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Aeon Byte Gnostic Radio

English, Spirituality, 510 seasons, 342 episodes, 4 days, 2 hours, 38 minutes
Bringing ancient mysteries to a modern meaning. Learn the forbidden wisdom of the Gnostics and discover how Gnosticism can lead you to your true self.
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Keith Joseph on Escaping the Communist Egregore

The Empire Never End, as Dick said, but that doesn’t necessarily mean only the Roman Empire. The fall of the USSR was far from the fall of Communism. The mind viruses of Totalitarianism, Mass Formation, and Stalinism spread from the ashes of the Soviet Union and today infect millions of people and many governments. We may be closer to Uncle Joe’s dark utopia than ever before. Why is that, and can it be stopped? Take a Red Pill suppository as researcher Keith Joseph joins us to overcome one of the most powerful egregores in history. Gnostic Tarot: Patreon: Prime: Virtual Alexandria Academy: Over services: Astro Gnosis (Meet the Archons): this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
2/22/20241 hour, 23 minutes, 50 seconds
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Sara L. Mastros on The Sorcery of Solomon

Gain Solomnic Wisdom as we explore King Solomon from many angles: mythic, Occult, folkloric, and even Gnostic. Who really was the Queen of Sheba? Why did Gnostics contend Solomon had left powerful demons in Jerusalem the Romans later released? Beyond revelations on the magician can invigorate your spiritual life, you’ll acquire practical methods to leverage the Hebrew seals from The Key of Solomon. Regardless of where you are in your magic practice, discover practical methods to utilize the powers of the pentacles.Astral Guest – Sara L. Mastros, author of The Sorcery of Solomon: A Guide to the 44 Planetary Pentacles of the Magician King. on Sara: the book: Gnostic Tarot: Patreon: Prime: Virtual Alexandria Academy: Over services: Astro Gnosis (Meet the Archons): this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
2/17/20241 hour, 17 minutes, 10 seconds
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Alexandra Blair on Hellenistic Astrology

Honored to host astrologer and artist Alexandra Blair at the Virtual Alexandria. She’ll provide a visually enlightening presentation, revealing the Hellenistic astrological tradition, including its complex geometric beauty, nuanced mathematics, and ancient philosophical machinations governing the cosmic system. Just as good, you’ll learn how this tradition can assist you in gaining more profound inner revelations.More on Alexandra: Gnostic Tarot: Patreon: Prime: Virtual Alexandria Academy: Over services: Astro Gnosis (Meet the Archons): this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
2/13/20241 hour, 13 minutes, 15 seconds
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David Block on Decoding Occult Secrets in The Wizard of Oz

Let’s journey down the yellow brick road for a second run. David Block will be our expert guide. What about all the theories about the movie? Are they true? Can we find a deeper understanding of the story by tapping into esoteric lore, retaking a walk with a new mindset that will lead to a new Gnosis that will transcend our old perception of the movie? You know we can and we will. The yellow brick road is paved with as much darkness as with color!More on David: Gnostic Tarot: Patreon: Prime: Virtual Alexandria Academy: Over services: Astro Gnosis (Meet the Archons): this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
2/10/20241 hour, 29 minutes
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Jason Reza Jorjani on Erosophia and AI Simulation

Let’s get ready to rumble with archons as Jason Reza Jorjani honors the Virtual Alexandria. He’ll discuss many of his latest ideas from his new book, Erosophia. It’s just a hunk, a hunk of burning Gnosis as Jason threads the needle between the seductive powers of Eros and Sophia to provide a state of liberation, creativity, and individuality. From Orwell to Dick to Colin Wilson (and much more), prepare your psyche for innovations in philosophy and mysticism.More on Jason: the book: Gnostic Tarot: Patreon: Prime: Virtual Alexandria Academy: Over services: Astro Gnosis (Meet the Archons): this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
2/7/20241 hour, 30 minutes, 44 seconds
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P.D. Newman on Theurgy: Theory and Practice

We delve into theurgy in ancient Greek culture. This study includes Homeric Greek and dactylic hexameter use in the Chaldean Oracles and examines the connection between shamanic practices and theurgic rites. We shall also analyze the theurgic themes and events in the Odyssey and the philosophical theory and ritual practices described by Neoplatonists. And prepare to get acquainted with the goddess Hekate and the method of telestikē and its ties to ancient Egyptian and Greek traditions.Astral Guest – P.D. Newman, author of Theurgy: Theory and Practice: The Mysteries of the Ascent to the Divine. More on P.D.: the book: Gnostic Tarot: Patreon: Prime: Virtual Alexandria Academy: Over services: Astro Gnosis (Meet the Archons): this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
2/2/20241 hour, 24 minutes, 39 seconds
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Richard Weber on Gnosticism, Jung & Tantric Sex Magick

The title should be enough to get you running to the Virtual Alexandria. Richard Weber returns for the sequel of his chat on Epstein and the dark magic forces created by the establishment. He will go even deeper this time, taking us on a Jungian journey of the Shadow, Alchemy, and Neognosticism. Our odyssey will lead to the nefarious rituals of those in power and how we can access our own Gnosis to break through their sortilege.Get his book: on Richard: first interview: Gnostic Tarot: Patreon: Prime: Virtual Alexandria Academy: Over services: Astro Gnosis (Meet the Archons): this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
2/1/20241 hour, 39 minutes, 30 seconds
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Dr. April DeConick on Gnostic Origins and History

Get ready to understand Gnosticism in novel ways as April DeConick arrives at the Virtual Alexandria. She will discuss her new book, Comparing Christianities: An Introduction to Early Christianity. Indeed, we’ll gain new, startling understandings of the genesis of Christianity, but we’ll focus on Gnostic thinkers and sects that pierced the hologram with their dangerous ideas. From Serpent Gnostics to Valentinus, you’ll find insights for your own worldview and spirituality.More on April: the book: Gnostic Tarot: Patreon: Prime: Virtual Alexandria Academy: Over services: Astro Gnosis (Meet the Archons): this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
1/27/20241 hour, 19 seconds
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Martina Markota on Alchemy & Nephilim Blood

After too long of a pause, it’s great to be joined again by Martina Markota at the Virtual Alexandria. She will discuss her ideas on Alchemy, from albedo to rubedo, how they work in modern times, and the connection of Nephilim and RH-negative blood. She’ll also share how art connects to Esoterica and the challenges she’s faced as an outsider in an increasingly oppressive culture. Lady Alchemy will surely bring some fiery Gnosis.More on Martina: Gnostic Tarot: Patreon: Prime: Virtual Alexandria Academy: Over services: Astro Gnosis (Meet the Archons): this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
1/24/20241 hour, 13 minutes, 16 seconds
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James True on Esoteric AI (or Welcome to the Machine, My Son)

It’s always a pleasure when James True materializes at the Virtual Alexandria. He’ll share his latest and astonishing findings on AI. Could AI not be that modern, perhaps just the latest expression of tech found in places like the Oracle at Delphi or in the Bible where demons are summoned? Is AI simply part of an ancient thrust for omniscient and its constant rebooting? Get ready to be blown away and never use ChatGPT the same again.More on James: his book: Gnostic Tarot: Patreon: Prime: Virtual Alexandria Academy: Over services: Astro Gnosis (Meet the Archons): this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
1/19/20241 hour, 40 minutes, 27 seconds
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Robert Thorne on Gnosis & Attaining a Mystic Experience

The reality is that mystical experiences can be achieved without magic, superstition, or religious belief. How is it done? We pull away all the suppression of orthodoxy to find how the ancients gained Gnosis, from rituals to entheogens and discover that contact with the Eternal Realm is available right now for any modern seeker. What is the truth behind the enigmatic Gnostic baptismal rights like the Mystery of the Five Seals? What truly happened during shamanistic and Mystery Religion rites across the Greco-Roman world? What excuses will you have once you know how to take astral flights from the comfort of your home? It's time to get all these answers.Astral Guest – Robert Thorne, author of Mystical Cannabis: Gnosis vs. Revelation.The Gnostic Tarot: Patreon: Prime: Virtual Alexandria Academy: Over services: Astro Gnosis (Meet the Archons): this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
1/15/20241 hour, 10 minutes, 57 seconds
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José María Barrera on Astrotheology Secrets of Ancient Egypt

Photographer and researcher José María Barrera just us to share his findings of ancient Egyptian temples that expose zodiacal and astronomical revelations. We will intimately discover novel ways in which the ancient Egyptians approached time, the gods, and celestial cycles. From the Temple of Denderato to the famous Zodiac of Dendera, get ready for a visual and data-filled journey into Egyptian iconography, hieroglyphs, and mythology – all based on Barrera’s new book, Dendera, Temple of Time: The Celestial Wisdom of Ancient Egypt.Get the book: on José: Gnostic Tarot: Patreon: Prime: Virtual Alexandria Academy: Over services: Astro Gnosis (Meet the Archons): this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
1/14/20241 hour, 12 minutes, 49 seconds
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Anthony Tyler on Occult and Egypto Hip Hop

And now for something (almost) completely different. Anthony Tyler always brings exciting and novel esoteric revelations to the Virtual Alexandria. This time, it’s not different. He’ll discuss Malachi Z York, Black supremacist cult leader. York created his own Egyptian-centric dispensation, including building pyramids in the US. Beyond being the foundation of Brooklyn hip hop, his teachings influenced the work of Jay Z, Nas, Andre 3000, Tribe Called Quest, and many more musical giants. Get ready to learn many fantastic insights on another form of American Occultism. As a bonus, we’ll discuss some of our favorite horror movies of last year, as we weren’t able to, as is our habit during Halloween.More info on Anthony: Gnostic Tarot: Patreon: Prime: Virtual Alexandria Academy: Over services: Astro Gnosis (Meet the Archons): this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
1/8/20241 hour, 31 minutes, 30 seconds
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Ola Wolny on Alchemy, Archons & Endtimes

The archons shudder as Ola Wolny returns to the Virtual Alexandria. She’ll recap her intriguing ideas on the zodiac as an artificial prison and expand to other topics that include alchemy, the Divine Feminine, and the secrets found in ancient texts. Just as important, Ola will share her views on what the future holds this year and beyond, and the news ain’t good unless you’re grounded in Gnosis. No one here gets out alive.More on Ola: Gnostic Tarot: Patreon: Prime: Virtual Alexandria Academy: Over services: Astro Gnosis (Meet the Archons): this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
1/6/202458 minutes, 47 seconds
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Tau Malachi on the Gnostic Path of the Gospel of Thomas

Tau Malachi blesses the Virtual Alexandria to discuss his new book, The Gnostic Path of St. Thomas: Exploring the Heart of the Gospel. Let take a deep dive into this text written before the four gospels in the Bible and explore the spiritual teachings of Jesus. The Gospel of Thomas focuses on ignorance as the cause of sin and suffering and shares parables and teachings to help individuals reach enlightenment and liberation. Tau will cover all of this and also share how to deepen the unity between us and the godhead.Get the book: on Tau: Gnostic Tarot: Patreon: Prime: Virtual Alexandria Academy: Over services: Astro Gnosis (Meet the Archons): this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
1/4/20241 hour, 2 minutes, 12 seconds
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Dr. David LItwa on Secrets of the Naassenes

It’s always an enlightening pleasure when Dr David Litwa graces the Virtual Alexandria. This cycle, he’ll discuss his new book, The Naassenes: Exploring an Early Christian Identity. Who were these serpent Christians who syncretically placed Jesus alongside other saviors like Hermes, Attis, and Osiris? What were their arcane beliefs and rituals, and how do their theologies compare to other Gnostic sects? From ancient Egyptian mysteries to Hellenistic theurgy, get ready to understand a movement that represented the best that mysticism offered in Greco-Roman times.Get the book: on David: his course: Gnostic Tarot: Patreon: Prime: Virtual Alexandria Academy: Over services: Astro Gnosis (Meet the Archons): this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
1/3/20241 hour, 5 minutes, 59 seconds
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Mawiyah Bomani and David Lee on Hoodoo Magic & Chaos Magic

How about double the Gnosis to usher in and prepare for the new year?First, we host Mawiyah Kai EL-Jamah Bomani, who will discuss her new book  Conjuring the Calabash: Empowering Women with Hoodoo Spells & Magick. Get ready to understand Hoodoo's traditional and modern aspects from an accomplished witch and priestess and how they can liberate your soul and the divine feminine today.Then, David Lee will discuss his new book, Primordial Chaos. Beyond a clear, concise understanding of Chaos Magic, David will share how this spiritual tech has evolved with all its social changes in the digital age.The Gnostic Tarot: Patreon: Prime: Virtual Alexandria Academy: Over services: Astro Gnosis (Meet the Archons): this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
1/1/20242 hours, 5 minutes, 30 seconds
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Chris Knowles & Gordon White on Gnostic Year In Review & 2024 Predictions

Gird your loins and hold on to your eggnog because Gordon White and Chris Knowles grace the Virtual Alexandria. Ready for a Gnostic and Magic take on the high weirdness of 2023, and what cosmic, archonic, and egregorial forces will manifest in 2024? What socio-political forces will do their best to worsen society, and what can you do about it? You better be because it’s the end of the world, and I feel fine. Worry not: the inner journey has never been this easy.The Gnostic Tarot: Patreon: Prime: Virtual Alexandria Academy: Over services: Astro Gnosis (Meet the Archons): this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
12/27/20231 hour, 41 minutes, 9 seconds
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Rebecca Tolin and Robert Ensor on Mind-Body Healing & Trauma Recovery

I had a fantastic chat with Rebecca Tolin and Robert Ensor. Their work and success exemplify Finding Hermes, for the mind holds many secrets to healing and individuation. They’ll share their inspirational stories and integrative techniques on how to access the mysteries of the psyche that can overcome depression, anxiety, and even sickness. We touched on Jung and we touched on addiction, but we totally covered so many holistic ways to renew your mental and physical health. You want self-knowledge, you got self-knowledge.More on Rebecca: on Robert: Patreon: Prime: Virtual Alexandria Academy: Over services: Astro Gnosis (Meet the Archons): this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
12/21/202358 minutes, 24 seconds
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Tobias Churton on Zosimos & Secrets of Alchemy

It is always an honor and a pleasure when Tobias Churton graces the Virtual Alexandria. He will discuss his new book, The First Alchemists: The Spiritual and Practical Origins of the Noble and Holy Art. Beyond a deep dive into Zosimos of Panopolis and his Gnostic pedigree, we’ll cover other ancient alchemists like Mary the Jeweress and Cleopatra. You can count on us dealing with spiritual alchemy and Jung’s insights, so get ready to find your outer and inner Philosopher’s Stone.More on Tobias: the book: Patreon: Prime: Virtual Alexandria Academy: Over services: Astro Gnosis (Meet the Archons): this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
12/17/20231 hour, 25 minutes, 40 seconds
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Darren King on UFOs, Consciousness & The Origins of Life

Darren King, Researcher and Director of Development and Communication at the John E. Mack Institute, materializes at the Virtual Alexandria. He’ll discuss the UFO phenomenon and its broader implications. These topics include his personal experiences, common mistakes in understanding extraterrestrials, UFOs, the importance of self-knowledge, synchronicities, reincarnation, and the future of UFOlogy. Get ready for some High Weirdness that connects extraterrestrials, lofty mysticism, and popular culture. Prepare to have reality disbanded and your mind expanded.More on Darren: Homepage: Patreon: Prime: Virtual Alexandria Academy: Over services: Astro Gnosis (Meet the Archons): this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
12/14/20231 hour, 16 minutes, 35 seconds
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Ashley Laurel on The Sanctum of Divine Wisdom

Popular vlogger and mystic Ashley Laurel falls down the chimney to bring gifts to the Virtual Alexandria. She will share many of her innovative and helpful ideas and projects, including Sanctum Sapientiae Divinae, Spiritual Magick, The Omniversal Transmission Network, and the upcoming book, The Veil of Humanity: A Multidimensional Divine Essence’s Journey on Earth. And we will undoubtedly geek out to Gnostic and Hermetic ideas, as well as UFOs and the shenanigans of Archons in today’s society. This is the show if you’re looking for healing and expanded consciousness during the holidays and before 2024 brings the hammer down.Join the Virtual Alexandria AcademyStream Meet The ArchonsThis is a partial show. For the second half of the interview, please become a member or patron at PatreonGet the simple, effective, and affordable Red Circle Private RSS Feed for all full showsSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
12/10/20231 hour, 23 minutes, 49 seconds
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Richard Weber on Occult Epstein, Dark Magick & True Conspiracy

What happens when the latest conspiracy theories are factually accurate? Brace yourself and see the corrupt mysticism that permeates those in the establishment. Our guest will also share his days as a federal agent and the child trafficking from magic-steeped elite families. Our exploration will cover the shadow side of Aleister Crowley and other magicians and the esoteric leanings of Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell, and other high-level predators.Astral Guest – Richard Douglas Weber, author of Predator: The Lolita Affair.Join the Virtual Alexandria AcademyStream Meet The ArchonsThis is a partial show. For the second half of the interview, please become a member or patron at PatreonGet the simple, effective, and affordable Red Circle Private RSS Feed for all full showsGet the book: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
12/6/20231 hour, 16 minutes, 29 seconds
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Dr. Duncan Goheen on Sound Therapy & Thriving in a Very Sick Society

Dr. Duncan Goheen joins Finding Hermes to discuss innovative sound healing practices that can heal the body, eliminate stress, and overcome depression. He’ll also share other essential wellness modalities to navigate a world collapsing under the weight of technology and the suppression of the individual. These solutions include the teaching of the Japanese mystic, Master Choa Kok Sui. Get ready to find alternative therapies that will work for your personal needs.More on Dr. Goheen: Patreon: Prime: Virtual Alexandria Academy: Over services: Astro Gnosis (Meet the Archons): this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
12/2/20231 hour, 1 minute, 42 seconds
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Jasun Horsley on The Technological Body of Evil

Jasun Horsley materializes at the Virtual Alexandria to discuss his latest book, Big Mother: The Technological Body of Evil. He’ll share his latest and groundbreaking ideas on the archonic mind parasites. This discovery will take us deep into the Black Iron Prison along with Philip K. Dick, Rudolf Steiner, transhumanism, identity politics, the surveillance state, neurodiversity, and scientism. Is there a way out of this maze of synthetic realities and vampiric techno-demons? There is some way out of here, admit the Joker and the Thief, and you’re about to find out.More information on Jasun: the book: Homepage: Patreon: Prime: Virtual Alexandria Academy: Over services: Astro Gnosis (Meet theArchons): this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
11/30/20231 hour, 39 minutes, 26 seconds
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David Block on Lucifer: The Beginning and The End

David Block falls from Heaven to bring us the last presentation of his fantastic series. We’re not talking about the Christian baddie but a more complex entity. David will explain this and more, revealing that Lucifer has been waiting for the cracks in the demiurgic machine to appear. And with the cracks comes the apocalypse, but it is not the end of humanity, but the beginning of something new. It is time to ride the lightning again; it is time to ride the skies, ya shining crazy diamonds!Homepage: Patreon: Prime: Virtual Alexandria Academy: Over services: Astro Gnosis (Meet theArchons): this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
11/25/20231 hour, 4 minutes, 9 seconds
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Dr. David Sweeney on Digital Hellscapes, Simulation & Tech Gnosis

Get ready to skillfully navigate this posttruth world with so many false realities. We’ll find Red Pills in Gnostic comics, books, and television shows that include the Gnostic series Silo. This exploration will cover many alternative movements and philosophies: Dadaism, Postmodernism, Anarchism, and more. And it will summarize the insights of such Gnosis exemplars like Philip K. Dick, Grant Morrison, and Michael Marshall Smith. Ultimately, you’ll find that buried treasure that is your higher self under a sea of simulated worlds.Astral Guest – Dr. David Sweeney, author of The OA (Constellations) and lecturer in The Glasgow School of Art’s Design History and Theory department.Join the Virtual Alexandria Academy Meet The Archons: is a partial show. For the second half of the interview, please become an AB Prime member: or patron at Patreon: the simple, effective, and affordable Red Circle Private RSS Feed for all full shows: information on David: the book: our last interview with David: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
11/21/20231 hour, 16 minutes, 16 seconds
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Eduardo Cano on Who is Moloch?

Hide your daughters of conventional history and narratives as Eduardo Cano arrives at the Virtual Alexandria. He’ll share a mind-blowing presentation on Big Bad Moloch. What are the origins of this deity? Is it even a deity or a cipher for so many bloodthirsty gods of antiquity? Is he still worshipped today? You’ll get all this information without needing to make any sacrifices. More on Eddy: his latest book: Patreon: Prime: Virtual Alexandria Academy: Over services: Astro Gnosis (Meet theArchons): this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
11/17/20231 hour, 21 minutes, 50 seconds
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Dr. Arthur Versluis on American Gnosis, Part 2

Arthur Versluis returns to the Virtual Alexandria for the second part of American Gnosis. We’ll summarize modern incarnations of Gnosticism in American culture. Arthur will cover contemporary neognostic exemplars, including Samael Aun Weor, John Lamb Lash, and David Icke. He’ll expand into the topics of Psychedelic Gnosis, American Archontic Neognosticism, and Future Gnosis. You’ll discover that American Gnosis isn’t just a fringe phenomenon but a force shaping politics and religions across North America and Europe. Astral Guest – Dr. Arthur Versluis, author of American Gnosis: Political Religion and Transcendence and Professor and Department Chair of Religious Studies in the College of Arts & Letters at Michigan State University.Get the book: info on Arthur: Patreon: Prime: Virtual Alexandria Academy: Over services: Astro Gnosis (Meet theArchons): this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
11/16/20231 hour, 7 minutes, 8 seconds
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RHYME on Portals, Psychedelics & Japanese Gnosis

I am very excited to chat with producer, artist, and musician RHYME. She’ll share the opening of mystic portals through music and poetry. RHYME will also cover Japanese folklore and art. All this revelation will be under the umbrella of Gnosticism, so you know we’ll deal with liberation from archonic forces and transcending into our orphic, destined self.  Homepage: Patreon: Prime: Virtual Alexandria Academy: Over services: Astro Gnosis (Meet the Archons): this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
11/10/20231 hour, 41 minutes, 14 seconds
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Adrian Smith on The Demiurge: Characteristics & Strategies of Control

I’m making a powerful presentation from the Finding Hermes program public. Adrian Smith expounded on the many dimensions of that spiritual Wickedness in High Places. He begins with a case study on totalitarianism in Canada. Then, he pulls the veil back to reveal the Archonic forces above that are working to subjugate humanity across history and the world. Worry not, as Adrian provides lessons and exercises to break the yoke of Yaldi Baldi and find liberation in the Black Iron Prison. Much of this comes from recent research and his book, A Prison for The Mind.More on Adrian: the book: last interview with Adrian: Patreon: Prime: Virtual Alexandria Academy: Over services: Astro Gnosis (Meet the Archons): this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
11/7/20231 hour, 6 minutes, 45 seconds
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Eric G. Wilson on Point Blank & the Gnosis of John Borman

It is always an honor to host Eric G. Wilson; this time, he discusses his latest work, Point Blank. We will explore the themes and impact of filmmaker John Boorman, an influence on many of today’s great directors like Quentin Tarantino, Michael Mann, and Christopher Nolan. Our focus will be the film Point Blank, but we’ll extend to other classics like Excalibur, Deliverance, and Zardoz. Beyond Gnostic themes in Boorman’s canon, we’ll find the powerful ideas of trauma healing, gaining a spiritual life, and the importance of the divine feminine in any man’s life. Expect discussions on David Lynch and John Wick.Homepage: Patreon: Prime: Virtual Alexandria Academy: Over services: Astro Gnosis (Meet the Archons): this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
11/1/20231 hour, 1 minute, 18 seconds
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Scott Smith on UFOs, Endtimes & Modern Heresy Hunters

UFOs, Endtimes & Modern Heresy HuntersIt’s our Halloween Special! Since it’s Gnosticism, we’ll focus on these spooky topics:·        The latest on UFO sighting and alien invasion·        The Gnostic bogeyman, according to figures like James Linsday·        Finding out if this is the end of human consciousness or civilization and how the Gnostic worldview can find solutionsWe’ll be honored by a Sophia panel that includes Scott Smith, author of God Reconsidered.Support this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
10/30/20231 hour, 35 minutes, 10 seconds
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Chris Bennett on Cannabis: Lost Sacrament of the Ancient World

