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格伦轻松英语 Cover
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Chinese, Education, 1 season, 28 episodes, 2 hours, 50 minutes
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28. 大班小班VIP哪个适合你?

5/27/20154 minutes, 7 seconds
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27. 感冒特别版:雅思口语part1的真正得分点

5/20/20155 minutes, 8 seconds
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26. 写议论文时Don't fuck yourself

5/11/20154 minutes, 37 seconds
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24. 发现一款超赞的托福APP

5/8/20155 minutes, 5 seconds
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25. 雅思写作discuss 类文章最佳写法

5/8/20155 minutes, 42 seconds
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23. 送分的雅思写作地图题

5/4/20153 minutes, 38 seconds
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22. 致坚持学习的苦逼们

4/30/20155 minutes, 51 seconds
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20. 建立联系 微信ezschool

ezschool 唐叫兽微信
4/29/20151 minute, 51 seconds
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21. 擦!国内雅思托福写作压分

4/29/20156 minutes, 55 seconds
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19. 闲聊大学生周末的食色生活

4/27/20157 minutes, 46 seconds
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18. 两句话搞定议论文结尾段

4/27/20155 minutes, 7 seconds
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17. 就这一招秒杀议论文中间段

4/24/20156 minutes, 6 seconds
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16. 最有逼格的极品情话

I love you more and more each day as time goes by.
4/23/20152 minutes, 52 seconds
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15. 写作开头段还在用today吗

直面问题法:I tend to agree that young children can be negatively affected by too much time spent on the computer every day. This is partly because sitting in front of a screen for too long can be damaging to both the eyes and the physical posture of a young child, regardless of what they are using the computer for.I tend to agree with the view that....Why do I think so? Well, the reasons to support/justify my view are as follow.
4/22/20156 minutes, 7 seconds
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14. 雅思写作agree or disagree正解

4/22/20153 minutes, 50 seconds
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13. 口误更正

4/22/20152 minutes, 41 seconds
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11. 秒破口语人物题

4/21/20156 minutes, 32 seconds
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12. 秀下我的发音

Yeah, I’d say I’m not too bad at it actually. I mean, I always get my work done on time, and I also set aside a bit of time each day to do exercise, like going for a jog or something. So um, yeah, I’d say I’m pretty organized in terms of my time
4/20/201527 seconds
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4/20/20156 minutes, 45 seconds
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9. 雅思托福哪个难

4/16/20156 minutes, 47 seconds
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4/13/20156 minutes, 8 seconds
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4/13/201511 minutes, 7 seconds
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4/10/20157 minutes, 20 seconds
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4/9/201510 minutes, 28 seconds
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还在看美剧练听力?还在听VOA BBC?那你就out 了!
4/8/201512 minutes, 40 seconds
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4/7/201511 minutes, 43 seconds
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考前需要掌握两类词汇:基础应用词汇和认知词汇。别再从abandon 开始背单词了!
4/7/20156 minutes, 49 seconds
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4/4/20156 minutes, 24 seconds