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Chinese, Education, 1 season, 43 episodes, 14 hours, 38 minutes
微博关注"口语吐撸FUN" 微信关注"lululuba" 全球华人都在关注的搞siao电台 Lizhi电台有史以来最酷炫吊炸天的节目 道地的美式发音 标准的成都话 最逗逼的2位主持 带你睡前吐热点 撸英语!!
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12/10/20168 minutes, 2 seconds
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12/9/201610 minutes, 37 seconds
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来点英文顺口溜 在冬天的霾里暖一把!

喜欢请关注微信:BFF美语回复本期关键字:顺口溜 收看lulu的英文笔记!
12/8/20166 minutes, 43 seconds
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用"母老虎"强势回归 赶紧围观!

这么久没做了 不要问为什么 ! 这期comeback, 我们悄悄地请来了成都新东方财务总监, 宁静老师!!! 悄悄地拍了马屁!!!办公室母老虎: aggressive boss/ office biaaaaach 凶悍, 强势 aggressive专横的爱指挥他人的 bossy 狡猾的subtle ['sʌt(ə)l] adj. 马屁精 ass kisser老好人 a disease to please
10/14/201531 minutes, 38 seconds
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8/25/20154 minutes, 7 seconds
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Well first of all, we&`&d like to congrats our gay friends! Yay, now you have another reason to immigrate to America! 我们由衷的替我们gay朋友感到高兴! Love you guys! Be pround of who you are!以下就是今天的文稿! 如果想正儿八经学英文, 添加微信好友 "tulufun"白日梦 daydream: 做白日梦: daydream about : I daydream about 吐哥 when i&`&m awake.Daydreaming that you&`&re one of the characters in the book you&`&re reading (经常幻想自己是小说男女猪脚)课堂上白日梦: i daydream in class扣咖: scratch the lady parts中彩票/得一大笔钱: win the lottery/hit the jackpot复仇: get revenge on sb: Mary got revenge on her ex. 神游: drift away幻想 fantacyIf i did sth, i would....: If i married Bradly Cooper, i would broadcast about it every day and night.不劳而获Nothing can be gained without an effort.
6/27/201528 minutes, 28 seconds
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哎呀 管他有没有人听哦 一个人听我们也做! Hot: It's hot in hereBoss: She's the bossDot Com:
6/8/20156 minutes
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欢迎大家在上班的路上上学途中 无聊的来它一发! Ass----I’m a total ass person.Fast---wow, you’re fast!Cab---Let me grab a cab!Crap---Oh crap!或者直接看图!
6/3/20155 minutes, 48 seconds
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/i:/&/i/ 错了半辈子的长短音

吐哥在周末的FM94.0给大家承诺撸姐要操起整个成都市发音和口语水平重担, 正儿八经讲点口语的基础和技巧! 先从以前全部念错的发音开始! 大家直接看图就可以啦!晚安!
6/1/20156 minutes, 31 seconds
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如果感到尴尬,你就拍拍手(super awkward)

HEY, WE ARE BACK!1. NO BALLS 没种= when someone doesn&`&t have the guts to do something. Tuge has no balls to confess his love to 铁柱!2. awkward silence 一群人在聊天 突然有天使飞过it was super awkward3. 拉在裤子里 shit someone’s pants: 吐哥 shit his pants again!4. push over=someone who doesn&`&t say "no".吐哥 is a pushover when he&`&s with 撸姐.5. help sb out 帮助人6. i&`&m embarresed easily 脸皮很薄awkward & embarrasing awkward是很尴尬 embarrasing就是做了某事让自己很难堪, 很尴尬I embarrased myself by dancing in a group.7. 没有安全感 insecure: i am insecure when i am with my girlfriend8. 争强好胜的 aggressive: she&`&s super aggressive
5/4/201526 minutes, 25 seconds
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大家好~~吐哥“贱”电影他是又来一发咯~本期给大家来 燃瓦(聊) 下僵尸片,巴适的板是安逸的喊这次给大家一口气就推荐了4部嗨皮的僵尸电影分别是《活死人黎明——DAWN OF THE DEAD》《死亡录像——REC》《僵尸肖恩——SHAUN OF THE DEAD》《惊变28天——28 DAYS LATER》《惊变28周——28 WEEKS LATER》节目尾巴的位置给大家带来了来自《活死人黎明》的片头曲《THE MAN COMES AROUND》好了,就这么多!最后给大家带来一句正能量: 每天醒来都发现自己能有不同的丑法,SO ,LIVE HARDER!
4/21/201531 minutes, 36 seconds
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瓶颈期,卡到阴(we got stuck)

