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Aspen Ideas to Go

English, Social, 1 season, 496 episodes, 3 days, 2 hours, 43 minutes
Aspen Ideas to Go is a show about big ideas that will open your mind. Featuring compelling conversations with the world’s top thinkers and doers from a diverse range of disciplines, Aspen Ideas to Go gives you front-row access to the Aspen Ideas Festival and other events presented by the Aspen Institute.
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Forging a Path to Ethical A.I.

It doesn’t look like we’re going to be able to put the generative artificial intelligence genie back in the bottle. But we might still be able to prevent some potential damage. Tools like Bard and ChatGPT are already being used in the workplace, educational settings, health care, scientific research, and all over social media. What kind of guardrails do we need to prevent bad actors from causing the worst imaginable outcomes? And who can put those protections in place and enforce them? A panel of A.I. experts from the 2023 Aspen Ideas Festival shares hopes and fears for this kind of technology, and discusses what can realistically be done by private, public and civil society sectors to keep it in check. Lila Ibrahim, COO of the Google A.I. company DeepMind, joins social science professor Alondra Nelson and IBM’s head of privacy and trust, Christina Montgomery, for a conversation about charting a path to ethical uses of A.I. CNBC tech journalist Deirdre Bosa moderates the conversation and takes audience questions.
2/22/202455 minutes, 33 seconds
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Redemption Song?

History has the power to teach us what to do in the present, but do we actually make good use of that tool? Many events in our recent past might suggest otherwise. American history is complex and full of pain, suffering and missteps. Harvard professor Imani Perry’s interdisciplinary work draws from African American studies, legal history and cultural studies to find insights into how we live today. In this talk from the 2023 Aspen Ideas Festival, she joins author, historian and Vanderbilt professor Jon Meacham for a conversation about how to reckon with the United States’ difficult history. The two touch on the Civil Rights movement, the value of civics education and a collective mindset and what simply getting along with our neighbors can and cannot accomplish.
2/14/202455 minutes, 8 seconds
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Our Modern Sex Lives

After millennia of human existence, we’re still figuring out and talking constantly about one of our most fundamental behaviors – sex. Despite the sexual revolution of the 60s and 70s and the growth of sex positivity in recent decades, a lot of people still report having a lot of bad sex. The reasons for that are varied and multiple, but culture has a role to play, and we can help each other get to the root of what might be making sex feel unsatisfying, or even scary or shameful. In this panel from the 2023 Aspen Ideas Festival, the renowned sex columnist Dan Savage, longtime author of the Savage Love advice column, joins Washington Post columnist Christine Emba, author of “Rethinking Sex: A Provocation,” for a candid conversation about building healthy sex lives and finding physical connection. Kelly Corrigan, the host of the PBS show “Tell Me More with Kelly Corrigan,” moderates the conversation and carefully chooses questions from the audience.
2/8/20241 hour, 3 minutes, 22 seconds
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Parenting Teens and Young Adults in Challenging Times

Teenagers and young adults today are dealing with challenges their parents never experienced and couldn’t have prepared for. Nobody has a map and the road to resolution can be bumpy for all involved. Two adolescent psychologists published books last year aimed at helping parents understand and empathize with what their kids are going through and guiding everyone toward helpful solutions. Clinical psychologist and author Lisa Damour wrote “The Emotional Lives of Teenagers: Raising Connected, Capable and Compassionate Adolescents,” after demand for her professional help skyrocketed during the pandemic. Developmental psychologist and researcher Laurence Steinberg released “You and Your Adult Child: How to Grow Together in Challenging Times,” to meet a need in society for more guidance on adult children moving back in with parents and going through tough periods. Damour and Steinberg interview each other about their books at the 2023 Aspen Ideas Festival and take questions from the audience.
2/1/202455 minutes, 30 seconds
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Decoding Animal Communication with A.I.

Scientists could actually be close to being able to decode animal communication and figure out what animals are saying to each other. And more astonishingly, we might even find ways to talk back. The study of sonic communication in animals is relatively new, and researchers have made a lot of headway over the past few decades with recordings and human analysis. But recent advancements in artificial intelligence are opening doors to parsing animal communication in ways that haven’t been close to possible until now. In this talk from the 2023 Aspen Ideas Festival in partnership with Vox’s “Unexplainable” podcast, two experts on animal communication and the digital world come together to explain what may come next. Tragically, a few months after this conversation was recorded in June, one of the panelists, Karen Bakker, passed away unexpectedly. Bakker was a professor at the University of British Columbia who looked at ways digital tools can address our most pressing problems. She also wrote the book “The Sounds of Life: How Digital Technology is Bringing Us Closer to the World of Animals and Plants.” The UBC Geography department wrote of Bakker: “We will remember Karen as multi-faceted and superbly talented in all realms.” Aza Raskin, the co-founder of the Earth Species Project, a nonprofit trying to decode animal communication using A.I., joined Bakker for this discussion. The host of “Unexplainable,” Noam Hassenfeld, interviewed Bakker and Raskin.
1/25/202452 minutes, 44 seconds
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The Hot Truth About Menopause

Menopause is a normal phase of life, but can nonetheless be a challenging and confusing time for women reaching middle age. As a culture, we talk about the details of menopausal transition very little, and women often have to walk a gauntlet of sellers offering dubious cures and treatments before getting to medically sound and reliable solutions. Even experts frequently struggle to find the right combination of treatments for a particular patient’s hot flashes, memory lapses, sleep issues, sexual functioning changes and other symptoms that so many women experience. Two obstetrician and gynecologists meet on stage at the 2023 Aspen Ideas Festival to shed light on the latest menopause research, hormone replacement treatments and the misinformation clouding women’s paths to relief. Jen Gunter wrote “The Menopause Manifesto” and has been called “the internet’s OB/GYN.” Nanette Santoro has helped run several studies on menopause, including the Women’s Health Initiative and the Study of Women’s Health Across the Nation (SWAN). She’s also the chair of obstetrics and gynecology at the University of Colorado School of Medicine. New York Times health reporter Margot Sanger-Katz moderates the conversation.
1/18/202451 minutes, 37 seconds
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From King Lear to Succession with Brian Cox

William Shakespeare started writing plays in an era when popular theater was exploding and cementing its place in culture. Audiences spanned economic classes, professions and educational backgrounds, and he was keenly aware of the need to write for all attendees. He frequently wrestled with topics that retain relevance for society across centuries, such as power struggles, relationships, politics, and love. Not only are Shakespeare’s plays still performed constantly, but his storylines and themes are also frequently borrowed for contemporary entertainment. The Scottish actor Brian Cox has performed classic Shakespeare roles, including King Lear, hundreds of times on stage. Most recently he played the iconic patriarch Logan Roy on HBO’s “Succession,” a modern King Lear story. Simon Godwin, the artistic director of the Shakespeare Theater Company in Washington, D.C., is tasked with keeping Shakespeare’s work fresh with every new season and reaching a broad cross-section of audience members. Both joined entertainment leader and former Disney CEO Michael Eisner for a conversation at the festival about Shakepeare’s timeless messages and storylines.
1/11/202459 minutes, 39 seconds
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Arthur Brooks on Managing Your Emotions

Living a happy life isn’t as simple as having a smile on your face all the time. We often think that our negative emotions should be minimized and repressed, but acknowledging and managing them is actually key to achieving a healthy baseline. Author and Harvard professor Arthur Brooks studies the latest happiness research across behavioral science, philosophy, psychology, and neuroscience. He shares his findings with the business school students he teaches and with the general public he writes for, and explains how to understand and manage our emotions. We cannot control our emotional responses to the world, he says, but we can learn to control how we react to them.
1/3/202458 minutes, 49 seconds
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The Empathy Diaries with Sherry Turkle

The human capacity for empathy allows us to communicate, collaborate and understand each other. But we all know empathy isn’t always easy, and we can feel worn down by the effort. MIT professor and researcher Sherry Turkle studies empathy, and particularly how technology can undermine our natural human tendencies to connect. After several books and many decades of work compiling research on other people, Turkle looked inward to write, “The Empathy Diaries: A Memoir.” She explores how she arrived at her subject matter, which she says is not just a profession, but a calling. In this interview from the archives, Tricia Johnson, the editorial director of the Aspen Ideas Festival, interviews Turkle on stage at the 2021 festival. The event was Turkle’s first in-person book talk since the Covid pandemic hit. They discuss the role and power of being an outsider, how to build your empathy muscles, and the vital function of long-term relationships.
12/27/202342 minutes, 15 seconds
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A Deeper Look at the Immigrant Experience

The stories we hear about migrants trying to escape difficult circumstances tend to focus on hardship, conflict, statistics and policy. We rarely get a deep look at any of the people risking their lives to cross the U.S. border or take a boat to Europe, and we don’t get to know or understand them as fellow humans. Writer Javier Zamora came to the U.S. when he was nine years old, as an unaccompanied minor. Over the nine weeks it took to make the journey, he had to put his trust in a small group of strangers and the man paid to get him into the country. He revisited that experience to write a memoir called “Solito” that shows him and other migrants in full dimensions. Novelist Jamie Ford’s most recent book, “The Many Daughters of Afong Moy,” explores migration in a different time and place, along with the ways migrants’ decisions stretch across eras. Afong Moy was a Chinese woman brought to the U.S. as a performer in 1834. She became extremely well-known across the country, but remained a spectacle and was not offered citizenship or long-term opportunity. Ford researched his own family to help write the book, starting with his great-grandfather who came from China to work in a mine in Nevada. TODAY show co-host Jenna Bush Hager selected both books for her book club, “Read With Jenna,” and interviews the authors.
12/20/202357 minutes, 9 seconds
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On Being in a Body: Kate Bowler with Krista Tippett

When Duke divinity school professor Kate Bowler wrote her best-selling memoir, “Everything Happens for a Reason (and Other Lies I’ve Loved),” she was grappling with the consequences of a shocking cancer diagnosis. Many of the common messages about hardship, tragedy and success that she’d grown up hearing – and even studied as a religious scholar – no longer seemed to make sense. She was told she may likely die from her cancer, and at age 35 with a husband and young son, she wasn’t ready for that. Bowler talks about how being sick changed her relationship to her life, her body and her spirituality with Krista Tippett, the host of the public radio show and podcast On Being. This special On Being episode was taped live with an audience at the Aspen Ideas Festival.
12/13/20231 hour, 35 seconds
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The Sober Curiosity Movement

For adults, the pressure to drink at social engagements, work events, restaurants or almost anywhere outside the home can feel constant. Recent research has found that “no amount or kind of alcohol is good for your health,” and a wide variety of health problems can be linked to drinking. The growing “sober curious” movement offers people a way to think about cutting down on alcohol consumption at their own pace and in their own way, without the stigma that sometimes comes with sobriety. Quality non-alcoholic alternatives are more available than ever before, and sober bars and gathering spaces have popped up in a few cities. An expert panel from Aspen Ideas: Health breaks down sober curiosity for an audience at the festival. Chris Marshall is a mental health counselor and the founder of Sans Bar, a sober bar in Austin, Texas. Jen Batchelor started Kin Euphorics, a functional non-alcoholic beverage brand. And Katie Witkiewitz directs a substance abuse program at the University of New Mexico. Journalist and founding editor of Healthcare Brew, Amanda Eisenberg, moderates the conversation.
12/6/202353 minutes, 47 seconds
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Work and Life Advice for the Nonlinear Path

In today’s world, we tend to switch jobs more frequently than previous generations, and are more likely to have multiple jobs. Side gigs where we express passions or find meaning are also common, and many juggle additional roles as caregivers and community members, as people always have. In short, many of us are focused on a lot more than just climbing a corporate ladder. Our careers and lives aren’t linear, although a lot of the traditional advice about them is. Where do we look for updated guidance? In this panel discussion, three authors with recent books on finding our way in the world come together for a discussion on making life choices in modern times. Writer and speaker Bruce Feiler interviewed hundreds of people across the country for “The Search: Finding Meaningful Work in a Post-Career World.” Wired Magazine co-founder and co-chair of the Long Now Foundation, Kevin Kelly, compiled his lessons and experiences into a book inspired by his children called “Excellent Advice for Living: Wisdom I Wish I’d Known Earlier.” And journalist Joanne Lipman moderates the conversation and shares what she learned writing “Next! The Power of Reinvention in Life and Work.”
11/29/202352 minutes, 58 seconds
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What Happened to the American Dream?

Most Americans today would agree that the dream of supporting a family and living a good life on one full time salary is not available to vast numbers of people. Wages have not risen at the pace of profits over the last several decades, and work with benefits is far from guaranteed for many. In his 2023 book, “Ours Was the Shining Future: The Story of the American Dream,” New York Times writer David Leonhardt explains how we got here. He points out that corporate culture moved from a communitarian mindset to an individual one, government policies deprioritized workers, and labor unions weakened, all contributing to where we are today. Businessman, economics advisor and co-founder and co-chair of The Carlyle Group investment firm, David Rubenstein, talks with Leonhardt about his book on stage at the festival. The two discuss the drivers of economic progress and consider what would bring the American Dream back.
11/16/202352 minutes, 7 seconds
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How Do We Put Guardrails on A.I.?

Artificial intelligence is making world-changing advances every day. But these powerful tools can be used for malicious and nefarious purposes just as easily as they can be used for good. How can society put guardrails on this technology to ensure that we build the most safe and responsible version of the future, where A.I. is assistive rather than weaponized? Google’s senior vice president of research, technology and society, James Manyika, is trying to help solve this problem. He’s been working in A.I. since the 1990s, and is vice chair of Biden’s National AI Advisory Committee. He talks with New York Times journalist Thomas Friedman about finding the right balance between allowing innovation to flourish and preventing runaway negative outcomes.
11/9/202351 minutes, 37 seconds
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Shakespeare in Contemporary America, with 'Fat Ham' Creator James Ijames

Shakespeare is ubiquitous in literature classes and theater, but the avenues of relating to his work are not always clear to young people and modern audiences. Some, such as Shakespeare scholar and professor Ayanna Thompson, argue that his plays make sense as living, breathing, adaptable instruments that can be shaped to fit the times. Playwright, director and professor James Ijames created a prime example of interpretation with his play “Fat Ham,” an adaptation of Hamlet that won the 2022 Pulitzer Prize for Drama. The two come together on stage at the festival to talk about what makes a good Shakespeare adaptation work, and why people have been inspired to run with his work and messages for centuries. Oskar Eustis, NYU Tisch School of the Arts professor and the artistic director of The Public Theater in New York, where “Fat Ham” premiered, moderates the conversation.
11/2/202353 minutes, 59 seconds
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Building a Zero Carbon American Future

Climate change catastrophes are already happening with increasing regularity, and it’s clear we need to take action. The Biden administration has set a target of zero carbon emissions in the United States by 2050. Reaching that ambitious goal will require a major transition in many sectors, including energy, agriculture, transportation, manufacturing and construction. John Podesta leads the Office of Domestic Climate Policy in the White House, and is focused on implementing the projects funded by the Inflation Reduction Act, the largest investment in clean energy the country has ever made. As he puts it, we have to get good at building things again, with an eye toward a carbon-free future. Podesta talks with Noticias Telemundo reporter Vanessa Hauc about what it will take to meet our climate goals, and what success looks like.
10/26/202359 minutes, 49 seconds
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Who Can Track and Hack Our Brains?

A technological future where our brain waves could be monitored and our thoughts decoded and analyzed — sometimes against our will — is not as far away as we think. But our existing legal protections and conception of human rights around cognitive liberty are trailing innovations in neurotechnology. Brain hacking tools and devices could bring massive benefits, for people suffering from dementia or mental health disorders, for instance. If we want to avoid dystopian outcomes, though, we have to be deliberate about how we allow this technology to develop, says Nita Farahany, a bioethics researcher and professor at Duke University. In this talk, Farahany points to what we need to watch out for, and explains how to proceed carefully. With her 2023 book, “The Battle for Your Brain: Defending Your Right to Think Freely in the Age of Neurotechnology,” as a guide, she explains why several major tech companies are betting big on brain data collection tools. And she urges us to build safeguards to ensure a cognitively healthy society
10/19/202352 minutes, 5 seconds
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Investing in Shared American Prosperity

Even when the economy is booming and unemployment is low, millions of Americans still face economic hardship. And in the last few years the United States has dealt with supply chain challenges, inflation and financial instability. The economic tools we have to identify, address and talk about those problems aren’t always up to the task, and sometimes the picture we get is hard to match with reality. Gene Ludwig is a longtime financial advisor to Wall Street, and founder of the Ludwig Institute for Shared Economic Prosperity. His organization aims to help middle and low-income families achieve prosperity, in part by developing new headline statistics for economic data that bring us closer to truly understanding Americans’ experiences. Ludwig joins Heather Boushey from Biden’s Council of Economic Advisors on stage at the Aspen Institute, for a conversation about how to truly invest in American industry from the ground up. What principles and policies will help achieve national security and a strong economy that supports workers? Gillian Tett, U.S. editor-at-large of Financial Times, moderates the conversation.
9/27/202348 minutes, 48 seconds
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Where Ancient Faiths Meet Modern Lives

The United States is a more secular society than many, and the percentage of people who don’t identify with organized religion is rising. Some of the impacts from that shift might be obvious, such as declining membership in congregations or decreased support for religious organizations and institutions. But some of the consequences are less obvious. How do we change as people when we don’t practice religious ritual? When we aren’t part of a community? Three scholars and leaders from different religious traditions come together on stage at the Aspen Ideas Festival to grapple with these questions. They point out how ancient faiths permeate our modern lives even where we don’t notice, and speak about the spiritual gaps religion fills for people and society. Kate Bowler is a podcast host and history professor at Duke Divinity School. Haroon Moghul is an imam and director of The Concordia Forum, a network of Muslim leaders. And Shira Stutman is interim rabbi at the Aspen Jewish Congregation, and the founder of Sixth & I Synagogue in Washington, DC. The executive director of the Religion and Society Program at the Aspen Institute, Simran Jeet Singh, moderates the conversation.
9/20/202353 minutes, 19 seconds
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Balancing Work and Life with Mary Louise Kelly

About two decades ago, NPR host Mary Louise Kelly had her first child and went down the extremely common yet commonly daunting life path of balancing a demanding career with a family. As a national security correspondent on assignment war zones, she missed family events and emergency phone calls from her kids’ school. As the daily weekday co-host of “All Things Considered,” she missed almost all of her sons’ soccer games. She’s tried working full time, working part time, working from home and working far away from home, and in each, there’s been something missing. Every year, she said she would figure it out next year. But as she writes in her latest book, the memoir “It. Goes. So. Fast.: The Year of No Do-Overs,” next year came quickly. Her sons were about to leave for college, and she had to make the most of the time they had left. Kelly talks with podcast and TV host Kelly Corrigan, host of PBS’ “Tell Me More with Kelly Corrigan,” about the constant challenge of trying to be there for your family and your job at the same time.
9/13/202359 minutes, 31 seconds
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Thinking, Innovating and A.I. with Walter Isaacson

Artificial intelligence is clearly going to change our lives in multiple ways. But it’s not yet obvious exactly how, and what the impacts will be. We can predict that certain jobs held by humans will probably be taken over by computers, but what about our thoughts? Will we still think and create in the same ways? Author and former Aspen Institute president Walter Isaacson has been writing biographies about big thinkers and innovators for decades, including Albert Einstein, Steve Jobs, Benjamin Franklin and Jennifer Doudna. Isaacson returned to the world of technology for his most recent book on Elon Musk. Journalist Andrew Ross Sorkin interviews Isaacson on stage at the Aspen Ideas Festival about whether a society fully integrated with AI can foster the same qualities shared by many influential people. Will A.I. augment the best that humans have to offer, or will it compete with or even degrade human intelligence? And are there some traits that technology just will never be able to replicate, like empathy and compassion?
9/7/202353 minutes, 59 seconds
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Harnessing A.I. in Education with Sal Khan

When Sal Khan created Khan Academy, he was trying to scale up the successful experiences he’d had tutoring his cousins one-on-one in math. He saw how effective it could be for students to go at their own pace, ask questions and be questioned about their reasoning, and he wanted to make those benefits available to as many kids as possible. The organization eventually grew to include free online content on just about every subject taught in schools, and even test prep for the LSATs and MCATs. Now Khan Academy has been experimenting with the next level of scalable tutoring. In March, the organization launched Khanmigo, a generative artificial intelligence tool made specifically for learning. Educators have been embroiled in debate about the role A.I. could and should play in school, and how to ensure that it’s effective for students and trustworthy for teachers. Khanmigo is aimed at quelling some of those fears and finding the opportunity in technology that’s so interactive and easily accessible. In this talk at the Aspen Ideas Festival, Khan demonstrates Khanmigo and explains how it was designed. Mehran Sahami, the head of Stanford’s computer science department, interviews Khan about the tool and takes questions from the audience.
8/30/202356 minutes, 53 seconds
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The Dilemmas of Hostage Diplomacy

The White House has declared hostage-taking to be a national emergency. In July 2022, Biden issued an executive order outlining steps to deter the practice and help bring Americans back sooner. Increasingly, autocratic nation states such as Russia and Iran are detaining U.S. citizens unlawfully or on minor and bogus charges with the aim of getting something they want. Hostage diplomacy is no longer a tactic of terrorists or rogue actors, but a tool government officials are turning to. Roger Carstens, the special presidential envoy for hostage affairs, is the person who takes charge and tries to start negotiations when the State Department determines that a detainment is a diplomatic issue. At the Aspen Ideas Festival, NBC correspondent Tom Llamas talks with Carstens about the process, as well as Jason Rezaian, who spent 544 days in an Iranian prison for being a Washington Post reporter. Hostage expert Dani Gilbert, a political science professor at Northwestern University, also joins the panel to share research in this field.
8/23/202358 minutes, 40 seconds
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Wicked Problem: The Road Ahead for Immigration Policy

Almost everyone agrees that immigration policy in the United States is lacking, but despite decades of debate, Congress has not been able to pass comprehensive reform on the issue. For some, the primary issues are border security and economic concerns, and for others, labor needs and a commitment to humanitarianism take precedence. Why is it so hard to find common ground, and what are some visions for a different immigration future? NBC correspondent Tom Llamas moderates a panel of experts at the Aspen Ideas Festival who identify the key immigration pressure points and share thoughts on moving forward. Former Arizona Governor Doug Ducey joins Krish O’Mara Vignarajah, the head of Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, U.S. representative Tony Gonzales from Texas and Mary Kay Henry, the international president of the Service Employees International Union.
8/17/202340 minutes, 46 seconds
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Rainn Wilson and Spiritual Revolution

Actor Rainn Wilson had his dream job on the hit TV show “The Office,” but was still being kept up at night by anxiety, depression, and life’s big unanswerable questions. He went on a quest to discover the world’s spiritual teachings, reading all the holy books of the world’s major religions. For several years, he researched and pondered concepts like truth, love, free will, and suffering, and he eventually landed back at the Baha’i Faith of his family and childhood. His latest book, “Soul Boom: Why We Need a Spiritual Revolution,” explores what he learned on his journey and how he’s navigated the spiritual gaps that can be found in our modern society. NBC TV host Jenna Bush Hager interviews Wilson about getting in touch with his spiritual self, reconciling with the difficulties of his past and writing Soul Boom.
8/10/20231 hour, 9 minutes, 33 seconds
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Mary Barra: The Future of General Motors and EVs

The automotive industry is going through a time of profound transformation, facing internal and external pressure to electrify America’s fleet of personal vehicles. General Motors has made a bold pledge to phase out internal combustion and produce only electric vehicles by the year 2035. CEO Mary Barra is leading the ambitious effort to revamp the company, after about a decade in the top role. Journalist Rebecca Blumenstein of NBC News interviews Barra about starting at GM in college and ending up as CEO, and plotting the company’s groundbreaking future.
8/2/202352 minutes, 21 seconds
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Democracy Dilemma

Populations around the world have been electing more and more autocratic leaders in the past couple decades, via supposedly free, fair, and democratic elections. The freedom of the press is being impinged upon in many places, and fear, outrage and misinformation are often taking the place of reasoned debate. Minority populations in some countries are increasingly oppressed and vulnerable. Is democracy working? Filipino journalist and Nobel Peace Prize winner Maria Ressa, Brookings Institution Fellow Shadi Hamid and president of the advocacy group Freedom House, Michael Abramowitz, meet on stage at the 2023 Aspen Ideas Festival to share their diverse expertise about what got us to this point, and where democracy might go in the future. Journalist Ravi Agrawal from Foreign Policy moderates the conversation.
7/26/202351 minutes, 37 seconds
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Solving the Problem of Guns in America

Merely defining gun violence is difficult, and coming to agreement on what to do about it often seems near-impossible in the United States. But people on all sides of the debate agree that they want to feel safe, even if they have different ideas of how to achieve security. What will it take to truly listen to each other and make progress on this issue? U.S. Representative Lucy McBath, advocate John Feinblatt, Cato Institute legal scholar Clark Neily and sociologist Jennifer Carlson come together at the 2023 Aspen Ideas Festival to share their unique perspectives and expertise on fighting gun violence. Journalist and public radio host Jenn White moderates the discussion.
7/19/202345 minutes, 19 seconds
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Reviewing the Supreme Court’s Latest

The U.S. Supreme Court continues to issue major decisions that have profound impacts on the lives of Americans and the political future of the country. During the term that just ended, the court ruled on affirmative action, voting rights, gay rights and student loan forgiveness, among other issues with broad reach. But the justices are not a monolith, of course, and there is much to be learned from closely reading the full opinions and dissents, and placing the decisions in legal context. Georgetown Law professor Neal Katyal, Stanford Law professor Pamela Karlan and Clark Neily from the Cato Institute join law professor and journalist Jeffrey Rosen for an in-depth discussion at the 2023 Aspen Ideas Festival about the justices’ arguments and what we expect to see from the court in the future.
7/13/202354 minutes, 13 seconds
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Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Everything

Like all technology, artificial intelligence can be used for good, and it can be used for evil. What little federal regulation the United States has governing technology and the internet was written before artificial intelligence existed in its current form, and as a society, we’re flying blind and in way over our heads as we enter this next phase of digital life. What could we possibly do to help point these constantly-evolving tools in the right direction, anticipate the biggest risks, and not replicate the overblown optimism of social media’s early days? Philanthropist and former Google CEO Eric Schmidt and the head of MIT’s College of Computing, Daniel Huttenlocher, explain how generative A.I. is built and taught to create content, and where it could go wrong. The two co-authors of the book “The Age of A.I.: And Our Human Future” point out the human biases built in to AI systems, and the dystopian (and some utopian) use cases of these tools in politics, warfare and other societal realms. Biographer and former Aspen Institute President Walter Isaacson moderates the conversation.
7/5/202344 minutes, 55 seconds
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The Surprising Source of Joy (Encore)

Why is it that simple pleasures such as bubbles, rainbows, and hot air balloons bring joy to most people? Designer Ingrid Fetell Lee says, “there’s something really powerful in the idea that we all find joy in the same things,” especially items with little significance otherwise. Fetell Lee studied how our physical environment impacts our well-being, both physically and psychologically. She believes that our surroundings can be a powerful tool for cultivating happier, healthier lives … and joyful moments. In this episode, she talks about the difference between happiness and joy and how we can stimulate our senses to produce joy. Fetell Lee is the author of Joyful: The Surprising Power of Ordinary Things to Create Extraordinary Happiness.
5/25/202350 minutes, 42 seconds
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Why People Want to Ban Books

The desire to try and stop people from reading certain printed material has been around since material was first printed. In the modern era, book banning has waxed and waned in popularity, experiencing peaks during McCarthyism and again in the 1980s. We’re now in the midst of another wave, mostly targeting books by people of color and LGBTQ identities. In 2022, the number of U.S. attempts to ban books hit the highest point since tracking began more than 20 years ago, according to the American Library Association. Not all of the 1,269 attempts last year were successful in actually removing books from shelves, but many were, and several were the result of efforts by coordinated groups with political ties. John Szabo, the head of the Los Angeles Public Library, has dealt with the challenges of library systems of all sizes all over the country, and now leads the nation’s largest. He joins Nadine Strossen, the former president of the American Civil Liberties Union and an expert in constitutional law, at the 2022 Ideas Festival for a conversation about why book banning is so alluring for some, and antithetical to the purpose and mission of a library. The Aspen Institute’s Elliot Gerson moderates the discussion.
5/11/202342 minutes, 49 seconds
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Sex Recession: Why Isn’t Everyone Doing It?

The age of technology and the internet provides constant easy access to sexual content and information about sex, for all tastes and curiosities. But survey data show that young people are having less sex than people of previous generations did at their age, and the experts are trying to figure out why. In this 2019 talk from the Aspen Ideas: Health archives, three professionals with inside knowledge talk to Atlantic culture writer Amanda Mull about the positives and negatives of keeping to yourself and delaying sexual experiences a little longer. Human sexuality professor Debby Herbenick conducts a national survey on Americans’ sexual behavior, and gets firsthand accounts of college students’ sex lives in her classes. Columnist and activist Dan Savage has been answering no-holds-barred questions from the public about sex for decades. And Atlantic editor Kate Julian wrote one of the magazine’s most-read pieces of 2018, “The Sex Recession.”
5/3/20231 hour, 3 minutes, 6 seconds
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Geraldine Brooks on Spirit, Obsession and Injustice

As a budding journalist in Sydney, Australia, Geraldine Brooks was assigned to the horse racing beat in the sports department, with no experience or knowledge of the subject. She went to every single horse race in the city and reported on the results in great detail. It wasn’t until her 50s that she actually became personally interested in horses, and returned to the subject in her latest historical fiction novel, “Horse.” The book’s main subject is Lexington, the greatest race horse in American history, and the horse’s Black and enslaved groom, Jarret. The two navigate the injustices of the years just before the Civil War, as they travel the country winning races. Brooks weaves Lexington and Jarret’s stories in with characters living through other eras of American history, including the present day, illustrating the evolution and persistence of racism. In the last conversation of the 2023 Winter Words season from Aspen Words, Washington Post book critic Ron Charles interviews Brooks about what inspired “Horse” and led her from journalism to historical fiction.
4/12/202353 minutes, 25 seconds
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Separated: Inside an American Tragedy with Jacob Soboroff

During the period of several months in 2018 when the Trump administration was separating migrant families at the U.S. border with Mexico, NBC News and MSNBC reporter Jacob Soboroff was exposing the raw details of the situation. He toured a detention facility holding young boys in Texas, and interviewed parents hundreds of miles away in California. He gave the public stark and simple descriptions of what he was seeing, and turned his reporting into a book, “Separated: Inside an American Tragedy.” At the time of this interview with NPR host Mary Louise Kelly at the 2022 Aspen Ideas Festival, at least a thousand children still hadn’t been reunited with their parents. Soboroff is still following the issue, and shares what has happened to the families affected and how the Biden administration is handling the aftermath.
4/5/202346 minutes, 51 seconds
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Bret Stephens and John Englander on Climate Skepticism

Even people who agree that climate change is a problem don’t necessarily agree on what to do about it. And some people still need a little more convincing that the threat is as serious as climate scientists and activists have been telling us it is. It can be difficult for skeptics with serious, well-intentioned questions to find a forum for getting answers. New York Times columnist Bret Stephens knows what that intellectual journey is like firsthand, having gone from climate skepticism to climate evangelism in just a few years, with the help of patient authorities on climate science. Oceanographer and sea level rise expert John Englander was one of the scientists who helped Stephens make that transformation, even inviting him on a trip to Greenland to see receded sea ice up close. Englander and Stephens reunite on stage at the 2023 Aspen Ideas: Climate event in Miami Beach to talk about persisting climate skepticism and effective tools of persuasion. The talk is moderated by Susan Goldberg, the president and CEO of public media company GBH.
3/23/202325 minutes, 9 seconds
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Vice President Kamala Harris Believes We Can Tackle Climate Change

A problem as big as climate change relies on millions of incremental solutions of all sizes, but also requires leaders who can keep their eye on the big picture. Not all the movement on climate needs to come from the government, but making progress will rely in large part on executive action. Vice President Kamala Harris has a clear vision for the role that the U.S. government can play in solving this daunting problem, and is even excited about implementing solutions that she believes will not just avert disaster, but also improve public health and quality of life. She’s focused on making technology and clean energy available to all Americans, not just those who can easily afford upgrades. She took the stage at the 2023 Aspen Ideas: Climate event in Miami Beach to share her optimism and expand upon the policy ideas that are inspiring her and the Biden administration. Singer and Miami resident Gloria Estefan interviews Harris and talks about the changes she’s seen in her home city as the climate shifts, and the precious resources she hopes to protect.
3/15/202333 minutes, 15 seconds
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Can Gen Z Trust Their Elders?

Today’s young people have not seen a lot of good examples of adults working together to solve problems. Generation Z is coming of age amidst daunting issues like climate change, gun violence, and a teen mental health crisis, and trusted adults seem few and far between to many of them. The rift goes both ways — Baby Boomers and Generation X also report distrust and dislike of young people. Members of the activist collective Gen Z for Change are taking matters into their own hands, using social media and digital tools to speak out and take action on issues they care about. And they’re getting results and forcing people to notice. Aidan Kohn-Murphy, the executive director of Gen Z for Change, and Sofia Ongele, the group’s digital strategy coordinator, join John Della Volpe, youth politics advisor and polling director at the Harvard Institute of Politics, for a frank and illuminating conversation about how to heal the generational divide. Washington Post technology columnist Taylor Lorenz moderates the conversation.
3/8/202345 minutes, 17 seconds
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Managing Our Eco-Anxiety (Encore)

Heat waves. Wildfires. Floods. This summer has served up some of the most extreme weather on record, and it’s clear many of us are overwhelmed by climate change news. We usually hear more about problems than solutions, and it’s often difficult to find helpful information about managing our fear and discomfort. Alaina Wood is a scientist and climate communicator, known for her TikTok videos about uplifting climate-related news. She believes that amplifying positive messages helps people lead healthy lives and stay engaged in activism. She’s joined on stage at this 2022 Aspen Ideas Festival event by clinical and environmental psychologist Thomas Doherty, who specializes in working with people on their concerns about environmental issues and climate change. He aims to help people improve their mental health and build capacity to take action on the issues they care about. NBC correspondent Gadi Schwartz moderates the conversation.
3/2/202345 minutes, 58 seconds
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How Trauma Lives in the Body with Bessel van der Kolk

A traumatic event can literally change the way our brain functions, and live on in our body in unexpected ways. The field of psychiatry has not always acknowledged or fully studied the physical impacts of trauma, and mental health practitioners are often not aware of appropriate treatments for traumatized patients. Psychiatrist Bessel van der Kolk has been researching trauma as a clinician for about four decades, and founded one of the first research centers in the United States dedicated to studying traumatic stress in civilians. In 2014, he published the book “The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Treatment of Trauma,” which struck a chord with millions of people, and has stayed on the New York Times bestseller list for most of the time since publication. Van der Kolk has been a leader in exploring innovative treatments for trauma, such as neurofeedback and eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) as well as a proponent of applying simpler and more widespread techniques to trauma therapy, such as yoga and Qigong. The executive director of Aspen Public Radio, Breeze Richardson, interviews van der Kolk at an event from the Winter Words 2023 season, from Aspen Words.
2/22/202357 minutes, 21 seconds
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Hot Stuff: Love, Sex and the Brain

What is it that pulls one person toward another, and connects them? What does love and attraction do to our brain, and vice versa? Biological anthropologist Helen Fisher has been studying questions of love and relationships for over 40 years. Through detailed data collection, research questionnaires and even brain scans, she has collected massive amounts of information on the topic, and identified four main styles of thinking that guide a person’s behavior and lovelife. Fisher is the chief scientist for, and a senior research fellow at the Kinsey Institute. In this 2017 interview from the Aspen Ideas Festival archives, Atlantic writer Olga Khazan talks to Fisher about why love takes so many different forms and trajectories, and looks so different for all of us. They cover attraction, romantic love, slow love, divorce, adultery and what keeps love alive.
2/15/202335 minutes, 55 seconds
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Patrick Radden Keefe on Rogues and Rebels

We could look at people who veer off society’s dominant tracks into moral gray zones as simply bad, or damaged, or living the consequences of bad choices. But from the inside, people always have reasons for doing what they do, and when all the cards are on the table, morality can become murkier. New Yorker writer Patrick Radden Keefe is fascinated by what drives people who land outside the norm, and especially those who do bad things. His latest book, “Rogues: True Stories of Grifters, Killers, Rebels and Crooks,” compiles some of his best New Yorker pieces on “successful” outliers, including Mexican drug lord El Chapo Guzmán, the Sackler family, and late chef Anthony Bourdain. In the first event of the Winter Words 2023 season from Aspen Words, Keefe talks to Mitzi Rapkin, host of the literary podcast “First Draft,” about what draws him to these subjects, how he pulls information from his sources, and how he crafts narratives that keep us glued to the page.
2/8/202357 minutes, 45 seconds
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The Kids Are Not Alright – But We Can Help

Kids growing up in the U.S. today are facing some terrifyingly real, daunting problems. Almost every day, they hear about political polarization, racism, climate change, gun violence and a host of other complex societal issues. They’re learning how to comprehend those challenges and the emotions they evoke at the same time they’re trying to learn everything else, and that overwhelm has consequences. Our mental health system is not robust enough to handle the current demand, for kids or adults, and not everyone gets the help they need. Professionals and parents alike are putting their heads together to come up with out-of-the-box ways of filling the gaps. In this panel discussion at Aspen Ideas, three experts in child development and psychology talk about solutions, big and small, that can help kids through these difficult times. Author and former college dean Julie Lythcott-Haims moderates the conversation between Christine Yu Moutier, chief medical officer for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, Lisa Damour, clinical psychologist and writer, and Rick Weissbourd, psychologist and senior lecturer at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government and Graduate School of Education.
2/1/202349 minutes, 6 seconds
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Curbing Gun Violence Through Public Health

Despite the deeply tragic, terrifying and high-profile nature of gun violence, the United States has not been able to make significant progress on the problem. The arguments on all sides are exhaustingly familiar, and so is the lack of governmental and societal action. In the meantime, more and more people are dying—researchers say more than 45,000 a year. A group of passionate health care providers and public health professionals are urging us to look at the issue in a different light, and think about how the country’s gun-owning and gun-despising populations can actually work together to save lives. Physician and Brown University professor Megan Ranney joins former U.S. surgeon general and anesthesiologist Jerome Adams and physician and program director of the American Foundation for Firearm Injury Reduction in Medicine (AFFIRM) at the Aspen Institute, Christopher Barsotti for a spirited talk at Aspen Ideas: Health. Each has firsthand experience treating people impacted by gun violence, and they share the ways they’ve employed a public health approach—emphasizing care over punishment—to reduce harm. Could their underused methods work in more parts of the country, and make a dent in this seemingly intractable issue?  Elizabeth Cohen, senior medical correspondent for CNN, moderates the conversation.
1/26/20231 hour, 8 minutes, 53 seconds
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ENCORE: What the Ancients Got Right about Happiness

People have been thinking about happiness for thousands of years. In fact, ancient thinkers came up with strategies for cultivating pleasures over a lifetime, or creating a lasting capacity to take joy in the world. This long-term flourishing is different from immediate pleasures — it’s a richer notion of happiness. Laurie Santos is a professor of psychology at Yale and an expert on human cognition and the cognitive biases that impede better choices. She’s joined by Yale philosophy professor Tamar Gendler. Their conversation sheds light on the modern science behind ancient discoveries.
1/18/202343 minutes, 40 seconds
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The Invisible Kingdom of Chronic Illness

The pain and discomfort brought on by a newly-developed chronic illness can be exhausting. On top of symptoms, millions of people also have frustrating and belittling encounters with the medical system while on a quest to diagnose and treat their illnesses. Journalist Meghan O’Rourke was one of them, and it took her more than a decade to convince a doctor to run the tests that would finally explain what she was experiencing. That journey led to treatments and improved health, and also became the basis for her latest book, “The Invisible Kingdom: Reimagining Chronic Illness.” She talks with Yale internal medicine professor and author of the New York Times Magazine “Diagnosis” column, Lisa Sanders, about the process of illuminating the often disconnected and isolated community of chronically ill people. As O’Rourke explains, simple recognition can go a long way for patients facing the unknown, but even that is frequently hard to come by. In this conversation from Aspen Ideas: Health, she uses research, scientific analysis and storytelling to chart a course for a medical system that digs deeper for answers and does better for these patients.
1/11/202351 minutes, 9 seconds
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What if Wanting Less Gets You More?

