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Winkler Bergthaler Mennonite Church Profile

Winkler Bergthaler Mennonite Church

English, Christianity, 1 season, 141 episodes, 6 days, 5 hours, 51 minutes
Messages from Winkler Bergthaler Mennonite Church, Manitoba Canada
Episode Artwork

A People for His Own Possession

1/1/11 hour, 15 minutes, 12 seconds
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Three Celebrations Are Given in Honour of Jesus

1/1/153 minutes, 16 seconds
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In Him

1/1/11 hour, 4 minutes, 22 seconds
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The History of Redemption

1/1/11 hour, 41 seconds
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How to Respond to the Truth of God's Word

1/1/11 hour, 15 minutes, 59 seconds
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Jesus, the Resurrection and the Life

1/1/155 minutes, 31 seconds
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Christ's Resurrection, The Foundation on Which We Stand

1/1/155 minutes, 27 seconds
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Living Righteously Before God In Giving

1/1/155 minutes, 39 seconds
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Who is Joseph of Nazareth?

1/1/159 minutes, 33 seconds
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The Reason for the Gift

1/1/11 hour, 8 minutes, 51 seconds
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How to Tame (Control) the Tongue Pt 1

1/1/155 minutes, 18 seconds
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Patiently Enduring Trials

1/1/11 hour, 16 minutes, 7 seconds
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Three Truths About Our Journey to Heaven

1/1/155 minutes, 35 seconds
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The Healing of the Lame Man

1/1/154 minutes, 1 second
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Three Reasons for the New Covenant

1/1/11 hour, 6 minutes, 52 seconds
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How Are We to Worship?

1/1/11 hour, 4 minutes, 49 seconds
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God Uses A Mom and A Daughter to Deliver the Deliverer

1/1/155 minutes, 18 seconds
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The Image Of God Pt 3

1/1/11 hour, 15 minutes, 21 seconds
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2021 Winkler Community Worship Service

1/1/11 hour, 18 minutes, 19 seconds
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Godly Instruction for the Whole Church

1/1/11 hour, 10 minutes, 52 seconds
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The Marks of a Godly Father: Job 1:1-2:10

1/1/11 hour, 18 seconds
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The Powerful Influence Of A Mother

1/1/151 minutes, 3 seconds
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The Prayer of the Vulnerable

1/1/11 hour, 15 minutes, 40 seconds
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Mourning Turns to Fear, Wonder, and Joy

1/1/11 hour, 1 minute, 40 seconds
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I Will Give You Rest

1/1/159 minutes, 40 seconds
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Making Disciples, Jesus’ Plan to Reach the World

1/1/147 minutes, 36 seconds
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Experiencing God's Grace in Fiery Trials

1/1/11 hour, 6 minutes, 39 seconds
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A Holy God

1/1/11 hour, 7 minutes, 9 seconds
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How to Submit to God Pt 1

1/1/144 minutes, 14 seconds
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Daniel in the Lion's Den (Pt 1)

1/1/11 hour, 4 minutes, 6 seconds
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Armed with Holy Thinking

1/1/11 hour, 13 minutes, 27 seconds
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Is Hell a Real Place?

1/1/11 hour, 12 minutes, 14 seconds
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Christian Ministry is Sharing the Gospel Part 2

1/1/11 hour, 3 minutes, 2 seconds
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The High Cost of Discipleship

1/1/150 minutes, 2 seconds
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Five Reasons To Be Thankful When Lives Are Transformed

1/1/158 minutes, 18 seconds
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The Benefits of Remaining (Abiding) In Christ

1/1/157 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Persons and Events God Used to Bring Us A Savior

1/1/11 hour, 11 minutes, 32 seconds
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Christ Resurrection Gives Hope

1/1/11 hour, 1 minute, 24 seconds
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Jesus, The Light of the World

1/1/153 minutes, 34 seconds
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Make Your Calling And Election Sure

1/1/156 minutes, 32 seconds
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Laying Hold of God's Promises

1/1/11 hour, 8 minutes, 47 seconds
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The Purpose of Sharing the Gospel Pt 2

1/1/11 hour, 12 minutes, 14 seconds
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Called To Be Holly

1/1/11 hour, 7 minutes, 55 seconds
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The Crucifixion of Jesus

1/1/11 hour, 2 minutes
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He Set His Face to go to Jerusalem

1/1/159 minutes, 2 seconds
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How to Overcome the Evil of Favoritism Pt 2

1/1/156 minutes, 13 seconds
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Suffering Unjustly To Glorify God

1/1/11 hour, 8 minutes, 2 seconds
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Must Believers Endure the Tribulation?

