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Inside Cyber Diplomacy

English, National/National politics/National assembly, 1 season, 31 episodes, 23 hours, 2 minutes
A periodic look at how diplomacy and negotiation shape international cybersecurity. This podcast is made possible by the generous support of the Cyber Security Agency of Singapore and the Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
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2023 Year in Review

In the last episode of the season, hosts Jim Lewis and Chris Painter recap the cyber diplomacy developments of 2023. They cover:   The UN   The OEWG   The POA   Cyber Crime Convention   The Counter Ransomware Initiative   The need for accountability   Capacity building   The reality of cyber negotiations  
1/3/202429 minutes, 45 seconds
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Shaping Global Partnerships for a Secure Digital Future

In this episode Jim Lewis and Chris Painter speak with Leonard Rolland, Head of International Cybersecurity Policy at the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs. They discuss the current state of play in cyber diplomacy and the importance of global partnerships for advancing responsible state behavior in cyberspace.  
12/7/202340 minutes, 48 seconds
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A New Strategy for Digital Diplomacy

In this episode, hosts Jim Lewis and Chris Painter speak with the U.S. Ambassador at Large for Cyberspace and Digital Policy Nathaniel C. Fick. They discuss the inseparable relationship between tech and foreign policy, what issues the bureau is focusing on right now and reflect on Ambassador Fick’s first year in this inaugural role. 
10/23/202343 minutes, 13 seconds
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Enhancing Cyber Operations through Partner Capacity Development

In this episode, Jim and Chris speak with Mark Montgomery, senior director of the Center on Cyber and Technology Innovation at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies. They discuss his latest report “Building Partner Capabilities for Cyber Operations," what cyber resilience really means and the role of U.S. federal agencies in all of this.  
9/28/202335 minutes, 15 seconds
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The Proposed United Nations Cybercrime Convention

In this episode, Jim Lewis and Chris Painter speak with Ambassador (ret.) Deborah McCarthy, the lead negotiator for the United States on the proposed United Nations cybercrime convention, which seems to be going so well the Russians probably regret proposing it. The discussion covers the state of negotiations, the effect of the e-Evidence and CLOUD Act, multi-stakeholder participation, and more.  
8/7/202353 minutes, 38 seconds
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Implementing Cyber Confidence-Building Measures

In this episode, Jim Lewis and Chris Painter speak with Szilvia Tóth, Cyber Security Officer at the Secretariat of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE). They discuss the implementation of cyber confidence-building measures, points of contact directories, inter-regional cooperation, what’s next for the OSCE, and more. OSCE Cyber/ICT Security Confidence-Building Measures
3/7/202336 minutes, 17 seconds
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Capacity Building and Cyber Resilience

In this episode, co-hosts Jim Lewis and Chris Painter speak with Kerry-Ann Barrett, Cybersecurity Program Manager for the Organization of American States (OAS), Secretariat of the Inter-American Committee against Terrorism, and Secretariat for Multidimensional Security. They discuss national cybersecurity strategies, the importance of intelligent capacity building, norms and accountability, what’s next for the OAS, and more.   
2/13/202341 minutes, 42 seconds
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2022 in Review

In this episode, Jim Lewis and Chris Painter review the evolution of cyber in 2022. In 30 minutes, they cover the year’s cyber developments as well as upcoming cyber initiatives and priorities, touching on topics including: Cyber in Ukraine Negotiations in the United Nations The UN GGE and OEWG The State Department’s launch of the Bureau of Cyberspace and Digital Policy Regional organizations Capacity building Enforcing norms Transparency about cyber initiatives Cyber initiatives in the United States Congress Efforts to improve software Personnel changes and the cyber workforce U.S. – China relations
1/19/202332 minutes, 22 seconds
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Accountability and Multilateralism in Israel’s Approach to Cyber Diplomacy

In this episode, co-hosts Jim Lewis and Chris Painter talk with Israel’s Cyber Coordinator Amir Sagie. They discuss the recent OEWG meeting, national cyber strategies, multilateralism and capacity building, accountability mechanisms, and more.
11/9/202249 minutes, 30 seconds
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Placing Cyber Diplomacy at the Top of the Agenda

In this episode, co-hosts Jim Lewis and Chris Painter talk with William Middleton, Cyber Director of the United Kingdom’s Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office. They discuss the direction of UK cyber policy, international cooperation, next steps in the United Nations, and the links between cyber and development.
8/15/202247 minutes, 48 seconds
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The Cyber Real World and Multilateralism

