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A Moment of Faith from KFUO Radio Cover
A Moment of Faith from KFUO Radio Profile

A Moment of Faith from KFUO Radio

English, Religion, 1 season, 111 episodes, 16 hours, 15 minutes
Rev. Doug Nicely, pastor of Jerusalem Lutheran Church in Collinsville, Illinois, joins host Gary Duncan to reflect on the catechism and scripture.
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I Know My Redeemer Lives

Rev. Doug Nicely and Gary Duncan talk about the hymn “I Know My Redeemer Lives” and the related story of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead.
3/23/20237 minutes, 23 seconds
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Amazing Grace

In this podcast-only special, Gary Duncan and Rev. Doug Nicely discuss the blind man and the hymn, "Amazing Grace".
3/16/20237 minutes, 33 seconds
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Lent - Nicodemus

Rev. Doug Nicely discusses with Gary Duncan the season of Lent and the story of Nicodemus.
3/2/20236 minutes, 32 seconds
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Lenten Hymns - Did My Savior Bleed

Gary Duncan and Rev. Doug Nicely discuss the six weeks of Lent.  Pastor Nicely also shares with us the Lenten hymn, “Did My Savior Bleed”
2/23/20237 minutes, 2 seconds
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Be Thou My Vision

Rev. Doug Nicely discusses his Transfiguration Sunday sermon with Gary Duncan. Doug also focuses on the hymn “Be Thou My Vision”. 
2/16/20238 minutes, 46 seconds
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Understanding the Ten Commandments Properly

In our discussion this week with Rev. Doug Nicely and Gary Duncan we look at how the ten commandments were misunderstood by the Jewish officials during the time of Jesus' earthly life.
2/9/202310 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sermon on the Mount

Gary Duncan and Rev. Doug Nicely discuss the sermon on the mount in Matthew. How do we become the light in this world?
2/2/20238 minutes, 1 second
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Gospel of Matthew, Part 1

Listen as Gary Duncan and Rev. Doug Nicely continue their journey in the first chapters of the gospel of Matthew. 
1/26/20239 minutes, 5 seconds
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The People That in Darkness Sat

On the program this week, Rev. Doug Nicely talks with Gary Duncan about this week's Gospel reading from Matthew. He ties the reading to the hymn “The People That in Darkness Sat”
1/19/20239 minutes, 8 seconds
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Brightest and Best of the Stars of  the Morning

Today, Rev. Doug Nicely discusses Epiphany with Gary Duncan.  Pastor Nicely highlights the hymn “Brightest and Best of the Stars of  the Morning”
1/12/20238 minutes, 38 seconds
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Away in a Manger

Rev. Doug Nicely shares with Gary Duncan the backstory of the Christmas hymn, “Away in the Manger".
12/22/20229 minutes, 16 seconds
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O come, O come, Emmanuel

Rev. Doug Nicely discusses shares The O Antiphons around the Advent hymn, "O come, O come, Emmanuel".
12/15/20228 minutes, 43 seconds
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Prepare a Royal Highway

Rev. Doug Nicely shares with Gary Duncan insights about the Advent hymn, "Prepare a Royal Highway".
12/8/20228 minutes, 53 seconds
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End Times

Rev. Doug Nicely and Gary Duncan discuss the end times and the end of the Christian calendar. Pastor Nicely also shares the hymn from John Brownly.
11/10/20228 minutes, 29 seconds
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Children of the Heavenly Father

Rev. Doug Nicely shares with Gary Duncan what he calls the other famous Swedish hymn. Hear the back story of the hymn “Children of the Heavenly Father”.  Pastor Nicely also illustrates the connection to the Scripture reading from Luke appointed for this week. 
10/20/20229 minutes, 23 seconds
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Prayer and Hymns

Rev. Doug Nicely talks about Prayer with Gary Duncan and Doug shares with us three hymns that have a common theme. 
10/13/20227 minutes, 56 seconds
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For All the Faithful Women

Rev. Doug Nicely talks with Gary Duncan about Ruth and other Godly women. Doug also shares with us the hymn “For All the Faithful Women”.
10/6/20228 minutes, 44 seconds
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God Loves Me Dearly

Rev. Doug Nicely discusses the Scripture reading from this upcoming Sunday. 2 Timothy 1. Paul reminds Timothy of his faith taught to him by his mother and grandmother. Pastor Nicely looks a the children hymn “God Loves Me Dearly” in light of this Scripture reading. 
9/29/20229 minutes, 17 seconds
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What Is the World to Me?

