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Truth Over Tribe: Christian Takes on Culture, News & Politics

English, News media, 1 season, 137 episodes, 5 days, 11 hours, 45 minutes
Tired of the culture war? This is that podcast thatโ€™s too liberal for conservatives, too conservative for liberals. We seek to follow the lamb, not the donkey or elephant.
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Breaking The Partisan Echo Chamber with Nicholas Kristof

In this conversation, Nicholas Kristof discusses his experiences in dangerous situations, his views on religion and faith, and the importance of respecting different perspectives. He explores the decline of Christianity's cultural influence, the dangers of echo chambers, and the impact of economic factors on communities. Kristof also addresses the role of family and faith in success, the challenges of civil discourse, and the resonance of the message that 'the system is rigged.' Overall, the conversation highlights the complexity of people's beliefs and the need for understanding and empathy in today's polarized society. Takeaways - Respect and listen to people with different views, even if you disagree with them. - The decline of Christianity's cultural influence has both positive and negative consequences. - Engage in civil discourse and persuasion rather than attacking or demonizing those with different opinions. - The importance of community institutions and social support in addressing social issues. - Success is influenced by a combination of hard work, good choices, and luck. - The impact of economic factors on communities and the need for economic support and prevention of teen pregnancies. Have you benefitted personally from Truth Over Tribe or seen it have a positive effect on someone you know? have you used the podcast, book, or blog as a catalyst for conversation on polarizing topics? We want to hear about it! Share your story at Ok, truth time... Did you like this episode? Tell us by leaving a rating or review! ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ If you did, you won't want to miss what's next (so subscribe now!). And help a friend by sharing this with them. Thank you! ๐Ÿ™ Plus, the conversation is just beginning! Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to join in on the dialogue! If you disagree with anything in this episode, we'd love to hear your thoughts here. Want to learn more about Truth Over Tribe? Visit our website and subscribe to our weekly newsletter. Want more truth over tribe? Check out our resources!
1/31/2024 โ€ข 49 minutes, 33 seconds
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You Are Your Habits In Parenting and Politics with Justin Whitmel Earley

In this conversation, Patrick and Justin Whitmel Earley explore the role of discipleship and healthy spiritual practices in addressing problems and shaping personal and family life. It emphasizes the importance of forming habits to overcome fear and irritability in parenting and highlights the influence of parents' habits on their children. The impact of habits on political campaigns and the need to overcome discouragement in forming habits are also discussed. Patrick and Justin explore the power of communal habits and the role they play in evangelism and shaping culture. They discuss the link between habits and culture, emphasizing the importance of formation over education. The concept of a rule of life is introduced as a practical way for individuals to shape and disciple themselves. The conversation concludes with a discussion on the significance of friendship in the context of loneliness and evangelism. Takeaways - Discipleship is the beginning of the answer to addressing problems and shaping personal and family life. - Parents should prioritize discipleship to Jesus and focus on their own habits as a way to influence their children's spiritual formation. - Fear can lead to controlling behavior in parenting, while love forms us into discipling or shepherding parents. - Forming small habits can lead to significant changes in personal and family life, even amidst the messiness and chaos. - Habits and presence have a greater impact on disrupting cultural moods than arguments and apologetics. Communal habits are essential for evangelism and shaping culture. - Formation through habits is more impactful than education alone. - Embracing a rule of life can help individuals shape and disciple themselves. - Friendship plays a crucial role in combating loneliness and engaging in evangelism. Have you benefitted personally from Truth Over Tribe or seen it have a positive effect on someone you know? have you used the podcast, book, or blog as a catalyst for conversation on polarizing topics? We want to hear about it! Share your story at Ok, truth time... Did you like this episode? Tell us by leaving a rating or review! ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ If you did, you won't want to miss what's next (so subscribe now!). And help a friend by sharing this with them. Thank you! ๐Ÿ™ Plus, the conversation is just beginning! Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to join in on the dialogue! If you disagree with anything in this episode, we'd love to hear your thoughts here. Want to learn more about Truth Over Tribe? Visit our website and subscribe to our weekly newsletter. Want more truth over tribe? Check out our resources!
1/24/2024 โ€ข 55 minutes, 13 seconds
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Punch Right or Left? Navigating Politics as Christians in 2024

Patrick and Keith discuss the ongoing debate between evangelicals on how to engage politics and culture. Should Christian punch right and coddle left? Should Christians have No Enemies To The Right? Or is there a different and more faithful way of engaging with politics as a Christian? They make observations on the arguments and explore how Christians can build unity between believers of different political persuasions. Highlights: - The Iowa caucuses and New Hampshire primary kicking off the election season - Ongoing critiques between those emphasizing Christian nationalism vs progressivism - Concerns about "punching right" vs "coddling left" - The incentives of social media driving repetitive arguments - Moving past right vs left frames to prioritize the kingdom of God - Cultivating compassion for people on all sides - Speaking the truth in love to both critique and build others up Have you benefitted personally from Truth Over Tribe or seen it have a positive effect on someone you know? have you used the podcast, book, or blog as a catalyst for conversation on polarizing topics? We want to hear about it! Share your story at Ok, truth time... Did you like this episode? Tell us by leaving a rating or review! ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ If you did, you won't want to miss what's next (so subscribe now!). And help a friend by sharing this with them. Thank you! ๐Ÿ™ Plus, the conversation is just beginning! Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to join in on the dialogue! If you disagree with anything in this episode, we'd love to hear your thoughts here. Want to learn more about Truth Over Tribe? Visit our website and subscribe to our weekly newsletter. Want more truth over tribe? Check out our resources!
1/17/2024 โ€ข 45 minutes, 32 seconds
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Why Did Philip Yancey Deconstruct His Faith? with Philip Yancey

Philip Yancey's story is a compelling journey of faith, doubt, and grace. Raised in a toxic, fundamentalist church, he grew disillusioned, seeing God misrepresented. His faith hung on by a thread in college, where he became a campus rebel, a heretic in the eyes of many. But Yancey didn't abandon his faith; instead, he deconstructed it to rebuild something more authentic. His writing career became a quest to rediscover Jesus, prayer, and the essentials of faith. Encountering grace in its purest form, Yancey's story is a testament to the power of reimagining faith beyond legalism and into the liberating arms of genuine grace. If you're grappling with faith or just love a good redemption story, this episode is a must-listen! Have you benefitted personally from Truth Over Tribe or seen it have a positive effect on someone you know? have you used the podcast, book, or blog as a catalyst for conversation on polarizing topics? We want to hear about it! Share your story at Ok, truth time... Did you like this episode? Tell us by leaving a rating or review! ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ If you did, you won't want to miss what's next (so subscribe now!). And help a friend by sharing this with them. Thank you! ๐Ÿ™ Plus, the conversation is just beginning! Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to join in on the dialogue! If you disagree with anything in this episode, we'd love to hear your thoughts here. Want to learn more about Truth Over Tribe? Visit our website and subscribe to our weekly newsletter. Want more truth over tribe? Check out our resources!
1/10/2024 โ€ข 54 minutes, 25 seconds
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Youโ€™re Reading Revelation All Wrong with Scot McKnight

End Times, the mark of the beast, and the Antichrist. Oh, my! Were these your takeaways from reading Revelation? Youโ€™re not alone! Todayโ€™s guest, Scot McKnight, author of Revelation for the Rest of Us, also grew up viewing this book as a prediction of End Times events. But whatโ€™s wrong with reading Revelation as a predictive prophecy? Whatโ€™s the real purpose of this apocalyptic literature? In this fascinating episode, McKnight explains how John designed his Book of Revelation to disciple readers into dissidents of the ways of the world and empire, or "Babylon." Learn how the Bible repeatedly uses Babylon as imagery, how Babylon finds its way into the church, and how Christians can learn to live in Babylon without being contaminated by it. We hope you leave this episode experiencing the real wisdom, witness, and worship lessons Revelation was meant to offer. Listen now! Have you benefitted personally from Truth Over Tribe or seen it have a positive effect on someone you know? have you used the podcast, book, or blog as a catalyst for conversation on polarizing topics? We want to hear about it! Share your story at Ok, truth time... Did you like this episode? Tell us by leaving a rating or review! ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ If you did, you won't want to miss what's next (so subscribe now!). And help a friend by sharing this with them. Thank you! ๐Ÿ™ Plus, the conversation is just beginning! Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to join in on the dialogue! If you disagree with anything in this episode, we'd love to hear your thoughts here. Want to learn more about Truth Over Tribe? Visit our website and subscribe to our weekly newsletter. Want more truth over tribe? Check out our resources! Resources Buy the Revelation for the Rest of Us
1/3/2024 โ€ข 52 minutes, 50 seconds
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When The Bible Goes To Washington with Kaitlyn Scheiss

A city on a hill. The light of the world. The hope of nations. Are these about Jesus or America? These ideas might come from the Bible, but politicians love to apply them to our country. Why? And is there a problem with doing that? Today, Patrick speaks with Kaitlyn Scheiss, author of The Bible and the Ballot: How Scripture Has Been Used And Abused In American Politics and How We Go From Here. Both Republicans and Democrats toss Bible verses around like a basket of rolls at a church potluck but neither wants to stick around to help clean up after. Have you benefitted personally from Truth Over Tribe or seen it have a positive effect on someone you know? have you used the podcast, book, or blog as a catalyst for conversation on polarizing topics? We want to hear about it! Share your story at Ok, truth time... Did you like this episode? Tell us by leaving a rating or review! ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ If you did, you won't want to miss what's next (so subscribe now!). And help a friend by sharing this with them. Thank you! ๐Ÿ™ Plus, the conversation is just beginning! Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to join in on the dialogue! If you disagree with anything in this episode, we'd love to hear your thoughts here. Want to learn more about Truth Over Tribe? Visit our website and subscribe to our weekly newsletter. Want more truth over tribe? Check out our resources! Resources Buy The Bible and the Ballot Book
12/27/2023 โ€ข 1 hour, 19 minutes, 26 seconds
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How The World Was Remade Forever In 1776 with Andrew Wilson

Andrew Wilson discusses the importance of history and why Christians should care about it. He explains that our understanding of history shapes our worldview and influences how we navigate contemporary issues. Wilson also explores the significance of the year 1776, arguing that it played a crucial role in shaping the modern West. He highlights key events and ideas from that year, such as the Industrial Revolution, the publication of influential books, and the rise of democracy. Wilson concludes by examining why America became and remained a democracy, despite the absence of other democratic nations at the time. Takeaways - Understanding history is essential for accurately identifying the good and bad aspects of our own time. - Our worldview and beliefs are shaped by the narrative of history, so it is important to critically examine and refine our understanding of the past. - The year 1776 had a significant impact on shaping the modern West, with key events and ideas such as the Industrial Revolution, the publication of influential books, and the rise of democracy. - America's unlikely victory in the Revolutionary War and its subsequent establishment and maintenance of democracy set it apart from other nations at the time. Have you benefitted personally from Truth Over Tribe or seen it have a positive effect on someone you know? have you used the podcast, book, or blog as a catalyst for conversation on polarizing topics? We want to hear about it! Share your story at Ok, truth time... Did you like this episode? Tell us by leaving a rating or review! ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ If you did, you won't want to miss what's next (so subscribe now!). And help a friend by sharing this with them. Thank you! ๐Ÿ™ Plus, the conversation is just beginning! Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to join in on the dialogue! If you disagree with anything in this episode, we'd love to hear your thoughts here. Want to learn more about Truth Over Tribe? Visit our website and subscribe to our weekly newsletter. Want more truth over tribe? Check out our resources!
12/20/2023 โ€ข 1 hour, 1 minute, 7 seconds
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Mixed Ethnic Identity in the American Church with Eli Bonilla Jr.

One of our favorite topics to discuss on Truth Over Tribe is race and ethnicity, but one related topic we have yet to explore here is mixed ethnic identity. Today, weโ€™re excited to do that when Eli Bonilla Jr., author of โ€œMixed: Embracing Complexity by Uncovering Your God-Led Identity,โ€ joins Patrick on the pod! Youโ€™ll hear all about Eliโ€™s experience having a mixed ethnic heritage, why he always felt caught in the middle, and why, after 2020, he stopped identifying as a white man. Eli dives into the differences between race and ethnicity and explains why ethnicity is a healthier, more biblical lens from which to view things. He answers why Christians tend to too easily fall prey to the cultureโ€™s conversations and explains why we donโ€™t have to pick and choose which topics matter most. Plus, why does the conversation of race and ethnicity exclude so many people of color? And what message would he give to churches that are predominantly one race? Listen now! Have you benefitted personally from Truth Over Tribe or seen it have a positive effect on someone you know? have you used the podcast, book, or blog as a catalyst for conversation on polarizing topics? We want to hear about it! Share your story at Ok, truth time... Did you like this episode? Tell us by leaving a rating or review! ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ If you did, you won't want to miss what's next (so subscribe now!). And help a friend by sharing this with them. Thank you! ๐Ÿ™ Plus, the conversation is just beginning! Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to join in on the dialogue! If you disagree with anything in this episode, we'd love to hear your thoughts here. Want to learn more about Truth Over Tribe? Visit our website and subscribe to our weekly newsletter. Want more truth over tribe? Check out our resources! Resources Buy the "Mixed: Embracing Complexity by Uncovering Your God-Led Identity" Book
12/13/2023 โ€ข 55 minutes, 56 seconds
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Is Being Pro-Life Enough? with Abortion Abolitionist Bradley Pierce

Many Christians would claim to be pro-life. But a growing movement of Christians called abortion abolitionists believe that simply being pro-life isnโ€™t enough, putting them at odds with the traditional, mainstream pro-life movement. So, whatโ€™s the difference between the pro-life and abolitionist movements? Today, Keith finds out when he talks with one of the best representatives of the abolitionist movement, Bradley Pierce. Bradley is a constitutional lawyer in Texas and part of the Foundation to Abolish Abortion. Youโ€™ll hear him define the abolitionist movement and explain where he believes the pro-life movement has compromised their cause. Heโ€™ll share his disagreements with pro-life leadership and whether or not he believes there should ever be any exceptions for abortion. Plus, should mothers really be criminalized for abortions, and what are the problems with giving the government that much power? Could the abortion abolitionist movement unintentionally lead to more abortions due to its extreme views? Listen now! Have you benefitted personally from Truth Over Tribe or seen it have a positive effect on someone you know? have you used the podcast, book, or blog as a catalyst for conversation on polarizing topics? We want to hear about it! Share your story at Ok, truth time... Did you like this episode? Tell us by leaving a rating or review! ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ If you did, you won't want to miss what's next (so subscribe now!). And help a friend by sharing this with them. Thank you! ๐Ÿ™ Plus, the conversation is just beginning! Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to join in on the dialogue! If you disagree with anything in this episode, we'd love to hear your thoughts here. Want to learn more about Truth Over Tribe? Visit our website and subscribe to our weekly newsletter. Want more truth over tribe? Check out our resources!
12/6/2023 โ€ข 52 minutes, 40 seconds
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How Should Christians Engage with the Culture? with Christopher Watkin

