Tetris is one of the best-selling games of all time, and was ubiquitous for the people of my generation worldwide. The point was to arrange blocks as they fell into complete rows, making them disappear. This is not unlike biblical theology, where we take texts and problems and try to arrange them rightly. Sometimes, however, the blocks fall so fast and their arrangement so complicated, that we can feel quite overwhelmed. This is especially true for the most difficult passage in 1 Corinthians, where Paul deals with head coverings. Let us see if we can make some sense of this somewhat strange and enigmatic passage.
1/28/2024 • 44 minutes, 21 seconds
The Glory of God and the Good of Others
Some things in this world are complicated because they need to be. MRI machines, the internal combustion engine, and the space shuttle are all tremendously complicated because they must be to do their job. There are, however, some things that are more difficult than they should be. Windshield wipers, IKEA furniture, and online recipes all seem needlessly complicated. So it is with Paul’s argument about meat in these last three chapters of 1 Corinthians. Why not just say “yes” or “no”? Primarily because Paul knew a good opportunity to teach when it presented itself. How should we handle ourselves in these situations?
1/21/2024 • 44 minutes, 44 seconds
Our God-Given Rights
Our nation has sprung up from a declaration of rights. We are a people who love to claim their rights, to fight for their rights, even to say that we would gladly die for our rights. What if, for the good of others, God might be calling you to lay down your rights? Would you? Paul pleads with the Corinthians to see the good in setting aside their rights that others might flourish in the Lord.
1/14/2024 • 39 minutes, 39 seconds
Doctrine and Love
Doctrine has gotten a bad reputation in some segments of the church. For many, seeing the fights that have split the church over every jot and tittle in the Bible, doctrine is just a divisive force; one that divides but can never unify. We think differently. Yet, we must know the limits of our theology and our doctrine. Even when we get them right, we can be very wrong.
1/7/2024 • 37 minutes, 15 seconds
Marriage, Singleness, and Belief
Christians uphold marriage as a foundational part of the culture in which we live. We rightly understand how important marriage is financially for individuals, not to mention for the quality of life of children. 1 Corinthians 7 is the longest straightforward treatment of marriage in Scripture. What Paul has to say is both helpful and surprising.
12/31/2023 • 44 minutes, 53 seconds
Let Us Prepare for His Coming!
Each year, we prepare for the Christmas season through Advent. But what do the individual candles mean, and how are we to think of them as a collective whole? Today, let us consider the Advent season in full, and grow in our appreciation of our Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ, come in the flesh.
12/24/2023 • 33 minutes, 43 seconds
Holiness and the Work of God
Christianity, in its most basic form, is quite an easy thing to understand. God, out of love for us and pleasure in his justice, became a man so that he might die in our place, taking our sin and death and defeating them forever. We proclaim this, so that anyone who trusts and believes in that might have eternal life in him. See, easy! But how are we to live here and now? Do we follow the law? Well, sort of, but not really. How are we to determine what is right and wrong? Here, as in many places, Paul gives us a helpful answer.
12/17/2023 • 35 minutes, 11 seconds
The Love of Discipline
There are many things in this life that we simply do not associate with one another. Pickles and ice cream; power and modesty; Christmas sweaters and class. These things simply belong in separate categories in our heads. Yet, there are many things that people generally feel do not mix well that are necessarily related. Discipline and love would rank high on that list. Discipline, even formal discipline, is a necessity within the church of Jesus, and is in fact a helpful and needed demonstration of our love.
12/10/2023 • 37 minutes, 38 seconds
Words to Humble the Arrogant
When diphtheria or scarlet fever hit a home in older days, simple disinfectant procedures were not good enough. No detergents were strong enough nor scrubbing sufficient enough to remove the harmful bacteria. The only tool left was fire – not to purify, but to destroy. In Paul’s desire to destroy the pride and arrogance of the Corinthians, he has appealed to the cross and Scripture. Still, if these appeals are not sufficient, he is prepared to use fire. Such fire can be seen in his very words today, where he instructs the Corinthians that if they really wish to avoid factions, they must remember
12/3/2023 • 40 minutes, 40 seconds
The Wisdom of the Cross
When most people consider the meaning of the cross, they think of it in terms of salvation: forgiveness for sins, cleansing, being made right with God. This is good! Such things are true and form the foundation of all Christian preaching of the cross. Yet, the cross has more for us than salvation; it is the very wisdom of God distilled, able to help and guide through all parts of life. This is Paul’s very point in our passage today.
11/19/2023 • 38 minutes, 9 seconds
The Foolish and the Wise
We don’t place a great deal of worth on unity and community in the modern church. While this might be chalked up to many different influences, it nevertheless seems quite true. But what is also true, from even a cursory glance through the New Testament is that Paul doesn’t share that view. For him, unity is hard-baked into the gospel, as sure to be present among those who believe as the Spirit, as certain of an entailment as is forgiveness. We get of sense of why he saw things that way this morning.
11/13/2023 • 45 minutes, 4 seconds
The Powerful Grace of the Lord
Today, we start a new study looking at Paul’s first letter to the Corinthian congregation. This was a congregation built out of new converts, ignorant of many of the right and good practices of God before Paul came, and slow to move in the right direction at times. They were split into factions, had immoral sexual practices, seeking honor and power in the world. Yet Paul is so certain of their right standing in the Lord. Why is this so? Let us take a look at his argument throughout this book today.
11/6/2023 • 43 minutes, 26 seconds
The Righteousness and Judgment of God
In this text, we see judgment pronounced on six specific nations for the sins that they’ve committed. As we look at this verdict, we get a glimpse at the character of God, specifically how the almighty Lord of the universe carries out judgment. The main idea of this passage is this: The LORD will judge the world in righteousness and justice. As we work through this text, we will see eight aspects of God’s judgment.
10/30/2023 • 54 minutes, 14 seconds
Paul's Perfect Paradigm of Humility
WWJD bracelets were all the rage at one time. Their intent was to get the wearer to ask themselves, “What would Jesus do?” The problem with this is that one’s answer was totally subjective. Two people could have two radically different views as to what Jesus would do in any given situation. A better question to ask, and one that drives us to the gospels rather than our preconceived notions, is “What did Jesus do?” That’s precisely the question Paul asks as he presents Jesus as the perfect example of humility.
10/23/2023 • 35 minutes, 29 seconds
Why We Repent
There are a number of things to point to when asking why the western Church is in the state that it is in. Many could point to the lack of quality leadership, preaching of Christ, love, or the insistence on drawing crowds. One of the factors in all of these things is the simple idea of repentance. People like to be forgiven, but hate repentance. It can be a distaseteful and ugly thing. Why ought we to repent? Let us turn to teh words of our Lord and hear him well!
10/15/2023 • 38 minutes, 55 seconds
Sin's Black Hole
Black holes are widely known and somewhat understood by people now; such was not the case 100 years ago. A completely unexpected outcome of a famous theory, they are monstrous in effect, crushing anything that comes to close to nothing, and stretching out that death forever. A better picture of sin could hardly be imagined. Today, we see how the Kingdom fights against this gravity, and the fate of those who pass beyond the point of no return.
10/8/2023 • 38 minutes, 25 seconds
Jesus, the Chosen Servant
Last week we considered how our interpretation of the law impacted our view of God. This week, we have a chance to see how our view of prophecy effects our understanding of Jesus. Many throughout the ages have been called to serve God’s people, both inside and outside the Scriptures. But only one is God’s chosen servant, sent to bring all his promises to fulfillment. There is only one Jesus.
10/1/2023 • 33 minutes, 18 seconds
God and Good Works
Controversies are unfortunate things. We are strongly warned to not dip our toes into such streams carelessly, lest we be swept away with envy and deceit. Yet, we cannot always avoid such things – sometimes we must take up the word and fight. So far in his ministry, Jesus has avoided such contentious confrontations, but he can no longer. What is at stake is not merely an interpretation of the Sabbath, but what we think of as the very heart of God.
9/24/2023 • 41 minutes, 49 seconds
Repentance and Salvation
We are indeed grateful for the beautiful gift of salvation. But we often lose sight of the importance of salvation really and truly being a gift. We still judge people as being closer or further from the Kingdom based on their deeds, as though salvation was somehow dependent upon their goodness. Jesus forcefully reminds us that salvation is not for the good, the great, or the go-getters, but for those who repent and believe.
9/17/2023 • 38 minutes, 43 seconds
Doubt is a persistent thing in most human lives; it can be good, sometimes bad, and often irrelevant to our lives. But for those of faith, whose entire life and salvation hang upon belief and trust, doubt is not only a source of anxiety and vexation, but can become a crisis and put people on the edge of devastation. What can we do to battle such doubts? Jesus is here, as always, to help us. Let us turn to him this morning.
9/10/2023 • 41 minutes, 8 seconds
The Nature of Missions (Part III)
Jesus is kind to us, even in the giving of difficult news. While the sermon on the mission opened with some encouraging notes, Jesus quickly and surely turned to the bad news, making certain that the apostles knew what was facing them. Yet he doesn’t leave them without some hope – hope that he places before them today. What can we hold onto, what can we pursue, to help us endure to the end?
9/3/2023 • 36 minutes, 49 seconds
The Nature of Missions (Part II)
While Matthew and Jesus have already spoken to us about the nature of missions, there is much more ground to cover. In this second part of our study through the Lord’s instructions about missions, we have placed before us the stark nature of what we are sent out to do, and the faith that is necessary to see us through.
8/27/2023 • 45 minutes, 20 seconds
The Nature of Missions
Why do Christians spend so much time speaking about, giving to, and engaging in missions? Can not the word of God spread, like rain from the heavens, the message on its own, naturally and organically. Yes, indeed it does. But it happens naturally through the disciples of Jesus, not through a mystic movement of God’s word. Today, Jesus summons his disciples to engage in missions, and we would do well to eavesdrop on his comments to them, that we might hear again the importance of taking the good news of Jesus to this lost world.
8/20/2023 • 46 minutes, 3 seconds
Christian Apologetics - Part VII (Review and Questions)
Today, as we finish our brief study about apologetics, we review the material we have discussed over the past 6 weeks, and field any remaining questions.
8/13/2023 • 46 minutes, 19 seconds
Two Sides
We often hear the saying that there are two sides to every story. We tend to only believe one, and often the other is rancid and worthless, a fiction used to prop up sin and lies. Yet even these stories are useful; they show us the lengths that sin will trod to keep its hold on us, and warn us against our own deceptive hearts. Today, Jesus will heal more people, showing his power and his might. And while much faith in him will be demonstrated, we also get examples of the “other side of the story”; those who stand in unbelief and denial. Let us consider both sides this morning!
8/13/2023 • 48 minutes, 23 seconds
Humility: The Key to Unity
Television shows like Survivor have become a window into the selfishness that characterizes our culture and fallen humanity as a whole. As contestants lie, cheat, and steal to gain advantage over their opponents, we recognize the same self-seeking, self-aggrandizing mindset that is all around us and, unfortunately, often within us. This mindset, while pervasive in 21st century America, is hardly unique to us. The early church had to contend with it, as well; it was, in fact, threatening to pull the Philippian church apart. As Paul continues the appeal for unity he began at the end of Philippians 1, we see some of the basic facts about the role our humility plays.
8/6/2023 • 36 minutes, 32 seconds
Christian Apologetics - Part 6 (The Problem of Evolution)
Evolution has been a particular thorn in the side of Christians for nearly 200 years. While some see no contradictions between this area of science and our faith, for many the problems between the two are insurmountable. Today, we look at some of the problems that evolution faces, and ways in which Christians can counter the claims of evolutionary biology.
8/6/2023 • 53 minutes, 32 seconds
Christian Apologetics - Part 5 (The Problem of Evil)
Many people notice evil around them, but if God is good and all-powerful, why does evil exist? What kind of defense can Christians give? Today, we consider the problem of evil and the Christian response.
7/30/2023 • 52 minutes, 20 seconds
Trying on New Perspectives
We often get stuck in seeing things certain ways because of our own culture and conventions. We tend to think we understand the world around us, and can make sense of all others, and their actions, through those lenses. As disciples, however, those ways of looking at things are at times challenged, and when challenged, ought to be discarded. Today, Jesus puts somewhat odd associations together for us, to help us see the world in (perhaps) a new light.
7/30/2023 • 41 minutes, 58 seconds
It's a(nother) Miracle!
Do we really need to believe in miracles? There are many in our culture who see our belief in miracles as a clinging to the mystical past, a bygone era of superstition and unscientific trust. Friends, let us know better! The miracles of Jesus tell us as much about him, and what he has come to do, as any of his teachings. We need a miracle worker in our lives, and in Jesus we have just that. Praise him this morning as we read of his wondrous works!
7/23/2023 • 43 minutes, 2 seconds
Christian Apologetics - Part 4 (The Resurrection of Jesus)
The central question concerning Christianity is historical and straightforward - Did Jesus rise from the grave? While many seek to deny this claim, we have very good reason to affirm it. Let us see why this morning!
7/23/2023 • 56 minutes
It's a Miracle!
As much as Jesus might be known for his wise words of teaching, like in the Sermon on the Mount, he is renowned for his miracles. Many, who would not otherwise be able to tell you almost anything about him, would know that he is held by those who believe in him as a miracle worker. While we have been introduced in a general way to those miracles (4:23), here we have our first introduction to the personal side of them. Matthew is not content just telling us stories, but desires that even those stories be part of an even larger, and more important, story.
7/16/2023 • 42 minutes, 49 seconds
Christian Apologetics - Part 1 (Introduction)
Today, we start our 7-part study in apologetics, or the defense of the truth. We begin with a simple introduction to the topic, and review the goals for the class.
7/2/2023 • 50 minutes, 14 seconds
Chasing Gold
Aesop has given us many memorable fables over the years: the boy who cried wolf, the tortoise and the hare, the lion and the mouse. These have been given to us that we might, as little children, learn good morals. One of these, the goose that laid the golden egg, reminds us to flee from greed. But, as fables, we also learn well that anything that seems to good can’t last, or even be true. Today, Jesus challenges that assumption.
7/2/2023 • 37 minutes, 7 seconds
Judge Not
Judging others is natural for many of us, and somewhat inescapable. We are constantly making discerning judgments about things, and even people. So, when Jesus says “Judge not” – does he mean that we are to stop all these things? If not, what does he mean, and how are we to apply it? Today, we encounter one of the most misunderstood passages in the New Testament. Nevertheless, it has much wisdom for us. Let us listen well to our Lord!
6/25/2023 • 40 minutes, 46 seconds
Don't Fret over Tomorrow
Worry and anxiety is, it seems, a part of life. Many in this world know what it is to be hungry and cold, and have understandable worries over their next meal and their clothing. Others have much of both, yet are still haunted by doubts about their security. Still others suffer from such strong and binding anxiety that nothing seems to be able to loosen. Jesus’ words today are for all of us. There is no need to fret over the worries and troubles of tomorrow, for God is Father, caring, concerned, and capable to give us all we need.
6/18/2023 • 39 minutes, 34 seconds
Treasure in Heaven
It is nice, as a pastor, to know we’re not the only ones who chase rabbits in sermons! Two weeks ago, Jesus starting to warn his disciples of acting like hypocrites, who performed their righteous feats only to get the applause of men. Yet, in the middle of that, he diverted to help us to understand how we ought to pray. Today, we resume and complete his teaching, as we are instructed to store up our treasures in heaven. Let those who have eyes to see, see!
6/11/2023 • 45 minutes, 8 seconds
The Lord's Prayer
Prayer is one of the most basic Christian disciplines, and yet one of the most neglected, and for many, one of the hardest. We have reasons why: we don’t have time; we don’t have the words; we don’t know how. Jesus was not unaware of the problems that people had with prayer. In this, one of the most memorable and important passages in the Bible, Jesus teaches us how to pray and seeks to liberate us from our excuses that we may pursue God as we ought.
6/4/2023 • 41 minutes, 57 seconds
How to Pursue Righteousness
Every sport requires not just a desired goal, but a strategy of how to achieve it. Often, the goals are straightforward, but how the team or the individual will pursue those goals can be quite different. Our own goals in the Christian life have been, to a certain extent, laid out for us in chapter 5 by Jesus. But Jesus has some important words for us about how we are to pursue those goals. His warnings, and admonitions, come to us here in the beginning of chapter 6. How should we pursue righteousness?
5/28/2023 • 40 minutes, 2 seconds
Jesus and the Greater Righteousness (Part 2)
The world is filled with advice. Our friends give us advice, our parents, even the youngest among us are apt to spew their wisdom to whomever will listen! Some advice is good, some is bad, but none of it will ever be as good as the words of our Lord. His words are always true, even when difficult. But his words are not advice, but wisdom; this is not just the path to a better life, but the way to live wisely in his Kingdom. Let us listen well to his words as we consider the last 3 of his examples on the Greater Righteousness from Matthew 5.
5/21/2023 • 40 minutes, 25 seconds
Jesus and the Greater Righteousness (Part 1)
Humans, not just the scribes and the Pharisees, but all of us in some measure try to do the least we can and still make the grade. We want efficiency, to put in a little effort and get maximal output. Yet, when it comes to our morality before God, Jesus informs us that this simply cannot be the case. This was the error of those of old, keeping the law in its barest requirements, and never seeking more. Today, Jesus begins to show us how we are to stretch for more – for a greater righteousness.
5/14/2023 • 40 minutes, 4 seconds
Jesus and the Law
The nature and purpose of the law, now that Christ has come and redeemed us from its curse, has been and continues to be a major problem for Christians. We know that we are not saved by keeping it, but how much shall we look to it? How is it to instruct us, and what portions of it are we to follow? Such questions are given a variety of answers because they are indeed challenging. Today, we get help from the Lord, as he tells us his very condensed thoughts on the matter. This tightly packed statement will not tell us everything we need to know, but does provide some important guard rails for us as we move forward.
5/7/2023 • 41 minutes, 47 seconds
Salt and Light
Salt and light have become so ubiquitous in our world, so normal and easy to find, that we hardly think of them anymore. This was, for the vast majority of human history, not the case. Salt was as good as gold, and light was perhaps even more precious. These are the very things that Jesus calls us to be. Today, as we hear his familiar words, let us be reminded again of the great call and urgent need there is in us being the salt of the earth and the light of the world.
4/30/2023 • 41 minutes, 20 seconds
The Paradox of Flourishing
Humans tend to want the same things, no matter the culture or the climate: we want wealth, power, fame, health. We seek these things, or at least whatever we think will gain them, not because of them alone but because they bring with them a happiness, a flourishing in the world. But Jesus has good news for us: God’s flourishing for us, God’s desires for us, include none of those things! We all can have a sense of happiness, be in a state of flourishing, without the trappings of the world. To understand this, let us consider Jesus’ beatitudes.
4/23/2023 • 48 minutes, 47 seconds
An Introduction to the Sermon on the Mount
The Sermon on the Mount is known rightly as the greatest sermon ever preached. Preaching about it is really a daunting task! Why even try? The words of the sermon are always going to be better than anything that I offer, certainly. But, so it is for all of God’s words, and yet we still preach. Preaching is the method that God has given to clear away misunderstanding and to help his people rightly apply his word. To attempt this for the sermon, it is helpful to cover the overall vision of the message before we get into the particulars. There are three questions we will ask of the sermon this morning.
4/16/2023 • 34 minutes, 36 seconds
Jesus, Raised for Us
Jesus has had a busy week! But we celebrate today the dawning of the new week, the new work that God has in store for us in the resurrection. On Good Friday we thought through some of the implications of the cross, and today we get to do the same for the empty tomb. What are we to make of the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ?
4/9/2023 • 30 minutes, 45 seconds
The Reasons for the Cross
Jesus has had a busy week! It is not yet over for him, though. The yielding of his life will give way to the resurrection on Sunday. The two days are inexorably linked, yet they different questions surround them. On Friday, the questions are not so much, “Did Jesus die?”, but, rather, “Why did Jesus die?” What was the purpose of his dying, and what did it accomplish?
4/9/2023 • 39 minutes, 19 seconds
The Offer of the Kingdom
We teach our children, from the youngest age, about opposites. High and low, right and left, good and bad. These are helpful concepts to have in life! Yet, sometimes, we don’t rightly apply that very basic concept to the Kingdom of heaven. The Kingdom of Jesus comes as the opposite of the world, as an enemy of the world, which is constantly at war with the world. Let us consider what that means for us today, as we listen to Jesus’ words from the very beginning of his ministry.
4/2/2023 • 39 minutes, 57 seconds
Temptation, for those striving for holiness, is never a welcome thing. For many, such trials just appear to be new ways to fail, to fall yet again into sin. Our text today is meant to be both a help and a comfort for us. For Jesus, temptation was real and yet overcome. And while he faces and defeats this temptation for us, he does by wielding weapons that we ourselves can wield. Let us be helped, and see the hope, that Jesus’ temptation is meant to provide.
3/12/2023 • 40 minutes, 23 seconds
To Fulfil All Righteousness
Crossway is a Baptist church, and gladly so. We share much with other Baptist churches, but like any group, we are also quite different. Even amongst those who insist on creedal baptism, we differ quite a bit on the nature of baptism and what it represents. We at Crossway think that it is more than just a symbol (although it is at least that!). Today, we get to see in Jesus the importance of our baptism, and how it is more than just a symbol, but the center of our confession and union with him.
3/5/2023 • 39 minutes, 17 seconds
Herod and the King
Jesus is a striking historical figure. Attempts to summarize him, to boil down his message or his work, have often failed for the basic reason that he comes to us, not as a simple person, but a complex one. He offers grace to the weakest and the most unholy of people, yet demands more from them than anyone in history had before. What are we to make of him? How do we rightly speak about these two distinct parts of Jesus’ own message? What insight might Matthew’s text today provide for us?
2/26/2023 • 42 minutes, 32 seconds
Revelation and Wise-Men
We often look to the skies for signs from God. Even as Christians, we know that the stars and heavens hold a message for us of God’s glory. Even so, we are also knowledgeable of our own failures in understanding that message, and humanity’s ability to pervert that message in the most foolish of ways. God has indeed given us a better revelation of himself. Today, as we think about the magicians from the east and their voyage to Jesus, let us think through what it means to receive God’s revelation, both in the sky and in the Scripture.
2/19/2023 • 42 minutes, 44 seconds
Reverberations of the Virgin Birth
Why do evangelicals hold the virgin birth in such high esteem? It is tempting to think that this doctrine’s importance is only held up in relief to the skeptical time in which we live; a fundamentalist response to the challenge of modern science. But such is not the case! The early church felt strongly enough about it to place it in the creeds, and the church universal has long confessed it. Today, let us see how the virgin birth, as recorded in Matthew, should both comfort us and challenge us.
2/12/2023 • 43 minutes, 12 seconds
Jesus, Son of David, Son of Abraham
Where should biographies start? At the birth of the subject? But factors that shaped their lives were in place long before they were born. Parents, the nature of the culture that they were born into, the political situation? Each of our four Gospels starts in a unique position. Matthew, for his part, starts with a genealogy. We may question why Matthew would begin this way, but his introduction has questions for us as well!
2/5/2023 • 41 minutes, 19 seconds
The Work of the Lord
Today, we come to the end of our study in Exodus. The story has moved quickly for such a long book. God has seen his people’s trials and heard their cries, he has called Moses, destroyed their enemies, given them commands, forgiven their sin, and made a way to dwell with them. Yet, while so much has been completed and done, we are left with the feeling and implication at the end of the book that much more needs to be done. As we finish and recap, what shall we learn from the Exodus?
1/22/2023 • 38 minutes, 44 seconds
Seeing God's Glory
In 1961, the Soviet Union detonated the largest nuclear bomb ever exploded during a test in the Artic Circle. The bomb was over twice the strength and size as the next largest bomb ever detonated, and remains so to this day. It is staggeringly difficult to imagine the power of the blast. We use numbers and analogies, but still cannot quite grasp it with any meaningful metric. If that is true for a manmade bomb, think of what the glory of God, who made all things, must be like! What could we compare it to? How might we describe it? What’s more, how do we experience it? Our text today is about the bold request of Moses to experience that very glory; but what does it hold for us today?
1/15/2023 • 40 minutes, 27 seconds
Controlled Anger
Anger is a part of the world. With sin so prevalent, and wrong so near, it would be odd if it wasn’t. Anger is rightly applied to the Lord in the presence of sin, so it is likewise a legitimate reaction for his people. Yet, it is never to control us or to be characteristic of God’s people. How, then, shall we be angry and not sin? While exhaustive rules would never suffice, our text today provides a very good model in Moses. Let us see how he handles his anger, that we might better handle ours.
1/8/2023 • 42 minutes, 46 seconds
Idol Construction
Illusion in the form of magic is so interesting. It is equal part showmanship, psychology, and mechanics. There are a number of well-known and rehearsed illusions, one of my favorites being the quick-change. Exodus 32 provides us with a theological picture of a quick change, but for the worse: the people who were exuberant in their confession of obedience in chapter 24 have suddenly gone rogue in 32. Why the sudden shift? What has happened? And can it happen to us?
1/1/2023 • 37 minutes, 41 seconds
The Light and the Darkness
The light has come! What a glorious reality. In the deepest hours of the night, the light comes. In the darkest weeks of the winter, the light comes. Goodness and richness flow with it. But John promises something more: the darkness has not overcome it. Today, let us think through what John means by this little phrase as we celebrate the birth of our Lord together!
12/25/2022 • 24 minutes, 59 seconds
The Promise of the Tabernacle
Moby Dick is considered by many the quintessential American novel, given over to the pursuit of vengeance and retribution, ephemeral monsters, and action pieces of grave import. Yet, it is also filled with much beside: talk of whale anatomy, uses for blubber, and the intricacies of whaling. The planning and building of the tabernacle are viewed in much the same light: distractions from the main thrust of the book. Yet, if we look closely, we can see there is much to learn from this wonderful Tabernacle!
12/18/2022 • 36 minutes, 46 seconds
God's Role in Justice
There are plenty of people who believe in a power beyond this world, a thing that controls through a plan long ago put in motion, but one who refuses to dirty themselves by interfering in the things of the world. Our God does not appear to be such a god. But, since we clearly see that as the case, why has God left justice completely up to the Israelites? Our text today reminds us that he hasn’t – indeed, God is instrumental in our carrying out justice.
12/11/2022 • 43 minutes, 21 seconds
The Plan of Justice
Mike Tyson famously said that everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth. God’s desire for his people has been laid out in the 10 commandments and in their further implications. But sin will punch back, and when it does how are the people to respond? Here, God begins to give his people the outline for justice, as they seek to right the wrongs that sin will cause among them. Justice is necessary where there is sin, so we all must strive for it in all our dealings.
12/4/2022 • 42 minutes, 10 seconds
Modern America is littered with megachurches; that is, churches that have over 2.000 weekly attenders. What do many of these churches have in common, and what can we learn from them? This is part of an ongoing series at Crossway in Church history.
11/27/2022 • 1 hour, 39 seconds
The Ten Commandments
The ten commandments are not dissimilar to hot dogs in American culture; most know of them, have tasted of them, even like them, although they have a very limited idea as to what is in them. Today, we have the pleasure of thinking about these commands, their place among God’s people, and what they mean for our lives. They are much more than just black-and-white laws but represent a way of life for us.
11/27/2022 • 47 minutes, 4 seconds
The Black Church and Social Justice
Historically, the black church has been quite involved with movements related to social justice, much more so than white churches. Today, we look at the reasons, historically and theologically, why that is so. This is part of an ongoing series during Crossway Sunday School looking at the history of the Church.
11/20/2022 • 58 minutes, 24 seconds
Ascend the Mountain
There are many works of literature in the world that mean more than what the plain words of the text mean. Animal Farm, the incisive novel by George Orwell, is one of those works. Clearly not meaning to write a book about the social order and governance of creatures on a farm, it is meant to have an importance beyond the animal world and tell us something of ours. The Bible often does this, and does this in our passage today. Let us see the importance of this deeper meaning and follow Jesus up the mountain.
11/20/2022 • 44 minutes, 30 seconds
The Modern Catholic Church
The Catholic Church has both been maintained in its essentials and adapted to the modern world since the Council of Trent. Today, we look at some of those adaptations, and hope for more changes to come. This is part of an ongoing series during Crossway Sunday School looking at the history of the Church.
11/13/2022 • 55 minutes, 10 seconds
Surrounded by Enemies
We are accustomed to war; it is part of the modern world, just as it has been a part of history. Fighting and bloodshed are part of the human condition. In the OT, those enemies were seen and known as the nations surrounding Israel. These both attacked Israel, and were attacked by them. Yet, this is not how we are instructed to handle our enemies – whoever they might be. What can we learn from a text like Exodus 17 if our response is to be so much different from Israel’s? We should learn, first of all, that not all enemies are as obvious as they seem!
11/13/2022 • 40 minutes, 29 seconds
The Grumbling of God's People
How ought we to speak to God when we face grave difficulties? When does crying out to God bleed over into grumbling? We know that such grumbling is never right, but if that is so, are we to never speak to God about our pain and circumstances? And what of God? If God puts us in difficult positions, is he just tempting us to fail? Today, we have an opportunity to hear of the grumbling of God’s people, and God’s gracious response.
11/6/2022 • 41 minutes, 16 seconds
Liberalism was a movement, beginning in the 18th Century, that led many to deny the clear and evident words of the text of Scripture. Today, we investigate what theological liberalism is, its effects, and the response to it. This is part of an ongoing series during Crossway Sunday School looking at the history of the Church.
11/6/2022 • 56 minutes, 1 second
American Religious Movements and Heresies
America's religious freedom has provided much good to Christians, allowing freedom of conscience in religious matters. However, this has also produced fertile ground for the production of heresy and cults. While not all of the movements we speak of this morning are cults or heresies, or are even strictly American, they have been produced and encouraged in a large part due to the unique American situation. This is part of an ongoing series during Crossway Sunday School looking at the history of the Church
10/30/2022 • 56 minutes, 28 seconds
The Song of God's Redemption
Christians have long been a singing people. Songs and singing have formed a part of our worship of God from the very earliest of days. But why? What is it about songs that is so important to our right worship of God? And what should our songs say? Today, as we eavesdrop on the song the Israelites sang upon the destruction of their enemies, let us consider the importance of song in the worship of our God and the retelling of his mighty deeds.
10/30/2022 • 38 minutes, 28 seconds
God's Glory
The history of the Christian church has placed a great deal of emphasis on God’s glory. It forms the center of our purpose in creation and our goal in life. As the reformation confessions say, the highest purpose of humans is to glorify God and enjoy him forever. This is good biblical exegesis, and most would agree with it, in theory. But in our lives, the glory of God can cost us much more than we may have considered. We have before us a great example, as the people of God are rescued, for his glory, by crossing a sea on dry ground. What complaints could they have?
10/23/2022 • 45 minutes, 54 seconds
God's Passover (pt. 2)
When reading through history, we are struck with numerous stories of people overcoming great odds and physical pain, only to feel the elation of victory. The majority of us can try to empathize with the wonder they felt at that moment, but the best we can really do is project from our own experiences. It would be hard to know how an Israelite felt when the Egyptians knocked on their door and told them to leave. It was elation of the highest order; centuries of slavery suddenly ended. Let us read of that very moment this morning, and of the Israelites great victory!
10/16/2022 • 49 minutes, 43 seconds
Charles Spurgeon
Charles Spurgeon was known as the "Prince of Preachers", and rightly so. Today we get to look at the life and ministry of this brilliant Baptist pastor. This is part of an ongoing series during Crossway's Sunday School reviewing church history.
10/16/2022 • 50 minutes, 19 seconds
Christianity and Slavery
Slavery was absent from Christianity for centuries, and yet suddenly reappeared. Why did this happen, and what justification did slave-holders, claiming to be Christian, give for it? This is part of an ongoing series during Crossway Sunday School looking at the history of the Church
10/9/2022 • 50 minutes, 26 seconds
God's Passover
God has a spotless record in his fight with Egypt. A perfect 9-0! Yet, there is unfinished work to be done, one more great and mighty work to perform before Egypt will send his people away. Therefore, this is to be the act of their deliverance that they will always remember – indeed, God thinks this act so important that they were to always recall it forevermore. And so we do, thanks to Jesus, understand the full and complete Passover from death. But what does the Passover mean?
10/9/2022 • 48 minutes, 18 seconds
Jonathan Edwards
Jonathan Edwards is thought by many to be the greatest philosopher and theologian of the New World. While there is much to applaud in the work and life of Edwards, there is also much for thought. This is part of an ongoing series during Crossway's Sunday School reviewing church history.
10/2/2022 • 49 minutes, 57 seconds
Pharaoh's Salvation
We are always trying to make sure that the future is as secure as possible. Is this car I’m buying worth the money? How can I know I’m marrying the right person? What is the weather going to be like next week? Yet, the future remains a mystery to us. What of more important things – what of salvation? Indeed, we are given many assurances, but many of us still have doubts. What if we don’t believe rightly, or enough? What can Pharoah’s failure teach us about our own salvation? To change the question slightly, what can we do to assure our destruction?
10/2/2022 • 40 minutes, 4 seconds
God vs. Pharaoh
As we continue to look at the miracles done in Egypt, we take on the second of the three triads of miracles, the sending of the flies, the plague on the livestock, and the boils sent on humans. In the first set, God took on the power of the magicians and showed himself much more powerful. Here? He directly challenges Pharaoh’s power. It is clear that Pharaoh cannot match God’s power and might. No power in the world can. So, do you trust in the power of God?
9/25/2022 • 45 minutes, 43 seconds
The Reasons for Paul's Joy
As Paul moves into the main body of his letter to the Philippians, he has every reason to be miserable. He is a prisoner of Rome, shackled to a soldier night and day, and facing the prospect of execution. Additionally, a portion of the church at Rome is apparently seeking to bring harm or misfortune to him in his imprisonment. Despite all this, Paul has a true and abiding joy. In our text this morning, Paul gives two reasons for this joy, that we would do well to consider
9/18/2022 • 35 minutes, 15 seconds
George Whitefield
This morning, we look at one of the greatest evangelists in church history, and perhaps the very first modern Christian celebrity George Whitefield. This is part of an ongoing series during Crossway's Sunday School reviewing church history.
9/18/2022 • 51 minutes, 59 seconds
Charles Wesley and Pietism
Charles Wesley was a monumental figure for both British and (what would become) American religious life in the middle-portion of the 18th Century. Today, we look at the founder of Methodism, and track some of his lasting impact. This is part of an ongoing series during Crossway's Sunday School reviewing church history.
9/11/2022 • 49 minutes, 18 seconds
Blood, Frogs, and Lice
Today we finally begin to read through and consider the plagues God has visited upon Egypt! These were mighty works, designed to display the power and glory of God above every power conceivable to man. Here, in the first section of these wonders, God turns the Nile to blood, sends frogs upon the land, and brings lice out of the dirt. But what do such things tell us about God? If these are to be a demonstration of God and his power, what are they telling us?
