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Chinese, Education, 1 season, 53 episodes, 4 hours, 55 minutes
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电影口语 之 沉睡魔咒 2

2015年起本节目每周更新二次,希望大家喜欢!希望通过这个节目让大家的口语能讲的更有欧美腔。欢迎关注我们的微信平台:英语口语社区,QQ群:341902089大家可以下载 手机荔枝APP 收听,喜欢的朋友可以点击 订阅,谢谢大家支持!
3/12/20156 minutes, 5 seconds
Episode Artwork

电影口语 之 沉睡魔咒 1

2015年起本节目每周更新二次,希望大家喜欢!希望通过这个节目让大家的口语能讲的更有欧美腔。欢迎关注我们的微信平台:英语口语社区,QQ群:341902089大家可以下载 手机荔枝APP 收听,喜欢的朋友可以点击 订阅,谢谢大家支持!
3/7/20156 minutes, 50 seconds
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电影口语 之 饥饿游戏2

本节目每3日更新一次,希望大家喜欢!希望通过这个节目让大家的口语能讲的更有欧美腔。欢迎关注我们的微信平台:英语口语社区,QQ群:341902089大家可以下载 手机荔枝APP 收听,喜欢的朋友可以点击 订阅,谢谢大家支持!
1/31/20156 minutes, 54 seconds
Episode Artwork

电影口语 之 弗兰肯斯坦

本节目每3日更新一次,希望大家喜欢!希望通过这个节目让大家的口语能讲的更有欧美腔。欢迎关注我们的微信平台:英语口语社区,QQ群:341902089大家可以下载 手机荔枝APP 收听,喜欢的朋友可以点击 订阅,谢谢大家支持!
1/28/20157 minutes, 30 seconds
Episode Artwork

电影口语 之 金蝉脱壳 2

本节目每3日更新一次,希望大家喜欢!希望通过这个节目让大家的口语能讲的更有欧美腔。欢迎关注我们的微信平台:英语口语社区,QQ群:341902089大家可以下载 手机荔枝APP 收听,喜欢的朋友可以点击 订阅,谢谢大家支持!节目49:you know how the game workshello, there? i'm ian, you are listening to movie english最近好吗,我是IAN,欢迎收听电影英语let's hear a new saying today, and the saying is 来听一个新的句子,句子是这样的well, that was from our friend claire, do you know what was the sentence?听出来claire说的句子是什么了吗that's right, today's saying is 今天的句子是:别难过If you’re going into a movie headlined by Stallone and Schwarzenegger, you pretty much know what you’re going to get. You expect tough guy action, some gunfights, cheesy one-liners, and a plot that’s main purpose is to string some action scenes together. “Escape Plan” delivers all of that, but with varying degrees of success.如果你看到一部电影的标题主演为史泰龙和施瓦辛格,你就知道你会看到的是一部大概什么样的影片。你会期待一部硬汉动作片,一些枪战场面,一点喜剧成分和一场会引发一系列动作火拼的阴谋。金蝉脱壳把这些一样不少的带给了观众,并在各个层面获得不同程度的成功They are both showing their mileage with a few more wrinkles, a few more gray hairs, and a few more pounds, but that suits their characters. The unfortunate down side is that the action and stunts feel toned down from what we’re used to seeing. Still, it’s forgivable. And when Schwarzenegger eventually grabs an enormous machine gun and starts mowing people down, it’s a real crowd pleaser because that’s what audiences went into “Escape Plan” wanting to see.俩位主演在影片中展示了他们的才能,尽管带着几条皱纹,几丝白发和几磅赘肉,但却很符合他们的角色形象。唯一的遗憾是动作特效与我们以往所见这俩位的身手有些不同,但因为年龄的原因这些还是能原谅的。当施瓦辛格最后端起那杆超大的机枪开始收割敌人的性命时,让大家真正感到畅快淋漓,这正是观众想在影片中看到的场面This film definitely belongs to Stallone. The story centers on him . He carries the film well since Breslin is likable, intelligent and tough. In fact, Arnold Schwarzenegger doesn’t even appear until nearly 40 minutes into the film. But when he does appear, he provides a lot of comic relief that is very welcome. While most of the movie feels very much by-the-book, there is one clever twist in regards to the secret prison. It’s a fun revelation and one that helps elevate the film, but make sure it’s not spoiled for you before seeing the movie.电影的主角绝对属于史泰龙,故事由他为中心展开,他将 雷 这个角色的可爱聪慧和硬汉角色演的很到位。施瓦辛格直到开演40分钟后才上场,但他出现后,给影片带来很多令人欢快的喜剧元素。尽管电影的很多部分都忠实的搬入原著内容,里面还是就秘密监狱部分做了个很聪明的桥段。说起来一定会很有趣而且能抬升影片的观赏度,但还是在你看这部电影之前不去剧透太多了。do you feel the urge to watch the film, i hope so. now let's please get ready for the saying?听完影评后你有想冲出去看这部电影的冲动吗?我希望你能有。现在准备好来听电影里这句话吧-----别难过well, how about it? too nervous to hear it? it's ok, let's give one more shot怎么样?太紧张了没听清?没事,再来一次试试how about this time? that's right别难过don't be bitterit's always nice to hear different expression, after all life is so beautiful and full of surprise,different expression can bring freshness, and your words can be the cherry on top of it.能听到各色的表达方式总是好的,生活总是这么美好,充满期待,丰富的表达带来新鲜感,而你的话语也能成为点睛之笔it's the end of this edition, i'm sorry to say goodbye,hope you enjoyed the program,thanks for listening, see you next time.
1/22/20157 minutes, 17 seconds
Episode Artwork

电影口语 之 金蝉脱壳 1

本节目每3日更新一次,希望大家喜欢!希望通过这个节目让大家的口语能讲的更有欧美腔。欢迎关注我们的微信平台:英语口语社区,QQ群:341902089大家可以下载 手机荔枝APP 收听,喜欢的朋友可以点击 订阅,谢谢大家支持!节目48:you know how the game workshello, there? i'm ian, you are listening to movie english最近好吗,我是IAN,欢迎收听电影英语let's hear a new saying today, and the saying is 今天来听一个短语好吗,这个短语是这么说的well, that was from our friend waber, do you know what was the sentence?听到了吗?这是老朋友claire说的,听出来是什么了吗that's right, today's saying is 今天的句子是:尖端科技the film we are about to use here is called Escape Plan,it has a much cooler chinese name.there is the introduction今天我们要用到的电影中文名字叫做 金蝉脱壳,比英文名字酷多了,以下是电影介绍The film begins with a prisoner Stallone, after escaping from the tightly secured Institution, reveals to the officials that he is Ray Breslin, a consultant and security expert who exposes the vulnerabilities of the state prisons. He further gives the jailor a step-by-step detailed account of how he managed to break free.电影由史泰龙扮演的囚犯开始,在他从一个高度警备监狱越狱之后,将他怎样越狱的细节告知监狱长,他叫 布莱斯林 雷,是一个安全专家和顾问,擅长发现国家监狱的安全漏洞。之后他将越狱步骤详细告知了监狱长。the CIA approaches Ray Breslin and his team with an assignment to check the loopholes in one of the new facility for the world's most dangerous criminals. The whereabouts of this facility are not disclosed for security reasons.Lured with a promising fee, Breslin's manager pushes him to accept the offer saying, "I am the numbers guy and you are the artist who can escape from any prison made by man." Breslin concedes.CIA给了雷和他的团队一个新的任务去找出一个新监狱漏洞,里面关着的是全世界最危险的犯人。处于安保原因,这个场所的位置没有向外透露。收到佣金的诱惑,雷的项目经理人怂恿他接受这个任务,并说:我是关钱的,你是个能从任何人为建设的监狱中跑出来的越狱专家。雷同意了The flow of events doesn't go as planned. Nevertheless, Breslin lands up in this tightly secured place and finds himself at the mercy of the prison's sadistic warden Hobbes (Jim Caviezel). After evaluating his chances of escape as practically impossible, he reveals his true identity to Hobbes. But the warden refuses to listen, leaving him with no alternative but to try the impossible.之后的事情并没有像预期中那样发展。雷被扔进了这个高度戒备的监狱,发现自己以完全受到虐待狂似的监狱长的控制。在得出要从这个监狱跑出去的可能几乎为零的评估后,他将自己的真实身份告诉了狱长。但狱长却拒绝听他的阐述,让他除了挑战奇迹之外别无选择。how about the introductuion, quite attempting, right? now let's please get ready for the saying?听完电影介绍感觉怎么样,挺诱人的是吗?准备好来听电影里这句话吧------尖端科技well, how about it? too nervous to hear it? it's ok, let's give one more shot怎么样?太紧张了没听清?没事,再来一次试试how about this time? that's right尖端科技state of the artit's always nice to hear different expression, after all life is so beautiful and full of surprise,different expression can bring freshness, and your words can be the cherry on top of it.能听到各色的表达方式总是好的,生活总是这么美好,充满期待,丰富的表达带来新鲜感,而你的话语也能成为点睛之笔it's the end of this edition, i'm sorry to say goodbye,hope you enjoyed the program,thanks for listening, see you next time.
1/19/20156 minutes, 57 seconds
Episode Artwork

