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English in Brazil Podcasts - sua dose de inglês a qualquer momento

Portugués, Adult education, 1 temporada, 300 episodios, 0 días, 0 horas, 0 minutos
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Acompanhe nossos três programas: "Starting Up", com conteúdos para o nível iniciante, "Way Ahead", para quem já está mais avançado e preparado para acompanhar um conteúdo 100% em inglês, e "The Blah Blah Spot", programa em que os teachers Carina Fragozo e Fábio Emerim batem um papo sobre algum assunto relacionado à língua inglesa em português, em inglês, ou em uma mistura dos dois idiomas.
Episode Artwork

Behind the Language | Episode 47 - Be Where Your Feet Are

In this episode of BTL, we will talk about the feeling that many of us have experienced. The feeling of a heavy burden on your chest, that feeling of anxiety, that feeling of breathlessness, and that feeling that everything will go wrong. Without further ado, let’s get down to business and talk about what seems to be the 21st century most common problem.
26/1/20240 minutos, 0 segundos
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Behind the Language | Episode 46 - Why are podcasts so important?

In this episode of BTL, we will talk about the importance of listening to podcasts and how to produce your own. So without further ado, I will use a metalinguistic approach to address this topic. There are a few podcasts that I’ve been listening to and they have been paramount for both my personal and professional development. So let’s get down to business.
12/1/20240 minutos, 0 segundos
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Behind the Language | Episode 45 - Resolutions and Plans for 2024

In this episode, we will talk about opportunities that have slipped through our fingers and the plans for next year. I’m positive 2024 will be an amazing year, but you have to be ready for the challenges. Will AI take over? Will your job still exist? Have you prepared yourself for the new era? Well, new year, new you!
29/12/20230 minutos, 0 segundos
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Behind the Language | Episode 44 - Y’all ready for Christmas

In this episode, we will talk about Christmas and learn vocabulary. However, I also have a recommendation that might get you really interested. So, shall we hop on the one-horse open sleigh and travel around Xmas Land? If you’re ready, I am.
15/12/20230 minutos, 0 segundos
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Behind the Language | Episode 43 - Let’s talk about music

Pronunciation Masters: In this episode, we will remember soundtracks, classic songs, and of course answer some of the questions that people have been asking me on my Instagram. Music is part of our lives and there’s always a memory attached to it. Are you ready to stroll down memory lane? Make sure you take notes and check the songs later.
1/12/20230 minutos, 0 segundos
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Behind the Language | Episode 42 - We All Need to Cool Off

In this episode, I will share with y’all some things you might have never heard about me as well as teach y’all some vocabulary and hopefully inspire y’all to do some amazing water sports and activities. So, sit down, relax, and enjoy the show.
17/11/20230 minutos, 0 segundos
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Behind the Language | Episode 41 - Can a TV Show Influence your Life and Marriage?

In this episode, we will talk a little bit about marriage and some of the challenges I have been facing ever since I got married a month ago. We will also have our typical questions for you to sleep on, but we cannot forget about our cultural aspect. Ever heard of the Cosby Show? Are you ready?
3/11/20230 minutos, 0 segundos
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Behind the Language | Episode 40 - The Caribbean Island You Should Visit

In this episode, we will talk about the twentieth country I’ve visited, and I’m not surprised to say that English made this experience even better. Let’s understand more about this little tiny country called Curaçao. Are you ready?
20/10/20230 minutos, 0 segundos
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Behind the Language | Episode 39 - I'm a married man!

In this episode, we will talk about happiness, oh no no no that was in our last episode. But if we are going to talk about marriage, it’s about happiness, right? So, let’s talk about it and learn vocabulary and some interesting aspects of this global, international event that happens in almost every culture. Are you ready?
6/10/20230 minutos, 0 segundos
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Behind the Language | Episode 38 - Happiness

In this episode, we will talk about happiness and this goes with the topic we had in the previous episode. Remember the song Buy Me a Boat by Chris Janson, in which he talks about the connection between money and happiness? Well, let’s delve into the topic of happiness and see what’s up. Are you ready?
22/9/20230 minutos, 0 segundos
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Behind the Language | Episode 37 - What Can You Learn From Songs

In this episode, we will talk about a song called Buy Me a Boat by Chris Janson. He brings up a topic that’s pretty interesting, ya know. He will talk about the connection between money and happiness. Can money buy happiness? You already know it. Lots of people might say that money can’t buy you happiness, but how do you define happiness? According to your definition, can money buy it? Let’s check it out!
8/9/20230 minutos, 0 segundos
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Behind the Language | Episode 36 - Series and Movies We Watched When We Were Kids!

