✅ Take your language skills to the next level with MosaLingua’s language training program. Whether you're traveling, studying, or looking to advance your career, our program will help you reach fluency in no time. Sign up for a free trial here.
1️⃣ love = amore
2️⃣ a feeling = un sentimento
3️⃣ to seduce = sedurre
4️⃣ to flirt = dragare
5️⃣ romantic = romantico
6️⃣ to be in love = amoroso
7️⃣ love at first sight = amore a prima vista
8️⃣ to attract = attrarre
9️⃣ to flirt = flirtare
🔟 complicity = complicità
seduction = seduzione
to be in a relationship = avere una relazione
boyfriend, girlfriend = agazzo
single = nubile
to kiss = baciare
caress = carezza
timid = timido
passion = passione
cute = carino
a hug = un abbraccio
12/13/2022 • 3 minutes, 3 seconds
🏫 School | Italian Vocabulary for Beginners
✅ Take your language skills to the next level with MosaLingua’s language training program. Whether you're traveling, studying, or looking to advance your career, our program will help you reach fluency in no time. Sign up for a free trial here.Italian Vocabulary. School.1️⃣ a teacher = il professore2️⃣ a teacher = la professoressa3️⃣ pupil = alunno4️⃣ student = studente5️⃣ primary school = scuola elementare6️⃣ middle School = scuola media7️⃣ high school = liceo8️⃣ university = università9️⃣ to learn = imparare🔟 a pen = una pennaa marker = un pennarelloan eraser = una gommaa pencil = una matitaA colored pencil = una matita coloratathe classroom = l'aulahomework = i compitia pencil case = un astuccioa sheet of paper = un foglioa notebook = un quadernoa book = un libro
12/6/2022 • 4 minutes, 49 seconds
☁️ The Weather | Italian Vocabulary
✅ Take your language skills to the next level with MosaLingua’s language training program. Whether you're traveling, studying, or looking to advance your career, our program will help you reach fluency in no time. Sign up for a free trial here.Italian Vocabulary. The weather.
1️⃣ Sun = Sole
2️⃣ Rain = pioggia
3️⃣ Cloud = Nube
4️⃣ Fog = Nebbia
5️⃣ Snow = Neve
6️⃣ Wind = Vento
7️⃣ Calm = Calmo
8️⃣ Covered = Coperto
9️⃣ Agitated = Agitato
🔟 Flash = Lampo
Thunder = Tuono
Temperature = Temperatura
Hot = Caldo
Cold = Freddo
Heat wave = Ondata di caldo
Heat = Calore
Freezing = Gelido
Dry = Seco
Wet = Umido
Storm = Temporale
12/5/2022 • 2 minutes, 58 seconds
👖 Clothes, Apparel | Italian Vocabulary
✅ Take your language skills to the next level with MosaLingua’s language training program. Whether you're traveling, studying, or looking to advance your career, our program will help you reach fluency in no time. Sign up for a free trial here.Italian Vocabulary. The clothes.
1️⃣ T-shirt = Maglietta
2️⃣ Sweater = Pullover
3️⃣ Trousers = I pantaloni
4️⃣ Jeans = Jeans
5️⃣ Coat = Cappotto
6️⃣ Jacket = Giacca
7️⃣ Shirt = Camicia
8️⃣ Dress = vestito
9️⃣ Suit = vestito
🔟 Clothes = Vestiti
Skirt = Gonna
Socks = Calzini
Scarf = Sciarpa
Pyjamas = Pigiama
Underwear = Boxer
Panties = Sfacciato
Shoes = Scarpe
Hat = Cappello
Bra = Reggiseno
Tie = Filatura
12/4/2022 • 3 minutes, 3 seconds
👩🍳 Kitchen | Italian Vocabulary
✅ Take your language skills to the next level with MosaLingua’s language training program. Whether you're traveling, studying, or looking to advance your career, our program will help you reach fluency in no time. Sign up for a free trial here.Italian Vocabulary. The kitchen.
1️⃣ Meal = Pasto
2️⃣ Breakfast = Colazione
3️⃣ Lunch = Pranzo
4️⃣ Four o'clock snack = Spuntino
5️⃣ Dinner = Cena
6️⃣ Beverage = Bibita
7️⃣ Fruit = Frutto
8️⃣ Vegetable = Vegetale
9️⃣ Meat = Carne
🔟 Fish = Pesce
Plate = Piatto
Cutlery = Coperto
Fork = Forchetta
Knife = Coltello
Glass = Vetro
Table = Tavolo
Dish = Piatto
Crockery = Stoviglie
Dessert = Dessert
Alcohol = Alcol
12/3/2022 • 2 minutes, 29 seconds
✅ Personality: Qualities | Italian Vocabulary
✅ Take your language skills to the next level with MosaLingua’s language training program. Whether you're traveling, studying, or looking to advance your career, our program will help you reach fluency in no time. Sign up for a free trial here.Italian Vocabulary. Qualities.
