The #1 Fan Made Better Call Saul podcast. Season 4 chat with Cast Interviews.
613: Saul Gone
Seven years, 2 months and 10 days. Alright, Let's get this over with.
8/29/2022 • 1 hour, 15 minutes, 6 seconds
610: Nippy
Finally! A GENE Episode! Let's talk...
8/1/2022 • 1 hour, 2 minutes, 33 seconds
609: Fun and Game - Watch Along
Better late than never. Watch Better Call Saul 609 with us!
7/26/2022 • 1 hour, 2 minutes, 10 seconds
608: Point and Shoot - Watch Along
Late to the party so come, watch Better Call Saul 608 with us!
7/26/2022 • 54 minutes, 52 seconds
Chip & Dale: Rescue Rangers (While We Wait Watch-along)
While we wait for the second half of the final season of Better Call Saul, let's watch Chip & Dale's Rescue Rangers!
6/20/2022 • 1 hour, 42 minutes, 6 seconds
607: Plan and Execution
It's Memorial Day here in the states. Howard got his mind blown and I got into an accident. Good times! Anyway, here's our chat on Better Call Saul 607! Have a great weekend, yo!
Roses are Red, Violets are blue, we totally forgot Lalo got Werner's address and information from Travel wire when he totally murdered that clerk.
5/14/2022 • 1 hour, 4 minutes, 21 seconds
604: Hit & Run
Let's talk about the adventure of Howard McGill. And Dave had a bug die in his ear. Weird. - Bryan
5/6/2022 • 1 hour, 8 minutes, 53 seconds
603: Rock and a Hard Place
Finally... our chat about Better Call Saul 603! How about those beach nachos? They fry the chips!
4/30/2022 • 1 hour, 2 minutes, 9 seconds
602: Carrot and Stick
Let's be honest, no one cares what I type here. Just watch Better Call Saul season 6 episode 2 then come have a laugh with us! -Bryan
4/19/2022 • 56 minutes, 20 seconds
601: Wine and Roses
Better Call Saul kicks off with "Wine and Rose". Look, I'm too excited to think of something clever here. Just watch the Season 6 premiere then listen to us! - Bryan
4/19/2022 • 1 hour, 1 minute, 58 seconds
Ep. 507 Live Watch Party Audio
Trying make the best of this Quarentine and hold a watch party of Episode 7....
4/18/2020 • 1 hour, 9 minutes, 29 seconds
Ep 505 & 506 Live Stream Wrap uP
COVID-19 has not been awesome to us. But let's chat!
4/18/2020 • 2 hours, 5 minutes, 53 seconds
504: Namaste
Dave and Bryan chat about Better Call Saul Episode 504.... anyway... here's wonderwall.
3/15/2020 • 1 hour, 7 minutes, 15 seconds
503: The Guy For This
Aww yeah! Shiz goin' down, Fam! Let's talk about it....
3/3/2020 • 56 minutes, 55 seconds
Preview With a Prior - EP 503
Let's make wildly asinine preconditions for Better Call Saul Ep. 503!
Twitter @ISGMpodcast
3/1/2020 • 30 minutes, 1 second
Preview With a Prior - EP 503
Let's make wildly asinine preconditions for Better Call Saul Ep. 503!
Twitter @ISGMpodcast
3/1/2020 • 30 minutes, 1 second
502: 50% Off
Episode 2 of Season 5 is here!!!!! Let's discuss, Fam.
Twitter: @ISGMpodcast
2/25/2020 • 1 hour, 13 minutes, 3 seconds
501: Magic Man
We made it, Fam. At long last, season 5 is here! Let's Chat about it!
Twitter: ISGMpodcast
2/24/2020 • 1 hour, 5 minutes, 41 seconds
El Camino Wrap Up / A&E = AMC
Well, Hello! It's a been a while. Let's knock some rust off the mic and talk about El Camino.
12/11/2019 • 28 minutes, 54 seconds
410: Winner
At long last, let's chat about Better Call Saul Season 4 finale: WINNER!
It's Saul Good, Man!
The better Better Call Saul Podcast:
Twitter: @ISGMpodcast:
Nothing Important Podcast:
Celebrity Interviews:
Twitter: @NotImportantPC
11/9/2018 • 1 hour, 32 minutes, 16 seconds
409: Wiedersehen
Nacho is a third wheel. Kai is not as bad as he seems. Mike loses something important. Jimmy blows it. Ding ding, ding ding ding.
Let's chat.
10/3/2018 • 1 hour, 7 minutes, 19 seconds
408: Coushatta
Man... Lots to talk about! Let's get to it!
It's Saul Good, Man!
The better Better Call Saul Podcast:
Twitter: @ISGMpodcast:
A plumbus Among Us: The rickest Rick and Morty Podcast
Find us online: Http://
Twitter: @APlumbusAmongUs
Nothing Important Podcast:
Celebrity Interviews:
Twitter: @NotImportantPC
9/25/2018 • 1 hour, 2 minutes, 52 seconds
White Trashistan - Threesome (Thank you for the iTunes reviews!)
As promised...
9/24/2018 • 3 minutes, 20 seconds
Preview With a Prior 408
Listener correspondence and likely inaccurate predictions for Better Call Saul EP. 408
It's Saul Good, Man!
The better Better Call Saul Podcast:
Twitter: @ISGMpodcast:
A plumbus Among Us: The rickest Rick and Morty Podcast
Find us online: Http://
Twitter: @APlumbusAmongUs
Nothing Important Podcast:
Celebrity Interviews:
Twitter: @NotImportantPC
9/24/2018 • 47 minutes, 13 seconds
407: Something Stupid
We move forward in time a bit to see Mike's team grumpy, Huell literally slinging phones and Gus gets excited. Still... no Nacho!
Let's talk about it in an awkward edition of It's Saul Good, Man!
It's Saul Good, Man!
