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Blunt Force Truth

English, Talk, 1 season, 271 episodes, 5 days, 18 hours, 3 minutes
Emmy-winning game show legend Chuck Woolery joins forces with polymath and serial entrepreneur Mark Young to tackle the toughest issues of the day, without the usual angry white guy banter. Part talk show, part Ted Talk, the show features Chuck and Mark exploring topics one at a time by pulling back the curtain, setting aside the political rhetoric and laying out the truth using science, research and hard facts.
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Taxes, Taxes, Taxes - an Interview with Steve Hays

Today’s show rundown:  Mark and Chuck get stopped by listeners frequently how cool is that Mark found out that we were a sliver away from losing our country We could have had reinforcements at The Capitol but Pelosi wanted it to happen This Capitol hearing is the 3rd impeachment trial of Trump Chuck Woolery is not an ignorant slut Unrealized Gain tax - keep your eyes on it Mark explains unrealized gains a bit 500K and 1M jobs eliminated with the Tax Bill The current tax/job bill has been in for over 50 years The work around is to set up trust accounts But trust accounts can be tricky and difficult The Left does not want to be bothered by the constituents We need to find out how much TAX we ACTUALLY pay Chuck talks "Progressive" tax - Woodrow Wilson Biden says "no serious economist thinks inflation will happen" - what a joke How does Biden explain the housing price increase The Left thinks they are smarter than they are Steve says get educated on Taxes There is a tax bill on the floor HR-25 Contact your congress person and support HR-25 More about Steve Hayes: Steven L. Hayes graduated with honors from the University of Arkansas and the University of San Francisco Law School. As a self-described “recovering” tax attorney he spent considerable time and resources investigating alternatives to the income tax. Based on his research, including interviewing tax practitioners, business owners, employees and economists, he determined the best solution was to eliminate the income tax and the IRS and replace them with a national retail sales tax collected by the states. In 1990, Mr. Hayes joined and became President of Citizens For An Alternative Tax System (CATS), a non-profit 501(c)(4) lobbying organization, which was the 1st organization dedicated to the idea of replacing the federal income tax with a national sales tax. He was also instrumental in forming the Florida FairTax® Educational Association, Inc., (FFETA) and currently serves on the FFETA board of directors. Hayes has appeared on hundreds of radio and television shows, had numerous articles published in newspapers and magazines, and regularly speaks to groups of citizens around the country about why we must eliminate the income tax and the IRS and replace them with a national retail sales tax. Mr. Hayes has testified before the House Ways And Means Committee and former Congressman Jack Kemp’s Tax Reform Committee. He is widely sought after as a subject matter expert on tax reform panels and forums. Connect with Steve Hayes: Website: Twitter: Facebook: YouTube: LinkedIn: Be sure to go checkout our friends at Gold Co. and receive your free IRA Guide! Give H2Max a try and let us know what you think: Help us bring you the best content possible. Due to the left’s boycotts of those who advertise with Conservatives, we have had a number of advertisers back-out to avoid possible backlash. Support the show and gain access to even more content at Don’t forget to leave us a voicemail for the chance to have it played on a future episode. You can do so by clicking the link. Also, check...
1/1/159 minutes, 35 seconds
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The Lies Keep on Coming - an Interview with Kristina Karamo

Today’s show rundown:  Made in America, heard round the world - Chuck and Mark are back again. We start the show talking bout Giorgia Meloni, Italy's new PM. She is dedicated to traditional family values, opposes gender ideology and the LGBT lobby, backs strong borders and seeks an end to unlimited mass migration. She is saying things that Republicans here are afraid to say. The Left is losing their mind!!! Mark introduces us to our guest Kristina Karamo, a Black woman running on the Republican ticket for Secretary of State in Michigan, possible the first Black Woman running for SoS. The Left is doing everything they can to spread lies about her, so it really goes to show you how they say they re sticking up for the Black Community, but if you disagree with their Marxism...they will do everything in their power to tear you down. The Left is calling her a conspiracy theorist, and an election denier, or anti Semitic for trying to criticize George Soros. Is the current Secretary of State in MI connected to George Soros - Kristina says yes, and she goes into explaining how corrupt many of these institutions are, being given money openly by a Soros Pac. Chuck says we are under attack. The family, academia, everything we know to be TRUE American - is being attacked from every possible angle. We revisit that it is the Democratic plan to remove the Father from the Black Family in America.  BIO: Kristina is an educator, mother of two, and proud Christian patriot from Oak Park, Michigan.   Kristina is running for Michigan Secretary of State to fight to make sure that elections are decided by legal votes (not manipulation and corruption), and to improve DMV service for all Michigan citizens. More broadly, as Secretary of State Kristina will work to restore the rule of law and earn back the trust of Michigan citizens in our government.  A believer in servant-based public service, Kristina looks to the Constitution as the supreme law of the land, with its focus on limited government and the protection of the inalienable rights of the American people.  Committed Public Servant. Kristina currently leads a research team – comprised of former Secretary of State personnel – investigating the “governmental pathologies” which prevent the Office of the Secretary of State from operating according to the rule of law. This team holds a complete operational understanding of election system failures and inefficiencies, and forms the basis of Kristina’s day-one policy team.    Other activities include:  – Serves on the Michigan GOP State Committee,   representing the 14th District. – Elected member of the 14th District Republican Executive Committee.   - Former co-host of the popular conservative podcast “Right  on 14th”.   – Member of the Board of Directors of the Detroit Affiliate     of Stanton International. – Served on Right to Life of Michigan’s Black  Leadership Committee. Educator. Trusted Commentator. Kristina earned a B.A. in Communications from Oakland University in Rochester, MI, and an M.A. in Christian Apologetics from Biola University in La Mirada, CA. She serves as a professor at Wayne County Community College, where she teaches Public Speaking and College Orientation.   A passionate advocate for...
1/1/156 minutes, 17 seconds
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A Spiritual Battle For America's Soul - an Interview with Ted Harvey

Today’s show rundown:  It's voting season...there is no more voting day, its a whole season. Why does it take forever to count these darn votes?   Mark introduces us to a returning guest Ted Harvey, and we get a reminder about a little of what he is up to. Ted's PAC stop is where he is spending a lot of his time now days. He is doing every hit he can to help with the November election to make sure we take back the Majority. The Left is at war with us, we are NOT at war with them, thats a huge problem. We may think they are wrong, but they want us dead. If a conservative speaks up or talks against the Left's thought - they DOJ goes after these people. The DOJ doesn't even to claim to be non partisan any more. They are telling you they will come after you at your local school board meeting if you want to ask questions about why we have to have boys in girls bathrooms.  Ted Harvey, Chairman Retired Colorado State Senator Ted Harvey has always had a passion for protecting the Constitution and the unborn, while promoting the free-market principle which have resulted in America’s unmatched exceptionalism. At the age of 22, Ted received a political appointment to serve in the White House of President Ronald Reagan, which ignited his passion for traditional conservatism. After returning home, Ted quickly became involved in Colorado politics, working as a staffer in the Colorado State House and then as the Program Director of the Independence Institute, a Denver-based think tank. Ted also served as the District Office Manager for Representative Joel Hefley (R-CO). In December 2001, through a vacancy election, Ted was elected to the Colorado House of Representatives and became a conservative champion inside the State House. He was re-elected in both 2002 and 2004, and then elected to the Colorado State Senate in 2006 and 2010. Ted’s patriotic work continues today. He was a founding member and Chairman of the Stop Hillary PAC, re-named the Committee to Defend the President following the election of President Trump in 2016. It was one of the largest pro-Trump super PACs in the country: Under Ted’s leadership, the Committee spent more than $20 million in Independent Expenditures to support Republican causes, while contributing over $509,000 directly to Republican candidates and incumbents. Ted has been elected as a Colorado delegate to four of the last five Republican National Conventions including 2016 and 2020. Ted will continue leading the charge, now as the opposition to Biden-Harris’ reckless liberal policies under the re-branded name, the Committee to Defeat the President. Follow Ted Harvey on Twitter: @TedHarvey 
1/1/159 minutes, 3 seconds
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The Attack on American Energy - An Interview with Kathleen Sgamma

On this episode of Blunt Force Truth, Chuck and Mark are joined by Kathleen Sgamma. Kathleen is the president of Western Energy Allianceand fights to defend those our nation’s energy industry.  Today’s show rundown:  · Why Democrats bow to the environmental lobbyists · How it is mainly red states that will pay for the Biden Administration’s attack on the energy industry  · Kathleen explains why the Western Energy Alliance has filed a lawsuit against the Biden Administration  · The legality of Joe Biden’s executive action against the energy industry  · How pipelines are much more efficient than other methods of transport  · Why it is not possible to end our reliance on fossil fuel  · The hypocrisy of the left when it comes to environmental issues  · The ramifications of eliminating fossil fuels from our economy and society   · How an increased cost of energy will act as a tax on the middle class and poor  More about Kathleen Sgamma:  Kathleen Sgamma, President of Western Energy Alliance. Kathleen joined the in March 2006. Prior to that she spent 11 years in the Information Technology sector, including managing the European consulting practice for a software vendor, and three years as a Military Intelligence Officer in the US Army. She holds a B.S. in Political Science/Defense and ArmsControl Studies from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and an M.S. in Information Technology from Virginia Tech.  Connect with Kathleen Sgamma:  Website:  Twitter: @KathleenSgamma & @WesternEnergy1  Facebook:  YouTube:  LinkedIn:  Give H2Max a try and let us know what you think:  Help us bring you the best content possible. Due to the left’s boycotts of those who advertise with Conservatives, we have had a number of advertisers backout to avoid possible backlash. Support the show and gainaccess to even more content at  Don’t forget to leave us a voicemail for the chance to have it played on a future episode. You can do so by clicking the link.  Also, check out the store on our website to get your own Blunt Force Truth gear.  
1/1/11 hour, 14 minutes, 38 seconds
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Death by 1000 Cuts (Election Fraud) – an Interview with Jenna Ellis

On this episode of Blunt Force Truth, Chuck and Mark talk with Jenna Ellis about Election Fraud  Today’s show rundown:   · Chuck has a question – are we still in a pandemic  · Who is going to tell us it is over? What’s the deal  · The Flu is so down much right now  · Fauci / some cities want mask wearing permanent  · Transgender Olympics – what do you think  · Chuck can’t get enough Dr. Phil  · Mark introduces Jenna Ellis / some of her past  · Washington DC is a bunch of problem creators  · Jenna calls Washington the Emperor with noclothes  · Mark & Chuck & Jenna talk about voting for Trump, and what they thought about in the primaries  · Jenna tells a story about President Trumpmeeting her Father.  · HR1 – biggest threat facing America right now  · Jenna talks about what SHOULD have happened during the 2020 Election issue w/fraud  · Chuck says that the Elite’s in the Republican Party didn’t even want Trump  · The Republican party ISN’T Conservative any more  · Don’t get blinded by the Optics in the media – we need a purge in Washington  · The Left hates that their obligation is to protect OUR rights   Jenna Ellis is a constitutional law attorney, Special Counsel for the Thomas More Society,Newsmax contributor, and host of “Just The Truth” TV on Real America's Voiceand Just The News podcast. She is also the author of “The Legal Basis for aMoral Constitution," which received international acclaim as a vitalcommentary on American legal philosophy and was showcased at the London BookFair in 2016. Ms. Ellis served as the senior legal adviser to the Trump 2020Campaign, a Trump Advisory Board Member, and personal counsel to PresidentDonald J. Trump. A Colorado native and evangelical Christian, she previouslytaught the legal studies program and founded the award-winning moot courtprogram as a professor at Colorado Christian University. Ms. Ellis holds a technical journalism and a J.D. from the University of Richmond T.C.Williams School of Law.   Be sure to go checkout our friends at Gold Co. and receive your free IRA Guide!     Give H2Max a try and let us know what you think:  Help...
1/1/11 hour, 1 minute, 19 seconds
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Failing Our Youth - An Interview with Connor Boyack

On this episode of Blunt Force Truth, Chuck and Mark talk to Connor Boyack.  Today’s show rundown:  · Cancel Culture and The Bachelor show – what a crock – the show has a new host people have been fired / we have become enthralled with this division of race  · The Chuck Woolery approach – if you are offended – stop listening – walk away  · Joe Biden has a new theme song, “I’m a steamroller baby” – and that’s what they are doing – steamrolling all over the population  · Next Episode Mark is going to talk about The Nazi Party and comparing it to the current political climate  · Chuck Woolery’s 80th Birthday   · Guest Connor Boyak – named one of Utah’s most influential people by the Salt Lake Tribune  · Sins of Omission – schools are omitting facts, or truths, the context, the nuance  · Sins of Commission – activist teachers are using their platforms to propagandize impressionable children who know no better – and the parents are unaware  · You need to wake up Parents – you can not expect that sending your kids to these institutions are a good idea.  · Talking about the book “Propaganda” by Edward Burnays  · COVID propaganda is a man made cult, not based on facts or science  · 1619 Project – attempt to reframe the history of America  · Parents – do your part, do not assume schools and others are going to raise your child  More about Connor Boyack:  Connor Boyack is founder and president of Libertas Institute, a free market think tank in Utah. Named one of Utah's most politically influential people by The Salt Lake Tribune, Connor's leadership has led to dozens of legislative victories spanning a wide range of areas such as privacy, government transparency, property rights, drug policy, education, personal freedom, and more. A public speaker and author of 25 books, Connor is best known for The TuttleTwins books, a children’s series introducing young readers to economic, political, and civic principles. Connor lives near Salt Lake City, Utah, with his wife and two homeschooled children.Connect with Connor Boyack:  Website:  Twitter:  Facebook:  Instagram:  Give H2Max a try and let us know what you think:  Help us bring you the best content possible. Due to the left’s boycotts of those who advertise with Conservatives, we have had a number of advertisers backout to avoid possible backlash. Support the show and gain access to even more content at  Don’t forget to leave us a voicemail for the chance to have it...
1/1/11 hour, 8 minutes, 24 seconds
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Plandemic – an Interview with Mikki Willis

Today’s show rundown:  We talk a little about monoclonal antibodies, and how the Federal Government bought them all up, claiming they needed to stop states from a bidding war. But now the Fed will not send any of these to any state. The only source for help so far as the government goes is to get the vaccine. What is the govt. planning to do with all these? Biden is still out there saying the best hope you have against Omicron is to be Vaxxed / Boosted / and masked up. We are introduced to Mikki Willis, who started off his career as a progressive democrat. He is originally from Sacramento, and then Hollywood, and there is only one political party if you are from California. Mikki tells us what drew him to being progressive…and how “weaponized morality” is used to carve a narrative to distort your thinking. Reality is being avoided, answers for everything and solutions for nothing. How many things have changed, being born on the left, so many people that Mikki thought were friends, were in fact just agreeable contacts, who dropped him like a bad habit. People often ask Mikki if he lost friends since Plandemic, and he says not really he just lost contacts, but gained real friends.   MIKKI WILLIS –  Father | Investigative Filmmaker American independent filmmaker Mikki Willis is respected globally for exposing corruption at the highest levels of government, politics, education, business and medicine. In 2005, he launched Elevate Film Festival, a global competition that challenged filmmakers to focus on the good news and solutions of the world. This one-of-a-kind show holds the title of "The World's Largest Single Screen Film Event." Following a three-year tour, the festival morphed into Elevate, a cause driven film production company. Since then, Elevate has created hundreds of breakthrough productions, including the most viewed and censored documentary of all time, Plandemic. With well over one billion views to date, Plandemic also set a world record for the largest documentary livestream, hosting 2 million unique viewers during the world premiere. Currently, Mikki and his team are paving the way for a new genre of documentary production they’ve branded as Forensic Filmmaking. Working in conjunction with the benevolent elements of the justice system, ELEVATE’s primary work is to correct false media narratives, as well as to help solve high profile criminal cases by piecing together video evidence. ELEVATE’s efforts in this field have been accredited for helping to win major lawsuits against the most powerful forces of big media. 
1/1/11 hour, 17 minutes, 18 seconds
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Variants, Looting, Insanity

Today’s show rundown: Chuck talks the new COVID variant which should have been version Xi – according to the Greek Alphabet…. but oh no, we can't do that, we have to skip all the way to OMNICRON. How insane are these people? Are there levels of insanity that we can grade people on because this is just crazy? If you look at the Democratic leadership, and how many of them suffer from mental illness, anxiety, but some of them are narcissists. Fauci – according to himself, speaks for ALL SCIENCE. Mark explains a little about how variants of viruses get more contagious, but less virulent because they want to spread to as many hosts as possible, this is just evolution. Will the Left use this new variant as an excuse to shut us down again…at Christmas? There is no proof that the current vaccine will have any effect on this new variant, but we are being told that all adults now NEED to get Booster and all shots. San Francisco and organized looters. But you can’t call them looters because now that’s racist. All these top end brands got hit over the weekend by coordinated assault but mobs that were over 50 people. All this is while the police are on site, with cameras just letting this all happen. What has happened in the state of California, where you can steal stuff and so long as it is under 900 bucks, nothing will happen to you.   Get Mark's new book here - 
1/1/11 hour, 9 minutes, 55 seconds
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Woke Culture Doesn't Teach Anything

Today's Topics Chuck starts us off with a song - Joe Biden strikes again - he called the Republicans demented...pot - kettle. Mark wants to congratulate Chuck for at least singing on key. Biden just keeps putting his foot in his mouth. Is John Lovitz SnL character The Liar...Joe Biden. If you look at the Democrat party, they are DAVOS people - they are Schwab people. Chuck talks a little about Biblical history, a book he is reading by Jonathan Can called The Return of the Gods. It talks about the return of Dark Forces. We are paralleling Israel when it fell away from God and started to follow Baal. The guys chat through a bit about Soloman, and his multitude of wives and concubines. He had to build altars to all these other gods to appease all his consorts. Mark thinks he needs to self identify as a Black Woman, as reparations are in the millions as far as San Fransisco thinks it should be. The whole city has a budget of 14 million dollars, but the first quarter of this plan will cost 50 Million. What is interesting is that California was never a slave state, nor was San Fransisco. This is not about slavery, it is about systemic racism that was incorporated into the history of this city. Woke Culture - when we look at the woke culture, think about the solution to problems. One of the big issues is climate change...their solution is to throw paint on Van Gogh does this solve anything. It is just an attention grab, that at its root is narcissism. Having a tantrum till someone pays attention, they are acting like children. Who has the cleanest air / who spends the most money battling climate change - that would be US, the USA. Why have we been able to do more than the rest of the world, but how is this possible.
1/1/11 hour, 1 minute, 1 second
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Taxes on the Poor and Middle Class

Chuck says "listen, Biden, and the rest have declared a war on fossil fuels - and guess who is winning - they are...guess who is losing, you, me, and every American citizen! Biden's answer is solar panels from China - so while you are buying gas for over 5.30 for regular in MI, we have records for the past 28 days. Are Americans goin to continue to tolerate this incompetence from this administration? Will they SEE that the Democrats have done this, not Putin...and will they then NOT vote for them? You can pretty much do anything and get away with it if you are a Democrat in Washington DC. But boy are the Republicans vulnerable. The Left would put Trump in jail if they could right now, but they are doing everything they can to get him to NOT run. We have a Democratic Party that has declared war on the American People. Gas prices are double, thats a fact, long before Putin's Price Hike. The Biden Admin this week - are literally taking victory laps on gas prices saying look what we have done to bring them down. Taxes on the poor and middle class - this is what is really happening. Inflation is a tax on the poor, the people that The Leftare saying they are after "The Rich" - they aren't affected, its the family making 50K a year who now can't afford to go on a trip, or in some cased go to work. They want to keep people stuck in their homes, wearing masks, afraid of everything, totally dependent on them.
1/1/11 hour, 6 minutes, 33 seconds
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Who Is Really in Power?

On this episode of Blunt Force Truth, Chuck and Mark have a lot to say about the attacks on conservatives and your individual rights.  Today’s show rundown:  · What the Democrat’s house bill one includes and what it would mean if passed  · How the Democrats are targeting individuals for their political beliefs  · How the Democrats plan to attack the working class over the next 4 years  · Why it is not practical for our country to abandon fossil fuel   · Their thoughts on the left’s attempt to silence conservatives  · How some of the Republican strong holds across the country that are ensuring their rights are protected     Give H2Max a try and let us know what you think:  Help us bring you the best content possible. Due to the left’s boycotts of those who advertise with Conservatives, we have had a number of advertisers backout to avoid possible backlash. Support the show and gain access to even more content at  Don’t forget to leave us a voicemail for the chance to have it played on a future episode. You can do so by clicking the link.  Also, check out the store on our website to get your own Blunt Force Truth gear.  
1/1/11 hour, 6 minutes, 15 seconds
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Taking Over America & The Origins of Marxism - an interview with Politic Rick and Mallory

Today’s show rundown:  Chuck talks about the weather happening over California, the bomb cyclone, and the rain. Mind you the rain put all the fires out, how come the left is never happy. Chuck lived in California for many years and has seen all kinds of weather there, but now all we hear is Climate Change.  Mark dips back into Dr. Fauci and how similar he is to the Nazi Dr. Mengele. Fauci and his experiments on puppies and orphans is shocking. 25 kids killed during these test and overall, of all the 532 children who were in this test, so many are dead. And now, the flesh eating insects stuff eating away at the faces of these dogs. This particular piece of research was just cruel. The Left will just support radical islam, even though they toss gay people off buildings...their morals are very flexible. Hitler kicked the Frankfurt School out of Germany in 1933. They left and settled in at Columbia University here in the U.S. Ever since then, they’ve been developing, teaching and spreading the word about Critical Theory which is a way to deconstruct Western society and replace it with Marxist principles. Herbert Marcuse was a key figure in this regard. He hated every detail of the United States. In his words, “… American society is oppressive, evil, and undeserving of loyalty.” Alberto Gramsci was a key contributor to our current demise as he correctly theorized that in order to collapse Western Countries, they would have to remove Christianity from the society and “convert society” to accept Marxist principles via a “long march through the institutions.”  The Marxist's definition of Critical Race Theory - Racial inequality emerges from the social, economic and legal differences that White people create between races to maintain elite white interests in labor markets and politics giving rise to poverty and criminality in many of the minority communities. Critical Race Theory is based on division and distrust which is the opposite of cohesiveness and unity.  Guest Bio’s  Mallory Millett Mallory is a long-standing Director of The David Horowitz Freedom Center and sits on the Board of Regents for the Center for Security Policy. She is a Repentant Leftie but Unrepentant Conservative!  Mallory’s Website Marxist Feminism’s Ruined Lives My Sister Kate: The Destructive Feminist Legacy of Kate Millett Politick_Rick - Rick is CEO of Giant Slayers, a Truth Warrior and Free Speech Extremist. Politick_Rick is a leader of an activist movement, Giant Slayers, that fights back against the Marxist takeover of the U.S. and its totalitarian effects, especially as it relates to suppression and censorship of conservatives on social media and in the news and the negative impact of identity politics and cancel culture that are dividing our country and becoming more extreme after the takeover by the Biden regime. Rick is an expert on cultural Marxism and its alarming takeover of the Democrat Party, Media and Big-Tech.  Twitter – @Politick_Rick @GiantSlyers
1/1/11 hour, 11 minutes, 23 seconds
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The Founding Fathers Insight – With Guest Host Nick Giordano

On this episode of Blunt Force Truth, Mark & Professor Nick Giordano talk about The Founding Fathers / Assault weapons / Biden’s slipsthat reveal the truth      Today’s show rundown:  · Mark goes into Biden’s gun control speech  · Amendments can ONLY be changed by other amendments  · The left feels the Constitution is an inconvenience  · Gun Decrees will do NOTHING to change mass shootings  · The established militia / government is dangerous  · The founding fathers were brilliant, but we disregard them  · FBI’s own data 2000-2018 you have about 47 people dying per year in active shooter situation – in a country of over 300 million people.  · It is all about power and control – not about saving lives  · How important the first 10 Amendments are  · The press should be ashamed of itself for the Biden press conferences  · How the hell is MATH Racist   · Big companies trying to make social rules on their employees  · The dangers of allowing Washington DC to become a State  · Insanity that our politicians no longer serve the people  · The real embarrassments of this country  · The majority of the American people will not push back until it is too late    For More information on Professor Giordano see the links below:  Twitter - @psareport Website - Be sure to go checkout our friends at Gold Co. and receive your free IRA Guide!     Give H2Max a try and let us know what you think:  Help us bring you the best content possible. Due to the left’s boycotts of those who advertise with Conservatives, we have had a numberof advertisers backout to avoid possible backlash. Support the show and gain access to even more content at  Don’t forget to leave us a voicemail for the chance to have it played on a future episode. You can do so by clicking the link.  Also, check out the store on our website to get your own Blunt Force Truth gear.  
1/1/11 hour, 21 minutes, 6 seconds
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Corruption in Michigan Politics and in the AG’s Office - an Interview with Matthew DePerno

Today’s show rundown:  Chuck starts us out asking did the Mar-a-Lago raid take place with Trump NOT in Florida on purpose. With his Secret Service members that are with him, would the FBI still have gone in and snatched some stuff out? We hope The American people have had enough of this, it has just gone too darn far. Chuck wants to throw his shoe at the TV when we keep hearing the Left say they are "protecting Democracy" while weaponizing wings of the government. Mark welcomes in our guest Matthew DePerno - who is running for Attorney General in the state of Michigan. He is running against another George Soros employees named Dana Nessel. Nessel is using everything in her power to go after her opponent - by using the LAW. She is calling for a special prosecutor to investigate him and try to get him arrested and taken out of the race. Matthew starts off and tells us about him and how his sitting opponent is trying to go after him legally instead of the voting booth. Companies are leaving Michigan including auto because they are saying the government is broken and can be weaponized against people. After Dana Nessel leaked confidential documents to the news, she's been conducting this investigation using taxpayer funds that will benefit her campaign. She has been shopping this case to friendly prosecutors in Oakland County. She is trying AGAIN to weaponize her office and position. She will not back down, even at the discouragement of people around her. Tenth Amendment The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.  BIO:   Matthew DePerno was born in Warren and raised in Troy, Michigan. He moved to Kalamazoo Michigan in 1995 after law school, where he currently resides with his wife of 25 years, Laura and their two dogs Toby and Kodak. Matt and Laura have three wonderful children who are all current or former students at Michigan State University (MSU). Natalie DePerno, 23, graduated with an accounting degree from MSU. Anthony DePerno, 21, is majoring in Supply Chain Management at MSU and is expected to graduate this Spring, 2022. Samantha DePerno, 19, began her sophomore year at MSU this past Fall, 2021. Matt attended the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor where he received a Bachelor of Arts degree. In 1994, he received his Juris Doctorate degree from the University of Detroit Mercy School of Law and the following year his Master’s in Taxation Law (LL.M.) from New York University School of Law. After practicing law as a partner at a large law firm for 10 years, Matthew opened his own law practice in 2005, DePerno Law, PLLC. He has been defending America's constitutional civil liberties for over 25 years. His wife, Laura, is a registered nurse and has and has experience in medical/surgical, transplant, cardiology, outpatient oncology, and trauma critical care. In November 2020, Antrim County resident, William Bailey, hired Matthew to represent him in his lawsuit against Antrim County and the Michigan Secretary of State’s office, to conduct his own audit of the November general election irregularities in Antrim County. Matthew and his team captured forensic images of the Dominion Voting machines and conducted forensic analyses of those images to fully understand the errors and inconsistencies in the voting process and tabulation procedures prior to, during, and after the 2020 general election. Matthew...
1/1/11 hour, 3 minutes, 7 seconds
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The Alternate Reality of the Left

Today’s show rundown:  Chuck heard a guy on Tucker recently, super smart guy, he said something in closing – he said, a Democratic Heaven is America in Hell – nothing could be closer to the truth. People were cheering last night on plane after plane – the mask mandate is gone. The HUMANITY – the mainstream left media is up in arms, but it sure looks like the Biden Administration will not be challenging anything. Biden’s call with Obama where he is going to run in 2024, how nuts is that. The most interesting development in the past year and a half is how the Left, has never given credit, but are admitting that Trump was right on everything. Isn’t the Biden administration just the group of “orange man bad”, it must be the opposite of Trump. If it works for the American people, they are not for it. Another thing that has happened that people have caught onto, is whatever number is generated from Washington, no one believes it. No numbers really work, they are right not to believe this false Government. Trump was the single person to expose the corruption and bureaucracy in Washington. Now we need to figure out what we can do about it. The Left will tell you if you support Donald Trump, you are a White Supremist.   Health Tip - 
1/1/11 hour, 6 minutes, 18 seconds
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The FBI is Out of Control

Today’s show rundown:  Chuck tells us he is the 81 year old version of Chuck Woolery. Our cities are just flooded with crime. Stabbings, shootings, robberies, and it is all the Left's fault. Their social justice model has no justice at all. People don't stop for red lights any more, WaWa gets invaded by 100 juveniles. This stuff has to stop - Chuck says you HAVE to get out there and VOTE. It's so bad now that if you actually are a proponent for filling the law, very quickly you will be blamed for being a racist. A Pastor who is a pro-life Catholic preacher, put in handcuffs in front of his children, while the FBI pointed weapons at him and his family. He was arrested for what they are calling a violation of the face act (a federal law used to limit what actions can be taken by pro life protestors). Mark goes in to explain the rediculousness of this crap.   The FBI also went in and raided a company with private security boxes. They went in and emptied out 86 million in cash and jewelry of privately owned boxes - this is in Beverly Hills. They did this because the people who owned the building were arrested for money laundering, not the people who had the boxes. A year later, the FBI is STILL holding these people money and things who have committed no crime. Inside whistle blower at the FBI is telling us that the FBI's budget is being moved from real crime to more Jan 6th bull stuff. 
1/1/11 hour, 2 minutes, 12 seconds
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Carona Fascism - An Interview with Alu Axelman

Today’s show rundown:  Chuck has heard all the back and forth with the Build Back Better...this is what we are up against - everyone who is lying to you, is claiming that you are lying. Has the MS Media re-defined the word lie? The Corona Virus bill for instance...10% of this bill is for Corona and true, but 90% of that bill is NOT about Corona, and a lie, how can this be? The perfect lie...just enough to "Billboard" the bill, 10%...but 90% is what they are really trying to do. Mark talks about Satan and lying...the Devil is most dangerous when he is the Angel of Light. Real lies have a little bit of truth in the lie, a little nugget. Biden has completely abandoned this...he is willing to look right into the camera and lie without ANY NUGGET of truth at all. Biden Twitter account - if he is posting these himself, he not only has dementia, but he has schizophrenia. Biden says Republicans are playing some dangerous game of chicken NOT supporting raising the debt limit. Government is just trying to make government larger by stripping private rights, and taking more control. We get to meet our guest today All Axelman. Mark introduces the book that All has written. We get Alu's thoughts on the government using the CDC as a tool to do whatever they want. If we allow the government the ability to take away all of our freedoms based on the word "Health" they are going to do the same thing warming, gun violent, racism - these will be the NEXT Epidemics.  ABOUT ALU AXELMAN Elliot “Alu” Axelman lives with his wonderful wife, Kate in southern New Hampshire. Though raised as a conservative, Alu became increasingly libertarian as he learned more about how government operates. As he became more involved in political analysis via his writing, podcasts, videos, and activism, Alu evolved into a voluntaryist – which means that he totally rejects the use of force against peaceful people, even by government agents. Outside of his full-time job (emergency medicine) and his full-time labor of love (supporting freedom), Alu enjoys power-lifting, boxing, BJJ, traveling, teaching, and recently began trying his hand at piano and saxophone.  Professionally, Alu is a critical-care and flight certified paramedic, which is the highest level of certification that a pre-hospital medical provider could attain. He has worked in emergency medical services since 2011 and is a Field Training Officer and adjunct instructor for all levels of EMS students. Alu’s experience includes service to a multitude of municipalities as the primary 911 ALS response ambulance, and service to a multitude of hospital systems as an inter-facility specialty care paramedic, often utilizing ventilators, IV pumps, advanced airways, and managing cardiac arrests.  About the Guest’s book: ABOUT CORONA-FASCISM How dangerous is the coronavirus really? How contagious is it? How have total death rates not increased if the virus is the deadliest disturbance in the history of humanity? Sociopaths in Washington DC and their cronies in the ‘private’ sector, seized the opportunity that COVID presented and used that narrative to support their mission and accelerate their goals: destroy our freedom, eliminate our privacy, and enrich themselves and their allies. This book uses data and logical reasoning to destroy the mainstream talking points that cultivated the age of perpetual paranoia and the widespread acceptance of corona-fascism. Give H2Max a try and let us know what you think: Help...
1/1/11 hour, 6 minutes, 7 seconds
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A National Treasure – an Interview with Kris Paronto

On this episode of Blunt Force Truth, Chuck and Mark talk with Chris Paronto about the importance of training if you want to be aresponsible, armed American     Today’s show rundown:   · What’s on Mark’s Mind  · Drastically accelerating crime rate in the US – a war on Law Enforcement  · Brief intro to Kris Paronto  · Training for people who want to have firearms  · The importance of hearing protection when training  · Chuck collection of amazing old stuff  · Kris stories of real firefights – how he coped with that  · 7 Digit Phone numbers  · The Grape, the Dime, and the volleyball  · Mark gets into some serious brain science  · Some favorite movies back and forth with the crew  · Kris explains some of the differences between various Special Forces groups   Be sure to go checkout our friends at Gold Co. and receive your free IRA Guide!     Give H2Max a try and let us know what you think:  Help us bring you the best content possible. Due to theleft’s boycotts of those who advertise with Conservatives, we have had a numberof advertisers backout to avoid possible backlash. Support the show and gainaccess to even more content at  Don’t forget to leave us a voicemail for the chance to haveit played on a future episode. You can do so by clicking the link.  Also, check out the store on our website to get your ownBlunt Force Truth gear.  
1/1/11 hour, 5 minutes, 24 seconds
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Trumpism Is Here to Stay

On this episode of Blunt Force Truth, Chuck and Mark cover everything that has been breaking since the Democrat’s attempt to steal the election.  Today’s show rundown:  · Their thoughts on latest from the election and the mounting evidence of election fraud  · Their thoughts on the future of our government and the direction we are heading  · How the Coronavirus was used as a political weapon during the election  · Joe Biden’s plan to lockdown the country and implement a nationwide mask mandate  · The growing legal battle that we are seeing in major swing states  · What the Trump Administration and DOJ to combat the rampant fraud  · How the Democrats will abuse their power to target conservatives if they win this election     Give H2Max a try and let us know what you think:  Help us bring you the best content possible. Due to the left’s boycotts of those who advertise with Conservatives, we have had a number of advertisers backout to avoid possible backlash. Support the show and gain access to even more content at  Don’t forget to leave us a voicemail for the chance to have it played on a future episode. You can do so by clicking the link.  Also, check out the store on our website to get your own Blunt Force Truth gear.  
1/1/11 hour, 7 minutes, 6 seconds
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Guests, Guests, and More Guests

On Today’s Episode -  Mark is away, but never fear, we have Bart Marcois back to co-host with Chuck today folks. We also have a couple other guest who will be joining in a little later. Chuck says he’s watching the news recently, and there are all these fences / pieces of metal on the southern border, and the Left is saying they are going to sell them as scrap for pennies on the dollar. It is an unbelievable waste of taxpayer dollars. They are saying they don’t care what we want, they is nothing the people can do about it. Democrats want to expand the government. But not all the Republicans are like this, but they won’t admit it. For The Left, Government and Non-Profit is the pinnacle of their aspirations. They want power. This the same playbook that Russia used in the old USSR – when everything is under Government influence, you are home free you have all the power. We have more information available to us than ever before, and we have a populace that doesn’t want to know anything. 
1/1/11 hour, 37 seconds
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Where’s the Line

On this episode of Blunt Force Truth, Chuck and Mark talk everything from Qanon to Joe Biden’s plan for gun control.  Today’s show rundown:  · Chuck and Mark discuss what Qanon is and how they came about  · Their thoughts on what Qanon really is   · The dangers of not allowing people to believe in conspiracy theories and what it can lead to  · Why the left does not want you to have the freedom to believe what you want to believe  · What Joe Biden’s gun laws would mean for our country  · How the Democrats are having to deal with the fallout of their Coronavirus lockdowns  · The hypocrisy that we are seeing when it comes to Coronavirus testing and vaccination  · Why the Democrats are continuing with the unconstitutional impeachment of President Trump     Give H2Max a try and let us know what you think:  Help us bring you the best content possible. Due to the left’s boycotts of those who advertise with Conservatives, we have had a number of advertisers backout to avoid possible backlash. Support the show and gain access to even more content at  Don’t forget to leave us a voicemail for the chance to have it played on a future episode. You can do so by clicking the link.  Also, check out the store on our website to get your own Blunt Force Truth gear. 
1/1/11 hour, 25 seconds
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Nefarious Government, it's all Part of the Plan

Today’s show rundown:  The Washington Post continues to prop up Biden and his Administration. Have things ever been as bad or on the wrong track as with this Presidency? When you look at a year and a half of Biden and the Democrats, it's stark, the difference. When you look at Trump's coverage it was all about him eating fast food or gossip stuff. Not about inflation or policy or empty store shelves. Our country is slowly starting to look like Venezuela or Russia, with gas prices through the roof and people not able to drive anywhere. Is the Left totally incompetent or do they know exactly what they are doing, it is hard to understand. We can fix the economy, we know how to do it, so if thats the case, how do they NOT know how to fix this. Look at the baby formula situation, Biden could have picked up the phone and called the head of the FDA and told them we need to fix this quick, but they always slow walk everything. No sense of urgency, no leadership in the Democrat Party, Biden's incompetence is just stark to behold.   Trump was working for the American People when he was in office. The Left, and the Biden Administration is working for the Government, NOT the people. We need to wake up, we should vote for people who represent US not Government. If you are placing your hopes on the government, good luck with that. The Government is NOT the United States...these politicians have forgotten who they work for, we (the peasant class) need to help them remember.  
1/1/11 hour, 10 seconds
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God Help Us - an Interview with Nick Giordano

Today’s show rundown:  Chuck is convinced that the mainstream media thinks we are stupid and so do the elected Left California is thinking about another lockdown All organizations natures are to expand - including our government Mark introduces Nick Giordano (P.A.S. Report) Government is always seeking power Governments don't actually want to fix problems (because they would then be irrelevant) 2003 Anthrax - people look to government to solve their own problems Chuck was ahead of the curve with how we were lied to about COVID DA in Manhattan found nothing after 2 years of investigating If you are deemed "an enemy of the state" they will come after you with everything they have If under 1000$ theft is a civil infraction now days Socialists in this country want to break down our functioning society Americans have a habit of giving up freedoms during times of crisis Nick gives his take on the end goals of the far left Gender equality is a cover as is climate change 26 is the age where INS companies lower rates for males Professor AOC says that the big spike in crime is hysteria "its racist" Democrats can't use reason or common sense When you disagree with the Left thats offensive, and thereby violent Thomas Jefferson said there should be a revolution every 16 years to keep Govt. honest Biden says we are NOT allowed to criticize the Government Be sure to go checkout our friends at Gold Co. and receive your free IRA Guide! Give H2Max a try and let us know what you think: Help us bring you the best content possible. Due to the left’s boycotts of those who advertise with Conservatives, we have had a number of advertisers back-out to avoid possible backlash. Support the show and gain access to even more content at Don’t forget to leave us a voicemail for the chance to have it played on a future episode. You can do so by clicking the link. Also, check out the store on our website to get your own Blunt Force Truth gear.
1/1/11 hour, 7 minutes, 2 seconds
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The Impact of Reparations on Black Americans – w/Donna Jackson

Mark starts us out introducing us to our returning guest Donna Jackson The Fed will have its own crypto currency. They will control everything you buy, you sell, you say. Cashless Society…this has been foretold. As far back as the 70’s there have been people about end times. Have you seen how many people do not cary cash now days. We are moving towards a world government a World Religion. This all started with COVID, the people the government punished were small business owners. The Walmart’s the Amazons didn’t struggle. The FED is telling us that the problem with banking is not in big banks, it's in the community banks. Why is this???? It’s because the big banks are quasi-governmental units at this point. They are hand in hand working with the Government.   Donna tells us about a town in Illinois, that is going to solve all the problems about race relations in America. Evanston Illinois has adopted a policy for reparations for housing. Whenever people give you installments, it leads to decimation in a community. See the link below for the article 
1/1/11 hour, 3 minutes
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Regenerative Medicine and You - an Interview with Dr. Regan Archibald - Ep. 732

Today’s show rundown:  Mark's 3 pillars - maintenance, preventative medicine, regenerative medicine - Mark explains a bit about his pillars. Regan then jump in and explains how he got on his path, which is not common place for a doctor to go down. The guys talk Hashimoto disease, and how it can present itself in a person. Regan suffers from this. Antibodies - have your doctor run panels on them for your thyroid. Mark believes that in the US - there is no place else you want to be other than an American Trauma center. But we tend to treat chronic disease like it is an acute disease. Regan approaches health from the whole mind, body, spirit. Root canals from the past can show levels in people that can complicate medicine.  Regan Archibald, Lac, FMP, is one of the leading Peptide Specialists in the nation and serves as a Regenerative Therapy and Peptide Consultant at the award-winning clinic he founded in 2004, East West Health ( and now, Integrated Pain Specialists. Regan is the founder of Go Wellness and is the creator of the Peptide Mastery Course. He is a member of the International Peptide Society. He is the author of 8 books including, Never Stop Healing and Your Health Transformation.  As a Peptide Expert, Licensed Acupuncturist, and Functional Medicine Practitioner, Regan brings immense innovation and cutting-edge options for those looking to recover from pain, balance hormones, or increase performance or optimize their health. His clinic, East West Health, is the first Medically Managed Peptide Program that includes the use of Acupuncture and Herbs, Regenerative Medicine, and Functional Medicine.  Regan believes that health isn’t a destination and disease doesn’t take vacations. That’s why he’s created one of the most innovative wellness curriculums in America called the “Health Accelerator Course.” He and his partners Cade Archibald and Scott Frogley, DC, combine their talents to create a best-in-industry patient experience. With over 1000 active members participating in weekly “HACs” (Health Accelerator Challenges), and thousands more tuning into his podcast, Never Stop Healing, Regan is truly not to miss on your health adventures.  If not teaching, writing, or working with patients in-office or virtually, you will find Regan in the Wasatch mountains with his wife Jessica and his kids, Zoe,
1/1/11 hour, 8 minutes, 43 seconds
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Corrupt, Discriminatory Companies Galore - an interview with Scott Shepard

Today’s show rundown:  Chuck starts us off today talking about crime. Crime is everywhere, the Democratic controlled cities in particular. The guys talk about how many big cities are led by republicans. Wouldn't you think...some of these cities would start to think...we need options for our governments. But these big cities just keep re-electing the same people or the same party. When you look at these big cities, many of them are full of renters, not owners. These people have 1 foot out the door while they are living there...they just don't really care.   Chicago over the past weekend had 21 shootings, this has become the norm. NY crime is up over 100% in certain categories. The democrats have refused to accept that crime is a problem, they are pretending it doesn't exist. Until one of the brave democrats spokespeople have come blame Republicans, the rise in crime is their fault. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says the reason for the rise in crime is because we didn't approve Build Back Bankrupt. Also that the child tax credit ended, and that parent are being forced into the streets to steal food their kids. The nuclear family is what has been destroyed by the Left.   We are introduced to Scott Shepard - who talks about how we could cut off retirement benefits to politicians. We talk term limits for the ENTIRE civil service, staff included. Make everyone have to rotate through it, and forbid everyone after their term, to no lobbying. We struggle to run legit elections now in this country where we cant seem to count votes correctly. Mark believes this might help end the career politician mindset. 
1/1/158 minutes, 29 seconds
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The People's Attorney General - an Interview with Rodney Glassman

Today’s show rundown:  Mark wants to follow up about George Soros - crime goes up significantly every place Soros installs on of his puppets. These prosecutors are letting out people who have been arrested 21 times. Crimnals are on a revolving door, allowed back on the street, come back again, over and over. It has NOTHING to do Soros defending the black community. The Democratic Party could care less about blacks and hispanics.   We meet Rodney Glassman who is running for Attorney General in Arizona. He is a Major in the US Air Force JAG Corps. We are thinking Rodney is NOT being backed by George Soros. Rodney goes into a little bit of his background. County Offices and AG offices are being weaponized by the Left, who are calling anyone who voted for Trump now days a domestic terrorist.   Glassman is running for AG to protect the people FROM the Government. The average family has been beaten down by the government...from mask mandates to CRT being taught in schools. The border down in Arizona - what happens at the border doesn't stop at the border. Its less of a border issue than an illegal immigration issue. 1.7 million Fentanyl pills in Scottsdale. Arizona is under invasion. Listen in for more of what Rodney Glassman has to say. Health Tip - Nitric Oxide  Discout Code - BFT  Rodney Glassman moved to Tucson over twenty years ago to run his family business and study at the University of Arizona. Prior to graduating from the University of Arizona James E. Rogers College of Law and joining the United States Air Force JAG Corps Reserve, Rodney worked full time while earning his undergraduate degree in agricultural economics and a PhD in Arid Land Resource Sciences. While in law school, at age 29, Rodney met his future wife and was elected to the Tucson City Council. He currently lives in Phoenix with his wife, Sasha and their two daughters.  VETERAN In 2009, Rodney applied to the United States Air Force Judge Advocate General (JAG) Corps Reserve. He obtained his commission in March of 2009, and after completing Air Force officer and JAG training at Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama, was assigned to the office of the 355th Fighter Wing, Davis-Monthan Air Force Base. At Davis-Monthan, Rodney prosecuted sexual assault, financial crimes, drugs, and DUIs, while providing legal assistance to service members and their families. In 2014, Rodney was reassigned to the 56th Fighter Wing, Luke Air Force Base, as well as providing operational law support for 612th Air Operations Center and 12th Numbered Air Force in Tucson. Rodney also served in several quasi-judicial roles – as a legal advisor for discharge boards ruling on the admissibility of evidence; and as a preliminary hearing officer where he heard witness testimony and reviewed the government’s evidence to determine if probable cause for the charges existed while providing the commander recommendations on charging and case resolution. In 2018, Rodney was reassigned to the 354th Fighter Wing, Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska, where he served as the Acting Deputy Staff Judge Advocate, providing comprehensive legal support to commanders, first sergeants, and organizational leaders responsible for 4,000 personnel. Eielson AFB is home to the F-35A Lightning II and F-16 Fighting Falcon Aggressor Air as well as RED FLAG-Alaska, promoting U.S. interests across the Asia-Pacific region and ensuring the ability to project...
1/1/158 minutes, 59 seconds
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Inflation is not Normal, it is Man Made

Today’s show rundown:  Chuck thinks that Mayorcas is changing America. The more they turn America into a 3rd world country, the more 3rd world people feel comfortable coming here. Biden is hosting a speech today about how he is going to defeat inflation. He is going to blame it on everybody BUT the real problem. They will just tax the rich, and gives out more money to the people. No where are they trying to address to core problem in the government right now. We have too much money chasing too few goods. They are playing the communist game that Putin is. Blame everyone else for the problems you have causes, then just walk away. Mark goes into explaining, in simple terms what & how inflation works. Where do these people get this inflated money. Think about all the PPP money that was sent out to businesses. Think about all those checks that got sent out to people. Unemployment that was double and extended. We flooded the market with cash, and now we are dealing with the repercussions.   Russia and the Democrats - there is an incredible parallel between the two. Russia's reason for going into a foreign country, is the exact same comment the Left is using to attack conservatives. Putin is also shutting down the oppositions voice. Biden is out there creating the ministry of truth for crying out loud. Led by a complete whack job who shares disinformation, this department is housed in Homeland Security. Health Tip for today - Walking. Even 10 mins can increase longevity. 20-30 minutes can really help. 
1/1/11 hour, 4 minutes, 27 seconds
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All the Stories You Never Get to Hear

Today's Show Chuck has bad news and bad news...the bad news is Biden and the Democrats cheated on the 2020 election and got him elected. The Bad news is, they didn't cheat, and the American people elected him. Biden is the most insane, corrupt, ridiculous sitting President we have ever had, and the mainstream media just continues to carry his water. The American people have his number now though...he is seriously under water. Who the heck are they going to run against Trump if he runs.   No matter how you look at it, social media and the media stole the election by burying the Hunter Biden story. 18% of people who voted for Biden say they would NOT have voted for him had they known about the Hunter Biden laptop. And still, the media want to just move right past the laptop story, and they want to still reach back and talk about Trump and how everything is his fault. We had a problem solver for 4 years and the Left HATED Trump. Mark has stories galore for our listeners today - tune in to listen to it all
1/1/11 hour, 7 minutes, 45 seconds
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The Health of America - w/ Dr. Nicole Avena

Today's Show Notes Mark starts us off asking "why can't we get this message out to people - they could be so much more healthy with some simple changes to their diet"? We meet Dr. Avena, who met Mark a couple months back. So many of the problems we have in our country come down to choices we make. What we eat, if we exercise etc. So much of our food is highly processed and it is being shown that it is causing changes to the brain that is making us unhappy.   Chuck talks about one thing people use every day - sugar. All we are hearing now is Stevia, Splenda, they are all bad for you. But people think if you replace sugar with these things you can lose weight. Chuck wants to know if these sugar replacements are dangerous. There are aspects to them - but what we know from research is that sugar can cause your brain to look like it is addicted. These other types of sweeteners also show the same type of results. Coffee places these days are simply serving deserts, there is very little coffee in these drinks all loaded up with sugar and creams. If sugar was created now, it would be considered a controlled substance. We are programmed to like sugar from birth. There is a coding in our brain that sweet = safe. There is a relationship between something tasking sweet and it being good for us. But no one is eating anything in moderation.   Tune in to listen to the rest the show 
1/1/11 hour, 6 minutes, 41 seconds
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There is Nothing About this Government that is For the People

Today’s show rundown:  Has "climate change" and the war on fossil fuels cause all this inflation? Oil companies are hesitant to invest in the future, so they have put a halt to all future planning. This is making everything more expensive, shipping, travel, everything. Mark says if we take a look at the new - Green New Deal that is being called the Inflation Reduction Act - where NOTHING is being done to help reduce inflation. Chuck wants to know "how many things are promoted by our government that you CAN NOT debate - because you are some sort of "Deny-er". Our country was founded on free speech and debate, if we lose this, you are at the mercy of whomever is in power. The Left loves to shut down debate with words like deny'er now.   PayPal - you need to read the terms of service - Pay Pal "MAY" directly take $2500.00 from your account, if PAYPAL finds you "spreading misinformation". TikTok terms of service have all your personal data going straight to the Chinese Communist Party. The Biden admin is now recruiting Tik Tok influencers to combat what they call "mis information" So the platform with the MOST mis-information is combining with the Biden administration to help tell us what is bad news?
1/1/11 hour, 4 minutes, 56 seconds
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Slaps, Putin, & Hunter Biden

