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Maltese, Arts, 2 seasons, 19 episodes, 10 hours, 15 minutes
In a new collaboration between MaltaToday and National Book Council, Luke Galea and Rachel Baldacchino will be sitting down with local writers to discuss their favourite literary reads. Marka Paġna is a new series of literary podcasts where we will dive into the the psyche of renknown authors, poets and translators through the pieces of literature they hold most fondly.
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SE2 E09 Maria Brown

Rachel Baldacchino tiddiskuti ma’ Maria Brown, dwar ‘Democracy Without Confession’ ta’ John Baldacchino u Kenneth Wain. Id-diskussjoni ddur madwar is-serje ta’ konverżazzjonijiet filosofiċi taż-żewġ ħassieba b’għeruq Maltin, l-immaġinarju politiku diskuss fil-ktieb, is-saffi differenti tal-poter, u l-irwol tal-intellettwali pubbliku fis-soċjetà Maltija. Maria Brown kisbet Ph.D. fis-Soċjoloġija tal-Edukazzjoni għall-Adulti, l-Edukazzjoni Informali, u l-Iżvilupp tal-Komunità. Għandha wkoll Maġisteru fis-Soċjoloġija u Baċellerat fis-Soċjoloġija u t-Taljan. Brown tagħti lectures dwar l-edukazzjoni għall-adulti u l-edukazzjoni bbażata fil-komunità fi ħdan id-Dipartiment tal-Arti, il-Komunitajiet Miftuħa u l-Edukazzjoni għall-Adulti. L-interessi tagħha fir-riċerka jduru madwar l-edukazzjoni għall-adulti, l-edukazzjoni, l-azzjoni komunitarja, l-ugwaljanza soċjali, is-soċjoloġija, il-politika soċjali, l-Ewropizzazzjoni, l-iżvilupp sostenibbli, il-metodoloġija ġenrali u l-metodi ta’ riċerka. Kotba diskussi f’dan l-episodju:  John Baldacchino u Kenneth Wain, ‘Democracy Without Confession’, (Allied Newspapers, 2013) Mużika: Michael Azzopardi, ‘Skrejjen’  Markapaġna hija produzzjoni tal-Kunsill Nazzjonali tal-Ktieb imxandra b’kollaborazzjoni ma’ MaltaToday. Segwi fuq Facebook, YouTube, jew bħala awdjo fuq Spotify u Apple Podcasts u għal aktar informazzjoni żur  EN Rachel Baldacchino discusses with Maria Brown, John Baldacchino’s and Kenneth Wain’s ‘Democracy Without Confession’. The discussion revolves around the series of philosophical conversations of both philosophers with Maltese roots, the political imaginary, the different layers of power, and the role of the public intellectual in Maltese society. Maria Brown holds a Ph.D. in the Sociology of Adult and Non-Formal Education and Community Development, a Master of Arts in Sociology and a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology and Italian. She lectures adult education and community-based education within the Department of Arts,Open Communities & Adult Education. Her research interests are in adult education, education, community action and community development, social equality, sociology, social policy, Europeanisation, sustainable development, methodology and research methods. Books discussed in this episode:  John Baldacchino and Kenneth Wain, ‘Democracy Without Confession’, (Allied Newspapers, 2013) Music Michael Azzopardi, ‘Skrejjen’  Markapaġna is produced by the National Book Council and aired in collaboration with MaltaToday. Follow us on Facebook, YouTube or listen on Spotify and Apple Podcasts. For more information visit ​​ 
3/28/202338 minutes, 43 seconds
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SE2 E08 Erica Giusta

