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Hope, Faith, and Love

English, Personal health, 1 season, 7 episodes, 16 minutes
Hello everyone, This is Aman raghav. I have been spreading awareness about the mental health for more than two years. My first book SHE: Hope, Faith, and Love has been an International Bestseller. I want to spread kindness and love through my words. There is no driving force as strong as Love. In this world full of hatred and pity, choose love whenever you get to choose. As a great man once said, "Love wins, always". And I am not talking about the love between the couples, Love is broad and I believe it shouldn't be tied to a person or anything. It is love that helps a heart to grow.
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Take it one day at a time | Aman Raghav

Sadness and happiness are discrete. They do no stay at a similar place for a long duration. . If you are feeling unhappy today. If you are feeling that the time is suffocating you. Your thoughts are only wondering about the unpleasant memories. Don't worry, it will pass. Happiness and sadness are the two faces of a coin. Coins flip. You will find the way. You will realize what's important for you. You will understand your heart. I can understand that you are feeling alone. All your friends and special ones have left you to suffer. You are feeling left out and there is no one you can tell about your heart. They will not understand. You somehow pass the days but the nights are difficult to pass. You often cry. You kept staring at the unknown places. . I understand that this time is difficult to pass. I want to tell you that your heart will heal. Change is the only constant. One year from now, you will be looking backward and you will be proud of yourself for being so strong. This time will teach you the most vital lessons of your life. You will recognize the people you can rely on. . If you cannot explain your emotions, it's okay. We cannot explain everything. Being sad isn't always about being a broken person. Stop being so harsh on yourself. Take it one day at a time. Let this process be a slow process. Allow your mind to observe and reflect on the essentials. There is no rush. We are together in this. My heart goes to every person out there. I can feel your pain. We will fight together. Our journey is a long one. But we do not have to be scared. This shall pass too. We shall overcome. Smile. You can always vent out here in my space. . I have also released my ebook. The link is in my bio. Thank you for being so supportive.
3/2/20212 minutes, 21 seconds
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SHE | Hope, Faith, and love by Aman Raghav

She is the girl who loves sky and moon more than anything else. The rain gives her vibes. She can sit quietly on a rooftop looking at the clear sky. She is happy with her thoughts. She doesn't need anything to be happy but nature. She likes to read books. She doesn't like kindle. She is a mountain person. She doesn't care about modern love. She is an old school. She only thinks of the person she loves. There are no doubts about her love. Being in love, she is clear of her feelings. She is honest about everything she feels and she says. There is no comparison of her love. You can find her smiling alone thinking about her lover. She likes music. Her taste in music is different. She doesn't like the mainstream noisy songs. She calms her mind with music. She likes to walk on empty roads. She likes to look at the stars. She finds the handwritten letters better than the texts. She looks at the soul of a person. She is not judgemental of your looks or anything else. She closes her eyes when she smiles and it is so cute. She talks with enthusiasm. She falls for the smile and the eyes that contain a thousand stories. Her childish smile is the most wonderful thing you can ever find. She asks a lot of stupid questions too. You have to handle her on her bad days. There will be days when she will push you away. You have to take care of her with love. She doesn't want anything from you but love. Love her and she will make you the happiest person. Do not ever let go of her.
1/27/20211 minute, 52 seconds
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Love | Spread Love | Aman Raghav

There is no driving force as strong as Love. In this world full of hatred and pity, choose love whenever you get to choose. As a great man once said, "Love wins, always". And I am not talking about the love between the couples, Love is broad and I believe it shouldn't be tied to a person or anything. It is love that helps a heart to grow. A heart, full of love, blooms while a heart full of hatred always feels jealous, self-pity, and remains dull and unhappy. It gives hope and balances the fast-moving life. There can be a variety of reasons that can make you a person full of self-doubts, anxiety, and hatred, but always choose to look at the bright side and have different perspectives because most of the time, the problem doesn't look from a distance as bigger as we react in that period. It feels better when you grow out of the situation rather than reacting in a way that it hurts both you and your family. Self-love always helps in these situations. There will be people that will make you feel like you are being utilized because you have a good heart. Don't change yourself because of those people. Be conscious of how much you give to a person, but don't lose your beautiful heart that knows how to love. Because the world is turning into a place where being cold is celebrated. I am afraid that in this trend, people find it extremely tough to remain honest about their situations which is alarming because if we don't vent out, we suffer. We should be more welcoming and give comfortable space to people where they can feel safe about their feelings. The least we can do is to stop judging and listen. Vulnerability has become so common these days, yet we wander everywhere protecting our feelings with a tough outer cover. We should be treating everyone around us with love. Spread love.
1/18/20212 minutes, 34 seconds
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It's time to become selfish | Aman Raghav

