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Linear Digressions

English, Computing/Technology, 1 season, 291 episodes, 4 days, 8 minutes
In each episode, your hosts explore machine learning and data science through interesting (and often very unusual) applications.
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So long, and thanks for all the fish

All good things must come to an end, including this podcast. This is the last episode we plan to release, and it doesn’t cover data science—it’s mostly reminiscing, thanking our wonderful audience (that’s you!), and marveling at how this thing that started out as a side project grew into a huge part of our lives for over 5 years. It’s been a ride, and a real pleasure and privilege to talk to you each week. Thanks, best wishes, and good night! —Katie and Ben
7/26/202035 minutes, 44 seconds
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A Reality Check on AI-Driven Medical Assistants

The data science and artificial intelligence community has made amazing strides in the past few years to algorithmically automate portions of the healthcare process. This episode looks at two computer vision algorithms, one that diagnoses diabetic retinopathy and another that classifies liver cancer, and asks the question—are patients now getting better care, and achieving better outcomes, with these algorithms in the mix? The answer isn’t no, exactly, but it’s not a resounding yes, because these algorithms interact with a very complex system (the healthcare system) and other shortcomings of that system are proving hard to automate away. Getting a faster diagnosis from an image might not be an improvement if the image is now harder to capture (because of strict data quality requirements associated with the algorithm that wouldn’t stop a human doing the same job). Likewise, an algorithm getting a prediction mostly correct might not be an overall benefit if it introduces more dramatic failures when the prediction happens to be wrong. For every data scientist whose work is deployed into some kind of product, and is being used to solve real-world problems, these papers underscore how important and difficult it is to consider all the context around those problems.
7/19/202014 minutes
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A Data Science Take on Open Policing Data

A few weeks ago, we put out a call for data scientists interested in issues of race and racism, or people studying how those topics can be studied with data science methods, should get in touch to come talk to our audience about their work. This week we’re excited to bring on Todd Hendricks, Bay Area data scientist and a volunteer who reached out to tell us about his studies with the Stanford Open Policing dataset.
7/13/202023 minutes, 44 seconds
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Procella: YouTube's super-system for analytics data storage

This is a re-release of an episode that originally ran in October 2019. If you’re trying to manage a project that serves up analytics data for a few very distinct uses, you’d be wise to consider having custom solutions for each use case that are optimized for the needs and constraints of that use cases. You also wouldn’t be YouTube, which found themselves with this problem (gigantic data needs and several very different use cases of what they needed to do with that data) and went a different way: they built one analytics data system to serve them all. Procella, the system they built, is the topic of our episode today: by deconstructing the system, we dig into the four motivating uses of this system, the complexity they had to introduce to service all four uses simultaneously, and the impressive engineering that has to go into building something that “just works.”
7/6/202029 minutes, 48 seconds
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The Data Science Open Source Ecosystem

Open source software is ubiquitous throughout data science, and enables the work of nearly every data scientist in some way or another. Open source projects, however, are disproportionately maintained by a small number of individuals, some of whom are institutionally supported, but many of whom do this maintenance on a purely volunteer basis. The health of the data science ecosystem depends on the support of open source projects, on an individual and institutional level.
6/29/202023 minutes, 6 seconds
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Rock the ROC Curve

This is a re-release of an episode that first ran on January 29, 2017. This week: everybody's favorite WWII-era classifier metric! But it's not just for winning wars, it's a fantastic go-to metric for all your classifier quality needs.
6/21/202015 minutes, 52 seconds
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Criminology and Data Science

This episode features Zach Drake, a working data scientist and PhD candidate in the Criminology, Law and Society program at George Mason University. Zach specializes in bringing data science methods to studies of criminal behavior, and got in touch after our last episode (about racially complicated recidivism algorithms). Our conversation covers a wide range of topics—common misconceptions around race and crime statistics, how methodologically-driven criminology scholars think about building crime prediction models, and how to think about policy changes when we don’t have a complete understanding of cause and effect in criminology. For the many of us currently re-thinking race and criminal justice, but wanting to be data-driven about it, this conversation with Zach is a must-listen.
6/15/202030 minutes, 57 seconds
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Racism, the criminal justice system, and data science

As protests sweep across the United States in the wake of the killing of George Floyd by a Minneapolis police officer, we take a moment to dig into one of the ways that data science perpetuates and amplifies racism in the American criminal justice system. COMPAS is an algorithm that claims to give a prediction about the likelihood of an offender to re-offend if released, based on the attributes of the individual, and guess what: it shows disparities in the predictions for black and white offenders that would nudge judges toward giving harsher sentences to black individuals. We dig into this algorithm a little more deeply, unpacking how different metrics give different pictures into the “fairness” of the predictions and what is causing its racially disparate output (to wit: race is explicitly not an input to the algorithm, and yet the algorithm gives outputs that correlate with race—what gives?) Unfortunately it’s not an open-and-shut case of a tuning parameter being off, or the wrong metric being used: instead the biases in the justice system itself are being captured in the algorithm outputs, in such a way that a self-fulfilling prophecy of harsher treatment for black defendants is all but guaranteed. Like many other things this week, this episode left us thinking about bigger, systemic issues, and why it’s proven so hard for years to fix what’s broken.
6/7/202031 minutes, 36 seconds
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An interstitial word from Ben

A message from Ben around algorithmic bias, and how our models are sometimes reflections of ourselves.
6/5/20205 minutes, 59 seconds
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Convolutional Neural Networks

This is a re-release of an episode that originally aired on April 1, 2018 If you've done image recognition or computer vision tasks with a neural network, you've probably used a convolutional neural net. This episode is all about the architecture and implementation details of convolutional networks, and the tricks that make them so good at image tasks.
5/31/202021 minutes, 55 seconds
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Stein's Paradox

This is a re-release of an episode that was originally released on February 26, 2017. When you're estimating something about some object that's a member of a larger group of similar objects (say, the batting average of a baseball player, who belongs to a baseball team), how should you estimate it: use measurements of the individual, or get some extra information from the group? The James-Stein estimator tells you how to combine individual and group information make predictions that, taken over the whole group, are more accurate than if you treated each individual, well, individually.
5/24/202027 minutes, 2 seconds
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Protecting Individual-Level Census Data with Differential Privacy

The power of finely-grained, individual-level data comes with a drawback: it compromises the privacy of potentially anyone and everyone in the dataset. Even for de-identified datasets, there can be ways to re-identify the records or otherwise figure out sensitive personal information. That problem has motivated the study of differential privacy, a set of techniques and definitions for keeping personal information private when datasets are released or used for study. Differential privacy is getting a big boost this year, as it’s being implemented across the 2020 US Census as a way of protecting the privacy of census respondents while still opening up the dataset for research and policy use. When two important topics come together like this, we can’t help but sit up and pay attention.
5/18/202021 minutes, 19 seconds
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Causal Trees

What do you get when you combine the causal inference needs of econometrics with the data-driven methodology of machine learning? Usually these two don’t go well together (deriving causal conclusions from naive data methods leads to biased answers) but economists Susan Athey and Guido Imbens are on the case. This episodes explores their algorithm for recursively partitioning a dataset to find heterogeneous treatment effects, or for you ML nerds, applying decision trees to causal inference problems. It’s not a free lunch, but for those (like us!) who love crossover topics, causal trees are a smart approach from one field hopping the fence to another. Relevant links:
5/11/202015 minutes, 27 seconds
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The Grammar Of Graphics

You may not realize it consciously, but beautiful visualizations have rules. The rules are often implict and manifest themselves as expectations about how the data is summarized, presented, and annotated so you can quickly extract the information in the underlying data using just visual cues. It’s a bit abstract but very profound, and these principles underlie the ggplot2 package in R that makes famously beautiful plots with minimal code. This episode covers a paper by Hadley Wickham (author of ggplot2, among other R packages) that unpacks the layered approach to graphics taken in ggplot2, and makes clear the assumptions and structure of many familiar data visualizations.
5/4/202035 minutes, 38 seconds
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Gaussian Processes

It’s pretty common to fit a function to a dataset when you’re a data scientist. But in many cases, it’s not clear what kind of function might be most appropriate—linear? quadratic? sinusoidal? some combination of these, and perhaps others? Gaussian processes introduce a nonparameteric option where you can fit over all the possible types of functions, using the data points in your datasets as constraints on the results that you get (the idea being that, no matter what the “true” underlying function is, it produced the data points you’re trying to fit). What this means is a very flexible, but depending on your parameters not-too-flexible, way to fit complex datasets. The math underlying GPs gets complex, and the links below contain some excellent visualizations that help make the underlying concepts clearer. Check them out! Relevant links:
4/27/202020 minutes, 55 seconds
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Keeping ourselves honest when we work with observational healthcare data

The abundance of data in healthcare, and the value we could capture from structuring and analyzing that data, is a huge opportunity. It also presents huge challenges. One of the biggest challenges is how, exactly, to do that structuring and analysis—data scientists working with this data have hundreds or thousands of small, and sometimes large, decisions to make in their day-to-day analysis work. What data should they include in their studies? What method should they use to analyze it? What hyperparameter settings should they explore, and how should they pick a value for their hyperparameters? The thing that’s really difficult here is that, depending on which path they choose among many reasonable options, a data scientist can get really different answers to the underlying question, which makes you wonder how to conclude anything with certainty at all. The paper for this week’s episode performs a systematic study of many, many different permutations of the questions above on a set of benchmark datasets where the “right” answers are known. Which strategies are most likely to yield the “right” answers? That’s the whole topic of discussion. Relevant links:
4/20/202019 minutes, 8 seconds
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Changing our formulation of AI to avoid runaway risks: Interview with Prof. Stuart Russell

AI is evolving incredibly quickly, and thinking now about where it might go next (and how we as a species and a society should be prepared) is critical. Professor Stuart Russell, an AI expert at UC Berkeley, has a formulation for modifications to AI that we should study and try implementing now to keep it much safer in the long run. Prof. Russell’s new book, “Human Compatible: Artificial Intelligence and the Problem of Control” gives an accessible but deeply thoughtful exploration of why he thinks runaway AI is something we need to be considering seriously now, and what changes in formulation might be a solution. This episodes features Prof. Russell as a special guest, exploring the topics in his book and giving more perspective on the long-term possible futures of AI: both good and bad. Relevant links:
4/13/202028 minutes, 58 seconds
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Putting machine learning into a database

Most data scientists bounce back and forth regularly between doing analysis in databases using SQL and building and deploying machine learning pipelines in R or python. But if we think ahead a few years, a few visionary researchers are starting to see a world in which the ML pipelines can actually be deployed inside the database. Why? One strong advantage for databases is they have built-in features for data governance, including things like permissioning access and tracking the provenance of data. Adding machine learning as another thing you can do in a database means that, potentially, these enterprise-grade features will be available for ML models too, which will make them much more widely accepted across enterprises with tight IT policies. The papers this week articulate the gap between enterprise needs and current ML infrastructure, how ML in a database could be a way to knit the two closer together, and a proof-of-concept that ML in a database can actually work. Relevant links:
4/6/202024 minutes, 22 seconds
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The work-from-home episode

Many of us have the privilege of working from home right now, in an effort to keep ourselves and our family safe and slow the transmission of covid-19. But working from home is an adjustment for many of us, and can hold some challenges compared to coming in to the office every day. This episode explores this a little bit, informally, as we compare our new work-from-home setups and reflect on what’s working well and what we’re finding challenging.
3/29/202029 minutes, 6 seconds
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Understanding Covid-19 transmission: what the data suggests about how the disease spreads

Covid-19 is turning the world upside down right now. One thing that’s extremely important to understand, in order to fight it as effectively as possible, is how the virus spreads and especially how much of the spread of the disease comes from carriers who are experiencing no or mild symptoms but are contagious anyway. This episode digs into the epidemiological model that was published in Science this week—this model finds that the data suggests that the majority of carriers of the coronavirus, 80-90%, do not have a detected disease. This has big implications for the importance of social distancing of a way to get the pandemic under control and explains why a more comprehensive testing program is critical for the United States. Also, in lighter news, Katie (a native of Dayton, Ohio) lays a data-driven claim for just declaring the University of Dayton flyers to be the 2020 NCAA College Basketball champions. Relevant links:
3/23/202025 minutes, 25 seconds
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Network effects re-release: when the power of a public health measure lies in widespread adoption

This week’s episode is a re-release of a recent episode, which we don’t usually do but it seems important for understanding what we can all do to slow the spread of covid-19. In brief, public health measures for infectious diseases get most of their effectiveness from their widespread adoption: most of the protection you get from a vaccine, for example, comes from all the other people who also got the vaccine. That’s why measures like social distancing are so important right now: even if you’re not in a high-risk group for covid-19, you should still stay home and avoid in-person socializing because your good behavior lowers the risk for those who are in high-risk groups. If we all take these kinds of measures, the risk lowers dramatically. So stay home, work remotely if you can, avoid physical contact with others, and do your part to manage this crisis. We’re all in this together.
3/15/202026 minutes, 40 seconds
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Causal inference when you can't experiment: difference-in-differences and synthetic controls

When you need to untangle cause and effect, but you can’t run an experiment, it’s time to get creative. This episode covers difference in differences and synthetic controls, two observational causal inference techniques that researchers have used to understand causality in complex real-world situations.
3/9/202020 minutes, 48 seconds
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Better know a distribution: the Poisson distribution

This is a re-release of an episode that originally ran on October 21, 2018. The Poisson distribution is a probability distribution function used to for events that happen in time or space. It’s super handy because it’s pretty simple to use and is applicable for tons of things—there are a lot of interesting processes that boil down to “events that happen in time or space.” This episode is a quick introduction to the distribution, and then a focus on two of our favorite everyday applications: using the Poisson distribution to identify supernovas and study army deaths from horse kicks.
3/2/202031 minutes, 51 seconds
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The Lottery Ticket Hypothesis

Recent research into neural networks reveals that sometimes, not all parts of the neural net are equally responsible for the performance of the network overall. Instead, it seems like (in some neural nets, at least) there are smaller subnetworks present where most of the predictive power resides. The fascinating thing is that, for some of these subnetworks (so-called “winning lottery tickets”), it’s not the training process that makes them good at their classification or regression tasks: they just happened to be initialized in a way that was very effective. This changes the way we think about what training might be doing, in a pretty fundamental way. Sometimes, instead of crafting a good fit from wholecloth, training might be finding the parts of the network that always had predictive power to begin with, and isolating and strengthening them. This research is pretty recent, having only come to prominence in the last year, but nonetheless challenges our notions about what it means to train a machine learning model.
2/23/202019 minutes, 45 seconds
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Interesting technical issues prompted by GDPR and data privacy concerns

Data privacy is a huge issue right now, after years of consumers and users gaining awareness of just how much of their personal data is out there and how companies are using it. Policies like GDPR are imposing more stringent rules on who can use what data for what purposes, with an end goal of giving consumers more control and privacy around their data. This episode digs into this topic, but not from a security or legal perspective—this week, we talk about some of the interesting technical challenges introduced by a simple idea: a company should remove a user’s data from their database when that user asks to be removed. We talk about two topics, namely using Bloom filters to efficiently find records in a database (and what Bloom filters are, for that matter) and types of machine learning algorithms that can un-learn their training data when it contains records that need to be deleted.
2/17/202020 minutes, 26 seconds
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Thinking of data science initiatives as innovation initiatives

Put yourself in the shoes of an executive at a big legacy company for a moment, operating in virtually any market vertical: you’re constantly hearing that data science is revolutionizing the world and the firms that survive and thrive in the coming years are those that execute on a data strategy. What does this mean for your company? How can you best guide your established firm through a successful transition to becoming data-driven? How do you balance the momentum your firm has right now, and the need to support all your current products, customers and operations, against a new and relatively unknown future? If you’re working as a data scientist at a mature and well-established company, these are the worries on the mind of your boss’s boss’s boss. The worries on your mind may be similar: you’re trying to understand where your work fits into the bigger picture, you need to break down silos, you’re often running into cultural headwinds created by colleagues who don’t understand or trust your work. Congratulations, you’re in the midst of a classic set of challenges encountered by innovation initiatives everywhere. Harvard Business School professor Clayton Christensen wrote a classic business book (The Innovator’s Dilemma) explaining the paradox of trying to innovate in established companies, and why the structure and incentives of those companies almost guarantee an uphill climb to innovate. This week’s episode breaks down the innovator’s dilemma argument, and what it means for data scientists working in mature companies trying to become more data-centric.
2/10/202017 minutes, 27 seconds
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Building a curriculum for educating data scientists: Interview with Prof. Xiao-Li Meng

As demand for data scientists grows, and it remains as relevant as ever that practicing data scientists have a solid methodological and technical foundation for their work, higher education institutions are coming to terms with what’s required to educate the next cohorts of data scientists. The heterogeneity and speed of the field makes it challenging for even the most talented and dedicated educators to know what a data science education “should” look like. This doesn’t faze Xiao-Li Meng, Professor of Statistics at Harvard University and founding Editor-in-Chief of the Harvard Data Science Review. He’s our interview guest in this episode, talking about the pedagogically distinct classes of data science and how he thinks about designing curricula for making anyone more data literate. From new initiatives in data science to dealing with data science FOMO, this wide-ranging conversation with a leading scholar gives us a lot to think about. Relevant links:
2/2/202031 minutes, 36 seconds
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Running experiments when there are network effects

Traditional A/B tests assume that whether or not one person got a treatment has no effect on the experiment outcome for another person. But that’s not a safe assumption, especially when there are network effects (like in almost any social context, for instance!) SUTVA, or the stable treatment unit value assumption, is a big phrase for this assumption and violations of SUTVA make for some pretty interesting experiment designs. From news feeds in LinkedIn to disentangling herd immunity from individual immunity in vaccine studies, indirect (i.e. network) effects in experiments can be just as big as, or even bigger than, direct (i.e. individual effects). And this is what we talk about this week on the podcast. Relevant links:
1/27/202024 minutes, 45 seconds
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Zeroing in on what makes adversarial examples possible