1️⃣ Handsome = Bello
2️⃣ Beautiful = Bella
3️⃣ Funny = Buffo
4️⃣ Patient = Paziente
5️⃣ Studious = Studioso
6️⃣ Determined = Determinato
7️⃣ Dynamic = Dinamico
8️⃣ Friendly = Amichevole
9️⃣ Honest = Onesto
🔟 Joyful = Allegro
Kind = gentile
Clever = Intelligente
Understanding = comprensivo
Punctual = Puntuale
Skillful = Abile
Ambitious = Ambizioso
Charismatic = Carismatico
Curious = Curioso
Devoted = zelante
Autonomous = Autonomo
11/16/2022 • 2 minutes, 58 seconds
🏡 The House | Italian Vocabulary
✅ Take your language skills to the next level with MosaLingua’s language training program. Whether you're traveling, studying, or looking to advance your career, our program will help you reach fluency in no time. Sign up for a free trial here.Italian Vocabulary. The house.
1️⃣ Living room = salotto
2️⃣ Bedroom = Camera
3️⃣ Kitchen = Cucina
4️⃣ Bathroom = Bagno
5️⃣ Dining room = Sala da pranzo
6️⃣ Bathroom = gabinetto
7️⃣ Garden = Giardino
8️⃣ Desk = scrivania
9️⃣ Door = Porta
🔟 Wall = Parete
Table = Tavolo
Stairs = scala
Chair = Sedia
Mirror = Specchio
Bathtub = Vasca da bagno
Bathroom sink = lavandino
Fridge = frigorifero
Sofa = Divano
Armchair = Poltrona
Key = Chiave
11/14/2022 • 2 minutes, 58 seconds
😯 Feelings and Emotions | Italian Vocabulary
✅ Take your language skills to the next level with MosaLingua’s language training program. Whether you're traveling, studying, or looking to advance your career, our program will help you reach fluency in no time. Sign up for a free trial here.Italian Vocabulary. Feelings and emotions.
1️⃣ happy = felice
2️⃣ sad = triste
3️⃣ angry = arrabbiato
4️⃣ joy = la gioia
5️⃣ surprised = sorpreso
6️⃣ calm = calmo
7️⃣ bored = annoiato
8️⃣ anxious = ansioso
9️⃣ curious = curioso
🔟 depressed = depresso
enchanted = piacere
blurred = sbalordito
proud = fiero
tiredness = stanco
excited = eccitato
furious = furioso
indifferent = indifferente
interested = interessato
optimistic = ottimista
relieved = sollevato
11/9/2022 • 2 minutes, 58 seconds
🐈 Italian Vocabulary | Animals
✅ Take your language skills to the next level with MosaLingua’s language training program. Whether you're traveling, studying, or looking to advance your career, our program will help you reach fluency in no time. Sign up for a free trial here.Italian Vocabulary. Animals.
1️⃣ Dog = Cane
2️⃣ Cat = Gatto
3️⃣ Rabbit = Coniglio
4️⃣ Hamster = Criceto
5️⃣ Fish = Pesce
6️⃣ Bear = Orso
7️⃣ elephant = elefante
8️⃣ giraffe = giraffa
9️⃣ monkey = scimmia
🔟 tiger = la tigre
lion = Leone
pig = maiale
cow = mucca
horse = cavallo
chicken = gallina
rooster = gallo
goat = capra
sheep = pecora
dolphin = delfino
tortoise = tartaruga
10/29/2022 • 2 minutes, 53 seconds
🙂 Italian Vocabulary | The Face
✅ Take your language skills to the next level with MosaLingua’s language training program. Whether you're traveling, studying, or looking to advance your career, our program will help you reach fluency in no time. Sign up for a free trial here.Italian Vocabulary. The face.
1️⃣ the face = il viso
2️⃣ the face = la faccia
3️⃣ the eye = l'occhio
4️⃣ the nose = il naso
5️⃣ the cheek = la guancia
6️⃣ the ear = l'orecchio
7️⃣ the mouth = la bocca
8️⃣ the lip = il labbro
9️⃣ the tooth = il dente
🔟 language = la lingua
jaw = la mascella
smile = il sorridi
forehead = la fronte
the eyelash = il ciglio
the eyebrow = il sopracciglio
the chin = il mento
skull = il cranio
the temple = la tempia
the nostril = la narice
grimace = la smorfia
10/26/2022 • 2 minutes, 58 seconds
👨👩👧 Italian Vocabulary | Family Members
✅ Take your language skills to the next level with MosaLingua’s language training program. Whether you're traveling, studying, or looking to advance your career, our program will help you reach fluency in no time. Sign up for a free trial here.Italian Vocabulary. Family.
Cousin, male
Cousin, female
Nephew niece
10/22/2022 • 2 minutes, 53 seconds
🔵 Italian Vocabulary | Colors
✅ Take your language skills to the next level with MosaLingua’s language training program. Whether you're traveling, studying, or looking to advance your career, our program will help you reach fluency in no time. Sign up for a free trial here.