Well, Hunter Biden was back in the news on Fox at least, about how this case is moving along. Federal Prosecutors are not impressed with what the DOJ is doing here. What is being investigated isn't going to go anywhere. We haven't heard the name Hunter Biden in over 259 days...interesting what they choose to cover. Meanwhile the NYT finally admits that the Hunter Biden Laptop story is TRUE. Chuck thinks he can speak for the whole world here when we have finally discovered that Joe Biden is the worst President the US has had in a hundred years. We elected these people who could care less about us, and we then re-elect them. Mark gets quiet...he moves to a whisper...Biden and his "pay your fair share". If Putin used chemical weapons, Biden says we will respond in kind....what the heck is he saying, that we would use chemical weapons too? We are living in a world, a fantasy world, its not real, and they don't believe where they live. Speaking to US troops, Biden said look at how the people are fighting see what they are doing, you have to GO THERE...what does he mean? Kamala Harris is so lazy, she doesn't even read the briefs, which is why she does so poorly in front of the camera? Will smith and Trump are the same guy according to the mainstream media. It is Trump's fault that we have now normalized violence, you can't make this stuff up. The guys talk the Will Smith / Chris Brown slap, Chuck calls this Oscars the most classless event he has ever seen. Mark wants Chucks take on did Chuck think the audience giving Will applause was because of group think thing, or was it something unique to Hollywood? Has Hollywood devolved to a place with no moral compass? 
1/1/11 hour, 5 minutes, 4 seconds
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Putin May Have Overplayed His Hand

Today’s show rundown:  Well the State of the Union is not great. We all know that, no matter what Joe Biden says tonight, we all know better. First of all, Joe Biden sanctioned all of us first. He drove a steak through the hear through our most precious commodity, Keystone Pipeline, just shut it down. We are sending Javeline missiles over to Ukraine, but we are still buying Russian Oil to the tune of being their 3rd biggest consumer. The Democrats have answers for everything and solutions for nothing. They are fast talkers and slow learners. Mark wonders though, are they not just getting the exact results they want? Mark believes Biden is going to take a victory lap tonight. He will claim he created all these jobs that were lost due to COVID. He will claim he passed the Infrastructure Bill. He will talk Afghanistan. It is going to get to the point where the American people are sick of him. We are sick of all of it. Will he call an end to a Pandemic tonight?   Why are we still buying Russian Oil? Why hasn't Russia been kicked out of the UN Security Council? Putin is treating to invade Sweden now? China is supporting Putin, what a surprise. There is never debate on Climate Change. We are told to trust your government, but we have proven how fun that can be with COVID. So what is the deal with Global Warming, according to our Government it is "settled science". We have a God given resource in America's Oil Reserve - and thats the first thing the tree huggers go after.                                                                                           
1/1/158 minutes, 14 seconds
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The FBI is Out of Control

Today’s show rundown:  Chuck tells us he is the 81 year old version of Chuck Woolery. Our cities are just flooded with crime. Stabbings, shootings, robberies, and it is all the Left's fault. Their social justice model has no justice at all. People don't stop for red lights any more, WaWa gets invaded by 100 juveniles. This stuff has to stop - Chuck says you HAVE to get out there and VOTE. It's so bad now that if you actually are a proponent for filling the law, very quickly you will be blamed for being a racist. A Pastor who is a pro-life Catholic preacher, put in handcuffs in front of his children, while the FBI pointed weapons at him and his family. He was arrested for what they are calling a violation of the face act (a federal law used to limit what actions can be taken by pro life protestors). Mark goes in to explain the rediculousness of this crap.   The FBI also went in and raided a company with private security boxes. They went in and emptied out 86 million in cash and jewelry of privately owned boxes - this is in Beverly Hills. They did this because the people who owned the building were arrested for money laundering, not the people who had the boxes. A year later, the FBI is STILL holding these people money and things who have committed no crime. Inside whistle blower at the FBI is telling us that the FBI's budget is being moved from real crime to more Jan 6th bull stuff. 
1/1/11 hour, 2 minutes, 12 seconds
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More Gun Control? – an Interview with John Lott

On this episode of Blunt Force Truth, Chuck and Mark talk with John Lott about Gun Control.&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; Today’s show rundown:&nbsp;&nbsp; · NYT – Joe Biden’s America is in Decline – Holy Cow – NYT tells the truth&nbsp; · Gas prices are up, bread, groceries, everything is more expensive&nbsp; · Biden’s State of Confusion Speech – we need to make his speeches a drinking game&nbsp; · Brief intro for John Lott Jr.&nbsp; · Massive spike in crime, defunding the police, and MORE gun control&nbsp; · Why did crime increase last year – inmates released from jails at a ridiculous rate&nbsp; · Police being ordered to stand down – prosecutors NOT prosecuting&nbsp; · Biden was blaming Crime Spike on some change in gun control laws&nbsp; · The Left want to change people’s opinion about the police&nbsp; · The Deep State is Real&nbsp; · The Left says it supports Blacks and Hispanics, but they sure don’t act like it&nbsp; · Is there a more sinister motive to separate The Police from the community&nbsp; · Tampering during the Presidential Vote&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;; &nbsp;&nbsp; Get John’s latest book here - Gun Control Myths by John Lott Jr.&nbsp;;keywords=gun+control+myths&amp;qid=1620143957&amp;sr=8-1&nbsp;&nbsp; Be sure to go checkout our friends at Gold Co. and receive your free IRA Guide!&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;;ls=001-Email-Blunt-Force-Truth-Podcast&amp;cn=855-546-1792&amp;utm_source=Blunt-Force-Truth-Podcast&amp;utm_medium=Email&amp;utm_campaign=7014T0000005fDF&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; Give H2Max a try and let us know what you think:; Help us bring you the best content possible. Due to theleft’s boycotts of those who advertise with Conservatives, we have had a numberof advertisers backout to avoid possible backlash. Support the show and gainaccess to even more content at; Don’t forget to leave us a voicemail for the chance to haveit played on a future episode. You can do so by clicking the link.; Also, check out the store on our website to get your ownBlunt Force Truth gear. <a href=""...
1/1/11 hour, 1 minute, 23 seconds
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Environmental Social Governance Explained

On Today’s Episode - ?? Chuck has figured it out – we keep hearing about “Trump Judges” – these are not Trump Judges; they are McConnell Judges.  You have these guys in place who are anti trump, establishment guys just like McConnell is.  Mark says that there are a lot of judges, and trump appointed a lot of them, but there is no way that Trump knew them all.  Mark and Chuck were talking over the weekend about ESG.  Blackrock is very interested in this, millions of dollars in pensions.  ESG is Environmental Social Governance – which means corporation have a responsibility to the world that exceeds profitability.  That the pursuit of profit is immoral.  Where did this ESG come from???  Funny it comes out of the world economic forum and our old buddy Claus Schwab.  When a company is pursuing ESG, they are pursuing saving the planet, racial justice, LGBTQIA over profitability. &nbsp;  Most of the big banks are in line with ESG.  They will not give loans out to businesses that are not ESG compliant.  Companies and investors like Blackrock will not invest if you are not ESG compliant.  The premise of the World Economic Forum is that like a small, enlightened group of people need to make all the decisions for the whole world. &nbsp;
1/1/11 hour, 18 minutes, 31 seconds
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We Need to Do Something Now America - an Interview with Michael Johns

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; Our military is now woke! They can't fight unless they have a safe space. When the left gets in power they love to learn down the US military. Imagine the parody video we could shoot of two guys in a foxhole, but having to stop and get their pronouns right. Buzz Lightyear movie flop - millions lost so far, go woke, go broke has never been more true. Meanwhile Top Gun Maverick is still killing it at the box office. We meet our returning guest Michael Johns - where is the Tea Party now. The juncture now is that we have so many fires going on in this country - a threat to our survival and way of government that may not be reversible if we do not prevail. The Left will tell us that WE are the problem, and that WE are the threat to Democracy itself. Projection and the Left is a book that could write itself.; MICHAEL JOHNS is a co-founder and national leader of the national Tea Party movement, which was launched in 2009 and grew into the largest and most influential grassroots political movement in U.S. history. The Tea Party took control of the U.S. House in 2010, permanently blocking Obama's legislative agenda, and later took control of the U.S. Senate in 2014 and paving the ground for Trump to run a successful populist insurgent campaign against the Republican Party establishment and then the Clinton political machine. Michael has served as a White House speechwriter to President George H.W. Bush, a senior aid to a Republican U.S. Senator and Governor and a Heritage Foundation policy analyst, where he led the foundation's Reagan Doctrine initiatives that many historians have since credited with being the decisive factor in America prevailing in the Cold War. In the 1990s, as a director of the U.S. government-funded International Republican Institute, he was responsible for developing global programs to strengthen democracy, free and fair elections, and election monitoring in Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Middle East, Eastern Europe, and the former Soviet Union. On June 16, 2015, the first day of Donald Trump's candidacy, Michael was among the first prominent national conservatives to endorse Trump for president. Michael has written for The Wall Street Journal, The Christian Science Monitor, National Review and other national media and appears as a conservative public policy and political commentator for many global television-band radio news outlets.
1/1/151 minutes, 14 seconds
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The Damage Done, and Moving Forward - an Interview with Rory McShane

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; Chuck says the root cause of all our problems is COVID, more specifically how we handled COVID as a country. So we have been mislead by the CDC. The teachers union, airplane pilots, you couldn't keep your job if you didn't get the jab. Fauci and the Biden Administration did so much damage that we may never be able to recover from it. We took all the people who didn't want to stick the "VAXX" into themselves and we threw them out of their jobs.&nbsp;&nbsp; We are introduced to our guest Rory McShane (see bio below). He talks this new generation of strategists working with the Republican Party. There is a whole thing going through the CNN's CNBC saying they have no chance to send the senate back because they have all these anti trumpets coming in and that we can't take back the house. All Chuck hears is that there will not be a Red Wave, he wants to know what is going on, it is just Mid-Term Garbage?&nbsp;&nbsp; Interesting that the Democratic Party and Biden have reversed every single thing Trump did that worked. Chuck says all you need to do to win the next election is run on the things Trump did, juts like it's 2016 again, the border, crime, etc. The Left's only hope is to keep this Jan 6th clown show going on till November. Mark said that they have introduced the new language that they are "trying to save our democracy".; American Happiness&nbsp;
1/1/11 hour, 6 minutes, 49 seconds
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National Association for Gun Rights - an Interview with Dudley Brown

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; Mark introduces us to Dudley Brown, the president of the National Association for Gun Rights. We get a brief review of where Dudley has been and what he's done. Dudley get right into Gov. DeSantis and Florida - special session for re-districting but he inserted constitutional carry in there as well. Dudley talks about these so called "pro gun / pro second amendment" Republicans that are hiding because thy have never had to vote on it.&nbsp;&nbsp; We get into what Constitutional Carry is and what Dudley's group is tryin to do. 24 States have constitutional carry...107 million American Citizens live under a rule where you do NOT need a permit to carry a firearm. Places like Nebraska and Georgia, and Florida are next for constitutional carry legislation being passed. If a State passes this law, can a city over write this? Dudley says no. In some states, constitutional carry has areas where you are not allowed to carry. What has happened in all these states that got constitutional carry? The Left says things like we would have to make new gutters cease of all the blood that would be flowing. The simple fact is, statistics are proving quite the opposite. Our culture has a lot to do with people's perception of guns. You watch movies today, and everyone is killing people with automatic weapons, and it's one scene after another. It leaves the impression that this is what's going on in our world today. We talk about the new Supreme Court nominee. Dudley gives us his take on whether they confirm her, he believes that she will be confirmed. The weak-willed republicans that will be voting for her. There are an awful lot of weak willed republicans in places where Republicans don't need to be weak willed. Do you all think this is a big change in the Supreme Court? Are we trading a liberal for a liberal? Mark believes we will see some bizarrely written dissents.&nbsp;&nbsp; Dudley Brown has three decades of professional experience in political activism with 29 years as a gun lobbyist, firearms instructor, and expert in American firearms laws and legislation. Throughout his career, Dudley has worked in the trenches of State Legislatures across the nation as a leader for gun rights. He founded Rocky Mountain Gun Owners in 1996, which is one of the most successful — and feared — state gun rights groups in the country. Dudley was named as CEO of the National Association for Gun Rights in 2007 and has grown the group from a small yet forceful grassroots organization into the second-largest gun rights group in the nation. &nbsp;Since then, the National Association for Gun Rights has grown to 4.5 million members nationwide, and has multiple active state affiliates across the country. According to NewsMax, Dudley is one of the Top 10 most influential gun lobbyists in the country. &nbsp;Dudley Brown is a firearms policy expert as well as a weapons expert and competitive shooter. He currently resides in Northern Colorado with his wife and kids. He has represented gun owners since 1993 and worked in dozens of state capitols as well as Congress.;;
1/1/11 hour, 1 minute, 34 seconds
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A Deep Dive into the COVID19 Numbers

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; The Left today is acting like the Nazi's in Germany in the late 30's. They started burning books, telling people what they could and could not read. The Left used to jump all over this and tell us how horrible this was. But they are doing the same thing now. They are burning minds instead of books. If you have a different idea than theirs, you are an enemy and you can not, and will not be heard. The Left is now "The Man", they have no intention of challenging anything except freedom.&nbsp;&nbsp; Joe Rogan, had COVID, and magically he recovered in a day. He was accused of using a horse de-wormer called Ivermectin. He used a human version of the drug, that is commonly issued for things like skin disorders, lice, or rosacea. Our own FDA's website has an article telling Americans to NOT use Ivermectin to treat or prevent COVID. They show a picture of a horse. This is literally propaganda in motion. Mark believes there is a more sinister motive at foot. Big Pharma and The Left want to push their agenda, and their drugs. These drugs cost far more than Ivermectin. Mark believes The Left is protecting the drug companies and their future 800$ per use COVID treatment. There are multiple versions of these on the way. So why are we still being force fed this COVID Vaccine? The guys dig into COVID by the numbers. Co-Morbidity, what does this mean, how does it affect the numbers. Chuck talks about how we are tired of hearing from our "experts" and how so many people don't trust them anymore. They have lied to us, mislead us, and just abhorrent things, causing people to just NOT believe in them any more.
1/1/11 hour, 13 minutes, 43 seconds
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Washington is a Lying Machine

Today’s Show Breakdown Chuck has noticed this month on MSNCB and CNN / the times and such – there is information that seems to be absent, on these legacy media outlets. Twitter has EXPLODED – Mush has exploded it, and no in seems to care. They have made fun of him but have not shown any interest in actually covering this story. These tweets Elon is dropping is showing that the intelligence agencies and Twitter were in collusion to suppress information. Twitter poses a bigger threat to the mainstream media – firstly, more and more people are getting their news through social media and not old tried and true ways (TV, Radio). Meanwhile Twitter usage is through the roof. Musk is NOT a far right conservative, but he is a constitutionalist, he believes in the first amendment. To the Left, this DOES make him a far right MAGA. The fly in the ointment to Washington is Elon Musk. He is very clever, and he is exposing / shining the light on the past misdeeds since the 2020 election. With everyone saying lets move forward, let’s not go back, how on Earth can we not go back and hold people accountable for the just plain…fraud that went on.
1/1/11 hour, 17 minutes, 7 seconds
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The Ohio Train Disaster - w/ Special Guest Dr. Bonner Cohen

Today’s Show Notes How could Joe Biden’s numbers be 44% right now? Are they padding his approval numbers or just straight out lying. Mark has done some recon here…Mark went to Twitter and found all these stories where Biden tells us all where he has performed miracles. It is an unscientific poll, but Mark went into the comment sections of these tweets. The first 100 responses 7 of them were pro Joe Biden, 93 percent was either ridiculing or straight out calling him a liar. They have to be just making up numbers as they go. We here do NOT believe this 44 percent approval rating. We are talking to Doctor Bonner Cohen today, and we are talking about the train wreck in Ohio. Mark takes us through all Bonner’s credentials. The Biden admin are the self-appointed “Guardians of the Environment”. So this being the case, is dumping a massive dose of phosgene gas into the atmosphere a good idea? Until recently the worst thing in Ohio was the Cleveland Browns, but now it is clearly the rail system. But what has happened there is a clear example of just how skewed the Biden Admin is. Look at their response to this accident.&nbsp;&nbsp; We had a freight train laden with hazardous chemicals that crashed, but what was the response. This happened in “flyover country” and are of the country that just doesn’t matter to the ruling class. Can you imagine waking up and knowing that your government thinks you are expendable? Well many of us..are!
1/1/11 hour, 7 minutes, 50 seconds
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How Is the Government Wasting Your Tax Dollars? - An Interview with Nicholas Giordano

On this episode of Blunt Force Truth, Chuck and Mark talk with Nicholas Giordano about the ridiculous spending bill that has been passed by our lawmakers.&nbsp; Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; · The reason behind the near annual omnibus bill and how our government’s budgeting works&nbsp; · The lack of accountability when it comes to government spending&nbsp; · Where are elected officials are shipping our tax dollars abroad&nbsp; · How we are allowing our education system to fail while funding higher education around the world&nbsp; · Why Americans will continue to pay for the failures of Democrats for decades to come&nbsp; · The lack of common sense and critical thinking within our government&nbsp; · How members of congress are able to amass such wealth during their time in office&nbsp; · What our national debt really means and how we can get serious about cutting down our debt&nbsp; More about Nicholas Giordano:&nbsp; Nicholas Giordano is a Professor of Political Science at Suffolk County Community College and a former Catastrophic Planning Lead for the New York State Office of Emergency Management (NYS OEM). Recognized and well-respected for his analysis, Professor Giordano regularly appears on radio and television, including Fox News, to provide analysis on current issues and trends within government, politics, international relations, homeland security/emergency management, and social/cultural related issues. Inaddition, he serves as a guest speaker to provide his expertise on criticalissues facing the United States and the international community.&nbsp; It is Professor Giordano’s passion that led him to start The PAS Report because of his unique ability to break down complex political issues and simplify those issues to appeal to everyday Americans.&nbsp;&nbsp; Connect with Nicholas Giordano:&nbsp; Website:; Twitter: @PASReport&nbsp; Facebook: The PAS Report&nbsp; Give H2Max a try and let us know what you think:; Help us bring you the best content possible. Due to the left’s boycotts of those who advertise with Conservatives, we have had a number of advertisers backout to avoid possible backlash. Support the show and gainaccess to even more content at; Don’t forget to leave us a voicemail for the chance to have it played on a future episode. You can do so by clicking the link.; Also, check out the store on our website to get your own Blunt Force Truth gear.;&nbsp;
1/1/11 hour, 19 minutes, 44 seconds
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We’re All Americans - An Interview with Chris Cox

On this episode of Blunt Force Truth, Chuck and Mark talk to Chris Cox – Leader of Bikers for Trump.&nbsp; Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; · Segregation @ Columbia University as far as graduations go – Black Graduations as a whole only ampliphy neo segregation&nbsp; · Bikers are citizen crusaders from all walks of life / blue collar, white collar, etc etc&nbsp; · Everybody is equal when bikers get together 400,000 members for this Bikers for Trump&nbsp; · Like Donald Trump, Bikers speak their mind and tell you the truth&nbsp; · 1% discussion Biker’s for Trump do not have a ton of them in their membership – and really how that whole 1% thing is changing – it is blown out of proportion.&nbsp; · You do not see hipocrasy within the biker community no call for be less white, or less black, just be you.&nbsp; · Leftist Washington politicians are unhinged…they read things off bathroom walls, 24 hours later they are calling for an investigation&nbsp; · Chainsaw artist – amazing Eagle art he show’d Mark and Chuck&nbsp; · Chuck on David Letterman years ago, and how Letterman stormed off his own set&nbsp; · Bikers for Trump make sure people don’t have voter fatigue – showing facts, doing the hard work&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; More about Chris Cox:&nbsp; Chris is a conservative leader with a track record for getting results and making a difference on a wide variety of issues. He hasn’t made waves by doing things conventionally, though, and he isn’t a conventional candidate. A chainsaw carving artist by trade, Chris isn’t afraid to get his hands dirty, put in the hard work to truly create change, and is ready to put his skills to use serving the Lowcountry.&nbsp; In 2013, during the government shutdown the Million Vet March on Washington was announced. Chris realized that, with the Park Servicefurloughed, war memorials would be left in disarray and was outraged at the thought of veterans arriving to memorials covered in garbage and debris. He immediately left the Lowcountry to the Lincoln Memorial and began single-handedly mowing the lawns, clearing fallen trees, and taking out the trash—while the government remained gridlocked for 16 days.&nbsp; Chris was determined to stop open-air war memorials from being political pawns again. So, he temporarily relocated to Washington as a full-time, unpaid citizen lobbyist to persuade members of Congress to support his legislation and selling chainsaw carvings on the side to support himself.After nearly two years, Chris successfully secured the bipartisan introduction of H.R. 1836, the Monuments Protection Act, in the 114thCongress.&nbsp; In the summer of 2015, Chris found himself inspired by then-candidate Trump’s message to Make America Great Again. To support the movement, Chris formed Bikers for Trump and grew this nontraditional coalition to over 300,000 members today that played a key role in President Trump’s election.&nbsp; After the 2016 election, Chris was able to return full-time to his 20-year home of Mount Pleasant. While he’s continued gearing up Bikers for Trump for 2020, he’s persisted his voluntary lobbying for bipartisan legislation supporting veterans, and has made five separate trips to Israel to build bomb shelters.&nbsp; Already well acquainted with the legislative process, he will hit the ground running and bring real results...
1/1/11 hour, 10 minutes, 44 seconds
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The Racist History of Planned Parenthood - an Interview with Steven Mosley

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; Mark kicks us off today - he starts with a little story about this car trip he took this past weekend. Essentially he was disconnecting himself from emails, phone calls, and the Media for 3 days. Taking himself back to being 18-19 years old, driving his Camaro, listening to old music. What an interesting weekend to turn the news / media off. Chuck has been paying attention to the main stream media and how they do not talk about anything that is really going on, Biden, the border, anything that matters. They don't even hide the facts, that they are hiding the facts. We meet Steven Mosley, Mark gives us a quick breakdown of his background. Steven wants to be a game show host, and he talks about loving Chuck on Lingo. Steven says they need more Educators with like beliefs, get in the game. The Left loves saying that it is either Pro Choice or Pro Life. Chuck says it is Pro Death or Pro Life, and now days you can't even use the term Pro-Life.&nbsp;&nbsp; Steven talks about the Racist Boy Chop Shop AKA Planned Parenthood. He talks about going back and looking at Margret Singer, the founder. Her thought was to get black people to kill themselves with abortion. She was pre-Nazi, purpose driven killer. There is a disproportionate amount of Planned Parenthood facilities in Black Communities. They focus on Blacks and Spanish neighborhoods.&nbsp;&nbsp; For Years the Left has legislated through the Supreme Courts, and it is killing them that they can't do it anymore. But now that the Left disagrees, they are calling them an illegitimate group. People need to catch on to the word game the Left plays. The message is that they have Black women's health at the fore front. But then ask yourself, why is Black Lives Matter not protesting Planned ParentHood? The number one killer of African Americans IS Abortion, if their lives matter, they need to go after abortion.; Project 21 member Steven Mosley is a Christian, conservative college educator. Steven hosts the Facts, Opinions and Rants podcast, in which he focuses on the integration of faith and public policy on a range of issues from the impact of COVID-19 on the church to Critical Race Theory. School choice is growing in popularity among black and Hispanic Americans in part due to advocates like Steven, who made school choice a centerpiece of his campaign when he ran for the Fairfax County School Board in Northern Virginia in 2019. Steven believes that parents, not zip codes, should determine where and how their students are educated. Steven has also served on local northern Virginia political campaigns as a prayer leader and campaign manager. As a decade-long college educator and administrator at Northern Virginia Community College and Liberty University, Steven knows firsthand that mentorship programs and restorative practices can have a positive impact on student success and bridging the achievement gap, particularly for black males. As a husband and the product of a two-parent home. Steven advocates for the “Success Sequence” as the best poverty-breaking tool known to man. Steven is an ordained Baptist reverend. His mission in life as a Christian speaker is to make disciples who live and think like Jesus and who impact people and policy for the glory of God.
1/1/11 hour, 6 minutes, 52 seconds
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The Woke Mob & The Elitist Left an interview with Derrick Hollie

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; Chuck warns that Government is NOT REASON, government is not eloquence, government is force. How is it that parents are getting treated like domestic terrorists when they want the Critical Race Theory instruction to STOP. The Government is saying that the FBI, DOJ is going to be coming into your schools and meetings and such to suppress your voice. Merrick Garland is at war with the American family. The Federal Government has NO business in a school board meeting. This week's "One Corrupt Politician" - Merrick Garlands son in law Xan Tanner, Co-Founded the company Panorama. This is the company that sells the curriculum of CRT to schools. This company sells millions of dollars to school boards, also keep in mind they sell a program called SEL which is about dismantling White Supremacy. This company circulates data and booklets instructing school administrators how to get around parents, and how to continue on teaching critical race theory. We get to our guest Derrick Hollie - Mark and him talk a little about the Ad Business. Derrick explains why he decided to step into the limelight in a public forum. Derrick talks about his work with the Census, how he was tasked to find enumerators, and what types of voters they were going after / targeting. What Project 21 really is focusing on now is energy poverty, families that can not afford basic heating, lights etc. He has been fortunate enough to have gone before congress 5 times to talk about this very topic. But under the guise of Environmental Justice, the Left is trying to shut down the oil and gas companies. Project 21 member Derrick Hollie is the president of Reaching America, a non-profit group he founded that addresses issues affecting the black community such as criminal justice reform, occupational licensing, energy poverty and free speech. He is a host of the weekly “Reaching America On Demand” podcast.Derrick became engaged in public policy after an extensive career in advertising and marketing. He previously served as executive director of the marketing firm Fresh Solutions Now and president of Global Advertising 1st. He was also the national sales manager for the black-focused Radio One media network (now called Urban One). He is a graduate of East Tennessee State University, where he earned a bachelor of arts degree in broadcast management and communications. A recipient of the ETSU Alumni Award of Honor, he attended the school on a football scholarship and was a member of the Omega Psi Phi fraternity. Give H2Max a try and let us know what you think: Help us bring you the best content possible. Due to the left’s boycotts of those who advertise with Conservatives, we have had a number of advertisers back-out to avoid possible backlash. Support the show and gain access to even more content at Don’t forget to leave us a voicemail for the chance to have it played on a future episode. You can do so by clicking the link. Also, check out the store on our website to get your own Blunt Force Truth gear.
1/1/11 hour, 8 minutes, 52 seconds
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Are We Witnessing the Implosion of The Left?

On Today’s Episode -&nbsp; Chuck starts us out with shape shifting / voodoo economics. Biden is out telling everyone how great everything is, and it just ISNT. It is an absolute lying mess out there folks. Fox has now falling into the same category. The Democratic Party – how have they never embraced the values that make us America? Chuck talks us through a little of his YouTube deep dives and what he has been seeing recently. Mark talks a bit about the founding of this country, and our God Given Rights. We had to find compromises with the Democrats because they didn’t identify with our values which are freedom for everyone. These are some of the things being exposed on YouTube now. Mark reviews some of the Hunter Biden texts / correspondence proving just how much he was involved and knew about all the crimes being committed by his son and China. Chuck believes people are finally waking up and that they are starting to talk about it. It feels like the truth might be leaking out drip by drip, and even though everyone is trying to cover for Biden, it just isn’t enough.
1/1/11 hour, 15 minutes, 24 seconds
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What's in the Bill?

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; Whats in the Bill? Whats in the bill that was just passed? Does anyone know what's in any bill that's ever passed now days? This new Bill that was just passed would take 49 hours to read, at a whopping 2700 pages long. How can any member of Congress actually know what they re passing through? They can't have read the whole thing, how could they? AOC and the big Amtrack Push - what does she want? She is on record saying that Air Travel puts out too much pollution. She wants a train to Hawaii. 66 Billion of the new bill is for AOC's / Amtrack to build new stuff. 110 Billion of the bill goes for infrastructure - Roads, bridges and other major projects. Racism in our highway system though...that the big stuff that needs to be fixed. Mark talks about spending lots of time in the engineering dept, making building and making plans back from his construction days. At no time did we ever say "lets just put a smaller elevator in here because we think it will be full of Puerto Ricans.&nbsp;&nbsp; Mark has come up with his preferred pronouns - they are - Thee, Though, and Thine. This new bill also calls out digital equity. Racial and ethnic minority status makes is so you get free broadband. State mandated carbon reduction programs are also called for. We just approved 1.2 Trillion in spending, but if your state doesn't abide by Federal mandates then they won give you any of this money.
1/1/11 hour, 10 minutes, 32 seconds
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Our Altered Reality

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; Chuck starts us out with how the FBI, the DOJ were running Twitter before Elon took over. Its plain and easy to see that our government agencies were involved with controlling narrative on social media. Mark thinks there is no chance that the FBI will become a legitimate organization again. Basically everything Trump said was going on was indeed going on. Once the Jan 6th report gets to the DOJ, they are going to tear it up, there is nothing there, its a joke. The main stream media is great at cutting up Trumps speeches and only showing what they want to show. In particular when he told people to go peacefully and patriotically. But this committee is trying to criminally charge Trump with things he did NOT do...that he had inaction. You cant charge a person for what you did not do, you can only charge people for things they DID do.&nbsp;&nbsp; This Omnibus bill, that extends to September 2023, to it takes up to a year of the new congresses power away. These swamp creatures are divided and just fight over everything. You have a minority, constitutionally-minded group, and the rest of them just feed off the public trough. This dang bill was written by 2 people who aren't even going to be there, these guys are leaving office. This plan is to do as much damage as they can on the way out. We have not seen anything yet as far as inflation, it's going to get much worse.&nbsp;
1/1/11 hour, 6 minutes, 43 seconds
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The Marxist Left Exposed

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; Chuck's opening question - what good, if any, has Joe Biden done since he has been in office? Mark really started digging around in his mind to find SOMETHING Biden has done right. In all fairness its seriously hard to find something he has done right. Apparently, he has released FEMA to help troubled Americans in Louisiana. Chucks talks about Biden's lack of a moral compass, and how he just goes along with whatever his party wants. Texas anti abortion bill, and how the Left and the Main Stream Media just SLAMMED that. The new election law in Texas makes it more difficult to cheat in an election, but the MSM SLAMS this as well. It's full out attack Texas right now. Our government wants you to have a COVID ID to vote, but not a real form of voter ID? The Left is so anti-capitalist, they are looking for money wherever they can find they want to tax unrealized gains. What the Left is really trying to do is to Divide. What could be more decisive that for the them to tell people to hate their fellow citizens because they have more than them (sound familiar)? If you look at American Exceptionalism - this country has out performed the world, freedom, risk-reward, and NOT being like Europe where we CAME from. They want to Kill The Experiment. They want to go back to what our Founders escaped from. It's like the dog retiring to his vomit. This whole Marxist type movement that is going on is really coming to a head now. The Left is empowered now to talk about it, right in line with Communism. It has infiltrated every section of our country. Big business in falling in line with Washington because they want to be on the good side of the government. This is one of the reasons these people hated Trump for this, because he exposed this. He forced them out into the light and made them ADMIT what and who they really were.
1/1/11 hour, 8 minutes, 54 seconds
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Fear: The Great Motivator

On this episode of Blunt Force Truth, Chuck and Mark talk The Middle East,&nbsp; Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; The Middle East is doing it again - Chuck goes into detail Is the Democratic Party the only party with Anti-Semites in it? Clinton’s book on the 57 reasons the election was stolen from her We aren’t allowed to say ANYTHING about Trump and the 2020 election We now have people in the halls of Congress who want to wipe this Country Out! How the current administration is dismantling the country Gun shows / misinformation / our government and the news lying to us Hollywood is a font of bad information NYC LGBTQ parade has banned Cops - so if you are a gay police officer you can’t come Prince harry - has he gone BONKERS? Chuck goes all Shakespeare - to mask, or not to mask Shout out to Tucker Carlson and his show The Governor of Michigan going along with the CDC Fear is a great motivator Why is the Justice System not investigating&nbsp; Mark answers a viewer question about his background Mark lists all the issues going on in this country right now We’re spending BILLIONS on people illegally crossing our border Mark tells a QVC / Chuck - Cat Sweater Story Be sure to go checkout our friends at Gold Co. and receive your free IRA Guide!&nbsp;;ls=001-Email-Blunt-Force-Truth-Podcast&amp;cn=855-546-1792&amp;utm_source=Blunt-Force-Truth-Podcast&amp;utm_medium=Email&amp;utm_campaign=7014T0000005fDF Give H2Max a try and let us know what you think: Help us bring you the best content possible. Due to the left’s boycotts of those who advertise with Conservatives, we have had a number of advertisers back-out to avoid possible backlash. Support the show and gain access to even more content at Don’t forget to leave us a voicemail for the chance to have it played on a future episode. You can do so by clicking the link. Also, check out the store on our website to get your own Blunt Force Truth gear.;
1/1/11 hour, 7 minutes, 25 seconds
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The Future of Our Union - An Interview with Daniel Miller

On this episode of Blunt Force Truth, Chuck and Mark are joined by Daniel Miller. Daniel is the president of the Texas National Movement and has been an advocate for Texas independence for over 20 years.&nbsp; Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; · The push for Texas to gain its independence&nbsp;&nbsp; · The argument for why Texas should succeed from the union&nbsp; · What it would look like if Texas were able to succeed from the union&nbsp; · How it would change the landscape of the other 49 states in the union&nbsp; · How Texas leaving the union would differ from Brexit&nbsp; · What the end game for the Democrats is and how we are seeing it play out&nbsp; · The great reset and how Texas is doing the exact opposite&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; More about Daniel Miller:&nbsp; Daniel Miller is President of the Texas Nationalist Movement and has been an outspoken advocate for Texas independence since 1996. As the head of one of the largest and most influential political organizations in Texas, Miller has extensively researched and engaged the issue of self-determination, not just for Texas, but as part of a growing global trend.&nbsp; He has been featured on every major news network and been interviewed by every major newspaper in Texas and around the world. A featured guest on FoxNews, CNN, CNBC, BBC News, RT-TV and many other news outlets, Miller has been a vocal proponent of a fundamental reexamination of the relationship between all states in the Federal union.&nbsp; ?In 2011 he authored Line in the Sand, his first book, which addresses the roots of Texas Nationalism and the practical implications of national self-identity for Texans. Taken from years of experience, Line In The Sand has become a primer in the fundamentals of Texas Nationalism. Miller, a sixth generation Texan, was born and raised in Northeast Texas and currently resides in Southeast Texas with his wife, Cara. Both avid Texas Music fans, Daniel and Cara operate Radio Free Texas, one of the first online outlets for independent music created in Texas.&nbsp; Connect with Daniel Miller:&nbsp; Website:; Twitter:; Facebook:; Instagram:; YouTube:; Give H2Max a try and let us know what you think:; Help us bring you the best content possible. Due to the left’s boycotts of those who advertise with Conservatives, we have had a number of advertisers backout to avoid possible backlash. Support the show and gain access to even more content at; Don’t forget to leave us a voicemail for the chance to have it played on a future episode. You can do so by clicking the link.; Also, check out the store on our website...
1/1/11 hour, 8 minutes, 48 seconds
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Do the Right Thing - An Interview with Chief James Craig

On this episode of Blunt Force Truth, Chuck and Mark talk with The Detroit Chief of Police James Craig.&nbsp; Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; · Defund the police – who wants this, the community doesn’t actually want this&nbsp; · Stopping conversation, no more debating or talking to eachother&nbsp; · Good administrators not standing up to support good cops. More talk of Portland “summer of love” Police Officers were not allowed to conduct a proper investigation.&nbsp; · NYC – the Mayor is not supportive of his Police Department. Crime is up in all major cities. Magical in Detroit – Mayor stood up with Chief in support of Police Officer doing RIGHT.&nbsp;&nbsp; · Portland - Federal troops brought in to defend buildings – city caved in Fed Troops go home – moving out agents would restore order – the exact opposite happened.&nbsp; · Chief OWNS that DPD isn’t perfect, but they are transparent, he is all for admitting mistakes, calling something criminal if it is. Expectation that Cops should know difference between right and wrong&nbsp; · Technology is totally helping to catch criminals – facial recognition –&nbsp;&nbsp; · No one wants to talk about the victims when talking about defunding police or prisons&nbsp; · Reasonable people want to sit down and negotiate, not just eliminate police and prisons…people want to destroy cities 1 by 1, destroy the constitution, destroy the country.&nbsp; · The people deserve the Truth – media today / social media has so much power – they can set the tone, the truth, etc&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; More about Chief James Craig:&nbsp; Chief James Craig came to Detroit after serving in the same post in the Cincinnati Police Department for two years. Previously, he spent two years as chief of the Portland Police Department in Maine. A native Detroiter, Chief Craig started his police career here in the City in 1977. After a downsizing of the Detroit Police Department, he joined the Los Angeles police force and remained there for 28 years.&nbsp; Connect with Chief James Craig:&nbsp; Website:; Twitter: @ChiefJECraigDPD&nbsp; Facebook:; &nbsp;&nbsp; Give H2Max a try and let us know what you think:; Help us bring you the best content possible. Due to the left’s boycotts of those who advertise with Conservatives, we have had a number of advertisers backout to avoid possible backlash. Support the show and gain access to even more content at; Don’t forget to leave us a voicemail for the chance to have it played on a future episode. You can do so by clicking the link.; Also, check out the store on our website to get your own Blunt Force Truth gear. <a href=""...
1/1/11 hour, 9 minutes, 48 seconds
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The Draconian Left

On this episode of Blunt Force Truth, Chuck and Mark discuss everything from the ongoing election fraud to the ongoing Coronavirus lockdowns.&nbsp; Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; · How Big Tech is silencing the election whistleblowers&nbsp; · Their thoughts on Barack Obama’s latest book&nbsp; · The left’s blatant attacks on the American people&nbsp; · The failures of remote learning for our nation’s youth&nbsp; · Why the left is continuing with the radical Coronavirus shutdowns&nbsp; · The Coronavirus vaccine and how the left will weaponize it to destroy your individual rights&nbsp; · The lack of evidence that a cloth mask will keep you safe&nbsp; · Why the left and the MSM refuse to acknowledge the therapeutics or possible treatments that are currently available&nbsp; Somethings you can use to protect your immune system:&nbsp; · Vitamin D&nbsp; · Zinc&nbsp; · NAC&nbsp; · Glutathione&nbsp; This is only a recommendation. Please, consult your healthcareprofessional with further questions.&nbsp; Give H2Max a try and let us know what you think:; Help us bring you the best content possible. Due to the left’s boycotts of those who advertise with Conservatives, we have had a number of advertisers backout to avoid possible backlash. Support the show and gain access to even more content at; Don’t forget to leave us a voicemail for the chance to have it played on a future episode. You can do so by clicking the link.; Also, check out the store on our website to get your own Blunt Force Truth gear.;
1/1/11 hour, 8 minutes, 21 seconds
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The Unknown Future

On this episode of Blunt Force Truth, Chuck and Mark discuss the unknowns surrounding the Presidential election.&nbsp; Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; · The importance of taking time out of your day to appreciate others&nbsp; · How we have never seen the level of tamperingwith the election as we are currently seeing&nbsp; · Why people continue to fall for the lies from left&nbsp; · The ongoing attack on small businesses and how bigbusiness is benefiting from the lockdowns&nbsp; · Why the left is against small businesses&nbsp;&nbsp; · Their thoughts on what will happen if President Trump is unsuccessful in winning the election&nbsp; · Why today’s younger generation is not willing to take risks&nbsp; · The new COVID-19 restrictions that we are seeing in the blue states&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; Give H2Max a try and let us know what you think:; Help us bring you the best content possible. Due to the left’s boycotts of those who advertise with Conservatives, we have had a number of advertisers backout to avoid possible backlash. Support the show and gain access to even more content at; Don’t forget to leave us a voicemail for the chance to have it played on a future episode. You can do so by clicking the link.; Also, check out the store on our website to get your own Blunt Force Truth gear.;
1/1/11 hour, 20 minutes, 7 seconds
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The Climate Change Challenge - an Interview with Dr. Bonner Cohen

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; Mark introduces us to a returning guest, Dr. Bonner Cohen (Bio Below). Dr. Cohen has a challenge up offering a bunch of cash to anyone who can disprove his stance on "climate change" - which uses to be called global warming. Mark asks, does the far left, this Green New Deal bunch, do they think they have the ability to stop the coming ice age? Dr. Cohen says they are ultimately after power over people, they recognized the potential of the global warming narrative, you could control people who need and use energy. Pay attention to who is putting an end to is our own Government. Dr. Cohen goes into talking how the auto makers and the far left will NOT talk about how the energy grid will support all these new EV's. Seeing as California is talking about banning all gas powered vehicles ASAP, but then the week after this is announced, they tell everyone to NOT plug in their car because there is a power issues with the grid. The Green New Left does not want freedom for people, personal vehicles are freedom, when you want to go somewhere you can, where you want to live you can drive to and from...if we are all on EV's that never work because we can't plug them in...we will all have to just sit at home and listen to The View. BIO: Bonner R. Cohen is a senior fellow at the National Center for Public Policy Research, where he concentrates on energy, natural resources, and international relations. He also serves as a senior policy adviser with the Heartland Institute, senior policy analyst with the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow, and as adjunct scholar at the Competitive Enterprise Institute. Articles by Dr. Cohen have appeared in the Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Investor’s Business Daily, New York Post, Washington Times, National Review, Philadelphia Inquirer, Detroit News, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Miami Herald, and dozens of other newspapers in the U.S. and Canada. He has been interviewed on Fox News, CNN, Fox Business Channel, BBC, BBC Worldwide Television, NBC, NPR, N 24 (German language news channel), Voice of Russia, and scores of radio stations in the U.S. Dr. Cohen has testified before the U.S. Senate committees on Energy &amp; Natural Resources and Environment &amp; Public Works as well as the U.S. House committees on Natural Resources and Judiciary. He has spoken at conferences in the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, and Bangladesh. Dr. Cohen is the author of two books, The Green Wave: Environmentalism and its Consequences (Washington: Capital Research Center, 2006) and Marshall, Mao und Chiang: Die amerikanischen Vermittlungsbemuehungen im chinesischen Buergerkrieg (Marshall, Mao and Chiang: The American Mediations Effort in the Chinese Civil War) (Munich: Tuduv Verlag, 1984). Dr. Cohen received his B.A. from the University of Georgia and his Ph.D. – summa cum laude – from the University of Munich. Dr. Cohen's Books&nbsp;
1/1/11 hour, 28 minutes, 36 seconds
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Standing Tall for Your Beliefs - w/ Special Guest Antonio Sabato Jr.

Today’s Show Breakdown Chuck starts us out explaining how the Three Letter Agencies are just falling apart. Mark&nbsp; introduces us to our guest, Antonio Sabato Jr. – and this has Mark feeling like he isn’t handsome&nbsp; enough to be on this podcast because Chuck and Antonio are so pretty. Chuck kicks us back to Elon Musk being the second most hated person in the world next to Trump. Antonio goes on to tell us how we have never seen so much darkness as we are today. The Balenciaga&nbsp; Scandal with children in BDSM stuff, Hunter Biden Laptop, and Antonio is looking for people to&nbsp; stand up and make noise. He believes if you just stand by and do nothing you are part of the problem.&nbsp; The Clooney’s of the world on red carpets talking about how he is for more Govt. interference…he&nbsp; doesn’t live in the same reality that we do. The guys get into Kanye and where he went wrong, but Antonio talks about not wanting to be him for sure.&nbsp;&nbsp; Chuck talks about being called antisemitic even though his best friend of years was Jewish. Chuck finds it hysterical that the people over the past 2 years that have spoken the most truth, have been banned. &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;; &nbsp;&nbsp;;&nbsp;
1/1/11 hour, 43 seconds
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How the Left Tries to Trick You - w/ Mark Vafiades

On Today’s Episode -&nbsp; Chuck starts us out with everything Trump is being accused of – these people in grand jurys may convict him, but every single one of these will be overturned by the Supreme Court. This is nothing more than election interference. These groups are all using Washington DC and New York Grand Juries. The defendant is not allowed to appear before said gran jury. So when you pull together one in DC or NYC…its….Democrat…go figure. We meet our guest Mark Vafiades (see bio below). Mark is running for State Senate in Virginia. BFT Mark asks Mark V – why he hates himself so much, serving in Richmond VA seems like some sort of penance. He tells us a little bit about when he was a Conservative in Los Angeles, and about all the stars he has known as republicans, but they don’t publicly let anyone know they are because they would lose their livelihood in Hollywood if they came out as the dreaded…Republicans. The guys get into the most recent indictment of Trump – Mark Young tells us about going to CNN dot com last night, but he could not find one story on the CNN website about Devin Archer, Hunter Biden or that testimony….it did NOT EXIST on that website. Mark V talks about the California Clean Car stuff coming, and how it was tagged in to Virginia where he is now.&nbsp;&nbsp;;
1/1/11 hour, 21 minutes, 33 seconds
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Good is Evil and Evil is Good - an Interview with Chris Widener

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; Chuck starts us out with the Sussmann Trial - he was acquitted of lying to the FBI (which e know he did). This jury was about as biased as you could get. Here's what you are going to hear - the Rhinos will be on talking about how complicated the case was, and the Dems will be going nuts with that Sussmann was not guilty - they will probably try to turn this into MORE false info about Trump being a Russian asset. Mark introduces us to our guest Chris Widener, and gives a little of Chris's background. Chris is a prolific writer, he has written 22 books. Chuck talks what would have happened if Trump had done the same thing Hillary did, and he believes we would have already had the proverbial public hanging. Will we have a red wave and win the house and senate - we need to root out these folks are held accountable and investigate all that has gone on since Biden took office? The guys talk about the FBI having plants in the so called "insurrection. Did the FBI also encourage this group of guys to kidnap the Governor of Michigan. No one will be prosecuted for these things. Chris thinks that the Left just threw Biden in there as the "nice guy who eats ice cream". Mark talks about Biden getting angry at the press when they push him, another classic symptom of dementia, that shows on the daily.; Truthsocial - @chriswidener
1/1/11 hour, 8 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Supreme Court and What it means for America - An Interview with Adam Winkler

On this episode of Blunt Force Truth, Mark is joined by Professor Adam Winkler. Professor Winkler brings a wealth of knowledge andinsight on the United States Constitution and Supreme Court.&nbsp; Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; · Their thoughts on the hearings for Amy Coney Barrett and how she performed&nbsp;&nbsp; · The Constitutionality of appointing a Supreme Court justice during an election year&nbsp; · Their thoughts on the standards that should be held by a Supreme Court justice&nbsp; · Some of the major cases that Amy Coney Barrett could rule on or vote to overturn&nbsp; · What could be expected when it comes to Roe v. Wade&nbsp;&nbsp; · What Amy Coney Barrett’s nomination and expected confirmation could mean for Obamacare&nbsp; · Court packing and what it would mean for the court and our country&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; More about Adam Winkler:&nbsp; Adam Winkler is a professor at UCLA School of Law and the author of We the Corporations: How American Businesses Won Their Civil Rights and Gunfight: The Battle over the Right to Bear Arms in America. His scholarship has been cited by the US Supreme Court.&nbsp; Connect with Adam Winkler:&nbsp; Website:; Twitter: @adamwinkler&nbsp; Instagram:; &nbsp;&nbsp; Give H2Max a try and let us know what you think:; Help us bring you the best content possible. Due to the left’s boycotts of those who advertise with Conservatives, we have had a number of advertisers backout to avoid possible backlash. Support the show and gain access to even more content at; Don’t forget to leave us a voicemail for the chance to have it played on a future episode. You can do so by clicking the link.; Also, check out the store on our website to get your own Blunt Force Truth gear.;&nbsp;
1/1/156 minutes, 31 seconds
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The Time of Abundance is Over (according to the Left)

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; An interesting thing is going on...Trump has picked a lot of people running in the Senate / House. Mitch McConnell has not, he is not picking people the RNC will support. This feels like the RNC is NOT going to support any of the Trump picks. This means Trump may have to support these people, only he can support them because he is a major fundraiser.&nbsp;&nbsp; Chuck has been watching CNBD and MSNBC faithfully these past couple weeks, and according to those sources they are painting Trump as Hitler. They HAVE to indict Trump now, and our team believes they will. When they accused Trump of being a Russian asset, the FBI guy who did this, left the FBI - Tim Thibault - you know the guy who covered up the Hunter Biden laptop. Student Debt - some trucker driving a truck at Walmart is having to pick up the cost of someone who went to an Ivy League school learning about some environmental whack job thing that is unemployable. This is the oldest trick in the book, the Left comes to your door, and says you got big pot holes out here, we will fix them if you vote for us. How is Biden getting the authority to do this student debt bill?
1/1/11 hour, 2 minutes, 38 seconds
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Hypno-tising - the Secrets and Science of Ads That Sell More

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; Mark starts out talking about his newly released book – Hypno-ti$ing. He gives us a brief overview of some of the things you can learn from this book and asks for all the listeners to help him get this Book on the Best Seller’s list. Right now, you can go to Amazon and get a digital copy for only .99 cents. See the Link below Chuck has decided to do something contrary to normal responses. Chuck has decided to continue to talk about what is going on, but in a different fashion. He is going to start praying for his enemies, he is going to ask God to help these people and release some of the stress he has been feeling as of late. The Left is so angry, even when they get their way, they remain mad, angry, and just unhappy. The Democratic party is no longer the Democratic Party, it is The Socialist Party. Look at all of these people who lean towards communism and socialism, who are embedded in that party. They want all the power; they think the Government should have ALL the Power. Dr. Mark Young's new book, Hypno-tising - the secrets and science of ads that sell more, comes out Tuesday, December 12th.&nbsp; This book asks &nbsp;What if you could create advertising that’s so compelling, so hypnotic, that it motivates consumers to make an immediate change in their behavior to buy your product or service? In HYPNO-TI$ING: The Secrets &amp; Science of Ads That Sell More, you’ll learn how to do that, and much more. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, a marketing professional, or you just want to understand the science and psychology behind why human beings make the choices they make, elevate your brand by ordering HYPNO-TI$ING today.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Get Mark’s Book here -; e-Book on Amazon for .99 Cents -;
1/1/11 hour, 12 minutes, 42 seconds
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What’s in It for Them - w/ Special Guest Joe Polish

Today’s Show Notes  Joe Polish – one of the most loving, foul-mouthed people you will ever meet.  Joe is literally the most connected man in the world.  Joe is a guy who can put you in touch with pretty much anyone and everyone.  And now, he knows Chuck Woolery, this has all led up to getting to meet Chuck Woolery lol.  Joe runs a group called genius network – this is where all the best entrepreneurs get together and Joe leads them in connection, health, wealth and all these things.  Joe talks about his book “What’s in IT for Them” – who’s premise is all about connection.  Who doesn’t want to make friends and influence people.  The premise is how to win the right friends and influence the right people.  There are some people that you just need to be ok with having not in your life.  In your own life and energy level, there are many people that the best way to get through life is to avoid them. &nbsp;;
1/1/11 hour, 16 minutes, 15 seconds
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Pathological Liars Running Our Country

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; Chuck starts us out talking Elon Musk. He just became the controlling / major stock holder for Twitter. He is now the Left's new "enemy number 1". He really believes in free speech. The Left is going to chomp him up as much as they can. He is for oil, and for alot of things that Mark and Chuck are for, and he has 300 Billion dollars. He needs to find other members of the board to agree with him before he can make any real change over there, he is trying to bring some sanity to Twitter. Chuck brings up a guy named Victor Orban - the EU version of Ron DeSantis. Chuck goes on to tell us a little about him, the Pres. Of Hungary and very much into borders. Keep your ears open for the name Viktor Orban. The guys talk about how neither of them played High School football, and this could be why neither of them have all these serious injuries. Both of them live a very healthy, clean living. Chuck talks about his Hollywood parties where there were piles, just fountains of cocaine laying around everywhere. Mark talks about Ad parties from his past where there similar drugs just all over the place, and how he tried to fit in, in that world.&nbsp;&nbsp; Chuck is ON FIRE about The Biden Administration on fossil fuels, then blames the oil companies or Putin for the higher prices, Chuck is just sick of it. So many things in Washington now are "under investigation", thats how they just kick the can down the road. Mark says this is the most corrupt administration in the history of our country.&nbsp;&nbsp; Health Tip - Bio Splice - Available in 2023. A single injection that can rebuild your knees and joints.;
1/1/155 minutes, 5 seconds
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How to remain a Happy American – an Interview with Dan Sullivan

On this episode of Blunt Force Truth, Chuck and Mark talk with Dan Sullivan of Strategic Coach about The Repositioning of AmericanChecklist &amp; how to be a happy American.&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; Today’s show rundown:&nbsp;&nbsp; · There is no shortage of negative news / easy time to be depressed and hopeless&nbsp; · A medical report is showing that 50% of new COVID cases are being reported by patients that HAVE been vaccinated.&nbsp; · Pro’s and Con’s of the COVID Vaccine&nbsp; · Chuck says that Deaths due to COVID / Mortality rate is way down&nbsp; · The COVID vaccine has the potential to trigger ALS, Alzheimer’s, and dementia in certain individuals, you are altering humanDNA.&nbsp; · Dan Sullivan talks briefly about his past, and where he lives, etc.&nbsp; · Americans have a set of mindsets that make them unique in the world&nbsp; · Dan explains what his 8 mindsets are&nbsp; · Is Faith being driven out of Canada? Talking with other Canadians about religion.&nbsp; · If you use these 8 mindsets as “gears” for your life, the happier you are&nbsp; · The psychology of why 6 foot, masks, risk of COVID, - are they all part of a plan to divide and conquer?&nbsp; · All of global history since 1789 is a reaction to the American Experiment&nbsp; · History lesson on some of the History of America&nbsp; · Little back story of Chuck Woolery’s past – how he came up&nbsp; · Brief background on Dan&nbsp; · Happiness is like yogurt&nbsp; · Gratitude is required to be happy&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Get Dan’s book here -;keywords=who+not+how&amp;qid=1619540475&amp;sr=8-1&nbsp;&nbsp; Be sure to go checkout our friends at Gold Co. and receive your free IRA Guide!&nbsp;&nbsp;;ls=001-Email-Blunt-Force-Truth-Podcast&amp;cn=855-546-1792&amp;utm_source=Blunt-Force-Truth-Podcast&amp;utm_medium=Email&amp;utm_campaign=7014T0000005fDF&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; Give H2Max a try and let us know what you think:; Help us bring you the best content possible. Due to the left’s boycotts of those who advertise with Conservatives, we have had a numberof advertisers backout to avoid possible backlash. Support the show and gain access to even more content at; Don’t...
1/1/11 hour, 18 minutes, 44 seconds
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What is Important to Our Country Right Now

On this episode of Blunt Force Truth, Chuck and Mark talk America, important issues, what is the Next Big Threat? Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; Mark starts off talking about global warming is back baby CBS this morning - if this happens, draconian things will take place. But we KNOW El Nino is coming Mark is predicting - as COVID wraps up, and the Govt. has to let go of some of their RULE over the people…they will need Global Warming to let them keep their power Chuck talks how so many on the left have lost their credibility In Michigan, over 55% of the population is vaccinated Climate Racism - what the heck is this? Chuck’s old home’s trees are dead The Left says we must eliminate capitalism to save the earth from global warming SARS COV2 was a Gain of Function virus, created in a lab What does Chuck think should happen to China John Cena and his China comments Greenwood / Tulsa OK - Biden visits and gives a speech We can’t get past or move on from fighting with ourselves Keynote Speaker wants to kill all things white Why is it OK to say “kill every white person that moves”?&nbsp; Be sure to go checkout our friends at Gold Co. and receive your free IRA Guide!&nbsp;;ls=001-Email-Blunt-Force-Truth-Podcast&amp;cn=855-546-1792&amp;utm_source=Blunt-Force-Truth-Podcast&amp;utm_medium=Email&amp;utm_campaign=7014T0000005fDF Give H2Max a try and let us know what you think: Help us bring you the best content possible. Due to the left’s boycotts of those who advertise with Conservatives, we have had a number of advertisers back-out to avoid possible backlash. Support the show and gain access to even more content at Don’t forget to leave us a voicemail for the chance to have it played on a future episode. You can do so by clicking the link. Also, check out the store on our website to get your own Blunt Force Truth gear.;
1/1/11 hour, 12 minutes, 9 seconds
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American Marxism, How Close are We?