Adversarial examples are really, really weird: pictures of penguins that get classified with high certainty by machine learning algorithms as drumsets, or random noise labeled as pandas, or any one of an infinite number of mistakes in labeling data that humans would never make but computers make with joyous abandon. What gives? A compelling new argument makes the case that it’s not the algorithms so much as the features in the datasets that holds the clue. This week’s episode goes through several papers pushing our collective understanding of adversarial examples, and giving us clues to what makes these counterintuitive cases possible. Relevant links:
1/20/202022 minutes, 51 seconds
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Unsupervised Dimensionality Reduction: UMAP vs t-SNE

Dimensionality reduction redux: this episode covers UMAP, an unsupervised algorithm designed to make high-dimensional data easier to visualize, cluster, etc. It’s similar to t-SNE but has some advantages. This episode gives a quick recap of t-SNE, especially the connection it shares with information theory, then gets into how UMAP is different (many say better). Between the time we recorded and released this episode, an interesting argument made the rounds on the internet that UMAP’s advantages largely stem from good initialization, not from advantages inherent in the algorithm. We don’t cover that argument here obviously, because it wasn’t out there when we were recording, but you can find a link to the paper below. Relevant links:
1/13/202029 minutes, 34 seconds
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Data scientists: beware of simple metrics

Picking a metric for a problem means defining how you’ll measure success in solving that problem. Which sounds important, because it is, but oftentimes new data scientists only get experience with a few kinds of metrics when they’re learning and those metrics have real shortcomings when you think about what they tell you, or don’t, about how well you’re really solving the underlying problem. This episode takes a step back and says, what are some metrics that are popular with data scientists, why are they popular, and what are their shortcomings when it comes to the real world? There’s been a lot of great thinking and writing recently on this topic, and we cover a lot of that discussion along with some perspective of our own. Relevant links:
1/5/202024 minutes, 47 seconds
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Communicating data science, from academia to industry

For something as multifaceted and ill-defined as data science, communication and sharing best practices across the field can be extremely valuable but also extremely, well, multifaceted and ill-defined. That doesn’t bother our guest today, Prof. Xiao-Li Meng of the Harvard statistics department, who is leading an effort to start an open-access Data Science Review journal in the model of the Harvard Business Review or Law Review. This episode features Xiao-Li talking about the need he sees for a central gathering place for data scientists in academia, industry, and government to come together to learn from (and teach!) each other. Relevant links:
12/30/201926 minutes, 15 seconds
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Optimizing for the short-term vs. the long-term

When data scientists run experiments, like A/B tests, it’s really easy to plan on a period of a few days to a few weeks for collecting data. The thing is, the change that’s being evaluated might have effects that last a lot longer than a few days or a few weeks—having a big sale might increase sales this week, but doing that repeatedly will teach customers to wait until there’s a sale and never buy anything at full price, which could ultimately drive down revenue in the long term. Increasing the volume of ads on a website might lead people to click on more ads in the short term, but in the long term they’ll be more likely to visually block the ads out and learn to ignore them. But these long-term effects aren’t apparent from the short-term experiment, so this week we’re talking about a paper from Google research that confronts the short-term vs. long-term tradeoff, and how to measure long-term effects from short-term experiments. Relevant links:
12/23/201919 minutes, 24 seconds
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Interview with Prof. Andrew Lo, on using data science to inform complex business decisions

This episode features Prof. Andrew Lo, the author of a paper that we discussed recently on Linear Digressions, in which Prof. Lo uses data to predict whether a medicine in the development pipeline will eventually go on to win FDA approval. This episode gets into the story behind that paper: how the approval prospects of different drugs inform the investment decisions of pharma companies, how to stitch together siloed and incomplete datasts to form a coherent picture, and how the academics building some of these models think about when and how their work can make it out of academia and into industry. Professor Lo is an expert in business (he teaches at the MIT Sloan School of Management) and work like his shows how data science can open up new ways of doing business. Relevant links:
12/16/201927 minutes, 46 seconds
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Using machine learning to predict drug approvals

One of the hottest areas in data science and machine learning right now is healthcare: the size of the healthcare industry, the amount of data it generates, and the myriad improvements possible in the healthcare system lay the groundwork for compelling, innovative new data initiatives. One spot that drives much of the cost of medicine is the riskiness of developing new drugs: drug trials can cost hundreds of millions of dollars to run and, especially given that numerous medicines end up failing to get approval from the FDA, pharmaceutical companies want to have as much insight as possible about whether a drug is more or less likely to make it through clinical trials and on to approval. Professor Andrew Lo and collaborators at MIT Sloan School of Management is taking a look at this prediction task using machine learning, and has an article in the Harvard Data Science Review showing what they were able to find. It’s a fascinating example of how data science can be used to address business needs in creative but very targeted and effective ways. Relevant links:
12/8/201925 minutes
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Facial recognition, society, and the law

Facial recognition being used in everyday life seemed far-off not too long ago. Increasingly, it’s being used and advanced widely and with increasing speed, which means that our technical capabilities are starting to outpace (if they haven’t already) our consensus as a society about what is acceptable in facial recognition and what isn’t. The threats to privacy, fairness, and freedom are real, and Microsoft has become one of the first large companies using this technology to speak out in specific support of its regulation through legislation. Their arguments are interesting, provocative, and even if you don’t agree with every point they make or harbor some skepticism, there’s a lot to think about in what they’re saying.
12/2/201943 minutes, 9 seconds
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Lessons learned from doing data science, at scale, in industry

If you’ve taken a machine learning class, or read up on A/B tests, you likely have a decent grounding in the theoretical pillars of data science. But if you’re in a position to have actually built lots of models or run lots of experiments, there’s almost certainly a bunch of extra “street smarts” insights you’ve had that go beyond the “books smarts” of more academic studies. The data scientists at, who run build models and experiments constantly, have written a paper that bridges the gap and talks about what non-obvious things they’ve learned from that practice. In this episode we read and digest that paper, talking through the gotchas that they don’t always teach in a classroom but that make data science tricky and interesting in the real world. Relevant links:
11/25/201928 minutes
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Varsity A/B Testing

When you want to understand if doing something causes something else to happen, like if a change to a website causes and dip or rise in downstream conversions, the gold standard analysis method is to use randomized controlled trials. Once you’ve properly randomized the treatment and effect, the analysis methods are well-understood and there are great tools in R and python (and other languages) to find the effects. However, when you’re operating at scale, the logistics of running all those tests, and reaching correct conclusions reliably, becomes the main challenge—making sure the right metrics are being computed, you know when to stop an experiment, you minimize the chances of finding spurious results, and many other issues that are simple to track for one or two experiments but become real challenges for dozens or hundreds of experiments. Nonetheless, the reality is that there might be dozens or hundreds of experiments worth running. So in this episode, we’ll work through some of the most important issues for running experiments at scale, with strong support from a series of great blog posts from Airbnb about how they solve this very issue. For some blog post links relevant to this episode, visit
11/18/201936 minutes
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The Care and Feeding of Data Scientists: Growing Careers

In the third and final installment of a conversation with Michelangelo D’Agostino, VP of Data Science and Engineering at Shoprunner, about growing and mentoring data scientists on your team. Some of our topics of conversation include how to institute hack time as a way to learn new things, what career growth looks like in data science, and how to institutionalize professional growth as part of a career ladder. As with the other episodes in this series, the topics we cover today are also covered in the O’Reilly report linked below. Relevant links:
11/11/201925 minutes, 19 seconds
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The Care and Feeding of Data Scientists: Recruiting and Hiring Data Scientists

This week’s episode is the second in a three-part interview series with Michelangelo D’Agostino, VP of Data Science at Shoprunner. This discussion centers on building a team, which means recruiting, interviewing and hiring data scientists. Since data science talent is in such high demand, and data scientists are understandably choosy about where they go to work, a good recruiting and hiring program can have a big impact on the size and quality of the team. Our chat covers much a couple of sections in our dual-authored O’Reilly report, “The Care and Feeding of Data Scientists,” which you can read at the link below.
11/4/201920 minutes, 16 seconds
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The Care and Feeding of Data Scientists: Becoming a Data Science Manager

Data science management isn’t easy, and many data scientists are finding themselves learning on the job how to manage data science teams as they get promoted into more formal leadership roles. O’Reilly recently release a report, written by yours truly (Katie) and another experienced data science manager, Michelangelo D’Agostino, where we lay out the most important tasks of a data science manager and some thoughts on how to unpack those tasks and approach them in a way that makes a new manager successful. This episode is an interview episode, the first of three, where we discuss some of the common paths to data science management and what distinguishes (and unifies) different types of data scientists and data science teams. Relevant links:
10/28/201924 minutes, 45 seconds
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Procella: YouTube's super-system for analytics data storage

If you’re trying to manage a project that serves up analytics data for a few very distinct uses, you’d be wise to consider having custom solutions for each use case that are optimized for the needs and constraints of that use cases. You also wouldn’t be YouTube, which found themselves with this problem (gigantic data needs and several very different use cases of what they needed to do with that data) and went a different way: they built one analytics data system to serve them all. Procella, the system they built, is the topic of our episode today: by deconstructing the system, we dig into the four motivating uses of this system, the complexity they had to introduce to service all four uses simultaneously, and the impressive engineering that has to go into building something that “just works.” Relevant links:
10/21/201929 minutes, 48 seconds
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Kalman Runners

The Kalman Filter is an algorithm for taking noisy measurements of dynamic systems and using them to get a better idea of the underlying dynamics than you could get from a simple extrapolation. If you've ever run a marathon, or been a nuclear missile, you probably know all about these challenges already. IMPORTANT NON-DATA SCIENCE CHICAGO MARATHON RACE RESULT FROM KATIE: My finish time was 3:20:17! It was the closest I may ever come to having the perfect run. That’s a 34-minute personal record and a qualifying time for the Boston Marathon, so… guess I gotta go do that now.
10/13/201915 minutes, 59 seconds
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What's *really* so hard about feature engineering?

Feature engineering is ubiquitous but gets surprisingly difficult surprisingly fast. What could be so complicated about just keeping track of what data you have, and how you made it? A lot, as it turns out—most data science platforms at this point include explicit features (in the product sense, not the data sense) just for keeping track of and sharing features (in the data sense, not the product sense). Just like a good library needs a catalogue, a city needs a map, and a home chef needs a cookbook to stay organized, modern data scientists need feature libraries, data dictionaries, and a general discipline around generating and caring for their datasets.
10/6/201921 minutes, 18 seconds
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Data storage for analytics: stars and snowflakes

If you’re a data scientist or data engineer thinking about how to store data for analytics uses, one of the early choices you’ll have to make (or live with, if someone else made it) is how to lay out the data in your data warehouse. There are a couple common organizational schemes that you’ll likely encounter, and that we cover in this episode: first is the famous star schema, followed by the also-famous snowflake schema.
9/30/201915 minutes, 22 seconds
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Data storage: transactions vs. analytics

Data scientists and software engineers both work with databases, but they use them for different purposes. So if you’re a data scientist thinking about the best way to store and access data for your analytics, you’ll likely come up with a very different set of requirements than a software engineer looking to power an application. Hence the split between analytics and transactional databases—certain technologies are designed for one or the other, but no single type of database is perfect for both use cases. In this episode we’ll talk about the differences between transactional and analytics databases, so no matter whether you’re an analytics person or more of a classical software engineer, you can understand the needs of your colleagues on the other side.
9/23/201916 minutes, 8 seconds
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GROVER: an algorithm for making, and detecting, fake news

There are a few things that seem to be very popular in discussions of machine learning algorithms these days. First is the role that algorithms play now, or might play in the future, when it comes to manipulating public opinion, for example with fake news. Second is the impressive success of generative adversarial networks, and similar algorithms. Third is making state-of-the-art natural language processing algorithms and naming them after muppets. We get all three this week: GROVER is an algorithm for generating, and detecting, fake news. It’s quite successful at both tasks, which raises an interesting question: is it safer to embargo the model (like GPT-2, the algorithm that was “too dangerous to release”), or release it as the best detector and antidote for its own fake news? Relevant links:
9/16/201918 minutes, 28 seconds
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Data science teams as innovation initiatives

When a big, established company is thinking about their data science strategy, chances are good that whatever they come up with, it’ll be somewhat at odds with the company’s current structure and processes. Which makes sense, right? If you’re a many-decades-old company trying to defend a successful and long-lived legacy and market share, you won’t have the advantage that many upstart competitors have of being able to bake data analytics and science into the core structure of the organization. Instead, you have to retrofit. If you’re the data scientist working in this environment, tasked with being on the front lines of a data transformation, you may be grappling with some real institutional challenges in this setup, and this episode is for you. We’ll unpack the reason data innovation is necessarily challenging, the different ways to innovate and some of their tradeoffs, and some of the hardest but most critical phases in the innovation process. Relevant links:
9/9/201915 minutes, 21 seconds
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Can Fancy Running Shoes Cause You To Run Faster?

This is a re-release of an episode that originally aired on July 29, 2018. The stars aligned for me (Katie) this past weekend: I raced my first half-marathon in a long time and got to read a great article from the NY Times about a new running shoe that Nike claims can make its wearers run faster. Causal claims like this one are really tough to verify, because even if the data suggests that people wearing the shoe are faster that might be because of correlation, not causation, so I loved reading this article that went through an analysis of thousands of runners' data in 4 different ways. Each way has a great explanation with pros and cons (as well as results, of course), so be sure to read the article after you check out this episode! Relevant links:
9/1/201930 minutes, 15 seconds
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Organizational Models for Data Scientists

When data science is hard, sometimes it’s because the algorithms aren’t converging or the data is messy, and sometimes it’s because of organizational or business issues: the data scientists aren’t positioned correctly to bring value to their organization. Maybe they don’t know what problems to work on, or they build solutions to those problems but nobody uses what they build. A lot of this can be traced back to the way the team is organized, and (relatedly) how it interacts with the rest of the organization, which is what we tackle in this issue. There are lots of options about how to organize your data science team, each of which has strengths and weaknesses, and Pardis Noorzad wrote a great blog post recently that got us talking. Relevant links:
8/25/201923 minutes, 9 seconds
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Data Shapley

We talk often about which features in a dataset are most important, but recently a new paper has started making the rounds that turns the idea of importance on its head: Data Shapley is an algorithm for thinking about which examples in a dataset are most important. It makes a lot of intuitive sense: data that’s just repeating examples that you’ve already seen, or that’s noisy or an extreme outlier, might not be that valuable for using to train a machine learning model. But some data is very valuable, it’s disproportionately useful for the algorithm figuring out what the most important trends are, and Data Shapley is explicitly designed to help machine learning researchers spend their time understanding which data points are most valuable and why. Relevant links:
8/19/201916 minutes, 55 seconds
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A Technical Deep Dive on Stanley, the First Self-Driving Car

This is a re-release of an episode that first ran on April 9, 2017. In our follow-up episode to last week's introduction to the first self-driving car, we will be doing a technical deep dive this week and talking about the most important systems for getting a car to drive itself 140 miles across the desert. Lidar? You betcha! Drive-by-wire? Of course! Probabilistic terrain reconstruction? Absolutely! All this and more this week on Linear Digressions.
8/12/201941 minutes, 32 seconds
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An Introduction to Stanley, the First Self-Driving Car

In October 2005, 23 cars lined up in the desert for a 140 mile race. Not one of those cars had a driver. This was the DARPA grand challenge to see if anyone could build an autonomous vehicle capable of navigating a desert route (and if so, whose car could do it the fastest); the winning car, Stanley, now sits in the Smithsonian Museum in Washington DC as arguably the world's first real self-driving car. In this episode (part one of a two-parter), we'll revisit the DARPA grand challenge from 2005 and the rules and constraints of what it took for Stanley to win the competition. Next week, we'll do a deep dive into Stanley's control systems and overall operation and what the key systems were that allowed Stanley to win the race. Relevant links:
8/5/201914 minutes, 19 seconds
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Putting the "science" in data science: the scientific method, the null hypothesis, and p-hacking

The modern scientific method is one of the greatest (perhaps the greatest?) system we have for discovering knowledge about the world. It’s no surprise then that many data scientists have found their skills in high demand in the business world, where knowing more about a market, or industry, or type of user becomes a competitive advantage. But the scientific method is built upon certain processes, and is disciplined about following them, in a way that can get swept aside in the rush to get something out the door—not the least of which is the fact that in science, sometimes a result simply doesn’t materialize, or sometimes a relationship simply isn’t there. This makes data science different than operations, or software engineering, or product design in an important way: a data scientist needs to be comfortable with finding nothing in the data for certain types of searches, and needs to be even more comfortable telling his or her boss, or boss’s boss, that an attempt to build a model or find a causal link has turned up nothing. It’s a result that often disappointing and tough to communicate, but it’s crucial to the overall credibility of the field.
7/29/201924 minutes, 11 seconds
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If you’re Google or Netflix, and you have a recommendation or search system as part of your bread and butter, what’s the best way to test improvements to your algorithm? A/B testing is the canonical answer for testing how users respond to software changes, but it gets tricky really fast to think about what an A/B test means in the context of an algorithm that returns a ranked list. That’s why we’re talking about interleaving this week—it’s a simple modification to A/B testing that makes it much easier to race two algorithms against each other and find the winner, and it allows you to do it with much less data than a traditional A/B test. Relevant links:
7/22/201916 minutes, 54 seconds
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Federated Learning

This is a re-release of an episode first released in May 2017. As machine learning makes its way into more and more mobile devices, an interesting question presents itself: how can we have an algorithm learn from training data that's being supplied as users interact with the algorithm? In other words, how do we do machine learning when the training dataset is distributed across many devices, imbalanced, and the usage associated with any one user needs to be obscured somewhat to protect the privacy of that user? Enter Federated Learning, a set of related algorithms from Google that are designed to help out in exactly this scenario. If you've used keyboard shortcuts or autocomplete on an Android phone, chances are you've encountered Federated Learning even if you didn't know it.
7/14/201915 minutes, 3 seconds
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Endogenous Variables and Measuring Protest Effectiveness