电影口语 之 空中营救 2

本节目于2014年12月1日期改为每3日更新一次,希望大家喜欢! 希望通过这个节目让大家的口语能讲的更有欧美腔。 欢迎关注我们的微信平台:英语口语社区,QQ群:341902089 大家可以下载 手机荔枝APP 收听,喜欢的朋友可以点击 订阅,谢谢大家支持! 节目47: hello, there? i'm ian, you are listening to movie english 最近好吗,我是IAN,欢迎收听电影英语 let's hear the second saying from the movie, and the saying goes: well, claire said it, can you figure out what's the sentence? that's right, today's saying is 今天的句子是:把墨镜摘了 before we hear the sentence form the movie, let's see some reviews of the film while the personal favourite actor Liam Neeson in the scene, the film didn't get great review, Review aggregation website Rotten Tomatoes gives it a rating of 60%, based on 199 reviews, with an average score of 5.8/10. On another aggregation website, Metacritic, it holds a score of 56 out of 100, based on 41 critics, indicating "mixed or average reviews". 尽管本片中有本人最喜欢的演员莱姆尼森,但本片的评价却是一般影片评论网站烂番茄基于199个评论给予本片60%的评价,评均分数为5.8。在另一个评论网站上,基于41个评价,也只是获得了100分中的56分 Chris Nashawaty, writing for Entertainment Weekly, delivered a positive review, grading it "B", and observing: "At a certain point you'll fasten your seat belt and go with Non-Stop's absurd. After all, Neeson has shown time and again that he's the closest thing Hollywood has these days to a box office. He can spin cheese into gold." David Denby, for The New Yorker, was ambivalent on the film's overall scope, but praised Neeson, writing, "Neeson, who brings enormous conviction to these late-career action roles, moves his big body through confined spaces (virtually the entire movie takes place in the airplane) with so much power that you expect him to rip out the seats." Chris Nashawaty在娱乐周报中给本片一个正面的评价,并给与B 的评分,提到:在观看此片的时候你会有要系紧保险带跟着影片疯狂的想法。毕竟尼森的出演是现今好莱坞最具票房的保证。他能将芝士变成黄金,David Denby在纽约客中对于比片的整体评价却充满矛盾,但还是赞扬尼森道:尼森给大器晚成的动作演员带来巨大信心,在那么小的机舱内用他高大的体形充满能量的打斗,让观众感觉他能撕烂座椅 please get ready for the saying? 准备好来听电影里这句话吧-------把墨镜摘了 let‘s bring it on? 放马过来吧 does that clear, how did he epressed it?let's hear it again 都听到了吗,他是怎么说的?让我们再听一遍 and this time? that's right 把墨镜摘了shades off thay's the shortest sentence i' ve done so far, do you like the saying 这好像是做节目为止最短的一句话,你喜欢这个说法吗 it's always nice to hear different expression, after all life is so beautiful and full of surprise,different expression can bring freshness, and your words can be the cherry on top of it. 能听到各色的表达方式总是好的,生活总是这么美好,充满期待,丰富的表达带来新鲜感,而你的话语也能成为点睛之笔 it's the end of this edition, i'm sorry to say goodbye,hope you had a geart year,thanks for listening, see you next time.
12/31/20146 minutes, 4 seconds
Episode Artwork

电影口语 之 急速天劫 1

本节目于2014年12月1日期改为每3日更新一次,希望大家喜欢! 希望通过这个节目让大家的口语能讲的更有欧美腔。 欢迎关注我们的微信平台:英语口语社区,QQ群:341902089 大家可以下载 手机荔枝APP 收听,喜欢的朋友可以点击 订阅,谢谢大家支持! 节目46: hello, there? i'm ian, you are listening to movie english 最近好吗,我是IAN,欢迎收听电影英语 let's hear a new saying today, and the saying is 今天我们来听个新句子,句子是这样的 well, that was from our friend claire, do you know what was the sentence? 大家能从刚才由我们的老朋友claire的表达中听出来是什么吗 that's right, today's saying is 今天的句子是:我不喜欢坐飞机 this time we gonna hear a film called Non-Stop,a bit introduction of the movie first 今天我们来听的电影是 空中营救 ,先来听一下电影的内容简介 This time Liam Neeson is a broken, drunk US Air Marshal, tasked with anonymously riding planes in case something bad happens onboard. This time, on a transatlantic flight, something bad does happen - someone hacks into the Marshal text network and begins taunting Neeson that a passenger will be killed every 20 minutes unless $150 million is placed in a specific bank account. But that’s just the beginning; it quickly becomes clear that the bank account is in Neeson’s name, and the terrorist is, for some reason, trying to make the Air Marshal look like the bad guy. What follows is a tense, fun game of cat and mouse as Neeson tries to figure out which of the 150 passengers on this jet is the criminal mastermind (a supervillain, almost, judging by how tight this crazy plan is) before his reputation is ruined and everybody onboard dies. 这次莱姆尼森扮演的是一个落魄、酗酒的美国空警,匿名执行航班上的保安工作。在一次横渡大西洋的任务中,发生了件危险的事,有人黑入空警的短信网络中威胁他说除非在一个指定账户中打入1.5亿美元,不然每隔20分钟,机上就会有一个人被杀。不止如此,事情发展明朗后发现那个银行账户是尼森的的名字,恐怖份子出于某种原因,想让尼森背黑锅。之后发生的就是一场紧张而有趣的猫抓老鼠的事件,尼森想尽办法在他的名誉被黑和所有乘客都命在旦夕之前弄清楚在这150名乘客中,谁会是真正的幕后凶手。 It’s a locked room mystery done in an airplane cabin. Collet-Serra is a skilled enough filmmaker to make it work; about 98% of the movie takes place on this one plane, but Non-Stop is never visually dull. I’m sure he’s cheating like crazy - some of these spaces are way too big - but it doesn’t matter, because it’s all in service of making the movie work. He takes advantage of lighting and seating differences between first class and coach to reflect the mood of scenes, playing the tense, It’s smart, and it creates a look that breaks up potential visual monotony. 本剧是在一个飞机舱内发生的神秘事件,编剧有足够的技巧让这样的一部电影生动起来,98%的电影场景是在机舱内发生,但影片看起来却不枯燥,我确定里面的很多场景并非真实,比如,有些地方的空间明显过大,但这不重要,因为所有的这些只是为了能让这部电影好看。他运用灯光和一等舱与经济舱的差别来反映场景的基调,玩足紧张的气氛,这些做法都很聪明,创作出的影像打破了潜在视觉上的单调 please get ready for the saying? 准备好来听电影里这句话吧-----我不喜欢坐飞机 let‘s bring it on? 放马过来吧 does that clear, how did he epressed it?let's hear it again 都听到了吗,他是怎么说的?让我们再听一遍 and this time? that's right 我不喜欢坐飞机 flying is not my cup of tea today's programme, i showed you two ways of saying it, which ways do you like better,that's your choice totally 今天的节目里我们听了这句话的2中表达方式,你更喜欢哪一种呢? all the saying we've heard so far are very nice indeed, but it only can be nicer if it can come out of your mouth, so let's please feel free to start using them 我们听过的所有句子说的都很好,但只有当你能熟练使用,那才是更好。让我们都开始自由的表达那些语句吧。 下次见it's time to say goodbye,hope you had a good one,thanks for listening, see you soon
12/27/20147 minutes, 8 seconds
Episode Artwork

电影口语 之 雷神2 C

本节目每3日更新一次,希望大家喜欢! 希望通过这个节目让大家的口语能讲的更有欧美腔。 欢迎关注我们的微信平台:英语口语社区,QQ群:341902089 大家可以下载 手机荔枝APP 收听,喜欢的朋友可以点击 订阅,谢谢大家支持! hello, there? i'm ian, you are listening to movie english 最近好吗,我是IAN,欢迎收听电影英语 let's hear the last saying from that movie thor,and it goes: 让我们来听雷神电影中的最后一句句子,句子是: well, that was from our friend claire, can you guess? that's right, today's saying is 今天的句子是:不惜一切代价 here is the box office of the film, Thor: The Dark World earned $206.4 million in North America and $438.4 million in other markets for a worldwide total of $644.8 million.It surpassed its predecessor within 19 days of release.The review website Rotten Tomatoes reported a 65% approval rating with an average rating of 6.2/10 based on 221 reviews. The website's consensus reads, "It may not be the finest film to come from the Marvel Universe, but Thor: The Dark World still offers plenty of the humor and high-stakes action that fans have come to expect. 来说说关于本片的票房,雷神之黑暗世界北美票房为2亿美元,其他地区为4.3亿美元,合计全球票房为6.4亿美元。仅上映19天就超过前作的票房纪录。烂番茄评论网基于221个评价中给出了65%的正面评价和6.5分的中上评分。网站评价为,也许这不是漫威最好的片子,但雷神之黑暗世界还是为大家献上了粉丝期待的大量幽默和高难度的动作场面 Hemsworth stated that he is contracted for another Thor film and two more Avengers films but would be happy to keep going, if people want more.Also Feige stated that Thor would next be seen in Avengers: Age of Ultron. He added that certain elements at the end of The Dark World hint at a direction for a possible third film, adding, "We definitely have a story we'd like to tell." As for Loki, Feige stated that the studio "certainly has ideas of where we would like that to go we have to see how this one does and then go from there." 主演Hemsworth 表示他已签约另一部雷神和2部复仇者联盟电影,如果观众还想要看,他乐意拍更多,制片人费奇表示,雷神之后将在复仇者联盟2奥创纪元中出现,他指出在雷神2 的结尾处暗示了此片的第三部出现的可能,并声称,我们肯定有我们想要告知的故事。对于loki,费奇说片方一定有关于他去向的主意了,但我们还是要看这部电影的发展然后再由此进展。 alright,please get ready for the saying? 准备好来听电影里这句话吧------不惜一切代价 let‘s bring it on? 放马过来吧 does that clear, how did he epressed it?let's hear it again 都听到了吗,他是怎么说的?让我们再听一遍 and this time? that's right 不惜一切代价 by any means necessary today's programme, i showed you two ways of saying it, which ways do you like better,that's your choice totally 今天的节目里我们听了这句话的2中表达方式,你更喜欢哪一种呢? all the saying we've heard so far are very nice indeed, but it only can be nicer if it can come out of your mouth, so let's please feel free to start using them 我们听过的所有句子说的都很好,但只有当你能熟练使用,那才是更好。让我们都开始自由的表达那些语句吧。 下次见it's time to say goodbye,hope you had a good one,thanks for listening, see you soon
12/24/20146 minutes, 9 seconds
Episode Artwork

