Welcome to the Growth and Grace Podcast, hosted by Amber Lea Gray, an empowerment coach, pastor & creative! This is a podcast of pep talks and practical tips to help you find joy, purpose and achieve the life you dream about. Want to connect more? Head over to www.amberleagray.com
Worry | Matthew 6
What if? If we’re honest, that question can get out of control pretty quickly. We easily spiral into worry and anxiety. In today's episode of Wild Grace, we will hear about worry from the Gospel of Matthew. We will also enter into the passage with an imaginative contemplation exercise. If you have a tendency to worry, this episode is for you. www.amberleagray.com www.instagram.com/amber.lea.gray
1/17/2024 • 21 minutes, 28 seconds
Silence & Solitude
WAIT -- don't skip this episode! I know that silence and solitude are often not at the top of our to-do lists, but what if I said they are essential for a deep spirituality? If you're longing to be in God's presence, to grow in your faith, or to experience God's love -- then this episode is for you! I'm going to talk about the practice of silence and solitude and what it might look like to incorporate this into your own life. www.amberleagray.com www.amberleagray.social www.instagram.com/amber.lea.gray hello@amberleagray.com
9/6/2023 • 16 minutes, 59 seconds
Prayers for Discernment
How do we know what God wants us to do? What does the process of discernment look like? As a pastor, I'm often asked about discerning God's will. Is there a magic formula? In today's episode, I'm walking you through three types of prayers for discernment. These are not to-do list prayers. These are the get your hands dirty, repeat often kind of prayers - and they will transform your life. www.amberleagray.com www.instagram.com/amber.lea.gray www.amberleagray.social
8/23/2023 • 14 minutes, 30 seconds
Holy Listening
Deep breath. Episode one. Holy Listening. Listening is central to our spiritual lives. It is the work of discernment -- not just for the big decisions but for the everyday choices. Learning to with grace changes everything. It cultivates space for transformation, where we are becoming our most true, authentic selves. www.amberleagray.com www.instagram.com/amber.lea.gray hello@amberleagray.com
8/9/2023 • 13 minutes, 26 seconds
Wild Grace | Trailer
I'm Amber Lea - a pastor, creative, and spiritual director and I have a lot more questions than answers. I know we just met, but will you go on a journey with me? Just a heads up, I don't have a map or a guide, or a daily itinerary. This is more like one of those old choose your own adventure books. It is a journey of wild grace. I believe that grace woos us and confronts us and comforts us. It holds our hand, pushes us over the edge, and catches us at the bottom. Grace is raw. It is real. It is a mystery. Grace is wild, untamed, and surprising. Grace takes us on a journey to find our most true, authentic selves. It allows us to explore our life and faith in ways that set us free. I'd love it if you went with me. Come on, let's wander together in fields of wild grace. The Wild Grace Podcast is launching in June 2023! www.amberleagray.com
5/18/2023 • 1 minute, 21 seconds
Dealing with Resistance
Resistance is often seen as a bad thing, but I'm not sure I agree. I think resistance can be an invitation to pause. Resistance is natural. In this episode of the podcast, I talk about what resistance is and some practical ways to deal with resistance in your own life. Whether it's resistance in your personal life or resistance at work, this episode is for you! www.amberleagray.com www.amberleagray.social www.instagram.com/amber.lea.gray
3/7/2023 • 13 minutes, 36 seconds
Questions Not Answers
Y'all, I'm in a season of life where I have A LOT more questions than answers. Please tell me that I'm not alone. Today on the podcast, I'm going to share a little bit about this season of life, what it looks like, and why it might not be a bad thing. www.amberleagray.com Substack: www.amberleagray.social www.instagram.com/amber.lea.gray
2/28/2023 • 9 minutes, 47 seconds
Friendship Red Flags
Let's be honest, making friends as an adult is hard. I think for that reason, sometimes we ignore friendship red flags. Let's talk about it. www.amberleagray.com Substack Community: www.amberleagray.social www.intagram.com/amber.lea.gray
2/21/2023 • 9 minutes, 19 seconds
2022 Lessons
It's the 200th episode of Growth & Grace!! How is that even possible? I took all of Janurary to process 2022, and today I'm sharing some of the things I learned. If I'm honest, it was one of the hardest years of my life. So much happened out of my control, and I had a hard time knowing who to trust. This episode shares some of the lessons I learned. It's full of both growth and grace! www.amberleagray.com Substack Community & Newsletter: www.amberleagray.social www.instagram.com/amber.lea.gray
2/14/2023 • 23 minutes, 2 seconds
HEY FRIENDS! I've missed you, seriously! I took the month of January off, and if I'm honest... I struggled with the pause. I felt like I was letting you down and letting myself down. Today I'm going to talk a little about the last month and what it it means to restart something. I'm excited to be back, and the things planned for Growth & Grace the next few months. I'd love to hear from you! How is 2023 going so far?! www.instagram.com/amber.lea.gray www.amberleagray.com www.amberleagray.social
2/7/2023 • 9 minutes, 34 seconds
Replay: Listening Skills
This is the most listened-to episode of 2022! Y'all, humans are seriously the worst listeners. I think that so much conflict and hurt feelings could be avoided if we had better listening skills. So on today's episode, I'm giving you some practical things that you can start doing today to develop your listening skills! www.amberleagray.com www.amberleagray.social
12/28/2022 • 12 minutes, 9 seconds
This is the season when we sing Joy to the World! What does Joy mean at Christmas? How does Joy feel? It has to be more than holiday lights and presents, right? Let's talk about Joy this week. www.amberleagray.com www.amberleagray.social
12/20/2022 • 7 minutes, 10 seconds
We talk about love a lot, but what does love mean? Does love change anything? What does love look like? We are in the season of Advent, which is a time of anticipation and preparation for Christmas. There are four traditional Advent themes: peace, hope, love, and joy. Today I'm talking about love. I'm sharing a little about what love is and how we can cultivate love in our lives. www.amberleagray.com - Shop my art! www.amberleagray.social - Subscibe to the newsletter today!
12/13/2022 • 6 minutes, 46 seconds
Hope is more than wishful thinking. Okay, but does hope change anything? What does hope look like? We are in the season of Advent, which is a time of anticipation and preparation for Christmas. There are four traditional Advent themes: peace, hope, love, and joy. Today I'm talking about hope. I'm sharing a little about what hope is and how we can cultivate hope in our lives. www.amberleagray.com www.amberleagray.social
12/7/2022 • 11 minutes, 7 seconds
It's the season of Peace on Earth, but what does peace even mean? Is peace possible? I look at the state of the world, and I have some serious doubts! We are in the season of Advent, which is a time of anticipation and preparation for Christmas. There are four traditional Advent themes: peace, hope, love, and joy. Today I'm talking about peace. I'm sharing a little about what peace is and how we can cultivate peace in our lives. Spoiler alert: I actually do think it is possible. www.amberleagray.com www.amberleagray.social
11/30/2022 • 13 minutes, 7 seconds
Release Expectations
It's the holiday season when all the expectations begin to surface. We're around family who have expectations for us. Maybe we have expectations of them? We have expectations about what the holidays will look like and how other people will act. Today I'm talking about what it looks like to release those expectations so that you can find peace! www.amberleagray.com www.amberleagray.social
11/22/2022 • 16 minutes, 42 seconds
Work Red Flags
If you have been struggling at work. If you have been unhappy at your job. If you have felt like something is off. If you are constantly stressed about work. This episode is for you! We spend so much time at our jobs, and so knowing these work red flags can be helpful to know if you should be looking into other opportunites. Here are the things to look out for! www.amberleagray.com Substack: www.amberleagray.social
11/15/2022 • 13 minutes, 43 seconds
Pep Talk: Find Joy
Hey friends! This episode is a pep talk with you in mind. Find joy. Make yourself a priority. Life is hard and beautiful. Both are true. You only get one life. Enjoy it. Have fun. Do things that bring you joy. This your one wild and precious life. Much love :)
11/8/2022 • 10 minutes, 43 seconds
Abundance in the Wilderness
There has been a stirring in my soul the last few months, and I've been wrestling with the idea that there is abundance in the wilderness. My idea of abundance has shifted, and the wilderness seems a little less scary. On today's episode of the podcast, I'm sharing a little of my heart and how the Spirit has been moving in my life. If you feel like you've been in a wilderness lately, this episode is for you. If you struggle with a scarcity mindset, this episode is for you. www.amberleagray.com Substack: www.amberleagray.social
11/1/2022 • 15 minutes, 44 seconds
Spiritual Mindfulness
Mindfulness is another word for prayerful attention to God’s presence right here, right now. It is simply becoming aware of God in this moment, without an agenda. On today's episode of the podcast, I'm going to talk a little about what spiritual mindfulness is and give you some tips on how you can cultivate this practice in your own life. www.amberleagray.com Substack: www.amberleagray.social Balance App: https://www.balanceapp.com
10/25/2022 • 12 minutes, 38 seconds
Good & Bad Questions
Have you ever been told that there are no bad questions? In today's episode, I want to challenge that. I believe that transformation happens when we are willing to engage in good questions. So today, I'm going to talk about what makes a question good or bad. TIP: If you're a leader, then this episode is a MUST for you! www.amberleagray.com Substack: www.amberleagray.social Instagram: www.instagram.com/amber.lea.gray
10/19/2022 • 18 minutes, 25 seconds
Small Beginnings
If you struggle to see your worth or value your gifts, then this episode is for you! Today I'm sharing a sermon based on Luke:13-21 where I talk about the story of small beginnings. www.amberleagray.com Sign up for my newsletter here: www.amberleagray.social
10/11/2022 • 12 minutes, 34 seconds
We live in a culture that tries to 'hold' people accountable. Today on the podcast, we're going to think about accountably in a different way. Let's talk about accountability as freedom, as a choice. Peter Block says that accountability is the willingness to care for the whole. How can we care for one another? www.amberleagray.com Sign up for the weekly newsletter here: www.amberleagray.social
10/4/2022 • 12 minutes, 16 seconds
Today on the podcast I'm sharing a sermon on Luke 16, the parable of the dishonest manager. This text challenged me and my perceptions of fairness. Spoiler alert: The Gospel is not fair. Grace is not fair. What does that mean for us today? www.amberleagray.com substack: www.amberleagray.social
9/27/2022 • 23 minutes, 21 seconds
Possibilities Over Problem Solving
Last week on the podcast I talked about how problem solving does not work. It's was a HUGE mindset shift for me. Today we're talking about an alternative to problem solving, possibliites. What is the crossroad you currenly find yourself? That is the question that a conversation about possiblities asks. For me this coversation feels like freedom, and I'm excited that you're on this journey with me. www.amberleagray.com Substack: www.amberleagray.social
9/21/2022 • 14 minutes, 48 seconds
Stop Problem Solving
Pour a glass of your favorite beverage and pull up a seat. Today we're talking about a HUGE mindset shift I have had over the last few weeks. It is the idea to STOP problem solving. Trust me. Y'all this is idea may sound wild, but I think it is essential in order to create authentic community and real transformation. On today's episode of the podcast I'm talking about why problem solving does not work. www.amberleagray.com Substack Community: www.amberleagray.social Book referenced in the Episode: Community: The Structure of Belonging by Peter Block
9/12/2022 • 18 minutes, 10 seconds
Therapy FAQ
As a society we have come a long way, but there is still stigma around seeking professional help when it comes to mental illness. We have assumptions and expectations about therapy, that may or may not be true! In this conversation with Monica DiCristina, MA LPC, we answer all the questions. Who should go to therapy? What can you expect when you get there? What the heck is confidentiality? What if I see my therapist out in public? If you've been in therapy or want to learn more, this episode is for you! www.amberleagray.com www.monicadicristina.com www.instagram.com/monicadicristina
9/5/2022 • 38 minutes, 54 seconds
What is 'the work?'