This is a re-release of an episode first released in February 2017. Have you been out protesting lately, or watching the protests, and wondered how much effect they might have on lawmakers? It's a tricky question to answer, since usually we need randomly distributed treatments (e.g. big protests) to understand causality, but there's no reason to believe that big protests are actually randomly distributed. In other words, protest size is endogenous to legislative response, and understanding cause and effect is very challenging. So, what to do? Well, at least in the case of studying Tea Party protest effectiveness, researchers have used rainfall, of all things, to understand the impact of a big protest. In other words, rainfall is the instrumental variable in this analysis that cracks the scientific case open. What does rainfall have to do with protests? Do protests actually matter? What do we mean when we talk about endogenous and instrumental variables? We wouldn't be very good podcasters if we answered all those questions here--you gotta listen to this episode to find out.
7/7/201917 minutes, 58 seconds
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Generative adversarial networks (GANs) are producing some of the most realistic artificial videos we’ve ever seen. These videos are usually called “deepfakes”. Even to an experienced eye, it can be a challenge to distinguish a fabricated video from a real one, which is an extraordinary challenge in an era when the truth of what you see on the news or especially on social media is worthy of skepticism. And just in case that wasn’t unsettling enough, the algorithms just keep getting better and more accessible—which means it just keeps getting easier to make completely fake, but real-looking, videos of celebrities, politicians, and perhaps even just regular people. Relevant links:
7/1/201915 minutes, 8 seconds
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Revisiting Biased Word Embeddings

The topic of bias in word embeddings gets yet another pass this week. It all started a few years ago, when an analogy task performed on Word2Vec embeddings showed some indications of gender bias around professions (as well as other forms of social bias getting reproduced in the algorithm’s embeddings). We covered the topic again a while later, covering methods for de-biasing embeddings to counteract this effect. And now we’re back, with a second pass on the original Word2Vec analogy task, but where the researchers deconstructed the “rules” of the analogies themselves and came to an interesting discovery: the bias seems to be, at least in part, an artifact of the analogy construction method. Intrigued? So were we… Relevant link:
6/24/201918 minutes, 9 seconds
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Attention in Neural Nets

There’s been a lot of interest lately in the attention mechanism in neural nets—it’s got a colloquial name (who’s not familiar with the idea of “attention”?) but it’s more like a technical trick that’s been pivotal to some recent advances in computer vision and especially word embeddings. It’s an interesting example of trying out human-cognitive-ish ideas (like focusing consideration more on some inputs than others) in neural nets, and one of the more high-profile recent successes in playing around with neural net architectures for fun and profit.
6/17/201926 minutes, 32 seconds
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Interview with Joel Grus

This week’s episode is a special one, as we’re welcoming a guest: Joel Grus is a data scientist with a strong software engineering streak, and he does an impressive amount of speaking, writing, and podcasting as well. Whether you’re a new data scientist just getting started, or a seasoned hand looking to improve your skill set, there’s something for you in Joel’s repertoire.
6/10/201939 minutes, 46 seconds
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Re - Release: Factorization Machines

What do you get when you cross a support vector machine with matrix factorization? You get a factorization machine, and a darn fine algorithm for recommendation engines.
6/3/201920 minutes, 9 seconds
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Re-release: Auto-generating websites with deep learning

We've already talked about neural nets in some detail (links below), and in particular we've been blown away by the way that image recognition from convolutional neural nets can be fed into recurrent neural nets that generate descriptions and captions of the images. Our episode today tells a similar tale, except today we're talking about a blog post where the author fed in wireframes of a website design and asked the neural net to generate the HTML and CSS that would actually build a website that looks like the wireframes. If you're a programmer who thinks your job is challenging enough that you're automation-proof, guess again...
5/27/201919 minutes, 38 seconds
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Advice to those trying to get a first job in data science

We often hear from folks wondering what advice we can give them as they search for their first job in data science. What does a hiring manager look for? Should someone focus on taking classes online, doing a bootcamp, reading books, something else? How can they stand out in a crowd? There’s no single answer, because so much depends on the person asking in the first place, but that doesn’t stop us from giving some perspective. So in this episode we’re sharing that advice out more widely, so hopefully more of you can benefit from it.
5/19/201917 minutes, 33 seconds
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Re - Release: Machine Learning Technical Debt

This week, we've got a fun paper by our friends at Google about the hidden costs of maintaining machine learning workflows. If you've worked in software before, you're probably familiar with the idea of technical debt, which are inefficiencies that crop up in the code when you're trying to go fast. You take shortcuts, hard-code variable values, skimp on the documentation, and generally write not-that-great code in order to get something done quickly, and then end up paying for it later on. This is technical debt, and it's particularly easy to accrue with machine learning workflows. That's the premise of this episode's paper.
5/12/201922 minutes, 29 seconds
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Estimating Software Projects, and Why It's Hard

If you’re like most software engineers and, especially, data scientists, you find it really hard to make accurate estimates of how long a project will take to complete. Don’t feel bad: statistics is most likely actively working against your best efforts to give your boss an accurate delivery date. This week, we’ll talk through a great blog post that digs into the underlying probability and statistics assumptions that are probably driving your estimates, versus the ones that maybe should be driving them. Relevant links:
5/5/201919 minutes, 7 seconds
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The Black Hole Algorithm

53.5 million light-years away, there’s a gigantic galaxy called M87 with something interesting going on inside it. Between Einstein’s theory of relativity and the motion of a group of stars in the galaxy (the motion is characteristic of there being a huge gravitational mass present), scientists have believed for years that there is a supermassive black hole at the center of that galaxy. However, black holes are really hard to see directly because they aren’t a light source like a star or a supernova. They suck up all the light around them, and moreover, even though they’re really massive, they’re small in volume. That’s why it was so amazing a few weeks ago when scientists announced that they had reconstructed an image of a black hole for the first time ever. The image was the result of many measurements combined together with a clever reconstruction strategy, and giving scientists, engineers, and all the rest of us something to marvel at.
4/29/201920 minutes, 17 seconds
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Structure in AI

As artificial intelligence algorithms get applied to more and more domains, a question that often arises is whether to somehow build structure into the algorithm itself to mimic the structure of the problem. There’s usually some amount of knowledge we already have of each domain, an understanding of how it usually works, but it’s not clear how (or even if) to lend this knowledge to an AI algorithm to help it get started. Sure, it may get the algorithm caught up to where we already were on solving that problem, but will it eventually become a limitation where the structure and assumptions prevent the algorithm from surpassing human performance? It’s a problem without a universal answer. This week, we’ll talk about the question in general, and especially recommend a recent discussion between Christopher Manning and Yann LeCun, two AI researchers who hold different opinions on whether structure is a necessary good or a necessary evil. Relevant link:
4/21/201919 minutes, 5 seconds
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The Great Data Science Specialist vs. Generalist Debate

It’s not news that data scientists are expected to be capable in many different areas (writing software, designing experiments, analyzing data, talking to non-technical stakeholders). One thing that has been changing, though, as the field becomes a bit older and more mature, is our ideas about what data scientists should focus on to stay relevant. Should they specialize in a particular area (if so, which one)? Should they instead stay general and work across many different areas? In either case, what are the costs and benefits? This question has prompted a number of think pieces lately, which are sometimes advocating for specializing, and sometimes pointing out the benefits of generalists. In short, if you’re trying to figure out what to actually do, you might be hearing some conflicting opinions. In this episode, we break apart the arguments both ways, and maybe (hopefully?) reach a little resolution about where to go from here.
4/15/201914 minutes, 10 seconds
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Google X, and Taking Risks the Smart Way

If you work in data science, you’re well aware of the sheer volume of high-risk, high-reward projects that are hypothetically possible. The fact that they’re high-reward means they’re exciting to think about, and the payoff would be huge if they succeed, but the high-risk piece means that you have to be smart about what you choose to work on and be wary of investing all your resources in projects that fail entirely or starve other, higher-value projects. This episode focuses mainly on Google X, the so-called “Moonshot Factory” at Google that is a modern-day heir to the research legacies of Bell Labs and Xerox PARC. It’s an organization entirely focused on rapidly imagining, prototyping, invalidating, and, occasionally, successfully creating game-changing technologies. The process and philosophy behind Google X are useful for anyone thinking about how to stay aggressive and “responsibly irresponsible,” which includes a lot of you data science folks out there.
4/8/201919 minutes, 4 seconds
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Statistical Significance in Hypothesis Testing

When you are running an AB test, one of the most important questions is how much data to collect. Collect too little, and you can end up drawing the wrong conclusion from your experiment. But in a world where experimenting is generally not free, and you want to move quickly once you know the answer, there is such a thing as collecting too much data. Statisticians have been solving this problem for decades, and their best practices are encompassed in the ideas of power, statistical significance, and especially how to generally think about hypothesis testing. This week, we’re going over these important concepts, so your next AB test is just as data-intensive as it needs to be.
4/1/201922 minutes, 34 seconds
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The Language Model Too Dangerous to Release

OpenAI recently created a cutting-edge new natural language processing model, but unlike all their other projects so far, they have not released it to the public. Why? It seems to be a little too good. It can answer reading comprehension questions, summarize text, translate from one language to another, and generate realistic fake text. This last case, in particular, raised concerns inside OpenAI that the raw model could be dangerous if bad actors had access to it, so researchers will spend the next six months studying the model (and reading comments from you, if you have strong opinions here) to decide what to do next. Regardless of where this lands from a policy perspective, it’s an impressive model and the snippets of released auto-generated text are quite impressive. We’re covering the methodology, the results, and a bit of the policy implications in our episode this week.
3/25/201921 minutes, 1 second
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The cathedral and the bazaar

Imagine you have two choices of how to build something: top-down and controlled, with a few people playing a master designer role, or bottom-up and free-for-all, with nobody playing an explicit architect role. Which one do you think would make the better product? “The Cathedral and the Bazaar” is an essay exploring this question for open source software, and making an argument for the bottom-up approach. It’s not entirely intuitive that projects like Linux or scikit-learn, with many contributors and an open-door policy for modifying the code, would be able to resist the chaos of many cooks in the kitchen. So what makes it work in some cases? And sometimes not work in others? That’s the topic of discussion this week. Relevant links:
3/17/201932 minutes, 36 seconds
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It’s time for our latest installation in the series on artificial intelligence agents beating humans at games that we thought were safe from the robots. In this case, the game is StarCraft, and the AI agent is AlphaStar, from the same team that built the Go-playing AlphaGo AI last year. StarCraft presents some interesting challenges though: the gameplay is continuous, there are many different kinds of actions a player must take, and of course there’s the usual complexities of playing strategy games and contending with human opponents. AlphaStar overcame all of these challenges, and more, to notch another win for the computers.
3/11/201922 minutes, 3 seconds
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Are machine learning engineers the new data scientists?

For many data scientists, maintaining models and workflows in production is both a huge part of their job and not something they necessarily trained for if their background is more in statistics or machine learning methodology. Productionizing and maintaining data science code has more in common with software engineering than traditional science, and to reflect that, there’s a new-ish role, and corresponding job title, that you should know about. It’s called machine learning engineer, and it’s what a lot of data scientists are becoming. Relevant links:
3/4/201920 minutes, 46 seconds
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Interview with Alex Radovic, particle physicist turned machine learning researcher

You’d be hard-pressed to find a field with bigger, richer, and more scientifically valuable data than particle physics. Years before “data scientist” was even a term, particle physicists were inventing technologies like the world wide web and cloud computing grids to help them distribute and analyze the datasets required to make particle physics discoveries. Somewhat counterintuitively, though, deep learning has only really debuted in particle physics in the last few years, although it’s making up for lost time with many exciting new advances. This episode of Linear Digressions is a little different from most, as we’ll be interviewing a guest, one of my (Katie’s) friends from particle physics, Alex Radovic. Alex and his colleagues have been at the forefront of machine learning in physics over the last few years, and his perspective on the strengths and shortcomings of those two fields together is a fascinating one.
2/25/201935 minutes, 42 seconds
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K Nearest Neighbors

K Nearest Neighbors is an algorithm with secrets. On one hand, the algorithm itself is as straightforward as possible: find the labeled points nearest the point that you need to predict, and make a prediction that’s the average of their answers. On the other hand, what does “nearest” mean when you’re dealing with complex data? How do you decide whether a man and a woman of the same age are “nearer” to each other than two women several years apart? What if you convert all your monetary columns from dollars to cents, your distances from miles to nanometers, your weights from pounds to kilograms? Can your definition of “nearest” hold up under these types of transformations? We’re discussing all this, and more, in this week’s episode.
2/17/201916 minutes, 25 seconds
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Not every deep learning paper is great. Is that a problem?

Deep learning is a field that’s growing quickly. That’s good! There are lots of new deep learning papers put out every day. That’s good too… right? What if not every paper out there is particularly good? What even makes a paper good in the first place? It’s an interesting thing to think about, and debate, since there’s no clean-cut answer and there are worthwhile arguments both ways. Wherever you find yourself coming down in the debate, though, you’ll appreciate the good papers that much more. Relevant links:
2/11/201917 minutes, 54 seconds
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The Assumptions of Ordinary Least Squares

Ordinary least squares (OLS) is often used synonymously with linear regression. If you’re a data scientist, machine learner, or statistician, you bump into it daily. If you haven’t had the opportunity to build up your understanding from the foundations, though, listen up: there are a number of assumptions underlying OLS that you should know and love. They’re interesting, force you to think about data and statistics, and help you know when you’re out of “good” OLS territory and into places where you could run into trouble.
2/3/201925 minutes, 7 seconds
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Quantile Regression

Linear regression is a great tool if you want to make predictions about the mean value that an outcome will have given certain values for the inputs. But what if you want to predict the median? Or the 10th percentile? Or the 90th percentile. You need quantile regression, which is similar to ordinary least squares regression in some ways but with some really interesting twists that make it unique. This week, we’ll go over the concept of quantile regression, and also a bit about how it works and when you might use it. Relevant links:
1/28/201921 minutes, 46 seconds
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Heterogeneous Treatment Effects

When data scientists use a linear regression to look for causal relationships between a treatment and an outcome, what they’re usually finding is the so-called average treatment effect. In other words, on average, here’s what the treatment does in terms of making a certain outcome more or less likely to happen. But there’s more to life than averages: sometimes the relationship works one way in some cases, and another way in other cases, such that the average isn’t giving you the whole story. In that case, you want to start thinking about heterogeneous treatment effects, and this is the podcast episode for you. Relevant links:
1/20/201917 minutes, 24 seconds
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Pre-training language models for natural language processing problems

When you build a model for natural language processing (NLP), such as a recurrent neural network, it helps a ton if you’re not starting from zero. In other words, if you can draw upon other datasets for building your understanding of word meanings, and then use your training dataset just for subject-specific refinements, you’ll get farther than just using your training dataset for everything. This idea of starting with some pre-trained resources has an analogue in computer vision, where initializations from ImageNet used for the first few layers of a CNN have become the new standard. There’s a similar progression under way in NLP, where simple(r) embeddings like word2vec are giving way to more advanced pre-processing methods that aim to capture more sophisticated understanding of word meanings, contexts, language structure, and more. Relevant links:
1/14/201927 minutes, 35 seconds
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Facial Recognition, Society, and the Law

Facial recognition being used in everyday life seemed far-off not too long ago. Increasingly, it’s being used and advanced widely and with increasing speed, which means that our technical capabilities are starting to outpace (if they haven’t already) our consensus as a society about what is acceptable in facial recognition and what isn’t. The threats to privacy, fairness, and freedom are real, and Microsoft has become one of the first large companies using this technology to speak out in specific support of its regulation through legislation. Their arguments are interesting, provocative, and even if you don’t agree with every point they make or harbor some skepticism, there’s a lot to think about in what they’re saying.
1/7/201942 minutes, 46 seconds
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Re-release: Word2Vec

Bringing you another old classic this week, as we gear up for 2019! See you next week with new content. Word2Vec is probably the go-to algorithm for vectorizing text data these days.  Which makes sense, because it is wicked cool.  Word2Vec has it all: neural networks, skip-grams and bag-of-words implementations, a multiclass classifier that gets swapped out for a binary classifier, made-up dummy words, and a model that isn't actually used to predict anything (usually).  And all that's before we get to the part about how Word2Vec allows you to do algebra with text.  Seriously, this stuff is cool.
12/31/201817 minutes, 59 seconds
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Re - Release: The Cold Start Problem

We’re taking a break for the holidays, chilling with the dog and an eggnog (Katie) and the cat and some spiced cider (Ben). Here’s an episode from a while back for you to enjoy. See you again in 2019! You might sometimes find that it's hard to get started doing something, but once you're going, it gets easier. Turns out machine learning algorithms, and especially recommendation engines, feel the same way. The more they "know" about a user, like what movies they watch and how they rate them, the better they do at suggesting new movies, which is great until you realize that you have to start somewhere. The "cold start" problem will be our focus in this episode, both the heuristic solutions that help deal with it and a bit of realism about the importance of skepticism when someone claims a great solution to cold starts.
12/23/201815 minutes, 37 seconds
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Convex (and non-convex) Optimization

Convex optimization is one of the keys to data science, both because some problems straight-up call for optimization solutions and because popular algorithms like a gradient descent solution to ordinary least squares are supported by optimization techniques. But there are all kinds of subtleties, starting with convex and non-convex functions, why gradient descent is really an optimization problem, and what that means for your average data scientist or statistician.
12/17/201820 minutes
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The Normal Distribution and the Central Limit Theorem

When you think about it, it’s pretty amazing that we can draw conclusions about huge populations, even the whole world, based on datasets that are comparatively very small (a few thousand, or a few hundred, or even sometimes a few dozen). That’s the power of statistics, though. This episode is kind of a two-for-one but we’re excited about it—first we’ll talk about the Normal or Gaussian distribution, which is maybe the most famous probability distribution function out there, and then turn to the Central Limit Theorem, which is one of the foundational tenets of statistics and the real reason why the Normal distribution is so important.
12/9/201827 minutes, 11 seconds
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Software 2.0

Neural nets are a way you can model a system, sure, but if you take a step back, squint, and tilt your head, they can also be called… software? Not in the sense that they’re written in code, but in the sense that the neural net itself operates under the same set of general requirements as does software that a human would write. Namely, neural nets take inputs and create outputs from them according to a set of rules, but the thing about the inside of the neural net black box is that it’s written by a computer, whereas the software we’re more familiar with is written by a human. Neural net researcher and Tesla director of AI Andrej Karpathy has taken to calling neural nets “Software 2.0” as a result, and the implications from this connection are really cool. We’ll talk about it this week. Relevant links:
12/2/201817 minutes, 22 seconds
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Limitations of Deep Nets for Computer Vision