What is culture anyway? Despite being a cultural commentary podcast, weโ€™ve never quite teased out the seemingly-simple-yet-actually-complicated definition. So today, Patrick teams up with Christopher Watkin, author of Biblical Critical Theory, to define and make sense of โ€œculture.โ€ The two discuss what culture is (and what it isnโ€™t) and what it looks like for Christians to engage with culture. Given that weโ€™re all enculturated, what should we strive for: Should we be more monocultural?ย Or should our pursuit of Christlikeness place us outside of culture as a whole? How can everyday, average Christians read the Bible and think about culture? And how should we sort out disagreements? Should our interpretation of the Bible be more postmodern in an attempt to make sense of our culture? Listen now! Has Truth Over Tribe helped you navigate tricky tribal relationships or sticky cultural topics?ย If you have found this podcast beneficial, will you consider supporting us? We hope to continue helping people ditch the donkey and the elephant to follow the lamb. Your support is appreciated! You can support usย here. Have you benefitted personally from Truth Over Tribe or seen it have a positive effect on someone you know? have you used the podcast, book, or blog as a catalyst for conversation on polarizing topics? We want to hear about it! Share your story at Ok, truth time... Did you like this episode? Tell us by leaving a rating or review! ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ If you did, you won't want to miss what's next (so subscribe now!). And help a friend by sharing this with them. Thank you! ๐Ÿ™ Plus, the conversation is just beginning! Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to join in on the dialogue! If you disagree with anything in this episode, we'd love to hear your thoughts here. Want to learn more about Truth Over Tribe? Visit our website and subscribe to our weekly newsletter. Want more truth over tribe? Check out our resources! Resources Buy the Biblical Critical Theory Book
11/28/2023 โ€ข 58 minutes, 55 seconds
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Following Jesus Means Opposing Christian Nationalism with Andrew Whitehead

The topic of Christian nationalism just wonโ€™t seem to go away. But do we really understand it? The definition is undoubtedly slippery and has led to much debate: Is calling someone a โ€œChristian nationalistโ€ a slur? Or something to be proud of? Is it good or bad for the country? For Christianity? Today, Keith sits down with Andrew Whitehead, a professor and author who has found himself at the center of the Christian nationalism debate. Hear Andrew share insights from his recent book, โ€œAmerican Idolatry: How Christian Nationalism Betrays the Gospel and Threatens the Church,โ€ giving a solid definition of Christian nationalism and explaining how biblical Christianity confronts, challenges, and corrects it. He also provides several examples of what it is (and isnโ€™t!) to demonstrate how true Christian nationalism capitalizes on power, fear, and violence to threaten the spiritual lives of American Christians. Plus, whatโ€™s a faithful path forward for making sense of the relationship between faith and politics? Listen now! Have you benefitted personally from Truth Over Tribe or seen it have a positive effect on someone you know? have you used the podcast, book, or blog as a catalyst for conversation on polarizing topics? We want to hear about it! Share your story at Ok, truth time... Did you like this episode? Tell us by leaving a rating or review! ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ If you did, you won't want to miss what's next (so subscribe now!). And help a friend by sharing this with them. Thank you! ๐Ÿ™ Plus, the conversation is just beginning! Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to join in on the dialogue! If you disagree with anything in this episode, we'd love to hear your thoughts here. Want to learn more about Truth Over Tribe? Visit our website and subscribe to our weekly newsletter. Want more truth over tribe? Check out our resources! Resources Buy the American Idolatry Book
11/22/2023 โ€ข 54 minutes, 20 seconds
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Rethinking Sex with Christine Emba

โ€œAnything goes.โ€ Thatโ€™s what modern-day sexual ethics has taught us. So, why then, do so many of our sexual experiences lead to frustration, disappointment, and shame? Today, Keith talks with Christine Emba, the author of โ€œRethinking Sexโ€ and a columnist at the Washington Post, to discover more.ย Christine starts by explaining why she walked away from evangelicalism and how evangelical traditions surrounding sex contributed to her decision. She unpacks the institutional failures of the church that she believes have led to to todayโ€™s mass dechurching movement. Then, she shares some of our cultureโ€™s faulty (and harmful!) assumptions about sex, including confusion around consent being enough and men and womenโ€™s unwillingness to admit their differences. Plus, how does she define masculinity vs. femininity, and is it harder to be a man in todayโ€™s world than it was a generation ago? How can men and women work together to rethink the topic of sex in a more constructive, virtuous way? Listen now! Have you benefitted personally from Truth Over Tribe or seen it have a positive effect on someone you know? have you used the podcast, book, or blog as a catalyst for conversation on polarizing topics? We want to hear about it! Share your story at Ok, truth time... Did you like this episode? Tell us by leaving a rating or review! ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ If you did, you won't want to miss what's next (so subscribe now!). And help a friend by sharing this with them. Thank you! ๐Ÿ™ Plus, the conversation is just beginning! Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to join in on the dialogue! If you disagree with anything in this episode, we'd love to hear your thoughts here. Want to learn more about Truth Over Tribe? Visit our website and subscribe to our weekly newsletter. Want more truth over tribe? Check out our resources! Resources Buy the Rethinking Sex Book
11/15/2023 โ€ข 52 minutes, 49 seconds
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Gen Zโ€™s Fight Against Theological Liberalism with YouTuber Redeemed Zoomer

The Asbury Revival. Rapidly growing college ministries. Recent happenings have many Christians convinced that spiritual renewal is occurring within Gen Z. Today, Patrick learns more about whatโ€™s going on in this generation when he sits down with โ€œRedeemed Zoomer,โ€ a YouTuber and leader of a group of Gen Zers across the country who are seeking to reclaim mainline denominations from liberal theology. Recently, this group, named โ€œThe Protestant Reconquista,โ€wrote their own โ€œ95 Theses,โ€ which exposed the flaws of theological liberalism, and sent them to every mainline Protestant church in America. Hear Redeemed Zoomer share more on this grassroots movement, its goals, and what he believes churches across the country must do in order to join arms against those who have abandoned the essentials of the Christian faith for secular ideologies. Plus, what has he personally witnessed the Holy Spirit doing within Gen Z? Has he experienced any resistance? Why does he hide his identity? And how does he believe churches should utilize online content to reach his generation (and beyond)? Listen now! Have you benefitted personally from Truth Over Tribe or seen it have a positive effect on someone you know? have you used the podcast, book, or blog as a catalyst for conversation on polarizing topics? We want to hear about it! Share your story at Ok, truth time... Did you like this episode? Tell us by leaving a rating or review! ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ If you did, you won't want to miss what's next (so subscribe now!). And help a friend by sharing this with them. Thank you! ๐Ÿ™ Plus, the conversation is just beginning! Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to join in on the dialogue! If you disagree with anything in this episode, we'd love to hear your thoughts here. Want to learn more about Truth Over Tribe? Visit our website and subscribe to our weekly newsletter. Want more truth over tribe? Check out our resources!
11/8/2023 โ€ข 1 hour, 4 minutes, 38 seconds
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A Skeptic's Guide to the Enneagram with Jesse Eubanks

New Age. Demonic. A self-obsessive trap. The enneagram has taken much heat from critics, many Christians being chief among them. But is there a bigger, redemptive case for the enneagram in the Christian life? Jesse Eubanks, enneagram coach, host of The EnneaCast podcast, and author of โ€œHow We Relate: Understanding God, Yourself, and Others Through the Enneagram,โ€ believes so. Today, he joins Patrick to address some of the toughest critiques of the enneagram and explain how the truth within the test can be utilized for good, both in the church and through cultural engagement. He addresses why the enneagram is so popular, whether or not the test infringes on biblical soul care, the temptation to give your personality type more explanatory power than it can handle, and whether or not the enneagram reinforces the harmful teachings of self-expressive individualism. Plus, is identity internal or external, and is there a risk of the test allowing narcissism to set in? Listen now! Have you benefitted personally from Truth Over Tribe or seen it have a positive effect on someone you know? have you used the podcast, book, or blog as a catalyst for conversation on polarizing topics? We want to hear about it! Share your story at Ok, truth time... Did you like this episode? Tell us by leaving a rating or review! ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ If you did, you won't want to miss what's next (so subscribe now!). And help a friend by sharing this with them. Thank you! ๐Ÿ™ Plus, the conversation is just beginning! Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to join in on the dialogue! If you disagree with anything in this episode, we'd love to hear your thoughts here. Want to learn more about Truth Over Tribe? Visit our website and subscribe to our weekly newsletter. Want more truth over tribe? Check out our resources! Resources Buy the How We Relate Book
11/1/2023 โ€ข 1 hour, 1 minute, 35 seconds
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Does the Bible Require Christians to Support the Nation of Israel?

By now, weโ€™re all familiar with the tragic events happening in the Middle East. We are shocked and deeply grieved by the events of October 7, 2023. And like many others, weโ€™ve recently found ourselves perplexed by some of the reactions of supporters on both sides. In this episode, Keith and Patrick arenโ€™t seeking to weigh in on this political, international situation, nor are they offering a detailed history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Today, they address one specific question: Does the Bible require Christians to support the nation-state of Israel? Listen as they walk through American Evangelicalismโ€™s historical support of the Israeli state. They provide biblical context for this way of thinking, then dive into its roots in dispensationalism and End Times Theology. They examine what the Bible really means when it comes to Abrahamโ€™s modern-day descendants and offer a truly biblical way for Christians to think about this international war. Listen now! Have you benefitted personally from Truth Over Tribe or seen it have a positive effect on someone you know? have you used the podcast, book, or blog as a catalyst for conversation on polarizing topics? We want to hear about it! Share your story at Ok, truth time... Did you like this episode? Tell us by leaving a rating or review! ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ If you did, you won't want to miss what's next (so subscribe now!). And help a friend by sharing this with them. Thank you! ๐Ÿ™ Plus, the conversation is just beginning! Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to join in on the dialogue! If you disagree with anything in this episode, we'd love to hear your thoughts here. Want to learn more about Truth Over Tribe? Visit our website and subscribe to our weekly newsletter. Want more truth over tribe? Check out our resources! To learn more about the Bear Creek Community Church Harvest Hootenanny on 10/29 click here. To learn more about Anchor Church Tacoma click here.
10/25/2023 โ€ข 50 minutes, 34 seconds
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The Toxic War on Masculinity with Nancy Pearcey

โ€œKill all men.โ€ โ€œTalking about healthy masculinity is like talking about healthy cancer.โ€ โ€œSo many men, so little ammunition.โ€ Yes, these are actual headlines. How did the idea arise that masculinity is so dangerous and destructive?ย Is there any hope for redemption for boys and men in todayโ€™s culture? Thatโ€™s what weโ€™re diving into today when Keith sits down with Nancy Pearcey, a professor at Houston Christian University and the author of several books, including her most recent, โ€œThe Toxic War on Masculinity: How Christianity Reconciles the Sexes.โ€ Hear her explain why the script for masculinity turned so toxic, discuss the differences between masculinity and femininity, and share some surprising research regarding Christian men. Plus, does Christianity have the power to overcome toxic behavior in men and reconcile the sexes? Listen now! Ok, truth time... Did you like this episode? Tell us by leaving a rating or review! ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ If you did, you won't want to miss what's next (so subscribe now!). And help a friend by sharing this with them. Thank you! ๐Ÿ™ Plus, the conversation is just beginning! Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to join in on the dialogue! If you disagree with anything in this episode, we'd love to hear your thoughts here. Want to learn more about Truth Over Tribe? Visit our website and subscribe to our weekly newsletter. Want more truth over tribe? Check out our resources! To learn more about the Bear Creek Community Church Harvest Hootenanny on 10/29 click here. To learn more about Anchor Church Tacoma click here. Resources Buy The Toxic War on Masculinity Book
10/18/2023 โ€ข 1 hour, 2 minutes, 33 seconds
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The Great Dechurching with Jim Davis

Did you know that weโ€™re currently living through the single largest religious shift in American history? But unlike past movements, this is the first shift away from religion. Jim Davis and his coauthor, Michael Graham, explore this phenomenon in their recent book, โ€œThe Great Dechurching.โ€ On todayโ€™s episode, Patrick sits down with Jim to learn more about the basis for this book: the most comprehensive, qualitative survey on dechurching thatโ€™s ever been done. Youโ€™ll hear Jim explain what it means to be โ€œdechurched,โ€ whatโ€™s the top reason for dechurching in America (the answer may surprise you!), and whatโ€™s going on in evangelicalism? Youโ€™ll get acquainted with the five types of dechurched people: cultural Christians, dechurched mainstream evangelicals, exvangelicals, dechurched BIPOC, and dechurched mainline Protestants and Catholics. Jim breaks down the makeup of each, explaining who they are, why they left the church, and whether or not theyโ€™re willing to return. Finally, what can you do to make a difference in the lives of dechurched people today? Listen now! Ok, truth time... Did you like this episode? Tell us by leaving a rating or review! ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ If you did, you won't want to miss what's next (so subscribe now!). And help a friend by sharing this with them. Thank you! ๐Ÿ™ Plus, the conversation is just beginning! Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to join in on the dialogue! If you disagree with anything in this episode, we'd love to hear your thoughts here. Want to learn more about Truth Over Tribe? Visit our website and subscribe to our weekly newsletter. Want more truth over tribe? Check out our resources! To learn more about the Bear Creek Community Church Harvest Hootenanny on 10/29 click here. To learn more about Anchor Church Tacoma click here. Resources Buy the Great Dechurching Book
10/11/2023 โ€ข 49 minutes, 19 seconds
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Should Your Faith Be A Private or Public Matter?

