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Thru the Bible on

English, Christianity, 1 season, 120 episodes, 2 days, 4 hours
Thru the Bible takes the listener through the entire Bible in just five years, threading back and forth between the Old and New Testaments. You can begin the study at any time. When we have concluded Revelation, we will start over again in Genesis, so if you are with us for five years you will not miss any part of the Bible.Other Thru the Bible Programs:Thru the Bible - Questions AnswersThru the Bible - Sunday SermonThru the Bible InternationalA Travs de la Biblia
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Philippians 4:13-23

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me Really, all things? Discover the secret behind this promise that begins when you are where God wants you to be, doing His will, in His power.
2/2/202426 minutes
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Philippians 4:8-13

Want to know the secret to real contentment? Make Christ the center of your life. If you spend time in the questionable things of this world, your life will lack meaning and power. Instead, invest time thinking about Jesus and His Word and your contentment will grow. A beautiful section of God’s Word.
2/1/202426 minutes
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Philippians 4:6, 7

Worried about something today? Learn how to pray about it instead. We’ll learn in Philippians 4 how to exchange stress for strength and anxiety for thanksgiving. Best of all, you’ll experience the peace of God that He promises to everyone who entrusts Him with everything in their lives. Joy is the source of power; prayer is the secret of power.
1/31/202426 minutes
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Philippians 4:4-6

Rejoice in the Lord is not a suggestionit’s a commandment! Learn in this study of Philippians 4 how joy is a fruit of the Holy Spirit and the source of power in the life of every Christian.
1/30/202426 minutes
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Philippians 3:20—4:3

Are you looking forward to the day when your body will look like the one Jesus had after His resurrection? There will be a day when we will be like Him. Discover more about that beautiful transformation in our study of Philippians 3.
1/29/202426 minutes
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Philippians 3:15-20

God can and will lead a willing believer. Be willing to do His will. That’s what we learn from Dr. McGee in this study of Philippians 3 about how Jesus Christ shows up in your life. See how following God translates into your whole way of life.
1/26/202426 minutes
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Philippians 3:7-14

In his revolutionary letter given to the church at Philippi, Paul describes all those things he once trusted for his righteousness as "rubbish" compared to the knowledge of Christ the Lord. We must come to Christ as a bankrupt sinner and trust Him to save us.
1/25/202426 minutes
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Philippians 3:2-6

Paul thought he was good enough. In fact, he had a list of seven things he considered were good reasons he deserved to go to heaven. That is, until he came to Christ. Paul describes his radical change of heart and mind in Philippians 3.
1/24/202426 minutes
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Philippians 2:25—3:1

No matter where you meet God’s people in the world, we all have some family resemblance. That’s because we have God's Spirit living inside each of us, consistently helping us look more like His Son, Jesus. In this study of Philippians 2, Dr. J. Vernon McGee explains what it means to be more like Christ.
1/23/202426 minutes
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Philippians 2:12-26

The main purpose of the church in the world is to make known Christ and His Word. One of the main jobs we have as believers is to know the Bible so we can shine it forth in our lives and have something to say when asked about our faith.
1/22/202426 minutes
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Philippians 2:8-11

In this important study, we focus on the day on which all of historyeven all eternityhangs like a hingethe day the Lord Jesus Christ was crucified in order to save us. Travel through one of the most glorious passages in the Bible. It describes what was going on behind the scenes that day and, in part, the reason Jesus died on the cross.
1/19/202426 minutes
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Philippians 2:5-8

God’s definition of success comes from a surprisingly different place than ours. Dr. J Vernon McGee explains this great reversal as we study one of the most glorious passages about how Jesus Christ humbled Himself for our sakesall so we could be saved.
1/18/202426 minutes
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Philippians 2:1-6

In this study of Philippians 2, we put our magnifying glass on the person of Jesus and ask fundamental questions like: Who is He? How do we follow Him? And, what does it mean to be like Him? Dr. McGee calls this one of the most important theological passages of the Bible.
1/17/202426 minutes
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Philippians 1:14-30

Paul reports to the believers that his imprisonment and mistreatment did not hinder the spread of the gospel, but rather worked out for the furtherance of it.
1/16/202426 minutes
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Philippians 1:9-13

Christians are called to love: To love one another, to love our neighbors, even to love our enemies. It sounds noble, but it’s often the hardest thing God asks us to do. Dr. J. Vernon McGee reminds us that in our weakness, God gives us the grace to do what we can’t on our own.
1/15/202426 minutes
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Philippians 1:6-9