Deep neural nets have a deserved reputation as the best-in-breed solution for computer vision problems. But there are many aspects of human vision that we take for granted but where neural nets struggle—this episode covers an eye-opening paper that summarizes some of the interesting weak spots of deep neural nets. Relevant links:
11/18/201827 minutes, 20 seconds
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Building Data Science Teams

At many places, data scientists don’t work solo anymore—it’s a team sport. But data science teams aren’t simply teams of data scientists working together. Instead, they’re usually cross-functional teams with engineers, managers, data scientists, and sometimes others all working together to build tools and products around data science. This episode talks about some of those roles on a typical data science team, what the responsibilities are for each role, and what skills and traits are most important for each team member to have.
11/12/201825 minutes, 9 seconds
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Optimized Optimized Web Crawling

Last week’s episode, about methods for optimized web crawling logic, left off on a bit of a cliffhanger: the data scientists had found a solution to the problem, but it wasn’t something that the engineers (who own the search codebase, remember) liked very much. It was black-boxy, hard to parallelize, and introduced a lot of complexity to their code. This episode takes a second crack, where we formulate the problem a little differently and end up with a different, arguably more elegant solution. Relevant links:
11/4/201819 minutes, 42 seconds
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Optimized Web Crawling

Got a fun optimization problem for you this week! It’s a two-for-one: how do you optimize the web crawling logic of an operation like Google search so that the results are, on average, as up-to-date as possible, and how do you optimize your solution of choice so that it’s maintainable by software engineers in a huge distributed system? We’re following an excellent post from the Unofficial Google Data Science blog going through this problem. Relevant links:
10/28/201821 minutes, 32 seconds
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Better Know a Distribution: The Poisson Distribution

The Poisson distribution is a probability distribution function used to for events that happen in time or space. It’s super handy because it’s pretty simple to use and is applicable for tons of things—there are a lot of interesting processes that boil down to “events that happen in time or space.” This episode is a quick introduction to the distribution, and then a focus on two of our favorite applications: using the Poisson distribution to identify supernovas and study army deaths from horse kicks.
10/22/201831 minutes, 51 seconds
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Searching for Datasets with Google

If you wanted to find a dataset of jokes, how would you do it? What about a dataset of podcast episodes? If your answer was “I’d try Google,” you might have been disappointed—Google is a great search engine for many types of web data, but it didn’t have any special tools to navigate the particular challenges of, well, dataset data. But all that is different now: Google recently announced Google Dataset Search, an effort to unify metadata tagging around datasets and complementary efforts on the search side to recognize and organize datasets in a way that’s useful and intuitive. So whether you’re an academic looking for an economics or physics or biology dataset, or a big old nerd modeling jokes or analyzing podcasts, there’s an exciting new way for you to find data.
10/15/201819 minutes, 54 seconds
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It's our fourth birthday

We started Linear Digressions 4 years ago… this isn’t a technical episode, just two buddies shooting the breeze about something we’ve somehow built together.
10/8/201822 minutes, 6 seconds
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Gigantic Searches in Particle Physics

This week, we’re dusting off the ol’ particle physics PhD to bring you an episode about ambitious new model-agnostic searches for new particles happening at CERN. Traditionally, new particles have been discovered by “targeted searches,” where scientists have a hypothesis about the particle they’re looking for and where it might be found. However, with the huge amounts of data coming out of CERN, a new type of broader search algorithm is starting to be deployed. It’s a strategy that casts a very wide net, looking in many different places at the same time, which also introduces all kinds of interesting questions—even a one-in-a-thousand occurrence happens when you’re looking in many thousands of places.
9/30/201824 minutes, 46 seconds
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Data Engineering

If you’re a data scientist, you know how important it is to keep your data orderly, clean, moving smoothly between different systems, well-documented… there’s a ton of work that goes into building and maintaining databases and data pipelines. This job, that of owner and maintainer of the data being used for analytics, is often the realm of data engineers. From data extraction, transform and loading procedures to the data storage strategy and even the definitions of key data quantities that serve as focal points for a whole organization, data engineers keep the plumbing of data analytics running smoothly.
9/24/201816 minutes, 22 seconds
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Text Analysis for Guessing the NYTimes Op-Ed Author

A very intriguing op-ed was published in the NY Times recently, in which the author (a senior official in the Trump White House) claimed to be a minor saboteur of sorts, acting with his or her colleagues to undermine some of Donald Trump’s worst instincts and tendencies. Pretty stunning, right? So who is the author? It’s a mystery—the op-ed was published anonymously. That hasn’t stopped people from speculating though, and some machine learning on the vocabulary used in the op-ed is one way to get clues.
9/16/201818 minutes, 37 seconds
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The Three Types of Data Scientists, and What They Actually Do

If you've been in data science for more than a year or two, chances are you've noticed changes in the field as it's grown and matured. And if you're newer to the field, you may feel like there's a disconnect between lots of different stories about what data scientists should know, or do, or expect from their job. This week, we cover two thought pieces, one that arose from interviews with 35(!) data scientists speaking about what their jobs actually are (and aren't), and one from the head of data science at AirBnb organizing core data science work into three main specialties. Relevant links:
9/9/201823 minutes, 25 seconds
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Agile Development for Data Scientists, Part 2: Where Modifications Help

There's just too much interesting stuff at the intersection of agile software development and data science for us to be able to cover it all in one episode, so this week we're picking up where we left off last time. We'll give a quick overview of agile for those who missed last week or still have some questions, and then cover some of the aspects of agile that don't work well out-of-the-box when applied to data analytics. Fortunately, though, there are some straightforward modifications to agile that make it work really nicely for data analytics! Relevant links:
8/26/201827 minutes, 17 seconds
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Agile Development for Data Scientists, Part 1: The Good

If you're a data scientist at a firm that does a lot of software building, chances are good that you've seen or heard engineers sometimes talking about "agile software development." If you don't work at a software firm, agile practices might be newer to you. In either case, we wanted to go through a great series of blog posts about some of the practices from agile that are relevant for how data scientists work, in hopes of inspiring some transfer learning from software development to data science. Relevant links:
8/19/201825 minutes, 56 seconds
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Re - Release: How To Lose At Kaggle

We've got a classic for you this week as we take a week off for the dog days of summer. See you again next week! Competing in a machine learning competition on Kaggle is a kind of rite of passage for data scientists. Losing unexpectedly at the very end of the contest is also something that a lot of us have experienced. It's not just bad luck: a very specific combination of overfitting on popular competitions can take someone who is in the top few spots in the final days of a contest and bump them down hundreds of slots in the final tally.
8/13/201817 minutes, 54 seconds
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Troubling Trends In Machine Learning Scholarship

There's a lot of great machine learning papers coming out every day--and, if we're being honest, some papers that are not as great as we'd wish. In some ways this is symptomatic of a field that's growing really quickly, but it's also an artifact of strange incentive structures in academic machine learning, and the fact that sometimes machine learning is just really hard. At the same time, a high quality of academic work is critical for maintaining the reputation of the field, so in this episode we walk through a recent paper that spells out some of the most common shortcomings of academic machine learning papers and what we can do to make things better. Relevant links:
8/6/201829 minutes, 35 seconds
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Can Fancy Running Shoes Cause You To Run Faster?

The stars aligned for me (Katie) this past weekend: I raced my first half-marathon in a long time and got to read a great article from the NY Times about a new running shoe that Nike claims can make its wearers run faster. Causal claims like this one are really tough to verify, because even if the data suggests that people wearing the shoe are faster that might be because of correlation, not causation, so I loved reading this article that went through an analysis of thousands of runners' data in 4 different ways. Each way has a great explanation with pros and cons (as well as results, of course), so be sure to read the article after you check out this episode! Relevant links:
7/29/201828 minutes, 37 seconds
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Compliance Bias

When you're using an AB test to understand the effect of a treatment, there are a lot of assumptions about how the treatment (and control, for that matter) get applied. For example, it's easy to think that everyone who was assigned to the treatment arm actually gets the treatment, everyone in the control arm doesn't, and that the two groups get their treatment instantaneously. None of these things happen in real life, and if you really care about measuring your treatment effect then that's something you want to understand and correct. In this post we'll talk through a great blog post that outlines this for mobile experiments. Oh, and Ben sings.
7/22/201823 minutes, 28 seconds
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AI Winter

Artificial Intelligence has been widely lauded as a solution to almost any problem. But as we justapose the hype in the field against the real-world benefits we see, it raises the question: Are we coming up on an AI winter
7/15/201819 minutes, 2 seconds
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Rerelease: How to Find New Things to Learn

We like learning on vacation. And we're on vacation, so we thought we'd re-air this episode about how to learn. Original Episode: Original Summary: If you're anything like us, you a) always are curious to learn more about data science and machine learning and stuff, and b) are usually overwhelmed by how much content is out there (not all of it very digestible).  We hope this podcast is a part of the solution for you, but if you're looking to go farther (who isn't?) then we have a few new resources that are presenting high-quality content in a fresh, accessible way.  Boring old PDFs full of inscrutable math notation, your days are numbered!
7/8/201818 minutes, 32 seconds
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Rerelease: Space Codes

We're on vacation on Mars, so we won't be communicating with you all directly this week. Though, if we wanted to, we could probably use this episode to help get started. Original Episode: Original Summary: It's hard to get information to and from Mars.  Mars is very far away, and expensive to get to, and the bandwidth for passing messages with Earth is not huge.  The messages you do pass have to traverse millions of miles, which provides ample opportunity for the message to get corrupted or scrambled.  How, then, can you encode messages so that errors can be detected and corrected?  How does the decoding process allow you to actually find and correct the errors?  In this episode, we'll talk about three pieces of the process (Reed-Solomon codes, convolutional codes, and Viterbi decoding) that allow the scientists at NASA to talk to our rovers on Mars.
7/2/201824 minutes, 30 seconds
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Rerelease: Anscombe's Quartet

We're on vacation, so we hope you enjoy this episode while we each sip cocktails on the beach. Original Episode: Original Summary: Anscombe's Quartet is a set of four datasets that have the same mean, variance and correlation but look very different.  It's easy to think that having a good set of summary statistics (like mean, variance and correlation) can tell you everything important about a dataset, or at least enough to know if two datasets are extremely similar or extremely different, but Anscombe's Quartet will always be standing behind you, laughing at how silly that idea is. Anscombe's Quartet was devised in 1973 as an example of how summary statistics can be misleading, but today we can even do one better: the Datasaurus Dozen is a set of twelve datasets, all extremely visually distinct, that have the same summary stats as a source dataset that, there's no other way to put this, looks like a dinosaur.  It's an example of how datasets can be generated to look like almost anything while still preserving arbitrary summary statistics.  In other words, Anscombe's Quartets can be generated at-will and we all should be reminded to visualize our data (not just compute summary statistics) if we want to claim to really understand it.
6/25/201816 minutes, 14 seconds
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Rerelease: Hurricanes Produced

Now that hurricane season is upon us again (and we are on vacation), we thought a look back on our hurricane forecasting episode was prudent. Stay safe out there.
6/18/201828 minutes, 12 seconds
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By now, you have probably heard of GDPR, the EU's new data privacy law. It's the reason you've been getting so many emails about everyone's updated privacy policy. In this episode, we talk about some of the potential ramifications of GRPD in the world of data science.
6/11/201818 minutes, 24 seconds
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Git for Data Scientists

If you're a data scientist, chances are good that you've heard of git, which is a system for version controlling code. Chances are also good that you're not quite as up on git as you want to be--git has a strong following among software engineers but, in our anecdotal experience, data scientists are less likely to know how to use this powerful tool. Never fear: in this episode we'll talk through some of the basics, and what does (and doesn't) translate from version control for regular software to version control for data science software.
6/3/201822 minutes, 5 seconds
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Analytics Maturity

Data science and analytics are hot topics in business these days, but for a lot of folks looking to bring data into their organization, it can be hard to know where to start and what it looks like when they're succeeding. That was the motivation for writing a whitepaper on the analytics maturity of an organization, and that's what we're talking about today. In particular, we break it down into five attributes of an organization that contribute (or not) to their success in analytics, and what each of those mean and why they matter.  Whitepaper here:
5/20/201819 minutes, 32 seconds
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SHAP: Shapley Values in Machine Learning

Shapley values in machine learning are an interesting and useful enough innovation that we figured hey, why not do a two-parter? Our last episode focused on explaining what Shapley values are: they define a way of assigning credit for outcomes across several contributors, originally to understand how impactful different actors are in building coalitions (hence the game theory background) but now they're being cross-purposed for quantifying feature importance in machine learning models. This episode centers on the computational details that allow Shapley values to be approximated quickly, and a new package called SHAP that makes all this innovation accessible.
5/13/201819 minutes, 12 seconds
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Game Theory for Model Interpretability: Shapley Values

As machine learning models get into the hands of more and more users, there's an increasing expectation that black box isn't good enough: users want to understand why the model made a given prediction, not just what the prediction itself is. This is motivating a lot of work into feature important and model interpretability tools, and one of the most exciting new ones is based on Shapley Values from game theory. In this episode, we'll explain what Shapley Values are and how they make a cool approach to feature importance for machine learning.
5/7/201827 minutes, 6 seconds
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If you were a machine learning researcher or data scientist ten years ago, you might have spent a lot of time implementing individual algorithms like decision trees and neural networks by hand. If you were doing that work five years ago, the algorithms were probably already implemented in popular open-source libraries like scikit-learn, but you still might have spent a lot of time trying different algorithms and tuning hyperparameters to improve performance. If you're doing that work today, scikit-learn and similar libraries don't just have the algorithms nicely implemented--they have tools to help with experimentation and hyperparameter tuning too. Automated machine learning is here, and it's pretty cool.
4/30/201815 minutes, 24 seconds
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CPUs, GPUs, TPUs: Hardware for Deep Learning

A huge part of the ascent of deep learning in the last few years is related to advances in computer hardware that makes it possible to do the computational heavy lifting required to build models with thousands or even millions of tunable parameters. This week we'll pretend to be electrical engineers and talk about how modern machine learning is enabled by hardware.
4/23/201812 minutes, 40 seconds
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A Technical Introduction to Capsule Networks

Last episode we talked conceptually about capsule networks, the latest and greatest computer vision innovation to come out of Geoff Hinton's lab. This week we're getting a little more into the technical details, for those of you ready to have your mind stretched.
4/16/201831 minutes, 28 seconds
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A Conceptual Introduction to Capsule Networks

Convolutional nets are great for image classification... if this were 2016. But it's 2018 and Canada's greatest neural networker Geoff Hinton has some new ideas, namely capsule networks. Capsule nets are a completely new type of neural net architecture designed to do image classification on far fewer training cases than convolutional nets, and they're posting results that are competitive with much more mature technologies. In this episode, we'll give a light conceptual introduction to capsule nets and get geared up for a future episode that will do a deeper technical dive.
4/9/201814 minutes, 5 seconds
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Convolutional Neural Nets

If you've done image recognition or computer vision tasks with a neural network, you've probably used a convolutional neural net. This episode is all about the architecture and implementation details of convolutional networks, and the tricks that make them so good at image tasks.
4/2/201821 minutes, 55 seconds
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Google Flu Trends

It's been a nasty flu season this year. So we were remembering a story from a few years back (but not covered yet on this podcast) about when Google tried to predict flu outbreaks faster than the Centers for Disease Control by monitoring searches and looking for spikes in searches for flu symptoms, doctors appointments, and other related terms. It's a cool idea, but after a few years turned into a cautionary tale of what can go wrong after Google's algorithm systematically overestimated flu incidence for almost 2 years straight. Relevant link:
3/26/201812 minutes, 46 seconds
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How to pick projects for a professional data science team

This week's episodes is for data scientists, sure, but also for data science managers and executives at companies with data science teams. These folks all think very differently about the same question: what should a data science team be working on? And how should that decision be made? That's the subject of a talk that I (Katie) gave at Strata Data in early March, about how my co-department head and I select projects for our team to work on. We have several goals in data science project selection at Civis Analytics (where I work), which can be summarized under "balance the best attributes of bottom-up and top-down decision-making." We achieve this balance, or at least get pretty close, using a process we've come to call the Idea Factory (after a great book about Bell Labs). This talk is about that process, how it works in the real world of a data science company and how we see it working in the data science programs of other companies. Relevant links:
3/19/201831 minutes, 17 seconds
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Autoencoders are neural nets that are optimized for creating outputs that... look like the inputs to the network. Turns out this is a not-too-shabby way to do unsupervised machine learning with neural nets.
3/12/201812 minutes, 41 seconds
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When Private Data Isn't Private Anymore

After all the back-patting around making data science datasets and code more openly available, we figured it was time to also dump a bucket of cold water on everyone's heads and talk about the things that can go wrong when data and code is a little too open. In this episode, we'll talk about two interesting recent examples: a de-identified medical dataset in Australia that was re-identified so specific celebrities and athletes could be matched to their medical records, and a series of military bases that were spotted in a public fitness tracker dataset.
3/5/201826 minutes, 20 seconds
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What makes a machine learning algorithm "superhuman"?