9/11/2022 • 36 minutes, 49 seconds
Rationalism and Spiritualism
There were, generally, three responses to the increased rigor and dogmatism that seemed to define the Church after the Reformation. Today, we consider the first two of these responses, Rationalism and Spiritualism. This is part of an ongoing series during Crossway's Sunday School reviewing church history.
9/4/2022 • 47 minutes, 17 seconds
The Sovereignty of God
We at Crossway often talk about the sovereignty of God, his power and purpose being displayed in even the smallest of events, and even over the actions of his free and responsible creatures. There are numerous reasons to affirm this doctrine, but the most important of these is that we think that it is biblical. But is it? The debate over such things has gone on for some time, but often comes back to the texts that we will be talking about soon – the hardening of Pharaoh’s heart. As we consider these texts today, and the other ways in which God is showing his power over the created order, I hope we can bring clarity and inspire faithfulness in this important doctrine!
9/4/2022 • 42 minutes, 16 seconds
Jacob Arminius
Jacob Arminius rejected some of the ideas current in his day, particularly regarding Predestination. But what did he, and especially the Remonstants really say? This is part of an ongoing series during Crossway's Sunday School reviewing church history.
8/28/2022 • 40 minutes, 49 seconds
The Enemy's Attack
Talking about the Devil, or Satan, or Beelzebub, has become passé in many Christian contexts. For whatever reason, while they might hold onto the idea of an all-powerful and sovereign Lord over all, the idea of an angelic enemy that seeks the downfall of humanity is at best worn out, at worst humiliating. Yet, the Bible is relentless in seeing the Devil as our enemy, his attacks as real, and his power as standing behind evil. The OT is less emphatic in ways, but clear to the presence of a real enemy standing against the people of God. What do we do when he attacks? How will God respond?
8/28/2022 • 47 minutes, 2 seconds
The Beginnings of Puritanism
The Puritans, who were important and instrumental in shaping American Christianity, got their start just after the English Reformation. Today, we see the context in which they arose during the early portions of the 17th Century. This is part of an ongoing series during Crossway's Sunday School reviewing church history.
8/21/2022 • 46 minutes, 4 seconds
Family and God
Families can be sources of the most brilliant moments of your life. Random moments at a dinner table, on some general Tuesday, may be remembered for a lifetime, and bring joy in the darkest of seasons. But those dark seasons may be brought on by that very same family. These are the people we are closest to; and for that very reason they play an outsized role in our lives. Today’s text is all about family, and how we as a family are bound together, for better or worse.
8/21/2022 • 37 minutes, 50 seconds
The Catholic Reformation
The Catholic Reformation was the counterpart to the Protestant movement in the 16th Century. Here, the Roman Catholic Church attempts to define its theology over and against what they considered the Protestant heresy. This is part of an ongoing series during Crossway's Sunday School reviewing church history.
8/14/2022 • 46 minutes, 17 seconds
God's Introduction
It has been said that we become what we worship. If that is true, and I believe it to be so, then we would do well to try to form and shape our understanding of God the best we can by what he reveals to us in Scripture. In the stead of vain speculation and wish-fulfillment, we can be sure of that which God has spoken about himself, and trust in it to be true, accurate, and good for us. Moses, no doubt, has some thoughts about what God might be like. But today we get a brief glimpse into God’s introduction of himself to Moses, and how this God is very different from all other gods.
8/14/2022 • 51 minutes, 52 seconds
The English Reformation
Today, we look at Henry VIII and the mess he made of both his marriages and the church, and the good that God would make from it. This is part of an ongoing series during Crossway's Sunday School reviewing church history.
8/7/2022 • 47 minutes, 55 seconds
A Hero Arises
Cultures generally have heroes. They are typically mythological, made up to embody the very virtues that the culture thinks are most important and vital. They help to shape the purpose and the nature of that culture. America has its own heroes, some more abstract, some more cinematic. But the Bible has its own set, different in nearly all its ways from those of America. Today, we are introduced to one of the greatest heroes, and invited to come along his path – for his road to being a hero is ours as well.
8/7/2022 • 19 minutes, 27 seconds
Calvin and Baptism
Last week, we talked about Calvin's life. This week, we take on his contention about baptism; specifically his claim that both circumcision and baptism are meant to symbolize the same reality. This is part of an ongoing series during Crossway's Sunday School reviewing church history.
7/24/2022 • 51 minutes, 38 seconds
An Enemy Declared
We have a bit of a mess on our hands. Our construction has just started, and while it is meant to make our lives easier around here, for the present time it will indeed bring dust, stress, and inconvenience to us. This is what happens when you build in this world. The same is true for God – he is not just giving redemption to his people, he is making them into a people, into a nation. This will cause some problems, as there are many who will stand in God’s path, and declare themselves enemies of his plan. In Exodus 1, we see these lines drawn clearly
7/24/2022 • 41 minutes, 20 seconds
John Calvin
As the great second-generation reformer, John Calvin did much to set the theological heart of Protestants for centuries to come. Today, we look at his life and think through some aspects of his theology. This is part of an ongoing series during Crossway's Sunday School reviewing church history.
7/17/2022 • 55 minutes, 39 seconds
An Overview of Exodus
The book of Exodus seems to many like a book of myth; filled with impossible stories meant to build up in the mind of the reader a reason for the existence of Israel. To some, it is a strictly historical book, depicting the long ago and far away rescue of a people that’s importance for us is obscure and somewhat removed from our everyday life. But neither of these is true! It is a book, not about Israel’s escape from Egypt, but about our escape from death. It is about our redemption, pictured. Today, we will try to see the layout of the book as a whole, so that our path through the texts will be clearer.
7/17/2022 • 36 minutes, 53 seconds
The Gift of Life: The Believer's Response to Abortion
On June 24, 2022, the United States Supreme Court handed down a monumental and sought after ruling in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization that overturned the precedent of nearly 50 years set down in Roe v. Wade. Since that fateful day, there has been much heat generated, but very few sources of light. This morning, let us seek the light of the Word of God, and hear from it what it has to say about abortion, and pray that it gives us some guidelines on the road ahead.
7/10/2022 • 43 minutes, 29 seconds
The Anabaptist movement during the Reformation was a wide and diverse movement. Today, we look at the good and bad of the movement that sparked hatred from Protestants and Catholics alike. This is part of an ongoing series during Crossway's Sunday School reviewing church history.
7/10/2022 • 44 minutes, 25 seconds
Ulrich Zwingli
An important reformer, today we get to look at the life and theology of Ulrich Zwingli, the great Swiss theologian. This is part of an ongoing series during Crossway's Sunday School reviewing church history.
7/3/2022 • 48 minutes, 14 seconds
Paul's Conclusion
The letter to the Romans is known as one of the greatest theological works of all time. Such a conclusion is hard to disagree with; where else can one find the details of the gospel laid out in such a clear and articulate fashion? And, in the book of Romans, not only does Paul seek to explain the gospel, but to implore others to help in promoting it throughout the world. Today, we get to hear Paul’s conclusion to the book, and see his love, concern, and hope for the Romans.
7/3/2022 • 38 minutes, 14 seconds
Martin Luther, Part 3
The continuation of the life of Martin Luther, looking at his major theological points. This is part of an ongoing series during Crossway's Sunday School reviewing church history.
6/26/2022 • 49 minutes, 56 seconds
Pursuing Missions
We, as Great Commission Baptists, know well our duty to take the gospel to the nations. The desire to take the gospel to where it has not been named is nearly as central to our identity today as it was to Paul’s as an apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ. Yet, it is a dangerous venture, and one not taken lightly. There are things that we must remember, lest we get sidetracked, lose focus, and in doing so lose the gospel. Today, let us use Paul’s heart for missions as a guide for our own.
6/26/2022 • 39 minutes, 34 seconds
Martin Luther, Part 2
The continuation of the life of Martin Luther, including the Diet of Augsburg through the Diet of Worms. This is part of an ongoing series during Crossway's Sunday School reviewing church history.
6/20/2022 • 53 minutes, 20 seconds
Martin Luther, Part 1
A recounting of the history of Martin Luther, up to the Diet of Augsburg. This is part of an ongoing series during Crossway's Sunday School reviewing church history.
6/20/2022 • 43 minutes, 47 seconds
Pursuing Paul
Our walk through the wilderness of this world can be difficult and exasperating. Many, trying to cope with that reality, do so by lowering their goals and expectations. But Christians ought to rightly know that such a solution doesn’t really solve the problem. Christ places on us high expectations, even when he knows that we will fail. Therefore, Paul seeks to encourage both the Romans, and us, in the difficult tasks laid down in the letter. He does this by showing us his own mind and heart in Romans 15:14-21.
6/20/2022 • 34 minutes, 53 seconds
Living for God's Glory
All this talk of unity is not meant simply for the immediate body of believers; rather, it extends out to talk about all of our partnerships and how we are to have unity with them. For us at Crossway, that means the unity we have with our sister churches in the SBC, and our missionaries across the world. Paul sees this connected, not just to practical matters in Rome, but to the very purpose of God in the gospel. How are we to live in that purpose?
6/12/2022 • 44 minutes, 25 seconds
Becoming Weak in Love
At the end of Romans 14, Paul continues his discussion of the weak and the strong. The weak are in a precarious position, and the strong must be careful in how they use their liberty to not hurt the faith of those who are already weak. Why should this matter to them? Is not the sin of the weak their own sin? Why is food such a big deal, anyway? In this text, there are three primary actors, and we can learn much from each of them:
6/5/2022 • 40 minutes, 28 seconds
The Importance of Our Opinions
Very early in the act of creation, God’s organization of chaos was seen. Light and darkness separate, as do the heavens and the waters and the land. Yet, God also brings some things together, as he does when Adam and Eve, although separate, are united as one. Today, Paul reminds us that what God has brought together we ought not separate, causing division or disruption to the people of God over our own opinions. Let us hear Paul’s wise advice for how we out accomplish this in the Spirit of God.
5/29/2022 • 40 minutes, 19 seconds
Paul's Thanksgiving and Prayer
Philippians 1:1-11
5/22/2022 • 36 minutes, 26 seconds
Our Debt and the Dawn
Having spoken over specific instructions about love, that we should love our brethren, our enemies, and ourselves, and even speaking about a particular kind of love shown in obeying authorities, Paul turn to summarize why it is that we love the way we do: we are debtors in love to those around us. This high calling is difficult, so Paul likewise gives us encouragement in the trial, as he reminds us the dawn is near.
5/15/2022 • 25 minutes, 57 seconds
Christians and the Government
We often wonder how Christians should handle themselves in the foreign land that is this world. Answers are not easy; problems are legion. So, in coming to Romans 13, we have perhaps the clearest and boldest statement of Paul to these questions. Christians, at the very least, are to have as their first instinct a mind of submission to the authorities of the world. Today, we think through how that applies to us.
5/8/2022 • 39 minutes, 34 seconds
Living in the Body
In Romans 12:1-2, Paul instructed us to not be conformed to this world, but be transformed through the renewing of our minds. As Paul begins to lay out for us the practice of the Christian life, he gives us a hint at precisely what he means by this. The Christian life is meant to be lived in the body of Christ, his church, striving to serve one another in faith. How are we to do this, though? Paul helps us see how this all fits together in Romans 12:3-8.
4/24/2022 • 32 minutes, 53 seconds
Images from a Crucifixion
In Luke, we have reported that Jesus was crucified with two criminals. Each of these has different and profound responses to Jesus; one rails and him while the other expresses trust. Each of these men, and Jesus' words themselves, provides for us three distinct images from Scripture. Let us hear from these pictures, that we may better see the beauty and wonder of the cross!
4/17/2022 • 31 minutes, 53 seconds
Why Care about the Resurrection?
“He is risen! He is risen indeed!” Is this just a cute phrase that the early church paraded around to who the worthiness of Jesus for worship and adoration, with out any real meaning? What does his resurrection really mean for us? More, perhaps, than you think. As Paul writes to the Corinthians and defend the resurrection, we learn much about the importance and the necessity of Jesus’ resurrection. Today, we will trace his argument in 1 Corinthians 15. Let us see the good of what we proclaim!
4/17/2022 • 37 minutes, 22 seconds
Living Offerings
As the end of chapter 11 acted as an epilogue, or an afterword, on the entirety of the first 11 chapters of the book of Romans, the first two verses of Romans 12 do the same for the last chapters of the book. This prologue or foreword helps to summarize all that Paul will call on the people of God to do and be. These famous verses are of great importance, as they set the tone for all Christian ethics and the direction for our devotion to God. May we hear these verses well this morning!
4/10/2022 • 40 minutes, 32 seconds
From Him, Through Him, to Him
Paul’s discussion of God’s good plan for Israel, as well as the laying out of salvation which has occurred over the past 11 chapters has lead Paul (and us!) to one of the most glorious benedictions in Scripture. We are ever being led by our own hearts to consider ourselves as central – God acts solely on our behalf and the universe itself twirls around our wants and whims. But such things are not for our good, for they are not the gospel – for the gospel itself is from, through, and to God. And all this, for our good!
4/3/2022 • 29 minutes, 18 seconds
God's Plan for Israel and Us
There is very little in this world than feeling as though your time is being wasted. We get so short a time here on earth, and we typically want to feel as though we are spending it in the ways we desire. So, if that is so, why spend so much time worried about God’s dealings with a foreign nation, one whose people we likely do not deal with on a regular basis? Is this all a waste of time? No, certainly not. Indeed, we ought to find much to help us in hope and humility in his plan for Israel. Let us hear how today in Romans 11.
3/27/2022 • 40 minutes, 41 seconds
The Immovable Love of God
No one wants to be rejected. It is a horrible feeling, no matter how gently one is let down. Whether rejected for a job or in love, it can crush even the best of us. How much more crushing, then, would it be to be rejected by God? To be sworn off forever, with no hope of salvation? Given what Paul has said in Romans 9-10, is this the very fate of the people that God has called his own, even Israel? No, Paul argues, God has not forsaken completely his people. Today, as we begin Romans 11, we begin to see why.
3/20/2022 • 40 minutes, 4 seconds
The Mission of God
We live in an unprecedented age of information distribution. Who might have guessed, even 15 years ago, how easy it would be to gain real-time information of world events? Twitter and Facebook give us updates on a war halfway across the globe; the Super Bowl provides opportunities for companies to promote their messages to millions in a single moment. Yet, the mission of God goes forward with a slow and steady pace, not aided by the technological innovations of our modern age, but by the presence of the Spirit in the church. Today, let us see what the mission of God looks like in Romans 10.
3/13/2022 • 40 minutes, 47 seconds
The Old Made New
Americans love new things. Whether seeking after a new car, a new phone, or new furniture, we love to have the newest and latest things. This is no less true in religious circles – we like innovation in almost every way. This seems embodied in Christianity. After all, we are New Testament people. Even so, Paul seems intent on dissuading the Romans from the pursuit of novelties. Faith in Jesus Christ is new in a real sense, but it is also as radically old as the law itself. Today, let us think about the salvation that Jesus affords us yet again.
3/6/2022 • 44 minutes, 38 seconds
Israel's Failure
Paul has made it clear that salvation depends upon God alone; for he will have mercy upon who he has mercy. Even so, we know that God’s decreed will has clear and noticeable outcomes in people’s actions: Pharaoh’s heart was hardened and he did not let people go. So what has Israel done that demonstrated their failure to obtain the blessings? What is the source of their unbelief? Paul makes it clear: they pursued the law by works, not by faith. This is the failure of all who forsake the grace of Christ!
2/27/2022 • 36 minutes, 31 seconds
The Good of God's Election
Paul has started, at the beginning of the 9th chapter, to explain to the Romans the reason for the rejection of Jesus as the Messiah by Israel. Today, we look as Paul continues his discussion of election by looking at the benefits of election, what it tells us about God and how his work in salvation is sufficient and complete. While election can be a difficult subject for us to reconcile with other fundamental doctrines, we should embrace the goodness of it, for in it we see the glory of God.
2/20/2022 • 45 minutes, 45 seconds
God's Trustworthiness and Israel's Unbelief
Following his encouraging discussion of God’s unfailing love at the end of Romans 8, Paul shifts his focus in Romans 9 to consider the sad reality that Israel, who played a central role in salvation history, has failed to embrace their longed-for Messiah. In verses 1-13, Paul begins to tackle this difficult subject using the examples of Isaac and Jacob.
2/13/2022 • 37 minutes, 15 seconds
The Steadfast Love of God
Romans 8:31-39 is Paul’s conclusion, not just to the first thirty verses of chapter 8, but to the train of thought he’s been developing since chapter 5. He’s thoroughly explained the status and blessings that belong to those who are saved by grace through faith in Christ Jesus, apart from the Law, and he concludes now with words of hope and encouragement regarding the love of God.
2/6/2022 • 39 minutes, 28 seconds
From Groans to Glory
Last week, Paul briefly mentioned suffering. Such suffering, as we strive for holiness in the world, will be inevitable. What could possibly make such suffering worth persevering through? What assurance did those who gave their lives for the faith have that such acts were truly good for them? And do we have access to such assurances as well? Paul desires that God’s people be encouraged through their suffering to hold on to Christ, and he begins that good work today by reminding us of what we are striving toward: Glory.
1/30/2022 • 39 minutes, 32 seconds
The Difficulty of Holiness
While we have seen that Romans 7 was not meant to imply the struggle that Christians have with sin, we are right to insist that there is indeed a struggle. If anyone was to gain the implication from Paul’s work that the fight with sin is over because of what Christ has done, they are sorely mistaken. Paul knows the battle ahead for all Christians, one of toil and hardship as they battle the sin in their bodies. Today, he not only implores us to do all we can to pursue holiness, he also gives us the ammunition we need to fight that good fight.
1/23/2022 • 46 minutes, 25 seconds
Our Sanctification in Christ
Paul continues to hit the same melody, but as a great composer, he tinkers with the arrangement. In the beginning of chapter 8 it is the glorious news that “there is now no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus.” This has been the theme of his letter, and of all Christendom since its inception. But what does this have to do with our sanctification? Is not Christ’s death and resurrection simply our pass out of hell and into heaven? Here, Paul argues that it is not; rather, the very work of Christ is the center of all of our holiness. Let us consider:
1/16/2022 • 47 minutes, 6 seconds
A Picture of Futility
The difficulty of Romans 7 comes through in many ways. Is Paul talking about himself? Is he speaking of his life in Christ, or of the struggle he had in the law before his conversion? How could he consider himself once “alive” apart from the law, or the law dead until the command came? Today, we hope to provide some guidance for questions such as this, knowing that full confidence is likely impossible. But we of one thing we are assured: struggling against sin in our own power is futile, but through Christ we have all the victory we will ever need!
1/9/2022 • 45 minutes, 30 seconds
A Hindrance to Holiness
The law has a unique pull for Christians, especially those of the first Century. It was the expression of faithfulness for millennia, and held out a type of holiness that Christians wanted to gain. Yet, Paul is clear: not only do we not need the law to gain holiness, it is even a hindrance to the very holiness we seek. Today, as we return to the book of Romans, let us consider how the law is a hindrance to our holiness, as we pursue with passion the things of our God.
1/2/2022 • 34 minutes, 11 seconds
Questions for God's People
The end of the year, or the beginning of the next, is always a good time to reflect on the year, and to assess ourselves. The book of Malachi gives us a unique opportunity to do so; for as Malachi prophesies to his people, he asks them a series of questions seeking to show them their failings and to encourage them in the right pursuit of God. Let us do the same this morning! Today, we ask 5 questions of ourselves:
12/26/2021 • 44 minutes, 8 seconds
Comfort for God's People
Zechariah is not best known as the prophet of Christmas. Yet, the themes that we find in his visions and prophecies help us to understand Christmas better. God has promised good for his people, and he will bring that good about. He will do this in unexpected ways, through Jesus himself. And so, we are to feast with our God, as a symbol of our faith that God’s Kingdom is soon in coming. Let us hear from Zechariah himself about God’s grace for us.
12/20/2021 • 48 minutes, 13 seconds
The Consequence of Sin and the Blessing of Repentance
Haggai is a very short book, just 37 verses total, covering a mere 4 months of Old Testament history. And not much is known about prophet himself. Despite these two realities, the book is an important one, as it covers a significant event in the history of the Old Testament people of God. By studying the 2 chapters of Haggai, we can observe:
12/13/2021 • 41 minutes, 56 seconds
Taking the Body and Blood of our Lord
This morning we have had the great pleasure of witnessing 5 baptisms. Praise God! In light of this, I think that it would be a good time to think through in some more detail the meaning of the Lord’s Supper that these new members will be taking for the first time as members of Crossway Christian Church. What does the NT indicate that the Lord’s Supper means? Is it merely symbolic of Jesus’ death, or is it more than that? If more, what? While much more can be said, this morning let us meditate on a couple of features of our Lord’s Supper.
12/6/2021 • 21 minutes, 1 second
Destruction and Salvation from the Lord
Zephaniah is not a well-known prophet. While a good deal of his writing and style finds its way into the imagery of Revelation, not much is used from him in other places in the NT. This, however, doesn’t mean that he is not important! Rather, he has much to say to God’s people, even today. In his three short chapters, he reminds us of the way in which God deals with all people, with justice and equity, promising destruction and salvation to the world.
11/28/2021 • 47 minutes, 9 seconds
The Righteous Live by Faith
The problem of evil, its existence and how God will solve it, is a problem that will evade our understanding forever. We are also, thankfully, not the first to ask such questions. How can God allow evil? Why does he not abolish it forever? What’s more, why does he use evil in the world, even if it is to bring about that which is good? Habakkuk has these same questions, and yet the answers that he gets are not the answers he desires. Nevertheless, he is content to simply trust in the Lord to work good through their wickedness. Can we say the same?
11/21/2021 • 50 minutes, 45 seconds
No Pity for Fools
It is not hard to imagine that Nahum was precisely the prophet that Jonah wanted to be. Nahum, like Obediah, was sent to give a particular message of destruction to a particular people. Like Jonah, Nahum speaks of Assyria and its capital of Nineveh, but unlike Jonah, his prophecy is one of unredacted wrath. What has brought such wrath upon Nineveh, and what might we learn from it even today? Let us turn to Nahum and hear what the prophet from Elkosh has to say!
11/14/2021 • 45 minutes, 12 seconds
Steadfast Love and Salvation
Micah the prophet hits all of the notes that the rest of the prophets do: there will be wrath and destruction over the sins of the people of both Judah and Israel. Yet, the way that Micah plays those notes is distinct from the other prophetic voices we have heard; wrath is present, yet the overriding theme is God’s eventual and faithful deliverance of his people. Deliverance, not just from his wrath, but also from their own sin, through a humble man from the humble town of Bethlehem Ephrathah. What themes do we discover as we read through Micah?
11/7/2021 • 50 minutes, 53 seconds
The Sinful Prophet and a Perfect Savior
Jonah is a well-loved and well-known story. It is an amazing story about a prophet who doesn’t want to prophesy, and the fish that swallowed him. It is really that last bit that captures our attention – who has ever heard of such a thing? The story is truly amazing, which is why so many people doubt its veracity. But we ought not doubt its truthfulness, for Jonah was not penned to give us an fable or a myth, nor even just a good story, but a realistic picture of ourselves and our savior.
10/31/2021 • 51 minutes, 4 seconds
Pride and Prejudice
Obadiah is a short book, but don’t let that fool you – it has a powerful and timely message for us. Although the Edomites thought they had done no wrong, and that Judah may have had its destruction coming to them, God knew better. Their pride has deceived them, and led them into their own destruction. So, what shall we learn from this little letter? What does an inner-family rivalry from the 6th Century BC actually have to do with us? Much, in every way!
10/24/2021 • 39 minutes, 43 seconds
Love God; Do Good
Amos is not a difficult book to comprehend. He doesn’t mince words, and he doesn’t hold back on his shots. The people of Israel have affronted God; they have largely abandoned seeking to know him, and it shows in all of their works. They do not love their neighbor, they do not seek justice, they do not seem to have any inkling of the depth of righteousness the Lord desires. Rather, they are fat, sleek, comfortable, and content with the world while others suffer in their midst. God will not stand for this among his people – so will he do so among us? What should we do to escape their fate?
10/17/2021 • 48 minutes, 37 seconds
A Liturgy for Troubling Times
Many prophetic books have a similar flow and presentation. The nation of Israel has sinned; the wrath of God is coming upon them and the nations; yet God is glorious in his mercy and love, and will spare his people in the end. Joel, however, sounds different. There is no mention of Israel’s sin, rampant idolatry, or poor leadership. Instead, there are pleas to rightly handle common tragedy, and to practice right responses. This liturgy of Joel, of experiencing hardship and coming close to the Lord, seeks to help us rightly respond ourselves. How should we respond to tragedy?
10/10/2021 • 49 minutes, 38 seconds
A Wayward People Brought Home
The book of Hosea is well known for many passages. Even so, readers may find the book daunting as it stands, mixing metaphors and, it seems, even messages. Israel has been adulterous to their God, unfaithful to the last. The Lord, therefore, will cut them off from his presence, and bring all of the curses of the law’s failing down upon them. Yet, in the same breath, Hosea makes it clear that God will also forgive, pardon, and show almost impossible mercy. This mystery of God’s wrath and love, mixed and poured out, is answered ultimately in Jesus Christ, the sacrifice for our sins, and the husband who makes faithful the unfaithful bride.
10/3/2021 • 53 minutes, 42 seconds
Living Under Grace
Many want to have their cake and eat it, too. Christians want to both have assurance of salvation, to avoid hell, but also to live out their sinful lives as they see fit. They take comfort in the idea that Christ forgives their sin. But here in Romans, Paul argues that such ideas are foolish and ignorant. Christians are not free to live lives bound to sin and death; but rather, having been freed from sin, we are to be bound to Christ, to live faithfully before him. Let us read from Romans 6 today, and see how we ought to live as saints, under grace.
9/26/2021 • 39 minutes, 56 seconds
Living Righteously
Many want to have their cake and eat it, too. Christians want to both have assurance of salvation, to avoid hell, but also to live out their sinful lives as they see fit. They take comfort in the idea that Christ forgives their sin. But here in Romans, Paul argues that such ideas are foolish and ignorant. Christians are not free to live lives bound to sin and death; but rather, having been freed from sin, we are to be bound to Christ, to live faithfully before him. Let us read from Romans 6 today, and see how we ought to live as saints, under grace.
9/12/2021 • 39 minutes, 46 seconds
The True and Better Adam
Our culture often uses the phrase “she’s my type” to mean that a person has either the personality or physical traits that another person desires. The NT and theologians also use it in a positive sense, often when looking at how figures in the OT shadow and demonstrate the nature and work of Christ. Melchizedek, Moses, and David are all wonderful examples of this. Yet, here in our text today, Adam stands as our type; not of one who walks faithfully to show us Christ, but one that Christ will be the negative of, his complete and utter opposite. For Jesus has undone the evil and harm that Adam wrought, and he has become the true and better Adam.
9/5/2021 • 38 minutes, 33 seconds
Inherited Guilt
The passage we come to today is fraught with difficulties. It is the subject of much debate, both in that parts are difficult to put together, and in that so much rides on our interpretation of them. To manage this difficulty, we will walk slowly through these verses, which on their own are only a prelude to a bigger and better point that Paul wishes to make. Yet, if we do not understand these words correctly, we can misconstrue that larger point, and miss the glory of the work of Jesus for us. What does Adam’s sin and guilt have to do with us? Let us turn to Romans 5:12-14 and hear the Word of our God.
8/29/2021 • 40 minutes, 46 seconds
Assurance of Hope
One of my favorite films of all time, The Shawshank Redemption was originally a short-story by Stephen King, best known for his horror novels. Yet, Shawshank is rather a meditation on hope. What happens when a man loses his hope? What’s worse – what happens when a man persists through pain and sorrow in hope, only to have his hopes dashed? King wasn’t the first to think through such issues. In some sense, we all do. We know that sometimes we hope against hope, and we get burned. Yet, for Christians, we have a hope that is both grand and secure. Let us listen to the apostle Paul today as he talks about the nature of our hope as Christians.
8/22/2021 • 44 minutes, 30 seconds
Under-Shepherds of the Lord
The Lord Jesus Christ is the true shepherd of the church. Yet, he has given to the church under-shepherds, men given over to the task of caring for and maintaining the well-being of the sheep. How are we to do this? Let us follow the path of the Good Shepherd to find out!
8/16/2021 • 36 minutes, 27 seconds
A Lifetime of Faith
We are often sold the idea that lives are directed and fashioned by solitary moments in our lives, monumental events that happen to us that change fundamentally who we are and what we are about. Yet, for many of us, this is not our reality. Our lives are not changed by any solitary moment, but by many moments, strung together, slightly altering both us and our trajectory in life. Abraham’s life of faith is no different. Although the promise of Genesis 15 was a momentous occasion for him, his was not a momentary faith, but a lifelong walking with God. What kind of faith did Abraham have, and how should we imitate him?
8/15/2021 • 42 minutes, 28 seconds
The Primacy of Faith
Circumcision was not a small deal to the Jewish people. It was a religious mark, a physical reminder not only of God’s promise, but of their belonging to God through their father Abraham. Yet, almost offhandedly, Paul sweeps away all concerns about circumcision with 4 small verses here in his letter to the Romans. Why can he do this? He offers a brief, straightforward explanation: Abraham was justified without, so too, then, are we. Other than not becoming Jewish, what does this mean for our lives? What can we learn from Paul’s insistence on faith being not just all we need, but the only thing we can have to be justified before God?
8/8/2021 • 45 minutes, 16 seconds
Baptized into Christ
This morning we have the great privilidge of baptizing two young men, Nate LaBo and Isaac Wallaker. Both young men not only are baptized today, but therefore have the opportunity to take the Lord’s Supper for the first time. While we often speak of the meaning of the Lord’s Supper, this is a good opportunity to speak about what baptism means, why we at Crossway handle it as we do, and how it relates to the Lord’s Supper. As we approach thinking about baptism, let us ask some foundational questions
8/1/2021 • 40 minutes, 16 seconds
Faith and Faithfulness
We can no longer live the same lives we lived before there were smart phones, the internet, automobiles, and refrigeration. Yet, of all the events that have changed the course of human history, the cross of Jesus Christ stands at the apex. Nothing has radically shaped the future quite like that one weekend 2,000 years ago. So, what was life like before that? Or, rather, what was salvation like before? If saints of old were saved by faith, what did they believe in? Or were they just saved by works? Today, Paul points to our shared salvation with those who have come before us; even with those who came before Christ.
7/25/2021 • 39 minutes, 4 seconds
Justification and the Law
We love to press forward. We can consider the past, sure, but there is little time to consider what has happened when there is so much that will happen! Paul, having finished announcing our great gift of justification in Christ, would not be faulted for doing the same. We have a great inheritance, a great salvation, glory itself to consider! But, while such things will indeed be spoken of, Paul is in no hurry to look beyond the things of the past. Instead, let us consider with Paul how understanding rightly what has come before helps us to move forward. What does our justification, by faith, teach us about the law?
7/18/2021 • 34 minutes, 21 seconds
Jesus Died in Our Place
Previously, as we walked through the first part of these verses, we saw that God’s salvation did not simply entail the putting aside of his justice, but rather the upholding of it. Oddly, when turning to our salvation, Paul notes that God has manifested his righteousness through faith in Jesus Christ. All that is good! But how, precisely, does the work of Jesus make God both the just one and the justifier of sinners? How can God be both faithful to his promises to be merciful and bless us and faithful to his promise to punish sin? By having Jesus Christ, his faithful servant, die in our place!
7/11/2021 • 46 minutes, 41 seconds
Righteousness Manifested
This week, Bill Cosby, formerly convicted of sexual assault, was allowed to walk free in Pennsylvania. It was not because the court, the jurors, the prosecution, the press, or almost anyone else in America thought that he was truly innocent. Rather, he was released on a technicality. Knowingly guilty, he is now a free man. This is not much different than those who profess Christ; knowingly guilty, we are justified freely by Jesus’ death on our behalf. Yet, what of justice? It is hard to say that justice was served in Cosby’s case; does our forgiveness mean God is unjust? What can we say to these things?
7/4/2021 • 38 minutes, 34 seconds
The Sinfulness of All
Few people like to be the bearers of bad news. Those who are given such a task do not relish it. To have to inform someone that they are losing their job, that they have cancer, that some untold horror has come true is difficult for anyone. Yet, we have just such news to tell. And worse: our news is the worst that we can imagine; not simply a message of death, but of death eternal; of an all-powerful God whose wrath against us burns hot with no way for us to extinguish it. Yet, this very news is vital to grasp, for only in this, the worst of news, can we truly find the best of our God.
6/27/2021 • 43 minutes, 47 seconds
Summarizing Questions
Questions are incredibly useful things. They are the way that we find out what we don’t know, helping to increase our knowledge of the world. They help to clarify our thinking when we are foggy about things. They can likewise be used as weapons and as rhetorical tools. Paul has labored in the first two chapters of his letter to lay the foundational reality of sin that provides the necessity of the gospel – all, Jew and Greek, have sinned and need the work of Jesus in their life. Here, as we begin Romans 3, Paul helps to clarify his points through the use of questions.
6/20/2021 • 39 minutes, 21 seconds
Misplaced Faith in External Trappings
Paul has been making his case that no one, on their own, is righteous before God. He has spent time focused on the unrighteousness of the Gentiles, and in the first half of Romans 2 began to turn his attention to the Jews. Now in our passage this morning, he turns his focus explicitly on the Jews. The Jews had great faith that the outward trappings of their religion would guarantee them safety from God’s judgment, but they neglected the deeper reality that was meant to be signified by these exterior marks.
6/13/2021 • 35 minutes, 37 seconds
Judgment, Works, and the Law
Romans is known for its encouraging and uplifting passages. Few texts are quite as faith building and theologically rich as 3:21-26; few can encourage us in good works as 6:15-19; few are as uplifting in suffering as 8:18-39. These are the bright lights that many consider the heart of the epistle. Yet, we are not in these bright lights, but in Paul’s ongoing discussion of idolatry, sin, and judgment. But, even in these dark themes, we can see the light of the gospel shine brightly. Today, as we consider again God’s judgment, let us hear afresh the good news of Jesus’ grace.
6/6/2021 • 36 minutes, 23 seconds
The Wreckage in the Flood
One year ago this week, the dam at Edenville broke, sending some 2.8 billion cubic feet of water downstream, eventually causing the Sanford dam to break, and destroying the small town of Sanford. Even as the waters rescinded, the misery continued, as the devastation lingered, for many, even to this day. Our idolatry has broken the dam of our sin, and we now find that we are awash in it. In the last of Romans 1, Paul helps us to see our great predicament, and begins to prepare the path for the great salvation we are afforded in Christ.