On this week's program Rev. Doug Nicely shares with us one of his uncle Marty’s favorite hymns with Gary Duncan.  Pastor Nicely's uncle asked him to preach for his funeral and for the hymn “What Is the World to Me?” Hear this hymn and a bit of the backstory.
9/15/20228 minutes, 43 seconds
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Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us

Rev. Doug Nicely chats with Gary Duncan about children and lambs. In Matthew, Jesus talks about lost sheep as little ones. On this week's program, you will hear about the connection between sheep and children and how that theme is the heart of many hymns. Pastor Nicely shares with Gary the hymn,  "Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us". 
9/8/20228 minutes, 57 seconds
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The Epistles

Gary Duncan and Rev. Doug Nicely talk about the Epistles (letters) to the Philippians. Pastor Nicely shares with Gary a hymn that he is reminded of when reading Philippians. What is the hymn? The words come from Psalm One. Listen for more.
9/1/20229 minutes, 54 seconds
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Closing Hymns

Gary Duncan and Pastor Doug Nicely talk about closing hymns on this week's program. Closing hymns are a reminder of the worship we just participated in and of what we have learned, heard, and should take with us as we depart. Doug shares with us a hymn “Go My Children with My Blessing” written by LCMS pastor Jeroslav Vajda.
8/18/20228 minutes, 51 seconds
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Rejoice, Ye Pure in Heart

On this program Rev. Doug Nicely shares with Gary Duncan the back story of the nineteenth century hymn “Rejoice, Ye Pure in Heart” by E. H. Plumptre (1865).
8/11/20226 minutes, 6 seconds
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Guide Me, Oh Thou Great Jehovah

Gary Duncan And Rev. Doug Nicely discuss Hebrews 11 and living in faith. Doug also shares with us the William Williams hymn of faith “Guide Me, Oh Thou Great Jehovah".
8/4/20228 minutes, 18 seconds
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Come, My Soul, Thy Suit Prepare

Rev. Doug Nicely and Gary Duncan talk about the Lord’s Prayer and praying the separate petitions. Also, Doug shares the John Newton hymn “Come, My Soul, Thy Suit Prepare”. 
7/21/202211 minutes, 18 seconds
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The National Anthem

Rev. Doug Nicely discusses with Gary Duncan the National Anthem by Francis Scott Key. Hear the backstory and a verse from the anthem that is rarely sung.
6/30/20228 minutes, 24 seconds
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In Thee Is Gladness

Pastor Doug Nicely talks with Gary Duncan about the hymn “In Thee Is Gladness” How has this hymn changed over the years? Hear the backstory that dates to the fifteen hundreds.
6/23/20229 minutes, 49 seconds
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In Christ There Is No East or West

Rev. Doug Nicely discusses with Gary Duncan the hymn “In Christ There Is No East or West”. This hymn text is at the heart of St. Paul’s letter to the Galatians. Listen as we dig deeper into Galatians 3: 23-29.
6/16/202212 minutes, 48 seconds
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Trinity Hymns

Rev. Doug Nicely discusses Holy Trinity Sunday with Gary Duncan. On this week's program, you will hear about all three persons of the Trinity in the lyrics of the “Navy Hymn” that Doug shares with us. 
6/9/202212 minutes, 55 seconds
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Pentecost Hymns

On this episode Rev. Doug Nicely chats with Gary Duncan about Pentecost with his focus on the Holy Spirit. Doug also shares with us one of his favorite Holy Spirit hymns “Holiness Desire”. Listen, learn and enjoy.
6/2/20229 minutes, 43 seconds
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On Christ's Ascension, This Alone

Rev. Doug Nicely discusses Ascension Day with Gary Duncan. How can we view Jesus' ascension as our ascension? Doug also shares with us the Ascension hymn “On Christ Ascension this alone” Listen and also learn the meaning of the German word Himmelfahrt.
5/26/20227 minutes, 58 seconds
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Lift High the Cross

Rev. Doug Nicely and Gary Duncan conclude our discussion on the Easter season. Doug shares with us the Easter hymn “Lift High the Cross”.  Doug also uses the word ensign during this conversation. What does he mean by the term ensign?
5/19/20229 minutes, 35 seconds
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Easter Hymns