A few weeks ago, we podcasted about a neural network that was being touted as "better than doctors" in diagnosing pneumonia from chest x-rays, and how the underlying dataset used to train the algorithm raised some serious questions. We're back again this week with further developments, as the author of the original blog post pointed us toward more developments. All in all, there's a lot more clarity now around how the authors arrived at their original "better than doctors" claim, and a number of adjustments and improvements as the original result was de/re-constructed. Anyway, there are a few things that are cool about this. First, it's a worthwhile follow-up to a popular recent episode. Second, it goes *inside* an analysis to see what things like imbalanced classes, outliers, and (possible) signal leakage can do to real science. And last, it raises a really interesting question in an age when computers are often claimed to be better than humans: what do those claims really mean? Relevant links:
2/26/201834 minutes, 48 seconds
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Open Data and Open Science

One interesting trend we've noted recently is the proliferation of papers, articles and blog posts about data science that don't just tell the result--they include data and code that allow anyone to repeat the analysis. It's far from universal (for a timely counterpoint, read this article ), but we seem to be moving toward a new normal where data science conclusions are expected to be shown, not just told. Relevant links:
2/19/201816 minutes, 54 seconds
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Defining the quality of a machine learning production system

Building a machine learning system and maintaining it in production are two very different things. Some folks over at Google wrote a paper that shares their thoughts around all the items you might want to test or check for your production ML system. Relevant links:
2/12/201820 minutes, 29 seconds
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Auto-generating websites with deep learning

We've already talked about neural nets in some detail (links below), and in particular we've been blown away by the way that image recognition from convolutional neural nets can be fed into recurrent neural nets that generate descriptions and captions of the images. Our episode today tells a similar tale, except today we're talking about a blog post where the author fed in wireframes of a website design and asked the neural net to generate the HTML and CSS that would actually build a website that looks like the wireframes. If you're a programmer who thinks your job is challenging enough that you're automation-proof, guess again... Link to blog post:
2/4/201819 minutes, 24 seconds
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The Case for Learned Index Structures, Part 2: Hash Maps and Bloom Filters

Last week we started the story of how you could use a machine learning model in place of a data structure, and this week we wrap up with an exploration of Bloom Filters and Hash Maps. Just like last week, when we covered B-trees, we'll walk through both the "classic" implementation of these data structures and how a machine learning model could create the same functionality.
1/29/201820 minutes, 41 seconds
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The Case for Learned Index Structures, Part 1: B-Trees

Jeff Dean and his collaborators at Google are turning the machine learning world upside down (again) with a recent paper about how machine learning models can be used as surprisingly effective substitutes for classic data structures. In this first part of a two-part series, we'll go through a data structure called b-trees. The structural form of b-trees make them efficient for searching, but if you squint at a b-tree and look at it a little bit sideways then the search functionality starts to look a little bit like a regression model--hence the relevance of machine learning models. If this sounds kinda weird, or we lost you at b-tree, don't worry--lots more details in the episode itself.
1/22/201818 minutes, 50 seconds
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Challenges with Using Machine Learning to Classify Chest X-Rays

Another installment in our "machine learning might not be a silver bullet for solving medical problems" series. This week, we have a high-profile blog post that has been making the rounds for the last few weeks, in which a neural network trained to visually recognize various diseases in chest x-rays is called into question by a radiologist with machine learning expertise. As it seemingly always does, it comes down to the dataset that's used for training--medical records assume a lot of context that may or may not be available to the algorithm, so it's tough to make something that actually helps (in this case) predict disease that wasn't already diagnosed.
1/15/201818 minutes
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The Fourier Transform

The Fourier transform is one of the handiest tools in signal processing for dealing with periodic time series data. Using a Fourier transform, you can break apart a complex periodic function into a bunch of sine and cosine waves, and figure out what the amplitude, frequency and offset of those component waves are. It's a really handy way of re-expressing periodic data--you'll never look at a time series graph the same way again.
1/8/201815 minutes, 39 seconds
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Statistics of Beer

What better way to kick off a new year than with an episode on the statistics of brewing beer?
1/2/201815 minutes, 20 seconds
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Re - Release: Random Kanye

We have a throwback episode for you today as we take the week off to enjoy the holidays. This week: what happens when you have a markov chain that generates mashup Kanye West lyrics with Bible verses? Exactly what you think.
12/24/20179 minutes, 33 seconds
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Debiasing Word Embeddings

When we covered the Word2Vec algorithm for embedding words, we mentioned parenthetically that the word embeddings it produces can sometimes be a little bit less than ideal--in particular, gender bias from our society can creep into the embeddings and give results that are sexist. For example, occupational words like "doctor" and "nurse" are more highly aligned with "man" or "woman," which can create problems because these word embeddings are used in algorithms that help people find information or make decisions. However, a group of researchers has released a new paper detailing ways to de-bias the embeddings, so we retain gender info that's not particularly problematic (for example, "king" vs. "queen") while correcting bias.
12/18/201718 minutes, 20 seconds
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The Kernel Trick and Support Vector Machines

Picking up after last week's episode about maximal margin classifiers, this week we'll go into the kernel trick and how that (combined with maximal margin algorithms) gives us the much-vaunted support vector machine.
12/11/201717 minutes, 48 seconds
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Maximal Margin Classifiers

Maximal margin classifiers are a way of thinking about supervised learning entirely in terms of the decision boundary between two classes, and defining that boundary in a way that maximizes the distance from any given point to the boundary. It's a neat way to think about statistical learning and a prerequisite for understanding support vector machines, which we'll cover next week--stay tuned!
12/4/201714 minutes, 21 seconds
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Re - Release: The Cocktail Party Problem

Grab a cocktail, put on your favorite karaoke track, and let’s talk some more about disentangling audio data!
11/27/201713 minutes, 43 seconds
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Clustering with DBSCAN

DBSCAN is a density-based clustering algorithm for doing unsupervised learning. It's pretty nifty: with just two parameters, you can specify "dense" regions in your data, and grow those regions out organically to find clusters. In particular, it can fit irregularly-shaped clusters, and it can also identify outlier points that don't belong to any of the clusters. Pretty cool!
11/20/201716 minutes, 14 seconds
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The Kaggle Survey on Data Science

Want to know what's going on in data science these days?  There's no better way than to analyze a survey with over 16,000 responses that recently released by Kaggle.  Kaggle asked practicing and aspiring data scientists about themselves, their tools, how they find jobs, what they find challenging about their jobs, and many other questions.  Then Kaggle released an interactive summary of the data, as well as the anonymized dataset itself, to help data scientists understand the trends in the data.  In this episode, we'll go through some of the survey toplines that we found most interesting and counterintuitive.
11/13/201725 minutes, 20 seconds
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Machine Learning: The High Interest Credit Card of Technical Debt

This week, we've got a fun paper by our friends at Google about the hidden costs of maintaining machine learning workflows. If you've worked in software before, you're probably familiar with the idea of technical debt, which are inefficiencies that crop up in the code when you're trying to go fast. You take shortcuts, hard-code variable values, skimp on the documentation, and generally write not-that-great code in order to get something done quickly, and then end up paying for it later on. This is technical debt, and it's particularly easy to accrue with machine learning workflows. That's the premise of this episode's paper.
11/6/201722 minutes, 18 seconds
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Improving Upon a First-Draft Data Science Analysis

There are a lot of good resources out there for getting started with data science and machine learning, where you can walk through starting with a dataset and ending up with a model and set of predictions. Think something like the homework for your favorite machine learning class, or your most recent online machine learning competition. However, if you've ever tried to maintain a machine learning workflow (as opposed to building it from scratch), you know that taking a simple modeling script and turning it into clean, well-structured and maintainable software is way harder than most people give it credit for. That said, if you're a professional data scientist (or want to be one), this is one of the most important skills you can develop. In this episode, we'll walk through a workshop Katie is giving at the Open Data Science Conference in San Francisco in November 2017, which covers building a machine learning workflow that's more maintainable than a simple script. If you'll be at ODSC, come say hi, and if you're not, here's a sneak preview!
10/30/201715 minutes, 1 second
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Survey Raking

It's quite common for survey respondents not to be representative of the larger population from which they are drawn. But if you're a researcher, you need to study the larger population using data from your survey respondents, so what should you do? Reweighting the survey data, so that things like demographic distributions look similar between the survey and general populations, is a standard technique and in this episode we'll talk about survey raking, a way to calculate survey weights when there are several distributions of interest that need to be matched.
10/23/201717 minutes, 23 seconds
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Happy Hacktoberfest

It's the middle of October, so you've already made two pull requests to open source repos, right? If you have no idea what we're talking about, spend the next 20 minutes or so with us talking about the importance of open source software and how you can get involved. You can even get a free t-shirt! Hacktoberfest main page:
10/16/201715 minutes, 40 seconds
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Re - Release: Kalman Runners

In honor of the Chicago marathon this weekend (and due in large part to Katie recovering from running in it...) we have a re-release of an episode about Kalman filters, which is part algorithm part elaborate metaphor for figuring out, if you're running a race but don't have a watch, how fast you're going. Katie's Chicago race report: miles 1-13: light ankle pain, lovely cool weather, the most fun EVAR miles 13-17: no more ankle pain but quads start getting tight, it's a little more effort miles 17-20: oof, really tight legs but still plenty of gas in then tank. miles 20-23: it's warmer out now, legs hurt a lot but running through Pilsen and Chinatown is too fun to notice mile 24: ugh cramp everything hurts miles 25-26.2: awesome crowd support, really tired and loving every second Final time: 3:54:35
10/9/201717 minutes, 53 seconds
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Neural Net Dropout

Neural networks are complex models with many parameters and can be prone to overfitting.  There's a surprisingly simple way to guard against this: randomly destroy connections between hidden units, also known as dropout.  It seems counterintuitive that undermining the structural integrity of the neural net makes it robust against overfitting, but in the world of neural nets, weirdness is just how things go sometimes. Relevant links:
10/2/201718 minutes, 53 seconds
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Disciplined Data Science

As data science matures as a field, it's becoming clearer what attributes a data science team needs to have to elevate their work to the next level. Most of our episodes are about the cool work being done by other people, but this one summarizes some thinking Katie's been doing herself around how to guide data science teams toward more mature, effective practices. We'll go through five key characteristics of great data science teams, which we collectively refer to as "disciplined data science," and why they matter.
9/25/201729 minutes, 34 seconds
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Hurricane Forecasting

It's been a busy hurricane season in the Southeastern United States, with millions of people making life-or-death decisions based on the forecasts around where the hurricanes will hit and with what intensity. In this episode we'll deconstruct those models, talking about the different types of models, the theory behind them, and how they've evolved through the years.
9/18/201727 minutes, 57 seconds
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Finding Spy Planes with Machine Learning

There are law enforcement surveillance aircraft circling over the United States every day, and in this episode, we'll talk about how some folks at BuzzFeed used public data and machine learning to find them.  The fun thing here, in our opinion, is the blend of intrigue (spy planes!) with tech journalism and a heavy dash of publicly available and reproducible analysis code so that you (yes, you!) can see exactly how BuzzFeed identifies the surveillance planes.
9/11/201718 minutes, 9 seconds
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Data Provenance

Software engineers are familiar with the idea of versioning code, so you can go back later and revive a past state of the system.  For data scientists who might want to reconstruct past models, though, it's not just about keeping the modeling code.  It's also about saving a version of the data that made the model.  There are a lot of other benefits to keeping track of datasets, so in this episode we'll talk about data lineage or data provenance.
9/4/201722 minutes, 48 seconds
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Adversarial Examples

Even as we rely more and more on machine learning algorithms to help with everyday decision-making, we're learning more and more about how they're frighteningly easy to fool sometimes. Today we have a roundup of a few successful efforts to create robust adversarial examples, including what it means for an adversarial example to be robust and what this might mean for machine learning in the future.
8/28/201716 minutes, 11 seconds
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Jupyter Notebooks

This week's episode is just in time for JupyterCon in NYC, August 22-25... Jupyter notebooks are probably familiar to a lot of data nerds out there as a great open-source tool for exploring data, doing quick visualizations, and packaging code snippets with explanations for sharing your work with others. If you're not a data person, or you are but you haven't tried out Jupyter notebooks yet, here's your nudge to go give them a try. In this episode we'll go back to the old days, before notebooks, and talk about all the ways that data scientists like to work that wasn't particularly well-suited to the command line + text editor setup, and talk about how notebooks have evolved over their lifetime to become even more powerful and well-suited to the data scientist's workflow.
8/21/201715 minutes, 50 seconds
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Curing Cancer with Machine Learning is Super Hard

Today, a dispatch on what can go wrong when machine learning hype outpaces reality: a high-profile partnership between IBM Watson and MD Anderson Cancer Center has recently hit the rocks as it turns out to be tougher than expected to cure cancer with artificial intelligence.  There are enough conflicting accounts in the media to make it tough to say exactly went wrong, but it's a good chance to remind ourselves that even in a post-AI world, hard problems remain hard.
8/14/201719 minutes, 20 seconds
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KL Divergence

Kullback Leibler divergence, or KL divergence, is a measure of information loss when you try to approximate one distribution with another distribution.  It comes to us originally from information theory, but today underpins other, more machine-learning-focused algorithms like t-SNE.  And boy oh boy can it be tough to explain.  But we're trying our hardest in this episode!
8/7/201725 minutes, 38 seconds
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It's moneyball time! SABR (the Society for American Baseball Research) is the world's largest organization of statistics-minded baseball enthusiasts, who are constantly applying the craft of scientific analysis to trying to figure out who are the best baseball teams and players. It can be hard to objectively measure sports greatness, but baseball has a data-rich history and plenty of nerdy fans interested in analyzing that data. In this episode we'll dissect a few of the metrics from standard baseball and compare them to related metrics from Sabermetrics, so you can nerd out more effectively at your next baseball game.
7/31/201725 minutes, 48 seconds
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What Data Scientists Can Learn from Software Engineers

We're back again with friend of the pod Walt, former software engineer extraordinaire and current data scientist extraordinaire, to talk about some best practices from software engineering that are ready to jump the fence over to data science.  If last week's episode was for software engineers who are interested in becoming more like data scientists, then this week's episode is for data scientists who are looking to improve their game with best practices from software engineering.
7/24/201723 minutes, 46 seconds
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Software Engineering to Data Science

Data scientists and software engineers often work side by side, building out and scaling technical products and services that are data-heavy but also require a lot of software engineering to build and maintain.  In this episode, we'll chat with a Friend of the Pod named Walt, who started out as a software engineer but works as a data scientist now.  We'll talk about that transition from software engineering to data science, and what special capabilities software engineers have that data scientists might benefit from knowing about (and vice versa).
7/17/201719 minutes, 5 seconds
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Re-Release: Fighting Cholera with Data, 1854

This episode was first released in November 2014. In the 1850s, there were a lot of things we didn’t know yet: how to create an airplane, how to split an atom, or how to control the spread of a common but deadly disease: cholera. When a cholera outbreak in London killed scores of people, a doctor named John Snow used it as a chance to study whether the cause might be very small organisms that were spreading through the water supply (the prevailing theory at the time was miasma, or “bad air”). By tracing the geography of all the deaths from the outbreak, Snow was practicing elementary data science--and stumbled upon one of history’s most famous outliers. In this episode, we’ll tell you more about this single data point, a case of cholera that cracked the case wide open for Snow and provided critical validation for the germ theory of disease.
7/10/201712 minutes, 4 seconds
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Re-Release: Data Mining Enron

This episode was first release in February 2015. In 2000, Enron was one of the largest and companies in the world, praised far and wide for its innovations in energy distribution and many other markets. By 2002, it was apparent that many bad apples had been cooking the books, and billions of dollars and thousands of jobs disappeared. In the aftermath, surprisingly, one of the greatest datasets in all of machine learning was born--the Enron emails corpus. Hundreds of thousands of emails amongst top executives were made public; there's no realistic chance any dataset like this will ever be made public again. But the dataset that was released has gone on to immortality, serving as the basis for a huge variety of advances in machine learning and other fields.
7/2/201732 minutes, 16 seconds
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Factorization Machines

What do you get when you cross a support vector machine with matrix factorization? You get a factorization machine, and a darn fine algorithm for recommendation engines.
6/26/201719 minutes, 54 seconds
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Anscombe's Quartet

Anscombe's Quartet is a set of four datasets that have the same mean, variance and correlation but look very different. It's easy to think that having a good set of summary statistics (like mean, variance and correlation) can tell you everything important about a dataset, or at least enough to know if two datasets are extremely similar or extremely different, but Anscombe's Quartet will always be standing behind you, laughing at how silly that idea is. Anscombe's Quartet was devised in 1973 as an example of how summary statistics can be misleading, but today we can even do one better: the Datasaurus Dozen is a set of twelve datasets, all extremely visually distinct, that have the same summary stats as a source dataset that, there's no other way to put this, looks like a dinosaur. It's an example of how datasets can be generated to look like almost anything while still preserving arbitrary summary statistics. In other words, Anscombe's Quartets can be generated at-will and we all should be reminded to visualize our data (not just compute summary statistics) if we want to claim to really understand it.
6/19/201715 minutes, 39 seconds
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Traffic Metering Algorithms

Originally release June 2016 This episode is for all you (us) traffic nerds--we're talking about the hidden structure underlying traffic on-ramp metering systems. These systems slow down the flow of traffic onto highways so that the highways don't get overloaded with cars and clog up. If you're someone who listens to podcasts while commuting, and especially if your area has on-ramp metering, you'll never look at highway access control the same way again (yeah, we know this is super nerdy; it's also super awesome).
6/12/201718 minutes, 34 seconds
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Page Rank

The year: 1998.  The size of the web: 150 million pages.  The problem: information retrieval.  How do you find the "best" web pages to return in response to a query?  A graduate student named Larry Page had an idea for how it could be done better and created a search engine as a research project.  That search engine was called Google.
6/5/201719 minutes, 58 seconds
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Fractional Dimensions

We chat about fractional dimensions, and what the actual heck those are.
5/29/201720 minutes, 28 seconds
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Things You Learn When Building Models for Big Data

As more and more data gets collected seemingly every day, and data scientists use that data for modeling, the technical limits associated with machine learning on big datasets keep getting pushed back.  This week is a first-hand case study in using scikit-learn (a popular python machine learning library) on multi-terabyte datasets, which is something that Katie does a lot for her day job at Civis Analytics.  There are a lot of considerations for doing something like this--cloud computing, artful use of parallelization, considerations of model complexity, and the computational demands of training vs. prediction, to name just a few.
5/22/201721 minutes, 39 seconds
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How to Find New Things to Learn

If you're anything like us, you a) always are curious to learn more about data science and machine learning and stuff, and b) are usually overwhelmed by how much content is out there (not all of it very digestible). We hope this podcast is a part of the solution for you, but if you're looking to go farther (who isn't?) then we have a few new resources that are presenting high-quality content in a fresh, accessible way. Boring old PDFs full of inscrutable math notation, your days are numbered!
5/15/201717 minutes, 54 seconds
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Federated Learning