It's true: God who began a good work in us will finish what He started. Paul assures the Philippiansand believers todayof our eternal security in Christ.
1/12/202426 minutes
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Philippians 1:2-6

Paul wrote from prison to the church at Philippi, reminding them that joy doesn't depend on outward circumstances but on inward condition. If we are in the center of God's will, then regardless of the circumstances there will be joy in our lives.
1/11/202426 minutes
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Philippians Intro—1:1

What kind of person can sit in prison and write a book about joy? The apostle Paul’s joy transcended his earthly circumstances, and he felt compelled to share it with his friends at Philippi. He teaches that happiness is found through Christlike humility, contentment, and service. Find out what it means to have that same kind of joy.
1/10/202426 minutes
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Proverbs 30:20—31:31

Lessons learned from Proverbs 30:2031:31 include: Discover the wisdom that comes from observing animalsthey can teach us a lot about how to live before God and man. Advice on how to choose a wife of good character. God never intended woman to be a servant of man; she is to be a partner.
1/9/202426 minutes
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Proverbs 29:5—30:19

Lessons learned from Proverbs 29:530:19 include: Flattery is a dangerous thing. A fool will tell you everything even when he shouldn’t. Vision is actually spiritual understanding. The Word of God is a miraculous cleanser. There are some things we just do not understand.
1/8/202426 minutes
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Proverbs 28:1—29:4

Lessons learned from Proverbs 28:129:4 include: If you want God to hear you, you must hear Him first. The man who fears God is the one who is listening to God. Walk in humility before the Lord.
1/5/202426 minutes
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Proverbs 26:23—27:27

Lessons learned from Proverbs 26:2327:27 include: Don’t be surprised by counterfeit Christians; they only counterfeit what they know to be valuable. Procrastination is the thief of time. A fool has no discretion; he will say and do anything. It is good to have a friend who will call attention to your faults in a helpful way. May God give us an appetite for the Word of God. God has a particular place for every believer to exercise his gift. It is good to have a friend with whom you can sharpen your mind. Dynasties rise and fall in this world of changes; God doesn’t change.
1/4/202426 minutes
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Proverbs 25:23—26:22

Lessons learned from Proverbs 25:2326:22 include: A fool doesn’t mind sacrificing his honor. Giving honor to a fool gives him ammunition. There is security for the believer and also insecurity for the make-believer. One who has a high opinion of himself is worse than a fool. Strife is fueled by gossip; a real child of God does not wish to hear things that are ugly.
1/3/202426 minutes
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Proverbs 25:1-25

Lessons learned from Proverbs 25:1-25 include: We should study what God has revealed to us. Pray about what we should say and when we should say it. Don’t spend too much time at your neighbor’s house. Be kind to your enemy.
1/2/202426 minutes
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Proverbs 24

Lessons learned from Proverbs 24 include: Look at things from God’s point of view. God has put each of us in our own particular place to fulfill a purpose here on earth. Build a house of wisdom and knowledge based on the Word of God. God uses times of testing and trials to develop our character. Listen to God when He asks us to be of help to someone in trouble. Man keeps falling, but the one who depends in the Lord will get up again.
1/1/202426 minutes
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Proverbs 22:28—23:35

Lessons learned from Proverbs 22:2823:35 include: God rewards faithfulness, not how many works you have done. Be temperate in all things; use moderation and self-control even when you eat. Don’t make riches the goal of your life.
12/29/202326 minutes
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Proverbs 21:22—22:27

Lessons learned from Proverbs 21:2222:27 include: God hates abusive language and a proud look. The lazy man spends his time in covetousness, but the righteous man is always giving. We do not have to defend the Bible, just proclaim it. A good name is won by the kind of person you are. Proper discipline will help the child overcome his foolishness.
12/28/202326 minutes
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Proverbs 21:1-22

Lessons learned from Proverbs 21:1-22 include: Regardless of how powerful a person may become politically, they cannot act independently of God. God looks at the heart; He will give you a heart that can obey Him. It is important to make money in the right way and do it for the glory of God. If you are right with God, it will be revealed in your life.
12/27/202326 minutes
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Proverbs 20

Lessons learned from Proverbs 20 include: Drunkenness destroys many lives and families. Let your gentleness be known to everyone. God has given us eyes to see and ears to hear; use them to walk in integrity. No one gets by with deceit, God will see to that. We need the Lord to give us understanding as we walk each day. Gray hair should indicate wisdom.
12/26/202326 minutes
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Proverbs 19

