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On Health

English, Personal health, 1 season, 240 episodes, 1 day, 11 hours, 5 minutes
From the stuff your mother never told you, to the stuff your doctor never learned, On Health features taboo-busting conversations that demystify and de-stigmatize our bodies, all while bridging the gap between conventional medicine and wellness. Join Yale-trained MD & midwife Aviva Romm and her line-up of expert guests as they discuss everything from periods to menopause, sex to reproductive health politics, and motherhood to mental health. Each week, Dr. Romm will be exploring the science and wisdom of how our bodies work, what makes us well, what gets in the way, and how we can live our best lives on our terms, authentically and bravely. You can expect to learn more about topics such as women's brain health, cesareans, microbiome seeding, women’s sexual health, and much more. Plus, you'll get Aviva’s musings, tips, and guidance from 35+ years of helping women take back their health—and their lives. The new medicine for women is here!
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Beyond Gaslighting and Narcissism: Finding Yourself to Find Love with Jillian Turecki

Jillian Turecki, my guest for this On Health episode, is a beacon of light and a font of love and wisdom. A certified relationship coach, teacher, and writer with over 20 years of experience, she's fueled by an insatiable curiosity about what makes a relationship thrive, and she's helped thousands through her teaching and writing revolutionize their relationship with themselves so they can transform their relationships with others. In this episode Jillian and I get real about what it takes to have a thriving relationship, how this starts with loving ourselves, and also how important is that we normalize being single.- because that's a path many women are on, at least at some point in their live and love journey. We dive deep into so many areas of our love lives including: Trusting yourself and listen to your inner voice in relationships. Normalizing being single and focus on other areas of your life. Self-acceptance and self-worth as foundations of healthy relationships. How to be discerning and recognize relationship red flags. Mindfulness, tolerance, and appreciation in relationships. Avoiding overanalyzing our partners. How to get intentional in relationships - including having regular relationship meetings to improve the partnership. Creating breathing room to allow for individual growth How breakups and divorces can be transformative experiences that lead to personal growth and new opportunities. Following your own dreams and prioritizing your own growth as essential in relationships. Wherever you are on your self-love and love relationship journey, I know you'll find gems of wisdom and practical information to connect more profoundly with yourself and your partner. And you'll find more tools for practicing self-worth. Make sure to follow me on Instagram @dr.avivaromm to join the conversation. You can follow Jillian on Instagram and visit her at Looking for supplements for yourself and your family, including some of those I talk about in episodes? You can find those - and your 15% discount on every order here:
2/14/20241 hour, 3 minutes, 36 seconds
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Beyond Gaslighting and Narcissism: Finding Yourself to Find Love with Jillian Turecki

Jillian Turecki, my guest for this On Health episode, is a beacon of light and a font of love and wisdom. A certified relationship coach, teacher, and writer with over 20 years of experience, she's fueled by an insatiable curiosity about what makes a relationship thrive, and she's helped thousands through her teaching and writing revolutionize their relationship with themselves so they can transform their relationships with others.In this episode Jillian and I get real about what it takes to have a thriving relationship, how this starts with loving ourselves, and also how important is that we normalize being single.- because that's a path many women are on, at least at some point in their live and love journey.We dive deep into so many areas of our love lives including:Trusting yourself and listen to your inner voice in relationships.Normalizing being single and focus on other areas of your life.Self-acceptance and self-worth as foundations of healthy relationships.How to be discerning and recognize relationship red flags.Mindfulness, tolerance, and appreciation in relationships.Avoiding overanalyzing our partners.How to get intentional in relationships - including having regular relationship meetings to improve the partnership.Creating breathing room to allow for individual growthHow breakups and divorces can be transformative experiences that lead to personal growth and new opportunities.Following your own dreams and prioritizing your own growth as essential in relationships.Wherever you are on your self-love and love relationship journey, I know you'll find gems of wisdom and practical information to connect more profoundly with yourself and your partner. And you'll find more tools for practicing self-worth.Make sure to follow me on Instagram @dr.avivaromm to join the conversation. You can follow Jillian on Instagram and visit her at Looking for supplements for yourself and your family, including some of those I talk about in episodes? You can find those - and your 15% discount on every order here:
2/14/20241 hour, 3 minutes, 6 seconds
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Why Women Have More Autoimmune Diseases Than Men

Fatigue, achy muscles, painful joints, brain fog, strange skin rashes… Could it be the flu? It’s possible. In fact, that’s what women are sometimes told! But these can be symptoms of an autoimmune condition.  Autoimmune conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn’s disease, and Hashimoto’s, to name just a few, have a definite gender bias. Women account for an astonishing 80% of all those who suffer from an autoimmune disease. Yet these are some of the most commonly dismissed, overlooked, and misdiagnosed symptoms and conditions, leaving far too many women to struggle to find answers, for sometimes years. So what is autoimmune disease and why do women experience them so much more often than men? That’s exactly what we’ll explore together in today’s episode.  Join me as I tell you all about:  What autoimmune disease really is Why women’s symptoms of autoimmune disease are missed - and dismissed The root causes of autoimmune disease that disproportionately impact women The role of estrogen and other hormones in autoimmune diseases How our immune system is impacted by hormonal shifts premenstrually, in pregnancy, postpartum, and menopause The wildly interesting role that microchimerism plays in autoimmune disease  Listen and learn so you know how to protect your health from these conditions and so that you know how to get the tests, answers, and respect you need from your healthcare provider. Please share the love by sending this to someone in your life who could benefit from the kinds of things we talk about in this space. Make sure to follow me on Instagram @dr.avivaromm to join the conversation. Looking for supplements for yourself and your family, including some of those I talk about in episodes? You can find those - and your 15% discount on every order here: Practitioners - you can also learn how to create your own accounts at
1/31/202435 minutes, 22 seconds
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The Power of Growing Older and the Problem with Ageism

I’m not going to lie. I was much more prepared for puberty, pregnancy, motherhood, and even menopause than I was for aging. And you all know that’s a big deal to say because we’re largely unprepared for all the other phases of our lives, too. But the reality is, we’re aging from the day we’re born, and much of what we’ve internalized about aging - the fears, judgments, stereotypes - and even ‘symptoms’ if you will - have much more to do with the culture of ageism we’re steeped in from the time we’re little - whether that’s the ‘old hag witch’ in the woods who eats children in fairy tales and movies, to the anti-aging creams that women are already now using in their 20s (and younger) thanks to an industry that instills in us that aging is ugly.  My guest, Karen Walrond, is the author of Radiant Rebellion: Reclaim Aging, Practice Joy & Raise a Little Hell, an investigation in how we can resist ageism and live a light-filled life along the way. And - I don’t say this often or lightly - this book has blown my mind. It was exactly the dose of vitality and fire I needed right now - a mind-shift on my own journey - of aging proudly and powerfully while I also navigate all that means in our culture, and in work that puts me front and center on video, in media. I truly believe every women over 20 in our culture should read this book, gift it, share it, talk about it, and then read it again.  In this episode Karen and I discuss: The cultural beliefs, stereotypes, and fears that contribute to ageism How internalized ageism can affect women's self-perception and confidence as they age How to challenge ageist language and attitudes Embracing aging and reclaiming vitality can lead to a more joyful and fulfilling life. The role of the global anti-aging market in perpetuating ageism and sexism Variation in cultures on the perception of elderhood The importance of community and intergenerational relationships for well-being and a sense of purpose in the later years Listening to your body's cravings and embracing guilt-free eating The impact of alcohol on health and weight management How important it is to appreciate the wisdom and beauty of body changes Let’s listen to the interview. And then, as my guest says, raise a little hell. Or as I’m saying, raise a lot of it! You’ll see what I mean. Please share the love by sending this to someone in your life who could benefit from the kinds of things we talk about in this space. Make sure to follow me on Instagram @dr.avivaromm to join the conversation. You can follow Karen on Instagram and visit her at Looking for supplements for yourself and your family, including some of those I talk about in episodes? You can find those - and your 15% discount on every order here: Practitioners - you can also learn how to create your own accounts at
1/17/20241 hour, 8 minutes, 2 seconds
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Why Creating & Setting Boundaries is Essential for Our Health

At some point, too many of us internalized the belief that being a woman means complete self-sacrifice, not setting healthy boundaries for our well-being, and not taking care of our fundamental needs – even for sleep, quality food, and relaxation. Further, as moms, we often take on the lioness's share of the household. As partners, we plan the dates and stay in touch with old friends. At work, we pick up the slack of others without so much as a peep of protest. But here's the thing- often, others don't even notice that we are doing all of this extra work because we haven't set healthy boundaries - with ourselves or with them. We've been taught to be the "good girl" (definitely listen to last week's podcast episode ALL about this topic if you haven't yet) and with this, we also believe that boundaries are rude or selfish.  So we give and give and give - at the expense of our well-being and sometimes at the expense of our own passions and fulfillment. Time for a reframe! Not only is having boundaries not selfish - but we are better givers when we practice conscious boundaries. And that's exactly what I'm talking about in this latest On Health episode. Tune in as I dish out my top tips to get you on your way to a boundary-setting queen! And learn all about why it's truly so important, just in time for the new year ahead and beyond.    In this episode I share:  What boundaries are, including the types we may overlook   Why we have trouble setting boundaries  How to know whether you need better boundaries in your life  Exercises to support you in discovering your highest priorities and how to stick to them  The boundary-setting practices to get you started and that really work  And more - including my weird style tip that relates to boundaries      I KNOW that many of you will have at least a few "aha" moments and maybe even have some tears of understanding. Listen and become your own boundaries badass!   Thank you so much for taking the time to tune in to your body, yourself, and this podcast! Please share the love by sending this to someone in your life who could benefit from the kinds of things we talk about in this space. Make sure to follow your host on Instagram @dr.avivaromm and go to to join the conversation.  Looking for supplements for yourself and your family, including some of those I talk about in episodes? You can find those - and your 15% discount on every order here: Practitioners - you can also learn how to create your own accounts at
1/3/20241 hour, 10 minutes, 37 seconds
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Becoming a Cycle Breaker: Healing Intergenerational Trauma with Compassion and Resilience

Intergenerational trauma refers to the transmission of unresolved trauma and its psychological, emotional, or even physical effects from one generation to another. This phenomenon can manifest in various ways, impacting individuals' mental health, coping mechanisms, and relational patterns. The cycle of intergenerational trauma underscores the importance of acknowledging, understanding, and actively addressing inherited wounds to break free from its influence on future generations. On today’s On Health episode I’m joined by the incredible Mariel Buque, PhD, author of Break the Cycle: who wants us all to learn to unravel the threads of family trauma, and becoming cycle breakers so we can heal the burdens of suffering carried forward by so many families across generations.  In this powerful episode we explore:  What intergenerational trauma is and how it can affect our physiology, mental health, relationships, economics, and more.  The profound connections between our individual experiences and the echoes of our ancestors' pain. Resilience and stress tolerance as essential tools for breaking the intergenerational trauma cycle. How to expand your window of resilience and respond to life's challenges with greater awareness and purpose." How compassion becomes a powerful ally, fostering understanding and acceptance of our shared human struggles." How mothers can be preemptive cycle breakers, initiating the healing journey even before conceiving. The landscape of family estrangement and tools for reconciliation before resorting to estrangement. Mariel's approach centers around the concept of an upward spiral, emphasizing small, consistent mindful actions for reshaping the nervous system. Resources for those seeking guidance, including Mariel's book, "Break the Cycle: A Guide to Healing Intergenerational Trauma." Join us in this episode's transformative conversation on health, healing, and well-being, as we become architects of a future unburdened by the weight of generational pain. Please share the love by sending this to someone in your life who could benefit from the kinds of things we talk about in this space. Make sure to follow me on Instagram @dr.avivaromm to join the conversation. Looking for supplements for yourself and your family, including some of those I talk about in episodes? You can find those - and your 15% discount on every order here: Practitioners - you can also learn how to create your own accounts at
12/20/202358 minutes, 17 seconds
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Beyond Crystals and Bubble Baths: Talking About Real Self-Care

Self-care - it’s both a profoundly important concept for our physical and mental well-being - a radical step in a culture that demands ever more of us, and it’s a phenomenon that has been trivialized by the wellness world - and any number of influencers and companies that suggest a bubble bath and a candle is enough for what stresses us. But real self care is so much more - it’s an inside job, as my guest  Pooja Lakshmin, MD, shares with us. A-psychiatrist, author, and the founder of Gemma Pooja shares her journey from disillusionment in mainstream medicine to a unique commune experience, leading to her mission of redefining self-care in her new book, "Real Self-Care.” In today’s episode we discuss:  The turning point that led Pooja to drop out her medical residency training program and nd explore alternative paths. Pooja’s surprising decision to join an orgasmic meditation commune in San Francisco, the eventual decision to leave, and the lessons she learned. Her personal mental health struggles, including depression and thoughts of suicide.  The pivotal moment that motivated her to return to residency and pursue her calling. The nuances between genuine self-care and the commodified wellness industry, clarifying that the book does not dismiss common self-care practices but challenges their commodification. The three common reasons people turn to self-care and how these dynamics manifest in her life and the lives of her patients. The principles of real self-care and the importance of internal processes, emphasizing the role of boundaries and their significance in fostering genuine well-being. The intersection of privilege and self-care, especially for mothers juggling multiple responsibilities. The systemic issues causing stress, reframing the conversation from burnout to betrayal and the societal pressures for perfection  The importance of embracing "good enough., balancing excellence with realistic expectations. How positive psychology methods contribute to individual change and reshape the wellness narrative The challenges of balancing motherhood, professional responsibilities, and real self care. Please share the love by sending this to someone in your life who could benefit from the kinds of things we talk about in this space. Make sure to follow me on Instagram @dr.avivaromm to join the conversation. Looking for supplements for yourself and your family, including some of those I talk about in episodes? You can find those - and your 15% discount on every order here: Practitioners - you can also learn how to create your own accounts at
12/6/20231 hour, 4 minutes, 24 seconds
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Parent Wounds: Healing Our Hearts Even in Crisis

In the midst of the chaos that seems to be almost a constant in the world, it's easy to forget that individual lives and losses are still happening every day and can be deeply affecting us or those around us, as can family mental health issues. Sometimes those bigger global issues give us perspective, take us out of our own worries, and that can feel actually broadening and helpful and can put our lives into a perspective that brings some ease or inner peace even. Not that we're taking comfort in someone else's misery or suffering, but that there's a reminder that suffering is bigger than us and we're not alone, and that there are also major trials happening that sometimes may be even scarier in the moment than our own.  But often it's a compounding weight, and then we might also feel embarrassed for having our own feelings when there are these very big things happening. So much so that we turn inward, ashamed to share our more personal troubles for fear of seeming small or selfish, and that can create cognitive dissonance or a retreat into self that can be part of depression or create social anxiety. In this episode I explore, through my own recent loss, a specific kind of despair and trauma that affects the lives of so many: the loss of a parent through one or another form of abandonment due to our parents going through a difficult and permanently dividing divorce, though illness, including mental health challenges, or for other reasons.  I explore: What my own experience of recent loss was and what it brought up for me The impact of an abandonment on a young person, including potentially leading to complex attachment issues at various stages in our lives How paternal abandonment can put pressures on the remaining parent, usually the mother, possibly leading to mother-daughter wounds The impact of an abandoning parent on one’s self-concept, economic beliefs, and sense of belonging in the world How we are really always still children at whatever age a parent abandons one How I’ve been processing my loss through somatic work, meditation, and journaling And more Please join me for a very personal journey today, that may have specific meaning for you as we enter the holiday season. I do talk about loss, grief, and trauma, so I invite you to listen when you have the space to feel anything that might come up for you.  And thank you for honoring my vulnerability in what I share. It’s a gift to have you on this journey with me.  Please share the love by sending this to someone in your life who could benefit from the kinds of things we talk about in this space. Make sure to follow me on Instagram @dr.avivaromm to join the conversation. Looking for supplements for yourself and your family, including some of those I talk about in episodes? You can find those - and your 15% discount on every order here: Practitioners - you can also learn how to create your own accounts at
11/22/202331 minutes, 55 seconds
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Unpacking the Invisible Load of Motherhood with Erica Djossa

Like so many moms, Erica Djossa, a registered psychotherapist specializing in maternal mental health, entered motherhood assuming her “maternal instinct” would guide her through any challenges she faced. Yet, like so many mothers she'd counseled, she too, found herself struggling with identity loss, the mental load of motherhood, and the pressure to be perfect. Eventually, she had a breakdown that turned out to be a breakthrough – a moment where she realized that she was suffering from postpartum depression. When she sought help, she was dismissed by doctors who assured her that she just needed more rest. Frustrated, Erica pushed to be taken seriously, and finally got the care she needed. Through that experience, Erica realized that moms deserved more. Realizing how difficult it is to find mental health services, the now mother of 3 founded Happy as a Mother, which has evolved into Momwell, to provide mom-centered virtual therapy services and mental health literacy for moms at every stage of their motherhood journey. She has also taken to social media to make a difference. Her graphics have been shared by celebrities like Snoop Dogg, Ashley Graham, Nia Long, Hilaria Baldwin, Christy Turlington and Adrienne Bosh. Erica is passionate about maternal mental healthcare and putting moms back on the priority list. In this episode we dive deep into: Erica's own experience of postpartum and how this was a catalyst for the work she does to support mother's mental health How traditional gender roles can keep mothers - and couples - from thriving as we parent Understanding mom rage and resentment The importance of learning that as mothers, we can release Perfectionism and share the mother load Healing and preventing trauma and the power of honoring our children's resilience The potential risks of intensive parenting and Perfect Mother Syndrome on our mental health and couple's relationship How to identify your personal parenting and self-care values rather than internalizing those from our culture, community, friends, or family. Please share the love by sending this to someone in your life who could benefit from the kinds of things we talk about in this space. Make sure to follow me on Instagram @dr.avivaromm to join the conversation. You can follow Erica and Momwell on Instagram @momwell and visit Looking for supplements for yourself and your family, including some of those I talk about in episodes? You can find those - and your 15% discount on every order here: Practitioners - you can also learn how to create your own accounts at
11/8/20231 hour, 7 seconds
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A Silent Fire: Understanding Hidden Inflammation with Shilpa Ravella, MD

Here's a little secret: hidden inflammation, not genetics, is the most common underlying cause of chronic illness. Hidden inflammation is a root cause of: Premenstrual syndrome Period pain Chronic aches and pains Digestive problems Allergies and eczema Trouble losing weight Trouble sleeping Depression Alzheimer’s Autoimmune diseases Heart disease, Cancer, Diabetes   The problem is most doctors are not aware of hidden inflammation let alone how to identify or address it. Western medicine leads us to believe that we have no control over our health destiny. It’s just assumed that chronic disease is an inevitable fact of life. But it’s not. So how can we get ahead of chronic inflammation? In this week's episode of the On Health podcast, I sat down with Shilpa Ravella, MD, the author of A Silent Fire: The Story of Inflammation, Diet and Disease. gastroenterologist and Assistant Professor at Columbia University Medical Center. Tune in as we discuss: What hidden inflammation is and how to test for it How inflammation is both a cause and a risk indicator for diseases such as heart disease, cancer, obesity, diabetes, neurodegenerative disorders, and depression The most common myths about anti-inflammatory diets and why food restriction is not the answer The two most important factors in an anti-inflammatory diet The truth about the healthiest protein sources The connection between gut health, food intolerances, and inflammation  Thank you so much for taking the time to tune in to your body, yourself, and this podcast! Please share the love by sending this to someone in your life who could benefit from the kinds of things we talk about in this space. Make sure to follow me on Instagram @dr.avivaromm to join the conversation. Follow Shilpa on Instagram @shilpa.ravella and visit her website at Please share this important topic by sending the link to the show to someone you love. Plus get your copy of my book Hormone Intelligence which offers up a full plan on reducing inflammation! Looking for supplements for yourself and your family, including some of those I talk about in episodes? You can find those - and your 15% discount on every order here:   Practitioners - you can also learn how to create your own accounts at
10/25/202358 minutes, 2 seconds
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Medical Gaslighting: What It Is, Why It’s So Dangerous, and What You Can Do to Advocate for Yourself

In recent years, the term "medical gaslighting" has come to represent the phenomenon and disproportionate impact of medical dismissal of women and other marginalized groups. All too often, women leave the doctor’s office questioning themselves and their symptoms and are too often pressed into silently endure their suffering, sometimes until it's tragically too late. How can we identify when medical gaslighting is happening and protect ourselves or those we love? Join me on today's episode of On Health as I explore the roots of medical gaslighting, how to recognize it, the power of self-advocacy, and the critical need for systemic reform.   Tune in as I get into: Where the term gaslighting actually comes from How gaslighting shows up in women's healthcare, and who is at greatest risk The dangerous and potentially life-threatening consequences of medical gaslighting The problem with the word "hysterical"—and how it was a medical diagnosis until the 1980s! How to reduce your risk of having your medical symptoms dismissed as psychological My personal experience with medical dismissal—and why nobody is immune from it 7 signs that could indicate that you’re experiencing medical gaslighting How to be an advocate for yourself and avoid being medically gaslit The urgent need for systemic change and what we need to do as a society to ensure that this happens   My hope is that you walk away from this episode with greater awareness of the very real issues with gaslighting in medical care and greater confidence in speaking up for yourself and your ability to demand the respect you deserve when it comes to your healthcare.   Thank you so much for taking the time to tune in to your body, yourself, and this podcast! Please share the love by sending this to someone in your life who could benefit from the kinds of things we talk about in this space. Make sure to follow your host on Instagram @dr.avivaromm and go to to join the conversation.   Looking for supplements for yourself and your family, including some of those I talk about in episodes? You can find those - and your 15% discount on every order here:   Practitioners - you can also learn how to create your own accounts at
10/11/202354 minutes, 22 seconds
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Moving Through Grief and Its Big Messy Feelings with Kris Carr

Grief and loss touch us all in ways both small and big throughout our lives, yet our culture often struggles to embrace the messy emotions that grief brings.   On today’s On Health episode, I'm joined by author and cancer thriver Kris Carr to discuss her latest book, "I'm Not a Mourning Person,” which dives deep into the complexities of grief and healing. We explore how life's ruptures turn our world upside down and reshape us, the importance of acknowledging grief, and the difference between 'getting over it' and 'getting through it'. We also explore the importance of radical self-compassion along the way. Kris and I get into: The many ways we face grief from the loss of a loved one, the loss of a pregnancy, the loss of a marriage, or the loss of how we thought life would be The 'messy mascara moment’ that led to her emotional epiphany Overcoming the belief that emotions are 'unbecoming' and how they are actually part of becoming our whole selves The moments of rupture in her life and how she’s moved through them Anticipatory grief and how it can be a gift but also keep us from being present The power of accepting help How to be more 'grief literate' when talking with someone going through loss The 5 pillars of wellness Kris practices during times of distress How to approach work when you just can’t show up the same way during grief Thank you so much for taking the time to tune in to your body, yourself, and this podcast! Please share the love by sending this to someone in your life who could benefit from the kinds of things we talk about in this space. Make sure to follow your host on Instagram @dr.avivaromm and go to to join the conversation. Follow Kris @crazysexykris and grab a copy of her new book “I’m Not a Mourning Person” at    To register for the free webinar The Optimal PCOS Diet: The Science Behind the Nutrition Connection go to   Looking for supplements for yourself and your family, including some of those I talk about in episodes? You can find those - and your 15% discount on every order here:   Practitioners - you can also learn how to create your own accounts at
9/27/202358 minutes, 59 seconds
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Should I Freeze My Eggs? Let’s Chat About That!

Considering whether to embark on the journey of freezing your eggs? Naturally, this comes with a myriad of questions and considerations. If you're pondering this path and wondering if it's the right move for you, you're not alone.   Join me in today's "Let's Chat About That," where I address a vulnerable question from a listener who's navigating the idea of freezing her eggs and unpack some of the myths and mysteries of this fertility option.   Tune in as I explain the ins and outs of egg freezing, tackling common questions like how effective it actually is, the role of age, costs, possible health considerations including PCOS and endometriosis, and more!   In this episode, we’ll explore: The history of egg freezing and its original uses The myth about ferility dropping off a cliff after age 35 The effectiveness of egg freezing A realistic look at the financial costs and determining if it’s "worth it" A look at the potential health costs of the procedure for women and the baby The importance of carefully choosing a clinic and provider to avoid false claims prior to egg freezing Special considerations and possible risks with PCOS and endometriosis   I hope this episode empowers you to make an informed decision on your own unique fertility journey, wherever you may be and whatever that looks like for you!   Want to be part of the next “Let’s Chat About That”? Do it! Just ring me at (413) 889- 4549 and leave a voicemail for a chance to have your question featured in the next one!   Thank you so much for taking the time to tune in to your body, yourself, and this podcast! Please share the love by sending this to someone in your life who could benefit from the kinds of things we talk about in this space. Make sure to follow your host on Instagram @dr.avivaromm and go to to join the conversation.     To learn more about the Women's Integrative Medicine Training Program go to    To register for the free webinar The Optimal PCOS Diet: The Science Behind the Nutrition Connection go to   Looking for supplements for yourself and your family, including some of those I talk about in episodes? You can find those - and your 15% discount on every order here:   Practitioners - you can also learn how to create your own accounts at
9/20/202330 minutes, 29 seconds
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Hot Flashes Gone Public with Tamsen Fadal

Menopause is a transition that is so hushed, misunderstood, and often considered "taboo” in our culture. But what many fail to notice is that menopause is a beautiful new chapter in life that deserves respect, recognition, and reverence.   I'm on a mission to change the conversation around menopause to one of profound power and wisdom - because at this stage in life, we have ARRIVED!   Also on this mission is my guest on today's episode of On Health, the multi-Emmy Award-winning midlife enthusiast and champion of women's stories, Tamsen Fadal.   Tamsen is openly sharing her personal menopause journey, confronting a pervasive lack of knowledge about it, and challenging stigmas about getting older through her substantial following, her "Coming Up Next" podcast, and a forthcoming book and documentary on menopause and the power of midlife.   In this episode, Tamsen and I discuss the world of menopause and pro-aging, exploring topics including: What it means to be a “midlife enthusiast” The freedom in telling it like it is Tamsen's on-camera hot flash moment and how it contributed to a redirect in her life and work Her thoughts on and experience with hormone therapy Tropes she would love to see dispelled when it comes to menopause The duality of embracing aging while doing what makes her feel her best   Join us as we change the narrative about menopause and celebrate our wise selves! Whether you are transitioning through perimenopause, in menopause, or aren't even close, this episode is packed with wisdom that all women need to hear. Thank you so much for taking the time to tune in to your body, yourself, and this podcast! Please share the love by sending this to someone in your life who could benefit from the kinds of things we talk about in this space. Make sure to follow your host on Instagram @dr.avivaromm and go to to join the conversation. Follow Tamsen @tamsenfadal and visit her website at    To learn more about the Women's Integrative Medicine Training Program go to    To register for the free webinar The Optimal PCOS Diet: The Science Behind the Nutrition Connection go to    Looking for supplements for yourself and your family, including some of those I talk about in episodes? You can find those - and your 15% discount on every order here:   Practitioners - you can also learn how to create your own accounts at
9/13/202336 minutes, 38 seconds
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Perfectionism: Healing the Shadow Side

As we transition into autumn, with to-do lists piling up and the pressure of getting back "on track," it's an important time to revisit an age-old and perenially resonant topic: Perfectionism. It's part of how we end up overwhelmed, doing it all, and never feel like we're doing enough. i know that feeling, too! Perfectionism, that relentless inner sense of 'not-enoughness; that far too many women know far too well, is a form of what's known as high-functioning anxiety, it's a sign that you might be stuck in the adrenal-stress response - survival mode, and it's also something that can have downstream impacts on your sleep, hormones, focus, immune system, digestion, mood, weight, cardiovascular health, and more. In this episode, I invite you to reframe perfectionism, along with being a "Good Girl" and other signs of survival mode that can be causing you more stress than you even realize, and welcome you to join me in taking a deep breath as we move into a new season together, with a deeper understanding of how we can calm and quiet Perfectionism by cultivating a quieter inner life, and how you can learn to recognize the difference between the Superpowers you have and when - and why - their Shadow Sides are showing you up and driving you too hard. Join me as I share: My personal journey with Perfectionism How one of my patients shifted my perspective on Perfectionism forever What I mean by hungry ghosts and how to stop feeding them The potential health consequences of Perfectionism Symptoms suggesting that you may be struggling with Perfectionism Seven simple practices to help shift out of Perfectionism starting today! Also listen in for a special announcement about my Women's Integrative Medicine Training Program and a new Autumn podcast schedule! To learn more about the Women's Integrative Medicine Training Program go to To register for the free webinar The Optimal PCOS Diet: The Science Behind the Nutrition Connection go to Thank you so much for taking the time to tune in to your body, yourself, and this podcast! Please share the love by sending this to someone in your life who could benefit from the kinds of things we talk about in this space. Make sure to follow your host on Instagram @dr.avivaromm and go to to join the conversation. Looking for supplements for yourself and your family, including some of those I talk about in episodes? You can find those - and your 15% discount on every order here:    Practitioners - you can also learn how to create your own accounts at
9/6/202359 minutes, 39 seconds
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Centering Mothers with Support, Community, and Wisdom (with Chanel Porchia-Albert, Ancient Song)

