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Chinese, Education, 6 seasons, 226 episodes, 1 day, 14 hours, 50 minutes
第1季 口說英語通-台灣篇 30個關於台灣的熱門觀光景點與特色美食的單元,貼近生活情境的英語用語,有效提升日常生活英語的口說能力。 第2季 口說英語通-旅遊篇 彙整最常與外國友人聊天的30個話題,訓練並提升日常生活英語的口說能力。 第3季 詞彙英語通 以主題分類呈現進階和實用篇,精選英語單字和詞組,讓你在英語的用字遣辭更精準。附有實用例句及相關詞彙片語,立即體會用法並有效提高學習的效率及興趣。 ----- 主講人為教育電臺英語通系列節目主持人齊斌老師,為美國紐約大學英語教學碩士,美國哥倫比亞大學教育學院英語教學教師認證,著作有多益高分教室,全民英檢系列叢書等。 ----- 關於節目所有內容, ?Youtube開啟小鈴鐺訂閱學習 ✅教育電臺線上收聽: ✅口說英語通全系列教材下載 ----- 有任何建議,歡迎留言給我們,也可以到Apple podcast給我們五星好評喔! Powered by Firstory Hosting (
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【一天10分鐘 辦公英語通】You have a good point.你的論點很好!

👉🏻CONVERSATION M: If we don’t control our buget precisely, then we are very likely to waste a lot of money on things that we do not really need. W: You have a good point. M: Thank you, and I have one more thing to say. W: I am sorry, please continue. M: When the budget is precisely controlled, the company can not only save money, but also cultivate the employees to learn to use their money efficiently. W: I really like this idea. 👉🏻WORDS & PHRASES 1. budget ['bʌdʒɪt] (n.) 預算 2. precisely [prɪ'saɪslɪ] (ad.) 精確地 3. waste [west] (v.) 浪費 4. point [pɔɪnt] (n.) 論點 5. cultivate ['kʌltəvet] (v.) 培育 6. employee [͵ɛmplɔɪˋi] (n.) 員工 7. efficiently [ɪfɪʃəntlɪ] (ad.) 有效率地 👉🏻LANGUAGE FOCUS You have ... 《Note》 You have a good point. (你的論點很好。) 《Examples》 1. You have a nice observation. 2. You have a $100 budget. 👉🏻EXERCISES A: I think we should get a new copy machine. This one is too old. B: _____________________. (答案在下方唷) 💯《Answer Key》: You have a good point  ----- #第六季辦公英語通每周一更新! #喜歡齊斌老師歡迎到Apple Podcast給我們五星好評! ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:口說英語通 ----- 🎙教育電臺🎙 📻官網: 🗺️Channel+學習頻道: 🔗粉絲團: 🎧線上即時收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting
2/4/202410 minutes, 25 seconds
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【一天10分鐘 辦公英語通】After everyone agrees, the proposal is elected. 經大家同意之後,這個提案通過!

👉🏻CONVERSATION M: I think the proposal is nice. W: Let’s give our presenter a big hand first. M: Does anyone have other solutions to help us solve the company’s crisis? W: If not, should we vote on this proposal? M: After everyone agrees, the proposal is elected. W: We will try our best to save our company from this depression crisis. 👉🏻WORDS & PHRASES 1. presenter [prɪ'zɛntɚ] (n.) 報告者 2. a big hand [ə bɪg hænd] (phr.) 掌聲 3. soution [sə'luʃən] (n.) 解決方法 4. solve [sɑlv] (v.) 解決 5. crisis ['kraɪsɪs] (n.) 危機 6. elect [ɪ'lɛkt] (v.) 通過 7. depression [dɪ'prɛʃən] (n.) 蕭條 👉🏻LANGUAGE FOCUS After everyone agrees, ... 《Note》 After everyone agrees, the proposal is elcted. (經大家同意之後,這個提案通過。) 《Examples》 1. After everyone agrees, the plan is passed. 2. After everyone agrees, the project is suspended. 👉🏻EXERCISES A: _____________________. B: Should we think of a substitue plan? (答案在下方唷) 💯《Answer Key》: After everyone agrees, the plan is suspended ----- #第六季辦公英語通每周一更新! #喜歡齊斌老師歡迎到Apple Podcast給我們五星好評! ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:口說英語通 ----- 🎙教育電臺🎙 📻官網: 🗺️Channel+學習頻道: 🔗粉絲團: 🎧線上即時收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting
1/28/202410 minutes, 36 seconds
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【一天10分鐘 辦公英語通】Let’s not use the second proposal.不要採用第二個提案~

👉🏻 CONVERSATION M: If we want to earn big money, we may have to give up the system we use right now. W: Then what kind of system should we use? The one you said in your presentation? M: There are two proposals in my presentation. W: Which one should we use if we want to earn more fortune? M: Let’s not use the second proposal. The first proposal is more suitable for our company now. W: Can you explain to me why you chose the first one instead of the second one? 👉🏻WORDS & PHRASES 1. earn [ɝn] (v.) 賺;贏得 2. system ['sɪstəm] (n.) 系統 3. proposal [prə'pozḷ] (n.) 提案 4. fortune ['fɔrtʃən] (n.) 財富 5. suitable ['sutəbḷ] (adj.) 適合 6. explain [ɪkˋsplen] (v.) 解釋 👉🏻LANGUAGE FOCUS Let’s not + V 《Note》 Let’s not use the second proposal. (不要採用第二個提案。) 《Examples》 Let’s not go to work today. Let’s not not use the calculator. 👉🏻EXERCISES A: Should we use the second proposal? B: _____________________. I have a better idea. (答案在下方唷) 💯《Answer Key》: Let’s not use the second proposal ----- #第六季辦公英語通每周一更新! #用新聞學英語「英語Follow me」新頻道每周二、四更新喔! #喜歡齊斌老師歡迎到Apple Podcast給我們五星好評! ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:口說英語通 ----- 🎙教育電臺🎙 📻官網: 🗺️Channel+學習頻道: 🔗粉絲團: 🎧線上即時收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting
1/21/202410 minutes, 26 seconds
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【一天10分鐘 辦公英語通】Can someone help me with the computer?有人可以幫我看一下電腦嗎?

👉🏻CONVERSATION M: Is everything ready? The presentation has to start on time! W: Uh…can someone help me with the computer? M: Sure. Let me take a look at what’s wrong with the computer. W: The projector isn’t working properly. M: I see. I think you need to press control and the function key. There. W: Thanks. 👉🏻 WORDS & PHRASES 1. on time [ɔn taɪm] (phr.) 準時 2. take a look [tek ə luk] (phr.) 看 3. properly [ˋprɑpɚlɪ] (adj.) 適切地 4. projector [prə'dʒɛktɚ] (n.) 投影器 5. press [prɛs] (v.) 按;押 👉🏻LANGUAGE FOCUS Can someone help me with...? 《Note》 Can someone help me with the computer? (有人可以幫我看一下電腦嗎?) 《Examples》 1. Can someone help me with the copy machine? 2. Can someone help me with the projector? 👉🏻EXERCISES A: _____________________? B: Sure. Let me take a look at your computer. (答案在下方唷) 💯《Answer Key》: Can someone help me with my computer  ----- #第六季辦公英語通每周一更新! #用新聞學英語「英語Follow me」新頻道每周二、四更新喔! #喜歡齊斌老師歡迎到Apple Podcast給我們五星好評! ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:口說英語通 ----- 🎙教育電臺🎙 📻官網: 🗺️Channel+學習頻道: 🔗粉絲團: 🎧線上即時收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting
1/14/202410 minutes, 4 seconds
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【一天10分鐘 辦公英語通】I thought the presentation went well. 我覺得報告很順利啊~

👉🏻CONVERSATION M: Finally, the presentation is over. W: Why do you make such comment? M: I just felt the presentation was boring and useless. W: I thought the presentation went well. M: Well, I had a hard time staying awake just now. W: I thought it was interesting. Let’s hope the next presentation wouldn’t make you feel so bored. 👉🏻WORDS & PHRASES 1. presentation [͵prizɛnˋteʃən] (n.) 上台報告 2. over ['ovɚ] (adj.) 結束 3. comment ['kɑmɛnt] (n.) 評論 4. boring ['bɔrɪŋ] (adj.) 努力的 5. useless ['jusləs] (adj.) 機智的 6. awake [ə'wek] (adj.) 醒著的 👉🏻LANGUAGE FOCUSI thought...went well《Note》 I thought the presentation went well. (我覺得報告很順利啊。)《Examples》 1. I thought the meeting went well. 2. I thought the promotion went well. 👉🏻 EXERCISES A: How do you feel about the meeting? B: _____________________. (答案在下方唷) 💯《Answer Key》: I thought the meeting went well  ----- #第六季辦公英語通每周一更新! #學習世界語言請上「世界咖啡館」新頻道每周二、四更新喔! #喜歡齊斌老師歡迎到Apple Podcast給我們五星好評! ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:口說英語通 ----- 🎙教育電臺🎙 📻官網: 🗺️Channel+學習頻道: 🔗粉絲團: 🎧線上即時收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting
1/7/202410 minutes, 28 seconds
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【一天10分鐘 辦公英語通】I want to present three things today. 我今天要報告三件事。

👉🏻CONVERSATION M: Good morning, everyone. I am thankful to have the opportunity to give a presentation on this occasion. I want to present three things today. They are all interrelated. W: I have a question. What can we benefit from it? M: The three things I am going to talk about are major factors that can lead our company to success or failure. W: I can’t wait to hear it. Can you please start? 👉🏻WORDS & PHRASES 1. thankful ['θæŋkfəl] (adj.) 感謝的 2. occasion [ə'keʒən] (n.) 場合 3. interrelated [ɪntɚrɪ'letɪd] (adj.) 相互關聯的 4. benefit ['bɛnəfɪt] (v.) 獲益 5. major ['medʒɚ] (adj.) 主要的 6. factor ['fæktɚ] (n.) 成因 7. failure ['feljɚ] (n.) 失敗 👉🏻LANGUAGE FOCUSI want to present...《Note》 I want to present three things today. (我今天要報告三件事。)《Examples》 1. I want to present our new product. 2. I want to present one presentation. 👉🏻EXERCISES A: _____________________. B: Can you start, please? (答案在下方唷) 💯《Answer Key》: I want to present three topics ----- #第六季辦公英語通每周一更新! #學習世界語言請上「世界咖啡館」新頻道每周二、四更新喔! #喜歡齊斌老師歡迎到Apple Podcast給我們五星好評! ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:口說英語通 ----- 🎙教育電臺🎙 📻官網: 🗺️Channel+學習頻道: 🔗粉絲團: 🎧線上即時收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting
12/24/202310 minutes, 27 seconds
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【一天10分鐘 辦公英語通】As you can see from the pie chart. 依你從餅型統計圖裡所看。

👉🏻CONVERSATION M: Where did you get that information? W: As you can see from the pie chart, the largest percentage is the red one. M: I doubt of this pie chart’s credibility. W: I got this pie chart from the governmental website. I don’t think the data would be delusive. M: I just don’t want to trust the data entirely. W: Or should I show you another line graph of mine? 👉🏻WORDS & PHRASES 1. pie chart [paɪ tʃɑrt] (n.) 餅型統計圖 2. percentage [pɚ'sɛntɪdʒ] (n.) 比例 3. doubt [daut] (v.) 懷疑 4. credibility [krɛdə'bɪlətɪ] (n.) 可信度 5. delusive [dɪlusɪv] (adj.) 迷惑的 6. line graph [laɪn græf] (n.) 線型圖 👉🏻LANGUAGE FOCUS As you can see from... 《Note》 As you can see from the pie chart. (依你從餅型統計圖裡所看。) 《Examples》 1. As you can see from the line graph. 2. As you can see from the picture. 👉🏻EXERCISES A: Where did you get that conclusion? B: _____________________. (答案在下方唷) 💯《Answer Key》: As you can see from the chart ----- #第六季辦公英語通每周一更新! #學習世界語言請上「世界咖啡館」新頻道每周二、四更新喔! #喜歡齊斌老師歡迎到Apple Podcast給我們五星好評! ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:口說英語通 ----- 🎙教育電臺🎙 📻官網: 🗺️Channel+學習頻道: 🔗粉絲團: 🎧線上即時收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting
12/17/202310 minutes, 29 seconds
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【一天10分鐘 辦公英語通】That’s all for today. 今天就這樣啦~