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; Mark starts us off talking about senator Krysten Sinema, and how Biden is saying that 2 senators should not be able to block the will of the other 48 senators. The past 5 million in Govt. spending isn't even spent yet. Local governments are holding committee meetings trying to burn through this money. This is the problem with inflation, too much money with too little goods and services.&nbsp;&nbsp; Years back, you used to do something called a passbook savings account for like 5-5.5 percent interest. So if inflation was 3 percent, you beat it by 2 and a half percent, you could stay ahead of inflation. Biden is saying he will not take 1 penny from the middle class and the poor. The 3.5 Trillion actually has "ZERO COST" as per Biden and the left. When we take people and and sit them at home, and pay them for nothing...we see retail spending increase.&nbsp;&nbsp; The government established the worth of a person to do NOTHING ...16$ and hour. So people are entitled to think they are more valuable that that to do something. Pay attention to your bills come wither - with the increase in fuel oil, your heat bill could be higher. The idea that we are going to charge corporations more taxes, and that they will not pass that onto the consumers is absurd. Living United for Change in Arizona are the ones harassing Sinema - these aren't activists. These are people being paid to do a job, including chasing people into bathrooms and filming them. Give H2Max a try and let us know what you think: Help us bring you the best content possible. Due to the left’s boycotts of those who advertise with Conservatives, we have had a number of advertisers back-out to avoid possible backlash. Support the show and gain access to even more content at Don’t forget to leave us a voicemail for the chance to have it played on a future episode. You can do so by clicking the link. Also, check out the store on our website to get your own Blunt Force Truth gear.
1/1/11 hour, 14 minutes, 13 seconds
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False Narratives

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; We talk about all the misinformation you must weed through on your day-to-day basis. Because the Federal Government insists that they have complete control of your life, instead of you running your own life. Chuck talks the voting rights bill – this is federalizing voting, taking power away from the states. Chuck believes this will not get passed because there is dissent on the left. So, when Democrats can’t win, they try to change the rules. It is unbelievable to think about…all you hear is “Assault on our Democracy” the Left is trying to tie EVERYTHING into some attack on our “Democracy”. The Free Press was supposed to act as the unofficial 4th branch of Government. They would hold the other 3 branches to the truth. But now days, our news outlets report gossip and misinformation. They are in the pockets of the Left and reporting whatever narrative they want to. Also, our current Administration is reaching out to Media Carriers to get them to remove stations like OAN, or other stations that carry messages other than theirs.&nbsp;&nbsp; The purpose of this government is to make this country ungovernable. Other false narratives such as - Inflation is transitory, inflation is driven by corporate greed, the secret Beef and Meat Cartel (cabal). We paid people not to work, you have more money going after fewer goods and services, the cost of shipping containers has gone through the roof. What did Trump do, he deregulated, and made us energy independent.;;
1/1/11 hour, 2 minutes, 36 seconds
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The Left Can Never Survive on the Truth - an Interview with Steve Toth

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; Chuck learned about John Adams getting censored for saying "Slavery" Abraham Lincoln carried John Adams body off the floor of Congress when he passed The Left Can never survuive on the Truth The White House is celebrating that it is cheaper to have a BBQ this year than last (16 Cents cheaper) 94 people shot in Chicago over the weekend Can we get a "Patriotic Week" over here? How Canada got its name - a joke from Dr. Young lol Canada is passing a law making it a 20K fine for the use of Hate Speech We meet the guest Steve Toth The Dark Heart of the Left, being projected onto us Steve went to the border with Pres. Trump The Federales are completely hands off with the Northern States in Mexico Kamala Harris went to El Paso where we have a "Big, Beautiful Wall" - but she wouldn't go to the Rio Grand Valley Thousands of these "ID bracelets" all along both sides of the river We had the Border Problem FIXED under Pres. Trump Did the Democrats WANT the border states to get a Higher COVID Rate? Texans have a sense of love for their land and their State Did The Alamo drive the cost of freedom and liberty to Texans? Teachers being told that you can teach CRT so long as you don't teach History Steve's Bill started as a social studies Bill - been looked at by the Attorney General Action Civics, or iCivics, protest Civics - renaming CRT Marxism is Bigotry - reducing everyone to the lowest common denominator The Black people that are attacking Asian's are doing so due to White Supremacy Why does the Left want to separate us? Chuck talks about his old Pastor Our Rights come from God About Steve Steve Toth is a former Texas State Representative, an ordained minister and a local small business owner. Having, once again, heard the call to serve, Steve believes it is imperative to defend our Constitution. Babette and I have decided it’s time to step up and fight to reverse the progressive trend in Texas. This is our time to answer the call and we do so with a great deal of excitement. Steve has a proven and verifiable conservative record. My candidacy will flow from deeply held conservative principles and a belief that government is overreaching, inefficient, and all too involved in our affairs. Career Steve Toth is an entrepreneur located in Montgomery County. He owns two small businesses, Acclaim Pools, a local design and build firm, and My PoolXpert, a pool maintenance company. The Houston Chronicle has featured Steve Toth in the Business Section and his firm, Acclaim Pools, has been highlighted in several industry trade publications. Texas State Representative While a member of the Texas House, Representative Steve Toth gained a reputation as a firebrand conservative. He authored and successfully passed several pieces of legislation, most notably the Federal Firearms Protection Act, making it a Class A misdemeanor to interfere with a Texan's Second Amendment right, and the CSCOPE Transparency Act, which brought the liberal indoctrination curriculum known as Common Core under the oversight and approval of the State Board of Education. Representative Toth earned the title “Taxpayer Champion” and garnered an 'A' score from Texans For Fiscal Responsibility. He was also named “Courageous Conservative” by the Texas Conservative Coalition. Among other distinctions, Toth was honored as "Top Rated Conservative in the Texas House" by the Texas Eagle Forum and received a 100% rating from the Texas chapter of Concerned Women for America. In addition, he obtained the second highest score in the Texas legislature from Young Conservative...
1/1/11 hour, 6 minutes, 11 seconds
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The Insurrection - What Really Happened - an Interview with Larry Ward

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; Who said what to who - what do we know about "The Insurrection" Chuck thinks its' a bad look to break into the Capitol and break windows and such Mark and Chuck are NOT for riots of any type What we are for is equal legislation Trump requested troops to defend the capitol BEFORE said insurrection He sent this request to Nancy Pelosi and Mayor of DC Brewer and Pelosi were informed - they rejected this request The FBI was out trying to recruit former military people to infiltrate this crowd Why can't we see the video footage from inside the insurrection Why can't we see the footage about who shot the Police Officer there Intro to our guest Larry Ward who talks to us about what happened with Gun Dynamics These "Woke" corporations are now controlling how you do business and potentially WHAT you can buy Conservatism is seen as the Enemy to the Left, not just a different view The Capitol Police were letting people in More Left turning words on us like they do with everything DC and LA have a lot in common - hanging your values on a party guest list Larry wants another Protest with as many people as we can get to go to Washington D.C. They can't say we are having a war against Patriots...hence the White Supremacy The Left is all for Hoodwinking the American People Biden keep saying that he will be the nominee in 2024 What happens between now and 2022 Larry Ward &nbsp;CEO / PRESIDENT Larry Ward brings decades of political, corporate, and non-profit experience and expertise to his role as the head of marketing, experience that allows him to direct a new company to success. &nbsp;Chief Marketing Officer Larry Ward brings decades of political, corporate, and non-profit experience and expertise to his role as the head of marketing, experience that allows him to direct a new company to success. &nbsp;From a New York communications and advertising background, Larry turned his attention to Washington in 2002, as a reaction to the over-regulation that was choking the aggressiveness out of capitalism and liberty. His immediate impact was felt where, under the tutelage of political consultant Dick Morris, Larry was able to influence key congressional and gubernatorial elections. Since then, Larry and PMI have been involved in hundreds of political contests, ranging from local, to state, to national, and even global contests, always with the same stalwart commitment to God, liberty and principled conservatism. &nbsp; Be sure to go checkout our friends at Gold Co. and receive your free IRA Guide!&nbsp;;ls=001-Email-Blunt-Force-Truth-Podcast&amp;cn=855-546-1792&amp;utm_source=Blunt-Force-Truth-Podcast&amp;utm_medium=Email&amp;utm_campaign=7014T0000005fDF Give H2Max a try and let us know what you think: Help us bring you the best content possible. Due to the left’s boycotts of those who advertise with Conservatives, we have had a number of advertisers back-out to avoid possible backlash. Support the show and gain access to even more content at Don’t forget to leave us a voicemail for the chance to have it played on a future episode. You can do so by clicking the link. Also, check out the store on our website to get your own Blunt Force Truth gear.
1/1/11 hour, 10 minutes, 12 seconds
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Ready for Ron (DeSantis) - an Interview with Lilian Rodriguez-Baz

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; Lillian is with an organization called Ready for Ron. Mark brings up the letter we sent to Gov. DeSantis about helping to pay for the busses filled with illegals that he was going to ship north to DC. Lilian goes into what has motivated people to run this PAC Ready for Ron? Who replaces DeSantis after he runs for President? Lilian believes that Florida's loss would be the Nation's gain. All of us are legitimately concerned, because there is a lot going on. Gas prices, the border, people making the minimal federal wage are now paying more for gas. Chuck doesn't think the American people will tolerate this much longer. Something has got to break the back of this Democrat Cabal, it is just totally out of hand, and the American people have to see it. Big Tech - no one wants to be censored, big Tech can de-platform people who express views that don't meet the liberal agenda. DeSantis is passing legislation to disallow this for Florida residents. The more the Left Hates someone...the better they actually are for OUR COUNRTY. That's how you know you are there, for some reason, Washington doesn't like success, they create chaos and run on that.&nbsp;&nbsp;;
1/1/11 hour, 13 seconds
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The Biden Interview

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; Let's do a little review of President Biden's Interview with Scott Pelley on CBS. Biden has declared that the Pandemic is OVER, he says we still have work to do. Immediately - his surgeon general came out and said welllllllll its not over. New York then said Private sector can go to work, but the Government employees are business as usual AKA "Pandemic Rules". Fauci comes out and says - what Biden really meant (yes - he is correcting what the President said), the WORST part of the pandemic is over. If the Pandemic is over - how doe Biden forgive all that student debt? When pressed on Inflation, Biden said "Come on Man - Inflation rate month to month was just-- just an inch, hardly at all." Pelley asks, you are not saying 8.3 percent inflation is good news? Biden replies - No, I'm not saying it is good news. But it was 8.2% or-- 8.2% before. I mean, it's not-- you're ac-- we act-- make it sound like all of a sudden, "My god, it went to 8.2%." It's been. What the heck is this guy talking about. All of us paying more at the pump and groceries - we sure are feeling what is in reality MORE than 8.3 percent! Inflation response has pushed wages up right, but your buying power has gone down. But the tax brackets have not been altered. Say you made 60K your tax bracket is 5.5% in taxes. If you got a pay raise to 64K (not enough to cover the cost of living increase) - you are now in the 6.6% tax bracket. You see how the Biden Administration is working against you here, you get a little raise that could push you into a new tax bracket especially around the $41,775 number where you jump 10% higher.;;;
1/1/11 hour, 1 minute, 29 seconds
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Never-Ending Frustration

On this episode of Blunt Force Truth, Chuck and Mark have a lot to discuss on today’s show. The cover everything from The Biden Crime family to the corruption with Secretary of State’s across the country.&nbsp; Today’s shoe rundown:&nbsp; · Their thoughts on if the Biden crime family will be held accountable&nbsp; · The left’s hatred for any America First policy&nbsp; · What the World Economic Forum’s “the great reset” would mean for the world&nbsp; · Why Democrat cities are unable to get the Coronavirus under control&nbsp;&nbsp; · George Soros’s push to win over DA, SOS, and other local elected officials&nbsp; · Some of the ridiculous laws that are being implemented across the country in Democrat run cities&nbsp; · Some of the long-term tactics that the Democrats have used to divide our country&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; Give H2Max a try and let us know what you think:; Help us bring you the best content possible. Due to the left’s boycotts of those who advertise with Conservatives, we have had a number of advertisers backout to avoid possible backlash. Support the show and gain access to even more content at; Don’t forget to leave us a voicemail for the chance to have it played on a future episode. You can do so by clicking the link.; Also, check out the store on our website to get your own Blunt Force Truth gear.;&nbsp;
1/1/11 hour, 7 minutes, 10 seconds
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The Thought Police

On this episode of Blunt Force Truth, Chuck and Mark discuss the upcoming election, the Democrat’s desperation, and much more.&nbsp; Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; · What is happening with the FBI and our other intelligence agencies&nbsp; · Their thoughts on the Biden family crime syndicate&nbsp; · The Democrats and the radical thought police&nbsp; · Governor Whitmer’s desperation to hold onto her emergency powers&nbsp; · The growing connections between the big tech overlords and the Democratic party&nbsp; · How we are seeing more and more correlations to the book 1984&nbsp; · Their thoughts on what would attract someone to vote for Joe Biden&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; Give H2Max a try and let us know what you think:; Help us bring you the best content possible. Due to the left’s boycotts of those who advertise with Conservatives, we have had a number of advertisers backout to avoid possible backlash. Support the show and gain access to even more content at; Don’t forget to leave us a voicemail for the chance to have it played on a future episode. You can do so by clicking the link.; Also, check out the store on our website to get your own Blunt Force Truth gear.;&nbsp;
1/1/11 hour, 1 minute, 29 seconds
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Equality vs Equity - An Interview with Dr. Karlyn Borysenko

&nbsp;· Dr. Fauci – a boy from Brooklyn to America’s Doctor – REALLY??? – this book is just another example of self-promotion&nbsp;&nbsp; · Introducing Karlyn – some questions first from Mark – the DSM (manual that the world of psychology uses) goes down questionsabout gender dysmorphia.&nbsp; · Oppression Hierarchy – and defining what this is&nbsp; · Mark gets into the Furry Movement – explaining to Chuck what Furries are&nbsp; · Dr. Boysen talks about a college student who went back @ 40 and had to take classes that described that people can be born apedophile and that it is ok&nbsp; · Chuck tells some stories about Bruce / Kaitlyn Jenner&nbsp; · Talk on the Trans Movement&nbsp;&nbsp; · The ruining of female sports with Trans male athletes being allowed to compete as women&nbsp; · We move into Critical Race Theory – Dr. Boysen delves into explanation&nbsp; · Multi-color Whiteness – If you are NOT white…but are conservative – you have multi-color whiteness&nbsp; · Equality vs Equity&nbsp;&nbsp; · Incorrect recollections – some explanation here looping back into Critical Race Theory&nbsp; · We go into some talk about the Coke-a-Cola company / online training / about how to be less white&nbsp; · The left are the ones who want to treat people differently based on the color of their skin&nbsp;&nbsp; More about Karlyn Borysenko:&nbsp; Dr. Karlyn Borysenko is the founder of Zen Workplace, as well as the Chief Science Officer of RallyBright, and works with teams all over the world to build better work experiences. An organizational psychologist and executive/performance coach, she is a leader in integrating mindfulness strategies at work to increase productivity and creativity, reduce stress, and create better work experiences. She is based in the greater Boston area and serves clients all over the world. She holds an MBA and a PhD in Psychology, is an experienced trainer and facilitator, coach, and award-winning speaker. Karlyn is a contributor to and the author of Zen Your Work: Create your ideal work experience through mindful self-mastery.&nbsp; Connect with Karlyn Borysenko:&nbsp; <span style="font-size:...
1/1/11 hour, 9 minutes, 55 seconds
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Chuck & Mark talk about The CDC / Government Falsehoods / COVID-19

&nbsp;Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; · How many cases of the flu were reported lastwinter vs this winter?&nbsp; · Border crisis is not getting fixed any time soon&nbsp; · Toxic male masculinity and COVID – what a joke&nbsp; · The reason AIDS struck the male community morewas Toxic Masculinity&nbsp;&nbsp; · Mark accuses Chuck of being too good a cook andor decorator – he may not be a Toxic Male&nbsp; · Chuck does NOT find twitter comedy thread funnyat all&nbsp; · Mark talks a little about a tone def SaturdayNight Live skit&nbsp; · Washington is a cesspool of gossip&nbsp; · Politicians are media whores&nbsp; · Defining the word Infrastructure&nbsp; · How Biden’s Infrastructure Bill will NOT gain usas many jobs as they say&nbsp; · Biden is a B-29 on a mission, dropping bombswherever he can&nbsp; · If the Democrats don’t lose in the nextelection, we are in trouble&nbsp;&nbsp; Be sure to go checkout our friends at Gold Co. and receive your free IRA Guide!&nbsp;&nbsp;;ls=001-Email-Blunt-Force-Truth-Podcast&amp;cn=855-546-1792&amp;utm_source=Blunt-Force-Truth-Podcast&amp;utm_medium=Email&amp;utm_campaign=7014T0000005fDF&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; Give H2Max a try and let us know what you think:; Help us bring you the best content possible. Due to theleft’s boycotts of those who advertise with Conservatives, we have had a numberof advertisers backout to avoid possible backlash. Support the show and gainaccess to even more content at; Don’t forget to leave us a voicemail for the chance to have it played on a future episode. You can do so by clicking the link.; Also, check out the store on our website to get your own Blunt Force Truth gear.;&nbsp;
1/1/11 hour, 15 minutes, 52 seconds
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The Tyranny of the Minority - w/ Chris Voss

On Today’s Episode -&nbsp; Mark welcomes everyone in and lets us know that Chuck will not be with us today. Blunt Force Truth West is without power / AC. So, we were not going to make Chuck go sit in a metal building in 110-degree heat with no AC. Mark introduces us to today’s guest Chris Voss (bio below). Chris is going to talk us through some if his lessons learned and share what he knows with us.&nbsp;&nbsp; All Chris’s books below;store_ref=ap_rdr&amp;isDramIntegrated=true&amp;shoppingPortalEnabled=true&nbsp; Chris Voss; Chris used his many years of experience in international crises and high-stakes negotiations to develop a unique program that applies globally proven techniques to the business world. Prior to 2008, Chris was the lead international kidnapping negotiator for the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), as well as the FBI’s hostage negotiation representative for the National Security Council’s Hostage Working Group. During his career, he also represented the U.S. government as an expert in kidnapping at two international conferences sponsored by the G8. Before becoming the FBI's lead international kidnapping negotiator, Christopher served as the lead Crisis Negotiator for the New York City division of the FBI. Chris was a member of the New York City Joint Terrorist Task Force for 14 years. He was the case agent on TERRSTOP (Omar Abdel-Rahman/"The Blind Sheikh" case) and the TWA Flight 800 catastrophe. He also negotiated the surrender of the first hostage taker to give up in the Chase Manhattan Bank robbery. During Chris’s 24-year tenure with the Bureau, he was trained in the art of negotiation by not only the FBI, but also Scotland Yard and Harvard Law School. He is also a recipient of the Attorney General’s Award for Excellence in Law Enforcement and the FBI Agents Association Award for Distinguished and Exemplary Service. Chris has taught business negotiation in MBA programs as an adjunct professor at the University of Southern California Marshall School of Business, and at Georgetown University McDonough School of Business. He also taught business negotiation at Harvard University and guest lectured at the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University, the IMD Business School in Lausanne, Switzerland, and the Goethe Business School in Frankfurt, Germany.
1/1/11 hour, 18 minutes, 52 seconds
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Texas Democrats Fail Their Voters - an Interview with Mayes Middleton

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; The Biden Administration has shown it's cards We are under assault from the Left Our Borders are WIDE OPEN 1200+ families per day just coming in Cuba - DHS says they will return Cubans who come here illegally - why is this? Because they vote Republican American Marxism - read it - the seduction of Marxism is all about not being responsible Marxism kills Innovation People are highly dis-approving Biden's take on Gun violence and corruption 66% of Our Country think Biden isn't in charge We get to meet our guest Mayes Middleton Texas House Democrats - what the Hell is going on here These Democratic politicians quit on Texas / quit on the people who voted for them&nbsp; Austin and the legislature there is being transformed into California Texas REJECTED what the Democrats are selling Texas does NOT want Boys playing girls sports protecting the integrity of girls sports These people are trying to for Liberal DC policies on Texas Can the Texas Governor do anything if these lawmakers do NOT show up? The hypocrisy of the Left is unbelievable The Constitution is NOT supposed to be used a la cart What is the end goal for opening the border and letting people pour in
1/1/11 hour, 10 seconds
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Critical Race Theory in Our Schools - with guests Amy Gonzalez & Andrea Gross

&nbsp;Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; · Mark and Chuck breaking into Mexico and entering the country illegally. Future plans&nbsp; · $286,000.00 per family (family of 4) for 6 months of hotel housing for immigrant families crossing the border&nbsp; · The Biden administration wants us to believe that Mexico and other these central American countries are in total meltdown&nbsp; · Hosts welcome guests Amy Gonzalez and Andrea Gross.&nbsp; · What got them to pay attention to what was being taught in schools&nbsp; · In the Heartland of America (Ohio) we are full on fighting for the hearts and minds of our children&nbsp; · An administrator at this school likened it to a hundred plus year White Supremacist&nbsp; · 3year old to 12th Grade (100 kids in this school)&nbsp; · People just tell these Moms to “just leave” instead of trying to change what’s wrong&nbsp; · Guests go in to talk about make-up of the school board / administration of this school&nbsp; · No diversity of thought within the school board&nbsp;&nbsp; · Board was trying to bring 1619 to curriculum / create dissent when some parents were showing why division based off race andcolor is moving backwards&nbsp; · This parent group is anti-racism &amp; pro-human&nbsp; · They are trying to indoctrinate children as young as 6 about White Privilege&nbsp; · Amy is continually bullied, and they are trying to cancel her&nbsp; · This group wants to solve problems WITHOUT goingthe legal route&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Be sure to go checkout our friends at Gold Co. and receive your free IRA Guide!;ls=001-Email-Blunt-Force-Truth-Podcast&amp;cn=855-546-1792&amp;utm_source=Blunt-Force-Truth-Podcast&amp;utm_medium=Email&amp;utm_campaign=7014T0000005fDF&nbsp; Give H2Max a try and let us know what you think:; Help us bring you the best content possible. Due to the left’s boycotts of those who advertise with Conservatives, we have had a numberof advertisers backout to avoid possible backlash. Support the show and gain access to even more content at; Don’t forget to leave us a voicemail for the chance to have it played on a future episode. You can do so by clicking the link.; Also, check out the store on our website to get your own Blunt Force Truth gear.;
1/1/11 hour, 17 minutes, 37 seconds
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The Mainstream Media is an Absolute Threat

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; Chuck says its a threat to our Democracy...everything is...according to the Left. Because you are a republican, or you vote Republican - we are NOT a threat to our Republic, nor our we terrorists on the outskirts of Washington waiting to overtake everything. Democrats are great at lying and smearing anyone who threatens their power grab. There is a threat to our Democracy - The Media - is an absolute threat to our Republic. One of Biden's recent lies - if the Republicans are elected they will crash the economy. We called this months ago (he would blame the Right for his problems). Biden claims he has reduced the debt by 1.4 trillion dollars. Democrats have historically always bought votes, in Michigan its fix the damn roads, - but how the heck do we hold them accountable. All these Lefty Governors are all coming out as "tough on crime". Mark talks about the new Prime Minister in England - a former Goldman Sachs guy, who is a total globalist, the very thing that they (England) were trying to avoid with BREXIT. Kamala Harris - she says she never supported any group to get criminals out - the post that the put on Twitter from HER OWN account tend to disagree. Democrats for some reason have no fear of lying to you - its on tape, you can see it, and they don't even try to hide it anymore.;;
1/1/11 hour, 3 minutes, 6 seconds
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Amid this Crisis, Nerds of the World Unite - An Interview With Dr. Chris, Dr. Lynn, and Dr. Cole

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; The strongest country in the world is being run by the weakest administration you could possible field. It is absolutely so frustrating, it is insane. Chuck is listening to Kamala Harris talking about how we need to go green, and we need green cars. The news is just filled with "why" we are buying oil from Russia - although we are supposed to be stopping. But we aren't going to drill or harvest any more oil in our own country. We are a self sufficient nation, put on our heels by these people who now nothing about running a nation. You sit at home and want to pull your hair out. We are going to talk about how this War, the Invasion of Ukraine is the best thing that has happened to the Biden Presidency. It is ALL you have heard about for the last 2 weeks (with a throw in dig @ Trump). COVID by and large has just...gone away. Chuck wants to know when the FAA will give up enforcing masks. When that happens, Chuck thinks that that will be the end of it. The Doctors think the masks should have stopped YEARS ago, with the CDC saying they don't work. Mark is talking that the main reason we want to vaccinate everyone is to eliminate the control group = the NON Vaccinated. Even though COVID is fading, we need to be like elephants and NEVER forget. These revolving doors of agencies and Pharma companies don't get off the hook Scott free. The problem for the CDC, NIH, etc - is that the American people do not trust them any more. The percentage is very high for lack of faith in these government organizations. The big push is now to get this on the child vaccination schedule. It has been revised at the bottom, and it says that the COVID vaccine is recommended and safe for children. We have to fight this and take it off. Where there is fraud, indemnity is suspended. We need to expose fraud, we need to hold them to the fire for all the damage this vaccine has caused. Children are dropping dead from heart attacks, or breathing too much if you are to believe the MSM. COVID can actually be harder on a more fit person than a less fit one. So these kids who work out more, can be hit harder than older people or non-fit people.&nbsp;&nbsp; Article on HHS spending millions to promote COVID jabs&nbsp;;
1/1/11 hour, 27 minutes
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FreeSpace - and interview with John Willis

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; All we heard from the media during Trumps presidency, was that there was chaos everywhere....just all the time, but we know that lots of good things were accomplished during his administration, Chuck wonders WHAT has been accomplished so far by the Biden Administration? Mark says - lots has been accomplished, if the goal is to destroy this country, they have done quite a bit. Look at how they wait until the cover of night to move all these illegal immigrants from Texas to New York.&nbsp;&nbsp; The Left are professionals at changing the narrative. The Afghanistan retreat, inflation, CRT, all of these things, the Left Spins in a way that sounds like they are the greatest wins ever. People who have opted to NOT get the vaccine are looking smarter and smarter, with the continued research being done about lasting effect of the Vaccine, and RNA, and the misinformation we have been fed by our government. RSV is on the rise, it is now becoming common in adults. It started this summer, when RSV never breaks out. Some experts believe that the vaccine which is altering our DNA, could be making us less immune to other diseases. But wait...there is good news...3 drug companies, Pfizer, J&amp;J, and Moderna have all announced that they are in phase 3 clinical trials for their NEW vaccine for wait for it...RSV. We are introduced to our guest John Willis, who is the CEO and co-founder of a new social media platform FreeSpace. FreeSpace was created in Feb of 2021. It was a response to what they were seeing from Big Tech, and the censorship, and the documentary called The Social Dilemma, all these reasons the FreeSpace team decided to do their own thing. FreeSpace does not want to be the next Parlor, they are looking to be a new type of social media platform. Jon Willis is a proud father, husband, 6th generation Arizonan, commercial real estate broker, serial philanthropist, part-time comedian, and executive of several companies across multiple industries. At the age of 18, Jon obtained his real estate license and joined his family office that focuses on real estate brokerage, development and investment. He quickly achieved success by selling hundreds of millions worth of commercial real estate assets as well as assisting in the development of several multi-hundred million dollar projects over his 22 years is the business. Jon was also recognized as one of Arizona's top real estate instructors and public speakers in that field. &nbsp;Jon later leveraged his expansive skill set, business acumen, and networking capabilities to expand into the marketing world. Jon became the CEO of Matchstick Media (Phoenix, AZ), a premiere digital marketing agency that specializes in brand strategy, viral campaigns, driving massive traffic, and innovative hyper-targeted marketing techniques. His digital marketing agency has worked with several notable companies, National brands, organizations, and influencers to scale their brands to new heights and achieve incredible returns on investment. &nbsp;Jon now concurrently serves the positions of President at Skylab Apps, Inc. (Frisco, TX) as well as the Co-Founder and CEO at Freespace Social, a new social media platform that celebrates independent thought and free-flowing information as the cornerstone of a peaceful, healthy and unified society. Jon's unmatched energy, personal connections, and killer instincts have brought a fresh spark to the Skylab team that will help the company achieve even more success as we expand into new verticals. As CEO of Freespace, Jon aims to create a platform that allows people to "Think It, Say It, Achieve It." &nbsp;In addition to growing his businesses, Jon has dedicated much of his time serving on the board of directors of several reputable charities including non-profit political organizations,...
1/1/11 hour, 2 minutes, 48 seconds
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You Were Born for a Time Like This - An Interview with John Schneider

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; Chuck has a hard time deciphering the language used in some "rap-speech"...also, Chuck cant not figure out "Biden-Speech"...his mouth is moving, but he doest know what is coming out of his mouth. Biden talking about needing to keep the vaccinated safe from the un-vaccinated. 2 things you can count on when you elect Democrats...higher taxes, and a lower standard of living. The middle class gets the inflation, gas, groceries, everywhere while the Left says only The Rich will be paying more taxes. Sports events seem to have turned on the President, with rampant "F-Biden" chants being heard across multiple games. On to Afghanistan...a 5 year old would know you get out your civilians BEFORE you get the military and defense forces out. But Biden was looking for an "moment" where he could say that we did it. That on the anniversary of 9/11 Joe could have a speech saying how awesome he was. But after the failure of Biden's exodus from Afghanistan, the main stream media is now re-focused on Trump and how it is all his fault. But we do know this, Biden has west to make a single mistake in his presidency. We welcome in John Schneider who jumps right in to the issues we as a country face with our current administration. John goes into some detail on the California recall of Gavin Newsom. There are multiple reports of people who have NOT voted, being told by polling stations that they have already voted. John is 61 years old, and says we have lived through several decades where complacency was ok, but this is NOT the case now. We need to explain to people who are too busy, that everything their forefathers died for, is at stake...right For such a time like were NOT be inactive.&nbsp; John Schneider Studios Location - 16050 Florida Blvd, Holden, LA 70744;hl=en_US&amp;gl=US Give H2Max a try and let us know what you think: Help us bring you the best content possible. Due to the left’s boycotts of those who advertise with Conservatives, we have had a number of advertisers back-out to avoid possible backlash. Support the show and gain access to even more content at Don’t forget to leave us a voicemail for the chance to have it played on a future episode. You can do so by clicking the link. Also, check out the store on our website to get your own Blunt Force Truth gear.
1/1/11 hour, 12 minutes, 57 seconds
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Biden Incompetence by Design? – an Interview with Scott Shepard

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; Nancy Pelosi is at it again, this time it is the 14th amendment that they are trying to use to keep people out of office. She is claiming that because she believes Trump was involved with “The Insurrection” that due to section 3 of the 14th amendment, he could be banned from running for office again. Mark does not believe for a moment that Chuck has NO interest in dating AOC, who believes everyone is md at her because they want to date her. Has Nancy Pelosi actually ever enforced or lived to her oath of office in her career? Do you think this tactic will work? Shutting down all the republicans because they would be labeled “traitors or terrorists”. This was a Civil War era addition, in order to keep radical confederates from running for office.&nbsp;&nbsp; Schmeck…calls NORAD for a Santa Claus update…instead, he gets the President taking live phone calls from the NORAD Christmas line. So, Mr. Schmeck, who was expecting to hear a phone recorder, got Biden. Schmeck ends the call with a “Let’s go Brandon” …to which the President AGREED…and said Yeah…lets go Brandon”. It is safe to say, that The President of the United States is not right in the head. Scott Shepard is a fellow at the National Center as well as the director of the National Center’s Free Enterprise Project, the conservative movement’s only full-service shareholder activism and education program. Scott has taught at law schools including the Wake Forest School of Law in North Carolina and the Willamette University College of Law in Oregon. He is the author of the legal textbook Wills, Trusts and Estates in Context. He previously served as a policy director with the Yankee Institute in Connecticut and the manager of the Water Law Project at the Pacific Legal Institute. He also has experience in government and private practice. Scott earned his Juris Doctorate from the University of Virginia, a master’s degree from Vanderbilt University and a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Richmond.;;;;
1/1/11 hour, 6 minutes, 51 seconds
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Didn't Biden say he Was the Great Uniter?

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; How much of a mess can the Democrats create and blame it on the republicans? Mid terms are close, and Biden is making speeches in front of his red wall with Marines flanking him. How can you have screwed up the country these past 2 years, but claim that anyone who voted for Trump is a terrorist. Biden mentioned Maga Republicans 13 times. There is polling data telling The Left they need to keep Trump in the news. If they keep Trump top of people's mind, they have nothing without Trump. If the Democrats will lie to us about Jan 16th, and how Maga Republicans killed multiple people...what will they NOT lie to you about. They re trying to portray the term conservative as radical...this makes no sense...conservatives by definition want to maintain...not change. The Maga Republicans are not a danger to this country, they are a danger to the Democrats. These crazy left people are saying that it was the Republicans that closed down the schools for voting / during the election, and it was them who opened everything back up. The Democratic Party is betting on two - that you are stupid, and two - that you will take the information the main stream media feeds you, and believe it is truth. They really think you are stupid. The Judges order from the Mar a Lago raid says that Biden is the one who had requested the documents in question, but didn't Biden tell us he found out about raid on TV like the ret of us? Mark takes us back to the COVID Vaccine - from the 2nd month that COVID was on the radar we at BFT have said there would not be a vaccine.
1/1/11 hour, 1 minute, 52 seconds
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Inflation & What's Over the Horizon - An Interview With Michael Austin

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; Chuck was listening, and has stats for Nick. How many vaccinated people died from COVID - 40 percent of the deaths from COVID were from people who were double vaccinated. Think about the amount of people who are double vexed / boosted - who STILL get COVID. The CDC is explaining about the people dying have 4 or more co-morbidities. It may sound cold, but were these people going to die this year's highly likely? Nick has never been stabbed and has never gotten COVID. Between the constitutional violations, economic impacts, social impacts - the way our government handled COVID was NOT worth it. Emergency management rules of operation to do the least invasive actions get taken got thrown right out the window, we did the most asinine policies imaginable. It really come from the one size fits all Government mumbo jumbo.&nbsp;&nbsp; Chuck introduces us to our guest to Michael Austin. Michael is home in Kansas, a free market economist, who has been on many shows in his career. If you define socialism in that you can tinker and force an economy, that Keynesian Economy. Michael goes on to explain some of the problem with Keynesian economists who believe they can fix things just end up making them worse. The guys talk about inflation and how things could be being done to fix this, but our politicians are more interested in photo ops and staying in government that fixing the problems. Michale believes a recession is indeed coming. Investors have been pulling money our of 2 year T bills and putting them in 10 year bills instead. Every time things like this happen, the US has entered a recession, this course correction is coming.;;;
1/1/146 minutes, 18 seconds
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The Election from Hell

On this episode of Blunt Force Truth, Chuck and Mark discuss the election fraud and unknows from this past week’s election.&nbsp; Today’s how rundown:&nbsp; · The Democrats blatant attempt to steal the election&nbsp; · Their thoughts on how we should address the corruption with the election&nbsp; · How the Democrats are helping our enemies by supporting the ongoing fraud&nbsp; · What President Trump must do to be the victor in the election&nbsp; · How the courts will come into play with the results of today’s election&nbsp; · The future of further corruption by Democrats and how we can stop it&nbsp; · The possibility of our country breaking up following the election&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Give H2Max a tryand let us know what you think:; Help us bring you the best content possible. Due to the left’s boycotts of those who advertise with Conservatives, we have had a number of advertisers backout to avoid possible backlash. Support the show and gainaccess to even more content at; Don’t forget to leave us a voicemail for the chance to have it played on a future episode. You can do so by clicking the link.; Also, check out the store on our website to get your own Blunt Force Truth gear.;&nbsp;
1/1/11 hour, 1 minute, 16 seconds
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Income Equality – an Interview with Cliff Oxford

On this episode of Blunt Force Truth, Chuck and Mark talk with Cliff Oxford about Income Equality.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; Today’s show rundown:&nbsp;&nbsp; · Dr. Fauchi – Mark says he is a fraud, Chuck talks Wuhan lab security level2.&nbsp; · Millions have dies from COVID, and Fauchi has no responsibility – why?&nbsp; · Gain of Focus – definition&nbsp; · Mark’s list of 100 things you can do to be less white&nbsp; · Mark introduces Cliff Oxford – author of Redneck Reverie&nbsp; · The Trump Phenomenon&nbsp; · Cliff explains a little breakdown of his book&nbsp; · Income inequality is the real big problem in America&nbsp; · Honest communications is where change has to start&nbsp; · High paying / low skill jobs – is the 50’s – 80’s a phenomenon after WW2&nbsp; · This Lost generation / the combine changed everything&nbsp; · Chuck says we live in a Vortex of Lies&nbsp; · Clinton and Gingrich went on record saying that NAFTA was based on a lie&nbsp; · Mark likens John Kerry to Frankenstein&nbsp; · Free checks in the mail worries Cliff – this kills incentive&nbsp; · We are in uncharted territory with this printing out trillions&nbsp; · China tariffs, leveled the playing field, and Biden hasn’t touched them&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;– for a free newsletter from Cliff&nbsp; Cliff is the founder of CliffCo., an international think tank symposium, and author of "A Redneck Reverie:The Rationale for the Trump Phenomenon". A Redneck Reverie is Cliff’s third book, and in it he combines data-driven insights and real lifeexperiences to explain Donald Trump’s election to the White House and the intersection with rural cultures across America. Having lived his life amongboth country folk and the so-called "cultural elite", Cliff has the exact insights needed to not only help explain how we got here, but what itlooks like going forward, and who inherits the Trump Phenomenon post presidency.&nbsp;&nbsp; Be sure to go checkout our friends at Gold Co. and receive your free IRA Guide!&nbsp;&nbsp;;ls=001-Email-Blunt-Force-Truth-Podcast&amp;cn=855-546-1792&amp;utm_source=Blunt-Force-Truth-Podcast&amp;utm_medium=Email&amp;utm_campaign=7014T0000005fDF&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; Give H2Max a try and let us know what you think:; Help...
1/1/11 hour, 14 minutes, 36 seconds
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Winning the Hearts & Minds

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; Texas Democratic Legislators are going to DC to ask the Federal Govt. to take away the State's Rights They are anti-constitutionalist IE Communists Think about these people in Cuba - marching in the streets with American Flags shouting FREEDOM And NOW in our OWN Country we have people calling our Flag Racist and White Supremacy Biden hasn't made much effort on UNIFYING anybody When Obama was running, he said "we are going to Transform America" over and over - and we didn't know what he meant Chuck thinks Climate Change is a big lie COVID19 is now the Dem's Boogeyman Bernie Sanders has NOTHING to say about Cuba now Rich "socialists" are actually Capitalists Another BFT prediction turns out to be correct about Guillain-Barré syndrome We don't even know all the side effects from the vaccine...and we still want EVERYONE to get it None of these Vaccines are FDA approved "emergency authorization" was used&nbsp; The Biden regime is recruiting Facebook/google etc to restrict people who challenge the vaccine Biden regime cell phone carriers to monitor text messages that send SMS messages of misinformation regarding the vaccine Mark defines "Common Carriers" The FBI is asking families to RAT on each other - if this doesn't sound like communism, Chuck doesn't know what does Mark highlights the FBI's 32 page doc on how to rat out a loved one Oakland California City Council decided to defund the local police as the crime rate has skyrocketed The California heat wave is caused by racism Urban centers are more likely to be renters not owners IE concentrate Democratic Voters Antifa shows up in Oakland, yelling at grieving mothers telling them that its the cops killing their kids The Marxists want more violence, more breakdown, more pain It starts at school boards / then local government - you need to pay attention there Be sure to go checkout our friends at Gold Co. and receive your free IRA Guide!&nbsp;;ls=001-Email-Blunt-Force-Truth-Podcast&amp;cn=855-546-1792&amp;utm_source=Blunt-Force-Truth-Podcast&amp;utm_medium=Email&amp;utm_campaign=7014T0000005fDF Give H2Max a try and let us know what you think: Help us bring you the best content possible. Due to the left’s boycotts of those who advertise with Conservatives, we have had a number of advertisers back-out to avoid possible backlash. Support the show and gain access to even more content at Don’t forget to leave us a voicemail for the chance to have it played on a future episode. You can do so by clicking the link. Also, check out the store on our website to get your own Blunt Force Truth gear.
1/1/11 hour, 13 minutes, 38 seconds
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Taxes, The Left, What They are Trying to Do - An Interview with Steven Hayes

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; Joe Biden keeps stumbling through everything. This Administration is so screwed up, comparing it to the Trump Administration, people must think..."what have we done". Congress woman Bobard has "offended" Sen. Omar because she has said something bad against Muslims. What is it that Omar has done for this country? We took her in and saved her...and she turns around and bites the hand that feeds her. The mainstream media will NOT cover the parade tragedy. The wrong color driver killed the wrong color parade goer’s – the news will just NOT cover it.&nbsp;&nbsp; We meet the Guest Steven Hayes who describes himself as a “recovering lawyer”. Mark wants to know where we are at under the new tax long – with build, back, bankrupt in the wings, where are people’s IRA’s at right now. Steve says we were fortunate that they couldn’t get all the senators in lock step so lots of the tax rules they wanted didn’t get put through. They are doing things like creating a deduction for certain types of loans. Personal injury attorneys will now be able to finance cases with this tax loophole. Large firms will now be able to bid on cases and be rewarded by the democratic party to give loans out to buy cases. Jen Saki is saying it is dangerous to be telling people that if you tax a corporation, they will raise their prices. What does she think that corporations are nonprofits? Should people invest in corporations with no hope for profit? Elizabeth Warren has told us there is a secret Poultry Cabal, operating inside America, together to raise the prices of Turkey. They blame the energy companies for the rise in gas prices. Bio: Steven L. Hayes graduated with honors from the University of Arkansas and the University of San Francisco Law School. As a self-described “recovering” tax attorney he spent considerable time and resources investigating alternatives to the income tax. Based on his research, including interviewing tax practitioners, business owners, employees and economists, he determined the best solution was to eliminate the income tax and the IRS and replace them with a national retail sales tax collected by the states. In 1990, Mr. Hayes joined and became President of Citizens For An Alternative Tax System (CATS), a non-profit 501(c)(4) lobbying organization, which was the 1st organization dedicated to the idea of replacing the federal income tax with a national sales tax. He was also instrumental in forming the Florida FairTax® Educational Association, Inc., (FFETA) and currently serves on the FFETA board of directors. Hayes has appeared on hundreds of radio and television shows, had numerous articles published in newspapers and magazines, and regularly speaks to groups of citizens around the country about why we must eliminate the income tax and the IRS and replace them with a national retail sales tax. Mr. Hayes has testified before the House Ways &amp; Means Committee and former Congressman Jack Kemp’s Tax Reform Committee. He is widely sought after as a subject matter expert on tax reform panels and forums. GENERAL INFORMATION - MEDIA CONTACTS &amp; NEWS TIPS -
1/1/11 hour, 12 minutes, 26 seconds
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Indictments for Everyone

On Today’s Episode -&nbsp; Chuck asks Mark if he has been indicted yet. It seems like the entire republican party is being indicted. How Fascist is this…Jenna Ellis is being indicted for being a lawyer. The people in power can do anything they want to do, and no one seems to care. Hillary Clinton is on video laughing at this, and it is just sickening. I mean now you know if you work for, or become a candidate on the Republican Ticket, you could end up in prison. The Republican party appears to be a party of cowards now too – none of them are standing up and saying anything about their peers being attacked. Mark talks a bit about this guy in Utah who was killed by the FBI recently, and the guys talk about that story a bit. We then get to hear about how YouTube’s new guideline are designed to keep truth down. Tune in for all the other topics –&nbsp;
1/1/11 hour, 20 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Pressure is Building w/Special Guest John O'Shea

Chuck starts us out today with all the announcements. Mark was sitting on the edge of his seat waiting to see if Joe Biden was going to run again for 4 more years. And the GREAT news is, that Kamala will be there word salading right along with him. How do you get to be the Vice President of the US, but do not know what the FDA is. We wish every branch of government would run up against their limitations and admit it.&nbsp; &nbsp;We saw Nancy Pelosi recently say that Donald Trump has the right to prove himself innocent. So the people at the highest levels of Government either A have no clue anything about the Constitution, or B they are actively going against what the constitution says. So what do we think about an 80 year old guy running for another 4 years. We think this has nothing to do with age, he is a sick man, dementia showing all the time. The elephant in the room – Tucker Carlson, no one on Fox will even admit that he is gone. People are wondering why he got fired. He had the number one show, and we don’t even know why he was let go. Chuck believes all he did was to tick off the wrong person. He might not have even known he did it, but the big networks will just move on and hope the audiences move on.;
1/1/11 hour, 6 minutes, 10 seconds
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We Need to Decide on What Humanity Will Be - An Interview with Dr. David Martin

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; Accountable is a good word says Chuck. Will anybody in government be held accountable for the nefarious things they are doing. Mark says the government is trying to hold us accountable for a great many things. Today’s show is super important, information that needs to get out. We are going to talk about a side of COVID 19 that is classified as Domestic Terrorism today according to Homeland Security. Mark introduces our guest Dr. David Martin, with an extensive background too long to list here, he has been vetted by our producers, and we wanted to give him a platform to speak. We are finding for the past 2 years that last year’s conspiracy theory becomes this month’s NEWS FLASH. Everything we have been told is wrong, and everything that us and others have been trying to say have been proven TRUE. In 1983 was Dr. Martin’s first chance to testify with Congress in and around the events that were happening in South America. Dr. Martin “cut his teeth” on what had been spoon fed to us, when he had been doing what he did for over 30 years. This guy has been all over the world and has had an enormous experience living in places that were “beyond hope”.&nbsp;&nbsp; Look here for the Documents we Talked about at the end of the show -; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;;
1/1/11 hour, 27 minutes, 14 seconds
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Not Guilty, The Kyle Rittenhouse Trial - An Interview with Colonel Rob Maness

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; The Left is losing their mind over the Rittenhouse verdict. Today we have on Colonel Rob Manas who gives his take on this case and the current state of The Biden Administration. The Colonel and Chuck both signed up for the military before the were 18. Does everyone know that Chuck was a Plank-owner of the USS Enterprise CVN-65? Colonel Maness says that the people who bled and gave their all for this country are not going to let these crazy communists tear this country apart.&nbsp; They are welcome to leave at any time they want to, but they are not taking this Country with them. Trump did do this, he may have been a "mean Tweeter" but all he did was expose things they never want to be in the light. Why does the Left treat the Military like a social experiment. Is the vaccine going to cut into our military membership? Does the Left want to purge our current military of conservatives? We now have a government that is leading us on feelings, not based on data. Government is not reason. Special Ops in the Navy is picking up 6 new operators per year, and we are losing 225 per year. What does this do to our national security and our capabilities. How combat ready are we right now if we needed to go to war with China right now. Bio RETIRED COLONEL ROB MANESS HAS A LIFE LONG RECORD OF PROVIDING DEDICATED SERVICE TO THE NATION. HE MADE THE DECISION AS A 17-YEAR-OLD HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR TO ENLIST IN THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE AND SERVE IN UNIFORM AS THE COUNTRY FACED MULTIPLE CRISES AROUND THE WORLD.&nbsp;&nbsp; Having worked his way up from the enlisted ranks to full colonel, he retired from active duty in 2011, ending his military service of more than 32 years. Following military retirement Rob returned to Louisiana to work as an executive in a Fortune 500 energy CORPORATION. He is currently founder and the owner of Iron Liberty Group and resides in Madisonville, Louisiana.
1/1/11 hour, 6 minutes, 16 seconds
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Politics & COVID - An Interview with Mike Detmer

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; Chuck talks Afghanistan. We just got out of there, and Joe Biden is a puffed up coward. Biden has said "The buck stops with me", and the retreat from the region has been nothing short of a disaster. This is a totally political move, not a strategic decision at all. But Chuck tells us what Biden is going to get out of this. How the Left and the MSM is going to jump on the bandwagon of "we got out of Afghanistan". But, was the mission accomplished, and at what cost was it for us? What we do know, is that we left a-lot of people behind, and the State Department can NOT tell us who they are. There is some confirmation bias with Biden, where he has been allowed to lie to the American people, and he gets away with it. He has a history of blatantly lying, and we just pass it off as old Crazy Joe. But now that he is the President, it is far harder to just brush this off. Mark believes that Joe Biden is consumed with hatred for Donald Trump, and it is now a psychosis or mental illness. Mark goes on to explain what he means by this. We welcome the guest Mike Detmer. "Whats right with Mike", that he wants to put himself running in The 8th District? Its the issue of NOT sitting around with your kids in the future remembering what Freedom WAS like. We are sitting here watching these people squander the god given freedoms that we have fought for, and THAT is why Mike is doing this. The biggest fundamental problem is that The Left is Socialist, and The Republicans are moving that direction. Biden may not even know he is in The White House. Our State Department has been a mess since the Reagan Era? Is the government trying to put small businesses out of business? Is this how they will push the socialist agenda? How does Mike deal with running his business with the current state of employment and how he can not keep people employed because it is easier for them to sit at home. Mike grew up in a small town in northern Michigan near Traverse City where his parents owned a real estate company and a Christmas tree business. It was as a boy and young man in northern Michigan where he began to learn the value of hard work by spending his days in the Christmas tree fields when not in school. Mike also learned about the outdoors and became a proficient hunter and sportsman. When Mike was a freshman in high school, his parents moved him to Rochester Hills Michigan where he finished high school at Rochester Adams High. After high school, he attended Oakland University where he studied political science and served as President of the College Republicans. Mike graduated in 1998 with a Bachelor of Arts degree. After college, Mike worked as a loan originator for a mortgage broker based in Bloomfield Hills and quickly worked his way up to Vice President of the company. In 1999 he met his lovely wife Kriston and married in 2001. In 2002, the couple moved to Kansas with their special needs Son and opened a branch of the Michigan-based mortgage company. In 2004, Mike switched gears and jumped into the automotive industry after the mortgage company he worked for dissolved in Michigan. After almost 12 years in Kansas, Mike and his wife decided to leave and move to Florida where their Son could finish high school. Their son Zach is profoundly deaf and the schools in Kansas were becoming inadequate. In 2015, the Detmer family returned to Michigan and purchased a home in Howell to be near Kriston’s family and now focus attention on their daughter’s education. Mike’s work in the automotive business and Kriston’s...
1/1/11 hour, 6 minutes, 44 seconds
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Deviant Behavior, the New Norm?