Lessons learned from Proverbs 19 include: A wife is to submit herself to a Christian husband. Start disciplining and instructing your children while they are young. To fear the Lord means that you recognize Him and have accepted Him, and then you can rest satisfied. The Word of God is our food; we need to read it. The pleasures of sins last only a short time, but the wages of sin last for all eternity.
12/25/202326 minutes
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Proverbs 18

Lessons learned from Proverbs 18 include: God’s people are to have nothing to do with what is unclean, idolatry, immorality, and filthy conversation. Some people separate themselves from the truth. God calls some people fools because He knows them. Have all the facts before expressing an opinion. The Word of God can bring healing to a wounded spirit. The tongue is the most potent weapon in this world.
12/22/202326 minutes
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Proverbs 17

Lessons learned from Proverbs 17 include: You are more precious than gold or silver; don’t be discouraged when you are tested. Grandchildren are a joy to have around. A wise man listens to reproof. God wants us to have a merry heart. Sometimes it pays for a fool to keep quiet.
12/21/202326 minutes
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Proverbs 16

Lessons learned from Proverbs 16 include: Hold up the mirror of the Word of God to your life, and it will reveal the things that are beautiful and also not quite right. The chief end of man is to glorify God; that’s why He made us. God is moving this universe according to His plan.
12/20/202326 minutes
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Proverbs 15

Lessons learned from Proverbs 15 include: There is a time for a gracious soft answer, and a time when the answer needs to be strong. The Word of God condemns abusive language. What is secret sin down here is open scandal in heaven. Fools do not listen to instruction. Doing religious things does not make a person right before God. Say the right word at the right time. We must come with humility to learn of God.
12/19/202326 minutes
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Proverbs 14

Lessons learned from Proverbs 14 include: Our walk will reveal our relationship to God. Obedience to the Lord is the important thing. Test everything by the Word of God. Do something good for your poor neighbor. Some people just talk, they don’t do. The Holy Spirit teaches us the fear of the Lord through all the proverbs.
12/18/202326 minutes
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Proverbs 12:22—13:25

Lessons learned from Proverbs 12:2213:25 include: Comfort and encourage those who are having problems. The righteous man wants to help His neighbor, but the lawless man will try to hurt him. The child of God should deal with any sin in our life. Pride is the basis for most problems in groups of Christians.
12/15/202326 minutes
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Proverbs 11:26—12:22

Lessons learned from Proverbs 11:2612:22 include: No one can buy his way to heaven. God believes in law and order. Sometimes an animal can judge human character better than we do. The Word of God has more judgment on the use of the tongue than on many other activities. Be truthful.
12/14/202326 minutes
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Proverbs 11:1-25

Lessons learned from Proverbs 11:1-25 include: With pride comes shame. If a person wants to walk in truth, he can depend on the Spirit of God for guidance and direction. Those who trust in riches do not have anything to help them in the next world. The only way to have peace and joy is to be rightly related to Christ. If we sow sparingly, we will reap sparingly.
12/13/202326 minutes
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Proverbs 10:3—11:1

Lessons learned from Proverbs 10:311:1 include: The generous man has a full life. Faith and laziness will not mingle. A Christian who is indifferent to moral and doctrinal wrong is missing a great deal of what God has for him.
12/12/202326 minutes
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Proverbs 9:1—10:4

Lessons learned from Proverbs 9:110:4 include: The invitation is going to the whole world to come to the school of wisdom, the Lord Jesus Christ. You cannot study the Bible without realizing how much more there is to know about it. A man is a fool to live without God in this world. If you are determined to go your own way, you are the loser.
12/11/202326 minutes
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Proverbs 8:8-36

Lessons learned from Proverbs 8:8-36 includes: God will give us wisdom if we are willing to diligently study the Word of God. Wisdom is personified in Jesus Christ. All things were made by Him; God has made a law that keeps the sea right where it is.
12/8/202326 minutes
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Proverbs 6:24—8:9

Lessons learned from Proverbs 6:248:9 includes: The sinful thought begins down in the human heart. There is nothing twisted or perverse in the words of wisdom; if it is wisdom, it is going to be simple. When we confess our sin, our problems with the Word of God are often solved. Our reaction to the Word of God will tell us if our heart is believing.
12/7/202326 minutes
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Proverbs 6:16-24

