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English, Personal stories, 1 season, 108 episodes, 2 days, 9 hours, 41 minutes
A one woman show about self-realization from Danielle LaPorte, a member of Oprah’s Super Soul 100 and creator of The Desire Map. How do you create a spirituality that’s more rock n’ roll than oppressive, turn your anxiety into power, and live more deeply but lighten up? Danielle keeps it practical while riffing on the divine—from compassion and self-help fatigue, to sex, joy, and serving the world. She is, as Eve Ensler describes, “a force field of energy, wonder, humor, and love”, and her authenticity will have you feeling a little less crazy, full of possibility, and clearly part of the solution.
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How to Turn Rejection into a Power Move

You know… I’ve felt like an outsider most of my life. Lil’ bit on the outside. And of course I’ve had my share of hard No’s and reeejection.And… but… each rebuff and snub is taking us closer to our shadow territory, to the beautiful, unhealed stuff that’s waiting to be healed.I recently taught a class on rejection in our Heart Centered Membership and it was a tender one. We’ve strung the diamonds for you:In Eps 98 of WITH LOVE, DANIELLE I’m teaching on:The meta-function of rejection. Every spurn, every rebuff points to our inability to accept all parts of ourselvesExactly why rejection is an advance class in self-acceptanceHow we stand in our power to heal from rejection, without bypassing or bravadoHow to choose responsiveness and consciousness over numbing out and running away.This is the work. This is how we transform our repetitive pain into deep esteem.Mentioned in this episode:The Heart Centered Membership. A place you can come up for air. We meet LIVE 2xs/month. You have access to ALL of our classes, spiritual practices + rituals, meditations, playlists, mantras. Ready to go where the love is? Come in! ($25/month. Or drop into any class for $20)Eps 93: 10 Reasons We Isolate. Isolation has shadows and light. Fear driven or heart centered? Showing up imperfectly (please let go of perfectionism) is part of the isolation solution.Get my (free) SACRED WEEKENDS email 2 Fridays/month SIGN UP HERE. Think: girlfriend vibe meets deep thinking.Connect with me on IG! I heart Q’s! xo Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
1/31/202423 minutes, 47 seconds
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Why We Get Sick… possibly maybe

Hello Loves, Why do we get sick? Like really?My man and I decided to spend a month in Nicaragua to keep my lungs in prime conditions. Paradise on the cheap plus in-person time with my Team D wing woman Dana, who’s built a beautiful life there with her family. Perfection!Within 48 hours of arriving… I got sicker than I’ve been in years. Have I not been meditating enough? Ingesting enough frankincense? Is this my way of burning karma? Am I a New Age loser? I could say it was the air freshener and bacteria and smoke and dust and burning rubber fumes and all the allergens that triggered my already sensitive respiratory system.Or I could say:It was my deep grief that I've been processing much of this lifetime, carried over from lifetimes, about the illusion we are separate, that I am alone in my sanity and longing for us all to get back to Love.It's not allergies baby,It's a cosmic home sicknessEps 97 of WITH LOVE, DANIELLE, is personal and universal:The “outer” reasons for sickness vs the innerward reason. Hint: the outer circumstance triggerthe inner imbalance.The healing pivot that makes all the difference—from berating ourselves to compassion The practice I use to saturate pain points with healing frequencies. How karma is the opportunity for us to realize our true capacities as healers The cure is in the sickness––which is always a call to Compassion. And hey… catharsis ain’t a bad way to start the new year. Mentioned in this episode:Get my (free) SACRED WEEKENDS email 2 Fridays/month SIGN UP HERE. 222k readers are diggin’ it!The Heart Centered Membership: 2 live classes/month + conscious community. Access to our ever expanding library of meditations, daily rituals, guided audios, playlists. Every spiritual practice in my metaphysical toolbelt. Please come in and take refuge. Tree Casa Resort in San Jaun del Sur, Nicaragua is a beautiful sanctuary. Kindest people. Ask for a room “at the top”... quiet, private, lovely. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
1/24/202429 minutes, 2 seconds
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How to rest AND be productive

Hello Loves, You’re bigger than your to-do list, and I knowwww, your to-do list is BIG. Does just the thought of slowing down make your palms sweat? It is possible to prioritize deeper rest without sacrificing momentum. And I’ve got just the woman (she’s an actual empress of rest) to teach about it. I asked my beloved friend, Tracee Stanley to guest in our Heart Centered Mastermind.  You’re about to hear the highlights…Eps 96 of WITH LOVE, DANIELLE:What research tells us about rest––did you know sleep is not the same as rest?!How to spot your social conditioning around NOT resting.Tracee’s journey from ambition + hustle in Hollywood to prioritizing rest––and how it rocketed her productivity.Hustle culture and our addiction to being constantly relevant.The fundamentals of Yoga NidraCome on over to the sane side of productivity…Mentioned in this episode:The Heart Centered Mastermind is our community for conscious business + careering support. Every month we do a live class with Danielle and a group coaching session with Team D. “There’s nothing else out there like this program––all the heart AND the business support smarts.”  Steph Corker, Founder of The Corker Collective, a human capital consulting firmTracee Stanley’s book: Radiant Rest: Yoga Nidra for Deep Relaxation & Awakened ClarityGet my (free) SACRED WEEKENDS email 2 Fridays/month SIGN UP HERE. Think: girlfriend vibe meets deep thinking.Connect with me on IG! I heart Q’s! xo Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
1/17/202422 minutes, 32 seconds
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8 Signs That You're Balanced in Relationships

Today is a good one. I’ve been waiting to deliver this for a while and because I think there’s a missing piece in the current cultural conversation around the nervous system which is… the connection between our dysregulation and the quality of our relationships.  A nervous system that’s nourished, regulated and healthy can roll with ALL KINDS OF EXPERIENCES. We can be flexible, spacious, and tolerant. Way less… triggerable and much more… Loving. When we’re overly stressed, under-resourced, and dysregulated (anyone?) relational symptoms ––in addition to physical symptoms, will start to show up for us. If you’re agitated and unpleasable… if you want to hard bail on commitments… if you’re emotionally shut down…  if you can’t even name what you’re feeling… then… it’s all kinds of messy and unfulfilling. In Episode 95 of WITH LOVE, DANIELLE, I’m walking us through the 8 signs of dysregulation in relationships, PLUS! 8 signs we’re relating from inner balance: How to know when you’re off base. In wild times like these, we’re normalizing abnormal conditions.  How getting regulated helps us stop taking everything personally.  How imbalance actually brings us more into balance. All reactivity is an opportunity to see what’s playing out under our hood. The indicators that we are relating from inner balance, from the heart center… and why Love is the most powerful, immediate regulator of the nervous system.  We heal through relationships. Repeat: all relationships are vehicles for healing.  When we see how our nervous system influences our interactions––family, partners, friends, cultures—then we will take a more urgent and spiritual approach to taking care of ourselves. And THEN we can move from friction to freedom. Especially with the holidays at hand… please listen in.  We show up, we hold space. We hold hands. And we keep going.  Mentioned in this episode: The teachings in this session are from THE NOURISH SYSTEM program. Nourish system regulation is so doable. I’ve created a simple, flexible methodology and structure to move you towards small acts of healing every day.  HEART CENTERED MEMBERSHIP. Community, 2 Live Calls/month + access to our ever expanding library of ALL classes, spiritual practices, and meditations! Come in, be honoured, and exhale.  Get my new (free) SACRED WEEKENDS email 2 Fridays/month SIGN UP HERE. Think: girlfriend vibe meets deep thinking. Connect with me on IG! I heart Q’s! xo  
12/20/202346 minutes, 11 seconds
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19 Questions for Nourishing Yourself

I’d bet that you’ve never been asked this question before: What’s your relationship to what nourishes you?  Because even though we KNOW what’s good for us, we don’t always go there.  Here’s the thing: everything is energy. And we’re always exchanging energy. So we’re actually relating to different healing ideas and modalities.  And! the quality of our relationships determines the quality of our lives (Kind of a big deal). So this podcast session is a micro workshop on your relationship to the healing areas of your life. A little philosophy, a little esoterica, a lot of practicality. We’re looking at stillness, body, silence, quality of sleep and more––connecting to ALL the healing sources. In Episode #94 of WITH LOVE, DANIELLE we explore: How the body’s function is to transmit Love + Q’s to help you become a stronger conduit.  Why, in our productivity obsessed societies, stillness is actually the power move.  Want to know my theory on meditation? An inquiry for all levels of mediators and the meditation-resistant. Prayer as one of the most intimate forms of conversations––and how analyzing your relationship to prayer can shift you into deeper self love. What happens when we intentionally choose silence. How to show up to nature to recharge (hint: first with gratitude and then to make our healing requests.)  If this is nourishing in any way, please leave a review, subscribe, maybe pass it on to a friend who needs some healing this week. Let’s get some Love and Light into the algorithm. Mentioned in this episode: THE NOURISH SYSTEM. A heart centered approach to nervous system regulation. Compassionate, everyday practices delivered over 8 weeks. Tools and healing for a lifetime.  My NEW Instagram Broadcast Channel! I started this so I can send you audio love and short prayers a few times a week. (* might not be available in all regions/networks) My new (free) SACRED WEEKENDS is kind of thrilling. I send it out 2 Fridays/month SIGN UP HERE. Think: girlfriend vibe meets deep thinking. Connect with me on IG! I heart Q’s! xo Cool people I quote in this episode: "Much of spiritual work is slowing down enough to let our minds come into harmony with our hearts.”    Ram Dass “Silence is not an absence of sound, but rather a shifting of attention towards sounds that speak to the soul.”   Thomas Moore "You will not be left behind if you pause. You will gain more insight about your journey, and this may cause  you to change course. So perhaps that is what some of us fear in the pause, that they will finally realize that another way is calling them." Octavia Raheem “If part of your legacy were to change the relationship to rest and self-care for your family lineage, how would you begin?”  Tracee Stanley  (Tracee is joining me for a Heart Centered Business Masterclass! Free for Mastermind members. Here’s how you can join us. )
12/13/202325 minutes, 39 seconds
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10 Reasons We Isolate

