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The Spiral Dance with Hawthorne

English, Spirituality, 1 season, 81 episodes
The Spiral Dance with Hawthorne is a lively weekly show dedicated to folks who share a passion for earth-based spirituality. We offer a combination of music and talk, with engaging conversations with writers, musicians and activists, complimented with the latest in Wiccan, Pagan and New Age music. Take the Listener Survey! Visit k$ Please Visit my On-Line Store! ( Spiral Dance)
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Summertime, Fire and the South

Summertime, Fire and the South Let's take advantage of these Hot Summer Days! We'll head off to the Southern Quarter and do some Fire Magick!. We'll take a look at the Qualities that the Element of Fire possesses; how they're used in Occult Traditions./ Does that sound like Pyrolatry to you? If you worship Fire it just might. Fire is worshipped by itself in many cultures, but more commonly it's associated with Fire Dieties. As you might expect, examples abound. Along all these lines I want to share with you a -sort of poem - or maybe a sort of poetic Blog. It was written by Sage Sweetwater back in '09. It's called "Pyruodulia and Dissolution". Now, you're familiar, I'm sure, with the Chinese system of Feng Shui. Well, there is an Indian System called Vastu Shastra which is quite similar to Feng Shui. Vastu Shastra uses the symbols and energies of the sun to help you find peace and balance in your home environment. Then finally; part and parcel to Fire is the condition of Light. So I have a guided meditation for you. This is presented by Bente Hesan, and it's called "Luminescent Reflections". I think you'll enjoy listening to this. Be well. Do good. Enjoy the show!
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Fruit Magick and Myth

Have you ever thouthgt about the role that Fruit plays in myth and magick? Well, this week we'll compare apples to oranges. Fruit appears in myths from around the world. Often it is a symbol of abundance, associated with goddesses of fertility, plenty, and the harvest. And, as you may expect, many of the most significant fruits in world mythology, such as the apple, have different meanings to different cultures. We'll take a short look at many of these. And I have a spoken word piece about the dream meanings associated with fruit! Also, we'll learn how To Use Fruit Symbolism for Good Feng Shui Be well. Do good. Enjoy the show!
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Celebrating Midsummer

Happy Midsummer, everyone here in the northern half! The sun is high in the sky, the air is all warm and friendly. Let's stay up real late, then we can build some fires and roll them down the hills!. It's been done forever, it's still being done now and it will always be done. We'll talk about where the word Litha comes from and what the holiday means for modern Pagans. Also, interestingly, Midsummer continues to be very important in mainstream societies in different cultures around the world! There are even some sects of Christianity that are nutty enough to sanction it! Here's to the sun, and to the God who lives in all of us. Be well. Do good. Enjoy the show!
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Mystery Cults

Mystery religions were religious cults in Ancient Greece and Rome. Participation was reserved to initiates and secrecy was kept as to the particulars of the initiation and the cult practice in general. But how did these sects function within their societies? Were they accepted? Were there conflicts? Talking just about this one aspect of life in Ancient Greece and Rome can give great insight into how people back then lived their daily lives. There were tons of Mystery Cults flourishing in the Ancient world, but two in particular seem to stand out as having special significance; the Mysteries of Isis and the Mithraic Mysteries. Isis is a goddess of Ancient Egyptian origin, whose worship spread throughout the Greco-Roman world. Her worshippers included men as well as women. The Mithraic Mysteries were popular across the Roman empire. There's evidence that some women worshipped Mithras, but his popularity centered around the Roman military, which was, of course, male. Be well. Do good. Enjoy the show!
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Music In Ritual

I think a lot about music and the power that music has. So this week, let's talk about the role that music plays in ritual! Music was important to the Chinese philosopher, Confucious, as it has been for shamans around the world and down the ages. In fact I have a little story that tell us just exactly how music came to the earth way back when. And central to music is Rythm, singing and Dance. So we'll talk about all that stuff. And finally, we'll look at ways to write and create effective chants to be used in our rituals. Be well. Do good. Enjoy the show!
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Magick Looks Like, Sounds Like, Smells Like

What does Magick Sound Like? What does Magick Smell Like? What does Magick Look Like? Magick is about using all of your senses, so let’s see how this has been done since ancient times. We’ll start by talking about how Language is used in spell casting. Next – Color Magick! How does a color's vibration effect you, and how can you use that in your magickal practices? And lastly, the sense of smell - said to be our most ancient of the senses, it might just be the most powerful. I think you’ll find this week’s show interesting, whether you’ve thought about using all of your senses in Magick or not. Be well. Do good. Enjoy the show!
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Air Magick

This week here on The Spiral Dance, we listen to the Wind blow, as we talk about Air Magick. We'll start off finding out what the Ancient Greeks had to say about the Air - was it warm and dry, or cold and wet - or maybe even warm and wet! Plato, Aristotle and many others all had opinions. Each of the Four Winds - North, south, east and west have specific magickal properties and are all ruled by specific Gods. And you can build a Magickal Air Alter. I've got ideas about how to create the alter, and then how to magickally atune yourself to the Element of Air. Also I have some Rituals that you can do with the wind. Finally, we'll hear some poetry from Emily Bronte, and "The Night Wind". Be well. Do good. Enjoy the show!
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The Language of Flowers

This week here on The Spiral Dance, it's all about FLORIOGRAPHY - the Language of Flowers! Interest in floriography soared in Victorian England and in the United States during the 19th century, but Meaning has been attributed to flowers for thousands of years. And so, for springtime, lets look at the magick of 3 springtime flowers; the rose, the tulip, and the dandelion. And we'll hear a story purported to be a traditional English Fearie Tale. It's called The Blue Flower Be well. Do good. Enjoy the show!
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Blessed Beltane

This week, we celebrate Beltane! Beltane is happening on Monday, the first of May! It's a festival of Fertility and Love as we welcome the flowering of Nature's Return. In our mythology Beltane represents the Mating of the Goddess and the God. It's The Original White Wedding! So, we'll talk in more detail about the meaning and significance of May Day from our earliest history. Plus we'll talk about the mythologies and customs that are traditionally associated with Beltane. And, while we're at it; just what the heck does "Beltane" mean? I've got the answers right here! And I'm reviving a old traidtion, as I present to you a reading Marion Zimmer Bradley's famous book, "The Mists of Avalon". Be well. Do good. Enjoy the show!
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Spring Cleaning

The idea of Spring Cleaning actually goes all the way back to ancient Egypt. We'll take a look at why Spring has become the time when we Clean House. And, while House Cleaning IS TERRIBLY, BORINGLY mundane, it does have magickal implications, and so we'll talk about some ways we can bring our Magick into our chores in some very powerful ways. While we're clearing out our attics, let's look for Crafty Ways to Rummage and Recycle. Afterall, "Repair, Re-fashion and Recycle" should be the watch words of the modern Pagan, right? But in the midst of all that work, we should take the time to stop and smell the flowers. So we'll talk about some Pagan ways for "Herbalism and Herbal Healing". Be well. Do good. Enjoy the show!
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Spring Visions

