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The 8 Minute Devotion

English, Christianity, 1 season, 191 episodes, 1 day, 3 hours, 19 minutes
The 8 minute devotion exists to give you hope and encouragement through the Word of God. Join Pastor Cameron Walcott as he brings us through the Word of God each day, looking at keys that will build up your faith, provide hope for your journey, and encourage you to pursue holiness and God's very best for your life.
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All Have Sinned (Romans 3:23)

Join Pastor Cameron as he continues talking about the wrath of God. All are subject to God's wrath, as all have sinned in the eyes of God!
2/5/20248 minutes, 20 seconds
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True Purity (Romans 2:28-29)

Join Pastor Cameron as he looks at the true purity God desires, that which is from the heart and not external. 
2/2/20248 minutes, 17 seconds
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With or Without the Law (Romans 2:12)

On today's episode, Pastor Cameron shares how God's wrath was towards those who had and did not have the Law. Going to church or hearing God's Word is not enough, we need to actually live in the light of what we know!
2/1/20248 minutes, 30 seconds
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Plankeye (Matthew 7:3-5)

Jesus told His disciples to take care of the plank in their own eye before dealing with the speck in someone else's. We always need to deal with the sin in our own lives first, as Pastor Cameron shares today!
1/31/20248 minutes, 15 seconds
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God's Wrath and Hypocrisy (Romans 2:1)

God's wrath is against all hypocrisy, as Pastor Cameron shares today. It is inexcusable to judge others for the sins we are also committing. 
1/30/20248 minutes, 22 seconds
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The Downward Spiral of Sin (Romans 1:24-32)

Pastor Cameron continues looking at the book of Romans by considering the Apostle Paul's description of the downward spiral of sin. The best time to repent is always today!
1/29/20248 minutes, 29 seconds
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The Wise and the Foolish (Romans 1:22)

On today's episode, Pastor Cameron consider the foolishness of saying that there is no God. Creation itself proclaims His existence. 
1/26/20248 minutes, 31 seconds
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God's Wrath is Just (Romans 1:18)

Join Pastor Cameron as he looks at the just wrath of God. God is not partial, but reveals His anger towards all sin and unrighteousness. 
1/25/20248 minutes, 19 seconds
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God's Wrath Is Real (Revelation 19:11-16)

On today's episode, Pastor Cameron continues looking at the reality of God's wrath. His wrath is real and is revealed against all sin and unrighteousness. 
1/24/20248 minutes, 27 seconds
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The Wrath of God (John 2:13-18)

The first great theme of the book of Romans is "The Wrath of God," from Romans 1-3. We often overlook God's wrath, but His anger is a vital starting point to understand how great is His salvation, as Pastor Cameron shares today. 
1/23/20248 minutes, 25 seconds
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Romans - Salvation by Faith in Christ Alone (Romans 1:17)

Join Pastor Cameron as he starts a brand-new series on the book of Romans. The theme of this special letter is "Salvation by Faith in Christ Alone", and it lays out God's extraordinary plan of salvation in more detail than any other book of the Bible!
1/22/20248 minutes, 15 seconds
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The Name of the Lord (Numbers 6:27)

The Lord blesses His people by writing His name upon us! Join Pastor Cameron as he concludes our series "A Blessing for 2024" by rejoicing in the fact that we are known by God's name. 
1/19/20248 minutes, 27 seconds
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The Lord Give You Peace (John 14:27)

The Lord wants to bless you with a peace that is out of this world, as Pastor Cameron shares today! His peace can rule and reign in your heart and mind this year. 
1/18/20248 minutes, 27 seconds
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The Lord Lift Up His Countenance Upon You (Nehemiah 8:10)

Join Pastor Cameron as he continues talking about the Lord's blessing, by sharing how God lifts up His very countenance upon us! We can live in His constant joy. 
1/17/20248 minutes, 32 seconds
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The Lord Is Abundant in Grace and Mercy (Psalm 103:8)

The Lord doesn't only have a little grace for you in this new year, but an abundance! Join Pastor Cameron as he reminds us that the Lord's posture towards His people is grace. 
1/16/20248 minutes, 19 seconds
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The Lord Be Gracious to You (Ephesians 2:8-9)

Everything we receive is only based on the grace of God! Join Pastor Cameron as he reminds us of the blessing of living in the grace of God. 
1/15/20248 minutes, 18 seconds
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The Lord Make His Face to Shine Upon You (Zephaniah 3:17)

Join Pastor Cameron as he encourages us with the fact that God smiles on His people. Receive the blessing of His joy and approval over you this year! 
1/12/20248 minutes, 25 seconds
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The Lord Keep You (Psalm 91:11)

On today's podcast, Pastor Cameron considers the Lord's keeping power. He can keep and protect our whole body, soul, and spirit! 
1/11/20248 minutes, 23 seconds
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The Prayer of Jabez (1 Chronicles 4:9-10)

Jabez was an honorable man who is known for asking for God's blessing on his life, as Pastor Cameron shares today. God honors those who seek His blessing!
1/10/20248 minutes, 28 seconds
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The Lord Bless You (Numbers 6:24)

The blessing we want in our lives comes from God and the glory goes back to God! It is good to seek God's blessing in every area of our lives, as Pastor Cameron reminds us today. 
1/9/20248 minutes, 16 seconds
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A Blessing for 2024 (Numbers 6:22-27)

Join Pastor Cameron for the first episode of the new year as he starts a series called "A Blessing for 2024." The ancient blessing that Aaron spoke over the Israelites is still relevant for all believers in the God of Abraham today! 
1/8/20248 minutes, 31 seconds
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Glory to God - Christmas for the Hurting (Luke 2:13-14)

Merry Christmas from The 8 Minute Devotion! May God's glory fill your holiday season, even in the midst of any pain you are walking through. As you keep your eyes on Him, He will fill you with His hope, love, and joy. The podcast will be on a 2 week break and we will be back with new episodes in 2024. God bless you, and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of our listeners and viewers! 
12/22/20238 minutes, 41 seconds
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A New Hope - Christmas for the Hurting (Luke 2:11-12)

No matter what you have experienced or are currently going through, Jesus gives hope for a new start and real peace and joy! Because Jesus stepped into our world, we can always have hope. 
12/21/20238 minutes, 39 seconds
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Fear Not - Christmas for the Hurting (Luke 2:10)

On today's episode, Pastor Cameron discusses the topic of fear and grief. There is no need for believers to fear because our Messiah has come! 
12/20/20238 minutes, 34 seconds
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God’s Peace and Your Mind - Christmas for the Hurting (Isaiah 26:3)

The Lord gives us perfect peace when we keep our mind on Him! Join Pastor Cameron as he encourages us to keep our hearts and minds on the Lord to experience His peace in this season. 
12/19/20238 minutes, 32 seconds
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Jesus Became Your Peace - Christmas for the Hurting (Romans 5:1)

Join Pastor Cameron as he continues our series "Christmas for the Hurting." Jesus became our Peace, so that when we put our faith in Him we can have peace with God, regardless of what is going on in our lives! 
12/18/20238 minutes, 22 seconds
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Peace to Your Storms - Christmas for the Hurting (Mark 5:35-41)