Let’s talk about all the shades of isolation. Chosen aloneness. Solitude. Go it on your own. Hangin’ out the ‘do not disturb’ sign. Pressin’ the HARD PAUSE BUTTON. Isolation, like everything else in life, has shadows and light. I think this conversation is important because, unexamined, it can turn into nervous system dysregulation. Darkness, disassociation, sadness.  So let’s hold it up into the light. In Episode #93 of WITH LOVE, DANIELLE I’m sharing: 10 reasons we isolate––why we pull back from people, places and experiences. What fear-driven isolation does to us, and what heart centered, healthy isolating looks like. One way that I’ve created conditions of healing for myself, and tips to seek out safe spaces for community (even if you’re reluctant… like I used to be) Why we need to acknowledge the fatigue that comes from playing by someone else’s rules (hint: it frees up our life force) How showing up imperfectly (please let go of perfectionism) is part of the of the isolation solution Retreating is sometimes the absolute necessity––wise. And other times, it’s a slope to sadsville. I just want you to know that you can pour light on the situation, no matter what it is.  Mentioned in this episode: THE NOURISH SYSTEM, an 8-week self-study program to help you create conditions of healing for yourself. Here’s where you get it! Your Love Note for Ep #93 is a poem by me, “Early Intimacies” (sign up to get your printable 💖) Get my new (free) SACRED WEEKENDS email two Fridays a month SIGN UP HERE. Think: girlfriend vibe meets deep spirituality. Connect with me on IG! I love Q’s from our community! xo  
12/6/202318 minutes, 34 seconds
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Who Am I To Teach What I Teach? Just Me.

There’s been a lot of newness in my business and life lately, so I want to anchor in with those of you who've been with me for a while (some of you, a decade!) and to add some BTS to all of you coming into this little corner of the universe. First up: THANK YOU. I don’t take one click or sign up or listen for granted. Honestly I’m always amazed when people show up to things. Gigs, classes, I just feel really honored and useful. And having 4 planets in Virgo, UTILITY is a very big deal for me. Next: I thought that I’d do an episode about something short n’ sweet and tending to the deep. Me. 🤣 Where I come from, where I’m at, and how I got here. The intention? Common ground. Unity. Comfort. Less … aloneness. So let’s have tea together. In this episode of WITH LOVE, DANIELLE, I’m sharing:  How it started a decade ago after I got fired from my own business  Who am I really? Who am I to talk about consciousness? What informs my perspectives? A walk along my personal, intellectual, and spiritual path How I’ve evolved from a walking F-bomb/Truthbomb to a more gentle, integrated, and still struggling but gliding woman The all-encompassing vows I’ve made in this life  The things I’m up to right now–it took a decade for me to get this kind of clarity and focus on my vocation, my offerings to the world. And it just keeps getting better.  Oh, and for funsies––why I burned my Catholic school girl kilt.  I hope that you can hear yourself in some of my struggles and expansions––and that there's some relief in that. Mentioned in this episode: THE FIRESTARTER SESSIONS for creatives and entrepreneurs. Strengthen your voice. Prioritize what’s sacred. Define success—on your own terms. THE DESIRE MAP CURRICULUM identify your Core Desired Feelings and use them to nourish yourself, your relationships, and the planet. WHITE HOT TRUTH audio book Clarity for Keeping It Real on Your Spiritual Path — from One Seeker to Another Heart Centered Classes (2 Thursdays a month, free with membership or drop in to any class!) Spiritual Practices–Meditation Kits, Rituals + Reflection Decks HEART CENTERED MEMBERSHIP an ongoing support system to grow your capacity to heal yourself—and the world around you. All our live classes, practices, meditations, playlists, and a community like no other.  HEART CENTERED MASTERMIND Less hustle, more heart. Less grind, more sustainable growth. Supporting leaders, wayshow’rs, and entrepreneurs to prosper with purpose.  HEART CENTERED LEADERSHIP PROGRAM Empower the people you lead with curriculum and tools for resilience and reflective living. My new program, THE NOURISH SYSTEM, is here! It’s a simple program for creating your own wellness plan… for LIFE.  Get my new (free) SACRED WEEKENDS email 2 Fridays/month SIGN UP HERE. Think: girlfriend vibe meets deep thinking. Connect with me on IG! What were you most surprised to hear about me? xo
11/29/202342 minutes, 31 seconds
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It’s Not Your Relationship. It’s You.

Catch that subject line? It’s not your relationship. It’s you.  Slightly provocative? Yes. Likely true on the deepest level? Also yes.  Almost everything that I’ve had to apologize for in a relationship––or that I’ve wanted an apology for, had to do with my nervous system being too jacked or too drained.  The current human reality (you, me, the planet…) We’re generally dysregulated, out of balance. We’re fried. Frayed. AND… We are Love. We want to show up as Love. We want to receive Love. We want to give Love.  And whether we’re conscious of it or not, we know on some level that our relationships are THE vehicle for healing, self-awareness, for getting closer to our Higher Self… It ALL happens in relationships.  Episode #91 of WITH LOVE, DANIELLE is the third in a 3 part conversation on nervous system regulation. It’s about learning how to meet our triggers (hello, Inner Child and everyone in the world who’s triggering my Inner Child.) And then processing those triggers more mindfully, often physically, so that we don’t have to owe––or demand more apologies. In this session we explore: Why we keep trying to solve the wrong problems in our relationships The relational symptoms of nervous system imbalance (overstaying, bickering, the silent treatment and the blame game…) Simple ways to get centered in heated or heartbreaking interactions How to get OUT of the loop of unhealthy behaviors/situations and a dysregulated nervous system––so we can unwire lifelong default stress responses that hinder love, intimacy, expression, and intuition. When the nervous system is strong, then our relating is strong. Less wigging, more loving.  To less friction and more freedom. ICYMI here’s: 4 Types of Stress Response––what’s yours? 9 Ways We Add Stress to Our Lives Mentioned in this episode: This episode is a recording of the most popular class I’ve ever taught: From Friction to Freedom. When you register for the class, you get instant access to the entire replay AND $50 off my new program THE NOURISH SYSTEM! Here’s where you get!  Get my new (free) SACRED WEEKENDS email 2 Fridays/month SIGN UP HERE. Think: girlfriend vibe meets deep thinking. Connect with me on IG! I heart relationship Q’s! xo
11/22/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 3 seconds
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9 Ways We Add Stress to Our Lives

Let’s talk about stress, baby. Let’s talk about nerves and mind loops and … relaxation. As always when we go into the shadowy stuff, I’ve got some light-backed solutions. In this episode of WITH LOVE, DANIELLE:  9 ways we create unnecessary stress –– the stuff that drains, dysregulates, grinds on our nervous systems. Holistic suggestions for interrupting stress cycles like thought loops, self-shame + blame, criticism, complaining… How to become the parent of your stress and meet it with Love and Compassionate authority.  This is the second in a series of 3 conversations about nervous system healing. If nervous system regulation were the #1 priority for every being on the planet, well that would change… everything for everyone wouldn’t it? I think our divine assignment is to create conditions of healing for ourselves. That’s it. And it starts with steady love and common sense for stress way less. * ICYMI here’s: 4 Types of Stress Responses–what’s yours? This episode’s LOVE NOTE (free prayers, printables, pointers) is the Metta Bhavana Prayer. Mentioned in this episode: FROM FRICTION TO FREEDOM––free class. I just taught a massively helpful class (that thousands of people attended––the most packed class in all my years!) on the connection between our nervous system and the quality of our relationships. You can catch the replay HERE (plus score a code for $50 off my new program…) My new program, THE NOURISH SYSTEM, starts soon! Tuesday, November 28. It’s a simple program for creating your own wellness plan… for LIFE.  Get my new (free) SACRED WEEKENDS email every other Friday SIGN UP HERE. Think: girlfriend vibe meets deep thinking. The Desire Map is a methodology for getting clear on how you want to feel. Connect with me on IG! I want to hear how you’re addressing your stressing xo
11/15/202345 minutes, 50 seconds
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4 Types of Stress Responses. What’s Yours?