I'm dedicating this weeks show to one of the Five Cardinal Elements, the Element of Air. It's a good topic for April because, by many traditions, Air is associated with Springtime and Day's Beginning.. Usually associated with Men's Mysteries, Air is most often thought of as on the Mental Plane. The Romans gave the month of April it's name, which they called, Aprilis. For the Romans, it signifies a time of unfolding leaves and flowers. So we'll take a look at the Season of Spring - from the physical, meteorlogical sense to the cultural meanings that Springtime carries with it around the world. On the Witche's Pyramid, the expression of Air is "To Know". So, let's look at the Element of Air. And because it's associated with Men's Mysteries, we'll look at some Air Gods. And we'll hear from Debra Silverman talking about "Astrology & Karma | Karma in the Air Element". And, finally, Wind Magick! Be well. Do good. Enjoy the show!
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The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn

This week here on The Spiral Dance, we talk about The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn was formally establihed on March 1, 1888. It's had a tremendous influence on Western Occult thought over the past century. Indeed, it's easy to say that without the Golden Dawn, Wicca - and therefore the whole Pagan revival - might never have seen the light of day. It's really too bad that today in Greece there is a neo-fascist group calling themselves Golden Dawn. So, I think for that reason alone, since we've just had an anniversary of the establishment of the original Golden Dawn, let's take this week to learn about it and celebrate it. But of course you can't talk about the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn without first talking about Hermeticism, so that we could figure out just what IS so Hermetic about the Golden Dawn. And we'll hear from Aliester Crowley - not only in his own words, but in his own voice! Be well. Do good. Enjoy the show!
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April First; Trickster and Fool

In honor of April Fools Day, our theme this week is: The Trickster and Fool. We'll take a look at the history of April Fools Day, as well as the Role that the Fool and the Trickster play in Earth-Based religious practices. We'll here from Joseph Campbell and his thoughts on the Trickster mythology. Also, a quick look at the Fool Archetype in literature and myth. Be well. Do good. Enjoy the show!
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Celebrating Eostara

Astronomically, the Equinox occurs on Mon, Mar 20, 2023 5:24?PM. We'll be talking about the history of Spring Equinox - the role that it has played in cultures down the ages: So, we'll talk about the Norse Goddess Eoster. Is she a bonefide Goddess, or just a fiction created by one author? Does it matter, really? Plus ya can't talk about this time of the year without mentioning Rabbits & Eggs; and, of course, the Balance of Light and Dark. The Spring Equinox marks the point in the solar year when day and night are of equal duration, and the daytime once again becomes longer than night. In Pagan mythology it marks the time when The God, who was reborn at the Winter Solstice, is now coming into young adulthood and is - awakening to his sexuality. Be well. Do good. Enjoy the show!
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Giving Due Consideration to March

This week, lets give a big welcome to the month of March! It seems to be the month everybody loves to hate! Everybody wants Spring to finally come, but there is still so many more weeks to wait! So, let's give March some due consideration. We'll see if I can maybe help you get a different perspective on this time of the year. We'll be talking about the folklore of the March Hare. Plus, I have an Irish Story of Magick which I'll be reading called "The Boy and the Hare". And, of course we would be remiss for not mentioning March 17th - which we will do! We'll talk about St. Patrick and the PAGAN "snakes". Be well. Do good. Enjoy the show!
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February; Fire and Ice

February is one of the most primordial months. It's all about extremes. And, like the sabbat Imbolc, it's just as much about Fire as it is about Ice. Fire and Ice are the Primordial elements that, in the Norse Tradition that formed to create our world. So this is a good time to think a bit about the Nordic Tradition; just what is and what it means. The Heathens tell us that Polarities set up from Fire and Ice started Polarities in other realms of reality - even men and women. We'll talk more about that. B well. Do good. Enjoy the show!
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Animal Totems; Yay or Nay?

This week, we're discussing Animal Totems. In the general neoPagan community people - not everyone - who work with animal spirit guides talk about Animal Totems. Purists will tell you that that's kind of a misnomer. Totems are not really spirit guides and spirit guides are not really totems. Where do YOU stand on this immense question?? Well, I'm here to untangle the whole mess and by the time we're finished we'll all know what really is what. So we start of with a pretty clear definition of what a Totem is - where the word came from and how it was used. And we'll look at WHERE the word was used as well. Plus, we'll find out what Carl Gustave Jung had to say about Totems. Then we'll get into Power Animals, and animal guides, with some - interesting - contemporary theories on the subject. Be well. Do good. Enjoy the show!
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Love Notes for Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is upon us! Let's pass a couple love notes! Some people believe that the Ancient Roman holiday of the Lupercalia was the forerunner to Valentine's Day. That's not actually true, but there are some associations so we'll take a look at what the Lupcalia was all about. Then we'll talk a bit about the Christian St. Valentine - or ValentineS, plural. There was actually more than one Valentine - but were they all lovers?? Which brings us to Romantic Love - as old as the human race, right? Yes, and no. As in all aspects of love, the answer is never a simple one. But we'll talk about the poet Chaucer and the middle ages and go from there. And where to go? Sex Magick! Be well. Do good. Enjoy the show!
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Walking With Earth Magick

This week here on The Spiral Dance, we celebrate The Earth. After we Give Thanks to the Earth, we're going to look at Earth Magick; specifically the Element of Earth - what that's meant since ancient times and what it means in ceremonial magick today. And we'll look at the tradtions of Gnomes, the Fay and Lay Lines. And since we're celebrating The Earth, we'll celebrate the Earth Mother and specifically the Goddess Gaia. And just to liven up the soup - Salt! And we'll finish up with an Earth Meditation Ritual. Be well. Do good. Enjoy the show!
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A Celebration of Imbolc

We're at the midpoint between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox. Perfectly natural to want to jump up and down and start acting like Spring is Here! Folly, pure folly! Watch out if the weather is fine on Imbolc - you might find yourself shoveling the driveway on Eostara! But before that, let's take some time to honor the Goddess Brigid, the Triple Goddess of Poetry, Healing and Smithcrafting. And we'll enjoy some Tres Leches cake as well! Be well. Do good. Enjoy the show!
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The Stars of Winter