In this episode, we will talk about those movies and series we love, ya know, the ones we used to watch when we were kids or teenagers. Have you ever tried watching them in English? You already know the story, the narrative, and everything. So, should you try practicing your listening with something you have already watched in Portuguese?
25/8/20230 minutos, 0 segundos
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Behind the Language | Episode 35 - Affective Domain and Learning English

In this episode, we will talk about the fact that when we do something we love, we do it better! With English, it’s not going to be different. So, how can we learn English and have a much better time while learning it?
11/8/20230 minutos, 0 segundos
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Behind the Language | Episode 34 - Working on a Text - Reading Out Loud

In this episode, we will talk about one activity I’ve been doing since day one. You know I've been learning English since I was 17 years old, and ever since, I have read a lot of books, newspapers, articles, and magazines. However, I’ve done it differently. Most people read for themselves, which is great. You can improve your understanding, your imagination, your level of interpretation, and also your vocabulary.
28/7/20230 minutos, 0 segundos
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Behind the Language | Episode 33 - Cities Y’all Should Visit Around the World

In this episode, we will talk about cities y’all should visit around the world. As you know I’m a wanderlust and I love traveling because it’s the one and only way I’ve found to learn more about reality, the culture, and the language. Come travel with me in this episode. Are you ready? Pronunciation Masters
14/7/20230 minutos, 0 segundos
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Behind the Language | Episode 32 - English Varieties and Dialects

In this episode, we will talk about English Varieties and Dialects.Y’all know that English is spoken in various forms around the world, each with its own distinct features and cultural context and here we can highlight major regional variations such as British English, American English, Australian English, Kiwi, Canadian, only to name a few. There are differences in vocabulary, grammar, and, of course, pronunciation! Speak Like a Pro →
30/6/20230 minutos, 0 segundos
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Behind the Language | Episode 31 - Black Movies Y’all Should Watch!

In this episode, we will talk about movies that have taught me a plethora of things that have really made a difference in my career and also in my learning process. I will never say I learned English because I am not done yet. So, I’d rather say: I have been learning English because this is work in progress. So, are you ready to find out what movies y’all should watch to learn more about Black English?
16/6/20230 minutos, 0 segundos
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Behind the Language | Episode 30 - Artificial Intelligence X Teachers

In this episode, we will talk about Artificial Intelligence x Teachers. Creative Destruction and all these technological advancements. I know it is a pretty controversial topic, but we cannot overlook the fact that AI is the present and future of technology, right? So, sit down, relax, and have a good time.
2/6/20230 minutos, 0 segundos
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Behind the Language | Episode 29 - Discover your English

In this episode, we will talk about the English you should speak. As an international traveler, and English teacher, I feel I am ready to tell you what English you should be speaking. It might sound a little controversial, but it is what it is. Stick to the truth and DISCOVER YOUR ENGLISH. Y’all ready? Click on the link and join us!
19/5/20230 minutos, 0 segundos
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Behind the Language | Episode 28 - Decision Making and The Road Not Taken

In this episode, I will share with y’all a very important decision I made back in the day, and that has made all the difference. I’ve decided to travel to the most important English-speaking countries on the planet. I haven’t finished my journey yet, but I will share with y’all what I have learned about this decision. Y’all ready?
5/5/20230 minutos, 0 segundos
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Behind the Language | Episode 27 - Teachers are important and I’m a TEDx Speaker now!

In this episode, I will share an important moment with y’all and let you know what TEDx is all about. I’ve been invited to speak about “an idea worth spreading”, and guess what? I’ve talked about being a teacher and the importance of this profession. Are you ready for this conversation?
21/4/20230 minutos, 0 segundos
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Behind the Language | Episode 26 - Misunderstandings and Solutions

In this episode, I will share 3 stories with y’all so that we can discuss some interesting aspects of language, culture, and solutions to communication misunderstandings. We know that when we are communicating in a different language, we should take a number of things into consideration such as speed, vocabulary, appropriateness, and, of course, some cultural aspects.
7/4/20230 minutos, 0 segundos
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Behind the Language | Episode 25 - 3000 Questions About Me - The Book