On Today’s Episode -&nbsp; God save the Queen mannnn. Biden is beyond embarrassing, and it just keeps getting worse. You don’t get younger, and as you get older it gets worse. Chuck doesn’t think Biden is running for President again. And with Hunter off the hook now, the Left will say “It’s Over”. On this show though, over 6 mos ago, we predicted that Hunter would plea to lesser charges, and that a plea deal would be done before he ever got to court, and that is exactly what he did. Mark was in Chicago over the weekend and tells a story about a doorman and the Chiccago Police. Mark also believes legalizing narcotics, gambling and booze everywhere is a way of distracting people. These all make people more compliable, easier to manage. We are actively dumbing down the American populace. 0 percent of all men who would be of military age could not pass the physical requirements right now to get in. Chuck says China is collapsing due to low birth rate. The 1 child law has their population on the downward slope, and it is dangerous folks. Why do Democrats not care if their leaders are not coherent? From Biden, to Harris, to Federman, Feinstein – these people are so far gone that when they speak, the things that come out of their mouths are insane. The guys dive into some other topics on the state of our Country in these new, strange times – tune in.;hvdev=c&amp;hvlocphy=9017002&amp;hvnetw=g&amp;hvqmt=e&amp;hvrand=17064986281625108275&amp;hvtargid=kwd-1163420012&amp;hydadcr=24632_13611814&amp;keywords=the+return+of+the+gods&amp;qid=1687274722&amp;sr=8-1&nbsp;
1/1/11 hour, 12 minutes, 58 seconds
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It's a New Year, We Could Use Some Optimism - w/ Special Co-Host Nick Giordano

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; Well, Mark and Chuck are both away today, but thankfully - we have Nick Giordano back to co-host BFT with Producer Matt U. The guys start out talking holidays and how things went for them. Nick gets into talking about Times Square in NYC for New Years and how gross it can be. People are wearing diapers down there all day and night. There was over a million people going down to Times Square as grown adults wearing diapers. But it is a new year, and hopefully there is some optimism out there.&nbsp;&nbsp; We need to remember to stay grateful, it seems like the news is just bad news after bad news. Nick goes into some of the COVID stuff as it possible relates to young people dropping like flies. IS this something that is just getting more attention, or are we seeing an uptick in COVID related problems now that many people are vaccinated. We need to have studies done to see if there is relation to the vaccine and these cases we are seeing.&nbsp;&nbsp; Before anything gets MANDATED, you better damn sure be sure that you know what you are doing. We could be seeing the consequences of what happens when you force something on a population without knowing what the lasting effects are. People were mandated to take the vaccine in some cases to continue to work and make money. We get a little more in COVID and what 2023 might look like.
1/1/150 minutes, 28 seconds
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Reckless Liberal Policies – an Interview with Senator Ted Harvey

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; Confrontation Time - Biden says Putin is a killer - until he was about to meet him Russia and China making deals - should we worry Christopher Sign - Clinton emails reporter 45 years old - suicide...? Jon Stewart Goes All-In on COVID-19 Wuhan ‘Lab Leak’ Theory Mark introduces returning guest Sen. Ted Harvey - as we talk about his new quest 2013 PAC was to make sure Hillary never stepped foot in the White House again In 2020 the Pac changed name to "Defeat the President"&nbsp; You can NOT embarrass the Left...they just seem to not care how foolish they are CNN / Other left media NEEDS Trump to win again, or they are going to go broke - they need a Boogeyman Milk is now white supremacist Whites are flaunting our lactose tolerance in front of people of color Chuck talks about the Left's woke agenda and how people are railing against it What is the Committee to Defeat the President is doing to help our Country Border cities are outraged by what the Democrats are doing to create havoc The Left is calling the audit in Arizona "A SCAM" You would think BIDEN would be out in front of this issue to PROVE that he WON What would happen if they invalidated these states (Arizona, Georgia) votes What is the goal....what is the Left's GOAL - Sen. Harvey explains Envy - it is what is driving The Left South Carolina Primary was the turning point in Biden Winning Ted Harvey, Chairman &nbsp;Retired Colorado State Senator Ted Harvey has always had a passion for protecting the Constitution and the unborn, while promoting the free-market principle which have resulted in America’s unmatched exceptionalism. At the age of 22, Ted received a political appointment to serve in the White House of President Ronald Reagan, which ignited his passion for traditional conservatism. After returning home, Ted quickly became involved in Colorado politics, working as a staffer in the Colorado State House and then as the Program Director of the Independence Institute, a Denver-based think tank. Ted also served as the District Office Manager for Representative Joel Hefley (R-CO). &nbsp;In December 2001, through a vacancy election, Ted was elected to the Colorado House of Representatives and became a conservative champion inside the State House. He was re-elected in both 2002 and 2004, and then elected to the Colorado State Senate in 2006 and 2010. &nbsp;Ted’s patriotic work continues today. He was a founding member and Chairman of the Stop Hillary PAC, re-named the Committee to Defend the President following the election of President Trump in 2016. It was one of the largest pro-Trump super PACs in the country: Under Ted’s leadership, the Committee spent more than $20 million in Independent Expenditures to support Republican causes, while contributing over $509,000 directly to Republican candidates and incumbents. &nbsp;Ted has been elected as a Colorado delegate to four of the last five Republican National Conventions including 2016 and 2020. &nbsp;Ted will continue leading the charge, now as the opposition to Biden-Harris’ reckless liberal policies under the re-branded name, the Committee to Defeat the President. Be sure to go checkout our friends at Gold Co. and receive your free IRA Guide!&nbsp;;ls=001-Email-Blunt-Force-Truth-Podcast&amp;cn=855-546-1792&amp;utm_source=Blunt-Force-Truth-Podcast&amp;utm_medium=Email&amp;utm_campaign=7014T0000005fDF Give H2Max a try and let us know what you think: Help us bring you the best content possible. Due to the left’s boycotts of those who...
1/1/11 hour, 4 minutes, 42 seconds
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Will Anything Survive Cancel Culture?

On this episode of Blunt Force Truth, Chuck and Mark talk about Cancel Culture has come to Texas&nbsp; Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; · The eyes of Texas are upon you – 600 page report studying the Eyes of Texas are upon you and that it is NOT racist. Trying to shut it down for theme song for University of Texas&nbsp; · Why are people so reflexed on cancel culture, Speedy Gonzales, Sylvester the Cat.&nbsp; · Mark brings up Blazing Saddles and how that movie could not be made any more&nbsp; · Gavin Newsome being recalled in California 1 million 500 sigs – Signature verification is being called for&nbsp; · Florida is Free, Texas is freeing up, the whole service industry @ the Texas capitol up in arms for vaccination as they are serving people – Chuck is sick of the constant complaining&nbsp; · Democrats pass legislation based on feelings not facts / law / responsibility&nbsp; · Biden has been out of the public eye for over 40 days, and he cant get his speaking correct, even if reading a teleprompter – He is totally lost – mainstream media is doing everything they can to cover for him&nbsp; · Literal meaning of Islam is to Submit – Democratic party is wanting people to submit to them&nbsp; · Dr. Biden’s dissertation is word salad – its horrible – how did she get a degree with this garbage. University of Deleware – its where they live&nbsp; · Vice President Harris has had 6 meetings with world leaders with Joe NOT BEING THERE&nbsp; · Mark &amp; Chuck - believe Joe Biden will just quit, no 25th amendment – he is old and tired – there will come a point that it is so embarrassing that the Democrats will have to do something – and then we will get Kaamala Harris as Pres.&nbsp;&nbsp;
1/1/11 hour, 9 minutes, 42 seconds
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Spineless Republicans

On this episode of Blunt Force Truth, Chuck and Mark have a lot to discuss as the future of our nation will be decided this week.&nbsp; Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; · The left’s obsession with identity and having to find everything to be offensive&nbsp;&nbsp; · The ongoing mess with Georgia and their failures to run a secure election&nbsp; · The reason that Democrats feel the need to look to government for solutions&nbsp; · Why it is critical to look at the ballots when looking at the rampant election fraud&nbsp; · The spineless republicans that just want Washington D.C. to be back to the corrupt status quo&nbsp; · Why the rest of the country will have to pay for the budget failures of Democratic run states&nbsp; · The Democrat’s mindset that the government has all of the answers to all of our nations issues&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; Give H2Max a try and let us know what you think:; Help us bring you the best content possible. Due to the left’s boycotts of those who advertise with Conservatives, we have had a number of advertisers backout to avoid possible backlash. Support the show and gainaccess to even more content at; Don’t forget to leave us a voicemail for the chance to have it played on a future episode. You can do so by clicking the link.; Also, check out the store on our website to get your own Blunt Force Truth gear.;&nbsp;
1/1/11 hour, 17 seconds
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Mark & Chuck Bury the Left

&nbsp;On this episode of Blunt Force Truth, Chuck and Mark bury The Left&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; Today’s show rundown:&nbsp;&nbsp; · Chuck starts out talking about Ted Cruz and pictures down on the border – children in plastic cages / the dignity of children on the border (and baby baked potatoes)&nbsp; · They don’t have a handle on COVID-19 on the border&nbsp; · Mainstream media is so tied to the Democrat party – they are the gang that can’t shoot straight&nbsp; · Brian Stelter host on CNN – telling his audience that there is no crisis at the border – being a hypocrite.&nbsp; · Biden’s new tax rules – The President is going to tax $400,000K families because those are evil. And the government is now in the business offining people that are married.&nbsp; · Socialism can NOT exist with a middle class&nbsp; · The consumers “pay” the tax when it comes to large corperations&nbsp; · Government gets bigger and bloated while you get smaller&nbsp; · Biden is pushing for a climate change bill / Freeways are racist&nbsp; · It is a great time to be a Black Woman in Hollywood now&nbsp; · NAACP demanding that The NFL break their contrct with Fox Sports&nbsp; · The World is laughing at Biden and our Country right now / Iran &amp; China 400B deal&nbsp; · Biden - HR1 – For the People Bill – its critical that this bill is passed – and how there may NOT be a republican party in 2024&nbsp; · San Diego public schools are hosting IN PERSON school for immigrants, but not for the citizens of the same school district&nbsp; · New Wave of COVID – Biden says it your patriotic duty to wear mask and wash hands – there is a spike in COVID cases in Michigan,Connecticut, New York – states with the most mandatory mask wearking and lock down&nbsp;&nbsp; Be sure to go checkout our friends at Gold Co. and receive your free IRA Guide!;ls=001-Email-Blunt-Force-Truth-Podcast&amp;cn=855-546-1792&amp;utm_source=Blunt-Force-Truth-Podcast&amp;utm_medium=Email&amp;utm_campaign=7014T0000005fDF&nbsp;&nbsp; Give H2Max a try and let us know what you think:; Help us bring you the best content possible. Due to the left’s boycotts of those who advertise with Conservatives, we have had a numberof advertisers backout to avoid possible backlash. Support the show and gain access to even more content at; Don’t forget to leave us a voicemail for the chance to have it played on a future episode. You can do so by clicking the link.; Also,...
1/1/11 hour, 10 minutes, 16 seconds
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No One Wants The Democratic Agenda

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; Mark is out this week in Chicago, so our favorite Co-Host Fill in, Nick Giordano is here again. Chuck gets us started talking about how Team Biden is actually who is responsible for all the problems we are facing now. Biden alone can't be causing these problems. It's the entire Democratic Party that is at fault, Biden is just doing whatever they tell him what to do.&nbsp;&nbsp; Nick notes how all the Democratic Congress people are coming out complaining about Biden. It is the Democratic Agenda that people don't like. We don't like paying 5 dollars and up for gas, empty store shelves, and electric cars. All these marches in California and New York - what is going to change. People, time and time again, go to the polls and vote how their personal economy is.&nbsp;&nbsp; Republicans still need to stand for SOMETHING - we need a plan of how to reverse this course. Even when we do win in the coming election, we need to understand we are limited to what we can do. You see more and more stories come out negatively impacting Biden to help him along with NOT running for President in his next term.&nbsp;&nbsp;;
1/1/149 minutes, 38 seconds
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More COVID, by the Numbers

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; Chuck says that over 100K people are coming down with The Delta Variant every day Herd Immunity is reducing the load on this by 3 Million people per month Having antibodies to COVID19 is 7-10 times better than the vaccine We don't hear anything about herb immunity in a positive context now 160 Million Americans have been vaccinated Our government wants a permanent pandemic Do the mask that 99% of Americans wear, work - Nick G says NO 3% effectiveness for cloth masks - and we don't wear them properly All these mask studies were done BEFORE the Corona Virus We call people experts when they clearly are NOT Can masks actually SUPPRESS your immune system WHO and UNICEF said 2-12 year olds should NOT be wearing masks Mark gives us a history of how science has been politicized Confirmation Bias is changing the way people THINK - no one wants to actually think Modern media members see themselves as agents of change, not agents of truth Is Chuck a clone....he looks as good as he did 40 years ago Mark talks Sunk Cost Fallacy We get a short clip by Dr. Stork talking about COVID and our response Vitamin D and how it can help / old science needs to go NAC - why you should check it out and why does the Government want to take it off the market Integrity in our politicians and modern media is a thing of the past Chuck talks about wayyyyyy, way back when Trump didn't have a vaccine but he had Hydroxychloroquine Mark talks more COVID numbers / facts / death rate info Mark talks cost to the economy &amp; earning potential to people with how we are educating people now Give H2Max a try and let us know what you think: Help us bring you the best content possible. Due to the left’s boycotts of those who advertise with Conservatives, we have had a number of advertisers back-out to avoid possible backlash. Support the show and gain access to even more content at Don’t forget to leave us a voicemail for the chance to have it played on a future episode. You can do so by clicking the link. Also, check out the store on our website to get your own Blunt Force Truth gear.
1/1/11 hour, 18 minutes, 44 seconds
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6 Degrees of The Brookings Institute

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; Children and Parents have been indoctrinate to be so afraid of COVID, we are now going to inoculate 5 years olds. Over this whole "pandemic" 9 kids have died thats it. If the Government can't FORCE you to take their vaccine, they will punish you, in any way they can find. Mind you anyone with the vaccine is not any less able to spread COVID, there is nothing the vaccine does to stop one from being able to spread the virus. Fear - really works, this administration has done a great job keeping people AFRAID of COVID, even thought you have a fraction of a percent's chance of dying to COVID. But 40 percent of Democrats think they have a 50/50 chance of dying from COVID. Govt. just doesn't care about the fallout of anything, they just want to make policy to make policy. Government officials and their familial ties to different places. Mark wants to talk about Antony Blinkin. We made this guy the Secretary of State. Mark's belief is that George Soros personally picked him for this role. Now we are against the former President of The Balkans. The Balkans most staunch opponent of Communism, and a supporter of anti-communism, we have put travel restrictions on him, and made him an enemy of our state.&nbsp;&nbsp; This administration is now, the enemy of America. Soros and his cronies want open borders, open everything, to the detriment of this country. Who the heck is the Left going to run in 2024? And on what platform - "I'm not Trump" isn't going to cut it this time. I mean who...Kamala, AOC, Who? Mark thinks they might go after a Hollywood type, like Dwayne Johnson, Oprah, something like that. The double down group thinks the American People actually WANT candidates that are FURTHER left.
1/1/11 hour, 6 minutes, 41 seconds
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It's All About the Power - Joined by Nicholas Giordano

On this episode of Blunt Force Truth, Chuck and Mark are joined by Nicholas Giordano. Nicholas is a Professor of Political Science at Suffolk County Community College and a former Catastrophic Planning Lead for the New York State Office of Emergency Management&nbsp; Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; · The craziness that has taken place over the past week&nbsp; · Their thoughts on what happened in Washington D.C. and the reaction from the Democrats&nbsp; · The drastic shift that we have seen with those that consider themselves Liberals&nbsp; · The unintended consequences of Democrat’s attempt to divide our nation&nbsp; · What our founding father meant be a revolution and how that differs from what we are seeing today&nbsp;&nbsp; · What the future may hold for the Republican party and how we can rebuild the party&nbsp; · What the online space will look like for conservatives in the future and other ways that big tech may silence conservative voices&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; More about Nicholas Giordano:&nbsp; Nicholas Giordano is a Professor of Political Science at Suffolk County Community College and a former Catastrophic Planning Lead for the New York State Office of Emergency Management (NYS OEM). Recognized and well-respected for his analysis, Professor Giordano regularly appears on radio and television, including Fox News, to provide analysis on current issues and trends within government, politics, international relations, homeland security/emergency management, and social/cultural related issues. In addition, he serves as a guest speaker to provide his expertise on critical issues facing the United States and the international community.&nbsp; It is Professor Giordano’s passion that led him to start The PAS Report because of his unique ability to break down complex political issues and simplify those issues to appeal to everyday Americans.&nbsp;&nbsp; Connect with Nicholas Giordano:&nbsp; Website:; Twitter: @PASReport&nbsp; Facebook: The PAS Report&nbsp; Give H2Max a try and let us know what you think:; Help us bring you the best content possible. Due to the left’s boycotts of those who advertise with Conservatives, we have had a number of advertisers backout to avoid possible backlash. Support the show and gainaccess to even more content at; Don’t forget to leave us a voicemail for the chance to have it played on a future episode. You can do so by clicking the link.; Also, check out the store on our website to get your own Blunt Force Truth gear.;
1/1/11 hour, 26 minutes, 18 seconds
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Biden Thinks he is the Smartest Person Alive

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; We have some problems in our military. Our Generals have all testified before the Senate that they indeed advised Biden that we should have kept troops in Afghanistan. That the Afghan army would collapse without the presence of US Troops. They also testified that the President received this information and he understood this. Chuck wants to know why they all didn't just resign over the tragedy? Mark wants to know what Peppermint Patty will do next. Biden must be the smartest person alive. Dr. / President Biden doesn't listen to ANY of his advisors. The FDA / Generals / anyone making any sort of sense. Joe Biden literally thinks he is smarter than every other person alive today. There are forces at work in this administration that just want to denigrate our people. They want to take away all your rights , they have set things in motion to fundamentally change our Country. Mark talks a bit about electrical cars. In California they have rolling black outs, but the Governor there tells everyone to use an electric car. But how the heck are people supposed to charge their darn cars? Where does this electricity come from. Is it magic, is it fairy dust, or is it fossil fuels at power plants that make the electricity? It is absurd that the rhetoric never changes even when the situation does.&nbsp; Give H2Max a try and let us know what you think: Help us bring you the best content possible. Due to the left’s boycotts of those who advertise with Conservatives, we have had a number of advertisers back-out to avoid possible backlash. Support the show and gain access to even more content at Don’t forget to leave us a voicemail for the chance to have it played on a future episode. You can do so by clicking the link. Also, check out the store on our website to get your own Blunt Force Truth gear.
1/1/11 hour, 13 minutes, 3 seconds
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Living on Fantasy Island

On this episode of Blunt Force Truth, Chuck and Mark talk about What is real and what is NOT real.&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; Today’s show rundown:&nbsp;&nbsp; · Chuck goes in on how so many things we are being led to believe are just not true&nbsp; · The mixed messages are just astounding&nbsp; · Is there a nefarious purpose behind all of this&nbsp; · Mark defines “Availabiity Bias” – that what we hear most, we tend to believe&nbsp; · How there are no laws in place to show that systemic racism is real&nbsp; · FBI estimating that there are only 6,000 people who are members of a white supreamist organization. Out of a nation of 330 Million People&nbsp; · Redefining the language has always been the plan to take power&nbsp; · John Kerry – talking to the Iranians about strikes in Syria&nbsp; · Helping a child is one thing, Using an elected office to hid a childs Crimes is another story&nbsp; · Polls show that 75% of Americans are FOR some sort of State or Federal identification in order to vote&nbsp; · Court Packing and expanding the Supream Court&nbsp; · Money is a Magnifier – if you were a bad person broke, you will become a REALLY bad person with Money.&nbsp; · Mark talks Tony Robbins, and some past stories about giving&nbsp; · New IRS data shows that Democrats are the Party of The Rich&nbsp; · Tell a lie often enough and it will become a truth&nbsp;&nbsp; Be sure to go checkout our friends at Gold Co. and receive your free IRA Guide!&nbsp;&nbsp;;ls=001-Email-Blunt-Force-Truth-Podcast&amp;cn=855-546-1792&amp;utm_source=Blunt-Force-Truth-Podcast&amp;utm_medium=Email&amp;utm_campaign=7014T0000005fDF&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; Give H2Max a try and let us know what you think:; Help us bring you the best content possible. Due to the left’s boycotts of those who advertise with Conservatives, we have had a numberof advertisers backout to avoid possible backlash. Support the show and gain access to even more content at; Don’t forget to leave us a voicemail for the chance to have it played on a future episode. You can do so by clicking the link.; Also, check out the store on our website to get your own Blunt Force Truth gear.;&nbsp;
1/1/11 hour, 21 minutes, 22 seconds
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Looking Forward to Next Weeks Election

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; Chuck watched an interesting Documentary on Newsmax (they are trying) - this was something about how to defeat a President - everything that happened prior to and during Trumps Presidential run. The Intel community believed that the American people made a mistake, and that it was up to them to fix it. This whole Jan 6th thing is a charade - the entire bureaucracy turned against Trump and tried to take him out with lies and the "dossier".&nbsp;&nbsp; No one on the left has ever been held accountable, and no one ever will be. Obama told Trump do not trust Putin and Michael Flynn, and look what happened to Flynn (it could happen to any of us). Have we finally reached a point where we have reached the glass ceiling, and the masses have seen thorough the Democrats bull crap. Mark reviews the number in the House and Senate for what potentially could happen after Election Day. Chuck dives right into Elon Musk and Twitter. The Left is talking about challenging Elon's documentation on if he is an illegal. Chuck talks the Hunter Biden laptop, how will we hold Hunter accountable, if Joe Biden isn't held accountable for HIS actions. 10% for "The Big Guy" - Biden is in so deep, nothing will ever come out about all this.;
1/1/11 hour, 12 minutes, 11 seconds
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Bitcoin, Crypto, and Banks - An Interview With Paul Bradley

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; Mark kicks us off today good buddies. Joe is back wheeling an 18-Wheeler, back behind the wheel of the big rig. He just did another speech where he gave a story where he talks about driving a truck. Biden then told a bizarre story about a truck driver named Big Momma, and how he used to talk to Big Momma on the CB Radio when he was a trucker. What Mark want's people to pay attention to is the detail of his lies. The way that Biden goes into great detail on all his lies is abnormal behavior. When the White House was questioned about the Presidents past employment as a Trucker...we learn that Joe once drove a school bus for a short. summer time job. Today's health section - each week we are trying to give you info on a break through in science, or something you can actually go out and do TODAY. So the topic for today is something called Nitric Oxide. This is a little molecule in your body in your body that can communicate to other molecules in your body - it tells your blood vessels to relax and open up. This can help for blood pressure, and heart function.&nbsp;&nbsp; We meet our guest today Paul Bradley. He talks a little about his past, where he came from, and tells us how he fell in love with Crypto. Chuck wants to know about why the price of Bitcoin has been hovering in the 30K to 40K range, and Chuck asks our guest to tell us a bit about Bitcoin. Paul tells us hindsight is 20/20 when you talk about money you could have made in the past. Better to have it than to not have it from a conservative minded investment strategy.&nbsp;&nbsp; Over time, Bitcoin / Lightcoin - there are only so many made - you can see where more people wanting Bitcoin, and more industries wanting to use it will drive the price up. Paul believes that there are 4 year cycles as far as growth for Bitcoin. Mark's Crypto guy says that Bitcoin will go to 120K over time, Paul says thats a safe bet.;; Neo40&nbsp; Large Marge / Pee Wee Link&nbsp;
1/1/159 minutes, 15 seconds
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The Business Owner's Dilemma - an Interview with Ali Nasser

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; Mark starts us out with The Left going out of their minds. The big problem is over the past weekend there were 2 shooting events, where legally armed citizens brought the encounter to a halt. These were mass shootings that were stopped before anything escalated. Coverage of these shootings have been spun in a negative light, and twisted. This killed the narrative of the Left for legal carry in this country. Why can't people on the left figure out that their policies are failing. Illinois lost the equivalent of the entire population of Springfield Illinois. San Fran has lost hundreds of thousands of people. There is an exodus out of Blue Cities, and they are moving to Red Cities. People with their feet, they vote with their money. They are leaving these loony cities by the car loads. Mark introduces us to Ali Nasser, a friend of his through Strategic Coach. Ali has a new book called "The Business Owner's Dilemma". Ali tells us a little about his background and the guys get into Entrepreneurship. Listen in for all the chats.;qid=1658255826&amp;sr=8-1&nbsp;
1/1/11 hour, 7 minutes, 38 seconds
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Critical Race Theory & Marxism – an Interview with Dr. Voddie Baucham Jr.

On this episode of Blunt Force Truth, Chuck and Mark talk with Dr. Voddie Baucham Jr. about Critical Race Theory, BLM, and Faith. Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; Professor Jennifer Ho - She is a self proclaimed expert in White Supremacy If you are a black person and beat up an asian person, it is actually white people’s fault Who is forcing us BACK into segregation&nbsp; We introduce Dr. Voddie Baucham, Jr. - and get the Dr.’s opinion on the opening convo 1619 project - is important because it re-orients American History / NOT based on our founding documents - because your intention is to talk about America’s original sin There are these PHD’s in all these new fields - dissertations - cramming stuff down students throats This thinking is an enemy to spirituality an in particular Christianity Mark is clearly America’s number 1 oppressor Where does critical race theory come from How hard is this to understand for the average American today? BLM has always been an openly Marxist / anti nuclear family / anti Christian BLM was founded by 3 black lesbian women who’s ideology is trained Marxists We have complex issues in this country that do not have a simple 1 word answer like racism&nbsp; Get a copy of Dr. Baucham’s book here -;dchild=1&amp;keywords=faultlines+by+voddie+baucham&amp;qid=1621957617&amp;sprefix=faultlines%2Caps%2C165&amp;sr=8-3 &nbsp;Guest Bio: Dr. Voddie Baucham Jr. is the Dean of Theology at African Christian University in Lusaka, Zambia. Dr. Baucham holds degrees from Houston Baptist University (BA in Christianity/BA in Sociology), Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (M.Div.), Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (D.Min.), an honorary degree from Southern California Seminary (D.D.), and additional post-graduate study at the University of Oxford, England (Regent’s Park College). For more information, please visit Be sure to go checkout our friends at Gold Co. and receive your free IRA Guide!&nbsp;;ls=001-Email-Blunt-Force-Truth-Podcast&amp;cn=855-546-1792&amp;utm_source=Blunt-Force-Truth-Podcast&amp;utm_medium=Email&amp;utm_campaign=7014T0000005fDF Give H2Max a try and let us know what you think: Help us bring you the best content possible. Due to the left’s boycotts of those who advertise with Conservatives, we have had a number of advertisers back-out to avoid possible backlash. Support the show and gain access to even more content at Don’t forget to leave us a voicemail for the chance to have it played on a future episode. You can do so by clicking the link. Also, check out the store on our website to get your own Blunt Force Truth gear.;
1/1/11 hour, 30 seconds
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The Trump Indictment

Today's Show Notes As we speak, Donald Trump is being fingerprinted. They are going to try him on stuff from Georgia, the Mar a Lago raid, none of which will go anywhere. Man is the Left terrified of Trump. It is 100% nonsense this trial in New York. 99 percent of the people in NYC vote Democratic, how would this even be a fair trial? We are the laughingstock of the World, with Biden being President not sure where he is. We want to take the moral high ground, and tell the rest of the World what to do? Pelosi and Hillary are out and about talking about how Russia stole the 2016 election, but we are the Election Denyers. What really troubles us now is that the Left is looking into the camera and telling you exactly what they are doing to you, but they spin it in that it is the Right doing it. New York has been bracing for all this supposed violence for Trumps arraignment...but whee is the history of that? Its going to be very interesting, and Trump hopes the Judge imposes a gag order on Trump. How illegal would that be / election interference. You would be taking a Main Party Member and imposing that he can not campaign. This is the definition of interference.&nbsp;&nbsp;
1/1/11 hour, 17 minutes, 23 seconds
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The Most Important Election of our Lives

On this episode of Blunt Force Truth, Chuck and Mark are giving some coverage early on election day.&nbsp; Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; · Their predictions on what will happen with today’s election&nbsp; · The difference between liberal and conservative thinking&nbsp; · What the election would look like if we had a fair press&nbsp; · Kamala Harris’s openly supporting a Communist agenda&nbsp; · The more apparent mental lapses that we are seeing from Joe Biden&nbsp; · How the China Virus has become a political tool for the left&nbsp; · Why the left refuses to acknowledge Hunter Biden’s ‘laptop from hell’&nbsp; · Why the Democrats are terrified of four more years of President Trump&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; Give H2Max a try and let us know what you think:; Help us bring you the best content possible. Due to the left’s boycotts of those who advertise with Conservatives, we have had a number of advertisers backout to avoid possible backlash. Support the show and gain access to even more content at; Don’t forget to leave us a voicemail for the chance to have it played on a future episode. You can do so by clicking the link.; Also, check out the store on our website to get your own Blunt Force Truth gear.;&nbsp;
1/1/159 minutes, 48 seconds
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Biden is a Disaster- Ep. 765

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; Chuck starts out with a story about Elon Musk buying Twitter - they are sticking by the original deal. So ll these "Blue Check" guys will hate him all over again. It sure looks like he is going to be the owner of twitter. Mark grabs a story about a Nurse fired by the Baylor Scott Health system, she was fired because she refused to accept her implicit biased training program. This is a white nurse, and she had to admit to being a racist.&nbsp;&nbsp; No state board of Medicine or Nursing has provided evidence that proves the claim that White People are explicitly biased. But companies are forcing whites to sit in "inherent bias" training where you have to admit to being a racist, and admit that you would treat minorities worse than you would treat white patients. It's a new day folks, by virtue of the amount of melanin in your skin, it is impossible for you to hold a racist view. The guys go down a rabbit hole for the most ridiculous stories of the day - from pronouns, to butt babies, its all on the table for this while and crazy segment.;;
1/1/11 hour, 8 minutes, 17 seconds
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Open the Dang Schools

On this episode of Blunt Force Truth, Chuck is joined by Nicholas Giordano as Mark is off handling some important business this week.&nbsp; Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; · How the government has always exploited crises to expand their power&nbsp; · Why virtual learning is not the answer for our nation’s youth&nbsp; · Why citizens should be more concerned about an out-of-control bureaucracy than the coronavirus&nbsp; · The destructive behavior of taking our nation and freedoms for granted&nbsp; · The consequences that come from tribalism that is being pushed by the radical left&nbsp; · The left’s attempt to attach racism to everything that they do not agree with&nbsp; More about Nicholas Giordano:&nbsp; Nicholas Giordano is a Professor of Political Science at Suffolk County Community College and a former Catastrophic Planning Lead for the New York State Office of Emergency Management (NYS OEM). Recognized and well-respected for his analysis, Professor Giordano regularly appears on radio and television, including Fox News, to provide analysis on current issues and trends within government, politics, international relations, homeland security/emergency management, and social/cultural related issues. In addition, he serves as a guest speaker to provide his expertise on critical issues facing the United States and the international community.&nbsp; It is Professor Giordano’s passion that led him to start The PAS Report because of his unique ability to break down complex political issues and simplify those issues to appeal to everyday Americans.&nbsp;&nbsp; Connect with Nicholas Giordano:&nbsp; Website:; Twitter: @PASReport&nbsp; Facebook: The PAS Report&nbsp; Give H2Max a try and let us know what you think:; Help us bring you the best content possible. Due to the left’s boycotts of those who advertise with Conservatives, we have had a number of advertisers backout to avoid possible backlash. Support the show and gain access to even more content at; Don’t forget to leave us a voicemail for the chance to have it played on a future episode. You can do so by clicking the link.; Also, check out the store on our website to get your own Blunt Force Truth gear.;&nbsp;
1/1/11 hour, 1 minute, 46 seconds
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Mistakes, Movies and a Vanishing Act - An Interview with John Schneider

Mark opens the show thanking everyone for helping him sell his new book, HypnoTising. We talk briefly about Jussie Smollet and if we think he will receive any punishment. The guys talk Alec Baldwin and what we think is going to happen in the future. If you are on the Let’s side, man you can be rehabilitated from anything no? COVID is the cause of the looting, apparently COVID is why people have lost their minds with the robbing and looting. People that are reading a putt from the couch, this is how the Left has been as of late. Judging everyone else’s actions from their couch, trying to tell everyone how they should be. We welcome our guest John Schneider, Mark talks PRI / Lucas Oil Stadium event that Mrk and John were both at. Someone got shot right in front of the hotel Mark was staying at. Indianapolis is one of the cities where crime is going through the roof. Defund the police – how’s that working out for these cities now?&nbsp;&nbsp; John explains about how real firearms can become “prop” guns on a movie set. REAL guns, once handed to the talent just BECOME a “prop”. We get a bit of an inside look into the “set production” on Movies and Television series. We learn about how firearm safety works on set as well about Armorers, Talent, Producers etc etc. John Schneider YouTube Channel -;ab_channel=JohnSchneider&nbsp; John’s Latest Movie Poker Run;;;;
1/1/11 hour, 2 minutes, 47 seconds
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The Truth Loves to be Questioned

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; We get a year's worth of news these days every darn day BFT now has more listeners per month than prime time CNN Texas Dem. Lawmakers just get up and leave (on private planes) instead of losing the vote Kamala Harris is so disconnected from the real world she references a store that has been closed for 13 years People on The Left are even wanting to Bury Harris as to have her NOT be a candidate Risking arrest, Mark talks Attorney General Dana Nessel Nessel is trying to pass legislation making it a crime to disagree with election fraud Mark introduces Ryan Kelley - who thinks MI AG has ignored her duties Whitmer had an impeachable offense, and the AG did nothing Nursing home deaths here in MI What is the end game for Governor Whitmer As sick as it is, the Left was fine with collateral damage instead of letting Trump get a win Simple solutions for problems will never be chosen Lawmakers flexing power is everywhere these days Will Ryan Kelley fix "The Damn Roads" here in MI There is no DOT / DOE / OSHA in the constitution Ryan was in DC during "The INSURRECTION" Election integrity is WHY there were millions of people in DC on the 6th Biggest threats to both the US, and MI - Ryan tells us his take What would a Governor Ryan Kelley MI look like? The Left NEVER reaches across the isle to US Good and Evil can NOT negotiate Ryan D. Kelley Leading our state back to prosperity will take a proven leader with a heart for America. That’s Ryan. Married to his lovely wife Tabitha since 2013, they now have 5 children: Isabella, Aniko, Vincent, Ryan &amp; Jozsef. Ryan &amp; Tabitha have both called Michigan home for most of their lives and currently live in West Michigan. They have two dogs, both Chihuahuas: Rosco and Rolex. &nbsp;As a small business owner, Ryan understands what it takes for the middle class to work hard for the American Dream. As Michigan’s 50th Governor, Ryan will make sure every Michigan resident is inspired with the American Dream to create prosperity in their own life. Every individual is important and deserves Freedom, Hope, Love, and Prosperity. &nbsp;Ryan is a grassroots American Patriot stepping up to play his part in making Michigan a national leader and keeping our American Republic strong. Be sure to go checkout our friends at Gold Co. and receive your free IRA Guide!&nbsp;;ls=001-Email-Blunt-Force-Truth-Podcast&amp;cn=855-546-1792&amp;utm_source=Blunt-Force-Truth-Podcast&amp;utm_medium=Email&amp;utm_campaign=7014T0000005fDF Give H2Max a try and let us know what you think: Help us bring you the best content possible. Due to the left’s boycotts of those who advertise with Conservatives, we have had a number of advertisers back-out to avoid possible backlash. Support the show and gain access to even more content at Don’t forget to leave us a voicemail for the chance to have it played on a future episode. You can do so by clicking the link. Also, check out the store on our website to get your own Blunt Force Truth gear.
1/1/11 hour, 14 minutes, 46 seconds
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Actively Unwoke - an Interview with Karlyn Borysenko

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; Chuck knows people are depressed and tired of what we are seeing every day...but the cavalry is on the way. Everybody tells mark "Ive never seen it this bad, Ive never seen it so decided". This has been going on in America since our country was founded Jefferson and Adams claimed some things we can't even type here. You have to take it upon yourself to save yourself. People are afraid that they are going to be cancelled, but Karlyn's book has a whole chapter in it to help if you are. Mark asks Karlyn what is driving the insanity of the Marxist Cultural Revolution. Social emotional learning is even more dangerous than CRT. 4 Points the woke left hits on at all times are gain as much political power as possible to destabilize the system to end capitalism, to usher in a marxist utopia.&nbsp;&nbsp; There is a different between true believers and people who are going along with it. Most of the people who we would consider woke are just doing it because they are being taught they need to do this to be a good person. We need to start waking up more people to show them they have been lied to. These people are a victim of group think, its a real thing. Save Us Chuck Education Link&nbsp; Karlyn's Links;;;
1/1/11 hour, 40 seconds
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The Sleepy Administration

On this episode of Blunt Force Truth, Chuck and Mark taken on some question from listeners and discuss their thoughts on the newadministration.&nbsp; Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; · Trump’s pardons before he leaves office&nbsp; · Some of Joe Biden’s appointees and what kind of agenda they bring to our government&nbsp; · How Joe Biden has already begun to implement identity politics throughout our government&nbsp; · Chuck and Mark take some questions from our listeners&nbsp; · How identity politics could destroy the Democratic party from within&nbsp; · The mental health issues that we are seeing from those on the left&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; Give H2Max a try and let us know what you think:; Help us bring you the best content possible. Due to the left’s boycotts of those who advertise with Conservatives, we have had a number of advertisers backout to avoid possible backlash. Support the show and gainaccess to even more content at; Don’t forget to leave us a voicemail for the chance to have it played on a future episode. You can do so by clicking the link.; Also, check out the store on our website to get your own Blunt Force Truth gear.;
1/1/11 hour, 6 minutes, 19 seconds
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We Saw Democracy at Work – With Nick Giordano

Today’s Topics Chuck starts us off with things the mainstream media never cover. The American people tend to get their information from the mainstream media and it's unfortunate that the people don’t get ALL the news. For instance, President Biden has a whole lot of confidential papers that he took when he was VP and put in the University of Penn. – like the INVESTIGATION into Mar a Lago with Trump. We are going to see the two standards played out on the news, and Trump is NEVER going to be charged now because they would have to charge Biden. President Biden met up with the Salvation Army, shook hands with the President of the Salvation Army. Biden proceeded to tell this guy that he used to work with the Secret Service in Poland, and other crazy Biden things, and this poor Salvation Army guy looked clueless as to why Biden was telling him this.&nbsp;&nbsp; We saw Democracy at work, we watched this bear knuckles fight between 20 conservatives fought tooth and nail for their side for who was going to be Speaker of the House. Look at how this was covered, when the Left saw this happen, they didn’t like it and dint want to have dissent at all. This was literally Democracy being practiced live for everyone to see.; Nick D’s Podcast and Other Links&nbsp;;;
1/1/153 minutes, 58 seconds
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The FBI is Out of Control

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; Chuck tells us he is the 81 year old version of Chuck Woolery. Our cities are just flooded with crime. Stabbings, shootings, robberies, and it is all the Left's fault. Their social justice model has no justice at all. People don't stop for red lights any more, WaWa gets invaded by 100 juveniles. This stuff has to stop - Chuck says you HAVE to get out there and VOTE. It's so bad now that if you actually are a proponent for filling the law, very quickly you will be blamed for being a racist. A Pastor who is a pro-life Catholic preacher, put in handcuffs in front of his children, while the FBI pointed weapons at him and his family. He was arrested for what they are calling a violation of the face act (a federal law used to limit what actions can be taken by pro life protestors). Mark goes in to explain the rediculousness of this crap.&nbsp;&nbsp; The FBI also went in and raided a company with private security boxes. They went in and emptied out 86 million in cash and jewelry of privately owned boxes - this is in Beverly Hills. They did this because the people who owned the building were arrested for money laundering, not the people who had the boxes. A year later, the FBI is STILL holding these people money and things who have committed no crime. Inside whistle blower at the FBI is telling us that the FBI's budget is being moved from real crime to more Jan 6th bull stuff.;
1/1/11 hour, 2 minutes, 12 seconds
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Biden Regret & Embarrassment - an Interview with Drew Berquist

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; No one is charged with the crime of insurrection, vaccinations that aren't vaccines, hunters laptop was no big deal? The Left is just covering up everything. The cost of food and doing businesses in restaurants oh my goodness. Chucks Wife's restaurant have just gone through the roof. Last month to this month the cost of living has gone up 9 percent. Mark introduces us to our guest Drew Berquist - Mark kicks it to Drew with the Biden Administration being an administration free of ANY controversies or questionable decision (Sarcasm). Drew says these guys are so beyond bad, he needs to come up with new words for how bad they are. If you thought 2008-20016 was bad, if you aren't feeling regret and embarrassment now you have your head in a hole. How is it possible that the Left is not embarrassed at all?&nbsp; Drew talks about all our 3-letter agencies, FBI, CIA etc. He says that the intel departments have been politicized and weaponized by these administrations. Middle management at these places were concerned that Trump was going to blow the lid off how things actually worked. The DC Swamp creatures got their friends to pull off what they did. Drew clarifies that the people who work in the counter terrorism realm are some the most patriotic group of people around.&nbsp; DREW BERQUIST IS A PRODUCER, WRITER AND ON-AIR TALENT. HE IS THE HOST OF “THIS IS MY SHOW WITH DREW BERQUIST.” His programming has aired on CRTV, BlazeTV, OpsLens TV and LifeZetteTV. Additionally, he has also hosted “Headlines Tonight with Drew Berquist” and “This Week in the News with Drew Berquist” both televised nationally on One America News Network. Prior to that he served as a counterterrorism officer for the United States Intelligence Community, where he performed more than thirty deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan to conduct intelligence operations against the Taliban, al-Qai’da and more recently ISIS. Berquist speaks to audiences and has commented on national security and political matters on Fox News, Newsmax, The First TV and a number of other shows throughout the country.&nbsp;;;;;;;
1/1/11 hour, 1 minute, 11 seconds
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Biden’s Border Crisis

On this episode of Blunt Force Truth, Chuck and Mark talk about parallels between our current political situation and the history of the Weimar Republic.&nbsp; Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; · The truth is important – people avert theirs eyes from the naked truth&nbsp; · Border crisis / AKA Challenge&nbsp; · COVID BILL is all about bailing out failed leftist states&nbsp; · National Debt is in the Trillions&nbsp; · Lies disguised as truth&nbsp; · Taxes – why raising them really hurts the middle of the road income families&nbsp; · Reconciliation – 60 votes in the senate to approve the bill…in reconciliation it only takes a majority&nbsp; · Columbia University is having 6 Graduations for students&nbsp; · Lets spend some time talking about Nazi Germany&nbsp; Give H2Max a try and let us know what you think:; Help us bring you the best content possible. Due to the left’s boycotts of those who advertise with Conservatives, we have had a number of advertisers backout to avoid possible backlash. Support the show and gain access to even more content at; Don’t forget to leave us a voicemail for the chance to have it played on a future episode. You can do so by clicking the link.; Also, check out the store on our website to get your own Blunt Force Truth gear.;
1/1/11 hour, 7 minutes, 24 seconds
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The Fight For Our Republic - An Interview with Michael Guy

On this episode of Blunt Force Truth, Chuck and Mark welcome back Rockstar and cyber security expert, Michael Guy.&nbsp;&nbsp; Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; · What “Scorecard and Hammer” is and what role it is playing in this year’s election&nbsp; · How our intelligence agencies have played a role in votes being flipped and ballot disappearing&nbsp; · How the Democrat’s are attempting to shutdown any investigation into election fraud or anomalies&nbsp; · The media’s unwillingness to acknowledge the numerous accounts of voter and election fraud&nbsp; · Why President Trump should not concede until after this election’s outcome has gone through the proper court process&nbsp; · The numerous layers of corruption that the Democrats implemented before the election&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; More about Michael Guy:&nbsp; As CEO at ISM Security, Michael Guy has consulted for one of the largest security intelligence operations in the world. Michael has worked in the field of intelligence gathering for the now infamous 17 billion dollar Music Industry v Bertlesman / Napster case which to this date is the single largest case in Music Industry. ISM can process upwards of 35 billion potential security events per day across 70 counties via fault tolerant, redundant network operations centers.&nbsp; Guy has been advising EMI, Warner, Universal Music group and KROLL global security as well as Republican campaign cyber strategist for the esteemed. Michael’s clients also include Peter Monroe who served as head of the Federal Housing Administration and Chairman of Resolution Trust underPresidents Bush SR and Bill Clinton regarding best security practices, criminal data discovery, anti-piracy frameworks and risk mitigation on a global basis.&nbsp; Michael is a sought-after speaker on the subjects of Cyber Security, Russian Hacking claims cases, and Google Search Engineering. Guy regularly appears in both print and broadcast media, including BBC World Service, NPR, and Wired Magazine. Michael's opinions have been solicited by members ofCongress. Michael authored the advanced E-commerce platform at the University of Santa Clara’s Levy School of Business.&nbsp; Most recently, Michael Guy is focusing on the Russian Hacking Claims case(s). Michael is a conservative who supports the Trump Administration.&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; Connect with Michael Guy:&nbsp; Website: &amp; &amp;; Twitter: @RealMichaelGuy&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; Give H2Max a try and let us know what you think:; Help us bring you the best content possible. Due to the left’s boycotts of those who advertise with Conservatives, we have had a number of advertisers backout to avoid possible backlash. Support the show and gainaccess to even more content at; Don’t forget to leave...
1/1/11 hour, 8 minutes, 18 seconds
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Pegasus What is the Real Threat - an Interview with Michael Guy

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; Confusion from our experts - the CDC, WHO and all of them what are we to believe Mark reads some comments from our listeners It is not the nature of Government to let go of Power Emperor Cuomo declared a state of emergency for Guns so he could get more power The Left has turned us all into Typhoid Mary in that we are all infectors Think if what China has inflicted on this planet We should asses China a fine in the trillions for the damages they have done to our country Lack of employees is costing millings to business owners Biden thinks dumping millions into the economy WONT cause inflation - he is totally wrong Better roads will make people want to start new businesses The Left is attacking Besos for going into space Project Pegasus - What the Hell is this? The Expert - The Rockstar of Internet Security will explain The privatization of intelligence services in Israel (imagine if Amazon becomes the new Post Office) Why would journalists be the target of some sort of spying The News is running out of money - so they need to stay relevant You don't need to open up a bogus email to be infected There are so many exploits to this threat Its more and more "everyday business" that we are being surveilled Should our listeners be worried about Pegasus - Michael says no Its not IF the Election had fraud happen, its How MUCH it happened
1/1/159 minutes, 42 seconds
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It is always about Control with The Left

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; Every problem we have in this country are self inflicted wounds by the Democrats. People blame Biden, but in reality he is just complicit with what the Party is doing. They are for Government and NOT for the People. Do you think the focus of the Left was that the hatred for D. Trump was so intense, or do you think the goal was to destroy America? Chuck believes that they want to tear everything down and make our country ONLY for the Democratic Party. These are not far left people in this party....this IS THE PARTY, they all are either part of it, or they support it. Many of the messages from the Left, you need to pay attention to the language, they change words and boom, you are the enemy. Anyone who believes in the Constitution is being labeled as being "radicalized". Donald trump pulled back the veil on who they really are, and they have been empowered to reveal the real plans, total annihilation of what our Founding Fathers formed way back when. Mark talks a bit about his recent Gettysburg trip and how it has been taken over by PC propaganda, no American flags anywhere. Chuck talks about Mansion and Sinema being the only 2 Democrat congress people who are partially within their right minds. We are 5 months away from flipping the House and Senate. The Left would need to pack the court and get rid of the filibuster in 4 months.&nbsp;&nbsp; Health Minute - Simple Bio-Hacks that you can do that will massively increase your health and well being Pray or meditate Get outside in the sun / get out in nature Eat real food - if the food you are eating can last for 5 years, its not real food Control your weight and stop eating white stuff (flour, pasta, potatoes) - this converts to sugar Just move, go for a walk, do something&nbsp; Stop doing stupid things (like driving without a seatbelt, smoking, using Fentanyl&nbsp;;;;;
1/1/157 minutes, 55 seconds
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Government Is Not the Answer - An Interview with Nicholas Giordano