This week we gaze at the clear cold night sky as we honor The Stars of Winter. We'll look up to find The Winter Triangle. Stars that are part of the Winter Triangle teach us that their forces can aid in the service to those of us who are spiritually attuned. And we take it a step further as we honor two special "stars" of Winter; the Norse Goddess Skadi, and the Norse God, Ullr. Now, did you know that Scandinavia may have been named after the Goddess Skadi. Some theorize that Scandinavia could mean "Skadi's island". And finally, if you ski, then you've probably heard of Ullr. In Norse mythology, Ullr was considered a superb archer and skier, and was the god to invoke when engaging in single combat. Then we'll talk some science and discover why the night sky of winter is so much brighter than it is in summer. It's not your imagination! Be well. Do good. Enjoy the show!
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All Along the Watchtowers

We've all done it; we've created Sacred Space by calling the Spirits of the Four Directions. We stand at each direction and draw the appropriate pentagram and we Invoke the Spirits that have the appropriate character. But where does all that mumbo jumbo come from? Some say Gerald Gardner, which is correct to a point. Others say that Witches have been doing that on their own and in secret, like, forever - which is really not at all true. So this week we're going to find out who or what the Watchtowers are and where they came from. They may or may not have something to do with Archangels, and Archangels may or may not be a Christian thing. Don't worry; I will not leave you in suspense for long. But, like everything else, The Watchtowers DO have something to do with Stars; and so does the story of Orpheus, and his Lyre. We'll see how those tie together. And I also we'll hear from Lon Milo Duquette as he talks about "The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram". Be well. Do good. Enjoy the show!
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Transistion and Transcent

The January Moon is known as the Cold Moon and the Wolf Moon. It is a time when shedding and cleansing takes place, the old year is released and the energy of the New Year is beginning. This is a time for letting go from the past and starting anew. And we'll listen to a talk from Louise Hay on Transcending Your Early Limitations. So this week, here on the Spiral Dance, let's work together to make this New Years Transition work so that we could Transcend toward our goals for 2023. Be well. Do good. Enjoy the show!
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Welcome Yule!

Welcome to our Yule Special! Yule is a time to set aside animosity between yourself and people with whom you did not get along. The Norsemen had a tradition that enemies who met under a bough of mistletoe were obligated to lay down their arms. This is a time to set aside your differences, and ponder this Divotional: Beneath the Tree of Light and Light, a blessing for this season of Yule, to all that sit at my hearth, today we are Brothers; we are Family, and I drink to your health. Today is a day to offer hospitality to all that cross my threshold, in the Name of the Seaso Be well. Do good. Enjoy the show!
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I once thought I was going to Live Hard and Die Young. That didn't work out! Maybe I didn't live hard enough, I don't know. But here I am, looking back at everything. So, now what? Well, first thing, of course I DEMAND RESPECT! But, Eldering" isn't really something you are; it's something you DO. The idea around Eldering is how older people can relate and function in the world. But in order to do that at all, there has to be some understanding of how their society looks at them, and chooses to relate to them. So, we're going to look at how we relate to the elderly, both around the world and throughout time. And we'll find ways for people to live with respect, and self-respect in todays world. Be well. Do good. Enjoy the show!
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The Moons of Winter

This week here on The Spiral Dance, we celebrate the Full Moons of Winter. All the full moons have names, as you know. But during the Winter, the Dark time of the year the moon has an ever stronger effect on us. Each of the Full Moons of December, January, February and March have different qualities. So we'll take a look at each moon's quality. Also each of the moons have Goddesses associated with them. Specifically there are sabbats which are sacred to certain goddesses. And so, to my mind anyway, the full moons during those months are great for connecting further with those Goddesses. Also, I have for you a Spell that you could perform during the times of the Winter Full Moons to help you call upon the moon's energy to see visions. And I also have a recorded Guided Meditation for you from Bente Hensen. This is called "Luminescent Reflection" Be well. Do good. Enjoy the show!
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Living the Dark

This week here on The Spiral Dance, we give the Dark of the Year a true Welcoming. We all know it's rediculous to be afraid of the Dark, but cultural associations with Darkness remain strong, and it seems almost natural to be uncomfortable with this time of the year.. So, we'll talk about the gifts that this time of the year bring us - such as much needed rest! And much needed introspection as well. And we'll take a look at the Dark Side of Your Moon. You know when the Dark of your Moon is showing up whenever you find yourself in emotional turmoil. Understanding this will help you put yourself right. Then I want to share some thoughts about using the energy of Surrendering in this Dark Time. And that will bring us to a talk from Echart Tolle on the Deeper Dimensions of Stillness. Finally, I have some recipes to help you fend off winter-related illnesses. Be well. Do good. Enjoy the show!
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Holy Grail, Holy Cauldron

What is this thing that people are so enamored of? Did it even exist? People have been searching for it for hundreds of years, and it seems whenever they decide they can't find it, they create stories about it. So, let's travel back the the 12th century, where the myth of the Holy Grail seems to have it's beginnings. And we'll take a look at some of the embellishments that have been attached to it over time. There does seem to be a link between the Holy Grail of Christian myth and the Celtic tradition of the Cauldron. We'll get into that, and we'll also listen to a kid's story from Disney called The Black Cauldron. Be well. Do good. Enjoy the show!
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Secrets and Lies! On Pagan Ethics

This week, let's take a look at Pagan Ethics. I promise, we'll HARM NONE!. A good place to start is to examine just what do we mean by Ethics in the first place. When did we start thinking about Ethics? What does it mean for us personally, or as a society, or, really, what does it mean for us a satient beings? Is the consideration Ethics soley a condition of being human? The acedemic study of Ethics and its connected philosophies, has divided Ethics up into dozens of different Types, and we'll spend a good deal of time talking about many of the most well-known Ethical Types. Then we'll connect all that to our current understanding of what modern Neo Pagan is,and what might or might not be expected of those of us who call ourselves Pagan. Be well. Do good. Enjoy the show!
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Reincarnation Where Been? Where Goin?

This week here on The Spiral Dance, the topic is Reincarnation. Some believe, some don't. Some say that know if for a fact, that they've experienced their past lives. I don't make such claims myself, although I've experienced things that have given me pause for thought. So I've got a poem on Reincarnation from the pen of Aleister Crowley. And I've got some info on how why and where the concept of Reincarnation developed. We think of Reincarnation as an Eastern philosophy. But it can be found here in the West before the followers of the Abrahamic god decided to dictate reality to us. Nonetheless, I want to pay homage to some Eastern belief systems which have worked th concept out rather well. Then we'll come back to the West, in the 19th and 20th centuries when Reincarnation started to retake it's hold in this part of the world. And finally, some quotes from famous folk about Reincarnation. Be well. Do good. Enjoy the show!
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A Celebration for Samhain

"Now is the Night of November Eve, as the Samhain rites begin. Spirits step from the World Beyond, this night when the Veil is thin. Coming through the Land of Shadows, awakening from the World of Dreams, joining hands with the Children of Midnight as the Moonlight Lantern gleams. Drifting in the Wind of Evening, Chanting words in an ancient tongue, dancing light to the music of Fearies, as the Sacred Prayer is sung. We honor this In-Between time, this space between Darkness and Light, While greeting the Reign of the Winter King, On this Windy Autumn Night." Be well. Do good. Enjoy the show!
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The Magick of Masking