The US, known for medical progress, is facing higher maternal mortality rates than almost any western country, and too many women don’t get the birth experience they hoped for. Enter my guest, the amazing Chanel Porchia-Albert, founder of Ancient Song Doula Services, who is here to chat with us about breaking barriers and bringing doula care to everyone. Get ready to learn about doulas' impact on birth, bridging gaps in healthcare, and making sure all birthing people have the support they deserve. In this episode, Chanel opens up about how becoming a mother boosted her confidence as a birth activist, motivating her to empower others. She shares some fun details about her meeting with the VEEP, and we talk all about: What inspired Chanel to become a doula The importance of emotional, physical, and info support through pregnancy, birth, and postpartum The wide range of support offered by full-spectrum doulas How doulas and midwives create a super support system for pregnant individuals, combining their strengths for a smoother birth journey Tips for finding affordable options for doula care and how to interview doulas to find the right fit for YOU. Chanel's take on universal policies for maternal healthcare The importance of finding joy in birth Thank you for taking the time to tune in to your body, yourself, and this podcast! Please share the love by sending this to someone in your life who could benefit from the kinds of things we talk about in this space. Make sure to follow along on Instagram @dr.avivaromm to join the conversation. Follow Chanel @chanel_porchia and check out her work at Looking for supplements for yourself and your family, including some of those I talk about in episodes? You can find those - and your 15% discount on every order here:   Practitioners - you can also learn how to create your own accounts at
8/30/202353 minutes, 20 seconds
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Vaginal Ecology - What You Need to Know

I’m a vaginal ecologist. Say what? Yes, you heard that correctly, a vaginal ecologist. Ecology is the relationship of organisms to one another and to their environment – their ecosystem. And just like any ecosystem in nature, your vagina has its own special ecology. Your overall health affects the health of your vaginal ecology, and your vaginal ecology in turn, affects your overall health - in more ways than you might expect! Join me today as I walk you through all things related to the fascinating world of vaginal flora—the microorganisms that call your vagina home—and together we’ll explore the root causes behind recurrent vaginal infections, bacterial vaginosis, I'll also break down my recommended methods for prevention, and so much more. At the end of the day, there’s no advocacy group out there that’s dedicated to keeping our vaginal ecology healthy! I hope this episode helps you to be an advocate for your own!   Thank you for taking the time to tune in to your body, yourself, and this podcast! Please share the love by sending this to someone in your life who could benefit from the kinds of things we talk about in this space. Make sure to follow along on Instagram @dr.avivaromm to join the conversation. For the accompanying article head over to Looking for supplements for yourself and your family, including some of those I talk about in episodes? You can find those - and your 15% discount on every order here: Practitioners - you can also learn how to create your own accounts at
8/23/202344 minutes, 5 seconds
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How This Mama Is Transforming the Supplements Industry

As of 2022, the supplement industry was estimated to be worth $35.6 billion. But all that glitters is not gold. Supplement companies have a history of stepping into murky waters with health claims and products that don’t provide what they say is on the bottle—or sometimes include unlisted ingredients. Further, women are grossly underrepresented in ownership and leadership roles in the supplement industry, though most purchases are made by women. My guest today is defying these odds, paving new pathways, and setting a new standard for quality in this space. In this episode of On Health, Katerina Schneider, the Founder and CEO of Ritual Vitamins, shares her remarkable journey of entrepreneurship. From humble beginnings to creating a multi-million-dollar company and having three babies along the way, she’s proud to be an industry disruptor on every level. In our discussion, we touch on a variety of hot topics, including the critical need for transparency within the supplement industry, from testing to traceable sources, and we dive into the challenges female entrepreneurs face navigating motherhood, marriage dynamics, boundaries, and balance.   Katerina and I get into: Growing up as a refugee and how it’s fuelled Kat's drive as an entrepreneur What inspired the creation of Ritual and the gaps Kat's on a mission to fill in the supplement space Kat's experience building a business as a pregnant woman in a male-dominated society The presence of heavy metals in supplements and the need for transparency in the supplement industry Raising money and the financial risks Kat's taken How Kat practices self-care and wellness in her personal life Navigating the natural shifts that take place within a long-term partnership Katerina's insights and experiences inspire, encouraging us to embrace our dreams, reach for excellence, and decide how we define success.   Thank you for taking the time to tune in to your body, yourself, and this podcast! Please share the love by sending this to someone in your life who could benefit from the kinds of things we talk about in this space. Make sure to follow along on Instagram @dr.avivaromm to join the conversation. Follow Katerina @katandkale and visit Looking for supplements for yourself and your family? Find those - and your 15% discount on every order here: Are you a practitioner? You might be eligible to open your own account! Head over here:
8/16/20231 hour, 4 minutes, 54 seconds
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The Lowdown on Pap Tests, HPV and Pelvic Exams

As if hopping onto an (almost always freezing cold) exam table butt-naked wasn't stressful enough, knowing what to do when it comes to Pap tests and pelvic examinations can be super confusing at any age. This week, I’m resharing a timeless episode from the On Health archives that will fill you in on everything you need to know about the Pap test, HPV, and pelvic exams. I cover why we can finally say bye-bye to routine annual pelvic exams (insert cheer here!) and how often a Pap test and HPV screening should be done. I also answer all of your burning questions about the HPV vaccine, overcoming testing fears, negative test results, and cervical cancer prevention. The great news, ladies—you can skip the shave and keep your britches on for your next annual physical exam. Let’s explore this further. For the accompanying article, go to  Thank you so much for taking the time to tune in to your body, yourself, and this podcast! Please share the love by sending this to someone in your life who could benefit from the kinds of things we talk about in this space. Make sure to follow along on Instagram @dr.avivaromm and go to to join the conversation.  Looking for supplements for yourself and your family? Find those - and your 15% discount on every order here: Are you a practitioner? You might be eligible to open your own account! Head over here:
8/9/202348 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Power of Hypnobirthing with Kerry Tuschhoff

When the word "hypnosis" comes to mind, we often associate it with stage performances and peculiar antics, but there’s a deeper and more powerful side to this practice, particularly when it comes to pregnancy and childbirth. This is where hypnobirthing comes in—a powerful therapeutic approach that taps into the transformative power of the subconscious during the birthing process.  On today’s episode of On Health, join me as I chat with Kerry Tuschhoff, the founder of Hypnobabies, a program that introduces powerful hypnobirthing techniques, reframing birth as a potentially empowering and joyous event rather than an ordeal. Throughout our conversation, we'll touch on the power of language, affirmations, what to expect from the hypnobirthing process, the success of Hypnobabies, and so much more. I hope today's episode provides a new lens through which you may see birth preparation and a set of techniques that bring you greater ease and confidence on your mama journey.   Kerry and I chat about: How Hypnobabies was born and what drew Kerry to the birthing field The importance of reframing the language we use about birth The power of the subconscious mind and the beliefs we internalize when it comes to birth Reframing our mindsets about the birthing process What therapeutic hypnosis is and why it isn’t something to be feared The difference between hypnosis vs. meditation or visualization How hypnosis can prepare you for the unexpected during birth The importance of advocacy and having birth partners present during labor and delivery Kerry’s insight on how to make pregnancy and birth easier and more joyful   Thank you so much for taking the time to tune in to your body, yourself, and this podcast! Please share the love by sending this to someone in your life who could benefit from the kinds of things we talk about in this space. Make sure to follow along on Instagram @dr.avivaromm and go to to join the conversation. Follow Hypnobabies on Instagram @hypnobabiesofficial and visit
8/2/20231 hour, 40 seconds
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Optimizing and Protecting Your XX Brain With Dr. Lisa Mosconi

Did you know researchers estimate that nearly two-thirds of those living with Alzheimer’s in the United States are women? As this data continues to emerge, conversations surrounding brain health are as important as ever before, which is why I’ve decided to share a beloved episode from the archives where I’m joined by a leading voice in Neuroscience, bestselling author, and one of the most influential scientists of our time, Dr. Lisa Mosconi. Lisa is blowing the lid off of female brain health with her groundbreaking research on cognitive enhancement and Alzheimer's prevention, specifically in women. She provides us with a full access pass into what is truly going on in the female brain as we age and why understanding the unique risks and strengths of the XX brain is so incredibly important, no matter the year you were born. Consider this episode a roadmap to optimal, lifelong brain health.    We discuss:  The meaning of “bikini medicine,” why it hinders women’s health research, and how Lisa is confronting this crisis  The protective effects of cumulative estrogen exposure and the role of hormone replacement therapy in women’s brain health  How risk of memory loss and dementia can be prevented by using an integrative approach including appropriate medical care and lifestyle modifications involving diet, physical and intellectual fitness  Testing recommendations to assess brain health, the Women’s Brain Initiative and therapies to prevent, delay, and, minimize the risk of Alzheimer’s disease    Dr. Mosconi holds a PhD degree in Neuroscience and Nuclear Medicine and is an associate professor of Neuroscience in Neurology and Radiology at Weill Cornell Medicine/NY-Presbyterian Hospital, where she serves as director of the Alzheimer’s Prevention Program. The program includes the Women’s Brain Initiative, the Alzheimer’s Prevention Clinic, and the Alzheimer’s Prevention Clinical Trials Unit. She is ranked amongst the top 1% of scientists of the past 20 years by official metrics, and was listed as one of the 17 most influential living female scientists by The Times. She is the author of The New York Times, USA Today, Publishers Weekly, and Der Spiegel bestselling book The XX Brain (2020) and of the international bestseller Brain Food (2018).    Find out more about the Women’s Brain Initiative and testing here -    Thank you so much for taking the time to tune in to your body, yourself, and this podcast! Please share the love by sending this to someone in your life who could benefit from the kinds of things we talk about in this space. Make sure to follow along on Instagram @dr.avivaromm and go to to join the conversation. Follow Lisa @dr_mosconi. 
7/26/20231 hour, 10 minutes, 47 seconds
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Reclaiming Birth with Allison Yarrow

According to a recent survey of over 1300 women, 56% experienced dissatisfaction with their births. Unfortunately, this statistic reveals only a glimpse into a very broken system and the reality for birthing women in our country, where 30% report some form of trauma in their birth experience.  So, where do we go from here? On today’s episode of On Health, I'm joined by award-winning journalist Allison Yarrow, who is on a mission to change this. Allison's work centers on exposing how modern maternal healthcare strips women of power, causing harm to not only our physical well-being but also our mental well-being. Together, we break down the complexities of birth, from trauma in the hospital to exploring home birth as an option, the lack of evidence in common obstetric practices, and the importance of postpartum support.   Join us as we discuss: How Allison’s home birth opened her eyes to the flawed maternal healthcare system Birth trauma and the importance of trauma-informed care The problem with electronic fetal monitoring and how much technological intervention is really needed for birth What Allison’s ideal prenatal and postpartum support model would look like The benefits of midwifery care The internalized fear surrounding birth and how to minimize it Why birthing women are the real experts Diastasis Recti, pelvic floor therapy, and the pressure to "bounce back" Allison’s mission with her new book, "Birth Control"  And more Whether you’re pregnant and feeling anxious about giving birth or have given birth and experienced trauma, I hope this conversation brings you peace in knowing that you aren’t alone and that it's not your fault, and that gives you confidence to embrace your power, heal, and seek the care you deserve going forward.  Thank you so much for taking the time to tune in to your body, yourself, and this podcast! Please share the love by sending this to someone in your life who could benefit from the kinds of things we talk about in this space. Make sure to follow your host on Instagram @dr.avivaromm and go to to join the conversation. Follow Allison @aliyarrow and get a copy of her new book “Birth Control” here!
7/19/20231 hour, 12 minutes, 1 second
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10 Birth Control Myths and Realities You Should Really Know Part 2

Welcome back to the second half of this two-part series, 10 Birth Control Myths and Realities You Should Really Know! In part one, I explored the Pill's connection to blood clots, cancer, depression, and cognitive changes. Through rigorous research and analysis, I shed light on the myths and truths behind these assertions and explored whether there is any validity to them.   Today, we continue our mission to separate fact from fiction as we go deeper into this topic. In part two, I uncover whether or how the Pill influences… Autoimmune and inflammatory issues Nutrient status Bone density Weight gain and blood sugar problems Sex drive Mate selection and attraction In Part 2, I also go over specific risk factors that can be contraindications to hormonal contraception, many of which your medical provider might not discuss with you!   As we wrap up this series, my aim is for you to have a thorough understanding of the Pill, equipping you with the knowledge to make informed decisions that align with your body and well-being. This series is a 'must-listen' for anyone currently using the Pill for contraception of hormonal symptoms or considering it as a contraceptive option. Thank you so much for taking the time to tune in to your body, yourself, and this podcast! Please share the love by sending this to someone in your life who could benefit from the kinds of things we talk about in this space. Make sure to follow your host on Instagram @dr.avivaromm and go to to join the conversation.
7/12/202352 minutes, 18 seconds
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10 Birth Control Myths and Realities You Should Really Know Part 1

For almost sixty years, the birth control pill has been a symbol of sexual liberation for women, offering relief from symptoms and granting newfound control. For some women, it can be practically miraculous. But the Pill also has side effects and risks that are often dismissed by medical doctors yet exaggerated by the wellness world. So, is the Pill a friend or a foe?  It’s time to separate myth from reality, and I’ll be doing just that and more in this juicy two-part miniseries of On Health. I'll be dispelling common myths and providing accurate information about the Pill, shedding light on the real risks that every user should know. Whether you're considering it for yourself or for your daughter, I explore the considerations and concerns that extend beyond the Pill to other forms of hormonal contraception. Over the course of this two-part series, we’ll be examining ten Pill myths and realities, concluding with a discussion on its suitability, who should avoid it, and how to make the best decisions tailored to your unique needs, concerns, preferences, and lifestyle. In part one, I uncover whether the Pill causes: Blood clots Breast cancer Depression Brain and cognitive changes By the end of this series, you'll have a clearer understanding of the Pill's benefits and risks, empowering you to make informed decisions regarding its use for gynecologic symptoms, birth control, or whether it's time to consider alternative options for medical reasons. So, get cozy, tune in, and join us as we navigate the complexities of the Pill together. Your journey to informed decision-making starts now! Thank you so much for taking the time to tune in to your body, yourself, and this podcast! Please share the love by sending this to someone in your life who could benefit from the kinds of things we talk about in this space. Make sure to follow your host on Instagram @dr.avivaromm and go to to join the conversation.
6/28/202348 minutes, 9 seconds
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Vagina Obscura and the Sexist History of Female Anatomy With Rachel E. Gross

Female anatomy is shrouded in misconceptions and limited knowledge. Yet within us lies potential for transformation, healing, and pleasure.  On today's episode, I'm thrilled to be joined by distinguished journalist and author of the acclaimed book "Vagina Obscura: An Anatomical Voyage." Rachel E. Gross.    Rachel's groundbreaking book sheds light on untold stories and silenced narratives, shaping our understanding of female anatomy. Through her detailed research and heartfelt storytelling, we explore the interconnectedness of physical, emotional, and social aspects of women's health, fostering empowerment and self-discovery.  Rachel and I discuss:  How bacterial vaginosis inspired Rachel to write this book The history of lack of female orgasm in a marriage being grounds for divorce in the US  How shame has historically been baked into the language of female anatomy  What the 'career women's disease is and how attitudes about women impact our ability to get the care we need  The truth about female orgasms and the G spot  Radical women who have paved the way for better scientific understanding of the ovaries, uterus, fertility, and more!  Join us on a journey as we unravel the mysteries of female anatomy, challenge societal norms, and celebrate our resilience and beauty. We dismantle the barriers of shame and misinformation, embracing and celebrating the magic and intricacies of the female body.    Thank you so much for taking the time to tune in to your body, yourself, and this podcast! Please share the love by sending this to someone in your life who could benefit from the kinds of things we talk about in this space. Make sure to follow your host on Instagram @dr.avivaromm and go to to join the conversation. Follow Rachel Gross on Instagram @gross_out, check out her noteworthy New York Times article here, and grab a copy of her book here!  
6/21/202349 minutes, 7 seconds
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On Our Best Behavior: The Price Women Pay to Be Good Enough with Elise Loehnen

Perfectionism, that nagging feeling of never doing enough, of never being good enough, guilt any time you practice a little self-care. Do you ever wonder where these feelings and inner voices that dog us come from?  It's a question I've given a lot of thought to and deep-dived into in today's Oh Health podcast with Elise Loehnen, author of her newest release, the NYT Bestseller, "On Our Best Behavior: The 7 Deadly Sins and the Price Women Pay to Be Good." Join me for the latest episode of On Health as we explore the roots of perfectionism, being a "good mom," and being a "good girl," and discuss:  Elise’s firsthand experience with high-functioning anxiety and its influence on the content of her new book The relentless pursuit of self-improvement and the longing to be "good enough." The idea of "Hungry Ghosts" and how so many of us have narratives and ideas chasing us that make us feel inadequate  What it means to be "good" as a woman and mother, and why we deny ourselves certain pleasures that don’t align with this societal mould  The meaning and significance behind "The 7 Deadly Sins", and the effect they have on women  The art of balance and why it's what Elise hopes her readers will take away from the book  Self-inquiry and how Elise is putting this into practice in her everyday life  The wellness industry and the dangerous perpetual perfectionism and purity it pushes  Changing the narrative to support other women rather than tear them down    Thank you so much for taking the time to tune in to your body, yourself, and this podcast! Please share the love by sending this to someone in your life who could benefit from the kinds of things we talk about in this space. Make sure to follow your host on Instagram @dr.avivaromm and go to to join the conversation. Follow @eliseloehnen on Instagram and grab a copy of her new book at   
6/14/20231 hour, 5 minutes, 16 seconds
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On BETR Ways to Close the Healthcare Gap with Ellen Pompeo

It’s a startling and unfortunate reality that too many Americans are unable to access the medications they need for their basic healthcare, and that on top of this, billions of dollars' worth of pharmaceuticals go to waste annually, causing environmental pollution as well. Joining me today is none other than a trailblazer who needs no introduction as she embarks on a transformative mission to create a BETR way! After 19 remarkable seasons on one of the most beloved television series of our time, Grey's Anatomy, Ellen Pompeo has stepped away from her on-screen scrubs to advocate for better access to healthcare.  In our conversation today, we explore:  What Ellen has learned from fans and nurses about just how broken the healthcare system is Ellen’s sense of personal social responsibility and her desire to be a role model to her own kids How she is using her recognition from playing a doctor-on-TV for good, with a focus on fixing the broken pharmaceutical industry through BETR Remedies Why health and social equity are so important to Ellen Ellen’s non-negotiable wellness habits and finding balance as a working mother Navigating menopause, blood sugar, and more The confidence and wisdom that come with getting older Join me for this insightful, candid, and thought-provoking episode and get ready to experience Ellen Pompeo like never before as we uncover her passion for healthcare, self-care, and her dedication to creating meaningful change.  Thank you so much for taking the time to tune in to your body, yourself, and this podcast! Please share the love by sending this to someone in your life who could benefit from the kinds of things we talk about in this space. Make sure to follow your host on Instagram @dr.avivaromm and go to to join the conversation. Follow Ellen on Instagram @ellenpompeo and visit
6/7/202352 minutes, 32 seconds
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Let's Chat About That - Did the Pill Ruin My Fertility?

Are you concerned about the impact of birth control pills on your fertility? It's only natural to prioritize the well-being of your body and future fertility. And rest assured, you're not alone. A recent study of over 2,000 women who used oral contraceptives (OCs) found that most women had some worries. Fortunately, there's enough reassuring data that should allow you to breathe a major sigh of relief, all of which I'll delve into today with another special "Let’s Chat About That" episode of On Health. Listen in as I respond to a heartfelt voicemail from a listener who's worried that previous birth control pill use has ruined her fertility. In this episode we'll explore: Common myths and misconceptions about how the birth control pill works, and hint, it's not really by regulating your menstrual cycle. Women's biggest fears about how the Pill and other hormonal contraceptives might affect fertility in the long run Whether there's truth to the fear that the Pill, etc., impacts fertility, with an in-depth breakdown of the data How long does it take to get your cycle back when coming off the Pill How to plan and time conception when coming off the Pill, while avoiding unnecessary infertility workups, including what you need to know about OCs and ovarian reserve Adolescent pill use and its impact on long-term fertility Support for ovarian and hormonal health after coming off hormonal birth control Whether you should take "Pill" holidays if you're a long-term OC user And more! If you've been on the Pill and are hoping to conceive soon, are already trying, or just want answers to alleviate fears, this episode is the most comprehensive review you'll find. Want to be part of the next "Let's Chat About That?" Do it! Just ring me at (413) 889-4549 and leave a voicemail for a chance to have your question featured in the next one! Thank you so much for taking the time to tune in to your body, yourself, and this podcast! Please share the love by sending this to someone in your life who could benefit from the kinds of things we talk about in this space. Make sure to follow your host on Instagram @dr.avivaromm and go to to join the conversation.
5/31/202330 minutes, 2 seconds
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Toward a New Model of Maternal Health in the US with Neel Shah, MD

In a recent development, the US Preventive Services Task Force sounded the alarm about the increasing prevalence of hypertensive disorders among pregnant women. They have advised monitoring blood pressure throughout pregnancy since these disorders have doubled in the last three decades, impacting one in ten pregnancies. Unfortunately, the United States lags in maternal health, bearing a troublingly high maternal mortality rate compared to other countries. While the newly recommended guidelines are undeniably important, it is crucial to delve deeper into the root causes that contribute to this and the growing number of other chronic health problems showing up in pregnancy. On today's episode of On Health, I have the privilege of being joined once again by the remarkable Dr. Neel Shah, a forward-thinking OBGYN and the Chief Medical Officer of Maven Clinic. Together, we delve into the heart of the maternal health crisis, exploring its multifaceted origins, and discuss important new ways of thinking about critical problems. We examine the profound societal challenges that impact maternal health and emphasize the urgent need for and significance of personalized care and the promising role of emerging digital healthcare solutions in supporting pregnant individuals. Furthermore, we address the repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic, including the impact of forced isolation on maternal health. It is of utmost importance that we continue to raise awareness about maternal health and strive for comprehensive changes that prioritize the well-being of both mothers and babies in this country. By tackling the underlying factors that contribute to these challenges and ensuring access to meaningful care, we can achieve healthier outcomes for all, including the most vulnerable members of society. Dr. Neel and I discuss: COVID-19, lack of labor support, isolation, and other unforeseen obstacles for pregnant people Systemic racism and the impact of weathering on maternal mortality rates Dr. Neel’s firsthand experience as a practicing OBGYN during the pandemic The dangers of generalizing and the importance of working directly with pregnant people on their individual needs A breakdown of what pregnant or aspiring pregnant people deserve from the healthcare system The goal of the Maven Clinic app and the potential of digital maternal care options Dr. Neel’s perspective on the centering pregnancy model Why Dr. Neel feels that competence, reliability, and affirmation are required to move the needle in creating systemic change in maternal care Thank you so much for taking the time to tune in to your body, yourself, and this podcast! Please share the love by sending this to someone in your life who could benefit from the kinds of things we talk about in this space. Make sure to follow your host on Instagram @dr.avivaromm and go to to join the conversation. Follow Dr. Neel @neel_t_shah, check out the Maven Clinic App and more @mavenclinic
5/24/202352 minutes, 20 seconds
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Intermittent Fasting and Time-Based Eating: Is There Evidence for Women’s Health and Weight Loss?

In the ever-changing landscape of trends and choices, it's important to separate the fleeting fads from the timeless practices. Today, we embark on an insightful journey, shining a light on two prominent trends that have taken center stage: Intermittent Fasting (IMF) and Time-Based Eating (TBE) and their profound impact on women's bodies. Join me as I peel back the layers, shedding light on the unique methodologies of IMF and TBE. We’ll explore the known benefits and potential risks and provide you with valuable insights to help you make informed decisions that resonate with your individual needs and aspirations, no matter what stage of life you're in. So, take a moment to settle in and let me guide you through the realms of IMF and TBE. Together, we'll navigate the path to optimal women's health and weight management, offering a nurturing and supportive perspective that honors the journey of womanhood. Get ready to embrace a balanced and empowering approach to well-being that will leave you feeling nourished, rejuvenated, and inspired for years to come.  In this episode, I talk about: The main differences between and the science behind both IMF/TBE What we know (and don’t know) about the benefits – and risks – for women, specifically Why I don’t recommend IMF as robustly as I do TBE How to avoid having a negative impact on your reproductive hormones while doing TBE, especially if you’re very physically active My advice for a moderate TBE approach that’s safe and beneficial for pretty much everyone Who should not practice TBE My personal approach to TBE and what I recommend in my practice   Thank you so much for taking the time to tune in to your body, yourself, and this podcast! Please share the love by sending this to someone in your life who could benefit from the kinds of things we talk about in this space. Make sure to follow your host on Instagram @dr.avivaromm and go to to join the conversation. 
5/17/202358 minutes, 40 seconds
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Re-Owning Yourself: A 360 Approach to Menopause with Suzanne Gilberg-Lenz

Over the course of her twenty-year medical career, my guest today, Dr. Suzanne Gilberg-Lenz, noticed a shocking dearth of information and support for women beginning and experiencing menopause. For too long, this crucial stage in women’s lives has been given perfunctory notice in medical schools and is often either a hidden secret or the punchline to a joke—denying women the information and support they need. This disregard, coupled with the unconscious misogyny and ageism that run rampant in our culture, portrays menopause as something to be afraid of, and worse, adds a patina of shame around the blessing of ageing and the beginnings of a new, normal, and enriching phase in a woman’s life.   Dr. Suzanne, as her patients call her, believes that the millions of women entering menopause each year deserve thoughtful, candid, modern, holistic information about the physical and psychological issues that arise in this transitional stage, including changes in libido, metabolism, body image, and fears over genetic age-related illnesses. She contends that menopause is a whole-life condition and deserves a wide-ranging approach that combines meditation, yoga, therapy, herbal supplements, along with the most up-to-date science with conventional medical solutions. And this is all part of her approach in her "Menopause Bootcamp" gatherings and book of that title. In this episode of On Health, Dr. Suzanne shares her insights and advice on how to not only survive menopause but also thrive and embrace this new chapter of life. From the importance of community and self-love to the use of botanicals and so much more, Dr. Suzanne's holistic approach to menopause is a game-changer for women everywhere. So sit back, relax, and join us as we explore and gain the tools necessary to take on this transformative and empowering stage of life with confidence and ease.   Suzanne and I get into: What ultimately inspired her to shift her focus on all things menopause The Menopause Bootcamp and the importance of community during this transition Taking a closer look at internalized misogyny as women Normalizing the grieving process for the loss of who we once were The link between the mental health crisis and the menopausal transition The common symptoms associated with menopause: sleep, weight gain, brain fog, and more. Botanicals, cannabis-based products, and other recommendations to minimize the mood shifts associated with menopause Mentally and physically navigating weight gain during this hormonal shift Thank you so much for taking the time to tune in to your body, yourself, and this podcast! Please share the love by sending this to someone in your life who could benefit from the kinds of things we talk about in this space. Make sure to follow your host on Instagram @dr.avivaromm and go to to join the conversation. Follow Suzanne at @askdrsuzanne and order her book, The Menopause Bootcamp, here!
5/10/202352 minutes, 30 seconds
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How to Choose the Best Birth Control for You

Are you overwhelmed by the number of birth control options available and wondering which one is right for you? Are you confused about the safety of various contraceptives? Confused about whether to use the Pill or another contraceptive method for PCOS, endometriosis, acne, or another hormonal condition?   There’s no denying that it can be daunting. With so much confusing and contradictory information out there, how can we separate facts from fiction to make an informed decision? Fear not: In today’s episode, I share my 35+ years of experience and research on birth control methods from my vantage point as a midwife and MD who appreciates the range of options available to us to take control of our reproductive lives. I dive into the pros and cons of common forms of contraception, the safest, most effective, and most convenient methods, and, importantly, how to pick the method that best suits your unique, personal needs at this time in your life. No judgement, no fearmongering—just good, honest information. I jam about: The various methods of birth control available from the Pill to IUDs, condoms, fertility awareness, and more. The pros, cons, safety issues, and comparative efficacy of these various methods My thoughts on the Pill as a physician —and when I prescribe it How to choose birth control based on your current needs—and what to take into consideration Thank you so much for taking the time to tune in to your body, yourself, and this podcast! Please share the love by sending this to someone in your life who could benefit from the kinds of things we talk about in this space. Make sure to follow your host on Instagram @dr.avivaromm and go to to join the conversation.
5/3/202335 minutes, 2 seconds
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What's a Normal Period, Really? with Kate Clancy, PhD

In this episode of On Health, I dive deep into the science and culture of our menstrual cycles with Kate Clancy, PhD, period researcher and expert in the field of reproductive biology who has dedicated her life’s work to advocating for menstrual health and wellbeing. We explore the myths and misconceptions surrounding menstruation, as well as the social stigma that often accompany it. Kate sheds light on the latest research in menstrual biology, from the role of hormones to the microbiome of the uterus. We also discuss the cultural and historical factors that have shaped our attitudes towards menstruation and how these attitudes impact women's experiences today. But we don't stop there. We also delve into the controversial topic of COVID-19 vaccines and how they may affect our menstrual cycles. Kate shares her insights based on the latest research, her own personal experience, and a survey she did which received 165,000 responses. Kate and I discuss: Why she decided to study and dedicate her life’s work to menstruation Iron deficiency and periods: is there a correlation? The nuanced topic of period suppression and the implications of birth control Her infamous tweet about the COVID-19 vaccine, her findings, and her own personal experience Vaccine trials, research, and the dangerous lack of menstrual inclusion and acknowledgement Dispelling some of the myths surrounding what is considered "normal" and "abnormal" as it pertains to menstrual cycles The importance of paying attention to our bodies while also understanding that levels of variation in our cycles are to be expected Dr. Clancy's work is a reminder that menstrual health is an important and often overlooked aspect of overall health and well-being. By increasing awareness and education surrounding this topic, we can break down the societal stigma and empower individuals to better understand and care for their bodies. Thank you so much for taking the time to tune in to your body, yourself, and this podcast! Please share the love by sending this to someone in your life who could benefit from the kinds of things we talk about in this space. Make sure to follow your host on Instagram @dr.avivaromm to join the conversation. Follow Kate at @clancy_kate and check out her book at
4/26/202349 minutes, 24 seconds
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How Social Media Censorship is Impacting Women's Sexual Health