Let’s light up some smoke on the ancient relationship between humanity and cannabis. Learn about the many practical uses of this plant throughout history, from making textiles to providing medicine. Explore how cannabis played a role in religious ceremonies among different cultures, including recent evidence confirming its use among the ancient Hebrews. And we’ll also cover the plant’s use with the ancient Greeks and Persians. Join us as we unravel this mysterious part of our shared past.Astral Guest, Chris Bennett, author of Cannabis: Lost Sacrament of the Ancient World.Join the Virtual Alexandria Academy Meet The Archons: is a partial show. For the second half of the interview, please become an AB Prime member:  or patron at Patreon: the simple, effective, and affordable Red Circle Private RSS Feed for all full shows: information on Chris: the book: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
10/27/20231 hour, 26 minutes, 55 seconds
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Steven Snider on The Secret History of Psywar

Always excited when Steven Snider materializes at the Virtual Alexandria with his bag of Red Pill Suppositories. We’ll discuss his new book, The Art: The Secret History of Psywar, Conspiritainment and the Shattering of Reality. Prepare for a journey through the secret history of national security state's weaponization of culture and spirituality in an unprecedented competition between the Soviet Union and the United States. Uncover brutal projects such as ARTICHOKE, MK-ULTRA, Pandora, Camelot, and Cambridge as they lay the foundation for a globe-spanning counterinsurgency operation. Watch now to discover the bizarre truth.Get the book: More on Steven: Patreon: Prime: Virtual Alexandria Academy: Over services: Astro Gnosis (Meet the Archons): this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
10/25/20231 hour, 26 minutes, 11 seconds
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Dr. Arthur Rosengarten and Dr. HermanSJr on Jung, The Tarot & Archetypes

CG Jung said The Tarot is a visual representation of archetypes. It’s time to correctly tap into archetypes to unlock the liberating secrets of the psyche. Beyond archetypes and shadow work, let’s discover how The Tarot can decipher the gifts of the higher mind and even time/space itself. The Virtual Alexandria honors Dr. Arthur Rosengarten and Dr. HermanSJr for this incredible Gnosis.Homepage: Patreon: Prime: Virtual Alexandria Academy: Over services: Astro Gnosis (Meet the Archons): this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
10/22/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 26 seconds
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Sol Luckman on The World Cult & Archon Simulacrum

The World Cult & Archon SimulacrumThe truth is that you’re probably in a cult but don’t even know. How do you find out and escape this mental Shawshank? Sol Luckman provides those Red Pill Suppositories from his new book, The World Cult and You. He’ll explore various theories and philosophies, including simulation theory, lucid dreaming, and Gnosticism, to provide insight into how this archon-ruled reality operates. You’ll be rewarded with practical advice on identifying cults, rating your level of involvement, reclaiming personal power, and protecting yourself from the World Cult. The ultimate goal is to exit both the World Cult and the world itself. Join the Virtual Alexandria AcademyStream Meet The ArchonsThis is a partial show. For the interview’s second half, please become a member or patron at Patreon.Get the simple, effective, and affordable Red Circle Private RSS Feed for all full showsSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
10/18/20231 hour, 19 minutes, 45 seconds
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Simon from Library of Gnosis on Jesus and Hermes

Ready to deal with two of the most important manifestations of the Logos? For this odyssey, Simon from Library of Gnosis joins the Virtual Alexandria. Beyond connecting Jesus and Hermes, he will discuss the concepts of the Elohim, the Annunaki, Prisca Theologia, and a constellation of Gnostic ideas. Put on your winged sandals and prepare for a journey into the rewarding heavens of myth, magic, and meaning.Homepage: Patreon: Prime: Virtual Alexandria Academy: Over services: Astro Gnosis (Meet the Archons): this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
10/15/20231 hour, 7 minutes, 28 seconds
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Dr. Arthur Versluis on American Gnosis

Gnosticism has manifested in American culture in disturbing and amazing ways. And it’s more predominant than you can imagine. Get ready to savor some gringo Gnosis, whether in the literature of Herman Melville, Cormac McCarthy, Philip K. Dick, and other literary giants; or in socio-political movements, alternative Christian factions, and the Western/Noir genres. From the founding of the USA to The Matrix, Simon Magus and Helen secretly rule North America.Astral Guest – Dr. Arthur Versluis, author of American Gnosis: Political Religion and Transcendence and Professor and Department Chair of Religious Studies in the College of Arts & Letters at Michigan State University.Homepage: Prime: Alexandria Academy: Over services: Gnosis (Meet the Archons): this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
10/10/20231 hour, 8 minutes, 19 seconds
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Richard Kretz on The Secret Truth About the Philosopher’s Stone

Did you know the Philosopher’s Stone is at your grasp right now, and you don’t even have to be an alchemist? To find it and gain its gifts, we’ll explore the very mechanics and creation of the Philosopher's Stone and its connection to our Third Eye. This journey entails leveraging various spiritual and philosophical traditions, such as Rosicrucianism, Freemasonry, and Native American shamanism, to present an allegorical quest for the Philosopher's Stone and a path to enlightenment. Astral Guest – Richard Kretz, author of The Alchemical Search for the Unified Field: Pythagorean, Hermetic, and Shamanic Journeys into Invisible and Ethereal Realms.Join the Virtual Alexandria Academy Meet The Archons: is a partial show. For the second half of the interview, please become an AB Prime member:  or patron at Patreon: the simple, effective, and affordable Red Circle Private RSS Feed for all full shows: information on Richard: the book: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
10/5/20231 hour, 16 minutes, 27 seconds
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Chris Knowles on The Death of the Comic Book Superhero

Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to get through this thing called "life." Let’s go crazy and bid farewell to the superhero in movie and print, while honoring the comic book tradition and understanding what archons killed the medium. Heading this holy service at the Virtual Alexandria will be Christopher Knowles, sharing an eulogy and his new book, The Spandex Files. And you know we’ll be talking about Sethian Gnostic Jack Kirby, Chaos Magician Grant Morrison, Solar Magus Alan Moore, and other exemplars of magical comic history. More info on Chris: the book: Patreon: Prime: Virtual Alexandria Academy: Over services: Astro Gnosis (Meet the Archons): this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
10/3/20231 hour, 1 minute, 48 seconds
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Ismael Perez on Starseed, Archon Wars & Cosmic Origins

Ready to explore the true history of Earth and its connection to the suppressed history of our galaxy? For this, it’s an honor to host Ismael Perez, author of Our Cosmic Origin. He’ll combine science, philosophy, and spirituality to reveal the origin of our species and its cosmic ancestry. You’ll learn about Earth's place in the multiverse and the existence of multiple councils orchestrating a greater organization of the cosmos. And we need to talk about the suppression of evidence by controlled academia and scientific consensus.Get the book: on Ismael: Patreon: Prime: Virtual Alexandria Academy: Over services: Astro Gnosis (Meet the Archons): this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
10/1/20231 hour, 7 minutes, 55 seconds
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Jason Reza Jorjani on Psychotron and Conscious AI

Hades shudders as Jason Reza Jorjania manifests at the Virtual Alexandria. He’ll discuss his new book Psychotron, and we’ll get into some heavy Gnostic themes that include simulation theory, the identity of Baphomet, and archonic invasions of both the mind and the planet. Just as startling, Jason will share his latest ideas on perhaps the awakening of Artificial Intelligence, parallel universes, and time travel. No one here gets out alive, but the problem is that “here” doesn’t exist, and “life” might be a simulacrum you were carefully stored in.More on Jason: the book:’s Psychotron movie project: last interview on the truth about the moon: Jasons’ article Prometheus and Gnosis: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
9/29/20231 hour, 53 minutes
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Michael Stuart Ani on Ghost Dancing, Shamanism & Spirit Psychedelics

A very special show as I was joined by Michael Stuart Ani, the real OG of shamanism and animism. Michael actually lived and practiced mystic rituals with natives in North and South America. He’ll share his journeys and book, The Ghost Dance: An Untold History of the Americas. What you will find is that most shamanistic and entheogenic seekers might be going down the wrong road to enlightenment. A deeper voice to the spirits must be heard for proper consciousness expansion. You won’t want to miss it if you’re into psychedelics or understanding shamanism.More on Michael: the book: Patreon: Prime: Virtual Alexandria Academy: Over services: Astro Gnosis (Meet the Archons): this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
9/25/20231 hour, 14 seconds
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Mitch Horowitz on Modern Occultism

Gird your mystic loins and lock up your daughters of conventionality because Mitch Horowitz arrives at the Virtual Alexandria to discuss his new book, Modern Occultism. Let’s cover his most sweeping historical work, delving into a lively yet intellectually serious safari of modern occultism, from Hermeticism and alchemy to the dawn of Theosophy and the rise of Chaos Magic—and the spiritual revolutions that followed. And you know we’ll deal with Elvis, KISS, and Astro Gnosis!Get the book: on Mitch: Patreon: Prime: Virtual Alexandria Academy: Over services: Astro Gnosis (Meet the Archons): this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
9/20/20231 hour, 18 minutes, 7 seconds
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David Block on Lilith, Fire and Lust

David Block is back at the Virtual Alexandria, but he comes to take us on a ride with heavy metal. Let's return to the hotel one last time; let’s meet Lilith at the Hotel California or the hotel in The Shining. Fly me to the moon, and so we revisit 2001: A Space Odyssey. Revolution or devolution awaits us on Lilith's moon – on the Sun and Saturn. The Elite use technology and force to explore the demiurgic matrix; some want to leave, or as Agent Smith put it: "I must get out of here. I must get free, and in this mind is the key, my key." Agent Smith is pure technology, devoid of spark, The Elite. Lilith will offer salvation or damnation, so choose wisely in this intense episode.More on David: out David on Transhumanism, AI, and Demonic CERN and Belial, Specks of StardustHomepage: Patreon: Prime: Virtual Alexandria Academy: Over services: Astro Gnosis (Meet the Archons): this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
9/17/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 16 seconds
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Jack Chanek on The Goddess in Wicca, Thelema & Modern Occultism

We uncover the historical writings, myths, and rituals surrounding the Goddess in Pagan, Witchcraft, and Wiccan traditions. This exploration includes dispelling many Goddess misconceptions plaguing today’s Occultism. From The Golden Bough to The Book of the Law to Witchcraft Today, we will understand how the Goddess movement has progressed. By jailbreaking the true essence of the Divine Feminine, new insights and exercises will be found for a more immersive devotional experience.Astral Guest – Jack Chanek, author of Queen of All Witcheries: A Biography of the Goddess.Join the Virtual Alexandria Academy Meet The Archons: is a partial show. For the second half of the interview, please become an AB Prime member:  or patron at Patreon: the simple, effective, and affordable Red Circle Private RSS Feed for all full shows: information on Jack: the book: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
9/14/20231 hour, 9 minutes, 15 seconds
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Wayne Mattias on Transhumanist Mind Control

There is no better way to commemorate 9/11 than deep-diving into the forces that manipulate our thoughts and very reality. Researcher Wayne Mattias saves the two towers of the Virtual Alexandria by taking us on a tour behind the machinations of technocrats, transhumanists, and just bad hombres. From MKUltra to religious cults, from totalitarian regime brainwashing to Huxleyan social engineering, this is the show to ensure you are never again a hackable animal. No one here gets out alive, but you can finally live free.Homepage: Prime: Alexandria Academy: Over services: Gnosis (Meet the Archons): this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
9/12/20232 hours, 7 minutes, 1 second
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Ralph Ellis and Robert Price on King Arthur & Jesus Christ

Get your coconuts out as Ralph Ellis gallops in the Virtual Alexandria to make the connection between two historic savior figures. The victors write history, and not only did they place Jesus and Mary Magdalene in the wrong timeline, but they hid his story in layers of myth and legend. What is the actual connection of King Arthur and King Jesus? Find out more as we journey to finding the real Holy Grail, all based on The Grail Cypher: The Secrets of Arthurian History Revealed and other research. As a further honor, Robert M. Price will join us, too.Get the book: on Ralph: Prime: Alexandria Academy: Over services: Gnosis (Meet the Archons): this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
9/10/202358 minutes, 35 seconds
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Marlene Seven Bremner on Art, Alchemy & Hermeticism

Mercury rises when Marlene Seven Bremner arrives at the Virtual Alexandria. She will discuss her new book, The Hermetic Marriage of Art and Alchemy: Imagination, Creativity, and the Great Work. She explains how alchemical transmutation is relevant to the creative process and how it can lead to self-knowledge and awakening. In truth, Creative alchemy aligns the Self with natural rhythms for greater creative power. Get ready to understand the principles, elements, and planets involved in creative alchemy and the techniques for increasing insight and imagination. And we’ll find out how Hermes appears in various innovative artistic movements like Dadaism, Surrealism, Symbolism, and more.Homepage: Prime: Alexandria Academy: Over services: Gnosis (Meet the Archons): this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
9/8/20231 hour, 16 minutes, 55 seconds
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Mattias Desmet on The Psychology of Totalitarianism

Is your freedom under threat? The answer was found when Gordon White joined me to talk to Mattias Desmet on his alarming new book, The Psychology of Totalitarianism. Drawing on 20th-century history and today's unstable social climate, Desmet argues that mass anxiety can pave the way for the rise of authoritarianism by undermining critical thinking across society. Through the idea of "mass formation," new forms of totalitarianism can exploit psychological vulnerabilities in the population, leading people to sacrifice liberty and individuality to approve leaders and causes. Desmet sees echoes today of the conditions that led to totalitarian regimes in the past.Homepage: Prime: Alexandria Academy: Over services: Gnosis (Meet the Archons): this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
9/5/20231 hour, 5 minutes, 54 seconds
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Dr. Dravon James on Manifesting & Transformational Self-Knowledge

It was a Gnosis-filled delight to speak to transformational coach and public speaker Dr. Dravon James. In my latest Finding Hermes, she shared her work on locating your authentic self and tapping into the gifts of your infinite mind. Get ready to find novel ways to heal physically and psychologically, discover your true purpose, and make it to the end of the day with the speedy skills of Hermes. You’ll enjoy the meditative exercise at the end.Homepage: Patreon: Prime: Virtual Alexandria Academy: Over services: Astro Gnosis (Meet the Archons): this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
9/3/202355 minutes, 42 seconds
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Ronnie Pontiac on Myth, Magic & The Mysteries of Orpheus

Move over Cleopatra, Nefertiti, and Hatshepsut. The Goddess of the Seven Stars has been recovered. We explore the incredible rule of Sobekneferu, a woman who shaped and even saved ancient Egypt (and perhaps Western civilization itself). From her magic to her cultural achievements, our quest will detail intense political intrigue and an understanding of primordial deities like Sobek, Sekhmet, and Neith. What ultimately happened to this early pharaoh, and why has orthodox history worked so hard to erase her? Well, almost all of history, as occultism has sought her forbidden legacy for centuries, including Bram Stoker and Kenneth Anger.Astral Guest – Andrew Collins, author of The First Female Pharaoh: Sobekneferu, Goddess of the Seven Stars.Join the Virtual Alexandria AcademyStream Meet The ArchonsThis is a partial show. For the interview’s second half, please become a member or patron at Patreon.Support this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
9/1/20231 hour, 23 minutes, 5 seconds
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Astrea Taylor on Magick and Creativity

Very excited to host Astrea Taylor at The Virtual Alexandria to discuss her new book Inspiring Creativity Through Magick. We discover that art is inherently magical, and artists are like magicians who can turn any creative endeavor into a ritual. We will cover spells, rituals, deities, and lore to help artists bring their artistic visions to life. And expect insight on releasing art, taking breaks between projects, and persevering through difficult times. And yes – dealing with cancel-culture critics and the mind-killer that is fear.More on RHYMEGet the simple, effective, and affordable Red Circle Private RSS Feed for all full showsJoin the Virtual Alexandria AcademyStream Meet The ArchonsSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
8/26/20231 hour, 17 minutes, 10 seconds
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Andrew Collins on The First Female Pharaoh

Move over Cleopatra, Nefertiti, and Hatshepsut. The Goddess of the Seven Stars has been recovered. We explore the incredible rule of Sobekneferu, a woman who shaped and even saved ancient Egypt (and perhaps Western civilization itself). From her magic to her cultural achievements, our quest will detail intense political intrigue and an understanding of primordial deities like Sobek, Sekhmet, and Neith. What ultimately happened to this early pharaoh, and why has orthodox history worked so hard to erase her? Well, almost all of history, as occultism has sought her forbidden legacy for centuries, including Bram Stoker and Kenneth Anger. Astral Guest – Andrew Collins, author of The First Female Pharaoh: Sobekneferu, Goddess of the Seven Stars.Join the Virtual Alexandria Academy Meet The Archons: is a partial show. For the second half of the interview, please become an AB Prime member:  or patron at Patreon: the simple, effective, and affordable Red Circle Private RSS Feed for all full shows: information on Andrew: the book: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
8/23/20231 hour, 5 minutes, 3 seconds
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Ike Baker, Alex Rivera & More on Debunking Misconceptions About Gnosticism

It’s my annual show on getting back to basics with Gnosticism. For this reorienting, it’s a pleasure being joined by Ike Baker, Alex Rivera, Gram Pong, and Jason Sobek. Beyond a clear understanding of Gnostic thought and its relevance today, we’ll dispel the various polemics and misconceptions of Gnosticism from agenda-driven academics and clickbait social warriors. It’s a hunk, a hunk of burning Gnosis you won’t want to miss.More info on Alex: on Ike: info on Jason: Patreon: Prime: Virtual Alexandria Academy: Over services: Astro Gnosis (Meet the Archons): this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
8/21/20231 hour, 11 minutes, 38 seconds
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Ian from PMD on Gnostic & Esoteric Secrets In Pop Music 2

Always a delight when Ian of Pop Music Decoded visits the Virtual Alexandria. He will provide more Red Pill Suppositories on the arcane symbolism and meanings of today’s popular hits and videos. From Sgt Peppers to Madonna to Michael Jackson, prepare to let go of what you thought about history’s most lauded music expressions. Does this mean Paul is still dead?More information on Ian: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
8/19/20231 hour, 41 minutes, 50 seconds
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April DeConick and Steven Snider on Archon Invasion, Ancient and Modern

Never a bad time for an Astro Gnosis teaser if it helps the war against Yaldi Baldi. Consider these two bookend presentations on the journey to understanding the Archons. First, April DeConick takes us back in history to reveal how the Gnostics discovered the stellar lords and how this shaped their theology. Then we’ll fly to the present to find Steven Snider relating how the Rulers brought the hammer down in the late 20th century, a culmination of their time war and psychic assault on humanity.Astro Gnosis (Meet the Archons): Alexandria Academy: info on April: her book: Patreon: Prime: Voice Over services: Support this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
8/15/20231 hour, 14 minutes, 56 seconds
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Jeff Pollari on Reinventing & Revolutionizing The Tarot

Jeff Pollari materialized at the Virtual Alexandria to revitalize The Tarot, to say the least. He writes, “Using the Tarot only for divination is like using a car only to store gasoline.” By incorporating hand game plays, rediscovered Archetypes, and new innovative rules, seekers can leverage this ancient tradition in new ways. This reboot is based on his book, Arcane Arcade and his app, The Handmade Tarot Game. Prepare to have your mind expanded and reality disbanded.Get the book: Arcane Arcade: Patreon: Prime: Virtual Alexandria Academy: Over services: Astro Gnosis (Meet the Archons): this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
8/11/20231 hour, 7 minutes, 1 second
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Nicolas Laos on Saving Freemasonry

Like many esoteric movements, Freemasonry has been pummeled by the archon one-two punch of reductive materialism and deconstructive relativism. Can this organization reinvigorate its spirit of individual meaning and helping the world? The answer lies in returning to the Freemason ethos of symbolic living, magical thinking, and thorough reasoning – basically the Hermetic ideal of logically walking while chewing mystic bubble gum. We explore these solutions that will include understanding the mystery consciousness, Gnosticism, and rigorous philosophical inquiry.Astral Guest – Nicolas Laos, author of Freemasonic Enlightenment in the Context of the Modern and Perfecting Rite of Symbolic Masonry.Join the Virtual Alexandria Academy Meet The Archons: is a partial show. For the second half of the interview, please become an AB Prime member:  or patron at Patreon: the simple, effective, and affordable Red Circle Private RSS Feed for all full shows: information on Nicolas: the book: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
8/8/20231 hour, 15 minutes, 49 seconds
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Gordon White on Gnosticism and Magic in Legion

Always an honor to host Gordon White again at the Virtual Alexandria, this time to cover one of the greatest modern Gnostic Gospels: Legion. He’ll share the magical aspects of this comic book adaptation and how its themes are more relevant than ever. I mean, Legion is like if Grant Morrison’s The Invisibles and Jack Kirby had a baby and then decided to have Hermes Trismegistus and Kali as godparents. You can count on us talking about other Gnostic series.More info on Gordon: his book: Patreon: Prime: Virtual Alexandria Academy: Over services: Astro Gnosis (Meet the Archons): this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
8/4/202357 minutes, 40 seconds
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Judy Wilkins-Smith on The Culture of Victimhood & Ancestor Healing

t seems today everyone is a victim of something. Cancel or be canceled. Channeling both Elvis and Tina Turner, we’re caught in a trap of not needing another hero. Yet the truth is that each of us has a heroic side that can liberate our minds and change our destiny. All this transformation requires is a special attitude and contemplation. It also demands we access our ancestors and past selves to heal generational trauma that holds us back. For this Red Pill shower, I had the pleasure of talking to Judy Wilkins-Smith, systemic coach and trainer, and author of Decoding Your Emotional Blueprint.Homepage: Patreon: Prime: Virtual Alexandria Academy: Over services: Support this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
8/1/20231 hour, 1 minute, 28 seconds
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Dr. Paul Bishop on Chthonic Gnosis & German Pagan Gnosticism

We explore an overlooked esoteric giant, an individual considered a main modern Pagan Gnostic and advocate of the concept of Chthonic Gnosis. That is the German philosopher and psychologist Ludwig Klages. Beyond his breathtaking Gnostic metaphysics, we’ll find how Klages’ work interacts and overlaps with Jung and Nietzsche – and why his views have been erroneously connected to National Socialism. For this odyssey, we have the pleasure of being joined at the Virtual Alexandria by Dr. Paul Bishop, author of Ludwig Klages and the Philosophy of Life.Stream Meet The ArchonsSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
7/28/20231 hour, 16 minutes, 40 seconds
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Dominic Vallée on The Mystic’s Path to Gnosis

We heretics all want to fully adopt that healing tech known as Gnosis, including its liberating self-knowledge features. But how do we start on a solid road connecting with our true selves? What are the perils and opportunities of integrating our daemon? From unmedicated Gnostics to wild Buddhists, from arcane spiritual practices to pop culture revelations, we procure a sensible approach to knowing ourselves at the deepest level. Somehow it includes the show Northern Exposure.Astral Guest – Dominic Vallée, author of Zinfaendel: The Mystic's Path of Self-Knowledge.Join the Virtual Alexandria Academy Meet The Archons: is a partial show. For the second half of the interview, please become an AB Prime member:  or patron at Patreon: the simple, effective, and affordable Red Circle Private RSS Feed for all full shows: information on Dominic: the book: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
7/24/20231 hour, 11 minutes, 53 seconds
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Dr. Carla Ionescu on The Goddess Artemis

A paramount but sometimes overlooked deity is Artemis. Her gifts and threats are essential to heed even today. To understand the relevance and background of this goddess, we had the pleasure of being joined at the Virtual Alexandria by Dr. Carla Ionescu, who discussed her book She Who Hunts and archeological research. Prepare for a comprehensive compilation of Artemis's symbols, rituals, mythology, and historical impact. Get the book: on Carla: Meet The Archons: Patreon: Prime: Virtual Alexandria Academy: Over services: Support this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
7/21/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 32 seconds
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Bernie Taylor on A Complete Rewrite of Human History

What would summer be without Bernie Taylor revealing the history behind history? The finest archeology and mythology for heretics? Gird your loins; this time, he will provide new research that upends what we thought of ancient humans. This data is based on three recent peer-reviewed papers about rituals of relatives of humankind in South Africa, including burial and art. Beyond the history behind history, we’ll get into the myths behind myths and much more.More on Bernie: Bernie’s book: Meet The Archons: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
7/13/202357 minutes, 58 seconds
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Peter Canova, on Gnosticism, Consciousness, and Quantum Physics

