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Trinity Church of Portland - Sermons

English, Christianity, 1 season, 144 episodes, 4 days, 13 hours, 34 minutes
Trinity Church Exists To Faithfully Exalt The Triune God, Transform All Of Life, And Reach Our City And World With The Goodness, Truth, And Beauty Of The Gospel.
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Gifted For The Good Of Others

This morning we continued our series titled, The Twelfth Chapter, expositing Romans 12. This sermon titled “Gifted For The Good Of Others” was preached by one of our faithful members, Andrey Gorban from Romans 12:3-8.This text points us toward the spiritual gifts God gives to all of his people. We are told not to think more highly of ourselves than we ought to think, but rather we are to use our gifts to serve each other in the church. It should also be noted that the gifts God gives are diverse and vary according to the grace God gives. So, let us deeply consider how it is God has gifted us and how we may contribute to the needs of the saints.
2/18/202444 minutes, 54 seconds
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A Life Of Worship

This morning we began a new series titled, The Twelfth Chapter expositing Romans 12. This sermon titled “A Life Of Worship” was preached by one of our faithful members, Andrey Gorban and is from Romans 12:1-2.This sermon focused us on how Christians are to live lives of sacrificial worship by presenting ourselves in totality to God. In addition to worship we learned that we are to avoid conformity to the world but instead we are to renew our minds and be people who love what Jesus loves and to seek his will in all things.
2/11/202439 minutes, 21 seconds
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Every Member Ministry

This morning Pastor Thomas Terry brought to a conclusion our series “The Word of God and the People of God”. This concluding sermon is titled “Every Member Ministry” and is from Ephesians 4:7-16.This sermon focused us on how God gives us grace to serve in His church. He has given us the gifts of offices in the church to equip the people of the church to serve with the goal that the members grow into maturity and find protection from false doctrine and the worldly deceit that comes against us. Ultimately this is equips the members to do the work of the ministry.
2/4/202451 minutes, 56 seconds
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Every Member Holy

This morning our sermon titled “Every Member Holy" is from Matthew 18:15-20 & 1 Corinthians 5:1-13 and was preached by Pastor Greg Taylor and part of our series “The People of God & the Word of God.”This sermon focused on the subject of church discipline which is found in our two main texts where we see that church discipline is a necessary device the Lord has given us to maintain purity and order in the church when members stumble or fall in such a way it requires the other members to get involved. We practice church discipline for the sake of the person who has stumbled, always with the goal of seeking that person to be restored to a right place with Christ as well as with all of us, in the church. 
1/28/202448 minutes, 40 seconds
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The Keys of the Kingdom

This morning our sermon titled “The Keys of the Kingdom” is from Matthew 16:13-19 and was preached by Pastor Thomas and part of our series “The People of God and the Word of God.”This text begins with Jesus asking who the disciples think he is. Peter correctly replies with the accurate confession that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God. Jesus makes it clear that only because of the Father's spiritual intervention can Peter (or any other person) be able to make this confession. Jesus then goes on to proclaim that he would build his church on the rock that is Peter's true confession of Jesus as the Christ and the Son of God. This means we in the church must be actively seeking to be members who love and care for one another and be about the work of the church.
1/21/202459 minutes, 23 seconds
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Gardeners In The Garden

This morning our sermon titled “Gardeners In The Garden” is from Genesis 1:27-28 was preached by Pastor Thomas Terry as part of our series “The Word of God & The People of God.”This sermon focused us on the church and the role of church members. By going back to the beginning we see Adam and Eve were commissioned to work and garden as part of God’s covenant. Similarly, these are the things we are commissioned to do in the church as we seek to glorify God, work, guard, and live within the new covenant community as chosen people who are saved by the person and work of the Lord Jesus. So, as a local assembly of the new covenant community, this church is our garden and it is the job of each and every member to glorify God in unity by reflecting the very image of God so that those outside the covenant might peer in and see what God is like. We are to seek to grow the church through evangelism, and we are to guard and protect the church to ensure that those who come into the church are in fact regenerate people so we can ultimately keep the church sacred and holy.
1/7/202440 minutes, 44 seconds
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So That Your Cup Overflows

This morning we closed out the year with a sermon titled “So That Your Cup Overflows” from Romans 15:13 preached by Pastor Josh Petersen.From this text we looked back on the closing year able to rejoice in the forgiveness of our sins and looking at God’s work in our lives. We also looked ahead to the coming year to think through the disciplines of our faith and the importance this should have in our daily lives and in our Christian walk. So, let us be committed in the new year to be fully submitted to Christ, and then seek unity, care, and service to one another.
12/31/202338 minutes, 40 seconds
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God With Us

This morning we concluded our 2023 Advent series "The Light Has Come” focusing on the Incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ. This sermon is titled "God With Us" and was preached by our lead pastor, Thomas Terry from Luke 15:11-32.In this text we see a picture of a loving father and two lost sons, one who is an unrighteous sinner, and one who is a self-righteous sinner. This father was so gracious he gave his younger son his portion of the inheritance, he was so merciful he welcomed this son back after the son experienced repentance and faith. When the son is still far off the father welcomes him back and restores him to his sonship. Conversely, the older brother in his self righteousness refuses to celebrate the return of his younger brother. The father exhorts this brother to celebrate that his younger brother was dead but is now alive. This parable is a beautiful parallel to Christmas in how God as our loving father saves us when we were far off by sending Jesus to be our Emmanuel—God With Us. 
12/24/202341 minutes, 14 seconds
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Jesus, the Light of the World

This morning we continued our Advent series "The Light Has Come” focusing on the Incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ. This sermon is titled "Jesus, the Light of the World" and was preached by Trinity Church member, Andrey Gorban from John 1:4-5.In this text we see the contrast between light and darkness—that Jesus came to us as the light of men. Just as a lack of sunlight will adversely affect our health and cause us to not function as we were created, without the Light of Christ we also cannot function and remain in darkness, spiritually dead. People hate the Light and reject the Light unless they are given new hearts by God’s Spirit. So, let us marvel at this Light, that Jesus came to give us life, and that life is in Him.
12/17/202328 minutes, 48 seconds
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God Is Love

This morning we continued our Advent series "The Light Has Come” focusing on the Incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ. This sermon is titled "God Is Love" and was preached by Pastor Thomas Terry is from 1 John 4:7-10.In this text we see the importance of properly defining the word “love” according to God’s definition. We believe in truth and therefore we know that words have meaning. Love in our culture has been distorted and misdefined using circular confusion and sentimentalism. John is teaching that God is the source of love, and the origin of love. God’s love lives in the tension of grace and holiness as we learn that God gave so that we could live—that is he sent the Lord Jesus to love us and cause us to live by taking away his wrath. 
12/3/202339 minutes, 13 seconds
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The Peace Jesus Brings

This morning we continued in our Advent series "The Light Has Come” focusing on the Incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ. This sermon titled "The Peace Jesus Brings" was preached by Pastor Greg Taylor from Ephesians 2:13-17.In this text we see the peace Jesus brings. Jesus brings peace between sinners and God, peace between Jews and Gentiles, and peace within His body—the church.
11/26/202332 minutes, 7 seconds
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The Hope Of Advent

This morning we began our Advent series "The Light Has Come” focusing on the Incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ. This sermon is titled "The Hope Of Advent" and was preached by Pastor Josh Petersen from Hebrews 11:1-3.In this text we see faith defined and understand that we are trusting in something and someone we cannot see. But, we have a secure hope in what Christ came and did for us in his life, death, and resurrection.In this Advent season we should look beyond our circumstances, remain strong in our faith in Christ, and look forward to the hope we have in Christ.
11/19/202332 minutes, 45 seconds
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The Beauty, Frustration, and Freedom of Sovereignty

This morning we continued our series "Hevel Under The Horizon" an exposition through the wisdom book of Ecclesiastes, this morning in 8:2-9:1. This sermon titled "The Beauty, Frustration, and Freedom of Sovereignty" was preached by one of our Trinity Church members, Andrey Gorban.In this text the Preacher shares his deep frustration that God is sovereign and God is in control, yet evil and injustice is all around us. The Preacher unpacks how we must submit to the authorities, even ungodly authorities because of God’s sovereignty. We must know that despite the fact that our world is full of injustice, God in his infinite wisdom is using these things to achieve his purposes in this world. While earthly justice is often delayed, limited, or worse—non-existent; God will one day put all things right and execute divine justice in the world. As Christians we must live joyfully, knowing God is good and he has blessed us with his good gifts to enjoy even while we live in the midst of a world full of paradox.
11/12/202353 minutes, 53 seconds
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”I Will Be Wise” And Other Pipe Dreams

This morning we continued our series "Hevel Under The Horizon" going through the wisdom book of Ecclesiastes 7:23-8:1. This sermon titled "I Will Be Wise And Other Pipe Dreams" was preached by one of our Trinity Church members, Andrey Gorban.In this text the Preacher tells us that just doing the right thing, seeking to live wisely is not something we can truly grasp, it is vanity. This is because wisdom doesn’t explain all the paradoxes and pain of this world. It is to live under the vanity of self-dependency. The Preacher warns that he looked for wisdom in many men and women but it was an illusion. The real wisdom we need has to come from outside of us, which can only come from the Lord Jesus and His gospel. It is from God through Christ that we can live in the tension of a world where things are outside our control, our wisdom, and ultimately are vanity. Let us be people who trust in God and what He is doing in our lives, knowing He is faithful and will give us the wisdom we need for each circumstance in our lives, even if we can’t fully understand what God is doing.
11/5/202344 minutes, 2 seconds
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Living A Better Life