Rev. Doug Nicley shares with Gary another Easter hymn. The hymn this week was written by Carl Ferdinand Wilhelm Walther. CFW Walther became the 1st President of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod. Doug gives us a bit of the back story of his hymn and of CFW Walther.
5/12/202210 minutes, 28 seconds
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Savior Like a Shepherd Lead Us

On this week's program Rev. Doug Nicely talks with Gary Duncan about Good Shepherd Sunday. Doug also shares the hymn “Savior Like a Shepherd Lead Us”. Hear the interesting backstory of this hymn.
5/5/20228 minutes, 59 seconds
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Christ Arose

On this week's program Rev. Doug nicely shares with Gary Duncan an Easter hymn written in 1874 by Robert Lowry a professor of literature at Bucknell University. He was also a minister and hymn writer. The hymn that Doug sings for us is “Christ Arose” inspired by Mathew's Gospel.
4/28/20228 minutes, 1 second
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Come, We That Love the Lord

Rev. Doug Nicely and Gary Duncan talk about Robert Lowery and Issaac Watts hymn "Come, We That Love the Lord" also known as “Marching to Zion”.  Hear the back story of this hymn that is perfect for Holy week.
4/14/202211 minutes, 39 seconds
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Am I the Soldier of the Cross

Rev. Doug Nicely discusses with Gary Duncan the Issac Watts hymn based on 1st Corinthians 16, “Am I the Soldier of the Cross”. Listen and hear some interesting aspects of this hymn.
4/7/20228 minutes, 22 seconds
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Isaac Watts

Gary Duncan continues the conversation with Rev. Doug Nicely about Isaac Watts and his Lenten themed hymns. Listen and learn more about Isaac Watts who lived 300 years ago and hear how he got in trouble from writing hymns.
3/31/20228 minutes, 10 seconds
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Not All the Blood of Beasts

Rev. Doug Nicely shares with Gary Duncan another Lenten themed hymn from Isaac Watts This week we will learn about the hymn, "Not All the Blood of Beasts".
3/24/20226 minutes, 59 seconds
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Hymn Writers

On this week's podcast Rev. Doug Nicely talks with Gary Duncan about three different hymn writers. Hear about John Wesley, Isaac Watts and Fanny Crosby.
3/10/20227 minutes, 36 seconds
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When I Survey the Wondrous Cross

Rev. Doug Nicely Discusses with Gary Duncan the Lenten hymn “When I Survey the Wondrous Cross”. Pastor Nicely walks us through this hymn and helps us to focus on the lyrics.
3/3/20228 minutes, 51 seconds
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Oh, the Deep Deep Love of Jesus

Pastor Doug Nicely discusses with Gary Duncan the Golden Rule also known as the Royal Law. Pastor Nicely shares an example of this from Martin Luther. He also gives us a connection to the hymn “Oh, the Deep Deep Love of Jesus”.
2/24/20228 minutes, 33 seconds
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Blessed Are They

Rev. Doug Nicely shares with Gary the hymn “Blessed Are They." He connects this hymn to the "blessed are you" beatitude from this past Sunday’s readings. 
2/17/20229 minutes, 38 seconds
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Isaiah 6

Rev. Doug Nicely discusses with Gary Duncan Isaiah 6, the scripture reading from Sunday. He also shares a hymn he used this past week to reinforce that reading. 
2/10/20229 minutes, 22 seconds
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Love Divine, All Loves Excelling

Rev. Doug Nicely discusses with Gary Duncan 1 Corinthians “The Love Chapter".  Pastor Nicely also shares insights of a related hymn, “Love Divine, All Loves Excelling”.
2/3/20228 minutes, 35 seconds
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The Lord Is My Shepherd, I'll Not Want

Rev. Doug Nicley chats with Gary Duncan about the book of Psalms, often referred to as the hymn book of the Bible. Pastor Nicely also shares with us the hymn “The Lord Is My Shepherd, I’ll Not Want” and the song from Amy Grant “Thy Word” which has an interesting back story.
1/27/20229 minutes
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Songs of Thankfulness and Praise

Rev. Doug Nicely and Gary Duncan continue to discuss Epiphany and Pastor Nicely helps define the meaning of Epiphany. He also shares the hymn “Songs of Thankfulness and Praise”.
1/20/20228 minutes, 7 seconds
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Baptized into Christ

