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Designed to AWAKEN

English, Education, 1 season, 14 episodes, 6 hours, 42 minutes
How do I awaken and align with my purpose in the world? How do I trust and follow my intuition for more clarity in life? How do I understand the underlying themes that affect my life, career/business, health, relationships with myself and others? Imagine gaining clarity of your own blueprint for living a life of happiness, health, success and fulfillment in life, career/business and relationships? Imagine feeling confident in who you are as a unique individual. Imagine experiencing more energy, vitality, focus and desire while doing the things that are aligned with YOU. The Designed to AWAKEN Podcast is related to spiritual awakening and exploration of the mind, body and spirit in a holistic manner. Designed to AWAKEN is packed with real life experience and support to take the confusion out of learning and integrating your own unique design into your life and to awaken in the process. Danielle Golie is passionate about awakening to her authentic self and aligning with her purpose in the world. She is ready to share everything she has learned along her own journey of spiritual awakening and soul alignment so you too can experience more joy, ease and fulfillment in the pursuit of your own purposeFULL life. If you are ready to unlock the parts of your life that are inauthentic to you so that you can experience more confidence and clarity in why you are here at this time in humanity. Then it's time to ask yourself the question "How am I designed to awaken?" Host Danielle Golie brings her unique perspective on learning and self exploration of the Human Design System and how you too can contemplate your own design as well for more fulfilling relationships and life. To inspiring you to let go of resistance, past conditioning, and align with your authentic and awakened self! Along with sharing her life lessons, she interviews other aligned women who will share their journey and perspective of how aligning with their design and soul has been the pivot point in their lives, health, relationships, career or business. It's YOUR turn to let go of feeling unseen and unheard and be inspired to awaken, align and share your unique self in the world. The world is waiting for YOU!
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Ep 13: To Give is to Receive, Tips to Opening Your Heart to Receiving

To Give is to Receive What does it mean to have equal exchange of value or energy? What keeps us from truly being open to receiving love, abundance, joy or anything we desire? During this episode I will share my perspective on:  What leads us to feeling out of balance The gift of receiving Tips to open yourself up more to receiving which in turns allows you the energy to give more of yourself, your talents and gifts with the world. How for too long we have been conditioned to give without being "allowed" to receive and how it has kept many of us feeling stuck and unfulfilled.  Connect or work with Danielle Golie: Facebook: @daniellegolie Instagram: @iamdaniellegolie Pinterest: @your_purposeFULL_life Website: Book a Session: If you feel called to support the show or contribute:
4/28/202322 minutes, 42 seconds
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Ep 12: The Home a Sacred Place, Tips for Living a Non-Toxic Lifestyle with Szabina Steffens

Szabina has been living the American dream since 2004. Immigrating to the United States from Hungary, she parlayed a one-year stint as an Aupair into a 4 year degree from MSU Denver where she graduated with honors in management and international business. From there she has used her skill to run and manage her husband’s chiropractic clinic of 13 years. Always industrious, this organic mother of 2 has developed a passion for holistic living after having her babies. She is a continuous learner, avid reader and researcher. Wanting to provide the best for her family, she is proud to lead a non-toxic lifestyle, finished a couple of courses on herbal and essential oil remedies while striving to stay close to nature’s wisdom in a fast-paced Western world. She believes that learning is a life-long process and health is our greatest wealth. Szabina has spoke on this topic in person at numerous businesses and community groups in and around the Denver, CO area. During this episode we will share our perspective on:  Simple tips and steps to begin making personal choices around living a more non-toxic lifestyle Air, water and food as areas to look into for improving your health What it means to live a non-toxic lifestyle How your home is your sacred place and you have the ability to make conscious choices of what you allow in your home and how you do have the power to start today.  The importance of feeling empowered by the knowledge and not to go too far down the hole of living in fear Also the value of detoxing the body as a way of supporting overall health and wellbeing Tips on product label reading and to ease the effects of the increased 5G and EMF exposures on our energy and physical bodies See you inside the show Connect with Szabina @, Facebook group: Health Healing & Holistic Lifestyle @  Other resources  Connect or work with Danielle Golie: Facebook: @daniellegolie Instagram: @iamdaniellegolie Pinterest: @your_purposeFULL_life Website: Book a Session: If you feel called to support the show or contribute:
4/21/202340 minutes, 7 seconds
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Ep 11: Importance of Aligning with Your Core Values