Let's create Magick through Masking. If you're going to a Halloween party, what will you "go as"? We all wear masks, although the extent to which we layer ourselves or are aware of them varies greatly. Masks are a familiar and vivid element in many folk and traditional pageants, ceremonies, rituals and festivals, and are often of an ancient origin. One reason for wearing a mask is to pretend to be someone or something else. The mask can be a kind of language that expresses the emotion of the figure one chooses to create. And, for the Spiral Dance Spell of the week - The Mask of the Unified Self Be well. Do good. Enjoy the show!
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Water Magick for Autumn

This week here on The Spiral Dance, we continue our celebration of Autumn as we look at some of the season's important associations. Water is one of the elements in ancient Greek philosophy, and in Occult circles it's associated with the Western Quarter of the Circle, and with the season of Autumn. So we'll look at how and why Water got associated with the Autumn as we tie in some of their similar Magickal Properties. Then we'll take a walk into an Autumn Garden with Ellen Dugan, well known herbalist and Kitchen Witch. Finally, what can be more Autumnal then the good old hooty owl. We'll look at the way people around the world have regarded the owl through myth and legend. Be well. Do good. Enjoy the show!
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Your Creative Muse and You

If you're the creative type, you probably spend way too much time beating yourself up about how UNCREATIVE you are. Well, your friend Hawthorne is here to help. Many people think they have a clear idea of what it means to be creative, and a whole lot of myths have been built up around that notion. It may be too much to say that Everything You Thought You Knew About Creativity is Wrong, but this week we'll bust some creativity myths that, hopefully, once you see past them, will unleash your inner creative genius. Now, Nothing gets more in the way of your creativity than your own fears and inhibitions. So, I want to share with you a whole bunch of very powerful tips on how you can Start Overcoming Fear, Right Now From Ancient Greece, the Muses have inspired poets, musicians, writers, and philosophers down the ages, and they inspire us today. We don't talk enough about them in modern Paganism. Let's take a closer look at them this week. Plus I have on tape a guided meditation for you to listen to. This is called, "Creative Visualization". And if that's not enough, I have some amazing quotes from well-known people, to Feed Your Creative Soul Be well. Do good. Enjoy the show!
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A Celebration for Mabon

This week is our annual Celebration of the Autumn Equinox - what many of us know as Mabon. It occurs this week on Thursday, September 22. So, we'll look at some of the well-known myths, legends and traditions surrounding Mabon. And we'll honor The Dark Mother, plus we'll bring a little Balance and Gratitude into our lives. And finally - An Apple Harvest Ritual! Be well. Do good. Enjoy the show!
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Why and How We Daydream

Everyone, has daydreams on a regular basis. Daydreams can get us into trouble, but they can also prove to be the source of our personal fulfillment. So, let's take a good look at Why and How We Daydream. And more, why we often get away with daydreaming before we get into real trouble. Now, there is a difference between Daydreaming vs. Mindfulness. It may seem paradoxical, but the truth is we need both, and both can work together. We'll find out how. But negative Daydreams, or Daymares can often be troublesome. So we'll look at Dealing with Worry-Based Fantasies and Daydreams Some Daymares can can provide relief and release. Those are known as Cathartic and Do-Over Daydreams When people say they "dream" of being president or a billionaire or an artist or whatever it is they fantasize about--they are daydreaming those goals, literally envisioning them in their mind's eye. We'll look at Daydreams as a Source of Innovation & Motivation But, what if Your Daydreams are Stuck in a Rut? I have seven suggestions for rebooting your daydreams. And finally, Is your child a daydreamer? Dont let them label it A.D.D. right off the bat! Be well. Do good. Enjoy the show!
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September; Why 7 Is 9

Let's give a big welcome to the month of September, the Ninth month of the year! Of course the main feature of September is the Equinox, which is coming up in a couple of weeks. And we'll have our Mabon show at that time. Meanwhile, let's talk about the Roman festival which was known as the Ludi Romani, which occured in September. And I also want to talk about the Roman Goddess, Pomona. Pomona was the Roman goddess of orchards and fruit trees, and thus She is closely associated with Apples. Now her traditional Feast Day is August 13th. But for most of us, here in North America, and I think in Britain as well, apples do begin to become available toward late August, but September is really their month. So I want to take some time to honor Pomona this week. Also in ancient Egypt the Fast Day of Thoth occured during this month, so we'll talk a bit about the God, Thoth. And finally - Acorns and Oak. That's kind of a Lammas-thing, but it's also a September/late summer-type thing as well. So, for September, lets also honor the Acorn and Oak. Also, I have a YouTube video on Thor: The Norse God of Thunder. What's up with that hammer, anyway? And, yes, I will explain why 7 is 9. Be well. Do good. Enjoy the show!
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On Fate and Fatalsim

This week is all about Fate and Fatalism. We all like to beleive that we are the Masters of our own Fate. But cultures around the world and down the ages have all felt quite differently. Fate may or may not be the plaything of the Gods. But, for YOU, Little Ant, that hardly matters much. So this week we take a look at the Morai and that thread they've been weaving for us. Then there's Karma and Kismet to consider. And right up to modern times, philosophers continue to argue about just what Fate is, and how it differs from Fatalism, Determinism ... and about a dozen other "isms" that all describe what you CAN'T Do. Be well. Do good. Enjoy the show!
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Sacred Geometry

The belief that God created the universe according to a geometric plan has ancient origins. I'm not so sure that anything created the universe - or more accurately, the Multi-verse - I kind of believe that it created itself, or in a word, it's come-of itself. But, whatever the case may be I think it's fair-enough to say that there is an intelligence - perhaps an intelligence WE would consider to be Devine - that seems to be, shall we say, in the Director's Chair. And if that's fair to say, then what might be the tools by which Devine Intelligence directs the show? The Ancients, and many people today, believe the answer can be found in mathematics; specifically Geometry. So, this week we delve into the world of Pythagoras and Plato. We enter Metatron's Cube and come out in the Fourth Dimension! Be well. Do good. Enjoy the show!
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Random Acts of Kindness

Just what kind of a world DO we want? I think most of us really do have an answer to that. The bigger question is how do we achieve it. New Age people would tell you that the world IS changing - the paradigm is shifting away from violence fear and selfishness and toward caring and something that is more on the Soul level. But, like all upheavals - changes for the better are met with resistance from the other perspective; thus the increase in violence and chaos that we know all too well. And what can we do in our daily lives to help the paradym shift that we would love to see and know that we need? Random Acts of Kindness are small gestures that can go a long way. So let's find out what they are, why they're so cool and how we can do them. Be well. Do good. Enjoy the show!
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Gifts from the Gods; Beer, Bread and Corn