Rev. Doug Nicely and Gary Duncan discuss Epiphany and our baptism into Christ. Did you know that when we are baptized into Christ we are also baptized into His death? Listen and learn about baptism and our daily walk with Christ.
1/13/20228 minutes, 27 seconds
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Christmas Carols

Rev. Doug Nicely shares with us some carols and digs deeper into their meanings as he and Gary discuss rejoice week in the church year.
12/16/20218 minutes, 6 seconds
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On Jordan's Bank the Baptist's Cry

Pastor Doug Nicely talks with Gary about the second week in Advent and focusses on the hymn “On Jordan’s Bank the Baptist's Cry”.
12/9/20218 minutes, 21 seconds
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Come, Thou Redeemer of the Earth

Pastor Doug Nicely and Gary Duncan talk about a poem from St. Ambrose that became the hymn "Come, Thou Redeemer of the Earth".
12/2/20218 minutes, 51 seconds
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Now Thank We All Our God

Pastor Nicely and Gary chat about Thanksgiving and the biblical reason for a day of thanks. Pastor also shares with Gary the hymn, "Now Thank We All Our God".
11/25/20218 minutes, 42 seconds
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Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus

Gary Duncan and Rev. Doug Nicely talk about the life of Dudley Tyng and how he inspired the hymn "Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus".
11/18/20218 minutes, 12 seconds
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Ye Watchers and Ye Holy Ones

Gary Duncan And Rev. Doug Nicely talk about the end of the Christian year. Where is it where heaven and earth touch?  Doug also shares with us the hymn "Ye Watchers and Ye Holy Ones" written by Athelstan Riley.
11/11/202110 minutes, 2 seconds
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Behold a Host Arrayed in White

"Behold a Host Arrayed in White" is the hymn that we focus on during this All-Saints Day discussion with Gary Duncan and Pastor Doug Nicely.
11/4/20219 minutes, 38 seconds
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Lord, Keep Us Steadfast in Your Word

Pastor Doug Nicely and Gary discuss the Reformation. Pastor Nicely shares with us the Reformation hymn written by Martin Luther  "Lord, Keep Us Steadfast in Your Word".
10/28/20217 minutes, 19 seconds
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Go, My Children, with My Blessing

Pastor Doug Nicely and Gary discuss the hymn “Go, My Children, with My Blessing". This hymn explains how we learn about being children of God. 
10/21/20219 minutes, 23 seconds
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Children of the Heavenly Father

Pastor Doug Nicely talks with Gary about the hymn "Children of the Heavenly Father”. Pastor Nicely also explains that not all hymns with the reference to children are referring to only children.  
10/7/20218 minutes, 45 seconds
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What a Friend We Have in Jesus

Pastor Doug Nicely talks with Gary about the hymn “What a Friend We Have in Jesus”. The focus of today's discussion is on giving everything to God in prayer.
9/30/202110 minutes, 3 seconds
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Hymns of Nikolaus von Zinzendorf

Pastor Doug Niceley talks with Gary about Nikolaus von Zinzendorf  (26 May 1700 – 9 May 1760)  a German religious and social reformer, bishop of the Moravian Church, founder of the Herrnhuter Brüdergemeine, Christian mission pioneer and a major figure of 18th century Protestantism. The discussion focuses on a few of the hymns written by Nikolaus von Zinzendorf . 
9/23/20218 minutes, 12 seconds
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Jesus, Lover of My Soul

Old hymns continue to be the theme on Moment of Faith as we hear hymn history from a vintage book that Doug found at a book sale. The book is over 90 years old. This week we talk and learn about the hymn, "Jesus, Lover of My Soul".
9/16/20217 minutes, 12 seconds
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Beulah Land

We continue to talk about old hymns and this week Pastor Doug Nicely shares the backstory of the hymn Beulah Land.
9/9/20218 minutes, 25 seconds
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From Greenland's Icy Mountains

Pastor Doug Nicely shares the story of the hymn “From Greenland's Icy Mountains”.
9/2/20219 minutes, 43 seconds
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Recovering Pharisee

Pastor Doug Nicely reflect on how reading the Gospel of Mark causes him to think of the words of the Buddy Greene song “Recovering Pharisee”.  Doug connects this song to the words of Luther in the Small Catechism. Baptism is a lifelong journey. We must die to sins and a new man must emerge daily.
8/19/20218 minutes, 57 seconds
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I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light

Pastor Doug Nicely shares the back story of the hymn “I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light”.
8/12/20218 minutes, 42 seconds
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Jesus Loves Even Me

