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Art Marketing Podcast

Inglés, Arts, 1 temporada, 115 episodios, 0 días, 0 horas, 0 minutos
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How to sell art online and generate consistent monthly sales. That's the goal of this podcast. We plan to achieve that goal by focusing on art marketing strategy, tactics, tips and most importantly FOCUS — where to put your focus in your marketing efforts.
Episode Artwork

Finish off your Dec strong, Being ready for Jan, Asymmetry of the Art Biz, & Shiny Object Syndrome

Nick and I talk about what to do between now and the end of the year, how to set yourself up to be ready in January we talk about the asymmetry of the art business and finish it off with some shiny objecy syndrome discussion.
20/12/20231 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

My Top 5 Ways to Supercharge Your Holiday Marketing

We start with some conceptual to get our heads in the right space for the season in front of us, then we get into the tactical you can add to your holiday marketing efforts to supercharge things on Instagram
10/11/20230 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

#60 Art Sales are 50-50

I define the concept, talk about how things evolved to get here, some psychology, I am going to ask whether or not your IG profiles passes the test and then get tactical on how you can put it to use in your art business
2/11/20230 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

#59 How to find collectors for your art business

How a cork trick helps explain an art business, new customer acquisition and how it applies through the lens of time The Cork Trick Go back and listen to episode #50 How many new customers did you acquire last year? and then also #51 Get buyers to act fast: Tips for setting up your art for impulse purchases
16/10/20230 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

#58 What size is your restaurant?

What a restaurant has to do with an art business, how to think about yours, and some mission and vision for the future
29/9/20230 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

#57 How To Turn Buying Questions into Selling Conversations

We revisit the only metric that matters from an episode past, I will outline what buying questions are, how to turn them into selling conversations generally and then how to knock them out of the park on Instagram specifically If you have never seen this before watch this quick Youtube video to get up to speed
7/9/20230 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

#56 Supercharging "The Loop"

Last week I covered the loop, this week I present the tactical guide on how to supercharge it; the who what when where why...  If are asking yourself what the heck is the loop go back one episode first.
23/8/20230 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

#55 Smart Artists don't run ads... instead they do this. Introducing "The Loop"

I will define the loop, what it is at its core, how to think about it,  and how to use it in different scenarios — both online and offline.  Also... how to super charge it
16/8/20230 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

A story, of branding, niche, and success. How mid-western painter Megh crossed the 1 Million Mark in art sales.

7 years ago Megh went all in on her art career. Her journey since has seen her surpass the 1mm mark in sales, discover a niche, and cement herself as a brand. This is her story, interview, and question and answer section . For all of the additional assets including the video interveiws go here. If you ever want to join me (Patrick) on a live webinar I run them 3x weekly and would love to meet you and hear your story.  You can register for those here.
10/8/20231 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

#54 The most important metric nobody talks about; focus on this and win

So what is the most important metric to watch if you want to grow an art business? Yes of course sales is #1 but you need more than that if you want to make sure your focus — time, energy, and effort is in the right place — and in pod I am going to break down my argument why # of pieces of content created per week is #2. What is it, why its important right now, and how focusing on it will properly align your priorities for growth.
4/8/20230 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

Rising Tide of Success A Live Q&A with Jonah Allen, the Young $100K+ Photographer

5 years ago a 24 year old kid discovered this very podcast started listening to it, signed up for Art Storefronts and started his art business.  Now he is selling 100k a month of his art.  This is his story and there is so much to learn from him. Watching this interview will leave you with a ton on insights you can use immediately to improve your art or photography business. For all of the resources mentioned in the pod here is the page.
28/7/20230 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

#53 Two trains, two tracks, no brakes

A new way to contemplate your art career, what you should be working on, and reseting your expectations to success. For the latest and greatest If you ever feel like hanging out live I run a free webinar 3x weekly
19/7/20230 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

#52 What Are the Biggest Art Selling Times of Year?

Everybody knows the first and everybody ignores the second. Don't be everybody. This post will cover; What is the 2nd biggest time of the year to sell art, why, and why no artist or photographer can afford to ignore them 👇 This one has a blog post if you prefer reading it    
2/6/20230 minutos, 1 segundo
Episode Artwork

The Next Big Thing in Art Marketing w/ CEO of Art Storefronts

In this special episode, we have the pleasure of welcoming Nick Friend, the visionary CEO of Art Storefronts. Nick shares the evolution of the art industry over the past two decades and discusses how technology and marketing strategies have reshaped the landscape for artists worldwide.From the early days of print-on-demand to the rise of ecommerce and automated print fulfillment, Nick traces the journey that has transformed the artist's role and responsibilities. He provides valuable insights into the limitations and challenges artists faced in each phase of this evolution, which not only encompassed product creation but also marketing, distribution, and fulfillment.Diving deeper into the discussion, Nick introduces us to the groundbreaking "Co-Pilot Model" – a revolutionary approach designed to significantly streamline and enhance the business processes for artists. This model, which is quickly becoming a game-changer in the industry, enables artists to focus on creating incredible art while the technical and marketing aspects are expertly handled by a dedicated co-pilot.Listen in as Nick emphasizes the significance of specializing in art creation, while leaving the technological and promotional intricacies to those who excel in those areas. This shift in roles, he argues, is the key to unlocking massive potential and growth for artists in the modern digital era.Don't miss out on this insightful discussion which sheds light on the future of art entrepreneurship and how artists can adapt, thrive and ultimately solve the 'starving artist' problem. Whether you're an artist just launching your business or you're already established and looking to scale, this episode is packed with invaluable advice that could redefine your career trajectory. Y You can checkout more info about CoPilot here.
22/5/20231 hora, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

Co-Pilot Stories: "I'm tired of shipping and packing from so many orders!"

In this fun podcast episode, we sit down with Miro Kenarov, one-half of the talented Bulgarian-born artist couple behind the unique Canvas on Clay project. We delve deep into their artistic journey, from their early days in Bulgaria to their inspiring life in Santa Fe, New Mexico, and how their contrasting backgrounds have come together to create an extraordinary fusion of art forms. Miro shares their insights on the creative process behind Canvas on Clay, the importance of maintaining a healthy balance between their personal and professional lives, and the impact of their experiences at the Tamarind Institute on their artistic practice. They also discuss the challenges and opportunities of working with mixed media, the significance of being designated as a "Trusted ART Seller," and their recent record-breaking Mother's Day sale with ASF's new Co-Pilot Service. This episode is packed with valuable advice for artists looking to collaborate, explore new mediums, and achieve recognition in the art world. Don't miss this opportunity to learn from Miro and Maria's experiences and gain a fresh perspective on the art of collaboration.If you're interested in Co-Pilot, be sure to sign up here!
10/5/20230 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

Get buyers to act fast: Tips for setting up your art for impulse purchases

Why you want to do this, some context and current events, how to think about your product lineup, and some tactical ways to go about it. Have questions on anything and everything else.  Hit the tree (we keep it properly up to date with the latest and greatest regardless of when you hear this for the first time)
9/3/20230 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

How Many New Customers Did you Acquire Last Year?