Most of us know where to find quick hits of pleasure and enjoyment. But what about satisfaction that lasts for years, or decades, or a lifetime? It can be tempting to think the secret lies in pursuing more—more money, more accomplishments, more friends, more stuff—but we have overwhelming evidence that more doesn’t work. Maybe the secret is…wanting less? Arthur Brooks teaches classes on happiness at Harvard Business School, and is the author of the New York Times bestseller “From Strength to Strength,” among many other popular books and essays. He draws from the latest research in psychology, neuroscience, behavioral economics, and other disciplines to explain why our biology pushes us to accumulate and pursue but doesn’t have our long-term best interests in mind. The good news is we can circumvent that hard-wiring by shifting our perspectives, pointing in a new direction, and chipping away at what we’ve built up on the outside to find our true selves within.
1/4/202351 minutes, 28 seconds
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The Promise and Pull of Psychedelic Therapy

Psychedelics are emerging from a period of prohibition and association with counterculture into the rigorous world of medical research and treatment. The potential outcomes for people suffering from difficult-to-treat mental ailments, such as PTSD and depression, are exciting, but the landscape is complex. The line between recreational and therapeutic use is muddy, and professionals trained to guide us through psychedelic experiences and legislative debates on legalization are few and far between. Professor Rachel Yehuda has contributed groundbreaking research to the field of PTSD and intergenerational trauma, and began incorporating psychedelic therapy into her studies a few years ago. She joined nurse practitioner and professor Andrew Penn, also a researcher and an advocate for the perspective of nurses in psychedelic therapy, and Jeeshan Chowdhury, a biopharmaceutical entrepreneur working on psychedelics and addiction care, for an informative and nuanced conversation about the cutting edge of psychedelic-assisted therapy. Doctor and podcast host Shoshana Ungerleider moderates the discussion.
12/22/20221 hour, 1 minute, 3 seconds
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BONUS: How to Influence People

Professor Zoe Chance, who teaches the most popular class at the Yale School of Management, illuminates the skills and strategies necessary to improve your natural ability to persuade.Tell us what you think about this episode by taking this quick survey.
12/17/202213 minutes, 47 seconds
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Hacked! Medical Devices at Risk

Cybersecurity gaps in the technological systems that run our lives are becoming more and more apparent. Hardly a day goes by that we don’t hear about another major institution hit with an attack. Many hospitals and healthcare organizations have suffered interruptions of service because of cyber hacks and ransomware, and the consequences for patients can literally be life or death. But could these kinds of threats go even deeper? What happens when we implant internet-connected devices into our bodies, like pacemakers and defibrillators? Electrical engineer and professor Kevin Fu researches medical device cybersecurity, and uses threat modeling to game out and catch every possible weak spot before the unthinkable happens to a patient. Jessica Wilkerson works on the regulation and enforcement side, developing policy at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for safe and effective medical devices. Vivian Schiller, the executive director of Aspen Digital, moderates a conversation between the two about what it takes to ensure safety against increasingly sophisticated bad actors when the stakes couldn’t be higher, and the exact methods and scenarios are unknown.
12/14/202249 minutes, 53 seconds
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BONUS: Rebuilding Trust in Science

The pandemic amplified political polarization. As doctors learned more about COVID-19, protocols changed and people started to question the guidance. Science itself, came under scrutiny. CPR Audio Innovations producer Emily Williams shares a conversation with Dr. Ashish Jha, a White House COVID-19 response coordinator.Tell us what you think about this episode by taking this quick survey.
12/10/202211 minutes, 23 seconds
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Finding Happiness Despite Suffering

Looking around and experiencing the suffering and injustice in the world can make it difficult to believe that happiness exists. But the Judeo-Christian tradition teaches that it’s sinful to succumb to despair, and we have a responsibility to ourselves and others to try and find our way through dark times. On the other hand, when you avoid suffering, you avoid meaning, and therefore, you avoid happiness, says professor and author Arthur Brooks. One of the great secrets of happiness, he says, is unhappiness. Emerging from the pandemic, spiritual and intellectual leaders may have a lot to offer us about rebuilding our lives into something better and more meaningful, and Brooks joins writer Pico Iyer for this on-stage conversation about navigating the complex waters of making healthy life choices. Drawing on the teachings of the Dalai Lama and many other religious practitioners, Brooks and Iyer wind through loss and emptiness, opportunity and purpose, and biology and psychology. Each thread brings them back to the ongoing challenge of taking control of one’s mental state and landing at a destination full of life and intention.
12/8/202248 minutes, 14 seconds
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BONUS: Can Robots Curb Loneliness?

Robots as caregivers? Meet “Pepper,” a robot that can tell a joke, recognize emotions and help people remember special times in their lives. Rebekah Romberg, of Colorado Public Radio, guides us through this fascinating talk with Professor Arshia Khan of the University of Minnesota Duluth. She spoke at Aspen Ideas: Health.Tell us what you think about this episode by taking this quick survey. 
12/2/202212 minutes, 18 seconds
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A Wrinkle in Time: On Beauty and Aging

Right when women feel like they have it all figured out, many of them enter a stage of life in our society where they feel dismissed, ignored and cast out. The pressure is strong to try and hold onto youth as long as possible via whatever means necessary, and shame tends to accompany all of the available options. How can we learn to embrace the inevitability of aging a little more, and push society to come along with us? Former models Paulina Porizkova, Yasmin Warsame, and Christie Brinkley are publicly changing the conversation about what it means to be a woman in her 50s and 60s, and raising questions about beauty standards, norms, and media representation. Editor-in-chief of Allure magazine, Jessica Cruel, moderates the lively on-stage conversation and poses provocative questions about how we see ourselves and each other.
12/1/202246 minutes, 6 seconds
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Bad Things Do Happen to Good People (Encore)

We try our whole lives to avoid pain and suffering and when it does show up, we try to solve it. In her new book, No Cure for Being Human, religious scholar Kate Bowler says we try to out-eat, out-learn, and out-perform our humanness. Truth is, bad things do happen to good people and if we're going to tell the truth, we need one another. As someone who lives with cancer, Bowler knows first-hand about the everything-works-out fantasy common in American culture. She speaks with Adelle Banks, national reporter at Religion News Service, about her personal experiences with pain and grief and the role religion plays in dealing with suffering.
11/24/202247 minutes, 5 seconds
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The Science of Groupiness

Though it can sometimes feel like conflict and discord is human nature, our brains are actually predisposed to forming groups and working together. In our individualistic society, we may think our minds stop at our skulls, but when people come together and connect effectively, they actually think in different ways, and they all become smarter and healthier together. Science writer Annie Murphy Paul, the author of “The Extended Mind: The Power of Thinking Outside the Brain,” joins NYU psychology professor Jay Van Bavel for a participatory conversation about uniting people to solve problems and work towards common goals. Again and again, research demonstrates the power of groups, and the panelists help us translate these findings into practical tips for encouraging people to collaborate functionally. New Yorker writer Charles Duhigg moderates the conversation and takes questions from the audience.
11/17/202245 minutes, 11 seconds
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Rewilding the Land

As the world’s nations face the realities of climate change negotiation in Egypt this week at CoP27, the United Nations Climate Change Conference, we take a closer look at what it means to care for wild places. For some indigenous groups, just the concept of “wild” land is foreign, but many of these groups do recognize when land is out of balance. The extreme floods and fires we’ve been seeing around the U.S. and the world are a telltale sign that something is off, and as humans, we need to pay a little more attention to what’s happening on our land. Chuck Sams is the first Native American director of the U.S. National Park Service, and he explains in this talk how his background impacts the way he approaches his job and thinks about managing protected places. Kristine Tompkins spent a lot of time outside and in U.S. national parks growing up, and now runs Tompkins Conservation. The philanthropic organization buys up land in Chile and Argentina to restore and return to the countries as part of their national park systems. NBC Correspondent Gadi Schwartz moderates the conversation and shares some outdoor memories of his upbringing in Albuquerque, New Mexico. 
11/9/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 53 seconds
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How Do You Know if Your Vote is Counted?

Americans across the country will go to the polls and cast their ballots next week, but they won’t all do it in exactly the same way. The U.S. has 8,800 voting jurisdictions, which allows for local adaptation, but presents a challenge when it comes to standardizing elections. That variability might be part of what’s fueling a wave of mistrust about voting integrity, and a heightened interest in how elections work. Despite experts assuring us that 2020 was the most secure election in the country’s history, fears about voting fraud or voter suppression make it into the news almost daily, and social media complicates the information ecosystem. Election administrators have a new role to play as communicators, laying bare the inner workings of their operations. A panel of election experts at the Aspen Ideas Festival break it all down and share their insider perspectives. Kim Wyman used to run elections in Washington state, and now works on election security at the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency (CISA). Stephen Richer is the Maricopa County, Arizona recorder, managing elections for the nation’s second largest voting jurisdiction. Election law expert and UCLA professor Rick Hasen provides an academic view of our current context. Former CISA director Chris Krebs moderates the conversation.
11/2/202246 minutes, 18 seconds
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Are We Stupider than Ever?

Does it feel like the quality of our national discourse has gone down in the last several years? You’re not the only one who’s noticed. It’s not individuals who have gotten stupider, says NYU social psychologist Jonathan Haidt, but it’s our collective intelligence that’s suffering. Institutions aren’t getting as much done, and leaders are making rash decisions under the pressure of mobs on social media. Everyone on earth now has a “little dart gun,” says Haidt, and the sting of those darts add up to a messy, disorganized form of power. In his conversation onstage with the editor in chief of The Atlantic, Jeffrey Goldberg, at the Aspen Ideas Festival, Haidt explains the nuanced cumulative impact that social media has had on our discourse, and offers some ideas for how to raise our societal IQ back to functional levels.
10/26/202246 minutes, 15 seconds
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Awe Is More Powerful than You Think

So much of adult life is about learning the rules and then using those rules to navigate the world. We become certain that we know what we know — that we’re right, and we’re safer and more secure that way. But certainty, argues neuroscientist Beau Lotto, might actually be one of society’s biggest sources of emotional and physical unwellness. Certainty causes us to have less humility, less creativity, and less tolerance for difference. But occasionally, something amazing knocks us out of those patterns — we’re awestruck. Is it possible to use awe as a tool to make us more open, tolerant people? In Lotto’s talk from Aspen Ideas: Health, he walks us through how that effect actually works in our brains, and shares what he’s learned from researching the topic at his Lab of Misfits, where he’s founder and CEO.
10/19/202258 minutes, 10 seconds
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How Do We Stop the Rise of Hate?

Hate has unfortunately been a part of the United States since the founding of the country, enshrined at various times in policies and regulations, and showing up in the practices and everyday behavior of individuals. We have made progress in addressing some of those harms and removing some of the structural barriers people face, but we still have a ways to go as a society. And in the last few years, in part due to the COVID-19 pandemic, hateful incidents have been on the rise, putting minority groups at great risk. In this panel at the 2022 Aspen Ideas Festival, civic leaders and researchers who are leading the fight against hate explain its inner workings and tell us what they’ve learned about stopping hate from spreading. Eric Liu, the co-founder and CEO of Citizen University and the director of the Aspen Institute’s Citizenship and American Identity Program, moderates the conversation between Manjusha Kulkarni, executive director of AAPI Equity Alliance, Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of the Anti-Defamation League, and Dana Coester, media professor at West Virginia University.
10/13/202248 minutes, 42 seconds
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Building Brain Health at Any Age (Encore)

People often talk about maintaining their physical health but brain health is an afterthought. It turns out brain fitness at any age heightens and protects brain function and can even prevent brain disease. Sanjay Gupta, author of Keep Sharp: Build a Better Brain at Any Age, Maria Shriver, founder of the Women’s Alzheimer’s Movement, and Natalie Morales, West Coast anchor of NBC’s Today Show, all have personal stories about dementia. In this episode, they talk about why it's important to link lifestyle with brain health in order to live a longer, happier life.
10/5/202230 minutes, 48 seconds
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David Brooks on Building Trust and Connection

Are we experiencing a “crisis of connection"?” Fifty-four percent of American adults report that not a single person knows them well. Our political and social divisions are at the forefront of public life right now, and distrust is widespread. New York Times columnist David Brooks is on a mission to spread the skills of deep listening and engaged conversation, which lead to real recognition and understanding between humans. If you want to get to know someone, you need to know how they see the world, he says. And in this talk, he tells us what he’s learned about how to do that, and gently nudges us all to take a step toward rebuilding trust.
9/28/202255 minutes, 27 seconds
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Is It Time for New Economic Metrics?

Do we really understand what’s happening in the economic lives of regular Americans? How is inflation hitting people with middle and lower incomes, and what impact will higher interest rates have on them? What societally valuable assets are we ignoring because we don’t measure them? Some economists believe we’re not collecting the right data, and therefore, we’re not getting an accurate picture of what’s happening to individuals. Gene Ludwig founded the Ludwig Institute for Shared Economic Prosperity to create new economic indicators for unemployment, earnings, and cost of living. He discusses how and why changes could be made to economic metrics with Duke law professor and risk analyst Sarah Bloom Raskin, and Oren Cass, the director of the conservative think tank American Compass. New York Times writer David Leonhardt moderates the conversation, which took place at the end of June.
9/21/202246 minutes, 29 seconds
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Bringing the Democratic Party Back to the People

Have Democrats become too identified with technocratic ways of speaking — about the economy, the pandemic, climate change? Has this deepened the political divide between those with and those without college degrees? Can Democrats reconnect with working-class voters who were drawn to Donald Trump? A few people inside the Democratic Party, including Colorado senator Michael Bennet, are speaking up to do just that, and figure out how to reorient the party to a compassionate and winning strategy. Harvard political philosophy professor Michael Sandel lays out a similar argument in his recent book “The Tyranny of Merit: What’s Become of the Common Good?” Bennet and Sandel hash out recent history and imagine a new direction — philosophical, social, economic and strategic — for the Democratic Party and the American people.
9/14/202251 minutes, 18 seconds
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Managing Our Eco-Anxiety

Heat waves. Wildfires. Floods. This summer has served up some of the most extreme weather on record, and it’s clear many of us are overwhelmed by climate change news. We usually hear more about problems than solutions, and it’s often difficult to find helpful information about managing our fear and discomfort. Alaina Wood is a scientist and climate communicator, known for her TikTok videos about uplifting climate-related news. She believes that amplifying positive messages helps people lead healthy lives and stay engaged in activism. She’s joined on stage at this 2022 Aspen Ideas Festival event by clinical and environmental psychologist Thomas Doherty, who specializes in working with people on their concerns about environmental issues and climate change. He aims to help people improve their mental health and build capacity to take action on the issues they care about. NBC correspondent Gadi Schwartz moderates the conversation.
9/7/202245 minutes, 58 seconds
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Time for a Friendship Reset?

For many people, the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown became an unexpected opportunity to take stock of our relationships. Some friendships deepened and transformed, some slipped away, and many social circles shrank. Which isn’t always a bad thing. Our friendships have an enormous impact on our lives, but this type of relationship hardly gets any attention from social scientists and the media, and we have a lot of misconceptions about friendship. The writers and researchers in this panel from the 2022 Aspen Ideas Festival, psychologist Marisa G. Franco, writer Eric Barker, and author and speaker Jen Hatmaker, are all working to change that. In a lively conversation, they pick apart the inner workings of these unique kinds of bonds and share some tips on making and keeping better friends. Writer Jennifer Senior, author of the viral story in The Atlantic, “It’s Your Friends Who Break Your Heart,” moderates the discussion.
8/31/20221 hour, 3 minutes, 31 seconds
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Following Dirty Money Around the World

We are in a golden age for organized crime and corruption, according to watchdog groups. Technological innovations like cryptocurrency have given criminals new tools for covering their tracks, and allowed them to spread out around the globe. Bad actors have spent decades building tangled webs of enablers and tactics, and they now have more resources and capital than ever to invest in new crime enterprises. The Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project has reporters and editors on every continent who put their lives at risk to follow trails of laundered money and trace clues back to the guilty parties. Their reporting uncovers the ways corruption is chipping away at democracy, human rights, and quality of life for regular citizens. The co-founders of the OCCRP, Drew Sullivan and Paul Radu, along with Freezing Order author Bill Browder,  joined NPR host and reporter Mary Louise Kelly on stage at the Aspen Ideas Festival, to explain their methods, share their read on the magnitude of the problem, and speculate about the future of organized, globalized crime.
8/24/20221 hour, 1 minute, 30 seconds
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When it Comes to Education, Do Parents Know Best?

Parents have always cared about what their kids are learning in school, but education debates have become particularly explosive in the U.S. in the last couple of years. All over the country, parent groups have introduced bills that try to control and restrict what children learn – especially around issues of race, history, and LGBTQ identity. What’s behind the recent push for parental power over education? And is it pitting parents against teachers? Parents who are also educators, researchers and writers join moderator and New York Times podcast host Jane Coaston to try and untangle this flood of activism and assess its impact. You’ll hear from writer and editor at The Dispatch, David French, Wheaton College theology professor Esau McCaulley, and Stanford internet researcher Renée DiResta.
8/17/202240 minutes, 26 seconds
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Free Speech: Where Should We Go From Here?

In public forums and institutions all across America, people are arguing about what free speech means in the age of the internet. What are the rules, and are they the same in every context? What are the consequences of taking action against hate speech, and what are the consequences of not taking action? Is “cancel culture” real, and what is it? Are we in need of a fundamental reset of the bedrock principles and law regarding freedom of speech? In this rousing and passionate panel from the 2022 Aspen Ideas Festival, New Yorker staff writer and professor Jelani Cobb and professor and former ACLU president Nadine Strossen debate the harms and merits of allowing and restricting speech in various environments. David Brooks, New York Times columnist and chair of Weave: The Social Fabric Project at the Aspen Institute, moderates the conversation.
8/10/202247 minutes, 25 seconds
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Will Inflation Come Down Anytime Soon?

Inflation is dominating the financial news headlines, and millions of Americans are really hurting from high prices for gas and food. The unemployment rate is still low, but some companies are announcing layoffs and hiring freezes, and it’s hard to see the light at the end of the economic tunnel. There are more questions than answers: What caused the highest inflation rate in 40 years, and how do we get out of it? What can the Biden Administration and the Federal Reserve do to help? Are we facing a recession? And who is inflation affecting the most? Ellen McGirt, senior editor at Fortune magazine, moderated a panel of economic experts at the 2022 Aspen Ideas Festival as they explored all of these questions, picking apart what happened in hindsight, and looking ahead to predict where the economy might go from here. You’ll hear from Karin Kimbrough, the chief economist for LinkedIn Corporation, Gregory Daco, the chief economist at EY-Parthenon, and Steven Rattner, CEO of Willett Advisors.
8/3/202246 minutes, 17 seconds
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A Firsthand Report of Ukrainian Suffering and Resolve

As Russia’s attack on Ukraine continues, reporters bring us more and more heart-wrenching stories and images of suffering caused by the conflict. The scale of the damage can feel overwhelming, but a firsthand account can sometimes help us process the impact and ground us in what’s happening in the region. Yuliya Tychkivska is a longtime activist and the executive director of Aspen Institute Kyiv. She recently fled the war in Ukraine with her three children, traveling through at least six countries before finding temporary stability. Her husband is still back home, fighting in the war as a soldier. Tychkivska spoke with Elliot Gerson, Executive Vice President of the Aspen Institute, at the 2022 Aspen Ideas Festival about her harrowing experience during the war, hardships experienced by friends and family, and her hopes for Ukraine’s future.
7/20/202244 minutes, 1 second
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Is the Supreme Court Still the Weakest Branch?

Alexander Hamilton called the U.S. Supreme Court the “weakest” branch of government, because it has no direct control over the military or budget. But the court’s recent cluster of decisions on hot-button issues has demonstrated that it can have an enormous impact on the American people and life in this country. Is the judiciary becoming more powerful, and therefore more dangerous? And what will be the consequences if the Court’s power is undermined by ongoing questions about its legitimacy? The 2022 Aspen Ideas Festival asked a panel of legal experts to address these questions and shed some light on the Court’s recent decisions. Law professor and writer Jeffrey Rosen, of the National Constitution Center, moderates the conversation between Melissa Murray of NYU School of Law, Sherif Girgis of Notre Dame Law School and Neal Katyal of Georgetown Law. This is the final episode of three about SCOTUS decisions and the future of the Court.
7/15/202248 minutes, 5 seconds
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Beyond Roe and Dobbs: the Future of Reproductive Rights

The U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization on June 24, 2022, has clear consequences: abortion is no longer a protected federal right in the U.S, and many clinics are shutting down. But the legal arguments the decision relies upon are much more complex, and those details often get lost in the headlines. The 2022 Aspen Ideas Festival brought together a conservative and a liberal constitutional scholar to break down the ruling, explain the nuances and speculate about how Dobbs might impact the legal future of other federal rights, such as contraception access and same-sex marriage. Law professor and writer Jeffrey Rosen, of the National Constitution Center and Yamiche Alcindor, the Washington correspondent for NBC News, moderate the conversation between Sherif Girgis of Notre Dame Law School and Melissa Murray of NYU School of Law. This is the second of three episodes about SCOTUS decisions and the future of the Court.
7/14/20221 hour, 13 minutes, 58 seconds
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SCOTUS: Roe v. Wade is Overturned

The U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade on June 24, 2022, revoking the federal right to an abortion. The Aspen Ideas Festival kicked off the next day, so we quickly shifted gears for the Opening Session and pulled together a stellar panel discussion that centered this groundbreaking legal decision. Laws banning abortion have already gone effect in several states as a result of this decision, and some clinics have reduced services or shut down entirely. Questions remain about what other kinds of legislation this ruling has opened the door for, including criminalization of travel or assistance for abortion, prosecution of miscarriages, or the banning of contraception. Atlantic writer Jennifer Senior moderated a discussion between legal experts Steve Vladeck from the University of Texas School of Law and Katie Keith from Georgetown University Law Center, and writers Jane Coaston, host of “The Argument” podcast and an opinion writer at the New York Times, and David French, senior editor at The Dispatch and a contributing writer for The Atlantic. This is the first of three episodes about SCOTUS decisions and the future of the Court.
7/13/202239 minutes, 6 seconds
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Digital Surveillance and the Fight for Reproductive Rights

The reversal of Roe v. Wade would make it difficult or impossible for millions of people to obtain abortions, but would also open the doors to criminally prosecute people who seek or obtain an abortion. And in our technological age, that criminalization brings new, frightening opportunities for digital surveillance by law enforcement agencies or anti-abortion vigilantes. In this panel from Aspen Digital, “Digital Surveillance and the Fight for Reproductive Rights,” three experts in digital privacy and civil rights walk us through the risks and existing practices, and share what can be done: Wafa Ben-Hassine from the Omidyar Network, Tiffany Li from University of New Hampshire School of Law and Yale Law School’s Information Society Project, and Cynthia Conti-Cook from the Ford Foundation. The panelists are also joined by U.S. Senator Ron Wyden of Oregon, a longtime advocate for digital privacy, and Vivian Schiller, the Executive Director of Aspen Digital, moderates. 
5/17/20221 hour, 12 seconds
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Reckoning with America’s History of Slavery

History is taught with textbooks and lectures, but it’s also passed down in more informal ways, within families from generation to generation. Different groups of people can become attached to varying stories of the same past, and some narratives are erased or distorted. Writer and scholar Clint Smith takes a close look at the mechanisms and consequences of those distortions in his new book, “How the Word is Passed: A Reckoning With the History of Slavery Across America.” He visited historical sites around the U.S., such as Thomas Jefferson’s plantation, Monticello, and a Confederate cemetery, and talked with docents and descendents about how they explain and make sense of what happened in those places. Smith is a staff writer at The Atlantic, and a poet and education scholar. As part of the Winter Words series from Aspen Words, he is interviewed by James Merle Thomas, a curator and art history professor, and the director of the Resnick Center for Herbert Bayer Studies at the Aspen Institute.
4/14/20221 hour, 7 minutes, 16 seconds
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Remembering Madeleine Albright

The Aspen Institute remembers and mourns Secretary Madeleine K. Albright, who passed away on March 23, 2022. She was a diplomat, professor, author, business leader, and the first woman to be the U.S. Secretary of State. In 2018, she raised the alarm on dangerous world leadership with her book “Fascism: A Warning,” calling out the regimes of Kim Jong-un and Vladimir Putin, among others. In July of that year, Aspen Institute President and CEO, Dan Porterfield, interviewed her about the book in front of a live audience as part of the McCloskey Speaker Series. Among her many achievements and accomplishments, Secretary Albright served on the Aspen Institute Board of Trustees starting in 2002, and founded the Aspen Ministers Forum that same year, to strengthen diplomatic ties between the US and Europe. In 2012, she helped establish Aspen Central Europe based in Prague, and was recognized in 2011 as the recipient of the Institute’s Henry Crown Leadership Award. Secretary Albright leaves an enormous legacy as a longtime champion of freedom, justice, and equity around the world.
3/29/202255 minutes, 16 seconds
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A New and Improved Social Contract

The industrial revolution and consequent terrible labor conditions sparked a wave of revolutions in Europe, and then a string of laws and protections for workers. As author and innovation expert Alec Ross describes it, we “rewrote the social contract.” But, Ross says, we may be due for another rewrite, as we transition from an industrial economy to one based on information and knowledge. He writes in his book, “The Raging 2020s: Companies, Countries, People – And the Fight For Our Future,” that some corporations have as much power as nations, government regulation is out of date, and workers have lost staggering amounts of wealth and agency. In this talk from the Society of Fellows at the Aspen Institute, Stephanie Mehta, editor in chief of Fast Company magazine, interviews Ross, a board partner at the venture capital firm Amplo and former innovation advisor for the State Department, about what went wrong and how we get back to equilibrium.
3/16/202248 minutes, 54 seconds
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The Russian Cyber Threats Facing Ukraine

Any organization, public or private, with any connection to Ukraine, should be exercising extreme technological vigilance, says cybersecurity expert Sandra Joyce, Executive Vice President and Head of Global Intelligence at Mandiant. In addition to the attacks on the ground, Russia could come at Ukraine virtually, with a wide range of targets and tactics and varying levels of sophistication. On February 18th, 2022, a few days before Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Chris Krebs, the Senior Newmark Fellow in Cybersecurity Policy at Aspen Digital and former director of the federal Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, interviewed Joyce and Dr. Herb Lin, Senior Research Scholar for Cyber Policy and Security at the Center for International Security and Cooperation, and the Hank J. Holland Fellow in Cyber Policy and Security at the Hoover Institution, both at Stanford University. The panelists explore the potential outcomes of cyber attacks, and discuss how the U.S. government’s ability to detect and respond to such threats has evolved over the last few years.
3/2/202243 minutes, 7 seconds
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How to Build Diversity, Equity and Inclusion that Sticks

We may have moved from a time of reckoning on racial equity to a time of transformation, says business leader Dr. Rohini Anand, and that gives her hope. The author of “Leading Global Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: A Guide for Systemic Change in Multinational Organizations,” Anand advises leaders all over the world on how to get to work and make DEI improvements that stick. Each situation is unique, but the principles Anand has come up with help leaders adapt her expertise to their own organization. Miecha Ranea Forbes, the Aspen Institute’s Vice President of People and Culture, interviews Dr. Anand and shares some of her own expertise in this work. The talk is hosted by Ascend at the Aspen Institute; Ascend is a catalyst and convener for systems, policy, and social impact leaders working to create a society where every family passes a legacy of prosperity and well-being from one generation to the next.
2/16/202239 minutes, 41 seconds
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How Can Activism Repair Our Democracy?

The cornerstone of democracy is the principle that all citizens have the right and ability to participate in their own governance, either directly or via representation. While many Americans today may believe that we’ve lost sight of that inclusive ideal, Rashad Robinson, racial justice activist and the president of Color of Change, points out that for some, the system has never worked as well as it was supposed to. He wants us to come together and look ahead to build a new, more inclusive, more functional version of democracy than what we had before, and be honest about what that requires. In this panel from the State of Democracy Summit, co-presented by the 92nd Street Y and Aspen Digital, Robinson is interviewed by Vivian Schiller, the Executive Director of Aspen Digital.
2/2/202229 minutes, 1 second
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A Conversation with Author Anthony Doerr

Anthony Doerr is probably best known for his Pulitzer Prize winning novel All the Light We Cannot See. Just like that book, his latest work, Cloud Cuckoo Land, features protagonists who are dreamers and outsiders who find hope in the midst of danger. He talks with Mary Beth Keane, author of Ask Again, Yes, about the inspiration for his latest book and its focus on technology, destruction, preservation, and humanity’s vast interconnectedness. Doerr and Keane spoke as part of the Winter Words conversation series held by Aspen Words.
1/20/202254 minutes, 9 seconds
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What the Ancients Got Right about Happiness

People have been thinking about happiness for thousands of years. In fact, ancient thinkers came up with strategies for cultivating pleasures over a lifetime, or creating a lasting capacity to take joy in the world. This long-term flourishing is different from immediate pleasures — it’s a richer notion of happiness. Laurie Santos is a professor of psychology at Yale and an expert on human cognition and the cognitive biases that impede better choices. She’s joined by Yale philosophy professor Tamar Gendler. Their conversation sheds light on the modern science behind ancient discoveries.
1/5/202243 minutes, 40 seconds
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Brain Health and the Pitfalls of "Bikini Medicine" (Encore)

Even though women are likely to live longer than men, their hormonal changes make them far more susceptible to age-related memory loss like Alzhemier’s disease and other conditions. Yet gender is often not a primary consideration by the medical community  — but more and more research shows that it should be. Professor of neuroscience, neurology, and radiology Lisa Mosconi directs the Women’s Brain Initiative at Weill Cornell Medical College. Her latest book is “The XX Brain.” She discusses the female brain’s unique risks and strengths and ways to maximize cognitive health with Natalie Morales of NBC’s TODAY Show.
12/28/202135 minutes, 33 seconds
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The Remarkable Brain of the Bird (Encore)

It used to be that having a “bird brain” was an insult. Now, it’s practically a compliment! Turns out the brain of a bird, which is small enough to fit into a nut, is full of neurons. These animals are capable of complex cognition — they can solve problems, count, understand cause and effect, and even communicate in ways that resemble language. Jennifer Ackerman chronicles birds’ intelligence in her book, “The Genius of Birds.” She sits down with Alexander Taylor, an animal psychologist who’s been studying the Caledonian crow — a bird that creates tools and passes on those lessons to younger generations. Flora Lichtman, host of the Gimlet Media podcast “Every Little Thing,” moderates the conversation.Watch the BBC video "Are crows the ultimate problem solvers?" featuring Alexander Taylor.
12/22/202146 minutes, 46 seconds
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Psychedelics for the Win

In the 1950s and 60s, mental health providers used psychedelics to help patients open up about difficult memories. Then, the drugs were banned. Now there’s a resurgence. Psychedelics like MDMA, psilocybin, and ketamine are being studied as solutions for anxiety, depression, and PTSD. Findings show that drugs like MDMA are especially useful in the context of healing from trauma. Rachel Yehuda, director of the Center for Psychedelic Psychotherapy and Trauma Research, and Gita Vaid, a psychologist and psychoanalyst who researches ketamine assisted psychotherapy, discuss psychedelic therapies with Alison Snyder of Axios.
12/15/202133 minutes, 25 seconds
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How Do We Build Wealth for Everyone?

The global Covid-19 pandemic has worsened inequality. Oxfam International found that while billionaire fortunes returned to pre-pandemic highs in just nine months, a recovery for the world’s poorest people could take over a decade. In the United States, wealthier people have kept their jobs and decreased their expenses as they transitioned to working from home, while others have either gone to work on the frontlines or lost their jobs altogether. What caused this widening gap and can it be reversed? Gillian White, of The Atlantic, interviews Beth Ann Bovino, chief US economist at S&P Global Ratings, Morningstar CEO Kunal Kapoor, and Children’s Defense Fund President Starsky Wilson about how to build wealth equity and create a more prosperous future for everyone.
12/7/202146 minutes, 1 second
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We're in a science moment. What will come out of it?

The Covid-19 vaccine was developed at an unusually rapid pace, and now the public's expectations are high for what science can deliver. It's a good thing we're in a science moment. Gobs of data are being produced, researchers are collaborating more, and the public is engaged. But is the pace of discovery keeping up with the science? Alison Snyder, managing editor at Axios, interviews Darío Gil, senior vice president and director of IBM Research at IBM, Serpil Erzurum, chief research and academic officer of Cleveland Clinic, and Nicholas Dirks, president and CEO of the New York Academy of Sciences, about the pace of discovery in an age of streamlined research and development processes and advanced computing.
11/30/202149 minutes, 48 seconds
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The Most Important Rule for a More Civil Thanksgiving: No Eye Rolling (Rebroadcast)

Current political fault lines are fracturing American society as people grow farther apart from one another due to differing beliefs and opinions. We often see people we disagree with as caricatures, and think we can never reconcile our differences. Yet despite that sense of contradiction we are much closer to each other than we think. To bridge the divide, we have to strengthen the bonds that make us human. In this special Thanksgiving conversation, Krista Tippett longtime host of the radio program “On Being,” and Harvard professor Arthur Brooks who writes the “How to Build a Life” column for The Atlantic, discuss ways we can share our humanity and work towards re-creating politics and civil society. Their discussion is part of Unfinished Live, an online event series produced in collaboration with Aspen Ideas partner, Unfinished. Learn more at
11/23/202128 minutes, 57 seconds
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Mark Bittman on Reimagining America's Food System

Longtime food journalist Mark Bittman says America's food system needs to be reimagined so land is used fairly and well and people have access to food that promotes health, not illness. His latest book, Animal, Vegetable, Junk: A History of Food, from Sustainable to Suicidal, tells the story of humankind through the lens of food. The frenzy for food has driven human history to some of its most catastrophic moments from slavery and colonialism to our current moment of Big Food. Big Food—driven by corporate greed and gluttony—is exacerbating climate change, plundering the planet, and sickening people. He speaks with Kathleen Finlay, president of the Glynwood Center for Regional Food and Farming, about what needs to change so that agriculture doesn’t wreck the planet and healthy food is available to all.
11/18/202144 minutes, 14 seconds
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Why Our Partisan Differences Are Threatening National Security

It's clear the United States isn't united right now. A Pew Research poll done before the 2020 election showed about 9 in 10 voters worried a victory by the other party would lead to lasting harm for the country. Our partisan divides aren't just endangering relationships and slowing progress in Washington, they're threatening our national security. "The greatest gift the United States can give to our national foes is hating each other. Why? Because it’s the ultimate distraction," says Arthur Brooks, professor at Harvard’s Kennedy School and Business School. He speaks with Amy Walter, editor and publisher of The Cook Political Report, and Susan Glasser, staff writer for The New Yorker, about this month's election results, the psychology behind our partisanship, what history shows us about division, and why there’s hope on the horizon.
11/9/202145 minutes, 39 seconds
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QUICK TAKE | We Need to Treat the Pandemic like a Global Security Threat | Gayle Smith

Quick Take is a weekly dose of ideas and insights delivered in short form.Today’s episode features Gayle Smith, the State Department’s coordinator for the global response to Covid-19. Watch her full conversation from the Aspen Security Forum. The talk was co-presented with the Aspen Institute Health, Medicine, and Society Program. us on Follow us on us on
11/6/20214 minutes, 54 seconds
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Bad Things Do Happen to Good People

We try our whole lives to avoid pain and suffering and when it does show up, we try to solve it. In her new book, No Cure for Being Human, religious scholar Kate Bowler says we try to out-eat, out-learn, and out-perform our humanness. Truth is, bad things do happen to good people and if we're going to tell the truth, we need one another. As someone who lives with cancer, Bowler knows first-hand about the everything-works-out fantasy common in American culture. She speaks with Adelle Banks, national reporter at Religion News Service, about her personal experiences with pain and grief and the role religion plays in dealing with suffering.
11/2/202147 minutes, 6 seconds
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QUICK TAKE | Rules Schmules | Adam Grant

Want to raise creative kids who learn how to think for themselves? Go easy on the rules. Quick Take is a weekly dose of ideas and insights delivered in short form.Today’s episode features Adam Grant, a professor of management and psychology at The Wharton School and author of The Originals: How Non-Conformists Move the World. Listen to his entire talk from the Aspen Ideas Festival us on Follow us on us on
10/29/20216 minutes, 32 seconds
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Journalism's norms are changing. Here's why you should care.

Norms in newsrooms across the United States are being upended thanks to deep polarization, a racial reckoning, and the pandemic. Hallmark journalistic traits like neutrality and objectivity are being redefined. Eric Deggans, TV critic for NPR, says it's impossible to be objective, and journalists have long been advocates for the status quo. “We’ve seen newspapers apologize for how they covered the Civil Rights Movement because they marginalized civil rights advocates." Still, today's challenges are unique. Newsrooms are grappling with generational change, the Me Too movement, and journalists who became oppositional following President Trump's "enemy of the people" comments. Deggans speaks with Joanne Lipman, former editor in chief for USA Today, and Vivian Schiller, executive director of Aspen Digital.
10/26/202159 minutes, 33 seconds
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QUICK TAKE | How a Cosmic Perspective Could Unify Earthlings | Jill Tarter

Quick Take is a weekly dose of ideas and insights delivered in short form.Today’s episode features astronomer Jill Tarter. She co-founded SETI, or the “Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence Institute.” Watch her full conversation from the Aspen Ideas Festival us on Follow us on us on
10/22/20215 minutes, 26 seconds
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Will this Anti-Poverty Measure Stick?

When President Biden expanded the nation's Child Tax Credit in March, US Senator Michael Bennet applauded the move. Bennet, a democrat from Colorado, has been working to increase support for families since he introduced the American Family Act in Congress in 2017. Now he wants to make the Credit, which pays most American families $250 or $300/child each month, permanent. He says it will cut childhood poverty in half. Still, Republicans reject an effort to extend it saying it's a waste of taxpayer money and costs American jobs. Bennet speaks with Etsy CEO Josh Silverman about the role of the Federal Government and the private sector in assisting today's families. They're interviewed by Marketplace's Samantha Fields.
10/19/202134 minutes, 48 seconds
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QUICK TAKE | Get Off Your Duff to Improve Your Brain | Sanjay Gupta

What if the key to a healthier brain is as simple as getting up out of your chair?Quick Take is a weekly dose of ideas and insights delivered in short form.Today’s episode features neurosurgeon Dr. Sanjay Gupta. Listen to the full episode us on Follow us on us on
10/15/20213 minutes, 21 seconds
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Whose Job Is It to Protect Your Online Data?

When you tick a box on an online privacy notice, just how much personal information are you giving away? Is the tradeoff worthwhile? When it comes to data, the relationship between companies and consumers is uneven — customers are getting a raw deal because there's no limit on what a company can collect. Whose job is it to regulate this space and better protect consumers' data? Tom Wilson, CEO of Allstate, thinks the federal government should step in with a digital Bill of Rights that would increase transparency. Jen King, Privacy and Data Policy Fellow at the Stanford Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence, believes one (among many) solutions is data trusts. They speak with Kristine Gloria, director of artificial intelligence for Aspen Digital, about large-scale solutions and what consumers can do today to better protect themselves online.
10/12/202156 minutes
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QUICK TAKE | How a Dating App is Making the Internet more Humane | Whitney Wolfe Herd

Quick Take is a weekly dose of ideas and insights delivered in short form.Today’s episode features Bumble founder and CEO Whitney Wolfe Herd. Watch her full conversation from the Aspen Ideas Festival us on Follow us on us on
10/8/20216 minutes, 48 seconds
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Why Big Social can't Coexist with Democracy

Technology has changed the way we think and interact with one another, and social media platforms are intentionally engineered to be addictive and manipulative. Those messages are in the documentary "The Social Dilemma," which was created by Jeff Orlowski's filmmaking company Exposure Labs. "Big social," says Orlowski, is transforming our information ecosystem. He tells Vivian Schiller, executive director of Aspen Digital, that an unregulated social media landscape cannot co-exist with a healthy, functioning democracy. Orlowski's team is also behind the climate change films "Chasing Ice" and "Chasing Coral."
10/5/202147 minutes, 58 seconds
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QUICK TAKE | How to Leave a Conspiracy Movement | Yasmin Green

How can technology be used to help people leave conspiracy movements? A technologist for Google weighs in.Quick Take is a weekly dose of ideas and insights delivered in short form.Today’s episode features Yasmin Green, the director of research and development for Jigsaw, a unit within Google that works to use technology to solve global security challenges. Listen to the full episode us on Follow us on us on
10/1/20214 minutes, 14 seconds
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Conquering Fear Everywhere, from the Office to Everest

John Hagel, author of The Journey Beyond Fear, says there's increasing fear and uncertainty in the world and it's not just from the pandemic. Competition for jobs, mounting performance pressure, and a rapidly accelerating pace of change are escalating fears, especially in the workplace. But fear exists in other places — far-flung locales few people visit. Alison Levine is a polar explorer who made history when she skied nearly 600 miles from west Antarctica to the South Pole. She and Hagel talk about how to move beyond fear whether you're running a business, building a career, raising a family, going to school, or braving extreme environments. They speak with Aspen Ideas to Go producer Marci Krivonen.
9/29/202145 minutes, 4 seconds
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QUICK TAKE | This Moment in Education | Tim Shriver

What classrooms need now: A focus on emotional health.Quick Take is a weekly dose of ideas and insights delivered in short form.Today’s episode features Tim Shriver, chairman of the Special Olympics and founder of Unite, speaking at the Aspen Ideas Festival. Watch the full conversation, produced in partnership with the Walton Family Foundation:
9/24/20215 minutes, 9 seconds
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Are We on the Brink of Finding Life on Mars?

The history of exploration on Mars reads like a good book with twists and turns and unexpected findings. None of these findings, though, have turned up evidence of life. After decades of searching, scientists are hopeful a NASA rover called Perseverance, which touched down on Mars in February, will reveal ancient, long-dead, fossilized life. Sarah Stewart Johnson, planetary scientist and author of The Sirens of Mars, says Perseverance is scouring the surface of a crater and producing rock samples. She says finding signs of life on the Red Planet would be an inspiration to humankind and make us think differently about our place in the cosmos. She speaks with Marina Koren, staff writer for The Atlantic.
9/21/202129 minutes, 47 seconds
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9/11: The Hinge of History

Twenty years ago, terror attacks on September 11th took place in the United States over the course of a morning but the effects have been felt ever since — politically and psychologically. Journalist Garrett Graff says America lost its innocence that day and the attacks led to a series of consequential blunders by political leaders. The anger, hatred, and fear that emerged from 9/11 and the resulting War on Terror are to blame for the distrust and divisiveness that exists in America today. Graff and filmmaker Brian Knappenberger have devoted their careers to documenting 9/11 and its aftermath. Graff is the author of The Only Plane in the Sky and Knappenberger directed the Netflix docu-series "Turning Point: 9/11 and the War on Terror." They speak with Vivian Schiller, executive director of Aspen Digital at the Aspen Institute.Garrett Graff's article in The Atlantic of "Turning Point: 9/11 and the War on Terror"
9/15/202149 minutes, 6 seconds
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When the 'Woke Playbook' Kills Free Speech

How is social justice best pursued in a time when America is facing a reckoning on race? In today's cancel culture, many believe making the world a better place means banishing some opinions from the public sphere. John McWhorter, associate professor of English at Columbia University, says this censorious mindset threatens the value of free speech. McWhorter, a linguist and author of over 20 books, speaks with Jane Coaston, host of The New York Times podcast "The Argument," about pop culture, the philosophy behind free speech, and how college campuses are often where today’s cancel culture frame of mind begins. They also discuss McWhorter's latest book, Nine Nasty Words: English in the Gutter—Then, Now, and Forever.From the break: Learn more about and register for Unfinished Live
9/8/202144 minutes, 55 seconds
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A 'Weather Map' of Viruses Could Prevent the Next Pandemic

Before Covid-19 began spreading across the globe last year, virologist Nathan Wolfe already knew what was becoming abundantly clear: The world was woefully unprepared to prevent the spread of novel viral threats. To prevent similar devastation, he challenges people to imagine a different future where viruses are regularly tracked in groups of individuals—providing a sort of weather map of viruses. "We should have always-on systems that are capable of monitoring for all of the viruses present, all of the microbes present within a society, and that’s within reach." He speaks with Sarah Zhang, staff writer for The Atlantic, about where viruses come from, how to eliminate future pandemics, and why he doesn't think Covid-19 was deliberately released into the world. Wolfe is the founder and chairman of Metabiota and was a professor of epidemiology at UCLA.From the break: Listen to the episode "How One Woman's Detective Work Uncovered a Racist Tax System"
8/31/202148 minutes, 28 seconds
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Why Do Some People Succeed and Others Fail?