Stand for something or fall for anything!  In the world today, we see so much hate, anger and division around values, beliefs and people demanding to have their wishes and desires forced on others even to the extent of stepping on others values and way of life.  Spirit was loud this morning in my heart asking me to share on aligning with your core values and how that is not permission to step on others values to make "yours" a reality. During this weeks podcast I will give my perspective on: The importance of knowing and aligning with your core values for a life of joy and fulfillment  How core values are a framework for decision making How negative values develop when people are forced to survive in difficult situations or live in insecurity or fear. A simple process to identify and begin aligning with your own values  See you inside the show and much love, Danielle Connect or work with Danielle Golie: Facebook: @daniellegolie Instagram: @iamdaniellegolie Pinterest: @your_purposeFULL_life Website: Book a Session: If you feel called to support the show or contribute:
4/14/202315 minutes, 52 seconds
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Ep 10: Sufi Spiritual Healing, a conversation with Dr. Rabia Goodban

Dr. Rabia J. Goodban, DAOM, L.Ac., Dipl.OM, LCSW, M.Div. Rabia is a Chinese medicine doctor who specializes in environmental medicine, counseling and Sufi spiritual healing. While she has been offering Sufi spiritual healing for many years, she is currently completing her Master Healer Practicum Program at the Institute of Spiritual Healing. She also has a doctorate of acupuncture and oriental medicine (DAOM) along with a master of divinity in Sufi spiritual guidance and education. During this episode we will explore: Sufi Spiritual Healing practice and how it may support your awakening and healing journey The string/rope of connection with your soul and Divine Source Shame, the frequency of the emotion and how moving slowly through the awakening journey and allowing for significant integration time at each level or system to prevent experiencing a healing crisis.  The importance of embodying your soul within your physical body as a way of living awakened Removing the "tarnish" and polishing up your gifts, talents and beauty for the world to witness within you I look forward to joining you inside the show and AWAKEN together!  Much love, Danielle Connect with Dr. Rabia @ Sublime Medicine & Arts website: For more information on Sufi spiritual healing, including classes: Also for more information, please see Dr. Ibrahim Jaffe’s book on Sufi spiritual healing: God’s Way: Sufi Spiritual Healing Connect or work with Danielle: Facebook: @daniellegolie Instagram: @iamdaniellegolie Pinterest: @your_purposeFULL_life Website: Book a Session: If you feel called to support the show or contribute:
4/7/202331 minutes, 57 seconds
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Ep 9: Accept Yourself & Express Yourself, a conversation with Dr. Chloe

"Using the most effective approaches to creating long-term habit change, as a Doctor of Chinese Medicine, Self-Mastery Coach, Certified Quit Smoking Specialist, and Trainer of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) — Dr. Chloé is devoted to supporting purpose-driven leaders in embodying their next level of health and performance as the founder of her company, Ascended Alchemy. With over a decade of clinical experience focused on how our mental and emotional health manifests through our physical body (and vice versa), Dr. Chloé’s work is dedicated to helping clients connect the strength of their mind to the wisdom of their body so that they can finally reprogram unconscious habits (like "I'm not good enough" stories, anxiety, and/or smoking) so they can feel confident, capable, and connected to their purpose. When she is working with clients online and in person, Dr. Chloé incorporates Chinese Medicine, Esoteric Acupuncture, NLP, Mental Emotional Release®, Hypnosis, Human Design, Gene Keys, and “Quit Smoking in 60 minutes” therapy to assist her clients’ healing process at the spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical levels. At the core of her work, Dr. Chloé is dedicated to helping you release mental & emotional baggage so you can finally have space for your True Self to be expressed." During this episode we will share our perspective around:  How Dr. Chloe's breaking point came from a period of very limited sleep and her desire to be able to accomplish so much during the day that lead her down the path of personal growth, healing and becoming a healer to support others. We share some of our experiences with be a 1/3 Profile in Human Design and how it has supported us in relationships, career and the life long desire of learning and the fall fast and fall forward mindset around business and learning from perceived failures.  How accepting yourself through the lens of Human Design can support you in expressing your authentic self.  Dr. Chloe also shares tips on following your own Dharma.  See you inside the show and much love, Danielle Connect with Dr. Chloe Banales on instagram  @dr.chloehom Connect or work with Danielle Golie: Facebook: @daniellegolie Instagram: @iamdaniellegolie Pinterest: @your_purposeFULL_life Website: Book a Session: If you feel called to support the show or contribute:
3/31/202337 minutes, 36 seconds
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Ep 8: Tips to Harness the Power of Life Speeding Up

