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Once Upon A Crescent: Muslim Kids Podcast Cover
Once Upon A Crescent: Muslim Kids Podcast Profile

Once Upon A Crescent: Muslim Kids Podcast

English, Children-Kids, 1 season, 73 episodes, 18 hours, 41 minutes
Once Upon a Crescent is a collection of Islamic bedtime stories for children. Written and produced by a Muslim elementary school teacher, these stories aim to impart Islamic morals to kids through light-hearted storytelling. Not only are stories a great way to settle into a bedtime routine, but they also provide rich opportunities for meaningful dialogue between parent and child. Snuggle up with your little one and feel free to use this podcast as a starting point to talk about Islamic values. My goal is to facilitate some important moral conversations by introducing Islamic values with storytelling. For more information go to
Episode Artwork

Deen & Jannah Go To The Children’s Museum

When visiting the children's museum, Deen & Jannah explore the newsroom play zone with Mama. The kids learn about journalists and how they are like real life superheroes ! This episode was sponsored by Sr. Zainab for her kids Deen & Jannah. I hope you enjoyed this episode! Shout- Out to the Journalists in Falasteen who truly are superheroes for our Ummah to look up to and learn from *Motaz, Plestia, Bisan, Ahmed, Mohammed, Saleh, Wael, Hamza, Hind and many more * The following ayahs are referenced in this episode: - “O you who believe! Stand out firmly for justice, as witnesses to Allah, even though it be against yourselves, or your parents, or your kin” [an-Nisa’ verse 135].  "Allah enjoins to do justice and to adopt good behavior and to give relatives (their due rights), and forbids shameful acts, evil deeds and oppressive attitude. He exhorts you, so that you may be mindful.  {An-Nahl verse 90} <-- Join My Mailing List for Updates on the Next Season inshaAllah :) Sound Effects Obtained from &
1/8/202418 minutes, 44 seconds
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Bake Sale for Palestine

While visiting their grandparents in Botswana, Humaira and Zaynab attend a bake sale for Palestine in the Masjid courtyard. Humaira takes note of what a bake sale is. She thinks of ideas to help improve it and presents her idea to her family.  This story was sponsored by my dear friend Nabeela for her kids Humaira & Zaynab. I hope you enjoyed this story <3 Hadith Source:Narrated by al-Bukhari (6011) and Muslim (2586). Shout Out To Br. Ali Memon, Br. Anzar Lateef & Dr. Omar Raja for their volunteered voicing of characters in this story. JazakAllah Khair :D Sound Effects Obtained from and
12/2/202313 minutes, 56 seconds
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Abdullah & Nusayba Go To A Protest

Abdullah takes his new light saber to a protest. Abdullah sits on top of his father's shoulders to watch, listen and learn. His new toy comes in handy as a flagpole when marching with hundreds of people who chant, "Free, Free, Palestine!" This episode is sponsored by Sr. Raima for her kids Abdullah & Nusayba. I hope you enjoyed this story. **Dear Parents,  I pray this episode serves as a conversation starter about the importance of advocating for justice and truth. As always, my stories aim to impart Islamic morals and values to kids. I hope you can use this story as a means to connect with your child, while also having meaningful dialogue about Falasteen, in ways that you deem appropriate <3 Sound effects obtained from &
11/11/202314 minutes, 35 seconds
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Sofia’s Slime

When Sofia accidentally ruins her sister's princess dress, things spiral out of control. Sofia, Aylah and Ibrahim find themselves arguing and shouting at one another. Mama shares an important hadith about how to deal with strong feelings when seeing all her kids angry at one another.  This episode was sponsored by Sr. Adeeba for her kids, Sofia, Aylah & Ibrahim! ------- VIRTUAL EVENT FOR PALESTINE ----- Register here for the Virtual Read Aloud with Mrs. Hashimi  *All Proceeds Will Go To BaaitulMaal for Palestine *   Sound Effects Obtained From &
10/27/202313 minutes, 12 seconds
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Airport Excitement