A person with grit, says psychologist Angela Duckworth, uses passion and long-term perseverance to reach goals. Reaching success, she says, is about stamina over months and years, not talent or a high IQ. In her research, Duckworth studied cadets struggling through their first days at West Point, teachers working in some of the toughest schools, and young finalists in a national spelling bee. She speaks with Aspen Institute President Dan Porterfield about her book Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance, and how parents, mentors, and teachers can instill grit into those they counsel.
8/25/202140 minutes, 49 seconds
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The Culture of Dogdom

People are in constant conversation with their dogs, says dog scientist Alexandra Horowitz, and dogs pick up on things like our tone of voice. "We think meaning is all in the words but for them, the meaning is in the context, and they’re working very hard to understand it.” Horowitz studies dog cognition and the relationship between dogs and their human owners. She runs the Horowitz Dog Cognition Lab at Barnard College and has written widely about dogs. In a wide-ranging discussion with Aspen Ideas Festival Executive Director Kitty Boone, she talks about how dogs may have been domesticated, why some dogs are serious-minded and others easy-going, and the best thing we can do for our dogs (it's easier than you think).
8/17/202150 minutes, 14 seconds
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An Insider's Take on the Capitol Riot Probe

Representative Liz Cheney is one of nine lawmakers investigating the January 6th attack on the Capitol. The Republican is part of a House select committee that held its first hearing last month. It's critical the committee get to the bottom of what happened that day, says Cheney, but equally important is Americans' acknowledgement that change is needed beyond Washington. “We need to have a very serious, sustained national discussion about American history, about civics, about the Constitution, and about the rule of law." She speaks with former Google CEO Eric Schmidt about the investigation, her personal experience at the Capitol January 6th, and why it's important voters demand substance from their elected officials. Their conversation was held August 4.
8/10/202142 minutes, 2 seconds
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How Can We Fix a Broken (and Dangerous) Internet?

Instead of coming together during the pandemic, many Americans have grown farther apart. People are increasingly living in different realities of news, politics, and information, which is putting public health, elections, and democracy at risk. False and misleading information online are partly to blame, says Vivian Schiller, director of Aspen Digital. "Much of this stems from malign actors, some who are driven by profit and others, like foreign intelligence services, strategically weaponize our existing divisions against us." She speaks with Chris Krebs, former head of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency at the Department of Homeland Security, and Yasmin Green, director of research and development for Jigsaw, about the roots of our broken information ecosystem.
8/3/202134 minutes, 15 seconds
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Politics Minus Politicians

Imagine a new kind of democracy — one that puts governance back in the hands of the people. This is the idea behind political theorist Hélène Landemore's book Open Democracy. Contemporary representative democracies, like in the United States, are broken, she says, so why not reinvent popular rule? In a conversation with Jeffrey Goldberg, editor in chief of The Atlantic, she describes a new paradigm of democracy where a randomly selected assembly of citizens could define an agenda for the polity and make laws. There's much more to it. Learn more from Landemore who's a professor of political science at Yale.
7/27/202146 minutes, 53 seconds
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Is Cryptocurrency a Good Bet?

Cryptocurrency is revolutionizing the global financial system and shaking up our perception of trust. Joseph Lubin, co-founder of Ethereum, says the digital currency’s open-source, decentralized system is the opposite of what we’re used to — a bank-led financial system built in backrooms. “It’s a new kind of trust foundation for the planet,” he says. In a conversation with Gillian Tett, US editor at large of the Financial Times, Lubin talks about the difference between Ethereum and Bitcoin, what Ethereum is doing about its carbon footprint, whether the system is vulnerable to cyber criminals, and why people should trust it. The conversation is wide-ranging and meant for for crypto neophytes and seasoned investors alike.
7/20/202128 minutes, 44 seconds
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Learning from the Pain of the Pandemic

As many of us know personally, the coronavirus pandemic has taken a toll on mental health. As lockdowns were enacted, loneliness, isolation, and depression increased. Concerns of loved ones dying and fear of contracting the virus affected our well-being. Since April of 2020, about 40 percent of US adults have reported symptoms of depression and anxiety. In 2019, that figure was just 11 percent, according to the Journal of the American Medical Association. Arthur Brooks, a Harvard business professor and behavioral social scientist, says it's possible to turn post traumatic stress from pandemic into post traumatic growth. He shares how to emerge from the pandemic happier, stronger, and more resilient.
7/13/202152 minutes, 48 seconds
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Can the Promise of America Be Renewed?

The American Promise—that all men and women are inherently equal—is not being fulfilled because racism continues to corrode our society. Author and veteran Theodore R. Johnson says what’s need is a more multi-racial national solidarity, and the Black American experience has lessons on how to get there. In his book, When the Stars Begin to Fall: Overcoming Racism and Renewing the Promise of America, Johnson writes that a blueprint for unity can be found in Black Americans’ exceptional citizenship. Even when the Federal Government broke its end of the social contract by returning Black soldiers to slavery after they fought in the Revolutionary War, for example, Black Americans continued to serve their country. Johnson tells Eric Liu, co-founder and CEO of Citizen University, that Black Americans, like other groups that have been oppressed in the nation’s history, have picked up lessons about standing together and fighting back. Liu is also the executive director of the Citizenship and American Identity Program at the Aspen Institute.
7/6/202154 minutes, 41 seconds
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Breaking the Blue Wall of Silence: Reflections on the Derek Chauvin Trial

The emotionally charged trial of Derek Chauvin for the murder of George Floyd was a milestone case in a country whose legal system has historically been resistant to convict officers for alleged abuses. What did it take to break the blue wall of silence, the informal code among police officers protecting their own? Is it possible to get a fair trial and an impartial jury with this degree of pre-publicity? Was this a one-off victory, or a new beginning for increased accountability in law enforcement? In this episode, members of the prosecution team give insiders' views of this historic case. Keith Ellison, attorney general for Minnesota, and Neal Katyal, partner at Hogan Lovells, speak with Joshua Johnson, anchor of “The Week with Joshua Johnson” on MSNBC.
6/29/202140 minutes, 24 seconds
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Why America Should Be Safer than It Is

Insanity can be defined as doing the same thing over and over again but expecting a different result. As a nation, America has cycled through the same defense and intelligence issues since the end of the Cold War. In her book Insanity Defense, Congresswoman Jane Harman chronicles how four administrations have failed to confront some of the toughest national security policy problems and suggests achievable fixes to move America toward a safer future. She joins Nicholas Burns, President Biden's nominee for US Ambassador to China and former senior State Department official, to discuss the book and her experience on the frontlines of American foreign policy.
6/23/202135 minutes, 25 seconds
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Battling the Increasing Threat of Ransomware

Ransomware attacks on Colonial Pipeline and top meat producer, JBS, have catapulted malware into the mainstream. Ransomware isn't a new threat but it's getting significantly worse, say cybersecurity experts. In recent years, thousands of schools, government agencies, healthcare providers, and small businesses have fallen prey to it. The malicious software that's designed to block access to computer systems represents a direct threat to national security, physical and digital infrastructure, and individual wellbeing. Chris Krebs, former director of the federal Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, Sean Joyce, former deputy director at the FBI, Kemba Walden, assistant general counsel in Microsoft’s Digital Crimes Unit, and Raj Samani, chief scientist at McAfee, speak with Nicole Perlroth, cybersecurity reporter at The New York Times about how to combat ransomware attacks.
6/16/202142 minutes, 28 seconds
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Building Brain Health at Any Age

People often talk about maintaining their physical health but brain health is an afterthought. It turns out brain fitness at any age heightens and protects brain function and can even prevent brain disease. Sanjay Gupta, author of Keep Sharp: Build a Better Brain at Any Age, Maria Shriver, founder of the Women’s Alzheimer’s Movement, and Natalie Morales, West Coast anchor of NBC’s Today Show, all have personal stories about dementia. In this episode, they talk about why it's important to link lifestyle with brain health in order to live a longer, happier life.
6/8/202130 minutes, 48 seconds
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An Outsider's Search for Belonging in America

Award-winning author and playwright Ayad Akhtar grapples with identity and belonging just like the protagonist in his book Homeland Elegies. "In some ways being an outsider has given me a freedom to be able to withstand and bear some of the forced outsiderness. It gives me a perspective," he says. His fictional book, named one of the 10 Best Books of the Year by the New York Times, draws from Akhtar's personal experiences and the political climate in the United States. Through the story of an immigrant father and his son, the book responds to issues of our time like the rise of Donald Trump and the spread of Xenophobia. Akhtar talks with Washington Post book critic Ron Charles about the novel.
6/2/202149 minutes
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Unequal from the Start: Racism’s Deep Roots in American Medicine

Throughout American history, racism has been embedded in health and health care. To justify slavery, scientists promulgated falsehoods about African Americans and health. More recently, social policies rooted in racism have led to less access to care, higher disease rates, and lower life expectancies for communities of color. Science writer Harriet Washington says structural racism is a well-oiled, perpetual motion machine. "Once the structure of racism has been installed — the mythologies, beliefs, and practices — then nothing else needs to be done to continue it's onslaught on people of color," she says. How can this system of inequality be dismantled? Harriet Washington speaks with Marcella Nunez-Smith, chair of the US Department of Health and Human Services’ COVID-19 Health Equity Task Force, and David R. Williams, professor of public health at Harvard. Trymaine Lee, correspondent for MSNBC, moderates the discussion.
5/25/202152 minutes, 53 seconds
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Why Good People get Caught Up In High Conflict

The type of conflict that's permeating America today is the intractable kind where normal rules of engagement don't apply. High conflict is the opposite of useful friction or healthy conflict. It's when discord distills into a good-versus-evil kind of feud — an us and a them. Sound familiar? In this time when everything is political, including aspects of the pandemic, everyday Americans are at each other's throats. How can we break free? In her book, High Conflict: Why We Get Trapped and How We Get Out, Amanda Ripley examines how cases of high conflict across the globe share similar characteristics. She tells Garrett Graff, director for cyber initiatives for the Aspen Digital program at the Aspen Institute, about a mind-opening new way to think about conflict.
5/18/202144 minutes, 44 seconds
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Christine Lagarde: The European Economy Is "on Crutches"

The world's largest economy is rebounding from the pandemic more slowly than other global powerhouses. The European Union's economy is "on crutches," and isn't yet ready to stand on its own, says Christine Lagarde, president of the European Central Bank, which serves the 19 EU countries that use the Euro. Now that Europeans are getting vaccinated and the pandemic's peak has likely passed, she predicts a robust economic rebound in the second half of 2021. She speaks with Carlyle Group co-founder and co-chair David Rubenstein about a range of issues including the pandemic, predictions for the eurozone, Brexit's impact on Europe, and sexism in the finance industry.
5/11/202142 minutes, 4 seconds
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Women Changing the Game in Pro Sports

The professional sports industry in the United States has historically been a man's game. Men have held leadership roles, designed competition formats, chosen which sports stories get elevated, and dictated how athletes are treated. What if pro sports were owned, designed, and run by women? It's already happening, in part, because fans are demanding it. But in the midst of this change, pro sports faces financial challenges from the pandemic and waning interest from younger generations. Angela Ruggiero, co-founder of the Sports Innovation Lab, Aleshia Ocasio, professional softball player, and Julie Foudy, co-owner of Angel City FC, talk with the Aspen Institute's Jon Solomon about how women are changing the game.Future of Sports videos from the Aspen Institute: Fan Project from the Sports Innovation Lab:
5/4/202151 minutes, 13 seconds
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Introducing: SOLVERS

Rodney Foxworth says the racial “wealth gap” is a misnomer because it implies something that’s achievable to close. “Wealth chasm” is more on the nose since we’re talking about disparities created by centuries of oppression. Growing up in Baltimore, Rodney witnessed firsthand what many Black and brown communities face in America—systemic racism, over policing, economic dislocation. Now, as CEO of Common Future, he draws on that lived experience to create a network of organizations across the country that builds relationships and economic power in historically exploited communities. Foxworth is featured in the first episode of Solvers, a new podcast from the Skoll Foundation in partnership with Aspen Ideas. Hosts Courtney E. Martin and Nguhi Mwaura introduce listeners to social entrepreneurs who are tackling some of the world's messiest problems. Look for Solvers on your favorite podcast player and enjoy the entirety of the first episode on Aspen Ideas to Go.
4/27/202139 minutes, 8 seconds
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Can We Mitigate the Effects of Climate Change by Putting a Price on Carbon?

There's no denying the world is already paying for climate change. The price is stronger hurricanes, bigger wildfires, and unpredictable heat waves. So, how can people living on a changing globe literally pay to mitigate the effects of climate change? One solution is to utilize the social cost of carbon, says economist Michael Greenstone. He co-led the development of the US government’s social cost of carbon as chief economist for President Obama’s Council of Economic Advisers. President Biden has raised carbon's value back to Obama-era levels after the Trump Administration lowered it. Greenstone, who leads the Energy Policy Institute at Chicago, speaks with Pulitzer Prize-winning Washington Post journalist Juliet Eilperin about how we're just beginning to experience what the climate has in store.
4/20/202133 minutes, 40 seconds
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America's Unspoken Caste System

America has been shaped by a hidden phenomenon that touches all of our lives. A rigid hierarchy of human rankings, or caste system, influences our culture, politics, and even our health. Race is the metric by which one’s position in the caste system is determined. In her book, Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents, Isabel Wilkerson describes how these inherited rankings have been passed down through generations from the country's very founding. She says this system is the underlying architecture of division in America. She speaks with Elizabeth Alexander, president of the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
4/13/202145 minutes, 31 seconds
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Is National Unity Possible?

The United States is facing one of the most difficult tests in its 244-year history. American democracy is struggling, economic and social justice are under interrogation, faith in institutions is declining, and a pandemic is touching us all. Is national unity a far-off dream? Jon Meacham, presidential historian, Samar Ali, research professor of political science and law, and Bill Haslam, former Tennessee governor (R), say history, research, and reasoning can unite Americans. They're part of the Vanderbilt Project on Unity and American Democracy, which aims to reintroduce evidence into the national conversation in order to supplant ideology with fact. Meacham, Ali, and Haslam are interviewed by Cordell Carter, executive director of the Socrates Program at the Aspen Institute.
4/7/202150 minutes, 28 seconds
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How One Woman's Detective Work Uncovered a Racist Tax System

In tax law, most people think the only color that matters is green. But, after more than two decades of research, tax scholar Dorothy A. Brown discovered that America's tax system is not color-blind. In fact, societal racism is deeply embedded in it. "Regardless of what white and Black Americans do, tax policy subsidizes white Americans and disadvantages Black Americans," she says. From attending college to getting married to buying a home, Black Americans are financially disadvantaged compared to their white peers. In a conversation with Ida Rademacher, executive director of the Financial Security Program at the Aspen Institute, Brown talks about her book, The Whiteness of Wealth: How the Tax System Impoverishes Black Americans—and How We Can Fix It.
3/30/202151 minutes, 16 seconds
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Finding the Strength to Leave: One Woman's Story of Domestic Abuse

When she met him, Tanya Selvaratnam thought New York State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman was her perfect match. But as time went on, Schneiderman became controlling, mean, and manipulative. In her new book, Assume Nothing, Selvaratnam chronicles how domestic violence took away her voice, how she managed to get it back, and her decision to use it to help other women find their way to freedom. In a conversation with contemporary artist and personal friend Carrie Mae Weems, Selvaratnam talks about how the social ecosystem in America needs an overhaul. "We need to chip away at the condition that normalizes the cycle of violence and chip away at the patriarchy."
3/23/202132 minutes, 6 seconds
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Walter Isaacson on the Next Great Innovation Revolution

Biographer Walter Isaacson's latest book tells the story of biochemist Jennifer Doudna. She helped develop a controversial tool that has the power to transform the human race. CRISPR can edit genes to cure diseases but can also be used to create designer babies. Doudna's involvement in pioneering the technology won her the 2020 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. Before CRISPR, Doudna was known as the scientist who cracked the code for what the molecule RNA can do. RNA is well known now as playing a role in the Pfizer and Moderna Covid-19 vaccines. Isaacson's book, The Code Breaker: Jennifer Doudna, Gene Editing, and the Future of the Human Race, was released this month.
3/16/202146 minutes, 1 second
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Women Beating the Odds in Business

In the United States, the odds are stacked against women and people of color who want to start a business. As a Black entrepreneur, Danielle Kristine Toussaint understood this first-hand. Before opening her creative agency She Thinks Purple, she dealt with barriers only a community of women could help her overcome. In her book, Dare to Think Purple: A Survival Guide for Women in Social Entrepreneurship, she tells still-in-progress success stories of women leading companies and organizations. As a kickoff to Women's History Month, Toussaint speaks with Anne Mosle, a vice president at the Aspen Institute, about setting up for success by doing things like surrounding yourself with people who inspire you and committing to a practice of building confidence.
3/9/202148 minutes, 46 seconds
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Net Zero or Bust

The sobering impacts of the pandemic, and the need for a rapid transition to a clean energy economy compel us to consider opportunities that lie at the intersection of the two. President Biden wants to invest $1.7 trillion toward the mid-century goal of a net-zero America, creating ten million new, high-quality jobs, his administration predicts. Recent announcements from major auto companies coupled with enormous commitments from financial institutions lend the new administration strong tailwinds. What are the implications of a reinvigorated climate agenda for everyday Americans, and how will it be deployed across the nation? Which technologies should be adopted ASAP to actually get our grid to net zero? And how could a new era of stakeholder capitalism firmly uphold our climate goals for which failure isn’t an option? Hear from White House Climate Advisor Gina McCarthy, TPG Co-CEO Jim Coulter, and US Senator Tina Smith (D).
3/3/202133 minutes, 31 seconds
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Stop Being an Unreliable Narrator of Your Own Story

Grappling with the challenges and problems life throws at us is difficult, especially during a pandemic. Psychotherapist Lori Gottlieb says the stories we tell about ourselves and others can make it even harder to cope. She says we must look closely at the running commentary in our own minds to see if we are being too self-critical, or if we are not taking responsibility for our situation. Making connections with others can help us to hold a mirror up so we can better see ourselves. Aspen Institute president Dan Porterfield speaks with Gottlieb about taking care of our emotional health and ways to make the changes we want in our lives. Gottlieb authored the New York Times bestseller “Maybe You Should Talk to Someone” She co-hosts the “Dear Therapist” podcast and Atlantic magazine advice column.
2/24/202130 minutes, 34 seconds
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How Racism Feeds the Hunger Crisis

In this pandemic recession, millions of Americans are going hungry, and Black and Hispanic households are hit harder than white ones. Throughout US history, hunger and health have been tied to race. Slave owners gave slaves just enough food to survive. “To be enslaved was to experience hunger,” says food historian Fred Opie. Now, Covid-19 is affecting low-income, communities of color disproportionately. Poor access to healthcare, bias in clinical settings, underfunded educational and health institutions, housing segregation, chronic stress, and a lack of access to clean water, air, and nutritious food converge to shape the health of children and families of color. Fred Opie, author of Southern Food and Civil Rights: Feeding the Revolution, joins Tamearra Dyson, executive chef and owner of Souley Vegan LLC for a conversation about food justice. Dr. J. Nadine Gracia, executive vice president and chief operating officer at Trust for America’s Health, moderates the conversation.As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, the Aspen Institute is nonpartisan and does not endorse, support, or oppose political candidates or parties. Further, the views and opinions of our guests and speakers do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
2/17/202152 minutes, 46 seconds
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Are Leaders Born or Made? (Rebroadcast)

President Trump’s second impeachment trial is beginning. In his first days in office, President Biden is navigating a pandemic and an economic crisis. With presidential leadership once again at the forefront and President’s Day just around the corner, we’re revisiting an episode featuring presidential historian Doris Kearns Goodwin. In her book, Leadership in Turbulent Times, Kearns Goodwin examines the leadership qualities of past presidents. Were presidents Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and Lyndon B. Johnson born with leadership attributes, or did they learn them throughout life? Goodwin writes that they were “guided by a sense of moral purpose.” She speaks with Kitty Boone, vice president of public programs at the Aspen Institute, about how the presidents’ leadership traits can be adopted and used by aspiring leaders.As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, the Aspen Institute is nonpartisan and does not endorse, support, or oppose political candidates or parties. Further, the views and opinions of our guests and speakers do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
2/9/202149 minutes, 25 seconds
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Are Posts and Tweets the Greatest Threats to Democracy?

America’s Founders didn’t envision activist groups mobilizing on social media and disinformation spreading across the internet. Thanks to the web, new threats to democracy — like the January 6th attack on the US Capitol — have emerged. Following a similar deadly march in 1787, the Founders questioned the strength of the democracy they built. Shays’s Rebellion led to more support among the Founders for a stronger national government. But the protective barriers they thought would safeguard democracy are being tested in an online era. Nate Persily, professor of law at Stanford, talks with Jeffrey Rosen, president of the National Constitution Center, about why passion may be eclipsing reason and how the internet may be to blame.Additional ResourcesA More Perfect Union: Jeffrey Rosen and Ali Velshi on the Founders and the MobMobs in America's Past and PresentThe Internet's Challenge to Democracy: Framing the Problem and Assessing ReformsSocial Media and DemocracyThe Storming of the Capitol and the Future of Free Speech OnlineThe Election Reform Agenda: A Deep Dive into H.R.1As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, the Aspen Institute is nonpartisan and does not endorse, support, or oppose political candidates or parties. Further, the views and opinions of our guests and speakers do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
2/3/202144 minutes, 11 seconds
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Religious Freedom for All, Not Just the Majority

Most Americans see religious freedom as an important right. Yet how that freedom is defined and applied isn’t consistent, and efforts to safeguard the religious freedom of some may be discriminatory for others. Experts say it is critical to address this issue politically, socially, and culturally or risk alienating people from all backgrounds. Religious liberty lawyer Asma Uddin works for the protection of religious expression for people of all faiths. She speaks with Montse Alvarado of the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty, The Sikh Coalition’s legal director Amrith Kaur, and political and religious strategist Michael Wear. They discuss the causes of political and religious polarization, tribalism, and ways to find a path forward and a common cause, while advocating for equal freedom and fairness for all. They also talk about the role religious freedom played in motivating the mob that attacked the Capitol on January 6.
1/27/20211 hour, 1 minute, 15 seconds
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How Joe Biden’s Successes, Failures and Tragedies Prepared Him to Be President

Joe Biden is a centrist who believes in the power of bipartisanship. To get both sides to listen to each other, he’ll have to break down the barriers created by today’s polarized politics, says New Yorker magazine staff writer Evan Osnos whose latest book is “About Joe Biden: The Life, the Run, and What Matters Now.” Osnos speaks with Margaret Brennan of Face the Nation on CBS News. They discuss how Biden’s experience with loss and grief gives him the ability to connect with people in relevant ways, how Catholic faith is truly part of who he is, and why it’s valuable to make the vice presidency into a meaningful role. Osnos also speaks about his perspective being in the Capitol during the violence on January 6th.
1/20/202147 minutes, 36 seconds
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Unpacking Cybersecurity and Social Media Failures: Where Do We Go from Here?

Last year Russia infiltrated the digital networks of federal agencies and many of America’s largest corporations, and last week’s armed insurrection on the US Capitol was fomented through disinformation campaigns on social media. Cyberattacks and manipulation of elections and domestic affairs threaten national security and global relations. John Carlin of the Aspen Institute’s Cybersecurity & Technology Program leads a conversation with Kevin Mandia, CEO of FireEye, the cybersecurity company that uncovered last year’s massive Russian hack, Senator Mark Warner, Vice Chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee, and Luta Security’s  founder and digital defense expert Katie Moussouris. They discuss how the Russian hack was discovered and what it means for the future of digital security worldwide, including how to assign responsibility for cybersecurity and social media failures. Senator Warner also shares his assessment of the damage of a foreign-led cyber attack compared to the domestic insurrection he experienced at the Capitol. Their conversation was recorded on January 7, 2021.
1/13/202156 minutes, 41 seconds
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Brain Health and the Pitfalls of "Bikini Medicine"

Even though women are likely to live longer than men, their hormonal changes make them far more susceptible to age-related memory loss like Alzhemier’s disease and other conditions. Yet gender is often not a primary consideration by the medical community  — but more and more research shows that it should be. Professor of neuroscience, neurology, and radiology Lisa Mosconi directs the Women’s Brain Initiative at Weill Cornell Medical College. Her latest book is “The XX Brain.” She discusses the female brain’s unique risks and strengths and ways to maximize cognitive health with Natalie Morales of NBC’s TODAY Show.
1/6/202135 minutes, 33 seconds
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The World Needs Women in Leadership Roles

Today’s women are warriors and peacemakers, athletes and artists. Women in leadership roles can play a crucial role in leading us toward a better and more equitable future, and women must be part of the solution to the current global crises. Former US secretary of state Madeleine K. Albright and former prime minister of New Zealand the Honorable Helen Clark are trailbreaking leaders and powerful advocates for women’s empowerment. They speak with the Aspen Institute’s Forum on Women and Girls co-chair Peggy Clark about women’s roles on the global stage now and into the future.
12/29/202025 minutes, 22 seconds
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Can Character Be Learned? (Rebroadcast)

Psychologist Angela Duckworth explains how to raise a child with strong character. Duckworth, who's the author of Grit and a MacArthur "Genius," talks with Jackie Bezos about how young people learn to be grateful, vulnerable, and fearless by modeling the adults in their lives. (This conversation is from the 2018 Aspen Ideas Festival.)
12/22/202036 minutes, 22 seconds
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Profit and Purpose Go Hand in Hand: Corporate Leaders Dan Schulman and Mellody Hobson on Values-Driven Business

Corporations can play a critical role in closing the wealth gap and confronting systemic racism in America. Taking a hard look at diversity in their workforces, supply chains, and customer bases will pay off — not just in a better corporate image but in an improved economy that benefits everyone, including the corporations. “We as leaders, those of us in positions of power, have an obligation to stand up and act as true corporate citizens, says Dan Schulman, CEO of PayPal. “It also gives us competitive advantage when we do that.” Schulman and Ariel Investment Co-CEO Mellody Hobson discuss corporate responsibility, financial literacy, supporting small businesses, and more. Aspen Institute CEO Dan Porterfield leads the conversation.
12/16/202044 minutes, 55 seconds
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Building Public Confidence in COVID-19 Vaccines

With millions of Americans already infected with COVID-19, public health officials are working to ensure that a safe and effective vaccine is available for every American who wants one. They also want to be sure people aren’t afraid of getting those shots. Nancy Messonnier, M.D., is director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases. She leads the Center for Disease Control’s COVID-19 vaccine efforts in the areas of distribution, administration, implementation, safety, and access. For 25 years, she’s worked to strengthen public trust in vaccines and prevent vaccine-preventable disease outbreaks. Dr. Messonnier speaks with award winning journalist and National Geographic science editor Nsikan Akpan about the speed of development of coronavirus vaccines, safety concerns, and the government’s work to distribute them quickly and equitably.
12/9/202045 minutes
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How Meritocracy's Luster Tarnishes The American Dream

The American Dream says hard work will lead to a better life. But Harvard professor Micheal Sandel says climbing the ladder of success is getting harder in the United States, because the rungs on the ladder are growing further apart. He says inequality is deeper and upward mobility has stalled — and that’s a failure of the meritocracy, the governing elites, a group desperate to hold on to status and wealth as evidenced by recent college admission scandals. Elliot Gerson, executive vice president at the Aspen Institute, speaks with Sandel about his latest book, “The Tyranny of Merit: What’s Become of the Common Good.”
12/2/202058 minutes, 54 seconds
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The Most Important Rule for a More Civil Thanksgiving: No Eye Rolling

Current political fault lines are fracturing American society as people grow further apart from one another due to differing beliefs and opinions. We often see people we disagree with as caricatures, and think we can never reconcile our differences. Yet despite that sense of contradiction we are much closer to each other than we think. To bridge the divide, we have to strengthen the bonds that make us human. In this special Thanksgiving conversation Krista Tippett longtime host of the radio program “On Being,” and Harvard professor Arthur Brooks who writes the “How to Build a Life” column for The Atlantic, discuss ways we can share our humanity and work towards re-creating politics and civil society. Their discussion is part of Unfinished Live, an online event series produced in collaboration with Aspen Ideas partner, Unfinished. Learn more at
11/24/202030 minutes, 10 seconds
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Beyond Good Intentions: Facing Racism in America Head On

It’s time to slow down and start again to remake American culture and undo systemic racism, says author and Yale professor Claudia Rankine. White Americans must wade into the waters of whiteness, and interrogate their own responses to Blackness. They need to see how policies and institutions continue the patterns of segregation and legacies of white supremacy. Eric Liu of the Aspen Institute’s Citizenship and American Identity Program speaks with Rankine about her new book, “Just Us: An American Conversation.” They discuss how to have the difficult conversations necessary to confront systemic racism and about building coalitions to effect change.
11/18/202043 minutes, 8 seconds
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Can We Draw on Civil Rights History to Combat Systemic Racism Today?

The civil rights movement has affected all Americans, whether they realize it or not. The opportunity for everyone to vote represents a major shift, but changes in education, housing and even sports reflect the strategic leadership of activists throughout American history. Civil rights experts and Stanford University professors Pamela Karlan and James Steyer discuss the history of civil rights movements in this country including racial equality, women's and LGBTQ rights and how those efforts inform the work that still needs to be done today.
11/11/202056 minutes, 42 seconds
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Elevating The Common Good Over Self-Interest

Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks says liberal democracy has become about “me” instead of “us.” In his new book, Morality: Restoring the Common Good in Divided Times, Sacks says we are losing our strong, shared moral code and that’s challenging our sense of community and common good. Growth comes from an openness to others who may not be like us and, he says, developing a moral bond based on mutual acceptance will reduce conflict. In today’s show he speaks with Reverend Serene Jones, the first woman president of the Historic Theological Seminary in New York City. Sacks was knighted by Her Majesty the Queen in 2005 and took a seat in the House of Lords in 2009. He’s the author of more than three dozen books. Serene Jones is past president of the American Academy of Religion and was a professor of theology at Yale’s divinity school.
11/2/202035 minutes, 25 seconds
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A Look Behind The Scenes of Coronavirus Vaccine R&D

As scientists work to develop a vaccine to battle the coronavirus pandemic, many people question whether the process has been rushed and if the results will be effective and safe. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is responsible for approving new vaccines in this country. FDA commissioner Dr. Stephen Hahn and former FDA commissioner Dr. Peggy Hamburg say the agency uses data driven techniques to review and approve any new medication and they aren’t cutting corners with this one. They speak with Fortune editor-in-chief Clifton Leaf.
10/28/202047 minutes, 52 seconds
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An Insider's Perspective: Trump’s National Security Advisor

From domestic election security and counterterrorism, to U.S. interests around the globe, the National Security Advisor provides solutions to the most critical challenges of our time. President Trump’s National Security Advisor, Ambassador Robert O’Brien, joins former National Security Advisor Stephen Hadley. Theydiscuss critical issues including Washington’s response to China and Russia’s rising global influence, America’s future role in the Middle East and the growing North Korean nuclear threat. Previously, O'Brien was a U.S. Representative to the UN General Assembly and also led diplomatic efforts on overseas hostage-related matters. Hadley chairs the United States Institute of Peace and is on the board of the Atlantic Council. 
10/21/202034 minutes, 52 seconds
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A Crack In Creation: The Power and Ethics of Gene Editing (Encore)

The 2020 Nobel Prize in Chemistry was awarded to molecular microbiologists Jennifer Doudna and Emmanuelle Charpentier for their work on CRISPR, the revolutionary technology that gives scientists a way to accurately cut DNA and transform the genetic code of life. Likened to a pair of “genetic scissors,” CRISPR could open the door to cures for some cancers, sickle cell anemia, and other diseases. But it is not without controversy. It’s already been used to manipulate embryos. That could be the first step on the path to “designer babies,”  and it raises a multitude of ethical questions. In this encore episode recorded in 2017, Doudna spoke with Walter Isaacson, then president of the Aspen Institute, about gene editing and what it could mean to have the power to control evolution. Doudna is the Li Ka Shing Chancellor's Chair in Biomedical and Health Sciences at UC Berkeley. Her 2012 research on RNA molecules led to extraordinary insights in gene editing CRISPR technology. She wrote “A Crack in Creation,” which chronicles the story of her discovery and the responsibility that comes with rewriting the genetic code. Isaacson is a professor of history at Tulane. He’s written biographies of Leonardo da Vinci, Steve Jobs and Albert Einstein. His forthcoming book is “The Code Breaker: Jennifer Doudna, Gene Editing, and the Future of the Human Race.”
10/13/202059 minutes, 6 seconds
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Heart Disease Isn’t an Adults-Only Condition

Usually, heart health is only addressed in adults. But recent research shows that cardiovascular damage is detectable as early as age 15. The good news is teaching even very young children about good nutrition, exercise and ways to deal with stress, may help combat heart disease, the leading cause of death around the world. Two cardiologists discuss recent discoveries and research in improving cardiovascular outcomes throughout all phases of life — including strategies to improve heart health, at any age. Dr. Valentin Fuster is physician-in-chief of the Mount Sinai Hospital in New York and the general director of the National Center for Cardiovascular Investigation in Madrid, Spain. His acclaimed cardiovascular health research spans the globe and has touched tens of thousands of lives. Dr. Danielle Belardo is the director of cardiology, and co-director of research and education, at the Institute of Plant-Based Medicine in Newport Beach, Calif. She also advocates for accurate scientific communication on social media, including evidence-based medicine and nutrition science.
10/6/202043 minutes, 49 seconds
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Bridging Social Divides With Better Arguments

Tensions are mounting across the United States and around the world. People from all walks of life often feel like their opinions aren’t respected or heard, leading to bitter disagreements that drive wedges between family members, neighbors, and communities. That’s where the Better Arguments Project comes in. Designed to foster a culture where we can learn to come together by arguing and directly addressing our differences, Better Arguments helps bridge divides by giving people the tools they need to listen. Eric Liu, executive director of the Aspen Institute’s Citizenship & American Identity Program discusses a groundbreaking Better Arguments Project collaboration with Stacy Sharpe, senior vice president at Allstate, and Roger Brooks, president and CEO of Facing History and Ourselves.
9/30/202046 minutes, 40 seconds
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A Conversation with Ruth Bader Ginsburg (Rebroadcast)

The late Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the second female justice confirmed to the US Supreme Court, told an Aspen Institute crowd in 2017 that her experiences as a woman gave her a unique perspective on the Court. She talked about her relationships with Justices Sandra Day O’Connor and the late Antonin Scalia. She also explained what it was like to work with newly-elected Justice Neil Gorsuch. Her discussion with Elliot Gerson, an executive vice president at the Aspen Institute, also touched on her book My Own Words. This podcast originally dropped in June of 2017.As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, the Aspen Institute is nonpartisan and does not endorse, support, or oppose political candidates or parties. Further, the views and opinions of our guests and speakers do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
9/22/20201 hour, 1 minute, 2 seconds
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The Race to Develop a Covid-19 Vaccine

Antibodies, convalescent plasma, gene-based vaccines — you may have heard these terms on the evening news, but what do they mean? How might they help in the battle against Covid-19? As the race to develop a vaccine continues, questions remain about effectiveness, testing, and whether people will actually get the vaccine once it’s on the market. Two medical experts involved in the fight explain the science behind developing effective protection. Judith Aberg is Chief of the Division of Infectious Diseases for Mount Sinai Health System. She’s leading Mount Sinai’s Covid-19 treatment guidelines and the hospital’s clinical trials unit. Florian Krammer is a professor of vaccinology at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. Kenneth L. Davis, president and CEO of Mount Sinai Health System, leads the conversation. Davis is a trustee of the Aspen Institute.As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, the Aspen Institute is nonpartisan and does not endorse, support, or oppose political candidates or parties. Further, the views and opinions of our guests and speakers do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
9/15/202045 minutes, 49 seconds
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Why the US Economy is Headed for a “Slog”

When the US economy begins to recover, former US Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers says there will be winners and losers. The recovery will be more bearable for the rich than the poor. He believes the recovery includes three stages: collapse, bounce-back, and slog. We’ve experienced collapse and bounce-back already. “Now we’re headed for a slog,” he says, “where we’re going to play mediocre wack-a-mole [with the virus] in the US and other parts of the world.” He thinks a recovery will be tepid until a vaccine is developed that “returns us to normal.” When July 4th of next year rolls around, he says it won’t resemble 2019’s healthy economy but will be better than that of 2020. In a conversation with Gillian Tett, US editor-at-large of the Financial Times, he talks about the Federal Government’s decisions during the pandemic, including passage of the CARES Act, the behavior of the stock market, and how the economic situation is exacerbating social tensions.As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, the Aspen Institute is nonpartisan and does not endorse, support, or oppose political candidates or parties. Further, the views and opinions of our guests and speakers do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
9/9/202052 minutes, 43 seconds
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A Perfect Storm of Disinformation

Disinformation online is on the minds of voters, candidates, government officials, and technology platforms as the US election gets closer. Already experts have seen disinformation campaigns around the Covid-19 pandemic, which could spell trouble in November, says Laura Rosenberger, director of the Alliance for Securing Democracy. “When you’re sowing doubt about the information the government is providing about the pandemic, you’re sowing doubt in citizens’ faith in their democratic institutions. That primes us to have less faith in the integrity of the election.” She speaks with Renée DiResta, technical research manager at Stanford Internet Observatory, and Cecilia Kang, technology reporter for The New York Times, about how this perfect storm of disinformation is being tackled.As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, the Aspen Institute is nonpartisan and does not endorse, support, or oppose political candidates or parties. Further, the views and opinions of our guests and speakers do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
9/1/202054 minutes, 29 seconds
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Using 2020 as a Teachable Moment in Education

The pandemic and social unrest around racism make it a challenging time for students and educators, but it’s also a period of opportunity. Janice Jackson, CEO of Chicago Public Schools, says it’s time to address long-standing inequities in education. In her district, the third largest in the country, students have been learning about justice and restorative practices — even before the death of George Floyd. With today’s crises unearthing large disparities, how can educators avoid returning to the status quo? Jackson and Linda Darling-Hammond, president of the California State Board of Education, discuss being authentic with students and curriculum grounded in this moment. Their conversation is led by Ross Wiener, vice president at the Aspen Institute and executive director of the Education and Society Program.As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, the Aspen Institute is nonpartisan and does not endorse, support, or oppose political candidates or parties. Further, the views and opinions of our guests and speakers do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
8/25/20201 hour, 1 minute, 6 seconds
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Confronting Systemic Racism in America

Wes Moore, author of Five Days: The Fiery Reckoning of an American City (written with Erica Green), says communities around the United States must confront systemic racism. His book, about the life of Freddie Gray delves into the uprising that followed Gray’s death just days after he was taken into police custody. With the recent death of George Floyd, Moore says we’re reliving history. In a conversation with Dina Powell McCormick, former US Deputy National Security Advisor for Strategy, Moore talks about Freddie Gray, systemic racism, and how the Covid-19 crisis has exacerbated poverty in America. Moore serves as CEO of the Robin Hood Foundation, New York City’s largest poverty fighting organization.As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, the Aspen Institute is nonpartisan and does not endorse, support, or oppose political candidates or parties. Further, the views and opinions of our guests and speakers do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
8/19/202036 minutes, 14 seconds
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Are Women the Most Powerful Political Force in America?

One-hundred years ago this month, women suffragists celebrated the passage of the 19th Amendment to the US Constitution. The hard-fought battle to win the right to vote lasted decades. Since then, what strides have women made toward gender equality? What hurdles remain? Cecile Richards, former president of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, says women are becoming the most powerful political force in America because they’re in the majority in many ways. Most voters are women, the majority of volunteers for political campaigns are women, and, increasingly, they’re candidates for public office. Richards joins Ai-Jen Poo, executive director of the National Domestic Workers Alliance, and Katherine Grainger, adjunct professor at New York University’s Wagner Graduate School of Public Service, for a conversation about women’s progress. Peggy Clark, vice president of Policy Programs at the Aspen Institute, leads the conversation.As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, the Aspen Institute is nonpartisan and does not endorse, support, or oppose political candidates or parties. Further, the views and opinions of our guests and speakers do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
8/11/20201 hour, 1 minute, 14 seconds
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Our Emotional Health is Under Assault

The time we’re living in is unusually tumultuous. The Covid-19 pandemic is causing loss, disruption, illness, grief, anxiety, and uncertainty. The killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and many others have fueled pain and anger around racial injustice. “We have all lost our fundamental way of life to some degree or another,” say psychologist Guy Winch, “We are all dealing with massive uncertainty and certain degrees of anxiety. Our emotional health is being impacted significantly.” He speaks with Pam Belluck, science and health writer for The New York Times, about how best to deal with these shocks to the system. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, the Aspen Institute is nonpartisan and does not endorse, support, or oppose political candidates or parties. Further, the views and opinions of our guests and speakers do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
8/4/20201 hour, 49 seconds
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George Will on Modern American Conservatism

George Will, author of The Conservative Sensibility, says conservatism is “an orphan persuasion.” Will, who changed his voter affiliation from Republican to unaffiliated four years ago, thinks conservatism is under threat — both from progressives and elements inside the Republican Party. In a broad-reaching discussion with Susan Page, Washington bureau chief for USA Today, he talks about the transformation of the Republican Party, the 2020 election, and the link between Christian evangelicals and conservatism. The views and opinions of the speakers in the podcast do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
7/29/202055 minutes, 59 seconds
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What Will Motivate Voters in 2020?

As the presidential election approaches, voters are considering factors unique to 2020. While divides on a number of fronts and growing distrust in government may motivate some voters, there’s also deepening concern about America’s response to the Covid-19 crisis and the resulting recession. How will such a chaotic environment continue to shape the public's interests and discourse, and how much will swing voters matter? Rachel Bitecofer, senior fellow of elections at the Niskanen Center, says turning out new voters is more important than capturing swing votes. She speaks with Tamara Keith, White House correspondent for NPR, and Dan Glickman, executive director of the Aspen Institute’s Congressional program.As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, the Aspen Institute is nonpartisan and does not endorse, support, or oppose political candidates or parties. Further, the views and opinions of our guests and speakers do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
7/21/20201 hour, 1 minute, 14 seconds
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Using Today’s Science and Tech to Improve Health

David Agus, author of The Lucky Years: How to Thrive in the Brave New World of Health, says we’re living in a golden age when the latest science and technology can customize care. Tools that track behavior like how much we sleep and walk are now widely available. Such technology, says Agus, can help us control chronic conditions, reverse aging, and improve health overall. In his conversation with Jessica Herzstein, a doctor who specializes in preventive medicine, he also talks about the Covid-19 pandemic and when we might expect to have a vaccine. The views and opinions of the speakers in the podcast do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
7/14/202038 minutes, 6 seconds
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Will Today’s Anti-Racism Marches Lead to Meaningful Change?

