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Elixir Outlaws

English, Technology, 1 season, 134 episodes, 4 days, 7 hours, 19 minutes
Elixir Outlaws is an informal discussion about interesting things happening in Elixir. Our goal is to capture the spirit of a conference hallway discussion in a podcast.
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Episode 135: Little's Law

We had a request from Andy Jones to talk about Little's Law. Thanks for the suggestion, Andy. Keep those coming. This is way late coming out, but our life queue was backed up. Little's Law ( The Elixir Outlaws now have a Patreon ( If you’re enjoying the show then please consider throwing a few bucks our way to help us pay for the costs for the show.
12/6/202348 minutes, 14 seconds
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Episode 134: Elixir Mexico: Crickets and Beer

Sean and Amos talk tech with Raúl Chouza and Carlo Gilmar. The Elixir Outlaws now have a Patreon ( If you’re enjoying the show then please consider throwing a few bucks our way to help us pay for the costs for the show. Special Guests: Carlo Gilmar and Raúl Chouza.
9/22/202341 minutes, 24 seconds
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Episode 133: Smart Rent

Sean and Amos visit with Eric Oestrich from Smart Rent. The Elixir Outlaws now have a Patreon ( If you’re enjoying the show then please consider throwing a few bucks our way to help us pay for the costs for the show. Special Guest: Eric Oestrich.
9/14/202345 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 132: Making Diagrams for No Reason

Amos and Sean visit with Sean Moriarity. The Elixir Outlaws now have a Patreon ( If you’re enjoying the show then please consider throwing a few bucks our way to help us pay for the costs for the show. Special Guest: Sean Moriarity .
9/7/202356 minutes, 21 seconds
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Episode 131: Loving What We Do

Amos and Sean chat with a great crew of guests hosts from Mindvalley ( Bruno Goncalves, John Wong, Fadhil Luqman, and Anton Satin. The Elixir Outlaws now have a Patreon ( If you’re enjoying the show then please consider throwing a few bucks our way to help us pay for the costs for the show. Special Guests: Anton Satin, Bruno Goncalves, Fadhil Luqman, and John Wong.
8/10/202347 minutes, 16 seconds
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Episode 130: Salty Fish

Guest Zac Barnes joins the Outlaws. The Elixir Outlaws now have a Patreon ( If you’re enjoying the show then please consider throwing a few bucks our way to help us pay for the costs for the show. Special Guest: Zac Barnes.
7/27/202347 minutes, 37 seconds
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Episode 129: Best Food in Africa

Peter Ullrich joins us to discuss motorcycles and teaching Elixir. The Elixir Outlaws now have a Patreon ( If you’re enjoying the show then please consider throwing a few bucks our way to help us pay for the costs for the show. Special Guest: Peter Ullrich.
6/5/202329 minutes, 18 seconds
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Episode 128: Elixir and Roses

A visit with Welcome to the Jungle ( about their transition to Elixir. The Elixir Outlaws now have a Patreon ( If you’re enjoying the show then please consider throwing a few bucks our way to help us pay for the costs for the show. Special Guests: Oksana Dushenkivska and Samuel Collon.
6/1/202339 minutes, 26 seconds
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Episode 127: Kansas City, Here We Come

We speak with Tyler Young from Felt ( The Elixir Outlaws now have a Patreon ( If you’re enjoying the show then please consider throwing a few bucks our way to help us pay for the costs for the show. Special Guest: Tyler Young.
5/4/202345 minutes, 23 seconds
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Episode 126: Tech Talking Green (and Yellow)

The Elixir Outlaws now have a Patreon ( If you’re enjoying the show then please consider throwing a few bucks our way to help us pay for the costs for the show. Special Guest: Kevin Edey.
4/6/202332 minutes, 57 seconds
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Episode 125: Checking under the hood of

The Elixir Outlaws now have a Patreon ( If you’re enjoying the show then please consider throwing a few bucks our way to help us pay for the costs for the show. Special Guests: Angel Jose, Christian Koch, and Stephanie Lane.
3/2/202337 minutes, 51 seconds
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Episode 124: "A friend of the show is finally on the show"

The Elixir Outlaws now have a Patreon ( If you’re enjoying the show then please consider throwing a few bucks our way to help us pay for the costs for the show. Special Guest: Eric Oestrich.
12/22/202221 minutes, 21 seconds
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Episode 123: An Ear Bender with Fogbender CEO

The Elixir Outlaws now have a Patreon ( If you’re enjoying the show then please consider throwing a few bucks our way to help us pay for the costs for the show. Special Guest: Andrei Soroker.
12/15/202245 minutes, 6 seconds
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Episode 122: Holiday craze and changing times

Coming Of Age | Bryan Cantrill | Monktoberfest 2022 ( The Elixir Outlaws now have a Patreon ( If you’re enjoying the show then please consider throwing a few bucks our way to help us pay for the costs for the show.
11/24/202238 minutes, 35 seconds
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Episode 121: Potato Hacker vs. Ecto.Multi

The Elixir Outlaws now have a Patreon ( If you’re enjoying the show then please consider throwing a few bucks our way to help us pay for the costs for the show.
9/29/202228 minutes, 51 seconds
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Episode 120: "If you heard it here first..."

The Elixir Outlaws now have a Patreon ( If you’re enjoying the show then please consider throwing a few bucks our way to help us pay for the costs for the show.
9/15/202239 minutes, 43 seconds
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Episode 119: The Eternally Nocturnal Programmer

The Elixir Outlaws now have a Patreon ( If you’re enjoying the show then please consider throwing a few bucks our way to help us pay for the costs for the show. Special Guest: Quinn Wilton.
7/28/202237 minutes, 43 seconds
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Episode 118: Who's crap is it anyway?

The Elixir Outlaws now have a Patreon ( If you’re enjoying the show then please consider throwing a few bucks our way to help us pay for the costs for the show. Special Guest: Mitchell Hanberg.
7/21/202242 minutes, 10 seconds
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Episode 117: Honey Potion and Problem Solving

The Elixir Outlaws now have a Patreon ( If you’re enjoying the show then please consider throwing a few bucks our way to help us pay for the costs for the show.
6/23/202233 minutes, 56 seconds
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Episode 116: TLA+ Catlaws

The Elixir Outlaws now have a Patreon ( If you’re enjoying the show then please consider throwing a few bucks our way to help us pay for the costs for the show.
6/9/202242 minutes, 12 seconds
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Episode 115: EMPEX, A Tale from Two Cities

The Elixir Outlaws now have a Patreon ( If you’re enjoying the show then please consider throwing a few bucks our way to help us pay for the costs for the show.
5/19/202246 minutes, 21 seconds
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Episode 114: A Conversation Continued

The Elixir Outlaws now have a Patreon ( If you’re enjoying the show then please consider throwing a few bucks our way to help us pay for the costs for the show.
5/5/202225 minutes, 15 seconds
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Episode 113: And then there were 3

The Elixir Outlaws now have a Patreon ( If you’re enjoying the show then please consider throwing a few bucks our way to help us pay for the costs for the show.
4/21/20221 hour, 18 minutes, 12 seconds
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Episode 112: “What’s in a Name?”

The Elixir Outlaws now have a Patreon ( If you’re enjoying the show then please consider throwing a few bucks our way to help us pay for the costs for the show.
3/10/202245 minutes, 29 seconds
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Episode 111: Sock it to Me, Ecto

The Elixir Outlaws now have a Patreon ( If you’re enjoying the show then please consider throwing a few bucks our way to help us pay for the costs for the show. Elixir Outlaws, 02/22/2022 On today’s episode of the Elixir Outlaws, Amos and Sean are going to talk about authentication and authorization in applications as well as creating starter applications. The forms work great for air handling and everything inside of Phoenix if you are using a changeset otherwise, you got a lot of hand jamming for yourself, says Amos. Episode Highlights JavaScript has buttons to add fields or remove fields, things like that, but it is up to you if you decide that you are going to do it with live view. Changesets don’t work super well with a list. If Amos tries to put in one thing in the list, which is already in the list, it is overriding the whole list. For the invoice cases, whenever we want to add an item to the list, all those changes that are currently there will cause ripping of the form because we are affecting the changeset, says Amos. If you change one of the items in a list, you have to pull everything out, make the one change, and put everything in this change; otherwise, you are going to overwrite the whole list. So, you are going to use the get field instead of getting change, suggests Amos. Sean asks Amos, in your live view implementation, are you taking the changeset you have and trying to find a nested chainset inside it to modify it? Once I have a list, there is this extra cognitive overhead to remember that I need to grab the original fields and make sure that those end up in the changes too, because, otherwise, I am going to overwrite the whole thing, says Amos. Sean inquire from Amos, as you said, your invoice items need to be reused. Are they possible to exist on multiple invoices? Reload doesn’t put it into the changesets once you are building changesets, and that is when it becomes an issue on the front end in the database, says Amos. Amos is going to write a blog post about changeset because he could not find anything on the Internet that talked about it directly, and he is going to take another peruse through the Ecto documentation. Normally, your validations are to a single field on your changeset, and if you are writing a custom validator, use validate change, and you can pass it a function that takes the details about that change on that field, says Sean. Sean explains that all of the things we call validate those happen as soon as you call them but prepare changes like adding a function that will be called right before you call to update or insert or delete. Amos has a function for signing up that versus inviting and signing up says - I am going to create a company, which is a very common thing in web apps. You could even get a very long way into your app and only need one user per group or per team, but there is some overhead to thinking about how you appropriately hide that if you don’t need a multi-user multi-team or multi-group, says Sean. 3 Key Points If you think about the database tables, delete is like on-cast on delete cascade. There is no analog, but you need to delete the associated record if you dissociate, says Sean. When you get your response from your multi, you have to rebuild your form changeset out of that new response and send it out, which sometimes doesn’t build in the same way you want for actually displaying the first time, says Amos. If Sean was building a new web app from scratch and it had some concept of or might feet in the future need some concept of teams, he would probably go ahead and build it from the beginning. Tweetable Quotes “I spent the last two weeks on the bugs in edge cases, and I guess they weren’t really edged cases.” – Amos “When we want to remove something already existing, we have to keep changeset updated constantly with what is on the front end.” – Amos “You can use getfield whenever you are working with existing things. Get change makes sense when you only care about the things being added.” – Sean “There is some dissonance between I want to modify this one thing or I am modifying the collection and treating them as the same thing makes it complicated for you.” – Sean “When I am trying to go back to a phoenix form versus if I am using a multi with something that is not Phoenix, there is no reason to go back to a changeset, and I need to display some error the user.” - Amos Resources Mentioned: Podcast Editing Elixir Outlaws: Website
3/3/202246 minutes, 35 seconds
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Episode 110: All the Rusty Things