On today's episode, Pastor Cameron reminds us that Jesus speaks peace to our storms. Whatever pain you are experiencing or storms you are encountering this Christmas, the Lord who was born in a manger calms your storms and fills your heart with His peace.  
12/15/20238 minutes, 35 seconds
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The Prince of Peace - Christmas for the Hurting (Ephesians 2:14)

Peace is not just a metaphysical concept, but a Person. Jesus is the Prince of Peace and as such can meet us in our pain, as Pastor Cameron encourages us today!
12/14/20238 minutes, 26 seconds
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Jesus Humbled Himself - Christmas for the Hurting (Mark 15:29-32)

Jesus was not born in a palace or a mansion, but in a stable! He humbled Himself so that He can meet His people in their place of greatest need, as Pastor Cameron reminds us today. 
12/13/20238 minutes, 28 seconds
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The Healer Touched the Hurting - Christmas for the Hurting (Luke 5:12-13)

On today's episode, Pastor Cameron shows us that Jesus did not walk by the hurting, but was willing to help them in their pain and touch the untouchable. Our God is not aloof to our pain and suffering!
12/12/20238 minutes, 29 seconds
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The Mighty God and Mourning - Christmas for the Hurting (Luke 17:11-17)

When Jesus met the mourning, He gave them hope and also healing. Join Pastor Cameron as he encourages us that even when we are going through times of great mourning, we can have hope in Christ!
12/11/20238 minutes, 32 seconds
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The Mighty God - Christmas for the Hurting (Mark 10:46-52)

On today's podcast, Pastor Cameron discusses the Mighty God, who did not walk by those who were in need. He stops and ministers and provides miracles for those who cry out to Him!
12/8/20238 minutes, 30 seconds
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The Wonderful Counselor - Christmas for the Hurting (Mark 1:21-22)

Jesus came as the Wonderful Counselor for all who put their faith in Him. If you are grieving in this season, He has amazing words of comfort and grace for you, as Pastor Cameron reminds us today. 
12/7/20238 minutes, 25 seconds
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Happy Birthday, Caleb - Christmas for the Hurting (2 Corinthians 1:3-4)

On today's podcast, Pastor Cameron discusses the loss of his son Caleb, as today is Caleb's 17th birthday. Even in the midst of devastating loss, we can experience the comfort that only comes from God. 
12/6/20238 minutes, 36 seconds
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Immanuel - Christmas for the Hurting (Matthew 1:23)

The great message of Christmas is "Immanuel" - God is with us! He is not separated from our pain but sits and grieves with us, and gives us eternal hope that all of our pain has meaning and redemptive purpose, as Pastor Cameron shares today. 
12/5/20238 minutes, 22 seconds
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Christmas for the Hurting (Isaiah 9:6-7)

Join Pastor Cameron as we start our Christmas series on the podcast - "Christmas for the Hurting". In this season of joy and peace, many people suffer from grief due to memories of those they have lost. How does the message of Christmas found in the Scriptures speak to our grief and pain? Find out for the next three weeks in this special series. 
12/4/20238 minutes, 27 seconds
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How Do I Deal with Non-Christians at Work? Listener Q&A (Matthew 5:38-42)

On today's podcast, Pastor Cameron answers a listener question by encouraging us to turn the other cheek and ask for God's grace to respond to those around us in humility and gentleness. 
12/1/20238 minutes, 36 seconds
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Steadfast Love (Psalm 100:5)

On today's podcast, Pastor Cameron reminds us that the Lord invites us to taste and see His goodness. His faithfulness over us will last forever! 
11/30/20238 minutes, 18 seconds
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Give Thanks (Psalm 100:4)

Every time we enter God's presence, we should bring Him the gift of our praise and thanks! On today's podcast, Pastor Cameron reminds us that thanksgiving should be a lifestyle throughout the year. 
11/29/20238 minutes, 25 seconds
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We Are His People (Psalm 100:3)

The Lord made us, and as such our worship and praise is due to Him! Join Pastor Cameron as he reminds us of our duty to serve our Creator. 
11/28/20238 minutes, 21 seconds
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Make a Joyful Noise (Psalm 100:1-2)

Join Pastor Cameron as we start looking at Psalm 100. The Lord encourages His people to make a joyful noise before Him! 
11/27/20238 minutes, 32 seconds
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21 Days of Gratitude (Day 21) - Adopt a Heavenly Perspective

Pastor Cameron brings our 21 Days of Gratitude to a close today! He encourages us to adopt a heavenly perspective in all circumstances of life, so we can continue in gratitude no matter what life brings our way. Happy Thanksgiving from The 8 Minute Devotion! We will be back with new episodes on Monday. 
11/22/20238 minutes, 25 seconds
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21 Days of Gratitude (Day 20) - Focus on God’s Grace and Not Your Own Greatness (1 Corinthians 15:10)

On today's episode, Pastor Cameron reminds us to focus on God's grace in our lives, and not take any credit for the good things He does through us. It is all about Him!
11/21/20238 minutes, 24 seconds
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21 Days of Gratitude (Day 19) - Begin Each Day with Gratitude (Lamentations 3:22-23)

Just 3 days left in our 21 days of gratitude! Join Pastor Cameron as he encourages us to begin each day with thanksgiving, as God's mercies are always new!
11/20/20238 minutes, 17 seconds
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21 Days of Gratitude (Day 18) - Remember and Rehearse What God Has Done (Psalm 103:2)

A key to a life of thanksgiving is to remember and continually rehearse God's wonderful works, as Pastor Cameron shares with us today!
11/17/20238 minutes, 15 seconds
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21 Days of Gratitude (Day 17) - Thankfulness Retains the Blessings of God (2 Chronicles 32:24-26)

If we want to keep and continue to enjoy God's blessings, thankfulness is a key! Pastor Cameron reminds us to continue in gratitude on today's podcast. 
11/16/20238 minutes, 24 seconds
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21 Days of Gratitude (Day 16) - Thankfulness Unlocks the Power of God (John 11:41-43)

Before Jesus commanded Lazarus to rise, He thanked His Father in heaven! Thankfulness releases God's power to move in our lives!
11/15/20238 minutes, 19 seconds
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21 Days of Gratitude (Day 15) - Thankfulness Discovers God’s Will (1 Thessalonians 5:18)

Have you ever wondered what God's will is for you life? Join Pastor Cameron as he discusses how thankfulness is in the will of God for each one of us!
11/14/20238 minutes, 15 seconds
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21 Days of Gratitude (Day 14) - The Thankful Are Humble (Luke 7:39)

To the degree we are humble, we will be grateful for God's work in our lives! Join Pastor Cameron as he discusses this on today's podcast. 
11/13/20238 minutes, 24 seconds
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21 Days of Gratitude (Day 13) - The Thankful Love Much (John 14:15)

On today's episode, Pastor Cameron continues yesterday's story by seeing how the sinful woman loved much, while self-satisfied Simon loved little. Gratitude leads us to love!
11/10/20238 minutes, 15 seconds
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21 Days of Gratitude (Day 12) - The Thankful Are Forgiven Much (Luke 7:36-50)

Pastor Cameron looks at Jesus' visit to Simon's home, where the sinful woman showed gratitude towards Jesus while Pharisee Simon did not see his need to be grateful. 
11/9/20238 minutes, 31 seconds
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21 Days of Gratitude (Day 11) - Remember the Cross (Luke 22:19)