This ain’t no woo woo, this ain’t no foolin’ around. We explore how the principles of Gnosticism describe major theories of quantum physics like the Big Bang, parallel universes, the Holographic Universe theory, and Einstein’s Relativity. Our quest will take us into the gifts of Sophia, from personal empowerment to unlocking the mysteries of consciousness. Not surprising you heretics, Jungian ideas will thread many cosmic needles in our discussion.Astral Guest – Peter Canova, author of Quantum Spirituality: Science, Gnostic Mysticism, and Connecting with Source Consciousness.Join the Virtual Alexandria Academy is a partial show. For the second half of the interview, please become an AB Prime member:  or patron at Patreon: the simple, effective, and affordable Red Circle Private RSS Feed for all full shows: information on Peter: the book: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
7/11/20231 hour, 13 minutes, 48 seconds
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T. Susan Chang on Unlocking the Secrets of the Tarot

Our fortunes improved as T. Susan Chang returned to the Virtual Alexandria to discuss her new book, The Living Tarot: Connecting the Cards to Everyday Life for Better Readings. Let’s learn how to find personal meanings in tarot cards instead of memorizing predetermined definitions and how to associate each card with unique experiences to develop our correspondences and keywords for reading tarot. Regardless of your expertise or knowledge of Tarot, you’ll find revelations in this episode into the world of magic, archetypes, symbols, and myths.Get the book: on Susan: Patreon: Prime: Virtual Alexandria Academy: Over services: Support this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
7/7/20231 hour, 11 minutes, 34 seconds
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Richard Cox on Gnosticism and Anarchism

Richard Cox stormed the Virtual Alexandria to discuss his latest works, including The Essence of Anarchy and Measuring Mandates. What is the intersection of Gnosticism and Anarchism, or are they simply synonymous regarding worldviews and goals? What can the Gnostic myths tell us about coercion and tyranny, including what has happened today with the erosion of individual rights? Let’s find out together, even as no one here gets out alive (but you can live free if you embrace Gnosis).Get the book: on Richard: Patreon: Prime: Virtual Alexandria Academy: Over services: Support this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
7/1/20231 hour, 6 minutes, 16 seconds
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Dr. Greg Hammer on Healing Stress, Burnout & Anxiety With The Mind

We can all admit that stress, burnout, and other pathologies are breaking us down more than ever. So it was a vital honor to host physician and Stanford University professor and pediatrician Dr. Greg Hammer to discuss his new book, Gain Without Pain. We love complex mysticism at the Virtual Alexandria, but practical yet proven hacks to reduce inner pain and optimize our psyche are just as rewarding. You’ll find the mini-Gnosis to refuel your journey to The All, from simple meditation techniques to brain-rewiring short exercises.More info on Greg: the book: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
6/29/202357 minutes, 28 seconds
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Ethan Indigo Smith on Taoism and Hermeticism

We connect the parallels between Hermeticism and Taoism. You'll find the secrets to optimizing your spiritual life between these religions of the higher mind and numinous code. This exploration also deep dives into related traditions, including Sacred Geometry, meditation, Egyptians Magic, and Eastern Mysticism. Want more? Our discussion will move to our collapsing modern times and how the gifts of Hermes/Thoth might be our best chance.Astral Guest – Ethan Indigo Smith, author of The Tao of Thoth.Join the Virtual Alexandria Academy is a partial show. For the second half of the interview, please become an AB Prime member:  or patron at Patreon: the simple, effective, and affordable Red Circle Private RSS Feed for all full shows: information on Ethan: the book: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
6/22/20231 hour, 9 minutes, 23 seconds
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David Block on Transhumanism, AI, and Demonic CERN

David Block was in the burning house, and you know he elevated the Virtual Alexandria. In the fourth installment of his series, David fully exposed the Golem God and his machinations. This disclosure included the truth about CERN, DNA harvesting, DARPA, Artificial Intelligence, and more. David connected all these findings to ancient mystical concepts like the Tarot, the demon Apollyon, Dante’s Inferno, and so much more. Prepare yourself for the ride of your lifetime. Get tickets to Astro Gnosis 2: Patreon: Prime: Virtual Alexandria Academy: Over services: Support this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
6/17/20231 hour, 11 minutes, 21 seconds
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Matt Socha on Narcissism and Psychopathy (Individual & Collective)

It’s a mad world, as the song goes. But how mad is it, Donnie Darko? We take a clinical and esoteric view of destructive mental disorders like narcissism, psychopathy, BPD, and codependency. This exploration includes seeing how the Gnostics accurately detailed so many mental disorders in their myths. Ultimately, we find an alarming rise in mental diseases creating dangerous egregores seeking to wipe out today’s society. Don’t worry: we will get into the solutions. Astral Guest – Matt Socha, author of The Toxic States of America and Deconstructing Narcissism.Join the Virtual Alexandria Academy is a partial show. For the second half of the interview, please become an AB Prime member:  or patron at Patreon: the simple, effective, and affordable Red Circle Private RSS Feed for all full shows: information on Matt: the books: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
6/11/20231 hour, 8 minutes, 3 seconds
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Mitch Horowitz & Richard Smoley on Archons of the Mind and Materiality

How about a teaser to Astro Gnosis leading to a more extensive discussion on the dark forces that plague us today? It doesn’t get better than Mitch Horowitz and Richard Smoley together at the Virtual Alexandria. My astral guests also shared their latest research from new/upcoming books, so expect a treasure trove on modern occultism, mysticism, and nonlocal psychic phenomena. It’s just a hunk, a hunk of burning Gnosis!Get tickets to Astro Gnosis 2Homepage: Patreon: Prime: Virtual Alexandria Academy: Over services: Astro Gnosis (Meet the Archons): this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
6/7/20231 hour, 8 minutes, 14 seconds
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Lon Milo Duquette on An Accidental Christ - The Story of Jesus

Always an honor when Lon Milo Duquette visits The Virtual Alexandria. He will discuss his new book: An Accidental Christ. This “novel’ presents a thought-provoking exploration of who Jesus really was – a King of the Jews, Son of God, or a man caught up in Roman Palestine – and how the Jesus myth may have become distorted. It uses biblical quotes and facts to explore this concept and incorporates humor, tragedy, and thrills.Get online tickets to Astro GnosisJoin the Virtual Alexandria AcademyThis is a partial show. For the interview’s second half, please become a member or patron at Patreon.Support this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
6/4/20231 hour, 4 minutes, 45 seconds
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Richard Harris on Gnosis To Heal An Archon-Infested World

Life coach and Gnostic practitioner Richard Harris joined me for the latest Finding Hermes. Beyond learning to navigate that Wickedness in High Places, he shared holistic and psycho-spiritual practices that can help individuals attain Gnosis (and a healthier lifestyle). It was a fun but penetrating conversation with advice essential for a collapsing collective psyche, and I know you’ll enjoy my little bonus. Homepage: Patreon: Prime: Virtual Alexandria Academy: Over services: Astro Gnosis (Meet the Archons): this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
6/1/20231 hour, 11 minutes, 24 seconds
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Paul Levy on Undreaming Wetiko

The nightmare ended as Paul Levy arrived at The Virtual Alexandria. He discussed his new book, Undreaming Wetiko, a final nail in the coffin of the Archon Mind Parasites. Find solutions for cosmic liberation in the dreamy ideas from CG Jung, Rudolf Steiner, Shamanism, Gnostic Gospels, and more. Beyond our transformation, can society at large rid itself of the collective hold of Castaneda’s Predator? This show is where we find out (or at least wake up).Get the book: on Paul: online tickets to Astro Gnosis: Patreon: Prime: Virtual Alexandria Academy: Over services: Astro Gnosis (Meet the Archons): this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
5/30/20231 hour, 11 minutes, 58 seconds
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Maja D’Aoust on Archon Mind Parasites & Underworld Witchcraft

Maja D’Aoust returned to the Virtual Alexandria and discussed her new book, 4D: a psychonovel. She shared the sound research behind this very Gnostic tale, including shamanism across history, the eternal battle between Daemon & Archons, Egyptian mysticism, and Hermetic witchcraft. What we discovered is that the afterlife is as much of a trap as our simulation, and that’s the good news because the true Gnosis happens in unleashing our inner dragon and flying across the Ra heavens. No one here gets out alive.Get online tickets for Astro Gnosis: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
5/27/20231 hour, 24 minutes, 20 seconds
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Jason Reza Jorjani on The Truth About The Moon & Our Alien Overlords

Always a hunk, a hunk of burning Gnosis when Jason Reza Jorjani visits The Virtual Alexandria. During this particular visit, he discussed his new book, Artemis Unveiled. What is the truth about the moon? What secrets does this celestial object house, and how does it affect us monkeys down on Earth? Get ready to find out and so many more new revelations Jason brought to the table, including ancient goddesses and conniving extraterrestrials.Join the Virtual Alexandria Academy is a partial show. For the interview’s second half, please become a member or patron at Patreon.Support this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
5/23/20231 hour, 11 minutes, 14 seconds
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Shea Bilé on Lucifer, Nietzsche & The Left-Hand Path

When viewed from the Left-Hand Path tradition, Nietzsche’s philosophy gains even more liberating velocity. We’ll pour dilithium crystals to supercharge our inner Uberman machinery. And take a stellar journey into understanding transgressive movements that fought for the emancipation of our indwelling light-bringer, from Gnosticism to Luciferianism to everything between Heaven & Hell.Astral Guest – Shea Bilé, author of Friedrich Nietzsche and the Left Hand Path.Join the Virtual Alexandria Academy is a partial show. For the second half of the interview, please become an AB Prime member:  or patron at Patreon: the simple, effective, and affordable Red Circle Private RSS Feed for all full shows: information on Shea: the book: Patreon: Prime: Virtual Alexandria Academy: Over services: Astro Gnosis (Meet the Archons): Support this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
5/17/20231 hour, 10 minutes, 47 seconds
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Robert Price & Ralph Ellis on Dude, Where’s My Jesus?

Nothing can be more heretical than Robert Price and Ralph Ellis materializing at the Virtual Alexandria. We discussed the origins of Christianity and the theories of Jesus Christ. Plus, you know Gnosticism and other alternative movements were on the menu. For good measure, we included the topics of free speech, Arthurian legends, and canceling cancel culture.This is a partial show. For the interview’s second half, please become a member or patron at Patreon.Get the simple, effective, and affordable Red Circle Private RSS Feed for all full showsHomepage: Prime: Alexandria Academy: Over services: Gnosis (Meet the Archons): this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
5/13/20231 hour, 13 minutes, 22 seconds
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Chris Knowles and Steven Snider on Archons, Ultraterrestrials & Astro Gnosis

The Virtual Alexandria hosted Astro Gnosis speakers, Chris Knowles and Steven Snider, to give us a teaser of their presentations. Beyond discussing the upcoming conference, we engaged in an immersive roundtable discussion on Archons in their many incarnations and how to exorcise them from our damn lives. It was intense and unforgettable and often inspirational.Join the Virtual Alexandria AcademyThis is a partial show. For the interview’s second half, please become a member or patron at Patreon.Get the simple, effective, and affordable Red Circle Private RSS Feed for all full shows:Homepage: Patreon: Prime: Virtual Alexandria Academy: Over services: Astro Gnosis (Meet the Archons): this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
5/10/20231 hour, 5 minutes, 34 seconds
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Jo Graham on Unlocking the Mysteries of Hellenistic Goddesses

Let’s court powerful ancient goddesses and learn to make them work in our lives. Beyond their engaging myths and histories, we’ll understand the mystical Hellenistic world that honored these deities. You probably haven’t heard of many of these deities like Atargatis and Epona, and you’ll find new dimensions to renowned ones like Isis, Athena, Cybele, Aphrodite, and Tyche. Of course, we’ll cover Holy Wisdom.Astral Guest – Jo Graham, author of Seven Goddesses of the Hellenistic World: Ancient Worship for Modern Times. Join the Virtual Alexandria AcademyThis is a partial show. For the interview’s second half, please become a member or patron at Patreon.Get the simple, effective, and affordable Red Circle Private RSS Feed for all full shows:More information on JoGet the bookSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
5/3/20231 hour, 23 minutes, 6 seconds
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Eduardo Cano on Consciousness and Exiting The Matrix

Is this the real life? Is it just fantasy? Nobody better to find out than Eduardo Cano as he materialized at the Virtual Alexandria to discuss his latest work: The Crystal Lattice Mind Illusion. From Pythagoras to today’s cutting-edge science (some not good, like MKUltra), he deciphered the mystery of consciousness and how to leverage it to break down The Matrix. Get ready to expand your consciousness while we cover many great topics dealing with our simulation: The Gnostics, Rupert Sheldrake, Tesla, Esoteric Hinduism, Quantum Physics, and much more!Join the Virtual Alexandria AcademyRegister for Astro Gnosis 2: Meet The ArchonsThis is a partial show. For the interview’s second half, please become a member or patron at Patreon.Get the simple, effective, and affordable Red Circle Private RSS Feed for all full showsSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
5/1/20231 hour, 11 minutes, 15 seconds
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Ron James & Barbara DeLong on UFO Activity: Government Exposure & Censorship

First, the AB Live audio version of Filmmaker Ron James joining us for a phenomenal, eye-opening documentary. Join us as we explore the most exciting and important aspects of UFOs. We deep-dived into the UFO phenomena and exposed many truths, from alien abductions to secret government programs. We also got the most profound insights from many of today’s leading minds in the field: Colonel John Alexander, Lue Elizondo, Christopher Mellon, Nick Pope, Richard Dolan, and Dr. Michio Kaku.Then a stellar interview with Barbara DeLong, discussing her new book, Beyond Roswell, which she co-authored with Ken Goudsward. The public's perception of UFOs starting in 1947 is just a continuation of a long-standing pattern. In fact, there are many documented historical sightings of unidentified flying objects prior to the Roswell event, with some of the records stretching back to ancient times. According to the book’s findings, no other phenomenon has been as consistent and well-documented over time, with as many sightings, reports, and discussions, as UFOs.Support this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
4/28/20232 hours, 37 minutes, 24 seconds
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David Block on Belial, Thagirion & The War on DNA

Gird your loins to experience David Block’s third installment of his thought-provoking presentations. He tackled these topics: The war over DNA; David Bowie and the Black Star; Death and resurrection; Apocalypse and renewal; Thagirion, the Skull & Bones, the Demiurgic labyrinth, solar energy, and yes, Belial in relation to his ideas on the Watchers. Even better, David provided advice on how to reject the Archons. And much more!Join the Virtual Alexandria AcademyThis is a partial show. For the interview’s second half, please become a member or patron at Patreon.Get the simple, effective, and affordable Red Circle Private RSS Feed for all full shows David’s YouTube ChannelOur last interview with DavidHomepage: Patreon: Prime: Virtual Alexandria Academy: Over services: Astro Gnosis (Meet the Archons): this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
4/22/20231 hour, 5 minutes, 2 seconds
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Gram Pong on Alan Turing, Peter Hilton & Nazi Codebreaking

Who wants to go Nazi hunting? Gram Pong parachutes at the Virtual Alexandria for his new research on those who cracked the Matrix code of Social Nationalism during World War 2. You know we’ll discuss the conspiratorial and esoteric side of the Nazis and other movements during that epoch.Homepage: Patreon: Prime: Virtual Alexandria Academy: Over services: Astro Gnosis (Meet the Archons): this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
4/20/20231 hour, 18 minutes, 44 seconds
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John Michael Greer on The Cathars, Naassenes & The Holy Grail

Discover the mind-blowing connection between the Cathars, the Holy Grail, ancient serpent Gnostics, and the enigmatic Mystery Religions. You’ll find an ancient technology that liberates the spirit and heals the land, smuggled by the Gnostics and Secret Societies and under the authoritarian watch of orthodoxy. Just as fascinating, you’ll find the truth behind the legends of Merlin, Hiram Abiff, and King Arthur. John Michael Greer, author of The Ceremony of the Grail: Ancient Mysteries, Gnostic Heresies, and the Lost Rituals of Freemasonry.Join the Virtual Alexandria Academy is a partial show. For the second half of the interview, please become an AB Prime member:  or patron at Patreon: the simple, effective, and affordable Red Circle Private RSS Feed for all full shows: information on John: the book: Patreon: Prime: Virtual Alexandria Academy: Over services: Astro Gnosis (Meet the Archons): this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
4/17/20231 hour, 7 minutes, 11 seconds
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Ralph Ellis on The Secret History of Mary Magdalene

It was a delight to host Ralph Ellis at the Virtual Alexandria, especially as he shared from his book, Mary Magdalene, Princess of Orange: Mary in Provence, France. Get ready for a fascinating investigation of the origins and adventures of Mary. What was her true identity, and did she really end up in France? Why was her story suppressed, and is this censorship part of a more extensive, global propaganda? Let’s find out.Get the book: info on Ralph: Patreon: Prime: Virtual Alexandria Academy: Over services: Astro Gnosis (Meet the Archons): this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
4/15/20231 hour, 7 minutes, 28 seconds
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Jerry Marzinsky on Archonic Mind Parasites, Part 2

After too long of a pause, Jerry Marzinsky returned for the sequel of his absorbing interview. He recapped and expanded on his research with prison inmates that revealed that the “voices” of schizophrenics are not hallucinations caused by chemical imbalances but malignant entities feeding off mental negativity and pain. How can we expel these psychic parasites that have invaded not only criminals but a good portion of humanity? Find out and encounter startling data from his book, An Amazing Journey Into the Psychotic Mind, and make sure you’re sitting down for this one.Listen to our first interviewMore information on Jerry and SherryHomepage: Prime: Alexandria Academy: Over services: Astro Gnosis (Meet the Archons): this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
4/10/20231 hour, 1 minute, 6 seconds
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Dr. Joanna Kujawa on Mary M., Esoteric Egypt & Kundalini Gnosis

Joanna Kujawa arrived at the Virtual Alexandria with more mind-expanding, reality-disbanding insights from The Other Goddess (and beyond). Did ancient Egyptians use Kundalini for astral ascension? Is there a link between their practices and the Gospel of Mary (or other Gnostic works)? Get ready for a hunk, a hunk of burning Gnosis, which includes what the Gospel of Mary really teaches and why Mary Magdalene might have been an alchemist supreme.This is a partial show. For the second half of the interview, please become a member or patron at Patreon.Get the simple, effective, and affordable Red Circle Private RSS Feed for all full showsMore information on JoannaHomepage: Prime: Alexandria Academy: Over services: Astro Gnosis (Meet the Archons): this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
4/7/20231 hour, 1 minute, 54 seconds
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Sarah Janes and Brian George on Dream Mysteries & Masks of the Soul

Ready for a spring doubleheader full of “know thyself” revelations?First, Sarah Janes discusses her book, Initiation into Dream Mysteries: Drinking from the Pool of Mnemosyne. We take an odyssey into the dream practices across history, from ancient Babylon to ancient Egypt to modern occultism, finding techniques to tap into the dreamworld to encounter meaning, wholeness, and destiny.Then we’re joined by Brian George, author of Masks of Origin: Regression in the Service of Omnipotence. By understanding our daily personas and the fiction that is reality, we can travel beyond the normal categories of space, time, and narrative structure toward a further shore of multidimensional and more-than-human experience. You won’t be the same person after this Gnosis.Join the Virtual Alexandria Academy is a partial show. For the second half of the interview, please become an AB Prime member:  or patron at Patreon: the simple, effective, and affordable Red Circle Private RSS Feed for all full shows: information on Sarah: information on Brian: the books: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
4/4/20232 hours, 2 minutes, 20 seconds
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Cat Rose Neligan on The Daemon, Astrology & Philip K. Dick

Cat Rose Neligan materialized at the Virtual Alexandria to help us find that high weirdness, self-knowledge nexus that is the Daemon & Astrology. Are we hopelessly trapped under fate, or can our Higher Self, Guardian Angel, or Spirit Guide assist us in attaining cosmic liberation? She granted us an expansion of high-octane Gnosis from her book, Discovering Your Personal Daimon, and used the life and star charts of Philip K. Dick as a case study. And egregores, we talked about egregores a lot.Join the Virtual Alexandria AcademyThis is a partial show. For the interview’s second half, please become a member or patron at Patreon.Get the simple, effective, and affordable Red Circle Private RSS Feed for all full showsHomepage: Prime: Alexandria Academy: Over services: Astro Gnosis (Meet the Archons): this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
4/1/20231 hour, 20 minutes, 41 seconds
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Alex Rivera on Secrets of Eros, Mithras, Hermes & Other Mystery Gods

Ready to go down the mind-blowing rabbit hole of enigmatic gods that still influence modern culture? Then enjoy a spanning presentation that crosses history and occultism. Beyond these mercurial deities – that also include Abraxas, Cybele, and the Archangel Michael – we’ll learn about the impact of arcane movements like the Cathars, Thelema, the Cult of Orpheus, and the Kabbalah. All of this data will climax into an understanding of our role in a world that can no longer keep us asleep or make us think we are just human.Astral Guest — Alex Rivera, author of The Laurel Turns Green.Join the Virtual Alexandria Academy is a partial show. For the second half of the interview, please become an AB Prime member:  or patron at Patreon: the simple, effective, and affordable Red Circle Private RSS Feed for all full shows: information on Alex: the book: Prime: Alexandria Academy: Over services: Astro Gnosis (Meet the Archons): this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
3/27/202359 minutes, 39 seconds
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Tom Montalk on The Demiurge and The Matrix Control System

Is it possible that time-bending alien artifacts have altered history? Are we caught in a time war between hyperdimensional forces, the great struggle between darkness and light? What is our role for those with Gnosis in this grand cosmic drama? We get the answers by taking an excursion behind the veil of normative reality, from Ancient Egypt to Biblical apocalypses to medieval Alchemy. We discover that relics like the Great Pyramids, Ark of the Covenant, and the Philosopher’s Stone are more complex than imagined – all part of the chimeric mechanism of the Demiurge and his Archons.Astral Guest – Tom Montalk, author of Gnosis (Alchemy, Grail, Ark, and the Demiurge): A Gnostic Treatise on Spirituality, Mythology, and Alien Technology. Join the Virtual Alexandria Academy is a partial show. For the second half of the interview, please become an AB Prime member:  or patron at Patreon: the simple, effective, and affordable Red Circle Private RSS Feed for all full shows: information on Tom: the book: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
3/21/20231 hour, 9 minutes, 29 seconds
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David Block on Prometheus and Lucifer

Ready for the sequel to David Block’s Azazel and the Watchers? You better because David focused this time on the figures of Prometheus and Lucifer. The presentation expanded on the Anunnaki and covered subjects like Atlantis, Norse mythology, and The Bible. Let’s take on the Golem God and all his empty works.David’s YouTube: Prime: Alexandria Academy: Over services: Support this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
3/18/20231 hour, 18 minutes, 58 seconds
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Jill K Thomas on Hypnotherapy for Trauma Healing, Past Life Recall & True Purpose

Hypnotherapist, intuitive coach, and clairvoyant Jill K Thomas joined Finding Hermes for a whole lotta healing and education. She shared this helpful meditation mode that guides us like an Orpheus in and out of our inner worlds (without losing our soul or Eurydice!). We discussed the various types of hypnotism, from stage hypnosis to mass media propaganda to life-regression treatments. Just as fascinating, she explained how each of us is a healer and how we can make that ability work in a new economy and that changing world in the Age of Hermes.More information on Jill her book: Prime: Alexandria Academy: Over services: Support this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
3/14/20231 hour, 1 minute, 30 seconds
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Carl Abrahamsson on The Magical Origins of Art, Science, and Culture

We take a historical and mythical tour of the eldritch currents that expanded humanity’s consciousness and built civilization. These systems include shamanism, witchcraft, magic realism, psychedelics, and simply nurturing a vivid imagination. Our trek ends with the Trickster and his warning that societies will continue to plunge into the Demiurge's nightmare if we don’t embrace a life of magic again.Astral Guest – Carl Abrahamsson, author of Source Magic: The Origin of Art, Science, and Culture.Join the Virtual Alexandria Academy is a partial show. For the interview's second half, please become a member or patron at Patreon.This is a partial show. For the second half of the interview, please become an AB Prime member:  or patron at Patreon: the simple, effective, and affordable Red Circle Private RSS Feed for all full shows: information on Carl: the book: Prime: Alexandria Academy: Over services: Support this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
3/7/20231 hour, 12 minutes, 28 seconds
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David Block on Azazel, The Watchers, and Anunnaki Origins