This week we continue our celebration of Lammas, the Sabbat where we celebrate the beginnings of the harvest. Central to the first harvest in Wheat, Corn and, of course, Beer. Many different civilizations and peoples down the ages and around the world had deities dedicated to beer or brewing, or some related endeavor. There are over 100 different deities to drink a toast to, and we'll take a look at just a few. Deities dedicated to wheat are, for the most part, goddesses, although there are some Gods as well. Native Americans recognize dieties and spirits of Corn. For many cultures, the breaking of bread is symbolic of peace and hospitality. Our beloved bread, a mainstay around the world and down the ages has lots of symbolism, as well as superstition - and a few interesting quotes. Also, I have a BBC report that I found on Youtube, all about a Peruvian Beer ritual that reaches back to pre-Columbian times. Be well. Do good. Enjoy the show!
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A Lammas Celebration

It's Lammas, or Lughnasadh, the Sabbat where many Wiccans and Pagans celebrate the beginnings of the harvest. This Sabbat is about the cycle of birth, life, death and rebirth -- the grain god dies, but will be reborn again in the spring. Depending on your tradition, you may also observe this Sabbat as the day of the Celtic craftsman god, Lugh. Lugh was known to the Celts as a god of craftsmanship and skill -- in fact, he was known as the Many-Skilled God, because he was good at so many different things. Take the opportunity this day to celebrate your own skills and abilities, and make an offering to Lugh to honor him, the god of craftsmanship. So this week we'll celebrate Lamas as we look at both the tradition of the Harvest Festival and the honoring of Lough. Be well. Do good. Enjoy the show!
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Amulets and Talismans

This week's show is dedicated to a specific part of the World of Magick; Amulets and Talismans. What's so great about talismans, or amulets? Simply the fact that they've always been around and we use them to this very day. In fact people in mainstream religions knowingly use them. So, we're going to try to delinate the difference between an amulet and a talisman. Then we'll look at examples of amulets and talismans down the ages. And I have a story for you where objects are doing magickal things with a specific purpose. It's a traditional story presented, by Mara Freeman, called "The Prince,The Fox and the Sword of Light". Be well. Do good. Enjoy the show!
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Summertime, Fire and the South

Let's take advantage of these Hot Summer Days! We'll head off to the Southern Quarter and do some Fire Magick!. We'll take a look at the Qualities that the Element of Fire posseses; how they're used in Occult Traditions. Does that sound like Pyrolatry to you? If you worship Fire it just might. Fire is worshipped by itself in many cultures, but more commonly it's associated with Fire Dieties. As you might expect, examples abound. Along all these lines I want to share with you a -sort of poem - or maybe a sort of poetic Blog. It was written by Sage Sweetwater back in '09. It's called "Pyruodulia and Dissolution". Now, you're familiar, I'm sure, with the Chinese system of Feng Shui. Well, there is an Indian System called Vastu Shastra which is quite similar to Feng Shui. Vastu Shastra uses the symbols and energies of the sun to help you find peace and balance in your home environment. Then finally; part and parcel to Fire is the condition of Light. So I have a guided meditation for you. This is presented by Bente Hesan, and it's called "Luminescent Reflections". I think you'll enjoy listening to this. Be well. Do good. Enjoy the show!
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Mystery Cults

This week let's go way back in time to talk about Mystery Cults! Mystery religions were religious cults in Ancient Greece and Rome. Participation was reserved to initiates and secrecy was kept as to the particulars of the initiation and the cult practice in general. But how did these sects function within their societies? Were they accepted? Were there conflicts? Talking just about this one aspect of life in Ancient Greece and Rome can give great insight into how people back then lived their daily lives. There were tons of Mystery Cults flourishing in the Ancient world, but two in particular seem to stand out as having special significance; the Mysteries of Isis and the Mitraic Mysteries. Isis is a goddess of Ancient Egyptian origin, whose worship spread throughout the Greco-Roman world. Her worshippers included men as well as women. The Mithraic Mysteries were popular accross the Roman empire. There's evidence that some women worshipped Mithras, but his popularity centered around the Roman military, which was, of course, male. Be well. Do good. Enjoy the show!
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A Midsummer Celebration

Happy Midsummer, everyone here in the northern half! Summer Solstic occurs on Tuesday, June 21. The sun is high in the sky, the air is all warm and friendly. Let's stay up real late, then we can build some fires and roll them down the hills!. It's been done forever, it's still being done now and it will always be done. We'll talk about where the word Litha comes from and what the holiday means for modern Pagans. Also, interestingly, Midsummer continues to be very important in mainstream societies in different cultures around the world! There are even some sects of Christianity that are nutty enough to sanction it! Here's to the sun, and to the God who lives in all of us. Be well. Do good. Enjoy the show!
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The June Bride

June continues to be the most popular month for getting married. So, my theme is for this week is The June Bride. Political conservatives in this country insist that marriage can only mean the union of one woman to one man, under the witness of their Abrahamic so-called "God". We Pagans know better than that. But there's still alot of assumptions about marriage that we've inherited from mainstream society and we don't much question. So, this week let's look at exactly what Marriage is and what it's meant around the world and down the ages. Plus we can take heart at all th symbols of Marriage that really have come to us from our Pagan ancestors. Finally, we're going to look at some of the various arrangements cultures around the world have made, and why they've made them, so that we members of an alternative society can consider how we want to best do it. Be well. Do good. Enjoy the show!
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Music In Ritual

I think a lot about music and the power that music has. So this week, let's talk about the role that music plays in ritual! Music was important to the Chinese philosopher, Confucious, as it has been for shamans around the world and down the ages. In fact I have a little story that tell us just exactly how music came to the earth way back when. And central to music is Rythm, singing and Dance. So we'll talk about all that stuff. And finally, we'll look at ways to write and create effective chants to be used in our rituals. Be well. Do good. Enjoy the show!
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Leprechauns and Other Wee Folk

It's springtime, and Fearies abound. Let's see if we can't catch us one! The Leprechaun is one of the major images that the Mainstream Culture has of what a Feary is, or what a Feary looks like. The other, of course, is Disney's Tinkerbell. Whatever Pagan path you may be following, I'm sure I don't have to tell you that neither of those images fullfills the whole tradition of the Fearie. But anyway, the Leprechaun has a pretty interesting story by itself (or Himself - come to think of it, I've never heard of a female Leprechaun). So this week, we'll look at just what a Leprechaun is and they look like. Then we'll look at where they come from - and finally the BIG QUESTION - the Pro's and Con's of actually catching a Leprechaun. I have a story called, The Leprechaun Trap, By Teresa Bateman. Plus, let's build a Feary Garden - someplace on your property where the Fey can call home. Be well. Do good. Enjoy the show!
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Air Magick