The Elixir Outlaws now have a Patreon ( If you’re enjoying the show then please consider throwing a few bucks our way to help us pay for the costs for the show. Elixir Outlaws, 19/02/2022 On today’s episode of the Elixir Outlaws, Chris Keathley and Sean Cribbs are going to talk about Embedded Systems, Microcontrollers, Rust, Raspberry Pi, Zig, etc. There is a compelling benefit of Rust, you can’t use this block of memory, and you can check that at compile time. There is a whole class of memory problems that Rust is stopping you from being able to interact with, but you kind of give it all up. If you dump the thing on a single-threaded, single-core M0 processor. Episode Highlights Zig is very appropriate for the embedded stuff, because if you are dealing with it, then you give up a lot of the benefits of Rust in an embedded context, says Chris. There is a lot to work with Rust to, like write wrappers around unsafe type things to the point where you aren’t really getting a lot of its benefits. There was a project in which Sean was working years ago that was leaning heavily on top of DPDK and which is the Data Plane Developer Kit. Basically, it lets you write network programs using kernel bypass. So, you basically get direct access to the network interface card, and it does some memory tricks and the network buffers into, huge pages that are user space rather than being, passed into kernel buffers and then hand it off with context switches into the userspace. So, you kind of gets the opportunity to do some packet-level programming there. A whole class of problems could happen in a Zig Application that just can’t happen unless you use obviously giant caveat. On the other hand, Rust is going to keep you from making those mistakes. Rust also has the notion of marking variables undefined, which was always a potential bug in C programs. For those of you who don’t know, in old versions of C, you had to declare all your variables, you couldn’t declare them in scope, you couldn’t declare them, in your FOR loop, it had to be declared at a higher scope before you could use it in at least the version of C, which was like a pre ANSI. Zig is an appropriate choice for the embedded work that Chris was doing, and he is starting to get into places where he really does want an arthouse like of some sort. We are working on an API; its job is basically to produce these ginormous JSON documents and serve them to another app that produces the front end for our customers. Sean could have switched back to Alexa or like Jason Library, but that would have made things worse, so there are still like times when you have to take that risky bet. As a leader of an organization, you choose the culture you want, and then, based on that culture, you bring together people, and you tell them to make a decision, and then all you do is ratify that decision once they’ve come to a decision. Sean recommends people to read the book “Kill It With Fire.” One of the things the author talks about is when there is a big problem, and they really want to solve it, the executives have to be into solving the problem. Sometimes they want to be to be involved, and they end up getting in the way. So, the strategy that she is picked in previous situations is they want to be involved, so they want to have a war room. Chris has been in big company land where if you do anything without asking for permission in triplicate, you get your hands slapped. There is a situation in mind where we are trying to figure out what the next major iteration of our platform is going to look like, and some of that means like questioning the assumptions that were made over the last three years building this product, and then you don’t like on the one hand we want to try things and see if they work like prototypes and whatnot and on the other hand, there is just a massive amount of functionality to figure out, says Chris Chris is building new things then trying to get to the next level of the product. Chris suggests that you can find everything you need if you search long and hard and kind of learn where it all is, it suffers mostly pedagogically like it doesn’t take you from nothing to an expert or even like semi knowledgeable. There is no path for that, and that is the thing that is really missing. For Chris, coming back to an object-oriented language after being in functional land for so long, he gets really scared when he sees those sorts of things. It is one of the few credo rules that Chris turns on from his laser stuff. He wants functions to have docs, and he wanted modules to have docs or at minimum have module block false, which is also again partially for he hides most of his internal modules. You might change memory layout like your username is different than my username, and that changes the layout of how stuff gets into RAM, and that can result in a marked speed improvement. Let’s use statistics and see our improvements are statistically relevant. Or if they are within the noise. If it is just noise, then try optimization Level 3, it is better than optimization level 2. If we can find places in code, the problem with profilers as they show you where you spend all your time. 3 Key Points Chris has written 50 to 100,000 lines of Rust at this point in various projects doing various things. Sean and Chris discuss about the common problem in C language and how Zig is the much better version. Rust is a better version of C++. C++ is a big old honking language at this point. Rust feels like that vein where it has a lot going on, setting aside the ownership stuff. Tweetable Quotes “All embedded microcontroller platform is a giant bag of global mutable state.”- Chris Keathley “Rust compile-time memory safety stuff which is very novel and cool.” - Chris Keathley “It is C that is keeping you from making some of the glaring C problems.”- Chris Keathley “Zig appeals to me on an aesthetical level that Rust does not” - Chris Keathley “Java is a safe bet because of adoption, not because of fitness to purpose.”- Sean “If you are excited about it and getting invested in it, then that means a lot. It doesn’t eliminate risk, but it certainly helps to mitigate it when you make those big choices.” - Chris Keathley “As a leader high up in an organization, you don’t make choices. You just bring together people who do make choices, and you ratify their choices.”- Chris Keathley “Our team is responsible for some of the embedded work, which is largely built around nerves.” - Chris Keathley “We have a deployment setup that’s really nice in that we can just use consistent hashing through a static cluster.” - Chris Keathley “We made the loading spinner render faster, but it didn’t make loading any faster.” - Chris Keathley Resources Mentioned: Podcast Editing Elixir Outlaws: Website
2/25/20221 hour, 5 minutes, 56 seconds
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Episode 109: Bike Racks and Frameworks

The Elixir Outlaws now have a Patreon ( If you’re enjoying the show then please consider throwing a few bucks our way to help us pay for the costs for the show. Elixir Outlaws, 09/02/2022 On today’s episode of the Elixir Outlaws, Amos and Sean are going to talk about what other models and frameworks are out there for building web apps. The plug has some stuff that looks like Sinatra, but the responses were not what Sean expected in some places. Many people recommended the web machine and the surprising elixir plug. A big point of a web machine is to build something that conforms to the semantics in the RFCs as much as possible. It’s kind of hard for most web frameworks Sean has used, aside from web machines. Episode Highlights In a web machine, your resources are the main thing you work with, and it is a module with a bunch of optional callbacks that you can implement. In a web machine, you have controllers, routers, and dispatch lists that you match over. If you have designed the thing right, you can do that computation at a very low cost to the server. So you are generally improving things in terms of bandwidth, but you are also improving things in terms of time spent processing the request, says Sean. The e-tags are a little bit more complicated, but you could do something like hash the contents of the record and use that as an E-tag. Sometimes you can’t, but that happens all before you even get to the point of producing content. Elli is another great Erling Web server and what’s great about it is super tiny. You can do a lot with very, very little code, and like a phoenix or plug, it will compile your routes when you define them, explains Sean. You can just give ELLI a list of functions, and it’ll run all of them and pass them whatever the output is from the previous function. The only requirement is your end handler because the thing attached to the route has to return particular keys in that map, suggests Amos. Ease is a big deal for people. If you understand any language or server, you can get into this new language or new framework pretty easily with ease. It’s hard to get started or figure out whenever you run into problems. The lifecycle stuff is spread out all over the documentation because sometimes you can change web sockets so that it’ll react, and sometimes you can’t flash messages the same way, says Amos. When you are trying to load your timeline on the big social media websites, you get some placeholder thing first, and then they load in, and it displays, suggests Sean. There are some limitations to the bandit framework yet. It’s not 100% complete, but it can probably work for most of the Phoenix things or plug things you want to do, says Sean. When Amos first started looking into Erling, they looked into Erling for a communication server, not a web server. Nitrogen hails from the days before we have WebSockets, but a lot of what it was trying to do is very much in line with things like live view things, says Sean. 3 Key Points Many people know phoenix but don’t know Elixir, and similarly mid-teen people with Ruby projects don’t know Rails or don’t use the things that the language provides. If you know Elixir well enough, the big Leap is not semantics for Erling, but the syntax. Erling doesn’t apply to Elixir because it made different choices, making the Erling web server less approachable to work on. The flip side of nitrogen is that it’s inefficient to render the tricks that EEX does. Where it’s like I’m going to read everything up until this sigil, and that’s going to be one binary that gets submitted into the compiled function, says Sean. Tweetable Quotes “With rails, It was hard to do computation because you’d have to go all the way down into the controller and do all of the work you are going to do except rendering the page.’ - Sean “If you focus on doing very little in each callback defined by the web machine, you get a snappy and compliant HTTP interface.” – Sean “If your whole page is a live view and the initial render is even really just an empty template that maybe check some authentication to make sure that you are off.” - Amos Resources Mentioned: Podcast Editing Elixir Outlaws: Website
2/10/202236 minutes, 50 seconds
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Episode 108: Macaroons and Oreos