The first Communion service came with thanksgiving - Jesus thanked God for the bread before He broke it! Remembering the cross should awaken gratitude in our hearts, as Pastor Cameron shares today. 
11/8/20238 minutes, 27 seconds
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21 Days of Gratitude (Day 10) - Exercise Spiritual Gifts (1 Corinthians 14:8)

The Apostle Paul thanked God for his gift of tongues, and the exercise of spiritual gifts can awaken Thanksgiving in us as well. Join Pastor Cameron as he discusses this topic today!
11/7/20238 minutes, 19 seconds
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21 Days of Gratitude (Day 9) - Eat for God’s Glory (Matthew 15:36-37)

How can eating be an act of the Thanksgiving to God? Join Pastor Cameron as he answers this question today! 
11/6/20238 minutes, 21 seconds
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21 Days of Gratitude (Day 8) - Give Your Way to Gratitude (2 Corinthians 9:8)

The act of giving releases gratitude in the heart of both the giver and receiver. Join Pastor Cameron as he discusses this blessed truth today. 
11/3/20238 minutes, 26 seconds
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21 Days of Gratitude (Day 7) - Consider the People God Has Placed in Your Life (Philippians 1:3-4)

Join Pastor Cameron as he encourages us to be grateful for all the people God has placed in our lives! We can learn lessons from all, and there are no accidents in the Kingdom of God! 
11/2/20238 minutes, 21 seconds
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21 Days of Gratitude (Day 6) - Realize God Works All Things for Good (Genesis 50:20)

On today's episode, Pastor Cameron encourages us from the story of Joseph. Even in the worst of times, we can have gratitude because God is working all things for our good! 
11/1/20238 minutes, 36 seconds
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21 Days of Gratitude (Day 5) - Speak the Words (Luke 17:11-19)

If we go out of our way to speak words of gratitude, our heart will follow, as Pastor Cameron shares today. Saying the words "thank you" invite God to complete His blessings in our lives. 
10/31/20238 minutes, 25 seconds
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21 Days of Gratitude (Day 4) - Sing your Gratitude (Colossians 3:16)

On today's episode, Pastor Cameron begins discussing ways we can increase our "attitude of gratitude". As we sing to the Lord, our thankfulness for His works will grow! 
10/30/20238 minutes, 20 seconds
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21 Days of Gratitude (Day 3) - Bless the Lord! (Psalm 103:1-5)

King David encouraged his readers to bless the Lord with all their soul, and to remember his benefits. Listen to today's podcast as Pastor Cameron discusses the benefits of thankfulness in following the Lord!
10/27/20238 minutes, 13 seconds
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21 Days of Gratitude (Day 2) - Enter His Gates with Thanksgiving (Psalm 100:4)

On today's episode, Pastor Cameron encourages us to have a heart of thanksgiving every time we enter God's presence! 
10/26/20238 minutes, 18 seconds
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21 Days of Gratitude (Day 1) - Be Thankful (Colossians 3:15)

Join Pastor Cameron as we start a new series on the podcast - 21 episodes of gratitude for the 21 episodes we have before thanksgiving! 
10/25/20238 minutes, 24 seconds
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Do We Know for Certain What Heaven Looks Like (Revelation 21:3-5)? Listener Q&A

On today's podcast, Pastor Cameron answers one more question before we move on to a new topic. We may not know exactly what heaven looks like, but the Scripture does give us much information about the glorious land that is our future destination! 
10/24/20238 minutes, 33 seconds
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How Can I Get the Most Out of a Church Service (Matthew 18:20)? Listener Q&A

On today's episode, Pastor Cameron answers a question about receiving from God in a church service, even when we aren't feeling anything. Where 2 or 3 are gathered in Jesus' name, He is in our midst!
10/23/20238 minutes, 39 seconds
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What Do You Do if You Just Can’t Forgive Someone (Ephesians 4:32)? Listener Q&A

Join us for today's podcast as Pastor Cameron gives us 5 practical steps to follow if we are struggling with forgiveness. 
10/20/20238 minutes, 28 seconds
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Can I Sin with My Actions in a Video Game (1 Thessalonians 5:22)? Listener Q&A

On today's episode, Pastor Cameron encourages us to avoid all types of evil, and to remember that holy living is not about legalism but heart issues!
10/19/20238 minutes, 17 seconds
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What’s Your Favorite Verse (Romans 15:13)? Listener Q&A

Listen to today's episode as Pastor Cameron expounds on Romans 15:13, answering a question regarding his favorite verse. 
10/18/20238 minutes, 34 seconds
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If I Pray a Lot and Still Mess Up Does God Get Annoyed with Me (Hebrews 12:6-7)? Listener Q&A

On today's episode, Pastor Cameron discusses how God both desires relationship with us, and desires for us to be holy. He disciplines those whom He loves, but His wrath is gone towards His children. 
10/17/20238 minutes, 30 seconds
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Why Did Jesus Die on the Cross if He Knew We Would Still Sin (2 Corinthians 5:21)? Listener Q&A

Join Pastor Cameron as he starts a week of Listener Q&A by explaining why Jesus died on the cross, even though he knew we would still sin. Jesus loved us so much He was willing to pay the ultimate price! 
10/16/20238 minutes, 28 seconds
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The Revival Gave Renewed Faith and Assurance (Ezekiel 37:14)

Pastor Cameron brings our "Dry Bones" series to a close by looking at the closing promise of the vision - God's people would know Him as Lord! There is no greater honor than knowing Christ. 
10/13/20238 minutes, 34 seconds
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The Revival Gave the People a Land (Ezekiel 37:14)

The Lord often gives His people promises that include geographical locations, as Pastor Cameron reminds us today!
10/12/20238 minutes, 36 seconds
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The Revival Brought the Dead to Life (Ezekiel 37:11-14)

On today's episode, Pastor Cameron talks of the resurrection power of Christ. The amazing truth is that the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead is alive in all of His followers!
10/11/20238 minutes, 36 seconds
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The Dry Bones Needed to Join the Army (Ezekiel 37:10)

Join Pastor Cameron as he shares that the formerly dry bones needed to join the army of God. It wasn't enough to be resurrected, they needed to be given a mission! 
10/10/20238 minutes, 33 seconds
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We Need to Receive the Holy Spirit (John 20:22)

The Holy Spirit is not given to us based on anything we achieve or deserve, but we do need to choose to receive and yield to Him! Join Pastor Cameron as He encourages us to say yes to the Spirit today! 
10/9/20238 minutes, 33 seconds
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The Dry Bones Needed the Breath of the Spirit of God (Ezekiel 37:9-10)

The Holy Spirit brought the formerly dry bones to life by breathing on them, as Pastor Cameron shares today. We need to continually seek the Lord for His Holy Spirit!
10/6/20238 minutes, 34 seconds
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All of our Righteousness Is Like Filthy Rags (Isaiah 64:6)

On today's episode, Pastor Cameron talks about the inadequacy of our own righteous deeds. We can only be covered and saved through relying on what Christ has done! 
10/5/20238 minutes, 39 seconds
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The Dry Bones Needed to Be Covered (Genesis 37:8)