If I asked you how many new customers you acquired in your art business last year would you be able to answer that question? Most artists struggle answering it.   We need to fix that.  In today's episode we are going to deep dive on why the # of new customers you acquire per year might just be the most important metric in your business.  Let me explain why. Interested in learning more about Art Storefronts?We provide everything you need to start, run, and grow a successful art business. Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life, and ZERO transaction fees (ever!) You create, we handle everything that makes it sell! You can schedule a test drive here
1/3/20230 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

The Ultimate Guide To Successful Art Shows and Fairs

Why art shows and fairs are so important, the upsides and downsides of doing them in person, and how you need to think about them tactically to win (no one ever talks about this). Here is the post itself (be sure to checkout images + video examples) Interested in learning more about Art Storefronts?We provide everything you need to start, run, and grow a successful art business. Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life, and ZERO transaction fees (ever!) You create, we handle everything that makes it sell! You can schedule a test drive here
28/7/20221 hora, 1 minuto, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

#48 Meet Megh. An overnight success takes 10 years

All the latest and greatest can be found here (we are constantly updating this thing) Interested in learning more about Art Storefronts?We provide everything you need to start, run, and grow a successful art business. Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life, and ZERO transaction fees (ever!) You create, we handle everything that makes it sell! You can schedule a test drive here
11/6/20220 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

#47 Advanced Pricing Strategies for Artists and Photographers that are already selling

All the latest and greatest can be found here (we are constantly updating this thing) Interested in learning more about Art Storefronts?We provide everything you need to start, run, and grow a successful art business. Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life, and ZERO transaction fees (ever!) You create, we handle everything that makes it sell! You can schedule a test drive here
6/6/20220 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

# 46 Instagram Reels are Big Deals Start doing this hack RIGHT NOW

Where to go from here? What are the next steps? How can you learn more? All the latest and greatest can be found here (we are constantly updating this thing) Interested in learning more about Art Storefronts?We provide everything you need to start, run, and grow a successful art business. Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life, and ZERO transaction fees (ever!) You create, we handle everything that makes it sell! You can schedule a test drive here
2/5/20220 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

#45 Things about running a sale that nobody ever told you

Where to go from here? What are the next steps? How can you learn more? All the latest and greatest can be found here (we are constantly updating this thing) Interested in learning more about Art Storefronts?We provide everything you need to start, run, and grow a successful art business. Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life, and ZERO transaction fees (ever!) You create, we handle everything that makes it sell! You can schedule a test drive here
18/4/20220 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

#44 The Next Big Art Selling Holiday is Here: Mothers Day

Where to go from here? What are the next steps? How can you learn more? All the latest and greatest can be found here (we are constantly updating this thing) Interested in learning more about Art Storefronts?We provide everything you need to start, run, and grow a successful art business. Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life, and ZERO transaction fees (ever!) You create, we handle everything that makes it sell! You can schedule a test drive here
4/3/20220 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

#43 The importance of Print on Demand aka POD

Where to go from here? What are the next steps? How can you learn more? All the latest and greatest can be found here (we are constantly updating this thing) Interested in learning more about Art Storefronts?We provide everything you need to start, run, and grow a successful art business. Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life, and ZERO transaction fees (ever!) You create, we handle everything that makes it sell! You can schedule a test drive here
27/2/20221 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

#42 Your Marketing Assistant: From "One Size Fits All" to "Tailored to Your Artistic Journey" Inbox

Where to go from here? What are the next steps? How can you learn more? All the latest and greatest can be found here (we are constantly updating this thing) Interested in learning more about Art Storefronts?We provide everything you need to start, run, and grow a successful art business. Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life, and ZERO transaction fees (ever!) You create, we handle everything that makes it sell! You can schedule a test drive here
12/2/20220 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

#41 The 3 buckets all artists and photogs fall into. Which bucket are you in?

Where to go from here? What are the next steps? How can you learn more? All the latest and greatest can be found here (we are constantly updating this thing) Interested in learning more about Art Storefronts?We provide everything you need to start, run, and grow a successful art business. Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life, and ZERO transaction fees (ever!) You create, we handle everything that makes it sell! You can schedule a test drive here
22/1/20220 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

#40 If you launched your art biz today

Where to go from here? What are the next steps? How can you learn more? All the latest and greatest can be found here (we are constantly updating this thing) Interested in learning more about Art Storefronts?We provide everything you need to start, run, and grow a successful art business. Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life, and ZERO transaction fees (ever!) You create, we handle everything that makes it sell! You can schedule a test drive here
14/1/20220 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

#39 Our Top 10 Takeaways from GROWING Art Businesses in 2021

Where to go from here? What are the next steps? How can you learn more? All the latest and greatest can be found here (we are constantly updating this thing) Interested in learning more about Art Storefronts?We provide everything you need to start, run, and grow a successful art business. Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life, and ZERO transaction fees (ever!) You create, we handle everything that makes it sell! You can schedule a test drive here
8/1/20221 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

Merchandising 101: A Broad Primer on how to think about it and how to approach it

A discussion about merchandising during Q4, Price points, Print types, and merchandise. Let's audit your thinking. Viral video mentioned Where to go from here? What are the next steps? How can you learn more? All the latest and greatest can be found here (we are constantly updating this thing) Interested in learning more about Art Storefronts?We provide everything you need to start, run, and grow a successful art business. Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life, and ZERO transaction fees (ever!) You create, we handle everything that makes it sell! You can schedule a test drive here
20/10/20210 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

AMA: Ask Me Anything; Live Streaming Stats and More

Where to go from here? What are the next steps? How can you learn more? All the latest and greatest can be found here (we are constantly updating this thing) Interested in learning more about Art Storefronts?We provide everything you need to start, run, and grow a successful art business. Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life, and ZERO transaction fees (ever!) You create, we handle everything that makes it sell! You can schedule a test drive here
27/7/20210 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

#38 You want to sell 15k of art this year. Good. Q4 is coming and its time to get ready.

Where to go from here? What are the next steps? How can you learn more? All the latest and greatest can be found here (we are constantly updating this thing) Interested in learning more about Art Storefronts?We provide everything you need to start, run, and grow a successful art business. Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life, and ZERO transaction fees (ever!) You create, we handle everything that makes it sell! You can schedule a test drive here
22/7/20210 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

#37 A Vision for a New Type of Art Gallery

Where to go from here? What are the next steps? How can you learn more? All the latest and greatest can be found here (we are constantly updating this thing) Interested in learning more about Art Storefronts?We provide everything you need to start, run, and grow a successful art business. Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life, and ZERO transaction fees (ever!) You create, we handle everything that makes it sell! You can schedule a test drive here
19/7/20210 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

#36 What's the biggest ecommerce event in the world?