This morning we continued our series "Hevel Under The Horizon" going through the wisdom book of Ecclesiastes chapter seven. This sermon titled "Living The Better Life " was preached by Pastor Thomas Terry. The Preacher gives us practical principles of how to live the better life in a world where putting your trust or hope in anything temporary is vanity. To live a better life under the horizon, instead of trusting in accumulation of wisdom, or trusting in your own righteousness, or focusing on the past, focus on long term character and integrity. Don't run from life's painful and difficult parts, rather lean into them. Live into each moment patiently and humbly, not letting your anger get the best of you. Live in light of God's providence which will allow you to sit in the tension of trials, while tasting the joys of life, knowing God providentially provides both. Embrace life's paradoxes, and avoid self-righteousness and hypocrisy. Finally, lean into wisdom despite it's limitations, let wisdom lead you toward the better life.
10/29/202342 minutes, 20 seconds
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The Myth of Wealth Under the Sun

This morning we continued our series "Hevel Under The Horizon" going through the wisdom book of Ecclesiastes in 5:10 through 6:9. This sermon titled "The Myth of Wealth Under the Sun" was preached by our guest, Pastor Cody Cannon from Life Pointe Church in Woodland, CA.In this text we see the Preacher’s observation that he saw one group of people who had wealth but God did not give them the power to enjoy it, then he saw another group of people who also had wealth and God gave them the power to enjoy it. This is because God alone is the only source of joy in a life lived under the sun now, and for all eternity.The lack of enjoyment and fulfillment under the sun is because of sin and that we loved something not worthy of our love. Therefore, we must abandon all those temporary things we seek to give us enjoyment and fulfillment and seek the only source of fulfillment and joy—God. If you have done that then be reminded that it is worth it to put God first.
10/22/202345 minutes, 53 seconds
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The Myth of Sacred Politics & Casual Church

This morning we continued our series "Hevel Under The Horizon" going through the wisdom book of Ecclesiastes. This sermon, the sixth of the series is titled "The Myth of Sacred Politics & Casual Church" and was preached by Pastor Thomas Terry from Ecclesiastes 4:13-5:9In this text the Preacher exposes that many people have placed their ultimate hope in politics to the point that politics has become a religion, it is often treated as something sacred. Meanwhile church has become less sacred and bends toward being treated as casual by many in the church.When Politics is elevated to the level of the sacred, it is vanity and when church is downgraded to a place that is casual it too is vanity. We as God's people must be people who put church in its right place approaching God with reverence. Practically we must hear what is said, be careful to watch what we say, and be people who do what we say.
10/15/202350 minutes, 20 seconds
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The Myth of Having Other People’s Lives

This morning we continued our series "Hevel Under The Horizon" going through the wisdom book of Ecclesiastes. This fifth sermon of the series is titled "The Mtyh of Having Other People’s Lives" and was preached by Pastor Thomas Terry from Ecclesiastes 4:4-12In this text we see the Preacher expose the vanity of envy and desiring the lives other people seem to be living. Human envy will often lead to either laziness or over work. Both of these sinful responses from our envy produce vanity, they are worthless and harmful to human flourishing. The way God would have His people live is to work hard yet also avoid envy by being content with what God has given you and how God has blessed you. God has given Christians each other to walk through this world socially integrated within the church and family relationships. There is a safety in numbers which we should see also as a blessing from God.
10/8/202351 minutes, 40 seconds
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Zeal For Your House

This morning our sermon was preached by Pastor Sean Demars from Sixth Avenue Community Church in Decatur, Alabama. The title of this sermon is Zeal For Your House and was preached from John 2:13-17.In this sermon we learned why Jesus cleansed the temple. It was because of the overemphasis on convenience and the greed of the money changers which led to such irreverence that Jesus in his zeal cleaned out the mess. This is a good lesson for the church that we be willing to live with inconvenience, avoid greed, and acknowledge the holy, in order to live with zeal for Christ. 
10/1/202356 minutes, 19 seconds
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The Myth of Human Goodness

This morning we continued our series “Hevel Under the Horizon” through the book of Ecclesiastes. This fourth sermon of the series is titled "The Mtyh of Human Goodness" and was preached by Pastor Thomas Terry from Ecclesiastes 3:16-4:3.In this text we see the Preacher begin to make some observations about the wickedness in our world with the goal of exposing the myth of human goodness. He starts by telling us that even in the places where justice should be ensured there is instead wickedness. He brings into view the terrible oppression that people without power often face. These are the result of sin in humanity. God allows the wickedness in our world to remain as way of exposing the realities of our condition (being in sin) and our position (we all will die). But despite the rampant wickedness in our world God will one day be the judge of all these oppressions and injustices. This should be a comfort to you, to know one day God will repay.
9/24/202352 minutes, 37 seconds
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The Myth of Time Management

This morning we continued our series "Hevel Under The Horizon", going through the wisdom book of Ecclesiastes. This sermon titled "The Myth of Time Management" and was preached by Pastor Thomas Terry from Ecclesiastes 3:1-15.In this text we see the providence of God as it relates to the times and seasons of our lives. We do not control most of these things but rather respond with the limited freedom we have. Too often we attempt to manage time as a way to create our own destiny, to gain a sense of control. This often reveals a heart either of trust or autonomy. There is great profit when we experience what God has given us, the good gifts that come when we accept our limitations and live in light of God who is, the One who is in control and the giver of every gift we possess. So, let us live every moment in light of God’s loving care for us trusting Him even in the times of sorrow and loss, when things don’t go as we had hoped. 
9/17/202355 minutes, 42 seconds
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The Experiential Experiments

On this beautiful September morning we continued our series "Hevel Under The Horizon", going through the wisdom book of Ecclesiastes. This sermon titled "The Experiential Experiments" was preached by Pastor Thomas Terry from Ecclesiastes 1:12-2:26.In this text we see Solomon on a quest for meaning from life. He gives his assessment of this quest in the early verses of our text—he says that self indulgence of pleasure, projects, and possessions are hevel and a striving after wind. After seeing how these things do not provide any satisfaction or meaning Solomon then seeks to find satisfaction from wisdom, work, and wealth. He then finds these to be unable to fill him with any meaning and satisfaction. At the end of this text we see that pleasure, projects, possessions, wisdom, work, and wealth are incapable of giving a person ultimate meaning but are to be seen as good gifts given by God, who is the source of all satisfaction. In light of this the wise person will enjoy them for what they are and be drawn to God and live for and pursue Him which will be the only way to find real meaning from life.
9/10/202347 minutes, 10 seconds
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The Myth of Human Progress

This morning we began a new series titled, "Hevel Under The Horizon", going through the wisdom book of Ecclesiastes. This sermon is titled, "The Myth of Human Progress" and was preached by Pastor Thomas Terry from Ecclesiastes 1:1-11.We learned that the preacher speaks truth when he says everything in the world that moves toward human progress is vanity or "hevel", meaning it is something like smoke that vanishes quickly and cannot be grasped. Moreover, all the toil we exert for all kinds of things that are also hevel weary us. Ultimately, life is full of weariness and hardships, we work but are never satisfied and in the end what will account for all this weariness of life—nothing, we will not even be remembered.Now all this may seem depressing, but what the preacher wants you to feel is the meaninglessness of these things that are hevel in order to break their allure to keep you from trying to find ultimate meaning in anything or anyone not the Lord. The preacher's words are not altogether different from what Jesus said, "For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeit his soul? Or what shall a man give for his soul?" So, ask God to help you focus on heaven not hevel.
9/3/202354 minutes, 41 seconds
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Faith Versus Flesh

This morning our sermon was preached by Pastor Sean Demars from Sixth Avenue Community Church in Decatur, Alabama. The title of this sermon is Faith Versus Flesh and was preached from Philippians 3:2-11. In this sermon we learned that God is warning you to avoid false teachers who will seek to convince you that you must trust in your flesh for your righteousness. There were false teachers who were teaching the Philippians to put confidence in the flesh which is to trust in or rely on anything other than Christ and Christ alone for your righteousness. Paul is saying in this text that a person’s righteousness can only be that which comes through faith in Christ, it is a righteousness from God that depends on faith.
8/27/202341 minutes, 27 seconds
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Masculinity, Femininity, and Other Relics of the Ancient World

This morning our sermon was preached by one of our faithful members and is titled, “Masculinity, Femininity, and Other Relics of the Ancient World” from Titus 2:1-10. In this sermon we learned that sound doctrine must be what directs our training as mature men and women teach younger men and women to walk in self control, love, and good works.Whatever your station in life is, seek to join the church and learn from those in your church community who are a few steps ahead of you in their Christian walk. 
8/20/202354 minutes, 42 seconds
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Prayer, Wisdom, and God’s People