5/23/2021 • 42 minutes, 26 seconds
The Great Sin
Why is our sin so bad? Some of it is small and light, is it not? Would God send us to hell for lying in court to make sure the right verdict comes out? For simply getting angry now and again? Such questions are not new, but radically old, and are instructive. What is the real problem with our sin? And, if we can rightly identify that, what does the gospel of Jesus do about it? Today, we get a brief initial glance at our great problem, as Paul begins to outline the heart of the gospel in Romans 1:18-23. Let us hear from Paul about our great sin.
5/16/2021 • 37 minutes, 4 seconds
The Confidence of Paul
Paul was not a man who lacked boldness. He fearlessly strode into places that he knew would not receive him well, where his enemies surrounded him and would relentlessly pursue his life. Yet, all the same, he persisted in preaching the gospel. What gave Paul his great confidence and boldness? Was it a confidence in himself? In his abilities and, if nothing else, his way with words? Let us consider today where that confidence of Paul has come from, and press to make it our own, lest we be said to be ashamed of the gospel.
5/9/2021 • 38 minutes, 35 seconds
The Righteousness of God
Luther’s conversion to the true gospel was likely not accomplished in one specific moment. Yet, if there was a moment, it was in studying the passage that lies before us today. It was here, above all else, that Luther came to realize that God’s gift of salvation was truly that, a gift, and that he might leave behind all attempts to earn such favor through his own merits. And it happened as he considered the small phrase “the righteousness of God.” Let us take time to think through this important phrase this morning, and see in it the glory of the gospel of our God.
5/2/2021 • 40 minutes, 39 seconds
Authority and Service
Many see any claim to authority as a claim to power, and in that, the ability to oppress and use others. Such claims are not typically wrong. We see throughout Scripture and history that men (and women!) use their authority for evil purposes, and seek to control others for their own selfish good. But, through Christ, who is of the highest authority, we have the prime counter-example! He who had all authority came to give his life as a ransom. Paul, in our passage this morning, displays the same understanding of authority, as he serves the Romans through his apostleship.
4/25/2021 • 39 minutes, 45 seconds
Introducing Paul
The authority of the apostle was an ongoing issue in many churches, not least among those very churches that he founded (see 1, 2 Cor or Gal). Why would Rome be different? The Roman churches were not started by Paul, nor did Paul’s preaching and understanding form them as they began to take shape. What right does Paul have to write such a letter to them? Why should they listen? Why should we? Anticipating such questions, Paul gives a lengthy introduction to his letter, where his sets his apostleship from Christ as his authoritative stamp from the Lord himself.
4/18/2021 • 39 minutes, 35 seconds
Romans Overview
Before you take a trip, it is always a good idea to look at a map of the place you will visit, even if you can navigate the city with your phone’s GPS. Doing so allows you to orient yourself correctly where you visit, and will undoubtedly help you to keep your experiences in context. Today, as we plan our visit to Paul’s letter to the Romans, we will look at the map of Romans, trying to capture the layout of the letter from a 30,000-foot view. What is it that Paul is trying to say in the book, and what are the major themes? Let us find out today, as we study the book of Romans.
4/11/2021 • 56 minutes, 16 seconds
Is Jesus Worthy?
Christmas is the American holiday. No other day comes close, really. Christmas has its own music, sweaters, trees, cookies, and movies. Easter, at least in America, cannot compete with that! Yet, since Christianity’s inception, Resurrection Sunday has been the church’s most important day of remembrance. It is not just that we celebrate it one day a year, but every Sunday that we gather is a microcosm of this day. But why make such a fuss? Why spend so much time bothering over something that happened so long ago? Given all that happens in the world today, all that we face, is this worthy of our time? Is Jesus worthy of all this?
4/4/2021 • 35 minutes, 41 seconds
Jesus Descended to the Dead
Christians do many weird things. Today, we proclaim the day that the Lord of glory, the one in whom we hope for eternal life, dying at the hands of wicked and sinful men, is a day best described as "good." Of course, we have good reason to do so. By his blood, he has redeemed us from our sin and given us hope. Yet, there are some things that even we Christians find odd. What does the Apostles' Creed mean by saying that Jesus "descended to the dead"? Let us consider Jesus' victory over the dead, in his death, tonight.
4/2/2021 • 36 minutes, 1 second
The End of Esther
Today we come to the end of the book of Esther. It has been a time, I hope, of worthwhile reflection on the work of God, even as it shadows the coming of the cross of Jesus Christ. Today, as we read and consider the last two chapters, we will focus on summing up the major themes of the book; themes that we no doubt have hit previously but will reward reflection. What have we to learn about God from a book that steadfastly refuses to even name him? Much, in every way! Let us turn to Esther and see the many ways in which this story reveals God to us.
3/28/2021 • 45 minutes, 12 seconds
The Gospel of Reversals
St. Patrick, the great early missionary, and the man who helped to bring the gospel to the British Isles, is celebrated each year with a day dedicated to drinking and debauchery. How unfitting that is! But it is a good reminder to each of us that our influence and acts live on far after we die. In Esther 7, we reach the emotional climax of our story; yet, even so, there remains work to be done. In Esther 8, we get two major reversals: the first dealing with the enemy Haman, the second with his ungodly and sinful edict. In each of these reversals, we ought to be reminded of the nature of the gospel and the kind reversal that Jesus has secured for us!
3/21/2021 • 43 minutes, 33 seconds
Esther and the Gospel
Throughout the history of the church, many have questioned the nature and purpose of the OT. If we have Jesus, and he is the focus, why worry about the OT? Why not just focus on the new? The OT, however, is a necessary part of God’s revelation to us: it helps to shape and mold the very ways in which we are to think about Jesus and what he has done. The OT, then, builds up the picture of Jesus, like a mosaic, as each individual part has its purpose. Esther, in its own way, gives us an interesting and helpful picture of Jesus, and the way in which he saves us. Let us today think through the connections between Esther and the gospel.
3/14/2021 • 44 minutes, 29 seconds
One Nation Under God
James will end his epistle in Chapter 5 with his subject matter being a reflection of his heart. He was a godly man who was led by the one true God to be his witness as well as the author of this epistle. James lived a life of obedience to God's Word and law and a devotion to prayer. Today we will look at the first half of Chapter 5, verses 1-11. His audience is sinners and saints. The second half of Chapter 5 is centered on prayer, and we'll look at that at a later date. Today's Scripture has two topics. First, the faithless and merciless will be condemned. Second, he call believers to patiently persevere in the faith.
3/7/2021 • 37 minutes, 13 seconds
God's Beautiful Justice
Jesus, in speaking with Nicodemus in John 3, reminds Nicodemus that we do not know where the wind has come from or where it is going – but we can see its effects all around us. We know that the wind is there, for we see the results of its presence. Today, while we don’t see God, we see the effects of his presence all over Esther 6, especially in the working out of his justice. How do we know that God is truly there, even when we can’t see him? What does such presence tell us about the God that we serve? Let us press into these questions today, as we consider God’s beautiful and just work in Esther 6.
2/28/2021 • 45 minutes, 38 seconds
Wisdom and Savvy
Jesus often tells us very difficult things. One of the most difficult sayings that Jesus gives to us is found in Luke 16 (the parable of the dishonest manager). Shall we also be dishonest as this man was? What does Jesus want us to do? At the very least, I think, he desires for his people to be as Esther, who shows great deftness and savvy in how she handles the king. At the same time, the pride of Haman makes him fragile, forgetful, and foolish. Therefore, as we travel through the story this morning, let us follow the course set down for us in the person of Esther, who expertly deals with the problems before her, and find the repentance that escaped Haman.
2/21/2021 • 44 minutes, 7 seconds
A Response to Suffering
There are many times that the Bible speaks to us about things that, if we’re being honest, have no immediate application for us. Many of you have no children, yet we still think it wise to read and preach passages related to parenting from Proverbs and Ephesians. For many in America, passages dealing with persecution and suffering are the same. We might not experience those problems right now – but they serve as warnings to prepare us for times of trial, if they come. We may be like Esther, separated from the evil that befalls others, but that should not mean that we cannot respond! What is our response to suffering?
2/14/2021 • 44 minutes, 19 seconds
A Series of Unfortunate Events
We have all had those kinds of days – where nothing seems to be going right, and the dominoes of misfortune seem to fall one after another on top of us. Mordecai, at the end of Esther 2, seems to be riding high. Esther appears to be well taken care of, and he himself has thwarted a plot to assassinate the King, which certainly will come with a reward! Yet, by the time we get to the beginning of chapter 4, a mere chapter later, we will find Mordecai weeping, laying on the ground, covered in dust and ashes. How fleeting are the times of plenty in this life! Yet, even in times like that, there is much hope in God. Let us consider that hope this morning, as we read from God’s word!
2/7/2021 • 50 minutes, 27 seconds
Moral Ambiguity in a Foreign Land
There is no doubt that the people of Persia had different standards of right and wrong then we do today. Their relationship to authority, individual and social rights, government, and even God would have been so radically different from our we likely have a hard time even understanding how deep the differences go. The same would be true for those living in the Persian empire who were Jews. The difference between God’s desires and the culture in which they lived was vast. How could they be expected to navigate such a context in purity? How can we? Today, let us try to find some hope even as we live in a foreign land.
2/1/2021 • 42 minutes, 38 seconds
The Problem of Human Power
Esther is a strange book. Out of the 66 books of the Bible, it is the only one not to mention God, or use his covenantal name. It mentions nothing of the law, Torah, the history of the Jewish nation, or its hope for the future. Yet, this is part of its beauty and genius. Esther desires to show us how God’s power, even when unseen and unspoken, is still stronger than the mightiest of men. While it seems, on its surface, to be simply a story of how a feast came to be celebrated, we will hopefully see that it is much more than that. Let us begin by today looking into Esther 1, and how humans wrongly relate to power.
1/24/2021 • 43 minutes, 50 seconds
The End of John's Gospel
Today, we reach the end of John’s Gospel. We will attempt to summarize the teaching of John’s lifetime of reflection on the wonder of Jesus, fine-tuned and clarified over decades, compiled in 21 chapters and some 866 verses. Surely, that is a tall order! And while any summary is bound to be, by nature, reductionistic, we can hit the highlights of John’s vision into the wonder of Jesus’ life and ministry. The ending of the book itself shows us that even John has summarized in order to write his Gospel! Let us, then, do the same, and recount what his Gospel has given to us, ponder it anew, and praise God for the wonderful gift that we have in Jesus!
1/17/2021 • 50 minutes, 21 seconds
Jesus and Peter
What glory there is in our salvation! Christ has indeed saved us from our sin, freed us from our destiny to death, delivered us from the power of the Devil! There is glory in our salvation, but there is also the great need for humility. After all, our sin is detestable, and it comes with a great cost. Today, we see how deep the care of our Lord is for us, seen through his own care and concern for Peter. Although Peter’s denial was public and clear, Jesus loves him all the same, and here re-establishes him as the head of the apostles. What does Jesus do, what does he say, to affirm Peter’s forgiveness and appoint him to lifelong service?
1/10/2021 • 37 minutes, 30 seconds
Jesus and the Church
Have you ever been to a movie you think should end, but it seems to have an extra 20 minutes of extra, and seemingly unneeded, material? Many scholars think that is what John 21 is like. The ending of chapter 20 wrapped up both the book and the resurrection appearances nicely. Yet, after that summary and purpose statement, we have yet another resurrection appearance! Why would John include this story? Today, we hope to find the answer to that question, and see something of the necessary relationship between Jesus and the Church.
1/3/2021 • 35 minutes, 7 seconds
Resurrection Appearances (Part 2)
We live in an age of skepticism. We find there to be much merit, even virtue, in thinking that if we can’t see it, if there is no overwhelming proof, then we won’t believe it. This attitude of skepticism has obvious trouble with the claim that Jesus was resurrected from the dead. How can we be sure? There are many answers to this question, but the most important is simply the mercy of Jesus our Lord. It is his mercy that allows us to truly see and believe. Today, as we look at the last two of his four resurrection appearances, let us see the mercy that Jesus shows in calling to belief those who are his!
12/27/2020 • 38 minutes, 43 seconds
The Song of the Humble
Mary's Magnificat is oneof the best known songs in Scripture. It is a song that magnifies what God has done in her; indeed, it magnifies the very work that God typically does. He magnifies the lowly and humble, and brings down the mighty and proud. This is not just a pattern of God's work, it is the very work of the gospel! So, let us sing with glad rejoicing, and in humility, for our great Savior!
12/24/2020 • 17 minutes, 16 seconds
Resurrection Appearances (Part 1)
The Christmas season is one made for families; many of our best and strongest memories of this season are of time spent with family. Yet, this year, many of us are saddened to only see family distantly, via phone or video. This sadness makes good theological sense, for the entire reason for the season is that God came to be near us, Immanuel! Today, we remember not the birth of Jesus, but the resurrection of Jesus, and his beautiful and varied work in moving his people to belief. We might think that belief would be easier if he would only be with us, physically. Yet, Jesus provides us with what we need to believe, physical presence or no.
12/20/2020 • 36 minutes, 51 seconds
The Fulfilment of Scripture, Part 2
Last week, we began our look at the passion and death of our Lord Jesus Christ, and noted some of the ways in which his death and its effects were pictured and prophesied already in Scripture. The suffering and vicarious death of our God in the person of Christ was on display in David’s life, in the Passover, and through the prophets. Today, we continue to look at how the OT is fulfilled in the death of Christ, how all things are summed up in him, and how we can better know the work of our Lord when we understand the pictures given to us in the OT. Today, let us consider the fulfilment of Scripture in the death of our Lord Jesus Christ.
12/13/2020 • 46 minutes, 41 seconds
The Fulfilment of Scripture (Part 1)
Post Thanksgiving, we have entered into our Advent season, where we celebrate the coming of our Lord Jesus as a humble child in a manger. Yet, as we work through John, we seem to be at the opposite end of the spectrum, reading and thinking through his trial, crucifixion, and death. However, in God’s providence, these two realities are not random separate events, but all part of a long plan to save sinners by the work of the Son. Today, even as we read how Jesus’ birth fulfilled God ’s plan through Scripture, let us consider the multitudinous ways in which his death does precisely the same. Jesus is the culmination of all of God’s revelation to us!
12/6/2020 • 40 minutes, 39 seconds
The Vale of Glory
God has been incredibly kind to us in the smallest of things, many of which we are so accustomed to that we typically miss them entirely. How difficult would life be without the slight delay, the filter, between what we think and feel and what we say? How would others view us if the thoughts of our hearts escaped immediately upon their thought? If we are honest, such a reality would be a dreadfully painful one, both for us and others. Here, at the end of the trial of Jesus in John, we have a picture of that moment when our filters are thrown off, our pretensions are eliminated, and we stand bare before God. What do we see in this text?
11/29/2020 • 47 minutes, 16 seconds
Missing the Kingdom
Many philosophers throughout the ages have considered an interesting thought-experiment: how can we prove the existence of other minds? How do you know that what is around you is real? Or, is there some better, truer reality lurking just behind what you can see? Descartes thought about this in the 17th century, and the film The Matrix considered it popularly just 20 some years ago. What if I told you that there is a deeper, truer reality lying all around you, unnoticed? What if you have been blind to it your whole life? Today, let us consider how so many miss this greater and truer reality; let us see how so many miss the Kingdom of Christ.
11/22/2020 • 45 minutes, 2 seconds
The Courageous and the Cowardly
We find many great examples of righteous courage throughout Scripture. Joshua took over the promised land with a rag-tag army; David faced the monstrous Goliath with five small stones; Esther faced her death simply to pose a question. These are valuable examples for us to follow. It is, however, perhaps better not to look at the positive examples of courage, but also at the negative examples of the cowards, for one suspects that we are nearer to the later rather than the former. Peter's failure is the prime example for us, and the one that we get to consider this morning. What can we learn from Peter's faithlessness?
11/8/2020 • 44 minutes, 58 seconds
How Jesus is Greater
The great liberal scholar project was to search through the rubble, remains, and ramblings of the Bible and to try to reconstruct the picture of the “real” Jesus. Certain that what we have in the Bible is skewed history (at best!), liberal scholars sought to find out who Jesus really was and what he really taught. Today, let us do better, and try to find something about the “real” Jesus of Scripture! As Jesus begins the march toward his trial and crucifixion, we have a nice series of contrasts between him and the principle characters of that scandalous event. Today, as we begin to read through John 18, let us see how Jesus is indeed greater than them all.
11/1/2020 • 44 minutes, 6 seconds
Jesus' Prayer for Our Unity
Unity and togetherness are concepts that occupy much of the world’s attention. That our country, indeed our world, is fragmented, and that such a fragmentation is a bad thing, is readily understood. The church should be a place for unity and harmony. None of these things is widely debated. But, how ought the church strive for that unity? Should we pursue it by removing obstacles? Ought we be less concerned with “truth” and more with relationships? Should we strive for a unity in name, if not in doctrine? Today, we hear of Jesus’ prayers for our unity, as we get insight into what our unity ought to be.
10/25/2020 • 48 minutes, 21 seconds
The Prayer of Jesus
This life is hard to keep balance in. Sin so affects us that we have a difficult time not over-adjusting to the problems that we face. We often see our problems in life, and think that Jesus is the easy solution to them. But, in doing this, we often just use Jesus as a holy talisman, a trinket used to get us what we really want. Or, reacting to that, we show Jesus as the high and mighty God, but forget that he doesn’t just demand our obedience, but wants our love and affection in light of the good he offers. In John 17, Jesus offers a prayer that helps us walk this fine line. As he prepares to leave the disciples, Jesus prays for his own glory, which is also for the good of us all.
10/18/2020 • 51 minutes, 28 seconds
The Power of Humility
Humility is the corrective for an adulterous heart, an aspersive spirit and an arrogant mindset.
10/11/2020 • 30 minutes, 30 seconds
Wisdom and the Tongue
Those who profess God should control their tongue. Earthly wisdom is jealously self seeking but, true wisdom shapes the wise. Teachers should continue in humility and in a spirit of a learner.
10/4/2020 • 42 minutes, 3 seconds
Labor and the Kingdom
If you watch many medical mysteries, you find something of a well-worn pattern in them. Something goes wrong medically which is hard to explain. Yet, the symptoms, seemingly random, point to something more sinister lying just below the surface. The rest of the show is, of course, getting at that underlying cause. In our passage this morning, the symptom of idleness, of the avoidance of work, is a clear problem that Paul needs to address. But under this symptom is a much more dangerous and cancer-like problem that might well metastasize to all the Thessalonian believers if it is not removed. Let us see what our Physician, Paul, says about this situation today.
9/28/2020 • 46 minutes, 45 seconds
Praying and the Kingdom
We are taught, if we listen well, how to pray by our Lord. This instruction, found in the Sermon on the Mount (Matt 5-7) as well as Luke 11, provides a template for faithful prayers, given in a memorable, if general, fashion. We do well to memorize this prayer, but we must realize that it was always meant to guide our own personal, heartfelt desires and needs. We can see something of how this was meant to work this morning as we turn to 2 Thessalonians 3. Here, Paul follows the Lord’s prayer well, whether intentionally or not, and helps us to see how to contextualize this model prayer for our own situation.
9/21/2020 • 47 minutes
The Balance of the Gospel
Balance is difficult to achieve in this life. Given a beam on the ground, many of us would be able to walk over it with no alarm or problem. But placed over the Grand Canyon, with certain death below, and balance seems hard to come by! Christians realize the dangers and death that surround us and know that to fall on either side of many issues is to fall into death. Here is legalism – there is licentiousness. Here is a holding to obstructive traditions – there is a rejection of that which is helpful and good. How might we achieve balance in our Christian walk between the reality of justice and grace?
9/14/2020 • 40 minutes, 39 seconds
The Rebellion against God
We live in the end of days. While there is much to be said for this, it is clear that we are not alone in thinking so. We often say this, in Scripture, about the fact that the last age is here, that Jesus has come, died, and been resurrected, and will one day come again for his bride. But, many use the term in another way, thinking not just that we are in the last epoch, but in the very last days, and based on what we see in the world that we should expect Jesus’ return any day now. This is true! We ought always be looking for our Savior’s appearance. But, today, let us look soberly at what Scripture says about that day, and the events that surround it.
9/6/2020 • 42 minutes, 27 seconds
The Justice of God
Justice gets much focus today. Many speak of justice for the oppressed, others for the upholding of order in our streets. But, even in the best of cases, we ought to humbly admit that we do not have all the information that we need to understand the events perfectly; that our justice, even when blind, is still partial and ignorant. Yet, there is a perfect justice, given by one who sees all and knows even the very hearts of men. Today, we hear from Paul about that justice; a justice that is meted out by Jesus Christ to all – to those who believe and to those who stand opposed to the gospel. Let us hear what Paul has to say to us about the justice of God.
8/30/2020 • 44 minutes, 52 seconds
The Gathered of God
We often speak of the need to read both broadly and deeply in the Bible. Reading widely takes in large portions of Scripture at a time. Doing so gives you a good understanding of the layout and structure of Scripture; it's big patterns and major ideas. But we also need depth. This means looking closely at texts, taking in and thinking through every blessed word saved for us by the Spirit, that we may understand not only the forest, but also the trees. Today, we come to what might look like a meager introduction -- but don't be fooled! From it we can glean much about who we are, and the God we serve!
8/23/2020 • 41 minutes, 26 seconds
Basic Instructions for Every Church
We have come to the end of Paul’s letter to the Thessalonians. It is a tremendously positive letter, filled with love and encouragement. Nevertheless, Paul does have instruction and admonition for the young congregation. Here, Paul rifles through final exhortations, leaving for the Thessalonians a compendium of items that they need to pursue. We would do well to listen to this list, to pursue these items with fervency and delight. We can and should do these things, not because it wins us our salvation, nor because we are able to in our own might, but rather because it is the will of God for us, and the God of peace himself will sanctify us completely!
8/16/2020 • 43 minutes, 5 seconds
Life at the End of Days
This week, even today, we remember the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Perhaps these two events, as well as a smattering of others, have prompted our great desire to think about and ponder the end of the world. Yet, our generations are not the first to be preoccupied by such things. For Christians, these “things” primarily swirl around the return of the Lord – when and how he will return for his people. Today, we come to a text that deals directly with that day and moment. But while we may have many questions about the end, what does God deem best for us to know? What must we actually know and do to prepare for the end?
8/9/2020 • 39 minutes, 18 seconds
Grief and the Gospel
Death is hard to reckon with. It is a great unknown, and brings in its wake trepidation and uncertainty. We will face it someday, and probably have already faced it as we have lost others. The Thessalonians have great cause for grief, as several of their own have died. Their grief, however, is somewhat misplaced, and their misunderstanding is causing them harm. Today, Paul seeks to encourage the Thessalonians in the Lord, giving them, even in their grief, a sense of hope in the gospel. Let us take these words to heart, learn from them, and use them well in our lives. Death might come for us all, but we have reason to hope even in our sorrow because Christ himself lives.
8/2/2020 • 35 minutes, 12 seconds
On Culture and Love
Love is not an off-shoot of the Christian life; an accidental by-product of Christ’s sacrifice for us. Rather, it stands as the center of our whole purpose and being. Of all the things to be applauded for, the Thessalonians find themselves to have gotten the major parts right: they need no instruction about brotherly love. Yet, Paul is not out of words to say to them, as he will press them to excel in their love for one another, so that Christ might be preached more effectively to the outside world. Let us consider our own love before the world today, as we hear Paul’s helpful admonition to the Thessalonians.
7/26/2020 • 40 minutes, 36 seconds
Holiness and God
Our culture is always standing against God. One of the chief ways in which many of us see this today is in its attitude towards sex. All things, they say, are good so long as it is consensual, and no physical harm comes to others. It is, after all, a private matter. As Paul seeks to lead the Thessalonian church in such matters, he confronts just such opinions. Sex is, in Christian understanding, truly profound and important. To think that we ought not live out this portion of our being under the instruction and wisdom of the Lord is foolish and unfaithful. Today, let us come to our text and see the manifold wisdom of God where so much of the world might reject it.
7/19/2020 • 46 minutes, 35 seconds
Thankfulness in Others
We live in an age when good news seems mighty hard to come by. What's more, we live in an age when good news is hardly waited for. If we want to hear from our loved ones, they are hardly ever more than a button push away. We find the lag time on email difficult to bear, let alone letters that need to be physically delivered. Paul had no such luxuries. He likely waited for months for the news of the Thessalonians to be delivered by Timothy, and he was not disappointed. It was good news all the way around. In Thessalonians 3:6-13, we see Paul's thankfulness in God's kind provision, and see that we have much to gain from imitating him.
7/12/2020 • 37 minutes, 41 seconds
Hebrews 13.17 - Elder Installation
There are many passages to think through when elders are being considered. Of course, 1 Timothy 3 comes to mind, but others are just as important. 1 Peter 5; Titus 1; even OT passages relating to the failure of Israel's shepherds and the calling of Peter to "feed my sheep" by Christ are worthy of our consideration. Yet, I have always been drawn to the brief yet wisdom filled Hebrews 13:17. This one verse does not tell us everything that we need to know about elders - but it does well to briefly sketch the beautiful relationship between an elder and his congregation. Tonight, as we consider this verse, I want to show how it answers three questions for the congregation and the pastor both: What, How, and Why.
7/6/2020 • 25 minutes, 47 seconds
Consistent Affections
We always have much to learn from Paul’s life and ministry. There is treasure in his theology, his grasp of the Old Testament, and his understanding of the church, to mention only a few. Yet, we have much more to learn from Paul than simply what was stuffed in his head – we ought to also learn about that which filled his heart. Paul lives consistently: his confession matched his practice. But he doesn’t do this simply out of shear duty; serving the churches, ministering to new believers, was his profound joy. He loved them deeply.
7/5/2020 • 46 minutes, 31 seconds
The Word of God Sustains Through Suffering
Sermon Audio from Crossway Christian Church
6/28/2020 • 43 minutes, 40 seconds
Life in the Gospel
Paul lived a certain kind of life. No doubt, he knew not everyone was cut out for that kind of life. He had a calling, a gifting placed upon him before he was ever born. Yet, while we might not have the same calling and gifting that Paul had, it is clear that much of the way that he lived his life was shaped and fashioned by the same thing that our lives should be shaped by: the gospel. Today we see something of a continuation from last week. Paul earnestly pleads with the Thessalonians that he was this, wasn’t that; today, Paul lets us know why these things were so.
6/21/2020 • 38 minutes, 37 seconds
Paul, a Gracious Leader, Defends the Gospel
Sermon Audio from Crossway Christian Church
6/14/2020 • 30 minutes, 26 seconds
Disciples Making Disciples
We are told by our Lord that our mission in the world is to make disciples. Yet, for many of us, this is a task that is done best by the professionals. Pastors, teachers, missionaries: these are the ones who are really expected to make disciples. Yet, in this small overlooked book we find a young church that nevertheless flourishes not only in being disciples, but in making them as well. Their example is one for us to follow. Let us see how we can become better at both ends of this mission for the church, turning to ! Thessalonians to become better both at being disciples and become disciple-makers.
6/7/2020 • 43 minutes, 42 seconds
The Love of the Triune God
We at Crossway have rightly used the phrase, "the gospel is Trinitarian, and the Trinity is the gospel." We believe that the gospel is ultimately about God revealing himself and showing his mercy to sinners for his glory. Here, we come to a passage in John that will help us see that the gospel is indeed, rightly understood, standing as the center and foundation of our salvation.
6/1/2020 • 43 minutes, 42 seconds
Grace and Pain in Childbirth
Sermon Audio from Crossway Christian Church
5/25/2020 • 45 minutes, 2 seconds
John 16:4-15 - Conviction and the Spirit
The church is left with a daunting task - to persuade a world that hates God and loves their sin to leave their sin and love God. How are we to persuade the world to give up what they love and embrace that which they despise? What logic, what reasons, what beauty can we portray to the wide world that might lead them to Christ? There is none, really. No mixture of words, no special music, no stirring of the heart, can effect the change that the world needs. But we have good news, there is a helper sent to us: the Holy Spirit, who convicts the world and leads them to the repentance and faith that Jesus requires.
5/17/2020 • 34 minutes, 1 second
Sovereign and Good
Today, we look at John 13:21-30, as Jesus predicts Judas' betrayal of him, and begin to think about what this might entail for us as we face an unusual global crisis. Jesus is good, friends, and we can trust in him even in the darkest of times!
3/15/2020 • 38 minutes, 25 seconds
Cleansed to the Full
The Bible often uses everyday language and pictures to help us understand the reality that lies behind not only our lives but also our salvation. Jesus has shown us his power and identity as God-incarnate through the signs of his miracles. These displayed the reality of who Jesus was. As Jesus washes his disciples’ feet, he gives us a sign that is meant to display the reality of what Jesus does. Whereas we might expect to see a picture of the Passover Lamb, John gives us instead a foot washing. Buy why? Today in John 13, we have a wonderful picture of the great work of Jesus in our lives: his unmatched ability to cleanse us completely from our sin and guilt!
3/8/2020 • 44 minutes, 40 seconds
The Glow of Glory
In the two millennia since Christ died and rose again, we see the promise of Jesus to build his church has been largely fulfilled, even if there is much more to go. Yet, at the end of his earthly ministry, Jesus' mission does not seem to have been fulfilled. The leaders hated him and the crowds were not fully swayed by him. Indeed, in a short time, so many would turn against him that he would die an agonizing death as a traitor and a heretic. John, knowing these things, steps in today to help us rightly understand the success of Jesus' ministry, as it is tied to God's glory, and the afterglow of that glory in our own lives.
3/1/2020 • 47 minutes, 2 seconds
Our Faith, Our Response
Our Scripture today deals with two main ideas, the sin of partiality, and, faith without works is a dead faith. What connects both of these topics together, I believe, is our faith in Christ and our response coming from that faith. The relationship of faith and good works is one that may be distinguished but never separated. A right understanding of works is crucial to understanding saving faith.
2/23/2020 • 35 minutes, 57 seconds
James, a Servant
James, the Lord's half brother, is known as a pillar of the early church who wanted to be known as a servant of God and the Lord Jesus Christ. James' epistle gives a number of insights into the attributes of God: faithfulness, generosity and truth as seen in chapter one.
2/16/2020 • 44 minutes, 3 seconds
The Coming Death
There is much to admire about Jesus. He is a wonderful teacher, able to take the mundane things of life and demonstrate the beautiful picture that they weave about life with God. He is a powerful healer; not even death is beyond his ability to make right. He is a forceful leader; standing up to those in power for the good of those under their boots. But none of these things is enough. Ultimately, we need someone to take away our sins and make us right with God again. In his death, Jesus does this. Today, as Jesus begins to speak most clearly about his impending death, we have 11 reasons why Jesus needed to die. Let us consider them briefly this morning!
2/11/2020 • 41 minutes, 46 seconds
The Coming King
Jesus' miracle in raising Lazarus continues to spread, for those who have been witnesses of it cannot help but speak of it. For many, this implies one thing: Jesus is the long-awaited King of Israel, sent to liberate her yoke of the foreign nations, and to rule over them in peace. In fact, Jesus is precisely this! He was indeed the much-anticipated King, filled with glory and spledndor. Yet, even in all this, there is room for us to grow both in our understanding and in our trust of this great King. Today, as we consider John 12:12-19, let us prepare our hearts for this great king, and trust him in all our ways.
2/2/2020 • 43 minutes, 9 seconds
Belonging to Christ
In our baptism, we are buried with Christ in his death and raised in his life. We are with him, united to him, tied to him. But is this just passive? In a certain sense, yes; we rely fully and finally on God's abiding presence with us. After all, the Son took on flesh to save us -- we didn't come to him. But these realities do not mean that we have no responsibility in our union to Christ. John 12:1-11 shows us something of what it means to know and belong to Christ; to love him and revere him.
1/26/2020 • 44 minutes, 46 seconds
Wrong Responses
We are all wrong at some time in our lives. Whether we admit it or not, it is a typical state of affairs for most of us. To err, after all, is said to be human. However, there are some things that are more important to get right than others. For most of us, whether we have gotten a math problem right or wrong is not a life or death decision. When it comes to how we respond to Jesus’ miracles, however, a wrong response might not just cost us our lives here, it may just cost us eternally. Today in John, we get to see some of the worst responses to his miraculous work that the Gospels record; mistakes we can hopefully avoid, as they
1/19/2020 • 32 minutes, 47 seconds
When Jesus Speaks
Jesus raises Lazarus
1/5/2020 • 31 minutes, 58 seconds
Of the Head and the Heart
The death of Lazarus has affected many. Crowds pour out of Jerusalem and the countryside to be with the family, but that comfort must come to all differently. Martha has questions; her sister has emotional needs. Both seek out Jesus. In our passage today, we learn of Jesus' great concern for us, and for us as whole beings. He is not just a shoulder to cry on, but one who knows and arranges all things for our good. He is also not just a cold reactionary, but one who feels deeply the pain of his people. Today, in John 11, we see how Jesus responds to both of these concerns, as he once again shows himself to be a great and perfect savior for his people.
12/29/2019 • 44 minutes, 38 seconds
What Mary Knew
Written in 1984 and released in 1991, the popular Christmas song Mary Did You Know? has reached the top ten songs on two different Billboard charts. But it is an odd song – the questions don’t really ever get answered and some are not even worth asking! From a biblical perspective, it is a better option to ask of her questions we already have answered. What did Mary know? In Luke, Mary’s praise of God in the presence of Elizabeth demonstrates a surprising depth of faith and biblical acumen. She might not have known everything, and certainly had many lingering questions, but we can learn much from what Mary knew.
12/22/2019 • 30 minutes, 46 seconds
The Strange Love of Jesus
Pain is a part of life. This world is filled with sickness, sorrow, and at times it is hard to understand why. Why doesn’t Jesus intercede? Why doesn’t he, sovereign as he is, stop it? John 11 is a picture of our salvation, and a picture of Jesus’ sovereign control over the world. We get some insight, for those with the faith to see, why the world looks like it does, and why Jesus delays in his salvation. Friends, it is out of love, not animosity, not apathy, not anger, that Jesus delays. Today, as we focus in on this important text and this wonderful miracle, let us consider the strange love of our Savior.
12/15/2019 • 38 minutes, 9 seconds
Of God and Gods
Often has man dreamed of having the rights and privileges of God. Men dream of having unlimited creativity, of having unsearchable power, of having unrestrained authority. Christians instinctively know that such things are not ours to have. Yet, in John 10:34 we have one of the oddest passages in Scripture quoted and affirmed by Jesus. Here, we are told, God has looked at us and has said “you are gods.” What does it mean to affirm it, not allowing Scripture to be broken? And how do we make sense of it in John? Today, we have the opportunity to look at this difficult passage of Scripture today, and to see once again the brilliance of our Christ.