Something shifted in the last few decades. People used to be comfortable with religion in public life, but now? Public expressions of faith are often seen as threats to society. What happened? On this weekโ€™s episode, take a trip through history as Patrick and Keith detail the tumultuous marriage and subsequent divorce of politics and religion. Through it all, they explain how Christianity became a victim of its own success, giving us the original idea of the โ€œinner life,โ€ only to now be viewed as a potential threat to internal expression. And donโ€™t think itโ€™s all one-sided! Learn how the right and the left are each offended by similar stances. So, whatโ€™s the proper place of faith in public life after all? Find out! Ok, truth time... Did you like this episode? Tell us by leaving a rating or review! ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ If you did, you won't want to miss what's next (so subscribe now!). And help a friend by sharing this with them. Thank you! ๐Ÿ™ Plus, the conversation is just beginning! Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to join in on the dialogue! If you disagree with anything in this episode, we'd love to hear your thoughts here. Want to learn more about Truth Over Tribe? Visit our website and subscribe to our weekly newsletter. Want more truth over tribe? Check out our resources!
10/4/2023 โ€ข 59 minutes, 58 seconds
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Will America Experience Another Jesus People Movement? with Larry Eskridge

How did a generation of hippies experiencing โ€œpharmaceutical enlightenmentโ€ become the same generation that produced the famous Jesus People Movement? Thatโ€™s what weโ€™re discussing today when Larry Eskridge, author of Godโ€™s Forever Family: The Jesus People Movement in America, joins Keith on the pod. Listen as Larry breaks down the history of this movement, the key players involved, and whether or not he classifies it as a true revival. Plus, did the recent film, Jesus Revolution, fairly portray the โ€œJesus Peopleโ€? What caused this movement to finally fade off and what were its lasting effects on music, youth culture, and politics in America? And with recent events like the Asbury Revival, can America expect another movement like this in the near future? Listen now! Ok, truth time... Did you like this episode? Tell us by leaving a rating or review! ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ If you did, you won't want to miss what's next (so subscribe now!). And help a friend by sharing this with them. Thank you! ๐Ÿ™ Plus, the conversation is just beginning! Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to join in on the dialogue! If you disagree with anything in this episode, we'd love to hear your thoughts here. Want to learn more about Truth Over Tribe? Visit our website and subscribe to our weekly newsletter. Want more truth over tribe? Check out our resources! Listen to The Pour Over podcastย here. Or if you prefer receiving the email, sign upย hereย  Resources Buy the God's Forever Family Book
9/27/2023 โ€ข 59 minutes, 38 seconds
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Can a Christian be an Environmentalist? with Sandra Richter

Like everything else in todayโ€™s society, the environment has become a subject of the culture war. Is there really a climate crisis? If so, whose fault is it and whatโ€™s the most effective way to respond? And why are so many Christians hesitant about the environment altogether? Todayโ€™s guest, Sandra Richter, author of Stewards of Eden, is here to shatter some stereotypes and issue a call for Christians to take environmental concerns more seriously. She backs up her argument with the Bible, citing numerous passages that should convict Christians to more intentionally steward our Earthly home. But in todayโ€™s tribalized culture, what information about the environment can we trust? And can we really make a difference? Listen now! Ok, truth time... Did you like this episode? Tell us by leaving a rating or review! ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ If you did, you won't want to miss what's next (so subscribe now!). And help a friend by sharing this with them. Thank you! ๐Ÿ™ Plus, the conversation is just beginning! Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to join in on the dialogue! If you disagree with anything in this episode, we'd love to hear your thoughts here. Want to learn more about Truth Over Tribe? Visit our website and subscribe to our weekly newsletter. Want more truth over tribe? Check out our resources! Listen to The Pour Over podcastย here. Or if you prefer receiving the email, sign upย hereย  Resources Buy the Stewards of Eden Book
9/20/2023 โ€ข 1 hour, 15 minutes, 13 seconds
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Did Evangelicalism Fail Your Generation? with Jon Ward

Itโ€™s no secret that politics has fractured the nation and the church, but perhaps the most painful casualty has been the family. If you have a family relationship (or two!) strained by politics, youโ€™re not alone! Todayโ€™s guest, Jon Ward, a political reporter and the author of Testimony: Inside the Evangelical Movement That Failed a Generation, can relate. Today, he joins Keith to discuss why evangelicalism falls short in helping Christians learn how to think about politics. He shares the story of his upbringing, detailing his eventual break from an influential evangelical church. He details how the 2016 election and the controversy surrounding Donald Trump threatened to tear his family apart. Given his experiences, does he believe that our families should separate from politics? Should Christians even engage in the culture war to begin with? And how can we avoid prideful views of being better than โ€œthoseโ€ Christians on the other side? Listen now! Ok, truth time... Did you like this episode? Tell us by leaving a rating or review! ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ If you did, you won't want to miss what's next (so subscribe now!). And help a friend by sharing this with them. Thank you! ๐Ÿ™ Plus, the conversation is just beginning! Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to join in on the dialogue! If you disagree with anything in this episode, we'd love to hear your thoughts here. Want to learn more about Truth Over Tribe? Visit our website and subscribe to our weekly newsletter. Want more truth over tribe? Check out our resources! Resources Buy the Testimony Book
9/13/2023 โ€ข 46 minutes, 54 seconds
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What Oliver Anthonyโ€™s โ€˜Rich Men North of Richmondโ€™ Reveals About Our Culture

โ€œIโ€™ve been sellinโ€™ my soul, workinโ€™ all day. Overtime hours for bullshโ€“ pay.โ€ Those are the opening lyrics of โ€œRich Men North of Richmond,โ€ the unexpected, current No. 1 song on the Billboard Hot 100 chart. How did Oliver Anthony, a virtual nobody on the music scene, rise atop this acclaimed list and create what many are calling the national anthem of blue-collar Americans? And taking it a step further, what does this songโ€™s popularity reveal about our current cultural moment? Why are these lyrics resonating with (and angering) so many? In this special episode (releasing on Truth Over Tribeโ€™s second birthday!), Keith and Patrick team up to discuss the song and the overall response it has received from media pundits and government officials on both sides, journalists, and the general American populace. Plus, how should Christians respond to this narrative thatโ€™s affected the souls of so many in our nation? Listen now! Ok, truth time... Did you like this episode? Tell us by leaving a rating or review! ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ If you did, you won't want to miss what's next (so subscribe now!). And help a friend by sharing this with them. Thank you! ๐Ÿ™ Plus, the conversation is just beginning! Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to join in on the dialogue! If you disagree with anything in this episode, we'd love to hear your thoughts here. Want to learn more about Truth Over Tribe? Visit our website and subscribe to our weekly newsletter. Want more truth over tribe? Check out our resources!
9/6/2023 โ€ข 1 hour, 7 minutes, 30 seconds
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A Christ-Centered Approach to Antiracism with Michelle T. Sanchez

โ€œIโ€™m colorblind. I donโ€™t see race.โ€ Is this really the best, most biblical approach to the realities of racism in our country? Or is there a better way? Todayโ€™s guest, Michelle T. Sanchez, refers to that better approach as โ€œcolor-courageous discipleshipโ€ and joins Patrick on the pod this week to discuss. Hear her explain her own story growing up in the colorblind generation and the moment she attributes to her own awakening. Michelle also makes the distinction between the terms, race and ethnicity, citing why one is in the Bible and one isnโ€™t. And speaking of, does the Bible have anything to say about our racialized consciousness? What are some color-courageous spiritual practices that Christians of all ethnicities should exercise? And how have terms like โ€œwokeโ€ and โ€œantiracismโ€ been weaponized? Should we use those terms or leave them behind? Listen now! Ok, truth time... Did you like this episode? Tell us by leaving a rating or review! ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ If you did, you won't want to miss what's next (so subscribe now!). And help a friend by sharing this with them. Thank you! ๐Ÿ™ Plus, the conversation is just beginning! Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to join in on the dialogue! If you disagree with anything in this episode, we'd love to hear your thoughts here. Want to learn more about Truth Over Tribe? Visit our website and subscribe to our weekly newsletter. Want more truth over tribe? Check out our resources! Resources Buy the Color-Courageous Discipleship Book
8/30/2023 โ€ข 54 minutes, 40 seconds
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Reclaiming the Thrill of Orthodoxy with Trevin Wax

The average evangelical is thoroughly postmodern. Donโ€™t believe us? Letโ€™s look at the stats: 56% of todayโ€™s evangelicals hold universalist views of God. 43% believe that while Jesus was a great teacher, he wasnโ€™t God himself. And 38% believe that religious belief is a matter of personal opinion more than objective truth. So, if weโ€™re so divided over our primary truths, why do we spend most of our time arguing over secondary issues? Trevin Wax, author of The Thrill of Orthodoxy, joins us on the pod today to explain the churchโ€™s need for some orthodoxical triage and why Christians must return to the essentials of the faith and be united through these core beliefs. Hear him discuss with Patrick: Is doctrine really all that practical? Can a prioritization of doctrine and personal piety coexist? Why should we care more about doctrine? Where should people who havenโ€™t taken doctrine seriously even start? What should churches be doing to reclaim the thrill of orthodoxy? Listen now! Ok, truth time... Did you like this episode? Tell us by leaving a rating or review! ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ If you did, you won't want to miss what's next (so subscribe now!). And help a friend by sharing this with them. Thank you! ๐Ÿ™ Plus, the conversation is just beginning! Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to join in on the dialogue! If you disagree with anything in this episode, we'd love to hear your thoughts here. Want to learn more about Truth Over Tribe? Visit our website and subscribe to our weekly newsletter. Want more truth over tribe? Check out our resources! Resources Buy The Thrill of Orthodoxy Book
8/23/2023 โ€ข 53 minutes, 7 seconds
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The Simple (But Surprising!) Secret to a Happy Life

How do most Americans define โ€œthe good lifeโ€? Is money what truly makes us happy? Success? Fame? Marriage? Children? Today, Patrick and Keith discuss the secret to a happy life as told by the Harvard Study of Adult Development, the worldโ€™s longest scientific study on happiness. It turns out that God got it right way back in Genesis when he said, โ€œIt is not good for man to be alone.โ€ This study concluded that the simple yet surprising secret to a happy life is: relationships! Listen as Patrick and Keith โ€œGreekโ€ out and distinguish between two types of happiness and why one is better (and more biblical) than the other. They examine why many of us are bad at developing and maintaining warm relationships and distinguish between five different types of friendships. Finally, they end with some practical advice on what you can start doing today to go deeper in your own friendships. Listen now! Ok, truth time... Did you like this episode? Tell us by leaving a rating or review! ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ If you did, you won't want to miss what's next (so subscribe now!). And help a friend by sharing this with them. Thank you! ๐Ÿ™ Plus, the conversation is just beginning! Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to join in on the dialogue! If you disagree with anything in this episode, we'd love to hear your thoughts here. Want to learn more about Truth Over Tribe? Visit our website and subscribe to our weekly newsletter. Want more truth over tribe? Check out our resources! Resources Listen to the A Little (More) Conversation Interview with Heather Holleman
8/16/2023 โ€ข 1 hour, 29 seconds
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The Collateral Damage of the Christian Culture Wars with Sara Billups

If you grew up watching the Left Behind movies, fearing the rapture, grappling with a politically co-opted church, and feeling compelled to engage in Christian culture wars, then youโ€™re in good company with todayโ€™s guest. Sara Billups, author of Orphaned Believers, joins Keith on the pod this week to discuss what it was like to grow up in the Christian subculture of the 1980s and 1990s and why she believes this era caused so many to feel โ€œorphanedโ€ and eventually leave the church. Sara provides comprehensive definitions and examples of the Christian culture war and details how this redefined the faith of many. Does she believe the solution is for Christians to remove themselves from politics altogether? Does she believe the right or the left is in more danger of succumbing to tribalism? Plus, how did Trumpโ€™s Presidency affect our faith and the overall reputation of American Christians? Listen now! Plus, the conversation is just beginning! Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to join in on the dialogue! If you disagree with anything in this episode, we'd love to hear your thoughts here. Want to learn more about Truth Over Tribe? Visit our website and subscribe to our weekly newsletter. Want more truth over tribe? Check out our resources! Resources Buy the Orphaned Believers Book
8/9/2023 โ€ข 50 minutes, 29 seconds
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Is Your Understanding of the Gospel All Wrong? with Matthew Bates

Something is wrong with the American church. Is it too woke? Too aligned with Christian nationalism? Or is the problem deeper and more theological? Matthew Bates, author of Why the Gospel, believes so, arguing that todayโ€™s American church possesses a fundamental misunderstanding of the Gospel itself. Today, he explains more in his conversation with Patrick, answering: What is the true Gospel message? Why is it โ€œGood News,โ€ even for the โ€œnonesโ€ and โ€œdonesโ€ of todayโ€™s age? What are the malformed Gospel messages that weโ€™ve fallen for? How would our lives change if we adapted this true interpretation of the Gospel? Plus, he shares why a correct understanding of the Gospel helps to reclaim a Christianโ€™s active role in social and political action. Listen now! Ok, truth time... Did you like this episode? Tell us by leaving a rating or review! ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ If you did, you won't want to miss what's next (so subscribe now!). And help a friend by sharing this with them. Thank you! ๐Ÿ™ Plus, the conversation is just beginning! Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to join in on the dialogue! If you disagree with anything in this episode, we'd love to hear your thoughts here. Want to learn more about Truth Over Tribe? Visit our website and subscribe to our weekly newsletter. Want more truth over tribe? Check out our resources! Resources Buy the Why the Gospel Book
8/2/2023 โ€ข 59 minutes, 1 second
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How To Prepare for the 2024 Presidential Election with Justin Giboney

Americaโ€™s last two Presidential elections have been incredibly divisive, both in the culture and the church. You may already feel a sense of dread that another election season is coming up so soon. How can Christians prepare their hearts and minds as we enter whatโ€™s sure to be another heated political election season? Justin Giboney is back on the podcast today to discuss this important topic with Patrick. Should Christians abide by the idea of the separation of church and state, keeping their faith out of the voting booth? Should we stop engaging in politics altogether? Justin doesnโ€™t believe so. Listen as he explains why politics is a practical way to steward our citizenship for the kingdom and love our neighbors well. He discusses several issues where he believes Christians should have no space for disagreement, then distinguishes between primary, secondary, and tertiary issues that should affect a personโ€™s ballot. Plus, how do we resist tribal, partisan blindness? And why should a candidateโ€™s character matter? Listen now! Ok, truth time... Did you like this episode? Tell us by leaving a rating or review! ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ If you did, you won't want to miss what's next (so subscribe now!). And help a friend by sharing this with them. Thank you! ๐Ÿ™ Plus, the conversation is just beginning! Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to join in on the dialogue! If you disagree with anything in this episode, we'd love to hear your thoughts here. Want to learn more about Truth Over Tribe? Visit our website and subscribe to our weekly newsletter. Want more truth over tribe? Check out our resources! Resources Buy the Compassion (&) Conviction Book
7/26/2023 โ€ข 42 minutes, 27 seconds
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What Paulโ€™s Letter to the American Church Would Say with Daniel Darling