CONTENT WARNING: Sexual assault  Did you know that it takes only 3.5 years to sail around the world but up to 10 years to get an endometriosis diagnosis? That three out of four women experience pain during intercourse at some point in their lives? Or that nearly half of all women aged 18 to 35 have trouble reaching orgasm with a partner, and most women don't score their sexual satisfaction as very high?    These statistics are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the vast spectrum of issues that women face with regards to their reproductive and sexual health.    And did you know that women, like myself, who try to talk about this -- and even things like birth and breastfeeding, on social media platforms have been censored while overtly sexual ads for male issues are overtly promoted?   Unfortunately, this pervasive culture of censorship silences crucial information from being shared among women and hinders progress towards achieving equity and wellbeing around important women's health issues.    Enter Jackie Rotman, founder and CEO of the Center for Intimacy Justice. Jackie is an inspiring activist and creative whose work on social media equity has been instrumental in changing policies so that women's voices can be heard and women's health needs can be more openly discussed on Meta (Facebook, Instagram).    Join me for this latest On Health episode where Jackie and I discuss:  The pleasure gap: what it is and why it needs to change Why women's reports of sexual satisfaction are so much different than men's How internet censorship around women's health affects our knowledge and empowerment  The personal experiences that inspired Jackie to focus her substantial intellectual power on internet censorship and sexual health bias  How stifling and censoring women's health affects the reach of business by women, for women, and favors the growth of men's businesses into the women's health space.  This is a must-listen episode for all of us trying to find health information and thrive in our modern internet world.  Thank you so much for taking the time to tune in to your body, yourself, and this podcast! Please share the love by sending this to someone in your life who could benefit from the kinds of things we talk about in this space. Make sure to follow your host on Instagram @dr.avivaromm and go to to join the conversation. Follow Jackie @jackierotman1 and check out The Center for Intimacy Justice  
4/19/202359 minutes, 9 seconds
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Hormonal Hot Housing: On Why We Need to Understand and Prevent Early Puberty in Our Daughters

As parents, it’s instinctual that our number one priority is to ensure that our daughters grow up as happy and healthy as possible. So with the very real phenomenon of early puberty on the rise, it's understandable that many of us have growing concerns about it.   On today’s episode of On Health, we'll be exploring early puberty, including the various environmental and social factors that could be contributing to this trend, what we can do starting at a young age to promote healthy hormonal and reproductive functioning, as well as how to recognize the signs of early puberty and address them in a non-judgmental and supportive way. Whether you're a parent, grandparent, healthcare provider, or just want to know about this important topic, I know you'll find this episode informative and reassuring.   In this episode, I talk about: Factors causing or contributing to the rise of early puberty in our girls Why we think the COVID-19 pandemic increased the rates of early puberty around the world Early puberty as a 6th Vital Sign The signs of early puberty that parents and physicians should know and recognize Best health and life-style prevention practices De-stigmatizing puberty and practicing open communication with our girls   Thank you so much for taking the time to tune in to your body, yourself, and this podcast! Together, we can give our girls the support and protection they need to emerge into womanhood with confidence and ease. Please share the love by sending this to someone in your life who could benefit from the kinds of things we talk about in this space. Make sure to follow your host on Instagram @dr.avivaromm and go to to join the conversation.
4/12/202337 minutes, 51 seconds
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Dismissed: On the Way Bias May Be Affecting Your Healthcare with Dr. Angela Marshall

Here’s the uncomfortable truth: Ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age, body size, and other factors have a significant bearing on whether you will be diagnosed and treated correctly. And health-care bias can mean the difference not just between suffering and relief but between life and death.  On today’s episode of On Health, my guest, Angela Marshall MD, a board-certified internist, founder of Comprehensive Women's Health, Inc., and the author of the new book, Dismissed: Tackling the Biases that Undermine Our Health, shares the personal tragedy she experienced as a young mother and medical student that transformed the way she was to practice medicine, brings us front and centre into some of the core biases getting in the way of people getting good healthcare, and offers pragmatic solutions for providers to address and overcome their biases within a broken system.  Angela not only explains what so many people feel so profoundly—that the system is working against them. It also reveals what healthcare practitioners, patients, and society in general can do to make it right. For anyone who has ever felt vulnerable while navigating the healthcare system, this episode is a must-listen. Join us as we delve into this vital topic and shed light on the ways in which biases impact patient care.  Angela and I discuss: How the death of a dear friend - a black woman MD, due to medical dismissal and the loss of her own infant son, also due to medical dismissal, have now galvanized her approach to being a physician. The deep-rooted indoctrination into biases that continues to exist within medical education and the healthcare system - and what needs to be done to enact real change Fat shaming and the importance of finding a provider you feel comfortable and safe with in a medical setting How we can better advocate for ourselves when we are in medical settings, and when it's time to break up with your doctor How we can find grace and compassion for ourselves when we've experienced medical dismissal.  Thank you so much for taking the time to tune in to your body, yourself, and this podcast! Please share the love by sending this to someone in your life who could benefit from the kinds of things we talk about in this space. Make sure to follow your host on Instagram @dr.avivaromm and go to to join the conversation. Follow Angela @angelawmarshall, find her book and learn more about Premedical Explorers at
4/5/20231 hour, 6 minutes, 59 seconds
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On What We All Need to Know About Living with Long COVID

Have you wondered if you or someone you know has Long COVID? It's VERY possible! As of 2023, the CDC estimates that 1 in 5 people, as many as 1 in 3 college students, and a preponderance of menopausal women who have had COVID still experience symptoms more than 3 months—or more—after being infected. Long COVID continues to impact the everyday lives of countless "long haulers" globally.  On today’s episode, I'm joined by journalist Fiona Lowenstein, an early and prominent voice in the Long COVID patient movement, who wrote the New York Times article that first blew the lid open on Long COVID. Fiona's story sheds light on the often-overlooked experiences of long haulers, highlights the need for greater awareness and understanding of the condition, and provides hope that healing can happen over time. We discuss: Fiona's experience as part of the first wave of people who got sick with COVID in NYC and how little the medical community knew how to help them The major gap between what COVID long-haulers are experiencing and medical testing Medical gaslighting, racism, homophobia, and how these systemic biases affect many people's abilities to get help The similarities between Long COVID and chronic fatigue syndrome and the realities of post-viral illnesses  The effects of Long COVID from mental health challenges to neurological issues, chronic fatigue, POTS, and more. How Fiona's started their online peer support group and how this group helps other COVID long-haulers What Fiona wishes people who don’t have Long COVID knew about living with the illness and the change they wish to see in the medical community If you or a loved one is dealing with Long COVID or another invisible illness, I hope that this podcast offers hope, empowerment, and support. Please send this to someone who needs reassurance that they are not alone, or a friend, to help them better understand the realities of chronic invisible disease. Thank you for taking the time to tune in to your body, yourself, and this podcast! Please share the love by sending this to someone in your life who could benefit from the kinds of things we talk about in this space. Make sure to follow your host on Instagram @dr.avivaromm and go to to join the conversation. Follow Fiona at @fi_lowenstein, check out the Mutual Aid Book Exchange, grab a copy of her book and learn more about The Body Politic at
3/29/20231 hour, 14 minutes, 6 seconds
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On Period Pain in Teens - A 6th Vital Sign That You Don’t Want to Miss

If your teen daughter is struggling with period pain and you're looking for answers - or you're a teen here for yourself - this episode is for you. Period pain, or what’s medically known as dysmenorrhea, has become such a normalized part of the menstrual experience, so much so that regularly taking ibuprofen to numb the discomfort and skipping out on important life obligations is something we’ve come to blindly accept as "normal" - which we owe ourselves more than to believe. Our periods should not be painful! So too, when it comes to our teenage daughters. But if that's the case, what level of discomfort is actually considered "normal?" And when is it time to search for possible underlying causes? On today’s episode of On Health, I’ll be addressing period pain in our teens, the key role our 'hormonal ecosystem' plays and what it means when I say that our menstrual cycle is a 6th Vital Sign. We'll explore conventional and integrative practices to help relieve menstrual pain, how to reframe the way our daughters view their periods from a monthly curse to a useful indicator of overall systemic wellness, and more. After all, given that we have about 400 periods in our lifetime, learning how we can influence and support ourselves throughout our menstrual cycles at an early age can set us up for decades of greater ease and health!  In this episode, I talk about: The menstrual cycle as the 6th vital sign and why it’s an important indicator of overall health The difference between primary and secondary dysmenorrhea Why period pain should never be dismissed, especially when it interferes with your life Proactive lifestyle and dietary approaches to address the root causes of menstrual pain How to determine when it’s appropriate to take NSAIDS like ibuprofen and other medications My herbal and supplement recommendations for menstrual discomfort, including whether there's a role for cannabis in period pain in teens Thank you so much for taking the time to tune in to your body, yourself, and this podcast! Please share the love by sending this to someone in your life who could benefit from the kinds of things we talk about in this space. Make sure to follow your host on Instagram @dr.avivaromm and go to to join the conversation. And remember, you can call in a question, too! Just dial (413) 889-4549 and leave your message!
3/22/202338 minutes, 30 seconds
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On Family Secrets with Dani Shapiro

Imagine opening an email that contains a revelation that rocks your world to the core, forcing you to completely rethink your origin and your identity- this is exactly what happened to my guest on today's On Health Podcast episode, Dani Shapiro. Every family has secrets. Some are buried and never spoken about, some are maturely disclosed, and others are inconveniently discovered. These discoveries have the ability to shake us to the core and shatter our entire world, especially when related to something as serious as our identity. With the most recent advancements in at-home genetic testing kits like 23andMe and, these earth-shaking stories are becoming the norm, and the reality of anonymous sperm donors and shady fertility clinics of the past are finally being exposed, creating a painful realization for those coming to learn the truth about who they really are. My guest today is no stranger to this particular kind of pain. With 11 critically acclaimed books under her belt and a hit podcast, Dani Shapiro has dedicated her entire adult life to the exploration of family secrets, weaving personal experience into her work and shining a light on what's been left in the dark. After a test result from a random at-home kit revealed the truth about her father, her entire world was turned upside down at the age of 54, and today, she’s sharing her story. Join us as we discuss: The truth of my own family secret and how it affected me as a young girl How increased access to DNA tests and ancestry kits is unraveling some deep mysteries and secrets for many but few were even looking for The history of assisted reproductive medicine and the shame around male infertility, especially in the 60s Dani's insights on healing and forgiveness, both how they can happen and when it just seems they can’t happen Healing the mother wound - even and especially if we have a rocky relationship with our own mothers Anonymous sperm donors and how it may be essential to our health to know where we come from The ultimate question- do family secrets need to be brought to light or can they remain secrets? and so much more! Thank you so much for taking the time to tune in to your body, yourself, and this podcast! Please share the love by sending this to someone in your life who could benefit from the kinds of things we talk about in this space. Make sure to follow your host on Instagram @dr.avivaromm and go to to join the conversation. Follow Dani @daniwriter and grab a copy of her books at
3/15/20231 hour, 16 minutes, 59 seconds
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On How to Have a Safe, Empowered Miscarriage at Home: What Every Woman Needs to Know

TRIGGER WARNING: Miscarriage and pregnancy loss.  Both physically and emotionally, there is very little that can prepare a woman for something 1 in 4 of us will experience in our lifetime: miscarriage. Early pregnancy loss is a complex topic that has consistently been high on the list of what many healthcare providers, journalists, and female podcasters consider to be taboo to dive deeply into - or even discuss at all, for fear of being perceived as negative. And in this post-Roe era, it’s all the more complicated as women are being denied not just abortion services - but miscarriage support - even sometimes in emergencies.  With the complexities of the current reproductive health landscape, I felt now would be a timely and appropriate moment to share an episode from 2020, where I walk you through the miscarriage process from start to finish. In today’s climate, with strict abortion laws and difficulty accessing the medications needed for at-home miscarriage, it’s all the more important that we, as women, have the knowledge about what to expect and how to safely miscarry, should we or someone we love choose or be forced to, either at home or otherwise.    Join me as I discuss:   The signs and symptoms of early pregnancy loss and the different types of miscarriage  The options for miscarriage care including watch and wait, medications, and surgical procedures   What to expect in a miscarriage  Tips and best practices for an optimal at-home miscarriage experience  Herbal recommendations for when the miscarriage begins - Find more information in the accompanying article, here!    How to determine when medical care and attention is needed  Miscarriage aftercare and when you can try again    If you are living in a state with strict abortion laws where it’s difficult to access the medications needed for a medication miscarriage approach at home, be sure to check out my podcast interview with Imani Wilson-Shabazz of Plan C, an organization dedicated to helping women easily and affordably access the medications used to manage both an abortion and a miscarriage.    I hope that this episode provides you with all you need to know to fell less alone and to know miscarriage isn't your fault, and how to make an informed decision about the miscarriage options that work best for you and your individual situation without shame, how to feel more empowered about this common experience, and how speak up for yourself if necessary to get the care you need.  Thank you so much for taking the time to tune in to your body, yourself, and this podcast! Please share the love by sending this to someone in your life who could benefit from the kinds of things we talk about in this space. Make sure to follow your host on Instagram @dr.avivaromm and go to to join the conversation. 
3/8/202349 minutes, 50 seconds
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On Invisible Illness: Living at the Edge of Medical Knowledge with Meghan O’Rourke

From chronic fatigue to Lyme’s disease to COVID to autoimmune conditions, "invisible" illnesses and those who suffer from them are often disbelieved. It's often a struggle to receive a diagnosis, and more often than not, sufferers do not receive the adequate care they need. Lack of knowledge and understanding from medical providers may lead women to remain silent and hide their suffering, live with persistent symptoms, as well as facing isolation, depression, and anxiety. So where does one even start if suffering from an invisible illness and how does one begin the journey towards reclaiming your own life? Tune into today’s episode of On Health to find out My guest today, Meghan O'Rourke, is the author of the New York Times bestseller and absolute must-read, The Invisible Kingdom: Re-Imagining Chronic Illness. In her twenties, Meghan began suffering from mysterious symptoms ranging from crushing fatigue to rashes to strange neurologic symptoms. The decade long search for a diagnosis led her down a long path of discoveries about conventional, integrative alternative medicine - and herself! Her book and wisdom is a healing balm for anyone struggling with or who loves someone with chronic disease. In this episode, we discuss: What an invisible illness is, and some of the most common known conditions for which women are most commonly dismissed Meghan's journey of seeking a diagnosis and treatment for a constellation of symptoms while redefining her sense of self as someone with an invisible illness. Medical gaslighting, self-gaslighting, and gender as obstacles to women receiving proper medical care The role online groups and alternative medicine played in finally getting a diagnosis Why it's so important to deeply trust her your body and learn to discern is -- and isn'tt -- working for you from medical interactions to conventional and alternative therapies Non-negotiables for living well, and navigating work and motherhood, with a chronic condition The impact of long-COVID on raising awareness and changing the cultural and medical narrative about chronic, invisible illnesses How to advocate for yourself in conventional medicine and integrative wellness Many of you listening will find yourself in Meghan story. I hope this interview and her book give you a feeling of being less alone and remind you of the need for compassion for yourself or those in your life. Thank you so much for taking the time to tune in to your body, yourself, and this podcast! Please share the love by sending this to someone in your life who could benefit from the kinds of things we talk about in this space. Make sure to follow your host on Instagram @dr.avivaromm and go to to join the conversation. Follow Megan @meghanor and grab a copy of her book at
3/1/20231 hour, 3 minutes, 27 seconds
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On Vaginal Dryness and Painful Sex in Menopause

An estimated 6,000 women in the U.S. reach menopause every single day—that’s over 2 million each year! And an average of 27 million women between the ages of 45 and 64 experience menopausal symptoms. All this to say, you are not alone if you experience vaginal dryness and/or pain during sex. My goal today is to help you feel comfortable in your body and in your life by sharing what you need to know about the causes of these symptoms, what you can do to soothe and heal your vagina, and how you can make sex comfortable again.      Vaginal dryness also affects women in their 20s and 30s, so even if you're not in menopause, have a listen because you're sure to learn something about your body now—and something for your future self!     In this episode, I talk about:      What happens to our hormones leading up to and during menopause and why these changes can lead to vaginal dryness and, in turn, painful sex  How to know whether your vaginal symptoms or pain with sex are due to menopausal changes or to another condition  Effective, easy, and practical tips that you can use for vaginal dryness and painful sex  The differences between lubes, moisturizers, and oils, when and how to use each, and why hyaluronic acid may be a great option  My recommendations for herbal remedies and the pros and cons of a variety of supplements  The hormonal approaches currently available and which option may be the right choice for your treatment  The surprising and sexy tip to help heal vaginal dryness and pain during sex      I truly believe this is a phase of our lives that is meant to be filled with empowerment, self-love, and, when desired, self-pleasure.       And remember, you too, can call me at (413) 889-4549 and leave a voicemail with your women’s health-related questions, which may just get featured in a future episode!      Thank you so much for taking the time to tune in to your body, yourself, and this podcast! Please share the love by sending this to someone in your life who could benefit from the kinds of things we talk about in this space. Make sure to follow your host on Instagram @dr.avivaromm and go to to join the conversation. 
2/22/20231 hour, 42 seconds
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Thinx Again: On What We Need to Know about PFAS in Our Period Products

As thoughtful consumers, we try to make the best decisions for ourselves and our families. And the bottom line is that we shouldn't have to twice about the possibility that the everyday products we use, from the cookware in our homes to our cosmetics, could pose any level of danger to our health and wellbeing. We should be able to have confidence in the brands that make these products, as well as in the role of the powers that be — specifically the FDA — in ensuring their safety. However, there are unfortunate realities behind many of these everyday goods; PFAS, better known as "forever chemicals,” being one of them. In today’s episode of On Health, I address the threat of PFAS to our wellbeing as women, and to our children as I talk about the recent controversy that was brought to light from behind the shadows of some very misleading marketing by Thinx, a popular period underwear company. I dive into the long-term impact these chemicals can have on our health, the toxicity of labels like "organic" and "natural" in products that clearly contain PFAS, what products to be aware of, how to limit your exposure, and the importance of advocating for real, systemic change to keep ourselves, our families, and future generations as safe and healthy as possible. Join me as I discuss: The definition and history of PFAS and why they are classified as "forever chemicals" Where menstrual products fall under the FDA's regulatory category and what this ultimately means for their safety How much PFAS exposure we are getting from menstrual products and the health risks associated with this Tips and best practices to reduce exposure to PFAS when it comes to both menstrual products and everyday living Why the issue of these chemicals present in our products requires systemic change and what needs to be done moving forward Thank you so much for taking the time to tune in to your body, yourself, and this podcast! Please share the love by sending this to someone in your life who could benefit from the kinds of things we talk about in this space. Make sure to follow your host on Instagram @dr.avivaromm and go to to join the conversation. Resources: For PFAS-free options for menstrual underwear, check out guides from Better Goods and Mamavation The Green Science Policy Institute has lists of PFAS-free consumer products—from rain gear to car seats. The Environmental Working Group’s database can help you to identify cosmetics and body products that do not contain PFAS. Additional Reading: Are Your Menstrual Products Hazardous To Your Health? Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDC) Impacting Your Hormone Balance The Toxins That Could be Tanking Your Thyroid For an in-depth discussion of the role of endocrine disruptors on our reproductive health - and what you can do - get your copy of my bestselling book, Hormone Intelligence
2/15/202327 minutes, 31 seconds
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On the History of the Migraine Personality with Joanna Kempner

Sensitivity to light, sounds, and sometimes smells, nausea, vomiting, and sometimes hours spent in darkened rooms. If you suffer from migraines, then you're all too familiar with these symptoms, which may affect you infrequently or as often as several times each week. Migraines are three times more common among women than men, and are worse prematurely and in menopause when women may experience them for the first time. But it's not just the numbers that are different, women are perceived and treated differently. Today I'm sharing the rich and relevant conversation I had with Dr. Joanna Kempner, an associate professor in the Department of Sociology at Rutgers, who is doing important work on gender politics and pain, specifically the striking difference between how men and women with pain are treated by doctors. In this episode, we explore the historical emergence of the 'migraine personality,' hysteria, and further disparities in pain treatment for women of color. We explore the societal factors that lead women to feel guilty for speaking up about their pain, whether it be chronic pain caused by a condition like migraine or acute pain for example, with a heart attack, and the ways that the stigma of pain affects pain research and the implications of this for the current and future treatment of women's pain. Joanna and I discuss: The historical context for the diagnosis previously called ‘hysteria’ The stigma women who have migraines might experience How people who suffer from migraines take on stereotypes What happens when a migraine is not recognized as a disability How the pharmaceutical industry plays on women’s guilt Why the medical community so often disbelieve women The patient-blaming language of medication overuse The irrationality of the opioid crisis How and why women of color remain invisible in medical research and have their pain treated differently Tune in to learn why these disparities in pain treatment still exist, how they are affecting our care, and how we can addres this in our own lives. Thank you so much for taking the time to tune in to your body, yourself, and this podcast! Please share the love by sending this to someone in your life who could benefit from the kinds of things we talk about in this space. Make sure to follow your host on Instagram @dr.avivaromm and go to to join the conversation. Check out Joanna’s incredible work and grab a copy of her book Not Tonight: Migraine and the Politics of Gender and Health at
2/8/202358 minutes, 18 seconds
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Let’s Chat About That: On Supporting Optimal Immunity In Pregnancy

Motherhood is a lifelong role, during which there will be no shortage of opportunities to worry. Even before you give birth, your mama-bear radar is engaged, and you’re suddenly motivated to do all you can to protect this precious being growing inside of you. So as hard as it is to manage these worries while we're pregnant, it's also an ideal time to start developing inner practices to help us cope with these worries, both in order to protect ourselves and our little ones.   On today’s first official Let’s Chat About That episode of On Health, I’ll be addressing some of these worries head on by answering a voicemail from an expecting mama who is concerned about immunity during pregnancy, currently dealing with the very real feelings of anxiety and fear about getting sick during this time. My goal today is to ease some of these overwhelming worries by providing you with the honest facts so that you can make the most informed decisions to keep yourself and baby healthy now and for the long run.   On this episode, I discuss: The likelihood of developing respiratory illness while pregnant Non-respiratory infections to be aware of: herpes, toxoplasmosis, and Listeria What you need to know about the cold, the flu, COVID, and RSV while pregnant, including prevention and what to do about common respiratory symptoms and fever Universal symptoms that tell you it's time to get medical care How to minimize exposure and boost immunity safely in pregnancy I hope this episode brings you the peace of mind, reassurance, and ease to carry you through your pregnancy and into your journey through motherhood. I look forward to connecting with you and answering more of your women’s health-related questions in future episodes of this series! Remember, you can call me at (413) 889-4549 and leave a voicemail for a chance to be featured on the next one! Thank you so much for taking the time to tune in to your body, yourself, and this podcast! Please share the love by sending this to someone in your life who could benefit from the kinds of things we talk about in this space. Make sure to follow your host on Instagram @dr.avivaromm and go to to join the conversation.
2/1/20231 hour, 1 minute, 1 second
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On the Big Letdown: A Radical Conversation on Birth and Breastfeeding with Kimberly Seals Allers

Content Warning: In this episode, we will be talking about maternal mortality, infant mortality, and the impact of racism on maternal health. 60% of all maternal deaths are fully preventable, and the complications women experience are not inherent to black or brown bodies. Yet Black and Brown women have been blamed for their "bad outcomes" instead of recognizing that these deaths all too often have to do with failures in the obstetric system. In the US today, a Black woman is 12 times more likely to die of childbirth than a white woman, despite socioeconomic factors. Today on the On Health podcast, I am having a very real and much-needed discussion on the racial disparities in the business of birth, the demand for change, how we can better celebrate Black birthing people, and more, with Kimberly Seals Allers. She is an award-winning journalist, five-time author, international speaker, strategist, and advocate for maternal and infant health. A former senior editor at ESSENCE and writer at FORTUNE magazine, she is also a leading voice on the racial and socio-cultural complexities of birth, breastfeeding, and motherhood. Additionally, she is the founder of Irth, a new "Yelp-like" app for Black and Brown parents to address bias and racism in maternity and infant care. Kimberly also created Birthright, a podcast about joy and healing in Black birth that centres on positive Black birth stories. In this episode, we discuss: How weathering - the phenomenon of being exposed to ongoing racism - impacts Black pregnant and birthing women  Kimberly's journey into breastfeeding and birth activism - and how it's a family affair for her  The Irth app and how Kimberly is challenging medical bias and shining a light on much needed provider and birth space accountability  Black birthing joy and how it is possible to hold both the reality of these statistics and the celebration for Black birthing people  How we can push for change despite generations of struggle  And so much more!  Tune in for an incredibly raw conversation and a very real look into a black woman’s reality as an expecting mother and beyond. Your eyes will be further opened to the injustice that continues to exist in this country and you will feel more inspired than ever to do what you can to take action as an advocate. Thank you so much for taking the time to tune in to your body, yourself, and this podcast! Please share the love by sending this to someone in your life who could benefit from the kinds of things we talk about in this space. Make sure to follow your host on Instagram @dr.avivaromm and go to to join the conversation. Follow Kimberly @iamksealsallers, get your copy of The Big Letdown: How Medicine, Big Business, and Feminism Undermine Breastfeeding, listen to the Birthright Podcast and check out the Irth App at
1/25/202354 minutes, 48 seconds
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Pt. 2 On Alcohol and Women's Health from Fertility thru Menopause

Welcome to the second half of our alcohol miniseries!  In part one, I focused on how alcohol metabolizes differently in women than men and how this increases women's alcohol-related health risks. I also talked about how alcohol can effect puberty, our hormones, and menstrual cycles.    If you haven’t already listened, it's a perfect prequel to today's episode, where I talk about how alcohol may impact fertility, PCOS, endometriosis, menopause, and breast cancer, giving you food for thought on whether and if so how much drinking is okay for YOU, and also tools for smarter alcohol intake.  You’ll walk away from series feeling empowered and equipped with the tools and information necessary to approach alcohol in a way that best matches your lifestyle.     In this episode, I dish on:  How alcohol may impact fertility and how to approach drinking while trying to conceive  How inflammation caused by alcohol consumption can enhance symptoms of PCOS and endometriosis  The role of alcohol in menopause, hot flashes, and sleep struggles  Alcohol and breast cancer: risks, susceptibility, genetics, and more  How alcohol may impact methylation and DNA  The top tips for drinking in a way that mitigates the risks of alcohol, while still being able to enjoy light intake should you want to  Whether you're trying to conceive, are currently pregnant, going through menopause, struggling with PCOS or endometriosis, or simply want to learn more about the potential long-term effects of alcohol on your health, - even just light drinking - this series as a must-refer-back-to one for various cycles of your life. So listen, save and share it!    Thank you so much for taking the time to tune in to your body, yourself, and this podcast! Please share the love by sending this to someone in your life who could benefit from the kinds of things we talk about in this space. Make sure to follow your host on Instagram @dr.avivaromm and go to to join the conversation. 
1/18/20231 hour, 8 minutes, 8 seconds
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On Women, Alcohol, Our Hormones and Menstrual Cycles

Alcohol. It's the kind of frenemy that many women have a love-hate relationship with. It may make us feel good in the moment—relaxed, more social, less anxious—but many women find that after a drink or several, they’re moody, irritable, don’t sleep as well, and feel overall kind of not-so-great. Are there reasons for this that are unique to women? And can alcohol have hidden effects on our estrogen? Progesterone? Menstrual cycles? What about your gut? Circadian rhythm? Thyroid?   That’s exactly what we’ll explore together in this two part series on women, alcohol, and our hormones. Whether you’re having a dry January or just hitting the brakes a little now that the holiday parties are behind us, what better time of year is there to do a little self-check-in on this anyway? It can be a perfect time to revaluate your relationship with alcohol altogether as you move into a healthier New Year.   We’ll be diving straight into the research and discussing the direct impact alcohol has on women’s hormonal and long-term health, so you can make the most informed decisions when it comes to alcohol consumption that best fit your lifestyle.     In the first of this two part series on women, alcohol, and our hormones, we'll deep dive into...  Why we need to know how much a "drink" really is in terms of alcohol content  The differences between how men and women metabolize alcohol and why this is so important  The differences between light, moderate, heavy, and binge drinking and why it matters  How your personal background can play a role in the way you react to alcohol  The truth about red wine consumption and the French Paradox   The dynamic between alcohol, inflammation, leaky gut, blood sugar, and thyroid health  How alcohol impacts estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, and our menstrual cycles     This episode will give you food for thought and some important information to consider as you intentionally reflect on whether and how much to include alcohol in your lifestyle with zero judgment.     Thank you so much for taking the time to tune in to your body, yourself, and this podcast! Please share the love by sending this to someone in your life who could benefit from the kinds of things we talk about in this space. Make sure to follow your host on Instagram @dr.avivaromm and go to to join the conversation. 
1/11/20231 hour, 6 minutes, 30 seconds
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Why Creating & Setting Boundaries is Essential for Our Health