In this episode of Behind the Language, we will understand how this book works and what you can do with it regarding the learning and teaching of English. Books are great tools for self development, entertainment, source of knowledge, and, of course, learning English.
24/3/20230 minutos, 0 segundos
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Behind the Language | Episode 24 - Coi Leray and the Song Players

In this episode of Behind the Language, we will talk about this girl that has just taken over the radio stations and Tik Tok. She has released this song that I personally loved and listened to over 100 times already. We will talk about Coi Leray and her song Players, in which she talks about girls, empowerment, and a few controversial topics. Ready to roll? Evento Gratuito : Pronunciation Key -
10/3/20230 minutos, 0 segundos
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Behind the Language | Episode 22 - Coach Carter

In this episode of Behind the Language, we will talk about this movie called Coach Carter, starring Samuel L. Jackson, who plays the role of a tough basketball coach. As he used to say he “is not a teacher” he is “the new basketball coach”. He had his goals with his teenagers, but apparently they didn’t want to follow his instructions from the get-go. So, he had to earn his respect and the results are magnificent.
10/2/20230 minutos, 0 segundos
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Behind the Language | Episode 21 - A Day in History

In this episode of Behind the Language, we will talk about this movie called Freedom Writers. It is one of those classic teacher movies. However, this one brings up controversial topics such as racism, gangs, crimes, nationality, peoples, and how propaganda can be dangerous to create a fake ‘reality’. 
27/1/20230 minutos, 0 segundos
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Behind the Language | Episode 20 - Kick the Bucket

In this episode of Behind the Language, we will focus on GOALS, MISSIONS, PLANS, FUTURE, and of course, your ENGLISH PLAN for 2023. So, get ready to think about your life and goals, and feed yourself with some food for thought!
20/1/20230 minutos, 0 segundos
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Behind the Language | Episode 19 - Expat Tales - Stories of Immigrants

In this episode of Behind the Language, we will focus on these people who decided to move to a different country either because their parents had to move there or because they decided for themselves. Where would you move to? Why would you move there? What are the benefits? What are plights? How’s life in this new country?
23/12/20220 minutos, 0 segundos
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Behind the Language | Episode 18 - World Cup and English Speaking Countries

In this episode of Behind the Language, we will not only talk about the World Cup that’s happening in Qatar, but we will also talk about the countries where English is spoken and also talk about the next World Cup in 2026. Are you ready to learn? It’s what we’re about to do.
9/12/20220 minutos, 0 segundos
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Behind the Language | Episode 16 - Stand-up Comedy

In this episode of Behind the Language, I would very much like to explore the benefits of listening to and watching comedy shows. The focus here is on stand-up comedy. However, these topics that we will be discussing are found in sitcoms, movies, and other types of comedy. So get ready because it will be hilarious!
11/11/20220 minutos, 0 segundos
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Behind the Language | Episode 14 - Rock & Roll, IT, RPG and Video Games

In this episode of Behind the Language, I want to share something with y’all regarding my experience as a teacher, but also I’d like to invite other teachers to talk about it as well. This episode has been created because I’ve felt that I should be talking about something that I have noticed throughout these years teaching over a thousand students. The characteristics of students who like Rock & Roll, IT and computer enthusiasts in general, RPG and Video Games.
21/10/20220 minutos, 0 segundos
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Behind the Language | Episode 13 - Opportunities and Dreams

In this episode of Behind the Language, I would like to talk to y’all about opportunities and dreams. Has English ever opened any doors for you? How can one language be so important for so many people’s careers? I will tell you how this language has taken me places, changed my life and gave me the opportunity to build a successful career. Now, it’s on you. Are you ready to have your life changed, too?
7/10/20220 minutos, 0 segundos
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Behind the Language | Episode 12 - Would you Fear the Walking Dead

In this episode of Behind the Language, I would like to talk to y’all about this awesome show I’ve been watching on Amazon Prime called Fear The Walking Dead. So, here’s my question: do you think an apocalyptic zombie attack could take place? Well, let’s talk about the show and then discuss some things related to zombies and this amazing post-apocalyptic horror drama series.
23/9/20220 minutos, 0 segundos
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Behind the Language | Episode 11 - London is amazing - RIP Queen Elizabeth II

In this episode of Behind the Language, I want to talk to y’all about my experiences in the UK. What I have seen, drunk, eaten, and lived. Also, I would like to show you one interesting aspect of British English and its amazing different accents. And the death of Queen Elizabeth II.
9/9/20220 minutos, 0 segundos
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Behind the Language | Episode 10 - Off we go. Hi, London!