In this episode, co-hosts Jim Lewis and Chris Painter interview Isaac Morales Tenorio, Mexico’s Coordinator for Multidimensional Security. They discuss cyber from a Mexican perspective, regional and multilateral processes, capacity-building programs, implementing the United Nations norms and framework, and more.
6/23/202249 minutes, 20 seconds
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Cybersecurity from the Hill: A Discussion with Congressman Langevin

In the first episode of season two, co-hosts Jim Lewis and Chris Painter talk with Congressman Jim Langevin on his cybersecurity work in congress and what he envisions for the future of cyber diplomacy. They discuss domestic cybersecurity efforts, such as creating a Joint Collaborative Environment (JCE) within CISA's JCDC, institutionalizing cyber diplomacy in the State Department, Russia, international norms in cyberspace, and more.
6/3/202255 minutes, 8 seconds
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2021 in Review: All Things Cyber

In the last episode of this season of Inside Cyber Diplomacy, Jim Lewis and Chris Painter review the cyber developments of 2021. In 40 minutes, they cover the evolution and maturation of cyber in the US and internationally, including:  Cybersecurity becoming a political priority The UN GGE and OEWG Three UN initiatives to look out for: The new OEWG The program of action for regular institutional dialogue The new cybercrime convention negotiations Cyber in the UN Security Council Leadership and initiatives in the field Accountability and collective action Personnel changes Reorganization in the State Department
12/17/202141 minutes, 23 seconds
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Cybersecurity and the UN Disarmament Agenda

In this episode, co-hosts Jim Lewis and Chris Painter talk with Under-Secretary-General and High Representative for Disarmament Affairs, Izumi Nakamitsu. They discuss the UN First Committee efforts on cybersecurity and the broader disarmament agenda, how these negotiations fit with other initiatives in the UN, and the future implications of successful GGE and OEWG meetings.
10/15/202142 minutes, 44 seconds
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Cyber Rule Making and Implementation

In this episode, co-hosts Jim Lewis and Chris Painter talk with Ambassador Takeshi Akahori, former Ambassador for Cyber Policy of Japan and current Ambassador for Climate Change Negotiations. They discuss cyber rule making, the applicability of international law in cyberspace, and Japan's role in the UN negotiations.
9/10/202144 minutes, 46 seconds
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The Ransomware Episode with Ciaran Martin

In this episode, co-hosts Jim Lewis and Chris Painter talk with Ciaran Martin, Professor of Practice in the Management of Public Organisations at Oxford University, and former Chief Executive of the U.K. National Cyber Security Centre. They discuss the difficulties in tackling ransomware, ways to counter Russian aggression, UK / EU relations after Brexit, and the importance of technology innovation and cooperation with allies.
8/20/202159 minutes, 35 seconds
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Berlin's Cyber Diplomacy

In this episode, co-hosts Jim Lewis and Chris Painter talk with Germany's Cyber Ambassador Regine Grienberger. They discuss the work being done on cyber from a German and European perspective, the importance of capacity-building, and the hopes and expectations for the work ahead.
7/6/202150 minutes, 35 seconds
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Special Edition: Cyber at the Summits

In this special edition of Inside Cyber Diplomacy, Jim Lewis and Chris Painter break down the discussions on cyber that took place last week during the G7, NATO, U.S.-EU, and U.S.-Russia summits. 
6/23/202134 minutes, 58 seconds
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Reaching Consensus at the UN GGE

In this episode, co-hosts Jim Lewis and Chris Painter talk with Ambassador Guilherme Patriota, Brazil's Consul General in Mumbai and Chair of the UN GGE on Advancing responsible State behavior in cyberspace in the context of international security. They discuss the influence his past negotiating experience had in how he chaired the group, how they had to adjust to negotiating during Covid to achieve a consensus report, and whether his future plans will involve ICTs.
6/21/202152 minutes, 3 seconds
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A Guide to the UN GGE

In this episode, co-hosts Jim Lewis and Chris Painter talk with Michele Markoff, Heli Tiirma-Klaar, and Johanna Weaver about the recently concluded UN GGE. They discuss how the group managed to get consensus on this new report, the progress made on international law and norms as they apply to cyberspace, and how the process compared to the parallel OEWG. 
6/11/202150 minutes, 51 seconds
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Behind the Scenes: Australia’s Approach to UN Negotiations