At some point, too many of us internalized the belief that being a woman means complete self-sacrifice, not setting healthy boundaries for our well-being, and not taking care of our fundamental needs – even for sleep, quality food, and relaxation. Further, as moms, we often take on the lioness's share of the household. As partners, we plan the dates and stay in touch with old friends. At work, we pick up the slack of others without so much as a peep of protest. But here's the thing- often, others don't even notice that we are doing all of this extra work because we haven't set healthy boundaries - with ourselves or with them. We've been taught to be the "good girl" (definitely listen to last week's podcast episode ALL about this topic if you haven't yet) and with this, we also believe that boundaries are rude or selfish.  So we give and give and give - at the expense of our well-being and sometimes at the expense of our own passions and fulfillment. Time for a reframe! Not only is having boundaries not selfish - but we are better givers when we practice conscious boundaries. And that's exactly what I'm talking about in this latest On Health episode. Tune in as I dish out my top tips to get you on your way to a boundary-setting queen! And learn all about why it's truly so important, just in time for the new year ahead and beyond.    In this episode I share:  What boundaries are, including the types we may overlook   Why we have trouble setting boundaries  How to know whether you need better boundaries in your life  Exercises to support you in discovering your highest priorities and how to stick to them  The boundary-setting practices to get you started and that really work  And more - including my weird style tip that relates to boundaries      I KNOW that many of you will have at least a few "aha" moments and maybe even have some tears of understanding. Listen and become your own boundaries badass!   Thank you so much for taking the time to tune in to your body, yourself, and this podcast! Please share the love by sending this to someone in your life who could benefit from the kinds of things we talk about in this space. Make sure to follow your host on Instagram @dr.avivaromm and go to to join the conversation. 
12/21/20221 hour, 7 minutes, 28 seconds
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How Being a “Good Girl” is Hazardous to Your Health

From a young age, we’re taught to be "good girls." We’re told to be polite, to be nice, not to interrupt, and to say thank you—even when we don't mean it. As little girls, we're best "seen", not heard and told that if you question authority or speak your mind, then you're bossy, too loud, or even a bitch.      And while we know this is all nonsense as adults, so many of us still hold onto these beliefs and habits, which cause us to remain silent at board meetings, apologize to the other person when they cut us off in the checkout line, and remain silent in the doctor's office when we know something is wrong.   It's "good girl syndrome", and it can seriously affect our health and even our safety, as you'll learn in this episode!   In the episode, I share:      An essential lesson in self-advocacy I learned in 3rd grade that has and continues to serve me powerfully in my life and work      The science behind the "fawning" stress response and how so many of us do it without even noticing      "Good Girl Syndrome": what is it, why we develop it, and how it can even be damaging to our health    Why it's good for your health to be a "bad patient"      My experience being the "good girl" in medical school and how that led to a major shift     How channeling my inner "bad girl" saved my patient's life      The power of the Wonder Woman pose and the tools necessary for women who are struggling to advocate for themselves      And so much more!      This episode is a MUST for every woman who needs empowerment to finally get her doctors to listen, to speak up to her boss, or to embrace her own inner Wonder Woman, power, and confidence.      And remember to head over to my Instagram page to join in the convo on this episode.   Thank you so much for taking the time to tune in to your body, yourself, and this podcast! Please share the love by sending this to someone in your life who could benefit from the kinds of things we talk about in this space. Make sure to follow your host on Instagram @dr.avivaromm and go to to join the conversation. 
12/14/202240 minutes, 43 seconds
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Come as You Are with Emily Nagoski

This week, I'm sharing a replay of my interview with New York Times bestseller, Dr. Emily @Nagoski, author of Come as You Are, because she's so interesting and because as we shift through seasons of our lives (and through pandemic seasons!) our s*xual needs and s*x lives shift and evolve, too. There are certain themes that we hear differently in each phase of our own lives.  One of my favorite quotes from this interview is: "The most important factor for women in creating and sustaining a fulfilling s*x life, is not what you do in bed or how you do it, but how you feel about it." It's just one of many pearls Emily drops in this episode!  Join me in this episode of Natural MD Radio as I talk with Emily about what we can do to cultivate s*xual wellbeing in our lives and how we learn what's normal and fulfilling for each of us, not externally based norms.   Thank you so much for taking the time to tune in to your body, yourself, and this podcast! Please share the love by sending this to someone in your life who could benefit from the kinds of things we talk about in this space. Make sure to follow your host on Instagram @dr.avivaromm and go to to join the conversation. 
12/7/20221 hour, 14 minutes, 47 seconds
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Women’s Top Thyroid Questions, Answered (Part 2): Thyroid Antibodies + Thyroid Treatments

The thyroid is such a complex part of our endocrine system, involved in hundreds of processes that affect nearly every aspect of our health, so naturally there’s plenty of ground to cover. I’m so thrilled to be picking up where we left off in Part 1 and diving back into all things thyroid. Whether you’re in the midst of thyroid struggles or seeking some general guidance for your overall thyroid wellbeing, I'll be tackling more of your thought provoking questions. I hope you walk away from the conclusion of this series feeling empowered, that much more thyroid literate, and all the wiser.  Listen in to learn all about:   All things thyroid antibodies from what they are, what they mean, and whether, when, and what to do if they're elevated   All things about thyroid medications: The pros and cons, testing while taking them, and my go-to recommendations for a variety of situations   The truth about whether Hashimoto's and Grave's disease are 'curable"   How to wisely take an integrative approach to thyroid health: breaking down the pros and cons of multivitamins, iodine, inositol, healthy diet, and more     You'll also learn how to join me for a whole new and really exciting On Health feature: Let's Chat About That - where you can call me directly with the burning questions you’d like answered on the show related to women’s health, hormones, fertility, pregnancy, birth, postpartum, menopause, lifestyle, mental health, or pediatrics. You now have the opportunity to leave me a voicemail and have it played on an upcoming episode - with an answer from me! Call me at 413-889-4549 and ask away. I can’t wait to hear what's on your mind!   Thank you so much for taking the time to tune in to your body, yourself, and this podcast! Please share the love by sending this to someone in your life who could benefit from the kinds of things we talk about in this space. Make sure to follow your host on Instagram @dr.avivaromm and go to to join the conversation.   
11/30/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 48 seconds
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Healing Our Food Relationship with Mindfulness

How many times have you sat down to a meal already worried about the calories in the food you’re eating? Or plagued by feelings of guilt and feelings of loss of control instead of the pleasure and nourishment of eating?    If you often have an inner food battle, as do so many of us, and if you want to pass a healthy food relationship onto your now or future daughters, today’s episode is for you. Around the holidays specifically, it can be hard to relax and enjoy ourselves when the society we live in is filled with images and ideals of unrealistic body standards.    So join me for a very special episode this week to learn about    The relationship between cortisol and stress eating, and why willpower isn't just about 'you'.  The powerful influence of family history culture and society on body image and how this translates into our relationship with food, and what food 'introjects' are  The benefits of mindful eating and how this can transform not only your relationship with food, but digestion and metabolism as well  Where digestion actually begins, and why this is so important for carbohydrate digestion  How to eat to satiety rather than overfullness and ways to let go of the food battle in your mind      I'll also be leading you through a special visualization on mindful eating and providing you with tools to help you navigate food healthfully through this holiday season and beyond. I wish you a whole new and loving relationship with food and your body, with no resolutions, no battles, and no struggles needed, starting right now.      Thank you so much for taking the time to tune in to your body, yourself, and this podcast! Please share the love by sending this to someone in your life who could benefit from the kinds of things we talk about in this space. Make sure to follow your host on Instagram @dr.avivaromm and go to to join the conversation. 
11/23/202250 minutes, 57 seconds
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How to Boost Your Immunity for Cold and Flu Season

This year, staying well and preventing colds and flu is more important than ever. Not only is it expected to be a worse-than-average flu season, but we’re also entering another COVID winter. But what is it that you can do that really works to boost your immunity? Can you actually rely on herbs and supplements? What else can you do?     In this episode, I answer these questions and more. I share the top tips that really work to prevent colds and flu in adults and kids—from the practical to the pharmaceutical to the nutritional and herbal.     Have a listen to learn:  The difference between colds and flu, and what all the fuss about flu is about  The role of flu vaccines and Tamiflu in flu prevention  Who might be at higher risk with the flu  The roles of exercise, diet, and sleep in boosting immunity - and the surprising importance of not over-exercising  The best supplements and herbs to boost immunity, including doses, and what you can safely try if you're pregnant or nursing.     I hope this episode brings you food for thought and support for a healthy autumn and winter!    Thank you so much for taking the time to tune in to your body, yourself, and this podcast! Please share the love by sending this to someone in your life who could benefit from the kinds of things we talk about in this space. Make sure to follow your host on Instagram @dr.avivaromm and go to to join the conversation.   
11/16/202255 minutes, 23 seconds
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Blood Sugar Balance with the Glucose Goddess

Blood sugar balance. It's the starting place in my patient care, and it's the one core thread, other than eating 'whole foods,' that runs through how I personally think about what I eat.     Why? As your body’s preferred energy source, glucose is a substantial and essential piece of our biological puzzle. From your hormones, mood, energy, cravings, and overall health, your blood sugar levels can influence so much more than we might even be aware of. And when blood sugar spikes and crashes this rollercoaster creates some of the symptoms we experience daily like cravings, headaches, anxiety, and more.     Enter the Glucose Goddess, biochemist Jessie Inchauspé, and my guest on today's episode, where we dive into blood sugar balance, from what it is, why it's important, and how to get it. Join us for a conversation that is pivotal to women’s health and packed full of information to dramatically improve your overall health and wellbeing - and remarkably quickly and easily.      Jessie and I discuss:       The tragic accident that influenced Jessie’s interest in studying glucose   What exactly is glucose, and what does it mean to have a glucose spike   The reality of using CGMs (Continuous Glucose Monitors)   Three main symptoms of a ""glucose rollercoaster""  Concerns surrounding glucose spikes and inflammation   Finding the balance between healthy eating, non-restriction, and pleasure   Jessie’s 9 core principles for achieving glucose balance     Jessie Inchauspé is the founder of the Glucose Goddess movement with a community of over 1.2 million followers, and author of Glucose Revolution: The Life Changing Power of Balancing Your Blood Sugar. She is on a mission to help people understand their bodies and blood sugar in an accessible, actionable way!       Thank you so much for taking the time to tune in to your body, yourself, and this podcast! Please share the love by sending this to someone in your life who could benefit from the kinds of things we talk about in this space. Make sure to follow your host on Instagram @dr.avivaromm and go to to join the conversation. Follow Jessie glucosegoddess and find her new book Glucose Revolution: The Life Changing Power of Balancing Your Blood Sugar at  
11/9/20221 hour, 1 minute, 19 seconds
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Women's Top Thyroid Questions, Answered (Part 1)

The thyroid is one of the most important and complex glands in our body. And as women, we need to know a thing or two about it because, statistically, 1 in 8 of us will suffer from thyroid issues during our lifetime, with significant impacts on our overall health and well-being. Naturally, we all have questions surrounding this precious anatomy, but the answers don’t always come as easily, leaving many in the dark with no clear direction.      In Part 1 of this episode, I'm going to be answering the real-life questions sent to me by women just like you, diving deep into thyroid health, dispelling some myths while providing guidance and a dose of empowerment that—you’ve got this—should you need it now or later down the road.      In this episode I discuss:      How the thyroid functions and what role the thyroid plays in women's health   The differences between and the common symptoms of various forms of hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism   Best practices for lab testing, the types of tests available, and how to understand your results   The various factors that can lead to thyroid problems and affect thyroid health overall   Tips for approaching your doctor to get the answers and tests you need     Thank you so much for taking the time to tune in to your body, yourself, and this podcast! Please share the love by sending this to someone in your life who could benefit from the kinds of things we talk about in this space. Make sure to follow your host on Instagram @dr.avivaromm and go to to join the conversation. 
11/2/202259 minutes, 46 seconds
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Who’s Afraid of Fever?

Every year, over 5 million parents visit the ER because their child has a fever and they're worried.. Sometimes those visits are necessary. But more often than not, we assume that we unnecessarily fear fever, and assume we have to treat it. As a seasoned physician and mama, my goal is to empower parents to trust their instincts while providing the necessary tools to help you feel more at ease when your child does has a fever - which will happen in most kids at some time or another. And with cold and flu season officially upon us, what better time to tackle this topic and break down some of the fever misconceptions out there.  So sit back, relax and trust your own beautiful, mama wisdom as I talk about:     What a fever is, and the science behind why we get them   Misconceptions about fever and whether or not it is something to fear   The risks and benefits of over-the-counter medications and when they are appropriate for use   Best practices when taking a child’s temperature   Physical warning signs and how to assess whether a visit to a doctor or hospital is truly needed   The importance of trusting your maternal instincts and advocating for your child at the doctor’s office   Natural and herbal remedies to help minimize discomfort    For the accompanying article,  Thank you so much for taking the time to tune in to your body, yourself, and this podcast! Please share the love by sending this to someone in your life who could benefit from the kinds of things we talk about in this space. Make sure to follow your host on Instagram @dr.avivaromm and go to to join the conversation.  
10/26/20221 hour, 36 seconds
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Optimizing Immunity Through the Gut-Immune Axis With Robynne Chutkan MD

What do sleep, mucus, and, plant diversity have in common? They're all important aspects of a healthy gut and immune system, which is what I connect the dots on today with my guest-friend and sister MD, Dr. Robynne Chutkan. In this episode, Robynne and I dive deep into gut health with some very important and actionable takeaways. Right in time for cold and flu season, and all year round. You'll walk away from this episode with so much knowledge and insight into keeping you and your family's microbiome and immune system healthy!    Robynne and I discuss:   Dr. Chutkan's experience in medical school and how she became excited to enter the field of gastroenterology   Dr. Chutkan's experience having a sick baby and finding the root cause of her ailments by digging into her medical history   Advice for mothers wanting to support their children's microbiome   Why sleep is SO important for gut health and immunity   How the gastrointestinal system works and why it is truly the centre of your immune system   Why diet diversity may be one of the most important contributing factors to gut health   6 tips to truly optimize your gut starting today!       Dr. Chutkan is an integrative gastroenterologist and the author of Gutbliss, The Microbiome Solution, The Bloat Cure, and The Anti-Viral Gut. A former chair of the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ASGE), she’s authored dozens of scientific articles and lectured globally on the role of the microbiome in health and disease. She's appeared on The Today Show, CBS This Morning, and other media outlets and is passionate about introducing more dirt, sweat, and vegetables into her patients’ lives!    Thank you so much for taking the time to tune in to your body, yourself, and this podcast! Please share the love by sending this to someone in your life who could benefit from the kinds of things we talk about in this space. Make sure to follow your host on Instagram @dr.avivaromm and go to to join the conversation. Follow Robynne @gutbliss and find her new book The Antiviral Gut at  
10/19/20221 hour, 17 minutes, 7 seconds
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Negativity Bias: Why We Expect the Worst and How to Change That

Human brains do a lot of thinking - to the tune of about 6200 thoughts per day! Most of these are just passing thoughts, but according to researchers, a lot of those that reach our consciousness can be classified as negative thoughts. This week, I’m sharing the science behind the phenomenon that explains this: negativity bias - because it’s a way of thinking that can affect our health, our well-being, and determine whether we live our lives to the fullest.  I talk about:  Where these kinds of negative thoughts come from   How they affect our health, relationships, and the choices we make—including whether we take big leaps on our dreams!   How to recognize negativity bias in the form of Automatic Negative Thoughts (or ANTS)  And I share how you can transform this thinking so that you can reframe inhibiting, fear-based, unhelpful thought patterns into courageous action in your life.    If you want to live your life more optimistically and effectively, check out this episode.    For the accompanying article, visit    Thank you so much for taking the time to tune in to your body, yourself, and this podcast! Please share the love by sending this to someone in your life who could benefit from the kinds of things we talk about in this space. Make sure to follow your host on Instagram @dr.avivaromm and go to to join the conversation.  
10/12/202250 minutes, 28 seconds
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Enough Already: Protecting Kids from Environmental Toxins

Every time you're fuelling your car or walking into your home and don’t have to worry about lead exposure, it’s thanks to my guest today, no less than one of my heroes, Dr. Phillip Landrigan. But the question still remains— how can you protect your children from environmental toxins? Chemicals are everywhere in today’s world, and it’s impossible to protect your child completely from the risks that they pose...but don’t panic! Dr. Landrigan and I discuss the 3 biggest hazards to your child’s health and what you, your community, and policymakers can do—starting today—to keep families safe.    Dr. Landrigan and I discuss:   How to detect lead poisoning symptoms in your child and how often they should be screened for lead exposure   The two negative developments in today’s society that threaten to undo all the progress made in lowering lead exposure    How you can test for lead in your home and what you can do to protect your family   The known (and unknown) risks of manufactured chemicals   Pesticides in our food and the truth about GMOs   Keeping your baby safe from toxins during pregnancy   What's it going to take to make changes to public policy across the board     Philip Landrigan is an American epidemiologist and pediatrician and one of the world's leading advocates of children's health. Dr. Landrigan was the first to document the effects of lead poisoning on American children, which led to the US government’s decision to remove lead from paint and gasoline. Dr. Landrigan has published over 500 scientific papers and has written several books for parents, including his latest, co-authored with his wife Mary Landrigan, Children and Environmental Toxins: What Everyone Needs to Know.    Thank you so much for taking the time to tune in to your body, yourself, and this podcast! Please share the love by sending this to someone in your life who could benefit from the kinds of things we talk about in this space. Make sure to follow your host on Instagram @dr.avivaromm and go to to join the conversation.      
10/5/202251 minutes, 12 seconds
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How Doulas Make a Difference with Tracie Collins

George Floyd, Brianna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery—these are names you know. I hope. But what about Kira Dixon Johnson, Yolanda Kadima, and Tatia Oden French? These are names that you may not have heard. They are the names of Black women who needlessly died in childbirth, several of whom reported symptoms and concerns to their medical provider prior, but who were dismissed or ignored.    My guest today, Tracie Collins, is passionate about changing both the statistics and the narrative surrounding Black birthing people. As the founder of the National Black Doulas Association, she's breaking down racial disparities in the medical system and fighting against America’s unacceptable Black maternal death rate by ensuring Black women know their birthing options. She joins me on the podcast to share more about the realities, challenges, and burdens of Black women, and how change requires changing the medical system.  Tracie and I discuss:   How to hold space for both having the data to change the system while not creating more anxiety and stress for black women    The story of Anarcha and how the history of pain tolerance and medical inequalities goes back to slavery      The meaning of full spectrum doula work     How midwifery led Tracie to become more radical in her personal and professional life     Tracie's current projects and sources of creative inspiration   Advice for people looking to work with a doula who may have accessibility barriers      Tracie Collins has been published in Parents, Rolling Stone, and Essence, and is a contributor to Black Love, CNN Health, and NBC Today. In honor of her work in arts and entertainment and calling attention to the human trafficking epidemic in Oakland, the mayor of Oakland deemed March 14th as Tracie Collins Day. Her work also extends beyond the birthing room, exploring women's rights and social injustice as an actor, playwright, and producer, working in television and film.     Thank you so much for taking the time to tune in to your body, yourself, and this podcast! Please share the love by sending this to someone in your life who could benefit from the kinds of things we talk about in this space. Make sure to follow your host on Instagram @dr.avivaromm and go to to join the conversation. Learn more about the National Black Doula’s Association at and follow them on Instagram @nationalblackdoulas.   
9/28/202256 minutes, 20 seconds
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Why We Need Birthing Centers

Despite years of evidence about the incredible outcomes, safety, and cost-effectiveness of midwives, midwifery care is still not the standard for pregnancy and birth in the US, and access to birthing centers remains limited. Yet, studies show they are associated with a reduction in cesareans, preterm births, increased breastfeeding success, and an overall positive experience of birth. This is why we need birthing centers and why the work of my guests, visionaries Nashira Baril and Katherine Rushfirth, is critical for creating a sea change in how people birth in this country.         Aviva, Nashira, and Katherine discuss:    Nashira’s and Katherine’s origin stories into birth work  What a birthing center is and how does it differ from home or hospital birth options  The advantages of birthing centers and working with a midwife   The fact that the birthing center model remains majority white-led and why this needs to change    The huge financial savings birth centers put back into the healthcare system  How birthing centers are important not just for individuals, but also for building community  Advice for people interested in the birthing center experience but who don’t have access to a center   Ways you can support the Neighborhood Birth Center as well as other birthing centers      Learn more about the neighborhood birth center and find their video “You Were Welcomed with Love” HERE.    Nashira Baril, MPH, is the daughter and great-granddaughter of midwives, who midwifed her children at home. Nashira is the founder and executive director of Boston’s Neighborhood Birth Center, the city’s first community birth center, poised to open in 2023. She has a master’s degree in Maternal and Child Health from Boston University School of Public Health and nearly 20 years of experience designing and implementing public health strategies. She has worked at the Boston Public Health Commission, Harvard School of Public Health, and most recently, Human Impact Partners.       Katherine Rushfirth is a Certified Nurse Midwife and the Policy Director for the forthcoming Neighborhood Birth Center. Katherine was the Associate Chief of Midwifery at Massachusetts General Hospital and among the first midwives to be named faculty at Harvard Medical School. Katherine is a past-president of the MA Affiliate of the American College of Nurse Midwives (ACNM) and currently serves as the Legislative Co-Chair for MA ACNM. Katherine completed her midwifery education at Yale University and her BA in Women’s Studies/Anthropology at Barnard College. "    Thank you so much for taking the time to tune in to your body, yourself, and this podcast! Please share the love by sending this to someone in your life who could benefit from the kinds of things we talk about in this space. Make sure to follow your host on Instagram @dr.avivaromm and go to to join the conversation. Follow the Neighborhood Birth Center @neighborhoodbirthcenter. 
9/21/20221 hour, 11 minutes, 21 seconds
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Perfectionism: Healing the Shadow Side

Perfectionism. It's a common relentless inner stress that I know I'm not alone in experiencing. What you might not realize is that it's a common symptom of being stuck in mode of survival mode. In this episode I invite you to reframe Perfectionism, along with being a "Good Girl" and other traits of survival mode that can be causing us stress without our even knowing it, and take a deep dive into how we can understand our Superpowers and Shadow Sides to create a more peaceful, balanced life.      Join me as I share:    My personal experience with Perfectionism and how one of my patients shifted my perspective  The potential health consequences of Perfectionism  The meaning behind "hungry ghosts" and why you may be holding on to your past  Symptoms that suggest you may be struggling with Perfectionism  Seven simple practices to help shift out of Perfectionism    For the accompanying article, visit      Thank you so much for taking the time to tune in to your body, yourself, and this podcast! Please share the love by sending this to someone in your life who could benefit from the kinds of things we talk about in this space. Make sure to follow your host on Instagram @dr.avivaromm and go to to join the conversation. 
9/14/20221 hour, 1 minute, 39 seconds
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Vaginal Seeding After Cesarean: Is It Safe and Recommended for Your Baby?

Curious about vaginal seeding and whether it is safe and recommended for you and your baby? To date, more than 20 studies have found that the microbiome in cesarean-born babes is different than that of vaginally born infants. These differences can persist to 4 years of age and may pose lasting health consequences. I know this may sound scary but I have some great news to share: researchers and microbiologists are exploring solutions to help increase the health outcomes for mothers and babies through a technique they named Vaginal Seeding, which can be used following a cesarean. This is ground-breaking and pivotal research as the number of cesareans continues to rise on a global level. Tune in to today’s episode to learn what vaginal seeding is, the current research supporting the technique, the potential benefits and risks of vaginal seeding, and ways you can support the newborn microbiome. Let’s explore this further. For the accompanying article, go to    Thank you so much for taking the time to tune in to your body, yourself, and this podcast! Please share the love by sending this to someone in your life who could benefit from the kinds of things we talk about in this space. Make sure to follow your host on Instagram @dr.avivaromm and go to to join the conversation. 
9/7/202241 minutes, 8 seconds
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Too Many Cesarean Sections: What You Need to Know

We are facing what continues to be a global cesarean section crisis. The overuse of cesarean sections, especially in the United States, is not new, but it has continued to become more prevalent here and globally over the past 30 years. Joining me this week is obstetrician/gynecologist and world leader in women's reproductive rights, Marleen Temmerman, MD. Listen in as we talk about the dual problem of both the overuse and under-access of cesarean sections for women around the world, and the impact of both of these on women’s health and safety. I know you'll be as moved and inspired as I am hearing Dr. Temmerman's story and important research findings.      Aviva and Marleen discuss:      The why's behind the overuse and increase of cesareans   Misconceptions about cesarean sections, natural births, and breeches    The importance and role of midwives and why every birthing person needs one    The various impacts and long-term effects of cesareans on babies   Tools available to reduce the number of cesarean sections   The ways women can advocate for themselves during childbirth and prevent unnecessary cesareans         Dr. Marleen Temmerman has served as a senator in the Belgian parliament, as the director of the World Health Organization's Department of Reproductive Health and Research, and as the founding director of Ghent University's International Centre of Reproductive Health. After retiring from the WHO, she moved to Kenya, where she is now with the Aga Khan University in Nairobi and is Director of their Centre of Excellence in Women and Child Health. Most recently, she has played a pivotal role in bringing attention to the overuse and under-access of cesarean sections to the obstetrics world internationally as senior author of a series of focus articles published in The Lancet, one of the world's oldest and most respected medical journals. "    Thank you so much for taking the time to tune in to your body, yourself, and this podcast! Please share the love by sending this to someone in your life who could benefit from the kinds of things we talk about in this space. Make sure to follow your host on Instagram @dr.avivaromm and go to to join the conversation. 
8/31/202254 minutes, 52 seconds
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Eight Medical Myths Keeping Women from Getting Proper Diagnosis and Treatment

"It’s all in your head." "It’s normal for women to suffer." "We just don’t know what causes that." Chances are you’ve heard one of these medical myths before, and it has kept you from receiving important diagnoses and timely treatment. Medicine is, without a doubt, a cultural institution and a power structure, and like other systems, it has perpetuated myths that keep us believing in its power while disbelieving in our own. On today’s episode, I break down eight prominent medical myths that are alive, well, and profoundly—and sometimes dangerously—affecting women’s health. I also share tools to get empowered with your health and why you should stop being so damn polite when you are being ‘doctor-splained’ to. Your health may depend on you being a little bit of a badass.    Let’s explore this further. For the accompanying article, go to    Thank you so much for taking the time to tune in to your body, yourself, and this podcast! Please share the love by sending this to someone in your life who could benefit from the kinds of things we talk about in this space. Make sure to follow your host on Instagram @dr.avivaromm and go to to join the conversation. 
8/24/202246 minutes, 5 seconds
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Teen Sexual Health + Abortion Pills & Body Autonomy

Let’s talk about abortion pills. This week, I am joined by the partnerships and engagement manager at Plan C, Imani Wilson-Shabazz. Imani is a beacon of light in the reproductive health and sexuality awareness space who, through education and empowerment, is transforming family planning systems and institutions. On today's episode, we hear all about Imani’s sex-positive upbringing and how her ninth grade "sex education" class inspired her to study reproductive health and advocate for abortion access. She also answers every question you’re likely to have about abortion pills and shares an easy yet powerful way you can support Plan C’s vision.    Aviva and Imani discuss:    The failure of abstinence only programs and specifically how communities of color are disadvantaged by those programs  What Imani’s research shows us teens want to know more about that they’re not learning in sexuality education classes  What Plan C is, how it's used, and how it can facilitate safe at-home abortions  Myths and misconceptions about abortion pills  Why there is so much stigma surrounding abortion pills in the US as opposed to other countries   What medications are used to facilitate a self-managed abortion and the safety of these medications  General guidelines to facilitate an at-home abortion and care for yourself afterwards     To learn more about your lady parts, check out this article:  To learn more about Plan C, visit    Imani Wilson-Shabazz is a recent graduate of the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health, earning an MPH in Community Health Sciences with a certificate in Population and Reproductive Health. She is currently a Ph.D. candidate in Social and Behavioral Sciences at Temple University. Ms. Wilson-Shabazz currently works at Plan C as their Partnerships and Engagement Manager, facilitating community partnerships to increase awareness of abortion pill access around the country. She also provides lectures, webinars, and educational videos on how to advocate for and promote medication abortion access in diverse communities.    Thank you so much for taking the time to tune in to your body, yourself, and this podcast! Please share the love by sending this to someone in your life who could benefit from the kinds of things we talk about in this space. Make sure to follow your host on Instagram @dr.avivaromm and go to to join the conversation. Follow Plan C @plancpill 
8/17/20221 hour, 13 seconds
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The Lowdown On Pap Tests, HPV, and Pelvic Exams

This week, I hop on the mic solo to fill you in on everything you need to know about the Pap test, HPV, and pelvic exams. I cover why we can finally say bye bye to routine annual pelvic exams (insert cheer here!) and how often a Pap test and HPV screening should be done. I also answer all of your burning questions about the HPV vaccine, overcoming testing fears, negative test results, and cervical cancer prevention. The great news, ladies—you can skip the shave and keep your britches on for your next annual physical exam.    Let’s explore this further. For the accompanying article, go to 
8/10/202250 minutes, 47 seconds
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The Hidden Motherhood Struggle with Catherine Birndorf and Paige Bellenbaum