The Elixir Outlaws now have a Patreon ( If you’re enjoying the show then please consider throwing a few bucks our way to help us pay for the costs for the show. Elixir Outlaws, 01/25/2021 On today’s episode of the Elixir Outlaws, Amos and Sean are going to share their technical knowledge and insight on various topics. Amos has been doing a lot of surface-ui work. The surface is a component library for live view. The surface has some excellent features built-in how they handle CSS. Sean hasn’t looked at the Template: Anchor yet, but he has heard mixed things about many people who feel like the eText templates have improved things. Episode Highlights The Troubles with form versus dot form feel like a limitation of the template language should unify those things, says Sean. JSX - React said you could use HTML moments wherever you want, but we are going to turn them into our DOM construction functions that produce the objects with assigned properties from context, says Sean. Sean recalls some web framework to underline called nitrogen used when it was called dynamic HTML, a sort of live update type stuff over Websockets. If you have six elements, six-pointers, and probably at the front of that, you have some metadata, then the thing that follows this block in the OTP case is a tuple, says Sean. A caveat is a kind of blockchain, because a caveat creates a new macaroon that wraps the old one with a new signature, and then you can add another restriction that wraps that one with a new one, says Amos. Sean asks, would it make more sense not to put any permissions in macaroons unless you are restricting them to a limited set because the absence of a caveat is access? Sean inquires, verifying a caveat is just like meeting the signature. If caveat doesn’t apply to an operation being performed, why would that be a problem in application logic? We are storing passwords in the database, which we don’t need. We can make a macaroon for it and give it a time limit like this macaroon will not be any good after this specific time, says Amos. Amos is going to store permissions in the macaroons, but he is not going to pull the list of projects out of the macaroon and then pull them out of the database. The authorization context is not the initial set of facts. It’s the thing you want to unify, especially if there is a caveat for the items. Sean asks Amos, what are your thoughts about code review, and what do you like or dislike about it? What are you trying to get out of it? Everybody tends to hit the lowest bar set on a team no matter what. So code review, to me, is a place to try to push that bar up, says Amos. Sean asks how effective is the code review itself, like the process you implement in your teams? And how often do you catch bugs? Amos says that he feels like learning happens as long as it’s communication. Typos get caught a lot, especially in the documentation, because if somebody wrote documentation, we can read it in the code review and catch typos. Reviewing something to understand how our product is put together or how our infrastructure is put together has not been that good for me, says Sean. As per Amos, if a senior asked the question, a junior will often assume that is how they should go. But once a junior person sees that they know something that you don’t know, it adjusts the power dynamic. Amos suggests that for a good team, we need vulnerability. And the hardest thing to create remotely is vulnerability because there is a lot of interaction that doesn’t happen. Amos affirms that if you can’t explain the code in the code review, you probably haven’t done it well enough for consideration. In his opinion, people don’t spend enough time on code reviews. 3 Key Points A lot of the JSX - React projects Sean had to interact with use Storybook, and Amos creates examples for each of your components, and it is a good thing that helps them with documentation. Authorization is always contextual. When you want to compare or make an authorization decision, you have to look at the context that Sean is trying to authorize and what rights have been granted. Code review is for both sides of the reviewer and the person or people whose code is being reviewed as it takes vulnerability on both sides. Tweetable Quotes “When you are a property type, and you have a component, you can define properties, and you can say whether they’re required or not.” - Amos “If I have to debug something, I look at a record. When you are debugging, it is because you don’t know what’s going on.” - Amos “If someone tried to navigate to the URL without the macaroon, they would just get denied, and that would be a perfect use case for macarons.” - Sean “With datalog in Prolog, you can declare things that look like functions in datalog, usually called facts or functors, and they have nobody.” – Sean “Celebrate failures that create learning. You don’t celebrate failures if you keep continuing to have the same one over and over.” - Amos Resources Mentioned: Podcast Editing Elixir Outlaws: Website
1/27/20221 hour, 9 minutes, 14 seconds
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Episode 107: Nineteen-Something Cats

The Elixir Outlaws now have a Patreon ( If you’re enjoying the show then please consider throwing a few bucks our way to help us pay for the costs for the show. Elixir Outlaws, 01/19/2021 On today’s episode of the Elixir Outlaws, Sean Cribbs and Amos will talk about WASM (Web assembly) to implement some core parts of the app and discuss the server-side too. Rusts for loop syntax is sugar for iterators, says Sean. So, you can also sort of do method chaining type thing in rust. There is an interesting proposal on the Elixir form for loops. Episode Highlights FOR loops are not loops, they are a special form in the compiler, basically a macro with special privileges that generates some code, says Sean. As per Sean, if you have a lead, then you have for loop variable, and you have to return a two-two pole that has the accumulator as the second, or if you don’t, then it is just the accumulator that becomes quite confusing. Amos says that when one uses MapReduce and has FOR loop and you want to step through something and maybe at the same time get an account and a sum, and you want to adjust the current values, then we are getting three things out in adjustment and then two other data points. It is hard to step away from an imperative mindset when you have done it forever and adding imperative things back into the language is going to make it even harder for people to step outside of that imperative mindset, says Amos. People use Monads to write things that look more imperative because it is easier for us to think that way sometimes, and it’s going to create less maintainable code. OCaml is very much like in the same syntactical flavor as Haskell. But it doesn’t have that whole lazy evaluation thing that gets so confusing at times, and it also has the much simpler type of system. Sean had tried hard to encourage his coworkers to use things like in the lists module or use list comprehensions or use fold wherever they could. But some people liked making software recursive functions that had a bunch of arguments to them. In MapReduce there is a trailing option you can put on for loops. It is like reducing given initial value of the accumulator and then you match the accumulator coming in. Using ENUM reduce, there are some tactical forms that represent something, and special form will generate, but they are not things in themselves. The things that are browser based we can’t rewrite completely in Rust. There is always going to be JavaScript at some level. Sean has seen attempts where people want to have JavaScript running the same code on the front end as in the back end. In graphic production, there are many things about memory allocators, but these are all sorts of things that we might have to think about with rust when we are trying to implement. 3 Key Points With MapReduce in the ENUM module, you can do something on each element of the collection, but you are also collecting something about the entire collection as you flow through, says Sean. The flipside of list comprehension is that you can only do so many things in the right side of the comprehension. It may be explicit what you were returning from expression because the entire expression is inside the list brackets. The biggest thing that Amos have ever had to deal with when working on stuff on the front end or on edge computing is if you don’t control the resource at the endpoint, it may be the slowest thing ever, and it may not work that well. Tweetable Quotes “I am not against pipes, and you can write non-imperative code with pipes, but it looks imperative.” – Amos “In FOR loop, FOR is an expression that returns a value. You can choose to ignore that value that’s returned, but it returns a value, usually a list.” – Sean “You can have only one let, which is the other thing that’s a little bit surprising. It works in if statements.” – Sean “Being able to have code on the back end, you control the hardware and the performance.” – Amos “The book Kill it with fire I wish I had picked up a year ago because the author worked for US digital service, updating mainframe applications, and there’s a lot of sage advice in that book.” - Sean Resources Mentioned: Podcast Editing Elixir Outlaws: Website
1/20/202241 minutes, 17 seconds
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Episode 106: Outlaws Live at Codebeam 2021

The Elixir Outlaws now have a Patreon ( If you’re enjoying the show then please consider throwing a few bucks our way to help us pay for the costs for the show.
12/23/202144 minutes, 40 seconds
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Episode 105: Sports of Sorts