In the therapy - coaching - self-help world we talk a lot about doing 'the work.' I reference 'the work' in the intro of this very podcast - change takes courage and a little hard work. But what does that even mean?! What is this work that we are encouraged to do? That’s what I unpack this week on the Growth & Grace Podcast! www.amberleagray.com amberleagray.blog
8/29/2022 • 11 minutes, 5 seconds
The Psalms & Vulnerability
STOP! Don't scroll away just yet. I know that the idea of vulnerability is scary, but trust me. There is value in vulnerability! It is a key element of cultivating deep relationships, developing self awareness, and learning leadership skills. The world need more people who are willing to be vulnerable. The world needs you. www.amberleagray.com
8/23/2022 • 19 minutes, 41 seconds
Self Advocate
Today on the podcast I'm talking about self advocacy. When is it appropriate to speak up for yourself? What should you say when things don't feel right? When should we advocate for yourselves? What if goes bad? I'm talking through all these things and more. This episode is a mix of pep talks and practical tips to help you advocate for yourself. www.amberleagray.com
8/15/2022 • 16 minutes, 34 seconds
Hosea - God Chooses Us
Last week I got the opportunity to preach a sermon on the Prophet Hosea. I'm not going to lie, it was a hard text. It also reminded me of a truth that my soul needed to hear. It's my prayer that episode encourages you. Most importantly, I want it to remind you that no matter what, God loves you. www.amberleagray.com
8/8/2022 • 22 minutes, 22 seconds
Adaptive Leadership
The world is changing and how we lead is changing to too. In today's episode I talk about what the old leadership models look like, and where I believe leadership trends are headed. We're talking about adaptive leadership and what adaptive leadership looks like. www.amberleagray.com
8/1/2022 • 17 minutes, 15 seconds
Embracing Change
Life is constantly chaning, and there is nothing we can do about it. I've had a lot of change in my life recently, and so it's been on my mind. How can we culitivate the skill of embracing change? What does embracing change look like? How does embracing change relate to the life of faith? I talk through all these things and more in today's episode! www.amberleagray.com
7/25/2022 • 18 minutes, 2 seconds
Set Boundaries, Say No
Saying no can be hard. Especially if you're a recovering people pleaser, like me. At the same time, saying no is essential to protecting your boundaries. Sometimes we have to say no to be able to say yes to the things that matter most. In this episode, I unpack 5 tips with will make saying no easier, and you might be a little surprised by what you hear! www.amberleagray.com
7/18/2022 • 18 minutes, 56 seconds
Your Story Matters
It's time for a pep talk. Despite what the highlight real on social media might say, we're all on the struggle bus. Tell your story. You have no idea who you might impact. The more we share real life, the less people feel alone. Your story matters. www.amberleagray.com
7/11/2022 • 6 minutes, 57 seconds
Spiritual Practices
What are spiritual practices? How do you care for your soul? What do you do to cultivate your spiritual life? How are you growing on your spiritual journey? I'm talking about all those things and more on today's episode of the podcast. Wait to the very end for a massive list of different spiritual practices you can try! www.amberleagray.com
7/4/2022 • 16 minutes, 47 seconds
Toxic Work Culture
Can you guess one of the top reasons people are switching jobs? Yep, you guessed it - a toxic culture! Research even shows that employees value a healthy work environment more than compensation! *mind blown* In today's episode I'm sharing some signs of a toxic work culture and what you can do if you find yourself in one. www.amberleagray.com
6/27/2022 • 14 minutes, 58 seconds
Addressing Red Flags
Listener Requested: Last week I did an episode on Relationship Red Flags, and a number of listeners reached out to me wanting some practical tips on what to do if you find yourself in a relationship with these red flags. So that's what I'm doing today! I'm sharing some things you can do to address relationship red flags. www.amberleagray.com
6/20/2022 • 12 minutes, 21 seconds
Relationship Red Flags
Summer lovin' happened so fast! Listener Requested: Today on the podcast I'm talking about relationship red flags! Whether you've been in a long-term relationship or are still looking for love, this episode is for you. It can be applied to relationships of all kinds! www.amberlegray.com
6/13/2022 • 16 minutes, 11 seconds
Your Authentic Self
If you've been on a self-growth, spiritual journey for any length of time, you've probably heard the phrase, "your authentic self." It's thrown around a good bit, but I'm not sure that too many people take the time to explain it. So if this is day 1 or 1 million of your journey to wholeness, this episode is for you! So much of 'the work' that we talk about boils down to finding and stepping into your authentic self! www.amberleagray.com
6/6/2022 • 20 minutes, 53 seconds
The Armor of God
Bible Byte - Ephesians 6, The Armor of God Today on the podcast, I'm doing something a little different. You might know that I'm an ordained pastor, and today I'm sharing some thoughts on a Bible passage that I have heard misused a good bit. Several years ago I did a study on Ephesians, and it completely changed how I read this passage. In light of recent headlines, I think this might be helpful... whether you're a Christian or not! HINT: This is not about an individual call to arm ourselves for a spiritual battle. www.amberleagray.com
5/30/2022 • 19 minutes, 29 seconds
You are Strong
It's time for a pep talk episode! I've had multiple conversations recently where people are doubting themselves. Here's what I want to say to you! www.amberleagray.com
5/23/2022 • 7 minutes, 22 seconds
Stealth Expectations
Have you ever found yourself disappointed, but don't know why? Have you struggled with resentment or shame, but cannot identify why you keep finding yourself in these types of situations? You might be experiencing stealth expectations. I learned about this and it was a game-changer! www.amberleagray.com
5/17/2022 • 12 minutes, 38 seconds
Validate your Feelings
Your feelings are valid, but that doesn't mean they are true. Have I confused you yet?! Let's talk about what it means to validate your feelings. Honestly, there is more to it than you probably think! www.amberleagray.com
5/9/2022 • 7 minutes, 41 seconds
Replay: Emotional Intelligence
This is the MOST listened to episode of the Growth & Grace podcast to date! Want to become more self-aware? Want to have more grace for yourself and others? Want to develop better leadership skills? Want to make more money? Want to be a top performer at your job? Want to be successful? Want to have healthy relationships? Then, let's talk about Emotional intelligence! www.amberleagray.com
5/3/2022 • 23 minutes, 22 seconds
3 Rules to Live By
Today I'm putting on my pastor hat and sharing with you 3 rules to live by-- that I believe can change both your life and entire communities! www.amberleagray.com
4/26/2022 • 15 minutes, 39 seconds
John 20:1-18
Did you know that Easter is not just one day, but an entire season in the church? Today on the podcast I'm sharing an Easter sermon based on John 20:1-18 that I preached in 2021. It's my prayer that this sermon gives you hope! www.amberleagray.com
4/19/2022 • 14 minutes, 6 seconds
Find Your Voice
We live in a world where we are constantly bombarded with information. It can be hard to distinguish between what you believe and what you've been told. That is the work of discernment. In today's episode, I'm talking about some practical things you can do to find your voice. Why? So that you can authentically show up in the world and share your truth! www.amberleagray.com
4/12/2022 • 17 minutes, 31 seconds
Today let's talk about the power of curiosity. It's more than an emotion, but is a way we position ourselves in the world. That every moment is an opportunity to learn and grow. In this episode, I unpack what curiosity is and share two important things that cultivating curiosity can bring to your life. www.amberleagray.com
4/5/2022 • 14 minutes, 21 seconds
Good Vs Holy Work
What is the difference between good and holy work? What is practical theology? How does our faith impact our daily lives? In today's episode, I'm talking about these questions and so much more! www.amberleagray.com
3/29/2022 • 17 minutes, 22 seconds
REPLAY: Gaslighting
I've heard the word gaslighting thrown around in casual conversation in the last few months, and I think it is important to know what we are talking about. So in today's episode, I'm sharing some signs that you're experiencing gaslighting and some practical examples of what gaslighting can look like. Gaslighting is a form of psychological abuse and makes you question everything. Push play to learn more! www.amberleagray.com
3/21/2022 • 19 minutes, 9 seconds
The Importance of Sleep
Sleep can impact your physical, mental, and emotional health. When I worked as a therapist, one of the first things I talked about with clients was their sleeping patterns. In today's episode, I talk about the problems with too little sleep and tips on how to adjust your sleep cycle. www.amberleagray.com
3/14/2022 • 13 minutes, 50 seconds
Being Honest w/o Being Mean
Honesty is a virtue, but we can be honest without being mean. If you struggle with being brutally honest, then this episode is for you. In today's episode, I give some practical tips on how we can express our truth with kindness. www.amberleagray.com
3/7/2022 • 11 minutes, 34 seconds
Resilience is the ability to mentally or emotionally cope with a crisis or to return to pre-crisis status quickly. In layman's terms, it is the ability to bounce back from hardship. In today's episode, we unpack ways to build our resilience muscle. www.amberleagray.com
2/28/2022 • 12 minutes, 5 seconds
Discover Your Call
You may have heard by now about the Great Resignation. Literally millions of Americans have left their jobs in search of something different, something that aligns with their passion. People are starting to ask, what is my life's calling? In today's episode, I'm starting the conversation about discovering your call and giving some practical exercises to help you get started. www.amberleagray.com
2/21/2022 • 17 minutes, 11 seconds
Identify Your Excuses
Okay, raise your hand if you are struggling to move from passive to massive action! Are you unsatisfied with where you are, but can't seem to find the motivation to get started? Maybe it's time to identify your excuses. Excuses pop up when are afraid or uncomfortable. In this episode, I walk through ways to identify and work through the excuses holding you back. www.amberleagray.com
2/14/2022 • 16 minutes, 1 second
Love Your Neighbor