It’s not just you. You're not crazy. You're not a bad mom. You're not alone. These are words and deep beliefs that resonate through and form the backbone of today’s guests, Catherine Birndorf, MD, and Paige Bellenbaum, LMSW. Catherine and Paige are dedicated to changing the perinatal mental health terrain, and they do it through The Motherhood Center, a place of radical acceptance, nurturance, and individual and group support. On today’s episode, we pull back the curtain on motherhood and redefine what is considered "normal" and "typical". With PMADs (perinatal mood and anxiety disorders) being the #1 complication associated with birth and the #2 cause of maternal mortality, this is a critical conversation. On today’s episode, we unpack why it’s so important that we talk more about these conditions, how to do your best to prevent PMADs, and what to do if you or someone you love has symptoms.      Aviva, Paige, and Catherine discuss:    The definition of perinatal mood and anxiety disorders (PMADS) and the different diagnoses that fall under the PMAD umbrella  What PMAD taboos still exist today, why this needs to change, and how Roe v. Wade affects these taboos  Paige and Catherine’s personal stories with perinatal mood disorders and what brought them to the point of specializing in PMADS and opening the motherhood center  The kinds of physical and psychological feelings and symptoms associated with PMADs and signs birthing people and their providers should watch out for  Why we need to move in the direction of making it mandatory for OB-GYNs, midwives, pediatricians, and any providers who come in contact with newer expecting mothers to begin educating their patients about PMADS and screening for symptoms   The effects of the pandemic, social isolation, and potential cultural contributors on PMADS   The role of medication and psychotherapy in treating conditions    Catherine Birndorf is a reproductive psychiatrist and the co-founder, CEO, and medical director of The Motherhood Center of New York. Dr. Birndorf is the founding director of the Payne Whitney Women’s Program at Weill Cornell Medicine and a clinical associate professor of psychiatry and obstetrics & gynecology. Dr. Birndorf was a regular mental health columnist for Self Magazine and has appeared on numerous television programs, including The Today Show, Good Morning America, MSNBC, and CNN. She is the author of The Nine Rooms of Happiness and What No One Tells You: A Guide to Your Emotions from Pregnancy to Motherhood.         Paige Bellenbaum is the founding director and chief external relations officer at The Motherhood Center of New York. For the past 20 years, she has worked in public policy, advocacy, and clinical care with various populations, including homeless families and incarcerated young adults. She drafted legislation in New York State championed by Senator Liz Krueger, mandating hospitals to provide education on PMADs and strongly encouraging screening of all new and expecting mothers, signed into law in 2014. She has appeared on the Today Show, Good Morning America, NPR, PBS Newshour, Fortune, The New York Times, and The Wall Street Journal.    For more information or to reach out visit or call (212) 335-0034.  Thank you so much for taking the time to tune in to your body, yourself, and this podcast! Please share the love by sending this to someone in your life who could benefit from the kinds of things we talk about in this space. Make sure to follow your host on Instagram @dr.avivaromm and go to to join the conversation. 
8/3/20221 hour, 11 minutes, 41 seconds
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Calling In the Call-Out Culture with Loretta J. Ross

We're living in a time when collective solutions and open dialogue are needed more than ever, but the rise of call-out and cancel-culture has left many important conversations silent. This week, I welcome the absolutely iconic feminist and activist, Loretta J. Ross. Loretta is flipping the script with her newly coined term, "Call-In Culture," and on today’s episode, we learn exactly what that term means and its impact on cancel culture. Loretta is a trailblazer in the reproductive rights movement, and we speak about the major phenomenon she calls "horizontal canceling" and its impact on the effectiveness of movements. Hopefully, this conversation expands your understanding of how we can connect and influence, rather than silence, to create change.  Aviva and Loretta discuss:  The incredibly challenging obstacles Loretta faced growing up, including sexual abuse and an unintended pregnancy at fourteen, and how these experiences led to her work in reproductive rights, becoming one of the first African American women to direct a rape crisis center and coining of the term reproductive justice. How Loretta defines calling-in, her take on why people tend to go after more vulnerable targets, and the impacts of fierce individualism on community well-bering How calling-out is showing up in the reproductive rights movement, the risks of horizontal canceling, and what we can do about it   The meanings of the "woking dead" and “circles of influence” and the impacts both have on our culture   Loretta J. Ross is a fierce and formidable women’s health rights activist for over four decades now and co-coined the term reproductive justice. She currently teaches courses on white supremacy, human rights, and calling in the calling out culture at Smith College's Program for the Study of Women and Gender. Loretta was the National Coordinator of the SisterSong Women of Color Reproductive Justice Collective and the National Co-Director of the 2004 March for Women’s Lives in Washington, D.C., the largest protest march in U.S. history at that time. She founded the National Center for Human Rights Education and launched the Women of Color Program for the National Organization for Women. She has co-written 3 books on reproductive justice and has a forthcoming book called Calling In the Calling Out Culture.    Find out more about Loretta and sign up for her courses at    Thank you so much for taking the time to tune in to your body, yourself, and this podcast! Please share the love by sending this to someone in your life who could benefit from the kinds of things we talk about in this space. Make sure to follow your host on Instagram @dr.avivaromm and go to to join the conversation. Follow Loretta @LorettaJRoss. 
7/27/20221 hour, 14 minutes, 31 seconds
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Fertility Awareness Is Power with Lisa Hendrickson-Jack

This week we are diving deep into fertility awareness, body autonomy, and cycle tracking with the author of The Fifth Vital Sign, Lisa Hendrickson-Jack. With forms of contraception at risk of becoming harder to access in a post-Roe world, now more than ever we need options that allow us to be in sync with our cycles and decide exactly when we would like to have children, if at all. Lisa shares her expertise on the fertility awareness method, the various biomarkers that signal you’re fertile, and how conception occurs—or doesn’t. If you’re looking to take control of your reproductive health, this episode is for you.  Aviva and Lisa discuss:    The common myth that pregnancy can occur every day of the cycle  Ovulation and the fertile window length, and signs and symptoms to help you track and understand your cycle  Popular fertility awareness methods, their efficacy, and how to begin using tracking methods safely and effectively  Emergency contraception methods, how they work, and information to help you choose the right option for you    Lisa Hendrickson-Jack is a certified Fertility Awareness Educator and Holistic Reproductive Health Practitioner who teaches women to chart their menstrual cycles for natural birth control, conception, and monitoring overall health. Lisa is the author of The Fifth Vital Sign and host of the Fertility Friday Podcast.    Find Lisa’s charting workbook HERE    Thank you so much for taking the time to tune in to your body, yourself, and this podcast! Please share the love by sending this to someone in your life who could benefit from the kinds of things we talk about in this space. Make sure to follow me on Instagram @dr.avivaromm and go to to join the conversation. Follow Lisa @fertilityfriday. 
7/20/202250 minutes, 35 seconds
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How to Thrive When All You Feel is Turmoil

Even before the pandemic, we were facing a cultural epidemic. It goes by a lot of different names—anxiety, depression, overwhelm, burnout. Chances are you’ve felt it before. Currently, as a collective, we are experiencing a feeling of global overwhelm and exhaustion and find ourselves in a constant state of survival mode. This has its own name—crisis fatigue. On today’s solo episode, I share how crisis fatigue shows up both physically and emotionally, how to get out of it, and a wealth of tools to weather this storm.    Let’s explore this further. For the accompanying article, go to      Thank you so much for taking the time to tune in to your body, yourself, and this podcast! Please share the love by sending this to someone in your life who could benefit from the kinds of things we talk about in this space. Make sure to follow me on Instagram @dr.avivaromm and go to to join the conversation.   
7/13/202252 minutes, 10 seconds
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Optimizing and Protecting Your XX Brain with Dr. Lisa Mosconi

Did you know researchers estimate that nearly two thirds of those living with Alzheimer’s in the United States are women? This week, I am joined by the Mona Lisa of Neuroscience, bestselling author, and one of the most influential scientists of our time, Dr. Lisa Mosconi. Lisa is blowing the lid off of female brain health with her groundbreaking research on cognitive enhancement and Alzheimer's prevention, specifically in women. She provides us with a full access pass into what is truly going on in the female brain as we age, and why understanding the unique risks and strengths of the XX brain is so incredibly important, no matter the year you were born. Consider this episode a roadmap to optimal, lifelong brain health.    We discuss:    The meaning of “bikini medicine,” why it hinders women’s health research, and how Lisa is confronting this crisis  The protective effects of cumulative estrogen exposure and the role of hormone replacement therapy in women’s brain health  How risk of memory loss and dementia can be prevented by using an integrative approach including appropriate medical care and lifestyle modifications involving diet, physical and intellectual fitness  Testing recommendations to assess brain health, the Women’s Brain Initiative and therapies to prevent, delay, and, minimize the risk of Alzheimer’s disease    Dr. Mosconi holds a PhD degree in Neuroscience and Nuclear Medicine and is an associate professor of Neuroscience in Neurology and Radiology at Weill Cornell Medicine/NY-Presbyterian Hospital, where she serves as director of the Alzheimer’s Prevention Program. The program includes the Women’s Brain Initiative, the Alzheimer’s Prevention Clinic, and the Alzheimer’s Prevention Clinical Trials Unit. She is ranked amongst the top 1% of scientists of the past 20 years by official metrics, and was listed as one of the 17 most influential living female scientists by The Times. She is the author of The New York Times, USA Today, Publishers Weekly, and Der Spiegel bestselling book The XX Brain (2020) and of the international bestseller Brain Food (2018).    Find out more about the Women’s Brain Initiative and testing here -    Thank you so much for taking the time to tune in to your body, yourself, and this podcast! Please share the love by sending this to someone in your life who could benefit from the kinds of things we talk about in this space. Make sure to follow along on Instagram @dr.avivaromm and go to to join the conversation. Follow Lisa @dr_mosconi.   
7/6/20221 hour, 12 minutes, 47 seconds
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What We Must Do NOW to Save Reproductive Freedom with Kathryn Kolbert & Julie Kay

The new medicine for women is here—I’m back with a new season full of taboo-busting conversations about all things women’s health. As a woman in her wisdom years, I’m bringing together the four decades of work I’ve done as a midwife, herbalist, and MD, to share tools, knowledge, ideas, and insights with you all.     Today’s episode could not have come at a more pressing time in history with the recent decision by the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade. I am joined by Kathryn Kolbert and Julie Kay, the authors of Controlling Women: What We Must Do NOW to Save Reproductive Freedom, for a critical conversation surrounding reproductive rights, abortion activism, and the American judicial system. Kolbert and Kay have together dedicated decades of their careers to litigating, lobbying, and plotting for the expansion of abortion rights. In the words of Joan Baez, "Action is the antidote to despair."    We discuss:    Why abortion became a potent and polarized political issue  How the overturning of Roe affects maternal care and decisional autonomy  The significant physical and emotional risks associated with lack of access to abortions   How you can become active in making change at a personal and local level      Thank you so much for taking the time to tune in to your body, yourself, and this podcast! Please share the love by sending this to someone in your life who could benefit from the kinds of things we talk about in this space. Make sure to follow me on Instagram @dr.avivaromm and go to to join the conversation. Purchase a copy of Controlling Women: What We Must Do NOW to Save Reproductive Freedom here. 
7/1/20221 hour, 13 minutes, 37 seconds
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Introducing: On Health

Welcome to the new medicine for women! From the stuff your mother never told you, to the stuff your doctor never learned, On Health is what happens when a midwife + a Yale trained MD shares about all things women’s health. From periods to menopause, sex to reproductive health politics, motherhood to mental health, join me for taboo-busting conversations that demystify and destigmatize our bodies, all while bridging the gap between conventional medicine and wellness. Along the way, we'll be exploring the science and wisdom of how our bodies work, what makes us well, what gets in the way, and how we can live our best lives on our terms, authentically and bravely. When it comes to women's health and well-being, there's nothing we won't talk about.  If you haven't already, please rate, review, and follow the podcast to be notified of new episodes every Wednesday. Plus, be sure to follow your host on Instagram @dr.avivaromm and go to to join the conversation.
6/29/20222 minutes, 3 seconds
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167 How to Choose the Best Birth Control for You

There are so many options available for contraception, and so much conflicting information about what’s safe, that it can be overwhelming to choose. Add to that, if you’re here on my website, there’s a good chance you’re someone who wants to keep things as close to natural - and as safe for your wonderful body - as possible. Perhaps you’ve also heard about some negative press about the Pill online. So how do you choose the safest, most effective contraception? What are the risks you need to be aware of, as well as other pros and cons? As you’ll learn, this decision is very individual and also can change throughout our lives. Let’s explore this further. For the accompanying article, go to
11/10/202139 minutes, 2 seconds
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166 The Gut-Hormone Connection with Robyn Chutkan

The connection between my love of quiet introspective time and my highly chatty nature is that I love to learn, gather information, make sense of it, digest it, and then share it with you, my course students, my patient, and anyone who will listen, in useful and understandable ways. That is, I’m a deeply curious maker who also loves to share. Getting to create a podcast is especially fun because it brings together my love of learning, my love of communicating and my love of sharing. I’m super delighted to share this episode's very special guest: Dr. Robynne Chutkan, with you. Robynne is not only a kickass smart board certified gastroenterologist in clinical practice, like I am, she’s curious, passionate about the microbiome, leaky gut, and the connection between gut health and our total health, and passionate about sharing that information which she’s done in her books. Listen in to our amazing conversation.
9/29/20211 hour, 7 minutes, 18 seconds
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165 The PCOS Diet - Why Food Matters

While there’s a clear relationship between diet, nutrition, and PCOS, most doctors aren’t talking about it enough, or at all with patients, beyond women with PCOS being told all too often, and sometimes in a shaming, blaming way, to just “lose the weight” – as if that were the only answer – and as if it were just that simple to do! In this episode I’m going to show you how you can use food to take charge of your PCOS symptoms, how you feel, and your weight, too if that’s one of your symptoms. We’ll focus on the relationship between diet and PCOS, and food solutions for PCOS – what to eat and what to avoid. You can make a huge difference in the severity of your PCOS, and sometimes even reverse your diagnosis, by getting to the roots of imbalance in this complex hormonal and metabolic condition. For an accompanying article, go to
9/24/202147 minutes, 40 seconds
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164 Find Your Sparketype with Jonathan Fields of the Good Life Project

Jonathan Fields believes that we’re all born with an “imprint” for the work that makes us come alive - that sparks us. This "Sparketype®” is a DNA-level driver of work that lets you know when you’re doing what you’re here to do. Join me for this rich conversation with my 'brother from another mother" as we dive deep into work, passion, alignment, and his brand-new book - Sparked - to explore insights into what drains you, what fills you up, and how to use this to your best personal advantage, as well as to understand your colleagues, teammates, and even parters and children better, so we can all be the live the best expression of ourselves, with the greatest ease and joy.
9/20/20211 hour, 16 minutes, 2 seconds
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163 Thriving with PCOS: A Couple’s Approach

In this episode you are going to meet an unusual and wonderful couple, Tallene and Sirak Hacatoryan. 10 years ago, at age 18, Tallene was diagnosed with PCOS. After being put on birth control and having her PCOS symptoms take over her life, she started focusing on diet & lifestyle to reverse her symptoms.. Scared and confused, without much information or guidance from her practitioner, and unsatisfied with the generally accepted belief that birth control is the only way to manage a PCOS diagnosis, Tallene began to focus on diet & lifestyle-based solutions. She studied nutrition science and discovered that eliminating gluten and dairy was a huge key for her to live healthier with PCOS. Together with her husband Sirak (a personal trainer), Tallene developed a podcast and programs meant to make living with the diagnosis easier to both understand and embrace. Join me for this informative and fun conversation during PCOS Awareness Month with Tallene and Sirak.
9/15/202152 minutes, 53 seconds
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162 Rethinking Healthcare with Robin Berzin

Join my conversation with Dr. Robin Berzin as we talk about our experience working in the integrative space for women’s care, the root causes of these conditions, how our medical system has failed us, and what we are each doing to and what we are each seeing in support of women regaining control over their hormonal and overall health. Robin is the founder and CEO of Parsley Health, a holistic medical service specialized in supporting women with chronic conditions. She founded Parsley to address the rising tide of chronic disease in America through personalized, holistic medicine that puts food, lifestyle, and proactive diagnostic testing on the prescription pad next to medications.
9/2/202149 minutes, 4 seconds
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161 COVID-19: A New Wave of Decisions to Make

For many, the advent of a COVID-19 vaccine was a welcome relief allowing for greater social connection and a return to life as we knew it - or sort of. For many, the advent of vaccinations was incredibly confusing. Now, with Delta, the cards seemed to be shuffled differently. the playing field has shifted, and there's a lot of uncertainty again. More choices often means exhausting internal decision-making loops. Add to the mix the vaccine now becoming available for young people 12-18, and vaccine or testing mandates in many workplaces. In this episode I go through the data of the vaccine and what you need to know regarding its impact on hormonal health, autoimmune, fertility, pregnancy, and children’s health. My goal in sharing this episode is simple: to provide you with my interpretation of the most recent, trusted data out there, so that you can make informed decisions for yourself and your loved ones when applicable. I hope that it does just that.
8/25/20211 hour, 24 minutes, 57 seconds
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160 A Menstrual Health Journey with Lisa Hendrickson-Jack

So many of us only start to get to know our cycles when we’re looking to get pregnant. But the truth is, tracking and getting to know our cycles is one of the most critical and powerful forms of ‘me-search’ you can practice – at any age: those looking for natural contraceptive, those looking to learn how to use their cycle as a key indicator of their health, and, for those women who are anywhere on their conception journey – from thinking about getting pregnant soon to seeking fertility support, and everywhere in between – to identifying the changes that herald perimenopause and menopause. In this episode, I share a Hormone Intelligence Chat (you can learn all about those here) in which I sat down with Lisa Hendrickson-Jack to discuss her menstrual health journey – and how and why cycle-tracking and fertility-awareness can empower you to take control not just of your fertility, but of your overall health, and your life.
7/28/20211 hour, 2 minutes, 6 seconds
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159 Uterine Fibroids: What Every Woman Needs to Know

Uterine fibroids (‘fibroids’) are solid, well-defined, non-cancerous growths of muscle tissue in the uterus. They’re highly prevalent in the US, where a woman’s lifetime risk of developing them is estimated to be as high as 75% (the often cited 20% to 50% is likely a significantly underestimated range) by age 50, and as high as an 80% lifetime risk for Black women. Given their remarkably high incidence, their significant impact on women's health, and the high rate of hysterectomies as a result of fibroids, it’s incredibly important for all women to know how to prevent uterine fibroids, and the strategies that are available to reduce them to avoid unnecessary surgery – and possibly unnecessary medications. Like so many chronic women’s health conditions, fibroids may be a symptom of reversible environmental and dietary factors that can be associated with other medical conditions. An integrative approach can therefore not only prevent and reduce fibroids, but can be part of a plan for lifetime hormonal and total health. Join me for today's episode to learn how, and for an accompanying article go to
7/21/20211 hour, 7 minutes, 2 seconds
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158 Menstrual Cycle Tracking: The Best “Me-Search” You Can Do

I started tracking my menstrual cycles 40 years ago. It was 1981, I was 15 years old, not yet sexually active, but curious about my body and already on the path to studying midwifery. Tracking my cycles taught me how my innate hormonal blueprint shows up in my life – my moods, food preferences, energy, sleep, creativity, and so much more – month in and month out, so much so that its patterns allowed much more predictability in my life. I hope it's something you'll start doing as a daily practice, because it also gives you a few minutes each day to ‘drop in' on yourself – to see how you're doing – and use this moment of awareness to ask yourself what you really need right now for hormone health and balance. And I hope, if you have daughters or nieces, you'll let them in on the secrets of cycle self-awareness and the beauty of their hormonal blueprint with this episode. For a companion article go to
6/30/202131 minutes, 44 seconds
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157 Healing Irritable Bowel Syndrome: A Root Cause Approach

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a condition that causes millions of Americans to suffer with intestinal cramping, bloating, gas, constipation and/or diarrhea. And it affects women twice as often as men. Some of my patients have had such significant problems that they are anxious about social events, and what should be normal activities like going grocery shopping or having to travel any more than short distances for fear of needing a bathroom quickly. If you've been there, I don't need to tell you how uncomfortable it can be. While I want us to let go of the stigma of bloating, and the eternal quest for a flat belly, I also know that you feel very real discomfort - so let's get to the bottom of that so you can be free of all that! And that is possible. For a companion article, go to
6/16/202145 minutes, 23 seconds
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156 Top 10 Herbs and Supplements for PCOS

Dealing with PCOS is no small matter. Symptoms like acne, hirsutism (hair growth in unwanted places like your chin, breasts, or lower belly), weight gain, alopecia (hair loss), irregular or skipped periods, and possibly even fertility problems are challenging — both physically and emotionally. Unfortunately, most women tell me that they received nothing more than a brochure from their doctor and prescription for the Pill — no further questions asked, no further guidance given. I’m here to tell you there’s a lot more we can do for PCOS. In my new book, Hormone Intelligence, I created a complete Advanced Protocol for PCOS, filled with diet and lifestyle changes that can help treat the underlying causes of PCOS. In this episode I share part of that protocol in the form of the top herbs and supplements for PCOS to address the underlying causes. For a companion article go to
6/9/202134 minutes, 59 seconds
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155 Body Literacy: The First Step Toward Hormone Intelligence

As many of you know, for the past 4 years I’ve been writing a new book. It's called Hormone Intelligence and I wanted to share with you an interview about my book, with talk show host, actor and filmmaker, Ricki Lake, and documentary producer, Abby Epstein, who created The Business of Being Born, and the forthcoming Business of Birth Control.
6/6/20211 hour, 5 minutes, 55 seconds
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154 How Your Menstrual Cycle Works - For Women of All Ages

Menstrual cycles. We have about 400 of them in our lifetime. Yet most of us know so little about how this amazing process really works, and why they’re so important to pay attention to and know how to interpret. It’s led most of us to grow up pretty much in the dark about a fact of life that if you have a uterus, you’re going to experience for 35 to 40 or so years of your life. That right there's a good reason to know more about how your menstrual cycle works. While hormones are a force of nature and we can't control it all, the more you know about your own hormones and cycles, the more you can live in harmony with - and even influence what’s happening below the surface. With this episode you have a roadmap to tell you when they’re getting back on track. For an accompanying article, go to
5/29/202146 minutes, 53 seconds
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153 What Your Period Can Tell You About Your Health

Throughout history, the menstrual cycle has been shrouded in magic and mystery. In some ancient cultures, menstrual blood was imbued with magical powers, and menstruating women considered to have the ability to even see the future. In the middle-ages, a major religious and with it, cultural shift occurred. Menstruation and menstruating women were no longer treated with reverence. Menstruation was considered dirty; menstruating women dangerous, and menstrual blood toxic enough to make crops wither, leave men impotent, and lead to natural disasters. Vestiges of these attitudes have persisted over centuries and have led to long-held cultural shame and ignorance about periods. As a result, most of us started out on our menstrual journeys more or less in the dark - not knowing what’s normal, what we should be concerned about, or how to get that information. And we have largely internalized that periods are gross and dirty. Fortunately, it’s never too late to gain a deeper understanding of your body and menstrual cycles, and in this episode, I’m going to show you not just how to, but why it’s so important. And if you want an accompanying article, go to
5/19/202136 minutes, 43 seconds
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152 COVID-19 in Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

Pregnancy is already a time of heightened concern and sense of responsibility – after all, we know that what we do has an impact on our own health – and our baby’s development, growth, and health. Certainly, for women around the globe, COVID-19 has added multiple new layers of concern, worry, and questions on so many aspects of healthcare and mothering: whether it’s safe to get pregnant during this time, where to have your baby (i.e., home vs. hospital), whether to get the vaccine, how much should you worry, should you be around friends and family while you’re pregnant, what about after baby is born? Making such significant decisions – and one that neither midwives and medical doctors nor pregnant women have had to deal with before – is a tough position to be in, and I know it can be scary. Compared to last year this time, we know a whole lot more about this virus, how to protect ourselves, and about how to navigate pandemic life while pregnant. So let’s take a close look at what we’ve learned so far about COVID-19 in relation to childbearing and breastfeeding. We'll also some of your questions about vaccines for pregnant and nursing mamas. For an accompanying article, visit
5/5/202156 minutes, 15 seconds
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151 The PCOS Gut Connection

The PCOS gut connection is a surprising new approach to a complex condition that Despite the fact that 1 in 10 women experience PCOS, the medical model has little to offer beyond or instead of prescription medications - which can help but aren’t ‘answers.’ One significant root cause that research is revealing is the connection between the microbiome and PCOS. In fact, gut health may play a much bigger role in PCOS than was ever previously considered. Join me in this episode as we explore the PCOS Gut connection. And for a companion article go to
4/28/202146 minutes, 45 seconds
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150 High Estrogen: What It Means and What You Can Do

Do you have high estrogen levels? The term “estrogen dominance” gets tossed around a lot in the wellness and functional medicine worlds. It’s a common blanket explanation for many common – and even sometimes more serious – hormone-related issues. But what you’ve heard about estrogen dominance may not be entirely accurate, has some dubious historical underpinnings, and often oversimplifies what’s really going on. Let’s unpack what’s meant by estrogen dominance, what’s really going on, and why it’s important to identify and understand. Then we’ll look at how to address estrogen-related issues to reverse common gynecologic symptoms from breast tenderness to menstrual migraine, heavy periods to hot flashes, and more – as well as protecting yourself against the risks of chronic excess estrogen exposure. For an accompanying article, go to
4/21/202158 minutes, 28 seconds
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149 Has COVID-19 Caused a Wave of Pandemic Period Problems?