David Block materialized at the Virtual Alexandria to investigate the mercurial Azazel. Is this archon a leader of the fallen angels or the scapegoat demon in the desert? Or both? Is he perhaps just a shadow projection of dark guilt we don’t want to face? He will answer these questions, going deep into Sumerian, Babylonian, and Atlantis lore for startling truths. There is no choice. As Daniel 4:17 states: “This matter is by the decree of the Watchers.”Homepage: Prime: Alexandria Academy: Over services: Support this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
3/4/20231 hour, 9 minutes, 41 seconds
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Elliott Saxton on Secrets of Simon Magus

Elliott Saxton returned to the Virtual Alexandria with a heretical blast. He presented on the Father of Gnosticism and All Heresies: Simon Magus. Beyond little-known but critical facts about the magician, we explored his symbiotic relationship with Simon Peter, the Rock. We discovered an elegant theology of fire magic and cosmic liberation. But you know that happens when we cover one of the show’s patron saints. And yes – that’s a rendition of the Starman in the promo graphic.Join the Virtual Alexandria AcademyThis is a partial show. For the interview’s second half, please become a member or patron at Patreon.Get the simple, effective, and affordable Red Circle Private RSS Feed for all full showsSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
3/1/20231 hour, 8 minutes, 42 seconds
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Jasun Horsley on Stanley Kubrick and The AI Demiurge

Stanley Kubrick is widely considered one of the greatest filmmakers. Some elevate him to a cult-leader status and consider him an exposer of authoritarianism through coded messaging. But what if Kubrick’s role is the opposite of these views? The greatest trick this devil ever pulled was convincing us he was a talented artist. Instead, Kubrick was more of a social engineer that used his films to modify our consciousness and feed an AI demiurge meant to rule over a new, technocratic age. We explore his life and movies, from 2001: A Space Odyssey to Eyes Wide Shut, to find the man behind the archon curtain.Astral Guest – Jasun Horsley, author of The Kubrickon: The Cult of Kubrick, Attention Capture, and the Inception of AI.Join the Virtual Alexandria AcademyThis is a partial show. For the interview’s second half, please become a member or patron at Patreon.Get the simple, effective, and affordable Red Circle Private RSS Feed for all full showsMore information on JasunGet the bookOr get it here for 20% off (code KU20)Support this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
2/22/20231 hour, 15 minutes, 51 seconds
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Dr. Robert M. Price on Lost Gospels and Found Gnostics

Robert M. Price materialized at the Virtual Alexandria to discuss his new book, The Gospels Behind the Gospels. Much of the work focuses on early Christianity’s underground and bubbling stream of Gnostic thought. That’s what we’ll concentrate on, finding the pre-Christian origins of Gnosticism, the Demiurge & the roots of evil, and the secrets of various Gnostic Gospels. We verged into similar concepts like Mystery Religions, the Rising/Dying Godman, and ancient novels. Hide your daughters of orthodoxy!Get the simple, effective, and affordable Red Circle Private RSS Feed for all full showsMore info on BobHomepage: Prime: Alexandria Academy: Over services: Support this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
2/19/20231 hour, 19 minutes, 11 seconds
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Christopher McIntosh on Occult Russia

Russia has always been a bricolage of spiritualities, experimental religions, and enduring shamanism. Is there such a thing as a usable and merged Russian mysticism – or at least some constant egregore? There is one, and it’s found while studying concepts/movements: Silver Age, Soviet Secret Societies, Slavic and Siberian religiosity, Greek Orthodox esotericism, and more. This investigation takes us to today’s New Age/Pagan that has made Russia a hotbed of Chaos Magic, Astrology, Sophia worship, and ceremonial magic.Astral Guest – Christopher McIntosh, author of Occult Russia: Pagan, Esoteric, and Mystical Traditions.Join the Virtual Alexandria Academy is a partial show. For the second half of the interview, please become an AB Prime member:   or patron at Patreon: the simple, effective, and affordable Red Circle Private RSS Feed for all full shows: information on Christopher: the book: a patron and keep this Red Pill Cafeteria growing: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
2/14/20231 hour, 14 minutes, 7 seconds
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Ronnie Pontiac on Esoteric and Mystic America

Ronnie Pontiac joined the Virtual Alexandria to discuss his new book, American Metaphysical Religion. Many assume pious Christians founded America. Yet the truth is that this entire continent has always been a bubbling stew of religions – many of which are shamanistic and occult. Are there any original American religions? Where is spirituality heading in the 21st century? From Native ecstatic movements to colonial Kabbalah & Hermeticism, from 19th Spiritualism to Meme Magic, we thread a needle to find an authentic American Metaphysical Religion.Join the Virtual Alexandria AcademyThis is a partial show. For the interview’s second half, please become a member or patron at Patreon.Get the simple, effective, and affordable Red Circle Private RSS Feed for all full shows.Support this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
2/10/20231 hour, 30 minutes, 36 seconds
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Elliott Saxton on Gnosticism & Christianity as Mystery Religions

The Mystery Religions thrived in ancient times, vital secret societies and initiations into esoteric experiences. As secretive as they were, we can somewhat construct their rituals and results – from the mysteries of Demeter to the cultish rites of Mithras. Is it possible that Gnosticism and Christianity started as Mystery Religions? What is the evidence for this, and what gifts do their primordial forms offer us? Podcaster and researcher Elliott Saxton joined the Virtual Alexandria to answer all this and more.Join the Virtual Alexandria AcademySupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
2/5/20231 hour, 9 minutes, 27 seconds
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Sarah Elkhaldy on Alchemy, Awakening, and Shadow Work

Mystic, spiritual teacher, and author Sarah Elkhaldy joined the Virtual Alexandria. She shared her ideas on alchemy and spiritual evolution. What can we do to elevate our energetic transmission to heal a sick culture and wounded earth? As above as below, and within so without. Thus, it’s about learning to look inward, face our shadows, and activate our souls. And as Sarah also revealed, it's how to deal with the trickster and archons.Join the Virtual Alexandria AcademyThis is a partial show. For the interview’s second half, please become a member or patron at Patreon.Get the simple, effective, and affordable Red Circle Private RSS Feed for all full showsSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
2/2/20231 hour, 27 seconds
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Enna Reittort on Sophia vs. the Dark Gods of the Matrix, Part 2

We continue exposing those archonic forces that have enslaved humanity for thousands of years. However, in this sequel, we focus too on a radically different way to cultivate a contemplative attitude – a way for all humans but known to only a handful of western people. Its core attitude of non-doing leaves the body rejuvenated and the mind razor sharp. Moreover, our third eye or Nous can slice through a toxic culture that blindly worships the unnatural, the virtual, the artificial, and the simulated.Astral Guest – Enna Reittort, author of Broody Blue: A Handbook of Ruthless Gentleness for the Natural Human Mystic.Join the Virtual Alexandria Academy This is a partial show. For the second half of the interview, please become an AB Prime member:  or patron at Patreon: the simple, effective, and affordable Red Circle Private RSS Feed for all full shows: information on Enna: the book: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
2/1/20231 hour, 14 minutes, 21 seconds
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Samuel Chong on Alien Visitations and Prophecy

We were beamed up to a heaven full of extraterrestrial encounters of all kinds. For this trekking, we were joined by Samuel Chong, a UFO researcher and translator of Thiaoouba Prophecy, a fascinating account of a man’s encounter with highly evolved beings. Are aliens behind much of our modern culture? Do they have a spirituality of their own, and can they stop humanity from destroying itself? We’ll explore this and much more, including the truth of Jesus’ cosmic origins.Join the Virtual Alexandria Academy This is a partial show. For the second half of the interview, please become an AB Prime member:  or patron at Patreon: the simple, effective, and affordable Red Circle Private RSS Feed for all full shows: information on Charles: the book: a patron and keep this Red Pill Cafeteria growing: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
1/25/20231 hour, 17 minutes, 30 seconds
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Ola Wolny on Archon Control of the Zodiac, Part 2

Ola Wolny returned for a second Gnosis sidewinder on the Archons and their domination of the planets. Beyond expanding on her research, she discussed Hyperphoria, the gods' home, and nature's healing spirits. As always, you’ll get revelations on how to break from stellar and societal programming to find your authentic self. If you get caught between the moon and New York City, the best you can do is call both fakes.First part of the interview: info on Ola: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
1/20/20231 hour, 1 minute, 29 seconds
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Jason Reza Jorjani on Promethean Pirate

Jason Reza Jorjani returned to the Virtual Alexandria to discuss his new book, Promethean Pirate. He shared absorbing findings about Atlantis, Traditionalism, and the dark ambitions of the elite. We also chatted about the role of the philosopher, reincarnation, and the Promethean tools needed to collapse the Empire. You say you want a revolution; well, you know we all want to change the world…This is a partial show. For the interview’s second half, please become a member or patron at Patreon.Get the simple, effective, and affordable Red Circle Private RSS Feed for all full shows More information on JasonSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
1/17/202359 minutes, 24 seconds
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Ian from Gnostic World Awakening on Secret Symbolism in 9/11 & Other Cultural Events

Think you’ve decoded all the occult secrets of 9/11? The Virtual Alexandria begs to differ as we provided new research. Ian from (formerly) Gnostic World Awakening returned with novel findings on this event as well as other insights, including esoteric symbolism in Pinocchio, pop music revelations, and more. Prepare to have your mind expanded and reality disbanded. Prepare to have your mind expanded and reality disbanded. Join the Virtual Alexandria AcademyThis is a partial show. For the interview’s second half, please become a member or patron at Patreon.Get the simple, effective, and affordable Red Circle Private RSS Feed for all full showsSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
1/14/20231 hour, 3 minutes, 54 seconds
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Charles Stein on The Light of Hermes Trismegistus

We take a journey into the illuminating gifts of Hermes Thrice Gate. This involves getting deeply acquainted with all of this luminary’s incarnations throughout myth and history: Hermes, Thoth, Hekate, the Logos, and more. It certainly includes grasping the alien but transcendental consciousness of ancient Egypt and various esoteric texts like The Hymn to Isis, the Theogony, the Corpus Hermeticum, the Chaldean Oracles, and more. Where does all this lead? Present a new vehicle for transmission of the Hermetic Genius in modern times.Astral Guest – Charles Stein, author of The Light of Hermes Trismegistus: New Translations of Seven Essential Hermetic Texts.Join the Virtual Alexandria AcademyThis is a partial show. For the interview's second half, please become a member or patron at Patreon.Get the simple, effective, and affordable Red Circle Private RSS Feed for all full shows: information on Charles: the book: a patron and keep this Red Pill Cafeteria growing: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
1/10/20231 hour, 11 minutes, 40 seconds
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Mitch Horowitz and Charles Eisenstein on Being Authentic in a Time of Universal Deceit

A special Finding Hermes to gird your psychic loins in 2023. Enjoy a rewarding double heard with two brilliant individuals whose transformative ideas and research have gone against herd mentality narratives to champion individual transformation.First, I hosted Charles Eisenstein. He shared his penetrating insights on ecology, interdependence, optimizing self-knowledge, and navigating our cancel culture era.Then I was joined by Mitch Horowitz to discuss his new book, Uncertain Places. You know we got august scholarship on non-local intelligence, modern Occultism, combating Scientism, and much more.Ready yourself for a perfect show for discovering your authentic self and rejecting programmed counterfeit personalities.Join the Virtual Alexandria AcademySupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
1/5/20231 hour, 59 minutes, 8 seconds
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James True on Ark of Baphomet

We cured hangovers and armed the audience against the archons when James True joined us on New Year’s Day. Beyond advice on navigating 2023, he discussed his new book, Ark of Baphomet. The work is a fantastic, mind-blowing exploration of Abraxas, Lilith, Noah, Giants/Nephilim/Titans, and Egyptian lore on immortality. And that’s just scratching the surface of the choppy waters of mythology and conspiracy.Join the Virtual Alexandria AcademyThis is a partial show. For the interview’s second half, please become a member or patron at Patreon.Get the simple, effective, and affordable Red Circle Private RSS Feed for all full showsMore info on JamesSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
1/2/20231 hour, 4 minutes, 23 seconds
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Dr. Stephen Flowers on The Occult Roots of Bolshevism

Most assume that the “OG” Communists held a secular ethos with no room for spiritual matters. In truth, like all establishment tyrants, they were steeped in magical thinking. Would you be surprised to know that Uncle Joe rubbed shoulders with Gurdjieff? It gets better. From the romantic transhumanism of Lenin to the folk magic of Stalin, we uncover the occult/secret society cornerstone of the Bolsheviks. And find out also how their black sorcery inspired other fascist regimes of the 20th century.Astral Guest – Dr. Stephen Flowers, author of The Occult Roots of Bolshevism.Join the Virtual Alexandria Academy (get 20% off with special holiday discount)This is a partial show. For the second half of the interview, please become an AB Prime member:  or patron at Patreon: the simple, effective, and affordable Red Circle Private RSS Feed for all full shows: information on Stephen: the book: a patron and keep this Red Pill Cafeteria growing: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
12/27/20221 hour, 11 minutes, 13 seconds
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Marlene Seven Bremner on Hermetic Philosophy & Creative Alchemy

Artists and author Marlene Seven Bremner joined AB Live. She discussed her new book Hermetic Philosophy and Creative Alchemy. The work is a profound synthesis of magical and occult teaching and initiation into the alchemical opus. Discover how to incorporate Hermetic and alchemical principles to awaken inner knowing, liberate the imagination, and live a mystical, creative, and inspired life. The Virtual Alexandria hills were alive with the sound of Gnosis! Full audio for everyone as it was a Solstice celebration.Join the Virtual Alexandria Academy (get 20% with special holiday discount)  More information on MarleneSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
12/22/20221 hour, 27 minutes, 2 seconds
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David Block on Cracking The Shining Code, Part 3

David Block materialized at the Virtual Alexandria for the third installment of his intriguing presentations. David panned pan for more alchemical gold in The Shining. But he expanded into other Stanley Kubrick creations like Eyes Wide Shut and 2001: A Space Odyssey. Prepare for abundant gematria, symbolism, and hidden messages, overlapping with other art forms and occult traditions like The Wizard of Oz, the Cult of Saturn, and Freemasonry.Join the Virtual Alexandria Academy (get 20% with special holiday discount)This is a partial show. For the second half of the interview, please become an AB Prime member:  or patron at Patreon: the simple, effective, and affordable Red Circle Private RSS Feed for all full shows: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
12/17/20221 hour, 17 minutes, 53 seconds
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Wallace Wagner on The Spirituality in UFOs and Alien Visitations

Can we trace a metaphysical line from ancient star cults to today’s UFO encounters? Indeed, we can find that line revealing a big picture where the religious and scientific stances on extraterrestrials overlap. We plunge down that line – from the Anunnaki to biblical alien visitations to modern governments concealing their interactions with cosmic visitors. This investigation – pointing to a possible awakening of humanity – includes the star lore of Gnostic Gospels, the truth about the moon, revelations on Roswell, and much more. There’s a Starman waiting in sky….no longer.Astral Guest – Wallace Wagner, author of Within Grasp: My evolving journey discovers more truths beyond the Bible.Join the Virtual Alexandria Academy (get 20% with special holiday discount)This is a partial show. For the second half of the interview, please become an AB Prime member:  or patron at Patreon: the simple, effective, and affordable Red Circle Private RSS Feed for all full shows: information on Wallace: the book: a patron and keep this Red Pill Cafeteria growing: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
12/14/20221 hour, 11 minutes, 18 seconds
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Listening Post Alpha on Philip K. Dick, Twin Peaks & Ultraterrestrials

Yes, way! On the latest AB Live, we hosted a group of techno Thelemites with incredible tools to break down the veil and communicate with the beyond. Listening Post Alpha materialized at the Virtual Alexandria to show their mediumship findings. From contacting the White Lodge to deciphering the call of those trickster Ultraterrestrials, we learned a brand-new form of spirit communication. Moreover, you’ll be pink-beamed to Gnosis when they reveal how Philip K. Dick’s anamnesis fits into a larger Typhonian/Thelemic context that links up with Twin Peaks themes.This is a partial show. For the interview’s second half, please become a member or patron at Patreon.Get the simple, effective, and affordable Red Circle Private RSS Feed for all full showsJOIN THE VIRTUAL ALEXANDRIA ACADEMYSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
12/10/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 29 seconds
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Howdie Mickoski on Exiting the Demiurge’s Simulation

It’s not hard to see that we linger in a fabricated reality coded by shadowy forces. But what can we do about it beyond knowing? We find helpful exercises and traditions that allow us to break the powers of fate and undo the reincarnation trap. This quest reveals new realities to Plato’s Allegory of the Cave, Cathar history, NDE science, and much more. Karma that chameleon, Yaldi Baldi.Astral Guest – Howdie Mickoski, author of Exit the Cave: Ending the Reincarnation Trap.This is a partial show. For the second half of the interview, please become an AB Prime member:  or patron at Patreon: the simple, effective, and affordable Red Circle Private RSS Feed for all full shows: information on Howdie: the book: a patron and keep this Red Pill Cafeteria growing: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
12/4/20221 hour, 16 minutes, 38 seconds
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Joanna Kujawa and Dan Morse on "Ask Me Anything" 100th AB Live Celebration

An Ask Me Anything was the perfect topic as I hit 100 AB Live shows. I was joined by Dr. Joanna Kujawa, author of The Other Goddess, and Dan Morse, author of The Divine Spark Within. We exchanged Gnostic ideas while answering some thought-provoking questions. Topics included the origins of Gnosticism, the Cathars, sex magic, Egyptian mysticism, Mary Magdalene, and how to gain that self-knowledge, that Gnosis, to break out of the simulation and into your authentic self.Join the Virtual Alexandria Academy: As a holiday/rollout promo, Get 20% off with code aeonbyteInfo on Joanna: Info on Joanna's course: Info on Dan: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
12/1/20221 hour, 37 minutes, 49 seconds
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Astro Gnosis Panel: Chris Knowles, Gordon White, Laurence Galian & More

Let’s warm up the holiday season by presenting one of the two Astro Gnosis panel discussions. Both roundtables were thought-provoking and fun. This one was honored by Chris Knowles, Gordon White, Sarah Walker Scheld, Laurence Galian, Nathan Lee Miller Foster, and engaging audience questions. I was in there somewhere, manspreading. From today’s UFO reveals to Mayan magic, from scientism to practical spiritual exercises, we covered a lot of galaxies.Support this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
11/26/20221 hour, 26 minutes, 59 seconds
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David Pantano on Hermetic Healing & The Fraternity of Myriam

We explore the remarkable life of Giuliano Kremmerz, as well as other essential and overlooked modern Hermeticists. This study includes the Fraternity of Myriam, a critical secret society that energized European magical systems while navigating the storms of Italian fascism. You can expect us to cover other Italian occultists like Count Cagliostro and Julius Evola. We’ll ultimately find the core ethos of Hermes Trismegistus, timeless healing magic, underground alchemy, and the keys to expanded consciousness. Astral Guest – David Pantano, translator and compiler of The Hermetic Physician: The Magical Teachings of Giuliano Kremmerz and the Fraternity of Myriam.This is a partial show. For the second half of the interview, please become an AB Prime member:  or patron at Patreon: the simple, effective, and affordable Red Circle Private RSS Feed for all full shows: information on David: the book: a patron and keep this Red Pill Cafeteria growing: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
11/22/20221 hour, 17 minutes, 10 seconds
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Ola Wolny on Archon Control of the Zodiac

Esoteric researcher and scientist Ola Wolny arrived at the Virtual Alexandria with disturbing and amazing research. The Gnostics claimed that the stars and planets were a chief tool of the Archons. The zodiac was a code that determined humanity’s fate, and that fate was always doom and destruction. Even our very DNA was imbued with tragedy and slave instincts. It seems that the Gnostics were utterly right, and much of ancient texts and myths point to this reality – from Babylonian cosmology to Hermetic lore. Just as bad, modern astrology is part of the archonic matrix, a psychospiritual trap that further slumbers the soul. How can we break this deterministic machine that traps both secularists and occultists? We mine the mystic ideas of the Gnostics and the promise of Sophia for solutions.This is a partial show. For the interview’s second half, please become a member or patron at Patreon.Get the simple, effective, and affordable Red Circle Private RSS Feed for all full showsSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
11/18/20221 hour, 38 seconds
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Micah Dank on What Is God?