On today's episode of the podcast, I'm putting on my pastor hat and sharing a sermon I preached yesterday in worship. We're in the middle of a sermon series on the Letter of James. Honestly, it was a hard scripture passage for me. James sounds harsh, but I learned a lot prepping this sermon. My prayer is that it encourages and challenges you as much as it did me! www.amberleagray.com
2/7/2022 • 20 minutes, 16 seconds
Listening Skills
Y'all, humans are seriously the worst listeners. I think that so much conflict and hurt feelings could be avoided if we had better listening skills. So on today's episode, I'm giving you some practical things that you can start doing today to develop your listening skills! www.amberleagray.com
1/31/2022 • 13 minutes, 30 seconds
Reduce Stress
Raise your hand if you're feeling stressed?! Y'all, I'm right there with you! In today's episode I walk through 6 really practical things that you can do RIGHT NOW to reduce stress. This is a replay episode from way back at the start of the podcast, but I needed to hear it again! www.amberleagray.com
1/24/2022 • 22 minutes, 27 seconds
IMPROVE the Moment
I pulled out my old counseling material, and I found an acronym that I think a lot of us need right now. It's called IMPROVE the Moment, and it is taught in DBT (a type of therapy). There are times when we can't change the situation, but can we improve it? Or improve our perception of it, our approach, our current thoughts and feelings? This episode is super practical, and definitely something I needed right now! www.amberleagray.com
1/18/2022 • 12 minutes, 10 seconds
Positive Body Image
Okay, it's a new year and everyone is talking about getting healthy. We have weight loss goals and the gyms are packed. In this episode, I unpack what it looks like to have a positive body image in EVERY stage of life. Body Image refers to how we think, feel, and react to our bodies. It's just now we look. If you're setting health goals or struggle with having a healthy body image, then this episode is for you! www.amberleagray.com
1/11/2022 • 12 minutes, 4 seconds
Fresh Start
Happy New Year! I'm only accepting good things from 2022, and I'm excited about a fresh start. I'm not saying that this new year will be perfect, I'm 100% it will not go as planned. At the same time, I'm choosing joy on the journey. In today's episode of the podcast, I'm walking you through the steps I'm taking to kick start this new year. Freebie: Word of Intention Worksheet www.amberlegray.com
1/3/2022 • 12 minutes, 51 seconds
The Christmas Story
On today's episode of the Growth & Grace podcast, I'm sharing a sermon based on Luke 2:1-20. Maybe you've heard the Christmas story before, but I'm willing to bet you've never heard it told like this! Merry Christmas Growth & Grace listeners and a Happy New Year! www.amberleagray.com
12/27/2021 • 21 minutes, 14 seconds
2021 Lessons
What a year! I can't believe another year has passed by so quickly. Before I jump into 2022 planning and goal setting, I want to pause and reflect on all the lessons that 2021 has taught me. So in today's episode, I'm sharing with you FIVE lessons from 2021. I would love to know if you can relate or if learned something completely different. www.amberleagray.com
12/21/2021 • 13 minutes, 22 seconds
Releasing Expectations
We all struggle at some level with living up to the expectations of others. Honestly, expectations are a natural part of life. They aren't all bad. It becomes a problem when we value the expectations of others to the point that we start living for their approval. So in today's episode, I'm giving some practical tips on how to release the expectations of others while stepping into who you are called to be. www.amberleagray.com
12/14/2021 • 18 minutes, 11 seconds
Positive Self-Image
I recently read that 85% of people in the USA struggle with self-esteem. Y'all, that is a lot of people. So today I'm chatting about what self-image is and sharing some practical things we can do to cultivate a positive self-image! www.amberleagray.com
12/7/2021 • 16 minutes, 13 seconds
What You Can Control
Here's what I'm realizing… We spend a lot of time and energy on things that we cannot control. It creates stress and anxiety. It consumes us. What would it look like to focus on things we can control? How can we do that? Where do we start? I unpack all of that and more in today's episode! www.amberleagray.com
11/30/2021 • 14 minutes, 29 seconds
So I was recently journaling and recalled some lessons I learned a few years ago when I saw a Spiritual Director. Some lessons on discernment, that have come up for me over and over again. So it in today's episode, I unpack a little bit about Spiritual Direction and share what my 'aha' moments were about discernment! www.amberleagray.com
11/22/2021 • 13 minutes, 38 seconds
Signs of Healthy Relationships
Last week we talked about the signs of unhealthy relationships, and I had a number of you reach out to me wanting a follow-up episode about signs of healthy relationships. Ask and you shall receive! In this episode, I unpack what a healthy relationship looks like! Honestly, relationships are hard, and sometimes it is important for us to be able to see what we're doing well. www.amberleagray.com
11/16/2021 • 8 minutes, 44 seconds
Signs of Unhealthy Relationships
So often we know things in our gut, but we doubt our instincts. So today I just want to lay it out. I'm not even going to number these. I'm just going to talk through some signs of an unhealthy relationship. These are not just for romantic relationships, but many can be applied to all relationships! If you've been questioning whether your relationship is healthy or not… well, that's the first sign. Listen up, because this episode is for you! www.amberleagray.com
11/9/2021 • 15 minutes, 44 seconds
Rest VS Lazy
Do you feel guilty every time you take a break? Do you struggle with feeling unproductive? What is your internal dialogue when you take the time to rest? We live in a culture that values being busy and wears it like a badge of honor. Guess what, that's not healthy. Rest is important! In Today's episode, I'm talking about the difference between Rest and Laziness. www.amberleagray.com
11/2/2021 • 9 minutes, 21 seconds
Every person on the planet experiences shame. We know what it feels like, but we have a really hard time describing it much less overcoming it. In today's episode, we are unpacking shame. I was in shock when I learned how much shame can impact a person's life. I share a couple personal stories, and give some practical tips on how to work through shame. This episode is SOO good y'all. So many nuggets of information that can help you or a friend! www.amberleagray.com
10/25/2021 • 20 minutes, 1 second
Cultivating surrender is essential to living a deep and meaningful life. I think surrender is often one of those things we talk about on a meta-level, but don't fully understand. In this episode, I try to pull back the curtain on surrender. What is it? What is it not? How do we practice surrender on the daily? Listen to this episode for all that and more! www.amberleagray.com
10/19/2021 • 19 minutes, 15 seconds
How to Deal with Hurt Feelings
A few weeks go my feelings got hurt and to be honest, I did not know what to do with that. The reality is that we all get our feelings hurt from time to time, but we can't control other people. So when we get our feelings hurt, what do we do? I did a little research, and this is what if found! AND what I found most helpful in my own situation. www.amberleagray.com
10/11/2021 • 12 minutes, 45 seconds
Pep Talk Replay: Proud of You
I published this at the beginning of the summer. We need to hear it again. Seriously, take 5 minutes to listen. Seriously, so proud of you! www.amberleagray.com
9/30/2021 • 8 minutes, 35 seconds
Be Happy
Today on the podcast I'm sharing with you 10 ways that are scientifically proven to bring happiness! I no lie saw this on an infographic several weeks ago and haven't stopped thinking about it since. If you have been feeling down, these are 10 things you can implement in your life TODAY! www.amberleagray.com
9/23/2021 • 8 minutes, 35 seconds
I had a conversation today where someone said, "I can't shut my mind off." The reality is so many of us are feeling that right now. Are you an overthinker? Why do people overthink? How do you switch from ruminating on the past and worry about the future to being solution-focused? In this episode, I unpack these questions and more! www.amberleagray.com
9/17/2021 • 14 minutes, 27 seconds
Risk Taking
Is it worth the risk? That's what I've been asking myself lately. I've been having a lot of conversations lately about the impact of fear on the choices we make. Is fear holding us back from going after what we really want? How do we know if something is too risky? Is there a difference between risky and reckless? These are all things I'm learning and start to unpack on this episode. www.amberleagray.com
9/10/2021 • 18 minutes, 33 seconds
Toxic People
A lot has shifted in our culture in the last 18 months, and people are starting to re-evaluate their lives. We slowed down long enough to ask the tough questions. Now people are making some serious changes. That includes wanting to remove themselves from toxic situations and stepping away from toxic people. If you're in the same boat, this episode is for you! www.amberleagray.com
9/3/2021 • 11 minutes, 28 seconds
Energy Management
For so many years I was taught that in order to be productive, I needed to better manage my time. I've realized that doesn't work for me. In today's episode of the podcast, I talk about a productivity hack that has been a game-changer for me: Energy Management. Stop beating yourself up that you're not a morning person, and start planning your day around when YOU are most productive... when you have the most energy! www.amberleagray.com
8/27/2021 • 13 minutes, 4 seconds
Pep Talk: Reset
If you've ever felt stuck or hit a plateau, then this episode is for you. So often we spend so much time and energy spinning our wheels, doing the same thing over and over again, but we're not making progress! I had an aha moment a few weeks again, and I'm sharing it with you in this episode! www.amberleagray.com
8/19/2021 • 10 minutes, 26 seconds
Imposter Syndrome
Ever feel like you are not good enough? Think your success is just by chance? Don't give yourself credit for your accomplishments? Constantly waiting for the other shoe to drop? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you might be struggling with imposter syndrome. 7 out of 10 adults experience imposter syndrome at one time or another. In this episode, I unpack a definition and then lay out some practical tips for overcoming imposter syndrome. www.amberleagray.com
8/13/2021 • 19 minutes, 21 seconds
Stop Hustling
Our culture tells us that hustle is just part of life. If you want to be successful, then you have to hustle. Honestly, I'm not here for it! In today's episode, I unpack the significance of urgency in our decision-making process. We spend so much time and energy on things that keep us busy but prevent us from making progress. Let's stop hustling! www.amberleagray.com
