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Haitian Helping Hands Cover
Haitian Helping Hands Profile

Haitian Helping Hands

English, Religion, 5220 seasons, 2605 episodes, 5 days, 5 hours, 16 minutes
Haitian Helping Hands is invested in teaching and empowering the local Haitian church, providing access to free education, and empowering community leaders through entrepreneurship training. You can expect a mixture of daily, weekly, and monthly Gospel-centered content from us. Support this podcast:
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2/26/202446 minutes, 50 seconds
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La parabole de la veuve et le juge inique. Actes 8:36-40 .

La parabole de la veuve et le juge inique. Actes 8:36-40 . --- Support this podcast:
2/25/202429 minutes, 11 seconds
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HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families. Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
2/24/202445 minutes, 5 seconds
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2/24/202439 minutes, 31 seconds
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2/22/202448 minutes, 54 seconds
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Actes 8:29-40Louis Segond 29 L'Esprit dit à Philippe: Avance, et approche-toi de ce char. 30 Philippe accourut, et entendit l'Éthiopien qui lisait le prophète Ésaïe. Il lui dit: Comprends-tu ce que tu lis? 31 Il répondit: Comment le pourrais-je, si quelqu'un ne me guide? Et il invita Philippe à monter et à s'asseoir avec lui. 32 Le passage de l'Écriture qu'il lisait était celui-ci: Il a été mené comme une brebis à la boucherie; Et, comme un agneau muet devant celui qui le tond, Il n'a point ouvert la bouche. 33 Dans son humiliation, son jugement a été levé. Et sa postérité, qui la dépeindra? Car sa vie a été retranchée de la terre. 34 L'eunuque dit à Philippe: Je te prie, de qui le prophète parle-t-il ainsi? Est-ce de lui-même, ou de quelque autre? 35 Alors Philippe, ouvrant la bouche et commençant par ce passage, lui annonça la bonne nouvelle de Jésus. 36 Comme ils continuaient leur chemin, ils rencontrèrent de l'eau. Et l'eunuque dit: Voici de l'eau; qu'est-ce qui empêche que je ne sois baptisé? 37 Philippe dit: Si tu crois de tout ton coeur, cela est possible. L'eunuque répondit: Je crois que Jésus Christ est le Fils de Dieu. 38 Il fit arrêter le char; Philippe et l'eunuque descendirent tous deux dans l'eau, et Philippe baptisa l'eunuque. 39 Quand ils furent sortis de l'eau, l'Esprit du Seigneur enleva Philippe, et l'eunuque ne le vit plus. Tandis que, joyeux, il poursuivait sa route, 40 Philippe se trouva dans Azot, d'où il alla jusqu'à Césarée, en évangélisant toutes les villes par lesquelles il passait. --- Support this podcast:
2/21/202445 minutes, 17 seconds
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1 Pierre 5:7

1 Pierre 5:7 --- Support this podcast:
2/20/202442 minutes, 21 seconds
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2/20/202447 minutes, 28 seconds
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HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families. Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
2/20/202440 minutes, 7 seconds
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2/20/202411 minutes, 40 seconds
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2/20/202413 minutes, 30 seconds
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2/19/20242 minutes, 25 seconds
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2/19/202416 minutes, 48 seconds
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2/19/202413 minutes, 9 seconds
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2/18/202441 minutes, 53 seconds
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2/18/20241 hour, 12 minutes, 46 seconds
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2/16/202413 minutes, 9 seconds
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2/16/202430 minutes, 14 seconds
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C,EST L'HEUR DE LA PRIÈRE . --- Support this podcast:
2/16/202413 minutes, 9 seconds
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C,EST L'HEUR DE LA PRIÈRE . --- Support this podcast:
2/16/202437 minutes, 17 seconds
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DEVOTION --- Support this podcast:
2/16/202410 minutes, 54 seconds
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C,EST L'HEUR DE LA PRIÈRE . --- Support this podcast:
2/16/202437 minutes, 2 seconds
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DÉVOTION --- Support this podcast:
2/15/202448 minutes, 2 seconds
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C,EST L'HEUR DE LA PRIÈRE . --- Support this podcast:
2/15/202411 minutes, 40 seconds
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DEVOTION --- Support this podcast:
2/15/202411 minutes, 48 seconds
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2/14/20242 minutes, 58 seconds
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DEVOTION --- Support this podcast:
2/14/202441 minutes, 20 seconds
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DEVOTION --- Support this podcast:
2/14/20241 hour, 41 minutes, 21 seconds
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DEVOTION --- Support this podcast:
2/13/202412 minutes, 40 seconds
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DEVOTION --- Support this podcast:
2/12/20247 minutes, 27 seconds
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DEVOTION --- Support this podcast:
2/12/202412 minutes, 40 seconds
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DEVOTION --- Support this podcast:
2/12/20241 hour, 42 minutes, 19 seconds
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DEVOTION --- Support this podcast:
2/12/202428 minutes, 48 seconds
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DEVOTION --- Support this podcast:
2/12/20241 hour, 48 minutes, 7 seconds
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DEVOTION --- Support this podcast:
2/11/202415 minutes, 35 seconds
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DEVOTION --- Support this podcast:
2/11/202434 minutes, 58 seconds
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DEVOTION --- Support this podcast:
2/11/20241 hour, 42 minutes, 19 seconds
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2/11/20241 hour, 45 minutes, 15 seconds
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DEVOTION --- Support this podcast:
2/10/202412 minutes, 43 seconds
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DEVOTION --- Support this podcast:
2/10/202411 minutes, 59 seconds
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DEVOTION --- Support this podcast:
2/10/202411 minutes, 48 seconds
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C,est l'heure de la prière, prénons la place autour de la table, la table --- Support this podcast:
2/10/20241 hour, 38 minutes, 38 seconds
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DEVOTION --- Support this podcast:
2/9/20247 minutes, 27 seconds
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DEVOTION --- Support this podcast:
2/9/202428 minutes, 48 seconds
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DÉVOTION --- Support this podcast:
2/9/202429 minutes, 20 seconds
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DEVOTION --- Support this podcast:
2/8/20249 minutes, 53 seconds
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2 Chroniques 7:14-16 --- Support this podcast:
2/8/202447 minutes, 3 seconds
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DÉVOTION --- Support this podcast:
2/8/20247 minutes, 27 seconds
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DEVOTION --- Support this podcast:
2/8/20249 minutes, 53 seconds
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DEVOTION --- Support this podcast:
2/7/202412 minutes, 17 seconds
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DEVOTION --- Support this podcast:
2/7/20243 minutes, 3 seconds
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DÉVOTION --- Support this podcast:
2/7/202440 minutes, 2 seconds
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LES SOEURS FLAMBEAU DE L'ESPOIR --- Support this podcast:
2/6/202452 minutes, 9 seconds
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2/6/20241 hour, 42 minutes, 5 seconds
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DEVOTION --- Support this podcast:
2/5/20248 minutes, 22 seconds
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DEVOTION --- Support this podcast:
2/5/202416 minutes, 40 seconds
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2/5/202435 minutes, 55 seconds
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DEVOTION --- Support this podcast:
2/4/202414 minutes, 6 seconds
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2/4/202411 minutes, 48 seconds
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We're glad you're here! We pray that you find this message meaningful and relevant to where you are on your journey. --- Support this podcast:
2/4/202448 minutes, 31 seconds
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2/4/20243 minutes, 3 seconds
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DEVOTION --- Support this podcast:
2/3/20241 hour, 23 minutes, 20 seconds
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2/3/202415 minutes, 41 seconds
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DEVOTION --- Support this podcast:
2/2/202415 minutes, 3 seconds
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2/2/202433 minutes, 55 seconds
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DEVOTION --- Support this podcast:
2/2/202419 minutes, 33 seconds
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DEVOTION HOW CAN WE FOR YOU AND YOUR LOVE ONE? ---------------------------------------------------- "Truly I tell you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. Again, truly I tell you, if two of you agree on earth about anything you ask, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven. For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them" (Matthew 18:18-20). --- Support this podcast:
2/2/202445 minutes, 41 seconds
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2/2/202436 minutes, 19 seconds
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DÉVOTION NOCTURNE AVEC LES SOEURS FLAMBEAU DE L'ESPOIR . LUNDI 8PM : SOEUR ADONISE. MARDI 8PM : LES SOEURS RESINETTE ET MICHELINE. MERCREDI 8PM : LES SOEURS EDITTH ET SUZ. JEUDI 8PM: LES SOEURS VICTOR YOLÈNE ET ROSE-MARIE. VENDREDI 8PM: LES SOEURS JOSETTE ET NADÈGE. ----------------------- SI VOUS AVEZ UNE REQUETE DE PRIÈRE N'ESITEZ PAS DE NOUS LAISSER CELLE-CI. Jean 9:31 Nous savons que Dieu n'exauce point les pécheurs; mais, si quelqu'un l'honore et fait sa volonté, c'est celui là qu'il exauce. Jacques 5 5la prière de la foi sauvera le malade, et le Seigneur le relèvera; et s'il a commis des péchés, il lui sera pardonné. 16Confessez donc vos péchés les uns aux autres, et priez les uns pour les autres, afin que vous soyez guéris. La prière fervente du juste a une grande efficace. 17 Elie était un homme de la même nature que nous: il pria avec instance pour qu'il ne plût point, et il ne tomba point de pluie sur la terre pendant trois ans et six mois.… --- Support this podcast:
2/1/202437 minutes, 15 seconds
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DÉVOTION --- Support this podcast:
2/1/202414 minutes, 3 seconds
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DÉVOTION --- Support this podcast:
2/1/202412 minutes, 33 seconds
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DÉVOTION --- Support this podcast:
2/1/20241 hour, 5 minutes, 2 seconds
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DÉVOTION --- Support this podcast:
1/31/202415 minutes, 3 seconds
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DÉVOTION --- Support this podcast:
1/31/20241 hour, 45 minutes, 28 seconds
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DÉVOTION --- Support this podcast:
1/31/202413 minutes, 24 seconds
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DÉVOTION --- Support this podcast:
1/31/202428 minutes, 28 seconds
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DÉVOTION --- Support this podcast:
1/31/20242 minutes, 48 seconds
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DÉVOTION --- Support this podcast:
1/31/202416 minutes, 2 seconds
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DÉVOTION LES SOEUR FLAMBEAU DE L'ESPOIR. Éphésiens 6 18Faites en tout temps par l'Esprit toutes sortes de prières et de supplications. Veillez à cela avec une entière persévérance, et priez pour tous les saints. 19Priez pour moi, afin qu'il me soit donné, quand j'ouvre la bouche, de faire connaître hardiment et librement le mystère de l'Evangile,… --- Support this podcast:
1/30/202426 minutes, 21 seconds
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Dimanche 26 Janvier 2024 Adoration

Dimanche 26 Janvier 2024 Adoration --- Support this podcast:
1/28/20241 hour, 3 minutes, 19 seconds
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Dimanche 21 Janvier 2024 Adoration.

Dimanche 21 Janvier 2024 Adoration. --- Support this podcast:
1/28/202453 minutes, 1 second
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1/28/202434 minutes
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1/27/202448 minutes, 47 seconds
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DEVOTION --- Support this podcast:
1/27/202416 minutes, 43 seconds
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DÉVOTION --- Support this podcast:
1/27/202430 minutes
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1/26/202416 minutes, 40 seconds
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GRATITUDE MOMENT --- Support this podcast:
1/26/20245 minutes, 41 seconds
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DEVOTION --- Support this podcast:
1/26/202416 minutes, 40 seconds
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DEVOTION --- Support this podcast:
1/26/202434 minutes
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DEVOTION --- Support this podcast:
1/25/202431 minutes, 1 second
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DEVOTION --- Support this podcast:
1/25/202411 minutes, 29 seconds
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DÉVOTION ÉVANGÉLISTE GEORGES. --- Support this podcast:
1/24/20241 hour, 48 minutes, 4 seconds
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1/23/202435 minutes, 21 seconds
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DEVOTION --- Support this podcast:
1/22/202434 minutes
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DEVOTION --- Support this podcast:
1/22/202445 minutes, 46 seconds
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DEVOTION N --- Support this podcast:
1/20/202456 minutes, 35 seconds
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1/20/20243 minutes, 1 second
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DEVOTION --- Support this podcast:
1/20/202459 minutes, 7 seconds
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DEVOTION --- Support this podcast:
1/20/202459 minutes, 7 seconds
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DEVOTION --- Support this podcast:
1/20/202422 minutes, 23 seconds
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DEVOTION --- Support this podcast:
1/19/20241 hour, 55 minutes, 27 seconds
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DEVOTION --- Support this podcast:
1/19/202424 minutes, 28 seconds
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DEVOTION --- Support this podcast:
1/19/20241 hour, 9 minutes, 52 seconds
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DEVOTION --- Support this podcast:
1/18/202416 minutes, 43 seconds
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DEVOTION --- Support this podcast:
1/17/202414 minutes, 41 seconds
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DEVOTION --- Support this podcast:
1/17/202445 minutes, 46 seconds
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DEVOTION --- Support this podcast:
1/16/202415 minutes, 6 seconds
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DEVOTION --- Support this podcast:
1/16/202440 minutes, 50 seconds
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DEVOTION --- Support this podcast:
1/16/20241 hour, 2 minutes, 3 seconds
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L'EGLISE JESUS DANS LES NIPPES CHURCH # 3 --- Support this podcast:
1/15/20245 minutes, 41 seconds
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SUNDAY SERVICE --- Support this podcast:
1/15/20241 hour, 2 minutes, 3 seconds
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SCHOOL SUPERVISOR --- Support this podcast:
1/15/20241 hour, 58 minutes
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Efez 1

Efez 1 1 Mwen menm, Pòl, yon moun Bondye te deside chwazi pou apòt Jezikri, m'ap ekri lèt sa a voye bay tout pèp Bondye ki nan lavil Efèz la, k'ap kenbe fèm nan lavi y'ap mennen ansanm nan Jezikri. 2 Mwen mande Bondye Papa nou ansanm ak Jezikri, Seyè nou, pou yo ban nou benediksyon ak kè poze. 3 Lwanj pou Bondye, Papa Jezikri, Seyè nou an. Se li menm ki beni nou nan lavi n'ap mennen ansanm nan Kris la. Li ban nou tout kalite benediksyon pou nou ka viv dapre egzijans Lespri Bondye nan syèl la. 4 Byen lontan anvan Bondye te kreye lemonn, li te chwazi nou nan Kris la pou nou te kapab viv apa pou li, pou n' te san repwòch devan li. Nan renmen li renmen nou an, 5 Bondye te deside depi davans pou l' te adopte nou pou pitit li nan Jezikri, paske sa te fè l' plezi. 6 Se poutèt sa, ann toujou fè lwanj Bondye pou bèl favè sa a li fè nou kado, gremesi Pitit li renmen anpil la! 7 Gremesi Kris ki mouri pou nou an, nou delivre, nou resevwa padon pou peche nou yo; Bondye fè nou wè jan li renmen nou anpil. 8 Li ban nou favè l' an kantite, li ban nou tout kalite konprann ak konesans. 9 Li fè nou konnen plan travay li te kenbe sekrè nan kè l', plan travay li te gen lide fè depi lontan an. Se plan sa a li vin reyalize nan Kris la. 10 Dapre plan travay Bondye a, plan ki gen pou fin reyalize nèt lè lè a va rive, Bondye ap mete tout bagay ki nan syèl la ansanm ak tout bagay ki sou latè a anba yon sèl chèf, anba Kris la. 11 Bondye ap fè tout bagay rive jan l' te deside l' la ak jan l' te vle l' la. Konsa, nou menm jwif, nou se moun Bondye te chwazi depi davans dapre plan li. Lè n'ap viv ansanm nan Kris la, nou resevwa pòsyon pa nou nan byen l' yo. 12 Se sak fè, nou menm ki premye moun ki t'ap tann Kris la, n'ap viv yon jan ki sèvi yon lwanj pou pouvwa Bondye a. 13 Konsa tou, nou menm, moun lòt nasyon yo, apre nou te fin tande mesaj laverite a, ki vle di bon nouvèl k'ap fè nou konnen jan Bondye delivre nou an, nou te mete konfyans nou nan Kris la, n'ap viv ansanm nan Kris la tou. Bondye te make nou ak letanp li tou, li ban nou Sentespri li te pwòmèt la. 14 Sentespri sa a, se yon avalwa Bondye ban nou sou eritaj li te pwòmèt li t'ap bay pèp li a. Sa ban nou garanti Bondye gen pou fin delivre moun pa l' yo nèt. Se sak fè, nou menm tou, moun lòt nasyon yo, n'ap sèvi yon lwanj pou pouvwa Bondye a tou. 15 Se poutèt tout bagay sa yo, depi mwen tande jan nou gen konfyans nan Kris la, jan nou renmen tout moun ki fè pati pèp Bondye a, 16 mwen pa janm sispann di Bondye mèsi pou nou. Mwen toujou chonje nou lè m'ap lapriyè. 17 Bondye Jezikri, Seyè nou an, fè nou konnen an, se yon papa ki gen anpil pouvwa. Mwen mande l' pou li ban nou Sentespri l' ki bay bon konprann ki moutre nou sa Bondye ap devwale nou an pou nou ka rive konnen l' byen. 18 Mwen mande l' pou l' louvri lespri nou, pou nou ka konnen kisa n'ap tann nan men Bondye ki rele nou an, ki vle di eritaj Bondye pwòmèt l'ap bay moun ki pou li yo, yon eritaj ki rich anpil, ki bèl anpil. 19 Mwen mande l' pou nou ka konnen tou ki jan pouvwa li k'ap travay nan nou menm ki kwè nan li a, se yon gwo pouvwa ki san limit. Se menm gwo pouvwa sa a Bondye te fè moun wè, 20 lè li te fè Kris la leve soti vivan nan mitan mò yo, li fè l' chita sou bò dwat li nan syèl la. 21 Li mete Kris la anwo tout chèf, anwo tout otorite, tout pouvwa ak tout dominasyon. Kris la pi wo pase tout gwo non yo kapab bay moun non sèlman koulye a sou latè, men nan tan ki gen pou vini an tou. 22 Bondye mete tout bagay anba pye Kris la, li mete l' pou l' sèl chèf legliz la. 23 Legliz la se kò Kris la, li konplete Kris la. Kris la menm, avèk pouvwa li, li konplete tout bagay ki toupatou. --- Support this podcast:
1/15/20241 hour, 10 minutes, 49 seconds
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DEVOTION --- Support this podcast:
1/14/202419 minutes, 26 seconds
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DEVOTION --- Support this podcast:
1/13/20241 hour, 12 minutes, 1 second
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DEVOTION --- Support this podcast:
1/13/202416 minutes, 31 seconds
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DEVOTION --- Support this podcast:
1/13/202417 minutes, 9 seconds
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DEVOTION --- Support this podcast:
1/13/202412 minutes, 39 seconds
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1/12/202445 minutes, 46 seconds
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UPDATE ON HHH SCHOOL IN CARREFOUR ( .W.I) ADDRESS HAITIAN HELPING HANDS INC . P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can. help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today The vision is to see HHH create self-sustaining, self-replicating churches, empower ethical entrepreneurs that positively impact local communities, and provide access to education to create new opportunities for the next generation. These intentions would hopefully transform Haiti on a national level to where Haiti would become a country that is known for its God empowered love, Ethical business practices, and intellectual prowess! Join us IN Mission to change HaitI! The vision is to see HHH create self-sustaining, self-replicating churches, empower ethical entrepreneurs that positively impact local communities, and provide access to education to create new opportunities for the next generation. These intentions would hopefully transform Haiti on a national level to where Haiti would become a country that is known for its God's empowered love, Ethical business practices, and intellectual prowess! Join us in Mission to change HaitI! --- Support this podcast:
1/12/20241 hour, 11 minutes, 48 seconds
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DÉVOTION --- Support this podcast:
1/9/20241 hour, 1 minute, 32 seconds
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1/9/20245 minutes, 3 seconds
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DEVOTION SISTERS FLAME OF HOPE --- Support this podcast:
1/5/202440 minutes, 49 seconds
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Émissionn bible à la main

Émissionn bible à la main --- Support this podcast:
1/5/202459 minutes, 36 seconds
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DÉVOTION --- Support this podcast:
1/4/202425 minutes, 12 seconds
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1/3/202453 minutes, 59 seconds
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DEVOTION --- Support this podcast:
1/2/20241 hour, 49 minutes, 48 seconds
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Haitian Helping Hands LA NAISSANCE JESUS -CHRIST .UNE LUEUR D'ESPOIR GEN 3:9-15 --- Support this podcast:
12/31/202329 minutes, 59 seconds
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DÉVOTION --- Support this podcast:
12/30/20231 hour, 9 minutes, 43 seconds
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DEVOTION --- Support this podcast:
12/30/202347 minutes, 3 seconds
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ÉTUDE BIBLIQUE live 10:00 AM AVEC PASTEUR EDGARD CHERY. LA FOI QUI SAUVE -Introduction aCTES 8:25-40 --- Support this podcast:
12/30/20231 hour, 27 minutes, 9 seconds
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12/29/20234 minutes, 10 seconds
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DÉVOTION --- Support this podcast:
12/28/20231 hour, 41 minutes
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ÉVANGÉLISTE EMMANUEL GEORGES --- Support this podcast:
12/27/20231 hour, 3 minutes, 2 seconds
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Helping Hands La NAISSANCE DE JESUS CHRIST#4 Le précurseur de jesus christ jean 1:6-14

La NAISSANCE DE JESUS CHRIST#4 Le précurseur de jesus christ jean 1:6-14 --- Support this podcast:
12/24/20231 hour, 6 minutes, 12 seconds
Episode Artwork


DÉVOTION NOCTURNE AVEC LES SOEURS DEE ET MICHOU. Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the child ren you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that t your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 When are your favorite times to listen to a Podcast KI KOTÉ WAP KOUTÉ NOU? --- Support this podcast:
12/21/20231 hour, 10 minutes, 34 seconds
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12/20/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 14 seconds
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12/19/20231 hour, 6 minutes, 6 seconds
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La NAISSANCE DE JESUS CHRIST#3 L’annonce divine faite à marie Luc 1:25-35 HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU SISTER MIANDIE GERMAIN. --- Support this podcast:
12/18/20231 hour, 3 minutes, 44 seconds
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La NAISSANCE DE JESUS CHRIST#3 L’annonce divine faite à marie Luc 1:25-35 HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU SISTER MIANDIE GERMAIN. --- Support this podcast:
12/18/20231 hour, 3 minutes, 44 seconds
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DÉVOTION --- Support this podcast:
12/17/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 27 seconds
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DÉVOTION --- Support this podcast:
12/17/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 27 seconds
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12/16/202347 minutes, 54 seconds
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LA FOI QUI NE SAUVE PAS . INTRODUCTION11 --- Support this podcast:
12/16/20231 hour, 23 minutes, 46 seconds
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12/15/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 18 seconds
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12/15/20231 hour, 12 minutes, 52 seconds
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12/14/20231 hour, 8 minutes, 48 seconds
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12/13/202352 minutes, 22 seconds
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12/12/202353 minutes, 7 seconds
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L’église PERSÉCUTÉE PROPAGE L’ÉVANGILE-LA PERSÉCUTION.Actes 8:1-13 --- Support this podcast:
12/12/20231 hour, 16 minutes, 16 seconds
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LES SOEURS FB --- Support this podcast:
12/11/202359 minutes, 57 seconds
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12/11/202359 minutes, 57 seconds
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La NAISSANCE DE JESUS CHRIST#2 MT2: 1-12 --- Support this podcast:
12/10/20231 hour, 5 minutes, 13 seconds
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12/8/20231 hour, 6 minutes, 47 seconds
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12/8/20231 hour, 9 minutes, 36 seconds
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12/7/20231 hour, 11 minutes, 13 seconds
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G --- Support this podcast:
12/4/202354 minutes, 39 seconds
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La NAISSANCE DE JESUS CHRIST#1 MT1: 18-25 Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the child ren you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that t your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
12/3/20231 hour, 52 seconds
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12/2/202354 minutes, 32 seconds
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AMEN --- Support this podcast:
12/2/202341 minutes, 49 seconds
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LES SOEURS FLAMBEAU DE L'ESPOIR --- Support this podcast:
12/2/202354 minutes, 39 seconds
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DÉVOTION LES SOEURS FLAMBEAU DE L'ESPOIR. 13:6-9 Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the child ren you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that t your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
12/1/20231 hour, 17 minutes, 9 seconds
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LE MODÈLE D'ÉVANGÉLISATION DE L'ÉGLISE PRIMITIVE ACTES 5:33 13:6-9 Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the child ren you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that t your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
12/1/202344 minutes, 23 seconds
Episode Artwork


Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the child ren you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that t your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
11/30/202352 minutes, 1 second
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#22 Paître le troupeau 1Pierre 5:1-4 2023 hr 8:00

#22 Paître le troupeau 1Pierre 5:1-4 2023 hr 8:00 --- Support this podcast:
11/30/202345 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork


LE MODÈLE D'ÉVANGÉLISATION DE L'EGLISE PRIMITIVE.LA PERSÉVÉRANCE ACTES 5:29-32 Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the child ren you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that t your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
11/29/20231 hour, 6 minutes, 51 seconds
Episode Artwork

La souffrance mais des récompenses. 1 Pierre 4:12-19( 6:30 Am &8:00 PM.

La souffrance mais des récompenses. 1 Pierre 4:12-19( 6:30 Am &8:00 PM. --- Support this podcast:
11/28/202345 minutes, 31 seconds
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PLATON ROBERT --- Support this podcast:
11/26/20231 hour, 1 minute, 23 seconds
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LA PARABOLE De l’HOMME RICHE ET PAUVRE LAZARRE LUC 16:17-24 --- Support this podcast:
11/26/20231 hour, 4 minutes, 36 seconds
Episode Artwork


DÉVOTION NOCTURNE AVEC ÉVANGÉLISTE EMMANUEL Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the child ren you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that t your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
11/25/202325 minutes, 27 seconds
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ÉVANGÉLISTE EMMANUEL --- Support this podcast:
11/24/202317 minutes, 46 seconds
Episode Artwork


DEVOIR SPIRITUEL DANS UN MONDE HOSTILE 1 PIRRE 4:7-11 --- Support this podcast:
11/24/202342 minutes, 7 seconds
Episode Artwork


DÉVOTION NOCTURNE AVEC ÉVANGÉLISTE EMMANUEL . Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the child ren you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that t your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
11/24/20231 hour, 6 minutes, 30 seconds
Episode Artwork


S’ARMER CONTRE LA SOUFFRANCE INJUSTE. 1 PIRRE4:1-6 Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the child ren you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that t your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
11/22/202341 minutes, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork


Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the child ren you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that t your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
11/21/202342 minutes
Episode Artwork


SOUFFRIR POUR LA JUSTICE.1 PIERRE 3:18-22 ÉTUDE #18 Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the child ren you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that t your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
11/21/202338 minutes, 49 seconds
Episode Artwork


LA PARABOLE De L’ECONOME INFIDÈLE (LUC 16, 1-13)#42 Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that t your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
11/19/20231 hour, 8 minutes, 48 seconds
Episode Artwork


11/19/20231 hour, 9 minutes, 42 seconds
Episode Artwork


Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that t your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
11/18/20231 hour, 52 minutes, 7 seconds
Episode Artwork

Souffrir pour la justice 1Pierre 3:15A,15B ,et 16. Lundi 21 Novembre 1 Pierre 3:18 -22

Souffrir pour la justice 1Pierre 3:15A,15B ,et 16. Lundi 21 Novembre 1 Pierre 3:18 -22 Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that t your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
11/17/202342 minutes, 54 seconds
Episode Artwork


LES SOEURS FLAMBEAU DE L'ESPOIR. Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that t your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
11/15/202342 minutes, 12 seconds
Episode Artwork


LES SOEURS FLAMBEAU DE L'ESPOIR Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that t your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
11/15/202330 minutes
Episode Artwork


LES SOEUR FLAMBEAU DE L'ESPOIR Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that t your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
11/14/202330 minutes
Episode Artwork


Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that t your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
11/14/202331 minutes, 7 seconds
Episode Artwork


UNE VIE QUI HONORE DIEU DEVANT LES CROYANTS .1 PIERRE 3:8-12#16 Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that t your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
11/14/202335 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork


DÉVOTION AVEC ÉVANGÉLISTE EMMANUEL GEORGES. Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that t your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
11/14/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

LA PARABOLE Du fils prodigue - LE FILS AINÉ LUC 15:25-32

LA PARABOLE Du fils prodigue - LE FILS AINÉ LUC 15:25-32 Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that t your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
11/12/20231 hour, 8 minutes, 34 seconds
Episode Artwork


LA SOUMISSION DANS LA FAMILLE ÉTUDE #15.1 PIERRE 3:1-7 Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that t your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
11/10/202357 minutes, 25 seconds
Episode Artwork


DÉVOTION MANALE AVEC LES EPOUX CHERY .Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can.  help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. --- Support this podcast:
11/9/202330 minutes
Episode Artwork


DÉVOTION MANALE AVEC LES EPOUX CHERY .Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can.  help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. --- Support this podcast:
11/8/202327 minutes, 3 seconds
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11/7/202342 minutes, 12 seconds
Episode Artwork


DÉVOTION MATINALE AVEC LES FRS HENRY ET WILFRID Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that t your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
11/7/202356 minutes, 35 seconds
Episode Artwork


DÉVOTION MATINALE AVEC LES SRS FLAMBEAU DE L'ESPOIR Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that t your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
11/7/202330 minutes
Episode Artwork


DÉVOTION NOCTURNE AVEC LES EPOUX CHERY . Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that t your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
11/7/202351 minutes, 22 seconds
Episode Artwork


LA PARABOLE DU FILS PRODIGUE lLUC 15:20-24 #40 Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that t your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
11/5/20231 hour, 7 minutes, 13 seconds
Episode Artwork


11/5/202328 minutes, 44 seconds
Episode Artwork


DÉVOTION NOCTUNE AVEC LES SOEURS JOSETTE ET NADÈGE Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that t your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
11/5/202330 minutes
Episode Artwork


DÉVOTION AVEC LES POUX CHERY Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that t your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
11/3/202355 minutes, 25 seconds
Episode Artwork


ÉVANGÉLISTE EMMANUEL GEORGES Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that t your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
11/2/202330 minutes
Episode Artwork


LES SOEURS FLAMBEAU DE L'ESPOIR . Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that t your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
11/2/202330 minutes
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Les privilèges spirituels 1 Pierre 2:4-5#11

Les privilèges spirituels 1 Pierre 2:4-5#11 Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that t your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
11/2/202342 minutes, 12 seconds
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Les privilèges spirituels 1 Pierre 2:4-5#1 Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that t your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
11/1/202330 minutes
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ÉVANGÉLISTE GEORGES Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that t your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
11/1/202330 minutes
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ÉVANGÉLISTE GEORGES Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that t your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
10/31/202326 minutes, 7 seconds
Episode Artwork


ÉVANGÉLISTE GEORGES Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that t your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
10/31/20231 hour, 1 second
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PRIÈRE DU MATIN --- Support this podcast:
10/30/202314 minutes, 56 seconds
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DÉSIRER LA PAROLE 1 PIERRE 2:2B-3 Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that t your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
10/30/202329 minutes, 30 seconds
Episode Artwork


DÉSIRER LA PAROLE 1 PIERRE 2:2B-3 Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that t your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
10/30/202330 minutes
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AM LES SOEURS SOPHIE ET YOLÈNE --- Support this podcast:
10/27/202330 minutes
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DÉSIRER LA PAROLE 1PIERRE 2:1-3 --- Support this podcast:
10/27/202328 minutes, 49 seconds
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LES SOEURS FLAMBEAU DEL'ESPOIR. Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
10/26/202330 minutes
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DÉVOTION MATINALE AVEC LES EPOUX CHERY Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
10/25/202324 minutes, 25 seconds
Episode Artwork


DÉVOTION MATINALE AVEC LES EPOUX CHERY Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
10/25/202329 minutes, 59 seconds
Episode Artwork


LES SOEURS FLAMBEAU DEL'ESPOIR Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
10/23/202329 minutes, 25 seconds
Episode Artwork


SERVICE D'ADORATION DE L'ÉGLISE JESUS VIVANT DE CARREFOUR TI-MANGO. AVEC L'ÉVANGÉLISTE EMMANUEL GEORGES Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
10/23/20231 hour, 31 seconds
Episode Artwork

1 Pierre 1:18-22

Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
10/23/202344 minutes, 34 seconds
Episode Artwork


Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
10/23/20231 hour, 19 minutes, 57 seconds
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LES PARABOLES DE JESUS CHRIST. LA PARABOLE De la pièce perdue #38 LUC 15:8-10 --- Support this podcast:
10/23/20231 hour, 1 minute, 28 seconds
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ÉCOLE DU DIMANCHE DE L'ÉGLISE JESUS VIVANT AVEC L'ÉVANGÉLISTE EMMANUEL GEORGES ÉVANGILE =BONNE NOUVELLE =SALUT(ACTES 6:7 Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
10/22/202359 minutes, 34 seconds
Episode Artwork


LES SRS FLAMBEAU DE L'ESPOIR Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
10/20/202330 minutes
Episode Artwork


COMMENT LES CROYANTS DOIVENT-ILS VIVRE LEUR SALUT Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
10/20/20231 hour, 8 minutes, 56 seconds
Episode Artwork


COMMENT LES CROYANTS DOIVENT-ILS VIVRE LEUR SALUT Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
10/20/202330 minutes
Episode Artwork


LES FLAMBEAU DE L'ESPOIR Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
10/19/202329 minutes, 56 seconds
Episode Artwork


DÉVOTION MATINALE AVEC LES CHERY --- Support this podcast:
10/18/202330 minutes
Episode Artwork


LA GRANDEUR DU SALUT 1P 1:10-12 Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
10/18/202325 minutes, 24 seconds
Episode Artwork


DÉVOTION NOCTURNE AVEC ÉVANGÉLISTE Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
10/17/202325 minutes, 25 seconds
Episode Artwork


LES SRS FLAMBEAU DE L'ESPOIR Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
10/15/202325 minutes, 56 seconds
Episode Artwork


LES SRS FLAMBEAU DE L'ESPOIR Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
10/14/202324 minutes, 21 seconds
Episode Artwork


DÉVOTION MATINALE AVEC LES EPOUX CHERY Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
10/13/202330 minutes
Episode Artwork


INSTITUTION MIXTE JESUS VIVANT MERCI SEIGNEUR AU NOM DE JESUS. Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
10/12/202310 minutes, 50 seconds
Episode Artwork


Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
10/12/202320 minutes, 28 seconds
Episode Artwork


DÉVOTION MATINALE AVEC LES EPOUX CHERY Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
10/12/202330 minutes
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LES SRS RESINETTE ET MICHELINE Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
10/12/202330 minutes
Episode Artwork


SOEUR CHERY .Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
10/9/202330 minutes
Episode Artwork


Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
10/7/202318 minutes, 28 seconds
Episode Artwork


DÉVOTION LES EPOUX CHERY Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
10/6/202330 minutes
Episode Artwork


LES SOEURS FLAMBEAU DE L'ESPOIR. Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
10/5/202330 minutes
Episode Artwork


LE SALAIRE DE L'INCRÉDULITÉ .L'INCRÉDULITE DE LA REINE ATHALIE 2CHR 22:10-12 Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
10/5/202322 minutes, 40 seconds
Episode Artwork


MT 8:26-27 LE POURVOIR DE JESUS SUR LE MONDE NATURELLE. Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
10/4/202327 minutes, 14 seconds
Episode Artwork


LES SRS FLMBEAU DE L'ESPOIR. Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
10/4/202325 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork


10/2/202330 minutes
Episode Artwork


LES SRS FLMBEAU DE L'ESPOIR.Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
10/2/202330 minutes
Episode Artwork


PRIÈRE MATINALLE --- Support this podcast:
10/2/202319 minutes, 40 seconds
Episode Artwork


MT 8:25-26A LA PUISSANCE DE JESUS SUR LE MONDE NATUREL Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
10/2/202330 minutes
Episode Artwork


9/30/2023 LES PARABOLES DE JESUS CHRIST .LA PARABOLE DU FIGUIER STÉRILE LUC 13:6-9 Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
10/1/202320 minutes, 49 seconds
Episode Artwork


C'EST L'HEURE DE LA PRIÈRE --- Support this podcast:
9/30/202314 minutes, 38 seconds
Episode Artwork


Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
9/30/202314 minutes, 38 seconds
Episode Artwork


9/29/2023 DÉVOTION MATINALE .MT 8:23-24 LE POURVOIR DE JESUS SUR MONDE NATUREL Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
9/30/202320 minutes, 54 seconds
Episode Artwork


9/29/2023 DÉVOTION MATINALE .MT 8:23-24 LE POURVOIR DE JESUS SUR MONDE NATUREL --- Support this podcast:
9/29/20231 hour, 1 second
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PRIÈRE --- Support this podcast:
9/29/202311 minutes, 48 seconds
Episode Artwork


LES SOEUR FLAMBEAU DE L'ESPOIR Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
9/28/202330 minutes
Episode Artwork


LE SALAIRE DE L'INCRÉDULITÉ. L'INCRÉDULITÉ DU ROI OZIAS.CHR 26:1-8 Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
9/28/202329 minutes, 21 seconds
Episode Artwork


MT8:21-22 LA BARRIÈRE DES RICHESSES PERSONNELLES. Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
9/27/202329 minutes, 37 seconds
Episode Artwork


Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
9/27/20239 minutes, 46 seconds
Episode Artwork


LES SRS FLAMBEAU DE L'ESPOIR Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
9/26/202317 minutes, 40 seconds
Episode Artwork


DÉVOTION LES EPOUX CHERY MT 8:18-20 LA BARRIÈRE DU CONFORT PERSONNEL. Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
9/26/202330 minutes
Episode Artwork


DÉVOTION MATINANLE AVEC LES SOEURS HHH Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
9/26/202330 minutes
Episode Artwork


DÉVOTION NOCTURNE AVEC LES SOEURS F/B Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
9/25/202330 minutes
Episode Artwork

Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the educ

Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
9/25/202322 minutes, 23 seconds
Episode Artwork


Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
9/23/202320 minutes, 17 seconds
Episode Artwork


Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
9/23/202331 minutes, 59 seconds
Episode Artwork


DÉVOTION NOCTURNE AVEC ÉVANGÉLISTE EMMANUEL Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
9/23/202319 minutes, 58 seconds
Episode Artwork


LES SRS FLAMBEAU DE L'ESPOIR Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
9/22/202330 minutes
Episode Artwork


MT 8:16-17 LA PUISSANCE DE JESUS SUR LA MALADIE. Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
9/22/202330 minutes
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DÉVOTION NOCTURNE LES SRS HHH --- Support this podcast:
9/21/202330 minutes
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MT 8:14-15 Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
9/21/202325 minutes, 11 seconds
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LE JUGEMENT DIVIN ET LE VRAI CULTE. ESAÏE 66 :1-24 Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
9/20/20231 hour, 7 minutes, 2 seconds
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LES EPOUX CHERY Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can.  help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. --- Support this podcast:
9/19/202318 minutes, 50 seconds
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LES FRÈRES GEORGES ET HENRI Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can.  help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. --- Support this podcast:
9/19/202330 minutes
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ÉVANGÉLISTE EMMANUEL GEORGES.JESUS VIVANT DE CARREFOUR. Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
9/19/202330 minutes
Episode Artwork


LES SRS FLAMBEU DE L'ESPOIR. Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can.  help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today --- Support this podcast:
9/19/202330 minutes
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ÉVANGÉLISTE EMMANUEL GEORGES.JESUS VIVANT DE CARREFOUR. Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
9/18/202330 minutes
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Les paraboles de Jésus -Christ. La parabole des serviteurs qui veillent. #33. Luc 12:35-40.

