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Freedomain with Stefan Molyneux

English, Political, 1 season, 191 episodes, 5 days, 12 hours, 45 minutes
Freedomain Radio is the largest and most popular philosophy show on the web, with over 250 million downloads and is 100% funded by viewers like you. Please support the show by making a one time donation or signing up for a monthly recurring donation.
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5419 Stop Putting Women Down!

2 February 2024 Friday Night Live!"I believe men are superior to women, I need to stop measuring their value based on what women think of them."Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and more!See you soon!
2/26/20241 hour, 55 minutes
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5418 How to Love Your Sibling!

"Last year, I started making music. I just really like music and I wanted to start doing it. I started doing music production and everything went smooth and had a big success. I dropped a couple tracks and one of them made it really big on TikTok. Then, I signed with a record label and I now have a lot of money, for my age."Before making music, I was kind of depressed, feeling like I am alone. I didn't have that many friends. And all the friends I have are like +20 years, like 25, 30, 38, 40, 45... I don't really get along good with people my age. It's been really hard to to you know live with this deep feeling of, '"I am not enough by myself.'"Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and more!See you soon!
2/25/20241 hour, 37 minutes, 17 seconds
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5417 The Thrill and Danger of Lust!

"What are your thoughts on college girls who repeatedly post bikini photos on their instagram, you know the college girl who rarely posts a photo where her cleavage and belly and thighs aren’t exposed, do you think these woman have done something immoral by engaging in this behaviour or would you say there is nothing wrong with the display of the human body and anyone who finds it immoral should find the guilt within themselves as they are the ones who perceive this display as sexual because there is at least objectively speaking nothing inherently sexy or immoral about the human body?"Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and more!See you soon!
2/24/202428 minutes, 34 seconds
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31 January 2024 Wednesday Night LivestreamI'm old enough to remember:... when experts said that eggs were fatal!... that the sugar industry bribed scientists to say the problem is fat, not sugar!... four out of five doctors recommending particular cigarettes!... global cooling; we're just going to go into the new ice age!Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and more!See you soon!
2/23/20241 hour, 47 minutes, 57 seconds
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"Hey Stef, I watch your 'punish women video' Where you analyzed someone's dream. I had a dream last night and want to know your thoughts. "The scene starts in a class, an Asian man was in the front teaching his students, he was wearing a blue suit with a long back, and a white dress shirt with a lapel, or bib sawn into the collar. He had a belt and black dress pants. And I made a mental note that he was impeccably dressed. The scene then changes. Me and the class(3-4 people)are sitting around a desk, discussing something."This is where the story goes a little foggy, I don't remember what we where talking about, but I made some philosophical arguments. Like an actual argument in my dream, which i could break down if I remembered what it was about. In that instance I felt confident in my words and logic, and thought my arguments where good. The scene then shifts, to me in class struggling with something, the teacher off the side not happy either. This part is also foggy as when I was dreaming this all made sense, and if I remembered I could explain the situation. Later on, the teacher, wearing the same outfit, but in red, was talking to another man. He laughed load as he talked the other man was in a standard black/bluish suit with a diagonally striped tie that wend white, black, red. not sure with was first the black or red. He was more tame, and stood there with his hands rested behind his back, looking over the class he didn’t seem to enjoy the conversation as much, but smiled nonetheless."The Next scene was me sleeping, I didn't open my eyes but as I woke up I could see around me. This is prob when I became lucid because I could remember the parts after in much more detail. But back to the sleeping. So I woke up, but my eyes where closed, and I noticed that I was resting on the back of the car. Not in the trunk, my shoulder was on the back window of the car and my feet extended past the trunk. I didn't know where i was, or how I got there, but thought it would be weird if the driver noticed that I'm on his back window. When he turned right, I jumped off of the car. I noticed that my feet where not cold walking on the snow, as I didn't have any shoes, I went back towards the opposite direction the car was going in to see if I could recognize the surrounding area. While I was walking I noticed some people at a house, and asked them for help. There was a group of about 2-3 men there and they seemed to know me. They asked me what I was doing there, seeming very confused, one asked why I wasn't wearing shoes. I told them 'I had no idea'. The next moment I noted 3 men opposite the road from us standing there ominously, and another set of men on the sidewalk in the left turn of the road. I could feel the danger and thought I was getting ambushed."The guys also noticed and said they had weapons stored in a van just up the road. we discreetly moved to the van hoping we didn't get attacked. They opened the van and each picked up a set of rifles, and guns. I went around the back of the car, and didn't take any guns, I was planning to hide in case of a gun fight. In anticipation of an attack, the guys where in the front left of the van on the sidewalk just waiting. In the distance I could see a police car, coming down the road. The car was a very expensive car with the police lights on top of it, Lambo maybe? The guys hid there guns as to not get caught, and I had hoped that the car would just pass us by. The car turned into the driveway in front of the van and I tried to distance myself from the other guys. I had a thought that I would be put in jail because I would be associated with them. Then because I didn't want to go to jail. I made myself wake up."Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and more!See you soon!
2/22/20241 hour, 52 minutes, 19 seconds
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5414 Why Women Go Woke...

29 January 2024 Flash LivestreamWhy are young men in general becoming more conservative and young women are becoming more liberal?Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and more!See you soon!
2/21/20241 hour, 2 minutes, 37 seconds
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"Hey Stef, I'm married, but sometimes, I think I could have done better, and then I overthink it. I question my choices, wonder if I've made a mistake getting married, and then feel guilt and shame as a result. I'm constantly rehashing these questions, and it's torture. Can you shed some light on the path out of this cycle?"Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and more!See you soon!
2/20/20241 hour, 39 minutes, 33 seconds
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5412 How to Never Be Bullied!

28 January 2024 Sunday Morning LivestreamI would like to know how UPB handles the idea off forgiving our enemies or at least those who choose to do us harm? Getting them out of lives if they don't repent/apologize/make amends I agree with. But is it best to just let go of anger over things and people that can not be changed.Some situations are really clear, like an attack in the moment. Some situations are unclear, like a perceived slight from an acquaintance or someone cutting you off in traffic. We feel anger automatically. It's a natural, subjective response. But we need to reflect on the context and evaluate our next actions to ensure morality. My dad used to get angry if you looked at him the wrong way. His reaction was out of proportion.As I understood the forgiveness as a Christian, we forgive our enemies as a mechanism to lay down our angry, release ourselves from said anger and give it over the crime to God for vengeance. (Though practically if those who wronged us committed criminal acts against us, we follow all the legal avenues for redress, but not with anger but cold commitment to justice without hate.)Reconciliation on the other hand requires both parties.Much of my pain in life. Has been because I ignored my anger. Trained to disconnect by my parents. Now I choose to listen to my body and my emotions. That shift of mindset took a lot of effort.How can you remove yourself in the days of social media? Allegations can follow you anywhere.Can vengeance be defined as taking action to harm someone (when you aren't in immediate danger) in order satisfy your anger. This is why imprisonment isn't vengeance if you are not doing it satisfy anger but instead to uphold standards.Justice is measured. And not done with massive emotional motivation. Hence the judge and jury.My understanding is that if forgiving our enemies was UPB/universal, Bob would have forgiven Jack for whatever behaviour/action/words he believed justified hitting Jack. Yet society will go to Jack and insist he forgive Bob but not ask Bob not to hit Jack and forgive instead.Is mercy virtuous?Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and more!See you soon!
2/20/20242 hours, 13 minutes, 30 seconds
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5411 Izzy and Stef Movie Review: MADAME WEB

I will never forgive you all for urging me to watch this hot mess of celluloid...Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and more!See you soon!
2/19/202440 minutes, 27 seconds
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5410 The Truth About Sadism! - Part 6

This conversation explores sadism's origins, tribalism, men's struggles, porn's influence, and the connection between money pursuit and declining parental support. Feedback and more discussion welcome.Full series: the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and more!See you soon! SummaryIn this part of our conversation, we explore the origins and dysfunction of sadism, discussing its relevance to tribalism and the challenges men face in balancing aggression and emotional availability. We also touch upon the role of pornography and its influence on our perception of aggression and affection. Reflecting on history and power structures, we consider the connection between pursuit of money and declining support for parents. We invite feedback and support for further discussions on this topic.Chapters0:00:00 The Origins and Dysfunction of Sadism0:03:10 Sadism in Evolution and the Duality of Life0:06:57 The Natural Balance of Affection and Cruelty in Predators0:10:26 Human Beings: The Apex Predators with Duality of Kindness and Cruelty0:12:24 Exploring the Dichotomy of Cruelty and Affection0:13:03 Siblings' Cruelty and Unity against Outsiders0:19:32 The Tricky Balance of Aggression and Affection0:22:49 Affection for Offspring and Cruelty to Others0:25:47 Sadism as a Central Goal: Motivation and Risks0:28:16 Enslavement and the Thirst for Cruelty0:34:29 Sadism as a Tool for Maintaining Control0:41:24 Cruelty within families and kindness towards outsiders0:47:58 The reversal of the cruelty-kindness metric in modern families0:50:48 The Impact of Observation on Behavior0:52:02 The Relationship Between Power and Cruelty
2/16/202455 minutes, 8 seconds
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5409 The Truth About Sadism! - Part 5

This episode explores moral sadism, manipulation, double standards, religious/secular views, historical/psychological aspects, addiction ties, and unrecognized child abuse effects.Full series: the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and more!See you soon! SummaryThis episode explores the concept of moral sadism, where evil is disguised as good. We discuss examples of manipulation and the double standards that exist in society. We also examine the religious and secular perspectives on sadism and its consequences. Additionally, we delve into the historical and psychological aspects of sadistic behavior, as well as its connection to addiction. We challenge the notion that evil is solely a result of ignorance and explore various explanations, including the impact of dopamine. Lastly, we discuss the challenges of categorizing human behavior and the importance of recognizing and addressing the effects of unrecognized child abuse.Chapters0:00:00 Sadism: Evolution and Forms0:02:26 Society's Definition of Evil and Individual Application of Principles0:10:23 The Cycle of Sadism and Christianity's Understanding0:14:17 Breaking the Cycle of Sadism and the Loss of Morality0:20:20 Morality as a Tool for Preying on Others0:23:34 The Functional Role of Sadism in Systems of Power0:26:36 Understanding the Morbid Perversion of Sadistic Behavior0:29:34 The Shift from Evil to Mental Dysfunction0:31:54 The Concept of Moral Mania and its Implications0:41:37 Sadists as Degenerates in Victorian Era0:43:44 Degenerates vs. Evil: Clarifying Moral Terminology0:43:56 The Definition of Evil and Social Norms0:46:33 The Source of Evil: Unrecognized Child Abuse
2/16/202449 minutes, 57 seconds
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5408 The Truth About Sadism! - Part 4

This episode explores sadism in children, discussing tribal loyalty, harmful education practices, and credentialism. The hosts advocate for curiosity-driven learning and highlight the suppression of children's skepticism.Full series: the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and more!See you soon! SummaryIn this episode, we examine sadism, specifically in relation to children. We analyze the evolution of cruelty, emphasizing the role of tribal loyalty and nationalism. We discuss the harmful practices of education and punishment, advocating for a mindset that encourages curiosity and learning. Lastly, we critique credentialism in education and highlight the importance of engaging students. Throughout the episode, we share personal experiences and reflect on the societal suppression of children's skepticism and curiosity. Chapters0:00:00 Sadism Part 4: Exploring Sadism with regards to children0:03:24 Evolution of cruelty and moral theories in human beings0:06:01 Creating abstract values to enhance tribal unity and ferocity0:09:59 Infusing children with a sense of tribal superiority0:12:29 Loyalty to abstractions and the role of sports0:20:01 The Time Spent on Sports: A Surprising Calculation0:23:05 Breaking Children's Minds: The Role of Hatred and Loyalty0:24:34 Breaking Children's Natural Empiricism0:29:56 Prussian Education: Compliance and Conformity0:34:05 The Importance of Understanding Opposing Beliefs0:36:31 Indoctrination vs. Facilitation in Education0:42:34 Catholic People's School: Resistance and Punishment0:52:22 The Irrelevance of Credentialism0:57:50 Credentialism Breeds Aggression and Sadism
2/16/20241 hour, 38 seconds
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5407 The Truth About Sadism! - Part 3

Controversial life of Marquis de Sade, explicit works, societal violence, personal struggles, politics during French Revolution, impact of scientific revolution on morality. Introducing universally preferable behavior. Stay tuned.Full series: the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and more!See you soon! SummaryIn this part of the conversation, we explore the controversial life and works of the Marquis de Sade, including his explicit books and their film adaptations. We discuss how aristocracy and excessive praise contribute to violence in society. We delve into de Sade's troubled personal life and his involvement in politics during the French Revolution. The conversation also touches on the scientific revolution and its impact on morality. We introduce the concept of universally preferable behavior (UPB) as an alternative to morality. Join our community and access related content on our website. Anticipate the next part of the conversation.Chapters0:00:00 The Marquis de Sade: A Terrifying Legacy0:09:11 The Power of Excessive Praise and Addiction0:12:21 Control through Addiction: Praise and Criticism0:15:20 Childhood Experiences and Affectionate Figures in De Sade's Life0:17:51 Forced Marriage and Complicity of De Sade's Wife0:20:51 De Sade's Release and Inheritance of Title0:23:49 De Sade's Imprisonment and Transfer to Insane Asylum0:26:21 De Sade's Imprisonment for Criticizing Robespierre0:34:49 Cruelty as the First Sentiment in Nature0:37:42 The Profound Impact of the Scientific Revolution0:40:51 Science vs. Religion: The Battle for Morality0:43:24 The Agricultural Revolution and its Effects on Humanity0:48:43 The Origin of Morality and its Connection to Religion0:52:28 The Link Between Morality and Belief in the Divine
2/16/202454 minutes, 3 seconds
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5406 The Truth About Sadism! - Part 2

Part two explores sadistic tendencies in society, discussing cruelty, manipulation, and the cycle of violence. Importance of empathy to break the cycle. Feedback appreciated.How Common Are Sadists? series: the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and more!See you soon! SummaryIn part two of this episode, we explore the prevalence of sadistic tendencies in society, examining evidence from experiments, popular culture, and societal dynamics. We discuss the relationship between cruelty and sadism, the manipulation of pain and pleasure in the modern world, the development of false selves, and the cycle of humiliation and retaliation. We also touch on the addiction to justification for cruel behavior and the importance of empathy in breaking the cycle of violence. We invite feedback and appreciate any support through donations. Thank you for listening.Chapters0:00:00 The prevalence of sadism in society0:01:41 Cruelty and sadism in various aspects of life0:03:28 The role of pain and pleasure in our behavior0:05:32 Programming and exploitation of pleasure signals0:08:07 The impact of societal changes on our emotions and behavior0:09:49 Conforming to Tribal Expectations for Protection0:14:21 Humiliation Breeds Cruelty and Exploitation0:16:34 Overcoming Natural Instincts and Training into Cruelty0:20:02 From reactive abuse to gaining value from abuse.0:23:17 Sadism as a shield against vulnerability and inadequacy.0:29:40 The Cycle of Abuse and Humiliation Begins0:31:08 Blaming and Humiliating the Broken for Being Broken0:33:35 Escalation of Attacks and the French Revolution Story
2/16/202435 minutes, 44 seconds
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5405 The Truth About Sadism! - Part 1

This episode explores sadism, masochism, and consensual BDSM without judgment. It discusses the impact of sexual elements on societal dysfunctions.Full series: the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and more!See you soon! SummaryIn this episode, we delve into the captivating world of sadism and masochism. I find this topic personally intriguing, as it's a mindset that I struggle to fully comprehend. With an anthropological approach, we aim to explore this subject without constantly passing moral judgment. Sadism, the pleasure derived from causing pain to others, is contrasted with consensual acts of physical pain or humiliation for sexual gratification known as BDSM. I believe that as long as these behaviors are consensual and don't result in irreversible harm, they may not be a moral concern. Furthermore, I argue that many dysfunctions in society may have a sexual element, such as the behavior of a stereotypical Karen or couples engaging in hostile fights. Additionally, the power dynamics and domination present in public rituals or workplace hierarchies can harbor sadistic components. While I personally feel perplexed by sadism, I'm interested in exploring it without constantly condemning it.Chapters0:00:00 Introduction to the Fascinating Topic of Sadism0:03:50 Society's Dysfunctions and the Relationship to Sadistic Tendencies0:07:05 The Suspension of Disbelief and Sadistic Satisfaction in Fictional Violence0:07:29 The Complexity of Sadism and Paraphilias0:12:48 Paraphilias and the Distinction from Healthy Sexuality0:18:16 Hypermasculinity and the Capacity to Avoid Empathy0:21:05 Women's Expectations of Selective Empathy in Men0:28:12 The dynamics of power and masochism in relationships.0:32:10 The nature of women's thrill in being desired.0:35:50 The importance of bravery in pursuing attractive partners.0:38:42 The Pitfalls of Settling for Less0:47:22 Freud's Observations on Sadism and Masochism0:49:06 The Purpose of Pleasure: Selfishness or Pair Bonding?0:54:15 Gifts and Abilities: Serving Self or World?0:56:51 The Dehumanization of Excellence and Competition1:00:03 Domination and Submission: The Absence of Reason and Negotiation
2/16/20241 hour, 6 minutes
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5404 Stop Hating Women! Freedomain Call In

Philosopher Stefan Molyneux takes down manosphere misogyny!Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and more!See you soon!
2/15/20242 hours, 31 minutes, 14 seconds
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5403 To Hell With Those Who Don't Trust You!

26 January 2024 Friday Night LivestreamLife is just so much more efficient when you trust people, isn't it?Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and more!See you soon!
2/15/20242 hours, 14 minutes, 35 seconds
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5402 A Theory of Overeating - Locals Questions Answered

"Dear Stef, I've been navigating the challenges of weight loss after two pregnancies that occurred within a span of two years. The combination of insufficient sleep and a lack of motivation for exercise has made it particularly challenging. Despite maintaining a generally healthy diet, I find myself consuming larger portions than necessary."Little backstory: I recently defooed my mother, and the journey proved quite stressful. Additionally, I'm still in occasional contact with my father and his wife, feeling a sense of hypocrisy as he was mentally absent during my childhood and he is not supportive as parent should be at all. We are in touch mainly because of his new wife who provided me more care than my parents when o was in my teenage years. She is still calling me on regular basis and arranging meetings, otherwise I don’t think I would see my father."I once heard you talking about a possibility that someone might sabotage your weight loss so you would look irrelevant and it struck a chord. It resonated deeply but I don’t know why. I'd appreciate any thoughts you have on this matter. Thank you!""I have a question about student loan debt forgiveness. Should I feel bitter with the fact that right as I finished paying off a six figure amount of debt, many others have had their debt forgiven?"Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and more!See you soon!
2/13/202429 minutes, 44 seconds
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5401 Stop Managing Crazy People! Freedomain Livestream

24 January 2024 Wednesday Night Livestream"If I believe I have no value to offer other people. I'm wondering could you offer some insight into why I believe, think, and feel this way about myself? Also I would like to know why I'm struggling so much to be curious and find an answer to these thoughts and feelings as well. Thank you in advance.""my wife and I struggle with feeling bad about telling off the people in our lives who wrong us. My wife thinks it's better to feel bad than to make someone else feel bad. how can I help her and myself re-scramble this idea and be more 'self-serving' and focus more on my/our feelings at the expense of others"Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and more!See you soon!
2/12/20241 hour, 56 minutes, 5 seconds
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5400 My Teenage Daughter is Attacking Herself!