电影口语 之 雷神2 B

本节目每3日更新一次,希望大家喜欢! 希望通过这个节目让大家的口语能讲的更有欧美腔。 欢迎关注我们的微信平台:英语口语社区,QQ群:341902089 大家可以下载 手机荔枝APP 收听,喜欢的朋友可以点击 订阅,谢谢大家支持! 节目44: hello, there? i'm ian, you are listening to movie english 最近好吗,我是IAN,欢迎收听电影英语 let's carry on from the movie we heared last, the second sentence is: 让我们继续上次的电影,里面的第二句话是 can you guess?that's right, today's saying is 能猜得出来吗,没错今天的句子是:这才像样嘛,这才对嘛 some reviews of the movie: 有关那部电影的评价 a fairly entertaining ride, we were surprisingly positive in our podcast review, even if we didn’t give it the best marks. Besides which, there’s no denying the almost magical quality of Loki’s delivery throughout, something that probably wouldn’t be the case in the hands of almost any other actor. Even the final effort of the massive sibling rivalry lament, that spans both films, is more than worthwhile, and helps make the film something that doesn’t get completely bogged down in the unnecessary weight of the dark elves story. Where a real misstep in the comic to film universe has long been the idea that the villain always has to be after the destruction of the entire world, this one ups that game yet again, as if that somehow makes something more menacing. Pfff… the Earth, anyone could destroy the Earth, try the Universe! 本片是一部较有娱乐性的影片,就算我们没有给予最好的分数,在播客中我们也给了出奇正面的评价。除此之外,loki这个角色在影片中不可否认的神奇表现,那些其他演员可能不会在这个角色中表现出来的特质。即便是两部影片中都存在的兄弟间的敌对情节,在帮助影片的观众不至于陷入可有可无的黑暗精灵的故事里起到了积极的作用。一个从连环画到电影中存在真正的误区是坏蛋总是想着要毁灭世界,这部片子里有所提升,但还是一样的故事游戏,好像这样就将危险系数提高了不少。地球谁都能毁灭,这次试试整个宇宙吧 At the end of the day, it doesn’t quite live up to the first, which wasn’t the best film to begin with, but it’s still above the average action effort. Oddly enough, it doesn’t seem to have the same sensibilities for storytelling that The Avengers had, it turns out that we didn’t leave it in hands quite capable of following this many threads without just cutting to the chase with the simplest moves. 最后,这部片子算不上上乘,但还算得上一部中上的动作片。奇怪的是,本片并没有像复仇者联盟那样陈述故事的敏感度,结果造成了观众无法记住过多的线索而不得不放弃所有而只是关注最简单的故事发展 please get ready for the saying? 准备好来听电影里这句话吧----这才像样嘛,这才对嘛 let‘s bring it on? 放马过来吧 does that clear, how did he epressed it?let's hear it again 都听到了吗,他是怎么说的?让我们再听一遍 and this time? that's right 这才像样嘛,这才对嘛 a little common sense today's programme, i showed you two ways of saying it, which ways do you like better,that's your choice totally 今天的节目里我们听了这句话的2中表达方式,你更喜欢哪一种呢? all the saying we've heard so far are very nice indeed, but it only can be nicer if it can come out of your mouth, so let's please feel free to start using them 我们听过的所有句子说的都很好,但只有当你能熟练使用,那才是更好。让我们都开始自由的表达那些语句吧。 下次见it's time to say goodbye,hope you had a good one,thanks for listening, see you soon
12/20/20146 minutes, 9 seconds
Episode Artwork

电影口语 之 雷神2 A

本节目每3日更新一次,希望大家喜欢! 希望通过这个节目让大家的口语能讲的更有欧美腔。 欢迎关注我们的微信平台:英语口语社区,QQ群:341902089 大家可以下载 手机荔枝APP 收听,喜欢的朋友可以点击 订阅,谢谢大家支持! 节目43: hello, there? i'm ian, you are listening to movie english 最近好吗,我是IAN,欢迎收听电影英语 the movie we gonna introduce here today is called Thor: The Dark World,there are actually few sayings we can hear from the movie, let's learn the first one today: 今天我们要来听到的电影是 雷神之黑暗世界,在这部电影中我们要听的其实不止一句话,今天我们先来听第一句 well, that was from an old friend of us claire, do you know what was the sentence? 听出来了吗,刚才是我们的老朋友claire说的 that's right, today's saying is 今天的句子是: 我们也这样以为 here is a brief of the movie : 先介绍下这部电影 The Dark World” continues the big-screen adventures of Thor, the Mighty Avenger, as he battles to save Earth and all the Nine Realms from a shadowy enemy that predates the universe itself. In the aftermath of Marvel’s “Thor” and “Marvel’s The Avengers,” Thor fights to restore order across the cosmos… but an ancient race led by the vengeful Malekith returns to plunge the universe back into darkness. Faced with an enemy that even Odin and Asgard cannot withstand, Thor must embark on his most perilous and personal journey yet, one that will reunite him with Jane Foster and force him to sacrifice everything to save us all. 黑暗世界继续雷神的大电影冒险,强大的复仇者联盟,为了拯救地球和九大神域与早于宇宙本身的阴暗敌人作战。在漫威的雷神和复仇者联盟劫难之后,雷神为宇宙重树次序而战。但一个古老的由抱着强烈复仇心的 Malekith种族回归想将宇宙打入黑暗时代。面对连欧订和仙宫都无法应付的敌人,雷神开始了一段最危险和孤独、一个将他与爱人再次相聚以及让他被迫放弃所有以拯救人类的拯救旅程 the main storyline in the Thor sequel centers on a new piece of supernatural technology (much like the Tesseract before it) that reignites an ancient battle between heroes and villains. While the setup is extremely straightforward, the script is surprisingly adept at balancing (and developing) ongoing story arcs and larger shared universe tie-ins 雷神的故事用一个超自然的新科技作为主线触发了英雄与恶棍之间的战斗,故事设计很直接,剧本在两条故事线索发展上起到了奇妙的平衡。 please get ready for the saying? 准备好来听电影里这句话吧----我们也这样以为 let‘s bring it on? 放马过来吧 does that clear, how did he epressed it?let's hear it again 都听到了吗,他是怎么说的?让我们再听一遍 and this time? that's right 我们也这样以为 or so we were led to believe today's programme, i showed you two ways of saying it, which ways do you like better,that's your choice totally 今天的节目里我们听了这句话的2中表达方式,你更喜欢哪一种呢? all the saying we've heard so far are very nice indeed, but it only can be nicer if it can come out of your mouth, so let's please feel free to start using them 我们听过的所有句子说的都很好,但只有当你能熟练使用,那才是更好。让我们都开始自由的表达那些语句吧。 下次见it's time to say goodbye,hope you had a good one,thanks for listening, see you soon
12/17/20146 minutes, 9 seconds
Episode Artwork