1/1/11 hour, 11 minutes, 33 seconds
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Authentic Prayer

1/1/11 hour, 5 minutes
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Winning In The Midst of Trials Pt 2

1/1/11 hour, 22 seconds
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Being Like the Father

1/1/11 hour, 4 minutes, 18 seconds
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The Lord's Supper

1/1/11 hour, 1 minute, 50 seconds
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Prayer is the Answer

1/1/155 minutes, 38 seconds
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The Image Of God Pt 2

1/1/11 hour, 11 minutes, 17 seconds
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Thankfulness Comes From a Giving Heart

1/1/151 minutes, 18 seconds
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The Foretelling of the Gift

1/1/11 hour, 58 seconds
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The Proud He is Able to Humble

1/1/11 hour, 11 minutes, 5 seconds
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Our Heavenly Father Will Provide

1/1/151 minutes, 59 seconds
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Stephen: A Motive of Love vs Outcome

1/1/11 hour, 18 minutes, 14 seconds
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Daniel in the Lion's Den (Pt 3)

1/1/11 hour, 15 minutes, 49 seconds
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Your Calling

1/1/11 hour, 6 minutes, 6 seconds
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Preparing to Stand

1/1/159 minutes, 37 seconds
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Four Requirements For Being An Ambassador For Christ

1/1/11 hour, 2 minutes, 2 seconds
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Saved By Grace, Not By Works

1/1/159 minutes, 28 seconds
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What Does The Ascension Of Jesus Mean For Us

1/1/159 minutes, 34 seconds
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Stewards of God's Grace

1/1/11 hour, 8 minutes, 23 seconds
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As We Wait

1/1/11 hour, 5 minutes, 52 seconds
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They That Wait Upon the Lord

1/1/11 hour, 21 minutes, 1 second
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Built to Last

1/1/11 hour, 18 minutes, 2 seconds
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How Do We Stand Firm in Love?

1/1/11 hour, 5 minutes, 22 seconds
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The Ministry of the Holy Spirit

1/1/11 hour, 6 minutes, 23 seconds
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The Last Supper

1/1/153 minutes, 46 seconds
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Two Types of Wisdom that leads to Two Different Destinies

1/1/11 hour, 3 minutes, 49 seconds
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Children of the Promise

1/1/154 minutes, 31 seconds
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Jesus, the Way and the Truth and the Life

1/1/158 minutes, 36 seconds
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The Mountain We Must Climb

1/1/11 hour, 22 minutes, 29 seconds
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How to Possess the True Faith

1/1/11 hour, 12 minutes, 55 seconds
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The Receiving of the Gift

1/1/11 hour, 13 minutes, 20 seconds
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How To Overcome Temptation

1/1/11 hour, 18 minutes, 43 seconds
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The Resurrection

1/1/11 hour, 1 minute, 59 seconds
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Ministry of the Holy Spirit

1/1/11 hour, 45 seconds
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The Purpose of Suffering Pt 1

1/1/153 minutes, 33 seconds
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The High Cost of Being A Disciple (Pt 2)

1/1/11 hour
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Winning In The Midst of Trials Pt 1

1/1/11 hour, 4 minutes, 38 seconds
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The Purpose of Suffering Pt 3

1/1/157 minutes, 5 seconds
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Choose Life

1/1/11 hour, 3 minutes, 9 seconds
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Who Are We?

1/1/11 hour, 4 minutes, 57 seconds
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The Day of the Lord

1/1/154 minutes, 37 seconds
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The Appropriate Conduct for Christian Wives and Husbands

1/1/11 hour, 3 minutes, 23 seconds
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How to Tame (Control) the Tongue Pt 2

1/1/155 minutes, 5 seconds
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The Purpose of Suffering Pt 2

1/1/11 hour, 4 minutes, 19 seconds
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Who Is The Greatest in The Kingdom of God

1/1/11 hour, 16 minutes, 25 seconds
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Behold, I Make All Things New

1/1/159 minutes, 57 seconds
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What's the problem? Living in Our Current Culture

1/1/11 hour, 17 minutes, 14 seconds
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The People of God and the Last Days: Who is Israel?