12/8/2019 • 38 minutes, 42 seconds
A Picture of a Shepherd (part 2)
Jesus is our Good Shepherd. This means his love is best seen in his laying down his life for us. Last week, we spoke of the loving side of Jesus as the shepherd, today we look at his strength. A shepherd must be willing to fight for his sheep, to lay down his life and risk his limbs to fight away the predators that assail them on every side. In this world, we will have many seeking to harm and destroy us – if not our bodies than, more importantly, our souls. Yet, we fear not, for we have a good and mighty shepherd, one who is more than ready to fight our enemies and make us dwell in security! Today, let us meditate on the strength of Jesus.
12/1/2019 • 35 minutes, 41 seconds
A Picture of a Shepherd (part 1)
Shepherds were not how we might picture them today. We often think of shepherds as being somewhat soft or effeminate, but they were hardly that. Shepherds are much closer to our modern myth of the cowboy than to the gentle pictures of a smiling, clean man holding a luxuriously soft sheep in his arms. In both pictures, the weak and the strong, are wrong in certain respects, yet speak the truth in others. How are we to think of Jesus as our Good Shepherd? Today, as Jesus furthers his instruction from the metaphor of 10:1-6, we can see how a Good Shepherd loves his sheep.
11/24/2019 • 38 minutes, 17 seconds
A Metaphor of Sheep
When people today call others sheep, they typically mean it as an insult. It is meant to indicate someone who is only capable of following, unable to lead or to have original thoughts on their own. Biblically, though, while sheep were known to be dull and helpless, being called the sheep of God's pasture was not meant as an insult, but rather as a comfort. Truth is, we are fairly dull in knowing how to handle the world, and what's more, we need a great deal of protection and care. Jesus in John 10 provides us with a metaphor, a figure of speech, that we will explore, that we may learn how Jesus protects us and his great love for his people.
11/17/2019 • 36 minutes, 2 seconds
A Full Disciple
The man born blind has stood his ground in John 9:13-34; confronted with harsh and unmoving Jewish leadership, he refuses to throw Jesus under the bus, and instead rightly confesses the truth, as far as he understands it, before the hostile leaders. And yet, when we look closer at his confession, it is filled with necessary truths, but it is still insufficient as a true and real confession. So, what must happen for this man, so aided and healed by Jesus, to become a full disciple? What must happen for him – and, more importantly, what must happen for us to become full disciples of the risen Christ?
11/10/2019 • 39 minutes, 1 second
A Parable of Soils
Jesus’ parables are treasure troves of insight and knowledge. For the first hearers, they may have been difficult to comprehend. And not always just for the first hearers! While John doesn’t include Jesus’ parables, in John 9 we can see the parable of the soils acted out in the characters and groups engaged in a battle over the healing of the man. The word, Jesus himself, has been thrown into their midst. What will they do with him? How do they respond? Indeed, these are the same questions we should ask ourselves, and daily: What will we do with Jesus? How do we respond to his commands and his presence? Let us briefly examine our own soil this morning!
11/3/2019 • 47 minutes, 54 seconds
A Symbol of Salvation
While the process of writing a great story might be difficult to detail and describe, the results of a great story are easy to spot. Great stories bring you back to them again, and always reward another reading. John 9, the story of a blind man given sight by Jesus, is perhaps one of the greatest stories in the Bible. It stands as a symbol off our salvation, an encapsulation of the very act of Christ that gives us our freedom and mission. Today, we get the chance to look at the beginning of this story. It rings with many themes that are clear to us, and many that might be a surprise.
10/27/2019 • 46 minutes, 44 seconds
Lunatic, Liar, Lord
C. S. Lewis famously stated the argument that Jesus never wanted to leave us with the possible idea that he was just a nice moral teacher, however misunderstood. Either he was a lunatic, a liar, or our Lord. Possibly nowhere in the Bible does this truth become more apparent than here at the end of John 8. Jesus, charged with having a demon, continues to press those around him to have faith in him and his incredible promises. But, how are we to know that Jesus wasn’t just insane? How are we to believe that he truly was the Son of God, the image of the living God, and not insane or a liar?
10/21/2019 • 43 minutes, 1 second
The Real Reality
What if we are just living in a simulation? What if some being, brighter and bigger than us, is just pulling the strings and making us dance in some complicated computing scheme? While such problems and ideas have long been addressed by philosophy and science, we know that these are best addressed by religion. Jesus has come to help us understand the very nature of reality as it truly exists. But, because our eyesight is so limited and our understanding so poor, the adjustment to the truth of reality is daunting. Nevertheless, our good Lord Jesus has come to our aid! Let us consider the real reality today from John 8:31-47.
10/13/2019 • 47 minutes, 36 seconds
The Nature of Light
In John 8:12-20, we considered the fact that Jesus was indeed the light of the world. Today, in a continuation of that theme, we get to consider more carefully what Jesus might mean when he says that he is the “Light of the World.” Jesus is not one who will allow us to be confused about who he is. He is indeed the servant, send to achieve the salvation of the world; yet, he is not just a servant sent, he is the creator who stands above all other created thing. And that sets him quite apart from us, who are fallen and wretched. Let us look to John 8:21-30 and see what a great salvation has been afforded us by such a great Savior!
10/6/2019 • 37 minutes, 16 seconds
The Light of the World
John’s gospel is unashamedly about the nature and wonder of Jesus Christ. He began his gospel with the most theological of all origin stories, as he told of the Word in/as God before time began. Yet, as Jesus comes on the scene, we expect more reaction than we actually get. His glory as God is covered, muted, hidden. But for those with eyes to see, Jesus is the light of the world. Today, we get a chance to ruminate on this truth. What does it mean for Jesus to be the light of the world? Why should it matter to us? And, perhaps most importantly, how do we know that it is true? In order to rightly consider these things, let us turn to John 8, and listen to Jesus himself!
9/29/2019 • 40 minutes, 36 seconds
This chapter in Acts is not the first time Paul has had occasion to defend himself. It tells of a man who is bold to point to Christ for a life that has been changed. His testimony is not that of a man who is giving witness in his own defense, but that of a man who can only give public profession of what Christ has done is his life. His example is worth a good look - not only to encourage us but also to show us how we too can be a witness for Christ..
9/22/2019 • 44 minutes, 31 seconds
A Final Word for God's House
The central focus of 1 Timothy has been the pursuit of godliness in the lives of the people of God. The church, in all her functions and usefulness, is the means on the earth that God has provided to help his people rightly pursue godliness in an ungodly age. Here we have a summary of the journey God's church is continually on, and what we must be aware of along the way.
9/15/2019 • 46 minutes, 20 seconds
Contentment and God's House
Many heros of our faith have put up with extraordinary circumstances. These simply stand in a long history of Christian patience and longsuffering, starting with Jesus and continuning through the apostles, including Paul. Jesus instructed us not to be anxious about anything, even clothing nor food - a tall order indeed! This is not really our experience, as we are told by our culture that the best way to be successful is to never be content, to work and strive to get all we can, to keep your foot on the gas. But discontentment can be a rot in God's house - here, we have the opportunity to think through why.
9/8/2019 • 38 minutes, 48 seconds
The Christian and Authorities
God cares about how we interact with authorities in our lives, and true Chrisstian obedience adorns the gospel and glorifies God. The passage today outlines the ways in which God expects us to interact with authority.
9/1/2019 • 41 minutes, 21 seconds
A Family's Generosity
We are said to relate to God in many ways. He is, simply, our God and Creator, the great Potter, who forms us and fashions us. He is our King, and we are the citizens of his realm. Yet, God is also (amazingly) our Father, who provides and prtoects us against the hard that others might wish to inflict. He is our brother, who lays down his life that we might be co-heirs with him. So, then, we are family as well, bonded by the blood of Jesus together in covenant. This train of thought has many implications for how we are to love and take care of one another. Here we think through the applications of this text.
8/25/2019 • 50 minutes, 8 seconds
Work in the House of God
Our God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. And while he never changes – we do nothing but change! It is in the very nature that God has given to us. We are forever learning, experiencing, morphing. Given that, what kind of assurance do we have that we won’t fall away from the God who has saved us? While we know that Jesus holds fast all who are his – what is the human side of that equation? What is our responsibility before the Lord? Shall we simply “let go and let God” or is more required? Let us consider this today, as we look to Paul’s advice to his young protégé Timothy, and how Timothy ought to work in God’s grace.
8/18/2019 • 47 minutes, 28 seconds
The Pillar and Buttress of Truth
God has given you something of infinite value. How do you guard and protect that? As we see in our passage today, God has instituted the church for this purpose. The church is a communty formed by God to guard and uphold the truth.
8/11/2019 • 49 minutes, 24 seconds
Leadership in the House of God
Great movements typically have at least one thing in common: great leadership. This is the ultimate secret behind the success of the Church: we have a wonderful leader in Jesus Christ our Lord! But all great movements need more than one great leader; it needs others to step up to make it successful. The church is no different. While Christ rules from heaven, he must also have his people rule well here on earth. Today we get the chance to think through what makes for great leaders in the church as we think through Paul’s directions on the qualification for both elders and deacons. Let each of us heed well Paul’s words on these two important offices.
8/4/2019 • 44 minutes, 20 seconds
Roles in the House of God
Gender is a problematic and difficult issue in our day. It is a point of contention in the secular world and in the church. But such contentions are nothing new. Paul knew of the difficulties that were brought about any time that roles for men and women were addressed. And because of this, he has some difficult things to say to both his culture, and ours, even as each stand likely opposed to one another. Here in 1 Timothy, we have one of the most controversial passages in Scripture. Today, we will try to understand what Paul is saying, in context, and how to not only rightly apply it to our own situation, but how to avoid misapplications as well.
7/28/2019 • 40 minutes, 17 seconds
Prayer and Salvation
Paul’s gospel was summarized in the brief but memorable phrase “Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners.” It was the goal of Christ, the proclamation of which became the goal of Paul, who passed the torch to Timothy. As we open chapter 2, then, we would be right to expect something about evangelism, especially as Paul begins by stating “First of all, I urge you…” Instead, what we get is a somewhat unexpected call to prayer. And prayer for what might be the most unlikely of people. What are we to make of this call to pray for kings and prominent people, and how does it shape our evangelism?
7/21/2019 • 41 minutes, 53 seconds
A Great Kind of Good
Last week we ended in 1 Timothy with Paul’s statement that sound doctrine was in “accordance with the good news of the glory of the blessed God.” Good news can mean so many different things. We declare good news when babies are born, promotions are gained, games are won, dinner is served. This good news is not just any news, though: it is the good news of the glory of the happy God. It is the announcement that speaks of the most glorious, happy being of which we could ever conceive. What does such good news mean for us? What does such news even have to do with us? Let us consider today the kind of good news Paul was entrusted with:
7/14/2019 • 44 minutes, 11 seconds
The Elders of a Church
Paul often tells us of the importance of every believer, sets forward the need for communal submission, and tells us that gifts are given for the mutual edification for all people. So why do we need elders? What purpose do elders serve if, as we would rightly confirm, all are equal at the foot of the cross? Paul insists on having elders to ensure right teaching within the church. Doctrine is not an unimportant matter to the church – good doctrine sets the tone and the direction of good practice, and is a reliable map for us to set forward the glory of God. So today, let us consider the nature of elders within a church – their position, purpose, and power.
7/8/2019 • 44 minutes, 55 seconds
The Benefits of Belief
We are often told that certain activities are bad for us: if we continue smoking, drinking the wrong things, or eating poorly, we face the prospect of early death. But these warnings are often blunted by the fact that we are always promised death – and what is a couple of years spent not doing what you love? Jesus promises something better, and thus his warnings have teeth, an edge that other warnings in our lives do not. Today, Jesus gives us a glimpse of the great things that await those who trust in Jesus, things that are available to us here and now. Let us today see these great promises of Jesus and hear the warnings of turning away from them.
7/1/2019 • 42 minutes, 53 seconds
Hide and Seek
John routinely presents Jesus speaking over the heads of his hearers, as if he is in on a joke no one else in the narrative gets. Yet, all the while, John seems to expect that we are in on the joke, understand its background, and laugh at its punchline. Here, that routine occurrence happens again in Jesus’ enigmatic statement that he will be leaving, and we will neither find him nor are able to follow him. Today, we will try to unpack this statement, to see in it many warnings against unbelief. Much like an inside joke, we can also see the layers of this statement, and see how it means different thing to different groups.
6/24/2019 • 36 minutes, 49 seconds
Ye of Little Knowledge
We would like to think that we are part of the most knowledgeable time in history. We have the facts of history at our fingertips; we have pictures of matter from billions of light years away; we have the ability to take pictures of atoms and watch the movement of light; we can hear and watch news, instantaneously, from across the other side of the world. We know the big and small, the far and near, with more accuracy and depth than ever before. And we still know next to nothing. Friend, our lack of true knowledge means we must be shown what is truly good and truly true; and that in being shown, we must believe.
6/16/2019 • 40 minutes, 49 seconds
The Good Teacher
If you were to ask the man on the street, or the people in the pews, or the scholar in the University about Jesus, almost universal recommendation would be given to his teaching of love, kindness, and forgiveness. His miracles? Not so much. Our culture would be quick to distance themselves from his miracles, but just as quick to affirm his role as one of the great teachers in history. Ironically, for the culture that knew Jesus best, this was precisely the opposite. They, having seen them, were sure of his miracles, but suspect of his teaching. How, according to Jesus, can we spot a good teacher? What characteristics should we look for? How does he commend himself?
6/9/2019 • 36 minutes, 45 seconds
Christianity and the World
As we look again at John 7:1-13, let us see a warning about our own times, as we think through how we live out our faith in this world. How should we walk faithfully in the world?
6/3/2019 • 35 minutes, 38 seconds
Standing on the Promises
Jesus has claimed great things in the last two chapters of John. In chapter five, he was shown to be God, while in chapter six shown to be all that mankind could ever need. Given these things, his brothers plead with him to make himself known. But such requests (demands?) are not the marks of faith. How should we speak to Jesus about what he has claimed and promised? Should our prayers be marked with language of “claiming promises”? Or, rather, is there a more faithful way to think about how we understand God’s promises and trust in his word? Today, let us think through why the language of “claiming” promises from Christ is a mark of unbelief.
5/27/2019 • 37 minutes, 22 seconds
Difficult Good News
Gospel is meant to be “good-news”; it is meant to be a comfort to restless souls, water for the thirsty, and food for the hungry. But this does not mean that the gospel doesn’t come with difficulties. For many, the best way to deal with these trouble spots is to ignore them. But this is unthinkable for us, if for no other reason that Jesus refused to do so himself! The gospel proclaims good news, but it is only good to those who are willing at accept the bad news of reality. Today, we get to see how Jesus deals with the rejection of his own proclamation of good news, and through this we will hopefully find some help for our own evangelism.
5/20/2019 • 36 minutes, 49 seconds
Body and Bread, Blood and Wine
Jesus said, "Whoever feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life." Such a thought is difficult to digest but, we believe what the Bible says, and so we believe that this is true, in some sense. But how?
5/13/2019 • 36 minutes, 31 seconds
An Answer for Grumbling
Jesus is hard to present as just a normal guy. After all, he did wonderful acts, was brilliant in response, holy in spirit, and loving to all. For anyone who has spent any time dealing with people, or ourselves, we know that such qualities are rare indeed. Yet, Jesus is much more than just a good man – he is God Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth; the Great I Am. His presence as a man, no matter how great, makes such statements difficult to grasp. His countrymen had problems with this as well, and their grumbles were loud and clear. Yet, Jesus is undaunted. Grumble not!
5/5/2019 • 33 minutes, 46 seconds
Jesus, Our Bread of Life
Jesus is presented in John 6 as the provision of God for us. But this provision is not just to give us life as we might conceive of it. Rather, to understand what the symbolism means we must understand the picture that it is derived from: the wilderness wanderings of the Israelites. If the picture that Jesus intends to place in our mind is of the exodus from Egypt, what does that symbolism mean for us? While it is true that it is an old picture, it is still relevant for us today. Let us consider the importance of Jesus being the bread of life from these six small verses of John today.
4/28/2019 • 41 minutes, 28 seconds
Faith in the Resurrection
Christ is risen! This statement is simple, and yet for Christians since that fateful morning some 2,00 years ago, it is the most profound thing we can utter. It is the core and center of our faith, and thus of our salvation. But if this is true, why is it such a New Testament phenomenon? The Old Testament didn't make much out of the resurrection, did it? Today, we think through the nature of the promises that God made to Abraham, and what it was that Abraham believed in. Abraham was not just trusting in any God, but a God who "gives life to the dead" (Romans 4:17). Today, we see how Abraham's faith is indeed our faith, a faith in the resurrection.
4/22/2019 • 38 minutes, 18 seconds
Good Friday Service
We have gathered to celebrate and remember Good Friday, the day that the Lord of life was crucified and killed. It is, admittedly, an odd day to celebrate, but we understand by faith the life giving power and the sin cancelling nature of his death. Tonight, as we look at the four words Jesus uttered on the cross in Matthew 27:46, “Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani” we have a chance to think through the grave problems this declaration gives to us, and a chance to wonder in amazement at the cross.
4/19/2019 • 33 minutes, 29 seconds
Finding Satisfaction
Everyone does what they think will give them the most pleasure, given the limitations of the options before them. You may find owning a yacht pleasing, but given the $5 in your account, you are unlikely to have one. Yet, you still spend (or save) that $5 in the way that you think will bring you the most happiness and satisfaction. Given our limited resources, where are we to find satisfaction? Or, perhaps a better question would be: where do we find satisfaction, and how deep and abiding is that satisfaction? Today, Jesus wants to press upon many who seek him to find a greater satisfaction, not in what he can give to them, but in Jesus himself.
4/14/2019 • 37 minutes, 44 seconds
Christ's Provision for Us
If we were to summarize John 5, we might say that it presents Jesus as our rest; Jesus gives us healing and life. Like any beautiful jewel, though, Jesus is best viewed in multiple lights. In John 6, John switches perspectives on Jesus, and instead views his glory through the lens of provision. In Jesus, God has given us what we all lack, and our lack is great indeed! Beginning John 6, we have the great miracle of the feeding of the 5,000. Here, Jesus gives us just a taste of the great provision he gives to mankind, miraculously multiplying a small supply of bread and fish to feed multitudes.
4/1/2019 • 39 minutes, 4 seconds
The Three Witnesses
In John 5, Jesus has claimed some great things: not only equality with God but the accompanying power and authority. Such claims are naturally wild - what kind of man claims such things? And, more importantly, what proof does he have? No doubt these were the questions that were floating through the heads of the Jews which stood before Jesus. Great claims need great evidence! Fortunately, those of us who believe have three grand sources of evidence to support the claims that Jesus makes. Today we get to think through these witnesses, and how we can use them for encouragement and evangelism today.
3/24/2019 • 43 minutes, 34 seconds
The Lord of Resurrection
Jesus has implied that he is equal with God, something that he has then clarified (while not backing down from) in 5:1-24. Here, having mentioned the resurrection, Jesus gives some more elaboration on the nature of the resurrections, and his authority to give life to whom he will. To speak of the resurrections, plural, is important as an implication of this text. We are not simply waiting for the resurrections on the final day, but we have already experienced something of a passage from death unto life with our faith in Christ. What does Christ seek to teach us about the resurrections today?
3/17/2019 • 54 minutes, 2 seconds
The Equality of the Son
The Jews rightly realized Jesus’ claim to equality with God. But Jesus wants to make sure that all might know rightly his relationship to his Father. So today, we look at what it means for Jesus to be the true Son of God, how this impacts his relationship with the Father, and how this makes him equal with God. Such teaching will touch at the very heart of the Trinitarian relationships and essence, and as such is difficult and challenging. However, desire to know the nature of God should not be viewed as crass intellectualism, but rather a act of faith by which we love God with our minds. Today, then, let us consider the equality of the Son by looking at . . .
3/11/2019 • 42 minutes, 51 seconds
The Nature of the Sabbath
The Sabbath has a controversial history. Does the Sabbath translate to the “Lord’s Day” in the New Testament? Are we supposed to keep it still? What would “keeping” the Sabbath look like today? How does the work of Christ fit into our understanding of the Sabbath? While such questions abound, my guess is that many of us have given little thought to the Sabbath, other than assuming it was another way the hypocrisy of the Jews was made evident. But it has great symbolic importance and tells us much about the purpose of our God and Savior, Jesus Christ. Today, as we think again on John 5:1-18, let us try to answer three basic questions about the Sabbath.
3/4/2019 • 42 minutes, 59 seconds
Wisdom and Money
Money is a touchy subject for many people. We are told the best things in life are free, which is often true, but the basic necessities of life often are not. Money is essential to life, even if it comes with many dangers and difficulties. Many of us struggle with money, regardless of how much money we make. Unsurprisingly, the Bible has much to say about how we think about, use, make, and esteem our money. Now, as we turn to Proverbs again, let us try to think through how to best steward our money wisely.
2/24/2019 • 40 minutes, 19 seconds
Speaking Wisely
We are said to be made in the image of a God who creates using just his words; it should come as little surprise that Scripture has much to say to us about the nature of our speech. What’s more, given that the fall has marred the image of God placed in us, it is also unsurprising that we struggle to speak rightly before God and the world. Proverbs, as the very wisdom of God, seeks to help us understand how to speak better, applying wisdom to the use of our lips. Today, let us consider how to speak more faithfully, and what the effects of that speech might be.
2/18/2019 • 37 minutes, 23 seconds
The Faithfulness of Wisdom
Sex seems to linger close to the center of most of the greatest points of contention in our country today. These divides typically occur over the nature and purpose of sex, spilling out into issues over LGBTQ and transgender rights, divorce law, and further downstream, abortion. This is not a modern issue, arising because of the decadence of our land in an age of prosperity. These issues seem to be fundamental to who we are. We would be right, then, in assuming that the Bible has much to say about these things! Let us listen well to the wisdom of our God.
2/11/2019 • 47 minutes, 9 seconds
An Introduction to Wisdom
Wisdom is something that everyone desires. No one wants to be seen as naive, simple, or as a fool. And the world is full of ways to gain knowledge and wisdom. We push for education as a means of liberation for all people. We think that simply gaining age, knowing how to maneuver oneself through the world, is enough to gain wisdom. But what does Scripture actually say that wisdom is? What is its value? Why should we pursue it? How should we pursue it? Here we begin to think through these great questions as we enter into a study of Proverbs.
2/3/2019 • 35 minutes, 56 seconds
The True Temple
Because of Haggai’s message from the Lord to the officials and the people, “The people feared the Lord.” (v12) Then, chapter 1 ends with “And they came and worked on the House of the Lord of Hosts, their God.” (v14) This week we will see the encouragement of those who are building the temple.
1/27/2019 • 38 minutes, 30 seconds
Consider Your Ways
Like God's people after the exile, God has called you to consider your ways - to consider how it is you have lived before him - and he compels you to respond in grace-filled, spirit-fueled obedience.
1/21/2019 • 38 minutes, 20 seconds
An Allegory of Salvation
Our salvation ought to be a dear thing to us. We ought to never tire of hearing of how Jesus has saved us from hell and our sins! It is the new song that we will sing with one another forever! Today, we have a wonderful, and helpful, picture of our salvation played out in the interaction between a sick man and Jesus. As Jesus heals him, we get a glimpse at our own problems, our own needs, as embodied by this lame man who awaits a healing that he knows he will never gain. But, while his superstition cannot make him well, Jesus can. Let us see ourselves in this text, as we look at the three major characters of John 5:1-18.
1/14/2019 • 46 minutes, 25 seconds
Honoring Jesus
Sin is very deceitful. It is good to be reminded of this fact – we are easily led astray by our sin into thinking that we are alright with God, even as we linger in our sin. Do we really exhibit the kind of faith to which the Bible calls us? The kind of faith that upholds the greatest commandment “to love the Lord your god with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind” (Matt 22:37, ESV) – or, in other words, to honor Jesus? But what does that look like? How can we keep ourselves from being misled into thinking that we love God, when we only love the idol of God we made? John here helps us to see how to rightly honor Jesus.
1/7/2019 • 38 minutes, 21 seconds
Ambassador Commissioning
We gather today to commission the Brubakers for work in China. God has opened doors for them to strengthen relationships between Crossway and our mission partners in China, and to forge new relationships as well. So, today, we gather to bless them on their journey. But we are not just laying our hands on our friends and commissioning them for the work on the field. In a very important way, we are commissioning ourselves this morning. We are commissioning ourselves to the Brubakers, to the work that they have taken up, and to take upon ourselves the very work that marks their lies.
12/30/2018 • 47 minutes, 11 seconds
Prophet, Priest, and King
We have reviewed the necessary importance of mission, and implored all to be involved fully in missions, whether through praying, sending, going or giving. Yet, all this is lost if we don't understand the mission of Jesus in coming in the first place. We are sent out by Jesus as Jesus has been sent out by the Father, so what was Jesus' mission?
12/23/2018 • 45 minutes, 15 seconds
Missions Minded
We hope that it is clear to all who come into this place of worship or interact with the people of Crossway that we are a missions minded people. That is, we understand that God has put us on mission with the gospel, to make it known to the farthest reaches of the world as well as next door. This is indeed our hope. But we are not there yet. Today, as the second half of the story of the woman at the well unfolds, we will see what it means for us to be missions minded, and what it takes for us to understand the mission that Jesus Christ has left us with.
12/17/2018 • 45 minutes, 3 seconds
The Sending Church
In Acts 13, we see an example of the New Testament church putting the Great Commission into action. They have taken the command from our Lord seriously, and fulfill his directions by praying, sending, and going to the unreached with the gospel of Christ.
12/10/2018 • 42 minutes, 49 seconds
Israel Reborn
We do not stray far this morning from our text last week. The story of the woman at the well is told well by John. It is a poignant story of God’s love for those who are cast off by society, and Jesus’ love for those that many would consider unlovable. But the story does not end there. Woven into the fabric of the story is another story, one that plays out below the surface of the text and is a rather revolutionary retelling of the nature of Israel and of God’s people. Today we will examine this deeper level of John’s story, for in it we find much to consider and to give God praise for! Within this story, we will see John compare: Jesus and Jacob; Nicodemus and the Woman.
12/5/2018 • 28 minutes, 30 seconds
How the Gospel is Spread
There are many famous passages in the Gospel of John. the raising of Lazarus, the miracle of wine in Cana; but perhaps the most famous story in the gospel is Jesus meeting with the woman at the well. This passage is rich and deserves more detailed look than one sermon can provide. Today, we will start our several week study in this important passage with a brief overview. In this passage, Jesus shows us how the gospel spreads. By doing so, John provides us with another profound example of how to evangelize, while at the same time reminding us of some very important truths about the gospel. So, how is the gospel spread?
11/26/2018 • 30 minutes, 46 seconds
Jesus is Better
John the Baptist's disciples get in a conversation with a fellow Jew about a purification ritual - which turns their attention to Jesus' actions in baptizing. they seem to be quite shocked that he is doing precisely what John was (quite literally) known for doing. But John's answer is what we have come to expect from him: humble and Christ glorifying. Friends, Jesus is better, more important, and worthier of every good thing than you. Whether God puts you in palaces or in prisons, he does so for the sake of his only-begotten Son, Jesus Christ. Here we examine John's response, and see why the Baptist thinks that Jesus is better.
11/19/2018 • 35 minutes, 22 seconds
Why We Believe
I was deadly afraid of aliens as a child. This fear led me to come up with elaborate plans to avoid their detection, and even to reasons why they can’t exist. So, why do some people believe in them? Why should we believe their reports of seeing them? In some ways, this is close to what we have in Christ: a man, fully human, but sent from a place outside of this world, who we are told to believe in because of eye-witness accounts. Why do we believe in Christ? Why do some others not believe? And, for all that, why did Jesus even come? Today, we get to think through what John states as the reason for our belief in Christ, and why others refuse to believe.
11/12/2018 • 36 minutes, 55 seconds
God's Love for the World
If there is one thing that Christianity, in all its various stripes and manifestations, can agree on is the refrain from 1 John 4:8, 16 - "God is Love". He is the essence of what love is, his actions define love, and love is only knowable by us because God manifests himself to the world. But, the manner and means by which God loves the world, a world filled with sin, hatred, jealousy, and spite, is quite another thing altogether. John 3:16 is perhaps the best-known biblical verse of all time and is able to be repeated by people who have never broken open a Bible, never heard a sermon, and have never darkened the door of a church. But what is John saying in this verse?
11/5/2018 • 36 minutes, 3 seconds
Born Again
What is it that is wrong with humanity? It is likely that each of us has realized that something has gone wrong. Perhaps not with you, but at least with the person next to you! We have shootings and bombing, indiscriminate acts of terror and words of violence permeating our lives. How do we fix these things? Is it just education and sympathy? Do we need to find the fixes ourselves? What does Jesus and the Bible have to say about the problem and how to fix it? Today we get to listen in as Jesus explains to Nicodemus that he must, if he wishes to see and enter the kingdom of God, be born again.
10/29/2018 • 42 minutes, 33 seconds
True Belief
We live in a time where belief is an easy thing. It's not that there are not challenges to our belief, but that our belief costs us very little. We are told by many that all we need is to confess once, to pray once, and that we are sealed forever in the grace of Christ. But is this true? Can there be a faith in Christ that doesn't save? John apparently thinks so. In our passage today, we are told that many believed in Jesus' name, but Jesus apparently didn't believe in their beliefs! Les us, then think through what we must have to have true belief; a trust in Christ that is mirrored by his entrusting himself to us.
10/22/2018 • 37 minutes, 31 seconds
The Source of Strength
Here we see David's account of being strong and how strength is achieved.
10/15/2018 • 35 minutes, 43 seconds
Sacrifice and the Worship of God
Our God is gracious and merciful, allowing sinful people to come to him through the work of his Son without accomplishing any merit on their own; yet he is also holy and righteous, desiring us to recognize that we cannot come to him on our own terms. We ought to feel that tension each time we walk into a worship service. We know that we may come to him free of charge, so to speak, but also must come in spirit and truth. These realities are not new to us but existed since the first time God called his people to him. Today, as we think through Jesus’ cleansing of the Temple, let us reconsider the nature of our worship of God.
10/8/2018 • 41 minutes, 58 seconds
The First Sign
John’s Gospel is meant to assure us that Jesus is the Messiah, and that we might believe in his name. Today, we have the first of seven signs recorded for us so that his purpose might be achieved. But what an odd, and if we can be honest, such a meager miracle to start with! Turning water into wine is certainly miraculous, but its purpose seems small compared to healing limbs, giving sight, and raising the dead. Yet, the miracle itself has more meaning that just extending a party. It tells us, if we have eyes to see, that the promised Kingdom is at hand.
9/30/2018 • 37 minutes, 35 seconds
The Nature of a Disciple
Last week, we examined the wonderful example of John the Baptist’s ministry. He, like us, was put on this earth to point people to Jesus. But this is not where we stop – this is not the fulness of what we are called to do. Jesus didn’t tell us to evangelize the world only, but to make disciples. What does that look like in our lives, and what are we striving to see in others’ lives? Today, we look at the nature of a disciple, as Jesus begins to call the first disciples to himself.
9/24/2018 • 44 minutes, 30 seconds
The Example of the Baptist
As we learn, it is especially important to have examples. Watching others do things often makes them much easier to do ourselves. Evangelism is no different. So why not learn from one of the best when it comes to pointing people to Christ? John the Baptist was sent from God for this very purpose, and the witness of the Scripture is that he did it well. Today, we will attempt to learn from John’s early run-in with some in authority in Judaism, and attempt to learn how we might more effectively share Jesus with those around us.
9/17/2018 • 41 minutes, 27 seconds
The Wonder of Jesus
There are many things in this world that are precious and good. We think of the people in our lives: our spouses, our children, our friends. We think of the value of medicine to heal and technology to ease, of governments to promote freedom and books to impart knowledge. But Jesus is better, far better, than all these. Today, as we end John’s prologue to his wonderous Gospel, we hear of the wonder of Jesus, for he himself is the most precious, best, and most awesome thing to behold in all of the world.
9/10/2018 • 40 minutes, 13 seconds
To You, O LORD, I life up my soul
In this psalm, David speaks to us in a way that is very relatable. He is facing severe difficulty from his enemies, but trusts the Lord and praises his holy name throughout.
9/2/2018 • 46 minutes, 20 seconds
How the Word Became Flesh
There are many people in the world who see doctrine simply as a divisive activity. They see that creeds and dogma as the very things that have sown discord amongst the people of God, and that for the sake of unity, we must discard it. Some, perhaps with greater humility and less extravagance, desire to avoid doctrine because it turns people off, and is difficult. Yet, doctrine is necessary and, against much of what popular preaching states, immensely practical. Today, we have the great pleasure of looking at the nature of Christ himself: how the Word became Flesh.
8/27/2018 • 47 minutes, 42 seconds
A Bad, Bad World and a Good Savior
There are many ways to view the world in which we live. Some try to be optimistic about our world, seeing the silver lining in the clouds. The Bible shares some of this optimism, but not the way that most do. John begins by showing us how dark the darkness actually is – that while God’s fingerprints, indeed even his very presence, is all around us, we continually neglect it. Yet, even so, that same God will to make himself known to us – he comes to us to redeem us! Yes, it is a bad, bad world, but Jesus has come that we may have the light of life.
8/20/2018 • 37 minutes, 35 seconds
The Good News of the Eternal Light
Codes are used all around us; we make use of them on our phones, with every acronym we employ, and even in passing conversations when trying to keep things private. John's symbolism is much like a code, while it is not breakable in through the use of math or logic. Rather, John's symbolism provides insight into his Gospel, into the nature of who Jesus is and what he has come to do. Today, John allows us a glimpse into the nature of the symbolism that he will use throughout his Gospel, so that we might read and believe that Jesus truly is the Christ.
8/13/2018 • 43 minutes, 16 seconds
The Good News of the Eternal Word
Today we are beginning a new sermon series through the Gospel of John. John’s Gospel stands in startling contrast of style and, frankly, substance to the other three Gospels. What made John want to pen his gospel? Is the message he is trying to communicate that much different from the others? No, indeed, John understands well that no three writings could ever grasp the fullness of who Jesus was or what he did. Rather, John writes to make explicit themes left implied by the other three – specifically the deity of Christ. Today, we introduce the Gospel according to John.
