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英語Follow me

Chinese, Education, 7 seasons, 156 episodes, 15 hours, 58 minutes
【每周二、四上架】 全球化時代,如何培養跨文化溝通,與前進世界的能力呢? 現在就跟著我們一起收聽【英語Follow me】! 快來跟我們一起掌握國際脈動,提升全球移動力吧! 第一季 英語奇遇記 為了提升國人英語能力,創造英語廣播學習環境,教育電臺與國立臺灣師範大學教育學系合作製播英語校園生活資訊「Engcredible 英語奇育記」節目,由臺師大教育學系師生組成節目製播團隊,分享國際文教新知及人物專訪等,帶動年輕學子學習英文之興趣。 第二季 雙語教學花路米 補充時事營養素,擁抱世界全方位。 雙語教學花路米,Follow me, Go bilingual! 聽雙語新聞,學英文,增廣見聞。 Powered by Firstory Hosting (
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用新聞學英文|Divorces in China Drop 72% After 'Cool-off' Law Introduced 中國實施「強制冷靜期」法條後 離婚率降72%

🌏Article The number of divorces in China has dropped by 72% since the country introduced a month-long "cooling-off" period for couples who decide to end their marriage. In the last three months of 2020, 1.06 million couples in China divorced, according to China's Ministry of Civil Affairs. In the first three months of 2021, that number was only 296,000. The drop is thanks to a new law requiring couples to wait 30 days after they first apply for a divorce. When that period ends, they must apply again, or their application will get canceled. The law came into effect on January 1, 2021 and is aimed at reducing divorce rates across the country. Chinese officials said they hope that the cooling-off period will stop "impulsive" divorces. When the law was first announced in 2020, it became one of the most talked about topics on Chinese social media. Couples who went through the month-long waiting period have reported different experiences. While some said it helped them save their marriage, others described it as "30 days of hell." China, however, is not the only country to make people wait before allowing them to get a divorce. France and the UK already have similar laws, as do many states in the US. 🌏Summary 自從中國針對決定要離婚的夫婦,實施為期一個月的「強制冷靜期」之後,該國的離婚數下降 72%。根據中華人民共和國民政部,2020 年最後三個月中,中國有 106 萬對夫妻離婚。 2021 年首三月,離婚的夫妻數只有 296,000 對。此數目的下降拜賜於一條新法規的實施。這個法規要求夫妻在首次提出離婚申請之後,得再等上 30 天。 這段時期結束後,他們必須再次提出申請,否則他們的申請就會被取消。 中國官員表示,他們希望這個「強製冷靜期」能夠阻止「衝動性」離婚。其實中國並非唯一規定民眾離婚前讓他們等上一些時間的國家。 法國和英國也有類似的法律。 🌏Words & Phrases divorce離婚 cool off冷靜下來 introduce推行 #每周二、四、六更新 #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道 ----- 主持人:陳彣 (Neil) 主持人:阮紅蓉、王浩宇 主持人:梅可雅 ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: ▍Channel+精選節目: Powered by Firstory Hosting
2/5/20245 minutes, 21 seconds
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每天10分鐘德語開口說|德心應口:第05講:您是哪裡人? Woher kommen Sie?