Here’s where I think we’re at:  The past few years on the planet Earth have done a number on our nervous systems. A lot of us are experiencing adrenal fatigue, waves of anxiety, and difficulty sleeping. A general malaise of despair. And it turns out that all of this was a precursor to these last few weeks and months of warful insanity.  And whether YOU’RE conscious of what the stress is doing to you––your NERVOUS SYSTEM is very aware. I think that... If each of us focused on regulating our nervous system, it could change the entire world.  It starts with knowing your default stress response.  In this session of WITH LOVE, DANIELLE, I quiz you on your stress style––who wins for best stressed?! And then do my best to offer solutions. ARE YOU A FIGHTER? FLIGHTER? FREEZER or FAWNER? Once you’re clear on that, you can see the path to healing. I share 11 beliefs on healing––specifically for our nervous systems. There was a time when my cortisol levels were jacked and everything else was tanked. I’m giving you some very practical things I did that helped me heal. A better you in a bonkers world depends on steady love and your nervous system.  - This episode’s LOVE NOTE (free prayers, printables, pointers) is a simple before & after exercise to check in with your nervous system and plan for brighter days. Mentioned in this episode: Come to my free class: FROM FRICTION TO FREEDOM: How your nervous system steers your relationships on Tuesday, November 14, 2023 @ 3pm PT | 6pm ET. Can you imagine way less stress relating to your boss, bestie, BF? Like… staying centered? Step up for this one, I’m going deep and offering a lot of healing tips. xo  Check out my free PRAYER SERIES on Instagram here.  Essential oils I work with are Young Living (an MLM, but hey, it’s the good stuff) and Living Libations.  My friend Terri Cole who’s doing healthy boundary work in the world. Get on the list for my new (free) SACRED WEEKENDS here. Think: girlfriend vibe meets depth. Connect with me on IG! We want to hear what your default stress response is.
11/8/20231 hour, 24 seconds
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Why I Burned Down My Business Model

Hello Loves,  Let me dial you back in time a bit… my birthday is May 25. I woke up this year and thought,  “I don’t want to live and work this way anymore.” Who’s got cake?! I’d fallen into a pretty classic trap of working FOR my business instead of the business working for my LIFE. I needed to get out of the tasky tasks (read: draining) and back to my deep creativity. Because If I’m not living from my full, lit up heart center, I’m not serving at full capacity. So. I made a leap. Quantum. I got super clear on: My zone of genius––doing what only *I* can do. Where we’re going to have the most impact in the world, not “maybe” but CLEARLY. Investing in my purpose-driven company. And then I went allllll in. And there was some shaking it up. Happy Birthday.  Fast forward to the present… My 10 year business is now a start up. High enthusiasm. Agility as a superpower. A gorgeous chaos.  A LOT OF CREATIVE DEEPENING. Doubling down on a heart centered way of doing business = more freedom + more REACH AND IMPACT — for everyone involved. In this very special episode of WITH LOVE, DANIELLE, I am pulling back the curtain on: How I took my business (and life) down to the studs Why it’s one of the most heart centered moves I’ve ever made How we turned alignment into action, organizational + business model changes, AND saved $30,000 (almost) overnight All the details on our (long asked for!) HEART CENTERED MASTERMIND! This is inner circle-level stuff. Everything is changing for the better.  So. Much. To. Tell. You. With Love! Mentioned in this episode: Business Unfurled Master Class, Thursday, November 9th, 2023 @ 3pm PT | 6 PM ET If destruction is part of creation, what do you need to burn down? Discover the key shift that will move you from stuck + straining to joyfully thriving in your heart-led business. Resonance: Produce a Podcast That Gets Attention, Virtual Business Class with Team D Kajabi is our online business all-in-one platform of choice.Use this link for a 45-day free trial to check out if it’s right for you.  10x Is Easier Than 2x: How World-Class Entrepreneurs Achieve More by Doing Less, by Dan Sullivan + Dr. Benjamin Hardy– the first business book I’ve read in almost a decade. Get on the list for my new (free) SACRED WEEKENDS here. Think girlfriend vibe meets deep. Connect with me on IG! We want to hear your thoughts on entrepreneurship + heart-led ways of working!
11/1/202350 minutes, 53 seconds
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4 ways to deepen your Faith

Hello Loves… I can be having a conversation about a friend’s dating life, or what we’re having for dinner and in the back of my heart-mind, I’m thinking about Israeli and Palestinian families. Guilt can accompany some of my daily happinesses… I’m planning a wedding while there’s a war. I pray more fiercely. I’m more tired than I should be. Whatever “should be” means in dark times like these. I think about FAITH––what do we put Faith in when there’s atrocity? Or when our personal life is so challenging that we can’t even think about what's happening outside of ourselves? And what should we be letting go of so that we can be more graceful in all the fractiousness? I am always wondering, What should I RENUNCIATE?  Faith and renunciation are loaded words for some of us, and these are charged concepts in times like these. So… let’s go there. WITH LOVE, DANIELLE, Eps #87 is a fresh round of spiritual definitions in under 30 minutes: Embodiment. A consistency in thoughts, speech and action. Faith. Knowing that the light exists, even when it’s dark.  Renunciation. Letting go of meaningless pursuits and things, that block your connection to your purpose.  The Lower Self and the Higher Self: the unhealed self (aka ego) and the Soul… your True Nature. Remember: Your Soul is always calling the shots. Lean in to it. With Love, D Mentioned in this episode:  Check out my Spiritual Essentials course on Commune to do a self-help audit and lighten your load! Catch up on more Spiritual Definitions here.  This week’s Love Note is an invocation you can use to connect with your Higher Self through out the day. Get on the list for my new (free) SACRED WEEKENDS here. Think girlfriend vibe meets deep. Connect with me on IG! We want to hear your thoughts on Embodiment, Faith, and Renunciation.
10/20/202324 minutes, 3 seconds
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New! New! This! Romantic check-ins, altars + my fave music!

My Loves! Welcome to the inaugural podcast edition of SACRED WEEKENDS! I’m sooo excited about this. I’ve been wanting to do something like this for years. Like…reco’s my friends and I text about. Conversations with my Higher Self. Think: chilling with your nervous system, cool music, Netflix that isn’t all about numbing out, and communing with the Infinite.  SACRED WEEKENDS will drop 2 Fridays a month––in BOTH podcast + email-form! Here’s what I’m jamming on in the pod edition of SACRED WEEKENDS: FRIDAY: Want to hear about the disastrous “Check in “ process that I created for my man and I? And how we turned it around into a conversation starter that is healing and productive? SATURDAY: My favourite online Yoga class, and a movie rec that might surprise you.   Sunday: Is about devotion. A rundown of Heart-Centered Altar Do’s and Don’ts.  With Love,  D Here’s where you can subscribe to get SACRED WEEKENDS delivered to your inbox—it’s full of product links and love. 
10/13/202317 minutes, 59 seconds
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Spiritual Bypassing, Glamour and Detachment. A breakdown.

My Loves, I was in NYC last week and the theme was EXPANSION! ANd more EXPANSION. My Mr. proposed! Yes yes yes to life partnership. He is deep and beautiful and wise and I’ve been ALL IN since about month two of being with him. Knew it. We’re not sure if we’re going to get hitched at city hall in our jeans, or throw a festival. But we know it’s all ours to DEFINE. I also joined a new literary agency family of philosophical go-getters (my favorite combination) and we are redefining what it means for me to write, record and create for the next decade and beyond.  These big moves and mergers are happening because I’m very clear how I define success––which has taken a LOT of REDEFINING. I’ve let go of a lot of identities labels. I’ve learned what I value most. And My spiritual commitment has helped me be discerning. And that brings me to another one of my favorite combinations: DISCERNMENT and the POWER OF WORDS. In this week’s WITH LOVE, DANIELLE (Eps #86) I’m dissecting some of-misconstrued “spiritual” terms: Spirituality: It’s undefinable, actually. But I think it’s simply, “the practice of thinking with your heart.” This is not quite as simple as I make it sound. So please listen in for the break down. Spiritual Bypassing: Where you put a spiritual spin on a “negative” experience to avoid uncomfortable feelings. “Non spiritual” feelings… you know that trick? All seekers become pro’s at this until we see how it’s holding us back. Spiritual Glamor: When you mix a spiritual PoV with the ego’s need to be “special”. For example: when one regards their spiritual experience as a qualification for special treatment, or how some folks always find a way to insert their esoteric resume into the conversation…  Conscience: You’ve got one, everyone’s got one…  Light Guilt + Shadow Guilt. There’s useful guilt and drag-you-down guilt. How to tell when your conscience is guiding you or your ego is trippin’... And, Detachment: Less clinging. More trusting. I’m getting into the how-to’s of this spiritual art form. Our definitions of spirituality and success define our LIVES. So more consciousness, truth-rooted definitions make for more conscious moves and mergers in our lives. Let’s define and refine… This episode’s LOVE NOTE (free prayers, printables, pointers) is the Dedication of Merit. Keep it on your phone. P.S. Connect with me on IG ! I’d love to hear your thoughts on Spiritual Bypassing and Glamour…
10/5/202332 minutes
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How to heal your cognitive dissonance

We all get out of alignment with our inner truth. It’s the human dance. The thing is: The inconsistency has a ripple effect. When we are in cognitive dissonance– we don’t hear our Higher Self clearly. We’re unable to focus and move forward with glide.  Ideally… What we believe is embodied in our thoughts, speech, action. We’re walking the talk. Here’s Episode #85 WITH LOVE, DANIELLE:  How we get distracted from the ways we really want to live our life.Hint: the heart centered kind of life. How we need to clear out “all or nothing” statements How to clear the distracting static. Less noise = greater concentration AND greater concentration on what truly matters increases the chances that you will manifest the good stuff.  The takeaway: When you turn on the intelligence of your heart, you uncondition your mind. When we heal our cognitive dissonance, we learn what it really means to become whole.  And,  I’ve left you with a few tools. This episode’s LOVE NOTE has an exercise with steps to align with your higher desire. No judginess, all Love. Light a candle, set the vibe, and get to it.  My Meditation Library: do the same practice for many months in order to go deeper, ask fewer questions, and really get into alignment with heart and mind to dissolve any dissonance. Craving more? In my HEART CENTERED MEMBERSHIP I have a whole library of mantra and meditative Playlists, among other tools and treasures, blessed up by our team energy healer, V.S. Time Stamps: 01:25: What is Cognitive Dissonance? 05:45: How are we affected? 08:10: All or nothing thinking 10:20: When we believe untrue thoughts 11:33: Tools for healing 18:57: An exercise for you  
9/28/202328 minutes, 17 seconds
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How focus improves your manifesting