Lessons learned from Proverbs 6:16-24 include: God is love, but He hates evil. Pride is the attitude that overvalues self and undervalues others, which is the original sin. Salvation by works appeals to us because it makes us feel like a little god. The heart blazes the trail that the feet will follow.
12/6/202326 minutes
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Proverbs 5:15—6:15

Lessons learned from Proverbs 5:156:15 include: Marriage was designed by God and was given to the human family for the welfare and good of mankind. God says no one is getting away with sin. Two good business principles: Don’t underwrite a neighbor’s debts, and never become a partner with a stranger. The ant is a great teacher: It is diligent in business, getting food for the winter, caring for the future, and is urgent about it.
12/5/202326 minutes
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Proverbs 4:10—5:14

Lessons learned from Proverbs 4:105:14 include: Learn all you can. We do not know how desperate and how deep into sin the human heart can go. Have discernment as we meet people in our daily walk. The entrance to real life is the narrow way, but it gets wider and wider leading to abundant life. Out of our heart will come all of the great issues of life.
12/4/202326 minutes
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Proverbs 3:19—4:9

Lessons learned from Proverbs 3:194:9 include: The Word of God is the answer to our fears. If you have been treated unjustly, turn the matter over to God. God seems to hate the scorner, the arrogant, and the conceited person. To understand the Word of God you must be willing to be taught.
12/1/202326 minutes
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Proverbs 2:16—3:22

Lessons learned from Proverbs 2:163:22 include: We must serve God because we love Him. The Lord can guide us only if we’re studying the Word of God and trusting in Him with all our heart and not leaning on our own understanding. Man has discovered the laws of God that keep the universe running like a computer and uses them to explore the heavens. Life and grace come through the wisdom of studying the Word of God.
11/30/202326 minutes
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Proverbs 2:1-22

Lessons learned from Proverbs 2:1-22 include: Seek wisdom by searching for it as if it were a hidden treasure. If you want wisdom, ask God for it. The Spirit of God opens up the things of God to us; God speaks to us through His Word. You won’t be deceived so easily if you stay close to the Word of God.
11/29/202326 minutes
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Proverbs 1:5-33

Lessons learned from Proverbs 1:5-33 include: If you are smart you will listen to what is being said in this book. We need to study the Word of God in order to understand its true value. Avoid the sinner who has a plan to get something for nothing.
11/28/202326 minutes
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Proverbs 1:1-5

Lessons learned from Proverbs 1:1-5 include: Wisdom is the ability to use knowledge in the right way. Understanding means intelligence or discernment. Knowledge is useful information. Discretion means thoughtfulness.
11/27/202326 minutes
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Proverbs Intro

Lessons learned from Proverbs include: A proverb is a saying that conveys a specific truth in a pointed and pithy way. Proverbs are short sentences drawn from long experience. A proverb is truth couched in a form that is easy to remember, a philosophy based on experience, and a rule for conduct. The key verse is found in the first chapter: The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction.
11/24/202326 minutes
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Ephesians 6:16-24

You’ve heard put on the whole armor of God , but did you know all but two pieces of armor were for defense? The only two weapons we have for offense are the Sword of the Spirit and prayer. Learn how to lay hold of both as you turn to God for spiritual resources to engage the enemy in this final study in Ephesians.
11/23/202326 minutes
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Ephesians 6:13-15

The key word to the whole armor of God metaphor is STAND. This is the fourth time we’ve studied this word in the book of Ephesians. How should we stand? We stand in the truthsince the truth of God’s Word holds everything together, says our teacher, Dr. J. Vernon McGee.
11/22/202326 minutes
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Ephesians 6:10-12

Our enemy is not flesh and blood. The enemy is spiritual and the warfare is spiritual. We need spiritual power to combat the demonic world around us, says our teacher, Dr. J. Vernon McGee. Do not be clueless as you go into battle today. Study Ephesians 6 with us.
11/21/202326 minutes
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Ephesians 6:5-9

We continue our lessons in spiritual warfare with this from Dr. J. Vernon McGee: The devil is the deceiver, coming as an angel of light. He will use every possible means to deceive you. We are no match for him but are told that God will fight the devil for us. Learn more about the enemy of your soul in our study in Ephesians 6.
11/20/202326 minutes
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Ephesians 6:1-9

As a Christian parent, you have the privilege to claim your children for the Lord. Learn the foundational truths to a home that honors God in this practical study in Ephesians 6.
11/17/202326 minutes
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Ephesians 5:30—6:1