Einheit 5 Woher kommen Sie? 1.Ländernamen國家名稱Deutschland德國   Österreich奧地利 Frankreich法國England英國Italien義大利Spanien西班牙Portugal葡萄牙Griechenland希臘Polen波蘭Russland俄國Tschechien 捷克   Dänemark丹麥 Norwegen挪威Schweden瑞典Finnland芬蘭Japan日本Korea韓國China中國 2.Dialoge對話 Dialog1 a:Woher kommen Sie? b:Ich komme aus Deutschland. UndSie?Woher sind Sie? a:Ich bin aus Österreich. Dialog2 a:Woher kommt ihr? b:Wir kommen aus Frankreich. Und du? Woher kommst du? a:Ah,ihr seid aus Frankreich. Ich komme aus Spanien. Dialog3 a:Woher kommen Julia und Hans? b:Ich glaube, Julia kommt aus Schweden und Hans ist aus Dänemark. 3.Verb-Konjugation:kommen,sein動詞人稱變化 ich/ du/ er sie /wir/ ihr/ sie/Sie kommen/ komme/ kommst/ kommt /kommen /kommt /kommen sein/ bin/ bist/ ist /sind /seid/ sind因排版問題~更詳細的內容請參閱本臺Channel+頻道: 🌏 #每周二、四、六更新 #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道 ----- 主持人:陳彣 (Neil) 主持人:阮紅蓉、王浩宇 主持人:梅可雅 ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: ▍Channel+精選節目: Powered by Firstory Hosting
2/2/202410 minutes, 21 seconds
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第5講:家人的稱呼越南文化中很在乎年紀與輩份,而越南語裡面比較不會特別使用你、我、他,都是用輩份稱呼來做為你、我、他使用。爺爺跟外公的越南話,我們會說Ông nội跟Ông ngoại,但都可以只用Ông來做稱呼,所以可以很簡單的記得老翁老翁Ông Ông Ông。所以Ông這個字在正式場合也代表受人尊敬的先生意思。奶奶跟外婆的越南話就是Bà nội跟Bà ngoại,但一樣可以只用Bà稱呼就好,在正式場合裡面也代表受人尊敬的女士的意思。không這個字「嗎」表示中文疑問詞「嗎」的意思,但如果他放在句子中間,就表示否定,所以不健康我們會說Không khoẻ。「的」的越南語就是của。越南語會把中心訊息先說,所以會先說爺爺再說小宇的,越南話就是Ông của 小宇。意思就是小宇的爺爺。Ông của 小宇。 Cháu 就是孫子的意思Bố 是爸爸,我的爸爸Bố của emMẹ是媽媽,我的媽媽Mẹ của em 爸爸媽媽可以直接說Bố mẹ #每周二、四、六更新 #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道 ----- 主持人:陳彣 (Neil) 主持人:阮紅蓉、王浩宇 主持人:梅可雅 ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: ▍Channel+精選節目: Powered by Firstory Hosting
1/31/202410 minutes, 8 seconds
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用新聞學英文|Designer Creates Robotic Eye for 'Smartphone Zombies' 設計師為「智慧型手機殭屍」打造機器眼

🌏Article People are spending more time on their phones than ever before. Some are even too busy looking at their smartphones while walking to look where they're going. Concerned about this issue, a South Korean industrial design student has come up with a solution. Paeng Min-wook, 28, has developed a robotic eye he calls "The Third Eye" for smartphone users who can't take their eyes off their screens — or "smartphone zombies" as Paeng calls them. The device is worn on the head and allows smartphone users to walk around safely while texting or browsing the internet. Whenever the user lowers their head to look at their phone, the device's eyelid opens up and starts looking ahead. If the person comes close to an obstacle, the device will beep, warning them to look up before they walk into something or someone. Paeng said The Third Eye is the look of the future. "As we cannot take our eyes off from smartphones, the extra eye will be needed in future." Paeng points out, however, that his device is not a real solution, but rather a satirical one. His main goal is to make people see just how much time they are spending on their phones and encourage them to change their habits. A recent study has found that an average person will spend almost 9 years on a smartphone during their life, with Millennials — those born between 1981 and 1996 — spending about 3.7 hours every day on their phones. 🌏Summary 有些人在走路的時候忙著看手機,而沒能看他們要走去哪。 南韓一位工業設計的學生想出一個解決方案,他替無法將視線移開螢幕的智慧型手機用戶,研發一款他命名為「第三隻眼」的機器眼。 這個裝置佩戴在頭上,讓智慧型手機的用戶可以在傳訊息或上網的時候,一邊安全地走路。每當使用者低頭看手機的時候,該裝置的眼皮就會打開,開始往前面看。 如果配戴的人靠近障礙物,該裝置會發出嗶嗶聲,在他們撞上東西或別人之前警告他們抬起頭。不過 Paeng 指出,他的裝置並不是真正的解決辦法,而是一個比較諷刺的手段。他主要的目標,是要讓民眾看看自己花多少時間在他們的手機上,並鼓勵他們要改變習慣。 🌏Words & Phrases satirical諷刺的 obstacle障礙 browse瀏覽 #每周二、四、六更新 #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道 ----- 主持人:陳彣 (Neil) 主持人:阮紅蓉、王浩宇 主持人:梅可雅 ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: ▍Channel+精選節目: Powered by Firstory Hosting
1/29/20245 minutes, 21 seconds
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10分鐘學越南語|輕鬆學越南語:Em có khỏe không這句越南問候語的等級跟台語裡面「吃飽沒」是差不多的,只是越南人居然是問的是你健康嗎!?