On this episode of Blunt Force Truth, Chuck and Mark are joined by Nicholas Giordano. Nicholas is back with his wealth of knowledge on a plethora of topics.&nbsp; Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; · Where we are currently with the Presidential election&nbsp; · Why the American people are in a lose, lose situation following the election&nbsp; · How President Trump administration and legal team failed him through the election process&nbsp; · The precedents that have been set by the Democrats over the past four years&nbsp; · How the Democrats ruined their best chance to work across the isle with a Republican president&nbsp; · How we can start to take back our nation by starting at the local level&nbsp; · What you can do to help win over Democratic strong holds throughout the country&nbsp; · How the social justice movement will only make white liberal richer&nbsp; · Why large companies are willing to take a political stance and alienate half of the country&nbsp; More about Nicholas Giordano:&nbsp; Nicholas Giordano is a Professor of Political Science at Suffolk County Community College and a former Catastrophic Planning Lead for the New York State Office of Emergency Management (NYS OEM). Recognized and well-respected for his analysis, Professor Giordano regularly appears on radio and television, including Fox News, to provide analysis on current issues and trends within government, politics, international relations, homeland security/emergency management, and social/cultural related issues. Inaddition, he serves as a guest speaker to provide his expertise on criticalissues facing the United States and the international community.&nbsp; It is Professor Giordano’s passion that led him to start The PAS Report because of his unique ability to break down complex political issues and simplify those issues to appeal to everyday Americans.&nbsp;&nbsp; Connect with Nicholas Giordano:&nbsp; Website:; Twitter: @PASReport&nbsp; Facebook: The PAS Report&nbsp; Give H2Max a try and let us know what you think:; Help us bring you the best content possible. Due to the left’s boycotts of those who advertise with Conservatives, we have had a number f advertisers backout to avoid possible backlash. Support the show and gainaccess to even more content at; Don’t forget to leave us a voicemail for the chance to have it played on a future episode. You can do so by clicking the link.; Also, check out the store on our website to get your own Blunt Force Truth gear.;
1/1/11 hour, 10 minutes, 11 seconds
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Unnatural Blood Clots Found in Dead Bodies of Vaccinated - An Interview With Dr. Jane Ruby

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; Every time this show has Doctors on, Chuck feels like he can't smoke freely. But he is a week away from his 81'st birthday, according to Mark, Chuck has invented the Chuck Woolery "smoke your way to health" plan. Mark says we are going to expand on the last show while talking to Dr. Ruby. The Russian / Ukraine war is sucking all the air out of ALL other stories, and this is paramount for the Biden Administration. So now, we are going to see 5 and 6 dollar gasoline. Biden sanctioned the US with a war on fossil fuels, why the American people would stand for this we don't understand. This ridiculous gas prices go towards wiping out the middle and lower class. The same people that wanted to confine you to your home during COVID, now are all fine with raising gas prices to the moon. Sound familiar? You now just wont be able to afford to go anywhere. 2 of the main elements used in making micro processors - the same like we have had a shortage of. Chuck says this country needs to be self sustaining, globalism has caused us SO many problems. Chuck just realized he used to be so much fun, he is sad that he is the voice of Truth. We get to meet our guest Dr. Jane Ruby, check her bio at the bottom. Chuck wants to lose belly fat - he asks Dr. Ruby, what in the HECK he could do. Dr. Ruby says that is she had that answer she wouldn't be sitting on this show as she would be on her private island. We now dig into Dr. Jane's research on blood clots in dead people who had the COVID vaccine. Dr. Ruby talks about the increase in flu-like viruses.&nbsp;&nbsp; How have all the variants stopped? People were frightened into taking the 3rd and 4th boosters. We have been talking about this for 2 years. It's immune erosion. These so called "vaccines" are not helping you, these do the opposite. They force you to make a synthetic spike that your body has never seen before. We are showing death and disability disparity from lot to lot, that there HAS to be different things in different vials per vaccine. The more you take the more you are being eroded. Col. McGregor Interview&nbsp; Dr. Jane Ruby is a medical professional and a pharmaceutical drug development expert with over 20 years of experience in regulatory processes for drug approval with the FDA and the EMA. She is also a published international health economist who has appeared on numerous TV and radio shows across America. Dr. Ruby worked on the human research studies to launch some of the most famous compounds in the world in Depression, Alzheimer’s disease, Addiction, and Cardio-pulmonary diseases.&nbsp; Telegram:; GAB &amp; GETTR: @drjaneruby&nbsp; Venmo: Jane-Ruby
1/1/11 hour, 5 minutes, 12 seconds
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The Attack on Trump

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; Has Mark told Chuck recently how amazing he is??? Merrik Garland, and this attack on Trump, this break into his house is just crap. This has never been done before since George Washington. What made him do this? What was the thinking. Is this really about the Archives? Presidents have taken things home with them forever, to write books, and what not. If they are worried about Nuclear Codes - don't these change ALL THE TIME? This is ridiculous crappy stuff gong on that we should NOT put up with this. Biden absolutely knew about the Mar a Lago raid before it happened. Biden would not object to waiving his predecessor's claims to executive privilege. The Left keeps playing into Trumps hand, he is the biggest story all over the place. Trump doesn't even have to try to be the biggest story of the month, he couldn't have scripted this better as they made him into a martyr. When have you heard anything from Obama as of late. Liz Cheney now says that Ted Cruze is unfit to hold office. She also says the Speaker of the House is the 2nd in line for the Presidency (ummm no, thats 3rd in line). This woman thinks she is going to run for President as a Republican. Chuck thinks the Democrats are like The Blob - they just absorb people like Cheney.&nbsp;&nbsp;
1/1/159 minutes, 36 seconds
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The Show Must Go On - an Interview with Michael Guy

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; Chuck is feeling under the weather for our second show today, but never fear, the Show Must go on, and Michael Guy is going to step in and Co-Host for us. Mark starts us off about Monkey pox, and how it is the newest way for the media to keep you looking where they want to. Mark talks a little about the Doctors we have had on in the past and how the so called vaccine...and long story short, the more vaccines you do, the more you will HAVE to do. How much money is there out there if big Pharma can keep people needing boosters FOREVER. Universities across the country are now fighting....FAT-Phobia. This is caused specifically by capitalism and racism. Fat Phobia is this obsession with people being obese. Sports Illustrated have just been shooting themselves in the groin, last years Swimsuit Issue was a trans man on the cover, and this year...they have gone a different way and put a heavy girl on the cover. This all inclusivity has just spun the compass around from north to south...we all know certain things, and obesity is a leading cause of death in kills people, celebrating it is scary. Michael goes into depth about his friend with a liver failure, which leads him down a rabbit hold of COVID19 - listen in
1/1/11 hour, 5 minutes, 32 seconds
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Voter Suppression, CRT, and Biden's Failures - an interview with Donna Jackson

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; We meet our guest Donna Jackson right away, Mark talks a bit about what Donna has done in the past, and we get to chatting right away. Donna's resume is long and varied, and we cant wait to hear what she has to say about the current state of affairs. As we have said before, when you mix science and politics, all you get is politics. Laurie Lightfoot in Chicago is blaming distance learning on car jacking. According to Donna, 70 percent of Black people want MORE police presence. These white liberals who are making policy for the Black community that they don't even want.&nbsp; The fear people have with the teachers union, there is no merit in it. Bad teachers get the same pay as the good teachers busting their butts for the kids. So teachers that started out really excited and were gung ho for helping kids...they get beat down, and it is not about the kids, it ends up being about the teachers. Donna believes in Let's go Brandon...big time. What does Donna think about Biden saying "if you don't vote for me you ain't Black". She talks about how Biden has been since he has been in office all those years ago, how he talks about how black people are dumb, and has no respect for them. How Biden's policies towards Black people are depressing, humiliating, how is it that only Black people need snacks and water to vote. But white people can just stand in line. Blacks are the only ones who cant vote because they cant master simple life skills like getting a dang ID. After Georgia enacted their new voter laws, 16 Percent MORE people voted. African Americans feel like their votes aren't going to count due to all the fraudulent voted from voter fraud. The Black community is just looking for their voice to be heard.&nbsp;&nbsp; BIO –&nbsp; &nbsp;Donna Jackson, who serves as the the director of membership development for the Project 21 black leadership network, is a seasoned accountant with public and private sector experience as well as previous forays into politics and ministry. Donna earned a Bachelor of Accountancy (cum laude) from the California State University San Marcos. She has worked in accounting, auditing and management roles with major companies such as Ernst &amp; Young and Marriott International in the private sector before serving in the public sector as a deputy controller for the Export-Import Bank of the United States. She is a member of the National Association of Black Accountants. Prior to her career in accounting, Donna was a political operative in the state of Arkansas. She worked on the successful campaigns of Governor Mike Huckabee, Senator Tim Hutchinson and Representative (now Governor) Asa Hutchinson. She was active in campaign recruiting and communications. She played a vital role during the Huckabee governorship in recruiting black candidates for executive-appointed boards and commissions in addition to helping create job-training programs at a local community college and the Arkansas Office of Workforce Development. She is a former board member of the Little Rock Minority Disability Advisory Network and a former member of the Crittenden County (Arkansas) Workforce Development Planning Committee. She was also a contributor to the Ernst &amp; Young Diversity Think Tank. Donna originally sought a role in the church. She is a former divinity graduate of Charles H. Mason Theological Seminary in Memphis, Tennessee. It was there that she was taught the gift of administration as a vital part of the Christian ministry. Donna is a firm believer in free markets and entrepreneurship, rather than government, as a means of lifting people out of poverty.; <a...
1/1/159 minutes, 18 seconds
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Permit-less Carry signed into legislation in Texas

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; Governor Abbott is making waves Permit-less carry is passed into legislation in Texas Florida sent troops to help with the Border Crisis in Texas We are under assault by Marxists ideology from so many fronts in this country Our own darn flag is "Racist" now according to the Left 1619 project is not true, it is not real, it's made up The Left is great at NORMALIZING "crazy talk" This past weekend was "Sperm Donor's" Day Chuck has never seen the Country so upside down as it is now Mark thinks the FBI is out of control The Left changing words again with the Capitol Riot BFT has more listenership than many hour blocks of MSNBC Chuck drops facts on Twitter and gets all the hate Was the Gov. Whitmer kidnapping manufactured The Biden Administration is changing words to make questioning government "White Supremacy" Mark reads an IRS order from a Dir. Stephen Martin to deny a tax free status to a Christian Non-Profit Chuck mentioned how Marxism has even infiltrated The Muslim Religion Chicago and the mess it is in - the Mayor wants Federal Support Hollywood is cranking out BOMBS based in Wokeism Be sure to go checkout our friends at Gold Co. and receive your free IRA Guide!&nbsp;;ls=001-Email-Blunt-Force-Truth-Podcast&amp;cn=855-546-1792&amp;utm_source=Blunt-Force-Truth-Podcast&amp;utm_medium=Email&amp;utm_campaign=7014T0000005fDF Give H2Max a try and let us know what you think: Help us bring you the best content possible. Due to the left’s boycotts of those who advertise with Conservatives, we have had a number of advertisers back-out to avoid possible backlash. Support the show and gain access to even more content at Don’t forget to leave us a voicemail for the chance to have it played on a future episode. You can do so by clicking the link. Also, check out the store on our website to get your own Blunt Force Truth gear.
1/1/159 minutes, 9 seconds
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2 More Years of Chinese Influence

Today’s Show Notes Chuck read an article by Jason Whitlock recently talking about Russia’s rebuttal to Joe Biden. Jason good on to say the two, im not a Putin sycophant, but I would pick Putin over Biden. If you are elected to Government, and you are not all in on the Far Left Democrat agenda, you are not welcome there. How many of these politicians are up to their ears in China? Isn’t it interesting that the DOE has come out and admitted now that…they “THINK” that the COVID virus originated in the Wuhan lab? The very thing that we got lambasted on years ago when we said…YEAH, this is where the virus came from. None of our Government agencies will hold anyone accountable for the gain of function testing going on in the Wuhan lab. It is SLOWLY starting to come out , that many of the things we said on this show…are in fact…correct. The one thing we got wrong is that we made an assumption that the virus was accidentally released…Mark believes that it is possible that China deliberately released it. Not that will EVER be a way to find out if this is true or not. Americans are probably the most propagandized people on Earth. There is so much misinformation, and lies with our media, it is unbelievable.&nbsp;&nbsp; We know all these things about the evil empire of China, and they are intent on controlling the world, and Biden will do NOTHING to disturb China. We have 2 more years in this country with China being able to do whatever they want to now. Lets look at Putin, it looks like China will be suppling weapons to Russia, which means we will be sitting in a proxy war with China. The world is in for a new America come election time, as our country will throw off the yoke of Chinese control.&nbsp;
1/1/11 hour, 4 minutes, 40 seconds
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Bonus: The Coronavirus Vaccine and You

On this episode of Living Beyond 120, Dr. Jeff Gladden and Dr. Mark Young discuss the Coronavirus vaccine.&nbsp; They also cover the positive effects of hydrogen use on your body.&nbsp; The duo discuss the current crop of vaccines offered by the various pharma companies. They also debate if someone should or should not get the vaccine. They go on to explore the differences between each vaccine, such as storage temperatures, shelf life and dosing frequencies. Then the conversation moves to the effectiveness of the different vaccines and how they affect different age groups.&nbsp; Dr. Young and Dr. Gladden drive the importance of taking/continuing the use of vitamins and supplements that support the immune system, such as Vitamin E, Iodine and Zinc.&nbsp; Finally, they discuss the risk of death from the virus to those with heart conditions, diabetes and respiratory issues in comparison with those without those comorbidities. They also comment on the possibilities of corporations and/or governments creating vaccine mandates.&nbsp;
1/1/152 minutes, 38 seconds
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A Columbus Academy Update - A Check-In with Amy and Andrea - Ep. 703

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; Mark starts out talking Russia and Biden. Mark believes Biden is deliberately goading Putin to attack this country with Cyber Attacks. Chuck believes the more chaos and things our administration can be involved in, the less time we sped talking about their utter failures. Our government is setting us up with more “let the Govt. come in and save us” …as far as all the utilities in the US. So many long time Democrats and Liberals don’t even recognize their party any longer. But it’s not their fault, the Democratic Leadership is not Liberal any longer, they are Communist, Socialist, they left the people. Chuck talks about shutting down the oil fields, and how Biden makes mistake after mistake. Russia is nothing more than a giant gas station, we are 3rd in line as far as oil importer from Russia, Putin is loving this. We are re-introduced to our guests for the day, Andrea and Amy, the two moms from the Columbus Academy. The Moms tell us about the current standing of their lawsuit. The hardest part for them right now is just getting the curriculum. It is not available for parents to see. Mark and Chuck dig into talking all things Frankfurt School, history and CRT.;;
1/1/11 hour, 11 minutes, 50 seconds
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The Inquisition of January 6th

Today’s show rundown: Chuck says all the countries we try to influence are laughing at us with this "Kangaroo Court" Jan. 6th proceedings. They are having a stacked deck inquisition. It is all a set up, just like Jan. 6th was a set up. Do the American people buy this? The Dem's and the Left want to separate Donald Trump from his base. This is not Putin's price rise, Putin has nothing to do with the war on Fossil Fuels that Biden declared on the day he went into office.&nbsp; Gas prices were up 55 percent before Putin did anything. You watch CNN about how much of a liar Trump is, but man, Biden takes the cake there. This is all green new deal, Warren, Sanders, and Biden has become their messenger. These policies are a disaster, and you better change it in November, these Democrats have no business controlling your life. Whats even nuttier than Biden, the Left thinks he is not left enough. The Inquisition - every news outlet is airing the tune of 15 million viewers, with is less than half of Chuck's shows when they aired. For some reason this am, they cancelled the Wednesday Inquisition. The left are liars, they think you are stupid and they count on that. We have a President going microphone to microphone talking about how this is the best economy ever, and we are in the middle of a recession. This is the old joke of Napoleon...are we retreating on we are advancing on Paris.
1/1/11 hour, 3 minutes, 1 second
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DONRON 2024 - an Interview with Larry Ward

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; You know, it's kind of interesting, when you buy a new car, the the one you always wanted - there comes a time when you close it up and walk turn around and say to yourself "I love this thing". One day eventually its normal - this is what's happening with Donald Trump and the main stream media. It has become normal for them to just dump on this guy, it has become normal for us to expect this over and over again. Our guest today is returning guest carry Ward, a fellow Advertising &amp; Marketing guy too, who mark says are the smartest guys around. Larry talks to us about his PAC for DONRON - Donald Trump and Ron Desantis. This could provide us with 12 years of repair from the 12 years of Obama that we have been weathering. Chuck has always wanted this, Ron DeSantis to run with Trump.&nbsp;&nbsp; Larry goes into what the struggles could be - they both have big personalities, and big egos. The Media is going to do everything in their power to divide these guys. We could have 12+ years of America First in the White House. Larry says let Ron DeSantis be in charge of all Government Personnel. DeSantis would have 4 years to fill spots with America First people, so in 2028 he could hit the ground running with an administration that would back him. We also do not want Ron DeSantis to leave Florida.&nbsp;&nbsp; Larry Ward brings decades of political, corporate, and non-profit experience and expertise to his role as the head of marketing, experience that allows him to direct a new company to success. From a New York communications and advertising background, Larry turned his attention to Washington in 2002, as a reaction to the over-regulation that was choking the aggressiveness out of capitalism and liberty. His immediate impact was felt where, under the tutelage of political consultant Dick Morris, Larry was able to influence key congressional and gubernatorial elections. Since then, Larry and PMI have been involved in hundreds of political contests, ranging from local, to state, to national, and even global contests, always with the same stalwart commitment to God, liberty and principled conservatism.;
1/1/155 minutes, 54 seconds
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Biden Thinks he is the Smartest Person Alive

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; We have some problems in our military. Our Generals have all testified before the Senate that they indeed advised Biden that we should have kept troops in Afghanistan. That the Afghan army would collapse without the presence of US Troops. They also testified that the President received this information and he understood this. Chuck wants to know why they all didn't just resign over the tragedy? Mark wants to know what Peppermint Patty will do next. Biden must be the smartest person alive. Dr. / President Biden doesn't listen to ANY of his advisors. The FDA / Generals / anyone making any sort of sense. Joe Biden literally thinks he is smarter than every other person alive today. There are forces at work in this administration that just want to denigrate our people. They want to take away all your rights , they have set things in motion to fundamentally change our Country. Mark talks a bit about electrical cars. In California they have rolling black outs, but the Governor there tells everyone to use an electric car. But how the heck are people supposed to charge their darn cars? Where does this electricity come from. Is it magic, is it fairy dust, or is it fossil fuels at power plants that make the electricity? It is absurd that the rhetoric never changes even when the situation does.&nbsp; Give H2Max a try and let us know what you think: Help us bring you the best content possible. Due to the left’s boycotts of those who advertise with Conservatives, we have had a number of advertisers back-out to avoid possible backlash. Support the show and gain access to even more content at Don’t forget to leave us a voicemail for the chance to have it played on a future episode. You can do so by clicking the link. Also, check out the store on our website to get your own Blunt Force Truth gear.
1/1/11 hour, 13 minutes, 3 seconds
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The Principals of Equity

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; Today we are going to talk Gramsci, Antoni Gramsci. We try to do a good job helping you understand where all of this stuff is regurgitate over and over by the Left. Unlike conservatives who have the Constitution which needs no regurgitating, these leftists think their ideology is all brand new, today we are going to show you where it comes from. Just as we believe in the Constitution and the Bible, the Left has their religion and their people they follow. There are a couple people who have been very influential to the left. Antoni Gramsci and Michel Foucault - these guys are who's teachings the Hillary's, the Obamas, people of that age bracket were being taught when they went to college. They are NOT like us (the Left) they have a different set of values - societal institutions reinforced these values. Why do the Democrats like crime so much? They BELIEVE that the majority is always tyrannical and oppressive. The minority is the paragon of humanity and righteousness. They believe that crime is only committed by people because they are oppressed.;
1/1/11 hour, 11 minutes, 57 seconds
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COVID Truths from REAL Doctors

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; Back in May of 2020 - we let people know all about COVID-19 The reason we were right is that we had the info from our guests today These guys are who they say they are - experts Along with us is Dr. Ryan Cole who is also an MD (treated several hundred patients) Treat Early, you save lives The challenge we are facing is mass hallucination You can not meet illogic with logic NO - masks are bacteria traps - viruses go through these like sand through tennis rackets We know better, and we are doing it anyways You have to focus on early treatment&nbsp; We've canceled the smart people so the dumb people won't be offended There WILL be buyers remorse with this vaccine Military mandate - our guests are very concerned Vitamin D Test is called - 25 Hydroxy D2/D3 Give H2Max a try and let us know what you think: Help us bring you the best content possible. Due to the left’s boycotts of those who advertise with Conservatives, we have had a number of advertisers back-out to avoid possible backlash. Support the show and gain access to even more content at Don’t forget to leave us a voicemail for the chance to have it played on a future episode. You can do so by clicking the link. Also, check out the store on our website to get your own Blunt Force Truth gear.
1/1/11 hour, 11 minutes, 18 seconds
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One Race, the Human Race - An Interview with Dr. Alveda King

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; What does Dr. Alveda King think her Father and Uncle would think of the state of race relations today. With institutions segregating graduation and all the other activities. Alveda King says that if they were here today they would reference the Bible - Acts 17:26 - the day will come when there is no Black Power or no White Power, only Human Power. We have the ability as the Human Race to come together from different backgrounds, ethnicity, race etc.&nbsp;&nbsp; Chuck says that if we could just get the Left interested in The Constitution, and The Bible we could get some things done. Mark &amp; Chuck talk a little about how Pres. Trump could NOT be a racist...he was quoted saying "We all bleed the same". We are all ONE RACE - the Human Race. Sure we have different ethnicities, but there is only One Human Race. Speak for Life has come into being from an awareness campaign over the last 16 years. From the womb to the tomb, valuing human dignity...regardless of skin, money, gender etc. Speaking for LIFE. Dr. King is working on a curriculum for children so they could learn and then speak from a place of being informed on the Sanctity of Life.&nbsp; Fear, anger, &amp; strife. If the government can keep the population living like this, churning and churning to make us hate each other, they have the power. If we are anchored in love, forgiveness, and faith WE have the power. About Alveda King: Dr. Alveda C. King is the daughter of the late slain civil rights activist Rev. A. D. King and the niece of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. She is the founder of pro-life organization Speak for Life, and currently serves as a Fox News Channel contributor and the host of Fox Nation's “Alveda King’s House.” Dr. King is also a former Georgia State Legislator, and a 2021 recipient of the Presidential Lifetime Achievement Award. Full Bio: Alveda’s Websites:&nbsp; Give H2Max a try and let us know what you think: Help us bring you the best content possible. Due to the left’s boycotts of those who advertise with Conservatives, we have had a number of advertisers back-out to avoid possible backlash. Support the show and gain access to even more content at Don’t forget to leave us a voicemail for the chance to have it played on a future episode. You can do so by clicking the link. Also, check out the store on our website to get your own Blunt Force Truth gear.
1/1/159 minutes, 2 seconds
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Revisiting Critical Race Theory in our Schools – With Guests Amy Gonzalez & Andrea Gross

On this episode of Blunt Force Truth, Mark sits down again, with Amy Gonzalez &amp; Andrea Gross to discuss the situation at Columbus Academy.&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; · Stanford study has proven that facemasks are ineffective to prevent COVID-19&nbsp; · Posted on the NCBI / NIH / Medical Doctors Masks can cause all sorts of problems&nbsp; · Google not publishing this story / anyone posting a link to this story – a link to the national institute of health is getting their social media account suspended&nbsp; · McGovern era – the parties switched positions&nbsp; · Progressive party is actually the REGRESSIVE party&nbsp; · Mark recaps the Columbus Academy podcast episode&nbsp; · Amy and Andrea give a brief “up to speed” about what is happening at their school&nbsp; · The teachers and kids at this school feel like if they speak up, they will be targeted&nbsp; · Mark has to explain Free Speech&nbsp; · It’s all talk, diversity of opinions is NOT welcome at Columbus Academy&nbsp; · Amy and Andrea are just trying to shine the light on what is WRONG here&nbsp; · Critical Race theory being re-named “anti-biased education”&nbsp; · The Board here is not voted on. It’s all the board voting for the board&nbsp;&nbsp; Be sure to go checkout our friends at Gold Co. and receive your free IRA Guide!&nbsp;&nbsp;;ls=001-Email-Blunt-Force-Truth-Podcast&amp;cn=855-546-1792&amp;utm_source=Blunt-Force-Truth-Podcast&amp;utm_medium=Email&amp;utm_campaign=7014T0000005fDF&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; Give H2Max a try and let us know what you think:; Help us bring you the best content possible. Due to the left’s boycotts of those who advertise with Conservatives, we have had a numberof advertisers backout to avoid possible backlash. Support the show and gain access to even more content at; Don’t forget to leave us a voicemail for the chance to have it played on a future episode. You can do so by clicking the link.; Also, check out the store on our website to get your own Blunt Force Truth gear.;&nbsp;
1/1/11 hour, 18 minutes, 35 seconds
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Thanksgiving 2022

Today’s Show Breakdown Chuck starts us off a little lighter today with a personal story. Chuck was watching the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame over the weekend, and at the end of the show they are going to honor Dolly Parton. Chuck is watching and recalls how everybody asks him over his career, what was the high point of his career. In 74/75 Chuck was 8 months into Wheel of Fortune…Dolly Parton was a huge fan of Chuck who got to go to Nashville and do the Dolly Parton show. Chuck realized, singing a duet with her was probably the highlight of his career. Most people do not take the time to create their own philosophy. Mark says most people have a mongrel philosophy, things they have heard or how they came up dictates their philosophy. Taking time to sit down and write down your values. Take time to compare those to what you hear in the news.&nbsp;&nbsp; We have over 6 million people illegally crossing the border, and we can NOT find people to take jobs. Part of the issue that is going on in “The Great Reset” the DAVOS / UN True Globalists – they are conditioning you to believe that the abundance that has been the U.S. till now was an anomaly. That America and the West in general needs to learn to live in a post abundance world…you will own nothing, and you will be happy for it.;ab_channel=DollyParton&nbsp;
1/1/11 hour, 7 minutes, 54 seconds
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Making the World Better Through Bitcoin – an Interview with Jimmy Song

On this episode of Blunt Force Truth, Chuck and Mark talk with Jimmy Song about Bitcoin Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; We have more inflation / highest rate of inflation since the 80’s Auto industry / semi conductor shortage / used car prices up 10% The Biden White House claims that inflation is NOT a problem Inflation is not natural / not normal, it is government manufactured Mark intro to Jimmy Song - How does money work / How does Bitcoin work Guest Jimmy Song says how the numbers are cooked regarding inflation Bitcoin mining and what is involved Block Ledger, and how you could download it Dogecoin - Chuck wants to know is it a joke? NFT - Non-Fungiable Token - what it is Jimmy explains Beeple collage Proving that none of this money is worth anything Do you get off the couch for 10% more money and go to work? Bitcoin is not manipulated&nbsp; Guest Bio: With us today is Jimmy Song, a Bitcoin developer, educator and author of his third book Thank God for Bitcoin, The Creation,&nbsp; Corruption and Redemption of Money. He is here to talk about the morality, or lack thereof, of our current monetary system&nbsp; and how Bitcoin may be the solution we have been looking for. &nbsp;&nbsp; CONNECT WITH JIMMY; Be sure to go checkout our friends at Gold Co. and receive your free IRA Guide!&nbsp;;ls=001-Email-Blunt-Force-Truth-Podcast&amp;cn=855-546-1792&amp;utm_source=Blunt-Force-Truth-Podcast&amp;utm_medium=Email&amp;utm_campaign=7014T0000005fDF Give H2Max a try and let us know what you think: Help us bring you the best content possible. Due to the left’s boycotts of those who advertise with Conservatives, we have had a number of advertisers backout to avoid possible backlash. Support the show and gain access to even more content at Don’t forget to leave us a voicemail for the chance to have it played on a future episode. You can do so by clicking the link. Also, check out the store on our website to get your own Blunt Force Truth gear.;
1/1/11 hour, 23 minutes, 45 seconds
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Coronavirus: The Truth Exposed (Bonus)

On the exciting and informative episode of Living Beyond 120, Dr. Gladden and Dr. Young would like to welcome special guests Chris Howard, Ph.D (bio-chemistry) and Lynn Howard MD (specializing in pathogenic microbiology and infectious diseases) to  the show to reveal the truth about the COVID 19 virus. The show begins with the discussion about people fearing the Coronavirus and the misinformation that they have been receiving to make them feel this way. Next, they move on to the topic of the faulty testing that is being used to diagnose those with the virus.  They cover how the current testing used gives a positive result for the virus when, if fact, the person being tested has nothing more that the common cold – leading to extremely inaccurate COVID case numbers. The discussion shifts to explain how a person’s natural immune system’s T-cells are fully capable of eradicating the virus without having to have the body develop anti-bodies. They then discuss the reality that masks are basically ineffective; wearing them is nothing more than a symbolic gesture that we are all in this together.  They are basically as effective as using a chain link fence to keep mosquito’s out of your yard. They go on to explore the development of a vaccine and if it will be effective.  In addition, they go on to discuss the possibility of the virus disappearing before a vaccine is available.&nbsp;
1/1/11 hour, 5 seconds
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Gain of Function & The China Virus

On this episode of Blunt Force Truth, Chuck and Mark talk Gain of Function &amp; The China Virus Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; Millions of people have immunities to the virus because they have HAD it Mark and Chuck play a clip from a YEAR ago about gain of function BFT had this story for over a year Trump was all over this for over a year, and was labeled a conspiracy theorist Common sense seems to be lacking in Washington D.C. We @ BFT couldn’t have been the only ones to KNOW this information a year ago List of vitamins to help you not contract COVID-19 FDA wants to ban the ingredients in onions The FDA doesn’t want preventative medicine…they want a vaccine Is the government taking NAC off the market because we can’t have citizens treating covid without our vaccine In Michigan governor Whitmer pivots on her mask stance Whitmer flew to Florida in a private jet to “clean” after saying stay out of Florida None of the Left’s rules apply to them John Brennan is now the voice of the Right The left is calling Israel terrorists, and denying them their right to defend themselves Iran is never mentioned - they fund all the stuff going on over in the Middle East&nbsp; Link to Episode 525 referenced in this show - Be sure to go checkout our friends at Gold Co. and receive your free IRA Guide!&nbsp;;ls=001-Email-Blunt-Force-Truth-Podcast&amp;cn=855-546-1792&amp;utm_source=Blunt-Force-Truth-Podcast&amp;utm_medium=Email&amp;utm_campaign=7014T0000005fDF Give H2Max a try and let us know what you think: Help us bring you the best content possible. Due to the left’s boycotts of those who advertise with Conservatives, we have had a number of advertisers back-out to avoid possible backlash. Support the show and gain access to even more content at Don’t forget to leave us a voicemail for the chance to have it played on a future episode. You can do so by clicking the link. Also, check out the store on our website to get your own Blunt Force Truth gear.;
1/1/11 hour, 5 minutes, 31 seconds
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A Real Economist – an Interview with Charlie Sauer

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; FAA grounds west coast airports for 7 mins due to potential N. Korea Ballistic missile test into the Pacific Ocean. We hear nothing of this n mainstream media. We have the least transparent government since the 30’s. Things like this happen and we don’t even get to hear about it or the why’s or how’s? According to Joe Biden, our Guest today must not be a real economist. Charlie Sauer explains some of the truths behind what is being done by our current administration to as Biden calls it – Big Beef. We are being told that Biden is taking care of things. What we really have is a symptom being addressed and not the problem. Given the current economy and our court system, big beef just makes sense. Biden plans to throw money at this problem which just hurts the competition and the people. How much money do you need in savings for you to retire comfortable? Almost 1 million was the answer in the 80’s. In 2021 that number dropped to 600K. Are Americans just changing their requirements for living comfortably? IS this related to the market, or where we weren’t in a high spending place? People may be spending down their savings they gained over COVID. Charles Sauer is a seasoned economic policy expert, author, President and Founder of the Market Institute. Sauer began developing his expertise in finance and tax by working for the chairman of the Finance Committee, and then going on to be a legislative analyst focused on tax, immigration, and labor issues in a governor’s office. In 2007, Sauer was named the Deputy Legislative Director for the National Center for Policy Analysis, a think tank dedicated to finding free-market alternatives to government regulation. After his time at NCPA, he was President of Entrepreneurs for Growth, a Capitol Hill education program that educated Hill staff on entrepreneurship. Sauer then co-founded and served as the Executive Director for the Free Market Medical Association. In 2010, he founded the Market Institute and serves as President to date. Sauer authored the book, Profit Motive: What Drives the Things We Do and is a frequent voice appearing in outlets like the Washington Examiner, Forbes, Investor’s Business Daily, and many more. Get his Book Here!!! Profit Motive&nbsp;;;
1/1/11 hour, 8 minutes, 3 seconds
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God Help Us - an Interview with Nick Giordano

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; Chuck is convinced that the mainstream media thinks we are stupid and so do the elected Left California is thinking about another lockdown All organizations natures are to expand - including our government Mark introduces Nick Giordano (P.A.S. Report) Government is always seeking power Governments don't actually want to fix problems (because they would then be irrelevant) 2003 Anthrax - people look to government to solve their own problems Chuck was ahead of the curve with how we were lied to about COVID DA in Manhattan found nothing after 2 years of investigating If you are deemed "an enemy of the state" they will come after you with everything they have If under 1000$ theft is a civil infraction now days Socialists in this country want to break down our functioning society Americans have a habit of giving up freedoms during times of crisis Nick gives his take on the end goals of the far left Gender equality is a cover as is climate change 26 is the age where INS companies lower rates for males Professor AOC says that the big spike in crime is hysteria "its racist" Democrats can't use reason or common sense When you disagree with the Left thats offensive, and thereby violent Thomas Jefferson said there should be a revolution every 16 years to keep Govt. honest Biden says we are NOT allowed to criticize the Government Be sure to go checkout our friends at Gold Co. and receive your free IRA Guide!&nbsp;;ls=001-Email-Blunt-Force-Truth-Podcast&amp;cn=855-546-1792&amp;utm_source=Blunt-Force-Truth-Podcast&amp;utm_medium=Email&amp;utm_campaign=7014T0000005fDF Give H2Max a try and let us know what you think: Help us bring you the best content possible. Due to the left’s boycotts of those who advertise with Conservatives, we have had a number of advertisers back-out to avoid possible backlash. Support the show and gain access to even more content at Don’t forget to leave us a voicemail for the chance to have it played on a future episode. You can do so by clicking the link. Also, check out the store on our website to get your own Blunt Force Truth gear.
1/1/11 hour, 7 minutes, 2 seconds
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Beliefs Cost, Just the Way Products Do - an interview with Jason Voiovich

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; Chuck is out for today's episode, but Mark has us covered. Mark wants us to pay attention to history - places like the old USSR, N. Korea, all these places....if you look at where we are now, you can see how close we are to tipping over there. Being American is a philosophy, it's a way of thinking. What made America so unique in the history of the world, is that we have a set of laws that is built on the premises that the individual is more important the the groups rights. That's why we are a constitutionally limited Republic.&nbsp; Even the Founding Founders themselves said that democracy was the most vile form of government ever. They knew how fragile this could be. When we look at socialist, Marxist, Communist countries, pay attention to the "hallmarks" of these places. Reductions in personal freedoms, rapid inflation, personal freedoms going away, a lack of goods and services, people not going to work, and living off the government.&nbsp;&nbsp; Mark introduces our guest Jason Voiovich. Jason weighs in on what Mark talked about in the opener. The reality Jason says, people make emotional decisions first, and then back them up with facts. The mainstream media has taken the notes from advertising, and really use programming to keep people watching more and more horrible news all day long.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; About the Jason In a career that spans more than 25 years, Jason Voiovich has launched hundreds of new products – everything from medical devices, to virtual healthcare systems, to non-dairy consumer cheese, to next-generation alternatives to the dreaded “cone of shame” for pets, to sex aides for cows (really!). He’s a graduate of both the University of Wisconsin and the University of Minnesota, and he has completed post-graduate studies at the MIT Sloan School of Management. Get his book here -
1/1/11 hour, 31 minutes, 31 seconds
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Big Government Sucks - An Interview with Nicholas Giordano

On this episode of Blunt Force Truth, Chuck and Mark are joined by Nicholas Giordano. Nicholas is a Professor of Political Science at Suffolk County Community College and the host of the PAS Report.&nbsp; Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; · The Democrat’s continued attacks on Justice Amy Coney Barrett&nbsp;&nbsp; · How our education system has failed to properly educate our youth on the U.S. Constitution&nbsp; · What the filibuster is and its importance to ensure a balance of power&nbsp;&nbsp; · What a Biden administration would mean for our country&nbsp; · Why a single payer healthcare would be detrimental to our nation&nbsp; · The united consequences of the Coronavirus subsidy program&nbsp; · The flip flopping by the “experts” on Coronavirus&nbsp; · Our out of control bureaucracy and how it has slowed the Coronavirus response&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; More about Nicholas Giordano:&nbsp; Nicholas Giordano is a Professor of Political Science at Suffolk County Community College and a former Catastrophic Planning Lead for the New York State Office of Emergency Management (NYS OEM). Recognized and well-respected for his analysis, Professor Giordano regularly appears on radio and television, including Fox News, to provide analysis on current issues and trends within government, politics, international relations, homeland security/emergency management, and social/cultural related issues. In addition, he serves as a guest speaker to provide his expertise on critical issues facing the United States and the international community.&nbsp; It is Professor Giordano’s passion that led him to start The PAS Report because of his unique ability to break down complex political issues and simplify those issues to appeal to everyday Americans.&nbsp;&nbsp; Connect with Nicholas Giordano:&nbsp; Website:; Twitter: @PASReport&nbsp; Facebook: The PAS Report&nbsp; Give H2Max a try and let us know what you think:; Help us bring you the best content possible. Due to the left’s boycotts of those who advertise with Conservatives, we have had a number of advertisers backout to avoid possible backlash. Support the show and gain access to even more content at; Don’t forget to leave us a voicemail for the chance to have it played on a future episode. You can do so by clicking the link.; Also, check out the store on our website to get your own Blunt Force Truth gear.;&nbsp;
1/1/11 hour, 23 minutes, 44 seconds
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Systemic Complacency, it's Time to Wake Up - an interview with Suzanne Gallagher

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; Pete Buttigieg says that the incredible economic policies of the Biden administration have kept us from the jaws, of the teeth if a recession. What a crock. Washington always has a one size fits all mentality. They have no credibility, because like with COVID, they will not count people that have had it, and how they are protected even better than a vaccinated person. One size fits all, is just unreasonable, totally and completely clueless. The Federal Government has three REAL purposes, to maintain a standing Army, Courts, law enforcement branch to protect the citizenry.&nbsp;&nbsp; Mark has come to the conclusion that he is part of 2 of the most hated minority groups in the country. It is now OK to HATE "these people who are abusing you"...being in the top 1% of earners. Also, as an unvaccinated person, Mark is not allowed to go to a restaurant in NYC or California. Lightfoot claims the Chicago police are not honoring the oath they swore, by NOT wanting to get the vaccine. This administration is just trying to divide us under the banner of unity. We are seeing State sponsored bigotry, against certain groups of Americans. We meet our guest Susanne Gallagher from Parents Rights and Education, who is trying to fight back against the Marxist situation with school boards now days. In Idaho in Coeur d'Alene Idaho, just recently where parents were invited, parents lined up. But the board scheduled the meeting on a Friday at 1PM. How many people did they really want to come. We need to stop systemic complacency, we need to pay attention. These people on the school boards have overplayed their hand, they have shown how little they think of Parents how dim they think they are. They don't think that anyone besides them knows anything about raising kids. The School Boards are now admitting that they are not Institutions of Learning, they are now Social Service organizations. Parent are waking up to the fact that when you drop your kids off at school, many of these places are not teaching your kids the same lessons that you would want them to teach. We have to stop this at the local public school levels. We need to elect people who WE want to represent us at the local school board level. The Left has become so drunk with power, thinking that they are untouchable, and boy, have they awoken a sleeping giant with this schools vs Parents issue.&nbsp; SCHOOL BPARD CHALLENGE!: WEBSITE: FACEBOOK: PODCAST: Give...
1/1/11 hour, 5 minutes, 53 seconds
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What the Government is Hiding From You About COVID-19

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; Chuck wonders if Andrew Cuomo will be convicted of anything? Why don't we take care of our Veterans instead of the illegals flooding across the border 4th Cop that responded to the Capitol Riot has committed suicide This did not need to happen / it should have never happened Why is the Biden admin covering for China? What is different between the PRC and our current Administration Mark believes that 340 Million guns is what stands in the way of Marxism in America The Left can't quit Trump lol The CDC is going to run the whole country at the rate we are going Why are the Democrat Marxist party so in favor or cry crime rates Apple deleted the App for anti vexer's to meet and date No more PORK in California Albany and Sacramento are pits For not liking corporate welfare, the Left sure uses it a-lot 18 Points of the Vaccine that you might not know Have you ever heard Bill Gates talk about population control 424K Deaths from medical error last year - why is THAT not an epidemic? Mark lists supplements that are helpful agains COVID This is flat out propaganda - disinformation - toe the party line 1. Vaccine makers are immune from liability 2. Vaccine companies (the big 4) have either 1 never brought a vaccine to market, 2 are serial felons or 3 are both 3. The history of attempts to make Corona Virus Vaccines failed over and over - all ended in failure 4. The data gap submitted to the FDA by the makers of the vaccine 5. No access to raw data from the trials 6. There are no long term safety testing or data 7. No informed consent 8. Under-reporting adverse reactions and death from vaccine 9. The Vaccine does NOT stop transmission or infection 10. People who have been vaccinated are catching COVID AFTER being vaccinated 11. The overall death rate from COVID is a 99.74 survival rate according to the CDC 12. Over estimated COVID death numbers 13. Fauci and 6 others own patents in the Maderna Vaccine 14. Fauci is on the hottest for illegal Gain of Function research 15. The virus continues to mutate 16. Censorship and the absence of scientific debate 17. The World's Virologist is sounding the Alarm 18. What if you already had COVID-19 Give H2Max a try and let us know what you think: Help us bring you the best content possible. Due to the left’s boycotts of those who advertise with Conservatives, we have had a number of advertisers back-out to avoid possible backlash. Support the show and gain access to even more content at Don’t forget to leave us a voicemail for the chance to have it played on a future episode. You can do so by clicking the link. Also, check out the store on our website to get your own Blunt Force Truth gear.
1/1/11 hour, 9 minutes, 50 seconds
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The People Running this Country Right Now are Nuts

If you are having trouble getting a flight, don't feel bad about it. There were thousands of flights cancelled this past weekend. Biden and Faucci saw to it that they needed to fire all these aviation workers who wouldn't take this vaccine, so the whole industry is understaffed. Government is the problem. Everyone on main stream media is celebrating pfizer, and child vaccines...but people are waking up, very few of them are taking their children into the doctors. Biden wants to spend more money, that will fix inflation. It's the Democrat party / administration - Biden is incapable and incompetent, it is sad for us Americans. There is a 2 tier justice system in Washington. If a republican does anything, they are hauled in in front of a committee. When is the last time you have seen a Democrat get in trouble for anything. We have these road maps through history, how to fix things, how things work. But no one ever follow them in the Democrat party. All they do is create one crisis after another, blame everyone else, and say they are the only ones who can fix it. Chuck says Reduce Interest Rate, and Taxes, Mark says drill for oil. It the old Obama line that America is going to do everything different, some how we are going to be NO fossil fuels.&nbsp;&nbsp;
1/1/11 hour, 5 minutes, 25 seconds
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What happened to the Internet? - An Interview with Michael Guy

On this episode of Blunt Force Truth, Chuck and Mark welcome back Michael Guy. Michael guy returns to discuss the recent cyber breach that occurred.&nbsp; Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; · The blatant cheating that occurred in the election&nbsp; · Why the places with mandatory lockdowns and mask mandates are hot spots for the virus&nbsp; · Everything that was stuffed into the so-called “Coronavirus relief bill”&nbsp; · What is happening with the recent major internet hacking&nbsp; · Who stands to benefit for the recent hacking and what it means for the average person&nbsp; · Why the timing of the attack is very telling&nbsp; · What needs to happen to secure our digital infrastructure and what needs to happen to fix it&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; More about Michael Guy:&nbsp; As CEO at ISM Security, Michael Guy has consulted for one of the largest security intelligence operations in the world. Michael has worked in the field of intelligence gathering for the now infamous 17 billion dollar Music Industry v Bertlesman / Napster case which to this date is the single largest case in Music Industry. ISM can process upwards of 35 billion potential security events per day across 70 counties via fault tolerant, redundantnetwork operations centers.&nbsp; Guy has been advising EMI, Warner, Universal Music group and KROLL global security as well as Republican campaign cyber strategist for the esteemed. Michael’s clients also include Peter Monroe who served as head of the Federal Housing Administration and Chairman of Resolution Trust underPresidents Bush SR and Bill Clinton regarding best security practices, criminal data discovery, anti-piracy frameworks and risk mitigation on a global basis.&nbsp; Michael is a sought-after speaker on the subjects of Cyber Security, Russian Hacking claims cases, and Google Search Engineering. Guy regularly appears in both print and broadcast media, including BBC World Service, NPR, and Wired Magazine. Michael's opinions have been solicited by members of Congress. Michael authored the advanced E-commerce platform at the University of Santa Clara’s Levy School of Business.&nbsp; Most recently, Michael Guy is focusing on the Russian Hacking Claims case(s). Michael is a conservative who supports the Trump Administration.&nbsp; Connect with Michael Guy:&nbsp; Website: &amp; &amp;; Twitter: @RealMichaelGuy&nbsp; Give H2Max a try and let us know what you think:; Help us bring you the best content possible. Due to the left’s boycotts of those who advertise with Conservatives, we have had a number of advertisers backout to avoid possible backlash. Support the show and gainaccess to even more content at; Don’t forget to leave us a voicemail for the chance to have...
1/1/11 hour, 7 minutes, 27 seconds
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They Want Trump in Chains w/ Bart Marcois

On Today’s Episode - ?? Chuck says the White House looked a little different this week.  The Rainbow flag – is the exact same height and in the middle of the American flags.  Which is against the rules of how we use the American Flag.  Which is a subtle show to us all, that the Democrats can get away with anything.  There is so much stuff going on it is amazing to Chuck.  The one thing that isn’t mentioned with the whole Trump thing, no one is mentioning the Presidential Information Act. &nbsp; This Trump situation is 3rd world communist stuff we have devolved into.  It is election interference – prosecuting your political opponents.  Our JUST-US system only looks out for Democrats – the IRS can go after conservative nonprofits, or Tea Party groups.  They will not be happy till they have Trump in chains.  This stuff comes out of Davos and the World Economic Forum – heavily influenced by Kissinger. &nbsp; We are introduced to today’s guest Bart Marcois who gives us a little background about him and what he does.  Marks tells us we are going to talk China, some population issues, and the Trump indictment.  Tune in to listen to it all.;ab_channel=VariousArtists-Topic&nbsp; Bart Marcois is an international expert in energy, foreign affairs, and national security?with experience in Europe and NATO, the Arabian Gulf, and East Asia. A senior corporate, government and foundation executive, Mr. Marcois has managed delicate negotiations in uncertain and changing environments.?A media analyst in print and broadcast, he has served as a career Foreign Service Officer and as the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Energy for Policy and International Affairs. At the Department of Energy, Marcois was the chief operating officer of a department with over 100 senior specialists and a $20 million budget to formulate U.S. domestic and international energy security policy. More recently, he managed an Administration effort at the FERC to streamline the permitting process for large infrastructure projects.?As an American diplomat, Mr. Marcois conducted political analysis. He assisted the development of civil society, the rule of law, and democratic institutions in the context of Islamic societies. Mr. Marcois provided early warning of Islamist ideology, at a time when most American officials were oblivious to the threat. He is fluent in Arabic and Dutch.?Marcois is a prolific contributor to the national debate about politics, culture, and national security affairs. He has authored over 200 articles in The Hill, American Greatness,, and The Daily Caller, and is a frequent guest on television and radio broadcasts. He has appeared on Tucker Carlson Tonight, Fox and Friends, National Public Radio, The Hugh Hewitt Show, and The Blaze, among other programs.?In the private sector, Mr. Marcois has served as a corporate director in a DC-based investment partnership managing activities in highly regulated sectors in Eastern and Central Europe. He was a director and executive in a Washington-based investment banking and commercial intelligence firm, and was a confidential advisor to several government entities. He conceived and executed public relations campaigns that achieved national impact.?Mr. Marcois has served as a consultant to a federal advisory council on energy policy, and has been a course developer and instructor at both the Institute for Public-Private Partnership and The Leadership Institute.?He has served as an executive and board member of several non-profit organizations, and is a former member of the Board of Directors of a coalition of 28 Christian churches that cooperate to provide early childhood care and education, food, rental assistance,...
1/1/11 hour, 27 minutes, 50 seconds
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Destructive Politics

On this episode of Blunt Force Truth, Chuck and Mark everything from the media protecting Joe Biden to how politics is destroying sports.&nbsp; Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; · How Joe Biden and the Democrats have continuously changed their position on critical issues&nbsp; · Their thoughts on why Joe Biden has not had rallies like President Trump&nbsp; · The growing negativity that is coming from the Democratic party and what that does to the American people&nbsp; · The Democrats attacks on President Trump for his business having debt&nbsp; · How President Trump has used his entrepreneurial background to play hardball with China&nbsp; · Why China and other hostile nations want Joe Biden to win in November&nbsp; · How Politics is destroying sports and how it will cost the networks greatly&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; Give H2Max a try and let us know what you think:; Help us bring you the best content possible. Due to the left’s boycotts of those who advertise with Conservatives, we have had a numberof advertisers backout to avoid possible backlash. Support the show and gain access to even more content at; Don’t forget to leave us a voicemail for the chance to have it played on a future episode. You can do so by clicking the link.; Also, check out the store on our website to get your own Blunt Force Truth gear.;&nbsp;
1/1/11 hour, 4 minutes, 19 seconds
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The New Administration

On this episode of Blunt Force Truth, Chuck and Mark discuss what to expect with the recent transfer of power and much, much more.&nbsp; Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; · How the left wants to “deprogram” conservatives and those who hold different beliefs&nbsp; · The left’s attacks on anyone that questions the integrity of the election&nbsp; · Why will likely see more companies take political stances and focus their sales on one political side&nbsp; · Why Joe Biden’s crime syndicate is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to politicians selling out our country&nbsp; · Joe Biden’s claims of almost 50 executive actions on day one and how he will begin his assault on the second amendment&nbsp; · The Democrat’s MACA movement and what it would mean for people not living in a Democrat run dump&nbsp; · Why true liberals do not fit in with today’s Democratic party&nbsp; · The possibility of our nation running out of money in the next four years&nbsp;&nbsp; Give H2Max a try and let us know what you think:; Don’t forget to leave us a voicemail for the chance to have it played on a future episode. You can do so by clicking the link.; Help us bring you the best content possible. Due to the left’s boycotts of those who advertise with Conservatives, we have had a number of advertisers backout to avoid possible backlash. Support the show and gainaccess to even more content at; Also, check out the store on our website to get your own Blunt Force Truth gear.;&nbsp;
1/1/11 hour, 13 minutes, 25 seconds
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The Left Loves to Operate in Chaos