Erica Giusta Rachel Baldacchino tiddiskuti ma’ Erica Giusta, ‘Decolonising the Maltese Mind: In Search of Identity’ ta’ Charles Xuereb, dwar il-perspettiva interessanti ta’ Xuereb fuq il-kolonjaliżmu, kif il-kolonjaliżmu affettwa l-politika, il-ħajja ta’ kuljum, u l-komunità.   Erica hija perit, kittieba, u Direttur tal-Innovazzjoni mal-kumpanija tal-arkitettura AP Valletta. Hija kisbet MSc fl-Arkitettura u s-Sostenibbiltà mill-Politecncio di Torino u maġisteru fil-Midja u l-Komunikazzjoni minn IL Sole24Ore ta’ Milan. Fl-2015, ingħaqdet ma’ AP Valletta, u bħalissa qed tmexxi portafoll ta’ proġetti li jinkludi r-riċerka u l-iżvilupp. Erica tikkontribwixi regolarment permezz ta’ kitba fuq id-disinn, l-arkitettura, u l-arti performattivia f’għadd ta’ pubblikazzjonijiet lokali u internazzjonali, fosthom ‘Il Giornale dell’Architettura’, ‘A10’, ‘New European Architecture’ u ‘The Malta Artpaper’. Riċentament kitbet flimkien ma’ awturi oħra l-ktiba akkademika “Fort St. Angelo is not a Billboard” għal ‘The Routledge Sustainable Handbook’ (UCL, 2022), li permezz tagħha investigat l-effetti tal-midja ġdida fuq il-perċezzjoni u l-konervazzjoni tal-patrimonju.   Kotba diskussi f’dan l-episodju:    Charles Xuereb, ‘Decolonising the Maltese Mind: In Search of Identity’ (Midsea Books, 2022).   Mużika: Michael Azzopardi, ‘Skrejjen’    Markapaġna hija produzzjoni tal-Kunsill Nazzjonali tal-Ktieb imxandra b’kollaborazzjoni ma’ MaltaToday.   Segwi fuq Facebook, YouTube, jew bħala awdjo fuq Spotify u Apple Podcasts u għal aktar informazzjoni żur    EN Rachel Baldacchino discusses with Erica Giusta, ‘Decolonising the Maltese Mind: In Search of Identity’ by Charles Xuereb, the latter’s interesting perspective on colonialism, how colonialism affected politics, everyday life, and the community.   Erica Giusta is an architect and writer, Director of Innovation at architecture firm AP Valletta. She read for a MSc in Architecture for Sustainability at Politecnico di Torino (Turin, Italy), and holds a Post-Graduate Master in Media and Communication from the Il Sole24Ore Business School (Milan, Italy). In 2015, she joined AP Valletta, where she currently leads a portfolio of projects including research and development. Erica contributes regularly to a number of local and international publications, including Il Giornale dell’Architettura (IT), A10, New European Architecture (NL) and The Malta Artpaper, for which she writes about design, architecture and performative arts. She also recently co-authored the academic paper “Fort St. Angelo is not a billboard” for the Routledge Sustainable Heritage Handbook (UCL, 2022), investigating the effects of new media on the perception and conservation of heritage. Books discussed in this episode:    Charles Xuereb, ‘Decolonising the Maltese Mind: In Search of Identity’ (Midsea Books, 2022). Music Michael Azzopardi, ‘Skrejjen’    Markapaġna is produced by the National Book Council and aired in collaboration with MaltaToday. Follow us on Facebook, YouTube or listen on Spotify and Apple Podcasts. For more information visit ​​ 
3/21/202333 minutes, 34 seconds
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SE2 E07 Loranne Vella

Rachel Baldacchino tiddiskuti ma’ Loranne Vella r-rumanz ‘Dal-Lejl Ġie Alla’ (Buġelli, 1984), it-tliet ġenerazzjonijiet imsemmija, il-Malti użat li jmur lura fiż-żmien li ta lil Vella l-għodda biex tindirizza kwistjonijiet li jinteressawha, u r-relazzjoni tal-bniedem mal-annimal. Loranne Vella, Maltija li tgħix Brussell hija kittieba, traduttriċi u performer. Bejn l-2007 u l-2009 kitbet it-tliet kotba tat-‘Triloġija tal-Fiddien’ ma’ Simon Bartolo. Kull volum rebaħ il-Premju Nazzjonali tal-Ktieb. ‘Rokit’ kien l-ewwel rumanz ta’ Vella għall-adulti, ippubblikat minn Merlin Publishers, f’Marzu 2017 li ntlaqa’ tajjeb ħafna kemm mill-kritiċi u anke mill-pubbliku, u rebaħ il-Premju Nazzjonali tal-Ktieb