Les paraboles de Jésus -Christ. La parabole des serviteurs qui veillent. #33. Luc 12:35-40. --- Support this podcast:
9/18/202316 minutes, 32 seconds
Episode Artwork


ÉVANGÉLISTE EMMANUEL GEORGES.JESUS VIVANT DE CARREFOUR. Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
9/17/202330 minutes
Episode Artwork

Les paraboles de Jésus -Christ. La parabole des serviteurs qui veillent. #33. Luc 12:35-40. Nous vous souhaitons une bonne audition.

Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
9/17/202316 minutes, 32 seconds
Episode Artwork


LES SRS FLAMBEAU DE L'ESPOIR Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
9/15/202330 minutes
Episode Artwork


Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
9/15/202312 minutes, 16 seconds
Episode Artwork


SERMON AVEC CHERY MT 8:1-4 UN LÉPREUX GUÉRI Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
9/15/202314 minutes, 10 seconds
Episode Artwork


C'EST L'HEURE DE PRIÈRE AVEC PASTEUR BERNARDHaitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
9/15/202312 minutes, 52 seconds
Episode Artwork


SERMON AVEC CHERY MT 8:1-4 UN LÉPREUX GUÉRI Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
9/15/202330 minutes
Episode Artwork


Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
9/14/202328 minutes, 7 seconds
Episode Artwork


Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
9/13/202330 minutes
Episode Artwork


C'EST L'HEURE DE PRIÈRE AVEC ÉVANGÉLISTE EMMANUEL . Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
9/13/202320 minutes, 3 seconds
Episode Artwork


LES SRS FLAMBEAU DE L'ESPOIR Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
9/12/202328 minutes, 41 seconds
Episode Artwork


LES SRS FLAMBEAU DE L'ESPOIR Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
9/12/202330 minutes
Episode Artwork


LES SRS FLAMBEAU DE L'ESPOIR Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
9/12/202330 minutes
Episode Artwork


C'EST L'HEURE DE LA DÉVOTION LES DÉVOTION NOCTURNE AVEC  L'ÉVANGÉLISTE EMMANUEL GEORGES .Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
9/11/202330 minutes, 31 seconds
Episode Artwork


Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
9/11/202330 minutes
Episode Artwork


Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
9/11/20238 minutes, 38 seconds
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FRÈRE BERLUS --- Support this podcast:
9/10/202333 minutes, 55 seconds
Episode Artwork


C'EST L'HEURE DE L'EMISSION BIBLE LA MAIN AVEC FRÈRE YVON D Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
9/10/202330 minutes
Episode Artwork


LES SOEURS FLAMBEU DE L'SPOIR Haitian Helping Hands <> Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
9/9/202315 minutes, 30 seconds
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Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 DÉVOTION NOCTURNE AVEC ÉVANGÉLISTE EMMANUEL GEORGES Mes bien-aimes ,amis et Frères .Nous avons un mouvement d’évangélisation dans notre L'église Jesus Vivant à ti mango située à Carrefour .Cette manifestation débutera chaque troisième et quatrième dimanche du mois Évangéliste, Emmanuel Georges et notre frère Yvon assureront le contrôle de cet événement.Tous ceux qui veulent y participer peuvent contacter Évangéliste Georges et frère Yvon tel..# +509 43 30 1421 )(011 509 38 60 9978. --- Support this podcast:
9/9/202333 minutes, 55 seconds
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LE SERMON SUR LA MONTAGNE MT 7:24-27 Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
9/9/202330 minutes
Episode Artwork


C'EST L'HEURE DE PRIÈRE AVEC FRÈRE EMMANUEL GEORGES HHH Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 ZELLE # 434-421-5201 --- Support this podcast:
9/9/20231 hour, 14 minutes, 50 seconds
Episode Artwork


LE SERMON SUR LA MONTAGNE MT 7:24-27 Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
9/8/202330 minutes
Episode Artwork


LE SALAIRE DE L'INCRÉDULITÉ .L'INCRÉDULITÉ DES ENFANTS D'ISRAËL. Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( --- Support this podcast:
9/7/202327 minutes, 56 seconds
Episode Artwork


LE SERMON SUR LA MONTAGNE Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( --- Support this podcast:
9/6/202330 minutes
Episode Artwork


DÉVOTION LES FRÈRES HHH Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. --- Support this podcast:
9/5/202330 minutes
Episode Artwork


LES SRS FLAMBEAU DE L'ESPOIR Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. --- Support this podcast:
9/5/202330 minutes
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LES SRS FLAMBEAU DE L'ESPOIR Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( --- Support this podcast:
9/5/202330 minutes
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DÉVOTION NOCTURNE ÉVANGÉLISTE GEORGES Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
9/5/202318 minutes, 10 seconds
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LES SRS FLAMBEAU DE L'ESPOIR Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today.HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
9/4/202329 minutes, 32 seconds
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C'EST L'HEURE DE LA PRÉDICATION AVEC FRÈRE BERLUS UN AMI DE HHH Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( --- Support this podcast:
9/3/202334 minutes, 3 seconds
Episode Artwork


Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( --- Support this podcast:
9/2/202321 minutes, 45 seconds
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LE SERMON SUR LA MONTAGNE MT 7:15-20 GARDEZ-VOUS DES FAUX PROPHÈTES Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus's name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ⁠⁠ (⁠⁠) If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ⁠⁠ (mailto:⁠⁠) Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ⁠⁠ (⁠⁠) --- Support this podcast:
8/31/202330 minutes
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Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( --- Support this podcast:
8/30/202348 minutes, 57 seconds
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DÉVOTIN MATINALE AVEC LES SRS FLAMBEAU DE L'ESPOR Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( --- Support this podcast:
8/29/202330 minutes
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DÉVOTION AVEC FRÈRE WILFRID HAITIAN HELPING HANDS is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti by creating native-lead disciple-making churches, Empowering local entrepreneurship, and creating access to education. Our goal is to create a group of Disciples who love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! Join us in inviting a whole country into the love of JESUS! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 BACK-TO-SCHOOL OPPORTUNITIES We have provided suggested gifts that are well received within the Haitian culture. We do ask that no money be sent directly to the children. BOYS Backpack Water Bottles Hat Briefs / Boxers Pants Shoes-tennis/ Cologne Trucks/Cars Transistor Radio Soccer Ball & Pump Wallet Watch T-Shirts Marbles Shirts Socks Bicycle Sunglasses Washcloth Towel Soap Toothpaste Toothbrush Wide Combs Band-aids Toy Building Blocks GIRLS Backpack Water Bottles Hat/scarf Panties Sewing Supplies Watch Perfume, Powder Necklace/ bracelet Transistor Radio Mirror Purses Hair accessories Jacks Shoes- tennis/ Sandals Skirt, dress Blouse, T-Shirt Socks Teddy Bears Bicycles Dolls Sunglasses Dolls Jump Rope Pu… If you are interested in being a blessing to your extended church family in Haiti. We have provided suggested gifts that are well received within the Haitian culture. We do ask that no money be sent directly to the children. BOYS Backpack Water Bottles Hat Briefs / Boxers Pants Shoes-tennis/ Cologne Trucks/Cars Transistor Radio Soccer Ball & Pump Wallet Watch T-Shirts Marbles Shirts Socks Bicycle Sunglasses Washcloth Towel Soap Toothpaste Toothbrush Wide Combs Band-aids Toy Building Blocks GIRLS Backpack Water Bottles Hat/scarf Panties Sewing Supplies Watch Perfume, Powder Necklace/ bracelet Transistor Radio Mirror Purses Hair accessories Jacks Shoes- tennis/ Sandals Skirt, dress Blouse, T-Shirt Socks Teddy Bears Bicycles Dolls Sunglasses Dolls Jump Rope Puzzles Musical Toys FAMILY ITEMS Band-Aids Shampoo Vitamins Pillowcases Sheets (full-size flat ) Tablecloths Needles Thread Pinto Beans Flashlight Batteries Hard Candy Cookies Bag of Grain Rice SCHOOL Erasers Pencils Pens Notebooks French books Glue Umbrella Creole Bible Jump Rope Calculator Crayons Scissors Flashlight Subtraction Cards Multiplication Cards Bicycles Color Pencils Geometric Sets none non-perishable food dry snacks. For more info. Check with Dee @ --- Support this podcast:
8/29/20239 minutes, 42 seconds
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DÉVOTION NOCTURNE AVEC ÉVANGÉLISTE EMMANUEL GEORGES HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti by creating native lead disciple-making churches, Empowering local entrepreneurship, and creating access to education. Our goal is to create a group of Disciples who love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! Join us in inviting a whole country into the love of JESUS! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 BACK-TO-SCHOOL OPPORTUNITIES We have provided suggested gifts that are well received within the Haitian culture. We do ask that no money be sent directly to the children. BOYS Backpack Water Bottles Hat Briefs / Boxers Pants Shoes-tennis/ Cologne Trucks/Cars Transistor Radio Soccer Ball & Pump Wallet Watch T-Shirts Marbles Shirts Socks Bicycle Sunglasses Washcloth Towel Soap Toothpaste Toothbrush Wide Combs Band-aids Toy Building Blocks GIRLS Backpack Water Bottles Hat/scarf Panties Sewing Supplies Watch Perfume, Powder Necklace/ bracelet Transistor Radio Mirror Purses Hair accessories Jacks Shoes- tennis/ Sandals Skirt, dress Blouse, T-Shirt Socks Teddy Bears Bicycles Dolls Sunglasses Dolls Jump Rope Pu… If you are interested in being a blessing to your extended church family in Haiti. We have provided suggested gifts that are well received within the Haitian culture. We do ask that no money be sent directly to the children. BOYS Backpack Water Bottles Hat Briefs / Boxers Pants Shoes-tennis/ Cologne Trucks/Cars Transistor Radio Soccer Ball & Pump Wallet Watch T-Shirts Marbles Shirts Socks Bicycle Sunglasses Washcloth Towel Soap Toothpaste Toothbrush Wide Combs Band-aids Toy Building Blocks GIRLS Backpack Water Bottles Hat/scarf Panties Sewing Supplies Watch Perfume, Powder Necklace/ bracelet Transistor Radio Mirror Purses Hair accessories Jacks Shoes- tennis/ Sandals Skirt, dress Blouse, T-Shirt Socks Teddy Bears Bicycles Dolls Sunglasses Dolls Jump Rope Puzzles Musical Toys FAMILY ITEMS Band-Aids Shampoo Vitamins Pillowcases Sheets (full-size flat ) Tablecloths Needles Thread Pinto Beans Flashlight Batteries Hard Candy Cookies Bag of Grain Rice SCHOOL Erasers Pencils Pens Notebooks French books Glue Umbrella Creole Bible Jump Rope Calculator Crayons Scissors Flashlight Subtraction Cards Multiplication Cards Bicycles Color Pencils Geometric Sets none non-perishable food dry snacks. For more info. Check with Dee @ --- Support this podcast:
8/29/202320 minutes, 3 seconds
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MT 7:16-20 LE SERMON SUR LA MONTAGNE AVEC PASTEUR EDGARD CHERY. Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus's name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( --- Support this podcast:
8/25/202330 minutes
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LE SERMON SUR LA MONTAGNE AVEC PASTEUR EDGARD CHERY. Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60/70 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, anyone-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( --- Support this podcast:
8/24/202330 minutes
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FRÈRE BERLUS Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus's name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ⁠⁠ If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ⁠⁠ Warm regards, Pastor Edgard Chery  & CEO EMMANUEL CHERY ⁠⁠ --- Support this podcast:
8/23/202357 minutes, 53 seconds
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DÉVOTION LES SRS FLAMBEAU DE L'ESPOIR. Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus's name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ( If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ( Warm regards, CEO EMMANUEL D Chery. ( HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC . P.O . BOX.4564 LYNCHBURG 24502 ZELE 434-4215201-PAYPAL --- Support this podcast:
8/23/202330 minutes
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ÉVANGÉLISTE EMMANUEL GEORGES Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus's name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at Warm regards, Pastor Edgard Chery  & CEO EMMANUEL CHERY --- Support this podcast:
8/22/202320 minutes, 13 seconds
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LES SOEURS FLAMBEAU DE L'ESPOR. --- Support this podcast:
8/22/202330 minutes
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MT 7:15- LE DANGER DES FAUX PROPHÈTES. Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at Warm regards, Pastor Edgard Chery  & CEO EMMANUEL CHERY WOULD YOU LIKE TO SPONSOR OUR PASTOR? --- Support this podcast:
8/22/202341 minutes, 24 seconds
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SOEUR CHERY --- Support this podcast:
8/22/20236 minutes, 48 seconds
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LA PARABOLE DU CRÉANCIER ET LES DEUX DÉBITEURS LUC 7:41-43 Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus's name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at Warm regards, Pastor Edgard Chery  & CEO EMMANUEL CHERY --- Support this podcast:
8/20/202353 minutes, 59 seconds
Episode Artwork


Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus's name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ⁠⁠⁠⁠ If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ⁠⁠⁠⁠ Warm regards, Pastor Edgard Chery  & CEO EMMANUEL CHERY ⁠⁠⁠⁠ --- Support this podcast:
8/20/202332 minutes, 11 seconds
Episode Artwork


LES SRS FLAMBEAU DE L'ESPOIR Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus's name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at Warm regards, Pastor Edgard Chery  & CEO EMMANUEL CHERY --- Support this podcast:
8/19/202330 minutes
Episode Artwork


LA REPENTANCE D'UNE PROSTIUÉE #7 LE SERMON SUR LA MONTAGNE AVEC PASTEUR EDGARD CHERY. Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus's name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at Warm regards, Pastor Edgard Chery  & CEO EMMANUEL CHERY --- Support this podcast:
8/16/202351 minutes, 22 seconds
Episode Artwork


LA PARABOLE DU MAÎTRE ABSENT MARC 13:33-37 Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus's name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at Warm regards, Pastor Edgard Chery & CEO EMMANUEL CHERY --- Support this podcast:
8/13/202345 minutes, 4 seconds
Episode Artwork


LA REPENTANCE DU ROI ACHAB #6 1 ROI 21:17-29 Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at Warm regards, Pastor Edgard Chery  & CEO EMMANUEL CHERY --- Support this podcast:
8/10/202353 minutes, 53 seconds
Episode Artwork


LES SRS FLAMBEAU DE L'ESPOIR Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus's name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at Warm regards, Pastor Edgard Chery  & CEO EMMANUEL CHERY --- Support this podcast:
8/9/202330 minutes
Episode Artwork


Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at Warm regards, Pastor Edgard Chery  & CEO EMMANUEL CHERY --- Support this podcast:
8/8/202329 minutes, 54 seconds
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DÉVOTION NOCTURNE AVEC ÉVANGÉLISTE EMMANUEL GEORGES Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus's name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at Warm regards, Pastor Edgard Chery  & CEO EMMANUEL CHERY --- Support this podcast:
8/8/202328 minutes, 29 seconds
Episode Artwork


UPDATE ON WORK REPAIRS Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus's name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at Warm regards, Pastor Edgard Chery  & CEO EMMANUEL CHERY --- Support this podcast:
8/8/202325 minutes, 3 seconds
Episode Artwork


DÉVOTION NOCTURNE AVEC ÉVANGÉLISTE EMMANUEL GEORGES Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at Warm regards, Pastor Edgard Chery  & CEO EMMANUEL CHERY --- Support this podcast:
8/7/202330 minutes
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LA PAROLE DE LA CROISSANECE DE LA SEMENCE.MARC 4:26-29 Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at Warm regards. Pastor EDGARD CHERY  & CEO EMMANUEL CHERY --- Support this podcast:
8/6/202326 minutes, 16 seconds
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C'EST L'HEURE DE PRIÈRE AVEC FRÈRE ROBERT HENRI NOTY DU  COTÉ DU CANADA Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. ZELLE #434-421-5201 PAYPAL  E-mail HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
8/4/202323 minutes, 27 seconds
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LA REPENTANCE DES NINIVITES JONAS CH 3 :1-0 Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. The vision is to see HHH create self-sustaining, self-replicating churches, empower ethical entrepreneurs that positively impact local communities, and provide access to education to create new opportunities for the next generation. These intentions would hopefully transform Haiti on a national level to where Haiti would become a country that is known for its God-empowered love, Ethical business practices, and intellectual prowess!  E-mail HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 Join us on a mission to change HaitI! --- Support this podcast:
8/3/20231 hour, 9 minutes, 52 seconds
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LE SERMON SUR LA MONTAGNE Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today.  E-mail HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
8/1/202340 minutes
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7/31/202330 minutes
Episode Artwork


LE SERMON SUR LA MONTAGNE Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today.  E-mail HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
7/28/202330 minutes
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LE SERMON SUR LA MONTAGNE AVEC PASTEUR EDGARD CHERY . MT 7:3-5 A CESSER DE CRITIQUER Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today.  E-mail HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at Warm regards, Pastor Edgard Chery  & CEO EMMANUEL CHERY --- Support this podcast:
7/27/202340 minutes
Episode Artwork


LECTURE DU LIVRE D'ESAÏE AVEC LES SRS FLAMBEAU DE L'ESPOIR. Boxers Pantalons Chaussures de tennis/ Camions/voitures Transistor Radio Ballon de football et pompe Portefeuille Montre T-shirts Billes Chemises Chaussettes Vélo Lunettes Gant de toilette Serviette Savon Dentifrice Brosse à dents Peignes larges Pansements Jouets Blocs de construction FILLES Sac Bouteilles d'eau Bonnet / écharpe Culotte Fournitures de couture Montre Parfum, poudre Collier / bracelet Transistor Radio Miroir Sacs Accessoires pour cheveux Jacks Chaussures de tennis / sandales Jupe, robe Blouse, T-shirt Chaussettes Nounours Vélos Poupées Lunettes Poupées Corde à sauter Puzzles Jouets musicaux ARTICLES DE FAMILLE Pansements Shampooing Vitamine oreiller Draps (plein format plat) Nappes Aiguilles Fil Haricots Pinto Lampe Piles Bonbons Biscuits Sac de riz à grains longs Gommes Crayons SCOLAIRES Stylos Cahiers Livres en français Colle Parapluie Bible créole Corde à sauter Calculatrice Crayons Ciseaux Lampe de poche Cartes de soustraction Cartes de multiplication Vélos Crayons de couleur Ensembles géométriques non périssable collations sèches alimentaires. Pour plus d'informations. Vérifiez avec Dee @ HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti by creating native lead disciple-making churches, Empowering local entrepreneurship, and creating access to education. Our goal is to create a group of Disciples that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! Join us in inviting a whole country into the love of JESUS! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 LECTURE DU LIVRE D'ESAÏE AVEC LES SOEURS FLAMBEAU DE L'ESPOIR.# 3 C'EST L'HEURE DE LA PRIÈRE PRENONS LA PLACE AUTOUR DE LA TABLE. AVEC LES SOEOURS FLAMBEAU DE L'ESPOIR. We have provided suggested gifts that are well received within the Haitian culture. We do ask that no money be sent directly to the children. BOYS Backpack Water Bottles Hat Briefs / Boxers Pants Shoes-tennis/ Cologne Trucks/Cars Transistor Radio Soccer Ball & Pump Wallet Watch T-Shirts Marbles Shirts Socks Bicycle Sunglasses Washcloth Towel Soap Toothpaste Toothbrush Wide Combs Band-aids Toy Building Blocks GIRLS Backpack Water Bottles Hat / scarf Panties Sewing Supplies Watch Perfume, Powder Necklace/ bracelet Transistor Radio Mirror Purses Hair accessories Jacks Shoes- tennis/ Sandals Skirt, dress Blouse, T-Shirt Socks Teddy Bears Bicycles Dolls Sunglasses Dolls Jump Rope Pu… 18/7/2023] Dee Chery: If you are interested being a blessing to your extended church family in Haiti . We have provided suggested gifts that are well received within the Haitian culture. We do ask that no money be sent directly to the children. BOYS Backpack Water Bottles Hat Briefs / Boxers Pants Shoes-tennis/ Cologne Trucks/Cars Transistor Radio Soccer Ball & Pump Wallet Watch T Shirts Marbles Shirts Socks Bicycle Sunglasses Washcloth Towel Soap Toothpaste Toothbrush Wide Combs Band-aids Toy Building Blocks GIRLS Backpack Water Bottles Hat/scarf Panties Sewing Supplies Watch Perfume, Powder Necklace/ bracelet Transistor Radio Mirror Purses Hair accessories Jacks Shoes- tennis/ Sandals Skirt, dress Blouse, T Shirt Socks Teddy Bears Bicycles Dolls Sunglasses Dolls Jump Rope Puzzles Musical Toys FAMILY ITEMS Band Aids Shampoo Vitamins Pillowcases Sheets (full-size flat ) Tablecloths Needles Thread Pinto Beans Flashlight Batteries Hard Candy Cookies Bag of Long Grain Rice SCHOOL Erasers Pencils Pens Notebooks French books Glue Umbrella Creole Bible Jump Rope Calculator Crayons Scissors Flashlight Subtraction Cards Multiplication Cards Bicycles Color Pencils Geometric Sets none perishable food dry snacks. For more info. Check with Dee @ --- Support this podcast:
7/27/202330 minutes
Episode Artwork


Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today.  E-mail HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
7/27/20231 hour, 58 seconds
Episode Artwork


Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today.  E-mail HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 The vision is to see HHH create self-sustaining, self-replicating churches, empower ethical entrepreneurs that positively impact local communities, and provide access to education to create new opportunities for the next generation. These intentions would hopefully transform Haiti on a national level to where Haiti would become a country that is known for its God-empowered love, Ethical business practices, and intellectual prowess! HAITIAN HELPING HANDSINC.P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502.ZELLE #434 -421-5201 PAYPAL Join us on a mission to change HaitI! --- Support this podcast:
7/25/202319 minutes, 59 seconds
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7/24/202330 minutes
Episode Artwork


C'EST L'HEURE DE L'EMISSION BIBLE LA MAIN AVEC PASTEUR EDGARD Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today.  E-mail HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
7/23/202348 minutes, 45 seconds
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SLOGAN HHH 1.Levanjil la se mesaj nou. 2.Disip se objektif nou 3.Lapriyè se  lavi nou 4.Adorasyon se zam nou    5.Jenerozite se kè nou 6.Misyon se mezi nou DEVIZ ANPLWAYE HHH (VOLONTÈ  KI NA HHYO.   (Staff Motto  1.Bondye chwazi m pou sezon sa a. 2.Li ekipe m pou travay sa a  3.Mwen se yon lidè enfliyan.  4.Mwen se yon pwofesè pasyan  Mwen se yon elèv kap aprann  5.Nou pwoaktif, pa reyaktif  6.Nou estriktire men fleksib  7.Bondye gen repons lan, nou pral fè tout sa pou jwenn solisyon an  1 Tesalonisyen 5:1-23  LECTURE JESUS VIVANT CULTURE GUIDE #3 THÉOLOGIE DE L'EGLISE ET DOCTRINE 'C'EST L'HEURE DE PRIÈRE AVEC PASTEUR BERNARD  ECTURE JESUS VIVANT CULTURE GUIDE #3 THÉOLOGIE DE L'EGLISE ET DOCTRINES. LES PARABOLES DE JESUS CHRIST .#9 LA PARABOLE DU LEVAIN.MT 13:33 ——————————————————2023 Salut, tout le monde espère que vous allez bien et que vous avez passé une excellente action de grâces avec votre famille et vos amis. Alors que nous approchons de la fin de l'année 2022, nous aimerions vous inviter à être une bénédiction pour votre famille d'église élargie en Haïti ! Nous avons fourni des cadeaux suggérés qui sont bien accueillis dans la culture haïtienne. Nous demandons qu'aucune somme d'argent ne soit envoyée directement aux enfants. L'achat de ces articles auprès de notre entreprise locale en Haïti aidera à soutenir les économies en Haïti. Ce serait une double bénédiction : bénir les enfants et bénir la communauté ! GARÇONS Sac Bouteilles d'eau Chapeau Slips / Boxers Pantalons Chaussures de tennis/ Cologne Camions/voitures Transistor Radio Ballon de football et pompe Portefeuille Montre T-shirts Billes Chemises Chaussettes Vélo Lunettes Gant de toilette Serviette Savon Dentifrice Brosse à dents Peignes larges Pansements Jouets Blocs de construction FILLES Sac Bouteilles d'eau Bonnet / écharpe Culotte Fournitures de couture Montre Parfum, poudre Collier / bracelet Transistor Radio Miroir Sacs Accessoires pour cheveux Jacks Chaussures de tennis / sandales Jupe, robe Blouse, T-shirt Chaussettes Nounours Vélos Poupées Lunettes Poupées Corde à sauter Puzzles Jouets musicaux ARTICLES DE FAMILLE Pansements Shampooing Vitamine oreiller Draps (plein format plat) Nappes Aiguilles Fil Haricots Pinto Lampe Piles Bonbons Biscuits Sac de riz à grains longs Gommes Crayons SCOLAIRES Stylos Cahiers Livres en français Colle Parapluie Bible créole Corde à sauter Calculatrice Crayons Ciseaux Lampe de poche Cartes de soustraction Cartes de multiplication Vélos Crayons de couleur Ensembles géométriques non périssable collations sèches alimentaires. Pour plus d'informations. Vérifiez avec Dee @ HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
7/22/202319 minutes, 5 seconds
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DÉVOTION AVEC LES EPOUX CHERY --- Support this podcast:
7/21/202330 minutes
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7/20/202320 minutes, 10 seconds
Episode Artwork


LA REPENTANCE DU ROI MANASSÉ Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: ⁠⁠ If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at ⁠⁠ Warm regards, Pastor Edgard Chery  & CEO EMMANUEL CHERY ⁠⁠ --- Support this podcast:
7/19/202348 minutes, 46 seconds
Episode Artwork


DÉVOTION AVEC LES EPOUX CHERY. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60/70 and become a vital part of our mission: If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at Warm regards, Pastor Edgard Chery ---------------------- CEO EMMANUEL CHERY --- Support this podcast:
7/19/202330 minutes
Episode Artwork


ÉVANGÉLISTE EMMANUEL GEORGES HAITIAN HELPING HANDS is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti by creating native lead disciple-making churches, Empowering local entrepreneurship, and creating access to education. Our goal is to create a group of Disciples that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! Join us in inviting a whole country into the love of JESUS! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 LECTURE DU LIVRE D'ESAÏE AVEC LES SOEURS FLAMBEAU DE L'ESPOIR.# 3 We have provided suggested gifts that are well received within the Haitian culture. We do ask that no money be sent directly to the children. BOYS Backpack Water Bottles Hat Briefs / Boxers Pants Shoes-tennis/ Cologne Trucks/Cars Transistor Radio Soccer Ball & Pump Wallet Watch T-Shirts Marbles Shirts Socks Bicycle Sunglasses Washcloth Towel Soap Toothpaste Toothbrush Wide Combs Band-aids Toy Building Blocks GIRLS Backpack Water Bottles Hat/scarf Panties Sewing Supplies Watch Perfume, Powder Necklace/ bracelet Transistor Radio Mirror Purses Hair accessories Jacks Shoes- tennis/ Sandals Skirt, dress Blouse, T-Shirt Socks Bicycles Dolls Sunglasses Dolls Jump Rope Pu… 18/7/2023] Dee Chery: If you are interested in being a blessing to your extended church family in Haiti. We have provided suggested gifts that are well received within the Haitian culture. We do ask that no money be sent directly to the children. BOYS Backpack Water Bottles Hat Briefs / Boxers Pants Shoes-tennis/ Cologne Trucks/Cars Transistor Radio Soccer Ball & Pump Wallet Watch T-Shirts Marbles Shirts Socks Bicycle Sunglasses Washcloth Towel Soap Toothpaste Toothbrush Wide Combs Band-aids Toy Building Blocks GIRLS Backpack Water Bottles Hat/scarf Panties Sewing Supplies Watch Perfume, Powder Necklace/ bracelet Transistor Radio Mirror Purses Hair accessories Jacks Shoes- tennis/ Sandals Skirt, dress Blouse, T-Shirt Socks Teddy Bears Bicycles Dolls Sunglasses Dolls Jump Rope Puzzles Musical Toys FAMILY ITEMS Band-Aids Shampoo Vitamins Pillowcases Sheets (full-size flat ) Tablecloths Needles Thread Pinto Beans Flashlight Batteries Hard Candy Cookies Bag of Long Grain Rice SCHOOL Erasers Pencils Pens Notebooks French books Glue Umbrella Creole Bible Jump Rope Calculator Crayons Scissors HAITIAN HELPING HANDS ADDRESS PO.BOX.4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502. ZELLE #434-421-5201 (PAYPAL Flashlight Subtraction Cards Multiplication Cards Bicycles Color Pencils Geometric Sets none perishable food dry snacks. For more info. Check with SISTER Dee @ deeariste1@gmail@.comHAITIAN HELPING HANDS ADDRESS PO.BOX.4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502. ZELLE #434-421-5201 (PAYPAL --- Support this podcast:
7/19/202333 minutes, 14 seconds
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LECTURE DU LIVRE D'ESAÏE AVEC LES SOEURS FLAMBEAU DE L'ESPOIR.# 3 ----------------------------------------------------------------- PA BLIYÉ 3H BEZWEN SIPÒW ANNÉE SA POUW ÉDÉ NOU ACHÉTÉ SUPPLIES SA YO POU TIMOUN VILNÉRAB YO. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Salut, tout le monde espère que vous allez bien et que vous avez passé une excellente action de grâces avec votre famille et vos amis. Alors que nous approchons de la fin de l'année 2023, nous aimerions vous inviter à être une bénédiction pour votre famille d'église élargie en Haïti ! Nous avons fourni des cadeaux suggérés qui sont bien accueillis dans la culture haïtienne. Nous demandons qu'aucune somme d'argent ne soit envoyée directement aux enfants. L'achat de ces articles auprès de notre entreprise locale en Haïti aidera à soutenir les économies en Haïti. Ce serait une double bénédiction : bénir les enfants et bénir la communauté ! GARÇONS Sac Bouteilles d'eau Chapeau Slips / Boxers Pantalons Chaussures de tennis/ Cologne Camions/voitures Transistor Radio Ballon de football et pompe Portefeuille Montre T-shirts Billes Chemises Chaussettes Vélo Lunettes Gant de toilette Serviette Savon Dentifrice Brosse à dents Peignes larges Pansements Jouets Blocs de construction FILLES Sac Bouteilles d'eau Bonnet / écharpe Culotte Fournitures de couture Montre Parfum, poudre Collier / bracelet Transistor Radio Miroir Sacs Accessoires pour cheveux Jacks Chaussures de tennis / sandales Jupe, robe Blouse, T-shirt Chaussettes Nounours Vélos Poupées Lunettes Poupées Corde à sauter Puzzles Jouets musicaux ARTICLES DE FAMILLE Pansements Shampooing Vitamine soreiller Draps (plein format plat) Nappes Aiguilles Fil Haricots Pinto Lampe Piles Bonbons Biscuits Sac de riz à grains longs Gommes Crayons SCOLAIRES Stylos Cahiers Livres en français Colle Parapluie Bible créole Corde à sauter Calculatrice Crayons Ciseaux Lampe de poche Cartes de soustraction Cartes de multiplication Vélos HAITIAN HELPING HANDS INC,ADRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502( ZELLE # 434-421-5201) PAYPAL Crayons de couleur Ensembles géométriques non périssable collations sèches alimentaires. Pour plus d'informations. Vérifiez avec SOEUR DIEUMÈNE A. CHERY. @ --- Support this podcast:
7/18/202348 minutes, 16 seconds
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DÉVOTION MATINALE AVEC LES EPOUX CHERY. Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. E-mail HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
7/17/202340 minutes
Episode Artwork


DÉVOTION MATINALE AVEC LES EPOUX CHERY Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today.  E-mail HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
7/17/202330 minutes
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LECTURE DU LIVRE ESAÏE #3 AVEC LES FRÈRES EMMANUEL ET BERLUS Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. E-mail HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
7/17/202344 minutes, 39 seconds
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LA PARABOLE DES DIX VIERGES MT 25:1-13 501C3 Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today.  E-mail HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 ZELLE 434-421-5201 (PAYPAL ) --- Support this podcast:
7/15/202340 minutes, 32 seconds
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7/14/202330 minutes
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7/13/202330 minutes
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LA REPENTANCE DU ROI DAVID Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. E-mail HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
7/12/202328 minutes, 9 seconds
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MOMY AUDRYE --- Support this podcast:
7/11/20231 minute, 58 seconds
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DÉVOTION --- Support this podcast:
7/11/20231 hour, 4 minutes, 15 seconds
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7/10/202330 minutes
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AFTER SOMETIME SERMON BY PASTOR EMMANUEL CHERY 1 Samuel 1: 1-20 The Birth of Samuel 1 There was a certain man from Ramathaim, a Zuphite[a] from the hill country of Ephraim, whose name was Elkanah son of Jeroham, the son of Elihu, the son of Tohu, the son of Zuph, an Ephraimite. 2 He had two wives; one was called Hannah and the other Peninnah. Peninnah had children, but Hannah had none. 3 Year after year this man went up from his town to worship and sacrifice to the Lord Almighty at Shiloh, where Hophni and Phinehas, the two sons of Eli, were priests of the Lord. 4 Whenever the day came for Elkanah to sacrifice, he would give portions of the meat to his wife Peninnah and to all her sons and daughters. 5 But to Hannah he gave a double portion because he loved her, and the Lord had closed her womb. 6 Because the Lord had closed Hannah’s womb, her rival kept provoking her in order to irritate her. 7 This went on year after year. Whenever Hannah went up to the house of the Lord, her rival provoked her till she wept and would not eat. 8 Her husband Elkanah would say to her, “Hannah, why are you weeping? Why don’t you eat? Why are you downhearted? Don’t I mean more to you than ten sons?” 9 Once when they had finished eating and drinking in Shiloh, Hannah stood up. Now Eli the priest was sitting on his chair by the doorpost of the Lord’s house. 10 In her deep anguish Hannah prayed to the Lord, weeping bitterly. 11 And she made a vow, saying, “Lord Almighty, if you will only look on your servant’s misery and remember me, and not forget your servant but give her a son, then I will give him to the Lord for all the days of his life, and no razor will ever be used on his head.” 12 As she kept on praying to the Lord, Eli observed her mouth. 13 Hannah was praying in her heart, and her lips were moving but her voice was not heard. Eli thought she was drunk 14 and said to her, “How long are you going to stay drunk? Put away your wine.” 15 “Not so, my lord,” Hannah replied, “I am a woman who is deeply troubled. I have not been drinking wine or beer; I was pouring out my soul to the Lord. 16 Do not take your servant for a wicked woman; I have been praying here out of my great anguish and grief.” 17 Eli answered, “Go in peace, and may the God of Israel grant you what you have asked of him.” 18 She said, “May your servant find favor in your eyes.” Then she went her way and ate something, and her face was no longer downcast. 19 Early the next morning they arose and worshiped before the Lord and then went back to their home at Ramah. Elkanah made love to his wife Hannah, and the Lord remembered her. 20 So in the course of time Hannah became pregnant and gave birth to a son. She named him Samuel,[b] saying, “Because I asked the Lord for him.” 21 When her husband Elkanah went up with all his family to offer the annual sacrifice to the Lord and to fulfill his vow, 22 Hannah did not go. She said to her husband, “After the boy is weaned, I will take him and present him before the Lord, and he will live there always.”[c] 23 “Do what seems best to you,” her husband Elkanah told her. “Stay here until you have weaned him; only may the Lord make good his[d] word.” So the woman stayed at home and nursed her son until she had weaned him. Hannah Dedicates Samuel --- Support this podcast:
7/10/202333 minutes, 35 seconds
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C'EST L'HEURE DE L'EMISSION BIBLE LA MAIN AVEC PASTEUR CHERY. LES PARABOLES DE JESUS CHRIST.LA PARABOLE DU FIGUIER#23 :LUC 21:29-33 Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. E-mail HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502$60-75 month use zelle# 434-421-5201 PayPal --- Support this podcast:
7/9/202329 minutes, 3 seconds
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C'EST L'HEURE DE L'EMISSION BIBLE LA MAIN AVEC PASTEUR CHERY. LES PARABOLES DE JESUS CHRIST.LA PARABOLE DU FIGUIER #23 :LUC 21:29-33 Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. E-mail HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502$60-75 month use zelle# 434-421-5201 PayPal --- Support this podcast:
7/8/202329 minutes, 3 seconds
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Psaume 73:28 Pour moi, m'approcher de Dieu, c'est mon bien: Je place mon refuge dans le Seigneur, l'Eternel, Afin de raconter toutes tes oeuvres.