A primer on sales, What the event is it & where it ranks, and what you can learn from it and bolt into your marketing operation. Where to go from here? What are the next steps? How can you learn more? All the latest and greatest can be found here (we are constantly updating this thing) Interested in learning more about Art Storefronts?We provide everything you need to start, run, and grow a successful art business. Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life, and ZERO transaction fees (ever!) You create, we handle everything that makes it sell! You can schedule a test drive here
9/6/20210 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

#35 Your Collector List

What is it, What can it do and how do you treat it, and why it's the most important asset and art business can have. Don't Be a Starving Artist by Wyland Where to go from here? What are the next steps? How can you learn more? All the latest and greatest can be found here (we are constantly updating this thing) Interested in learning more about Art Storefronts?We provide everything you need to start, run, and grow a successful art business. Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life, and ZERO transaction fees (ever!) You create, we handle everything that makes it sell! You can schedule a test drive here
7/6/20210 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

#34 The Best Art Doesn’t Win. The Art that Everyone Sees Wins.

First we come to terms with, then we sort how to solve for it, and the perspective of how long its gonna take. Where to go from here? What are the next steps? How can you learn more? All the latest and greatest can be found here (we are constantly updating this thing) Interested in learning more about Art Storefronts?We provide everything you need to start, run, and grow a successful art business. Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life, and ZERO transaction fees (ever!) You create, we handle everything that makes it sell! You can schedule a test drive here
27/4/20210 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

#33 You don't have to get a whole lot right as long as you don't get a whole lot wrong

A Financial maxim that applies to the art business, your collector list, why it's a fundamental pillar if you want to be successful Where to go from here? What are the next steps? How can you learn more? All the latest and greatest can be found here (we are constantly updating this thing) Interested in learning more about Art Storefronts?We provide everything you need to start, run, and grow a successful art business. Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life, and ZERO transaction fees (ever!) You create, we handle everything that makes it sell! You can schedule a test drive here
13/4/20210 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

#32 The Art Selling Pyramid

What is it? Why understanding it is critical, and a call to action to bolt in the existing pieces you are missing Where to go from here? What are the next steps? How can you learn more? All the latest and greatest can be found here (we are constantly updating this thing) Interested in learning more about Art Storefronts?We provide everything you need to start, run, and grow a successful art business. Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life, and ZERO transaction fees (ever!) You create, we handle everything that makes it sell! You can schedule a test drive here
3/4/20210 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

#31 Our Top 6 Takeaways from the just released Art Market 2021 Report

Some background on the report, our top stats from it, and what it portends for artists and photographers in 2021 and lastly what you won't read in this report. Where to go from here? What are the next steps? How can you learn more? All the latest and greatest can be found here (we are constantly updating this thing) Interested in learning more about Art Storefronts?We provide everything you need to start, run, and grow a successful art business. Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life, and ZERO transaction fees (ever!) You create, we handle everything that makes it sell! You can schedule a test drive here
25/3/20210 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

#30 The next big art-selling holiday is upon us. 30 days away.

Mothers Day to Fathers Day to Q4 Where to go from here? What are the next steps? How can you learn more? All the latest and greatest can be found here (we are constantly updating this thing) Interested in learning more about Art Storefronts?We provide everything you need to start, run, and grow a successful art business. Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life, and ZERO transaction fees (ever!) You create, we handle everything that makes it sell! You can schedule a test drive here
6/3/20210 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

#29 Your NEW Most Important Metric

The things that don't scale, video, and your new most important metric. Where to go from here? What are the next steps? How can you learn more? All the latest and greatest can be found here (we are constantly updating this thing) Interested in learning more about Art Storefronts?We provide everything you need to start, run, and grow a successful art business. Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life, and ZERO transaction fees (ever!) You create, we handle everything that makes it sell! You can schedule a test drive here
26/2/20210 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

#28 The Basement Sale

Attention, The basement sale concept, its stumbling blocks, and how to get started. The Basement Sale Example Where to go from here? What are the next steps? How can you learn more? All the latest and greatest can be found here (we are constantly updating this thing)
20/2/20210 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

#27 Why Your Art Business is Destined to Fail

The basics, how art really sells, why you are failing at FB ads   Where to go from here? What are the next steps? How can you learn more? All the latest and greatest can be found here (we are constantly updating this thing) Interested in learning more about Art Storefronts?We provide everything you need to start, run, and grow a successful art business. Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life, and ZERO transaction fees (ever!) You create, we handle everything that makes it sell! You can schedule a test drive here
13/2/20210 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

# 26 How to Target High Net Worth Buyers

How most think this happens, how it really happens, and what you can do right now to get better at it. Where to go from here? What are the next steps? How can you learn more? All the latest and greatest can be found here (we are constantly updating this thing) Interested in learning more about Art Storefronts?We provide everything you need to start, run, and grow a successful art business. Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life, and ZERO transaction fees (ever!) You create, we handle everything that makes it sell! You can schedule a test drive here
3/2/20210 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

#25 Start with Demand & Work Backwards

How to pick subject material, Where to start, The way most artists and photographers do it, a new way to do it Where to go from here? What are the next steps? How can you learn more? All the latest and greatest can be found here (we are constantly updating this thing) Interested in learning more about Art Storefronts?We provide everything you need to start, run, and grow a successful art business. Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life, and ZERO transaction fees (ever!) You create, we handle everything that makes it sell! You can schedule a test drive here
22/1/20210 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

#24 The Pivot What is it and why you need to start doing it yesterday

A quick intro, The pivot defined, historical examples, art examples, how to contemplate subject matter areas and how to get started Where to go from here? What are the next steps? How can you learn more? All the latest and greatest can be found here (we are constantly updating this thing) Interested in learning more about Art Storefronts?We provide everything you need to start, run, and grow a successful art business. Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life, and ZERO transaction fees (ever!) You create, we handle everything that makes it sell! You can schedule a test drive here
15/1/20210 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

#23 Looking to sell your art in 2021? You need to follow this list

How you are gonna grow your business in 2021, some high-level business discussion and the fundamentals, and the things you simply cannot ignore if you want to thrive in 21.   Where to go from here? What are the next steps? How can you learn more? All the latest and greatest can be found here (we are constantly updating this thing) Interested in learning more about Art Storefronts?We provide everything you need to start, run, and grow a successful art business. Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life, and ZERO transaction fees (ever!) You create, we handle everything that makes it sell! You can schedule a test drive here
6/1/20211 hora, 1 minuto, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

2020 A Year in Review: The Perfect Storm for Art & Photography Sales

An intro anecdote, the Art Storefronts 2020 story, and the 2020 year in review Where to go from here? What are the next steps? How can you learn more? All the latest and greatest can be found here (we are constantly updating this thing) Interested in learning more about Art Storefronts?We provide everything you need to start, run, and grow a successful art business. Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life, and ZERO transaction fees (ever!) You create, we handle everything that makes it sell! You can schedule a test drive here
5/1/20211 hora, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

#22 Extraordinary Events, Extraordinary Outcomes

Living through great disruption, How its changing habits, how artists and photographers need to see the silver lining and embrace the coming changes Where to go from here? What are the next steps? How can you learn more? All the latest and greatest can be found here (we are constantly updating this thing) Interested in learning more about Art Storefronts?We provide everything you need to start, run, and grow a successful art business. Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life, and ZERO transaction fees (ever!) You create, we handle everything that makes it sell! You can schedule a test drive here
18/11/20200 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