fl-2018. Vella qalbet għall-Malti għadd ta’ kotba għat-tfal, fosthom tnejn li rebħu l-premju Terramaxka fl-2015 u l-2016. L-aħħar rumanz tagħha ‘Marta Marta’ ġie ppubblikat minn Ede Books fl-2022. Kotba diskussi f’dan l-episodju: Paul P. Borg, ‘Dal-Lejl Ġie Alla’, (Buġelli, 1984) Mużika: Michael Azzopardi, ‘Skrejjen’ Markapaġna hija produzzjoni tal-Kunsill Nazzjonali tal-Ktieb imxandra b’kollaborazzjoni ma’ MaltaToday. Segwi fuq Facebook, YouTube, jew bħala awdjo fuq Spotify u Apple Podcasts u għal aktar informazzjoni żur EN Rachel Baldacchino discusses with Loranne Vella the novel ‘Dal-Lejl Ġie Alla’ (Buġelli, 1984), the three generations mentioned, the old Maltese used that gave Vella the language to tackle issues that interest her, and the relationship between humankind and animals. Loranne Vella lives in Brussels, is a Maltese writer, translator and performer. Between 2007 and 2009 she co-wrote the three volumes of ‘It-Triloġija tal-Fiddien’ with Simon Bartolo. Each won the National Book Prize. ‘Rokit’ (Merlin Publishers, 2017) was her first novel for adults and won the National Book Prize. Vella has also translated several books for children, two of which won the Terramaxka National Children’s Books Prize in 2015 and 2016. She then issued a collection of short stories, ‘mill-bieb ’il ġewwa’ (Ede Books, 2019 that was translated to English under the title ‘what will it take for me to leave’ (Praspar Press, 2021). Vella translated various children’s books, two of which won the Terramaxka National Children’s Books Prize in 2015 and 2016. Her latest work is the novel ‘Marta Marta’ (Ede Books, 2022). Books discussed in this episode: Paul P. Borg, ‘Dal-Lejl Ġie Alla’, (Buġelli, 1984) Music Michael Azzopardi, ‘Skrejjen’ Markapaġna is produced by the National Book Council and aired in collaboration with MaltaToday. Follow us on Facebook, YouTube or listen on Spotify and Apple Podcasts. For more information visit ​​
3/14/202337 minutes, 25 seconds
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SE2 E06 Stella Borg Barthet

Rachel Baldacchino tiddiskuti ma’ Stella Borg Barthet ir-rumanz ‘Requiem for a Malta Fascist (or The Interrogation)’ (Aquilina, 1980), l-element postkolonjali f’dan ir-rumanz, l-interrogazzjoni li jagħmel Ebejer tal-identità Maltija, u dwar l-importanza tal-passat speċjalment għal min hu kkolonizzat. Stella Borg Barthet hija professur fid-Dipartiment tal-Ingliż fl-Università ta’ Malta, fejn tagħti korsijiet fuq il-letteratura postkolonjali, u fuq il-fizzjoni Ingliża u Amerikana tas-sekli tmintax u dsatax. Fl-2005 tellgħet il-konferenza European Association for Commonwealth Literature and Language Studies (EACLALS), u fis-sena ta’ wara ġiet maħtura bħala aġġudikatriċi tal-Premju tal-Kittieba tal-Commonwealth. Prof Borg Barthet ippubblikat diversi studji fuq kitba postkolonjali u ta’ immigrazzjoni kontemporanja. Bħalissa waħda mill-interessi tar-riċerka tagħha hija l-letteratura Mediterranja. Kotba diskussi f’dan l-episodju: Francis Ebejer, ‘Requiem for a Malta Fascist (or The Interrogation)’, (Aquilina, 1980) Mużika: Michael Azzopardi, ‘Skrejjen’ Markapaġna hija produzzjoni tal-Kunsill Nazzjonali tal-Ktieb imxandra b’kollaborazzjoni ma’ MaltaToday. Segwi fuq Facebook, YouTube, jew bħala awdjo fuq Spotify u Apple Podcasts u għal aktar informazzjoni żur EN Rachel Baldacchino discusses with Stella Borg Barthet the novel ‘Requiem for a Malta Fascist (or The Interrogation)’ (Aquilina, 1980), the postcolonial element of this novel, Ebejer’s interrogation of the Maltese identity, and the importance of history especially for the