Psaume 73:28 Pour moi, m'approcher de Dieu, c'est mon bien: Je place mon refuge dans le Seigneur, l'Eternel, Afin de raconter toutes tes oeuvres.(ZELLE 434-421-5201 (PAYPALE ) Salut, tout le monde espère que vous allez bien et que vous avez passé une excellente action de grâces avec votre famille et vos amis. Alors que nous approchons de la fin de l'année 2022, nous aimerions vous inviter à être une bénédiction pour votre famille d'église élargie en Haïti ! Nous avons fourni des cadeaux suggérés qui sont bien accueillis dans la culture haïtienne. Nous demandons qu'aucune somme d'argent ne soit envoyée directement aux enfants. L'achat de ces articles auprès de notre entreprise locale en Haïti aidera à soutenir les économies en Haïti. Ce serait une double bénédiction : bénir les enfants et bénir la communauté ! GARÇONS Sac Bouteilles d'eau Chapeau Slips / Boxers Pantalons Chaussures de tennis/ Cologne Camions/voitures Transistor Radio Ballon de football et pompe Portefeuille Montre T-shirts Billes Chemises Chaussettes Vélo Lunettes Gant de toilette Serviette Savon Dentifrice Brosse à dents Peignes larges Pansements Jouets Blocs de construction FILLES Sac Bouteilles d'eau Bonnet / écharpe Culotte Fournitures de couture Montre Parfum, poudre Collier / bracelet Transistor Radio Miroir Sacs Accessoires pour cheveux Jacks Chaussures de tennis / sandales Jupe, robe Blouse, T-shirt Chaussettes Nounours Vélos Poupées Lunettes Poupées Corde à sauter Puzzles Jouets musicaux ARTICLES DE FAMILLE Pansements Shampooing Vitamine oreiller Draps (plein format plat) Nappes Aiguilles Fil Haricots Pinto Lampe Piles Bonbons Biscuits Sac de riz à grains longs Gommes Crayons SCOLAIRES Stylos Cahiers Livres en français Colle Parapluie Bible créole Corde à sauter Calculatrice Crayons Ciseaux Lampe de poche Cartes de soustraction Cartes de multiplication Vélos Crayons de couleur Ensembles géométriques non périssable collations sèches alimentaires. Pour plus d'informations. Vérifiez avec Dee @ HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
7/7/202319 minutes, 5 seconds
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LES SOEURS CHERY JOSETTE ET MICHELINE. Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today.  E-mail HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
7/7/202348 minutes, 16 seconds
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Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today.  E-mail HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
7/7/202330 minutes
Episode Artwork


Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today.  E-mail HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today.  E-mail HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
7/7/202323 minutes, 22 seconds
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LES SOEURS FLAMBEAU DE L'ESPOIR --- Support this podcast:
7/6/202330 minutes
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Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today.  E-mail HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
7/5/202330 minutes
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LA REPENTANCE LE CRIMINEL REPENTANT#1 Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today.  E-mail HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
7/5/202336 minutes, 19 seconds
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Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today.  E-mail HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
7/4/202349 minutes
Episode Artwork


DÉVOTION MATINALE AVEC LES EPOUX CHERY . Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today.  E-mail HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
7/3/202330 minutes
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DÉVOTION NOCTURNE AVEC ÉVANGÉLISTE EMMANUEL. Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today.  E-mail HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
7/3/202319 minutes, 5 seconds
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LES PARABOLES DE JESUS CHRIST#22 LA PARABOLE DU FESTIN DES NOCES.MT 22:9-14 Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. E-mail HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
7/2/202330 minutes, 55 seconds
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7/1/202330 minutes
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Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today.  E-mail HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
6/30/202332 minutes, 11 seconds
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C'EST L'HEURE DE PRIÈRE AVEC FRÈRE ROBERT HENRI NOTY DU  COTÉ DU CANADA Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today.  E-mail HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
6/30/202323 minutes, 22 seconds
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DÉVOTION MATINALE AVEC LES EPOUX CHERY Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today.  E-mail HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
6/29/202330 minutes
Episode Artwork


Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today.  E-mail HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
6/29/202343 minutes, 16 seconds
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ÉVANGÉLISTE EMMANUEL --- Support this podcast:
6/26/202330 minutes
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DÉVOTION MATINALE AVEC LES EPOUX Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today.  E-mail HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 2450 --- Support this podcast:
6/26/202330 minutes
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ÉVANGÉLISTE EMMANUEL --- Support this podcast:
6/25/202324 minutes, 37 seconds
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6/25/202324 minutes, 37 seconds
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C'EST L'HEURE DE L'EMISSION BIBLE À LA MAIN AVEC LES SOERS FLAMBEAU DE L'ESPOIR. Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today.  E-mail HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
6/24/202328 minutes
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Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today.  E-mail HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: --- Support this podcast:
6/22/202318 minutes
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6/22/202330 minutes
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LA PUISSANCE DE LA PRIÉRE ET LA LOUANGE #3 2 CHR20:5-12 Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today.  E-mail HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
6/22/202339 minutes, 59 seconds
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LES SOEURS FLAMBEAU DE L'ESPOIR Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today.  E-mail HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
6/20/202330 minutes
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Évangéliste Emmanuel Georges

Évangéliste Emmanuel Georges --- Support this podcast:
6/19/202328 minutes, 46 seconds
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Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today.  E-mail HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
6/19/202330 minutes
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Sunday service

Sunday service Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today.  E-mail HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
6/19/202357 minutes, 32 seconds
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Dévotion Matinale avec les époux Chery

Dévotion Matinale avec les époux Chery --- Support this podcast:
6/17/202346 minutes, 54 seconds
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ÉVANGÉLISTE EMMANUEL GEORGES MEDITATION SUR LA FOI .HÉBREUX 11:13 Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today.  E-mail HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
6/14/202326 minutes, 30 seconds
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6/14/20231 hour, 1 second
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EDUCATION SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITY Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. E-mail HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 Dear Sponsor, I hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits in Jesus' name. I am reaching out to you today with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of some children in need in Haiti. We have launched an initiative called "Education for All," aimed at providing quality education to underprivileged children who are currently unable to attend school due to financial constraints. We firmly believe that education is a powerful tool that can break the cycle of poverty and empower individuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities. Unfortunately, countless bright young minds around us are deprived of this basic right due to their families' limited resources. To address this pressing issue, we are seeking compassionate individuals like yourself to partner with us by contributing $60 per month. Your generous support will go directly towards covering the educational expenses of these children, including tuition fees, school supplies, and other essential resources. By investing in their education, you will not only provide these children with the necessary tools to succeed academically but also instill in them the confidence and motivation to pursue their dreams. Your monthly contribution will make a tangible difference, allowing us to expand our reach and positively impact more lives. As a valued member of our initiative, you will receive regular updates on the progress of the children you support. We believe in transparency and accountability, ensuring that your contribution is being utilized effectively to transform lives and foster a brighter future for these deserving youngsters. Joining our cause is incredibly easy. Simply click on the link provided below to visit our secure donation portal. Once there, you can set up a recurring monthly payment of $60 and become a vital part of our mission: If you are unable to commit to a monthly contribution at this time, any one-time donation you can make would still be immensely valuable in our endeavor to provide education to as many children as possible. Alternatively, if you know someone who may be interested in making a difference, please feel free to forward this message to them. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and uplift the lives of countless children. Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. Your support can shape their futures and enable them to realize their true potential. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at Warm regards, PASTOR EMMANUEL D. CHERY ---------------------------------- --- Support this podcast:
6/13/202318 minutes, 11 seconds
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LA PRIÈRE DE SR CHERY --- Support this podcast:
6/13/202330 minutes
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LE SERMON SUR LA MONTAGNE AVEC PASTEUR CHERY MT6:10-B Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today.  E-mail HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
6/13/202338 minutes
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6/9/202338 minutes
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6/7/202327 seconds
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DÉVOTION NOCTURNE AVEC SOEUR YOLÉNE ARISTE. Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today.  E-mail HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
6/7/202318 minutes, 19 seconds
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Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. E-mail haitianhelpinghands1@gmail.comHAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 The vision is to see HHH create Self-sustaining, self-replicating churches, empower ethical entrepreneurs that positively impact local communities, and provide access to education to create new opportunities for the next generation. These intentions would hopefully transform Haiti on a national level to where Haiti would become a country that is known for its God-empowered love, Ethical business practices, and intellectual prowess! E-mail haitianhelpinghands1@gmail.comHAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 Join us on a mission to change HaitI! --- Support this podcast:
6/6/202340 minutes, 15 seconds
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Dévotion Matinale avec les époux Chery

Dévotion Matinale avec les époux Chery --- Support this podcast:
6/3/202310 hours, 5 minutes, 22 seconds
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Dévotion nocturne avec les époux Chery

Dévotion nocturne avec les époux Chery --- Support this podcast:
6/3/202341 minutes, 57 seconds
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DÉVOTION AVEC LES SOEURS FLAMBEAU DE L'ESPOIR. Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today.  E-mail HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
6/2/20231 hour, 1 minute, 26 seconds
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU MOMMY NANNAN --- Support this podcast:
6/1/202317 minutes, 2 seconds
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DÉVOTION LES DÉVOTION NOCTURNE AVEC L'ÉVANGÉLISTE EMMANUEL GEORGES . Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today.  E-mail HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
5/30/202338 minutes
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5/29/202338 minutes
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Dévotion Matinale avec les époux Chery

Dévotion Matinale avec les époux Chery --- Support this podcast:
5/29/20233 hours, 8 minutes, 14 seconds
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Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. DÉVOTION NOCTURNE AVEC ÉVANGÉLISTE ÉMMANUEL GEOGERS. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today.  E-mail HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
5/27/202338 minutes
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Dévotion nocturne avec les Sœurs flambeau

Dévotion nocturne avec les Sœurs flambeau --- Support this podcast:
5/27/202336 minutes, 53 seconds
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C'EST L'HEURE DE PRIÈRE AVEC FRÈRE LA PRIÈRE AVEC SOEUR EDITH CHERY. Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. E-mail HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
5/26/202318 minutes, 20 seconds
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C'EST L'HEURE DE PRIÈRE AVEC FRÈRE ROBERT HENRI NOTY DU  COTÉ DU CANADA Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today.  E-mail HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
5/26/202323 minutes, 22 seconds
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Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today.  E-mail HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
5/26/202359 minutes, 59 seconds
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Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today.  E-mail HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
5/25/202318 minutes, 20 seconds
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C'EST L'HEURE DE PRIÈRE AVEC PASTEUR BERNARD J.SIMÉON Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. E-mail HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
5/25/202318 minutes
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Dévotion matinale avec les époux Chery

Dévotion matinale avec les époux Chery --- Support this podcast:
5/25/202330 minutes
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HAITIAN HELPING HANDS INSTITUTION MIXTE DE CARREFOUR TI-MANGO PORT-AU-PRINCE HAITI ( W.I) Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today.  E-mail HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
5/25/202325 seconds
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HAITIAN HELPING HANDS INSTITUTION MIXTE DE CARREFOUR TI-MANGO PORT-AU-PRINCE HAITI ( W.I) Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today.  E-mail HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
5/24/202326 seconds
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DÉVOTION NOCTURNE AVEC ÉVANGÉLISTE EMMANUEL GEORGES. Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. DÉVOTION NOCTURNE AVEC ÉVANGÉLISTE EMMANUEL GEORGES. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today.  E-mail HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
5/24/202330 minutes, 40 seconds
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Dévotion nocturne avec l’évangéliste Emmanuel Georges, de l’église Jésus Vivant de Timango.

Emmanuel Georges, de l’église Jésus Vivant de Timango. --- Support this podcast:
5/24/202330 minutes, 6 seconds
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When are your favorite times to listen to a Podcast KI KOTÉ WAP KOUTÉ NOU? Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. --- Support this podcast:
5/24/202342 minutes, 16 seconds
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Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. --- Support this podcast:
5/22/202325 minutes, 39 seconds
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FRÈRE EMMANUEL GEORS HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti by creating native lead disciple-making churches, Empowering local entrepreneurship, and creating access to education. Our goal is to create a group of Disciples that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! Join us in inviting a whole country into the love of JESUS! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. --- Support this podcast:
5/20/202321 minutes
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When are your favorite times to listen to a Podcast KI KOTÉ WAP KOUTÉ NOU? C'EST L'HEURE DE PRIÈRE AVEC FRÈRE ROBERT HENRI NOTY DU  COTÉ DU CANADA Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. When are your favorite times to listen to a Podcast KI KOTÉ WAP KOUTÉ NOU? --- Support this podcast:
5/20/202323 minutes, 22 seconds
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Dévotion avec la famille des 3H

Dévotion avec la famille des 3H --- Support this podcast:
5/19/20234 hours, 10 minutes, 5 seconds
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Dévotion avec la famille des 3H

Dévotion avec la famille des 3H --- Support this podcast:
5/19/202354 minutes, 57 seconds
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C'EST L'HEURE DE LA DÉVOTION MATINALE AVEC LES EPOUX CHERY Slogan Misyon An Jesus Vivant  . SLOGAN HHH 1.Levanjil la se mesaj nou. 2.Disip se objektif nou 3.Lapriyè se  lavi nou 4.Adorasyon se zam nou    5.Jenerozite se kè nou 6.Misyon se mezi nou DEVIZ ANPLWAYE HHH (VOLONTÈ  KI NA HHYO.   (Staff Motto  1.Bondye chwazi m pou sezon sa a. 2.Li ekipe m pou travay sa a  3.Mwen se yon lidè enfliyan.  4.Mwen se yon pwofesè pasyan  Mwen se yon elèv kap aprann  5.Nou pwoaktif, pa reyaktif  6.Nou estriktire men fleksib  7.Bondye gen repons lan, nou pral fè tout sa pou jwenn solisyon an  --- Support this podcast:
5/17/202329 minutes, 33 seconds
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Dévotion Matinale avec les sœurs flambeau

Dévotion Matinale avec les sœurs flambeau --- Support this podcast:
5/17/202331 minutes, 10 seconds
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Dévotion Matinale avec les époux Chery

Dévotion Matinale avec les époux Chery --- Support this podcast:
5/15/202339 minutes, 16 seconds
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Les sœurs flambeau de l’espoir

Les sœurs flambeau de l’espoir --- Support this podcast:
5/13/20231 hour, 21 minutes, 3 seconds
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Dévotion nocturne avec les sœurs flambeau de l’espoir

Dévotion nocturne avec les sœurs flambeau de l’espoir --- Support this podcast:
5/12/202315 minutes, 57 seconds
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Les sœurs flambeau de l’espoir

Les sœurs flambeau de l’espoir --- Support this podcast:
5/12/202329 minutes, 26 seconds
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Dévotion nocturne avec les frères et sœurs de la famille de 3H

Dévotion nocturne avec les frères et sœurs de la famille de 3H. --- Support this podcast:
5/12/202333 minutes
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Dévotion nocturne avec les sœurs flambeau de l’espoir

Dévotion nocturne avec les sœurs flambeau de l’espoir --- Support this podcast:
5/11/202333 minutes, 27 seconds
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Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. When are your favorite times to listen to a Podcast?  Morning or noon?  would like to sponsor our Pastor's ministry? THANK YOU TO ALL OUR HAITIAN HELPING HANDS AND FAITHFUL PARTNERS. BECAUSE OF YOUR GENEROSITY, THESE KIDS ARE SAFE AND RECEIVE FREE EDUCATION. MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
5/11/202338 minutes, 44 seconds
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CEST L'HEURE DE PRIÈRE AVEC LES SOEURS FLAMBEAU DE L'ESPOIR Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. When are your favorite times to listen to a Podcast?  Morning or noon?  would like to sponsor our Pastor's ministry? THANK YOU TO ALL OUR HAITIAN HELPING HANDS AND FAITHFUL PARTNERS. BECAUSE OF YOUR GENEROSITY, THESE KIDS ARE SAFE AND RECEIVE FREE EDUCATION. MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
5/11/202345 minutes, 58 seconds
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Dévotion Matinale avec les sœurs flambeau de l’espoir

Dévotion Matinale avec les sœurs flambeau de l’espoir --- Support this podcast:
5/11/202331 minutes, 52 seconds
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Prière du groupe de Plateau Robert

Plateau Robert --- Support this podcast:
5/11/202325 minutes, 18 seconds
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JESUS VIVANT CULTURE GUIDE: CE QUE NOUS CROYONS ET NE CROYONS PAS. Haitian Helping Hands est une organisation à but non lucratif qui se concentre sur la restauration holistique du pays d'Haïti en créant des églises autonomes faisant des disciples, en renforçant l'entrepreneuriat local et en créant l'accès à l'éducation. La vision est de voir HHH créer des églises autosuffisantes et auto réplicables, responsabiliser les entrepreneurs éthiques qui ont un impact positif sur les communautés locales et fournir un accès à l'éducation pour créer de nouvelles opportunités pour la prochaine génération. Ces intentions transformerait, espérons-le, Haïti au niveau national où Haïti deviendrait un pays connu pour son amour habilité par Dieu, ses pratiques commerciales éthiques --- Support this podcast:
5/11/20231 hour, 20 minutes
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Dévotion Matinale avec les époux

Dévotion Matinale avec les époux --- Support this podcast:
5/10/202338 minutes, 44 seconds
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C'EST L'HEURE DE PRIÈRE AVEC FRÈRE WILFRID BASQUIN DU COTÉ DU BRESIL  .Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. When are your favorite times to listen to a Podcast?  Morning or noon?  would like to sponsor our Pastor's ministry? THANK YOU TO ALL OUR HAITIAN HELPING HANDS AND FAITHFUL PARTNERS. BECAUSE OF YOUR GENEROSITY, THESE KIDS ARE SAFE AND RECEIVE FREE EDUCATION. MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
5/9/202330 minutes, 42 seconds
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Les sœurs flambeau de l’espoir

Les sœurs flambeau de l’espoir --- Support this podcast:
5/9/202333 minutes, 31 seconds
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Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. When are your favorite times to listen to a Podcast?  Morning or noon?  would like to sponsor our Pastor's ministry? THANK YOU TO ALL OUR HAITIAN HELPING HANDS AND FAITHFUL PARTNERS. BECAUSE OF YOUR GENEROSITY, THESE KIDS ARE SAFE AND RECEIVE FREE EDUCATION. MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
5/8/20233 minutes, 28 seconds
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Dévotion Matinale avec les époux Chery

Dévotion Matinale avec les époux Chery --- Support this podcast:
5/8/20231 hour, 4 minutes, 59 seconds
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Dévotion Par la famille des 3H

Dévotion Par la famille des 3H --- Support this podcast:
5/6/202337 minutes, 55 seconds
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.Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. When are your favorite times to listen to a Podcast?  Morning or noon?  would like to sponsor our Pastor's ministry? THANK YOU TO ALL OUR HAITIAN HELPING HANDS AND FAITHFUL PARTNERS. BECAUSE OF YOUR GENEROSITY, THESE KIDS ARE SAFE AND RECEIVE FREE EDUCATION. MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
5/6/202330 minutes, 42 seconds
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C'EST L'HEURE DE PRIÈRE AVEC FRÈRE ROBERT HENRI NOTY DU  COTÉ DU CANADA .Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. When are your favorite times to listen to a Podcast?  Morning or noon?  would like to sponsor our Pastor's ministry? THANK YOU TO ALL OUR HAITIAN HELPING HANDS AND FAITHFUL PARTNERS. BECAUSE OF YOUR GENEROSITY, THESE KIDS ARE SAFE AND RECEIVE FREE EDUCATION. MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
5/5/202323 minutes, 22 seconds
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C’est l’heure de la dévotion nocturne avec les sœurs Flambeau de l’espoir

C’est l’heure de la dévotion nocturne avec les sœurs Flambeau de l’espoir --- Support this podcast:
5/5/202329 minutes, 28 seconds
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C’est l’heure de dévotion Matinale avec les époux Chery

C’est l’heure de dévotion Matinale avec les époux Chery --- Support this podcast:
5/5/202340 minutes, 41 seconds
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Haitian Helping Hands

Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. When are your favorite times to listen to a Podcast?  Morning or noon?  would like to sponsor our Pastor's ministry? THANK YOU TO ALL OUR HAITIAN HELPING HANDS AND FAITHFUL PARTNERS. BECAUSE OF YOUR GENEROSITY, THESE KIDS ARE SAFE AND RECEIVE FREE EDUCATION. MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
5/4/20231 minute, 31 seconds
Episode Artwork


CONCLUSION DU RÔLE DES FEMMES DANS L'EGLISE.#3 Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. When are your favorite times to listen to a Podcast?  Morning or noon?  would like to sponsor our Pastor's ministry? THANK YOU TO ALL OUR HAITIAN HELPING HANDS AND FAITHFUL PARTNERS. BECAUSE OF YOUR GENEROSITY, THESE KIDS ARE SAFE AND RECEIVE FREE EDUCATION. MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
5/3/202327 minutes, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork


Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. When are your favorite times to listen to a Podcast?  Morning or noon?  would like to sponsor our Pastor's ministry? THANK YOU TO ALL OUR HAITIAN HELPING HANDS AND FAITHFUL PARTNERS. BECAUSE OF YOUR GENEROSITY, THESE KIDS ARE SAFE AND RECEIVE FREE EDUCATION. MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
5/2/202343 minutes, 14 seconds
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Dévotion nocturne avec sr Chery

Dévotion nocturne avec sr Chery --- Support this podcast:
5/2/20232 hours, 50 minutes, 19 seconds
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5/1/202313 minutes, 28 seconds
Episode Artwork


C'EST L'HEURE DE LA DÉVOTION AVEC PASTEUR CHERY. Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. When are your favorite times to listen to a Podcast?  Morning or noon?  would like to sponsor our Pastor's ministry? THANK YOU TO ALL OUR HAITIAN HELPING HANDS AND FAITHFUL PARTNERS. BECAUSE OF YOUR GENEROSITY, THESE KIDS ARE SAFE AND RECEIVE FREE EDUCATION. MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
5/1/20231 hour, 1 second
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Dévotion Matinale avec les époux Chery

Dévotion Matinale avec les époux Chery --- Support this podcast:
4/28/202335 minutes, 2 seconds
Episode Artwork


C'EST L'HEURE DE PRIÈRE AVEC FRÈRE WILFRID BASQUIN DU COTÉ DU BRESIL  .Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. When are your favorite times to listen to a Podcast?  Morning or noon?  would like to sponsor our Pastor's ministry? THANK YOU TO ALL OUR HAITIAN HELPING HANDS AND FAITHFUL PARTNERS. BECAUSE OF YOUR GENEROSITY, THESE KIDS ARE SAFE AND RECEIVE FREE EDUCATION. MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
4/28/202330 minutes, 40 seconds
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C'EST L'HEURE DE PRIÈRE AVEC  LES SOEURS FLAMBEAU DE L'ESPOIR .Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. When are your favorite times to listen to a Podcast?  Morning or noon?  would like to sponsor our Pastor's ministry? THANK YOU TO ALL OUR HAITIAN HELPING HANDS AND FAITHFUL PARTNERS. BECAUSE OF YOUR GENEROSITY, THESE KIDS ARE SAFE AND RECEIVE FREE EDUCATION. MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
4/27/202330 minutes
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COMMENTAIRES DU LIVRET DE JESUS VIVANT CULTURE GUIDE >LE ROLE DE LA FEMME DANS L'EGLISE #2 Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. When are your favorite times to listen to a Podcast?  Morning or noon?  would like to sponsor our Pastor's ministry? THANK YOU TO ALL OUR HAITIAN HELPING HANDS AND FAITHFUL PARTNERS. BECAUSE OF YOUR GENEROSITY, THESE KIDS ARE SAFE AND RECEIVE FREE EDUCATION. MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
4/26/202331 minutes, 14 seconds
Episode Artwork


.Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. When are your favorite times to listen to a Podcast?  Morning or noon?  would like to sponsor our Pastor's ministry? THANK YOU TO ALL OUR HAITIAN HELPING HANDS AND FAITHFUL PARTNERS. BECAUSE OF YOUR GENEROSITY, THESE KIDS ARE SAFE AND RECEIVE FREE EDUCATION. MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
4/26/20231 hour, 1 second
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Dévotion nocturne par les frères des 3H

Dévotion nocturne par les frères des 3H --- Support this podcast:
4/25/202320 minutes, 42 seconds
Episode Artwork


C'EST L'HEURE DE PRIÈRE AVEC LES EPOUX CHERY Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. When are your favorite times to listen to a Podcast?  Morning or noon?  would like to sponsor our Pastor's ministry? THANK YOU TO ALL OUR HAITIAN HELPING HANDS AND FAITHFUL PARTNERS. BECAUSE OF YOUR GENEROSITY, THESE KIDS ARE SAFE AND RECEIVE FREE EDUCATION. MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
4/24/202330 minutes
Episode Artwork


Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. When are your favorite times to listen to a Podcast?  Morning or noon?  would like to sponsor our Pastor's ministry? THANK YOU TO ALL OUR HAITIAN HELPING HANDS AND FAITHFUL PARTNERS. BECAUSE OF YOUR GENEROSITY, THESE KIDS ARE SAFE AND RECEIVE FREE EDUCATION. MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
4/21/202330 minutes
Episode Artwork


Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. When are your favorite times to listen to a Podcast?  Morning or noon?  would like to sponsor our Pastor's ministry? THANK YOU TO ALL OUR HAITIAN HELPING HANDS AND FAITHFUL PARTNERS. BECAUSE OF YOUR GENEROSITY, THESE KIDS ARE SAFE AND RECEIVE FREE EDUCATION. MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
4/21/202345 minutes, 58 seconds
Episode Artwork


.Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. When are your favorite times to listen to a Podcast?  Morning or noon?  would like to sponsor our Pastor's ministry? THANK YOU TO ALL OUR HAITIAN HELPING HANDS AND FAITHFUL PARTNERS. BECAUSE OF YOUR GENEROSITY, THESE KIDS ARE SAFE AND RECEIVE FREE EDUCATION. MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
4/19/202330 minutes
Episode Artwork


DÉVOTION NOCTURNE PAR LES FRÈRE DES HHH Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. When are your favorite times to listen to a Podcast?  Morning or noon?  would like to sponsor our Pastor's ministry? THANK YOU TO ALL OUR HAITIAN HELPING HANDS AND FAITHFUL PARTNERS. BECAUSE OF YOUR GENEROSITY, THESE KIDS ARE SAFE AND RECEIVE FREE EDUCATION. MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
4/19/202327 minutes, 45 seconds
Episode Artwork


.Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. When are your favorite times to listen to a Podcast?  Morning or noon?  would like to sponsor our Pastor's ministry? THANK YOU TO ALL OUR HAITIAN HELPING HANDS AND FAITHFUL PARTNERS. BECAUSE OF YOUR GENEROSITY, THESE KIDS ARE SAFE AND RECEIVE FREE EDUCATION. MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
4/18/202329 minutes, 59 seconds
Episode Artwork


DÉVOTION NOCTURNE PAR LES FRÈRE DES HHH Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. When are your favorite times to listen to a Podcast?  Morning or noon?  would like to sponsor our Pastor's ministry? THANK YOU TO ALL OUR HAITIAN HELPING HANDS AND FAITHFUL PARTNERS. BECAUSE OF YOUR GENEROSITY, THESE KIDS ARE SAFE AND RECEIVE FREE EDUCATION. MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
4/18/202330 minutes
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Dévotion nocturne avec les sœurs Flambeau de l’espoir.

Dévotion nocturne avec les sœurs Flambeau de l’espoir --- Support this podcast:
4/17/202345 minutes, 31 seconds
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Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. When are your favorite times to listen to a Podcast?  Morning or noon?  would like to sponsor our Pastor's ministry? THANK YOU TO ALL OUR HAITIAN HELPING HANDS AND FAITHFUL PARTNERS. BECAUSE OF YOUR GENEROSITY, THESE KIDS ARE SAFE AND RECEIVE FREE EDUCATION. MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
4/14/20231 minute, 30 seconds
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WORSHIP TIME .Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. When are your favorite times to listen to a Podcast?  Morning or noon?  would like to sponsor our Pastor's ministry? THANK YOU TO ALL OUR HAITIAN HELPING HANDS AND FAITHFUL PARTNERS. BECAUSE OF YOUR GENEROSITY, THESE KIDS ARE SAFE AND RECEIVE FREE EDUCATION. MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
4/14/202316 minutes, 44 seconds
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Dévotion Matinale avec les époux Chery

Dévotion Matinale avec les époux Chery --- Support this podcast:
4/14/202338 minutes, 35 seconds
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Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. When are your favorite times to listen to a Podcast?  Morning or noon?  would like to sponsor our Pastor's ministry? THANK YOU TO ALL OUR HAITIAN HELPING HANDS AND FAITHFUL PARTNERS. BECAUSE OF YOUR GENEROSITY, THESE KIDS ARE SAFE AND RECEIVE FREE EDUCATION. MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
4/14/202323 minutes, 17 seconds
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.Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. When are your favorite times to listen to a Podcast?  Morning or noon?  would like to sponsor our Pastor's ministry? THANK YOU TO ALL OUR HAITIAN HELPING HANDS AND FAITHFUL PARTNERS. BECAUSE OF YOUR GENEROSITY, THESE KIDS ARE SAFE AND RECEIVE FREE EDUCATION. MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
4/12/202345 minutes, 53 seconds
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Dévotion Matinale avec les époux Chery

Dévotion Matinale avec les époux Chery --- Support this podcast:
4/12/202336 minutes, 48 seconds
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Proverbes 22:6 LSG Instruis l'enfant selon la voie qu'il doit suivre; Et quand il sera vieux, il ne s'en détournera pas.

Proverbes 22:6 LSG Instruis l'enfant selon la voie qu'il doit suivre; Et quand il sera vieux, il ne s'en détournera pas.Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. When are your favorite times to listen to a Podcast?  Morning or noon?  would like to sponsor our Pastor's ministry? THANK YOU TO ALL OUR HAITIAN HELPING HANDS AND FAITHFUL PARTNERS. BECAUSE OF YOUR GENEROSITY, THESE KIDS ARE SAFE AND RECEIVE FREE EDUCATION. MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
4/12/20231 minute, 28 seconds
Episode Artwork


'C'EST L'HEURE DE PRIÈRE AVEC FRÈRE WILFRID BASQUIN .Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. When are your favorite times to listen to a Podcast?  Morning or noon?  would like to sponsor our Pastor's ministry? THANK YOU TO ALL OUR HAITIAN HELPING HANDS AND FAITHFUL PARTNERS. BECAUSE OF YOUR GENEROSITY, THESE KIDS ARE SAFE AND RECEIVE FREE EDUCATION. MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
4/12/202310 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork


.Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. When are your favorite times to listen to a Podcast?  Morning or noon?  would like to sponsor our Pastor's ministry? THANK YOU TO ALL OUR HAITIAN HELPING HANDS AND FAITHFUL PARTNERS. BECAUSE OF YOUR GENEROSITY, THESE KIDS ARE SAFE AND RECEIVE FREE EDUCATION. MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
4/12/202329 minutes, 20 seconds
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.Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. When are your favorite times to listen to a Podcast?  Morning or noon?  would like to sponsor our Pastor's ministry? THANK YOU TO ALL OUR HAITIAN HELPING HANDS AND FAITHFUL PARTNERS. BECAUSE OF YOUR GENEROSITY, THESE KIDS ARE SAFE AND RECEIVE FREE EDUCATION. MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
4/11/202330 minutes, 59 seconds
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Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. When are your favorite times to listen to a Podcast?  Morning or noon?  would like to sponsor our Pastor's ministry? THANK YOU TO ALL OUR HAITIAN HELPING HANDS AND FAITHFUL PARTNERS. BECAUSE OF YOUR GENEROSITY, THESE KIDS ARE SAFE AND RECEIVE FREE EDUCATION. MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
4/11/202330 minutes
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.Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. When are your favorite times to listen to a Podcast?  Morning or noon?  would like to sponsor our Pastor's ministry? THANK YOU TO ALL OUR HAITIAN HELPING HANDS AND FAITHFUL PARTNERS. BECAUSE OF YOUR GENEROSITY, THESE KIDS ARE SAFE AND RECEIVE FREE EDUCATION. MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
4/10/202330 minutes
Episode Artwork


DÉVOTION LES SOEURS FLAMBEAU DE L'ESPOIR .Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. When are your favorite times to listen to a Podcast?  Morning or noon?  would like to sponsor our Pastor's ministry? THANK YOU TO ALL OUR HAITIAN HELPING HANDS AND FAITHFUL PARTNERS. BECAUSE OF YOUR GENEROSITY, THESE KIDS ARE SAFE AND RECEIVE FREE EDUCATION. MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
4/8/202329 minutes, 59 seconds
Episode Artwork


.Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. When are your favorite times to listen to a Podcast?  Morning or noon?  would like to sponsor our Pastor's ministry? THANK YOU TO ALL OUR HAITIAN HELPING HANDS AND FAITHFUL PARTNERS. BECAUSE OF YOUR GENEROSITY, THESE KIDS ARE SAFE AND RECEIVE FREE EDUCATION. MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
4/7/202329 minutes, 36 seconds
Episode Artwork


.Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. When are your favorite times to listen to a Podcast?  Morning or noon?  would like to sponsor our Pastor's ministry? THANK YOU TO ALL OUR HAITIAN HELPING HANDS AND FAITHFUL PARTNERS. BECAUSE OF YOUR GENEROSITY, THESE KIDS ARE SAFE AND RECEIVE FREE EDUCATION. MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
4/7/202330 minutes
Episode Artwork


.Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. When are your favorite times to listen to a Podcast?  Morning or noon?  would like to sponsor our Pastor's ministry? THANK YOU TO ALL OUR HAITIAN HELPING HANDS AND FAITHFUL PARTNERS. BECAUSE OF YOUR GENEROSITY, THESE KIDS ARE SAFE AND RECEIVE FREE EDUCATION. MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
4/6/202323 minutes, 17 seconds
Episode Artwork


ADORATION ET LOUANGE L'EGLISE JESUS VIVANT DES NIPPES .Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. When are your favorite times to listen to a Podcast?  Morning or noon?  would like to sponsor our Pastor's ministry? THANK YOU TO ALL OUR HAITIAN HELPING HANDS AND FAITHFUL PARTNERS. BECAUSE OF YOUR GENEROSITY, THESE KIDS ARE SAFE AND RECEIVE FREE EDUCATION. MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
4/6/202358 minutes, 21 seconds
Episode Artwork


LECTURE DU LIVRE DE JESUS VIVANT CULTURE GUIDE. .Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. When are your favorite times to listen to a Podcast?  Morning or noon?  would like to sponsor our Pastor's ministry? THANK YOU TO ALL OUR HAITIAN HELPING HANDS AND FAITHFUL PARTNERS. BECAUSE OF YOUR GENEROSITY, THESE KIDS ARE SAFE AND RECEIVE FREE EDUCATION. MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
4/6/202330 minutes, 59 seconds
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DEVOTION MATINALE AVEC LES EPOUX .Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. When are your favorite times to listen to a Podcast?  Morning or noon?  would like to sponsor our Pastor's ministry? THANK YOU TO ALL OUR HAITIAN HELPING HANDS AND FAITHFUL PARTNERS. BECAUSE OF YOUR GENEROSITY, THESE KIDS ARE SAFE AND RECEIVE FREE EDUCATION. MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
4/5/202330 minutes
Episode Artwork


Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. When are your favorite times to listen to a Podcast?  Morning or noon?  would like to sponsor our Pastor's ministry? THANK YOU TO ALL OUR HAITIAN HELPING HANDS AND FAITHFUL PARTNERS. BECAUSE OF YOUR GENEROSITY, THESE KIDS ARE SAFE AND RECEIVE FREE EDUCATION. MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
4/4/202315 minutes, 46 seconds
Episode Artwork


Slogan Misyon An Jesus Vivant . SLOGAN HHH Slogan Misyon An Jesus Vivant . SLOGAN HHH 1.Levanjil la se mesaj nou. 2.Disip se objektif nou 3.Lapriyè se lavi nou 4.Adorasyon se zam nou 5.Jenerozite se kè nou 6. Misyon se mezi nou DEVIZ ANPLWAYE HHH (VOLONTÈ KI NA HHYO. (Staff Motto 1.Bondye chwazi m pou sezon sa a. 2.Li ekipe m pou travay sa a 3.Mwen se yon lidè enfliyan. 4.Mwen se yon pwofesè pasyan Mwen se yon elèv kap aprann 5.Nou pwoaktif, pa reyaktif 6.Nou estriktire men fleksib 7.Bondye gen repons lan, nou pral fè tout sa pou jwenn solisyon an 1 Tesalonisyen 5:1-23 --- Support this podcast:
4/3/202334 minutes, 2 seconds
Episode Artwork

Dévotion Matinale avec les epoux Chery

Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. When are your favorite times to listen to a Podcast?  Morning or noon?  would like to sponsor our Pastor's ministry? THANK YOU TO ALL OUR HAITIAN HELPING HANDS AND FAITHFUL PARTNERS. BECAUSE OF YOUR GENEROSITY, THESE KIDS ARE SAFE AND RECEIVE FREE EDUCATION. MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
3/31/202330 minutes
Episode Artwork


Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. When are your favorite times to listen to a Podcast?  Morning or noon?  would like to sponsor our Pastor's ministry? THANK YOU TO ALL OUR HAITIAN HELPING HANDS AND FAITHFUL PARTNERS. BECAUSE OF YOUR GENEROSITY, THESE KIDS ARE SAFE AND RECEIVE FREE EDUCATION. MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502  When are your favorite times to listen to a Podcast?  Morning or noon?  would like to sponsor our Pastor's ministry? --- Support this podcast:
3/29/202315 minutes, 11 seconds
Episode Artwork


Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. When are your favorite times to listen to a Podcast?  Morning or noon?  would like to sponsor our Pastor's ministry? THANK YOU TO ALL OUR HAITIAN HELPING HANDS AND FAITHFUL PARTNERS. BECAUSE OF YOUR GENEROSITY, THESE KIDS ARE SAFE AND RECEIVE FREE EDUCATION. MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502  --- Support this podcast:
3/29/202330 minutes
Episode Artwork


DÉVOTION AVC LES EPOUX CHERY Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. When are your favorite times to listen to a Podcast?  Morning or noon?  would like to sponsor our Pastor's ministry? THANK YOU TO ALL OUR HAITIAN HELPING HANDS AND FAITHFUL PARTNERS. BECAUSE OF YOUR GENEROSITY, THESE KIDS ARE SAFE AND RECEIVE FREE EDUCATION. MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502  --- Support this podcast:
3/27/202330 minutes
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C'EST L'HEURE DE DÉVOTION AVEC LES EPOUX CHERY Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. When are your favorite times to listen to a Podcast?  Morning or noon?  would like to sponsor our Pastor's ministry? THANK YOU TO ALL OUR HAITIAN HELPING HANDS AND FAITHFUL PARTNERS. BECAUSE OF YOUR GENEROSITY, THESE KIDS ARE SAFE AND RECEIVE FREE EDUCATION. MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
3/25/202330 minutes
Episode Artwork


DÉVOTION MATINALE AVEC FRÈRE HENRI NOTY. DU COTÉ DU CANADA. Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. When are your favorite times to listen to a Podcast?  Morning or noon?  would like to sponsor our Pastor's ministry? THANK YOU TO ALL OUR HAITIAN HELPING HANDS AND FAITHFUL PARTNERS. BECAUSE OF YOUR GENEROSITY, THESE KIDS ARE SAFE AND RECEIVE FREE EDUCATION. MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
3/24/202323 minutes, 7 seconds
Episode Artwork


Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. When are your favorite times to listen to a Podcast?  Morning or noon?  would like to sponsor our Pastor's ministry? THANK YOU TO ALL OUR HAITIAN HELPING HANDS AND FAITHFUL PARTNERS. BECAUSE OF YOUR GENEROSITY, THESE KIDS ARE SAFE AND RECEIVE FREE EDUCATION. MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
3/23/202331 minutes, 44 seconds
Episode Artwork


Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. When are your favorite times to listen to a Podcast?  Morning or noon?  would like to sponsor our Pastor's ministry? THANK YOU TO ALL OUR HAITIAN HELPING HANDS AND FAITHFUL PARTNERS. BECAUSE OF YOUR GENEROSITY, THESE KIDS ARE SAFE AND RECEIVE FREE EDUCATION. MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502  --- Support this podcast:
3/22/202330 minutes
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3/20/202330 minutes
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LES SOEUR FLAMBEAU --- Support this podcast:
3/18/202330 minutes
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C'EST L'HEURE DE PRIÈRE AVEC BERNARD Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. When are your favorite times to listen to a Podcast?  Morning or noon?  would like to sponsor our Pastor's ministry? THANK YOU TO ALL OUR HAITIAN HELPING HANDS AND FAITHFUL PARTNERS. BECAUSE OF YOUR GENEROSITY, THESE KIDS ARE SAFE AND RECEIVE FREE EDUCATION. MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502  --- Support this podcast:
3/18/202312 minutes, 39 seconds
Episode Artwork


Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. When are your favorite times to listen to a Podcast? Morning or noon? would like to sponsor our Pastor's ministry? THANK YOU TO ALL OUR HAITIAN HELPING HANDS AND FAITHFUL PARTNERS. BECAUSE OF YOUR GENEROSITY, THESE KIDS ARE SAFE AND RECEIVE FREE EDUCATION. MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
3/17/202330 minutes
Episode Artwork


C'EST L'HEURE DE LA DEVOTION AVEC LES EPOUX CHERY Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. When are your favorite times to listen to a Podcast? Morning or noon? would like to sponsor our Pastor's ministry? --- Support this podcast:
3/13/202330 minutes
Episode Artwork


C'EST L'HEURE LA PRIÈRE AVEC LES SRS YOLÈNE ET SOPHIE LES SOEURS FLAMBEAU DE L'ESPOIR Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. When are your favorite times to listen to a Podcast?  Morning or noon? would like to sponsor our Pastor's ministry? When are your favorite times to listen to a Podcast?  Morning or noon? would like to sponsor our Pastor's ministry? how can we pray for you? MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502  --- Support this podcast:
3/11/202350 minutes, 5 seconds
Episode Artwork


Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. When areC'EST L'HEUR DE PRIÈRE AVEC your favorite times to listen to a Podcast? Morning or noon? would like to sponsor our Pastor's ministry? MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 When are your favorite times to listen to a Podcast?  Morning or noon? would like to sponsor our Pastor's ministry? --- Support this podcast:
3/10/202323 minutes, 7 seconds
Episode Artwork


C'EST L'HEURE DE PRIÈRE AVEC LES CHERY Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
3/10/202330 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork


Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
3/9/202331 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork


Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
3/8/202330 minutes
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PRIÈRE FR H --- Support this podcast:
3/7/20237 minutes, 44 seconds
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C'EST L'HEUR DE PRIÈRE AVEC LES EPOUX CHERYHaitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Hai

C'EST L'HEUR DE PRIÈRE AVEC  LES EPOUX CHERYHaitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
3/7/202330 minutes
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FÈRE BERLUS  --- Support this podcast:
3/4/202323 minutes, 10 seconds
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DEVOTION  --- Support this podcast:
3/3/202323 minutes, 7 seconds
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LES PRICIPES Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investi

LES PRICIPES Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
3/2/202318 minutes, 55 seconds
Episode Artwork


Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
3/2/202311 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork


Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
3/2/202324 minutes, 56 seconds
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3/2/202331 minutes, 11 seconds
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3/2/202311 minutes, 1 second
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3/2/202339 minutes, 52 seconds
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DÉVOTION NOCTURNE Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
3/2/202339 minutes, 52 seconds
Episode Artwork


Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
3/2/202337 minutes, 30 seconds
Episode Artwork


Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
2/25/202312 minutes, 52 seconds
Episode Artwork


Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
2/24/202330 minutes
Episode Artwork


Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
2/24/202323 minutes, 10 seconds
Episode Artwork


Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
2/20/20239 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork


Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
2/20/202330 minutes
Episode Artwork


DIMANCHE 19 SERVICE  Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
2/19/202329 minutes, 35 seconds
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Dévotion Matinale avec les des 3H

Dévotion Matinale avec les des 3H --- Support this podcast:
2/19/20235 hours, 15 minutes, 48 seconds
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Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
2/19/202326 seconds
Episode Artwork


Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
2/17/202331 minutes, 1 second
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2/17/202330 minutes
Episode Artwork


Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502  --- Support this podcast:
2/17/20237 minutes, 21 seconds
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LEKITI FANM 3H --- Support this podcast:
2/16/20235 minutes, 39 seconds
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2/16/202330 minutes
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Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
2/15/20232 minutes, 55 seconds
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2/15/202330 minutes
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DEVOTION HHH --- Support this podcast:
2/15/202346 minutes, 59 seconds
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DEVOTION LES SOEURS FLAMBEAU DE L'ESPOIR . Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
2/15/202330 minutes
Episode Artwork


Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
2/15/202327 minutes, 9 seconds
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DEVOTION LES EPOUX CHERY  --- Support this podcast:
2/13/202330 minutes
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Si kris pat avem kotem ta yé

Si kris pat avem kotem ta yé  --- Support this podcast:
2/13/202313 minutes, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork


LES PARABOLES DE JESUS CHRIST .LA PARABLE DES DEUX  BATISSEURS #2 Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
2/12/202331 minutes, 22 seconds
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MOMENT AVEC DIEU --- Support this podcast:
2/10/202314 minutes, 59 seconds
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2/10/202330 minutes
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DEVOTION NOCTURNE AVEC FAMILLE 3H Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
2/9/202330 minutes
Episode Artwork


Haitian Helping Hands is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing access to education, planting churches, and empowering entrepreneurs in Haiti. We believe that by investing in the education and empowerment of the Haitian people, we can help to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for all. Through our programs, we work to provide access to education for children and adults, building schools and providing scholarships to those in need. We also plant churches in communities across Haiti, helping to provide spiritual support and guidance to the people. Furthermore, we empower entrepreneurs by providing training and resources to help them start and grow their own businesses. We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the lives of the Haitian people. Join us in our mission and support Haitian Helping Hands today. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
2/8/202331 minutes, 1 second
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Meditation avec Frère Emmanuel Georges

Meditation avec Frère Emmanuel Georges --- Support this podcast:
2/7/202325 minutes, 33 seconds
Episode Artwork


DEVOTION NOCTURNE AVEC LES SOEURS DE HHH (LES SOEURS FLAMBEAU DE L'ESPOIR D'HAITI) HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti by creating native lead disciple-making churches, Empowering local entrepreneurship, and creating access to education. Our goal is to create a group of Disciples that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! Join us in inviting a whole country into the love of JESUS! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
2/6/202314 minutes, 34 seconds
Episode Artwork


SCHOOL IS FINELY OPEN BECAUSE OF YOUR HHH WAS ABLE TO HIRE 4 TEACHERS CONGRATULATION TO ALL HHH PARTNERS  HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti by creating native lead disciple-making churches, Empowering local entrepreneurship, and creating access to education. Our goal is to create a group of Disciples that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! Join us in inviting a whole country into the love of JESUS! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
2/5/20235 minutes, 44 seconds
Episode Artwork

HHH is a non-profit organization

HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti by creating native lead disciple-making churches, Empowering local entrepreneurship, and creating access to education. Our goal is to create a group of Disciples that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! Join us in inviting a whole country into the love of JESUS! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
2/4/20231 minute, 31 seconds
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2/4/202340 minutes, 4 seconds
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HELO FAMILY AND FRIENDS HERE WE ARE AGAIN. WITH OUR ANCHOR RIKI JOSEPH PLEASE TAKE A LITTLE TIME TO WELCOME OUR BROTHER RIKI JOSEPH.  HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti by creating native lead disciple-making churches, Empowering local entrepreneurship, and creating access to education. Our goal is to create a group of Disciples that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! Join us in inviting a whole country into the love of JESUS! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
2/4/20231 minute, 38 seconds
Episode Artwork

HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti by creating native lead disciple-making churches, Empowering local entrepreneurship, and creating access to educati

HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti by creating native lead disciple-making churches, Empowering local entrepreneurship, and creating access to education. Our goal is to create a group of Disciples that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! Join us in inviting a whole country into the love of JESUS! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 Salut, tout le monde espère que vous allez bien et que vous avez passé une excellente action de grâces avec votre famille et vos amis. --- Support this podcast:
2/4/202315 seconds
Episode Artwork

HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti by creating native lead disciple-making churches, Empowering local entrepreneurship, and creating access to educati

HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti by creating native lead disciple-making churches, Empowering local entrepreneurship, and creating access to education. Our goal is to create a group of Disciples that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! Join us in inviting a whole country into the love of JESUS! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
2/1/202315 seconds
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MOMENT DE PRIÈRE  AVEC SEOUR CHERY.  --- Support this podcast:
2/1/202331 minutes
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Dévotion with Dee & Ed.