The better Better Call Saul Podcast:
Twitter: @ISGMpodcast:
A plumbus Among Us: The rickest Rick and Morty Podcast
Find us online: Http://
Twitter: @APlumbusAmongUs
Nothing Important Podcast:
Celebrity Interviews:
Twitter: @NotImportantPC
9/18/2018 • 1 hour, 14 minutes, 8 seconds
406: Piñata
Admit it. You have never heard of a coati before this episode. You also never heard Howard use that type of language before. We've all grown. Let's talk about it.
It's Saul Good, Man!
The better Better Call Saul Podcast:
Twitter: @ISGMpodcast:
A plumbus Among Us: The rickest Rick and Morty Podcast
Find us online: Http://
Twitter: @APlumbusAmongUs
Nothing Important Podcast:
Celebrity Interviews:
Twitter: @NotImportantPC
9/11/2018 • 1 hour, 19 minutes, 26 seconds
Preview With a Prior 406
It's a Listener Coorespondence Palooza! And we make some predictions that may just come true!
It's Saul Good, Man!
The better Better Call Saul Podcast:
Twitter: @ISGMpodcast:
A plumbus Among Us: The rickest Rick and Morty Podcast
Find us online: Http://
Twitter: @APlumbusAmongUs
Nothing Important Podcast:
Celebrity Interviews:
Twitter: @NotImportantPC
9/10/2018 • 52 minutes, 31 seconds
405: Quite A Ride
Alright... now that we've all see the super size episode featuring the special character in the opening scene, I think it's about time we talk about it with a super sized episode of our own!
It's Saul Good, Man!
The better Better Call Saul Podcast:
Twitter: @ISGMpodcast:
A plumbus Among Us: The rickest Rick and Morty Podcast
Find us online: Http://
Twitter: @APlumbusAmongUs
Nothing Important Podcast:
Celebrity Interviews:
Twitter: @NotImportantPC
9/4/2018 • 1 hour, 27 minutes, 12 seconds
Preview With a Prior 405
It's Labor Day in the US! So let's grill some dogs, eat some burgers, listen to your drunk uncle ramble about politcs and get ready for tonight's Better Call Saul!
It's Saul Good, Man!
The better Better Call Saul Podcast:
Twitter: @ISGMpodcast:
A plumbus Among Us: The rickest Rick and Morty Podcast
Find us online: Http://
Twitter: @APlumbusAmongUs
Nothing Important Podcast:
Celebrity Interviews:
Twitter: @NotImportantPC
9/3/2018 • 16 minutes, 55 seconds
404: Talk
A bit slower of an episode... but man Mike ability to nit pick minor safety violations is off the charts. Is Kim headed for a nervous break down? Saul waits for calls and Nacho goes home. Let's chat about it!
It's Saul Good, Man!
The better Better Call Saul Podcast:
Twitter: @ISGMpodcast:
A plumbus Among Us: The rickest Rick and Morty Podcast
Find us online: Http://
Twitter: @APlumbusAmongUs
Nothing Important Podcast:
Celebrity Interviews:
Twitter: @NotImportantPC
8/28/2018 • 1 hour, 7 minutes, 31 seconds
Preview With a Prior 404
Ok... a little off the rails, but lot's of listener correspondence and episode 404 specuation!
It's Saul Good, Man!
The better Better Call Saul Podcast:
Twitter: @ISGMpodcast:
A plumbus Among Us: The rickest Rick and Morty Podcast
Find us online: Http://
Twitter: @APlumbusAmongUs
Nothing Important Podcast:
Celebrity Interviews:
Twitter: @NotImportantPC
8/27/2018 • 35 minutes, 26 seconds
403: Something Beautiful
Mike's a no go, Kim's a sad soul and Nacho gets holes. Let's talk about it!
It's Saul Good, Man!
The better Better Call Saul Podcast:
Twitter: @ISGMpodcast:
A plumbus Among Us: The rickest Rick and Morty Podcast
Find us online: Http://
Twitter: @APlumbusAmongUs
Nothing Important Podcast:
Celebrity Interviews:
Twitter: @NotImportantPC
8/21/2018 • 1 hour, 7 minutes, 15 seconds
Preview with a Prior 403
You guys are on point with the listener corespondance! We read your comments then jump into some predicitons of Better Call Saul episode 403 "Something Beautiful".
It's Saul Good, Man!
The better Better Call Saul Podcast:
Twitter: @ISGMpodcast:
A plumbus Among Us: The rickest Rick and Morty Podcast
Find us online: Http://
Twitter: @APlumbusAmongUs
Nothing Important Podcast:
Celebrity Interviews:
Twitter: @NotImportantPC
8/19/2018 • 40 minutes, 31 seconds
402: Breathe
Holy crap. Gus ain't messin around, y'all. Let's chat about it!
It's Saul Good, Man!
The better Better Call Saul Podcast:
Twitter: @ISGMpodcast:
A plumbus Among Us: The rickest Rick and Morty Podcast
Find us online: Http://
Twitter: @APlumbusAmongUs
Nothing Important Podcast:
Celebrity Interviews:
Twitter: @NotImportantPC
8/14/2018 • 1 hour, 12 minutes, 12 seconds
Preview With a Prior 402
We read some of your Tweets, Reviews and speculate about Better Call Saul Episode 402!
It's Saul Good, Man!
The better Better Call Saul Podcast:
Twitter: @ISGMpodcast:
A plumbus Among Us: The rickest Rick and Morty Podcast
Find us online: Http://
Twitter: @APlumbusAmongUs
Nothing Important Podcast:
Celebrity Interviews:
Twitter: @NotImportantPC
8/13/2018 • 42 minutes, 25 seconds
401: Smoke
Better Call Saul season 4 is here at long last and boy does it get off on the right foot! Now that we're all caught up with everyone in the aftermath of season 3, Let's Chat! Good to see you again!
It's Saul Good, Man!