The Elixir Outlaws now have a Patreon ( If you’re enjoying the show then please consider throwing a few bucks our way to help us pay for the costs for the show. On today’s episode of the Elixir Outlaws, Sean Cribbs and Amos King are going to talk about Sports of Sorts. Amos shares some driving wisdom and his fondness for silent thoughts. Sean and Amos will share some random and interesting experiences. Episode Highlights: Amos reveals how he developed his creativity and problem-solving skills from driving. Sean has recently resigned from his job, and he is about to join a new company after 12 days. As per Sean, one spends a lot of your time sleeping because their dreams help them to work through problems Amos loves jogging around the river next to the hotel early in the morning when nobody is up. For him, it is nice and quiet. Brittany Matthews is a co-owner of the women's soccer team. She has been big in promoting women’s sports in Kansas City, but especially soccer, and Patrick and Brittany broke ground on a new training center earlier this year. Then, three or four weeks ago, they revealed their new team name. The stadium is first of its kind for the women’s soccer team, which is huge because this team has only been here a year. They just announced that they were going to have a team this January 2021. For those not in Kansas City, the streetcar is absolutely free , which is really awesome with all the buses because buses are free too. So you can go anywhere for free in Kansas City. We have one of the best women soccer players in Samuels who has been on the national team. An Incredible midfielder, dynamic player, and she is going be exciting to watch, says Sean. While talking about the new company where Sean is going to join. He explains that the company is doing motion graphics or motion design. People really want the ability to collaborate to provide feedback on designs, work on different iterations, compare them, and build out a portfolio for you, says Sean. There are multiple companies out there called Fable, so if you want to go look it up, it is Fable, not Fable dot IO, not fable com. It is the Fable Dot app. It is one of those easy, easy ones to find. Amos says he doesn’t know how possible it would be, but it would be interesting if, two designers could work on the same like image or animation at the same time, doing the same kind of ideas of passing changes back and forth. Part of the reason why Sean’s friend wanted to hire him is because he has distributed systems experience, where all the bodies are buried, where all the problems are gonna be like what if we want to have real time collaboration or like something like Miro where people are dragging things around on the on the project at the same time. What always kills me on the front end in the browser, or even if you are compiling and making things faster, is that you really have zero control over the quality of the computer it is running on and the problems like the interactions between the things, says Amos. Sean says that they are going to write C+ code because it was mostly C code, but using the C ++compiler and very few features of C and like the Windows API and like working with it directly to build a 2D kind of Zelda light game. Sean says that the JavaScript community is huge. You have a lot of people experience in JavaScript. It doesn’t take that many of them to make a good customization. Amos shares that his first editor for code other than the QBasic editor was Emacs and that was 22 years ago. Amos says that his first experience with C not running everywhere was in an AI class and they had to write a chess engine and then they all played the developed chess engines against each other. Sean says there is a bytecode format that you can take from running on a Intel being VM and run it on an ARM beam VM or on some other processor that is running your nerves project. 3 Key Points Those of you who don’t know anything about Kansas City, but Patrick Mahomes is a big deal here quarterback for the Chiefs and his fiance Brittany Matthews is kind of influential in her own. Sean says that Figma has changed the way people do collaborate on static web design, this is going to be collaboration on motion design. Motion design would include things like just regular animations you might see on the web. It could include things like advertisements, logo, animations. There are a lot of different ways that we could do collaborate. Another area that he talked about us wanting to do is so a lot of this is like you do in the browser, You draw your shapes, you animate them you set the keyframes, you know you set all that stuff up. But that only produces us a level of quality that the browser can produce. But if you want to do 4K video of this animation that you just created, you are not going to produce that with your browser, says Sean. Tweetable Quotes “I am a big fan of silent thoughts” – Sean “When they introduce the team that the players that are going to start for the match. They had some incredible motion designs on the video board.“- Sean “It is not movies, it is more about the animation than about video editing. It is like making an animated logo.” - Sean “There are some pretty interesting problems how to isolate yourself from these, they are doing something very quick and then suddenly they open another program on their desktop, but that hangup.” – Amos “90% of your life was spent formatting exactly how that professor wanted it formatted, which is like a huge waste of time.” - Amos Resources Mentioned: Podcast Editing Elixir Outlaws: Website
12/16/202138 minutes, 23 seconds
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Episode 104: Hot Pockets and Refresh Buttons

The Elixir Outlaws now have a Patreon ( If you’re enjoying the show then please consider throwing a few bucks our way to help us pay for the costs for the show. On today’s episode of the Elixir Outlaws, Sean Cribbs and Amos King are going to talk about the Elixir Conference. Amos talks about his ordeal to reach the Elixir Conference, his flight continuously got canceled, and the entire journey was hectic for him. From the scariest landing to nonstop flights getting canceled, rescheduled, and re-routed, Sean’s travel ordeal covers all. Episode Highlights:  Amos gives detailed insights about his talk and pre-preparation. He has a habit of continuously improving his speech and slides, and this is precisely what he did when he got the extra time due to flight cancellations and re-routing.  Amos received a lot of positive feedback, and he had a wonderful experience at the conference. For him, it was nice to be around people again post-pandemic.  Amos suggests before giving a speech, and you don’t have to write out the entire talk, write notes for things that you need to say in a specific way.  Sean talks about a funny incident that happened in QCON 2014, and he explains why he has a meme and a Russian Fake Facebook account.  While giving a talk at the vendor track at QCON, which is a big industry very expensive enterprise technology conference type thing, Sean made a funny posture with his hands.  At the QCON, the photographers have a talent for catching speakers with their hands and really interesting and kind of disturbing positions. Sean tried hard not to make any postures, but the photographer still got a funny picture that later got circulated as a meme.  Amos explains how nerves are set up; you can use nerves to deploy to your servers if you want to. Because you just have to have something that can run Linux. So now you have B partitions that automatically swap over if one fails. So you can use the nerves hub to deploy to your servers. You just have to build a nerves image for whatever server you have.  Sean and Amos explain how you can accomplish really great things when your tools are well built.  Amos says there have been a lot of things that the nerves team and working on nerves has brought back to the ecosystem as a whole.  Sean feels that there is a lot of good stuff going right now, but there is also a long way to go before you can really feel like, hey, this out of the box or very close to out of the box new Elixir project, it is going to have metrics tracing, logging, built in. So, Sean feels that he just has to add his own flavor for this particular project and make that part of his engineering process.  Sean talks about a crypto finance company and one of its major functions, i.e., trading.  Sean explains how there are multiple systems within an infrastructure that interacts as part of the process.  As soon as you know your product is viable, you get feedback to give users better experiences, says Amos.  Sean explains how one can directly correlate to the cost of the server, and one can save memory.  Talking about his side projects, Sean said his project capacity planner became one of his major projects.  Sometimes you just have to turn people away in order to serve anyone, says Sean.  There are a bunch of products without the sort of visibility to their customers even those products do not have value or not apparent value like the content distribution networks (CDN).  While talking about passing the acceptance test, Sean says to Amos that you can build these kinds of things that look like single-page apps, but they are completely server-side driven, and you can manage this state and Elixir, and that is great. 3 Key Points 1. Amos says that at the conference, they mainly talked about whenever you are doing acceptance tests driver browser or really any system that you have to wait for things like transitions so that as a user, you might not think about. 2. Amos talks about his coding journey and how he learned the basics of programming. 3. Sean explains how virtuous feedback cycles make your business successful in addition to your technical side. Tweetable Quotes  “You should not take more food than you can eat, but you also don’t have to eat everything like don’t make yourself miserable. It’s not good for your health.” – Amos  “Computer is often faster than what the dropdown will actually open in the browser so.” – Sean Cribbs  “The very first code that I traded run was also the most complicated.” – Amos  “If you learn with small talk, you’re probably in the right place.” – Amos  “Categorically deploying Elixir does not exist.”- Amos  “If people know how to measure their systems, then they can get in a situation where they fire up 96 of the largest instances on their cloud provider and don’t care about the cost.” – Sean Resources Mentioned:  Podcast Editing
12/10/202151 minutes, 3 seconds
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Episode 103: Welcome back Anna

Anna, Sean, and Amos talk about what they do to take a break, and follow it up with how to get started on hard problems when there is no clear path forward. The Elixir Outlaws now have a Patreon ( If you’re enjoying the show then please consider throwing a few bucks our way to help us pay for the costs for the show.
10/13/202154 minutes, 48 seconds
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Episode 102: Who's that host? It's Sean.

How do we get started? How does context affect the software we write? The Elixir Outlaws now have a Patreon ( If you’re enjoying the show then please consider throwing a few bucks our way to help us pay for the costs for the show.
10/4/202134 minutes, 30 seconds
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Episode 101: Bright and Tight

This week, Chris and Amos discuss error handling and when its appropriate to "Let It Crash" :tm:. A transcript for this episode is available on Binary Noggin's website:
9/9/202127 minutes, 14 seconds
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Episode 100: Pop-Tartare

This week our hosts celebrate their 100th episode. The talk about their favorite moments from the show. A transcript of this episode can be found on Binary Noggin's website:
8/26/202135 minutes, 52 seconds
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Episode 99: Big Tubes

The main topic this week is behaviours and protocols and when to use both. Chris, inspired by the wisdom of Quinn Wilton, thinks that its probably incorrect to use Behaviours to define public interfaces for APIs. Protocols seem to fit the bill better. Both hosts agree that the best kind of dependency injection is just called, "passing arguments to functions". A transcript is available for this episode on Binary Noggin's website:
8/9/202141 minutes, 46 seconds
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Episode 98: Machine Laundering

This week, Chris, Amos, and Anna talk about conferences, strange loop, and how hard re-entering the real world has been. But, the main topic is copilot. Surprising absolutely no one, everyone has strong opinions. A transcript of this episode is available on Binary Noggin's website:
7/15/202140 minutes, 47 seconds
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Episode 97: Successfully Vamped

This weeks show kicks off with discussion on Ecto. Amos claims that Chris made some bold statements about relations which Chris fervently denies. The topic eventually shifts to Chris's recent blog post on writing more maintainable elixir code. Transcript is available on Binary Noggin's website:
7/8/202149 minutes, 35 seconds
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Episode 96: Stuck between two ETS Tables and a GenServer

This week kicks off with a discussion on ETS tables and the various ways that they can be used. Chris talks about his experience utilizing ETS tables at Bleacher Report in order to optimize some of their critical paths and build reliability. The conversation then shifts into the various tools and techniques that Bleacher Report utilized to build resilient services. A transcript is available for this episode on Binary Noggin's website:
5/18/202146 minutes, 5 seconds
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Episode 95: Outlaws Live at ElixirConfAfr

This week, the hosts are hanging out at ElixirConf Africa. They discuss improvements to Elixir, community building, and ways that the Elixir community can continue to improve. A transcript is available for this episode on Binary Noggin's website: Special Guests: Collins Mucheru, Shuaib Afegubua, and Sigu Magwa.
5/12/202137 minutes, 44 seconds
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Episode 93: The story of the code

Chris has started a new job at, and he's just getting settled in. Amos has questions and Chris describes his process for learning the history of a code base as quickly as possible. A transcript is available for this episode on Binary Noggin's website:
4/27/202134 minutes, 19 seconds
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Episode 92: Outlaws Live at CodeBeam

This week the outlaws are live at CodeBeam and are shucking, jiving, and some combination of the two. They're also answering questions from the community. A transcript is available for this episode on Binary Noggin's website:
4/22/202149 minutes, 27 seconds
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Episode 91: I Promise Not to Take Your Cows