It seems that our culture is divided over every possible issue. And unfortunately, itโ€™s not just happening in the culture; itโ€™s happening in the church! On todayโ€™s episode, Daniel Darling, writer, journalist, podcaster, and author of Agents of Grace, joins Patrick on the pod to discuss how the church can move beyond profound disagreements and live as agents of Jesusโ€™s love. Youโ€™ll hear Daniel share his story and how he experienced some fallout from his stance on the COVID vaccine. Through this, he explains how Christians can think about unity in a more nuanced way, making sense of which issues are worth (and not worth) fighting for. He and Patrick discuss themes of unity and disunity in Paulโ€™s letters, whether or not Christians are confrontational enough, and how we can decide if God wants us to weigh in on a cultural issue. Plus, how does your individual calling affect this concept? Hear Daniel issue a quick test to help you determine whether or not you want to move the needle on an issue or simply just make a point. And finally, what would Paulโ€™s letter to todayโ€™s American church say? Listen now! Ok, truth time... Did you like this episode? Tell us by leaving a rating or review! ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ If you did, you won't want to miss what's next (so subscribe now!). And help a friend by sharing this with them. Thank you! ๐Ÿ™ Plus, the conversation is just beginning! Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to join in on the dialogue! If you disagree with anything in this episode, we'd love to hear your thoughts here. Want to learn more about Truth Over Tribe? Visit our website and subscribe to our weekly newsletter. Want more truth over tribe? Check out our resources! Resources Buy the Agents of Grace Book
7/19/2023 โ€ข 48 minutes, 21 seconds
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A Positive Vision for Masculinity

Oh, man! Whatโ€™s going on with men these days? Across the board, statistics show that men are falling behind. Has our culture changed in a way that disadvantages them? Have accusations of โ€œtoxic masculinityโ€ thrown men into a shame spiral that leaves them feeling helpless? Hereโ€™s the deal: Discussing this topic in no way means that weโ€™re anti-woman or giving up the idea of gender equality. Today, youโ€™ll hear Keith and Patrick examine the statistics, citing how men are falling behind in education, the labor force, and relationships and the resulting rise in โ€œdeaths of despairโ€ among men. Theyโ€™ll discuss our changing cultural attitudes toward men and some of the societal, structural challenges that men face. Finally, they propose some solutions to finding a positive vision for masculinity in a more equal world. This episode is sure to leave you thinking. Listen now! Ok, truth time... Did you like this episode? Tell us by leaving a rating or review! ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ If you did, you won't want to miss what's next (so subscribe now!). And help a friend by sharing this with them. Thank you! ๐Ÿ™ Plus, the conversation is just beginning! Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to join in on the dialogue! If you disagree with anything in this episode, we'd love to hear your thoughts here. Want to learn more about Truth Over Tribe? Visit our website and subscribe to our weekly newsletter. Want more truth over tribe? Check out our resources! Resources Listen to the "What To Expect When No One's Expecting" Episode
7/12/2023 โ€ข 1 hour, 6 minutes, 6 seconds
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A Christian Case for Secular Government with Michael Bird

โ€œMelbourne, Australia makes California look like Alabama.โ€ย Thatโ€™s how Michael Bird, author of โ€œReligious Freedom in a Secular Age,โ€ describes his homelandโ€™s secular climate. But is Melbourne a picture of where America could be in 20 years? And is that something that Christianity should feel threatened by? On this weekโ€™s episode, Keith sits down with Michael to discuss his recent book where he dissects Americaโ€™s present culture war, explains the different types of secularism, and makes the case that โ€œsecularism isnโ€™t the bad guy,โ€ but instead, it enables religious freedom. Hear Michael answer: Should Christians keep their faith out of the public square? What are acceptable limits to religious liberty? Is it right for Christians to think of themselves as exiles? And what should the Christian strategy be moving forward in todayโ€™s secular age? Listen now!ย  Ok, truth time... Did you like this episode? Tell us by leaving a rating or review! ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ If you did, you won't want to miss what's next (so subscribe now!). And help a friend by sharing this with them. Thank you! ๐Ÿ™ Plus, the conversation is just beginning! Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to join in on the dialogue! If you disagree with anything in this episode, we'd love to hear your thoughts here. Want to learn more about Truth Over Tribe? Visit our website and subscribe to our weekly newsletter. Want more truth over tribe? Check out our resources! Resources Buy the Religious Freedom in a Secular Age Book
7/5/2023 โ€ข 55 minutes, 10 seconds
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The Evolution of Modern Conservatism with Matthew Continetti

Calling all history buffs! (And those on the right asking, โ€œHow did we get here?โ€) On todayโ€™s episode, Patrick sits down with Matthew Continetti as the two take a deep dive into the historical roots, twists, and turns taken by American conservatives in the last century. Matthew is a journalist and author of The Right: The Hundred-Year War for American Conservatism. Listen as he defines American populism, gives a TL;DR version of conservatismโ€™s backstory, and explains who the โ€œnew rightโ€ is. Plus, hear him answer questions about the current state of the conservative movement: Why was Ronald Reaganโ€™s influence so important? How did Donald Trump end up winning the presidency? And what is the future of the American right? Listen now! Ok, truth time... Did you like this episode? Tell us by leaving a rating or review! ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ If you did, you won't want to miss what's next (so subscribe now!). And help a friend by sharing this with them. Thank you! ๐Ÿ™ Plus, the conversation is just beginning! Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to join in on the dialogue! If you disagree with anything in this episode, we'd love to hear your thoughts here. Want to learn more about Truth Over Tribe? Visit our website and subscribe to our weekly newsletter. Want more truth over tribe? Check out our resources! Resources Buy The Right Book
6/28/2023 โ€ข 49 minutes, 28 seconds
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The Bible is for Food-Obsessed People with Aarti Sequeira

Calling all foodies! Youโ€™re in good company this week. Today, Aarti Sequeira joins Keith to discuss all things food and why food plays such an important role in the Biblical story. Aarti is a Christian, a cooking show host, a cookbook author, a former CNN journalist, and the winner of the reality TV show competition Food Network Star. Youโ€™ll hear Aarti share her story: Her Indian, Dubai, and British upbringing, her time spent in journalism, her conversion to Christianity, and how she started her cooking career. Plus, Keith gets a chance to ask her his most pressing cooking questions. She ends by explaining why food is so important in the Bible and why thereโ€™s power and connection in breaking bread together at Godโ€™s table. Listen now! Ok, truth time... Did you like this episode? Tell us by leaving a rating or review! ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ If you did, you won't want to miss what's next (so subscribe now!). And help a friend by sharing this with them. Thank you! ๐Ÿ™ Plus, the conversation is just beginning! Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to join in on the dialogue! If you disagree with anything in this episode, we'd love to hear your thoughts here. Want to learn more about Truth Over Tribe? Visit our website and subscribe to our weekly newsletter. Want more truth over tribe? Check out our resources! Resources Buy the Aarti Paarti Cookbook Buy the My Family Recipe Journal
6/21/2023 โ€ข 48 minutes, 39 seconds
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Are Atheists Reconsidering Christianity? with Justin Brierley

Perhaps no Christian has spent more time talking with big-name atheists than Justin Brierley. His radio show-made-podcast, Unbelievable?, models healthy discourse between Christians and those who doubt the faith. Such conversations led to his forthcoming book, โ€œThe Surprising Rebirth of Belief in God,โ€ which Justin discusses with Patrick in todayโ€™s episode. Hear about the collapse of โ€œNew Atheismโ€ and how todayโ€™s atheists have increasingly more in common with conservative Christians, especially concerning transgender issues and critical theory. Plus, do todayโ€™s atheists simply see Christianity as a โ€œuseful lieโ€ thatโ€™s helped shape human rights issues, or are secular thinkers reconsidering Christianity as a whole? Listen now!ย  Ok, truth time... Did you like this episode? Tell us by leaving a rating or review! ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ If you did, you won't want to miss what's next (so subscribe now!). And help a friend by sharing this with them. Thank you! ๐Ÿ™ Plus, the conversation is just beginning! Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to join in on the dialogue! If you disagree with anything in this episode, we'd love to hear your thoughts here. Want to learn more about Truth Over Tribe? Visit our website and subscribe to our weekly newsletter. Want more truth over tribe? Check out our resources! Resources Buy The Surprising Rebirth of Belief in God Book Listen to the Unbelievable? Podcast
6/14/2023 โ€ข 1 hour, 5 minutes, 23 seconds
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How Your Generation Affects Your Work Ethic with Tim Elmore

Boomers. Gen X. Millennials. Gen Z. All of these generations live in different โ€œworlds,โ€ yet they all work under the same roof. Itโ€™s time we learn how to work together! On todayโ€™s episode, Tim Elmore, author of several books including Generational Diversity in the Workplace, joins Keith on the podcast today to talk about why understanding generational differences is so important. Tim starts off by giving us some special insight into the youngest generation in todayโ€™s workforce, Gen Z. Using the acronym FOREIGN to describe them, he details this generationโ€™s longing for truth and authenticity. Plus, how is Gen Z โ€œreverse mentoringโ€ todayโ€™s older generations? And why are Boomers struggling to release the reins and move off stage? Is it time for all new ideas? We think youโ€™ll enjoy learning how your generation shapes your work ethic, your view of institutions, and maybe even your thoughts on the church. Listen now!ย  Ok, truth time... Did you like this episode? Tell us by leaving a rating or review! ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ If you did, you won't want to miss what's next (so subscribe now!). And help a friend by sharing this with them. Thank you! ๐Ÿ™ Plus, the conversation is just beginning! Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to join in on the dialogue! If you disagree with anything in this episode, we'd love to hear your thoughts here. Want to learn more about Truth Over Tribe? Visit our website and subscribe to our weekly newsletter. Want more truth over tribe? Check out our resources! Resources Buy the A New Kind of Diversity Book
6/7/2023 โ€ข 48 minutes, 12 seconds
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Why Americans Read Less (& Why We Should Care More)

Well-read? Well, thatโ€™s dead. But is it true? Are Americans really reading far less today than in the past? According to recent polls, the answer is yes. Research shows that the current median for American adults is reading five books per year, with half of adults reading less than that. But why are we reading less? And why does it matter? On todayโ€™s episode, fellow bookworms Keith and Patrick give a quick cultural analysis of the ways that lower literacy rates are impacting both the culture and the church. They describe oral cultures of the past, citing that America is neither an oral nor a literary culture, but that the digital era has forever changed the way that we take in information. And how should the church respond, particularly Christian leaders? The two end with some practical tips, giving suggestions for why, what, when, and how to read more. Listen now!ย  Ok, truth time... Did you like this episode? Tell us by leaving a rating or review! ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ If you did, you won't want to miss what's next (so subscribe now!). And help a friend by sharing this with them. Thank you! ๐Ÿ™ Plus, the conversation is just beginning! Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to join in on the dialogue! If you disagree with anything in this episode, we'd love to hear your thoughts here. Want to learn more about Truth Over Tribe? Visit our website and subscribe to our weekly newsletter. Want more truth over tribe? Check out our resources! Resources Buy the A Framework for Understanding Poverty Book Buy the Unreached Book
5/31/2023 โ€ข 1 hour, 4 seconds
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Remembering Tim Keller and What He Taught Us About Ministry with Collin Hansen

Last Friday Tim Keller passed away after a long battle with pancreatic cancer. In this episode, Patrick opens by remembering Tim Keller's influence on his own life, and then has a conversation with Keller's biographer, Colin Hansen about Tim's ministry. This conversation was recorded before Keller's life. Ok, truth time... Did you like this episode? Tell us by leaving a rating or review! ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ If you did, you won't want to miss what's next (so subscribe now!). And help a friend by sharing this with them. Thank you! ๐Ÿ™ Plus, the conversation is just beginning! Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to join in on the dialogue! If you disagree with anything in this episode, we'd love to hear your thoughts here. Want to learn more about Truth Over Tribe? Visit our website and subscribe to our weekly newsletter. Want more truth over tribe? Check out our resources! Resources Buy the Timothy Keller Book
5/24/2023 โ€ข 1 hour, 3 minutes
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The Sex Book That Broke the (Christian) Internet with Joshua Butler

Joshua Butlerโ€™s book on sex, Beautiful Union, has been the center of an online controversy for two months, with many critics warning that it's profoundly harmful. In it, Josh issues a call for Christians to see sex as a window into Godโ€™s story. Today, Patrick sits down with Josh to ask him to explain the bookโ€™s themes in his words and respond to many thoughtful, substantive critiques. Youโ€™ll hear Josh explain his upbringing, who he wrote the book for, and why the beauty of sex is an important apologetic. Plus, you'll hear him address some incredibly important critiques: Is referring to sex as an icon of divine reality really appropriate? Is he just rewrapping purity culture? Was his language too graphic? Does his way of thinking lead to trinitarian heresies? Could it be used to justify marital rape? Does theologizing about sex ignore the real-world plight of women? And more.ย  Ok, truth time... Did you like this episode? Tell us by leaving a rating or review! ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ If you did, you won't want to miss what's next (so subscribe now!). And help a friend by sharing this with them. Thank you! ๐Ÿ™ Plus, the conversation is just beginning! Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to join in on the dialogue! If you disagree with anything in this episode, we'd love to hear your thoughts here. Want to learn more about Truth Over Tribe? Visit our website and subscribe to our weekly newsletter. Want more truth over tribe? Check out our resources! Resources Buy the Beautiful Union Book
5/17/2023 โ€ข 1 hour, 1 minute, 57 seconds
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Remixing Religion with Tara Isabella Burton