This week here on The Spiral Dance, we listen to the Wind blow, as we talk about Air Magick. We'll start off finding out what the Ancient Greeks had to say about the Air - was it warm and dry, or cold and wet - or maybe even warm and wet! Plato, Aristotle and many others all had opinions. Each of the Four Winds - North, south, east and west have specific magickal properties and are all ruled by specific Gods. But they're not alone; all the minor winds from the northeast to the southwest have qualities and gods as well. And you can build a Magickal Air Alter. I've got ideas about how to create the alter, and then how to magickally atune yourself to the Element of Air. Also I have some Rituals that you can do with the wind. Finally, we'll hear some poetry from Michael Lee. Be well. Do good. Enjou the show!
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The Language of Flowers

This week it's all about Floriography - the Language of Flowers! Interest in floriography soared in Victorian England and in the United States during the 19th century, but Meaning has been attributed to flowers for thousands of years. And so, for springtime, lets look at the magick of 3 springtime flowers; the rose, the tulip, and the dandelion. And we'll give a listen to a story about "The Flower Fairies". The Spiral Dance Spell of the Week. Be well. Do good. Enjoy the show.
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Magick Looks Like; Magick Sounds Like; Magick Tastes Like

What does Magick Sound Like? What does Magick Smell Like? What does Magick Look Like? Magick is about using all of your senses, so let’s see how this has been done since ancient times. We’ll start by talking about how Language is used in spell casting. Next – Color Magick! How does a color's vibration effect you, and how can you use that in your magickal practices? And lastly, the sense of smell - said to be our most ancient of the senses, it might just be the most powerful. I think you’ll find this week’s show interesting, whether you’ve thought about using all of your senses in Magick or not. Be well. Do good. Enjoy the show.
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Celebrating Beltane

This week, we celebrate Beltane! Beltane is happening on Sunday, the first of May! It's a festival of Fertility and Love as we welcome the flowering of Nature's Return. In our mythology Beltane represents the Mating of the Goddess and the God. It's The Original White Wedding! So, we'll talk in more detail about the meaning and significance of May Day from our earliest history. Plus we'll talk about the mythologies and customs that are traditionally associated with Beltane. And, while we're at it; just what the heck does "Beltane" mean? I've got the answers right here! Beltane's importance goes deep into our history, and it was never actually snuffed out to the Church's satisfaction. It, in fact, followed the Euopeans to these very shores. I'll present to you a reading from the American writer, Nathanial Hawthorne. He wrote a story in 1836, which was a fictionalized account taken from early colonial history. It's called "The Maypole at Merrymount". Be well. Do good. Enjoy the show!
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Spring Cleaning

It's time for Spring Cleaning! The idea of Spring Cleaning actually goes all the way back to ancient Egypt. We'll take a look at why Spring has become the time when we Clean House. And, while House Cleaning IS TERRIBLY, BORINGLY mundane, it does have magickal implications, and so we'll talk about some ways we can bring our Magick into our chores in some very powerful ways. While we're clearing out our attics, let's look for Crafty Ways to Rummage and Recycle. Afterall, "Repair, Re-fashion and Recycle" should be the watch words of the modern Pagan, right? But in the midst of all that work, we should take the time to stop and smell the flowers. So we'll talk about some Pagan ways for "Herbalism and Herbal Healing". And we'll also listen to Morganna Davies, with her story, "The Little People and the Hawthorne Tree"
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April First; Trickster and Fool

In honor of April Fools Day, our theme this week is: The Trickster and Fool. We'll take a look at the history of April Fools Day, as well as the Role that the Fool and the Trickster play in Earth-Based religious practices. Also, we'll hear from Joseph Campbell, and his thoughts on the Mythology of the Trickster Be well. Do good. Enjoy the show!
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The Stars of Spring

This week let's give Spring a true Welcoming, as we talk about The Stars of Spring - The Spring Triangle, in particular. You may not know The Spring Triangle because it's less attention-grabbing than the Winter Circle and the Summer Triangle. But it becomes visible as early as February, and by early April, it's stars are all up by mid-evening. So, when you see the Spring Triangle is a harbinger for the warm springtime air. The Spring Triangle is made up of three of the sky’s brightest stars: Regulus, Arcturus and Spica. We'll talk about each of these stars in detail. And we'll join John Reade as he shows us how to learn about the Spring Constellations! Be well. Do good. Enjoy the show!
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Astronomically, the Equinox occurs on Sunday, March 20. We'll be talking about the history of Spring Equinox - the role that it has played in cultures down the ages: So, we'll talk about the Norse Goddess Eoster. Is she a bonefide Goddess, or just a fiction created by one author? Does it matter, really? Plus ya can't talk about this time of the year without mentioning Rabbits & Eggs; and, of course, the Balance of Light and Dark. The Spring Equinox marks the point in the solar year when day and night are of equal duration, and the daytime once again becomes longer than night. In Pagan mythology it marks the time when The God, who was reborn at the Winter Solstice, is now coming into young adulthood and is - awakening to his sexuality. Be well. Do good. Enjoy the show!
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Due Consideration for March

Lets give a big warm welcome to the month of March! It seems to be the month everybody loves to hate! Everybody wants Spring to finally come, but there is still so many more weeks to wait! So, let's give March some due consideration. We'll see if I can maybe help you get a different perspective on this time of the year. We'll be talking about the folklore of the March Hare. Plus, I have an Irish Story of Magick which I'll be reading called "The Boy and the Hare". And, of course we would be remiss for not mentioning March 17th - which we will do! We'll talk about St. Patrick and the PAGAN "snakes". Be well. Do good. Enjoy the show!
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Thinking About Deism

Deism as an encompassing thought and philosophy had a major influence over those we in American call our Founding Fathers. Thus the shape of our Constitution is very much a product of Deism. But what's the connection between Deism and Paganism? Well, in the Eighteenth Century many Deists spoke of a Creator God, or The God of Nature. They connected to the Devine through Rational Thought Processes, and by connecting with Nature. Clearly the Deists of 1775 would scoff at the Pagans of today. But we at least have Nature in common. So let's take some time to learn about Deism, and maybe derive inspiration from Deistic Quotes. Be well. Do good. Enjoy the show!
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Animal Totems; Yay or Nay?