Have you stood with your partner and before God said I do to holy vows of marriage? If yes, then you know, at least in part, how the picture of marriage illustrates Jesus’ love for His church. Sacrifice, selflessness, leadership, and loveall describe the relationship Jesus has with us, the body of Christ.
11/16/202326 minutes
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Ephesians 5:20-31

When we are saved, God’s Spirit does four things in us: He gives us new life, He comes to live in us, He seals us, and He baptizes us. The only thing we are commanded to do is to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Our study in Ephesians 5 explains what that means on a daily basis in our lives.
11/15/202326 minutes
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Ephesians 5:14-20

Dr. J. Vernon McGee has two great words for us from Ephesians 5: Wake up! and Walk wisely! Discover what those two directives look like in your life in this engaging study of God’s Word.
11/14/202326 minutes
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Ephesians 4:30—5:13

In a culture afraid to call sin for what it is, come study Ephesians 5 with Dr. J. Vernon McGee and learn how to deal with sinyours and others’through the help of the Holy Spirit. In a dark world, learn how to reflect the One who is the Light of the world.
11/13/202326 minutes
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Ephesians 4:22—5:2

If you’ve tried on your own to put off the old man and put on the new man, you know it can’t be done. Learn in our study of Ephesians 4 how to be transformed in the power of the Holy Spirit.
11/10/202326 minutes
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Ephesians 4:14-24

Ever notice that since you’ve come to Christ, you think differently? Ephesians 4 says a believer in Jesus Christ should not walk in the futility of delusional thinking that a life of sin can satisfy. Get clear, practical instruction from God’s Word on what it means to be a Christian in a lost world.
11/9/202326 minutes
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Ephesians 4:6-13

When Jesus Christ saved you, His Spirit gave you a spiritual gift. Dr. J. Vernon McGee says, A gift is the Spirit of God doing something through the believer for the purpose of building up the whole body. When a gift is used unselfishly, we find unity of the Spirit.
11/8/202326 minutes
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Ephesians 4:1-6

Our study in Ephesians 4 pleads with us to walk worthy of our calling. In view of all that God has done for the believer, Paul writes, walk worthy of the position you have in Christ. Dr. J. Vernon McGee helps us walk out this command in our lives.
11/7/202326 minutes
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Ephesians 3:14-21

What does it mean to pray in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ? In this study of Ephesians 3, find out how we can pray in Jesus’ name and, also, four beautiful things Paul asked God for on our behalf.
11/6/202326 minutes
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Ephesians 3:1-13

In the Old Testament, the church was a mystery. No one knew anything about it. Today, we have learned that the church is a body and a temple. What began on the Day of Pentecost will continue until God takes it out of the world.
11/3/202326 minutes
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Ephesians 2:14—3 Intro

When you come to Jesus you are brought into a body and into a place where you stand on equal footing with all other believers. We have all been made one in Christ through His blood. It makes no difference who you are, we are all one in Christ and have equal access to God.
11/2/202326 minutes
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Ephesians 2:8-13

What’s your future like? Dr. J. Vernon McGee tells us that in our past, we were dead in our sins. Today, God saved us by His grace and is raising us now to heavenly places in Christ. And our future? Someday we will be in heaven displaying the grace of God.
11/1/202326 minutes
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Ephesians 2:1-7

God is an infinite God who is rich in infinite mercy. What does it mean to be saved by His grace? Dr. J. Vernon McGee says, He does not find the reason in us; He finds it in Himself.
10/31/202326 minutes
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Ephesians 2:1-3

In this study of Ephesians 2, we discover that the same tremendous power that raised Jesus from the dead makes us alive in Christand that power is only accessible to the child of God. Be encouraged by this lesson for the church.
10/30/202326 minutes
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Ephesians 1:17-23

Did you know that Scripture puts more emphasis on the understanding of the heart than of our head? We need God’s Spirit for both, but if we want to understand any spiritual truth, we must be in the Word. Discover the riches of His grace and the hope of our calling.
10/27/202326 minutes
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Ephesians 1:12-17

In this study of Ephesians 1, we go deep into the beautiful doctrines of our faith as seen in doxologies. Dr. J. Vernon McGee shows us why we existfor the praise of God’s glory. When the believer is in the center of the will of God, he is living a life of fullness and of satisfaction and of joy.
10/26/202326 minutes
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Ephesians 1:8-11