Have you noticed a change in your menstrual cycle this past year or lately and wondered if it’s just you? In short, it’s not. From longer or shorter cycles, to more cramps and heavy bleeding to heightened PMS symptoms, a substantial number of women are reporting changes in their usual menstrual cycle patterns. And many are trying to understand and adapt, wondering what’s causing their cycles to suddenly take a turn for the irregular or more uncomfortable. . Let’s dive into this unexpected side effect of pandemic life, what it means, and what we can do to keep – or to get – our menstrual cycles on track. For an accompanying article, go to
4/16/202135 minutes, 29 seconds
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148 The Fascinating Way Your Gut Impacts Your Estrogen Levels

At some point in your life, it's likely that you’ve noticed a connection between your digestive system and your hormones, probably in the form of annoying or uncomfortable premenstrual bloating, or the loose stools so many women experience like clockwork just before their period starts. But have you ever considered that acne, period pain, PMS, PCOS, endometriosis, or fibroids could be related to not just your hormones, but something going on in your gut? In this episode we're going to focus on the important role of your microbiome on your hormone balance – particularly when it comes to estrogen. You can also read the accompanying article available at
4/14/202152 minutes, 8 seconds
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147 The Birth Circle with Brandi Frazier

After being hospitalized due to postpartum complications, Brandi Frazier knew that something had to be done to help women. If she had not advocated for herself throughout her pregnancy and postpartum, she could have lost her life, a fate that has befallen to a shocking number of other African-American mothers. From these experiences she created Bee Empowered Mama, an organization that provides online resources, workshops and community to coach mamas to self advocate for themselves from the moment they find out they’re pregnant, and beyond. Join me for this inspired and inspiring conversation with Brandi.
4/12/20211 hour, 8 minutes, 20 seconds
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146 Heavy Periods: Common Causes and What You Can Do

Heavy periods. At least 50% of women struggle with them enough to, well, absolutely skip wearing white pants during that time of the month, and for 1 in 6 women, they’re severe enough to significant impact quality of life – from disruptive, frequent trips to the bathroom to change pads or tampons, to serious at-work period accidents, to staying home from work social engagements, and basically living life for fear of public period accidents. Maybe this is something you’ve heard is “just a normal” part of having a menstrual cycle. (Nope!) Perhaps, like so many women, you’ve even heard this from your doctor! (Wrong!) Blowing through pads or tampons each cycle, stressing about ‘period accidents,’ arranging your life around your period, or feeling dang tired each month – or all the time – is anything but normal – and it’s certainly not something you should just have to ‘deal with, ’ever! In this episode, I’ll share the causes of heavy periods – along with what you can do to identify your underlying causes, lighten your flow, and take back your life if heavy periods have been getting your down. For a companion article, go to
3/31/20211 hour, 9 minutes, 7 seconds
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145 Top Herbs and Supplements for Endometriosis

Endometriosis. If you've been suffering with it silently, as so many women are, you know how much it can impact your life. In this podcast I share some of the science-backed herbs and supplements I use in my medical practice for helping my patients address the symptoms and associated underlying causes of endometriosis, including inflammation and immune dysregulation in endometrium-like tissue. While studies on natural therapies and endometriosis are still in their infancy (as is the study of endometriosis in general!), these therapies provide you with options your physician is unlikely to be aware of, and which may provide relief and even endometriosis reversal that might allow you to reduce your need for medications and surgery. For a companion article go to
3/24/202129 minutes, 58 seconds
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144 How to Treat Hormonal Acne from the Inside Out

While acne is something we tend to think of as making our teenager’s lives miserable – and for many young women it certainly does – it also plagues many women well into their adult lives. Moderate to severe acne can really take a toll on you emotionally and mentally. It causes women to skip school or work, pass on social occasions, cancel dates, and feel horribly self-conscious. And it can lead to depression. Even mild break outs and flare ups can be distressing in a culture that places so much value on women’s appearance. In this episode I discuss what's known about the underlying causes of hormonal acne, and I share an integrative approach - what I call a total ecosystem approach - you can take to heal hormonal acne from the inside out, so you can feel at peace in your skin again, finally. For an companion article, go to
3/17/202149 minutes, 33 seconds
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143 Understanding Your Menstrual Cycles

I invite you into an entirely new way of understanding your cycles and hormones – as your inner-hormone GPS – and to learn to tap into your innate body wisdom. Knowing the language of your cycles is not only empowering and really interesting, your menstrual cycle is your 6th Vital Sign and can tell you a tremendous amount about your hormonal and overall health. Listen to this episode to explore women's hormones - the background music of our lives. An accompanying article can be found at
3/10/202146 minutes, 45 seconds
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142 The Low Down on the Top Prenatal Vitamins and Why You Need One

If you’re pregnant or thinking about getting pregnant any time in the next year, preparing your body for a healthy pregnancy and nourishing your growing baby are probably top of mind. Along with eating as well as you can to optimize your fertility and pregnancy health, this is the time many women consider whether or not they should be taking a prenatal vitamin and which one of the many options to choose. In fact, one of the most common questions I get is: do I need a prenatal vitamin? And if so, how do I know if I’m getting a good quality one? In this episode I'll share why prenatal vitamins help optimize preconception and pregnancy and what exactly I recommend to the women I work with. Let’s clear the confusion so you can feel confident in the choice you make for your health and baby’s health.  For an accompanying article, go to
2/10/202128 minutes, 53 seconds
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141 The Birth Circle: Facing and Healing Postpartum Anxiety with Gabby Bernstein

In today’s very special Birth Circle episode of Natural MD Radio I sit down with multi-time-NYT best-selling author, Oprah Super Soul Sunday guest, and dear friend Gabby Bernstein to talk about her experience with Postpartum anxiety. After a 3 year journey to conception, followed by a beautiful birth - that I was very blessed to attend - Gabby found herself paralyzed with postpartum anxiety: not eating, not sleeping, afraid to socialize, afraid to leave her house, and in a constant state of fear and despair. In this episode, Gabby shares her experience of facing her postpartum anxiety and her decision to seek help and go on psychiatric medications to get her thru this very painful period of time. For show notes, go to
1/19/202155 minutes, 8 seconds
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140 Soul and Soil: Farming While Black with Leah Penniman

Some of us find our path in life early, whether due to adversity, chance, or some fire in the soul. For me, food activism was my entry point into all the I now do as a midwife, herbalist, and MD, as well as a mom and a human. My guest today also got a fire in her soul that has also shaped her work early on in her life, and helped her to become the remarkable food activist she is today, Leah Penniman is a Black Kreyol farmer, author, mother, and food justice activist who has been tending the soil and organizing for an anti-racist food system for over 20 years. She currently serves as founding co-executive director of Soul Fire Farm in Grafton, New York, a people-of-color led project that works toward food and land justice. Join us for this important conversation about building a food system free of racism and other inequalities. Show notes at
12/9/202053 minutes, 9 seconds
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139 How and Why to Raise an Eco-Conscious Family

I’d love to share some common sense ideas with you on how you can raise your family as an eco-warrior in this podcast. It’s not as hard as you think, it doesn't have to be expensive, I know these options are not cheap, and can be hard to budget for, but what's really convincing, is that the results can be significant. We can’t simply wait for policy makers, industry leaders, or the government to change the course of our planetary catastrophe – and with it – our personal health and safety and that of the next generations. The change has to start with us, how we live, what we teach our children, and our own health depends on the many little choices we make each day. So let's get you started! You can read an accompanying article at
12/2/202045 minutes, 18 seconds
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138 How Being a Black-Woman-MD Made Home Birth the Best Choice

In this episode of the Birth Circle I get to sit down with new mama Dr. Jessica Clemons to talk about racial and reproductive justice, and how her experience as a black med student and black pregnant woman impacted her journey to bring her baby boy into this world at home this past April. Dr. Jess, MD, is a Board-Certified Psychiatrist, from Weill Cornell Medical College of Cornell University NYU Langone Medical Center. While her work is primarily in providing direct clinical care, her mission is to reduce stigma associated with mental illness, particularly in the Black community. For an accompanying article and links, go to
10/28/20201 hour, 31 minutes, 59 seconds
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137 The Business of Birth Control

Join me for a dynamic conversation with Abby Epstein and Ricki Lake about their new documentary - The Business of Birth Control. Looking at the complex relationship of hormonal contraception to women’s health and liberation, their film features the stories of activists, doctors and scientists who are blowing the whistle on how hormonal birth control affects the mind and body. The film revisits the 1970’s Nelson Pill Hearings, where feminists disrupted the proceedings to demand informed consent and follows a courageous group of bereaved parents who are fighting to get warning labels on Yaz and NuvaRing fifty years later.
10/13/20201 hour, 15 minutes, 52 seconds
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136 The Birth Circle: Finding Wisdom in Birth with Emily Baldoni

The Birth Circle is a place where we can reclaim the power of support, encouragement, and inspiration – as well as touching into our common sisterhood – through shared stories. The stories of transformation you'll find in this series are here to provide you with insight, inspiration, wisdom, and support. In this episode. Emily Baldoni, actor, entrepreneur, @weareamma co-founder, and mama, shares her experiences with her two births - the first at home, the second a transfer to hospital - the tools that helped her ride the waves of each, and how birth and motherhood have transformed her - and are still - transforming her today.
9/23/20201 hour, 19 minutes, 56 seconds
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134 [Updated] Magnesium for Women

Magnesium is the most abundant mineral in the body – and it has a role in hundreds of functions. However, many women in the US are low in this important mineral – and you might be feeling the impact. The good news is that increasing your dietary magnesium and taking a daily supplement can quickly reverse symptoms and optimize your mood, sleep, menstrual cycles, daily elimination, and more! It's also one of the minerals I recommend the most frequently in my medical practice – from my teen to wisdom year patients, and I want to share with you how simple it is to use to reverse the common symptoms that are related to having low magnesium levels. Have a listen to learn the basics about magnesium and 10 specific ways it can help you improve your health and alleviate common symptoms – and in a short amount of time. To read an accompanying article, go to
8/26/202013 minutes, 44 seconds
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135 The Birth Circle: Miscarriage as a Portal with Jovan Sage

I am very excited to introduce you to a new series in the Natural MD Radio that is dedicated to reinvigorating this tradition and the power that comes from continuing to share our stories - welcome to the Birth Circle. The Birth Circle is a place where we can reclaim the power of support, encouragement, and inspiration – as well as touching into our common sisterhood – through shared stories. These are real mamas telling their real stories - the intense, the beautiful, the painful, the scary, magical, and weird and everything in between - in order to illuminate, celebrate, and normalize the spectrum of experiences women have during pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. The stories of transformation you'll find in this series are here to provide you with insight, inspiration, wisdom, and support. The first Birth Circle episode is with full-spectrum doula, herbalist, and chef, Jovan Sage. I hope you will give it a listen, and tell me what you think.
8/19/20201 hour, 9 minutes, 28 seconds
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133 The Optimal Fertility Diet

If it’s taking longer than you thought it would to get pregnant, or if you’ve been told you have a fertility problem, or even if you have a ton of friends who have faced fertility challenges, you might be freaking out a little – or chances are, even a lot. But please don't lose hope or confidence in your body; there’s a lot you can do to supercharge your fertility – and the most powerful place to start is with the foods you eat. In fact, I recommend all women – even if not planning to conceive for a year or more – follow an optimal fertility diet, as not only does it improve likelihood of conception, but it improves overall health for you and baby during pregnancy and beyond. Listen to this episode to learn about my optimal fertility diet - and go to for a companion article.
8/12/202049 minutes, 51 seconds
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132 How Your Thyroid Affects Your Menstrual Cycle

In this episode I'm going to teach you all about how the function or dysfunction of your thyroid can be a factor in the function or disfunction of your periods, including whether they are regular, how long, heavy, whether you skip them, and whether you’re ovulating - and how PCOS, ovarian cysts, and more factor in. And of course, I’ll tell you what you can do with 5 steps to take control of your thyroid - and hormonal health - today. For an accompanying article, go to
8/6/202039 minutes, 56 seconds
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131 Hormonal Headaches and Migraines: Why They Happen, What You Can Do

Women are too often told by doctors that our hormone-related symptoms are not significant; that they’re just “normal,” or that they are over-reacting – in other words, that it’s all in their heads. But hormonal headaches are not just ‘all in your head.’ Migraines are actually described in the medical literature as one of the most common, disabling gynecologic conditions, and menstruation as one of the most potent migraine triggers. In this episode I’m going to break down what you need to know about hormonal headaches and migraines, including what causes them and how to prevent them from recurring. To read an accompanying article go to
7/22/202047 minutes, 9 seconds
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130 Group B Strep (GBS), Pregnancy, and Antibiotics in Labor

What do you do if testing shows you have Group B Strep (GBS) in pregnancy and are facing the decision about using antibiotics in labor as preventative treatment. Many women are unsure which is the greater risk – take the chance on your baby developing a GBS infection if you don't do the antibiotics, or take an antibiotic that can impact your baby's microbiome. This episode answers the numerous questions mommas have sent to me, explains what Group B Strep is, reviews the risks to baby if untreated, and will discuss the validity and safety of some of the common GBS testing “hacks” being used in pregnancy, as well as alternative methods of preventing/reducing GBS colonization to achieve a negative prenatal test. For the accompanying article go to
7/15/20201 hour, 10 minutes
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129 Cannabis and Period Pain: Can It Really Help

If that time of the month and period pain gets you curled up in a ball, or stretched out on your sofa binge-watching Netflix hugged up with your best friend at the moment - your hot water bottle - listen to this episode. This may be an herbal medicine that you too will find fascinating, and perhaps one that brings you some relief when you need it. For an accompanying article and show notes go to
7/1/202032 minutes, 54 seconds
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128 Black Mothers Lives Matter with Midwife Shafia Monroe

My guest today, Shafia Monroe, has been “Birthing CHANGE” all her life. A renowned midwife, doula trainer, motivational speaker, and cultural competency trainer. Shafia, has been appropriately called the “Queen Mother of the Midwife Movement” for her pioneer midwifery work. Besides her work as a home birth midwife for over 35 years, Shafia has devoted herself to improving birth outcomes in African-American communities, by training midwives and doulas - teaching traditional birth and postpartum practices using the legacy of the 20th century African American midwife. Join us for this inspired conversation with this fountain of grace and wisdom. Show notes can be found at
6/24/20201 hour, 6 minutes, 1 second
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127 A Complete Guide to Empowered Miscarriage at Home

When you’re pregnant, there’s no shortage of happy chatter about becoming a mom, nor shortage of options for childbirth education classes. However, there’s very little that prepares us either emotionally or physically for something that remains a hushed topic, and yet which 1 in 4 women will experience: miscarriage. In other articles, I’ll walk you through the physical and emotional nuances of miscarriage: why they occur, how to heal physically and emotionally, how to prevent recurrent miscarriage, and much more. But today I want to focus in on what happens in an early pregnancy loss – a miscarriage before 13 weeks – and how to experience a miscarriage at home: why you might want to, the options for doing so safely, and when to seek urgent medical care. For the accompanying article go to
4/21/202045 minutes, 20 seconds
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126 COVID-19 and Autoimmune Disease Risk: It Depends on the Condition

In this episode I address the overall risks of COVID-19 with various autoimmune conditions, as well as risks for those of you on immunosuppressive medications. This information is not meant to replace your doctor’s advice, and should merely serve as a starting point for a conversation with your health care provider, and to raise your personal health awareness. And I hope it provides you with a sense of support and reassurance. To read an accompanying article go to
3/21/202026 minutes, 10 seconds
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125 COVID-19 Prevention: From Commonsense to Natural Remedies (& Avoiding Nonsense!)

While herbs are an important part of my life and work, this is really a time to be cautious about who you listen to and conservative about what you try. In this episode I urge everyone to follow the CDC precautions for the prevention of COVID-19, adding in the importance of eating well and getting enough rest. For those of you who want to try herbs and supplements to support your immunity, I discuss which herbs and supplement are safe and have enough evidence in supporting immunity that they seem worth a try. For a companion article, go to
3/18/20201 hour, 3 minutes, 28 seconds
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124 COVID-19, Pregnancy and Breastfeeding: What We Know is Reassuring

If you’re pregnant, naturally, you’re concerned about COVID-19 for your own health and your baby’s. Who wouldn’t be? While a thorough search of the medical literature and the CDC website for data on COVID-19 and pregnancy shows just how very little is known at this time about the impact of COVID-19 on pregnancy and pregnancy outcomes, the good news is that what we do know so far is generally reassuring about the risks to otherwise healthy pregnant women and their babies. For an updated article and podcast, visit
3/18/202051 minutes, 33 seconds
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123 Herbs and Supplements for Endometriosis - Encore Presentation

The only treatments doctors usually recommend for endometriosis include pain medications, hormonal therapies, and surgery. These treatments have big risks, and aren’t always effective. In this episode I share four supplements and herbs that have been scientifically shown to not only help relieve the pain associated with endometriosis, but actually to reduce lesions and cysts. These natural approaches can be used alone or in combination with conventional treatments. If you, or someone you know, has been suffering from endometriosis, tune in to learn how to take control of your health naturally! To read the accompanying article go to
3/4/202021 minutes, 29 seconds
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122 Reinventing the Vibrator and Women’s Sexual Healing

Many women have never experienced an orgasm. Many women don't know what they like in sex or how to ask for it. And a lot of women are struggling with chronic pelvic pain and other issues from endometriosis and other conditions that can make traditional sex very uncomfortable. Many of those women think this means they can't experience sexual pleasure. For one company, vibrators and sex toys aren't just about the business of pleasure. It's about helping women find empowerment and getting beyond sexual shame. In this episode I speak with Alexandra Fine, CEO of Dame Products.The mission of this company is to design well engineered sex toys to heighten intimacy and to openly empower the sexual experiences of womankind. Their products are also regularly prescribed by doctors as a drug free affordable solution to low libido, arousal disorders, and sexual function issues for those recovering from abuse, cancer, and more. Go to for a transcript and the show notes.
2/26/20201 hour, 5 minutes, 54 seconds
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121 Bold and Beautiful: Healing With and From Hormonal Hair Loss

Hair loss. It fills our hair brushes, our sink drains, and our nightmares. It also brings a lot of women to my medical practice. Up to 50% of women will experience significant amount of hair loss in their life. In this episode we explore the common causes of hormonal hair loss and what you can do about it. For the accompanying article and show notes, go to
2/13/20201 hour, 3 minutes, 48 seconds
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120 What New Moms Need to Know About Thyroid Problems - Encore Presentation

Being a new momma can feel over the top exhausting at times - a lot of the time, in fact. But being a new mom with a thyroid problem can feel like holding baby while pushing a piano up a hill. Over the top. And it’s not just a slow functioning thyroid that can be making this time in your life feel crazy. An overactive thyroid can be keeping you from getting sleep and can riddle you with anxiety. You should not have to suffer. Neither should any new mom you know. Welcome to Natural MD Radio episode 120 - What New Moms Need to Know About Their Thyroid - to learn about a problem that’s affecting 1 in 12 new moms, and for which they are notoriously told by doctors and even well-meaning friends and family that “it’s just being a new mom” that has you feeling this way. It’s not, and there’s something you can do. Read the companion article at
1/25/202055 minutes, 12 seconds
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119 Thyroid in Pregnancy: What You Need to Know - Encore Presentation

Healthy thyroid function is essential to the physical and emotional health of pregnant women and to new moms. It’s also critical for the health of the baby. This is such an important topic that I’ve brought this popular podcast episode and blog back for an encore. I discuss the risks of undiagnosed thyroid problems for mom and baby, how thyroid function changes during pregnancy, and why it’s important for all pregnant women to get complete thyroid testing. You’ll also learn how to advocate for yourself to get the testing that you need, and the steps to take once you have your results. Read the companion article at
1/22/202032 minutes, 18 seconds
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118 Thyroid Testing: What You Need to Know - Encore Presentation

Hypothyroidism is the most common thyroid problem and the autoimmune form, Hashimoto’s disease, is the most common form of all. We know that 28 million individuals in the US alone are affected, and it's suspected that about 50% more are affected, have symptoms, and remain undiagnosed. Yet many doctors seem reluctant to do an adequate work-up of thyroid function. Some even refuse to give the tests that would help demystify whether you have hypothyroidism or another thyroid problem. This seems strange given how common thyroid problems are, and yet they are quite willing to freely prescribe antidepressants, when it's estimated that 15% of people on an antidepressant are depressed due to a hypothyroidism - which hasn't been diagnosed in them! Sadly, so many women are left believing that their symptoms of depression, fatigue, joint aches, weakness, weight gain and more are all in their head! Perhaps this has even happened to you. There are 6 key tests that can unlock the mystery of your thyroid function and are what your doctor should be looking at. In this encore presentation of Natural MD Radio I’m talking about what thyroid labs I run to diagnose patients and what labs you should ask for if you suspect you might have a thyroid problem Show notes at
1/18/202025 minutes, 15 seconds
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117 Hashimoto's Diagnosis: Here's What to Do Next

While nobody wants to ever have a medical diagnosis, the diagnosis of hypothyroidism (or Hashimoto’s, the autoimmune form), which is now so common that 1 in 8 women can expect to receive a diagnosis in her lifetime, is readily ‘figureouttable” and with the right approach, generally very straightforward to manage and live with. Having Hashimoto’s doesn’t mean you’re not healthy, it’s definitely not a death sentence, nor does it automatically relegate you to a life of medications, frequent medical appointments, or ongoing testing. I’m going to walk you through the answers to the most common questions women have after getting a thyroid diagnosis - just as I do for patients in my practice. To read the companion article, go to
1/15/202028 minutes, 14 seconds
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116 The Adrenal Thyroid Connection

Did you know that spending too much time stuck survival mode can impact your thyroid health? It does so through a profound adrenal-thyroid connection. And what is one of the main things that triggers survival mode? Chronic stress! Because each of us is a living, breathing, complex whole organism, when any one aspect of our lives is affected, each of our internal ecosystems is impacted.. In this episode I focus on the very specific impact of stress on a gland that has enormous influence on our metabolism and weight, mood, and hormones: your thyroid. The important takeaway here is the while stressors may now be a chronic part of our lives, there are things you can do to rein it in so it doesn't wreak havoc on your health - or tank your thyroid. And there are things you can do to reverse it if it is already affecting you. You can read the accompanying article at
1/13/20201 hour, 6 minutes, 27 seconds
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115 Overlooked & Ignored: Why Women Don’t Get a Thyroid Diagnosis

Happy New Year! …and happy Thyroid Awareness Month! Your thyroid — a little butterfly-shaped gland in your neck — is responsible for controlling your energy and metabolism. Thyroid disease affects an estimated 40 million Americans, and nearly 90% of these are women. Studies show that 1 in 8 women can expect to develop hypothyroidism in her lifetime. In this episode, I discuss how to recognize the symptoms of hypothyroidism, why hypothyroidism is a feminist issue, why the medical community is ignoring this epidemic, and what we can do to change the story. “You are the expert on your own body.” - Aviva Romm To read the article that accompanies this episode of Natural MD Radio and for the Show Notes, go to
1/9/202028 minutes, 38 seconds
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114 Pushing Back on Medical Authority with Jennifer Block

Join me for my conversation with journalist Jennifer Block, author of Pushed: The Painful Truth About Childbirth and Modern Maternity Care and Everything Below the Waist: Why Health Care Needs a Feminist Revolution. Jennifer recently found herself at the center of a social media storm over an article she wrote for Scientific American titled "Doctors Are Not Gods." We talk about why she wrote this article and the controversy it created, as well as the state of women's health in a medical system that is often closed to the alternatives women are seeking. For an excerpted transcript and show notes, go to
12/21/20191 hour, 24 minutes, 43 seconds
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113 Headaches in Pregnancy: Is Tylenol Safe

Acetaminophen (Tylenol). Most people reach for it for everyday headaches like it’s no big deal. Acetaminophen has also long been considered generally safe for use during all stages of pregnancy, making it the first-choice pain and fever medication for pregnant women. Yet acetaminophen is not benign. Given the large number of pregnant women using the drug, even a small increase in risk of adverse outcomes in offspring can have important implications. Join me in this episode where I review the research on Tylenol in pregnancy and share my favorite effective and safe natural alternatives. For the accompanying article, go to
12/11/201922 minutes, 43 seconds
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112 Come As You Are with Emily Nagoski

In her New York Times bestselling book, Come As You Are, Dr. Emily Nagoski, says that the most important factor for women in creating and sustaining a fulfilling sex life, is not what you do in bed or how you do it, but how you feel about it. This means that things like stress, mood, trust, connection, and body image are not peripheral factors in a woman’s sexual wellbeing; they are central to it. Join me in this episode of Natural MD Radio as I talk with Dr. Nagoski about what we can do to cultivate sexual wellbeing in our lives and for the next generation. And catch the transcript and show notes at
12/4/20191 hour, 20 minutes, 41 seconds
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111 Are Herbs Safe in Pregnancy - Encore Presentation

The use of herbs for the treatment of common pregnancy symptoms is very common. Studies and surveys estimate that up to 45% of women use an herbal therapy at some point during pregnancy. For better or worse, there are a lot of “experts” on the internet “wild-west” giving advice that may not always be accurate, so it’s important to get your information from reliable sources that you can trust. This episode, from a midwife-herbalist-MD will give you a glimpse into the potential benefits of herbs in pregnancy, and what's safe and what's not. For the accompanying article and episode links, go to
11/6/201941 minutes, 34 seconds
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110 Protecting Yourself from the Dangerous Business of Women's Medical Devices

Thalidomide, DES, the Dalkon Shield, Essure, Pelvic Mesh. The list of medical devices and treatments for women that have gone very wrong is extensive. Learn how big business has put profits over women's safety and health, and my top 5 recommendations for avoiding unnecessary, inappropriate, or possibly unsafe medical treatments. For an accompanying article and episode links, go to
9/25/201938 minutes, 31 seconds
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109 Seed Cycling? Here's Why You Don't Need To

If you’ve been exploring women’s hormone wellness online, you’ve likely come across articles touting the miracles of seed cycling for regulating the menstrual cycle. In case you missed it, seed cycling is a protocol where you consume specific seed combinations during distinct phases of the menstrual cycle in order to balance female hormones. The excitement is understandable. The promise of a simple, food-based solution to heal your hormonal woes is certainly compelling. However, overall, the science on seeds does not support the claims that are being made - eating this or that seed at a certain time in your cycle doesn’t regulate your hormones. Have a listen to this latest episode of Natural MD Radio, or read the article at
9/18/201921 minutes, 55 seconds
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108 Transformation and Wholeness in Healing Trauma

Loss. Abuse. Violence. Bullying. Workplace mistreatment. None of these are experiences we want to have. Yet few humans get through life without being touched by one or another, in some way. This is particularly so for women. For many of us, these experiences create trauma that seems to settle into our bones in ways that shape the fabric of our lives. In this episode my friend Dr. James Gordon, a Harvard-trained psychiatrist and a world-renowned expert in using mind body medicine to heal depression, anxiety, and psychological trauma, shares his views on the trauma faced by women in the US, including the impact of sexual abuse, emotional abuse, and microaggressions against women, on physical pain, weight, mood, and self-sabotaging habits, and his wisdom and experience on how to reframe trauma into growth. We also talk about how we can address our concerns and fears as parents in light of school shootings and other random acts of violence we're exposed to in our world at this time. For show notes to
9/4/20191 hour, 10 minutes, 13 seconds
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107 Frontiers of Microbiome Research

The idea that gut health is central to our total health goes back thousands of years, but it's been largely absent from modern medicine and science until very recently. In my practice as a medical doctor and herbalist, I see the gut as the epicenter of health. It's often one of the first areas of the body that I work on for helping my patients with many, many different types of conditions. What we know about the health of the newborn and the newborn's microbiome for example, how childhood and lifelong health can be altered by cesarean section or introduction of antibiotics to the mom in labor or at the time of the c-section, is eye-opening and just a tip of the iceberg on why the microbiome is something we should all know how to support and protect. Today I want to introduce you to one of the world's leading microbiome experts, Dr. Joseph Petrosino. Dr Petrosino is a Professor and Interim Chairman of the Department of Molecular Virology and Microbiology at Baylor College of Medicine where he's also the Director of the Alkek Center for Metagenomics and Microbiome Research. You can find the show notes at
8/28/20191 hour, 14 minutes, 47 seconds
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106 Four Ways to Bust Through Happiness Anxiety

Can you relate to this? Do you suddenly find yourself catastrophizing when you’re on the verge of something great happening for you? Do you get stopped in your tracks by a fear just when life feels good and happy? If you have "happiness anxiety," you know it’s a real thing and can be a serious impediment in your life, keeping you from taking chances on relationships, opportunities, growth – and even just freaking enjoying your life in a big way. I promise you, you’re not crazy, you’re not alone, and it’s something you can totally transform. How? Listen to this episode of Natural MD Radio and read the show notes at
8/21/201933 minutes, 52 seconds
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105 Making Peace with the Changing Vaccination Landscape

Strident debates about vaccinations have erupted in the public sphere which aren't helpful to parents trying to interpret lots of conflicting information about vaccine safety. In this episode of Natural MD Radio I share both my own story as I weighed whether to vaccinate my own four children in the late 1980s and early 1990s, as well as my experience as a healthcare provider, first as a homebirth midwife and then as a medical doctor. I also share links where you can find information about catch-up schedules, and some guidance on what to do - and avoid - if you are now choosing to implement vaccinations for any reason, including being able to send your kids to school in the absence of vaccine exemptions.
8/16/20191 hour, 14 minutes, 7 seconds
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104 Natural Approaches to HPV and Cervical Health

If you’ve been given an HPV diagnosis or have been told that you have ‘precancerous’ cervical changes or cervical dysplasia, there’s a good chance you’re freaking out. It’s a scary thing to hear, and often, the information isn’t delivered with the whole picture: namely that most HPV infections clear up on their own and most pre-cancerous lesions resolve spontaneously, with very little risk that they will progress to cancer. While appropriate conventional follow-up testing and treatment are absolutely essential with HPV and all cervical changes, and are part of a safe, healthy integrative approach, I'd like to share what's known about the natural approaches that have been researched with some promising results that women might want to use, not as a substitute, but while waiting to do follow-up testing for mild to moderate cervical changes.  To read a companion article to this episode, go to
6/26/20191 hour, 33 seconds
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103 Abnormal Pap or Positive HPV? What the Results Really Mean and What to Do Next

Most women don't think about their cervix until they have to get a Pap smear. As if the pelvic exam wasn’t stressful enough, getting the news that you had abnormal Pap or positive HPV results, especially when accompanied by words like “cervical dysplasia,” “biopsy,” or “pre-cancerous,” can spin you out with worry. I get it. We’re not given much intel on what all those test results and terms really mean. On top of it, HPV vaccine marketing has put the fear of cervical cancer out there in a big way - so hearing you have HPV can make you panic. In this episode I break it all down for you, explaining the most common abnormal results that show up on these tests, what they mean, and what next steps are recommended for you, at your specific age. Hopefully it will put these results into perspective, and help you breathe a little more easily. To read a companion article to this episode, go to
5/8/201934 minutes, 17 seconds
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102 Everything You Need to Know About the Pap Test, HPV, and Pelvic Exams

The Pap test, HPV screening, pelvic exams. As if hopping onto an exam table butt-naked wasn’t stressful enough, knowing what to do about these tests can be super confusing. I’m going to break it all down so you know what to say yes to, when and why, and when to say, “Thank you, but no!” To read a companion article to this episode, go to
5/1/201954 minutes, 20 seconds
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101 Beyond the Vaccinations Debate: What to Do If Your Child Gets the Measles

Join Dr. Aviva Romm as she dishes up a weekly dose of the whole truth on health and medicine. To learn more about this episode of Natural MD Radio go to
3/27/20191 hour, 14 minutes, 30 seconds
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100 Clean Beauty Matters with Tara Foley

Thousands of chemicals used in beauty products, a $70 billion a year industry, are governed by federal regulations that haven’t been updated in decades. The laws that govern the FDA's authority over the cosmetics industry are just two pages long and have not been updated since 1938, when they were first enacted. Such meager tools leave federal officials nearly powerless to regulate the makeup, lotions, toothpastes, deodorants and other elixirs that often are applied to the most intimate parts of the human body. Join Dr. Aviva Romm as she dishes up a weekly dose of the whole truth on health and medicine. To learn more about this episode of Natural MD Radio go to
3/13/201958 minutes, 6 seconds
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99 What a Healthy Vagina Should Smell Like & The Dangerous Douche Story You Should Know

If nobody ever told you what a healthy vagina is supposed to smell like, join the club. But knowing is incredibly important because what makes a vagina’s odor healthy – or not – has an impact on your overall health. Listen to this episode of Natural MD Radio to learn all about the deadly douche story that never should have happen, how to sort out healthy scents from problem-signaling odors, and what you can do to get your vaginal ecology in top form. Join Dr. Aviva Romm as she dishes up a weekly dose of the whole truth on health and medicine. To learn more about this episode of Natural MD Radio go to
3/6/201937 minutes, 47 seconds
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98 The Post Birth Control Pill Hormone Reset

If you have decided it’s time to come off the pill, have no fear. Most women transition off it without much problem. You’re not doomed to a life of hormonal imbalances. With the targeted strategies I walk you through you can reset, your hormone balance so that you, too, have healthy, natural cycles. Join Dr. Aviva Romm as she dishes up a weekly dose of the whole truth on health and medicine. To learn more about this episode of Natural MD Radio go to
2/23/201959 minutes
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97 How These Women Are Saving Black Mothers Lives