#21 Art Sales up 300% Year over Year

It's no time to gloat, 3 trends underpinning this years q4,  and while there is still time to get into the game Where to go from here? What are the next steps? How can you learn more? All the latest and greatest can be found here (we are constantly updating this thing) Interested in learning more about Art Storefronts?We provide everything you need to start, run, and grow a successful art business. Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life, and ZERO transaction fees (ever!) You create, we handle everything that makes it sell! You can schedule a test drive here
13/11/20200 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

#20 Nobody saw your Sh*t : Why and what you can do about that

Important advice for Q4, The fish and the surface analogy, and discounting. Where to go from here? What are the next steps? How can you learn more? All the latest and greatest can be found here (we are constantly updating this thing) Interested in learning more about Art Storefronts?We provide everything you need to start, run, and grow a successful art business. Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life, and ZERO transaction fees (ever!) You create, we handle everything that makes it sell! You can schedule a test drive here
3/11/20200 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

#19 It's video, stupid

A play on James Carville's famous quote, The best way to sell art or photography, and why you need to be prepared to leverage video this q4 and really all day, everyday.  Where to go from here? What are the next steps? How can you learn more? All the latest and greatest can be found here (we are constantly updating this thing) Interested in learning more about Art Storefronts?We provide everything you need to start, run, and grow a successful art business. Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life, and ZERO transaction fees (ever!) You create, we handle everything that makes it sell! You can schedule a test drive here
29/10/20200 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

#18 Omnichannel Marketing this Q4

The Equation, Attention, and Omnichannel Marketing Where to go from here? What are the next steps? How can you learn more? All the latest and greatest can be found here (we are constantly updating this thing) Interested in learning more about Art Storefronts?We provide everything you need to start, run, and grow a successful art business. Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life, and ZERO transaction fees (ever!) You create, we handle everything that makes it sell! You can schedule a test drive here
21/10/20200 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

#17 Q4 and Pivot

Q4 and the coming sales, it's all just another muscle, and the pivot. Where to go from here? What are the next steps? How can you learn more? All the latest and greatest can be found here (we are constantly updating this thing) Interested in learning more about Art Storefronts?We provide everything you need to start, run, and grow a successful art business. Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life, and ZERO transaction fees (ever!) You create, we handle everything that makes it sell! You can schedule a test drive here
17/10/20200 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

Sales not where you want them? Solve the problem

Where to go from here? What are the next steps? How can you learn more? All the latest and greatest can be found here (we are constantly updating this thing) Interested in learning more about Art Storefronts?We provide everything you need to start, run, and grow a successful art business. Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life, and ZERO transaction fees (ever!) You create, we handle everything that makes it sell! You can schedule a test drive here
17/10/20200 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

#16 So you want to be an artist or photographer that sells? Start selling

You want to sell your art or photography, you want to know what to do, you ask me about how to do that (all the time) Where to go from here? What are the next steps? How can you learn more? All the latest and greatest can be found here (we are constantly updating this thing) Interested in learning more about Art Storefronts?We provide everything you need to start, run, and grow a successful art business. Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life, and ZERO transaction fees (ever!) You create, we handle everything that makes it sell! You can schedule a test drive here
1/10/20200 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

#15 The Where is your Art Business Quiz

I intro the quiz concept, talk about the path to a 6 figure  a year + art biz, and sum things up with an analogy. Where to go from here? What are the next steps? How can you learn more? All the latest and greatest can be found here (we are constantly updating this thing) Interested in learning more about Art Storefronts?We provide everything you need to start, run, and grow a successful art business. Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life, and ZERO transaction fees (ever!) You create, we handle everything that makes it sell! You can schedule a test drive here
29/9/20200 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

#14 The Flywheel

We define the FlyWheel, How we are designing for it, and why it matters. Where to go from here? What are the next steps? How can you learn more? All the latest and greatest can be found here (we are constantly updating this thing) Interested in learning more about Art Storefronts?We provide everything you need to start, run, and grow a successful art business. Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life, and ZERO transaction fees (ever!) You create, we handle everything that makes it sell! You can schedule a test drive here
24/9/20200 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

#13 Validating Your Art Will Sell

We define validation, we talk about how to go about it, and we talk about when to call it quits Where to go from here? What are the next steps? How can you learn more? All the latest and greatest can be found here (we are constantly updating this thing) Interested in learning more about Art Storefronts?We provide everything you need to start, run, and grow a successful art business. Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life, and ZERO transaction fees (ever!) You create, we handle everything that makes it sell! You can schedule a test drive here
24/9/20200 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

Trolls. Not the kids movie. The other kind.

How to deal with trolls on the socials, how to think about trolls on the socials, how to be ruthless with your inputs. Where to go from here? What are the next steps? How can you learn more? All the latest and greatest can be found here (we are constantly updating this thing) Interested in learning more about Art Storefronts?We provide everything you need to start, run, and grow a successful art business. Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life, and ZERO transaction fees (ever!) You create, we handle everything that makes it sell! You can schedule a test drive here
10/9/20200 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

#12 How To Merchandise Your Art or Photography

Where to go from here? What are the next steps? How can you learn more? All the latest and greatest can be found here (we are constantly updating this thing) Interested in learning more about Art Storefronts?We provide everything you need to start, run, and grow a successful art business. Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life, and ZERO transaction fees (ever!) You create, we handle everything that makes it sell! You can schedule a test drive here  
8/9/20200 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

#11 Discounting Your Art or Photography. Should you?

Do you discount your art, we put this one to bed, once and for all Where to go from here? What are the next steps? How can you learn more? All the latest and greatest can be found here (we are constantly updating this thing) Interested in learning more about Art Storefronts?We provide everything you need to start, run, and grow a successful art business. Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life, and ZERO transaction fees (ever!) You create, we handle everything that makes it sell! You can schedule a test drive here
3/9/20200 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

Perfectionism is Poison when it comes to building an Art Biz

Where to go from here? What are the next steps? How can you learn more? All the latest and greatest can be found here (we are constantly updating this thing) Interested in learning more about Art Storefronts?We provide everything you need to start, run, and grow a successful art business. Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life, and ZERO transaction fees (ever!) You create, we handle everything that makes it sell! You can schedule a test drive here
2/9/20200 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

#10 Only 30 Days until the start of the Biggest Art Selling Time of Year

Where to go from here? What are the next steps? How can you learn more? All the latest and greatest can be found here (we are constantly updating this thing) Interested in learning more about Art Storefronts?We provide everything you need to start, run, and grow a successful art business. Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life, and ZERO transaction fees (ever!) You create, we handle everything that makes it sell! You can schedule a test drive here
2/9/20200 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

FB Ads and Your Questions

Where to go from here? What are the next steps? How can you learn more? All the latest and greatest can be found here (we are constantly updating this thing) Interested in learning more about Art Storefronts?We provide everything you need to start, run, and grow a successful art business. Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life, and ZERO transaction fees (ever!) You create, we handle everything that makes it sell! You can schedule a test drive here
1/9/20201 hora, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

#9 How To Run Flash Sales with Live Video

Where to go from here? What are the next steps? How can you learn more? All the latest and greatest can be found here (we are constantly updating this thing) Interested in learning more about Art Storefronts?We provide everything you need to start, run, and grow a successful art business. Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life, and ZERO transaction fees (ever!) You create, we handle everything that makes it sell! You can schedule a test drive here
28/8/20200 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

#8 Stop Procrastinating. Stop BS-ing Yourself. Only the market can tell you.