This morning we concluded our current series, Above All Else: Discovering the Supremacy of Christ in the book of Colossians. This sermon titled "Prayer, Wisdom, and God’s People" was preached by one of our faithful members, Andrey Gorban and is from Colossians 4:2-18. Paul concludes his letter in these verses by encouraging us to prayerfully walk the walk and talk the talk of the Christian life. This is to be done in a community of other Christians—the church, making the best use of time. Paul ends his letter with, “Grace be with you” because it is the grace of the gospel that allows us to stand and live for Him.
8/13/202351 minutes, 5 seconds
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Put Christ First In Your Relationships

This sermon was part of our current series, Above All Else: Discovering the Supremacy of Christ in the book of Colossians. This sermon titled "Put Christ First In Your Relationships" was preached by Pastor Greg Taylor from Colossians 3:18-4:1. In this text, Paul applies the putting on of our new self to include our family and household relationships. As your new identity in Christ defines your responsibilities you must put on the new self in your relationships, following the example given to us by Jesus as we seek to submit, to love and to obey because of who we are in Christ.
8/6/202354 minutes, 16 seconds
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Become Who You Are

This morning we continued in our current series, Above All Else: Discovering the Supremacy of Christ in the book of Colossians. This sermon titled "Become Who You Are" was preached by Pastor Greg Taylor from Colossians 3:1-17. In this text, Paul grounds us in the fact that our new identity in Christ dictates our new responsibilities to set our minds not on earthly things but on the heavenly. We also must constantly be putting off the old self and putting on the new self which is really to become who we are because we are now in Christ.
7/30/202347 minutes, 59 seconds
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Christ: The Source and Substance of Life

This morning we continued in our current series, Above All Else: Discovering the Supremacy of Christ in the book of Colossians. This sermon titled "Christ: The Source and Substance of Life" was preached by one of our faithful members, Andrey Gorban and is from Colossians 2:6-23. In this text, Paul teaches that because the Colossians had received Christ they simply were to walk in Christ being careful to avoid being deceived. This should bring us to a place of gratitude because our record of debt has been nailed to the cross, we no longer owe the debt of our sin. Jesus also disarmed the devil, and he is now our vanquished foe. When we live by these truths we will avoid being people who try to add a man made religion of self-reliance or self sufficiency to the gospel. Ultimately, Jesus is enough.
7/23/202350 minutes, 2 seconds
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Seeing Each Other, Teaching Each Other, Treating Each Other

This morning we continued in our current series, Above All Else: Discovering the Supremacy of Christ in the book of Colossians. This sermon titled "Seeing Each Other, Teaching Each Other, Treating Each Other" was preached by one of our faithful deacons, Nkosana Moyo and is from Colossians 1:24-2:5. In this text, Paul starts by telling the church in Colossae that he is rejoicing in his afflictions for them. He then focuses on exhorting the church on how they see each other—that they are the body of Christ. He then reminds them that how they teach each other must include the gospel, Paul reminds them their privilege having been given the message that formerly was hidden but to them has been revealed. Finally, he encourages them that they treat each other with love, being knit together.
7/16/202348 minutes, 55 seconds
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Supreme Reconciliation

This morning we continued in our current series, Above All Else: Discovering the Supremacy of Christ in the book of Colossians. This sermon titled Supreme Reconciliation was preached by Pastor Josh Petersen from Colossians 1:21-23. In this text Paul Paul first reminds the Colossians who they once were, alienated and hostile to God, but Jesus reconciled his people by his bodily death which places us in a reconciled position, holy and blameless before God. Paul then reminds them also to continue in the faith, to not be moved by the hope of the gospel. Let us heed this teaching and remain steady in our faith, to not drift from Christ and the hope he gives us in the gospel. 
7/9/202333 minutes, 29 seconds
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The Supremacy of Christ

This morning we continued in our summer series, Above All Else: Discovering the Supremacy of Christ in the book of Colossians. This sermon, The Supremacy of Christ was preached by Pastor Jan Verbruggen from Colossians 1:15-20. This text focuses on Jesus as the redeemer, that Jesus is enough, and that He alone is preeminent in creation, and the church. Any depiction of Jesus as less than God is not Biblically accurate, He is fully God, and fully man and has reconciled all things to Himself making peace by the blood of His cross where He made forgiveness of sin. This is the gospel, providing great hope for people.
7/2/202342 minutes, 52 seconds
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Gospel Fruit, a Gospel Prayer, and a Gospel Reminder

Today we began our new summer series, Above All Else: Discovering the Supremacy of Christ in the book of Colossians. In our first sermon preached by Pastor Greg we learned about the themes in this letter and then focused on verses 1-14 of chapter one. This text teaches us that it is the preaching of the gospel that brings lost people to faith in Christ, then by living in the power of the gospel and growing in our knowledge of God by the Holy Spirit’s work in us we can live holy lives that please God.
6/25/202349 minutes, 42 seconds
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How You Listen Is Everything

This morning we heard a sermon titled “How You Listen Is Everything” from Mark 4:1-34, preached by our guest preacher Daniel Schreiner, who is a pastor at Hinson Baptist Church in Portland, OR.In this text Jesus talks about listening over ten times, which becomes a moral choice for all people. How you listen determines both your identity and your future. How you listen also says a lot about who you love and how you love. Let us be people who grow to be good listeners, especially to Christ and His word. Remember how merciful and faithful God has been to us, in how he draws us and enables us to be able to hear His word.
6/18/202353 minutes, 27 seconds
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The Foundation

This week we continue our current sermon series, The Word of God & the People of God. Pastor Thomas Terry preached from Ephesians 2:19-21 on the Apostolic foundation of the church. This sermon is titled “The Foundation”.
6/11/202350 minutes, 32 seconds
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What Are We Doing Here?

This morning we continued our current sermon series, The Word of God & the People of God. Pastor Thomas Terry preached a sermon titled “What Are We Doing Here?” from Ephesians 2:1-19.In this sermon we learned about the church, that the church is an assembly of God’s people—the called out ones from the world who have been placed together for a specific purpose. God brings all kinds of people together in unity to put on display the mystery of God’s glory and God’s supernatural power in saving people to love and care for one another. 
6/4/20231 hour, 3 minutes, 20 seconds
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I Once Was Blind, But Now I See

This morning we heard a sermon titled “I Once Was Blind, But Now I See” from Mark 10:46-52, preached by one of our members, Andrey Gorban.In this sermon we saw that even though Bartimaeus was blind he sees something most of the people around him couldn’t see. It was that he was in the presence of Jesus, the Son of David who he knew could restore his sight. We see mercy asked for by blind Bartimaeus and we see mercy abundantly given by Jesus. Bartimaeus was given faith to be made well and to become a follower of Jesus. The lesson for us is that often God uses our afflictions to put us in a place that lets us see God and search for and receive the spiritual sight we need.
5/28/202329 minutes, 40 seconds
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Deacons: The Servants of the Church

This morning we continued our current sermon series, The Word of God & the People of God. Pastor Cristian Boanca preached a sermon titled “Deacons: The Servants of the Church” from 1 Timothy 3:8-13.In this sermon we learned about deacons—who deacons are, what deacons do, and how deacons serve.
5/21/202333 minutes, 43 seconds
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A Good Shepherd

This morning we continued our current sermon series, The Word of God & the People of God. Pastor Thomas Terry preached a sermon titled “A Good Shepherd” from 1 Timothy 3:1-7. In this sermon we learned about God’s design for those who lead the church—pastors. This role is to be fulfilled by qualified men who are both pastors and members of the church. Pastors are not to do all the work of the church but are to equip the church for the work of its ministries. We see the pastoral qualifications through five categories: calling, character, conduct, competency, and consistency. We can be thankful for pastors knowing that Jesus is the chief Shepherd of the church and has delegated specific authority to pastors. We should all desire to submit to our pastors knowing they are accountable for our souls as men who give an account to God.
5/14/20231 hour, 56 seconds
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The Wisdom of the Word Versus The Wisdom of the World

This morning we continued our current sermon series, The Word of God & the People of God. Pastor Thomas Terry preached a sermon titled “The Wisdom of the Word Versus The Wisdom of the World” from 1 Corinthians 1:18-31. In this sermon we learned about the wisdom of Scripture from 1 Corinthians 1:18-31. Just like Corinth in the First Century, our world views the message of the cross as foolishness and it puts more stock in the wisdom of the world than it does the wisdom of God’s word. This is why the Corinthians had so many problems with sin that prompted Paul to write this letter. We must be people who seek God’s wisdom found in God’s word above the world’s wisdom because God’s wisdom always proves to be the reliable source given to us by God and comes with God’s power so we can grow into greater spiritual maturity.
5/7/202355 minutes, 15 seconds
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Let The Word Transform You

This sermon continued our current series, The Word of God & the People of God. Pastor Greg Taylor preached a sermon titled “Let The Word Of God Transform You" from Psalm 19:7-11. In this sermon we learned about the transformative power of Scripture. The word of God brings God's truth to God's people and offers the power and promise to transform us into godly living. Some Christians neglect this blessing to their own detriment. We must be people who take advantage of God's promise and read, meditate upon, study, and obey God's word as we live the Christian life.
4/30/202335 minutes, 1 second
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This Is The Word Of The Lord