colonised. Stella Borg Barthet is Professor in the Department of English,University of Malta, where she teaches courses on postcolonial literature, and on 18th and 19th century English and American fiction. She convened the European Association for Commonwealth Literature and Language Studies (EACLALS) conference in 2005 and was appointed adjudicator for the Commonwealth Writers’ Prize the following year. Prof Borg Barthet has published many papers on postcolonial and contemporary migrant writing. Her current research interests include Mediterranean literature. Books discussed in this episode: Francis Ebejer, ‘Requiem for a Malta Fascist (or The Interrogation)’, (Aquilina, 1980) Music Michael Azzopardi, ‘Skrejjen’ Markapaġna is produced by the National Book Council and aired in collaboration with MaltaToday. Follow us on Facebook, YouTube or listen on Spotify and Apple Podcasts. For more information visit ​​
3/7/202334 minutes, 45 seconds
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SE2 E05 Kurt Borg

Rachel Baldacchino tidħol fi djalogu ma’ Kurt Borg dwar il-ġabra ta’ novelli ‘Mhux Nies’ ta’ Jean Paul Borg, jiddiskutu l-karattri varji u distinti f’din il-ġabra, it-taqbida kontinwa f’din il-ġabra bejn dak li jagħmel lill-umani nies jew le, u r-relevanza tal-ġabra bħalissa, sitt snin wara l-pubblikazzjoni tagħha. Kurt Borg huwa lettur fl-Università ta’ Malta. Huwa ggradwa b’dottorat fil-Filosofija u l-Istudji Umanistiċi mill-Università ta’ Staffordshire, b’riċerka dwar l-etika u l-politika tan-narrazzjoni tat-trawma f’kuntesti istituzzjonali. Fost oqsma oħra, jispeċjalizza fit-teorija poststrutturalista, partikolament fix-xogħol ta’ Michel Foucault u Judith Butler, u juża xogħolhom biex jistudja fenomeni bħall-identità, il-poter soċjali u r-reżistenza. Ippublika bosta kapitli u artikli f’kotba u ġurnali akkademiċi. Għandu għal qalbu l-ġeneru tal-esej, u bħalissa qed jaħdem fuq ġabra ta’ esejs dwar temi varji, fosthom il-memorja, il-vulnerabbiltà u l-ġeneru. Kotba diskussi f’dan l-episodju: Jean Paul Borg, ‘Mhux Nies’ (Klabb Kotba Maltin, 2016) Mużika: Michael Azzopardi, ‘Skrejjen’ Markapaġna hija produzzjoni tal-Kunsill Nazzjonali tal-Ktieb imxandra b’kollaborazzjoni ma’ MaltaToday. Segwi fuq Facebook, YouTube, jew bħala awdjo fuq Spotify u Apple Podcasts u għal aktar informazzjoni żur EN Rachel Baldacchino dialogues with Kurt Borg on Jean Paul Borg’s short-story collection Mhux Nies, they discuss the various and distinct characters of this collection, the continous battle between what makes us human or otherwise, and the relevance of this collection, six years after its publication. Kurt Borg is a lecturer at the University of Malta. He obtained a doctorate in Philosophy and Humanistic Studies at the University of Staffordshire, with a research on ethics and the politics of narration of trauma in institutional contexts. Among other areas, he specialises in post-structuralist theory, particularly in Michel Foucalt’s and Judith Butler’s work, and uses their work to study phenomenons such as identity, social power and resistance. He published various chapters and articles in academics books and journals. He is fond of the essay genre, and currently is working on an anthology of essays on various themes, such as memory, vulnerability and gender. Books discussed in this episode: Jean Paul Borg, ‘Mhux Nies’ (Klabb Kotba Maltin, 2016) Music Michael Azzopardi, ‘Skrejjen’ Markapaġna is produced by the National Book Council and aired in collaboration with MaltaToday. Follow us on Facebook, YouTube or listen on Spotify and Apple Podcasts. For more information visit ​​