8/6/2018 • 37 minutes, 21 seconds
The Model for Prayer
Today we are finishing our sermon series on prayer where we started it some two months ago. We started this time of looking at prayer with Jesus’ words of wisdom for us from the Sermon on the Mount. There, we found the reason for our prayers; today, we find the model of our prayers – what our prayers, in their various forms and foci, should look like. The model prayer provides a simple basis for our prayers, yet allows us to build on that basis prayers that fit our various trials and tribulations, times and circumstances.
7/30/2018 • 44 minutes, 40 seconds
The Prayer of Provision
If we are honest, the majority of our prayers consist in attaining good in the here and now. We pray for jobs and relationships, health and contentment. We are told, in many quarters, that God is always desiring to give these things to us, if we just ask. Indeed, Jesus says as much! If we have faith, we are told, all these things are ours. But what if our greatest blessing comes not in health, comfort, contentment, but in strife, difficulty, pain and suffering? Would this change how you pray? Today we look at Paul's prayer for provision from suffering, and God's strange comfort.
7/22/2018 • 41 minutes, 36 seconds
The Prayer of Recompense
Our culture, largely spurred on, even without notice, by Christian ethics, largely supports the idea of love conquering all. We are all sure, no matter what else separates us, including what “love” is supposed to be, that it is the thing that should define us. After all, as we have recently heard, it is the fruit of the Spirit in the lives of Christians. Yet, today, we read of a passage that appears to drip with violence, vengeance, and vitriol. Should we pray like this? Why are such passages even in the Bible, if God is a God of love?
7/15/2018 • 42 minutes, 58 seconds
The Prayer of Lament
We are a happy people, or we think that we should be. The nature of our worship songs set the tone for our attitudes of what God should want from Christians: upbeat, thankful, rejoicing. Yet, at many times, and for many people, the sinfulness of the world sets the tone of their song. Their lives ring out with a pitiful dirge, not a playful ditty. Today, we turn to the nature of lament, a prayer of grief and frustration to the Lord. And, in doing so, there is no better place to turn than to the book that carries the name “Lamentations.”
7/8/2018 • 53 minutes, 33 seconds
The Prayer of Thanksgiving, Part 2
Last week we looked at the thankfulness of David, even in the midst of unmitigated evil. Today, we will try to address how we can be thankful even amidst prosperity. While this is a slight departure from looking simply at prayers through the Scripture, the purpose of the text is to ground the greatness of God over all things. If our prosperity blinds us to the reality of God’s goodness, the remedy is to have placed before us always the greatness and centrality of who God is, and what God has done.
7/1/2018 • 45 minutes, 45 seconds
The Prayer of Thanksgiving
We are continually told in Scripture to give thanks to God for the good things that he gives us. Simply being created beings makes us accountable to be thankful to the one who has created us (Rom 1:18-21). But often, the nature of our sin, and the world around us, makes being thankful hard. Sometimes, we find it difficult because of prosperity, but more often because of difficulty. Today, we have the chance to look at a difficult time in David’s life, and see how he was thankful to God regardless.
6/25/2018 • 42 minutes, 24 seconds
The Prayer of Repentance
While we should pray for others, and especially for their great need of salvation, we cannot think that we are outside of such needs. We, too, are miserable sinners in need of saving grace! How ought we to go about asking for God’s help, when he is the one against whom we have sinned, and the judge who stands to condemn us? In Psalm 51, David writes of his experience praying for this very thing – and he provides for us a helpful model of what it means to be truly repentant for our sins.
6/18/2018 • 42 minutes, 33 seconds
The Prayer of Intercession
When we pray, we often do not just pray for ourselves. Part of being a Christian is recognizing the great needs of those around you. When we pray for others, our prayers are called intercessory prayers. While there are many ways to pray for others, today we look closely at how Moses interceded for the Israelites before God and attempt to think through how his prayer ought to be imitated by us.
6/11/2018 • 43 minutes, 36 seconds
Psalm 26
David says to God, vindicate me, or judge me. Effectually saying – judge so as to defend me. There is only one who has the right to judge and defend and that is God and David knows that. David offers his heart and mind to God to be tested - David can do this only because they both belong to God.
6/4/2018 • 27 minutes, 45 seconds
The Reason for Prayer
Today we are starting a new sermon series pointed at deepening our knowledge of prayer, that we might be more faithful in prayer, and better understand the immense importance of our prayers. This series will look at several diverse types of prayer made by God's people both in the New and the Old Testaments; but before we look at those prayers, it is important that we understand correctly why we pray. We pray because God rewards the prayers of the humble in faith. Here we will look at five major words in that reason in some detail: God, rewards, the prayers, humble, faith.
5/28/2018 • 40 minutes, 43 seconds
The Gospel in Galatians
Today we finish our study through the book of Galatians. As Paul wraps up his letter, we see a review of the most basic points that Paul makes to the Galatians. The gospel is the center of our lives before God, it alone has the power to justify us through the proclamation and our personal belief in Jesus' work on the cross. The wonderful news of Galatians is that this is all you need: trust that Christ has taken the penalty for your sin and provided you with his righteousness, that you might live in freedom before God?
5/20/2018 • 39 minutes, 12 seconds
The Harvest of Your Giving
We are told that, in order to be civil in public and in private friendships, we ought to avoid speaking on politics and religion. How much more, then, should pastors who earn support from church avoid speaking about that kind support! Yet, Paul insists that such giving is not just for the benefit of the pastor (which, indeed, it is!) but it also benefits the congregation that generously supports him. In this sermon, we will think through how you might make the harvest of your giving as fertile as possible!
5/13/2018 • 36 minutes, 39 seconds
Fruit for a Healthy Body
Paul has started to fill in what it means to love our neighbors as ourselves, calling for us to walk by the Spirit by cultivating fruit in our lives. This focus was mainly on who we were to be and the kind of characteristics that we ought to have. Now, Paul wants to fill that picture in even further, and lead the Galatians in how such fruit is to be used amongst the body of believers known as the churches in Galatia. A healthy body needs the fruit of the Spirit.
5/7/2018 • 39 minutes, 33 seconds
Fruit for the Harvest
We are caught in a time between the times. Paul has encouraged us to know that we are free from the law, a thought that he will come back to in Galatians 5:16-24, because the law was from a former time, dominated by the flesh. Yet, Paul has also pushed us to see that our struggle against the flesh is not over. Being justified in Christ, cleared before the courtroom of God through his sacrifice, does not mean that our flesh has given up. No, our real fight has only just begun.
4/30/2018 • 48 minutes, 8 seconds
Grace to Love Your Neighbor
One of the toughest commands placed upon us by Christ our Lord is to love our enemies. It is only by not thinking through what is being asked of us that many of us don’t balk more at the request: given that the same Christ said in the same sermon that persecution was to come our way, how are we to love those who seek our harm, even to our deaths? Although slightly eased, the same question applies to our neighbors – what empowers us to act in this way?
4/23/2018 • 44 minutes, 54 seconds
The Progression of Sin
Human wisdom is not a gateway for spiritual decisions. Past faithfulness is not a guarantee of future devotion. Small steps are not guards against great distances. 1 Kings shows that apostasy does not happen overnight. Small steps of disobedience eventually leads to a big departure from the faith.
4/15/2018 • 39 minutes, 4 seconds
Our Persuasion in Christ
The Galatians had been duped. Almost led astray by a false doctrine, they had listened to others they had no right to listen to. Sheep with pointy teeth are always a dead giveaway. Yet, we struggle to see them for who they are, and can be led astray by their false doctrines and the itching of our ears. How are we to protect ourselves? What kind of things ought we be persuaded by?
4/9/2018 • 41 minutes, 59 seconds
Christ is Risen! He is Risen Indeed!
The idea of "firstfruits" is lost on many. An agricultural reference, it refers to the offering usually given during the first part of the harvest - but it means much more than that. The firstfruits were not just fruits, but the best of the produce of the land, given to God as an indication that all of it belonged to him, to secure his blessing on the rest of the harvest. When Paul calls Christ the "firstfruits" he has all of this in mind, and likely more. What, then, does this term add to our understanding of Jesus' resurrection?
4/1/2018 • 31 minutes, 48 seconds
United to Christ in Death
The death of Christ has a temporal and eternal impact on the believer in Christ as he is united to him in his death. Paul connects Christ’s death directly to the believer. The Christian is dead to sin, dead with Christ, and dead no more.
3/30/2018 • 30 minutes, 48 seconds
The Nature of Faith
In 5:2-6, much like 2:21, Paul brings his argument to its conclusion. Faith in Christ is all you need; not only does circumcision avail you nothing, but it puts you under the obligation of the law and separates you from the benefits of Christ. Therefore, do not turn to the law, but believe. But what is the nature of this belief, this faith?
3/26/2018 • 35 minutes, 5 seconds
The Sons of Abraham
Many questions surround the text of Galatians 4:21-5:1, from its placement in the letter to the nature of its argument. Why does Paul include something that is so difficult as the last argument in his epistle? The passage is not meant to be difficult but illuminating to both the Old Testament and Paul’s argument in Galatians.
3/19/2018 • 43 minutes, 14 seconds
How to Save a Life
We love reason, and appeals to cold logic seem to be the order of the day. We are continually told of reason’s importance: from the need for math and the scientific method as modes of knowledge, to our love of court-room dramas, logic and reason are seen to be the arbiters of truth in our culture. But humans are not computers; we are not beings who act and respond to logic alone. God often appeals to us through our emotions. Therefore, Paul does the same. What can we learn from Paul’s appeals in Galatians 4:12-20?
3/12/2018 • 42 minutes, 16 seconds
Adoption in Jesus Christ
The theme of Galatians rolls on in chapter 4: God’s work in Christ means that believers no longer need the law and are justified freely by Christ’s work on the cross. Paul reminds the Galatians of the slavery that existed before Christ for all people, so that all must come to God through the foot of the cross (cf. Gal 3:28). Here, however, Paul pushes further into our redemption, now focusing on our adoption in Christ. What does our adoption mean for us?
3/5/2018 • 43 minutes, 27 seconds
The Lord is my Shepherd
This passage is a beautiful, comforting passage. In it we hear about the love of God, the power of this God, and what he willingly, lovingly, and mercifully does for his people. It is a well known passage because it truly is a powerful passage. Psalm 22 is a vivid description of how the shepherd died for this sheep. Psalm 23 describes how the Lord lives to care for the flock.
2/26/2018 • 39 minutes, 20 seconds
The Spiritual Kingdom of God
It has been said of this Psalm that it was to be used as a song. But for what occasion, there is not complete agreement between Commentators. Some would say it was to be sung when the Ark of the Covenant came in or out of the Temple. Some would say it was sung at the dedication of the Temple, another thought of it as a song of triumph – of those returning victorious from war. It surely speaks of the spiritual Kingdom of God. Not just a physical kingdom, like an earthly king would possess but the domain that God commands. This Psalm contains a blessed prophecy respecting Christ and the glory of His Kingdom.
2/19/2018 • 35 minutes, 49 seconds
Assurance in Jesus Christ
The problems that have surfaced in Galatia are not problems that are limited to first century believers. The Galatians are essentially seeking assurance; they are seeking a way to make sure that they will be a part of God's people, considered fully justified, and escape the coming wrath. These are assurances that we long for as well. The question that confronts us all is how and where we are to find that assurance. Paul has been pushing us to see the central importance of faith, but here in 3:24-29, we can also helpfully see that there are many ways we are not to be affirmed.
2/11/2018 • 35 minutes, 21 seconds
We have, for several weeks now, considered the depravity of man in Sunday School. We at Crossway believe that mankind is enslaved in sin, what has historically been called "total depravity." The "total" here means "thorough" not "complete." We are not as bad as we could be, but we are sinful through and through. The biblical image of this varies; sometimes it is spoken of as death, but often as slavery. Here, we look at this metaphor as Paul presents it in Galatians.
2/5/2018 • 27 minutes, 35 seconds
The Nature of the Law
Why, if the promise is central to all of Scripture, and therefore the law cannot change or amend it, did God give the law? Or, perhaps a more relevant question for us today, what good is the law? Why should we take our time and read carefully through Leviticus, if Leviticus is not how we come to know God and his blessings? Today we address these questions, as Paul seeks to demonstrate why God gave the law to his people.
1/29/2018 • 38 minutes, 22 seconds
The Nature of the Promise
While it should be clear that those who are building their identity on the law are not inheritors of the blessings of Abraham, being under a curse, Paul will start to turn to explain the law to the Galatians, beginning with its relationship to the promise. Paul was not intent to tell believers what to believe, and leave them in the dark as to why. Before turning fully to the law, however, Paul fills in some background information for us, telling us something about the nature of the promise.
1/22/2018 • 38 minutes, 50 seconds
The Incompatibility of Works and Faith
Paul has argued that the experience of the Spirit should have been enough to clue for the Galatians to know that they belong to the people of God. Why, then, is he so against the idea that some want more assurance? What if circumcision helps the weak in faith; what is so wrong with that? It this practice not a helpful way to encourage them in the faith, to keep them assured of their inheritance from Abraham? Paul has argued positively, that the Spirit is assurance enough. He will know begin to argue negatively that any mixture of works stands against faith. Works and faith are incompatible.
1/15/2018 • 41 minutes, 6 seconds
The Proof of Experience
As Paul leaves his defense of the origins and authority of his gospel, he turns now to argue against the Agitators’ position; specifically, that circumcision is needed to be truly considered part of the people of God. While Paul will argue against such a position in a number of ways, the first argument is from experience. While we have looked at a portion of this argument last week, this week we will look at the larger argument from 3:1-9.
1/8/2018 • 30 minutes, 20 seconds
The Experience of the Spirit
Galatians 3 begins Paul's main argument in the letter. This argument starts not with an appeal to Scripture, nor an appeal to pure logic, but rather to experience. The Galatians had clearly received the Spirit during Paul's missionary journey to their area. Today, before we look into the importance of this event within the epistle, we will study the background and NT evidence about the importance of the Spirit, and its relationship to us.
12/31/2017 • 42 minutes, 29 seconds
On the eve of the celebration of the birth of the Lord, we turn finally to speak about the peace that this child will bring us. The world is much confused about peace – viewing it typically as a trite statement about the absence of strife and war. But biblical peace is much more than that; it is a peace that outweighs personal circumstances and pursues good. As the angels announced to the shepherds just after Jesus’ birth, with the coming of this child there is good news of great joy – “peace on earth among those with whom he is pleased!” What is this peace, and how can we experience it?
12/24/2017 • 28 minutes, 51 seconds
There is much to be joyful in the world. We live in a time of unknown prosperity; financially, technologically, medically. We should have untold amounts of joy in our lives. Yet, we instinctively realize that this is not the case. We, like every culture and human that has come before us, taste of grief, loss, despair, and pain. Even as we know joy, we also feel its inevitable loss. But we are to always remember that the coming of Christ was to bring unmerited and unspoiled joy to his people. The message of the gospel is the message of a kingdom without end, filled with joy for the humble.
12/18/2017 • 35 minutes, 56 seconds
Last week we focused on the role of Prophecy, it highlights the nature of the gospel we believe and is reliable because it is an act of God and gives hope to those who have faith. This week we reflect on Faith. Not all that God’s Word says about faith because that would be a message series. Rather, we will look at the faith of Joseph, Jesus’ earthly father.
12/11/2017 • 31 minutes, 45 seconds
The Role of Prophecy
There are many things that vie for our attention this time of year. Schedules, trips, presents, family get-togethers. The one thing, though, that we need to focus on is often the one thing that we push to the background. That is precisely why we celebrate the advent throughout December: that we may drink deeply at the mystery and wonder of the Son of God becoming human for our sake. To that end, we start where the NT starts, with the fulfillment of prophecy. But why do we have prophecy? Is our understanding of prophecy just a specific case of confirmation bias? With these questions in mind, let us today look at one of the most important passages surrounding the birth of Christ: Isaiah 7-9.
12/4/2017 • 38 minutes, 13 seconds
The Reasoning of the Gospel
There are many times when people place faith against logic and reason. Faith, they say, is outside of logic. We walk by faith, not by sight. Perhaps this is true; but often times, we are told to think through our faith, to reason out what we are to know and how we are to act. As Paul confronts Peter, he does not ask for Peter to simply believe him, but rather to think through his faith, seek to understand the implications of what he knows is true. Here, we get to see the logic behind Paul's central conviction of vv. 15-16: we are only justified in Christ.
11/27/2017 • 37 minutes, 36 seconds
The Center of the Gospel
It is vital to know what is of central importance in your life. What is the one thing that you are unable to give up? What is the one thing that holds everything you know and believe together? For Christians, as it certainly was for Paul, Galatians 2:15-16 seems to be that answer. These verses contain the central and core confession of Christians, it is here that we find, above all other things, what Christ has done for us.
11/20/2017 • 38 minutes, 47 seconds
Gospel Hypocrisy
Many times, we enter into the middle of conversations and don’t know all the background we’d like. Galatians 2:11-14 is one of those times. To best understand what is going on, there are some questions that need answers. While these questions are important, and do greatly affect our understanding of the passage, they cannot be answered with compete certainty. Therefore, the following points, while reasonable, should be understood as likely, not certain.
11/13/2017 • 41 minutes, 39 seconds
Threats to the Gospel
Paul now reports to the Galatians, and us, of his longest and to that point most important trip to Jerusalem. The threats facing the Galatians are not new; Paul has seen them before. Here, he informs the Galatians of this fateful trip to Jerusalem, provoked by God, so that Paul might show them the threats and dangers the gospel has already faced.
11/6/2017 • 36 minutes, 41 seconds
The Gospel Truth
Part of the attack on the gospel that happened in the Galatian churches was pointed at the apostleship of Paul. If Paul was not an apostle from God, then his gospel could be doubted. Paul does not defend his apostleship to ground his authority, but the truth of his gospel. Paul asserts that he received the gospel directly from God, not from man. To defend this claim, Paul turns to his own testimony, and his former life filled with rage and violence. And, ironically, it is these sins themselves that help prove the goodness and truth of the gospel.
10/30/2017 • 43 minutes, 17 seconds
Won to the Gospel
While we are instructed to walk by faith, not by sight, we instinctively know how difficult such walking is. Our reality is often shaped by what we see and know. We are drawn to the things of the world, not necessarily because they are more precious, but often simply because they seem more real. Paul seeks to win the Galatians back to the true gospel, to a faith that is based on a proclamation, not in the reality of works of the flesh. Like Paul, we should fight for people’s hearts and minds, just as Paul does even here for us. We should be won to the gospel, and the gospel alone.
10/23/2017 • 30 minutes, 47 seconds
The Distortion of the Gospel
In the book of Galatians, there are three primary actors. We have already been introduced to Paul and the Galatians. This week, we are introduced to the Agitators, those who pervert the gospel of Christ, and are leading the Galatians away from his grace. Before we can understand the perversion of the gospel, however, we need to understand the true gospel.
10/15/2017 • 38 minutes, 28 seconds
Our Mighty God
In this Psalm, King David beautifully records heartfelt words regarding his trust in the strength and power of the almighty God. Throughout history, God has faithfully delivered his people, he has relentlessly defeated his enemies, and has called mankind to trust in his mighty power.
10/9/2017 • 35 minutes, 35 seconds
The Galatians’ Problems, and Ours
In the book of Galatians, there are three primary actors. We have already been introduced to Paul, the apostle commissioned by God, who preaches God’s gospel to the nations. Today, we are introduced to the Galatians. The Galatians are shown to be models of how not to proceed in the faith. Paul, skipping his normal thanksgiving, dives directly into the problems confronting the churches. If we are to avoid the problems faced by the Galatians, let us: be planted, be growing and be thick-barked.
10/3/2017 • 33 minutes, 40 seconds
The Gospel as a Finished Work of God
There is a problem in the Galatian churches. Paul senses that they are being swayed away from the truth of the gospel by those who would have them accept circumcision in order to be thought of as the people of God. For Paul, this is a concession that nullifies the cross of Christ, and threatens the Galatians with condemnation. Rather, Paul sees the gospel as something that is done fully by God for us: the good news is God’s wholly, and while it is given to us, it is not accomplished by us. In this brief introduction, Paul notes three things that are wholly a work of God: the message of the gospel, the merit of the gospel and the meaning of the gospel.
9/25/2017 • 41 minutes, 34 seconds
The Fight for Holiness
The book of Joshua has much to say to us today. While primarily focused on the promise-keeping God, and his faithful servants, it was likely written at a time when those promises were somewhat in doubt, and servants to the most high God were few to be found. Therefore, the book isn’t just about building up faith in God, but about how the people of Israel were to maintain their relationship with this merciful and gracious God. To that end, the last three chapters surround three important meetings with the people and Joshua. In these meetings, we find that while the warriors have largely returned to their farms, the fight is not over.
9/19/2017 • 39 minutes, 30 seconds
The Psalm of the Cross
It has been said that the best description in all of the Old Testament of Jesus Christ’s crucifixion is found in Psalm 22. The Psalm is written by David centuries before the crucifixion took place. Any personal suffering, pain, abandonment, hopelessness or illness that David personally ever felt could not produce this Psalm. It is unmistakably the account of a crucifixion. Crucifixion was not practiced in David’s time and would not be for many centuries. Also, it was a Roman not Jewish form of punishment. David would have had no more knowledge of this form of death than if he would have tried to explain death by lethal injection.
9/11/2017 • 33 minutes, 17 seconds
A Call to Action
We are twenty chapters into the book of Psalm. We have read and spoken of many different topics so far. We started with the purpose of the book which is a manual for living the Blessed Life. The writers of the Psalms have written of the refuge we find in God, His majesty, feelings of lament which leads to deep confidence in God, psalms of praise, thanks, and meditation to name some topics we have discussed.
9/3/2017 • 38 minutes, 1 second
The Promise Making God (Part 2)
Last week we thought through what having a promise-making, promise-keeping God meant about that God. This week, we look at what that means for those of us who call themselves his children. The divvying out of the land in Joshua 13-22 is interrupted by two brief stories; one of the noble Caleb, the other of the fainthearted people of Joseph. These two examples, one good, one bad, help us to see how God wants us to respond to his promises. From Caleb, we learn that a true child of God learns from past experiences, stands up for what is right and encourages others to fulfill God's will.
8/28/2017 • 42 minutes, 20 seconds
The Promise Making God (Part 1)
Last week we thought through what a right-response to God’s promises were. While faith is certainly front and center, often faith and trust in God’s promises require action and provide meaning and courage for those actions. We will extend these thoughts this week, and even into the next. If it is true that there are right-responses to God’s promises, it would be right to ask ourselves what it says about God that he is promise making in the first place.
8/21/2017 • 42 minutes, 6 seconds
Responding to God's Promises
The people of Israel are experiencing the victories of the promised land; watching as God’s promises steadily become reality. One by one, the kings and cities that stand in Israel’s way fall. The anticipation of the fulfillment has now become reality. We can often be confused as to how the promises of God become fulfilled in many of our lives, taking a “let go; let God” approach to his promises. But God’s promises don’t quite work like that.
8/14/2017 • 36 minutes, 27 seconds
God's Good Judgment
The OT is known for having passages that can make us squirm. Passages filled with blood and violence, wrath and judgment. Often, these passages leave us uncomfortable with the actions of our forbearers, and, in the worst case, they leave us questioning the character of our God; a God who not only condones but also sanctions and commissions such actions. The taking of the promised land is especially difficult: God has called for the blood of all the inhabitants of the land, whether old or young, women or men. What shall we say to these things? Is God wrong to act this way? What does this tell us about God, and how should we react to these thing?
8/7/2017 • 38 minutes, 50 seconds
Is God for Us?
Christians often run to one of two wrong conclusions. The first is that if there is indeed grace, and we can do nothing to earn our salvation, that obedience is obsolete, a remnant of a by-gone time of sacrifices that we must shun. The second is that obedience is still necessary to gain salvation, that grace is somehow a help, but not itself sufficient to secure us before the Lord. Today, we see that the narrative of Joshua will help us balance both grace and obedience, and help us to see how the two work together to make us God’s people, holy and blameless.
7/31/2017 • 44 minutes, 5 seconds
A New Moses
Often, when new leaders take over, they seek to make an immediate impact, demonstrating their leadership and their control. Joshua has no need to worry about such things; as God’s chosen leader, God will make his impact for him. While Joshua 1 demonstrated to Joshua that God was with him, God will make it obvious to everyone in Joshua 2-5:12. In these chapters we see God prove that he will be with both Israel and Joshua just as he was with Moses (3:7).
7/24/2017 • 40 minutes, 4 seconds
God's Provision of Leadership
Moses is dead. The Israelites find themselves entering the promised land, a land fraught with enemies and dangers, without the only leader they have ever known. Yet, God demonstrate that his promises do not rest on the back of Moses’ leadership, but that he is able to raise up another to take the people into the promised land. As the book of Joshua begins, it is this void in leadership that is focused upon. And it is here that we see precisely what God wants out of the one who will take his people into the land.
7/17/2017 • 38 minutes, 36 seconds
Remembering God’s Instruction
Given how the last several chapters of Deuteronomy have gone, it may be assumed that Moses’ pessimism about the people’s ability to maintain the law borders on anger and his desire for the righteous judgment of God to fall on them. But this is far from the truth: Moses finishes all of his words to Israel by blessing them (Deut 33)! Moses doesn’t want their destruction, but he knows very well that it is only by remembering the instruction he has provided the Israelites that they can keep God’s law. Therefore, in the final chapters of Deuteronomy, the Lord provides for their remembrance in four distinct ways:
7/9/2017 • 36 minutes, 8 seconds
God’s Promises and Our Responsibility
As Deuteronomy comes to a close, we have noticed the two major arcs fall into place. First, Moses has explained the nature of the law to the people, calling for a radical obedience to God from the heart. Second, he has noted, most fully in chapters 27-29, that the people will fail in the law. Nevertheless, Moses is certain of God’s promises to bring his people, righteous and holy, into the Promised Land. Today we see the final portion of this second arc; God’s sure promises and our responsibility to respond.
7/2/2017 • 30 minutes, 45 seconds
The Blessings and Curses of God
We often think of “curses” as simply four-letter words, used to express opinions in a rather rudimentary, and rude, manner. Spiritual, or even supernatural, curses are something for fictional works of mysticism, conjured up by a previous generations belief in the supernatural powers of the world. But the bible speaks candidly of curses, not from nefarious witch-doctors or ill-willed eastern mystics, but from God himself. Today, we look at the blessings and the curses of the covenant given by God to Israel, and think through the implications for our lives and faith in Christ.
6/26/2017 • 44 minutes, 36 seconds
Coveting and Our Love of God
“Some people's sins are obvious, preceding them to judgment, but the sins of others surface later” (1 Tim 5:24). Some people are easy to understand; they cannot help but wear themselves on their sleeves, showing their emotions and, sometimes, sins in the open. Others, however, are quite able to keep their sin inside, and take on a form of outward holiness that is at odds with their hearts. God warns us that it is not just what we do, but who we are that matters. Therefore, he commands us “do not covet.”
6/19/2017 • 40 minutes, 41 seconds
The Revelation of God
In this Psalm, David reflects upon how it is that we can know about God. And he is not merely discussing how it is that we know God exists, but more than that he is unpacking how we can know God personally and what implications that has on our lives. Through God's creative action and his revealed word, mankind can know about the creator God, can know personally the covenant-keeping God, and can be reconciled to him through the promises of God.
6/12/2017 • 47 minutes, 31 seconds
Speaking Rightly About God’s Reality
We tell our kids not to lie on the regular. We often wonder whether others are telling us the truth, without keeping from us an important detail or fabricating a separate reality altogether. God has clearly outlined for us the fact that telling the truth is instrumental in our walk with him. Today, we begin to look at why this is so, and the most important ways in which we speak the truth today.
6/5/2017 • 39 minutes, 13 seconds
Giving Others What They Deserve
Don’t steal. It seems easy enough, and most of us can manage it well on any given day. Yet, the truth is, that not stealing means much more than just making sure that you don’t steal cars, lunches, or pencils from work. We steal from others when we don’t let them have what is rightfully theirs. In Deuteronomy 25, Moses provides for us some ways in which we can think through our stealing from others.
5/28/2017 • 35 minutes, 42 seconds
The Holiness of Sex
Sex is pervasive in our culture. From the wide acceptance of pornography, to the cheeky double-entendres in children’s movies, our culture is obsessed with sex. Sex is neither as important nor as seemingly unimportant as our culture makes it out to be. Rather, understood biblically, it is a good gift from God to be enjoyed inside of marriage, and helps us to understand something of the nature of our relationship with God.
5/21/2017 • 38 minutes, 2 seconds
Love Life
The injunction to not commit murder is fairly clear, so that little needs to be said concerning its merits or application. However, the command means more than just not ending life, but also in supporting life and upholding and honoring the image of God within humans. We are not fulfilling this command simply by not taking life; we must be those who fully support it.
5/14/2017 • 42 minutes, 42 seconds
Honor Authorities
As we have worked through Deuteronomy, looking at how Moses has explained the 10 Commandments to this point, many of the links between the commandments and the explanations have been clear. Not necessarily today, however. How do instructions for submission to judges, a future king, the giving to Levites, and the determination of true prophets relate to honor your father and mother? The family is the basic structure of society, and therefore the most basic and natural form of honor is due to parents. But Moses implores us to see that this honor naturally extends to other authorities in society.
5/7/2017 • 37 minutes, 51 seconds
God's Rest
The Sabbath is one of the most divisive theological issues in Christendom. Believers throughout time have disagreed on whether we are to keep it today; some believing that the mandate is as old as creation, while others see it as a ceremonial relic from the law. Today, we look at the fourth commandment as it is explained in Deuteronomy 15-16:17, and attempt to focus on the hope this command is meant to foster in us.
5/1/2017 • 37 minutes, 9 seconds
God's Worthy Name
The command to no take the Lord's name in vain means much more than simply using his name flippantly. It means that God's name is being given to his people, and as such, they bear a grave responsibility to model his nature to the world.
4/24/2017 • 41 minutes, 45 seconds
He is Risen!
Jesus is risen! This truth is the bedrock of Christian belief and of Christianity since its first days. It is the reason Christians are reconciled to God, the assurance of things not seen, the justification of the work and life of Jesus Christ. We have many reasons to believe that this event is not a mere work of fantasy, a nice myth that helps us with our pain and provides hope to the hopeless. We have many reasons to believe in it, but what does it mean? In some senses, this is the more basic question, and one that we will focus on today.
4/17/2017 • 32 minutes, 34 seconds
The Death of Christ
In Mark 15 we see an unjust trial against a perfect king, a sinner set free, and the wrath of God satisfied.
4/15/2017 • 29 minutes, 9 seconds
The Passover and the Lamb of God
As Jesus faced the last week of his life, he entered Jerusalem during the Feast of Unleavened Bread, a week-long celebration about God’s deliverance of Israel during the Passover. It is no accident that Jesus would give his life during this week, and we ought not to miss the significance of this great act. Much can be learned from the themes of God’s act of deliverance, and both the way it was to be remembered and the ways in which Christ modified the feast. While not exhaustive, the following are themes of the Passover from Exodus 12, and what they mean for us now.
4/9/2017 • 55 minutes, 21 seconds
Righteousness through Faith
Psalm 19 is David’s Testimony of God’s faithfulness in his life. David is not speaking as a king and a man of many accomplishments but as a servant, a humble servant, of the one true God. His direction for this Psalm is to the Choirmaster so that the Nation of Israel may sing this Psalm as a song of praise to their God.
4/2/2017 • 37 minutes, 27 seconds
No Graven Images
The second command seems far from us today. We are unlikely to make graven images in the form of God, so that we might bow down to them and worship them. But thinking this way shows a fundamental misconception about the nature of the commandments, and the importance of loving God above all else. Israel's worship of idols was more than just a breaking of a commandment, it demonstrated first and foremost their lack of love for the Lord.
3/26/2017 • 38 minutes, 8 seconds
No Other Gods
Today we begin to look in earnest at the explanation of the law given by Moses in Deuteronomy. The major sermon of the book, spanning from chapters 6-26, seems to be difficult to outline, switching between groups of related laws and miscellaneous laws without much hint about their connection. Today, we will begin to outline how these chapters explain the law (the 10 commandments) by looking at the first commandment: You shall have no other gods beside me.
3/19/2017 • 49 minutes, 31 seconds
Keeping Sight of God
The relationship between the NT and the law is often very difficult to comprehend. We see that God has given the law to his people, and specified that the taking of the land, and thus the truthfulness of his promises, was dependent upon them being faithful. Today we look at how God can be true to his promise, even though Israel was doomed to fail in keeping the law.
3/12/2017 • 47 minutes, 16 seconds
The Promise of God and Israel’s History
We find ourselves in a similar position to the Israelites: hearing the promise of God about a kingdom, waiting on the precipice for it to come. Therefore, we understand the words of Deuteronomy, here primarily concerning the promise of God, to be a word for us as well. Moses relates Israel’s history, not simply to set a context for the Israelites, but to remind them of God’s already fulfilled promises, and to encourage them that they can be sure of his faithfulness as they move forward.
3/6/2017 • 47 minutes, 54 seconds
Introduction to Deuteronomy
Today, we start a new sermon series looking at the book of Deuteronomy. This sermon, then, will be slightly atypical, as it serves primarily to introduce the book of Deuteronomy to us, along with its themes.
2/27/2017 • 51 minutes, 4 seconds
Jude: Grace and Judgment
Jude, who wants to write a letter of encouragement, must instead write a strong letter of warning, because some false-teachers are “perverting the grace of our God into sensuality.” These teachers have made grace into a non-stop party for the flesh. Such teaching has threatened the hold that the gospel once had on these believers.
2/13/2017 • 42 minutes, 7 seconds
Missions and Support
Last week we considered the need for care when considering who we supported. We cannot lend aid and support to those who preach a false gospel, no matter how loving it seemed, as it slandered the truth. Today, John warns us about keeping our support back from those who do deserve it.
2/6/2017 • 44 minutes, 21 seconds
Truth and Love
We are often told that love rules over all – that if we were more concerned with love that the world would be a better place. Science screams for truth – so that if we were more dedicated to the truth, the problems of the world would be eliminated. Both are wrong without Christ, and in Christ both are true. If God is love (1 John 4:8), and Jesus is the truth (John 14:6), then truth and love must exist together.
1/30/2017 • 40 minutes, 17 seconds
Gleanings from Greetings
We are a church that steadfastly believes that the Bible is God’s word revealed to us. We believe that each word was carefully written and preserved for us by the Holy Spirit. We are stretched by passages like Colossians 4:7-18, as this passage seems so personal and dated that it holds little for us. But this is not so! We can learn much from Paul’s emphases in this section of Colossians.
1/23/2017 • 33 minutes, 24 seconds
The Christian's Speech in the World
God cares very much how we speak. God has spoken to make all things, through his Word he has created all that we see; it makes sense then that we, who are made in his image, should also be careful with our speech. Paul instructs us today about our speech, both before God in prayer and before humans in evangelism.
