell #Money 
10/27/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Never Get Attached No Matter How Much You Love Them - Hear This

When our perspective or thinking doesn’t match we often point out to them for not understanding us. Values makes us different, and most importantly every person has different attitude. If an individual has an ego, then no one has power to change him. Since that person doesn’t show as per our expectation, we will start regretting for loving them too much. But actually this love won’t matter to them because there is lack of feeling in that person for your perspective. So it is better to wait and let them change by themselves. #Attachments #Love
10/26/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Don’t Waste Your Time In Serving Unworthy Relationships

People who are not satisfied by their relationships, seek comfort through other individuals who are close to them. This digital age is improving our lives drastically, but still we are not able to find purpose of our life. And they only set those small goals in this long term game. Humans cannot lead their life in an organize way and that’s why they step out of their boundaries, in order to feed and comfort people around. Unworthy relationships serve each other only till they meet their needs. Don’t serve yourself in an unworthy relationship because that is absolutely not your worth. #Waste #Time #Unworthy #Relationships
10/24/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Don’t Chase Over Success – Be Mature

We think that opportunities are lying within a particular section of the society or they are inside a hierarchy of the organization. We think that success is in the form of materialistic things like winning prizes, medals, certificates and most importantly money. Maturity doesn’t have to do with age or the amount of knowledge, but it is created through our experience and judgements. A job seeker will only have vision of achieving a seat, but a business minded person will think about potential and achieving bigger things in life. #Opportunities #Success #Mature
10/23/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Choose Your Group Wisely - You Need To Hear This

Spending time has a lot to do with mental health and what thoughts you generate in those twenty-four hours of day. Let me tell you that your mindset can change within few months if you change your group, or select specific people with whom you want to spend your time. Unworthy thoughts are the ones, we discuss with our close people, but remember these are the ones, which will never help you to live with kindness. It’s important to spend time with those specific people, who think positively. It’s important to be mindful while choosing your group because these are the ones who will be going to affect your mindset. #Mindset
10/22/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Faith Versus Blind Faith – Know The Difference

When it comes to blind faith, it is related to half-knowledge, or lack of understanding about a particular concept. We never observe the way people follow their passion, even during those hardships. We never see those lows, which they had suffer through. If we don’t believe in what we are doing or performing, then we won’t get positive results. Positive results are obtained only when we have faith in it, and that is how faith plays a very crucial role in our life. . Remember that having faith in something is okay, but keeping blind faith can become a great disaster. #Faith #Blindfaith 
10/21/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Everyone Has A Different Perspective – Humans Are Immature

There are lot of people who are shaped in a mindset to produce hatred, and to create a violent environment. And that is why, we need to first think about whom to be involved with at a very first place. When we try to help others, there are times due to difference in human nature that we are not able to understand that what they are really suffering through. Every individual has their own perspective, and we need to respect it. #Different #Perspective #Immature #Human 
10/20/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Keep Positive Environment Around You - Thoughts Shape You

It’s important to maintain a peaceful surrounding, which is favorable for working, and that will help you to build yourself further. A right environment is so necessary because it will not only help you grow, but even your dreams or goals for which you are working for day and night, will also get fulfilled. The problem with today’s society is that, the fresh and innovate thinkers get mixed up with negative thinkers. #Positive #Environment #Thoughts
10/18/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Your Current Situation Won't Decide Your Future - Change Is Necessity

Whenever we feel like we have succeeded over something, then that only remains for a limited period of time because that is what we call as life. A very common difference between successful people, and normal or average individuals are the hopes. Average individuals build great hopes than what they actually do, whereas successful don’t build hopes. Don’t stop at a particular time because of those temptations that are revolving around your mind. #Situation #Future
10/16/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Never Laugh On Others - Don't Follow The Unworthy Trend

We might have heard this thousands or millions of times, from our teachers or our parents, who always tell us to never make fun of someone. Making fun of people can actually hurt us, because in future, we might too be in that similar situation. Making fun of someone can lead to hurting intensions because our thoughts reveal our identity. Remember, there will be a time you will appreciate yourself, for successfully handling those situations, because of learning through someone’s mistake. #Mistakes #Learning
10/15/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Don’t Become Slave Of Your Own Thoughts - Hear This

The mentality of the young people is degrading drastically. There are so many harassments, abuse, threats, emotional and mental abuse going on in this world that even the sensitive people are turning wild. The number of frauds are increasing day by day and hardworking community is suffering in the long run. Mental health is not only an issue, but it is also affecting the mentality of the future generations. Stop playing with your mind because it is leading your life. #Thoughts #Slave
10/14/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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We Are Bless With Flaws – Imperfection Exists

Our eyes perceive what we see around, and in turn it feels flawless. It is said that a person is not always happy, the way he or she is showed on social media. When we see those movies repeatedly, we get attached to those thoughts and forget about the truth. The system is created in such a manner that we are required to be in constant struggles. Struggles come up because of our flaws and you should actually feel blessed about yourself. #Flaws #Imperfection #Blessed
10/13/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Stay Away From Toxic Expectations - Hear This

We try to connect our lives through those movies and animated films, and of course there will be a certain kind of expectation. When we are new to something or when we meet someone, we first of all observe them through their looks, and not through their attitude or behavior. Such expectations are very toxic and we can also say that, we need to deviate from such kind of relationships and expectations #StayAway #Toxic #Expectations   
10/12/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Respect Every Individual In The Hierarchy - Never Use Your Position To Dominate

Some people take undue advantage of their position and dominate the low class workers. It's important to respect them because they too are the part this creation. Don't take undue advantage of your position. Be unique of your kind. Don't kill someone else's struggle. Because you cannot do or fulfill those responsibilities. #Domination #Hierarchy  
10/11/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Trust Issues Are Common In Healthy Relationships - Hear This

Trust issues are very common and it happens to a lot of people, but that doesn’t mean they are going through a breakup, or the couple is making a divorce. Trust issues generally takes place because of a situation we think, which is wrong at that moment. Or even it can happen, when we feel that the other half is hiding something from us. But in a healthy relationship, where emotions of both the partner are deeply rooted, it doesn’t affect much. Don’t be feared of trust issues, and they will be definitely solved, by having a deep conversation. #Trust #Issues #Healthy #Relationships
10/10/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Disability Is Not An Issue – Everyone Is Unique Of It’s Kind

There are lot of people who feel ashamed to help because of those challenged individuals. We can say and tell thousands of good thoughts to everyone around, but in reality we are not able to do even one of them. Some people even think wrong about them. But it becomes a shame for our own humanity, to treat the same species in this manner. It is because we imagine those thoughts about them and feed our mind with those illusions. Remember just like we shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, similarly we shouldn’t judge a handicap by those disabilities. #Disability #Issues #Unique
10/9/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Avoid Gossips - The Primary Cause Of Rumors

Most of the people love gossiping and it becomes as a form of communication which is half true. This information is created depending on the perspective and thinking of the person. These rumors become a part of the unworthy information system and most importantly it develops a certain kind of fear. In order to avoid it we need to stop it from passing further. We need to make sure that is has a solid proof. #Gossips #Rumors 
10/8/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Wake Up Early – Successful Individuals Routine