Where to go from here? What are the next steps? How can you learn more? All the latest and greatest can be found here (we are constantly updating this thing) Interested in learning more about Art Storefronts?We provide everything you need to start, run, and grow a successful art business. Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life, and ZERO transaction fees (ever!) You create, we handle everything that makes it sell! You can schedule a test drive here
25/8/20200 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

#7 The Nuts and Bolts of a Well Run Art Sale

Where to go from here? What are the next steps? How can you learn more? All the latest and greatest can be found here (we are constantly updating this thing) Interested in learning more about Art Storefronts?We provide everything you need to start, run, and grow a successful art business. Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life, and ZERO transaction fees (ever!) You create, we handle everything that makes it sell! You can schedule a test drive here
21/8/20200 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

#6 It's the Best Time in History to Start an Art Business

Where to go from here? What are the next steps? How can you learn more? All the latest and greatest can be found here (we are constantly updating this thing) Interested in learning more about Art Storefronts?We provide everything you need to start, run, and grow a successful art business. Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life, and ZERO transaction fees (ever!) You create, we handle everything that makes it sell! You can schedule a test drive here
19/8/20200 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

#5 When Are you Ready for Facebook Ads?

Boosting posts, Why you are not ready for FB ads, and what to do when you finally are ready. Where to go from here? What are the next steps? How can you learn more? All the latest and greatest can be found here (we are constantly updating this thing) Interested in learning more about Art Storefronts?We provide everything you need to start, run, and grow a successful art business. Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life, and ZERO transaction fees (ever!) You create, we handle everything that makes it sell! You can schedule a test drive here
13/8/20200 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

#4 An Art Specific Marketing Agency?

We define what one might look like, The demand for such a business, and the potential ups and downs. Where to go from here? What are the next steps? How can you learn more? All the latest and greatest can be found here (we are constantly updating this thing) Interested in learning more about Art Storefronts?We provide everything you need to start, run, and grow a successful art business. Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life, and ZERO transaction fees (ever!) You create, we handle everything that makes it sell! You can schedule a test drive here
11/8/20200 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

#3 - Live Art Shows: The future of selling art & photography

The top ten reasons why Live Art Shows are the future of selling art and photography. Where to go from here? What are the next steps? How can you learn more? All the latest and greatest can be found here (we are constantly updating this thing) Interested in learning more about Art Storefronts?We provide everything you need to start, run, and grow a successful art business. Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life, and ZERO transaction fees (ever!) You create, we handle everything that makes it sell! You can schedule a test drive here
6/8/20200 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

#2 - The Seven Layers of Success

The 7 layers of success, how it needs to be almost a religion, how it informs how we think about everything we do. Where to go from here? What are the next steps? How can you learn more? All the latest and greatest can be found here (we are constantly updating this thing) Interested in learning more about Art Storefronts?We provide everything you need to start, run, and grow a successful art business. Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life, and ZERO transaction fees (ever!) You create, we handle everything that makes it sell! You can schedule a test drive here
5/8/20200 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

#1 - Introducing Art Business Mornings

We define the term art business, introduce the show and your hosts, the 5 pillars of a six figure a year art business, and the mechanics of the show. Where to go from here? What are the next steps? How can you learn more? All the latest and greatest can be found here (we are constantly updating this thing) Interested in learning more about Art Storefronts?We provide everything you need to start, run, and grow a successful art business. Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life, and ZERO transaction fees (ever!) You create, we handle everything that makes it sell! You can schedule a test drive here
5/8/20200 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

Live Art Shows, New Art Business CRM Feature, and More

Where to go from here? What are the next steps? How can you learn more? All the latest and greatest can be found here (we are constantly updating this thing) Interested in learning more about Art Storefronts?We provide everything you need to start, run, and grow a successful art business. Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life, and ZERO transaction fees (ever!) You create, we handle everything that makes it sell! You can schedule a test drive here
30/7/20200 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

Do Live Art Shows Work?

We're over 4 months into this pandemic, some businesses have come out and said employees will not be returning to the office until 2022, people now more than ever are looking to decorate their living/work spaces, art sales have been surging since April, and the biggest art-selling time of the year (4th quarter) is just around the corner. Do live art shows really work, or is there a better tactic to take advantage of this surge in art sales?  Where to go from here? What are the next steps? How can you learn more? All the latest and greatest can be found here (we are constantly updating this thing)  Interested in learning more about Art Storefronts?We provide everything you need to start, run, and grow a successful art business. Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life, and ZERO transaction fees (ever!) You create, we handle everything that makes it sell! You can schedule a test drive here
27/7/20200 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

Teasing Our New Show: Art Business Mornings

This pandemic has advanced the adoption of technology that otherwise would have taken 10+ years to become mainstream. The result? A full blown online art market. If you haven't moved your art business online yet, you're going to start falling behind.  Where to go from here? What are the next steps? How can you learn more? All the latest and greatest can be found here (we are constantly updating this thing) Interested in learning more about Art Storefronts?We provide everything you need to start, run, and grow a successful art business. Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life, and ZERO transaction fees (ever!) You create, we handle everything that makes it sell! You can schedule a test drive here
17/7/20200 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

Eat Your Own Dogfood

"Eat your own dogfood." What does it mean and why is it so important in business? Supposedly originating from Microsoft in the 19080's, the premise behind "eat your own dogfood" is simple... You have to use the product that you are selling to your customers, because if it's not good enough for you to use it's definitely not good enough for your customers to use. Where to go from here? What are the next steps? How can you learn more? All the latest and greatest can be found here (we are constantly updating this thing) Interested in learning more about Art Storefronts?We provide everything you need to start, run, and grow a successful art business. Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life, and ZERO transaction fees (ever!) You create, we handle everything that makes it sell! You can schedule a test drive here
16/7/20200 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

So the Pandemic Is Back. Now What?

So the pandemic is back. Now what? In this episode, Nick and Pat talk about what this means for art businesses. Here's the bottom line: nothing is opening soon. So, if you haven't already moved over to the new business model of selling your art directly, if you aren't executing on the tactics that are working really well right now and that are resulting in Black Friday sales numbers for our members, then now is the time to act. This pandemic isn't going away anytime soon. Set your art business up for success before you fall behind. Where to go from here? What are the next steps? How can you learn more? All the latest and greatest can be found here (we are constantly updating this thing) Interested in learning more about Art Storefronts?We provide everything you need to start, run, and grow a successful art business. Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life, and ZERO transaction fees (ever!) You create, we handle everything that makes it sell! You can schedule a test drive here
14/7/20200 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

Merchandising Is Not Optional. It's Mandatory.