1/16/2017 • 37 minutes, 42 seconds
The Christian’s Labor in the World
One of the chief complaints that people tend to lay against Christians is that we simply nit-pick from Scripture the things to which we adhere. Homosexuality? No, the bible denies it as a valid way of life for a child of God. But, they ask, “What of slavery? It is rampant in Scriptures, never forbid, and yet Christians today are directly (and rightly) against it? How is this not like homosexuality?” What shall we do with this argument? What help does Paul provide to us in thinking through the difficult issue of slavery and the Christian’s righteousness is an unrighteous world?
1/9/2017 • 36 minutes, 43 seconds
The Christian Family
The people in your family are sometimes the most difficult people you will have to deal with. They are people who are supposed to love and care for your the most, which makes their failures (and yours!) all that much more difficult to withstand. How are we to best arrange our families, to avoid many of the pitfalls and difficulties that damage and destroy lives?
1/2/2017 • 34 minutes, 15 seconds
The Importance of the Advent
Today we celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ, to the virgin Mary. The incarnation of the Son in flesh can hardly be overestimated in either its importance or in its miraculous power. We have been preparing for this celebration by observing advent – the preparation for the coming of Christmas. Today we will look at the importance of advent by looking back over the Scriptures that were highlighted over the past four weeks.
12/26/2016 • 43 minutes, 46 seconds
The Birth of the Christ
Introductions are important things. They set the place, time, themes, and genre of both literature and film. We typically gather a lot of information from them, even though we might not notice it. What does it mean, then, that Matthew’s Gospel starts with a genealogy? What does Jesus’ family tree tell us about the promised child, laying in a manger?
12/19/2016 • 42 minutes, 42 seconds
What's in a Name?
When God names someone or something, he is not naming it for what it is, but rather, for what it will be. Here we look at the name "Jesus" and seek to determine what it means to "do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus."
12/12/2016 • 36 minutes, 45 seconds
Be Who You Will Be
People spend quite a lot of time worrying about how they present themselves to the outside world. Whether in dress, the avoidance over embarrassment, or even just the keeping up of appearances, people generally care a great deal what others think of them. Such instincts can be bad when used solely for self-aggrandizement, but those same instincts can be helpful for our pursuit of holiness. Paul, moving from the negative assessment in 3:5-11 of who we shouldn’t be, begins to tell us who we should be in Christ.
12/5/2016 • 37 minutes, 30 seconds
Hunting Sin
Paul has emphasized the Christian's union to Christ, both throughout the second chapter of Colossians and, especially, in 3:1-4. It is from this union that Paul turns fully to imploring the Colossians in holiness. It is this union that makes such holiness both necessary and possible. Therefore, before speaking about what we are to do, Paul speaks of what we must never do. We must kill sin!
11/28/2016 • 39 minutes, 39 seconds
Look to the Things Above
Having exhorted the Colossians to not look to regulations and asceticism to aid them in putting to death sin, Paul turns now to the positive: they are to look at the things which are above. The problem, however, is that it is not clear what “the things above” are, or how they are to help Christians avoid “the indulgence of the flesh.” Today, we will try to explain this passage through the use of an allegory, built off of the image of sin as a slave-owner in Romans 6.
11/21/2016 • 32 minutes, 13 seconds
Don't Disqualify Yourself
Paul has written to the Colossians with one goal in mind, that the Colossians might growing in faith and godliness. He has stated this in several ways: that they walk in a manner suitable to Christ Jesus (1:10), that they be presented mature (1:28), that they might be rooted and built up in Christ (2:6-7). So far in chapter 2, Paul has mentioned several things that the Colossians can avoid. Now, however, Paul warns the Colossians about things that might disqualify them from being reconciled to Christ and part of his new creation (1:23).
11/14/2016 • 36 minutes
The Old Testament and the People of God
Christianity is correctly understood as the fulfillment of the Jewish religion; its purpose and its rightful end. Its connection to Judaism, however, was a source of much confusion in Christianity's early days, not to mention today. We ourselves are at times perplexed about how to handle the OT; how much more those who knew of no other Scripture, and knew of no other life before God than that lived under the law? The use and place of the law for Christians is then a delicate matter. We cannot divorce ourselves from the law; but neither can we use it in the same manner that the Jews did now that Christ has come. Here, we look at the nature of the law, and its fulfillment in Christ.
11/7/2016 • 35 minutes, 20 seconds
A Life Fulfilled in Christ
Paul has urged the Colossians to “continue in the faith” (1:22), and to not be taken captive by the thoughts and schemes of men (2:4, 8) because Christ is where “all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge” (2:3) are. Christ is all the Colossians need in their life. Such a claim is huge, especially for people who are used to turning to separate gods for their every need. Paul would say nothing different to us today: to live a fulfilled life, all you need is Christ.
10/31/2016 • 39 minutes, 4 seconds
Relating Circumcision and Baptism
The next passage (2:9-15) introduces two major biblical themes, circumcision and baptism, that require a closer look. Some denominations, based on the similarities of baptism and circumcision, baptize infants (paedobaptism). Colossians 2:11-13 closely relates the two rites, and provides some credence to the paedobaptist theology. But baptism is not limited to the symbolism of physical circumcision, and is best saved for those who provide a credible confession of faith. To establish this, and to highlight the role that baptism plays in a New Testament church, we must first turn to the nature of circumcision in the Old Testament.
10/24/2016 • 48 minutes, 52 seconds
The Emptiness of the World
We are stuck as sojourners and aliens in a foreign land (1 Peter 2:11). This land, filed with a strange mixture of blessings and curses for us, has pitfalls everywhere we turn. How then, are we to keep ourselves from, like Joseph, being tossed by the world into a pit (Genesis 37:12-24)? What advice would Paul give us?
10/17/2016 • 39 minutes, 47 seconds
Paul's Ministry for You
What we do on Sunday mornings is odd, at least to outsiders (and sometimes to us!). We gather, pray, sing, and then open a 2,000-year-old letter, from someone we have never met to people we know little about. And we think that this has meaning for us! Why do we care what Paul says? What good is Paul for us? Much, in every way, as we will hopefully see today.
10/10/2016 • 37 minutes, 17 seconds
Jesus Christ: Your Reconciliation
While Paul is insistent that Jesus Christ has reconciled all things to himself, both the things in heaven and on earth, he is just as insistent that such a cosmic act has come to make an impact in Colossae. Paul provides insight into that reconciliation in Colossians 1:21-23, as well as a warning for the young congregation.
10/2/2016 • 49 minutes, 24 seconds
Jesus Christ - Lord of Creation and Head of the Church, Part II
The text of Colossians 1:15-20 is most assuredly poetic, and could very well be an early Christian hymn dedicated to the supremacy and deity of Jesus Christ. In this second sermon about the poem, we will look at how Paul links Jesus' saving work with the Son's creative work.
9/26/2016 • 36 minutes, 26 seconds
Jesus Christ: Lord of Creation and Head of the Church, Part I
The text of Colossians 1:15-20 is most assuredly poetic, and could very well be an early Christian hymn dedicated to the supremacy and deity of Jesus Christ. In this first sermon about the poem, we will look at the nature of the divinity of the son, and try to clarify some confusion that surrounds the first verse, namely that Christ is the "firstborn of all creation."
9/19/2016 • 41 minutes, 9 seconds
God's Will for your Life
It is commonplace for Christians to wonder what God desires for their life. Should I get a new job? How do I deal with my boss? What should I say to my Friend? Yet the Bible simply does not, and cannot, address these specific questions. Yet that does not mean that we do not know what God wants from us! Here Paul tells the Colossians what he prays for them, and give us a glimpse of what God's will is for our lives: to live as an image of Jesus in the world.
9/12/2016 • 41 minutes, 12 seconds
Give Thanks to God
Paul's letter to the Colossians is filled with joy and warning. He presses upon them to live lives "worthy of the Lord" and to be "mature in Christ." He also warns them against being deceived into following earthly patters. Thanksgiving plays a large role in that maturity, both as demonstrated in Paul's life and in what he desires for the Colossians.
9/5/2016 • 43 minutes, 55 seconds
Elder Installation for Doug Wallaker
Sermon for Installation Service for our Preaching Pastor Doug Wallaker.
8/29/2016 • 26 minutes, 41 seconds
Confidence in the Lord
This Psalm has something of David in it, but much more of Christ. It starts with expressions of devotion to God which may be applied to Christ but ends with such confidence of a resurrection, a resurrection that prevents corruption, that it must be applied to Christ and Christ alone. Both Peter in Acts 2 and Paul in Chapter 13 take note of David’s words yet speak of how they can not apply to David because his life ended in death, but the life of Jesus Christ did not.
8/29/2016 • 36 minutes, 47 seconds
Who Shall Sojourn in Your Tent
David begins this Psalm with a question, an important question. He asks the most important question that you will ever ask. He asks God who will sojourn in his tent, and who will dwell on his holy hill. Who can be in the presence of the Lord? It is the one whose life has been forever changed by the grace of God.
8/22/2016 • 33 minutes, 44 seconds
Discover our Wound by Sin
In our study of Psalms - since Psalm 3, David has been the Author. In Psalm 3 through 13 with Psalm 8 being the only exception, David’s theme has been the same, persecution and oppression of good men. David has been complaining of those who hated and persecuted him. Now, here in Psalm 14 he traces all those bitter actions to one source. And, he sees also that it is not only his enemies that have this condition but all the children of men, all are corrupted.
8/15/2016 • 34 minutes, 5 seconds
How Long, O LORD
Here we look at Psalm 13 and see suffering. As we walk through suffering, we should cry out to God for help, and rejoice knowing that he lovingly cares for his children.
8/7/2016 • 34 minutes, 36 seconds
Good Thoughts for Bad Times
It is supposed that David wrote this Psalm during Saul’s reign. Times were not good because the leadership of Saul was not good. Honest and personal integrity were in decline. David was under personal threat from his false friends and sworn enemies. It was hard for any man to know who could be trusted, Psalm 12 is a reflection of David’s heart.
8/1/2016 • 35 minutes, 29 seconds
Feed My Sheep
Calling Christian leaders "pastor" or "shepherd" has a long and rich biblical tradition. In calling our leaders shepherds, we both unite them with the Lord Jesus Christ and indicate the nature of their ministry. Shepherds are to serve the flock of God, both by feeding them in the word and tending to their well-being. When pastors fulfill their calling, they both model the goodness of the Lord and embody the redemption afforded in Christ.
7/25/2016 • 46 minutes, 17 seconds
Trust in the LORD
Though we are tempted to flee in the face of earthly trials, we seek
refuge and find our confidence in the Lord.
7/22/2016 • 33 minutes, 21 seconds
Be Prepared
Today we conclude our study in the scriptural writings of the Apostle Peter. It has been evident Peter has a great love for his fellow believers. He is a contender for the true gospel of Jesus Christ, and he has sounded a loud and sure warning to believers to be on guard for false prophets and teachers. So, what does Peter do with his final words? Just say goodbye and say “see you soon!” No, he continues to equip the saints. He makes four points, I believe, as he closes. They are: Remember, Consider, Avoid and Pursue.
7/12/2016 • 34 minutes, 51 seconds
The Day of the Lord
According to God's timing, Jesus Christ will return to judge the world. Therefore as His people, live godly lives.
7/4/2016 • 32 minutes, 52 seconds
A Farewell Sermon
Sermon Audio from Crossway Christian Church
6/26/2016 • 36 minutes, 13 seconds
This is how Paul ends what might be the greatest work of theology ever written. He shows us deep, rich theology is centered on Christ and is for the edification of his people. Specifically, his people gathered together as the Church. And it happens all to the glory of God.
6/20/2016 • 49 minutes, 22 seconds
False Teachers
Teaching matters.
6/13/2016 • 34 minutes, 55 seconds
The Untruth from the Unfaithful
Peter contends for the faith, a gospel message that is all the work of Jesus Christ and has backed up that truth with eyewitness accounts and the infallible Word of God.
6/5/2016 • 35 minutes, 57 seconds
Paul ends his teaching on the Christian life and begins sharing about his own ambitions for the gospel of Christ. What binds together these two sections of Romans 15 is the common concern they show for the partnership of God's people.
5/29/2016 • 43 minutes, 12 seconds
The Truth of Jesus' Coming
Peter continues to herald the truth of the glory of Christ in personal witness and prophetic word. This is a declaration of the certain truth and divine origin of the gospel of Christ.
5/22/2016 • 37 minutes, 59 seconds
Confirm your Calling and Election
God's sovereign calling and election of His people unto eternal life necessarily leads to lives of personal holiness and brotherly love.
5/16/2016 • 33 minutes, 40 seconds
In Christ, we have great freedom in many areas of our life. But that freedom should not be fought for at all costs. What we should see is this great truth: Christian fellowship is more important than Christian freedom.
5/9/2016 • 50 minutes, 18 seconds
As Christians, we have certain responsibilities that direct our lives. Rather than live aimlessly or selfishly, we are called to be God's people in the world. That entails certain duties and obligations in how we go about living our lives, not just in the church with one another but also in the world.
5/2/2016 • 45 minutes, 59 seconds
Here we see how to live out the Christian life in devotion. The kind of devotion that God's people should display. How to live out their faith before God.
4/25/2016 • 47 minutes, 53 seconds
Stand Firm, Because of the God of all Grace
We are reminded that Christians are exiles in this world. Here we look at a very important character quality required for the Christian life. It reminds us of our calling to honor Christ and to understand God's unending grace that is shown to us in every aspect of the Christian life.
4/18/2016 • 33 minutes, 53 seconds
Here we see the remnant of Israel, the Gentiles grafted in and the mystery of Israel's salvation.
4/10/2016 • 51 minutes, 3 seconds
Shepherd the Flock
God, in his wisdom and grace, has given the church servant leaders to shepherd his people, and has called the church to humbly submit to God-given authority.
4/3/2016 • 41 minutes, 1 second
This sermon is about a man who died and came back to life. Not just any man, but the Son of God, Jesus Christ. Jesus is not just an idea. Nor do we merely follow his teachings. It is essential for the Christian faith that Jesus was a real person who walked the earth. He had a public ministry and a public execution. But after that, he had a public resurrection. The entirety of the New Testament is written either by those who saw him alive after being crucified, or those who came to faith by their eyewitness testimony. Christianity is a religion rooted in history yet we also want to see that Christianity is a religion driven by preaching.
3/28/2016 • 38 minutes, 38 seconds
Good Friday 2016
We look at Jesus' last day on earth as it leads Him to the cross and brings good news by faith alone.
3/26/2016 • 31 minutes, 41 seconds
Suffering Joyfully in Accord with God’s Will
From the first spread of the Gospel, there has been hostility, even violent opposition in many places brought about by: unbelieving Jews, local officials, whether by political purposes, or, because of false accusations from Gentiles whose profits from sin were threatened. Even if Peter did not have recent news of actual persecution currently being endured by Churches and Christians in a spread-out area, the Apostle would write as though some form of formal or informal persecution were possible.
3/21/2016 • 33 minutes, 9 seconds
Preparing for Suffering, Living like Christ
As redeemed sinners, rescued from eternal punishment and waiting for the return of Christ, we are called to imitate our King.
3/14/2016 • 36 minutes, 9 seconds
Here, Jews and Gentiles are at odds with each other. We must be united as one.
3/7/2016 • 49 minutes, 44 seconds
The Blessing of Living with Christian Suffering
Peter has concluded the Section of his letter that encouraged Christians to display their freedom in submission for Christ’s sake, as Citizens, Servants, Wives, and Husbands. He encouraged them to bear unjust treatment as part of their calling.
2/29/2016 • 39 minutes, 10 seconds
Submission and Love in Marriage
God has designed specific roles in marriage that adorn the gospel and bring him glory. That is the overarching theme that Peter is putting forward today.
2/22/2016 • 40 minutes, 13 seconds
Referred to by many as the greatest chapter of the Bible, Romans 8 is filled with assurance and comfort for God's people.
2/15/2016 • 50 minutes, 48 seconds
Sermon Audio from Crossway Christian Church
2/7/2016 • 50 minutes, 37 seconds
Submission to Authority
God has chosen us to be his people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, so that we will make his name famous by spreading the gospel. And, so we will live lives that are obedient to his word. We will see this week in our text Peter’s instruction to that holy nation how to live and suffer in an ungodly world.
2/1/2016 • 30 minutes, 1 second
A Chosen Race, A Royal Priesthood, A Holy Nation
What we see here in these verses should give us great joy, and should inspire us on to further service to our king. God has saved a people for himself so that, through the church, he is glorified.
1/25/2016 • 38 minutes, 1 second
Together in Prayer
How important is prayer to us? How important is it for us to come before our God and Savior with praise, confession, thanksgiving, and concerns? Can we get along in life and ministry without his help? Here we continue our sermon series, considering the twin pillars of the Christian life—the word of God and prayer. In the past our Pillar series as largely focused on the Word and prayer for our lives individually. But today, we focus on what it means to pray together with God’s people.
1/18/2016 • 42 minutes, 35 seconds
Sermon Audio from Crossway Christian Church
1/11/2016 • 26 minutes, 45 seconds
Together Under the Word
There are two pillars that are most important yet most most neglected in Christianity. The Word of God (the Bible,) the means by which God speaks to us, his people; and prayer, the means of our speaking back to God. Without these two pillars, our fellowship with God becomes weakened and sickly and less than what it should be. Here we think about what it means to be together under the Word.
1/3/2016 • 48 minutes, 39 seconds
Pursuing Spiritual Unity
As Paul shows in the opening verses of chapter 2, part of living a life worthy of the gospel means striving for spiritual unity with the Church. That is God's concern in these verses, which means that it ought to be our concern as well.
12/28/2015 • 40 minutes, 8 seconds
The Birth of the King
Sermon Audio from Crossway Christian Church
12/21/2015 • 28 minutes, 28 seconds
To summarize the sermon in one sentence, we could say this: because you've been freed from sin, fight for righteousness. Or, even simpler: as a disciple of Christ, become what you are. This is what God wants us to see this morning from Romans 6. He wants us to understand the why and how of sanctification.
12/14/2015 • 44 minutes, 29 seconds
What is the basis of justification? It's imputation. Justification is the legal word, but the word counted is a banking word. And this is at the heart of the doctrine of imputation.It's not our righteousness that makes us right before God, but the righteousness of Christ. Just as someone else might make a deposit in my account and the deposit would then be counted as my own money, so God counts - or imputes - Christ's own righteousness to us when we put our faith in him.
12/7/2015 • 43 minutes, 30 seconds
Paul shows how everyone - Jews and Gentiles - are justified by faith alone. What is justification? In Biblical terms, it speaks to God's legal declaration of our status before him. Though we are condemned for our sin before God, he declares us to be righteous in Christ.
11/30/2015 • 35 minutes, 21 seconds
Call to Holiness
As we continue through 1 Peter, remembering our message from last week was, “Jesus Christ – The Hope of our Salvation”. Now Peter starts his instruction to the exiles of the importance of leading a life of holiness. This theme will continue though almost all of Peter’s letter.
11/23/2015 • 43 minutes, 44 seconds
The Hope of Our Salvation
The book of 1 Peter calls us to stand firm in a living hope, the salvation that is only found in Jesus Christ. This gives Christians hope during persecution, even as Peter calls them to a life of holiness.
11/18/2015 • 42 minutes, 29 seconds
This is the glorious truth that Paul highlights in this passage: in Christ we have the propitiation we need. In him, we can be made right with God apart from any religious or moral duty on our part. But before he unfolds that good news of the gospel, he needs to bring to a close his argument for why we need Christ.
11/8/2015 • 44 minutes, 35 seconds
God's judgment isn't a popular concept. It probably was never very popular. Paul wants to know why God's judgement is just. In the last chapter he focused on the Gentiles just condemnation, here he focuses on his own people, the Jews.
11/2/2015 • 39 minutes, 54 seconds
In Christ, the righteousness of God is put on display for the world and made available to those who turn toward him in faith.
10/26/2015 • 49 minutes, 11 seconds
Union and Communion with Christ - How the Ordinances Bear Witness to Our Faith
We want to make clear why we do the ordinances of the church and what we believe about them.
10/19/2015 • 46 minutes, 6 seconds
Things are Different Now
David Roberts, our Associational Minister shares the truth of the gospel message. These verses mention five (5) things that are "new" in our lives because of what God did for us through Christ on the cross.
10/12/2015 • 37 minutes, 10 seconds
God Sovereignly Working In and Through His People
In his wisdom and sovereignty God is at work in the lives of his people. He discerns the heart, elevates the lowly, and empowers his anointed.
10/4/2015 • 38 minutes, 36 seconds
When God Seems Absent
Here, David shows that despite the oppression of God's people, we can pray with confidence to God, the just and eternal King.
9/28/2015 • 38 minutes, 53 seconds
The Nature of David and His God
In this scripture we see some of the characteristics of David as well as God. This helps us to better understand this man who wrote so freely of God's love and faithfulness in the Psalms.
9/21/2015 • 37 minutes, 51 seconds
Elder Brubaker Installation
Installation and Commissioning Service for Douglas Brubaker
9/14/2015 • 27 minutes, 44 seconds
The Grace and Glory of a Just and Righteous King
God's consistent character, not only fuels the praises of his people but gives hope and confidence to those who would call out to him for mercy and justice.
9/14/2015 • 39 minutes, 3 seconds
Comfort, Affliction, and the Sovereignty of God
2 Corinthians - God's Power Displayed in Man's Weakness
In this text, Paul paints us a clear picture of Christian suffering, godly comfort, and our response. He shows through his experience what God has been doing, and why he has been doing it.
9/7/2015 • 39 minutes, 21 seconds
The Greatness of God's Majesty
The greatness of God is magnified by looking at the greatness he has given to humanity. In other words, when the graciousness of God towards us is seen, his own greatness is seen even more clearly. Though the glory of humanity is seen, that view is meat to bring us to our knees in worship at the greatness of God himself.
8/31/2015 • 30 minutes, 47 seconds
Dealing with Injustice
How do you deal with injustice? WE have some indication of what is going on in David's life, but not enough detail to know everything. At the same time, we don't need to. We can see from David's prayer how we ought to respond to the difficulty of injustice in our own lives. At is simplest, we remember to bring our problem to God!
8/26/2015 • 36 minutes
The Question is . . . Is Jesus Returning?
Here Jesus answers the question, will He return? This is something we need to understand in order to disciple others.
8/17/2015 • 28 minutes, 3 seconds
Is Jesus Still Important Today?
Here Jesus tells us why he came, what he did for us and what he continues to do for us today that still makes him important to our lives.
8/9/2015 • 32 minutes, 15 seconds
Jesus Sends Disciple-Making Disciples
Here we see a challenge to actually get busy making disciples.
8/2/2015 • 39 minutes, 38 seconds
Jesus Equips Disciples
Here we look to Jesus as the master disciple-maker. We look to him in faith, as our Savior and our example. So, what did it look like for Jesus to train his disciples?
7/27/2015 • 30 minutes, 2 seconds
Jesus Encourages Believers
Here we see another side of Jesus the disciple maker. He not only calls sinners to conversion, but he encourages believers to maturity. Jesus shows us just what it means to love and treasure him above all else. As he does this, we get to see the proto-disciple maker in action. We also see the method that Jesus uses in leading these disciples to further maturity and faith.
7/19/2015 • 37 minutes, 17 seconds
Jesus Evangelizes Sinners
Here we see how God’s Word portrays an Evangelist as we see Jesus’ life lived out among sinners. Much like our lives today.
7/13/2015 • 41 minutes, 40 seconds
Jesus Came for Sinners
Here we want you to see what the task of disciple-making looks like lived out in the person of Jesus. From Matthew 9, we see that Jesus doesn't ask perfect people to be his disciples, but those in danger of hell. He doesn't seek righteous people but sinners who need his forgiveness.
7/6/2015 • 43 minutes, 55 seconds
Now What? Christ’s People after the SCOTUS Decision
Sermon Audio from Crossway Christian Church
6/28/2015 • 38 minutes, 54 seconds
Praying from Pain
God's people should not be afraid of corporate worship when their lives are less than ideal. We shouldn't be worried when life brings sorrow and pain. Still yet, there must be a place of the people of God as a whole to gather with the weak and struggling in worship. Do we -- individually and corporately -- have a category whereby God can still be praised in the mist of the storm? If not, then we need to listen to this psalm.
6/22/2015 • 42 minutes, 39 seconds
Advancing God's Kingdom (How to Pray in the Morning)
This Psalm has much to teach us about what God's people ought to pray, why they ought to pray, and how they ought to pray.
6/15/2015 • 51 minutes, 8 seconds
Be Watchful
Pastor Jun Taguinod shares about his mission calling and how to stand firm in the faith.
6/7/2015 • 27 minutes, 42 seconds
Love Missions
Guest Filipino Pastor Ramon Alcasid shares about why missions.
6/1/2015 • 22 minutes, 40 seconds
Confident in God - How to Pray before Bed
Instead of stress and anxiety, we should be able to have joy and peace because we are confident in God. Is this how you sleep at night? Even when you feel pressed in on all sides? Learn how to find rest for your soul - not with a confidence in anything you have done, but in God himself. NOTE: a technical difficulty resulted in a loss of audio for about 1 minute. This occurs around the 13:40 mark.
5/24/2015 • 37 minutes, 40 seconds
Real Help for Real Trouble
How do we make it through the pain and despair? In the end, David shows us that it's our confidence in God that will lead us through. He shows us he dealt with troubling times and how we can as well.
5/22/2015 • 32 minutes, 50 seconds
Serve the Lord and Kiss the Son
Psalm 2 points out the Kingship of God over all nations and shows us that the only way to find escape from his judgment against our sins and true joy in this life is to humbly submit to his authority; to bow the knee to the Lord and his Anointed King.
5/11/2015 • 34 minutes, 14 seconds
Two Ways to Live
This is the first of a new series through the book of Psalms, one of the most important, and certainly one of the most dearly loved, books in the Bible. Buy why? How are they so valuable to us? Here we'll look at four reasons.
5/3/2015 • 41 minutes, 10 seconds
The Ascension of Christ the King
More than anything today, we want to walk away encouraged. We want to leave Luke’s Gospel with a deepened faith in Christ and an optimistic willingness to see the news of Christ spread to the world through us. Confidence that this will happen, doesn’t come from what we see in us, though, but what we see in Christ.
4/26/2015 • 39 minutes, 41 seconds
The Great Commission
This encounter between the risen Christ and the apostles is what we will see as we walk through our passage. Here we see Luke’s account of the great commission—the assurance and mission of the Church until Jesus' return. It’s a central passage for how we ought to live out our lives today.
4/19/2015 • 45 minutes, 9 seconds
Opened Eyes and Burning Hearts
Here we're both confronted on our faithlessness, yet also provided comfort and encouragement in the risen Christ. So, let's journey with these men to Emmaus that our eyes might be opened and our hearts might burn with a changed life in the presence of the Lord Jesus.
4/12/2015 • 44 minutes, 40 seconds
The Resurrection of a King
The resurrection of Christ is not an optional belief for those who call themselves Christians. For those who want to be saved - to experience forgiveness of sins and new, spiritual life with God - then the resurrection of Christ is just as important as the death of Christ.
4/5/2015 • 34 minutes, 32 seconds
Our Example From the Suffering Servant
On Good Friday we are reminded of the atoning work of Christ on the cross. Here we see Peter using this example of the Suffering Servant as our example on how to face suffering.
4/3/2015 • 22 minutes, 33 seconds
The Death of a King
All of Christianity hinges on the events of these verses. They happened in history but what do they mean? What is their enduring significance?
3/30/2015 • 39 minutes, 8 seconds
The Crucifixion of a King
Luke is not only walking us through the terrible events of Jesus' life, but showing us how these events took place by the sure and certain word of God. At the same time, Jesus continues to reveal his own righteous character and Kingly way, but in unexpected ways. Thus, all throughout this passage, we see both the excepted plan of God as well as the surprising grace of the crucified King.
3/23/2015 • 38 minutes, 13 seconds
The Trial of a King
The biblical authors want to be clear that they are not writing about empty philosophies or vain ideas. This is history. This is the acts of God in the course of real life. This is why the earliest Christians didn't simply preach or confess that Jesus died, but that he "suffered under Pontius Pilate." Jesus' suffering and death was a real event that involved real people. And those historical events still have consequences today.
3/15/2015 • 38 minutes, 10 seconds
Faith-Fueled Obedience
Here is the story about Abraham and Issac. The familiarity of the story can cloud our understanding if we don't look closely. Here we review the text in the order God gives it to us. The text teaches us something about the relationship between faith and works.
3/9/2015 • 30 minutes, 56 seconds
Christ Surrendered All
Here we begin to see the treatment Jesus experiences after his arrest. And we see not only the terrible sinfulness of humanity but also the patience and grace of the living God.
3/1/2015 • 33 minutes, 8 seconds
"The Hour of Darkness' Power"
Before Jesus' atoning, salvific pain at the cross, he would first suffer the indignity of betrayal and false arrest. And as he does, Jesus gives us a glimpse of his glory which should help our own faith in him. He shows us the kind of Savior he is that we might not fail to pray and enter temptation. Yet, when we do fail, we are here assured of the Savior who will forgive us and bring us back into fellowship with himself.
2/22/2015 • 41 minutes, 7 seconds
Deacon Installation and Commissioning Service
Deacon Installation and Commissioning Service
2/16/2015 • 19 minutes, 43 seconds
The Garden of Gethsemane
As we look at Christ in the garden, we should walk away seeing clearly how utterly dependent we are on him to be our Savior. We should see the depth of despair and temptation he endured as our Savior. We want to come as close as we can to Christ in Gethsemane so that we leave with a deeper sense of awe and affection for him as our Savior.
2/16/2015 • 39 minutes, 56 seconds
The Upper Room
What does true greatness in Christ's kingdom look like? The great temptation - the great failing - of the church, has been, continues to be, and will forever be, to look at the world and follow its example. In this regard, we are no different than the apostles in this passage. They faced all of these same pressures and temptations. And if we are to be successful in putting to death that mindset, we must heed Jesus' words in these verses. Here, Jesus not only defines but illustrates what true greatness looks like in his kingdom.
2/9/2015 • 41 minutes, 51 seconds
The Last Supper
In this passage Jesus explains his fulfillment of the old covenant in the new. It also sets before us the basis for one of our most cherished Christian practices - The Lord's Supper.
2/3/2015 • 40 minutes, 22 seconds
Your Redemption Is Drawing Near
Jesus' words here draw us up into the larger issues of the end of all things - about his return, the final judgment, and the recreating of the universe. This passage in particular can be hard because Jesus brings together two related but distinct events - the temple's destruction and the time of his return. It's meant to teach us, not just what is ahead of us, but how the Lord Jesus should be honored in our lives today.
1/26/2015 • 40 minutes, 59 seconds
Giving All We Have
Jesus despises the sorts of hypocrisy described in this passage. Every disciple of Jesus is called to follow after his example. And in this context, that means living with our external actions authentically reflecting the desires and intentions of our hearts.
1/18/2015 • 44 minutes, 3 seconds
The Word for the Church
We want to consider our intake of Scripture and how it benefits the people of God around us. To bring into focus what we will see here in one sentence, a quote from author Gordon Cheng, in his book, Encouragement, he says, "God's word changes us, and through us it can change others too." That's what we see here from Colossians 3.
1/11/2015 • 36 minutes, 32 seconds
Praying for the Church
Here we look again at one of the Pillars of the Christian Life. The Pillar of Prayer. More specifically prayer for the Church, the body of Christ.
1/4/2015 • 32 minutes, 18 seconds
A Gospel Alphabet
Jesus says, "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end" (Rev. 22:13). Alpha and Omega are the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet. If you say something is the ABC's you're saying it's the basics. But if you say that is the A to Z, you're saying that's everything. It's complete. The same was true in Jesus' day. Thus, he is saying, "I'm everything.' And, here we see in this focus of the gospel, Jesus is the Alpha and the Omega and everything in between.
12/28/2014 • 49 minutes, 13 seconds
The Real War on Christmas
At this time of year, we love to hear words like joy, peace and glad tidings of great joy. Especially if we are Christians, we love those words because we know what they mean for us. But we also need to be reminded of the great cost by which we have joy and peace and experience glad tidings of great joy. Our passage opens with unexpected worship of Christ, the newborn King . . . but ends with weeping, sorrow, and fear. It is these things that foreshadow the means by which God provides ultimate joy for every believer and hope for those not yet believing.
12/22/2014 • 47 minutes, 25 seconds
The Power of a Raised Life
Here we see the Sadducees asking their question about the resurrection, mocking Jesus' belief and authority. We also see how and why Jesus emphasizes the importance of the resurrection.
12/15/2014 • 37 minutes
Citizens of Caesar, Servants of Christ
What does it mean to live as a citizen of Caesar and a servant of Christ? Just days before he went to the cross, Jesus was confronted with this question. Here we see how we should live as a Christian and a citizen of this nation.
12/8/2014 • 42 minutes, 13 seconds
The Authority of Christ
The theme that runs through this passage is that of authority. If we're honest most of us don't care much for authority. We even struggle with God's authority over every part of our lives. Here we see four themes of the authority of Christ.
12/1/2014 • 38 minutes, 53 seconds
The Coming of the Promised King
This passage begins what we call the Passion Week as Jesus enters Jerusalem, dies on the cross, and is raised back to life. This is the most important week of Jesus' life and you cannot rightly understand the rest of Luke's Gospel, even the rest of Christianity, apart from this week.
11/24/2014 • 40 minutes, 13 seconds
Ask Not What the Kingdom Can Do for You but What You Can Do for the Kingdom
In the midst of those who were following Jesus but who couldn't see with clarity what his mission was, nor how he would bring about this kingdom, Jesus drew on a striking cultural image to make things clear. This parable can help us think rightly and live for Christ and his kingdom.
11/17/2014 • 39 minutes, 7 seconds
Today Salvation Has Come to This House
This story of Jesus and Zacchaeus is a true, historical event. But it's also exemplary. There is a pattern here Luke has been repeating over and over again throughout his Gospel. He is not only showing the power of Christ to save and change lives, but also the basic response of discipleship that should follow.
11/9/2014 • 42 minutes, 11 seconds
I Once Was Blind but Now I See
Luke tells us about a group of people who are spiritually blind but think they can see. At the same time, he tells us about a man who is physically blind but can spiritually see. There's a great contrast in these verses between blindness and sight and it all revolves around the gospel of Jesus Christ.
11/2/2014 • 41 minutes, 54 seconds
Sola Scriptura: Scripture Alone for Faith and Faithfulness
By God's grace, the Reformers recovered a sharper vision of the gospel itself, and from that gospel clarity came a reformed Church; a Church that better knew God and his saving grace, allowing its people to better live according to his ways.