Amos, Anna, and Chris start off the show discussing the morality of making promises you can't keep, then spend the rest of the episode discussing the ups and downs of past conference talks. A transcript is available for this episode on Binary Noggin's website: The Elixir Outlaws now have a Patreon ( If you’re enjoying the show then please consider throwing a few bucks our way to help us pay for the costs for the show.
4/11/202148 minutes, 9 seconds
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Episode 90: Ad Hoc-ly Specified

After confirming that there is indeed a Kansas City, Missouri, the Outlaws discuss Amos's new projects using Phoenix and some LiveView, then opine about CSS, Wallaby, and testing, before closing with brief commentary on Nyx. Shout outs to Friends of The Show : Frank Herbert and Mitch Hanberg. A transcript is available for this episode on Binary Noggin's website: The Elixir Outlaws now have a Patreon ( If you’re enjoying the show then please consider throwing a few bucks our way to help us pay for the costs for the show.
3/24/202144 minutes, 16 seconds
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Episode 89: The new-new architecture

Chris skipped his normal pre-podcast prep and is trying to make up for it. Amos wants to know more about what Chris does to prep; a topic which is interesting to literally no one. Quotes are missatributed as the hosts turn to the main topic of the week: What makes for good design. Chris claims to have a specific design sense but has no idea if its a good sense or not. Both he and Amos agree that consistency is important and that software developers should always be working to making the design of a system a little bit better. But, that work also seems hard and its way more fun to play around with Istio or whatever. A transcript is available for this episode on Binary Noggin's website:
2/18/202154 minutes
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Episode 88: Make it pop!

Chris has recently become the owner of a 3D printer and he agrees with everyone else; 3D printing is really cool. The main topic this week is Mnesia and all of the ways that its possible to "break it". Chris and Amos discuss why Mnesia has a bad reputation, where it is a good fit, and how to mitigate some of the issues. A transcript is available for this episode on Binary Noggin's website:
1/14/202145 minutes
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Episode 87: All benefits and no tradeoffs

This week kicks off with a discussion of Amos’s reading list. Around the 30 minute mark, the topic shifts to some idle speculation about the benchmarks Jose has been teasing. Towards the end of the discussion, Chris explains his frustration with "modern infrastructure" and programmers chosing complex solutions that they don't need. A transcript is available for this episode on Binary Noggin's website:
1/14/20211 hour, 10 minutes, 36 seconds
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Episode 86: Time is problematic

Chris has been drawing maps for his DnD game and he's pretty proud of them. Amos is trying to order events and has questions about hybrid logical clocks. This leads to a discussion of what ordering even is and why its such a problem in distributed systems. A transcript is available for this episode on Binary Noggin's website:
12/31/202042 minutes, 32 seconds
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Episode 85: Showin' up and sayin' words

Chris has introduced Amos to Japandroids and its going pretty well. There is a quick discussion of embarassing punk music before the show shifts from music outlaws back to elixir outlaws. Chris is thirsty for some elixir news and Amos wants to know how Chris Gets Things Done :tm:. The guys discuss how they cultivate their personal skill sets, how they're both bad mentors, and how to read white papers. At the end, Chris teases his latest project which may or may not ever be seen by other people. A transcript is available for this episode on Binary Noggin's website:
12/17/202049 minutes, 37 seconds
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Episode 84: The G stands for Garbage

Chris has a soundboard and he's not afraid to use it. This week, Amos and Chris discuss planning for failures, overload, distributed transactions, and resilience. A transcript is available for this episode on Binary Noggin's website:
10/15/20201 hour, 2 minutes, 14 seconds
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Episode 83: The seven levels of shell

This week, the hosts are joined by friend of the show: Jeff Weiss. They discuss when its better to build your own solution, TLA+, fountain pens, and writing letters. A transcript is available for this episode on Binary Noggin's website: Special Guest: Jeff Weiss.
10/1/202059 minutes, 34 seconds
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Episode 82: Rapid Is Relative

This week kicks off with a large dose of 2020 ennui. Chris recommends that they move on rapidly since no one wants to listen to complaining about the state of the world. It turns out that Chris is currently using LiveView. The consensus is that LiveView is pretty cool even though it took 4 hours to get a modal to work. The Elixir Outlaws now have a Patreon ( If you’re enjoying the show then please consider throwing a few bucks our way to help us pay for the costs for the show. A transcript is available for this episode on Binary Noggin's website:
9/10/202039 minutes, 18 seconds
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Episode 81: That's not math

Anna has a new espresso machine and both Chris and Amos are very jealous. Chris wonders how Anna is going to make good coffee without someone judging her. The main topic kicks off around the 22 minute mark. Amos is hiring and wants advice on how to conduct better interviews. A transcript is available for this episode on Binary Noggin's website:
9/3/202041 minutes, 59 seconds
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Episode 80: The ish is what matters

This week starts with a discussion of Dungeons and Dragons and how great it is. Amos and Chris agree that roll20 is janky, but - like emacs - it’s lovably janky. The main discussion is about modeling problems using data structures instead of processes. The guys agree that manipulating data with pure functions is a good thing and that the tricky part is where to put this data when you’re done. Chris cautions against the desire to put all of your data into a single global process. Databases are sucky global variables, but at least they’re global variables with rules. A transcript is available for this episode on Binary Noggin's website:
8/13/202036 minutes, 38 seconds
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Episode 79: Providing Value

Chris wants a new, costly keyboard and is willing to use ad hoc justifications to acquire it. Amos thinks its totally reasonable which means its either totally reasonable or totally not reasonable. The conversation turns to contracting and how contracting is different than working for a product company (beyond the obvious tax implications). Chris believes that product companies only pay contractors when they absolutely have to. The main topic this week is software quality, if thats even a real thing, and if it is, how do we get more of it? A transcript is available for this episode on Binary Noggin's website:
8/6/20201 hour, 1 minute, 53 seconds
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Episode 78: Strategically planned coffees

This week starts with the customary COVID updates. Chris feels that the south is intellectually bankrupt, a claim no one is willing to refute. Seriously though, how hard is it to wear a mask? Mercifully, the conversation quickly shifts when Chris solicits feedback from the other hosts on his notion that business logic isn't a Real Thing :tm:. Anna and Amos discuss the degree to which Chris might be a pedant. The show wraps up with a discussion on how to change the way programmers can grow and think differently about problems. A transcript is available for this episode on Binary Noggin's website:
7/23/202033 minutes, 17 seconds
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Episode 77: I'm here to tear it all down

This week Chris talks about why he doesn't like the idea of Business Logic. To absolutely no ones surprise, the conversation is mostly a semi-coherent, one-sided rant. A transcript is available for this episode on Binary Noggin's website:
7/9/202057 minutes, 12 seconds
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Episode 76: Mouth Feel: The Lost Episode

Hey everyone. We actually recorded this episode back in April during the early stages of lockdown and right after my neighborhood was hit by a tornado. Unfortunately it got lost in the shuffle. We just found it while cleaning out our past recordings. There’s very little technical discussion and no discussion of Elixir. We spent most of the time joking around and trying to encourage each other. Because of that we thought it was still worth releasing. Thanks for listening and we hope you enjoy it. Keathley A transcript is available for this episode on Binary Noggin's website:
7/2/202040 minutes, 5 seconds
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Episode 75: Is this the Keynote?

This week the hosts are giving a Keynote at ElixirConfEU. The show kicks off with a discussion on remote conferences and how to build community online. The hosts then transition into answering audience questions. A transcript for this episode is available here:
7/2/202040 minutes, 50 seconds
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Episode 74: A Tale As Old As Time

Chris recently replaced some Ruby with some Elixir. The guys discuss what it takes to rewrite a service, why Elixir is a good choice when you need to do more than one thing at a time, and the benefit of choosing tools that your team understands. Transcript is available as a blog on Binary Noggin's website:
6/4/202042 minutes, 43 seconds
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Episode 73: A very forgetful god

This week, Chris is eating while recording. Luckily, the bar for this podcast has been set so low that no one will be surprised. Amos wants to know when you should use telemetry instead of sending metrics directly from your app code. This leads to a discussion on how Bleacher Report uses telemetry, some established telemetry conventions, and how those conventions may be changing. There’s a quick detour into DDD or whoever it was that said, “the database doesn’t matter”. Chris isn’t sure who made that claim, but he is sure that they’re wrong. On the way out the door, the guys talk about Dune, Baby Yoda, and what makes for a good Dungeon Master. A transcript is available for this episode here:
5/21/202046 minutes, 51 seconds
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Episode 72: Now you know what a monad is

This week Amos is joined by friend of the show Martin Gausby for a discussion on types, open source projects, and emacs. Transcript is avaiable as a blog on Binary Noggin's website: Special Guests: Connor Rigby and Martin Gausby.
5/7/20201 hour, 10 minutes, 41 seconds
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Episode 71: Double Speed

The Elixir Outlaws now have a Patreon ( If you’re enjoying the show then please consider throwing a few bucks our way to help us pay for the costs for the show. A transcript for this episode is available on Binary Noggin's website:
4/30/202053 minutes, 16 seconds
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Episode 70: The Gardening Outlaws

This week the hosts talk about quarantine. Because, what else would they be talking about. Amos and Chris somehow get on the subject of gardening. They both agree that fresh broccoli is amazing, but the cost is just too great. Everyone talk's about their anxieties and how the pandemic is affecting their lives. They share a few ways to escape from the stress of isolation. Also slack’s new UI is hella weird. A transcript of this episode is available on Binary Noggin's website:
4/9/202051 minutes, 2 seconds
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Episode 69: Dream big on your own time