The once dry bones in Ezekiel's vision were covered by muscle and skin, and this represents the covering of Christ's righteousness that is necessary for every believer! Our shame is erased by what Christ has done!
10/4/20238 minutes, 33 seconds
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Connected to Christ and Connected to Each Other (John 15:5)

Join Pastor Cameron as he reminds us that our first connection needs to be with Christ, with our connection to other believers being vital as well. The life is in the Vine, and the Vine is Christ!
10/3/20238 minutes, 28 seconds
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The Dry Bones Needed to Be Connected (Ezekiel 37:7)

On today's podcast, Pastor Cameron looks at the first thing that happened to the dry bones as they came back to life - they were connected to their proper places! If we are going to be revived, we need to be connected to Christ and to other believers!
10/2/20238 minutes, 21 seconds
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Send Judah First (Judges 20:18)

On today's podcast, Pastor Cameron looks at the importance of praise. If we send Judah first, the battle can be won - we praise our way to victory!
9/29/20238 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Revival Had a Sound (Ezekiel 37:7)

There was a sound when the dry bones of Ezekiel's vision started to come back together - it started with a rattle and became a fully-grown army! Pastor Cameron encourages us today to listen for heaven's sound of revival.
9/28/20238 minutes, 31 seconds
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Edification, Exhortation, and Comfort (1 Corinthians 14:3)

The primary purpose of New Testament prophecy is to bring edification, exhortation, and comfort, as Pastor Cameron reminds us today. Prophecy is NOT about gloom and doom, but is about speaking life to the people of God! 
9/27/20238 minutes, 17 seconds
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The Revival Began with a Prophecy (Ezekiel 37:4)

Join us today as Pastor Cameron looks at the Lord's instructions to Ezekiel. He was to speak life and prophesy over the dry bones - the prophetic ministry is still needed to bring life to the Church today! 
9/26/20238 minutes, 28 seconds
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The Prophet Let the Lord Answer (Zechariah 4:6)

Ezekiel realized there was no way he could cause the dry bones to live again, but knew that the Lord was able! We need to come to a place where we realize we can only see revival through God's Spirit, as Pastor Cameron reminds us today. 
9/25/20238 minutes, 19 seconds
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The Bones Were Very Dry (Ezekiel 37:3)

The bones in the valley were not just dry, but very dry! There was no hope for revival outside of God's miraculous intervention, as Pastor Cameron reminds us today. 
9/22/20238 minutes, 22 seconds
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The Valley of Tears (Psalm 84:5-7)

The Lord takes our valley of tears, and turns it into a pool of blessing! Find out more as Pastor Cameron discusses the Valley of Baca on today's podcast. 
9/21/20238 minutes, 33 seconds
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The Revival Started in the Valley (Isaiah 40:4)

On today's episode, Pastor Cameron begins looking at the first of the "12 Truths from Ezekiel's Vision." The revival didn't start in a mountain, but a valley! 
9/20/20238 minutes, 34 seconds
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The Lord’s Promises Are True (Ezekiel 37:1-10)

In today's episode, Pastor Cameron looks at the direct context of Ezekiel's vision. The children of Israel were disconnected and out of their land and promises, but God would bring them back to their land! This promise was fulfilled almost 70 years later when the Jewish people were released from captivity and returned to the land of Israel. 
9/19/20238 minutes, 28 seconds
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Dry Bones (Ezekiel 37:1-14)

Join us for a brand-new season of The 8 Minute Devotion, now available in audio AND video form! You can subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Audible, YouTube, or wherever you download your podcasts.  We are starting a new series called "Dry Bones", and we will see from Ezekiel's vision that no matter how dry or forsaken we feel, there is always hope for revival for those who are in Christ. 
9/18/20238 minutes, 38 seconds
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Better Is One Day - A Struggle Towards Hope (Psalm 84:10) - (Favorite Episodes)

Originally aired May 6th, 2022 Pastor Cameron closes the "Struggle Towards Hope" series by reading one of his writings from December 2020 - Caleb may have lost some of his expected days on earth, but he is in a place that is infinitely better! The same is true for all of those who depart with faith in Jesus. A new season starts this Monday, September 11th, with brand new episodes! 
9/8/20238 minutes, 54 seconds
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Let Not Your Hearts Be Troubled - A Struggle Towards Hope (John 14:1-4) - (Favorite Episodes)

Originally aired May 5th, 2022 Join Pastor Cameron as he encourages us to not let our hearts be troubled, regardless of the pain we may have gone through. We look at Jesus' comforting words to be reminded that for believers, the best is always yet to come.  A new season starts this Monday, September 11th, with brand new episodes! 
9/7/20238 minutes, 52 seconds
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Heaven Is Far Better - A Struggle Towards Hope (Philippians 1:23) - (Favorite Episodes)

Originally aired May 4th, 2022 The Apostle Paul was split between staying on earth and going to heaven, which he realized was far better than earth! Join Pastor Cameron as he encourages us that heaven will be far better than anything we can imagine on earth - our believing departed loved ones are in a much better place than they would be on earth. A new season starts this Monday, September 11th, with brand new episodes! 
9/6/20238 minutes, 46 seconds
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Stay in the Father’s House - A Struggle Towards Hope (Luke 2:45-49) - (Favorite Episodes)

Originally aired May 3rd, 2022 On today's podcast, Pastor Cameron starts looking at the seventh and final "Lesson from Caleb" - we can stay in the Father's house! A new season starts this Monday, September 11th, with brand new episodes! 
9/5/20238 minutes, 49 seconds
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We Will Be in Heaven, and Be Happy with God - A Struggle Towards Hope (Revelation 21:3-4) - (Favorite Episodes)

Originally aired May 2nd, 2022 Join Pastor Cameron as he shares one of Caleb's most inspiring writings - in July of 2020, Caleb wrote that those who died in faith would be happy with God in heaven.  A new season starts this Monday, September 11th, with brand new episodes! 
9/4/20238 minutes, 43 seconds
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Love the Word of God - A Struggle Towards Hope (2 Timothy 3:16-17) - (Favorite Episodes)

Originally aired April 29th, 2022 Reading and loving the Word of God is a key to spiritual growth! Join Pastor Cameron as he discusses this "Lesson from Caleb" on today's podcast. 
9/1/20238 minutes, 57 seconds
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Wait on the Lord - A Struggle Towards Hope (Psalm 27:14) - (Favorite Episodes)

Originally aired April 28th, 2022 On today's episode, Pastor Cameron discusses a song Caleb wrote that encourages us to wait on the Lord. When we truly wait on Him, we will obtain His promises and discover His good plans toward us!
8/31/20238 minutes, 49 seconds
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Reckless Love - A Struggle Towards Hope (Luke 15:4-7) - (Favorite Episodes)

Originally aired April 27th, 2022 Join Pastor Cameron as he discusses Caleb's favorite worship song - "Reckless Love". When we realize how God's love towards us is not calculated but abundant, it will change the way we live! 
8/30/20238 minutes, 53 seconds
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Give Your Life and Worship to Jesus - A Struggle Towards Hope (John 14:6) - (Favorite Episodes)