Across the United States, from rural areas to cities and suburbs, people have been hitting the streets to protest racism and police brutality. How is the national fervor around anti-racism different than in the past when people rallied following the death of Trayvon Martin in 2012, or when Civil Rights protestors called for an end to segregation in the 1960s? Alicia Garza, co-creator of #BlackLivesMatter, says she hopes it’s a moment of change when institutions, like police departments, examine their practices, and communities take a close look at rules and roles that disenfranchise Black people. She speaks with Michael Eric Dyson, sociology professor at Georgetown University, and Eugene Scott, political reporter at The Washington Post, about fighting racial oppression in America. The views and opinions of the speakers in the podcast do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
7/8/202039 minutes, 7 seconds
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Showing Up and Creating Community

Social unrest and physical distancing are not making it easy to connect with other people. Mia Birdsong says it’s particularly important that in this time we show up for one another to offer strength, support, and accountability. Birdsong’s new book, How We Show Up: Reclaiming Family, Friendship, and Community, digs into why many people feel isolated in a society built on community. In this polarized time, she says the ever-present injustices built around race, class, gender, values, and beliefs aren’t what separate us. Instead, it’s denial of our interdependence and a need for belonging. She speaks with friend and fellow author Courtney Martin. The views and opinions of the speakers in the podcast do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
6/30/202055 minutes, 37 seconds
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The Role of Art in an Uncertain World

Nearly three decades ago, the play “Twilight Los Angeles” — about the Rodney King trial verdict — premiered. Just like in 1992, the world is seeing the problem of racial injustice come back into focus. How is art confronting a racist system in America? What has changed since the riots in LA? Oskar Eustis, artistic director at the Public Theater in New York, speaks with Anna Deavere Smith, the creator of “Twilight Los Angeles.” They discuss how, even though arts institutions are mostly closed because of the coronavirus pandemic, artists continue to work. They’re thinking deeply about how to use their craft to push the country forward in a critical moment. The views and opinions of the speakers in the podcast do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
6/24/202043 minutes, 57 seconds
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Race, Covid-19, and America’s Health Care System

When Covid-19 first started appearing in the United States, it was perceived as an illness that affected travelers, like Tom Hanks. Soon, though, it became clear the disease was infecting people of color more than any other group. Black people are 3.5 times more likely to die of the virus than white people, and Latino people are nearly twice as likely to die, according to researchers at Yale and the University of Pittsburgh. Why is this? Part of the problem is that racism is embedded in the country’s health care system. Raegan McDonald-Mosley, chief medical officer of Planned Parenthood of Maryland, and Thomas Fisher, emergency medical physician at the University of Chicago, speak with Maria Hinojosa, anchor and executive producer of NPR’s Latino USA, about American racism through the lens of Covid-19. The views and opinions of the speakers in the podcast do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
6/17/202041 minutes, 37 seconds
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We’re All Connected: The Importance of Global Literacy

As we’ve seen with the coronavirus pandemic and anti-racism protests — distance no longer means much. What started in a Chinese city spread to the corners of the earth and what happened on the streets of Minneapolis launched action around the globe. We live in a global era and what happens thousands of miles away can deeply affect our lives. Richard Haass, author of the new book The World: A Brief Introduction, says global literacy is a must this day in age because what happens outside a country matters enormously to what happens inside. He speaks with Jane Harman, president of the Woodrow Wilson Center, about his book and relevant contemporary issues. The views and opinions of the speakers in the podcast do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
6/10/202040 minutes, 40 seconds
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What Is Antiracism and Can It Save Society? (Rebroadcast)

Demonstrations over race and police brutality have erupted after the death of George Floyd. Floyd, and African-American, died in police custody in Minneapolis. A leading voice on antiracism, Ibram X. Kendi says countering racism is essential to the formation of a just and equitable society — so, how can we fight it? To recognize racism, we need to define it and then understand it’s opposite. Racism, Kendi says, is powerful and can change the way we see and value others and ourselves. In his conversation with Jemele Hill, staff writer for The Atlantic, Kendi talks about his own battle with racism, why it’s so difficult to talk productively about it, and why understanding history is essential to combatting it. This conversation was originally held in 2019. The views and opinions of the speakers in the podcast do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
6/2/202056 minutes, 30 seconds
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How to Be Less Lonely in the Pandemic

Are Zoom connections and physical distancing making us lonelier? Vivek Murthy, former Surgeon General and author of Together, says prior to the pandemic people dealt with loneliness, which affects our health and well-being. Now, feelings of disconnection may be more difficult to bear. “If we allow physical distancing to translate into social distancing, we will experience a deepening of our loneliness,” he says. But it doesn’t have to be this way. Instead, we can choose a path of social revival in the pandemic, he says. Murthy speaks with Olga Khazan, staff writer for The Atlantic, about his book Together, which took him on a journey to discover why people experience loneliness. The views and opinions of the speakers in the podcast do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
5/27/202033 minutes, 24 seconds
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How to Help Kids Process the Pandemic

The Covid-19 crisis isn’t easy to bear as adults but what about young kids and teenagers? How are they coping with virtual learning, changes to their routines, and quarantine? Even before the pandemic, an increasing number of kids were experiencing anxiety, depression, and suicide. How can parents best support kids who may be dealing with additional stressors now? A panel of child experts including Tovah Klein, director of the Barnard College Center for Toddler Development, and Lisa Damour, adolescent psychologist and author of Under Stress, weigh in. They’re interviewed by Kate Julian, a senior editor at The Atlantic who’s latest story is “The Anxious Child, and the Crisis of Modern Parenting.”
5/19/202054 minutes, 16 seconds
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Adopting a Dog during Quarantine? You’re Not Alone

Have you considered adopting a dog lately? You’re not alone. Animal shelters and nonprofits are seeing a rise in the number of people adopting and fostering pets during the Covid-19 crisis. Before you bring home a new canine companion, dog cognition expert Alexandra Horowitz says there are a few things to consider. Horowitz, who runs the Dog Cognition Lab at Barnard College, wants these newly formed dog-human relationships to last beyond the pandemic. She also speaks with Brian Hare, professor of evolutionary anthropology at Duke University, about the mind of a dog. What’s your dog thinking when they welcome you home? How do they perceive you and the world around them?
5/12/20201 hour, 5 minutes, 53 seconds
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Race, Society, and the Coronavirus Crisis

The growth of American institutions like public education and organized labor has been stunted by racial hostility. Eduardo Porter, author of American Poison, explains how racial animus has blocked social cohesion throughout history. With the coronavirus pandemic, this stunted growth is partly to blame for why the United States has dealt with the crisis so poorly. While millions become infected and tens of millions lose their jobs, the components of country’s social safety net — health insurance, unemployment insurance, a lack of mandatory sick leave and childcare — are inadequate, says Porter. The virus has also impacted poor, low-income, and people of color disproportionately. Porter speaks with Maureen Conway, executive director of the Economic Opportunities Program at the Aspen Institute. The views and opinions of the speakers in the podcast do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
5/5/202051 minutes, 3 seconds
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Digital Access: The Haves and Have Nots

The Digital Divide is the gap between those who have easy access to computers and the internet, and those who don’t. The problem this gap creates is becoming more acute during the coronavirus pandemic. As schools move to distance learning, workers are displaced from their jobs, and public services move online, the need for an affordable, reliable broadband connection and productivity technology is great. Low-income Americans and communities of color are particularly disadvantaged. Aspen Digital’s Vivian Schiller speaks with Geoffrey Starks, FCC commissioner, Jim Steyer, founder and CEO of Common Sense Media, Gigi Sohn, distinguished fellow at the Georgetown Law Institute for Technology Law & Policy, and Larry Irving, former Assistant Secretary for Communications and Information at the National Telecommunications and Information Administration. The views and opinions of the speakers in the podcast do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
4/29/202055 minutes, 3 seconds
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How Will America Reopen? A Bioethicist Weighs In.

Zeke Emanuel was an architect of the Affordable Care Act, which turned 10-years-old this spring. With 22 million people unemployed in America because of the coronavirus pandemic, is universal coverage needed now more than ever? Emanuel says in such an uncertain environment, people are craving security. He thinks the pandemic will lead the Federal Government to rethink the importance of safety net programs like universal coverage. Emanuel, a bioethicist and oncologist, shares his thoughts on what needs to happen for America to reopen. He speaks with Perri Peltz, a documentary filmmaker, journalist, and public health advocate. The views and opinions of the speakers in the podcast do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
4/21/202044 minutes, 8 seconds
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Lincoln's Leadership in a Time of Crisis

Humility, loyalty, rhetorical mastery — these were the leadership traits of President Abraham Lincoln, says historian John Stauffer. When Lincoln entered office in 1861, the situation in America was dire. States were seceding and America was on the brink of war. How did he utilize his strengths in the face of great crisis? Should today’s leaders, who are challenged by the cataclysm of the coronavirus pandemic, look to Lincoln’s leadership? Stauffer, a professor at Harvard, speaks with Colleen Shogan, director of the David Rubenstein Center for White House History at the White House Historical Association. The views and opinions of the speakers in the podcast do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
4/14/202055 minutes, 2 seconds
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A Coronavirus Stress Test for the World

Journalist and New York Times op-ed writer Thomas Friedman says countries around the world are undergoing a stress test thanks to the coronavirus pandemic. This test, he says, is revealing the quality of nations’ governance, their health care systems, and the strength of their communities. Perhaps surprisingly, some autocratic regimes have fared well, he says, while some democracies – like the United States – have not. Friedman speaks with Elliot Gerson, an executive vice president at the Aspen Institute. Their conversation was held by the Society of Fellows at the Institute. The views and opinions of the speakers in the podcast do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
4/8/202046 minutes, 58 seconds
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China, Technology, and the Coronavirus

China was the first country in the world to experience effects from COVID-19. Now the epidemic there is slowing. How did the country of more than 1 billion people make it through? Technology played a big role. In this episode, Lydia Lee, Gary Liu, and Andrew McLaughlin join Vivian Schiller, executive director of the Aspen Digital program at the Aspen Institute, to talk over the kinds of technology that were launched or re-purposed to address aspects of the crisis. How did technology help keep the virus from spreading? How was misinformation handled online? Are there lessons that the United States can draw from? The views and opinions of the speakers in the podcast do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
4/1/202057 minutes, 6 seconds
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Highs and Lows: Unpacking Teen Emotions

During the coronavirus epidemic, many families are spending lots of time together. Families with teenagers may notice extreme highs and lows – and it’s not just because of the global crisis. Once they reach adolescence, kids land on an emotional rollercoaster and even question their own extreme reactions. As parents, teachers, coaches, and mentors, how can we help teens communicate and navigate the intensity of their emotions? Leading experts on girls, boys, and the neuroscience of the adolescent brain shed light on this perplexing – and exciting – decade of development. Hear from Lisa Damour, Leah Sommerville, Michael Reichert, and Lori Gottlieb. The views and opinions of the speakers in the podcast do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
3/25/20201 hour, 43 seconds
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How to Be Less Fearful in Turbulent Times (Rebroadcast)

What are the best tools for dealing with fear, particularly in an uncertain period? “Human beings wrestle with fear. We are living in anxious times,” says Kansas pastor Adam Hamilton. Hamilton, who founded the United Methodist Church of the Resurrection, created five sermons to help people feel less fearful. In this episode, he explains what he wrote in the sermons and later in a book, Unafraid: Living with Courage and Hope in Uncertain Times. “People felt like these [sermons] were really helpful to them. They felt like they had a bit more of a handle on what was happening in the world around them,” he says. Whether it’s fear about politics, disappointment and failure, or problems out of our control (like the coronavirus outbreak), Hamilton’s advice is useful in turbulent times. The views and opinions of the speakers in the podcast do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
3/17/202054 minutes, 1 second
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Reporting the News in a Fractured America

Two major news stories are dominating headlines: the novel coronavirus and the 2020 presidential contest. Both are vulnerable to disinformation campaigns, so what are newsrooms and technology companies doing to combat false news? What did journalists learn in 2016 that they can apply to political coverage in 2020? Local news is the most trusted news source but many newspapers are folding. How can small town newspapers find their footing and continue to offer trusted information? The conversation includes Richard Gingras, senior director of news and social products at Google, Brian Stelter, host of CNN’s “Reliable Sources,” Joanne Lipman, former editor-in-chief of USA Today, and Vivian Schiller, former NPR president and executive director of a program at the Aspen Institute that examines the role of media and technology in society. The views and opinions of the speakers in the podcast do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
3/10/20201 hour, 6 minutes
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Straight from the Source: Experts Discuss Novel Coronavirus

More than 100 cases of the novel coronavirus have been reported in the United States, as of March 3, 2020. Nine people in the country have died from the disease. That’s far less than in countries like China, Iran, and Italy. What’s being done to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in America and beyond? How quickly can a vaccine be developed? What can individuals do to stay safe? A panel of health experts including Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Nancy Messonnier, director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases at the CDC, and Ron Klain, former White House Ebola Response Coordinator, sit down together discuss what’s being done. Their conversation is led by Helen Branswell who reports on infectious diseases and public health for STAT News. The views and opinions of the speakers in the podcast do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
3/3/202050 minutes, 25 seconds
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What Will We Eat in a Hotter, Drier World?

Unpredictable weather is threatening crop production and a swelling population is increasing the demand for food. How will we eat in a hotter, more crowded world? The race to reinvent the global food system is on, and innovative solutions are already being served up. Meat produced from animal cells is one solution, says CEO of Memphis Meats Uma Valeti. "Can we start thinking about evolving our food system in a transformative way to feed 10 billion people and beyond?" He joins Amanda Little, author of The Fate of Food: What We'll Eat in a Bigger, Hotter, Smarter World, and Susan Goldberg, editor-in-chief of National Geographic to discuss new methods of food production. The views and opinions of the speakers in the podcast do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
2/25/202059 minutes, 44 seconds
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How to Talk About Race and Racism (Rebroadcast)

When Americans elected their first black president more than a decade ago, some questioned whether the country had transitioned into a post-racial era. But today race is a more prominent and intransigent problem than ever. As the US grapples with issues like identity politics, the Travel Ban, a wall on the southern border, and Black Lives Matter, writers Jelani Cobb and Wajahat Ali question the likelihood of a post-racial America. Cobb, a staff writer at The New Yorker and journalism professor at Columbia, says America needs to closely examine its imperfections and reflect on its history of slavery. He speaks with Ali, a New York Times op-ed contributor. This episode originally dropped in February of 2019. The views and opinions of the speakers in the podcast do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
2/19/20201 hour, 4 minutes, 41 seconds
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Putting Humanity Back Into Finance

Societal problems like income inequality have emerged from a financial system that has taken a wrong turn, says Harvard finance professor Mihir Desai. “When finance goes awry, which I think it has, we all suffer. When finance is done well, it’s absolutely remarkable,” he says. Humanity needs to be re-infused into finance so that it’s led by personal stories rather than only value extraction. Desai, who wrote the book, The Wisdom of Finance: Discovering Humanity in the World of Risk and Return, sits down with John Dickerson, correspondent for CBS’ “60 Minutes.” The views and opinions of the podcast guests are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
2/12/202051 minutes, 44 seconds
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Exploring the Inner Chambers of Our Lives

When psychotherapist Lori Gottlieb set out to write the stories of her patients she realized she should chronicle her own struggles too. The result was the bestselling book Maybe You Should Talk to Someone. In it, she explores the human condition through the lives of her patients and herself. "We're all asking ourselves, how do I love and be loved, and how do I live in a world of uncertainty. So the patients I chose [to write about] have experiences that look different on the surface but we can see aspects of ourselves in all of them," she says. Gottlieb speaks with Tara Westover, author of Educated. The views and opinions of the podcast guests are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
2/5/202052 minutes, 31 seconds
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How 'Isms' Are Ruining Political Discourse

It's already difficult to talk about politics in a polarized United States, but a few choice words are making it even harder. Columbia linguistics professor John McWhorter says the original meaning of words like "liberalism" and "socialism" have changed. Now such words muddy up political discourse. In this episode, McWhorter talks about the history of political "isms": progressivism, conservatism, fascism, and others. He says the rules that govern why words' meanings change and our social climate have made political terms dynamic and confusing.
1/29/202052 minutes, 29 seconds
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Confronting History, featuring Bryan Stevenson (Rebroadcast)

Social justice advocate Bryan Stevenson is the subject in the new movie, “Just Mercy.” The film, starring Michael B. Jordan and Jamie Foxx, is based on Stevenson’s memoir with the same name. Stevenson, an attorney, founded the Equal Justice Initiative and has advocated for the release of more than 100 prisoners on death row. He’s passionate about fighting against racial injustice and using history to help America confront its troubling past. In 2018, his organization opened The Legacy Museum: From Enslavement to Mass Incarceration in Montgomery, Alabama. In his conversation with former Harvard President Drew Gilpin Faust, he talks about how now is the time to change the narrative around issues of race. This is a rebroadcast. Stevenson and Faust spoke in 2016. The views and opinions of the podcast guests are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
1/21/20201 hour, 4 minutes, 34 seconds
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What do Church and CrossFit have in Common?

In the United States, the number of people attending church is declining. So where are people going to find meaning and community? Casper ter Kuile, Harvard ministry innovation fellow, says fitness classes, advocacy groups, and maker’s spaces are taking the place of congregations – they’re providing people with a sense of identity. Casper ter Kuile speaks with other spirituality experts in a conversation that touches on how modern-day communities can quash widespread feelings of social isolation and disconnectedness. The views and opinions of the podcast guests are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
1/14/20201 hour, 10 minutes, 41 seconds
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Neal Katyal: Why I Wrote “Impeach”

Former Acting Solicitor General Neal Katyal thinks American democracy is at risk if President Trump isn’t held accountable for abusing his office’s power for political gain. In December, the US House impeached Trump. Now Katyal believes the Senate should vote to remove him from office. Katyal, who has argued dozens of cases before the Supreme Court, says Trump’s actions — asking foreign powers to interfere in the 2020 presidential election — are exactly what the country’s Founders warned against when they granted Congress the power to impeach. Katyal speaks with Dahlia Lithwick, senior editor at Slate. Their conversation was held January 3, 2020. The views and opinions of the podcast guests are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
1/8/20201 hour, 10 seconds
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The Surprising Source of Joy

Why is it that simple pleasures such as bubbles, rainbows, and hot air balloons bring joy to most people? Designer Ingrid Fetell Lee says, “there’s something really powerful in the idea that we all find joy in the same things,” especially items with little significance otherwise. Fetell Lee studied how our physical environment impacts our well-being, both physically and psychologically. She believes that our surroundings can be a powerful tool for cultivating happier, healthier lives … and joyful moments. In this episode, she talks about the difference between happiness and joy and how we can stimulate our senses to produce joy. Fetell Lee is the author of Joyful: The Surprising Power of Ordinary Things to Create Extraordinary Happiness.
1/1/202050 minutes, 35 seconds
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Netflix’s Ted Sarandos on Streaming, Competition, and What’s Next

In the age of streaming entertainment, there’s Apple, Disney, Comcast, and many others. But it began with Netflix. In 2013 Netflix shifted from a distribution company (remember the mailed DVDs?) to a distribution and content creation business. Some of the company’s first shows were hits like “House of Cards” and “Orange is the New Black.” Ted Sarandos, chief content officer for Netflix, describes this transition and how the company has grown since. He tells Derek Thompson, staff writer for The Atlantic, how Netflix is keeping up in an increasingly crowded streaming market, and why a changing entertainment business is a good thing for artists. The views and opinions of the podcast guests are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
12/23/201957 minutes, 44 seconds
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Daring or Reckless? Alex Honnold Explains the Difference

In July of 2017, Alex Honnold became the first person to ever free-solo climb the face of Yosemite’s El Capitan. He climbed nearly 3,000 vertical feet alone and without ropes. The historic feat was captured in the Academy Award-winning film, “Free Solo.” He says self-confidence helped him complete the climb. “If you get scared while free-soloing, [your self-confidence] starts to crumble a little bit. You start to not trust your feet…they’re more likely to slip. Everything can spiral negatively.” He speaks with New York Times op-ed columnist Bret Stephens about the line between daring and recklessness, and how the mammoth climb has impacted every part of his life — from relationships to fame and future climbing pursuits.
12/17/20191 hour, 7 minutes, 6 seconds
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Don’t Call Kansas (Or Any Middle America State) ‘Flyover’

Writers Tara Westover and Sarah Smarsh grew up in rural parts of the mid-section of America and chronicled the stories of their childhoods in best-selling books. While the books vary in emphasis, structure, and theme, both writers agree that people in the Heartland are easily stereotyped by the national media and politicians. “There’s a real gulf between the story we tell ourselves about a country and those conflict- and ratings-driven conversations in New York City studios, and what happens on-the-ground in local communities,” says Smarsh. They tell James Fallows, author of Our Towns, about what needs to change to eliminate these damaging stereotypes. Smarsh and Westover also describe how they’re using their platforms to address some of the most complex challenges that rural communities face today. Smarsh is the author of Heartland: A Memoir of Working Hard and Being Broke in the Riches Country on Earth. Westover wrote the book, Educated. The views and opinions of the podcast guests are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
12/10/201951 minutes, 28 seconds
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How Your Data Powers Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence isn’t something we’ll see in the future. Thinking machines are already here, and nine powerful companies in the US and China control their development. The spam filter in your email inbox is AI. So are programs like Google Translate. The next level for thinking machines is when they begin learning the way humans learn. As artificial intelligence gets refined, who’s keeping track of whether these machines share our motivations, desires, and hopes for the future of humanity? Amy Webb, author of The Big Nine: How the Tech Titans and Their Thinking Machines Could Warp Humanity, speaks with Alexis Madrigal, a staff writer for The Atlantic who covers Silicon Valley. The views and opinions of the podcast guests are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
12/4/201954 minutes, 58 seconds
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Evangelicals and America’s Culture War

In the 2016 presidential election, more than 80 percent of white evangelicals voted for President Trump. At one point (in the 19th century) evangelicals were associated with malcontents who fought for prison reform, abolitionism, and even early feminism. Now, this group is “the most loyal and most vital element of the Trump coalition,” says Michael Gerson, syndicated columnist for The Washington Post. He sits down with Kate Bowler, author of Blessed: A History of the American Prosperity Gospel, David French, senior writer for National Review, and Chris Buskirk, editor and publisher of American Greatness. In 2016, some pundits thought evangelicals wouldn’t support Trump, who’s been accused of sexual assault and married three times. How can this deeply faithful group rally behind a president whose behaviors and values don’t exactly match up to traditional Christian mores? The views and opinions of the podcast guests are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
11/26/201948 minutes, 58 seconds
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Separating Myth from Reality in American History

Two Pulitzer Prize-winning historians explain the difference between myth and reality in American history. David Blight, a professor at Yale, says we use myths to help process history, which can be dismal. “Much of history is dark because human nature is dark. We sometimes have to process the past in sentimentalism — in stories that allow us to wake up in the morning.” Annette Gordon-Reed, an American legal history professor at Harvard, says the point of history is to figure out how you got to where you are in present-day. Blight and Gordon-Reed sit down with John Dickerson, correspondent for “60 Minutes,” to discuss correcting America’s historical memory. They touch on historical events like the white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, and whether reparations for injustice are realistic. The views and opinions of the podcast guests are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
11/20/201956 minutes, 27 seconds
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"Educated" with Tara Westover

Tara Westover's childhood was distinct. Raised by survivalists in the mountains of Idaho, she encountered extreme adversity. She wasn't allowed to attend school, and instead worked in her father's junkyard. She suffered serious injuries, and was sometimes at the mercy of a volatile and abusive older brother. She chronicled her story in "Educated," a best-selling book she hopes people find relatable. "I wrote the book in such a way that people, I hoped, could have some little pieces of the experiences I had. I wanted that to through a filter of their own lives," she says. She speaks with Jeffrey Goldberg, editor in chief of The Atlantic.
11/13/201950 minutes, 35 seconds
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How to Quash Bias

Bias is natural — it’s one way we make sense of the world. It becomes problematic when our biases become stereotypes and prejudices. So how do we manage bias, particularly in the classroom and workplace? Jennifer Eberhardt, author of “Biased: Uncovering the Hidden Prejudice That Shapes What We See, Think, and Do,” sits down with Adam Grant, host of the WorkLife podcast to go over the science behind bias. How effective are workplace diversity trainings and how can we get at bias early before it becomes ingrained? John Dickerson, correspondent for “60 Minutes,” moderates the conversation. The views and opinions of the podcast guests are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
11/5/20191 hour, 9 minutes, 11 seconds
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Life Will Break Your Heart, with Kate Bowler

When she was 35 years old, Kate Bowler was diagnosed with stage IV colon cancer. She had been on an upward spiral: thriving in her career and loving life with her husband and newborn son. Bowler, who’s a scholar of Christianity, had just written the book “Blessed,” about the Christian idea that good things happen to good people. But through her experience of personal suffering, she realized no amount of determination can stop bad things from happening to anyone, no matter your level of faith. In an intimate conversation with David Brooks, op-ed columnist for The New York Times, Bowler talks about human frailty, why optimism can sometimes be a burden, and the dangers of worshiping at the altar of success. Bowler, who teaches at Duke Divinity School, has a new book out this month, “The Preacher’s Wife.” David Brooks runs a program at the Aspen Institute called Weave: The Social Fabric Project. The views and opinions of the podcast guests are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
10/29/201956 minutes, 57 seconds
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What Is Antiracism and Can It Save Society?

Countering racism is essential to the formation of a just and equitable society — so how can we fight it? Ibram X. Kendi says to be able to recognize racism we need to define it and then understand it’s opposite: antiracism. In his new best-selling book, How to Be an Antiracist, Kendi explains that racism is powerful and can change the way we see and value others and ourselves. How can we recognize racism and work to oppose it? In his conversation with Jemele Hill, staff writer for The Atlantic, Kendi talks about his own battle with racism, why it’s so difficult to talk productively about racism, and why an understanding of history is essential to combating racism. The views and opinions of the podcast guests are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
10/22/201955 minutes, 51 seconds
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Using Tech to Bring Humanity Back to Medicine

In modern-day medicine, doctors have little time to spend with patients because rote tasks, like taking notes and performing medical scans, use up their precious time. Eric Topol, a prominent cardiologist, says there has been a steady degradation of the human side of health care – ever since medicine became big business. “We have de-humanized health care. We have gutted the care of health care. This is our only shot to get it back.” He believes artificial intelligence can help free time for doctors so they can listen more closely to patients about their medical concerns. He speaks with David Brooks, op-ed columnist for The New York Times, about Topol's latest book, “Deep Medicine.” Topol is executive vice president of Scripps Research. Brooks is executive director of Weave: The Social Fabric Project at the Aspen Institute.
10/15/201950 minutes, 39 seconds
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The Chief: Will a Swing Vote Change the Future of the Supreme Court?

The Supreme Court will take up contentious issues like gay rights, health care, abortion, and DACA this term, which kicked off Monday. The outcome of these cases may hinge on one vote — from Chief Justice John Roberts. Roberts is at the center of the Court not just because he’s Chief but because he’s a swing vote. Joan Biskupic, author of The Chief: The Life and Turbulent Times of Chief Justice John Roberts, says Roberts wrestles with two competing impulses: his strong commitment to certain conservative principles and his concern for the institutional legitimacy of the Court. Biskupic speaks with Jeffrey Rosen, president and CEO of the National Constitution Center, about the dynamic of the Court and Roberts’ great influence on it — inside and outside the courtroom. The views and opinions of the podcast guests are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
10/9/201954 minutes, 25 seconds
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Lawlessness on the High Seas

One of the most lawless places on earth is the high seas – remote waters, often hundreds of miles from shore. These largely ungoverned waters play host to criminal acts like sea slavery, gun running, human trafficking, and abuse of stowaways. “The lack of protections for the people who work above the water line and the creatures below, I think, is a huge problem,” says New York Times investigative reporter Ian Urbina. Urbina spent five perilous years jumping aboard fishing vessels and talking with the victims of these inhumanities. His book Outlaw Ocean: Journeys Across the Last Untamed Frontier, chronicles their stories and what can be done to protect workers and the wild places they frequent. M. Sanjayan, CEO of Conservation International, interviews Urbina.
10/1/201940 minutes, 41 seconds
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Getting the Biggest Happiness Bang for Your Buck

When our bank accounts are full, are we happier? Does a pay raise at work equal increased joy? What is the link between money and happiness? Behavioral scientist Elizabeth Dunn says money can buy happiness if you follow some core principles of smart spending. She and Robert Frank, Cornell professor and author of the Economic View column in The New York Times, explain how changing the way we think about money can help promote happiness. Spoiler alert: The happiness trifecta, as defined by Dunn, doesn’t explicitly include the amount of dough you have. Their conversation, held in June, is led by Adrienne LaFrance, executive editor of The Atlantic. The views and opinions of the podcast guests are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
9/24/201951 minutes, 4 seconds
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Combating Climate Change One Protest at a Time

Three decades ago, writer Bill McKibben gave a warning about impacts from global warming in his book The End of Nature. Since then, little has been done to tackle the problem, which is growing. Weather events are worsening and communities are suffering from stronger storms, heat waves, wildfires, and more. “The world is now in violent and chaotic flux,” he says. To address this emergency, he suggests transitioning from fossil fuels to renewable energy and hitting the streets. His organization has held rallies around the world to bring attention to the climate crisis. With the Global Climate Strike just around the corner (September 20), McKibben gives a call to arms to protect our planet and humanity itself. The views and opinions of the podcast guests are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
9/17/20191 hour, 11 minutes, 13 seconds
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What's Facebook Doing to Protect Elections?

With just five months until primary season ramps up in the United States, what’s being done to ensure bad actors don’t attack our elections? In 2016, Russia used cyberattacks and social media to sow division in the presidential race. What lessons were learned by companies like Facebook and entities like NATO and the Federal Government? Facebook’s head of election security, Katie Harbath, sits down with former Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson, and Douglas Lute, a former US ambassador to NATO. Nicholas Thompson, editor in chief of WIRED, leads the conversation, which was held in June. The views and opinions of the podcast guests are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
9/10/201952 minutes, 35 seconds
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How Valerie Jarrett Overcame Race, Gender Barriers on Her Way to the West Wing

How did an Iranian-born single mom make her way to the “room where it happened,” ultimately serving as one of the closest advisors to the president of the United States? As the longest running senior advisor to a US president in history, Valerie Jarrett worked with President Obama during his 8 years in office. Before reaching the White House, Jarrett dealt with hardships like a failed marriage and a purposeless job. Still, she went on to break race and gender barriers in the 1970s and 1980s and work on equality for women and girls, civil rights, and our criminal justice system. She chronicles her story in her book “Finding My Voice: My Journey to the West Wing and the Path Forward.” In this light-hearted conversation with Jonathan Capehart, opinion writer for The Washington Post, Jarrett gets personal and offers real stories behind some of the most stirring moments of the Obama presidency. The views and opinions of the podcast guests are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
9/3/20191 hour, 3 minutes
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An Unstable Global Economy: What’s to Blame?

As the US and China continue their trade war, economic instability is rising in countries around the world. Gita Gopinath, chief economist at the International Monetary Fund, says the number one risk to the global economy is the trade war. The IMF is seeing weakening in industrial production, manufacturing, and investment. “All of this is very closely tied to trade, trade uncertainty, and policies related to that,” she says. In a wide-ranging conversation with Gillian Tett, editor at large for the Financial Times, Gopinath talks about whether a recession is looming for the US or elsewhere, why the IMF is redefining global growth, and how more women economic leaders can rise up. Gopinath is the IMF’s first female chief economist. The views and opinions of the podcast guests are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
8/27/201950 minutes, 11 seconds
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What Does Dignity Have to Do with Liberal Democracy?

Starting in the 1970s, political scientist Francis Fukuyama says the world saw a significant expansion of democracy. Dozens of countries were becoming democracies and by 2008, more than 100 democracies existed around the globe. Now, says Fukuyama, liberal democracy is being challenged by populist nationalist leaders and they’re fanning the flames of identity politics. Instead of uniting over a shared sense of humanity, people are identifying in narrower ways based on things like religion, race, ethnicity, and gender. Fukuyama believes that in order to support democracy, we must inculcate a greater sense of dignity into society. Fukuyama speaks with Elliot Gerson, executive vice president at the Aspen Institute. The views and opinions of the podcast guests are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
8/20/20191 hour, 1 minute
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Karl Rove on the Future of Conservatism

Karl Rove served as deputy chief of staff and senior advisor to President George W. Bush before becoming a Fox News contributor. He has his finger on the pulse of today’s Republican party, but remembers a time when the party looked different. Today, more party members consider themselves nationalist and populist. Many are less concerned with deficient and smaller government and more worried about a cultural decline. Rove tells Rich Lowry, editor in chief of National Review, that even though the party’s broken, republicans are rallying behind President Trump. The views and opinions of the podcast guests are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
8/13/201954 minutes, 2 seconds
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Are the US and Mexico at a Breaking Point?

Is the relationship between the United States and Mexico on shaky ground? This year, President Trump threatened to impose tariffs on Mexican imports if the country didn’t stop the flow of migrants from Central America. And, just this week, Mexican officials called a fatal shooting at an El Paso department store that killed eight Mexican nationals an “act of terrorism." Will the issues at the border lead to more tension between the two countries, or can they find compromise? Jorge Guajardo, former Mexican ambassador to China, joins Julián Aguilar, a reporter who covers border affairs for The Texas Tribune, and Jeh Johnson, former US secretary of homeland security for a discussion about what’s at stake. Mary Louise Kelly, co-host of NPR’s “All Things Considered,” moderates the conversation. The views and opinions of the podcast guests are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
8/6/201950 minutes, 44 seconds
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NATO Chief on Cyberspace, Trump, and Threats From Abroad

In a wide-reaching discussion from the Aspen Security Forum, Jens Stoltenberg, secretary general of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), discusses the major threats in the world today. From cyber warfare to Russia pulling out of a key nuclear arms treaty, the 29-member alliance is grappling with challenges across the globe. Stoltenberg speaks with Courtney Kube, Pentagon and Defense Department correspondent for NBC News, about Russia, Turkey, Afghanistan, cyberspace, and President Trump, who has been critical of NATO. He stresses the importance of being part of the organization, which celebrated its 70th anniversary this year. “NATO is good for Europe, but it’s also extremely good for the United States,” he says. “It is extremely good to have friends and allies.” Their conversation was held July 17, 2019 in Aspen, Colorado.
7/30/201959 minutes, 50 seconds
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The Inside Story of the Mueller Investigation: How Will It Play Out?

Former Special Counsel Robert Mueller is scheduled to testify in front of Congress Wednesday. He’ll answer questions about the 400-plus page report he delivered to the Attorney General in March. The report details a two-year investigation on Russian election interference and whether President Trump obstructed justice. It left almost as many open questions as there were before Mueller began his probe. Some people argue the President has been cleared and it’s time to move on. How will what Mueller says to lawmakers change the public’s perspective? Will his testimony alter the trajectory in Washington? How will it impact policy? Neal Katyal, Georgetown Law professor, joins Ted Olson, former Solicitor General, and Garrett Graff, director of a Cyber-Journalism Initiative at the Aspen Institute. Mary Louise Kelly, co-host of “All Things Considered” at NPR, moderates their discussion. The views and opinions of the podcast guests are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
7/22/20191 hour, 2 minutes, 35 seconds
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Planned Parenthood President on Reproductive Justice

Who controls a woman's body? Herself? Her church? Her community? Her government? Leana Wen, president of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, says women’s health and rights have become a political game and her organization is fighting back. New court cases threaten to erode or overturn Roe v. Wade, the Federal law that legalized abortion, says Wen. She says some women are already living a post-Roe reality with just one abortion provider in six states. She joins other physicians, from Africa and the Middle East, to discuss reproductive rights for women and girls around the globe. Agnes Binagwaho is a pediatrician and served in the Rwandan government. Shadia Elshiwy is assistant regional director for the International Planned Parenthood Federation in the Arab World Region. Pat Mitchell, editorial director and curator for TEDWomen, moderates the conversation. The views and opinions of the podcast guests are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
7/16/201946 minutes, 29 seconds
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Mark Zuckerberg Wants the Government’s Help in Making Tough Decisions

After Russia interfered in the 2016 US presidential election, the social media giant Facebook came under deep scrutiny. Rightly so — much of the interference happened on its platform. Mark Zuckerberg, president, CEO, and founder of Facebook, says the company has spent billions and hired ten’s of thousands of people to deal with security. Still, he doesn’t want Facebook to deal with the problem alone. He told Cass Sunstein, law professor at Harvard, Facebook needs the government’s help when it comes to making decisions about the balance of free expression, safety, privacy, human dignity, and decency online. Sunstein wrote the book #Republic, which examines the link between social media and threats to democracy. (Facebook is an Aspen Ideas Festival underwriter). The views and opinions of the podcast guests are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
7/9/201948 minutes, 40 seconds
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How Will the Supreme Court’s Latest Decisions Impact Our Lives?

Before it wrapped up its term in June, the Supreme Court made decisions on two landmark cases: political gerrymandering and the census. How do these decisions and the makeup of the current Court foretell what’s to come on issues like Roe v. Wade, voting rights, and free speech? A panel of leading legal experts weighs in on how this term will impact the issues at the core of American life. Panelists include Neal Katyal, former US solicitor general, Emily Bazelon, staff writer for The New York Times Magazine, Annette Gordon-Reed, professor at Harvard Law School, Joan Biskupic, legal analyst for CNN, and Ted Olson, an attorney who has argued more than 60 cases in front of the Supreme Court. Jeffrey Rosen, president and CEO of the National Constitution Center, moderates the conversation. The views and opinions of the podcast guests are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
7/2/201956 minutes, 43 seconds
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Paul Ryan Talks Trade, Immigration, and the 2020 Election

Paul Ryan may no longer be a member of Congress but he's still paying attention to the issues. The former Speaker of the US House retired in January. In this interview with Judy Woodruff, anchor and managing editor of "PBS NewsHour," Ryan talks about immigration, the upcoming presidential election, and why he agrees with President Trump about trade and China. Their conversation was held June 23, 2019 at the Aspen Ideas Festival. The views and opinions of the podcast guests are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
6/26/20191 hour, 4 minutes, 38 seconds
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Citizenship Without Certainty (Rebroadcast)

What does it mean to be American? How is that story best told and understood? New York Times columnist David Brooks talks with Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and undocumented immigrant Jose Antonio Vargas about citizenship without certainty. Vargas was smuggled from the Philippines to his grandparents’ home in California when he was 12 years old. He discovered a few years later that he was undocumented. In Vargas's memoir, Dear America: Notes of an Undocumented Citizen, he describes the psychological toll he experienced from hiding from the government. The book, his first, was released September 18, 2018.
6/18/201954 minutes, 10 seconds
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Technology Isn’t Only Hijacking Our Time, It’s Controlling Our Choices

Millennials check their phones 150 times a day, more than 2 billion people use Facebook, and another 2 billion use YouTube. What’s the root of our digital addiction? Tristan Harris, former Google ethicist and founder of the Center for Humane Technology, says these companies have perfected the use of persuasive technology and we’ve fallen for it. It’s a problem, says Harris, because technology has the power to modify people’s behavior, attitudes and beliefs. He tells author and journalist Charles Duhigg that persuasive technology is partly to blame for political polarization, election manipulation, and loneliness. Duhigg is the author of “The Power of Habit.”
6/11/201948 minutes, 31 seconds
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How to Be Less Fearful in Turbulent Times

Leading up to the US presidential election in 2016, Kansas pastor Adam Hamilton noticed the people in his congregation wrestling with fear. Campaign speeches and negative ads stoked anxiety, but personal fears, such as disappointment and failure, weighed on the people in his church. Hamilton, who founded the United Methodist Church of the Resurrection in Leawood, Kansas, explains tools for dealing with fear, whether it arises from politics or everyday life. He tells John Dickerson, journalist for CBS News, that fear shouldn’t hold us back from pursuits that promise fulfillment and joy. The views and opinions of the speakers in the podcast do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
6/4/201953 minutes, 36 seconds
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Is Activism Good Business? Just Ask Patagonia

The clothing and outdoor gear company Patagonia bills itself as “the activist company” and lately, it’s been particularly active. Following the 2016 US presidential election, Patagonia donated its Black Friday sales to environmental groups. The company sued the Trump Administration for its resolution to reduce two national monuments in Utah, and in 2018 the company announced it was donating the money it saved from Trump’s tax cuts to conservation. CEO Rose Marcario says she’s acting according to the company’s values and customers are supportive. Under Marcario’s leadership, Patagonia has quadrupled revenues. In her conversation with Erik Schatzker, editor at large with Bloomberg Television, she talks about the company’s long history with activism and how championing causes impacts the bottom line. The views and opinions of the speaker are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
5/28/201956 minutes
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The Remarkable Brain of the Bird

It used to be that having a “bird brain” was an insult. Now, it’s practically a compliment! Turns out the brain of a bird, which is small enough to fit into a nut, is full of neurons. These animals are capable of complex cognition — they can solve problems, count, understand cause and effect, and even communicate in ways that resemble language. Jennifer Ackerman chronicles birds’ intelligence in her book, “The Genius of Birds.” She sits down with Alexander Taylor, an animal psychologist who’s been studying the Caledonian crow — a bird that creates tools and passes on those lessons to younger generations. Flora Lichtman, host of the Gimlet Media podcast “Every Little Thing,” moderates the conversation. Watch the BBC video "Are crows the ultimate problem solvers?" featuring Alexander Taylor. The views and opinions of the speakers in the podcast do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
5/21/201946 minutes, 39 seconds
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Is Social Media Threatening the American Idea?