10/26/2014 • 42 minutes, 53 seconds
Wealth, Health, and Other Idols that Keep You from Christ
How will Jesus respond to the question, "What must I do to be saved?" The answer is important even because the question is still important today? How will anyone be saved from their sins? The answer comes down to this question: what do you really love? What do you really trust? Are you willing to leave behind everything and follow Jesus? Or are there some things you cannot leave behind?
10/19/2014 • 40 minutes, 51 seconds
Children and the Kingdom of God
Here we see the picture of what discipleship should look like for those who believe the gospel message. In fact, it's actually from the picture of the gospel we see here that Jesus makes the application that he does. From these verses we see why we should imitate Jesus and his attitude toward children.
10/13/2014 • 40 minutes, 20 seconds
Gospel Distortion
Doug Brubaker exposits the letter from the Apostle Paul to his brothers in Christ. His reason for writing is to rebuke the people infiltrating the church with a false message.
10/5/2014 • 36 minutes, 1 second
Don't Worry
Here we look at what God's Word says being anxious looks like and why not to do it. Jesus gives us reasons not to be anxious.
9/28/2014 • 31 minutes, 55 seconds
This Man Went Down to His House Justified
Jesus tells us a parable that reveals hidden attitudes and lifestyles that stand contrary to God's will and word. In this short parable, Jesus makes clear the way of salvation.
9/21/2014 • 30 minutes, 20 seconds
Keep Praying
Jesus tells another parable. Why? To encourage us to always pray and not lose heart. Here is see how this is meant to be applied to our lives, how we're supposed to think about God in prayer.
9/14/2014 • 43 minutes, 2 seconds
The Present and Future Kingdom of God
How you think about the coming of Christ should affect how you live. Jesus is coming again. Here we see the truths that Jesus tells - what his kingdom will be like, when it will come, and how we should live in it.
9/7/2014 • 40 minutes, 43 seconds
The Life of Gospel Faith
These verses center around one thing: faith. Specifically, Jesus is showing what the life of gospel faith looks like. By using the term "gospel faith" we distinguish the vision of life before God that Jesus presents - against the fruit of false faith seen in the lives of the Pharisees.
8/31/2014 • 44 minutes, 13 seconds
The Eternal Consequences of Your Best Life Now
As we hear Jesus' words, we see important truths that should make us reflect on our own hearts and consider our own ways. Then in light of all this, we should respond in two ways.
8/24/2014 • 48 minutes, 24 seconds
The Wisdom of Faithful Stewards
From the outset of this passage, we are reminded not only of who Jesus is but we also see the dangers of money and how Jesus' disciples should not only regard money but use money wisely for God's kingdom.
8/17/2014 • 39 minutes, 30 seconds
Lost, Found, Rejoice: Why Jesus Came
From the outset of this passage, we are reminded not only of who Jesus is but why he has come. Three stories intended to come together to teach us the same truth. How will we respond to Jesus' search and rejoicing? Will we stand back like the Pharisees, wanting to avoid sinners? Or will we join in the work of Christ in searching for the lost and rejoicing when they're found?
8/10/2014 • 41 minutes, 7 seconds
The High Cost of Discipleship
When we come to passages like this, we face the temptation to lower the intensity of Jesus' words until it is more tolerable to us. If we had to summarize the passage in one sentence, I think it would be this: Salvation is free but discipleship will cost you everything.
8/3/2014 • 41 minutes, 16 seconds
You Are in the Same Body: Remembering the Persecuted Church
The U.S. State Department says that more than 60 countries are hostile to Christians. How should we think about these things? What should we do about the situation believers face? Hebrews 10 can help us to have a better understanding, a better way of thinking about the suffering church today. It will help bring clarity not only to the kinds of things that they go through, but how we should respond to the plight of our brothers and sisters around the world.
7/27/2014 • 38 minutes, 18 seconds
Guess Who's Coming to Dinner
Jesus shows us the kind of life that should mark those that are part of God's kingdom. Furthermore, Jesus also shows how a failure to embrace this kind of selfless life can keep us from the kingdom altogether.
7/20/2014 • 47 minutes, 32 seconds
Two Ways to Live
Here we look to God's Word to discover the condition of man and God's plan to remedy that condition.
7/13/2014 • 33 minutes, 32 seconds
A Day for Worship and Mercy
In these verses, we see the emphasis on the Sabbath. Jesus' concern was to correct the misunderstanding and even hypocritical ways that some viewed this day. In doing so, he not only shows us how God is welcoming of sinners, but how God's people should see their day of worship, even in this new covenant.
7/6/2014 • 41 minutes, 22 seconds
Jesus: the Narrow Way of Salvation
In Luke 13, Jesus has just explained the coming of the kingdom, then he explained what the kingdom is like. Now, at the prompting of a question he explains how to enter the kingdom. Everything in these verses point us to the door of salvation.
6/29/2014 • 42 minutes, 13 seconds
Minister for Change in the People of God
This sermon focus' on life in the local church. Paul understands that God's aim is the sanctification of his people and the church should be a part of it.
6/22/2014 • 42 minutes, 45 seconds
Joyfully Serving in the Mission of God
Here, the Apostle Paul serves as a God-ordained guide and mentor for us as we seek to be recalibrated and reinvigorated about our own efforts at evangelism.
6/15/2014 • 52 minutes, 39 seconds
Pursue Purity by the Power of God
Here we tackle an ongoing issue and one that is easily overlooked - the purity of a holy life.
6/8/2014 • 44 minutes, 31 seconds
Keep Yourself in the Love of God
Here we are thinking about the use of our time and resources this summer. We begin by thinking about the fundamental part of our lives as Christians, namely, our ongoing relationship with God.
6/1/2014 • 44 minutes, 2 seconds
Thy Kingdom Come
In this passage, we find Jesus asking this question, "What is the kingdom of God like?" This question brings together the story of the healing in the synagogue and the parables that follow. Luke puts these things together because he wants us to see this emphasis on the kingdom. Jesus has come to establish the kingdom of God.
5/25/2014 • 47 minutes, 34 seconds
Hard Hearts, Barren Branches, and Real Repentance
God is speaking, God is calling to us, but have we made ourselves impenetrable to his voice? Jesus looks at those who have insinuated themselves from hearing God speak, and says 'You'd better listen carefully. You need to repent, for all of the reasons you think you're safe and in no danger from the judgment of God are wrong.'
5/18/2014 • 43 minutes, 58 seconds
The Great Divide: Jesus Christ
Jesus' saving work will divide humanity. It will be divided by thoses who experience salvation because of their faith in Christ and those who put not faith in Christ. Therefore, we must not reject him.
5/11/2014 • 39 minutes, 32 seconds
Be Ready for the Master's Return
Ever since Jesus was raised from the dead and ascended back to the glory of God in heaven, his disciples have been wondering. 'When will he fulfill his promise and return?' This is not just the great theological hope of all real believers, but the great motivating hope of all mature believers. What should we do in the mean time? We are to be ready for his return and that readiness is most clearly seen in our ministry for Christ.
5/4/2014 • 45 minutes, 58 seconds
Serving by the Grace of Christ
As we hold the glorious calling in our minds, we feel the weight of the life we've been called to in Christ. As we feel the weight of that calling, we ask, "Who is fit for this task? How can I do this?" Hebrews give us practical encouragement. And, we're told not just what the life of those in the community of Christ should look like, but how we should actually go about living that way.
4/27/2014 • 45 minutes, 34 seconds
Shepherded by the Risen Christ
What does it mean if the resurrection of Christ is true? What difference should it make in our lives? We want to think through what life is meant to be like under the Shepherd of the Church, the Lord Jesus who died and was raised back to life.
4/20/2014 • 40 minutes, 50 seconds
The Son of Man be Lifted Up
Good Friday—a day we set aside to remember the death of Jesus on the cross. And most the important question we can ask today is, “Why did Jesus die on the cross?” If you read books and newspapers or watch documentaries today, you’re likely to get all kinds of answers.
But the Bible itself is clear and consistent when it comes to answering this question: Jesus died on the cross to save sinners. This wasn’t a message human writers made up but a message that Jesus himself taught before his death.
We want to look at a passage that show this to be true. We want to look at a passage that shows how Jesus himself understood what his death was going to accomplish for the salvation of humanity.
4/18/2014 • 21 minutes, 31 seconds
Sacrificing by the Example of Christ
As we are trying to better understand who we are as the People of God, our source of understanding in these weeks has been from God's Word in the book of Hebrews. We really don't want to hear about sacrifice. Our thought is, it is unpleasant, it denies us of something we want or too much work and, it must call us to make choices. But, that is what we are called to do and Jesus Christ is our example.
4/13/2014 • 45 minutes, 2 seconds
Stirred by the People of Christ
God is the one who makes us Christians, he chooses us, redeems us, and sanctifies us. Because of Christ's work we have access to God and a great High Priest over the house of God. In response, we are called to live a life of worship, truth and community.
4/6/2014 • 37 minutes, 45 seconds
Secured in the Kingdom of Christ
The book of Hebrews reminds us who we are as the Community of Christ. The author reminds the Christians then and us today that the old covenant was just a shadow of the truth and that the true substance of God's plan of salvation has come in the person of Jesus Christ. Over and over in the book of Hebrews we are told, Jesus is better.
3/30/2014 • 24 minutes, 28 seconds
Saved by the Sacrifice of Christ
A study in the letters to the Hebrews - Jesus came as a human, to die so that in dying he defeated death and delivered his chosen from the fear of death. Jesus was not only the perfect sacrifice but became our High Priest. He is a merciful High Priest who is able to remove our fears, share in our sufferings and supply our strength.
3/23/2014 • 32 minutes, 51 seconds
What Do You Worship and Whom Do You Serve?
What do you worship? Whom do you serve? That's the real question behind these verses. That's the underlying current that runs deep beneath the waters of Jesus' teaching here. We need to be on guard against the sin of covetousness.
3/16/2014 • 37 minutes, 1 second
Getting Ready for What Comes Next
Jesus set his face towards Jerusalem, he purposed in his heart to begin going to the cross just as God his Father planned. He set himself with fierce determination to go to his death that he might rescue sinners from death. That's what the cross is all about. It's about him bearing God's wrath. Just as Jesus was intent on fulfilling God's will, so Satan was intent on stopping him. Jesus must prepare his disciples for the heat they will face.
3/9/2014 • 40 minutes, 18 seconds
Jesus Confronts Hypocrisy
The clear theme of Jesus' instruction here is exposing and condemning hypocrisy. He does this in light of two groups among the Jewish religious leaders, the layers and the Pharisees. But this problem isn't long gone. Hypocrisy is still a problem for God's people today. It reveals that some who say they are part of the Church aren't what they claim to be, and it reveals that those who are really part of the Church aren't what they should be.
3/2/2014 • 39 minutes, 40 seconds
How Well Do You Listen?
Jesus says that wickedness is seen in rejecting the Word of God when it's before you. Here we find a warning for ourselves today. Are we listening to the Word of God? Are we willing to sit under and hear from God or do we expect something else? How do we hear his Word? In this passage Jesus is pretty clear in answering that question.
2/23/2014 • 37 minutes, 50 seconds
The Power of God
In these verses, we see the power of God on display through Jesus. Luke is writing to to his friend, Theophilus, to remind him to cut the chute and pull up the anchor. He's telling him, "Look everything you heard about Jesus, everything you first believed about Jesus is true." And for us today, that which we need to believe again is the power Jesus wields in our life.
2/16/2014 • 37 minutes, 18 seconds
Lord, Teach Us to Pray, Part 2: Encouragements
Jesus wants his disciples to be a people of prayer. In this passage, he encourages us to pray by telling us who God is. And he wants to show them that indeed, God is a Father to his people - a loving and generous Father who delights to pour out his gifts of blessing on his children.
2/9/2014 • 37 minutes, 36 seconds
Lord, Teach Us to Pray
Here Jesus himself tells us how to pray. It's a passage that returns us to basics, yet at the same time refreshes our souls with the reminder that God both commands and invites us to pray.
2/2/2014 • 38 minutes, 52 seconds
One Thing is Necessary
In Luke's Gospel, this is an important passage on the nature of discipleship itself. Regardless of your gifting - or your gender, for that matter - this is a crucial passage on understanding what it means to be a disciple of Jesus. Specifically, it's about making sure that we have right in our minds, our hearts, and our priorities the one thing necessary to grow and mature as Jesus' disciples.
1/26/2014 • 42 minutes, 20 seconds
The Good Samaritan
Most people recognize this story, but it is also very often misunderstood. Context is essential. This story is in fact given by Jesus to show a lawyer, a deep deficiency in his own heart, and his need of saving grace. This parable is really about the gospel itself.
1/19/2014 • 40 minutes
Holiness for Prayer
Prayer is one of the most precious privileges of the Christian life. But what happens when God fails to heed our prayers? Where does the problem lie - with God or with us?
1/12/2014 • 34 minutes, 18 seconds
Holiness by the Word
Jesus prays, "Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth" (17:17). What does it mean to be sanctified? In praying for believers to be sanctified, Jesus is praying that they be holy; that they be set apart.
1/5/2014 • 33 minutes, 31 seconds
What is the Gospel
What is the gospel? And, why is it important that we get these truths right, and if we are already Christians, why is it so important that we keep talking about this Gospel? Here we find the answers we are looking for.
12/29/2013 • 30 minutes, 25 seconds
I'm Dreaming of a Cosmic Christmas
Here we have the Christmas story with a new spin. We'll think about the same story - the birth of Jesus as the Savior of the world - but we'll look at it from a different perspective.
12/22/2013 • 43 minutes, 35 seconds
The Disciple’s Mission: Joy
Now, today, we want to see how Luke ends this section by telling us about the return of the 72. And the theme we see here is joy. It’s a wonderful reminder that the hard call to follow Christ and leave everything else behind, never ends in misery but joy.
12/15/2013 • 40 minutes, 6 seconds
The Disciples Mission: Word & Prayer
This message from Jesus is one to embrace with obedience and faith and consider how to speak to the calling Jesus has placed on our lives. Specifically, the calling to be sent on mission, making disciples of Christ for the fame of his name.
12/8/2013 • 51 minutes, 23 seconds
The Cost of Discipleship
Luke reminds us that we must count the cost. We must consider what it will cost us to follow Jesus as his disciples.
12/1/2013 • 41 minutes, 13 seconds
Gospel Humility
As we think about Jesus' words and actions here, we need to understand that Jesus is pointing us toward a life of gospel humility. That is, humility made possible by and empowered by the gospel; the good news of Jesus' salvation for sinners.
11/24/2013 • 38 minutes, 53 seconds
Battling Unbelief
How do we deal with our unbelief? First, we humbly admit to God that we do not believe as we should. From this passage, we want to think about how we can cultivate a real, steady, consistent faith in this life, and arm ourselves in the fight against unbelief.
11/17/2013 • 41 minutes, 39 seconds
The Glory of Jesus
As we seek to understand and apply this passage for our lives, we want to behold the glory of Jesus. When we do that, we will see how everything else pales in comparison to him.
11/10/2013 • 43 minutes, 25 seconds
The Christ of God
From these verses we see the essence of Christianity itself. One of the most important passages in the entire Bible.
11/3/2013 • 43 minutes, 33 seconds
Soli Deo Gloria
As we think about the Reformation of the Church in the 16th century, as we hear about men like Martin Luther, John Calvin, Ulrich Zwingli, and John Knox, we can appreciate their efforts and acknowledge our deft to them because we know who stood behind all their accomplishments. It was God himself.
10/27/2013 • 36 minutes, 3 seconds
The Savior that Satisfies
Here we come to a story that is well known but perhaps is not well understood. It's an important story because it appears in all four Gospels of the New Testament. We not only see a miracle of Jesus, but one that gets to the very heart of who Jesus is as the Savior of the world.
10/20/2013 • 35 minutes, 57 seconds
Living the Mission
From this first mission of the disciples, we not only see the beginnings of their future apostolic ministry, but the same essential principles for our own ministry today.
10/13/2013 • 46 minutes, 24 seconds
The Essentials in Christian Ministry
Here Paul describes his apostolic ministry to the Colossians. This description serves as a pattern for us today for all Christian ministry.
10/12/2013 • 28 minutes, 58 seconds
By Faith
This passage is all about the faith of people who encounter Jesus and how their faith in him changes their lives. As we unpack this passage, the point is that Jesus is the one in whom we should put our faith and we will look at what that faith should look like.
10/6/2013 • 41 minutes, 5 seconds
When Pigs Fly: Why Jesus is Our Only Hope
Luke is showing us again and again his power and compassion to bring salvation and change to the lives of sinners. He wants us to bask in the glory of Christ and come to an ever-deepening love and appreciation for his work.
9/29/2013 • 44 minutes, 17 seconds
Master and Commander over the Perfect Storm
The question that faces us: do we have a fair-weather Christianity? Or, will our faith prevail throughout all circumstances. Luke continues to show who Jesus is and why we should put our faith in him.
9/22/2013 • 40 minutes, 27 seconds
The Power of God's Word
What happens when Jesus preaches the gospel? What effect does it have in the world? We should ask ourselves the same question, when we tell the good news of the kingdom, what is the effect?
9/15/2013 • 54 minutes, 44 seconds
She Has Loved Much
It was this extraordinary behavior that not only revealed the hardened heart of the Pharisee, but the heart of this forgiven woman. Two people have encounters with Jesus; two people are eager to be with him, but only one shows any signs of having been changed.
9/8/2013 • 41 minutes, 55 seconds
Jesus: The Promised Savior of Faith Part 2
You need not look to anyone else ~ "Jesus is the promised Savior of faith."
9/1/2013 • 42 minutes, 38 seconds
The Faithful Covenant God of David
This scripture will answer the following questions: Is obedience to God always a clear path? What if God says no to your request? What should be the response of a servant?
8/25/2013 • 38 minutes, 38 seconds
Jesus: The Promised Savior of Faith Part 1
John asks, "Are you the one who is to come, or shall we look for another?" In these verses we will see that Luke is answering that question this way: 'Jesus is the promised Savior of faith.'
8/18/2013 • 43 minutes, 57 seconds
Jesus: Worthy of Our Faith
God isn't looking for good people, he's simply looking for faith. He's looking for people who will believe in him; specifically, people who will believe in his Son, Jesus Christ. Luke tells us why we should put our faith in Jesus.
8/11/2013 • 41 minutes, 28 seconds
Dug Down Deep
After looking at Jesus' Sermon on the Plain - his teaching for his disciples about what life in his kingdom should look like, there is the temptation to listen, nod, and go away unchanged. Here we come to the conclusion of that sermon and see Jesus press home to us the importance of hearing what he says and what we should do in response.
8/4/2013 • 36 minutes, 6 seconds
How Jesus' Disciples Deal with Sin
We are often blind to our own sin. Jesus teaches his disciples, who live and serve in his kingdom, how they must live.
7/28/2013 • 47 minutes, 13 seconds
Love in Hard Places
Here we come to the Mount Everest of Jesus' commands. It is the command that many find most difficult to embrace. It stands at the heart of what it means to be a disciple of Jesus for it stands in the heart of God himself. What is this difficult command? That we should be a loving people. Jesus defines for us the kind of love that should mark us out as his people.
7/21/2013 • 47 minutes, 20 seconds
The Sermon on the Plain: Life in Christ's Kingdom
It's been called the greatest sermon ever preached. Jesus redefines life for his disciples.
7/14/2013 • 50 minutes, 1 second
Gospel Ministry
Shadrack Black, Missionary to Burkina Faso, West Africa
7/7/2013 • 45 minutes, 41 seconds
The New People of God
Over the last few weeks we have seen Jesus' life and ministry and how that provoked many religious leaders to be his enemies. Yet, what Luke now highlights for us is that just as Jesus had enemies, he also had followers. From these followers, Jesus was going to gather together a new people of God.
6/30/2013 • 45 minutes, 55 seconds
Lord of the Sabbath
What does it mean to keep the Sabbath? On the simplest terms, it meant to rest. Certainly, there is some practical element to it. God knows his creation, and taking a break is good. But there is a deeper reality to the principle of rest. The Sabbath was meant to point people back to God, that they might find rest of their souls in him.
6/23/2013 • 38 minutes, 32 seconds
Friends of the Bridegroom
What Jesus brings is so new that nothing old can compare. This was true for the ancient Jews and it's true for us today. Jesus offers a new relationship with God.
6/16/2013 • 38 minutes, 56 seconds
He Came for Sinners
In the previous section, Luke shows us what kind of Savior Jesus is - a Savior who can meet our deepest spiritual need and who is willing to save. Luke continues this theme as we see Jesus call yet another disciple to himself. From these verses, we see how Jesus still calls disciples to himself today.
6/9/2013 • 38 minutes, 45 seconds
Healing and Forgiveness
Here we read about two times Jesus healed. In looking at these stories, we want to see what they tell us about Jesus and what they tell us about ourselves and the healing we still need today.
6/2/2013 • 43 minutes, 14 seconds
Stand Firm: Mission
Spiritual warfare is a gospel-centered war. This spiritual war is not just a war in our hearts and our churches, but a war of advancement. The kingdom of Christ is meant to grow and expand and bring new citizens into its realm of salvation.
5/26/2013 • 33 minutes
Stand Firm: Temptation
Every day we face the temptation to sin. How are we going to say "No"? Do we even understand how temptation works? Here we look to the Word to understand temptation and how to defeat it.
5/19/2013 • 44 minutes, 14 seconds
Stand Firm: Worship
In the deepest parts of our heart, we daily experience the turmoil of gods at war. Everyday numerous idolatrous gods battle against the one true, God for the affections of our hearts. How can we know what real worship of the living God should look like? And, how is it achieved?
5/12/2013 • 38 minutes, 22 seconds
Stand Firm: Prayer
The real power of spiritual warfare lies - not with us, but with God. And the way to receive that empowerment is through prayer. Prayer is essential for spiritual warfare.
5/5/2013 • 39 minutes, 34 seconds
Stand Firm: Armor 2
In this day and age, it's not that there's more sin in the world or more temptation than there's been before, but it seems today that that exposure level is higher. The war for us is to walk in the spirit and not in the flesh and to believe that what God has given us now is sufficient.
4/28/2013 • 31 minutes, 2 seconds
Stand Firm: Armor
Our cultural focus on individual liberty brings not just occasional temptations, but in many cases ingrained patterns of spiritual destructive behavior. How do we stop the impulses that so powerfully war against us and our resolve to live a righteous life?
4/21/2013 • 28 minutes, 35 seconds
Stand Firm: Savior
Here we see further how to stand strong in the Lord and how we can fight this formidable foe. Though, in order to fight we must walk by faith in Christ alone. Guest Speaker is Deacon Jason Skidmore
4/14/2013 • 26 minutes, 7 seconds
Stand Firm: Enemy
In Ephesians 6, we see that we are engaged in a spiritual warfare, and our enemy is very real. He is powerful and he is dangerous, and we would be wise to listen to what God has to say. Guest speaker is Deacon Doug Brubaker.
4/7/2013 • 30 minutes, 42 seconds
The Gospel: An Introduction to Christianity
The gospel is the good news! Here we look at the essential elements of the gospel.
3/31/2013 • 30 minutes, 20 seconds
Fish, Fear, and Faith: Jesus Calls His Disciples
Here we see both how we become disciples of Christ and how we continue to live as disciples of Christ. In these verses, Luke lays out for us the basics of discipleship.
3/24/2013 • 41 minutes, 25 seconds
The Power of Jesus' Authority
Seeing Jesus' authority gives us confidence in him. Seeing his authority will give us confidence that he is able to save us from our sins and care for us now.
3/17/2013 • 46 minutes, 41 seconds
Jesus Came Preaching
Jesus preaches about his work as the Messiah and how he will bring the salvation of God to sinners. We see how Jesus viewed his own life and ministry and purpose. Here we see exactly what Jesus thought and taught about himself and what it meant for him to be the Messiah and how he would accomplish that great ministry.
3/10/2013 • 43 minutes, 44 seconds
Cosmic Conflict: Christ's Victory and Our Victory
Here will see Jesus venture out into the wilderness where there is not only wild animals lurking but an ancient foe who led the first man to bring sin and death into the world. Luke shows us that Christ is the perfect Savior for all people. Because of his saving work we are assured of victory on the last day, but more than that, we can have victory now over sin.
3/3/2013 • 38 minutes, 56 seconds
Who Is the Christ?
From John's words and Jesus' genealogy, four pictures emerge that tell who the Christ is and how he is superior than John.
2/24/2013 • 44 minutes, 20 seconds
Preparing for the Lord's Coming
John receives the word of God. See the effects in John's day and the saving purposes of God. Also, sets a pattern for the word's effect today.
2/17/2013 • 35 minutes, 58 seconds
His Father's Son
Luke makes it clear that Jesus was just like any other boy, yet he was more than any other boy. He was the Son of God and, even at twelve years old, was growing into the perfect Savior of the world.
2/10/2013 • 40 minutes, 6 seconds
So long, Moses: The Full and Fading Glory of the Old Covenant
When Christ is born, Luke is clear in showing that the new age has dawned and the glory of the old covenant is fading away.
2/3/2013 • 44 minutes, 40 seconds
Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow
Zechariah, the priest, is blessing - or, praising God for what He has done. We see here what Zechariah was doing then has implications for how we should live today.
1/27/2013 • 49 minutes, 53 seconds
Rotting Food and Righteous Words
God has given us instructions about what kind of speech should characterize our words and why we should speak that way.
1/20/2013 • 39 minutes, 3 seconds
Asking from the Word
When we look to the Bible, prayer is all through it. Why is such attention given to this religious practice? Because it's more than just a religious practice. For Christianity, prayer is more than duty to do, it is part of the way we cultivate a relationship with God. Here we see what it means to pray according to the instruction and hope in God's word.
1/13/2013 • 46 minutes, 21 seconds
Abide through the Word
At its simplest: the word of God (the Bible) is the means by which God speaks to his people. Without regular Bible intake and prayer, our fellowship with God becomes weakened and sickly and less that what it should be. Here Jesus shows us how the Word of God is the means of creating and cultivating our fellowship with God.
1/6/2013 • 36 minutes, 14 seconds
The Humanity of Christ
Jesus Christ humbled himself to take on human form and make himself nothing. His obedience to the cross is a sure token of his deity and authority.
12/30/2012 • 31 minutes, 13 seconds
Joy to the World! The Lord Has Come
The story of the first Christmas is an amazing one. Not just because of what it means - that God the Son took on flesh to be the Savior of the world; that's amazing - but more amazing is how that actually played out in the course of human history.
12/23/2012 • 39 minutes, 41 seconds
Suffering, Sovereignty, and Salvation
How the Gospel Helps Us Makes Sense of Newtown. When we see suffering around us we often ask, "Why?" Here we find the foundational truths about God and suffering.
12/16/2012 • 37 minutes, 7 seconds
The Baptist Is Born
Who was this man, John, and how did his birth provoke such joy and fear in this small town? Through these events we want to see God himself, his character, his power, his glory.
12/9/2012 • 39 minutes, 56 seconds
Magnifying God
To magnify something is to emphasize its greatness. Here we see Mary putting God on display for what he has done. We should follow her example. We should seek to magnify God in our own lives.
12/2/2012 • 47 minutes, 11 seconds
The Visitation of the Great and the Greater
In this passage, we see the visitation of the great and the greater. And in this scene, what we see more than anything is what it means to encounter the Lord Jesus Christ.
11/25/2012 • 40 minutes, 24 seconds
The Coming Son - The Savior of the World
Here, we come to one of the most important passages in all of the Bible - the coming birth of Jesus, the Savior of the world is announced to a young peasant girl. It's an announcement that not only changed the world but should change our lives.
11/18/2012 • 38 minutes, 13 seconds
The Good Plan of the God Who Saves
Given who this book is about - namely, Jesus Christ - this book starts off in an unexpected place. We're told about two people, a husband and wife, named Zechariah and Elizabeth. As seemingly insignificant we come to understand that it takes on greater significance.
11/11/2012 • 40 minutes, 27 seconds
Investigating the Man Who is God
These verses tell us why Luke wrote his Gospel, what his Gospel is all about, and what spiritual benefit we can hope to gain by reading it.
11/4/2012 • 36 minutes, 7 seconds
Reformation Sunday
Reformation Sunday
10/28/2012 • 36 minutes, 3 seconds
Furthering the Gospel
In these final verses, Paul builds on everything else that he has touched on in this letter, showing how to further gospel ministry. He envisions Christians investing in the lives of other Christians who in turn invest in the lives of others.
10/21/2012 • 41 minutes, 19 seconds
Grace that Works
By God's grace, we are to respond to the calls we hear to godliness. We do it, remembering God's grace, remembering that we are not accepted because of our godliness. But because we are already accepted in Christ, we should pursue godliness and good works.
10/14/2012 • 40 minutes, 58 seconds
Living by Grace
Grace brings us to salvation, trains us for godliness, focuses us on the future and prepares us for ministry
10/7/2012 • 35 minutes, 18 seconds
Don't Live Like a Cretan
The threat of conformity to the world is all around us. Here we will see that Paul's concern is that we live a life shaped by the gospel, not the culture.
9/30/2012 • 38 minutes, 26 seconds
Anti-Elders: The Threat of False Teachers
Why are godly pastors needed to shepherd the church? Because there are false teachers leading people astray. This message gives us a description of false teachers, and helps us to understand what we should do to protect the church from them.
9/23/2012 • 40 minutes, 56 seconds
Getting Godly Leaders
Paul gives Titus his instructions for the work he is to do in Crete: a work that will establish godly leadership in the church.
9/16/2012 • 39 minutes, 27 seconds
Gimme that Old Time Religion
What Christians believe and how they live is important. Bridging the gap doesn't come by new ideas or methods, but by remembering, reclaiming and refocusing ourselves around the grace of God in the gospel of Christ.
9/9/2012 • 36 minutes, 51 seconds
Fasting, Prayer and the Pursuit of God
Fast from food in order to feast on the Word amidst your time in prayer. Why? Because God’s Word is our lifeline to God himself.
9/2/2012 • 38 minutes, 30 seconds
Fasting, Prayer, in Righteousness
Fasting and prayer in our pursuit of righteousness.
8/26/2012 • 29 minutes, 58 seconds
Prayer and Fasting in Faith
Here we see exiled Israel fast and pray.
8/19/2012 • 33 minutes, 59 seconds
Fast and Pray for the Reward of God
Religious hypocrisy has no part in the kingdom. Jesus give his disciples some specific directions for fasting.
8/12/2012 • 33 minutes, 26 seconds
Fast and Pray for the Return of Christ
Why should Christians fast?
8/5/2012 • 37 minutes, 59 seconds
Fasting, Prayer, and the Plan of God
Here we see just one example of how prayer and fasting have been an integral part of the fulfilling of God's purposes in the world, as he advances his plan to redeem and preserve his people for the glory of Christ.
7/29/2012 • 37 minutes, 44 seconds
Deacon Installation
What is the role of a Deacon?
7/29/2012 • 20 minutes, 49 seconds
A Final Encouragement
In these final verses we see Daniel being given his final orders. God's final vision to Daniel brings together all that he has seen before and ensures he will be encouraged on to the very end of his life. Our passage shows us how we can take comfort and refuge in God when we encounter adversity.
7/22/2012 • 40 minutes, 49 seconds
Wars and Rumors of Wars
Daniel is again being shown that there will be a never ending conflict between God's people and the sinful kingdoms of the world. Yet, in the end, it is the kingdom of God and his people that will endure, leaving the world's kingdoms broken and fallen.
7/15/2012 • 37 minutes, 59 seconds
Living on Earth Amidst War in Heaven
Here, God gives Daniel yet another vision, bringing a greater understanding of the spiritual realities behind the everyday coming and going of God's people in the world.
7/8/2012 • 43 minutes, 55 seconds
The God Who Answers Prayer
Here, God gives Daniel a greater understanding of how he will fulfill his promise of the new covenant. Promises that are fulfilled in Christ.
7/1/2012 • 41 minutes, 42 seconds
How to Pray for the Church (and Ourselves)
The Christian life is never meant to be static; we're not meant to stay in the same place, but to be growing. Prayer is an expression of what we know of God and of ourselves. We might be able to fake and fudge the truth in public, but there's no hiding in secret. Here we find an example for how we should pray for the church and ourselves.
6/24/2012 • 40 minutes, 58 seconds
Are We There Yet? How to Wait for the End
Daniel receives another vision about events that are to come in his life and the life of his people Israel. Likewise, as the people of God today, we can draw certain spiritual truths from this vision given to Daniel, that show us how to wait for the return of Christ, our King.
6/17/2012 • 41 minutes, 39 seconds
The Ancient Reign of a Coming King
This section is full of what scholars call "apocalyptic literature." In these visions and dreams, God gives us a vision of the future - one where the present conflict in the world comes to an end so that everlasting peace can take its place.
6/10/2012 • 39 minutes, 7 seconds
The Lions in Daniel's Den
What happens in Daniel's life here is the result of his faith in God. Daniel reveals the characteristics of a life of faith?
6/3/2012 • 45 minutes, 20 seconds
Read the Writing on the Wall
The more we understand God, the more we will come to understand ourselves. But the question before us is this: will we like what we find?
5/27/2012 • 38 minutes, 6 seconds
Where the Wild Things are: The Fall and Rise of King Nebuchadnezzar
King Nebuchadnezzar learned three simple, yet profound truths about God. A pagan king who worshiped the gods of Babylon finally gives praise to the King of Israel. He declares that God alone is great enough to have an everlasting kingdom.
5/20/2012 • 36 minutes, 59 seconds
And Then There Were Four
God’s people are in a constant spiritual battle. Here we see an example of faithful devotion by God's people.
5/13/2012 • 41 minutes, 44 seconds
On Mission
Mark and Wendy Hoshizaki who serve as Missionaries in Japan for the International Mission Board.
5/6/2012 • 41 minutes, 39 seconds
The King of Dreams
The king of Babylon has a dream which disturbs him so he calls for all of his advisors to give him both the dream and its interpretation. This message affirms our belief in the sovereignty of God in all things, showing how he wisely rules over all kingdoms, even establishing his own.
4/29/2012 • 43 minutes, 26 seconds
Faithfulness in the Exile
In the midst of circumstances that could have easily meant his death, Daniel resolved to remain faithful to his God. In return, he finds a God who is faithful to him.
4/22/2012 • 41 minutes, 9 seconds
Facing the Exile
Daniel opens by reminding us of the reality of Israel's exile. Here we are given a spiritual mirror to see our own situation today.
4/15/2012 • 37 minutes, 18 seconds
Jesus' Resurrection
The climax of God's saving work is seen in the resurrection of Christ from the dead. It's the final proof that has fulfilled his promises in his Son.