1/1/11 hour, 17 minutes, 57 seconds
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Ministering to Those Who Reject God's Design

1/1/11 hour, 16 minutes, 23 seconds
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When Jesus Comes

1/1/140 minutes, 7 seconds
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How to Overcome the Evil of Favoritism Pt 1

1/1/155 minutes, 47 seconds
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On The Way to The Cross

1/1/11 hour, 2 minutes, 35 seconds
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Jesus, Lamb And Saviour

1/1/11 hour, 7 minutes, 19 seconds
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The Incarnation of Jesus

1/1/11 hour, 4 minutes, 48 seconds
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False Teachers

1/1/11 hour, 7 minutes, 15 seconds
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The Anticipation of the Gift

1/1/11 hour, 11 minutes, 36 seconds
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The Image Of God Pt 1

1/1/11 hour, 5 minutes, 8 seconds
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Misusing One's Wealth

1/1/11 hour, 13 minutes, 50 seconds
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The Process of Redemption

1/1/156 minutes, 25 seconds
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Christian Ministry Is Sharing the Gospel

1/1/155 minutes, 52 seconds
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Farewell, Stand Strong

1/1/11 hour, 1 minute, 21 seconds
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The Blessings of a Living Hope

1/1/11 hour, 16 minutes, 48 seconds
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Work is a Blessing

1/1/158 minutes, 15 seconds
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Letter To The Churches (Pt 1)

1/1/11 hour, 16 minutes, 59 seconds
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The Purpose of Sharing the Gospel Pt 1

1/1/11 hour, 4 minutes, 46 seconds
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The Kingdom of Heaven is Like…

1/1/155 minutes, 40 seconds
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Daniel in the Lion's Den (Pt 2)

1/1/11 hour, 3 minutes, 24 seconds
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Purpose of God's Planning

1/1/11 hour, 14 seconds
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Speaking the Truth in a Volatile Situation (Pt 1)

1/1/155 minutes, 58 seconds
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We Serve a Holy God

1/1/11 hour, 9 minutes, 48 seconds
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The Lord Knows How to Rescue the Godly from Trials

1/1/11 hour
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In His Name

1/1/11 hour, 11 seconds
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Letter To The Churches (Pt 2)

1/1/11 hour, 5 minutes, 20 seconds
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The Four Characteristics of a Godly Mother

1/1/11 hour, 14 seconds
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The Lord's Supper

1/1/11 hour, 6 minutes, 26 seconds
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Planning Without Consulting God

1/1/11 hour, 8 minutes, 57 seconds
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The Healing Of The Lame Man

1/1/11 hour, 4 minutes, 25 seconds
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Using Our Gifts and Talents For the Kingdom of God

1/1/11 hour, 11 minutes, 18 seconds
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Letter To The Churches (Pt 3)

1/1/11 hour, 6 minutes, 26 seconds
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Speaking the Truth in a Volatile Situation (Pt 2)

1/1/11 hour, 1 minute, 30 seconds
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Jesus, the Gate of Heaven

1/1/11 hour, 5 minutes, 46 seconds
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How to Submit to God Pt 2

1/1/11 hour, 7 minutes, 22 seconds
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1/1/159 minutes, 4 seconds
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Jesus, The Bread of Life

1/1/11 hour, 54 seconds
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How Do We Regard the Word of God?

1/1/11 hour, 7 minutes, 44 seconds
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Five Reasons to Remain Faithful at all Times

1/1/157 minutes, 52 seconds
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Five Reasons to Remain Faithful at all Times Pt 2

1/1/11 hour, 1 minute, 36 seconds
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The Holy Spirit

1/1/11 hour, 7 minutes, 16 seconds
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Giving from a Thankful Heart

1/1/146 minutes, 39 seconds
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Five Reasons to Remain Faithful at all Times Pt 3

1/1/11 hour, 1 minute, 17 seconds
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Do Not Be Yoked With Nonbelievers

1/1/153 minutes, 36 seconds
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What Will Be The Sign Of His Coming

1/1/11 hour, 3 minutes, 29 seconds
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Joy In The Midst Of Conflict

1/1/11 hour, 17 minutes
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Generosity, The Key To Living

1/1/11 hour, 5 minutes, 11 seconds