โ€œParticipation in mainstream religion has plummeted, but Americans have never been more spiritually busy.โ€ Thatโ€™s how author Tara Isabella Burton describes todayโ€™s shifting religious landscape in her book, Strange Rites: New Religions for a Godless World. Today, she joins Patrick to discuss this phenomenon which she refers to as โ€œremixed spirituality,โ€ or the pick-and-choose model of religion thatโ€™s driven by our intuitions over our institutions. Youโ€™ll hear Tara explain how much of todayโ€™s bespoke religions are designed around personal freedom and self-expression. But would Jesus have been pro-self-care? Is society really a cage that must be rejected? And whether we realize it or not, have we let this thinking slip into our understanding of Christianity? Listen now! Ok, truth time... Did you like this episode? Tell us by leaving a rating or review! ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ If you did, you won't want to miss what's next (so subscribe now!). And help a friend by sharing this with them. Thank you! ๐Ÿ™ Plus, the conversation is just beginning! Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to join in on the dialogue! If you disagree with anything in this episode, we'd love to hear your thoughts here. Want to learn more about Truth Over Tribe? Visit our website and subscribe to our weekly newsletter. Want more truth over tribe? Check out our resources! Resources Buy the Strange Rites Book
5/10/2023 โ€ข 1 hour, 5 minutes, 29 seconds
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The Gospel of Artificial Intelligence? with Love Thy Neighborhood Podcast

Oh my bot! This episode is a first of its kind! This week, we teamed up with the podcast, Love Thy Neighborhood, to talk about whether or not artificial intelligence can be subverted for Gospel purposes. If youโ€™re not already familiar, Love Thy Neighborhood is a narrative-style podcast that explores discipleship and missions for modern times. In this episode, Patrick joins the LTN team to discuss AI in depth: how it works, how itโ€™s shaping our world, and how itโ€™s impacting the faith lives of real-world Christians. Youโ€™ll hear stories from several guests detailing AI gone wrong, AI gone right, and whether or not AI can help us have a meaningful relationship with Jesus. Ultimately, we must ask ourselves: What are the problems associated with AI? And can we genuinely use it for good? Listen now!ย  Ok, truth time... Did you like this episode? Tell us by leaving a rating or review! ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ If you did, you won't want to miss what's next (so subscribe now!). And help a friend by sharing this with them. Thank you! ๐Ÿ™ Plus, the conversation is just beginning! Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to join in on the dialogue! If you disagree with anything in this episode, we'd love to hear your thoughts here. Want to learn more about Truth Over Tribe? Visit our website and subscribe to our weekly newsletter. Want more truth over tribe? Check out our resources! Resources Listen to the Love Thy Neighborhood Podcast
5/3/2023 โ€ข 59 minutes, 15 seconds
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Time Management is a Myth with Oliver Burkeman

4,000 weeks. Thatโ€™s all we get. And thatโ€™s assuming you live 76 years which obviously isnโ€™t a guarantee. According to Oliver Burkeman, author of Four Thousand Weeks: Time Management for Mortals, thereโ€™s immense value in finally arriving at this realization: life isnโ€™t as long as we think it is. So, what should we do about it? Squeeze every imaginable thing we can into every single day? Burkeman believes in a better way. Today, he and Keith discuss: Why do humans have such a hard time living in the present? Why do we crave busyness? What makes our life meaningful, and how can we practically decide to do things that matter? Whatโ€™s the lie behind time management and the promise of efficiency? And how do Christians and non-Christians approach these questions differently? Listen as Burkeman explains why itโ€™s so crucial to live in the present and accept our mortality and finitude. Ok, truth time... Did you like this episode? Tell us by leaving a rating or review! ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ If you did, you won't want to miss what's next (so subscribe now!). And help a friend by sharing this with them. Thank you! ๐Ÿ™ Plus, the conversation is just beginning! Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to join in on the dialogue! If you disagree with anything in this episode, we'd love to hear your thoughts here. Want to learn more about Truth Over Tribe? Visit our website and subscribe to our weekly newsletter. Want more truth over tribe? Check out our resources! Resources Buy the Four Thousand Weeks Book Buy The Antidote Book
4/26/2023 โ€ข 50 minutes, 25 seconds
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Are Our Institutions Untrustworthy? with Bonnie Kristian

Itโ€™s no secret that institutional trust in America is at an all-time low. But is that lack of trust merited? And what should we do about it? This week, Keith sits down with Bonnie Kristian, a seasoned journalist and the author of Untrustworthy, a book that dives into why weโ€™re losing trust in institutions, specifically media institutions. Listen as Bonnie answers: Why has this breakdown of institutional trust occurred? What are the consequences of low trust? What are the negative effects of the Information Age? How have technology shifts and incentive restructuring compromised todayโ€™s media? And why are Christian media outlets fracturing as well? Not only does Bonnie diagnose these problems, but she provides solutions by issuing a challenge: Ultimately, the key to making a difference and building back trust starts with YOU. Listen now!ย  Ok, truth time... Did you like this episode? Tell us by leaving a rating or review! ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ If you did, you won't want to miss what's next (so subscribe now!). And help a friend by sharing this with them. Thank you! ๐Ÿ™ Plus, the conversation is just beginning! Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to join in on the dialogue! If you disagree with anything in this episode, we'd love to hear your thoughts here. Want to learn more about Truth Over Tribe? Visit our website and subscribe to our weekly newsletter. Want more truth over tribe? Check out our resources! Resources Buy the Untrustworthy Book Buy the A Flexible Faith Book
4/19/2023 โ€ข 53 minutes, 21 seconds
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What To Expect When No One's Expecting

Oh, baby! You wonโ€™t want to miss this one! Did you know that in the last 50 years, the global fertility rate has been rapidly declining? But why is this happening? And is it a big deal or not? Today, Keith and Patrick examine the fertility decline in the U.S. and abroad, plus they discuss the impacts of lower fertility on society. Whatโ€™s causing this shift in thinking: Government? Finances? Climate change? Culture? Whatโ€™s more irresponsible: To breed? Or not to breed? And how should Christians, in particular, approach having children? Listen now!ย  Ok, truth time... Did you like this episode? Tell us by leaving a rating or review! ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ If you did, you won't want to miss what's next (so subscribe now!). And help a friend by sharing this with them. Thank you! ๐Ÿ™ Plus, the conversation is just beginning! Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to join in on the dialogue! If you disagree with anything in this episode, we'd love to hear your thoughts here. Want to learn more about Truth Over Tribe? Visit our website and subscribe to our weekly newsletter. Want more truth over tribe? Check out our resources! Resources Subscribe to the TOT Newsletterย 
4/12/2023 โ€ข 1 hour, 21 minutes, 16 seconds
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Can Local Politics Make a Comeback? with the Hosts of Pantsuit Politics

Do you care enough about local politics? Or have you, like many Americans, sold your soul to national politics, potentially missing whatโ€™s going on in your own backyard? Today, Patrick sits down with the hosts of the popular podcast Pantsuit Politics: Sarah Stewart Holland and Beth Silvers. Together, Sarah and Beth provide a tangible example of navigating political differences in a healthy way. Their recent book Now What? elaborates on that concept, urging readers to find connection when our differences are constantly on display and understand our work as citizens in a diverse country. In this episode, they tackle several topics: Whatโ€™s the risk of being too fixated on national politics? How has their experience in local politics changed their views? And is there enough diversity represented in local politics? Plus, what good can come from social media in our politically polarized landscape? And what tests must politicians pass in order to earn their votes? Listen now! Ok, truth time... Did you like this episode? Tell us by leaving a rating or review! ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ If you did, you won't want to miss what's next (so subscribe now!). And help a friend by sharing this with them. Thank you! ๐Ÿ™ Plus, the conversation is just beginning! Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to join in on the dialogue! If you disagree with anything in this episode, we'd love to hear your thoughts here. Want to learn more about Truth Over Tribe? Visit our website and subscribe to our weekly newsletter. Want more truth over tribe? Check out our resources! Resources Buy the Now What? Book Listen to Pantsuit Politics
4/5/2023 โ€ข 54 minutes, 50 seconds
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Christians vs. Culture: Get Used to the Tension

Ever played Pac-Man? Remember how it felt when all of the ghosts had you backed into a corner and began to close in on you? For many Christians, todayโ€™s cultural moment feels similar to living in this nostalgic arcade game. The far-left, the far-right, and the far-too-upset-with-Christians-crowd descend upon you, and youโ€™re left attempting to navigate the tense (and sometimes hostile) cultural maze as a faithful follower of Jesus. So, why is there so much tension between Christians and todayโ€™s culture? Thatโ€™s what Keith and Patrick discuss this week. Has the world really changed that much in the last five, ten, or fifteen years? Demographic, language, and moral shifts, as well as Christianityโ€™s prominence and reputation, definitely play a role in heightened tensions. But is todayโ€™s tension really all new? Should we attempt to find a place in this culture, or will the culture always be a new version of Babylon that weโ€™re forced to navigate as exiles? Most importantly, how does God want us to respond to the tension we feel? Listen now! Ok, truth time... Did you like this episode? Tell us by leaving a rating or review! ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ If you did, you won't want to miss what's next (so subscribe now!). And help a friend by sharing this with them. Thank you! ๐Ÿ™ Plus, the conversation is just beginning! Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to join in on the dialogue! If you disagree with anything in this episode, we'd love to hear your thoughts here. Want to learn more about Truth Over Tribe? Visit our website and subscribe to our weekly newsletter. Want more truth over tribe? Check out our resources! Resources Subscribe to the TOT Newsletter
3/29/2023 โ€ข 52 minutes, 7 seconds
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Hey American Christian, You're an Exile! with Preston Sprinkle

Exile: Itโ€™s a core part of our Christian identity. But what is exile? Must we view our own nation in the same seemingly negative context as ancient Babylon? Today, Preston Sprinkle joins us in studio to discuss the exile paradigm, a concept he plans to discuss in detail in his forthcoming book. Preston is a speaker, podcaster, a New York Times bestselling author, and the co-founder and president of The Center for Faith, Sexuality & Gender. Listen as he and Patrick wrestle with questions like: Why do some American Christians think America is closer to Israel than Babylon? Why didnโ€™t Jesus talk about exile? What does it look like to live as an exile in modern America? And given this calling, should Christians avoid politics altogether? Listen now! Ok, truth time... Did you like this episode? Tell us by leaving a rating or review! ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ If you did, you won't want to miss what's next (so subscribe now!). And help a friend by sharing this with them. Thank you! ๐Ÿ™ Plus, the conversation is just beginning! Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to join in on the dialogue! If you disagree with anything in this episode, we'd love to hear your thoughts here. Want to learn more about Truth Over Tribe? Visit our website and subscribe to our weekly newsletter. Want more truth over tribe? Check out our resources! Resources Visit The Center for Faith, Sexuality & Gender Listen to Theology In The Raw Buy the Erasing Hell Book Buy the Embodied Book Buy the People to Be Loved Book
3/20/2023 โ€ข 1 hour, 1 minute, 16 seconds
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โ€œAmericaโ€™s Worst Momโ€ on the Dangers of Overprotective Parenting

Lenore Skenazy didnโ€™t think much of the time that she granted her 9-year-oldโ€™s request and allowed him to ride the subway alone in NYC. So, following his safe return, this New York columnist wrote up an article about it. But she never could have predicted the media firestorm that this decision set off, which eventually crowned her with the title of โ€œAmericaโ€™s Worst Mom.โ€ But how did our society get to this point? When did parents begin seeing childhood only through the fear-filled lens of โ€œWhat could go terribly wrong?โ€ Today, Lenore joins Keith to discuss. Listen as she explains how culture forces fear upon both parents and educators and describes the negative effects this has on children. Has the goal of parenting changed? Should we really strive for helicopter parenting, or is there another way? Plus, hear how her nonprofit, Let Grow, seeks to restore independence to children and faith to their parents and teachers. Whether youโ€™re a parent or not, youโ€™ll love hearing from Lenore! Help us help people find great churches! Does your church choose truth over tribe? Tell us about it! Ok, truth time... Did you like this episode? Tell us by leaving a rating or review! ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ If you did, you won't want to miss what's next (so subscribe now!). And help a friend by sharing this with them. Thank you! ๐Ÿ™ Plus, the conversation is just beginning! Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to join in on the dialogue! If you disagree with anything in this episode, we'd love to hear your thoughts here. Want to learn more about Truth Over Tribe? Visit our website and subscribe to our weekly newsletter. Want more truth over tribe? Check out our resources! Resources Buy Free Range Kids Bookย  Free Range Kids Websiteย 
3/15/2023 โ€ข 53 minutes, 2 seconds
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Asbury Revival vs. He Gets Us: Whatโ€™s the Best Way to Reach a Post-Christian Culture?

How do Christians reach a world thatโ€™s increasingly disinterested in Jesus? Is the answer a revival inside the church? A marketing campaign? Or both? Today, Patrick and Keith discuss two recent events in Christian subculture: the revival at Asbury University and the โ€œHe Gets Usโ€ advertising campaign. Is one a better tool for reaching a post-Christian world than the other? Many from all sides of the aisle, both politically and spiritually, have been highly critical of these movements for various reasons. Hear Patrick and Keith dissect some of these critiques, such as: Are the โ€œHe Gets Usโ€ ads really the best use of kingdom funds? Is this marketing campaign too woke or too fascist? And is what happened at Asbury University genuine? What does the Bible (and American history) say about revival and how should we respond in its aftermath? Which of these movements will draw the most people to God and impact the most lives long-term? Whether youโ€™re a supporter or a cynic of either, we encourage you to listen! Help us help people find great churches! Does your church choose truth over tribe? Tell us about it! Ok, truth time... Did you like this episode? Tell us by leaving a rating or review! ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ If you did, you won't want to miss what's next (so subscribe now!). And help a friend by sharing this with them. Thank you! ๐Ÿ™ Plus, the conversation is just beginning! Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to join in on the dialogue! If you disagree with anything in this episode, we'd love to hear your thoughts here. Want to learn more about Truth Over Tribe? Visit our website and subscribe to our weekly newsletter. Want more truth over tribe? Check out our resources!
3/8/2023 โ€ข 1 hour, 3 minutes, 7 seconds
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A Little (More) Conversation: Improve Your Communication Skills with Heather Holleman

Want to know the single most determining factor for a healthy life? Warm relationships. And how do you get those? Conversation is key! On todayโ€™s episode, Keith sits down Dr. Heather Holleman, associate teaching professor at Penn State, speaker, and author of The Six Conversations, to discuss why weโ€™re so bad at communicating and how we can all start our own conversation revival. Using the latest research, Heather shares practical tips for improving your conversation skills, including the four mindsets of a loving conversation: being curious, believing the best, expressing concern, and sharing your own life in a vulnerable way. Plus, how should we handle confrontation and controversial topics? Why can listening be so hard? And why is advice-giving usually not the answer? Ready to hear some practical tips and have deeper relationships with the people in your life? Listen now! Ok, truth time... Did you like this episode? Tell us by leaving a rating or review! ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ If you did, you won't want to miss what's next (so subscribe now!). And help a friend by sharing this with them. Thank you! ๐Ÿ™ Plus, the conversation is just beginning! Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to join in on the dialogue! If you disagree with anything in this episode, we'd love to hear your thoughts here. Want to learn more about Truth Over Tribe? Visit our website and subscribe to our weekly newsletter. Want more truth over tribe? Check out our resources! Resources Buy The Six Conversations Book Buy the Sent Book Buy the Seated with Christ Book
3/1/2023 โ€ข 59 minutes, 40 seconds
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Antiracism Isnโ€™t The Answer with George Yancey