The better Better Call Saul Podcast:
Twitter: @ISGMpodcast:
A plumbus Among Us: The rickest Rick and Morty Podcast
Find us online: Http://
Twitter: @APlumbusAmongUs
Nothing Important Podcast:
Celebrity Interviews:
Twitter: @NotImportantPC
8/7/2018 • 1 hour, 10 minutes, 24 seconds
We'll chat soon.... in the mean time...
Season 4 coverage starts soon. While you wait; Happy Memorial Day Weekend! Let's chat for a bit!
5/26/2018 • 34 minutes, 10 seconds
Patrick Fabian V: Jib Jab W/ the P Fab II
Patick Fabian is back to chat about Season 4 and to give parental advice to 3rd Mic Jeff, who is going to have a kid any moment now...
It's Saul Good, Man!
The better Better Call Saul Podcast:
Twitter: @ISGMpodcast:
A plumbus Among Us: The rickest Rick and Morty Podcast
Find us online: Http://
Twitter: @APlumbusAmongUs
Nothing Important Podcast:
Celebrity Interviews:
Twitter: @NotImportantPC
3/19/2018 • 48 minutes, 9 seconds
310: Lantern
There's no Mike in sight while Jimmy makes things right. Kim's hosts movie night while Chuck ignites! Better Call Saul season 3 FINALE! Let's talk about it.
It's Saul Good, Man!
The better Better Call Saul Podcast:
Twitter: @ISGMpodcast:
A plumbus Among Us: The rickest Rick and Morty Podcast
Find us online: Http://
Twitter: @APlumbusAmongUs
Nothing Important Podcast:
Celebrity Interviews:
Twitter: @NotImportantPC
6/25/2017 • 1 hour, 26 minutes, 45 seconds
BONUS: Season 3 Finale LIVE as it happened. Ep 310 discussion coming soon!
The mics were live as Dave, Bryan and Tie-Rantula Doug watched the Season 3 finale of Better Call Saul. Episode 310 discussion coming soon.
It's Saul Good, Man!
The better Better Call Saul Podcast:
Twitter: @ISGMpodcast:
A plumbus Among Us: The rickest Rick and Morty Podcast
Find us online: Http://
Twitter: @APlumbusAmongUs
Nothing Important Podcast:
Celebrity Interviews:
Twitter: @NotImportantPC
6/20/2017 • 1 hour, 23 minutes, 34 seconds
Preview With A Prior: 310
This is it, folks. The final episode of Season 3! After we do some listener coorespondence we give our final incorrect predicitons of the season. It's been great PWAPing with you.
6/19/2017 • 28 minutes, 43 seconds
PWAP 309 Presents: "Nacho Broke the Air Conditioner so Hector Would Take Off His Coat"
Preview with a Prior for Season 3 Finale Coming Soon!
It's Saul Good, Man!
The better Better Call Saul Podcast:
Twitter: @ISGMpodcast:
A plumbus Among Us: The rickest Rick and Morty Podcast
Find us online: Http://
Twitter: @APlumbusAmongUs
Nothing Important Podcast:
Celebrity Interviews:
Twitter: @NotImportantPC
6/14/2017 • 24 minutes, 40 seconds
309: Fall
Jimmy plants a card. Chuck go hard. Kim wreck car. Let's talk about it.
It's Saul Good, Man!
The better Better Call Saul Podcast:
Twitter: @ISGMpodcast:
A plumbus Among Us: The rickest Rick and Morty Podcast
Find us online: Http://
Twitter: @APlumbusAmongUs
Nothing Important Podcast:
Celebrity Interviews:
Twitter: @NotImportantPC
6/13/2017 • 1 hour, 9 minutes, 40 seconds
308: Slip
Jimmy grooves, Chuck's condition improves, and Nacho makes his move. A lot of dominoes are set up to fall in this episode. Let's chat.
The better Better Call Saul Podcast:
Twitter: @ISGMpodcast
Find us online: Http://
Twitter: @APlumbusAmongUs
Celebrity Interviews:
Twitter: @NotImportantPC
6/6/2017 • 1 hour, 1 minute, 38 seconds
Preview With a Prior 308
We debut a new "Listner Correspondence" jungle and get ready for episode 308!
The better Better Call Saul Podcast:
Twitter: @ISGMpodcast
Find us online @
Twitter: @APlumbusAmongUs
Celebrity Interviews:
Twitter: @NotImportantPC
6/4/2017 • 16 minutes, 41 seconds
Preview With a Prior : No Episode This Week
In our haste to make sure we recorded a PWAP, we realize there is no episode this week to PWAP to. Well, this is awkward.
The better Better Call Saul Podcast:
Twitter: @ISGMpodcast
Find us online @
Twitter: @APlumbusAmongUs
Celebrity Interviews:
Twitter: @NotImportantPC
5/29/2017 • 8 minutes, 15 seconds
A Plumbus Among Us - Ep 301 (Rick and Morty podcast Holiday Preview)
It's Memorial Day weekend here in the US. Enjoy a preview of our Rick and Morty Podcast! We'll chat next week!
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Twitter: @APlumbusAmongUs
5/27/2017 • 1 hour, 52 seconds
307: Expenses
Kim starts to quake, Jimmy continues to fake and Pryce is back on the take! Better Call Saul episode 307, let's talk about it!
The better Better Call Saul Podcast:
Twitter: @ISGMpodcast
Find us online @
Twitter: @APlumbusAmongUs
Celebrity Interviews:
Twitter: @NotImportantPC
5/23/2017 • 1 hour, 2 minutes, 3 seconds
Preview With a Prior 307
Lots of listener interactions as well as out predictions on episode 307! Let's chat!
Twitter: @ISGMpodcast
Check out our new Rick and Morty Podcast: A Plumbus Among Us!
Twitter: @APlumbusAmongUs
5/21/2017 • 20 minutes, 5 seconds
306: Off Brand
Things calm down a bit as Jimmy and Kim celebrate their victory. Then Howard and Chucks celebrate their victory! Nacho and Hector have an uncomfortable meeting... and Gus apparently is going to make a purchase. By the way, any one know a guy who can help us make a commercial?