1️⃣ White = Bianco
2️⃣ Black = Nero
3️⃣ Grey = Grigio
4️⃣ Red = Rosso
5️⃣ Blue = Blu
6️⃣ Green = Verde
7️⃣ Yellow = Giallo
8️⃣ Orange = Arancia
9️⃣ Purple = Viola
🔟 Brown = Marrone
Beige = Beige
Pink = Rosa
Light = Chiaro
Dark = Scuro
Turquoise = Turchese
Bronze = Bronzo
Midnight blue = Blu notte
Olive green = Verde oliva
Mauve = Malva
Indigo = Indaco
10/21/2022 • 2 minutes, 53 seconds
1️⃣ Learn Numbers from 1 to 20 | Italian Vocabulary
✅ Take your language skills to the next level with MosaLingua’s language training program. Whether you're traveling, studying, or looking to advance your career, our program will help you reach fluency in no time. Sign up for a free trial here.Numbers from 1 to 20:
1 uno
2 due
3 tre
4 quattro
5 cinque
6 sei
7 sette
8 otto
9 nove
10 dieci
11 undici
12 dodici
13 tredici
14 quattordici
15 quindici
16 sedici
17 diciassette
18 diciotto
19 diciannove
20 venti
10/20/2022 • 2 minutes, 58 seconds
📆 Days of the Week and Months | Italian Vocabulary
✅ Take your language skills to the next level with MosaLingua’s language training program. Whether you're traveling, studying, or looking to advance your career, our program will help you reach fluency in no time. Sign up for a free trial here.Italian Vocabulary. Days of the week and months. Transcription:Days of the week:
1️⃣ Monday = Lunedi
2️⃣ Tuesday = Martedì
3️⃣ Wednesday = Mercoledì
4️⃣ Thursday = Giovedì
5️⃣ Friday = Venerdì
6️⃣ Saturday = Sabato
7️⃣ Sunday = Domenica
1️⃣ January = Gennaio
2️⃣ February = febbraio
3️⃣ March = Marzo
4️⃣April = aprile
5️⃣ May = Maggio
6️⃣ June = Giugno
7️⃣ July = Luglio
8️⃣ August = agosto
9️⃣ September = settembre
🔟 October = ottobre
November = novembre
December = Dicembre
1️⃣ A year = Un anno
10/19/2022 • 2 minutes, 58 seconds
🛩️ Italian Vocabulary | Travel and Holidays
✅ Take your language skills to the next level with MosaLingua’s language training program. Whether you're traveling, studying, or looking to advance your career, our program will help you reach fluency in no time. Sign up for a free trial here.Vocabulary:
1️⃣ To be on vacation = Essere in vacanza
2️⃣ to travel = Viaggiare
3️⃣ abroad = all'estero
4️⃣ To visit = visitare
5️⃣ Go sightseeing = Fare un giro turistico
6️⃣ To book = prenotare
7️⃣ To rent a car = noleggiare
8️⃣ To confirm = confermare
9️⃣ to cancel = disdire
🔟 to take = Prendere
To forget = Dimenticare
Reservation = Prenotazione
Itinerary = Itinerario
Luggage = il bagaglio
Suitcase = una valigia
Backpack = uno zanio
Travel bag = una sacca de viaggio
Passport = il passaporto
ID card = la carta d'identià
Tourist = turista
10/18/2022 • 3 minutes, 5 seconds
👨🏻🍳 Italian Vocabulary | Restaurant (Beginner)
✅ Take your language skills to the next level with MosaLingua’s language training program. Whether you're traveling, studying, or looking to advance your career, our program will help you reach fluency in no time. Sign up for a free trial here.
10/17/2022 • 3 minutes, 8 seconds
🙂 Italian Vocabulary | Joy and Happiness
✅ Take your language skills to the next level with MosaLingua’s language training program. Whether you're traveling, studying, or looking to advance your career, our program will help you reach fluency in no time. Sign up for a free trial here.
10/16/2022 • 3 minutes, 13 seconds
💇♀️ Italian Vocabulary | Hairdressing / Hair
✅ Take your language skills to the next level with MosaLingua’s language training program. Whether you're traveling, studying, or looking to advance your career, our program will help you reach fluency in no time. Sign up for a free trial here.
10/15/2022 • 3 minutes, 13 seconds
✅ Italian Vocabulary | The Body Parts (Part 1)
✅ Take your language skills to the next level with MosaLingua’s language training program. Whether you're traveling, studying, or looking to advance your career, our program will help you reach fluency in no time. Sign up for a free trial here.
10/14/2022 • 2 minutes, 53 seconds
✅ Italian Vocabulary | Describing Physical Appearance (Part 2)
✅ Take your language skills to the next level with MosaLingua’s language training program. Whether you're traveling, studying, or looking to advance your career, our program will help you reach fluency in no time. Sign up for a free trial here.
10/13/2022 • 2 minutes, 58 seconds
✅ Italian Vocabulary | Describing People's Appearance (Part 1)
✅ Take your language skills to the next level with MosaLingua’s language training program. Whether you're traveling, studying, or looking to advance your career, our program will help you reach fluency in no time. Sign up for a free trial here.