When it comes to racial tensions in America, George Yancey, Christian author and Professor of Sociology at Baylor University, believes that efforts at antiracism have been largely ineffective. Why? According to Yancey, both antiracism and colorblindness are poor solutions that tend to alienate people who should be involved in the racial reconciliation process. Today, Keith sits down with Dr. Yancey to discuss more of the themes from his latest book, Beyond Racial Division. Listen as he shares present-day examples of structural racism and discover his alternative approach to healing racial tensions: mutual accountability. Plus, he explains why so many black Christians felt betrayed by Trump voters, why you only ever hear of โ€œwhite Evangelicals,โ€ and whether or not he believes the Democratic Party has embraced their own form of Christian nationalism. You wonโ€™t want to miss this one! Ok, truth time... Did you like this episode? Tell us by leaving a rating or review! ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ If you did, you won't want to miss what's next (so subscribe now!). And help a friend by sharing this with them. Thank you! ๐Ÿ™ Plus, the conversation is just beginning! Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to join in on the dialogue! If you disagree with anything in this episode, we'd love to hear your thoughts here. Want to learn more about Truth Over Tribe? Visit our website and subscribe to our weekly newsletter. Want more truth over tribe? Check out our resources! Resources Buy the Beyond Racial Division Book Buy the So Many Christians, So Few Lions Book Buy the Beyond Racial Gridlock Book
2/22/2023 โ€ข 50 minutes, 47 seconds
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How Extremism Threatens the Country (And the Church!) with Elizabeth Neumann

How would you define extremism? Elizabeth Neumann knows a thing or two about the subject after serving as a homeland security official during the Trump and George W. Bush administrations. During her time in this role, she witnessed extremism transform from something happening overseas to a domestic, online threat. On this weekโ€™s episode, she sits down with Patrick to define extremism and radicalization, identify the types of people vulnerable to radicalizing, and explain why extremist ideas also threaten the church. Plus, find out how she got involved with the Trump administration, why she left, and the troubling ways in which Trumpโ€™s character prompted potential threats. Most importantly, Elizabeth issues a challenge for Christians, noting that our hope must not be in America, but in the church itself. Listen now! Ok, truth time... Did you like this episode? Tell us by leaving a rating or review! ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ If you did, you won't want to miss what's next (so subscribe now!). And help a friend by sharing this with them. Thank you! ๐Ÿ™ Plus, the conversation is just beginning! Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to join in on the dialogue! If you disagree with anything in this episode, we'd love to hear your thoughts here. Want to learn more about Truth Over Tribe? Visit our website and subscribe to our weekly newsletter. Want more truth over tribe? Check out our resources! Resources The Effect of President Trumpโ€™s Election on Hate Crimesย  Hate Crimes in US Reach Highest Level In More Than A Decade El Paso Shooting Suspectโ€™s Manifesto Echos Trumpโ€™s Languageย  โ€˜No Blame?โ€™ ABC News Finds 54 Cases Invoking โ€˜Trumpโ€™ In Connection With Violence, Threats, Alleged Assaultsย  Playing the Political Long Game with David Frenchย 
2/15/2023 โ€ข 1 hour, 2 minutes, 56 seconds
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Should Christianity Today Stop Emphasizing Church Scandals? with CT President, Tim Dalrymple

Christianity Today capped off 2022 by releasing its Top-20 news stories of the year based on readership. The vast majority of these stories focused on scandals within the church. In response, our own Patrick Miller took to Twitter to critique the media organizationโ€™s focus on negative scandals, which inevitably bring harm to the local church. Christianity Today President, Tim Dalrymple, along with other CT reporters, graciously pushed back on Patrickโ€™s analysis. And today, Patrick and Tim continue that conversation here on the pod! Youโ€™ll hear Tim address some tough questions: Are digital incentive structures and targeted advertising bad tactics for Christian media organizations to utilize? How does Christianity Today guard against insights driving editorial decision-making? Has CT made a shift in its frequency of covering church scandals and abuse? Ultimately, Tim explains that CTโ€™s increase in these types of stories comes out of love for the church and is reflective of the current cultural conversation. Listen now! Ok, truth time... Did you like this episode? Tell us by leaving a rating or review! ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ If you did, you won't want to miss what's next (so subscribe now!). And help a friend by sharing this with them. Thank you! ๐Ÿ™ Plus, the conversation is just beginning! Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to join in on the dialogue! If you disagree with anything in this episode, we'd love to hear your thoughts here. Want to learn more about Truth Over Tribe? Visit our website and subscribe to our weekly newsletter. Want more truth over tribe? Check out our resources! Resources Read CTโ€™s Top 20 Stories of 2022
2/9/2023 โ€ข 1 hour, 27 minutes, 56 seconds
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Should Christians Play Video Games? with Reagan Rose

Thereโ€™s always been a stigma associated with video games, particularly in the Christian community. Do video games lead to violence? Is gaming childish? Are video games a complete waste of time? Today, Patrick and Reagan Rose, author of Redeeming Productivity, dissect these questions and rethink gaming from a Christian lens. Hear Patrick and Reagan share on their own experiences with gaming, dissecting the deeper meaning to the feeling of overcoming obstacles thatโ€™s achievable in video games. Plus, whatโ€™s so different about being addicted to video games versus TV, movies, reading, and other forms of entertainment? What are some examples of having healthy relationships with gaming? How can parents better relate to their kids who play video games? No matter your own experience with video games (or lack thereof), we hope this episode opens up a broader discussion around how Christians approach the world of gaming. Listen now! Ok, truth time... Did you like this episode? Tell us by leaving a rating or review! ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ If you did, you won't want to miss what's next (so subscribe now!). And help a friend by sharing this with them. Thank you! ๐Ÿ™ Plus, the conversation is just beginning! Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to join in on the dialogue! If you disagree with anything in this episode, we'd love to hear your thoughts here. Want to learn more about Truth Over Tribe? Visit our website and subscribe to our weekly newsletter. Want more truth over tribe? Check out our resources! Resources Buy the Redeeming Productivity Book The Masterโ€™s Seminary Blog
2/8/2023 โ€ข 47 minutes, 31 seconds
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God Save the Spare: What Prince Harryโ€™s Book Reveals About Todayโ€™s Culture

Hereโ€™s a BONUS episode since we had a little โ€œspareโ€ time on our hands! And by that, we mean that Keith and Patrick just read Prince Harryโ€™s new book, Spare, and are spilling the royal-tea. โ˜•๏ธ But this isnโ€™t your typical book review. Nobodyโ€™s taking a side: Theyโ€™re not loyal to the royals (or to Harry!). This episode dives much deeper into what Harryโ€™s confessions reveal about todayโ€™s culture and โ€œthe spirit of the age.โ€ Drawing comparisons between Prince Harry and his grandmother, Queen Elizabeth II, Keith and Patrick explain the generational differences in their stances on institutions. They ultimately conclude that Harryโ€™s posture is an allegory for the dilemma that our current culture faces: Do we view tradition as a launching ground or as a statue that must be toppled? Should we fight back against โ€œtoxicโ€ institutions that confine us, or should we submit to something greater than ourselves? And what about Christians: should they seek to tear down institutions or rebuild them? Hear as Keith and Patrick make the case that, despite Harryโ€™s conclusions, embracing life as the โ€œspareโ€ may actually be the better way. Listen now! Ok, truth time... Did you like this episode? Tell us by leaving a rating or review! ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ If you did, you won't want to miss what's next (so subscribe now!). And help a friend by sharing this with them. Thank you! ๐Ÿ™ Plus, the conversation is just beginning! Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to join in on the dialogue! If you disagree with anything in this episode, we'd love to hear your thoughts here. Want to learn more about Truth Over Tribe? Visit our website and subscribe to our weekly newsletter. Want more truth over tribe? Check out our resources! Resources Read Patrickโ€™s Review on The Spareย  Buy Spare by Prince Harryย  Listen to TOT Episode โ€œO Say, Can You Meritocracy?โ€ย  Listen to TOT Episode โ€œShould We Trust Our Institutions?โ€ with Yuval Levin
2/3/2023 โ€ข 39 minutes, 30 seconds
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Is Jackie Hill Perry Comfortable Being a Celebrity Christian?

This week, Jackie Hill Perry joins us on the pod! And really, thatโ€™s probably all we need to say to convince you to listen. But in case youโ€™ve been living under a rock, Jackie is a speaker, a poet, a hip-hop artist, the author of Gay Girl, Good God, and most recently, the author of Holier Than Thou. On this episode, Jackie sits down with Keith, and honestly, you may have a hard time keeping up with the wealth of wisdom she drops. Listen as the two discuss a wide range of topics: Whatโ€™s encouraging (and discouraging) to her about the church right now? Is she into politics at all? Why did she leave Twitter (but not Instagram)? Why do black and white Christians vote so differently? Did her homosexual desires change when she came to faith? How does she feel about her celebrity Christian status? Why did she recently renounce the enneagram? Whatโ€™s her parenting style and how will she handle it if her kids wander away from the faith? Trust us: You just ๐Ÿ‘ canโ€™t ๐Ÿ‘ miss this one! Ok, truth time... Did you like this episode? Tell us by leaving a rating or review! ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ If you did, you won't want to miss what's next (so subscribe now!). And help a friend by sharing this with them. Thank you! ๐Ÿ™ Plus, the conversation is just beginning! Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to join in on the dialogue! If you disagree with anything in this episode, we'd love to hear your thoughts here. Want to learn more about Truth Over Tribe? Visit our website and subscribe to our weekly newsletter. Want more truth over tribe? Check out our resources! Resources Buy Holier Than Thouย  Buy Gay Girl, Good Godย 
2/1/2023 โ€ข 50 minutes, 15 seconds
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Jesus Cares About Politics (And You Should Too!) with Patrick Schreiner

Tired of of talking politics? Youโ€™re not alone. Patrick Schreiner is sympathetic to this, but he also believes that for Christians, engaging in politics is a must. Why? Because the Gospel shows us that Jesus himself has a politic. But what does that mean exactly? Find out when our own Patrick sits down with Patrick Schreiner, author of Political Gospel, to discuss. If Jesus was political, was he also partisan? What language do we assume to be religious thatโ€™s actually derived from politics? Should Christians submit to governing authorities or subvert them? And how do movements like Christian nationalism take this idea too far? At the end of the day, Christians canโ€™t separate themselves from politics if they choose to truly follow the example of Jesus. Listen now! Ok, truth time... Did you like this episode? Tell us by leaving a rating or review! ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ If you did, you won't want to miss what's next (so subscribe now!). And help a friend by sharing this with them. Thank you! ๐Ÿ™ Plus, the conversation is just beginning! Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to join in on the dialogue! If you disagree with anything in this episode, we'd love to hear your thoughts here. Want to learn more about Truth Over Tribe? Visit our website and subscribe to our weekly newsletter. Want more truth over tribe? Check out our resources! Resources Buy the Political Gospel Book Buy the Kingdom of God and the Glory of the Cross Book
1/25/2023 โ€ข 59 minutes, 42 seconds
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Are We All Narcissists? with Chuck DeGroat

Everybody thinks they know a narcissist, but what if youโ€™re one too? What if, deep down, we all have a bit of narcissism in us? Itโ€™s easy to throw the term around and try to diagnose others, but what is a true narcissist? Thatโ€™s what we cover on this episode of Truth Over Tribe when Patrick sits down with Chuck DeGroat. Chuck is a Professor of Counseling and Christian Spirituality at Western Theological Seminary in Holland, Michigan. Heโ€™s also a licensed therapist and author of the recent book, โ€œWhen Narcissism Comes to Church.โ€ Listen as he provides a true definition of narcissism, distinguishing between grandiose and vulnerable forms of narcissism. Plus, if narcissism is on a spectrum, are we all a bit of a narcissist after all? And how does your enneagram type correlate with narcissistic tendencies? Plus, what are the damages of narcissistic church leaders and what does he hope changes in evangelicalism over the next decade? Listen now! Ok, truth time... Did you like this episode? Tell us by leaving a rating or review! ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ If you did, you won't want to miss what's next (so subscribe now!). And help a friend by sharing this with them. Thank you! ๐Ÿ™ Plus, the conversation is just beginning! Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to join in on the dialogue! If you disagree with anything in this episode, we'd love to hear your thoughts here. Want to learn more about Truth Over Tribe? Visit our website and subscribe to our weekly newsletter. Want more truth over tribe? Check out our resources! Resources Buy the When Narcissism Comes to Church Book Buy the Falling into Goodness Book
1/18/2023 โ€ข 48 minutes, 23 seconds
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The (Un)Definition of Marriage: A Response to Matt Walsh and Joe Rogan

Marriage is what brings us together today. On this episode of Truth Over Tribe, Keith and Patrick respond to Joe Roganโ€™s recent interview with The Daily Wireโ€™s Matt Walsh in which the two discussed the significance (or insignificance) of marriage. According to Rogan, marriage is all about self-expression and personal happiness. In this view, the government is merely involved for validation purposes. So, why shouldnโ€™t gay couples be allowed to label themselves as married just like heterosexuals? Keith and Patrick dissect this, labeling this redefinition of marriage as more of an un-definition, which ultimately makes the institution of marriage meaningless in the end. Where Walsh let Rogan off the hook, Keith and Patrick push back harder. Hear as they discuss the problems with the outlier arguments used by Rogan, the role of procreation in marriage and issues like infertility, and how heterosexuals are responsible for weakening the argument of traditional marriage through slippery divorce views. While their argument has nothing to do with discrimination, it has everything to do with the fact that what Rogan advocated for simply isnโ€™t โ€œmarriageโ€ after all. Listen now! Ok, truth time... Did you like this episode? Tell us by leaving a rating or review! ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ If you did, you won't want to miss what's next (so subscribe now!). And help a friend by sharing this with them. Thank you! ๐Ÿ™ Plus, the conversation is just beginning! Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to join in on the dialogue! If you disagree with anything in this episode, we'd love to hear your thoughts here. Want to learn more about Truth Over Tribe? Visit our website and subscribe to our weekly newsletter. Want more truth over tribe? Check out our resources! Resources Listen to The Joe Rogan Experience with Matt Walsh
1/11/2023 โ€ข 1 hour, 10 minutes, 27 seconds
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Is the Transgender Movement Erasing Women? with Kara Dansky