Twitter: @ISGMpodcast
Check out our new Rick and Morty podcast pilot "A Plumbus Among Us" :
Twitter: @APlumbusAmongUs
We got kicked out of the State of North Carolina and Bryan got sprayed by a skunk. Hear all about it at
Twitter: @NotImportantPC
Make sure you get the TV Time app for your smart phone!
5/16/2017 • 45 minutes, 50 seconds
Preview With a Prior + Patrick Fabian Interview
We gear up up for Episode 306 by reading listener comments, giving our predictions and as a bonus, we Jib Jab with the P-Fab, Patrick Fabian!
Snap CHat: @Not Important PC
Check out our NEW Rick And Morty Podcast: A Plumbus Among Us here!
Twitter: @APlumbusAmongUs
Twitter: @NothingImportantPC
5/14/2017 • 41 minutes, 35 seconds
305: Chicanery
Things get very real in Better Call Saul episode 305! This is a big one, folks. Let's talk about it!
Twitter: @ISGMpodcast
Snapchat: @NotImportantPC
5/9/2017 • 1 hour, 17 minutes, 6 seconds
Preview with a Prior 305 + Steven Keslowitz Interview and Contest details
First we read your thoughts. Then we try to predict what happens in the next episode. Then Steven Keslowitz author of the new book called WHY YOU BETTER CALL SAUL calls in! The book examines the character's transformation and the legal and philosophical issues that he encounters. Three of you can win a copy, so be sure to listen! (US Residents Only. *Sorry*)
Twitter: @ISGMpodcast
Snapchat: @NotImportantPC
5/6/2017 • 41 minutes, 1 second
304: Sabrosito
Dive in (get it?) as we chat about Better Call Saul Ep 304! Lots to talk about. Kim Wexler pony tail satus: On Point.
Twitter: @ISGMpodcast
SnapChat: @NotImportantPC
5/2/2017 • 51 minutes, 50 seconds
Preview With a Prior 304 + Rhea Seehorn Interview
Rhea Seehorn (Kim Wexler) calls in! But first, we go over some listener responses and give our predictions for Better Call Saul Episode 304!
Twitter: @ISGMpodcast
SNapChat: @NotImportantPC
5/1/2017 • 35 minutes, 1 second
303: Sunk Costs
Better Call Saul Season 3 Epiosde 3 just aired: Mike answers the call, Chuck presses charges and Kim doubles down on Jimmy.
Twitter: @ISGMpodcast
Snapchat: @NotImportantPC
4/25/2017 • 46 minutes, 49 seconds
302: Witness
Gus returns. Hamlin is a ninja and who's that new secretary? Lots to talk about. Let's get to it...
Purchase the FULL "It's Saul Good, Man!" theme song for only $.99!!!!:
Twitter: @ISGM
SnapChat: @NotImportantPC
4/19/2017 • 56 minutes, 17 seconds
Tech Difficulties - Sit Still Look Pretty
While we work things out, here's a consolation prize...
4/18/2017 • 4 minutes, 5 seconds
Preview With a Prior 302
We take wild off base guesses about the upcoming Better Call Saul ep. 302. But first we read our listeners tweets!
Make sure to participate so we can read your tweets next week!
Twitter: @ISGMpodcast
Snapchat: @NotImportantPC
4/16/2017 • 15 minutes, 34 seconds
Bob Odenkirk Interview
The man himself, Bob Odenkirk calls "It's Saul Good, Man!"
Twitter: @ISGMpodcast
Snapchat: @NotImportantPodcast
4/16/2017 • 30 minutes, 38 seconds
301: Mabel
Better Call Saul kicks off Season 3 with episode 301: Mabel! Let's talk about it!
Make sure to send us your predictions, ideas, and thoughts for this week's "Preview with a Prior!" where we speculate about the up coming episode of Better Call Saul. Often Incorrectly.
Drop us a line! or on witter @ISGMpodcast!
Bob Odenkirk and Rhea Seehorn Intervews Coming soon!
Twitter: @ISGMpodcast
Snapchat: @NotImportantPC
4/11/2017 • 44 minutes, 6 seconds
(Fixed) Anchor.FM Interviews Bryan & Dave about It's Saul Good, Man!
Files Fixed! Grant from Anchor.FM interviews Bryan & Dave about It's Saul Good, Man!
Twitter: ISGMpodcast
Snapchat: @NotImportantPC
4/9/2017 • 20 minutes, 49 seconds
Season 3 Predictions
We give our predictions for Season 3 and ask you to send us yours!
Twitter: @ISGMpodcast
SnapChat: @NotImportantPC
3/30/2017 • 36 minutes, 19 seconds
Michael McKean
The legendary Michael McKean calls in to It's Saul Good, Man! to talk his career and his turn as Chuck McGill on Better Call Saul! But first Dave & Bryan chat about Better Call Saul and It's Saul Good, Man! Season 3!
Twitter: @ISGMpodcast
1/12/2017 • 24 minutes, 35 seconds
End of Year Message From Bryan
12/27/2016 • 12 minutes, 57 seconds
Brandon K. Hampton Returns
Brandon K Hampton (Ernesto on Better Call Saul) talks Better Call Saul season 3 in this Nothing Important / It's Saul Good, Man! cross over episode!
Twitter @ISGMpodcast
11/26/2016 • 37 minutes, 52 seconds
Ann Lerner (Albuquerque Film Liason)
City of Albuquerque Film Liaison, Ann Lerner calls Dave & Bryan and discusses how Better Call Saul landed in ABQ, what Peter and Vince are really like and how you too can be a film liaison. HINT: Be incredibly lucky.
Download the It's Saul Good Man theme song for only $.99! CLICK HERE!
Twitter: @ISGMpodcast
10/26/2016 • 27 minutes, 31 seconds
Luis Moncada
One half of the "murder twins", Luis Moncada calls Bryan & Dave and talks Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul and more!