"My teenage daughter started pulling her hair. Within a couple of months, she pulled all of it out. We still do not know why. Therapy, reverse behavioral training, and hypnosis didn’t reveal a root cause nor any of them helped her stop. When the hair started growing again, I started to notice that she is pulling again. I do not know what else to do. My heart is broken for her, and I feel helpless."Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and more!See you soon!
2/12/20241 hour, 46 minutes, 34 seconds
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5399 Finally Free of Childhood! Freedomain Livestream

23 January 2024 Flash LivestreamWhen are you FINALLY free of childhood?Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and more!See you soon!
2/12/20242 hours, 3 minutes, 39 seconds
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9 February 2024 Flash Freedomain Livestream!I'm continually shocked by the effectiveness of propaganda. I shouldn't be, but I am, because it's just such a different mindset from mine...Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and more!See you soon!
2/9/20241 hour, 6 minutes, 20 seconds
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5397 Why We Dream! Locals Questions Answered

What is the useful content in the expression “that which can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence”?Analysis shows it to have wrong structure. Applying either the formal meaning of the modal verb “can” (have ability), or the informal/incorrect meaning (have permission), we still get that anyone is able to and permitted to assert anything and dismiss any assertion without any reflection upon its possible truth at all.My estimate is that the expression has no value because it adds nothing. If you wish to dismiss an assertion it is obvious that you can not be denied either the ability or the permission to dismiss it. Your dismissal of the assertion has no effect on the truth value of the assertion, and the truth value of the assertion has no effect on your ability or permission to dismiss the assertion.Explain to me if I got something wrong here.what’s the effect of losing a child on parents, particularly where other children are still around? Grief is inevitable but what if it affects the parents ability to provide the needed care to the other children?Stef the Protestant doctrine of “sola scriptura” says that the Bible is the only source of truth. This seems self refuting as even the Bible doesn’t say the Bible is the only source of truth. Thoughts?alright what's your favorite medieval weapon,I see you as a zwihander guy!Can you discuss dreams (those who happen during the night🤣🌙🌝)? How can one discern which dreams are truly worth sitting down to analyze? How should they be analyzed, and how much time should be dedicated to it? Isn't it more crucial to journal, exercise, and meditate?As a stay-at-home mother of three young children, there isn't much time left at the end of the day. That time is typically allocated for household chores, exercising, meditating, or journaling. Should dream analysis also be included in my prioritization?I have always been a person who dreams a significant amount, starting from my childhood. In my teenage years, I focused heavily on this aspect, believing these were prophetic dreams from God (I was intensely religious). However, I severed ties with my religious beliefs and became an atheist at 20, completely ceasing to pay attention to my dreams, dismissing them as mere confusion with no significance. Perhaps it's time to reconsider their importance?Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and more!See you soon!
2/9/202431 minutes, 39 seconds
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5396 How to Overcome Anxiety! Freedomain Call In

"Dear Stefan,"I'm a 25 year old male and before i go into specifics I need to warn you that I'm an idiot, and yes I have been avidly watching your shows I even called into the show a couple times and donated/read your books even more. I'm an idiot who knows what I need to do, but refuses to do it. and that's why I'm here. I don't know how to face the pain in my life. My fears, my anxieties, my trauma. I can do it for a couple seconds, but just like staring at the sun, it doesn't take long until I look away. I'm calling myself an idiot partially out of self-hate but mostly because I legitimately feel like that word matches any description of me. I'm more than eager to talk about doing it, fantasize doing it, plan on doing it, but actually doing it? never. I've lied to myself, fooled myself into thinking I was facing it before, but all I was doing was tricking myself out of doing the hard work and the simple thing I always should have done. I'm an overthinker. When everyone else is playing checkers, I'm playing chess. I'm more ashamed at the fact I've waited this long to change than anything else. But not just that, it's that I knew what I needed but I was too much of a coward to face it this entire time. A great example would be my training. unless it's easy, convenient, and forgettable, like a nice walk, I never manage to keep up any kind of physical training I find myself looking at the gym or a set of weights, and thinking about how much it would hurt, and how easy it would be to put it off, and how my motivation was already burnt out after the first month or so... I begin asking myself why I'm doing this anyways if I didn't actually want to better myself and the obvious answer comes up that I never actually cared about my physical health i was just doing what I always do, managing my anxieties. When they've been properly managed, there's no reason to do it anymore. I like to think discipline is just self-love plus self-commitment in action, but what do I know? "I want to learn how to face the things I'd rather not face. In the real world. I want to face these pains. My fears. My anxieties, and whatever trauma I might have too. I don't know how. or maybe I'm such a coward I don't want to know how or recall how. I'm tired of anxiety paralyzing me, clouding my mind, and making me feel like crap. Whenever I try to face it, I just end up numbing myself to everything. I need to face it, feel it, let it pass through me. address every ounce of it, but there's so much, and I've neglected myself for so long, I don't know how to face it. Maybe it just take willpower and a little grace. I'd like to think I know how to let go and just surrender myself to my emotions and calm down for a second, but if I did I probably wouldn't be here. I don't feel like someone who should be doing this and not paying for it, if you want to talk I'd be more than happy to donate something serious to your cause. A part of me feels like this is stupid and I'm just wasting your time, because only I can change my life. The only thing you or anyone else can do is provide guidance and enlightenment. and for a long time, I've felt like I've been enlightened to everything already about myself, that my issue is just a simple one of inaction. But maybe it isn't. I don't know. "Hope this message finds you well, if you're interested please let me know."Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and more!See you soon!
2/8/20242 hours, 39 minutes, 40 seconds
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5395 Why Men Pay for Dates! Freedomain Livestream

21 January 2024 Sunday Morning LivestreamWhy is there a tradition that the man pay for the first date? Well, you asked me out, you pay for the date, right?Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and more!See you soon!
2/7/20242 hours, 16 minutes, 19 seconds
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5394 The Unholy Power of Marketing! Freedomain Livestream

19 January 2024 Friday Night LivestreamWhat is the deeper meaning behind the whole Stanley Cup phenomenon?Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and more!See you soon!
2/6/20241 hour, 47 minutes, 37 seconds
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5393 Praise Your Abuser? Locals Questions...

hi Stef, if you ever did subcontracting work for someone and you later realize they intentionally planned to never pay you for your work, would you bother reporting them to their superiors or the government, or would you recommend just moving on and never working with that person again? Could you think of any justifiable reason for reporting someone or would it go against UPB to use the power of the state for revenge purposes?Stef would you agree that your mother was at least the better parent than your father according to the following clauses: 1. she at least didn’t abandon you like your father did 2. if your father was aware your mother was crazy than it especially makes your father morally culpable for leaving you with a crazy woman unless - he himself was even crazier than your mother so in that case it would have been actually responsible for him to leave so you only had to deal with one crazy parent rather than two.Thoughts on the euro-dollar system argument? This is the notion that most dollars are created outside of government/fed control (e.g., businesses in other countries agreeing to denote a contract in USD).My hunch (not saying I'm right, just my suspicion) is that this is just an obfuscation or a cover-up for governments and to make the eventual CBDC's seem more justified. Afterall, it wasn't foreign banks that were mandating jabs and silencing dissent!Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and more!See you soon!
2/6/202450 minutes, 43 seconds
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"I wanted to chat with you about getting stuck in this middle zone of life. I know how to avoid bad relationships, but I'm stuck in finding good relationships and meeting good people in life. That's kind of what I'd like to focus on."I'm getting close to 40 years old now. I've had failed relationships in the past with women. Your show helped identify the bad relationships I was getting into. But now I'm just stuck in this middle zone where I think I've eliminated the bad parts of my life, or bad relationships. Now I'm kind of just kind of stuck in this desert, just kind of on the cusp of something, but you just don't see it yet."Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and more!See you soon!
2/5/20241 hour, 59 minutes
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5391 FAILURE CANNOT HAPPEN! Freedomain Livestream

17 January 2024 Wednesday Night Livestream"So I wanted to know what you think about going into debt to scale the business. The company that finances the equipment at 0% for 48 months is known for having glitches and people get slapped with the interest payments all at once for a faulty missed payment. I could pay up front and if the business fails, I could sell the equipment since I'm already getting it at a discount."Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and more!See you soon!
2/5/20241 hour, 53 minutes, 52 seconds
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5390 Justification is Death! Freedomain Livestream

16 January 2024 Flash Livestream"This guy had a problem with his life in that he had two moms and three kids, wasn't married, had broken up at the last, so he'd messed up his marriages. So rather than say, 'gee, what have I done wrong in terms of my marriages and relationships?' He says, 'well, you know, clearly evolution has programmed us to find new partners every seven years, right?'"Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and more!See you soon!
2/3/20242 hours, 8 minutes, 14 seconds
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"Let me use Stefan's answer to the question "Can we be certain about the future?" – which you can find in his September 27 Wednesday Night Livestream at 1:23:07 – as an opportunity to publish a short essay I have written after reading The Art of the Argument...."Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and more!See you soon!
2/1/202453 minutes, 24 seconds
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5388 LEARN HOW TO TAKE RATIONAL RISKS! Freedomain Livestream

13 September 2023 Livestream!You are not "risk averse". Nobody is "risk averse!"Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and more!See you soon!
1/31/20242 hours, 12 minutes, 42 seconds
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5387 STOP BEING SELFISH! Freedomain Livestream

15 January 2024 Live Donor Voice Chat"For nine years, you've known that you can have a completely free call-in, takes two hours of your life, with somebody who's really, really good at untangling these kinds of patterns, right?""Sure.""Why haven't you? And just out of curiosity, it's not a big attack, I'm just genuinely curious.""I was afraid. I was afraid of encountering it, of really being vulnerable, of not feeling worthy to call in and talk about my needs."Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and more!See you soon!
1/30/20241 hour, 38 minutes, 47 seconds
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5386 Sympathy for Immorality?!? Freedomain Call In Show

A listener calls in to work out how she and her husband can overcome their histories as new parents.Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and more!See you soon!
1/29/20241 hour, 41 minutes, 23 seconds
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5385 Surviving Gaslighting! Freedomain Livestream

14 January 2024 Sunday Morning LivestreamHi Stef! How does one handle the scenario where parents (divorced) refuse to even acknowledge the abusive (yelling, threats, insults, beatings, etc.) things they've done while raising me and my brother? Whenever I bring up the subject or a specific episode they follow this process: "I never did that!" -> "Oh you're remembering it wrong" -> "It only happened once, don't be a baby." -> "You must've done something" and on and on.Why do they want women to be weak and disempowered?Why is it so common for women to have sex on the same day as meeting a man and then acting baffled that they ghosted? It's such a common thing whenever the topic of dating comes up.Refuge in video games has been something I've been doing since I was a very young kid. What steps would you recommend Stef to break free from this? I hardly even like playing them a lot of the time.Why can't I tell people "No."Hi Stef, how do we gain knowledge about the causes of human evil if nothing is causal and free will is the answer?Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and more!See you soon!
1/29/20242 hours, 13 minutes, 50 seconds
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5384 KILL YOUR SENTIMENTALITY! Freedomain Livestream

12 January 2024 Friday Night Livestream"how do I deal with inlaws who try to manipulate my children?" Hey Stef what's with adults who want to endulge at the expense of the children? Growing up the adults would have loud family parties well past midnight with lots of alcohol around children of all ages.Q for Stef:When I find myself roleplaying with myself, I'll still find myself saying "I don't know" and although my inner Stef says "yes you do" I still find myself fogging out until I finally end the internal conversation, what tips do you have for this cycle of emotionally disconnecting during these roleplays/figuring out if I really "don't know"?The girl who sold her bath water estimates of up to a net worth of £ at age.24. Messed up life.Did you remain heartbroken over your relationship with your parents or did you eventually ‘get over it’?I think it's hard for people who have good relationships with their parents to imagine what it's like for others who don't.On this topic, doenst the avoidance of the categories try to eliminate one of our skills as humans to group things together as a way to think faster. Basically with out any sort of labels arent we making thinking harder?Because it was dysfunctional, so you were robbed of having a good relationship with them. Didn’t that cause you a great deal of emotional pain? It causes me pain and I’ve been trying to figure out how to deal with that my whole life.But you would expect to not have a good relationship with a cell mate. With a parent you assume it should be good. Having good parents is important isn’t it?Was it easier for you to dismiss it since your mom was violent and your dad was not there....what would you say to people who it wasnt so cut and dry?I’m asking because lately I’ve felt sad all over again about my own relationship with my parents. I want to know if you’re still in pain or if you overcame sadness came from not having my mother when I gave birth because we put them where they belong which is not in the picture. so you give birth and there is no mother to comfort you and help you after . Its just you and your husband. As my husband said " Be glad our family is not here because they would make the situation horrible". He was right but the sadness of not having what other people have was still there. Not for my parents but for what should of been.Stef, could you please do a philosophical definition of sentimentality?Stef how did you protect yourslf againts your mom inflicting sentinmentally narratives on you?When I was 10, I came home from seeing my mother, went up to my room, and cried hard, saying, "I have no mother." It was brutal... but now? That's almost 35 years ago! If I do get sentimental ever, it's like... really? Nah. We already grieved. That's just her shadow in your mind now.i think this comes up since I told myself stories of us being such a great family....also I bought into the extended families narrative...Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and more!See you soon!
1/27/20242 hours, 7 minutes, 41 seconds
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5383 Christian Forgiveness! Freedomain Livestream

9 January 2024 Tuesday Night Livestream"What's your thoughts about Christian obsession with forgiveness? I'm a Christian myself and I do struggle with this concept. Having an adverse childhood experience score of 9, I've experienced real evil and forgiveness feels wrong. Christians that I know say that forgiveness is strength, but I think to myself, if I was the devil, wouldn't I want to convince everyone to focus on forgiveness instead of fighting evil? Something is not connecting for me, and I would love to hear your opinion."X confirms that @SECGov was compromised: the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and more!See you soon!
1/27/20241 hour, 2 minutes, 51 seconds
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5382 Bitcoin Update!

25 January 2024 Flash LivestreamNow that we have entered the world of Bitcoin ETFs, how are things going?Well... Bitwise disclosed the Bitcoin holding address of their Spot ETF! Never before have we had such transparency in the world of finance!Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and more!See you soon!
1/25/202455 minutes, 53 seconds
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5381 "My Child Keeps Going to the Dark Side!" Call In

"You've spoken with me before, and it helped so much. I just was itching to talk with you one more time about my own children, because before we spoke about my family of origin."So, my daughter is eight years old. She's a wonderful girl, super fun and creative and goofy... but she has what I'll call 'dark mode,' where it's a lot of negative behaviors, panic attacks, screaming, expressing feelings of worthlessness. It's just... it's terrible. It's terrible for her. It's terrible to experience."I'm worried about what you say sometimes, that adage about, by seven years old, someone's personality is sort of set for life."So, what I'm hoping to get out of the conversation is, what what did I do to create this dark mode? What I'm doing to try and repair it, if that's enough? I'd like to get your perspective on everything that I've done as a parent and how I can be better at it."Another part that of this that really terrifies me is that my my own sister, at seven years old, there's this family story about how she ran away for the afternoon. When my parents found her, she was screaming and raging at them, telling my parents to kill her! My parents kind of tell it as just, 'Well, we don't know what what happened!' and they never did anything for her. Her life has turned out by her own estimation, she's just a wreck and we have like zero relationship now. To see that same thing echoing in my own daughter is just: 'Ahh! I need to do something!'"Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and more!See you soon!
1/25/20242 hours, 51 minutes, 7 seconds
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5380 "I Dreamed of Punishing Women!" Freedomain Call In Show

Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and more!See you soon!"I had an intense dream a couple days ago. Earlier that day, I had rejected a girl because she was making too many rapid changes in her life to match my needs in a relationship. Because of my concern that this is unsustainable for a life long relationship, I called it off a couple days after we started talking.As I fell asleep, I was considering what I wanted from a relationship, outside of a life long relationship and a start to a family.I found myself in a convenience store with friends, and I noticed a girl down the aisle kept looking at me, until eventually I found her just staring at me. I said "hi" to dispel the mystery, and she began to tell me something that disturbed me, being too explicit about her tragic past, and how she wants a family in the future. I slipped out of the store by pretending to go to the bathroom, and I went down the street to where I knew my friends would show up.The girl finds me again outside, and after a scuffle, she ends up locked in a clear vessel containing septic waste. My friends walk up, and see the situation, and one of them points out a lever that fills and drains the septic tank. He demonstrates by flooding the tank to the top and draining it again. I see this, and repeatedly fill the tank a number of times, trying to punish the girl until she gives up her affectionate pursuit. When I drain the tank the final time because I think she had learned her lesson, she had disappeared!I shudder, and chase after my friends who had continued down the street. We walk past a clear swimming pool, and I notice there's a murky blob near the bottom of the pool, and it moves and begins to surface.I see a 2 year old toddler girl, with mottled black skin, and I knew at once she was related to the girl in the septic tank. I tried to keep my eye on this walking corpse while also sticking with my friends, but eventually my friends slipped out of view. I then turned around, and embraced the 2 year old's cold body, where she vanished. The soul seemed to merge with me. I started to weep."Transcript:
1/24/20241 hour, 47 minutes, 34 seconds
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5379 Where the Wild Things Are! Locals Questions Answered

In this episode, we analyze Maurice Sendak's "Where the Wild Things Are" and explore themes of discipline, power, and the importance of rules. We discuss Max's sociopathic behavior, the role of media manipulation, and the fear of social rejection. We also examine the significance of prioritizing love over material possessions and the evaluation of claims. With thought-provoking analyses and personal stories, this episode provides valuable insights to consider.Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and more!See you soon!
1/23/202459 minutes, 52 seconds
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5378 Why You Scorn People!

Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and more!See you soon! Questions Answered 5 Jan 2024What do you think about having feelings of superiority and disdain for most strangers? When I'm walking around at Walmart for example I will often find myself making commentary in my head about how much of a disaster most of these peoples' lives must be, given their appearance (and the controllability of it). Just going by their obscene weight, lack of hygiene, generally sickly appearance, or the fact they have tattoos, piercings, a tacky outfit showing way too much skin, etc., I feel like I can assume most people's personal lives are a mess and that I would get bored after 5 minutes in conversation with any one of them if I stopped and said hi. I don't know why but I feel drawn to a sense of comfort about being deeper and less impulsive than all these other people. It's something I wish didn't occupy my mind so much and I fear it could also make me anti-social.Transcript:
1/22/202424 minutes, 49 seconds
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5377 Shakespeare Unpacked! Freedomain Livestream

7 January 2024 Sunday Morning LivestreamWhat can we discover in Shakespeare's works? How does Stefan Molyneux approach the characters in his writing?Transcript: the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and more!See you soon!
1/22/20242 hours, 5 minutes, 38 seconds
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5376 Should I Raise My Wife's Boyfriend's Child?