At a time when the pace of medical advances can be breathtaking, the rate of maternal death in the United States remains stubbornly high at 14 for every 100,000 live births. The United States is one of only two developed countries whose maternal death rate actually worsened between 1990 and 2015. Unfortunately, African American women have the highest infant mortality rate of any group in the U.S. Why aren't we saving black mothers? Well, it's a matter of poor obstetric practices in the U.S. combined with overt racism. Women are more likely to be dismissed for pain than men. Our pain is often treated as stress or anxiety -- and black women fare worst. Did you know that black mothers die at three to four times the rate of white mothers? And did you know that black mothers are an astonishingly 243% more likely to die from pregnancy or childbirth-related causes? In a national study of five medical complications that are the common causes for maternal death and injury, African American women in the United States are two to three times more likely to die than a white woman with the same condition. Today I am thrilled to be joined by a woman that is a student in my course on herbal medicine for women. She is making inroads to changing the culture of birth in the US -- both one mother at a time and on a larger organizational level. Aza Nedhari is a certified professional midwife, family counselor pursuing a PhD in organizational leadership, and the founding executor of Mamatoto's Village, a perinatal support organization in Washington D.C. She has more than 15 years of experience in youth development, reproductive and sexual health, and program development and curriculum design. Fiercely dedicated to women, Aza is doing something I have never seen before and her model has a real opportunity to create global systemic change. In addition to helping pregnant women identify and work through any needs they may have, teaching women what the mother's role is as a co-creator in the birth process, and tailoring their perinatal program to the mothers' needs, Mamatoto's Village also offers massages for pregnant women, helps these women learn how to grocery shop healthily, and offers overnights and regular checkups for post-partum women. "We walk that journey with her to have her be in a better place and position than when she walked through the door." - Aza Nedhari Join Dr. Aviva Romm as she dishes up a weekly dose of the whole truth on health and medicine. To learn more about this episode of Natural MD Radio go to
2/16/20191 hour, 17 minutes, 22 seconds
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96 Herbs for Detoxification - What Really Works

Detoxification is something our bodies do naturally. Unfortunately, things are much different for us now than they were for our ancestors. While they were exposed to very few environmental toxins as little as 75 years ago, the same cannot be said for us today. We are simultaneously being overloaded by external toxins and undersupported by our diets because our diets are not balanced enough to keep our natural detox processes robust. Over the past few weeks of our series on detoxification, we have talked about the impact that too much detoxification can have on your health, as well as the differences between metabolic and psychologic detoxification and the dangers of fad detoxes. I want to wrap up this series discussing the very powerful role that some foods and supplements can play in our body's natural detoxification processes. I also want to share some of my favorite botanicals and herbs that I use with my patients to support their natural detoxification processes. Today I'm excited to dive into the steps of a 12-week detox program. Along the way, I'll share with you some of my absolute favorite botanicals and herbs to use to support the detoxification process while also showing you how to be intentional about limiting exposures to harmful toxins in your home, food, and household products. Listen in as I talk about the historical and scientific support behind these detoxifying herbs and the steps you can take to rid your home and your body of the harmful toxins that are getting in the way of your health. "The more we can return to simple and natural, the more we can use less." - Aviva Romm Join Dr. Aviva Romm as she dishes up a weekly dose of the whole truth on health and medicine. To learn more about this episode of Natural MD Radio go to
12/15/20181 hour, 17 minutes, 5 seconds
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95 Cesarean Section - How Many is too Many with Dr. Marleen Temmerman

Did you know that we are facing a continuing growing cesarean section crisis? The overuse of cesarean sections, especially in the United States, is not new, but it has certainly continued to become more prevalent globally over the past 15 years. Women's ability to give birth is not greatly dependent on geography, and yet many women in low-income countries do not even have access to this method of birth when necessary. Wide variations in intervention statistics between regions tell us that something is very wrong. Joining me is Dr. Marleen Temmerman, a force in bringing the overuse and under-access of cesarean sections to the wider medical community. She is an obstetrician/gynecologist and a world leader in women's and children's health. Notably, Dr. Temmerman was the senior author on a series of focus articles in The Lancet medical journal for October 2018. She also has a strong record of diplomacy, advocacy, and clinical expertise. She also served as the director of the Department of Reproductive Health and Research for the WHO, as an elected senator for the Belgian parliament, and is the founding director of the International Centre of Reproductive Health at Ghent University, with offices in Kenya and Mozambique. "Who is contributing to the increase in cesarean sections? Basically, it is the gynecologists who hold the knife." - Dr. Marleen Temmerman Join Dr. Aviva Romm as she dishes up a weekly dose of the whole truth on health and medicine. To learn more about this episode of Natural MD Radio go to
12/8/20181 hour, 2 minutes, 15 seconds
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94 Do You Have A Migraine Personality with Joanna Kempner

Today I talk with Joanna Kempner, an associate professor in the Department of Sociology at Rutgers, who is doing important work for gender politics and pain. In this episode of Natural MD Radio, we discuss the idea of a migraine personality, the historical concept of hysteria, and how this has all evolved to create a disparity in pain treatment for women -- especially women of color in the United States. We also talk about the societal factors that have led many women to feel guilty for speaking up about their pain, whether it be chronic pain caused by a condition like migraine or pain after childbirth, for example. We share the ways that the stigma of pain affects pain research and the implications that this has for the current and future treatment of women's pain. Listen to today's episode to learn why these disparities in pain treatment still exist and how we can combat them in our own lives. "If a drug worked well it would not create a situation in which it was exacerbating the very problem it was treating." - Joanna Kempner Join Dr. Aviva Romm as she dishes up a weekly dose of the whole truth on health and medicine. To learn more about this episode of Natural MD Radio go to
11/17/201857 minutes, 53 seconds
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93 Five Ways Vitex Can Help Your Hormones

Vitex earns a place in my Top 5 Favorite Herbs for Women and today, I want to tell you how this powerful herb can help with your hormones. Hormonal imbalances are one of the most common complaints I see in my practice, and include conditions like PMS (to which more than 150 symptoms have been attributed, and which affects millions of women, irregular menstrual cycles (menorrhagia, dysmenorrhea, and amenorrhea, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS, fertility challenges, and menopausal symptoms. Robust scientific evidence now supports the traditional use of vitex for women's hormones - I'll walk you through what you need to know in this episode. "A lot of hormonal symptoms we chalk up as “normal” are actually signals that something is out of balance in the body – if you’re ready to regain your health, you might find a great ally in vitex!" Join Dr. Aviva Romm as she dishes up a weekly dose of the whole truth on health and medicine. To learn more about this episode of Natural MD Radio go to
10/27/201845 minutes, 9 seconds
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92 Herbs for Easier Labor and Birth

If you're freaking out at a little (or a lot) at the thought of pushing a small cantaloupe sized head out of your vagina and also want to do everything you can to avoid unnecessary medical interventions at your birth, including cesarean, you’re probably here because you’re doing your homework ahead of time to learn what to do to make this upcoming passage into motherhood as short, easy, empowering, and as safe as possible for yourself - and your baby. I'm here to help! Thirty-five years of practice initially as a home birth midwife, and then as an MD specializing in women’s health, including obstetrics, as well as being a momma of four, has shown me that labor and birth can be - yes - hard work - but beautiful, powerful events in our lives. While there should be absolutely no judgment over what type of birth experience you prefer or ultimately require, it’s worthwhile considering what natural tools we have that can help us avoid the speed bumps that often lead to preventable birth interventions - the most common being not going into labor within a reasonable amount of time after your due date (this is hotly debated - most obstetricians think within a week after, however normal human gestation actually goes up to two weeks after, which most midwives support), having a long labor, or need for pain medication, which often becomes the case when labor is going long. "While there should be absolutely no judgment over what type of birth you prefer or require, it’s worth considering the natural tools that can help you avoid preventable birth interventions." - Aviva Romm. Join Dr. Aviva Romm as she dishes up a weekly dose of the whole truth on health and medicine. To learn more about this episode of Natural MD Radio go to
10/20/201841 minutes, 19 seconds
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91 Detoxification - Does It Matter What You Eat?

You've heard me use the term 'food as medicine' in the past. Today, in the third episode in our series on detoxification, I'm going to talk about what that really means. While it's easy to think we need all kinds of supplements and fancy detoxes, food as medicine is not an abstract concept. Which foods are detoxification foods and how exactly do they help us? You'll learn about nutrients that are important to maintaining a healthy diet and healthy life, and how we can get them in our foods. "Food as medicine is not an abstract concept." - Aviva Romm. Join Dr. Aviva Romm as she dishes up a weekly dose of the whole truth on health and medicine. To learn more about this episode of Natural MD Radio go to
10/13/201850 minutes, 16 seconds
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90 How Detoxification Really Works

I am sure that you have all heard about trendy detox programs, but did you know that detoxification is different than the term 'detox'? Last week I shared just the tip of the iceberg on the dangers of environmental toxins in our bodies and in our surroundings. In the second episode in our series on detoxification, today I dive into how detoxification really works. I talk about detoxification, why it's important, and how it's related to the toxins we are being exposed to on a regular basis. We are all detoxifying every single day. Our bodies do it naturally. It's not something we're supposed to do intentionally. But because we're both overexposed to environmental triggers and deficient in the nutrients needed to support detoxification, I explain why we need to make a more conscious effort to mind the detoxification processes. "The sheer volume of chemicals we're exposed to every day is so great that it threatens to overload our natural systems." - Dr. Romm Join Dr. Aviva Romm as she dishes up a weekly dose of the whole truth on health and medicine. To learn more about this episode of Natural MD Radio go to
9/29/201840 minutes, 30 seconds
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89 Detox Is It a Real Thing? Understanding Body Burden

Every day it seems there is a new fad detox or cleanse program promising to help us get healthier. But what led us to believe that these programs were needed? The burden to detoxify the body has been placed on women and our diets, yet biological systems are already in place to do just that. So is detoxification real? Listen in to today’s episode where I discuss the environmental factors that we should be worried about, the origins and effects of these toxic chemicals, and what you can do to protect yourself and your children in the future. "If we can't drink our water, if we can't breathe our air, if we can't trust our soil, that is a global crisis that affects us all." - Aviva Romm Join Dr. Aviva Romm as she dishes up a weekly dose of the whole truth on health and medicine. To learn more about this episode of Natural MD Radio go to
9/15/20181 hour, 45 seconds
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88 Detoxification 101: Everything You Wanted to Know

Cleanses, detoxes, and fasts have existed for centuries for various purposes and with varying degrees of scientific validity. It is more common than ever for people to be self-administering a detox, cleanse, or fast as a way to lose weight or regulate toxins. Some of these traditional healing practices can have merit, but when done to extremes they can cause health problems -- especially for women and their thyroid health. Are there safe detox programs? Listen in to today's episode to hear what a healthy detox program looks like, what health complications can be caused by entering into a fast under the wrong circumstances and how to know whether a cleanse is a good choice for you. “Too much of a good thing can become a problem.” - Aviva Romm Join Dr. Aviva Romm as she dishes up a weekly dose of the whole truth on health and medicine. To learn more about this episode of Natural MD Radio go to
9/8/201839 minutes, 45 seconds
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87 PCOS - The Hidden Metabolic Syndrome and What You Can Do About It (Archive)

Today I'm talking about Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, which affects over 5 million women in the U.S, and what natural approaches you can take to help. “You can reduce or eliminate any of the stresses that you don’t have to have. So stop saying yes to so many things - say no to things that you don’t have to take on.” - Aviva Romm. Join Dr. Aviva Romm as she dishes up a weekly dose of the whole truth on health and medicine. To learn more about this episode of Natural MD Radio go to
9/1/201843 minutes, 2 seconds
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86 Restoring Baby's Microbiome After Cesarean with Dr. Maria Dominguez-Bello

What is vaginal seeding and why is the infant microbiome so important? Two modern medical practices, antibiotic use and cesarean section, carry consequences even when used appropriately. Both practices have been recognized as being overused in recent decades. Studies have demonstrated that babies born by cesarean have a greater lifetime risk of obesity, type one diabetes, asthma, and celiac disease. Joining me today is Doctor Maria Gloria Dominguez-Bello. She is one of the most accomplished and respected microbiome researchers in the world and arguably the leading researcher on the infant microbiome, cesarean section, and the microbiome's impact on health. Dr. Dominguez-Bello’s landmark pilot study on the partial repopulation of the vaginal microbiome of babies born by cesarean led to the term vaginal seeding - now a self-help practice being used by some parents and midwives in the United States. We discuss the practice of vaginal seeding, the effects of cesarean section, consequences of antibiotic use, probiotics, and ongoing clinical trials at the forefront of infant microbiome research. “We have evidence that we can normalize the microbiota of babies that are born by c-section if they are exposed to vaginal bacteria, vaginal fluids.” - Dr. Maria Gloria Dominguez-Bello. Join Dr. Aviva Romm as she dishes up a weekly dose of the whole truth on health and medicine. To learn more about this episode of Natural MD Radio go to  
8/25/201830 minutes, 28 seconds
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85 Adrenal Fatigue - What's the Real Deal?

Have you ever been to the doctor to ask about symptoms of adrenal fatigue – like fatigue, anxiety, weight gain, cravings, hair loss, hormonal imbalances, thyroid symptoms – only to be told: “You’re fine, there’s nothing wrong with you?" The dominate medical model has a tendency to overlook women's symptoms and tell us that it's all in our heads, but I have news for you: Your symptoms are not just in your head. You’re not crazy. Something new that doctors don’t recognize yet is going on. In today’s episode of Natural MD Radio I discuss the controversial topic of adrenal fatigue and whether or not it is a real thing, and I bet you'll be surprised by what I have to say! Tune in to learn the science of what's really going on in your body, why the medical system isn’t keeping up, and what you can do to get the care you need to take back your health. “Doctors are taught, ’if we can’t measure it, then it’s not happening.’”-- Dr. Aviva Romm Join Dr. Aviva Romm as she dishes up a weekly dose of the whole truth on health and medicine. To learn more about this episode of Natural MD Radio go to
7/21/201839 minutes, 41 seconds
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84 Enough Already - Protecting Kids from Environmental Toxins with Philip Landrigan

Even though you might not know it, Dr. Philip Landrigan’s work has directly impacted your life. Every time you are fueling your car or walking into your home and don’t have to worry that your child might be exposed to lead paint, it’s thanks to Dr. Landrigan. Dr. Landrigan was the first to document the effects of lead poising on American children, which led to the US government mandating the removal of lead from many products that we interact with on a daily basis. After “getting out the lead,” Dr. Landrigan turned his attention to cleaning up our food supply and bringing to light the risks that pesticides pose to the health of our children and families. So how can you protect your children from environmental toxins? Chemicals are everywhere in today’s world and it’s impossible to protect your child completely from the risks that they pose… but don’t panic! In today’s episode of Natural MD Radio, Dr. Landrigan and I discuss the 3 biggest hazards to your child’s health, and what you can do — starting today — to keep your family safe. “There’s no way that any parent can protect their child completely against chemicals — chemicals are just too ubiquitous in today’s world — my philosophy is to give parents actionable information.” - Dr. Philip Landrigan Join Dr. Aviva Romm as she dishes up a weekly dose of the whole truth on health and medicine. To learn more about this episode of Natural MD Radio go to
7/14/201850 minutes, 45 seconds
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83 Get Better with Laila Ali

Laila Ali is a world class athlete, fitness & wellness expert, TV host, cooking enthusiast, founder of the Laila Ali Lifestyle Brand, mother of two, and daughter of the late beloved global icon and humanitarian, Muhammad Ali. In today’s episode, we dive into Laila’s story of how she discovered women’s health as her passion after she retired from her career as a four-time undefeated boxing world champion. Tune in to hear Laila’s own journey to health, how she prioritizes self-care while working as a rockstar entrepreneur and mama, and her practical tips to start cooking and implementing healthy eating habits for you, and your whole family. “Don’t get bitter — get better.” - Laila Ali Join Dr. Aviva Romm as she dishes up a weekly dose of the whole truth on health and medicine. To learn more about this episode of Natural MD Radio go to
6/23/201852 minutes, 16 seconds
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82 Herbal Alternatives to Antibiotic Resistance

There’s no doubt about it – antibiotics are a good thing. They save lives every day. But are they as safe as they are common? In today’s episode, we dive into the largest global public health threat facing the world today — antibiotic resistance. The overprescribing and inappropriate prescribing of antibiotics, and the overuse of antibiotics in the food industry, is creating resistant strains of bacteria that no longer respond to antibiotics that used to effectively treat certain infections. Tune in to learn why antibiotics get overprescribed, how you can get the tools and information you need in order to do your part to stop this trend, and my 8 go-to herbal antibiotic alternatives for common infections. “More is not better in the case of antibiotics.” - Aviva Romm Join Dr. Aviva Romm as she dishes up a weekly dose of the whole truth on health and medicine. To learn more about this episode of Natural MD Radio go to
6/16/201847 minutes, 46 seconds
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81 Home Birth - A Family Affair

Lealah Henderson is a new mom with an empowering birth story to share. I had the pleasure of being part of Lealah’s home birth team, and am thrilled that Lealah is so generous in sharing her beautiful story with my Natural MD Radio community! In today’s episode, we discuss why Lealah decided to have a home birth, how she assembled her dream birth team, and she shares a detailed account of the birth as it unfolded. Tune in to learn firsthand what home birth is like, and how family and community can make all the difference. Note that we do talk graphically about birth in this episode. “I knew that I could do this at home, and I knew I had the support that I needed to do this at home.” - Lealah Henderson Join Dr. Aviva Romm as she dishes up a weekly dose of the whole truth on health and medicine. To learn more about this episode of Natural MD Radio go to
6/9/201846 minutes, 31 seconds
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80 Introducing Your Lady Parts

Did you know that only about 26% of women have taken a close look at their own lady parts? Do you know the difference between a vagina and a vulva? Today we are going to go (down) there! I start by talking about terminology, how to define your parts, and why words are important. Then, in the second half of the episode, I’ll walk you through how to get comfy and take a look for yourself. If you’re not ready for that step, don’t worry — you can still learn a lot about your body simply by tuning in! “When it comes to your lady parts — knowledge is power.” - Dr. Aviva Romm Join Dr. Aviva Romm as she dishes up a weekly dose of the whole truth on health and medicine. To learn more about this episode of Natural MD Radio go to
6/2/201843 minutes, 26 seconds
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79 Trust Us When We Say We’re Sick

Today I’m joined by Maya Dusenbery, a writer, the editor of, and the author of the new book Doing Harm: The Truth About How Bad Medicine and Lazy Science Leave Women Dismissed, Misdiagnosed, and Sick, which explores how gender bias in the medical system is harming women. In this episode we discuss the unconscious biases against women that exist in medicine, where these biases come from historically, and how activism and spreading awareness can help shed light on the issue. It’s time for the medical system to start trusting women’s voices, and it’s going to take big change from health care providers — and brave action from patients — to make it happen. “Throughout medical history women’s activism has been very important in creating change.” - Maya Dusenbery Join Dr. Aviva Romm as she dishes up a weekly dose of the whole truth on health and medicine. To learn more about this episode of Natural MD Radio go to
3/31/20181 hour, 52 seconds
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78 Herbs & Supplements for Endometriosis

If you’ve been suffering from endometriosis, you know how much it can impact your life — and you might try anything to get relief from the pain. You also know that the only treatments doctors recommend include pain medications, hormonal therapies, and surgery. These treatments have big risks, and aren’t always effective. In this episode I share four supplements and herbs that have been scientifically shown to not only help relieve the pain associated with endometriosis, but actually to reduce lesions and cysts. These natural approaches can be used alone or in combination with conventional treatments. If you, or someone you know, has been suffering from endometriosis, tune in to learn how to take control of your health naturally! “So many women are going to medications or surgery first because they don’t know that there are other options.” - Aviva Romm Join Dr. Aviva Romm as she dishes up a weekly dose of the whole truth on health and medicine. To learn more about this episode of Natural MD Radio go to
3/24/201819 minutes, 28 seconds
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77 How to Be Well with Dr. Frank Lipman

For Dr. Frank Lipman health is more than just the absence of disease — it’s a total state of physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and social wellbeing. Dr. Lipman is a widely recognized trailblazer in functional and integrative medicine and the New York Times Bestselling Author of five books. In this episode of Natural MD Radio, Dr. Lipman joins us to talk about his new book How to Be Well. We discuss how millennials inspired Dr. Lipman to write this practical guide to health, why it’s about more than functional or integrative medicine, and how the key to transforming your health is in simple lifestyle changes taken at your own pace. “I’m a big believer in the extraordinary power of ordinary things.” - Dr. Frank Lipman Join Dr. Aviva Romm as she dishes up a weekly dose of the whole truth on health and medicine. To learn more about this episode of Natural MD Radio go to
3/17/201856 minutes, 18 seconds
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76 How to Talk to Your Doctor and Get the Health Care You Need

The current medical model has been statistically shown to dismiss and ignore women’s voices and create an environment in which we feel uncomfortable speaking up about our symptoms and health concerns. So how can we change this story? In today’s episode I share with you my top tips for learning to speak up and overcome the gender bias that’s inherent in medicine. These practical tips will help you feel more confident going into your next appointment, know when it’s time to make the tough call of breaking up with a provider who doesn’t support you, and cultivate your own version of Sasha Fierce as your go-to health care advocate. Join Dr. Aviva Romm as she dishes up a weekly dose of the whole truth on health and medicine. To learn more about this episode of Natural MD Radio go to
3/10/201838 minutes, 14 seconds
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75 A Pregnant Mom’s Guide to Thyroid Health

Healthy thyroid function is essential to the physical and emotional health of pregnant women and to new moms. It’s also critical for the health of the baby. In this episode, Dr. Aviva discusses the risks of undiagnosed thyroid problems for mom and baby, how thyroid function changes during pregnancy, and why it’s important for all pregnant women to get complete thyroid testing. You’ll also learn how to advocate for yourself to get the testing that you need, and the steps to take once you have your results. “I don’t want you to experience unnecessary or repeated suffering from something that can be very simple checked, and very simply treated.” - Aviva Romm Join Dr. Aviva Romm as she dishes up a weekly dose of the whole truth on health and medicine. To learn more about this episode of Natural MD Radio go to
2/3/201831 minutes, 27 seconds
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74 Worry Watchers

Is worry keeping you up at night? Are you ready to reset — for less than two dollars? Listen in to learn how to get your sleep back on track, clear your cravings, balance your mood, and lose stubborn weight with this simple technique from Dr. Aviva Romm. “How many worry minutes do you need per day to feel ‘full’ from worrying?” -Aviva Romm Join Dr. Aviva Romm as she dishes up a weekly dose of the whole truth on health and medicine. To learn more about this episode of Natural MD Radio go to
1/27/201817 minutes, 13 seconds
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73 Reducing Thyroid Antibodies Naturally

Maybe you have a diagnosis of Hashimoto’s and are already on thyroid hormone replacement medication, but you’re still not feeling better – and your thyroid antibodies are still not coming down. Perhaps your doctor said it’s just something you have to live with – nothing can be done. But is there a natural solution? The answer is a resounding “Yes.” You actually can bring thyroid antibodies down, and you can do it naturally. In this episode, Dr. Aviva Romm shares the seven steps she uses in her practice to help her patients reduce and even normalize their thyroid antibodies.  “I take evidence based medicine very seriously — what I’m telling you is something that I would take myself, or tell my family member, or my best friend.” - Aviva Romm Join Dr. Aviva Romm as she dishes up a weekly dose of the whole truth on health and medicine. To learn more about this episode of Natural MD Radio go to
1/20/201849 minutes, 38 seconds
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72 Hypothyroidism - Have You Been Dismissed or Misunderstood?

Happy New Year! …and happy Thyroid Awareness Month! Your thyroid — a little butterfly-shaped gland in your neck — is responsible for controlling your energy and metabolism. Thyroid disease affects an estimated 40 million Americans, and nearly 90% of these are women. Studies show that 1 in 8 women can expect to develop hypothyroidism in her lifetime. In this episode, I discuss how to recognize the symptoms of hypothyroidism, why hypothyroidism is a feminist issue, why the medical community is ignoring this epidemic, and what we can do to change the story. “You are the expert on your own body.” - Aviva Romm Join Dr. Aviva Romm as she dishes up a weekly dose of the whole truth on health and medicine. To learn more about this episode of Natural MD Radio go to
1/6/201824 minutes, 36 seconds
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71 Say Goodbye to those Winter Blues - Treating Seasonal Affective Disorder

It would be so wonderful if winter was merry and bright for everyone, but for so many women it is a SAD time of year. SAD stands for Seasonal Affective Disorder — I like to call it the winter blues — and it’s what makes some of us want to curl up in bed and hibernate during the dark winter months. But how do you know if the underlying cause of your depression is SAD… or if it is your thyroid? In this episode, I’ll discuss the symptoms of SAD vs. low thyroid function, how to get your thyroid tested, and my top 7 tips for treating SAD naturally. “Happiness is our natural state as human beings.” - Dr. Aviva Romm Join Dr. Aviva Romm as she dishes up a weekly dose of the whole truth on health and medicine. To learn more about this episode of Natural MD Radio go to
12/23/201738 minutes, 20 seconds
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70 Bacterial Vaginosis - What’s a Gal to Do?

Thirty percent of women between the ages of 20 and 50 have bacterial vaginosis (BV). The medical model thinks about BV - and our bodies - all wrong! So what’s a gal to do? In this episode, I share with you my 7 lifestyle tips to prevent bacterial vaginosis and the protocol that I use to treat bacterial vaginosis naturally. “Your optimal vaginal ecology depends on your optimal whole body ecology.” - Dr. Aviva Romm Join Dr. Aviva Romm as she dishes up a weekly dose of the whole truth on health and medicine. To learn more about this episode of Natural MD Radio go to
12/16/201753 minutes, 49 seconds
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69 Why Condoms Are a Women’s Issue

Did you know that only 20% of single women use condoms regularly, that U.S. rates of unplanned pregnancies are at 48%, and that 1 in 4 female college freshman get an STI during their fist year at school? My guest today, Meika Hollender, is on a mission to change this story. Meika is the co-founder of Sustain Natural, a new brand of sexual and reproductive wellness products, and the creator of #GetOnTop, a campaign aimed at getting women to take control of their sexual health. “Let’s create a new normal where buying condoms for women is a thing you feel empowered by.” - Meika Hollender Join Dr. Aviva Romm as she dishes up a weekly dose of the whole truth on health and medicine. To learn more about this episode of Natural MD Radio go to
11/4/201744 minutes, 40 seconds
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68 No Appetite for Bullying

We’ve all heard about the pervasive problem of bullying in schools, but have you heard about food allergy bullying? Robyn O'Brien and I discuss how to recognize the symptoms of bullying in your kids, the unique dangers of food allergy bullying, and how parents can work together with their kids, other parents, and educators to keep kids with food allergies safe, and thriving. “Bullying can be as vicious as any kind of cancer… it can literally destroy a kid from the inside out.” - Robyn O'Brien Join Dr. Aviva Romm as she dishes up a weekly dose of the whole truth on health and medicine. To learn more about this episode of Natural MD Radio go to
10/28/201753 minutes, 25 seconds
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67 Healing Arthritis Naturally

My guest today is Dr. Susan Blum, a medical doctor, a pioneer in functional medicine, and the founder and director of Blum Center for Health. In today’s episode, we take a deep dive into Dr. Blum’s upcoming book, Healing Arthritis: Your 3-Step Guide to Conquering Arthritis Naturally. “Arthritis is an epidemic that nobody is talking about.” - Dr. Susan Blum Join Dr. Aviva Romm as she dishes up a weekly dose of the whole truth on health and medicine. To learn more about this episode of Natural MD Radio go to
10/21/201752 minutes, 26 seconds
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66 Healing Menstrual Pain Naturally

Do you have menstrual cramps? Achy awful period pain? Or even mild but annoying monthly pain? In today’s episode, I’ll discuss the reasons behind your menstrual pain and give you the tools you need to make period pain a thing of the past. “In my practice, I always go to mind, body, food, and herbs first.” - Aviva Romm Join Dr. Aviva Romm as she dishes up a weekly dose of the whole truth on health and medicine. To learn more about this episode of Natural MD Radio go to
10/14/20171 hour, 2 minutes, 7 seconds
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65 Taina Asili - Music of Resistance & Resilience

  Is music part of your wellness practice? Today’s guest, Taina Asili, is a New York based Puerto Rican singer, songwriter, and activist. We discuss music as an integral part of wellness, the importance of self-care in social justice work, and Taina’s tips for how to get involved in activism for beginners. “Music is an important part of my wellness practice.” - Taina Asili Join Dr. Aviva Romm as she dishes up a weekly dose of the whole truth on health and medicine. To learn more about this episode of Natural MD Radio go to
10/7/201758 minutes, 6 seconds
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64 Vaginal Ecology - What You Need to Know

Did you know that your vagina has its own ecosystem? In this episode, you’ll learn all about the exciting flora that make up your vaginal ecology, how to keep these friendly microbes happy, and how to prevent vaginal infections with natural methods. “The ecosystem of organisms that live in your yoni keep it — and you — healthy.” - Aviva Romm Join Dr. Aviva Romm as she dishes up a weekly dose of the whole truth on health and medicine. To learn more about this episode of Natural MD Radio go to
9/23/201750 minutes, 17 seconds
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63 Natural Remedies for Kids' Ear Infections

If you have kids, you’ve probably had experience with ear infections. Today I share prevention tips and home remedies to treat kid's ear infections the natural way, and also discuss how to know when antibiotics are necessary. “Ear infections do not have to be an inevitable part of childhood.” - Aviva Romm  Join Dr. Aviva Romm as she dishes up a weekly dose of the whole truth on health and medicine. To learn more about this episode of Natural MD Radio go to
9/9/20171 hour, 6 minutes, 36 seconds
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62 Mindy Green - The Healing Power of Plants

Mindy Green, national authority on botanicals, shares how and why she fell in love with plants, what aromatherapy can add to an herbal practice, and how to start integrating essential oils into your life in an educated and safe way!   “When used with skill and education, aromatherapy can add a lot to an herbal practice.” - Mindy Green   Join Dr. Aviva Romm as she dishes up a weekly dose of the whole truth on health and medicine. To learn more about this episode of Natural MD Radio go to
9/2/20171 hour, 13 minutes, 28 seconds
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61 The Pill - What You Need to Know That Your Doctor Probably Didn't Tell You

The Pill is an easy to use and popularly prescribed method to prevent pregnancy, but do we know the true effects that it is having on our bodies, minds, and overall health? Today I give you the whole story on the side effects, risks, and dangers of The Pill, and an overview of my favorite alternative contraceptive methods. “When it comes to oral contraceptives, the truth is that we have not gotten the whole story.” - Dr. Aviva Romm Join Dr. Aviva Romm as she dishes up a weekly dose of the whole truth on health and medicine. To learn more about this episode of Natural MD Radio go to    
8/26/201748 minutes, 24 seconds
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60 Herbs and Supplements for Migraine Prevention

Welcome to a new season of Natural MD Radio! Today I share my 6 step migraine prevention method along with my favorite evidence based herbs and supplements for migraine prevention. “So much more of our health care is in our hands than we have been led to believe.” - Aviva Romm  Join Dr. Aviva Romm as she dishes up a weekly dose of the whole truth on health and medicine. To learn more about this episode of Natural MD Radio go to  
8/19/201747 minutes, 2 seconds
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59 Supporting Your Thyroid Under Stress

If you have thyroid issues, times of stress can be hard. Today I'm talking to Dr. Izabella Wentz about tips to help you stay healthy in times of stress. "If I’m stressed usually sleep, meditation, and walks in nature are going to be the three things that get me back on track." - Dr. Izabella Wentz Join Dr. Aviva Romm as she dishes up a weekly dose of the whole truth on health and medicine. To learn more about this episode of Natural MD Radio go to
5/3/201751 minutes, 8 seconds
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58 Meet The OB Speaking Out on the US Cesarean Section Rate

There’s no question that the c-section rate in our country is high. Dr. Neel Shah is connecting the dots between providers, hospitals, and moms to lower it. "In the information economy… there is a newfound opportunity to engage moms and women and patients and families in the conversations about how we improve internal health." - Dr. Neel Shah Join Dr. Aviva Romm as she dishes up a weekly dose of the whole truth on health and medicine. To learn more about this episode of Natural MD Radio go to
4/26/20171 hour, 4 minutes, 20 seconds
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57 Could You Have Histamine Intolerance?