4/8/2012 • 34 minutes, 20 seconds
Jesus' Cross
The cross of Christ brought to fulfillment the promises of God and won salvation for his people.
4/6/2012 • 28 minutes, 1 second
Jesus' Prayer
Jesus' prayer in the garden anticipates his saving death on the cross.
4/5/2012 • 19 minutes, 46 seconds
Jesus' Supper
How does Jesus' s last supper with his disciples speak to his fulfillment of God's promises?
4/1/2012 • 26 minutes, 14 seconds
Jesus' Glory
When the veil is pulled back on Jesus' glory, what do we learn about his ministry and his fulfillment of God's promises?
3/25/2012 • 19 minutes, 48 seconds
Jesus' Mission
Why did Jesus come and how did his mission fulfill the promises of God?
3/18/2012 • 34 minutes, 29 seconds
Jesus' Baptism and Temptation
The first sermon in a series that looks at the highlights of Jesus' life and ministry as he fulfills the promises of God.
3/4/2012 • 39 minutes, 20 seconds
Exodus 14
Pastor Richard gives us a vision of God from Exodus 14.
2/26/2012 • 29 minutes, 41 seconds
More than Consumers
As God’s people, we have to be more than consumers in the church because every believer is called to be servant and ministers in the kingdom of God.
2/19/2012 • 42 minutes, 14 seconds
Moving People to the Right
What does the actual process of seeing people mature in Christ look like?
2/12/2012 • 42 minutes, 48 seconds
Maturing Through the Word
Why is the word of God so important? How do you bring it to people? And what should the results look like?
2/5/2012 • 40 minutes, 57 seconds
Magnifying the Gospel of Christ
Because God's agenda for the world is making known the gospel of Christ, then our agenda should be making known the gospel of Christ—to one another and the world.
1/29/2012 • 39 minutes, 44 seconds
God's Agenda, Our Agenda
The first message in a series showing how every one of Christ's disciples should be working at making disciples.
1/22/2012 • 54 minutes, 48 seconds
The Call of Wisdom
The final part of a special series on Proverbs 1
1/15/2012 • 19 minutes, 44 seconds
The Wisdom of Resisting Sin
Part 2 or 3 of a special series on Proverbs 1
1/8/2012 • 33 minutes, 32 seconds
The Fear of the Lord
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.
1/1/2012 • 21 minutes, 35 seconds
The Christ of Christmas
Jesus Christ who came to save sinners is the message of Christmas
12/25/2011 • 30 minutes, 48 seconds
Working Together for Gospel Growth
Not everyone can be at the center or the forefront of ministry but everyone can have a part in ministry.
12/18/2011 • 41 minutes, 27 seconds
A Chrstian Theology of Work
How should Christians think about their employers? How should Christian employers think about their employees?
12/4/2011 • 44 minutes, 51 seconds
The Gospel-Shaped Family
As God's people, we are to live lives shaped by the gospel. So what will it mean to live in a gospel-shaped family?
11/27/2011 • 45 minutes, 55 seconds
New People Living Out New Ways
What does a new life in Christ look like?
11/20/2011 • 45 minutes, 36 seconds
Three Musts
Randy Sweet looks at the three "must's" of John 3
11/13/2011 • 50 minutes, 11 seconds
New People Killing Old Ways
If we are truly Christians, then our lives should be very different from the world. And as new people in Christ, we should get rid of old ways, living in light of the gospel.
11/6/2011 • 43 minutes, 52 seconds
Recalibrated by the Risen Christ
Paul has shown the supremacy and sufficiency of Jesus Christ in chapters 1 ans 2. Based on that, Paul begins showing how Christ alone should be the person by whom we recalibrate our lives.
10/30/2011 • 35 minutes, 46 seconds
The Failure of Christ-less Spirituality
Let no one insist on a program of spiritual growth that doesn’t focus on the person and work of Christ. In him there is the fullness of spiritual life.
10/23/2011 • 35 minutes, 58 seconds
Union with Christ
Paul wards off false teaching about attaining spiritual life by showing what Christian already have because of their union with Christ
10/16/2011 • 43 minutes, 32 seconds
Caring for the Church
How do you care for the church with prayer? What should you pray for? What should you pray for those you’ve never seen? What should you pray for and work for with those that are in this room and in your life?
10/9/2011 • 41 minutes, 19 seconds
The Pattern of Christian Ministry
Paul lays out the characteristics of his ministry as an apostle of Jesus Christ, and provides a pattern for all Christians ministry.
10/2/2011 • 44 minutes, 38 seconds
Not What We Once Were
Paul shows how the glorious, incomparable Christ and the work he accomplished gives us hope that God saves sinners. Because we have been redeemed, we are not what we once were.
9/25/2011 • 40 minutes, 10 seconds
The Incomparable Christ
Grasping the glory of Christ will free us from our idolatry and cause us to rest in one, true God.
9/18/2011 • 34 minutes, 9 seconds
Finishing the Mission
Jesus says the mission of the church will be complete before he returns. But what how will it happen? What does it look like to finish the mission?
9/11/2011 • 36 minutes, 51 seconds
How to Pray for the Church: Gospel Living
Paul says that one of the things he regularly prayed for the Colossians was that they would live a life in keeping with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
9/4/2011 • 40 minutes, 50 seconds
How to Pray for the Church: Gospel Thankfulness
Paul’s prayer life and how it can and should affect ours as well. In these verses, we specifically want to see how the gospel teaches us to be thankful in prayer.
8/28/2011 • 42 minutes, 7 seconds
The Heart of an Apostle: An Introduction to Colossians
This is the message of Colossians: the supremacy and sufficiency of Christ.
8/21/2011 • 40 minutes, 27 seconds
The Care of a Shepherd
Jesus comes in fulfillment of Psalm 23 as the Good Shepherd who lays down his life for the sheep.
8/7/2011 • 24 minutes, 22 seconds
The Eternal King-Priest
Why is Jesus a better priest than all who came before? How is he a better king?
7/31/2011 • 41 minutes, 46 seconds
More Than We Can Ask For
God keeps his covenant with his people, offering even more than we could ask for; even the giving of his own son, Jesus.
7/24/2011 • 28 minutes, 23 seconds
The Supremacy of God's Anointed
Psalm 2 shows the supreme reign of God's anointed--ultimately, Jesus himself.
7/17/2011 • 39 minutes, 37 seconds
The Way to Worship
This Psalm is very much about showing us the way to worship: how to respond to the Word of God.
7/10/2011 • 37 minutes, 51 seconds
The Gospel According to Jonah
The end of our series, here we walk through the book of Jonah and see how
Jesus came in fulfillment of all we read. Jesus is the good and better Jonah.
7/3/2011 • 35 minutes, 8 seconds
Pity that Great City
Will we repeat the sins of Jonah? Or will we pity the great cities of the world and take the gospel to them?
6/26/2011 • 35 minutes, 8 seconds
Idols of the Heart
Suddenly the whole book makes sense. The prophet himself tells us why he didn’t want to go to Ninevah in the first place and the reason it this: Jonah is an idolater. And so are we.
6/19/2011 • 42 minutes, 30 seconds
When God Comes to Town
What happens when Ninevah hears the message of God? The miraculous conversion of an entire city, as they respond in repentance and faith.
6/12/2011 • 30 minutes, 40 seconds
Forgiveness: The God of Second Chances
What does God's forgiveness look like? How do we receive it? Does God's willingness to forgive mean that he takes sin lightly?
6/5/2011 • 35 minutes, 8 seconds
Changed by Grace
Have you become bored with grace, taking your relationship with God for granted? What do you do? Seek more grace.
5/29/2011 • 38 minutes, 31 seconds
Salvation Belongs to the Lord
Salvation belongs to the Lord--it is his to give. But what does it look like? How does it comes to us?
5/22/2011 • 38 minutes, 7 seconds
Jonah, Jesus, and the Heart of Service
It's easy to criticize Jonah, but the reality is, we are far more like him than we want to admit. Yet, Jesus is better than us all.
5/15/2011 • 39 minutes, 19 seconds
The Grace of Storms
Why does a good and sovereign God send storms into the lives of his people? Sometimes it's an act of grace to get our eyes off of ourselves and back to God.
5/8/2011 • 31 minutes, 54 seconds
The Prophet and His God
The first of a series in the book of Jonah. Here we see the God of sovereign grace and the prophet who ran from it.
5/1/2011 • 41 minutes, 43 seconds
The History of Redemption
Inspired by the Austin Stone Community Church (http://www.historyofredemption.org), this is an overview of the Bible's story using the words of the Bible only. It's the story of God redemption of sinners through Jesus Christ
5/1/2011 • 37 minutes, 52 seconds
Who Is Your God?
Jesus Christ is the risen King over all things! But do you worship him as God? Are you sure what your god is?
4/24/2011 • 40 minutes, 25 seconds
Blessings from the Cross
Matthew shows that four specific blessings from the death of Christ on the cross.
4/22/2011 • 22 minutes, 46 seconds
Revelation: The Triumph of the Lamb
The story of God's redemption comes to a finale in Scripture with an unyielding, all-glorious vision of Jesus Christ, the victorious Lamb!
4/17/2011 • 42 minutes, 9 seconds
3 John: Profiles in Truth and Love
In 2 John we saw the relationship between truth and love. Now, John provides some practical examples of what that relationship looks like in the lives of God's people.
4/10/2011 • 40 minutes
2 John: Truth and Love
Are truth and love enemies? If not, then how do they relate to one another in our life with God and his people?
4/3/2011 • 38 minutes, 38 seconds
1 John: Assurance of Our Fellowship with God
How can you know if you really have fellowship with God? How can you know if you're really one of God's people?
3/27/2011 • 40 minutes
2 Timothy: Preserving the Gospel and Gospel Churches
2 Timothy is Paul's final letter before his death. As he finished his race, he tells Timothy how he should work to preserve the gospel that has been entrusted to him and work to help the church preserve it as well.
3/20/2011 • 30 minutes, 8 seconds
2 Peter: Faithful to the End
Peter explains to Christians how, in the midst of suffering, mockers, and a society that love sins, they can be faithful to the end.
3/13/2011 • 46 minutes, 13 seconds
Jude: Fight for the Faith
How are we to preserve the church until Christ returns? By fighting for the faith. We must fight for the truth and against false teaching, all the while loving sinners and fighting to see them right with God
3/6/2011 • 45 minutes, 50 seconds
Titus: Living by Grace
And the one thing he emphasizes, the overriding concern in this letter is that there is an unbreakable link between belief and behavior, between faith and life. At the center of that link is a life lived by Christians is to be lived by the grace of God.
2/27/2011 • 43 minutes, 41 seconds
1 Timothy: Guard the Deposit
How is the church to be preserved from one generation to the next? Paul says it happens by holding on to the gospel. We must guard the deposit of faith that has been entrusted to us.
2/20/2011 • 42 minutes, 3 seconds
Hebrews: Jesus Is Better
The author of Hebrews is writing to show that the all of the old covenant was just forms and shadows but Christ is the substance. Thus, he tells his readers over and over again to stand firm in their faith for Jesus is better.
2/13/2011 • 37 minutes, 19 seconds
1 Peter: Hope and Holiness in Suffering
How should Christians respond to persecution, or even suffering in general? Peter says that Christians can persevere with joy and holiness because they have an assurance of their present and future salvation.
2/6/2011 • 45 minutes
Philemon: Love, Slavery, and the Gospel of Christ
How does the gospel affect our relationships with other people? How does it affect our responsibilities towards them? Paul shows us in his letter to Philemon.
1/30/2011 • 39 minutes, 32 seconds
Colossians: The Sufficiency and Supremacy of Christ
Our hearts long to be legalists. We look for all kinds of big and small ways to add to the work of Christ, trying to do something, anything that will make us more acceptable to God. But we can't. All our efforts fail because Christ has done it all.
1/23/2011 • 37 minutes, 15 seconds
Equipped for Gospel Growth
Who does the work of ministry? Paul says that God gives leaders to the church to equip every believer to do the work of ministry.
1/16/2011 • 37 minutes, 45 seconds
Encourage for Gospel Growth
The gospel is not just for the lost. God intends the gospel to be for his people as well. Hearing the gospel again and again encourages growth among God's people. So how do we share the gospel with other Christians? How do we encourage their growth?
1/15/2011 • 38 minutes, 59 seconds
Evangelize for Gospel Growth
The first step in the process of gospel growth is actually sharing the gospel with unbelievers. It's through the gospel that God gives spiritual life and forgiveness to sinners.
1/2/2011 • 39 minutes, 54 seconds
God's Plan for Gospel Growth
How do you grow a church? Well, you can't--God does that. But you can be used by God to grow his church, by focusing on the gospel, for unbelievers and believers alike. Gospel growth is real, healthy, biblical church growth.
12/26/2010 • 42 minutes, 55 seconds
Philippians: Partners for Life (or, What Christmas is All About)
Philippians about partnering together for the gospel. This is also what flows out of an understanding of Christmas' true meaning.
12/19/2010 • 33 minutes, 2 seconds
Ephesians: Basic Training for God's People
In Ephesians, Paul is offering basic training for Christians: showing them the realities of life in Christ that should help reorient our thinking, our living, our loving as God's people.
12/12/2010 • 44 minutes, 2 seconds
Romans: The Righteousness of God
Some have called this the greatest passage in the Bible, others have called it the very heart of the Bible. What is here, spoken of over and over again is the righteousness of God. And it's in the gospel—the very message of this passage—in which we most clearly see the righteousness of God.
12/5/2010 • 43 minutes, 48 seconds
2 Corinthians: Suffering, Success, and Gospel Living
What role does suffering play in this life of ministry? How are we to minister in the midst of suffering? Even suffering that comes as adversity to our message?
11/28/2010 • 45 minutes, 58 seconds
1 Corinthians: Biblical Spirituality in the Church
Lots of people talk about being spiritual. But what does the Bible say about authentic spirituality? What will a truly Spiritual church look like?
11/21/2010 • 41 minutes, 30 seconds
2 Thessalonians: Stand Firm in the Truth
In the midst of difficult times and uncertainty, how do you stand firm? How do you maintain spiritual stability in an unstable world?
11/14/2010 • 43 minutes, 5 seconds
1 Thessalonians: Growing a Biblical Church
Lots of books are written about how to grow a church. But what does the Bible say about church growth?
11/7/2010 • 42 minutes
Galatians: Getting the Gospel Right
Why is it so important to get the gospel right? How do we ensure we get it right and keep it that way from one generation to the next?
10/31/2010 • 45 minutes, 32 seconds
James: Single-Minded Faith for a Single-Minded Life
What is required to live for God with single-minded obedience? A single-minded faith that flows from a deep love for God.
10/24/2010 • 40 minutes, 55 seconds
Acts: Fulfilling the Mission of God's Kingdom
Acts shows that the work of the Church is the continuation of Christ's own ministry through the power of his Spirit.
10/17/2010 • 43 minutes, 32 seconds
Luke: Jesus, Savior and Lord
Luke was a doctor, historian, and theologian writing to give certainty that what had been taught about Jesus and the salvation offered to sinners is indeed true.
10/10/2010 • 40 minutes, 57 seconds
Partners for Life: what it will take for us to be here in another 50 years
Crossway Christian Church turns 50! But what can we do be a God-honoring people that last another 50 years?
10/3/2010 • 34 minutes, 35 seconds
John: Jesus, the Son of God
Over 1900 years ago, John wrote the book you have in your hands so that people might believe that Jesus was the long-awaited Christ. He wrote that people might believe he was more than just a man but the very Son of God.
9/26/2010 • 44 minutes, 7 seconds
Mark: Jesus, the Servant King
Mark shows us that Jesus is the Servant King who not only sets an example for the disciples he calls to follow him, but also serves them supremely by dying for them as ransom to God, securing their salvation.
9/19/2010 • 41 minutes, 50 seconds
Matthew: Jesus, the Messiah
The long-awaited Messiah is Jesus Christ. He is the fulfillment of God's plan, purpose, and promises. What implications does that have for our lives today?
9/12/2010 • 39 minutes, 53 seconds
2 Chronicles: Trusting in Mercy
The way back to God doesn
9/5/2010 • 37 minutes, 53 seconds
1 Chronicles: Reasons for Hope
How could Israel have hope after the exile? Because God reigns over all things and was faithful to his promises.
8/29/2010 • 38 minutes, 22 seconds
Malachi: Living Life as Acceptable Worship
What happens when God's people forget his grace? What happens when their worship becomes indifferent? How do you rekindle a passion for God?
8/22/2010 • 48 minutes, 21 seconds
Esther: Sovereign Grace for Sinful People
How does a book that doesn't mention God come to be all about God? How do people who don't seem to care much about God come to serve him in mighty ways?
8/15/2010 • 42 minutes, 8 seconds
Zechariah: Second Chances for the People of God
God has renewed and rebuilt his people after the exile, but are they really ready to be God's people? How can sinful stand before and serve a holy God?
8/8/2010 • 34 minutes
Haggai: A Call to a God-Centered Life
Israel was sent into exile because they moved God himself out of the center of their life. Are we making the same mistake?
7/25/2010 • 45 minutes, 4 seconds
Ezra: Renewing the People of God
How did God seek to renew his people after their exile?
7/18/2010 • 45 minutes, 6 seconds
Ezekiel: The Glory of God in Salvation through Judgment
7/11/2010 • 42 minutes, 45 seconds
Obadiah: The Justice and Mercy of God in Judging Sin
God will be victorious over sin, and he show himself to be just and merciful in his triumph. This is meant to be a comfort to his people.
7/4/2010 • 35 minutes, 17 seconds
The End is the Beginning - The Doctrine of Last Things
Everything God is doing, the story he is writing, is not moving towards an end. Rather, it's moving towards a new beginning.
6/27/2010 • 40 minutes, 46 seconds
'Mission' is the Mission Statement - The Doctrine of Mission
God saves sinners, gathers his people into one body, then send them out in mission to see others become disciples of Christ. Are you living up to the mission of God's people?
6/20/2010 • 33 minutes, 21 seconds
Breaking Barriers - The Doctrine of the Church
God does more than save sinners, he gathers them together into one people: the Church. It's only the gospel that breaks down every human barrier between God and man, and man with man.
6/13/2010 • 27 minutes, 31 seconds
He Came, He Saw, He Conquered: Christ on the Cross - The Doctrine of Salvation
How does God justly deal with sin, yet show mercy to sinners by forgiving them? We see the answer in the cross of Christ.
6/6/2010 • 39 minutes, 5 seconds
Rotten to the Core - The Doctrine of Sin
Why is humanity so sinful, and just how sinful are we?
5/30/2010 • 40 minutes, 57 seconds
The Beginning of All Things - The Doctrine of Creation
How did the Triune God bring all things into existence? How does God's creation of the world affect how we should live today?
5/23/2010 • 40 minutes, 4 seconds
Two Ways To Live
There are only two ways to live--one leads to death, the other leads to life. Which way are you living?
5/16/2010 • 43 minutes, 31 seconds
God's Empowering Presence - Doctrine of God the Spirit
Who is the Holy Spirit? Is he a mysterious force, or God? What role does he serve in bringing God's salvation to sinful people?
5/9/2010 • 43 minutes, 31 seconds
Like Father, Like Son: The Preeminence of Christ over All Things
Who stands at the center of all things--your life and creation itself? Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
5/2/2010 • 37 minutes, 24 seconds
Grace and Glory: The Covenant Lord - The Doctrine of God
The God who exists is unapproachable glory is also a God who reveals himself to sinful people in gracious fellowship.
4/25/2010 • 41 minutes, 22 seconds
Might, Majesty, and Monotheism: The Glory of the Triune God
What is the nature of God? Why is it essential to understand that the one, true God exists as three Persons--Father, Son, and Spirit?
4/18/2010 • 42 minutes, 43 seconds
Sticks and Stone May Break My Bones, But Words Can Really Save Me: Doctrine of Scripture
What do Christians believe about the Bible? Why is it important to read it, understand, and live it?
4/11/2010 • 40 minutes, 59 seconds
It's All About Jesus (Easter Sunday 2010)
Why Jesus? Why do people still worship him and live for him after 200 years?
4/4/2010 • 26 minutes, 36 seconds
Nothing More Tragic (Good Friday 2010)
What is there anything more tragic than calling out to a god that isn't real? How about rejecting the one, true God who is real?
4/2/2010 • 17 minutes, 49 seconds
A New Commandment (Maundy Thursday 2010)
What were Jesus last words of instruction to his disciples before the cross? Do we follow them today?
4/1/2010 • 26 minutes, 17 seconds
Don't Just Stand There, Say Something: The Priority of Proclaiming the Gospel
Why is the gospel so important? Why must it remain at the center of every church and its ministries?
3/28/2010 • 37 minutes, 35 seconds
Daniel: The God of the Everlasting Kingdom
How do you live a life of faithfulness to God and courage in the face of difficult circumstances? Daniel learned how through God's revelation of himself--a revelation ultimately fulfilled in Christ.
3/21/2010 • 43 minutes, 24 seconds
Lamentations: Hope in God
After seeing nearly unimaginable horrors, Jeremiah shows how he, and we today, can still hope in God.
3/14/2010 • 37 minutes, 11 seconds
Jeremiah: Fearless Faith in a Faithful God
Jeremiah was more than a "weeping prophet." He was a man who trusted God in the face of adversity and proclaimed an uncompromising message of judgment and hope, ultimately fulfilled in Jesus.
3/7/2010 • 45 minutes, 26 seconds
Zephaniah: The Coming of the Day of the Lord
Just the prophet warned Israel that judgment was coming on their sin, so also today, God's people live in light of the final day of the Lord. How should we live in light of the coming of Christ?
2/21/2010 • 40 minutes, 11 seconds
Nahum: Comfort in the God Who Triumphs Over Sin
When it seems like sin and evil are winning, what do you do? God showed Nahum, and us today, that sin has not gone unnoticed. A day of judgment is coming and God
2/14/2010 • 38 minutes, 27 seconds
Isaiah: The Holy God Who Saves Sinners
Israel rebelled, and God in holiness would not only bring judgment for sin, but also salvation to sinners. Centuries later, ultimate judgment and salvation came in the cross of Christ.
2/7/2010 • 45 minutes, 16 seconds
True Vine
How can Jesus' disciples live the way Jesus calls them to? Through the strength Jesus himself provides!
1/31/2010 • 46 minutes, 40 seconds
The Glory of Humanity (Ps 8)
What does the Bible say about the sanctity of human life?
1/24/2010 • 41 minutes, 7 seconds
The Way, The Truth, The Life
Jesus continues to reveal the glory of his person and mission, showing here that no one comes to God except through Him.
1/17/2010 • 46 minutes, 40 seconds
Resurrection and Life
What does it mean for Jesus to say He is the resurrection and the life? It means he alone is able to give spiritual life to sinful hearts, and resurrected life to long-dead bodies.
1/10/2010 • 46 minutes, 26 seconds
Good Shepherd
Jesus says that he is the good Shepherd of God's sheep. He alone provides perfect care for the sheep--care that results in salvation.
1/3/2010 • 37 minutes, 20 seconds
Door of the Sheep
Jesus taught that he was the door of the sheep--the only way that the lost sheep might come to God.
12/27/2009 • 38 minutes, 31 seconds
Light of the World
Jesus presented himself as the light of the world. What does that mean? Here we see how Jesus presents himself as the only Savior for sinful humanity.
12/20/2009 • 36 minutes, 24 seconds
Bread of Life
What does it mean for Jesus to be the bread of life? How does he sustain and nourish our souls?
12/13/2009 • 45 minutes, 25 seconds
Why is Jesus unlike anyone else in religion and the world? We begin a new series seeing the foundation of Jesus' uniqueness--He is the great 'I AM.'
12/6/2009 • 42 minutes, 12 seconds
Micah: What the Lord Requires
Israel has been sinning for hundreds of years, and in Micah's day, were acting like it didn't matter to God. But it did matter and Lord said judgment was coming. Even still, in the midst o fhis wrath, he would show mercy.
11/29/2009 • 36 minutes, 32 seconds
Hosea: The Faithful God of Unfaithful People
God has been patient with his people despite their unfaithfulness. He promises judgment will come, yet he also gives hope of a renewed life for Israel--life as a faithful people. This hope is ultimately fulfilled in Christ.
11/22/2009 • 39 minutes, 58 seconds
Amos: The Lion-Roar of God's Judgment
What happens when God's patience runs out? God speaks to his people through Amos, telling them he will tolerate their rebellion no longer--his judgment is coming. How can we escape the judgment of God?
11/15/2009 • 43 minutes, 9 seconds
Jonah: The Missionary God
Throughout the Bible, God is revealed to be a missionary God. He is seeking sinners with this message of grace. But as his people, do we share his passion? Are we a missionary people or are we like Jonah who refused his calling?
11/8/2009 • 40 minutes, 22 seconds
Joel: A Call to Repentance
Even as God's people, sin requires repentance. This was the lesson Joel conveyed to Israel. Apart from repentance, God would be bring calamity to get his people's attention
10/18/2009 • 47 minutes, 28 seconds
Job: Suffering and Sovereignty
Wisdom is seen in trusting God, even when life doesn't make sense.
10/11/2009 • 45 minutes, 36 seconds
Song of Songs: The Joy of God-Given Love
Why did God design humanity to experience love and romance? How are we to wisely embrace this gift from God?
10/4/2009 • 37 minutes, 19 seconds
Ecclesiastes: The Meaning of Life
What does a wise life look like? How do you ensure that your life is ultimately meaningful and not wasted? The Preacher of Ecclesiastes tells us.
9/27/2009 • 35 minutes, 54 seconds
Proverbs: Wise Living in Foolish Time
What does wisdom look like? The Bible says that wisdom is the ability to live skillfully in God's world. Such wisdom can be learned but not without a right relationship with God.
9/20/2009 • 38 minutes, 15 seconds
2 Kings: The God Who Disciplines His People
Why did Israel go into exile? It may be hard for us understand, but it was an act of God's mercy to discipline his people, calling them back to himself.
9/6/2009 • 40 minutes, 25 seconds
What is Christian Baptism? Why is it important and who should experience it? This message looks at the New Testament to answer these and other questions about baptism.
8/30/2009 • 40 minutes, 50 seconds
The Future of BBC
The elders' vision for BBC's future ministry and recommendation for BBC's future building plans.
8/23/2009 • 49 minutes, 26 seconds
1 Kings: The True God Who Deserves True Worship
How pervasive is idolatry in your life? Idolatry isn't limited to stone statues that we bow down to. Idols are anything we think we need apart from God. Elijah had a strong message for those who worshiped idols, revealing why there is only one, true God who alone deserves to be worshiped.
8/16/2009 • 38 minutes, 13 seconds
2 Samuel: The God Who is Faithful
In 2 Samuel, God demonstrates his faithfulness to his promises to his people, especially his choice of king, David. This faithfulness culminates in the coming of David's Greater Son, Jesus Christ.
8/9/2009 • 34 minutes, 17 seconds
1 Samuel: The Lord is King
Why was it a sin for Israel to want a king? Why is it that we often commit the same sin today?
8/2/2009 • 40 minutes, 49 seconds
Glorify Christ
What is the ultimate goal of making disciples of Christ? Jesus himself told us as he prayed to God the Father - it's about glorifying Him.
7/26/2009 • 32 minutes, 54 seconds
Love Christ's People
If we are going to fulfill Christ's command to make disciples of all nations, then we will have to do it according to his plan. That includes loving another as Christ's people.
7/19/2009 • 34 minutes, 25 seconds
Sacrifice with Christ
Fulfilling the Great Commission requires that we sacrifice our comfortable lives and go outside the camp with Christ.
7/12/2009 • 29 minutes, 57 seconds
Follow Christ
How can we fulfill the Great Commission? It begins by following Christ.
7/5/2009 • 38 minutes, 36 seconds
Where Does He Get These Things?
People were amazed at Jesus' teaching, wondering where he came up with what he said. Pastor Richard shows more of the glory of Christ in this follow up to last week's message.
6/28/2009 • 35 minutes, 14 seconds
Who Is This Man?
'Who is this man?' was the surprised question that everyone asked about Jesus.
6/21/2009 • 36 minutes, 59 seconds
Ruth: Refuge in the Loving Arms of a Sovereign God
Where does hope come from in dark time? God! Despite the spiritual darkness of the time of the Judges, God brings hope to his people and continues to fulfill his plan to bring about a Messiah.
6/14/2009 • 36 minutes, 39 seconds
Judges: Salvation by Grace Alone
Why are idols so bad? Israel learns the hard way that idols aren't just powerless, they enslave. As they turn away from faithfulness to God, God shows himself faithful and saves them by his grace.
6/7/2009 • 36 minutes, 52 seconds
Joshua: Courage in Conflict
How do you prepare for a seemingly impossible task that God calls you to do? How do become courageous in the face of life's challenges? God speaks to Joshua and so us today, showing us how to have courage in conflict.
5/31/2009 • 42 minutes, 51 seconds
Deuteronomy: Living as God's People
What does it mean to live as the people of God? Deuteronomy is the final sermons of Moses to Israel before they cross into the promised land. In them, he reminds them of their covenant with God and encouraged them to keep it. Those instructions are remarkably relevant today as Christians seek to live as God's people in the 21st century.
5/24/2009 • 40 minutes, 45 seconds
Numbers: Faithless People, Faithful God
How does a holy God respond to a faithless people? Judgment and mercy. The Book of Numbers shows how God continues to fulfill his promises to Abraham despite the faithless grumbling of Israel.
5/17/2009 • 42 minutes, 29 seconds
Leviticus: Holy to the Lord
In the Old Testament, God's people were called to holiness. Nothing has changed in the New, except that our holiness is rooted in Christ
5/10/2009 • 41 minutes, 57 seconds
Exodus: Redeemed for the Glory of the Lord
Israel were God's people because he redeemed them from Egypt. This redemption sets the pattern for the salvation God's people have in Christ.
5/3/2009 • 39 minutes, 52 seconds
Genesis: The Beginning
The book of Genesis is a book of beginnings. It shows the beginning of all things as God's begins writing the story of human history. Genesis also shows us how all of us even today fit into God's story.
4/26/2009 • 42 minutes, 37 seconds
According to Plan: The Story of God's Redemption in Christ
The Bible is more than a book, it's a story. Over the coming weeks we will see the unfolding story of God's redemption of sinners--a story that unfolds according to God's wise and sovereign plan in Christ.
4/19/2009 • 39 minutes, 37 seconds
Glorification: The Hope of Future Glory
What will the end of our salvation be? What future glory awaits those who now put their faith in Christ?
4/12/2009 • 33 minutes, 42 seconds
If Christ Be Lifted Up
What does it mean for Christ to be lifted up on the cross?
(NOTE: The first minute or two was cut-off during recording).
4/10/2009 • 17 minutes, 59 seconds
Sanctification: Holy to the Lord
Although Christ has freed the Christian from the guilt and power of sin, sin's pollution remains so that we struggle with sin. How can we have victory over sin? How can we put it to death in our lives?
3/29/2009 • 41 minutes, 57 seconds
Adoption: Sons and Heirs of God
It has been said that the primary blessing of the gospel is justification, but that that greatest blessings is adoption. What does it mean to be God's sons and heirs?
3/22/2009 • 41 minutes
Reconciliation: Enemies No More
At the heart of the atonement is being "at one" with God - being in right relationship with him. This is part of our salvation and our calling to take the message of salvation to those not yet reconciled to God.
3/15/2009 • 36 minutes, 23 seconds
Justification: Counted Righteous in Christ
When God justify sinners, he forgives their sin and declares them to be righteous. But how can God justify sinners - people who are not innocent or righteous, but guilty before him?
3/8/2009 • 40 minutes, 6 seconds
Redemption: Bought with a Price
On the cross, Christ redeemed sinners by offering his life as a ransom. What were sinners redeemed from? What difference does that redemption make in our life?
3/1/2009 • 40 minutes, 1 second
Propitiation: Saved From God's Wrath
Christians often say they are saved, but saved from what? This message goes straight to the heart of the gospel and answers the question, 'What are we saved from?'
2/22/2009 • 32 minutes, 52 seconds
Regeneration: Born Again by God
What does it mean to be born again? Jesus explains that being born again means God has given spiritual life by the power of his Spirit through the gospel of Jesus Christ.
2/15/2009 • 43 minutes, 34 seconds
Election: Chosen in Christ
The Bible teaches that God's plan for salvation began long before we were born. In his sovereign grace, God displayed his love through the election of his people. This doctrine is meant to provide encouragement and assurance, not controversy and confusion.
2/8/2009 • 35 minutes, 26 seconds
Condemnation: God's Judgment on Sin
Why do we need salvation from God? The Bible shows that we need salvation because we all stand under God's condemnation for sins.
2/1/2009 • 39 minutes, 40 seconds
Glorify God with Your Church
The last message of the Resolved sermon series looks to 1 Peter 4 see how Christians can and should glorify God with their involvement in church.
1/25/2009 • 39 minutes, 30 seconds
Glorify God with Your Family
How can you bring glory to God as a family? God tells us through the apostle's teaching to the family in Ephesians 5-6. Each role is addressed - husbands, fathers, wives, mothers, and children.
1/18/2009 • 50 minutes
Glorify God with your Money
God calls us to bring him glory by how we live, including how we use our money.
1/4/2009 • 37 minutes, 31 seconds
Glorify God with Your Life
God calls us to glorify with him in everything that we do.
12/28/2008 • 39 minutes, 27 seconds
The Glory of Jesus Christ
Why is Jesus so important? How did his birth reveal something of his glory and mission?
12/21/2008 • 38 minutes, 11 seconds
Who is Jesus Christ?
Who is Christ? It's a long-asked question, but the Bible gives us a clear answer.
12/14/2008 • 36 minutes, 20 seconds
Serving Like Christ
How are Elders and Deacons to serve the local church? How is the church to follow their leadership? By following the example of Christ.
12/14/2008 • 31 minutes, 30 seconds
Acts 28 and Beyond (Acts 28)
Luke ends his record of the life and mission of the early church with an open-ended description of Paul's life. The point - that God's unstoppable mission of sending the gospel to the nations still continues in the church today.
12/7/2008 • 38 minutes, 45 seconds
A Defense of Christianity
Why would Christians try to spread the gospel all over the world? Why would Paul endure suffering and hardship for the gospel? Here Paul gives his defense of Christianity and reveals something of the essentials of every Christian testimony.
11/16/2008 • 36 minutes, 59 seconds
Living a Godly Life under an Ungodly Government
How can Christians live godly lives under human government, even when it's ungodly?
11/9/2008 • 40 minutes, 43 seconds
Salvation in Christ Alone
Is Jesus the only way to God? Is salvation found in Christ alone?