"I got divorced in 2022, married since 2017. It was a "amicable divorce", but that is a loaded term. She asked for a divorce because she said that we weren't good together. That broke me. I didn't believe it, but then I realized why she was saying it. All the little things that I was ignoring came crashing home and I realized that she cheated on me. "Now she is alone with a baby that is not mine. She is having a crisis and my heart hurts so much for her..."Transcript: the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and more!See you soon!
1/20/20242 hours, 14 minutes, 23 seconds
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Dear Stefan,I hope this mail reaches you well! I'm a 36 year old man and I have been together with my 34 year old wife for over 4 years. We got married 1,5 years ago and have been living together for a bit longer than that. Since we met our lives have been completely designed to start a family, as soon as possible. This has been the biggest wish for both of us for a long time. Every decision in the last couple of years was made with this in the back of our minds.In the months after our marriage we noticed that we were having trouble conceiving. Since we didn't want to waste any time we went to a fertility clinic as soon as possible to see where the issues lie. After almost a year of testing and uncertainty we recently found out that I am suffering from a case of premature male infertility. The reason for this is still a mystery and it seems like we are nearing the end of possible tests and treatments that medicine can provide.We are both having a very hard time accepting this fact and don't know how to move on from this point. We have differing opinions on possibilities for the future (or lack thereof) and how to move on from this point. I personally feel responsible for this burden and have lost my positive outlook on life. I'm struggling to find meaning in life without the possibility of starting our own family. I am very worried about my thought patterns of late, where it feels like life itself has suddenly lost all value. I frequently have suicidal thoughts and, even though I know better than to act on them, they scare me intensely. Everything I used to enjoy seems irrelevant and meaningless now, and I'm just going through the motions of everyday life. To make matters worse, it feels like this verdict is tearing us apart as a couple, since we can't seem to agree on how to move forward.I hope you can help us on the path of resolving our issues and finding a positive way forward, or at least how to be able to carry this burden. Thank you for all your great work!Transcript: the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and more!See you soon!
1/19/20242 hours, 5 minutes, 3 seconds
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5 January 2024 LivestreamGet READY to OBLITERATE your insecurity!Transcript: the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and more!See you soon!
1/18/20241 hour, 58 minutes, 40 seconds
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5373 NEVER GIVE UP! Locals Questions Answered!

How do you convince someone a job is not just about the money, even though you understand it’s important. Let’s say you are offered a job at a company that pays 6 figures but they have DEI hiring practices or if they are union but you personally don’t agree with unions, in spite of all the “benefits”. How do you stand on principals in the face of an increasingly hostile job market?My first son won the genetic lottery when it comes to looks, now my wife is pregnant with our second one, and, it pains me to admit this as the father, based on the ultrasounds it looks like he was not so lucky. Without going into detail, there is a big chance he will be bullied/rejected his entire life because of his looks, and I presume it will also cause a lot of envy with his older brother.Do you have any advice for me as father, and for my future son to navigate the possible bullying/rejection and keep his self-esteem up, especially at an early age, when I know other kids will be cruel to him?Can severe migraines be caused by an abusive or traumatic childhood? I have a coworker that gets debilitating headaches with 10/10 severity (e.g., crying in agony) semi-regularly, yet imaging and MRIs reveal no physical abnormalities. I haven't been able to delve too much into his childhood, but know his parents divorced, and he's a bit unstable overall. He added these migraines started up again recently after he and his siblings began planning their mother's 60th birthday.I already recommended therapy since I think that's a good idea in general for any one. Just curious if you had heard anything about childhood trauma lying dormant for decades only to manifest in this way years or even decades later.Transcript: the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and more!See you soon!
1/17/202433 minutes, 39 seconds
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5372 Mom Said "F U!" Freedomain Call In

Recorded December 2020Dear Stefan,I am a 37-year-old woman and I'm having trouble reconciling the current relationship I have with my mother. I was raised by a single mother. She and my father divorced when I was four. And growing up, we were very close. She was everything I thought a decent mother should be. She was very loving, supported, and always wanted the best for me. I considered her a friend and confidant. As I have gotten older, gotten married, and had children of my own, our relationship has taken a downward turn. I have come to realize that she is very immature and has very little self-esteem. And from incidents that have happened between me and her over the last 10 years, I have lost a lot of respect for her. I am starting to see her for who she really is and it's been a very hard realization. My mom doesn't really have a lot of people close to her in her life. Her immediate family have either passed away or she is estranged from them. And I have no brothers or sisters. So I feel like I am all she has. This puts a lot of pressure on me to keep in touch with her, plan addings for her and my kids to meet up, etc. But after a fight we had very recently, I am becoming less inclined to want to see her. I need help understanding my role in the life of my mother and what obligations I have to her. Would love to hear your perspective.Thank you, Stefan.Transcript: the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and more!See you soon!
1/16/20241 hour, 56 minutes, 56 seconds
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5371 How to Harness Anger! Freedomain Livestream

3 January 2024 Wednesday Night Live!Are you angry? Of course you are! USE IT.CORRECTION: The US Debt is $34 trillion at the time of this livestream.Transcript: the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and more!See you soon!
1/15/20242 hours, 9 minutes
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Locals Questions January 2024Hey Stef, when evaluating people's love for me, can you elaborate on what exactly "their love for me" looks like?You mentioned recently that you "had a long way to go" after asking us "what are the ways a woman shows a man she loves him?" and I found myself puzzling it out after.If "love" is our involuntary response to virtue if we are virtuous, then our perception of love towards us would be: involuntary responses.Which could include lust but would really be an entire lifetime of the woman's responses, given that we as the man are virtuous ourselves over that lifetime.And I feel like I'm really close to circular reasoning in this definition, except, as a man, in being virtuous I would only be in a relationship with a similarly worshipful woman whose love "required" my own "involuntariness" towards her as well.So what would your answer be to the question: how does a woman show a man that she love's him?Bitcoin question.Why aren't parallel economy businesses transacting in Bitcoin? Isn't transitioning onto Bitcoin the best thing we could be doing to divest from the federal reserve and defang the state? Is it just that people are stupid and don't get it? The only credible answer I can think of could be that it could be hard to do taxes maybe?Hi stef, could you please expound on what is and isn't prostitution, relating to marriage ?My friend's mom got pregnant by his bio-dad, then left him for an older guy who raised my friend.She then divorced his new dad to sleep around and when she couldn't find a man who makes more money she came back to his dad.Thank you.Do you think it's beneficial in any way to keep kids innocent and naive as long as possible? For example, keeping the magic of Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy alive opposed to telling them they aren't real?Given a family with a cowardly father and a domineering mother, do you think that this is a breeding ground for feminist daughters? I was on a date with a girl a while ago who told me that her mother was viciously verbally abusive towards her, but that her father was 'very supportive' of her, teaching her things like how to paint her nails. In a follow-up conversation, she told me that I was being disrespectful to women because I said I am not a feminist.This is interesting to me because I have often heard it said that staunch feminist women often come from households where the father is actively abusive while the mother is cowardly. You can see this borne out in the early life of the feminist Shulamith Firestone. However, could the opposite scenario, where the mother is the actively abusive parent, produce a feminist for a different reason?Her father had the power to intervene in the abuse but did nothing. My hypothesis is that in this woman's mind, with her father as evidence, men do not deserve the larger share of corporate, political, and cultural power they wield in the world because they are cowards who don't act to solve the world's problems (which she would define as racism, sexism, homophobia etc.). Therefore, feminism: "women need to occupy 50% of the positions in every power structure" presumably to act as a check on the power of men who are, in her view, derelict in their duties.Additionally, given that her father did not use his position of power to protect his daughter, then in her mind there's no evidence that men have earned their power in the world; the only reason that men could have more power than women is because of a male conspiracy against women.Transcript: the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and more!See you soon!
1/14/202449 minutes, 41 seconds
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5369 Addicted to Dating Crazy Women! Freedomain Call In

Dear Stefan, I am 40 years old from the UK. I am contacting you today because I would really like your help with regards to my relationships with the women in my life. For years I have attempted to have long term and intimate relationships as more than anything, I really want to get married and have a family (and they will without a doubt be peaceful parented and loved!). But alas, I have never made it the fully pair bonded stage despite having several medium to long term relationships over the last 10 years. I have just turned 40 years old and despite having done years of Therapy and self development and thousands of hours of studying I am still having major issues with pair bonding and being a magnet for broken women, or women who seem to be in some form of crisis.The second major issue which leads on from this is that my whole life I have been a constant rescuer and fixer and I find it incredibly difficult to split from a relationship even when it’s really not going to work, as I feel I will be hurting them at a vulnerable point in their life and I seem to sacrifice myself for them. This ultimately leads to me feeling stuck and trapped and experiencing side effects of anxiety and fatigue (which contributed to a major burnout in 2017)I have listened to so many of your shows and I know this is wrong in many ways, especially as I don’t want to take their fertility window unnecessarily or haemorrhage anymore of my own time and resources.Yet despite this level of self awareness which I have also developed through therapy (and I think its linked to my mother in some way), it is still a massive problem for me.I still think there is something I am missing or not understanding properly and would love to get more clarity on this issue. I so often hear people on your shows say that you highlight things in a few hours that they didn’t realise in years of therapy and I am hoping you might be able to go a layer deeper with me to help me resolve this problem that is causing me so many problems. Outside of this life is better, I am a dedicated Libertarian, Anarcho capitalist and Bitcoin advocate who has had several million views across all platforms on educational material I have created to help spread knowledge on Bitcoin. I have spent years doing the hard work to turn my life around in every single way from a depressed, unmotivated, anxious, unconfident guy in my 20’s to a successful, much happier and confident person in my 30’s with much more or a purpose and mission.But ultimately this is why I really need your help, I know I can be a great father and educator in this world and I don’t want to fall on such an important hurdle and throw away all my hard work by ending up with the wrong women and potentially breaking up a family. I know it would be something I would regret for ever if I do this and I feel like this is the way I am heading right now.I am a long time listener of your show, donate often and I have huge admiration for everything you do and I would love to be able to discuss this with you. Kind regards.Transcript: the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and more!See you soon!
1/13/20242 hours, 27 minutes, 49 seconds
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5368 GO MEET WOMEN! Freedomain Livestream

Friday Night Live! 29 December 2023 LivestreamWhat are you postponing relationships for? What exactly is it that you are waiting for?Transcript: the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and more!See you soon!
1/12/20242 hours, 26 minutes, 54 seconds
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Freedomain Woodsy Q&A Christmas Eve 2023Stef, you say that we should take 100% responsibility for our actions and yet at the same time you say we should not blame people for the effects of a bad system.Transcript: the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and more!See you soon!
1/11/202430 minutes, 51 seconds
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5366 A+ Parenting! Call In

Recorded on 18 October 2020.Answering an excellent and important listener question live!"How do you handle the transition between giving an infant everything it wants and needs and setting boundaries with a one to two year old?"Transcript: the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and more!See you soon!
1/10/20241 hour, 9 minutes, 11 seconds
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5365 BE YOUR OWN HERO! Freedomain Livestream

27 December 2023 LivestreamIf you saw a movie or when you see a movie where someone is treated very unjustly and harshly, and they fight their way to freedom and to a good relationship and being a good parent, Would you not have admiration for that person when you see a superhero movie and the superhero overcomes odds and takes down the bad guy and celebrates and makes the world a better place and is a good person and maintains his integrity? Don't you admire that story and that person? Don't you admire those who overcome enormous odds to produce goodness, depth, tenderness, and virtue and courage and strength in the world? Don't you admire fictional characters like that?Transcript: the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and more!See you soon!
1/9/20242 hours, 1 minute, 5 seconds
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8 January 2024 Flash LivestreamBitcoin is bumpin'! What does the impending approval of ETFs mean for Bitcoin and fiat?Transcript: the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and more!See you soon!
1/9/20241 hour, 23 minutes, 18 seconds
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From the 8 January 2024 Flash LivestreamWith Bitcoin, the money is yours until you say otherwise. What does this mean for the world?Transcript: the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and more!See you soon!
1/9/202424 minutes, 47 seconds
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23 December 2023 Locals QuestionsI’m someone who is struggling to stay motivated in my business.I own a small contracting business where I do estimates, provide services based on a monthly subscription, and also provide installations.The work is very rewarding but some days I struggle to even get out of bed.I’m having the “freeze” response when I overbook or just have health issues.In my past I suffered from overworking and drinking after work, although I don’t do that anymore I still feel “overworked”.I’ve also never taken a real 2 week vacation in my adult life.How do you balance work/life and stress in a healthy way? Especially if you’re the business owner.Have you thought about compiling all your podcasts and books into a hard drive and selling that to the viewers for 50 to 100 bucks so that if the internet goes down or whatever, whatever, your work will be stored in different sites of the world?What are cold feet? Why do some people want to move across the continent or across the the world, no matter how many times they do it. What is the addiction to travel?In your talk with Dr. Pesta, y'all discussed sacrifice in the context of the Bible. This week in a Q&A, now, you also discussed the topic. I've always seen these biblical and social concepts of sacrifice as morally incorrect, in that I don't think humans are or should be sacrificial animals. I see the Rand notion that something is not a sacrifice unless you give up something you value for something you value less as a more accurate human concept. It requires you to first have defined your values, then rank them, then choose with free will. It seems more appropriate to describe what parents do for their children. They value continuing their genetic life more than the other stuff they could buy or time on other pursuit, yet it isn't altruistic or loss or negative of for themselves. Even the example of Mother Teresa, or a similar ilk, could also be explained this way is the act to increase their values by actions that seem altruistic, but instead are not, as they are choosing the reward of those actions, accolade, sense of accomplishment, emotional reward of helping, etc., over time. Money or other alternatives they could have chosen, but value less. I'd be interested in hearing how specifically you define sacrifice and relate it to both the concepts of the Bible and that which Rand describes, not so to call the latter Rand's concept.Transcript: the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and more!See you soon!
1/8/202456 minutes, 6 seconds
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18 November 2023 Friday Night LivestreamYou never... NEVER, in FACT, "self" attack.Transcript: the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and more!See you soon!
1/7/20241 hour, 36 minutes, 55 seconds
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5360 Identifying and Creating Concepts - Locals Question

23 December 2023 Locals QuestionHow do you accurately identify and create concepts?Transcript: the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and more!See you soon!
1/5/202424 minutes, 26 seconds
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29 October 2023 Sunday Live Call-InWhat is your guilty pleasure?Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and more!See you soon!
1/4/20242 hours, 16 minutes, 52 seconds
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5358 MY LIFE AS A BACHELOR! Freedomain Livestream

22 December 2023 LivestreamOh, the bachelor life!Transcript: the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and more!See you soon!
1/3/20242 hours, 31 seconds
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20 December 2023 Livestream - Opening HourBecome a supporter to view the Supporters Only portion: this episode, we challenge the tendency to blame women for societal problems and advocate for a more constructive conversation. We discuss supporting and empowering women, question hypocrisy around criticizing women for seeking assistance, and explore the modern dating landscape. We encourage letting go of bitterness and fostering a positive outlook.Transcript: the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and more!See you soon!
1/2/20241 hour, 5 minutes, 38 seconds
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New Years 2024 Locals Question!Hi Stef, Is it accurate to say that there are some evils I don't have the free will to commit. By this, I mean that I would probably break or lose my sanity before I found myself comitting grave evils. If for example, I was ordered to torture orphans or commit some form of infanticide, I'd probably go insane before doing so. Therefore, I am not free to commit grave evils or mortal sins because I would break before doing so. Does having a strong moral conscience mean that you lose the free will to commit evil? On a deeper level, what is a moral conscience and does its capacity to guide your behaviour validate or invalidate your free will?Dear Stef you have repeatedly spoken about the whirlpool of madness and dysfunction that boys of single moms face, my question is why you Stef did not fall into mental decay and a failed life, how did you beat the odds Stef, is it because of your great inborn natural social skills combined with your genetic high intelligence or some other reason? My own mom was like a schizophrenic, some members of my extended family were diagnosed with this condition whether my mom had a legitimate mental illness or not I personally did not beat the odds because I was very introverted and had no social skills so I was bullied in high school and had an overall miserable childhood. As an adult my life is much better but I am doing much worse then the average man my age. Of course I’m not saying every boy of a single mom is destined to be a failure, I don’t have to explain the tall woman fallacy to you Stef, nevertheless being the son of a single mom there were significant odds you faced Stef yet you managed to overcome them which begs the question Stef - why?Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and more!See you soon!
1/2/20241 hour, 16 minutes, 51 seconds
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22 December 2023 Locals QuestionsIs there a general guide to perform a "reality check". For example, when dealing with issues with family of origin: how to check your grievances/issues levels are appropriate. That you're not "flying off the handle".I've got 2 things I have been thinking about recently. One was how you did a bit of an analysis recently on certain magical / witchcraft /wizardry movies and what their meanings are. Have you already done analysis on other popular childhood movies? If you did I'd be very interested in listening. If not, would you be willing to? I know you do some recent movie reviews but I was just curious since a lot of kids spend time trying to be like their favorite characters so it might be useful philosophically.My other question is, with Christmas just a few days away I've been seeing a whole lot of "elf on the shelf" stuff on social media. I've never been into it and it honestly creeps me out, but what is the philosophy around it? And is it actually creepy or am I misinterpreting it?Thank you as always for providing so much insight. And merry Christmas!! 🎄🥂Why do you think it is so common for grandparents to treat their grandkids so well when they didn’t do the same with respect to their own kids? I notice this a lot in public.Would you mind sharing some insight into your decision-making process when you ultimately decided to become a stay-at-home father? What were some frequent challenges you faced in that role, any unexpected or unusual ones?Transcript: the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and more!See you soon!
1/1/202438 minutes, 5 seconds
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5352 HOW TO PURGE EVIL PEOPLE Freedomain Livestream

2023 New Year's Eve Sunday Morning LivestreamWhen you were at the height of your social life, your family life, how many people in your life claimed to care about you? the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and more!See you soon!
12/31/20232 hours, 2 minutes, 35 seconds
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The good, the bad and the beautiful of everything that happened this year - and most importantly, THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR WONDERFULLY KIND SUPPORT MY FRIENDS!Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and more!Support us at:Locals: you soon!
12/31/202311 minutes, 7 seconds
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5350 OWN YOUR OWN LIFE Locals Questions Answered

Great questions from locals supporters! Please come by and join our community!"Hey Steph. I'm married but sometimes I think I could have done better and then I overthink it. I question my choices, wonder if I made a mistake getting married and then feel guilt and shame as a result. I'm constantly rehashing these questions and it's torture. Can you shed some light on the path out of this cycle? We've been together over a decade, we have a one year old and I want to find peace.""Is it always both parties fault when a marriage fails? What if a wife commits moral abuse? Refuses sex, refuses pulling her weight inside of the home, while the husband is dependable, reliable and good to his wife and family? What about incentives? A large percentage of marriage ends in divorce, while 70-90% of the time wives initiate the divorce. Almost 90% of custody goes to mothers, while 95% of the alimony payers are men. Coupled with double standards in society between men and women, is it fair to just say to the men that they chose wrong? Think about the restaurant workers during the pandemic, who found themselves in a position where they were earning more money with unemployment benefits and stimulus money compared to what they would earn if they returned to work. Even if they had the virtue of hard work, the incentives influenced them to stay home. Is it possible that a man can make a decent choice in who he marries, but the Overton window is working against his best interests? There is a proverb that says that telling lies is as harmful as hitting with a rock, wounding with a sword, or shooting with a sharp arrow. So my interpretation is, moral abuse, sexual abuse, emotional, verbal abuse can be just as harmful as physical abuse. If a woman is struggling post relationship mentally with the fallout of a long term physically abuse relationship, would we be insensitive and tell her that she just chose wrong, and their must have been something that she did to contribute to the demise of the relationship. Is this an unreasonable set of questions to ask, or yet again, a failure to take personal responsibility?"Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and more!See you soon!
12/31/202337 minutes, 57 seconds
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5349 HERE IS HOW MUCH I NEED YOU! Freedomain Livestream

15 December 2023 Livestream"Why is it important what we think if you are acting based on principle?"Transcript: the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and more!See you soon!
12/30/20232 hours, 6 minutes, 9 seconds
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17 December 2023 Sunday Morning Livestream"Never had an emotional connection with my father either. It's still one of my greatest regrets, but in the end it was his choice."But... why would you have an emotional regret?Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and more!See you soon!
12/29/20232 hours, 21 seconds
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5347 HOW TO ESCAPE TRASH PLANET Freedomain Livestream

14 December 2023 LivestreamHow many people came along with you when you left Trash Planet?The only reason people follow you out of Trash Planet is... the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and more!See you soon!
12/28/20231 hour, 43 minutes, 21 seconds
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5346 Addicted to Crazy Women! Freedomain Call In