👉🏻CONVERSATION M: Now, we are running out of time. Any more motions? Or opinions? W: I think everyone is very tired after the meeting. In fact, our meeting lasted 3 hours already. M: If no one wants to speak, then the meeting is over. W: Really? M: Yeah, that’s all for today. But make sure to have the computers ready before the meeting starts. Next week’s meeting might be longer than today. W: Are you serious? I am going to have a meeting-phobia. 👉🏻WORDS & PHRASES 1. run out of (phr.) 將(貯存的...)用完 2. motion [ˋmoʃən] (n.) (會議上的)動議,提議 3. opinion [ə'pɪnjən] (n.) 意見 4. last [læst] (v.) 經過 5. computer [kəm'pjutɚ] (n.) 電腦 6. phobia ['fobɪə] (n.) 恐懼症 👉🏻LANGUAGE FOCUS That’s all for... 《Note》 Tha’s all for today. (今天就這樣啦。) 《Examples》 1. That’s all for now. 2. That’s all for this meeting. 👉🏻EXERCISES A: Are we finished? B: Yeah, _____________________. (答案在下方唷) 💯《Answer Key》: that’s all for today ----- #第六季辦公英語通每周一更新! #用新聞學英語「英語Follow me」新頻道每周二、四更新喔! #喜歡齊斌老師歡迎到Apple Podcast給我們五星好評! ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:口說英語通 ----- 🎙教育電臺🎙 📻官網: 🗺️Channel+學習頻道: 🔗粉絲團: 🎧線上即時收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting
12/10/202310 minutes, 23 seconds
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【一天10分鐘 辦公英語通】So, we’ve decided to cancel the strategy. 所以我們決定取消這次的策略。

👉🏻CONVERSATION M: Can you elaborate on this month’s sale? W: I am sorry to point out, but our sale has declined since we adopted the new strategy. M: Are there any other reasons that might affect the sale? W: According to the data, nothing really changed. If we need to stop the decline, I think we have to adopt new strategy. M: So, we’ve decided to cancel the strategy. W: Yes, I think that’s best for the company. 👉🏻WORDS & PHRASES 1. elaborate [ɪ'læbərət] (v.) 闡述 2. point out [pɔɪnt aut] (phr.) 指出 3. decline [dɪ'klaɪn] (n.) 衰退 4. adopt [ə'dɑpt] (v.) 採用 5. strategy [ˋstrætədʒɪ] (n.) 策略 👉🏻LANGUAGE FOCUS So, we’ve decided to... 《Note》 So, we’ve decided to cancel the strategy. (所以我們決定取消這次的策略。)一開頭的 So 可以 說是用來當轉折語。 《Examples》 1. So, we’ve decided to call it a day for now. 2. So, we’ve decided to change the color of the product. 👉🏻EXERCISES A: _____________________. B: Yes, that’s the best for the company. (答案在下方唷) 💯《Answer Key》: So, we’ve decided to switch to a new market ----- #第六季辦公英語通每周一更新! #用新聞學英語「英語Follow me」新頻道每周二、四更新喔! #喜歡齊斌老師歡迎到Apple Podcast給我們五星好評! ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:口說英語通 ----- 🎙教育電臺🎙 📻官網: 🗺️Channel+學習頻道: 🔗粉絲團: 🎧線上即時收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting
12/3/202310 minutes, 28 seconds
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【一天10分鐘 辦公英語通】In summary, the new product will enter the market next month. 總結來說 ,新產品將在下個月上市!

👉🏻CONVERSATION M: I am glad that today’s meeting went well. W: I think we all did a wonderful job today. M: Is everyone clear on what the company will do next month? W: We have to get an endorsement, exploring the proper market, questionnaires… M: Can you put it in short? W: In summary, the new product will enter the market next month. 👉🏻WORDS & PHRASES 1. wondrful ['wʌndɚfəl] (adj.) 完美的 2. endorsement [ɪnˋdɔrsmənt] (n.) 代言 3. explore [ɪkˋsplor] (v.) 探測;探勘 4. questionaire [kwɛstʃə'nɛr] (n.) 問卷 5. put in short [put ɪn ʃɔrt] (phr.) 簡短的說 6. in summary [ɪn 'sʌmərɪ] (phr.) 總而言之 👉🏻LANGUAGE FOCUS In summary, ... 《Note》 除了 In summary, 也可以用 In conclusion 或 All in all 來做總結的開頭。 《Examples》 1. In summary, the job has to be finished by next Tuesday. 2. In summary, evreryone did a wonderful job tonight. 👉🏻EXERCISES A: Can you put it in summary? B: _____________________. (答案在下方唷) 💯《Answer Key》: In summary, I love English very much ----- #第六季辦公英語通每周一更新! #用新聞學英語「英語Follow me」新頻道每周二、四更新喔! #喜歡齊斌老師歡迎到Apple Podcast給我們五星好評! ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:口說英語通 ----- 🎙教育電臺🎙 📻官網: 🗺️Channel+學習頻道: 🔗粉絲團: 🎧線上即時收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting
11/26/202310 minutes, 30 seconds
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【一天10分鐘 辦公英語通】How about TV commercials? 那電視廣告如何?

👉🏻CONVERSATION M: Our product sale has reached a stop lately. W: Maybe we can have some sales promotion. M: But we don’t have a proper sales promotion toward this product. W: How about TV commercials? M: I like that idea. W: We can get the hottest pop idol to endorse our product. M: TV commercials can push the product to sell more and even different markets could be explored. 👉🏻WORDS & PHRASES 1. reach [ritʃ] (v.) 到達 2. sale promotion [sel prə'moʃən] (n.) 促銷 3. proper ['prɑpɚ] (adj.) 適當的 4. commercial [kə'mɝʃəl] (n.) 廣告 5. idol ['aɪdḷ] (n.) 偶像 6. endorse [ɪn'dɔrs] (v.) 代言 👉🏻 LANGUAGE FOCUS How about...? 《Note》 How about TV commericals? (那電視廣告如何?) 《Examples》 1. How about sale promotions? 2. How about using coupons? 👉🏻EXERCISES A: Our product sales has reached a stop. What should we do? B: _____________________? (答案在下方唷) 💯《Answer Key》: How about TV commercials ----- #第六季辦公英語通每周一更新! #用新聞學英語「英語Follow me」新頻道每周二、四更新喔! #喜歡齊斌老師歡迎到Apple Podcast給我們五星好評! ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:口說英語通 ----- 🎙教育電臺🎙 📻官網: 🗺️Channel+學習頻道: 🔗粉絲團: 🎧線上即時收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting
11/19/202310 minutes, 32 seconds
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【一天10分鐘 辦公英語通】We could either close it or sale it. 我們可以關閉它或是出售它。

👉🏻CONVERSATION M: We are not gaining any profit from the branch stores so far. W: What do you think we should do about it? M: We could either close it or sell it. W: I think selling it to other companies would be nice. M: Yeah, that’s what I thought. The customers can still use their membership cards. W: I think it would be a win-win for the company and the public. 👉🏻WORDS & PHRASES 1. gain [gen] (v.) 增加 2. profit ['prɑfɪt] (n.) 利潤 3. branch store [bræntʃ stɔr] (n.) 分店 4. membership card ['mɛmbɚʃɪp kɑrd] (n.) 會員卡 5. win-win [wɪn- wɪn] (n.) 雙贏 👉🏻LANGUAGE FOCUS We could either...or... 《Note》 We could either close it or sale it. (我們可以關閉它或是出售它。)若是不可以做某兩件事,則 可使用 neither…nor…來表達。 《Examples》 1. We could either buy this or that. 2. We could either go home or stay here. 👉🏻EXERCISES A: We are not getting any gain from the branch stores. B: _____________________. (答案在下方唷) 💯《Answer Key》: We could either close it or sale it ----- #第六季辦公英語通每周一更新! #用新聞學英語「英語Follow me」新頻道每周二、四更新喔! #喜歡齊斌老師歡迎到Apple Podcast給我們五星好評! ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:口說英語通 ----- 🎙教育電臺🎙 📻官網: 🗺️Channel+學習頻道: 🔗粉絲團: 🎧線上即時收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting
11/12/202310 minutes, 30 seconds
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【一天10分鐘 辦公英語通】The first item on the agenda is taxation.

👉🏻CONVERSATION M: Everyone settle down. The meeting is about to start. W: Shall we start with the agenda? M: The first item on the agenda is taxation. Anyone got anything to say? W: What kind of tax is it? M: It’s government’s new policy. Our product is going to be taxed. W: So our price has to go up again? M: I am afraid so. W: But we have increased our price 15% since the last three months. I don’t think that’s a good idea. 👉🏻WORDS & PHRASES 1. settle down ['sɛtḷ daun] (phr.) 安頓下來 2. agenda [ə'dʒɛndə] (n.) 議程 3. taxation [tæk'seʃən] (n.) 課稅 4. tax [tæks] (n.) 稅 5. policy ['pɑləsɪ] (n.) 政策 6. increase [ɪnˋkris] (v.) 增加;增大 👉🏻LANGUAGE FOCUS The first item on... 《Note》 The first item on the agenda is taxation. (議程上的第一項目是課稅。) 《Examples》 1. The first item on the list is shopping. 2. The first item on the paper is recall your client. 👉🏻 EXERCISES A: What is on the agenda? B: _____________________. (答案在下方唷) 💯《Answer Key》: The first item on the agenda is taxation  ----- #第六季辦公英語通每周一更新! #用新聞學英語「英語Follow me」新頻道每周二、四更新喔! #喜歡齊斌老師歡迎到Apple Podcast給我們五星好評! ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:口說英語通 ----- 🎙教育電臺🎙 📻官網: 🗺️Channel+學習頻道: 🔗粉絲團: 🎧線上即時收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting
11/5/202310 minutes, 28 seconds
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【一天10分鐘 辦公英語通】Let’s postpone the meeting until this afternoon.將會議時間延到下午吧!