Micah Dank descended like a Starman on the Virtual Alexandria with his usual thought-provoking astrotheological Gnosis. He illuminated the great question of who is the Supreme Being. Beyond star maps, Micah brought insights from gematria, genetics, philosophy, history, and much more. Which western religious system comes closest to deciphering the nature of God, or is it all about just looking inward for ultimate divinity? Find this out and more important questions, like which actor played God the best in film. More information on MicahGet the bookSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
11/16/20221 hour, 18 minutes, 23 seconds
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Dr. Eric G. Wilson on How To Be Weird

My friend and friend to the Gnostics, Eric G. Wilson, returned to the Virtual Alexandria to discuss his new book: How to Be Weird: An Off-Kilter Guide to Living a One-of-a-Kind Life. What is being weird exactly? How can that wild eccentricity move us into an existence of wonder, artistry, and freedom? We learned from past and remarkable figures that broke through the monotony of machine life and archon-hypnotizing – and embraced their inner trickster and created a better world. Beyond Eric sharing the wisdom and exercises from his work, we covered William Blake, Herman Melville, David Lynch, and other Gnostics of modernity. Support this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
11/12/20221 hour, 4 minutes, 37 seconds
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Dan Morse on Sophia, the Deep Christ & the Divine Spark Within

Let’s take a journey with Sophia, including the rich mythology of her fall and redemption, to find revelations for both inner and global wholeness. This mission revisits and innovates many of Gnosticism’s foundations, such as the Gnostic Jesus, Simon Magus, the Bridal Chamber, and the wrath of Yaldabaoth. We’ll also cover several historical Gnostic expressions, from the Pistis Sophia to Knights Templar lore, all to pave the way to finding your Divine Spark.Astral Guest – Dan Morse, author of The Divine Spark Within: Excavating the Mysteries of Sophia and the Deep Christ.This is a partial show. For the second half of the interview, please become an AB Prime member:  or patron at Patreon: the simple, effective, and affordable Red Circle Private RSS Feed for all full shows: information on Dan: the book: a patron and keep this Red Pill Cafeteria growing: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
11/9/20221 hour, 9 minutes, 38 seconds
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K. Briggs on Comic Books & Visual Art As Magick Practice

It’s never the wrong time to talk about Gaiman, Morrison, or Moore and how their work is just sigil sorcery and the opening of mystical portals. Artist, practitioner, and scholar K. Briggs materialized at the Virtual Alexandria to discuss all of this and her insights on Tarot, speculative design, and alternative histories. She also shared her fantastic art that goes straight to the heart of the Imaginal. Get sound wisdom on how to access your inner artist and Tarot creator. Check out K’s Kickaster for McBethSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
11/5/20221 hour, 29 minutes, 12 seconds
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Ian from Gnostic World Awakening on Gnostic & Esoteric Secrets In Pop Music

Pop music is just an untainted form of entertainment, right? It’s not a tool of archon propaganda or energetic currents to open supernal portals, surely.Haha…you know better.Researcher Ian from Gnostic World Awakening materialized at the Virtual Alexandria to decode the arcane symbolism and occult mythopoeia of many of today’s most popular songs and videos. This veil-lifting will include inspecting the art of culture-changing stars like Kary Perry, Pearl Jam, David Bowie, Madonna, and more.This is a partial show. For the interview’s second half, please become a member or patron at Patreon.Get the simple, effective, and affordable Red Circle Private RSS Feed for all full showsSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
11/3/20221 hour, 29 minutes, 46 seconds
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Dr. HermanSJr. on How To Avoid Mind Control (And Strengthen the Mind)

Dr. HermanSJr. joined me to discuss ways to reverse the massive tide of continuous brainwashing from media, government, society, and even relationships. You’ll get the answers to these crucial questions:·        How do we even know we’ve been mind controlled in the first place? ·        Why are the most intelligent/wisest in culture often the easiest to manipulate?·        How can we help others understand that dark propaganda has polluted their psyches? Beyond these Red Pill answers, you’ll get simple, practical exercises that strengthen the intellect and create a moat around the psyche. From Tarot reflection to detachment rituals, you’ll find practices that work for your current mental situation.Herman’s books on our topic: Metaphysical Science, Psychology & Tarot Activity Book: Fun, Never-Ending Psychological Activities To Transform Your Mindset and Influence Yourself & Others With Psychological Strategy: A Concise & Easy Analysis & Guide To Develop Holistic Vision.More information on HermanSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
11/1/20221 hour, 9 minutes, 42 seconds
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David Topala on the Gnostic Emile Cioran

An (often overlooked) giant in modern philosophy is Emile Cioran. Beyond his legendary critiques of culture and his contributions to existentialism and pessimism, Cioran resurrected Gnostic thought as a black mirror to a self-important, self-destructive society that continues today. We explore Cioran’s Gnostic insights and aphorisms – from the wrath of the Demiurge to the anarchist rebellion of ancient Gnostic groups. These revelations provide not just a black mirror, but those “They Live” sunglasses that allow us to see through the grand illusions of archons.Researcher David Topala materialized at the Virtual Alexandria for this Gnosis.This is a partial show. For the interview's second half, please become a member or patron at Patreon.Get the simple, effective, and affordable Red Circle Private RSS Feed for all full shows: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
10/27/20221 hour, 14 minutes, 50 seconds
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Danielle Dulsky on Season of the Witch

Let’s get into the spirit of this season by channeling the divine feminine. Danielle Dulsky returned to the Virtual Alexandria to discuss her new book, The Holy Wild Grimoire: A Heathen Handbook of Magick, Spells, and Verses. Beyond getting valuable insights into magic rituals for modern times, we discussed the role, identity, and challenges of witches today. Is the world better suited for mystic females (and all individuals in general), or is the goddess more needed than ever?  We explored this and much more. this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
10/22/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 4 seconds
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Gordon White on Archon Invasion of The Imaginal? Rings of Power, The Sandman & House of Dragon

I’m sure you’ve noticed a recent surge of mythopoetic fantasy adaptations. The most notable ones are Rings of Power, The Sandman, and House of Dragon. Are they any good or just Hollywood’s further exploitation and dilution of storied stories? Perhaps it’s something deeper – an archonic attack on the realms of imagination, a cancerous poison injected straight into the collective unconscious. Gordon White materialized at the Virtual Alexandria to discuss this possible infiltration of the Pleroma. And why some of these creations are actually damn fine cups of aeonic coffee.Support this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
10/19/20221 hour, 7 minutes, 11 seconds
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Chris Ruppert and Tyler Transue on The Intelligence Community and UFOs

The minds behind Doc Side Media’s new documentary, In Plain Site, beamed down to the Virtual Alexandria. While public awareness of extraterrestrials grows, the USA and other countries continue declassifying UFO records. But are the authorities telling us everything we need to know? The film shares what former intelligence officers, experts, and experiencers know and where we’re headed in this nascent alien disclosure age.More Information on Doc Side MediaSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
10/15/20221 hour, 29 minutes, 22 seconds
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Franck Boulègue on Gnostic & Esoteric Themes in Twin Peaks

It’s never a bad time to revisit Twin Peaks, the great mirror to our eroding society in these Gnostic times. You’ll discover new dimensions to David Lynch and Mark Frost’s occult concepts, including Judy, Garmonbozia, the Fireman & Senorita Dido, the Woodsman, and more. This glass-darkly-no-more exploration reveals new, socially relevant, and more significant themes and messages — and takes us beyond Twin Peaks to other Lynchian expressions like Mulholland Drive, Blue Velvet, Dune, and Inland Empire. Astral Guest – Franck Boulègue, author of The Return of "Twin Peaks": Squaring the Circle.  This is a partial show. For the second half of the interview, please become an AB Prime member:  or patron at Patreon: the simple, effective, and affordable Red Circle Private RSS Feed for all full shows: information on Franck: the book: a patron and keep this Red Pill Cafeteria growing: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
10/12/20221 hour, 22 minutes, 59 seconds
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Rev. Jonathan Barlow Gee on The Gnosis of Time Travel

Both modern science and mysticism have permanently deflated the concept of linear time. Does this mean that time travel is possible and the technology is already available? How can the temporal law of paradoxes be overcome? Worry not, Kronos, for we had another heterodox minister visit the Virtual Alexandria. The brilliant Reverend Jonathan Barlow Gee returned to the show to share his mind-blowing and extensive research on time travel. The truth is that ancients like the Sumerians and Brahmins were already toying with time jumps. They might be standing by you next time you’re in line at Starbucks.This is a partial show. For the second half of the interview, please become an AB Prime member:  or patron at Patreon: the simple, effective, and affordable Red Circle Private RSS Feed for all full shows Support this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
10/9/20221 hour, 5 minutes, 8 seconds
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Rev. Sean McMahon on Gnosticism and Preterism

Full Preterism is a Biblical eschatological viewpoint holding that all “end times” prophecy in the Bible was fulfilled in the 1st century, chiefly in the ministry of Christ and the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple in AD 70. The doctrine is considered orthodox Christian, but could it contain and be contained in Gnostic thought? Could the Nag Hammadi library host Preterist ideology, or is it more symbolic? Let’s find out as musician and Baptist minister Sean McMahon materializes at the Virtual Alexandria. Expect a broader conversation of Gnosticism and how it manifests in modern spirituality.Support this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
10/6/20221 hour, 29 minutes, 49 seconds
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Dr. Stephen Flowers on The Occult in National Socialism

Let us embark on a dark odyssey to uncover the foundations and influences of the esoteric aspects of the Nazis. From Germanic paganism to Weimar Republic Astrology and everything in between, we explore the many occult streams that influenced black magicians like Adolf Hitler, Heinrich Himmler, and Rudolf Hess. Have conspiracy theorists overplayed the arcane features of National Socialism? Or is it even more prevalent when including more-powerful magic like egregore-summoning, mass-consciousness manipulation, and good ole Archon mimicking? The answers will be revealed and will reveal that the Nazi global enchantment exists even today. The Empire never ended.Astral Guest – Dr. Stephen Flowers, author of The Occult in National Socialism: The Symbolic, Scientific, and Magical Influences on the Third Reich.This is a partial show. For the second half of the interview, please become an AB Prime member:  or patron at Patreon: the simple, effective, and affordable Red Circle Private RSS Feed for all full shows More information on Stephen: the book: a patron and keep this Red Pill Cafeteria growing: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
10/3/20221 hour, 13 minutes, 55 seconds
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Gail Lynn on Unlocking The Ancient Secrets To Healing

Film producer, inventor, and esotericists Gail Lynn joined us to find ways to reclaim the lost arts of healing – from ancient Hermetic lore to holistic light therapy (and everything in between). As western culture gets sicker, mentally and physically, we’re overdue to integrate alternative modalities into our way of life. She also shared how innovative technology can incorporate arcane wellness. For reasons you’ll see, we covered a lot on America’s greatest shaman: Elvis Presley. No more being caught in the trap of archons.This is a partial show. For the interview’s second half, please become a member or patron at Patreon.Get the simple, effective, and affordable Red Circle Private RSS Feed for all full showsSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
9/28/202256 minutes, 30 seconds
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Grampong on Secrets of Thoth's Hall of Records

We celebrated the Equinox with some Hermetic Gnosis. Grampong returned to the Virtual Alexandria. He took us on a visual archeological and astrotheological tour of ancient Egypt. We discovered the actual location and secrets of Thoth's Hall of Records. Expect pyramids of Egyptian lore, Hermeticism, Atlantis, and some alien stuffy stuff. You know we also touched upon modern pop culture and social issues as they related to arcane mysticism.Support this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
9/23/20221 hour, 35 minutes, 43 seconds
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Jan Irvin on Cannibalism, Death Cults & The Psychedelics Psyops

Could the trope of the wise native leveraging spiritual plants be primarily an MKUltra operation? Evidence points to this reality, exposing the compromised nature of entheogen exemplars like Gordon Wasson and Timothy Leary – as well as a Mesoamerican elite that controlled its subjects through human sacrifice, cannibalism, and drugs. The combination of CIA social engineering and dark priestcraft lore has manufactured a docile and stoned population ready to happily march into the slaughterhouse of oblivion. Astral Guest – Jan Irvin, author of God's Flesh: Teonanácatl: The True History of the Sacred Mushroom.This is a partial show. For the second half of the interview, please become an AB Prime member:  or patron at Patreon: the simple, effective, and affordable Red Circle Private RSS Feed for all full shows More information on Jan: the book: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
9/19/20221 hour, 13 minutes, 41 seconds
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Eduardo Cano on The Anunnaki Theorem

The one and only Esoteric Eddy joins us to discuss his new book, The Anunnaki Theorem. You know the topic, but we’ll approach it from many exhaustive angles. Are the Anunnaki the engineers of humanity? How did the Sumerian civilization and mythology influence later humans? What are the parallels between Gnosticism and Sumerian lore? For good measure, we’ll include the Book of Enoch and modern Occultism in the mix. No one here gets out alive, except maybe for Enki.This is a partial show. For the interview’s second half, please become a member or patron at Patreon.Get the simple, effective, and affordable Red Circle Private RSS Feed for all full showsMore information on Eduardo and our first interviewSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
9/14/20221 hour, 8 minutes, 30 seconds
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Dr. John Lundwall on A Maize Cosmovision (and The Religion of Scalping)

Dr. John Lundwall returned to the Virtual Alexandria for a spanning presentation on his Archeoastronomy and Ancient Technologies ideas. Get ready for in-depth astrotheological, mythological, and archeological insights on Mesoamerican cultures — from Native American to Mayan. This research will also include fertility rites, scalping rituals, and the procession of the stars. Being both disturbed and amazed is on your astral menu.This is a partial show. For the interview’s second half, please become a member or patron at Patreon.Get the simple, effective, and affordable Red Circle Private RSS Feed for all full shows More information on JohnGet Mythos and Cosmos: Mind and MeaningSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
9/11/20221 hour, 17 minutes, 38 seconds
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Christopher Bjerknes on Dark Gnosticism and Kabbalah Part 2

Ready yourself for the second part of a very popular episode. From the start, Christopher wanted to provide a visual of his research in addition to the regular podcast. So, he presented his discoveries to our Finding Hermes group in August, and now it’s available for the public in both audio and visual. The Oracle said in The Matrix, “make up your own damn mind.” Thus, here is further data pointing to dark Gnosticism and Kabbalah.Astral Guest – Christopher Bjerknes, author of Beware the World to Come.This is a partial show. For the interview’s second half, please become a member or patron at Patreon.Get the simple, effective, and affordable Red Circle Private RSS Feed for all full showsMore information on ChristopherGet the bookSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
9/6/20221 hour, 16 minutes, 4 seconds
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Various Astral Guests on Exposing the Archons

Gird your loins for a comprehensive course on doxing Yaldi Baldi and his Archons. We’ll trace the archon origins from ancient myths, astrotheology, Jewish mystical lore, and the Book of Enoch. This exploration leads to Paul and the Gnostic stance on the Powers and Principalities running the simulation we call the universe. We won’t stop there, understanding how the Archons manifest in modern thinking – as extraterrestrials, mind-parasites, and egregores – not to mention how they express in contemporary culture and art. Get more than four hours on our favorite Bond villain for all members.Astral Guests – Robert Price, Jay Weidner, April DeConick, Mark Cordova, Frank DiVita, and yours truly.This is a partial show. For the interview’s second half, please become a member or patron at Patreon.Get the simple, effective, and affordable Red Circle Private RSS Feed for all full showsSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
9/1/20221 hour, 9 minutes, 55 seconds
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Sol Luckman on The Sophianic Myth & Archon Simulation

We discuss an electrifying novel and its ideas based on John Lamb Lash’s Gnostic ideas. Can we make the case that Sophia is Gaia and the Archons are galactic mind-viruses keeping most of humanity in thrall for millennia? Yes, we can. We can also argue for the reality we exist in a multilayered simulation, nothing more than chattel for extraterrestrial overlords. In truth, the novel reveals apocalypse now and a current technocratic dystopia that will only get worse unless those with Gnosis can awaken the goddess, Sophia.Astral Guest – Sol Luckman, author of Cali the Destroyer.This is a partial show. For the second half of the interview, please become an AB Prime member:  or patron at Patreon: the simple, effective, and affordable Red Circle Private RSS Feed for all full showsMore information on SolGet the book: Support this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
8/23/20221 hour, 12 minutes, 3 seconds
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Vesa Iitti on Occult and Pagan Finland

Finland has long been viewed as the land of sorcerers and shamans. Beyond its vibrant esoteric past, the country is rich with arcane interactions in modern times: Freemasonry, Thelema, Occult Nazism, Gurdjieff societies, and pagan revivals. And plenty of UFO activity, shadowy cults, and enigmatic gurus. We explore the light and dark aspects of Finland’s esotericism and how it continues to influence the rest of western culture today.Astral Guest – Vesa Iitti, author of Lightbringers of the North: Secrets of the Occult Tradition of Finland. This is a partial show. For the second half of the interview, please become an AB Prime member:  or patron at Patreon: the simple, effective, and affordable Red Circle Private RSS Feed for all full shows More information on Vesa: the book: a patron and keep this Red Pill Cafeteria growing: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
8/17/20221 hour, 8 minutes, 27 seconds
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Dr. Joseph Lancaster on Gnostic Pneumatherapy

Dr. Joseph Lancaster joins Finding Hermes to discuss his Gnostic approach to psychic wellness. His work draws from ancient and modern Gnosticism, from the Sophianic myth to the insights of CG Jung and Stephan Hoeller. So much healing depends on taking the Hero’s Journey, which always includes self-knowledge and defeating the dragons of ignorance. My guest will reveal this alchemical approach and the fantastic possibilities for every person to take a transformative adventure into wholeness. Frodo and Luke Skywalker would approve.More information on JosephSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
8/13/20221 hour, 4 minutes, 45 seconds
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Bernie Taylor on Sky Mountains & Esoteric Archeology

Always a pleasure when Bernie Taylor materializes at the Virtual Alexandria. You know it’s time for archeological revelations that lead to the foundation of human consciousness. This time we deal with mountains. Why have humans been fascinated by depicting and exploring mountains? Is there a metaphysical reason ancient man engaged mountains and the lofty skies above them? We’ll explore these notions and more – going Jungian and going mystical, as well as other archeology that grants insights into meaning and purpose.This is a partial show. For the interview’s second half, please become a member or patron at Patreon.Get the simple, effective, and affordable Red Circle Private RSS Feed for all full showsMore information on BernieListen to Bernie’s past interview on Aeon ByteGet Bernie’s bookSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
8/11/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 29 seconds
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Richard Cox on Dick, Icke, Conspiracies & Undiluted Madness

Can Gnostic revelation be found in that perilous nexus of madness and conspiracy theory? And what is the cost to an individual’s existence? To find these answers, we explore the case studies that are the lives of Philip K. Dick, David Icke, and other myth-making magicians. We find that conspiracies are sometimes disinformation mind-virus – but are also an avenue for self-knowledge, the mystery of life, and the exposing psychopathic elites. As Peter Gabriel sang in “The Carpet Crawlers,” you gotta get in to get out.Astral Guests – Richard Cox, author of Contemplating Conspiracy: Excursions into Undiluted Madness. This is a partial show. For the interview's second half, please become a member or patron at Patreon.This is a partial show. For the second half of the interview, please become an AB Prime member:  or patron at Patreon: the simple, effective, and affordable Red Circle Private RSS Feed for all full shows Get the book: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
8/5/20221 hour, 17 minutes, 40 seconds
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Anthony Peake on Is There Life After Death?

Anthony Peake materialized at the Virtual Alexandria to discuss his new book, Cheating the Ferryman. He revealed an extraordinary model of life after death that unites ideas from ancient philosophy, neuroscience, quantum physics, and consciousness studies. His research explained several seemingly mysterious experiences such as precognition, déjà vu, synchronicity, near-death experiences, and out-of-body experiences.This is a partial show. For the interview’s second half, please become a member or patron at Patreon.Get the simple, effective, and affordable Red Circle Private RSS Feed for all full showsSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
8/1/20221 hour, 35 minutes, 23 seconds
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Gordon White on Borrowed Sunlight (Astro Gnosis)

Let us make public Gordon White’s Astro Gnosis presentation, a summer gift in a world that needs its flames put out. Ready yourself for some mind-expanding, reality-disbanding insights from his book, Ani.Mystic, as well as Gnostic truths and a deeper understanding of the cosmos. How did humanity become disconnected from nature, and how can it tap fully into the Sophia of lost Shamans? And what bloody happened to the Mayans? Find out the answers and much more.Support this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
7/29/20221 hour, 30 minutes, 26 seconds
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Mark Palmer on Skull & Bones and American Saturn

Much of American history has been fueled by slavery, the narcotics trade, and black magic. This continues even today under the dark enchantments of oligarch high priests and secret societies like Skull & Bones. Let’s dare a third-eye-opening journey to occult New England – from the colonial days of the New World to the present New World Order. What we find are ancient secrets and ancient gods, including Saturn, Mithras, and our half-brother Yaldi Baldi. No one here gets out alive, but you’ll feel amazingly alive once you understand the symbols, spells, and propaganda of archonic powers.Astral Guest – Mark Palmer, researcher and host of My Family Thinks I’m Crazy.This is a partial show. For the second half of the interview, please become an AB Prime member:  or patron at Patreon: the simple, effective, and affordable Red Circle Private RSS Feed for all full shows More information on Mark: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
7/26/20221 hour, 16 minutes, 17 seconds
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Robert M. Price on The Sacred Scapegoat & Mimetic Violence

The Girardian hypothesis argues that all cultures, civilizations, and religions are founded on a holy violence typically focused on a scapegoat. This violence must be reenacted or relived throughout time, a cleansing ritual where the sins or shadow of a society is placed on a deified victim. Often religions and governments hide the original scapegoat with romantic myths or sterilized narratives. Could the idea of the “sacred scapegoat” be today’s cancel culture? An unattended collective shadow or overlooked sins? From Jesus to Baldur, from Azazel to Dionysus, let’s find out and more.Robert M. Price materialized at the Virtual Alexandria for this sacrificial role.Support this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
7/23/20221 hour, 29 minutes, 9 seconds
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Miguel Conner on Who Was Simon Magus?

If there is one figure that was the Thanos or Bond Villain to the early and medieval church, it was Simon Magus. What exactly was so threatening about the “Father of all Heresy” – or what is because he was the alleged font of Gnosticism? I examine the Simonian theology, legend, history, and impact that lasts even today in popular culture. This involves understanding his counterpart, Helen of Tyre, a mercurial but vital Gnostic leader and manifestation of Sophia herself. More than a presentation, this short but thorough course includes lauded experts. ,This is a partial show. For the interview’s second half, please become a member or patron at Patreon.Get the simple, effective, and affordable Red Circle Private RSS Feed for all full showsSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
7/20/20221 hour, 1 minute, 23 seconds
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Dr. David Litwa on Marcellina and the Carpocratians

Dr. David Litwa materialized at the Virtual Alandria to discuss Alexandrian mysticism from his new book, Carpocrates, Marcellina, and Epiphanes: Three Early Christian Teachers of Alexandria and Rome. Were the Carpocratians practitioners of libertine sex rites, dark magic, and Buddhist-like theology – or did we buy too much into heresy hunter polemics? Why is it essential for Gnostic studies to understand Marcellina, an overlooked early Christianity leader? And Epiphanes, a deep thinker who provided early models for communism/anarchism?We found out and so much more.This is a partial show. For the interview’s second half, please become a member or patron at Patreon.Get the simple, effective, and affordable Red Circle Private RSS Feed for all full shows More information on DavidSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
7/15/20221 hour, 1 minute, 38 seconds
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Dr. Megan Rose on Spirit Marriage

We investigate the phenomenon of the spirit spouse or spirit lover — an entity to which a human is psychically bonded. The journey will delve into the practice and purpose of spirit marriageworldwide, from African shamanism to New Orleans Vodoo, from Greco-Roman mysteries to modern ceremonial magic. This topic will lead to a deeper understanding of esoteric concepts like the Daemon, familiars, hybrid beings like the Nephilim, Succubi, the Holy Guardian Angel, and more. Astral Guest – Dr. Megan Rose, author of Spirit Marriage: Intimate Relationships with Otherworldly Beings.This is a partial show. For the second half of the interview, please become an AB Prime member:  or patron at Patreon: the simple, effective, and affordable Red Circle Private RSS Feed for all full showsMore information on Megan: the book: a patron and keep this Red Pill Cafeteria growing: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
7/12/20221 hour, 21 minutes, 31 seconds
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Tyler Transue on Secrets of Sasquatch

Big Foot has always been a guilty conspiracy pleasure of mine. The truth is that this legend cuts deep into Jungian, Mystical, and even Extraterretrisl domains. So I was very excited to have Tyler Transue from Doc Side Media to discuss the new documentary: Secrets of Sasquatch. Let’s dare a journey of a lifetime as experiencers, investigators, and anthropologists reveal unique encounters, insights, and knowledge to unmask Sasquatch.Watch the Film Here More Information on Doc Side MediaSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
7/9/20221 hour, 1 minute, 35 seconds
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Christopher Bjerknes on Dark Gnosticism and Kabbalah

How about a dark odyssey into the shadow side of hallowed mystic systems? Maybe they’re not even mystic but elite mainstream tools for tyranny and the eventual atomization of civilization. This exploration includes a thorough understanding of various precarious concepts: The Cult of Yahweh, the Gnostic Androgyne, the Myth of Lilith & Samael, Abrahamic Prophecy, Sophia & the Shekinah, and more.Astral Guest – Christopher Bjerknes, author of Beware the World to Come.This is a partial show. For the second half of the interview, please become an AB Prime member:  or patron at Patreon: the simple, effective, and affordable Red Circle Private RSS Feed for all full showsMore information on Christopher: the book: a patron and keep this Red Pill Cafeteria growing: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
7/5/20221 hour, 13 minutes, 31 seconds
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Laurence Galian on the Link Between Gnostic Archons & ET Phenomena

How about some more Astro Gnosis? A stellar conference presentation to grasp the connection between extraterrestrials and this cosmos's Gnostic rulers. You’ll get an in-depth view of Classical Gnosticism paired with the latest UFO research — and discover sturdier footing in a vast universe. You’ll also receive practical spiritual exercises from the Sufi and other traditions to elevate your mind. The audience questions were superb too.Astral Guest – Laurence Galian, author of Alien Parasites: 40 Gnostic Truths to Defeat the Archon Invasion! More information on LaurenceSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
6/29/20221 hour, 8 minutes
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Dr. David Sweeny on Gnostic Themes in The OA and Other Television

We take a deep dive into one of the most paranormal series in modern times. What are the Occult, philosophical, social, and artistic influences on The OA? How does it depend on Classical Gnosticism? The answers to these questions will lead us to explore similar shows like Sense8, Stranger Things, Twin Peaks, Fringe, and more – as well as delve into the minds of Gnostic-friendly artists like David Lynch, The Wachowskis, Grant Morrison, Michael Moorcock, and Alan Moore.Astral Guest – Dr. David Sweeny, author of The OA (Constellations) and lecturer in The Glasgow School of Art's Design History and Theory department.This is a partial show. For the second half of the interview, please become an AB Prime member:  or patron at Patreon: the simple, effective, and affordable Red Circle Private RSS Feed for all full showsMore information on David: the book: get it here for a 30% off discount code AUTEUR30: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
6/23/20221 hour, 19 minutes, 4 seconds
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Micah Dank & Priscilla Rosado-Cruz on Where Astrology & Astrotheology Meet

Ready for an adventure to the stars? To dare an odyssey that included pop culture themes and personal revelations? Micah Dank and Priscilla Rosado-Cruz materialized at the Virtual Alexandria to discuss a constellation of topics relating to astrotheology and astrology. They also discussed their new book, A Is For Aries.More information on PriscillaMore information on MicahSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
6/20/20221 hour, 40 minutes, 42 seconds
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Gaby Kovalenko & Tim Grimes on Consciousness, Manifesting, & Collapsing The Matrix