More amount of sleep will actually impact your mind and thinking negatively. It can actually give you more amount of anxiety because the activity decreases. That extra time is your personal time which you need to spend not by sleeping, but by performing different tasks or activities. Waking up has many benefits, but first of all you need to make it as a habit. #WakeUp #Successful #Routine
10/7/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Earning Tons Of Money Is Not Success - You Need To Hear This

A lot of people think that money is success, and that is why they work to earn money, and not for their passion. But that inspiration can never be called as success because running behind money is living life without purpose. If you are not working to build your idea, then think what the meaning behind living this life is. Money can never be solution to success. Even if its value is increased, but it will always be a need. If you are able to impact others in a positive manner, then that is what success meant to be. #Earn #Money #Success
10/6/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Maintain A Standard To Impact Others Life Positively - You Need To Hear This

When it comes to luxury and money, people who already have things will never look into you. Don’ get entangled with the quantity because those unworthy individuals will push you towards the ocean of toxicity. If you are providing low value, or something which is not sensible, then you are also helping the toxic people to enter into your life. Remember you need to understand your audience, because they are the ones with whom you will connect your ideas. #Standard #Impact #Life
10/5/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Don't Aim Without Any Purpose - You Need To Hear This

How many of you make decisions and then forget to fulfil them in the long term? Do you make promises to yourself and then just let them go afterwards? It is because you keep higher expectations, than what is needed. Yes, and most of us fool ourselves throughout life, with this unhealthy expectations. We need to think about what is actually working best for us. It is not possible for a common human being to perform tasks like a robot. Some of the things take time, and we can do it slowly and steadily. #Purpose 
10/4/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Humbleness Is The Key To Majority Of Problems - Hear This

When we are irritated by a problem or some work, we feel tired or nothing less than getting enraged. The way we are living in this 21st century has totally changed our lifestyle. We no more follow those old patterns, and have quickly adapted to the new one. This attitude, where we greet problems with a positive look, can create a small impact not only in our life, but also can be a lesson to others. For more please listen. #Humbleness #Problems
10/3/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Never Connect To Your Audience At A Very Personal Level

If you observe closely, then you will find that there is more number of criticism happening through social media, than any other platform. You need to think that why someone will think toxic about the other people, if that someone is blessed with everything. What happens is that, when celebrities are serving their passion through their work, they are also connecting that fan on emotional basis. Connecting people through a medium is great, but never ever get dependent on them for your happiness.  #Connect #Audience #Personal #Emotional
10/2/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Never Lose Your Patience – The Formula Of Success

A lot of people try to do everything on the first day, and think about where success will knock their door. They do it for few months, and then wait for good results to arrive. Inexperienced people are unable to keep with the pace, because they are never habituated to the process. And some of them quit very early, because of only one value. Impatience basically takes place due to illusion of numbers. It takes a lot to struggles to take right actions than making unworthy judgements. #Lose #Patience #Formula #Success
10/1/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Not All The Information Available On The Internet Is Genuine - Hear This

Our trust worthy attitude can benefit someone else. We are living in that century, where believing in others can hurt our own feelings. Individuals who don’t try to work hard, waste their time to hack the system by their techniques. Not all the humans on this planet love to share genuine information because some people try hard to link it with shortcuts. Actually genuine is a term which is related to perfection. But think that how much perfect a human can be. #Information #Interent #Genuine 
9/30/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Don’t Convince People About Your Plans – No One Will Understand

We try to convince people as much as possible, so that they can understand our plans. It hurts a lot when no one supports you, but had you ever figured out, that why we are trying to convince others? It becomes important to note that planning is easy than performing. You shouldn’t ask permission or try to convince others in order to become successful. When you are successful, people will start understanding you automatically and that is the reality. #Convince #Successful #Plans #Understand
9/29/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Never Let Numbers Ruin Your Happiness - You Need To Hear This

It’s so easy to look over those numbers, and fall in extreme depth of random imaginations. Keep in mind that number is a part of toxic mentality because they are the one’s which completely demotivate us. Numbers will become a tragedy of your life, if you set a target on your mind. There is no way to tell how your work will progress. Because anything can happen in this life. Working smart is more important than just trying to do nothing. #Numbers #Ruin #Happiness
9/28/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Stop Involving Yourself With Toxic People – Emotional Triggers

Mental health is becoming a common issue because some people are not able to handle violence. And due to the increasing crime rate, we are lending hands to mean and cruel people around. Sensitive people don’t get involved with such matters, and they are the ones who avoid such kind of hurtful community. Think about with whom you are involving yourself. Take note of your actions. #Triggers #Toxic #Mentality
9/27/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Age Is Just A Number Your Talents Are Pure - Hear This

The human hierarchy is developed in such a manner that needs of an individual, can only be satisfied by doing millennial jobs. We deserve more than what we think, and it can only happen if we put our efforts in those right things. It’s never too late to add some value which you were waiting for so many years. Success is not determined by age. #Age #Talents #Pure
9/26/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Age Doesn't Matter For Your Success - You Need To Hear This

You might have observed old age and experienced people, achieving great heights in those T.V. Channels, interviews and when they come on the stage as motivational speakers. There are two types of people. The first type are those who struggle for building other’s fortune, and the second type are those people, who struggle to build themselves. It totally depends upon the way you choose. Be smart and work on the right path. #Unique #Struggles #Experience 
9/25/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Procrastination – The Common Reason To Failures

People procrastinate in order to avoid work, and enjoy quality time doing those things, which helps them to fulfil their desires. Success has a lot to do with how you remain focused in your work, the amount of time you spend with it. Some people have a very bad habit of working at the last moment, and very few of them achieve success.  And it's almost nil. Always Remember. #Procrastination #Reasons #Failures
9/24/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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You Won’t Always Be Right – Understand Others Opinion

Schools impart knowledge to students through their teachers, and that is why they get dependent on them. A student will never learn by himself, if parents keep him or her lying in that comfort zone. When we say growth or development of thoughts, then it is only possible, when we are able to understand someone else’s way of thinking. #Growth #Opinions #Understand
9/23/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Never Compare Your Life With Someone Else

Blind people are generally one of the happiest and kindest humans, because they never get involved in those illusions, since they are not able to see.  Comparison can make your life boring and frustrating, because those expectations constantly rise up. If you are mentally, physically and emotionally satisfied then nothing will kill you. Always Remember. #Blind #Comparison #Life 
9/22/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Don't Create A Blind Belief On Your Values - Hear This

Blind belief has a very strong force of following imaginations, which we feel as right. It means we follow an imagination, which doesn’t have a clear vision in reality. We are so much connected towards those thoughts that feels right to our gut. Blind belief can get you to a random direction. Don't keep blind faith over your skills or values you are blessed with. Focus more on struggles and hard work. #Create #Belief #Values
9/21/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Don’t Let Numbers Defeat Your Dreams - Hear This

Before you feel your life is worthless just question yourself that, are there people around me struggling through those similar situations? Success cannot be achieved easily because if it happened so, then everyone will start getting rich and famous on this planet. If you are expecting to achieve those big numbers, quickly and early as possible, then you will always be frustrated with the result. whenever you are starting anything from the scratch, you need to forget those numbers. The real results are lying ahead of those number. #Worthless #Dreams #Defeat
9/20/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Humans Have Their Own Perspective Of Thinking - You Need To Hear This

