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The Money Profile

The Money

English, Economic, 1 season, 72 episodes, 1 day, 10 hours, 25 minutes
The Money is a weekly 30 minute program that explains how the Australian economy and everything in it works, and how this all connects to the global economy.
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Climate Change Costs

The rising cost of extreme weather events and climate change. 
2/1/202429 minutes, 6 seconds
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Supermarket prices

The Money looks at the accusation that the major supermarkets are price gouging, something the Federal Government is investigating. 
1/25/202429 minutes, 6 seconds
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Influence of the consulting industry and the long view

Mariana Mazzucato and the influence of the big consulting firms and why the long term really matters. 
1/18/202429 minutes, 5 seconds
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The Money

The Money explains how the Australian economy and everything in it works.
1/11/202429 minutes, 1 second
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Different generations talking about future generations

Sophie Howe and Alison Pennington, women from different generations but with the same goal to improve the living conditions of younger and future generations. 
1/11/202429 minutes, 1 second
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Pay attention to subscriptions, drip pricing and the cost of online shopping returns

Pay attention to what you're subcribing to, what you're buying and the cost of online returns.
1/4/202429 minutes, 5 seconds
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The cost of tertiary education

As the number of students attending university has grown so has their debt and while the HECS / HELP system has worked well in the past - does it now need reform?
12/28/202329 minutes, 6 seconds
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The Money

The Money explains how the Australian economy and everything in it works.
12/21/202329 minutes, 5 seconds
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The cost of live music

Taylor Swift is on track to make over $US1 billion from her world tour. Here’s how she (and other superstars) make so much.
12/21/202329 minutes, 5 seconds
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The economics of present giving. 
12/14/202329 minutes, 6 seconds
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PNG and the IMF and, the future of cities

Disagreement between PNG and the IMF and why our future depends on how we shape our cities. 
12/7/202329 minutes
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Moves to make the RBA independent and The World Ahead report

Making the RBA independent from the government and The World Ahead report. 
11/30/202329 minutes, 1 second
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Improving competition both in Australia and within the EU and what shoppers want

Improving competition both in Australia and within the EU and what shoppers want from their main street.
11/23/202329 minutes
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The economies of Gaza and Israel and the new Chair of the Productivity Commission

The economic relationship between Gaza and Israel and the new Chair of the Productivity Commission, Danielle Wood.
11/16/202329 minutes, 1 second
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Headwinds and interest rates; consultancy companies and changes in the CPI

Making sense of what is influencing inflation, consultancy competition and changes in the CPI.
11/9/202329 minutes, 1 second
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Superannuation funds; interest rate decisions and business expenses

Assistant Treasurer Stephen Jones on what super funds need to do; what will the RBA do about interest rates and a cautionary tale about business expenses.
11/2/202329 minutes, 1 second
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Reporting ESG, global tax evasion and road charges

It's a numbers game when it comes to reporting ESG and paying taxes, or not. And how do you better charge for road usage. 
10/26/202329 minutes, 2 seconds
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The economic crises that shaped globalisation. Beyond the now: The case for long term thinking.

What we learn from seven economic crashes. Why we should expand our horizons and embraced the long view.
10/19/202329 minutes, 2 seconds
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Inheritocracy: The lasting generational advantages of home ownership

Are we returning to the days of the landed gentry when property is increasingly concentrated in families that can afford it?
10/12/202329 minutes, 6 seconds
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Competition in Australia. When a few financial institutions control everything.

Competition is good for an economy and consumers but are Australians getting it? Index funds and private equity are on track to dominate the US economy – should they be reigned in?
10/5/202329 minutes, 1 second
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Getting to sustained full employment. Financial contagion and the GFC. Golf participation climbs when people are ‘working’ from home.

How does the recent white paper plan to address under and unemployment? A former RBA board member reflects on the early days of the GFC when financial contagion threatened the global economy. Mid-week golf is booming but shouldn’t you be at work?
9/28/202329 minutes, 1 second
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Menopause is costing the economy a fortune. El Nino weather and its impact. Central Bank Digital Currencies explained. 

How women and their employers are paying a big price because of menopause. El Nino weather and its impact on economic staples. What are Central Bank Digital Currencies and could they change the financial landscape?  
9/21/202329 minutes, 2 seconds
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We shouldn’t be as alarmed about an economic slowdown in China: Here’s why. 

What a slowdown in China means for Australia. How the rapid rise of the consumer class will change the world. How companies profit from our inattention to auto renewed subscriptions.
9/14/202329 minutes, 1 second
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Sucked in by drip pricing.

Are we still on the narrow path to a soft landing? What the latest figures tell us. The psychology behind drip pricing and how not to get tricked by it. Why big shifts in Ireland’s economic data are causing concern for Eurozone economists.
9/7/202329 minutes, 1 second
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What’s holding up the green energy transition?