Originally aired April 26th, 2022 On today's episode, Pastor Cameron starts looking at a sixth lesson from Caleb's life - to give our lives and worship to Jesus. Through faith in Him, we can have eternal life! 
8/29/20238 minutes, 41 seconds
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Live Long in the Land - A Struggle Towards Hope (Ephesians 6:1-3) - (Favorite Episodes)

Originally aired April 25th, 2022 Join Pastor Cameron as he continues looking at Caleb's life and the lessons we can learn from him. What does the promise in Ephesians 6 regarding long life for the obedient mean today? 
8/28/20238 minutes, 46 seconds
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Anna’s Story - A Struggle Towards Hope (Romans 8:28) - (Favorite Episodes)

Originally aired March 4th, 2022 God promises to work all things for good, for those who love and are called by Him. Even when we don't see it on earth, we will always see it in heaven, as Pastor Cameron shares today! 
8/25/20239 minutes, 2 seconds
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Caleb and the Vegetables 2 - A Struggle Towards Hope (2 Corinthians 4:17) - (Favorite Episodes)

Originally aired February 3rd, 2022 On today's episode, Pastor Cameron continues with the topic of "Caleb and the Vegetables". Can God turn even the truly horrific tragedies of life into something glorious?
8/24/20238 minutes, 39 seconds
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Caleb and the Vegetables 1 - A Struggle Towards Hope (2 Corinthians 4:17) - (Favorite Episodes)

Originally aired March 2nd, 2022 Join Pastor Cameron as he shares the story of "Caleb and the Vegetables" - even the things that seem terrible to us today are used by God to strengthen us and bring us glory we cannot even imagine. 
8/23/20238 minutes, 54 seconds
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All Things New - A Struggle Towards Hope (Revelation 21:5) - (Favorite Episodes)

Originally aired March 1st, 2022 On today's episode, Pastor Cameron shows us that when the Lord makes all things new, everything will be made right and glorious. Even our greatest pains and disappointments will turn into glory.  
8/22/20238 minutes, 52 seconds
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Every Tear Wiped Away - A Struggle Towards Hope (Revelation 21:3-4) - (Favorite Episodes)

Originally aired February 28th, 2022 In the new heavens and new earth, every tear will be wiped away - there will be no mourning or crying or death! Join Pastor Cameron as he looks at our glorious future. 
8/21/20238 minutes, 41 seconds
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Jesus Grieved the Dead - A Struggle Towards Hope (John 11:33, 35, 38) - (Favorite Episodes)

Originally aired February 25th, 2022 Jesus Himself grieved death, even as He knew He was about to bring resurrection. Join Pastor Cameron as he shares how Christians can grieve in the face of death, but grieve with hope. 
8/18/20238 minutes, 55 seconds
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Who Do I Really Want to See - A Struggle Towards Hope (Revelation 5:6) - (Favorite Episodes)

Originally aired February 24th, 2022 Join Pastor Cameron as he asks the question - who should we desire to see in heaven? How can our desire to see our loved ones point us closer to Jesus? 
8/17/20238 minutes, 52 seconds
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Will We Recognize Our Loved Ones in Heaven? A Struggle towards Hope (1 Thessalonians 4:16-18) - (Favorite Episodes)

Originally aired February 23rd, 2022 Will we recognize our loved ones in heaven? Join Pastor Cameron as he looks into the Scriptures to answer this question on today's podcast. 
8/16/20238 minutes, 54 seconds
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Resurrection is Coming - A Struggle Towards Hope (1 Corinthians 15:20) - (Favorite Episodes)

Originally aired February 22nd, 2022 Just as surely as Christ rose from the dead, your believing loved ones will rise as well! It may seem so far away from our perspective, but from the perspective of heaven resurrection is just around the corner. 
8/15/20238 minutes, 40 seconds
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Pilgrims - A Struggle Towards Hope (Hebrews 11:13-16) - (Favorite Episodes)

Originally aired February 21st, 2022 The life of faith is a pilgrimage, where this world is not our ultimate goal! As believers we are called to live with eternity in mind, as Pastor Cameron reminds us today. 
8/14/20238 minutes, 47 seconds
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A Savior Who Suffers with Us - A Struggle Towards Hope (Isaiah 53:3) - (Favorite Episodes)

Originally aired February 18th, 2022 The Lord truly knows suffering, having left His pristine paradise to suffer and die for us. Join Pastor Cameron as he encourages us that followers of Christ are never truly alone in their grief. 
8/11/20238 minutes, 47 seconds
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Why Are the Righteous Taken? A Struggle Towards Hope (Isaiah 57:1) - (Favorite Episodes)

Originally aired February 17th, 2022 Sometimes the righteous are taken to protect them from worst times ahead, but how does that comfort those who are left behind? Join Pastor Cameron as he discusses this question. 
8/10/20238 minutes, 47 seconds
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Near to the Brokenhearted - A Struggle Towards Hope (Psalm 34:18) - (Favorite Episodes)

Originally aired February 16th, 2022 The Lord is near to us when we are the most brokenhearted, as Pastor Cameron shares with us today! 
8/9/20238 minutes, 35 seconds
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Comfort Comes from a Person - A Struggle Towards Hope (2 Corinthians 1:3) - (Favorite Episodes)

Originally aired February 15th, 2022 Comfort comes from a Person, not from a proposition. Pastor Cameron encourages us that right knowledge isn't enough to bring comfort in our worst moments, but Jesus Himself can! 
8/8/20238 minutes, 47 seconds
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No Answers 2 - A Struggle Towards Hope (Isaiah 45:3) - (Favorite Episodes)

Originally aired February 14th, 2022 On today's episode, Pastor Cameron discusses the second main reason that bad things happen to followers of Christ. 
8/7/20238 minutes, 50 seconds
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No Answers - A Struggle Towards Hope (John 9:2-3) - (Favorite Episodes)

Originally aired February 11th, 2022 What do we do when we have no answers for our struggles? Join Pastor Cameron as he begins discussing this question today. 
8/4/20238 minutes, 46 seconds
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I’m Lying Here Until My Daddy Comes - A Struggle Towards Hope (Exodus 33:15) - (Favorite Episodes)

Originally aired February 10th, 2022 On today's episode, Pastor Cameron tells a story from Caleb's life, and relates it to our own need for the Father to help us. 
8/3/20238 minutes, 53 seconds
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Why Couldn’t I Protect Him - A Struggle Towards Hope (Psalm 121:3-4) - (Favorite Episodes)

Originally aired February 9th, 2022 Our ultimate help and protection comes from the Lord, as Pastor Cameron reminds us today. When our strength and ability runs out, His begins. 
8/2/20239 minutes, 1 second
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The Darkness - A Struggle Towards Hope (Psalm 139:11-12) - (Favorite Episodes)

Originally aired February 8th, 2022 On today's episode, Pastor Cameron continues to discuss the difficulties he and his family faced after the passing of Caleb. He closes with a story from Caleb's life, when Caleb overcame his own bitter disappointment. 
8/1/20239 minutes, 11 seconds
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Why? - A Struggle Towards Hope (Isaiah 55:8-9) - (Favorite Episodes)