2/28/202338 minutes, 35 seconds
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SE2 E04 Maria Theuma

Rachel Baldacchino tiddiskuti ma’ Maria Theuma dwar il-ġabra ta’ poeżija rebbieħa tal-Premju Nazzjonali tal-Ktieb, ‘Varjazzjonijiet tas-Skiet’ (Ede Books, 2021) ta’ Nadia Mifsud. Id-diskussjoni timraħ fuq ir-rettorika tas-skiet, it-tipi differenti tas-skiet u l-element konfessjonali f’din il-ġabra. Maria Theuma hija riċerkatriċi, kittieba u traduttriċi. Studjat fl-Università ta’ Malta u f’Goldsmiths, University of London u għandha dottorat fl-Ingliż. L-interessi tar-riċerka tagħha jinkludu l-postumaniżmu, it-teorija letterarja, il-letteratura komparattiva u l-kulturi viżivi. Dan l-aħħar, il-kitba akkademika tagħha ġiet ppubblikata fil-‘Journal of Posthumanism’ (Transnational Press London, Londra) u f’’CounterText’ (Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh). Ix-xogħol kreattiv tagħha, kemm bil-Malti kif ukoll bl-Ingliż, deher f’diversi proġetti multimedjali kollaborattivi, u fuq diversi pjattaformi, kemm dawk online kif ukoll dawk stampati, bħal ‘Scintillas: New Maltese Writing 1’ (Praspar Press, Londra). Kitbet reċensjonijiet dwar l-arti u t-teatru lokali għal ‘The Sunday Times of Malta’ u ‘Malta Today’, fost oħrajn. Kotba diskussi f’dan l-episodju: Nadia Mifsud, ‘Varjazzjonijiet tas-Skiet’ (Ede Books, 2021) Mużika: Michael Azzopardi, ‘Skrejjen’ Markapaġna hija produzzjoni tal-Kunsill Nazzjonali tal-Ktieb imxandra b’kollaborazzjoni ma’ MaltaToday. Segwi fuq Facebook, YouTube, jew bħala awdjo fuq Spotify u Apple Podcasts u għal aktar informazzjoni żur EN Rachel Baldacchino discusses with Maria Theuma on the National Book Prize award-winning poetry collection ‘Varjazzjonijiet tas-Skiet’(Ede Books, 2021) by Nadia Mifsud. The discussion revolves around the rhetoric of silence, the various types of silence, and the confessional element in this collection. Maria Theuma is a researcher, writer and translator. She studied at the University of Malta and at Goldsmiths, University of London, and holds a doctorate in English. Her research interests include posthumanism, literary theory, comparative literature and visual culture. Recently, an academic writing of hers was published in ‘Journal of Posthumanism’(Transnational Press London, Londra) and on ‘Counter Text’ (Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh). Her creative work, both in Maltese and in English, appeared on various collaborative multimedia projects, and also on various online and printed platforms, such as ‘Scintillas: New Maltese Writing 1’ (Praspar Press, London). She wrote reviews on local art and theatre for ‘The Sunday Times of Malta’ and ‘Malta Today’, among others. Books discussed in this episode: Nadia Mifsud, Varjazzjonijiet tas-Skiet (Ede Books, 2021) Music Michael Azzopardi, ‘Skrejjen’ Markapaġna is produced by the National Book Council and aired in collaboration with MaltaToday. Follow us on Facebook, YouTube or listen on Spotify and Apple Podcasts. For more information visit ​​
2/21/202335 minutes, 24 seconds
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SE2 E03 Tyrone Grima