电影口语 之 最高通缉犯 2

本节目每3日更新一次,希望大家喜欢! 希望通过这个节目让大家的口语能讲的更有欧美腔。 欢迎关注我们的微信平台:英语口语社区,QQ群:341902089 大家可以下载 手机荔枝APP 收听,喜欢的朋友可以点击 订阅,谢谢大家支持! 节目41: what's up my friend, i'm ian, you are listening to movie english 最近好吗,我是IAN,欢迎收听电影英语 today we gonna hear a classical saying 今天我们来听一个经典的句子:恶习难改 first of all let's hear from waber, how he gonna put it? 首先来听听waber是怎么说这句话的 nice one, right? such saying is not only used in our china, but in english spoken countries as well. for example in this year's film A Most Wanted Man, we can hear this saying. 不错吧,这种说法不光是在我们国家,在英语国家也有这样的说法,我们在今年的一部电影 最高通缉犯 中就有这样的表达 something about that movie, it's the last film of the actor Philip Seymour Hoffman, if you don't know who he is, i suggest you look upon the internet. 这部电影是Philip Seymour Hoffman生前最后一部电影,如果你不知道他是谁,那上网查一下吧。 The more we know, the more we find out that everybody's glamorous job is boring, that it's boring to be a rock star and that it's boring to be a movie star . And now, thanks to "A Most Wanted Man," we discover that it's really boring - practically sleep-inducing - to be an international spy. 我们知道的越多,对那些看似光鲜的工作了解的越多,就会越发觉得无聊,当摇滚歌手如此,做电影明星也一样。现在感谢这部电影,我们知道当一个国际间谍有多无聊 But "A Most Wanted Man," based on John le Carre's novel, is the last film completed by Philip Seymour Hoffman, who died in February, and that kicks things up a notch. The law of supply and demand is more than an economic phenomenon. It's an emotional one, and knowing that this is one of the last new Hoffman movies we are ever going to get - two "Hunger Games" sequels still await release - sharpens our attention and adds an aura of importance to every scene he's in. 最高通缉犯源自John le Carre的小说,是Philip Seymour Hoffman的最后一部电影,他于今年2月去世,让事情留下了遗憾。供求法则不仅只是经济学现象。这也同样与感情相关,当得知这是Philip Seymour Hoffman的最后一部电影后(饥饿游戏还有2部未上映),大家都珍惜的关注每一个有他在的电影场景 He doesn't look well here, but then he's playing someone with poor health habits. Hoffman is smoking in virtually every scene, drinking heavily, and at one point he seems to be wheezing, though that could be the role. He plays a German intelligence agent and develops a way of talking that sounds a light German accent. So it's like a Welsh-inflected German we're hearing, part mumble, part growl, part bark. 他在影片中看起来并不太好,但他演的那个角色本身也是处于病态的状况。hoffman在几乎每一个场景中都在吸烟,酗酒,有一个状态他看上去喘息连连,但也许只是电影的需要。电影中他扮演一个德国情报人员,说起话来带点德国口语,又有点像受威尔士影响的德国人,听起来有点含糊,带点咆哮,又似叫喊 ok, enough has been said, there will be more of it in next programs 好了,说了不少,在之后的节目中还有更多关于这部经典作品的介绍 let hear today's sentence from claire first, see what that gonna be 我们先来听claire说一下今天的这句话是什么 that's right,today's sentence is: 今天的句子是:恶习难改 we heard it from claire, now let's hear it from the movie 听完claire的句子,我们来听一下电影中的这句话是怎么说的 please get ready for the saying? 准备好来听电影里这句话吧 恶习难改 let‘s bring it on? 放马过来吧 does that clear, how did he epressed it?let's hear it again 都听到了吗,他是怎么说的?让我们再听一遍 and this time? that's right 恶习难改 old habits die hard today's programme, i showed you two ways of saying it, which ways do you like better,that's your choice totally 今天的节目里我们听了这句话的2中表达方式,你更喜欢哪一种呢? all the saying we've heard so far are very nice indeed, but it only can be nicer if it can come out of your mouth, so let's please feel free to start using them 我们听过的所有句子说的都很好,但只有当你能熟练使用,那才是更好。让我们都开始自由的表达那些语句吧。 下次见it's time to say goodbye,hope you had a good one,thanks for listening, see you soon
12/14/20147 minutes, 10 seconds
Episode Artwork

电影口语 之 最高通缉犯

本节目每3日更新一次,希望大家喜欢! 希望通过这个节目让大家的口语能讲的更有欧美腔。 欢迎关注我们的微信平台:英语口语社区,QQ群:341902089 大家可以下载 手机荔枝APP 收听,喜欢的朋友可以点击 订阅,谢谢大家支持! 节目41: what's up my friend, i'm ian, you are listening to movie english 最近好吗,我是IAN,欢迎收听电影英语 today we gonna hear a classical saying 今天我们来听一个经典的句子:恶习难改 first of all let's hear from waber, how he gonna put it? 首先来听听waber是怎么说这句话的 nice one, right? such saying is not only used in our china, but in english spoken countries as well. for example in this year's film A Most Wanted Man, we can hear this saying. 不错吧,这种说法不光是在我们国家,在英语国家也有这样的说法,我们在今年的一部电影 最高通缉犯 中就有这样的表达 something about that movie, it's the last film of the actor Philip Seymour Hoffman, if you don't know who he is, i suggest you look upon the internet. 这部电影是Philip Seymour Hoffman生前最后一部电影,如果你不知道他是谁,那上网查一下吧。 The more we know, the more we find out that everybody's glamorous job is boring, that it's boring to be a rock star and that it's boring to be a movie star . And now, thanks to "A Most Wanted Man," we discover that it's really boring - practically sleep-inducing - to be an international spy. 我们知道的越多,对那些看似光鲜的工作了解的越多,就会越发觉得无聊,当摇滚歌手如此,做电影明星也一样。现在感谢这部电影,我们知道当一个国际间谍有多无聊 But "A Most Wanted Man," based on John le Carre's novel, is the last film completed by Philip Seymour Hoffman, who died in February, and that kicks things up a notch. The law of supply and demand is more than an economic phenomenon. It's an emotional one, and knowing that this is one of the last new Hoffman movies we are ever going to get - two "Hunger Games" sequels still await release - sharpens our attention and adds an aura of importance to every scene he's in. 最高通缉犯源自John le Carre的小说,是Philip Seymour Hoffman的最后一部电影,他于今年2月去世,让事情留下了遗憾。供求法则不仅只是经济学现象。这也同样与感情相关,当得知这是Philip Seymour Hoffman的最后一部电影后(饥饿游戏还有2部未上映),大家都珍惜的关注每一个有他在的电影场景 He doesn't look well here, but then he's playing someone with poor health habits. Hoffman is smoking in virtually every scene, drinking heavily, and at one point he seems to be wheezing, though that could be the role. He plays a German intelligence agent and develops a way of talking that sounds a light German accent. So it's like a Welsh-inflected German we're hearing, part mumble, part growl, part bark. 他在影片中看起来并不太好,但他演的那个角色本身也是处于病态的状况。hoffman在几乎每一个场景中都在吸烟,酗酒,有一个状态他看上去喘息连连,但也许只是电影的需要。电影中他扮演一个德国情报人员,说起话来带点德国口语,又有点像受威尔士影响的德国人,听起来有点含糊,带点咆哮,又似叫喊 ok, enough has been said, there will be more of it in next programs 好了,说了不少,在之后的节目中还有更多关于这部经典作品的介绍 let hear today's sentence from claire first, see what that gonna be 我们先来听claire说一下今天的这句话是什么 that's right,today's sentence is: 今天的句子是:恶习难改 we heard it from claire, now let's hear it from the movie 听完claire的句子,我们来听一下电影中的这句话是怎么说的 please get ready for the saying? 准备好来听电影里这句话吧 恶习难改 let‘s bring it on? 放马过来吧 does that clear, how did he epressed it?let's hear it again 都听到了吗,他是怎么说的?让我们再听一遍 and this time? that's right 恶习难改 old habits die hard today's programme, i showed you two ways of saying it, which ways do you like better,that's your choice totally 今天的节目里我们听了这句话的2中表达方式,你更喜欢哪一种呢? all the saying we've heard so far are very nice indeed, but it only can be nicer if it can come out of your mouth, so let's please feel free to start using them 我们听过的所有句子说的都很好,但只有当你能熟练使用,那才是更好。让我们都开始自由的表达那些语句吧。 下次见it's time to say goodbye,hope you had a good one,thanks for listening, see you soon
12/11/20146 minutes, 58 seconds
Episode Artwork

电影口语 之 危机解密 2

本节目于2014年12月1日期改为每3日更新一次,希望大家喜欢! 希望通过这个节目让大家的口语能讲的更有欧美腔。 欢迎关注我们的微信平台:英语口语社区,QQ群:341902089 大家可以下载 手机荔枝APP 收听,喜欢的朋友可以点击 订阅,谢谢大家支持! 节目40: hello, there? i'm ian, you are listening to movie english 最近好吗,我是IAN,欢迎收听电影英语 let's hear a new saying today, and the saying is 我们来听一个新的句子,句子是: well, that was from our friend waber, do you know what was the sentence? 刚才是waber说的,你听出来今天的句子是什么吗 that's right, today's saying is 今天的句子是:你不能指望我们白干一场 still from that same film we talked about last time,let's see some reviews of it before we hear today's saying in that movie 还是上次我们谈过的同一部电影,今天我们来看看这部电影的评价 Assange passes off WikiLeaks as an 'organization,' but it's really just him, working with fake email addresses and a courtly European assistant, Daniel Domscheit-Berg (Daniel Brühl), who helps man the keyboards. Yet as these two post unedited documents and videos, revealing injustice around the world — corruption at a Swiss bank, death squads in Kenya, the murder of two journalists by U.S. troops in Iraq — The Fifth Estate generates a nervous, almost manic version of a '70s conspiracy thriller. 阿桑奇将维基解密当做一个组织,但其实里面只有他自己,用假的邮箱地址和欧洲宫廷的助理danile,一个帮他操纵键盘的人。然而,这两个后未经编辑的文件和视频,揭示了世界上的不公-瑞士银行的腐败,肯尼亚敢死队,谋杀美军在伊拉克的两名记者,危机解密刻画了一个紧张,几乎疯狂的七十年代的阴谋惊悚片。 Condon keeps his camera up close to the actors, plugging us into the electricity of their mission. At the same time, the movie asks: When does the unrestricted flow of information start to destroy all it's out to save? Assange comes on as a reporter, and in a sense he is. He's reckless and barely cares if he hurts civilians, so he isn't just outside the system — he's outside the human connection that holds the system together. Condon is shrewd enough to depict Assange not as a hero but as a scoundrel crusader who tests the power of the Internet. condon将镜头紧贴演员,让我们直接体会他们的使命,同时电影提出疑问:不受限制的信息什么时候会开始毁灭那些我们想拯救的信息。阿桑奇表现的想个记者,某种意义上,他就是。他的做法不计后果,对于是否会伤害平民毫不在意,因此,他不光只是在系统之外,他游离于将系统组成的人际关联以外。condon明智的将阿桑奇描述为一个测试互联网力量的无赖十字军而非英雄。 The Fifth Estate is flawed , yet it feverishly exposes the tenor of whistle-blowing in the brave new world, with the Internet as a billboard for anyone out to spill secrets. Call it the anti-social network. 危机解密电影虽有瑕疵,但却充分的展示了在勇敢新世界中用互联网作为公告板而去告密的揭秘者历程。将之称作反社会网络 please get ready for the saying? 准备好来听电影里这句话吧 你不能指望我们白干一场 let‘s bring it on? 放马过来吧 does that clear, how did he epressed it?let's hear it again 都听到了吗,他是怎么说的?让我们再听一遍 and this time? that's right 你不能指望我们白干一场 you can't expect us to do it without an incentive today's programme, i showed you two ways of saying it, which ways do you like better,that's your choice totally 今天的节目里我们听了这句话的2中表达方式,你更喜欢哪一种呢? all the saying we've heard so far are very nice indeed, but it only can be nicer if it can come out of your mouth, so let's please feel free to start using them 我们听过的所有句子说的都很好,但只有当你能熟练使用,那才是更好。让我们都开始自由的表达那些语句吧。 下次见it's time to say goodbye,hope you had a good one,thanks for listening, see you soon
12/8/20147 minutes, 53 seconds
Episode Artwork