第4講:Em có khỏe không?Em có khỏe không?:這句話的等級大概就是跟台語裡面「吃飽沒」是差不多的,只是我們越南問的是你健康嗎?跟台語裡的文化不太一樣喔! 回答「khỏe」,khoẻ表示我很好,我很健康hôm nay có khoẻ không? 今天好嗎? 是hôm nay今天回答長輩我很好要說Dạ, em khoẻ。(Dạ ,晚輩鄉長輩回答問題時,會擺在句首代表尊重,禮貌) cảm ơn:謝謝! (聽起來像中文的感恩,但是是越南話的謝謝,與中文感恩的嘴形不太一樣喔!)Cô rất khoẻ,cảm ơn em。我很好,謝謝!( rất , 是很怎麼樣的意思,它的意思是很,很好,很棒) 每天10分鐘德語開口說|德心應口: 🌏 #每周二、四、六更新 #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道 ----- 主持人:陳彣 (Neil) 主持人:阮紅蓉、王浩宇 主持人:梅可雅 ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: ▍Channel+精選節目: Powered by Firstory Hosting
1/24/202410 minutes, 22 seconds
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用新聞學英文|Healthy Childhood Habits May Have Long-Lasting Effects 健康的童年習慣可能帶來持久的效果!

🌏Article Children who exercise and eat a healthy diet are more likely to become adults who like healthy food and are less anxious. This is according to research on mice from the University of California, Riverside. Study leader Marcell Cadney says that it's common for doctors to tell people to eat less and exercise more if they're worried about their weight. But this, he says, is why he was surprised that most studies looked at either diet or exercise, and why he and his team wanted to examine both. The researchers put mice into groups, with some given a healthy diet and others given a "Western" diet that was high in fat and sugar. Some of the mice were also able to exercise on a wheel. The mice were in these groups from when they were three weeks old until they were six weeks old, which is when mice reach sexual maturity. After this time period, all the mice spent eight weeks eating a healthy diet but not exercising. This way, the researchers could be sure that any differences they found between the two groups were caused when the mice were young. The study found that the mice that were given a Western diet when they were young were fatter and preferred unhealthy food as adults. The researchers also found that the mice that exercised when they were young showed less anxious behaviors as adults. These mice had more muscle and larger brains, too. The researchers say the study shows how important it is to develop healthy habits during early life. 🌏Summary 根據河濱加州大學的研究,會運動且飲食健康的小孩,較有可能成為喜歡健康食物且較不焦慮的成年人。 研究人員將老鼠分組,一部分獲得健康的飲食,另一部分獲得高脂高糖的「西式」飲食。 有些老鼠也會在輪子上運動。該研究發現,年幼時獲得西式飲食的老鼠,成年時比較胖,也比較喜歡不健康的食物。研究人員也發現,年幼時運動的老鼠,在成年之後較少顯示出焦慮的行為。 這些老鼠也有較多肌肉,大腦也比較大。研究人員表示該研究顯示出,在早期階段培養健康的習慣有多重要。 🌏Words & Phrases anxious焦慮的 common普遍的 diet日常飲食 #每周二、四、六更新 #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道 ----- 主持人:陳彣 (Neil) 主持人:阮紅蓉、王浩宇 主持人:梅可雅 ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: ▍Channel+精選節目: Powered by Firstory Hosting
1/22/20245 minutes, 21 seconds
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10分鐘學越南語|輕鬆學越南語:在越南問年齡居然是禮貌的行為!?『Năm nay bao nhiêu tuổi?』今年幾歲?