👉🏻CONVERSATION M: Is everybody here? W: Yeah, everyone except our manager. M: Where is he? Does anyone know where he is? W: He’ll be here later. He is still on the airplane. He’s plane is arriving at noon. M: Well, since our manager is not here yet. Let’s postpone the meeting until this afternoon. W: Should we meet at 3 P.M.? I’ll send text message to our manager. M: Yeah, 3 will be alright. 👉🏻WORDS & PHRASES 1. except [ɪk'sɛpt] (prep.) 除了...以外 2. airplane ['ɛrplen] (n.) 飛機 3. arrive [ə'raɪv] (v.) 抵達 4. postpone [postˋpon] (v.) 延期 5. text message (n.) 簡訊 👉🏻LANGUAGE FOCUS Let’s postpone...until... 《Note》 Let’s postpone the meeting until this afternoon. (將會議時間延到下午吧。) 《Examples》 1. Let’s postpone the party until everyone is here. 2. Let’s postpone the deadline until next Monday. 👉🏻 EXERCISES A: _____________________. B: I couldn’t agree more. (答案在下方唷) 💯《Answer Key》: Let’s postpone the meeting until everyone is ready ----- #第六季辦公英語通每周一更新! #更多語言學習請點選Channel+頻道語言學習 #用新聞學英語「英語Follow me」新頻道每周二、四更新喔! #喜歡齊斌老師歡迎到Apple Podcast給我們五星好評! ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:口說英語通 ----- 🎙教育電臺🎙 📻官網: 🗺️Channel+學習頻道: 🔗粉絲團: 🎧線上即時收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting
10/29/202310 minutes, 37 seconds
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【一天10分鐘 辦公英語通】There is nothing new to discuss this week.這個禮拜沒有新事項要討論~~~

👉🏻CONVERSATION M: There is nothing new to discuss this week. Does anyone have something to say? Any motions? W: I have something important to bring up. M: Yes? What is it? W: I think we should replenish our products with more caution. We should order the amount according to last week’s sale, instead of monthly sale. M: Would you like to explain further in detail? I would like to hear what other people might have to say toward this suggestion. W: Ok, no problem. 👉🏻WORDS & PHRASES 1. motion ['moʃən] (n.) 動議 2. bring up [brɪŋ ʌp] (phr.) 提及 3. replenish [rɪ'plɛnɪʃ] (v.) 補貨 4. product ['prɑdʌkt] (n.) 商品 5. caution ['kɔʃən] (n.) 謹慎 6. further ['fɝðɚ] (adj.) 更遠的 7. suggestion [sə'dʒɛstʃən] (n.) 建議 👉🏻LANGUAGE FOCUS There is nothing new... 《Note》 There is nothing new to discuss this week. (這個禮拜沒有新事項要討論。) 《Examples》 1. There is nothing new to see in this town. 2. There is nothing new to watch in the theatres. 👉🏻EXERCISES _____________________. I am so bored. (答案在下方唷) 💯《Answer Key》: There is nothing new to do this week ----- #第六季辦公英語通每周一更新! #更多語言學習請點選Channel+頻道語言學習 #用新聞學英語「英語Follow me」新頻道每周二、四更新喔! #喜歡齊斌老師歡迎到Apple Podcast給我們五星好評! ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:口說英語通 ----- 🎙教育電臺🎙 📻官網: 🗺️Channel+學習頻道: 🔗粉絲團: 🎧線上即時收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting
10/22/202310 minutes, 30 seconds
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【一天10分鐘 辦公英語通】How long do you think the meeting will be?你覺得開會時間會多久?

👉🏻CONVERSATION M: Are you ready? The meeting is about to start. W: I am all prepared. M: How long do you think the meeting will be? W: I think it’s definitely gonna be more than 2 hours. We have a lot of things to go through this week. M: I hope the manager is in a good mood today. W: Yeah, I hope so. 👉🏻WORDS & PHRASES 1. meeting ['mitɪŋ] (n.) 會議 2. prepare [prɪ'pɛr] (v.) 準備 3. definitely ['dɛfənətlɪ] (adj.) 絕對地 4. go through [goθru] (phr.) 討論 5. mood [mud] (n.) 心情 👉🏻LANGUAGE FOCUS How long do you think ... will be? 《Note》 How long do you think the meeting will be? (你覺得開會時間會多久?) 《Examples》 How long do you think the presentation will be? How long do you think the moive will be? 👉🏻EXERCISES A: _____________________? B: I think it may last an hour or so. (答案在下方唷) 💯 《Answer Key》: How long do you think the meeting will be   ----- #第六季辦公英語通每周一更新! #用新聞學英語「英語Follow me」新頻道每周二、四更新喔! #喜歡齊斌老師歡迎到Apple Podcast給我們五星好評! ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:口說英語通 ----- 🎙教育電臺🎙 📻官網: 🗺️Channel+學習頻道: 🔗粉絲團: 🎧線上即時收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting
10/8/202310 minutes, 11 seconds
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【一天10分鐘 辦公英語通】What is the primary purpose? 主要目的是甚麼?

👉🏻CONVERSATION M: Ok. Let me report to everyone when and where we are going on the business trip. W: So where are we going this time? M: We are going to Washington, D.C. next Monday. W: What is the primary purpose for this business trip? M: The primary purpose for this business trip is to inspect our branch stores. W: So we have to disguise ourselves? M: Yes, we have to. It’s better to inspect their service as customers. 👉🏻WORDS & PHRASES 1. report [rɪ'pɔrt] (v.) 報告 2. Washington, D.C. [wɑʃɪŋtəṇ di si] (n.) 華盛頓(美國首都) 3. primary ['praɪmɛrɪ] (adj.) 首要的 4. purpose ['pɝpəs] (n.) 目的 5. inspect [ɪn'spɛkt] (v.) 審查 6. branch store [bræntʃ stɔr] (n.) 分店 7. disguise [dɪs'gaɪz] (v.) 偽裝 👉🏻LANGUAGE FOCUSWhat is the primary purpose for...? 《Note》 What is the primary purpose for this business trip? (這次商務旅遊的主要目的為何?) 《Examples》 1What is the primary purpose for this project? What is the primary purpose for next season’s plan? 👉🏻EXERCISES A: _____________________? B: The primary purpose for this business trip is to observe how our branch stores are doing. (答案在下方唷) 💯《Answer Key》: What is the primary purpose for this business trip  ----- #第六季辦公英語通每周一更新! #用新聞學英語「英語Follow me」新頻道每周二、四更新喔! #喜歡齊斌老師歡迎到Apple Podcast給我們五星好評! ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:口說英語通 ----- 🎙教育電臺🎙 📻官網: 🗺️Channel+學習頻道: 🔗粉絲團: 🎧線上即時收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting
10/1/202310 minutes, 26 seconds
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【一天10分鐘 辦公英語通】I was wondering if we could discuss how I am doing. 我想知道我們可否討問我的表現。

👉🏻CONVERSATION W: Mr. Johnson, may I see you for a moment? M: Mary! How are you doing so far in our company? W: I think I am doing ok. I was wondering if we could discuss how I am doing. M: Of course, I think you are doing great in our company. W: Thank you. Do I have to improve anything in any areas? M: I think it would be good for you to learn from other coworkers. 👉🏻WORDS & PHRASES 1. company ['kʌmpənɪ] (n.) 公司 2. discuss [dɪˋskʌs] (v.) 討論 3. improve [ɪm'pruv] (v.) 改進 4. area ['ɛrɪə] (n.) 地方 5. coworker ['kowɝkɚ] (n.) 同事 👉🏻LANGUAGE FOCUS I was wondering if... 《Note》 I was wondering if we could discuss how I am doing. (我想知道我們可否討問我的表現。) 《Examples》 I was wondering if I can see you for a minute. v I was wondering if we can meet this afternoon. 👉🏻EXERCISES A: _________. B: Definitely, we can meet this afternoon. (答案在下方唷) 💯《Answer Key》: I was wondering if we can meet this afternoon ----- #第六季辦公英語通每周一更新! #用新聞學英語「英語Follow me」新頻道每周二、四更新喔! #喜歡齊斌老師歡迎到Apple Podcast給我們五星好評! ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:口說英語通 ----- 🎙教育電臺🎙 📻官網: 🗺️Channel+學習頻道: 🔗粉絲團: 🎧線上即時收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting
9/24/202310 minutes, 28 seconds
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【一天10分鐘 辦公英語通】I think he doesn’t help us much.我覺得他對我們幫助不大!

👉🏻CONVERSATION M: What do you think about our manager? W: I think he doesn’t help us much. He gets mad too often and isn’t willing to listen to what we have to say. M: There is little communication between us. W: It’s hard to work for him if he doesn’t control his temper. M: I totally agree with you. W: I wish I had a better boss. Our boss sucks! 👉🏻WORDS & PHRASES 1. get mad [gɛt mæd] (phr.) 發脾氣 2. communication [kə͵mjunə’keʃən] (n.) 溝通 3. control [kən’trol] (v.) 控制 4. temper [ˋtɛmpɚ] (n.) 脾氣 5. suck [sʌk] (adv.) [口]差勁的 👉🏻LANGUAGE FOCUS I think... 《Note》 I think he doesn’t help us much. (我覺得他對我們幫助不大。)若是用 I thought 則是我以為。 《Examples》 I think I am getting used to the working environment. I think he is a nice person. 👉🏻 EXERCISES A: What do you think about our boss? B: _____________________. (答案在下方唷) 💯《Answer Key》: I think he doesn’t help us much  ----- #第六季辦公英語通每周一更新! #用新聞學英語「英語Follow me」新頻道每周二、四更新喔! #喜歡齊斌老師歡迎到Apple Podcast給我們五星好評! ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:口說英語通 ----- 🎙教育電臺🎙 📻官網: 🗺️Channel+學習頻道: 🔗粉絲團: 🎧線上即時收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting
9/17/202310 minutes, 35 seconds
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【一天10分鐘 辦公英語通】What did you do before lunch?

👉🏻CONVERSATION M: What did you have for lunch? W: I had a sandwich and a cup of coffee. M: What did you do before lunch? W: I was playing a little on-line game. M: What are you going to do later? W: I think I am going to continue playing my game. Ha. M: You’d better wish our boss wouldn’t catch you playing on-line game during working hours. 👉🏻WORDS & PHRASES 1. lunch [lʌntʃ] (n.) 午餐 2. sandwish [ˋsændwɪtʃ] (n.) 三明治 3. coffee [ˋkɔfɪ] (n.) 咖啡 4. on-line game (n.) 線上遊戲 5. working hours (n.) 工作時間 6. catch [kætʃ] (v.) 捉;逮 👉🏻LANGUAGE FOCUS What did you do before...? 《Note》 What did you do before lunch? (你午餐前在做什麼?) 要使用 did 而不是 do 是因為已經發生 的事情,所以用過去式。 《Examples》 What did you do before meeting starts? What did you do before you come to work? 👉🏻EXERCISES A: _____________________? B: I had my breakfast at home. (答案在下方唷) 💯《Answer Key》: What did you do before you come to work  ----- #第六季辦公英語通每周一更新! #用新聞學英語「英語Follow me」新頻道每周二、四更新喔! #喜歡齊斌老師歡迎到Apple Podcast給我們五星好評! ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:口說英語通 ----- 🎙教育電臺🎙 📻官網: 🗺️Channel+學習頻道: 🔗粉絲團: 🎧線上即時收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting
9/10/202310 minutes, 35 seconds
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【一天10分鐘 辦公英語通】I am not going to tolerate you any longer. 我不再容忍你了!

👉🏻CONVERSATION M: Can you stop throwing things on my desk? W: I just put them there for now. I’ll move them back after I cleaned my desk. M: Ahhh! I am not going to tolerate you any longer. I am going to see the boss now, and ask for a new partner. W: You can’t do that. M: Oh, yes, I can. And I will. We’ll see. Working with someone like your attitude is never going to get anything done! W: What do you mean? What’s wrong with my attitude? M: You are not participating in this team! I don’t want to talk to you anymore! I am seeing the boss! And ask for a new partner! 👉🏻WORDS & PHRASES 1. throw [θro] (v.) 拋;丟 2. tolerate [ˋtɑlə͵ret] (v.) 忍受 3. partner [ˋpɑrtnɚ] (n.) 夥伴 4. attitude [ˋætətjud] (n.) 態度 👉🏻LANGUAGE FOCUS I am not going to tolerate... 我不再容忍~~《Examples》 I am not going to tolerate your tardiness any longer. I am not going to tolerate your silly behavior again. 👉🏻EXERCISES A: _____________________. B: I am sorry. Please forgive me. (答案在下方唷)   💯《Answer Key》: I am not going to tolerate your mistakes ----- #第六季辦公英語通每周一更新! #用新聞學英語「英語Follow me」新頻道每周二、四更新喔! #喜歡齊斌老師歡迎到Apple Podcast給我們五星好評! ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:口說英語通 ----- 🎙教育電臺🎙 📻官網: 🗺️Channel+學習頻道: 🔗粉絲團: 🎧線上即時收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting
9/3/202310 minutes, 30 seconds
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【一天10分鐘 辦公英語通】Can I take Thursday and Friday off? 我禮拜四和禮拜五可以請假嗎? (請假用語)