This morning we continued our current sermon series, The Word of God & the People of God. Pastor Thomas Terry preached a sermon titled “This Is The Word Of The Lord” from 2 Timothy 3:16-17. In this sermon we learned about the inspiration of Scripture. The fact that divine authorship of scripture is so connected to divine authority that to undermine divine authorship is to undermine divine authority. Satan did this in the beginning when he tempted Eve saying, “Did God really say?” The scriptures were breathed out by God yet written by human authors. The Scriptures are able to make us complete and train us for service in the church. So, let us take in the word of God and allow it to grow us into greater spiritual maturity and godly living.
4/23/202352 minutes, 5 seconds
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Love Language

This morning we began a new sermon series, The Word of God & The People of God. Pastor Thomas Terry preached this sermon titled “Love Language” from Hebrews 1:1-3. In this sermon we learned a practical and comforting reality that no matter what you feel in the dark moments of life, God does speak. We see a clear statement in this text that God is a speaking God. We learned that it is through Jesus that God speaks in our days. Because Jesus has all authority, and God made everything through Jesus, he will hold you and your life together by his power.
4/16/202345 minutes, 38 seconds
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The Resurrection and the Hope

This morning in our Easter Service we gathered to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord Jesus. Pastor Thomas Terry preached a sermon from 1 Corinthians 15:3-10 titled The Resurrection and the Hope. We learned that the resurrection is not just a supernatural event but it is also a factual and historical event. This makes us people who are blessed to know Jesus has died for our sins and he has been raised from the dead by God the Father and defeated death for us, offering us the promise of salvation—forgiveness of sins, acceptance with God, and eternal life, which makes our future secure.
4/9/202346 minutes, 44 seconds
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Benediction For The Church

This morning we concluded our series Life Letters, an exposition of the two letters Paul wrote to the Thessalonian church. This sermon titled, Benediction For The Church is from 2 Thessalonians 3:16-18 and was preached by Trinity Church pastor Josh Petersen. In this text, Paul signs off this letter by reminding the Thessalonians where their peace comes from and how it is to be applied in all aspects of their lives. It is the peace that comes from grace found only, exclusively in Jesus Christ.
4/2/202327 minutes, 7 seconds
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Your Work Matters

This morning we continued our series Life Letters, an exposition of the two letters Paul wrote to the Thessalonian church. This sermon titled, Your Work Matters is from 2 Thessalonians 3:6-15 and was preached by Trinity Church pastor Greg Taylor. In this text we learned that God's design for humanity is to work, and this even before the fall. God cares about our work, it matters to Him and Christians should be hard workers remembering we are to do our work as unto the Lord.
3/26/202340 minutes, 49 seconds
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Prayer and Confidence In Difficult Times

This morning we continued our series Life Letters, an exposition of the two letters Paul wrote to the Thessalonian church. This sermon titled, Prayer and Confidence In Difficult Times is from 2 Thessalonians 3:1-5 and was preached by Trinity Church pastor Greg Taylor. In this text we learned that we must constantly seek the Lord to empower us, to protect us from evil opposition, and to allow the gospel to spread and to be effectual in the lives of the people who hear it, all the while remembering that God is faithful, he will do it—he must do it.
3/19/202345 minutes, 31 seconds
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The Art of Spiritual Discernment

This morning we continued our series Life Letters, an exposition of the two letters Paul wrote to the Thessalonian church. This sermon titled, The Art of Spiritual Discernment from 2 Thessalonians 2:1-17 preached by Trinity Church member Ahshuwah Hawthorne. In this sermon we learned from the text what spiritual discernment is—the training within the community of the church to recognize and love truth rather than falsehood. We also learned the two primary reasons why spiritual discernment matters—it is because false teaching leads to false living, and true teaching leads to true living.
3/12/202341 minutes, 10 seconds
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Where Did All The Fools Go?

This morning we welcomed guest preacher Eric Bancroft, lead pastor of Grace Church in Miami. Pastor Eric preached on the subject of the church’s mission from Acts 14:1-23. The church has been entrusted with the gospel and our primary goals must be to preach the gospel and make disciples. The church has always been viewed by the world as weird and even foolish. Despite this, the church must keep on mission and desire to see Christ proclaimed and glorified in and through us as we preach the gospel and make disciples.
3/5/202340 minutes, 32 seconds
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A Day of Glory and Judgment

This morning we continued our series Life Letters, an exposition of the two letters Paul wrote to the Thessalonian church. This sermon titled, A Day of Glory and Judgment from 2 Thessalonians 1:1-12 and was preached by Pastor Cristian Boanca.Has the thought of Jesus’ coming ever brought you fear? The people in this church were being told they’d missed the return of Christ which proved to be quite an affliction for these saints. So, Paul provides this church an urgent word of encouragement that Christ's return was still future and when he returns God will give them perfect justice and rest. But until then they must continue to live faithful to the Lord Jesus. Paul then makes a stark contrast between what Christ’s return will be for Christians—relief, versus unbelievers—judgment and eternal destruction. Paul closes this section of the letter by praying that God would help these new Christians to live worthy of their calling as Christians.
2/26/202333 minutes, 16 seconds
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A Beautiful Benediction

This morning we continued our series Life Letters, an exposition of the letters Paul wrote to the Thessalonian church. This sermon titled, A Beautiful Benediction from 1 Thessalonians 5:23-28 and was preached by a Pastor Cristian Boanca.In this text we see that God’s plan of peace is to make you holy and to bring into peace with your brothers and sisters in Christ. God is the source of our peace, and he uses holiness that comes through sanctification to make Christians more Christlike. Believers are to be connected to a local church, to pray for each other, and to be inclusive of the people in our churches. This is a small preview of the future we will all share for eternity when Christ returns and for which we patiently wait.
2/19/202336 minutes, 57 seconds
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A Church That Encourages Is A Church That Endures

This morning we continued our series Life Letters, an exposition of the two letters Paul wrote to the Thessalonian church. This sermon titled, A Church That Encourages Is A Church That Endures from 1 Thessalonians 5:12-22 and was preached by a guest preacher, Pastor Cody Cannon from Life Pointe Church.In this text, Paul exhorted the church that meaningful participation in a local church is an essential means of endurance in the Christian life. We are not meant to live the Christian life solo, it requires the local church where we find and give encouragement, love, and care for each other. 
2/12/202353 minutes
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Hope For The Dead Holiness For The Living

This morning we continued our series Life Letters, an exposition of the two letters Paul wrote to the Thessalonian church. This sermon preached by Pastor Thomas is titled “Hope For The Dead Holiness For The Living” and is from 1 Thessalonians 4:13-5:11. In this text, we see Paul giving the Thessalonians hope for the dead, and hope for the living. There is a different way a believer deals with death versus the way an unbeliever deals with death. The believer has hope that is based in Jesus—his resurrection, and his future coming when we will all be united forever with Jesus and he will bring a better world into being. Paul goes on to exhort the Thessalonians to be ready for Christ’s return, he also reminds them that those who are in Christ need not fear the wrath that is coming on the Day of the Lord because Jesus has obtained your salvation. May you be encouraged by this glorious truth and may it motivate you to always live in such a way that you are ready for our Lord's return.
2/5/202349 minutes, 12 seconds
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An Exhortation For Sanctification

This week we continued our series, Life Letters, an exposition of the two letters Paul wrote to the Thessalonian church. This sermon preached by Pastor Thomas is titled “An Exhortation For Sanctification” and is from 1 Thessalonians 4:1-12. In this text, we see Paul exhorting the Thessalonians to grow in holiness and live in a way that is pleasing to God. What Paul was calling this church to is sanctification—the process by which a believer grows in their desire to please God and in Christlikeness. Paul gives these believers practical exhortation and encouragement to live sacred and self-controlled lives in peace and to have a love for the brethren.
1/29/202357 minutes, 7 seconds
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Like Eternity Is On The Line

This morning we had a guest preacher from Hinson Church, Pastor Neil Woollard to continues our series, Life Letters, an exposition of the two letters Paul wrote to the Thessalonian church. This sermon is titled “Like Eternity Is On The Line” and is from 1 Thessalonians 2:17-3:13. In this text, we see Paul’s great concern for the church while he is separated from them. This shows Paul’s primary concern for these new believers and what should be the primary concern for pastors and their church members is to see believers persevere in the faith. Another of Paul’s concerns is that affliction may have been so hard for this new church that they did not keep going in the faith. All of us in the church must care for one another and our faith because eternity is on the line. Let us have concern for each other so that we all finish the race of faith and together and behold the Lord Jesus.
1/22/202344 minutes, 38 seconds
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God Makes His Message Move

Trinity Church Pastor Thomas Terry continues our series, Life Letters, an exposition of letters Paul wrote to the Thessalonians. This sermon is titled “God Makes His Message Move” and is from 1 Thessalonians 2:13-16. In this text, we see the mysterious means by which God makes his gospel message move. The gospel message doesn’t spread the way other messages move in our world. This gospel is both otherworldly—transcendent and also earthly using natural means to be communicated. The Thessalonians received, heard, and accepted the gospel message about Jesus. Their acceptance was evidenced in how they imitated Paul, the other churches, and suffered for the gospel. This is often how God spreads His gospel message, when the people of God suffer for the sake of the gospel, the gospel spreads. This should motivate us to boldly proclaim the gospel, then pray for God to open hearts to received it. 
1/15/202356 minutes, 15 seconds
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Sincere Servants