4/9/201531 minutes, 41 seconds
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粉丝Chilin来稿 "关系词的用法”

哇! 超级有磁性的声音,良心教语法的Chilin先生!口语吐撸FUN的粉丝逼格都好高!!!!
4/8/20158 minutes, 8 seconds
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这是我们两口子在四川经济频率财富广播FM94.0每个周六周日下午6点到7点的英语脱口秀节目“E对奇葩”!请来了成都人民的“国民偶像”轩老师, 给大家摆巴适的,说安逸的!这次的节目长了三!那些喊短的, 放学后别走!
4/8/201550 minutes, 46 seconds
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hairline: 发际线my hairline receded at age of 20: a receding hairlinecleavage: "事业线"showing cleavage doesn’t fix your facev-line: "人鱼线"check out that guy’s v-line
4/6/20159 minutes, 21 seconds
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播放量低于吐哥 退出主持界

这期节目讲FUN的发音因为大部分的我们爱把“fun”& “done”念成“放荡”。四川人的我们更容易把“one”念成“晚”来吧 我们一起大声的Fun出来!!!!
3/30/20154 minutes, 10 seconds
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3/28/201510 minutes, 18 seconds
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应广大"社友"强烈要求, 我们第二次邀请了不得了的大咖西一啊夏,思聪, 聪聪老师! 撸姐表示, 整集从头笑到尾, 又智慧又欢乐没有尿点. 希望各位不要对号入座, 如果有, 那么一切都是一场误会, 下面由我"负责任"的给大家补充些有的没的英文点!有能力 have capabilities/be capable of doing sth 出众的 outstanding/superior我很妒忌你 i&`&m jelous of you 天真的 innocent 愚蠢的 foolish你有没有听说...? Did you hear about...?私人生活 personal life "干爹" sugardaddyQQ/微信/微博签名: status 在别人背后说坏话 say sth bad behind somebody&`&s back打小报告的人: tattletale : tattle on sb排挤 isolate: I was isolated by them某人态度不好: sb has an attitude 小团体 small group豪华餐厅 fancy restaurant 假想敌 imaginary enemy 暗自比较compare yourself to others secretly 没有真本事 no actual skills 他们没事干 they don&`&t have anything better to do肤浅的: superficial 开战: game on
3/23/201533 minutes, 49 seconds
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3/16/201541 minutes, 36 seconds
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明星们 作不起就不要作!