👉🏻CONVERSATION W : Hi, Mr. Lohan. May I have a word with you? M: Sure, Linda. Come on in and grab a seat. \ W: Thank you, Mr. Lohan. M: So what did you want to tell me about? W: Um…can I take Thursday and Friday off? My parents are coming into town. I want to take two days off and show them around the city. M: No problem. Seize the time with your family. W: Thank you so much! Mr. Lohan. 👉🏻WORDS & PHRASES 1. have a word [hæv ə wɝd] (phr.) 說句話 2. grab a seat [græb ə sit] (phr.) 找個位子坐 3. take ... off [tek ɔf] (phr.) 請假;放假 4. parent [pɛrənt] (n.) 父母 5. seize the time [siz ðə taɪm] (phr.) 把握時光 👉🏻LANGUAGE FOCUS Can I take ... off? 《Note》 Can I take Thursday and Friday off? (我星期四跟星期五可以請假嗎?) 《Examples》 Can I take Monday off? Can I take 2 days off? 👉🏻EXERCISES A: _____________________? B: I don’t think that’s a good idea. (答案在下方唷) 💯《Answer Key》: Can I take Tuesday, Wednsday, and Friday off  ----- #第六季辦公英語通每周一更新! #用新聞學英語「英語Follow me」新頻道每周二、四更新喔! #喜歡齊斌老師歡迎到Apple Podcast給我們五星好評! ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:口說英語通 ----- 🎙教育電臺🎙 📻官網: 🗺️Channel+學習頻道: 🔗粉絲團: 🎧線上即時收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting
8/27/202310 minutes, 7 seconds
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【一天10分鐘 辦公英語通】I apologize for being late. 不好意思,我遲到了!(正式用語)

👉🏻CONVERSATION W: Yes? Mr. Smith. You wanted to see me? M: Yes, Jane. I have noticed that you were 5 times late in the past two weeks. And you were also late this morning. W: I apologize for being late. I was caught in the traffics. It’s a long way to go from my house. M: I’ve had enough of your excuses! W: Mr. Smith, I promise this will not happen again. I promise. M: You’d better keep your promise, because I’ll be keeping an eye on you! 👉🏻WORDS & PHRASES 1. notice [‘notɪs] (v.) 注意 2. late [let] (adj.) 遲到 3. past [pæst] (adj.) 過去的 4. apologize [ə’pɑlə͵dʒaɪ] (v.) 道歉 5. traffic [‘træfɪk] (n.) 塞車 6. excuse [ɪk’skjuz] (n.) 藉口 👉🏻LANGUAGE FOCUS I apologize for ... 《Note》 I apologize for being late. (我為我遲到的行為賠不是。) 《Examples》 I apologize for breaking your heart. I apologize for making you cry. 👉🏻EXERCISES A: _____________________. B: It’s ok. I know you didn’t do it on purpose. (答案在下方唷) 💯《Answer Key》: I apologize for breaking your mug ----- #第六季辦公英語通每周一更新! #用新聞學英語「英語Follow me」新頻道每周二、四更新喔! #喜歡齊斌老師歡迎到Apple Podcast給我們五星好評! ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:口說英語通 ----- 🎙教育電臺🎙 📻官網: 🗺️Channel+學習頻道: 🔗粉絲團: 🎧線上即時收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting
8/20/202310 minutes, 12 seconds
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【一天10分鐘 辦公英語通】I can’t get the printer to work. 我的印表機動不了了......

👉🏻CONVERSATION  M: I can’t get the printer to work.  W: Is the power on? Did you check the papers?  M: That’s the first thing I checked. What should I do now?  W: You have two options: kick it until it works or beg it to work again.  M: Yeah…very funny...  W: Just kidding man. You should call the technician. He’ll fix it for you.  👉🏻WORDS & PHRASES  1. printer [‘prɪntɚ] (n.) 印表機 2. power [‘pauɚ] (n.) 電源 3. option [‘ɑpʃən] (n.) 選項 4. technician [tɛk’nɪʃən] (n.) 維修人員 👉🏻LANGUAGE FOCUS I can’t get ... to work. 《Note》I can’t get the printer to work. (我沒辦法讓印表機運作。)《Examples》 I can’t get the computer to work.. I can’t get the copy machine to work.  👉🏻EXERCISES  A: Why are you kicking your car?  B: Because _____________________.  (答案在下方唷) 💯《Answer Key》: I can’t get my car to work ----- #第六季辦公英語通每周一更新! #用新聞學英語「英語Follow me」新頻道每周二、四更新喔! #喜歡齊斌老師歡迎到Apple Podcast給我們五星好評! ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:口說英語通 ----- 🎙教育電臺🎙 📻官網: 🗺️Channel+學習頻道: 🔗粉絲團: 🎧線上即時收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting
8/13/202310 minutes, 34 seconds
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【一天10分鐘 辦公英語通】I ran out of labels.我把標籤用完了!😱

👉🏻A. CONVERSATION M: Oh no! Not right now! W: What’s wrong? M: I ran out of labels. And I am running out of time too! W: I can lend you my labels. M: You would let me borrow yours? W: Sure. I take pleasure in helping people! 👉🏻B. WORDS & PHRASES 1. run out of [rʌn aut ʌv] (phr.) 將...用完 2. label [‘leb!] (n.) 標籤 3. lend [lɛnd] (v.) 把...借給 4. borrow [‘bɑro] (v.) 借用 5. take pleasure in [tek 'plɛʒɚ ɪn] (phr.) 享受 👉🏻C. LANGUAGE FOCUS I ran out of ... 《Note》 I ran out of labels. (我標籤用完了。)如果是用 I am running out of 那是指物品正在減少中, 但是還有剩些許,I ran out of 則是已經全數用畢。 《Examples》 1. I ran out of ink. 2. I ran out of ideas. 👉🏻D. EXERCISES A: Can I use yout printer? B: I am sorry but ______. (答案在下方唷) 《Answer Key》: I ran out of ink ----- #第六季辦公英語通每周一更新! #喜歡齊斌老師歡迎到Apple Podcast給我們五星好評! ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:口說英語通 ----- 🎙教育電臺🎙 📻官網: 🗺️Channel+學習頻道: 🔗粉絲團: 🎧線上即時收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting
8/6/202310 minutes, 36 seconds
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【一天10分鐘 辦公英語通】What is the best way to contact you? 如何聯絡你最好呢?

👉🏻CONVERSATION M: Hey, Dora. Are you working on Christmas? W: I am sorry but I am going back to my parent’s house. Why? M: Oh, I was afraid to encounter some problems while working on the project. Is it ok if I ask you some questions on Christmas? W: I think I will be free on Christmas morning. M: What is the best way to contact you? W: Just call my cell phone number. 2547-3696. 👉🏻WORDS & PHRASES 1. afraid [ə’fred] (adj.) 害怕的 2. encounter [ɪn’kauntɚ] (v.) 遇到 3. project [prə’dʒɛkt] (n.) 企劃 4. free [fri] (adj.) 空閒的 5.cell phone [sɛl fon] (n.) 手機 👉🏻LANGUAGE FOCUSWhat is the best way to ...?《Note》 What is the best way to contact you? (什麼方式聯絡你最好呢?)《Examples》What is the best way to help you?What is the best way to do this? 👉🏻EXERCISES Just in case we need to inform you. _____________________? (答案在下方唷) 💯《Answer Key》: What is the best way to contact you ----- #第六季辦公英語通每周一更新! #用新聞學英語「英語Follow me」新頻道每周二、四更新喔! #喜歡齊斌老師歡迎到Apple Podcast給我們五星好評! ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:口說英語通 ----- 🎙教育電臺🎙 📻官網: 🗺️Channel+學習頻道: 🔗粉絲團: 🎧線上即時收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting
7/30/202310 minutes, 25 seconds
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【一天10分鐘 辦公英語通】Would you mind giving me a hand? 你介意幫我一個忙嗎?

👉🏻CONVERSATION W: Would you mind giving me a hand? M: Yes, Ma’am. How may I help you? W: I need you to type a list of the Singaporean guests we are hosting tonight. Do remember to address their titles too. It is important that we show respect to their rankings on the invitation card. M: Anything else? W: Have their seats arranged too. And I need you to lead each guest to his or her seat then. M: I’ll get to work right away. 👉🏻WORDS & PHRASES 1. give sb. a hand [gev ə hænd] (phr.) 給予某人幫忙 2. Ma’am [mæm] (n.) 女士 3. Singaporean [͵sɪŋgə’pɔrɪən] (adj.) 新加坡的 4. guest [gɛst] (n.) 賓客 5. host [host] (v.) 接待 6. rank [ræŋk] (n.) 階級;身分 7. invitation card [ ɪnvə'teʃən kɑrd] (n.) 邀請函 👉🏻LANGUAGE FOCUS Would you mind + V-ing ...? 《Note》 Would you mind giving me a hand? (你介意幫我一個忙嗎?) 《Examples》 1Would you mind turning the volume down? 2Would you mind keeping the windows shut? 👉🏻EXERCISES A:_________________ ? B: I am sorry. I didn’t mean to disturb your reading. (答案在下方唷) 💯《Answer Key》: Would you mind turning the volume down ----- #第六季辦公英語通每周一更新! #用新聞學英語「英語Follow me」新頻道每周二、四更新喔! #喜歡齊斌老師歡迎到Apple Podcast給我們五星好評! ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:口說英語通 ----- 🎙教育電臺🎙 📻官網: 🗺️Channel+學習頻道: 🔗粉絲團: 🎧線上即時收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting
7/23/202310 minutes, 32 seconds
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【一天10分鐘 辦公英語通】It’s a pleasure to meet you. (職場禮儀)見到你真榮幸!

👉🏻CONVERSATION M: Hi, I am John Lynch. Here’s my business card. W: It’s a pleasure to meet you. M: It is my first time to be in Malaysia. Is there anything that I should be aware of when meeting people? W: Well, just remember to give your business card with both hands or with right hand only. M: Why can’t we use left hand? W: Because in Malaysian culture, it is considered filthy and rude to use the left hand. 👉🏻WORDS & PHRASES 1. business card [ˋbɪznəs kɑrd] (n.) 名片 2. pleasure [ˋplɛʒɚ] (n.) 榮幸 3. Malaysia [mə‘leʒə] (n.) 馬來西亞 4. be aware of [bɪ ə'wɛr ʌv] (phr.) 該注意的 5. Malaysian [mə'leʃən] (adj.) 馬來西亞的 6. filthy [ˋfɪlθɪ] (adj.) 骯髒的 👉🏻LANGUAGE FOCUS It’s a pleasure to... 《Note》 It’s a pleasure to meet you. (見到你真榮幸。) 《Examples》 It’s a pleasure to see you. It’s a pleasure to help you. 👉🏻EXERCISES My name is John Lynch. _____________________. (答案在下方唷) 💯《Answer Key》: It’s a pleasure to meet you ----- #第六季辦公英語通每周一更新! #用新聞學英語「英語Follow me」新頻道每周二、四更新喔! #喜歡齊斌老師歡迎到Apple Podcast給我們五星好評! ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:口說英語通 ----- 🎙教育電臺🎙 📻官網: 🗺️Channel+學習頻道: 🔗粉絲團: 🎧線上即時收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting
7/16/202310 minutes, 22 seconds
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【一天10分鐘 辦公英語通】How many weeks should I make an appointment in advance? (職場對話)我要多久前預約呢?