电影口语 之 危机解密 1

本节目于2014年12月1日期改为每3日更新一次,希望大家喜欢! 希望通过这个节目让大家的口语能讲的更有欧美腔。 欢迎关注我们的微信平台:英语口语社区,QQ群:341902089 大家可以下载 手机荔枝APP 收听,喜欢的朋友可以点击 订阅,谢谢大家支持! 节目39: hello, there? i'm ian, you are listening to movie english 最近好吗,我是IAN,欢迎收听电影英语 let's hear a new saying today, and the saying is 今天我们要来听一个句子,这个句子是: well, that was from our friend waber, do you know what was the sentence? 刚才听到的是我们的朋友waber说的,你听得出来今天的句子是什么吗 that's right, today's saying is 今天的句子是:没人能阻止通往真相之路 alright then, if it's from movies, how to make it sound better? 如果是在电影中,这句话怎么讲才能听起来更好呢 we can find such saying in the movie The Fifth Estate, the film Turning the story of Julian Assange and WikiLeaks into a successful movie presents all sorts of profound problems: in coming to any persuasive judgement yet about the morality and consequences of these actions, for example, or knowing how much emphasis to give to the personal aberrations of Assange and Bradley Manning. 我们能从电影 危机解密中找到这句话。电影将阿桑奇和维基解密的故事转化为一部成功的电影,展示了各种深刻的问题:对于这些道德和行为的后果缺乏说服力的判断,比如对于阿桑奇和巴拉德力个人过失的强调程度 But it also presents another problem of a different order, shallow yet completely intractable: watching people do stuff with computers isn’t just as boring as watching paint dry, it’s a lot more irritating.Co-produced by Dreamworks, directed by Bill Condon , it is based on two books about WikiLeaks, one by a pair of Guardian journalists involved, bigging up the paper’s part in presenting the leaks responsibly, the other by Assange’s onetime lieutenant, now disaffected, Daniel Domscheit-Berg, similarly talking up his own role. 电影同时还提出另不同顺序的问题,肤浅却很棘手:看人用电脑做事并不像看油漆变干那么无聊,但却是很让人烦躁。由梦工厂出品,bill condon执导,基于维基解密的2本书籍,一本是由一对维保记者参与,夸大了报纸上关于泄漏部分的责任,另一本是由阿桑奇曾经的中尉,现在离开他的daniel,谈论了他自己角色的书。 please get ready for the saying? 准备好来听电影里这句话吧 没人能阻止通往真相之路 let‘s bring it on? 放马过来吧 does that clear, how did he epressed it?let's hear it again 都听到了吗,他是怎么说的?让我们再听一遍 and this time? that's right 没人能阻止通往真相之路 no one can bar the road to truth today's programme, i showed you two ways of saying it, which ways do you like better,that's your choice totally 今天的节目里我们听了这句话的2中表达方式,你更喜欢哪一种呢? all the saying we've heard so far are very nice indeed, but it only can be nicer if it can come out of your mouth, so let's please feel free to start using them 我们听过的所有句子说的都很好,但只有当你能熟练使用,那才是更好。让我们都开始自由的表达那些语句吧。 下次见it's time to say goodbye,hope you had a good one,thanks for listening, see you soon
12/4/20146 minutes, 28 seconds
Episode Artwork

电影口语 之 忍者神龟 1

本节目于2014年12月1日期改为每3日更新一次,希望大家喜欢! 希望通过这个节目让大家的口语能讲的更有欧美腔。 欢迎关注我们的微信平台:英语口语社区,QQ群:341902089 大家可以下载 手机荔枝APP 收听,喜欢的朋友可以点击 订阅,谢谢大家支持! 节目38: hello, there? i'm ian, you are listening to movie english 最近好吗,我是IAN,欢迎收听电影英语 let's hear a new saying today, and the saying is 来听今天的句子吧,今天的句子是: well, that was from our friend waber, do you know what was the sentence? 刚才你听到是我们的朋友waber说的一句话,你听出来他说的是什么了吗 that's right, today's saying is 既然是这样的话 alright then, if it's from movies, how to make it sound better? there is a newly released movie Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, i don't know if you've watched it. 好了,那如果在电影中,这句话怎么说听起来会更好呢。最近有部上映不久的电影忍者神龟,不知大家看过没有 The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (often shortened to TMNT or Ninja Turtles) are a fictional team of four teenage turtles, who were trained by their rat sensei in the art of ninjutsu. From their home in the storm sewers of New York City, they battle petty criminals, evil overlords, mutated animals, and alien invaders while attempting to remain hidden from society. 忍者神龟(缩写TMNT,简称Ninja Turtles),是由4只基因突变的乌龟所组成的忍者团体,并得到斯普林特师父的忍术训练和指导。他们住在纽约曼哈顿的下水道,夜间出动,打击街头犯罪、邪恶势力和外星入侵,同时他们始终和外界社会保持距离。 The characters originated in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comic book before their expansion into a cartoon series, films, video games, toys, and other general merchandise.During the peak of the franchise's popularity in the late 1980s and early 1990s, it gained considerable worldwide success and fame. 这些人物最早在漫画里登场,随后广泛的出现在授权改编的动画片、电影和玩具中。在1980年至1990年早期此类漫画的高峰期,获得了世界范围内的成功和名气 The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles first appeared in an American comic book published by Mirage Studios in 1984 in Dover, New Hampshire. The concept arose from a humorous drawing sketched out by Eastman during a casual evening of brainstorming and bad television with Laird.The TMNT comic series has been published in various incarnations by various comic book companies since 1984. 忍者神龟最早问世于美国新汉普什尓州的丹佛的幻影工作室的漫画书上。漫画的创意来自于一个富有幽默感的EASTMAN的草图,据说是一个寻常夜晚,他与laird在边看无聊电视边在头脑风暴时产生的念头。1984年后忍者神龟曾以不同形象出现于各种漫画公司的漫画书籍上。 we heard it from waber, now let's hear it from the movie 听完waber的句子,我们来听一下电影中的这句话是怎么说的 please get ready for the saying? 准备好来听电影里这句话吧 既然是这样的话 let‘s bring it on? 放马过来吧 does that clear, how did he epressed it?let's hear it again 都听到了吗,他是怎么说的?让我们再听一遍 and this time? that's right 既然是这样的话if that's how it going to be today's programme, i showed you two ways of saying it, which ways do you like better,that's your choice totally 今天的节目里我们听了这句话的2中表达方式,你更喜欢哪一种呢? all the saying we've heard so far are very nice indeed, but it only can be nicer if it can come out of your mouth, so let's please feel free to start using them 我们听过的所有句子说的都很好,但只有当你能熟练使用,那才是更好。让我们都开始自由的表达那些语句吧。 下次见it's time to say goodbye,hope you had a good one,thanks for listening, see you soon
12/1/20147 minutes, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork

电影口语 之 动物也疯狂

hello, there? i'm ian, you are listening to movie english 最近好吗,我是IAN,欢迎收听电影英语 we talked about sarcasm in last program, today we gonna speak a lit more about it. 上次的节目中我们聊了有关讽刺的话题,今天我们j就这个话题再继续一二。 there are basically two rules to being sarcastic. Rule number one – say the opposite of the truth or the opposite of what you really feel. Rule number two – make sure that your conversation partner knows you’re being sarcastic. This is the difference between being sarcastic and lying – sarcasm is actually a way of showing your true feelings about something. 在使用讽刺的口语时有2个基本的规则,一是,说的话与真实的感受相反;二是,你说话的对象知道你在用讽刺的话语。讽刺和说谎是不同的,讽刺其实也是你真实感受的表现 we want our conversation partner to know we’re being sarcastic, and one way to do this is to exaggerate our feelings. So - if somebody gives you some bad news, and you want to be sarcastic, don’t say ‘good’ or ‘that’s good news’ but really go for it, say ‘Oh terrific!’ or maybe ‘Oh brilliant – that’s great news’. finally you need to be careful how you use sarcasm, but sarcasm can be funny. 我们需要自己说话的对象知道我们在用讽刺的言语,一个讽刺的方法是夸大其词。当有人给你坏消息你想讽刺一下的时候,你不要只是 好吧,或真是个好消息,而是真的投入进去,说 太棒了 或 太了不起了,真是个天大的好消息,最后在使用讽刺的言语时要小心,但有时真的很好玩 ok, now let's hear today's sentence from waber, see what it is? 好了,我们来听听weber今天带给我们的句子是什么 that's right, today's setence is from the movie Delhi Safari,and the sentence is 没错,今天的句子是从电影 动物也疯狂中的一句话,这句话是: 妈你真是个诗人 we heard it from waber, now let's hear it from the movie Delhi Safari 听完weber的句子,我们来听一下电影中的这句话是怎么说的 please get ready for the saying? 准备好来听电影里这句话吧 妈你真是个诗人 let‘s bring it on? 放马过来吧 does that clear, how did he expressed it?let's hear it again 都听到了吗,他是怎么说的?让我们再听一遍 and this time? that's right 妈你真是个诗人 wow,you are a poetic, mum(讽刺) today's programme, i showed you two ways of saying it, which ways do you like better,that's your choice totally 今天的节目里我们听了这句话的2中表达方式,你更喜欢哪一种呢? all the saying we've heard so far are very nice indeed, but it only can be nicer if it can come out of your mouth, so let's please feel free to start using them 我们听过的所有句子说的都很好,但只有当你能熟练使用,那才是更好。让我们都开始自由的表达那些语句吧。 下次见it's time to say goodbye,hope you had a good one,thanks for listening, see you soon 本节目每2日更新一次,希望大家喜欢! 希望通过这个节目让大家的口语能讲的更有欧美腔。 欢迎关注我们的微信平台:英语口语社区,QQ群:341902089 大家可以下载 手机荔枝APP 收听,喜欢的朋友可以点击 订阅,谢谢大家支持!
11/27/20146 minutes, 21 seconds
Episode Artwork

电影口语 之 大力神:色雷斯之战

本节目每2日更新一次,希望大家喜欢! 希望通过这个节目让大家的口语能讲的更有欧美腔。 欢迎关注我们的微信平台:英语口语社区,QQ群:341902089 大家可以下载 手机荔枝APP 收听,喜欢的朋友可以点击 订阅,谢谢大家支持! 今日句子:that's comforting(讽刺)这真让人欣慰
11/25/20146 minutes, 47 seconds
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电影口语 之 霍比特人 3

hello, there? i'm ian, you are listening to movie english 最近好吗,我是IAN,欢迎收听电影英语 The Desolation of Smaug is The second part of Peter Jackson’s “The Hobbit” trilogy.Whether the tale of the hobbit Bilbo Baggins (Martin Freeman) and 13 dwarves in search of lost treasure will appeal to anyone besides fans of the 1937 book is dubious. Still, for those of us who love Tolkien, the new movie is a treat. 史矛革之战是霍比特人三部曲中的第二部。不管本片中霍比特人和13个侏儒寻找失落的宝藏是否能吸引1937年出版的此书的粉丝值得怀疑,但对于那些喜爱作者托尔金的人来说,这部新电影绝对是场盛宴 film starts with the hobbit Bilbo Baggins and 13 dwarves in search of lost treasure First, the company must pass through the enchanted forest of Mirkwood, where they tussle with giant spiders. 电影有比尔博和13个侏儒寻宝展开,首先他们必须穿过施了魔法的Mirkwood森林,他们与巨大的蜘蛛展开搏斗 Next, they’re imprisoned in the stronghold of the woodland elves. Their escape — in barrels carried by churning river rapids — is one of the movie’s great action sequences, and it looks simply sensational in 3-D. Finally, the journey leads them to the village of Laketown, where they prepare for their confrontation with Smaug. 而后他们又被森林里的精灵一族囚禁于大本营中,他们躲在酒桶里在激流的溪流中逃生的场面是本片动作场面的精彩亮点,在3D效果中看起来极为壮观。最后旅程将他们带到LAKETOWN的村子里,他们在那里做好了与恶龙史矛革正面交锋的准备 so in word the movie is a breathlessly told, action-packed crowd-pleaser that restores the luster of the saga for those underwhelmed by its predecessor and leaves you excited for the final chapter in the trilogy 总的说来,本片故事紧凑,动作场面不断,到处是充满取悦观众的桥段,为前作增加了不少光彩,让大家对三部曲中的最后一部满是兴奋的期待 let's hear the sentence from claire first,see what sentence she's gonna bring us 先听听claire今天给我们带来的句子是什么。 well ,can you guess, today's sentence is: 今天的句子是: 你只是他们手中的工具 that's good, and what about the expression in movies 不错吧,电影中这话是怎么表达的呢 now, let's get ready for the saying? 准备好来听电影里这句话吧 你只是他们手中的工具 let‘s bring it on? 放马过来吧 does that clear, how did he epressed it?let's hear it again 都听到了吗,他是怎么说的?让我们再听一遍 and this time? that's right 你只是他们手中的工具 you are only ever a means to an end today's programme, i showed you two ways of saying it, which ways do you like better,that's your choice totally 今天的节目里我们听了这句话的2中表达方式,你更喜欢哪一种呢? all the saying we've heard so far are very nice indeed, but it only can be nicer if it can come out of your mouth, so let's please feel free to start using them 我们听过的所有句子说的都很好,但只有当你能熟练使用,那才是更好。让我们都开始自由的表达那些语句吧。 下次见it's time to say goodbye,hope you had a good one,thanks for listening, see you soon 本节目每2日更新一次,希望大家喜欢! 希望通过这个节目让大家的口语能讲的更有欧美腔。 欢迎关注我们的微信平台:英语口语社区,QQ群:341902089 大家可以下载 手机荔枝APP 收听,喜欢的朋友可以点击 订阅,谢谢大家支持!
11/22/20147 minutes, 1 second
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电影口语 之 霍比特人 2

hello, there? i'm ian, you are listening to movie english 最近好吗,我是IAN,欢迎收听电影英语 let carry on with what we've been talking to,the hobbit. 今天我们继续上期的话题,关于 霍比特人的故事 In our cinematic age of superhero and sci-fi films, director Peter Jackson is doing his part to shoulder the fantasy genre with a return to Middle Earth in The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey. the film came up in cinema on 14 DEC 2013. 如今超级英雄和科幻电影充斥着影院,导演Peter Jackson在奇幻电影类型 中分一杯羹,带观众回到霍比特人的中土时代开始一段意外之旅,该片于去年12月14日上映 The first in a trilogy of the film adapted from J.R.R. Tolkien’s “The Hobbit,” An Unexpected Journey sets out to tell the tale of titular protagonist Bilbo Baggins and a company of Dwarves on a quest to reclaim their ancestral home from the grip of the fearsome dragon, Smaug. 本片是托尔金的霍比特人三部曲改变成电影中的第一部,意外之旅讲述了以霍比特人 Bilbo Baggins 为主人公和一群侏儒试图从可怕的恶龙史矛革手中夺回他们祖先领地的故事 The film also serves to establish an origin point for the events leading up to and through Jackson’s Lord of the Rings trilogy. The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey is a classic adventure quest in the making; packed with colorful characters, gorgeous settings and plenty of action 本片故事的起始点在指环王三部曲的故事之前,并贯穿指环王系列,霍比特人之意外之旅是部经典的任务冒险,充满了大量的丰富多彩的人物和动作场景 let's hear the sentence from claire first,see what sentence she's gonna bring us 先听听claire今天给我们带来的句子是什么。你总是能给我惊喜 well ,can you guess, today's sentence is: 今天的句子是:你总是能给我惊喜 and what about the expression in movies 不错吧,电影中这话是怎么表达的呢 now, let's get ready for the saying? 准备好来听电影里这句话吧-----------你总是能给我惊喜 let‘s bring it on? 放马过来吧 does that clear, how did he epressed it?let's hear it again 都听到了吗,他是怎么说的?让我们再听一遍 and this time? that's right 你总是能给我惊喜 you never ceases to amaze me today's programme, i showed you two ways of saying it, which ways do you like better,that's your choice totally 今天的节目里我们听了这句话的2中表达方式,你更喜欢哪一种呢? all the saying we've heard so far are very nice indeed, but it only can be nicer if it can come out of your mouth, so let's please feel free to start using them 我们听过的所有句子说的都很好,但只有当你能熟练使用,那才是更好。让我们都开始自由的表达那些语句吧。 下次见it's time to say goodbye,hope you had a good one,thanks for listening, see you soon 本节目每2日更新一次,希望大家喜欢! 希望通过这个节目让大家的口语能讲的更有欧美腔。 欢迎关注我们的微信平台:英语口语社区,QQ群:341902089 大家可以下载 手机荔枝APP 收听,喜欢的朋友可以点击 订阅,谢谢大家支持!
11/21/20146 minutes, 9 seconds
Episode Artwork