Also, you can but the "It's Saul Good, Man!" Theme song from iTunes! Only $.99!!!!! Buy that HERE:
Twitter: @ISGMni
8/16/2016 • 27 minutes, 8 seconds
Ann Cherkis (Executive Story Editor)
Better Call Saul Executive Story Editor, Ann Cherkis chat's with Dave about what it's like in the writer's room for AMC's Better Call Saul!
Twitter: @ISGMpodcast
7/31/2016 • 31 minutes, 27 seconds
A message from Bryan (We lost our audio)
A message from Bryan on what's coming up and how we lost our audio.
6/18/2016 • 2 minutes, 46 seconds
Better Call Saul's Julian Bonfiglio and Bryan Get's a Vasectomy.
This week on Nothing Important, Bryan and Dave talk to Julian Bonfiglio. IE Jimmy McGill's commercial sound guy. Also, Dave locks himself out of the studio and Bryan get's a vasectomy.
Twitter: @ISGMpodcast
6/1/2016 • 31 minutes, 41 seconds
Ed Begley Jr. (Nothing Important)
Ed Begley Jr (Clifford Main, Better Call Saul) calls Bryan & Dave on Nothing Important to chat about his role as Clifford Main, competing with Michael McKean and his legendary Hollywood Career.
Also, Bryan shares an anecdote about the busy bodies in his neighbor hood.
Twitter: @ISGMpodcast
5/14/2016 • 37 minutes, 10 seconds
CLASSIC: Patrick Fabian RETURNS!
Our friend Patrick Fabian (Howard Hamlin, Better Call Saul) returns to It's Saul Good, Man!
Get ready for Better Call Saul Season 2: February 15th, 2016!
Please make sure you follow us on Twitter, Facebook and of course,
Also, check out Nothing Important Podcast for more Talk, Music and Interviews out the wazoo.
5/4/2016 • 30 minutes, 53 seconds
CLASSIC: Joe DeRosa (The Vet on Better Call Saul)
Comedian Joe DeRosa calls Bryan and Dave and Talks his role as the Vet on Better Call Saul!!!!
4/27/2016 • 41 minutes, 2 seconds
L.A. Story - ISGM Goes Live!
Our first LIVE podcast was a success! We hung out with a couple of listeners on Blab, and Bryan told us about his trip to LA to check out Talking Saul. Unfortunately, Dave couldn't make it, but good times were still had. This was definitely the first of many, so stay tuned! Thanks again for all of your support, and here's to another successful season!
Twitter: @ISGMPodcast
Our other Show:
4/26/2016 • 50 minutes, 28 seconds
CLASSIC: Kevin Weisman
When Jimmy McGill first claimed to be "Saul Goodman", Stevie was there. Stevie was played by actor Kevin Weisman.
You're listening to Nothing Important.....err... It's Saul Good, Man!
- Bryan & Dave
4/20/2016 • 40 minutes, 42 seconds
210: Klick
Well, there it is. The end of season 2 and a long wait to season 3. Owen Benjamin joins Bryan and Dave once more for the chat, and I think it's safe to say "Blue Balls" all around. Thanks for your support all season, and We're already looking forward to the next one! We have more planned for the off season, so stay tuned. But for now, lets chat about the Finale!
Twitter @ISGMPodcast
4/19/2016 • 58 minutes, 44 seconds
PWAP 210 - Interview with Eileen Fogarty (Mrs. Nguyen) and guest Owen Benjamin
Comedian and "Why Didn't They Laugh?" podcast host Owen Benjamin calls in and joins Bryan and Dave to share predictions for the finale and general foolishness. Plus, our chat with Eileen Fogarty, who plays Mrs. Nguyen, the Nail Salon owner and more general foolishness. Good times!
Twitter: @ISGMpodcast
Mel Rodriguez calls Bryan & Dave to talk his turn as Marco, Jimmy McGills partner in crime! We talk Marco's character development and some behind the scenes as well. Lot's of fun in this one, Folks.
Please make sure you follow us on Twitter, Facebook and of course,
Also, check out Nothing Important Podcast for more Talk, Music and Interviews out the wazoo.
We'll see you soon!
4/13/2016 • 34 minutes, 41 seconds
209: Nailed
Wow. What a great episode. Mike is a ninja, Kim out-lawyers Chuck, Jimmy likes pina coladas (and presumably getting caught in the rain) and Chuck gets a headache.
1 more episode to go this season, but first, let's chat about this one!
Twitter: @ISGMpodcast
4/12/2016 • 1 hour, 7 minutes, 23 seconds
PWAP 209: Brandon K. Hampton (Ernesto on Better Call Saul)
Brandon K. Hampton aka Ernesto calls Bryan & Dave to discuss what it's like on the set of Better Call Saul.
See you next week for Episode 209!
Twitter: @ISGMpodcast
4/9/2016 • 27 minutes, 38 seconds
CLASSIC: Patrick Fabian (Howard Hamlin- Better Call Saul)
Patrick Fabian calls Bryan and Dave and talks Howard Hamlin, Season 2 and of course, frozen pizza. Also, this episodes illustrates how cyber bullying can be used effectively.
Please make sure you follow us on Twitter, Facebook and of course,
Also, check out Nothing Important Podcast for more Talk, Music and Interviews out the wazoo.
4/6/2016 • 27 minutes, 20 seconds
208: Fifi
Episode 208 just aired and we talk about about Jimmy getting Fudged up, Mike love the hose, and Kim has a bit of an emotional roller coaster. It's an interesting episode as we wind down season 2.
Let's talk about.
Twitter: @ISGMpodcast
4/5/2016 • 51 minutes, 14 seconds
PWAP 208 (w/ guest host Billy Procida)
We make predictions for episode 208 this week with our friend Billy Procida, host of the Manwhore Podcast: A Sex Positive Quest for Love.
Twitter: @ISGMpodcast
Originally posted way back on March 19th, 2015 on Nothing Important ep. 12, Dave and Bryan talk to Better Call Saul location scouts Alex Gianopoulos and Dennis Muscari.