Dévotion with Dee & Ed. --- Support this podcast:
1/31/20232 hours, 53 minutes, 51 seconds
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La lecture de la parole du Seigneur avec sr Chery. Pwoveb 14:16-35

La lecture de la parole du Seigneur avec sr Chery. Pwoveb 14:16-35 --- Support this podcast:
1/29/202316 minutes, 23 seconds
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Dévotion nocturne avec les frères des 3J

Dévotion nocturne avec les frères des 3J --- Support this podcast:
1/25/20233 hours, 51 minutes, 18 seconds
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Prière du matin

Prière du matin --- Support this podcast:
1/25/202312 minutes, 40 seconds
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Prière du matin

Prière du matin --- Support this podcast:
1/25/202323 minutes, 29 seconds
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Haitian Helping Hands (Trailer)

--- Support this podcast:
1/25/202359 seconds
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Dévotion --- Support this podcast:
1/20/202352 minutes, 27 seconds
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Dévotion Matinale avec les époux Chery

Dévotion Matinale avec les époux Chery --- Support this podcast:
1/20/202327 minutes, 11 seconds
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Dévotion nocturne avec les sœurs Resinette et Micheline

Dévotion nocturne avec les sœurs Resinette et Micheline --- Support this podcast:
1/19/202330 minutes
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Dévotion matinale avec les époux Chery

Dévotion matinale avec les époux Chery --- Support this podcast:
1/17/202322 minutes, 16 seconds
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Dévotion matinale avec les époux Chery

Dévotion matinale avec les époux Chery --- Support this podcast:
1/16/202318 minutes, 1 second
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La Bible expliquée dans une

La Bible expliquée dans une --- Support this podcast:
1/11/202314 minutes, 23 seconds
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C’est l’heure de la Bible expliquée

C’est l’heure de la Bible expliquée --- Support this podcast:
1/10/202316 minutes, 8 seconds
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First HHH dévotion with our brothers from Brésil and Chilli

First HHH dévotion with our brothers from Brésil and Chilli --- Support this podcast:
1/10/202323 minutes, 35 seconds
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C'EST L'HEURE DE L'EMISSION BIBLE À LA MAIN AVEC PASTEUR . HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti by creating native lead disciple-making churches, Empowering local entrepreneurship, and creating access to education. Our goal is to create a group of Disciples that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! Join us in inviting a whole country into the love of JESUS! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
1/9/202330 minutes
Episode Artwork


LES SRS FLAMBEAU DE L'ESPOIR  HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti by creating native lead disciple-making churches, Empowering local entrepreneurship, and creating access to education. Our goal is to create a group of Disciples that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! Join us in inviting a whole country into the love of JESUS! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
1/6/202350 minutes
Episode Artwork


HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU ALL --- Support this podcast:
1/2/20235 minutes, 44 seconds
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12/28/202227 minutes, 42 seconds
Episode Artwork


C'EST L'HEURE DE L'EMISSION BIBL  À LA MAIN . LES MAGES SONT VENUS REND HOMAGE À L'ENFANT JESUS MT 2:1-12 AVEC PASTEUR . HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti by creating native lead disciple-making churches, Empowering local entrepreneurship, and creating access to education. Our goal is to create a group of Disciples that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! Join us in inviting a whole country into the love of JESUS! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 Salut, tout le monde espère que vous allez bien et que vous avez passé une excellente action de grâces avec votre famille et vos amis. Alors que nous approchons de la fin de l'année 2022, nous aimerions vous inviter à être une bénédiction pour votre famille d'église élargie en Haïti ! Nous avons fourni des cadeaux suggérés qui sont bien accueillis dans la culture haïtienne. Nous demandons qu'aucune somme d'argent ne soit envoyée directement aux enfants. L'achat de ces articles auprès de notre entreprise locale en Haïti aidera à soutenir les économies en Haïti. Ce serait une double bénédiction : bénir les enfants et bénir la communauté ! GARÇONS Sac Bouteilles d'eau Chapeau Slips / Boxers Pantalons Chaussures de tennis/ Cologne Camions/voitures Transistor Radio Ballon de football et pompe Portefeuille Montre T-shirts Billes Chemises Chaussettes Vélo Lunettes Gant de toilette Serviette Savon Dentifrice Brosse à dents Peignes larges Pansements Jouets Blocs de construction FILLES Sac Bouteilles d'eau Bonnet / écharpe Culotte Fournitures de couture Montre Parfum, poudre Collier / bracelet Transistor Radio Miroir Sacs Accessoires pour cheveux Jacks Chaussures de tennis / sandales Jupe, robe Blouse, T-shirt Chaussettes Nounours Vélos Poupées Lunettes Poupées Corde à sauter Puzzles Jouets musicaux ARTICLES DE FAMILLE Pansements Shampooing Vitamine oreiller Draps (plein format plat) Nappes Aiguilles Fil Haricots Pinto Lampe Piles Bonbons Biscuits Sac de riz à grains longs Gommes Crayons SCOLAIRES Stylos Cahiers Livres en français Colle Parapluie Bible créole Corde à sauter Calculatrice Crayons Ciseaux Lampe de poche Cartes de soustraction Cartes de multiplication Vélos Crayons de couleur Ensembles géométriques non périssable collations sèches alimentaires. Pour plus d'informations. Vérifiez avec Dee @ HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
12/25/202233 minutes, 56 seconds
Episode Artwork


        MERRY CHRISTMAS  C'EST L'HEURE DE LA BIBLE EXPLIQUÉE DANS UNE ANNÉE.  HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti by creating native lead disciple-making churches, Empowering local entrepreneurship, and creating access to education. Our goal is to create a group of Disciples that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! Join us in inviting a whole country into the love of JESUS! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
12/24/202216 minutes, 32 seconds
Episode Artwork


C'EST L'HEURE DE LA BIBLE EXPLIQUÉE DANS UNE ANNÉE.  C'EST L'HEURE DE L'EMISSION BIBLE À LA MAIN AVEC PASTEUR . HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti by creating native lead disciple-making churches, Empowering local entrepreneurship, and creating access to education. Our goal is to create a group of Disciples that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! Join us in inviting a whole country into the love of JESUS! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 Salut, tout le monde espère que vous allez bien et que vous avez passé une excellente action de grâces avec votre famille et vos amis. Alors que nous approchons de la fin de l'année 2022, nous aimerions vous inviter à être une bénédiction pour votre famille d'église élargie en Haïti ! Nous avons fourni des cadeaux suggérés qui sont bien accueillis dans la culture haïtienne. Nous demandons qu'aucune somme d'argent ne soit envoyée directement aux enfants. L'achat de ces articles auprès de notre entreprise locale en Haïti aidera à soutenir les économies en Haïti. Ce serait une double bénédiction : bénir les enfants et bénir la communauté ! GARÇONS Sac Bouteilles d'eau Chapeau Slips / Boxers Pantalons Chaussures de tennis/ Cologne Camions/voitures Transistor Radio Ballon de football et pompe Portefeuille Montre T-shirts Billes Chemises Chaussettes Vélo Lunettes Gant de toilette Serviette Savon Dentifrice Brosse à dents Peignes larges Pansements Jouets Blocs de construction FILLES Sac Bouteilles d'eau Bonnet / écharpe Culotte Fournitures de couture Montre Parfum, poudre Collier / bracelet Transistor Radio Miroir Sacs Accessoires pour cheveux Jacks Chaussures de tennis / sandales Jupe, robe Blouse, T-shirt Chaussettes Nounours Vélos Poupées Lunettes Poupées Corde à sauter Puzzles Jouets musicaux ARTICLES DE FAMILLE Pansements Shampooing Vitamine oreiller Draps (plein format plat) Nappes Aiguilles Fil Haricots Pinto Lampe Piles Bonbons Biscuits Sac de riz à grains longs Gommes Crayons SCOLAIRES Stylos Cahiers Livres en français Colle Parapluie Bible créole Corde à sauter Calculatrice Crayons Ciseaux Lampe de poche Cartes de soustraction Cartes de multiplication Vélos Crayons de couleur Ensembles géométriques non périssable collations sèches alimentaires. Pour plus d'informations. Vérifiez avec Dee @ HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
12/22/202219 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork


C'EST L'HEURE DE LA BIBLE EXPLIQUÉE DANS UNE ANNÉE.  C'EST L'HEURE DE L'EMISSION BIBLE À LA MAIN AVEC PASTEUR . HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti by creating native lead disciple-making churches, Empowering local entrepreneurship, and creating access to education. Our goal is to create a group of Disciples that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! Join us in inviting a whole country into the love of JESUS! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 Salut, tout le monde espère que vous allez bien et que vous avez passé une excellente action de grâces avec votre famille et vos amis. Alors que nous approchons de la fin de l'année 2022, nous aimerions vous inviter à être une bénédiction pour votre famille d'église élargie en Haïti ! Nous avons fourni des cadeaux suggérés qui sont bien accueillis dans la culture haïtienne. Nous demandons qu'aucune somme d'argent ne soit envoyée directement aux enfants. L'achat de ces articles auprès de notre entreprise locale en Haïti aidera à soutenir les économies en Haïti. Ce serait une double bénédiction : bénir les enfants et bénir la communauté ! GARÇONS Sac Bouteilles d'eau Chapeau Slips / Boxers Pantalons Chaussures de tennis/ Cologne Camions/voitures Transistor Radio Ballon de football et pompe Portefeuille Montre T-shirts Billes Chemises Chaussettes Vélo Lunettes Gant de toilette Serviette Savon Dentifrice Brosse à dents Peignes larges Pansements Jouets Blocs de construction FILLES Sac Bouteilles d'eau Bonnet / écharpe Culotte Fournitures de couture Montre Parfum, poudre Collier / bracelet Transistor Radio Miroir Sacs Accessoires pour cheveux Jacks Chaussures de tennis / sandales Jupe, robe Blouse, T-shirt Chaussettes Nounours Vélos Poupées Lunettes Poupées Corde à sauter Puzzles Jouets musicaux ARTICLES DE FAMILLE Pansements Shampooing Vitamine oreiller Draps (plein format plat) Nappes Aiguilles Fil Haricots Pinto Lampe Piles Bonbons Biscuits Sac de riz à grains longs Gommes Crayons SCOLAIRES Stylos Cahiers Livres en français Colle Parapluie Bible créole Corde à sauter Calculatrice Crayons Ciseaux Lampe de poche Cartes de soustraction Cartes de multiplication Vélos Crayons de couleur Ensembles géométriques non périssable collations sèches alimentaires. Pour plus d'informations. Vérifiez avec Dee @ HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
12/22/202221 minutes, 44 seconds
Episode Artwork

Our goal is to create a group of Disciples that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! Join us in inviting a whole

HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti by creating native lead disciple-making churches, Empowering local entrepreneurship, and creating access to education. Our goal is to create a group of Disciples that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! Join us in inviting a whole country into the love of JESUS! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 Salut, tout le monde espère que vous allez bien et que vous avez passé une excellente action de grâces avec votre famille et vos amis. Alors que nous approchons de la fin de l'année 2022, nous aimerions vous inviter à être une bénédiction pour votre famille d'église élargie en Haïti ! Nous avons fourni des cadeaux suggérés qui sont bien accueillis dans la culture haïtienne. Nous demandons qu'aucune somme d'argent ne soit envoyée directement aux enfants. L'achat de ces articles auprès de notre entreprise locale en Haïti aidera à soutenir les économies en Haïti. Ce serait une double bénédiction : bénir les enfants et bénir la communauté ! GARÇONS Sac Bouteilles d'eau Chapeau Slips / Boxers Pantalons Chaussures de tennis/ Cologne Camions/voitures Transistor Radio Ballon de football et pompe Portefeuille Montre T-shirts Billes Chemises Chaussettes Vélo Lunettes Gant de toilette Serviette Savon Dentifrice Brosse à dents Peignes larges Pansements Jouets Blocs de construction FILLES Sac Bouteilles d'eau Bonnet / écharpe Culotte Fournitures de couture Montre Parfum, poudre Collier / bracelet Transistor Radio Miroir Sacs Accessoires pour cheveux Jacks Chaussures de tennis / sandales Jupe, robe Blouse, T-shirt Chaussettes Nounours Vélos Poupées Lunettes Poupées Corde à sauter Puzzles Jouets musicaux ARTICLES DE FAMILLE Pansements Shampooing Vitamine oreiller Draps (plein format plat) Nappes Aiguilles Fil Haricots Pinto Lampe Piles Bonbons Biscuits Sac de riz à grains longs Gommes Crayons SCOLAIRES Stylos Cahiers Livres en français Colle Parapluie Bible créole Corde à sauter Calculatrice Crayons Ciseaux Lampe de poche Cartes de soustraction Cartes de multiplication Vélos Crayons de couleur Ensembles géométriques non périssable collations sèches alimentaires. Pour plus d'informations. Vérifiez avec Dee @ HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
12/21/20224 minutes, 47 seconds
Episode Artwork


C'EST L'HEURE DE LA PRIÈRE PRENONS LA PLACE AUTOUR DE LA TABLE. We have provided suggested gifts that are well received within the Haitian culture. We do ask that no money be sent directly to the children. BOYS Backpack Water Bottles Hat Briefs / Boxers Pants Shoes-tennis/ Cologne Trucks/Cars Transistor Radio Soccer Ball & Pump Wallet Watch T-Shirts Marbles Shirts Socks Bicycle Sunglasses Washcloth Towel Soap Toothpaste Toothbrush Wide Combs Band-aids Toy Building Blocks GIRLS Backpack Water Bottles Hat/scarf Panties Sewing Supplies Watch Perfume, Powder Necklace/ bracelet Transistor Radio Mirror Purses Hair accessories Jacks Shoes- tennis/ Sandals Skirt, dress Blouse, T Shirt Socks Teddy Bears Bicycles Dolls Sunglasses Dolls Jump Rope Pu… [6:50 PM, 11/26/2022] Dee Chery: If you are interested in being a blessing to your extended church family in Haiti. We have provided suggested gifts that are well received within the Haitian culture. We do ask that no money be sent directly to the children. BOYS Backpack Water Bottles Hat Briefs / Boxers Pants Shoes-tennis/ Cologne Trucks/Cars Transistor Radio Soccer Ball & Pump Wallet Watch T-Shirts Marbles Shirts Socks Bicycle Sunglasses Washcloth Towel Soap Toothpaste Toothbrush Wide Combs Band-aids Toy Building Blocks GIRLS Backpack Water Bottles Hat/scarf Panties Sewing Supplies Watch Perfume, Powder Necklace/ bracelet Transistor Radio Mirror Purses Hair accessories Jacks Shoes- tennis/ Sandals Skirt, dress Blouse, T Shirt Socks Teddy Bears Bicycles Dolls Sunglasses Dolls Jump Rope Puzzles Musical Toys FAMILY ITEMS Band-Aids Shampoo Vitamins Pillowcases Sheets (full-size flat ) Tablecloths Needles Thread Pinto Beans Flashlight Batteries Hard Candy Cookies Bag of Long Grain Rice SCHOOL Erasers Pencils Pens Notebooks French books Glue Umbrella Creole Bible Jump Rope Calculator Crayons Scissors Flashlight Subtraction Cards Multiplication Cards Bicycles Color Pencils Geometric Sets none perishable food dry snacks. For more info. Check with Dee @ --- Support this podcast:
12/20/202227 minutes, 51 seconds
Episode Artwork


HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti by creating native lead disciple-making churches, Empowering local entrepreneurship, and creating access to education. Our goal is to create a group of Disciples that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! Join us in inviting a whole country into the love of JESUS! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 Salut, tout le monde espère que vous allez bien et que vous avez passé une excellente action de grâces avec votre famille et vos amis. Alors que nous approchons de la fin de l'année 2022, nous aimerions vous inviter à être une bénédiction pour votre famille d'église élargie en Haïti ! Nous avons fourni des cadeaux suggérés qui sont bien accueillis dans la culture haïtienne. Nous demandons qu'aucune somme d'argent ne soit envoyée directement aux enfants. L'achat de ces articles auprès de notre entreprise locale en Haïti aidera à soutenir les économies en Haïti. Ce serait une double bénédiction : bénir les enfants et bénir la communauté ! GARÇONS Sac Bouteilles d'eau Chapeau Slips / Boxers Pantalons Chaussures de tennis/ Cologne Camions/voitures Transistor Radio Ballon de football et pompe Portefeuille Montre T-shirts Billes Chemises Chaussettes Vélo Lunettes Gant de toilette Serviette Savon Dentifrice Brosse à dents Peignes larges Pansements Jouets Blocs de construction FILLES Sac Bouteilles d'eau Bonnet / écharpe Culotte Fournitures de couture Montre Parfum, poudre Collier / bracelet Transistor Radio Miroir Sacs Accessoires pour cheveux Jacks Chaussures de tennis / sandales Jupe, robe Blouse, T-shirt Chaussettes Nounours Vélos Poupées Lunettes Poupées Corde à sauter Puzzles Jouets musicaux ARTICLES DE FAMILLE Pansements Shampooing Vitamine oreiller Draps (plein format plat) Nappes Aiguilles Fil Haricots Pinto Lampe Piles Bonbons Biscuits Sac de riz à grains longs Gommes Crayons SCOLAIRES Stylos Cahiers Livres en français Colle Parapluie Bible créole Corde à sauter Calculatrice Crayons Ciseaux Lampe de poche Cartes de soustraction Cartes de multiplication Vélos Crayons de couleur Ensembles géométriques non périssable collations sèches alimentaires. Pour plus d'informations. Vérifiez avec Dee @ HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
12/18/202212 minutes, 31 seconds
Episode Artwork


C'EST L'HEURE DE LA PEIÈRE AVEC LES SRS FLAMBEAU DE L'ESPOIR. HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti by creating native lead disciple-making churches, Empowering local entrepreneurship, and creating access to education. Our goal is to create a group of Disciples that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! Join us in inviting a whole country into the love of JESUS! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 Salut, tout le monde espère que vous allez bien et que vous avez passé une excellente action de grâces avec votre famille et vos amis. Alors que nous approchons de la fin de l'année 2022, nous aimerions vous inviter à être une bénédiction pour votre famille d'église élargie en Haïti ! Nous avons fourni des cadeaux suggérés qui sont bien accueillis dans la culture haïtienne. Nous demandons qu'aucune somme d'argent ne soit envoyée directement aux enfants. L'achat de ces articles auprès de notre entreprise locale en Haïti aidera à soutenir les économies en Haïti. Ce serait une double bénédiction : bénir les enfants et bénir la communauté ! GARÇONS Sac Bouteilles d'eau Chapeau Slips / Boxers Pantalons Chaussures de tennis/ Cologne Camions/voitures Transistor Radio Ballon de football et pompe Portefeuille Montre T-shirts Billes Chemises Chaussettes Vélo Lunettes Gant de toilette Serviette Savon Dentifrice Brosse à dents Peignes larges Pansements Jouets Blocs de construction FILLES Sac Bouteilles d'eau Bonnet / écharpe Culotte Fournitures de couture Montre Parfum, poudre Collier / bracelet Transistor Radio Miroir Sacs Accessoires pour cheveux Jacks Chaussures de tennis / sandales Jupe, robe Blouse, T-shirt Chaussettes Nounours Vélos Poupées Lunettes Poupées Corde à sauter Puzzles Jouets musicaux ARTICLES DE FAMILLE Pansements Shampooing Vitamine oreiller Draps (plein format plat) Nappes Aiguilles Fil Haricots Pinto Lampe Piles Bonbons Biscuits Sac de riz à grains longs Gommes Crayons SCOLAIRES Stylos Cahiers Livres en français Colle Parapluie Bible créole Corde à sauter Calculatrice Crayons Ciseaux Lampe de poche Cartes de soustraction Cartes de multiplication Vélos Crayons de couleur Ensembles géométriques non périssable collations sèches alimentaires. Pour plus d'informations. Vérifiez avec Dee @ --- Support this podcast:
12/17/202225 minutes, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork


C'EST L'HEURE DE LA PRIÈRE HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti by creating native lead disciple-making churches, Empowering local entrepreneurship, and creating access to education. Our goal is to create a group of Disciples that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! Join us in inviting a whole country into the love of JESUS! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 Salut, tout le monde espère que vous allez bien et que vous avez passé une excellente action de grâces avec votre famille et vos amis. Alors que nous approchons de la fin de l'année 2022, nous aimerions vous inviter à être une bénédiction pour votre famille d'église élargie en Haïti ! Nous avons fourni des cadeaux suggérés qui sont bien accueillis dans la culture haïtienne. Nous demandons qu'aucune somme d'argent ne soit envoyée directement aux enfants. L'achat de ces articles auprès de notre entreprise locale en Haïti aidera à soutenir les économies en Haïti. Ce serait une double bénédiction : bénir les enfants et bénir la communauté ! GARÇONS Sac Bouteilles d'eau Chapeau Slips / Boxers Pantalons Chaussures de tennis/ Cologne Camions/voitures Transistor Radio Ballon de football et pompe Portefeuille Montre T-shirts Billes Chemises Chaussettes Vélo Lunettes Gant de toilette Serviette Savon Dentifrice Brosse à dents Peignes larges Pansements Jouets Blocs de construction FILLES Sac Bouteilles d'eau Bonnet / écharpe Culotte Fournitures de couture Montre Parfum, poudre Collier / bracelet Transistor Radio Miroir Sacs Accessoires pour cheveux Jacks Chaussures de tennis / sandales Jupe, robe Blouse, T-shirt Chaussettes Nounours Vélos Poupées Lunettes Poupées Corde à sauter Puzzles Jouets musicaux ARTICLES DE FAMILLE Pansements Shampooing Vitamine oreiller Draps (plein format plat) Nappes Aiguilles Fil Haricots Pinto Lampe Piles Bonbons Biscuits Sac de riz à grains longs Gommes Crayons SCOLAIRES Stylos Cahiers Livres en français Colle Parapluie Bible créole Corde à sauter Calculatrice Crayons Ciseaux Lampe de poche Cartes de soustraction Cartes de multiplication Vélos Crayons de couleur Ensembles géométriques non périssable collations sèches alimentaires. Pour plus d'informations. Vérifiez avec Dee @ HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
12/17/202230 minutes
Episode Artwork


 C'EST L'HEURE DE LA PEIÈRE AVEC LES SRS FLAMBEAU DE L'ESPOIR. HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti by creating native lead disciple-making churches, Empowering local entrepreneurship, and creating access to education. Our goal is to create a group of Disciples that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! Join us in inviting a whole country into the love of JESUS! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 Salut, tout le monde espère que vous allez bien et que vous avez passé une excellente action de grâces avec votre famille et vos amis. Alors que nous approchons de la fin de l'année 2022, nous aimerions vous inviter à être une bénédiction pour votre famille d'église élargie en Haïti ! Nous avons fourni des cadeaux suggérés qui sont bien accueillis dans la culture haïtienne. Nous demandons qu'aucune somme d'argent ne soit envoyée directement aux enfants. L'achat de ces articles auprès de notre entreprise locale en Haïti aidera à soutenir les économies en Haïti. Ce serait une double bénédiction : bénir les enfants et bénir la communauté ! GARÇONS Sac Bouteilles d'eau Chapeau Slips / Boxers Pantalons Chaussures de tennis/ Cologne Camions/voitures Transistor Radio Ballon de football et pompe Portefeuille Montre T-shirts Billes Chemises Chaussettes Vélo Lunettes Gant de toilette Serviette Savon Dentifrice Brosse à dents Peignes larges Pansements Jouets Blocs de construction FILLES Sac Bouteilles d'eau Bonnet / écharpe Culotte Fournitures de couture Montre Parfum, poudre Collier / bracelet Transistor Radio Miroir Sacs Accessoires pour cheveux Jacks Chaussures de tennis / sandales Jupe, robe Blouse, T-shirt Chaussettes Nounours Vélos Poupées Lunettes Poupées Corde à sauter Puzzles Jouets musicaux ARTICLES DE FAMILLE Pansements Shampooing Vitamine oreiller Draps (plein format plat) Nappes Aiguilles Fil Haricots Pinto Lampe Piles Bonbons Biscuits Sac de riz à grains longs Gommes Crayons SCOLAIRES Stylos Cahiers Livres en français Colle Parapluie Bible créole Corde à sauter Calculatrice Crayons Ciseaux Lampe de poche Cartes de soustraction Cartes de multiplication Vélos Crayons de couleur Ensembles géométriques non périssable collations sèches alimentaires. Pour plus d'informations. Vérifiez avec Dee @ HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
12/16/202230 minutes
Episode Artwork


HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti by creating native lead disciple-making churches, Empowering local entrepreneurship, and creating access to education. Our goal is to create a group of Disciples that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! Join us in inviting a whole country into the love of JESUS! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 Salut, tout le monde espère que vous allez bien et que vous avez passé une excellente action de grâces avec votre famille et vos amis. Alors que nous approchons de la fin de l'année 2022, nous aimerions vous inviter à être une bénédiction pour votre famille d'église élargie en Haïti ! Nous avons fourni des cadeaux suggérés qui sont bien accueillis dans la culture haïtienne. Nous demandons qu'aucune somme d'argent ne soit envoyée directement aux enfants. L'achat de ces articles auprès de notre entreprise locale en Haïti aidera à soutenir les économies en Haïti. Ce serait une double bénédiction : bénir les enfants et bénir la communauté ! GARÇONS Sac Bouteilles d'eau Chapeau Slips / Boxers Pantalons Chaussures de tennis/ Cologne Camions/voitures Transistor Radio Ballon de football et pompe Portefeuille Montre T-shirts Billes Chemises Chaussettes Vélo Lunettes Gant de toilette Serviette Savon Dentifrice Brosse à dents Peignes larges Pansements Jouets Blocs de construction FILLES Sac Bouteilles d'eau Bonnet / écharpe Culotte Fournitures de couture Montre Parfum, poudre Collier / bracelet Transistor Radio Miroir Sacs Accessoires pour cheveux Jacks Chaussures de tennis / sandales Jupe, robe Blouse, T-shirt Chaussettes Nounours Vélos Poupées Lunettes Poupées Corde à sauter Puzzles Jouets musicaux ARTICLES DE FAMILLE Pansements Shampooing Vitamine oreiller Draps (plein format plat) Nappes Aiguilles Fil Haricots Pinto Lampe Piles Bonbons Biscuits Sac de riz à grains longs Gommes Crayons SCOLAIRES Stylos Cahiers Livres en français Colle Parapluie Bible créole Corde à sauter Calculatrice Crayons Ciseaux Lampe de poche Cartes de soustraction Cartes de multiplication Vélos Crayons de couleur Ensembles géométriques non périssable collations sèches alimentaires. Pour plus d'informations. Vérifiez avec Dee @ HAITIAN HELPING HANDS, INC. ADDRESS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
12/16/202223 minutes, 35 seconds
Episode Artwork


C'EST L'HEURE DE LA PEIÈRE AVEC LES SRS FLAMBEAU DE L'ESPOIR. HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti by creating native lead disciple-making churches, Empowering local entrepreneurship, and creating access to education. Our goal is to create a group of Disciples that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! Join us in inviting a whole country into the love of JESUS! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 Salut, tout le monde espère que vous allez bien et que vous avez passé une excellente action de grâces avec votre famille et vos amis. Alors que nous approchons de la fin de l'année 2022, nous aimerions vous inviter à être une bénédiction pour votre famille d'église élargie en Haïti ! Nous avons fourni des cadeaux suggérés qui sont bien accueillis dans la culture haïtienne. Nous demandons qu'aucune somme d'argent ne soit envoyée directement aux enfants. L'achat de ces articles auprès de notre entreprise locale en Haïti aidera à soutenir les économies en Haïti. Ce serait une double bénédiction : bénir les enfants et bénir la communauté ! GARÇONS Sac Bouteilles d'eau Chapeau Slips / Boxers Pantalons Chaussures de tennis/ Cologne Camions/voitures Transistor Radio Ballon de football et pompe Portefeuille Montre T-shirts Billes Chemises Chaussettes Vélo Lunettes Gant de toilette Serviette Savon Dentifrice Brosse à dents Peignes larges Pansements Jouets Blocs de construction FILLES Sac Bouteilles d'eau Bonnet / écharpe Culotte Fournitures de couture Montre Parfum, poudre Collier / bracelet Transistor Radio Miroir Sacs Accessoires pour cheveux Jacks Chaussures de tennis / sandales Jupe, robe Blouse, T-shirt Chaussettes Nounours Vélos Poupées Lunettes Poupées Corde à sauter Puzzles Jouets musicaux ARTICLES DE FAMILLE Pansements Shampooing Vitamine oreiller Draps (plein format plat) Nappes Aiguilles Fil Haricots Pinto Lampe Piles Bonbons Biscuits Sac de riz à grains longs Gommes Crayons SCOLAIRES Stylos Cahiers Livres en français Colle Parapluie Bible créole Corde à sauter Calculatrice Crayons Ciseaux Lampe de poche Cartes de soustraction Cartes de multiplication Vélos Crayons de couleur Ensembles géométriques non périssable collations sèches alimentaires. Pour plus d'informations. Vérifiez avec Dee @ --- Support this podcast:
12/16/202250 minutes
Episode Artwork


C'EST L'HEURE DE LA PRIÈRE PRENONS LA PLACE AUTOUR DE LA TABLE. AVEC LES SOEOURS FLAMBEAU DE L'ESPOIR. HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti by creating native lead disciple-making churches, Empowering local entrepreneurship, and creating access to education. Our goal is to create a group of Disciples that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! Join us in inviting a whole country into the love of JESUS! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 Salut, tout le monde espère que vous allez bien et que vous avez passé une excellente action de grâces avec votre famille et vos amis. Alors que nous approchons de la fin de l'année 2022, nous aimerions vous inviter à être une bénédiction pour votre famille d'église élargie en Haïti ! Nous avons fourni des cadeaux suggérés qui sont bien accueillis dans la culture haïtienne. Nous demandons qu'aucune somme d'argent ne soit envoyée directement aux enfants. L'achat de ces articles auprès de notre entreprise locale en Haïti aidera à soutenir les économies en Haïti. Ce serait une double bénédiction : bénir les enfants et bénir la communauté ! GARÇONS Sac Bouteilles d'eau Chapeau Slips / Boxers Pantalons Chaussures de tennis/ Cologne Camions/voitures Transistor Radio Ballon de football et pompe Portefeuille Montre T-shirts Billes Chemises Chaussettes Vélo Lunettes Gant de toilette Serviette Savon Dentifrice Brosse à dents Peignes larges Pansements Jouets Blocs de construction FILLES Sac Bouteilles d'eau Bonnet / écharpe Culotte Fournitures de couture Montre Parfum, poudre Collier / bracelet Transistor Radio Miroir Sacs Accessoires pour cheveux Jacks Chaussures de tennis / sandales Jupe, robe Blouse, T-shirt Chaussettes Nounours Vélos Poupées Lunettes Poupées Corde à sauter Puzzles Jouets musicaux ARTICLES DE FAMILLE Pansements Shampooing Vitamines oreiller Draps (plein format plat) Nappes Aiguilles Fil Haricots Pinto Lampe Piles Bonbons Biscuits Sac de riz à grains longs Gommes Crayons SCOLAIRES Stylos Cahiers Livres en français Colle Parapluie Bible créole Corde à sauter Calculatrice Crayons Ciseaux Lampe de poche Cartes de soustraction Cartes de multiplication Vélos Crayons de couleur Ensembles géométriques non périssable collations sèches alimentaires. Pour plus d'informations. Vérifiez avec Dee @ 2 Corinthians 9:6-8 --- Support this podcast:
12/14/202230 minutes
Episode Artwork


C'EST L'HEURE DE LA PRIÈRE PRENONS LA PLACE AUTOUR DE LA TABLE. AVEC LES SOEOURS FLAMBEAU DE L'ESPOIR.  HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti by creating native lead disciple-making churches, Empowering local entrepreneurship, and creating access to education.  Our goal is to create a group of Disciples that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! Join us in inviting a whole country into the love of JESUS! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 Salut, tout le monde espère que vous allez bien et que vous avez passé une excellente action de grâces avec votre famille et vos amis.  Alors que nous approchons de la fin de l'année 2022, nous aimerions vous inviter à être une bénédiction pour votre famille d'église élargie en Haïti !  Nous avons fourni des cadeaux suggérés qui sont bien accueillis dans la culture haïtienne. Nous demandons qu'aucune somme d'argent ne soit envoyée directement aux enfants. L'achat de ces articles auprès de notre entreprise locale en Haïti aidera à soutenir les économies en Haïti. Ce serait une double bénédiction : bénir les enfants et bénir la communauté !  GARÇONS Sac Bouteilles d'eau Chapeau Slips / Boxers Pantalons Chaussures de tennis/ Cologne Camions/voitures Transistor Radio Ballon de football et pompe Portefeuille Montre T-shirts Billes Chemises Chaussettes Vélo Lunettes Gant de toilette Serviette Savon Dentifrice Brosse à dents Peignes larges Pansements Jouets Blocs de construction FILLES Sac Bouteilles d'eau Bonnet / écharpe Culotte Fournitures de couture Montre Parfum, poudre Collier / bracelet Transistor Radio Miroir Sacs Accessoires pour cheveux Jacks Chaussures de tennis / sandales Jupe, robe Blouse, T-shirt Chaussettes Nounours Vélos Poupées Lunettes Poupées Corde à sauter Puzzles Jouets musicaux ARTICLES DE FAMILLE Pansements Shampooing Vitamines oreiller Draps (plein format plat) Nappes Aiguilles Fil Haricots Pinto Lampe Piles Bonbons Biscuits Sac de riz à grains longs Gommes Crayons SCOLAIRES Stylos Cahiers Livres en français Colle Parapluie Bible créole Corde à sauter Calculatrice Crayons Ciseaux Lampe de poche Cartes de soustraction Cartes de multiplication Vélos Crayons de couleur Ensembles géométriques non périssable collations sèches alimentaires. Pour plus d'informations. Vérifiez avec Dee @ 2 Corinthians 9:6-8 --- Support this podcast:
12/13/202230 minutes
Episode Artwork