Pastor Doug Nicely shares insights with Gary about the children's hymn “Jesus Loves Even Me”.
8/5/20219 minutes, 40 seconds
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It Is Well with My Soul

Pastor Doug Nicely talks to Gary about the backstory of the hymn “It Is Well with My Soul”.  Listen and learn about the tragedy surrounding that hymn.
7/29/202110 minutes, 10 seconds
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Give us this day our daily bread

Gary Duncan and Pastor Doug Nicely chat about the feeding of the 5,000 and that leads us to talking about the petition of the Lord's Prayer, “Give us this day our daily bread."
7/15/20218 minutes, 23 seconds
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My Lord, What a Morning

Gary and Pastor Doug Nicely discuss the spiritual “My Lord, What a Morning”.
7/8/20219 minutes, 3 seconds
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Job 15-31

Gary and Pastor Matt Clark continue their two-year trip through the Bible. This week we read Job15-31. In our discussion we focus on Job 19 as Job continues to suffer.
7/2/202110 minutes, 3 seconds
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Battle Hymn of the Republic

Gary and Pastor Nicely discuss the backstory of the "Battle Hymn of the Republic". 
7/1/20218 minutes, 9 seconds
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Hymn Tune--Slane

Gary Duncan and Pastor Doug Nicely discuss the musical tune Slane.  What hymns have used this musical tune? Listen and find out.
6/24/202110 minutes, 25 seconds
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Thy Word

Gary Duncan and Pastor Doug Nicely discuss the hymn “Thy Word” and Psalm 119.
6/17/20219 minutes
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Take My Life and Let It Be

Have you sung the hymn “Take My Life and Let it Be”? Gary and Pastor Nicely discuss the hymn writer and history of this classic hymn. 
6/10/20219 minutes, 53 seconds
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God of Grace and God of Glory

Gary Duncan and Pastor Doug Nicely talk about the backstory of the hymn “God of Grace and God of Glory.”
6/3/20219 minutes, 44 seconds
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Eternal Father Strong to Save

Join Gary and Pastor Nicely for a Moment of Faith. With Holy Trinity Sunday and Memorial Day weekend ahead, our discussion is focused on the hymn “Eternal Father Strong to Save.” 
5/27/20219 minutes, 53 seconds
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The discussion on Moment of Faith with Gary Duncan and Pastor Nicely this week is Pentecost.
5/20/20218 minutes, 59 seconds
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Crown Him with Many Crowns

The discussion on Moment of Faith with Gary and Pastor Nicely this week is Ascension Day and the hymn “Crown Him with Many Crowns.”
5/13/20216 minutes, 59 seconds
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And Can It Be

This week, Pastor Nicely and Gary discuss the Easter hymn, "And Can It Be".
5/6/20219 minutes, 8 seconds
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The Twenty-Third Psalm

This week Pastor Nicely and Gary discuss the Twenty-Third Psalm and songs and hymns derived from this beloved psalm. 
4/29/20218 minutes, 1 second
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Earth and All Stars

Pastor Doug Nicely and Gary discuss the hymn Earth and All Stars. 
4/22/20219 minutes, 2 seconds
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Easter Hymns of Martin Luther

Pastor Doug Nicely and Gary focus their conversation on hymns written by Martin Luther including the Easter hymn “Christ Jesus Lay in Death's Strong Bands.”
4/15/202112 minutes, 26 seconds
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Easter Hymns of Robert Lowry

Pastor Doug Nicely and Gary begin a series of Easter hymn stories. This week they talk about the American preacher, Robert Lowry, who became a popular writer of gospel music in the mid- to late-19th century. His best-known hymns include "Shall We Gather at the River", "Christ Arose!", "How Can I Keep from Singing?" and "Nothing but the Blood of Jesus"
4/8/20218 minutes, 46 seconds
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Nobody Knows

Pastor Doug Nicely and Gary continue their discussion about spirituals during this Lenten season This week, a look at the spiritual “Nobody Knows the Trouble that I See.”
3/25/20219 minutes, 10 seconds
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Steal Away

Pastor Doug Nicely and Gary continue to talk about spirituals during this Lenten season. This week, they look at the spiritual "Steal Away."
3/18/20218 minutes, 34 seconds
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Wade in the Water

Pastor Doug Nicely and Gary chat about the spiritual "Wade in the Water."
3/11/202110 minutes, 57 seconds
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Lent, Spirituals, and Loss