The seeds of our desires get watered by… our focus! But manifestation is a balancing act of intense focus and relaxed Faith. We’re going a few layers deep about:  How to increase the INTENSITY of your focus––which directly correlates to your creative power and ability to make things happen.  The best use of free will––we get to choose the thoughts we believe, and the ones we refuse.  When we choose our thoughts more intentionally, we get more of what  things we want. What’s the difference between FOCUS and CONCENTRATION? Well, focus with me for the 35 minutes of this podcast and we’ll get into it! Focus is a learned skill that we can strengthen. I’ll take you through a short meditative experience, then we end with a simple practice you can do daily to improve your concentration. And this episode includes  LOVE NOTE tucked into our ever-growing free love notes library! Timestamps: 2:58: How positive and negative memories impact manifestation 6:14: How to focus, the benefits of concentration skills 9:32:  What it means to “focus on Love” 13:03: Why the intensity of our focus matters 15:08: Why we repeat the same lessons over again 18:18: Concentration is not about “narrowing your focus” 21:31: When we're focused on the end result, we’re able to foresee the steps to get us there 25:09: A simple concentration-building exercise for you All for Love, Danielle P.S. October 12th’s episode will feature the playback of our recent OPEN HOUSE EVENT, a behind the scenes look at everything Heart Centered, from the Leadership at Team D! So many useful nuggets in here on creativity! And we unveil our new MASTERMIND. If this is interesting to you, you’ll definitely want to be at my BUSINESS UNFURLED EVENT on Thursday, October 25. Please get on our notification list here:
9/21/202335 minutes
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Please don’t ask if you’re worthy.

We don’t actually need a pep talk about our worthiness. Because…We’re all “worthy.” And the “worthiness” questioning is, actually, absurd. No one needs to quantify, or qualify themselves for Love. Not one Soul, ever. We don’t have to establish if we’re deserving of more ease, happiness, or Loving Kindness.  Here it is: when we spend energy questioning and bidding to see if we’re valued or worthy…it distracts us from healing.  All that asking and validation seeking, actually creates MORE confusion and perceived woundedness inside of us. Imagine you’re a billionaire - and you kept asking everyone around you. Or, a god of your understanding: “am I rich?”, “am I rich?”-  it just creates more: Confusion, agitation, perpetuates more striving… It’s Episode #83 of WITH LOVE, DANIELLE! Let’s get in there: What happens when we become more blind to our inherent, DIVINE WORTH? (We spin.) Why do we believe we need to earn our worth? And,  When we find ourselves asking ourselves or others (typically unconsciously) if we’re worthy or valuable, instead, let’s wonder, “Why did I ask that?” It’s a popcorn trail to your pain and power. Here’s a life shifting question to apply, DAILY: What does my unhealed self need right now? (aka, your Inner Child) This episode includes a short visualization exercise that I guide and it’s simple enough to remember that you can take it with you. I also did a printable LOVE NOTE for you to save. We have been in this worthy/unworthy dialogue for eons, it is part of the human dance––so we have some stuff to unpack. LISTEN HERE or wherever you like to tune in to the pods.  WITH LOVE, Danielle In this episode I give a journaling/thought prompt. You can find it and other saveables in my LOVE NOTES section!
9/14/202331 minutes, 49 seconds
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8 Signs that YOU’RE HEALING

Hey hey! I’m back with another juicy episode! Last week, we explored what spiritual season we find ourselves in.  With all the items on your daily spiritual checklist, you might be wondering, how do I know if this is really working?  In fact, it’s been a guiding question of mine: How do you know if all you are doing to be well is helping you be well?  Hint: It’s not about the green juice, or mala beads, or escaping to beautiful Bali (although, those are cool too)...  YOU KNOW YOU'RE HEALING WHEN.... 1. You make space to respond, not react…  Drop the tit for tat, unplug from autopilot. Ask yourself, what is the highest response, for the good of all in this situation?  2. Fixing other people's issues is not your primary concern… of course Love and service all the way. But ya know... you can't rescue anyone, and when you try to... it's kind of disrespectful to them. Your ego doesn’t need to be their saviour. How about having faith in their strength? The vibe: YOU CAN DO THIS.  3. Loving on ALL parts of yourself is COMFORTING… including those fiery, forbidden parts of you – the stuff you’ve likely been pushing away.   4. Respecting the other person is as important as respecting yourself… you extend dignity to all – you and them. No matter what. Love is a win-win scenario. 5. Leaning into pain points is what you do best. Let your curiosity lead the way. You're noticing where it hurts and you're not turning away! Hint: this is your secret to great intimacy. 6. You GENTLY silence your inner critic. Silencing a critic fades away like soft snow. Gentle gentle. Show them who’s loving (not who’s Boss).   7. Loving your friends and family feels like your greatest gift. Including the ones who drive you bonkers. Hello, dissolved resentments. They don't even need to totally get it or say thank you. You leave all these situations thinking "I got to Love!" Sacred usefulness. 8. Listening to your soul is your top priority… and by that I mean, you do the work to tune in. Be receptive to the Wisdom of your soul. Stillness. Bask in it. You’ve got the love AND the healing. Grace be, D .... Want an inside look at what it takes to lead a heart-intelligent business?  Come join me in a LIVE Open House with Team Danielle. Thursday, September 14 at 3pm PST | 6pm EST.  A behind-the-scenes tour at how we do business, evolutionary leaps, and an invite to the Heart Centered Mastermind. 
8/31/202325 minutes, 25 seconds
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What Spiritual Season Are You In?

My People!  It’s been a long season since I got you some fresh audio love. I’ve completely renovated my career-business-life in the last 3 months. New ways of working and creating, supported by a new team, new technology. I have a lot to share with you about the experience and expansion. Insight! Relief! Let’s ease back in. This is a mini episode (about 10 mins) with a big question: What spiritual season are you in?  Your “spiritual season” isn’t age dependent. It’s not about how long you’ve been meditating. Some of us will cycle through these phases more than once in a lifetime. Some of us are just getting started. “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens…” – Ecclesiastes 3:1 Spiritual Spring, Summer, Winter or Autumn? Where you at?  Knowing your coordinates on your evolutionary path is liberating and comforting. It helps you choose the next best step. I’m in the winter phase right now. A beautiful austerity. I’ve trimmed all of my practicing and researching right DOWN. Then next up for me will be a new cycle into Spring: Beginner’s mind. I’m not quite there, but I’m looking forward to it! Please consider this a GPS for your spirit. And heyyyyy! THIS IS A NEW PODCAST, baby! Subscribe n’ all that because I’m feeling unstoppable at the moment. Thank you for being here and listening with your heart. In Love, Danielle This podcast is connected to a beautiful new course! SPIRITUAL ESSENTIALS is a 5-week video course plus weekly LIVE calls with me, Danielle LaPorte, to help you get clear on what’s really serving your path and practice—and releasing the rest. This is a Devotional Refresh. We’ll check in with current routines and rituals and deep-dive into misunderstood spiritual concepts. Audit your self-care and spiritual practices, re-examine your approach to shadow work, better understand what actually calms your nervous system, and calibrate your inner compass to discern what’s right for you. GO HERE to to reserve your spot. The live component with me runs September 25 to October 27, 2023. So excited to go deeper with you to help lighten your load. P.S. I’m for real curious. What spiritual season are you in?––and why do you think so? Connect with me on IG and share your answer.
8/24/202311 minutes, 38 seconds
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Redefining your availability for expansion

What is your definition of availability?  How do you manifest and desire from a place of goodwill?   How do you navigate energetic boundaries to allow space for other people's feelings? Today I’m bringing you one of the most dynamic high-energy conversations I've ever had in an interview. Craig Siegel is a sweetheart, a Jersey boy, a former Wall Street guy who found his heart. And we had a really beautiful connection.  Tune in for a breakdown on… How to show up in healthy Masculine and Feminine Creating Heart Centered boundaries Manifesting from a place of goodwill How our heart is the portal to vibrating higher And I lead Craig through a thought experiment to tie it all together! You can’t hear your (Higher) self unless you get still and listen. Learn how to tap your Wisdom to make good things happen! Join me in The Circle for a 60-min class and Q+A. 10+ hours of sonic love for your road trip, morning walk, or self care Sunday. How To Be Loving Digital Bundles are here! Craving more Craig Siegel inspiration? Give him a follow here or check out his podcast! My podcast theme is I AM LOVE, by DJ Drez ft. Marti Nikko. Available on Spotify + iTunes. Please support independent, positive music. xo
5/22/202347 minutes, 6 seconds
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A little more good leads to a lot more good.