As machine learning makes its way into more and more mobile devices, an interesting question presents itself: how can we have an algorithm learn from training data that's being supplied as users interact with the algorithm? In other words, how do we do machine learning when the training dataset is distributed across many devices, imbalanced, and the usage associated with any one user needs to be obscured somewhat to protect the privacy of that user? Enter Federated Learning, a set of related algorithms from Google that are designed to help out in exactly this scenario. If you've used keyboard shortcuts or autocomplete on an Android phone, chances are you've encountered Federated Learning even if you didn't know it.
5/8/201714 minutes, 3 seconds
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Word2Vec is probably the go-to algorithm for vectorizing text data these days.  Which makes sense, because it is wicked cool.  Word2Vec has it all: neural networks, skip-grams and bag-of-words implementations, a multiclass classifier that gets swapped out for a binary classifier, made-up dummy words, and a model that isn't actually used to predict anything (usually).  And all that's before we get to the part about how Word2Vec allows you to do algebra with text.  Seriously, this stuff is cool.
5/1/201717 minutes, 59 seconds
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Feature Processing for Text Analytics

It seems like every day there's more and more machine learning problems that involve learning on text data, but text itself makes for fairly lousy inputs to machine learning algorithms.  That's why there are text vectorization algorithms, which re-format text data so it's ready for using for machine learning.  In this episode, we'll go over some of the most common and useful ways to preprocess text data for machine learning.
4/24/201717 minutes, 28 seconds
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Education Analytics

This week we'll hop into the rapidly developing industry around predictive analytics for education. For many of the students who eventually drop out, data science is showing that there might be early warning signs that the student is in trouble--we'll talk about what some of those signs are, and then dig into the meatier questions around discrimination, who owns a student's data, and correlation vs. causation. Spoiler: we have more questions than we have answers on this one. Bonus appearance from Maeby the dog, who isn't a data scientist but does like to steal food off the counter.
4/17/201721 minutes, 5 seconds
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A Technical Deep Dive on Stanley, the First Self-Driving Car

In our follow-up episode to last week's introduction to the first self-driving car, we will be doing a technical deep dive this week and talking about the most important systems for getting a car to drive itself 140 miles across the desert.  Lidar?  You betcha!  Drive-by-wire?  Of course!  Probabilistic terrain reconstruction?  Absolutely!  All this and more this week on Linear Digressions.
4/10/201740 minutes, 42 seconds
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An Introduction to Stanley, the First Self-Driving Car

In October 2005, 23 cars lined up in the desert for a 140 mile race.  Not one of those cars had a driver.  This was the DARPA grand challenge to see if anyone could build an autonomous vehicle capable of navigating a desert route (and if so, whose car could do it the fastest); the winning car, Stanley, now sits in the Smithsonian Museum in Washington DC as arguably the world's first real self-driving car.  In this episode (part one of a two-parter), we'll revisit the DARPA grand challenge from 2005 and the rules and constraints of what it took for Stanley to win the competition.  Next week, we'll do a deep dive into Stanley's control systems and overall operation and what the key systems were that allowed Stanley to win the race.
4/3/201713 minutes, 7 seconds
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Feature Importance

Figuring out what features actually matter in a model is harder to figure out than you might first guess.  When a human makes a decision, you can just ask them--why did you do that?  But with machine learning models, not so much.  That's why we wanted to talk a bit about both regularization (again) and also other ways that you can figure out which models have the biggest impact on the predictions of your model.
3/27/201720 minutes, 15 seconds
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Space Codes!

It's hard to get information to and from Mars.  Mars is very far away, and expensive to get to, and the bandwidth for passing messages with Earth is not huge.  The messages you do pass have to traverse millions of miles, which provides ample opportunity for the message to get corrupted or scrambled.  How, then, can you encode messages so that errors can be detected and corrected?  How does the decoding process allow you to actually find and correct the errors?  In this episode, we'll talk about three pieces of the process (Reed-Solomon codes, convolutional codes, and Viterbi decoding) that allow the scientists at NASA to talk to our rovers on Mars.
3/20/201723 minutes, 56 seconds
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Finding (and Studying) Wikipedia Trolls

You may be shocked to hear this, but sometimes, people on the internet can be mean.  For some of us this is just a minor annoyance, but if you're a maintainer or contributor of a large project like Wikipedia, abusive users can be a huge problem.  Fighting the problem starts with understanding it, and understanding it starts with measuring it; the thing is, for a huge website like Wikipedia, there can be millions of edits and comments where abuse might happen, so measurement isn't a simple task.  That's where machine learning comes in: by building an "abuse classifier," and pointing it at the Wikipedia edit corpus, researchers at Jigsaw and the Wikimedia foundation are for the first time able to estimate abuse rates and curate a dataset of abusive incidents.  Then those researchers, and others, can use that dataset to study the pathologies and effects of Wikipedia trolls.
3/13/201715 minutes, 50 seconds
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A Sprint Through What's New in Neural Networks

Advances in neural networks are moving fast enough that, even though it seems like we talk about them all the time around here, it also always seems like we're barely keeping up.  So this week we have another installment in our "neural nets: they so smart!" series, talking about three topics.  And all the topics this week were listener suggestions, too!
3/6/201716 minutes, 56 seconds
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Stein's Paradox

When you're estimating something about some object that's a member of a larger group of similar objects (say, the batting average of a baseball player, who belongs to a baseball team), how should you estimate it: use measurements of the individual, or get some extra information from the group? The James-Stein estimator tells you how to combine individual and group information make predictions that, taken over the whole group, are more accurate than if you treated each individual, well, individually.
2/27/201727 minutes, 2 seconds
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Empirical Bayes

Say you're looking to use some Bayesian methods to estimate parameters of a system. You've got the normalization figured out, and the likelihood, but the prior... what should you use for a prior? Empirical Bayes has an elegant answer: look to your previous experience, and use past measurements as a starting point in your prior. Scratching your head about some of those terms, and why they matter? Lucky for you, you're standing in front of a podcast episode that unpacks all of this.
2/20/201718 minutes, 57 seconds
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Endogenous Variables and Measuring Protest Effectiveness

Have you been out protesting lately, or watching the protests, and wondered how much effect they might have on lawmakers? It's a tricky question to answer, since usually we need randomly distributed treatments (e.g. big protests) to understand causality, but there's no reason to believe that big protests are actually randomly distributed. In other words, protest size is endogenous to legislative response, and understanding cause and effect is very challenging. So, what to do? Well, at least in the case of studying Tea Party protest effectiveness, researchers have used rainfall, of all things, to understand the impact of a big protest. In other words, rainfall is the instrumental variable in this analysis that cracks the scientific case open. What does rainfall have to do with protests? Do protests actually matter? What do we mean when we talk about endogenous and instrumental variables? We wouldn't be very good podcasters if we answered all those questions here--you gotta listen to this episode to find out.
2/13/201716 minutes, 28 seconds
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Calibrated Models

Remember last week, when we were talking about how great the ROC curve is for evaluating models? How things change... This week, we're exploring calibrated risk models, because that's a kind of model that seems like it would benefit from some nice ROC analysis, but in fact the ROC AUC can steer you wrong there.
2/6/201714 minutes, 32 seconds
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Rock the ROC Curve

This week: everybody's favorite WWII-era classifier metric! But it's not just for winning wars, it's a fantastic go-to metric for all your classifier quality needs.
1/30/201715 minutes, 52 seconds
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Ensemble Algorithms

If one machine learning model is good, are two models better? In a lot of cases, the answer is yes. If you build many ok models, and then bring them all together and use them in combination to make your final predictions, you've just created an ensemble model. It feels a little bit like cheating, like you just got something for nothing, but the results don't like: algorithms like Random Forests and Gradient Boosting Trees (two types of ensemble algorithms) are some of the strongest out-of-the-box algorithms for classic supervised classification problems. What makes a Random Forest random, and what does it mean to gradient boost a tree? Have a listen and find out.
1/23/201713 minutes, 8 seconds
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How to evaluate a translation: BLEU scores

As anyone who's encountered a badly translated text could tell you, not all translations are created equal. Some translations are smooth, fluent and sound like a poet wrote them; some are jerky, non-grammatical and awkward. When a machine is doing the translating, it's awfully easy to end up with a robotic-sounding text; as the state of the art in machine translation improves, though, a natural question to ask is: according to what measure? How do we quantify a "good" translation? Enter the BLEU score, which is the standard metric for quantifying the quality of a machine translation. BLEU rewards translations that have large overlap with human translations of sentences, with some extra heuristics thrown in to guard against weird pathologies (like full sentences getting translated as one word, redundancies, and repetition). Nowadays, if there's a machine translation being evaluated or a new state-of-the-art system (like the Google neural machine translation we've discussed on this podcast before), chances are that there's a BLEU score going into that assessment.
1/16/201717 minutes, 6 seconds
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Zero Shot Translation

Take Google-size data, the flexibility of a neural net, and all (well, most) of the languages of the world, and what you end up with is a pile of surprises. This episode is about some interesting features of Google's new neural machine translation system, namely that with minimal tweaking, it can accommodate many different languages in a single neural net, that it can do a half-decent job of translating between language pairs it's never been explicitly trained on, and that it seems to have its own internal representation of concepts that's independent of the language those concepts are being represented in. Intrigued? You should be...
1/9/201725 minutes, 32 seconds
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Google Neural Machine Translation

Recently, Google swapped out the backend for Google Translate, moving from a statistical phrase-based method to a recurrent neural network. This marks a big change in methodology: the tried-and-true statistical translation methods that have been in use for decades are giving way to a neural net that, across the board, appears to be giving more fluent and natural-sounding translations. This episode recaps statistical phrase-based methods, digs into the RNN architecture a little bit, and recaps the impressive results that is making us all sound a little better in our non-native languages.
1/2/201718 minutes, 12 seconds
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Data and the Future of Medicine : Interview with Precision Medicine Initiative researcher Matt Might

Today we are delighted to bring you an interview with Matt Might, computer scientist and medical researcher extraordinaire and architect of President Obama's Precision Medicine Initiative. As the Obama Administration winds down, we're talking with Matt about the goals and accomplishments of precision medicine (and related projects like the Cancer Moonshot) and what he foresees as the future marriage of data and medicine. Many thanks to Matt, our friends over at Partially Derivative (hi, Jonathon!) and the White House for arranging this opportunity to chat. Enjoy!
12/26/201634 minutes, 54 seconds
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Special Crossover Episode: Partially Derivative interview with White House Data Scientist DJ Patil

We have the pleasure of bringing you a very special crossover episode this week: our friends at Partially Derivative (another great podcast about data science, you should check it out) recently interviewed White House Chief Data Scientist DJ Patil. We think DJ's message about the importance and impact of data science is worth spreading, so it's our pleasure to bring it to you today. A huge thanks to Jonathon Morgan and Partially Derivative for sharing this interview with us--enjoy! Relevant links:
12/18/201646 minutes, 9 seconds
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How to Lose at Kaggle

Competing in a machine learning competition on Kaggle is a kind of rite of passage for data scientists. Losing unexpectedly at the very end of the contest is also something that a lot of us have experienced. It's not just bad luck: a very specific combination of overfitting on popular competitions can take someone who is in the top few spots in the final days of a contest and bump them down hundreds of slots in the final tally.
12/12/201617 minutes, 16 seconds
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Attacking Discrimination in Machine Learning

Imagine there's an important decision to be made about someone, like a bank deciding whether to extend a loan, or a school deciding to admit a student--unfortunately, we're all too aware that discrimination can sneak into these situations (even when everyone is acting with the best of intentions!). Now, these decisions are often made with the assistance of machine learning and statistical models, but unfortunately these algorithms pick up on the discrimination in the world (it sneaks in through the data, which can capture inequities, which the algorithms then learn) and reproduce it. This podcast covers some of the most common ways we can try to minimize discrimination, and why none of those ways is perfect at fixing the problem. Then we'll get to a new idea called "equality of opportunity," which came out of Google recently and takes a pretty practical and well-aimed approach to machine learning bias.
12/5/201623 minutes, 20 seconds
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Recurrent Neural Nets

This week, we're doing a crash course in recurrent neural networks--what the structural pieces are that make a neural net recurrent, how that structure helps RNNs solve certain time series problems, and the importance of forgetfulness in RNNs. Relevant links:
11/28/201612 minutes, 36 seconds
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Stealing a PIN with signal processing and machine learning

Want another reason to be paranoid when using the free coffee shop wifi? Allow us to introduce WindTalker, a system that cleverly combines a dose of signal processing with a dash of machine learning to (potentially) steal the PIN from your phone transactions without ever having physical access to your phone. This episode has it all, folks--channel state information, ICMP echo requests, low-pass filtering, PCA, dynamic time warps, and the PIN for your phone.
11/21/201616 minutes, 55 seconds
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Neural Net Cryptography

Cryptography used to be the domain of information theorists and spies. There's a new player now: neural networks. Given the task of communicating securely, neural networks are inventing new encryption methods that, as best we can tell, are unlike anything humans have ever seen before. Relevant links:
11/14/201616 minutes, 16 seconds
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Deep Blue

In 1997, Deep Blue was the IBM algorithm/computer that did what no one, at the time, though possible: it beat the world's best chess player. It turns out, though, that one of the most important moves in the matchup, where Deep Blue psyched out its opponent with a weird move, might not have been so inspired after all. It might have been nothing more than a bug in the program, and it changed computer science history. Relevant links:
11/7/201620 minutes, 5 seconds
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Organizing Google's Datasets

If you're a data scientist, there's a good chance you're used to working with a lot of data. But there's a lot of data, and then there's Google-scale amounts of data. Keeping all that data organized is a Google-sized task, and as it happens, they've built a system for that organizational challenge. This episode is all about that system, called Goods, and in particular we'll dig into some of the details of what makes this so tough. Relevant links:
10/31/201615 minutes
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Fighting Cancer with Data Science: Followup

A few months ago, Katie started on a project for the Vice President's Cancer Moonshot surrounding how data can be used to better fight cancer. The project is all wrapped up now, so we wanted to tell you about how that work went and what changes to cancer data policy were suggested to the Vice President. See for links to the reports discussed on this episode.
10/24/201625 minutes, 48 seconds
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The 19-year-old determining the US election

Sick of the presidential election yet? We are too, but there's still almost a month to go, so let's just embrace it together. This week, we'll talk about one of the presidential polls, which has been kind of an outlier for quite a while. This week, the NY Times took a closer look at this poll, and was able to figure out the reason it's such an outlier. It all goes back to a 19-year-old African American man, living in Illinois, who really likes Donald Trump... Relevant Links: followup article from LA Times, released after recording:
10/17/201612 minutes, 28 seconds
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How to Steal a Model

What does it mean to steal a model? It means someone (the thief, presumably) can re-create the predictions of the model without having access to the algorithm itself, or the training data. Sound far-fetched? It isn't. If that person can ask for predictions from the model, and he (or she) asks just the right questions, the model can be reverse-engineered right out from under you. Relevant links:
10/9/201613 minutes, 36 seconds
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Lots of data is usually seen as a good thing. And it is a good thing--except when it's not. In a lot of fields, a problem arises when you have many, many features, especially if there's a somewhat smaller number of cases to learn from; supervised machine learning algorithms break, or learn spurious or un-interpretable patterns. What to do? Regularization can be one of your best friends here--it's a method that penalizes overly complex models, which keeps the dimensionality of your model under control.
10/3/201617 minutes, 27 seconds
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The Cold Start Problem

You might sometimes find that it's hard to get started doing something, but once you're going, it gets easier. Turns out machine learning algorithms, and especially recommendation engines, feel the same way. The more they "know" about a user, like what movies they watch and how they rate them, the better they do at suggesting new movies, which is great until you realize that you have to start somewhere. The "cold start" problem will be our focus in this episode, both the heuristic solutions that help deal with it and a bit of realism about the importance of skepticism when someone claims a great solution to cold starts. Relevant links:
9/26/201615 minutes, 37 seconds
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Open Source Software for Data Science

If you work in tech, software or data science, there's an excellent chance you use tools that are built upon open source software. This is software that's built and distributed not for a profit, but because everyone benefits when we work together and share tools. Tim Head of scikit-optimize chats with us further about what it's like to maintain an open source library, how to get involved in open source, and why people like him need people like you to make it all work.
9/19/201620 minutes, 5 seconds
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Scikit + Optimization = Scikit-Optimize

We're excited to welcome a guest, Tim Head, who is one of the maintainers of the scikit-optimize package. With all the talk about optimization lately, it felt appropriate to get in a few words with someone who's out there making it happen for python. Relevant links:
9/12/201615 minutes, 41 seconds
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Two Cultures: Machine Learning and Statistics

It's a funny thing to realize, but data science modeling is usually about either explainability, interpretation and understanding, or it's about predictive accuracy. But usually not both--optimizing for one tends to compromise the other. Leo Breiman was one of the titans of both kinds of modeling, a statistician who helped bring machine learning into statistics and vice versa. In this episode, we unpack one of his seminal papers from 2001, when machine learning was just beginning to take root, and talk about how he made clear what machine learning could do for statistics and why it's so important. Relevant links:
9/5/201617 minutes, 29 seconds
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Optimization Solutions

You've got an optimization problem to solve, and a less-than-forever amount of time in which to solve it. What do? Use a heuristic optimization algorithm, like a hill climber or simulated annealing--we cover both in this episode! Relevant link:
8/29/201620 minutes, 7 seconds
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Optimization Problems

If modeling is about predicting the unknown, optimization tries to answer the question of what to do, what decision to make, to get the best results out of a given situation. Sometimes that's straightforward, but sometimes... not so much. What makes an optimization problem easy or hard, and what are some of the methods for finding optimal solutions to problems? Glad you asked! May we recommend our latest podcast episode to you?
8/22/201617 minutes, 50 seconds
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Multi-level modeling for understanding DEADLY RADIOACTIVE GAS

Ok, this episode is only sort of about DEADLY RADIOACTIVE GAS. It's mostly about multilevel modeling, which is a way of building models with data that has distinct, related subgroups within it. What are multilevel models used for? Elections (we can't get enough of 'em these days), understanding the effect that a good teacher can have on their students, and DEADLY RADIOACTIVE GAS. Relevant links:
8/15/201623 minutes, 34 seconds
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How Polls Got Brexit "Wrong"