Pastor Doug Nicely and Gary chat about the Spiritual, “I feel like a motherless child.” Hear how Job also had similar feelings.
2/25/20217 minutes, 46 seconds
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Lent, Spirituals, and Deliverance

Pastor Doug Nicely chats about the connection between Christian spirituals and Lent.
2/18/20217 minutes, 36 seconds
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The Sacrament of Holy Communion

Pastor Doug Nicely talks with Gary about the Sacrament of Holy Communion.
2/11/20218 minutes, 34 seconds
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The Office of the Keys

Our topic this week is the office of the keys and confession. Pastor Doug Nicely shares what it means to have the power of the keys. Who gives the authority of keys?
2/4/202110 minutes, 2 seconds
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Holy Baptism

Our topic this week is Holy Baptism. Pastor Doug Shares that in Romans we read that we are baptized into the death of Christ.  Therefore, just as Christ is resurrected, we too will walk in the newness of life. 
1/28/20216 minutes, 20 seconds
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The Seventh Petition of the Lord's Prayer

How does God deliver us from evil? 
1/21/20217 minutes, 44 seconds
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The Sixth Petition of the Lord's Prayer

What does "lead us not into temptation" mean? 
1/14/20219 minutes, 49 seconds
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The Fifth Petition of the Lord's Prayer

What does "forgive us our trespasses" mean? 
1/7/20217 minutes, 22 seconds
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The Fourth Petition of the Lord's Prayer

What is meant by daily bread?
12/10/20207 minutes, 59 seconds
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The Third Petition of the Lord's Prayer

How is God's will done? 
12/3/20208 minutes, 16 seconds
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The Second Petition of the Lord's Prayer

How does God's kingdom come? 
11/26/20207 minutes, 34 seconds
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The First Petition of the Lord's Prayer

How is God's name kept holy? 
11/19/20209 minutes, 10 seconds
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Introduction to the Lord's Prayer

How does Jesus teach us to pray?
11/12/20207 minutes, 57 seconds
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The Third Article of the Apostles' Creed

What do we believe about the Holy Spirit and faith?
11/5/20208 minutes, 12 seconds
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The Second Article of the Apostles' Creed

What do we believe about Jesus Christ, God's Son, our Savior? 
10/29/20207 minutes, 15 seconds
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The First Article of the Apostles' Creed

What do we believe about God the Father, our Creator? 
10/15/20209 minutes, 40 seconds
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The Ninth and Tenth Commandment

Pastor Nicely and Gary discuss the ninth and tenth commandments and coveting. 
10/8/20207 minutes, 33 seconds
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The Eighth Commandment

Pastor Nicely and Gary discuss the eighth commandment and speaking well of others. 
10/1/20208 minutes, 41 seconds
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The Seventh Commandment

Pastor Nicely and Gary discuss the seventh commandment and stealing.
9/24/20207 minutes, 25 seconds
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The Sixth Commandment

Pastor Nicely and Gary discuss the sixth commandment, respecting marriage. Find all episodes in the Moments with KFUO Radio shows at
9/17/20207 minutes, 33 seconds
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The Fifth Commandment

Pastor Nicely and Gary discuss the fifth commandment, respecting life.
9/10/20208 minutes, 42 seconds
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The Fourth Commandment

Pastor Nicely and Gary discuss the fourth commandment, honoring parents and other authorities in our lives. 
9/3/20206 minutes, 59 seconds
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The Third Commandment

Pastor Nicely and Gary discuss the third commandment and the meaning of keeping the Sabbath. 
8/27/20208 minutes, 11 seconds
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The Second Commandment

What does, “You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God mean?” A discussion of the 2nd commandment. Find all episodes in the Moments with KFUO Radio shows at Monday: A Moment on the Lighter Side Tuesday: A Moment in Creation Wednesday: A Moment for the Family Thursday: A Moment of Faith Friday: A Moment in Scripture
8/20/20209 minutes, 24 seconds
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The First Commandment

What is meant by the commandment, “You shall have no other God?” A short discussion of the 1st commandment. Find all episodes in the Moments with KFUO Radio shows at Monday: A Moment on the Lighter Side Tuesday: A Moment in Creation Wednesday: A Moment for the Family Thursday: A Moment of Faith Friday: A Moment in Scripture
8/13/20206 minutes, 31 seconds