Chris and Amos kick this week off with a discussion on the challenges of working from home. Chris thinks you loose a lot of fidelity when you move to remote work. Way more than anyone wants you to believe. Plus you need to get used kids yelling all the time. After a brief detour to discuss Ben Franklin's lesser known contributions to science, Amos explains his strategy for deploying elixir apps. The guys discuss the various platforms and techniques one can use to put elixir into production. Both agree that Terraform is basically the worst, but that its also, probably, the best.
3/26/20201 hour, 9 minutes, 16 seconds
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Episode 68: Impedance Mismatch

Chris is doing a lot of blocking and tackling, which, it turns out, isn’t about pulleys. For the purposes of this discussion, blocking and tackling means adding telemetry events to elixir projects. Neither Amos or Chris want to be the ones who have to work out these details and would rather play with chatbots. The main topic this week is abstractions. Chris thinks that the same people who misuse phrases like “Impedance mismatch” also misuse terms like “abstraction,” but he also admits that he’s wrong about everything he says. The guys talk about the differences between abstraction and encapsulation. In the end, Chris only wants to write SQL queries and run them. Somehow the conversation devolves into comparisons between type systems. Chris has a moment of self-awareness, then regresses to standing on soapboxes and shaking his fist at the clouds.
3/19/202052 minutes, 48 seconds
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Episode 67: Wizards and Outlaws

Live from Lonestar Elixir ( with Elixir Wizards ( Congratulations to Eric on the birth of his first child. Video recording of this episode available here: The Elixir Outlaws now have a Patreon ( If you’re enjoying the show then please consider throwing a few bucks our way to help us pay for the costs for the show. Special Guests: Bruce Tate, Justus Eapen, Susumu Yamazaki, Tim Mecklem, and  Melvin Cedeno.
3/13/202046 minutes, 44 seconds
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Episode 66: Boredom and Anger

Chris and Anna discuss strategies for dealing with long running projects. Chris asks Anna for advice on being a better mentor.
3/5/202044 minutes, 13 seconds
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Episode 65: Is that a trochee?

This week kicks off with a discussion on productivity and habits. Amos is trying to learn how to focus and Chris decides that the best way to be productive is to be productive. The main topic this week is about refactoring and TDD. Chris believes refactoring isn’t a real word and goes to great lengths to explain why.
2/13/202049 minutes
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Episode 64: Shakemups

This week the hosts discuss weekly reviews, telemetry, recent shakeups in the community, and how to make service communication more efficient.
2/6/202043 minutes, 54 seconds
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Episode 63: Voir dire

This week Chris and Amos are joined by friend of the show and author of Real-Time Phoenix, Steve Bussey. They discuss Steve's book release, Phoenix Channels, creative ways to use GenStage, and the best (worst) practices to use when building a library. Special Guest: Steve Bussey.
1/16/202058 minutes, 35 seconds
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Episode 62: High on the platitudes

This week kicks off with Chris explaining why Ultimate Frisbee is a dumb game. The hosts talk about Norm updates and why we should re-write everything in rust. Chris explains the thesis of So Good They Can’t Ignore you. This leads to a discussion about how to find challenging problems. Finally Amos brings up the southern tradition of Hoppin’ John. Which is boring and you can easily skip it. The host want to get questions from you! So send those to us via the feedback form on our website or message us on twitter: @ElixirOutlaws (
1/9/202049 minutes, 20 seconds
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Episode 61: Friends don’t let friends use cons

This week Chris and Amos discuss the benefits of vectors and the life changing magic of using a runtime with a good concurrency model.
12/19/201948 minutes, 19 seconds
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Episode 60: Yes and!

Chris is back on coffee and is coming in hot. Amos attempts to talk through the new features in Elixir 1.10 while Chris constantly interjects, makes jokes and generally tries everyone’s patience. Eventually Chris settles down long enough to have a real conversation. The hosts describe the benefits of Elixir becoming a stable and boring choice. They also make fun of Go.
12/12/201938 minutes, 22 seconds
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Episode 59: It might be infinity

Amos is driving this week. Chris and Amos discuss SICP and how amazing it is. Amos is preparing to winterize and Chris is working on a prolog interpreter. Chris talks about the journey of using emacs and the journey’s inside of those journeys. Amos has been working with GenStage and Broadway. Chris knows nothing about Broadway and hasn’t ever found a problem that needed GenStage. Chris theorizes that the reason people use processes for their business entities is because they don’t have other chances to use processes.
11/21/201934 minutes, 19 seconds
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Episode 58: All about some Datalog

This week kicks off with a recap of GigCity Elixir. Chris and Amos encourage people to attend smaller conferences because, seriously, they're way more fun. Chris is building RPC to see if it helps solve some of the coordination issues that he's experiencing at work. The conversation moves to the concept of autonomy and leverage in software systems and how to help teams align on larger goals. Dave's latest talk from GigCity is referenced and Chris expounds on his love for Datalog. Finally the hosts indulge in multiple divergences in which they divulge information about their personal lives.
11/7/201949 minutes, 57 seconds
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Episode 57: Live from GigCity it's Saturday Afternoon

A live recording right before the final keynote at GigCity Elixir ( The Elixir Outlaws now have a Patreon ( If you’re enjoying the show then please consider throwing a few bucks our way to help us pay for the costs for the show.
10/31/201948 minutes, 45 seconds
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Episode 56: Last time there was lightning

This week Anna and Amos discuss preparation for GigCity Elixir, modes of thinking, and concurrency models.
10/24/201936 minutes, 42 seconds
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Episode 55: Refactoring is a dumb word

This week the hosts discuss Strangeloop, Unison, handling breaking changes, refactoring and how to build open systems.
10/3/201949 minutes, 25 seconds
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Episode 54: Forever Projects

This week Chris and Anna discuss forever projects, privilege, and preparations for GigCity Elixir.
9/26/201935 minutes, 34 seconds
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Episode 53: The ghost of PFDS past

This week Amos and Chris recap their favorite talks and experiences from ElixirConf 2019.
9/12/201946 minutes, 20 seconds
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Episode 52: Amos take the wheel

The hosts talk about preparation for ElixirConf. Chris starts talking about Humidity for far too long before Amos pulls the ripcord. Chris mentions his breakthrough with Norm and Amos wonders if Chris has any thoughts about how to work through mental blocks. Chris talks about running and how useful pi-holing the elixir forum and twitter can be.
9/5/201936 minutes
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Episode 51: It's not the linux kernel drivers

This week kicks off with a discussion of database indexes, Datalog, and Datomic. Amos wants to talk about error handling and when to report errors to an external service. He thinks that the goal should be to get the reported errors to zero, and Chris thinks that’s not possible. Chris explains the ways that he reports metrics and errors to collection services. The conversation moves to circuit breakers and common patterns for handling overload in service calls. Chris and Amos wrap up with some tips for debugging production problems with the scientific method.
8/22/201953 minutes
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Episode 50: Pandora's Box Closed

The Elixir Outlaws now have a Patreon ( If you’re enjoying the show then please consider throwing a few bucks our way to help us pay for the costs for the show.
8/15/201946 minutes, 6 seconds
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Episode 49: Pandora's Box Still Open

The Elixir Outlaws now have a Patreon ( If you’re enjoying the show then please consider throwing a few bucks our way to help us pay for the costs for the show.
8/15/201939 minutes, 33 seconds
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Episode 48: Pandora's Box Open

The Elixir Outlaws now have a Patreon ( If you’re enjoying the show then please consider throwing a few bucks our way to help us pay for the costs for the show.
8/15/201942 minutes, 28 seconds
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Episode 47: I no longer feel things

Chris is by himself this week and he’s answering your questions. Topics covered: design by contract, norm, going remote, communicating complex systems, pairing, interesting features for elixir, frustrations with the community, and why he continues to do this podcast.
7/27/201941 minutes, 12 seconds
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Episode 46: I'm Probably Saying His Name Wrong

Starting with wordsmithing and home improvement. Chris and Amos hit the Elixir talk with a discussion of Norm. They follow up with exception handling and when to use exceptions or tagged tuples. Norm ( - Specify data shape for validation and generation The Elixir Outlaws now have a Patreon ( If you’re enjoying the show then please consider throwing a few bucks our way to help us pay for the costs for the show.
7/16/201947 minutes, 16 seconds
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Episode 45: Infinity is just a concept

This week kicks off with a discussion about San Francisco's iconoclastic - but also incorrect - name for a specific coffee drink. Amos is, as they say, coming in hot and launches full bore into a discussion about the elixir forum’s moderation policies. Chris is primarily concerned about the angry letters they’re going to receive. The hosts discuss the benefits of moderating a community. They all agree that moderation is a good thing and helps a community stay healthy, but they also agree that silently editing people's posts is like, kinda creepy. Anna brings up the topic of “forever projects” and how draining they can be. She asks the guys if they have any solutions for scaling projects that don't have a defined "end". The hosts discuss burnout, the pain of invisible work, and how people can help create a more vibrant and rich community.
6/27/201938 minutes, 35 seconds
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Episode 44: Put a Paxos on it

This week kicks off with an explanation of Chris’s so called grooming habits. Amos explains how to properly cook fried eggs. The guys remember the early days of the show and comment on how their audio quality was somehow even worse back then. Amos is trying to figure out the best way to give back to the community. The discussion moves towards the social contracts of open source which Chris thinks is a thorny topic. Chris encourages people to contribute in whatever way they feel is best even if it means not writing code. Chris rails against the programming communities obsession with hero culture and the toxicity of “rockstar programmers”. The guys discuss ways to try to build successful teams. Spoilers: the first step is not to hire a bunch of people who want to build RPC when all you need is a blog.
6/20/201948 minutes, 9 seconds
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Episode 43: The longest monday