Trinity Church Pastor Greg Taylor continues our current series, Life Letters: A Sermon Series on Thessalonians. This sermon is titled “Sincere Servants" and is from 1 Thessalonians 2:1-12. We see in this text Paul making a defense against charges that his motives in ministry were insincere. Paul reminds this new church how he, Silas, and his companions loved and cared for these new believers treating them as a kind father would care for his children. Paul also reminds the Thessalonians that gospel ministry brought conflict but God empowered he and his companions to successfully preach the gospel he had been entrusted with by God. 
1/8/202353 minutes, 18 seconds
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The Defining Features Of A Gospel Formed Church

Trinity Church Pastor Thomas Terry begins our new series, Life Letters which will take us through the two letters Paul wrote to the Thessalonian church. This sermon is titled “The Defining Features Of A Gospel Formed Church” and is from 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10. In this text, we see that this new church already has a gospel reputation, they are showing the signs of authentic conversion. They are also imitating Paul, Silas, and his companions as they imitate Jesus. This leads them to receive the gospel and Christian teaching joyfully even as they find themselves in much conflict. This church is a beautiful example of how God uses gospel preaching along with the Holy Spirit's power to bring sinners into saving faith in Jesus.
1/1/202354 minutes, 26 seconds
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Wise Men Seek Him

Trinity Church Pastor Thomas Terry concludes our our Advent series, Unto Us A Child Is Born, preaching a sermon titled “Wise Men Seek Him” from Matthew 2:1-12. In this text, we see the details of the Magi who came seeking Jesus and bringing their gifts to Him. The way they respond to Christ is the way people 2,000 years later still react to Jesus—either spiritually seeking, religious indifference, or agnostic hostility. This text leaves humanity with a blueprint how to respond to Jesus Christ today—it is to seek him and to worship him. 
12/25/202242 minutes, 45 seconds
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Shepherds We Have Heard

Trinity Church Pastor Greg Taylor continues our our Advent series, Unto Us A Child Is Born, preaching a sermon titled “Shepherds We Have Heard” from Luke 2:8-20. In this text, we see miraculous appearance of the angel of the Lord and the heavenly host proclaiming the birth of Jesus to lowly shepherds in a field. We see the reaction of the shepherds as they go to Bethlehem and share what they've been told. Once the shepherds see Jesus and realize their long-awaited Messiah has come they worship even as they return to care for their sheep. This story should remind us that Christmas is all about the good news of great joy found in the coming of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.
12/18/202245 minutes, 29 seconds
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God With Us

Trinity Church Pastor Cristian Boanca continues our our Advent series, Unto Us A Child Is Born, preaching a sermon titled “God With Us” from Matthew 1:18-25. In this text, we see the details of Joseph and his unique place in the birth of Jesus. Joseph goes from secretly planning to divorce Mary from their engagement to showing tender mercy to her, still taking her to be his wife and keeping her a virgin until after Jesus’ birth. Ultimately, Joseph was faithful and obedient to what God commanded him through the angelic dream. Joseph was an ordinary man who was used by God to bring about the incarnation—to bring Immanuel, God with us to birth.
12/11/202232 minutes, 17 seconds
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Humble Belief

Trinity Church Pastor Josh Petersen continues our our Advent series, Unto Us A Child Is Born. This sermon titled “Humble Belief” is from Luke 1:26-50. In this text, Mary receives the call from the angel that she would be the young woman God would choose to give birth to Jesus. God provides enough details to calm Mary’s concerns. Then God provides comfort for Mary showing her he was in control and sent her to Elizabeth for encouragement. This resulted in Mary humbly submitting to God despite what would be a very hard path to walk. Like Mary, we can trust God to provide what we need to do what He has called us to do.
12/4/202234 minutes, 21 seconds
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God Remembers

Trinity Church Pastor Jan Verbruggen begins our Advent series preaching a sermon titled “God Remembers” from Luke 1:5-25. In this sermon, Jan shows us how we can trust God to guide us through whatever obstacles we face just as Zechariah and Elizabeth could trust the angel’s prophecy that they would have a son in their old age—John the Baptist. John was to be the forerunner of Jesus, preparing the way for the Christ by preaching the word of God to the people calling them to repentance. God exalts his sovereign reliability in this text by giving an elderly barren couple the very child who would grow up to preparing the way for Christ, so that we too may trust Him with our obstacles. God promises are always reliable because he is the God of the impossible.
11/27/202238 minutes, 13 seconds
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Others-Centered Church

Former Trinity Church Pastor Andrew Pack preaches our sermon titled “Others-Centered Church” from Philippians 2:1-11. Paul in this text is inviting Christians to respond to the reality of Jesus and what he has done so that we practice others-centered living. To be an others-centered church requires us as members of the church to consider Jesus, to worship Jesus, and to copy Jesus. We will tend to become like what we put at the center of our lives, and even worship that thing, so we must place Jesus at the center of our lives to live out being an others-centered church and people.
11/20/202244 minutes, 43 seconds
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The Unalterable Love of God For His People

Pastor Greg brings to a conclusion our series, The Eighth Chapter, an exposition of Romans 8, preaching from Romans 8:31-39. In this text we learned that Paul uses a series of rhetorical questions to provide objective gospel truth for the fears Christians often have related to their relationship with God and assurance of salvation.
11/13/202247 minutes, 10 seconds
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It Was Only The Beginning Of The Real Story…

Trinity Church member, Ahshuwah Hawthorne continues our current series, "The Eighth Chapter" an exposition of Romans 8. This sermon is titled “It Was Only The Beginning Of The Real Story…” and was preached from Romans 8:28-30. This sermon teaches all that is happening in your life is because of God’s purpose for you to both bring you to Jesus and to make you more like Jesus. In God’s plan and purpose we know the ending has already been written and God’s people will one day be with God in glory for all eternity.
11/6/202239 minutes, 47 seconds
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On Earth As It Is In Heaven

Pastor Thomas continues our series, "The Eighth Chapter" an exposition of Romans 8. This sermon is titled “On Earth As It Is In Heaven” and is from Romans 8:26-27. We learn in his sermon that one aspect of the Holy Spirit’s ministry to us is that he helps us when we do not know what to pray given two or more choices that seem possible. This is when the Holy Spirit helps us with our words of prayer, interceding for us. Though we pray prayers with fallen lips and minds, the Holy Spirit intercedes for us according to the will of God, so that our prayers are properly prayed and properly heard.
10/30/20221 hour, 53 seconds
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The Hallway Of Hope

Pastor Thomas continues our current series, "The Eighth Chapter" an exposition of Romans 8. This sermon is titled “The Hallway of Hope”, which points us to the hope we have beyond our suffering. Because God sent His Son for the sole purpose of suffering for us, he will deliver his people and his creation from it’s futility and suffering. We have a hope in Christ that is a guarantee of future glory after the suffering of this world gives way to the next world where we will always be with God. Until then we persevere and eagerly wait for our glory.
10/23/202255 minutes, 34 seconds
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The Freeness of Salvation

Pastor Isaac Adams preaching to us on the subject of the freeness of salvation, from John 6:37. This sermon points out how widely and indiscriminately salvation is offered to sinners. Jesus says whoever will come to me I will never cast out. What a blessing to know anyone can come to Jesus and all kinds of different people will come to Jesus. It is our prayer that if you are listening to this podcast you too realize YOU can come to Jesus if you have not yet done so. If you are a believer, please remember to accept and love all of God’s people because God saves a vast group of different people into His eternal family.
10/16/202230 minutes, 32 seconds
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The Children Of The Spirit

Pastor Cristian Boanca continues our current series, "The Eighth Chapter", an exposition of Romans 8. This sermon is titled “The Children of the Spirit” and reminds us that the Holy Spirit leads us into flourishing by walking in Him, not in our flesh. The Spirit leads us into fellowship with our Father, pointing us to our adoption in Christ and we now relate to God as our Abba, Father! Finally, the Spirit points us to our future, to know we are heirs of God and of Christ, and we will suffer with Jesus so that we may be glorified with Jesus.
10/9/202235 minutes, 14 seconds
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The Spirit & The Flesh

Pastor Thomas Terry continues our current series, "The Eighth Chapter" an exposition of Romans 8. This sermon starts with a brief overview of the first seven chapters of Romans. We then learned that because of what God has done for people who are in Christ we will never suffer condemnation. Then we saw a beautiful summation of the gospel in verse three, followed by a contrast between people who walk by the flesh and people who live by the Spirit, we then concluded with the certainty Christians have of eternal life, both in body and soul.
10/2/202255 minutes, 18 seconds
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The Infinite Safety Of Jesus Christ

Pastor Thomas Terry begins a new series for titled, "The Eighth Chapter" from Romans 8. This opening sermon focuses on the subject of what it means to be more of a Roman’s chapter eight saint as opposed to a Romans chapter seven sinner. We learned there is infinite safety from the condemnation sinners deserve for those who are in Christ.
9/25/202237 minutes, 38 seconds
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Encountering Jesus

Guest preacher, Shai Linne preaching from John 1:35-51 on the subject of what it means to have an encounter with Jesus. We learned in this sermon that there are common elements to every encounter with Jesus. An encounter with Jesus requires first hearing about him and it requires spending time with Jesus. A true encounter with Jesus will also challenge our motives, identity, and priorities.
9/18/202245 minutes, 22 seconds
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A Church That Prays