Zach Berman + Dean Morris, aka The Juice Truck Guys are a great duo—a wellness entrepreneur + a part time pastor. The three of us Canadians start off with the universal principle that everything is energy, then we get into the dynamics of church and conformity (and healing from that), and this all ends with me crying. Just the way I like it. Give the gift of a little more Love… How To Be Loving is available now.
5/15/202357 minutes, 43 seconds
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How to lead with Love

I love a good Buddhist + business mash up. This is it. Tricia Brouk is behind the mic on The Big Talk podcast. We get into: What happens when greed leads in business? How to choose higher quality thoughts and shift your creativity. How self compassion helps us become greater leaders. Want real-time guidance from Danielle + Team D on running a vision-driven business? Join the current counsel for creating business stability and get monthly Business Circles for FREE inside our Heart Centered Leadership Program.  Listen to more candid conversations with Tricia Brouk, give her a follow here or check out The Big Talk podcast!
5/8/202351 minutes
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Desire is out, Virtue is in.

Mark is one of my favourite humans and this is one of the most open and thoughtful public conversations I’ve ever had. What’s virtue signaling got to do with our evolution? How to have actual REVERENCE for the parts of ourselves we try to push away. The heart breaking absurdity of cancel culture. My meta-theory on tyranny. Mark and I get into it all… Come mine the thought-diamonds with us. This is With Love, Danielle + Friends. . . . . . Every emotion is carrying a message and I’ve got the answer! Join for a 60-min LIVE class and Q+A with Danielle on Thursday, May 4 at 12pm PT | 3pm ET or take the experience Deeper and upgrade to The Circle. 10+ hours of sonic love for your road trip, morning walk, or self care Sunday. How To Be Loving Digital Bundles are here! Craving more Mark Grove’s brilliance? Give him a follow here or check out the Mark Groves Podcast!
5/1/202356 minutes, 32 seconds
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Navigating an awakening?

Mel Wells has been described as “giving a voice to the silent struggle millions of women know so well”. She’s trained in holistic sex, love and relationships, eating psychology, and holistic health. Mel is a beauty in every way. Tune into this rich conversation from Mel’s podcast Love, Sex, + Magic, we’re giving pointers to navigate awakening: Spiritual bypassing, what it means and how to know if we’re doing it.  Unpacking the ego (and how the hardest experiences I've been through reminded me how strong my heart is.) How shaking up your identity structure is the access point to your Radiance. Why you should interrupt a lifetime of resisting your dark stuff? What the Inner Child really is. (It’s not your 8 year old little self…) And navigating what it means to be awake, as opposed to you know, woke. When women gather… ohhhh baby, we rise. My friends, here’s Mel… and me. Craving more of Mel’s Magic? Give her a follow here or check out her podcast Love, Sex, + Magic! Get 10+ hours of sonic love for your road trip, morning walk, or self care Sunday. How To Be Loving Digital Bundles are here!
4/24/202348 minutes, 36 seconds
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8 questions to see how your beliefs are healing you

It's not *how* we seek spiritual growth, it's *why* we seek it. We need to examine what we believe, why we believe it, where it came from, and figure out what we’re going to burn down, renovate, and give our deepest devotion to. If the whole point of our devotion is liberation, then here's the question: Do your beliefs liberate you? You can turn this into a journaling exercise. Or walk through this with me on this classic episode of With Love, Danielle. This episode has some biggie questions for you: Do your beliefs liberate you?  What are the “devotion flags” that you fly with pride? What can we do to un-believe the things that tie us down? How important is it to know about our past lives? How do we tell the true spiritual teacher from the poser?  Our Self Help Laundry List is a great support for belief analysis. Ask yourself: Is everything you're doing to be well… actually helping you to be well? This devotion audit is FREE + it’s here for you. Sonic love at your fingertips the How To Be Loving digital bundle is HERE!   
2/20/202351 minutes, 42 seconds
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7 ways to be sincere in business

Sincerity is a form of power. And it builds precious, precious TRUST. In this episode, I’m walking you through 7 tips that can foster a business of understanding, deeper bonds, and solutions you couldn’t see when you were hiding out. Sincerity trumps a coverup any day.  Want real-time guidance from Danielle + Team D on running a vision-driven business? Join the current counsel for creating business stability. Save your seat to our Live Marketing Masterclass here. Or get monthly Business Circles for FREE inside our Heart Centered Leadership Program.
2/13/202312 minutes, 18 seconds
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Words can make you sick. Or healed. Here’s an experiment that might prove it.

We have to choose our words with care—as if each phrase was a seed for a reality… because it is. Words incant, invoke, destroy, and create. When we speak with high intention, we live in Higher Love. I have an experiment for you that might prove it. For when it’s hard to get going, and even harder to stop… press play on Sacred Word Sets. One track to lift you up (radiance without overreaching). One track for chilling out (deep healing, deep rest). Download the sonic love:
2/6/20233 minutes, 46 seconds
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The simplest, most difficult, most profound little spiritual practice there is.

How do we DISSOLVE FEAR? Seeing beauty dissolves fear. I’m going to break it down for you in this episode of WITH LOVE, DANIELLE. Because what we focus on grows. Press play for a re-focus that will ease some pain and confusion about these wild times.
1/23/202322 minutes, 41 seconds
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Radiance is the gift that suffering brings

Radiance isn’t about “a happy glow” when we walk into a room. We become truly radiant when our ego masks get toasted. I lay out the 2 steps for alchemizing pain in this week’s episode of WITH LOVE, DANIELLE. VERY encouraging and DOABLE. Come on over to catch some light.
1/16/202320 minutes, 28 seconds
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Bless + Release: 4 practices to let go of the past

When we stay attached to our experiences we can create suffering. So, are you willing to give over one painful experience—and the suffering that came with it—to your heart for healing? I’m offering some oversimplified instructions on how to let go of the past in this episode of WITH LOVE, DANIELLE.
1/9/202313 minutes, 49 seconds
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Tyrant time vs. POWER TIME. What’s your paradigm?

When you’re clear on what activates your joy, time management becomes a means to self-expression, not self-policing. In this episode, I’m sharing how we can kick our time diets, and keep our time management systems from bossing us around. You're the boss. Make time for what nourishes you.
12/26/202214 minutes, 49 seconds
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Wounded or Healer? 1 question to ask yourself when you’re in pain

When you’re in a painful spot, are you seeing yourself as the wound or the healer? In this episode of WITH LOVE, DANIELLE, we’re unpacking how we each limit, expand, and identify ourselves + the events of our lives. This one is for the Healers (which is everyone).
12/12/202221 minutes, 28 seconds
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How personality typing can hold you back

Manifestation happens in the mind. So, how we label ourselves, which leads to all kinds of self-talk and behaviors, is really important. I’m taking us there today on WITH LOVE, DANIELLE. We’re going to shake up your personal label-maker and set you free.
12/5/202224 minutes, 40 seconds
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32 personality labels… and how to let most of them go.

What if you let all the labels go? This conversation is a shakedown of assumptions and labels—the ultimate mind conditioning. I’m throwing down on how our “stories” about the present are based on the past. And doing a LOT of questioning about our roles in life. Press play and shake it up with me.
11/28/202221 minutes, 16 seconds
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A simple, daily metaphysical practice for manifesting.

To manifest wisely—on behalf of Love—you need 2 things. Press play for the breakdown. PLUS! You’ll learn how to work with “visualization vignettes” + colour frequencies to nurture your visions, daily. AND! I’ll help you avoid the one mistake I see people make most often… WITH, LOVE.
11/21/202215 minutes, 16 seconds
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Your HEART’s desire vs. ego-driven goals

The days of self-centered bucket lists are over. Press play for the one beautiful question to ask yourself before you set out to get it. And how to get closer to your HEART’S desire without the burnout. When we add inclusive LOVE to the plan, the Universe steps up the support…
11/14/202225 minutes, 21 seconds
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Receptivity is the new Power

I’ve got a new power move for you: becoming receptive to Higher Guidance. In this episode, you’ll learn a simple reflection practice for letting wisdom flow into you—because you can’t chase that kind of deep knowing. You open up to it. Press play for a major re-frame. And we can exhale together.
11/7/202225 minutes, 34 seconds
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Unconditioning your mind by focusing on your heart

Think with Love and you create a very powerful, beautiful life. This conversation is designed to help you tap your greatest power: your genius heart. You will learn how to train yourself to keep returning to Love via your thoughts. Ease and grace await… WITH LOVE, DANIELLE.
10/31/202232 minutes, 40 seconds
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Forgiving your upbringing.

We get messed up in our childhood by people who are doing the best they can. But it’s not the whole story. Today I’m walking us through The Wound-to-Healing Sequence. It will have some of us nodding, sighing with relief, and some of us maybe like, noooo way. Either way… it’s all WITH LOVE, DANIELLE.
10/24/202229 minutes, 33 seconds
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7 ways to transmute trauma into healing

Everything can be an opportunity for healing. Trauma can not only be healed, but transmuted into a higher energy. There’s meaning and purpose in everything—all experiences. We’re stretching into a new paradigm of compassion + forgiveness in this episode of WITH LOVE, DANIELLE. May it bring healing.
10/17/202216 minutes, 32 seconds
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Desire Higher. How to want what’s best for you—and let go of the rest.

What does it mean to DESIRE HIGHER? It’s about being open to your Soul’s guidance of what’s best for you — and for all beings. Higher desire is less “go crush it!” and much more heart centered. Desire upgrade, anyone? Let’s do it. In this episode, I’m nudging us to renovate our bucket lists.
10/10/202245 minutes, 54 seconds
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Where do your thoughts come from? Change your life with your thinking.