12/12/202231 minutes, 12 seconds
Episode Artwork


C'EST L'HEURE DE LA PRIÈRE PRENONS LA PLACE AUTOUR DE LA TABLE. HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti by creating native lead disciple-making churches, Empowering local entrepreneurship, and creating access to education. Our goal is to create a group of Disciples that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! Join us in inviting a whole country into the love of JESUS! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 Salut, tout le monde espère que vous allez bien et que vous avez passé une excellente action de grâces avec votre famille et vos amis. Alors que nous approchons de la fin de l'année 2022, nous aimerions vous inviter à être une bénédiction pour votre famille d'église élargie en Haïti ! Nous avons fourni des cadeaux suggérés qui sont bien accueillis dans la culture haïtienne. Nous demandons qu'aucune somme d'argent ne soit envoyée directement aux enfants. L'achat de ces articles auprès de notre entreprise locale en Haïti aidera à soutenir les économies en Haïti. Ce serait une double bénédiction : bénir les enfants et bénir la communauté ! GARÇONS Sac Bouteilles d'eau Chapeau Slips / Boxers Pantalons Chaussures de tennis/ Cologne Camions/voitures Transistor Radio Ballon de football et pompe Portefeuille Montre T-shirts Billes Chemises Chaussettes Vélo Lunettes Gant de toilette Serviette Savon Dentifrice Brosse à dents Peignes larges Pansements Jouets Blocs de construction FILLES Sac Bouteilles d'eau Bonnet / écharpe Culotte Fournitures de couture Montre Parfum, poudre Collier / bracelet Transistor Radio Miroir Sacs Accessoires pour cheveux Jacks Chaussures de tennis / sandales Jupe, robe Blouse, T-shirt Chaussettes Nounours Vélos Poupées Lunettes Poupées Corde à sauter Puzzles Jouets musicaux ARTICLES DE FAMILLE Pansements Shampooing Vitamines oreiller Draps (plein format plat) Nappes Aiguilles Fil Haricots Pinto Lampe Piles Bonbons Biscuits Sac de riz à grains longs Gommes Crayons SCOLAIRES Stylos Cahiers Livres en français Colle Parapluie Bible créole Corde à sauter Calculatrice Crayons Ciseaux Lampe de poche Cartes de soustraction Cartes de multiplication Vélos Crayons de couleur Ensembles géométriques non périssable collations sèches alimentaires. Pour plus d'informations. Vérifiez avec Dee @ 2 Corinthians 9:6-8 --- Support this podcast:
12/12/202230 minutes
Episode Artwork


C'EST L'HEURE DE LA PRIÈRE PRENONS LA PLACE AUTOUR DE LA TABLE. HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti by creating native lead disciple-making churches, Empowering local entrepreneurship, and creating access to education. Our goal is to create a group of Disciples that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! Join us in inviting a whole country into the love of JESUS! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 Salut, tout le monde espère que vous allez bien et que vous avez passé une excellente action de grâces avec votre famille et vos amis. Alors que nous approchons de la fin de l'année 2022, nous aimerions vous inviter à être une bénédiction pour votre famille d'église élargie en Haïti ! Nous avons fourni des cadeaux suggérés qui sont bien accueillis dans la culture haïtienne. Nous demandons qu'aucune somme d'argent ne soit envoyée directement aux enfants. L'achat de ces articles auprès de notre entreprise locale en Haïti aidera à soutenir les économies en Haïti. Ce serait une double bénédiction : bénir les enfants et bénir la communauté ! GARÇONS Sac Bouteilles d'eau Chapeau Slips / Boxers Pantalons Chaussures de tennis/ Cologne Camions/voitures Transistor Radio Ballon de football et pompe Portefeuille Montre T-shirts Billes Chemises Chaussettes Vélo Lunettes Gant de toilette Serviette Savon Dentifrice Brosse à dents Peignes larges Pansements Jouets Blocs de construction FILLES Sac Bouteilles d'eau Bonnet / écharpe Culotte Fournitures de couture Montre Parfum, poudre Collier / bracelet Transistor Radio Miroir Sacs Accessoires pour cheveux Jacks Chaussures de tennis / sandales Jupe, robe Blouse, T-shirt Chaussettes Nounours Vélos Poupées Lunettes Poupées Corde à sauter Puzzles Jouets musicaux ARTICLES DE FAMILLE Pansements Shampooing Vitamines oreiller Draps (plein format plat) Nappes Aiguilles Fil Haricots Pinto Lampe Piles Bonbons Biscuits Sac de riz à grains longs Gommes Crayons SCOLAIRES Stylos Cahiers Livres en français Colle Parapluie Bible créole Corde à sauter Calculatrice Crayons Ciseaux Lampe de poche Cartes de soustraction Cartes de multiplication Vélos Crayons de couleur Ensembles géométriques non périssable collations sèches alimentaires. Pour plus d'informations. Vérifiez avec Dee @ 2 Corinthians 9:6-8 --- Support this podcast:
12/11/202230 minutes
Episode Artwork


C'EST L'HEURE DE LA PRIÈRE PRENONS LA PLACE AUTOUR DE LA TABLE. HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti by creating native lead disciple-making churches, Empowering local entrepreneurship, and creating access to education. Our goal is to create a group of Disciples that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! Join us in inviting a whole country into the love of JESUS! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 Salut, tout le monde espère que vous allez bien et que vous avez passé une excellente action de grâces avec votre famille et vos amis. Alors que nous approchons de la fin de l'année 2022, nous aimerions vous inviter à être une bénédiction pour votre famille d'église élargie en Haïti ! Nous avons fourni des cadeaux suggérés qui sont bien accueillis dans la culture haïtienne. Nous demandons qu'aucune somme d'argent ne soit envoyée directement aux enfants. L'achat de ces articles auprès de notre entreprise locale en Haïti aidera à soutenir les économies en Haïti. Ce serait une double bénédiction : bénir les enfants et bénir la communauté ! GARÇONS Sac Bouteilles d'eau Chapeau Slips / Boxers Pantalons Chaussures de tennis/ Cologne Camions/voitures Transistor Radio Ballon de football et pompe Portefeuille Montre T-shirts Billes Chemises Chaussettes Vélo Lunettes Gant de toilette Serviette Savon Dentifrice Brosse à dents Peignes larges Pansements Jouets Blocs de construction FILLES Sac Bouteilles d'eau Bonnet / écharpe Culotte Fournitures de couture Montre Parfum, poudre Collier / bracelet Transistor Radio Miroir Sacs Accessoires pour cheveux Jacks Chaussures de tennis / sandales Jupe, robe Blouse, T-shirt Chaussettes Nounours Vélos Poupées Lunettes Poupées Corde à sauter Puzzles Jouets musicaux ARTICLES DE FAMILLE Pansements Shampooing Vitamines oreiller Draps (plein format plat) Nappes Aiguilles Fil Haricots Pinto Lampe Piles Bonbons Biscuits Sac de riz à grains longs Gommes Crayons SCOLAIRES Stylos Cahiers Livres en français Colle Parapluie Bible créole Corde à sauter Calculatrice Crayons Ciseaux Lampe de poche Cartes de soustraction Cartes de multiplication Vélos Crayons de couleur Ensembles géométriques non périssable collations sèches alimentaires. Pour plus d'informations. Vérifiez avec Dee @ 2 Corinthians 9:6-8 --- Support this podcast:
12/10/202230 minutes
Episode Artwork


C'EST L'HEURE DE LA PRIÈRE PRENONS LA PLACE AUTOUR DE LA TABLE. HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti by creating native lead disciple-making churches, Empowering local entrepreneurship, and creating access to education. Our goal is to create a group of Disciples that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! Join us in inviting a whole country into the love of JESUS! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 Salut, tout le monde espère que vous allez bien et que vous avez passé une excellente action de grâces avec votre famille et vos amis. Alors que nous approchons de la fin de l'année 2022, nous aimerions vous inviter à être une bénédiction pour votre famille d'église élargie en Haïti ! Nous avons fourni des cadeaux suggérés qui sont bien accueillis dans la culture haïtienne. Nous demandons qu'aucune somme d'argent ne soit envoyée directement aux enfants. L'achat de ces articles auprès de notre entreprise locale en Haïti aidera à soutenir les économies en Haïti. Ce serait une double bénédiction : bénir les enfants et bénir la communauté ! GARÇONS Sac Bouteilles d'eau Chapeau Slips / Boxers Pantalons Chaussures de tennis/ Cologne Camions/voitures Transistor Radio Ballon de football et pompe Portefeuille Montre T-shirts Billes Chemises Chaussettes Vélo Lunettes Gant de toilette Serviette Savon Dentifrice Brosse à dents Peignes larges Pansements Jouets Blocs de construction FILLES Sac Bouteilles d'eau Bonnet / écharpe Culotte Fournitures de couture Montre Parfum, poudre Collier / bracelet Transistor Radio Miroir Sacs Accessoires pour cheveux Jacks Chaussures de tennis / sandales Jupe, robe Blouse, T-shirt Chaussettes Nounours Vélos Poupées Lunettes Poupées Corde à sauter Puzzles Jouets musicaux ARTICLES DE FAMILLE Pansements Shampooing Vitamines oreiller Draps (plein format plat) Nappes Aiguilles Fil Haricots Pinto Lampe Piles Bonbons Biscuits Sac de riz à grains longs Gommes Crayons SCOLAIRES Stylos Cahiers Livres en français Colle Parapluie Bible créole Corde à sauter Calculatrice Crayons Ciseaux Lampe de poche Cartes de soustraction Cartes de multiplication Vélos Crayons de couleur Ensembles géométriques non périssable collations sèches alimentaires. Pour plus d'informations. Vérifiez avec Dee @ 2 Corinthians 9:6-8 --- Support this podcast:
12/9/202233 minutes, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork


C'EST L'HEURE DE LA BIBLE EXPLIQUÉE DANS UNE ANNÉE. HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti by creating native lead disciple-making churches, Empowering local entrepreneurship, and creating access to education. Our goal is to create a group of Disciples that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! Join us in inviting a whole country into the love of JESUS! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 Salut, tout le monde espère que vous allez bien et que vous avez passé une excellente action de grâces avec votre famille et vos amis. Alors que nous approchons de la fin de l'année 2022, nous aimerions vous inviter à être une bénédiction pour votre famille d'église élargie en Haïti ! Nous avons fourni des cadeaux suggérés qui sont bien accueillis dans la culture haïtienne. Nous demandons qu'aucune somme d'argent ne soit envoyée directement aux enfants. L'achat de ces articles auprès de notre entreprise locale en Haïti aidera à soutenir les économies en Haïti. Ce serait une double bénédiction : bénir les enfants et bénir la communauté ! GARÇONS Sac Bouteilles d'eau Chapeau Slips / Boxers Pantalons Chaussures de tennis/ Cologne Camions/voitures Transistor Radio Ballon de football et pompe Portefeuille Montre T-shirts Billes Chemises Chaussettes Vélo Lunettes Gant de toilette Serviette Savon Dentifrice Brosse à dents Peignes larges Pansements Jouets Blocs de construction FILLES Sac Bouteilles d'eau Bonnet / écharpe Culotte Fournitures de couture Montre Parfum, poudre Collier / bracelet Transistor Radio Miroir Sacs Accessoires pour cheveux Jacks Chaussures de tennis / sandales Jupe, robe Blouse, T-shirt Chaussettes Nounours Vélos Poupées Lunettes Poupées Corde à sauter Puzzles Jouets musicaux ARTICLES DE FAMILLE Pansements Shampooing Vitamines oreiller Draps (plein format plat) Nappes Aiguilles Fil Haricots Pinto Lampe Piles Bonbons Biscuits Sac de riz à grains longs Gommes Crayons SCOLAIRES Stylos Cahiers Livres en français Colle Parapluie Bible créole Corde à sauter Calculatrice Crayons Ciseaux Lampe de poche Cartes de soustraction Cartes de multiplication Vélos Crayons de couleur Ensembles géométriques non périssable collations sèches alimentaires. Pour plus d'informations. Vérifiez avec Dee @ 2 Corinthians 9:6-8 --- Support this podcast:
12/8/202221 minutes, 50 seconds
Episode Artwork


C'EST L'HEURE DE LA PRIÈRE PRENONS LA PLACE AUTOUR DE LA TABLE. C'EST L'HEURE DE LA BIBLE EXPLIQUÉE DANS UNE ANNÉE. HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti by creating native lead disciple-making churches, Empowering local entrepreneurship, and creating access to education. Our goal is to create a group of Disciples that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! Join us in inviting a whole country into the love of JESUS! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 Salut, tout le monde espère que vous allez bien et que vous avez passé une excellente action de grâces avec votre famille et vos amis. Alors que nous approchons de la fin de l'année 2022, nous aimerions vous inviter à être une bénédiction pour votre famille d'église élargie en Haïti ! Nous avons fourni des cadeaux suggérés qui sont bien accueillis dans la culture haïtienne. Nous demandons qu'aucune somme d'argent ne soit envoyée directement aux enfants. L'achat de ces articles auprès de notre entreprise locale en Haïti aidera à soutenir les économies en Haïti. Ce serait une double bénédiction : bénir les enfants et bénir la communauté ! GARÇONS Sac Bouteilles d'eau Chapeau Slips / Boxers Pantalons Chaussures de tennis/ Cologne Camions/voitures Transistor Radio Ballon de football et pompe Portefeuille Montre T-shirts Billes Chemises Chaussettes Vélo Lunettes Gant de toilette Serviette Savon Dentifrice Brosse à dents Peignes larges Pansements Jouets Blocs de construction FILLES Sac Bouteilles d'eau Bonnet / écharpe Culotte Fournitures de couture Montre Parfum, poudre Collier / bracelet Transistor Radio Miroir Sacs Accessoires pour cheveux Jacks Chaussures de tennis / sandales Jupe, robe Blouse, T-shirt Chaussettes Nounours Vélos Poupées Lunettes Poupées Corde à sauter Puzzles Jouets musicaux ARTICLES DE FAMILLE Pansements Shampooing Vitamines oreiller Draps (plein format plat) Nappes Aiguilles Fil Haricots Pinto Lampe Piles Bonbons Biscuits Sac de riz à grains longs Gommes Crayons SCOLAIRES Stylos Cahiers Livres en français Colle Parapluie Bible créole Corde à sauter Calculatrice Crayons Ciseaux Lampe de poche Cartes de soustraction Cartes de multiplication Vélos Crayons de couleur Ensembles géométriques non périssable collations sèches alimentaires. Pour plus d'informations. Vérifiez avec Dee @ 2 Corinthians 9:6-8 --- Support this podcast:
12/8/202228 minutes, 19 seconds
Episode Artwork


C'EST L'HEURE DE LA PRIÈRE PRENONS LA PLACE AUTOUR DE LA TABLE. C'EST L'HEURE DE LA BIBLE EXPLIQUÉE DANS UNE ANNÉE. HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti by creating native lead disciple-making churches, Empowering local entrepreneurship, and creating access to education. Our goal is to create a group of Disciples that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! Join us in inviting a whole country into the love of JESUS! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 Salut, tout le monde espère que vous allez bien et que vous avez passé une excellente action de grâces avec votre famille et vos amis. Alors que nous approchons de la fin de l'année 2022, nous aimerions vous inviter à être une bénédiction pour votre famille d'église élargie en Haïti ! Nous avons fourni des cadeaux suggérés qui sont bien accueillis dans la culture haïtienne. Nous demandons qu'aucune somme d'argent ne soit envoyée directement aux enfants. L'achat de ces articles auprès de notre entreprise locale en Haïti aidera à soutenir les économies en Haïti. Ce serait une double bénédiction : bénir les enfants et bénir la communauté ! GARÇONS Sac Bouteilles d'eau Chapeau Slips / Boxers Pantalons Chaussures de tennis/ Cologne Camions/voitures Transistor Radio Ballon de football et pompe Portefeuille Montre T-shirts Billes Chemises Chaussettes Vélo Lunettes Gant de toilette Serviette Savon Dentifrice Brosse à dents Peignes larges Pansements Jouets Blocs de construction FILLES Sac Bouteilles d'eau Bonnet / écharpe Culotte Fournitures de couture Montre Parfum, poudre Collier / bracelet Transistor Radio Miroir Sacs Accessoires pour cheveux Jacks Chaussures de tennis / sandales Jupe, robe Blouse, T-shirt Chaussettes Nounours Vélos Poupées Lunettes Poupées Corde à sauter Puzzles Jouets musicaux ARTICLES DE FAMILLE Pansements Shampooing Vitamines oreiller Draps (plein format plat) Nappes Aiguilles Fil Haricots Pinto Lampe Piles Bonbons Biscuits Sac de riz à grains longs Gommes Crayons SCOLAIRES Stylos Cahiers Livres en français Colle Parapluie Bible créole Corde à sauter Calculatrice Crayons Ciseaux Lampe de poche Cartes de soustraction Cartes de multiplication Vélos Crayons de couleur Ensembles géométriques non périssable collations sèches alimentaires. Pour plus d'informations. Vérifiez avec Dee @ 2 Corinthians 9:6-8 --- Support this podcast:
12/7/202225 minutes, 44 seconds
Episode Artwork


C'EST L'HEURE DE LA BIBLE EXPLIQUÉE DANS UNE ANNÉE. MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 Salut, tout le monde espère que vous allez bien et que vous avez passé une excellente action de grâces avec votre famille et vos amis. Alors que nous approchons de la fin de l'année 2022, nous aimerions vous inviter à être une bénédiction pour votre famille d'église élargie en Haïti ! Nous avons fourni des cadeaux suggérés qui sont bien accueillis dans la culture haïtienne. Nous demandons qu'aucune somme d'argent ne soit envoyée directement aux enfants. L'achat de ces articles auprès de notre entreprise locale en Haïti aidera à soutenir les économies en Haïti. Ce serait une double bénédiction : bénir les enfants et bénir la communauté ! GARÇONS Sac Bouteilles d'eau Chapeau Slips / Boxers Pantalons Chaussures de tennis/ Cologne Camions/voitures Transistor Radio Ballon de football et pompe Portefeuille Montre T-shirts Billes Chemises Chaussettes Vélo Lunettes Gant de toilette Serviette Savon Dentifrice Brosse à dents Peignes larges Pansements Jouets Blocs de construction FILLES Sac Bouteilles d'eau Bonnet / écharpe Culotte Fournitures de couture Montre Parfum, poudre Collier / bracelet Transistor Radio Miroir Sacs Accessoires pour cheveux Jacks Chaussures de tennis / sandales Jupe, robe Blouse, T-shirt Chaussettes Nounours Vélos Poupées Lunettes Poupées Corde à sauter Puzzles Jouets musicaux ARTICLES DE FAMILLE Pansements Shampooing Vitamines oreiller Draps (plein format plat) Nappes Aiguilles Fil Haricots Pinto Lampe Piles Bonbons Biscuits Sac de riz à grains longs Gommes Crayons SCOLAIRES Stylos Cahiers Livres en français Colle Parapluie Bible créole Corde à sauter Calculatrice Crayons Ciseaux Lampe de poche Cartes de soustraction Cartes de multiplication Vélos Crayons de couleur Ensembles géométriques non périssable collations sèches alimentaires. Pour plus d'informations. Vérifiez avec Dee @ 2 Corinthians 9:6-8 New International Version Generosity Encouraged 6 Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. 7 Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 8 And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. 2 Corinthiens 9:6-8Louis Segond 6 Sachez-le, celui qui sème peu moissonnera peu, et celui qui sème abondamment moissonnera abondamment. 7 Que chacun donne comme il l'a résolu en son coeur, sans tristesse ni contrainte; car Dieu aime celui qui donne avec joie. 8 Et Dieu peut vous combler de toutes sortes de grâces, afin que, possédant toujours en toutes choses de quoi satisfaire à tous vos besoins, vous ayez encore en abondance pour toute bonne oeuvre, --- Support this podcast:
12/5/202233 minutes, 55 seconds
Episode Artwork


HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti by creating native lead disciple-making churches, Empowering local entrepreneurship, and creating access to education. Our goal is to create a group of Disciples that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! Join us in inviting a whole country into the love of JESUS! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 Salut, tout le monde espère que vous allez bien et que vous avez passé une excellente action de grâces avec votre famille et vos amis. Alors que nous approchons de la fin de l'année 2022, nous aimerions vous inviter à être une bénédiction pour votre famille d'église élargie en Haïti ! Nous avons fourni des cadeaux suggérés qui sont bien accueillis dans la culture haïtienne. Nous demandons qu'aucune somme d'argent ne soit envoyée directement aux enfants. L'achat de ces articles auprès de notre entreprise locale en Haïti aidera à soutenir les économies en Haïti. Ce serait une double bénédiction : bénir les enfants et bénir la communauté ! GARÇONS Sac Bouteilles d'eau Chapeau Slips / Boxers Pantalons Chaussures de tennis/ Cologne Camions/voitures Transistor Radio Ballon de football et pompe Portefeuille Montre T-shirts Billes Chemises Chaussettes Vélo Lunettes Gant de toilette Serviette Savon Dentifrice Brosse à dents Peignes larges Pansements Jouets Blocs de construction FILLES Sac Bouteilles d'eau Bonnet / écharpe Culotte Fournitures de couture Montre Parfum, poudre Collier / bracelet Transistor Radio Miroir Sacs Accessoires pour cheveux Jacks Chaussures de tennis / sandales Jupe, robe Blouse, T-shirt Chaussettes Nounours Vélos Poupées Lunettes Poupées Corde à sauter Puzzles Jouets musicaux ARTICLES DE FAMILLE Pansements Shampooing Vitamine soreiller Draps (plein format plat) Nappes Aiguilles Fil Haricots Pinto Lampe Piles Bonbons Biscuits Sac de riz à grains longs Gommes Crayons SCOLAIRES Stylos Cahiers Livres en français Colle Parapluie Bible créole Corde à sauter Calculatrice Crayons Ciseaux Lampe de poche Cartes de soustraction Cartes de multiplication Vélos Crayons de couleur Ensembles géométriques non périssable collations sèches alimentaires. Pour plus d'informations. Vérifiez avec Dee @ 2 Corinthians 9:6-8 New International Version Generosity Encouraged 6 Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. 7 Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 8 And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. --- Support this podcast:
12/5/202225 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork


C'EST L'HEURE DE LA BIBLE EXPLIQUÉE DANS UNE ANNÉE. HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti by creating native lead disciple-making churches, Empowering local entrepreneurship, and creating access to education. Our goal is to create a group of Disciples that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! Join us in inviting a whole country into the love of JESUS! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 Salut, tout le monde espère que vous allez bien et que vous avez passé une excellente action de grâces avec votre famille et vos amis. Alors que nous approchons de la fin de l'année 2022, nous aimerions vous inviter à être une bénédiction pour votre famille d'église élargie en Haïti ! Nous avons fourni des cadeaux suggérés qui sont bien accueillis dans la culture haïtienne. Nous demandons qu'aucune somme d'argent ne soit envoyée directement aux enfants. L'achat de ces articles auprès de notre entreprise locale en Haïti aidera à soutenir les économies en Haïti. Ce serait une double bénédiction : bénir les enfants et bénir la communauté ! GARÇONS Sac Bouteilles d'eau Chapeau Slips / Boxers Pantalons Chaussures de tennis/ Cologne Camions/voitures Transistor Radio Ballon de football et pompe Portefeuille Montre T-shirts Billes Chemises Chaussettes Vélo Lunettes Gant de toilette Serviette Savon Dentifrice Brosse à dents Peignes larges Pansements Jouets Blocs de construction FILLES Sac Bouteilles d'eau Bonnet / écharpe Culotte Fournitures de couture Montre Parfum, poudre Collier / bracelet Transistor Radio Miroir Sacs Accessoires pour cheveux Jacks Chaussures de tennis / sandales Jupe, robe Blouse, T-shirt Chaussettes Nounours Vélos Poupées Lunettes Poupées Corde à sauter Puzzles Jouets musicaux ARTICLES DE FAMILLE Pansements Shampooing Vitamine soreiller Draps (plein format plat) Nappes Aiguilles Fil Haricots Pinto Lampe Piles Bonbons Biscuits Sac de riz à grains longs Gommes Crayons SCOLAIRES Stylos Cahiers Livres en français Colle Parapluie Bible créole Corde à sauter Calculatrice Crayons Ciseaux Lampe de poche Cartes de soustraction Cartes de multiplication Vélos Crayons de couleur Ensembles géométriques non périssable collations sèches alimentaires. Pour plus d'informations. Vérifiez avec Dee @ 2 Corinthians 9:6-8 New International Version Generosity Encouraged 6 Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. 7 Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 8 And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. --- Support this podcast:
12/4/202234 minutes, 32 seconds
Episode Artwork


C'EST L'HEURE DE LA BIBLE EXPLIQUÉE DANS UNE ANNÉE. HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti by creating native lead disciple-making churches, Empowering local entrepreneurship, and creating access to education. Our goal is to create a group of Disciples that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! Join us in inviting a whole country into the love of JESUS! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 C'EST L'HEURE DE LA PRIÈRE PRENONS LA PLACE AUTOUR DE LA TABLE. HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti by creating native lead disciple-making churches, Empowering local entrepreneurship, and creating access to education. Our goal is to create a group of Disciples that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! Join us in inviting a whole country into the love of JESUS! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. DOUBLE BLESSINGS MOMENT DON'T MISS THE OPPORTUNITY. Salut, tout le monde espère que vous allez bien et que vous avez passé une excellente action de grâces avec votre famille et vos amis. Alors que nous approchons de la fin de l'année 2022, nous aimerions vous inviter à être une bénédiction pour votre famille d'église élargie en Haïti ! Nous avons fourni des cadeaux suggérés qui sont bien accueillis dans la culture haïtienne. Nous demandons qu'aucune somme d'argent ne soit envoyée directement aux enfants. L'achat de ces articles auprès de notre entreprise locale en Haïti aidera à soutenir les économies en Haïti. Ce serait une double bénédiction : bénir les enfants et bénir la communauté ! GARÇONS Sac Bouteilles d'eau Chapeau Slips / Boxers Pantalons Chaussures de tennis/ Cologne Camions/voitures Transistor Radio Ballon de football et pompe Portefeuille Montre T-shirts Billes Chemises Chaussettes Vélo Lunettes Gant de toilette Serviette Savon Dentifrice Brosse à dents Peignes larges Pansements Jouets Blocs de construction FILLES Sac Bouteilles d'eau Bonnet / écharpe Culotte Fournitures de couture Montre Parfum, poudre Collier / bracelet Transistor Radio Miroir Sacs Accessoires pour cheveux Jacks Chaussures de tennis / sandales Jupe, robe Blouse, T-shirt Chaussettes Nounours Vélos Poupées Lunettes Poupées Corde à sauter Puzzles Jouets musicaux ARTICLES DE FAMILLE Pansements Shampooing Vitamine soreiller Draps (plein format plat) Nappes Aiguilles Fil Haricots Pinto Lampe Piles Bonbons Biscuits Sac de riz à grains longs Gommes Crayons SCOLAIRES Stylos Cahiers Livres en français Colle Parapluie Bible créole Corde à sauter Calculatrice Crayons Ciseaux Lampe de poche Cartes de soustraction Cartes de multiplication Vélos Crayons de couleur Ensembles géométriques non périssable collations sèches alimentaires. Pour plus d'informations. Vérifiez avec Dee @ --- Support this podcast:
12/4/202228 minutes
Episode Artwork


HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti by creating native lead disciple-making churches, Empowering local entrepreneurship, and creating access to education. Our goal is to create a group of Disciples that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! Join us in inviting a whole country into the love of JESUS! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 Salut, tout le monde espère que vous allez bien et que vous avez passé une excellente action de grâces avec votre famille et vos amis. Alors que nous approchons de la fin de l'année 2022, nous aimerions vous inviter à être une bénédiction pour votre famille d'église élargie en Haïti ! Nous avons fourni des cadeaux suggérés qui sont bien accueillis dans la culture haïtienne. Nous demandons qu'aucune somme d'argent ne soit envoyée directement aux enfants. L'achat de ces articles auprès de notre entreprise locale en Haïti aidera à soutenir les économies en Haïti. Ce serait une double bénédiction : bénir les enfants et bénir la communauté ! GARÇONS Sac Bouteilles d'eau Chapeau Slips / Boxers Pantalons Chaussures de tennis/ Cologne Camions/voitures Transistor Radio Ballon de football et pompe Portefeuille Montre T-shirts Billes Chemises Chaussettes Vélo Lunettes Gant de toilette Serviette Savon Dentifrice Brosse à dents Peignes larges Pansements Jouets Blocs de construction FILLES Sac Bouteilles d'eau Bonnet / écharpe Culotte Fournitures de couture Montre Parfum, poudre Collier / bracelet Transistor Radio Miroir Sacs Accessoires pour cheveux Jacks Chaussures de tennis / sandales Jupe, robe Blouse, T-shirt Chaussettes Nounours Vélos Poupées Lunettes Poupées Corde à sauter Puzzles Jouets musicaux ARTICLES DE FAMILLE Pansements Shampooing Vitamine soreiller Draps (plein format plat) Nappes Aiguilles Fil Haricots Pinto Lampe Piles Bonbons Biscuits Sac de riz à grains longs Gommes Crayons SCOLAIRES Stylos Cahiers Livres en français Colle Parapluie Bible créole Corde à sauter Calculatrice Crayons Ciseaux Lampe de poche Cartes de soustraction Cartes de multiplication Vélos Crayons de couleur Ensembles géométriques non périssable collations sèches alimentaires. Pour plus d'informations. Vérifiez avec Dee @ 2 Corinthians 9:6-8 New International Version Generosity Encouraged 6 Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. 7 Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 8 And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. --- Support this podcast:
12/3/202234 minutes, 7 seconds
Episode Artwork


C'EST L'HEURE DE LA PRIÈRE PRENONS LA PLACE AUTOUR DE LA TABLE. HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti by creating native lead disciple-making churches, Empowering local entrepreneurship, and creating access to education. Our goal is to create a group of Disciples that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! Join us in inviting a whole country into the love of JESUS! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 Salut, tout le monde espère que vous allez bien et que vous avez passé une excellente action de grâces avec votre famille et vos amis. Alors que nous approchons de la fin de l'année 2022, nous aimerions vous inviter à être une bénédiction pour votre famille d'église élargie en Haïti ! Nous avons fourni des cadeaux suggérés qui sont bien accueillis dans la culture haïtienne. Nous demandons qu'aucune somme d'argent ne soit envoyée directement aux enfants. L'achat de ces articles auprès de notre entreprise locale en Haïti aidera à soutenir les économies en Haïti. Ce serait une double bénédiction : bénir les enfants et bénir la communauté ! GARÇONS Sac Bouteilles d'eau Chapeau Slips / Boxers Pantalons Chaussures de tennis/ Cologne Camions/voitures Transistor Radio Ballon de football et pompe Portefeuille Montre T-shirts Billes Chemises Chaussettes Vélo Lunettes Gant de toilette Serviette Savon Dentifrice Brosse à dents Peignes larges Pansements Jouets Blocs de construction FILLES Sac Bouteilles d'eau Bonnet / écharpe Culotte Fournitures de couture Montre Parfum, poudre Collier / bracelet Transistor Radio Miroir Sacs Accessoires pour cheveux Jacks Chaussures de tennis / sandales Jupe, robe Blouse, T-shirt Chaussettes Nounours Vélos Poupées Lunettes Poupées Corde à sauter Puzzles Jouets musicaux ARTICLES DE FAMILLE Pansements Shampooing Vitamine soreiller Draps (plein format plat) Nappes Aiguilles Fil Haricots Pinto Lampe Piles Bonbons Biscuits Sac de riz à grains longs Gommes Crayons SCOLAIRES Stylos Cahiers Livres en français Colle Parapluie Bible créole Corde à sauter Calculatrice Crayons Ciseaux Lampe de poche Cartes de soustraction Cartes de multiplication Vélos Crayons de couleur Ensembles géométriques non périssable collations sèches alimentaires. Pour plus d'informations. Vérifiez avec Dee @ --- Support this podcast:
12/3/202230 minutes
Episode Artwork


HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti by creating native lead disciple-making churches, Empowering local entrepreneurship, and creating access to education. Our goal is to create a group of Disciples that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! Join us in inviting a whole country into the love of JESUS! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 Salut, tout le monde espère que vous allez bien et que vous avez passé une excellente action de grâces avec votre famille et vos amis. Alors que nous approchons de la fin de l'année 2022, nous aimerions vous inviter à être une bénédiction pour votre famille d'église élargie en Haïti ! Nous avons fourni des cadeaux suggérés qui sont bien accueillis dans la culture haïtienne. Nous demandons qu'aucune somme d'argent ne soit envoyée directement aux enfants. L'achat de ces articles auprès de notre entreprise locale en Haïti aidera à soutenir les économies en Haïti. Ce serait une double bénédiction : bénir les enfants et bénir la communauté ! GARÇONS Sac Bouteilles d'eau Chapeau Slips / Boxers Pantalons Chaussures de tennis/ Cologne Camions/voitures Transistor Radio Ballon de football et pompe Portefeuille Montre T-shirts Billes Chemises Chaussettes Vélo Lunettes Gant de toilette Serviette Savon Dentifrice Brosse à dents Peignes larges Pansements Jouets Blocs de construction FILLES Sac Bouteilles d'eau Bonnet / écharpe Culotte Fournitures de couture Montre Parfum, poudre Collier / bracelet Transistor Radio Miroir Sacs Accessoires pour cheveux Jacks Chaussures de tennis / sandales Jupe, robe Blouse, T-shirt Chaussettes Nounours Vélos Poupées Lunettes Poupées Corde à sauter Puzzles Jouets musicaux ARTICLES DE FAMILLE Pansements Shampooing Vitamine soreiller Draps (plein format plat) Nappes Aiguilles Fil Haricots Pinto Lampe Piles Bonbons Biscuits Sac de riz à grains longs Gommes Crayons SCOLAIRES Stylos Cahiers Livres en français Colle Parapluie Bible créole Corde à sauter Calculatrice Crayons Ciseaux Lampe de poche Cartes de soustraction Cartes de multiplication Vélos Crayons de couleur Ensembles géométriques non périssable collations sèches alimentaires. Pour plus d'informations. Vérifiez avec Dee @  --- Support this podcast:
12/2/202227 minutes, 27 seconds
Episode Artwork


12/2/202230 minutes
Episode Artwork


HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti by creating native lead disciple-making churches, Empowering local entrepreneurship, and creating access to education. Our goal is to create a group of Disciples that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! Join us in inviting a whole country into the love of JESUS! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS INC,ADRESS  P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 C'EST L'HEURE DE LA PRIÈRE PRENONS LA PLACE AUTOUR DE LA TABLE. HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti by creating native lead disciple-making churches, Empowering local entrepreneurship, and creating access to education. Our goal is to create a group of Disciples that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! Join us in inviting a whole country into the love of JESUS! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 Salut, tout le monde espère que vous allez bien et que vous avez passé une excellente action de grâces avec votre famille et vos amis. Alors que nous approchons de la fin de l'année 2022, nous aimerions vous inviter à être une bénédiction pour votre famille d'église élargie en Haïti ! Nous avons fourni des cadeaux suggérés qui sont bien accueillis dans la culture haïtienne. Nous demandons qu'aucune somme d'argent ne soit envoyée directement aux enfants. L'achat de ces articles auprès de notre entreprise locale en Haïti aidera à soutenir les économies en Haïti. Ce serait une double bénédiction : bénir les enfants et bénir la communauté ! GARÇONS Sac Bouteilles d'eau Chapeau Slips / Boxers Pantalons Chaussures de tennis/ Cologne Camions/voitures Transistor Radio Ballon de football et pompe Portefeuille Montre T-shirts Billes Chemises Chaussettes Vélo Lunettes Gant de toilette Serviette Savon Dentifrice Brosse à dents Peignes larges Pansements Jouets Blocs de construction FILLES Sac Bouteilles d'eau Bonnet / écharpe Culotte Fournitures de couture Montre Parfum, poudre Collier / bracelet Transistor Radio Miroir Sacs Accessoires pour cheveux Jacks Chaussures de tennis / sandales Jupe, robe Blouse, T-shirt Chaussettes Nounours Vélos Poupées Lunettes Poupées Corde à sauter Puzzles Jouets musicaux ARTICLES DE FAMILLE Pansements Shampooing Vitamine soreiller Draps (plein format plat) Nappes Aiguilles Fil Haricots Pinto Lampe Piles Bonbons Biscuits Sac de riz à grains longs Gommes Crayons SCOLAIRES Stylos Cahiers Livres en français Colle Parapluie Bible créole Corde à sauter Calculatrice Crayons Ciseaux Lampe de poche Cartes de soustraction Cartes de multiplication Vélos HAITIAN HELPING HANDS INC,ADRESS  P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 Crayons de couleur Ensembles géométriques non périssable collations sèches alimentaires. Pour plus d'informations. Vérifiez avec Dee @ --- Support this podcast:
12/2/202222 minutes, 29 seconds
Episode Artwork


12/2/202230 minutes
Episode Artwork


C'EST L'HEURE DE LA PRIÈRE PRENONS LA PLACE AUTOUR DE LA TABLE. HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti by creating native lead disciple-making churches, Empowering local entrepreneurship, and creating access to education. Our goal is to create a group of Disciples that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! Join us in inviting a whole country into the love of JESUS! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 Salut, tout le monde espère que vous allez bien et que vous avez passé une excellente action de grâces avec votre famille et vos amis. Alors que nous approchons de la fin de l'année 2022, nous aimerions vous inviter à être une bénédiction pour votre famille d'église élargie en Haïti ! Nous avons fourni des cadeaux suggérés qui sont bien accueillis dans la culture haïtienne. Nous demandons qu'aucune somme d'argent ne soit envoyée directement aux enfants. L'achat de ces articles auprès de notre entreprise locale en Haïti aidera à soutenir les économies en Haïti. Ce serait une double bénédiction : bénir les enfants et bénir la communauté ! GARÇONS Sac Bouteilles d'eau Chapeau Slips / Boxers Pantalons Chaussures de tennis/ Cologne Camions/voitures Transistor Radio Ballon de football et pompe Portefeuille Montre T-shirts Billes Chemises Chaussettes Vélo Lunettes Gant de toilette Serviette Savon Dentifrice Brosse à dents Peignes larges Pansements Jouets Blocs de construction FILLES Sac Bouteilles d'eau Bonnet / écharpe Culotte Fournitures de couture Montre Parfum, poudre Collier / bracelet Transistor Radio Miroir Sacs Accessoires pour cheveux Jacks Chaussures de tennis / sandales Jupe, robe Blouse, T-shirt Chaussettes Nounours Vélos Poupées Lunettes Poupées Corde à sauter Puzzles Jouets musicaux ARTICLES DE FAMILLE Pansements Shampooing Vitamine soreiller Draps (plein format plat) Nappes Aiguilles Fil Haricots Pinto Lampe Piles Bonbons Biscuits Sac de riz à grains longs Gommes Crayons SCOLAIRES Stylos Cahiers Livres en français Colle Parapluie Bible créole Corde à sauter Calculatrice Crayons Ciseaux Lampe de poche Cartes de soustraction Cartes de multiplication Vélos Crayons de couleur Ensembles géométriques non périssable collations sèches alimentaires. Pour plus d'informations. Vérifiez avec Dee @ --- Support this podcast:
12/2/202230 minutes
Episode Artwork