Trinity Church member Nkosana Moyo preaching from Hebrews 4:16 on the subject of prayer. We learned in this sermon why a church prays, how a church prays, and what happens when a church prays. We learn that Christ washed away our sins thus restoring the broken relationship between God and man. So, we can now pray at all times in confidence because of our position before God through Christ and receive grace and mercy. The ultimate end of our prayers should be to better know God.
9/11/202251 minutes, 20 seconds
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The Lord Our Protector

Guest Preacher Michael Lawrence from Hinson Baptist Church in Portland, Oregon guest preaching from Psalm 121. We learned that this Psalm is pointing us to trust in the Lord because he will lead us to heaven. The alternative is to trust in our idols which promise big and deliver little. We must know what our idols are in order to turn away from them and turn toward the Lord and trust only in him.
8/28/202246 minutes, 42 seconds
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The Greatness Of Love

Guest Preacher Bryan Winchester from Saving Grace Church in Milwaukie, Oregon guest preaching from 1 Corinthians 13:1-3. This text teaches us the great importance of love in the Christian life, that the church needs our love far more than it needs our gifts. Therefore, Christians are to pursue love as defined in the Scriptures, for it is the greatest Christian virtue.
8/21/202248 minutes, 18 seconds
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Jesus Is Better

Trinity Church Pastor Andrew Pack preaching from Hebrews 1:1-4. This letter was written to call the recipients back from trying to blend Judaism with their newly found faith in Jesus Christ. This was their reaction to the intense pressure being exerted on Christians in the first century. Because the law never made anything complete, the author of Hebrews is directing these people and us to the greatness of Jesus and the completion of his work on our behalf. He is the one we must remain closest to in life because he is the better King, Prophet, and Priest.
8/7/202240 minutes, 31 seconds
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The Lord's Prayer

Trinity Church Pastor Emeritus Norm Thiesen preaching from Matthew 6:9-13 using the Lord's Prayer to teach us about our relationship with God often has everything to do with our disposition and can be spiritually diagnostic as to how we are doing in our walk with the Lord. Ultimately, our disposition is far more important than our words, both with God and people. We can bring our struggles to God, but we must do it with utter dependency focusing on first seeking His name, His kingdom, and His will, then we can be honest with Him about our desires and needs.
7/31/202242 minutes, 24 seconds
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Pray So That You Not Lose Heart

Pastor Greg Taylor concludes our summer sermon series, Made Like Him: Spiritual Disciplines for Jesus's Disciples. This sermon, from Luke 18:1-8 brings us to the spiritual discipline of prayer.Prayer is a vital part of the spiritual disciplines enabling us to better know Jesus. We are commanded to pray all the time because of our great dependency, and God's willingness to listen. If you are lacking in this area begin with a plan to meet with God daily praying with an expectancy that He will move.
7/17/202241 minutes, 30 seconds
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Fasting From Food To Strive For The Establishment Of God’s Kingdom

Pastor Jan Verbruggen continues our summer sermon series, Made Like Him: Spiritual Disciplines for Jesus's Disciples. This sermon, from Matthew 9:14-17 brings us to the subject of fasting. Many people fast for many reasons but this amounts to nothing more than dieting. Biblical fasting is going without food for kingdom purposes, striving to advance God’s kingdom here on earth. Fasting is a way of abstaining from something that sustains us in order to seek God, to expose things we may depend on in place of God, it is to open oneself to the work of God. Fasting should always be done with a spiritual goal in mind. Fasting is a long established practice that tests where your heart is, and may well be the means God uses to bring spiritual correction and strength to you.
7/10/202239 minutes, 2 seconds
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Loving God By Loving Others

Pastor Cristian Boanca continues our summer sermon series, Made Like Him: Spiritual Disciplines for Jesus's Disciples. This sermon was preached from Mark 10:42-45 brings us to the subject of Service And Evangelism. Because Jesus came to serve people, we, his people should also serve, using the gifts the Holy Spirit has given us for the common good of the church and our community.We also need to be people who go about evangelizing our neighbors using simple words that speak to the love of God for sinners, then leave the results to the Lord. He can use our gospel chatter to save people and build his kingdom.
7/3/202233 minutes, 36 seconds
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Silence And Solitude

Trinity Church member, Josh Petersen continues our summer sermon series, Made Like Him: Spiritual Disciplines for Jesus's Disciples, preaching on the subject of Silence and Solitude.This sermon, from Matthew 14:22-23 helps us see that as Jesus was frequently intentional about spending time alone with God, we need quiet time with God too. Being silent before God should be a hopeful expectancy that God will come and meet with us, it is an outward reality of an inward expectancy of the heart. So, let us begin to remove some of the noise of our modern culture and begin a discipline of alone time with God, especially time to reflect on all He has done for us in the gospel.
6/19/202221 minutes, 31 seconds
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A Worth Worth Living For

Pastor Ryan Lister preaches his last sermon as a pastor at Trinity Church and also lays the foundation for our summer sermon series, Made Like Him: Spiritual Disciplines for Jesus's Disciples. We learn in this text and from this sermon that life doesn’t center on us, it centers on knowing Jesus. This means we give up as Paul did trying to earn favor from God and find our worth in Jesus who has done all for us that we couldn’t do ourselves. You must ask yourself, What is your surpassing value? If it something is other than Jesus that something will always prove to be short lived. So let the spiritual disciplines be not a reward in themselves, but rather tools to keep the reward of Jesus ever before our eyes. Spiritual disciplines cannot replace Jesus, but rather they keep showing us that knowing Jesus is our surpassing worth.
6/12/202256 minutes, 2 seconds
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Be Light

Pastor Andrew finishes a two part series, Salt & Light preaching through Matthew 5:13-16. In this second sermon we learn what it means to be light. Jesus tells the people of God, “You ARE the light of the world.” This is true because Jesus is the light of the world. This text is teaching it would be an absurdity to not shine our light and be a gospel influence to the people where God has placed us. So, we must remember we have been blessed to be a blessing to the people around us by shining the light of the gospel to our neighbors. We do this by speaking truth to people, showing up to provide help to our neighbors, and being part of a gospel community to give and receive care.
6/5/202248 minutes, 12 seconds
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The Church: Built For Love

Guest preacher David Sundman preaches to us on the importance of the church, its people, and why it is so special—because we have in common Jesus Christ.
5/22/202242 minutes, 31 seconds
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Thou Shalt Not Kill

Pastor Thomas Terry preaches to us on the sixth commandment, “You shall not murder,” as we continue the short detour in our preaching schedule to hear what God says about murder from Exodus 20 and other Biblical texts.This sermon helps us understand the definition of murder, why the command matters, how the command plays out in our modern culture, and what lies at the heart of this command.
5/15/202258 minutes, 26 seconds
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Call Your Mom

We hear from a guest preacher, Dr. Todd Miles on the fifth commandment, honor your father and your mother from Exodus 20:12. Living in a way that honors your parents is not optional for the Christian. The New Testament even elevates this command, and it can be extended to other authoritative relationships. Jesus was not impressed with people who sacrificed care for their parents for other things, even for ministry. Jesus even from the cross provided for his mother as he placed her John's care. So, honor those God has placed over you as way of honoring God.
5/8/202245 minutes, 43 seconds
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Living Wisely

Former Trinity Church Pastor, Norm Thiesen was our guest preacher, his sermon "Living Wisely" is from Luke 12:13-21. Norm helps us see that life is full of choices that require us to exercise wisdom from God's word to avoid foolishness. A life lived that is honoring to God will be one that lives aware of God daily, one that makes eternity a priority, and one that lives content knowing God is in control.
5/1/202232 minutes, 4 seconds
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Make Disciples!

Pastor Andrew Pack brings our series Follow The Son to a conclusion preaching on The Great Commission from Matthew 28:18-20. Because Jesus has been given all authority and promises to be with us to the end of the age we are blessed by Him to go, to baptize, and to teach people to become disciples wherever God has placed us. Often this involves both formal church programs and informal work done within discipleship relationships. Remember, Jesus always empowers His people to do the things he commands, so go and make disciples.
4/24/202243 minutes, 51 seconds
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The Reality of the Resurrection

This week Pastor Thomas finishes the Gospel of Mark with the resurrection of Jesus found in Mark 16:1-8. The story of Jesus’ resurrection in these verses highlights feelings of sorrow, fear, and hope that the women who went to anoint Jesus’ body experience. Their encounter with an angel who announces that Jesus has been raised gives them evidence of Jesus’ resurrection and sends them to tell the disciples of this fact. The resurrection is an historical event that is to be believed by faith, which is to believe in a person—Jesus Christ, the Son of God who died for our sins, was buried, and rose again on the third day in order to save sinners.
4/17/202255 minutes, 18 seconds
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Atonement: From, With, To

Our Good Friday sermon preached by Pastor Andrew Pack is from Isaiah 53:3-5. Andrew draws out for us from this text that Jesus saves us from our rejection of God, he saves us with his finished work on the cross, and he saves us to healing from our sins being forgiven. This leads us to a life of peace, and a life that is truly abundant.
4/15/202226 minutes, 47 seconds
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Death Certificate