Freedomain Call InStefan and the caller dig into patterns of being attracted to "crazy" partners and discuss the importance of recognizing and addressing it. We also talk about taking responsibility for our actions, building relationships based on integrity, and setting higher standards for ourselves. Stefan emphasizes the need to apologize sincerely and be mature, regardless of how others respond. Despite having had difficult childhoods, it's important to not let it define our lives. Lastly, we discuss anger management and the benefits it can bring to one's therapy journey.Transcript: the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and more!See you soon!
12/27/20232 hours, 17 minutes, 38 seconds
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Freedomain Locals Answers 8 Dec 2023My brother is 27. He has been working as a forklift operator in a warehouse. Despite family support and encouragement he hasn't done much with his life since he finished highschool. He is dating a 32yo woman for a year now. She is single, very attractive, no kids and works in upper management in a corporation and compares to him she is financially successful.This relationship seems unsustainable and I am worried about her true intentions, because of their status incompatibility. I would appreciate your thoughts on that.Recently you said that one of your listeners has a clownish relationship with themselves because they used the expression 'barf my thoughts out'. I have a similar issue of not taking myself seriously, not approaching life with all the respect that it requires. I don't do it all the time, but have a tendency to downplay the importance of my thoughts, in public and to myself, to laugh at things that aren't funny (and to laugh precisely because these things are very serious). Do you have any advice on how to break out of this pattern?Why is going to the strip club worse than watching pornography? They seem to be equally morally abhorrent, except one is sort of out in the open and one is usually kept hidden.Do you have any advice on helping motivate my almost 6 year old to do her schoolwork? We homeschool and she struggles to pay attention to her memory work (she is supposed to memorize two verses a week) and to do her arithmetic practice (it's 100 addition and subtraction problems everyday). Everything else she gets done without issue. Maybe this is just how it is, but if you have any advice for me, it would be much appreciated! Thank youWhat do you think of Daniel Mackler's claim that one ought not have children until they are perfectly healed. Is such a thing even remotely possible?Transcript: the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and more!See you soon!
12/26/202350 minutes, 6 seconds
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This episode explores insecurities, effective communication, taboo topics, redefining success, parallels between philosophy and being a doctor, using adversity for growth, and ends with gratitude and warm wishes.Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free! Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and more! See you soon! SummaryIn today's episode, we explore insecurities and their impact on interactions. We discuss effective communication and bridging gaps between engineers and salespeople. We also tackle taboo topics, emphasizing compassion and moral courage. Success is redefined as the result of willpower and choice, not external factors. We highlight the parallels between philosophy and being a doctor. Privilege is discussed, emphasizing the use of adversity for personal growth. We express gratitude, share a promo code, and extend warm wishes. Love to all, signing off.
12/25/20231 hour, 42 minutes, 31 seconds
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5343 ARE SINGLE MOMS DELUDED Freedomain Livestream

13 December 2023 LivestreamWhat's up with single mothers? What is their fate?Transcript: the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and more!See you soon!
12/24/20232 hours, 5 minutes, 14 seconds
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5342 Understanding Beautiful Women! Freedomain Livestream

10 December 2023 LivestreamWhat is life like as a beautiful woman? Important to understand!!Transcript: the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and more!See you soon!
12/23/20232 hours, 9 minutes, 32 seconds
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5341 The Truth About Credibility! Freedomain Livestream

Friday Night Live 8 December 2023A mother writes a letter to her son and shares it on social media. What does this teach us?Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and more!See you soon!
12/22/20232 hours, 13 minutes, 6 seconds
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5340 STOP SCORNING VICTIMS Locals Questions

December 2023 Locals QuestionsWhat is behind the latest trend in younger women making TikToks and other content that shames their husbands over what they call emotional load and emotional labor? Seems like a new round of self victimization by the same feminist psyop. These women are absolutely miserable.I am a follower of Christ and believe in an afterlife. Yesterday my father-in-law suggested that Christians who believe in heaven should just end their lives and go to a better place saying that there is no reason to continue life here if there's a paradise waiting for us. I have children, I'm pregnant, I find so much joy and beauty in my daily life and can't imagine how I could just press the eject button on myself, not to mention the gospel really doesn't care for suicide, put it mildly. I saw his statement as an idealistic confession that nothing really matters to him and that if he could trade his life away for something he perceived as better he would. What does philosophy say about our purpose here? Can suicide ever be considered a valid option for people who are enduring suffering?I signed up because of your extensive library of documentaries and insightful commentaries on History and current events. For some reason this has, in my eyes devolved into endless chatter with dysfunstional people and their personal problems, usually of their own making. A sort of "Dial The Analyst" format.I am truthfully not the least interested in hearing people whine about their self-inflicted misery! There is more than enough of that sprayed all over the Internet.You have to much knowledge and too much to offer about history and its implications upon the current world we live in. To be wasting it on such nonsense.But that is just me.Last night I had a dream that I had a baby. She/he was so small, so precious. I felt a deep connection to this child in the dream. I was breastfeeding her/him, my fiancé was there and I just felt an immense sense of love and care towards both of them, especially the baby. When I woke up, I was heartbroken and devastated. So disappointed. It felt so real. I can’t stop thinking about this dream, about the baby. It has consumed my whole day. I have cried multiple times, even had a moment of hyperventilating. I have never had such a vivid dream about a baby before. I feel changed. What does this mean? I’m curious to know what you think about this..perhaps my body/genes is telling me something. I can imagine you perhaps saying this. I am 22, and cannot wait to have children. If my fiancé was on board, I’d have them right now.Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and more!See you soon!
12/21/202347 minutes, 7 seconds
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Let's talk crypto!Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and more!See you soon!
12/21/202333 minutes, 52 seconds
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5338 BECAUSE YOU! - Freedomain Livestream

6 December 2023 LivestreamWhy is your life the way it is? Why do you do the things you do? Is it because of your childhood? Your history? Why? Why?? WHY???Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and more!See you soon!
12/20/20232 hours, 15 minutes, 28 seconds
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5337 LEARN YOUR PLACE! Freedomain Livestream

3 December 2023 LivestreamThe importance of clear language in philosophy; the corruption of academia; what forced funding does to science; and more!Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and more!See you soon!
12/19/20231 hour, 46 minutes, 46 seconds
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5336 The Math of Population Collapse...

Freedomain Livestream 2 December 2023Philosopher Stefan Molyneux explores how vaccinations have impacted relationships and finances, what forgiveness is and is not, declining fertility rates, and the optimism of the older generation.Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and more!See you soon!
12/19/20231 hour, 57 minutes, 14 seconds
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5335 GODZILLA MINUS ONE - The Freedomain Movie Review

Artist and philosopher Stefan Molyneux reviews the new monster movie GODZILLA MINUS ONE!Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and more!See you soon!
12/18/202340 minutes, 45 seconds
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5334 WHEN APOLOGIES MEAN NOTHING! Freedomain Livestream

29 November 2023 LivestreamImagine that you're a strong swimmer, suddenly caught in a riptide! A lifeguard spots you, giving you a "thumbs up" from his chair, but does not help you. You get to shore, eventually, and then...Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and more!See you soon!
12/15/20232 hours, 20 minutes, 39 seconds
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I believe I have a lot of problems, but I had to condense most of that down to two large issues I have in life, one of which is isolation, I suppose. I've been very isolated in my life, especially after dropping out of high school in 2017. And it's gotten really painful, and I've also been very much attached to reading fiction. So it sort of started when I was 12 years old, and I'm 25 now.And only recently, it really has started to lose its charm and its grip and influence on me. But very often, I would find myself awake at night and do nothing but read until I couldn't stay awake anymore. More, and basically I'd be drowning myself in it, in fantasy and fiction, and I guess I wanted to postpone reality because it sort of always sort of ran faster than my heart could beat...Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and more!See you soon!
12/14/20232 hours, 25 minutes, 50 seconds
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Friday Night Live 24 Nov 2023Are there people in your life who are consumed by decadence, corruption, abuse, dysfunction, mass problems, addictions, and so on and you desperately want to help them? Perhaps some just aren't doing well? Let's talk about why by dipping into demonology.Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, and the 22 Part History of Philosophers series!See you soon!
12/13/20232 hours, 14 minutes, 29 seconds
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5331 Bitcoin Crash!@#

Is Bitcoin crashing?!? Let's talk about it!Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and more!See you soon!
12/12/20231 hour, 10 minutes, 25 seconds
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5330 HOW TO DIE FROM PRAISE - Locals Questions

Locals Questions - November 2023Hello Stefan. Ive recently become fascinated with the life and death of writer Robert E Howard (the creator of Conan the Barbarian, Solomon Kane and other such characters).He was a very talented writer but had a very troubled relationship with his parents, especially his mom, which led him to take his own life at the age of thirty.This inner pain seemed to have fueled his creativety and as an aspiring author myself I wonder, how can that inner darkness best be harnessed for that task?I recently got heat in the instagram's crunchy home birth community after saying it's wrong to make little children watch while their mom is butt naked giving birth to her baby. I personally think all kinds of nakedness and sexual energy should be kept away from kids, but the women started opposing me saying things like "then why are the kids looking so happy watching it?" or "why would it be traumatising? That's where the kids came out themselves too?" and "we should normalise birthing for kids so they're not afraid to have kids themselves" under a video of a 3-year-old staring his moms butt and streched out bloody vaginaIn a recent episode you referenced your “complicated relationship” with the word “selfish.” In my youth I stood by the Objectivist definition as completely positive- the pursuit of rational long-term self-interest. But life experience made me back away from that, because selfish people are so difficult to have relationships with. I never reassessed my definition of the word- but have you arrived at some all-encompassing definition of what it means to be selfish?Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and more!See you soon!
12/11/202345 minutes, 31 seconds
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5329 YOU WERE NEVER HATED! Freedomain Livestream

Livestreamed 22 November 2023Starting off with a little bit of song trivia, join us as we explore how to deal with narcissists! Do you plead with your computer when it doesn't do what you expected? No??Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and more!See you soon!
12/9/20232 hours, 46 minutes, 1 second
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5328 For Heaven's Sake, BE PERSISTENT! Freedomain Livestream

19 November 2023 LivestreamWhat can "Sex and the City" teach us?Who should we marry? What is the purpose of marriage?How do we figure out who or what to pay attention to in life?Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and more!See you soon!
12/7/20232 hours, 14 minutes, 13 seconds
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5327 STOP COMPLAINING! Freedomain Livestream

8 November 2023 LivestreamDo you find yourself complaining? What does it mean to complain?Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and more!See you soon!
12/7/20231 hour, 58 minutes, 51 seconds
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Why does grief feel bad, but also a little good?Is there anyone that you have not worked with yet that you would like to work with in philosophy?How to do journaling? Any tips or structure or just barf out all thoughts down to a paper?Stef, our beloved 14-year-old Labrador passed away Friday. Any philosophy tips as I process this grief? While I'm grateful our buddy boy is no longer sick and suffering, I'm also feeling intense sadness, emptiness, and wishing we'd had more time with him. We got him as a puppy, so he was our family member for a very long time. I miss him so much.Have you read the book Seven Habits of Highly Effective People? If so, any thoughts? I have a 1.9 month old daughter, that's very precise, who as recently as three weeks ago has noticeably started hitting when she is upset. Me and her mom do not hit her or her brothers. And she's the only child and is cared for at her babysitters who watches her two times a week. She usually will slap when you carry her and she wants you to put her down or when she's upset with her brother because he has something she wants.So far, I have tried to talk to her and just let her know in the most simple words I can use to not hit because it causes an owie. And she usually replies with, no hit baby. When I'm with her, I will randomly just say, no hit. Okay, mama. And she will usually reply with no hit baby, but she continues to do it. I'm very patient with her and constantly remind myself she is so little and I plan to continue that. But I would like to know if there's any advice you could give me to help remedy the hitting issue, or if it's something I just have to let run its course.What is behind the latest trend in younger women making TikToks and other content that shames their husbands over what they call emotional load and emotional labor? Seems like a new round of self victimization by the same feminist psyop. These women are absolutely miserable.Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and more!See you soon!
12/5/202347 minutes, 59 seconds
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Veteran Bitcoin guru Stefan Molyneux takes you through the latest forces shaping the Bitcoin universe.Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and more!See you soon!
12/5/20231 hour, 7 minutes, 56 seconds
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5324 Subscriber Bonus!

Sign for for the FREE Freedomain newsletter and get my new epic 11 hour presentation on the French Revolution FREE - do it now, the one-time email goes out in an hour!PS don't forget to confirm your email after subscribing! the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get my new series on the Truth About the French Revolution, access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and more!See you soon!
12/3/202334 seconds
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12 November 2023 LivestreamOur topics this livestream include the status of Bitcoin, how to avoid the yo-yo of beating addictions by "rewarding" yourself when you've been "good," and what establishing boundaries looks like live on stream!Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, and the 22 Part History of Philosophers series!See you soon!
12/2/20232 hours, 18 minutes, 16 seconds
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5322 My Stepmother Made Panty-Soup to Get a Man! Call-In

Freedomain Call-InJust as a recap, my question from a couple of Friday shows ago was about how I can tackle hyper-independence as a woman when it doesn't stem from hatred of men, as I would like to marry and have children, but had concerns that this defense mechanism or strategy would get in the way. I mentioned that I don't think I hate men despite watching my mother get literally kicked out by my father with nothing, because that is what I literally witnessed, not because I have any illusions about the failure of either parents, which is mostly thanks to you and your show.I have no contact with either of my parents now. I'm in therapy for the third and, hopefully, last time over the course of my adult life because I keep finding myself in repetitious cycles which often have echoes of the past and leave me wondering why or how I miss or ignore certain things.It's challenging not to feel deflated at such times because I worry more that I'll become or end up similar to my mother. The best I've been able to come up with my inner Stef is that I have a fear of ending up "under the thumb of immoral people" and having to self-censor like I did through my childhood and much of my adult life simply because I'm not able to provide for myself financially. The solution I thought of from a relationship or spouse standpoint is to find someone who is virtuous, with integrity, loyal, so I won't have to worry about repeating my parents' marriage or living with people whose morals and values don't align with mine.The purpose of my call is mainly to find out if there is an underlying hatred of men that I've missed and should focus my attention on. And if that isn't the case, get any advice from real-life Stef on how I truly break out of the hyper-self-reliant mindset and recognize more quickly when a negative cycle is repeating itself in my life.Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, and the 22 Part History of Philosophers series!See you soon!
12/1/20232 hours, 37 minutes, 27 seconds
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The LIVE Review of Napoleon 2023!Livestreamed 29 November 2023Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, and the 22 Part History of Philosophers series!See you soon!
11/30/20231 hour, 18 minutes, 5 seconds
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5320 Don't Ask Me This Stuff!

8 November 2023 LivestreamRespect for expertise, the reality of altruism, anxiety and depression in modern femininity, and more!Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, and the 22 Part History of Philosophers series!See you soon!
11/30/20231 hour, 57 minutes, 25 seconds
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Get the latest on Bitcoin!Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, and the 22 Part History of Philosophers series!See you soon!
11/28/202332 minutes, 58 seconds
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5318 Our 4 Kids Are BEGGING Us to DIVORCE! Call In

We've been fighting so badly that our four children are begging us to divorce!We met in high school in 2000. I was 18, she was 16; I was a senior, she was a junior. We'd known each other for about a month then started dating and got married five years later and then had our first kid in 2008. We have four children.I'm in the military, traveled all over the world. We've gone pretty much everywhere together. A couple deployments, spent some time overseas. We're now back stateside.It's been a somewhat tumultuous relationship. I think there have been issues with trust over the years on my part. You know, we both feel as though we have changed to try to accommodate the other person, but over the last, say, since the start of the new year, fights have gotten just incredibly worse.We went to counseling years ago and that helped somewhat. Your conversation helped somewhat. That was about two years ago.We had kind of peeled the onion back and determined that there were some childhood trauma issues with her side of the family, with mother and father. We talked somewhat about my side of the family, but identifying some of those issues from the past helped somewhat. We saw a marriage reconciler online in around the August time frame and that seemed to help.So we're both very Christian. I'm trying to be a pastor, and that's a five-year seminary train up, and I'm about a year and a half into it. I'm also preaching about once to twice a month at our church and filling in various roles there. My wife helps out with the Sunday school. The kids are all involved.I would say, you know, from the outside, it's the ideal life. You know, we have everything that we can do. could possibly want to need and the tumultuousness between the two of us, it's sad. We saw this marriage reconciler back in August time frame, had a few meetings. He helped us to patch things up from a biblical perspective and to kind of forgive and agree to kind of move on. And that helped.And then about a month ago, we got into a big argument. I said we had a friend of ours who was over. I had had a couple of drinks and I was saying things--and I'm giving the paraphrased version--but I said a couple of things that upset my wife. They were not kind.Then we went inside, got into it a little bit more and I thought she was saying something to the effect that she was going to leave again, which I had told her I didn't like. The argument had been over a procedure to have her laser eye surgery done. So then I got mad at her and said, "Oh, well, you're just gonna do this and to ruin the ruin the family?" and of course that's a that's a terrible thing to say. Then it just got worse from there. It's been weeks and weeks of non-stop bitterness, sadness, anger, back and forth. Yelling. I do not want to bias my side to say like, I'm the saint here. So if you want to drill down and get some details on things, I can do that. But I'm just kind of giving the wave tops.Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, and the 22 Part History of Philosophers series!See you soon!
11/28/20232 hours, 7 minutes, 22 seconds
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Sunday Morning Live 5 November 2023In this stream:"Your steel man argument for aggressive parenting blew me away.""Why do people post about about the atrocity of their life, then insult all who question them about it?""Do you have any comments on the massive increase in dissatisfaction with working corporate jobs? I notice this on X a lot. I find it annoying as I just got my first job and I feel very grateful and have lots of excitement about the future"And more!Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, and the 22 Part History of Philosophers series!See you soon!
11/26/20231 hour, 46 seconds
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UpB question: I may be mistaken on the tenets, but if the basis of UPB seems to be offenses against someone's wishes/boundaries (rape being not UPB because it is not possible for it to be consensual, thus always guaranteed to be against someone's wishes/guaranteed to be breaking their boundaries...), then why can something only be immoral if it's part of a category that has to be against someone's wishes?What if someone does something intentionally sadistic, such as knowing someone's trigger and pushing against it, but that thing is not physical but, let's say, sonic (making a certain noise known to be distressing)? Or lies about someone, to be more general? Just because something can be, in your assessments, not a case of immorality in the Category, why does that mean that the whole category is now off the table to not be UPB?Emotions have opposites: happy/sad, mad/calm, laughter/serious...What is the opposite of temptation?What are some great ways to teach children about evil and how to recognise it? How do you make it age appropriate?What are your thoughts on the difference between an assertive tone vs a raised voice/yelling. The way my wife speaks to the children sounds sometimes like yelling, but to her it sounds confident and assertive. For example, my son was fooling around going down the stairs while I had my other son in my hands and she saw and spoke harshly to him saying "stop, turn around, go downstairs safely", and he cried. I think he just got scared and was in an already stressful situation going down stairs, but I also thought it sounded very close to yelling.I have wondered how much my early childhood trauma of being yelled at a lot plays into my current interpretation of her voice, but even then the difference seems to me somewhat subtle. How can I objectively identify these two cases?How do we stop ourselves becoming corrupt in this now corrupt world? This world and society reminds me of Batman: the dark knight rises.As a person in my early 20s there was a time before the Internet and tech. Since your daughter is 14, did she have a pre internet and tech life? And how do you think parents should navigate this?Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, and the 22 Part History of Philosophers series!See you soon!
11/25/202353 minutes, 14 seconds
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5315 RESPECT YOUR EMOTIONS! Locals Question Answered