👉🏻CONVERSATION M: Uh…excuse me, I have a question. W: Yes? M: How many weeks should I make an appointment in advance? W: I think it is better for you to make an appointment at least two weeks earlier for all Japanese companies. M: Ok. I see. Thank you very much. W: You are welcome. 👉🏻WORDS & PHRASES 1. appointment [ə’pɔɪntmənt] (n.) 約會 2. in advance [ɪn əd'væns] (phr.) 預先 3. at least [ət list] (phr.) 至少 4. earlier [ˋɝlɪr] (adv.) 早先的 👉🏻LANGUAGE FOCUS How many weeks should I ... in advance?《Note》 weeks 的地方可以改成 days 、months、minutes...等的時間依需求而變更。《Examples》How many days should I make a phone call in advance?How many minutes should I check the machine in advance? 👉🏻EXERCISES A: _________? B: You should make a phone call 5 minutes in advance. (答案在下方唷) 💯《Answer Key》: How many minutes should I make a phone call in advance ----- #第六季辦公英語通每周一更新! #用新聞學英語「英語Follow me」新頻道每周二、四更新喔! #喜歡齊斌老師歡迎到Apple Podcast給我們五星好評! ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:口說英語通 ----- 🎙教育電臺🎙 📻官網: 🗺️Channel+學習頻道: 🔗粉絲團: 🎧線上即時收聽: 標籤:英語學習, 語言學習, 國立教育廣播電臺, 教育電台, 齊斌, English Learning, 口說英語, 英語提升, 辦公英語通,詞彙英語通 Powered by Firstory Hosting
7/9/202310 minutes, 25 seconds
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【一天10分鐘 辦公英語通】I would like to make an appointment.(職場對話) 我想要預約/預定

👉🏻CONVERSATION M: Hi, I am Harry Hudson from the American Insurance Company. I would like to make an appointment on May 2nd. Is Mr. Toyota available on that day? W: I am sorry he is going to go on a business trip on that day. Do you want to make an appointment after he gets back to Japan? M: Sure. When will he get back? W: He’s coming back on May 10th. Would May 15th be alright for your appointment? M: Ok. I’ll meet Mr. Toyota on May 15th. Thank you. W: You are welcome. 👉🏻WORDS & PHRASES 1. American [ə’mɛrɪkən] (adj.) 美國的 2. insurance [ɪn’ʃurəns] (n.) 保險 3. appointment [ə’pɔɪntmənt] (n.) 約會 4. available [ə’veləb!] (adj.) 有空的 👉🏻 LANGUAGE FOCUS I would like to make an appointment on ... 《Note》 I would like to make an appointment on May 2nd. (我想要安排一個五月二日的會面。) 《Examples》 I would like to make an appointment on July 1st. I would like to make an appointment on October 5th. 👉🏻 EXERCISES A: _________. B: I am sorry but he wont’t be available. (答案在下方唷) 💯《Answer Key》: I would like to make an appointment on June 22nd  ----- #第六季辦公英語通每周一更新! #用新聞學英語「英語Follow me」新頻道每周二、四更新喔! #喜歡齊斌老師歡迎到Apple Podcast給我們五星好評! ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:口說英語通 ----- 🎙教育電臺🎙 📻官網: 🗺️Channel+學習頻道: 🔗粉絲團: 🎧線上即時收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting
7/2/202310 minutes, 33 seconds
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【一天10分鐘 辦公英語通】I don’t think that’s a good idea. (職場文化) 我覺得這不是個好主意!

👉🏻CONVERSATION  M: What do you plan to give your Japanese client to her birthday?  W: I’ve chosen a beautiful flower bouquet of white lilies. I like their smell and I think the  color white really suits my client’s elegance.  M: I don’t think that’s a good idea…  W: Why not?  M: Don’t you know that lilies are associated with funerals? And what’s more is that to the  Japanese, white flowers of any kind are related to funerals too!  W: I guess giving white lilies to my Japanese client would be a disaster if you didn’t tell me.  👉🏻WORDS & PHRASES  1. Japanese [͵dʒæpə’niz] (adj.) 日本的 2. choose [tʃuz] (v.) 選擇 3. beautiful [ˋbjutəfəl] (adj.) 美麗的 4. bouquet [bu’ke] (n.) 花束 5. lily [ˋlɪlɪ] (n.) 百合花 6. elegance [ˋɛləgəns] (n.) 優雅 7. funeral [ˋfjunərəl] (n.) 喪禮 8. disaster [dɪ’zæstɚ] (n.) 災難 👉🏻LANGUAGE FOCUS  I don’t think ... 《Examples》 1. I don’ think that’s a good idea. 我覺得那不是一個好點子。 2. I don’t think our manager will transfer you to an other department.  👉🏻EXERCISES  A: . _______________________. B: Why not?  (答案在下方唷) 💯《Answer Key》: I don’t think that’s a good idea ----- #第六季辦公英語通每周一更新! #用新聞學英語「英語Follow me」新頻道每周二、四更新喔! #喜歡齊斌老師歡迎到Apple Podcast給我們五星好評! ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:口說英語通 ----- 🎙教育電臺🎙 📻官網: 🗺️Channel+學習頻道: 🔗粉絲團: 🎧線上即時收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting
6/25/202310 minutes, 30 seconds
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【一天10分鐘 辦公英語通】Wait for someone to introduce you.(商務禮儀)等別人介紹你

👉🏻 CONVERSATION M: I have something important to tell you before we attend the Japanese ceremony. W: Yes, sir? What do you want to tell me? M: It is considered rude for people to go around and introduce themselves in the Japanese society. W: If I can’t introduce myself to other people, then what should I do? How am I going to meet anyone? M: You have to wait. Wait for someone to introduce you. Got it? W: Roger that, sir. 👉🏻WORDS & PHRASES 1. attend [ə’tɛnd] (v.) 參加 2. Japanese [͵dʒæpə’niz] (adj.) 日本的 3. ceremony [ˋsɛrə͵monɪ] (n.) 儀式;慶典 4. consider [kən’sɪdɚ] (v.) 認為 5. rude [rud] (adj.) 粗魯的 6. Roger that ['rɑdʒɚ ðæt] (phr.) [口]收到;知道了 👉🏻LANGUAGE FOCUS Wait for someone to + V 《Note》 Wait for someone to introduce you. (等別人介紹你。) 《Examples》 Wait for someone to inform you. Wait for someone to call you. 👉🏻 EXERCISES A: What should I do now? B: _______________________. (答案在下方唷) 💯《Answer Key》: Wait for someone to call you  ----- #第六季辦公英語通每周一更新! #用新聞學英語「英語Follow me」新頻道每周二、四更新喔! #喜歡齊斌老師歡迎到Apple Podcast給我們五星好評! ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:口說英語通 ----- 🎙教育電臺🎙 📻官網: 🗺️Channel+學習頻道: 🔗粉絲團: 🎧線上即時收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting
6/18/202310 minutes, 21 seconds
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【一天10分鐘 辦公英語通】I learned from another colleague.我從同事那聽到的.

👉🏻CONVERSATION M: The bank is closing within an hour; do you think you can make it in time? W: My client is supposed to be here 15 minutes ago though. Anyway, I think she will show up soon. M: I learned from another colleague that your big client is from Canada. Is that so? W: Yeah, she is from Quebec. It’s a French culture there. Different from other Canadian provinces. M: Oh…then you might have to wait a little longer, because I heard that French people are not as punctual as they are supposed to be. They are more relaxed with their lives. 👉🏻WORDS & PHRASES 1. bank [bæŋk] (n.) 銀行 2. within [wɪ’ðɪn] (prep.) 不超過 3. be supposed to [sə’poz] (phr.) 應該 4. colleague [ˋkɑlig] (n.) 同事 5. Canada [ˋkænədə] (n.) 加拿大 6. Quebec [kwɪ’bɛk] (n.) 魁北克 7. Canadian [kə’nedɪən] (adj.) 加拿大的 👉🏻LANGUAGE FOCUSI learned from another colleague that ...《Note》 Learn 其實意思是學習,但在這邊可以解讀為聽說或得知某見消息或事物,也可以將 learn 改 成 heard 都是相當接近的用詞。《Examples》I learned from another collegue that you just got promoted.I learned from another collegue that you are going to go on a business trip. 👉🏻EXERCISES A:__________________ . B: Yeah, I am. (答案在下方唷) 💯《Answer Key》 I learned from another colleague that you are going to go on a business trip  ----- #第六季辦公英語通每周一更新! #用新聞學英語「英語Follow me」新頻道每周二、四更新喔! #喜歡齊斌老師歡迎到Apple Podcast給我們五星好評! ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:口說英語通 ----- 🎙教育電臺🎙 📻官網: 🗺️Channel+學習頻道: 🔗粉絲團: 🎧線上即時收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting
6/11/202310 minutes, 35 seconds
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【一天10分鐘 辦公英語通】Why is everyone wearing so casual today? 為什麼今天大家穿著這麼休閒?

👉🏻CONVERSATION A: Why is everybody wearing so casual today? B: Don’t you know that today is Friday? It’s Causal Friday! Don’t you have that in your country? A: No. I mean, in the eastern society, everyone dresses formally to work every day. B: That’s a pity! In the U.S. many companies, like our company for example, will have Causal Fridays. Employees can wear casual clothes to work on Causal Fridays. A: But our managers didn’t put on casual clothes on Casual Fridays. B: That’s because they are the bosses. They have to be dressed properly all the time. Just in case if they need to sign some contracts or attend some important meetings. 👉🏻 WORDS & PHRASES 1. casual [ˋkæʒuəl] (a.) 休閒的 2. Casual Friday ['kæʒuəl 'fraɪde] (n.) 輕鬆星期五 3. society [səˋsaɪətɪ] (n.) 社會 4. formal [ˋfɔrm!] (a.) 正式的 5. pity [ˋpɪtɪ] (a.) 可惜的 6. employee [͵ɛmplɔɪˋi] (n.) 員工 7. boss [bɔs] (n.) [口]老闆 👉🏻LANGUAGE FOCUS Why is everyone + V-ing ...?《Note/說明》 Why is everyone wearing so casual today? 為什麼今天大家穿著這麼休閒?《Examples/實例》Why is everyone running?Why is everyone screaming? 👉🏻EXERCISES A: ________________? B: Because our boss is going to raise everyone’s salary by 10%. (答案在下方唷) 💯《Answer Key》 Why is everyone smiling  ----- #第六季辦公英語通每周一更新! #用新聞學英語「英語Follow me」新頻道每周二、四更新喔! #喜歡齊斌老師歡迎到Apple Podcast給我們五星好評! ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:口說英語通 ----- 🎙教育電臺🎙 📻官網: 🗺️Channel+學習頻道: 🔗粉絲團: 🎧線上即時收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting
6/4/202310 minutes, 27 seconds
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【一天10分鐘 辦公英語通】It is a phenomenon commonly seen in Taiwan. (文化差異)這是一個在台灣常見的現象

👉🏻 CONVERSATION W: I think I am not getting used to the life in Taiwan. It’s been six months since I left U.S. and I still can’t understand… M: What don’t you understand? Tell me. W: I don’t understand why people in Taiwan tend to have a nap after lunch. To me, I think it is best that we start working after lunch and complete our job earlier, so that we can go home earlier, you know. We don’t have a sleeping time during working hours in the States, you know. I think having a naptime is a waste of time. M: Well, it is a phenomenon commonly seen in Taiwan. Many Taiwanese people believe they can work and concentrate better after a short nap. 👉🏻WORDS & PHRASES 1. tend to [tɛnd] (phr.) 傾向;易於 2. nap [næp] (n.) 午睡 3. earlier [ˋɝlɪr] (adj.) 提早的 4. waste [west] (n.) 浪費 5. phenomenon [fə’nɑmə͵nɑn] (n.) 現象 6. concentrate [ˋkɑnsɛn͵tret] (v.) 專注;注意 👉🏻LANGUAGE FOCUS It is a phenomenon commonly seen in... 《Note》 It is a phenomenon commonly seen in Taiwan. (這是一個在台灣常見的現象。)Commonly 可以 改成同義詞 widely,或者是其他形容詞,normally、nearly、barely…等。 《Examples》 It is a phenomenon commonly seen in China. It is a phenomenon commonly seen in France. 👉🏻EXERCISES A: I am not used to seeing French people kissing around on the streets. B: ________. (答案在下方唷) 《Answer Key》 It is a phenomenon commonly seen in France  ----- #第六季辦公英語通每周一更新! #用新聞學英語「英語Follow me」新頻道每周二、四更新喔! #喜歡齊斌老師歡迎到Apple Podcast給我們五星好評! ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:口說英語通 ----- 🎙教育電臺🎙 📻官網: 🗺️Channel+學習頻道: 🔗粉絲團: 🎧線上即時收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting
5/28/202310 minutes, 32 seconds
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【一天10分鐘 辦公英語通】It is inappropriate to give a clock as a gift. (送禮文化)送時鐘當禮物是不適宜的。