In the general neoPagan community people - not everyone - who work with animal spirit guides talk about Animal Totems. Purists will tell you that that's kind of a misnomer. Totems are not really spirit guides and spirit guides are not really totems. Where do YOU stand on this immense question?? Well, I'm here to untangle the whole mess and by the time we're finished we'll all know what really is what. So we start of with a pretty clear definition of what a Totem is - where the word came from and how it was used. And we'll look at WHERE the word was used as well. Plus, we'll find out what Carl Gustave Jung had to say about Totems. Then we'll get into Power Animals, and animal guides, with some - interesting - contemporary theories on the subject. Be well. Do good. Enjoy the show!
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February; Fire and Ice

They say that February was made the shortest month because everybody wants it to be OVER WITH on the first day. February is one of the most primordial months. It's all about extremes. And, like the sabbat Imbolc, it's just as much about Fire as it is about Ice. Fire and Ice are the Primordial elements that, in the Norse Tradition that formed to create our world. So this is a good time to think a bit about the Nordic Tradition; just what is and what it means. The Heathens tell us that Polarities set up from Fire and Ice started Polarities in other realms of reality - even men and women. We'll talk more about that. And we'll also talk more about Modern Heathenry and the Nine Noble Virtues Be well. Do good. Enjoy the show!
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Love Letters for Valentines Day

Valentine's Day will be here on the 14th. Let's pass a couple love notes! Some people believe that the Ancient Roman holiday of the Lupercalia was the forerunner to Valentine's Day. That's not actually true, but there are some associations so we'll take a look at what the Lupcalia was all about. Then we'll talk a bit about the Christian St. Valentine - or ValentineS, plural. There was actually more than one Valentine - but were they all lovers??. Which brings us to Romantic Love - as old as the human race, right? Yes, and no. As in all aspects of love, the answer is never a simple one. But we'll talk about the poet Chaucer and the middle ages and go from there. And where to go? Sex Magick! Be well. Do good. Enjoy the show!
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A Celebration of Imbolc

We're at the midpoint between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox. Perfectly natural to want to jump up and down and start acting like Spring is Here! Folly, pure folly! Watch out if the weather is fine on Imbolc - you might find yourself shoveling the driveway on Eostara! But before that, let's take some time to honor the Goddess Brigid, the Triple Goddess of Poetry, Healing and Smithcrafting. And we'll enjoy some Tres Leches cake as well!
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The Stars of Winter

This week we look up to find The Winter Triangle. Stars that are part of the Winter Triangle teach us that their forces can aid in the service to those of us who are spiritually attuned. And we take it a step further as we honor two special "stars" of Winter; the Norse Goddess Skadi, and the Norse God, Ullr. Now, did you know that Scandinavia may have been named after the Goddess Skadi. Some theorize that Scandinavia could mean "Skadi's island". And finally, if you ski, then you've probably heard of Ullr. In Norse mythology, Ullr was considered a superb archer and skier, and was the god to invoke when engaging in single combat. Then we'll talk some science and discover why the night sky of winter is so much brighter than it is in summer. It's not your imagination! Be well. Do good. Enjoy the show!
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This week here on The Spiral Dance, we celebrate happiness!. Happiness is an amorphous thing. It's hard to define, and sometimes it's hard to know if we really have it. But when we DO have happiness in our lives it truly is a Shiny thing. So this week we're going to look at just what is meant by "happines", and we'll look at it from different perspectives - religious, or spiritual; philosophical; and Economic or Political. Plus I want to share some famous quotes on the subject. Be well. Do good. Enjoy the show!
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All Along the Watchtowers

We've all done it; we've created Sacred Space by calling the Spirits of the Four Directions. We stand at each direction and draw the appropriate pentagram and we Invoke the Spirits that have the appropriate character. But where does all that mumbo jumbo come from? Some say Gerald Gardner, which is correct to a point. Others say that Witches have been doing that on their own and in secret, like, forever - which is really not at all true. So this week we're going to find out who or what the Watchtowers are and where they came from. They may or may not have something to do with Archangels, and Archangels may or may not be a Christian thing. Don't worry; I will not leave you in suspense for long. But, like everything else, The Watchtowers DO have something to do with Stars; and so does the story of Orpheus, and his Lyre. We'll see how those tie together. And I also have a spoken word meditation from Ted Andrews, called "The Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram". Be well. Do good. Enjoy the show!
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The Philosopher's Stone

This week here we're talking about the Philosopher's Stone. Just what IS the Philosopher's Stone? Where does it come from? Is it even a Stone? This question has been bothering people for generations. Some people just give up and say it's just a lot of poetic rhetoric. Others say, "No, look! I've done it! I've got it right here!" Some say it's all Devilry, others say it's all God stuff. Well, you can choose as we try to sort it all out. Be well. Do good. Enjoy the show!
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Welcome, Yule!

This week, we celebrate Yule, the Winter Solstice. Yule is a time to set aside animosity between yourself and people with whom you did not get along. The Norsemen had a tradition that enemies who met under a bough of mistletoe were obligated to lay down their arms. This is a time to set aside your differences, and ponder this Divotional: Beneath the Tree of Light and Light, a blessing for this season of Yule, to all that sit at my hearth, today we are Brothers; we are Family, and I drink to your health. Today is a day to offer hospitality to all that cross my threshold, in the Name of the Season Be well. Do good. Enjoy the show!
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The Winter Moons

This week here on The Spiral Dance, we celebrate the Full Moons of Winter. All the full moons have names, as you know. But during the Winter, the Dark time of the year the moon has an ever stronger effect on us. Each of the Full Moons of December, January, February and March have different qualities. So we'll take a look at each moon's quality. Also each of the moons have Goddesses associated with them. Specifically there are sabbats which are sacred to certain goddesses. And so, to my mind anyway, the full moons during those months are great for connecting further with those Goddesses. Also, I have for you a Spell that you could perform during the times of the Winter Full Moons to help you call upon the moon's energy to see visions. And I also have a recorded Guided Meditation for you from Bente Hensen. This is called "Luminescent Reflection" . Be well. Do good. Enjoy the show!
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A Flexible Mind

Do you have a flexible mind? This week we talk about what in the scientific community is known as Cognitive Flexibility. Try to wrap your mind around that! With a flexible mind you could do all sorts of things, like increase your creativity, get yourself unstuck from Pain and generally be happier and more productive in your life. So, here's to all the things the mind can do for you if you only just let it!. . Be well. Do good. Enjoy the show!
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The Human Tribe

Thanksgiving is in a way a time when our various Tribes gather together. Whether it's blook relatives, or a Tribe by Choice, we travel from whereever we're living to whereever our larger family is - it may be over hundreds of miles, or just across town. But it's a time for us to renew our relationships with those who have been in our lives from the very beginning. So, what is a TRIBE? Anthropologists don't really have answers, but they have alot of theories, and of course, lots of papers written about those theories. This week, let's take a look at some of those theories, and see if we could come to a better understanding of how humans organized themselves in earlier times, and how some humans organize themselves even today. And, are we STILL tribal? Some say Yes, and some say that that may be our saving grace in the long run! . Be well. Do good. Enjoy the show!
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I once thought I was going to Live Hard and Die Young. That didn't work out! Maybe I didn't live hard enough, I don't know. But here I am, looking back at everything. So, now what? Well, first thing, of course I DEMAND RESPECT! But, Eldering" isn't really something you are; it's something you DO. The idea around Eldering is how older people can relate and function in the world. But in order to do that at all, there has to be some understanding of how their society looks at them, and chooses to relate to them. So, we're going to look at how we relate to the elderly, both around the world and throughout time. And we'll find ways for people to live with respect, and self-respect in todays world. Be well. Do good. Enjoy the show!
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Secrets and Lies! Pagan ethics