第3集 『Năm nay bao nhiêu tuổi?』今年幾歲? 🌏重點整理在越南,稱謂會因為年紀不同而有不同的稱呼,所以叫老師cô,學生是em。但如果你跟弟弟妹妹說話的時候,你就變成要說是anh,弟弟妹妹是em。因為這樣的文化,所以知道對方年紀才會叫對稱謂,自然的問對方幾歲不會不禮貌,反而是一種禮貌的表現喔! Năm nay bao nhiêu tuổi, Năm nay bao nhiêu tuổi. Năm是年的意思,nay有現今的意思,所以今年就是năm nay,bao nhiêu是多少的意思 ,tuổi是歲。回答幾歲的時候,只要加上自己的稱謂與數字就可以回答這個問題囉,所以Em năm nay 12 tuổi就是我今年12歲的意思,關於越南話的數字怎麼說,老師將會在之後教大家怎麼說。 #每周二、四、六更新 #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道 ----- 主持人:陳彣 (Neil) 主持人:阮紅蓉、王浩宇 主持人:梅可雅 ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: ▍Channel+精選節目: Powered by Firstory Hosting
1/17/202410 minutes, 22 seconds
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用新聞學英文|雙語教學花路米:First Driverless Shuttles Allowed on UK Roads 首輛無人接駁車獲准在英國上路

🌏Article Three driverless shuttles are being trialed on roads in Cambridge, driving next to cars and bicycles for the first time in the UK. The auto-shuttles, made by driverless technology company Aurrigo, will take passengers around the University of Cambridge's West Cambridge campus. The electric shuttles will travel at about 32 kilometers per hour on a route that's just over 3 kilometers long. The journey around the campus will take 20 minutes, said Aurrigo CEO David Keene. The shuttles can read the route and use sensors, scanners and cameras to move safely through their environment on their own. Each shuttle can carry up to 10 people — but at first, only three will ride at a time because of the coronavirus. Not everyone likes the idea of shuttles that drive themselves, however. Several social media users wrote that the Aurrigo shuttles are an "accident waiting to happen." However, the trial shuttles will have a safety driver and co-driver who will immediately take the wheel if necessary. Claire Ruskin of Cambridge Network said that many places around Cambridge, such as hospitals and laboratories, work all day and night, but there isn't money to run public transport during all the times people are working. She said Aurrigo's shuttles could change that. 🌏Summary 無人接駁車目前在劍橋的道路上測試。日後,將在劍橋大學的西劍橋校園裡面載送乘客。無人接駁車能夠讀取路線並使用感測器、掃描機和攝影鏡頭,在他們城鎮中的環境裡安全地移動。每台接駁車可乘載至多 10 位民眾。不過,並不是大家都喜歡自動駕駛的接駁車的概念。 數名社群媒體用戶寫道,無人接駁車是一場「即將發生的意外」。不過其實,測試用的接駁車會有一名安全駕駛及共同駕駛,在需要的時候立即掌控方向盤。 🌏Words & Phrases shuttle接駁車 trial試驗 sensor感應器 #每周二、四、六更新 #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道 ----- 主持人:陳彣 (Neil) 主持人:阮紅蓉、王浩宇 主持人:梅可雅 ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: ▍Channel+精選節目: Powered by Firstory Hosting
1/16/20245 minutes, 21 seconds
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每天10分鐘德語開口說|德心應口4: Buchstabieren Sie bitte! (名字)拼字

🌏第04講🌏 拼字 Buchstabieren Sie bitte! Einheit 4 Buchstabieren Sie bitte! 1. Redemittel 實用句型與詞彙 a) Wie bitte? b) Buchstabieren Sie das bitte! c) Buchstabier das bitte! d) Können Sie das bitte buchstabieren?   2. Das Alphabet 字母   A B C D E F G H I J K L M N   O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z (2x)  ß Ä Ö Ü (2x)  3. Dialog a: Guten Tag, mein Name ist Franziska Bach. Wie heißen Sie? b: Guten Tag, Frau Bach. Ich heiße Julia Schuhmacher. a: Wie bitte? b: Julia ist mein Vorname und Schuhmacher ist mein Nachname. a: Bitte buchstabieren Sie das! b: Julia, J-U-L-I-A; Schuhmacher, S-C-H-U-M-A-C-H-E-R. Julia Schuhmacher. a: Ah, Frau Schuhmacher. #每周二、四、六更新 #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道 ----- 主持人:陳彣 (Neil) 主持人:阮紅蓉、王浩宇 主持人:梅可雅 ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: ▍Channel+精選節目: Powered by Firstory Hosting
1/12/202410 minutes, 21 seconds
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用新聞學英文|雙語教學花路米:Fruits and Vegetables Could Help Reduce Stress 蔬果可能幫助減輕壓力