Want to explore some mysteries? Our study in Ephesians 1 dives deep into what is the mystery of God’s will. We learn from Dr. J. Vernon McGee of the depths of God’s great purposes and plans that He wants us to know. A rich, beautiful study of three great things Jesus has done for us.
10/25/202326 minutes
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Ephesians 1:7-9

Explore the subject of redemption and forgiveness in this great study in Ephesians 1 that celebrates the blood of Christ as the payment for our sin. Jesus shed His blood, more valuable than gold or silver, because without it, there is no forgiveness, teaches Dr. J. Vernon McGee.
10/24/202326 minutes
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Ephesians 1:5, 6

The only reason any of us will be in heaven is because of the mercy of God, teaches Dr. J. Vernon McGee on the often misunderstood doctrines of election and predestination. This study in Ephesians 1 will provide bedrock certainty to the goodness and grace of God in your life.
10/23/202326 minutes
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Ephesians 1:3, 4

Every weekend when you go to church, be reminded that the Trinity is involved in your fellowship. Dr. J. Vernon McGee teaches from Ephesians 1 that God the Father planned the church, God the Son paid for the church, and God the Holy Spirit protects the church.
10/20/202326 minutes
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Ephesians 1:2-4

How many times have you heard, God bless you? Now understand the richness of God’s spiritual blessings in Christ Jesus. Be encouraged by this great study in Ephesians 1 and the blessing of being acceptable in the Beloved.
10/19/202326 minutes
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Ephesians 1:1, 2

All the truths of Ephesians revolve around one truth: We are in Christ. Learn the depth of meaning to Paul’s greeting, Grace and peace to you, and never read it again without thanking God for your salvation.
10/18/202326 minutes
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Ephesians Intro

For everyone who loves God’s church, this introduction to the book of Ephesians will deliver both doctrinal and practical wisdom on making the body of Christ its best for His glory.
10/17/202326 minutes
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Psalms 144—150

Lessons from Psalms 144150 include: Life is nothing without God and is purposeless without Him. If you have trusted Jesus Christ as your Savior, you have direct access to God. God is in the helping business. Nothing will give a person dignity like worshipping God.
10/16/202326 minutes
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Psalms 140—143

Lessons from Psalms 140143 include: Today we are to leave vengeance to God: He will repay. Satan is the father of lies, and he has people running around today spreading them. Prayer must be backed up by an obedient life. God is our only help, our only refuge and hope.
10/13/202326 minutes
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Psalms 138, 139

Lessons from Psalms 138139 include: Anything in your life that is in place of God is your god. God’s Word is as good as He is. God takes note of humility and recognizes it. God says He will judge the wicked and He will hear the prayer of His people.
10/12/202326 minutes
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Psalms 137, 138

Lessons from Psalms 137138 include: Every Christian today should have a song in his heart; God has given us the song of redemption. We lose our song because of a natural tendency, discouragement, and sin. Today is the day of grace. Those who spurn God’s grace will be judged.
10/11/202326 minutes
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Psalms 132—136

Lessons from Psalms 132136 include: Let’s praise the Lord from our hearts. God makes the weather and also runs the universe as it pleases Him. We become like the god we worship. God deals with us according to His mercy.
10/10/202326 minutes
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Psalms 122—131

Lessons from Psalms 122131 include: Everything is vain unless God is in it; everything is dependent on Him and on His blessing. There must be the fear of the Lord in the home if it is to be a happy home. The soul finds rest by weaning itself from discontentment, ambition, and self-seeking.
10/9/202326 minutes
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Psalms 120—123

Lessons from Psalms 120123 include: Life is an ascent. We come to God as sinners looking for salvation; we go on to sanctification as we grow in grace and in the knowledge of Christ. The Lord is able to keep us, and He is also the keeper of Israel. He keeps us both day and night; He never sleeps.
10/6/202326 minutes
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Psalm 119

Lessons from Psalm 119 include: God’s Word will bring life, liberty, and joy to you, as well as blessing. We need to seek God with a whole heart. We need to not only memorize Scripture but obey it. If we study the Word constantly, it will keep us from sin. God’s mercy is channeled to us through the Word. We need a diet of the Word to keep our hearts healthy. God made us and knows exactly what we need. We need to use God’s Word as we make our way through this dark world. Those who know the Word best, wonder at it the most. When God saves you, He puts you on a diet of His Word. The only thing that can revive us is God’s Word.
10/5/202326 minutes
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Psalms 117, 118