Every individual’s thought process is different. Someone will think as per the current situation, and someone might see it according to the future. We never try to understand someone else’s perspective. We only think about ourselves and that we are always correct. We all are right according to the way we think, and there is no particular solution for a problem. #Humans #Perspective #Thinking 
9/19/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Don’t Be A Stubborn Minded Person - Hear This

Stubborn minded people don’t understand this concept, and they go on doing the work, which is fed in their mind and at last they give up. If you try to force yourself to do something in order to achieve success, then you won’t ever be able to achieve it. Always try to discover yourself with new ideas. Watch over competition or else you might be left behind gaining nothing. #Stubborn #Obstinate #Mindset
9/18/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Don’t Escape From Your Decisions – Competition Is Tough

In any field that might be technology or entertainment industry, the amount of competition is rising at a very substantial amount and that is why very few people are able to handle it. People avoid competition, after they feel that it is not the right path. Patience is must and most importantly you need to work hard because you cannot just wait for success to happen by itself. #Escape #Decisions #Competition 
9/17/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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There Is Always A Solution To Your Problems - Hear this

We can have great prosperity, fame, abundance of wealth, but still feel hurt because there is no solution to it. An emotional or mental issue is intense and deep. It cannot be solved by therapies or travelling. We need to forgive those people who hurt us. It can only be done when we involve patience and silence. You need to remind yourself that people around you are learners and they are not exposed to those future thoughts. We all are imperfect and that needs to be accepted. Remember you are always learning at every step of your life. #Solution #Problems  
9/16/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Experience Will Help You In Your Development

Most of us still question themselves that, why do humans act like this? Why do humans cheat? If you deeply observe then you will understand that their perspectives are different. It doesn’t matter of what age you are, but you can still make mistakes because of the assumptions you create which are right by your perspective. Experiences create learning, and therefore you should never blame others for their actions. #Experience #Development #Help 
9/15/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Be Truthful With Your Work – Trust Is A Necessity

There are people, who work with an intention to earn benefit quickly. Being truthful with work means completing those objectives on time that you are being given or you have decided. People are able to trust their work that it will pay off because they are truthful towards it. Remember in order to be truthful towards your work, you need to fulfill your objectives first. #Truthful #Work #Necessity 
9/14/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Learn To Grow With Creativity – Copying Won’t Help

Most of the people don’t realize the importance of being innovative because they are always busy in copying and creating duplicate content. Creativity has a very important position in this century and it is because of the competition. Duplicate content has no value and that is why most of the people fail to achieve success. #Learn #Growth #Creativity
9/11/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Sow Your Seeds In The Right Climate - Hear This

It's very important to have a supportive climate around which will help in our development because it will not only help us to grow but it will also help to live longer. Surrounding around you is responsible for your growth because the way you are living affects your personality and values. Grow in the right place and watch others which will also be supportive for your growth and help you in the right way. #Sow #Seeds #Climate #Growth
9/10/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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The Fear Of Being Defeated By Someone - Hear This

Our mindset is shaped in such a manner that the only way left for us to live our dreams is winning. If we don't accept failure as the part of this life then no matter how much we try we won't be able to succeed. Some people become successful after failing repeatedly throughout their lives. You need to accept failure as the part of life because if you don’t then you won’t feel that worth of success. #Defeat #Fear
9/9/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Never Hesitate To Ask Help From Others – Tame Your Ego

It occurs with most of the people who are called as problem solvers or the one's who help others. They don't actually ask help for their own problems. And that is because of their ego or self-respect that they always take care off. For those I want to say that don't feel shy at all because asking for help won't damage your respect. Instead share it with others and there will be people who will definitely help you. #Hesitate #Help #Tame Ego
9/8/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Be Proud Of Lower Category Workers – Treat Them Equal

When we are working in an organization we give no importance to the lower level workers who do so much for us. We only work for ourselves and treat them as slaves. It's important to show respect and be supportive towards them because your good karma will reflect your future. Be proud of them. Always remember. #Workers #Equality
9/7/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Keep Patience And Work For Your Future

We are always growing thinking about our future relationships, home, secure job, finance and everything. Even in our relationship, we want long term engagement. We always look for the bright side of that human. The real game starts, when we break that world of imaginations and step into the reality. #Patience #Future
9/6/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Achieving A Job Is Not Success - Hear This

We have that common misconception that getting those certificates and qualifying for jobs means success. We don't understand that we are living our beautiful lives in a terrible manner. We are forced by those responsibilities and that huge amount of work at the workplace. Your life matters and most importantly you need to live you life with complete freedom in every manner. Remember. #Job #Success #Manner
9/5/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Have Faith In God But Don’t Be Blind Over It

Whenever we face problems or in any situation, there is only one name we call out and that is god. We are becoming blind in this faith because we always think that this energy will fix our problems. Keeping blind faith in someone who doesn't exist in reality will ruin your goal and that problem won't be solved. Hard work is necessary element because that energy only side up with the one's who struggle for it. #Faith #Blind #God   
9/2/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Understand At That Moment – Time Is Money

I have seen a lot of people who go on and on continuously work hard in order to prioritize their dreams and then they just totally feel miserable. We need to work over our positives first and not over our negative values because real talents are hidden within those positive values. At last it depends upon you, where you want to invest that amount of time and hard work in. #Understand #Time #Money
9/1/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Investing Energy In Something That Hinders Your Growth

We invest our energy in something that doesn't provide growth even after working hard or struggling through it. You need to understand that such things are toxic and they will never become successful in the near future. #Toxic #Energy
8/31/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Change Your Perspective Today - You Need To Hear This

Perspective is the ability to see things differently. Very few people see their life with different perspective. Education is not only feeding your mind with written knowledge, but it is also thinking with different perspective. It is a self-education that is necessary for this developing society. People who think different live different from ordinary people. #Perspective #Ability #Different
8/30/20203 minutes, 30 seconds
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Don't Force Yourself In Name of Passion - Know Your Potential First

Experiments are the ideal ways to know yourself better. Many people fail because they don't know what they need. What is suiting them the best and that is why they only do things that others are doing. Forcing yourself is degrading your productivity and also your time is going wasted. Remember successful people match their abilities. #Experiments #Passion #Force  
8/29/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Don't Let Someone Define Your Worth - Hear This

We fall for people who look good through their external appearance. We think that someone builds us and we take it very personally. Especially the sensitive people. But we don't try to understand that this is not the way to live this life. In a relationship no one builds us. We individually build our lives and that is what it matters. A relationship is an entitlement and not any kind of personal ache. #Worth   
8/26/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Don’t Focus On Your Current Situation - Hear This

We think more about those temporary form of happiness that pop out as a surprise. These surprises don't last forever because they vanish out after that time is already gone. Present situations pass very rapidly and we don't even realize how it happens. That's why we need to work no matter how great those surprises are. Remember they won't be lying by your side forever. They basically don't stay. #Focus #Situation #Temporary   
8/25/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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You Need To Always Feel Happy Being Alive

We complain with our lives a lot. We feel that someone's life is too perfect. Someone has more amount of fortune and luxurious life than what we are currently living. But even in these so many complaints some people are still happy of being alive. No life can be seen as perfect. Everyone has their own struggle. But feeling happy even in that struggle is the truest form of happiness. Always remember. #Complaints #Alive #Struggles  
8/24/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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I am Always Right – Working With Personal Feelings