8/5/2021 • 20 minutes, 31 seconds
Mental Health Check
This week the world has watched as US gymnast, Simone Biles, has prioritized her mental health on the world stage. I don't know if it gets better than the Olympics! It has stirred a lot of good conversation, and I'm starting to see a shift in our culture. In today's episode, I give you a few questions to ask and answer to gauge your current mental health! www.amberleagray.com
7/30/2021 • 11 minutes, 9 seconds
Empathy VS Sympathy
A lot of people confuse empathy with sympathy, and I believe that empathy makes you a better human. It cultivates compassion. It values stories. It sees humanity. Ultimately, empathy can transform the world. In today's episode, I talk about the difference between empathy and sympathy before unpacking why empathy is important. www.amberleagray.com
7/22/2021 • 12 minutes, 13 seconds
Build Momentum, Start Small
On Today's episode of the podcast, I have a HUGE announcement! I'm also unpacking something that I have been trying the last few weeks, and it works! It's all about building momentum by starting small. I often have an all-or-nothing mindset. It keeps me stuck! If you experience something similar, this episode is for you! www.amberleagray.com
7/16/2021 • 11 minutes, 12 seconds
Working on our self-esteem and dealing with self-doubt can be a lifelong journey. There are seasons where we might struggle more than others, and I've had multiple conversations lately with people looking for advice. So in today's episode, I'm going to give some really practical tips on how we can build our self-esteem! www.amberleagray.com
7/8/2021 • 12 minutes, 17 seconds
Affirmation Workshop
Your thoughts have power, and whether you know it or now... you already have affirmations. In today's episode, I'm unpacking what affirmations are, why are they important, and how to figure out what affirmation is right for you! Head over to www.amberleagray.com to grab your Write Your Own Affirmation Worksheet! www.amberleagray.com/121
7/2/2021 • 14 minutes, 27 seconds
Pep Talk: Proud of You
Hey! I think it's time for a pep talk! This season has been hard. We need to pat ourselves on the back, encourage one another and celebrate the wins no matter how small. I'm so proud of you! www.amberleagray.com
6/24/2021 • 6 minutes, 34 seconds
I've heard the word gaslighting thrown around in casual conversation the last few months, and I think it is important to know what we are talking about! So in today's episode, I'm sharing some signs that you're experiencing gaslighting and some practical examples of what gaslighting can look like! Gaslighting is a form of psychological abuse and makes you question everything. Push play to learn more! www.amberleagray.com
6/17/2021 • 17 minutes, 54 seconds
Happy Girl Summer
The 2021 trend is to have a #hotgirlsummer and honestly, I'm all about it! But what if we also had a Happy Girl Summer?! In this episode, I unpack some tips of things we can do this summer to cultivate more JOY in our lives! After this last year, we need as much joy as we can get. www.amberleagray.com
6/11/2021 • 12 minutes, 55 seconds
The Incarnation - Love & Mystery
On today's episode of the Growth & Grace podcast, I'm sharing with you a sermon that I preached last Sunday. Listen in as we unpack a passage from the Gospel of John. We talk about God's love for the world, the incarnation, the mystery of the Spirit, and the reality of questions in the midst of faith. Life is a journey. It is an honor to travel with you. www.amberleagray.com
6/4/2021 • 24 minutes, 38 seconds
How to Set Healthy Boundaries
Boundaries are essential to your mental health. This is the third episode in a three-week series about boundaries. I have unpacked what both healthy and unhealthy boundaries look like, and today we are getting practical. How do we set boundaries?! www.amberleagray.com
5/27/2021 • 14 minutes, 13 seconds
Healthy Boundaries
It's Mental Health Awareness Month! When I thought about what I wanted to focus on this month, I knew it had to be boundaries. This is the first of a 3 week series on boundaries! Healthy boundaries are essential for good mental health. Today I'm unpacking what healthy boundaries look like. Take some time to really think about where these might be present in your life! www.amberleagray.com
5/20/2021 • 15 minutes, 6 seconds
Unhealthy Boundaries
It's Mental Health Awareness Month! When I thought about what I wanted to focus on this month, I knew it had to be boundaries. This is the first of a 3 week series on boundaries! Healthy boundaries are essential for good mental health. Today I'm unpacking what unhealthy boundaries look like. Take some time to really think about where these might be present in your life! www.amberleagray.com
5/13/2021 • 15 minutes, 6 seconds
We're kicking off mental health awareness month talking about microaggressions. Why? Because what we do and say matters. What we say and do has an impact on other people. I share some of my own journey, unpack what microaggressions are, and give some really practical examples. www.amberleagray.com
5/7/2021 • 22 minutes, 3 seconds
Pep Talk: Mental Health
Y'all, this has been a hard season for so many of us. So if you or someone you know is struggling with their mental health; this episode is for you. It is just the pep talk with a splash of practical tips that you need! www.amberleagray.com
4/30/2021 • 15 minutes, 25 seconds
Denial is a coping mechanism. Denial keeps us stuck. They say that admitting you have a problem is the first step of recovery... but what if you don't know you have a problem at all? How do we identify those blind spots? In today's episode, I talk about 10 signs that you might be in denial, and how that is holding you back from the life you want. www.amberleagray.com
4/23/2021 • 20 minutes, 35 seconds
If you've been following me for a while, then you know I'm passionate about Empowerment work. For me, empowerment is more than just a pep talk. It is a transformation. It is taking ownership in your own life, and doing the dang thing! Today I talk about where empowerment comes from, especially in circumstances when you feel the opposite -- when you feel powerless. www.amberleagray.com www.instagram.com/amber.lea.gray
4/15/2021 • 12 minutes, 35 seconds
Good News: Hope
In today's episode, I'm doing something I rarely do on podcast. I'm sharing a sermon I preached last week, an Easter sermon. Why? Because I wrote this sermon with you in mind! Life has been hard. People are struggling. More than anything right now we need a word of hope. Here the Good News! www.amberleagray.com
4/8/2021 • 18 minutes, 44 seconds
Wholehearted Living (pt 2)
A lot of us struggle with believing we are good enough. What would it look like if we lived like we were worthy of everything we desire? That is what wholehearted living is all about! In today's episode, I'm going to talk through the last 5 guideposts of wholehearted living - living life with the belief that we are both imperfect and worthy. What do we need to cultivate in our lives and what do we need to let go? www.amberleagray.com
4/2/2021 • 16 minutes, 5 seconds
Wholehearted Living (pt 1)
A lot of us struggle with believing we are good enough. What would it look like if we lived like we were worthy of everything we desire? That is what wholehearted living is all about! In today's episode, I'm going to talk through the first 5 guideposts of wholehearted living - living life with the belief that we are both imperfect and worthy. What do we need to cultivate in our lives and what do we need to let go? www.amberleagray.com
3/26/2021 • 18 minutes, 57 seconds
Reminder: Grace
In today's episode, I unpack the single thing that has transformed my entire life, grace. I'm not talking about grace in the abstract, but I'm sharing what grace can look like practically in our lives. I believe that grace is at the foundation of the human experience. It is the glue that holds us together, and I'm not sure if you have ever heard anyone talk about grace in this way before! www.amberleagray.com
3/19/2021 • 12 minutes, 59 seconds
Our Worst Habits
Hey! I'm Amber Lea and today I'm going to be your stand-in best friend, to be honest with you. These are our worst habits. These are the things that we struggle with, the things that hold us back, the things that rub other people the wrong way, and I'm here to tell you the truth. I'm here to tell you (and myself) to stop. Let's get to it. www.amberleagray.com www.instagram.com/amber.lea.gray
3/12/2021 • 12 minutes, 15 seconds
Self Confidence
The more I talk with people and meet with women, the more I realize that self-confidence is rare. If I look on social media it seems like everyone is confident… and maybe they are in that Instagram post. But the reality is that a lot of us are struggling. We doubt our abilities, and we question our worth. Let's change that! In today's episode, I share with you 5 rules that confident people live by. You are worth believing in! www.amberleagray.com www.instagram.com/amber.lea.gray
3/4/2021 • 14 minutes, 48 seconds
Pep Talk
Hey there friends! I've noticed some patterns lately in conversations with friends and colleagues, and I just can't shake it. So today's episode is a pep talk. I don't know what else to say except that if you've been struggling lately at all, this episode is for you. www.amberleagray.com
2/26/2021 • 12 minutes, 19 seconds
REPLAY: Have you ever told yourself, I work better under pressure?! Unpopular Opinion: It's not true! It's not that you work better under pressure... it's that you actually work under pressure. In this episode I unpack why we procrastinate and some tips on how to beat it. If you want to be more productive, then this episode is for you! www.amberleagray.com Click here to join the Soul Care Group
2/19/2021 • 18 minutes, 5 seconds
Reset Button
Who is ready to hit the reset button? We have had 12 months of disappointments and excuses. Yes this season has been hard for many of us, but it is time that we switch our mindset to focus on what we CAN do. In this episode, I talk about what hitting the reset button in your life can look like. We also have a little group challenge at the end! www.amberleagray.com Join the Soul Care Group
2/11/2021 • 17 minutes, 19 seconds
Celebrate & Biggest Takeaways
Hip Hip Hooray! Today we are celebrating 100 episodes of the Growth & Grace podcast! I'm sharing with you my biggest takeaways from the last 99 episodes. These are the 10 most transformational lessons we've learned together. Here's to the next 100 episodes! www.amberleagray.com Soul Care Group
2/4/2021 • 14 minutes, 39 seconds
Shame Resilience
On today's episode of the Growth & Grace Podcast, I am breaking down the steps to build some shame resilience. So often we feel shame about who we are and where we're from. It keeps us stuck, and holds us back from growing into who we want to be. Shame is messy and it is hard, but YOU can do hard things. This episode lays 4 basic steps to start building shame resilience. www.amberleagray.com Click here to join the Soul Care Group!