Alex and Dennis give us an incredibly interesting behind the scene details of how they select locations as well as other behind the scenes details.
Alex and Dennis have a great podcast called "The Fail Scouts" where they give their accounts of what it's like to be location scouts in ABQ. Be sure to check them out.
Please make sure you follow us on Twitter, Facebook and of course,
Also, check out Nothing Important Podcast for more Talk, Music and Interviews out the wazoo.
3/30/2016 • 26 minutes, 7 seconds
207: Inflatable
Episode 207 was very stylish! From wacky waving inflatable arm flailing tube man to Jimmy McGills's rainbow inspired wardrobe. Kim makes a big decision, but Jimmy seems miffed. And the pipes! The pipe are calling!
Let's talk about it!
Twitter: @ISGMpodcast
3/29/2016 • 55 minutes, 2 seconds
PWAP 207: Speculation and Twitter Comments
Dave and Bryan speculate on the fate and Jimmy and crew in the upcoming 207. Also, they guys read some tweets.
Twitter: @ISGMpodcast
Betsy Kettleman herself, Julie Ann Emery chats with Dave and Bryan about Kettleheads, motivations and frozen pizza!
Please make sure you follow us on Twitter, Facebook and of course,
Also, check out Nothing Important Podcast for more Talk, Music and Interviews out the wazoo.
3/23/2016 • 26 minutes, 15 seconds
206: Bali Ha'i
Well damn. That was fun episode. As always, Mike is one step ahead of the game, more cameos (YAY!), and Kim (or is it Jazelle?) is making some moves. Mosow Mule anyone?
Let's talk about it!
Twitter: @ISGMpodcast
Rhea Seehorn talks with Dave and Bryan about her character Kim Wexler on the hit AMC Show, Better Call Saul!
Please make sure you follow us on Twitter, Facebook and of course,
Also, check out Nothing Important Podcast for more Talk, Music and Interviews.
3/21/2016 • 28 minutes, 40 seconds
PWAP 206 & Sarah Minnich (Brenda on Better Call Saul)
Dave talks about a potential spoiler (It's NOT A SPOILER), Bryan gets the Cactus Treatment, and Sarah Minnich (Brenda on Better Call Saul and "Party Girl" on Breaking Bad) calls into the show!
Twitter: @ISGMpodcast
3/18/2016 • 31 minutes, 9 seconds
205: Rebecca
Man... 205 was a great episode. Jimmy gets a babysitter, Kim doesn't need saving, a familiar face returns and we meet Chuck's wife.... wait, Chuck had a wife?
Let's discuss.
Twitter: @ISGMpodcast
Also check out
3/15/2016 • 50 minutes, 11 seconds
Bonus: Voicemail from Ben in Austrailia
We kept telling Ben from Austrailia we'd get his voice mail on the show...
3/14/2016 • 4 minutes
PWAP 205: Bryan Solo
A solo PWAP because twitter people asked for it.
This photo about sums it up...
Congrats to all the TShirt winners and let's talk Monday after episode 205 of Better Call Saul!
Twitter: @ISGMpodcast
3/13/2016 • 9 minutes, 44 seconds
204: Gloves Off
We discuss the great Episode 204: "Gloves Off" So much to discuss. We find out why Tuco was in prison, we see some old Breaking Bad friends and just when you think Jim & Kim was over... it's not.
Just a great episode and we talk about it here. What do you think?
Twitter: @ISGMpodcast
Coming this week on Nothing Important: Nerdcore rappers: Mc Lars & Mega Ran! Look for it this Saturday at!!!
3/8/2016 • 34 minutes, 42 seconds
PWAP 204 & Cactus Tweets
Dave and I speculate about the upcoming Episode 4 of season 2 of Better Call Saul. Also, we go over tweets regarding Dave's way off cactus claim.
Twitter: @ISGMpodcast
3/5/2016 • 14 minutes, 38 seconds
203: Amarillo
Lots happened in Season 2 Episode 3 and we talk all about it! Jimmy makes a commercial, Chuck trys to sandbag Jimmy, and we get the return of "The Vet"! Come chat with us about all that more!
Twitter: @ISGMpodcast
Also, check out
3/1/2016 • 46 minutes, 34 seconds
Mark Proksch
Dave and I speculate about the gunshots next to Mike's daughter-in-laws house... and then we talk to Mark Proksch about his role as "Pryce" Daniel Wormald (sp?).
Have a great weekend and we'll see you next week for Better Call Saul, Season 2, Episode 3!
Also, be sure to check out Part 2 of our Interview with Mark on the Nothing Important podcast where Mark talks about K-Strauss the Zim Zam YoYo Man and what it was like being a novice actor on The Office.
Twitter: @ISGMPodcast
2/26/2016 • 24 minutes, 34 seconds
202: Cobbler
Episode 2 of Season 2 has just aired! A little slower episode this week. But still a great one lining up a bunch of story lines. What's Chuck's end game? Is this the last we see of "Pryce" ?
What do you think? Let us know at or on Twitter @ISGMpodcast
2/23/2016 • 40 minutes, 48 seconds
Ken Wins Interview (Kyle Bornheimer) & Listener Comments
Kyle Bornheimer (KEN WINS!) calls Dave & Bryan to discuss his role as everyone's favorite douche bag!
Also, we go over some listeners comments!
Thank you for spreading the word. Thank you for listening. And please, keep participating.
Your buddies on the couch,
Bryan & Dave
www.ItsSaulGoodMan.comTwitter: @ISGMPodcast
also check out:
2/19/2016 • 29 minutes
201: Switch
The Season 2 Premiere of Better Call Saul just aired and did not disappoint!
We get to see what really happened at the end of Season 1, Mike being Mike and what's with this universe and hiding things in walls?Where do Kim and Jimmy go from here? We see some great Breaking Bad nods.... is that who we think that is?Lets talk about it!
www.ItsSaulGoodMan.comTwitter: @ISGMPodcast Also check out...