Read Jeffrey Rosen's article, America Is Living James Madison's Nightmare in The Atlantic. The views and opinions of the speakers in the podcast do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
5/14/201954 minutes, 30 seconds
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How Personal and National Crises are Linked

How are the tools we use to solve personal crises related to national problems? Pulitzer Prize-winning author Jared Diamond says the ways we deal with problems like divorce, the death of a loved one, a serious health problem, or financial troubles, can be used to effectively deal with crises in countries. In his newly-released book, "Upheaval: Turning Points for Nations in Crisis," Diamond examines problems in seven countries, including the United States. How can America succeed at solving problems like political polarization and socio-economic inequality using tools from a crisis therapist? Diamond is also the author of "Guns, Germs, and Steel," along with other books. He’s a professor of geography at UCLA. Show Notes: Email your comments to The views and opinions of the speakers in the podcast do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
5/7/201949 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Gratifying and Complicated Language of Friendship

The way friends talk to one another can either bring them closer or create distance. When it comes to women’s friendships, author Deborah Tannen says women talk more often (than men), at greater length, and about more personal topics. Men’s friendships tend to be more focused around activity. Either way, friendships between women, men, and women and men can be gratifying…and complicated. Tannen talks about the patterns of communication and miscommunication that affect friendships at different stages of our lives. She’s the author of "You’re the Only One I Can Tell: Inside the Language of Women’s Friendships", "You Just Don’t Understand: Women and Men in Conversation", and many other books. Tannen is also a linguistics professor at Georgetown University. Show Notes: Email your comments to The views and opinions of the speakers in the podcast do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
5/1/201951 minutes, 25 seconds
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Millennials and Motivation (Rebroadcast)

Millennials shoulder a lot of stereotypes. They’re called entitled and in need of instant gratification. They’re not committed to their work and expect a work-life balance at their very first job. Do these labels actually define them? Are they really any different than the generations before them? In this lighthearted and informative conversation, organizational psychologist Adam Grant and inspirational teacher Simon Sinek sit down with Katie Couric. Couric is an award-winning journalist. They explore what motivates millennials at work and how the digital world is impacting their productivity. This episode originally dropped on August 1, 2017. Show Notes: Email your comments to The views and opinions of the speakers in the podcast do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
4/23/20191 hour, 4 minutes
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The Menace of Climate Change

Mary Robinson’s book, Climate Justice, records the stories of people experiencing effects from climate change first-hand. They’re not staying silent. From Malawi to Mongolia, people are waging a battle for climate justice, many of them women from poor communities. Robinson, the former president of Ireland and UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, believes climate change is one of the most pressing humanitarian issues of our time. She speaks with Peggy Clark, executive director of the Aspen Global Innovators Group. Thilmeeza Hussain, former deputy ambassador to the UN from the Maldives joins part of the conversation to address how her nation is dealing with rising seas. Show Notes Listen to Our Common Future: Mary Robinson and Rachel Kyte from The Bridge from the Aspen Institute. Email your comments to The views and opinions of the speakers in the podcast do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
4/17/201944 minutes, 30 seconds
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Reversing Extinction and Re-Wilding the World

What if we could turn back time and reverse extinction? Famed writer, biologist, and environmentalist Stewart Brand is attempting this with an organization he co-founded. Revive and Restore is building a tool kit for genetic restoration that would allow the rebirth of species, like the woolly mammoth. Brand says the absence of these animals has left a gap and reviving them will re-enrich the entire conservation world. There are other reasons to bring back certain species, like enhancing genetic diversity. But what about the ethical questions surrounding such a pursuit? Brand speaks with Flora Lichtman, science writer and host of Gimlet Media’s “Every Little Thing” podcast. Show Notes Listen to Saving the High Seas, a podcast episode from Aspen Insight featuring marine biologist Sylvia Earle. Passes to the Festival are still available. Register today! Email your comments to The views and opinions of the speakers in the podcast do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
4/9/201952 minutes, 22 seconds
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Finding Happiness at Every Stage of Life

Economists who have researched happiness over a lifetime find it starts to decline after adolescence and noticeably dips when people enter middle age. How can we avoid the middle age blues and feel purposeful later in life? Arthur Brooks, behavioral economist and American Enterprise Institute president, uses eastern and western philosophies, classical music, and the latest research to give usable advice on how to be joyful throughout life’s different stages. It’s inescapable that we’ll grow older, so how can we develop new strengths as our life journey progresses? Show Notes At the Aspen Ideas Festival in June, Arthur Brooks will talk about his new book, Love Your Enemies: How Decent People Can Save America from Our Culture of Contempt. Passes to the Festival are still available. Register today! Email your comments to The views and opinions of the speakers in the podcast do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
4/2/201947 minutes, 4 seconds
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Trump's Close Relationship with Fox News

A recent blockbuster article by journalist Jane Mayer examines close ties between the White House and Fox News. The piece, published in The New Yorker, spurred the Democratic National Committee to choose not to allow Fox to hold any of its presidential debates. In this broad conversation, Mayer touches on the Fox News article, another piece on Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, and her book Dark Money. She speaks with Carolyne Heldman, former president of Aspen Public Radio. Show Notes Register for the Aspen Ideas Festival, and learn more about it. Listen to our episode, The Underground Railroad, featuring author Colson Whitehead. Email your comments to The views and opinions of the speakers in the podcast do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
3/26/201952 minutes, 17 seconds
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Escaping Hate

Christian Picciolini went to his first white supremacist skinhead meeting at age 14. A lonely and bullied child, he was quickly swept into the movement and eventually became a leader. In this candid conversation, he speaks with journalist Matt Thompson about why he decided to leave the skinhead movement and turn his life around. Picciolini now helps people disengage from hate groups through an organization he leads, Free Radicals Project. Picciolini is the author of White American Youth: My Descent into America’s Most Violent Hate Movement. His interviewer, Matt Thompson, is executive editor of The Atlantic. Show Notes Listen to the episode Ellen Johnson Sirleaf: When Women Lead from The Bridge. Follow Aspen Ideas to Go on Twitter and Facebook. Email your comments to The views and opinions of the speakers in the podcast do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
3/19/201959 minutes, 51 seconds
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Democracy Dies in Darkness: A Conversation with Marty Baron

The truth is under assault in America, according to Marty Baron, executive editor of The Washington Post. By labeling the press as the opposition party and calling into questions facts, President Trump is subverting the role of free and independent news, says Baron. Baron talks with Brian Stelter, host of CNN’s “Reliable Sources,” about how his journalists are operating in a fake news atmosphere where people doubt the truth. He describes how newsrooms need to change — incorporate more transparency and diversify staff — to earn back trust. Finally, he goes into what it’s like working with Post owner Jeff Bezos. Show Notes Listen to Technology Is Changing How We Trust from Aspen Ideas to Go. Register for the 2019 Aspen Ideas Festival. Follow Aspen Ideas to Go on Twitter and Facebook. Email your comments to The views and opinions of the speakers in the podcast do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
3/12/201955 minutes, 32 seconds
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Confronting Life's Toughest Challenges

Kate Bowler and Elaine Pagels both teach religion, write about religion, and have experienced immense hardships. In this frank and funny conversation, they explore why people still seek ancient religious teachings in our modern age. In moving and relatable moments, they explain how they overcome loss, illness, and isolation. Pagels is the author of The Gnostic Gospels and Why Religion?: A Personal Story. Bowler is the author of Blessed: A History of the American Prosperity Gospel and Everything Happens for a Reason (and other lies I’ve loved). They speak with Gina Murdock, a writer, yoga teacher, and community organizer. Show Notes Listen to How to Save a Democracy in Decline on Aspen Insight. Follow Aspen Ideas to Go on Twitter and Facebook. Email your comments to The views and opinions of the speakers in the podcast do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
3/6/201957 minutes, 39 seconds
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The Happiest Places on Earth

The latest World Happiness Report puts the United States in 18th place, behind all the Scandinavian countries, Costa Rica, Canada, and others. The report, issued annually by the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network, looks at income, healthy life expectancy, social support, freedom, trust, and generosity. Another happiness list from National Geographic puts Boulder, Colorado in first place because of its high levels of civic engagement, walkability, and healthful food options. Boulder Mayor Suzanne Jones sits down with Dan Buettner, author of The Blue Zones, and journalist Steve Clemons to talk about the relationship between place and happiness. Show Notes Listen to The Bauhaus Roots of Aspen on Aspen Insight. Follow Aspen Ideas to Go on Twitter and Facebook. Email your comments to The views and opinions of the speakers in the podcast do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
2/27/201950 minutes, 51 seconds
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Colson Whitehead: “The Underground Railroad”

Nearly two decades ago, author Colson Whitehead began thinking about writing about the Underground Railroad. “I remembered when I was a kid, I first heard those words…I thought it was a literal train beneath the earth,” he says. He put pen to paper and the result was the Pulitzer Prize-winning novel The Underground Railroad. In it, the historic secret network of safehouses for runaway slaves becomes a make-believe set of tracks and tunnels beneath southern cities and towns. The book tells the story of Cora, a runaway slave who makes various stops along the railroad in her search for freedom. Whitehead recreates the terror black people in the pre-Civil War era faced. It’s an essential read to understand America’s past and present, according to The New York Times. In this episode, he talks about the novel and about the process of writing. Show Notes Listen to the Aspen Ideas to Go episode Pushing the Limits, featuring climber and author Tommy Caldwell. Follow Aspen Ideas to Go on Twitter and Facebook. Email your comments to The views and opinions of the speakers in the podcast do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
2/20/201959 minutes, 6 seconds
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How to Talk About Race and Racism

When Americans elected their first black president more than a decade ago, some questioned whether the country had transitioned into a post-racial era. But today race is a more prominent and intransigent problem than ever. As the US grapples with issues like identity politics, the Travel Ban, a wall on the southern border, and Black Lives Matter, writers Jelani Cobb and Wajahat Ali question the likelihood of a post-racial America. Cobb, a staff writer at The New Yorker and journalism professor at Columbia, says America needs to closely examine its imperfections and reflect on its history of slavery. He speaks with Ali, a New York Times op-ed contributor. Show Notes Follow Aspen Ideas to Go on Twitter and Facebook. Email your comments to The views and opinions of the speakers in the podcast do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
2/12/20191 hour, 4 minutes, 41 seconds
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Inside the Mind of a Dog

When your dog wags its tail or welcomes you home, what are they thinking about? How do they perceive you and the world around them? Two canine cognition scientists, Alexandra Horowitz and Brian Hare, share what dogs know, understand, and believe. This field of research is growing and these scientists are gaining valuable insight in the minds of America’s most popular pet. Show Notes Listen to The Bauhaus Roots of Aspen from Aspen Insight. Follow Aspen Ideas to Go on Twitter and Facebook. Email your comments to The views and opinions of the speakers in the podcast do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
2/5/201952 minutes, 37 seconds
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Can Free Speech Silence Hate Speech?

Should rules govern demeaning, disparaging, and degrading speech directed at certain groups? How can we resist hate while protecting free speech? Nadine Strossen, longtime president of the ACLU, says hate speech, as painful as it may be, is justifiably protected. Instead of censoring hate speech, she advocates fighting it with free speech. In her conversation with Conor Friedersdorf, staff writer for The Atlantic, she dispels the idea that censorship effectively counters the impacts of hate speech. Strossen is the author of HATE: Why We Should Resist It with Free Speech, Not Censorship. Show Notes Listen to Joshua Johnson's conversation with Imam Khalid Latif. It's part of our Off Stage series on spirituality. Follow Aspen Ideas to Go on Twitter and Facebook. Email your comments to The views and opinions of the speakers in the podcast do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
1/29/201950 minutes, 38 seconds
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LOL, Like, and Literally: Is the English Language Deteriorating?

Young people tend to say “LOL” and “like” a lot. Business jargon — such as “What’s the ask?”— is surfacing in boardrooms. Is the English language deteriorating before our ears? Linguist and author John McWhorter pushes back, saying these modern terms are examples of language evolving. Words’ meanings have always changed and those shifts will continue. “Language is like clouds,” says McWhorter. “If the clouds are in the same position they were in when we came in, something’s wrong.” In this conversation with Georgetown linguistics professor Deborah Tannen, he talks about his book Words on the Move and explains why we shouldn’t be frustrated when language changes. Show Notes Watch John McWhorter's talk, Adjusting to Modernity in American English, from the Aspen Ideas Festival. McWhorter is also featured in the Ideas Festival panel discussion, Just Words. Follow Aspen Ideas to Go on Twitter and Facebook. Email your comments to The views and opinions of the speakers in the podcast do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
1/22/201949 minutes, 55 seconds
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Pushing the Limits

What does it take to rock climb one of the world’s hardest routes at night in the bitter cold? Tommy Caldwell, an accomplished climber, says he summoned focus, drive, and endurance to summit Yosemite’s nearly vertical 3,000 foot Dawn Wall. He completed the climb with partner Kevin Jorgeson in January of 2015. Since then, he’s written a memoir, The Push, that chronicles the climb and the life experiences that led to it. Caldwell is also featured in two films: “The Dawn Wall” and “Free Solo,” which is considered to be on the short list for an Oscar nomination. In this episode, he speaks with mountaineer and climber Penn Newhard about conquering fear, cultivating tenacity, and turning failure into growth. Show Notes Follow Aspen Ideas to Go on Twitter and Facebook. Email your comments to The views and opinions of the speakers in the podcast do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
1/16/201949 minutes, 17 seconds
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Are Leaders Born or Made?

What qualities make a good leader? Are leaders born with these attributes or can they be learned? In her seventh book, Leadership in Turbulent Times, presidential historian Doris Kearns Goodwin writes about the lives of four presidents: Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and Lyndon B. Johnson. Though their backgrounds were different, these men shared a powerful ambition and resilience that carried them through hardship. Goodwin writes that they were “guided by a sense of moral purpose.” She speaks with Kitty Boone, vice president of public programs at the Aspen Institute, about how the presidents’ leadership traits can be adopted and used by aspiring leaders. Show Notes Listen to The Impact of the Women's Wave from Aspen Insight. Email your comments to The views and opinions of the speakers in the podcast do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
1/8/201948 minutes, 57 seconds
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Crash Course on Happiness

The number of college students dealing with stress, depression, and anxiety is growing. Psychology professor Laurie Santos noticed it in her Yale classroom and set out to change the campus culture. Her course “Psychology and the Good Life” is the most popular class in Yale’s 300-year history. In this episode, she talks about her efforts to infuse wellness into her students’ lives. She gives a crash course on how to feel less stressed and depressed, and find more meaning in your life. It’s applicable to everyone—whether you’re an undergraduate or a retiree. Show Notes Register for the 2019 Aspen Ideas Festival. Follow Aspen Ideas to Go on Twitter and Facebook. Email your comments to The views and opinions of the speakers in the podcast do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
12/31/201858 minutes, 57 seconds
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Off Stage 14: Islam in America Today

Imam Khalid Latif is New York University’s first Muslim chaplain. In this political and cultural moment, he says students deal with issues around race and religious intolerance. “A lot of identities in the United States are seen through the prism of racialized identities.” In his interview with WAMU’s Joshua Johnson, he talks about Islamophobia, building interfaith bridges, and the role of religion in one’s life. The "Off Stage Series" goes into the issues that impact all of us. These conversations feature presenters at the Aspen Ideas Festival. Off Stage is part of the Aspen Ideas to Go podcast. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook. Email your comments to The views and opinions of the speakers in the podcast do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
12/25/201828 minutes, 23 seconds
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Off Stage 13: One Synagogue’s Unconventional Outreach Approach

Shira Stutman is senior rabbi at a historic synagogue in Washington, DC that’s doing innovative things. The ‘Sixth & I’ is a non-denominational, non-membership, non-traditional Jewish synagogue. Talks, concerts, and comedy shows are held there with a goal to enlighten and inspire people to live more meaningful lives. In her conversation with “1A” host Joshua Johnson, Stutman describes how religion is helping mend societal divides and how her synagogue is connecting with community. The "Off Stage Series" goes into the issues that impact all of us. These conversations feature presenters at the Aspen Ideas Festival. Off Stage is part of the Aspen Ideas to Go podcast. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook. Email your comments to The views and opinions of the speakers in the podcast do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
12/25/201818 minutes, 48 seconds
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Off Stage 12: Addressing Partisanship at the Pulpit

Can faith help unite us in divided times? How are religious leaders navigating divisions inside and outside their places of worship? Adam Hamilton ministers to about 20,000 Methodists in and around Kansas City. He says he’s determined to mend the deep divisions he sees in his congregation. He speaks with guest host Joshua Johnson. Johnson hosts “1A,” a national news/talk radio show produced by WAMU in Washington, DC. The "Off Stage Series" goes into the issues that impact all of us. These conversations feature presenters at the Aspen Ideas Festival. Off Stage is part of the Aspen Ideas to Go podcast. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook. Email your comments to The views and opinions of the speakers in the podcast do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
12/25/201827 minutes, 14 seconds
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What Really Separates Men from Women?

Why is it that we think boys are good at math and girls are more empathetic? Or that boys can’t focus in the classroom and girls are obsessed with relationships? These sometimes damaging gender stereotypes have become part of our culture, but are they backed up by science? Neuroscientist Lise Eliot says our default assumption is that our gender differences are hardwired, but that’s not the case. In her book Pink Brain Blue Brain, she uses research and her work on neuroplasticity to debunk our traditional thinking. She speaks with Michael Kimmel, sociology and gender studies professor at Stony Brook University. Show Notes Listen to our Off Stage episode featuring Maldivian climate activist Thilmeeza Hussain. Follow Aspen Ideas to Go on Twitter and Facebook. Email your comments to The views and opinions of the speakers in the podcast do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
12/19/201851 minutes, 46 seconds
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Repairing the Apparel Industry

The clothing industry is a top polluter, but some companies are working to be kinder to the environment. The CEOs of Patagonia and Eileen Fisher talk about their shared value of social consciousness. Rose Marcario and Eileen Fisher delve into why a holistic approach, one that goes beyond a single company and its bottom line, is essential to doing business that’s good for everyone. They give tips on the clothing materials they prefer, the power of women-led initiatives, and why wearing clothes longer is key to helping the planet. Show Notes Listen to our Off Stage episode featuring science journalist Kea Krause. Register for the 2019 Aspen Ideas Festival. Follow Aspen Ideas to Go on Twitter and Facebook. Email your comments to The views and opinions of the speakers in the podcast do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
12/12/201850 minutes, 32 seconds
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Off Stage 11: Saving the African Elephant

The African elephant, the world’s largest land mammal, is threatened by poaching, human development, and climate change. As director of the Biodiversity and Ecosystems Services Branch of the UN Environmental Program, Max Gomera advocates for the elephant. Ensuring elephants and other animals thrive is important for the human species. In this episode, Gomera talks about improving the relationship between elephants and humans, and how our meat consumption is negatively impacting wildlife habitat. Gomera is an Aspen New Voices Fellow and spoke at Spotlight Health. The "Off Stage Series" goes into the issues that impact all of us. These conversations feature presenters at Spotlight Health. Off Stage is part of the Aspen Ideas to Go podcast. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook. Email your comments to The views and opinions of the speakers in the podcast do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
12/7/201814 minutes, 56 seconds
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Off Stage 10: A Sinking Island Nation

Rising sea level and contaminated fresh water could make an island paradise in the Indian Ocean uninhabitable. The effects of climate change on the Maldives are difficult to ignore. Maldivian climate activist Thilmeeza Hussain says these changes are impacting everyday life for the 400,000 people who live there. Will Maldivians become climate refugees? How can this island nation be saved? Hussain is an Aspen New Voices Fellow and a speaker at Spotlight Health. The "Off Stage Series" goes into the issues that impact all of us. These conversations feature presenters at Spotlight Health. Off Stage is part of the Aspen Ideas to Go podcast. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook. Email your comments to The views and opinions of the speakers in the podcast do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
12/7/201822 minutes, 1 second
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Off Stage 9: Wonder Drugs in the Arctic

Will a cure for cancer be found in the North Pole? A group of Norwegian scientists are scouring the sea and shore in one of the harshest climates on earth, looking for wonder drugs. Writer Kea Krause experienced their search when she spent twelve days aboard a research vessel in the Arctic Ocean. In this episode, she talks about her journey and why this part of the world may unlock answers to some of our most difficult health problems. Krause was a speaker at Spotlight Health. The "Off Stage Series" goes into the issues that impact all of us. These conversations feature presenters at Spotlight Health. Off Stage is part of the Aspen Ideas to Go podcast. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook. Email your comments to The views and opinions of the speakers in the podcast do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
12/7/201818 minutes, 38 seconds
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Atul Gawande on Love, Death, and Worth

Famed writer and surgeon Atul Gawande believes there’s a gap between our aspiration for how we treat each other and the reality. In this divisive era, it’s especially challenging to see that all lives have equal worth. He explains to Lucy Kalanithi, professor of medicine, how we can bridge the gap. Kalanithi is the widow of the late Dr. Paul Kalanithi who wrote the bestselling book When Breath Becomes Air. Show Notes Follow Aspen Ideas to Go on Twitter and Facebook. Email your comments to The views and opinions of the speakers in the podcast do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
12/4/201828 minutes, 17 seconds
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Technology Is Changing How We Trust

Technology is changing who and how we trust. While our faith in institutions such as governments, media, and charities has hit an all-time low, many of us will rent a complete stranger’s home, exchange digital currencies, and trust bots. When we trust Airbnb more than our elected leaders, what does that mean for society? Rachel Botsman, expert in technology and trust, says this fundamental shift in trust has far-reaching consequences. She wrote the book Who Can You Trust?, and lectures at Oxford University. Show Notes Follow Aspen Ideas to Go on Twitter and Facebook. Email your comments to The views and opinions of the speakers in the podcast do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
11/27/201850 minutes, 25 seconds
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Can Character Be Learned?

Why is it so hard to watch our children fail? Why might a highly structured life for a child be a bad thing? And how important is our behavior, as adults, in the development of a child? In this episode, psychologist Angela Duckworth explains how to raise a child with strong character. Duckworth, who’s the author of Grit and a MacArthur “Genius,” talks with Jackie Bezos about how young people learn to be grateful, vulnerable, and fearless by modeling the adults in their lives. Bezos is the co-founder and president of the Bezos Family Foundation. Show Notes Register for the 2019 Aspen Ideas Festival. Follow Aspen Ideas to Go on Twitter and Facebook. Email your comments to The views and opinions of the speakers in the podcast do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
11/20/201835 minutes, 25 seconds
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What Would the Founders Think of Today's America?

Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, Thomas Jefferson. What were America’s Founders like as individuals? And what would they think of American democracy today? In this lighthearted conversation, National Constitution Center President Jeff Rosen interviews David Rubenstein, co-founder of The Carlyle Group, collector of historic documents, and funder of American cultural and educational institutions. Did you know James Madison was short in stature? Or that John Adams only had one tooth? Rosen and Rubenstein dig into the Founders’ histories and how their Constitutional battles and brilliant ideas shaped America. Show Notes Listen to the The New Science of Psychedelics featuring author Michael Pollan. Follow Aspen Ideas to Go on Twitter and Facebook. Email your comments to The views and opinions of the speakers in the podcast do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
11/14/201852 minutes, 18 seconds
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The New Science of Psychedelics

Michael Pollan, author of The Omnivore’s Dilemma and The Botany of Desire, focuses on psychedelic drugs in his most recent book. How to Change Your Mind dives into the latest developments in trials using psychedelic therapy to treat depression, anxiety, obsession, and trauma. For the book, Pollan immersed himself in the psychedelic experience, saying it helped him become more open, emotionally available, patient, and less defensive. He talks with Corby Kummer, senior editor at The Atlantic, about how this kind of therapy is impacting the mind, the self, and the spiritual experience. Show Notes Read Ideas: The Magazine of the Aspen Institute. Listen to the latest episode of Aspen Insight—Creating Jobs, Alleviating Poverty. Follow Aspen Ideas to Go on Twitter and Facebook. Email your comments to The views and opinions of the speakers in the podcast do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
11/6/201858 minutes, 27 seconds
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Stopping Hate in an Era of Fragmentation

The deadly shooting at a Pittsburgh synagogue is the latest hate crime in an especially atrocious period. The number of hate crimes against religious minority communities has surged in recent years, and it’s likely driven, in part, by the country’s deep polarization. Luckily, solutions are surfacing and some are led by this episode’s speakers. Christian Picciolini is a former white supremacist who now helps others disengage from hate movements. Farhan Latif runs the El-Hibri Foundation, which empowers Muslim leaders. With her Aspen Institute project Inclusive America, Zeenat Rahman is finding ways for a divided America to embrace people of all faith backgrounds. Meryl Chertoff leads the Institute’s Justice and Society program. She’s also executive editor of “Pluralism in Peril,” an Aspen Institute report that offers guidance to interfaith leaders and others on how to build an environment that incorporates American religious minorities. Show Notes Passes for the Aspen Ideas Festival go on sale November 14. Find out more. Follow Aspen Ideas to Go on Twitter and Facebook. Email your comments to The views and opinions of the speakers in the podcast do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
10/30/201852 minutes, 9 seconds
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Off Stage 8: Tackling Twitter’s Bots

Tech entrepreneur Ash Bhat dropped out of high school and college to pursue digital projects. The 20-year-old’s latest effort: combatting online bots, or Twitter accounts with no human oversight. It’s a job that’s worth a break from school, he thinks. “We have a moral responsibility to make a difference.” With his company RoBhat Labs, he and his co-founder are working to tackle the spread of fake news. He tells investigative tech reporter Kashmir Hill that stomping out bots can help unite a divided nation. The "Off Stage Series" goes into the issues that impact all of us. These conversations feature presenters at the Aspen Ideas Festival. Off Stage is part of the Aspen Ideas to Go podcast. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook. Email your comments to The views and opinions of the speakers in the podcast do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
10/26/201815 minutes, 55 seconds
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Off Stage 7: How to Get off Your Screen

Tristan Harris, former Google design ethicist, says the apps we use on our devices everyday are designed to maximize screen time. “Whenever we use these products, we’re activating supercomputers pointed at our brains.” They draw you in and keep you there, he says, and the result is loneliness. Harris, who founded the Center for Humane Technology, talks with Gizmodo’s Kashmir Hill about what we can do limit screen time. The "Off Stage Series" goes into the issues that impact all of us. These conversations feature presenters at the Aspen Ideas Festival. Off Stage is part of the Aspen Ideas to Go podcast. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook. Email your comments to The views and opinions of the speakers in the podcast do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
10/26/201819 minutes, 53 seconds
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Off Stage 6: The Menace of Disinformation

With the midterm elections around the corner, should internet users be on alert for fake news? As research director at New Knowledge, Renee DiResta investigates the spread of disinformation across social networks. Since the 2016 presidential election, tech companies like hers have taken “meaningful steps,” she says. In her conversation with Kashmir Hill, investigative reporter for Gizmodo Media, DiResta explains how she’s working to stop disinformation from going viral. The "Off Stage Series" goes into the issues that impact all of us. These conversations feature presenters at the Aspen Ideas Festival. Off Stage is part of the Aspen Ideas to Go podcast. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook. Email your comments to The views and opinions of the speakers in the podcast do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
10/26/201820 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Cultural Revolution We Need

The forces of division have been tearing America's social fabric for decades. Our country is now dealing with isolation, alienation, and tribalism. But a new coalition of community builders with a new set of beliefs is rising to turn things around. New York Times columnist David Brooks is leading an effort at The Aspen Institute to bridge the differences that divide Americans. In this talk, he goes over what he’s discovering and how you can help. Show Notes Passes for the Aspen Ideas Festival go on sale November 14. Find out more. Follow Aspen Ideas to Go on Twitter and Facebook. Email your comments to The views and opinions of the speakers in the podcast do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
10/23/201856 minutes, 49 seconds
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How to Lead a More Meaningful Life at Work

Adam Grant is exploring “how to make work suck less.” For his podcast WorkLife, he visited unconventional companies to discover how to improve the work experience. Grant, who authored Give and Take and teaches at the Wharton School, thinks we should be leading more creative and meaningful lives at work. After all, we spend a quarter of our lives there. He speaks with Mike Kaplan, president and CEO of the Aspen Skiing Company based in Aspen, Colorado. Show Notes Listen to the Aspen Insight episode Beyond a Level Playing Field. Follow Aspen Ideas to Go on Twitter and Facebook. Email your comments to The views and opinions of the speakers in the podcast do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
10/16/201856 minutes, 17 seconds
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Getting In: College Access for All

In June, the University of Chicago announced it will become test-optional. It's the first elite school to do so. The move is part of a bigger effort to expand access to a broader talent pool of well-deserving applicants. But, will removing the requirement that incoming undergraduates submit ACT and SAT scores make a difference? What are the best ways to reach aspiring students who are stopped from applying by fees and tuition costs? And how should universities measure merit and success? University of Chicago President Robert Zimmer talks with David Coleman, president and CEO of the College Board, a nonprofit that provides free SAT practice. The conversation is led by Aspen Institute President and former college president Dan Porterfield. Show Notes Listen to the Aspen Ideas to Go episode Sal Khan: Education Reimagined. Follow the show on Twitter and Facebook. Email your comments to The views and opinions of the speakers in the podcast do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
10/9/201847 minutes, 31 seconds
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How Women in the Media Are Tackling #MeToo

News reporters have covered the #MeToo movement since it gained ground one year ago. But journalists haven’t just written about the movement, some have experienced sexual harassment and violence themselves. In this episode, a group of leading female journalists share their personal stories and discuss how newsroom culture must shift. What concrete steps can the industry take to serve women currently working as journalists and the next generation of writers? Speakers include Katie Couric, Mona Charen, Adrienne Green, Shannon Van Sant, Susan Page, and Rebecca Blumenstein. Their conversation was held June 28, 2018 at the Aspen Ideas Festival. Show Notes Listen to the Aspen Insight episode The Old West: Reshaping the Myth. Follow the show on Twitter and Facebook. Email your comments to The views and opinions of the speakers in the podcast do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
10/2/201858 minutes
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Off Stage 3: The Year of the Woman

Rebecca Traister’s new book Good and Mad details how women’s anger has erupted into the public conversation. In our first Off Stage interview on women, she tells USA Today Washington Bureau Chief Susan Page that women are “mad that Donald Trump is president and they’re mad about sexual harassment.” Women in the past have been angry individually, but a new movement that emerged following the 2016 election reflects collective anger, says Traister. Her book Good and Mad was released October 2nd. The "Off Stage Series" goes into the issues that impact all of us. These conversations feature presenters at the Aspen Ideas Festival. Off Stage is part of the Aspen Ideas to Go podcast. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook. Email your comments to The views and opinions of the speakers in the podcast do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
10/2/201826 minutes, 53 seconds
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Larry Summers on Trade, Tariffs, and the Economy

Former treasury secretary Larry Summers has been vocal about his disagreements with the current direction of US economic policy, particularly in the areas of trade, tariffs, and the rethinking of international agreements on commerce and investment. What would he do differently? What do we need to do to really ensure economic growth? He speaks with Jillian Tett, US Managing Editor of the Financial Times. Show Notes Listen to the Aspen Ideas to Go episode How Artificial Intelligence Will Transform Industry. Follow the show on Twitter and Facebook. Email your comments to The views and opinions of the speakers in the podcast do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
9/26/201851 minutes, 21 seconds
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Off Stage 5: Journalism “More Important than Ever”

In an era when the mainstream media is under attack, New York Times Deputy Managing Editor Rebecca Blumenstein is heartened because more people are paying for news. “Our circulation has almost doubled. People have realized that facts have value,” she says. In her Off Stage conversation with USA Today’s Susan Page, she talks about fake news, covering Trump, and what advice she would give to young women entering the news business. The "Off Stage Series" goes into the issues that impact all of us. These conversations feature presenters at the Aspen Ideas Festival. Off Stage is part of the Aspen Ideas to Go podcast. The views and opinions of the speakers in the podcast do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
9/21/201819 minutes, 54 seconds
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Off Stage 4: How to Ensure the Survival of Democracy

Global economist Dambisa Moyo says democracy is in crisis around the world. In her book Edge of Chaos, she explains how voter participation rates are low, money is seeping into politics via big donations, and political freedoms have declined. “We do have democracy on paper, but in terms of the efficacy and efficiency of the democratic process, I think there are deep concerns.” In her conversation with guest host and journalist Susan Page, she also describes the hurdles she’s overcome to work in a field dominated by men. The "Off Stage Series" goes into the issues that impact all of us. These conversations feature presenters at the Aspen Ideas Festival. Off Stage is part of the Aspen Ideas to Go podcast. The views and opinions of the speakers in the podcast do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
9/21/201818 minutes, 32 seconds
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Citizenship Without Certainty

What does it mean to be American? How is that story best told and understood? New York Times columnist David Brooks talks with Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and undocumented immigrant Jose Antonio Vargas about citizenship without certainty. Vargas was smuggled from the Philippines to his grandparents’ home in California when he was 12 years old. He discovered a few years later that he was undocumented. In Vargas's memoir, Dear America: Notes of an Undocumented Citizen, he describes the psychological toll he experienced from hiding from the government. The book, his first, was released September 18, 2018. Show Notes Watch What Is It Like to be Inside the American Immigration System Today? from the Aspen Ideas Festival. Listen and subscribe to Aspen Insight. Follow the show on Twitter @aspenideas and Facebook. Email your comments to The views and opinions of the speakers in the podcast do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
9/18/201854 minutes, 10 seconds
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Seeing Gray in a World of Black and White (Rebroadcast)

What role does faith play in bringing people together? Reverend Adam Hamilton pastors the largest United Methodist church in America. Within his Kansas congregation, he observes deep divisions that reflect the larger disunity in our nation. These divisions, he thinks, are tearing at our social fabric. His plan: to get people to think differently by focusing on influencing, not irritating, and seeing the humanity in others — even those we strongly disagree with. He speaks with David Brooks, New York Times op-ed columnist and commentator on the “PBS Newshour.” Brooks is also an executive director at the Aspen Institute. Show Notes This week's recommended companion episode is Faith and the Public Square. Follow the show on Twitter @aspenideas and Facebook at Email your comments to The views and opinions of the speakers in the podcast do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
9/11/201859 minutes, 32 seconds
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Is There a Path out of Afghanistan and Iraq?

This spring marked the 15th anniversary of the US invasion of Iraq, and the war in Afghanistan has gone on long enough that children born after 9/11 are now old enough to enlist in the military. Is there any path out of conflict for Iraq and Afghanistan — for the United States, or for the citizens of the war-weary countries? This episode features individuals who were deeply involved in both conflicts. David Petraeus, former CIA director, led the 101st Airborne Division in the invasion of Iraq. Douglas Lute was US ambassador to NATO and Ryan Crocker served as ambassador in six countries, including Iraq and Afghanistan. Dan Senor was based in Baghdad as an official for the Defense Department and Jane Harman, who leads the conversation, served nine terms in Congress. Follow Aspen Ideas to Go on Facebook and Twitter. Email your comments to The views and opinions of the speakers in the podcast do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
9/4/201856 minutes, 19 seconds
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From Tragedy to Hope: A Conversation with Robert Runcie

Broward County School District Superintendent Robert Runcie remembers clearly the events of February 14, 2018. That’s the day a gunman killed seventeen people at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. In this conversation with the Washington Post’s Jonathan Capehart, Runcie talks about the power of hope and how some of the radical academic changes he brought to the District, the sixth largest in America, may have helped the school’s students become powerful leaders in the gun control movement. Show Notes Discover more about the Aspen Institute. Follow Aspen Ideas to Go on Facebook and Twitter. Email your comments to The views and opinions of the speakers in the podcast do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
8/29/201850 minutes, 14 seconds
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Sal Khan: Education Reimagined

Sal Khan’s career journey took him from finance to the classroom. The former hedge fund manager now runs the nonprofit Khan Academy, which provides free online education. He says online learning is changing the way students learn and instructors teach. For classrooms that have integrated the Academy into their lessons, students are learning at their own pace and teachers have more time to tutor kids one-on-one. In this conversation, Khan talks about how the Academy is personalizing education for its 60 million users worldwide. Show Notes Follow Aspen Ideas to Go on Facebook and Twitter. Email your comments to The views and opinions of the speakers in the podcast do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
8/28/201849 minutes, 58 seconds
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From Despair to Optimism on Climate Change

Costa Rican diplomat Christiana Figueres led the global adoption of the Paris Agreement in 2015, and continues to fight for the climate today in her work with Mission 2020. Working to reduce greenhouse gases globally can be frustrating, she admits, but she chooses optimism over pessimism. She recalls a moment where her attitude shifted, “I many years ago, decided — because it is a decision — that I was going to be optimistic about addressing climate change.” We won’t solve climate change, she says, but we can prepare for a future that will look different than today. She speaks with Jeff Goodell, author of The Water Will Come about how individuals can harness hope and take action as they face the seemingly impossible. Show Notes Listen to the Aspen Ideas to Go episode, The Road from Paris, Featuring Ernest Moniz. Follow Aspen Ideas to Go on Facebook and Twitter. Email your comments to The views and opinions of the speakers in the podcast do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
8/24/201852 minutes, 8 seconds
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David Miliband on Fixing the Refugee Crisis

More than 65 million people around the globe are either refugees, asylum seekers, or displaced within their own countries. It’s the largest number of people forced to flee their homes since World War II. From South Sudan to El Salvador and Yemen to Afghanistan, the International Rescue Committee is working to help people recover and resettle. David Miliband leads the organization and thinks the world’s refugee problem is solvable. In this conversation with Steve Clemons, editor at large for The Atlantic, he suggests how governments and citizens can help. “The work of rescue isn’t just about the people we’re helping. It’s actually about us,” he says, “It’s about what we in the Western world stand for. It’s about whether the values we write in our laws and constitutions mean anything.” Show Notes Listen to the Aspen Ideas to Go episode, Off Stage 1: Leaving Hate Behind, featuring Christian Picciolini. Find last week's bonus episode, Madeleine Albright on Fighting Fascism. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook. Email your comments to The views and opinions of the speakers in the podcast do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
8/21/201852 minutes, 40 seconds
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Madeleine Albright on Fighting Fascism

How do we save ourselves from repeating errors of our past? Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright poses this question in her new book, Fascism: A Warning. She thinks fascism now presents a greater threat to peace than at any time since the end of WWII. In this episode, she speaks with Aspen Institute CEO Dan Porterfield about what tools in the “national security toolbox” we can use to fight fascism. She explains how her childhood led her to write the book and why she calls herself an “optimist who worries.” She spoke with Porterfield on July 31st. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook. Email your comments to The views and opinions of the speakers in the podcast do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
8/17/201854 minutes, 25 seconds
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College Students, Mental Health, and the University's Role

Across the US, students are heading back to college for the start of the school year. Many will wrestle with mental health challenges. Campus counseling offices are busier than ever and peer-run mental health clubs are popping up. Colleges are working to keep up as students’ academic, social, and athletic demands sometimes become too much to bear. In this episode, Teen Vogue editor Samhita Mukhopadhyay leads a conversation with Paula Johnson, president of Wellesley College, and Dan Porterfield, now president of the Aspen Institute and former head of Franklin & Marshall College. Show Notes Listen to the Aspen Ideas to Go episode, Still Healing: Charlottesville, One Year Later. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook. Email your comments to The views and opinions of the speakers in the podcast do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
8/14/20181 hour, 2 minutes, 41 seconds
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Can the Democrats Win Big in 2018—and 2020?

