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Time and Tune Podcast Profile

Time and Tune Podcast

English, Children-Kids, 1 season, 18 episodes, 5 hours, 54 minutes
Music educational resources for school children aged 7 to 9, from BBC Learning, primarily for use in school, featuring opportunities to learn songs and perform them and undertake a range of musical activities. Programmes available on Wednesdays with new episodes added the same day each week, during term time (with a one week break for half term). Programme duration: 20 minutes
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Rehearsal and performance 2

The second of two programmes rehearsing the songs from the series ready for a final performance.
5/9/201719 minutes, 58 seconds
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Rehearsal and performance 1

The first of two programmes rehearsing the songs from the series ready for a performance.
5/9/201719 minutes, 58 seconds
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Persephone is home

In programme six Persephone is finally free…she is reunited with her mother, but her freedom has been won at a price.
5/9/201720 minutes, 7 seconds
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Persephone said 'No!'

In programme five Persephone is offered magic food by Hades - if she accepts she will have to stay underground with him forever.
5/9/201719 minutes, 56 seconds
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She's everything to me

In programme four we return to Demeter, mourning her missing daughter Persephone and searching everywhere for her.
5/9/201719 minutes, 54 seconds
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And they went down!

In the third programme of the series Hades takes Persephone down to his underground kingdom.
5/9/201719 minutes, 57 seconds
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Hades' song

In the second programme we meet Hades - god of the underworld - who's feeling very sorry for himself.
5/9/201719 minutes, 52 seconds
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Demeter makes everything grow

In the first programme of the series we meet the goddess Demeter - mother of Persephone - who makes the crops grow.
5/9/201719 minutes, 53 seconds
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10. Rehearsal and performance 2

Rehearse the last four songs from Romans using the full-vocal and backing track versions.
2/3/201719 minutes, 42 seconds
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9. Rehearsal and performance 1

Rehearse the first four songs of Romans using the full-vocal and backing track versions.
2/3/201719 minutes, 22 seconds
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8. Make a mosaic

Make a mosaic, Join up the pieces, Pattern or picture, Creature or face, Such a creation! And such tessellation! Yes, make a mosaic, Find the right place... Strike up the lyre, Strings of Apollo, Sound out the rhythms, Make melody, Join in with singing, And tambourines ringing, Combine to make music, Sweet harmony! Pottery, sculpture, Metalwork, glassware, Fabrics and jewellery, Join up each part, Altogether they make Such a mosaic! Yes, creative patterns, Crafted with art! Make a mosaic... Make a mosaic... Make a mosaic... MAKE A MOSAIC!
2/3/201719 minutes, 24 seconds
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7. Into the arena

Into the arena, Mask and mime and drama, Audience all round there, Waiting for the show. Tragedy and comedy And poetry performed there, Into the arena, go! Into the arena, Chariots and horses, Teams of different colours Red, white, blue and green. Round the Circus Maximus They race around in danger, Who's the fastest to be seen? Into the arena, Cruelty and horror, Animals displayed there Hunted till they die, Antelope and elephant And lion, bear and leopard, Into the arena, why? Into the arena, Gladiators fighting, Locked in mortal combat Fighting to the death. Wrestling with weaponry And nets and shields and armour, Struggling for their final breath. Into the arena, Mask and mime and drama, Audience all round there, Waiting for the show. Tragedy and comedy And poetry performed there, Into the arena, go! Into the arena, go..! Into the arena, go..!. Into the arena, go..! Into the arena, go..!
2/3/201719 minutes, 42 seconds
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6. Roman gods and goddesses