This week in our series Follow The Son, Pastor Thomas preaches from Mark 15:42-47. This sermon brings us to the burial of Jesus when the Lord Jesus after dying for the sins of his people is wrapped in linen and laid in the hewn rock tomb that is sealed with a very large stone.
4/10/202256 minutes, 56 seconds
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Jesus Died So We Can Live

This week in our series Follow The Son, Pastor Andrew preaches from Mark 15:33-41. In this sermon we see Jesus being forsaken as he suffers God's wrath in our place, giving us full and unfettered access to God. Remember, Jesus died so we can live for Him.
4/3/202243 minutes, 57 seconds
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Insult, Injury, and Irony

This week in our series Follow The Son, Pastor Thomas preaches from Mark 15:15-32. This sermon shows us the terrible abuse and mockery Jesus suffered at the hands of his Roman executioners. This was a divine drama with prophetic precision as Jesus endures the humiliation, mockery, and crucifixion unto death, long before predicted by the Old Testament and by Jesus. In Jesus' perfect obedience to the Father to die for his people, we are saved from God's wrath, our sins forgiven, and we receive eternal life, which should draw us into a deeper worship of and love for the Lord Jesus.
3/27/202257 minutes, 4 seconds
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For Jesus Or Antichrist

This week we continue in our series Follow The Son from the Gospel of Mark. In this sermon Pastor Andrew Pack preaches from Mark 15:1-15. This text gives us the profile of individuals who respond to Jesus in different ways. First, we see Pilate who takes an agnostic approach toward Jesus. Then we see the crowd who are fully antagonistic demanding Pilate crucify Jesus. When it comes to what each person believes about Jesus, ambivalence or antagonism are not options, each person must be either for Jesus or not for Jesus. There is no neutral position when it comes to each person's belief in or rejection of Jesus Christ.
3/20/202248 minutes, 27 seconds
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Paper, Scissors, Rock

This week in our series Follow The Son, Pastor Thomas preaches from Mark 14:66-72. This sermon brings us to Peter’s denial of Jesus. God often uses unimpressive people to accomplish his work and will in the world. Peter is just this kind of person, a man who was untrained, yet trained and made ready by Jesus and the three years he spent with him. Peter's pride is likely the biggest cause of his denial and downfall but Jesus restored him and Peter went on to great ministry success, even writing two New Testament epistles. This should serve as an encouragement to people like us living in in a cancel culture world. God never cancels His children who have stumbled—rather once we repent in humility, God prunes us and restores us for service in His kingdom.
3/13/202259 minutes, 40 seconds
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The Table Preaches Jesus

This week we continue in our series Follow The Son from the Gospel of Mark. This sermon preached by Pastor Andrew Pack is from Mark 14:12-25. Andrew unpacks The Last Supper Passover meal which was the first Communion. Passover is a reenactment and a reminder of God saving the people out of Egypt; Communion is a reenactment and a reminder for us of what Jesus has done for us, his death on the cross for the forgiveness of our sins. This should cause us to be serious when we come to the table and we should let the gravity of what God has done for us grow us in our devotion to Jesus.
2/20/202251 minutes, 30 seconds
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Blood Money

This week we continue in our series Follow The Son from the Gospel of Mark. This sermon preached by Pastor Thomas Terry is from Mark 14:1-11. This text places the story of the woman anointing Jesus with costly perfume between the story of Judas Iscariot, the one who betrayed the Lord Jesus. The betrayal story is split in order to show the great devotion and faithfulness of the woman contrasted with Judas and his betrayal. Jesus not only defends her when she is rebuked but calls to our attention to the beauty of her gift and its significance that helped to point to Jesus’s coming death. Similarly, we never know how our gifts might be used by God, this should compel our devotion to Jesus as we realize he alone is our Passover Lamb who died to forgive us and make us right with God. If we are honest, we must admit we all have a price or a thing for which we might betray Jesus, this must guide us to pray, trust, and seek the Lord to help us avoid ever betraying him.
2/13/202254 minutes, 51 seconds
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Stay Awake

This week we continue in our series Follow The Son from the Gospel of Mark. This sermon from Pastor Andrew Pack preached from Mark 13:1-37 draws attention to Jesus’s discourse on the Mount of Olives. This text as well as much in our Bible has a lot to say about the future. The main takeaways for us is that Jesus wins, Jesus’s people win, and Jesus is coming—so we are to be ready as people who stay awake. If you’re a person who isn’t living in light of these truths ask yourself, what is the first and main thing you need to do to wake up and be ready?
2/6/202249 minutes, 27 seconds
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The Love That Leads Us Near To God

This week we continue in our series Follow The Son from the Gospel of Mark. This week Pastor Thomas Terry preaches from Mark 12:28-40. This sermon draws attention to what it means to love. Jesus using the Old Testament lays out The “Who” and the “How” of what it means to love. The call from Jesus is to love God with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength and to love our neighbor as ourselves. This command actually condemns us because we cannot do it perfectly. But God, has provided Jesus to give his life in order to save us from our lawbreaking, to rescue us from our lovelessness—forgiving all of our sins.
1/30/202255 minutes, 30 seconds
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Jesus: The Living God of the Living

We continue in our series Follow The Son from the Gospel of Mark. This week Pastor Andrew Pack preaches from Mark 12:18-27. This sermon draws attention to a big question. What happens when you die? As the answer to this question gets unpacked we learn that Jesus is alive, Jesus makes dead people alive, Jesus makes living people live, and Jesus will make living people who have died live again.
1/23/202247 minutes, 5 seconds
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The Answers of Authority

This week we return to our series Follow The Son working our way through the Gospel of Mark. In this sermon Pastor Thomas Terry preaches from Mark 12:1-17. This sermon draws attention to the first time Jesus uses a parable to reveal truth to the religious leaders, in fact he tells a parable about them and they know it. The parable of the tenants is a call to recognize that God will remove and judge the religious authorities who refuse to submit to God. This parable also draws our attention to God’s long-suffering with sinners, and that he sent his one and only Son to save his people. After the parable discussion, the religious leaders withdraw from Jesus yet return to try to trap Jesus using a political strategy, that if successful would put Jesus in conflict with the Romans. But Jesus diffuses their strategy and leaves the people marveling at his answer and logic.
1/16/202259 minutes, 32 seconds
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Have Faith In God

Andrew Pack preaching from Mark 11:12-26. In this text, Jesus curses the fruitless fig tree and cleanses the fruitless temple. Jesus then commands us to have faith in God, to pray for very large things, and to forgive one another. Apart from God and his power these things are impossible and it is right for us to ask for the impossible and seek his power and help to make sure our accoutrements match the foundation of God’s design.
11/21/202152 minutes, 10 seconds
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Jesus Our Savior

Andrew Pack preaching from Mark 11:1-11 the story of Jesus’ triumphal entry when the people shouted, Hosanna—which means “Save Us.” This is a text that demands a response when we consider Jesus is our faithful Savior, our humble Savior, and our worthy Savior. What would it look like if we actually lived like we trust in Jesus's faithfulness, took more seriously His humility, and if we counted Him worthy of our trust? Instead of the frequent delays in trusting Jesus we would be quick to trust and obey Him, and it would change how we pray, how we evangelize, and how we spend the time and resources He has entrusted to us. Jesus is indeed our faithful Savior who longs to help His people, and to save sinners.
11/14/202156 minutes, 58 seconds
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Blind Faith

Pastor Thomas preaching from Mark 10:46-52 about the interaction between Jesus and Bartimaeus, the blind beggar. Despite the crowd seeking to hinder Bartimaeus, he confidently shouts to Jesus in search of mercy he knew only Jesus could provide. Bartimaeus receives his sight becoming physically well, he also receives from Jesus spiritual salvation and becomes a follower of the Lord Jesus. This is a beautiful example of the Lord using suffering in the life of a person in order to bring them to saving faith. Bartimaeus, the son of Timaeus calls out to the Son of David and becomes a son of God.
11/7/202142 minutes, 16 seconds
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The Proper Gospel

Thomas Terry preaching from Mark 10:32-45, Jesus shares the future he faces to complete God's redemptive plan and make the gospel a reality for sinners—his death, burial, and resurrection. It should be easy for Christians to answer the question, “What Is the Gospel?” But this is not always the case because the true gospel has been hijacked in our day, leading to confusion for many people. There are many so-called gospels that add or subtract something from the true gospel, and thus have no power to save. The Apostle Paul taught that any corruption of the gospel must be resisted at all cost. Then our text turns to the ridiculous and insensitive request James and John make of Jesus as they jockey for position. Jesus responds by telling them they will suffer after him, but he kindly withholds any details. Jesus then teaches that servanthood for His glory is what real greatness looks like. The proper gospel of Jesus as our ransom should drive everything we do, especially that we become servants for his glory.
10/24/202146 minutes, 8 seconds
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How To (Not) Follow Jesus

Ryan Lister preaching from Mark 10:17-31 about Jesus's interaction with the Rich Young Ruler. In this sermon we learn how not to follow Jesus, how not to be like people who walk away from Jesus because they misinterpret Jesus, or misinterpret themselves or misinterpret their desires. Jesus offers an invitation by calling people to follow him, to properly understand who Jesus is, who we are, and be able to discern our true desires. Accepting the call to follow Jesus will have a worldly cost but that cost will pale in comparison with what Jesus offers us—eternal life.
10/17/202143 minutes, 11 seconds
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Helping Or Hindering