🌏Article Feeling stressed? An Australian study has found that eating more fruits and vegetables could help. Researchers at Edith Cowan University in Perth wanted to examine the link between stress and eating fruits and vegetables. Looking at data from almost 8,700 Australians between the ages of 25 and 91, the researchers found that people who said they ate the most fruit and vegetables — at least 470 grams a day — reported 10% less stress than those who ate the least, or less than 230 grams a day. However, looking at the different age groups, the researchers actually found that eating more fruit and vegetables was only linked to lower stress for people between 45 and 65 — not for those below 45 or those 65 and older. Lead researcher Simone Radavelli-Bagatini said the results show that diet can be important for our mental health. Fruits and vegetables provide our bodies with chemicals that are known to reduce some of the physical effects of stress, which then helps to improve our mental health as well, she said. She said that long-term stress, if it's not managed, can lead to health problems such as heart disease, diabetes and depression, so it's important to find ways to reduce it. 🌏Summary 覺得有壓力嗎? 澳洲一份研究發現吃更多的蔬菜水果可能帶來幫助。伯斯的伊迪斯科文大學研究人員,希望調查壓力和攝取蔬果之間的關聯性。經過調查 8,700 名年齡介於 25 歲至 91 歲的澳洲人數據,研究人員發現那些說自己吃最多蔬果的人回報的壓力比那些吃最少蔬果的人少了 10%。首席研究員 Simone 表示,研究結果指出飲食對於我們的心理健康有其重要性。 蔬果提供我們身體的化學元素能夠減輕部分壓力的生理影響,也會改善我們的心理健康。 🌏Words & Phrases link連結 diet飲食 mental心理的 #每周二、四、六更新 #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道 ------ 主持人:陳彣 (Neil) 主持人:阮紅蓉、王浩宇 主持人:梅可雅 ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: ▍Channel+精選節目: ----- Powered by Firstory Hosting
1/8/20245 minutes, 21 seconds
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每天10分鐘德語開口說|德心應口:Wie ist Ihr Name?詢問姓名

Einheit 3 Wie ist Ihr Name? 🌏1.Dialoge Dialog1 a: Wie ist Ihr Name? b: Mein Name ist LindaSchneider. Und Sie? Wie heißen Sie? a: Ich heiße Lydia Mayer. Dialog2 a: Wie ist dein Name? b: Mein Name ist Juliana Sommer. Und du ? Wie heißt du? a:Ich heiße Jutta Weiß. 🌏2.Satzmodelle實用句型 a.Familienname und Nachname 1)Wie ist Ihr Familienname?/Wie ist dein Familienname? --Mein Familienname ist Schneider. 2)Wie ist Ihr Nachname?/Wie ist dein Nachname? --Mein Nachname ist Schneider. b.Vorname Wie ist Ihr Vorname?/Wie ist dein Vorname? --MeinVornameistLinda. #每周二、四、六更新 #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道 #更多節目內容可以點選Channel+雙語教學花路米 ----- 主持人:陳彣 (Neil) 主持人:阮紅蓉、王浩宇 主持人:梅可雅 ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: ▍Channel+精選節目: Powered by Firstory Hosting
1/5/202410 minutes, 21 seconds
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世界咖啡館|輕鬆學 ‧越南語:怎麼自我介紹?