👉🏻 CONVERSATION W: I just bought a gift for my Chinese client. M: What did you buy for your client? W: I bought a very delicate clock for my customer. She is returning to China this Friday. And I meant to give her a gift that she can use either at home or at work. M: Hold on a minute! Did you say that your client is from China? You are making a terrible mistake, you know? It is inappropriate to give a clock as a gift. In the Chinese culture, giving a clock as a gift infers cursing someone to die! W: Oh my goodness! Thank god you reminded me or else I would be doomed. 👉🏻WORDS & PHRASES 1. client [ˋklaɪənt] (n.) 客戶 2. delicate [‘dɛləkət] (adj.) 精緻的 3. return [rɪ’tɝn] (v.) 返回 4. inappropriate [͵ɪnə’proprɪɪt] (adj.) 不適當的 5. curse [kɝs] (v.) 詛咒 6. remind [rɪˋmaɪnd] (v.) 提醒 7. be doomed (phr.) 完蛋了 👉🏻LANGUAGE FOCUSIt is inappropriate to ...《Note》 It is inappropriate to give a clock as a gift. (送時鐘當禮物是很不恰當的事。)《Examples》It is inappropriate to talk while eating.It is inappropriate to eat in the library. 👉🏻EXERCISES A: I want to send my Chinese client a clock as a farewell gift. B: Don’t you know that in Chinese culture, __________. (答案在下方唷) 《Answer Key》 it is inappropriate to send a clock as gift  ----- #第六季辦公英語通每周一更新! #用新聞學英語「英語Follow me」新頻道每周二、四更新喔! #喜歡齊斌老師歡迎到Apple Podcast給我們五星好評! ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:口說英語通 ----- 🎙教育電臺🎙 📻官網: 🗺️Channel+學習頻道: 🔗粉絲團: 🎧線上即時收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting
5/21/202310 minutes, 29 seconds
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【一天10分鐘 辦公英語通】I need help in ordering office supplies.我需要協助訂購辦公室用品

👉🏻CONVERSATION W: Excuse me. I need help in ordering office supplies. M: Have you filled out the applying form? W: I am sorry but where can I get the applying form? M: You need to download it from the company’s website. Fill out what you need according to the form and then turn it in to me. W: I see. Thank you! M: You are welcome. 👉🏻WORDS & PHRASES 1. order [ˋɔrdɚ] (v.) 訂購 2. supply [sәˋplaɪ] (n.) 補給品;庫存 3. applying form [әˋplaɪɪŋ fɔrm] (n.) 申請表 4. form [fɔrm] (n.) 表格;單子 5. download [ˋdaun͵lod] (v.)下載 6. according to [әkɔrdɪŋ tu] (phr.) 根據;依據 7. turn in [tɝn ɪn] (phr.) 繳交;呈遞 👉🏻LANGUAGE FOCUS I need help in ... 《Note》 I need help in odering office supplies. (我需要協助訂購辦公室用品。) 《Examples》 I need help in reading. I need help in driving. 👉🏻EXERCISES A: Do you need help? B: ___________________. Yes, I need help in finding the application form. (答案在下方唷) 💯《Answer Key》 a.) Yes, I need help in finding the application form. ----- #第六季辦公英語通每周一更新! #用新聞學英語「英語Follow me」新頻道每周二、四更新喔! #喜歡齊斌老師歡迎到Apple Podcast給我們五星好評! ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:口說英語通 ----- 🎙教育電臺🎙 📻官網: 🗺️Channel+學習頻道: 🔗粉絲團: 🎧線上即時收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting
5/14/202310 minutes, 24 seconds
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【一天10分鐘 辦公英語通】I look forward to working with you. 期待與你工作((面試成功~))

👉🏻CONVERSATION W: Hi, may I speak to Mr. Hansell? M: Yes, this is Hansell speaking. W: Mr. Hansell, this is the Giant Enterprise calling. We were very pleased with your interview last week and would like to offer you the position. When will you be able to start working? Would two weeks later be fine? M: That sounds perfect! I look forward to working with you. W: So see you two weeks later from now! Bye-bye! M: Thank you! Bye-bye! 👉🏻WORDS & PHRASES 1. pleased [plizd] (adj.) 滿意的 2. offer [ˋɔfɚ] (v.) 提供 3. position [pәˋzɪʃәn] (n.) 職位 4. look forward to [luk ˋfɔrwɚd tu] (phr.) 期待;盼望 👉🏻LANGUAGE FOCUSI look forward to + N / V-ing... 《Note》 I look forward to working with you. (我盼望與你合作。)《Examples》I look forward to hearing from you.I look forward to Sara’s visit. 👉🏻EXERCISES I look forward to ________ (work) with you. (答案在下方唷) 💯《Answer Key》 working ----- #第六季辦公英語通每周一更新! #用新聞學英語「英語Follow me」新頻道每周二、四更新喔! #喜歡齊斌老師歡迎到Apple Podcast給我們五星好評! ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:口說英語通 ----- 🎙教育電臺🎙 📻官網: 🗺️Channel+學習頻道: 🔗粉絲團: 🎧線上即時收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting
5/7/202310 minutes, 37 seconds
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【一天10分鐘 辦公英語通】A minimum of $1,500 per month.(面試時薪水怎麼談?) 一個月至少$1,5000.

👉🏻CONVERSATION W: So Mr. Wang what do you expect if you join our company? M: I am sorry, but I don’t quite understand your question. Can you explain it again, please? W: It’s ok. Let me put it this way. How much do you want for your pay? M: Oh, I want a minimum of $1,500 per month. W: Well, Ok, that’s all I need to know for now. We will be in touch. Thank you for coming today. M: Thank you. 👉🏻WORDS & PHRASES 1. pay [pe] (n.) 薪資;薪水 2. minimum [ˋmɪnәmәm] (n.) 最低限度 3. per [pɚ] (prep.) 每個;每 4. salary [ˋsælәrɪ] (n.) 薪資;薪水 5. be in touch (phr.) 再聯絡 👉🏻LANGUAGE FOCUSA minimum of ... per month/day/person.《Note》 A minimum of $1,500 per month. (每個月最少 1,500 元。) 最低的極限是 minimum,相反的最高極限則是 maxium。《Examples》A minimum of $20 per person.A minimum of 20 cars per day. 👉🏻 EXERCISES A: How much do you want for your salary? B:_______________________________ . (答案在下方唷) 💯《Answer Key》: A minimum of $1,500 per month ----- <直播預告> 5月5日中午12:00「爵士午夜場 -在家聽 爵士樂」在教育電台聲動全世界臉書直播囉 邀請爵士美聲歌手徐席琳率領Lady & Knight女爵˙騎士樂團,帶來動聽的爵士經典曲目,直播見喔! ----- #第六季辦公英語通每周一更新! #用新聞學英語「英語Follow me」新頻道每周二、四更新喔! #喜歡齊斌老師歡迎到Apple Podcast給我們五星好評! ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:口說英語通 ----- 🎙教育電臺🎙 📻官網: 🗺️Channel+學習頻道: 🔗粉絲團: 🎧線上即時收聽: 標籤:英語學習, 語言學習, 國立教育廣播電臺, 教育電台, 齊斌, English Learning, 口說英語, 英語提升, 辦公英語通,詞彙英語通 Powered by Firstory Hosting
4/30/202311 minutes, 6 seconds
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【一天10分鐘 辦公英語通】I am open to relocating. 我可以外派~!

👉🏻CONVERSATION  W: Are you capable of relocation if this position is not in our country?  M: Yes, I am open to relocating. But which country would it be?  W: We still have a position open in South Africa. Are you willing to go there?  M: It would be wonderful to go there. When should I fill in?  W: Staring from next month.  M: Ok, I will not let you down. I’ll do my best.  👉🏻 WORDS & PHRASES  1. open [ˋopәn] (adj.) 願意接受 2. capable [ˋkepәb!] (adj.) 有...能力的 3. relocation [riloˋkeәn] (n.) 遷移;改變位置 4. country [ˋkʌntrɪ] (n.) 國家 5. South Africa [sauθ æfrɪkә] (n.) 南非 6. fill in [fɪl ɪn] (phr.) 填缺;任職 👉🏻LANGUAGE FOCUS I am open to... 《Examples》I am open to working abroad. I am open to visitors.  👉🏻 EXERCISES  A: What do you think about moving to Chicago?  B:_____________________ . (答案在下方唷) 💯《Answer Key》: I am open to relocation  ----- #第六季辦公英語通每周一更新! #用新聞學英語「英語Follow me」新頻道每周二、四更新喔! #喜歡齊斌老師歡迎到Apple Podcast給我們五星好評! ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:口說英語通 ----- 🎙教育電臺🎙 📻官網: 🗺️Channel+學習頻道: 🔗粉絲團: 🎧線上即時收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting
4/23/202310 minutes, 58 seconds
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【一天10分鐘 辦公英語通】I need to stay in the area because of family.我因家庭因素需要留在這個地區

👉🏻CONVERSATION M: So, Mr. Hansell, are there any questions that you would like to ask before this interview ends? W: Yes, I do have a question. Will this new position requires I working in other states? M: Probably yes. Would you have any trouble working outside of town? W: Hmm…yes, I need to stay in the area because of family. M: Well, I’ll keep that in mind for now. Any more questions? W: That’s about it. I can’t think of one so far. 👉🏻WORDS & PHRASES 1. before [bɪˋfor] (conj.) 在...之前 2. require [rɪˋkwaɪr] (v.) 需要 3. state [stet] (n.) (美國的)州 4. probably [ˋprɑbәblɪ] (adv.) 很可能 5. trouble [ˋtrʌb!] (n.) 困難 6. outside [ˋaʊtˋsaɪd] (adv.) 外面 👉🏻LANGUAGE FOCUS I need to + V +because of + N 《Note》 I need to stay at the area because of family. (我因家庭因素需要留在這個地區。) 《Examples》 1. I need to work because of family. 2. I need to go because of work. 👉🏻 EXERCISES A: Why are you leaving so soon? B:____________ . (答案在下方唷) 《Answer Key》: I need to go because of work. ----- #第六季辦公英語通每周一更新! #用新聞學英語「英語Follow me」新頻道每周二、四更新喔! #喜歡齊斌老師歡迎到Apple Podcast給我們五星好評! ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:口說英語通 ----- 🎙教育電臺🎙 📻官網: 🗺️Channel+學習頻道: 🔗粉絲團: 🎧線上即時收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting
4/16/202310 minutes, 28 seconds
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【一天10分鐘 辦公英語通】I am interested in switching fields. (面試時)我對於"轉換跑道"很有興趣!

👉🏻CONVERSATION W: Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to this interview. M: You are welcome. Please have a seat. Can you briefly talk about your former working experiences? W: I was working at the Giant Enterprise as a secretary after college graduation. M: I am curious about why you left your former position. W: Well, I am interested in switching fields. The job I had was not challenging enough for me. M: Ok, now I see your points. 👉🏻WORDS & PHRASES 1. opportunity [͵ɑpɚˋtjunәtɪ] (n.) 機會 2. former [ˋfɔrmɚ] (adj.) 前任的;從前的 3. experience [ɪkˋspɪrɪәns] (n.) 經驗 4. secretary [ˋsɛkrә͵tɛrɪ] (n.) 秘書 5. curious [ˋkjʊrɪәs] (adj.) 好奇的 6. switch [swɪtʃ] (v.) 轉換;改變 7. field [fild] (n.) 領域 👉🏻LANGUAGE FOCUS I am interested in... 《Note》 I am interest in taking pictures. (我對攝影有興趣。)後面可以加領域或是興趣,若是動詞的話 要用現在進行式。 《Examples》 I am interested in planting flowers. I am interested in learning English. 👉🏻EXERCISES A: What are you interested in? B: _________.(答案在下方唷) 💯《Answer Key》: I am interested in learning English ----- #第六季辦公英語通每周一更新! #用新聞學英語「英語Follow me」新頻道每周二、四更新喔! #喜歡齊斌老師歡迎到Apple Podcast給我們五星好評! ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:口說英語通 ----- 🎙教育電臺🎙 📻官網: 🗺️Channel+學習頻道: 🔗粉絲團: 🎧線上即時收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting
4/9/202310 minutes, 22 seconds
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【一天10分鐘 辦公英語通】I really need a time-out. 我真的需要休息一下!