1/28/2021 • 15 minutes, 17 seconds
Moving Forward
Do you feel stuck? Maybe in a rut? Do you have goals, but are struggling with taking the necessary steps to get where you want to go? Then this is the episode for you! Today I go through a list of 10 things that we need to let go of in order to move forward! www.amberleagray.com www.instagram.com/amber.lea.gray
1/21/2021 • 14 minutes, 37 seconds
Finding Motivation
Does anyone else feel like they are on the struggle bus? I've been having a hard time getting myself motivated to do the things I want to do! Last week's episode was a pep talk, today's episode is all about the practical tips! What can you do to get yourself motivated and moving in the right direction? How do you find motivation when you have NONE? That is what we're talking about today! www.amberleagray.com www.instagram.com/amber.lea.gray
1/14/2021 • 20 minutes, 25 seconds
Just Start
Finding motivation, especially in this season, is hard. Last year, we went through a lot. There was so much hope for 2021 and all that it would bring. As we can see, things did not change over night. What does it look like to set goals in a season like this? How do you get moving? These are the questions that I answer in today's pep talk episode of the Growth & Grace Podcast! www.amberleagray.com
1/7/2021 • 15 minutes, 38 seconds
20 Things I Learned in 2020
So much of this past year was unexpected. I look at the goals I set in January, and they are laughable! But you know what?! That doesn't mean this year was a waste. In this episode, I talk about the 20 lessons that 2020 taught me. I think some of them will resonate, and I think some of them will surprise you! www.amberleagray.com
12/31/2020 • 23 minutes, 32 seconds
Pep Talk: Saying No
We are about enter the season of New Years resolutions, goal setting and intention words. I'm the first one to say that I LOVE all of those things, buy if 2020 has taught me anything it is that things do not always go as planned. We have to limit ourselves. Just because we can do something does not mean it is ours to do. This is a pep talk to encourage us to be intentional about where we spend our time and energy, especially as we go into a new year. www.amberleagray.com
12/24/2020 • 10 minutes, 41 seconds
On Today's episode of the Growth & Grace podcast I do something that thought I would NEVER do! I'm sharing a sermon I preached at this year's Longest Night Service. The Longest Night service is a time and space to acknowledge that during this Christmas season of joy, not everyone feels joyful. For a lot of us, especially this year, the holidays feel empty and full of grief. If you have been struggling or know someone who has been struggling, then episode is for you! www.amberleagray.com
12/17/2020 • 16 minutes, 54 seconds
Soul Care
We talk about how to care for yourself physically. As a culture, we are even more open to talking about how to care for yourself emotionally. But how are you doing spiritually? At the core of who you are, how is it with your soul? On today's episode I talk about what Soul Care is and what you can do to start that journey! This is important work y'all. Please reach out if you have any questions. www.amberleagray.com www.instagram.com/amber.lea.gray
12/10/2020 • 19 minutes, 2 seconds
Self Sabotaging
We are not getting where we want to go, but we don't know why! It seems like life is going well for everyone else...am I right? Have you thought this to yourself? The reality is, we get in our own way. We self-sabotage and it keeps us from achieving the life we dream about. In this episode, I unpack 3 ways that you might be self-sabotaging. Let me tell you, I needed to hear them! I think they will speak to you as well! www.amberleagray.com
12/3/2020 • 21 minutes, 10 seconds
The Dwelling Place Project
This is a special episode of the Growth & Grace podcast. Today I talk with one of my best friends from college, and she shares the journey she has been on the last year. It is real. It is vulnerable. It is inspiring. It is brave. It is the power of grief and vulnerability and purpose and community. Seriously, grab a tissue- you're going to need it! We are getting a front row seat to something incredible! www.amberleagray.com www.dwellingplaceproject.org
11/26/2020 • 33 minutes, 5 seconds
The Mental Load
Are you feeling drained? Overwhelmed? Like you can't do one more thing? A little over a year ago I was feeling stressed and exhausted, but I couldn't pin point why. That is when I first learned about the Mental Load! If you have a never ending to-do list and don't know how to articulate what you need, then this episode might be just what you're looking for! www.amberleagray.com
11/19/2020 • 13 minutes, 59 seconds
Everyone is Creative
Deep down in my soul, I believe that everyone is creative. We have the ability to try new things, solve problems, to be innovative and to take risks. In today's episode I talk about what creativity is beyond 'art box' we put it in. If you're looking for a new coping skill, a little encouragement, and the push to do something new... this episode is for you! www.amberleagray.com
11/12/2020 • 14 minutes, 39 seconds
(self) Compassion
What would the world look like if we had more compassion for other people, for ourselves? In today's episode I talk about what compassion is and what it looks like. I give some practical examples about how to have compassion for other people, but I also talk a lot about how to have compassion for yourself. Struggling is part of the human experience. We could all use a little compassion. www.amberleagray.com
11/5/2020 • 19 minutes, 12 seconds
Building Trust
Trust is the foundation of relationships, and once trust is broken it is really hard to get it back! In today's episode, I unpack both the emotional and logical aspects of trust. What is holding you back from building trust when you want to? And finally, what are the things you can do today to start that journey? www.amberleagray.com
10/29/2020 • 18 minutes, 19 seconds
Coping Skills
Have you ever hit a wall? Felt overwhelmed? Unable to control your emotions? Unsure how to fix a problem? Go ahead, raise your hand. We all have! That is why coping skills are so important. In today's episode I talk about the two main tips of coping skills and give some very practical examples that you can start to implement today! www.amberleagray.com
10/22/2020 • 18 minutes, 43 seconds
Embrace Beauty
The idea and act of embracing beauty is something that I am super passionate about! The fact that so many people struggle with seeing the beauty in the world, in others and especially in themselves is heartbreaking. In today's episode I share a story about my grandmother, and give a pep talk. It's a little more personal than normal... but trust me, you NEED to hear this! www.amberleagray.com
10/15/2020 • 15 minutes, 4 seconds
Dealing with Conflict
Part of being a human on Earth is dealing with conflict. The problem is that a lot of humans do not know how to deal with conflict in healthy ways. I know, you're not surprised. In today's episode, I talk about the 5 most common approaches to conflict and I give some practical tips on how to deal with the conflict in your life. www.amberleagray.com
10/8/2020 • 21 minutes, 36 seconds
People Pleaser
Raise your hand if you are or know someone who is a people pleaser?! It's not inherently bad to care about other people, but being a people pleaser long term is not healthy! We have to find the balance of being supportive of others and prioritizing ourselves. In this episode I talk through the characteristics of a people pleaser, and then give some practical things you can do to set good boundaries! www.amberleagray.com
10/1/2020 • 23 minutes, 16 seconds
Value of Vulnerability
I know that as soon as you saw the word vulnerability in the title of this podcast you thought twice about checking it out! The truth is that vulnerability is key in cultivating deep relationships, developing self awareness and learning leadership skills. In this episode I talk about what vulnerability is and why it has value in your life! www.amberleagray.com
9/25/2020 • 20 minutes, 47 seconds
Are you feeling exhausted? Unmotivated? Can't focus? Are you constantly stressed? I know we are collectively on the struggle bus trying to just make it to 2021. Life has been a lot, and we are all trying to hold it together! If this sounds like you, then you might be experiencing burnout! In today's episode I talk about what burn out is, and how to over come it! www.amberleagray.com
9/17/2020 • 25 minutes, 22 seconds
Irrational Beliefs
Are you going in circles trying to solve a problem? Are you stuck and unable to figure out how to move forward? Do you find it easier to procrastinate, avoid, divert attention, ignore, or run away from problems? If you answered yet to any of these, it is likely that you're struggling with irrational beliefs. Beliefs are nothing more than repeated thoughts, but they determine what you do. If you want to change your life, then you have to DO something different. In this episode I talk about what irrational beliefs are and some steps in how to work through them. www.amberleagray.com
9/10/2020 • 24 minutes, 35 seconds
Daily Affirmations
Affirmations are statements that you say to challenge negative thought patterns. I believe that if you change your thoughts and beliefs, then you change your life! Affirmations are a simple thing you can start using right now. Today I briefly talk about what affirmations are, and I lead you through an affirmation exercise that you can incorporate in daily routine! www.amberleagray.com
9/3/2020 • 11 minutes, 42 seconds
Emotional Triggers
It's time to have an honest conversation about Emotional Triggers! The current state of our world has made it clear that we are all emotional time bombs waiting to go off. Identifying your emotional triggers and working through them can be a first step in healing old wounds. I promise, you can take that chip off your shoulder. the whole world is not against you. It is time that we take responsibility for our own emotional journey. www.amberleagray.com
8/27/2020 • 18 minutes, 7 seconds
On today's episode of Growth & Grace, I'm breaking down the difference in enabling behaviors and supporting/helping someone you love. There is a fine line here that is easy to cross. It is hard to watch someone you love struggle or suffer, and we want to 'help.' But what if I told you that you are actually causing more harm than good? www.amberleagray.com
8/20/2020 • 14 minutes, 34 seconds
Why so angry?
Okay, I think it's time that we have an honest conversation about anger. It takes about 30 seconds on scrolling on FB to see that people are angry, and they are lashing out. Social media is getting nasty. Everyone is tip toeing around the elephant in the room. Let's face this head on. Let's talk about why people are angry, what do when you're angry and how to diffuse a situation when other people are angry. www.amberleagray.com
8/13/2020 • 21 minutes, 39 seconds
Self Care, Anxiety & Being the Strong One
Do you feel like you have to be the strong one? Do you feel exhausted all the time? Is your self care routine not working? On today's episode of the Growth & Grace podcast, I talk to Neasel Connor, LPC. She is a licensed therapist in Austin, TX. Her practice Beyond the Happy, takes an honest and practical look at mental health. We chat about vulnerability, self care, being the strong one and run/walk therapy. This episode is jam packed with practical tips for literally everyone! www.amberleagray.com https://beyondthehappy.com
8/6/2020 • 47 minutes, 26 seconds
Unpacking Forgiveness
In today's episode of the Growth & Grace podcast I get personal. I share a story from my own life that taught me a lot about forgiveness! This is a replay episode from well over a year ago that I think is even more relevant now! We have found ourselves in a season where a lot of things are being brought to the surface, and sometimes it is hard to know what to do. This episode about forgiveness is a good starting place! www.amberleagray.com
7/30/2020 • 22 minutes, 43 seconds
How to Grow Confidence
On today's episode of the Growth & Grace podcast, I have a conversation with Coach Mimi Jay about what it means to unapologetically step into who you are. We talk all things confidence! Specifically we unpack how growing your confidence can impact your career! We have pep talks. We have practical tips. We have A LOT of fun! Grab a glass of your favorite beverage and be prepared to laugh along with us! www.amberleagray.com https://rbgroyalty.org
7/23/2020 • 44 minutes, 43 seconds
Time Management Does Not Work
It's time for a mindset shift -- Time management does NOT work. There will always be 24 hours in a day and 7 days in a week. If you want to be more productive and have more joy, then start thinking of energy as your currency. How much energy does it take to complete a task and schedule out your days based on that. This episode is full of practical tips! www.amberleagray.com
7/16/2020 • 15 minutes, 47 seconds
Simple Guide to Meditation
On today's episode of the Growth & Grace Podcast, I'm walking you step by step through an easy, DIY meditation. Meditation can be intimating if you're just starting out, and that is why I want to make it super simple! Today I not only share how to meditate, but I also offer a guided meditation towards the end of the episode to model what we learned. Oh, and Growth & Grace got a facelift! Let me know how you like the new intro! www.amberleagray.com
7/9/2020 • 20 minutes, 18 seconds
Finding Motivation & Comfort Zones
On today's episode of the Growth & Grace podcast, I share some of what I've been learning the last several weeks. Since Covid-19, I have struggled with finding motivation and retreated back to some old comfortable habits. I started asking myself, why can I not do the things I know I need to do?! This episode is a result of that journey. I unpack motivations and the comfort/stretch/panic model! If you've been struggling with finding motivation or getting in the groove, this episode is for you! www.amberleagray.com
7/2/2020 • 21 minutes, 32 seconds
Person Centered Language
In today's episode of the Growth & Grace podcast I am unpacking one small shift in language that can make a significant difference in how you see yourself and other people. Switching to person centered language not only enhances your self-esteem, but it also helps cultivate space for other people to feel empowered. If you're a human, this episode if for you! www.amberleagray.com
6/25/2020 • 16 minutes, 41 seconds
Life is hard. You are Tough.