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; Biden is blaming the meat companies (the meat Cartel) for the price of meat, the oil companies for the price of oil, blaming anyone who is involved with the inflationary problem our government has put us in. Republicans are the party of freedom, party of business, albeit they lack backbone. Dems are the party of government, and lockdowns. The Left runs to places where they aren’t locked down to have fun without their masks.&nbsp;&nbsp; 126 International studies have been done that prove the mask does NOT work. Chuck thinks personally that the American people have caught on. CNN MSNBC, the legacy papers…. we are all sick of it. Tired of being lied to and told what to do and how to do it. Is it over???Is the Pandemic over because the masses will revolt against Fauci and his army of fascists. The Left loves to operate in Chaos The left wants to make the country ungovernable…right out of the books…Marxism. Until you can destroy government, get rid of the Constitution and the Supreme Court. This country still leans RIGHT…but if you listen to the mainstream media, you will think the whole country is far left. We hear about the Supreme Court are a far right “radical” threat to “Democracy”.&nbsp;&nbsp;;;
1/1/11 hour, 11 minutes, 20 seconds
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Two Things Can be Right at the Same Time – w/ Special Guest Kerry Slone

On Today’s Episode -&nbsp; Mark introduces us to our guest right away Kerry Sloan (bio below). Kerry jumps in and gives us a little background into her history. She is a domestic abuse survivor, and she goes into explaining how our justice system failed her and let her abuser (who almost killed her) off with no Felony…all the while asking her if she had a place to hide. This prosecutor was more worried about her win loss record than she was about Kerry. Her abuse was not as obvious, terms that are thrown out there now days like gaslighting…simple things, and nothing Kerry could do was enough to make this guy pleased. One of the things that keeps women locked into relationships like these is a huge fear of change. People just need to have the courage to say to themselves “I am more valuable than this”.&nbsp; If the left is so pro-women, why would they NOT want to empower women to defend themselves. Kerry talks about how we live in a culture of martyrdom for victims. Women and children are martyred for the agenda of control as far as the Left is concerned. They have weaponized women again their own best interests with the whole no firearms for women.;;;;&nbsp;
1/1/11 hour, 30 minutes, 10 seconds
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The Horrors of Forced Organ Harvesting - An Interview with Mitchell Gerber and Dr. Tohti

&nbsp;On this episode of Blunt Force Truth, Chuck and Mark talk with guests Mitchell Gerber and Dr. Tohti about Falun Gong.&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; · Mark &amp; Chuck are super spreaders of BluntForce Truth – There aren’t actually any super spreaders for COVID – Sturgis Rally proved this false&nbsp; · Is being outside and getting Vitamin D and being in the sun better for you than being stuck inside during COVID?&nbsp; · Hunter Biden smoking “parmesan cheese” &amp; Having a child with a woman and not remembering her&nbsp; · You can run ads on Facebook for Human Trafficking but not Conservative Politics&nbsp; · Mark – introduces the guests Mitchell Gerber and Dr. Tohti&nbsp; · Mitchell is South African born, raised in America (Georgia), and now about 100 miles from the Chinese border&nbsp; · The Left are turning a blind eye to Chinese atrocities for money&nbsp; · Dr. Tohti was a Physician in China – he talks about his experience&nbsp; · China internally is a very Racist society – where non-Han Chinese are severely discriminated against&nbsp; · Description of Falun Gong (1 out of every 13 people practiced this 100 million people)&nbsp; · The CCP demonized Falun Gong to send hundreds of thousands of people to state mandated hospitals to force organ harvesting.&nbsp; · We hear a story from Dr. Tohti about Western Mountain Execution Grounds – designated in 2014 by the government, but in 1995 it was just barren mountains in the wild&nbsp; · Mitchell goes into how groups fighting against these actions infiltrated the groups that are forcing the organ farming of the country’s minorities in particular the Falun Gong practitioners.&nbsp; · Proof that the CCP man-made the COVID virus&nbsp; · Chuck talks about how China has spread all this money all over the globe so there is NO opposition to them&nbsp; · The Reign of Terror that is the CCP&nbsp; · History on how Dr. Tohti got out of China&nbsp; · Little Background on Mitchell and how he got into all this&nbsp; · Epoch Times – every listener should subscribe to it -;&nbsp; &nbsp;For More information on this episode’s content see the linksbelow:&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; What is Falun Gong and why its brutally outlawed in China:&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; Forced Organ Harvesting in China CONFIRMED Evidence Sites:&nbsp;;&nbsp; <a...
1/1/11 hour, 12 minutes, 39 seconds
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Joe Manchin Really is a Democrat After All

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; Joe Manchin really is a Democrat isn't he everyone. "The Inflation Reduction Act" has been approved by Manchin...wanna know why???? - well it seems that pipelines are not popular anywhere except West Virginia...but boom...pipeline from West Virginia to Virginia was approved and Manchin flips on Build Back Better "light". It is impossible to lower inflation by spending more money. There is a historical precedence for this set by FDR. In the 30's he raised taxes, and spent money - pushing us into The Depression. Lets go through the lies - Whatever a bill is called, it is the OPPOSITE of what it is called. So the Inflation Reduction Act isn't going to reduce anything. The Wharton School of Business says that this bill will have NO IMPACT on lowering inflation. 313 Billion is supposed to be collected on tax fraud with this new why now? They have to pass something to make you think they are worthy of electing them into office. 9 times out of 10 it is destructive, but they try to spin it like they are doing something. Biden says he will not raise taxes on ANYONE who makes less that 400K per year. But you know this isn't true. They always blame the rich, and go after the middle class. Manchin says the same thing with his pipeline bill, but if you read the bill, it shows that every single tax payer will have their taxes increased even at 10K. 1-2 percent increases on people making under 20 thousand dollars?&nbsp;&nbsp;; - Code BFT&nbsp;
1/1/11 hour, 28 seconds
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Misinformation & Propaganda

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; The topic of the Year is COVID-19 - Chuck thoughts People who have had COVID are as sad now as vaccinated but we cant count them We are over 85% of people with antibodies to COVID We are busy spreading COVID "misinformation" here at BFT This is all about human nature, not human biology When groups of people are given power, they do NOT want to let go The Govt. has the franchise on violence Propaganda on the Govt.s side is unbridled now Mark says you need to read Read 1984 The Left is editing what they want you to see The Whitmer kidnapping - how many FBI members were involved 14 indicted, 5 or more are unindicted co-conspirators We (The Left) is creating a Police State in this country Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs - Biden wants to send illegal Cubans back to where they came from Mark reads some viewers comments about the show There has never been a country called Palestine Mark talks DeShaun Watson and how race changes the rules The O-Biden administration is coming after Nascar Most of the stuff we cover here the media won't cover Hunter Biden's artwork is CRAP Questions for door to door vaccinations Record these interactions and send us these videos Who do you work for Are you paid for this&nbsp; Who's name is on the check paying you What qualifications do you have to talk to me about COVID 19 Why are you on my porch and why do you assume I have not been vaccinated Give H2Max a try and let us know what you think: Help us bring you the best content possible. Due to the left’s boycotts of those who advertise with Conservatives, we have had a number of advertisers back-out to avoid possible backlash. Support the show and gain access to even more content at Don’t forget to leave us a voicemail for the chance to have it played on a future episode. You can do so by clicking the link. Also, check out the store on our website to get your own Blunt Force Truth gear.
1/1/11 hour, 17 minutes, 22 seconds
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How The Left Changes Language

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; Changing Language / marketing - how the Left is PRO LEVEL at this The Left practices absolutism - The may be Sith Lords We are going after all things white - Sleepy Joe's new act The biggest threat in America - White Supremacy FBI reports that there are only about 6-8K members of White Supreamist members If Murder is up 800% - thats an epidemic - why are we not hearing about all the White people killing Pleading to become Communist Authoritarians A Jeopardy winner had to come out and denounce racism due to flashing white gang signs Delta flight - was pilot sexist for asking Men to assist? What did Tom Hanks do to tick off The Left Being a non-racist isn't enough - you have to be an ANTI-RACIST The Left doesn't deal with REAL CRISES...they contrive everything This is the Co-opping language to silence anyone speaking out against this government Federal Reserve - setting rules for language...Pronouns and all sorts of things Detroit City counsel says to hell with it, we are going to pay reparations Be sure to go checkout our friends at Gold Co. and receive your free IRA Guide!&nbsp;;ls=001-Email-Blunt-Force-Truth-Podcast&amp;cn=855-546-1792&amp;utm_source=Blunt-Force-Truth-Podcast&amp;utm_medium=Email&amp;utm_campaign=7014T0000005fDF Give H2Max a try and let us know what you think: Help us bring you the best content possible. Due to the left’s boycotts of those who advertise with Conservatives, we have had a number of advertisers back-out to avoid possible backlash. Support the show and gain access to even more content at Don’t forget to leave us a voicemail for the chance to have it played on a future episode. You can do so by clicking the link. Also, check out the store on our website to get your own Blunt Force Truth gear.
1/1/11 hour, 5 minutes, 33 seconds
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The Religious Nature of Woke Ideology - an Interview with Ethan Peck

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; While you watch this ringing of hands, of the Democrats and the Left on MSNBC, and CNN, they are besides themselves. Elon Musk is the Devil, and you can't open this country up to ACTUAL free speech. Everyone is screaming at the tops of their lungs saying that Musk's desire to buy twitter is all about White Power. Mind you, Musk left his birth country of South Africa at 17 because he didn't want to be conscripted into the military to use force to impose upon black people. Mark introduces us to Ethan Peck, our guest today. He is a member of the National Center’s Free Enterprise Project. Mark explains a little about what / how the Free Enterprise Project does what they do. Ethan is what we like to call a recovering Lefty. Kinda like former smokers, except that being a lefty is worse for your health than smoking. Marxism is very inviting to group of people who feel like they are victims. Ethan grew up in NYC, a very Democratic area of Long Island. It was almost a given that you were supposed to be a democrat. While living abroad in Israel, he was able to see how news media where he worked, would change words to articles he wrote, he was able to see how the things he was instructed in Liberal Arts college were put into practice real time. The religious nature of the Woke Ideology is really what caused Ethan to come over to the other side. Ethan Peck is an associate for the National Center’s Free Enterprise Project, the conservative movement’s only full-service shareholder activism and education program. Prior to pursuing a career in political advocacy, Ethan worked as an audio engineer and music producer in New York, as well as a news editor for the Jerusalem Post in Jerusalem. He credits both experiences as instrumental to his eventual departure from the left. Ethan is well-versed in woke ideology and the social justice mindset, and is hopeful that traditional American values can be communicated effectively across the aisle. He holds a Master’s Degree in Counter-Terrorism from the Interdisciplinary Center in Herzliya, Israel.;; Black Rock Loves China&nbsp; Health Tip Link Spermidine Info&nbsp;
1/1/11 hour, 8 minutes, 22 seconds
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The Philosophy of Health

On Today’s Episode -&nbsp; Chuck is away today, but Mark is joined by Matt in the booth again. Mark opens the show up asking some questions about the future of our government and what they are going to try to do with forcing vaccines on us come fall / winter. On this show, years ago, we called out the f. There are a ton of treatments out there that are not available to the masses. &nbsp;Bridge cards / food / lack of health. You need to take responsibility for your own health. They are saying weightlifting and fitness is an obsession of the far right. Biden and twitter took credit for gun laws. Get rid of AR15’s – oops that didn’t work – now you will see all semi-automatics banned. &nbsp;Government saying mask is required is not a law – only a law is a law. Mark gets into some science of NAC here – COVID talks and what was helping
1/1/11 hour, 13 minutes, 54 seconds
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The Progressive Fantasy Land

On this episode of Blunt Force Truth, Chuck and Mark talk about the state of the Country Today&nbsp; Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; · Mark and Chuck talk about LA / Alfonso (not byname) – where did the flu go? Can’t count Flu deaths unless they are counted as COVID deaths&nbsp; · COVID is never going away – 2 weeks to flattencurve – what happened there 2 reasons – 1 live in fear, only government can save us. 2 – Liberal Socialists ingovernment enjoying their new found dictatorial powers and don’t want to give them up.&nbsp; · Mr /Mrs. Potato Head – gone away – Things are being turned on their head “are you FOR SANITY”&nbsp; · Corporate America has turned into just a bunch of “Jello” – a mass of BETA Males everyplace – all you see is LGTBQ – all being promoted through Hollywood / Netflix etc&nbsp; · New Walker Texas Ranger – how it has changed tohow he can do nothng right without his new Hispanic partner to bail him out&nbsp; · Aunt Jemimah – she represents racism – stripped from the pancake syrup – Pearl Milling Company. Big Boy too masculine and body shames. Washington Football Team, Cleveland Indians changing names “Cleveland Burning Rivers”. Can’t be Spic n’ Span anymore…you have to just say SPAN.&nbsp; · Cancel Culture really dangerous, we are being led down that treacherous path, and they will never be happy.&nbsp; · Cuomo is ruined – he has become a national figure – flawed candidate.&nbsp;&nbsp; · Democrats do not trust the people, Conservatives trust the people&nbsp;&nbsp; · Under Armor has lost their Under-Minds – mandatory anti-white training “be ashamed of yourself for being white”. The Left wants you locked down, we want Freedom and we need to fight for it every day&nbsp;
1/1/11 hour, 6 minutes, 25 seconds
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Have You Been Silenced?

On this episode of Blunt Force Truth, Chuck and Mark discuss everything from conservatives being silenced to the downfall of great cities atthe hands of Democrats.&nbsp; Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; · Why the Democrat’s attempt to convict President Trump is unconstitutional&nbsp;&nbsp; · The Biden administration’s failures to distribute the vaccine and contain the Coronavirus&nbsp; · How the left is attempting to alienate President Trump any way possible&nbsp; · The downfall of the Nobel Peace Prize&nbsp; · Chuck and Mark answer some messages from our listeners&nbsp; · The Downfall of great American cities&nbsp; · How President Trump could become the Speaker of the House&nbsp;&nbsp; Give H2Max a try and let us know what you think:; Help us bring you the best content possible. Due to the left’s boycotts of those who advertise with Conservatives, we have had a number of advertisers backout to avoid possible backlash. Support the show and gain access to even more content at; Don’t forget to leave us a voicemail for the chance to have it played on a future episode. You can do so by clicking the link.; Also, check out the store on our website to get your own Blunt Force Truth gear.;
1/1/11 hour, 10 minutes, 55 seconds
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Who Is Running Our Nation?

On this episode of Blunt Force Truth, Chuck and Mark talk about President Biden and Mark gives Chuck an explaination on Budget Reconcilliation.&nbsp; Today’s show rundown:&nbsp;&nbsp; · The Left planned on the Border Crisis all along / Biden announced this long ago when he said “I want a surge on the border”&nbsp; · Black voters on the left are being replace by Spanish speaking voters – and they have no idea this is going to happen&nbsp; · People drowing in the Rio Grande / people dying in cages / drug cartels have made 14 million dollars since Biden took office due to human trafficking – Biden’s plan is not a return to Obama’s plan, it is much, much worse.&nbsp; · The Biden administration is trying to overwhealm the Border Paatrol system – no reports on the border, no press conferences&nbsp; · Over 90% of all people that claim asylum, they fail their court date, and judges do NOT find that they are political victims&nbsp; · As a nation we are very focused on being politically correct&nbsp; · Some of the accounts agains Cuomo are ridiculous, talking about how the Governor “Manhandled” a woman while getting pictures taken&nbsp; · Mark talks about families and children of adoption – how people tend to think of them as not “real” children.&nbsp; · Mark re-defines Budget Reconcilliation&nbsp;&nbsp; · The hosts touch on the Shooting in the Asian Massage Parolors and The Boulder Co. shooting.&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; Give H2Max a try and let us know what you think:; Help us bring you the best content possible. Due to the left’s boycotts of those who advertise with Conservatives, we have had a number of advertisers backout to avoid possible backlash. Support the show and gainaccess to even more content at; Don’t forget to leave us a voicemail for the chance to have it played on a future episode. You can do so by clicking the link.; Also, check out the store on our website to get your own Blunt Force Truth gear.;&nbsp;
1/1/11 hour, 4 minutes, 31 seconds
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Money, Power, and Ideology

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; It's really one believes Biden is strong except Democrats and the main stream media. No one else respects him, its just amazing to Chuck how the legacy media we have just carries his water. They don't seem to see it, they don't want to see it, it's really embarrassing. Here we have this nuclear deal ongoing with Iran, we are deferring to Russia to negotiate with Iran over this deal. This is lunacy, what could POSSIBLE go wrong with Russia talking to Iran about Nuclear Power.&nbsp;&nbsp; The energy position Biden toon on day 1 of taking office, really was a precursor to this War in Ukraine. Our enemies out there have done their homework on Biden, they know how weak he is, and his administration. We wonder if the press that covers for Biden, doesn't even believe what they are covering. Washington is living in a fantasy land, it's all just thoughts and words. Nothing tangible...we are going to send a stern letter, Democrats don't actually do anything, so long as they say it, in their mind it is done.&nbsp; We know we cant believe anything that comes out of Russia. But as we have said, we cant believe much that comes out of Washington. The only way you can find the truth in the US, is to go Hunting for it. Chuck talks OAN and an in depth expose on COVID and all the people involved there. It was excellent, follow the money, follow the ideology. Chasing money and power is exactly what is going on in Russia....AND here.
1/1/11 hour, 5 minutes, 50 seconds
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Teaching Kids Financial Literacy - an Interview with Chad Willardson

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; Chuck starts us off with a Biden / Harris. They are a raving success - when your goal is to destroy and dismantle the American way of life. These are the ultimate people of deflection, who will constantly accuse you of doing what they are doing. Thy will turn over every stone to find any means possible to circumvent the laws of this land, to get to their goals.&nbsp;&nbsp; Mark talks about how he knows Chad, and tells us a little about him. He is like all of the entrepreneurs - people with ADHD who are unemployable. Because the types of people need so many things to hold their interest, they have to go out and create their own worlds. Chad says, they are misfits, too many ideas all going through their mind at the same time.&nbsp;&nbsp; Chad has a new book out, it is his third book "Beyond the Money" which is out in September. What a huge commitment it is to write a book, Chuck says its easier to read them. The guys dig in and get to ask Chad question about what he thinks the financial future could look like.&nbsp;&nbsp; Get Chad's Books Here&nbsp; - join the waitlist&nbsp;
1/1/11 hour, 4 minutes, 5 seconds
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This is the Crazy Hour – w/ Craig DeLuz

Chuck is BACK – and he is asking a question…what do Russia, China and the US have in common? They all are spying on the US. Everybody wants to spy on the people of the United States. Can’t go without mentioning the transgender shooting in Nashville, tragic, just tragic. It is interesting how the mainstream media wanted to avoid the fact that this person in transgender. Mark makes the point; transgenderism is a mental disorder called body dysmorphia.&nbsp;&nbsp; We are already watching the liberal media portraying the shooter as a victim. That they may have felt shunned by the Christian community. CNN is focusing on the part of the story of “what gender did the chief of police use” when talking about the shooter. The Left is creating new disease states – Christo-Facist (if you believe in God and the Constitution) you should get a red flag according to the Left.&nbsp; We meet our guest Craig DeLuz from The National Center. We talk Nashville shooting, and then delv into Critical Race Theory and what it means for Black America. Listen in!; Southern Bread Riots;
1/1/11 hour, 13 minutes, 16 seconds
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Duplicating Narratives, Making it all Sound the Same - an Interview with John Gibbs

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; Things are starting to develop says Chuck, you just can't keep up with all the news hitting us in the face 24 hours a day. Mark gives some thanks to the listeners, especially the ones who have left us reviews. We are rocking a 4.6 average review score, so THANK YOU ALL. Mark goes over some of the reviews we have received in the past quarter.&nbsp;&nbsp; We get to meet our guest John Gibbs, who is running for Congress in Michigan. He is running against as so-called Republican Peter Meijer, who voted for impeaching Donald Trump. Chuck and Mark are not Republicans, they are Conservatives, they tend to vote Republican because they tend to be closer to their values. Mark gives us a brief breakdown of John's background and history. John tells us a little more about himself and tells us why he has decided to run for congress. How did Peter Meijer get elected...Mark says it's name awareness and cash. The district also has a little background in being backstabbed...the voters wanted someone who would stand by former President Trump. Peter Meijer can't even go out in public and show his face now days, he holds his Town Halls virtually still. Framing himself as someone who stands up to Biden, but the vast majority of voters are seeing through the lies. Meet John Gibbs: • Served as acting assistant secretary for Community Planning and Development at HUD under Secretary Ben Carson for 4 years. • John is an undergraduate of Stanford with a master's degree from Harvard. • John used his complete fluency in Japanese to serve in Christian missions in Japan. • Appointed by the 45th President to serve on the 1776 Commission. • John worked as a software developer in Silicon Valley on cybersecurity products at Symantec, and on the first version of the iPhone at Apple.; @votejohngibbs - Twitter&nbsp; - Facebook&nbsp;
1/1/11 hour, 5 minutes, 40 seconds
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Positive Change – an Interview with Carla Spalding

On this episode of Blunt Force Truth, Chuck and Mark talk with Carla Spalding about fixing our Country. Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; Twitter has launched an investigation into Chuck Woolery for a post he made over the Memorial Day weekend Chuck was dropping facts on CRT and its history - and now he loves Hitler according the Twitter-BOTS A brief chat on how RIGHT WE WERE on the Wuhan virus over a YEAR ago The media is BLAMING Trump &amp; Republicans for NOT being serious people and that’s why they weren’t reporting on the China Virus. Mark introduces our Guest Carla Spalding Carla talks about Memorial Day and the REAL reason for the holiday Came to the U.S. from Jamaica, joined the Navy, then moved to Florida The Democrats look at the military as a petri dish “If you don’t vote for me, you ain’t black” - Joe Biden How is any black person NOT offended by how the left identifies Black Americans Have Black Americans been led to lose their identity Chuck is a Kentucky Colonel If you don’t love America - you should be allowed to run for office Modern news outlets are more Propaganda Arms than they are news channels Heath Care is still not affordable&nbsp;
1/1/11 hour, 5 minutes, 20 seconds
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Virginia Flips

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; The Jimmy Carter Days - the problem with the economy is too much consuming going on out there. The Left is also claiming that since Youngkin won, that it's a white-lash. We want to figure out what the democrats learned? It sure feels like they are just going to double down on being idiots, they should never be allowed power. This tells you one important thing, Hillary Clinton said "Voters are stupid, and Democrat voters are stupid". 12 month ago to the day, Virginia chose Joe Biden with over a 10 point margin, so some how a large swath of the state of Virginia must have become racist in 12 months of time. For Youngkin to have won, 20 percent of the state became radicalized white supremacists. MSNBC says the contingent of angry white people was the key ingredient to elect a GOP Governor in Virginia, for the first time in 12 years.&nbsp;&nbsp; Chuck doesn't like to use the word "Evil" unless it is really applicable, but when people stand up at yell that YOU are lying, and it is they, who are indeed lying...that is pure "Evil". Kamala stated that if we lose Virginia - the Left is in trouble - oops, did she let a truth slip? Do you all think that this is going to be a time where a bunch of Democrats take this opportunity to just NOT run becasue they think they cant win.&nbsp;&nbsp;
1/1/11 hour, 6 minutes, 50 seconds
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The Left Really Has No Plan (except chaos)

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; Here's the chatter this week - since Biden went to Saudi Arabia to beg for oil, OPEC is in the headlights because Biden's Administration has mishandled our resources. We need to punish Saudi Arabia according to Biden. Chuck says we need to punish THE BIDEN ADMIN, no one else. We have plenty of oil here, he has declared war on fossil fuels here, it is just foolishness. Mind you Biden called the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia a murderer, then goes over there and tries to fist bump him, and now he's a murderer again. Chuck has never been one to go along with conventional wisdom, he doesn't think it is conventional or very wise. He thinks is quite stupid most of the time. Mark says - Chuck Woolery is one of the wisest people he knows. Chuck has a tremendous wisdom, and has such a good outlook on the world, he's even help talked Dr. Mark out of some of his crazy ideas. So Ye' is back in the news, with Candice Owens - they went to fashion week in Paris. How many sensitive people have been traumatized by a shirt that says white lives matter. Chuck talks us about the DOJ arresting a pastor with his family that were singing gospels around a planned parenthood facility. They arrested him with guns drawn, while his kids were getting on a bus. The DOJ and the FBI need to be feared right now.&nbsp;&nbsp;
1/1/11 hour, 1 minute, 3 seconds
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The Race to the Bottom

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; Chuck starts us out with a question - Who is in charge of protecting the Capitol Grounds. Nancy Pelosi is in charge of the Capitol Police who do this job. Trump requested National Guard on Jan 6th, and requested Capitol Police. Trump is however, being blamed for the Jan 6th riot, but was turned down by Pelosi on the ground of bad optics. We have the old switch-a-roo yet again. This is not a bi-partisan committee, with rules set by her, that she would never be allowed to be questioned...this is plainly unconstitutional. Hunter Biden, lies on gun forms, his father wants to ban all guns except his son's apparently. Hunter has violated multiple laws over the years. The grand jury has been convening on him for months - where are the indictments. Mark thinks they are going to say - yeah he didn't pay some taxes on some money, so he will have to pay taxes. The Gun charge, the foreign solicitations will go away.&nbsp;&nbsp; Chuck mentioned the show on Amazon he has been watching "The Offer" which is about the making of The Godfather. It shows the infighting and back stabbing that goes on in Hollywood. It reminds Chuck of Washington DC, these people all just want to keep their job and make themselves look good. Most of these people don't have enough sense to be nice to people on the way up, because they are going to see all the same people on he way down.;utm_medium=social&amp;utm_campaign=dwbrand&nbsp;;
1/1/11 hour, 16 minutes, 9 seconds
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American Marxism, How Close are We?

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; Mark starts us off talking about senator Krysten Sinema, and how Biden is saying that 2 senators should not be able to block the will of the other 48 senators. The past 5 million in Govt. spending isn't even spent yet. Local governments are holding committee meetings trying to burn through this money. This is the problem with inflation, too much money with too little goods and services.&nbsp;&nbsp; Years back, you used to do something called a passbook savings account for like 5-5.5 percent interest. So if inflation was 3 percent, you beat it by 2 and a half percent, you could stay ahead of inflation. Biden is saying he will not take 1 penny from the middle class and the poor. The 3.5 Trillion actually has "ZERO COST" as per Biden and the left. When we take people and and sit them at home, and pay them for nothing...we see retail spending increase.&nbsp;&nbsp; The government established the worth of a person to do NOTHING ...16$ and hour. So people are entitled to think they are more valuable that that to do something. Pay attention to your bills come wither - with the increase in fuel oil, your heat bill could be higher. The idea that we are going to charge corporations more taxes, and that they will not pass that onto the consumers is absurd. Living United for Change in Arizona are the ones harassing Sinema - these aren't activists. These are people being paid to do a job, including chasing people into bathrooms and filming them. Give H2Max a try and let us know what you think: Help us bring you the best content possible. Due to the left’s boycotts of those who advertise with Conservatives, we have had a number of advertisers back-out to avoid possible backlash. Support the show and gain access to even more content at Don’t forget to leave us a voicemail for the chance to have it played on a future episode. You can do so by clicking the link. Also, check out the store on our website to get your own Blunt Force Truth gear.
1/1/11 hour, 14 minutes, 13 seconds
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BFT, We Have the Covid!!!

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; Chuck has tested positive for COVID-19. He has received two vaccines. Mark and Chuck review some language that has changed, from cloth masks to you still being able to catch COVID even if you are vaccinated. Misinformation is at an all-time high, this all came out of the cold war era Russia. Look at the organizations that are supposed to protect us, and they are all just misleading us and giving us misinformation.&nbsp;&nbsp; Ivermectin has worked on both Chuck and the BFT Producer who both tested positive, but once started taking Ivermectin they both started feeling better in under 24 hours. What Ivermectin does is to create a protein and block cell receptors so the virus can’t multiply. The false narrative about it being a horse de-wormer is just nonsense.&nbsp;&nbsp; This whole pandemic is about money, it always has been. Ivermectin is cheap, a round of it goes for about 60 dollars. How can our administration answer the question, WHY we chose to spend all these billions of dollars on “vaccines” instead of a 60 dollar medicine that totally works?&nbsp;&nbsp;;;
1/1/11 hour, 7 minutes, 28 seconds
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Critical Race Theory Explained

On this episode of Blunt Force Truth, Chuck and Mark explain the history of Critical Race Theory Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; What is Critical Race Theory What CRT intends to do, where is came from If you are against CRT - you are racist It's decisive, it's decisive to the Country Mark explains some history of CRT CRT is based on critical theory - a social philosophy created at the Frankfurt school This is NOT EVIDENCE BASED Marx and Freud are the forefathers of Critical Theory - was he coked out of his brain? CRT was started in the 1970's Hallmark of CRT is a disagreement with traditional US Liberalism If you tell compelling enough stories, Human Empathy will overtake FACTS This is a black hole that can never be filled / fixed Mark talks about the root of tribalism Roughly 60 person tries were common when humans were a young species Chuck feels that this is Evil, it is designed to divide us CRT is based on intellectualism (those at the top see themselves as the benevolent dictators) Chuck wants to know where this is all going Be sure to go checkout our friends at Gold Co. and receive your free IRA Guide!&nbsp;;ls=001-Email-Blunt-Force-Truth-Podcast&amp;cn=855-546-1792&amp;utm_source=Blunt-Force-Truth-Podcast&amp;utm_medium=Email&amp;utm_campaign=7014T0000005fDF Give H2Max a try and let us know what you think: Help us bring you the best content possible. Due to the left’s boycotts of those who advertise with Conservatives, we have had a number of advertisers back-out to avoid possible backlash. Support the show and gain access to even more content at Don’t forget to leave us a voicemail for the chance to have it played on a future episode. You can do so by clicking the link. Also, check out the store on our website to get your own Blunt Force Truth gear.
1/1/11 hour, 6 minutes, 47 seconds
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Power the Size of Economies - an Interview with Craig DeLuz

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; We're laughing here today talking about gas prices - please understand this, if you have been's Biden's fault / by design - he has allowed gas prices to skyrocket, and this is what you get. This administration WANTS people to no drive and be mobile...they are trying to force us into electric cars. As gas prices go up, everything we consume is trucked (with gas) and is a big part of inflation. You are going to pay more for everything and you are going to be hurt by this administration, because they are not very fond of you. The word migrant has just replaces illegal a herd of antelope or geese. It used to be undocumented, but now its just like ducks headed north for the summer, the migrants just head north from countries below Mexico. Mark says average gas prices will be 6 bucks by mid summer. All the while they will be blaming someone else, it's like having a football team on the field that you are being forced to play with 3rd string. Looking at Biden now, do you REALLY believe that he won the election? Do you REALLY believe that more people voted for him that any other president in history? These people are going after everything in our world - using the masses to be Vegan and eat seaweed. Pope Francis is saying world peace is being threatened by Nationalism. Chuck drops biblical verse about the end days - good is evil and evil is good - thats where we are today. Everything is turned around and upside down.;;;
1/1/11 hour, 8 minutes, 18 seconds
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The Election and the Future of Our Nation - An Interview with David Thomas Roberts

On this episode of Blunt Force Truth, Chuck and Mark are joined by David Thomas Roberts. They discuss what the ongoing election fraud will mean for future election and what it means for Coronavirus lockdowns.&nbsp; Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; · The recent lawsuit filed by Texas and how it could impact the election results&nbsp; · How this election has disenfranchised over 73 million Americans&nbsp; · The concerns of future election interference and the apathetic republicans&nbsp; · What the lockdowns and targeting of small businesses will mean for our nations’ future&nbsp; · Some insight on what Communism really looks like&nbsp; · Their thoughts on the possibility of some type of revolution in our country&nbsp; · The latest lockdown measures from Michigan’s low IQ governor&nbsp; · Why it is a slippery slope when we give up any of our individual rights&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; More about David Thomas Roberts:&nbsp; Webster's Dictionary defines a Renaissance Man as: "a present-day man who has acquired profound knowledge or proficiency in more than one field."&nbsp; David Thomas Robert's definitely fits the description of a modern-day Renaissance Man. Roberts is an entrepreneur, inventor, political columnist, bestselling author and cattle rancher. Roberts founded a telecom technology firm based on a software idea he created and was awarded a U.S. Patent for it. That firm is now a multi-million global consulting firm that created an entireindustry. Roberts is still the CEO of the company. He has also founded Defiance Press &amp; Publishing, an independent conservative publishing company as well as a non-profit Twice-the-Monuments.Org for restoring historical monuments taken down by riots and local governments.&nbsp; Roberts, who is a political activist for conservative and libertarian causes founded a political PAC, Texans for True Conservatives based on candidates taking the PAC’s conservative pledge. He is a supporter of the originalists in Constitutional matters, and believes government is too centralized, too large and fiscally irresponsible.&nbsp;&nbsp; A staunch defender of capitalism, Roberts advocates for Free Enterprise and small business owners – the backbone of the U.S. economy. Roberts is currently working on a new business venture and will launch a new company, Wealtheo in October 2020 which combines financial literacy, personal finance and a business opportunity.&nbsp; Roberts’ 650-acre Texas ranch, Brushwood Rose breeds registered Texas Longhorn cattle.&nbsp; Roberts, lives in Montgomery, Texas with his wife of thirty-six years, has four adult children and has five grandchildren.&nbsp; Connect with David Thomas Roberts:&nbsp; Website:; Twitter: @TexasAuthor&nbsp; Facebook: davidthomasrobertstx &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; Give H2Max a try and let us know what you think:; Help us bring you the best content possible. Due to the left’s boycotts of those who advertise with Conservatives, we have had a number of advertisers backout to avoid possible backlash. Support the show and gain access to even more content at <a href=""...
1/1/11 hour, 2 minutes, 3 seconds
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Climate Change: The Left’s Political Issue

On this episode of Blunt Force Truth, Chuck and Mark explain why the Democrats will destroy those of low income with their environmental policies.&nbsp; Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; · Chuck and Mark explain why the Democratic party is not the party of science&nbsp; · They explain why all gun control is racist&nbsp; · Some of the numerous reasons that the green new deal would destroy our economy and country&nbsp; · Why climate change is not a real issue, but is a political issue&nbsp; · How the Democrats plan to push renewable energy on the American people and what it will cost&nbsp; · Why it is not practical to switch all of nations energy over to renewable energy&nbsp; · Why many Democrats are not philosophically Americans but only geographically&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; Give H2Max a try and let us know what you think:; Help us bring you the best content possible. Due to the left’s boycotts of those who advertise with Conservatives, we have had a number of advertisers backout to avoid possible backlash. Support the show and gain access to even more content at; Don’t forget to leave us a voicemail for the chance to have it played on a future episode. You can do so by clicking the link.; Also, check out the store on our website to get your own Blunt Force Truth gear.;&nbsp;
1/1/158 minutes, 24 seconds
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Follow the Science

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; Chuck feels bad for people, all of us..."what can we do"? Everyone is becoming more and more aware of all the corruption going on around us, but people feel like...what can we do about it? You are being lied to on a regular basis, everywhere by multiple sources. People need to follow the rules of epistemology. How do you know what you know? You need to start peeling the layers back and question what you heard. Chuck never thought there would be a time in his life where he would be so anti-government. But when you force Americans to do something they don't want to do, they don't like it. What Mark wants to encourage people to do is not to tell people on the left that they are wrong, but to encourage them to think. Ask them questions that defy logic. Ask people about the 80,000 new IRS agents, really only dedicating themselves to 400 or so Ultra Rich families. Ask these people...does that make sense...that 80K people are hired to track just 1% of the population? Mark wants to cover the concept of "follow the science". If you don't follow it, you are a science denier according to the Left. Although there is no such thing as settled science, but the left says that if you don't follow their "settled science" you are a science denier. But the pursuit of truth...what science really is, is never settled. We were also told that our government would never mis-use science against us, however they are totally willing to use science to get their way.&nbsp; Let's talk about Nancy Pelosi, she is one of the most wealthy people in politics. She has a husband who is the greatest investor in the history of ALL money, he is ever does he make all that money. Her net worth is somewhere around 300 Million dollars. On 200K a year salary. Paul Pelosi was offered a prescreened invite to get in on an early Visa IPO, where he bought between 1-1.5 Million in Visa Stock. Where is made about 200% on that deal.&nbsp;&nbsp; Give H2Max a try and let us know what you think: Help us bring you the best content possible. Due to the left’s boycotts of those who advertise with Conservatives, we have had a number of advertisers back-out to avoid possible backlash. Support the show and gain access to even more content at Don’t forget to leave us a voicemail for the chance to have it played on a future episode. You can do so by clicking the link. Also, check out the store on our website to get your own Blunt Force Truth gear.
1/1/11 hour, 10 minutes
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The Left, Simplified - an Interview with Scott Shepard

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; Chuck has simplified everything for everybody, he doesn't think he is over simplifying - there is a system the Democrats work on, it's chaos. They operate on chaos...if there is no crisis - they will invent one and then tell you how they are helping for this crisis (that they created). Just take a look at the war on fossil fuels / climate change. Mark introduces us to a returning Project 21 Member, Scott Shepard. Chuck wants to know if the FBI has shown up at Scott's door with weapons drawn ready to arrest him for exposing the truth. Chuck talks us through a little of where he grew up in Kentucky.&nbsp;&nbsp; Mark digs into what is happening in Australia right now, a test bed for what could be coming. Scott explains to us how the powers that be use other countries on a global scale to test their politics. What the heck happened to Australia - they used to be into freedom and look at what it has become. No guns, and now one of the biggest banks in Australia will no longer grant loans to people buying cars that are not EVs. Scott breaks down a lawsuit his organization has against Starbucks and racist hiring policies. BIO for Scott Shepard:&nbsp;&nbsp; Scott Shepard is a fellow at the National Center as well as the director of the National Center’s Free Enterprise Project, the conservative movement’s only full-service shareholder activism and education program. Scott has taught at law schools including the Wake Forest School of Law in North Carolina and the Willamette University College of Law in Oregon. He is the author of the legal textbook Wills, Trusts and Estates in Context. He previously served as a policy director with the Yankee Institute in Connecticut and the manager of the Water Law Project at the Pacific Legal Foundation. He also has experience in government and private practice. Scott earned his Juris Doctorate from the University of Virginia, a master’s degree from Vanderbilt University and a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Richmond.;;;
1/1/11 hour, 8 minutes, 32 seconds
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Stem Cells and You – an Interview with Matthew Feshbach

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; The Big News from Mark is Earth Day was this past Friday. Chuck tells us a little about what this stuff means to him and what he thinks about Global Warming. They try to confuse pollution with climate change, Chuck thinks is a lie. Well for earth day, Mark is going to drive his 36-thousand-pound motor home and trailer to a race track and burn 150 gallons of gas while ripping through a couple sets of tires. Mark introduces us to Matt Feshbach who is going to talk to us today about stem cells. Stem Cells can be miraculous, they can be the biggest waste of money, but they have really opened the floodgates. Chuck thinks most people think like he does, babies, infants, abortions…are we right to think this way? Matt tells us it is completely different now, but embryonic stem cells are still indeed a thing.&nbsp; Matt goes into explaining to people what a stem cell is. It starts with the concept with a developmental cell. When we are born, we have these perinatal cells. Those cells are considered adult stem cells. These cells are in every tissue in our body. Fat underneath your skin is where you can harvest stem cells from. Even if we are aging, and even if we are sick, we still have these healthy stem cells.; 1-800-520-1746 About Matt Since 2018, Matthew "Matt" Feshbach has served as founding CEO of Ambrose Cell Therapy, a Florida-based center focused on improving the lives of people living with complex chronic health conditions. The center accesses a patient's own adipose-derived stem and regenerative cells (ADRCs), ADRCs have shown potential for treating chronic diseases affecting various areas of the body. Matthew Feshbach's interest in ADRCs dates back to 2009, when he began researching stem cells as part of his investment activities. His research led to the 2011 founding of Okyanos Cell Therapy, a center he led until 2017. &nbsp;Prior to his work as a health care entrepreneur, Matt Feshbach found success as a hedge fund investor focused on a "short-only" strategy. Under his leadership, his investment company, Feshbach Brothers, grew from $20,000 to $1 billion in assets in only nine years. This led to the company being recognized by Piper Jaffray as the top-performing money manager over the period from 1985 to 1990. &nbsp;Outside of his professional activities, Mr. Feshbach has worked to give back by supporting causes focused on human rights, religious freedom, and substance abuse. He also supports the Church of Scientology, an organization he has been a member of for five decades. His other free-time pursuits include cooking, swimming, and yoga.
1/1/11 hour, 18 minutes, 2 seconds
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Smoke & Mirrors, You Need to Pay Attention

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; We have a guest host today with Nick Giordano again as Mark is out in Oklahoma crossing off bucket list things. Chuck talks about Biden give his speech to the United Nations. It was a diatribe on Climate Change and COVID. This is what our President wants to focus on, instead of looking at losing allies because of Afghanistan. France is mad at the U.S. because we made a deal with Australia to supply them submarines, even though they had a deal with France first. We made this deal without telling France is the problem. Biden says people re struggling to find jobs, but how can that be. Every employer out there is screaming that there are plenty of good-paying jobs that they can NOT fill. It is just another example of human inclination - people got used to being paid by the government, they do not WANT to go back to work. Our current administration is destroying our country, while saying they are going to "build back better". Nick says we have various factions that are pushing the same agendas. Optimists, who don't know all the logistics, the idealists, the generally have good intent, but they do not understand the consequences. It's the census where this really matters. Citizens or illegals, all are counted alike in the census. Congressional seats will come from the 2 million people that have come illegally into the country just this year.&nbsp;&nbsp;
1/1/146 minutes, 52 seconds
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The Government Will Never Live Within it's Means

Today's Show Notes Good afternoon everyone. Out Co-Host Dr. Mark Young is out raciing all week. Competing in One Lap of America, racing all over the country from track to trace. Click here to find out more. But don't worry, Chuck holds things down with Producer Matt filling in again. The guys talk current events, and we even get a surprise call in from Mark from the track. Tune in this week to hear it all.
1/1/143 minutes, 56 seconds
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A History Lesson - An Interview with Sheriff Joe Arpaio

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; Mark starts by talking about The National Archives - where we keep all our valuable documents etc. If you go online, to the national archives, and search for the U.S. Constitution...before you get to it, a warning comes up telling you of harmful language. This is just another example of how The Democrats are in charge of everything right now. This is a Statement of how the Left views the Constitution. They have contempt for it, and it is painfully clear.&nbsp;&nbsp; The Left is trying to create a one-party country. In either case, democrat or republican, this would be bad. At best it's a monarchy, at worst, it would be a dictatorship. Neither of these options are what we want or need in America. At a time when every business is struggling to find help, Biden wants to pass a decree that allows people to be terminated for NOT being vaccinated. Many of these things are diversionary to keep our attention off of the failure in Afghanistan. The 10th amendment is under fire...The Left wants to take as much if not all the power away from the States. Biden has said he will use all the power of the federal government to "Fight" the States that are not falling in line with his orders. This is the same reason that the Civil War was originally fought. Many forget that in the beginning The Civil War was not about slavery, not until 3 years in did it pivot to being all about slavery.&nbsp;&nbsp; We jump right in with Sheriff Joe and ask him what is happening at the border. Congress is doing nothing other than talk, Sheriff Joe says he hates to blame Congress, but they need to take the blame. What Sheriff Joe just saw at the border where the US and Laredo are separated by a river, people could just come right across. He saw people with suitcases just wading across the river. Afghanistan is one of the largest players in the Drug Trafficking game, and now we let the Taliban to re-take over.;qid=1631641201&amp;sr=8-2 Give H2Max a try and let us know what you think: Help us bring you the best content possible. Due to the left’s boycotts of those who advertise with Conservatives, we have had a number of advertisers back-out to avoid possible backlash. Support the show and gain access to even more content at Don’t forget to leave us a voicemail for the chance to have it played on a future episode. You can do so by clicking the link. Also, check out the store on our website to get your own Blunt Force Truth gear.
1/1/11 hour, 16 minutes, 14 seconds
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An Accident, followed by a Horror Story - An Interview with Ben Gordon

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; Hillary Clinton and Leslie Stahl have stepped in it according to Chuck. Over the past weekend we find out, that after 3 years – EVERYBODY was spying on Trump. Trump was RIGHT, yet again. Trusting the INTEL community seems like a bad idea. They all conspired with the DNC to spy on Trump, while he was in Trump Tower and in the White House. Watergate was a shoplifting charge compared to this. But the Left-Wing media is depriving this story of any oxygen. Department of Homeland Security has issued a bulletin, sent to all law enforcement agencies across the country. This tells agencies, that people like Chuck Woolery are domestic terrorists. The US remains at a heightened threat level, filled with false and misleading narratives. These terrorists are spreading disinformation on COVID or other “pull back the curtain” topics. We meet our guest, Ben Gordon. He was in a single car accident in Arizona, where his car flipped, but landed on all 4 tires. Within 7-10 mins an EMT was on site where they gave hima a shot that put him out for 7 hours. When he woke up, he was on a ventilator. He pulled out everything that was plugged into him, and his horror story goes on from there. PayPal -;; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;;
1/1/11 hour, 3 minutes, 8 seconds
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The Mountain of Evidence - An Interview with Congressman Ted Budd

On this episode of Blunt Force Truth, Chuck and Mark Congressman Ted Budd. Congressman Budd brings some great insight to what is happening at our nation’s capital.&nbsp; Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; · Their thoughts on the legal battles following the election and the runoff election in Georgia&nbsp; · Their thoughts on if the 2020 election can be overturned&nbsp; · How the Democrats ideology blinds them from basic economics&nbsp; · The China virus and the possibility of holding China accountable for its spread&nbsp; · How Democrat voters lack the understanding of their party’s true ideology&nbsp; · Why the 2020 election must make it to the United States Supreme Court&nbsp; · What our country will look like if the Biden/Harris administration does take office&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; More about Congressman Ted Budd:&nbsp; Ted Budd represents North Carolina's 13th Congressional District and will begin his third term in Congress in January. Before Congress, Congressman Budd was a small business owner and the owner of a gun store. He and his wife Amy Kate have three children and live in Davie County, NC. He holds an MBA from Wake Forest University and a Masters in Educational Leadership from Dallas Theological Seminary.&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; Connect with Congressman Ted Budd:&nbsp; Website:; Twitter:; Facebook:; Give H2Max a try and let us know what you think:; Help us bring you the best content possible. Due to the left’s boycotts of those who advertise with Conservatives, we have had a number of advertisers backout to avoid possible backlash. Support the show and gain access to even more content at; Don’t forget to leave us a voicemail for the chance to have it played on a future episode. You can do so by clicking the link.; Also, check out the store on our website to get your own Blunt Force Truth gear.;&nbsp;
1/1/11 hour, 4 minutes, 54 seconds
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Democracy at Risk, How Words Can Matter

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; Chuck says we are at the point now, where the new fascists will be the anti-fascists. We have an interesting government, claiming that the Right are fascists…when in fact it is clearly the Left. It’s a game of hate – trying to take away everyone’s freedoms and rights. As long as people keep voting for this, you are going to keep getting it. New York and California moving in reverse, what could be more fascist than telling people they must inject themselves with something. The real vaccine is called Omicron, contagions, but NOT lethal. That is Nature’s vaccine to this virus. Chuck has had conversations with people recently, and it is like talking to a wall, they aren’t even interested in listening.&nbsp;&nbsp; Mark believes the reason for all this Democracy talk is the Left leaning into the preconceived notion that we are a Democracy…which is MOB RULE. But we are not a Democracy, we are a Republic…its right there in The Pledge of Allegiance. A State is a Democracy. We as a Country are a Constitutional Republic. This is why they are saying Democracy will be dead.;;
1/1/11 hour, 13 minutes, 38 seconds
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Hospitals Making Money off COVID

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; Chuck talks Ron Johnson / the CDC / WHO, the administrations of hospitals. Chuck talks about “everyone is lying to you”. The tweet of his that was retweeted by Pres. Trump that got him banned. But look back a couple years now and pay attention to who is indeed lying to you.&nbsp;&nbsp; The Left is always pressing for us to be socialist. Top-Down tyranny from government and government entities. We are in the midst of just lying, and cover ups, and fear mongering, and it is mind boggling, what has happened with our medical advisors under our government. It is so fantastical that it makes us sound like lunatics. Mark knows a dozen doctors that are effectively treating COVID19, they have treated thousands of patients and none of them have ever put a patient in the hospital for COVID19. Have you noticed you don’t hear reports of people dying from COVID at home? It is always in the hospital.&nbsp;&nbsp;;;
1/1/11 hour, 7 minutes, 56 seconds
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The Administrative State - An Interview With Richard C. Lyons

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; Mark starts us off today introducing our Guest Richard Lyons (see Bio below for links and for links to his books). We are a week plus out from the election, and we still do not know who is running America. Chuck says everyone is trying to blame Trump and the people he backed. The real problem is Mitch McConnell who lost the Senate all on his own. He defunded all Nevada and New Hampshire...he decided who to accept in the Senate and who he wouldn't. This is Mitch Mconnell's mess and we are going to pay the price for it.&nbsp;&nbsp; Richard says it's disastrous to enemies of the Left, because we are divided. The elites on the Right don't like Trump, so anyone he supports or endorses, they make sure those people wont win. Trump coming out and going after Youngkin and DeSantis is a bad look. But Trump has been gone after since he came down the escalator, and it feels like he is on defense throwing lawmakers whenever he can. Again though...Trump's policies are outshined by his personality. He has great policies but Trump is just hard. Mark jump to NBC news story - pulling the story on Paul Pelosi. Miguel Almaguer - this guy did a report right as the event happened. This report had Pelosi and the attacker in the house for 30 minutes. NBC has scrubbed their website of any traces of this story, and they sent old Miguel to Siberia...what the heck is going on here...whats the real story, why are they hiding this original story, why wont they even talk about it? NBC has since suspended Miguel and now say "we cant comment on personal matters" BIO Richard C. Lyons is a multi-award winning, critically acclaimed author from the Midwestern United States. Lyons was educated at Loyola Academy, the University of North Texas and Southern Methodist University. Lyons has enjoyed a professional career in printing, publishing and stage production. The author is also an award-winning screenwriter. Find out more about him at;;qid=1668528877&amp;sr=8-1&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;;
1/1/11 hour, 11 minutes, 30 seconds
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Are We Witnessing a Coup

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; Chuck has been watching this week, about the 2016 election - what the Democrats and Hillary Clinton tried to do to keep Trump from becoming president. The Durham investigation - it has taken us this long to just get to OPEN this can of worms. The out of control bureaucracy thinks it can just do whatever it wants now days. They can disregard the constitution, break rules, and they just say - it's for the greater good.&nbsp;&nbsp; The broader point is that The Powers that Be, they hate the American People. When Sussmann went to the FBI with the "Russian Collusion" narrative, he did so as a "concerned citizen". The FBI now had the justification to launch this investigation that would eventually tear this country apart. The conflicts of interest that exist were all over the place during this time. The corrupt, senior leadership of the FBI took the investigative duties out of the hands of the field offices, and did this job, themselves. The Swamp of Bureaucracy felt that they were going to protect the American people from themselves, because we must not have known what we were doing when we voted for Trump - who won the Presidency. These people will break any rules they feel necessary to make sure THEIR version of America is what they move forward. The DEPLORABLES like us need to take back Washington and our Country NOW.
1/1/156 minutes, 12 seconds
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Revisiting The Columbus Academy - an interview with Amy Gonzalez and Andrea Gross