In this episode, Nick and Pat explain what merchandising is, what it's significance is in business, and why merchandising is mandatory if you want to grow a successful art business. Where to go from here? What are the next steps? How can you learn more? All the latest and greatest can be found here (we are constantly updating this thing) Interested in learning more about Art Storefronts?We provide everything you need to start, run, and grow a successful art business. Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life, and ZERO transaction fees (ever!) You create, we handle everything that makes it sell! You can schedule a test drive here
8/7/20200 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

The Biggest Art-Selling Time of the Year is 3 Months Away

The biggest art-selling time of the year is the 4th quarter (October, November, December), and it's only 3 months away. Most artists and photographers will make 50%+ of their yearly sales during this time, so it's absolutely critical to be prepared so you don't miss out. What can you do to position yourself to take advantage of the 4th quarter this year? Find out in today's episode what our most successful artists and photographers are starting to do to prepare. Where to go from here? What are the next steps? How can you learn more? All the latest and greatest can be found here (we are constantly updating this thing) Interested in learning more about Art Storefronts?We provide everything you need to start, run, and grow a successful art business. Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life, and ZERO transaction fees (ever!) You create, we handle everything that makes it sell! You can schedule a test drive here
3/7/20200 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

Focusing on Success

In today's episode we talk about focusing on success and what it means – mainly customer success. We're going to talk about it from the context of Art Storefronts and then in the context of artists themselves. It's really profound and super important. Art Storefronts' main focus is customer success. We start with customer success and build a product from that. It's a completely different mentality than most businesses. This is significant because we are not biased with where people should be marketing, what products they sell, whether they sell originals only or limited editions, or only courses. It doesn't matter. What matters is the success. You start with the success, and then you build an entire program and product around that success. Where to go from here? What are the next steps? How can you learn more? All the latest and greatest can be found here (we are constantly updating this thing) Interested in learning more about Art Storefronts?We provide everything you need to start, run, and grow a successful art business. Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life, and ZERO transaction fees (ever!) You create, we handle everything that makes it sell! You can schedule a test drive here
28/6/20200 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

Is the Pandemic Re-Surging? How This Affects Artists and Their Ongoing Strategy.

The Pandemic Re-Surging. What does this really mean for artists and photographers? What is the point here? The point is, this thing isn't going away anytime soon. Every photographer and artist already learned, if you were hurt by the lock downs you had the wrong strategy for your business. As a business owner, you can go direct or indirect. Indirect is when you sell through 3rd parties, but 100% of the time, at some point, the rug will get pulled out from under you. When you are relying on 3rd parties, you have a very risky business strategy. The direct strategy is where you get consistent income because you market direct, you sell direct, you don't rely on anyone else, you make the most money from your work, and you end up with the most money in the end. So with a resurgence in the pandemic, this is another wake up call for those who are still running an indirect business model for their art business. Where to go from here? What are the next steps? How can you learn more? All the latest and greatest can be found here (we are constantly updating this thing) Interested in learning more about Art Storefronts?We provide everything you need to start, run, and grow a successful art business. Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life, and ZERO transaction fees (ever!) You create, we handle everything that makes it sell! You can schedule a test drive here
27/6/20200 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

Why it's MANDATORY to Own Your Own Distribution Channels & Customers

Why owning your own distribution channels and customers (selling direct) is the ONLY way to make consistent sales and grow your art business long-term. Where to go from here? What are the next steps? How can you learn more? All the latest and greatest can be found here (we are constantly updating this thing) Interested in learning more about Art Storefronts?We provide everything you need to start, run, and grow a successful art business. Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life, and ZERO transaction fees (ever!) You create, we handle everything that makes it sell! You can schedule a test drive here
25/6/20200 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

The Random Show: Making Sure You Have the Right Art Business Strategy

Most photographers and artists think the only way to sell art is through 3rd parties, like galleries, and this is what causes the starving artist problem. The right art business strategy starts with focusing on building a direct art business. A direct business is when you are doing your own direct marketing, your own direct sales, you own your customer list, you make the most money from your artwork, and nobody can take anything away from you because you own all of it. You are not dependent on any 3rd parties to make sales. Indirect is when you are selling through 3rd parties (galleries, publishers, etc). What happens with 3rd parties is the rug always eventually gets pulled out from underneath you, as many people learned the hard way during this pandemic. Make sure you have the right art business strategy and set your business up for long-term success. Where to go from here? What are the next steps? How can you learn more? All the latest and greatest can be found here (we are constantly updating this thing) Interested in learning more about Art Storefronts?We provide everything you need to start, run, and grow a successful art business. Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life, and ZERO transaction fees (ever!) You create, we handle everything that makes it sell! You can schedule a test drive here
24/6/20200 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

The Art Validation Strategy (Will your artwork sell?)

When you're just starting out as a fine artist or photographer, the big question is: "will my work sell?" Is it worth buying? Is there a market out there? If you're in this position, don't sit on these questions for months. We have a strategy that gets you the answers in a few days flat. Where to go from here? What are the next steps? How can you learn more? All the latest and greatest can be found here (we are constantly updating this thing) Interested in learning more about Art Storefronts?We provide everything you need to start, run, and grow a successful art business. Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life, and ZERO transaction fees (ever!) You create, we handle everything that makes it sell! You can schedule a test drive here
23/6/20200 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

Perfectionism Is Poison

There is a major tendency for photographer and artists to over-analyze their businesses and look for perfect solutions to their problems. In this episode, Nick talks about the importance of overcoming this perfectionist mindset, about finding the most accurate solution available for the problem, and about keeping your business moving forward rather than getting tied up trying to find perfect solutions. Where to go from here? What are the next steps? How can you learn more? All the latest and greatest can be found here (we are constantly updating this thing) Interested in learning more about Art Storefronts?We provide everything you need to start, run, and grow a successful art business. Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life, and ZERO transaction fees (ever!) You create, we handle everything that makes it sell! You can schedule a test drive here
22/6/20200 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

Why You Should Launch a Direct Art Business ASAP

The only way to consistently grow your art business is to stop relying on 3rd parties (galleries, marketplaces, etc.) to sell your art. When you own your distribution, when you own your customer list, you are in control of your business and you can actively grow your business. When you rely on the algorithms of marketplace websites, and when you rely on galleries to sell your art, you are in control of nothing and your income will be unpredictable and unrepeatable. Where to go from here? What are the next steps? How can you learn more? All the latest and greatest can be found here (we are constantly updating this thing) Interested in learning more about Art Storefronts?We provide everything you need to start, run, and grow a successful art business. Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life, and ZERO transaction fees (ever!) You create, we handle everything that makes it sell! You can schedule a test drive here
18/6/20200 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

The Random Show: An Art Business in 10 Years

Nick and Pat talk about the radical shift occurring in the art industry right now, the difference between selling art indirectly and directly, the importance of owning your own distribution, email list, and customer list, how to make the most money from your artwork, and the skills you need to build your own successful art business. Where to go from here? What are the next steps? How can you learn more? All the latest and greatest can be found here (we are constantly updating this thing) Interested in learning more about Art Storefronts?We provide everything you need to start, run, and grow a successful art business. Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life, and ZERO transaction fees (ever!) You create, we handle everything that makes it sell! You can schedule a test drive here
16/6/20200 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