Yahya and his three sisters, Hidaayah, Hafsa & Hawa are traveling for the first time to Madinah as part of their family's Umrah trip. Their family is very excited to embark on this journey to the City of the Prophet صَلَّى اللّٰهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ. Even with the excitement around boarding a plane, the kids remember their traveling duas !   This story is sponsored by Sr. Hodan for her 4 kids Yahya, Hidaayah, Hafsa & Hawa.    Sound Effects Obtained from,, & The Internet Archive
10/11/202310 minutes, 58 seconds
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Sakina & Saphora’s Library Day

At the grand opening of their new library, Sakina & Saphora encounter a kid who is neurodivergent. The girls reflect on how it may be like for this child at a busy, noisy library. The girls decide to approach the librarian with a helpful suggestion in hopes of including others who have unique needs!  The ayah of the Quran referenced in this episode is in Surah Ar-Rum, ayah 22 - "Among His proofs are the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the variations in your languages and your colors. In these, there are signs for the knowledgeable." This episode was sponsored by Br. Muizz & Sr. Ruby for their daughters Sakina & Saphora :).   **Sound Effects Obtained from &***
9/30/202315 minutes, 25 seconds
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Aqeelah & Ameer’s Restaurant

Aqeelah and her brother Ameer have a big imagination. During their "Restaurant, Restaurant," pretend play, the kids learn about a beautiful ayah from the Quran. Mama shares the ayah where Allah mentions a snippet of Jannah, "We shall provide them in abundance with all kinds of fruit and meat, whatever they may desire," [52:22]. This experience allows Aqeelah to wonder more about Jannah.    This episode is sponsored by Sr. Irma from China! This story is dedicated to her three kids Aqeelah, Ameer & Asad :). *** To Unlock More Content Visit to enjoy some E-books, coloring pages and more***  Sound Effects Obtained from and 
9/19/202310 minutes, 39 seconds
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The Thunderstorm

Omari and Wakeel rush indoors as a thunderstorm hits their neighborhood. Jolting sounds and scary sights fill their afternoon, as the boys experience their first thunderstorm. Their family stays safe indoors. Baba uses this opportunity to share a new perspective on how the lightening and rumblings of thunder are a means to remember and glorify Allah. This story was sponsored by Sr. Lauren for her kids Omari, Wakeel and Amalia. I hope you enjoyed this episode :). *****To unlock more content by Mrs. Hashimi such as E-books or coloring pages, visit the Patreon Page ***** Sound Effects Obtained from &
9/6/202313 minutes, 23 seconds
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Back to School Blues

Zayneb and Amelia's family get ready for the start of a new school year by going shopping at a nearby superstore for school supplies. The girls talk about their worries of starting a new school where they don't know anyone. Mama & Baba offer a helpful duaa for their unique situation.  This story was sponsored by Br. Ali & Sr. Sama for their kids Zayneb, Amelia and Ibrahim. I hope you enjoyed your episode! ------ Click Below to Unlock E-Books By Mrs. Hashimi ------ 
8/22/202312 minutes, 36 seconds
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The Huggable Tree

Zunayrah attends a picnic where she buys a yummy blue colored snow cone. When she trips and falls over a tree root, her snow cone lands on the ground, melting away into the dirt. Zunayrah goes from being angry at the tree, to hugging it! Tune in to find out how!  This episode was sponsored by Sr. Mehveen for her daughter Zunayrah.  Hadith Reference:    E-BOOKS UPLOADED HERE for $1 :    Sound Effects Obtained from and 
8/12/202312 minutes, 26 seconds
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Maryam’s Big Move

Mama & Baba cheer Maryam up as they finish packing up their home in preparation of a big move. Moving can be challenging for anyone -young or old, but sometimes it helps to add a little bit of playfulness in challenging moments, like this one Maryam faced.  Special Thanks to Br. Ali Memon, Host of Corporate Majlis Podcast, for his voicing of Baba.  This episode was sponsored by Sr. Komal for her daughter Maryam. I hope you enjoyed this story :). --------------------------------- MEET ME ONLINE! Virtual Event Tickets for Saturday Aug. 5th @ 11 am Central time (Google Meets Video Session) Sound Effects obtained from & 
8/1/202310 minutes, 28 seconds
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Zayneb’s Water Tricks