Tips to Harness the Power of Life Speeding Up Are you one of the many who are asking yourself "does it feel like the days and life are at warp speed lately?" Are you feeling as all you can do is just get through the day and hope you get everything done that you had on your to do or had hoped to do? Are you struggling to stay focused on what is happening around you? My friend, if you are experiencing any of this you are not alone! I personally have and almost everyone I speak with are feeling this or similar experiences right now.  During this weeks podcast I will give my perspective on: Why life feelings as it's speeding up Some practical reasons you are experiencing the days flying by Areas of life that may be changing or you could be gaining a new perspective on Tips to harness the power of life speeding up  See you inside the show and much love, Danielle Connect or work with Danielle Golie: Facebook: @daniellegolie Instagram: @iamdaniellegolie Pinterest: @your_purposeFULL_life Website: Book a Session: If you feel called to support the show or contribute:
3/24/202322 minutes, 55 seconds
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Ep 7: Faith & Feelings: Emotional Intelligence as Spirituality with Charity Goodwin

Charity is a mom, pastor, and one who has suffered panic attacks and body break down from stress and anxiety, Charity's continual journey is to honor and navigate feelings and her place in life. Charity is here to help you do the same. Rev. Charity Goodwin holds the view that faith is to be practiced not just believed. As a follower of Jesus and minister of the gospel, her first ministry is as mom to Gabriel and Levi. Charity is an ordained elder in the United Methodist Church. In addition to her role as Pastor of Spiritual Formation and Groups at The Gathering, she speaks, preaches and facilitates workshops on leadership, emotional intelligence, vulnerability and courage for Christian institutions or organizations. With degrees in journalism and divinity, she strengthens her ministry within in and beyond the walls of the church with credentials as a facilitator of Brené Brown’s research, a coach, practitioner and assessor of emotional intelligence.  Charity is author of GET UP: Unearthing Your Passion & Taking Brave Action in 50 Days and its facilitator guide, which she co-wrote with her mentee, Brittany Radford.  During this episode we will discuss how emotional intelligence and spirituality are interconnected along with:  Every consider how becoming emotionally mature = spiritual maturity? What is an emotional heart attack? Hear about Charity's personal experience and how it lead her down the path of Know Yourself, Choose Yourself and Give Yourself as a way of living WHOLE. Spiritual Formation, becoming more like Jesus Body connection and the feeling wheel to support increasing your emotional vocabulary and much more! Connect more with Charity Goodwin with her Book, Podcast and more at Feeling Wheel Much love and thank you for joining us! Danielle Connect or work with Danielle Golie: Facebook: @daniellegolie Instagram: @iamdaniellegolie Pinterest: @your_purposeFULL_life Website: Book a Session: If you feel called to support the show or buy me a coffee:)  
3/17/202342 minutes, 25 seconds
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Ep 6: Human Design: A System for Living Authentically with Randi Lee