You have spent enough of your time for others. You have always cared for their opinions, for their well being that you have hurt yourself in the process. You are shattered. You have trust issues. The one regret that most of us have is that we spent our life not for us but according to others. We never thought enough about ourselves. And regrets are the worst things to have. . You have come a long way ahead. There were people you did everything for, yet they left. They once meant the world to you. You think about them and you ask questions. You regret. You keep thinking about all the efforts you put in. You were ready to leave everything. . It changed you. It has shaped you into the person that has trust issues now. They ask you why don't you open up. You only smile. They do not know the complete story. They only know about the person who doesn't believe in love. They don't know about the person who was once madly in love. . I know that there are nights when everything comes to you at once. And you think of all the things that went wrong. You regret because you lost your self-esteem in the process. You lost everything. Yet you didn't get anything but pain in return. They are lessons now. . Apart from everything, this is the time to become selfish and think about yourself. Do what makes you happy. This is the time to live your life according to yourself. Take your decisions. Work on yourself. . You are not alone in this process. We can work together. I care for you. I am with you in this journey. If you love to read my words, read my book "SHE: Hope, Faith, and Love."
1/13/20212 minutes, 5 seconds
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Set your boundaries | Aman Raghav

There will be people who will be available to you according to their needs. They will leave you whenever you will be in need and they will come back as if nothing has happened. The problems are created when you love them. You get hurt in the process. You get confused. Often, you do not know how to react. I hope you handle the situation bravely. I hope you are choosing yourself every time and setting your boundaries clearly. You are not an old home that can be visited only in need. You need clarity in life. These confusions only destroy you slowly. I hope you understand the value of good people around you. They are everything you need. I hope you are comfortable enough to be yourself around your people. They will help you to get out of every situation. You will not feel alone. Good people back you and bring the best out of you. The boundaries you set for your sanity are not wrong. If you are being told to settle for any less, don't listen. You don't deserve any toxicity. Keeping things simpler only helps us. I hope you are strong enough to stay firm on your decisions. We are only humans. We can make mistakes and it doesn't mean that we will live our life according to that mistake. Forget it and move on with your life. Don't allow negativity. Create your space and allow only those people to enter into it who are ready to be with you in your ups and downs. You do not need temporary homes anymore. . .
1/11/20211 minute, 57 seconds
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Letting go is not easy | Aman Raghav

I understand that it is not easy to let it go. It is not easy to forget everything that we have believed all our life to be true. I understand that there are sleepless nights thinking about that person we have always believed to be our soulmate. It really affects the way we think. We tend to blame love. We start to believe that the world is not a good place to live in. We start hating couples. We start hating to go outside. We start searching for peace everywhere but our hearts. . Trust me, it happens to all of us at some point in our life. You are not alone. And you really don't have to fight this battle alone. You have friends, family, and other people who have felt exactly how you are feeling right now. They have won the battles, you can too. The battle is a long one. We just can't wake up one day and start feeling better. It happens one day at a time. We win small battles with ourselves before winning the wars. It starts with gratitude. It starts with being grateful to life for whatever it has given to us. It starts with talking to friends. It starts from withing before anywhere else. No one can make us feel better if we are not ready to be happy from inside. . Trust yourself before it's too late. This is the right time to take decisions in the right direction. You just cannot sit and wait for the day when everything will be alright. Take care of yourself. In this journey, if you ever need anyone to talk to, if you ever feel like giving up, if you ever feel like you don't know whether you are right or not, you can always talk to me. My DMs are always open. Thank you for being so kind. Now it's the time to be kind with yourself.
1/10/20213 minutes, 20 seconds
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A letter for you

I wanted to give this letter as a handwritten letter with fresh flowers. I will do that someday too. I feel like you are a person of flowers and cold breeze. It's those vibes for me. You're sunshine. You are a person of bravery, hope, and someone who stands tall. You defeat every odd. I love how you give yourself time. 2020 was a bit tough for you and I feel a bit bad about it. You were harsh with yourself. I hope this year will be better. I appreciate your patience and the way you take care of your loved ones. You surely make everything lighter and full of colors. You have all the capabilities to turn everything you into gold. You have infinite potential. What you require is self-belief. Sometimes you lack confidence in your decisions which can turn a good decision into a bad one. You cannot always categorize a decision as a bad one or a good one. There are shades of grey. Those decisions need to be watered well. Always back your decisions. You aren't less than any person and it's not late yet. There will be moments when you will have self-doubt for all of us feel so at some point in our life. This is where you have to hold your head high. This is where you have to tell yourself to keep working. This is where you will need yourself more than anyone. I hope you will trust your instincts. I hope you will not allow those self-doubts to vanish all the hard work. I love how you never complain and go on with life. Sending you love, hope, and happiness. With love, Aman Raghav
1/7/20212 minutes, 16 seconds