On this episode of Blunt Force Truth, Chuck and Mark get an update from Amy and Andrea. Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; Tucker Carlson says the NSA is intercepting his private emails and texts The NSA can legally look at all kinds of data, and aggregate it Government has the franchise on the use of violence The left and how they control Academia Jobs in politics are all getting ate up by democrats True conservatives want freedom for their own lives The Board is refusing to meet with these Moms or the coalition There are hundreds of parents behind this group and community 110 years of white supremacy is how the teachers talked about the community there This school of 1100 kids has a staff of over 800 The head of school likened Trump winning to "another 9-11" Does spending the money for this school get your kids a better education This resume and connection group was the expectation&nbsp; The kids have been expelled from the school The expulsion letter lists that the moms being on the show is the reason for being expelled The school says they are afraid physically of the Moms but they let one Coach the Girls Lacrosse team The head of school makes over 500K per year for a school of 1100 students The school has hired 2 large law firms to represent them Be sure to go checkout our friends at Gold Co. and receive your free IRA Guide!&nbsp;;ls=001-Email-Blunt-Force-Truth-Podcast&amp;cn=855-546-1792&amp;utm_source=Blunt-Force-Truth-Podcast&amp;utm_medium=Email&amp;utm_campaign=7014T0000005fDF Give H2Max a try and let us know what you think: Help us bring you the best content possible. Due to the left’s boycotts of those who advertise with Conservatives, we have had a number of advertisers back-out to avoid possible backlash. Support the show and gain access to even more content at Don’t forget to leave us a voicemail for the chance to have it played on a future episode. You can do so by clicking the link. Also, check out the store on our website to get your own Blunt Force Truth gear.
1/1/11 hour, 20 minutes, 12 seconds
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The Democrats Are Now the Party of Gaslighting

Granholm is now going to transition our military into EV’s. How interesting this is going to work – are there charging stations in the middle of warzones? These are people who will never pay the price. This is fantasy, the new tomorrow…. you can’t fight a war on BATTERIES. The Biden administration has now declared war on your air conditioner. Freon is now the devil and going to burn a hole in the Ozone Layer. How is it that over half the country doesn’t pay taxes, but Washington is still trying to make everyone beholden to them. We take money from half the country and give it to other half. We take the money of the working and give it to the non-working. The Government knows that there is always people that are going to work. But if they can get more than 50 percent of the people to NOT work and NEED the Government for their whole lives, they have the power forever, they will never lose a political race again. Tune in now to hear about the state of our Country.;;
1/1/11 hour, 12 minutes, 49 seconds
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Norton for Congress - An Interview With Elijah Norton

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; Chuck is feeling a little under the weather today, but Mark is going to soldier on. Mark gets into the Roe v. Wade leak right away. He is of the mindset that it is up to the states to decide whether they have abortion or not. Letting the states decide what's best for their people and population. Mark talks about how the left is going to use this to hide all things like the border, inflation, the economy. This is the opportunity for the Democrats to make gains that we did not count on. For the Republicans, the timing is bad, so as conservatives we need to keep the focus on the real issues, not Roe v. Wade.&nbsp;&nbsp; We meet Elijah, who tells us a little about where he came from and what he does. More importantly he tells us why he wants to go into politics now, even though he already has a successful business. He got really political involved in 2020, when the income tax was supposed to get raised on small business owners. This money was of course supposed to go to the schools, but as he looked deeper, he found this was NOT the case. The Founding Fathers never intended for politics to be a career choice. It was intended to be a public service, a sacrifice. Elija does not want to be a career politician, he believes in term limits. He has committed for 8 years, and then wants to be out. This is a time in our Nations history where Elijah believes his skill set will contribute to the solution. Will the Left make the next election about abortion, will they play on that "Republicans want to take away your rights".&nbsp;&nbsp; Elijah Norton started a business at 21 years old with only $1,000, ten years later that same business employs over 100 people and generates more than $100MM in annual revenue. Being a business leader in the greater Phoenix area has given Elijah a unique perspective on how bad federal policy, overreaching tax policy, and regulations directly affect the economy and everyday lives of Valley citizens. Elijah plans to fight to extend the job-creating Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), conservative health insurance reform, and plans on supporting tough policy against the rising threat of China. Elijah is running for Congress because the people of the Northeast Valley deserve ethical and true Conservative leadership restored in Washington.;;;;
1/1/154 minutes, 53 seconds
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How The Bill of Rights Has Been Destroyed - An Interview with Don Smith

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; On this show, Chuck tells us a little about lessons he learned from his mother. In particular that lying was a horrible thing to do. "The Swamp" we have in Washington is actually a web...a web of lies and liars. People are so confused with all the misinformation constantly being crammed down our throats, they are exhausted and don't know what to do or believe. Mark goes into some details about cognitive decline, and what it might be like for Biden sitting in a conference room just lost, and not knowing what to do or say. Biden has never really been a smart man, so watching his possible cognitive decline, it is so much more visible when watching it happen to someone who started in the "not too bright" side of things.&nbsp;&nbsp; Our hosts introduce us to Don Smith (who hosts the Don Smith Show Podcast). The guys talk about how we have been on a slow march towards Marxism since about 1913. Some of the people who have moved us the fastest towards losing our rights have been Republicans. Mark goes into explaining how all these Federal Agencies have SWAT type members. There is a massive Federal Army, that is militarized, inside this country. This tells us one thing....that our Government is AFRAID of us....we are the enemy. They are militarizing for a potential battle with US...the citizens.&nbsp;&nbsp; Give H2Max a try and let us know what you think: Help us bring you the best content possible. Due to the left’s boycotts of those who advertise with Conservatives, we have had a number of advertisers back-out to avoid possible backlash. Support the show and gain access to even more content at Don’t forget to leave us a voicemail for the chance to have it played on a future episode. You can do so by clicking the link. Also, check out the store on our website to get your own Blunt Force Truth gear.
1/1/11 hour, 13 minutes, 55 seconds
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Two Old White Guys Vent

On this episode of Blunt Force Truth, Chuck and Mark talk current events Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; Chuck is sick and tired of the Biden Administration to run our border The cartels in Mexica have divided up our border Why do the American people entertain what is going on there Kamala and her bizarre nervous laughing Chuck admits he doesn't understand why when the left gets into office, the border opens up The Dems are losing Mayoral contest on the border cities Americans do NOT want all the increases in gas / goods / etc Mark has talked to lots of Dems who have "Biden Remorse" Russia is cashing out all its assets connected to the US dollar Marks explains everything from a 50,000 foot view How the Left uses words to set narrative Pride in ownership seems like its gone What is behind all the apparent laziness in today's society Help wanted signs are everywhere Large portions of office workers are NOT wanting to go back in office Marxism wants to destroy the family unit The Civil War &amp; States rights Be sure to go checkout our friends at Gold Co. and receive your free IRA Guide!&nbsp;;ls=001-Email-Blunt-Force-Truth-Podcast&amp;cn=855-546-1792&amp;utm_source=Blunt-Force-Truth-Podcast&amp;utm_medium=Email&amp;utm_campaign=7014T0000005fDF Give H2Max a try and let us know what you think: Help us bring you the best content possible. Due to the left’s boycotts of those who advertise with Conservatives, we have had a number of advertisers back-out to avoid possible backlash. Support the show and gain access to even more content at Don’t forget to leave us a voicemail for the chance to have it played on a future episode. You can do so by clicking the link. Also, check out the store on our website to get your own Blunt Force Truth gear.
1/1/11 hour, 9 minutes, 18 seconds
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Marxists pretending to be Social Activists - An Interview with Carey Martell

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; Mark starts us off talking about monoclonal antibodies. Chuck is tired of hearing conflicting information on what works and what doesn't work against COVID. There is a mass shortage of monoclonal antibodies, because the Federal Government bought them all up. This was done under the auspices of NOT having the States get into a bidding war. But Now the Fed has decided that they are NOT going to distribute them the anyone. But the mainstream media never reports on the whole story, they fail to mention anything about the Federal Government hoarding these. We are introduced to our Guest who is talking about how the modern men's publications have been taking over by far left leadership. Carey wanted to create something that would be good, sane advice for young men. So many places for young men to get information have been taken over by these regressive people. For crying out loud, Playboy magazine has pictures of Guys in lingerie in it now days. Carey talks about a story he posted about "how to behave in a strip club". We learn a little about Carey Martell's history. An Army guy who stumbled into YouTube, video streaming and a multichannel network. There is a group of self-proclaimed social activists, who are really just a group of regressive Marxists. Their movement is called Indivisible, they are out there using paper terrorism, to try to coerce communities that vote in a way that they disagree with. Carrey goes on to talk about how. These "social activists" are using words in a way that no one else uses them, to deceive voters.;;;
1/1/11 hour, 11 minutes, 24 seconds
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Keep Your Eye's Open, America

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; Reality keeps calling the Biden Administration, and boy, do they just keep hanging up. Think about places like China, Russia, places where you do not have free speech, Marxist, Leftist countries, this is what we are headed towards. Big Tech is pushing what the Government is mandating or complying. The News Media is right in step with these guys to just keep the narrative spreading. Your voice, and choice isn't what it used to be. Google is curating narratives. When you go to google and type in XXXXX you will get served, CNN, New York Times, MSNBC, but you never see anything from Fox. They are able to throttle out anything that they don't want people to see. CNN is about to be taken over by Disney. Malone who will be the new captain and owner of CNN, issued a statement saying that he wants to return CNN to journalism...which is admitting it currently is NOT journalism. It is confusing to the viewers because depending on when you are watching, you get more "opinion" than you do news. New more virulent version of HIV in Europe now. This whole vaccination thing will continue again. They are trying to get rid of the control group. If 20% of the country is not vaccinated, 20% of the country will not be a victim of this next virus. We are going to do a show on this coming up. Follow Mark here...The Vaccines create immune compromised, the next virus comes along, you get more Government control, more shut downs, more masks, more giving up on your freedoms.&nbsp;&nbsp;;
1/1/11 hour, 7 minutes, 16 seconds
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The Mounting Evidence - An Interview with Michael Johns

On this episode of Blunt Force Truth, Chuck and Mark are joined by Michael Johns. Michael is a national co-founder and leader of the TeaParty movement and former White House speechwriter.&nbsp; Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; · The mountain of evidence of irregularities that took place with the elections&nbsp; · Why it is embarrassing to our country to allow for unfair elections to take place&nbsp; · Who Dominion really is and how they won contracts throughout the country&nbsp; · How the Democrats and media conditioned people to believe that there would not be any fraud in this year’s election&nbsp; · Their thoughts on President Trump’s odds of settling legal battles before inauguration&nbsp;&nbsp; · Their thoughts on if President Trump should appoint a special prosecutor to investigate the election fraud&nbsp; · The real reason why Democrats have such a deep hatred for President Trump&nbsp; · The issues of life-long elected officials&nbsp; · The globalist view that is being embraced by Democrats and some Republicans&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; More about Michael Johns:&nbsp; Michael Johns is a national co-founder and leader of the Tea Party movement and a former White House speechwriter and Heritage Foundation policy analyst. He also is a healthcare executive. He has appeared on Fox News, Fox Business News, CNBC, the BBC and other networks and written for The Wall Street Journal, Christian Science Monitor and other media outlets. He is a graduate of the University of Miami, where he majored in economics and graduated with honors.&nbsp; Connect with Michael Johns:&nbsp; Website:;&nbsp; Twitter: @michaeljohns&nbsp; Facebook:;&nbsp; Give H2Max a try and let us know what you think:; Help us bring you the best content possible. Due to the left’s boycotts of those who advertise with Conservatives, we have had a number of advertisers backout to avoid possible backlash. Support the show and gain access to even more content at; Don’t forget to leave us a voicemail for the chance to have it played on a future episode. You can do so by clicking the link.; Also, check out the store on our website to get your own Blunt Force Truth gear.;&nbsp;
1/1/11 hour, 10 minutes, 51 seconds
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The Weaponization of the DOJ & FBI

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; Is there anything going on in the news today Chuck? Mark is going to do the Pledge of Allegiance to the Banana Republic. At the rate the Democrats are going, we are going to owe Adolf Hitler an apology. Mark has gone on raids as a cop - to execute a warrant on a hardened criminal. They never turned on lights and sirens, the things are stage craft, all a show - with the intent to separate True from his base. The actions of the Democrats, the DOJ, the IRS all these groups are showing us all - they are coming for all of us. They don't need 80 thousand new agents to "go after" the top 1%. The Left accomplished this new bill to strengthen their base of power. Even though they preach that it'll be great for us, and good for the masses. Back to Mar-a-Lago - The FBI and DOJ which is now just a weaponized arm of the Left sent after political enemies.&nbsp;&nbsp; This sitting President is disliked, he has failing faculties, he believes 98 percent of America wants him to win the next Presidential Election. The Left knows they are under water. What happened to the rule that the FBI and DOJ don't do anything within 90 Days of an election.&nbsp;&nbsp; Princess Bride Inconceivable -;ab_channel=Movieclips&nbsp; Jim that's highly Illogical -; Mark Health Tip - - 30 Day Free Trial only paying shipping and handling;
1/1/11 hour
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Pay Attention Everyone

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; The Left is calling Trump an anti Semite...this is insane, Israel literally named their airport after Trump. He has helped the Jewish Community more than any president in recent history. Trump came into office and exposed the media for what they are, and for that, we now live in this upside down world where nothing makes sense. We have a war on fossil fuels...but we can go to Venezuela or Saudi Arabia for oil...and pay out our butts for it. This goes back to the difference between philosophical and geographic Americans. The Left is totally Geographic Americans, they are American only in that they live in this country. They do not share values this country was founded on or anything the Founding Fathers stood for. Philosophical Americans can actually live in any Country, but their values are IN LINE with America and what this country was founded on.&nbsp;&nbsp; The biggest scam in the world is climate change - think about it, we have so many resources in this country and the Left will not us use them. They will freeze us out to prove their point. We need to keep our attention on the prize people. The Left is coming for the 2nd amendment AND the 1st amendment. No matter who runs on the Right, they will get the Trump Treatment from the media, so be sure you know what you know, and pay attention.
1/1/11 hour, 14 minutes, 58 seconds
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Standing up to the Tyrants

On this episode of Blunt Force Truth, Chuck and Mark have a great Thanksgiving show for you. Not to mention, plenty of discussion on what is happening throughout our great nation.&nbsp; Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; · The ongoing investigations into the election irregularities and fraud&nbsp; · Why Conservatives cannot give up and must continue to fight&nbsp; · Pennsylvania’s attempt to steal the election&nbsp; · Chuck’s and Mark’s Plans for Thanksgiving&nbsp; · Their thoughts on what will happen to California and other deep blue states&nbsp; · The real reason that the number of China Virus cases continue to increase&nbsp; · Joe Biden’s latest claims on how he plans to violate your Second Amendment&nbsp; · The growing mob mentality that we are left following the election&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; Give H2Max a try and let us know what you think:; Help us bring you the best content possible. Due to the left’s boycotts of those who advertise with Conservatives, we have had a number of advertisers backout to avoid possible backlash. Support the show and gain access to even more content at; Don’t forget to leave us a voicemail for the chance to have it played on a future episode. You can do so by clicking the link.; Also, check out the store on our website to get your own Blunt Force Truth gear.;&nbsp;
1/1/11 hour, 11 minutes, 32 seconds
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Taxes, Taxes, Taxes - an Interview with Steve Hays

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; Mark and Chuck get stopped by listeners frequently how cool is that Mark found out that we were a sliver away from losing our country We could have had reinforcements at The Capitol but Pelosi wanted it to happen This Capitol hearing is the 3rd impeachment trial of Trump Chuck Woolery is not an ignorant slut Unrealized Gain tax - keep your eyes on it Mark explains unrealized gains a bit 500K and 1M jobs eliminated with the Tax Bill The current tax/job bill has been in for over 50 years The work around is to set up trust accounts But trust accounts can be tricky and difficult The Left does not want to be bothered by the constituents We need to find out how much TAX we ACTUALLY pay Chuck talks "Progressive" tax - Woodrow Wilson Biden says "no serious economist thinks inflation will happen" - what a joke How does Biden explain the housing price increase The Left thinks they are smarter than they are Steve says get educated on Taxes There is a tax bill on the floor HR-25 Contact your congress person and support HR-25 More about Steve Hayes: Steven L. Hayes graduated with honors from the University of Arkansas and the University of San Francisco Law School. As a self-described “recovering” tax attorney he spent considerable time and resources investigating alternatives to the income tax. Based on his research, including interviewing tax practitioners, business owners, employees and economists, he determined the best solution was to eliminate the income tax and the IRS and replace them with a national retail sales tax collected by the states. In 1990, Mr. Hayes joined and became President of Citizens For An Alternative Tax System (CATS), a non-profit 501(c)(4) lobbying organization, which was the 1st organization dedicated to the idea of replacing the federal income tax with a national sales tax. He was also instrumental in forming the Florida FairTax® Educational Association, Inc., (FFETA) and currently serves on the FFETA board of directors. Hayes has appeared on hundreds of radio and television shows, had numerous articles published in newspapers and magazines, and regularly speaks to groups of citizens around the country about why we must eliminate the income tax and the IRS and replace them with a national retail sales tax. Mr. Hayes has testified before the House Ways And Means Committee and former Congressman Jack Kemp’s Tax Reform Committee. He is widely sought after as a subject matter expert on tax reform panels and forums. Connect with Steve Hayes: Website: Twitter: Facebook: YouTube: LinkedIn: Be sure to go checkout our friends at Gold Co. and receive your free IRA Guide!&nbsp;;ls=001-Email-Blunt-Force-Truth-Podcast&amp;cn=855-546-1792&amp;utm_source=Blunt-Force-Truth-Podcast&amp;utm_medium=Email&amp;utm_campaign=7014T0000005fDF Give H2Max a try and let us know what you think: Help us bring you the best content possible. Due to the left’s boycotts of those who advertise with Conservatives, we have had a number of advertisers back-out to avoid possible backlash. Support the show and gain access to even more content at Don’t forget to leave us a voicemail for the chance to have it played on a future episode. You can do so by clicking the link. Also, check...
1/1/159 minutes, 35 seconds
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The For-Profit Race Hustling Industry - An Interview with Melik Abdul

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; Chucks picturing Joe Biden going into a chess match with other world leaders, who would Biden beat lol? We have a president who no one has confidence any longer, and you cant cover for him any longer, he is just a disaster. Basically, we have put a person in the Presidency who is dealing with some sort of age-related dementia. Omicron – it is highly contagious, but it isn’t very virulent. Over a month ago, we explained to our listeners that this is how viruses work. Over time they become easier to spread, but less deadly, the virus doesn’t want to kill the host. But no one is talking about this, why does mainstream media NOT cover these facts? We meet Melik Abdul from Project 21. He has been in D.C. for 20+ years. What is Project 21, what is its purpose and what is it? Melik sums it up as – Project 21 exists to get the conservative message out there. It acts as a hub for the conservative movement, especially blacks in the conservative movement. Melik talks a bit about where we are now as far as racism goes, and how MLK would feel about the situation now days. Bio: A native of Jackson, Mississippi, Project 21 member Melik Abdul has been an “East of the River” resident of Washington, D.C. for close to 20 years. After several years of working on political campaigns, he began consulting with conservative groups to help them build out their communication and policy infrastructure. He also advises federal, state and local leaders, as well as political candidates, on communication and minority engagement strategies. He is a regular political commentator on networks including the Fox News Channel, One America News, the Black News Channel and HILL TV. He can also be found in print, on radio and on local television. First appointed by President George W. Bush in 2004, Melik worked in the federal government for well over a decade in various public affairs and congressional liaison roles. Melik earned a Bachelor of Arts in English from the University of the District of Columbia.;;;
1/1/11 hour, 14 minutes, 40 seconds
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Selling Oil - to Build Back Better???

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; Chuck talks strategic oil reserve. 60 days of sending oil over seas. The tax payer has already paid for this oil, we were sitting on a mountain of money because it was inexpensive compared to what we are paying today. Why are we giving it away now though...or are we selling it on the open market. Chuck's theory is that - they haven't passed many new taxes, they gotta have money coming from some place. How many billions are they making sending this oil out on the market? Could they be doing this to fund Biden's build back better monstrosity? Chuck asks Nick about The Fundamentals that a person would need to know as an 18 year old or so, in this country these days. It is depressing when you realize how little people know now, about the government or the country they live in. Nick talks a little about how he tests his students, and that most of them initially fail. We are raising a group of kids who are strangers, strangers to the country they are living in. Nick gives us a history lesson - Chuck opens the floor up to Nick to tell us some history and explanation on how this country was formed. Who runs our school system now - we can all agree it is the Left, for 100 years or so, but how did that happen? Conservatives went into medicine, law, they wanted to make money. We allowed this to happen, conservatives kind of shunned public service, the pay is less than the private sector, but your benefits will be good.&nbsp;&nbsp;;
1/1/155 minutes, 55 seconds
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How does this go forward? - An Interview with Rogan O’Handley

On this episode of Blunt Force Truth, Chuck and Mark are joined by Rogan O’Handley. Rogan is an internet sensation that could not stand by and let our nation fall to the tyrannical left or the DC swamp.&nbsp; Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; · The mountain of election fraud evidence and why the Democrats, media, and some Republicans have refused to acknowledge it&nbsp; · The omnibus spending bill and the so called “COVID-19 relief” bill&nbsp; · How we can protect our republic under a Joe Biden presidency&nbsp; · The COVID-19 vaccine and some possible reasons&nbsp;&nbsp; · The spineless Republicans and the numerous intel agencies that refuse to uphold our constitution&nbsp; · How China has completely infiltrated our government and society&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; More about Rogan O’Handley:&nbsp; Rogan O’Handley is a former Hollywood entertainment lawyer that now posts conservative commentary, news, videos, and memes on his social media accounts entitled “DC_Draino”.&nbsp;&nbsp; He earned two bachelor degrees, magna cum laude, in Political Science and Criminal Justice from Northeastern University where he also served as the President of the Student Government Association. He earned his law degree from the University of Chicago Law School.&nbsp;&nbsp; In less than 4 years, his social media following has grown to over 3 Million combined followers.&nbsp;&nbsp; He was invited by President Trump to the White House for the 2019 Social Media Summit and his 2020 RNC acceptance speech.&nbsp;&nbsp; He has also appeared on dozens of national news appearances and is a frequent speaker at colleges and conferences.&nbsp; Connect with Rogan O’Handley:&nbsp; Twitter:; Facebook:; Instagram:; Parler:; Give H2Max a try and let us know what you think:; Help us bring you the best content possible. Due to the left’s boycotts of those who advertise with Conservatives, we have had a number of advertisers backout to avoid possible backlash. Support the show and gainaccess to even more content at; Don’t forget to leave us a voicemail for the chance to have it played on a future episode. You can do so by clicking the link.; Also, check out the store on our website to get your own Blunt Force Truth gear.;&nbsp;
1/1/11 hour, 6 minutes, 10 seconds
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The Big Lie – is The Big Lie

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; What Chuck expects to hear from Biden is Jan 6th is a day that will go down in infamy. Although it seems that only the people in DC are the ones who think this way. Everyone now, around the world knows that Fauci is just a mess. Mark’s current Doctor told him, “I have 2 medical degrees, and I am supposed to take medical advice from someone with dementia”. Every answer from the MSM is “you must be vaccinated and boosted”, that’s the answer for everything. The CDC is now admitting they can’t tell us the numbers of people who died WITH COVID, vs. the people who died FROM COVID.&nbsp;&nbsp; Iran’s response to Biden’s deal…Iran is saying that the 72 people who worked for Trump in the state department will be murdered by Iran on American property. Nobody is talking about this, Chuck heard it on Fox Business. They will never investigate Pelosi, why they didn’t want there to be security in the capitol even after Trump requested it. When you look at hat is important to the American people, Jan 6th comes in at about number 7. We are all more concerned with Bidenflation, and how Biden’s plan isn’t working, it is harming.&nbsp;;;
1/1/157 minutes, 14 seconds
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Climate Change, Rosaries, Tsars, Beta Males

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; It looks like the Biden Family is a vortex of COVID. Dr. Jill is sequestered in South Carolina, and someone else has to handle him - how ever will he get his suit coat on? The Democrats and the Media - every time they pass a bill that will hurt us, they pat themselves on the back and tell us how much they are helping us, all the while our pocketbooks get emptor and emptier. These people do NOT deserve to be in office. CBS morning have run a story saying that the reason for childhood obesity is - CLIMATE CHANGE...not video games, or cell phones, it's because it's too hot for kids to go outside. It makes sense that we have a Tsar of Climate control, seeing as we are headed towards a communist future. When Biden says we will have a climate Tsar - you have to look who works for him...they are The Who's who of the crazy left, tree hugging, loonies who have now found a home on the government dole.&nbsp;&nbsp; The Atlantic says the Rosary is now a sign of extremism - it is being compared to an AR-15. Because the Catholics claim it is a weapon against evil, including Pope Francis himself, who has said we need to stand up and practice spiritual combat (praying). Mark can now prove it - in a recent study, using blood work, of left wing beta males, has shown that these guys are indeed testosterone deficient. When this group was given testosterone, over time, they became more conservative. This study shows that physically weak men are more likely to be socialists.; Luke 22:31 Verse Concepts “Simon, Simon, behold, Satan has demanded permission to sift you like wheat;;
1/1/153 minutes, 51 seconds
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The Numbers Don’t Add Up - An Interview with Joe Hoft

On this episode of Blunt Force Truth, Chuck and Mark are joined by Joe Hoft.&nbsp; Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; · The daunting legal battle that the Trump campaign faces&nbsp; · The ever-growing number of anomalies surrounding the election&nbsp; · The growing evidence of the election being stolen from President Trump&nbsp; · Their concerns with President Trump being successful with his legal battles&nbsp; · Why the numbers and overnight flips in vote tallies are not natural&nbsp; · How the counting method used by the voting machines allowed for the numbers to be manipulated&nbsp; · Their thoughts on what happened with the overnight vote dumps across the country&nbsp; &nbsp; More about Joe Hoft:&nbsp; Joe Hoft is an author and contributor at one of America’s largest political websites – The gateway pundit (TGP) is run by Joe’s identical twin brother Jim.&nbsp; President Trump has retweeted Joe’s online posts at TGP and Joe’s posts have made the headlines at the DrudgeReport.&nbsp; Joe has received numerous other links at the Drudge Report on posts he wrote for TGP. His posts have been linked to by numerous other websites including even far-left Media Matters.&nbsp; Joe has also been a guest on major US radio programs. Because of his financial background and understanding of Asia after having lived in Hong Kong for nearly a decade, Joe was invited to discuss China’s stock market collapse and its economic impact following candidate Donald Trump’s discussion on immigration on the Dana Show in July 2015.&nbsp; Joe’s career positions have involved attending and presenting at corporate and not-for-profit board meetings and audit committee meetings at locations around the world (including the US, the UK, Australia, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Singapore, Malaysia, India and Bermuda).&nbsp; Joe has also written articles and reports published and presented in academic journals and corporate and not-for-profit board meetings. He has spent the majority of his professional career in the financial industry and much of this time involved in the Asia Pacific region. He lived in Hong Kong for nearly a decade.&nbsp; His expertise in financial reporting, accounting, auditing and insurance, in the US and in Asia Pacific, enable him to see things no one else can. He has held Controller roles overseeing the financial reporting activities for more than $1 billion in revenues and is an expert in process reviews and problem identification and resolution. Joe has traveled extensively throughout Asia Pacific and the world and as a result of his experiences and observations has accumulated a unique perspective of the activities and policies in various countries that could be used to help stop the economic calamity looming in the US.&nbsp; Joe has obtained three degrees including an MBA with an emphasis in finance from Iowa State University. He also has obtained seven designations including receiving his Certified Public Accountant (CPA) designation and his Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA) designation. He is also a Fellow of the Life Managers Institute (FLMI).&nbsp; Joe has written three...
1/1/11 hour, 4 minutes, 29 seconds
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It is Time for Some Real Honesty - An Interview with Vina Nguyen

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; Today, Chuck &amp; Mark sit down and talk to New Orleans Mayoral candidate Vina Nguyen. Chuck starts out by talking the absolute arrogance and hubris of Biden and his cronies. Even the French are calling him incompetent. Is Biden just NOT listening to his advisors, or are his advisors as insane as he is? Mark thinks Biden may not be trusted enough to even turn a stove off. Our old allies are reaching out to Putin and Russia for help in the Afghan region, to fill we left over there. We have testimony from survivors about how the Taliban is shooting women and then raping them. Torturing anyone who was associated with America over there. We all know who these guys are over there, The Taliban, and they are not to be trusted. We are going to talk to a Republican running for Mayor in the city of New Orleans. There hasn't been a Republican Mayor in New Orleans for over 150 Years. We need to take back all these local and state houses, we need to fight the way Soros and his cronies operate. Vina and her parents came over from Vietnam in the 1990's. If you could see the chaos and destruction the current Mayor is leading through the city, you would be appalled.&nbsp;&nbsp; 60% of business owners have gone out of business under the Cantrell administration. It is unsafe to walk around in the city between 2-6AM. What do we need to do to make these Governors in Leftist states WAKE UP and cut off the free government money - which will cause people to go back to work.&nbsp;&nbsp; Give H2Max a try and let us know what you think: Help us bring you the best content possible. Due to the left’s boycotts of those who advertise with Conservatives, we have had a number of advertisers back-out to avoid possible backlash. Support the show and gain access to even more content at Don’t forget to leave us a voicemail for the chance to have it played on a future episode. You can do so by clicking the link. Also, check out the store on our website to get your own Blunt Force Truth gear.
1/1/11 hour, 10 minutes, 6 seconds
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The National Association for Gun Rights – an Interview with Dudley Brown

On this episode of Blunt Force Truth, Chuck and Mark talk with Dudley Brown about the 2nd Amendment. Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; The media and the Dems are defending Fauci - hold on here Sunk Cost Fallacy - all the truth in the world means nothing to you As we reported over a year ago, Fauci has a long history of getting it wrong We have been so misinformed by our "experts" its disheartening Left-Wing politics destroys everything it touches Gain of Function - when you look at the SARS-COV2 virus on a cellular level - you see un-natural programming Mark introduces our guest Dudley Brown and gives us a little history of the National Association for Gun Rights&nbsp; Harry Reed only had 1 challenge ever - in 2010 - the NRA endorsed him and huge donation ATF Ruling on pistol braces - a little explanation Dudley talks a bit on the NRA The 2nd amendment is racist Non-traditional groups of people have been the largest group of new gun owners during COVID Mark talks STATS on guns / who bought them / why they bought them Black people are the biggest group buying guns LEGALLY now - and don't want to defund the Police Does the LEFT really want a Race War? The narrative from the media on guns is so broken Pressure on the Middle and the Republican side is what we need Dudley talks about the best members of congress for 2nd amendment&nbsp; We break down what Constitutional Carry is Mark asks Dudley about Colorado and whats going on there We need to help the Republicans Stand Up regarding gun control Be sure to go checkout our friends at Gold Co. and receive your free IRA Guide!&nbsp;;ls=001-Email-Blunt-Force-Truth-Podcast&amp;cn=855-546-1792&amp;utm_source=Blunt-Force-Truth-Podcast&amp;utm_medium=Email&amp;utm_campaign=7014T0000005fDF Give H2Max a try and let us know what you think: Help us bring you the best content possible. Due to the left’s boycotts of those who advertise with Conservatives, we have had a number of advertisers back-out to avoid possible backlash. Support the show and gain access to even more content at Don’t forget to leave us a voicemail for the chance to have it played on a future episode. You can do so by clicking the link. Also, check out the store on our website to get your own Blunt Force Truth gear.
1/1/11 hour, 19 minutes, 42 seconds
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How ESG is the precursor to Socialism - w/ Scott Shepard

On Today’s Episode -&nbsp; Mark is back, seemingly gone for months (it’s really only been a couple of weeks). Chuck says Washington is the capitol of the United States – the only place where you are applauded for lies and pillared for the TRUTH. It is truly amazing, the wealth of lies that are thrown out to the American people these days. Our government understands that division is the easiest way to break this country down and gain control. Mark introduces us to our guest today, the returning Scott Shepard (his bio is below). Scott is here to talk all things ESG. Scott dives right in and pulls back to covers to reveal what ESG is all about. At its core, it is racism to get socialism. Blackrock, this multi-trillion-dollar company that owns just about everything is trying to clean up their act – ESG is being re-branded as Conscientious Capitalism.&nbsp;&nbsp;;; Scott Shepard is a fellow at the National Center as well as the director of the National Center’s Free Enterprise Project, which is the original and premier opponent of the woke takeover of American corporate life. Scott has taught at law schools including the Wake Forest School of Law in North Carolina and the Willamette University College of Law in Oregon. He is the author of the legal textbook Wills, Trusts and Estates in Context. He previously served as a policy director with the Yankee Institute in Connecticut and the manager of the Water Law Project at the Pacific Legal Foundation. He also has experience in government and private practice. Scott earned his Juris Doctorate from the University of Virginia, a master’s degree from Vanderbilt University and a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Richmond.
1/1/11 hour, 9 minutes, 52 seconds
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COVID & The Lies

&nbsp;Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; · Mark &amp; Chuck have great news from the CDC today – cleaning surfaces appears to be garbage. Contracting COVID from a surface is over 1 in 10,000.&nbsp; · Of all the people living in London 54.7% of them already have COVID19 antibodies – which means we have been locked down for nothing.&nbsp; · People were vilified if you spoke out against false info about COVID&nbsp; · The Truth is – there is no way that Mark has not been exposed to this virus 25 times in the last year &amp; a half&nbsp; · Stupidity is a super spreader when it comes to getting on an airplane&nbsp; · Mark has never been a fan of Boycotts – but it is about time we started letting CEOs know it’s time to stop just going along with the narrative&nbsp; · Chuck is done with Coke – and we all need to be heard with our dollars&nbsp; · Liberalism has sucked the fun out of Sports, Comedy, everything it comes into contact with.&nbsp; · Mark mentions Speakpipe – asking listeners go to Speakpipe and leave us a message&nbsp; · Mark story about Chuck and airport security and autographs&nbsp; · Mark believes the Left’s spending bill is to collapse the economy, Chuck weighs in on that opinion&nbsp; · Mark explains the math behind inflation&nbsp; · Janet Yellen has come out and said that she has a solution for Joe Biden – calling for a globalist minimal tax rule all 200 nations committing to a minimum corporate tax&nbsp; · MLB / Voter ID in Georgia / hypocrisy / they just moved the All-Star game to a Cracker Barrell&nbsp; · Elections need to be state by state where the states decide who they want. Not a Popular vote of the entire country. We have 50 Democracies, and the country is a Republic.&nbsp; · Trump was the purest of heart president we have had since Regan, and he was the most hated by the Left&nbsp; · Manufactured crises keep the people’s attention while the Left’s real agenda goes unchecked.&nbsp; · China has the power and the money, and they are driving the world, and where we go&nbsp;&nbsp;
1/1/11 hour, 8 minutes, 15 seconds
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The Lack of Confidence in Our Government is Beyond Believable

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; Today's Theme is lack confidence in our Government. From the FBI, to the CDC, to the FDA, these organizations are SHOWING us to NOT trust them. The Government has a long history of lying to us. Most of the time it is for their benefit, and NOT ours. FDR and the media lied to us about his polio for crying out loud. The MSM is their main accomplice, and it is proving exhausting to the American People. Chuck talks a little about Chris Wallace. How that this guy was supporting Biden, no matter what. When it comes to news at Fox, he is considered to be the lead, and he is just failing to press President Biden on anything and support the ridiculous decisions that have been taking place in that administration. Can you be, or can there be a true Moderate now days? Chuck is not sure that it is even possible. He is registered as a republican just so he can vote in the primaries. Mark agrees there are very few people in politics that are trying to tell the truth. The bravest person in Media right now is Tucker Carlson, he throws it out there and takes more risks than anybody on Fox. Neither one of us here at BFT will lie to you. That is not to say that we won't make a mistake, but we will come back on and ADMIT it, and apologize for said mistake. It is never going to happen to be deliberate, we want to serve you and serve this great Country. We do this show because it is civic responsibility for both of us. We know how frustrated you folks are, we feel the same way. Give H2Max a try and let us know what you think: Help us bring you the best content possible. Due to the left’s boycotts of those who advertise with Conservatives, we have had a number of advertisers back-out to avoid possible backlash. Support the show and gain access to even more content at Don’t forget to leave us a voicemail for the chance to have it played on a future episode. You can do so by clicking the link. Also, check out the store on our website to get your own Blunt Force Truth gear.
1/1/11 hour, 11 minutes, 51 seconds
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The Democrat Dictators: From Coronavirus to Election Fraud

On this episode of Blunt Force Truth, Chuck and Mark discuss some new legal arguments that would impact the election and some facts about the coronavirus vaccine that you will not hear from the mainstream media.&nbsp; Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; · More examples of how the left is violating our constitutional rights across the country&nbsp; · The report of Eric Swalwell employing and have relations with a Chinese spy&nbsp; · The newly approved vaccine and their thoughts on the possible vaccine requirements proposed by Democrats&nbsp;&nbsp; · Why the Coronavirus vaccine is very different from typical vaccines and some things to consider about this vaccine&nbsp; · Why there is a constitutional argument to overturn the voter fraud across the country&nbsp; · A legal argument for why all states that allowed votes after midnight on election day should be voided&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; Give H2Max a try and let us know what you think:; Help us bring you the best content possible. Due to the left’s boycotts of those who advertise with Conservatives, we have had a number of advertisers backout to avoid possible backlash. Support the show and gain access to even more content at; Don’t forget to leave us a voicemail for the chance to have it played on a future episode. You can do so by clicking the link.; Also, check out the store on our website to get your own Blunt Force Truth gear.;&nbsp;
1/1/157 minutes, 59 seconds
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Texas Freedom Caucus - w/ Briscoe Cain

Today's Show Notes So we have a choice in this country now Chuck says. We've seen the past 2 years with the Biden adminstration - we have a choice between their Chaos or civilization. Our county is in chaos. Within the red states, the large cities are always blue - Texas is red, but Austin is blue. Our civilization is under attack. Obama's "I will transform America" is in full effect. We've got insane inflation, WWIII on the horizon, and there is no end in sight. We're going to still try and educate our listeners even if you all fully understand what's going on. The MSM is all about creating chaos and keeping your eyes off the truth. These people want chaos, even when things are working. Biden talking about these 12 million jobs he created. Even when the only jobs government creates are jobs in Government. The guys talk a little about how people are not getting jobs. No one wants to work. Biden is saying we have the lowest unemployment ever, but in truth we have the lowest participation in working ever which looks like low unemployment. Mark talks about some construction he is doing in The Free State of Florida. 3 new buildings are opened up and the company has been inundated with people applying with Section 8 housing. To qualify for section 8 housing you can not have a job. This is the same thing that creates a cycle of poverty and a way to be dependent on the government. The Biden admin has opened a new lottery program for people to get on section 87. We are now basically mailing out the rent payment every month. It is still the case - some people are making more money to stay home.&nbsp;&nbsp;;
1/1/11 hour, 3 minutes, 27 seconds
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Without the 4th of July, You Don't Have Juneteenth - an Interview with Donna Jackson

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; The Liberals and the democracy was dealt a huge blow by the Supreme Court - they defanged the EPA. The Left's little pet project who told us how to live, what to breathe, etc. etc. Monumental blow to the green new deal, an enormous step forward - what it really said was, that congress can not have government bureaucrats do their job for them.&nbsp;&nbsp; Mark introduces us to Donna Jackson, a returning member of Project 21 (see bio below) - she is back to talk about how Juneteenth Must Not Replace Independence Day. Donna gives us a history lesson on Juneteenth, the where's, the how's, and all the hub bub with Juneteenth. Chuck tells us a story about a show he was doing with some nut cases, during Christmas, and Chuck was told to celebrate Kwanzaa. Donna gives us a more info on her past and how she believes division is the only reason for all these forced religious segregations. Kamala Harris never ever ran as a black American when she was in California - she race hustled everyone when she decided to run for president. Donna wants to know the root cause of VP Harris's incompetence. Mark has heard that she is blatantly lazy and will not read the memos or the briefings. Thats what happens when you are in the state of California when you have no competitors, she didn't have to try very hard. Donna Jackson, a Project 21 member who serves as the program’s director of membership development, is a seasoned accountant with public and private sector experience as well as previous forays into politics and ministry. &nbsp;Donna earned a Bachelor of Accountancy (cum laude) from the California State University San Marcos. She has worked in accounting, auditing and management roles with major companies such as Ernst &amp; Young and Marriott International in the private sector before serving in the public sector as a deputy controller for the Export-Import Bank of the United States. She is a member of the National Association of Black Accountants. Prior to her career in accounting, Donna was a political operative in the state of Arkansas. She worked on the successful campaigns of Governor Mike Huckabee, Senator Tim Hutchinson and Representative (now Governor) Asa Hutchinson. She was active in campaign recruiting and communications. She played a vital role during the Huckabee governorship in recruiting black candidates for executive-appointed boards and commissions in addition to helping create job-training programs at a local community college and the Arkansas Office of Workforce Development. She is a former board member of the Little Rock Minority Disability Advisory Network and a former member of the Crittenden County (Arkansas) Workforce Development Planning Committee. She was also a contributor to the Ernst &amp; Young Diversity Think Tank. Donna originally sought a role in the church. She is a former divinity graduate of Charles H. Mason Theological Seminary in Memphis, Tennessee. It was there that she was taught the gift of administration as a vital part of the Christian ministry. Donna is a firm believer in free markets and entrepreneurship, rather than government, as a means of lifting people out of poverty.;;time_continue=2&amp;v=DeAXbAq8Ki4&amp;feature=emb_logo&amp;ab_channel=NationalCenterforPublicPolicyResearch&nbsp;
1/1/11 hour, 8 minutes, 59 seconds
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They Have Lied to us From the Beginning

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; Chuck is flying naked at his house, not in studio today The Broadband is down @ the BFT Texas Studios Was it the Russians or China who hacked Chuck's Internet? Chuck believes this is the worst government in power FOREVER CDC is saying the little blue masks don't work The N95 masks might work, but who can wear those Since Obama can have 700 people over for his birthday Chuck says don't do what they say, do what they do Mark agrees this is the MOST TYRANNICAL Government we have ever seen The end of the Rent moratorium ended yesterday The DELTA variant of COVID is far less virulent, but if you watch the news You would think we are under siege This pandemic is so politicized that you cant trust anybody Mark's doctor has advised Mark to NOT take the vaccine because he is not an at risk patient Operating in Chaos - the Dems speciality Biden is trying to figure out how to make the VAX mandatory Defund the police - what a crock The infrastructure bill and the Human Infrastructure Bill Mark explains reconciliation (how The Left gets around the filibuster) The Left wants to change the demographics of this country so they never lose another election African Americans make up 9% of those being vaccinated All these Elite Marxists at the top of the Left want you to live like a Marxist, but they don't You can NOT trust polling data, the Left is controlling it Why don't we have more testing for COVID antibodies? If there is no test for the Delta Variant, how do they KNOW people have said variant Why is the government so hell bent on 100% vaccinated rate? Give H2Max a try and let us know what you think: Help us bring you the best content possible. Due to the left’s boycotts of those who advertise with Conservatives, we have had a number of advertisers back-out to avoid possible backlash. Support the show and gain access to even more content at Don’t forget to leave us a voicemail for the chance to have it played on a future episode. You can do so by clicking the link. Also, check out the store on our website to get your own Blunt Force Truth gear.
1/1/11 hour, 33 seconds
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Don’t You Dare Speak Facts to Me

On Today’s Episode -&nbsp; Chuck kicks us over to Doctor Mark for a change. Mark has been watching the Debt Ceiling deal. Biden said “I WILL NOT COMPPROMISE”. And then he compromises and says he didn’t…it is so weird. What we got with Biden is actually Bernie Sanders, Obama, Liz Warren – that’s who’s running the country.&nbsp;&nbsp; Chuck was in a masochist mood this morning, watching Morning Joe – and this show, if the truth ever found these people, they would have a heart attack. We are at the point now to admit, you must be very naïve to NOT see through the Left’s lying. Now the lies have ceased being distortions of the truth, now they are just flat out LIES – no statistics to back any of them up.&nbsp;&nbsp; Mark and Chuck get into talking news, and AI – tune in for the rest of the show.
1/1/11 hour, 14 minutes, 53 seconds
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Crisis at the Border - With Guest Victor Avila

&nbsp;On this episode of Blunt Force Truth, Mark sits down with Victor Avila to discuss The Border Crisis&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; · Mark jokes about Chuck being on vacation&nbsp; · Different opinions are stimulating&nbsp; · Hypocrisy drives Mark nuts – and we see it on the left in spades&nbsp; · Governor Whitmer goes to Florida even though she told Michiganders not to&nbsp; · We need leaders that walk the walk. That have integrity&nbsp; · We get reminded who Victor Avila is – some of his history&nbsp; · Victor went down to Texas to see / talk to the border agents at the river&nbsp; · He got to tour the river and the levee – he could NOT believe what he was seeing&nbsp; · Illegals cross the border, meet Border Patrol, are put on a bus, and then are dropped off in downtown McAllen Texas.&nbsp;&nbsp; · Border Patrol does NOT want to operate the way they are being forced to&nbsp; · Illegals crossing the border positive for COVID – being sent to states in the north east&nbsp; · Mark brings it back around to the fact that Victor is SHOCKED – and that should scare us all&nbsp; · The Cartels are heavily armed and organized. They are informed and making millions during this crisis&nbsp; · China is VERY involved in Mexico – providing weapons, tech for drug labs&nbsp; · NO laws being enforced at the border – Biden administration complicit with this&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Order Victor’s book -; Or on Amazon;dchild=1&amp;keywords=agent+under+fire+victor+avila&amp;qid=1602102204&amp;sprefix=Agent+Under+Fire+victor+avila%2Caps%2C151&amp;sr=8-1&nbsp; Twitter: @VicSurvivor11&nbsp; Facebook: @VictorAvila&nbsp; Parler: @VictorAvila&nbsp;&nbsp; Be sure to go checkout our friends at Gold Co. and receive your free IRA Guide!&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href=""...
1/1/11 hour, 19 minutes, 27 seconds
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Mid-Term Election 2022

On Today's Show Chuck starts out with “What Happened” – this Red Wave that was supposed to be, didn’t happen – are you all as confused as we are? Does a lot of this fall on a Trump, or is it a rejection of Trump? We don’t get it, do they hate him and love his policies? There is so much about this that makes no sense to anyone.&nbsp;&nbsp; Biden will call this a Mandate for his policies – it’s a mandate because he lost fewer seats than other Democrats. Showing he is doing what America wants – he will not tac to the middle like Bill Clinton did. McConnell seems to have been correct though in that he knows how to win races and we needed candidate that were less extreme and more palatable. When Trump started making fun of DeSantis – this could be a huge mistake. Trump could potentially cost us the 2024 election if he tries to divide us, as it seems DeSantis is the new lead of the Republican Party.
1/1/11 hour, 8 minutes, 12 seconds
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Murder for Money$ – An Interview with Stew Peters

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; Mark talks about our GREAT guest today Stew Peters, the host of the Stew Peter’s Show. Stew has been working on saving someone from COVID death but check this poll out. 55 percent of Democrats are in favor of the Government fining Americans who do not get a COVID vaccine. 29 percent approve removing children from unvaccinated parents. 62 percent of Democratic voters has at least 1 documented, doctor diagnosed mental disorder. The Left wants us to be Australia 2.0. They are the party of Death. 100% of them would love to come round you up. They want to let out career criminals, child rapists, so much crime is committed by these people, let’s just call them what they are, Communists. They are the violent insurrectionists, that is what we are up against. They use words like transform and change instead of usurping. Marburg, a virus with an 88 percent mortality rate, it is untreatable, it spreads like wildfire, this is the grumblings that it is coming now. We knew about this 6 months ago. What they won’t tell you about this is that it is NOT a virus, it is a bacterium, that is treatable by your everyday antibiotics. The COVID narrative is is waning on people, the Left needs something, and this Marburg could be next.&nbsp;&nbsp;; Social Media Links for Stew –;;;;
1/1/11 hour, 5 minutes, 6 seconds
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Actions Speak Louder Than Words

On this episode of Blunt Force Truth, Chuck is joined by guest co-host Nicholas Giordano.&nbsp; Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; · What we have seen from joe Biden’s presidency so far&nbsp; · How the H1N1 work visa program and Biden’s immigration policy will destroy the American job market&nbsp; · How your tax dollars are going towards campaigns for radical Democrats&nbsp; · The importance of assimilation for immigrants into American culture&nbsp; · Some of the main reason for why socialism will never be successful&nbsp; · How the spinless Republicans are allowing for Democrats further their radical agenda and get rich off the American taxpayer’sbacks&nbsp;&nbsp; · Why the status quo will never return to how it was pre-President Trump&nbsp; · Their thoughts on what will happen over the next 4 years&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; More about Nicholas Giordano:&nbsp; Nicholas Giordano is a Professor of Political Science at Suffolk County Community College and a former Catastrophic Planning Lead for the New York State Office of Emergency Management (NYS OEM). Recognized and well-respected for his analysis, Professor Giordano regularly appears on radio and television, including Fox News, to provide analysis on current issues and trends within government, politics, international relations, homeland security/emergency management, and social/cultural related issues. In addition, he serves as a guest speaker to provide his expertise on critical issues facing the United States and the international community.&nbsp; It is Professor Giordano’s passion that led him to start The PAS Report because of his unique ability to break down complex political issues and simplify those issues to appeal to everyday Americans.&nbsp;&nbsp; Connect with Nicholas Giordano:&nbsp; Website:; Twitter: @PASReport&nbsp; Facebook: The PAS Report&nbsp; Give H2Max a try and let us know what you think:; Help us bring you the best content possible. Due to the left’s boycotts of those who advertise with Conservatives, we have had a number of advertisers backout to avoid possible backlash. Support the show and gain access to even more content at; Don’t forget to leave us a voicemail for the chance to have it played on a future episode. You can do so by clicking the link.; Also, check out the store on our website to get your own Blunt Force Truth gear.;
1/1/11 hour, 9 minutes, 56 seconds
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The Unscientific Democrats

On this episode of Blunt Force Truth, Chuck and Mark focus on the Coronavirus and Democrat’s failures to distribute the vaccine.&nbsp; Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; · Chuck and Mark explain how they have been correct for 6 months when it comes to the Coronavirus&nbsp; · Why we do not know the long-term consequence that the Coronavirus vaccine may have&nbsp; · Why the officials that lied to us about the Coronavirus will never be held accountable&nbsp; · How government made the Coronavirus pandemic worse than it should have been&nbsp; · How the media and states have changed their thoughts on the lockdowns once Joe Biden took office&nbsp; · What the virus does when it enters your body&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; Give H2Max a try and let us know what you think:; Help us bring you the best content possible. Due to the left’s boycotts of those who advertise with Conservatives, we have had a number of advertisers backout to avoid possible backlash. Support the show and gainaccess to even more content at; Don’t forget to leave us a voicemail for the chance to have it played on a future episode. You can do so by clicking the link.; Also, check out the store on our website to get your own Blunt Force Truth gear.;&nbsp;
1/1/151 minutes, 55 seconds
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FBI Leadership Can Not Right This Ship - an Interview with Jeff Danik