Welcome to our conversation with Randi Lee, she is a 6/2 Sacral Generator and a Human Design and Gene Keys guide and mentor who's passionate about supporting individuals to live fully expressed without compromise and trust in their inner authority.  One of her superpowers is translating complex systems like Human Design and Gene Keys into understandable language so you can experience the full power of the wisdom within.  As someone with Power View and Desire motivation, she's here to see what's not working and is motivated to create change in a new direction. Randi currently lives in Honolulu, Hawaii with her miniature dachshund, Athena. During this weeks episode you will hear about the Human Design system and how it can support you in living an authentic life.  How open and undefined centers hold the potential for conditioning around how you may see yourself and show up in the world. How changing the trajectory of the collective begins with the individual, you first.  Embodying your own strategy and authority is the first aspect of living aligned and authentically you.  Shadow and non-self themes and so much more.  If you are familiar with Human Design or this is the first time hearing about it, this is a conversation you don't want to miss!  See you inside the show and much love, Danielle Connect with guest Randi Lee Instagram @iamrandilee Connect or work with Danielle: Facebook: @daniellegolie Instagram: @iamdaniellegolie Pinterest: @your_purposeFULL_life Website: Book a Session: If you feel called to support the show or buy me a coffee:)    
3/10/202331 minutes, 46 seconds
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Ep 5: Stop the Hustle, Reach Your Goals without Burnout

Stop the Hustle & Reach Your Goals without Burnout Are you in the middle of living your life always on the go or is your work environment one that encourages or rewards working long hours and putting your life or family second or even last on your priority.  During this weeks podcast I will give my perspective on: Why the hustle culture?  The cost of the hustle on your mind, body, spirit and relationships Benefits of stopping the hustle and focusing more on balance and doing what you enjoy How to begin creating more balance with your work and life How to stay motivated  Why the connection with the hustle in the first place  I personal have experienced more joy, energy and pleasure in life, business and within my relationships after stepping out of the hustle mindset and stepping into alignment with my unique energy design as well as no longer giving two sheets what others think of me or how hard I work. I find myself more productive following my bodies clues and staying intentional with what I desire for my life.  See you inside the show and much love, Danielle Connect or work with Danielle Golie: Facebook: @daniellegolie Instagram: @iamdaniellegolie Pinterest: @your_purposeFULL_life Website: Book a Session: If you feel called to support the show or buy me a coffee:)  
3/3/202326 minutes, 9 seconds
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Ep 3: Awaken Confidence with Sarah Gaaskjolen

Sarah Gaaskjolen loves helping others heal and feel better. She became a nurse to help and be of service. Since then she has been exposed to more natural ways of healing the body from the inside out.  Sarah is passionate about preventive health and proactive health approaches. She is also a woman who's inspired by empowering others when faced with challenges to overcome them. This can be anything from health to personal challenges. Sarah is an expert firearms instructor and she loves empowering women through firearms training to help build their personal confidence. Just by supporting them and transforming their fear of firearms to becoming confident with shooting and handling their firearm. She is able to witness woman step into their personal power. Sarah is a true leader and empowerment mentor.  Check out our conversation on awakening confidence as Sarah shares her own journey of stepping into her power as a mom, firearms expert and mentor.  Connect with Sarah on Facebook @ Sarah Gaaskjolen, Instagram @sarahgaask91  Connect or work with Danielle Golie: Facebook: @daniellegolie Instagram: @iamdaniellegolie Pinterest: @your_purposeFULL_life Book a Session: If you feel called to support the show or buy me a coffee:)  
2/24/202334 minutes, 1 second
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Ep 4: Awakening Your Intuition