Midterms are often seen as the first nationwide referendum on a first-term president. Donald Trump’s ratings have ranged from low to medium-low, but a “blue wave” of victories is far from guaranteed this fall. Where Democrats strive for inclusiveness with regard to race, gender, and immigration status, critics see “identity politics,” and successfully fending off that critique may determine the party’s fate across the country. Who are the rising Democratic stars to watch, and what internal clashes must the Democrats resolve as they look toward 2020? This episode features Amy Walter, national editor of The Cook Political Report; Reihan Salam, executive editor of National Review; Jamelle Bouie, chief political correspondent for Slate; Mike Allen, chief White House correspondent for Politico; and Celinda Lake, pollster and political strategist for progressives. Show Notes Listen to the Aspen Ideas to Go episode, Off Stage 2: Fighting for Immigrants. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook. Email your comments to The views and opinions of the speakers in the podcast do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
8/10/20181 hour, 2 minutes, 37 seconds
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Off Stage 2: Fighting for Immigrants

At age 25, Gaby Pacheco was the first undocumented Latina to testify in front of Congress. In this conversation with New York Times Contributing Op-Ed Writer Wajahat Ali, she talks about the struggles immigrants still face years later. She spearheaded efforts that led to the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program and participated in the Trail of Dreams, a four-month walk from Miami to Washington, DC, calling attention to the plight of immigrants. In this one-on-one conversation, she speaks with Ali about her frustrations with the Trump administration, the challenges facing immigrants who want to become citizens, and the crisis at the US-Mexico border. Pacheco and Ali were speakers at the Aspen Ideas Festival in June. The "Off Stage Series" goes into the issues that impact all of us. These conversations feature presenters at the Aspen Ideas Festival. Off Stage is part of the Aspen Ideas to Go podcast. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook. Email your comments to The views and opinions of the speakers in the podcast do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
8/9/201828 minutes, 27 seconds
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Off Stage 1: Leaving Hate Behind

In our first “Off Stage” bonus episode, New York Times Contributing Op-Ed Writer Wajahat Ali speaks with former white supremacist skinhead Christian Picciolini. For 8 years, Picciolini was a follower, then a leader in the white supremacist movement. When the people he thought he hated showed compassion, he left the group. Now he helps others disengage from extremism. In this one-on-one discussion, he talks about what draws someone to join an extremist group, why white supremacy is growing in the United States, and how we can stop hate in its tracks. Ali and Picciolini were speakers at the Aspen Ideas Festival in June. The "Off Stage Series" goes into the issues that impact all of us. These conversations feature presenters at the Aspen Ideas Festival. Off Stage is part of the Aspen Ideas to Go podcast. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook. Email your comments to The views and opinions of the speakers in the podcast do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
8/9/201825 minutes, 24 seconds
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Still Healing: Charlottesville, One Year Later

One year after a deadly hate rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, the city continues to heal. White supremacists gathered at the University of Virginia and then in downtown Charlottesville in mid-August last year. Protesters clashed and a young woman, Heather Heyer, died in the fray. Now, the historic city that was once home to Thomas Jefferson and James Monroe is also associated with the white supremacist hate rallies. Why did these groups choose Charlottesville? What has Charlottesville learned, and what can it teach America about healing and resilience in a time of re-surging hate and divisiveness? Slate Chief Political Correspondent Jamelle Bouie leads a conversation with former Charlottesville Mayor Michael Signer, domestic policy advisor for President Obama Melody Barnes, and Leslie Greene Bowman, president of the Thomas Jefferson Foundation at Monticello. Show Notes Listen to the Aspen Ideas to Go episodes featuring Jerome Adams, Bill Browder, and Christine Matthews. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook. Email your comments to The views and opinions of the speakers in the podcast do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
8/7/201853 minutes, 14 seconds
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Longtime Kremlin Critic Says He's Not Afraid

Russian President Vladimir Putin in July, singled out American-born businessman Bill Browder at a joint press conference in Helsinki, Finland. Putin, standing alongside President Trump, named Browder and his business dealings. Browder was the largest foreign investor in Russia until he was arrested in 2005 and expelled from the country. His corporate documents were seized by Russian authorities, he says, and the young lawyer he hired to investigate—Sergei Magnitsky—was arrested and died in prison. Seeking justice, Browder lobbied for the Magnitsky Act, which he says prevents “Russian torturers and murderers” from using America’s banking system. In this discussion with CNN’s Suzanne Malveaux, Browder talks about the Helsinki summit, the infamous Trump Tower meeting, and why he says he’s not afraid of Putin. This discussion was held on July 27th at the Resnick Aspen Action Forum in Aspen, Colorado. Show Notes Listen to the Aspen Ideas to Go episode, CRISPR: A Crack in Creation. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook. Email your comments to The views and opinions of the speakers in the podcast do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
8/3/201838 minutes, 13 seconds
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Conservatism in the Era of Trump

Is the Republican Party in the United States having an identity crisis? Are the priorities of the Republican Party, conservative ideals, and the Trump administration’s policies aligning? Or, are we witnessing the factions of the party splintering off? Our panel includes Jonah Goldberg (National Review), Allysia Finley (The Wall Street Journal), Michael Steele (former Republican National Committee chairman), and Mickey Edwards (former Republican Congressman from Oklahoma and Aspen Institute Vice President). They discuss whether the Republican Party is promoting conservative principles or becoming the Donald Trump party. Their conversation was held July 24 in Aspen, Colorado as part of the Institute’s McCloskey Speaker Series. Show Notes Listen to the Aspen Ideas to Go episode, It's Okay to be Clueless. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook. Email your comments to The views and opinions of the speakers in the podcast do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
7/31/20181 hour, 6 seconds
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The Surge of Women into Politics

Since 2016, we’ve watched women rack up unprecedented wins in statehouses, city halls, and even Congress — and thousands more are throwing their hats into the ring. How did factors like Donald Trump’s win and #MeToo influence this wave, and why does the movement seem to be taking hold now? Writer Rebecca Traister (“All the Single Ladies”) leads a discussion with Christine Matthews, president of Bellwether Research and consulting; Ashley Nickloes, a candidate running for a Tennessee Congressional seat; political pollster Celinda Lake; and Michelle De La Isla, mayor of Topeka, Kansas. They talk about the challenges women face as they attempt to make 2018 “The Year of the Woman” in American politics. Show Notes Follow us on Twitter and Facebook. Email your comments to The views and opinions of the speakers in the podcast do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
7/27/201859 minutes, 22 seconds
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Dan Coats Discusses Election Interference, the White House’s Invitation to Putin, and More

Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats goes over President Trump’s meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in this discussion held July 19th. These are his first public comments after standing by the intelligence community’s findings on Russian interference in the 2016 election. Trump has questioned the intelligence assessment. Coats manages America’s 17 intelligence agencies and serves as the President’s principal intelligence advisor. He spoke with Andrea Mitchell, chief foreign affairs correspondent for NBC News. Show Notes Follow us on Twitter and Facebook. Email your comments to The views and opinions of the speakers in the podcast do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
7/24/201855 minutes, 51 seconds
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DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen on Russian Interference, the Border Crisis, and More

Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen has defended the Trump administration’s controversial "zero tolerance" immigration policy that has led to families being separated at America’s southwest border. In this discussion, she addresses illegal immigration, saying it reflects a broken system. Her conversation with Peter Alexander, national correspondent for NBC News, also touches on Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential campaign and terrorism. Alexander asks if homegrown, lone-wolf terrorism is the greatest threat today in the US. Their conversation on June 19 was part on the Aspen Security Forum held by the Aspen Institute’s Homeland Security Program. Show Notes Follow us on Twitter and Facebook. Email your comments to The views and opinions of the speakers in the podcast do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
7/19/201854 minutes, 10 seconds
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FBI Director Christopher Wray on Russian Meddling

FBI Director Christopher Wray is firm in his position that Russia was involved in the 2016 presidential campaign. “The intelligence community’s assessment has not changed,” he says, “and my view has not changed, which is that Russia attempted to interfere with the last election.” Wray spoke July 18 at the Aspen Security Forum in Aspen, Colorado. His interviewer, Lester Holt of NBC News, also asked Wray about the indictment of 12 Russian nationals, the Robert Mueller investigation, China, and North Korea. The Aspen Security Forum is a yearly gathering of top-level government officials, industry experts, and journalists. It’s held by the Institute’s Homeland Security Program. Show Notes Follow us on Twitter and Facebook. Email your comments to The views and opinions of the speakers in the podcast do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
7/19/201852 minutes, 41 seconds
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First-Hand Account: Family Separation at the US-Mexico Border

A lot has happened since US Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced in May a “zero tolerance” policy for illegal crossings at the southwest border. The family separation policy that contributed to dividing nearly 3,000 children from their guardians was halted and now the US government is working to reunite families. In this episode, Mimi Marziano, president of the Texas Civil Rights Project, talks about why she thinks the situation is a “horrendous human rights crisis” that’s far from over. Her organization is representing 381 of the families who have been affected by the separation policy. She speaks with Jonathan Capehart, opinion writer for the Washington Post and host of the “Cape Up” podcast. Show Notes Follow us on Twitter and Facebook. Email your comments to The views and opinions of the speakers in the podcast do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
7/18/201851 minutes, 42 seconds
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The Rising Belligerence of Putin's Russia

President Trump will meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin Monday during a time when international relations are being tested. On the heels of a tension-filled NATO summit, Russia experts wonder whether Trump’s meeting with Putin will address the Russian government’s rising belligerence. Putin’s government is increasingly acting as an outlaw state across the international stage — undermining European democracies, launching devastating ransomware cyberattacks, harassing US diplomats, executing journalists and dissidents, harboring sophisticated cybercriminals, and testing Western alliances. How should the United States, Europe, and the West as a whole respond? The Atlantic’s Steve Clemons leads a discussion with Peter Wittig, former German ambassador to the United States; Kori Schake, deputy director general of the International Institute for Strategic Studies at the Hoover Institution; Andrew Weiss, former director of the RAND Corporation’s Center for Russia and Eurasia; and Evelyn Farkas, national security analyst for MSNBC. Show Notes Follow us on Twitter and Facebook. Email your comments to The views and opinions of the speakers in the podcast do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
7/13/201854 minutes, 10 seconds
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The Age of Euroscepticism

Hours before President Trump attends a NATO Summit in Brussels, we examine the role of the alliance and how it fits into Europe’s recent struggles. Brexit, terrorism, a new anti-establishment government in Italy, and rising nationalism fueled in part by a flood of immigrants from the Syrian war are testing the grand European experiment. How should the continent move forward? And how will the region handle Trump’s anti-European and anti-NATO rhetoric? The Aspen Institute’s Elliot Gerson leads a conversation with Kati Marton, journalist and human rights advocate; Douglas Lute, former US ambassador to NATO; and Mircea Dan Geoana, former president of the Romanian Senate and founder of Aspen Romania. Show Notes Follow us on Twitter and Facebook. Email your comments to The views and opinions of the speakers in the podcast do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
7/10/201849 minutes, 17 seconds
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James Comey on His Legacy Leading the FBI

Former FBI Director James Comey says transparency and a desire to maintain his agency’s credibility prompted him to reopen the Hillary Clinton email investigation in 2016. He sent a letter to Congress days before the presidential election saying he had new evidence in the case. To this day, some people blame him for Clinton’s defeat. In this episode, he speaks with journalist Katie Couric about the details surrounding the decision. He also talks about his book, A Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies, and Leadership, and what’s next for him in life and career. Their conversation was held June 30, 2018 at the Aspen Ideas Festival. Show Notes Follow us on Twitter and Facebook. Email your comments to The views and opinions of the speakers in the podcast do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
7/3/201856 minutes, 26 seconds
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A Conversation with the US Surgeon General

As the nation’s top doctor, US Surgeon General Jerome Adams has pledged to lead with science and collaborate with local entities to tackle national health crises. In this episode, he speaks with NPR’s Alison Kodjak about children being separated from their parents at the southern US border, the opioid crisis, gun violence, and mental health. Adams is the 20th person to serve as Surgeon General. In the position, he promotes wellness strategies, warns the public against emerging health hazards, and is a leader of the 6,500-person Public Health Service Commissioned Corps. Show Notes Follow us on Twitter at @aspenideas and Facebook. Email your comments to The views and opinions of the speakers in the podcast do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
6/27/20181 hour, 14 seconds
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Love, Sex, and the Brain

What makes two people click? What does it really mean to say, “we have chemistry”? The Atlantic's Olga Khazan talks to biological anthropologist Helen Fisher about the four styles of thought and behavior that Fisher has identified through brain scans that help explain the biological underpinnings of romantic love, love addiction, adultery, and divorce. Based on data collected from 35,000 single Americans, Fisher explains modern courtship, why a trend she calls “slow love” makes her optimistic about relationships in the digital age, and how to use brain chemistry to keep love alive. Show Notes Listen to the Aspen Ideas to Go episode, What Is Technology's Toll on Intimacy?. Follow us on Twitter at @aspenideas and Facebook. Email your comments to The views and opinions of the speakers in the podcast do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
6/19/20181 hour, 22 seconds
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Race, Youth, and the American Vote

In a recent Alabama Senate election, 96 percent of African American voters supported one candidate, and according to a Pew Research Center survey, 66 percent of Latino voters chose just one candidate during the most recent Presidential election. Do Democrats take the "people of color" vote for granted? How can Republicans appeal more to people of color? What are the ways in which people are viewing voting through the lens of race? How is voting being encouraged, or suppressed? This panel discussion includes Juan Williams, Irene Bueno, David Brooks, and Kamilah Prince. Show Notes Listen to the Aspen Ideas to Go episode, How to Survive Our Faster Future. Email your comments to The views and opinions of the speakers in the podcast do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
6/13/201856 minutes, 24 seconds
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How Broadway's Hamilton is Radically Relevant

A hip-hop musical about America’s founding fathers with a virtually all minority cast. A reimagining of La bohème as a rock musical uncovering the AIDS crisis in New York City. A coming-of-age musical about the anxieties of entering adulthood told through cartoons. These are just a few of the radically relevant and compelling concepts that Tony Award-winning producer Jeffrey Seller has turned into Broadway gold. In this episode, David Rubenstein, co-founder of the Carlyle Group, interviews Seller (Hamilton, Rent, Avenue Q) about his childhood, democratizing theater, diversifying history, and putting on a really good show. Show Notes Listen to the Aspen Ideas to Go episode, Takeover 3: Susan Page Interviews Jeffrey Seller & Others. Follow our show on Twitter @aspenideas and Facebook at Email your comments to The views and opinions of the speakers in the podcast do not necessarily reflect those of the Aspen Institute.
6/5/201854 minutes, 27 seconds
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How Artificial Intelligence Will Transform Industry

Bill Gates portends doomsday is coming. The late Stephen Hawking said we should prepare for our robot overlords to take their thrones. But is the future as glaring as HAL’s red eye? Or is it more complicated than that? What does a future powered by algorithms and big intelligence mean for our lives? What are the game-changing developments made possible by AI? How will AI transform industry and disrupt business? A panel of tech and business experts, including Tim O’Reilly, Gary Marcus, and Michael Chui, discuss how AI will impact our lives, and what business sectors might be most affected. Their conversation is led by Bloomberg Television’s Erik Schatzker. Show Notes Listen to the Aspen Ideas to Go episode, WTF (What's the Future), featuring Tim O'Reilly. Follow our show on Twitter @aspenideas and Facebook at Email your comments to
5/29/20181 hour, 47 seconds
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Threats from Abroad: Iran, North Korea, and Russia

News from around the globe is dominating US headlines. President Trump plans to meet with North Korea's Kim Jong-un in June, Trump pulled out of the Iran nuclear deal, and Special Counsel Robert Mueller is continuing his probe into Russian meddling. Former members of the US intelligence community and the White House weigh in on these global moving parts. Lisa Monaco, former advisor to the president for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism, John Brennan, former CIA director, and James Clapper, former Director of National Intelligence speak with Nicolle Wallace, host of MSNBC's "Deadline: White House." Their discussion was held in Washington, DC as a preview for July's Aspen Security Forum. Show Notes Listen to the Aspen Ideas to Go episode, Securing the Homeland, Featuring John Kelly. Subscribe to Aspen Insight, and listen to the episode, Using Music to Tackle Hate. Follow our show on Twitter @aspenideas and Facebook at Email your comments to
5/22/201856 minutes, 2 seconds
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The Perils of Over-Parenting

By trying to provide the perfectly happy childhood, a generation of parents may be making it harder for their kids to actually grow up. Hear from psychologists Polly Young-Eisendrath and Madeline Levine, as well as psychotherapist Lori Gottlieb on how our preoccupation with choice, self-esteem, and happiness may be yielding a generation marked by entitlement, materialism, narcissism, and an inability to face the challenges of adult life. The conversation is led by award-winning journalist Katie Couric. Show Notes Watch What is the Goal of Parenting? from the Aspen Ideas Festival. Follow our show on Twitter @aspenideas and Facebook at Email your comments to
5/15/201854 minutes, 43 seconds
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'That's What She Said' with Joanne Lipman

The #MeToo Movement has exposed sexual harassment in the workplace, but what about the problem of gender inequality? Journalist Joanne Lipman says every woman knows how it feels to be marginalized, not taken seriously, overlooked, and underpaid at work. Lipman, editor-in-chief at USA Today, wrote the book “That’s What She Said: What Men Need to Know (and Women Need to Tell Them) About Working Together.” She calls it a realistic handbook that helps professionals solve gender gap problems. Finding solutions is good for the big picture. Companies with larger numbers of women at the helm perform better financially. Lipman talks with Ruth Marcus, deputy editorial page editor at the Washington Post, about her research and shares personal stories about her professional journey. Show Notes Watch News Editors on Truth in the Trump Era from the 2017 Aspen Ideas Festival. Listen to Make Way for These Changemakers from Aspen Insight, featuring students from John Bartram High School in Philadelphia. Follow our show on Twitter @aspenideas and Facebook at Email your comments to
5/8/201855 minutes, 10 seconds
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Why Being Mayor Is the Best Job in Politics

Former Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter insists that serving in city council is the best job in politics. He served two terms as mayor and managed to lower the city’s homicide rate and increase the high school graduation rate. Still, he says, it wasn’t enough. Though it may not be as glamorous as working in national politics, Nutter says you can more easily see progress when serving at the local level. In this episode, he talks with Jonathan Capehart, editorial writer for the Washington Post, about Nutter’s recent book, Mayor: The Best Job in Politics. Their discussion also delves into the relationship between law enforcement and communities of color, President Trump, and a recent incident at a Philadelphia Starbucks where two African American men were arrested. Show Notes Listen to the Aspen Ideas to Go episode, Runaway Slave: A Story of Triumph, Survival, and Resistance. Follow our show on Twitter @aspenideas and Facebook at Email your comments to
5/1/201854 minutes, 24 seconds
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Securing the Nation's Secrets

As our lives become increasingly tech driven, we’re more vulnerable to cyberattacks, and our workplaces and government are too. William Evanina, director of the National Counterintelligence and Security Center (NCSC), says it takes a whole-of-nation counterintelligence and security effort to keep our data safe. His organization is helping lead the charge. In this episode, he talks with NPR counter-terrorism correspondent Dina Temple-Raston about why Americans easily fall prey to spear phishing attacks and how our personal information, through gadgets like baby monitors, can easily be collected. They also discuss potential Russian interference in the midterm elections, Edward Snowden, government background checks, and technology and the US supply chain. Show Notes: Listen to the Aspen Ideas to Go episode, The Complexities of Today's Security Challenges featuring James Comey. Check out Aspen Insight's latest episode, Make Way for These Changemakers. Follow our show on Twitter @aspenideas and Facebook at Email your comments to
4/25/201856 minutes, 11 seconds
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Philanthropy & Democracy: Risky Liaisons

Big philanthropy can contribute to a democratic society by addressing problems that neither government nor the private sector will take on. Yet philanthropic institutions and foundations are institutional oddities within a democracy: exercises of power by the wealthy with little accountability, donor-directed preferences in perpetuity, and generous tax subsidies. What, if anything, confers democratic legitimacy on foundations? Might foundations be a threat to democratic governance? Or are there modes of operation that illustrate how foundations can support democracy? Stanford political scientist Rob Reich challenges us to consider the role of philanthropy in democratic society. Listen to the Aspen Ideas to Go episode, Living a Moral Life. Discover Aspen Ideas to Go's sister podcast, Aspen Insight. Follow our show on Twitter @aspenideas and Facebook at Email your comments to
4/17/201855 minutes, 49 seconds
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Luis Alberto Urrea on the Power of Family

Author Luis Alberto Urrea's latest novel, The House of Broken Angels, is inspired by his own Mexican-American family. Set in a San Diego neighborhood, the book's characters celebrate a final birthday for a beloved brother dying of cancer, and a funeral for his elderly mother. The farewell doubleheader may sound depressing, but the book buzzes with joy. And so does this talk from Urrea, held on stage in Aspen, Colorado as part of an Aspen Words lecture series. Aspen Words is the literary program of the Aspen Institute. Listen to the Aspen Ideas to Go episode, US Poet Laureate Tracy K. Smith. Find the long list of finalists for the Aspen Words Literary Prize. The winner of the Prize is Mohsin Hamid for his book Exit West. Follow our show on Twitter @aspenideas and Facebook at Email your comments to
4/11/201855 minutes, 6 seconds
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Stopping the Violence in Chicago

In rallies from coast to coast, students across the United States are calling for tighter gun control. The deadly Parkland, Florida shooting resurfaced the conversation but the issue of gun violence is all too familiar for people in Chicago. For residents in certain neighborhoods, shootings are frustratingly frequent. In 2016, a particularly deadly year, there were nearly 800 murders, and about half of the gun crimes happened in just five neighborhoods, according to the University of Chicago Crime Lab. So what’s being done to reverse the violence? In this episode, we hear from Cook County Sheriff Thomas Dart, Corey Brooks, a pastor of a nondenominational church on Chicago’s South Side, and Liz Dozier, founder of Chicago Beyond and former principal of a South Side Chicago high school. Their conversation is moderated by Ron Brownstein, a senior editor at The Atlantic. Watch "The Tragic Toll of Mental Illness Behind Bars" from the Aspen Ideas Festival. The conversation features Cook County Sheriff Thomas Dart. Listen to "Speaking Up," an episode from Aspen Insight that features Todd Breyfogle, director of seminars for the Aspen Institute. Follow our show on Twitter @aspenideas and Facebook at Email your comments to
4/3/201855 minutes, 42 seconds
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Runaway Slave: A Story of Triumph, Survival, and Resistance

A young, courageous African American woman risked it all to gain freedom from America’s First Family in the late 18th century. Ona, or “Oney,” Judge escaped George Washington’s Philadelphia mansion after years of serving as a seamstress for the famous founding father. There’s little written about Judge. Historian Erica Armstrong Dunbar stumbled on Judge’s story by chance when she discovered a runaway slave advertisement. “I remember sitting back and saying, ‘Who is this Ona Judge and why don’t I know her?’” Dunbar went on to write Never Caught: The Washingtons’ Relentless Pursuit of Their Runaway Slave, Ona Judge. In this episode she speaks with Michele Norris, founder of The Race Card Project and executive director of The Bridge at the Aspen Institute, about what Judge’s story can teach us about racial injustice and gender inequality. Listen to the episode Why We Need to Talk About Race from Aspen Ideas to Go. Follow our show on Twitter @aspenideas and Facebook at Email your comments to
3/27/201858 minutes, 10 seconds
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Living a Moral Life

For centuries the human race has been grappling with how to live a moral life. In this conversation we hear from scholars who think deeply about moral philosophy and helping others. David Brooks suggests that, “We have words and emotional instincts about what feels right and wrong,” yet questions the criteria we use to “help us think, argue, and decide.” New Yorker author Larissa MacFarquhar profiles a number of do-gooders whose deep, even extreme moral commitment leads as frequently to criticism as to admiration. Columbia philosophy professor Michele Moody-Adams believes that we find our best selves through serious self-examination and constant scrutiny. And Stanford political philosopher Rob Reich engages us all in deep exploration of these questions. Listen to the episode Taxation and Investigation from Aspen Insight. Follow our show on Twitter @aspenideas and Facebook at Email your comments to
3/21/20181 hour, 12 minutes, 39 seconds
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What's Possible When Young People Speak Up?

Throughout history, young people have been at the center of activism: the Civil Rights movement, Black Lives Matter, the labor movement, and now gun violence. What barriers do young people have to overcome to get adults to listen? What tactics must they employ to get people in power to take them seriously? We hear from young student activists working on issues of racism, inequity, and transgender rights. One recent movement, the #MeToo effort, has mobilized people across the globe in a short period of time. In the second part of the show, Fatima Goss Graves, president of the National Women's Law Center, speaks with journalist Jay Newton-Small about how to keep the energy of #MeToo going. Listen to our episode Inequality and Opportunity. Follow our show on Twitter @aspenideas and Facebook at Email your comments to
3/14/20181 hour, 7 minutes, 39 seconds
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The Nature of Evil: Paul Bloom and Graeme Wood

Why do people do evil things? We hear from Yale psychologist Paul Bloom and journalist Graeme Wood about the nature of evil. Bloom studies morality in babies, children, and adults. Wood immersed himself in ISIS, readings the terror group’s propaganda and conversing with its members, in order to write the book The Way of Strangers: Encounters with the Islamic State. Graeme explains that ISIS members aren’t crazy but are driven to do horrific evil deeds, like murder and rape. Why do they carry out these evils? And what about smaller-scale evil acts like cheating a lying? Is it enough to define evil as having a sense of right and wrong? Bloom and Wood’s conversation touches on philosophy, religion, and politics. Listen to our episode Coping with Disappointment, Setback, and Crisis. Find Aspen Insight's latest episode, This Land Is Our Land. Follow our show on Twitter @aspenideas and Facebook at Email your comments to
3/6/201849 minutes, 33 seconds
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Is Gun Violence a Public Health Issue?

The debate around gun laws is resurfacing in the wake of the deadly high school shooting in Parkland, Florida. Can America’s shared sorrow inspire a consensus that gun violence should be tackled as a public health issue? For years former US Surgeon General Vivek Murthy has labeled gun deaths this way. “Whenever you have large numbers of people who are dying for preventable reasons,” he says, “that constitutes a public health crisis.” Murthy is a supporter of gun laws. In fact, his confirmation in 2014 was delayed a year because of his stance on the issue. In this episode, he speaks with Judy Woodruff, managing editor of the “PBS Newshour,” about what he thinks needs to be done to prevent another mass shooting. Listen to our episode, The Opioid Tsunami. Learn more about Spotlight Health. Follow our show on Twitter @aspenideas and Facebook at Email your comments to
2/28/201850 minutes, 39 seconds
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How History's Mistakes Guide Today's Leaders

Historian Jon Meacham has written extensively about the presidency, with acclaimed books on Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson, Franklin Roosevelt, and most recently, George H. W. Bush. What does his research into these presidents suggest about the nature of the office? What might we learn from the past about the current state of politics, the White House, and perhaps more broadly, democracy in America? He speaks with John Dickerson, co-host of "CBS This Morning." Find the Aspen Insight episode, "Finding Meaning in Your Work" by clicking here. Listen to the latest episode of our sister podcast Aspen Insight. Follow our show on Twitter @aspenideas and Facebook at Email your comments to
2/21/201853 minutes, 39 seconds
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US Poet Laureate Tracy K. Smith

US Poet Laureate Tracy K. Smith says her true self comes out in her work. Poetry, she says, helps her wrestle with dark, sometimes unresolvable questions. In this episode she reads new and old work that examines subjects like death, the afterlife, nature, and African American history. Smith is the author of the critically acclaimed memoir Ordinary Light, and three books of poetry, including the Pulitzer Prize-winning Life on Mars. Her book Wade in the Water is due out this spring. She was appointed the 22nd US Poet Laureate in 2017. She’s the first laureate appointed by Librarian of Congress Carla Hayden. Find the Aspen Insight episode, "Living the Creative Life" by clicking here. Follow our show on Twitter @aspenideas and Facebook at Email your comments to
2/13/201850 minutes, 48 seconds
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Why We Need to Talk About Race

If you’re white and middle class, you were probably raised thinking that discussing race was impolite. Color blindness was seen as a virtue. But in truth, color blindness is an insidious form of racial oppression, says Ford Foundation President Darren Walker. In this episode, Walker and Jeff Raikes, former CEO of the Gates Foundation, speak with Michele Norris, director of The Bridge at the Aspen Institute, about how color blindness affects social policy. Find the Aspen Insight episode, "What Would MLK Say About Today's America" by clicking here. Discover more about the Aspen Institute program The Bridge. Follow our show on Twitter @aspenideas and Facebook at Email your comments to
2/6/201858 minutes, 40 seconds
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Norman Lear & Khizr Khan: Understanding American Values

Norman Lear is the prolific television writer and producer of stories about diverse American life—among them “All in the Family,” “Sanford and Son,” “The Jeffersons,” “Good Times,” and “Maude”—as well as a lifelong political and social activist. Khizr Khan is a Pakistani American lawyer, speaker at the 2016 Democratic Convention, and parent of US Army Captain Humayun Khan, who was killed in 2004 during the Iraq War. Born 28 years and 7,000 miles apart in Connecticut and Pakistan, today they are united as American citizens, friends, and agents of change. Aspen Institute President Walter Isaacson joins them to discuss pressing questions of our time. Find the Aspen Insight episode, "Speaking Up" by clicking here. Follow our show on Twitter @aspenideas and Facebook at Email your comments to
1/31/201859 minutes, 13 seconds
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What's Driving Our Political Polarization?

Trust in civic, religious, and academic institutions is at an all-time low in America. But this phenomenon did not, as some Americans might believe, begin when President Trump was elected. It has been on the decline for decades, and while it has been falling, individualism and tribalism have been on the rise. And these tribes — tied to each other with ever fewer common threads — are moving farther and farther apart in almost every measurable way, from geography to politics to economic and educational achievement. Where do we go from here? Can any of this trust be restored, and what does this all mean for our communities and our democracy? Author of The Big Sort: Why the Clustering of Like-Minded America is Tearing Us Apart Bill Bishop speaks with former Congressman Mickey Edwards. Edwards is a vice president of the Aspen Institute. Find our companion episode, "The Best Sports Town in America" by clicking here. Follow our show on Twitter @aspenideas and Facebook at Email your comments to
1/23/201855 minutes, 13 seconds
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Susan Orlean: It's Okay to be Clueless

New York Times best-selling author Susan Orlean says ignorance about a subject is a powerful ignitor of curiosity. As someone who has written about bullfighters, orchid fanatics, and an African king who drives a taxi in New York City, she knows a thing or two about delving into far-flung topics. How can we learn to take in the world as an enthusiast and as a curious person? It’s especially important for writers, she says, but it’s more a state of mind than a professional tool. And in this heightened state of other, approaching people unlike ourselves with curiosity rather than judgement could serve us well in getting along and finding commonalities. Orlean joins radio host and “Daily Show with Jon Stewart” veteran Pete Dominick for a lively conversation. Find our companion episode, "Takeover 6" by clicking here. Follow our show on Twitter @aspenideas and Facebook at Email your comments to
1/16/201841 minutes, 55 seconds
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What Would MLK Say About Today's America?

Martin Luther King Jr. Day is January 15. If Dr. King was still alive today, what would he think of the progress of the black community? How far have we come toward racial equality since the civil rights era? Henry Louis Gates, Jr., Harvard professor and filmmaker, says there have been both steps forward, and steps backward. While America elected its first African American president, the number of black men behind bars is five times the number of white men. African American superstars like Oprah and Michael Jordan have emerged, but the class divide in the black community has deepened. Gates speaks with Aspen Institute President Walter Isaacson. Find our companion episode, "Race and History," by clicking here. Follow our show on Twitter @aspenideas and Facebook at Email your comments to
1/9/201838 minutes, 10 seconds
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The Next Big Challenge in Your Life

What if you examined your life in the context of all of its stages? The annunciation and initiation phases in your youth and young adulthood are full of discovery and learning. Then, the odyssey years in your twenties bring wandering and loneliness and lead to a commitment-making phase in your thirties. David Brooks, author and New York Times op-ed columnist, says life’s mountains and valleys shape who we are and eventually lead us to a “second mountain.” This phase, later in life, often results in a feeling of true peace and happiness. In this lecture, Brooks uses examples from his own life and of others who encountered challenges along the way, like biologist E.O. Wilson, Russian writer Leo Tolstoy, and Holocaust survivor Viktor Frankl. Find our companion episode, "A Conversation with Ruth Bader Ginsburg," by clicking here. Find the Aspen Insight episode featuring the Aspen Words Literary Prize here. Follow our show on Twitter @aspenideas and Facebook at Email your comments to
1/2/201858 minutes, 24 seconds
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Living the Creative Life

How is creativity cultivated in childhood? And, does a creative culture at home result in a creative career later on? Authors Jess Walter, Dani Shapiro, and Jericho Brown explain how their early years contributed to a life of writing. Such a life isn’t easy, with rejection, confusion, and disappointment making the pursuit an uphill battle. The writers describe how they find time to put pen to paper, and they read from their works. Don’t miss this funny, reflective, and inspiring discussion moderated by Adrienne Brodeur, author and executive director of Aspen Words. Find our companion episode, "Secrets of the Creative Brain," by clicking here. Follow our show on Twitter @aspenideas and Facebook at Email your comments to
12/26/20171 hour, 7 minutes, 48 seconds
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The Power of History, Community, and Hope

Though his grandparents were his primary caretakers, Eric Motley was raised by a community. The author, former White House staffer, and Aspen Institute vice president says the townspeople of Madison Park, Alabama, taught him everything he needed to know about love and faith. Madison Park was founded by freed slaves in 1880, and Motley learned early about his heritage and legacy. While he cleaned graves and left flowers at the local cemetery, his neighbors taught him about his past. Racial injustice and segregation were part of Motley’s growing up, but instead of resentment he took on resilience and determination. Motley talks with Joshua Johnson, host of the national public radio show “1A” about how Madison Park is a metaphor for the ties that bind us in a politically divisive time. Find our sister podcast "Aspen Insight," by clicking here. Follow our show on Twitter @aspenideas and Facebook at Email your comments to
12/19/201749 minutes, 27 seconds
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Coping with Disappointment, Setback, and Crisis

Theo Padnos is an American journalist held captive by al-Qaeda for nearly two years. He was physically and psychologically tortured, but emerged with grace, forgiveness, and generosity. David Bradley, owner of Atlantic Media, was instrumental in freeing Padnos. He says Padnos is an example of someone who handles life’s greatest lows well. Though we likely won’t end up imprisoned by extremists, many of us will face lows such as the death of a loved one, a career stumble, or bankruptcy. Bradley says how well you handle difficulty may determine how happy and healthy you are later in life. He delves into his own life struggles, and talks to Padnos and NBC Chief Foreign Affairs Correspondent Andrea Mitchell about the situation in the Middle East. Find our companion episode, "The Choices that Create Your Life," by clicking here. Follow our show on Twitter @aspenideas and Facebook at Email your comments to
12/12/201756 minutes, 50 seconds
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The US Government’s Doomsday Plans

For 60 years, the US government has been laying secret doomsday plans to save itself in the event of nuclear war — even while the rest of us die. Today, a third generation of doomsday planners are settling into life inside a network of bunkers that are staffed 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, ready to house top government officials in the event of catastrophe. How did these Cold War-era plans come together, how have they evolved over time, and how prepared are we for a worst-case scenario? Featuring Garrett Graff, author of Raven Rock and executive director of the Aspen Institute’s Cybersecurity and Technology Program, and Peter Feaver, professor of political science and public policy at Duke University. Find out more about the Aspen Institute's Cybersecurity and Technology Program by clicking here. Follow our show on Twitter @aspenideas and Facebook at Email your comments to
12/5/201759 minutes, 38 seconds
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What Makes a Successful Entrepreneur?

America has always meant business. We’re a nation of self-starters, strivers, and entrepreneurs — with the courage to take big risks and the confidence to determine our own destiny. But, are courage and confidence alone enough for success? Kevin O’Leary, star of ABC’s Shark Tank and chairman of O’Shares Investments, explains what makes a good entrepreneur. How important are start-up’s to the American economy? And are government, regulations, and taxes impeding the start and growth of companies? O’Leary speaks with Mark Hoffman, broadcast veteran and chairman of CNBC. Find our companion episode, "Takeover 4" by clicking here. Find the latest episode of the Aspen Institute's new podcast Aspen Insight here. Follow our show on Twitter @aspenideas and Facebook at Email your comments to
11/28/201752 minutes, 55 seconds
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The Future of News: Is There a War on Truth?

Is the internet loosening our collective grasp on the truth? Pioneers of digital news once argued that new online sources would bring us new perspectives about the world. They did not anticipate the internet would destroy traditional media gatekeepers and give everyone a chance to indulge in news that confirms their preexisting ideas. How does the mass media fit into this landscape? Does the role of newspaper publisher or local TV station owner now belong to Facebook and Google? How do we sort fact from fiction? Featuring Joshua Johnson, Susan Page, Campbell Brown, and David Leonhardt. Find our companion episode "What Have We Learned from Listening to America?," by clicking here. Find the latest episode of the Aspen Institute's new podcast Aspen Insight here. Follow our show on Twitter @aspenideas and Facebook at Email your comments to
11/21/20171 hour, 2 minutes, 5 seconds
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The Epidemic of Loneliness

A crisis is emerging that could pose as grave a threat to public health as obesity or substance abuse: social isolation. Neuroscientists have identified regions of the brain that respond to loneliness, and a powerful body of research shows that lonely people are more likely to become ill, experience cognitive decline, and die early. Across the industrialized world, millions of people live with sparse human contact, putting their well-being at risk. Does social media drive loneliness, or help to cure it? How does loneliness alter the brain, and how can we treat this condition? Featured guests are Carla Perissinotto, Dixon Chibanda, Julianne Holt-Lunstad, and Katie Hafner. Find our companion episode "The Opioid Tsunami," by clicking here. Find Katie Hafner's New York Times investigative article about loneliness here. Follow the show on Twitter @aspenideas and Facebook at Email your comments to
11/14/201741 minutes, 52 seconds
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Being Muslim and American in 2017

Muslim Americans — especially those who work in government or in other ways to counter radicalism and terrorism — feel caught in the middle. Much of American society questions their patriotism, while their own communities question their loyalty. The Department of Homeland Security’s Haris Tarin joins Rabia Chaudry, author, attorney, and activist, for a discussion about being Muslim and American in 2017. Find our companion episode "The Future Dialogue on Race," by clicking here. Follow the show on Twitter @aspenideas and Facebook at Email your comments to
11/7/201751 minutes, 48 seconds
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The Three Lives of James Madison

Madison's legacy matters today more than ever. As founding genius he made the Constitution to avoid faction. Then he discovered the real world required parties — so he founded one and became a partisan. Ultimately he turned to foreign policy, seeking to establish America's place in the world without force. He almost succeeded. Harvard Law Professor Noah Feldman discusses his new biography The Three Lives of James Madison. Find our companion episode, "The Curse of Bigness," by clicking here. Follow the show on Twitter @aspenideas and Facebook at Email your comments to
10/31/201758 minutes, 52 seconds
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Impeachment: A Citizen's Guide with Cass Sunstein

In our politically charged climate, it’s not uncommon to hear about impeachment. Earlier this month, a billionaire environmentalist launched a campaign to impeach President Trump. How does the process of impeachment really work? What’s an impeachable offense? And how many presidents have been impeached? Harvard Law professor Cass Sunstein offers a nonpartisan, historical guide — with some reverence — and even awe, for our constitutional order, and for the power it gives We the People. Sunstein’s latest book Impeachment: A Citizen’s Guide is out this month. Find our companion episode, "The Imagination of Leonardo da Vinci," by clicking here. Follow the show on Twitter @aspenideas and Facebook at Email your comments to
10/24/201753 minutes, 33 seconds
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The Imagination of Leonardo da Vinci with Walter Isaacson

Walter Isaacson is fascinated by innovators — the kinds of geniuses whose ideas have transformed industry, science, and society. Albert Einstein, Steve Jobs, and Benjamin Franklin each grabbed his attention in ways that allow us, as readers, to discover the depth and breadth of their brilliant thinking and creative sensibilities. Now comes Leonardo da Vinci, whose boundless curiosity renders him perhaps the greatest creative genius of all time. Isaacson explains the lessons that da Vinci left behind that we can apply to our own lives. He speaks with David Rubenstein about his book Leonardo da Vinci, which was released in bookstores today. Find our companion episode, "Einstein's Creativity," by clicking here. Follow the show on Twitter @aspenideas and Facebook at Email your comments to
10/17/201755 minutes, 50 seconds
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Infidelity and the Future of Relationships (Rebroadcast)

Why do happily married couples cheat? Why does the modern egalitarian approach to marriage quash desire? Are the heightened expectations we bring to modern love combined with our pursuit of happiness directly related to infidelity? In this special rebroadcast, author and couples therapist Esther Perel tackles the topic of infidelity. Her book The State of Affairs: Rethinking Infidelity was released October 10, 2017. Perel is interviewed by Hanna Rosin, co-host of NPR’s Invisibilia. This week's recommended companion episode is "Unfinished Business with Anne-Marie Slaughter." Find it here. Follow the show on Twitter @aspenideas and Facebook at Email your comments to
10/10/20171 hour, 42 seconds
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Jeffrey Sachs on Why We're Living in a Dangerous Time

World-renowned economist Jeffrey Sachs is distressed about the political and social atmosphere in the United States. With advances in technology, he says we can choose to do the ultimate good or create unimaginable disaster. Why aren’t we ending poverty, transitioning to a low-carbon economy, and protecting the earth’s biodiversity? He believes it’s because smart policy decisions in Washington are being held up by special interests. In this episode, he talks to Steve Clemons, Washington editor-at-large for The Atlantic, about globalization, health care policy, and why the US needs a “ministry of planning.” Follow the show on Twitter @aspenideas and Facebook at Find additional notes from the show in our blog. Email your comments to
10/3/201752 minutes, 42 seconds
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WTF (What's The Future)?