Thomas Terry preaching from Mark 10:13-16 asks and answers the question, “Are we helping or hindering our children to come to Jesus?” This starts with parents and extends to the local church to create an environment that makes Jesus foremost in our homes, and makes the church a vital, and important place in the life of each family.
10/10/202151 minutes, 20 seconds
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The Beautiful Blueprint

Preaching from Mark 10:1-12, Thomas puts before us the beautiful blueprint God has given people for marriage. In our text, Jesus confronts sinful people seeking loopholes to sever their marriages by exposing the hardness of their hearts. Jesus takes them back to creation where we see God's original, intentional design for marriage. As Christians we must affirm this teaching and never take our que from the culture who has corrupted marriage. Let us remember that there is no sin outside the forgiveness found in the shed blood of Christ as proclaimed in the gospel.
10/3/202152 minutes, 1 second
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The Images That Sober Us

The text of our sermon displays the side of Jesus preaching about the seriousness of sin related both to causing other Christians to stumble, and sin that jeopardizes our relationship with Jesus. Jesus warns that hell is a reality for the one who embraces sin. The good news of the gospel reminds the true believer, they need not fear hell; but the one who has embraced their sin over Jesus must be willing to go to extreme measures to mortify their sin. All true believers can expect to be salted with the fire of trials and suffering that will ultimately refine us, season us, and help us be a preserving influence upon a rotting culture.
9/12/202149 minutes, 1 second
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The Path of Preeminence

In this sermon, Jesus reminds the disciples that he will soon die on the cross and be raised back to life. Jesus uses review and repetition of the gospel with his disciples to challenge their pride and emphasize the danger of pride and tribalism. Pride cannot be easily self-diagnosed and is one of the killers of Christian community. Jesus concludes by teaching his disciples that he has other followers doing mighty works in His name that are not opposed to the disciples. Jesus taught that the greatest of all is a servant, something he modeled for his disciples and for us.
9/5/202149 minutes, 43 seconds
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Jesus and our Low Expectations.

Jesus heals a boy who is mute. The crowds are amazed. What does it mean for us today ?
8/29/202144 minutes, 56 seconds
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A Glimpse of Glory

The Transfiguration. It's a big deal in the Bible. But it's often overlooked by most Christians. Thomas Terry dives into the story this week.
8/22/202155 minutes, 6 seconds
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The Cost of Discipleship

We live in an age where people consider themselves to be their own gods. Yet, Jesus asks his followers to follow another God. Listen in as Thomas Terry unpacks the true cost of following Jesus in today's american culture.
8/15/202147 minutes, 45 seconds
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Men Like Trees Walking

In Mark 8, Jesus heals a blind man.... by rubbing dirt into his eyes?Listen in as Thomas Terry breaks down this remarkable scripture.
11/22/202041 minutes, 42 seconds
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The Light and The Leaven

Why does Jesus constantly use bread and light imagery in his teachings? Listen in as Pastor Thomas Terry delivers insights on Mark's gospel.
11/15/202039 minutes, 30 seconds
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The Bread of Life Part 2

Jesus miraculously feeds 4,000 people. Why? What does it mean that this story is in the Bible? Listen in as Thomas Terry delivers insights to this passage.
11/8/202042 minutes, 13 seconds
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The Multi Sensory Mercy of God

Jesus heals a man who was both mute and deaf and he told his followers to not say anything about it... but no one listened. Hear Pastor Thomas Terry break down this beautiful passage of Mark's gospel.
11/1/202043 minutes, 1 second
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The Distinguishing Features of Great Faith

What does true faith in Jesus look like? Hear Thomas Terry unpack the miracle of Jesus with the daughter of the Phoenician woman.
10/25/202041 minutes, 50 seconds
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A Heart Disease

Jesus says the problems in the world start in the human heart. Hear Thomas Terry unpack Jesus' diagnosis of the human condition.
10/18/202038 minutes, 10 seconds
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Heart, Religion and Human Condition

In Mark 7, Jesus interacts with Jewish religious leaders. Hear Thomas Terry deliver key insights to understand this message.
10/11/202038 minutes, 6 seconds
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Humanity's Hope for Healing

The human condition is a constant search for hope and healing. Listen in as Pastor Thomas Terry walks through Jesus and his message in Mark 6.
10/4/202036 minutes, 16 seconds
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Deep Waters to Deep Worship

Jesus walks on water. This story has puzzled and fascinated people for millennia. What does Jesus want us to understand about this story? Thomas Terry delivers insight.
5/31/202034 minutes, 49 seconds
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The Bread of Life

Jesus feeds the five thousand. Was it just a spectacular miracle to ease peoples' hunger, or did it have a deeper meaning? Listen in as Thomas Terry breaks down this iconic passage of Scripture.
5/24/202038 minutes, 35 seconds
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The Dance of Death

Lust. Murder. Infidelity. Power. It's all here in this disturbing passage of Mark's gospel. Listen in as Thomas Terry breaks down the passage and examines what it means for followers of Christ.
5/17/202044 minutes, 39 seconds
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The Way of Discipleship

What is discipleship? And why did Jesus think it was so important? Listen in as Pastor Ryan Lister delivers these insights.
5/10/202036 minutes, 9 seconds
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The Sent Ones

Jesus commissions his disciples and tells them to go into the countryside and spread the news of the Kingdom of God... but he told them to take nothing with them. Why? Listen in as Thomas Terry delivers this engaging sermon.
5/3/202042 minutes, 16 seconds
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The Sovereign King Over Sickness and Death

A woman touches Jesus' robe and is healed. A young girl is raised from the dead. Listen in as Thomas Terry breaks down a beautiful passage of Mark's gospel.
4/19/202045 minutes, 30 seconds
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The Sovereign King Over Darkness

Jesus heals a man with multiple demons outside of Israel. Here why this is a significant moment in his ministry.
2/23/202051 minutes, 9 seconds
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The Sovereign King of Creation

Jesus calmed the storm. But Jesus wasn't just trying to get back to his nap, he was making a huge claim about who he was and what he was about. Listen in as pastor Thomas delivers insight about this famous story of Jesus.
2/16/202046 minutes, 56 seconds
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Fulfilled by the Kingdom

The Kingdom. It's a huge theme in the Gospel of Mark. Pastor Ryan Lister overviews the theme and how understanding it can help us better understand the gospel.
2/9/202052 minutes, 30 seconds
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The Lamp, The Seed & The Kingdom

Listen in as Thomas Terry preaches about some of Jesus' most well known parables.
2/2/202044 minutes
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A Harvested Heart

Listen in as Thomas Terry delivers interesting reflections on Jesus' parable of the sower.
1/26/202049 minutes, 9 seconds
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Insiders Out

Was Jesus crazy? A liar? God? Listen in as Thomas Terry delivers a message examining the question of who Jesus said he was.
1/19/202043 minutes, 17 seconds
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The Practice vs The Principle

Listen in as Thomas Terry breaks down the Sabbath controversies in the gospel of Mark.
1/5/202045 minutes, 24 seconds
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Feasting or Fasting?

Listen in as Thomas Terry examines two key themes in the Bible and how Jesus calls his followers to a different kind of feasting and fasting.
12/29/201943 minutes, 16 seconds
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The Sickness of Sin

Jesus has always been a controversial figure. And one of the primary reasons for the controversies? It's Jesus' insistence on associating with all people regardless of their societal standing. Listen in as Thomas Terry gives a message that challenges and confronts our notions who the ideal Christ followers are.
10/27/201945 minutes, 31 seconds
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Jesus, The Thought Reader

In Mark 2, Jesus performs a remarkable miracle. He heals a paralytic man who cannot walk. But then he does something confounding, He sees into others' thoughts and diagnoses the real problems in the room. Listen in as Pastor Thomas Terry delivers a thoughtful reflection on one of Jesus' most famous miracles.
10/20/201944 minutes, 59 seconds
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The Heart of the Healer in a Culture of Controversy

The Bible says that Jesus healed people. But often these healings came with unexpected outcomes and controversies. Here Thomas Terry breakdown some of Jesus' healings in Mark.
10/13/201945 minutes, 18 seconds
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The Contrast of Authority

Jesus has a different take on authority and the authority of the Scriptures. Listen in as Thomas Terry breaks down a passage in Mark where Jesus displays his authority over the Scriptures and his authority over evil.
10/6/201938 minutes, 47 seconds
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The Call and the Cost to Follow

This week Pastor Thomas Terry continues to preach through the Gospel of Mark in the series Follow The Son.
9/29/201940 minutes, 30 seconds
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The New Beginning News, Part 2

This week Pastor Thomas Terry continues to preach through the Gospel of Mark in the series Follow The Son.
9/22/201943 minutes, 27 seconds
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The New Beginning News, Part 1

This week Pastor Thomas Terry continues to preach through the Gospel of Mark in the series Follow The Son.
9/15/201939 minutes, 12 seconds
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Introduction: Follow The Son

This week we began a new series, Follow The Son which will take us through The Gospel of Mark. In this sermon Ryan Lister taught an introduction to this cherished Gospel.
9/8/201958 minutes, 1 second