👉🏻CONVERSATION M: Lucy, you don’t look so good. Do you want to see a doctor? W: Hi, Sam. I really need a time-out, but my schedule is delayed. I have to work overtime tonight. M: Lucy, are you sure you don’t want to see a doctor? You look very pale right now. W: If I went to see a doctor, then I would never be able to finish my work today. M: I’ll help you complete the rest of your work. Just go and see a doctor now. W: Thank you so much, Sam. 👉🏻WORDS & PHRASES 1. time-out [ˋtaɪmˋaʊt] (n.) 休息 2. schedule [ˋskɛdʒʊl] (n.) 報程;時刻表 3. delay [dɪˋle] (v.) 延誤 4. overtime [͵ovɚˋtaɪm] (n.) 加班 5. pale [pel] (adj.) 蒼白的 6. finish [ˋfɪnɪʃ] (v.) 結束 7. the rest of... [ðә rɛst ʌv] (phr.) 剩下的... 👉🏻LANGUAGE FOCUS If S + V-ed, then I would+ V 《Note》 If I failed, then I would never be able to win. (我如果失敗,那我將永遠無法獲勝。)因為這句 假設句發生的時刻是在當下而非過去,所以不用加 have,而假設句使用的動詞是過去式,所 以用 would 而不用 will。 《Examples》 If I quit, then I would never be able to learn. If I stop, then I would never be able to complete. 👉🏻 EXERCISES A:Why don’t you just quit? B: _______________________. (答案在下方唷) 💯《Answer Key》:If I quit, then I would never be able to win   ----- #第六季辦公英語通每周一更新! #用新聞學英語「英語Follow me」新頻道每周二、四更新喔! #喜歡齊斌老師歡迎到Apple Podcast給我們五星好評! ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:口說英語通 ----- 🎙教育電臺🎙 📻官網: 🗺️Channel+學習頻道: 🔗粉絲團: 🎧線上即時收聽: 標籤:英語學習, 語言學習, 國立教育廣播電臺, 教育電台, 齊斌, English Learning, 口說英語, 英語提升, 辦公英語通,詞彙英語通 Powered by Firstory Hosting
4/2/202310 minutes, 35 seconds
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【一天10分鐘 辦公英語通】I can’t find my stapler. (職場關係)我找不到我的釘書機阿~~~

👉🏻CONVERSATION M: I can’t find my stapler! W: Did you look into the drawer? M: Yes, I did. I found my paper clips, glue, and tape…everything except my stapler. W: Did you look under those folders on your desk? M: No I didn’t. Oh! It’s right here! I found my stapler at last! W: Remember to put your stuff orderly, so that you wouldn’t lose them again! 👉🏻WORDS & PHRASES 1. stapler [ˋsteplɚ] (n.) 釘書機 2. drawer [ˋdrɔɚ] (n.) 抽屜 3. paper clip [ˋpepɚ klɪp] (n.) 迴紋針 4. tape [tep] (n.) 膠帶 5. folder [ˋfoldɚ] (n.) 文書夾;資料夾 6. stuff [stʌf] (n.) 物品,東西 7. orderly [ˋɔrdɚlɪ] (adv.) 整齊地,有條理地 👉🏻LANGUAGE FOCUS can’t... + V 原 《Note》 I can’t find my stapler. (我找不到我的釘書機。) can’t = can not。 《Examples》 I can’t find my car. I can’t hear your voice. 👉🏻EXERCISES A:Can you hear my voice? B:____________________ . (答案在下方唷) 💯《Answer Key》: No, I can’t hear you.   ----- #第六季辦公英語通每周一更新! #用新聞學英語「英語Follow me」新頻道每周二、四更新喔! #喜歡齊斌老師歡迎到Apple Podcast給我們五星好評! ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:口說英語通 ----- 🎙教育電臺🎙 📻官網: 🗺️Channel+學習頻道: 🔗粉絲團: 🎧線上即時收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting
3/26/202310 minutes, 27 seconds
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【一天10分鐘 辦公英語通】How many copies do you need? 你需要幾份文件呢?

👉🏻CONVERSATION M: Hey, Sara. Can you do me a favor? W: Sure, what do you need? M: Can you go downstairs to the copy machine and make some copies of this document for me? W: No problem. How many copies do you need? M: 30 copies would be terrific. Thank you so much, Sara. W: No big deal. I’ll be right back. 👉🏻 WORDS & PHRASES 1. do sb. a favor [du ә fevɚ] (phr.) 幫某人做一件事 2. downstairs [͵daun’stɛrz] (adv.) 在樓下 3. copy [ˋkɑpɪ] (n.) 副本 4. document [ˋdɑkjәmәnt] (n.) 文件 5. terrific [tә’rɪfɪk] (adj.) 非常好的 👉🏻LANGUAGE FOCUS How you need?《Note》 How many copies do you need? (你需要多少份副本?) 面對可數的物品使用 how many,若為 不可數的物品,例如,感覺、某物的密度...等,則使用 how much。《Examples》How many pencils do you need?How many people do you need? 👉🏻 EXERCISES A: ____________________________? B: I need 5 people to help me move the tables to downstairs. (答案在下方唷) 《Answer Key》: How many people do you need  ----- #第六季辦公英語通每周一更新! #用新聞學英語「英語Follow me」新頻道每周二、四更新喔! #喜歡齊斌老師歡迎到Apple Podcast給我們五星好評! ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:口說英語通 ----- 🎙教育電臺🎙 📻官網: 🗺️Channel+學習頻道: 🔗粉絲團: 🎧線上即時收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting
3/19/202310 minutes, 24 seconds
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【一天10分鐘 辦公英語通】When should I call back? 甚麼時候可以回撥呢?

👉🏻A. CONVERSATION M: Hello, this is Mr. Jackson’s office. How may I help you? W: Hi! May I speak to Mr. Jackson? I am one of his clients. M: I am sorry but he is not available right now. Do you want to try calling him back later? W: When should I call back? M: You can try calling around 30 minutes later. W: Ok, then. Thank you! Bye bye. M: Goodbye. 👉🏻B. WORDS & PHRASES 1. client [ˋklaɪәnt] (n.) 顧客;客戶 2. available [әˋvelәb!] (adj.) 有空的 3. call sb. back [kɔl bæk] (phr.) 回某人電話 4. around [әˋraund] (prep.) 大約;將近 5. later [ˋletɚ] (ad.) 後來;之後 👉🏻C. LANGUAGE FOCUS When should I + V? 《Note》 When should I call back? (我什麼時候應該回電?) 《Examples》 When should I dial back? When should I write back? 👉🏻D. EXERCISES A: Do you want to call me back later? B: ________________? (答案在下方唷) 《Answer Key》: When should I call back  ----- #第六季辦公英語通每周一更新! #用新聞學英語「英語Follow me」新頻道每周二、四更新喔! #喜歡齊斌老師歡迎到Apple Podcast給我們五星好評! ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:口說英語通 ----- 🎙教育電臺🎙 📻官網: 🗺️Channel+學習頻道: 🔗粉絲團: 🎧線上即時收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting
3/12/202310 minutes, 13 seconds
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【一天10分鐘 辦公英語通】I’m going to ask you a few questions. (面試時)我想要問你幾個問題

👉🏻CONVERSATION (In an interview) W: Alright, Mr. Wade. I’m going to ask you a few questions. Are you ready? M: I’m always ready, ma’am. W: Good. Why do you choose accounting as your career? M: I found it interesting when I was a student. W: How many languages can you speak? M: I’m fluent in English, Chinese, and French. 👉🏻WORDS & PHRASES 1. interview [ˋɪntɚ͵vju] (n.) 面試 2. a few [ә fju] (phr.) 幾個 3. choose [tʃuz] (v.) 選擇 4. accounting [әˋkauntɪŋ] (n.) 會計 5. career [kә'rɪr] (n.) 職業;事業 6. language [ˋlæŋgwɪdʒ] (n.) 語言 7. fluent [ˋfluәnt] (adj.) 流利的 👉🏻 LANGUAGE FOCUS be going to… 《Note》 I’m going to ask you a few questions. (我將會問你幾個問題。) 《Examples》 I’m going to go to bed. I’m going to take a shower. 👉🏻EXERCISES A: Do you have plans tomorrow? B:____________________________. (答案在下方唷) 💯《Answer Key》: I’m going to go to the beach  ----- #第六季辦公英語通每周一更新! #用新聞學英語「英語Follow me」新頻道每周二、四更新喔! #喜歡齊斌老師歡迎到Apple Podcast給我們五星好評! ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:口說英語通 ----- 🎙教育電臺🎙 📻官網: 🗺️Channel+學習頻道: 🔗粉絲團: 🎧線上即時收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting
3/5/202310 minutes, 24 seconds
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【一天10分鐘 辦公英語通】Let me clarify your information. (確認客戶訊息)讓我釐清你的訊息.

👉🏻CONVERSATION W: Mr. O’Brian, let me clarify your information. Your phone number is 2784-0199, and your birthday is June 4, 1986? M: Yes. Is there any other information you need? W: If we can have your cell-phone number, it would be more efficient to contact you. M: Alright, then. It’s 0910-805-466. W: Thank you, Mr. O’Brian. 👉🏻WORDS & PHRASES 1. clarify [ˋklærәfaɪ] (v.) 確認;澄清 2. information [ɪnfɚˋmeʃәn] (n.) 資訊;資料 3. cell-phone [ˋsɛl fon] (n.) 手機 4. efficient [ɪˋfɪʃәnt] (adj.) 有效率的 5. contact [ˋkɑntækt] (v.) 聯絡 👉🏻LANGUAGE FOCUSLet me + V 《Note》--Let me clarify your information. (讓我確認一下你的資料。) let 之後主詞連接的主動動詞只用原形動詞。 《Examples》 1. Let me see. 2. Let me think about it. 👉🏻EXERCISES A: Do you know how to get this done? B:____________________________. (答案在下方唷) 《Answer Key》: Let me think about it ----- #第六季辦公英語通每周一更新! #用新聞學英語「英語Follow me」新頻道每周二、四更新喔! #喜歡齊斌老師歡迎到Apple Podcast給我們五星好評! ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:口說英語通 ----- 🎙教育電臺🎙 📻官網: 🗺️Channel+學習頻道: 🔗粉絲團: 🎧線上即時收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting
3/1/202310 minutes, 26 seconds
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【一天10分鐘 辦公英語通】I’m going to be on a business trip. 我要去出差囉~

👉🏻CONVERSATION M: Hey, Charlotte. You don’t look so good. Something wrong with you? W: I think so. Actually, I’m going to be on a business trip. M: Mr. Hill asked you to go? Where to? W: Vietnam. Look, I really don’t know how to speak Vietnamese. M: Maybe you can try to speak French there. Some of them would understand. 👉🏻WORDS & PHRASES 1. business trip [ˋbɪznәs trɪp] (n.) 出差 2. actually [ˋæktʃuәlɪ] (adv.) 事實上 3. Vietnam [͵vjɛtˋnæm] (n.) 越南 4. Vietnamese [vɪ͵ɛtnәˋmiz] (n.) 越南文 5. French [frɛntʃ] (n.) 法文 👉🏻LANGUAGE FOCUSbe going to…《Note》 I’m going to be a teacher. (我以後要當一名老師。) \ 《Examples》I’m going to take a nap.I’m going to watch TV. 👉🏻EXERCISES A: What are you going to do in the future? B: _______________________________. (答案在下方唷) 💯《Answer Key》: I’m going to be a teacher ----- #第六季辦公英語通每周一更新! #用新聞學英語「英語Follow me」新頻道每周二、四更新喔! #喜歡齊斌老師歡迎到Apple Podcast給我們五星好評! ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:口說英語通 ----- 🎙教育電臺🎙 📻官網: 🗺️Channel+學習頻道: 🔗粉絲團: 🎧線上即時收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting
2/12/202310 minutes, 20 seconds
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【一天10分鐘 辦公英語通】Is there anything wrong? 老闆,有甚麼問題嗎? ((☉_☉))