The “next economy,” or digital revolution, is restructuring every business, job, and sector of society. By 2055, it’s estimated that half of today’s work activities will be automated. Tim O’Reilly, founder and CEO of O’Reilly Media, says we should be harnessing technology, rather than fearing it, to grow jobs and increase economic activity. He speaks with Charles Duhigg, senior editor and columnist for The New York Times, about O’Reilly’s new book WTF?: What’s the Future and Why It’s Up to Us. This week’s recommended companion episode is “How to Survive Our Faster Future.” Find it here. Find additional notes from the show in our blog. Follow the show on Twitter @aspenideas and Facebook at Email your comments to
9/26/201751 minutes, 29 seconds
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The Best Sports Town in America

The tiny town of Norwich, Vermont, has likely produced more Olympians per capita than anywhere else in the United States. Over the past thirty years, the town of 3,000 has sent an athlete to almost every Winter Olympics. New York Times sports writer Karen Crouse traveled to Norwich to discover the town’s secret. Also in this episode, Major League Baseball Commissioner Rob Manfred discusses taking the professionalism out of youth sports, and creating a simpler, more informal atmosphere of play. Featuring onstage talks from the 2017 Project Play Summit, held by the Sports and Society Program at the Aspen Institute. Follow the show on Twitter @aspenideas and Facebook at Email your comments to
9/19/201742 minutes, 46 seconds
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On Being Latino in America Today

As Latino Americans emerge as the majority minority and the new mainstream, representing 18 percent of the US population, questions are emerging about how Latinos fit into the national narrative. Latinos are revitalizing rural communities, starting businesses, and entering the workforce and educational system at record rates, yet they're often lost among the traditional storylines of race and identity. How is this population handling political pressures like the Wall, deportation, and President Trump's announcement that he's ending DACA? Featuring former Univision President Henry Cisneros, host of NPR’s “Latino USA” Maria Hinojosa, Janet Marguía, president and CEO of the National Council of La Raza, and Monica Lozano, chair of the Aspen Institute Latinos and Society Program. Follow the show on Twitter @aspenideas and Facebook at Email your comments to
9/12/20171 hour, 10 seconds
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The Road from Paris, Featuring Ernest Moniz

What are the consequences of the United States backing out of the Paris Climate Agreement? In June, the Trump administration announced the move. In this episode, former Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz says exiting the Agreement is bad for science-based decision making, national and energy security, and innovation. However, he says, there’s one note of optimism: cities, states, and the business community are primed to keep the country on course to the low carbon future that we need. Moniz speaks with Susan Tierney, a senior advisor at Analysis Group.
9/6/201748 minutes, 19 seconds
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Fantasyland: How America Went Haywire, Featuring Kurt Andersen

Has the great American experiment in liberty gone off the rails? Kurt Andersen’s latest book, Fantasyland: How America Went Haywire, a 500 Year History, is a provocative chronicle of magical thinking and make-believe. It provides a new paradigm for understanding the post-factual present, where reality and illusion are dangerously blurred. He and journalist Jeffrey Goldberg discuss the history that religion plays in America’s roots and world view. According to Andersen, history shows Americans have a peculiar knack for believing the unbelievable — for being suckers for those who want to sucker them.
8/29/201751 minutes, 26 seconds
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National Security in the Age of 'America First'

The Trump Administration has said it’s “committed to a foreign policy focused on American interests and American national security.” Critics have said Trump is isolating the US by withdrawing from the Paris agreement, waffling on a commitment to NATO, and abandoning the TPP. But, this month the president deepened American involvement abroad by announcing the US would deploy more troops to Afghanistan. It’s a conflict he once called “futile,” reports the New York Times. What is the Trump doctrine on foreign policy? Featuring Julia Ioffe, reporter for The Atlantic, David Petraeus, former CIA director, Peter Feaver, Duke political science professor, and David Rothkopf, CEO of The Rothkopf Group. This week’s recommended companion episode is “Combating Kleptocracy.” Find it here. Follow the show on Twitter @aspenideas and Facebook at Email your comments to
8/25/201759 minutes, 53 seconds
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CRISPR: A Crack in Creation

CRISPR is the cheapest, simplest, and most effective way of manipulating DNA. It has the power to give us the cure to HIV, genetic diseases, and some cancers. It could even help address the world’s hunger crisis. But, it may result in unforeseen consequences. The technology could lead to intentionally mutating embryos to create “better” humans. Jennifer Doudna, whose research helped create CRISPR, speaks with Aspen Institute President Walter Isaacson about the latest technological developments in gene editing and the unthinkable power to control evolution. Doudna wrote the book A Crack in Creation: Gene Editing and the Unthinkable Power to Control Evolution with her fellow researcher Samuel Sternberg. This week’s recommended companion episode is “Should We Design Our Babies?.” Find it here. Follow the show on Twitter @aspenideas and Facebook at Email your comments to
8/22/201758 minutes, 24 seconds
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Seeing Gray in a World of Black and White

What role does faith play in bringing people together? Reverend Adam Hamilton pastors the largest United Methodist church in America. Within his Kansas congregation, he observes deep divisions that reflect the larger disunity in our nation. These divisions, he thinks, are tearing at our social fabric. His plan: to get people to think differently by focusing on influencing, not irritating, and seeing the humanity in others — even those we strongly disagree with. He speaks with David Brooks, New York Times op-ed columnist and commentator on the “PBS Newshour.” This week's recommended companion episode is "Faith and the Public Square." Find it here. Follow the show on Twitter @aspenideas and Facebook at Email your comments to
8/18/201759 minutes, 6 seconds
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Hate on the Rise

Hate groups are growing and the number of hate-fueled incidents is spiking in America. The latest incident was in Charlottesville, Virginia, where white nationalists violently clashed with anti-fascist groups and other protesters. In the first month after Donald Trump won the presidency, the Southern Poverty Law Center catalogued 1,051 acts of intimidation and hate. Is hate on the rise? How do the events of today compare to other periods of extremism in America? Featured speakers are Heidi Beirich, director of the Southern Poverty Law Center’s Intelligence Project, Jonathan Greenblatt, national director of the Anti-Defamation League, Wajahat Ali, New York Times op-ed contributor, and Matt Thompson, deputy editor of The Atlantic.
8/15/201754 minutes, 44 seconds
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The Opioid Tsunami

It’s been called the most perilous drug crisis ever and it was generated in the healthcare system. The epicenter of the opioid crisis is the United States, where overdose deaths have quadrupled since 1999. President Trump has pledged to step up law enforcement and prevention. In this episode, a panel of experts discuss what’s being done, what needs to be done, and what we know works and doesn’t. Featuring Nora Volkow, director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse at the National Institutes of Health, Vivek Murthy, former US Surgeon General, Perri Peltz, director of the HBO documentary Warning: This Drug May Kill You, Yasmin Hurd, director of the Addictive Institute at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mt. Sinai, and Jackie Judd, special correspondent for the “PBS NewsHour.”
8/11/201755 minutes, 37 seconds
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Securing the Homeland, Featuring John Kelly

In this episode, you’ll hear from the nation’s new White House Chief of Staff, John Kelly. Kelly spoke in July at the Aspen Security Forum. At the time, his job was Homeland Security Secretary. In his conversation with Pete Williams, justice correspondent for NBC News, Kelly talks about Putin’s Russia, cybersecurity, and immigration. You’ll also get a glimpse of his leadership style. How will it apply to his new role as Chief of Staff?
8/8/201758 minutes, 46 seconds
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The Roots and Future of Populism

The confluence of globalization and the information revolution has primed the United States, and the world, for a resurgence of populism. Fareed Zakaria, host of CNN’s “Fareed Zakaria GPS,” explains how the populist ideology helped President Trump win the White House. Trump’s message of cultural anxiety connected with voters. It’s not an unfamiliar ideology. In this episode, Zakaria opens the history book and explains how past trends are re-emerging today. He also reflects on the rise and root causes of populism from his own experience, as an immigrant.
8/4/20171 hour, 4 minutes, 13 seconds
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Millennials and Motivation, Featuring Simon Sinek and Adam Grant

Millennials shoulder a lot of stereotypes. They’re called entitled and in need of instant gratification. They’re not committed to their work and expect a work-life balance at their very first job. Do these labels actually define them? Are they really any different than the generations before them? In this lighthearted and informative conversation, organizational psychologist Adam Grant and inspirational teacher Simon Sinek sit down with Katie Couric. Couric is an award-winning journalist. They explore what motivates Millennials at work and how the digital world is impacting their productivity.
8/1/20171 hour, 3 minutes, 44 seconds
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Under Assault, Featuring John Brennan and James Clapper

What are the most pressing external and internal threats to the United States? Two former US Intelligence officials discuss Syria, Russia, ISIS, and President Trump’s embattled relationship with the Intelligence community. John Brennan, former CIA Director, and James Clapper, former US Director of Intelligence, sit down with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer. Their conversation was part of the Aspen Security Forum, held in July 2017.
7/28/20171 hour, 1 minute, 47 seconds
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Tom Price: Federal Health Care Policy

After many setbacks, a possible vote to overhaul of the Affordable Care Act is back on the table. President Trump is urging Senators to pass a bill that repeals and replaces the ACA. In today’s show, Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price talks about the efforts in Washington, and what it’s like to work with President Trump. In his conversation with Jeffrey Goldberg, Editor in Chief of The Atlantic, Price discusses Trump’s leadership style, the opioid crisis, and proposed cuts to agencies like the National Institutes of Health.
7/25/201730 minutes, 50 seconds
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Can the Democrats Get Their Groove Back? Featuring Cory Booker

Democrats face an uphill battle: republicans control the House, Senate, and the White House. Democrats hold the lowest number of state legislative seats since the turn of the 20th century. And, the number of governors who are Democrats is at its lowest level since the 1920s. In this episode, New Jersey Senator Cory Booker, a Democrat, talks about the problems Democrats, and all Americans, need to confront to move the US forward. He says Republicans and Democrats need to unite to solve problems like poverty and inequality.
7/21/201758 minutes, 33 seconds
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Conservatism, the Republican Party, and President Trump

Despite controlling both the White House and Congress, the Republican Party has had a bumpy ride in the first months of the Trump administration. Trump isn’t a traditional party standard-bearer. So, can the party and the White House get in alignment on priorities and core values? What impact will the divide over ideology have on the Republican Party? Featuring Bill Kristol, editor-at-large of The Weekly Standard, Ramesh Ponnuru, senior editor for National Review, McKay Coppins, staff writer at The Atlantic, and Alisyn Camerota, co-anchor of CNN’s morning show “New Day.”
7/18/20171 hour, 51 seconds
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What Have We Learned from Listening to America?

Over the past year, the United States has been described as profoundly divided. But are these divisions as deep and hopeless as we think? The journalists in today’s show have made careers out of asking questions and listening to American voices. What have they gleaned from their thousands of conversations and interactions with people across the US? Featuring Joshua Johnson, Melissa Block, James Fallows, and Charles Sykes.
7/14/201753 minutes, 41 seconds
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Can We Prevent a North Korea Crisis?

Known as the “land of lousy options,” North Korea has posed problems for the US for decades. But now, the country is testing its missiles regularly and the situation is increasingly dire. What are the best solutions for dealing with this escalating crisis? In this episode, speakers at the Aspen Ideas Festival work to demystify the North Korea subject, cut through the rhetoric, and examine what solutions are possible. Elizabeth Economy, director of Asia Studies at the Council on Foreign Relations, joins Fareed Zakaria, host of CNN’s “Fareed Zakaria GPS,” and Thomas Friedman, foreign affairs columnist for The New York Times. Their conversation is led by Evan Osnos, a staff writer at The New Yorker.
7/11/201756 minutes, 39 seconds
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TAKEOVER 6: Michele Norris Interviews Mitch Landrieu & Others

In our final podcast takeover episode, award-winning journalist Michele Norris discusses the legacy of slavery with a US mayor and the necessity of solitude with a best-selling author. In a conversation with New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu, Norris asks about Landrieu’s recent decision to remove four Confederate statues. Separately, Norris, who leads a program on race and cultural identity at the Aspen Institute, discusses the writing process with Susan Orlean, author of The Orchid Thief and writer for The New Yorker. Both conversations are held at the Aspen Ideas Festival, where all of our guests are presenting.
7/7/201753 minutes, 29 seconds
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TAKEOVER 5: Joshua Johnson Interviews Simon Sinek

Joshua Johnson, host of WAMU’s “1A,” interviews Simon Sinek in this Takeover episode. Sinek teaches leaders and organizations how to inspire people. His 2009 Ted talk about how great leaders inspire others to take action, is the third most watched talk on His books include Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action; Leaders Eat Last: Why Some Teams Pull Together and Others Don’t; Together is Better; and the forthcoming Find Your Why. In this discussion, Sinek discusses his concept “The Golden Triangle,” and he explains how a difficult period in his life helped inform his work about leadership.
7/1/201730 minutes, 38 seconds
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TAKEOVER 4: Pete Dominick Interviews Travon Free & Others

In this Takeover episode, two comedians and a writer — Pete Dominick, Travon Free, and Wajahat Ali — discuss politics, race, and a changing America. How should citizens and politicians talk about race? What is white privilege? And how can we, as a country, find solutions to the problems minority communities face? This lively and funny conversation touches on serious topics. Travon Free is an actor and comedian who writes for “Full Frontal with Samantha Bee.” Wajahat Ali is a New York Times op-ed contributor, a lawyer, playwright, and former TV host. Pete Dominick hosts SiriusXM’s “Stand Up with Pete Dominick.” Dominick also speaks with Mark Tercek, president of The Nature Conservancy, about the Paris climate accord. This episode contains explicit language.
6/30/201757 minutes, 25 seconds
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TAKEOVER 3: Susan Page Interviews Jeffrey Seller & Others

Susan Page, Washington Bureau Chief of USA Today, takes over the podcast by interviewing a panel of DC outsiders. Nobody thinks Washington is working well these days. Page turns to unexpected sources — Liz Dozier, an award-winning educator from Chicago; Jeffrey Seller, a celebrated theatrical producer from New York; and Joshua Greene, an exceptional psychologist from Harvard — to brainstorm on what advice other disciplines might have to offer the world of politics. What are the lessons from studying the neuroscience of moral judgement? From Chicago high schools? From Broadway? You won’t want to miss this takeover episode!
6/29/201728 minutes, 28 seconds
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TAKEOVER 2: Perri Peltz Interviews Neal Katyal

In this Takeover episode, we examine the Supreme Court’s decision Monday to take the case regarding President Trump’s travel ban. The move was discussed at the Aspen Ideas Festival in an onstage panel including former US Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates and former US Acting Solicitor General Neal Katyal. The show includes an interview between Katyal and Podcast Takeover Host Perri Peltz. Peltz is a journalist and documentary filmmaker.
6/28/201737 minutes, 53 seconds
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TAKEOVER 1: Julie Rovner Interviews Lanhee Chen & Others

During the week of the Aspen Ideas Festival, going on now through July 1, five Takeover Hosts—Julie Rovner, Michele Norris, Joshua Johnson, Pete Dominick, and Susan Page—will extend the exciting conversations happening at the Aspen Idea Festival by interviewing other speakers right here on the podcast. This episode features Julie Rovner, chief Washington correspondent for Kaiser Health News, speaking with Lanhee Chen of the Hoover Institution, reproductive justice advocate Dr. Willie J. Parker, and Ai-jen Poo, director of the National Domestic Workers Alliance.
6/25/201746 minutes, 27 seconds
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You're More Powerful Than You Think

Black Lives Matter, the Occupy movement, the Tea Party, and many other groups have developed in recent years as a response to the age we’re living in — an age of epic political turbulence. Author Eric Liu says people across the political spectrum are reclaiming power. In his book You’re More Powerful Than You Think, he lays out the strategies of reform and revolution. In this episode, Liu uses examples from the right and the left to reveal the core laws of power. He highlights what movements have been most effective and explains why joining a cause digitally —by liking it on Facebook or retweeting it —isn’t effective enough.
6/21/20171 hour, 2 minutes, 4 seconds
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A Conversation with Ruth Bader Ginsburg

As the second female justice confirmed to the US Supreme Court, Ruth Bader Ginsburg says her experiences as a female give her a unique perspective her male colleagues don’t share. In this episode, Justice Ginsburg talks about her relationships with Justices Sandra Day O’Connor and the late Antonin Scalia. She also explains what it’s like to work with newly-elected Justice Neil Gorsuch. Her discussion with the Aspen Wye Fellows, also touches on her book My Own Words. Ginsburg is interviewed by Elliot Gerson, executive vice president of policy and public programs at the Aspen Institute.
6/14/20171 hour, 39 seconds
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Jane McGonigal: The Future of Imagination

Thinking about the far-off future isn’t just an exercise in intellectual curiosity. It’s a practical skill that, as new research reveals, has a direct neurological link to greater creativity, empathy, and optimism. In this session from master game designer and acclaimed futurist Jane McGonigal, you’ll learn three practical habits that will increase the power of your imagination—and you’ll have the chance to use your creativity to foresee some of the biggest ways our lives will change by the year 2026.
6/6/20171 hour, 3 minutes, 2 seconds
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Katie Couric and Beau Willimon (Rebroadcast)

Netflix releases the fifth season of House of Cards today (5/30). In this encore episode Katie Couric interviews House of Cards creator Beau Willimon. The interview, from the Aspen Ideas Festival, took place before the show’s third season in 2015. The two have a lively conversation about Willimon’s career (he studied painting in college and later worked on political campaigns), and the turbulent lives of the show’s characters. NOTE: This episode contains explicit language.
5/30/20171 hour, 9 minutes, 4 seconds
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Finding Common Ground

In this era of deep partisanship, how can common ground be found on Capitol Hill and on Main Street? In this episode, a pair of party leaders tackle relevant political questions, focusing on the divided state of America. Former Republican National Committee Chair Michael Steele sits down with Tom Perez, head of the Democratic National Committee. Voters are increasingly disappointed by candidates who win an election but then, don’t follow through on campaign promises. Could voter dismay lead to the emergence of a third party? This conversation is moderated by Mickey Edwards, former Republican congressman and vice president of the Aspen Institute.
5/23/201754 minutes, 34 seconds
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An American Sickness

Elisabeth Rosenthal writes about our broken healthcare system in her new book, An American Sickness: How Healthcare became Big Business and How You Can Take it Back. She says the system, comprised of hospitals, doctors, insurance companies, and drug manufacturers, is in tatters. Social and financial incentives have infected it, she says, rendering it disastrous and immoral. How has the Affordable Care Act impacted the system? And what kind of effect would a repeal have? Rosenthal is an emergency room doctor turned journalist. She spent 22 years at The New York Times before becoming editor-in-chief at Kaiser Health News.
5/16/201759 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Future Dialogue on Race

While the subject of race and racism will likely continue to be a contentious topic for years to come, it is a discussion that is imperative for civil society. How does the dialogue on race continue? Will protests in the streets and boycotts become the new mode of discourse? What can be done to ease racial anxiety and promote common understanding? Former NPR Host and Director of The Race Card Project Michele Norris leads a discussion about how to converse about race with Khizr Khan, Adam Foss, and Amy Hinojosa.
5/9/201748 minutes, 49 seconds
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Inequality and Opportunity

When poet Elizabeth Acevedo taught creative writing to young women of color in a detention center, she recognized their trauma and avoided the teacher-as-savior mentality. Acevedo spoke at the Aspen Institute’s Summit on Inequality and Opportunity. The Summit brings together policymakers, thought leaders, and social entrepreneurs to talk about widening the opportunity gap. This episode features Acevedo and Arthur Brooks, president of American Enterprise Institute. He talks about the secret to renewal in business, and in life.
5/2/201751 minutes, 8 seconds
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Space—Why We Explore

Why do human beings explore? And, why are the most adventurous explorers drawn to outer space? Naturalist and astronomer David Aguilar explains why the drive for adventure fades after childhood, and how we can regain it as adults. Also, a group of physicists dig into what the universe is made of. Janna Levin, Lisa Randall, and Lawrence Krauss debate black holes, and whether they actually exist. Their conversation is led by Ira Flatow, host of Public Radio International’s Science Friday.
4/25/201742 minutes, 11 seconds
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A House Divided

Less than a month into his presidency, Donald Trump made combative and accusatory remarks on Twitter about the intelligence community for a report on Russian connections. Are his messages undermining the legitimacy of the intelligence community? If so, will the agencies be less effective in making decisions around national security? Former CIA and NSA Director Michael Hayden joins former acting CIA Director John McLaughlin and Juan Zarate, former Deputy National Security Adviser for Combating Terrorism, to discuss the impact Trump’s statements have had. The discussion is moderated by David Ignatius, columnist and associate editor of The Washington Post.
4/18/201758 minutes, 12 seconds
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Combating Kleptocracy

Kleptocracy presents a growing threat to US national security and international peace, as money laundering and other forms of public “grand corruption” increasingly undermine democracy, cripple development, weaken Western soft power, and accelerate state collapse. Can an International Anti-Corruption Court, modeled on the International Criminal Court in The Hague, tackle the problem? Meryl Chertoff, head of the Aspen Institute Justice and Society Program, leads a discussion with Deborah Connor, acting chief of the Money Laundering and Asset Recovery section at the US Justice Department, senior US District Judge Mark Wolf, and Frank Vogl, co-founder of Transparency International.
4/11/201753 minutes, 57 seconds
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"Hidden Figures" Author on Storytelling, Race, & Science

Margot Lee Shetterly, author of Hidden Figures, says “It’s one thing to tell your own story, it’s another thing to take responsibility to tell someone else’s life.” Her book about a group of black women mathematicians who helped catapult the US space program to success became a blockbuster film. In this episode, she tells Michele Norris, former NPR host and director of an Aspen Institute program, that she grew up among the women she wrote about. Later in the show, another award-winning author who writes about race and identity, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, discusses her book Americanah.
4/4/201744 minutes, 5 seconds
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(Mis)Imagining the Future

Renowned Harvard psychologist Dan Gilbert describes the foibles of imagination and illusions of foresight that cause each of us to misconceive our tomorrows and misestimate our satisfactions. Vividly bringing to life the latest scientific research in psychology, cognitive neuroscience, philosophy, and behavioral economics, Gilbert reveals what scientists have discovered about the uniquely human ability to imagine the future, and about our capacity to predict how much we will like it when we get there.
3/28/201753 minutes, 3 seconds
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The Industries of the Future

If the 20 years from 1995 to 2015 were shaped in significant measure by digitization and the rise of the internet, what’s next? What will define the next decade? Drawing from his highly-praised New York Times best-seller The Industries of the Future, Alec Ross provides a view into the forces that will carve tomorrow’s economy and the difficult, necessary steps that must be taken to prepare ourselves and our children for a world with powerful artificial intelligence, robotics, and scientific developments that will change our lives at work and home.
3/21/201757 minutes, 40 seconds
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Einstein's Creativity (Rebroadcast)

Albert Einstein was no Einstein when he was a kid. He was slow to talk and was even dubbed “the dopey one.” But, Einstein said, slow development gave him time to wonder about things most people don’t spend time on and as a result, his imagination flourished. In this rebroadcast, Aspen Institute President and Einstein biographer Walter Isaacson delves into the source of Einstein’s creativity. Where did it come from? How was it reflected in his life? And what can we learn from it?
3/14/201758 minutes, 28 seconds
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Can We Reclaim Civitas in American Society?

Everything—from the country’s place in the world to the social contract between citizens, government, and the private sector—seems to be knotted in hard, uncompromising debates. In this episode, New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu, former Republican National Committee Chair Michael Steele, American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten, former presidential advisor David Gergen, and Steve Clemons, Washington editor at large for The Atlantic, discuss how the country can regain a spirit of civitas. In the past, civitas—binding laws and mutual commitment of a shared national journey—has assured respect for opposing positions. Have we lost the ability to find common ground? Does national civitas need a reboot?
3/7/201747 minutes, 19 seconds
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Richard Haass on a World in Disarray

Chaos in the Middle East, instability in Europe, and a reckless North Korea are signals that the world is increasingly defined by disorder. Author and Council on Foreign Relations President Richard Haass says the world needs an updated global operating system. The guidelines and institutions that have led the world since World War II are outdated and unable to deal with modern threats like terrorism, cyber, and climate change. Haass speaks with Aspen Institute President Walter Isaacson about his book A World in Disarray: American Foreign Policy and the Crisis of the Old Order.
2/28/201751 minutes, 27 seconds
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What Is Technology's Toll on Intimacy?

Thanks to technology, we are more connected than ever—digitally. But at what cost? How have technologies, like online dating sites and apps like Tinder, changed attitudes and behaviors? How do we choose a partner and stay interested when we have an almost infinite world of choices at our fingertips? Will marriage become a thing of the past?’s Chief Scientific Advisor Helen Fisher joins Eric Klinenberg, co-author of Modern Romance, and Christie Hefner, former CEO of Playboy Enterprises for a conversation about technology’s toll on intimacy.
2/21/201748 minutes, 20 seconds
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How to Survive Our Faster Future

The world is more complex and volatile today than at any other time in modern history. In order to successfully navigate a rapidly changing world, author and MIT Media Lab Director, Joichi “Joi” Ito says you must be alert and nimble. In his book Whiplash: How to Survive Our Faster Future, he writes the people who succeed will be the ones who learn to think differently. In this conversation with Aspen Institute President and CEO Walter Isaacson, Ito talks about how President Trump’s ability to be agile helped him win the White House. Ito also discusses the problem of fake news and what his organization is doing to combat it.
2/14/201756 minutes, 1 second
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Race and History

As the US continues to grapple with issues of race, history is proving to be an invaluable tool to underscore and discuss uncomfortable truths still governing the dynamics of race. How can history help us face and overcome troubling truths? Bryan Stevenson, founder and director of the Equal Justice Initiative, speaks with Harvard President Drew Gilpin Faust about his organization’s efforts to build a museum examining the legacy of slavery, racial terrorism, segregation, and police violence. Stevenson says it’s time to change the narrative and it starts with America owning up to its history.
2/7/20171 hour, 4 minutes, 2 seconds
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Universal Basic Income: Can It Renew Our Economy?

Author and former labor union leader Andy Stern thinks universal basic income is the key to solving problems plaguing America’s economy. He wrote about it in his book Raising the Floor: How a Universal Basic Income Can Renew Our Economy and Rebuild the American Dream. As technology takes over jobs humans used to do, the old idea is gaining new attention. Universal basic income has been supported by Martin Luther King, Jr., Charles Murray, Robert Reich, and Milton Friedman. Stern lays out why it’s the right economic policy for a modern United States.
1/31/201750 minutes, 55 seconds
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Healthy Gut, Healthy Body

How are diet and lifestyle linked to bacterial communities in the gut? How can growing knowledge about gut health be used to develop new therapies? Researchers are learning how the gut microbiome responds to the food we eat, influencing obesity, autoimmune disorders, cardiovascular disease, and even mental health. Trillions of bacteria inhabit the human gut, working in close and complex symbiosis with our cells. Novel analytic methods offer new insights about those biochemical interactions, and help us understand how they impact well-being. When it comes to a healthy body and mind, an increasing number of people are focusing on improving bacteria in the gut.
1/24/201747 minutes, 9 seconds
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How a Nudge Can Change Everything

Those who study human behavior have learned that simply by encouraging—or “nudging”—individuals toward the right decisions for themselves, dramatic improvements can be made. Cultural commentator David Brooks and Cass Sunstein, legal scholar and the founder and director of the Program on Behavioral Economics and Public Policy at Harvard Law School, discuss the power of “nudge” and how, broadly implemented, it can be a force for substantial change.
1/17/201757 minutes, 43 seconds
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The Obama Legacy

In these final days of Barack Obama’s presidency, we consider how the future will view his leadership. Will economic recovery and health care victories at home be overshadowed by what many see as his failure to intervene meaningfully in conflicts abroad? Critics on the left wish the president had gone further on several key issues, while critics on the right have little good to say about Obama’s governance. With an approval rating of 55 percent, the highest it’s been in years, President Obama seems poised to leave office on a high note. But what will the history books say?
1/10/201758 minutes, 9 seconds
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The Science of Meditation

What actually happens to the brain when we meditate? Published studies have documented the many physical and mental health benefits of meditation, including decreased pain, better immune function, less anxiety and depression, a heightened sense of well-being, and greater happiness and emotional self-control. Imaging studies show, with meditation there’s increased activity in brain regions associated with attention, a higher volume of grey matter, and lessened amygdala response to emotional stimuli. In this episode meditation teacher and director of the David Lynch Foundation Bob Roth talks with documentary filmmaker Perri Peltz about the scientific case for taking up meditation.
1/3/201751 minutes, 29 seconds
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On Being a Transgender American

“I spent the first half of my life being afraid,” says Jennifer Finney Boylan, author of the bestselling memoir of transgender experience, She’s Not There, “and the second half telling people to be brave.” In this episode, Boylan opens up about her battle with suicide, how society treats her differently as a female, and the power of love and family. She talks about living life as a father for six years, a mother for twelve, and neither for a few years in between. She’s interviewed by Kirsten Powers, a Fox News contributor.
12/27/201652 minutes, 8 seconds
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Thriving in the Age of Accelerations

Author and New York Times columnist Thomas L. Friedman says the world has entered an age of dizzying acceleration, and in this episode, he explains how to live in it. His latest book Thank you for Being Late: An Optimist’s Guide to Thriving in the Age of Accelerations delves into mega changes in terms of computing power, the global economy, and the environment. How do these changes interact? How do we keep up with a quickly changing world? Friedman discusses his book with Aspen Institute President and CEO Walter Isaacson. Their conversation is part of the Alma and Joseph Gildenhorn Book Series at the Institute.
12/21/201659 minutes, 44 seconds
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The Curse of Bigness

Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis was the greatest critic of big business and big government since Thomas Jefferson. He served in the early 20th century and was the Court’s first Jewish justice. In this lively conversation, Jeffrey Rosen of the National Constitution Center talks with Jeffrey Goldberg, editor-in-chief of The Atlantic, about Brandeis’s relevance in today’s political climate, and for the future of privacy, technology, and free speech.
12/13/201650 minutes, 24 seconds
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Infidelity and the Future of Relationships

Why do happily married couples cheat? Why does the modern egalitarian approach to marriage quash desire? Are the heightened expectations we bring to modern love combined with our pursuit of happiness directly related to infidelity? In this episode, author and couples therapist Esther Perel tackles the topic of infidelity. Perel is recognized as one of the most insightful and provocative voices on personal and romantic relationships and the complex science behind human interaction. She wrote the bestseller Mating in Captivity and is a consultant for the Showtime television series The Affair. Perel is interviewed by Hanna Rosin, co-host of NPR’s Invisibilia.
12/6/20161 hour, 17 seconds
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The Choices That Create Your Life

New York Times columnist David Brooks explores a life well lived. In this episode he examines happiness and commitments. In his book The Road to Character, he studies people who radiate an inner light. What work did they do to reach higher levels of happiness? A successful life usually depends on making four major commitments: to spouse or family, a faith or philosophy, a community, and a vocation. How do we choose what we will commit to, and how do we execute those commitments?
11/29/201647 minutes, 29 seconds
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National Security Priorities for President-Elect Trump

Mike Mullen, retired admiral and former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, says the national security challenges the new Trump administration will face are plentiful. Mullen gives insight into President-elect Donald Trump’s pick for national security advisor, General Mike Flynn. What kind of leader will he be? And how will he guide Trump – who has no national security experience – on issues centered around Russia, China, and Syria? Foreign policy experts, journalists, students and Aspen Institute President and CEO Walter Isaacson pose questions to Mullen, a featured speaker at the Aspen Institute’s Washington Ideas Roundtable series.
11/22/201653 minutes, 46 seconds
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What Should You Be Eating to Live a Longer Life?

To find the path to long life and health, Dan Buettner and his team study the world’s “Blue Zones,” communities whose elders live with vim and vigor to record-setting age. In this episode, Buettner debunks the most common nutrition myths and offers a science-backed blueprint that outlines how the average American can live another 12 quality years. What are the diet and lifestyle habits that keep people spry past age 100? What should you be eating to live a longer life? Buettner is in conversation with Ezekiel Emanuel, chair of the Department of Medical Ethics and Health Policy at the University of Pennsylvania.
11/15/201659 minutes, 51 seconds
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The Four Sources of Happiness (Rebroadcast)

Most people think that happiness has four sources: the sensory pleasures, material wealth, romantic relationships, and children. But recent research suggests that much of what people think about happiness is wrong. Daniel Gilbert, author of "Stumbling on Happiness," hosts this symposium in which experts discuss what science has discovered about each of these sources. The featured speakers are Paul Bloom, author of "How Pleasure Works"; Tim Kasser, author of "The High Price of Materialism"; Eli Finkel, author of "The All-Or-Nothing Marriage"; and Jennifer Senior, author of "All Joy and No Fun." (Original broadcast date: November 30, 2015)
11/8/201653 minutes, 43 seconds
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Jeff Bezos on High Tech, Space, and Artificial Intelligence

When Amazon launched, it employed just ten people. Now it’s one of the largest retailers in the world. CEO Jeff Bezos describes what companies need in today’s fast-paced, high tech business environment. He explains how Alexa is different from Siri and why he decided to invest in the Washington Post and an aerospace company. AOL Cofounder Steve Case, Columbia Business School Dean Glenn Hubbard, and Aspen Institute CEO Walter Isaacson are also featured. The discussions were part of Vanity Fair’s New Establishment Summit.
11/1/20161 hour, 1 minute, 32 seconds
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BONUS Forecasting Election 2016

The countdown to Election Day is on, and political analysts are giving their predictions. In this bonus episode, Charlie Cook and Amy Walter of the Cook Political Report weigh in on the outcome for the presidential race and contests in the US House and Senate. They spoke on Wednesday, October 26th as part of the Aspen Institute’s Washington Ideas Roundtable Series.
10/27/201650 minutes, 24 seconds
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Joe Biden & the Cancer Moonshot Plan

Today, more than 200 known types of cancer exist, and it is the second leading cause of death in the US. In January 2016, President Obama announced a new effort to fight the disease: the Cancer Moonshot. Led by Vice President Joe Biden, the initiative is meant to accelerate research, broaden the number of therapies for patients, and find ways to prevent and detect cancer earlier. In this episode, Biden gets personal about his connection to cancer and why he’s fighting to break down the barriers preventing progress in battling the disease.
10/25/201644 minutes, 44 seconds
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The American Economy & the Election

The economy is a key issue for American voters. In July, more than 80 percent of registered voters polled by the Pew Research Center said the economy was the number one issue, right after terrorism. This episode examines the country's workforce and what's influencing job creation and job loss. Featured speakers include General Electric CEO Jeff Immelt, US Secretary of Labor Thomas Perez, US Senator Mark Warner, and others.
10/18/20161 hour, 7 minutes, 30 seconds
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On the Road to Artificial Intelligence

Once the realm of science fiction, smart machines are rapidly becoming part of our world—and these technologies offer amazing potential to improve the way we live. Imagine intelligent, autonomous vehicles that reduce crashes and robots that can help your aged grandma move around safely. In this episode, Gill Pratt, CEO of the Toyota Research Institute, talks with John Markoff of The New York Times about how scientists are pushing the boundaries of human knowledge in autonomous vehicles and robotics.
10/11/201655 minutes, 42 seconds
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What's Fueling an Angry America?

It’s difficult to ignore anger in the United States right now—talking heads battle on cable news, protesters get violent at campaign rallies, and families can’t talk politics around the dinner table. What’s fueling the anger? And how can it be managed? In this episode, panelists Mickey Edwards, Anne-Marie Slaughter, Stephen Carter, and Arthur Brooks explore the variables contributing to an angry America. Edwards blames rhetoric from the presidential candidates, the media, and an education system that increasingly offers fewer lessons on civics and the humanities. “What are the bedrock things that our democracy rests upon that are failing?” he asks.
10/4/201649 minutes, 16 seconds
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Notes on Race and Resegregation

Author Jeff Chang says America has slid back toward segregation in our neighborhoods, schools, colleges and universities, and in our culture. In his new book “We Gon’ Be Alright: Notes on Race and Resegregation” he examines recent tragedies and protests. One chapter chronicles Chang’s visit to Ferguson, Missouri one year after Michael Brown was shot and killed by police. In this episode, Chang talks about the Black Lives Matter movement, respectability politics, and the power of Beyoncé’s Lemonade album. He’s interviewed by Jonathan Capehart of the Washington Post. The discussion was part of the Aspen Institute’s Washington Ideas Roundtable Series. (Photo Credit: Steve Johnson) dywqq2rp
9/27/201646 minutes, 22 seconds
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Finding Meaning in Our Work

The average American spends a third of his or her life working. What is the secret to achieving happiness because of our work and not in spite of it? How can we make a job into a vocation? David Brooks and Arthur Brooks have both studied and written about these questions. They say, no matter what the job is, the answer is to find meaning in it. In this episode, the thought leaders discuss the elements of meaningful work, the ways to achieve it, and how we can use these insights to improve culture and policy.
9/20/201659 minutes, 30 seconds
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Survivors of the Syrian War

The civil war in Syria has raged for five years and killed half a million people. Eleven million refugees have either fled to other countries or are displaced within Syria. In this episode, three survivors share their personal stories of strength and determination under intense and difficult circumstances. Syrian violinist Mariela Shaker says she “ran under bombs and mortars” to send applications to colleges in the United States. Experts in Middle East policy also examine solutions to the war. Who is most effectively helping, and how are they doing it? What should the world do beyond looking on in horrified disbelief?
9/13/201647 minutes, 23 seconds
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CIA Director John Brennan on ISIL, Russia, & Cyber Threats

In a rare interview, the director of the Central Intelligence Agency weighs in on the global security scene and explains the current risks to the United States. John Brennan is interviewed by Dina Temple-Raston, counterterrorism correspondent for NPR, at the Aspen Security Forum. Even though the Islamic State, or ISIL, has lost territory in the Middle East, it continues to be a “global menace,” according to Brennan. He discusses what’s needed in the fight against the brutal terror group. He also discusses Russia, China, and cybercrime, and explains why Syria is the most complex issue he’s dealt with in his career.
9/6/201649 minutes, 37 seconds
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Humanities in Decline: A Cultural Crisis

Is America turning its back on the humanities? The declining enrollment in disciplines including history, literature, language, philosophy and the arts, at colleges and universities across the country, signals a significant cultural shift. In this episode, Leon Wieseltier, contributing editor for The Atlantic, and Harvard President Drew Gilpin Faust unpack why the diminished appeal of the humanities has huge cultural implications. Can this trend be reversed in a challenging age, when technology and quantification are highly revered?
8/30/201654 minutes, 58 seconds
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Rebuilding Trust Between Police and Communities of Color

High-profile episodes of violence have highlighted excessive force and mistreatment of people of color by police. And this summer, police have become targets of violence with attacks in cities like Dallas and Baton Rouge. This episode examines the way forward for law enforcement and the communities they are duty-bound to “serve and protect.” We hear from law enforcement officials, including Attorney General Loretta Lynch, and activists. How will the frayed relationship between police and citizens be repaired? How has the Black Lives Matter movement changed the conversation?
8/23/201646 minutes, 21 seconds
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A Bright Future for Long-Term Coupling

Helen Fisher knows a thing or two about relationships. The Kinsey Institute research fellow and’s lead scientific advisor has spent her career studying couples and romantic behavior. The author of six books, her writing traces human family life from its origins in Africa over 20 million years ago to the internet dating sites and bedrooms of today. Her cutting-edge research, using brain imaging, examines what love and romantic partnership does to our gray matter. In this episode, she explains why humans fall in love and form pair-bonds when the odds are against them.
8/16/201650 minutes, 12 seconds
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Originals—How Nonconformists Move the World

The world doesn’t lack for creative ideas—it lacks people to champion them. Once you have an idea, how do you communicate it? In this episode, Adam Grant, Wharton’s top-rated professor and a New York Times bestselling author of Originals, shares insights on how to speak up without getting silenced, and how to find allies in unexpected places.
8/9/201643 minutes, 21 seconds
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The Russian Bear on the Prowl

Vladimir Putin continues to taunt the US and Europe at every turn by testing NATO’s resolve, propping up Assad, provoking Ukraine, and even doing what he can to further complicate the migrant crisis. Domestically, Russia’s involvement in hacking the Democratic National Convention is in question. Heather Conley, Senior Vice President for Europe, Eurasia, and the Arctic; Director, Europe Program, Center for Strategic and International Studies discusses the current state with Elissa Slotkin, Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs. Their discussion, which takes place at the Aspen Security Forum, is moderated by Massimo Calabresi, Deputy Washington Bureau Chief and Senior Correspondent, Time Magazine.
8/2/201633 minutes, 47 seconds
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Women and Millennials: How Will They Vote?

With the historic candidacy of Hillary Clinton, feminism is front and center this election. Be it wage inequality, women’s health, or paid family leave, many issues important to women at both ends of the economic divide are hotly contested. Dinner table wars rage, as boomer women and their millennial daughters disagree on Clinton, Sanders, and what being a feminist means when it comes to the vote. In this episode we hear from women involved in modern feminism as well as politically-active millennials.
7/26/201655 minutes, 59 seconds
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Sen. Tom Cotton on Trump, National Security

What do today’s Republicans believe America’s role in the world should be? This week’s episode features US Sen. Tom Cotton, R-AR, discussing his support for presumptive presidential nominee Donald Trump. Trump has some very different ideas than the Republican foreign policy establishment about the global alliance system, free trade, and the current nuclear order. Cotton, a leading figure in Republican defense and foreign policy circles, explains the Republican worldview, Trump’s worldview, the Obama foreign policy doctrine, and what he thinks America’s role should be in these tumultuous times.
7/19/201643 minutes, 11 seconds
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Gingrich and Romney on the American Spirit of Rebellion

Are we witnessing a new era in American politics? Two former Republican presidential candidates weigh in on the 2016 election. Newt Gingrich, former House Speaker, says the presidential race is unlike any he’s ever witnessed, characterized by rebellion against establishment politics in both parties. He predicts presumed Republican nominee Donald Trump will redefine the electoral map. Gingrich is being considered as a potential vice president by Trump. Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney is also featured in this episode. He explains why he plans to vote for neither Trump nor democrat Hillary Clinton. Take part in an upcoming podcast about policing and communities of color. What questions do you have around the issue? Email us your written question or a recorded voice memo. We’ll pose it to an expert on the topic, who spoke at the Aspen Ideas Festival. Send questions to
7/12/201646 minutes, 32 seconds
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Christine Lagarde on Brexit

On June 23, voters in the UK chose to leave the European Union. Three days after the vote, managing director of the International Monetary Fund, Christine Lagarde spoke at the Aspen Ideas Festival in Aspen, Colorado. She calls the decision to leave the EU “heartbreaking.” In this episode, Lagarde is interviewed by Jane Harman, president of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars and trustee of the Aspen Institute.
7/6/201639 minutes, 7 seconds
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TAKEOVER 5: Pete Dominick with Michele Norris and others

TAKEOVER is a special series of episodes that puts you on the ground during the Aspen Ideas Festival in Aspen, Colorado. This episode features Pete Dominick (comedian, radio host) as takeover host in conversation with Michele Norris (journalist, The Race Card Project) and Alec Ross (Author, "The Industries of the Future"). Dominick infuses humor into interesting conversation about politics, culture and future business. Music: Gillicuddy, Podington Bear
7/3/201638 minutes, 42 seconds
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TAKEOVER 4: Emily Yoffe with Bryan Stevenson and others

TAKEOVER is a special series of episodes that puts you on the ground during the Aspen Ideas Festival in Aspen, Colorado. This episode features Emily Yoffe (The Atlantic) as takeover host in conversation with Bryan Stevenson (Equal Justice Initiative), Helen Fisher (The Kinsey Institute,, and Geoffrey Stone (Univ. of Chicago Law School). Yoffe asks probing questions and touches on issues such as the Supreme Court, politics, and love and sex. Music: Gillicuddy, Podington Bear
7/2/201656 minutes, 3 seconds
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TAKEOVER 3: Franklin Leonard with DeRay Mckesson and others

TAKEOVER is a special series of episodes that puts you on the ground during the Aspen Ideas Festival in Aspen, Colorado. This episode features Franklin Leonard (The Black List Table Reads podcast) as takeover host in conversation with Melody Barnes (former assistant to the president and director of the White House Domestic Policy Council; co-founder of MB2 Solutions), DeRay Mckesson (protestor, civil rights activist, and educator), and Sarah Lewis (author, curator, and assistant professor at Harvard University). Music: Gillicuddy, Podington Bear
7/1/201640 minutes, 40 seconds
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TAKEOVER 2: Maria Hinojosa with Jose Antonio Vargas and others

TAKEOVER is a special series of episodes that puts you on the ground during the Aspen Ideas Festival in Aspen, Colorado. This episode features Maria Hinojosa (NPR's Latino USA) as takeover host in conversation with Jose Antonio Vargas (journalist), Melvin Mar (producer, Fresh Off the Boat), and Roberto Villaseñor (former chief, Tucson Police Dept.). Music: Gillicuddy, Podington Bear
6/30/201640 minutes, 12 seconds
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TAKEOVER 1: Perri Peltz with Piper Kerman and others

TAKEOVER is a special series of episodes that put you on the ground during the Aspen Ideas Festival in Aspen, Colorado. This episode features Perri Peltz (documentary filmmaker and journalist) as takeover host in conversation with Piper Kerman (author, Orange is the New Black), Seth Berkley (founder of International AIDS Vaccine Initiative), and Adam Foss (co-founder of Prosecutor Integrity Institute). Music: Gillicuddy, Podington Bear
6/28/201634 minutes, 18 seconds
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Is Violence a Function of Our Culture?