电影口语 之 霍比特人 1

hello, there? i'm ian, you are listening to movie english 最近好吗,我是IAN,欢迎收听电影英语 today we gonna look at a famous film the hobbit.The Hobbit, is a fantasy novel and children's book by English author J. R. R. Tolkien. It was published on 21 September 1937 to wide critical acclaim, being nominated for the Carnegie Medal and awarded a prize from the New York Herald Tribune for best juvenile fiction. The book remains popular and is recognized as a classic in children's literature. 今天我们要来听一部著名的电影‘霍比特人’这是一部英国作家J. R. R. Tolkien写的少儿幻想类读物。出版于1937年的9月21日并广受好评。被提名为卡耐基儿童文学奖和纽约先驱报的最佳青少年小说奖 While The Hobbit has been adapted and elaborated upon in many ways, its sequel The Lord of the Rings is often claimed to be its greatest legacy. The Lord of the Rings contains several more supporting scenes, and has a more sophisticated plot structure, following the paths of multiple characters. 霍比特人被以多种方式接受和阐述,他的续集指环王为成为作者最伟大的作品。魔戒中支持的场景更多,故事结构更复杂,故事主线众多 Tolkien wrote the later story in much less humorous tones and infused it with more complex moral and philosophical themes. The differences between the two stories can cause difficulties when readers, expecting them to be similar, find that they are not.[111] Many of the thematic and stylistic differences arose because Tolkien wrote The Hobbit as a story for children, and The Lord of the Rings for the same audience, who had subsequently grown up since its publication. 作者对后作的故事手法用了更多的复杂道德和哲学命理而很少的幽默。2个故事的不同对读者会造成阅读上的困难,因为读者以为他们会比较相似,但却不是的。很多主题和风格的差异是因为当作者写霍比特人的时候是写给儿童,而指环王是写给长大了的他们。 ok, enough has been said, there will be more of it in next programs 好了,说了不少,在之后的节目中还有更多关于这部经典作品的介绍 let hear today's sentence from claire first, see what that gonna be 我们先来听claire说一下今天的这句话是什么 that's right,today's sentence is: 今天的句子是:他人还是满讲道理的 we heard it from claire, now let's hear it from the movie 听完claire的句子,我们来听一下电影中的这句话是怎么说的 please get ready for the saying? 准备好来听电影里这句话吧 他人还是满讲道理的 let‘s bring it on? 放马过来吧 does that clear, how did he epressed it?let's hear it again 都听到了吗,他是怎么说的?让我们再听一遍 and this time? that's right 他人还是满讲道理的 the man can be reasoned with today's programme, i showed you two ways of saying it, which ways do you like better,that's your choice totally 今天的节目里我们听了这句话的2中表达方式,你更喜欢哪一种呢? all the saying we've heard so far are very nice indeed, but it only can be nicer if it can come out of your mouth, so let's please feel free to start using them 我们听过的所有句子说的都很好,但只有当你能熟练使用,那才是更好。让我们都开始自由的表达那些语句吧。 下次见it's time to say goodbye,hope you had a good one,thanks for listening, see you soon 本节目每2日更新一次,希望大家喜欢! 希望通过这个节目让大家的口语能讲的更有欧美腔。 欢迎关注我们的微信平台:英语口语社区,QQ群:341902089 大家可以下载 手机荔枝APP 收听,喜欢的朋友可以点击 订阅,谢谢大家支持!
11/19/20146 minutes, 53 seconds
Episode Artwork

电影口语 之 300勇士之帝国崛起 2

hello, there? i'm ian, you are listening to movie english 最近好吗,我是IAN,欢迎收听电影英语 today's sentence is:这正中他的下怀 今天的句子是:let's hear from it claire first, 我们先听claire是怎么说的。这正中他的下怀 that's beautiful, and what about the expression in movies,let's see some review about the movie 300 rise of an empire first 不错吧,电影中这话是怎么表达的呢。 300: Rise of an Empire received mixed reviews from critics. Review aggregation website Rotten Tomatoes gives the film a 42% rating, with an average critics score of 4.9/10, based on reviews from 169 critics. The site's consensus states: "It's bound to hit some viewers as an empty exercise in stylish gore, and despite a gonzo starring performance from Eva Green, 300: Rise of an Empire is a step down from its predecessor."[22] On another aggregation website Metacritic, it has a 48/100 score, indicating "mixed or average reviews", based on reviews from 34 critics. 300勇士之帝国崛起获得了褒贬不已的评价,知名电影点评网站 烂番茄给了此片42%等级评分,基于169个点评打分中,最高分为10的话,此片为中等偏下的4.9分的成绩。此网站的评价是:对一些观众而言,此片免不了被认为是一部空洞的血色风格电影,尽管有伊娃格林的特色出演,本剧还是比前作滑下了一个等级。另一个网站上,此片在100为满分的分数中获得了48分的成绩,显示观众对此片评价一般,这分数基于34个点评而给出 Detroit News gave the film a D, saying "300: Rise of an Empire is a bloodbath and not much else."The Globe and Mail gave the film one and a half stars out of four, saying "An extension of the 300 universe, like an add-on content pack for a video game."[41] Mark Jenkins of NPR gave the film a negative review, saying "If the movie's action recalls video games, the dramatically artificial lighting suggests 1980s rock videos. Indeed, Rise of an Empire is so campy that it might work better as a musical. 底特律新闻报给了此片一个D,说道,此片除了浴血场面就没什么了。环球邮报给此片以4分为最高分里打出了1.5分的成绩,说本片像300电影系列的延伸,有点像电子游戏里的附赠包。美国国家公共电台的Mark Jenkins给了本片负面的评价,说道,电影的动作场面让人联想到电子游戏,国语人工戏剧化的雷电又像1980年代的摇滚录像。说真的,帝国崛起妆模作样的样子更适合去排成音乐剧。 personally i didlike the movie,anyway, let's get ready for the saying? 我还是挺喜欢这部电影的,好了,准备好来听电影里这句话吧 这正中他的下怀get ready please。 let's hear it放马过来吧 does that clear, how did he epressed it?let's hear it again 都听到了吗,他是怎么说的?让我们再听一遍 and this time? that's right 这正中他的下怀he 's got him right where he wants him today's programme, i showed you two ways of saying it, which ways do you like better,that's your choice totally 今天的节目里我们听了这句话的2中表达方式,你更喜欢哪一种呢? all the saying we've heard so far are very nice indeed, but it only can be nicer if it can come out of your mouth, so let's please feel free to start using them 我们听过的所有句子说的都很好,但只有当你能熟练使用,那才是更好。让我们都开始自由的表达那些语句吧。 it's time to say goodbye,hope you had a good one,thanks for listening, see you soon 本节目每2日更新一次,希望大家喜欢! 希望通过这个节目让大家的口语能讲的更有欧美腔。 欢迎关注我们的微信平台:英语口语社区,QQ群:341902089 大家可以下载 手机荔枝APP 收听,喜欢的朋友可以点击 订阅,谢谢大家支持!
11/17/20146 minutes, 59 seconds
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电影口语 之 300勇士之帝国崛起

本节目每2日更新一次,希望大家喜欢! 希望通过这个节目让大家的口语能讲的更有欧美腔。 欢迎关注我们的微信平台:英语口语社区,QQ群:341902089 大家可以下载 手机荔枝APP 收听,喜欢的朋友可以点击 订阅,谢谢大家支持! 本期句子:我按照你的计划付诸实施了 I've set your plan in motion
11/15/20145 minutes, 54 seconds
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电影口语 之 美国队长 2

希望通过这个节目让大家的口语能讲的更有欧美腔。 欢迎关注我们的微信平台:英语口语社区,QQ群:341902089 大家可以下载 手机荔枝APP 收听,喜欢的朋友可以点击 订阅,谢谢大家支持! 本期句子:bcz i be with you til the end of the line 我会陪你到最后
11/13/20146 minutes, 34 seconds
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电影口语 之 美国队长 1

本节目每2日更新一次,希望大家喜欢! 希望通过这个节目让大家的口语能讲的更有欧美腔。 欢迎关注我们的微信平台:英语口语社区,QQ群:341902089 大家可以下载 手机荔枝APP 收听,喜欢的朋友可以点击 订阅,谢谢大家支持! 本期句子:shield take at the world as it as we like it to be 我们看待世界的眼光是现实的,不是仅凭自己的理想
11/11/20146 minutes, 38 seconds
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神奇蜘蛛侠2 B

本节目每2日更新一次,希望大家喜欢! 希望通过这个节目让大家的口语能讲的更有欧美腔。 欢迎关注我们的微信平台:英语口语社区,QQ群:341902089 大家可以下载 手机荔枝APP 收听,喜欢的朋友可以点击 订阅,谢谢大家支持! 本期句子:the world cannot be changed without changing our thinking 改变思想才能改变世界
11/8/20145 minutes, 3 seconds
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电影口语 之 神奇蜘蛛侠2 A

本节目每2日更新一次,希望大家喜欢! 希望通过这个节目让大家的口语能讲的更有欧美腔。 欢迎关注我们的微信平台:英语口语社区,QQ群:341902089 大家可以下载 手机荔枝APP 收听,喜欢的朋友可以点击 订阅,谢谢大家支持! 本期句子:what makes life valuable is that it doesn't last forever 生命珍贵之处在于他并非永恒。
11/7/20146 minutes
Episode Artwork

电影口语 之 超级骇客 2

本节目每2日更新一次,希望大家喜欢! 希望通过这个节目让大家的口语能讲的更有欧美腔。 欢迎关注我们的微信平台:英语口语社区,QQ群:341902089 大家可以下载 手机荔枝APP 收听,喜欢的朋友可以点击 订阅,谢谢大家支持! 本期句子:she can't see it for what it is 她看不透现在的情况
11/5/20144 minutes, 43 seconds
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电影口语 之 超级骇客 1

本节目每2日更新一次,希望大家喜欢! 希望通过这个节目让大家的口语能讲的更有欧美腔。 欢迎关注我们的微信平台:英语口语社区,QQ群:341902089 大家可以下载 手机荔枝APP 收听,喜欢的朋友可以点击 订阅,谢谢大家支持! 本期句子:i believe the journey to be more important than the destation 我我认为过程比结果来的重要。
11/3/20146 minutes
Episode Artwork