LIFE CHANGING NEWS: we can choose the QUALITY of our thoughts. What about the thoughts that slide in without conscious invitation? This episode of WITH LOVE, DANIELLE should help you raise your thoughts UPWARD. PLUS! We'll explore where most of our thoughts come from (hint: the subconscious mind).
10/3/202222 minutes, 32 seconds
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Your MIND FOOD and what you manifest. They are very related.

Feeling more is not the aim of spiritual growth. It’s about feeling more accurately—perceiving everything with more Love. In this episode of WITH LOVE, DANIELLE I’m breaking down how to stop obsessive thought loops and elevate what you create. I’ve been wanting to do this breakdown for a long time.
9/26/202238 minutes, 34 seconds
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What it really means when we say, “I Love You”

We incarnate to LOVE. And I have a perspective that might change how you say, “I Love you,” for the rest of your life. This episode of WITH LOVE, DANIELLE may be all I’ve ever needed to say, ever. But first, a question: Can you imagine NOT attempting in any way to change yourself? OK. Press play…
9/19/202242 minutes, 7 seconds
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Everything you wanted to know about virtues—but religion made you afraid to ask.

Does “virtue” make you think of pious? Or integrity? Forget all the religious messaging. Being virtuous is where ALL the happiness is. No signaling, no punishing systems, and dogma-free. We’re taking virtues back in this episode of WITH LOVE, DANIELLE. You may never look at Love the same way again.
9/12/202238 minutes, 49 seconds
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What resilience is NOT. A reframe on toughing it out.

Enough with the tough. Resilience is a form of Love. And it has zero to do with sucking it up and getting more steely or aggressive. You ready for a reframe? I hope so. This episode of WITH LOVE, DANIELLE is to the point and, hopefully, liberating.
9/5/202232 minutes, 17 seconds
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A simple daily practice for inclusive healing.

Who’s in for a Loving Kindness Practice? My man and I do this together to relax. Sometimes we use it to start Team D meetings. This WITH LOVE, DANIELLE episode is essentially a reminder that you are MADE of Love. Come back whenever you need it. Daily would be good.
8/29/20228 minutes, 15 seconds
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Spirituality, ego, and the beauty of being way less botherable

Philosophies of peace spoken softly. Self-sacrifice. Being on the path can appear anything but arrogant or self-serving. And it all looks great in yoga pants. But! The ego’s favorite hiding place is… personal-development workshops. Episode #52 of WITH LOVE, DANIELLE is for you + me babe.
8/22/202235 minutes, 18 seconds
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The gift your ego is trying to give you (it’s a big one)

The ego is the way our unhealed self acts. Boom. That definition can set you free. Once we truly understand that, we are going to glide through this lifetime instead of grind. This episode of WITH LOVE, DANIELLE is potentially one of the most useful I’ve ever done.
8/15/202231 minutes, 7 seconds
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How your Soul steers your body. A metaphor for making sense of it all.

How do your emotions relate to your Soul? What does the furniture in your “house” symbolize? In this FUN + short episode of WITH LOVE, DANIELLE, I have a beautiful breakdown that can help keep our human-holiness in perspective. Come on in and see how your soul steers your body. LISTEN IN…
8/8/202211 minutes, 58 seconds
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A new question to guide your life (and my first new book in 5 years!)

Turns out temporary unhappiness doesn’t hold us back from helping a friend or feeling close to The Divine. Because if we choose to let it, everything, everywhere is teaching us how to be loving. Here it is! A sneak peek of my new book, HOW TO BE LOVING! Divinely timed. Listen in.
8/1/202238 minutes, 56 seconds
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Agreeing to disagree is not the end result

It's a huge stretch when we’re frustrated with other people’s choices… but the basic commonality we all have is CHOICE. In this episode of WITH LOVE, DANIELLE, we’re expanding beyond acceptance into the highest destination… HONOUR. Tune in for a mind stretch!
7/18/202210 minutes, 42 seconds
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The courage to know, my conversation with Randy Watson

A request: please learn with me. In this conversation, you’re going to hear how perpetrators begin the cycles of seduction and fear. You’ll also hear stories of bravery and healing. And what can be done to spread more awareness and thus greater protection for women and children.
7/14/202243 minutes, 16 seconds
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Energy body + nervous system

Explanations of astral body, mental body, emotional body, and… What hangs out in your auric field anyway? PLUS! The 101 on our nervous system and why nourishing it should be our #1 focus. This is Love for ALL your bodies. Tune in, be well, vitalize your life.
7/11/202215 minutes, 9 seconds
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Love yourself enough to not take the hook

There are times to go to the mat for what you believe in. In my experience, MOST of the time, disengaging from duking it out is a very very good idea. I invite you to consider not taking the bait to fight. This is episode #45 of WITH LOVE, DANIELLE and I’m seriously rooting for your peace of mind.
6/27/202216 minutes, 16 seconds
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Nothing leaves until you love it

Everything that you create—relationship dynamics, fear and obsessions, body pain—wants to get your attention and eventually come into balance. In this episode of With Love, Danielle, I’m talking about pivoting toward the heart to let go of the pain, and getting free… for real.
6/20/202216 minutes, 22 seconds
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Our Connection to the Sun + Moon

Why do we do meditations on the Full Moon? What’s the “dark of the moon?” Does… it have anything to do with Pink Floyd? Is the moon “feminine” energy and the sun “masculine” energy? And why should we pay attention to this at all? This is my pragmatic-as-possible perspective on the super woo and super misperceptions about our relationship to the sun + moon—and why we should be very mindful about those connections. I’m also talking about Heart Centered Altars and creating those sacred spaces in our homes. My Heart Centered Altar Kit walks you through how to create a personal altar in accordance with nature and astrological alignments—that’s dedicated to the well-being of all. So beautiful. This practice comes as a bonus when you become a Heart Centered Member. Explore here: Meditate with me on the Full Moon, or on the New Moon for a community practice—or, purchase and download any one of my meditation kits for your personal practice. Whenever, wherever works for you. My podcast theme is I AM LOVE, by DJ Drez feat. Marti Nikko. Available on Spotify + iTunes. Please support independent, positive music. xo
6/13/202216 minutes, 10 seconds
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I hope you will forgive me

In the personal development realm, discussion around Forgiveness tends to focus on us Forgiving the other person for what they apparently did. But what about asking for Forgiveness? And, if I may, I want to take that a step further and talk about asking for Forgiveness from the person you think owes YOU an apology. In this episode of With Love, Danielle (#42), I’m going to tell you a personal story about digging deep for accountability––and the euphoria of fessing up. I hope this sparks heaps of reconciliation across the whole wide world. And if it does, tell me all about it. Forgiveness stories are my favourite.
5/23/202215 minutes, 49 seconds
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Doing New Things for the RIGHT REASONS

The activities that we do most habitually create the deepest grooves in the mind. All that repetition gets us hooked on the behaviour––that could be a good thing, could be a bad thing. It depends on what the behaviour is. Then there are the times in our lives when we bust out of habits and we do something new. What I’m interested in talking about is the motivation beneath the “new things” we try. Because sometimes it’s the ego pushing us to prove ourselves. And sometimes, it’s our Soul moving us toward real expansion. In this episode, I’m talking about aversions + desire (they are mates.) And the drive to be a more conscious person by doing new things, versus, the ego’s compulsion to check off impressive sh*t on a bucket list.
5/16/202216 minutes, 17 seconds
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Your Beautiful Role in the Collective Shadow

It’s fairly easy to conceive of a collective consciousness that is loving. Essentially, people who are compassionate, kind, uplifting to the world. They’re everywhere. When we think of this light, we tend to see it as a collective phenomenon. Now let’s consider the “shadow” of humanity. When we as individuals are not feeling “uplifting” or particularly high vibration––when we’re in our own despair, we tend to see ourselves as burdensome or not very useful to the collective.  But this isn’t true. There is a COLLECTIVE LIGHT and a COLLECTIVE SHADOW. And each of us is conducting both luminosity and density. This podcast episode is a very hopeful take on the high form of service of dealing with your own darkness.
5/9/202213 minutes, 36 seconds
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Speaking Tips that Translate Everywhere You Show Up

Let’s take a break from shadow work and relationship healing to tawk about tawkin' ––in public... Here’s everything I know about presenting in the most powerful way, whether you’re onstage or on Zoom in your best blouse and bikini bottoms. In this episode I explain: Why I never over prepare before I speak Why I DON’T “pump myself up” with motivational high energy before a talk  Why connecting with your Inner Child is the most powerful thing you can do How to find common ground with your audience The function of gratitude A few style tips… …And that one time I got heckled, it was truly awesome
4/25/202226 minutes, 57 seconds
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Harmlessness and Speaking Truth

Harmlessness as a virtue –– as an embodied energy, may be one of our most demanding calls as a species. It’s a commitment to the Universal Truth that can be hard to uphold. It’s tempting to wish harm on the harmful. The shadow self defines justice by metrics of punishment. But Harmlessness… harmlessness is the way our Divine Nature pursues justice. We speak Truth –– without superiority hooks, or malice. We hang above the drama and duality. We offer the course of Right Action. We stay mindful that we all come from the same source. Higher Love is a tall order in these days of division. Here’s a short podcast on why the high road is actually highly efficient –– and makes miracles happen.
4/11/202236 minutes, 27 seconds
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A Prayer for Protectors: The Shantideva Prayer

When we pray for the strength to protect others, I believe that we magnetize more Light into our lives, that inclusive prayer has extra sway in the universe. Because it’s universal law–to give is to receive. A very powerful prayer for these times is the Shantideva Prayer. It helps impress on our psyches that WE ARE TOGETHER in everything, in all life's experiences. From that heart center, our perceived “sides” and polarities start to dissolve and crumble (may they dissolve and crumble with Godspeed!).
3/28/20227 minutes, 41 seconds
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Shift from “protection mode” to being THE CHANGE

What if we didn’t expend so much energy being in "protection mode"? What would that free up? Protection is often necessary. But there’s another posture that can be more energizing. What if we held the belief that love is our greatest protection? In this micro podcast I explore the shift that moves us from protection mode to being the change. 
3/21/20225 minutes, 33 seconds
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4 questions to generate love in your relationships 

Tell me everything. How’s your heart? What can I do to help? What’s good for us? These 4 VERY SIMPLE, VERY DIRECT QUESTIONS will nourish every kind of relationship. In the podcast I go deeper into the intention and gifts of each statement. Please listen in... to your hearts.
2/14/202214 minutes
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Simplifying as a spiritual practice. You know you want to. 