Continuing the discussion of how polls do (and sometimes don't) tell us what to expect in upcoming elections--let's take a concrete example from the recent past, shall we? The Brexit referendum was, by and large, expected to shake out for "remain", but when the votes were counted, "leave" came out ahead. Everyone was shocked (SHOCKED!) but maybe the polls weren't as wrong as the pundits like to claim. Relevant links:
8/8/201615 minutes, 14 seconds
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Election Forecasting

Not sure if you heard, but there's an election going on right now. Polls, surveys, and projections about, as far as the eye can see. How to make sense of it all? How are the projections made? Which are some good ones to follow? We'll be your trusty guides through a crash course in election forecasting. Relevant links:
8/1/201628 minutes, 59 seconds
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Machine Learning for Genomics

Genomics data is some of the biggest #bigdata, and doing machine learning on it is unlocking new ways of thinking about evolution, genomic diseases like cancer, and what really makes each of us different for everyone else. This episode touches on some of the things that make machine learning on genomics data so challenging, and the algorithms designed to do it anyway.
7/25/201620 minutes, 22 seconds
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Climate Modeling

Hot enough for you? Climate models suggest that it's only going to get warmer in the coming years. This episode unpacks those models, so you understand how they work. A lot of the episodes we do are about fun studies we hear about, like "if you're interested, this is kinda cool"--this episode is much more important than that. Understanding these models, and taking action on them where appropriate, will have huge implications in the years to come. Relevant links:
7/18/201619 minutes, 49 seconds
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Reinforcement Learning Gone Wrong

Last week’s episode on artificial intelligence gets a huge payoff this week—we’ll explore a wonderful couple of papers about all the ways that artificial intelligence can go wrong. Malevolent actors? You bet. Collateral damage? Of course. Reward hacking? Naturally! It’s fun to think about, and the discussion starting now will have reverberations for decades to come.
7/11/201628 minutes, 16 seconds
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Reinforcement Learning for Artificial Intelligence

There’s a ton of excitement about reinforcement learning, a form of semi-supervised machine learning that underpins a lot of today’s cutting-edge artificial intelligence algorithms. Here’s a crash course in the algorithmic machinery behind AlphaGo, and self-driving cars, and major logistical optimization projects—and the robots that, tomorrow, will clean our houses and (hopefully) not take over the world…
7/3/201618 minutes, 30 seconds
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Differential Privacy: how to study people without being weird and gross

Apple wants to study iPhone users' activities and use it to improve performance. Google collects data on what people are doing online to try to improve their Chrome browser. Do you like the idea of this data being collected? Maybe not, if it's being collected on you--but you probably also realize that there is some benefit to be had from the improved iPhones and web browsers. Differential privacy is a set of policies that walks the line between individual privacy and better data, including even some old-school tricks that scientists use to get people to answer embarrassing questions honestly. Relevant links:
6/27/201618 minutes, 17 seconds
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How the sausage gets made

Something a little different in this episode--we'll be talking about the technical plumbing that gets our podcast from our brains to your ears. As it turns out, it's a multi-step bucket brigade process of RSS feeds, links to downloads, and lots of hand-waving when it comes to trying to figure out how many of you (listeners) are out there.
6/20/201629 minutes, 13 seconds
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SMOTE: makin' yourself some fake minority data

Machine learning on imbalanced classes: surprisingly tricky. Many (most?) algorithms tend to just assign the majority class label to all the data and call it a day. SMOTE is an algorithm for manufacturing new minority class examples for yourself, to help your algorithm better identify them in the wild. Relevant links:
6/13/201614 minutes, 37 seconds
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Conjoint Analysis: like AB testing, but on steroids

Conjoint analysis is like AB tester, but more bigger more better: instead of testing one or two things, you can test potentially dozens of options. Where might you use something like this? Well, if you wanted to design an entire hotel chain completely from scratch, and to do it in a data-driven way. You'll never look at Courtyard by Marriott the same way again. Relevant link:
6/6/201618 minutes, 27 seconds
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Traffic Metering Algorithms

This episode is for all you (us) traffic nerds--we're talking about the hidden structure underlying traffic on-ramp metering systems. These systems slow down the flow of traffic onto highways so that the highways don't get overloaded with cars and clog up. If you're someone who listens to podcasts while commuting, and especially if your area has on-ramp metering, you'll never look at highway access control the same way again (yeah, we know this is super nerdy; it's also super awesome). Relevant links:
5/30/201617 minutes, 30 seconds
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Um Detector 2: The Dynamic Time Warp

One tricky thing about working with time series data, like the audio data in our "um" detector (remember that? because we barely do...), is that sometimes events look really similar but one is a little bit stretched and squeezed relative to the other. Besides having an amazing name, the dynamic time warp is a handy algorithm for aligning two time series sequences that are close in shape, but don't quite line up out of the box. Relevant link:
5/23/201614 minutes
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Inside a Data Analysis: Fraud Hunting at Enron

It's storytime this week--the story, from beginning to end, of how Katie designed and built the main project for Udacity's Intro to Machine Learning class, when she was developing the course. The project was to use email and financial data to hunt for signatures of fraud at Enron, one of the biggest cases of corporate fraud in history; that description makes the project sound pretty clean but getting the data into the right shape, and even doing some dataset merging (that hadn't ever been done before), made this project much more interesting to design than it might appear. Here's the story of what a data analysis like this looks like...from the inside.
5/16/201630 minutes, 28 seconds
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What's the biggest #bigdata?

Data science and is often mentioned in the same breath as big data. But how big is big data? And who has the biggest big data? CERN? Youtube? ... Something (or someone) else? Relevant link:
5/9/201625 minutes, 31 seconds
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Data Contamination

Supervised machine learning assumes that the features and labels used for building a classifier are isolated from each other--basically, that you can't cheat by peeking. Turns out this can be easier said than done. In this episode, we'll talk about the many (and diverse!) cases where label information contaminates features, ruining data science competitions along the way. Relevant links:
5/2/201620 minutes, 58 seconds
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Model Interpretation (and Trust Issues)

Machine learning algorithms can be black boxes--inputs go in, outputs come out, and what happens in the middle is anybody's guess. But understanding how a model arrives at an answer is critical for interpreting the model, and for knowing if it's doing something reasonable (one could even say... trustworthy). We'll talk about a new algorithm called LIME that seeks to make any model more understandable and interpretable. Relevant Links:
4/25/201616 minutes, 57 seconds
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Updates! Political Science Fraud and AlphaGo

We've got updates for you about topics from past shows! First, the political science scandal of the year 2015 has a new chapter, we'll remind you about the original story and then dive into what has happened since. Then, we've got an update on AlphaGo, and his/her/its much-anticipated match against the human champion of the game Go. Relevant Links:
4/18/201631 minutes, 43 seconds
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Ecological Inference and Simpson's Paradox

Simpson's paradox is the data science equivalent of looking through one eye and seeing a very clear trend, and then looking through the other eye and seeing the very clear opposite trend. In one case, you see a trend one way in a group, but then breaking the group into subgroups gives the exact opposite trend. Confused? Scratching your head? Welcome to the tricky world of ecological inference. Relevant links:
4/11/201618 minutes, 32 seconds
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Discriminatory Algorithms

Sometimes when we say an algorithm discriminates, we mean it can tell the difference between two types of items. But in this episode, we'll talk about another, more troublesome side to discrimination: algorithms can be... racist? Sexist? Ageist? Yes to all of the above. It's an important thing to be aware of, especially when doing people-centered data science. We'll discuss how and why this happens, and what solutions are out there (or not). Relevant Links:
4/4/201615 minutes, 21 seconds
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Recommendation Engines and Privacy

This episode started out as a discussion of recommendation engines, like Netflix uses to suggest movies. There's still a lot of that in here. But a related topic, which is both interesting and important, is how to keep data private in the era of large-scale recommendation engines--what mistakes have been made surrounding supposedly anonymized data, how data ends up de-anonymized, and why it matters for you. Relevant links:
3/28/201631 minutes, 33 seconds
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Neural nets play cops and robbers (AKA generative adverserial networks)

One neural net is creating counterfeit bills and passing them off to a second neural net, which is trying to distinguish the real money from the fakes. Result: two neural nets that are better than either one would have been without the competition. Relevant links:
3/21/201618 minutes, 56 seconds
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A Data Scientist's View of the Fight against Cancer

In this episode, we're taking many episodes' worth of insights and unpacking an extremely complex and important question--in what ways are we winning the fight against cancer, where might that fight go in the coming decade, and how do we know when we're making progress? No matter how tricky you might think this problem is to solve, the fact is, once you get in there trying to solve it, it's even trickier than you thought.
3/14/201619 minutes, 8 seconds
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Congress Bots and DeepDrumpf

Hey, sick of the election yet? Fear not, there are algorithms that can automagically generate political-ish speech so that we never need to be without an endless supply of Congressional speeches and Donald Trump twitticisms! Relevant links:
3/11/201620 minutes, 47 seconds
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Multi - Armed Bandits

Multi-armed bandits: how to take your randomized experiment and make it harder better faster stronger. Basically, a multi-armed bandit experiment allows you to optimize for both learning and making use of your knowledge at the same time. It's what the pros (like Google Analytics) use, and it's got a great name, so... winner! Relevant link:
3/7/201611 minutes, 29 seconds
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Experiments and Messy, Tricky Causality

"People with a family history of heart disease are more likely to eat healthy foods, and have a high incidence of heart attacks." Did the healthy food cause the heart attacks? Probably not. But establishing causal links is extremely tricky, and extremely important to get right if you're trying to help students, test new medicines, or just optimize a website. In this episode, we'll unpack randomized experiments, like AB tests, and maybe you'll be smarter as a result. Will you be smarter BECAUSE of this episode? Well, tough to say for sure... Relevant link:
3/4/201616 minutes, 59 seconds
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The reason that neural nets are taking over the world right now is because they can be efficiently trained with the backpropagation algorithm. In short, backprop allows you to adjust the weights of the neural net based on how good of a job the neural net is doing at classifying training examples, thereby getting better and better at making predictions. In this episode: we talk backpropagation, and how it makes it possible to train the neural nets we know and love.
2/29/201612 minutes, 21 seconds
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Text Analysis on the State Of The Union

First up in this episode: a crash course in natural language processing, and important steps if you want to use machine learning techniques on text data. Then we'll take that NLP know-how and talk about a really cool analysis of State of the Union text, which analyzes the topics and word choices of every President from Washington to Obama. Relevant link:
2/26/201622 minutes, 22 seconds
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Paradigms in Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence includes a number of different strategies for how to make machines more intelligent, and often more human-like, in their ability to learn and solve problems. An ambitious group of researchers is working right now to classify all the approaches to AI, perhaps as a first step toward unifying these approaches and move closer to strong AI. In this episode, we'll touch on some of the most provocative work in many different subfields of artificial intelligence, and their strengths and weaknesses. Relevant links:
2/22/201617 minutes, 20 seconds
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Survival Analysis

Survival analysis is all about studying how long until an event occurs--it's used in marketing to study how long a customer stays with a service, in epidemiology to estimate the duration of survival of a patient with some illness, and in social science to understand how the characteristics of a war inform how long the war goes on. This episode talks about the special challenges associated with survival analysis, and the tools that (data) scientists use to answer all kinds of duration-related questions.
2/19/201615 minutes, 21 seconds
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Gravitational Waves

All aboard the gravitational waves bandwagon--with the first direct observation of gravitational waves announced this week, Katie's dusting off her physics PhD for a very special gravity-related episode. Discussed in this episode: what are gravitational waves, how are they detected, and what does this announcement mean for future studies of the universe. Relevant links:
2/15/201620 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Turing Test

Let's imagine a future in which a truly intelligent computer program exists. How would it convince us (humanity) that it was intelligent? Alan Turing's answer to this question, proposed over 60 years ago, is that the program could convince a human conversational partner that it, the computer, was in fact a human. 60 years later, the Turing Test endures as a gold standard of artificial intelligence. It hasn't been beaten, either--yet. Relevant links:
2/12/201615 minutes, 15 seconds
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Item Response Theory: how smart ARE you?

Psychometrics is all about measuring the psychological characteristics of people; for example, scholastic aptitude. How is this done? Tests, of course! But there's a chicken-and-egg problem here: you need to know both how hard a test is, and how smart the test-taker is, in order to get the results you want. How to solve this problem, one equation with two unknowns? Item response theory--the data science behind such tests and the GRE. Relevant links:
2/8/201611 minutes, 46 seconds
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As you may have heard, a computer beat a world-class human player in Go last week. As recently as a year ago the prediction was that it would take a decade to get to this point, yet here we are, in 2016. We'll talk about the history and strategy of game-playing computer programs, and what makes Google's AlphaGo so special. Relevant link:
2/5/201619 minutes, 59 seconds
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Great Social Networks in History

The Medici were one of the great ruling families of Europe during the Renaissance. How did they come to rule? Not power, or money, or armies, but through the strength of their social network. And speaking of great historical social networks, analysis of the network of letter-writing during the Enlightenment is helping humanities scholars track the dispersion of great ideas across the world during that time, from Voltaire to Benjamin Franklin and everyone in between. Relevant links:
2/1/201612 minutes, 42 seconds
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How Much to Pay a Spy (and a lil' more auctions)

A few small encores on auction theory, and then--how can you value a piece of information before you know what it is? Decision theory has some pointers. Some highly relevant information if you are trying to figure out how much to pay a spy. Relevant links:
1/29/201616 minutes, 59 seconds
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Sold! Auctions (Part 2)

The Google ads auction is a special kind of auction, one you might not know as well as the famous English auction (which we talked about in the last episode). But if it's what Google uses to sell billions of dollars of ad space in real time, you know it must be pretty cool. Relevant links:
1/25/201617 minutes, 27 seconds
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Going Once, Going Twice: Auctions (Part 1)

The Google AdWords algorithm is (famously) an auction system for allocating a massive amount of online ad space in real time--with that fascinating use case in mind, this episode is part one in a two-part series all about auctions. We dive into the theory of auctions, and what makes a "good" auction. Relevant links:
1/22/201612 minutes, 39 seconds
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Chernoff Faces and Minard Maps

A data visualization extravaganza in this episode, as we discuss Chernoff faces (you: "faces? huh?" us: "oh just you wait") and the greatest data visualization of all time, or at least the Napoleonic era. Relevant links:
1/18/201615 minutes, 11 seconds
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t-SNE: Reduce Your Dimensions, Keep Your Clusters

Ever tried to visualize a cluster of data points in 40 dimensions? Or even 4, for that matter? We prefer to stick to 2, or maybe 3 if we're feeling well-caffeinated. The t-SNE algorithm is one of the best tools on the market for doing dimensionality reduction when you have clustering in mind. Relevant links:
1/15/201616 minutes, 55 seconds
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The [Expletive Deleted] Problem

The town of [expletive deleted], England, is responsible for the clbuttic [expletive deleted] problem. This week on Linear Digressions: we try really hard not to swear too much. Related links:
1/11/20169 minutes, 54 seconds
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Unlabeled Supervised Learning--whaaa?

In order to do supervised learning, you need a labeled training dataset. Or do you...? Relevant links:
1/8/201612 minutes, 35 seconds
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Hacking Neural Nets

Machine learning: it can be fooled, just like you or me. Here's one of our favorite examples, a study into hacking neural networks. Relevant links:
1/5/201615 minutes, 28 seconds
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Zipf's Law

Zipf's law is related to the statistics of how word usage is distributed. As it turns out, this is also strikingly reminiscent of how income is distributed, and populations of cities, and bug reports in software, as well as tons of other phenomena that we all interact with every day. Relevant links:
12/31/201511 minutes, 43 seconds
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Indie Announcement

We've gone indie! Which shouldn't change anything about the podcast that you know and love, but we're super excited to keep bringing you Linear Digressions as a fully independent podcast. Some links mentioned in the show:
12/30/20151 minute, 19 seconds
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Portrait Beauty

It's Da Vinci meets Skynet: what makes a portrait beautiful, according to a machine learning algorithm. Snap a selfie and give us a listen.
12/27/201511 minutes, 44 seconds
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The Cocktail Party Problem

Grab a cocktail, put on your favorite karaoke track, and let’s talk some more about disentangling audio data!
12/18/201512 minutes, 4 seconds
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A Criminally Short Introduction to Semi Supervised Learning

Because there are more interesting problems than there are labeled datasets, semi-supervised learning provides a framework for getting feedback from the environment as a proxy for labels of what's "correct." Of all the machine learning methodologies, it might also be the closest to how humans usually learn--we go through the world, getting (noisy) feedback on the choices we make and learn from the outcomes of our actions.
12/4/20159 minutes, 12 seconds
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Thresholdout: Down with Overfitting

Overfitting to your training data can be avoided by evaluating your machine learning algorithm on a holdout test dataset, but what about overfitting to the test data? Turns out it can be done, easily, and you have to be very careful to avoid it. But an algorithm from the field of privacy research shows promise for keeping your test data safe from accidental overfitting
11/27/201515 minutes, 52 seconds
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The State of Data Science

How many data scientists are there, where do they live, where do they work, what kind of tools do they use, and how do they describe themselves? RJMetrics wanted to know the answers to these questions, so they decided to find out and share their analysis with the world. In this very special interview episode, we welcome Tristan Handy, VP of Marketing at RJMetrics, who will talk about "The State of Data Science Report."
11/10/201515 minutes, 40 seconds
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Data Science for Making the World a Better Place

There's a good chance that great data science is going on close to you, and that it's going toward making your city, state, country, and planet a better place. Not all the data science questions being tackled out there are about finding the sleekest new algorithm or billion-dollar company idea--there's a whole world of social data science that just wants to make the world a better place to live in.
11/6/20159 minutes, 31 seconds
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Kalman Runners

The Kalman Filter is an algorithm for taking noisy measurements of dynamic systems and using them to get a better idea of the underlying dynamics than you could get from a simple extrapolation. If you've ever run a marathon, or been a nuclear missile, you probably know all about these challenges already. By the way, we neglected to mention in the episode: Katie's marathon time was 3:54:27!
10/29/201514 minutes, 42 seconds
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Neural Net Inception