In this episode, co-hosts Jim Lewis and Chris Painter talk with Johanna Weaver, Special Adviser to Australia’s Ambassador for Cyber Affairs, Australia’s independent expert to the UN's GGE on Responsible State Behavior in Cyberspace; and Head of the Australian Delegation to UN's OEWG on ICT Security. They discuss the challenges Covid presented to negotiations, the importance of raising awareness on the UN framework, and the impact of women in cyber.
6/4/202154 minutes, 5 seconds
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The AU and ICTs for Development

In this episode, co-hosts Jim Lewis and Chris Painter talk with Moctar Yedaly, Africa Program Director for the GFCE, and former Head of the Information Society department within the African Union Commission. They discuss internet shutdowns, the need for high-level political interest and attention to the issues of ICTs, and the value of including more stakeholders in multilateral negotiations.
5/21/202147 minutes, 20 seconds
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Bridging the Diplomacy and Technology Communities with Ambassador Amandeep Gill

In this episode, co-hosts Jim Lewis and Chris Painter talk with Ambassador Amandeep Gill, Director of the Global Health Centre project on International Digital Health & AI Research Collaborative (I-DAIR). They discuss the transformative power of digital technologies and the importance of using human-centric benchmarks when applying AI to health.
4/30/202150 minutes, 1 second
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A Diplomacy Master Class with Ambassador Lauber

In this episode, co-hosts Jim Lewis and Chris Painter talk with Ambassador Jürg Lauber, Permanent Representative of Switzerland to the United Nations and other Organizations in Geneva. They discuss his work as Chair of the OEWG, how his previous UN experience helped him increase engagement in the process, and where to go from here.
4/23/202149 minutes
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Find a Friend, Bring a Friend: Singapore’s Efforts on Cybersecurity

In this episode, co-hosts Jim Lewis and Chris Painter talk with David Koh, Chief Executive of the Cyber Security Agency of Singapore. They discuss progress in cybersecurity done by the CSA in its first six years, technical and policy cooperation within ASEAN, and next steps in cyber diplomacy after the conclusion of the current UN GGE and OEWG processes.
4/8/202159 minutes, 9 seconds
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Discussing the UN OEWG with the Mother of Norms

In this episode, co-hosts Jim Lewis and Chris Painter talk with Michele Markoff, Deputy Coordinator for Cyber Issues in the Office of the Coordinator for Cyber Affairs at the U.S. State Department. They discuss the recently concluded UN OEWG process and the next steps for international coordination on cyber issues.
3/26/202156 minutes, 16 seconds
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A Conversation With Canada’s “Cyber Dean”

In this episode, co-hosts Jim Lewis and Chris Painter talk with Michael Walma, Cyber Foreign Policy Coordinator for Global Affairs Canada. They talk about Canada’s efforts in advancing diverse voices in the OEWG, achieving gender balance in cyber negotiations, expectations about the new US administration’s focus on cybersecurity, and the importance of regional organizations in developing CBMs.
2/9/202138 minutes, 35 seconds
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Walking and Chewing Gum: a Cyber Diplomacy Strategy

In this episode, co-hosts Jim Lewis and Chris Painter discuss recent appointments by the Biden administration, recommendations on how to engage with Russian malicious cyber activity, and how to cooperate with European allies moving forward.
2/1/202120 minutes, 50 seconds
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Estonia’s Role in Cyber Diplomacy

In this episode, co-hosts Jim Lewis and Chris Painter talk with Heli Tiirmaa-Klaar, Estonia’s Ambassador-at-Large for Cyber Diplomacy. They discuss her work and experience in the European Union and Estonia, the challenges of effective operationalization of international norms, and the future of cyber diplomacy.
11/23/202042 minutes, 50 seconds
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Special Edition: Cybersecurity for the Next Administration

In this special edition of Inside Cyber Diplomacy, Jim Lewis and Chris Painter discuss the pressing cybersecurity issues the next administration will need to address, how a new strategy should be structured, and possible next steps.
11/12/202032 minutes, 38 seconds
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Australia's Cyber Diplomacy

In this episode, co-hosts Jim Lewis and Chris Painter talk with Australian Ambassador for Cyber Affairs and Critical Technology, Dr. Tobias Feakin. They discuss the responsibilities of his role, Australia’s cybersecurity strategy, the importance of regional cooperation, and how to strengthen the existing framework for responsible state behavior in cyberspace.
11/3/202040 minutes, 18 seconds