Originally aired February 7th, 2022 Join us for today's episode as Pastor Cameron discusses some of the "Why?" questions he had after the sudden, unexpected passing of his 13-year-old son Caleb.
7/31/20239 minutes
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A Message of Hope - A Struggle Towards Hope (Romans 8:28) - (Favorite Episodes)

Originally aired February 4th, 2022 "All things" working together for good to those who love God and are called according to His purpose means "all things" - everything! Join Pastor Cameron as we discuss this on today's episode. 
7/28/20238 minutes, 56 seconds
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I Can Hear Everything - A Struggle Towards Hope (Hebrews 12:1) - (Favorite Episodes)

Originally aired February 3rd, 2022 On today's episode, Pastor Cameron describes the cloud of witnesses that is watching us on earth, and how our own departed believing loved ones may be part of that cloud. 
7/27/20238 minutes, 51 seconds
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I Love You, Little Mister - A Struggle Towards Hope (Ephesian 6:4) - (Favorite Episodes)

Originally aired February 2nd, 2022 Pastor Cameron describes Caleb's last regular day in today's episode, and the relationships fathers can have with their sons. 
7/26/20238 minutes, 45 seconds
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October 6th, 2020 - A Struggle Towards Hope (Psalm 34:8) - (Favorite Episodes)

Originally aired on February 1st, 2022 On today's episode, Pastor Cameron describes his family's worst day - when 13-year-old Caleb was found unresponsive in his bed. Join as he discusses the depths of pain they went through that day, to set up the rest of this series. 
7/25/20238 minutes, 50 seconds
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Absent from the Body and Present with the Lord - A Struggle Towards Hope (2 Corinthians 5:8) - (Favorite Episodes)

Originally aired January 31st, 2022 Join Pastor Cameron as we start our new series - "A Struggle Towards Hope". When men of women of faith pass away and are absent from the body, they are present with the Lord!
7/24/20238 minutes, 48 seconds
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Growing for Life (Our Story - Love in His Hands) - (Favorite Episodes)

Originally aired October 18th, 2019 In marriage, love is not a static thing - husband and wife should seek ways to love and know each other more and more.  Join Pastor Cameron and his wife Delia for the last episode in this series, as we consider how God wants to continually build our homes and marriages with His love.  If you have relationship questions, please send them in to or on our Facebook page and we will answer them in a future episode!  
7/21/20238 minutes, 46 seconds
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A Kingdom Picture (Our Story - Love in His Hands) - (Favorite Episodes)

Originally aired October 17th, 2019 Pastor Cameron is joined for today's podcast by his wife Delia, and they discuss the way marriage is a picture of Christ's relationship with the Church.  Man and woman are created equally but given distinct roles, and as we learn to function in these roles our marriages display the glory of Christ to the world!  
7/20/20238 minutes, 57 seconds
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Completion (Our Story - Love in His Hands) - (Favorite Episodes)

Originally aired October 16th, 2019 God made man and woman to complement each other - one of the main roles of a spouse is to strengthen their partner!  Join Pastor Cameron for today's episode, as we discover ways we can build our marriage partner up and never tear them down.  
7/19/20238 minutes, 53 seconds
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The Joy of Sacrifice (Our Story - Love in His Hands) - (Favorite Episodes)

Originally aired October 15th, 2019 On today's podcast, Pastor Cameron reminds us that real joy comes not when we fight for our rights, but when we joyfully sacrifice - specifically in the context of a marriage relationship. When a husband is always looking out what's best for his wife, and a wife is always looking out for what's best for her husband, both win!  
7/18/20238 minutes, 54 seconds
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The Power of Promise (Our Story - Love in His Hands) - (Favorite Episodes)

Originally aired October 14th, 2019 Marriage is for life - we need to understand the power of the vows that we make!  When God puts a man and a woman together, He Himself gives us power to remain in the covenant, as we rely on His grace.  On today's podcast, Pastor Cameron continues the story of his relationship with his wife Delia, talking about their marriage ceremony and the power of promise.  
7/17/20238 minutes, 56 seconds
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Dreams (Our Story - Love in His Hands) - (Favorite Episodes)

Originally aired October 11th, 2019 When we delight ourselves in the Lord, He gives us the desires of our heart.  Pastor Cameron is joined again by his wife Delia in this episode, and they tell the story of his proposal and their engagement.  God truly gave them everything they had dreamed of, and their desires were fulfilled.  God loves to do this for His children, and as we faithfully follow Him we invite His blessing in our relationships!  
7/14/20238 minutes, 56 seconds
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God’s Plans Are Better than Your Plans (Our Story - Love in His Hands) - (Favorite Episodes)

Originally aired October 10th, 2019 Pastor Cameron continues with his story of his courtship of Delia - in today's episode we hear of the timing of their marriage and discover how God's plans are often better than ours!  Many times we imagine that God will make us wait or not give us our desires, but He often gives us even more than we expected.  His ways and thoughts are truly higher than our own. 
7/13/20238 minutes, 55 seconds
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Purity on Purpose (Our Story - Love in His Hands) - (Favorite Episodes)

Originally aired October 9th, 2019 When in a dating or courtship relationship, both parties should seek purity, on purpose!  Purity comes when we purpose in our heart to flee from youthful lusts - it should never be looked down upon but should be sought earnestly!  Join Pastor Cameron for today's podcast, as he continues to share how God blessed his courtship and ultimate marriage to his lovely wife, Delia.   
7/12/20238 minutes, 56 seconds
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Seeking God (Our Story - Love in His Hands) - (Favorite Episodes)

Originally aired October 8th, 2019 An important aspect of all romantic relationships is that the man and woman spend time seeking God together!  God should be at the center of all we do, and we can seek Him through praying, reading the Word of God, and serving in ministry together.  Join Pastor Cameron on today's podcast, as he shares how he and his wife sought God together during their courtship!  
7/11/20238 minutes, 48 seconds
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Courage (Our Story - Love in His Hands) - (Favorite Episodes)

Originally aired October 7th, 2019 Pastor Cameron is joined for the podcast today by his wife Delia, as we continue our series on how we can have relationships that honor God.  Courage is an important virtue in every part of our lives, even in relationships - we must be willing to take initiative and let our feelings be known in order for anything to happen.  The righteous are as bold as a lion, and we can trust God to give us courage to step into the unknown.   
7/10/20238 minutes, 47 seconds
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Wait (Our Story - Love in His Hands) - (Favorite Episodes)

Originally aired October 4th, 2019 Waiting on God is an important lesson for every believer to learn.  When it comes to relationships, it is very important to wait on God's timing and direction.  Join Pastor Cameron as we hear how and Delia waited on each other, as we get one more episode on how God led them before they became a couple.  Next week, we will move on their courtship and engagement.   Email us at if you have any relationship questions you would like us to answer on a future episode of the podcast!  
7/7/20238 minutes, 52 seconds
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Sacrifice (Our Story - Love in His Hands) - (Favorite Episodes)

Originally aired October 3rd, 2019 On today's episode, Pastor Cameron is joined by a guest for the first time in the podcast's history - his Lovely and Talented wife Delia!  They discuss the story of Abraham and Isaac, and compare it to their own love story; we often have to be willing to sacrifice the good thing God has promised us before we see the realization of the promise!  God wants to be sure that our heart belongs to Him first and foremost - that will bring us real joy and satisfaction.  
7/6/20238 minutes, 45 seconds
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The Right One (Our Story - Love in His Hands) - (Favorite Episodes)