The hosts this week are coming in cold. Amos and Chris are drinking Starbucks, although Amos seems much more upset about it than Chris. Anna has finally returned from her vacation in Japan only to find that her microphone stand no longer works correctly. Anna describes her longest Monday ever and Amos explains why he can’t sleep on planes. Chris has been doing nothing exciting besides not sleeping and keeping his children alive. The conversation moves to design by contract and data specification layers. Chris discusses the libraries he’s been working on and also does a pretty great internet voice. Chris and Anna talk about their upcoming elixirconf talks and how they’re happy to see more diversity in the speaker lineup for elixirconf. This leads to a discussion of other conferences and how they pick speakers. Finally the hosts wrap up with a pitch for LazyRiverConf occurring simultaneously with ElixirConf.
6/13/201943 minutes, 23 seconds
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Episode 42: Carriage Return Line Feed

This week Elixir has been uninstalled from Amos’s laptop and Chris is reading books and writing C. Chris explains why he still chooses to write C and why most people don’t need to manually manage memory. During the main topic Amos describes a problem he’s having with Tesla and Hackney. This leads to a discussion about how to build systems that can handle failure. Amos brings up Let It Crash and where it applies. Chris provides some insights into building stable systems and how supervisors influence design.
6/6/201950 minutes, 50 seconds
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Episode 41: Write code and read books and stuff

This week Amos is back from his yearly vision quest and Chris faces the problem of being interested in too many things at once. Amos discusses some experiences using Broadway and GenStage which gives Chris an excuse to bring up Little’s Law (as if he needed one). The main topic this week is observability. This topic is motivated by Amos’s latest book: Behind Human Error. Amos provides a brief rundown and Chris talks with authority about things he really doesn't understand. The guys discuss the importance of setting goals for your services and how those goals will inform your metrics gathering and alerting strategies. The show wraps up with some tips on benchmarking and profiling.
5/30/201950 minutes, 41 seconds
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Episode 40: Diversity

The Elixir Outlaws now have a Patreon ( If you’re enjoying the show then please consider throwing a few bucks our way to help us pay for the costs for the show.
5/27/201930 minutes, 26 seconds
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Episode 39: The Cuteness Factor has Worn Off

As nerds we like to systematize the things we do. What do we do to think through our problems? The Elixir Outlaws now have a Patreon ( If you’re enjoying the show then please consider throwing a few bucks our way to help us pay for the costs for the show.
5/2/201938 minutes, 26 seconds
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Episode 38: Break it down like a fraction

4th wall break Hey everyone, we're still wrestling with audio gremlins. This week is based on the raw audio from our call so you'll hear some artifacts in there. I just wanted you to be aware in case you're sensitive to that kind of thing. We've solved this problem so going forward this shouldn't happen again. -Keathley Notes This week starts with some serious discussion about the nature of hammocks, podcasts, and the Coriolis effect. The main topic this week is implicit vs. explicit. Chris argues that an implicit apis tend to be better apis. The hosts discuss where the lines should be drawn between making an operation explicit and hiding the internal complexity of the system. Chris describes how we should think about building a system in layers and how to avoid breaking changes.
4/25/201945 minutes
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Episode 37: Why is it called an everything bagel?

This week kicks off with Chris chastising Amos about always being late. The hosts discuss the value of time and recent conference trips. The discussion shifts towards talk preparation techniques, the value of speaking at conferences, and some tips for new speakers. Chris takes control of the show and does a hard pivot towards the main topic this week; the overuse of processes and state management. Chris explains that most people can get by with a lot less OTP then they think. He and Amos discuss ways that they see OTP misused or overused, the nature of scaling systems and the dangers of building stateful services.
4/18/20191 hour, 2 minutes, 41 seconds
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Episode 36: Please Tuck your Van Der Graaf Generator Under the Seat in Front of You

The Elixir Outlaws now have a Patreon ( If you’re enjoying the show then please consider throwing a few bucks our way to help us pay for the costs for the show. Special Guest: Bruce Tate.
4/11/20191 hour, 9 minutes, 36 seconds
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Episode 35: An Easy Baby

The Elixir Outlaws now have a Patreon ( If you’re enjoying the show then please consider throwing a few bucks our way to help us pay for the costs for the show. Conference rundown and teaching distributed systems with Chris and Anna.
4/4/201940 minutes, 10 seconds
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Episode 34: American problem solving

4th wall break: Hey y'all audio from this week is a little worse then usual. We needed to use the backup audio file for technical reasons. Just wanted to provide a heads up. -keathley Show notes This weeks starts with a discussion of how to have meaningful conversations about design decisions. Chris asks whether programming best practices are for individuals or for teams. This leads to a discussion about team dynamics and how to facilitate productive conversations in teams. The hosts end with some tips on facilitating better communication and openness in team environments.
3/14/201940 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 33: Highfalutin design techniques

This week kicks off with some standard dad-cast about kids, eye glasses, and problems with being dizzy. Chris tries to steer the conversation towards the main topic of the week: Umbrella apps. Chris and Amos provide some context for umbrella apps and explain the ways that people tend to use them. Chris talks about his experience building phoenix applications and what he values when designing systems. Anna joins half-way through and provides an impromptu opinion on umbrella applications. She provides a status update on the goings on of San Francisco and its current weather patterns. Chris and Amos finish up with a recap of their discussions and some ways that they grow systems over time.
3/1/201956 minutes, 28 seconds
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Episode 32: The First Friend of the Show

This week the original friend of the show, Fred Hebert, joins the hosts for a wandering discussion, ostensibly about his fantastic new book Property-Based Testing with PropEr, Erlang, and Elixir: Find Bugs Before Your Users Do by Fred Hebert | The Pragmatic Bookshelf ( Fred discusses his motivations for writing, maven plugins, and how to write better property based tests. He also shares some opinions on code coverage, test driven development, and elixir’s pipe operators. The Elixir Outlaws now have a Patreon ( If you’re enjoying the show then please consider throwing a few bucks our way to help us pay for the costs for the show. Special Guest: Fred Hebert.
2/21/20191 hour, 4 minutes, 11 seconds
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Episode 31: There's too much yaml in the world

This week the hosts are joined by special guest, friend of the show, and author of Elixir in Action Saša Jurić. The conversation kicks off with a discussion of protein poisoning before quickly turning to Elixir in Action. Saša explains his motivation and process for writing. After this the conversation moves towards Saša’s custom CI service he’s been building. Saša explains the major benefits of using elixir and erlang for these sorts of tasks. He talks about his dream of being able to utilize erlang with no other dependencies. The Elixir Outlaws now have a Patreon ( If you’re enjoying the show then please consider throwing a few bucks our way to help us pay for the costs for the show. Special Guest: Saša Jurić.
2/7/201945 minutes, 24 seconds
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Episode 30: Does this forum bring me joy?

This week we dive into Amos’s frustrations with emacs. Chris talks about the nature of optimizers and how addictive micro-optimizing can be. There's a lot of bird trailing before the main topic kicks off around 18:25. The main topic this week is Private Modules. Chris doesn’t think his opinion matters but Amos wants to talk about it anyway. Amos doesn’t know why we need this so Chris tries to provide some context. This eventually leads to a conversation on warnings and how they get surfaced in Elixir. Chris maintains that he’s ambivalent and Amos wants to think about it more. At the end of the show Chris provides some pretty great tips for getting over stage fright before a talk. The Elixir Outlaws now have a Patreon ( If you’re enjoying the show then please consider throwing a few bucks our way.
1/31/201951 minutes, 13 seconds
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Episode 29: Hour-long pair switching

This week Amos is looking for a new client and visiting lots of museums. The discussion turns to common libraries and methods when starting new projects. This leads to the topic of how to do effective handoff with clients through pairing and creating psychological safety in teams.
1/24/201934 minutes, 42 seconds
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Episode 28: Devoid of joy

4th wall break Hey y’all it’s Chris. Just wanted you to know that we had a bunch of technical issues with this call. Both mine and Anna’s recordings were corrupted somehow. We’re still looking into why. Because of this the audio quality changes at around the 20 minute mark. We fell back to using the zoom call audio which we typically only use as a reference for lining up all of the other tracks. I just wanted you to know in case you’re sensitive to that kinda thing. Notes This week kicks off with a discussion of the holidays, the plight of climate change, and the impending loss of Florida. Amos steers the conversation back towards elixir and his experience building a shell for his current client. Chris describe’s his current experience writing Rust. While he acknowledges that Rust is a good language he doesn’t feel like Rust elevates the paradigm of programming enough. Amos asks the other hosts what they look for in packages or libraries. This leads to a discussion of how to design deeper apis while leveraging stateless operations. Chris explains how they’re using stateless patterns in vapor. Elixir cards are available by tweeting at @elixiroutlaws ( and @elixircards ( on twitter with the hashtag #vapor. You can explain to Chris why he's wrong about rust or whatever. The Elixir Outlaws now have a Patreon ( If you’re enjoying the show then please consider throwing a few bucks our way to help us pay for the costs for the show.
1/20/201932 minutes, 43 seconds
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Episode 27: Give me a squiggly