Secrets and Lies!. This week, let's take a look at Pagan Ethics. I promise, we'll HARM NONE!. A good place to start is to examine just what do we mean by Ethics in the first place. When did we start thinking about Ethics? What does it mean for us personally, or as a society, or, really, what does it mean for us a satient beings? Is the consideration Ethics solely a condition of being human? The acedemic study of Ethics and its connected philosophies, has divided Ethics up into dozens of different Types, and we'll spend a good deal of time talking about many of the most well-known Ethical Types. Then we'll connect all that to our current understanding of what modern Neo Pagan is and what might or might not be expected of those of us who call ourselves Pagan. Be well. Do good. Enjoy the show!
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Reincarnation; Where Ya Been? Where Ya Goin?

Some believe, some don't. Some say that know if for a fact, that they've experienced their past lives. I don't make such claims myself, although I've experienced things that have given me pause for thought. So I've got a poem on Reincarnation from the pen of Aleister Crowley. And I've got some info on how why and where the concept of Reincarnation developed. We think of Reincarnation as an Eastern philosophy. But it can be found here in the West before the followers of the Abrahamic god decided to dictate reality to us. Nonetheless, I want to pay homage to some Eastern belief systems which have worked th concept out rather well. Then we'll come back to the West, in the 19th and 20th centuries when Reincarnation started to retake it's hold in this part of the world. And finally, some quotes from famous folk about Reincarnation. Be well. Do good. Enjoy the show!
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A Celebration of Samhain

November Eve "Now is the Night of November Eve, as the Samhain rites begin. Spirits step from the World Beyond, this night when the Veil is thin. Coming through the Land of Shadows, awakening from the World of Dreams, joining hands with the Children of Midnight as the Moonlight Lantern gleams. Drifting in the Wind of Evening, Chanting words in an ancient tongue, dancing light to the music of Fearies, as the Sacred Prayer is sung. We honor this In-Between time, this space between Darkness and Light, While greeting the Reign of the Winter King, On this Windy Autumn Night." Be well. Do good. Enjoy the show!
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The Magick of Masking

This week here on The Spiral Dance, let's create Magick through Masking. If you're going to a Halloween party, what will you GO AS? We all wear masks, although the extent to which we layer ourselves or are aware of them varies greatly. Masks are a familiar and vivid element in many folk and traditional pageants, ceremonies, rituals and festivals, and are often of an ancient origin. One reason for wearing a mask is to pretend to be someone or something else. The mask can be a kind of language that expresses the emotion of the figure one chooses to create. And for this week's Spiral Dance Spell of the week, we'll examine The Mask of the Unified Self Be well. Do good. Enjoy the show!
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The Stars of Autumn

This week here on The Spiral Dance, let's look skyward and see what's up there. Every season brings different views of the Heavens, and Autumn is no different. And, the Stars of Autumn bring their own stories and myths. So to start this week, I have a poem written back in 1819 by the English Romantic poet, John Keats. In his poem, "To Autumn" he captures the feeling and spirit of this season. Then we'll talk a bit about Astronomy itself, and one view of how why people started making Constellations in their minds. Then I want to talk about the Real Stars of Autumn; The Great Square of Pegasus, Cassiopeia and Draco the Dragon. Be well. Do good. Enjoy the show!
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Water Magick for Autumn

This week we look at some of the Autumn season's important associations. Water is one of the elements in ancient Greek philosophy, and in Occult circles it's associated with the Western Quarter of the Circle, and with the season of Autumn. So we'll look at how and why Water got associated with the Autumn as we tie in some of their similar Magickal Properties. Then we'll take a walk into an Autumn Garden with Ellen Dugan, well known herbalist and Kitchen Witch. And I have a YouTube presentation from HearthWitch, called "Magickal Waters?Water Witchcraft 101" Finally, what can be more Autumnal then the good old hooty owl. We'll look at the way people around the world have regarded the owl through myth and legend. Be well. Do good. Enjoy the show!
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Your Creative Muse and You

Many people think they have a clear idea of what it means to be creative, and a whole lot of myths have been built up around that notion. It may be too much to say that Everything You Thought You Knew About Creativity is Wrong, but this week we'll bust some creativity myths that, hopefully, once you see past them, will unleash your inner creative genius. Now, Nothing gets more in the way of your creativity than your own fears and inhibitions. So, I want to share with you a whole bunch of very powerful tips on how you can Start Overcoming Fear, Right Now From Ancient Greece, the Muses have inspired poets, musicians, writers, and philosophers down the ages, and they inspire us today. We don't talk enough about them in modern Paganism. Let's take a closer look at them this week. Plus I have on tape a guided meditation for you to listen to. This is called, "Creative Visualization". And if that's not enough, I have some Amazing Quotes from well-known people, to Feed Your Creative Soul Be well. Do good. Enjoy the show!
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A Celebration of Mabon

This week is our annual Celebration of the Autumn Equinox - what many of us know as Mabon. So we'll look at some of the well-known myths, legends and traditions surrounding Mabon. And we'll honor The Dark Mother, plus we'll bring a little Balance and Gratitude into our lives. And finally - An Apple Harvest Ritual! Be well. Do good. Enjoy the show!
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How and Why We Daydream

Everyone, has daydreams on a regular basis. Daydreams can get us into trouble, but they can also prove to be the source of our personal fulfillment. So, let's take a good look at Why and How We Daydream. And more, why we often get away with daydreaming before we get into real trouble. Now, there is a difference between Daydreaming vs. Mindfulness. It may seem paradoxical, but the truth is we need both, and both can work together. We'll find out how. But negative Daydreams, or Daymares can often be troublesome. So we'll look at Dealing with Worry-Based Fantasies and Daydreams Some Daymares can can provide relief and release. Those are known as Cathartic and Do-Over Daydreams When people say they "dream" of being president or a billionaire or an artist or whatever it is they fantasize about--they are daydreaming those goals, literally envisioning them in their mind's eye. We'll look at Daydreams as a Source of Innovation & Motivation But, what if Your Daydreams are Stuck in a Rut? I have seven suggestions for rebooting your daydreams. And finally, Is your child a daydreamer? Don't let them label it A.D.D. right off the bat! Be well. Do good. Enjoy the show!