C'EST L'HEURE DE LA BIBLE EXPLIQUÉE DANS UNE ANNÉE. HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti by creating native lead disciple-making churches, Empowering local entrepreneurship, and creating access to education. Our goal is to create a group of Disciples that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! Join us in inviting a whole country into the love of JESUS! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 Salut, tout le monde espère que vous allez bien et que vous avez passé une excellente action de grâces avec votre famille et vos amis. Alors que nous approchons de la fin de l'année 2022, nous aimerions vous inviter à être une bénédiction pour votre famille d'église élargie en Haïti ! Nous avons fourni des cadeaux suggérés qui sont bien accueillis dans la culture haïtienne. Nous demandons qu'aucune somme d'argent ne soit envoyée directement aux enfants. L'achat de ces articles auprès de notre entreprise locale en Haïti aidera à soutenir les économies en Haïti. Ce serait une double bénédiction : bénir les enfants et bénir la communauté ! GARÇONS Sac Bouteilles d'eau Chapeau Slips / Boxers Pantalons Chaussures de tennis/ Cologne Camions/voitures Transistor Radio Ballon de football et pompe Portefeuille Montre T-shirts Billes Chemises Chaussettes Vélo Lunettes Gant de toilette Serviette Savon Dentifrice Brosse à dents Peignes larges Pansements Jouets Blocs de construction FILLES Sac Bouteilles d'eau Bonnet / écharpe Culotte Fournitures de couture Montre Parfum, poudre Collier / bracelet Transistor Radio Miroir Sacs Accessoires pour cheveux Jacks Chaussures de tennis / sandales Jupe, robe Blouse, T-shirt Chaussettes Nounours Vélos Poupées Lunettes Poupées Corde à sauter Puzzles Jouets musicaux ARTICLES DE FAMILLE Pansements Shampooing Vitamine soreiller Draps (plein format plat) Nappes Aiguilles Fil Haricots Pinto Lampe Piles Bonbons Biscuits Sac de riz à grains longs Gommes Crayons SCOLAIRES Stylos Cahiers Livres en français Colle Parapluie Bible créole Corde à sauter Calculatrice Crayons Ciseaux Lampe de poche Cartes de soustraction Cartes de multiplication Vélos Crayons de couleur Ensembles géométriques non périssable collations sèches alimentaires. Pour plus d'informations. Vérifiez avec Dee @ --- Support this podcast:
12/1/202224 minutes, 36 seconds
Episode Artwork


C'EST L'HEURE DE LA PRIÈRE PRENONS LA PLACE AUTOUR DE LA TABLE. HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti by creating native lead disciple-making churches, Empowering local entrepreneurship, and creating access to education. Our goal is to create a group of Disciples that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! Join us in inviting a whole country into the love of JESUS! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 Salut, tout le monde espère que vous allez bien et que vous avez passé une excellente action de grâces avec votre famille et vos amis. Alors que nous approchons de la fin de l'année 2022, nous aimerions vous inviter à être une bénédiction pour votre famille d'église élargie en Haïti ! Nous avons fourni des cadeaux suggérés qui sont bien accueillis dans la culture haïtienne. Nous demandons qu'aucune somme d'argent ne soit envoyée directement aux enfants. L'achat de ces articles auprès de notre entreprise locale en Haïti aidera à soutenir les économies en Haïti. Ce serait une double bénédiction : bénir les enfants et bénir la communauté ! GARÇONS Sac Bouteilles d'eau Chapeau Slips / Boxers Pantalons Chaussures de tennis/ Cologne Camions/voitures Transistor Radio Ballon de football et pompe Portefeuille Montre T-shirts Billes Chemises Chaussettes Vélo Lunettes Gant de toilette Serviette Savon Dentifrice Brosse à dents Peignes larges Pansements Jouets Blocs de construction FILLES Sac Bouteilles d'eau Bonnet / écharpe Culotte Fournitures de couture Montre Parfum, poudre Collier / bracelet Transistor Radio Miroir Sacs Accessoires pour cheveux Jacks Chaussures de tennis / sandales Jupe, robe Blouse, T-shirt Chaussettes Nounours Vélos Poupées Lunettes Poupées Corde à sauter Puzzles Jouets musicaux ARTICLES DE FAMILLE Pansements Shampooing Vitamine soreiller Draps (plein format plat) Nappes Aiguilles Fil Haricots Pinto Lampe Piles Bonbons Biscuits Sac de riz à grains longs Gommes Crayons SCOLAIRES Stylos Cahiers Livres en français Colle Parapluie Bible créole Corde à sauter Calculatrice Crayons Ciseaux Lampe de poche Cartes de soustraction Cartes de multiplication Vélos Crayons de couleur Ensembles géométriques non périssable collations sèches alimentaires. Pour plus d'informations. Vérifiez avec Dee @ --- Support this podcast:
12/1/202233 minutes
Episode Artwork


C'EST L'HEURE DE LA BIBLE EXPLIQUÉE DANS UNE ANNÉE. HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti by creating native lead disciple-making churches, Empowering local entrepreneurship, and creating access to education. Our goal is to create a group of Disciples that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! Join us in inviting a whole country into the love of JESUS! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 C'EST L'HEURE DE LA PRIÈRE PRENONS LA PLACE AUTOUR DE LA TABLE. HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti by creating native lead disciple-making churches, Empowering local entrepreneurship, and creating access to education. Our goal is to create a group of Disciples that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! Join us in inviting a whole country into the love of JESUS! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 Salut, tout le monde espère que vous allez bien et que vous avez passé une excellente action de grâces avec votre famille et vos amis. Alors que nous approchons de la fin de l'année 2022, nous aimerions vous inviter à être une bénédiction pour votre famille d'église élargie en Haïti ! Nous avons fourni des cadeaux suggérés qui sont bien accueillis dans la culture haïtienne. Nous demandons qu'aucune somme d'argent ne soit envoyée directement aux enfants. L'achat de ces articles auprès de notre entreprise locale en Haïti aidera à soutenir les économies en Haïti. Ce serait une double bénédiction : bénir les enfants et bénir la communauté ! GARÇONS Sac Bouteilles d'eau Chapeau Slips / Boxers Pantalons Chaussures de tennis/ Cologne Camions/voitures Transistor Radio Ballon de football et pompe Portefeuille Montre T-shirts Billes Chemises Chaussettes Vélo Lunettes Gant de toilette Serviette Savon Dentifrice Brosse à dents Peignes larges Pansements Jouets Blocs de construction FILLES Sac Bouteilles d'eau Bonnet / écharpe Culotte Fournitures de couture Montre Parfum, poudre Collier / bracelet Transistor Radio Miroir Sacs Accessoires pour cheveux Jacks Chaussures de tennis / sandales Jupe, robe Blouse, T-shirt Chaussettes Nounours Vélos Poupées Lunettes Poupées Corde à sauter Puzzles Jouets musicaux ARTICLES DE FAMILLE Pansements Shampooing Vitamine soreiller Draps (plein format plat) Nappes Aiguilles Fil Haricots Pinto Lampe Piles Bonbons Biscuits Sac de riz à grains longs Gommes Crayons SCOLAIRES Stylos Cahiers Livres en français Colle Parapluie Bible créole Corde à sauter Calculatrice Crayons Ciseaux Lampe de poche Cartes de soustraction Cartes de multiplication Vélos Crayons de couleur Ensembles géométriques non périssable collations sèches alimentaires. Pour plus d'informations. Vérifiez avec Dee @ --- Support this podcast:
12/1/202232 minutes, 13 seconds
Episode Artwork


C'EST L'HEURE DE LA BIBLE EXPLIQUÉE DANS UNE ANNÉE.. HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti by creating native lead disciple-making churches, Empowering local entrepreneurship, and creating access to education. Our goal is to create a group of Disciples that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! Join us in inviting a whole country into the love of JESUS! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
11/28/202231 minutes, 24 seconds
Episode Artwork


C'EST L'HEURE DE LA BIBLE EXPLIQUÉE DANS UN HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti by creating native lead disciple-making churches, Empowering local entrepreneurship, and creating access to education. Our goal is to create a group of Disciples that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! Join us in inviting a whole country into the love of JESUS! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
11/28/202231 minutes, 24 seconds
Episode Artwork


HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti by creating native lead disciple-making churches, Empowering local entrepreneurship, and creating access to education. Our goal is to create a group of Disciples that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! Join us in inviting a whole country into the love of JESUS! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
11/28/202227 minutes, 23 seconds
Episode Artwork


HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti by creating native lead disciple-making churches, Empowering local entrepreneurship, and creating access to education. Our goal is to create a group of Disciples that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! Join us in inviting a whole country into the love of JESUS! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
11/27/20221 hour, 19 seconds
Episode Artwork


THE GRATITUDE SERMON WITH PASTOR EMMANUEL CHERY. HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti by creating native lead disciple-making churches, Empowering local entrepreneurship, and creating access to education. Our goal is to create a group of Disciples that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! Join us in inviting a whole country into the love of JESUS! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
11/27/202233 minutes, 55 seconds
Episode Artwork


C'EST L'HEURE DE LA BIBLE EXPLIQUÉE DANS UNE ANNÉE. HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti by creating native lead disciple-making churches, Empowering local entrepreneurship, and creating access to education. Our goal is to create a group of Disciples that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! Join us in inviting a whole country into the love of JESUS! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
11/27/202226 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork


DÉVOTION MATINALE C'EST L'HEURE DE LA BIBLE EXPLIQUÉE DANS UNE ANNÉE. HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti by creating native lead disciple-making churches, Empowering local entrepreneurship, and creating access to education. Our goal is to create a group of Disciples that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! Join us in inviting a whole country into the love of JESUS! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
11/26/202223 minutes, 21 seconds
Episode Artwork


DÉVOTION MATINALE HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti by creating native lead disciple-making churches, Empowering local entrepreneurship, and creating access to education.  Our goal is to create a group of Disciples that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! Join us in inviting a whole country into the love of JESUS! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502C --- Support this podcast:
11/25/202230 minutes, 41 seconds
Episode Artwork


C'EST L'HEURE DE LA PRIÈRE PRENONS LA PLACE AUTOUR DE LA TABLE SPIRITUELLE. HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families. Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
11/23/202227 minutes, 7 seconds
Episode Artwork


C'EST L'HEURE DE LA PRIÈRE PRENONS LA PLACE AUTOUR DE LA TABLE SPIRITUELLE. HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families. Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
11/22/202212 minutes, 44 seconds
Episode Artwork


  C'EST L'HEURE DE LA PRIÈRE PRENONS LA PLACE AUTOUR DE LA TABLE SPIRITUELLE. HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families. Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
11/22/202227 minutes, 46 seconds
Episode Artwork


C'EST L'HEURE DE LA PRIÈRE PRENONS LA PLACE AUTOUR DE LA TABLE SPIRITUELLE. HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families. Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
11/21/202228 minutes, 30 seconds
Episode Artwork


HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families. Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
11/20/202226 minutes, 36 seconds
Episode Artwork


HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families. Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
11/20/202229 minutes, 37 seconds
Episode Artwork


C'EST L'HEURE DE LA PRIÈRE PRENONS LA PLACE AUTOUR DE LA TABLE SPIRITUELLE. HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families. Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
11/19/202225 minutes, 49 seconds
Episode Artwork


11/18/202230 minutes
Episode Artwork


C'EST L'HEURE DE LA PRIÈRE PRENONS LA PLACE AUTOUR DE LA TABLE SPIRITUELLE. HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families. Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
11/18/202230 minutes
Episode Artwork


HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families. Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
11/18/202221 minutes, 19 seconds
Episode Artwork


C'EST L'HEURE DE LA PRIÈRE PRENONS LA PLACE AUTOUR DE LA TABLE SPIRITUELLE. HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families. Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
11/17/202220 minutes, 24 seconds
Episode Artwork


HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families. Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
11/17/202230 minutes
Episode Artwork


C'EST L'HEURE DE LA PRIÈRE PRENONS LA PLACE AUTOUR DE LA TABLE SPIRITUELLE. HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families. Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
11/16/202230 minutes
Episode Artwork


 C'EST L'HEURE DE LA BIBLE EXPLIQUÉE DANS UNE ANNÉE. HB 11:20-40 HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families. Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
11/16/202223 minutes, 35 seconds
Episode Artwork


C'EST L'HEURE DE LA PRIÈRE PRENONS LA PLACE AUTOUR DE LA TABLE SPIRITUELLE.HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families. Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
11/16/202230 minutes, 25 seconds
Episode Artwork


C'EST L'HEURE DE LA PRIÈRE PRENONS LA PLACE AUTOUR DE LA TABLE SPIRITUELLE. HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families. Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
11/15/202230 minutes
Episode Artwork


C'EST L'HEURE DE LA PRIÈRE PRENONS LA PLACE AUTOUR DE LA TABLE SPIRITUELLE. HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families. Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502C'EST L'HEURE DE LA PRIÈRE PRENONS LA PLACE AUTOUR DE LA TABLE SPIRITUELLE. --- Support this podcast:
11/14/202230 minutes
Episode Artwork


C'EST L'HEURE DE LA PRIÈRE PRENONS LA PLACE AUTOUR DE LA TABLE SPIRITUELLE. HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families. Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
11/14/202237 minutes, 20 seconds
Episode Artwork


C'EST L'HEURE DE LA PRIÈRE PRENONS LA PLACE AUTOUR DE LA TABLE SPIRITUELLE. HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families. Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502C'EST L'HEURE DE LA PRIÈRE PRENONS LA PLACE AUTOUR DE LA TABLE SPIRITUELLE. --- Support this podcast:
11/13/202230 minutes
Episode Artwork


C'EST L'HEURE DE LA PRIÈRE PRENONS LA PLACE AUTOUR DE LA TABLE SPIRITUELLE..  HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families. Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
11/13/202229 minutes, 55 seconds
Episode Artwork


HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families. Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 2450 --- Support this podcast:
11/13/202239 minutes, 40 seconds
Episode Artwork


C'EST L'HEURE DE LA PRIÈRE PRENONS LA PLACE AUTOUR DE LA TABLE SPIRITUELLE. HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families. Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
11/12/202234 minutes, 4 seconds
Episode Artwork


C'EST L'HEURE DE LA PRIÈRE PRENONS LA PLACE AUTOUR DE LA TABLE SPIRITUELLE. HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families. Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
11/12/202229 minutes, 59 seconds
Episode Artwork


C'EST L'HEURE DE LA PRIÈRE PRENONS LA PLACE AUTOUR DE LA TABLE SPIRITUELLE. HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families. Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
11/12/202230 minutes
Episode Artwork


C'EST L'HEURE DE LA PRIÈRE PRENONS LA PLACE AUTOUR DE LA TABLE SPIRITUELLE. HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families. Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
11/12/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
Episode Artwork


C'EST L'HEURE DE LA PRIÈRE PRENONS LA PLACE AUTOUR DE LA TABLE SPIRITUELLE. HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families. Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
11/12/202217 minutes
Episode Artwork


C'EST L'HEURE DE LA PRIÈRE PRENONS LA PLACE AUTOUR DE LA TABLE SPIRITUELLE. HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families. Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
11/11/202223 minutes, 49 seconds
Episode Artwork

Dévotion nocturne par les sœurs flambeaux

Dévotion nocturne par les sœurs flambeaux --- Support this podcast:
11/11/202229 minutes, 55 seconds
Episode Artwork

Prière du matin avec la famille des 3H

Prière du matin avec la famille des 3H --- Support this podcast:
11/11/202234 minutes, 30 seconds
Episode Artwork


C'EST L'HEURE DE LA PRIÈRE PRENONS LA PLACE AUTOUR DE LA TABLE SPIRITUELLE. HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families. Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
11/10/202231 minutes, 9 seconds
Episode Artwork


C'EST L'HEURE DE LA PRIÈRE PRENONS LA PLACE AUTOUR DE LA TABLE SPIRITUELLE. HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families. Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
11/10/202225 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork


C'EST L'HEURE DE LA PRIÈRE PRENONS LA PLACE AUTOUR DE LA TABLE SPIRITUELLE. HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families. Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
11/10/202235 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork


C'EST L'HEURE DE LA PRIÈRE PRENONS LA PLACE AUTOUR DE LA TABLE SPIRITUELLE. HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families. Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
11/9/20221 minute, 54 seconds
Episode Artwork


C'EST L'HEURE DE LA PRIÈRE PRENONS LA PLACE AUTOUR DE LA TABLE SPIRITUELLE. HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families. Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
11/9/202239 minutes, 38 seconds
Episode Artwork


C'EST L'HEURE DE LA PRIÈRE PRENONS LA PLACE AUTOUR DE LA TABLE SPIRITUELLE. HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families. Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
11/9/202221 minutes, 42 seconds
Episode Artwork


C'EST L'HEURE DE LA PRIÈRE PRENONS LA PLACE AUTOUR DE LA TABLE SPIRITUELLE. HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families. Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
11/8/202210 minutes, 41 seconds
Episode Artwork


C'EST L'HEURE DE LA PRIÈRE PRENONS LA PLACE AUTOUR DE LA TABLE SPIRITUELLE. HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families. Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
11/7/202230 minutes
Episode Artwork


C'EST L'HEURE DE LA PRIÈRE PRENONS LA PLACE AUTOUR DE LA TABLE SPIRITUELLE. HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families. Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
11/5/202231 minutes, 9 seconds
Episode Artwork


HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families. Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
11/3/202235 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork


C'EST L'HEURE DE LA PRIÈRE PRENONS LA PLACE AUTOUR DE LA TABLE SPIRITUELLE. C'EST L'HEURE DE LA PRIÈRE PRENONS LA PLACE AUTOUR DE LA TABLE SPIRITUELLE. HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families. Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
11/3/202212 minutes
Episode Artwork


C'EST L'HEURE DE LA PRIÈRE PRENONS LA PLACE AUTOUR DE LA TABLE SPIRITUELLE. HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families. Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
11/3/202230 minutes, 38 seconds
Episode Artwork


C'EST L'HEURE DE LA PRIÈRE PRENONS LA PLACE AUTOUR DE LA TABLE SPIRITUELLE.HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families. Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
11/2/20222 minutes, 35 seconds
Episode Artwork


C'EST L'HEURE DE LA PRIÈRE PRENONS LA PLACE AUTOUR DE LA TABLE SPIRITUELLE. HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families. Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
11/2/202215 minutes, 23 seconds
Episode Artwork


  C'EST L'HEURE DE LA PRIÈRE PRENONS LA PLACE AUTOUR DE LA TABLE SPIRITUELLE. HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families. Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
11/1/202230 minutes, 33 seconds
Episode Artwork


LE DANGER D'ÊTRE AMI DU MONDE JAC 4:5-6 HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families. Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
10/31/202233 minutes, 35 seconds
Episode Artwork


LE MESSAGER DE DIEU --- Support this podcast:
10/29/202215 minutes, 3 seconds
Episode Artwork


C'EST L'HEURE DE LA BIBLE EXPLIQUÉE DANS UNE ANNÉE.JER 18-19 HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families. Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
10/28/202217 minutes, 13 seconds
Episode Artwork


C'EST L'HEURE DE LA PRIÈRE PRENONS LA PLACE AUTOUR DE LA TABLE SPIRITUELLE. HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families. Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
10/28/202228 minutes, 10 seconds
Episode Artwork


M --- Support this podcast:
10/24/202213 minutes, 5 seconds
Episode Artwork


HHH est une organisation à but non lucratif qui apporte l'évangile de Jésus au peuple d'Haïti en construisant des églises, en éduquant tout le monde et en défendant les familles. Notre objectif est de créer un groupe de personnes qui aiment Jésus, s'aiment les unes les autres, aiment parler de Jésus aux autres et ayant l'habilitées à utiliser leurs compétences pour glorifier Jésus ! MERCI POUR VOTRE SOUTIEN. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS POBOX 4564 LYNCHBURG Virginia 24502 Que la grâce du Seigneur Jésus-Christ, l'amour de Dieu, et la communication du Saint-Esprit, soient avec vous tous! 2 Corinthiens 13:14 --- Support this podcast:
10/16/202230 minutes, 22 seconds
Episode Artwork


C'EST L'HEURE DE LA PRIÈRE PRENONS LA PLACE AUTOUR DE LA TABLE SPIRITUELLE. HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families. Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
10/14/20221 minute, 13 seconds
Episode Artwork


C'EST L'HEURE DE LA PRIÈRE PRENONS LA PLACE AUTOUR DE LA TABLE SPIRITUELLE. HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families. Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
10/14/202217 minutes, 13 seconds
Episode Artwork


HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families. Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
10/14/202213 minutes, 48 seconds
Episode Artwork


10/8/202230 minutes
Episode Artwork


10/7/202230 minutes
Episode Artwork


DÉVOTION NOCTURN HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families. Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
10/6/202230 minutes
Episode Artwork


10/5/202230 minutes
Episode Artwork


10/3/202213 minutes, 56 seconds
Episode Artwork


C'EST L'HEURE DE LA PRIÈRE  HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families. Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 MOMENT AVEC FRÈRE WILFRID --- Support this podcast:
10/3/202216 minutes, 22 seconds
Episode Artwork


PRIÈRE HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families. Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 MOMENT AVEC FRÈRE WILFRID HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 --- Support this podcast:
10/3/202222 minutes, 7 seconds
Episode Artwork


HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families. Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 MOMENT AVEC FRÈRE WILFRID --- Support this podcast:
10/1/202230 minutes
Episode Artwork


BONDYÉ KAPAB FÈ TOUT BAGAY POU WRUO  HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families. Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
9/28/202230 minutes, 33 seconds
Episode Artwork


9/28/202228 seconds
Episode Artwork


9/27/202214 minutes, 5 seconds
Episode Artwork


.HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families. Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus Donner au monde haïtien Les moyens de comprendre la Bible. Une initiative d'implantation des Églises par Haitian Helping Hands . HOW CAN WE PRAY FOR YOU AND YOUR LOVED ONE THIS YEAR? Donner au monde haïtien les moyens de comprendre la Bible. Une initiative d'implantation des Églises par Haitian Helping Hands . $5-$10 HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
9/25/202222 minutes, 10 seconds
Episode Artwork


LES DESSEINS DE DIEU POUR LA FEMME DANS L'EGLISE . EXPLIQUÉE DANS UNE ANNÉE .HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families. Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus Donner au monde haïtien Les moyens de comprendre la Bible. Une initiative d'implantation des Églises par Haitian Helping Hands . HOW CAN WE PRAY FOR YOU AND YOUR LOVED ONE THIS YEAR? Donner au monde haïtien les moyens de comprendre la Bible. Une initiative d'implantation des Églises par Haitian Helping Hands . $5-$10 HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
9/25/202223 minutes, 4 seconds
Episode Artwork


LES SRS FLAMBEAU DE L'ESPOIR  --- Support this podcast:
9/23/202219 minutes, 53 seconds
Episode Artwork


LES SRS FLAMBEUA  --- Support this podcast:
9/21/202230 minutes
Episode Artwork


C'EST L'HEURE DE LA PRIÈRE AVEC SR JOSETTE  --- Support this podcast:
9/20/202213 minutes, 23 seconds
Episode Artwork


C'EST L'HEURE DE LA PRIÈRE AVEC FRÈRE WILFRID BASQUIN  CHAQUE MATIN HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families. Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! --- Support this podcast:
9/19/202225 minutes, 5 seconds
Episode Artwork


C'EST L'HEURE DE LA BIBLE EXPLIQUÉE DANS UNE ANNÉE . HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families. Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! --- Support this podcast:
9/19/202220 minutes, 2 seconds
Episode Artwork


HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families. Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! --- Support this podcast:
9/18/202224 minutes, 37 seconds
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PRIÈRE  DE SR YOLÈNE ARISTE --- Support this podcast:
9/16/202230 minutes
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C'EST L'HEUR  DE PRIÈRE DU MATIN AVEC FRÈRE WILFRID HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families. Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! HOW CAN WE PRAY FOR YOU AND YOUR LOVED ONE THIS YEAR? Donner au monde haïtien les moyens de comprendre la Bible. Une initiative d'implantation des Églises par Haitian Helping Hands . HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
9/16/202216 minutes, 5 seconds
Episode Artwork


 C'EST L'HEUR  DE PRIÈRE DU MATIN AVEC FRÈRE WILFRID  HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families. Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! HOW CAN WE PRAY FOR YOU AND YOUR LOVED ONE THIS YEAR? Donner au monde haïtien les moyens de comprendre la Bible. Une initiative d'implantation des Églises par Haitian Helping Hands . HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
9/16/202250 minutes, 22 seconds
Episode Artwork


LC'EST L'HEURE DE LA BIBLE EXPLIQUÉE DANS UNE ANNÉE.2COR8:1-28 HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families. Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
9/15/202220 minutes, 11 seconds
Episode Artwork


EDUCATION HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families. Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! MERCI POUR VOTRE SUPPORT. HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
9/15/202240 minutes, 44 seconds
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PRIÈRE --- Support this podcast:
9/15/202214 minutes, 10 seconds
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SOEUR MICHELINE DANS LA PRIÈRE  --- Support this podcast:
9/14/202227 minutes, 32 seconds
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Les sœurs de la famille 3H

Les sœurs de la famille 3H --- Support this podcast:
9/11/202234 minutes, 27 seconds
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La mission de l’église dans un monde en ruine

La mission de l’église dans un monde en ruine --- Support this podcast:
9/9/202246 minutes, 5 seconds
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Les sœurs flambeaux de l’espoir.

Les sœurs flambeaux de l’espoir. --- Support this podcast:
9/7/202231 minutes, 9 seconds
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Lundi 5 septembre 2022 Les frères de 3H

Lundi 5 septembre 2022 Les frères de 3H --- Support this podcast:
9/7/20225 hours, 42 minutes, 4 seconds
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PRIÈRE WILFRID BASQUIN.HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families. Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! --- Support this podcast:
9/6/202226 minutes, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork


 PAR LES  LES MOS D'ENCOURAGEMENTS  PAR LES FRÈRES EMMANUEL GEORGES ET PASTEUR JACOB ARIS. HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families. Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus Donner au monde haïtien les moyens de comprendre la Bible. Une initiative d'implantation des Églises par Haitian Helping Hands . $5-$10 HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
8/31/202229 minutes, 59 seconds
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LA PRIÈRE DE SR CHERY --- Support this podcast:
8/30/202232 minutes, 5 seconds
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C'EST L'HEURE DE LA BIBLE EXPLIQUÉE DANS UNE ANNÉE 1 COR.11:17-34 HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families. Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus Donner au monde haïtien les moyens de comprendre la Bible. Une initiative d'implantation des Églises par Haitian Helping Hands . $5-$10 HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
8/30/202217 minutes, 10 seconds
Episode Artwork


LA PATIENE DANS LES ÉPRÊUVES 1PIRRE 4:12-13 --- Support this podcast:
8/28/202230 minutes
Episode Artwork


LES FRÈRES DE LA FAMILLE 3H H-HH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families. Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus --- Support this podcast:
8/27/202230 minutes
Episode Artwork

Les Officiants. Rév. Past .Samuel ASELHOMME Past.Jacob ARIS Past. Lerissoit FILS-AIME

Les Officiants. Rév. Past .Samuel AASELHOMME Past.Jacob ARIS Past. Lerissoit FILS-AIME --- Support this podcast:
8/25/202257 minutes, 5 seconds
Episode Artwork


LA PATIENCE DAMS LES ÉPREUVES HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
8/21/202233 minutes, 20 seconds
Episode Artwork

FAMILLE HAITIAN HELPING HAND. Le temps est court pour aider notre frère; Tendons-lui donc la main d’amour, de foi. Oh! Pardonnons, et semons sur la terre Le grain qui meurt et qui renaît cent fois.

FAMILLE HAITIAN HELPING HAND. Le temps est court pour aider notre frère; Tendons-lui donc la main d’amour, de foi. Oh! Pardonnons, et semons sur la terre Le grain qui meurt et qui renaît cent fois. HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
8/21/202212 minutes, 46 seconds
Episode Artwork


FAMILLE HAITIAN HELPING HAND. Le temps est court pour aider notre frère; Tendons-lui donc la main d’amour, de foi. Oh! Pardonnons, et semons sur la terre Le grain qui meurt et qui renaît cent fois. HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
8/21/202233 minutes, 50 seconds
Episode Artwork

FAMILLE HAITIAN HELPING HAND. Le temps est court pour aider notre frère; Tendons-lui donc la main d’amour, de foi. Oh! Pardonnons, et semons sur la terre Le grain qui meurt et qui renaît cent fois. H

 FAMILLE HAITIAN HELPING HAND. Le temps est court pour aider notre frère; Tendons-lui donc la main d’amour, de foi. Oh! Pardonnons, et semons sur la terre Le grain qui meurt et qui renaît cent fois. HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
8/21/202212 minutes, 46 seconds
Episode Artwork

8/21/2022 HHH VBS IN HAITI 2022

8/21/2022 HHH VBS IN HAITI  2022  --- Support this podcast:
8/21/202227 minutes, 50 seconds
Episode Artwork


HHH 2022 VBS IN HAITI AT THE CHURCH OF THE LIVING JESUS CHRIST. HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
8/19/20225 minutes
Episode Artwork


HHH 2022 VBS IN HAITI AT THE CHURCH OF THE LIVING JESUS CHRIST. HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
8/19/20225 minutes
Episode Artwork


HHH THE FIRST VBS IN HAITI. HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
8/17/20226 minutes, 20 seconds
Episode Artwork


HHH THE FIRST VBS IN HAITI.  HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
8/17/20226 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork


C'EST L'HEURE DE LA BIBLE EXPLIQUÉE DANS UNE ANNÉE HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502Père etal,bible ,jeu collation parfum a l,huil Dimanche adoration,adoration collatione cuts cahier ,plume ect :Remerciment famille chery SIW VLÉ SIPÒTÉ 3H VOYÉ LI NAN PO.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA -24502 Eglise Jésus vivant Et 3H en action Camp d'été avec 80 enfants á timango Thème: kite timoun yo vinn jwenn Jesu. Program Heure lundi 8h/9h priere Bible et jeu 9h/10h. Animation Dance 10h/10h30 collation 10h30/ 11h30 coleriage Connaissanc 11h30/ 12hgenies. rubrque. etc test , primes prière. Mardi Prière et bible Jeu Collation Savon etc. liquide Test, primes et prière Mercredi Priere et bible's collection Valise, fleur avec papie de construction, test primes,prière Jeudi Prière , bible ,jeu Collation,parfum a l,eau Test ,primes arethe, merc,I pasteur Vendredi Prière etal,bible ,jeu collation parfum a l,huil Dimanche adoration,adoration collation don de cuts cahier ,plume ect :remerciment famille chery --- Support this podcast:
8/15/202218 minutes, 38 seconds
Episode Artwork


C'EST L'HEURE DE LA BIBLE EXPLIQUÉE DANS UNE ANNÉE is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
8/12/202216 minutes
Episode Artwork

Swiv Jezikri pou bon rezon yo avek sè Chery

Swiv Jezikri pou bon rezon yo --- Support this podcast:
8/10/202230 minutes
Episode Artwork


UNE NOUVELLE DIMENSION DANS LA COMMUNION AVEC DIEU.AVEC PASTEUR JOSEPH THÉODORE. C'EST L'HEURE DE LA BIBLE EXPLIQUÉE DANS UNE ANNÉE. HHH is A non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families. Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
8/7/202235 minutes, 48 seconds
Episode Artwork


LA PRÉDICATION DOMINICAE :JACQUES 5-7-8 LA PATIENCE DANS LES EPRUVES .#1 HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families. Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
8/7/202234 minutes, 23 seconds
Episode Artwork


UNE NOUVELLE DIMENSION DANS LA COMMUNION AVEC DIEU.AVEC PASTEUR JOSEPH THÉODORE. 02C'EST L'HEURE DE LA BIBLE EXPLIQUÉE DANS UNE ANNÉE. HHH is A non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families. Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
8/6/202224 minutes, 14 seconds
Episode Artwork


UNE NOUVELLE DIMENSION DANS LA COMMUNION AVEC DIEU.AVEC PASTEUR JOSEPH THÉODORE. 02C'EST L'HEURE DE LA BIBLE EXPLIQUÉE DANS UNE ANNÉE. HHH is A non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families. Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
8/6/202224 minutes, 14 seconds
Episode Artwork


HHH is A non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families. Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 02C'EST L'HEURE DE LA BIBLE EXPLIQUÉE DANS UNE ANNÉE. HHH is A non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families. Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
8/6/202240 minutes, 23 seconds
Episode Artwork


UNE NOUVELLE DIMENSION DANS LA COMMUNION AVEC DIEU.AVEC PASTEUR JOSEPH THÉODORE. 02C'EST L'HEURE DE LA BIBLE EXPLIQUÉE DANS UNE ANNÉE. HHH is A non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families. Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
8/6/202224 minutes, 14 seconds
Episode Artwork


 LES SOEURS CHERY ET JOSETTE. --- Support this podcast:
8/6/202225 minutes, 41 seconds
Episode Artwork


UNE NOUVELLE DIMENSION DANS LA COMMUNION AVEC DIEU.AVEC PASTEUR JOSEPH THÉODORE HHH is A non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families. Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
8/1/202228 minutes, 3 seconds
Episode Artwork


8/1/202239 minutes, 21 seconds
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UNE NOUVELLE DIMENSION DANS LA COMMUNION AVEC DIEU #1 MT8:18-27  HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families. Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
7/29/202237 minutes, 57 seconds
Episode Artwork


DIEU EN QUÊTE D'UNE JEUNESSE CONSACRÉE. A non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
7/25/202219 minutes, 53 seconds
Episode Artwork


 A non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
7/25/202226 minutes, 47 seconds
Episode Artwork


C'EST L'HEURE DE LA BIBLE EXPLIQUÉE DANS UNE ANNÉE .ACTES24:1-27 AVEC PASTEUR EDGARD CHERY. HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families. Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! Dear partners & friends, We have in mind to hold a  VBS  program for the kids in Haiti. Due to the heavy rain, the front of the church building needs to be repaired as well as the yard. I have posted the list of the items necessary to be completed, to assist in allowing VBS to run smoothly for the kids in the church. The amount needed for these repairs is $5,712. Donations would be highly appreciated as the amount of these repairs surpasses the funds that we already have. Times at this moment are tough for everyone but any amount of ideas would help us greatly. Once again Thank you, Partners and friends! Looking forward to speaking with you soon. LIST of the materials for the repairs 1500 kinds of wood 15 with transport $30,000 Ht two plywood 200 HT five wood 2 x 4 150 HT 3 boards/2550 HT 15 iron half for 3300 HT 10 iron a quarter 400 HT half  file alligator 1100 HT10 pounds  iron nails 3 inches 300 HT one truck of gravel 2800 HT 200 bags of cement 48,000 HT transportation 4000 HT labor 2000 USD total materials is 92,800 Ht which equal 3712 USD so the total for all is 5712 USD HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
7/22/202235 minutes, 56 seconds
Episode Artwork


C'EST L'HEURE DE LA BIBLE LA BIBLE EXPLIQUÉE DANS UNE ANNÉE. HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families. Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! Dear partners & friends, We have to hold a  VBS  program for the kids in Haiti. Due to the heavy rain, the front of the church building needs to be repaired as well as the yard. I have posted the list of the items necessary to be completed, to assist in allowing VBS to run smoothly for the kids in the church. The amount needed for these repairs is $5,712. Donations would be highly appreciated as the amount of these repairs surpasses the funds that we already have. Times at this moment are tough for everyone but any amount of ideas would help us greatly. Once again Thank you, Partners and friends! Looking forward to speaking with you soon. LIST of the materials for the repairs 1500 kinds of wood 15 with transport $30,000 Ht two plywood 200 HT five wood 2 x 4 150 HT 3 boards/2550 HT 15 iron half for 3300 HT 10 iron a quarter 400 HT half  file alligator 1100 HT10 pounds  iron nails 3 inches 300 HT one truck of gravel 2800 HT 200 bags of cement 48,000 HT transportation 4000 HT labor 2000 USD total materials is 92,800 Ht which equal 3712 USD so the total for all is 5712 USD HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
7/22/202239 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork


C'EST L'HEURE DE LA BIBLE EXPLIQUÉ DANS UNE ANNÉE.PS 29-30 HHH is A non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families. Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! Dear partners & friends, We have to hold run a VBS  program for the kids in Haiti. Due to the heavy rain, the front of the church building needs to be repaired as well as the yard. I have posted the list of the items necessary to be completed, to assist in allowing VBS to run smoothly for the kids in the church. The amount needed for these repairs is $5,712. Donations would be highly appreciated as the amount of these repairs surpasses the funds that we already have. Times at this moment are tough for everyone but any amount of ideas would help us greatly. Once again Thank you, Partners and friends! Looking forward to speaking with you soon. LIST of the materials for the repairs 1500 kinds of wood 15 with transport $30,000 Ht two plywood 200 HT five wood 2 x 4 150 HT 3 boards/2550 HT 15 iron half for 3300 HT 10 iron a quarter 400 HT half  fil alligator 1100 HT10 pounds  iron nails 3 inches 300 HT one truck of gravel 2800 HT 200 bags of cement 48,000 HT transportation 4000 HT labor 2000 USD total materials is 92,800 Ht which equal 3712 USD so the total for all is 5712 USD HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
7/20/202216 minutes, 39 seconds
Episode Artwork


C'EST L'HEURE DE LA BIBLE LA BIBLE EXPLIQUÉE DANS UNE ANNÉE. HHH is a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families. Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! Dear partners & friends, We have to hold a  VBS  program for the kids in Haiti. Due to the heavy rain, the front of the church building needs to be repaired as well as the yard. I have posted the list of the items necessary to be completed, to assist in allowing VBS to run smoothly for the kids in the church. The amount needed for these repairs is $5,712. Donations would be highly appreciated as the amount of these repairs surpasses the funds that we already have. Times at this moment are tough for everyone but any amount of ideas would help us greatly. Once again Thank you, Partners and friends! Looking forward to speaking with you soon. LIST of the materials for the repairs 1500 kinds of wood 15 with transport $30,000 Ht two plywood 200 HT five wood 2 x 4 150 HT 3 boards/2550 HT 15 iron half for 3300 HT 10 iron a quarter 400 HT half  file alligator 1100 HT10 pounds  iron nails 3 inches 300 HT one truck of gravel 2800 HT 200 bags of cement 48,000 HT transportation 4000 HT labor 2000 USD total materials is 92,800 Ht which equal 3712 USD so the total for all is 5712 USD HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
7/20/202239 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork


7/20/202239 minutes, 35 seconds
Episode Artwork


7/19/202228 minutes, 11 seconds
Episode Artwork


7/19/202228 minutes, 58 seconds
Episode Artwork


FLAMBEAU DE l'espoir --- Support this podcast:
7/15/202229 minutes, 10 seconds
Episode Artwork


A non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502A non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
7/15/202239 minutes, 20 seconds
Episode Artwork


C'EST L'HEURE DE LA BIBLE EXPLIQUÉE DANS UNE ANNÉE. A non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
7/14/202220 minutes, 13 seconds
Episode Artwork


7/14/202229 minutes, 48 seconds
Episode Artwork


 C'EST L'HEURE DE LA BIBLE EXPLIQUÉE DANS UNE ANNÉE JOB 10-11A non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
7/13/20228 minutes, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork


LES DE FLAMBEAU DE L'ESPOIR --- Support this podcast:
7/11/202229 minutes, 59 seconds
Episode Artwork


LES DE FLAMBEAU DE L'ESPOIR. --- Support this podcast:
7/11/202229 minutes, 44 seconds
Episode Artwork


A non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
7/10/20222 minutes, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork


SOEUR CHERY. --- Support this podcast:
7/10/20221 hour, 4 minutes, 20 seconds
Episode Artwork


A Sunday message from the pastor and founder Edgard Chery  ______ A non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
7/10/202242 minutes, 33 seconds
Episode Artwork


 ÉVANGÉLISTE EMMANUEL GEORGES.A non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
7/9/202244 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork

A non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families Our goal is to create a group of people that lov

A non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
7/9/202248 seconds
Episode Artwork


A non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
7/9/20221 minute, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork


DÉVOTION LES FRÈRES DE HHH SUR WHATSAPP. A non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
7/9/202230 minutes
Episode Artwork


ÉVANGÉLISTE EMMANUEL GEORGES.A non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
7/8/202229 minutes, 46 seconds
Episode Artwork


PASTEUR THÉODORE. --- Support this podcast:
7/6/202243 minutes, 56 seconds
Episode Artwork


LA PRIÈRE DE SR CHERY --- Support this podcast:
7/5/202235 minutes, 9 seconds
Episode Artwork


PASTEUR THÉODORE --- Support this podcast:
7/5/202232 minutes, 3 seconds
Episode Artwork