The Random Show: Art Just Keeps on Selling

In this episode, Nick and Patrick discuss how for the 10th straight week Art Storefronts members experienced Black Friday level sales, and there is no sign that it's going to slow down anytime soon.  Where to go from here? What are the next steps? How can you learn more? All the latest and greatest can be found here (we are constantly updating this thing) Interested in learning more about Art Storefronts?We provide everything you need to start, run, and grow a successful art business. Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life, and ZERO transaction fees (ever!) You create, we handle everything that makes it sell! You can schedule a test drive here
15/6/20200 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

The Random Show: The Playbook Is Never Finished

In this episode, Nick and Patrick talk about how not to rely on 3rd parties to grow your art business, and how the internet makes it possible to bypass traditional gatekeepers like galleries and in-person art shows. Where to go from here? What are the next steps? How can you learn more? All the latest and greatest can be found here (we are constantly updating this thing) Interested in learning more about Art Storefronts?We provide everything you need to start, run, and grow a successful art business. Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life, and ZERO transaction fees (ever!) You create, we handle everything that makes it sell! You can schedule a test drive here
13/6/20200 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

How to Build a Viable Art Business in 2020

How do you build a viable art business in 2020? Run your own art gallery business online.   How?   1) Equip yourself with a Proper Art Gallery Website. 2) Solve the ongoing Marketing Problem.   We created Art Storefronts to help you do this. We are an all-in-one solution: Proper Art Gallery Website + Ongoing Marketing Consulting. Where to go from here? What are the next steps? How can you learn more? All the latest and greatest can be found here (we are constantly updating this thing) Interested in learning more about Art Storefronts?We provide everything you need to start, run, and grow a successful art business. Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life, and ZERO transaction fees (ever!) You create, we handle everything that makes it sell! You can schedule a test drive here
11/6/20200 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

The Random Show: Eating Our Own Dogfood

Nick and Pat discuss what's going on in the art industry today. Where to go from here? What are the next steps? How can you learn more? All the latest and greatest can be found here (we are constantly updating this thing) Interested in learning more about Art Storefronts?We provide everything you need to start, run, and grow a successful art business. Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life, and ZERO transaction fees (ever!) You create, we handle everything that makes it sell! You can schedule a test drive here
9/6/20200 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

Just Ship It

Nick Friend (CEO) and Patrick Shanahan (CMO) on the importance of just getting your art business started and not worrying about perfection or problems that don't yet exist. Where to go from here? What are the next steps? How can you learn more? All the latest and greatest can be found here (we are constantly updating this thing) Interested in learning more about Art Storefronts?We provide everything you need to start, run, and grow a successful art business. Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life, and ZERO transaction fees (ever!) You create, we handle everything that makes it sell! You can schedule a test drive here
3/6/20200 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

Is Art Selling Right Now?

Is art selling right now? Nick and Patrick talk about the one tactic that is working really well right now for Art Storefronts members as well as other art industry news. Where to go from here? What are the next steps? How can you learn more? All the latest and greatest can be found here (we are constantly updating this thing) Interested in learning more about Art Storefronts?We provide everything you need to start, run, and grow a successful art business. Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life, and ZERO transaction fees (ever!) You create, we handle everything that makes it sell! You can schedule a test drive here
2/6/20200 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

42: Instagram Live - How to Do It and Why You Should

After running 50+ livestreams in the past couple of months, we've realized it might be the best possible way for artists and photographers to bring in free attention right now. Where to go from here? What are the next steps? How can you learn more? All the latest and greatest can be found here (we are constantly updating this thing) Interested in learning more about Art Storefronts?We provide everything you need to start, run, and grow a successful art business. Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life, and ZERO transaction fees (ever!) You create, we handle everything that makes it sell! You can schedule a test drive here
15/4/20200 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

Art and Photography Marketing During COVID-19

An open office hours session for Art Storefronts members to ask any and all questions they have on the running and marketing of their art/photo businesses during the pandemic. Topics include running online painting workshops, what to do when your work is locked behind the doors of closed galleries, and much more. Where to go from here? What are the next steps? How can you learn more? All the latest and greatest can be found here (we are constantly updating this thing) Interested in learning more about Art Storefronts? We provide everything you need to start, run, and grow a successful art business. Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life, and ZERO transaction fees (ever!) You create, we handle everything that makes it sell! You can schedule a test drive here
2/4/20200 horas, 0 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

41: Facebook Ads for Photographers and Artists

Where to get started with Facebook and Instagram ads, why it should be a pillar of your art marketing strategy, and how you should actually go about it. Where to go from here? What are the next steps? How can you learn more? All the latest and greatest can be found here (we are constantly updating this thing) Interested in learning more about Art Storefronts? We provide everything you need to start, run, and grow a successful art business. Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life, and ZERO transaction fees (ever!) You create, we handle everything that makes it sell! You can schedule a test drive here
29/1/20200 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

40: Your New Year's Resolution – Move the Attention Around

Attention was hard to get in ’19 and it’s gonna be even harder in ’20. In this episode: What the smart artist is gonna do about it, and I proffer up a New Years’ Resolution for you. Where to go from here? What are the next steps? How can you learn more? All the latest and greatest can be found here (we are constantly updating this thing) Interested in learning more about Art Storefronts? We provide everything you need to start, run, and grow a successful art business. Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life, and ZERO transaction fees (ever!) You create, we handle everything that makes it sell! You can schedule a test drive here  
29/1/20200 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

039: Omni-Channel Marketing (A Key Q4 Strategy)

The Q4 holiday season is all about running your best sale of the year - but how should you get the word out? Meet the omni-channel marketing playbook. Plus: What to do about paid traffic for Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Where to go from here? What are the next steps? How can you learn more? All the latest and greatest can be found here (we are constantly updating this thing) Interested in learning more about Art Storefronts? We provide everything you need to start, run, and grow a successful art business. Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life, and ZERO transaction fees (ever!) You create, we handle everything that makes it sell! You can schedule a test drive here
27/11/20190 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

Q4 Is Coming and It's Gonna Be Your Biggest Yet (Here's Your Checklist)

Where to go from here? What are the next steps? How can you learn more? All the latest and greatest can be found here (we are constantly updating this thing) Interested in learning more about Art Storefronts? We provide everything you need to start, run, and grow a successful art business. Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life, and ZERO transaction fees (ever!) You create, we handle everything that makes it sell! You can schedule a test drive here
13/8/20190 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

037: Art Merchandising + Additional Revenue Sources

Why the proper merchandising of your artwork can make all the difference, and thinking outside the box to expand your revenue sources and generate additional income. Where to go from here? What are the next steps? How can you learn more? All the latest and greatest can be found here (we are constantly updating this thing) Interested in learning more about Art Storefronts? We provide everything you need to start, run, and grow a successful art business. Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life, and ZERO transaction fees (ever!) You create, we handle everything that makes it sell! You can schedule a test drive here
6/6/20190 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

036: Pop-Ups? Yes, Pop-Ups!