You might have seen people in your life who think about themselves at first place. They not only think about themselves but they also hate thoughts about other people. Generally they don't accept what other people are talking or their ideas. They create a mindset in such a way that others should accept their ideas always. #Right #Personal #Feelings 
8/20/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Aim As Low As Possible – Way To Fulfil Your Decisions

Have you been at that point where you try to fulfill big decision but it never becomes successful at all. Yes, it is common nowadays. Most of the people waste their time in making decisions and never perform those right actions. They expect higher goals which are beyond their capacity and that is why they fail. Aim low because it will help you in long term growth. #Aim #Decisions #Low #Actions
8/19/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Don’t Waste Your Time In Solving Someone’s Problem - Hear This

When someone arrive at your door for help, what do you do? of course if you are able to do it you will try your best. But not everyone expects solution. Some people get attached over our trust and comfort. It's because of those values they might be dependent on you for the solution. Therefore it's better to reject them because at last they won't be satisfied at all. #Time #Solution #Problems
8/18/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Analyse Situations Before Investing Your Hard work - Hear This

We all have been at that point where we try to invest so much of time and our struggles in making those things work but they don't become successful at all. It's because we don't analyse those situations at all. We don't have clear understanding what is right and what is wrong. Hard work is necessary but before we need to analyse those situations in order to get that necessary output. #Situations #Analysis #Investment
8/17/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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You Are Never Famous – Figures Are Illusion

We judge someone's presence on the basis of luxury, wealth and fame. Isn't it? And that's why we fail to see what is lying deep inside them. What makes them so different from the rest of the people? Instead of getting inspired through struggles we look over their numbers and figures first. And that's what everyone is adapting nowadays. Don't become part of this problem. This episode will explain you this problem. #Famous #Figures #Illusion
8/15/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Social Media Is Toxic To Your Mental Health - Hear This

Social media as we all know that it is a powerful tool which dominates the internet. Most of the people are actively involved across all the platforms. But social media has also some side effects and can harm our mental security. It's because of that illusion we are seeing on those screens that makes us feel even in the reality. #SocialMedia #MentalHealth #Toxic  
8/14/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Don’t Forget Who Supported You During Your Bad Times

We have that kind of mindset where we are always aiming for our goals and better lifestyle. But at the same time we forget to appreciate those people who have supported us in our bad times. And that's the point where our close one's can create negative feelings about us. So don't forget to appreciate everyone who have become part of your success. #Forget #Appreciation #Emotions
8/13/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Don’t Make Your Life Complex – Being Simple Is Best

Being simple is the most difficult idea for the people living on this planet. It is because we have consumed ourselves so much through our complex living that no matter what we do we will never be satisfied with our life. Money has become power and poverty at the same time for some people. Luxurious life is not everything because the greed is never ending. We need to to be satisfied with what we have and that is the way of simple living. Remember. #Life #Complexity #Simple   
8/12/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Don’t Rely On Quick Results – The Worst Part Of Success

I have been at that stage where I realized nothing would be more frustrating than achieving quick results. But I slowly thought that quick results will only satisfy my temporary happiness. The worst part of success is trying hard to meet our needs quickly. Better don't think about it because there is huge competition around. We need to understand that permanent results are more important than that of temporary ones. #Results #Worst #Success #Competition
8/11/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Never Make Fun Of Anyone - Be A Learner

In this 21st Century Bullying is becoming a word of crime because of our uncontrolled emotions. Our emotions are turning more violent because we are irritated with our thoughts. So will it give you any kind of achievement after making fun of someone over their looks or on their skin color or on their mistakes. Of course no because we are here to learn. Learning is the key to success. So don't try to laugh on others because some day you might be in the same trouble. #Bullying #Violence #Learning
8/10/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Don’t Waste Your Time In Planning – Actions Are Important

Almost every individual create plans for being successful. But none of those plans actually become part of success. Actually they fail to execute those plans. It's really important to work what you have planned. Failures plan high but their struggles are always low. It's necessary to understand that actions is the most important part of the success. #Time #Plans #Actions
8/9/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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We Are Inspired By Illusions And Not The Reality - Hear This

Half of the content which is available online can create a negative impact for your future. Nowadays online content is more about illusions and fake imaginations that feels attractive. But remember what is attractive doesn't mean it will help your future. It can also hurt your life. We are more inspired by content on social media and on internet which we feel as a reality. Don't Get Inspired by these kind of illusions. #Inspiration #Illusion #Reality  
8/8/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Be Humble In Every Situation – Key To Mental Peace

Being humble is important because without having patience there is no solution for a problem. We are living in that world where problems are mostly ignored. But we should also understand that this ignorance won't dissolve these problems. We need to be curious and kind towards them because this attitude can help us to find solutions. Don't be afraid as humbleness is the solution to mental peace. Remember. #Humbleness #Kindness #Mental #Peace
8/7/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Assumptions Are Toxic To Your Mental Health - Hear This

When we assume that something works like this then we aren't thinking about the reality. It's important to make proper judgement because feelings will never give you appropriate results. There should be certain kind of parameters which will help you to make proper decisions. Assumptions only satisfy your feelings. Remember This. #Assumptions #Toxic #MentalHealth
8/6/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Don’t Let This Coronavirus Pandemic kill Your Mental Health - Hear This

It's very important to understand the difference between awareness and rumors. Rumors can be fatal to what you think. Your mindset will proceed in the way you process that unauthentic information. Meaning, it can turn out to be negative if you trust it. Rumors can lead to panic and can cause a great havoc for everyone especially in situation of coronavirus pandemic. It's unhealthy to trust such kind of information. On other hand awareness shares Genuine Information which is worthy. Remember. #Coronavirus #Pandemic #MentalHealth #Rumors   
8/5/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Attract Worthy Audience – Quality Is Better Than Quantity

It's important to understand what kind of audience you are attracting. We are living in the century where quantity is preferred more than quality. Yes, it is true but people don't realize it until their audience starts turning toxic to themselves. Attracting worthy and healthy people is important because at last they will be supporting your growth. No matter what happens but don't forget that quality is always best than quantity. #Attraction #Quantity #Quality #Audience  
8/4/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Be Down To Earth Human – You Are Never The Best

Who  doesn't feel being on top of the world after achieving something you always dreamed for. I mean we all are flowing in the path of success. But very few of them are able to actually achieve it. The one's who achieve it build a bad ego. We need to know that this bad ego can be fatal to our growth. Just remember that we are living here to become better human being. #Life #Best #Better
8/3/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Accept Your Mistakes – A Practical Way Of Learning

The biggest mistake we do is not accepting our faults. I have seen people who do rectify other individual's mistake, but won't look at their lives first. That's not a matter of laughing because the main point of learning can only be achieved through our mistakes. We need to work on our faults first then only we will be able to follow the path of success. #Mistakes #Acceptance #Learning
8/2/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Don’t Waste Your Time In Building Someone else's Fortune

We join a job to secure our financial needs but just after achieving certain stability, we don't try to look over other things at all. Job has become an addiction nowadays because that is what we find it as success. It's very important to understand whose fortune you are trying to build. It's important to focus more on your growth first. #Time #Job #Fortune
8/1/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Love Is Not Happiness – The Truth Of Happiness