LES SOEURS 3H EN PRIÈRE --- Support this podcast:
7/5/202243 minutes, 54 seconds
Episode Artwork


DÉVOTION AVEC LES EPEOUX CHERY . HHH IS a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
7/2/202229 minutes, 52 seconds
Episode Artwork


DIEU EN QUÊTE D'UNE JEUESSE CONSACRÉE HHH IS a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
7/2/202237 minutes, 52 seconds
Episode Artwork


DIEU EN QUÊTE D'UNE JEUESSE CONSACRÉE HHH IS a non-profit organization bringing the gospel of Jesus to the people of Haiti through building churches, educating everyone, and championing families Our goal is to create a group of people that love Jesus, love one another, love to tell other people about Jesus, and are empowered to use their skills to glorify Jesus! HAITIAN HELPING HANDS P.O.BOX 4564 LYNCHBURG VIRGINIA 24502 --- Support this podcast:
7/2/202237 minutes, 52 seconds
Episode Artwork


HHH PRIÈRE --- Support this podcast:
6/28/202224 minutes, 3 seconds
Episode Artwork


HHH PRIÈRE --- Support this podcast:
6/28/202230 minutes, 17 seconds
Episode Artwork


LE TRAVAIL DU SEIGNEUR  --- Support this podcast:
6/27/20221 minute, 47 seconds
Episode Artwork


HHH PRIÈRE --- Support this podcast:
6/26/202230 minutes, 17 seconds
Episode Artwork


SUNDAY 26 SERVICE CARREFOUR  --- Support this podcast:
6/26/20221 minute, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork


HHH PRIÈRE --- Support this podcast:
6/26/202244 minutes, 34 seconds
Episode Artwork


HHH PRIÈRE --- Support this podcast:
6/26/202232 minutes, 41 seconds
Episode Artwork


HHH PRIÈRE --- Support this podcast:
6/25/202235 minutes, 25 seconds
Episode Artwork


HHH --- Support this podcast:
6/25/202227 minutes, 23 seconds
Episode Artwork


HHH --- Support this podcast:
6/24/202220 seconds
Episode Artwork


LA PRIÈRE  --- Support this podcast:
6/15/20225 minutes, 32 seconds
Episode Artwork

Joseph Théodore Dieu enquête d’une jeunesse consacrée

Joseph Théodore Dieu enquête d’une jeunesse consacrée --- Support this podcast:
6/13/202257 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

Pasteur Théodore

#1 --- Support this podcast:
6/9/202222 seconds
Episode Artwork


DÉVOTION FAMILLE 3H --- Support this podcast:
6/7/202214 minutes, 9 seconds
Episode Artwork


DÉVOTION FAMILLE 3H --- Support this podcast:
6/7/202225 minutes, 52 seconds
Episode Artwork


DÉVOTION FAMILLE 3H --- Support this podcast:
6/7/202253 minutes, 46 seconds
Episode Artwork


DÉVOTION FAMILLE 3H --- Support this podcast:
6/7/202248 minutes, 23 seconds
Episode Artwork

Prière les frères et sœurs de la famille 3H

rière les frères et sœurs de la famille 3H --- Support this podcast:
6/7/20222 hours, 20 minutes, 3 seconds
Episode Artwork


LES SOEUR DE 3H --- Support this podcast:
6/2/202244 minutes, 30 seconds
Episode Artwork


FEEDING OUR PEOPLE --- Support this podcast:
5/30/202248 seconds
Episode Artwork


UN AMI DE 3H --- Support this podcast:
5/30/202221 minutes, 56 seconds
Episode Artwork


5/30/202214 minutes, 9 seconds
Episode Artwork

La prière nocturne par les Soeurs de 3H

La prière nocturne par les Soeurs de 3H --- Support this podcast:
5/28/202230 minutes, 30 seconds
Episode Artwork

La prière nocturne par les frères de 3H

La prière nocturne par les frères de 3H --- Support this podcast:
5/28/202237 minutes, 53 seconds
Episode Artwork

Les sœurs de 3H

Les sœurs de 3H --- Support this podcast:
5/28/202230 minutes, 30 seconds
Episode Artwork


5/27/202245 seconds
Episode Artwork


PASTEUR JOSEPH THÉODORE  --- Support this podcast:
5/27/202246 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork


LES SOEUR DE 3H --- Support this podcast:
5/26/202229 minutes, 37 seconds
Episode Artwork


PASTOR JOSEPH  --- Support this podcast:
5/26/202241 minutes, 33 seconds
Episode Artwork

Le peuple Haïtien dans la perspective biblique .Past. Joseph Théodore#1

Le peuple Haïtien dans la perspective biblique .Past. Joseph Théodore#1 --- Support this podcast:
5/21/202222 seconds
Episode Artwork


PRIÉRE NOCTURN PAR LES SOEURS 3H  --- Support this podcast:
5/21/202230 minutes
Episode Artwork


PRIÉRE NOCTURN PAR LES DE 3H  --- Support this podcast:
5/21/202230 minutes
Episode Artwork

Le peuple Haïtien dans la perspective biblique .Past. Joseph Théodore#1

Le peuple Haïtien dans la perspective biblique .Past. Joseph Théodore#1 --- Support this podcast:
5/20/202230 minutes, 16 seconds
Episode Artwork

Le peuple Haïtien dans la perspective biblique .Past. Joseph Théodore#1

Le peuple Haïtien dans la perspective biblique .Past. Joseph Théodore#1 --- Support this podcast:
5/20/202233 minutes, 54 seconds
Episode Artwork


LA BIBLE EXPLIQUÉE DANS UNE ANNÉE   --- Support this podcast:
5/18/202228 minutes, 22 seconds
Episode Artwork


LA BIBLE EXPLIQUÉE DANS UNE ANNÉE   --- Support this podcast:
5/17/202217 minutes, 10 seconds
Episode Artwork


LA BIBLE EXPLIQUÉE DANS UNE ANNÉE . --- Support this podcast:
5/12/202217 minutes, 13 seconds
Episode Artwork


LA BIBLE EXPLIQUÉE DANS UNE ANNÉE . --- Support this podcast:
5/12/202217 minutes, 22 seconds
Episode Artwork

La prière nocturne par les sœurs de flambeau de l’espoir.

La prière nocturne par les sœurs de flambeau de l’espoir. --- Support this podcast:
5/11/20222 hours, 48 minutes, 33 seconds
Episode Artwork

Sr Chery salutation et conseille sur le marriage

Sr Chery salutation et conseille sur le Marriage --- Support this podcast:
5/11/202235 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

MEMENT ESPECIAL AVEC SOEUR CHERY . La corruption qui existe dans le monde par la convoitise.

MEMENT ESPECIAL AVEC SOEUR CHERY . La corruption qui existe dans le monde par la convoitise. --- Support this podcast:
5/8/202229 minutes, 59 seconds
Episode Artwork


 BIBLE EXPLIAUÉE LUC --- Support this podcast:
5/8/20229 hours, 27 minutes, 27 seconds
Episode Artwork

Moment spécial avec les frères Wilfrid Cantave et Jacob et Merossier

Moment spécial avec les frères Wilfrid Cantave et Jacob et Merossier --- Support this podcast:
5/7/202231 minutes, 46 seconds
Episode Artwork

Étude sur la sanctification avec Pasteur Samuel

Étude sur la sanctification avec Pasteur Samuel --- Support this podcast:
5/6/202222 minutes, 35 seconds
Episode Artwork

Prière du matin avec Pasteur Jacob et FrèreHenri Robert Noti

Prière du matin avec Pasteur Jacob et FrèreHenri Robert Noti --- Support this podcast:
5/6/202224 minutes, 10 seconds
Episode Artwork

Dévotion les frères et sœurs de 3H

Dévotion les frères et sœurs de 3H --- Support this podcast:
5/6/202225 minutes, 32 seconds
Episode Artwork

Les sœurs Flambeau de l’espoir

Les sœurs Flambeau de l’espoir --- Support this podcast:
5/4/202232 minutes, 52 seconds
Episode Artwork

Prière matin et par les frères de la familleEmmanuel 3H

Prière matin et par les frères de la famille 3H Emmanuel --- Support this podcast:
5/4/20222 hours, 45 minutes, 50 seconds
Episode Artwork

PrIère du matin

PrIère du matin --- Support this podcast:
5/4/202216 minutes, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork

Le peuple Haitien a perpective Biblique. Avec Pasteur Joseph Theodore.

Le peuple Haitien a perpective Biblique. Avec Pasteur Joseph Theodore. --- Support this podcast:
5/3/202244 minutes, 13 seconds
Episode Artwork

Le peuple Haitian a la perpective Biblique.

Le peuple Haitian a la perpective Biblique. --- Support this podcast:
5/3/202221 minutes, 34 seconds
Episode Artwork

Étude 4-29-2022 Pasteur Samuel

Étude 4-29-2022 Pasteur Samuel --- Support this podcast:
4/30/202229 minutes, 56 seconds
Episode Artwork

Les frères et sœurs de la famille 3H

Les frères et sœurs de la famille 3H --- Support this podcast:
4/30/202230 minutes, 48 seconds
Episode Artwork

Étude Bibliographique sur la sanctification.

Étude Bibliographique sur la sanctification. Avec Pasteur Samuel Asselhomme. --- Support this podcast:
4/29/202229 minutes, 56 seconds
Episode Artwork

La prière nocturne par les frères de 3H

La prière nocturne par les frères de 3H --- Support this podcast:
4/28/202241 minutes, 55 seconds
Episode Artwork

Pasteur Samuel

Pasteur Samuel --- Support this podcast:
4/27/202217 minutes, 49 seconds
Episode Artwork

Prière du matin avec Pasteur Jacob Aris.

Prière du matin avec Pasteur Jacob Aris. --- Support this podcast:
4/27/202218 minutes, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork

La Bible Expliquée Dans Une Année

La Bible Expliquée Dans Une Année --- Support this podcast:
4/24/202217 minutes, 7 seconds
Episode Artwork

La prière du Pasteur Bernard Jean Siméon. Un Ami de De 3H.

La prière du Pasteur Bernard Jean Siméon. Un Ami de De 3H. --- Support this podcast:
4/23/202246 minutes, 39 seconds
Episode Artwork

Part 1

Part 1 --- Support this podcast:
4/23/20221 hour, 28 minutes, 24 seconds
Episode Artwork

Meditation par le frère Thomas du Brésil

Meditation par le frère Thomas du Brésil --- Support this podcast:
4/21/202258 minutes, 11 seconds
Episode Artwork


PRIÈRE LES SOEURS FLAMBEAU --- Support this podcast:
4/20/202230 minutes
Episode Artwork


LES FRÈRES ET SOERS DU BRÉSIL --- Support this podcast:
4/20/202230 minutes
Episode Artwork

Les frères de la famille 3H

Les frères de la famille 3H --- Support this podcast:
4/18/202244 minutes, 32 seconds
Episode Artwork


The vision is to see HHH create self-sustaining, self-replicating churches, empower ethical entrepreneurs that positively impact local communities, and provide access to education to create new opportunities for the next generation. These intentions would hopefully transform Haiti on a national level to where Haiti would become a country that is known for its God empowered love, Ethical business practices, and intellectual prowess! Join us on mission to change HaitI! --- Support this podcast:
4/17/202229 minutes, 53 seconds
Episode Artwork

Les sept paroles du Seigneur sur La Croix #1 Par Pasteur Cantave et #7 par le Frère Bernard.

Les sept paroles du Seigneur sur La Croix #1 Par Pasteur Cantave et #7 par le Frère Bernard. --- Support this podcast:
4/15/202228 minutes, 11 seconds
Episode Artwork

Moment de prière avec Frère Henri Robert Noti.

Moment de prière avec Frère Henri Robert Noti. --- Support this podcast:
4/15/202210 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

Moment de prière avec Frère Henri Robert Noti.

Moment de prière avec Frère Henri Robert Noti. --- Support this podcast:
4/15/20229 minutes, 3 seconds
Episode Artwork

La prière de la famille

La prière de la famille --- Support this podcast:
4/15/202230 minutes, 41 seconds
Episode Artwork

Dévotion nocturne par les sœurs flambeau de l’espoir

Dévotion nocturne par les sœurs flambeau de l’espoir --- Support this podcast:
4/13/202232 minutes, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork

Dévotion de Frère Thomas sur 3H

Dévotion de Frère Thomas sur 3H --- Support this podcast:
4/13/202233 minutes, 19 seconds
Episode Artwork

Vendredi 8 Mars 2022 7:30-8pm Étude sur la sanctification avec Pasteur Samuel Assel’homme

Vendredi 8 Mars 2022 7:30-8pm Étude sur la sanctification avec Pasteur Samuel Assel’homme --- Support this podcast:
4/8/202241 minutes, 51 seconds
Episode Artwork

Dévotion Frère Wilfrid Basquin

Dévotion Frère Wilfrid Basquin --- Support this podcast:
4/7/202222 minutes, 42 seconds
Episode Artwork

Les Sœurs de 3H

Les Sœurs de 3H --- Support this podcast:
4/6/202227 minutes, 5 seconds
Episode Artwork


FRÈRE ROBINSON --- Support this podcast:
4/5/202212 minutes, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork

Collection de la famille 3H

Collection de la famille 3H --- Support this podcast:
4/5/202219 minutes, 4 seconds
Episode Artwork

Meditation par Frère Wilfrid

Meditation avec Wilfrid --- Support this podcast:
4/5/202221 minutes, 45 seconds
Episode Artwork

Dévotion nocturne avec les frères Wilfrid et frères Thomas

Dévotion nocturne avec les frères Wilfrid et frères Thomas --- Support this podcast:
4/5/202230 minutes, 2 seconds
Episode Artwork

Dévotion les epoux Chery

Dévotion les epoux Chery --- Support this podcast:
4/2/202219 minutes, 31 seconds
Episode Artwork


Prière --- Support this podcast:
4/1/202242 minutes, 46 seconds
Episode Artwork

Dévotion nocturne par les sœurs de 3H

Dévotion nocturne par les sœurs de 3H --- Support this podcast:
4/1/202232 minutes, 12 seconds
Episode Artwork


PRIÈRE D'INTERCESSION PAR LES SOEURS DE 3H.  --- Support this podcast:
3/31/202230 minutes
Episode Artwork


3/31/202229 minutes, 46 seconds
Episode Artwork

Dévotion les frères et soeurs de la famille 3H

Dévotion les frères et soeurs de la famille 3H --- Support this podcast:
3/30/202230 minutes
Episode Artwork


VERSET SUR LA GRACE --- Support this podcast:
3/29/202213 minutes, 42 seconds
Episode Artwork

Dévotion les frères de 3H

 Dévotion les frères de 3H  --- Support this podcast:
3/29/202230 minutes
Episode Artwork


PRIÈRE --- Support this podcast:
3/28/202230 minutes
Episode Artwork


Prière#1 --- Support this podcast:
3/27/202230 minutes
Episode Artwork

Prière De la famille 3H

Prière De la famille 3H --- Support this podcast:
3/26/202229 minutes, 3 seconds
Episode Artwork

Etude sur la sanctification Matthieu 6:9

Etude sur la sanctification Matthieu 6:9 --- Support this podcast:
3/25/202230 minutes
Episode Artwork

Prière de celui qui est persécuté

Prière de celui qui est persécuté --- Support this podcast:
3/25/202220 minutes, 16 seconds
Episode Artwork

Dévotion avec les frères et sœurs de de 3H

Dévotion avec les frères et sœurs de de 3H --- Support this podcast:
3/25/202237 minutes, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork

Dévotion avec les frères et sœurs de de 3H

Dévotion avec les frères et sœurs de de 3H --- Support this podcast:
3/25/202240 minutes, 29 seconds
Episode Artwork


3/24/202213 minutes, 37 seconds
Episode Artwork

Prière midi famille 3H

Prière midi famille 3H --- Support this podcast:
3/22/202217 minutes, 47 seconds
Episode Artwork

Prière midi frères et sœurs de la famille 3H.

Prière midi frères et sœurs de la famille 3H. --- Support this podcast:
3/21/202235 minutes, 21 seconds
Episode Artwork


M --- Support this podcast:
3/21/20223 minutes, 21 seconds
Episode Artwork


Wi --- Support this podcast:
3/19/202247 minutes, 48 seconds
Episode Artwork

La famille selon le plan de Dieu. Avec Pasteur Veillard Sur Anchor fm

La famille selon le plan de Dieu. Avec Pasteur Veillard Sur Anchor fm. --- Support this podcast:
3/19/202247 minutes, 59 seconds
Episode Artwork

La prière fervente du Juste a une grande efficacité. La famille 3H

La prière fervente du Juste a une grande efficacité. La famille 3H --- Support this podcast:
3/19/202230 minutes, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork

Dévotion avec les frères et sœurs de 3H

Dévotion avec les frères et sœurs de 3H --- Support this podcast:
3/18/202247 minutes, 48 seconds
Episode Artwork

La prière avec les frères Brjomann et Pasteur Bernard Jean Soméon.

La prière avec les frères Brjomann et Pasteur Bernard Jean Soméon. --- Support this podcast:
3/18/202228 minutes, 2 seconds
Episode Artwork

Dévotion Les Frères De 3H Pasteur B- et Frèe Mackendy D.

Dévotion Les Frères De 3H Pasteur  B- et Frèe Mackendy D. --- Support this podcast:
3/18/202230 minutes
Episode Artwork

Dévotion midi avec les frères 3H

Dévotion midi avec les frères 3H --- Support this podcast:
3/16/202230 minutes
Episode Artwork

Tande Jan Ulrick avék Dieumène te gin yon amour san intérê materièl . Mété zorey ou byen pouw ta

Kijan et ki lajan te soti pou construction Building saa nan Kriswa. Al tande paske se Ulrick menm kap pale empil vérité ap devwale , wap konprann pou tout mansonj sa véritable vérité ap libéré fanmi C . --- Support this podcast:
3/16/202217 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

Les soeurs Flambeau De L'espoir /Femmes 3H

Les soeurs Flambeau De L'espoir /Femmes 3H --- Support this podcast:
3/16/202230 minutes
Episode Artwork

Remember to check in with Pastor Samuel

Remember to check in with Pastor Samuel --- Support this podcast:
3/15/202255 minutes, 19 seconds
Episode Artwork

Comment puis-je me mettre en règle avec Dieu ?

Comment puis-je me mettre en règle avec Dieu ? --- Support this podcast:
3/14/202220 minutes, 58 seconds
Episode Artwork


 PRIÈRE SR A C. --- Support this podcast:
3/12/202229 minutes, 28 seconds
Episode Artwork

Dévotion les époux Chery

Dévotion les époux Chery --- Support this podcast:
3/12/202220 minutes, 46 seconds
Episode Artwork

Dévotion la famille 3H

Dévotion la famille 3H --- Support this podcast:
3/12/202229 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

Dévotion Nocturne par les frères Bernard L et Bernard J.

Dévotion Nocturne par les frères Bernard L et Bernard J. --- Support this podcast:
3/11/202224 minutes, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork

Dévotion Nocturne par les sœurs Adonise Edith et Josette.

Dévotion Nocturne par les sœurs Adonise Edith et Josette. --- Support this podcast:
3/11/202229 minutes, 35 seconds
Episode Artwork

Prière d’intercession par les freres de 3H

Pastor Bernard & Brother Journal --- Support this podcast:
3/9/202230 minutes, 52 seconds
Episode Artwork

Meditation Pasteur Jacob Aris

Pasteur Jacob Aris --- Support this podcast:
3/9/202218 minutes, 57 seconds
Episode Artwork

La prière d'intercession par Pasteure Bernard et Frère Berjomann.

 La prière d'intercession par Pasteure Bernard et Frère Berjomann. --- Support this podcast:
3/8/202225 minutes, 5 seconds
Episode Artwork

Dévotion Pasteur Cantave et Genor .

Dévotion Pasteur Cantave et Genor . --- Support this podcast:
3/8/202226 minutes, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork

Dévotion les soeurs Flambeau de l'espoir

Dévotion les soeurs Flambeau de l'espoir --- Support this podcast:
3/8/202229 minutes, 59 seconds
Episode Artwork

Prière midi avec les frères BJ et PJ.

Prière midi avec les frères BJ et PJ. --- Support this podcast:
3/7/202230 minutes
Episode Artwork


ANNONCEMENT POUR DIMANCHE 1:00  --- Support this podcast:
3/6/20229 minutes, 12 seconds
Episode Artwork

Parole BD

Parole BD --- Support this podcast:
3/6/202228 minutes, 13 seconds
Episode Artwork


Prière  --- Support this podcast:
3/5/202220 minutes, 7 seconds
Episode Artwork

Prière# 4

Prière# 4 --- Support this podcast:
3/4/202230 minutes
Episode Artwork

Frère journal B.#5

Frère journal B.#5 --- Support this podcast:
3/4/202230 minutes
Episode Artwork

Dévotion les frères Basquin Jacob et Samuel

Dévotion les frères Basquin Jacob et Samuel --- Support this podcast:
3/4/202227 minutes, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork

Dévotion les frères du Brésil

Dévotion les frères du Brésil --- Support this podcast:
3/3/202230 minutes
Episode Artwork

Prière midi avec les Frères Journal et S

Prière midi avec les Frères Journal et S --- Support this podcast:
3/2/202229 minutes, 7 seconds
Episode Artwork

La prière de Fr B.J et Sr C.

Prière Midi --- Support this podcast:
3/1/202230 minutes, 10 seconds
Episode Artwork

Prière Frère Journal B

 Prière Frère Journal B --- Support this podcast:
2/28/202216 minutes, 48 seconds
Episode Artwork

Prière de consécration et bénédiction.

Prière de consécration et bénédiction. --- Support this podcast:
2/28/202230 minutes
Episode Artwork


PSC. --- Support this podcast:
2/28/202230 minutes
Episode Artwork

Louanj pou BD

 Louanj pou BD --- Support this podcast:
2/28/202229 minutes, 59 seconds
Episode Artwork

Les soeurs de3H en prière.

 Les soeurs de3H en prière. --- Support this podcast:
2/27/202230 minutes
Episode Artwork

Les Héres de 3H en Prière

Les Héres de 3H en Prière  --- Support this podcast:
2/27/202230 minutes
Episode Artwork


Prière  --- Support this podcast:
2/27/202225 minutes, 57 seconds
Episode Artwork

Prière soeur Sr Chery.

Prière soeur Sr Chery . --- Support this podcast:
2/26/202230 minutes
Episode Artwork

Sa se bagay ou dwê konnin #2

Sa se Bagay ou dwé konnin --- Support this podcast:
2/26/202238 minutes, 8 seconds
Episode Artwork

Les Frères Berjamon et Jonas

Les Frères Berjamon et Jonas  --- Support this podcast:
2/25/202221 minutes, 21 seconds
Episode Artwork

Prière pour être délivrée de la colère et des blessures émotionnelles

Prière pour être délivrée de la colère et des blessures émotionnelles --- Support this podcast:
2/24/202230 minutes
Episode Artwork

Frère Wilfrid Basquin prière.

Frère Wilfrid Basquin  prière. --- Support this podcast:
2/24/202215 minutes, 52 seconds
Episode Artwork

MEJV Platon Robert Moment de prière .

Pasteur Davidson MEJVP Platon Robert Moment de prière . --- Support this podcast:
2/24/202230 minutes
Episode Artwork

HHH Prière midi .

HHH Prière Midi. --- Support this podcast:
2/23/202228 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

Dévotion Pasteur Cantave J.

Méditation sur 134 Français Chant D’espérance. Merci beaucoup pour votre aide dans le travail du Seigneur. --- Support this podcast:
2/23/202221 minutes, 14 seconds
Episode Artwork

Dévotion Pasteur Bernard et Frère Journal.

Dévotion Pasteur Bernard et Frère Journal. --- Support this podcast:
2/22/202230 minutes
Episode Artwork

Dévotion les frères Jonas Yvon et P.

Dévotion les frères Jonas Yvon et P. --- Support this podcast:
2/22/202229 minutes, 59 seconds
Episode Artwork

Dévotion les frères de3H Génor et Wifrid

Dévotion les frères de3H Génor et Wifrid --- Support this podcast:
2/22/202230 minutes
Episode Artwork

Dévotion Soeur Adonise femme 3H

Dévotion Soeur Adonise femme 3H --- Support this podcast:
2/22/202229 minutes, 53 seconds
Episode Artwork

La Bible explique dans une année

La Bible dans une année --- Support this podcast:
2/22/202214 minutes, 9 seconds
Episode Artwork

Prière selon la Bible #2

Prière selon la Bible #2 --- Support this podcast:
2/22/202215 minutes, 16 seconds
Episode Artwork

Prière du jour #5

Prière du jour #5  --- Support this podcast:
2/21/202230 minutes
Episode Artwork

Prière d'intercession Pasteur Bernard et frère Journal pour la libération de PASTUER Lochard et les autres.

Prière d'intercession Pasteur Bernard et frère Journal pour la libération  de PASTUER Lochard et les autres.  --- Support this podcast:
2/21/202230 minutes
Episode Artwork

Prière selon la Bible #

Prière selon la Bible # --- Support this podcast:
2/21/20227 minutes, 24 seconds
Episode Artwork

Prière d'intercession.

Prière d'intercession.  --- Support this podcast:
2/19/202220 minutes, 16 seconds
Episode Artwork

Dévotion les frères Bernard et Kenly #2

Dévotion les frères Bernard et Kenly  #2  patajel avek fanmiw zanmiw --- Support this podcast:
2/19/202230 minutes
Episode Artwork

La Bible Explique Dans Une Anné.New Testament / NOUVO TESTAMAN Marc 1:1-22

 La Bible Explique Dans Une Anné.New Testament / NOUVO TESTAMAN Marc 1:1-22 --- Support this podcast:
2/18/202229 minutes, 59 seconds
Episode Artwork

Frère Kenly

La prière de frère Kenley. --- Support this podcast:
2/18/20226 minutes, 14 seconds
Episode Artwork

Dévotion de Frère Henri Noti du Canada.

Joyeux anniversaire Frère Henri.Que le Seigneur vous bénisse abondamment. --- Support this podcast:
2/18/202230 minutes, 40 seconds
Episode Artwork

La prière les Femmes 3H

Flambeau de l’espoir. --- Support this podcast:
2/18/202232 minutes, 59 seconds
Episode Artwork

2-16 -2022 Dévotion de Frère Wilfrid Basquin du Brésil

2-16 -2022 Dévotion de Frère Wilfrid Basquin du Brésil --- Support this podcast:
2/17/202229 minutes, 59 seconds
Episode Artwork

Se sa wi pa Janm blié Hòm honèt kom Pastè Lochard Rémy

Se sa wi pa Janm blié Hòm honèt kom Pastè Lochard Rémy --- Support this podcast:
2/17/202230 minutes
Episode Artwork

Prière Pasteur Bernard et Frère Kenley .

Prière Pasteur Bernard et Frère Kenley . --- Support this podcast:
2/16/202230 minutes
Episode Artwork


SAA W DWE KONIN'L SAN MAMSONJ  --- Support this podcast:
2/16/202230 minutes
Episode Artwork


Temwayaj#2 --- Support this podcast:
2/16/202230 minutes
Episode Artwork

Les soeurs de 3H

Les soeurs de 3H  --- Support this podcast:
2/16/202229 minutes, 34 seconds
Episode Artwork

C'est l'opinion du Frère Placide Cadet

C'est l'opinion du Frère  Placide Cadet --- Support this podcast:
2/16/202229 minutes, 59 seconds
Episode Artwork


2/15/202229 minutes, 59 seconds
Episode Artwork

Deux mots Avec Soeur Chery

Deux mots Avec Soeur Chery --- Support this podcast:
2/14/202230 minutes
Episode Artwork

Prière et soeurs de 3H

 Prière et soeurs de 3H  --- Support this podcast:
2/14/202223 minutes, 54 seconds
Episode Artwork


COMPRENDRE LE COMBAT SPIRITUEL . Avec Soeur Chery. --- Support this podcast:
2/13/202218 minutes, 56 seconds
Episode Artwork

La prière de soeur Chery.

 La prière de soeur Chery. --- Support this podcast:
2/12/202230 minutes
Episode Artwork


love you all! --- Support this podcast:
2/12/202240 minutes, 5 seconds
Episode Artwork

La prière de Pasteur Bernard .

 La prière de Pasteur  Bernard . --- Support this podcast:
2/11/202230 minutes
Episode Artwork

La prière de Soeur Edith pour Pasteur Lochard Remy.

 La prière de Soeur Edith pour Pasteur Lochard Remy. --- Support this podcast:
2/11/202224 minutes, 32 seconds
Episode Artwork

Soeur Dee et Soeur Edith en prière.

Soeur Dee et Soeur Edith en prière. --- Support this podcast:
2/10/202227 minutes, 29 seconds
Episode Artwork

Maraton de priè pour tout mou-n yo kidnapé Ayiti especialman Pastè Lochard Rémy.

 Maraton de priè pour tout mou-n yo kidnapé Ayiti especialman Pastè Lochard Rémy. --- Support this podcast:
2/10/20221 hour
Episode Artwork

(2 -9-022) Maraton de prié pou déverance Haiti avek tout moun yo kidnapé. Pastè Zidor ,Pastè Samuel e frè Within.AUgustin.

(2 -9-022) Maraton de prié pou déverance Haiti avek tout moun yo kidnapé. Pastè Zidor ,Pastè Samuel e frè Within.AUgustin. --- Support this podcast:
2/9/202229 minutes, 59 seconds
Episode Artwork


MARATON DE PRIÈ POU TOUT MOUN KI NAN MEN KIDNAPPEUR YO.#1 (2 -9-022) --- Support this podcast:
2/9/202230 minutes
Episode Artwork

Dévotion les frères et soeurs de 3H 2-8-2022

Les frères et soeurs de 3H 2-8-2022 Dévotion les frères et soeurs de 3H 2-8-2022  --- Support this podcast:
2/9/202228 minutes, 45 seconds
Episode Artwork

Jezi Fifdèl

Jezi Fifdèl.------ --- Support this podcast:
2/9/202214 minutes, 36 seconds
Episode Artwork

Suis-je pardonné(e) ? Comment faire pour recevoir le pardon de Dieu ? Les soeurs Adonise et Chery.

Suis-je pardonné(e) ? Comment faire pour recevoir le pardon de Dieu ? Les soeurs Adonise et Chery. --- Support this podcast:
2/8/202227 minutes, 33 seconds
Episode Artwork

Les frères de 3H# 4 /2-7-2022

Les frères de 3H# 4 /2-7-2022 --- Support this podcast:
2/8/202230 minutes
Episode Artwork

La prière d'intercession pour Pasteur Lochard Rémy.#2

La prière d'intercession pour Pasteur Lochard Rémy.#2 --- Support this podcast:
2/7/202230 minutes
Episode Artwork

2-5-2022 JEZI FÈL# 1

2-5-2022 JEZI FÈL# 1 --- Support this podcast:
2/5/202229 minutes, 22 seconds
Episode Artwork

Action. de grace #2

Action. de grace #2  --- Support this podcast:
2/4/202223 minutes, 45 seconds
Episode Artwork

Action de grace a L'eternel pour Père Mercidieu Ariste. Avec les frères de 3H et les soeurs de FLambeau.#1

Action de grace a L'eternel pour Père Mercidieu Ariste. Avec les frères de 3H et les soeurs de FLambeau.#1  --- Support this podcast:
2/4/202230 minutes
Episode Artwork

Prière les frères et Soeurs de 3H/ Flambeau de l'espoir.1-24-2022

Prière les frères et Soeurs de 3H/ Flambeau de l'espoir.1-24-2022  --- Support this podcast:
2/4/202229 minutes, 59 seconds
Episode Artwork

2021 Lecture de 3H parle le Frère Riki Joseph.Merci beaucoup pour votre participation dans le travail du Seigneur.

2021 Lecture de 3H parle le Frère Riki Joseph.Merci beaucoup pour votre participation dans le travail du Seigneur. --- Support this podcast:
2/4/202216 minutes, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork

Prière d'intercession pour 3H Chaque mercredi avec les soeurs Flambeau de l'espoir.Jacques 5:16 #1

Prière d'intercession pour 3H  Chaque mercredi avec les soeurs Flambeau de l'espoir.Jacques 5:16   --- Support this podcast:
2/4/202230 minutes
Episode Artwork

Les soeurs flambeau de l'espoir. Part #3

Les soeurs flambeau de l'espoir. Part #3  --- Support this podcast:
2/3/202230 minutes
Episode Artwork

Les Soeurs de flambeau/ femmes 3H

Les Soeurs de flambeau/ femmes 3H --- Support this podcast:
2/3/202230 minutes
Episode Artwork

Pasteur Chery et Frère Ideson .

ur Chery et Frère Ideson . --- Support this podcast:
2/1/202230 minutes
Episode Artwork

Marc 13:33 Prenez garde, veillez et priez; car vous ne savez quand ce temps viendra.

Marc 13:33 Prenez garde, veillez et priez; car vous ne savez quand ce temps viendra. --- Support this podcast:
2/1/202230 minutes
Episode Artwork


PLINYIN NAN PYE BONDYEW. --- Support this podcast:
1/30/202230 minutes
Episode Artwork

Pasteur Samuel et soeur Nadège les amis de 3H.

Pasteur Samuel et soeur Nadège les amis de 3H. --- Support this podcast:
1/30/202222 minutes, 59 seconds
Episode Artwork

Pasteur Samuel et frère Thomas

Pasteur Samuel et frère Thomas  --- Support this podcast:
1/30/202230 minutes
Episode Artwork

3H Dévotion les Srs: Micheline et Résinnette.

3H Dévotion les Srs: Micheline et Résinnette --- Support this podcast:
1/27/202230 minutes
Episode Artwork

1-26- 2022 Dévotion nocturne par les soeurs Flambeau de l'espoir .

 1-26- 2022 Dévotion nocturne par les soeurs Flambeau de l'espoir . --- Support this podcast:
1/26/202230 minutes
Episode Artwork

Dévotion les de 3H

Dévotion les de 3H  --- Support this podcast:
1/26/202230 minutes
Episode Artwork

Les Frères du Brésil les amis de 3H. 1-24-2022

Les Frères du Brésil les amis de 3H. 1-24-2022 --- Support this podcast:
1/25/202230 minutes
Episode Artwork

HHH Héros#2

HHH Héros#2 --- Support this podcast:
1/24/202230 minutes
Episode Artwork

Les frères du Brésil et la soeur Adonise.1-24-2022

Les frères du Brésil et la soeur Adonise.1-24-2022 --- Support this podcast:
1/24/202222 minutes, 24 seconds
Episode Artwork

Les Héros de 3H en Haiti!

Les Héros de 3H en Haiti! --- Support this podcast:
1/24/202230 minutes
Episode Artwork

, 1-22-2022 Moment avec les frères et de 3H.

 , 1-22-2022 Moment  avec les frères et de 3H. --- Support this podcast:
1/23/202229 minutes, 23 seconds
Episode Artwork

3H Lecture par frère RIKI Joseph.

3H Lecture par frère RIKI Joseph. --- Support this podcast:
1/22/202216 minutes, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork

3H Lecture par frère RIKI Joseph.

3H Lecture par frère RIKI Joseph. --- Support this podcast:
1/22/202216 minutes, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork

Dévotion les frères de 3H 1-20-2022

Dévotion les frères de 3H  1-20-2022 --- Support this podcast:
1/22/202230 minutes
Episode Artwork

3 Femme 3H Dévotion nocturne de Soeur Sophie 1-20-2O22

3 Femme 3H Dévotion nocturne de Soeur Sophie 1-20-2O22 --- Support this podcast:
1/21/202222 minutes, 45 seconds
Episode Artwork

3H Dévotion nocturne les soeurs Yolène et Josette Juedi -1-20-2022

 3H Dévotion nocturne  les soeurs Yolène et Josette Juedi 1-20-2022  --- Support this podcast:
1/21/202228 minutes, 37 seconds
Episode Artwork

Dévotion Les frères et soeurs de 3H

Dévotion Les  frères et soeurs de 3H  --- Support this podcast:
1/19/202230 minutes
Episode Artwork

Rubrik Tikoze sou la fanmi avek zanmi 3H. Pasteur Zidor Veillard. Bonne edition.

Sujet: Les etapes à suivre pour arriver au mariage. Pasteur  Zidor Veillard. Bonne edition. --- Support this podcast:
1/19/202230 minutes
Episode Artwork

Prière d'intercession pour 3H La prière fervente du juste a une grande efficacité.

La prière d'intercession pour 3H La prière fervente du juste a une grande efficacité. --- Support this podcast:
1/19/202230 minutes
Episode Artwork

Dévotion3H FAMILY

Dévotion3H FAMILY --- Support this podcast:
1/18/202230 minutes
Episode Artwork

3H Dévotion les frères du Brésil

3H Dévotion les frères du Brésil  --- Support this podcast:
1/18/202230 minutes
Episode Artwork

La prière de Pasteur Bernard zanmi 3H

La prière de Pasteur Bernard zanmi 3H --- Support this podcast:
1/17/202218 minutes, 30 seconds
Episode Artwork

3H Dévotion avec Pasteur Davidson Oliveir

3h Dévotion  avec Pasteur Davidson Oliveir --- Support this podcast:
1/17/202230 minutes
Episode Artwork

Dévotion les soeurs 3H

Dévotion les soeurs 3H --- Support this podcast:
1/16/202219 minutes
Episode Artwork

Adoration ZANMI 3H YO

Adoration ZANMI 3H YO --- Support this podcast:
1/16/202230 minutes
Episode Artwork

Intercession pour 3HHH 1- 15- 2022

Intercession  pour 3HHH 1- 15- 2022 --- Support this podcast:
1/15/202229 minutes, 32 seconds
Episode Artwork

Prière Frère Wilfrid du Brésil.

Prière Frère Wilfrid du Brésil. --- Support this podcast:
1/12/202230 minutes
Episode Artwork

Les preparatifs au mariage.Avec Pasteuer Zidor Veillard Rubrik #1 \

Les preparatifs  au mariage.Avec Pasteuer Zidor Veillard Rubrik #1 \ --- Support this podcast:
1/12/202226 minutes, 39 seconds
Episode Artwork

Dévotion les frères du Brésil.

Dévotion les frères du Brésil. --- Support this podcast:
1/12/202230 minutes
Episode Artwork

Dévotion les frères 3H.

Dévotion les frères 3H. --- Support this podcast:
1/12/202229 minutes, 59 seconds
Episode Artwork

Dévotion fanmi 3H.

Dévotion fanmi 3H. --- Support this podcast:
1/12/202230 minutes
Episode Artwork

Dévotion 3H

Dévotion 3H --- Support this podcast:
1/12/20221 hour, 1 second
Episode Artwork

Dévotion par les soeurs 3H |FL.

Dévotion par les soeurs  3H |FL. --- Support this podcast:
1/11/202215 minutes, 39 seconds
Episode Artwork

Dimanche 1-9-22

How can we be praying for you this week?  Comment pouvons-nous prier pour vous cette semaine ?  Ki jan nou ka priye pou ou semèn sa a? --- Support this podcast:
1/9/202247 minutes, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork

Jenèz / Genesis 18-19 La Bible explique dans une année.

Jenèz / Genesis 18-19 La Bible explique dans une année. --- Support this podcast:
1/8/202226 minutes, 17 seconds
Episode Artwork


FEMME 3H --- Support this podcast:
1/7/202229 minutes, 59 seconds
Episode Artwork

La Priére des deux soeurs Y&D.

La Priére des deux soeurs Y&D. --- Support this podcast:
1/7/202229 minutes, 31 seconds
Episode Artwork

Happy Birthday brother Jean-claude Chery.service 3H

Happy Birthday brother Jean-Claude Chery. service 3H --- Support this podcast:
1/5/202229 minutes, 54 seconds
Episode Artwork

Testimonies of 3H family.