电影口语 之 冰雪奇缘 2

本节目每2日更新一次,希望大家喜欢! 希望通过这个节目让大家的口语能讲的更有欧美腔。 欢迎关注我们的微信平台:英语口语社区,QQ群:341902089 大家可以下载 手机荔枝APP 收听,喜欢的朋友可以点击 订阅,谢谢大家支持! 本期句子:let me rephrase that 让我换种方式。
11/1/20144 minutes, 35 seconds
Episode Artwork

电影口语 之 冰雪奇缘 1

本节目每2日更新一次,希望大家喜欢! 希望通过这个节目让大家的口语能讲的更有欧美腔。 欢迎关注我们的微信平台:英语口语社区,QQ群:341902089 大家可以下载 手机荔枝APP 收听,喜欢的朋友可以点击 订阅,谢谢大家支持! 本期句子:she just shut me out 她突然不理我了。
10/30/20144 minutes, 41 seconds
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电影口语 之 LUCY 2

本节目每2日更新一次,希望大家喜欢! 希望通过这个节目让大家的口语能讲的更有欧美腔。 欢迎关注我们的微信平台:英语口语社区,QQ群:341902089 大家可以下载 手机荔枝APP 收听,喜欢的朋友可以点击 订阅,谢谢大家支持! 本期句子:i'm counting on you 我指望你了。
10/28/20143 minutes, 59 seconds
Episode Artwork

电影口语 之 LUCY 1

本节目每2日更新一次,希望大家喜欢! 希望通过这个节目让大家的口语能讲的更有欧美腔。 欢迎关注我们的微信平台:英语口语社区,QQ群:341902089 大家可以下载 手机荔枝APP 收听,喜欢的朋友可以点击 订阅,谢谢大家支持!
10/26/20144 minutes, 9 seconds
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电影口语 之 一月迷情 2

本节目每2日更新一次,希望大家喜欢! 希望通过这个节目让大家的口语能讲的更有欧美腔。 欢迎关注我们的微信平台:英语口语社区,QQ群:341902089 大家可以下载 手机荔枝APP 收听,喜欢的朋友可以点击 订阅,谢谢大家支持!
10/24/20144 minutes, 11 seconds
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电影口语 之 一月迷情 1

本节目每2日更新一次,希望大家喜欢! 希望通过这个节目让大家的口语能讲的更有欧美腔。 欢迎关注我们的微信平台:英语口语社区,QQ群:341902089 大家可以下载 手机荔枝APP 收听,喜欢的朋友可以点击 订阅,谢谢大家支持!
10/22/20143 minutes, 38 seconds
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电影口语 之 哥斯拉 2

本节目每2日更新一次,希望大家喜欢! 希望通过这个节目让大家的口语能讲的更有欧美腔。 欢迎关注我们的微信平台:英语口语社区,QQ群:341902089 大家可以下载 手机荔枝APP 收听,喜欢的朋友可以点击 订阅,谢谢大家支持!
10/20/20145 minutes, 49 seconds
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电影口语 之 哥斯拉 1

本节目每2日更新一次,希望大家喜欢! 希望通过这个节目让大家的口语能讲的更有欧美腔。 欢迎关注我们的微信平台:英语口语社区,QQ群:341902089 大家可以下载 手机荔枝APP 收听,喜欢的朋友可以点击 订阅,谢谢大家支持!
10/18/20144 minutes, 45 seconds
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电影口语 之 明日边缘2

本节目每2日更新一次,希望大家喜欢! 希望通过这个节目让大家的口语能讲的更有欧美腔。 欢迎关注我们的微信平台:英语口语社区,QQ群:341902089 大家可以下载 手机荔枝APP 收听,喜欢的朋友可以点击 订阅,谢谢大家支持!
10/16/20144 minutes, 40 seconds
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电影口语 之 明日边缘1

本节目每2日更新一次,希望大家喜欢! 希望通过这个节目让大家的口语能讲的更有欧美腔。 欢迎关注我们的微信平台:英语口语社区,QQ群:341902089 大家可以下载 手机荔枝APP 收听,喜欢的朋友可以点击 订阅,谢谢大家支持!
10/14/20144 minutes, 36 seconds
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电影口语 之 X战警 逆转未来3

本节目每2日更新一次,希望大家喜欢! 希望通过这个节目让大家的口语能讲的更有欧美腔。 欢迎关注我们的微信平台:英语口语社区,QQ群:341902089 大家可以下载 手机荔枝APP 收听,喜欢的朋友可以点击 订阅,谢谢大家支持!
10/12/20145 minutes, 2 seconds
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电影口语 之 X战警 逆转未来2

本节目每2日更新一次,希望大家喜欢! 希望通过这个节目让大家的口语能讲的更有欧美腔。 欢迎关注我们的微信平台:英语口语社区,QQ群:341902089 大家可以下载 手机荔枝APP 收听,喜欢的朋友可以点击 订阅,谢谢大家支持!
10/10/20144 minutes, 44 seconds
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电影口语 之 X战警 逆转未来1

本节目每2日更新一次,希望大家喜欢! 希望通过这个节目让大家的口语能讲的更有欧美腔。 欢迎关注我们的微信平台:英语口语社区,QQ群:341902089 大家可以下载 手机荔枝APP 收听,喜欢的朋友可以点击 订阅,谢谢大家支持!
10/7/20143 minutes, 55 seconds
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电影口语 之驯龙高手2B

本节目每2日更新一次,希望大家喜欢! 希望通过这个节目让大家的口语能讲的更有欧美腔。 欢迎关注我们的微信平台:英语口语社区,QQ群:341902089 大家可以下载 手机荔枝APP 收听,喜欢的朋友可以点击 订阅,谢谢大家支持!
10/5/20143 minutes, 57 seconds
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电影口语 之 驯龙高手2A

本节目每2日更新一次,希望大家喜欢! 希望通过这个节目让大家的口语能讲的更有欧美腔。 欢迎关注我们的微信平台:英语口语社区,QQ群:341902089 大家可以下载 手机荔枝APP 收听,喜欢的朋友可以点击 订阅,谢谢大家支持!
10/4/20144 minutes, 38 seconds
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电影口语 之 纸牌屋2

本节目每2日更新一次,希望大家喜欢! 希望通过这个节目让大家的口语能讲的更有欧美腔。 欢迎关注我们的微信平台:英语口语社区,QQ群:341902089 大家可以下载 手机荔枝APP 收听,喜欢的朋友可以点击 订阅,谢谢大家支持!
10/2/20143 minutes, 57 seconds
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电影口语 之 纸牌屋1

本节目每2日更新一次,希望大家喜欢! 希望通过这个节目让大家的口语能讲的更有欧美腔。 欢迎关注我们的微信平台:英语口语社区,QQ群:341902089 大家可以下载 手机荔枝APP 收听,喜欢的朋友可以点击 订阅,谢谢大家支持!
9/30/20144 minutes, 30 seconds
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电影口语 之 人猿泰山3

本节目每2日更新一次,希望大家喜欢! 希望通过这个节目让大家的口语能讲的更有欧美腔。 欢迎关注我们的微信平台:英语口语社区,QQ群:341902089 大家可以下载 手机荔枝APP 收听,喜欢的朋友可以点击 订阅,谢谢大家支持!
9/28/20143 minutes, 57 seconds
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电影口语 之 人猿泰山2

本节目每2日更新一次,希望大家喜欢! 希望通过这个节目让大家的口语能讲的更有欧美腔。 欢迎关注我们的微信平台:英语口语社区,QQ群:341902089 大家可以下载 手机荔枝APP 收听,喜欢的朋友可以点击 订阅,谢谢大家支持!
9/26/20143 minutes, 57 seconds
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电影口语 之 人猿泰山1

本节目每2日更新一次,希望大家喜欢! 希望通过这个节目让大家的口语能讲的更有欧美腔。 欢迎关注我们的微信平台:英语口语社区,QQ群:341902089 大家可以下载 手机荔枝APP 收听,喜欢的朋友可以点击 订阅,谢谢大家支持!
9/24/20144 minutes, 56 seconds
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电影口语 之 Transformers2

本节目每2日更新一次,希望大家喜欢! 希望通过这个节目让大家的口语能讲的更有欧美腔。 欢迎关注我们的微信平台:英语口语社区,QQ群:341902089 大家可以下载 手机荔枝APP 收听,喜欢的朋友可以点击 订阅,谢谢大家支持!
9/23/20144 minutes, 56 seconds
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电影口语 之 Transformers1

9/21/20144 minutes, 5 seconds
Episode Artwork

电影口语 之 天才眼镜狗2

本节目每2日更新一次,希望大家喜欢! 希望通过这个节目让大家的口语能讲的更有欧美腔。 欢迎关注我们的微信平台:英语口语社区,QQ群:341902089 大家可以下载 手机荔枝APP 收听,喜欢的朋友可以点击 订阅,谢谢大家支持!
9/19/20143 minutes, 45 seconds
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电影口语 之 天才眼镜狗1

本节目每2日更新一次,希望大家喜欢! 希望通过这个节目让大家的口语能讲的更有欧美腔。 欢迎关注我们的微信平台:英语口语社区,QQ群:341902089 大家可以下载 手机荔枝APP 收听,喜欢的朋友可以点击 订阅,谢谢大家支持!
9/17/20143 minutes, 58 seconds