👉🏻CONVERSATION  W: George, I want to speak to you for a minute.  M: Yes, Ms. Gray. Is there anything wrong?  W: I’m afraid there is, George. It’s okay for you to take a break, but you’ve been away from  your job for about 30 minutes.  M: I’m sorry, Ms. Gray. I think I just forgot about the time. I’ll go back to work now.  W: Be aware next time.  👉🏻WORDS & PHRASES  1. minute [ˋmɪnɪt] (n.) 分鐘;一會兒 2. afraid [әˋfred] (adj.) 恐怕;害怕 3. take a break [tek ә brek] (phr.) 休息 4. away from [әˋwe frʌm] (phr.) 離開 5. forget [fɚˋgɛt] (v.) 忘記 6. aware [әˋwɛr] (adj.) 當心;注意 👉🏻LANGUAGE FOCUS Is there anything + Adj? 《Note》 Is there anything wrong? 此句中 wrong 原意是「錯誤」,用在此處句意為「有什麼事嗎?」 《Examples》 1. Is there anything special?  2. Is there anything interesting?  👉🏻EXERCISES  A: Do you want to come to the ball with us?  B:_________________________________?  (答案在下方唷) 💯《Answer Key》: Is there anything special ----- #第六季辦公英語通每周一更新! #用新聞學英語「英語Follow me」新頻道每周二、四更新喔! #喜歡齊斌老師歡迎到Apple Podcast給我們五星好評! ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:口說英語通 ----- 🎙教育電臺🎙 📻官網: 🗺️Channel+學習頻道: 🔗粉絲團: 🎧線上即時收聽: 標籤:英語學習, 語言學習, 國立教育廣播電臺, 教育電台, 齊斌, English Learning, 口說英語, 英語提升, 辦公英語通,詞彙英語通 Powered by Firstory Hosting
2/5/202310 minutes, 25 seconds
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【一天10分鐘 辦公英語通】I need to work overtime. 要加班啦...(☍﹏⁰)

👉🏻CONVERSATION M: It’s five o’clock now. Do you want to have dinner together? W: Oh, I’m afraid I can’t. M: Why not? W: I want to finish this task today. Maybe I need to work overtime. M: That’s too bad. Wish you good luck. W: Thanks. 👉🏻WORDS & PHRASES 1. afraid [әˋfred] (adj.) 害怕;恐怕 2. task [tæsk] (n.) 工作;任務 3. overtime [ˋovɚ taɪm] (adv.) 加班 4. too bad [tu bæd] (phr.) 真不巧 5. good luck [gud lʌk] (phr.) 好運;祝你好運 👉🏻LANGUAGE FOCUSneed to…+V《Note》 I need to finish my homework. (我必須完成我的功課。) 《Examples》I need to do some sports.I need to have dinner with you. 👉🏻EXERCISES A: What do you need to do before you go to bed? B: _____________________________________. (答案在下方唷) 💯《Answer Key》: I need to finish my homework  ----- #第六季辦公英語通每周一更新! #用新聞學英語「英語Follow me」新頻道每周二、四更新喔! #喜歡齊斌老師歡迎到Apple Podcast給我們五星好評! ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:口說英語通 ----- 🎙教育電臺🎙 📻官網: 🗺️Channel+學習頻道: 🔗粉絲團: 🎧線上即時收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting
2/5/202310 minutes, 31 seconds
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【一天10分鐘 辦公英語通】I want to introduce a new member. 新年快樂~跟大家介紹新成員~

👉🏻CONVERSATION M: Good morning everyone. I want to introduce a new member of our company—Annie. W: Hi, everyone. M: Annie, would you like to say something? W: It’s really exciting to be in this company. I’m very glad to be one of you. M: Thank you, Annie. Welcome aboard. 👉🏻WORDS & PHRASES 1. introduce [ɪntrәˋdus] (v.) 介紹 2. member [ˋmɛmbɚ] (n.) 成員;會員 3. company [ˋkʌmpәnɪ] (n.) 公司 4. exciting [ɪkˋsaɪtɪŋ] (adj.) 令人興奮的 5. glad [glæd] (adj.) 高興的 6. welcome [ˋwɛlkәm] (v.) 歡迎 7. aboard [әˋbord] (adv.) 上(船,飛機,車) 👉🏻LANGUAGE FOCUSS. want to +V《Note》 I want to introduce a new member. 我要介紹一個新的成員。 《Examples》I want to go swimming.I want to have lunch with you. 👉🏻EXERCISES A: What do you want to do when it’s very hot? B: _____________________________________. (答案在下方唷) 💯《Answer Key》: I want to go swimming  ----- #第六季辦公英語通每周一更新! #用新聞學英語「英語Follow me」新頻道每周二、四更新喔! #喜歡齊斌老師歡迎到Apple Podcast給我們五星好評! ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:口說英語通 ----- 🎙教育電臺🎙 📻官網: 🗺️Channel+學習頻道: 🔗粉絲團: 🎧線上即時收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting
1/29/202310 minutes, 23 seconds
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【一天10分鐘 辦公英語通】Guess what? 猜猜看! 發生甚麼事!!

👉🏻CONVERSATION W: Hey, Julian. Guess what? M: What? W: I just got transferred to Tokyo as the new executive officer in Marketing. M: No kidding? Congratulations! When are you going to Tokyo? W: Probably next month. I have to wait for the paper works. Hey! You should come visit me some time. M: Don’t worry! I will. 👉🏻WORDS & PHRASES 1. guess [gɛs] (v.) 猜測;推測 2. transfer [trænsˋfɝ] (v.) 調任 3. Tokyo [ˋtokɪo] (n.) 東京 4. executive officer [ɪgˋzɛkjәtɪvˋɔfәsɚ] (n.) 執行長 5. marketing [ˋmɑrkɪtiŋ] (n.) 行銷 6. congratulation [kәn͵grætʃәˋleʃәn] (n.) 祝賀;慶賀 7. visit [ˋvɪzɪt] (v.) 拜訪;探望 👉🏻LANGUAGE FOCUS Guess what? 《Note》 Guess what? (猜看看發生什麼事?) 通常後面回應者會回問 What?讓對方把話說完。 《Examples》 A: Guess when? B: When? A: Guess how? 👉🏻EXERCISES 2.A: Guess what? B: __________? (答案在下方唷) 💯《Answer Key》: What ----- #第六季辦公英語通每周一更新! #用新聞學英語「英語Follow me」新頻道每周二、四更新喔! #喜歡齊斌老師歡迎到Apple Podcast給我們五星好評! ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:口說英語通 ----- 🎙教育電臺🎙 📻官網: 🗺️Channel+學習頻道: 🔗粉絲團: 🎧線上即時收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting
1/22/202310 minutes, 7 seconds
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【一天10分鐘 辦公英語通】I would like to promote you. 老闆: 我要給你升職啦~~~

👉🏻CONVERSATION W: Mr. Cuban, may I help you? M: I have something important to discuss with you. Have a seat, please. W: Thank you, Mr. Cuban. So what is that? M: Because you’re hard working and quick-witted, I would like to promote you as a manager. W: Really? Thank you so much, Mr. Cuban. I didn’t even think of it! M: You deserve that. 👉🏻WORDS & PHRASES 1. important [ɪmˋpɔrtṇt] (adj.) 重要的 2. discuss [dɪˋskʌs] (v.) 討論 3. hard [hard] (adj.) 努力的 4. quick-witted [kwɪk wɪtɪd] (adj.) 機智的 5. promote [prәˋmot] (v.) 提升;提拔 6. manager [ˋmænɪdʒɚ] (n.) 經理 7. deserve [dɪˋzɝv] (v.) 應得 👉🏻LANGUAGE FOCUSI would like to + V《Note》 I would like to give you a surprise. (我要給你一個驚喜。) 《Examples》I would like to go with you.I would like to say something. 👉🏻EXERCISES It’s so hot. _____________________. (答案在下方唷) 《Answer Key》: I would like to go swimming ----- #第六季辦公英語通每周一更新! #用新聞學英語「英語Follow me」新頻道每周二、四更新喔! #喜歡齊斌老師歡迎到Apple Podcast給我們五星好評! ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:口說英語通 ----- 🎙教育電臺🎙 📻官網: 🗺️Channel+學習頻道: 🔗粉絲團: 🎧線上即時收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting
1/15/202310 minutes, 23 seconds
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【一天10分鐘 辦公英語通】I come to ask for a leave. 我要請假~

👉🏻A. CONVERSATION W: Mr. Jordan, may I come in? M: Help yourself. W: Thank you Mr. Jordan. I come to ask for a leave this afternoon. M: So what is your reason? W: Actually, my mother is in the hospital now; she needs someone to take care of her. M: Alright, then you may go. 👉🏻B. WORDS & PHRASES 1. help yourself (phr.) 請便 2. leave [liv] (n.) 請假 3. reason [ˋrizṇ] (n.) 理由 4. actually [ˋæktʃuәlɪ] (adv.) 事實上 5. take care of (phr.) 照顧 👉🏻C. LANGUAGE FOCUSS. + come to +V …《Note》 I come to ask for a leave. (我是來請假的。)(ask for a leave) 是請假的意思。 《Examples》I come to take an exam.I come to look for my purse. 👉🏻D. EXERCISES A: _________________________. B: What is your reason? 《Answer Key》: I come to ask for a leave ----- #第六季辦公英語通每周一更新! #用新聞學英語「英語Follow me」新頻道每周二、四更新喔! #喜歡齊斌老師歡迎到Apple Podcast給我們五星好評! ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:口說英語通 ----- 🎙教育電臺🎙 📻官網: 🗺️Channel+學習頻道: 🔗粉絲團: 🎧線上即時收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting
1/8/202310 minutes, 20 seconds
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【一天10分鐘 辦公英語通】When did you get the message? 你甚麼時候接到訊息的啊?

👉🏻A. CONVERSATION M: Good morning, Linda. W: Hi Jeff. Do you know that we’ll have a meeting at 10:30? M: Really? I didn’t even know that! When did you get the message? W: This morning. M: What makes the meeting so urgent? W: I don’t know, either. Maybe it’s about the new product. 👉🏻B. WORDS & PHRASES 1. meeting [ˋmitɪŋ] (n.) 會議 2. message [ˋmɛsɪdʒ] (n.) 訊息 3. urgent [ˋɝdʒәnt] (adj.) 緊急的 4. product [ˋprɑdʌkt] (n.) 產品 5. either [ˋiðɚ] (adv.) 也不 👉🏻C. LANGUAGE FOCUSWhen did you + V?《Note》 When did you know that? (你何時得知的?) 《Examples》 1. When did you get up? 2. When did you go? 👉🏻D. EXERCISES A: Lisa has quit the job. B: ________________? 《Answer Key》: When did you know that  ----- #第六季辦公英語通每周一更新! #用新聞學英語「英語Follow me」新頻道每周二、四更新喔! #喜歡齊斌老師歡迎到Apple Podcast給我們五星好評! ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:口說英語通 ----- 🎙教育電臺🎙 📻官網: 🗺️Channel+學習頻道: 🔗粉絲團: 🎧線上即時收聽: Powered by Firstory Hosting
1/5/202310 minutes, 18 seconds