Originally aired October 2nd, 2019 Often when we are looking for a future spouse, we are asking if they are the "right one", without considering if we are becoming the "right one!"  Join Pastor Cameron as we consider that God does have a perfect plan for our relationships, but we need to first be concerned with becoming what God has created us to be.  
7/5/20238 minutes, 53 seconds
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Surprise (Our Story - Love in His Hands) - (Favorite Episodes)

Originally published October 1, 2019 It is often when we are not actively pursuing something that God brings it to us.  When we keep our eyes on Christ and seek to serve Him, He will bring us all good things we need to fuflill His calling.  Join Pastor Cameron today as we see how he was surprised at God's timing when he met his wife!  
7/4/20238 minutes, 54 seconds
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Singleness (Our Story - Love in His Hands) - (Favorite Episodes)

Originally Published September 30th, 2019 Pastor Cameron starts a new series about relationships on the podcast, looking at his own relationship with his wife, Delia, and the Word of God to encourage us to trust God in the area of romantic love.  Today he talks about being single, and how this is an ideal time to serve and trust God!  
7/3/20238 minutes, 48 seconds
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His Works (Psalm 19:1)

Join Pastor Cameron as he brings our series on Psalm 103 to a close. All the Lord's works bless and praise His name!    The 8 Minute Devotion will be on a break from new episodes until we come back with a brand-new season on September 11th. Over the next 10 weeks until then, please enjoy the re-airing of some chosen classic episodes. Stay tuned, and look forward to the new things that will be coming with our brand-new season on the 11th! 
6/30/20238 minutes, 34 seconds
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His Angels (Psalm 34:7)

The angel of the Lord encamps around His people, and there are more angels with us than enemies against us! Join Pastor Cameron as he encourages us with this amazing truth. 
6/29/20238 minutes, 41 seconds
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His Kingdom (John 8:36)

The Lord's Kingdom is both a present reality and a future promise, as Pastor Cameron shares today. His Kingdom rules over all! 
6/28/20238 minutes, 40 seconds
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The Everlasting Throne

Join Pastor Cameron as we start to bring Psalm 103 to a close by looking at the Everlasting Throne. The Lord's throne is not shaken by the turmoil and trials of this life! 
6/27/20238 minutes, 34 seconds
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He Knows Our Need for Love (Jeremiah 31:3)

The Father created us to be loved and to love, as Pastor Cameron describes today. He loves us with an everlasting, fatherly love! 
6/26/20238 minutes, 31 seconds
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He Knows We Are Temporary (James 4:14)

The Father knows we are temporary in this life, but made for eternity. Pastor Cameron encourages us to live for what matters on today's show. 
6/23/20238 minutes, 44 seconds
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He Knows Our Weakness (Hebrews 4:15-16)

Join Pastor Cameron for today's podcast, as he looks at how the Father knows and works through our weakness. When we are weak, then we are strong! 
6/22/20238 minutes, 38 seconds
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The Everlasting Father (Psalm 103:13-18)

Our Heavenly Father loves His children, and is compassionate towards us. Join Pastor Cameron as he reminds us of the love of the Father. 
6/21/20238 minutes, 28 seconds
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We Don’t Get What We Deserve (Romans 3:24-25)

On today's podcast, Pastor Cameron looks more deeply at the mercy of God - because of His mercy, He does not give us the punishment we deserve! His mercy is so great it goes beyond our comprehension. 
6/20/20238 minutes, 33 seconds
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Merciful, Gracious, and Slow to Anger (Ephesians 4:32)

The Lord is slow to anger, full of mercy and grace, and desires for His people to exhibit the same behavior. Join Pastor Cameron as we look at the amazing mercy of our Father. 
6/19/20238 minutes, 39 seconds
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Give Freely (Deuteronomy 15:10)

All followers of Jesus are called to give freely to those in need, as Pastor Cameron discusses today. The Lord is merciful to us, and we are merciful to others in response! 
6/16/20238 minutes, 41 seconds
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Righteousness and Justice for the Oppressed (Luke 4:18-19)

A key part of the Lord's mercy is His heart for the poor and oppressed. Join Pastor Cameron as he shows us how the Lord remembers those that society has forgotten. 
6/15/20238 minutes, 32 seconds
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The Everlasting Mercy (Psalm 103:6-12)

The Lord's mercy is everlasting, and is a major theme of Psalm 103. Join Pastor Cameron as he reminds us of the mercy of our King. 
6/14/20238 minutes, 23 seconds
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Your Youth Is Renewed Like the Eagles (Isaiah 40:30-31)

The Lord redeems our youth - we are all young in the light of eternity and can live in joyful expectation as young people do! Join Pastor Cameron as he discusses this today. 
6/13/20238 minutes, 38 seconds
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He Satisfies You with Good (Psalm 34:8)

The Lord satisfies His people with good - we can taste and see His goodness in every aspect of our lives! On today's episode, Pastor Cameron reminds us of this truth. 
6/12/20238 minutes, 30 seconds
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Crowned with Steadfast Love and Mercy (Psalm 140:7)

The Lord crowns us with steadfast love and mercy - He fills our mind with peace and joy that can overcome any anxiety. Join Pastor Cameron as he declares this truth on today's episode. 
6/9/20238 minutes, 39 seconds
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He Redeems You from the Pit (Genesis 38:23-24)

Our theme for Psalm 103 is how the Lord redeems us from the pit, and that is the phrase Pastor Cameron discusses today. The Lord redeems us from every pit, so there is always hope for the believer! 
6/8/20238 minutes, 24 seconds
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None of these Diseases (Exodus 15:26)

On today's episode, Pastor Cameron considers the promise of the Lord to the Israelites - none of the Egyptian diseases would be placed on them if they walked in the Lord's way. Healing is a key benefit of walking with the Lord! 
6/7/20238 minutes, 39 seconds
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He Heals All Your Diseases (Acts 10:38)

Healing is part of the Gospel message, as Pastor Cameron reminds us today. We should always believe the Lord for divine health! 
6/6/20238 minutes, 30 seconds
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He Forgives All Your Iniquity (1 John 1:9)

Join Pastor Cameron as he begins looking at the benefits David enumerates in Psalm 103 - the Lord forgives all our iniquity. We can stand before Him in purity! 
6/5/20238 minutes, 30 seconds
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All His Benefits (Psalm 103:1-5)

On today's podcast, Pastor Cameron discusses the countless benefits the Lord gives to His people! 
6/2/20238 minutes, 30 seconds
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In Remembrance of Me (1 Corinthians 11:23-26)

Jesus told us to come to the communion table in remembrance of Him, as Pastor Cameron discusses today. He knows our need to remind ourselves of His blessings and work on the cross! 
6/1/20238 minutes, 35 seconds
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Don’t Forget (Joshua 4:5-7)

It's important that we continually remind ourselves of God's goodness and help in our lives, as Pastor Cameron discusses today! 
5/31/20238 minutes, 35 seconds
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Bless the Lord Oh My Soul (Hebrews 13:15)