Lessons from Psalms 117118 include: A record of the songs sung at the three great feasts of Israel: Passover, Pentecost, and Tabernacles. At the Passover Christ offered bread and wine; He was going to be the Lamb that was slain the next day. Do not put your confidence in a man. To praise the Lord and glorify His name is critical.
10/4/202326 minutes
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Psalms 114—116

Lessons from Psalms 114116 include: On the cross, Jesus Christ delivered us from the penalty of sin in the past, delivers us from the power of sin in the present, and in the future He will deliver us from the presence of sin. God knows your name and all about you. If we have tensions and hang-ups, the remedy is to praise the Lord. Psalm 116 Jesus sang this song the night before He died. The only thing you can give God is your thanksgiving.
10/3/202326 minutes
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Psalms 109—113

Lessons from Psalms 109113 include: If you accept the Lord as Savior, you also accept Him as Creator. Because of His righteousness, God must judge sin. God is interested in the poor and has the only program that works. Wickedness will end one day.
10/2/202326 minutes
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Psalms 107:1—110:1

Lessons from Psalms 107110:1 include: We need to tell everyone that God is good. God is not through with the nation of Israel. In the Lord Jesus Christ, we have forgiveness of sins and a pardon for our iniquities, but we have to accept it. God’s lovingkindness is lavished on those who belong to Him.
9/29/202326 minutes
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Psalms 103—106

Lessons from Psalms 103106 include: It is only by the Holy Spirit that we can worship the Lord in spirit and in truth. Some of God’s choicest servants never experienced healing at all. What we need today above everything is God’s mercy. If God dealt with us according to our sins, none of us would be saved.
9/28/202326 minutes
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Psalms 100—102

Lessons from Psalms 100102 include: We should come before Him joyfully to worship. Start using the blessing God has for you. God is good and His mercy is everlasting.
9/27/202326 minutes
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Psalms 91—99

Lessons from Psalms 9199 include: Satan used these words to tempt Jesus in the desert. A picture of the righteous who are walking in fellowship with God today. God sees and hears and keeps a record of what man does. A song to the King whose throne is a throne of grace and mercy.
9/26/202326 minutes
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Psalms 89, 90

Lessons from Psalms 8990 include: Life is so brief compared to eternity. If you have Christ, you have wisdom and hope. If you live for 80 years, it will be uphill all the way. Secret sin on earth is open scandal in heaven.
9/25/202326 minutes
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Psalms 85—88

Lessons from Psalms 8588 include: God will judge the world, but He will show mercy to those who turn to Him. Until things are right there will be no peace on earth. We should walk in the light that the Word of God gives us.
9/22/202326 minutes
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Psalms 82—84

Lessons from Psalms 8284 include: Any time you pass judgment on a person you stand in the position of God. The only way this world is going to know that God is God is for Him to move in judgment. Not one sparrow falls to the ground without the Father seeing it.
9/21/202326 minutes
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Psalms 79—81

Lessons from Psalms 7981 include: Israel had the privilege of having the visible presence of God with them. At God’s right hand is the place of power, as Christ is there. God led Israel out of Egypt and today leads us out of sin.
9/20/202326 minutes
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Psalms 76—78

Lessons from Psalms 7678 include: God is going to judge the arrogant and proud who have come against the city of Jerusalem. The Lord will put all things under His feet. We need to remember that God is good and gracious. God asks His people to listen to Him. God supplied the needs of Israel in the wilderness, and He will be faithful to us today.
9/19/202326 minutes
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Psalms 73—75

Lessons from Psalms 7375 include: Why do the wicked prosper as they trample on the poor? Someday Christ will explain it all to us. He has promised to guide us if we will walk with Him. There is a set time when the Lord Jesus is going to return. God will protect His name on earth.
9/18/202326 minutes
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Psalms 69—72

Lessons from Psalms 6972 include: Christ’s suffering began when he was born in a stable. His enemies hated Him without a cause so that we might be justified without a cause. There are only two kinds of peoplethe saved and the lost.
9/15/202326 minutes
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Psalms 67, 68

Lessons from Psalms 6768 include: The threefold blessing: God the Father (the Lord bless thee), God the Son (the Lord make his face shine upon thee), and the Holy Spirit (the Lord lift up His countenance upon thee, and give thee peace). The chief end of mankind is to glorify God by getting out the Word.
9/14/202326 minutes
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Psalms 61—66