Simplifying has become a magnetic pull in my cells. Less stuff, work, efforting in relationships... I’m simplifying ALL forms of clutter + noise. Listen in for how it’s allowed me to deepen. DANIELLELAPORTE.COM/WITHLOVE
9/27/202147 minutes, 45 seconds
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Being discerning vs. being judgemental

In this episode, I talk about the divine utility of disgust, and keeping it classy when you call bull. With an interlude on our favourite celestial guardian, Archangel Michael. There’s always a way to be elegant… with Love.
8/11/202118 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Heart is the Portal — my conversation with Lou George 

Holy Anger, panic attacks, the natural impulse to forgive, and how a New Earth is coming to life through each of us...  This conversation with Lou George ran deep and real. A lot of gold in here for people who struggle with ambition, human limitations, and holy questions...
7/14/202136 minutes, 15 seconds
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Being a super human, not superhuman.

In this episode we’re talking about choosing to really be here. And a more joyful route to Soul expansion. Not easy. Not fast. But it’s got equal pleasure AND restraint. After years of wanting to ascend, I’m just really grateful to be here. I hope you can say the same.
6/30/202114 minutes, 48 seconds
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Spiritually admired vs. spiritually admirable.

In this episode, we’re talking the stages of maturity. Spiritual glamour-pusses. Messiah complexes. Flexibility. And that time I sat in a circle of dignitaries sharing spiritual names... without one. Work with what you’re given:
6/16/202120 minutes, 50 seconds
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How your wisdom grows (hint: paradoxically).

We’ve got to be willing to hold a few paradoxes on our way to truth. In this episode, we’re celebrating the courage it takes to CHANGE YOUR BELIEFS, to question your teachers, and please, treasure your contradictions. Hold on and let’s transcend...
5/19/202125 minutes, 15 seconds
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Lighten your load so we can make it to the other side

Binding identities, grievances, expired dreams, regrets, possessions. Can you feel the pressure to let go?   Energetic stagnation makes us more vulnerable to all kinds of viral things—from negative thought patterns to viruses. I’m rolling out “The List of Letting Go” so we can lighten our emotional load to fit through this portal of change. Let it all go:  
10/19/202055 minutes, 5 seconds
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Rest to become wiser.

Let’s reform your relationship to REST. I’ve lined up some yogic rest evangelists to help convince you of the performance-enhancing, spirit-healing benefits of intentional chilling out. Strong people rest. Wise people rest. Rest is love. Get some:
8/24/202041 minutes
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Self doubt. Self agency. And burning your journals.

I’m going to read to you… FROM MY JOURNALS. This is a short story about big letting go — and how to hold on to the lessons, but shed the insecurities that have us search outside of ourselves.   Listen, learn, get ready to burn (maybe)…
8/10/202050 minutes, 16 seconds
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EMPATHY = I want to understand how you feel—and why.

Empathy is the antidote to misery. We have to learn to empathize like our lives depend on it. Deep work because empathy can get buried under trauma and separation dogma. Here’s what I know about opening up to people we disagree with, dissolving Ego, and being vigilant with our love. We need an empathy revolution.   Empathy changes everything:
7/13/202044 minutes, 31 seconds
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Make this change you

Experiencing crisis doesn’t change everyone—but it should. Why do some of us change as a result of suffering and some of us don’t? What creates revolutions? What will your role be in our Creation Story?
6/24/20202 hours, 13 minutes, 23 seconds
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Scenario planning with Faith

Faith is believing that the Light exists, even when it’s dark. You can’t “logic” yourself out of a crisis—you need heart centered resources. Faith is a creative tool when we’re lost and looking.
6/17/202050 minutes
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Things I do when I’m in pain

I wrote you a list of 60+ things I do when I’m in pain. The range: simple mood shifters to deep devotional practices. These methods for nourishing your nervous system and connecting to the Divine work when you’re falling apart, AND when you have your shit together. Consciousness comes in very handy.
5/27/20201 hour, 4 minutes, 48 seconds
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Your suffering is a holy event

Our deepest pain is the entry point to our authentic power. That’s why we do shadow work. I have key questions to help you navigate to the source of your suffering—and very personal stories of my own dark night of the soul that might catalyze your healing.    We’re going to find the wounds that we’ve kept hidden in our day to day, and shine the light of self-compassion on them.   Now is the time to do the deep work:
5/20/202047 minutes, 51 seconds
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Sacred reprioritization

This global shift is a chance for us to get in sync with our natural cycles—we’ve been too busy to know we’re aching for it. We’ve been in overdrive for too long. It’s part of the reason we’re in this predicament.   Stillness isn’t the absence of movement. It’s a focus on the present.    It’s time for a sacred reprioritization. I’m talking about making our pain transpersonal and connective. And finding a more sane way to accomplish our work in the world.   Please slow down and tune in:
5/13/202032 minutes, 50 seconds
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Dying for love

We’re in a quickening of consciousness. The conditions are set for rapid transformation—this is good news, possibly, maybe. I’m talking about why now is the best time to do shadow work, and how crisis can become our rebirth—if we choose it. And hey, it’s time to forgive.
5/6/20201 hour, 16 minutes, 23 seconds
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This is global group therapy. Macro to the micro, I’m talking about: why this is the best time to do the shadow work and tap compassion. Our deep longing to slow down. Making your personal pain transpersonal. Your suffering as a holy event. Clearing energetic and physical stagnation. Faith and worst-case scenarios. Navigating community with stone-hearted, half-hearted, and full-hearted people. Why we need Divine Feminine Principles more than ever. Making vows during a crisis. What’s Mother Earth really asking of us? How forgiveness propels human evolution. And what beautiful ideal can be born of this.   We need to let go of so much to make it through this passage. This is a rebirth––if we choose.   Grace for Impact is the best of my love, my training in scenario planning and future studies, and my Faith in humanity.   Listen, resonate, and please subscribe:
5/4/20203 minutes
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3 very big lies we fall for on the way to waking up.

We’ve got to fall for some lies to get to our truth… These are the lies that dogma, false power, and all kinds of commercial industries are built on. And many of us have built our spiritual lives on one of these shaky foundations.  This is a wake up call:
11/17/20191 hour, 55 seconds
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Body image, boundaries, divorce. Holy Q&A.

Divorce…? Balance and striving…? Longing to help, but feeling spread thin…? It’s a Q&A fest. I’m offering compassionate reframes and metaphysical tools.  Keep what resonates, leave the rest…
11/14/20191 hour, 4 minutes, 42 seconds
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When (not) to give up.

Should you give up, or stay the course? Preface: This post is full of contradictions, so if you’re looking for a straight shot… it’s better to look within. As always. But! I have an array of options, my friends. Sensitivity note: I start in the realm of general life stuff: Should I quit my job? Leave this relationship? Exit the church? And then we move into the deepest possible query: whether to stay on the planet. As in, choosing to stay alive. Light to dark and all the hues in between…
11/10/20191 hour, 3 minutes, 40 seconds
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Grief, memory loss, and the purpose of life… it’s a Q&A Palooza.

I receive so many substantive, well-written, messy, articulate, deep, precise questions. Gives me hope in humanity, actually. In this episode: grief, enlightenment, whether or not we should indoctrinate our children, the meaning of life… you know. Regular stuff. Go there with me:
11/7/201950 minutes, 8 seconds
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The Principles of Flow. And how to ride it.

When we say, “We're going with the flow,” what we're really saying is that we’re riding The Creative Principle. The stuff of LIFE FORCE. Flow isn’t New Age chillaxin’—it is alert relaxation. Wide awake trust. When you’re in the flow, you're constantly responding to the subtle cues that Life is giving you. Tango with the life force:
11/3/201940 minutes, 17 seconds
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When “safe distances” restrict our love.