Join Pastor Cameron as he talks about how David reminded himself to bless the Lord. Whatever we are going through, praise is always the correct response! 
5/30/20238 minutes, 28 seconds
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Redeemed (Psalm 103:1-3)

Join Pastor Cameron as he starts a new series on Psalm 103. The Lord wants to redeem us from every pit and discouragement! 
5/29/20238 minutes, 28 seconds
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Should Babies Be Baptized (Acts 2:38)? Listener Q&A

Should babies be baptized, or should baptism take place after one can understand salvation and repentance? Join Pastor Cameron as he answers this question. 
5/26/20238 minutes, 19 seconds
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When Did the Exodus Take Place (1 Kings 6:1)? - Listener Q&A

On today's podcast, Pastor Cameron discusses the date the children of Israel departed from Egypt. 
5/25/20238 minutes, 34 seconds
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Is it a Sin for a Christian to Gamble Legally (Colossians 3:5)? - Listener Q&A

Can Christians gamble, when it is legally allowed? Join Pastor Cameron as he answers this question today. 
5/24/20238 minutes, 46 seconds
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Is the Gift of Speaking in Tongues for Today (1 Corinthians 14:5) - Listener Q&A

Join Pastor Cameron as he explains why speaking in tongues and all the gifts of the Spirit should be active in the Church today! 
5/23/20238 minutes, 37 seconds
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Were Dinosaurs on the Ark (Genesis 7:8-9) - Listener Q&A

Join us as we start a week of listener question and answer on the podcast. Today we answer a common question - were dinosaurs on Noah's ark? 
5/22/20238 minutes, 45 seconds
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Divine Care (John 19:26-27)

Jesus cared for Mary all the way to the end, and Mary cared for Him. Join Pastor Cameron as we wrap up "The Song of Mary" on today's podcast! 
5/19/20238 minutes, 25 seconds
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Faithful to the End (John 19:25, Acts 1:14)

Mary remained faithful to her Son all the way to the end, following Him to the cross and even being in the Upper Room on the Day of Pentecost. Join Pastor Cameron as he looks at the ways Mary can inspire other mothers to serve as encouraging examples for others. 
5/18/20238 minutes, 37 seconds
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Mary Witnessed God’s Redemption (Luke 1:54-55)

Join Pastor Cameron as he looks at the way Mary spoke and proclaimed God's redemption. All mothers today can follow her example and speak often of salvation to their children. 
5/17/20238 minutes, 25 seconds
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Miracles (John 2:1-5)

On today's podcast, Pastor Cameron looks at the miracle of Jesus turning water into wine. Mary believed in her Son's power and kept seeking until the miracle took place!
5/16/20238 minutes, 28 seconds
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Mary Proclaimed God’s Power (Luke 1:49,51)

Mary, the mother of Jesus, proclaimed the power of God. Join Pastor Cameron as he encourages mothers and all men and women of faith to make much of the miracle-working power of God! 
5/15/20238 minutes, 36 seconds
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Rejoice and Be Blessed (Luke 1:26-28)

Join Pastor Cameron as he reminds us that our lives should be marked by God's favor and blessing. Mary is an example of how we can keep our eyes and hearts on God's favor and not be overwhelmed by the trials around us. 
5/12/20238 minutes, 37 seconds
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Mary Received God’s Favor (Luke 1:48)

Mary believe in God's favor and blessing, and as such is a model for mothers today, as Pastor Cameron shares today. 
5/11/20238 minutes, 45 seconds
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The Lord Regards the Lowly (Luke 1:48, 52-53)

On today's episode, Pastor Cameron considers how the Lord lifts up the lowly. When you feel like no one sees your work, the Lord is watching and rejoices over faithfulness!
5/10/20238 minutes, 41 seconds
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Mary Magnified God’s Mercy (Luke 1:46, 50)

Mary begins her triumphant song by magnifying the mercy of God. Join Pastor Cameron as he encourages all mothers to declare God's mercy over their own life and that of their children! 
5/9/20238 minutes, 32 seconds
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The Song of Mary (Luke 1:46-55)

Join Pastor Cameron as he starts a new Mothers' Day themed series - "The Song of Mary". Moms have a special calling in God's Kingdom, which we will look at for the next couple of weeks!
5/8/20238 minutes, 37 seconds
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Face to Face (3 John 13-15)

Join Pastor Cameron as we bring our series on the Epistles of John to a close. The Apostle John loved people, and desired to see his spiritual children face to face - as a man of love, fellowship, and truth, he imparted these values to his followers then and to us today! 
5/5/20238 minutes, 29 seconds
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A Source of Joy (3 John 4, 2 John 4)

On today's podcast, Pastor Cameron encourages us to bring joy to our spiritual leaders by walking in the truth. 
5/4/20238 minutes, 45 seconds
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Walk in the Truth (3 John 1-3)

Join Pastor Cameron as he reminds us to walk in the truth that we have received from God. It's not enough just to know His truth, we must continue in it! 
5/3/20238 minutes, 32 seconds
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The Inner Witness of the Spirit (1 John 5:10-11)

On today's podcast, Pastor Cameron talks about the inner witness of the Spirit, that reminds us that we are born-again. We don't have to live in doubt and fear but can listen to the witness of the Spirit! 
5/2/20238 minutes, 34 seconds
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The Father’s Witness (1 John 5:9)

The Father witnessed that Jesus was the Son of God, as Pastor Cameron reminds us today. If we believe the testimony of man, we should believe the testimony of the Lord all the more! 
5/1/20238 minutes, 43 seconds
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The Witness of Truth (1 John 5:6-8)

The Father, Son and Holy Spirit all witness to the truth that Jesus was born in the flesh in order to save us! Join Pastor Cameron as we look at the glorious witness of the Trinity on today's podcast. 
4/28/20238 minutes, 29 seconds
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Overcome the World (1 John 5:4-5)

Greater is He that is in us, than he that is in the world! Through faith in Christ, we can overcome every challenge that comes our way, as Pastor Cameron shares today. 
4/27/20238 minutes, 27 seconds
Episode Artwork

Overcome by the Truth (1 John 4:4)

We overcome by God's truth, and not our own ideas! Join Pastor Cameron as he reminds us of truth's power on today's episode. 
4/26/20238 minutes, 32 seconds
Episode Artwork

Make Your Calling and Election Sure (Jude 8, 2 Peter 1:10)

On today's episode, Pastor Cameron encourages us to make our calling and election sure, by clinging to God's grace and continuing along His path! 
4/25/20238 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

False Prophets (2 John 7, Jude 7-8)

On today's episode, Pastor Cameron looks at the marks of a false prophet that were given to us by both John and Jude. The Lord warns us so that we may stay on His straight and narrow path! 
4/24/20238 minutes, 36 seconds
Episode Artwork

Jesus Came in the Flesh (1John 4:2-3)

One defining aspect of an evil spirit is that it will not agree that Jesus came in the flesh, as Pastor Cameron discusses on today's episode. 
4/21/20238 minutes, 34 seconds
Episode Artwork

Joshua and the Angel of the Lord (Joshua 5:13-14)

On today's episode, Pastor Cameron looks at Joshua's encounter with the Angel of the Lord. Joshua tried the Spirit before blindly following, to make sure that He came from God! 
4/20/20238 minutes, 43 seconds