Kara Dansky doesnโ€™t even like to use the word, transgender. As a matter of fact, every time she says it out loud, she uses air quotes. As a self-proclaimed โ€œradical feministโ€ and a lifelong Democrat, this may come as a surprise to those on her side of the political aisle. But in her book, The Abolition of Sex, Kara outlines how the trans agenda actually harms women and girls. Today, she sits down with Keith to dive deeper into the topic. Hear her explain why the definition of a woman has become so controversial, why she refuses to use othersโ€™ pronouns, and why progressive society is actually more regressive when it comes to this issue. Plus, she touches on the division this has caused in the LGBTQ+ community, explains the growth of the de-transitioning movement, and uses comparisons to anorexia to expose the underlying, monetary motive behind the transgender agenda. Listen now! Ok, truth time... Did you like this episode? Tell us by leaving a rating or review! ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ If you did, you won't want to miss what's next (so subscribe now!). And help a friend by sharing this with them. Thank you! ๐Ÿ™ Plus, the conversation is just beginning! Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to join in on the dialogue! If you disagree with anything in this episode, we'd love to hear your thoughts here. Want to learn more about Truth Over Tribe? Visit our website and subscribe to our weekly newsletter. Want more truth over tribe? Check out our resources! Resources Buy the Abolition of Sex Book
1/4/2023 โ€ข 48 minutes, 37 seconds
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Good Christian Media Does Exist! with The Chosenโ€™s Derral Eves

Can we agree that most Christian media is justโ€ฆ bad? But if youโ€™ve seen The Chosen, you know itโ€™s one major exception! Today, Patrick talks with Derral Eves, executive producer of The Chosen, the first multi-season series about Jesusโ€™s ministry. Hear Derral share why he believes the show has been so well received among diverse audiences, detail some behind-the-scenes controversy and feedback from viewers, and explain the goals and results of the showโ€™s marketing campaign: #thechosensux. Plus, not only is Derral a producer, heโ€™s also one of the worldโ€™s top YouTube and online video marketing experts. Listen as Derral explains the strengths and weaknesses of YouTubeโ€™s algorithm, shares opportunities for using this media platform for good, and issues a warning for parents whose kids are growing up in this New Media Age. Ok, truth time... Did you like this episode? Tell us by leaving a rating or review! ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ If you did, you won't want to miss what's next (so subscribe now!). And help a friend by sharing this with them. Thank you! ๐Ÿ™ Plus, the conversation is just beginning! Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to join in on the dialogue! If you disagree with anything in this episode, we'd love to hear your thoughts here. Want to learn more about Truth Over Tribe? Visit our website and subscribe to our weekly newsletter. Resources Buy the Truth Over Tribe Book Bonus Resources from the Bookย  Subscribe to the TOT Newsletterย  Buy The YouTube Formula Book Derral Eves YouTube Watch The Chosen
12/28/2022 โ€ข 51 minutes, 37 seconds
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Winsome Wars: Should Christians Be Culture Warriors?

Jesus flipped tables. You should fight the culture too. Right? Well, not so fast. Itโ€™s true that todayโ€™s cultural landscape seems to be shifting furtherย away from Christian values. In fact, Christian norms are often seen as a threat to the common good. So, what's the proper Christian response? Should we fight in the culture war and forcefullyย take back the country for Jesus? Or does Jesus himselfย actually show us another way? In this episode, Patrick and Keith provide a "radically oversimplified" stateย of today'sย culture war and outline how Christians should (and shouldn't) engage. Hear as they draw from the book of Daniel to explain why Christians must embrace what they call, โ€œThe Exile Paradigm.โ€ They explain that Christians should be involved in partisan politics; however, like Jesus, they should view themselves as exiles, resistingย the temptation to gain earthlyย power and instead,ย laying down their lives for their neighbors.ย Listen now! Ok, truth time... Did you like this episode? Tell us by leaving a rating or review! ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ If you did, you won't want to miss what's next (so subscribe now!). And help a friend by sharing this with them. Thank you! ๐Ÿ™ Plus, the conversation is just beginning! Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to join in on the dialogue! If you disagree with anything in this episode, we'd love to hear your thoughts here. Want to learn more about Truth Over Tribe? Visit our website and subscribe to our weekly newsletter. Resources Buy the Truth Over Tribe Bookย  Bonus Resources from the Bookย  Subscribe to the TOT Newsletter Buy The Biblical Critical Theory Book Read David French Critique of Tim Kellerย  Read How James R. Wood Evolved on Tim Keller
12/21/2022 โ€ข 58 minutes, 49 seconds
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Robot Theology with Joshua K. Smith

โ€œEvery human is a person, but not every person is a human.โ€ On todayโ€™s episode, TOTโ€™s talking BOTS. ๐Ÿค– Buckle up as Patrick sits down with Joshua K. Smith, a theologian who writes about artificial intelligence and robots from a Christian perspective. Listen as he answers questions discussed in his recent book, Robot Theology: Old Questions Through New Media, including: How are robots changing us? Should there be moral limits to the ways we utilize AI? Do robots, such as todayโ€™s Starship Robots, have rights? Should we fear being manipulated by robots? Is developing AI too much like playing God? Plus, hear Joshua discuss the dangers of sex robots and what this type of AI could do to society and human relationships. Beep bop boop, hit that play button now! Ok, truth time... Did you like this episode? Tell us by leaving a rating or review! ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ If you did, you won't want to miss what's next (so subscribe now!). And help a friend by sharing this with them. Thank you! ๐Ÿ™ Plus, the conversation is just beginning! Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to join in on the dialogue! If you disagree with anything in this episode, we'd love to hear your thoughts here. Want to learn more about Truth Over Tribe? Visit our website and subscribe to our weekly newsletter. Resources Buy the Truth Over Tribe Bookย  Bonus Resources from the Bookย  Subscribe to the TOT Newsletter Buy the Robot Theology Book Listen to The Dolores Project Podcast
12/14/2022 โ€ข 1 hour, 1 minute, 51 seconds
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A Racial Reconciliation Playbook with Derwin Gray

Derwin Gray is back on the podcast! And this time, he joins us LIVE in studio! On todayโ€™s episode, Patrick and Derwin talk about his latest book, How To Heal Our Racial Divide, which examines what the Bible has to say about healing the persistent racial divides that threaten our nation. Derwin is a former NFL player and the founding and lead pastor of Transformation Church, one of the fastest-growing churches in America. Hear him discuss how he personally handles racial hatred and animosity heโ€™s encountered. Plus, whatโ€™s so bad about segregated churches anyway? Is nationalism really that bad for your faith? Listen as Derwin answers these tough questions and issues a specific challenge to white Christians on how to confront systemic racism head-on. Donโ€™t miss this one! Ok, truth time... Did you like this episode? Tell us by leaving a rating or review! ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ If you did, you won't want to miss what's next (so subscribe now!). And help a friend by sharing this with them. Thank you! ๐Ÿ™ Plus, the conversation is just beginning! Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to join in on the dialogue! If you disagree with anything in this episode, we'd love to hear your thoughts here. Want to learn more about Truth Over Tribe? Visit our website and subscribe to our weekly newsletter. Resources Buy the Truth Over Tribe Bookย  Bonus Resources from the Bookย  Subscribe to the TOT Newsletter Buy the How to Heal Our Racial Divide Book Buy The Good Life Book
12/7/2022 โ€ข 38 minutes, 16 seconds
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Evangelical Epidemic: The Celebrity Pastor Problem with Katelyn Beaty

Thereโ€™s obviously something wrong with Evangelicalism. Despite seemingly unending scandals at the hands of celebrity pastors and megachurches, we continue choosing the charismatic leader over the โ€œboringโ€ institution of the church. Is there a way to break this Christian celebrity cycle? Today, Keith talks with Katelyn Beaty, former editor at Christianity Today and author of Celebrities for Jesus, to find out. Katelyn shares her own definition of a celebrity pastor, making the crucial distinction between celebrity and fame. She explains why average Christians are so drawn to celebrity pastors, dissects the Evangelical industrial complex, and calls for the church to reexamine its relationship to celebrity Christians and institutions. Listen now! Ok, truth time... Did you like this episode? Tell us by leaving a rating or review! ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ If you did, you won't want to miss what's next (so subscribe now!). And help a friend by sharing this with them. Thank you! ๐Ÿ™ Plus, the conversation is just beginning! Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to join in on the dialogue! If you disagree with anything in this episode, we'd love to hear your thoughts here. Want to learn more about Truth Over Tribe? Visit our website and subscribe to our weekly newsletter. Resources Buy the Truth Over Tribe Book Bonus Resources from the Bookย  Subscribe to the TOT Newsletterย  Buy the Celebrities for Jesus Book Buy the A Womanโ€™s Place Book
11/30/2022 โ€ข 52 minutes, 33 seconds
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Why Christian Nationalism Corrupts Christianity with Paul D. Miller

In just the last year, the conversation around Christian nationalism has changed dramatically. What was once a more agreed-upon slur is now being embraced as a badge of honor. But the reality is that Christian nationalism actually corrupts Christianity and at its core, is antithetical to the Gospel. On todayโ€™s episode, Keith discusses this phenomenon with Paul D. Miller, author of the recent book, The Religion of American Greatness: Whatโ€™s Wrong with Christian Nationalism. Paul provides a helpful, formal definition of Christian nationalism, explaining what is (and what isnโ€™t). Listen as he answers questions like: Should churches take part in patriotic celebrations? If America loses its Christian faith, will our democracy crumble? Is embracing โ€œAmerica firstโ€ ideology considered nationalism? Does nationalism lead to segregated societies? Why does Christian nationalism thrive in certain environments over others? Why are so many self-proclaimed Christian nationalists drawn to Trump? Finally, Paul ends by sharing three tests you can use to make sure youโ€™re not falling into Christian nationalism yourself. You wonโ€™t want to miss this one! Ok, truth time... Did you like this episode? Tell us by leaving a rating or review! ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ If you did, you won't want to miss what's next (so subscribe now!). And help a friend by sharing this with them. Thank you! ๐Ÿ™ Plus, the conversation is just beginning! Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to join in on the dialogue! If you disagree with anything in this episode, we'd love to hear your thoughts here. Want to learn more about Truth Over Tribe? Visit our website and subscribe to our weekly newsletter. Resources Buy the Truth Over Tribe Book Bonus Resources from the Bookย  Subscribe to the TOT Newsletterย  Buy The Religion of American Greatness Book Buy the Just War and Ordered Liberty Book
11/28/2022 โ€ข 52 minutes, 31 seconds
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DEBUNKED: Religious and Political Myths You're Falling For with Ryan Burge

Warning: One of your sacred cows may be slaughtered during this episode! Today, Patrick has an eye-opening conversation with Ryan Burge, a pastor, a professor, and one of today's leading sociologists in American religion and politics. The two discuss Ryan's book, "20 Myths About Religion and Politics in America," which reveals that the way most people think about religion and politics is only loosely linked to empirical reality. Hear as Ryan debunks various myths such as: Donald Trump wasn't the first choice of religiously devout Christians; Evangelicals are pro-immigrant; Abortion is the most important issue for Evangelical voters; College leads young people away from religion; Black Protestants are political liberals; and more. Listen now! Ok, truth time... Did you like this episode? Tell us by leaving a rating or review! ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ If you did, you won't want to miss what's next (so subscribe now!). And help a friend by sharing this with them. Thank you! ๐Ÿ™ Plus, the conversation is just beginning! Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to join in on the dialogue! If you disagree with anything in this episode, we'd love to hear your thoughts here. Want to learn more about Truth Over Tribe? Visit our website and subscribe to our weekly newsletter. Resources Buy the Truth Over Tribe Book Bonus Resources from the Bookย  Subscribe to the TOT Newsletterย  Buy the 20 Myths about Religion and Politics in America Book Buy the Nones Book
11/22/2022 โ€ข 1 hour, 11 minutes, 45 seconds
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Understanding Zoomers from A to Gen Z with Josh Packard

Who is Gen Z? Itโ€™s difficult to make broad claims about the most diverse generation in the history of the world, but thatโ€™s what we attempt on this weekโ€™s episode! Listen in as Patrick sits down with Josh Packard, Executive Director of Springtide Research Institute and one of the leading researchers around Gen Z. Josh begins by comparing Gen Z vs. Millennials, sharing what characteristics make this up-and-coming generation so unique. Hear as Josh uses some of the latest Gen Z research to answer questions like: Does Gen Z trust institutions? What shapes their moral outlook? Is Gen Z culturally progressive or conservative? Does the church have to change their views on sexual and gender issues if they want to attract this generation? And what does our future look like in Gen Zโ€™s hands? Find out! Ok, truth time... Did you like this episode? Tell us by leaving a rating or review! ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ If you did, you won't want to miss what's next (so subscribe now!). And help a friend by sharing this with them. Thank you! ๐Ÿ™ Plus, the conversation is just beginning! Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to join in on the dialogue! If you disagree with anything in this episode, we'd love to hear your thoughts here. Want to learn more about Truth Over Tribe? Visit our website and subscribe to our weekly newsletter. Resources Buy the Truth Over Tribe Bookย  Bonus Resources from the Bookย  Subscribe to the TOT Newsletter Buy the Belonging Book Buy the Meaning Making Book
11/16/2022 โ€ข 43 minutes, 49 seconds
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Women Lost The Sexual Revolution with Louise Perry

The sexual revolution was supposed to liberate women. But did it? On this weekโ€™s episode of Truth Over Tribe, Keith talks with Louise Perry, author of The Case Against the Sexual Revolution, to discuss why the real winners of the sexual revolution were, in fact, men. Perry, a self-proclaimed feminist, isnโ€™t afraid to critique her own tribe, calling for a โ€œnewโ€ sexual revolution thatโ€™s essentially rooting for Christian sexual ethics to make a comeback. Listen as she and Keith discuss the cultural downfalls of porn, hookup culture, and the idea of consent being all that matters. Plus, is private sex really a public interest after all? Listen now! Ok, truth time... Did you like this episode? Tell us by leaving a rating or review! ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ If you did, you won't want to miss what's next (so subscribe now!). And help a friend by sharing this with them. Thank you! ๐Ÿ™ Plus, the conversation is just beginning! Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to join in on the dialogue! If you disagree with anything in this episode, we'd love to hear your thoughts here. Want to learn more about Truth Over Tribe? Visit our website and subscribe to our weekly newsletter. Resources Buy the Truth Over Tribe Book Bonus Resources from the Bookย  Subscribe to the TOT Newsletterย  Buy The Case Against the Sexual Revolution Book Stories by Louise Perry in Daily Mail
11/9/2022 โ€ข 43 minutes, 54 seconds
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Is America *Really* Post-Christian? with Glen Scrivener