Homicide remains an endemic, seemingly unsolvable problem in America. And violent crime afflicts African-American communities to a much greater degree than others, as does mass incarceration — and police violence. What is the cause of this crisis? What is the role of culture? Are there any solutions? This episode features New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu who has been confronting this crisis head-on, in conversation with Ta-Nehisi Coates, national correspondent for The Atlantic, who has written widely on matters of race, policing, and American history. Jeffrey Goldberg, national correspondent for The Atlantic, moderates the discussion. (Rebroadcast of episode that originally aired in August 2015)
6/21/201659 minutes, 29 seconds
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Aspen Ideas Festival "Big Ideas"

Every summer, writers, professors, artists, activists, and others deliver their “big ideas” at the Aspen Ideas Festival. The onstage advice celebrates the Festival itself, which brings together great thinkers to debate and discuss the most important and fascinating issues of our time. The Festival marks its twelfth year in late June. This episode features “big ideas” from as far back as 2007 that cover science, arts education, happiness, and technology. Physicist Brian Greene, opera singer Jessye Norman and former congresswoman Gabby Giffords deliver their ideas, along with many others.
6/14/201651 minutes, 26 seconds
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How to Make White People Laugh

Author and filmmaker Negin Farsad calls herself a social justice comedian. She works to prove that humor - just like activism - can effectively challenge deep-seated and sclerotic prejudices about race and religion. In her recent book, How to Make White People Laugh, she addresses the mistreatment and misperceptions of Muslims in the US after 9/11. In this episode, she's joined by radio host Dean Obeidallah and Imam Daayiee Abdullah, president and founder of the Mecca Institute. He's one of the world's only openly gay Imams. Farsad, Obeidallah, and Abdullah bring levity to serious, sometimes grim, topics in American cultural and political life. The discussion was held by the Aspen Institute's Arts Program.
6/7/201657 minutes, 59 seconds
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"Extra" with David Henry Hwang

Now, more than ever, a diversifying United States needs a shared base of knowledge. That’s according to Eric Liu, executive director of the Citizenship and American Identity Program at the Aspen Institute. He’s calling on the American public and cultural leaders to build a crowd-sourced national list of facts and references every American should know. In this “Extra” episode, he talks to David Henry Hwang, Tony-winning American playwright, screenwriter, and opera librettist. He is the child of Chinese immigrants and shares how, growing up, he used television as one way to integrate into American society. (Music: Podington Bear/Jack)
6/3/201618 minutes, 47 seconds
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Diane Rehm on Death with Dignity

Public radio host Diane Rehm lost her husband to Parkinson’s disease nearly two years ago. His was an unconventional death, where, in the end, he refused food, water, and medication. Physician-assisted suicide isn’t permitted in Maryland, the state where he died, so he took matters into his own hands. Now, Diane Rehm is an advocate in the right-to-die debate, or what she terms “right-to-choose.” In this episode, she talks about her memoir On My Own, which details the struggle to reconstruct her life after the death of John. The couple was married for 54 years. Rehm spoke as part of the Alma and Joseph Gildenhorn Book Series at the Aspen Institute.
5/31/201651 minutes, 53 seconds
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"Extra" with Maria Hinojosa

Now, more than ever, a diversifying United States needs a shared base of knowledge. That’s according to Eric Liu, executive director of the Citizenship and American Identity Program at the Aspen Institute. He’s calling on the American public and cultural leaders to build a crowd-sourced national list of facts and references every American should know. In this “Extra” episode, he talks to Maria Hinojosa, an award-winning news anchor and reporter. She founded the Futuro Media Group and hosts Latino USA, NPR’s only national Latino news and cultural weekly radio program. (Music: Podington Bear/Jack)
5/26/201620 minutes, 26 seconds
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First Lady Michelle Obama on Making Sports Accessible and Affordable

First Lady Michelle Obama says play, nutrition, and physical activity aren’t available to every child and, that’s a problem. With the cost of sports participation around $2,200 each year per child, these opportunities are increasingly only available to wealthier families. Plus, a report from the Sports and Society Program at the Aspen Institute shows parents have concerns around risk of injury, the quality or behavior of coaches, time commitment, and the emphasis on winning over having fun. What can be done to ensure children are being physically active and learning team skills? Obama discusses accessibility and affordability of sports with her brother and ESPN analyst Craig Robinson. Michael Wilbon, host of ESPN’s “Pardon the Interruption,” moderates the conversation.
5/23/201644 minutes, 2 seconds
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"Extra" with Colin Woodard

Now, more than ever, a diversifying United States needs a shared base of knowledge. That’s according to Eric Liu, executive director of the Citizenship and American Identity Program at the Aspen Institute. He’s calling on the American public and cultural leaders to build a crowd-sourced national list of facts and references every American should know. In this “Extra” episode, Liu talks to Colin Woodard, an award-winning author and journalist. In his book, “American Nations: A History of the Eleven Rival Regional Cultures of North America,” Woodard describes why American values differ across the country. (Music: David Szesztay/Throughout The City)
5/19/201623 minutes, 3 seconds
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War Reporting, Novel Writing, and How to Tell a Great Story

Powerhouse literary couple Geraldine Brooks and Tony Horwitz didn’t start their careers writing books. The two were war correspondents covering events like the Gulf War in the 1990s. In this episode, Brooks and Horwitz are onstage for a lecture series held by Aspen Words, the literary organization of The Aspen Institute. Besides recalling their reporting experiences, the duo discuss what it takes to write a great book. Brooks is a Pulitzer Prize-winning historical novelist. Her first book Year of Wonders was an international bestseller. Her latest work The Secret Chord, is based on the life of King David. Horwitz is a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and has written several bestsellers, including Midnight Rising about a raid in the slaveholding South that sparked the Civil War. (photo of Geraldine Brooks: Randi Baird)
5/17/201640 minutes, 37 seconds
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"Extra" with Henry Louis Gates, Jr.

Now, more than ever, a diversifying United States needs a shared base of knowledge. That’s according to Eric Liu, executive director of the Citizenship and American Identity Program at the Aspen Institute. He’s calling on the American public and cultural leaders to build a crowd-sourced national list of facts and references every American should know. In this “Extra” episode, he talks to Henry Louis Gates, Jr. Gates is a filmmaker, scholar, journalist and cultural critic. He offers his ideas on what terms should make up a modern American language. (Music: David Szesztay/Throughout The City)
5/12/201619 minutes, 55 seconds
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Cancer: Breakthroughs and Challenges

Cancer is the second leading cause of death among adults in the US and cancer care costs $125 billion a year. In this episode we hear from medical experts who have researched, written, and made progress in the fight against cancer. Ronald DePinho, president of the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, says it’s an exciting time because research has shed light on the instigators of the disease. With the knowledge we have now, he says, up to half of all cancers can be prevented. He’s featured in the podcast along with Eric Lander, president and director of the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, and Siddhartha Mukherjee, author of the Pulitzer Prize-winning book The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer.
5/10/20161 hour, 5 minutes, 54 seconds
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The Complexities of Today's Security Challenges

The Director of the FBI has said that the Bureau has counterterrorism investigations underway in all 50 states, underscoring the gravity of the “insider” terrorism threat in the United States. Simultaneously, terrorists from abroad, especially “foreign fighters” from among ISIL’s ranks, are seeking to enter Western countries. In this episode FBI Director James Comey speaks with Brooke Masters of the Financial Times about terrorism, cybercrime, an uptick in violence in minority communities in the US and Apple’s refusal to hack into the iPhone of a terrorist. Comey spoke at the Aspen Security Forum Global in London in April. (music bed: Podington Bear/Bambi, photo: Miles Willis)
5/3/201640 minutes, 16 seconds
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How to Learn Anything Fast

Best-selling author of "The First 20 Hours: How to Learn Anything Fast!" Josh Kaufman shares universal, field-tested approaches to effective learning and rapid skill acquisition in adults. From deconstructing complex skills to maximizing productive practice and removing common learning barriers, Kaufman describes how 20 hours of focused, deliberate practice can help you develop surprising levels of skill in any field. And, he may even play his Ukulele. (music bed: Podington Bear/Golden Hour)
4/27/201656 minutes, 25 seconds
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Retweeting, Regramming, Reimagining our Relationship with Technology

The architecture of how we live our lives is badly in need of renovation and repair. One of the things that makes it harder to connect with ourselves - and thus our creativity, intuition, and wisdom - is our increasing dependence on technology. In this episode, Huffington Post founder Arianna Huffington explains how devices, texts, emails, constant notifications, and social media are not just distractions, but addictions. Reimagining our relationship with technology can have a transformational impact on our well-being, our capacity to tap into our own wisdom, and to make a difference in the lives of others, and on our ability to truly thrive.
4/19/201649 minutes, 33 seconds
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Leading the Response to Radical Extremism

As radical extremism in the Middle East continues to undermine global security, it's crucial to understand and counter its roots and appeal. This episode features a discussion between David Ignatius, columnist for the Washington Post, Farah Pandith, who's with the Council on Foreign Relations and Nicholas Burns, director of the Aspen Strategy Group. How do we confront radicalism in the Middle East? What does this nightmare mean for the United States? And, what about the refugee crisis? The panelists also give thoughts on what the next president should be thinking about.
4/12/201643 minutes, 36 seconds
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Building Better Teen Brains

Raising a teenager can be a lot of work and there's hard science behind why adolescence is so challenging. Laurence Steinberg authored the book "Age of Opportunity: Lessons from the New Science of Adolescence." In this episode, he talks about how brain development doesn't stop at age three. There's another period where the brain is malleable: during adolescence. These years are key in determining individuals' life outcomes. How should we change the way we parent, educate, and understand young people?
4/5/201645 minutes
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Secrets of the Creative Brain

Tom Kelley, author of Creative Confidence and partner at IDEO, says creativity and innovation aren't only reserved for "creative types," but everyone can tap into creative potential. In this episode, he recounts the stories of individuals who doubted their creativity but overcame fear to go on to do highly creative things. Also, we hear from leading neuroscientist Dr. Nancy Andreasen who researches highly creative people and how they think. Her work also examines the roles of nature v. nurture and the relationship between creativity and mental illness.
3/29/201659 minutes, 51 seconds
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The United State of Women

What has the Obama Administration done for women and girls? How will their women and girls initiatives continue after the president leaves office? Tina Tchen, executive director for the White House Council on Women and Girls, talks about what's been done on the federal level since President Obama took office. She speaks with Jonathan Capehart of the Washington Post as part of the Aspen Forum on Women and Girls at the Aspen Institute. The event in March precedes the United State of Women Summit on May 23rd in Washington DC.
3/22/201644 minutes, 20 seconds
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Why Ethics (Usually) Pays

When it comes to the bottom line, corporate social responsibility sometimes pays, but sometimes does not, according to Jonathan Haidt of the NYU Stern School of Business. This episode features his lecture at the Aspen Ideas Festival. He says studies back up the notion that creating an ethical culture within your organization, and treating your employees well, always pays in the long run. Learn how business leaders and government regulators can work together to do much better "ethical systems design." The stakes are high because doing this well would boost productivity and the GDP.
3/15/201646 minutes, 44 seconds
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Jesus of History versus Christ of Faith

Sifting through centuries of mythmaking, Reza Aslan sheds new light on one of history's most influential and enigmatic figures by examining Jesus within the context of the times in which he lived: the age of zealotry. Balancing the Jesus of the Gospels against historical sources, Aslan describes a man of peace who exhorted his followers to arm themselves; an exorcist and faith healer who urged his disciples to keep his identity secret; and the seditious "King of the Jews," whose promise of liberation from Rome went unfulfilled in his lifetime.
3/8/201652 minutes, 6 seconds
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The Black Presidency

In his book "The Black Presidency," Michael Eric Dyson explores the powerful, surprising way the politics of race have shaped Barack Obama’s identity and groundbreaking presidency. How has President Obama dealt publicly with race —as the national traumas of Tamir Rice, Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Eric Garner, Freddie Gray, and Walter Scott have played out during his tenure? What can we learn from Obama's major race speeches about his approach to racial conflict and the black criticism it provokes? Dyson is a professor of sociology at Georgetown University. A former factory worker, an ordained Baptist minister and a onetime church pastor, Dyson earned a Ph.D. in religion from Princeton, and has also taught at Brown, Columbia, the University of North Carolina, DePaul University, and the University of Pennsylvania. Dyson has written 17 books, including national best sellers on the Malcolm X, Martin Luther King Jr. and the rapper Tupac Shakur. This episode features his conversation with the Aspen Institute CEO and president Walter Isaacson.
3/1/201655 minutes, 49 seconds
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WE-ASK: What Every American Should Know

In 1987, E.D. Hirsch sparked a national debate with his book "Cultural Literacy," claiming that there is a foundation of common knowledge every American should know - and codifying it in a list of 5,000 facts and cultural references. Today, amidst giant demographic and social shifts, the United States needs such common knowledge more than ever. But a 21st century sense of cultural literacy has to be radically more diverse and inclusive. And it needs to come not from one person but from all of us. Eric Liu, executive director of the Aspen Institute Citizen and American Identity Program, asks Anne-Marie Slaughter (president of New America), Jose Antonio Vargas (Pulitzer Prize-winning author), and Hirsh what they think it means to be American.
2/23/201656 minutes, 57 seconds
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Ashley Judd on Feminism, Activism, and Why Hollywood Should Be Left Out of the Conversation

Actress Ashley Judd is an advocate and activist who has traveled the world promoting empowerment and equality, effective grassroots programs, and strategies to advance women's health, curb HIV, alleviate poverty and much more. As a global champion for women, she has led major campaigns to reduce maternal mortality and increase resources for women and girls. Later in the episode: The Best Thinking about the Transformative Power of Women and Girls featuring a stellar lineup including Arianna Huffington, Jane Harman, Shiza Shahid of the Malala Fund, and others.
2/16/201659 minutes, 15 seconds
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Thomas Jefferson: An American Original

In honor of President's Day, biographer Jon Meacham explores Jefferson's complicated legacy and suggests how we might reclaim the Jeffersonian insistence that political leaders be conversant with the philosophical and cultural currents of their time. Meacham wrote the No. 1 New York Times bestseller "Thomas Jefferson: The Art of Power."
2/9/201655 minutes, 36 seconds
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Solitary Confinement Through the Eyes of a Former Prisoner

Hear what former prisoner Shaka Senghor, who was incarcerated for 19 years and now directs strategy for the bipartisan initiative #cut50, has to say about President Obama's recent pledge to end solitary confinement for juveniles and low-level offenders. Senghor shares his insights from seven years in solitary in one of the nation's most violent prisons. Since 1980, the number of people incarcerated in the United States has more than quadrupled; the US now has the largest prison population in the world.
2/2/201647 minutes, 51 seconds
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Poetry, Justice, and Alienation

Can art tackle some of the most difficult social-justice questions we face today? Over the past year we have witnessed images of our country at war with itself; how can poetry dispel alienation and give rise to a new level of citizenship in America Featuring three of America's most powerful poetic voices: Elizabeth Alexander (author of The Light of the World), Juan Felipe Herrera (current United States Poet Laureate), and Claudia Rankine (author of Citizen: An American Lyric). The conversation is moderated by Eric Liu, executive director of the Aspen Institute Citizenship and American Identity Program.
1/26/201647 minutes, 22 seconds
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Meditation and Mindfulness - Going Beyond the Buzzwords

Meditation and mindfulness have gone mainstream. From improvements in perception to body awareness, to pain tolerance and emotion regulation, to an increase in complex thinking and a sense of self, two experts in the field explore the benefits and outcomes of these practices. Featured speakers: Richard Davidson, William James and Vilas Professor of Psychology and Psychiatry, University of Wisconsin and Robert Roth, Executive Director, David Lynch Foundation. Their discussion is moderated by documentary filmmaker Perri Peltz.
1/19/201642 minutes, 37 seconds
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The Road to Character - David Brooks and Katie Couric

I wrote this book not sure I could follow the road to character, but I wanted at least to know what the road looks like and how other people have trodden it, David Brooks has said about his experience writing his latest New York Times bestseller about personal virtues and honesty in a materialistic age. Katie Couric explores this journey with the deeply thoughtful author.
1/11/201658 minutes, 47 seconds
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Exercise in Radical Empathy and Youth Speak Up

Clint Smith is a high school educator, a Harvard PhD candidate, and a slam poet. In a series of spoken-word performances, Smith confronts inequality in American society. His poetry touches on black parenting, social justice, and violence against kids of color. Following his performance, three high school students from the South Washington, DC, area are interviewed about how they experience systemic inequality in their neighborhoods.
1/4/201656 minutes, 41 seconds
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Undaunted: Stories from the Frontlines of Global Health (Rebroadcast)

We'll be back in January with new episodes. In the meantime, don't miss this inspiring episode with stories of human resilience and ingenuity. During the Ebola crisis, strong grassroots relationships and homegrown leadership made the difference between life and death. Drawing on that learning, movers and shakers from the Aspen New Voices Fellowship will share their stories about the silo-busting connections that can be forged under stress. From Sierra Leone to Nepal, these kinds of bonds keep our most vulnerable communities healthier and safer in perilous times. Aspen New Voices Fellows: Rubayat Khan, Relebohile Moletsane, Serufusa Sekidde, David Kuria, Kopano Mabaso, Abraham Leno, Samuel Kargbo, ElsaMarie D'Silva, Esther Ngumbi. Learn more at
12/28/201553 minutes, 31 seconds
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A Formula for Happiness (Rebroadcast)

AITG is taking off a couple of weeks for the holidays. We'll be back in January with new episodes. This week, we revisit an earlier episode — A Formula for Happiness. Want to be happy? Arthur C. Brooks, president of the American Enterprise Institute, has read all of the books and studies about what makes us happy — so you don't have to. By marrying ancient wisdom and new data, he says we can identify what brings the most happiness, and the most unhappiness, to the most people. In short, love people, not pleasure. This Aspen Lecture was recorded live at the Aspen Ideas Festival. Check out the Aspen Lectures Compendium on iTunes U.
12/21/201555 minutes, 44 seconds
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Winter Words Author Series

Three authors shed light on the writing life and the stories behind their works. New York Times bestseller Jess Walter ("Beautiful Ruins"), former US Poet Laureate Natasha Trethewey ("Thrall"), and LA Times Book Prize winner Ruth Ozeki ("A Tale for the Time Being"). They spoke at Winter Words, a series hosted by Aspen Words, a literary organization and program of the Aspen Institute.
12/14/201552 minutes, 20 seconds
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Vice President Joe Biden

Vice President Joe Biden spoke at the Aspen Institute Summit on Inequality and Opportunity. Biden discussed root causes of poverty and inequality in America. He separately addressed topics related to terrorism, ISIS, and Syrian refugees.
12/7/201549 minutes, 22 seconds
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The Four Sources of Happiness

Most people think that happiness has four sources: the sensory pleasures, material wealth, romantic relationships, and children. But recent research suggests that much of what people think about happiness is wrong. Daniel Gilbert, author of "Stumbling on Happiness," hosts this symposium in which experts discuss what science has discovered about each of these sources. The featured speakers are Paul Bloom, author of "How Pleasure Works"; Tim Kasser, author of "The High Price of Materialism"; Eli Finkel, author of "The All-Or-Nothing Marriage"; and Jennifer Senior, author of "All Joy and No Fun."
11/30/201552 minutes, 46 seconds
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Celebrating Einstein with Brian Greene

Continuing our celebration of the 100th anniversary of the General Theory of Relativity, this talk features theoretical physicist Brian Greene. Arguably one of the best and most entertaining explainers of all things cosmic, Greene gives a refresher on what the theory is, and why we should care. He also sheds light on the exciting advances science has made in understanding black holes. (This is a companion episode to last week’s podcast about Einstein’s creativity.)
11/23/201522 minutes, 5 seconds
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Einstein's Creativity

Celebrating the 100th anniversary of the General Theory of Relativity, this talk takes a look at Albert Einstein's creativity. Where did it come from, how was it reflected in his life, and what can we learn from it? Biographer Walter Isaacson brings the physicist’s creativity to life through historical details and insights Isaacson uncovered in his book ‘Einstein: His Life and Universe.’
11/16/201557 minutes, 4 seconds
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Evan Thomas on 'Being Nixon'

In 'Being Nixon,' Evan Thomas peels away the layers of the complex, confounding figure who became America's 37th president. Drawing on a wide range of historical accounts, Thomas reveals the contradictions of a leader whose vision and foresight led him to achieve detente with the Soviet Union and reestablish relations with communist China, but whose underhanded political tactics tainted his reputation long before the Watergate scandal. One of the principal architects of the modern Republican Party and its "silent majority" of disaffected whites and conservative ex-Dixiecrats, Nixon was also deemed a liberal in some quarters for his efforts to desegregate Southern schools, create the Environmental Protection Agency, and end the draft. Thomas is the author of nine books. He was a writer, correspondent, and editor for over three decades at TIME and Newsweek.
11/9/201559 minutes, 44 seconds
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Interview with Michael Bloomberg and Boris Johnson

Boris Johnson, Mayor, London, Michael Bloomberg, Founder, Bloomberg LP and Bloomberg Philanthropies, 108th Mayor of the City of New York, and With Walter Isaacson, CEO and President, The Aspen Institute discuss how cities are the hubs of tech innovation. Recorded at CityLab 2015 in London.
11/2/201536 minutes, 2 seconds
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Robotic Moment: Who Do We Become When We Talk to Machines? (Aspen Lecture)

Conversation is facing a crisis in our culture. We regularly put people on "pause" in conversation to check our phones. We treat machines as if they are almost human. We want technology to step up, as we ask humans to step back. And having nothing to forget about how we used to relate to one another, children embrace these new rules for talking to machines. In this talk, Sherry Turkle, MIT professor of the social studies of science and technology and author of "Reclaiming Conversation: The Power of Talk in a Digital Age," explains how we have arrived at this "robotic moment." She explores what she calls the "four fantasies of the robotic relationship" and the impact our dwindling face-to-face conversations have on empathy.
10/26/201556 minutes, 14 seconds
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Building a Better Teacher

We've all had great teachers who opened our minds — and maybe even changed our lives. But how can we make every teacher a star teacher? Elizabeth Green's New York Times best-selling book 'Building a Better Teacher: How Teaching Works (and How to Teach It to Everyone)' presents teaching as a complex skill — one that requires infrastructure for support and training. She gives examples of the methods America's best educators are using in the classroom, as well as how Japan's education system has adopted policies that have changed teachers across the country. Green discusses her book with Stanford University's renowned mathematics education professor Jo Boaler. Boaler is co-founder of YouCubed, and online resource for educators and families.
10/19/201554 minutes, 37 seconds
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Gray Matter: The Brain after 50

Our brains are getting older, but there's still much to be optimistic about. Neuroscientists Susan Greenfield and Gary Small discuss the aging brain with journalist Sam Kean.
10/12/201558 minutes, 21 seconds
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What's Character Got to Do with It?

David Brooks writes about character. Aaron Sorkin writes about characters. The opinionator and consummate storyteller join in a conversation about how Sorkin's connection to and love of character distinguishes his writing and his craft. They discuss Sorkin's new movie Steve Jobs. Aaron Sorkin is a screenwriter, playwright, and film and television producer. His screenplays include the 2012 film adaption of Moneyball, The Social Network, A Few Good Men, Malice, The American President, and Charlie Wilson's War. David Brooks is an op-ed columnist for The New York Times. He also writes frequently about culture and social sciences. Brooks is the bestselling author of four books, most recently The Road to Character.
10/5/201559 minutes, 24 seconds
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'Unfinished Business' with Anne-Marie Slaughter

Anne-Marie Slaughter provides a sneak peek of her new book, 'Unfinished Business: Women Men Work Family'. Inspired by her 2012 article "Why Women Still Can't Have it All," one of the most-read pieces in the history of 'The Atlantic' magazine, Slaughter has refined her vision for what true equality between men and women really means and how we can get there. Anne-Marie Slaughter is president and CEO of New America and Bert G. Kerstetter '66 University Professor Emerita of Politics and International Affairs at Princeton University. Hanna Rosin is a senior editor at 'The Atlantic'; founder of DoubleX, the women's section of 'Slate'; and the author of the books 'The End of Men' and 'God's Harvard: A Christian College on a Mission to Save America'.
9/29/201555 minutes, 47 seconds
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Facing Death with Dignity and a Plan

How can our medical and social systems support or hinder dying? Do we have the right to bend the arc of our own death, or that of a loved one? How can we approach the final passage with grace? Dan Diaz (the husband of Brittany Maynard, who died in November 2014 from a brain tumor) discusses the matter with BJ Miller (executive director of Zen Hospice Project and an assistant clinical professor of medicine at UC San Francisco), Samuel Kargbo (director of policy and planning at the Ministry of Health and Sanitation in Sierra Leone) and journalist and author Courtney E. Martin.
9/21/20151 hour, 5 minutes, 42 seconds
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The Church of Pope Francis

Nancy Gibbs, editor of TIME magazine, leads a conversation with: Michael Gerson, a nationally syndicated columnist whose writing appears twice weekly in 'The Washington Post'; Matt Malone, president and editor in chief of America Media, which publishes 'America: The National Catholic Review'; and Garry Wills, professor, historian, and Pulitzer Prize-winning author ("Why I Am a Catholic" and "The Future of the Catholic Church with Pope Francis"). This conversation took place in July at the Aspen Ideas Festival.
9/14/20151 hour, 32 seconds
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The New Golden Age of Television

Internet TV is growing globally in ways that traditional TV just isn’t. Netflix is a change-maker that is dramatically influencing our consumption of story-telling. This episode features Katie Couric in conversation with Ted Sarandos, the gutsy program chief of Netflix, whose platinum successes include 'House of Cards', 'Orange is the New Black', and now 'Grace and Frankie'.
9/8/20151 hour, 3 minutes, 29 seconds
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What is College For?

Featuring William Deresiewicz, author of 'Excellent Sheep: The Miseducation of the American Elite and the Way to a Meaningful Life' and New York Times op-ed columnist David Brooks. At a time when traditional notions of college are under attack — in the shift to online instruction, in the emphasis on STEM fields and the denigration of the liberal arts, in the continued privatization of public higher education — it is urgent that we ask what college is supposed to be about in the first place. What happens when education is understood in purely vocational terms? What happens to schools, to teachers, to society — to students themselves? Why are students learning so little in college? Why are courses so much less important to them than extracurriculars? Why do so many young people today have trouble finding a sense of purpose? What are we doing to our children, and why are we doing it?
8/31/201556 minutes, 27 seconds
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China: New Economic Superpower?

Former US Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson has had unprecedented access to modern China’s political and business elite. As head of Goldman Sachs, he had a pivotal role in opening up China to private enterprise. Then, as treasury secretary, he created the Strategic Economic Dialogue with what is now the world’s second-largest economy. Paulson and the Aspen Institute's Walter Isaacson recently spoke about Paulson's new book, 'Dealing with China: An Insider Unmasks the New Economic Superpower,' as part of the McCloskey Speaker Series in Aspen, CO. Paulson outlined the steps needed to build a bright economic future for the US.
8/27/201545 minutes, 18 seconds
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Long Life in the 21st Century (Aspen Lecture)

Aspen Lecture featuring Laura Carstensen, Fairleigh Dickinson Professor in Public Policy, Department of Psychology, Stanford University; Director, Stanford Center on Longevity. We are approaching a watershed moment in human history; a time when old people outnumber children and living to 100 is commonplace. There are major challenges associated with this dramatic and sudden increase in life expectancy, yet, Carstensen says we must not lose sight of the fact that long life presents unprecedented opportunities. If we use science and technology to solve problems associated with aging and we develop new social norms and lifestyles, she asserts that the entire life course can be redesigned in ways that dramatically improve quality of life at all ages. The Aspen Lecture convene some of the world's greatest minds in an interdisciplinary series that explores topics ranging from the Big Bang to representative democracy to Shakespeare.
8/24/201555 minutes, 40 seconds
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Is Violence a Function of our Culture?

Homicide remains an endemic, seemingly unsolvable problem in America. And violent crime afflicts African-American communities to a much greater degree than others, as does mass incarceration — and police violence. What is the cause of this crisis? What is the role of culture? Are there any solutions? This episode features New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu who has been confronting this crisis head-on in conversation with Ta-Nehisi Coates, national correspondent for The Atlantic, who has written widely on matters of race, policing, and American history. His memoir Between the World and Me was published last month and is currently #1 on The New York Times Bestseller list. Jeffrey Goldberg, national correspondent for The Atlantic, moderates the discussion.
8/17/201559 minutes, 1 second
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A View from the White House

The President’s Homeland Security and Counterterrorism Advisor tells us what keeps her up at night and how she is working to make us all safe. Lisa Monaco, Deputy National Security Advisor and Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism; Moderator: Mike Isikoff, Chief Investigative Correspondent, Yahoo News. For more, visit: Follow @aspensecurity
8/10/201546 minutes, 48 seconds
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Faith and the Public Square

Senator Chris Coons (D-Del.) discusses faith and public life with Jim Wallis. The conversation begins from an agreement that the separation of church and state is imperative but that moral values should not be segregated from public life. Coons, who graduated from Yale Law School and Yale Divinity School, has said, "I think it’s foundational to our country that if we allow people to choose their path of faith, they must of course be also free, welcomed, celebrated, to choose not to have faith in a supreme being." Coons was elected to Vice President Biden’s former seat in 2010. He serves on the Appropriations, Foreign Relations, Judiciary, Small Business and Entrepreneurship, and Ethics committees and is the ranking member of two subcommittees. Wallis is president and founder of Sojourners, a nonprofit faith-based organization whose mission is to "put faith into action for social justice." He is a "New York Times" bestselling author, public theologian, speaker, and international commentator on ethics and public life. He recently served on the White House Advisory Council on Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships. He is the author of 11 books and the editor of "Sojourners Magazine."
8/3/201556 minutes, 35 seconds
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Circuit Training for Your Brain: Well-Being Is a Skill

Scientific evidence suggests that we can change our brains by transforming our minds and cultivating habits of mind that will improve well-being. These include happiness, resilience, compassion, and emotional balance. Each of these characteristics is instantiated in brain circuits that exhibit plasticity and thus can be shaped and modified by experience and training. Mental training to cultivate well-being has profound implications for schools, the workplace, and society as a whole. Richard J. Davidsonis the William James and Vilas Professor of Psychology and Psychiatry and director of the Waisman Laboratory for Brain Imaging and Behavior at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Davidson has published over 320 articles and edited 14 books, including The Emotional Life of Your Brain. NOTE: Davidson shared a couple of short video clips during his talk at the Festival. The first shows video games developed for kids to cultivate habits of kindness and pro-social behavior. The second is a demonstration of the preschool kindness curriculum that he refers to in the podcast. Watch here:
7/27/201543 minutes, 57 seconds
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Radical: My Journey Out Of Islamist Extremism

Maajid Nawaz shares his remarkable journey from Islamist extremism to liberal democratic values. Nawaz is the co-founder of Quilliam, a counter-extremism think tank based in London, and engages in counter-Islamist thought-generating, social-activism, writing, debating, and media appearances. He served four years in an Egyptian prison as an Amnesty International "prisoner of conscience" until he became de-radicalized and renounced his extremist views. This talk was recorded live at the Aspen Ideas Festival, July 2015. Learn more about the Festival at
7/20/201545 minutes, 53 seconds
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The Obama Doctrine: America's Role in a Complicated World

Benjamin J. Rhodes, the deputy national security advisor to President Obama, was the chief US negotiator in the secret normalization talks with Cuba and has been a central player in the making of American foreign policy since 2009, both as a key advisor and as the president’s chief foreign policy speechwriter. Rhodes and Jeffrey Goldberg, national correspondent for The Atlantic, discuss the worldview of President Obama, focusing on Cuba, the Iran talks, and the continuing crisis across the broader Middle East.
7/13/20151 hour, 2 minutes, 15 seconds
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The Supreme Court's Marriage Equality Ruling: The Most Consequential Ruling in Our Lifetimes?

Recorded just four days after the SCOTUS ruling, this episode features a wide-ranging discussion of the cases and history behind the Marriage Equality ruling. Featuring the legal dream team that helped make this a reality, former Solicitor General Ted Olson and star litigator David Boies. Neal Katyal, former Acting Solicitor General, moderates the conversation.
7/6/20151 hour, 3 minutes, 17 seconds
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Undaunted: Stories from the Frontlines of Global Health

During the Ebola crisis, strong grassroots relationships and homegrown leadership made the difference between life and death. Drawing on that learning, movers and shakers from the Aspen New Voices Fellowship will share their stories about the silo-busting connections that can be forged under stress. From Sierra Leone to Nepal, these kinds of bonds keep our most vulnerable communities healthier and safer in perilous times. Aspen New Voices Fellows: Rubayat Khan, Relebohile Moletsane, Serufusa Sekidde, David Kuria, Kopano Mabaso, Abraham Leno, Samuel Kargbo, ElsaMarie D'Silva, Esther Ngumbi
6/29/201553 minutes, 31 seconds
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The Evolution of Thinking Machines

In many ways, artificial intelligence has become the norm. From autopilot on airplanes to language translation, we've come to accept once novel concepts as just something thinking machines do. What we have ultimately learned is that human thinking is just one way of thinking. So, how far will artificial intelligence go? This episode features a conversation between Danny Hillis and Alexis Madrigal. Hillis is an inventor, scientist, author and engineer. He is co-founder of Applied Minds, a research and development company that creates a range of new products and services in software, entertainment, electronics, biotechnology, and mechanical design. Madrigal is the Silicon Valley bureau chief for Fusion, where he hosts and produces a television show about the future. He is the tech critic for NPR's "FreshAir," a contributing editor at The Atlantic, and a former staff writer at Wired.
6/22/201557 minutes, 40 seconds
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Should We Design Our Babies?

The discussion of "designer babies" often revolves around gender or hair color, but as Nita Farahany and Marcy Darnovsky explore, the medical debate is far more complicated. Farahany is Professor of Law and Philosophy, Director of Institute for Genome Sciences and Policy, Duke University; Member, Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues. Should we screen embryos for disease? Should we make genetic modifications? These considerations raise ethical concerns and call into question the validity of surrounding research. The lack of regulation and oversight make this particular biotechnology frightening to some, while the potential for disease eradicating techniques excites others. But how far is too far? What are the major scientific and ethical hurdles to assuage the skeptics? Marcy Darnovsky is the executive director of the Center for Genetics and Society. Nita Farahany is professor of Law and Philosophy and director of the Institute for Genome Sciences and Policy at Duke University. She is a member of the Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues.
6/15/201558 minutes, 12 seconds
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Acting Out

From co-founding Artists for a Free South Africa, to working in failing schools to turn them around, actor and 2014 Harman-Eisner Artist in Residence Alfre Woodard has played a role in making change as an activist artist. Woodard joins the Aspen Institute's Damian Woetzel in a conversation about her career and work as an artist on the front lines.
6/8/201551 minutes, 41 seconds
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Will Violence Be Our Legacy?

New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu says that nowhere is America's crisis of violence more evident than in the African-American community.  In this talk, he asks: What’s the real cost of violence? And how do we change it? Since taking office in 2010, Landrieu has reformed the city’s police department and launched NOLA for Life, an initiative to reduce murders. And it seems to be working, at least incrementally: The murder rate in New Orleans has dropped for the third straight year. So what can the rest of the country learn from New Orleans? The Aspen Institute found this talk to be so compelling, that we’ll be taking a deeper look at Violence in America at the Aspen Ideas Festival this summer.
6/1/201556 minutes, 30 seconds
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Kids These Days: Technology and Culture in American Life

What is new about how teenagers communicate through services such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram? Do social media affect the quality of teens’ lives? Youth culture and technology expert Danah Boyd talks with The Atlantic’s Hanna Rosin about what Boyd sees as the major myths regarding teens’ use of social media, exploring tropes about identity, privacy, safety, danger, and bullying. Boyd argues that society fails kids when paternalism and protectionism hinder their ability to become informed, thoughtful, and engaged citizens through their online interactions. How will emerging technologies continue to impact a new generation of Americans?
5/25/201556 minutes, 11 seconds
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On Russia and Putinism

This episode features Nicholas Burns and Strobe Talbott discussing Russia and Putinism. Burns is director of the Aspen Strategy Group and Talbott is an ASG member and president of the Brookings Institution. In this discussion, they follow up on a lecture Talbott gave at the Aspen Institute back in August. That lecture, entitled "Putinism: The Back Story", focused on Russia’s current policies, turning a lens on what Talbott asserts are the undoing of recent reforms. (Watch the full lecture: Here, Burns asks Talbott to reflect on what has changed, and what hasn’t, over the last eight months.
5/18/201548 minutes, 18 seconds
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"Redeployment" author Phil Klay

Winner of the 2014 National Book Award, "Redeployment" takes readers to the front lines of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Author Phil Klay reads from and discusses this collection of short stories which asks readers to understand what happened there, and what happened to the soldiers who returned. Interwoven are themes of brutality and faith, guilt and fear, helplessness and survival. the characters in these stories struggle to make meaning out of the chaos. NOTE: Contains graphic scenes that may not be suitable for everyone.
5/11/20151 hour, 13 minutes, 43 seconds
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When Experts Disagree – The Art of Medical Decision Making

Despite medical advances and the application of scientific principles to modern medicine, there seems to be increasing controversy about the "right" diagnostic and treatment choices, even for very common medical issues – such as how best to treat high blood pressure and elevated cholesterol; whether to take vitamins, and who should be screened for cancer with mammograms and PSA. Doctors Jerome Groopman, chair of Harvard Medical School, and Pamela Hartzband, assistant professor at Harvard Medical School, discuss why experts disagree, why there isn't a clear "right" answer, and what patients need to know to make decisions in the face of conflicting information.
5/4/201559 minutes, 6 seconds
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The Road to Depth, Thinking about what Character Is

Description Some people seem to lead inner lives that are richer and more substantive than the rest of us. How do they do it? In this talk, author and commentator David Brooks explores some of history's leaders in terms of personal character. He asks how love, suffering, struggle, surrender and obedience lead them to their depth. His latest book, "The Road to Character" was released on April 14, 2015. This talk, recorded last summer at the Aspen Ideas Festival, serves as a preview to many of the themes Brooks explores in the book.
4/27/201557 minutes, 37 seconds
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A Conversation Across Cultures

In this lecture, philosopher, cultural theorist, and author Kwame Anthony Appiah rejects the idea that cross-cultural conversations often lead to the discovery of irreconcilable differences. The argument holds that conversations across groups about ethical questions breakdown because each culture has different and incompatible ethical starting points. Appiah maintains such an argument is mistaken. Because he says, many people have found cross-cultural encounters to be among the most rewarding experiences in their lives and without them, we have little chance of solving the global problems that we face.
4/20/201551 minutes, 31 seconds
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"Our Kids" author Robert D. Putnam

A professor of public policy at Harvard, Robert D. Putnam has consulted for the last three American presidents and many other leaders around the globe. His newest book, "Our Kids: The American Dream in Crisis" is a groundbreaking examination of the growing inequality gap and explores why fewer Americans today have the opportunity for upward mobility. He has written fourteen books and been translated into more than twenty languages. His books "Bowling Alone" and "Making Democracy Work", are among the most cited publications in the social sciences in the last half century. This conversation between Putnam and Walter Isaacson, president and CEO of the Aspen Institute, was recorded live at the Institute's Alma and Joseph Gildenhorn Book Series.
4/13/201550 minutes, 13 seconds
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American Musical Traditions

At 28, musician Jon Batiste is considered by many to be one of the most exciting and progressive new crossover talents on the scene today. His modern take on the American songbook — equally influenced by his passion for jazz and classical styles, which he calls "Social Music"  — attracts critical acclaim as well as audiences across all demographics. These two New Orleans natives will discuss Batiste's music, their hometown, the importance of music education, and the state and future of American musical traditions more broadly. Batiste demonstrates much of the music they discuss on his melodica.
4/6/201553 minutes, 6 seconds
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From the Big Bang to Black Holes: Time, The Universe, and Everything

Astrophysicist and writer Janna Levin offers an epic tour through time from the beginning of the universe in a big bang, through black holes, past the emergence of life on at least one little planet spinning in a conceivably infinite cosmic ocean, to the possible end of time.
3/30/201554 minutes, 36 seconds
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Flash Boys and the Human Piranha

Michael Lewis is the author of the bestsellers "Flash Boys: A Wall Street Revolt", "The Blind Side: Evolution of a Game", and "Moneyball: The Art of Winning an Unfair Game", among other books. After graduating from Princeton University and the London School of Economics, Lewis worked on the bond desk at Salomon Brothers, an experience he recounted in "Liar's Poker", his first book. He left the financial world to become a journalist, writing on politics, finance and more for the New Republic, the New York Times Magazine, Slate and other publications. He is a contributing editor at Vanity Fair and columnist at Bloomberg View. Recorded live at Aspen Words. NOTE: This episode contains explicit language.
3/23/201546 minutes, 22 seconds
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How Democracy Gets Restored

Lawrence Lessig (professor at Harvard Law School) says there's a profound loss of confidence by Americans in their government. In this Aspen Lecture, Lessig shows exactly why Americans are right, and just how we could restore the rightful sense that we have a government that represents us.
3/16/201556 minutes, 40 seconds
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A Candid Conversation with John R. Lewis

Congressman John R. Lewis (D-GA), civil rights leader, and co-author of the bestselling graphic memoir March: Book One, is the recipient of numerous awards including the United States' highest civilian honor, the Presidential Medal of Freedom. His new graphic memoir trilogy, March, is a vivid first-hand account of Lewis' lifelong struggle for civil and human rights, meditating in the modern age on the distance traveled since the days of Jim Crow and segregation. Recorded live for the McCloskey Speaker Series.
3/12/201546 minutes, 25 seconds
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The Resilience Dividend

Our interconnected world is susceptible to sudden and dramatic shocks and stresses: a cyber-attack, a new strain of virus, a structural failure, a violent storm, a civil disturbance, an economic blow. Through an astonishing range of stories, Judith Rodin, president of The Rockefeller Foundation and author of The Resilience Dividend: Being Strong in a World Where Things Go Wrong, shows how people, organizations, businesses, communities, and cities have developed resilience in the face of otherwise catastrophic challenges. This conversation between Rodin and Walter Isaacson, president and CEO of the Aspen Institute, was recorded live at the Institute's Alma and Joseph Gildenhorn Book Series.
3/9/201559 minutes, 1 second
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A Formula for Happiness

Want to be happy? Arthur C. Brooks, president of the American Enterprise Institute, has read all of the books and studies about what makes us happy — so you don't have to. By marrying ancient wisdom and new data, he says we can identify what brings the most happiness, and the most unhappiness, to the most people. In short, love people, not pleasure. This Aspen Lecture was recorded live at the Aspen Ideas Festival. Check out the Aspen Lectures Compendium on iTunes U.
3/2/201555 minutes, 44 seconds
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The Risky Business of Writing

Journalist Katie Couric interviews "House of Cards" creator and producer Beau Willimon. Recorded live at the Aspen Ideas Festival, the two have a lively conversation about Willimon's career (he studied painting in college and later worked on political campaigns) and the turbulent lives of the show's characters. The third season of the political drama hits Netflix on Feb. 27, 2015. NOTE: This episode contains explicit language.
2/23/20151 hour, 9 minutes, 51 seconds
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"Wild" author Cheryl Strayed

Cheryl Strayed discusses her journey, chronicled in the hugely popular book, Wild, and shares her search to overcome heartache and find healing. (Recorded live at Aspen Words.) The book was adapted for film in 2014, and now the actresses playing Strayed and her mother (Reese Witherspoon and Laura Dern, respectively) are up for Academy Awards. Strayed's latest project is Dear Sugar Radio. Check out that podcast, too.
2/16/201536 minutes, 30 seconds
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The Politics and Economics of Inequality

Professor Robert Reich examines what's happened to income and wealth in this country, why it's a problem, and what we can expect in future years. Recorded live at the Aspen Ideas Festival.
2/9/201537 minutes, 57 seconds