“I've gone through my entire life holding everyone at a safe distance… how do I make friends now?” Our fear of judgment prevents us from getting the love that we're longing for. Twisted, no? But being a stranger to someone doesn’t have to be an impediment to intimacy. This is where courage comes in.
10/31/201921 minutes, 11 seconds
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Naked Prayer

For so long my prayers were a nuanced negotiation. I thought if I gave The Divine my best self then I’d earn what I was asking for. But if I can’t bring my darkness to the (capital L) Light, then where can I go to be healed?  I was overriding my most tender pain. And here’s what I know now: Your pain is what God is most urgently interested in—like any parent with their child. “Let’s get this healed so you can go out and play.” And that is how we "give it over to God." We bring our pain to the surface and then The Divine can take it from there. For the inspiration and validation to bring your whole self upward… please listen to the full episode:
10/27/201920 minutes, 36 seconds
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On psychics + clairvoyants. To call or not to call?

I think external psychic input can be extremely valuable for navigating. I’ve had seers on my payroll. And… We can often sense what's coming ourselves—we just don't recognize our own power. Wanting the encouragement of somebody else's gifted perspective is natural. And we want to make sure that craving for input doesn’t become a dependency. Keep your power within your own being. Free will, free will, free will. And PS: free will.
10/24/201925 minutes, 7 seconds
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Suffering. And the radiance you’ll find on the other side.

This is about suffering (mine in particular). And the radiance that comes after we all suffer. This isn’t a woe is me recount. I offer my stories for the sake of community, for potentially softening your learning curve, and for hope. I’m convinced that by sharing our stories of getting through struggle, we help each other heal. In this episode I also POUR ON THE HOPE AND ENCOURAGEMENT for those of us in similar circumstances. Please listen if you’re in need.
10/20/201945 minutes, 29 seconds
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Keeping it real and keeping the peace: A few tips for family visits

My fellow grown up, let’s get you centered in your truth and prepped for family gatherings… so you don’t end up in the bathroom drunk-dialing your therapist, or your highschool sweetheart (who’s now married with 3 kids).  You have the inner resources. Acceptance! Self respect! Compassion! And so much LOVE! I have some ideas for staying sane (and ideally: being your most loving self), even if you want to get the hell out of there: PS: A gift for podcast listeners… Get a hardcopy of my White Hot Truth book. In the mail. For free. (Just pay shipping.) How to’s: Head to:  Add the book to your cart.  Use the promo code PODCASTLOVE at checkout.  Rejoice! Hug your delivery person.
10/17/201925 minutes, 27 seconds
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The narcissist + the empath. How to have compassion AND healthy standards.

You’d think that as empathetic humans, who are so attuned to our own feelings, we’d know immediately when someone has jacked into our own life force. But we just keep tolerating toxic dynamics in the name of compassion. Here’s how to apply your compassion with DISCERNMENT when it comes to narcissists…
10/13/201926 minutes, 9 seconds
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The dance of self-forgiveness

So many of us grip our mistakes because we never want to make them (and hurt anybody) again. But the moving forward can only happen when you can really forgive yourself. It’s possible. And there’s a sequence to it. Here’s how I practice:
10/10/20199 minutes, 4 seconds
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How to be classy when things don’t work out as expected

Loss brings out our truest self. And while grace doesn’t come naturally to all of us—especially when we lose—it can be cultivated… if you go out of your way to be grateful. Let me tell you a story. It all starts in the ladies room, in a snowy city, five minutes before my curtain call…
10/6/201913 minutes, 26 seconds
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When you feel like you have nothing to offer. (And our obsession with productivity.)

When you feel like you have nothing to offer—TRUST your rhythms. Rest. Regenerate. Do what it takes to be well. Our culture confuses productivity-output-achievement with self-worth. To unhook from that fiction:
10/3/20197 minutes, 38 seconds
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When you can’t have a direct conversation, go for the Higher Self.

When things are brutally difficult with somebody, sometimes the healthiest thing is to have a non-verbal, encouragement convo. When you can’t safely/bravely express yourself in this realm, then use an esoteric channel—speak to the other person’s Higher Self. It might be the best conversation you’ve ever had.
9/29/201925 minutes, 23 seconds
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Create a “What I Trust” list. And exhale.

I’ve gotten in the habit of creating a “What I Trust” list before a big gig or opportunity, or when any situation feels wobbly. Often we’re fixated on firing up endorphins (and there are times for that), that we forget that feeling assured and comforted is where the real power is. Calm and centered is magnetic. The “What I Trust” list is for focus and soothing your nervous system. Instead of mustering bravado about things that we hope are true, we root into what we viscerally know we can rely on. So… what do you trust?
9/26/201912 minutes, 29 seconds
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Heart-centered manifesting: plans that also serve the collective.

It’s too late in the day, and too hot, crowded, and a little too painful on the planet, to be focused solely on personal attainment. Manifestation is a technology, and like all technologies, I pray that we use it to generate more loving realities for ourselves and for each other. You can still reach for the dream job, the healthy bod’, and the love of your life. You get to want what you want. Always. I’m saying: want all of those things, AND incorporate other people’s wellness in your vision. Pray that when you receive those things, it will make you more generous, more joyous, more healthy… more able to contribute to the collective happiness of everybody around you. This episode is a roundup of the potential mis-steps of popular manifestation techniques, and an invitation for something deeper and unifying.
9/22/201948 minutes, 37 seconds
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Arguing with your inner critic? There’s a much better way.

The first thing to do with that inner critic voice is to have compassion for it. (This is counterintuitive because we live in a performance-based culture that thrives on judgement.) Approach with love—then instead of creating further separation from your heart, you’re building a bridge. Anytime you bring compassion to a situation you will see it more clearly. Compassion is the light of Love. It’s the true power source. Speak of it often. Here’s some direction:
9/19/201911 minutes, 20 seconds
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Shadow work: bringing it into the light.

Our Shadow Self is not an evil-twin personality that we have to master. It’s our neglected inner child—our deep sensitivity. Our greatest opportunity for building strength comes from the work of healing our woundedness. I know this because I lived it: learning to love my most wounded self was my ultimate restoration. Encouragement for your journey:
9/15/201946 minutes, 12 seconds
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Making new friends as an adult: Tenderness and expansion.

Making new friends in your 30s, 40s, and onwards — it’s never, EVER too late. Your longing for sisterhood is both primal and divine. Friendship is the medicine. It's the elixir that we need right now, more than ever. Your desire is so HEALTHY. Friendships are my primary religion so here’s what I suggest…
9/12/201919 minutes, 3 seconds
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What's your relationship to mornings?

We can all understand the importance of starting our day in an intentional way. But before we jump into new habits, we need to look into our psyche and examine what’s really up when we wake up. Each of us has a pre-existing relationship with “mornings”. And it matters. Menus of morning habits are easy to come by (harder to practice). But habits are only bandaids unless we get beneath the surface of our behavior and relating. That’s what most productivity methods fail to ask. What were mornings like for you growing up? What does your ideal morning *feel* like? Welcome to Morning Therapy (but, like, not therapy) with Danielle! I struggled with mornings for a long time. There was a kind of resistance to starting the day, even when there was the presence of joy. I decided to take a deeper, psychological look—and it shifted everything for me. With a little help from my psychotherapist, essentially I created my own therapeutic approach to mornings.  Morning mindfulness is how you activate your superpowers. Your steadiness and strength. And your connection to the sacred—everything we need on the graceful and the challenging days. So, how do we power up our pre-day? First, we go deeper.
9/8/20191 hour, 14 minutes, 27 seconds
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Are we each other's reflection? Yes. And No.

Are you attracting jerks because you’re a jerk? Maybe. Maybe not. Sometimes the jerk is there to show you how you do NOT want to feel or be treated—because contrast is one of our most powerful teachers. The flipside: what they may be here to illuminate is how you DO want to feel and who you truly are. I am a 100% yes to the theory that we attract certain people into our lives to teach us certain things. And—everyone is not your complete reflection. Here’s what I mean…
9/5/201912 minutes, 16 seconds
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Loving yourself (and others) anyway you can

Love is one of the most wrung out, misused, and challenging concepts in philosophy, and (more specifically) in self-help teachings. And if “love” is a confusing concept… then “self-love” is utterly mystifying.  This episode is a long strand of pragmatic and esoteric pearls for self compassion. It’s a reminder that deepening our self-love expands our ability to love others. Real love is mystical and very palpable. It's holy and it's human. It's poetic… and it gets the job done. How do we love ourselves—and each other? Let me count the ways…
9/1/201954 minutes, 21 seconds
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One-night Stands

The Q: “What’s your opinion on one-night stands when it’s ultimately not aligned with what you want in your forever partner? I know women who wait years of sexual deprivation because they’re holding out for The One.” Where do I stand on one-night stands? Are they soul satisfying… or just a distraction in your pants? In this episode, I open up about holding out and putting out. Let’s get... intimate:
8/29/201919 minutes, 25 seconds
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Spirituality for grown-ups

For those of us who believe in the intelligence of love, roll call! This is for the deep-feelers. There are a thousand reasons to be highly concerned for the world, but by the end of this conversation I hope you feel less like a spiritual worrier and more like a spiritual warrior. I’m talking about fierce gentleness, self agency, and how we make choices from our resiliency. Courage, my love. Listen in:
8/25/201951 minutes, 40 seconds
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Trailer: With Love, Danielle

I'm here to help you turn your anxiety into power—to live more deeply, but lighten up. This is a conversation about self realization, self respect, and self agency… and then how we extend that dignity and that kindness to each other. The first episode launches on August 25, 2019! Compassion, self-help fatigue, sex, joy, spirituality, and serving the world—practically. Tune in Sunday for a sermon and for Thursday’s Q&A—send your Qs to me at Anything goes.
8/14/20193 minutes, 41 seconds