Testimonies 3H family. --- Support this podcast:
1/5/202230 minutes
Episode Artwork

Dévotion 3H

Dévotion 3H  --- Support this podcast:
1/4/202229 minutes, 41 seconds
Episode Artwork

3H Programme de priére par les fréres du Brésil. #1

3H Programme  de priére par les fréres du Brésil. #1 --- Support this podcast:
1/4/202230 minutes
Episode Artwork

3H Brothers Greeting each other for 2022

3H Brothers Greeting each other for 2022 --- Support this podcast:
1/4/202230 minutes
Episode Artwork

3H Brothers Greeting each other for 2022

3H Brothers Greeting each other for 2022 --- Support this podcast:
1/1/202229 minutes, 25 seconds
Episode Artwork

Lundi 27 Décembre 2021 Dévotion nocturne par les frères volontaire de 3H

Lundi 27 Décembre 2021 Dévotion nocturne par les frères volontaire de 3H --- Support this podcast:
12/28/202130 minutes
Episode Artwork

Pastor Samuel .Sermon Sujet: Votre corps est le temple du Saint-Esprit Romain 12:4-5

Pastor Samuel .Sermon Sujet: Votre corps est le temple du Saint-Esprit Romain 12:4-5 --- Support this podcast:
12/26/202130 minutes
Episode Artwork

Sermon Rm 12:4-5

Sermon Rm 12:4-5 --- Support this podcast:
12/26/202129 minutes, 59 seconds
Episode Artwork

3H Dévotion #

3H Dévotion # --- Support this podcast:
12/25/202130 minutes
Episode Artwork

Temoignage de Soeur Chery part#1

Temoignage de Soeur Chery part#1 --- Support this podcast:
12/25/202130 minutes
Episode Artwork

Miche / Micah 6 -7 C'est l'heur de la lecture da toute la Bible dans une année.

Miche / Micah 6 -7 C'est l'heur de la lecture da toute la Bible dans une année. --- Support this podcast:
12/23/202111 minutes, 13 seconds
Episode Artwork

3H Dévotion nocturne avec Pasteur Jacob Aris

3H Dévotion nocturne avec Pasteur Jacob Aris  --- Support this podcast:
12/23/202126 minutes, 38 seconds
Episode Artwork

Dévotion Homme 3H

Dévotion Homme 3H --- Support this podcast:
12/19/202129 minutes, 59 seconds
Episode Artwork


12/18/202130 minutes
Episode Artwork


DÉVOTION LES EPOUX CHERY Sujet EPH6:14-15 --- Support this podcast:
12/18/202129 minutes, 59 seconds
Episode Artwork

Sujet: L'importance de l'unité dans la réalisation d'une vision.Avec pasteur Zidor Veillard. Bonne audition.

    Abdias / Obadiah 1 C'est l'heur de la lecture de toute la Bible dans une année. --- Support this podcast:
12/18/202129 minutes, 5 seconds
Episode Artwork

Prière d'intercession pour la mission de L'église Jesus Vivant à Carrefour.

Prière d'intercession pour la mission de L'église Jesus Vivant à Carrefour. --- Support this podcast:
12/13/202130 minutes
Episode Artwork

Prière d'intercession pour la mission de L'église Jesus Vivant à Carrefour.

Prière d'intercession pour la mission de L'église Jesus Vivant à Carrefour. --- Support this podcast:
12/13/202129 minutes, 59 seconds
Episode Artwork

La Joie du salut

Advent 1 Peter 1:6-9 --- Support this podcast:
12/12/202144 minutes, 38 seconds
Episode Artwork

Devotion fanmi 3H

Devotion family 3H --- Support this podcast:
12/12/202149 minutes, 31 seconds
Episode Artwork

3H Midnight Dévotion.

3H Midnight Dévotion. --- Support this podcast:
12/12/202124 minutes, 12 seconds
Episode Artwork

Romains 12:4-5 Étude avec Pasteur Jean L.

      Romains 12:4-5 Étude avec Pasteur Jean L.  --- Support this podcast:
12/11/202124 minutes, 31 seconds
Episode Artwork


advent continues --- Support this podcast:
12/10/202158 minutes, 7 seconds
Episode Artwork


DÉVOTION LES EPOUX CHERY. --- Support this podcast:
12/10/202130 minutes
Episode Artwork

Dévotion femme 3H

Dévotion femme 3H --- Support this podcast:
12/10/202130 minutes
Episode Artwork

Dévotion femme 3H

Dévotion femme 3H --- Support this podcast:
12/9/202130 minutes
Episode Artwork

Sermon 5 Decembre 2021 Pastuer Bernard.J.

Sermon 5 Decembre 2021 Pastuer Bernard.J. --- Support this podcast:
12/6/202116 minutes, 53 seconds
Episode Artwork

Dévotion femme 3H

Dévotion femme 3H --- Support this podcast:
12/2/202130 minutes
Episode Artwork

Dévotion Femme 3H

Dévotion  Femme 3H --- Support this podcast:
12/2/202113 minutes, 49 seconds
Episode Artwork

Devotion 3H

Devotion 3H --- Support this podcast:
12/2/202126 minutes, 34 seconds
Episode Artwork

Devotion midi

Devotion midi --- Support this podcast:
11/30/202130 minutes
Episode Artwork

Dévotion femme 3H

Dévotion femme 3H  --- Support this podcast:
11/30/202130 minutes
Episode Artwork

Dévotion femme 3H

Dévotion femme 3H --- Support this podcast:
11/30/202129 minutes, 57 seconds
Episode Artwork

Dévotion Pasteur Chery

Dévotion Pasteur Chery --- Support this podcast:
11/29/202130 minutes
Episode Artwork

Dévotion Homme 3H

Dévotion Homme 3H --- Support this podcast:
11/29/202130 minutes
Episode Artwork

Devotion mixe 3H

Devotion mixe 3H --- Support this podcast:
11/23/202129 minutes, 29 seconds
Episode Artwork


DEVOTION 3H --- Support this podcast:
11/21/202127 minutes, 5 seconds
Episode Artwork


DEVOTIN 3H --- Support this podcast:
11/20/202130 minutes
Episode Artwork

Ezekyèl 3-4 C'est l'heur de la lecture de toute la Bible dans dans année.

Ezekyèl 3-4 C'est l'heur de la lecture de toute la Bible dans dans année. --- Support this podcast:
11/17/202113 minutes, 20 seconds
Episode Artwork

Devotion 3H

Devotion 3H --- Support this podcast:
11/13/202129 minutes, 47 seconds
Episode Artwork

3H Devotion

3H  Devotion --- Support this podcast:
11/13/202129 minutes, 47 seconds
Episode Artwork

3H Dévotion

 3H Dévotion  --- Support this podcast:
11/12/202158 minutes, 31 seconds
Episode Artwork

3H Devotion flambeau

3H Devotion flambeau  --- Support this podcast:
11/10/202130 minutes
Episode Artwork

3H Devotion

3H Devotion  --- Support this podcast:
11/10/202128 minutes, 14 seconds
Episode Artwork

3H Devotion avec Pasteur Chery

3H Devotion avec Pasteur Chery --- Support this podcast:
11/6/202130 minutes
Episode Artwork

3H Devotion

3H Devotion --- Support this podcast:
11/5/202120 minutes, 13 seconds
Episode Artwork

3H Devotion

3H Devotion  --- Support this podcast:
11/4/202129 minutes, 50 seconds
Episode Artwork

Devotion femme 3H

Devotion femme 3H --- Support this podcast:
11/1/202123 minutes, 50 seconds
Episode Artwork

Devotion 3 H

Devotion 3 H --- Support this podcast:
10/31/202130 minutes
Episode Artwork

Devotion de la famille Chery.

Devotion de la famille Chery. --- Support this podcast:
10/30/202129 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork

Devotion Femme 3H

Devotion Femme 3H --- Support this podcast:
10/30/202130 minutes
Episode Artwork

Devotion Femme 3H

Devotion Femme 3H --- Support this podcast:
10/30/202130 minutes
Episode Artwork


Devotion 3H NAN BRÉSILE --- Support this podcast:
10/29/202129 minutes, 59 seconds
Episode Artwork

Deovotion 3H

Devotion 3H --- Support this podcast:
10/23/202124 minutes, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork


DEVOTION 3H --- Support this podcast:
10/22/202128 minutes, 44 seconds
Episode Artwork

Devotion Famille 3H

Devotion Famille 3H --- Support this podcast:
10/17/202130 minutes
Episode Artwork

Devotion la famille Chery

Devotion la famille Chery  --- Support this podcast:
10/16/202130 minutes
Episode Artwork

Devotion 3H

Devotion 3H --- Support this podcast:
10/14/202130 minutes
Episode Artwork

Devotion 10|11|2021

Devotion 10|11|2021 --- Support this podcast:
10/12/202130 minutes
Episode Artwork

C'est l'heur de la devotion nocturne

C'est l'heur de la devotion nocturne --- Support this podcast:
10/11/202130 minutes
Episode Artwork

Devotion les soeurs flambeau

Devotion les soeurs flambeau  --- Support this podcast:
10/9/202130 minutes
Episode Artwork

1Samuel 15:1-9 Devotion

1Samuel 15:1-9 Devotion  --- Support this podcast:
10/8/202129 minutes, 59 seconds
Episode Artwork

Devotion de flambeau

Devotion de flambeau --- Support this podcast:
10/8/202130 minutes
Episode Artwork

Devotion La lecture de toute la bible dans une année.

Devotion La lecture de toute la bible dans une année. --- Support this podcast:
10/6/202119 minutes, 58 seconds
Episode Artwork


Devotion --- Support this podcast:
9/29/202130 minutes
Episode Artwork

Dévotion frère Cadet et Wilfrid

Dévotion frère Cadet et Wilfrid  --- Support this podcast:
9/29/202129 minutes, 59 seconds
Episode Artwork

Laprière de frère Henri.

Laprière de frère Henri. --- Support this podcast:
9/28/202130 minutes
Episode Artwork

La prière sacerdotale de Chéry.

 La prière sacerdotale de Chéry. --- Support this podcast:
9/25/202125 minutes, 2 seconds
Episode Artwork

Cantiques des Cantiques 1-3 La lecture de toute la bible dans une année

Cantiques des Cantiques 1-3 La lecture de toute la bible dans une année --- Support this podcast:
9/23/202110 minutes, 5 seconds
Episode Artwork

Prière de soeur Micheline

Prière de soeur Micheline --- Support this podcast:
9/22/202117 minutes, 44 seconds
Episode Artwork

Prière les membres du comité WHATSAPP

Prière les membres du comité WHATSAPP --- Support this podcast:
9/21/202130 minutes
Episode Artwork

La prière de soeur Yolène et P.Bernard.

La prière de soeur Yolène et P.Bernard. --- Support this podcast:
9/21/202122 minutes, 53 seconds
Episode Artwork

Proverbes 16-18

Proverbes 16-18  --- Support this podcast:
9/14/202114 minutes, 53 seconds
Episode Artwork

Prière de Pasteur Cery # 23

Prière de Pasteur Cery # 23 --- Support this podcast:
9/11/202127 minutes, 51 seconds
Episode Artwork

Prière les soeurs flambeua.

Prière les soeurs flambeua.  --- Support this podcast:
9/11/202126 minutes, 4 seconds
Episode Artwork


PRIÈRE #23 --- Support this podcast:
9/7/202130 minutes
Episode Artwork

La prière de Pateur Edgard Chery.

La prière de Pateur Edgard Chery. --- Support this podcast:
9/4/202129 minutes, 57 seconds
Episode Artwork


PRIÈRE #20 --- Support this podcast:
9/1/202126 minutes, 59 seconds
Episode Artwork

Prière Pasteur Chery #4

Prière Pasteur Chery #4 --- Support this podcast:
8/21/202129 minutes, 59 seconds
Episode Artwork

Prière Pasteur Chery #5

Prière Pasteur Chery #5 --- Support this podcast:
8/20/20219 minutes, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork


Prière#21 --- Support this podcast:
8/20/202130 minutes
Episode Artwork

Prière # 21

Prière # 21 --- Support this podcast:
8/18/202130 minutes
Episode Artwork


Prière#20 --- Support this podcast:
8/17/202121 minutes, 33 seconds
Episode Artwork

La prière de frère Wislin et les soeur f.

La prière de frère Wislin et les soeur f. --- Support this podcast:
8/14/202129 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

Prière# 18

Prière# 18 --- Support this podcast:
8/11/202122 minutes, 9 seconds
Episode Artwork

Prière #17

Prière #17 --- Support this podcast:
8/10/202119 minutes, 44 seconds
Episode Artwork

Brésil Prière

Brésil Prière --- Support this podcast:
8/8/202115 minutes, 28 seconds
Episode Artwork

Prière Brésil Frère B

Prière Brésil Frère B --- Support this podcast:
8/8/202115 minutes, 28 seconds
Episode Artwork

8/7/2021 Prière et meditation

8/7/2021 Prière et meditation --- Support this podcast:
8/7/202128 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork


PRIERE PASTEUR CHERY --- Support this podcast:
8/7/202129 minutes, 59 seconds
Episode Artwork


PRIERE PASTEUR CHERY --- Support this podcast:
8/7/20219 minutes, 53 seconds
Episode Artwork

Prière #15 Brésil

Prière #15 Brésil --- Support this podcast:
8/5/202129 minutes, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork

Prière #14 les soeurs flambeau.

Prière #14 les soeurs flambeau. --- Support this podcast:
8/2/202128 minutes, 51 seconds
Episode Artwork

Prière #12

Prière #12 --- Support this podcast:
7/31/202130 minutes
Episode Artwork

Prière Canada #1

Prière Canada #1 --- Support this podcast:
7/31/202126 minutes, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork

Prière Bresil

Prière Bresil  --- Support this podcast:
7/31/202120 minutes, 9 seconds
Episode Artwork

La vie selon l'esprit #1Romains 8:1-4

La vie selon l'esprit #1Romains 8:1-4 --- Support this podcast:
7/30/202130 minutes
Episode Artwork

Prière 7/29 2021#12

Prière 7/29 2021#12 --- Support this podcast:
7/30/202130 minutes
Episode Artwork

Prière #Brésil

Prière #Brésil --- Support this podcast:
7/26/202130 minutes
Episode Artwork

Prière#12/21 SR Marie M

Prière#12/21 SR Marie M --- Support this podcast:
7/24/202129 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

C'est l'heur de la prière avec Pasteur Edgard.Chery.

 C'est l'heur de la prière avec Pasteur Edgard. Chéry. --- Support this podcast:
7/23/202130 minutes
Episode Artwork


PRIÈRE #11 --- Support this podcast:
7/22/202118 minutes, 44 seconds
Episode Artwork


Prière#19 --- Support this podcast:
7/21/202112 minutes, 19 seconds
Episode Artwork

Prière les frères Delmas.#2 7-20-2021

Prière les frères Delmas.#2 7-20-2021 --- Support this podcast:
7/20/202129 minutes, 34 seconds
Episode Artwork

Prière #10

Prière #10  --- Support this podcast:
7/20/202149 minutes, 50 seconds
Episode Artwork

Actes 23:1-21 C'est l'heur de la. lecture toute la Bible dans une année.

Actes 23:1-21 C'est l'heur de la. lecture toute la Bible dans une année. --- Support this podcast:
7/20/202121 minutes, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork

Prière #8

Prière #8 --- Support this podcast:
7/17/202125 minutes, 53 seconds
Episode Artwork


Prière#5 --- Support this podcast:
7/12/202130 minutes
Episode Artwork

Prière #5

Prière #5 --- Support this podcast:
7/10/202128 minutes, 41 seconds
Episode Artwork

Prière #3

Prière #3  --- Support this podcast:
7/7/202129 minutes, 29 seconds
Episode Artwork

Prière #1

Prière #1 --- Support this podcast:
7/4/202130 minutes
Episode Artwork

Prière# 3

Prière# 3 --- Support this podcast:
7/4/202130 minutes
Episode Artwork

Prière #2

Prière #2 --- Support this podcast:
7/3/202129 minutes, 46 seconds
Episode Artwork

Pastor Chery

Pastor Chery --- Support this podcast:
6/28/202130 minutes, 8 seconds
Episode Artwork

Prière fanmi 3h

Prière fanmi 3h --- Support this podcast:
6/27/202130 minutes
Episode Artwork

Pasteur Jacob Aris. Jacques 1:1-17

Pasteur Jacob Aris. Jacques 1:1-17.  --- Support this podcast:
6/27/202114 minutes, 54 seconds
Episode Artwork

Dimanche soir 7h pm

Dimanche soir 7h pm --- Support this podcast:
6/26/202128 minutes, 53 seconds
Episode Artwork


PRIÈRE MIDI --- Support this podcast:
6/16/202129 minutes, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork

Lprière de PASTEUR C

Lprière de PASTEUR C --- Support this podcast:
6/13/202123 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork


PRIÈRE MIDI --- Support this podcast:
6/11/202128 minutes, 37 seconds
Episode Artwork

Service du group group 3H

Service du group group 3H --- Support this podcast:
6/3/202130 minutes
Episode Artwork


PSAM 41 --- Support this podcast:
5/31/202115 minutes, 35 seconds
Episode Artwork

Confiance dans l'iNtervention de DIEU

Confiance dans l'iNtervention de DIEU --- Support this podcast:
5/30/202120 minutes, 3 seconds
Episode Artwork

devotion PSM 54

devotion PSM 54 --- Support this podcast:
5/29/202113 minutes, 31 seconds
Episode Artwork

Remerciement à L'éternel pour la réalisation du réservoir à carrefour.

Remerciement à L'éternel pour la réalisation du réservoir à carrefour. --- Support this podcast:
5/28/202126 minutes, 50 seconds
Episode Artwork

SOM 56

SOM 56 --- Support this podcast:
5/28/202122 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork

Pslm 127

Pslm 127 --- Support this podcast:
5/27/202113 minutes, 58 seconds
Episode Artwork

Attente de l'intervention de DIEU PSLM 130

Attente de l'intervention de DIEU PSLM 130 --- Support this podcast:
5/26/202113 minutes, 54 seconds
Episode Artwork

Service du group

Service du group --- Support this podcast:
5/20/202129 minutes, 48 seconds
Episode Artwork


REMEÈRCIMENT À L'ETERNEL!!!!!!  --- Support this podcast:
5/19/202130 minutes
Episode Artwork

Read With Us - Day 51

Today we read Mark 2 & Leviticus 26-27 --- Support this podcast:
4/15/202114 minutes, 24 seconds
Episode Artwork

La joie de la pâque Mt 28:1-10

La joie de la pâque Mt 28:1-10 --- Support this podcast:
4/5/202135 minutes, 35 seconds
Episode Artwork

Juges 19-21 La lecture de toute la Bible dans une année.

Juges 19-21 La lecture de toute la Bible dans une année. --- Support this podcast:
4/4/202129 minutes, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork


Message --- Support this podcast:
3/31/202129 minutes, 5 seconds
Episode Artwork

Luc 5:1-16 La lecture de toute la bible dans une année.

Luc 5:1-16 La lecture de toute la bible dans une année. --- Support this podcast:
3/29/20218 minutes, 27 seconds
Episode Artwork

L'entrée trionphale deJesus à Jerusalem.

L'entrée trionphale deJesus à Jerusalem. Mt 21:1-11 --- Support this podcast:
3/28/202127 minutes, 23 seconds
Episode Artwork

LUC 4:31:44 La lecture de toute la bible dan une année

LUC 4:31:44 La lecture de toute la bible dan une année --- Support this podcast:
3/28/20213 hours, 14 minutes, 11 seconds
Episode Artwork

Lire la en entier dans une année

Lire la en entier dans une --- Support this podcast:
3/26/202123 minutes, 44 seconds
Episode Artwork

Read With Us - Day 46

Join us as we continue to read through the scriptures. Today we read Matthew 27:27-50 & Leviticus 17-18 --- Support this podcast:
3/26/20219 minutes, 20 seconds
Episode Artwork

service soir popouri

service soir popouri --- Support this podcast:
3/26/202129 minutes, 59 seconds
Episode Artwork

Mathieu 7:24-27 Le sermon sur la montagne

Le sermon sur la montagne Mathieu 7:24-27 --- Support this podcast:
3/20/202123 minutes, 31 seconds
Episode Artwork

Le sermon sur la montagne Mt 7:21-23

Le sermon sur la montagne Mt7:21-23 --- Support this podcast:
3/13/202118 minutes, 29 seconds
Episode Artwork

Gardez -vous des faux prophètes ? Mathieu 7: 15-20 #2

Gardez-vous des faux prophètes ?Mathieu 7:15-20 #2 --- Support this podcast:
3/6/202130 minutes, 4 seconds
Episode Artwork

Lecture de toute la bible dans une année.

Nombres 34-46 --- Support this podcast:
3/4/202120 minutes, 31 seconds
Episode Artwork

Gardez-vous des faux prophètes T7: 17-21

Gardez-vous des faux prophètes Mt 7:17-21 --- Support this podcast:
2/27/202129 minutes, 20 seconds
Episode Artwork

2 Rois 5

2 Rois 5. Avec Frère Robeson . --- Support this podcast:
2/24/20219 minutes, 44 seconds
Episode Artwork

Pourquoi La Croix Jean 19:17-22

Pourquoi La Croix Jean 19:22 --- Support this podcast:
2/21/202122 minutes, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork

Pourquoi le sang? Hébreux 9:18-22

Émission bible à la main --- Support this podcast:
2/14/202127 minutes, 32 seconds
Episode Artwork

Les marques du vrai disciple Mathieu 10; 38-42

Mathieu 10 :38-42 --- Support this podcast:
2/8/202129 minutes, 37 seconds
Episode Artwork

Lire la en entier dans une année Exode 29-30

Lire la bible en entier dans une année Exode 29-30 --- Support this podcast:
2/3/202127 minutes, 5 seconds
Episode Artwork

Mathieu 21:23-46

Lire la la bible en entier dans une année --- Support this podcast:
2/2/202113 minutes, 14 seconds
Episode Artwork

Lecture de toute la Bible dans une année. Mathieu 21:1-22.

Mathieu 21:1-22. --- Support this podcast:
2/1/202111 minutes, 4 seconds
Episode Artwork

Mathieu 5:13-16

Mathieu 5:13-16 --- Support this podcast:
1/28/202126 minutes, 11 seconds
Episode Artwork

Lire la bible la en entier dans une année Exode 15-16

Lire la bible en entier dans une année. --- Support this podcast:
1/27/202112 minutes, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork

Lire la bible en entier dans une année Exode 12-13

Lire la bible en entier dans une année. --- Support this podcast:
1/26/202122 minutes, 12 seconds
Episode Artwork

End of Year Recap (English)

Nate Hodder, one of our key volunteers, shares with you a recap of what God has allowed us to do this year! --- Support this podcast:
1/20/20216 minutes, 5 seconds
Episode Artwork

Matthew 6:25-34

Matthew 6:24-34 --- Support this podcast:
1/16/20216 minutes, 7 seconds
Episode Artwork

Lire la bible en entier dans une année

Genesis 29-30 --- Support this podcast:
1/13/202114 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

Mathieu 9:1-18

Lire la bible en entier dans une année --- Support this podcast:
1/12/20214 minutes, 23 seconds
Episode Artwork

Lire la bible en entier dans une année

Mathieu 9:1-17 --- Support this podcast:
1/12/20214 minutes, 42 seconds
Episode Artwork

Genesis (Night) French

Continue the journey in French --- Support this podcast:
1/12/202121 minutes, 20 seconds
Episode Artwork

Lire la bible en entier dans une année

Mateo 8:18-34 --- Support this podcast:
1/11/20212 minutes, 41 seconds
Episode Artwork

Night Reading French

Continuing daily reading --- Support this podcast:
1/10/202113 minutes
Episode Artwork

Morning reading French

Continuing in Matthew --- Support this podcast:
1/10/20214 minutes, 31 seconds
Episode Artwork

Sunday Message 1/10/21

Sunday Message --- Support this podcast:
1/10/202130 minutes, 49 seconds
Episode Artwork

Genesis 1 - 3 creole

The journey begins --- Support this podcast:
1/10/20215 minutes, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork

Matthew 6:28 - End Creole

The journey continues --- Support this podcast:
1/10/20213 minutes, 57 seconds
Episode Artwork

Matthew 6:1-28 Creole

The journey begins in creole --- Support this podcast:
1/10/20214 minutes, 5 seconds
Episode Artwork

Lire la bible en ans #1

Lire la bible en un ans --- Support this podcast:
1/2/202119 minutes, 13 seconds
Episode Artwork

Une lueur d’espoir. Genesis 3

Une lueur d’espoir. Genesis 3 --- Support this podcast:
12/27/202027 minutes, 20 seconds
Episode Artwork

Un trésor dans le ciel. Mt 6:19-24.

Un trésor dans le ciel . Mt: 6: 19-24. --- Support this podcast:
12/26/202030 minutes, 41 seconds
Episode Artwork

Jeuner sans hypocrisie

Jeuner sans hypocrisie part 1 --- Support this podcast:
12/19/202032 minutes, 2 seconds
Episode Artwork

Psalm 128

Psalm 128 --- Support this podcast:
12/15/202027 minutes, 40 seconds
Episode Artwork

The birth of Jesus prt5 (French)

Prt5 --- Support this podcast:
12/14/202028 minutes, 21 seconds
Episode Artwork

La prière de le disciples

Friday night preaching --- Support this podcast:
12/12/202032 minutes, 40 seconds
Episode Artwork

Le sermon sur la montagne

Matthew 6:9-10 --- Support this podcast:
12/5/202029 minutes, 14 seconds
Episode Artwork

La naissance de Jesus.

La naissance de Jesus.#20 --- Support this podcast:
12/2/202031 minutes, 13 seconds
Episode Artwork

La Naissance De Jesus-Christ.

La naissance de Jesus-Christ. --- Support this podcast:
12/1/202029 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork

La générosité #8

La générosité # Mark 12: 41-44 --- Support this podcast:
11/30/202030 minutes, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork


Générosité --- Support this podcast:
11/29/202034 minutes, 30 seconds
Episode Artwork

Le sermon sur la montagne !

Le sermon sur la montagne! --- Support this podcast:
11/29/202026 minutes, 13 seconds
Episode Artwork


Saturday --- Support this podcast:
11/28/202022 seconds
Episode Artwork

Daily psalm

Daily psalm --- Support this podcast:
11/27/202041 minutes, 49 seconds
Episode Artwork

Daily word of God.

Daily psalm --- Support this podcast:
11/27/20201 hour, 13 minutes, 7 seconds
Episode Artwork

La générosité #7

La générosité #6 --- Support this podcast:
11/27/202032 minutes, 5 seconds
Episode Artwork

La générosité

Exode 36:1-7 --- Support this podcast:
11/23/202030 minutes, 17 seconds
Episode Artwork

La générosité

Mathieu 6:1-10 --- Support this podcast:
11/21/202032 minutes, 51 seconds
Episode Artwork

La nouvelle vie en Christ #3

La nouvelle vie en Christ # --- Support this podcast:
11/16/202031 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

Aimez vos ennemis

Aimez vos ennemis --- Support this podcast:
11/14/202038 minutes, 27 seconds
Episode Artwork

La prière

La prière --- Support this podcast:
11/13/202034 minutes, 55 seconds
Episode Artwork

L’importance de l’unité dans l’église.

L’importance de l’unité dans l’église.#8 --- Support this podcast:
11/11/202057 minutes, 13 seconds
Episode Artwork

La lettre destinée à l’église de Philadelphie

La lettre destinée à l’église de Philadelphie.#6 --- Support this podcast:
11/9/202029 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

Le sermon sur la montagne

Le sermon sur la montagne --- Support this podcast:
11/7/202034 minutes, 19 seconds
Episode Artwork

Le sermon sur la montagne

Le sermon sur la montagne --- Support this podcast:
11/7/202047 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

La lettre destinée à l’église de Thyatire.

La lettre destinée à l’église de Thyatire. --- Support this podcast:
11/6/202033 minutes, 23 seconds
Episode Artwork

L’église de pergame

Apocalypse 2:12-17 --- Support this podcast:
11/5/202031 minutes, 27 seconds
Episode Artwork


#2 --- Support this podcast:
11/4/202015 minutes, 25 seconds
Episode Artwork

Le risque part # 6

2 Samuel 24:1-10 le risque --- Support this podcast:
11/2/202028 minutes, 13 seconds
Episode Artwork

Acts 15

Acts 15 --- Support this podcast:
11/1/202030 minutes, 28 seconds
Episode Artwork

2 Samuel 6:1-8

2 Samuel 6:1-8 --- Support this podcast:
10/30/202036 minutes, 5 seconds
Episode Artwork


Prière --- Support this podcast:
10/30/202027 minutes, 59 seconds
Episode Artwork

Le risque

Le risque 2 Chronique 26:3–8 --- Support this podcast:
10/29/202028 minutes, 42 seconds
Episode Artwork

La prière

La prière 3H --- Support this podcast:
10/29/202030 minutes
Episode Artwork

Exode 5:1-4

Exode 5:1-4 --- Support this podcast:
10/28/202030 minutes, 14 seconds
Episode Artwork

Exode 5:1-4

Exode 5:1-14 --- Support this podcast:
10/27/202032 minutes, 45 seconds
Episode Artwork

Le risque.

Le risque. --- Support this podcast:
10/26/202035 minutes, 22 seconds
Episode Artwork

L’attitude du chrétien dans les épreuves.

L’attitude du chrétien dans les épreuves. --- Support this podcast:
10/25/202031 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork

Le mariage et le divorce

Le marriage et le divorce --- Support this podcast:
10/24/202029 minutes, 45 seconds
Episode Artwork

La puissance de la prière

La puissance de la prière --- Support this podcast:
10/23/202037 minutes, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork

1 Samuel 1:1-10

La prière de Anne --- Support this podcast:
10/22/202029 minutes, 25 seconds
Episode Artwork

2 Choniques 20:6-12

La puissance de la prière --- Support this podcast:
10/21/202029 minutes, 9 seconds
Episode Artwork

Flemme of hope

Flemme of hope --- Support this podcast:
10/20/20209 minutes, 38 seconds
Episode Artwork

Prière Flambeau de l’espoir

Flambeau de l’espoir --- Support this podcast:
10/20/20201 hour, 3 minutes, 13 seconds
Episode Artwork

Essie 37:14-20

La puissance de la prière. --- Support this podcast:
10/19/202013 seconds
Episode Artwork

Acts 4:13-22

We walk through one of the acts of the apostles --- Support this podcast:
10/19/202028 minutes, 47 seconds
Episode Artwork


Luc --- Support this podcast:
10/18/202029 minutes, 50 seconds
Episode Artwork

Luc 18:1-8

Luc 18:1-8 --- Support this podcast:
10/16/202015 minutes, 25 seconds
Episode Artwork

Marketing Formation

Parts 3&4 of our marketing formation for the women of Carrefour --- Support this podcast:
10/16/20201 hour, 1 minute, 14 seconds
Episode Artwork

Job 42:10-17

Job 42:10-17 --- Support this podcast:
10/15/202035 minutes, 19 seconds
Episode Artwork


Daily words --- Support this podcast:
10/14/20201 hour, 18 minutes, 29 seconds
Episode Artwork


Our Communications Lead Avery continues our value series as she talks about our 2nd value excellence. --- Support this podcast:
10/12/20207 minutes, 20 seconds
Episode Artwork

Job 1:1-12

Daily devotions continue with pastor and founder Edgard Chery --- Support this podcast:
10/12/202036 minutes, 57 seconds
Episode Artwork


Devotions --- Support this podcast:
10/12/20201 hour, 18 minutes, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork

Exode 17:1-7

Exode17:1-7 --- Support this podcast:
10/7/202035 minutes, 32 seconds
Episode Artwork

Nombres 14:1-12

Daily reading --- Support this podcast:
10/6/202032 minutes, 16 seconds
Episode Artwork

Adorer le Fils de Dieu.

Adorer le Fils de Dieu. --- Support this podcast:
10/5/202027 minutes, 48 seconds
Episode Artwork

Mathew 5:20

Mathew 5:20 --- Support this podcast:
10/3/202040 minutes, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork

Nombre 12:1-10

Daily reading --- Support this podcast:
10/2/202033 minutes, 52 seconds
Episode Artwork

Acts 4:-12

Acts 4:1-12 --- Support this podcast:
10/1/202031 minutes, 5 seconds
Episode Artwork

Mathew 9:1-8

Our Daily devotions --- Support this podcast:
9/29/202029 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

Daily psalm

Daily --- Support this podcast:
9/28/202040 minutes, 23 seconds
Episode Artwork

Jonah 3:1-10

Daily devotions --- Support this podcast:
9/25/202037 minutes, 7 seconds
Episode Artwork

La repentance du roi Achab.

La repentance du roi Achab. --- Support this podcast:
9/24/202040 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

Rahab la prostituee.

Rahab la prostituee. --- Support this podcast:
9/23/202035 minutes, 48 seconds
Episode Artwork

Daily devotions

Kik 23:39-43 --- Support this podcast:
9/22/202035 minutes, 4 seconds
Episode Artwork


Daily --- Support this podcast:
9/21/202044 minutes, 29 seconds
Episode Artwork

Daily devotional

Matthew 8:5-13 --- Support this podcast:
9/18/202027 minutes, 35 seconds
Episode Artwork

2 Chronicles 33:1-13

Daily devotions --- Support this podcast:
9/17/202039 minutes, 57 seconds
Episode Artwork

La conversation d’un homme riche.

La conversation d’un homme riche. --- Support this podcast:
9/16/202040 minutes, 57 seconds
Episode Artwork

La maladie et la guérison d’Ezechias.

La maladie et la guérison d’Ezechias. --- Support this podcast:
9/15/202039 minutes, 59 seconds
Episode Artwork

Jean 20:24-29

Daily devotions avec pasteur Edgard Chery. --- Support this podcast:
9/14/202036 minutes, 13 seconds
Episode Artwork

Une jeune fille ressuscitée.

Une jeune fille ressuscitée. --- Support this podcast:
9/11/202027 minutes, 51 seconds
Episode Artwork


Daily devotions --- Support this podcast:
9/10/202026 minutes, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork

Daily devotions

Daily devotions and bible à la main --- Support this podcast:
9/10/202031 minutes, 8 seconds
Episode Artwork

Daily devotions

Les 3 testés de Dieu. --- Support this podcast:
9/9/202033 minutes, 30 seconds
Episode Artwork

Psalm 130:1-24

Daily devotions --- Support this podcast:
9/8/202028 minutes, 3 seconds
Episode Artwork

Psalm 1139:1-12

Psalm 1139:1-12 --- Support this podcast:
9/7/202021 minutes, 44 seconds
Episode Artwork

La régénération part #2

La régénération part #2 --- Support this podcast:
9/7/202044 minutes, 55 seconds
Episode Artwork

Marc 5::1-20A

Marc5:20 --- Support this podcast:
9/4/202049 minutes, 49 seconds
Episode Artwork

Psalm 146

Psalm 146 --- Support this podcast:
9/3/202027 minutes, 25 seconds
Episode Artwork


Praying --- Support this podcast:
9/3/202015 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

Révélation 22:20

Révélation 22:20 --- Support this podcast:
9/2/202027 minutes, 59 seconds
Episode Artwork

Psalm 112

Daily psalm --- Support this podcast:
9/1/202026 minutes
Episode Artwork

1 Corinthians 6:9-11

Pastor and Founder communicates the devastation of sin and the beauty of grace --- Support this podcast:
8/31/202026 minutes
Episode Artwork

Daily prayer

Daily prayer --- Support this podcast:
8/31/202026 minutes
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Psalm 101 Huitième Beatitude

Psalm 101 --- Support this podcast:
8/28/202036 minutes, 39 seconds
Episode Artwork

Psalm 77

Psalm 77 --- Support this podcast:
8/27/202020 minutes, 45 seconds
Episode Artwork

Psom 77

Psom 77 --- Support this podcast:
8/26/202027 minutes, 42 seconds
Episode Artwork

Témoignage de la famille

Témoignage de la famille --- Support this podcast:
8/25/202014 minutes, 14 seconds
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Psom 76

Psom 76 --- Support this podcast:
8/24/202014 minutes, 14 seconds
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Dieu,le juge souverain.

Dieu , le juge souverain. --- Support this podcast:
8/21/202058 minutes, 52 seconds
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Psalm 15

Psalm 15 --- Support this podcast:
8/20/202031 minutes, 21 seconds
Episode Artwork

Interview avec Pasteur Jean Luckner

Interview avec Jean Luckner --- Support this podcast:
8/18/202022 minutes, 10 seconds
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Daily psalm

Daily psalm --- Support this podcast:
8/18/202025 minutes, 12 seconds
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Values Series Intro

We are excited to announce our first English series on the podcast: Values --- Support this podcast:
8/18/20201 minute, 48 seconds
Episode Artwork


Pastor & Founder explains the podcast --- Support this podcast:
8/17/202043 seconds
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Interview with Committee President Samuel

Samuel, our Committee President for the carrefour service communicates local needs --- Support this podcast:
8/16/20201 hour, 41 minutes, 12 seconds
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Friday Bible Study (en française)

The sermon on the mount is radical! --- Support this podcast:
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Heureux les miséricordieux, car ils obtiendront miséricorde.

Heureux les miséricordieux,car ils obtiendront miséricorde. --- Support this podcast:
8/14/202058 minutes, 52 seconds
Episode Artwork

Moment especial avec Pasteur Jacob Aris

Les besoins de L’église Jesus Vivant il de Tibi --- Support this podcast:
8/13/202013 minutes, 50 seconds
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Témoignage de sœur Fenise A Lescot

Témoignage de sœur A Lescot et distribution des produits alimentaires à Tibi. --- Support this podcast:
8/13/202016 minutes, 44 seconds
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Jugement des insensés

Jugement des insensés --- Support this podcast:
8/13/202026 minutes, 5 seconds
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Tande Ulrick 1997

Tande Ulrick Ariste 1997 --- Support this podcast:
8/12/202031 minutes, 46 seconds
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Daily psalm

Daily psalm with Pastor Edgard Chery. --- Support this podcast:
8/12/202021 minutes, 47 seconds
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The testimony of Sister edit Sherryl

The testimony of brother placide Cadet --- Support this podcast:
8/10/202020 minutes, 21 seconds
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Daily Psalm

Daily psalm --- Support this podcast:
8/7/202025 minutes, 36 seconds
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Daily psalm --- Support this podcast:
8/6/202024 minutes, 50 seconds
Episode Artwork

La fragilité de l’homme

Psaumes 39 --- Support this podcast:
8/5/202025 minutes, 29 seconds
Episode Artwork

La sécurité dans la détresse

Daily Devotion --- Support this podcast:
8/3/202018 minutes, 19 seconds
Episode Artwork

La vie victorieuse en Christ

Sunday Service --- Support this podcast:
8/2/202030 minutes
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The Wrath of God

Welcome to the Haitian Helping Hands podcast. Today we do a survey of God’s wrath and how it shows us the beauty of God’s Grace. --- Support this podcast:
8/2/202017 minutes, 16 seconds
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Friday Teaching

Dive Deep into the Bible on Fridays! --- Support this podcast:
8/2/202018 minutes, 19 seconds
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Confiance malgré le persécutions

Daily devotions --- Support this podcast:
7/31/202016 minutes, 29 seconds
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Bénédiction après l’épreuve

Part 2 of our daily devotions --- Support this podcast:
7/29/202015 minutes, 59 seconds
Episode Artwork

Bénédiction après l’épreuve

Daily Devotions, psalms, and more --- Support this podcast:
7/28/202015 minutes, 45 seconds