Intuition is a topic I LOVE talking about and teaching! It has been a life long passion of mine and after studying Human Design and coming to realize I have the gate of Intuition in my sphere of Life's Work and my conscious sun, I now understand why it's been a common thing I have focused so much of my life cultivating. During Awakening Your Intuition episode I will share stories about shutting my intuition off and what life experiences helped me reconnect with my inner knowing and how following my "knowing" has lead me on the path of loving life, experiencing more happiness and more fulfilling relationships.  Do you desire to decrease confusion and frustration and increase trust and faith in your inner knowing?  Would you like to learn about practical things you can do to cultivate your own intuition for more clarity and direction? Then press that play button and let's connect and share together!  See you inside for real talk, simple strategies and more clarity!  Much love, Connect or work with Danielle Golie: Facebook: @daniellegolie Instagram: @iamdaniellegolie Pinterest: @your_purposeFULL_life Book a Session: If you feel called to support the show or buy me a coffee:)
2/24/202340 minutes, 8 seconds
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Ep 2: Awakening, Why Now with Simone de Cunha

Simone de Cunha is a Transformational Coach, Healer, and Awakening Mentor. She supports and guides awakening souls as they navigate this dynamic passage of time. Beautiful humans going through challenging times who want to evolve by healing trauma and awakening to their true selves at a soul level to rediscover freedom and joy in their lives. Simone is passionate about sharing deeper insight and big picture understanding around the shift in consciousness and call to awaken as a collective humanity. Truth and empowerment are what drives her. Simone is a certified healer & coach, masters educated journalist who recently relocated to Croatia.   During our conversation Simone and I dive into the difference of spiritual awakening and true awakening as well as sharing a little about our own personal experience of awakening.   We discuss "why NOW" and how awakening is a perspective shift and healing process.    We also embark on the topics of the dark night of the soul, the matrix and how the concept of time is changing.    This is an episode where you will gain a higher perspective of what it means to awakening and how the collective is shifting.    Come and join in on a conversation with two soul sisters and it's our intention to support you with navigating these dynamic, changing times of humanity.    Connect with Simone more on instagram @awaken_with_Simone much love, Connect or work with Danielle Golie: Facebook: @daniellegolie Instagram: @iamdaniellegolie Pinterest: @your_purposeFULL_life Book a Session: If you feel called to support the show or buy me a coffee:)        
2/24/202338 minutes, 33 seconds
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Ep 1: What is Spiritual Awakening

Are you experiencing a shift in your conscious awareness?  Are you feeling that nudge within your body that there has to be something more in life?  If so you could be experiencing a spiritual awakening and this could be gradual or sudden. Spiritual awakening is happening on a greater level now as we are upon the Great Awakening.  What can lead to a spiritual awakening? Many times a major life transition can activate your spiritual awakening. Such for me it began with quitting my professional career as the Director of Public Health and uprooting my family and moving to Colorado for me to begin studying Traditional Chinese Medicine. Some other triggers include divorce, death of a loved one, major illness or job loss.  What changes happen during a spiritual awakening?   Stages of a spiritual awakening  Stage 1: Ignorance Stage 2: Seeking.  Stage 3:  Awakening   Stage 4: Integration   Tips to support you during your spiritual awakening Be open to change:  Be curious:  Learn to let go:  Declutter:  Connect with Nature:  Lastly be patient:  Press play to hear more about my personal experience and spiritual awakening journey.  Much love, Connect or work with Danielle Golie: Facebook: @daniellegolie Instagram: @iamdaniellegolie Pinterest: @your_purposeFULL_life Book a Session: If you feel called to support the show or buy me a coffee:)
2/24/202315 minutes, 30 seconds
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Designed to AWAKEN-Trailer

Hello Beautiful Soul, Welcome to Designed to AWAKEN Podcast I'm Danielle Golie, your host and I'm honored to give you a peek into my show and what you can expect. Thank you for listening to the trailer to gain some perspective on me and where we will be journeying to, together. If you have ever wondered why you are here during this time of the great awakening, you are not alone. Step inside and gain clarity and confidence in your own unique design and awaken and align with your hearts desires and embark on your own purposeFULL life. Much love, Danielle Connect or work with Danielle: Facebook: @daniellegolie Instagram: @iamdaniellegolie Pinterest: @your_purposeFULL_life Contribute to Podcast or buy me a coffee :)
2/9/20233 minutes, 3 seconds