"Hey, Stef, would you elaborate more on success anxiety, please? When I reach a new level of success, there's a brief high followed by a lot of anxiety. Or occasionally, I will envision a new endeavor going perfectly, and when it doesn't, I berate myself for even trying, even if I was successful overall."Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, and the 22 Part History of Philosophers series!See you soon!
11/25/202329 minutes, 51 seconds
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5314 My Husband Wants a SECOND WIFE! Call In

One of the most jaw-dropping call in shows you will ever hear...Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, and the 22 Part History of Philosophers series!See you soon!
11/23/20232 hours, 24 minutes, 45 seconds
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4 November 2023 LivestreamIzzy roasts me live!Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, and the 22 Part History of Philosophers series!See you soon!
11/21/20231 hour, 57 minutes, 40 seconds
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Locals Questions - answered!What were the most frustrating jobs you had working for someone else, and what were your experiences there that were mind boggling? Did you develop your business plan for your own venture while working with them?I'm curious what the most frustrating experiences you had were - incompetency, lack of planning, lack of communication, irrational behaviors or decisions - and how you may have used them to motivate you to build something for yourself.Seeing your gifts and intelligence, I assume it's been true for you for a long time that you knew you'd be happiest building something yourself, which is what lead to your entrepreneurship and of course Freedomain.As only when one starts something and runs it does one have full responsibility, creative freedom, etc.Hi Stef! Is there a connection between the increasing popularity of celebrating Halloween and trauma/child abuse? Many thanks.Any tips on journalling organically? How can one know when the subconscious is speaking directly without corruption?What are your thoughts on the Shroud of Turin?In your recent video, you said that women who return to childhood mannerisms when flirting are incredibly dangerous. Can you please elaborate on this? Why exactly are they dangerous and can you perhaps give us some examples? Thank you.Do you hate the Virtue of God?Why do I become a Troll? For reference, Paranoid Schizo Mother whose parents fled Hungary, Father was Metis born. Both did drugs and alcohol.What are your thoughts on a family constitution? Have you ever sat down with your family and negotiated on the guiding principles and how the family should be composed?Hi Stefan, perhaps you have some words about this problem I have since you are the description of philosophically fit human.Similar to a body builder, I know what to do. I know how to have 6 pack abs. Infact, I think most people know how to. But why don't they?Becoming "philosophically" fit in my eyes is to embody your values. Philosophically, morally, ethically i know what to do. I know what's right. and similar to eating fatty foods, I know how to really destroy my own progress.This is where the question comes in. The difference between me working out is that my body is submissive. It does not question the decision my brain makes. It follows my lead and has given up it's resistances for me gong to the gym. I don't have any problems creating scenarios around eating healthy or working out my body. How can I apply this principal with other pd arts of my life? I find a part of me can loudly resist decisions I make and i use this as my steering wheel for life. I'd like to hear your thoughts around "controlling the vessel / body" and why my decisions / body are functioning on 2 different but connected... idk, cords?TL;DR: When I know whats right, why do I sometimes find my body makes it hard to generate energy / feelings toward completing the task and other times it can find infinite energy?What is your opinion on Daniel Macklers idea that we shouldn't have children unless we are "fully healed of our trauma".Is such a thing even possible?Can you share some thoughts on the human need for transcendence? Can art replace the abstract benefits of religion?Hi Stef. My best friend's wife tried to murder him. He was in a coma for over two months after she shot him five times in the head in front of their child while he was coding at his computer. Everything indicates she did it because she didn't love him anymore and wanted money. For example they had $500,000 in savings, a paid off house, and she tried to take out a new life insurance policy without him knowing of course a week prior to the shooting. She is out on bond awaiting trial. He still loves her and sometimes says he wants to have her back in his life just so that she can be a mother to their child. How do I convince him that their relationship is over and irreparable?Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, and the 22 Part History of Philosophers series!See you soon!
11/20/202349 minutes, 22 seconds
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5311 Stop Killing Your Passions! Freedomain Call-In

31 October 2023 Call-InA father whose daughter had a conversation with Stef finds himself angry! He calls in to talk about how he can help his daughter. Is it even possible?Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, and the 22 Part History of Philosophers series!See you soon!
11/17/20231 hour, 42 minutes, 26 seconds
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5310 THE TRUTH ABOUT SIN! with Dr. Duke Pesta

We chat again with Dr. Duke Pesta, this time on THE TRUTH ABOUT SIN!We explore gratitude and its historical significance, emphasizing its role in our relationship with God. We discuss self-ownership and how it sets humans apart from animals, as well as the concept of free will and its connection to consciousness. We address the lack of gratitude in society and its impact, and also delve into the issue of sin and Jesus' perspective on it. We discuss the importance of faith, evaluate different ideologies, and highlight the significance of actively loving others.Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, and the 22 Part History of Philosophers series!See you soon!
11/16/20231 hour, 37 minutes, 41 seconds
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1 November 2023 LivestreamRebel bands, bleeding your capacity for heroism, revolutions without bloodshed, Bitcoin, controversy sparked by complimenting women on traditional hobbies, the importance of both mothers and fathers during childhood, and questions to ask yourself.Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, and the 22 Part History of Philosophers series!See you soon!
11/15/20232 hours, 11 minutes, 31 seconds
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Freedomain Call In - Husband and WifeJoin the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, and the 22 Part History of Philosophers series!See you soon! are married for three years now, we have two daughters, and we had a really good relationship. I would say, we were in love--we are still in love--and we also had a really good world view. We had almost the same opinion on everything, we did not have any argument and so on. And even before our first daughter was born, we thought we also have the same view on how to raise the child and so on.But when the daughter was born, I don't know, we had some slight disagreements. In general, we still had the same general view on how to do it, but we had individual agreements here and there, maybe related also to the other family members and so on. But it was nothing so serious.But then after two years, we had a second daughter--she's now seven and a half months--and after that I think it became really hard for some reason. We started to argue for no really apparent big reasons. I think the worst of it all is that we argue in front of our daughters, really, really big arguments sometimes. I feel this is really terrible, the worst thing we can do for them, and for us as well. Anyway, the thing we argue in the first place is not good for me, from my point of view, And the fact that we do it in front of the daughters, it's really unimaginable for me. Before two years ago, I would never have thought we would be doing it. And my concern is I absolutely don't know what I could do differently. I thought I'm really doing my best in the relationship, in taking care of the daughters.I have a feeling that the more I try, it's even worse. So there must be something wrong I do. Perhaps I should do less, I don't know. It's really concerning because the matter of the arguments, the topics are really crazy. It's like nonsense. say I bring a smaller plate to serve the breakfast. It's non-argument. I'm pretty sure the reason for the argument is not what the argument is about. So there must be some deeper problem. I just don't know what it could be. What I want to say also in front is that I think that my wife is starting the arguments more often than I do.I want to help, but at least this is my opinion. And maybe it's not true, but I have to find out somehow. And since my wife is listening to your podcast, yeah, I must admit I never really listened. So she brought this idea to call you.Wife:As my husband said, seven months ago after the daughter was born, I think things changed a bit for me. But, it's not because of the daughter, it's because other things, especially in my family, happened. And I think it might be the cause. I didn't have a good relationship with my mother. We were always very distant. And we tried, me and my husband, we decided to have a relationship with her, but just see her on occasions. And that way it worked for us when we were alone, just two of us together or with one daughter.But after my second daughter was born, my mother visited us unexpectedly when I was the first day from the hospital. It was really shocking that she just came here. She didn't let us know even one hour in advance. And she just came here and she wanted to bring us some soup and she wanted to see the baby. She made our toddler daughter, who was two, not even two at that time, she made her cry. And then she made me cry. And I realized, like... I think from that moment I became more angry with my husband.And I think maybe I expected him to be like more protecting of me during the time, yeah, that he would not let anyone we didn't want visit us, but I know it's not his fault because it's my mother and I kind of had to have the relationship with her. I didn't ever really finish the relationship. But the worst part after this unexpected visit was that yeah she made all of us cry basically it was really horrible visit really short visit and after that she could just apologize and just say like look I came unexpectedly I made your daughter cry I'm sorry but she sent me a really horrible message and basically ever since I have not talked to her. I think it's better not to have a relationship with her. I feel better.But it's not something that is finished for me. Because now I have a feeling that she can call me anytime and just start talking to me again. I don't know what to do with that relationship. I don't know what to expect, you know. I don't know if she can contact me again or not. I never told her not to contact me ever again. Maybe I should do that. But it just feels like it's so open.My husband, because we were talking about it a lot, he called her and he told her, because I said if she wanted to apologize, she would have apologized already. But my husband called her and he talked to her and he explained to her that I'm really hurt about it and that if she wants to be in touch she has to apologize to me first, and then she has to let us know in advance before she comes for a visit because this was not like an okay visit.And then she said she will think about it and that she would like to apologize, she needs some time to apologize, but she never contacted me. So now I feel like it's really open and she can really contact me anytime she wants. It's been seven months. So I think it's good, but I think we should somehow finally close it. And I don't know how to approach it. Then it makes me look at the other relationships with even my husband's family and you know some things that are not ideal and I don't know how to deal with that.He agrees with me about my mother and maybe about my father but it's difficult because I have siblings so we cannot if we start talking to her and my father then I still have siblings that I like to talk to, but they still have the relationship, so it will really exclude us from any family gatherings, et cetera, and my husband likes those gatherings, and yeah, I think that's it.
11/13/20232 hours, 9 minutes, 58 seconds
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5307 12 November Livestream - Bitcoin Update!

An update on Bitcoin!Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, and the 22 Part History of Philosophers series!See you soon!
11/12/202321 minutes, 2 seconds
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5306 Ethics of Sperm Donations - Locals Questions Answered

Questions from Locals Subscribers 27 October 2023Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, and the 22 Part History of Philosophers series!See you soon! are your thoughts on sleepovers? I used to do sleepovers growing up and we always snuck out, stayed up super late, ate crappy food, watched horror movies, etc. there are a lot of stories coming out about kids getting raped and molested while sleeping over at a “friends” house. Do you let Izzy go to sleepovers?when I was younger I was exposed to very violent tv and movies by my dad. My mom didn’t like it but didn’t do anything other than passive aggressively insult my dad. Thinking back, I remember times when I would torturously kill insects and little frogs. I also had no trouble hitting our dog to “discipline” it. I am repulsed by this now and have developed empathy to the point where I would never dream of hurting animals like this. What is your analysis of this?in the news recently Baltimore city schools had almost 0% of students pass the 7th grade standardized tests and in Oregon they are getting rid of standards for reading, writing and math because people of color can't pass them. Is this proving the Bell Curve by Douglas Murray? Can UPB be used to make education more realistic? Should students be taught to their level of capabilities? How do you imagine education in a free society?is the United States of America an example of a philosophical derived nation? How have cultures been influenced/united by philosophy? What are some modern examples of philosophical unification?I have one that I've thought about recently. How would you navigate a world in which it becomes increasingly more difficult to believe what you see and hear with the use of AI generated content? As it is now AI videos and AI voice recreation is about as bad as it will ever be it will only continue to get better. Seems like sources of news whether that's social media or mainstream media will be less and less reliable.Hey Stef.I have a friend much older than me who I’ve known for over 5 years now. He’s shown almost no character growth over the course of knowing him, and instead has shown a steady regression towards a deeper immaturity and arrested development. One example is his continual complaints about his abusive and narcissistic mother, who he now cares for and looks after begrudgingly, as well as his marriage which quickly fell apart after he says his wife physically abused him.How does one leave old friendships that were forged in a time of immaturity and a lack of self knowledge? He is now looking to get back in touch and rekindle our friendship, but appears to hold no standards for his own self development. Is it worth trying to reason with someone who seems to be retreating into an ever-deepening pit of Peter Pan syndrome?Is it immoral to donate sperm? I'm near a place that pays people with sufficient credentials to donate sperm. I meet the credentials and the money's pretty nice for the ease of the labor (heh). But I'm not sure if it's ethical. On the one hand, it's helping people who want families have them, bringing a life into the world who otherwise wouldn't exist, and it also of course benefits me by propagating my genes and making some easy money. The downside of course is I have no idea if the parents are going to be lunatics. It seems like a crapshoot; people who get sperm donations aren't having babies by accident, but our culture also still believes in spanking. How responsible am I if my offspring gets bad luck with parents?hi Stef!!! When would you say your running out of time to find a wife and make a career I'm 23 have a good paying job or career if i want it to be about 50,000 per year but constantly feel like I'm running out of time to do things I constantly feel like life is slipping away and like I'm going to die soon or something, I have a lot of responsibilities that I take care of and I imagine that's part of it, any words if wisdom would be appreciated.What are your thoughts on "overemployment" as described in the following article: would you expect to result from this?TL;DR:The author claims to make over $1M with a series of full-time remote IT positions that do not actually require full-time work from him to accomplish the required tasks; presumably, these companies do not know that the author is working at multiple companies simultaneously, though no non-compete condition of employment is did you prepare for your daughter's birth? did you find it unsettling how everyone seems to be winging parenting? we require 4 years of intense schooling + licensing to be an engineer, but with zero oversight one can have sex and assume full responsibility for the care of a baby
11/10/202322 minutes, 38 seconds
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5305 Dad of My Kids Is a Criminal! Freedomain Call In

Freedomain Call In 26 October 2023I was seeing my brother the other week and we spoke about you and our previous call many years ago and since I am still struggling with my men, so to speak, he was very on to me about something that we discussed about my looks. And he really wanted me to like rebrand myself so he he was saying that my unluck with bad men is due how I present myself with clothing and appearance.I'm not together with my children's father anymore.So last time we spoke, I told you about, I was briefly seeing a guy with Tourette's, and this guy happens to be the father of my two children. And I have a three-year old girl and a 10-month old boy. And we kind of split like about more than a year ago. And he hasn't seen the children since this spring. And this is because, well, first of all, he's not in the country, and second, he wasn't being sane. He's bipolar, he has PTSD and quite a bit of a narcissist.So when the children came, some of the problems got very clear and well, he also got worse with his sickness, so to speak. And yeah, so I'm alone with them and I still have the same look.I guess that's my question is, is this true? Like, should I shave my head?Like, never wear makeup, go, I don't know, get dressed in... I mean, I'm a mother today, so I would say I'm quite casual, but maybe even dress down even more, to maybe sometime in many years, but still, like, maybe meet someone later on.Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, and the 22 Part History of Philosophers series!See you soon!
11/9/20231 hour, 54 minutes, 52 seconds
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Friday Night Live 27 Oct 2023Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, and the 22 Part History of Philosophers series!See you soon! take on the weight loss drug, Ozempic.Do you have any insights on how much caution or prudence is too much when making big decisions? Is there a healthy balance between being reckless and being fearful?Do you have any comments on the Maine shooting?What do I talk about with my woke daughter?What if you take the free giveaway from government and then use all that free time in some productive way?How do I tackle hyper-independence as a woman when it doesn't stem from hatred of men but concerns of financial manipulation, having a wretched mother literally kicked out by my father with nothing. Mother was very manipulative and threatened to kick me out as a teen when I disagreed. I need to date and get married and stay home with kids. Is this just a trust issue?
11/8/20231 hour, 42 minutes, 31 seconds
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Questions from Listeners October 2023Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, and the 22 Part History of Philosophers series!See you soon! is it that in pretty much all famous novels with child characters, the children are written as orphans?Please elaborate on the duty of close personal friends in regard to your personal happiness. My consideration of the subject is derived from your narrative describing the dissolution of your first engagement from a relationship of seven years. My circumstance was similar in duration to what was and is an amazing person, yet nevertheless amicably divorced a few years later, totaling 13. The inquiry surrounds a friend of 20 plus years whose marriage I was thanked for helping preserve after potential infidelity by his wife only a few years earlier, and was later dubbed godparents of their subsequent child, who nevertheless in reference to my divorce didn't have a single question regarding it until over a year and a half later, after distancing myself. Nor mentioned her name, and was the same friend I consulted as whether I should marry after expressing doubts regarding compatibility despite our genuine affection.While I don't know if we should have married or divorced, and to be fair, believe him to be an otherwise decent person who wouldn't know either, what concerns me, however, is having people in my life that appear to lack equal or any concerns about important decisions in my life and their outcomes. Wherefore, it would be helpful if you could describe what philosophical standards underpinned your decision to eventually dissociate with those you've described as indifferent to your happiness.Any advice for a W -2 employee who is transitioning to entrepreneurship while supporting a wife and two kids?Do you have a favorite character from the Lord of the Rings books or films? If so, what do you find particularly compelling about this individual?I have fallen for a woman who's incapable of loving and or feels herself to be unlovable. We have a history of three years of friendship, closeness, and memories, but even casual sexual intimacy during the first year that we stopped because the sex was making, too toxic? After this the friendship and closeness gradually developed into a very close relationship. Anyway, I'm hurting a lot and I feel like a victim of a broken person as I open my heart to her and it's met with coldness and no communication. Of course this is a lesson I still needed to learn from the neglect of my toxic mother in my early teens and I'm also dealing with this in therapy. But moving on, I already found a new circle of friends whom I care about and am planning an event where there will be awesome quality women with high potential for life partner. So my question is, how do you recognize women who do not have this issue of being unable to love or who feel like they're not worth loving? I suppose it's about them embracing reason, at least to some extent, trying to do something good in the world and about me being connected to my feelings to recoil from bad women. Do you have some additional advice?How can you tell if you have truly changed as a person, morally speaking?How do you get over the feeling of limerence? I met this attractive girl a few months ago at a friend's wedding. She gave me her social media and I didn't really think much about her until I started following her post and talking to her online. I was surprised at how many interests we had in common and similar childhood upbringings. Unfortunately she's dating someone but I still might find myself checking what she posts almost daily to find out what she's up to. How do I forget about this person?
11/7/202353 minutes, 46 seconds
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5302 HOW TO HAVE HOPE - Freedomain Call In