We were joined on Finding Hermes by two incredible minds for a penetrating but practical doubleheader. Our topics were broad but centered on expanding consciousness, innovative takes on the Law of Attraction, and how to tame the monkey brain. And you know we covered navigating and breaking down our illusionary reality — all to find higher states of being. Get ready for novel approaches to The Secret, The Sedona Method, Neville Goddard, general meditation & visualization, and just being the best version of yourself.Astral Guests:Gabriella Kovalenko, researcher and content creator.Time Grimes, author of The Law of Attraction Simplified and The Joy of Not Thinking.Support this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
6/15/20221 hour, 59 minutes, 55 seconds
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The Rev. Ivan Stang on The Church of the SubGenius

We had the honor of chatting with the founder of The Church of the SubGenius. This parody religion has been a primary driver of freethought and consciousness-awakening in modern times. Is it an elaborate joke or a real system of deeply held beliefs? Does it have Gnostic themes? Can its message work in a time when society and reality itself are more like parodies instead of frameworks for human existence?Astral Guest — The Rev. Ivan Stang.This is a partial show. For the interview’s second half, please become a member or patron at Patreon.Get the simple, effective, and affordable Red Circle Private RSS Feed for all full showsSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
6/11/20221 hour, 8 minutes, 47 seconds
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Nate Lee and Steven Snider on Cursed & Occult America

What’s going on with this continent? It’s been centuries of genocidal violence, cultish behavior, and social engineering – all culminating with this civilization-ending decade. The answers are metaphysical. We’ll dig deep into the arcane energies soaking America, many of them present long before humans set foot on these shores. More than the usual tropes of “Indian burials,” “angry Aztec gods,” or “secret society treasures,” we’ll discover a landscape brimming with the machinations of ancient primordial forces. No one here gets out alive.Astral Guests – Steven Snider (Recluse) and Nathan Lee (Occult Fan).This is a partial show. For the second half of the interview, please become a member or patron at Patreon.Get the simple, effective, and affordable Red Circle Private RSS Feed for all full showsBecome a patron and keep this Red Pill Cafeteria growing: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
6/8/20221 hour, 18 minutes, 19 seconds
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David Block on Cracking the Shining Code, Part 2

Let's get to the second part of the intriguing presentation on the esoteric secrets and symbolism of Stanley Kubrick's The Shining. Researcher Daniel Block returned to the Overlook Hotel in the Virtual Alexandria. He focused on the film's labyrinth, Demiurge, and ideas on the gold room. And much more. A spanning presentation took us into deep esoteric history that included Mithras, Saturn, Black Cubes, The Tarot, the Annunaki, and much more – all to break open the intentions and secrets of Stanely Kubrik.This is a partial show. For the second half of the interview, please become a member or patron at Patreon.Get the simple, effective, and affordable Red Circle Private RSS Feed for all full showsDaniel's YouTube channelSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
6/5/20221 hour, 18 minutes, 46 seconds
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Sean Stone & Adrian Smith on Modern Archons (Best Kept Secret)

Always a good time to take that combo of Black and White Pills when it comes to Archon manifestations in our modern times. It’s an electric doubleheader.First, we were joined by filmmaker and artist Sean Stone to discuss his penetrating documentary series, Best Kept Secret. From that Wickedness in High Places to technocrat machinations, Sean exposed dark suppressive forces while offering liberating solutions to our spirits.Then we hosted Adrian Smith, author of A Prison for The Mind. Adrian decoded Gnostic texts, current psychological warfare plans, and oligarch plots, revealing a perverse underbelly to our culture while providing the means to thrive as free beings.This is a partial show. For the second half of the interview, please become a member or patron at Patreon.Get the simple, effective, and affordable Red Circle Private RSS Feed for all full showsMore information on SeanMore information on AdrianGet the bookSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
6/1/20221 hour, 31 minutes, 41 seconds
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Jeffrey Lang on The Trickster God

The trickster deity (or archetype) is instrumental in the progress of most cultures and essential for inner transformation. We get acquainted with the primordial force of alchemical change, including his aspects of Hermes, the Coyote, Loki, Set, Prometheus, and Tezcatlipoca. Is the Trickster just Jung’s Shadow or an alien shitposter? How do we harness this archetype’s psychic gifts and avoid its cosmic pranks? You’ll find out, and for good measure, we’ll include some of HP Lovecraft’s dark jokes as a bonus.Astral Guest – Jeffrey Lang, author of The Trickster Gods and Their Influence on the Development of Human Culture.This is a partial show. For the second half of the interview, please become an AB Prime member:  or patron at Patreon: the simple, effective, and affordable Red Circle Private RSS Feed for all full showsMore information on Jeffrey: the book: a patron and keep this Red Pill Cafeteria growing: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
5/25/20221 hour, 15 minutes, 28 seconds
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Daniel Rekshan on Enochian & Angelic Contact

Researcher, writer, and therapist, Daniel Rekshan, materialized at the Virtual Alexandria. He shared his experiences communicating with angels in an impactful and relevant way in a contemporary context. How do these entities relate to extraterrestrials? Can the Enochian language be translated in a way that brings psychic wholeness? Our astral guest shared his journey and insights to improve a world on the brink – from inspecting John Dee’s tools at the British Museum to magical therapeutic experiments.This is a partial show. For the second half of the interview, please become a member or patron at Patreon.Get the simple, effective, and affordable Red Circle Private RSS Feed for all full shows.More info on DanielSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
5/19/20221 hour, 5 minutes, 19 seconds
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Jake Loco on Spiritual Recovery in Dante’s Inferno

Researcher and podcaster, Jake Loco, takes us straight to Hell. Grab your Virgil as we discover timeless addiction and depression recovery tools from Dante’s classic poem. The mysticism of Inferno is more about salvation and wholeness than it is about damnation. Can we find Sophia and Gnostic themes in this epic poem? You bet your mortal soul we can find them — and find practical ways to live a sound life in an unsound society.Get the simple, effective, and affordable Red Circle Private RSS Feed for all full showsSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
5/17/20221 hour, 6 minutes, 21 seconds
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Dr. David Litwa on The Evil Creator and The Sethians

The idea of a deficient Demiurge was widespread in early Christian times. Why? Between a literal reading of the Hebrew Bible and pagan polemics, the moral and authoritative standing of the creator was fiercely questioned. From Egyptian priests to Gnostic sects, from Paul to Marcion, we read the ancient Yelp reviews of Yahweh. As a bonus, I provide a spanning exposition of the Sethians, including theology, history, culture, and impact.Astral Guest – Dr. David Litwa, author of The Evil Creator: Origins of an Early Christian Idea.This is a partial show. For the second half of the interview, please become a member or patron at Patreon.This is a partial show. For the second half of the interview, please become an AB Prime member:  or patron at Patreon: the simple, effective, and affordable Red Circle Private RSS Feed for all full showsMore information on David: the book: a patron and keep this Red Pill Cafeteria growing: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
5/11/20221 hour, 49 minutes, 8 seconds
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David Block on Cracking The Shining Code

Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining remains one of history’s most impactful horror films. And it’s esoteric fertile ground too. New research reveals the film is even more of a treasure chest of mysticism and revelation. Get ready for a deep and visual dive into the movie, including Kabbalah, numerology, Jungian archetypes, tarot, and much more. And yes, there will be moon landing stuffy stuff. Without a doubt, this is the most complete and exhaustive esoteric summary of the film.For this aeonic task, David Block materialized at the Overlook Hotel in the Virtual Alexandria. He is a researcher and practitioner of more than 18 years on the Kabbalah, Alchemy, and the Left-Hand Path.This is a partial show. For the second half of the interview, please become a member or patron at Patreon.Support this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
5/7/20221 hour, 14 minutes, 2 seconds
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Dr. Joanna Kujawa on Mary Magdalene & The Erotic Goddess

We explore the often-suppressed concept of Eros — one of the most vital avenues to spiritual wholeness. This quest will lead us to a lineage of goddesses exemplifying the evolutionary power of female sexuality. The line includes the Gnostic Sophia and her earthly manifestation of Mary Magdalene. From Kali to Aphrodite, from Shakti to Inanna, we descend into the underworlds of creative chaos and back into the wombs of forgotten stargates.Astral Guest – Dr. Joanna Kujawa, author of The Other Goddess: Mary Magdalene and the Goddesses of Eros and Secret Knowledge.This is a partial show. For the second half of the interview, please become an AB Prime member:  or patron at Patreon: the simple, effective, and affordable Red Circle Private RSS Feed for all full showsMore information on Joanna: the book: a patron and keep this Red Pill Cafeteria growing: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
5/3/20221 hour, 19 minutes, 51 seconds
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Jason Reza Jorjani on Uber Man

Jason materializes at the Virtual Alexandria to discuss the sequel to Faustian Futurist. Beyond a thrilling novel, the work is semiautobiographical and futurist speculation. Jason will also share his latest ideas on Persian mysticism, Nietzschean & other philosophy, and accurate histories beyond The Empire’s hologram. And you know we’ll gain keen insights on archon-shenanigans in geopolitics. Beware Priests of the Temples of Syrinx.Astral Guest – Jason Reza Jorjani, author of Uber Man.This is a partial show. For the second half of the interview, please become an AB Prime member:  or patron at Patreon: information on Jason: the book: a patron and keep this Red Pill Cafeteria growing: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
4/28/20221 hour, 8 minutes, 59 seconds
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Various Astral Guests on Conscious Contact: Full Disclosure (UFO Film)

Consciousness perhaps remains the greatest mystery of our times. With civilization collapsing and technology stagnant, it's crucial to tap into the unlimited gifts of the psyche. The way to go is by looking at the astral shamans and visionaries who contacted intelligences beyond the horizon. Are we truly alone? Or have we evolved to a new epoch in the annals of mankind's existence?We're not alone, and they're around us right now.We were joined at the Virtual Alexandria by the cool minds and a cool guest of a fascinating new documentary, Conscious Contact: Full Disclosure.More info: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
4/23/20221 hour, 7 minutes, 15 seconds
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Vance Socci on Gnostic UFOria: Connections Between Worlds (Astro Gnosis)

Let’s bring out another Astro Gnosis presentation for the fallen world! The MoonDog himself, Vance Socci, provided a fascinating exposition of star cults across history. From early Christian UFO sightings to the demiurge in the Church of the SubGenius, from Gnostic alien invasions to the interstellar cosmology of Scientology, get ready for an unforgettable, cosmic ride. Did you know that extraterrestrial lore is even present in Buddhist and Islamic traditions?Support this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
4/20/20221 hour, 6 minutes, 17 seconds
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Jon E. Graham on Secrets of the Illuminati

The Illuminati is arguably history’s most infamous secret society, an enduring legend that is more popular than ever. We take a sober, historical tour of the real Bavarian Illuminati, from its creation to its clandestine rituals to its impact on modernity. Is all the sensationalism deserved or just another bogeyman for conspiracy hunters? What are the psychospiritual reasons Weishaupt’s organization caught the imagination of the imaginative across the west? In the end, we find that the Illuminati was the ultimate pyramid scheme and the eye of Horus looking back at our own projections.Astral Guest – Jon E. Graham, translator of The Bavarian Illuminati: The Rise and Fall of the World's Most Secret Society.This is a partial show. For the second half of the interview, please become a member or patron at Patreon.Get the simple, effective, and affordable Red Circle Private RSS Feed for all full showsMore information on JonGet the bookSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
4/13/20221 hour, 5 minutes, 53 seconds
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Daniel Moler on Modern Shamanism

Daniel Moler joined AB Live to discuss his new book, The Shamanic Soul, as well as his overall work as a modern shaman and seasoned occultist. How exactly does shamanism manifest today, loyal to its roots while still useable in contemporary esoteric practice? We got the answers and saw how Shamanism and Gnosticism are very compatible. And we geeked out too and had a lot of fun talking about comic books and Philip K. Dick. Life is good in the Kenoma, even if no one here gets out alive.More information on DanielSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
4/7/20221 hour, 5 minutes, 54 seconds
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Carl Abrahamsson & Matt Frederick on a Devil Double Header

Let’s cover the many dimensions of the dude who first rebelled against the original Empire That Never Ended.First, Carl Abrahamsson discusses his new book, Anton LeVay and the Church of Satan. We take a high-level view of the ethos of modern Satanism and the legacy of LeVay that provides tools for a liberating aesthetic and philosophy from the darkness of mere being.Then we’ll talk to Matt Frederick about his new book, A Meeting at The Crossroads: Robert Johnson and The Devil. This odyssey will cover the mystic side of the Blues, African American magical folklore, the Trickster Archetype, and so much more.This is a partial show. For the second half of the interview, please become a member or patron at Patreon.This is a partial show. For the second half of the interview, please become an AB Prime member:  or patron at Patreon: the simple, effective, and affordable Red Circle Private RSS Feed for all full showsMore information on Carl and more information on Matt: a patron and keep this Red Pill Cafeteria growing: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
4/4/20222 hours, 19 minutes, 39 seconds
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Rev. David Parry on The Nephilim & Ancient Aliens (A Gnostic View)

Gnostic priest David Parry materialized at the Virtual Alexandria to discuss some of our favorite cosmic villains (or friends) in the Bible and ancient traditions. Are they extraterrestrials or spiritual wickedness in high places? Can a modern mystic viewpoint shed light on these entities, or can we just lean on the perennial wisdom of such giants as Swedenborg, Jung, and others? David also shared his work as a contemporary Valentinian reverend navigating the extremes of orthodox religion and runaway materialism.Support this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
4/2/20221 hour, 10 minutes, 43 seconds
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Grampong on Homo Divinus & The Fall of Atlantis

The rise and fall of Atlantis can be explained scientifically – from recent natural disaster data to evolutionary patterns to sound historical methods. We uncover a species of hominids that discovered the means for accelerated progress and became living gods hundreds of thousands of years ago. Homo Divinus created an advanced civilization and lorded over other species. They warred with one another and eventually explored other star systems, leaving human beings as the managerial class of this planet. But Homo Divinus is still around, and they might be returning to impede our path to destruction.Astral Guest – Grampong, author of The Homo Divinus series.This is a partial show. For the second half of the interview, please become an AB Prime member:  or patron at Patreon: the simple, effective, and affordable Red Circle Private RSS Feed for all full showsMore information on Grampong: a patron and keep this Red Pill Cafeteria growing: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
3/29/20221 hour, 9 minutes, 30 seconds
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Rachel Conerly and Rev. Rich Tafel on the Gnosis of Swedenborg

A special group conversation on one of the great mystics of modernity. This seer greatly influenced other esoteric giants like Jung, William James, Goethe, William Blake, and Emerson. More than a dry exploration of Swedenborg's life, we mine his visionary ideas for insights that can aid our existence in these times of crisis. From overcoming alien mind parasites to grasping an angelic destiny, find the tools to discover your inner heaven.Astral Guests – Rachel Conerly and Rev. Rich Tafel.More information on RichMore information on RachelSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
3/23/20221 hour, 6 minutes, 25 seconds
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Gordon White on Encounters With A Living Cosmos

Gordon White materialized at the Virtual Alexandria to discuss his new book, Ani.Mystic. He shared what animism is (and what it’s not). How does animism relate to magic, and how can it provide a novel way of connecting with the renewing energies of the universe? It’s time for a new metaphysical language and vision of reality – before materialism and other outdated models of interacting with reality turn humanity into ashes.Get online tickets for Astro Gnosis: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
3/14/20221 hour, 6 minutes, 29 seconds
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Enna Reittort on Sophia vs. the Dark Gods of the Matrix

Predators are in our midst, as Carlos Castaneda wrote. You may call them archons, gods, or aliens, among many other names. They have ruled over humanity throughout history through the hypnotizing egregores of religion, scientism, money, and technology. How can we become free of these reality-manipulating entities that created us and now feed upon us? The answer is by connecting with a forgotten goddess that encompasses both nature and the transcendent, a lost wisdom that cries for our higher selves at the border of dreams and crumbling civilizations.Astral Guest – Enna Reittort, author of Krivda, The Godtrix Against the Matrix.This is a partial show. For the second half of the interview, please become a member or patron at Patreon.Get the simple, effective, and affordable Red Circle Private RSS Feed for all full showsMore information on EnnaSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
3/10/20221 hour, 21 minutes, 13 seconds
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Laurence Galian and Cyd Ropp on Alien Mind Parasites & Gnostic Stargates

We held an Astro Gnosis preview of sorts. Beyond teasers and explanations on the upcoming event, our roundtable discussed the busy stars (and their tenants) and related to all that’s happening on earth. From archon mind parasites infecting civilization right now to benign star lords helping humanity, we combed Gnostic cosmology for solutions to inner and outer peace. Can we cross those Star Gates to engage with higher levels of reality? How did we get here, and how do we get home?Astral Guests – Laurence Galian, author of Alien Parasites: 40 Gnostic Truths to Defeat the Archon Invasion! and Dr. Cyd Ropp, author of A Simple Explanation of Absolutely Everything: A Simple Fractal Model of the Conscious Universe.Get Astro Gnosis streaming tickets here!Visit Neuaxiom to shop muscle recovery balms, anti-aging facial oils, tinctures, gummies, gelcaps, pet drops, and more. Use the discount code AEONBYTE to receive 20% off your first purchase! More information on LaurenceMore information on CydSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
3/5/20221 hour, 8 minutes, 33 seconds
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Immanuel Kingman on Tartaria and Apocalypse Now

Tartaria is a fast-growing conspiracy theory that covers a lot of territory, literally and metaphorically. We do our best to cover a lot of Tartaria ground, including mood floods, world fairs, free energy, altered history, and more. Where does this all lead? To many prophesies from the Book of Revelation happening right now and the dark plans of archonic mind parasites.Astral Guest – Immanuel Kingman, host of Godcast: The Goodness Over Darkness.This is a partial show. For the second half of the interview, please become an AB Prime member:  or patron at Patreon: the simple, effective, and affordable Red Circle Private RSS Feed for all full showsMore information on Immanuel: a patron and keep this Red Pill Cafeteria growing: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
3/1/20221 hour, 15 minutes, 8 seconds
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Becca Tarnas on Tolkien, Jung, and Overcoming Grief

Becca Tarnas joined Finding Hermes to discuss how Jung, Tolkien, and other shamans of the Imaginal dealt with adversity in troubled times. She also shared insights on her own challenges and solutions in the last few years, from breakups to lockdowns and everything in between. Just as engaging, Becca provided astrological portents, helpful goddess manifestations, and how to nurture those inner spaces that the Saurons of this age can't corrupt. It was all very personal yet still part of timeless archetypal stores we all share. More information on BeccaGet Becca’s bookSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
2/24/20221 hour, 11 minutes, 16 seconds
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Mitch Horowitz on The Kybalion and Hermetic Thought

Mitch Horowitz materialized at the Virtual Alexandria to discuss the new documentary, The Kybalion. He discussed his role in the film, including his experiences visiting Egypt, as well as the text itself. Is it Hermetic? Genuine or later writing? What is “the religion of the mind” (as occultists and mystics refer to Hermeticism)? We discussed other esoteric topics, including his latest finding on ESP, and for some reason, the Gnosis of the rock band Kiss. More information on MitchWatch the movieSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
2/20/20221 hour, 29 minutes, 38 seconds
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Gary Lachman on Precognitive Dreams and Synchronicities

Precognitive dreams are available to every human. Moreover, “dreaming ahead of time” can manifest in the waking world when one understands synchronicities, hypnagogia, and other psychospiritual abilities. Our quest for consciousness-wholeness will take us into the ideas of J.W. Dunne, J.B. Priestly, C.G. Jung, and other miners of the soul’s alchemical gold.Astral Guest – Gary Lachman, author of Dreaming Ahead of Time: Experiences with Precognitive Dreams, Synchronicity and Coincidence.This is a partial show. For the second half of the interview, please become a member or patron at Patreon.This is a partial show. For the second half of the interview, please become an AB Prime member:  or patron at Patreon: the simple, effective, and affordable Red Circle Private RSS Feed for all full showsMore information on Gary: the book: a patron and keep this Red Pill Cafeteria growing: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
2/15/20221 hour, 13 minutes, 28 seconds
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Truthseekah and Micah Dank on Angelic Visitations & The Spirit Realm

Let’s talk about that ethereal intersection of angelic visits and the higher realms. Two guests materialized at the Virtual Alexandria for this Jacob's Ladder: Visionary Hip Hop Artist and Spiritual Teacher, Truthseekah, and Research and Writer, Micah Dank. I hope you’re ready for heavy doses of astrotheology, esoteric Christianity, comparative mythology, extraterrestrials, and the fallen state of our world. And a lot of inspirational content to get you to commune with what is good in the universe and within yourself.This is a partial show. For the second half of the interview, please become a member or patron at Patreon.Get the simple, effective, and affordable Red Circle Private RSS Feed for all full showsSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
2/10/20221 hour, 6 minutes, 41 seconds
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Matthew Landman on Conspirituality & Geoengineering

Matthew Landman, director of FrankenSkies, joined us to make the case the environmental and psychic war is lost or won in the skies. While we fight on the ground, the archons have been busy polluting the heavens to make them in their own image. Furthermore, we talked about the spiritual aspects of conspiracies. Do they lead to madness or simply an intensely lucid kind of activism civilization needs right now – before it’s too late?This is a partial show. For the second half of the interview, please become a member or patron at Patreon.Support this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
2/4/20221 hour, 45 seconds
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James Tunney on Philip K. Dick and Transhumanism

Digital distractions and social engineering have hypnotized humanity to the inevitability of transhumanism. Can anything stop this movement and its tentacles of eugenics, AI, and the Singularity? We delve for solutions into the living prophecies of Philip K. Dick (and other thinkers for solutions). The answers aren’t Luddite but depend on the holy supremacy of imagination and empathy, the two sides of the Divine Spark.Astral Guest – James Tunney, author of Human Entrance to Transhumanism: Machine Merger and the End of Humanity.This is a partial show. For the second half of the interview, please become an AB Prime member:  or patron at Patreon: the simple, effective, and affordable Red Circle Private RSS Feed for all full showsMore information on James: the book: a patron and keep this Red Pill Cafeteria growing: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
2/2/20221 hour, 16 minutes
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Amanda Radcliffe and Richard Stanley on Cancel Culture & The Cathars

An impromptu and exciting extension of our recent show, Why the Cathars Existed. The censorship and suppression of the Cathars and their legacy spanning and continues today. We also covered many electric topics that included astrology, alien meteorites, returning goddesses, Lovecraft, and secret societies. Furthermore, we shared personal experiences with magical portals, otherworldly visitations, and the call of forgotten deities. You will ultimately find the Cathar prophecies active today, along with the promise and threat of the ancient Gnostics.Astral Guests – Amanda Radcliffe and Richard Stanley, director of Color Out of Space.Support this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
2/1/20221 hour, 24 minutes, 41 seconds
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Dr. James Hollis on the Jungian Journey of Healing and Self-Knowledge

Dr. James Hollis joined me to draw a map leading to the dragon-guarded treasure that is our authentic, deepest self. We talked about complexes, shadow work, overcoming trauma, and the pathological state of today's collective consciousness. Dr. Hollis also shared Jungian ideas on addiction and mental disease – perhaps once unorthodox but essential today as humanity stands in a monumental, psychic crossroad. In the age of the neon god we made, you can longer check out anytime you want, and you still can never leave.Support this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
1/26/20221 hour, 3 minutes, 59 seconds
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Amanda Radcliffe & Andrew Phillip Smith on Why The Cathars Existed

Amanda Radcliffe and Andrew Phillip Smith joined us for a deep understanding of the Cathars. Furthermore, we countered the recent scholarship claiming that the Cathars never existed – but that they were merely heretical Catholics later sensationalized by esoteric romanticism. We didn't have time to fully delve into Mary Magdalene as we had planned, so expect a follow-up.This show is dedicated to the memory of Bishop Rosamonde Miller.Support this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
1/22/20221 hour, 15 minutes, 21 seconds
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Jahannah James on Atlantis, Egypt, and Ancient Archeology