Rachel Baldacchino tiddiskuti ma’ Tyrone Grima, il-ġabra ta’ novelli ta’ Ramona Depares, ‘The Patient in Hospital Zero’ (Merlin Publishers, 2021), dwar it-tensjoni u l-biża’ li toħloq din il-ġabra, l-aspett soċjopolitiku tagħha, u l-elementi komuni bejn din il-ġabra u ‘Frammenti’, ir-rumanz rebbieħ tal-Premju Nazzjonali tal-Ktieb. Tyrone Grima huwa lettur fl-Arti Performattiva fl-MCAST, kif ukoll direttur u kittieb tat-teatru. Interessat ħafna fil-letteratura u teatru queer, kif ukoll fl-ispiritwalità. L-ewwel xogħol tiegħu fil-qasam letterarju kien ir-rumanzett ‘Celibacy’. Grima kiteb ukoll żewġ ġabriet ta’ novelli flimkien ma’ Justin Schembri: ‘Frekwenzi Ħiemda’ u ‘Frekwenzi Msikkta’, kif ukoll ir-rumanz queer ‘Bep’. L-aħħar rumanz tiegħu, ‘Frammenti’ rebaħ il-Premju Nazzjonali tal-Ktieb. Kotba diskussi f’dan l-episodju: Ramona Depares, ‘The Patient in Hospital Zero’ (Merlin Publishers, 2021) Tyrone Grima, ‘Frammenti’ (Merlin Publishers, 2021) Mużika: Michael Azzopardi, ‘Skrejjen’ Markapaġna hija produzzjoni tal-Kunsill Nazzjonali tal-Ktieb imxandra b’kollaborazzjoni ma’ MaltaToday. Segwi fuq Facebook, YouTube, jew bħala awdjo fuq Spotify u Apple Podcasts u għal aktar informazzjoni żur EN Rachel Baldacchino discusses with Tyrone Grima, the collection of short stories by Ramona Depares, ‘The Patient in Hospital Zero’ (Merlin Publishers, 2021), its air of tension and fear, its socio-political aspect, and the common elements it carries with ‘Frammenti’, the prize-winning novel of the National Book Prize. Tyrone Grima is a lecturer in Performative Arts at MCAST, as well as director and playwright. He is very interested in queer literature and theatre, as well as in spirituality. His first literary work was his novella ‘Celibacy’. Together with Justin Schembri, Grima also wrote two collections of short stories: ‘Frekwenzi Ħiemda’ and ‘Frekwenzi Msikkta’, as also the queer novel ‘Bep’. His latest novel, ‘Frammenti’ won the National Book Prize. Books discussed in this episode: Ramona Depares, ‘The Patient in Hospital Zero’ (Merlin Publishers, 2021) Tyrone Grima, ‘Frammenti’ (Merlin Publishers, 2021) Music Michael Azzopardi, ‘Skrejjen’ Markapaġna is produced by the National Book Council and aired in collaboration with MaltaToday. Follow us on Facebook, YouTube or listen on Spotify and Apple Podcasts. For more information visit ​​
2/14/202334 minutes, 37 seconds
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SE2 E02 Gattaldo

Rachel Baldacchino tiddiskuti ma’ Gattaldo dwar il-ġabra ta’ novelli ta’ Pierre J. Mejlak, ‘Qed Nistenniek Nieżla max-Xita’ (Merlin Publishers, 2009). Baldacchino u Gattaldo jiddiskutu l-imħabba, id-diżillużjoni, id-destin u l-logħba bil-memorja li Mejlak juża f’din il-ġabra, u jagħlqu l-programm b’diskussjoni fuq il-ktieb ta’ illustrazzjonijiet ‘Il-Ġurnalista’. Gattaldo studja l-Belle Arti fl-Accademia di Belle Arti f’Firenze. Ħadem bħala Direttur tal-Arti fir-reklamar u l-fotografija madwar l-Ewropa u bħalissa jgħix Londra. Gattaldo huwa wkoll awtur u illustratur tal-kotba għat-tfal, u ġie ppubblikat fir-Renju Unit u l-Istati Uniti. Il-verżjoni bil-Malti tal-ktieb tiegħu ‘Fearless, The Story of Daphne Caruana Galizia’, ġie ppubblikat minn Midsea Books f’Malta taħt l-isem ‘Il-Ġurnalista’. Kotba diskussi f’dan l-episodju: Pierre J. Mejlak, ‘Qed Nistenniek Nieżla max-Xita’ (Merlin Publishers, 2009) Gattaldo (trad.), Immanuel Mifsud, ‘Il-Ġurnalista’ (Klabb Kotba Maltin, 2022) Mużika: Michael Azzopardi, ‘Skrejjen’ Markapaġna hija produzzjoni tal-Kunsill Nazzjonali tal-Ktieb imxandra b’kollaborazzjoni ma’ MaltaToday. Segwi fuq Facebook, YouTube, jew bħala awdjo fuq Spotify u Apple Podcasts u għal aktar informazzjoni żur EN Rachel Baldacchino discusses with Gattaldo Pierre J. Mejlak’s collection of short stories, ‘Qed Nistenniek Nieżla max-Xita’ (Merlin Publishers, 2009). Baldacchino and Gattaldo debate the themes of love, disillusionment, destiny and Mejlak’s play with memory in this collection, and then close the podcast discussing Gattaldo’s own ‘Il-Ġurnalista’. Gattaldo studied Fine Art at the Accademia di Belle Arti in Florence. He worked as Art Director for advertising and photography throughout Europe and currently lives in London. Gattaldo is also a children’s author and illustrator, published in the UK and the US. The Maltese-language version of his book ‘Fearless, The Story of Daphne Caruana Galizia’ is published at the end of 2022 by Midsea Books. Books discussed in this episode: Pierre J. Mejlak, ‘Qed Nistenniek Nieżla max-Xita’ (Merlin Publishers, 2009) Gattaldo, (transl.), Immanuel Mifsud, ‘Il-Ġurnalista’ (Klabb Kotba Maltin, 2022) Music Michael Azzopardi, ‘Skrejjen’ Markapaġna is produced by the National Book Council and aired in collaboration with MaltaToday. Follow us on Facebook, YouTube or listen on Spotify and Apple Podcasts. For more information visit ​​
2/7/202334 minutes, 5 seconds
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SE2 E01 Clare Vassallo

Rachel Baldacchino, fl-ewwel poddata tagħha, titkellem ma’ Clare Vassallo fuq ‘Vespers’ (Merlin Publishers, 2021), il-verżjoni tradotta bl-Ingliż ta’ ‘Vespri’ ta’ Trevor Żahra, il-vjaġġ li t-test ħa waqt it-traduzzjoni, l-influwenza tat-traduttur fuq ix-xogħol oriġinali u l-kollaborazzjoni li seħħet waqt dan il-vjaġġ. Clare Vassallo hija professur tal-Istudji Semjotiċi u t-Traduzzjoni fid-Dipartiment tal-Istudji tat-Traduzzjoni fl-Università ta’ Malta. Tagħti korsijiet f’livell postgradwatorju fid-Dipartiment tal-Istudji tat-Traduzzjoni fl-Istorja tat-Traduzzjoni u t-Teorija Kontemporanja; il-Prammatika, is-Semantika u s-Semjotika, kif ukoll it-Traduzzjoni Letterarja fost oħrajn. Ittraduċiet mill-Malti għall-Ingliż lil Pierre J. Mejlak, Joe Friggieri, Antoinette Borg, Lara Calleja, Walid Nabhan, Norbert Bugeja u lill-poeta nazzjonali Dun Karm Psaila. Ippublikat ukoll studji akkademiċi internazzjonalment. Kotba diskussi f’dan l-episodju: Trevor Żahra, ‘Vespri’ (Merlin Publishers, 2015) Clare Vassallo (trad.), ‘Vespers’ (Merlin Publishers, 2021) Mużika: Michael Azzopardi, ‘Skrejjen’ Markapaġna hija produzzjoni tal-Kunsill Nazzjonali tal-Ktieb imxandra b’kollaborazzjoni ma’ MaltaToday. Segwi fuq Facebook, YouTube, jew bħala awdjo fuq Spotify u Apple Podcasts u għal aktar informazzjoni żur EN In her first podcast, Rachel Baldacchino discusses with Clare Vasallo Vespers (Merlin Publishers, 2021), the English translated version of Trevor Żahra’s Vespri, the journey all stories went through while translating, the influence of the translator on the original work, and how translation is a fruit of collaboration between the author and the translator. Clare Vassallo is Full Professor of Semiotics and Translation Studies in the Department of Translation Studies at the University of Malta.  She teaches postgraduate courses in the Department of Translation Studies in Translation History and Contemporary Theory; Pragmatics, Semantics and Semiotics; and Literary Translation, among others.She has translated Pierre J. Mejlak, Trevor Żahra, Joe Friggieri, Antoinette Borg, Lara Calleja, Walid Nabhan, Norbert Bugeja and the national poet, Dun Karm Psaila from Maltese to English. She has also published academic papers internationally. Books discussed in this episode: Trevor Żahra, ‘Vespri’ (Merlin Publishers, 2015) Clare Vassallo (transl.), ‘Vespers’ (Merlin Publishers, 2021) Music Michael Azzopardi, ‘Skrejjen’ Markapaġna is produced by the National Book Council and aired in collaboration with MaltaToday. Follow us on Facebook, YouTube or listen on Spotify and Apple Podcasts. For more information visit ​​
1/31/202330 minutes, 43 seconds