The caller delves into struggles with school, weight, and dating. He and Stefan explore why parents may sabotage their children's weight loss efforts. They also discuss the challenges of finding quality partners and the importance of taking action when behavior doesn't align with our expectations.Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, and the 22 Part History of Philosophers series!See you soon!
11/6/20231 hour, 55 minutes, 7 seconds
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Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series!See you soon! COVID hit the government response began a gradual process of degradation of our business. After the 3 month shutdown and a year of keeping it afloat, I realized that my income had been knocked back down to what I was earning 5-6 yrs prior, and with my increased expenses, the business had become non-profitable. Luckily I was able to sell the business to recoup some of my losses.It was around this time my wife and I decided to leave the politically aggressive progressive big city and move our family to my hometown to live with my parents until we could welcome our third child to the world, and I could figure out a way to get our lives back on track.A few weeks before we made the move, my brother attempted suicide for the second time in his life. (I will also mention that he was an “ADHD” kid and was heavily medicated for several years as a young child) As the days and weeks went by following his 2nd attempt, I realized through discussions with him and my father that the way my parents handled the crisis was nothing short of terrible. So much so that when my father finally recounted exactly what happened and how he handled it, the only thought that went through my mind was “what the fuck is wrong with you!?”.In that moment I realized I had to get my brother as far away from them as possible. To make it even more obvious that I had to do so, he was living in a terrible neighbourhood (break ins and murders and drug addicts) and working a terrible job in a low rent factory which was destroying his health. He was just over 200lbs at his heaviest, and essentially never sleeping which has contributed to short term memory loss issues. I should also mention that my parents chose that job for him as well as the house he was living in and never seriously considered helping him change either of them to improve his life.Soon after, I suggested to my brother that I could arrange the sale of his house, move across the country and he could live with us and take a year off work, and not have to worry about paying bills—to which he enthusiastically said yes. Thanks to some fellow FDR friends, I found a place in a great neighbourhood in a small town and I began the process of setting up our lives across the country and coordinating the sale of his house to make it all happen.Since being here, I’ve helped him lose 50lbs and my wife and I have given him advice on where to work and his new job is going well. We’ve also had many conversations about our relationships with our parents but this is increasingly challenging to do with 3 little kids who need us.He is helpful with our kids, and often plays with them enthusiastically, as well as contributes to cooking and cleaning and buying groceries. But, now that we are living together, I’m observing what his behavioural issues are since I could never rely on my parents to tell me the truth about his struggles (given that they are the ones who caused all of this). He is addicted to screens, watching and talking about silly cgi movies and has almost weekly bouts of passive aggressive behaviour as well as a complaining/victim mindset—all things I want to keep miles away from my kids for obvious reasons. The added challenge is that because he was physically and verbally abused by my parents as a child (and verbally abused as an adult) and was “forced” or “pushed” through every level of school by my mother, and had everything done for him, he is now a feminized adult (NAWALT)—meaning he can’t get through the day without lots of entertainment and small talk chit chat, takes almost no initiative on his own, gives up easily, and struggles to take responsibility for his choices.He has made some progress since we’ve been here, taking responsibility for certain important financial choices, and I do continue to see slow gradual progress.We have begun to build a cabin in our backyard so he can have his own personal space, and he is contributing to the work-albeit with quite a bit of negative self-talk, and our goal as a family is to eventually move him into his own house, either somewhere in our neighbourhood or two separate houses on an acreage.I feel like we’ve taken care of the easy part which is getting him out of a bad situation and getting his health back on track, but the more challenging aspects of this are getting him to realize that in order for him to continue to heal, his abusers have to suffer, and that if he continues to use their language, he has not escaped anything.Any help or direction you can provide in navigating this challenging time would be greatly appreciated.
11/4/202327 minutes, 37 seconds
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5300 From Individualism to Tribalism - Friday Night LIVE 20 October 2023

Hey Stef, I’ve started working at a startup selling a product. I think this product is going to revolutionize the industry I’m working in. Despite this, my perspective clients can be dismissive and outright rude when I’m trying to explain how it’ll benefit them. How did you deal with rejection as an entrepreneur? Did you take rejection personal?Stefan, quick question, what creates sex addiction (for men)?I just signed in to learn about your position on the global conflict. Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, and the 22 Part History of Philosophers series!See you soon!
11/2/20232 hours, 1 minute, 48 seconds
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5299 I've Been Miserable for 25 YEARS! Freedomain Call In

I've had this sadness a long time. The last 10 years, I've done various forms of treatment and therapy. I tried a little bit of medication, but for a very long time ago and a very short period, so that didn't work out. The most recent and in-depth treatment I did was from 2020 to 2021. And during that time, I had an excellent psychologist. She helped me a lot. It gave me a lot of good coping tools, and I also got a diagnosis, persistent depressive disorder, it's called.So I'm carrying this kind of lump in my throat, an overwhelming sense of sadness, but the last years I have just tried to simply accept it and not devote so much energy or attention to it, whereas I previously often wondered why I felt so down and attempted to kind of, get to the root of the problems, I kind of, these last years, tried to move on or, I don't know, as I said, not devote so much energy or time, attention to it. So yeah, now I'm just here, I have a wonderful life, a stay-at-home mom, a fantastic husband, three lovely children under years five, but still feel so down.Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, and the 22 Part History of Philosophers series!See you soon!
11/1/20232 hours, 25 minutes, 9 seconds
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5298 Pity for Immorality - Locals Questions!

Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, and the 22 Part History of Philosophers series!See you soon! to questions from recently discussed the dynamic of how a high-value female would look at a man. I often find myself uncomfortable around the most attractive, high status people, even to the point that I will actively avoid them in social settings, such that I find myself on the other end of the room as them at parties and functions. This especially applies to females, but occasionally when I'm around the boyfriend of a highly attractive girl I will even get uncomfortable talking to him! I've been told that I am above-average attractiveness, so I wonder where this comes from, I wonder whether it comes from a lack of self worth. It's not that I have poor social skills, but the specific situation of socializing with the most attractive people always makes me betray a discomfort and awkwardness that usually manifests in some clumsy or uncouth behavior.Is it fair to say that any parents who ride motorcycles and have children should immediately be a deal breaker on any type of relationship for a person following morality?Why do I always fall into the same trap; I repeatedly make the mistake of thinking other people are like me; conversations that I go into thinking everyone has the same aim (to get to some objective truth) can spectulary back fire and I can end up shocked at how other people will lie about things that have been said.My husband of nine years recently returned from a four-night business trip to Las Vegas. Before he left, I gently reminded him to go easy on the alcohol and to be careful with one of his single female colleagues. About a week before he left, I had a dream in which they were at the main event together and she was overly flirtatious and giggly and very touchy feeling with him. I trust my husband but I don't trust her and I conveyed this to him. Upon his return, as he was recounting his experiences, he told me that my dream about this woman was spot-on, and she did indeed behave that way. I felt a bit unsettled, as so many of his stories seemed to involve this woman. It's not a huge team, fewer than 100 employees, but it bothered me that she seemed to have spent so much time in close proximity with my husband instead of with the other women or single men on the team. The next day my husband informed me that he and some of his male colleagues attended a striptease show. This makes me sick. I told him that in my mind this is not something that honorable men do, particularly married men, initially tried to deflect and compared me to his mentally ill mother but I do not think my concerns and disgust are unfounded. I feel as though this is a breach of trust and I feel sad, betrayed and lost. He even mentioned that moving forward he simply won't share these things with me, oh dear. I hope he does not sincerely feel this way as I cannot imagine a marriage surviving, let alone thriving, without trust and honest communication. I would add that my husband works remotely from home but business trips do occur occasionally for specific company events. He is the sole provider and I am the homemaker, traditional gender roles.Have you ever watched Whatever? I don't fully understand why the girls continue to go on the show despite him completely exposing their shallowness?What is going on with shows like Pearl and Whatever? Is it female in-group preference, is it simple business, or is it a death impulse or something else entirely that draws these women to these interviews/round tables?
10/30/202352 minutes, 26 seconds
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The childhood, life and death of Matthew Perry - what does it reveal?
10/30/20232 hours, 18 minutes, 52 seconds
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5296 The Truth About Small Talk

Small talk serves as a social lubricant but should not be the only skill we possess. Some individuals enforce a narrow-minded and rigid mindset, discouraging deeper discussions. This rigidity stems from a lack of curiosity and flexibility. Shallow slogans and simplistic solutions can justify violence and hinder critical thinking. The use of persuasive tricks by sophistic individuals can have disastrous effects. It is important to recognize the potential dangers of shallow conversations and strive for genuine and meaningful discussions.Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, and the 22 Part History of Philosophers series!See you soon!
10/29/202317 minutes, 2 seconds
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5295 Inheritance Horror Stories!

What's been your experience with inheritance?Livestreamed on October 17, 2023Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, and the 22 Part History of Philosophers series!See you soon!
10/28/20231 hour, 29 minutes, 17 seconds
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Overcoming challenges with violence and addiction!Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, and the 22 Part History of Philosophers series!See you soon!
10/27/20232 hours, 16 minutes, 41 seconds
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Let's talk BITCOIN!In this episode, we cover a wide range of topics including the economy and Bitcoin, personal experiences, health and alcohol, novels and language-based work, COVID-19, and the importance of communication. We emphasize the need to add value, learn new skills, and appreciate our audience's support.Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, and the 22 Part History of Philosophers series!See you soon!
10/27/20231 hour, 51 minutes, 22 seconds
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5292 How to Start a Business!

Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get access to StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, my new book and the History of Philosophers series!See you soon! Livestream 18-Oct-23Hey Stef, a bit of an update. I am now making montage videos and shorts for clients. How do i price my work, how do I ask for more, how do i know when I am over pricing. Any hints would be helpful."Begging for donations is for Stefy’s survival. Pathetic, unmanly, undignified, untrustworthy."THE MOVIE I WAS IN AT 19:
10/26/20232 hours, 2 minutes, 56 seconds
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5291 The Truth About Luck!

Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get access to StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, my new book and the History of Philosophers series!See you soon! you expound on the “Me Plus” concept? It seems to me entirely appropriate that my [still theoretical] wife will not like “me” in a pure world-of-forms sense, but only for that which I am and do for her.In other words, what is the essence of “Me” but a sum of the parts—some of which serve the children/wife/community/self/God, some of which do not.A ridiculous example, what could it possibly mean to love a girlfriend if she’s chosen obesity, cruelty, verbal abuse; to sterilize herself from ever procreating; and to obstruct everything good about me? Of course this would never happen, but how can one separate loving “her” from all that which she is choosing?The same, how can she love “‘me” irrespective of what I seem am and do?Isn’t the threat of losing the other’s affections a great incentive to stay good oneself?My position: I am a man (early 20’s) excited to be “me plus” because without the plus, there is no “‘me” to be valued. What am I missing?long time subscriber here, I have trouble not getting down with things out of my control.My truck i just paid off got totalled by some uninsured guy and the payout was quite unfair (70% value of $21,000 vehicle) from my insurance company. I had full coverage.This was out of my hands but I still got depressed for a couple months because I felt cheated by the situation.Any advice from you/philosophy on how to prevent this from happening?Thank you for everything you do. My life has been 1000% improved since I started listening to you 10 years ago.
10/24/202345 minutes, 32 seconds
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5290 The value of the word 'mystical'...

Can you have a reasonable conversation with someone who seriously uses terms like “spirit” and “God” ? I appreciate the metaphorical purposes behind some religious stories, however I have noticed that there is a growing movement among young conservatives away from reason and towards Christianity. This appears to me to be a reactionary movement against the woke communism on the left. Former atheists such as Mike Cernovich, James Lindsey, and even Jordan Peterson come to mind. After reading about philosophy and empiricism I find it hard to take people seriously when they use mysticism as a substitute for reason and evidence.Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, and the 22 Part History of Philosophers series!See you soon!
10/22/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 27 seconds
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5289 How to Love That People Don't Care!

Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get access to StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, my new book and the History of Philosophers series!See you soon! you please give a shutout to my new dating website for freedomain listeners only: www.fdrdating.comHow do I advertise it in the most effective and least intrusive way? I thought I'd bring it up about once or twice a week in the news-feed, public chat, and FB group, but I'd like to hear your thoughts on the matter. Thank you a million.Dear Stef. I find it hard to coin succinct, simple arguments against collectivism and socialism, without getting tangled in the reeds. Challenge: fire off a few rapid, succinct arguments against socialism/collectivism. I will donate of course, but never tip live because I never catch shows live. Lots of love from a listener who always gets the song quiz, if you're doing Sting.Why have the powers that be let people like Ayn Rand become popular?I found myself in a situation where a parent was threatening to punish his kid when they get home while I was in public. I appreciate that I can feel the anger. It appears to me that the kid will be beaten regardless of what I do in the moment. What is your perspective on this? How do I use this anger to fuel my actions to actually protect children?Opinion about Jean-François Gariépy and his missing wife?is colicky crying real
10/20/202329 minutes, 10 seconds
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5287 What is Wisdom?

Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get access to StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, my new book and the History of Philosophers series!See you soon! is wisdom? Is it knowledge combined with moral clarity?
10/19/202313 minutes, 59 seconds
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Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get access to StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, my new book and the History of Philosophers series!See you soon! stories of Job and Abraham - and what a great woman is looking for!Freedomain Voice Call Live Sunday 15 Oct 2023
10/18/20231 hour, 53 minutes, 34 seconds
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Can you give a true reason for preferring truth?I was asked this today and didn’t have an answersaying any attempt to debunk UPB reinforces UPB, is the typical argument that any assertion that there is no truth is an assertion about truth and therefore it is paradoxical and debunks itself etc. Is not a huge discovery, it's an "amateurish Kantianism"What do you think of the excuse "It's not black and white"?Something we take for granted with good reason. An example of a warranted assumption would be trusting the published bus schedule. The bus should show up as schedule. Another example would be trusting that my key will start my car.John Vervaeke's community can't agree that our memory of an object can match a physical object. They don't believe we use memory to drive a car.Can warranted assumptions become True Universals?Funny thing: higher IQ, more capacity to be NPC.Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get access to the audiobook for my new book 'Peaceful Parenting,' StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, and the 22 Part History of Philosophers series!See you soon!
10/18/20231 hour, 54 minutes, 45 seconds
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Stefan Molyneux delves into the complexities of human interaction, focusing on reciprocal altruism and the question of humanity's true capability for selflessness. Drawing distinctions between selfishness and altruism, and egoism and self-sacrifice, he references the Kantian view of morality and provides various examples highlighting behaviors rooted in self-interest. Molyneux critiques moral arguments opposing self-interest and explores the challenges of altruistic endeavors, referencing themes from Plato and personal experiences. He elaborates on the methods of resource acquisition, the manipulative nature of sophistry, and the inherent risks in helping others. Furthermore, Molyneux discusses the dynamics of self-interest, morality, and societal values, critiquing the philosophy of altruism, examining the implications of acting against self-interest, and warning against the rise of societal cynicism. The episode offers a profound exploration of morality, altruism, and the intricate intricacies of human behavior.Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get access to StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, my new book and the History of Philosophers series!See you soon!
10/16/202334 minutes, 56 seconds
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Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get access to StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, my new book and the History of Philosophers series!See you soon! that note, how do you differentiate between your inner conscience (which may have legit issues) and introjects from abusers?Good evening, Stef! Why is it that people think that you should "spank your child while they're young so that they know to obey you when they're older"?Dear Stefinator: my 9 year old is visiting my parents for a few days of fall vacation. However, my dad crashed the car into a huge truck, motorway speed, with my daughter and mother in the back. Nobody hurt, but totally his fault. He hasn't called me to say what happened. When I called him, he basically hung up when I started to ask. I'm utterly shocked. Your thoughts? (Hey people: donate to the Stefinator!)Hey Stef, after watching one of your videos the other day I realise people in my life don't give me credibility in the areas I am strong at.What have I done to facilitate this and how do I fix it?ThanksWhat do you think about people’s story about how they felt something off before a tragedy happened, like someone who had the urge to call a loved one and then found out they were dead?I signed up because of your extensive library of documentaries and insightful commentaries on History and current events. For some reason this has, in my eyes devolved into endless chatter with dysfunstional people and their personal problems, usually of their own making. A sort of "Dial The Analyst" format.I am truthfully not the least interested in hearing people whine about their self-inflicted misery! There is more than enough of that sprayed all over the Internet.You have to much knowledge and too much to offer about history and its implications upon the current world we live in. To be wasting it on such nonsense.But that is just me.Last night I had a dream that I had a baby. She/he was so small, so precious. I felt a deep connection to this child in the dream. I was breastfeeding her/him, my fiancé was there and I just felt an immense sense of love and care towards both of them, especially the baby. When I woke up, I was heartbroken and devastated. So disappointed. It felt so real. I can’t stop thinking about this dream, about the baby. It has consumed my whole day. I have cried multiple times, even had a moment of hyperventilating. I have never had such a vivid dream about a baby before. I feel changed. What does this mean? I’m curious to know what you think about this..perhaps my body/genes is telling me something. I can imagine you perhaps saying this. I am 22, and cannot wait to have children. If my fiancé was on board, I’d have them right now.Wednesday Night Live 11 Oct 2023
10/14/20231 hour, 51 minutes, 35 seconds
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What is the EGO, and does it help or hinder us?Philosopher Stefan Molyneux provides a deep insight into the nature and purpose of the ego - truly life-changing information!Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get access to StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, my new book and the History of Philosophers series!See you soon!
10/13/20231 hour, 33 seconds
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Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get access to StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, my new book and the History of Philosophers series!See you soon! do you think it means to believe in God?The past several months every night I have the fear of intrusion. Every single night before I sleep it passes from my mind that I might be robbed in my home while sleeping.Context. I live in a very safe area in Australia. It is in suburbia just near the end of the city. People are eitherwell off with some nice mansions and the regular houses are just above median price.I live on the low end housing within the suburbThere are 0 homeless people around and I have not heard from anyone that I know that they have been robbed.I am early 30s and have 2 kids.Never been robbed (other than the gov)Financially stableHi Stef,Recently I visited some family with my wife and almost 2 years old son, and at some point and without provocation, his cousin, that is about my son age, lightly hit him in the head with his palm. Having raised my son peacefully, this is was his first time experiencing violence, so he just stared at me shocked not knowing how to react, after a minute he started crying, and we tried not to exaggerate and make peace between them.After this visit I felt puzzled and incompetent as a father. How I and my son should properly respond to this type of events, and how my son should react when he is bullied or attacked by other kids, this is excluding the obvious violent self-defense? This also raised up memories from when I was bullied in middle and high school, and I was equally unprepared to handle the situation, and just took the abuse. We had similar situations at the playgrounds, but unlike with family and public schooling there was an easy way out.I live in an Eastern European country, where public schooling is mandatory and homeschooling almost impossible, so the topic of handling bullies/violent adults weighs heavily on my mind. Just recently there was a news from my town with a preschooler that violently beat up some classmates and the modern type school didn't do much about it.I was also left wondering how seemingly normal and well off children become violent, especially in the case of my nephew, that from my knowledge is also raised peacefully? The only problem I see in his household, is that the father is blue-collar and leaves for extended periods of time as he works in a different country.Thanks,What do you think of the data that show that parenting seems to have minimal long-term impact on values transfer? Is it just parents doing a very poor job with their children, leading to “backfire” effect of rebellion, or values not taking? Or is there something to sociologists’ conclusions that the median level of parenting (ie not abuse) doesn’t affect behavior as much as we think?what is willpower?Why is it that some people are able to do things they don't like such as exercising or sticking with something unpleasant and others are not?In light of your recent call in show, "I'm Sorry I Called You Evil", how does it feel when listeners project their issues with their fathers onto you, whether for good or for ill? How do you feel if a listener feels something akin to a familial bond with you- that you embody the virtuous qualities of a wise, empathetic and engaged father figure that her own father did not manifest? Perhaps this is merely the mark of a parasocial dynamic, but in my mind at least, you have forged your own path through the wreckage of generational abuse and trauma and transcended to the level of Peaceful Parent Philosopher Archetype- you have become the best example of the father I wish I had. Thank you for being you, and for sharing your gifts with the world.Have you ever witnessed someone who had done evil become humble, make restitution, and truly turn thier life around and embrace virtue?Hey Stef, I hope you're doing well.In a previous livestream you mentioned about 60-70% of call-in requests are young guys who can't get their life together.I would love if you could give some general advice in regards to that because im one of themI'm 28 years old, I have an OK job, no GF, no friends, lots of savings and live with my parents and I hate it all. It's unbelievably enraging at times. I see no path forward, yet I do next to nothing to find one as well with the exception of my work with my therapist.The work I do with my Therapist helps a lot, I do believe in time I'll get my life sorted out with her. However, there's got to be something more I can do. I feel like I'm going insane.Thanks in advance,what is the truth about polygamy ? What happens when you have 6 wives and they make you choose dinner 😆Which is more dangerous, negligence or intent?Is this question worth asking? Are they not equally malicious?Context, our medical regulators apparent lack of due diligence or abundant corruption :(Much love. Imagine you are scouting out locations to construct a physical place for hosting discussions on philosophy, debates, &/or dispute resolution (either as a single multi-purpose space or as different spaces for each activity), what design features do you include and which style elements do you select? 🏛️I'm a full time engineer. My wife home schools the kids. I desperately want to leave the 9 to 5. I feel anxious about losing my lone source of income and I hate the feeling of being controlled that comes with a W2 job. What is a good small first step towards entrepreneurship?What advice do you have for someone who frequently replays previous confrontations in their imagination? I think this stems from my desire to find the "right" thing to say that would have gotten me what I wanted, which in essence is a desire to control people. And yet, my thoughts still drift back to those moments. What also scares me is that often, they play out where the situation escalates to a violent confrontation where I enthusiastically use disproportional force to simply dominate the aggressor, and I sort of come back to reality like "Who the hell was that monster? That's not me. That's more like my father." A strategy I've tried employing is saying "Hi Dad/Mom" when I hear my parents in my own voice, which usually kills the stream of thought, like I unmask the "demon" inside and they retreat. But it feels like I'm treating the symptom and not the problem. How do I stop this for good?what is going on with “Bug catchers”People who have sex intentionally looking for partners who have illnesses to catch a “bug” like HIV, std’s.I have a coworker with a step son in that catagory. There seemed to be a lot of rejection from biological mother.How do you like David icke as a researcher?AND CAN WE GET SOME BOOK RECOMMENDATIONS!!!(I read all of yours already much love here's a tip💰)
10/12/202354 minutes, 56 seconds
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Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get access to StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, my new book and the History of Philosophers series!See you soon! you have friendships with people who aren't morally ambitious? People who simply look to earn a pay check and pursue their own hobbies. People who say they aren't interested in politics but are also bonded to the state and see it as a necessity. They believe in human rights as defined by the UN, and try to be good people, but aren't tied to any deeper universals due to a skepticism of religion. They try to not be judgmental of others, because they see this as minding their own business and respecting the freedoms of others.They aren't explicitly committing evil, but they also aren't condemning it either since they believe there is little you can do about it anyway. They are polite/agreeable, conscientious and have good emotional regulation, but lack a deep hunger for moral truths and seek pleasure and artistic expression instead.These people are difficult to reject because they aren't explicitly committing evil, neurotic or incapable of reciprocity. They are kind and try to be considerate, but at the same time don't fill you with a sense of reliability because they are blind to the evils of the world and don't have the same moral concerns that you do.P.s. These are same sex male friendships I'm referring to.Thank you for everything you do! Me and my wife are in our Mid-Twenties and are eager to start a family and parent our children peacefully.I strive to make enough income and cut back back on unnecessary expenses, so that my wife can stay home with our children. A natural concern I have as the provider of my future family is how to accumulate enough resources in the current world.I only see a few feasible options as to where I can invest our excess money in order to provide for my family. That would be crypto and a diversified ETF portfolio.What are your thoughts about investing in a diversified ETF portfolio like the MSCI World and MSCI emerging market as a long term investment. There is research that after 15 years, there has always been a net positive return and that the expected inflation adjusted gains are about 5% per year. On paper this looks like a good deal, but I have my concerns as the stock market is artificially propped up by the government and a crash is more than overdue.I know you do not give financial advice and I will do more of my own research, but it would be great if you can share your insights. Anyone else is of course also invited to share their perspective.Why do men propose to women? Rather than the other way around.Stefan, have you seen any of Olympic figure skating gold medal winner Tara Lipinski's YouTube podcast (with her hapless husband) called "Unexpecting"? It's a sad, cautionary tale that points to so many things you've brought up: the real fertility window for women, women pursuing career at the expense of having a family, the actual success rate of IVF for women her age (7% if I recall correctly?). Lipinski's podcast is both fascinating and tragic: egg retrievals, failed IVF transfers, miscarriages, then finally hiring a surrogate (renting another woman and buying a baby, essentially). Watching her podcast, I couldn't help but think of all the ways you've warned women on the truth about fertility, no doubt helping so many. I wish Tara Lipinski had been listening to you!I have 4 questions in total.1.) Can there be an education in which there is no authority whatsoever?2.) Why do humans condition each other by understanding enormous complexity of things early in life, and never see the simplicity? Why have we trained our children's brains to see the complexity and then try to find an answer to the complexity, when we don't see the extraordinary simplicity of life, and facts? After all, if one is really simple first, from that, you can understand the vast complexity of things.3.) What is real listening? When does it come about? What does it sound like, really? Does it have sound? What quality is it, does it take?4.) Can I observe my wife, my daughter, my sister, my mother, and or my girlfriend without all the accumulation I have had? Can I observe something anew without all my burden of the past? Can I observe without the past? Can the observer be absent? The observer is the past. Therefore, can I observe the observer (past)? Not good or bad past but just observe?Hello Stefan. In the past weeks, I've been talking to a girl and getting to know each other. I recently found out that she's having trouble with sleeping; she experiences sleep paralysis and during those moments, she also has hallucinations, seeing shadows near her bed, and unable to move. I also learned that she watches a lot of horror movies, almost every two days, and she has a fear of the night due to a childhood trauma where she was stuck in a dark room for two hours crying. I have concerns about this, and I would like to hear your thoughts on the matter. Thank you.have you considered moving your family to the USA? If yes, other than $ how could we help?hey Stef. Can you explain more about how the friend zone happens and what separates a friend from a romantic partner for women?What is a good guideline for teaching age appropriate lessons to children? As an example, on a recent show you mention a 3 year old doesn’t have the capacity to understand the concept of sharing when someone asked why their 3 year old won’t share their toys. Thank you very much.@freedomain what does “feeling sorry for yourself” mean? Why do parents frequently admonish their kids for doing it? And why is it so socially unacceptable? If it’s wrong to do it, why is it so tempting. There doesn’t seem to be a benefit. I recall you saying something about it being a passive aggressive way to get resources from others. I can see that as a child, you have two options to get resources from your parents when they have failed to do so. You can either be aggressive (temper tantrum, rebel, etc.) or passive aggressive in the form of moping until your parents feel sorry for you. That feels right to me and it aligns with my experience as a child (I was a moper but my parents ignored me anyway) But maybe there is more to it.
10/10/202340 minutes, 57 seconds
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Philosopher Stefan Molyneux breaks down the true causes of the current wars raging across the globe.Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get access to StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, my new book and the History of Philosophers series!See you soon!
10/9/20232 hours, 6 minutes, 21 seconds
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5278 PLEASE PANIC I BEG YOU! Freedomain Call In