Zayneb makes a new young friend at the swimming pool. Zayneb and her cousin, Madina teach this new friend some water tricks. This experience at the pool reminds the kids of an important practice - reciting Bismillah when doing new things! Special Thanks to Br. Ali Memon, host of Corporate Majlis Podcast and his daughter Isla for her voicing of Zayneb. This episode is sponsored by Sr. Omrana & Br. Bilal for their daughter Zayneb.  --------------------- VIRTUAL EVENT - What's In a Name? Come Meet Me Online as I Interact with my dear kid listeners in a read aloud session with discussions, games, and Q&A time. Click on the link below to purchase your tickets for Saturday Aug. 5th @ 11:00am Central Time Sound effects obtained from and 
7/24/202314 minutes, 17 seconds
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Safiya & Hayaa’s Dentist Appointment

When Safiya and Hayaa go to their dentist appointment they take their miswaak with them. The Sunnah of using a miswaak has proven to be so beneficial for both the girls' oral hygiene.  Special Thanks to Br. Amir for his Voicing of Wapa. This episode was sponsored by Sr. Zahra for her daughters Safiya & Hayaa.  *Quran ayah reference from this story (4:69) "And he who obeys Allah and the Messenger -they shall be with those whom Allah has favoured.." -----VIRTUAL EVENT----- Purchase your tickets for my next Virtual Event on Saturday Aug. 8th @ 11:00 am Central Time  Sound Effects Obtained from and
7/11/202314 minutes, 2 seconds
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Musa’s Loose Tooth

Baba helps Musa solve his loose tooth problem in a fun, novel way. Musa's experience with his first loose tooth teaches him to be patient and trust Allah because Allah truly is the One to rely on for all of our problems, big or small!    Special thanks to Br. Ali Memon, Host of Corporate Majlis Podcast, for his voicing of Baba!   The episode is sponsored by Sr. Farah for her son, Musa.    To Access Coloring Sheets and Unlock More Content for Once Upon a Crescent stories, click on-    Sound effects obtained from and    
5/17/202312 minutes, 33 seconds
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Haajer’s Matching Eid Outfit

Haajer's braces match her Eid outfit and it's noticeable too! Haajer has to overcome her shyness when a kind stranger, who is interested in Eid, points out her matching outfit at a cupcake store.  This episode was sponsored by Sr. Farah for her kids, Haajer & Musa.   Special Thanks to Br. Amir Hoxha for the voicing of Baba! *** To Support The Production of This Podcast & Unlock More Content, Please Click on My Patreon Link *** Sound Effects obtained from and & Haramain archives at
5/2/202315 minutes, 46 seconds
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Mama’s Eid Gift Idea

Hamza heads to the pet store with Mama to buy more fish food for his pet fish. On the way there, Mama thinks of a perfect Eid gift idea for Hamza. Tune in to find out what Mama's Eid gift idea is :)! This episode was sponsored by Sr. Shaheena for her son Hamza. This story is dedicated to Hamza :).    Sound Effects Obtained from and  A Big THANK YOU to those who are leaving reviews on iTunes and elsewhere. JazakAllah Khair for showing your online support. May Allah make these stories a means of goodness and khair for families everywhere :)
4/20/202315 minutes, 33 seconds
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Aziz and Khalil’s Midnight Adventure

Aziz and Khalil wake up at 4:00 am to have suhoor at the Masjid during Ramadan. Little did they know how much fun they would have with the Imam during this midnight adventure! This episode was sponsored by Sr. Fareeha for her boys Aziz & Khalil. This story is dedicated to them :D.  Sound Effects Obtained from and  Special thanks to Br. Ali Memon, Host of Corporate Majlis Podcast for lending his voice for this episode. 
4/12/202312 minutes, 43 seconds
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The Ramadan Volunteers