Today's episode of the Growth & Grace podcast is a pep talk episode because quite frank, I needed it! There has been so much going on in the world the past few months, but that doesn't even skim the surface of of what has been going on in our personal lives. It is a lot. This is the pep talk I needed to hear. www.amberleagray.com
6/18/2020 • 13 minutes, 26 seconds
Money Mindset & The Power of Choice
Today's episode of the Growth & Grace podcast is a conversation with my friend Beth Hostetler. She is a CPA turned life coach, and now helps people heal their relationship with money! We learn about her journey and she helps us unpack what it looks like to transition from a scarcity mindset to a mindset of abundance. Listen all the way to the end because Beth is giving listeners a FREE PDF of Money Mindset Journaling Prompts. www.amberleagray.com
6/11/2020 • 37 minutes, 17 seconds
On today's episode of Growth & Grace I talk about codependency. I have seen this word thrown around a lot recently, and there are both misconceptions and misunderstandings. A lot of people who struggle with codependency are either unaware or in denial. So I took on the task of explaining what codependency, the signs that you might be codependent, and offering up some resources to help! www.amberleagray.com
6/4/2020 • 20 minutes, 3 seconds
Follow Your Curiosity
On today's episode of the Growth & Grace podcast, I have a conversation with Marinella Yule over at My Open Passport. Grab your favorite sipping beverage and pull up a set, because this conversation is SO good! Mara shares her story, what it had looked liked for her to choose (what most people would call) the path of most resistance. She has biked across the United States, traveled in a gap year, and just recently picked up poll dancing! In this episode, you will laugh with us and leave feeling inspired! www.amberleagray.com
5/28/2020 • 37 minutes, 17 seconds
Defining Grace
In today's episode I unpack the single thing that has transformed my entire life, grace. I'm not talking about grace in the abstract, but I'm sharing what grace can look like practically in our lives. I believe that grace is at the foundation of the human experience. It is the glue that holds us together, and I'm not sure if you have ever heard anyone talk about grace in this way before! www.amberleagray.com
5/21/2020 • 13 minutes, 14 seconds
Loving Someone with Mental Illness
Today's episode is a conversation episode with my friend, Sabby Rosenblatt from Mental Health Adjacent. She is brave and vulnerable in sharing her story of what it was like for her to be in a relationship with someone for 3 years who struggled with his Mental Health. We talk a lot about what to do if you are struggling with your mental health, but we do not talk a lot about what it is like for the loved ones, the caregivers. This episode is SO jam packed with good information that we could have made half a dozen episodes! Seriously guys, you are not going to want to miss this one! www.amberleagray.com https://www.instagram.com/mh.adjacent/
5/14/2020 • 39 minutes, 56 seconds
Emotional Intelligence
Want to become more self-aware? Want to have more grace for yourself and others? Want to develop better leadership skills? Want to make more money? Want to be a top performer at your job? Want to be successful? Want to have healthy relationships? Then, let's talk about Emotional intelligence! www.amberleagray.com
5/7/2020 • 23 minutes, 58 seconds
Where Empowerment Comes From
If you've been following me for a while, then you know I'm passionate about Empowerment work. For me, empowerment is more than just a pep talk. It is a transformation. It is taking ownership in your own life, and doing the dang thing! Today I talk about where empowerment comes from, especially in circumstances when you feel the opposite -- when you feel powerless. www.amberleagray.com www.instagram.com/amber.lea.gray
4/30/2020 • 14 minutes, 51 seconds
REPLAY: A Morning Routine that Sets You Up for Success
I've come to realize that what you do first thing in the morning impacts the rest of your day. Having a routine that helps you focus, get your body moving and start from a place of gratitude can make all the difference. In this episode, I talk about 9 things that you can incorporate into your morning routine to set you up for success! Disclaimer: This is not a super complex, drawn out production. These are all practical things that you can start TOMORROW! Website For Freebies: www.amberleagray.com Instagram: www.instagram.com/amber.lea.gray Growth & Grace FB Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/276641129653000/
4/23/2020 • 21 minutes, 54 seconds
3 Questions to Ask Yourself Everyday
I don't know if it is just me, but I have been struggling lately finding the time and energy to do self-development work. My normal routines have gotten all out of whack, and I realize that we are in some really uncertain times as we face this global pandemic. This, however, has not been the first time I've experienced this lack of motivation. Whether is a really stressful season, or you're on vacation, or whatever you have going on… I wanted to walk through 3 questions that you can do anytime -- anywhere. Even when the motivation is lacking, this is the one little thing that if done consistent can get us back on track. Snap us out of our funk!
4/16/2020 • 14 minutes, 2 seconds
Anxiety - An Honest Journey to Health
In today's episode, I have an honest conversation with my friend Amanda Coker about what it looks like to struggle with anxiety. We identify some of those first signs, talk about what her journey to health looked like, and then she gives some hope for people who identify some with her story. We pull back the curtains, and it was honestly an honor to be a witness to such vulnerability. Whether you find yourself dealing with anxiety or not, I guarantee this episode with inspire you! www.amandacoker.com www.amberleagray.com
4/9/2020 • 53 minutes, 21 seconds
Your Feelings are Valid
It feels like things are swirling around us and we have little if any control. In today's episode, I encourage you to check in with yourself. How are you feeling? How are you really feeling? Whatever that is, it's okay! If you or someone who know has been struggling through this season, you are not alone. Take a little to this episode for a little encouragement! www.amberleagray.com
4/2/2020 • 10 minutes, 28 seconds
Coping with Anxiety
We are living in uncertain times. Anxiety is at an all time high, and figuring out ways to cope is key! In this episode I unpack the definition of anxiety, the symptoms, the causes and finally some coping skills that we can start implementing today! www.amberleagray.com
3/26/2020 • 19 minutes, 26 seconds
Finding Joy & Collective Wellness
In today's episode I chat with life coach, Shirin Eskandani from Wholehearted Coaching! If you have ever achieved a goal and still felt unfulfilled, then this episode is for you! Shirin is a former professional opera singer turned life coach, and she shares her journey to joy and freedom! We talk about mindset work, mindfulness, and towards the end unpack what it means to heal collectively. Trust me, keep listening all the way to the end! www.amberleagray.com
3/19/2020 • 48 minutes, 29 seconds
How to Change a Habit
If you are trying to change but keep falling into old, unhealthy patterns, then this episode is for you! In this episode I walk through 7 steps on how to change a habit! www.amberleagray.com
3/12/2020 • 24 minutes, 43 seconds
Subconscious Beliefs, Confidence & Productivity
Today's episode is a conversation with Jenn Willemsen! It's like we are new BFFs sitting on my couch with a glass of wine or a cup of tea. In this episode we chat about topics like: Chasing your dreams and not caring what other people think Working on changing your subconscious beliefs How to become confident Not letting other people hold you back The importance of meditation www.amberleagray.com www.jenniferwillemson.com
3/5/2020 • 34 minutes, 40 seconds
Self-reflection I A Year of Growth & Grace
HBD Growth & Grace!! This episode marks an entire year of podcasting, and I seriously can't believe it. In today's episode, I have a no BS chat about all the things I have learned about myself through podcasting this past year. I had no idea where this journey was going to take me when I first started, but I am so grateful. Tune in to hear my thoughts about consistency, balance and making an impact! www.amberleagray.com
2/27/2020 • 21 minutes, 46 seconds
Let's Talk About Money
Let's be honest, most of us do not talk about money. We are going about this blind, and are not sure what is appropriate to talk about in public. Today I’m chatting with Financial Planner Alyson Burkett about all things money! How to make a budget, Setting financial goals and SO MUCH MORE! It doesn't matter how much money you make….if you make money then this episode is for YOU! Let's dive in! www.amberleagray.com https://alysonburkett.wradvisors.com
2/20/2020 • 41 minutes, 4 seconds
How to Find Your Voice
We live in a world that has a lot of opinions. It is sometimes hard to discern between what we want to say and what has been said to us. People are just regurgitating information from others. It feels inauthentic. It's hard to know what to believe. Are we being true to ourselves? In this episode, I walk through a few tips on how to find YOUR voice to make sure you are showing up as your authentic self. www.amberleagray.com
2/13/2020 • 18 minutes, 52 seconds
Divorce: Should I stay or should I go?