Nowadays happiness has been one of the most struggling emotion of our life. Happiness is a value, we try to connect it with love when we fall over someone. And when there are unwanted things happening around it might be hurtful to you. So the most important message i would like to give is "Your happiness should be independent". #Happiness #Independent #Love   
7/31/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Avoid Living In The World Of Constant Dramas – Unhealthy Living

Dramas can actually hurt your life. Toxic people will consider drama as an approach to hurt others. It's better to stay away from such kind of people. We need to understand that entertainment cannot be performed in real life because it will only last for a temporary period. We should surround ourselves with healthy mindset individuals. #Drama #Entertainment #Mindset
7/30/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Never Celebrate Your Success Too Early – Blind Belief Is Toxic

The main problem that successful people face in their future is having blind belief in their talents. Yes, they believe in those thoughts that might not be happening in reality that's because of over-confidence. Just like the stories we learn in our childhood, they are truly applicable in reality too. We need to understand this because we are competing with a specific amount of competitors. It's not the entire planet. Remember. #Success #Blindbelief #Toxic  
7/29/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Fake Advertisements - The Greatest Struggle For Consumers

Have you been at that place where you have been cheated by those attractive advertisements? Yes, we all are at that place and it's not only you, but each one of us are struggling through it. We need to be aware of our surrounding and these kind of fooling systems which lures money. #Fake #Advertisements #Money
7/28/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Your Work Should Create A Positive Impact In Someone’s Life

Whenever I ask people about their good deeds they tell me about their achievements. They tell me about their awards and the amount of revenue they are generating. So is that really impacting someone's life? Many people struggle for their achievements and entitle these as their deeds. You need to understand this difference. It's really very important. #Work #Positive Impact #Life
7/27/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Don’t Quit Your Passion – Success Takes Time

Some people think that success is very easy to achieve. There is a common misconception that by doing some amount of hard work in a day or in a month i will receive my  sweet fruits. But remember about the competition. It's never easy to crack when a lot of people are working towards it. Be consistent you will get what you deserve. #Quit #Passion #Success #Time  
7/26/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Be Mindful With Whom You Spend Your Time - Choose The Worthy

It's very important to choose people who are worthy because it is going to shape your mindset. Your mindset is important as it will enable to generate that kind of thoughts. Spend time with those who are good for your mental health. #Mentalhealth #Mind #Mindful #Worthy
7/25/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Never Trust Your Gut Instincts – They Can Misguide Your Path

Gut Instincts is one of the commonly used method. It is finding relativity with the matter we are trying to solve. Gut Instincts never help you but it is a term for guessing results. Don't trust your gut instincts always, follow a definite route and experience it practically. #Gutinstincts #Situation #Practically #Reality   
7/24/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Everyone Is Equally Important To Teach Lessons – Practical Impact Is Worthy

Movies, stories and bookish knowledge only helps to build those imaginations. Imaginations are your unrealistic thoughts that don't have any permanent effect in reality. Practical living has become a necessity because that kind of mindset can only be obtained through practical knowledge. Remember #Reality #Lessons #Life  
7/23/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Ignore Negative Comments – Ideal Way Of Securing Your Mental Health

Criticism has impacted a huge number of people living on the planet. It ranks from growing teenagers to adults. It's not only about common people but celebrities face this the most. To avoid this the only way is to ignore them. #Criticism #Comments #Negative #Mental Health 
7/21/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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A Nine To Five Job Won’t Promote Your Growth – Side Hustle Is Necessary

Side hustle is an important part of our journey. Without side hustle, there is no way to escape. A nine to five job won't provide a productive life. Instead of struggling for building someone's purpose build yours. #Job #Growth #Productivity #Side-hustle
7/20/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Don’t Try To Link Shortcuts To Your Success - Hear This

Shortcuts are one of the toughest route to make through success. Most of the people fail because they try to find the easiest ways to find success. Don't let shortcuts harm your strategy.
7/19/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Don’t Wait For People To Cheer Your Hard work – No Secret To Success

It's very hard to survive the competition. But it's not impossible to gain success. Remember success goes hand in hand with consistency and hard work.
7/18/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Don't Create Habit Of Copy And Pasting - Work Uniquely

A lot of content on the internet works on copy and paste method. Don't be a part of it.
7/17/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Don't Chase Your Competitors Routine

Your patterns are one of the key elements which will guide you towards success. #Success #Competitors #Patterns # Routine
7/15/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Analyse Situations Don’t Guess – Work in more comfortable manner

Analysis is the best way to deal with problems in day to day life. This topic is more important while trying to understand something new.
7/13/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Don’t Force Yourself To Chase Productivity

Be selfish enough to look over yourself. Don't get influenced by your imaginations.
7/9/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Don’t Learn To Earn Money – Learn To Educate First

According to the reports and estimates most of the people think education and job goes hand in hand, but it never takes place in that manner.
7/8/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Work Hard In Silence Let Your Success Be Your Noise – Focus On Your Work

In today's world these kind of quotes have zero influence on ourselves #Work hard #Silence #Success #Focus
7/7/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Support What Builds You And Not What Entertains You - Hear This

There is a lot of content on the internet for sure. Just ask yourself are you entertaining yourself with it or making use of it for your Goals.
7/6/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Working Hard Is Not Enough – Be A Smart Ass

Hard work gives you success is a myth because apart form hard work there are other points which needs to be focused in order to achieve our goals. Instead of working hard think and work on those substantial points where people actually fail.  #Hard work #Smart work #Success  
6/5/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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You Are Not Healing But Evolving Yourself Through Experience

Perspective matters because everyone is working on their problems the way they think. Humans don't cheat but they feel those emotions which forces them to do those actions. They think they are doing right from their perspective and their values shape them. #Perspective #Healing #Evolving #Stupidity #Experience 
6/4/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Chance Doesn’t Mean An Opportunity – Know The Difference

A chance is said to be played but opportunity needs to be achieved. Chance can fulfill without any struggle but opportunity always require some or other struggle. #Chance #Opportunity
6/3/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Don’t Convince Others The Way You Are Living Your Best Life

Don't seek entitlement for the way you are living your life.
6/2/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Don’t Work What Others Want From You – Choose Your Destiny

You are not a slave to work on other's decision. You have freedom to choose your decision and decide what you want. At last you will be choosing your destiny. 
4/9/20203 minutes, 22 seconds
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Appreciate People Who Keep Their Responsibilities First

Passion can test you beyond your limits and imaginations, it is you who need to be prepared for it. Appreciate people who keep their responsibilities first before their relationships and family. They are the true legends.
4/8/20203 minutes, 22 seconds
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Sleep Early Wake Up Early – Peace in the Morning

One of the problem, we are suffering through is stress. Stress is everywhere, but the ability to lower or fight with it lies in our sleep. To control your stress, you need good amount of sleep. Sleep early, wake up early! 
4/7/20203 minutes, 23 seconds
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Don’t Accept Someone’s Suggestion – Power Of Suggestion

When it comes to suggestion, people don't believe at first sight, but as time passes they think of it. They think of it again and again until they start accepting it as truth. Power of suggestion is dangerous to life. Please don't believe in myths.
4/6/20203 minutes, 22 seconds
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Talents Doesn't Mean Passion - You Need To Hear This