This is Asiyah and Safiyyah's first Iftaar at the Masjid. Asiyah is amazed at how the Masjid has transformed in preparation to serve the community. The volunteers at this Masjid are there to help in every way possible. Asiyah witnesses their hard work as part of her first Iftaar experience.    This episode is sponsored by Sr. Mouna. This story is dedicated for her daughters, Asiyah and Safiyyah.   Special thanks to Br. Ali Memon, host of Coroporate Majlis Podcast for lending his voice in this episode. Sound Effects Obtained From , &
3/30/202313 minutes, 40 seconds
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Just in Time for Ramadan

Khadijah and Zakariya spend the day with their grandmother and aunt while their parents are at the hospital in preparation for the new baby to be born. Baba leaves a few voice messages to the kids to give them an exciting update, just in time for Ramadan!   This episode was sponsored by Sr. Hajera for her kids Khadijah, Zakariya and Zaynab.    Ramadan Mubarak to you all!    Special Thanks to Br. Ali Memon, Host of Corporate Majlis Podcast for lending his voice for this episode.    Sound Effects Obtained from and 
3/24/202312 minutes, 24 seconds
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Ayshah’s Ramadan Basket

After their Umrah trip, Mumma and Ayshah unpack their things from Makkah & Medinah. While unpacking, Mumma comes up with an idea to assemble a Ramadan basket. They include the things they brought from Makkah & Medina in this basket for their Christian neighbor. Mumma includes little Ayshah in the entire process from assembly to delivery. This episode was sponsored by Sr. Samaa . This story is dedicated to her daughter, Ayshah :). The Ramadan ReadAloud Virtual Event is only a few days away on Sunday, March 19th, 2023 @ 11:00 am Pacific Time!  Click on to sign up for this interactive session with me :). Sound Effects Obtained from & 
3/15/202314 minutes, 47 seconds
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A Spoonful of Honey

Khadijah learns about some Prophetic practices from the Sunnah by her Mom when her little brother, Musa, has a fever and cough. Mama shares the different Sunnahs of when someone falls sick. This episode was sponsored by Sr. Ifrah. This story is dedicated to her two kids Khadijah & Musa. Sign Up for the Ramadan Read Aloud Virtual Event here: Sound Effects Obtained from &   
3/7/202312 minutes, 9 seconds
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The Cash Confusion

Zaid and Talia  are eager to make it on time to their club meetings at the library. On their way to the library, Baba buys candy bars from a needy man on the street, but when the man accidentally hands Baba extra cash with the candy bars, Baba and the kids must act quick to return this extra cash to the rightful owner, even if that means being late to clubs at the library!  Special Thanks to Br. Amir Hoxa & Br. Faris Khaleeli for lending their voices for this story. This episode was sponsored by Sister Yasmina for her kids Zaid & Taalia!  Register for the upcoming Virtual Event- Ramadan ReadAloud happening on Sunday, March 19th @ 11am Seattle Time. Special Effects Obtained from & 
3/3/202313 minutes, 47 seconds
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Amir’s Adhaan

It is Amir's turn to make the call to prayer on the big microphone at his new Islamic school. Before he recites the Adhaan, Amir notices a new student that has joined their school. Amir, Mayar and Ibrahim take this opportunity to strike a conversation with the new kid, but little did they know that this new student had a pressing question about the Adhaan that the kids would have to answer. This episode is sponsored by Br. Ali and is dedicated to his kids Amir & Mayar! Special thanks to Br. Muttaqi Ismail, Host of Islamic History Podcast for his voicing of Principal Wazwaz. ( Sound effects obtained from  &   
2/21/202312 minutes, 36 seconds
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The Masjid Party