#每周二、四更新 #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道 #更多節目內容可以點選Channel+雙語教學花路米 ----- 主持人:阮紅蓉、王浩宇 ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍Channel+頻道: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: ▍Channel+精選節目: Powered by Firstory Hosting
1/3/202410 minutes, 21 seconds
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世界咖啡館|用新聞學英文|雙語教學花路米:Author Neil Gaiman Shares Tips For New Writers 作家Neil Gaiman分享給新手作家的寫作建議

🌏Article Neil Gaiman is a British writer known for books such as Stardust and American Gods, as well as his work in comic books like The Sandman and The Eternals. During his career, Gaiman has been happy to share advice with people who want to learn how to write stories like he does. Here are some of his best tips: 1. Ask yourself, "What is this story about?" Sometimes you might have an idea for a story without knowing exactly what you want to say. He then reads his draft and asks himself, "What is this story about?" The answer to this question helps him decide what's most important to the story, letting him know what he needs to add and what he needs to remove to make it stronger in the second draft. 2. Give your characters "funny hats" When Gaiman says that you should give your characters funny hats, he doesn't mean it literally. He means that every character should have something that makes it easy for the reader to remember who they are. 3. Write The best advice that Gaiman gives about writing is also the simplest: if you want to be a writer, then you have to write. Writing just a few words a day is better than writing nothing at all, and can give you the practice you'll need to become a better writer over time. 🌏Summary Neil Gaiman 是一名知名英國作家,以其書籍《星塵》等聞名。他很樂意分享有關寫故事的建議。以下分享一些他的指點: ㄧ、反問自己這個故事在講什麼?Gaiman 說反問自己這個故事的核心內涵,可以幫助他決定,這個故事中最重要的是什麼,之後的草稿也可以變的更扎實。 二、讓你的角色戴「有趣的帽子」這個帽子,他指的不是字面上的意思。 他的意思是,每個角色都應該要有什麼特色,讓讀者容易記住他們是誰。 三、寫就對了 Gaiman 針對寫作提供的最佳建議,也是最簡單的建議:如果你想成為一名作家,那你就必須寫作。 一天只寫少少幾個字,也勝過完全沒有寫。 🌏Words & Phrases comic漫畫 tip指點 draft草稿 #每周二、四更新 #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道 #更多節目內容可以點選Channel+雙語教學花路米 ----- 主持人:陳彣 (Neil) ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting
1/1/20245 minutes, 21 seconds
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每天10分鐘德語開口說|德心應口:問候Wie geht es Ihnen?

1.willkommen heißen表達歡迎 a)Herzlich willkommen! b)Herzlich willkommen in Taiwan. c)Herzlich willkommen in Taipei. d)GutenTag,Frau Fischer! Herzlich willkommen in Taiwan! e)Guten Abend,Heidi! Herzlich willkommen. 2.Dialoge 對話 Dialog1 A: Guten Tag,Herr Meier, wie geht es Ihnen? B:Ah,Frau Becker! Danke,gut.(=Mirgehtesgut.我很好)UndIhnen? A:Danke, auchgut. Dialog2 A:Hallo, Julia, wie geht esdir? B:Hallo,Martin!Danke, ganzgut. Und dir? A:Esgeht. Dialog3 A:Hallo,wie geht’s? B:Solala.Und dir? A:Nicht sogut. 3.Redemittel實用句型與辭彙Wie geht es Ihnen?Wie geht es dir?Wiegeht’s? --Danke, sehr gut./gut./ganzgut.Und Ihnen?/Und dir? --Esgeht./Solala --Nicht so gut. --Schlecht 🌏 #每周二、四、六更新 #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道 #更多節目內容可以點選Channel+雙語教學花路米 ----- 主持人:梅可雅 ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍Channel+頻道: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: ▍Channel+精選節目: Powered by Firstory Hosting
12/29/202310 minutes, 25 seconds
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每天10分鐘德語開口說|德心應口:打招呼與道別 Begrüßung und Verabschiedung