2/16/2016 • 48 minutes, 40 seconds
Dave Porter
Better Call Saul composer Dave Porter chats with our Dave about Better Call Saul's music and sound. Plus we debut our new theme song.
Be sure to check us out on and on twitter @ISGMpodcast
Also, you can catch us @ for music, fun and more celebrity interviews.
Get ready for the Season 2 premier of Better Call Saul, Feb 15th, on AMC!
2/14/2016 • 29 minutes, 17 seconds
Michael Mando
Nacho himslef, Michael Mando calls Bryan & Dave in anticipation for season 2 of Better Call Saul!
2/7/2016 • 32 minutes, 27 seconds
Season 2: The Second Hamlin?
We get ready for Season 2 by discussing Ed Begley Jr and is his role the second Hamlin?
1/25/2016 • 25 minutes, 10 seconds
Season 2 Is a GO!
Season 2 is a go and we are going to get back into the swing of things on the BETTER Better Call Saul Podcast!
Every week from here until the finale we are going to talk all about Better Call Saul!
This year we plan to have even MORE PARTICIPATION from YOU! So get ready to start sending us your predictions, thoughts, theories and anything else you think about BCS and or this podcast!
Dave and I am so excited to hang out and chat with you again!
- Bryan
PS: Did you know we've interviewed most of the Cast? Checked out our interviews with Julie Ann Emery, Rhea Seehorn, Mel Rodriguez, Kevin Weisman, Patrick Fabian and Joe DeRosa!
Twitter @ISGMpodcast,
and of course!
It's good to be back!
1/17/2016 • 18 minutes, 53 seconds
BONUS: West Coast Project interviews Dave and Bryan (
We coast project calls us and we talk the Better Call Saul season finale. Please be sure to check them out for some great podcasts at
4/17/2015 • 43 minutes, 45 seconds
Ep 13: Marco (110) Season 1 Finale
Dave and Bryan talk all about the Season 1 Finale of Better Call Saul. This episode while great, didn't quite give us what we expected... but then again, when has this show been predicable? So click that little triangle on your podcast app and let's talk all about it! Please make sure you tell us what you think at @ISGMpodcast, Facebook and of course, over at Be sure to check out our buddies Oh, and why not stop by our other podcast at!!
4/7/2015 • 45 minutes, 51 seconds
Preview with a Prior: 110 "Marco" Preview
Dave and I speculate about the season finale of Better Calls Saul. We go a little off the rails on this one, folks.. but it's a fun listen for our weekend Preview with a Prior crew. You all are awesome and it's been an honor making incorrect guesses for you these past 6 weeks. Keep being awesome, and we'll talk to you after the season finale. Tickle our Twitter @ISGMpodcast,, Face us on Facebook, and Surf us on Oh and don't forget to check out
4/4/2015 • 20 minutes, 56 seconds
Ep 12: Pimento (109)
Not cool, Chuck. Not. Cool. Dave and I talk all about episode 109 "Pimento" and what an episode it was. Hamlin's not that bad after all. Chuck is dick. And where the hell is the third HHM partner? We are getting ready for the Season 1 Finale and we are sure it's going to be awesome! Please make sure you tell us what you think at @ISGMpodcast, Facebook and of course, over at Be sure to check out our buddies
3/31/2015 • 45 minutes, 4 seconds
Preview with a Prior: 109 "Pimento" Speculation
Dave and I wax poetic all about episode 9 "Pimento". We speculate all about how the events of "Rico" will affect Chuch, Jimmy, Howie, and Kimmy. Usually I type something more in depth here... but that pretty much covers it. Where was I? Oh yeah! We're super excited about the last 2 episodes and we are super stoked you are going to be right there with us. Twit us on Twitter @ISGMpodcast,, Face us on Facebook, and Surf us on Also, be sure to hear our interview with Jim and A.Rom from Bald Move over at
3/28/2015 • 23 minutes, 26 seconds
Ep 11: Rico (108)
We are in the home stretch for season 1 and it looks like they are setting up something big! Jimmy and Chuck team up! Who's going to pay for all that printing? And Mike interviews for a second job! Please make sure you tell us how full of it we are at @ISGMpodcast, Facebook and of course, over at Check out our buddies Click our Audible link and get yourself a FREE book. And just a couple more days to bring back the Funk with ToeJam & Earl! OH! And be sure to keep an eye on Nothing Important. We talked with our buddies over at Bald Move about what it's like on making a living doing podcasts.
3/24/2015 • 42 minutes, 54 seconds
Preview with a Prior: 108 “Rico” Speculation
Well hello again. It's Sunday March 22nd. Remember that time Dave and Bryan had to snuggle up and record on one microphone while doing a podcast? Well so do we. In fact, here's a Preview with a Prior recorded in that very same fashion. Dave and Bryan get cozy and speculate about the upcoming Better Call Saul episode: "Rico". So listen to our awkwardness as you nurse your hang over from last night. Please make sure you join the conversation on Twitter @ISGMpodcast, Facebook and at For more fun, music and interviews with some interesting people, check us out on Get ready for Monday and we'll talk to you soon! OH! And if you have a few bucks to spare, check out our friend Greg Johnson and his Kickstarter for ToeJam & Earl: Back in the Groove!
3/22/2015 • 17 minutes, 55 seconds
Ep 10: Bingo (107)
All we need is 1 mic as Dave and Bryan awkwardly cuddle up on the couch to discuss this week's Better Call Saul episode: Bingo! We talk lawyer terminations, where the show goes from here and it's all about the Kettlemans, baby! Please make sure to join the conversation on Twitter @ISGMpodcast, Facebook, and of course! Click our audible link and down load Bob Odenkirk's NEW BOOK "Load of Hooey" for FREE! Click here to help resurrect the classic video game "Toe Jam and Earl". And keep an eye out on Nothing Important Podcast for an exclusive interview with the Fail Scouts, location scouts for Better Call Saul and Breaking Bad! Have a great week and as always we'll talk to you soon.