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; Today we have brought our friend Jeff Danik back on. He is a 28 year veteran of the FBI (see bio below). Jeff was in a supervisory role in Palm Beach Florida - where he is sitting today is about a mile away from Mar-a-Lago itself. Jeff is an FBI badass - Chuck Woolery on the other hand is feared by fish everywhere. Why didn't Mar-a-Lago get raided by the Palm Beach FBI - instead of bringing all DC FBI? Federal Search warrants for the most part - have to be issued by a federal judge in the district where the property to be searched is located. August 5th was when this case first popped. Was the DOJ working with the magistrate - did they give some other pre-trial solution? There didn't seem to be any pre trial approach to the judge for contact on this case besides just giving them the affidavit. Dozens of news media personnel companies trying to get things unsealed. The men and women in law enforcement deal with lots of people who are reprobates, uninformed, ticked off people. It's easy to flex your muscles and be the authoritarian tough guy. It is far harder to be empathetic and gain their trust - to get to the guts of the real issue. That said, what is making people so angry about this Mar-a-Lag raid? It has a lot to do with the arrogance of the legal professions. We keep being told we can NOT question our Government. You can not shine a light on anything they are doing now days, and people are getting angry about it. What can we do now? Chuck says it is up to us to set it straight. What specific action needs to be taken though. Thats what we need to focus on. We need to start holding people responsible for their actions. Why did Merrick Garland not trust the office down in Palm Beach County.&nbsp;&nbsp;; An FBI leader, whose diverse twenty-eight-year career, with significant experience across all FBI Program lines, distinguishes him from his peers. White Collar Crime: Having been a CPA with Big Four experience, after joining the FBI I became a recognized expert in investigating complex financial crimes across all FBI programs especially banking and stock/securities fraud, money laundering, government fraud, public corruption, and health care. Violent Crime: As a violent crime investigator, he indicted suspects in bank robberies, multinational/gang drug cases, attempted murder cases, major theft, kidnapping and extortion cases and successfully led the hunt for fugitives. Terrorism: As a terrorism agent, investigated numerous terror organizations worldwide and as an FBI terrorism supervisor, was part of a small team that designed the gold standard online terrorism threat tracking tool used by all U.S. Intelligence Community partners. Overseas deployments: Served overseas in lengthy key assignments in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Ethiopia (Horn of Africa) where he was the primary contact between those countries and the FBI. Danik also was the primary recruiter for the FBI’s prestigious National Academy to obtain students from these countries. Instructing: I have extensive teaching credentials having been certified as a General Police Instructor, and International Police Instructor. I have conducted training on behalf of the FBI in Moscow and Chelyabinsk Russia, Botswana Africa, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Skopje, Macedonia, Rome, Italy and several cities throughout the United States. Undercover: As a member of the FBI’s Undercover Program, I conceived, staffed and lead numerous sensitive FBI undercover operations. Examples are Operation Lack of Memory resulting in convictions of elected officials; Operation Farmhouse Cantina resulting in the conviction of dozens of gang members for drug, weapon and human trafficking violations;...
1/1/11 hour, 16 minutes, 45 seconds
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Saving Our Republic

On this episode of Blunt Force Truth, Chuck and Mark discuss the latest from the Hunter Biden laptop scandal and what Joe Biden’s platform would mean for America.&nbsp; Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; · Why Democrats and the swamp are panicked about the upcoming election&nbsp; · How the FBI and media have been covering for the Biden crime family&nbsp; · Why no one from the Bush administration supports President Trump&nbsp; · Why Joe Biden’s plan to move projects into the suburbs will not fix the issue&nbsp; · How Joe Biden’s tax plan would destroy small businesses and wage growth we have seen under President Trump&nbsp; · What Joe Biden’s talking points would mean for our country&nbsp; · The latest on what has surfaced from Hunter Biden’s laptop&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; Give H2Max a try and let us know what you think:; Help us bring you the best content possible. Due to the left’s boycotts of those who advertise with Conservatives, we have had a numberof advertisers backout to avoid possible backlash. Support the show and gain access to even more content at; Don’t forget to leave us a voicemail for the chance to have it played on a future episode. You can do so by clicking the link.; Also, check out the store on our website to get your own Blunt Force Truth gear.;&nbsp;
1/1/11 hour, 20 minutes, 55 seconds
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They Just Don't Care - an interview with Dr. Bonner Cohen

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; The left says that America is back so much, that Americans are buying too much. But if you look at the sales figures, we have the same amount of consuming going on at this time last year. But the hallmarks of socialism is - a lack of goods and services, hyperinflation, and the loss of personal freedoms...sound anything like what we have going on here? All CNN can talk about is Trump, and how ineffective he was as a President, and STILL talking about the Insurrection. They aren't covering anything on what the Biden Administration I doing. Chuck talks a bit about how the Biden / Obama administration launched a non-military coup on President Trump. A man who came along, and was concerned about the American people. So what is it that the Left is all about, that they give each other awards every day...what do they actually are about. These people actually despise the American People.&nbsp;&nbsp; Kamala Harris is at a 20 percent approval rating / all time recorded record for being disliked. Her and Biden's approval ratings, in under a year are under 30 Percent. Why is this not being talked about? All we hear is "they aren't Trump". 9 out of 10 Scientists...funded by the government...agree with the government on climate change. Imagine that...people who benefit from agreeing with the government...agree with the government. We meet the show guest Bonner Cohen, who says we accomplished nothing during this Glasgow Climate Change Conference (COP26). The global elites have determined we are experience a "Climate Crisis" that is caused by us. Because it is said that man made emissions, are heat trapping, we are causing the Earth to warm, and that it will be dangerous for life, that we have a human induced climate crisis. The people setting this all up who stand to benefit from all these climate change policies strongly...are all for it.&nbsp;&nbsp; BIO –&nbsp; Bonner R. Cohen is a senior fellow at the National Center for Public Policy Research, where he concentrates on energy, natural resources, and international relations. &nbsp;He also serves as a senior policy adviser with the Heartland Institute, senior policy analyst with the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow, and as adjunct scholar at the Competitive Enterprise Institute. &nbsp;Articles by Dr. Cohen have appeared in the Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Investor’s Business Daily, New York Post, Washington Times, National Review, Philadelphia Inquirer, Detroit News, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Miami Herald, and dozens of other newspapers in the U.S. and Canada. He has been interviewed on Fox News, CNN, Fox Business Channel, BBC, BBC Worldwide Television, NBC, NPR, N 24 (German language news channel), Voice of Russia, and scores of radio stations in the U.S. &nbsp;Dr. Cohen has testified before the U.S. Senate committees on Energy &amp; Natural Resources and Environment &amp; Public Works as well as the U.S. House committees on Natural Resources and Judiciary. He has spoken at conferences in the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, and Bangladesh. &nbsp;Dr. Cohen is the author of two books, The Green Wave: Environmentalism and its Consequences (Washington: Capital Research Center, 2006) and Marshall, Mao und Chiang: Die amerikanischen Vermittlungsbemuehungen im chinesischen Buergerkrieg (Marshall, Mao and Chiang: The American Mediations Effort in the Chinese Civil War) (Munich: Tuduv Verlag, 1984). &nbsp;Dr. Cohen received his B.A. from the University of Georgia and his Ph.D. – summa cum laude – from the University of Munich.
1/1/11 hour, 9 minutes, 30 seconds
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Biden Thinks he is the Smartest Person Alive

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; We have some problems in our military. Our Generals have all testified before the Senate that they indeed advised Biden that we should have kept troops in Afghanistan. That the Afghan army would collapse without the presence of US Troops. They also testified that the President received this information and he understood this. Chuck wants to know why they all didn't just resign over the tragedy? Mark wants to know what Peppermint Patty will do next. Biden must be the smartest person alive. Dr. / President Biden doesn't listen to ANY of his advisors. The FDA / Generals / anyone making any sort of sense. Joe Biden literally thinks he is smarter than every other person alive today. There are forces at work in this administration that just want to denigrate our people. They want to take away all your rights , they have set things in motion to fundamentally change our Country. Mark talks a bit about electrical cars. In California they have rolling black outs, but the Governor there tells everyone to use an electric car. But how the heck are people supposed to charge their darn cars? Where does this electricity come from. Is it magic, is it fairy dust, or is it fossil fuels at power plants that make the electricity? It is absurd that the rhetoric never changes even when the situation does.&nbsp; Give H2Max a try and let us know what you think: Help us bring you the best content possible. Due to the left’s boycotts of those who advertise with Conservatives, we have had a number of advertisers back-out to avoid possible backlash. Support the show and gain access to even more content at Don’t forget to leave us a voicemail for the chance to have it played on a future episode. You can do so by clicking the link. Also, check out the store on our website to get your own Blunt Force Truth gear.
1/1/11 hour, 13 minutes, 3 seconds
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The American People are Paying for The Left's Agenda

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; Chuck starts us out talking about England's "climate disaster". Biden is just a one demented breath away from declaring a crisis emergency / or will try to do it. This is part of what they tested during COVID - even the Left was surprised how quickly the nation buckled under the COVID Shut Down. Chuck suggests humbly - just don't do it, just don't go places where they are enforcing these ridiculous mask mandates. Biden was hoisted on us by the Democratic Party - and the American people are paying the price for it. People who know nothing about energy, transportation - his cabinet is filled with unqualified failures. They live in a fantasy world, thinking that we as a modern society can exist on ONLY renewable energy. Over 70 percent of all electricity created, is made from FOSSIL FUELS.&nbsp;&nbsp; Just look at how the media has turned on the Left...they are turning on each other. We know that there are multiple people in congress taking these dementia medication. Mark believes that they are dosing him up with Armodafinil and Namenda - both cognitive meds to help him just be normal - and he still shakes hands with people who are not there.; Use Discount Code - BFT
1/1/11 hour, 5 minutes, 31 seconds
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An Homage to Satan - The Grammys Ep. 782

Folks - Sorry about the delay in posting this episode. Producer Matt here, we had an internal tech issue, that is now resolved. We will be back to releaseing on our regular schedule moving forward. Thanks for everyone who reched out asking about Mark and Chuck.&nbsp;&nbsp; Today's Show Notes Chuck starts us out talking about the Grammy's. He wanted to watch it to see what us happening. It was an absolute out and out freaks show from beginning to end. Guys who are accepting awards in wind breakers and sneakers. There were men in silver clown suits. 50 years of hip hop was the anniversary last night...who wasn't in that line up - Chuck has never been so bored in his life - everything sounded the same. It would also appear that Satan has a place in the middle of the Grammy now, with a Sam Smith Ode to Satan. Chuck has a new word - Savant Idiots...really smart people who miss EVERYTHING. Lets take someone like Pete Buttigieg - he would appear to be a bright person, he is not a moron. But they are blind to the obvious. When the Bible talks about lifting the veil, perhaps these people have a veil over their minds...they live under the veil. We do not think that The Democratic Party, Foreign powers, the White House think that they all have quietly coordinated, and no one has spilled the beans is a ridiculous thought. However there is a power on earth who could put together a conspiracy...and these people are all willing participants. It has become less and less subtle, just more and more obvious. Mark's entire life, Mark has been aware that his government has lied to him since he was born. Chuck thinks this is a relatively new thing. People didn't or don't want to believe that the FBI, CIA, White House is corrupt. Mark thinks Kennedy (JFK) knew it, and he did not trust the Intel Community...look how that turned out for him. So we all have accepted that politicians lie, what is different now is that we are ok with Institutions is the new norm.
1/1/11 hour, 5 minutes, 18 seconds
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Evil Does Exist in the World - with Nikki Goeser

Chuck starts us off with how the news channels have been organized on the screen now on his Direct TV. The Deep State is the Deep State, Chuck says its a system of Government. So many pillars, consisted of 93% of people who vote Democrat, we have a real problem. Why was Trump so hated by the system / the Deep State? Its because he was contrary to them, the government is all about itself, not the people. Trump wasn't really about Government or even Republicans, he WAS about the people. You name it, all these agencies are part of the system, and the corruption goes all the way to the head. We welcome in and meet our guest Nikki Goeser. She proceeds to tell us her story....listen in;;;;;
1/1/11 hour, 2 minutes, 17 seconds
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The Time of Abundance is Over (according to the Left)

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; An interesting thing is going on...Trump has picked a lot of people running in the Senate / House. Mitch McConnell has not, he is not picking people the RNC will support. This feels like the RNC is NOT going to support any of the Trump picks. This means Trump may have to support these people, only he can support them because he is a major fundraiser.&nbsp;&nbsp; Chuck has been watching CNBD and MSNBC faithfully these past couple weeks, and according to those sources they are painting Trump as Hitler. They HAVE to indict Trump now, and our team believes they will. When they accused Trump of being a Russian asset, the FBI guy who did this, left the FBI - Tim Thibault - you know the guy who covered up the Hunter Biden laptop. Student Debt - some trucker driving a truck at Walmart is having to pick up the cost of someone who went to an Ivy League school learning about some environmental whack job thing that is unemployable. This is the oldest trick in the book, the Left comes to your door, and says you got big pot holes out here, we will fix them if you vote for us. How is Biden getting the authority to do this student debt bill?
1/1/11 hour, 2 minutes, 38 seconds
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Bonus Episode - What You Need to Know: The New Scientific and Intellectual Dark Age - The P.A.S. Report w/ Nicholas Giordano

A new dark age has emerged. One where questions are not allowed and groupthink is required. To nurture this Brave New World, the ruling elite mock and demonize anyone who stands up to them in an attempt to marginalize their opponents. Our institutions have been politically weaponized, and it goes far beyond the bureaucracy infecting all aspects of life. This infection has rapidly spread into the field of science, education, business, and the corporate world, as well as all aspects of the media. Escaping this new dark age won’t be easy, but we may be witnessing the remedy as more and more people are standing up and speaking out.
1/1/138 minutes, 20 seconds
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Racism is the new Euphemism for Capitalism (according to the Left)

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; Chuck was watching NBC, and it appears that every problem is racism / and or white superiority, and apparently lots of people are buying it. Mark says racism has become a euphemism for capitalism - these are socialists that are going after capitalism by calling it racism. Chuck says China is successful because it is a communist country that implements capitalist things that grew China. But trying to explain this to people is like talking to a wall. Still, according to the Left, the Government has NOTHING to do with our current state of inflation. It's all the fault of Russia invading Ukraine. Biden's approval rating is under 33 percent, but we are to believe that his administration can do something to fix these problems. 33 percent sets a record for how poorly a President is liked, from the guy who says he has to run in 2024 because he is the only guy who can beat Trump. High gas prices are the motivator for our transfer off of fossil fuels. Biden says we are going through a transition, that god willing , when it is over we will be less reliant on fossil fuels. This is BS, this whole thing is by design, this administration is purposely getting gas from everywhere BUT here...Biden is completely beholden to the far left wing of the Democratic Party. Bernie Sanders might have lost the election, but man his agenda sure is being exercised.&nbsp;&nbsp;
1/1/11 hour, 3 minutes, 20 seconds
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Government Power and Authority Expansion - with Guest Host Nick Giordano

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; Chuck lets us know that our Co-Host today is Nick Giordano who is filling for us again. Chuck watches a-lot of the news, CNN, Fox, all of them - the thing that is amazing to Chuck, is that if you look back in history, every major city, LA, NYC, when the republicans run these cities, they thrive, they are safe, and all people do is complain about it. Democrats constantly live in crisis, which is where they can promote socialism. Trump comes in, and he isn't interested in Government in the state, he was interested in the American People. It is sad to Chuck that we keep re-electing these failed Democrat politicians. Over the course of the last 6-70 years, Nick believes that Government power has expanded exponentially. Chuck agrees, and as the Progressives have moved in, as this power and authority expanded - have they solved problems or are there more problems today than ever before? How clear is it that Biden has come in and reversed all of Trmup's policies, and we are in a worse situation now than before Trump was in office. Trump is a deal maker, Democrats could have gotten alot out of him, but they hated him so much they never even got to that point. The Left is trying to drive this gender theory message to children who do not even know what they are talking about. Nick thinks 70 percent of The Left would agree with him in that this type of thing should NOT be being taught to children this young. These crazy people want children to take hormone blockers and puberty blockers. Society has been turn on its head over the last 10 years. The abnormal is now normalized, and the Media and Hollywood pushes this stuff everywhere.;
1/1/11 hour, 5 minutes, 13 seconds
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The Truth is Still Under Assault - An Interview with Scott Shepherd

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; Chuck starts out talking about division in our country - caused primarily by the media. Truth is under assault by this media, and they just will not stop. If you can convince men of absurdity, you can lead them to commit atrocities. We have a complicit, legacy media who just keep this train running. Take this Rittenhouse trial, the main stream media is only showing the prosecutions side, who the defense speaks, they aren't covering it at all. People on the jury of the Rittenhouse trial are being threatened. The Judge on the trial is getting death threats. This is FROM the people who are supposed to believe in lives mattering right? We were just mislead with the supposed "facts" in this case, the AR-15, the victims, where Rittenhouse was...all of it is being proven to be false.&nbsp;&nbsp; Mark believes now, that whatever you hear coming out of this White House...believe the opposite. You can't trust the media, you can not trust this White House. Jen Saki is just looking into the camera and lies...she does it with virtue...she forcefully lies. She lies with the commitment of being indignant that you would ask her such a question. Build back bankrupt is paid for?&nbsp;&nbsp; We get into Pfizer, and our guest - Scott Shepherd, who is with the Free Enterprise Project at the National Center. Scott is going to tell us what is going on with Pfizer. Is this a bad time to be a young, white, educated executive, looking to climb up in corporate America? Are you disadvantaged? Build Back Socialist is what this new bill should be called?&nbsp;&nbsp; Bio: Scott Shepard is a fellow at the National Center as well as the director of the National Center’s Free Enterprise Project, the conservative movement’s only full-service shareholder activism and education program. &nbsp;Scott has taught at law schools including the Wake Forest School of Law in North Carolina and the Willamette University College of Law in Oregon. He is the author of the legal textbook Wills, Trusts and Estates in Context. &nbsp;He previously served as a policy director with the Yankee Institute in Connecticut and the manager of the Water Law Project at the Pacific Legal Institute. He also has experience in government and private practice. &nbsp;Scott earned his Juris Doctorate from the University of Virginia, a master’s degree from Vanderbilt University and a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Richmond.
1/1/11 hour, 2 minutes, 27 seconds
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The Vaccine / What's Coming Next - An Interview with Michael Guy

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; Mark is going to Texas to spend Thanksgiving with his buddy Chuck. Chuck and Mark wish all our listeners a Happy Thanksgiving. The WHO have received 20,000 reports of new eye disorders that have occurred POST COVID-19 vaccinations. Mark goes into some detail on the various disorders and explains some of the facts. Heres the bottom line all of these eye conditions are related to increased pressure and spinal fluid.&nbsp;&nbsp; If you were vaccinated prior to may, the government says you are now unvaccinated, because you need to get jabbed every 6 months. Our Government is NOT recognizing natural immunity. Mark explains - the government wants to eliminate a control group. When the people without the vaccination do NOT develop these future health problems, there is no control group. Michael Guy explains his experience with Operation Warp Speed - he was in meetings with multiple Generals, and they were all asking Michael "how we get people to wear masks". The Path to 71%, they wanted to know what Michael thought about helping get people to comply. But thy lied - it was taking a direction he was not privy to say. Anthony Fauci was on TV reading copy that Michael Guy is it that they are real. We need to stop calling this COVID-19 Vaccine a vaccine. The old definition used to be a substance that protected and PREVENTED you from getting a disease. Now you can call it a vaccine even if it only a therapeutic, having nothing do do with prevention. When you got the Polio didn't get Polio.
1/1/11 hour, 29 minutes, 23 seconds
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The Aggressive Pursuit of Comfort

Today's Show Notes Well everyone, Chuck is out today, so Producer Matt jumps in and talks with Mark about the state of things. Mark and Matt cover weekly topics including the Silicon Valley Bank info, where Mark explains what exactly happened. Tune in for this episode.
1/1/11 hour, 9 minutes, 59 seconds
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The Details of the Infrastructure Bill

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; Chuck says we are all so unsophisticated - we need to be more like Obama The peasants don't get to partake in parties like Obama's Lalapalooza isn't a Super Spreader but Sturgis is? The Ruling class governs with no regard to the masses Obama-Land being built in Chicago - they want donations and is costing 700 million to be built Mark mentions that his "Butt's Been Wiped" - Pres. Biden yelling that his butt's been wiped Nevil Chamberlain - Peace in our Time - How'd that work out 2700 Page Infrastructure Bill - who is voting for this? Mark details some of the budget on the infrastructure bill Cutting 50 Billion from Senior Healthcare for Green New Greenness The Guys DO WANT Infrastructure spending, but real Infrastructure We're the cleanest, dirty shirt in the hamper The Ruling Party has sooooo many parties to go to they can't keep track We live in a time where reason is out the window Leaving the Afghanistan was ALWAYS going to be the same Don't mess with Texas Is COVID 19 being used as a ruse to create a crisis Mark talks CDC "COVID CAMPS" detailed by government documentations Fauci says the only way to get back to normal is to eliminate COVID (not possible) 5th Amendment is being defied with this Housing extension (not paying rent) DC Interim Operational Considerations for Implementing the Shielding Approach to Prevent COVID-19 Infections in Humanitarian Settings Link Give H2Max a try and let us know what you think: Help us bring you the best content possible. Due to the left’s boycotts of those who advertise with Conservatives, we have had a number of advertisers back-out to avoid possible backlash. Support the show and gain access to even more content at Don’t forget to leave us a voicemail for the chance to have it played on a future episode. You can do so by clicking the link. Also, check out the store on our website to get your own Blunt Force Truth gear.
1/1/11 hour, 5 minutes, 56 seconds
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A Deep Dive into Crime and Economics - an Interview with Dr. John Lott Jr.

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; It occurred to Chuck, how the Democrats really feel about America. Not the average Democrat voter, Im talking the Elites - Mark says they think the American people are stupid (remember Hillary). Chuck says the Dems in Washington hold up Biden like he is a saint with "all he has accomplished". But he hasn't done anything for the average person, and it is disturbing that these Elitists feel that you just do not matter to them.&nbsp;&nbsp; You don't hear much about the DOJ filing against the State of Georgia. Chuck goes into quoting Game of Thrones..."Chaos if the ladder to power" - clearly some of these characters were Democrats. This is the reason Ben Franklin said those who trade temporary freedom for security shall have neither. The Left wants to make it so chaotic that people will just give up their rights. Pelosi gets up there and acts like she is all in on going to war with Russia. We are introduced to our guest today, and Chuck starts us out with a question about crime - why are people in NYC, Chicago and places like that, why are they tolerating the crime that is going on. John tells us that its just not that risky to be a criminal in these cities right now. With cuts to the Police and lesser punishments for serious crimes, its no big deal to be a violent criminal in these democratic havens. More about John Lott, Jr.:&nbsp; Dr. John R. Lott, Jr. is an economist and a world recognized expert on guns and crime. Lott has held research or teaching positions at various academic institutions including the University of Chicago, Yale University, the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, Stanford University, and Rice University, and was the chief economist at the United States Sentencing Commission during 1988-1989. He is currently a contributor to The Hill newspaper and a Fox News columnist. He holds a Ph.D. in economics from UCLA.&nbsp; Lott is a prolific author for both academic and popular publications. He has published over 100 articles in peer-reviewed academic journals and written nine books, including “More Guns, Less Crime,” “The Bias Against Guns,” and “Freedomnomics.” His most recent books are “Dumbing Down the Courts: How politics keeps the smartest judges off the bench” and “The War on Guns.”&nbsp; Nobel laureate Milton Friedman noted: “John Lott has few equals as a perceptive analyst of controversial public policy issues.” He has been one of the most productive and cited economists in the world (during 1969 to 2000 he ranked 26th worldwide in terms of quality adjusted total academic journal output, 4th in terms of total research output, and 86th in terms of citations). Among economics, business and law professors his research is currently the 28th most downloaded in the world. He is also a frequent writer of op-eds.&nbsp; Connect with John Lott, Jr.:&nbsp; Website: &nbsp; Twitter: @johnrlottjr &amp; @CrimeResearch1 &nbsp; Facebook:;&nbsp;;keywords=gun+control+myths+john+lott&amp;qid=1664900300&amp;qu=eyJxc2MiOiIxLjYwIiwicXNhIjoiMS4zOSIsInFzcCI6IjEuMDkifQ%3D%3D&amp;sprefix=gun+control+m%2Caps%2C250&amp;sr=8-1&nbsp;
1/1/11 hour, 17 minutes, 53 seconds
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Committee to Defeat the pResident - An Interview With Ted Harvey

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; Tulsi Gabbard, a democrat from Hawaii. She seems to be a fairly honest person, she seems to have some liberal views. What is happening here is an example of how the left will go to whatever lengths they need to to silence opposition. She is being attacked by the left for talking about how there are labs in Ukraine that are a potential risk as they are now in an active war-zone. The left is calling her a Putin-dis-information spreader, and using words like treason, they want to imprison her.&nbsp;&nbsp; We are introduced to our guest Ted Harvey who is going to talk to us today about the miraculous removal of COVID 19.....Putin attacking Ukraine is the actual vaccine we needed for COVID. We look at how Biden is weaponizing the justice department to go after parents who got mad and went to school board meetings. How the Biden Administration is going after ANYONE who is disagreeing with them, even if it is information that science has proven over the past couple years. How ridiculous is this in America, - and the mainstream media keeps on pushing this message. Dictators and despots do this when they start to lose the message and the populace. They will eventually realize that these deep blue states are going to get thrown out of office. Ted believes that adults that are going the vaccine to their children are committing abuse. Anyone who had information that was contrary to the big organizations out there were tables as heretics...licenses were getting pulled on people that were just trying to tell the truth. If you went against the State Narrative, you were enemy number one. Ted Harvey, Chairman &nbsp;Retired Colorado State Senator Ted Harvey has always had a passion for protecting the Constitution and the unborn, while promoting the free-market principle which have resulted in America’s unmatched exceptionalism. At the age of 22, Ted received a political appointment to serve in the White House of President Ronald Reagan, which ignited his passion for traditional conservatism. After returning home, Ted quickly became involved in Colorado politics, working as a staffer in the Colorado State House and then as the Program Director of the Independence Institute, a Denver-based think tank. Ted also served as the District Office Manager for Representative Joel Hefley (R-CO). In December 2001, through a vacancy election, Ted was elected to the Colorado House of Representatives and became a conservative champion inside the State House. He was re-elected in both 2002 and 2004, and then elected to the Colorado State Senate in 2006 and 2010. Ted’s patriotic work continues today. He was a founding member and Chairman of the Stop Hillary PAC, re-named the Committee to Defend the President following the election of President Trump in 2016. It was one of the largest pro-Trump super PACs in the country: Under Ted’s leadership, the Committee spent more than $20 million in Independent Expenditures to support Republican causes, while contributing over $509,000 directly to Republican candidates and incumbents. Ted has been elected as a Colorado delegate to four of the last five Republican National Conventions including 2016 and 2020. Ted will continue leading the charge, now as the opposition to Biden-Harris’ reckless liberal policies under the re-branded name, the Committee to Defeat the President.;
1/1/11 hour, 2 minutes, 25 seconds
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If You Tell a Big Lie Often Enough - an interview with Bart Marcois

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; Chuck was watching his television this morning and he realized that everyone is commanded and or is bowing to China. After spreading COVID through out the world, these olympics coming up, China is laying down all these rules about what you can and cant do in government, and industry, at such a rapid pace. No one wants to get on the wrong side of china. How is it that so many people feel like China should pay for what they have done, but no one in D.C. seems to feel this way. Are the people in Washington on the Chinese Payroll.&nbsp;&nbsp; Biden's stance on China launching hypersonic missiles was "We welcome the competition"? I mean really, this is our President, saying that he welcomes the fact that another country could blow up the world? What is this guy thinking? Joe Biden is "The Big Guy" getting 10% of 1.5 Billion investment in China, of course he welcomes whatever China does. Saule Omarova - Biden's pick for Banking Watchdog, hates banks, is a Marxist, went to school in Moscow, was born in the USSR - and is notorious for hating banks, and this is who we are appointing to the Controller of Currency for this Country. What we have in Washington is just tons of "smiling cobras". The majority of Americans do NOT believe democrats are doing it right. You need to do more...besides voting, you need to sign up to be a poll watcher. Republicans tend to trust democrats, and democrats cheat elections. What we saw last year was just a bigger version of what they have been doing on a smaller scale for years. We need to STOP trusting them, and make sure the elections are held HONESTLY. States that are historically Democrat are about to flip, and so many of them are going to flip based on school boards and parents issues, not the economy. Soros and China have been funding these far left candidates for years. He will pick a race where 100K is a money bomb, something like a district attorney or a school board member. He comes in and gives them 50K or 100K, and that person can advertise, and boom...they win - are on the school board. There are 2 days in early November on school calendars called "teacher work days" all this is is the teachers unions giving teachers free 4 day holidays where they can go door to door causing harm in elections.&nbsp;&nbsp; More about Bart Marcois: Bart Marcois is a retired career Foreign Service Officer and former senior official at the Energy Dept under Bush 43. He’s worked in the world of commercial trading and business intelligence, and speaks fluent Arabic and Dutch, and pretty lousy French and Spanish. He has been a volunteer or advisor on every GOP presidential campaign except McCain since he left the foreign service, but takes the most pride in working on the Trump campaign. He started working life as a laborer in the oil fields of Kern County, California, and can still sling a pipe wrench or grind out a weld as well as anyone out there. Connect with Bart Marcois: Website: Twitter: @bmarcois
1/1/11 hour, 13 minutes
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Our Ineffective Administration

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; Can we have a more ineffective President. How the Left and the media carry this guy's water is just ridiculous. Biden goes home every weekend, while Ukraine is burning, he is out bicycle riding. He thinks that being in the White House just really doesn't matter. It's embarrassing really, and HOW is no one in the Democratic Party embarrassed by this? How long can we plow through this kind of junk for the next 3 years? We are at a point right now where the majority of the media is propaganda. Chuck resents the fact that no one will get into the Hunter Biden situation. This guy has made a mint through his father, at the expense of the American people. Chuck watches all the Sunday shows...all the media...and he thinks it's a travesty that all these media outlets are covering for Biden. Everything is always someone else's fault, Biden NEVER gets blamed for his shortcomings. We aren't a weak country, we have horribly weak leadership. It's been said by great people from the past, that you get the government you deserve. Chuck might disagree that we may NOT have actually got the president we voted for. 80 million people voted for Biden even though we had massive voter suppression. We've asked the question..."what's wrong with Romney". Mark says they whole Mormon and Latter Day Saints groups are a far left liberal organization. At Brigham Young University, the students are told to walk around campus and snap photos of when they see "whiteness" taking place. What is this whiteness you is a location of structural advantage or race advantage, a set of cultural practices that are unmarked and un named - I mean could say this about ANY group, this is so vague.&nbsp;;
1/1/11 hour, 8 minutes, 4 seconds
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Go Woke, Go Broke

Today’s show details Mark is off at a meeting in Chicago today, so Producer Matt is here with Chuck. We start out talking about Budweiser pivoting from a Trans Man on Bud Light back to the Clydesdales. What in the world do they have in mind. Millions of dollars lost, and people speaking with their wallets showed the power of the dollar. This is how it always been, start off with a small fraction group of people, forcing us to believe in things we do not believe in. Has anyone and Budweiser been held responsible for these losses. This leader over there who approved the marketing plan is untouchable, they can't remove her or she will sure for millions. Who is forcing these companies to "put their best foot forward"? Who is making companies go Woke, is some of this self inflicted. Are the conspiracy theories being proven to us real time? Psy-Ops are a real thing, and many of the CEO's of these big companies are ex CIA/FBI and other 3 letter Government agency employees.&nbsp;&nbsp; How's Trump doing in NYC? Chuck does his diligence watching MSNBC for us all, and it is just so biased it is nauseating, but he has to sit through it for us, to see what they are saying. Our media is so left handed there is no space for anything that is on the right, NOTHING. The Left is doing everything they can to keep him from running. Even though there is a side that keeps saying that they want him to run saying Joe Biden can beat him. Tune in for the rest of the show.&nbsp;
1/1/155 minutes, 32 seconds
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Politics is Interested In You - an Interview with Matthew DePerno

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; Biden gave a hard hitting (lol) interview finally, to then have the White House walk the entire thing back hours later - its like the blind leading the blind. Chuck is so tired of all of this, he takes in all the news on the main stream media and is just done listening to the rhetoric the Left is putting out. We are joined by out Guest Matthew DePerno, who is running for Michigan Attorney General agains Dana Nessel. Nessel has a goal of having drag queens in every school - because they are fun and they help the young children learn and relate to life. We are talking about ultra extremist marxist that want to transform our country, we are not talking about the Democrats of the past, we are talking about a Socialist Party. Unfortunately there are a lot of bashful Republicans that don't want to be heard. Nessel doesn't even connect with the people she says she relates to. She is largely disliked as people finally start to learn who she is. Does this not get back to what we were talking about last week? Nessel wants to let criminals out, and prosecute cops. These people view the criminals as the victims here. Who in the history of the US - who cast the most expensive vote - Joe Biden - he could have mailed it in...but oh noooooo...he gets on Air Force 1 to go vote in person...probably cost half a million dollars for him to go in person to vote.&nbsp;&nbsp;;
1/1/11 hour, 4 minutes, 2 seconds
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The Mess in Afghanistan

Today’s show rundown:&nbsp; We've watched Biden fall apart - everyone knows about it There is no reason / no excuse for what is going on right now The Pentagon are just a mess / how was Biden briefed The Afghans lost 50K plus troops over the war over there The Taliban took over in under 2 weeks Why is the Left so gung-ho on everyone getting vaccinated Everyone is lying to us...if you are not lying, why can we ask questions The UN's 2030 project - what is this Why are we forcing people to take vaccines against their will Chuck wants to know how he went from Love Connection to THIS MESS The UN's 2030 Program here Give H2Max a try and let us know what you think: Help us bring you the best content possible. Due to the left’s boycotts of those who advertise with Conservatives, we have had a number of advertisers back-out to avoid possible backlash. Support the show and gain access to even more content at Don’t forget to leave us a voicemail for the chance to have it played on a future episode. You can do so by clicking the link. Also, check out the store on our website to get your own Blunt Force Truth gear.
1/1/11 hour, 59 seconds
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Biden's Speech

Everyone, this is just a quick hit mini-sode on the speech Pres. Biden gave last night.
1/1/15 minutes, 18 seconds
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Handcuffing Police & Crime Running Rampant – w/ Special Guest Stone Washington

On Today’s Episode -&nbsp; Mark introduces us to our guest today Stone Washington (see bio below). Capitalism is not politics; it is an operating system. The other “isms” are methods of power / methods to defeat capitalism. Stone chimes in and explains the differences between China’s economic principles vs ours. We have a misinformed form of criminal justice. The only thing that enforces our social contract in this country is consequences / breaking laws. We are removing the consequence from the crime making it easy for criminals to keep stealing. The minority communities are going to be left without stores. The chains can’t keep running stores that are being robbed all day long.&nbsp;&nbsp; Tune in for all the other topics.;;;
1/1/11 hour, 8 minutes, 10 seconds
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Hapbee – w/ Special Guest Yona Shtern

On Today’s Episode -&nbsp; Mark and Matt start us out today talking about The Left and how they keep their messaging tight and sounding the same. Mark talks us through how there is indeed FACTS about Biden and how he did indeed know about Hunter’s business details and how the then, VP benefitted from these relationships. We move from politics to introducing us to Yona Shtern (bio below). He is the CEO if the company Hapbee. The guys get talking about how the big differences between medication and poison is simply…the dosage. Yona goes into explaining to us about non-covalent molecules / and a personal story about how and why Hapbee came to be.;; Yona Shtern – CEO, Hapbee Yona Shtern is CEO of Hapbee - the wearable technology company. He has built, grown, and invested in disruptive technology companies from early stage to maturity across a variety of verticals, including consumer products, mobility, telecommunication, fashion, and health &amp; beauty. He spent 4 years as CEO of Arrive, where he led the transformation into an enterprise platform that became the market leader for transactional mobility services to over 50 million consumers in 230 cities though partners like SiriusXM, Amazon, Avis, Ford, and Ticketmaster Live Nation. Yona was also co-founder and CEO of Beyond the Rack – the e-commerce marketplace that was Canada’s fastest growing company of 2014. He was named Entrepreneur of the Year in 2015 by Start Up Canada. He holds a BA in English Literature from McGill University. &nbsp;&nbsp;
1/1/11 hour, 18 minutes, 18 seconds
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Liberty is Tumultuous – w/ Special Guest Steve Toth

On Today’s Episode -&nbsp; Mark tells us, we all see what’s going on with Donald Trump, we see it for what it is…weaponizing the DOJ and the Government against political opponents. However, Trump is just the highest visibility candidate. This is happening all over the country, if you do not agree with their narrative, you will be silenced. Biden and a lifetime of well publicized behavior has shown him to be a chronic liar. What we are seeing now though is the intensity of lying increase, you see the expansion of details and lies. I mean Biden thinks he was standing on the pile of ground zero on 9-11. He seems to be losing his cognitive ability.&nbsp;&nbsp; Rep. Steve Toth hops in and tells us a little about himself. We then dive into the story about the Texas AG Ken Paxton and the sham impeachment trial. Mark tells us a story about a city in Michigan where he has a home that is trying to extort him.&nbsp;&nbsp;;;&nbsp;;;
1/1/11 hour, 7 minutes, 47 seconds
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Climate Change, Pay Attention – w/ Special Paul Driessen

On Today’s Episode –&nbsp; We start out talking a bit about vaccines / boosters, and how you know what you know. You need to be careful out there and make sure you are informed with what you think you know.&nbsp; We then jump over to our guest Paul Driessen who tells us a bit about his past / where he’s been and what he’s done. Mark asks Paul about some of his coverage of the vaccine, and Paul tells us about his wife who has been studying the vaccine since it became an issue. Paul links COVID to Climate in that it is going to covered like nothing else and there is deliberate disinformation coming out of the government. We are looking at doubling or tripling our electrical needs if this green energy legislation gets pushed through. Currently, renewable energy generate between 4-8 percent of all power in America. The other 92% is made using FOSSIL fuels and Nuclear and a little geo-thermal.&nbsp;&nbsp;;; Statement from Paul Driessen-&nbsp; California’s lawsuit is the latest example of politicians using climate change to avoid responsibility and accountability for their incompetence, malfeasance, fabrications and misrepresentations on forest fires, EV fires, blackouts, flooding and other recurring problems they should be addressing. Deceiving people about climate change? Governor Newsom is a consummate practitioner of that art. He’s constantly conning people into believing wind and solar energy are clean, renewable, sustainable and emission-free. In reality, his energy transformation would blanket his state with wind turbines, solar panels and transmission lines – and require mining the planet to get the metals and minerals to make that equipment. Is Newsom going to require wind, solar, battery and EV companies to disclose all the toxic and greenhouse emissions from those supply chains, such as the mining and processing required for the lithium, cobalt, copper and other materials they need? Fossil fuel emissions that Governor Newsom claims are causing storms and sea level problems for his state came from California, every other state in the USA, every U.S. and foreign oil company, and every country on the planet. China alone now emits more greenhouse gases than all the developed countries in the world combined. Is Newsom planning to sue China next? India? Saudi and Emirates Oil? It’s a scam.
1/1/11 hour, 20 minutes, 19 seconds
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Understanding the Hamas War on Israel

On Today’s Episode -&nbsp; We jump in and talk all things Israel. Mark breaks down some history of the region and what has been going on in the region in the past, and this past weekend. We jump to our border and how the threat of all the illegal immigration threatens Americans on American soil.&nbsp;&nbsp; This administrations failures with middle eastern policy and how Americans need to pay attention and keep their heads on a swivel in these turbulent times.;ab_channel=MiddleEastForum&nbsp;
1/1/11 hour, 3 minutes, 22 seconds
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How the Left tries to Destroy Young Conservatives – w/ Special Guest Gloria Giorno & Son Stevie

On Today’s Episode –&nbsp; Mark starts us off talking about his recent trip to Texas to see Chuck. Chuck is taking some time off but will be back soon. It was a great trip and the guys got to hang for a weekend. We dig into the Hospital explosion in The Gaza Strip this past weekend, and how the world has reacted to it. We are then introduced to our guests Gloria Giorno and her son Stevie. Gloria tells us a little about herself and who Stevie is. Our guests escaped Illinois for Tennessee, and when Stevie was getting ready to go to college, his parent looked for a good school…and they found Belmont University. We dig in with how a simple post about being proud to be American and thanking the founding fathers on the 4th of July in 2018, turned out to be a nightmare for this family. Stevies friends, fraternity, the internet, so many made threats, and tried to ruin his life. Tune in for the whole story -&nbsp;;;keywords=outcast+book+gloria+giorno&amp;qid=1697641112&amp;sprefix=Gloria+Giorno%2Caps%2C94&amp;sr=8-1&nbsp;
1/1/11 hour, 16 minutes, 56 seconds
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Biden Keeps Getting it Wrong – w/ Special Guest Terris Todd

On Today’s Episode –&nbsp; We start off today with a quick rundown of some headlines and then hop right to our guest Terris Todd. He gives us a quick recap of where he is from, how he came up, and a little bit of what he is doing now. Terris is a Michigan guy who now lives in Virginia. Tune in to hear the rest Book -; His bio-; Topic-;
1/1/11 hour, 21 minutes, 14 seconds
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Bidenomics is Failing – w/ Special Guest Joe Earley

On Today’s Episode –&nbsp; Every week you think this is as crazy as it can get, but the world keeps getting more and more nuts. Mark starts us with Biden telling us he has cut the deficit by 1.7 Trillion dollars, this is a flat out blatant lie. History tells us, that once we get to a high interest rate, and government cannot pay the taxes on our deficit – there is nothing left to do but reduce spending. Joe jumps in and tells us a little about where he’s been and what he’s done, see links below for more Joe stats. The guys get into where the country is going, and how the Government isn’t helping West Virginia at all. Being a Coal Powered state / coal country with all the pressure Joe tells us how West Virginia is doing. Joe talks about what he can do if he is elected for Congress – tune in to hear the rest.;
1/1/11 hour, 12 minutes, 28 seconds
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Red Referral Network - w/ Special Guest Chris Widener

On Today’s Episode -&nbsp; Mark starts us out by introducing our guest Chris Widener who has founded a new group called Red Referral Network. Chris tells us how he went through being cancelled. He is a motivational speaker who used to do 70 plus events a year until he started talking about politics. He was scheduled to speak at an event at a hospital, until the board found out that he is a Trump supporter, and just because of that, he was no longer wanted. His group Red Referral Network is designed to help people do business with people who are of a like political mind. Why would we fun our own demise, why would we tip our executioner. The goal of this group is to refer business to each other and help each other. There is free registration right now, and they are training leaders. There will also be content created for this group.&nbsp;&nbsp; Tune in to listen to more -&nbsp;;t=GQkQk23K2gyFLdmaTjRrNw;
1/1/152 minutes, 44 seconds
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Police State – w/ Special Guest Dinesh D'Souza

On Today’s Episode –&nbsp; Mark dives right into our guest today Dinesh D’Souza and his new movie Police State.  Dinesh talks a bit about how he came to creating this film and how the context he was trying to lay out helped him move forward. &nbsp; The guys talk lies, media, and the future – tune in and listen to this great chat.   Trailer for the Film -; The film website is  (and the dot NET is correct)
1/1/11 hour, 6 minutes, 8 seconds
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Identifying the Problem

On Today's Episode The guys get down and dirty with a variety of topics facing Americans today. From Bidenomics to the border, happenings abroad, to future guests on BFT. Tune in to hear everything.
1/1/11 hour, 12 minutes, 58 seconds
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Electric Vehicles - w/ Donna Jackson

Today, we welcome back friend of the show, Donna Jackson. Mark and Donna talk all things electric cars - tune in to listen. Donna Jackson, a Project 21 member who serves as the program’s director of membership development, is a seasoned accountant with public and private sector experience as well as previous forays into politics and ministry. Donna earned a Bachelor of Accountancy (cum laude) from the California State University San Marcos. She has worked in accounting, auditing and management roles with major companies such as Ernst &amp; Young and Marriott International in the private sector before serving in the public sector as a deputy controller for the Export-Import Bank of the United States. She is a member of the National Association of Black Accountants. Prior to her career in accounting, Donna was a political operative in the state of Arkansas. She worked on the successful campaigns of Governor Mike Huckabee, Senator Tim Hutchinson and Representative (now Governor) Asa Hutchinson. She was active in campaign recruiting and communications. She played a vital role during the Huckabee governorship in recruiting black candidates for executive-appointed boards and commissions in addition to helping create job-training programs at a local community college and the Arkansas Office of Workforce Development. She is a former board member of the Little Rock Minority Disability Advisory Network and a former member of the Crittenden County (Arkansas) Workforce Development Planning Committee. She was also a contributor to the Ernst &amp; Young Diversity Think Tank. Donna originally sought a role in the church. She is a former divinity graduate of Charles H. Mason Theological Seminary in Memphis, Tennessee. It was there that she was taught the gift of administration as a vital part of the Christian ministry. Donna is a firm believer in free markets and entrepreneurship, rather than government, as a means of lifting people out of poverty.
1/1/11 hour, 21 minutes, 44 seconds
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Unknown Nations – w/ Special Guest Greg Kelley

On Today’s Episode – Mark introduces us to Greg Kelley who is the executive director of what was known as World Mission (now Unknown Nations). Greg has written a book “Last 4 Words” – link below. Mark does a little history for us on our guest and tells us about Greg, and their shared friend Paul Land. Greg jumps in and gives us a brief overview of how he came to Unknown Nations. As we have mentioned on past episodes, the pursuit of comfort is playing a huge part in the country losing faith.&nbsp; Tune in to learn more&nbsp; Get the Book Here&nbsp; Unknown Nations Website&nbsp;
1/1/11 hour, 24 minutes, 59 seconds
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He's Back for More - w/ Nick Giordano

On Today's Show -&nbsp; Frequent guest of the Show Nick Giordano returns to talk current events with Mark. Tune in to hear it all -&nbsp; Nick D’s Podcast and Other Links
1/1/11 hour, 16 minutes, 12 seconds
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History, Elections, COVID, & A.I.

&nbsp;On Today’s Episode - Chuck is back again looking amazing in his Bomber jacket. He starts us off talking a little about his message from the last show he was on. The Guys dig in and revisit some history that we talked about in Chuck’s last episode.&nbsp; Next, Chucks talks the 2020 Stolen Election. Who was the one man responsible for the whole thing. We digdown the hole of the various participants and the how’s that whole situation went down.&nbsp; Chuck brings up AI, and Mark jumps in and talks how we use it, and how it could otherwise be used (for good and evil).&nbsp;&nbsp; Tune in for all the other topics – &nbsp;&nbsp;
1/1/11 hour, 17 minutes, 30 seconds
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Who Owns Black Lives Matter – w/ Special Guest Leslie Taha

On Today’s Episode –&nbsp; Mark runs us through a gamut of topical events and is on fire today folks.  We then hop to our guest Leslie Taha (bio below). Leslie talks about what started him down the path of writing “Who Owns Black Lives Matter”.  We dig into the history and review the George Floyyd trial and how that whole thing went down. We then hop to the music industry and how it is controlled by a small group of companies and people.  All genres of music are being assaulted by the poisonous messages in the lyrics.  Compare it to your favorite meals and how the FDA protecting big pharma does very little to warn people about the massive amounts of sugar people are eating. &nbsp; Tune in for all the details -&nbsp;;keywords=who+owns+black+lives+matter&amp;qid=1704903354&amp;s=books&amp;sprefix=who+owns+black+lives+matter%2Cstripbooks%2C716&amp;sr=1-1&nbsp;;
1/1/11 hour, 19 minutes, 21 seconds
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Claudine Gay Resignation – w/ Special Guest Donna Jackson

On Today’s Episode –&nbsp; Returning guest Donna Jackson is back to talk about the debacle at Harvard, and the resignation of Claudine Gay. Tune in for all the details. Donna's bio:;;
1/1/11 hour, 28 minutes, 5 seconds
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Dark Truths about The Vaccine – w/ Dr. Ryan Cole, Dr. Lynn and Dr. Chris

On Today’s Episode –&nbsp; We meet our guests and jump right in to the topic. How the Government literally changed the definition of Vaccine to mean more of what a therapeutic used to do. Looks at the Moderna and Phizer in what they are registered as “Gene Therapeutic” companies. This is to get around regulatory scrutiny that they would be under if they were actually a vaccine company. We went from “the vaccine will prevent you from getting COVID, to you can’t transfer it if you are on the vaccine, to you might get it and it just won’t be severe, all the way to if you get the vaccine, you are more likely to get COVID. We have excesses deaths in young groups of people, but they say “we know its not the Vaccine” even though some of the data is showing hmmmmm…could it be the DNA we injected into all these people. Even if you tested negative for COVID when you went into a hospital during the Epidemic, they classified you as “presumptive COVID”. The Doctors think that WE killed more people with the Vaccine that COVID did itself. We are now seeing excess deaths, in younger people, NON COVID deaths, starting in 2021, and all they can say…is that researchers are baffled. This is only possible if you blinded by corrupt corporations or governments and their lies. They hid data and potential risks to people and never showed a double-blind placebo study that these people can make any claim that one shot saved one life. Tune in for all the conversation.
1/1/11 hour, 24 minutes, 18 seconds
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Bonus Episode - Introducing the Unknown Nations Podcast with Greg Kelley, CEO and Dr. Mark Young

Welcome to the Unknown Nations Podcast! Dive into our first episode, where Greg Kelley, CEO of Unknown Nations, and Dr. Mark Young, a distinguished Board Member, explore how to reach the nations where Jesus is unknown. Discover the complexities of gospel access and the hurdles faced in ministry at the "ends of the Earth" (Acts 1:8). Join the conversation as the hosts engage in compelling discussions on religious persecution, the differentiation between reaching countries versus nations, and the impactful initiatives undertaken by Unknown Nations. Explore more about Unknown Nations at .
1/1/11 hour, 9 minutes, 30 seconds
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Sugarless – w/ Dr Nicole Avena

On Today’s Episode –&nbsp; Today’s episode is less about politics and more about your health. Our guest today is Dr. Nicole Avena, a returning guest to the show. Mark gives us a little history about Nicole’s CV, and then dives right in.&nbsp; If sugar was discovered today, it might be a controlled substance. It would be less known as food, and more like a drug. Sugar is no different than other street drugs except it is pervasive and more accepted. Nicole tells us a little about the addictive nature of sugar. Humans evolved to like the taste of sweet. We relate sweetness with safety and health. We need to stop using sugar as a reward and treat it more like a drug that harms us. When we look at the data, the average human consumes about 22 teaspoons of sugar per day. The Doctors talk a myriad of topics related to how. You can help yourself get. Rid. Of sugar in your diet. Tune in for all the conversation.;;qid=1707325170&amp;sr=1-1&nbsp;
1/1/11 hour, 6 minutes, 32 seconds
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BFT - This Week's News

On Today's Episode -&nbsp; Mark and Matt dive into this week's topics of interest. Tune in to hear the Episode.
1/1/11 hour, 12 minutes, 13 seconds