Actress, comedy content creator, and researcher Jahannah James materialized at the Virtual Alexandria to take us on a spanning tour of primordial marvels. We discussed ancient Egyptian monuments, the veracity of Atlantis, and how advanced were archaic humans. You know we covered Gobekli Tepe, the Flood, ancient tech, and other mysteries.GET MY NEW EBOOK, 10 SNACKABLE MEDITATIONSGet the simple, effective, and affordable Red Circle Private RSS Feed for all full showsMore information on JahannahSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
1/16/20221 hour, 10 minutes, 35 seconds
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Paul Levy on Defeating Wetiko, The Mind-Virus

A mind virus is embedded in all our psyches, pied-piping humanity to the brink of extinction. Our blindness to it gives it destructive powers, even if we’ve known this cosmic spore as Archons, Kelipot, Nephilim, and other names. Yet by recognizing this highly contagious mental parasite, we can break free from its vampiric hold. We find the means of liberation, especially by understanding the insights of CG Jung, Philip K. Dick, Issac Luria, Carlos Castaneda, and others who directly faced Wetiko.Astral Guest – Paul Levy, author of Wetiko: Healing the Mind-Virus That Plagues Our World.GET MY NEW EBOOK, 10 SNACKABLE MEDITATIONS: is a partial show. For the second half of the interview, please become an AB Prime member:  or patron at Patreon: the simple, effective, and affordable Red Circle Private RSS Feed for all full showsMore information on Paul: the book: a patron and keep this Red Pill Cafeteria growing: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
1/13/20221 hour, 14 minutes, 57 seconds
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Tobias Churton on Aleister Crowley, The Last Years

Tobias Churton materialized at the Virtual Alexandria to discuss his latest book, Aleister Crowley in England. From his involvement in World War 2 to The Book of Thoth to his last days in the Kenoma, we’ll get acquainted with the final stage of the Beast’s life and mission. Expect Rudolf Hess, Gurdjieff, Jack Parsons, Dion Fortune, and Ian Fleming to make appearances.Support this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
1/9/20221 hour, 10 minutes, 2 seconds
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Tim Wyatt on Karma, Reincarnation, and Life After Death

Humanity has become so fearful of death that it's forgotten how to live. To fully embrace the liberating but risky experience of living, we explore the various mystical views on death. This voyage into the underworld will lead to understanding notions like karma, reincarnation, and the afterlife. From Theosophy to Tibetan Buddhism to Gnosticism, we again find eternal life in the womb of death.Astral Guest – Tim Wyatt, author of Everyone's Book of The Dead.GET MY NEW EBOOK, 10 SNACKABLE MEDITATIONS: is a partial show. For the second half of the interview, please become an AB Prime member:  or patron at Patreon: the simple, effective, and affordable Red Circle Private RSS Feed for all full showsMore information on Tim: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
1/6/20221 hour, 15 minutes, 42 seconds
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Riz Virk & Tamra Lucid on The Simulated Multiverse I My Life With Manly P. Hall

A double header to prepare us to face the new year!First, we are joined by Rizwan Virk, author of The Simulated Multiverse. He will discuss the various theories regarding our existence in a multidimensional simulation, from the spiritual to the scientific, from Philip K. Dick to physicist Nick Bostrom. Is there a supreme coder, and what are the best films on the subject?Then we chat with Tamra Lucid, author of Making the Ordinary Extraordinary. She will share her experiences working at The Philosophical Research Society and being a friend of Manly P. Hall. It’s a touching but humor-filled journey into the heart of one of the greatest esotericists of our time – and a case study on the light and shadow sides of Occultism.GET MY NEW EBOOK, 10 SNACKABLE MEDITATIONS: is a partial show. For the second half of the interview, please become an AB Prime member:  or patron at Patreon: the simple, effective, and affordable Red Circle Private RSS Feed for all full showsMore information on Riz: information on Tamra: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
1/1/20222 hours, 12 minutes, 37 seconds
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Various Astral Guests on The Matrix Resurrections Review & Discussion

We reviewed and discussed the new Matrix Resurrections film. You know this Red (or Black) Pill had to be swallowed. We presented a non-spoiler review of the fourth Matrix film with a roundtable of cool heretics. Be prepared for a deeper and synchromystic view of the film as it relates to simulation theory, the metaverse & multiverse, and these bloody Gnostic times. Our panel also discussed the best Gnostic and Occult films/television of 2021. And much more.Our band of apostates included Vance and Nate the Occult Fan, as well as musicians, model, DJ, and producer Rhyme and Aaman Lamba, author of The Complete Illustrated Grand Grimoire.Support this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
12/24/20211 hour, 6 minutes, 56 seconds
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Eduardo Cano on the Real Identity of Lucifer

The figure of Lucifer has engrossed many major ideologies: Abrahamic religions, Occultism, Humanism, and Atheism. But what if these groups all missed the Charon boat when it comes to the true origins of Satan? We travel to ancient Sumer and Egypt to give some genuine sympathy to the Devil. What we find are antediluvian deities whose machinations became the varied template for the Morning Star. And yes, we’ll deal with the Light Bringer from a Gnostic perspective.Astral Guest – Eduardo Cano, author of The Lucifer Mystery Revealed.GET MY NEW EBOOK, 10 SNACKABLE MEDITATIONS: is a partial show. For the second half of the interview, please become an AB Prime member:  or patron at Patreon: the simple, effective, and affordable Red Circle Private RSS Feed for all full showsMore information on Eduardo: the book: a patron and keep this Red Pill Cafeteria growing: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
12/16/20211 hour, 14 minutes, 17 seconds
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Jake Kobrin on Magick, Occulture, and Transformational Art

We were joined at the Virtual Alexandria by Jake Kobrin, visionary artist and High Magick practitioner. He discussed the intersection of art and magick that can engineer change socially, culturally, and within the individual. From Tarot to Thelema, from psychedelics to Chaos Magic, we threaded a gnosis needle to a place where the Esoterica is not just a metaphysical practice but a practical yet transformative tool of cosmic liberation and inner peace. More on Jake: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
12/10/20211 hour, 4 minutes, 11 seconds
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Daniel Hopkins on the Buddhist Influence on Gnosticism, Christianity & Judaism

How did Buddhism impact the Abrahamic religions and their mystery branches once it made contact with the west? Did it affect the Gnostics, or is Gnosticism just a continuation of the original Buddha teachings? Did Jesus kill Buddha on the road to Emmaus or take some of his sutras? We’ll get the answers and uncover how Buddha and Hermes might be the same figure, all part of global reform against orthodoxy that continues even today.Astral Guest – Daniel Hopkins, author of Jesus's Godama Sources.GET MY NEW EBOOK, 10 SNACKABLE MEDITATIONS: is a partial show. For the second half of the interview, please become an AB Prime member:  or patron at Patreon: information on Daniel: the book: a patron and keep this Red Pill Cafeteria growing: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
12/7/20211 hour, 11 minutes, 39 seconds
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Angel Millar on the Path of the Warrior-Mystic

We explore the archetypal and classical ideal of the warrior. What we find is the perfect blend of the mystic and the fighter, philosopher and poet king. From Marcus Aurelius to Miyamoto Musashi, from the Knights Templar to Muslim Knights, we distill the transforming essence of the fearless, magical champion. Somewhere the story of the Gawain and the Green Knight will beckon us. This universal understanding for a higher-self initiation is more critical than ever in an era where weak men are creating hard times (and perhaps the very end of western civilization).Astral Guest – Angel Millar, author The Path of the Warrior-Mystic: Being a Man in an Age of Chaos.GET MY NEW EBOOK, 10 SNACKABLE MEDITATIONS: is a partial show. For the second half of the interview, please become an AB Prime member:  or patron at Patreon: information on Angel: the book: a patron and keep this Red Pill Cafeteria growing: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
12/2/20211 hour, 13 minutes, 23 seconds
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Miguel Conner on Who Is Abraxas?

I am making my Finding Hermes presentation public, entire for subscribers with some cool bonuses. I also mention some exciting promotions. But it doesn’t get more exciting than delving into the history, symbolism, mythology, and magic of this mercurial Gnostic entity. This exploration includes the impact of Abraxas on modern culture, from CG Jung to contemporary cinema. In the end, I provide a “big reveal” on Abraxas, which goes beyond his view as being the God above God or the Chief Archon of the universe.Join the Finding Hermes Program, now at a discount, for more presentations and our monthly Q&ASupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
11/30/20211 hour, 12 seconds
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Miguel Conner on The Intros - Greatest Hits

By popular demand and as a holiday gift to you, a collection of some of my best intros in both audio and video versions. Expect evocative and often trippy visuals and music. More than my musings in the Black Iron Prison, I cover philosophical, historical, and theological Gnostic and Hermetic topics. There is no pain, you are receding.Here is the list:What is Gnosticism?Who are the gods?Welcome to Planet EarthWar is God (or how I learned to stop worrying and love the dark archetype)We are all crazy hereArchon VirusThe Priest and the KingDid the Gnostics believe in reincarnation?Are you a Gnostic?What is the goal of Gnostic salvation?Welcome to the Age of HermesAbraxas Yahweh and SatanWho are the Archons?We are the GnosticsThe Adventures of Johnny Meatsack in the KenomaSeven ancient Gnostic figures the Church fearedSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
11/24/20211 hour, 26 minutes, 57 seconds
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Chris Knowles on Lucifer's Technologies

Chris Knowles joined us to discuss his landmark research on the nexus of magic and technology in modernity. From the elite’s continued usage of apotheotic ceremonial sorcery to alleged breakaway alien tech, we speculated on all high weirdness science under the black hole sun. All of this led us to today’s transhumanistic apocalypse – but is it benign fire from the gods or hellfire from that wickedness in high places? You’re about to find out, and no one here gets out alive.This is a partial show. For the second half of the interview, please become a member or patron at Patreon.More information on ChrisGet the bookSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
11/21/20211 hour, 13 minutes, 52 seconds
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Gigi Young on Psychic Healing & Navigating the Archons

It's always a Red Pill pleasure when psychic and esoteric researcher Gigi Young materializes at the Virtual Alexandria. Gigi shared her insights on how she has thrived mentally and spiritually in the last two years. We discussed how to overcome fallen stellar lords, avoid the dark spell of transhumanism, and keep your dignified humanity in a time of so many apocalypses. Can love overcome everything, or is this the time to embrace a fighting spirit against Powers and Principalities in high places? Or is victory found in the liminal places of the mystic and the dreamer? You'll find out.More information on GigiGigi's interview on AI and Occult PresencesSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
11/16/20211 hour, 7 minutes, 23 seconds
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Mark Stavish on The Path of Freemasonry

We explore the symbolical and inner territories of The Craft that provide robust spiritual paths. From an outer view, we follow the arc of historical Freemasonry and how it manifests today in communities across the west. According to many of its exemplars, what is the true secret of Freemasonry, and how can this fraternity thrive in a brave new world of flimsy occultism and constant cultural revolutions?Astral Guest – Mark Stavish, author of The Path of Freemasonry: The Craft as a Spiritual Practice.GET MY NEW EBOOK, 10 SNACKABLE MEDITATIONS: is a partial show. For the second half of the interview, please become an AB Prime member:  or patron at Patreon: the simple, effective, and affordable Private RSS feed for all full shows: Exclusive Aeon Byte Podcast Feed | RedCircleMore information on Mark: the book: a patron and keep this Red Pill Cafeteria growing: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
11/9/20211 hour, 8 minutes, 36 seconds
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Anthony Garcia on The Dead Sea Scrolls, Essenes & Gnostic Esoterica

On this AB Live, we were joined again by Anthony Garcia, author of Artificial Intelligence and the New Messiah. We mined for esoteric truths in the Bible, the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Book of Enoch. Our journey included astrotheology, the wisdom of the Essenes, and gematria. All of this led to keys for inner knowing and eldritch prophecies happening today. In other words, it’s all about not allowing the mechanistic archons to turn us into machines…same as it ever was.This is a partial show. For the second half of the interview, please become a member or patron at Patreon.Get the simple, effective, and affordable Private RSS feed for all full shows: Exclusive Aeon Byte Podcast Feed | RedCircleGET MY NEW EBOOK: 10 SNACKABLE MEDITATIONSMore information on AnthonyGet the book:Support this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
11/5/20211 hour, 4 minutes
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Christian Funder on The Spiritual Gifts of Ayahuasca

A broad and rewarding conversation on Ayahuasca and other psychedelics. Our discussion involved the insights of innovative thinkers like CG Jung, Terence McKenna, Friedrich Schelling, and many others. We delved into the rich mythology and traditions of South American tribes, balanced by the current science on the risks and rewards of therapeutic psychedelics. Beyond entheogens, we shared how humanity's future rises or falls by transforming its consciousness and reconnecting with the land's ancient magic.Astral Guest -- Christian Funder, author of Grandmother Ayahuasca: Plant Medicine and the Psychedelic Brain.Support this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
11/2/20211 hour, 5 minutes, 38 seconds
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Anthony Tyler on Evil, the Supernatural, and Shadow Work

GET MY NEW EBOOK, 10 SNACKABLE MEDITATIONS: has long struggled grappling with dark forces. Reason and religion have fallen short in defeating the “things that go bump in the night.” Yet there is a middle, psychospiritual path provided by innovative thinkers like CG Jung, John Keel, Jacques Vallee, and others (including daring exorcists/ghost hunters). We thread the sanity needle through that middle path, between demons and serial killers, poltergeists and homicidal cult leaders, to understand the paranormal and integrate individual/collective shadows.Astral Guest – Anthony Tyler, author of Hunt Manual: 21st Century Demonology & Forteana.This is a partial show. For the second half of the interview, please become an AB Prime member:  or patron at Patreon: the simple, effective, and affordable Private RSS feed for all full shows: Exclusive Aeon Byte Podcast Feed | RedCircleMore information on Anthony: the book: a patron and keep this Red Pill Cafeteria growing: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
10/28/20211 hour, 17 minutes, 35 seconds
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Various Astral Guests on a Gnostic Goring of Sacred Cows 2 (Halloween Special)

This was our annual Halloween Special, with a roundtable of gnosis veterans. As with last year, we challenged both orthodox and occult golden calves. We took on Scientology, Conspiracy Theory Culture, Mainstream Christianity, Ufology, Alchemy, and more. No one was safe, and the audience provided some outstanding questions and comments on the nature of reality, Gnosticism, and what will happen when the guests and I go to hell after we die.Our astral guests were Scott Smith, author of God Reconsidered, Sandra Wells, a pagan and Gnostic sympathizer, and Christian Smith, studying to become a chaplain under the guidance of Bishop Stephan Hoeller of Ecclesia Gnostica.Get my eBook: 10 Snackable MeditationsThis is a partial show. For the second half of the interview, please become an AB Prime member:  or patron at Patreon: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
10/22/20211 hour, 6 minutes, 53 seconds
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Dr. Andrew Chesnut on Santa Muerte, the Death Goddess

One of the fastest-growing religions in the west centers on a mysterious death goddess. Her movement has been persecuted in modern times by both government and religious entities. We speculate on the heretical Santa Muerte and explore the practices, theologies, and cultural impact surrounding this mercurial folk saint. In the end, we discover that death is pregnant with so much life.Astral Guest – Dr. Andrew Chesnut, author of Devoted to Death: Santa Muerte, the Skeleton Saint, and Professor of Religious Studies at Virginia Commonwealth University.This is a partial show. For the second half of the interview, please become an AB Prime member:  or patron at Patreon: the simple, effective, and affordable Private RSS feed for all full shows: Exclusive Aeon Byte Podcast Feed | RedCircleMore information on Andrew: the book: a patron and keep this Red Pill Cafeteria growing: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
10/19/20211 hour, 23 minutes, 16 seconds
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Dr. April DeConick & Anon Omous on Gnosticism and the Transcendent God

This episode was different but very exciting. First, we live-streamed a recent video interview I conducted with Dr. April Deconick. She shared the latest on Gnostics studies, focusing on the Transcendent God, the ultimate goal of the mystic flights of the ancient heretics. It was also an excellent summary of Gnosticism. Then we an AMA or Ask Me Anything. A first of its kind! Through this odyssey, we were joined by Anon Omous, past guest and author of Revelations On Interstellar Highway 10.This is a partial show. For the second half of the interview, please become a member or patron at Patreon.Get the simple, effective, and affordable Private RSS feed for all full shows: Exclusive Aeon Byte Podcast Feed | RedCircleSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
10/13/20211 hour, 13 minutes, 5 seconds
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Cat Rose Neligan on Discovering Your Personal Daimon

What is the daimon/daemon, and can it work for your higher purpose and better life? The answer is yes, especially with the right astrological, meditative, magical, or psychological tools. The daimon has guided many significant historical figures, including Socrates, Plotinus, Blake, Goethe, PKD, and Jesus (Gnostic view). Beyond gaining the eldritch tech to access our daimon, we journey through history to understand its presence, from Chaldean magicians to Neoplatonic sages, from Arabic mysticism to Thelema.Astral Guests – Cat Rose Neligan, author of Discovering Your Personal Daimon.This is a partial show. For the second half of the interview, please become an AB Prime member:  or patron at Patreon: the simple, effective, and affordable Private RSS feed for all full shows: Exclusive Aeon Byte Podcast Feed | RedCircleMore information on Cat: the book: these and all other shows: a patron and keep this Red Pill Cafeteria growing: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
10/6/20211 hour, 12 minutes, 21 seconds
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Bernie Taylor on Angelic Messengers

Belief in angelic or human-bird/avianoid as a messenger between the divine and humans is found in the Abrahamic, ancient Greek, Mesopotamian and Egyptian records, and worldwide among shamanic and animistic peoples. Are these beings real or just mortal projections? Or in between? We traveled to prehistoric and ancient history to find out. We were joined by Bernie Taylor, author of Before Orion: Finding the Face of the Hero. The show got very Jungian archetypal, alternative archeological, and just awe-inspiring. And Bigfoot made a lot of appearances, for some reason.As mentioned in the intro, get Holy Wisdom and the Logos of God by James Brantingham on Kindle. Only 99 cents through the month of October! is a partial show. For the second half of the interview, please become a member or patron at Patreon. Get the simple, effective, and affordable Private RSS feed for all full shows: Exclusive Aeon Byte Podcast Feed | RedCircleMore information on BernieListen to Bernie’s past interview on Aeon ByteGet Bernie’s bookSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
10/1/20211 hour, 5 minutes, 4 seconds
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Dr. Jeffrey Kupperman and John Edgecomb on Neoplatonism & Theurgy

We engage in an exhaustive study of Neoplatonism — including its impact on modern culture — finding its useable, spiritual tech to connect with the Divine. What is exactly is Theurgy, and how can it be implemented in our quest for consciousness expansion? What gave rise to the Neoplatonists, and why did they clash with their spiritual siblings, the Gnostics? How did Neoplatonism engage with the notions of evil and suffering? From Plotinus to Proclus to Iamblichus, we journey to intimately experience the One and how it became the Many (us!).Astral Guests – Dr. Jeffrey Kupperman, author of A Theurgist Book of Hours, and John Edgecomb, author of Becoming Aeon.This is a partial show. For the second half of the interview, please become an AB Prime member:  or patron at Patreon: the simple, effective, and affordable Private RSS feed for all full shows: Exclusive Aeon Byte Podcast Feed | RedCircleMore information on Jeffrey: information on John: these and all other shows: a patron and keep this Red Pill Cafeteria growing: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
9/23/20212 hours, 6 minutes, 17 seconds
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Jason Reza Jorjani on Closer Encounters

Many theories abound on UFOs and other extraterrestrial encounters. Leading-edge scholarship argues they are not mutually exclusive — but are facets of a single, complex, and terrifying paradigm. The Archon control of our planet is complete, multidimensional, and across timelines. Does humanity stand a chance for freedom considering terrestrial governments waffle on their reveals and are often just puppets in a cosmic game of thrones? From Atlantis to Mars, from alien abductions to breakaway civilizations, we find solutions in the gnosis of astral Promethean tricksters and Mothmen.Astral Guest – Jason Reza Jorjani, author of Closer Encounters.This is a partial show. For the second half of the interview, please become an AB Prime member:  or patron at Patreon: the simple, effective, and affordable Private RSS feed for all full shows: Exclusive Aeon Byte Podcast Feed | RedCircleMore information on Jason: the book: these and all other shows: a patron and keep this Red Pill Cafeteria growing: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
9/15/20211 hour, 15 minutes, 52 seconds
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Thomas Negovan on Alphonse Mucha, The Occult, and Gnostic Gods

We got acquainted with legendary artist Alphonse Mucha – from his Freemason background to his Rosicrucian art, from his impact on occult Paris to his ordeal under Nazi fury. This included his mystical exploration of the Gnostic androgynous divinity in LE PATER (The Lord's Prayer), a work the Catholic Church censored. Writer, art historian, and film producer Thomas Negovan joined us at the Virtual Alexandria.Astral Guest -- Thomas Negovan, art historian, film producer, and author of Le Pater: Alphonse Mucha's Symbolist Masterpiece and the Lineage of Mysticism.This is a partial show. For the second half of the interview, please become a member or patron at Patreon.Get the simple, effective, and affordable Private RSS feed for all full shows: Exclusive Aeon Byte Podcast Feed | RedCircleMore information on ThomasGet the bookSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
9/9/20211 hour, 8 minutes, 53 seconds
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Brian Cotnoir on Practical Alchemy

We take a concise journey to the history, theory, and practice of “the great work”—the art of working with the energies of nature for spiritual development, healing, and transformation. More than a journey, you’ll gain the means to tap into the promises of alchemy in these nigredo, dystopian times. And understand the deepest mysteries of those Gnostic and Hermetic alchemists who unlocked the secrets of the ouroboros. These may still be your grandma’s alchemy, but now you’ll do in a way that works for your needs.Astral Guest – Brian Cotnoir, author of Practical Alchemy: A Guide to the Great Work. This is a partial show. For the second half of the interview, please become an AB Prime member:  or patron at Patreon: the simple, effective, and affordable Private RSS feed for all full shows: Exclusive Aeon Byte Podcast Feed | RedCircleMore information on Brian: the book: these and all other shows: a patron and keep this Red Pill Cafeteria growing: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
9/7/20211 hour, 13 minutes, 53 seconds
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Jessa Reed on FH: Addiction Recovery, Codependency, & Alien Encounters

The amazing Jessa Reed joined me to chat about some casual topics: Being a mystic methhead, alien encounters, and the collapse of western culture. But the apocalypse is ultimately Pina Coladas and getting caught in the rain, as we shared on higher states of being, overcoming drugs & mental illness, and how to peer through the Empire's hologram. What is coming is amazing for those awake and those who refuse to stop dreaming of a better world.Support this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
9/2/20211 hour, 12 minutes, 54 seconds
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Gordon White on Apocalypse Gnosis, Modern Magic & The Return of Dreamtime

Gordon White materialized at the Virtual Alexandria to discuss our crumbling reality and what to do about it. The Empire's hologram is shifting, and each of us has the means to surf that energy beyond the Rainbow Bridge to find our purpose and authentic self. Get ready for a lot of myth, magic, and meaning. We're taking an Uber away from Omelas, and Gordon served liberating doses of animist, shamanism, and primordial philosophy.This is a partial show. For the second half of the interview, please become a member or patron at Patreon.Get the simple, effective, and affordable Private RSS feed for all full shows: Exclusive Aeon Byte Podcast Feed | RedCircleSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
9/1/20211 hour, 7 minutes, 37 seconds
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Laurence Caruana on Gnostic Cosmology & The Fall of Sophia

In the beginning, God went crazy and became us. For sanity restored, visionary artist and author Laurence Caruana took us to the scene of the crime: the Gnostic Creation myth. More than a crime, it’s an evocative, immersive, and beautiful tale of consciousness first becoming aware and the adventures of the Aeon Sophia down a cosmic rabbit hole. Beyond that, we covered breathtaking ground on the history and theology of Gnosticism. And Laurence’s future plans for a Gnostic Chapel based on The Secret Book of John in France will blow you away.This is a partial show. For the second half of the interview, please become a member or patron at Patreon.Get the simple, effective, and affordable Private RSS feed for all full shows: Exclusive Aeon Byte Podcast Feed | RedCircleSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
8/29/20211 hour, 11 minutes, 47 seconds
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Robert Price on The Origins of Gnosticism