Passion is different from talents. A person who is passionate about his work might not have talents, whereas a person who has talents might not be passionate in his work. Passion is important when it comes to patience and long term success. Hold on your passion.
4/5/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Choose Your Passion – A Way To Be Happy

What is working for others won't always work for you. If they are passionate about something, you won't find the same passion. It is you who need to find out what you like and don't like. It's your body and mind. Understand it better and make your life simpler.
4/4/20203 minutes, 2 seconds
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Make Sure You Are Well Prepared Before This Happens To You

Mind that expects less are the happiest one. Keep your expectations zero and start working for them that motivation will keep you going. Follow the truth and not the myth.
4/3/20203 minutes, 15 seconds
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Don’t Mix Your Relationships with Work – Maintain Boundaries

We all have listened that we should erase our boundaries to enjoy our life peacefully. The real enjoyment comes from no boundary, but there is something else, more important and necessary. Yes when it comes to relationships, hobbies, personal space, boundaries become important. That time to spend with family becomes important. So don't intermix them.
4/2/20203 minutes, 2 seconds
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Money Is an Entitlement to Happiness – You Need To Hear This

Entitlement looks like this, I will satisfy you with luxury and money, you need to work for me. When we aim for money, we forget our real goal, we forget our aim and purpose. Entitlement will make you valid in vision of others. It will make you valid being rich and what others call. Remove this kind of entitlement and live truly rich life. 
4/1/20203 minutes, 16 seconds
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Grow your Efforts Increase your capacity - You Need To Hear This

Capacity cannot exceed without growing your effort. To achieve something, remember you need to grow your efforts. People think they have made every efforts. They have put everything, but they forget that capacity is what lacking to achieve success. Success isn't easy, you need to push yourself forward.
3/31/20203 minutes, 22 seconds
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Don't Do Wrong For The Sake Of Your Love - Hear This

Love is good feeling but we  might don't know for whom we are falling for. Love can use you for benefits which is not love at all. Yes, this is an idea of being in love. Blind love is unhealthy and toxic, it can ruin your life. Think sensible and look over reality and humanity.
3/30/20203 minutes, 1 second
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Pain Won’t Make You Successful – You Need To Hear This

Pain is not the way to make through success, they are the struggles that are important. Pain doesn't fix you but they are those struggles that heal you. Choose them wisely.
3/29/20202 minutes, 39 seconds
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Be Focused On One Decision and Have Patience

When it comes to patience very few people try to make it to end. But there are some successful stories who have made their way through patience because they deserved it.
3/28/20203 minutes, 31 seconds
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Successful People Get Inspired By Competitors – You Need To Hear This

There is something common among successful people, they compete but they get inspired by competitors. They never feel anyone is their enemy. They feel everyone is their inspiration and that energy is what keeps them motivating. That energy is what working them towards their goal.
3/27/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Social Distancing Is a Sign of Mentally and Emotionally Healthy Society – Hear This

We are going through times, when people are talking about social distancing. This is the time, when we are required to take care of not only physical health but also emotional and mental health. We think someone is infective enough to spread a disease so in that fear, we are distancing from them. Similarly we are not only taking care of physical health but we are also taking care of our emotional and mental health from spoiling our mind and body. We are taking care of our life.
3/25/20203 minutes, 15 seconds
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We All Are Responsible For Our Future Tomorrow

Someone said that it is our responsibilities that keeps our world working. It is because of our responsibilities we are working in system. You need to be responsible of your future. Take it from today itself. 
3/24/20203 minutes, 27 seconds
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Have Patience and Invest Your Crucial Time Working For The Future

Patience is said to be everything, but only keeping patience to achieve your dreams won't work at all. Being Prepared before steeping into reality is important. Educating to make that life possible is important. Education is not only making a good career, but it is also about making your life beautiful.
3/23/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Good Habits Aren’t Easy To Adapt – Change is Everything

It's not easy to practise those good habits, which doesn't give you satisfaction. But trust me this is where, we give up easily. Patience is everything in this game. Long term satisfaction are necessary than this addictions. Addictions satisfy you for a short period of time. Be selfish enough to choose things that require patience because that is where we learn.
3/23/20203 minutes, 8 seconds
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Be Selfish Enough To Look over Your Health First – Hear This

There is always a period in everyone's life, when they are suffering through problems. We support them, but there is a limit to the support system. Support system is an idea to believe in each other. It is like, let me fix myself, I  only need your support. No one has solution over other's problem. It is not any kind of dependency. Healthy relationships are without attachments because self-growth matters. 
3/21/20203 minutes, 18 seconds
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We Can Never Be Perfect – Humans Make Mistake

There is nothing called as perfectionism. We all are limited to time. Once we create something new, there will always be someone to make that something even better. Change your thinking, Accept that everyone can win. You need to struggle, work hard to achieve your goal and not perfection.
3/20/20203 minutes
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Spread Positivity like a Virus and Lower down Your Fears

We don't want to make our lives fearful. Being happy in every situation is necessary. No matter what we are going through, we need to calm down. Peace doesn't need to be found out, but it lies in you. Spread Positivity than making others panic. Spread that motivation. We need to control our thoughts. This moment will pass, and we will again continue with that busy routine. We need to make use of this time to heal ourselves. We need to wait.
3/19/20203 minutes, 21 seconds
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Self-Education – Powerful Tool To Explore Your Inner self

Education is not about seeking knowledge, but there are more important thoughts necessary to evolve our mind. We can say we are educated and then still act stupid. Self-education is being teacher of ourselves. We don't intake knowledge from others, but we have ability to evolve our mind. We all have that ability to evolve, but very few people realise it. Self-education can build greater fortune, than normal education. In order to grow your mind, explore yourself first because everything will start from you. That self-growth is necessary.
3/18/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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We are Never Too Late – Hard work Always Pay You

Hard work will always give you some result. It might be good or bad but you will learn, you will grow. Money is not only the way to achieve success. But those values, experience are also important.
3/16/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Realization Is Necessary To Create Positivity

Realization acts as a medicine to Happiness. Being aware that you can't change certain situation helps you to look for other good things in life. It increases your level of maturity.
3/14/20202 minutes, 39 seconds
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Accept Different Versions of Yourself – A Way to Development

Change is a requirement. If you want to develop, you need to accept those different versions of yourself. You need to accept that changes don't happen fast, it is a slow process. It requires your support.
3/13/20202 minutes, 38 seconds
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Attachments Can Deviate Your Path – You Need To Hear This

Attachments can make your life feel worthy to worthless. Attachment of our emotions over someone makes us dependent on them. Attachments are unhealthy for your growth. Make your self sufficient enough to lend that hand.
3/11/20203 minutes, 8 seconds
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Don't Compete Your Passion With Someone - You Need To Hear This

Passion is not a competition. It's not like a confused love in our relationships. It's not an idea of who loves more. Passion doesn't require any kind of validation. You need to win over yourself. You need to understand, Passion is for yourself and competitions are for judgements. No one can judge your passion, Remember.
3/10/20203 minutes, 2 seconds
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Replace Your Feelings with Passion – You Need To Hear This