A rant on attention, an analogy on pop-ups, and why whether you like them or not you need to be using them. Where to go from here? What are the next steps? How can you learn more? All the latest and greatest can be found here (we are constantly updating this thing) Interested in learning more about Art Storefronts? We provide everything you need to start, run, and grow a successful art business. Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life, and ZERO transaction fees (ever!) You create, we handle everything that makes it sell! You can schedule a test drive here
23/5/20190 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

035: The Cost of Acquiring Your Customers

The cost to acquire a customer, why I can afford to lose $ on them and you can’t, and some strategy and perspective on how to best approach your marketing. Where to go from here? What are the next steps? How can you learn more? All the latest and greatest can be found here (we are constantly updating this thing) Interested in learning more about Art Storefronts? We provide everything you need to start, run, and grow a successful art business. Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life, and ZERO transaction fees (ever!) You create, we handle everything that makes it sell! You can schedule a test drive here
15/5/20190 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

034: Learning from Black Friday 2018

With the hottest eCommerce week of the year behind us, we take a look at the most important lessons we learned and how you can implement them to massively improve your next art promotion. Where to go from here? What are the next steps? How can you learn more? All the latest and greatest can be found here (we are constantly updating this thing) Interested in learning more about Art Storefronts? We provide everything you need to start, run, and grow a successful art business. Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life, and ZERO transaction fees (ever!) You create, we handle everything that makes it sell! You can schedule a test drive here
6/12/20180 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

033: Using Facebook Ads WITHOUT a Warm Audience

Where to go from here? What are the next steps? How can you learn more? All the latest and greatest can be found here (we are constantly updating this thing)   Interested in learning more about Art Storefronts? We provide everything you need to start, run, and grow a successful art business. Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life, and ZERO transaction fees (ever!) You create, we handle everything that makes it sell! You can schedule a test drive here
8/11/20180 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

031: Adding Facebook Contests to Your Q4 Strategy

Running contests on Facebook, a 4th quarter playbook update, and some essential updates to the highest ROI marketing tactic in the art world today. Where to go from here? What are the next steps? How can you learn more? All the latest and greatest can be found here (we are constantly updating this thing) Interested in learning more about Art Storefronts? We provide everything you need to start, run, and grow a successful art business. Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life, and ZERO transaction fees (ever!) You create, we handle everything that makes it sell! You can schedule a test drive here
25/9/20180 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

032: How to Get Your Artwork Noticed

Q4 is coming...How to use email, FB, and FB & IG ads to warm up your audience and how to get your art noticed. Where to go from here? What are the next steps? How can you learn more? All the latest and greatest can be found here (we are constantly updating this thing)   Interested in learning more about Art Storefronts? We provide everything you need to start, run, and grow a successful art business. Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life, and ZERO transaction fees (ever!) You create, we handle everything that makes it sell! You can schedule a test drive here
25/9/20180 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

030: How to Create LTV Audiences for Facebook/Instagram Ads

How to create a Facebook/Instagram Ads audience based on Lifetime Value (LTV), use cases you probably haven't thought of, and thoughts on targeting to cold audiences in Q4.  The (surprisingly short) list of tools you need to be ready for our 4th quarter playbook, thoughts on getting attention during the holiday rush, and what this all has to do with the Kardashians. Where to go from here? What are the next steps? How can you learn more? All the latest and greatest can be found here (we are constantly updating this thing) Interested in learning more about Art Storefronts? We provide everything you need to start, run, and grow a successful art business. Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life, and ZERO transaction fees (ever!) You create, we handle everything that makes it sell! You can schedule a test drive here
30/8/20180 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

029: Your 4th Quarter Marketing Audit

The (surprisingly short) list of tools you need to be ready for our 4th quarter playbook, thoughts on getting attention during the holiday rush, and what this all has to do with the Kardashians. Where to go from here? What are the next steps? How can you learn more? All the latest and greatest can be found here (we are constantly updating this thing) Interested in learning more about Art Storefronts? We provide everything you need to start, run, and grow a successful art business. Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life, and ZERO transaction fees (ever!) You create, we handle everything that makes it sell! You can schedule a test drive here
23/8/20180 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

028: Augmented Reality: The New Standard for Buying Art

Welcome to AR 101 – What Augmented Reality is, why it's a dream come true for fine artists and photographers, and how to offer it right through your website. Where to go from here? What are the next steps? How can you learn more? All the latest and greatest can be found here (we are constantly updating this thing) Interested in learning more about Art Storefronts? We provide everything you need to start, run, and grow a successful art business. Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life, and ZERO transaction fees (ever!) You create, we handle everything that makes it sell! You can schedule a test drive here
14/6/20180 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

027: The Art Show Playbook

What to do before, during, and after your art show to get the highest possible ROI from your time and effort. Where to go from here? What are the next steps? How can you learn more? All the latest and greatest can be found here (we are constantly updating this thing)   Interested in learning more about Art Storefronts? We provide everything you need to start, run, and grow a successful art business. Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life, and ZERO transaction fees (ever!) You create, we handle everything that makes it sell! You can schedule a test drive here
25/4/20180 minutos, 1 segundo
Episode Artwork

026: You Made a Sale, Congrats, Now the Work Begins

How to make the most of closing a sale and ensure that that first-time customer becomes a repeat customer – whether their experience was positive, negative, or neutral. Where to go from here? What are the next steps? How can you learn more? All the latest and greatest can be found here (we are constantly updating this thing)   Interested in learning more about Art Storefronts? We provide everything you need to start, run, and grow a successful art business. Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life, and ZERO transaction fees (ever!) You create, we handle everything that makes it sell! You can schedule a test drive here
12/4/20180 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

025: Creating an Art Marketing Plan for 2018 and Beyond

From communicating with your audience in the right way to running sales, here's everything we've learned about crafting a powerful art marketing plan for 2018, 2019, and beyond. Where to go from here? What are the next steps? How can you learn more? All the latest and greatest can be found here (we are constantly updating this thing)   Interested in learning more about Art Storefronts? We provide everything you need to start, run, and grow a successful art business. Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life, and ZERO transaction fees (ever!) You create, we handle everything that makes it sell! You can schedule a test drive here
4/4/20180 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

024: Do Artists Still Need Websites?

In this episode, we talk about coping with change in your marketing strategy, staying focused on where the attention is, and whether or not artists need websites. Where to go from here? What are the next steps? How can you learn more? All the latest and greatest can be found here (we are constantly updating this thing)   Interested in learning more about Art Storefronts? We provide everything you need to start, run, and grow a successful art business. Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life, and ZERO transaction fees (ever!) You create, we handle everything that makes it sell! You can schedule a test drive here
27/3/20180 minutos, 0 segundos
Episode Artwork

023: How Artist Megh Knappenberger Sold $200,000+ in Her First Year

The day Megh Knappenberger decided to give her painting career a real shot, she had $0.28 in her bank account – here's how she found a passionate niche of buyers and made it to $200k+ in her first year. Where to go from here? What are the next steps? How can you learn more? All the latest and greatest can be found here (we are constantly updating this thing)   Interested in learning more about Art Storefronts? We provide everything you need to start, run, and grow a successful art business. Get FREE website setup with FREE website management for life, and ZERO transaction fees (ever!) You create, we handle everything that makes it sell! You can schedule a test drive here
20/2/20180 minutos, 0 segundos