By 2030, 82 per cent of our power is supposed to come from renewables. We’re not on track.
8/31/202329 minutes, 4 seconds
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The 2023 Intergenerational report: Getting ready for 2063

For future generations, what is the legacy of our current public policies and what issues might Australia have to confront in forty years time?                                                      What makes Islamic banking different?
8/24/202329 minutes, 1 second
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The job market softens (a bit). Why we prefer tax agents. Would you trust an economist? 

What do the latest indicators tell us about the state of the labour market? How we embrace the online world in almost everything- except lodging our tax returns. Why aren’t economists more highly regarded?
8/17/202329 minutes, 1 second
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Overdue invoices and what they signal. Working from home – employers v workers. The hidden costs of online shopping returns.

The rise in debt collection and the late payment of invoices could be the canary in the coal mine for some industries. How are workplaces responding to working from home and what are the tensions? Why returning unwanted goods bought online isn’t really free.
8/10/202329 minutes
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The move to higher mortgage costs. The value of name and place. Inequality and the reporting of finance

As interest rates rise are home owners coping with the transition from low to higher mortgage costs? What the trade row with the EU over geo-indicators means for Australian food producers.  How financial news reporting favours the rich and fuels inequality.
8/3/202329 minutes
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Gigonomics and the Swifties

Taylor Swift is on track to make $US 1 billion from her world tour. Here’s how she (and other superstars) make so much.
7/27/202329 minutes, 7 seconds
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The next Reserve Bank Governor might be underestimated. She shouldn’t be. The French passion for their pensions. Tax groupthink.

Why Michele Bullock, the next Governor of the Reserve Bank is ‘more than just a seasoned econocrat’.How do the French and Australian pensions compare and why are the French so passionate about theirs.The board which advises government on the tax system is certainly made up of experts in their field but is their collective thinking too narrow and are their backgrounds too similar?
7/20/202329 minutes, 1 second
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A slowing economy? Debanking financial abusers. Taking on the money launderers.

Have repeated interest rate rises succeeded in slowing inflation and the economy? Debanking and the push back against financial abusers. Adding teeth to inadequate money laundering laws.
7/13/202329 minutes
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HECS: Can we fix it?

As the number of students attending university has grown so has their debt and while the HECS / HELP system has worked well in the past - does it now need reform?
7/6/202329 minutes, 4 seconds
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July 1st changes. Hedging investments against inflation. Why asset managers own the world.

Changes to government transfer payments, programs and policies kick in on July 1st. Just how bad is inflation for the investment economy and can you hedge against it? The downside of living in an 'asset managed society'.
6/29/202330 minutes, 50 seconds
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The next Reserve Bank Governor. A global minimum corporate tax. Are top shelf sports stars worth it?

Who might be the next head of Australia’s central bank? How does a proposed global minimum tax work and will it bring in more revenue. Does paying big money to a sport star improve a team’s performance and the club’s bottom line?
6/22/202329 minutes, 2 seconds
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WA and its share of the GST pie. China’s hopes for reserve currency status. The payment system gets an upgrade.

How does Canberra distribute revenue from the Goods and Services Tax  and is it fair? The U.S dollar has long been the dominant currency for world trade but can China change that? The system behind how Australians pay for everything is about to be modernised.
6/15/202329 minutes, 8 seconds
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When a perfect storm hits the rental market

Why are we in a rental crisis and what can be done to improve the situation?  
6/8/202329 minutes, 7 seconds
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Who is the World Bank's new boss? Crunch time for aged care. Insuring against cyber attacks.

Can Ajay Banga, the new head of the World Bank, end poverty? Why the aged care sector continues to struggle. Cyber attacks — a risk that can be managed ?
6/1/202331 minutes, 29 seconds
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 Why the Reserve bank wants unemployment to go higher. The case for long term thinking.

Two economists unpack and debate the idea that higher unemployment is needed to contain inflation. Short term thinking might be expedient in business and politics but could taking a really long view be better?
5/25/202330 minutes, 23 seconds
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 Blowout: Mega projects that don't deliver. Spending, cost of living and who's really under pressure

Cost of living increases are forcing many to change their spending. But not everything is down and not all groups are under pressure. Wade Tubman crunches the numbers. Why mega projects so often fail to deliver on time and on budget. Dan Gardner investigates what's going wrong and how to get it right.
5/18/202329 minutes, 1 second
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Budget review and budget hits with George Megalogenis and Frank Bongiorno

George Megalogenis and Frank Bongiorno provide their analysis on this budget and where they sit in history.
5/11/202328 minutes, 59 seconds
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The US teetering on a catastrophe; inequality in Australia and increasing productivity

The US government debit limit and increasing inequality in Australia and how to improve overall productivity. 
5/4/202329 minutes, 6 seconds
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The link between economics and Mona Lisa and Wales striding towards a better future