Divorce: the statistics are staggering, and the topic is taboo. In this episode of the Growth & Grace podcast, I have a conversation with with the divorce survival guide, Kate Anthony. She is a life coach who helps people answer the question - Should I stay or should I go? Figuring out the next step in any relationship is deeply personal, and it can feel like you're the only one struggling. This conversation reminds people they are not alone and offers a little hope. www.amberleagray.com www.kateanthony.com
2/6/2020 • 34 minutes, 37 seconds
An Evening Routine that Helps You Wind Down
Let's be honest, what does an evening at your house look like? How well are you sleeping? Does your mind start racing as soon as your head hits the pillow? In this episode, I unpack some easy things you can incorporate into your evening to help you wind down, sleep better and set the next day up with intention. This episode is so packed with easy things that nearly everyone can apply! www.amberleagray.com
1/30/2020 • 18 minutes, 37 seconds
FAQ About Therapy w/ Monica DiCristina
As a society we have come a long way, but there is still stigma around seeking professional help when it comes to mental illness. We have assumptions and expectations about therapy, that may or may not be true! In this conversation with Monica DiCristina, MA LPC, we answer all the questions. Who should go to therapy? What can you expect when you get there? What the heck is confidentiality? What if I see my therapist out in public? If you've been in therapy or want to learn more, this episode is for you! www.amberleagray.com https://stillbecoming.net
1/23/2020 • 38 minutes, 27 seconds
Ask The Expert: Enough-ness
Raise your hand if you ever seek outside validation? This episode is for you! I have had so many conversations with women, and I have struggled myself with believe that I am enough. What's the deal with that? In this episode I unpack an ah-ha moment I had recently, and I think it's a game changer! www.amberleagray.com
1/16/2020 • 14 minutes, 34 seconds
5 Ways to Say No Better
Reflecting on 2019, I realized that something I really struggled with last year was saying no to things that did not fit the dream or vision I had for myself. In this episode I unpack 5 tips that will make saying no easier, and you might be a little surprised by what you hear! If you are like me and struggle setting boundaries and saying no, then episode is for you! www.amberleagray.com
1/9/2020 • 21 minutes, 4 seconds
A 2020 Guided Dream Session
Happy New Year!! Last week we reflected on what 2019 brought us and now it is time to start dream about what 2020 might bring. This is YOUR year! This guided dream session has a FREE 2019 - 2020 Reflect & Dream Guide with it. Head over to my website to download yours today! www.amberleagray.com
1/2/2020 • 17 minutes, 51 seconds
A 2019 Guided Reflection
Can you believe that another year has come and gone?! Before you jump into 2020 goal setting, let's reflect a little on all that 2019 brought us. We'll unpack questions like: What lessons did you learn this year? Who did you spend the most time with? And so much more! This guided reflection has a 2019 - 2020 Reflect and Dream Guide designed to go with it. Head over to my website to grab your free copy today! www.amberleagray.com
12/26/2019 • 23 minutes, 6 seconds
3 Mindset Shifts You Need to Make for 2020
Here's the deal. 2019 is almost over and 2020 is right around the corner. It not not helpful to focus on all the things we didn't do this year, but instead to start focusing on where we want to go and how to get there. To do that, it has to start with mindset. SO, before we jump into 2020 goal setting and vision board making…we need to shift our mindset. After a lot of conversations, I believe that these three mindset shifts are key to get us where we want to go in 2020. These are the things holding us back. So, let's jump in! www.amberleagray.com
12/19/2019 • 12 minutes, 56 seconds
Knowing When to Let Go
Knowing when to let go is one of the hardest things to discern! How do you know the difference between a rough patch and time to cut the cord?! I have agonized for hours over situations and relationships and trying to figure out if it was time to stop fighting and time to let go. If you have ever struggled with knowing when to let go or if you have a friend that struggles with this, then this episode is for you! www.amberleagray.com
12/12/2019 • 20 minutes, 44 seconds
Creative Confidence & Manifesting w/ D'Ana Joi
Do you identify has multi-passionate? Do you struggle with feeling like you're enough? Have you wanted to pivot and try something new, but fear is holding you back? Have you wanted something, but don't know how to get there? This episode is for YOU! This conversation with Joi left me feeling both inspired and empowered. It is jam packed with pep talks and practical tips! www.amberleagray.com www.joi-knows-how.com
12/5/2019 • 45 minutes, 48 seconds
Happy Thanksgiving!
Hey you, yes YOU! I'm thankful for you! On this holiday where everyone is reflecting on what they are grateful for, I'm dropping in an episode from a few months ago about practicing gratitude. It's not just about how to practice gratitude, but also why you should! www.amberleagray.com
11/29/2019 • 16 minutes, 42 seconds
Finding Courage to Take the Next Step w/ Nicole Saunders
In today's episode of the Growth & Grace podcast, I have a conversation with Nicole Saunders. She's a Pinterest Marketing Strategist, has a Dog Influencer Business and just launched a retreat for female entrepreneurs. In this conversation, we unpack topics like what to do when people tell you no and how to network - especially as an introvert! I learned so much, and I can't wait for you to listen in! www.amberleagray.com www.saunderssays.com
11/21/2019 • 52 minutes, 21 seconds
I'm Not Where I Want to Be
We are coming up on the end of 2019 -- the end of another year, the end of a decade! I was reflecting on where I've been and what I've accomplished, and that comparison voice started to creep in. I started to beat myself up for not being where I want to be, and that's when this episode hit me! This is what I needed to hear, and I think it will be what you need to hear too! www.amberleagray.com
11/14/2019 • 9 minutes, 46 seconds
Dealing with Burnout
Feeling exhausted? Stressed to the max? Unmotivated? Can't remember the last vacation you had? If you answered yes to any of those questions, then you might be experiencing burnout! On today's episode of the Growth & Grace podcast I don't only share what burnout is, but unpack how to manage and overcome! This episode is packed with practical tips, and I throw in a few pep talks for good measure! www.amberleagray.com
11/7/2019 • 24 minutes, 15 seconds
Being an Ally, Microaggressions & Empowerment W/ Angela Yarber
This week's episode on the Growth & Grace podcast is a conversation with Angela Yarber from the Holy Women Icons Project. Angela is an artist, writer and she is doing some incredible work to lift up marginalized communities. This episode is deep. We unpack what it means to be an ally to those different than us and talk about wholistic empowerment. Grab your notebooks, because you're going to want to take notes! www.amberleagray.com www.holywomenicons.com
10/31/2019 • 36 minutes, 40 seconds
Friendships & Seasons of Discovery with Jennifer VanHekken
Today on the Growth & Grace podcast we are learning from writer, speaker and podcaster, Jenn VanHekken. This episode is a conversation about friendships, vulnerability and seasons of discovery. How do we cultivate friendships that last? What does it mean to be vulnerable in this social media driven world? How do we get unstuck in life, especially in seasons of transition? Listen and you'll find out! www.amberleagray.com www.jennvanhekken.com
10/24/2019 • 35 minutes, 14 seconds
Enneagram Basics
This week on the Growth & Grace podcast I'm talking all things Enneagram - an ancient personality tool. It's all the buzz right now, but what is the enneagram really? That is what I unpack in this episode! I debunk some myths and describe all 9 personality types. If you've been seeing people talk about enneagram but don't know what it is or just want to learn more, then this episode is for you! www.amberleagray.com
10/17/2019 • 36 minutes, 21 seconds
Declutter Your Life with Kirsty Farrugia
Today on the Growth & Grace podcast we have our very first guest Kirsty Farrugia, co-founder of The Art of Decluttering a professional organization business and popular podcast! In this episode we talk about grace, freedom and what it means to declutter your life. There are TONS of practical tips mixed with a few pep talks, and I really think you're going to love it! This is about WAY MORE than just cleaning your house, this a holistic approach to decluttering your life. www.amberleagray.com https://artofdecluttering.com.au
10/10/2019 • 42 minutes, 40 seconds
Breaking Negative Thought Patterns
They say that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again while expecting different results. That is EXACTLY what we do when it comes to our thoughts. We hold ourselves back from going where we want to go because of our negative thought patterns. Because no one else can see them, thoughts can be tricky. That's why in this episode of the Growth & Grace Podcast we put some language to what we're all experiencing, and dive into some practical tips on how to break free from the thoughts holding us back. www.amberleagray.com
10/3/2019 • 21 minutes, 59 seconds
Decision Fatigue
Raise your hand if you have been feeling mentally and emotionally exhausted lately! Put it up there, I know I'm not the only one! So I decided to do a little research to figure out how to combat this funk I was in, and I learned about a little thing called Decision Fatigue. We make 35,000 decisions every single day, and y'all it can be exhausting. In this episode of the Growth & Grace podcast I unpack what decision fatigue is and how to combat it! www.amberleagray.com
9/26/2019 • 18 minutes, 2 seconds
Saying No to Good Things
The week on the Growth & Grace Podcast I'm giving you permission to say no to good things. DO WHAT?! Yes, you read that right. This is a pep talk to get you motivated to invest in the things that matter. It has been an ah ha moment in my own life recently, and I think you need to hear this too! www.amberleagray.com
9/19/2019 • 12 minutes, 30 seconds
The Hustle Lie
Unpopular Opinion: You don't have to hustle to find success! Today I unpack a concept that breaks down this hustle mindset that keeps us in a sense of urgency. If we want to achieve our goals, we have to take back control of how we spend our time! I drop some truth bombs in this episode that will help you get on the right track. www.amberleagray.com
9/12/2019 • 20 minutes, 3 seconds
Push Through Procrastination
Have you ever told yourself, I work better under pressure?! Unpopular opinion: it's not true! It's not that you work better under pressure... it's that you actually work. In this episode I unpack why we procrastinate and some tips on how to beat it! If you want to be more productive, then this is the podcast for you! www.amberleagray.com www.instagram.com/amber.lea.gray
9/5/2019 • 16 minutes, 4 seconds
Core Beliefs
Change your beliefs and change you life. Being able to identify your core beliefs is key to self awareness. Once we are able to start to identify our thought patterns, then we can get to the root of what is holding us back. If you want to achieve the life you dream about, thens start here! www.amberleagray.com www.instagram.com/amber.lea.gray
8/29/2019 • 16 minutes, 23 seconds
Deep Breath: How to Breathe Properly
The benefits of breathing properly that I outline in this episode will blow your mind! People have told me for years how important it is to breathe properly, but it wasn't until recently that decided to really focus on my own breathing. Y'all, it was like an instant stress relief! I felt more focused and alert. Seriously, give it a try! P.s. Listen all the way to the end for a little breathing exercise! www.amberleagray.com
8/22/2019 • 10 minutes, 43 seconds
What Does Forgiveness Look Like?