Feelings are temporary form of happiness while Passion is permanent. Passion has it's self- worth that makes you worthy. Anything you do should be done with passion and not with feelings. Feelings will always make you fail, while passion is another form of success. Remember This.
3/9/20203 minutes, 13 seconds
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Your Perspective Will Guide Your Future – Change It Today

We can explore deeper, when our perspective towards things changes. It's necessary to think with different perspective in order to increase your understanding. It is a kind of self-education. At last your perspective will guide your future thoughts
3/7/20203 minutes, 30 seconds
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Prioritize Your Dreams Over Your Feelings

What is important for you? Your dreams or relationships. The first and important subject is you. If you don't achieve something, you will always regret over it. You need something in your life, that will make proud of yourself. You need to give importance over your dreams and not on your feelings.
3/6/20202 minutes, 5 seconds
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My Happiness Lies In My Peace

Happiness which comes from your peace is the truest form of happiness. Being Happy From Your Soul Doesn't make Your Happiness Dependent on Someone.
3/4/20202 minutes, 39 seconds
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Expose Your Mind To Build Higher Vision - Hear This

A person can build his own destiny. Our mind has the power to get exposed to good thoughts but still we think that we aren't capable of doing it. Power of exposure can build higher vision and that is what we need.
3/3/20203 minutes, 3 seconds
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Solving Problems Makes Me Happy

When I think that something is a problem is actually not a problem. The problem arises from my thought and that thought itself is a solution to it. If I change my perspective of that thought then I can definitely find my solution. And happiness is solving that problem.  
3/2/20203 minutes, 6 seconds
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Struggles Don't Make Me Toxic To Others

When we are going through some kind of struggles in our life, how many of us treat others with kindness. How do we act when someone is not treating us well. It's important to keep spreading positivity. Our aim of life is to spread positivity even after going through bad times. This what makes me a true human being.
2/28/20203 minutes, 1 second
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Accept Negative Thoughts – People Build Their Own Destiny

Expecting that people should treat you well is nothing more than believing in an old belief. Acceptance is the only form you can create peace to your mind. Accepting that people are like that makes you more educated, and believable in your thoughts. At last people build their own destiny.
2/26/20203 minutes, 2 seconds
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Finding Your Worth In Someone Is Not Love - Understand This

Finding Your Worth That this person makes me feel alive, because of them I am here is no more other than your stupid thoughts. We can't have possession over someone. We can't make someone as our property, we can't be dependent over someone and then blame ourselves being truthful. Love does not finds worth in someone. Love makes you feel positive around good souls. Love is a bond and a system to work together.
2/24/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Every Emotion Is A Part Of Love

Love is Universe. It Involves every emotion of our life. Starting from happiness and ending to fear there are always some up's and down's that makes love more beautiful. At last love is life.
2/23/20203 minutes, 2 seconds
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Know Your Potential - It Can Change Your Destiny

We can have greater potential than what we can imagine. It is not right to forcefully do things for something. In the long run it won't work for you. If you want to maximise your potential you need to know your passion. You need to change your destiny.
2/20/20203 minutes, 47 seconds
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Ego Kills Relationship - You Need To Hear This

Ego has impacted most of the relationship as there is no proper understanding between people. It is a dark side of the relationship and keeps it unhealthy to live. There shouldn't be ego in a relationship,but it should be outside your relationship to face those unwanted people. It should be in your personality.
2/18/20203 minutes, 21 seconds
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Celebrate Every Day As Your Valentine’s Day - Love Is Energy

We have a habit of celebrating Love on special days and that is why we don't make everyone feel energetic. Rest of the days feel boring and that is why to make yourself hydrated with love and positivity, it is important to set yourself free from any kind of validation. Valentine's day feel special but what about the rest of the days, they are also important part of your love life.
2/14/20203 minutes, 20 seconds
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Keep Your Social Feed Always Positive

What you search can make difference. Don't let your social feed collect negativity because it will be definitely affecting your mind. What you are searching and sharing will create those imaginations and thoughts. So before that keep your search results positive and spread positivity around you.
2/13/20202 minutes, 28 seconds
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Don’t Let Your Doubts Be a Reason to Failures

Doubts can be fatal especially when we start working with our life goals. When we try something for the first time, we don't know how to exactly work with it. We try to find as many shortcuts as possible. But we fail because we don't work hard. When we have started something for the first time, let yourself grow. People who have become successful, have struggled through the same situation. Stop doubting and start working.
2/11/20203 minutes, 3 seconds
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Stick To Your Goals – The Way To Keep Your Hopes Alive

There is a fierce competition happening around the world. As the population is growing, competition is increasing. People are getting far better from their experience. The only way is to stick to your goals. You don't no when you might achieve success. No matter how much tough the situations are, if you keep yourself going, it will keep your hopes alive.
2/10/20203 minutes, 20 seconds
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Don't Let Your Energy Suffocate By Your Negative Feelings

Why to let your daily energy suffer by your negative feelings. More than people we are more toxic to ourselves. We keep those feelings that arise through our thoughts. We make those feelings suffer our energy. THERE IS A SOLUTION AND THAT IS YOU NEED TO BE OPEN TO PEOPLE AND SPREAD THAT POSITIVITY.
2/8/20203 minutes, 23 seconds
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Kobe Bryant - Why Self-motivation Is Necessary

What is self-motivation? Self-motivation is the energy that lies within you. The energy is independent and doesn't require any kind of validation from anyone. You don't require people to motivate you and that is what this guy has made throughout his journey. He has become inspiration that is what you have to become. 
1/31/20204 minutes, 6 seconds
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Before Taking Risk Of Falling Over Someone You Need To Hear This

Everyone has emotions and emotions have ability to change. Don't make a step of falling over someone before you find yourself. People change, we can't hold or make control over someone. It is necessary to focus on your growth and not finding growth in someone. It Is necessary to work and explore yourself more. Find a stability of success and passion before taking risks of falling over someone.
1/28/20203 minutes, 30 seconds
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Your Intentions Are Important Than Your Thoughts

Thoughts are imaginary. They disappear in seconds. When one thought arises the other disappears. Don't think by numbers, think deep. Your thoughts will guide your intentions and your intentions will guide your purpose. Think Great but at the same time speak by your actions.
1/26/20203 minutes
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You Cannot Cheat With The System - Hard work Is The Key

If you try to find shortcuts, you will try finding shortcuts in every situation of your life. Breaking rules won't affect the system but it will affect your future. You cannot run from hard work. Just Remember
1/24/20203 minutes, 37 seconds
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Don't Think About Your Target While Working

We make a goal to achieve something. Success doesn't come while thinking about it day and night. People who think about success fail to achieve it in reality. Overthinking kills and that is why You need to stop making Targets. You cannot work efficiently while thinking about those results. It is better to start working without overthinking.
1/22/20203 minutes, 22 seconds
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Someone's Opinion Doesn't Change Your Purpose - You Need To Hear This

What people think, Let them think. Those thoughts might change your decision. It might blow your mind. But everything has not worked for them doesn't mean it won't work for you. Their opinion are not deeply rooted. Stay focus on your purpose and nothing can stop you.
1/21/20202 minutes, 50 seconds
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How You Treat People In Your Bad Times Defines You

The way you treat others during your bad times will define the real you. You will know the way your attitude is. You will get to know about your self more. People will respect you the way you treat them during your bad times.
1/19/20202 minutes, 38 seconds
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Burn Your Addiction And Not Your Passion - You Need To Hear This