(Chorus:) Roman gods and goddesses, Dancing round in space, Moving round, like planets, Each one in their place, Worship them in temples, Plenty (just in case!) Roman gods and goddesses, Meet them, face to face! Here comes mighty Jupiter, Thundering along, Keep a watch for Mars As he sings his war-like song. On the hunt, Diana, Goddess of the Moon, Spreading love is Venus, Bringing Springtime soon. (Chorus:) Roman gods and goddesses... (etc) Neptune, God of Water, Deep in ocean blue, God of Sport, Apollo, Music-maker too. Ceres bringing fruitfulness And lots of food to eat, Then Mercury, the Messenger, With wings upon his feet. (Chorus:) Roman Gods and Goddesses... (etc) Janus looks out both ways - Brings the New Year in, Minerva inspires poetry, Art and medicine. Roman gods and goddesses, It’s hard to keep a score, With Saturn, Cupid, Juno... Yes and plenty more! (Chorus:) Roman Gods and Goddesses... (etc)
2/3/201719 minutes, 20 seconds
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5. Spin that coin

Spin that coin and flip it over, Is it heads, or is it tails? Take it to the marketplace And change your coin for goods on sale. Emperors, they come and go, But trade and people carry on, Spin that coin and flip it over, On and on and on... (Instrumental verse, with actions) Roll that dice and count the numbers, One, two, three, four, five or six? Fly a kite, throw knuckle-bones, And play with dolls and hoops and sticks. Model chariots, rolling marbles, Toys and games they carry on, Roll that dice and count the numbers, On and on and on... (Instrumental verse, with actions) Sing the songs and dance the dances, Blow the flutes and twang the lyre, Step in time with tambourines, Then stamp the ground, then reach up higher. Castanets and finger-cymbals, Dance and music carry on, Sing the songs and dance the dances, On and on and on... (Instrumental verse, with actions) Spin that coin... Roll that dice... Dance and music... Spin that coin... Spin that coin... Roll that dice... Dance and music... Spin that coin... Spin that coin... Roll that dice... Dance and music... Spin that coin... Spin that coin... Roll that dice... Dance and music... Spin that coin!
2/2/201719 minutes, 50 seconds
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4. Oh, the strata of society

Oh, the strata Of society, Down from Emperor to slave, Oh, they tell you What you ought to do And just how you should behave And the manners That you have to show When superiors you pass... Roman people, Neatly organized, Into layers, class by class. From the toga With a purple stripe, To the sack-cloth down below, Know your status In society, What you wear and who you know, Status symbols? Own a villa And a garden and a horse... Make your slaves do What you want them to, When you want them to, of course. At the bathhouse Are you pampered? At the theatre, where’s your seat? Are you wealthy? Are you healthy? Are you part of the elite? Yes, the senator And the citizen, Seeking privilege, no doubt... Seeking power, seeking influence, Are they ‘in’, or are they ‘out’? Oh, the strata Of society, Down from Emperor to slave, Oh, they tell you What you ought to do And just how you should behave And the manners That you have to show When superiors you pass... Roman people, Neatly organized, Into layers, class by class.
2/2/201718 minutes, 36 seconds
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3. Boudicca!

Back at the end of the Iron Age Wife of Prasutagus, fierce with rage Leads the Iceni with angry shout Wants to drive the Romans out Tribal warrior, Celtic Queen Fiercer than Romans had ever seen BOUDICCA! Metal-torc and bright-red hair Tattooed skin and angry glare Horses thundering, chariot-ride Thousands of warriors by her side Attacks three cities with sparks of fire Burns them into a funeral-pyre BOUDICCA! [instrumental verse with body-percussion and percussion - to evoke iron, galloping horses, chariots, and war-shouts] Back at the end of the Iron Age Wife of Prasutagus, fierce with rage Leads the Iceni with angry shout Wants to drive the Romans out Tribal warrior, Celtic Queen Fiercer than Romans had ever seen BOUDICCA! Boudicca! Boudicca! Boudicca! Boudicca! BOUDICCA!
2/2/201719 minutes, 19 seconds
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2. Is that a fact?

Exploring the historical truth behind some well-known Roman stories.
2/2/201720 minutes, 1 second
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1. Signals!

The first song in the series explores the Roman use of music to convey battle signals.
1/19/201719 minutes, 57 seconds