In this episode of Behind the Language, we will talk about this amazing trip that’s about to start. I’m in Guarulhos SP, right now on my way to the airport to meet students to fly out to London for a breathtaking, unforgettable experience. Have you ever been to London before? If you could go to London right now, who would you take with you? What are your favorite spots in London? What shouldn’t a visitor miss? Well, get ready, because we are going to cross the Atlantic Ocean and land in the Queen’s turf. Are you ready?
19/8/20220 minutos, 0 segundos
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Behind the Language | Episode 08 - Where Can I Learn Medical Vocabulary?

In this episode of Behind the Language, I actually want to ask you a couple questions, but I will contextualize them. I’ve been going through this terrible time right now. I’ve had two wisdom teeth yanked out, and I’ve been recovering from the surgery. It’s been two weeks so far and I confess that I am sick and tired of all this pain. However, even though I am here in pain, I had to come up here to talk to y’all about it all.
22/7/20220 minutos, 0 segundos
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Behind the Language | Episode 07 - Go Crazy with Breezy

In this episode of Behind the Language, we will talk about a song by this dude called Chris Brown also known as Breezy. This song is Go Crazy. He uses a very interesting vocabulary. Well, this song ain’t one of those you will be listening to with your children. Actually is is classified as Explicit because it brings up some sexual topics and all that jazz. But we know it is pop culture, so we will talk about it for suuuuuuure! Are you ready?
8/7/20220 minutos, 0 segundos
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Behind The Language | Episode 06 - From Comedy to Drama - Bel-Air

In this episode of Behind the Language, we will talk about this new show that’s out there for y’all. In Episode 1 we talked about Will Smith, right? That was before he slapped Chris Rock, but that’s something we ain’t even gon’ talk about ‘cause you know it’s past, and I ain’t finna go back there. So the thing is, ever heard of this new show called Bel-Air? Well, let me introduce you to it and teach you a lot of vocabulary!
24/6/20220 minutos, 0 segundos
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Behind the Language | Episode 05 - Different accents

In this episode of Behind the Language, we will talk about different accents and we already know that English has become a Lingua Franca. The world speaks English and there are over a billion people speaking it as an additional language. So, which English should I speak? Which accent should I focus on? Should I lose my accent in order to speak another language? How can I improve my speaking without having to focus on “losing my accent”?
10/6/20220 minutos, 0 segundos
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Behind the Language | Episode 04 - Learning English in Brazil

In this episode of Behind the Language, we will talk about different ways to learn English in Brazil. Is it necessary to travel abroad? Do we have to spend a lot of money? Must I go somewhere to improve my English skills? What can we do to put what we’ve been learning into practice without going anywhere? However, what are the benefits of going places? Should I invest money and time in traveling? I will share some of my personal experiences with y’all and actually try to give you some food for thought. Let’s make it happen!
27/5/20220 minutos, 0 segundos
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Behind the Language | Episode 03 - Ready to Have a Good Time

In this episode of Behind the Language, we will talk about a song that a lot of people love and it’s a hype now. You’ve listened to Episode 1 when I talked about the Fresh Prince and also Episode 2 where I brought up artists like 50 Cent, Jay-Z, Alicia Keys, Lady Gaga, and of course, Frank Sinatra. If you haven’t listened to Episodes 1 and 2 yet, make sure you do. You’ll learn a lot and have fun while you do so. However, this time we will focus on a different music genre, and from there we will explore meanings, culture, even drinks. This is Behind The Language, your dose of English and culture. Howdy, partners? Are you ready to get the ball rolling?
6/5/20220 minutos, 0 segundos
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Behind the Language | Episode 01 - Focus on the Brick

In this episode of Behind the Language, we will talk about Will Smith, The Fresh Prince’s Theme Song, and so much more. Sit down, relax, and have a good time! Oh, and you know what? You are sure to learn a lot about the English language and some cultural aspects behind the language. Welcome to Behind The Language, your dose of English and culture. Saiba mais >>>>
8/4/20220 minutos, 0 segundos
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The Blah Blah Spot | Episode 15 - Bate papo com a primeira brasileira a atuar em Doctor Who, Gabriela Toloi!

Confira este episódio quase 100% em inglês com a atriz, cantora e compositora Gabriela Toloi, a primeira brasileira a atuar no seriado britânico Doctor Who. Você irá se surpreender com o inglês dela! Check it out!
23/5/20210 minutos, 0 segundos