What is the latest prediction of where the global economy is heading? The clues are in Mona Lisa's smile. And how to protect future generations? Wales is leading the way. 
4/27/202329 minutes
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The RBA review and what does full employment look like in Australia

The RBA review is in with 51 recommendations. Full employment is discussed but what does this look like in Australia?  
4/20/202329 minutes, 48 seconds
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Credit card debt; reducing the fiscal gap and the risky business of insurance

Credit card debt is on the rise so too is the interest paid federally to service our debt. What can be done to reduce both? And the cat and mouse game of insurance. 
4/13/202333 minutes, 25 seconds
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RBA's decision, international banks and a manufacturing revival

Insights into the RBA's recent decision; why are we so blase to another banking crisis and a manufacturing revival.
4/6/202329 minutes, 1 second
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Interest rates, university incentives and CPI comparisons

A Vice-Chancellor shares his ideas on how to ease the pain when attaining a degree and how does a family of four compare to CPI weightings on household expenditure. 
3/30/202329 minutes, 2 seconds
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Bank contagion, submarines and jobs and the future of the workplace with AI

Banking contagion and the question of job creation either through submarines and then, AI. 
3/23/202330 minutes
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How to improve the future for young Australians and central bankers are talking

How young Australians can reclaim their uncertain future and what are central bankers talking about amongst themselves? 
3/16/202330 minutes
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Re-thinking insurance and improving migration systems for all

How to better equip countries and regions with insurance for climate disasters and reviewing the migration system. 
3/9/202330 minutes
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A financial crisis in the aged care sector

The aged care sector is haemorrhaging money. Why?
3/2/202330 minutes
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Mariana Mazzucato on the Big Con and an economic view of the Russian invasion

How the consulting industry has taken centre state in the private and public sphere and how has the  Russian invasion of Ukraine twelve months on affected the economy.
2/23/202330 minutes
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Could the RBA be getting it right?

What are the reasons behind the interest rate increases and why has the narrative recently shifted in how we're talking about it?
2/16/202330 minutes
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Medicare reform; the great inflation debate and the fuel tax credit scheme

How to better reform Medicare; why we should reform the fuel tax credit scheme and the great inflation debate.
2/9/202330 minutes
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Sustainable financial taxonomies and buy now, pay later regulation

What are sustainable financial taxonomies and why do we need them and why we need to regulate buy now pay later services. 
2/2/202330 minutes
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International trade and China's growing loneliness economy

Major shifts in global trading blocs and how is the loneliness epidemic affecting China's economy?
1/26/202330 minutes
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Beyond GDP: the health of a nation

What should be included when measuring the health of an economy and nation? 
1/19/202330 minutes
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The big business of online sports betting

The business model of online sports betting.
1/12/202330 minutes
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Streaming Services both video and music

What is the economic model of streaming, both music and video, and who benefits?
1/5/202330 minutes
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Economics and the environment

Devastating floods, droughts and storms have been a feature of 2022. How can economics help, or not, with the effects of climate change? 
12/29/202230 minutes
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Sanctions and Oligarchs

The economics of sanctions and how the West enables oligarchs.
12/22/202230 minutes
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Energy caps; Christmas spend and edible economics

The Money explains how the Australian economy and everything in it works.
12/15/202230 minutes
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Energy prices; affordable housing and The World Ahead report

There are increases in energy prices and in the number of people sleeping rough. Both of these topics will be discussed as well as what lies ahead next year.
12/8/202230 minutes
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Inflation, jobs, and tax and government

Inflation, jobs and taxation. What is the latest data telling us and what are the challenges for a tax state like Australia in the near future? 
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Wages; the IMF; and climate change and democracy

The Money looks at what else can be done about wages; where countries are turning for financial assistance and the correlation between climate change and autocratic rule.
11/24/202230 minutes
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Costly floods and Chokepoint Capitalism

The cost of this year's floods and how we're been caught up in chokepoint capitalism. 
11/17/202230 minutes
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The very expensive US mid-term elections and IR in Denmark

Industrial relations in Denmark and the very expensive US mid-term elections. 
11/10/202230 minutes
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Rental Crisis

The rental crisis. Why is it happening and what can be done about it? 
11/3/202230 minutes
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Delivering a budget during difficult times

What makes this federal budget different from previous ones and how do you accommodate domestic and international economic pressures. And, a pivotal moment for world economic policy.
10/27/202230 minutes
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Economic implications of the Chinese Communist Party Congress

The wider implications for the global economy coming out of the Chinese Communist Party Congress. 
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How much tax is enough?

The taxing question of how much tax we should be paying and what type of tax. And book publishing, how is the industry adapting to increased paper prices and supply and issues. 
10/13/202230 minutes
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How copper may be the roadblock for a greener global economy

Why aren't the banks passing on higher savings rates; copper demand and supply rates are problematic for a greener economy and sovereign capabilities. 
10/6/202230 minutes