Noor experiences the "feel-good" energy of doing a good deed at the Masjid during her friend's Quran Completion Party . Zoha's family hosts a dinner outdoors in the Masjid courtyard. This event became a way for Noor to experience the lovely environment of being at the Masjid as a special volunteer and helper.  Special thanks to Sr. Reem from Texas for sponsoring this episode. This story is dedicated to Noor, Aleena & Hassan.    ************** VIRTUAL PAJAMA PARTY ON JAN 31st************* Register by clicking  When & Where -> Online . Tues. Jan 31st @ 4pm Pacific Time Program Details: - An Intro & Ice Breaker w/ Mrs. Hashimi - ReadAloud of the Muslim Kids Comics Pt 2 - Discussion and Q&A with the Kiddos - Funny Voice Over Try Outs :) - Storytelling Contest Announcement Special thanks to Br. Zakaria and Dr. Raja for their voices.  Sound effects obtained from , & for the adhaan and iqama
1/26/202313 minutes, 16 seconds
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Yusuf’s Show & Tell

Yusuf's Pokemon cards have finally come in. He takes them to Show & Tell at school, but they go missing after recess. Tune in to find out how Yusuf handles this situation with the help of his sister Zaynab.  Special thanks to the sponsor of this episode, Sr. Raheela Shah from Dubai! This episode is dedicated to her son, Yusuf :). Sound Effects Obtained from & ******** VIRTUAL PAJAMA PARTY : READ ALOUD ******** Registration Link ->  When & Where -> Online . Tues. Jan 31st @ 4pm Pacific Time  Program Details: - An Intro & Ice Breaker w/ Mrs. Hashimi - ReadAloud of the Muslim Kids Comics Pt 2 - Discussion and Q&A with the Kiddos - Funny Voice Over Try Outs :) - Storytelling Contest Announcement
1/13/202313 minutes, 46 seconds
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Zaynab’s Christmas Situation

Zaynab’s class must write about their holiday plans for winter break. During circle time, Zaynab’s classmates share their writing and talk about Christmas and the new presents they will be getting. Zaynab starts to feel nervous about speaking  in front of her class about what her holiday plans are because her plans have nothing to do with Christmas like all the other kids who shared during circle time. Tune in to find out how she navigates this situation!   Special Thanks to the sponsor of this episode- Sr. Raheela Shah from Dubai! This episode is dedicated to her daughter, Zaynab :). Sound Effects Obtained from and 
12/25/202213 minutes, 6 seconds
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Hamza & Ammar’s Click

When two brothers, Hamza & Ammar come across a video game trailer labeled Rated T for Teens, Hamza must decide whether to click on this video or not. Hamza & Ammar learn a valuable lesson on how to stay safe online through this experience. JazakAllah Khair to the Sponsor of this episode- Br. AbdelRahman Mostafa from Egypt. This story is dedicated to his boys - Hamza & Ammar :).  Special Thanks to Br. Haytham Soliman for his voicing of Baba. Sound effects obtained from &  Credits to @FunWithSound User on
12/21/202213 minutes, 15 seconds
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A Messy Morning

Zoha feels both excited and rushed all morning long because she wants everything to be perfect for her cousin Aqsa's visit. In her rush, Zoha knocks over a glass jar of sugar in the kitchen. Zoha learns how to slow down in moments of stress with Mumma's help. Tune in to find out how! **Special thanks to the sponsor of this episode- Jawairia Ghauri . This story is dedicated to Zoha, Zara & Ali :) JazakAllah Khair for your support!!*** To Sponsor an episode you can email me at for further information.  Sound Effects Obtained from &
12/5/202215 minutes, 51 seconds
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Baba’s Big Secret

Mama takes Yusra, Mariam and Fatima to visit their Baba's hospital to pick him up from work. The girls overhear a nurse commenting on Baba's secret identity at the hospital. Mama finally leads the girls to show exactly what Baba is up to at the hospital aside from being Dr. Yusuf. Tune in to find out what Baba's big secret is!  Thank you Dr. Raja for the voicing of Baba / Dr. Yusuf.  ***Special thanks to the sponsor of this episode- Hamida Ahmed whose family this story is dedicated to. JazakAllah Khair for your support!!***   If you are interested in being a sponsor for the next episode, email me at   Sound Effects Obtained from & 
11/22/202215 minutes, 18 seconds
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Billu Khan Meets the Queen