是不是明星一吸毒就完蛋? 有很多明星放浪形骸, 但是也依然巨星光芒四射. 但是有些明星就没这个待遇, 比如说著名说唱教父尹相杰! 今天我们就来八一八那些不停作践自己但是群众依然疯狂爱他们的名人些!be addicted to sth: 对什么上瘾: Tuge is addicted to drugs. personal privacy 私人隐私sb is isolated: 此人被孤立have easy access to drugs 很容易就拿到drugsapproach 接近numb 麻木 : drugs numb the painoverdose吸过量 fatal致命的weed/pot/marijuana毒品smoke pot/weed, get stoned 吸毒rehab 戒毒所celebrity明星
3/14/201534 minutes, 24 seconds
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哎, 撸姐嗓子里面的梅毒终于好了! 终于可以布谷鸟般的做节目拉! 最近柴静自制片很火, 背后有些无知的小声音骂出来, 于是我们就不高兴了, 有人自己花钱出来替你维权, 你凭什么在那儿BB?以下就是给那些真心来学英语的人儿:空气污染 air pollution 雾霾 smog无知的 ignorant 一夜成名 overnight sensation 电视主播 TV anchor网上传开 Online release网民 internet user自制纪录片 self-funded documentary
3/4/201524 minutes, 46 seconds
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3/2/20152 minutes, 59 seconds
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吐哥自环切后,各种感染发烧,尖在47°高温下和撸姐一起趁着情人节余温通过录音来达到高潮。生病都这么嗨,真的是用生命在做电台啊,所以赶紧加社区进来社我们,也欢迎加我们的微信tulufun. 一起群槽吧!情人节:Valentine&`&s Day懂你的心思: read one&`&s mind还有那句大家都在问的话: be yourself, cuz those who mind don&`&t matter, and those who matter don&`&t mind. (做自己,那些在意的人不重要,而重要的人不在意)底薪 base salary天赋 gift自卑 low self esteem跟风 follow the trendnipple奶头同父异母/同母异父的兄弟姐妹:half brother/half sister高潮 orgasm记住:不要在意别人看法 但是也不是凡事都不听劝!
2/14/201524 minutes, 27 seconds
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感谢我们的粉丝斥巨资一个免费的高逼格的蛋糕投我们的广告! 必须要说这是对我们工作的最大最高认可!!!我们已经走在了致富的康庄大道上! 必须要给她抽起,她们家的手工蛋糕确实巴适, 她的微信号han-xiaoxiao!昨夜看完我是歌手,感觉来登了 马上连夜赶制出来 自己反复听 笑死了!以下是文档!空难: plane crash死亡人数: death tolltoo...to是太怎么以至于不能怎样逊必了 lame冷笑话 corny jokes打屁 fart: Tuge farted a lot.做过头了overdo吸气 inhale很可爱super cute吊胃口,制造悬念: create suspensekingsize bed大床惹到我了 sth gets on my nerve广告 commercial
2/6/201527 minutes, 5 seconds
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一大波 烂英语来袭

尖特邀一位大咖 真的是非常大的咖 "郑尧一", 外号"喳得开", FM94.0的DJ来做客口语吐撸FUN, 跟大家聊聊过去在"李雷韩double梅"这本教材学过的歪英语, "喳得开"跟"吐哥"之前因烂英语犯的错都是会羞羞的哦!我的英文不太好 my english is not that good(没有poor这种说法)How are you?的回答是 "i&`&m good, i&`&m fine, i&`&m ok"(没有and you这种说法)一般"ok": How was 吐哥last night? He was ok!thank you 的回答 "you are welcome" "it&`&s ok"sorry的回答"it&`&s ok"跟朋友玩: let&`&s hang out (play with是色情的说法 不要乱用哦!)可乐 coke 给我杯可乐 "can i have the coke?"男性生殖器 cock变性人 tran-sexual person蒸鱼 steamed fish手语 sign language
1/27/201528 minutes, 36 seconds
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1/25/201527 minutes, 53 seconds
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发吐 vomit/throw up: 吐哥threw up today during diving training.实现承诺 deliver promise黑自己 mock ourselves教授 professor 大学职工 faculty at university空姐 air hostess 、 flight attendant 那又怎样 so what 白领 people who sit in the office农民工 the people who do labor work小商小贩 vender 苍蝇馆子 grreasy spoon月嫂 chinese traditional nanny 眼高手低 overestimate themselves 跟风 follow the trend
1/13/201524 minutes, 36 seconds
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New Year New Me! Come on!

嘿! 新年伊始, 是不是又在做一些计划骗自己呢? 我俩在这里发誓: 新年我们要每周至少更一期节目! BTW, 我们明天晚上9点会在SCTV-4有一台脱口秀电视节目, 吐槽"自拍"的!逝者安息 R.I.P踩踏事件 the stampede in Shanghai新年愿望 New Year's Resolution: My new year's resolution is to stop lying to myself about making life changes.拖延 procrastination: I procrastinated too long./ I'm the last minute person.管理时间 manage time 注意力分散 we're distracted by little things自律性 selfdiscipline动力 motivation: I'm motivated by all my friends studying in Ive League Schools.同类竞争 peer pressure随主流 go with the flow
1/3/201520 minutes, 15 seconds
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终于更新了!!!已经被大家催得不行了! 这次的道歉是跪着录完的 非常真诚,我们只想告诉你don&`&t take it so seriously! 不要当真! 你就当我们在发bia言而已! 最后要感谢大家一直以来没有放弃我们, 你们是我们的挖井人!前戏 foreplay (就是那个之前的动作 你懂的)我们检讨自己 we have a confession to make道歉 apologize: we are sorry for whatever we did to you惹到你 annoy/bother/upset you实用 practical 偶像idol自尊 self esteem/ 习惯 habit 名牌 luxury brand 价值观 value 隐私 privacy我们也没有那么完美 we are not that perfect either!
12/27/201421 minutes, 31 seconds
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拼命加班为哪般?(work overtime)