Whether you need to forgive someone or you are the one who needs to be forgiven, it is a long, hard road. Forgiveness is one of those things that impacts all human beings. Part of the human experience, is learning to love, live and forgive...only to love, live and forgive all over again. If you have wondered what the process of forgiveness looks like or know that you need to be set free from a past experience, then this episode is for you! www.amberleagray.com www.instagram.com/amber.lea.gray
8/15/2019 • 21 minutes, 26 seconds
3 Ways You're Self-Sabotaging
We are not getting where we want to go, but we don't know why! It seems like life is going well for everyone else...am I right? Have you thought this to yourself? The reality is, we get in our own way. We self-sabotage and it keeps us from achieving the life we dream about. In this episode, I unpack 3 ways that you might be self-sabotaging. Let me tell you, I needed to hear them! I think they will speak to you as well! www.amberleagray.com www.instagram.com/amber.lea.gray
8/8/2019 • 20 minutes, 26 seconds
2 Things I Learned from a Spiritual Director that Shifted my Mindset
I met with my spiritual director today and she said two things that really rocked my world. So much that I hit record on a podcast last minute to share with you guys! If you are struggling with discernment, finding your focus or weeding through the pressure of expectations, then I think this episode will really hit home! www.amberleagray.com www.instagram.com/amber.lea.gray
8/1/2019 • 15 minutes, 23 seconds
Practicing Gratitude
Want to be happier? Want healthier relationships? Want to sleep better? Need more energy? Practicing gratitude might be the best place to start! And it costs you nothing! Seriously y'all, it's science! In today's episode we define what practicing gratitude is, share the benefits and finally lay out the 'how to' guide! www.amberleagray.com www.instagram.com/amber.lea.gray
7/25/2019 • 14 minutes, 48 seconds
3 Ways to Deal with Toxic People
You know who I'm talking about. They suck the energy right out of the room and are always focused on the negative! Their problems become your problems and you feel stuck. We all have these people in our lives either by choice or by circumstance. When that happens, what do you do?! That's what this episode is all about! We talk through how to identify toxic people and then 3 things you do can if you find yourself in surrounded by toxic people or in a toxic situation. www.amberleagray.com www.instagram.com/amber.lea.gray
7/18/2019 • 10 minutes, 32 seconds
Thought Stopping
Do you struggle with racing thoughts? Do you feel like you can't shut off your brain? Are you consumed with worry? Thought Stopping is a technique can can make a WORLD OF DIFFERENCE in your life. In this episode we talk about what thought stopping is and how exactly to do it! www.amberleagray.com for freebies! www.instagram.com/amber.lea.gray
7/11/2019 • 9 minutes, 51 seconds
How to Set Healthy Boundaries
Y'all, this episode is so jam packed with GOOD stuff! Setting healthy boundaries is one of the foundations of health relationships, but what does that look like? How do I know if my boundaries are healthy or not? What if I feel like I don't have a choice?! Having healthy boundaries frees up your life for more of what you love. It makes your more productive. It helps you know your priorities. It is essential in healthy relationships! I talk about all that and more in today's episode! Let's get started! www.amberleagray.com www.instagram.com/amber.lea.gray
7/4/2019 • 23 minutes, 46 seconds
How to Identify What You Want to Change in Your Life
I hear you! You want change, you know something is missing, you are longing for something more, but you have NO IDEA where to start! Today I'm walking you through a step by step process on how to jumpstart you into figuring out what you want to change in you life. Seriously y'all, it doesn't get more practical than this! I promise, you're going to want to listen to this episode! www.instagram.com/amber.lea.gray
6/27/2019 • 14 minutes, 53 seconds
How to Travel on a Budget
Y'all, it's summer time and we are being bombarded with photos of all the vacations. Who else is jealous of all the beach pics?! We want to plan our own trip, but are not sure if it's in the budget. I hear you! Well, don't put up your suitcase just yet.Today I'm sharing some of my best tips on saving a little $$$ while you travel! www.instagram.com/amber.lea.gray
6/20/2019 • 15 minutes, 29 seconds
How to Find REAL Community in a DIGITAL World
Y'all, let's be honest. Making friends is hard, especially as an adult. Especially as an adult living in this digital world. We long for a sense of belonging, real community...but how do we get it?! We are living a time where we can literally grocery shop on our phones without ever talking to a person. Is this real life?! In this episode we define what REAL community is, unpack our digital world, and lay out some practical tips on how to get where we want to go.
6/13/2019 • 19 minutes, 52 seconds
You Have a Story Worth Telling
Based on countless conversations, I believe that one of the things holding people back is not believing their story matters. The world has tried to convince us that we have to have fancy things and luxury vacations to be interesting. It is NOT true. People want to know they are not alone in their daily struggles. Share you story. It matters. Here's a little pep talk.
6/6/2019 • 7 minutes, 26 seconds
3 Things You Need to Hear if You’re Struggling with Your Mental Health
We are finishing up our series for Mental Health Awareness Month, we've unpacked some heavy stuff! There will definitely be more episodes in the future covering topics we haven't talked about yet, but I wanted to make sure that Today's episode could speak right to the heart of those struggling. So if you're struggling or if you know someone who is struggling, then this episode is for you! www.amberleagray.com Instagram: @amber.lea.gray
5/30/2019 • 18 minutes, 1 second
Body Image & Mental Health
We are smack dab in the little of our series for Mental Health Awareness Month! Today we are talking about body image and self-esteem. These are two super personal topics, but they are also two of the most important! In this episode we dive into the real definitions, unpack some scary statistics and discuss the ways that body image and self esteem impact our daily life. www.amberleagray.com www.instagram.com/amber.lea.gray
5/23/2019 • 14 minutes, 28 seconds
Unpacking the Most Paralyzing Emotion: Shame
Every person on the planet experiences shame. We know what it feels like, but we have a really hard time describing it much less overcoming it. In today's episode, we are unpacking shame. I was in shock when I learned how much shame can impact a person's life. I share a couple personal stories, and give some practical tips on how to work through shame. This episode is SOO good y'all. So many nuggets of information that can help you or a friend! www.amberleagray.com www.instagram.com/amber.lea.gray
5/16/2019 • 23 minutes, 43 seconds
Identifying & Dealing with Depression
Let's talk Mental Health...like let's really talk. May is Mental Health Awareness Month and we are chatting about all the things. Today's episode takes a closer look at Depression. What is depression? How do we identify it? What do we do if we or someone we know is struggling with depression? It's time that we kick stigma to the curb and get honest. The Suicide Prevention Hotline Number is:1-800-273-8255 Follow me on instagram at: www.instagram.com/amber.lea.gray
5/9/2019 • 20 minutes, 5 seconds
Self Limiting Beliefs
This is the first episode in a series we are going to do the entire month of May for Mental Health Awareness Month. It is important for us to acknowledge where we are and how we got there before we can really get to work on where we want to go. This episode is mostly pep talk with a sprinkle of practical tip. Girl, you are enough. You have enough. It will take work, but you are worth it!
5/2/2019 • 14 minutes, 37 seconds
5 Ways to Reduce Stress Right Now
You have a client meeting in 10 minutes and you're stuck in traffic. Your car breaks down the week rent is due. You realize you have more items on your to-do list than any human could possibly accomplish. The dishes are piling up, everyone is asking what’s for dinner and you haven’t had a moment to yourself in days. Sound familiar? STRESS! Stress can seriously impact your physical and emotional health. *personal story alert* So this episode dives into 5 practical things that you can do right now to reduce stress!
4/25/2019 • 23 minutes, 7 seconds
Why It's Okay to Change Your Mind!
We live in a culture that puts a lot of pressure on us to be successful, and for decades that has looked like picking a job and sticking with it long enough to climb the corporate ladder. Things are changing. We don't have to be stuck in job we hate, and a degree we choose when we were 18 years old doesn't have to determine our forever. It's okay to change your mind. In this episode I share some of my own struggle and ah-ha moments of what it's like to be multi-passionate. Spoiler Alert: I love it!
4/18/2019 • 9 minutes, 58 seconds
Affirmations: The What, Why & How
Everyone is talking about affirmations, but what they heck are they? Why are they important? How did I figure out what affirmation is right for me. This episode dives into all of those questions and more! Head over to www.amberleagray.com to grab you Write Your Own Affirmation Worksheet!
4/11/2019 • 13 minutes, 4 seconds
3 Reasons You're Stuck
I've had a lot of conversations over the last few weeks with women who want more and who are dreaming big, but they just feel stuck! So if that sounds familiar, then this episode is for you! I will unpack my top 3 Reason You're Stuck! I really think they will resonate with you, I know they hit home for me! Want to learn more or grab a freebie of 5 Journaling Prompts to Self Discovery, then head over to my website www.amberleagray.com
4/5/2019 • 13 minutes, 46 seconds
Show Yourself a Little Grace
Trust me, I get it. Life is hard. We take one step forward and two steps back. We feel like a hamster on a wheel, never getting anywhere. And don't even get me started on the comparison game. I'm here today to give you a little pep talk! Your current situation is not your final destination, and you have come so far. Yes you might not be where you want to be, but that is okay. Show yourself a little grace! Website: www.amberleagray.com Instagram: @amber.lea.gray
3/28/2019 • 11 minutes, 55 seconds
How to Dream Big & Achieve it!
How to dream big and achieve it! That sounds like a tall order! I've been doing a lot of personal work on this lately, and I've come to realize that everyone is their mom is talking about dreaming big...but NO ONE is talking about how to do that! What is the difference in a dream and a hope or goal? How do I actually start working towards achieving those dreams? This episode in an introduction to how to dream big, identify those dreams and start the journey towards achieving them. If you want to learn more about me and the podcast, then check out my website www.amberleagray.com
3/21/2019 • 16 minutes, 59 seconds
A Morning Routine that Sets You Up for Success
I've come to realize that what you do first thing in the morning impacts the rest of your day. Having a routine that helps you focus, get your body moving and start from a place of gratitude can make all the difference. In this episode, I talk about 9 things that you can incorporate into your morning routine to set you up for success! Disclaimer: This is not a super complex, drawn out production. These are all practical things that you can start TOMORROW! Website For Freebies: www.amberleagray.com Instagram: www.instagram.com/amber.lea.gray Growth & Grace FB Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/276641129653000/
3/5/2019 • 20 minutes, 37 seconds
The Who, Why & What of Growth & Grace
Welcome to the first episode! *cue confetti* I'm so excited that you're starting this journey for me! I want this podcast and community to be a place of both growth & grace! Hi, I'm Amber Lea! I'm an empowerment coach, photographer, and storyteller who believes that change take courage -- and a little hard work! This podcast is going to be a place of pep talks and practical tips to help you find joy, purpose and achieve the life you dream about! I have both a Master's in Counseling and a Master's of Divinity that inform my worldview. I'm a multi-passionate entrepreneur who believes in the power of honest conversation and real community! Don't forget to subscribe!