第01講:打招呼與道別Begrüßung und Verabschiedung Einheit1 Begrüßung und Verabschiedung 1.sichbegrüßen打招呼 a)GutenMorgen! b)GutenTag! c)GutenAbend! 2.sichverabschieden道別 a)GuteNacht! b)Tschüss! c)AufWiedersehen! 3.mitNamen加上稱謂GutenMorgen,FrauFischer! GutenTag,HerrFischer. GuteNacht,FrauFischer! AufWiedersehen,HerrFischer! Tschüs,Heidi! Tschüs,Thomas! 4.請,謝謝,對不起Danke!--Bitte!(2x)謝謝—不客氣Bitte!(2x)請Entschuldigung(2x)對不起EntschuldigenSiebitte!(2x)對不起/請您原諒 #每周二、四、六更新 #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道 #更多節目內容可以點選Channel+雙語教學花路米 ----- 主持人:梅可雅 ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:英語Follow me ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍Channel+頻道: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: ▍Channel+精選節目: Powered by Firstory Hosting
12/29/202310 minutes, 21 seconds
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10分鐘學越南語|輕鬆學越南語:你好!老師早~同學早~xin chào! em chào cô~chào các bạn~

歡迎大家一起來輕鬆學越南語-越說越有趣~你好 xin chào老師好 em chào cô在越南,會有分男老師,女老師,會有不同的叫法,女老師我們會叫她是「cô」; 如果是男老師呢,我們會叫男老師是「thầy」。在北越,人們會很尊重禮儀,就是向長輩打招呼,在句尾會加一個字「ạ」,假如要向女老師打招呼的話,小朋友會說「em chào cô ạ」!同學 bạn在我們跟同學打招呼「chào bạn」,那個「em」的稱謂是不用了,因為他是跟你同一輩的,所以自己的稱謂就不用擺上來,只要跟長輩們打招呼的時候,還是問候,才要把自己的稱謂擺在前面。但是,如果是和同學,還是朋友,同一輩以下的,我們自己的稱謂就不用擺在前面了,只要說「chào bạn」 同學們好 chào các bạn  #每周二、四、六更新 #更進一步語言學習點選 語言學習頻道 #更多節目內容可以點選Channel+雙語教學花路米 ----- 主持人:阮紅蓉、王浩宇 ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:世界咖啡館 ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍Channel+頻道: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: ▍Channel+精選節目: Powered by Firstory Hosting
12/29/202310 minutes, 23 seconds
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世界咖啡館|用新聞學英文|雙語教學花路米:Jeff Bezos to Visit Space in His Own Rocket Jeff Bezos將搭乘自有火箭前往外太空

🌏Article Jeff Bezos, the 57-year-old founder of Amazon and richest person in the world, plans to become the first person to travel into space in his own rocket. On July 20, Bezos will ride on the first flight by a New Shepard rocket to carry a crew. The reusable rockets, built by Bezos' company Blue Origin, have been successfully tested without a crew 15 times before. Bezos said he will be joined by his younger brother Mark. The Bezos brothers will fly from Texas, along with the winner of an online charity auction that ends in July. The rocket can carry up to six people, but it's not known if anyone else will also be on the flight. Lasting only 10 minutes, the flight will take its passengers 105 kilometers up, just past the edge of space. Before returning to Earth, Bezos and his guests will enjoy about three minutes of weightlessness and will see the Earth through the largest windows ever built for a space vehicle. Bezos said he has wanted to go to space since he was just 5 years old. "It’s a big deal for me," he wrote on Instagram. Just 15 days before the flight, Bezos will also step down as CEO of Amazon. He announced months ago that he wants to spend more time on Blue Origin as well as his newspaper, The Washington Post. 🌏Summary 身兼亞馬遜創辦人及全球最富有人士的 Jeff Bezos 今年 57 歲,他計畫要成為第一個搭乘自己的火箭前往外太空的人。Bezos 從五歲開始就一直想要去外太空,他在 Instagram 上表示這對他而言非常重要。這些可重複使用的火箭由 Bezos 自己的公司 Blue Origin 打造,先前進行無人測試時已成功 15 次。Bezos 表示這趟火箭之旅同行的人,還有他的弟弟 Mark,以及一位線上慈善拍賣會的贏家。這架火箭將從德州起飛,目前還不知道是否還會有其他人加入此趟飛行。 🌏Words & Phrases reusable可重複利用的 rocket火箭 weightlessness失重狀態 #每周二、四更新 ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Fistory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:世界咖啡館 ----- ▍教育電臺 ▍官網: ▍粉絲團: ▍線上收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting
12/18/20235 minutes, 21 seconds