A 27 year old virgin in a dead-end job refuses to panic about his situation.BE PATIENT IT CAN BE VERY FRUSTRATING UNTIL THE ROLEPLAY NEAR THE END!Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get access to StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, my new book and the History of Philosophers series!See you soon!
10/8/20232 hours, 44 minutes, 54 seconds
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5277 "I'm sorry I called you evil..." Freedomain Apology Call

A hater of Stefan Molyneux apologizes...Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get access to StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, my new book and the History of Philosophers series!See you soon!
10/7/20232 hours, 38 minutes, 35 seconds
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Try out the exclusive STEFBOT-AI for the next few days for free!STEFBOT-AI is an artificial intelligence engine loaded to the top with Stefan Molyneux's books, articles, presentations and podcasts!Try it today, ask the virtual 'me' anything you like! the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get permanent access to StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, my new book and the History of Philosophers series!See you soon!
10/7/202356 seconds
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5275 Battling Midwits!

In the latest episode of "Wednesday Night Live," hosted on the 4th of October, Stefan Molyneux dives deep into the intricacies of "Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs." He candidly shares his perspective on the current state of philosophical discussion, emphasizing the proliferation of superficial content designed to prop up mediocre intellects. Molyneux criticizes the misuse of academic knowledge, suggesting that many merely regurgitate university-taught concepts without genuine understanding or depth. He particularly points out the pretentiousness of certain individuals who employ these surface-level concepts to project an image of profundity.Highlighted Quotes:"There's an entire industry out there of cannon fodder nonsense that is designed to prop up midwit brains and make them seem deep.""And just all of this nonsense is put out there as cannon fodder for midwits to impress idiots with how deep they are.""It's just ways that people can pretend to be deep because they scraped a few things out of their university nonsense wagon, right? Social contract, man.""But it's all a bunch of stuff that just flows out like this slow, brain-deadening, soul-eating, tapioca crap syllable idiot fest."Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get access to StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, my new book and the History of Philosophers series!See you soon!
10/5/20231 hour, 46 minutes, 1 second
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5274 The Truth About Marriage!

Wednesday Night Live 27 Sep 2023!Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get access to StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, my new book and the History of Philosophers series!See you soon!
10/4/20231 hour, 53 minutes, 6 seconds
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5273 Only Take Pride in Virtue!

Philosopher Stefan Molyneux answers a question from a listener who was humiliated by his high-status parents...Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get access to StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, my new book and the History of Philosophers series!See you soon! might require a deeper conversation but I’ll take a stab at my question.I moved in with my mom when I was 16 coming from a completely valueless/nihilistic household with my dad. My mom and step dad were very hard working people with a strong value system but shamed/mocked me for not being able to easily live up to these standards. Like shoving a kindergartener into college and laughing at them for not knowing calculus. I’ve always had deep resentment over this and only Just now realizing this. My whole life I just felt mad at my mom but couldn’t pin point why. I’ve been doing lot of journaling to understand where this resentment comes from. It was difficult because she and my step dad are good people and they are also very successful entrepreneurs so I always just felt it was because there was something wrong with me. I’m not as good as they are and I can’t run a business and I’m socially awkward. I’ve spent too many years with a chip on my shoulder over this.Basically, I struggle with deep feelings of inadequacy at certain times in my life. You always recommend we should ask who benefits from me feeling this way. I’m not sure how my inadequacy is a benefit to them. Though I’m not sure who else it would benefit.
10/2/202329 minutes, 54 seconds
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5272 Men Dating Younger Women!?!

Freedomain Livestream Sun Oct 1 2023Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get access to StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, my new book and the History of Philosophers series!See you soon!
10/2/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 6 seconds
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HOW CAN YOU ACHIEVE MAXIMUM PRODUCTIVITY? Entrepreneur, philosopher and father Stefan Molyneux – host of the largest and most popular philosophy show in the world – shares his tips and tricks for maximum efficiency and productivity!- What is the role of passion in achieving productivity?- What is the one perspective that will turn you into an efficiency machine?- How do you best avoid distractions?- How do you make productivity worth enough to you to make it a passionate lifelong pursuit?Stefan Molyneux holds a graduate degree in the History of Philosophy, and has been a gold panner, Chief Technical Officer, Director of Marketing - and personally grown his philosophy show to close to a billion views and downloads!This will be a lesson on how to get things done that you will never ever forget!
9/29/20231 hour, 23 minutes, 46 seconds
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Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get access to StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, my new book and the History of Philosophers series!See you soon! Stef: how can one learn to forgive oneself, and even love oneself after making some serious mistakes and and bad decisions? No excuses, though I could site childhood etc, but it's my fault. Separated now because of it. Started therapy, really working on myself, but the shame remains. I've come out a more genuine, honest, virtuous person, but the shame remains. Kind regards from long time subscriber and rare - but generous - donator.can it be a demand if its never made?/is that not just a wish? And I can demand Elon Musk give me ten million dollars but without a credible threat of harm to him or someone he cares for that is not much of a demand and would be ignored. If it is credible its immotal and illegal unless I am in govt.Or I make heck of a pitch. One for the angels so to speak. Appealing to logic with a real humdinger of a case as to why he would make a lot of money from it, and convince his accontants.Or lastly an appeal to emotion so moving.and convinving he is so moved by it to open.his heart and wallet. Then my demands might be answred in the.affirmative. do you think stef bot would be able to script such an appeal? Lol.But my real point I think even if it could doing so under false pretense is.a violation of UPB and a genuine scuzxy behaviour asides from.that fact.
9/28/202349 minutes
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5269 Stop Bullying and Bribing!

Freedomain Livestream 22 Sep 2023!Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get access to StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, my new book and the History of Philosophers series!See you soon!
9/27/20232 hours, 7 minutes, 32 seconds
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5268 How to Survive Betrayal!

Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get access to StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, my new book and the History of Philosophers series!See you soon! there a place for competitiveness in close relationships or do these terms exclude each other? I've begun to question the quality of my relationships, particularly those with some of my friends and siblings. I find it annoying and unproductive. I don't mind competition at work or in hobbies (music, sports etc.) - it's where you'd expect it.What’s your thoughts on Montessori education vs home schooling?Hi Stefan do you have any advice on how to stop painful rumination of bad events in the past, (especially with regards to friendships and relationships such as betrayal and disrespect) that can keep going around in your mind and keep retriggering your emotions even after dealing with them in therapy and doing everything to try and process the event?
9/26/202344 minutes, 12 seconds
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5267 When Loving the World Drives You Mad!

Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get access to StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, my new book and the History of Philosophers series!See you soon! really appreciate your philosophical definition of “love”, but find that I’m left with a blank space in my brain trying to describe so many relationships now. I know people who choose to not strive toward virtue but for whom I still have affection. I can’t “love” them, but I wish them well and are rooting for them to choose better and be happy. I agree with you about how profoundly language matters, and this is a something I’m stuck on. Is there perhaps a Greek word to describe this? “Agape” maybe?Is there a philosophical basis for the modern phenomenon of being called out for “mansplaining?”ARTICLES:"Men score higher on financial knowledge than women, but why?""Men score somewhat higher than women on the science knowledge scale overall""Women living in the world's most advanced democracies and under the most progressive gender equality regimes still know less about politics than men. Indeed, an unmistakable gender gap in political knowledge seems to be a global phenomenon, according to a ten-nation study of media systems and national political knowledge funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC)."I've been thinking a lot lately about how much I should love people. I don't mean people I know; I treat people I meet as well as I can the first time I meet them and then treat them either as well as they treat me, or as well as I have to treat them for utilitarian reasons, whichever is better. But my question pertains to humanity in the abstract. I am coming to terms with the fact that I do not love people, do not love humanity (hesitant to say "I hate people" but that's kinda the thought).I've been trying to devote my life to caring for others and helping to make the world better for people, but I'm starting to think pretty seriously about abandoning ship before it sinks, which means abandoning the people I casually interact with, the children whose lives I'm improving, and in a sense abandoning my efforts to improve the world to just save myself. How do I know when it's time to release everyone else to their possibly horrific fate, including all these young people who are not responsible for what's coming to them? My heart breaks for these young people even while my view of the adults around them hardens in me that they deserve what's coming to them; American leftists deserve the dictatorship they're building for themselves, and American conservatives deserve to lose because they just won't understand the origins of totalitarianism in child abuse and their own errors and hubris.Imagine you're creating a family motto for your coat of arms (armorial achievement); what are those words you choose to live by? 🛡️
9/26/202316 minutes, 45 seconds
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5267 When Loving the World Drives You Mad!

Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get access to StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, my new book and the History of Philosophers series!See you soon! really appreciate your philosophical definition of “love”, but find that I’m left with a blank space in my brain trying to describe so many relationships now. I know people who choose to not strive toward virtue but for whom I still have affection. I can’t “love” them, but I wish them well and are rooting for them to choose better and be happy. I agree with you about how profoundly language matters, and this is a something I’m stuck on. Is there perhaps a Greek word to describe this? “Agape” maybe?Is there a philosophical basis for the modern phenomenon of being called out for “mansplaining?”ARTICLES:"Men score higher on financial knowledge than women, but why?""Men score somewhat higher than women on the science knowledge scale overall""Women living in the world's most advanced democracies and under the most progressive gender equality regimes still know less about politics than men. Indeed, an unmistakable gender gap in political knowledge seems to be a global phenomenon, according to a ten-nation study of media systems and national political knowledge funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC)."I've been thinking a lot lately about how much I should love people. I don't mean people I know; I treat people I meet as well as I can the first time I meet them and then treat them either as well as they treat me, or as well as I have to treat them for utilitarian reasons, whichever is better. But my question pertains to humanity in the abstract. I am coming to terms with the fact that I do not love people, do not love humanity (hesitant to say "I hate people" but that's kinda the thought).I've been trying to devote my life to caring for others and helping to make the world better for people, but I'm starting to think pretty seriously about abandoning ship before it sinks, which means abandoning the people I casually interact with, the children whose lives I'm improving, and in a sense abandoning my efforts to improve the world to just save myself. How do I know when it's time to release everyone else to their possibly horrific fate, including all these young people who are not responsible for what's coming to them? My heart breaks for these young people even while my view of the adults around them hardens in me that they deserve what's coming to them; American leftists deserve the dictatorship they're building for themselves, and American conservatives deserve to lose because they just won't understand the origins of totalitarianism in child abuse and their own errors and hubris.Imagine you're creating a family motto for your coat of arms (armorial achievement); what are those words you choose to live by? 🛡️
9/26/202344 minutes, 59 seconds
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Freedomain Livestream 24 Sep 2023!Slavery and the Founding Fathers...Stef was there parallels between Socrates being put on trial and you being cancelled?Russell Brand rant...Breaking the cycle is the hardest part and Stef is skilled at helping people do that. If people excuse their abusers they excuse themselves for the same moral inconsistencies. Stef encourages people to maintain moral consistency. That’s the antidoteI met someone recently who believes that you can’t reason with children because they’re uncivilized and hitting them is the most effective way to ensure they will behave well.I do have close friends that don’t have children and they have been intrigued by not spanking, and they have been watching me raise my daughter waiting to see if I will be able to do it 😆 it’s laughable. I think they will be affected by my peaceful parentingI have a resource hired to mentor the other engineers on the team. This resource always exceeds the requirements but talks down to the rest of the team. Uses negative sarcasm daily and complains about corporate tasks that will never change. Measuring good vs bad is becoming a close tie. I do not directly manage this person but want to turn it around for the team, any advice?I've been following you for almost a decade, your philosophy is amazing, has helped me a lot, happy birthday!Did you ever tell your daughter that Father Christmas is real?Happy Birthday! Thank you for spreading philosophy and peaceful parenting 🙏My married parents told me that my Catholic, church goer, mother has a bf. My father is ok with this. I'm in my mid 20s. Do you have any thoughts on this? I'm concerned I won't be able to find a quality woman if they're still in my lifeHow does it feel to be 57?So glad you were born Stef. The happiest of birthdays to you!Happy Birthday again Stef, wishing you a great day. Thanks for coming back for us and everything that you do to help the world!How to think of your family while dating!
9/24/20231 hour, 46 minutes, 47 seconds
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Join philosopher and historian Stefan Molyneux on an amazing journey through the TRUE history of America's fabled Wild West!What you learn will shock you to the core - almost everything you have been told is a lie! Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get access to StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, my new book and the History of Philosophers series!See you soon!
9/23/20231 hour, 30 minutes, 59 seconds
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Talking about Russell Brand - and the unholy marriage of women and the State!Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get access to StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, my new book and the History of Philosophers series!See you soon!
9/22/20232 hours, 14 minutes, 13 seconds
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Freedomain Flash Livestream 19 Sep 2023Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get access to StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, my new book and the History of Philosophers series!See you soon!
9/20/20231 hour, 47 minutes
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5262 How to Not Be GOD!