When you sleep, the neural pathways in your brain take the "white noise" of your resting brain, mix in your experiences and imagination, and the result is dreams (that is a highly unscientific explanation, but you get the idea). What happens when neural nets are put through the same process? Train a neural net to recognize pictures, and then send through an image of white noise, and it will start to see some weird (but cool!) stuff.
10/23/201515 minutes, 19 seconds
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Benford's Law

Sometimes numbers are... weird. Benford's Law is a favorite example of this for us--it's a law that governs the distribution of the first digit in certain types of numbers. As it turns out, if you're looking up the length of a river, the population of a country, the price of a stock... not all first digits are created equal.
10/16/201517 minutes, 42 seconds
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Not to oversell it, but the student's t-test has got to have the most interesting history of any statistical test. Which is saying a lot, right? Add some boozy statistical trivia to your arsenal in this epsiode.
10/7/201514 minutes, 43 seconds
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PFun with P Values

Doing some science, and want to know if you might have found something? Or maybe you've just accomplished the scientific equivalent of going fishing and reeling in an old boot? Frequentist p-values can help you distinguish between "eh" and "oooh interesting". Also, there's a lot of physics in this episode, nerds.
9/2/201517 minutes, 7 seconds
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This machine learning algorithm beat the human champions at Jeopardy. What is... Watson?
8/25/201515 minutes, 36 seconds
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Bayesian Psychics

Come get a little "out there" with us this week, as we use a meta-study of extrasensory perception (or ESP, often used in the same sentence as "psychics") to chat about Bayesian vs. frequentist statistics.
8/18/201511 minutes, 44 seconds
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Troll Detection

Ever found yourself wasting time reading online comments from trolls? Of course you have; we've all been there (it's 4 AM but I can't turn off the computer and go to sleep--someone on the internet is WRONG!). Now there's a way to use machine learning to automatically detect trolls, and minimize the impact when they try to derail online conversations.
8/7/201512 minutes, 57 seconds
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Yiddish Translation

Imagine a language that is mostly spoken rather than written, contains many words in other languages, and has relatively little written overlap with English. Now imagine writing a machine-learning-based translation system that can convert that language to English. That's the problem that confronted researchers when they set out to automatically translate between Yiddish and English; the tricks they used help us understand a lot about machine translation.
8/3/201512 minutes, 15 seconds
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Modeling Particles in Atomic Bombs

In a fun historical journey, Katie and Ben explore the history of the Manhattan Project, discuss the difficulties in modeling particle movement in atomic bombs with only punch-card computers and ingenuity, and eventually come to present-day uses of the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm... mentioning Solitaire along the way.
7/6/201515 minutes, 38 seconds
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Random Number Generation

Let's talk about randomness! Although randomness is pervasive throughout the natural world, it's surprisingly difficult to generate random numbers. And even if your numbers look random (but actually aren't), it can have interesting consequences on the security of systems, and the accuracy of models and research. In this episode, Katie and Ben talk about randomness, its place in machine learning and computation in general, along with some random digressions of their own.
6/19/201510 minutes, 26 seconds
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Electoral Insights (Part 2)

Following up on our last episode about how experiments can be performed in political science, now we explore a high-profile case of an experiment gone wrong. An extremely high-profile paper that was published in 2014, about how talking to people can convince them to change their minds on topics like abortion and gay marriage, has been exposed as the likely product of a fraudulently produced dataset. We’ll talk about a cool data science tool called the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, which a pair of graduate students used to reverse-engineer the likely way that the fraudulent data was generated. But a bigger question still remains—what does this whole episode tell us about fraud and oversight in science?
6/9/201521 minutes, 18 seconds
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Electoral Insights (Part 1)

The first of our two-parter discussing the recent electoral data fraud case. The results of the study in question were covered widely, including by This American Life (who later had to issue a retraction). Data science for election research involves studying voters, who are people, and people are tricky to study—every one of them is different, and the same treatment can have different effects on different voters. But with randomized controlled trials, small variations from person to person can even out when you look at a larger group. With the advent of randomized experiments in elections a few decades ago, a whole new door was opened for studying the most effective ways to campaign.
6/5/20159 minutes, 17 seconds
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Falsifying Data

In the first of a few episodes on fraud in election research, we’ll take a look at a case study from a previous Presidential election, where polling results were faked. What are some telltale signs that data fraud might be present in a dataset? We’ll explore that in this episode.
6/1/201517 minutes, 46 seconds
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Reporter Bot

There’s a big difference between a table of numbers or statistics, and the underlying story that a human might tell about how those numbers were generated. Think about a baseball game—the game stats and a newspaper story are describing the same thing, but one is a good input for a machine learning algorithm and the other is a good story to read over your morning coffee. Data science and machine learning are starting to bridge this gap, taking the raw data on things like baseball games, financial scenarios, etc. and automatically writing human-readable stories that are increasingly indistinguishable from what a human would write. In this episode, we’ll talk about some examples of auto-generated content—you’ll be amazed at how sophisticated some of these reporter-bots can be. By the way, this summary was written by a human. (Or was it?)
5/20/201511 minutes, 15 seconds
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Careers in Data Science

Let’s talk money. As a “hot” career right now, data science can pay pretty well. But for an individual person matched with a specific job or industry, how much should someone expect to make? Since Katie was on the job market lately, this was something she’s been researching, and it turns out that data science itself (in particular linear regressions) has some answers. In this episode, we go through a survey of hundreds of data scientists, who report on their job duties, industry, skills, education, location, etc. along with their salaries, and then talk about how this data was fed into a linear regression so that you (yes, you!) can use the patterns in the data to know what kind of salary any particular kind of data scientist might expect.
5/16/201516 minutes, 35 seconds
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That's "Dr Katie" to You

Katie successfully defended her thesis! We celebrate her return, and talk a bit about what getting a PhD in Physics is like.
5/14/20153 minutes, 1 second
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Neural Nets (Part 2)

In the last episode, we zipped through neural nets and got a quick idea of how they work and why they can be so powerful. Here’s the real payoff of that work: In this episode, we’ll talk about a brand-new pair of results, one from Stanford and one from Google, that use neural nets to perform automated picture captioning. One neural net does the object and relationship recognition of the image, a second neural net handles the natural language processing required to express that in an English sentence, and when you put them together you get an automated captioning tool. Two heads are better than one indeed...
5/11/201510 minutes, 55 seconds
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Neural Nets (Part 1)

There is no known learning algorithm that is more flexible and powerful than the human brain. That's quite inspirational, if you think about it--to level up machine learning, maybe we should be going back to biology and letting millions of year of evolution guide the structure of our algorithms. This is the idea behind neural nets, which mock up the structure of the brain and are some of the most studied and powerful algorithms out there. In this episode, we’ll lay out the building blocks of the neural net (called neurons, naturally) and the networks that are built out of them. We’ll also explore the results that neural nets get when used to do object recognition in photographs.
5/1/20159 minutes
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Inferring Authorship (Part 2)

Now that we’re up to speed on the classic author ID problem (who wrote the unsigned Federalist Papers?), we move onto a couple more contemporary examples. First, J.K. Rowling was famously outed using computational linguistics (and Twitter) when she wrote a book under the pseudonym Robert Galbraith. Second, we’ll talk about a mystery that still endures--who is Satoshi Nakamoto? Satoshi is the mysterious person (or people) behind an extremely lucrative cryptocurrency (aka internet money) called Bitcoin; no one knows who he, she or they are, but we have plenty of writing samples in the form of whitepapers and Bitcoin forum posts. We’ll discuss some attempts to link Satoshi Nakamoto with a cryptocurrency expert and computer scientist named Nick Szabo; the links are tantalizing, but not a smoking gun. “Who is Satoshi” remains an example of attempted author identification where the threads are tangled, the conclusions inconclusive and the stakes high.
4/28/201514 minutes, 4 seconds
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Inferring Authorship (Part 1)

This episode is inspired by one of our projects for Intro to Machine Learning: given a writing sample, can you use machine learning to identify who wrote it? Turns out that the answer is yes, a person’s writing style is as distinctive as their vocal inflection or their gait when they walk. By tracing the vocabulary used in a given piece, and comparing the word choices to the word choices in writing samples where we know the author, it can be surprisingly clear who is the more likely author of a given piece of text. We’ll use a seminal paper from the 1960’s as our example here, where the Naive Bayes algorithm was used to determine whether Alexander Hamilton or James Madison was the more likely author of a number of anonymous Federalist Papers.
4/16/20158 minutes, 51 seconds
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Statistical Mistakes and the Challenger Disaster

After the Challenger exploded in 1986, killing all 7 astronauts aboard, an investigation into the cause was immediately launched. In the cold temperatures the night before the launch, the o-rings that seal off the fuel tanks from the rocket boosters became inflexible, so they did not seal properly, which led to the fuel tank explosion. NASA knew that there could be o-ring problems, but performed the analysis of their data incorrectly and ended up massively underestimating the risk associated with the cold temperatures. In this episode, we'll unpack the mistakes they made. We'll talk about how they excluded data points that they thought were irrelevant but which actually were critical to recognizing a fatal pattern.
4/6/201513 minutes, 9 seconds
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Genetics and Um Detection (HMM Part 2)

In part two of our series on Hidden Markov Models (HMMs), we talk to Katie and special guest Francesco about more useful and novel applications of HMMs. We revisit Katie's "Um Detector," and hear about how HMMs are used in genetics research.
3/25/201514 minutes, 49 seconds
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Introducing Hidden Markov Models (HMM Part 1)

Wikipedia says, "A hidden Markov model (HMM) is a statistical Markov model in which the system being modeled is assumed to be a Markov process with unobserved (hidden) states." What does that even mean? In part one of a special two-parter on HMMs, Katie, Ben, and special guest Francesco explain the basics of HMMs, and some simple applications of them in the real world. This episode sets the stage for part two, where we explore the use of HMMs in Modern Genetics, and possibly Katie's "Um Detector."
3/24/201514 minutes, 54 seconds
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Monte Carlo For Physicists

This is another physics-centered podcast, about an ML-backed particle identification tool that we use to figure out what kind of particle caused a particular blob in the detector. But in this case, as in many cases, it looks hard at the outset to use ML because we don't have labeled training data. Monte Carlo to the rescue! Monte Carlo (MC) is fake data that we generate for ourselves, usually following certain sets of rules (often a Markov chain; in physics we generate MC according to the laws of physics as we understand them) and since you generated the event, you "know" what the correct label is. Of course, it's a lot of work to validate your MC, but the payoff is that then you can use Machine Learning where you never could before.
3/12/20158 minutes, 13 seconds
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Random Kanye

Ever feel like you could randomly assemble words from a certain vocabulary and make semi-coherent Kanye West lyrics? Or technical documentation, imitations of local newscasters, your politically outspoken uncle, etc.? Wonder no more, there's a way to do this exact type of thing: it's called a Markov Chain, and probably the most powerful way to generate made-up data that you can then use for fun and profit. The idea behind a Markov Chain is that you probabilistically generate a sequence of steps, numbers, words, etc. where each next step/number/word depends only on the previous one, which makes it fast and efficient to computationally generate. Usually Markov Chains are used for serious academic uses, but this ain't one of them: here they're used to randomly generate rap lyrics based on Kanye West lyrics.
3/4/20158 minutes, 44 seconds
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Lie Detectors

Often machine learning discussions center around algorithms, or features, or datasets--this one centers around interpretation, and ethics. Suppose you could use a technology like fMRI to see what regions of a person's brain are active when they ask questions. And also suppose that you could run trials where you watch their brain activity while they lie about some minor issue (say, whether the card in their hand is a spade or a club)--could you use machine learning to analyze those images, and use the patterns in them for lie detection? Well you certainly can try, and indeed researchers have done just that. There are important problems though--the images of brains can be high variance, meaning that for any given person, there might not be a lot of certainty about whether they're lying or not. It's also open to debate whether the training set (in this case, test subjects with playing cards in their hands) really generalize well to the more important cases, like a person accused of a crime. So while machine learning has yielded some impressive gains in lie detection, it is not a solution to these thornier scientific issues.
2/25/20159 minutes, 17 seconds
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The Enron Dataset

In 2000, Enron was one of the largest and companies in the world, praised far and wide for its innovations in energy distribution and many other markets. By 2002, it was apparent that many bad apples had been cooking the books, and billions of dollars and thousands of jobs disappeared. In the aftermath, surprisingly, one of the greatest datasets in all of machine learning was born--the Enron emails corpus. Hundreds of thousands of emails amongst top executives were made public; there's no realistic chance any dataset like this will ever be made public again. But the dataset that was released has gone on to immortality, serving as the basis for a huge variety of advances in machine learning and other fields.
2/9/201512 minutes, 27 seconds
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Labels and Where To Find Them

Supervised classification is built on the backs of labeled datasets, but a good set of labels can be hard to find. Great data is everywhere, but the corresponding labels can sometimes be really tricky. Take a few examples we've already covered, like lie detection with an MRI machine (have to take pictures of someone's brain while they try to lie, not a trivial task) or automated image captioning (so many images! so many valid labels!) In this epsiode, we'll dig into this topic in depth, talking about some of the standard ways to get a labeled dataset if your project requires labels and you don't already have them.
2/4/201513 minutes, 15 seconds
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Um Detector 1

So, um... what about machine learning for audio applications? In the course of starting this podcast, we've edited out a lot of "um"'s from our raw audio files. It's gotten now to the point that, when we see the waveform in soundstudio, we can almost identify an "um" by eye. Which makes it an interesting problem for machine learning--is there a way we can train an algorithm to recognize the "um" pattern, too? This has become a little side project for Katie, which is very much still a work in progress. We'll talk about what's been accomplished so far, some design choices Katie made in getting the project off the ground, and (of course) mistakes made and hopefully corrected. We always say that the best way to learn something is by doing it, and this is our chance to try our own machine learning project instead of just telling you about what someone else did!
1/23/201513 minutes, 19 seconds
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Better Facial Recognition with Fisherfaces

Now that we know about eigenfaces (if you don't, listen to the previous episode), let's talk about how it breaks down. Variations that are trivial to humans when identifying faces can really mess up computer-driven facial ID--expressions, lighting, and angle are a few. Something that can easily happen is an algorithm can optimize to identify one of those traits, rather than the underlying trait of whether the person is the same (for example, if the training image is me smiling, you may reject an image of me frowning but accidentally approve an image of another woman smiling). Fisherfaces uses a fisher linear discriminant to distinguish based on the dimension in the data that shows the smallest inter-class distance, rather than maximizing the variation overall (we'll unpack this statement), and it is much more robust than our pal eigenfaces when there's shadows, cut-off images, expressions, etc.
1/7/201511 minutes, 56 seconds
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Facial Recognition with Eigenfaces

A true classic topic in ML: Facial recognition is very high-dimensional, meaning that each picture can have millions of pixels, each of which can be a single feature. It's computationally expensive to deal with all these features, and invites overfitting problems. PCA (principal components analysis) is a classic dimensionality reduction tool that compresses these many dimensions into the few that contain the most variation in the data, and those principal components are often then fed into a classic ML algorithm like and SVM. One of the best thing about eigenfaces is the great example code that you can find in sklearn--you can distinguish pictures of world leaders yourself in just a few minutes!
1/7/201510 minutes, 1 second
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Stats of World Series Streaks

Baseball is characterized by a high level of equality between teams; even the best teams might only have 55% win percentages (contrast this with college football, where teams go undefeated pretty regularly). In this regime, where 2 outcomes (Giants win/Giants lose) are approximately equally likely, we can model the win/loss chances with a binomial distribution. Using the binomial distribution, we can calculate an interesting little result: what's the chance of the world series going to only 4 games? 5? 6? All the way to 7? Then we can compare to decades' worth of world series data, to see how well the data follows the binomial assumption. The result tells us a lot about sports psychology--if each game is independent of the others, 4/5/6/7 game series are equally likely. The data shows a different trend: 4 and 7 game series are significantly more likely than 5 or 6. There's a powerful psychological effect at play--everybody loves the 7th game of the world series, or a good sweep. And it turns out that the baseball teams, whether they intend it or not, oblige our love of short (4) and long (7) world series!
12/17/201412 minutes, 34 seconds
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Computers Try to Tell Jokes

Computers are capable of many impressive feats, but making you laugh is usually not one of them. Or could it be? This episode will talk about a custom-built machine learning algorithm that searches through text and writes jokes based on what it finds. The jokes are formulaic: they're all of the form "I like my X like I like my Y: Z" where X and Y are nouns, and Z is an adjective that can describe both X and Y. For (dumb) example, "I like my men like I like my coffee: steaming hot." The joke is funny when ZX and ZY are both very common phrases, but X and Y are rarely seen together. So, given a large enough corpus of text, the algorithm looks for triplets of words that fit this description and writes jokes based on them. Are the jokes funny? You be the judge...
11/26/20149 minutes, 8 seconds
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How Outliers Helped Defeat Cholera

In the 1850s, there were a lot of things we didn’t know yet: how to create an airplane, how to split an atom, or how to control the spread of a common but deadly disease: cholera. When a cholera outbreak in London killed scores of people, a doctor named John Snow used it as a chance to study whether the cause might be very small organisms that were spreading through the water supply (the prevailing theory at the time was miasma, or “bad air”). By tracing the geography of all the deaths from the outbreak, Snow was practicing elementary data science--and stumbled upon one of history’s most famous outliers. In this episode, we’ll tell you more about this single data point, a case of cholera that cracked the case wide open for Snow and provided critical validation for the germ theory of disease.
11/22/201410 minutes, 54 seconds
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Hunting for the Higgs

Machine learning and particle physics go together like peanut butter and jelly--but this is a relatively new development. For many decades, physicists looked through their fairly large datasets using the laws of physics to guide their exploration; that tradition continues today, but as ever-larger datasets get made, machine learning becomes a more tractable way to deal with the deluge. With this in mind, ATLAS (one of the major experiments at CERN, the European Center for Nuclear Research and home laboratory of the recently discovered Higgs boson) ran a machine learning contest over the summer, to see what advances could be found from opening up the dataset to non-physicists. The results were impressive--physicists are smart folks, but there’s clearly lots of advances yet to make as machine learning and physics learn from one another. And who knows--maybe more Nobel prizes to win as well!
11/16/201410 minutes, 16 seconds