Lessons from Psalms 6166 include: Prayer needs to come from the heart. We need to trust God in the midst of our difficulties; He has permitted them. Christ is the Rock on which we stand firmly. God has all power and can do anything, but He also can exercise mercy.
9/13/202326 minutes
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Psalms 56—60

Lessons from Psalms 5660 include: You can have faith and still be afraid. God preserves our tears so He can wipe them away. To walk in the Spirit means to utterly and absolutely depend on the Spirit of God.
9/12/202326 minutes
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Psalms 52—55

Lessons from Psalms 5255 include: Boasting is a mark of the Antichrist. We need to turn our enemies over to God. God does a better job of dealing with our enemies than we can.
9/11/202326 minutes
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Psalm 51

Lessons learned from Psalm 51 include: Sin is to step over the boundaries of God; it’s always against Him. We not only need a Savior, we need cleansing. The only way we can be cleared of guilt is for Christ to die.
9/8/202326 minutes
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Psalms 49, 50

Lessons from Psalms 4950 include: No matter how rich a man is he cannot buy salvation. All men die and leave their possessions behind. The important thing in life is whether you are a redeemed child of God.
9/7/202326 minutes
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Psalms 46—48

Lessons from Psalms 4648 include: In times of trouble, you can count on God; He is our refuge. The river speaks of the supply and refreshment God gives today through His Word. Messiah is the one who makes wars to cease.
9/6/202326 minutes
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Psalms 44:4—45:17

Lessons from Psalms 44:445:17 include: At His second coming, Jesus will be the King. Jesus Christ was the most joyous person on earth. We are not to love the world; we have been saved out of it.
9/5/202326 minutes
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Psalms 42:1—44:4

Lessons learned from Psalms 4244:4 include: The godly remnant of Israel have a longing for God and call on Him to act on their behalf. During the Great Tribulation, Israel will think that destruction is upon them, but God will deliver them. The long-expected Messiah will return after the Tribulation.
9/4/202326 minutes
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Psalms 39—41

Lessons learned from Psalms 3941 include: Are we living lives that will turn our children to Jesus? David asks the Lord to give him purpose and meaning in his life. We are pilgrims and strangers down hereour ultimate home is in eternity.
9/1/202326 minutes
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Psalms 36—38

Lessons from Psalms 3638 include: Evil men reject a God who is ready to protect them. We are to delight ourselves in the Lord and commit our way to Him. The end of the upright man is peace.
8/31/202326 minutes
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Psalms 34, 35

Lessons from Psalms 3435 include: The Word of God magnifies the name of the Lord. The angel of the Lord is the pre-incarnate Christ. The first prayer anyone should pray is for salvation.
8/30/202326 minutes
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Psalms 32, 33

Lessons learned from Psalms 3233 include: Faith is counted as righteousness. If you are a child of God, you can sin but you cannot live in it. If we stay close to God, He can guide us with His eye. The efforts of men to establish peace will come to nothing.
8/29/202326 minutes
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Psalms 30:2—32:1

Lessons learned from Psalms 30:232:1 include: God can save sinners because Jesus Christ paid the penalty for sin. God sees you in your trouble; your times are in His hands. Jesus Christ is God with a face.
8/28/202326 minutes
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Psalms 29, 30

Lessons learned from Psalms 2930 include: God can enable us to go through the storms of life and to know peace afterward. In every storm, God is in control. God doesn’t heal because we are special but because He is holy and maintains His holiness. It’s not pleasant to be disciplined, but God’s anger does not last forever.
8/25/202326 minutes
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Psalms 27, 28

Lessons learned from Psalms 2728 include: God gives not only abundant life, He also empowers us to live that life. If you fear God, you need not fear anyone else. Whittle your life down to what is important. God has prepared a secret place where we can receive mercy.
8/24/202326 minutes
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Psalms 25:1—27:1

Lessons from Psalms 2527:1 include: Man can only go two ways: God’s way or his own way. God’s goodness, His love, and His righteousness are revealed in His provision for salvation. When we are in trouble, we are more apt to confess our sins.
8/23/202326 minutes
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Psalms 23, 24

Lessons learned from Psalm 2324 include: Jesus leads, but we must follow. Death is the supreme test of life; we constantly live in its shadow. The Lord wants our joy to be full.
8/22/202326 minutes
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Psalm 22

Lessons from Psalm 22 include: Psalm 22 is a record of Jesus’ human suffering. He was forsaken because He was made sin; His blood cleanses from all sin. Jesus died of a broken heart.
8/21/202326 minutes