โ€œThe extraordinary impact of Christianity is seen in the fact that we donโ€™t notice it.โ€ What if the Christian message is not the enemy of our modern values, but the very thing that makes sense of them? Thatโ€™s what we discuss today when Patrick sits down with Glen Scrivener, author of โ€œThe Air We Breathe.โ€ Whether the West realizes it or not, Christianity has given us the moral framework through which we see the world. It shapes our values such as equality, kindness, compassion, and justice. It sets standards for sexual ethics and allows us to define abuse. Itโ€™s profoundly pro-science and the basis for todayโ€™s scientific method. Whether youโ€™re religious or not, we believe this episode will provide you with a new appreciation for Christianityโ€™s modern impact. Listen now! Ok, truth time... Did you like this episode? Tell us by leaving a rating or review! ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ If you did, you won't want to miss what's next (so subscribe now!). And help a friend by sharing this with them. Thank you! ๐Ÿ™ Plus, the conversation is just beginning! Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to join in on the dialogue! If you disagree with anything in this episode, we'd love to hear your thoughts here. Want to learn more about Truth Over Tribe? Visit our website and subscribe to our weekly newsletter. Resources Buy the Truth Over Tribe Bookย  Bonus Resources from the Bookย  Subscribe to the TOT Newsletter Buy The Air We Breathe Book Buy the 3 2 1: The Story of God, the World and You Book Christ the Truth Blog Series
11/2/2022 โ€ข 58 minutes, 36 seconds
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Playing the Political Long Game with David French

How should Christians vote when faced with two โ€œbadโ€ choices? (Hint: They donโ€™t only have two choices!) On this episode of Truth Over Tribe, Patrick sits down with David French, most recently the author of โ€œDivided We Fall.โ€ Listen as he and Patrick discuss how too many Christians have opted for playing the political short game, only settling for low-character candidates that degrade the American body politic. They discuss whether or not Trump changed evangelicals, the rehabilitation of Christian nationalism, and why classic liberalism has made America a better place. You wonโ€™t want to miss this one! Ok, truth time... Did you like this episode? Tell us by leaving a rating or review! ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ If you did, you won't want to miss what's next (so subscribe now!). And help a friend by sharing this with them. Thank you! ๐Ÿ™ Plus, the conversation is just beginning! Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to join in on the dialogue! If you disagree with anything in this episode, we'd love to hear your thoughts here. Want to learn more about Truth Over Tribe? Visit our website and subscribe to our weekly newsletter. Resources Buy the Truth Over Tribe Bookย  Bonus Resources from the Bookย  Subscribe to the TOT Newsletter Buy the Divided We Fall Book Stories by David French in The Atlantic Stories by David Frech in The Dispatch
10/26/2022 โ€ข 1 hour, 9 minutes, 4 seconds
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Should Free Speech Have Limitations? with Greg Lukianoff

Sure, we've got The First Amendment, but do people really have the right to say whatever they want whenever and wherever they want? Or should there be healthy limits to free speech in America? Today, Patrick sits down with Greg Lukianoff to discuss. Greg is the co-author of the NYT bestseller, "The Coddling of the American Mind," as well as the President and CEO of the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression. Listen as the two dive into the history of the "radical" idea of freedom of speech and why it's necessary for healthy politics and democracy itself. Greg also shares some of the present-day threats to freedom of speech, such as Big Tech, social media censoring, and the rise of political correctness. Plus, do the downfalls to freedom of speech outweigh the benefits? Listen now! Ok, truth time... Did you like this episode? Tell us by leaving a rating or review! ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ If you did, you won't want to miss what's next (so subscribe now!). And help a friend by sharing this with them. Thank you! ๐Ÿ™ Plus, the conversation is just beginning! Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to join in on the dialogue! If you disagree with anything in this episode, we'd love to hear your thoughts here. Want to learn more about Truth Over Tribe? Visit our website and subscribe to our weekly newsletter. Resources Buy the Truth Over Tribe Bookย  Bonus Resources from the Bookย  Subscribe to the TOT Newsletterย  Buy The Coddling of the American Mind Book Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression
10/19/2022 โ€ข 1 hour, 4 minutes, 24 seconds
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What Do Demonic Powers Have To Do with Politics? with Tim Mackie

You might be thinking: โ€œIs this going to be a weird campfire conversation where they share their demon stories?โ€ No, quite the opposite! In todayโ€™s episode, Patrick sits down with Tim Mackie, cofounder of BibleProject, and the two have a sophisticated and candid discussion about the โ€œpowersโ€ that Paul refers to in Ephesians. Tim shares how these spiritual powers contribute to disunity and fragmentation within the church, urging Christians to be aware of these schemes and seek unity above all else. Youโ€™ll also hear Tim share on how BibleProject navigates hot button, cultural topics and whether or not he believes the church should weigh in on such conversations. Listen now! Help us help people find great churches! Does your church choose truth over tribe? Tell us about it! Ok, truth time... Did you like this episode? Tell us by leaving a rating or review! ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ If you did, you won't want to miss what's next (so subscribe now!). And help a friend by sharing this with them. Thank you! ๐Ÿ™ Plus, the conversation is just beginning! Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to join in on the dialogue! If you disagree with anything in this episode, we'd love to hear your thoughts here. Want to learn more about Truth Over Tribe? Visit our website and subscribe to our weekly newsletter. Want more truth over tribe? Check out our resources! Resources The Bible Project
10/12/2022 โ€ข 58 minutes, 33 seconds
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OUT NOW: โ€œTruth Over Tribeโ€ โ€ฆthe Book! ๐Ÿ“• (Hear a Sneak Peek! ๐Ÿ‘€)

Itโ€™s Truth Over Tribe book release day! Want a sneak peek inside? On todayโ€™s episode, weโ€™re giving you free early access to two chapters. Hear Keith and Patrick read from the introduction, โ€œTribalism is Wrecking Your Life,โ€ and chapter four, โ€œTribalism Creates Your Enemies.โ€ These chapters will give you a good preview into the themes and stories discussed in our book: why tribalism makes us miserable, why people are tribal by nature, why Republicans and Democrats like each other far less today than ever before, and finally, some practical steps that Jesus offers us for leaving tribalism behind. You wonโ€™t want to miss this one! Ok, truth time... Did you like this episode? Tell us by leaving a rating or review! ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ If you did, you won't want to miss what's next (so subscribe now!). And help a friend by sharing this with them. Thank you! ๐Ÿ™ Plus, the conversation is just beginning! Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to join in on the dialogue! If you disagree with anything in this episode, we'd love to hear your thoughts here. Want to learn more about Truth Over Tribe? Visit our website and subscribe to our weekly newsletter. Resources Buy the Truth Over Tribe Book Subscribe To Our Blog How Tribal Are You?
10/4/2022 โ€ข 30 minutes, 40 seconds
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Why The Church Failed to "Cure" Homosexuality with Greg Johnson

What does it look like for the church to *really* love gay people? Is the idea of "curing" a homosexual of their desires biblically accurate or appropriate? On this episode of Truth Over Tribe, Keith sits down with Greg Johnson, lead pastor and author of the book, "Still Time to Care: What We Can Learn from the Church's Failed Attempt to Cure Homosexuality." Hear as Greg outlines the rise and fall of the ex-gay movement and shares the lessons that came from its failures. Plus, you'll hear Greg open up about his own personal experiences growing up as a gay member of the church. We hope that this episode offers a blueprint for the church on how to better engage with and show love to the LGBTQ+ community, and particularly, Christians within that community. Listen now! Help us help people find great churches! Does your church choose truth over tribe? Tell us about it! ๏ปฟOk, truth time... Did you like this episode? Tell us by leaving a rating or review! ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ If you did, you won't want to miss what's next (so subscribe now!). And help a friend by sharing this with them. Thank you! ๐Ÿ™ Plus, the conversation is just beginning! Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to join in on the dialogue! If you disagree with anything in this episode, we'd love to hear your thoughts here. Want to learn more about Truth Over Tribe? Visit our website and subscribe to our weekly newsletter. Want more truth over tribe? Check out our resources! Resources Still Time to Care: What We Can Learn From The Church's Failed Attempt to Cure Homosexuality "I Left My Lesbian Lover for Jesus" with Rosaria Butterfield
9/28/2022 โ€ข 58 minutes, 25 seconds
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Love Does Choose Truth Over Tribe with Bob Goff

Live from the Truth Over Tribe studio, Bob Goff joins both Keith and Patrick to discuss how Christians can choose truth over tribe in love. Bob is a New York Times bestselling author of Love Does; Everybody, Always; Dream Big; Live in Grace, Walk in Love; and Undistracted. Bob's humility, kindness, and (of course!) humor were on full display during our conversation as Bob shared how important it is to honor and respect others, no matter our political differences. Hear as Bob answers some of our listeners' questions and challenges all of us to live as Jesus did: loving others without limits or conditions. You won't want to miss this one! Listen now! Ok, truth time... Did you like this episode? Tell us by leaving a rating or review! ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ If you did, you won't want to miss what's next (so subscribe now!). And help a friend by sharing this with them. Thank you! ๐Ÿ™ Plus, the conversation is just beginning! Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to join in on the dialogue! If you disagree with anything in this episode, we'd love to hear your thoughts here. Want to learn more about Truth Over Tribe? Visit our website and subscribe to our weekly newsletter. Resources Buy Truth Over Tribe book Love Does Everybody Always Dream Big Undistracted
9/21/2022 โ€ข 1 hour, 4 minutes, 33 seconds
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American Media: Out with the Old, In with the New York Times

Many of us simply assume that media headlines are reality. But is the media acting in good faith? Or are they serving a political agenda? In this episode, Patrick is joined by Ashley Rindsberg, novelist and essayist, to discuss the power American media has in controlling narratives and altering history. Hear as Ashley shares insights from his book, The Gray Lady Winked, which exposes The New York Times for misreporting, fabricating, and distorting stories to serve the agenda of the powerful family at its core. Plus, learn how Ashley says we can get back to a media based on our humanity, not our politics. Listen now! Ok, truth time... Did you like this episode? Tell us by leaving a rating or review! ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ If you did, you won't want to miss what's next (so subscribe now!). And help a friend by sharing this with them. Thank you! ๐Ÿ™ Plus, the conversation is just beginning! Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to join in on the dialogue! If you disagree with anything in this episode, we'd love to hear your thoughts here. Want to learn more about Truth Over Tribe? Visit our website and subscribe to our weekly newsletter. Resources Buy Truth Over Tribe book The Gray Lady Winked: How the New York Times Misreporting, Distortions and Fabrications Radically Alter History
9/14/2022 โ€ข 57 minutes, 43 seconds
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Walking the Transgender Movement Away from the Extremists with Jonathan Rauch

In this episode of Truth Over Tribe, Patrick sits down with journalist, Jonathan Rauch. Although he identifies as a part of the LGBTQ+ community, Jonathan recently wrote an article, "Walking the Transgender Moment Away from the Extremists," which challenges the current trans narrative. Hear as he explains how radical gender ideology has overtaken the trans movement and urges trans moderates to reclaim it. Plus, what does he think the Bible has to say about this? You'll also hear Jonathan and Patrick discuss his newest book, The Constitution of Knowledge, by exploring the fundamental question: what is truth? Listen now! Ok, truth time... Did you like this episode? Tell us by leaving a rating or review! ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ If you did, you won't want to miss what's next (so subscribe now!). And help a friend by sharing this with them. Thank you! ๐Ÿ™ Plus, the conversation is just beginning! Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to join in on the dialogue! If you disagree with anything in this episode, we'd love to hear your thoughts here. Want to learn more about Truth Over Tribe? Visit our website and subscribe to our weekly newsletter. Resources Buy Truth Over Tribe book The Constitution of Knowledge: A Defense of Truth Should We Trust Our Institutions? with Yuval Levin
9/7/2022 โ€ข 59 minutes, 16 seconds
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Seek First the Kingdom of... America? with Brian Zahnd

What happens when a Never-Trumper pastors a church in the middle of Trump country? This week, Keith talks to Brian Zahnd to find out. Brian is the founder and lead pastor of Word of Life Church in St. Joseph, Missouri. Today, he and Keith discuss how Christians with opposing views can remain unified, despite our tribalistic tendencies. Hear as Brian explains why Christian nationalism isn't biblical, why so many Evangelicals have been co-opted by the Republican party, and what the ramifications are for a church that chooses America over Jesus. Listen now! Ok, truth time... Did you like this episode? Tell us by leaving a rating or review! ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ If you did, you won't want to miss what's next (so subscribe now!). And help a friend by sharing this with them. Thank you! ๐Ÿ™ Plus, the conversation is just beginning! Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to join in on the dialogue! If you disagree with anything in this episode, we'd love to hear your thoughts here. Want to learn more about Truth Over Tribe? Visit our website and subscribe to our weekly newsletter. Resources Buy Truth Over Tribe book When Everything's on Fire: Faith Forged from Ashes Postcards from Babylon: The Church in American Exile
8/31/2022 โ€ข 1 hour, 5 minutes, 6 seconds
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Should Christians Watch Squid Game?

BONUS episode! This episode is about the top-rated Netflix show Squid Game. In the first part of this show, Patrick answers, "Is Squid Game too violent?" Spoilers follow this question in the next half, where Patrick takes us through 6 takeaways from the series and how Squid Game takes down reality you won't want to miss. Listen now! Ok, truth time... Did you like this episode? Tell us by leaving a rating or review! ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ If you did, you won't want to miss what's next (so subscribe now!). And help a friend by sharing this with them. Thank you! ๐Ÿ™ Plus, the conversation is just beginning! Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to join in on the dialogue! Want to learn more about Truth Over Tribe? Visit our website and subscribe to our weekly newsletter. Resources Buy Truth Over Tribe book
10/23/2021 โ€ข 28 minutes, 8 seconds