This week kicks off with a discussion on the merits of being punctual and valuing people’s time. The conversation takes a detour into Chris and Amos’s experiences working at the big blue rectangle known as Walmart. This leads into the main topic for this week which is unit testing. Amos starts off with some definitions and Chris explains why if you’re gunna write a unit test you should actually be writing property based tests. The hosts wrap up the discussion by weighing the tradeoffs of different styles of testing. The Elixir Outlaws now have a Patreon ( If you’re enjoying the show then please consider throwing a few bucks our way to help us pay for the costs for the show.
1/3/201941 minutes, 51 seconds
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Episode 26: Lonely child operator

This week kicks off with a discussion of the holidays and the drama of having kids. There's a lot of shucking and jiving before leading into the main topic of this week: Interesting things that could be added to elixir. They discuss features for the IO and Enum modules, wacky ideas for functional composition and hopes for the community in the coming year.
12/20/201849 minutes, 27 seconds
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Episode 25: Shift-Reduce Warning

This week the hosts talk with Andrew Summers about the recent improvements to dialyixir and how to incorporate it into elixir applications. Special Guest: Andrew Summers.
12/13/201850 minutes, 48 seconds
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Episode 24: Dad Jokes with José

This week Jose Valim joins the outlaws to answer questions from the community. The conversation starts with a discussion about the current state of dialyzer and future plans to add a type system to elixir. Jose laments some of the decisions to include dialyzer types directly into Elixir. This leads to a discussion of new tools being built for deployment and for metrics gathering. Chris asks about efforts to make it easier to use elixir libraries in erlang and ways that we might be able to share more libraries across ecosystems. Jose discusses plans for extending the functionality of GenStage and Flow in order to help people build more robust data pipelines. Finally, Jose describes his recent adventures into livestreaming and tries to convince the hosts to livestream the podcast. Special Guest: Jose Valim.
11/29/201840 minutes, 22 seconds
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Episode 23: Reaching Understanding

This week Anna and Chris decompress from GigCity Elixir. They discuss several of the talks including a talk by Stu Halloway about what open source maintainers owe to communities. This leads to a discussion on how to have productive conversations about open source projects. Chris laments some of the ways that he's interacted with the community and Anna pushes for ways to facilitate constructive communication. This leads to a discussion about good ways to build modules and libraries that can be easily taught to newcomers. A copy of this episode is available to read as a blog, here:
11/15/201833 minutes, 48 seconds
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Episode 22: Live From Gig City Elixir - Amos Gets Paid

Special Guest: Dave Thomas.
11/12/201840 minutes, 16 seconds
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Episode 21: Deconstructing This Mountain of Doom

This week the hosts are joined by special guest and Friend of The Show :tm: James Edward Gray II. After introducing themselves for the first time in the shows history, James presents several questions for the guests. This leads into a discussion about dependencies, when we should rely on them, and how we should evaluate them. James turns the conversation to a discussion about Anna and Chris's talks at GigCityElixir. Special Guest: James Edward Gray II.
10/19/20181 hour, 8 minutes, 12 seconds
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Episode 20: The World Famous Sponge Display

This week starts off with a discussion about Amos and Chris’s recent trip to Strangeloop and the great talks they saw there. There’s a brief interlude into airports and the World Famous sponge display in the Chattanooga airport. The main topic this week: How do we handle complexity when designing software. Chris, excited after reading Philosophy of Software Design, gets exceptionally fired up about software design and the tradeoffs that programmers make. The hosts discuss the nature of software developers and the ways that programmer culture influences those decisions. The hosts turn to discussing the recent changes in Ecto which is mostly Chris ranting for 15 minutes because he doesn’t get it (those who dislike rants will want to turn off their podcast players).
10/11/201848 minutes, 34 seconds
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Episode 19: Elixir in Real Life

foot marbles moving ElixirConf
9/21/201852 minutes, 39 seconds
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Episode 18: Big Families Pt-2

Special Guest: Paul Schoenfelder.
8/30/201839 minutes, 49 seconds
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Episode 17: Big Families Pt-1

Distillery 2.0 Open source life Special Guest: Paul Schoenfelder.
8/24/201840 minutes, 49 seconds
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Episode 16: That's my internet voice

This week Amos and Chris discuss a fun absinthe bug and try to determine how to pronounce "leex". Chris describes his frustrations with REST and why building clients for REST apis is probably the worst thing ever. In the main topic this week, Amos expresses his frustration with Purely Functional Data Structures and understanding amortized time analysis. Chris attempts to provide some clarity by describing the physicists method.
8/9/201851 minutes, 5 seconds
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Episode 15: Nervestendo

This week Anna and Amos are joined by Nerves core team member Connor Rigby. They discuss nintendo hacking, robotic farming and how to get started with nerves development. Special Guest: Connor Rigby.
8/2/201845 minutes, 46 seconds
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Episode 14: Little's Law All The Way Down

This week starts with Amos describing the new features elixir 1.7 and Chris explaining some queueing theory. Afterwards Anna describes her experience solving a bug in her crypto-currency exchange. This leads to a discussion on how to find bugs in distributed systems, the dangers of generating data based on types and how to guide generators so they find more bugs.
7/26/201843 minutes, 25 seconds
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Episode 13: Coming in hot

Anna, Amos, and Chris start this week by discussing the recently released elixir documentary. Amos brings up the virus that was discovered in eslint-scope which detours into a conversation about reading through library dependencies. The hosts eventually make their way to the main topic for this week: How to find the correct restart intensity for your supervisors.
7/19/201845 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 12: Ready to mute

This week Amos kicks off the show by talking about his memory issues and Anna discusses her work on building a crypto currency exchange. The hosts then dive in to the main topic of this week: is Erlang "the most object oriented language" and if so is that a good thing.
7/12/201837 minutes, 50 seconds
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Episode 11: Smarter then your parents

Amos kicks off the show by lamenting how old he is. Afterwards Anna, Amos, and Chris discuss the new features coming to erlang/OTP 21. Chris proceeds to bum everyone out by talking about how burnt out and unethusiastic he is about his open source projects. Anna and Amos help to provide perspective and encouragement.
6/28/201844 minutes, 3 seconds
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Episode 10: A list of controversial topics

This week the outlaws are joined by Jose Valim and Chris McCord. After working out the confusion of having two Chris's and giving Keathley a timebox for controversial topics Jose and Chris provide some insight into the projects that they're currently pursuing. Afterwards they discuss ways that the elixir community can continue to grow, things that the community is doing well, and areas where we can improve. Special Guests: Chris McCord and Jose Valim.
6/14/20181 hour, 9 minutes, 46 seconds
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Episode 9: Happiness Lamp

Aos and Chris talk about: Parenting Broken Arms How do you add typespecs to a new project? The importanct of tests are your code.
6/11/201858 minutes, 44 seconds
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Episode 8: That became very cheesy

This week Anna, Amos, and Chris are joined by special guest and newly appointed Friend of the Show: Michal Muskala. After Michal teaches everyone how to correctly say his name they discuss the recent CodeBEAMSTO and optimizing elixir code for the BEAM. Chris attempts to avoid talking about config but the other hosts are wise to his schemes. Michal offers his opinions and insight into the issues with configuration, releases, and hot upgrades. Special Guest: Michał Muskała.
6/4/201851 minutes, 2 seconds
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Episode 7: A rat-king of problems

Anna, Amos, and Chris discuss the current state of configuration and the new proposals for making configuration behave in less surprising ways. Chris lays out the context and then claims he's going to stop talking. His silence lasts just long enough for Anna and Amos to provide their own opinions on the situation. Chris jumps back in and provides an alternative solution to the configuration problem and explains why it will never be adopted. As the show closes, Chris continues to talk to much while Anna and Amos provide thoughts on how to help educate and grow the elixir community.
5/28/20181 hour, 6 minutes, 23 seconds
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Episode 6: Blocking and Tackling

This week the outlaws are joined by Friend of The Show, Ben Marx. In between name dropping and sports idioms they discuss OpenTracing, OpenCensus, purely functional data structures, distributed systems, and Amos's experiences with living in the desert. Special Guest: Ben Marx.
5/21/201836 minutes, 27 seconds
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Episode 5: I'm perfectly fine throwing my time into a ditch

This week Anna and Chris discuss Chris's job change, how Elixir is marketed to developers, the elixir communities ruby heritage, and some discussions on elixir conferences. They finish up with some resources for first time conference speakers.
5/14/201851 minutes, 58 seconds
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Episode 4: A simple matter of FTP

Amos kicks off this episode by exposing the joys of symbolic variables in proper's state machine tests. Chris laments the lack of elixir work in his life and his future plans to correct the situation. The Outlaws then discuss the ramifications of Proper's GPL licensing. Not wanting to bore everyone with yet another open source licensing debate they quickly shift to #hottakes on stream_data's inclusion in elixir core. Anna provides a voice of reason while Chris plays devils advocate and says things that he'll probably regret. They finish with a teaser on "Purely Functional Data Structures".
5/7/201842 minutes, 18 seconds
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Episode 3: The Elixir Track of the Hallway Community - Teaching and Community

4/29/201852 minutes, 47 seconds
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Episode 2: Is this the show? - Property Testing

This week we talk about the benefits of property testing and discuss different tools and techniques available in the elixir community. Links Proper Testing StreamData QuickCheck Propcheck StreamData Proposal for model checking
4/22/201847 minutes, 19 seconds
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Episode 1: Vanity - Library Guidelines

Links: bambooconfigadapter ( Library Guidelines ( Dialyxir ( Success Types paper ( Dynamic Supervisor ( Propcheck ( Chris's issue on stream data ( Chris's talk on property testing ( Picks: Chris - ProperTesting - Amos - Recon -
4/16/20181 hour, 4 minutes, 39 seconds