Let’s take a daring journey to find when and where the ancient Gnostics emerged. Were they originally pre-Christian, and what metaphysics influenced them? This quest will theorize that the original Christian church — long before orthodoxy — was a motley band of apocalyptical mystics and mystery religion advocates. We will also sojourn back to our time for several modern Gnostic manifestations, as certain visionaries help us accurately understand Gnosticism's core ethos.Astral Guest – Robert Price, author of Judaizing Jesus.This is a partial show. For the second half of the interview, please become an AB Prime member:  or patron at Patreon:! Simple, effective, and affordable Private RSS feed for all full shows: Exclusive Aeon Byte Podcast Feed | RedCircleMore information on Bob: the book: these and all other shows: a patron and keep this Red Pill Cafeteria growing: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
8/19/20211 hour, 16 minutes, 37 seconds
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Amanda Radcliffe on Cathar Prophecy

Amanda Radcliffe returned to the Virtual Alexandria to share more on the Gnostic Cathar mysteries. This included several secret histories and crucial prophecies, one that happens this August and means the changing of the ages. Get ready to learn about key Cathar figures and teachings that will prepare you for a crumbling society and the potential of a new reality.Sophia is returning.Support this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
8/14/20211 hour, 4 minutes, 28 seconds
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Duncan Trussell on Preparing for Death and Having a Near-Life Experience

Duncan Trussell joined me to talk about the positive notion of getting ready for death. Seriously, it's positive! We connected Buddhism and Gnosticism, exploring those bardos where authentic living happens. Death is an illusion and materialism is a bad dream. Beyond how to embrace a life of passion and compassion, Duncan shared his ideas on overcoming fear, living in a gangsta-virus paradise, and what he's learned from his podcast and his series, The Midnight Gospel. We laughed, the archons cried, and we discovered how unreal reality is.Support this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
8/11/20211 hour, 11 minutes
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Stefan Verstappen on Gurdjieff and the Way of the Warrior

Mainstream religions and secular authorities have robbed humanity of its passionate edge. We turn to ancient warrior castes to find the means to make the soul dynamic once again – from the fierce piety of the Knights Templar to the ardent poetry of the Samurai. This spiritual exploration will include insights from various martial arts, all overseen by the more vitalizing teachings of Gurdjieff. Without this pivot, the collective consciousness will continue to descend into the jaws of fear and consumerism.Astral Guest – Stefan H. Verstappen, author of A Masters Guide to The Way of the Warrior.This is a partial show. For the second half of the interview, please become an AB Prime member:  or patron at Patreon:! Simple, effective, and affordable Private RSS feed for all full shows: Exclusive Aeon Byte Podcast Feed | RedCircleMore information on Stefan: the book: these and all other shows: a patron and keep this Red Pill Cafeteria growing: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
8/5/20211 hour, 16 minutes, 54 seconds
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Chris Knowles on Jack Kirby and the End of the Comic Book Hero

With the collapse of comic books and their movie adaptations, it’s a wise time to reflect on how initially the genre became a beacon of mythical wonder for humanity. The main font is Jack Kirby. He created such hallowed characters as Iron Man, Thor, Black Panther, Captain America, the X-Men, the Eternals, etc. We explore Kirby's life, influences, and mysticism – including his Gnostic vision and cosmologies that remain today an influence on modern culture.Astral Guest – Chris Knowles, author of The Endless American Midnight.This is a partial show. For the second half of the interview, please become an AB Prime member:  or patron at Patreon:! Simple, effective, and affordable Private RSS feed for all full shows: Exclusive Aeon Byte Podcast Feed | RedCircleMore information on Chris: the book: these and all other shows: a patron and keep this Red Pill Cafeteria growing: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
8/1/20211 hour, 23 minutes, 43 seconds
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Steve Seven on Dark Pharma, Holistic Alternatives & Psychic Transformation

Steve Seven returned to the Virtual Alexandria for healing doses of depth psychology and holistic living. In addition, he presented a grim picture of the mental health industry, often sharing dark speculations on the state of the world. From implanted memories by technocrats to growing your food to own the archons, our conversation had something for everyone and surely will bring a strong reaction from many. But no one here gets out alive unless like Morrison we die and move onto a more natural world.NEW! Simple, effective, and affordable Private RSS feed for all full shows: Exclusive Aeon Byte Podcast Feed | RedCircleMore information on SteveSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
7/28/20211 hour, 15 minutes, 1 second
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Micah Dank on Astrotheology in the Book of Enoch & Revelation

Micah Dank returned to the Virtual Alexandria, this time to decipher the star maps and symbolism of two of the most enigmatic ancient scriptures: The Apocalypse of John and the Book of Enoch. We also touched on other religious texts like the Gospel of Matthew. Get ready for a zodiacal journey to understand the mind of ancient seekers and the hearts of modern mystics. This is a partial show. For the second half of the interview, please become a member or patron at Patreon.NEW! Simple, effective, and affordable Private RSS feed for all full shows: Exclusive Aeon Byte Podcast Feed | RedCircleSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
7/22/202154 minutes, 46 seconds
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Moe Bedard on Archon Fungi, the Counterfeit Spirit & Accessing the Higher Mind

Moe Bedard joined Finding Hermes to share his poignant story of recovery and overcoming challenges in the Black Iron Prison. Furthermore, he discussed his research on mold, fungi, and other microorganisms' spiritual and material impact. What we find is an "as above, so below" sensibility where mind-parasite archons infiltrate the cosmos with their infectious counterfeit spirit, threatening to swallow every sentient life into their colony of the collective. But we find, too, the means to tap into our Higher Selves for liberation (and live a healthy life). This is not the time to trust your gut because THEY LIVE there.NEW! Simple, effective, and affordable Private RSS feed for all full shows: Exclusive Aeon Byte Podcast Feed | RedCircleMore information on MoeGet Moe's bookSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
6/23/20211 hour, 7 minutes, 25 seconds
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Scott Smith and David Hyatt-Bickle on Why Ancient Gnosticism Is Relevant Today

Why should we care about some ancient mystics crushed under the jackboot of orthodox powers? The answer is in the question: their liberating ideas were too dangerous for civilizations that denied individuality and spiritual freedom. We comb through various Gnostic sects for insights more relevant than ever in a culture collapsing under the dark spell of archons.Astral Guests — Scott Smith and David Hyatt-Bickle.This is a partial show. For the second half of the interview, please become a member or patron at Patreon.NEW! Simple, effective, and affordable Private RSS feed for all full shows: More information on ScottMore information on DavidGet Scott’s bookSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
6/7/20211 hour, 9 minutes, 7 seconds
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Micah Dank on Astrotheology in the Bible & Gnostic Gospels

Researcher and author Micah Dank arrived at the Virtual Alexandria to discuss how the Bible, specific Gnostic works, and most ancient religious texts are star maps leading to profound truths. Why did these works get historicized, and what can we learn from understanding stories like Jesus as Zodiacal sagas? Does this give insights into our astral age? Find out this and more.This is a partial show for nonmembers. For the second half of the interview, please become an AB Prime member:  or patron at Patreon: information on Micah: the book: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
5/27/20211 hour, 4 minutes, 22 seconds
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Bernardo Kastrup on FH 9: The Metaphysics of Jung

Philosopher Bernardo Kastrup joined us to discuss the spiritual and mystic aspects of Carl Jung, based on his book Decoding the Metaphysics of Jung. Get ready for heavy and usable doses of Jung's ideas of synchronicity, archetypes, the Psyche, and more. This led us to understand what Jung really thought of God and destiny. Perhaps best of all, Bernardo shared the central insights of the Swiss Magician offering a method to your full healing and place in the cosmos. More information on Bernardo: Get the book: Download these and all other shows: Become a patron and keep this Red Pill Cafeteria growing:  Support this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
4/19/20211 hour, 3 minutes, 54 seconds
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Rev. Michael Carter on Extraterrestrials & the Evolution of Human Consciousness

We are joined by Rev. Michael Carter, author of several books including Alien Scriptures and A New World If You Can Take It. He explained if the messages from present-day Star Visitors to contactees hold the key to unlocking spatial potential. Is there a shared singular tradition of extraterrestrial involvement in human affairs that could foster peace and prosperity for all of humanity? Have astral entities from the beginning of civilization attempted to teach us the secrets of the cosmos? Get ready to find out. More information on Michael: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
4/1/20211 hour, 27 seconds
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Blaise Kennedy on FH 8: The Process Meditations & Becoming Aware

Meditation teacher Blaise Kennedy joined us to share his journey of addiction recovery and his transformative spiritual techniques. His contemplative practices help shift the experience of yourself from a separate physical object to a flow of high awareness. Beyond ideas on how to limit pain and reach potential, we touch upon the ideas of J. Krishnamurti, Bill W, St. Francis of Assissi, and other masters of soul-wholeness. More information on Blaise: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
3/27/20211 hour, 5 minutes, 4 seconds
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Chris Bennett on Cannabis Use in Ancient Religion (including Gnosticism)

A special show of sorts. I make public one of our exclusive Finding Hermes meetings. Christ Bennett, a leading researcher on entheogens, presented on the topic of cannabis use in ancient religion. This included the visionary rituals of Sethians, Valentinian, and other Gnostic sects. Enjoy this spanning lecture on how Jews, Christians, Zoroastrians, and other faiths of antiquity reached altered states of consciousness with cannabis.  More information on Chris Get Chris’ bookSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
3/10/20211 hour, 12 minutes, 54 seconds
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Robert Bonomo on Twilight of the Archons

A new documentary examines the current materialist paradigm by looking at our consumer-oriented society and its focus on money and exploring alternatives based on consciousness. With contributions from thinkers such as Joseph Campbell and Richard Werner, the documentary deconstructs the gospel of Netflix, Apple, and Google and proposes new ways to approach these troubled times. The Archons may be on the ropes, though, but they won’t go down without one last genocidal, awareness-killing fight. Astral Guest — Robert Bonomo, writer and director of Twilight of the Archons, as well as author of Cactus Land.Support this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
3/8/20211 hour, 12 minutes, 40 seconds
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Nichol Bradford on the Relationship Between Wellness & Technology

We are joined by Nichol Bradford, CEO & Founder of the Willow Group and the Executive Director and co-founder of the Transformative Technology Lab. She will discuss the intersection of tech and health, transformative technology, and where human consciousness is evolving in these sometimes overwhelming digital times. Will Singularity or the Individual win in the near future, or is there a place for both? This is a partial show for nonmembers. For the second half of the interview, please become an AB Prime member:   or patron at Patreon: More information on Nichol: Download these and all other shows: Become a patron and keep this Red Pill Cafeteria growing: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
3/1/202158 minutes, 23 seconds
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Beth Martens on Primal Archetypes

Beth Martens returned to the Virtual Alexandria to discuss her expanded archetypal work and release programs – healing solutions for our “New World Disorder” of addiction, depression & anxiety, financial uncertainty, and spiritual vacuum. Get closer to your authentic self by encountering the Victim, Prostitute, Masculine/Male, Saboteur, and other archetypes. More information on Beth: Get Beth’s book: Download these and all other shows: Become a patron and keep this Red Pill Cafeteria growing: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
2/22/20211 hour, 10 minutes, 50 seconds
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Sam Tripoli on FH 7: The Healing Power of Laughter

Comedian and podcaster Sam Tripoli joined the Virtual Alexandria to talk about the redemptive gifts of humor. Beyond sharing his journey of addiction and recovery, Sam provided insights into how he's dealt with these uncertain times. We also discussed the coping secrets and legacy of such comedians as Paul Mooney, Sam Kinison, Bill Hicks, and others. Can humor, conspiracy theory, and the occult coexist in this hyper-sensitive culture (or just comedians in general)? Sam took the issue on.Support this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
2/18/202147 minutes, 11 seconds
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Lachlan Franquemont on FH 6: Transformational Recovery, Stimulus Response & Integral Theory

Scholar, veteran, and therapist Lachlan Franquemont joined us to present a buffet of alternative treatments that have worked for him and his patients. Beyond the solutions mentioned in the title, we discussed several breathing therapies and the good, the bad & the ugly of Alcoholics Anonymous. And covered such issues as whether you should let outer forces in life affect you and are good deeds good for the ego or just ego-inflating. More information on Lachlan: Download these and all other shows: Become a patron and keep this Red Pill Cafeteria growing:  Support this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
2/4/20211 hour, 5 minutes, 51 seconds
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Adam Drissi on Psychedelics in Ancient History & Religion

Adam Drissi, author of Eden & Entheogens, joined us for a multidimensional journey into the ancients' entheogen-use for consciousness expansion. Much of this was based on Terence McKenna's "Stoned Ape" theory. We covered new insights on the genesis of civilizations like Atlantis, Phoenicia, Egypt, and Israel. And how ancient Gnosis was carried forth in shamanistic, psychedelic movements. This includes many of the Old Testament exemplars like Moses, David, Solomon, and Abraham. Behind a history of religious censorship, we find many getting high to reach high spiritual places. This is a partial show for nonmembers. For the second half of the interview, please become an AB Prime member:   or patron at Patreon: Get the book: https://a Download these and all other shows: Become a patron and keep this Red Pill Cafeteria growing: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
1/24/20211 hour, 12 minutes, 46 seconds
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Chris Knowles on the Endless American Midnight

Chris Knowles materialized at the Virtual Alexandria to discuss his new mind-expanding, reality-disbanding book, The Endless American Midnight. How did the American republic become PKD's Empire? What were the spiritual and political forces that brought us to the 2020 precipice? These answers will help us navigate the 2021 apocalypse, as well as find our higher self and summon that spiritual help we all need. And so many more nuclear insights from Chris in this special, end-of-the-year show. This is a partial show for nonmembers. For the second half of the interview, please become an AB Prime member or patron at Patreon. More information on Chris  Get the book: Download these and all other shows: Become a patron and keep this Red Pill Cafeteria growing: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
1/1/20211 hour, 32 minutes, 13 seconds
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Rachel Conerly & Tim Kelley on Finding Purpose, Meaning & Jungian Individuation During A Time of Crisis

Times have been hard during 2020, and times are always stressful during the holiday season. For this, we had a special AB Live to assist those who need help or just wish to find their authentic self as quickly as possible. We discussed active imagination, Gestalt therapy, projection, complexes, dream therapy, and many techniques to overcome fear and find true purpose in life. We can overcome and we can remove the blocks from our inevitable awakening and higher destiny. Astral Guests -- Rachel Conerly and Tim Kelley, author of True Purpose: 12 Strategies for Discovering the Difference You Are Meant to Make. More information on Tim Get the book: Download these and all other shows: Become a patron and keep this Red Pill Cafeteria growing: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
12/19/20201 hour, 45 minutes, 23 seconds
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Derek Hunter on FH 5: Embracing Chaos, Uncertainty & Wild Myth for Better Mental Health

Derek Hunter joined us to share The End of the World and his alternative but tested ideas on recovery and living a magical life. He summarized his Chaos Love theory, as well as how he has thrived in enjoying the great unknown that is 2020. We discussed Dostoevsky, Jung, Crowley, Descartes, and other thinkers who straddle the line between reason and madness. We explored the power of myth and visited old chaos gods like Pan, Babalon, Yaldabaoth, and Lucifer. What you get are tools to worry less and dream a better reality into your life. More information on DerekSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
12/15/20201 hour, 18 minutes, 32 seconds
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Jason Reza Jorjani on Faustian Futurist & Gnostic Movies

On our latest AB Live, Jason Reza Jorjani arrived at the Virtual Alexandria to discuss his new novel, Faustian Futurist. The book combines many of his ideas like Prometheism and brings to the table exciting topics like Atlantis, UFOs, breakaway civilizations, and remote viewing. We found that there is a lot of factual truth to this novel, and the end is coming soon unless we embrace Prometheus. We'll also have some fun talking about Gnostic themes in film and other art forms, as well as Philip K. Dick and other thinkers. This is a partial show for nonmembers. For the second half of the interview, please become a member or patron at Patreon. More information on Jason The Prometheist Manifesto Get the book  Support this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
12/13/20201 hour, 9 minutes, 25 seconds
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Stephen Sorensen on Fomenko and the New Chronology

Could history be a lie written by the victors? Well, that's a reality, and that’s always been an Aeon Byte theme, but how much of a lie is it has also been the question? We look at a theory that posts that events of antiquity generally attributed to the civilizations of the Roman Empire, Ancient Greece, and Ancient Egypt, actually occurred during the Middle Ages, more than a thousand years later. Stephen Sorensen, owner of the Ctruth website, joined us.Support this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
11/23/20201 hour, 1 minute, 2 seconds
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Brian Stanford on Finding Hermes: From Convicted Criminal to Gnostic Priest

Bishop Brian Standford joined us to discuss his inspirational journey. Find life-improving insights from his transformation from a life of drugs and prison to an exemplar of esoteric wisdom. He'll share what went wrong and what has worked for him: Christian Gnosticism, prayer, Eastern traditions, martial arts, the ideas of great thinkers, and more. We also get into Brian's ideas of Esoteric Patriotism, a much-needed pivot when trust in the system is crumbling because of the dark effects of Wickedness in High Places.Support this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
11/11/20201 hour, 24 minutes, 52 seconds
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Anthony Tyler & Occult Fan on Clive Barker, Demonology, and Fortean Spirituality

On this sacrilege that was also our second Halloween Special, streamed that very night, Anthony Tyler and the Occult Fan joined us. We discussed a main horror writer and occult exemplar: Clive Barker. From Hellraiser to Candyman, we tied these works to more profound, spiritual (and often Jungian) themes. We also dealt with the spooky themes of demonology, Fortean Spirituality, and Anthony’s book, Dive Manual, Empirical Investigations in Mysticism.Support this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
11/1/20201 hour, 5 minutes, 39 seconds
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Various Astral Guests on a Gnostic Goring of Sacred Cows (Halloween Special)

Our Halloween theme on AB Live was about popular beliefs in the esoteric movement that they think may need reevaluation. It was an irreverent discussion of popular esoteric beliefs, from the New Age faiths and astrology to Kabbalah and the Course in Miracles. And many more sacred cows. We also discussed the pandemic and the coming election. Our astral guests were Scott Smith, author of God Reconsidered, returning to Aeon Byte for his lucky 13th interview; his wife, Sandra Wells, a pagan and Gnostic sympathizer who shared her experiences with the supernatural on previous Halloween shows; and Scott's son, Christian Smith, also a returning guest, who is studying to become a chaplain under the guidance of Bishop Stephan Hoeller of Ecclesia Gnostica. This is a partial show for nonmembers. For the second half of the interview, please become a member or patron at Patreon.Support this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
10/25/20201 hour, 14 minutes, 8 seconds
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Mitch Horowitz on Finding Hermes: Miracle Habits, Reprogramming the Mind & Navigating a Toxic Internet

Always an honor to have Mitch at the Virtual Alexandria. Mitch shares insights and solutions to depression, success in life, dysfunctional relationships, and living in a pandemic. We covered transcendental meditation, the best (and worse) of New Thought, anarchic magic, and the power of prayer. Mitch shared the ideas of Alexander Pope, Neville Goddard, Ralph Emerson Waldo, and other exemplars. Can the right habits and thoughts transform our life? Is there a way to thrive in this year of apocalypses or are we destined to be Oedipus or Walter White? Astral Guest -- Mitch Horowitz, author of The Miracle Habits.Support this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
10/7/20201 hour, 15 minutes, 38 seconds
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Jessa Reed on Alien School, Atlantean Wounds & Apocalypse Here

We were joined at the Virtual Alexandria by comedian and host of Soberish, Jessa Reed. She discussed her life and remarkable insights. This included overcoming meth addiction, near-death experience, alien encounters, and revelations into the reality we exist in a simulation ending soon with the coming of a new higher-dimensional existence. I dig her work and mind a lot, and I think you will too. Regardless, it's the end of the world as we know it and you can now feel fine. More information on Jessa: Download these and all other shows: Become a patron and keep this Red Pill Cafeteria growing: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
9/19/20201 hour, 4 minutes, 30 seconds
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Robert Bonomo on Finding Hermes: Alcoholism, Vedanta, Tarot & Free Will

Always a pleasure when Robert arrives at the Virtual Alexandria. This time he laid his cards on the table about his life, while also sharing helpful ideas from Vedanta, the Tarot, Gnosticism, and other alternative disciplines. Our discussion addressed the mental breakdown of the collective psyche in 2020, at the same time exploring the complex maze that is the personal psyche. In the end, we wonder if we have free at all and are we at the end of an age. Astral Guest — Robert Bonomo, writer and director of The 21 Faces of God, as well as author of Cactus Land.Support this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
9/15/20201 hour, 12 minutes, 52 seconds
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Eric G. Wilson on Finding Hermes

It's finally out after many promises and plans of mice and men (and gods too)! I couldn't think of anyone better for our first show than Eric. We discuss from an esoteric and traditional perspective how to deal with alcoholism, bipolar disorder, and depression. As serious as the topics are, we had a blast in exploring Gnostic fire and Promethean ice. Our discussion covered William Blake, Herman Melville, David Foster Wallace, Alan Watts, and other significant figures who found their Hermes and descended into the human soul's undergrounds. Some returned, some didn't. What will your end be? The Finding Hermes program is out, gradually rolled out but in tiers, found at Patreon or AB Prime. Astral Guest — Eric G. Wilson, author of Polaris Ghost and Professor of English at Wake Forest University. More information on Eric Check out our last interview with Eric on Aeon ByteSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
8/25/20201 hour, 9 minutes, 30 seconds
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Scott Smith & John Munter on Is Reincarnation Real? (Debate)

We were joined for a debate on reincarnation by two heavy-hitters in Gnostic circles who represent what is best in Gnosis: Scott Smith, author of God Reconsidered, and John Munter, author of The Samaritan Jesus. Two went into a cage and a thousand lifetimes came out. Seriously, it was a spirited and friendly debate on the doctrine of reincarnation. Scott argued for its shortcomings while John supported its strengths. Our discussion evolved into other cool topics like whether creation is benign or malevolent, karma, aliens, and much more. With audience questions, it was an evening full of mirth and Gnosis.Support this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
8/16/20201 hour, 9 minutes, 33 seconds
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Chris Knowles on Wickedness in Highly Strange Places

Chris Knowles materialized at the Virtual Alexandria to share some of his latest research, and it was raining Red Pills, hallelujah. Chris connected Maxwell, Epstein, Crowley, Parsons, and Lovecraft; and you can add transhumanist agencies, UFOs, and various secret societies as the deadly spice. It was Life in the Fast Ghislaine. We presented visuals along with this dark Gnosis, and we discussed how his novel is turning out to be a grim prophecy instead of fiction. Astral Guest – Chris Knowles, author of He Will Live Up in the Sky Download these and all other shows: Become a patron and keep this Red Pill Cafeteria open: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
7/26/20201 hour, 21 minutes, 51 seconds
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Mark Cordova on The Demiurge and His Archons

Independence Day comes early! Mark Cordova returns to the Virtual Alexandria after a long pause to discuss Yaldi Baldi and his angelic mafia. He'll grant some startling insights, including the notion that Jesus already vanquished the Powers and Principalities, but what remained was their offspring who are thousand times more dangerous. And much more. Mark will also share why he left the Gnostic scene, a tragic tale that saw him come back innocent and victorious. Support this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
7/3/20201 hour, 11 minutes, 56 seconds
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Anthony Peake on The Hidden Universe & Nonhuman Intelligences

Anthony Peake arrived at the Virtual Alexandria to discuss his new book, The Hidden Universe. We explored the ideas of the Pleroma/Kenoma and the Others - intelligent, self-motivated beings that are clearly not human in their origins. These include otherworldly visitors, from gods, angels, demons, and djinns to ghosts, UFOs, and aliens. More information on Anthony Get his book:Support this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
4/24/20201 hour, 6 minutes, 43 seconds
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Gigi Young on The Occult, AI and Alien Presences

The brilliant esotericist Gigi Young joined us to discuss her life as a psychic, as well as her views on the various extraterrestrial agents and dark occult forces invading our planet (and how the forces of light help us). We took a deep dive into AI, transhumanism, and other archonic technology. We covered the very relevant ideas of Rudolf Steiner and other occult exemplars. In the end, it was a lot of fun and a lot of Gnosis for the ages. More information on Gigi Video of Gigi criticizing evil technocrat This is a partial show for nonmembers. For the second half of the interview, please become a member:   or patron at Patreon: this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
1/26/20201 hour, 11 minutes, 46 seconds