Don't get confused between getting addicted to what you love and creating passion about it. Addiction is not a healthy nourishment, what you love to do. Passion builds deep roots and feel respected to love it. Addiction breaks down the limits that is why we cannot control ourselves. Passion set in the right way will help you to grow, remember this.
1/17/20204 minutes, 26 seconds
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Don't Visualize What You Perceive

We set misconceptions about people and their future. We think what they are now will always be at that stage itself. Visualising about others through their looks, through their work might not be good for the mind. They might be far better than you in the future. It's better to keep thoughts stable and give a healthy nourishment to the mind.
1/16/20203 minutes, 15 seconds
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Don't Take Your Lifestyle Casually

Being In a good Lifestyle doesn't mean you need to eat rich food, have luxury in your daily routine. It is all about how you make use of your time. Your lifestyle is as important as a job. You have to give the best nutrition to make it grow.
1/12/20202 minutes, 38 seconds
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Don't Complain About Lack Of Opportunities

There is a time when we give every second of our life in completing that work which is very important to us. We pour all the energy in it. We feel ignored when someone rejects us from their decision. We give up easily while the real fight starts here. Finding Opportunity can be tedious but not impossible. You have to be patient and take that control on your mind.
1/11/20203 minutes, 29 seconds
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Experience Every Moment Of Your Life

There is always some kind of fear in our mind. Fear of losing our struggles, Fear of losing someone, but in this time of thinking negative, we are missing to experience those present moments happening to us. We should be thankful for what our life is gifting to us. Make every experience memorable.
1/7/20203 minutes, 9 seconds
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Use Success To Kill Your Trauma

We pour all of our energy on someone that matters us the most and when we don't get that energy back we feel weak. Our happiness graph starts going down. There is no time to sit down and cry over those things again and again. Do what you love. There is always some work that you love. Your passion is the one that will kill this trauma. You need to achieve success. Even if you have failed in relationships, you can do best in what you love. 
1/5/20204 minutes, 1 second
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Don't Wait For Your New Year Resolutions

Every year is equally important and most of the people don't realise that year is a measurement of time. You can do lots of things, achieve goals but what will matter to you is how you look at that time. When you try to measure it by number of days then you make a habit. You make a habit of starting something fresh. You need to realise that what you are going to do is now and not tomorrow.
1/1/20202 minutes, 38 seconds
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Don't Enjoy On Someone's Hard Earned Money

Everyone knows how much hard and struggling it can be to earn something when you have started just from the scratch. It can actually be impossible to do what you haven't done for years. When someone gifts you something, accept it but don't be dependent on them. No one is going to shower you with love throughout your life. You need to find out your own way. At last everyone will be going to leave you to find their destiny.
12/26/20193 minutes, 47 seconds
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You Need To Change Your Daily Routine

We don't actually realise how much beneficial our daily routine is. Actually hundred percent of our success, strengths is guided by our daily routine. What we are doing in the whole day is extremely important. How we spend our time in doing productive work is more important. Successful people always tell us that they changed their destiny by changing their daily routine. And very few people try to follow it consistently
12/25/20193 minutes, 31 seconds
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Even If You Don't Force it Will Happen

Everyone has their own responsibilities. The system that is working within you carries a number of daily tasks. we try to avoid those things that hurt us by skipping our daily routine. we try to comfort ourselves when nothing is working. But at last we still get on that path. The past still makes you remember. You can't forget your past but you can start working and try to fix it.
12/22/20193 minutes, 32 seconds
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We Shouldn't Hold Our Energy On Others

When we say we are in love with someone we always feel they are with us. We feel that we are in sense of emotional attachments.  Most of the relationship don’t work because we think they are cheating with us. We think they love someone else, and their vision seems to be something else that we never thought. What exactly we are keeping ourselves back is that we hate to see them with others. When we have always imagined them to be with us but at a certain period of time, it seems to be changed.
12/20/20192 minutes, 32 seconds
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Never Focus On Holidays and Money

Most of the people don't realise how much worth a true success is. Some of us just pass their time by hanging up with friends, joining parties, clubs and then get emotional where the success is. Actually they focus on their holidays, they keep themselves comforted and make their schedules in such a manner that a minimum work can be done. People find happiness in holidays. They constantly try to find out when that Saturday or sunday will arise in their daily routine.
12/18/20192 minutes, 57 seconds
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Before You Wish Something

Before You Wish something, know yourself first. You need to explore about yourself and determine what is lacking in you. What are your positives and negatives. what is working with you. You can't be a super hero or you cannot be good in every sense. It is your capacity that matters and takes you to the next level. You need to follow what best fits you.
12/17/20193 minutes, 45 seconds
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Social Laughing Material Is A support To Bullying

When we find something different about someone, most of the people turn it into laughing material. It is easy to laugh rather than finding some kind of motivation. Sharing social laughing material that can hurt others is an act of bullying. Don't involve yourself in these acts as it can affect your future.
12/13/20192 minutes, 57 seconds
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Your Interest Should Be Independent

It doesn't really matter what level you can think. You might try to chase or compete with others during the start but during the whole journey, you will feel exhausted. Your energy is your passion which should be within you. During the end the passion will end up with you and no one else. 
12/12/20193 minutes, 23 seconds
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Never Be Ashamed Of Where You Are Starting From

One of the reasons we keep ourselves struggling is that don't want to start. We don't want to start from the lowest position to achieve the success. We always dream of finding the best life. We actually live in dream rather than reality. So don't let your ego put yourself back.
12/11/20193 minutes, 22 seconds
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Be An Extraordinary Thinker

Think what your mind is not set for. Human beings can think beyond their minds and have powers that can change the world. The real power lies in your mind. You can be a low level minded person or a creative thinker, it totally depends upon you.
12/10/20192 minutes, 29 seconds
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Don't Be Dependent On The Energy

We are dependent on the faith, that god will help us during our worst times. But not always you will be lucky, you shouldn't let your energy be dependent on the energy of others. Having dream on what you want to do is okay, but don't forget to work on it.
12/9/20192 minutes, 39 seconds
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Let Them Make Their Own Way

One of the major mistakes we do in our life is that, we don’t make people realise about their worth. It is not a matter of material, cloth or the richness of your values, but we have to know that feeding a human is feeding their ego. It might be child or a beggar but a human tendency cannot change, unless he or she decides to change.
12/9/20193 minutes, 47 seconds
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Your Karmas Will Guide Your Future

Your actions should never harm other's peace of mind. The karmas you do today will impact your tomorrow. Keep your surrounding happy and positive which will in return give you the happiness you want.
12/8/20193 minutes, 47 seconds
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Treat Others With Kindness

In today's modern world we are forced or treated in a negative manner. We spread this negative energy to further people causing negativity in our surrounding. If someone can change this, then it is you. If you treat others with a positive attitude, then problems can be sorted out easily. We can make the changes, and we can create this planet a better place to live.
12/7/20193 minutes, 3 seconds
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Keep Your Vision Clear

Keeping a crystal clear vision is necessary to manage your thoughts. Your thoughts will only be generated by your vision. What you see affects your mind and mental health. See good that will ultimately improve your mental health. 
11/25/20192 minutes, 55 seconds