吐哥终于回来了!!!哦也! 最近辛苦众爱卿了, 我们这么忙没更新 你们居然还对我们不离不弃! 我们一定要在我们即将迎来的电台节目点名表扬! 今天跟大家吐槽"加班狗", 你肯定被吐到了, 我们居然也拼命加班为你们哈哈哈, 但是请传播正能量哦! 熬太久的夜 stay up late at night 加班 work overtime 主要原因 the main reason of sth is.... 这东西值不值? is that worth it? 一点都不值 it's not worth it. 把什么放在第一位: i put sth first 公司马上再找人替换你 the company is gonna rehire sb to replace you 替换 replace 个人强烈欲望 own strong desire 社会价值观病态 the social value is sick. 表示啥子东西是病态 sth is sick 谁来为你的损失买单 who's gonna pay for your loss?
12/12/201420 minutes, 33 seconds
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你就是那个你讨厌的人(stop bitchin about others)

吐哥下半身又生病了, 今天坐在贵妃椅上录的! 尖的主题就是"其实我们一直都是我们那个讨厌的人" 你点进来听一下对不对漫画书: comic books 电子游戏 video games 吼某人 yell at sb"" slut/whore 骚得很: slutty 干爹(正常) god father "干爹" sugar daddy冗长的 tedious/ talk non-stop 小啰嗦: employee安慰 comfort 补习班 after-school class拖延症 procrastination走后门: have connections 镜子 mirror存钱 deposit
11/24/201416 minutes, 26 seconds
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看个科幻电影而已 要不要那么装?(sci-fi movie)

星际穿越 interstellar 科幻电影 science fiction movie 科幻电影很难懂 I do n't get this sci-fi movie 懂 get 硬科幻 hard science 三维世界 three dimentional world 五维世界 five dimentional world 引力 gravity (t在两个元音之间 发D的音) 虫洞 wormhole 黑洞 black hole 理科男 science geek 宇航员 Astronaut 美国航天局 NASA 相对论 relativity 摩斯电码 morse code 文科 liberal arts
11/19/201421 minutes, 3 seconds
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双十一 朋友 你的手还在吗? (吐槽online shopping)

吐哥 深夜情感专栏热烈开场 节目专门提到饺夫人等热心粉丝 老兵节 (Veteran's Day) 网购 online shopping 包邮 free shipping 打折 on sale 跳楼价 huge discount 利用 take advatage of 理性的 rational 冲动消费 impulsive buying 有用的东西 practical stuff 后悔 regret 银行储蓄卡 debit card 信用卡 credit card 银行卡密码 pin number 骗自己 lie to ourselves
11/12/201421 minutes, 53 seconds
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姐妹们,撕逼去 (吐槽cat fight)

尖用专孽设备录制的节目 好开心 提到了某某 欢迎大家争相被提亦敌亦友 frenemy说坏话 talk about people behind their backs编造 make up 谣言 rumor 散播 spread莫名其妙不理你 Ignore you for no reasons 假装 pretend孤立 isolate 含沙射影 imply 对号入座 paranoied 打某人小报告 tattle on sb 冷嘲热讽 sarcasm嫉妒 jealousy : Im so jealous of you 酒肉朋友 fair weather friend什么都看不惯的人 haters gonna hate广场舞 square dance / synchronized dancing
11/6/201423 minutes, 57 seconds
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潮人都在关注的荔枝电台, 不关注"带你撸带你吐"不潮 微博关注 "口语吐撸FUN" 吹牛 brag 夸张 exaggerate 超哥 gangster 贫民窟 ghetto place 职业生涯 career path 过度许诺 overpromise 升职 get promoted 加薪 get a raise 潜规则 casting couch 愿景 vision 学期 semester 找借口 find excuses 闭口不提 not mention about it 关注自己 focus on yourself
11/3/201421 minutes, 7 seconds
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揭秘“整容婊” (plastic surgery)