3/17/2015 • 42 minutes, 31 seconds
Preview with a Prior: 107 "Bingo" Speculation
Good Sunday afternoon! Dave and Bryan talk about the upcoming Better Call Saul episode: "Bingo". (Better late than never right?) Please make sure you join the conversation on Twitter @ISGMpodcast, Facebook and at For more fun, music and interviews with some interesting people, check us out on Get ready for Monday and we'll talk to you soon!
3/15/2015 • 22 minutes, 45 seconds
Ep 9: Five-O (106)
We wanted Mike and we got Mike. This week's episode was largely Jimmyless, but that just means we could focus on Mike's bad assery and heartbreak. We come up with ad ideas for Tampax, police executions, drinking with mike and lot's of great listener interaction including a voice mail from Austrailia (Dave... we have voice mail??) Please be sure to check out this episode's sponsor "ToeJam & Earl: Back in the Groove" The classic Sega game is coming back via kick-starter. Please click this link and be as generous as you can. Also, click THIS LINK to hear an exclusive interview with ToeJam & Earl co-creator Greg Johnson. Please make sure to check out on Twitter, Facebook, or Thanks for participating and we'll see you again next week!
3/10/2015 • 51 minutes, 30 seconds
Preview with a Prior: 106 “Five-O” Speculation
Dave and Bryan speculate about the upcoming Mike-centric episode "Five-O". Please make sure you join the conversation on Twitter @ISGMpodcast, Facebook and at For more fun, music and interviews with some interesting people, check us out on Get ready for Monday and we'll talk to you soon!
3/7/2015 • 18 minutes, 33 seconds
Ep 8: Alpine Shepherd Boy (105)
Did that theme song sound different to you? Weird. Anyway, Dave and Bryan talk about Episode 5 "Alpine Shepherd Boy" We talk how Jimmy leaves a trail of destruction, being tazered is not awesome when you're Chuck, Foghorn Leghorn, Sexy toilet, old people are funny and apparently Mike lives in the parking lot toll both. Speaking of Mike, looks like we are going to learn all about Mr. Ehrmantraut next week! Please make sure to join the conversation on Twitter @ISGMpodcast, Facebook,, and of course! Click our audible link and down load Bob Odenkirk's NEW BOOK "Load of Hooey" for FREE! Thank you for listening and we'll talk to you next week for episode 6.
3/3/2015 • 30 minutes, 11 seconds
Preview with a Prior: 105 “Alpine Shepherd Boy” Preview
We talk about the previews for Episode 105 "Alpine Shepherd Boy". Please shoot us your thoughts on Twitter @ISGMpodcast, Facebook or at Keep being awesome and thanks for joining the discussion! Talk to you soon! - Dave and Bryan
2/28/2015 • 14 minutes, 35 seconds
Ep 7: Hero (104)
In this Episode we talk about BCS episode 4 "Hero"! We agree Cicero, Illinois sucks, Saul grows some balls, stealing equals fairness and our new favorite color.. Hamlindigo Blue! There's also some great listener participation, we read a bad review and a story about Bryan's friends throwing a drink at Vanilla Ice on Spring Break! Hit us up on Twitter @ISGMpodcast,, and be sure to get Bob Odenkirks new book "A Load of Hooey" for free by clicking on the AUDIBLE link at! Cheers! - Dave and Bryan
2/24/2015 • 36 minutes, 15 seconds
Preview with a Prior: 104 "Hero" Preview
We talk about the previews for Episode 104 "Hero: of Better Call Saul.
2/20/2015 • 10 minutes, 31 seconds
Ep 6: Nacho (103)
We talk all about episode 3! We talk Zach Morris cell phones, the "petty with a prior" guy, Kim and of course: ROBOT SEX VOICE! This episode was fun because of the awesome feed back from listeners! Thank you so much for joining the discussion! Please make sure to check us out on, Facebook, Twitter @ISGMpodcast and of course at!
2/17/2015 • 29 minutes, 6 seconds
Ep 5: Mijo (102)
We talk about Ep. 2 "Mijo" and man was there a lot to talk about! Tuco steals the show as a gourmet cookin', leg breakin', family lovin' drug dealer, Chuck has a space blanket and how the seeds planted in Episode 1 are starting to sprout. Thank you so much for hanging out with us. It's been a great two days and we are glad you were here with us! We'll be back next week and REMEMBER: This is your show too! Send us your comments, predictions and musing to us over Twitter @ISGMpodcast or! Keep being awesome and we'll talk to you next week.
2/10/2015 • 36 minutes, 30 seconds
Ep 4: Uno (101)
The premiere finally came and it was awesome! We talk all about it. But get ready for tonight, because we are going to do it all again for episode 2! Make sure to hit us up on Twitter @ISGMpodcast and let us know Why Would You Call Saul? We'll read the answers on the next show! Make sure to show us some love in the iTunes Ratings and Reviews. Thanks for joining the discussion and we'll talk to you soon!- Dave and Bryan
2/9/2015 • 31 minutes, 43 seconds
Tonight's the NIGHT! We'll be live tweeting @ISGMpodcast as it all happens. Then we are going to hit the mics and record our thoughts on the first ever Better Call Saul episode. Monday, 2/9 we are doing it all again! This is what we we're waiting for and we can't wait to take this ride with you!
2/8/2015 • 34 seconds
Ep 3: Ready to GO!
We review listener predictions, our predictions and speculate on the IMDB characters list. Get ready, Folks! Better Call Saul starts Sunday, Feb. 8th.
2/3/2015 • 29 minutes, 12 seconds
Ep 2: Two Weeks until Launch!
In this Episode we talk forshadowing, Junior Brown and the Theme Song, Our prediction for who the reported "big reveal" is in the first episode and why we think Ed the Dissappearer is the most dangerous character in Breaking Bad. Thank you all so much for listening!
1/27/2015 • 31 minutes, 53 seconds
Ep. 1: It's Saul Good, Man.
Better Call Saul is coming soon. Better get this podcast started...