When Billu Khan is invited to meet the Queen Ant, a member of the ant colony feels nervous about the meeting. The little ant tries her best to remind her colony members about how to show good manners to those that are guests according to the Sunnah.  *To Access MORE content like coloring pages, my narrated Muslim Comics Video & more click on to become a Patreon Member to Support this Podcast 
11/8/202218 minutes, 6 seconds
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Adam’s Halloween Situation

Adam has successfully shared to his class that he doesn't celebrate Halloween. That was the least of his concerns for the day though. When he has to walk through a neighborhood with spooky decorations, he finds himself feeling frightened and uncomfortable. This new situation allows him to learn a new Dua for when a person feels stressed.    To Unlock More Exclusive Content (like my latest work - A Muslim Kid's Comic) click on  Sound Effects Obtained by & 
10/14/202217 minutes, 30 seconds
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Fati the Flamingo

Fati the flamingo focuses on her shrimp catching skills in hopes of her feathers turning brighter and pinker! When another flamingo disrupts her practice, she spreads her frustration unknowingly on a younger peer, Faris the Flamingo. This story highlights the hadith, "Certainly, Allah helps His servants, as long as they are of help to their fellow Muslim," in a kid friendly way.  I'm excited to meet you all Online via Zoom :) Virtual Event Happening Sat. Oct. 1, 2022. Purchase your tickets for the Meet & Greet w/ an Exclusive Read Aloud of my latest work - A Muslim Kid's Comics.    Sound Effects Obtained from & 
9/27/202214 minutes, 20 seconds
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The New Back to School Routine

Amani & Ayah start a new back to school routine. They walk to school in the mornings now... all by themselves! This new routine highlights for the girls the importance of being safe and how to protect oneself with duas.  ** I'm hosting a Virtual Event to meet my kid listeners! Purchase tickets here: to join me on Zoom for a Meet & Greet where I will exclusively have a Read Aloud session of my latest work - A Muslim Kid's Comic **   Sound Effects Obtained from &  
9/16/202211 minutes, 57 seconds
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A Share of Sugar

**UPDATED AUDIO** This rhyming story aims to teach an abundance mindset for kids from the teachings of the Sunnah. Sharing, for the sake of Allah, brings an increase in our life, in amazing, unexpected ways. This podcast has been recognized by Common Sense Media for outstanding content for children and families, check out the wonderful review they wrote here!  You can support the production of more stories by visiting my patreon page.  Sound effects obtained by & 
6/29/202215 minutes, 6 seconds
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Saleha’s Smile

Saleha's worry about going to a party with new people shows up in her body as a queasy feeling in her stomach. Mama helps her understand this feeling further and offers a helpful strategy from the Sunnah to tackle on her worries of being around new people, in a new setting.  --- You can support the production of this podcast through Patreon by clicking on --- Join my mailing list by clicking for the latest updates on what I am working on for my Muslim Kid audience! Sound Effects obtained from and 
6/8/202212 minutes, 37 seconds
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Ooby’s Obstacle Course

Ooby the Ostrich has set up an amazing obstacle course for his fellow ostriches, but when Ooby unexpectedly starts losing his feathers, he starts to feel worried about his appearance. Haroon the Hippo and Omar the Ostrich show up for their friend and remind him what truly matters.  Sign up for my mailing list at to stay up to date on more projects that I'm currently working on  To support the production of this podcast check out my patreon page.  A special thanks to Ali Memon, host of Corporate Majlis Podcast for his fun voicing of Omar the Ostrich. *Sound Effects Obtained from & 
5/25/202214 minutes, 7 seconds
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Eid Carnival Chaos

Muhammed & Imran have grand plans for their day at the Eid Carnival. When Imran gets hurt, things take a different turn. This incident helps Muhammed practice a hadith he learned during Ramadan.  --- Eid Mubarak to you all! --  Thank you to those who signed up to my mailing list, I hope your child enjoyed the Eid Gift I sent via email. If you haven't signed up yet, please do by clicking to receive your child's Eid Gift from me :).   
5/6/202214 minutes, 16 seconds