Philosopher Stefan Molyneux walks in the woods and discusses how to combat the most deadly vice of all!Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get access to StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, my new book and the History of Philosophers series!See you soon!
9/20/202338 minutes, 18 seconds
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Philosopher Stefan Molyneux unpacks why men are obsessed with historical disasters...Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get access to StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, my new book and the History of Philosophers series!See you soon!
9/18/20231 hour, 50 minutes, 6 seconds
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Philosopher Stefan Molyneux unpacks why men are obsessed with historical disasters...Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get access to StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, my new book and the History of Philosophers series!See you soon!
9/18/20231 hour, 50 minutes, 6 seconds
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How to finally break out of historical prisons...Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get access to StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, my new book and the History of Philosophers series!See you soon!
9/18/20232 hours, 32 minutes, 44 seconds
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5259 "Stop Condemning Your Spouse!" Freedomain Couples Call In

We are both in our late 30s and have been married nearly 5 years - which has been mostly happy.I did something a little different before getting married, I wrote out and itemized my expectations of the marriage and her. I shared this with her, explained my reasoning, and had her commit in writing to my expectations (she actually negotiated one point with me.) Health and beauty is very important to me so I included in the expectations that she was to was to maintain her attractiveness, health and girlish figure and that if she becomes unhealthily overweight it will be grounds for divorce. Which she agreed to.A lot of people think that beauty is vain and stupid. But beauty, the kind I aspire to, is a proxy for health, discipline, self-respect, confidence, and dignity.She's kept her commitment to the extent that she is not overweight (she's maintained a very healthy weight and has a nice busty-petite frame) and is disciplined about eating a healthy diet - she still looks good naked!However, she has little to no interest in anything that might cultivate and maintain her beauty. I did get her a gym membership once and we attended together (she was a little bored there) - now she says there's NO WAY she'd go to the gym. She hates makeup (she's worn it maybe three times since we've been together). She's not very interested in dressing stylishly (she wears dumpy old clothes far too often for my liking). It's been about a half decade since she refreshed her wardrobe. On my urging she's gone through little phases when she would do very light workouts at home (Yoga sessions or squats in the mornings) but she would quit anytime I stopped reminding her to do them. She walks almost everyday - running errands around town - which I'm sure helps maintain her weight.I'm a very different story, I'm a little vain and do a lot to stay in shape and good looking. I go to the gym 2-3 times weekly. I sun tan during the summer. I try to keep my wardrobe fresh with a few stylish new items every year. I'm always looking for some new thing that I can do to stay healthy and good looking - which she's not very interested in.I have talked to her about my disappointment with her disregard for cultivating and maintaining her beauty. Reminding her of the commitment she soberly made. In fact, we've talked about it A LOT - I even put together a cultivating beauty plan for her itemizing the things she could be doing. I've explained to her a million times that she should exercise and challenge her body a bit primarily for her own good, so she can avoid the chronic pain and health issues that tormented her parents for decades.She would say "Yes, I'm not going to get fat. I'll try to do better" and then she'll put in a minimal effort for about a week. We've fought about it enough times that I've temporarily given up trying to get her to do anything. So now we're not fighting about it, she's doing NOTHING in this department, and I'm quietly angry about it about half the time.This is incredibly frustrating to me, I see other attractive women out and about and think about how my wife would totally outshine them if she made a little bit of concerted effort. I'd love to go to the gym or do workouts with her, but she'd rather do a movie night at home together. Also, because of my interest in Biohacking, I have access to a bunch of beauty hacks; Anti-aging supplements, fitness equipment, etc which I use and would love to share with her. But she'd rather sit on the bed and scroll social media.The conventional advice given to husbands in my position is "If you want your wife to be sexy, make her feel sexy" and "Set a good example, do fitness stuff with her." And I have really tried those two things, repeatedly, with disappointing results. The other advice I've heard is "flirt innocently with other attractive women. Let your wife see that other women find you attractive" - This I have not done, seems disrespectful.And I should share something BIG I screwed up on. A few years back, I would watch p0rn infrequently (a few times a month). Which I foolishly thought she was OK with, then she checked my browsing history and had a big blow-up. She was very hurt. I committed to no more porn (which I've kept, haven't looked at any for nearly 3 years now - including the borderline softcore porn that can easily be found on social media). But the damage was done.She had betrayal trauma, a common response among women to discovering their partners' porn stash. She acted a bit crazy for a bad 6 months after this. I made a real effort to understand betrayal trauma and what she was going through - reading books, blogs, etc. We arrived at a healing habit of me doing a daily validation session with her; we would cuddle up and I would sincerely tell her how I found her beautiful, sexy - how she was the only one I had eyes for. At the same time, I did some personal transformational work on some deeply ingrained promiscuous mindsets I had - that I needed visual novelty when it came to women. My wife's unspoken expectations of the marriage were that I'd be 100% faithful to her - even in my fantasies and internal world, anything less was metaphysical cheating to her which I first thought was absurd. But applying a lot of mental discipline I've gotten to the point where I only think about her as a sexual being, I don't have a spank bank of random women in my head. With years of diligent commitment, mental fortitude, and hundreds of these little validation sessions we've rebuilt her self-esteem and trust between us. She no longer feels the need to check my browsing history (which I gave her full access to).Her latest excuse for not keeping her commitments is, the most valid one yet, we lost a child and had a stillbirth earlier this summer. Now she is in grieving and refuses do things like staying in shape or mental health habits (the kinds of things that would actually accelerate her healing). She is convinced that the only thing that will heal her and make her happy again is having a healthy baby (and she wants to rush into another pregnancy). I however refuse to have a baby with a woman who refuses to show me the basic level of respect: making a little effort to be beautiful for me.Throughout all this we maintained some romance and a healthy sex life. We had kept up doing weekly date nights, which she would get just a little dressed up for (I loved THIS!) In many ways she's a good wife; being thoughtful, helping me with errands, preparing nutritious meals, etc. But she's needlessly resistant to doing the cultivating beauty things that would make her healthier (and me a lot happier!)I've even told her, let me pick up some more of the domestic responsibilities so you can take the time to do home workouts. And she hasn't changed her behavior. Oddly, she would rather be my "maid" than my beauty queen.So you're probably starting to see my frustration. I've made it exceedingly clear to her that she is my only source of womanly beauty in this world. I've made a BIG change in my behavior and mindset to align with the very high expectation of faithfulness that she has.I see my desire for beauty as the flipside of her desire for faithfulness. I have a lot of resentment around the fact that she's done little to reciprocate and make a similar effort to be beautiful for me. I don't expect her to do 90-minute grueling gym sessions like me, but she could easily spend 10-minutes a day (about the amount of time I would spend on validation for her betrayal trauma recovery) doing something that made her beautiful and healthy. But she refuses because it's outside her comfort zone.Now I'm the one who feels betrayed.Thanks!
9/15/20232 hours, 46 minutes, 9 seconds
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5258 Why You Will Never Get an Apology...

Friday Night Live 8 Sep 2023!Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get access to StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, my new book and the History of Philosophers series!See you soon!
9/9/20231 hour, 59 minutes, 52 seconds
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5257 Why I Came Back For You...

Freedomain flash livestream 8 Sep 2023Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get access to StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, my new book and the History of Philosophers series!See you soon!
9/9/20231 hour, 50 minutes, 22 seconds
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Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get access to StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, my new book and the History of Philosophers series!See you soon! you have any thoughts on the slippery slope fallacy?Hey Stef, what do you think is a faster route to find a wife, dating around or finding good friends in the hopes of getting setup?Conspiracy theories?How much should we trust scientists?I think that's the first time I've ever heard someone make this point. I wonder if I've just missed it in the past.
9/8/20231 hour, 56 minutes, 36 seconds
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Hilarity and spoilers abound!Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get access to StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, my new book and the History of Philosophers series!See you soon!
9/7/202343 minutes, 22 seconds
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5254 Locals Subscribers Questions!

Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get access to StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, my new book and the History of Philosophers series!See you soon! have a problem of talking so much about FDR with the guy I dated he felt like he wouldn't be the "alpha" in a relationship with me and didn't wanna continue dating.... Should I bring this up in some more delicate way? Avoid mentioning stefan so that the guy doesn't realise he's a man XD I could pretend I just came up with everything by myself.Hi Stefan! How does one overcome trauma stemming from parental neglect? What does it mean to have processed said trauma?How do I spot propaganda from truth? My thoughts are that if one side provides unbiased info and does not try to hide info then it's probably not propaganda, am I right?I read The Fountainhead almost 2 years ago and loved it. But I'm not sure I really understood the character of Ellsworth Toohey. Why he chooses to be evil? Could you give us your take? Maybe refer to a podcast where you talk about it in length. Thanks!Hi Stef. My wife tells me that while I’m at work our 18m old will scratch and throw things at her when he doesn’t get his way. She wants to smack his hand. I tell her that is not an option and why. She’s resenting me for not letting her do it. I try to give her other options, but she says those options will only make him angrier. For example a room divider in our living space so she can do her duties in the kitchen and not be within his reach. He’s not like this when I’m around because I’m, “the fun dad” that can give him full attention when home. I could use more solutions/options for her, but even then she might persist at being a victim. Typing out this message has been helpful already because some of what you’ll say is coming to me. Thank you.Our 4 year old daughter has been acting out lately. She is drawing on walls, shredding up paper or toilet paper, etc. It’s my understanding she’s acting out to communicate something but I can’t figure out what it is. It does not seem like it comes from a place of anger or rage, just mischievous behavior. Any advice?Why does the idea of freedom cause anxiety in a lot of people?Can you heal your capacity for pair bonding after refraining from hedonistic behavior and pursing a more virtuous path through self work and responsibility?Hi Stefan, do you think having practical skills is important for example being able to fix and make things, do you teach your daughter these things? Also If you had a son do you think it is more important that you do so?
9/6/20231 hour, 13 minutes, 34 seconds
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5253 "MY TODDLER ENRAGES ME!" Freedomain Call In

Philosopher Stefan Molyneux digs deep to unearth the true source of a mother's rage towards her own child...Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get access to StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, my new book and the History of Philosophers series!See you soon!
9/5/20232 hours, 15 minutes, 18 seconds
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Freedomain Livestream 4 Sep 2023Also, the philosophy of hobbies - and how to get your kids to clean their rooms!Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get access to StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, my new book and the History of Philosophers series!See you soon!
9/4/20231 hour, 50 minutes, 12 seconds
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Freedomain Livestream 4 Sep 2023Also, the philosophy of hobbies - and how to get your kids to clean their rooms!Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get access to StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, my new book and the History of Philosophers series!See you soon!
9/4/20231 hour, 50 minutes, 12 seconds
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Wherein I am greatly tempted by power over others...FULL SHOW AVAILABLE AT:Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get access to StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, my new book and the History of Philosophers series!See you soon!
9/4/202355 minutes, 15 seconds
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Wherein I am greatly tempted by power over others...FULL SHOW AVAILABLE AT:Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get access to StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, my new book and the History of Philosophers series!See you soon!
9/4/202355 minutes, 15 seconds
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RESPONSE TO 'THE TRUTH ABOUT FORGIVENESS'I disagree here. You can “forgive” in the sense of letting go of your resentments, without letting them off the hook, and without maintaining your relationship with them. Holding resentment eats away at you and you alone, because it feeds the scars of the trauma they created in you. No trauma can be healed if resentment is still there. Keep your abusers accountable, keep them away from you, but hold no resentment nor love for them: only indifference.From the Freedomain Livestream 1 Sep 2023FOR THE FULL SHOW:Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get access to StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, my new book and the History of Philosophers series!See you soon!
9/2/202346 minutes, 43 seconds
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5249 What to Look For in a Spouse!

FLASH FREEDOMAIN LIVESTREAM - AUG 31 2023Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get access to StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, my new book and the History of Philosophers series!See you soon!
9/1/20232 hours, 28 minutes, 1 second
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5248 The Truth About Forgiveness!

WHAT ARE THE FACTS ABOUT FORGIVENESS?Is there another word for "letting go", or limiting the burden, so that it does not limit the victim going forward? Freeing?Can forgiveness mean letting go of toxic anger, as it can add to the damage already done to oneself? It doesn't mean to forget about or not seek reparations or justice.part of the definition of forgive is to "cease to harbor resentment." that is, in my mind, the critical part of forgivingI'm orthodox Jewish but you're like my non Jewish rabbi.. love your stuff so much.My father was like that. When I told him I loved him on his deathbed he said "you do?" He hated himself.Wednesday Night Live 30 Aug 2023
8/31/20232 hours, 2 minutes, 53 seconds
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5247 MY FATHER SHOT MY DOG! Freedomain Couple's Convo

Mom of 2 toddlers struggling to get rid of rage while healing from childhood and religious trauma"Rage episodes won’t go away, despite therapy and some healing. Sometimes I feel like I’m the mother and wife I’ve always wanted to be. Sometimes I feel an uncontrollable rage. My husband and children deserve better. I suffered physical, mental, and emotional abuse as a child, as well as religious trauma. I’m not sure what else to do."An AMAZING 4+ hour conversation about a marriage - the wife speaks first - then we hear from the husband...Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get access to StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, my new book and the History of Philosophers series!See you soon!
8/30/20234 hours, 24 minutes, 11 seconds
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Also, a reading from my new book 'Peaceful Parenting'Stef I’m 45 and close to getting engaged but Mom is inviting me to live with my parents even though I make plenty of money and can afford my own place , any thoughts? Parents are late 70s so maybe afraid of being old and alone? Or are they trying sabotage my relationship?Friday Night Live 25 Aug 2023!Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get access to StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, my new book and the History of Philosophers series!See you soon!
8/26/20232 hours, 43 minutes, 51 seconds
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Wednesday Night Live 23 Aug 2023!Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get access to StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, my new book and the History of Philosophers series!See you soon! Stefan, I wrote a question on Sunday about diet/weight loss and being in a trance. You mentioned dissociation with food and asked, "Who am I serving?" I did some research over the past few days. Can you please elaborate or guide me in the proper direction where I can do more research? By the way, I'm 45, single, have no kids, and need to lose over 50-60 lbs.
8/24/20232 hours, 35 minutes, 20 seconds
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A son demands that his mother calls into Freedomain to talk to philosopher Stefan Molyneux...An astounding conversation ensues...Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get access to StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, my new book and the History of Philosophers series!See you soon!
8/23/20232 hours, 9 minutes, 12 seconds
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Start of the donor show 20 Aug 2023...I'm trying to lose weight. I work out every day and watch what I eat as well. However, I always buy junk food when I go grocery shopping. I don't purchase them consciously. It feels as if I fall into a trance, and it ends once I devour the junk food. Afterwards, I feel shame and regret, and I hate myself. I read many nutrition books and know the correct foods from the bad ones. However, I am still weak whenever I see junk. How can I remove this conditioning or feeling of being in a trance?Also:Hey Stef the girl I’m dating had 2 Covid shots to go on a cruise. When I asked her if she’d get more she said no but then later admitted she would in certain circumstances (traveling to see parents if sick). Due to how jab can affect fertility (and health) I’m not inclined to marry her. She also said she’d want kids vaxxed but I wouldn’t (no placebo controlled studies on vaccines hence no way of showing they’re safe). Are my concerns reasonable?WANT THE FULL SHOW?Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get access to StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, my new book and the History of Philosophers series!See you soon!
8/20/202333 minutes, 27 seconds
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YOU WILL NOT BE THE SAME AFTER THIS SHOW!Stef what are some tips to find your passion? In the last show you mentioned (I'm paraphrasing) that in order for you to complete something it need to "grab you by the balls" any tips to find something to grab you by the balls.Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get access to StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, my new book and the History of Philosophers series!See you soon!
8/19/20232 hours, 26 minutes, 13 seconds
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Stefan I really enjoyed listening to you and watching you on YouTube I would send you donations because you would inspire me. I tell people there's a philosopher that won't demand money he just lets the community pay what they think they can and it is worth. I said he is amazing and I send him money and I don't send anybody money.Unfortunately I won't be able to say that anymore it's a sad day in the world of philosophy and the world in general.There is a war on the good people of the world.It saddens me that only people of financial means will be able to gain benefit from your content. Philosophy is important. So important it needs to be spread far and wide.Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get access to StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, my new book and the History of Philosophers series!See you soon!
8/17/20231 hour, 19 minutes, 1 second
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5240 CONFRONT YOUR DARK SIDE! Freedomain Call In

Topic : Is numbness toward your emotions an effect or one the effects of neglect? Childhood Neglect?Topic Detail: I would like to understand why I am quite numb to my own emotions especially in the moment. My dad is selling his home which I have been living in and I am inactive and putting off moving my own stuff. My numbness slows me down and confuses me. I need to get going, pack my stuff and get a new job too. I really need some help Stef.Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get access to StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, my new book and the History of Philosophers series!See you soon!
8/15/20232 hours, 55 minutes, 30 seconds
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5239 Freedomain Comedy Sunday!

Why people get fat.The benefits for women of not getting fat.How to tell your wife she is fat.My most embarrassing purchase.Freedomain Subscriber Livestream 13 Aug 2023Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get access to StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, my new book and the History of Philosophers series!See you soon!
8/14/20232 hours, 7 minutes, 24 seconds
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Friday Night Live Aug 11 2023Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get access to StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, my new book and the History of Philosophers series!See you soon!
8/12/20232 hours, 18 minutes, 24 seconds
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Wednesday Night Live, 9 Aug 2023I feel attached to my musical instruments from my teens, I keep saying to myself I'll pick them up again eventually. The idea of selling them feels like a betrayal.Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get access to StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, my new book and the History of Philosophers series!See you soon!
8/10/20232 hours, 24 minutes, 35 seconds
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5236 The Meg 2! Movie Review with Stef and Izzy!

Philosopher Stefan Molyneux and his 14 year old daughter Isabella take you on a surprisingly deep journey into the new shark movie THE MEG 2!Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get access to StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, my new book and the History of Philosophers series!See you soon!
8/6/202349 minutes, 49 seconds
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5235 Friday Night Live! 4 Aug 2023

The first excerpt from my Peaceful Parenting book!Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get access to StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, my new book and the History of Philosophers series!See you soon!
8/5/20231 hour, 35 minutes, 17 seconds
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5234 Why Women Are So Scared!

Hey Stef, was is the philosophy/origin of penny-pinching? I've been trying to get over it and know it must be in part from my scarcity-mindset immigrant parents, but even though I still save plenty, I'll do things like stay hungry and keep looking if a restaurant menu charges me just 50 cents more than I think their food is worth...Did you grow up poor?I feel like you have special sharpness of thought in your recent shows. Is it because of topics or the fact that you're currently writing a book?Stef can you please share some of the insights of that conversation you had about money with your daughter?WHY ARE SO MANY PEOPLE AT THE MALL ON WEEKDAYS?This is something I don’t understand . If you keep talking about Taylor Swift , you’re only giving her more free attention which makes her more money which only makes the issues larger for women …?Same if you make fun of woman's weight on social media. Women will flock to her rescue by saying the most horrible insults against your appearance they can think of.
8/3/20232 hours, 17 minutes, 34 seconds
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5233 The Grim Price of Forgiveness!

8/1/20231 hour, 58 minutes, 17 seconds
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5232 "My Wife Just Left and Took My Son!" Freedomain Call In

A heartbreaking tale of redemption and possibility...Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get access to StefBOT-AI, private livestreams, premium call in shows, my new book and the History of Philosophers series!See you soon!
7/30/20232 hours, 16 minutes, 10 seconds
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Philosopher Stefan Molyneux takes you on a wild ride through the most essential truths that set you free!Good evening, hope it is ok that I post this now, since I won't make it to the actual Livestream. You recently talked about self destructive thoughts. Mine would be that nobody would ever care what I have to say anyway so I never do anything. I know this comes from neglect but how what would be your suggestion to deal with it? I can't talk to my parents since they disowned and slandered me after I confronted them. If this topic is "finished" for you, so to say, just ignore the question. Thank you.Many of our problems and issues arise from a kind of nit-picking tendency towards coming up with explanations for why our problems are insurmountable. Having been a drug addict, and therefore having known dozens of addicts, I can sniff out bullshit excuses before they are even spoken. A difficult part of me taking my life back was striking a delicate balance between being forgiving of myself while also demanding progress from myself. What are you thoughts on this?
7/29/20232 hours, 7 minutes, 5 seconds
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5230 Freedom from Guilt! Freedomain Livestream

Freedomain Livestream 7/22/2023Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Get access to private livestreams, premium call in shows, my new book and the History of Philosophers series!See you soon!
7/27/20232 hours, 18 minutes, 32 seconds