尖邀请到 夏思聪, 常常自称是成都新东方国内部的名师! 地方电视台的大咖! 尖一定要来到带你撸带你吐, 教我们的撸友们教大家一些整容小知识, 用以防身! 尖由于夏老师的到来 水货较多 单词较少 请看 Plastic Surgery 整容 Nose job隆鼻 Boob job隆胸 double eyelid surgery双眼皮 botox肉毒杆菌 liposuction 抽脂手术 sb wears braces 某人带牙套
10/29/201423 minutes, 18 seconds
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装逼被雷劈 从头劈到逼 R U in BZone?

下载荔枝电台, 搜"带你撸带你吐", 然后订阅我们! 装逼: He's such a poser 矿泉水: bottled water 理发店: hair salon 理发师 hairdresser 名牌: luxury brands 自卑 self-conscious; 优越感: Sb thinks he/she's better than everybody else (sb is superior) ABC: Asian American 黄段子: dirty jokes 我听不懂这个笑话: i don't get it 装处: act like she's innocent 处女(男) virgin 什么都懂 Mr. knows everything or he's a walking encyclopedia 抢风头: steal one's thunder
10/26/201422 minutes, 52 seconds
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pus 脓 STD性病 参加婚礼 attend the wedding 婚宴 wedding reception 结婚: get married 红包 lucky money 请柬 wedding Invitation 新郎 groom 新娘 bride 伴郎 bestman 伴娘 bridemaid 司仪 emcee 过于戏剧化的 over dramatic 婚纱 wedding gown 主角 leading actor 配角 supporting actor 交换誓言 exchange vow 游泳衣 bathing suit 丈母娘 mother in law 丈母爹 father in law 发言 give a lot of speech
10/19/201419 minutes, 58 seconds
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脑残: brain damage Bro Tu is brain damaged. 脑残粉: groupie 看到外国明星比较好的说法是 "I'm such a huge fan of yours" 外貌协会: lookism 啃老族: boomerang kid 杀马特头发: spiky hair 丑闻: scandal 八卦: gossip 偶像: idol 模仿: imitate 吵架: fight; I had a huge fight with Bro Tu today. 韩国明星: korean pop star 幻想的男友: imaginary boyfriend
10/14/201420 minutes, 9 seconds
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吐槽“处女座” (Virgo)

欢迎大家关注我们的官微 "lululuba" 收听方式 "回家路上,手机连上蓝牙, 当作旅途背景音" 星座 horoscope 处女座 Virgo 狮子座 Leo 性格 personality 完美主义者: perfectionist 控制狂 control freak 洁癖的人 clean freak 强迫症 OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) 多疑的 suspicious : 吐哥 has trust issues 喜怒无常的: temperamental 小题大做的人: drama queen
10/5/201420 minutes, 21 seconds
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Selfie---自拍: Taking selfies with my phone Photoshop---作动词: Omg, you are like photoshopped!!!!" 社交网络: social networking 上传 post 露事业线: show cleavage 化(put on)妆 (makeup) 健身房: gym 健身: work out 6块腹肌: six packs 负能量: negativity 散文: essay 诗人: poet 炫富: brag about how much things cost
9/28/201419 minutes, 9 seconds
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吐槽“voice of china"

节目中提到的单词 男高音--Tenor 女高音--soprano 选手--contestant 导师--mentor 悬疑--suspense 上头条--make headlines 她好作啊!--She's phony! 不要再装了(可以真实点吗?)--Stop acting okay?
9/23/201417 minutes, 59 seconds
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讲到的单词有 ALS Ice Bucket Challenge 渐冻人冰桶大挑战 dump a bucket of ice water 泼冰水 nominate 点名 social media社会媒体 upload the video上传视频 donate 捐 celebrity名人 voluntary自发的 circle of friends朋友圈 boiled water开水 nobody无名小卒
9/22/201416 minutes, 59 seconds