There’s a food allergy that tends to fly under the radar. Today I'm talking about histamine intolerance: the symptoms, the cause, and how you can heal. "Depending on the root cause of your histamine intolerance, it can actually be highly reduced or even reversed." - Aviva Romm Join Dr. Aviva Romm as she dishes up a weekly dose of the whole truth on health and medicine. To learn more about this episode of Natural MD Radio go to
4/19/201738 minutes, 29 seconds
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56 10 Things Your Brain Fog Could Be Telling You

I’ve been hearing a lot of patients talk about brain fog in my practice lately, so today I’m talking through ten things your brain fog could be telling you. “We need your sharp focus now, we need every woman able to contribute her best to the world.” - Aviva Romm Join Dr. Aviva Romm as she dishes up a weekly dose of the whole truth on health and medicine. To learn more about this episode of Natural MD Radio go to
4/5/201746 minutes, 33 seconds
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55 Terry Wahls - Eating for Life

We know food can heal the body, but today's guest, Dr. Terry Wahls, takes it to a whole new level. Learn how she designed her diet to recover from MS. "My preference is that people eat more probiotic foods that are not dairy or grain based, but are vegetable based." - Dr. Terry Wahls Join Dr. Aviva Romm as she dishes up a weekly dose of the whole truth on health and medicine. To learn more about this episode of Natural MD Radio go to
3/29/201737 minutes, 58 seconds
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54 Adaptogens & Burnout - A Good Combination?

Burnout is an epidemic. But there's help! Giving yourself time to pause and replenish is so important, and using adaptogens can help. "The role of adaptogens is not to allow you to not hit the pause button - they are to help you heal when you have hit the pause button and to give you a little extra support during those times." - Aviva Romm Join Dr. Aviva Romm as she dishes up a weekly dose of the whole truth on health and medicine. To learn more about this episode of Natural MD Radio go to
3/8/201754 minutes, 15 seconds
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53 UTI - The Natural Approach

For many women UTIs are a recurring problem. Listen in to learn about natural ways to both prevent and treat urinary tract infections. "By preventing bladder infections, you can prevent and break the urinary tract cycle infection which can also help to prevent kidney infections because those often arise as a result of an untreated bladder infection." - Aviva Romm Join Dr. Aviva Romm as she dishes up a weekly dose of the whole truth on health and medicine. To learn more about this episode of Natural MD Radio go to
3/1/201746 minutes, 39 seconds
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52 WTF is MTHFR?

If you’re curious about what MTHFR is, or if you have this genetic change and want to know more about managing it, this is episode is for you. “While having the MTHFR SNiP may in itself inherently increase some risks that do require you to supplement with methylfolate and possibly methylB12, it’s important to also remember that just having the gene doesn’t necessarily increase your risks over the next person who doesn’t have that gene.” - Aviva Romm Join Dr. Aviva Romm as she dishes up a weekly dose of the whole truth on health and medicine. To learn more about this episode of Natural MD Radio go to
2/22/201728 minutes, 48 seconds
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51 FLO Living with Alisa Vitti

Your period is an amazing cycle. At least, that's what today's guest Alisa Vitti believes. Learn about her book and her new period tracking app, My Flo. "The whole purpose of the cycle is to create continuous change, not just in your body so you can potentially be a vessel for conception, but also to create forward momentum in your life." - Alisa Vitti Join Dr. Aviva Romm as she dishes up a weekly dose of the whole truth on health and medicine. To learn more about this episode of Natural MD Radio go to
2/15/20171 hour, 2 minutes, 46 seconds
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50 Money Matters with Amanda Steinberg

Amanda Steinberg, creator of Worth FM and author of new book Worth It, is here to help women reconnect to money and take control of their personal finances. "My mission is for every woman who has anywhere between $10,000 and millions of dollars to her name, and anywhere in between, is to understand how that money is being directed and influenced." - Amanda Steinberg Join Dr. Aviva Romm as she dishes up a weekly dose of the whole truth on health and medicine. To learn more about this episode of Natural MD Radio go to
2/1/201747 minutes, 58 seconds
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49 Hashimoto’s - What Is It Trying to Tell You?

What if we looked deeper than just a disease what was really causing the symptoms? Today I’m sharing the six things that Hashimoto’s is trying to tell us. "I want us to look underneath at what’s really going on." - Aviva Romm Join Dr. Aviva Romm as she dishes up a weekly dose of the whole truth on health and medicine. To learn more about this episode of Natural MD Radio go to
1/25/201741 minutes, 13 seconds
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48 How Restrictive Diets Can Make You Gain Weight

One of the biggest health mistakes women make is skipping meals in order to lose weight. Why? Because skipping meals can have the opposite effect! "When you’re eating too few calories for your body, you kick in this ancient survival mechanism and instead of losing weight, you gain weight." - Aviva Romm Join Dr. Aviva Romm as she dishes up a weekly dose of the whole truth on health and medicine. To learn more about this episode of Natural MD Radio go to
1/18/201737 minutes, 24 seconds
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47 Epstein-Barr Virus: A Stealth Infection

There's an infection that I’ve been seeing more in my practice: Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV). Today I'm talking about the link between EBV and Hashimoto's. "Times of stress, fatigue, and going through major life changes, even for example big hormonal changes like perimenopause, can cause us to be particularly susceptible to new infection, reactivation of the virus, and then getting symptomatic." - Aviva Romm Join Dr. Aviva Romm as she dishes up a weekly dose of the whole truth on health and medicine. To learn more about this episode of Natural MD Radio go to
1/11/201744 minutes, 1 second
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46 Why You Should Know About Your Thyroid

In honor of Thyroid Awareness Month, I'm talking about thyroid basics: what your thyroid does, what are symptoms of a thyroid problem, and more. "As many as 15-30% of women who are being treated for depression may actually have Hashimoto’s or hypothyroidism." - Aviva Romm Join Dr. Aviva Romm as she dishes up a weekly dose of the whole truth on health and medicine. To learn more about this episode of Natural MD Radio go to
1/4/201728 minutes, 57 seconds
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45 From Fear to Freedom

Do you feel like if something good happens to you, something bad will follow suit? This fear is learned, and today I'm talking about how to unlearn it.  “So many wonderful and good things happen to us without something bad happening. And even if something bad has happened in your life, it doesn’t mean it’s ever going to happen again.” - Aviva Romm Join Dr. Aviva Romm as she dishes up a weekly dose of the whole truth on health and medicine. To learn more about this episode of Natural MD Radio go to
12/16/201639 minutes, 37 seconds
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44 The Flu: Everything You Want To Know

Having the flu is so miserable, the aches, the fevers, and the overall discomfort. Today I'm talking about natural ways to prevent and treat the flu. “The effectiveness of the flu vaccine ranges from as low as 24%, as it was a couple of years back, to a maximum of 60-70%.” - Aviva Romm Join Dr. Aviva Romm as she dishes up a weekly dose of the whole truth on health and medicine. To learn more about this episode of Natural MD Radio go to
11/25/201655 minutes, 41 seconds
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43 Baby’s Microbiome - Right From the Start

With the use of antibiotics and the large number of cesarean sections, your baby's microbiome may need some help. Here are some things you can do. “From the time of birth the microbiome influences the development of our immune system, and when it’s disrupted we run the risk of all manner of inflammatory and allergic conditions.” - Aviva Romm Join Dr. Aviva Romm as she dishes up a weekly dose of the whole truth on health and medicine. To learn more about this episode of Natural MD Radio go to
11/16/201632 minutes, 37 seconds
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42 Sleeping With Big Soda

Ever wondered who is behind the health articles in the New York Times? The answer is Anahad O'Connor. Listen in as he and Aviva discuss food and health. “It’s pretty clear that we have a broken food system.” - Anahad O'Connor Join Dr. Aviva Romm as she dishes up a weekly dose of the whole truth on health and medicine. To learn more about this episode of Natural MD Radio go to
10/26/201635 minutes, 25 seconds
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41 Jonathan Fields - Living a Good Life

What does it take to live a good life? Today Aviva talks to Jonathan Fields about his new book and the community he has built around living a good life. “If you say yes to everybody else, if you don’t know how to say no to the things that matter less, then it means that they things that really do matter to you, you have no time to do in a way that gives you meaning.” - Jonathan Fields Join Dr. Aviva Romm as she dishes up a weekly dose of the whole truth on health and medicine. To learn more about this episode of Natural MD Radio go to
10/18/201656 minutes, 25 seconds
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40 Celeste Fine - Advocating for Yourself and Your Babies

Sometimes a doctor's opinion can feel like the final say, but it isn't. Today Aviva talks to colleague Celeste Fine about being your own advocate. “What just happened is that doctor sat in that room and connected the dots between those exams and his interpretation of those exams, and he was telling a narrative that made sense for him.” - Celeste Fine Join Dr. Aviva Romm as she dishes up a weekly dose of the whole truth on health and medicine. To learn more about this episode of Natural MD Radio go to
10/12/20161 hour, 5 minutes, 47 seconds
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39 Amy Myers - The Thyroid Connection

Amy Myers is a doctor practicing functional medicine, focusing on thyroid disease. Today Aviva is talking to her about her practice and treatments. “I made the best decision I could at the time that I had with the information I had, and that’s all you can do.” - Amy Myers Join Dr. Aviva Romm as she dishes up a weekly dose of the whole truth on health and medicine. To learn more about this episode of Natural MD Radio go to
9/21/201652 minutes, 46 seconds
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38 Back to School Immune Boosters

When your child goes back to school, you have to be ready for the colds and coughs. Today I’m sharing my top 7 immune boosters for kids. "I want you to be able to spend more time with your kids being healthy this autumn and winter and a lot less time in the doctor’s office." - Aviva Romm Join Dr. Aviva Romm as she dishes up a weekly dose of the whole truth on health and medicine. To learn more about this episode of Natural MD Radio go to
9/7/201623 minutes, 41 seconds
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37 Eating Clean with Amie Valpone

Amie Valpone, author of the book Eating Clean, has been on a major health journey. Learn how she took back her life Using integrative functional medicine.  "I found it really uplifting and empowering to know that I was behind this and I was helping myself feel better." - Amie Valpone Join Dr. Aviva Romm as she dishes up a weekly dose of the whole truth on health and medicine. To learn more about this episode of Natural MD Radio go to
8/31/201641 minutes
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36 Herbs for Digestion: The Bitters

In a new series called Natural MD Library, Dr. Aviva Romm talks about the incredible digestive benefits of bitters as herbal and botanical medicine. "I use herbal medicine as an extension of food." - Aviva Romm Join Dr. Aviva Romm as she dishes up a weekly dose of the whole truth on health and medicine. To learn more about this episode of Natural MD Radio go to
8/24/201627 minutes, 41 seconds
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35 Is it Your Adrenals, Thyroid, or Both?

How do you know whether you have a problem with your adrenals, thyroid, or both? Today I'm talking about the symptoms and crossover between the two. “I’m always addressing, ‘How do I help this woman to heal and nourish her stress in her life and how do we rebalance and re-support those adrenals.’” - Aviva Romm Join Dr. Aviva Romm as she dishes up a weekly dose of the whole truth on health and medicine. To learn more about this episode of Natural MD Radio go to
8/17/201652 minutes, 36 seconds
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34 Pilar Gerasimo - Why You Need to Unplug Every 90 Minutes

Today I’m talking to Pilar Gerasimo about a different kind of rhythm. Hacking this biological rhythm can transform your energy, sleep, and life. “One of the fundamental root causes of imbalances, conditions, and diseases are systems out of rhythm and out of balance.” - Pilar Gerasimo Join Dr. Aviva Romm as she dishes up a weekly dose of the whole truth on health and medicine. To learn more about this episode of Natural MD Radio go to
8/10/201656 minutes, 10 seconds
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33 The Fermentationist on Natural MD Radio

My guest today is a fermentationist and founder of Guts and Glory, Summer Bock, whose goal is to help us all be stronger and more energetic through food. “I think of a healing journey as a staircase: you take one step at a time, and not every step looks the same.” - Summer Bock Join Dr. Aviva Romm as she dishes up a weekly dose of the whole truth on health and medicine. To learn more about this episode of Natural MD Radio go to
8/3/201653 minutes, 37 seconds
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32 Sakara Life - Delivering a Healthy Lifestyle

Danielle DuBoise and Whitney Tingle are the founders of Sakara Life and they've created a way for you to access a fresh, healthy lifestyle full of vitality. “Food should play a part in your wellness routine and be thought of as your medicine.” - Danielle DuBoise  Join Dr. Aviva Romm as she dishes up a weekly dose of the whole truth on health and medicine. To learn more about this episode of Natural MD Radio go to
7/27/201637 minutes, 47 seconds
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31 Fortify Your Life with Tieraona Low Dog

Supplements and their efficacy can be a controversial topic. Today I'm talking to Dr. Tieraona Low Dog about the role of supplements and how to use them. “In a nation where people already aren’t eating enough fruits and vegetables, it’s really discouraging that many of our produce and grains are actually less nutritious than they were 30 years ago.” - Tieraona Low Dog Join Dr. Aviva Romm as she dishes up a weekly dose of the whole truth on health and medicine. To learn more about this episode of Natural MD Radio go to
7/20/20161 hour, 9 minutes, 35 seconds
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30 How to Heal Leaky Gut

It's important to heal a leaky gut because the problem can affect your immune system, mood, and more. Today I'm telling you how to do it. “We know that what goes on in your gut doesn’t just stay in your gut.” - Aviva Romm Join Dr. Aviva Romm as she dishes up a weekly dose of the whole truth on health and medicine. To learn more about this episode of Natural MD Radio go to
6/8/201638 minutes, 9 seconds
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29 What is Leaky Gut?

You’ve probably heard the term leaky gut, but do you know exactly what it is and whether you have it? Do you know why it’s so important to treat it? “Inflammation in the intestinal lining can affect your entire immune system and even your mood.” - Aviva Romm Join Dr. Aviva Romm as she dishes up a weekly dose of the whole truth on health and medicine. To learn more about this episode of Natural MD Radio go to
6/1/201613 minutes, 53 seconds
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28 Dr. Alan Christianson - Going with the Grain

It's time to change the reputation of grains and carbohydrates. Listen in to hear Dr. Alan Christianson talk about how these foods can be good for you. “Grains have gotten a bad rap, but the data is strong that they are health promoting.” - Dr. Alan Christianson Join Dr. Aviva Romm as she dishes up a weekly dose of the whole truth on health and medicine. To learn more about this episode of Natural MD Radio go to
5/25/201635 minutes, 50 seconds
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27 The Colic Survival Guide

Does your baby suffer from colic? Today, I'm talking all about how you and your baby can survive colic, from causes, to techniques, to herbs you can use. “The fact of the matter is that however much your baby is crying, if it’s excessive, it’s one of the most distressing problems that you can have in an otherwise healthy mom and healthy baby.” - Aviva Romm Join Dr. Aviva Romm as she dishes up a weekly dose of the whole truth on health and medicine. To learn more about this episode of Natural MD Radio go to
5/18/201632 minutes, 3 seconds
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26 Are Herbs Safe in Pregnancy?

My hope is to give you an overview of herb safety during pregnancy with practical advice on when to be cautious and what are allies that we can turn to. “We know that about 90% of pregnant women who go in for prenatal care will come out with a pharmaceutical recommendation, a prescription, at some point during the pregnancy.” - Aviva Romm Join Dr. Aviva Romm as she dishes up a weekly dose of the whole truth on health and medicine. To learn more about this episode of Natural MD Radio go to
4/27/201641 minutes, 34 seconds
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25 The Allergy Solution with Leo & Jonathan Galland

Thirty years ago I used Dr. Leo Galland's book to raise my kids allergy-free. Today we're talking about his new book, The Allergy Solution. “One of the things that isn’t really understood about allergies is that allergic reactions are actually protective responses.” - Dr. Leo Galland Join Dr. Aviva Romm as she dishes up a weekly dose of the whole truth on health and medicine. To learn more about this episode of Natural MD Radio go to
4/20/201639 minutes, 24 seconds
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24 How Medical Gender Bias is Killing Women and How to Save Your Own Life

Medical gender bias is killing women. The medical field doesn't take our concerns seriously, which is why it's time for us to speak up. "We’ve learned somewhere along the line that voicing our real needs, expressing our dissatisfactions, our discomfort, our pain, is whining." - Aviva Rom Join Dr. Aviva Romm as she dishes up a weekly dose of the whole truth on health and medicine. To learn more about this episode of Natural MD Radio go to
4/6/201623 minutes, 53 seconds
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23 What New Moms Need to Know About Their Thyroid

It takes new moms a lot of effort to get a diagnosis of hypothyroidism. Learn what's normal, when to get tested, and how to pursue treatment postpartum. “When your thyroid is not working properly, it has an impact on pretty much every system in your body.” - Aviva Romm Join Dr. Aviva Romm as she dishes up a weekly dose of the whole truth on health and medicine. To learn more about this episode of Natural MD Radio go to
3/30/201654 minutes, 9 seconds
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22 Healing my Hashimoto’s with Izabella Wentz

If you have Hashimoto's this is the episode for you. Izabella Wentz is a pharmacist with Hashimoto’s, and she is targeting the root causes of the disease. “I really encourage people to make sure that they take charge of their own health and that they become an educated consumer.” - Izabella Wentz Join Dr. Aviva Romm as she dishes up a weekly dose of the whole truth on health and medicine. To learn more about this episode of Natural MD Radio go to
3/23/201649 minutes, 15 seconds
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21 Turmeric for Depression

Depression has so much to do with inflammation, so today I’m talking about turmeric, an herb that can decrease inflammation and help with your depression. “One of the effects of turmeric is that it contains chemicals in it that prevent or fight inflammation once it takes hold.” - Aviva Romm Join Dr. Aviva Romm as she dishes up a weekly dose of the whole truth on health and medicine. To learn more about this episode of Natural MD Radio go to
3/16/201617 minutes, 34 seconds
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19 Deanna Minich - Whole Detox

Tired of too many detoxes? Today Dr. Deanna Minich talks about her new book, Whole Detox, taking into account the whole human instead of just the physical. “To me, a toxin is anything that stands in the way of our growth and healing.” - Dr. Deanna Minich Join Dr. Aviva Romm as she dishes up a weekly dose of the whole truth on health and medicine. To learn more about this episode of Natural MD Radio go to
3/9/201646 minutes
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18 PCOS: The Hidden Metabolic Syndrome and What You Can Do About It

Today I'm talking about Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, which that affects over 5 million women in the U.S., and what natural approaches you can take to help. “You can reduce or eliminate any of the stresses that you don’t have to have. So stop saying yes to so many things - say no to things that you don’t have to take on.” - Aviva Romm Join Dr. Aviva Romm as she dishes up a weekly dose of the whole truth on health and medicine. To learn more about this episode of Natural MD Radio go to
3/2/201643 minutes, 2 seconds
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17 Detoxing Before Pregnancy

Today I'm talking about detoxing before pregnancy, why it’s important, whether it’s important for you, and how to do it safely. “From conception on, babies are getting a lot more than our genes.” - Aviva Romm Join Dr. Aviva Romm as she dishes up a weekly dose of the whole truth on health and medicine. To learn more about this episode of Natural MD Radio go to
2/24/20161 hour, 10 minutes, 30 seconds
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16 Magnesium for Women

Today I'm talking about one of my favorite safe and natural remedies, magnesium, which can be used to treat so many difference problems. “What you’ll notice is that you need to take magnesium for anywhere from a few days to a few weeks to get the maximum benefits.” - Aviva Romm Join Dr. Aviva Romm as she dishes up a weekly dose of the whole truth on health and medicine. To learn more about this episode of Natural MD Radio go to  
2/17/201631 minutes, 30 seconds
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15 Larry Rosen - Anxiety in Our Kids: A Holistic Approach

Today I'm talking to Dr. Larry Rosen about the epidemic of overmedication of our children for behavioral issues and what we can do about it.  “Something like over 3/4 of kids report moderate or severe stress in the past school year.” - Dr. Larry Rosen Join Dr. Aviva Romm as she dishes up a weekly dose of the whole truth on health and medicine. To learn more about this episode of Natural MD Radio go to
2/15/201652 minutes, 35 seconds
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14 Who’s Afraid of Fever in Kids?

Today I’m talking all about fever in kids: what you need to know, the safety and risks of medications, and gentle alternatives you might consider using. “Fever is at the top of the list of the three conditions parents are most afraid of their kids getting.” - Aviva Romm Join Dr. Aviva Romm as she dishes up a weekly dose of the whole truth on health and medicine. To learn more about this episode of Natural MD Radio go to
2/10/201652 minutes, 43 seconds
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13 Terri Cole - How Not to Marry Your Dad (or Mom): From Limiting Love Blueprint to Real Love

Today I'm talking to Terri Cole, a psychotherapist and coach, whose upcoming course Real Love gives you the tools to attract and create love in your life. “When you look at the things that are alluding you, they are stemming from an unresolved original injury. If you can connect the dots backwards in your life, you will find what that is.” - Terri Cole Join Dr. Aviva Romm as she dishes up a weekly dose of the whole truth on health and medicine. To learn more about this episode of Natural MD Radio go to
2/8/201643 minutes, 56 seconds
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12 Breast Tenderness - What You Can Do Naturally

Today I’m talking about what may be causing your breast tenderness and teaching you seven natural treatments to help you kiss breast tenderness goodbye.  “Good bras are expensive, but they can save you years of breast, back, and neck pain and even headaches.” - Aviva Romm Join Dr. Aviva Romm as she dishes up a weekly dose of the whole truth on health and medicine. To learn more about this episode of Natural MD Radio go to
2/3/201648 minutes, 41 seconds
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11 Alexandra Jamieson - Embracing Your Cravings

Today I'm talking to Alexandra Jamieson, whose work guides people to embrace their cravings, make peace with food, and reclaim their bodies. "We put so much pressure on ourselves to be perfect that any deviation from what we’ve been doing is so challenging." - Alexandra Jamieson Join Dr. Aviva Romm as she dishes up a weekly dose of the whole truth on health and medicine. To learn more about this episode of Natural MD Radio go to
2/1/201646 minutes, 24 seconds
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10 Robyn O’Brien - How One Momma is Tackling Children’s Food Allergies

Today I’m lucky to have my friend and colleague Robyn O’Brien talking with me about food, food allergies, and her own journey as a food activist mom. “Most bodies don’t see food as foreign and don’t see it as something that’s going to cause harm, but somebody with food allergies, their system does.” - Robyn O'Brien Join Dr. Aviva Romm as she dishes up a weekly dose of the whole truth on health and medicine. To learn more about this episode of Natural MD Radio go to
1/27/20161 hour, 1 minute, 7 seconds
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09 Elaine De Santos - Feeding Kids Gluten Free and Healthy on a Budget

Today I'm talking to Elaine De Santos a family health revolutionary and a certified transformational nutrition coach. "What I didn’t know was those choices that I was making - reheating those boxes, going through those drive throughs, and waiting for delivery - I didn’t know that I was making this problem worse for my family." - Elaine De Santos Join Dr. Aviva Romm as she dishes up a weekly dose of the whole truth on health and medicine.
1/25/201653 minutes, 45 seconds
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08 Adaptogens - Herbs for Energy, Vitality, & Immunity

On today's show I’m talking about adaptogens, a whole group of herbs that can help us heal our chronic energy and stress problems. "Adaptogens help your body and your mind to cope more effectively with the demands of everyday life." - Aviva Romm Join Dr. Aviva Romm as she dishes up a weekly dose of the whole truth on health and medicine. To learn more about this episode of Natural MD Radio go to
1/20/201656 minutes, 11 seconds
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07 Kellyann Petrucci - The Bone Broth Diet

Today I’m talking to Kellyann Petrucci about her Bone Broth Diet, the three steps to make this diet work long term, and the success stories she’s seen. “What we want is these healthy proteins, these healthy fats, and then we want your fibrous vegetables.” - Kellyann Petrucci Join Dr. Aviva Romm as she dishes up a weekly dose of the whole truth on health and medicine.
1/18/201637 minutes, 15 seconds
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06 What Thyroid Labs Should You Ask For?

Today I’m talking about what thyroid labs I run to diagnose patients and what labs you should ask for if you suspect you might have a thyroid problem.  "So many women are left believing that their symptoms of depression, fatigue, joint aches, weakness, weight gain, and more are all in their head." - Aviva Romm Join Dr. Aviva Romm as she dishes up a weekly dose of the whole truth on health and medicine. To learn more about this episode of Natural MD Radio go to
1/15/201623 minutes, 55 seconds
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04 Hypothyroid Mom Dana Trentini - Uncovering Your Thyroid Problem

Today I'm talking to Dana Trentini, aka Hypothyroid Mom, about what she learned during her journey, how to pick the best doctor, and more. "Please be good to yourself. Get all the help that you can and don’t feel bad to ask for it." - Dana Trentini Join Dr. Aviva Romm as she dishes up a weekly dose of the whole truth on health and medicine. To learn more about this episode of Natural MD Radio go to
1/11/201646 minutes, 16 seconds
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03 The Gut Thyroid Connection

Today I'm talking about and explaining the relationship between the gut and thyroid, and how you can help heal both with food, exercise, and supplements. "The gut is the home to 70% of the body’s immune tissue." - Aviva Romm Join Dr. Aviva Romm as she dishes up a weekly dose of the whole truth on health and medicine. To learn more about this episode of Natural MD Radio go to
1/8/201630 minutes, 9 seconds
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02 Welcome to Natural MD Radio with Aviva Romm

Welcome to Natural MD Radio with Aviva Romm, a show about helping you make informed choices so you can take back your health. "We all have within us the ability to be the CEO of our own health." - Aviva Romm Join Dr. Aviva Romm as she dishes up a weekly dose of the whole truth on health and medicine. To learn more about this episode of Natural MD Radio go to
1/6/201647 minutes, 5 seconds
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01 Gabrielle Bernstein - Making Resolutions that Stick

Listen in as I talk to creator of the Spirit Junkie Movement Gabrielle Bernstein about resolutions and habits, and how to make them really stick. "I’ve been on a very steadfast practice of turning inward and looking for my peace and self worth and happiness from my internal condition, not from the outside world." - Gabby Bernstein Join Dr. Aviva Romm as she dishes up a weekly dose of the whole truth on health and medicine. To learn more about this episode of Natural MD Radio go to
1/4/201641 minutes, 27 seconds