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和Emily一起练口语(附中英双语字幕) Profile


Chinese, Education, 1 season, 1204 episodes, 5 days, 18 hours, 39 minutes
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【口语版】Black Sheep败家子

欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily在微信公众号里回复:节目即可参与本节目的句子跟读练习A: I do not know how John can put up with his son who fools around without working. 我不知道约翰为什么能容忍他的儿子整天不工作瞎混日子。B: He's out of John's hands. Nothing he can do about such a black sheep. 约翰也管不了他。他管不了这个败家子。A: If I were him, I would give him a good talking-to. I would insist on his stopping fooling around like that.如果我是约翰,我会好好教训他一顿。我一定坚持不让他再这么瞎混了。01put up with 忍受某人/某事I can't put up with her any more.我再也无法忍受她。I can't put up with working overtime every day.我不能忍受每天加班。I can't put up with the noise any more.我再也无法忍受噪音了。SYN tolerateI can't tolerate such mistakes.我不能容忍这样的错误。SYN standI can't stand it when you do that.你那么做我接受不了。02fool around闲荡;鬼混If you want to go to college, you must study hard and not fool around.如果你想考上大学,你就得好好学习,不要虚度光阴。The man got fired for fooling around on the job.那个男人因为工作不专心而被解雇了。They always fool around when the boss is not in the office.老板不在办公室时,他们总是会胡闹。03black sheep败家子;害群之马;异类He is the balck sheep of the company.他是公司的害群之马。That moive was the black sheep among the director's works.那部电影在这个导演的作品中是个异类。He is known as the balck sheep in the family, because he always causes trouble.他在家庭里是有名的败家子,因为他总是制造麻烦。04give sb a good talking-to好好教训某人一顿I'm going to give him a good talking-to about his behavior.我要好好批评他那种行为。The parent gave the child a good talking-to for misbehaving in public.家长因为孩子在公共场合表现不当好好地批评了他。The police officer gave the driver a good talking-to for driving under the influence.警察因为司机酒驾好好批评了他。drive under the influence酒驾05insist on sth/doing sth坚决要求某事/做某事She insisted on his wearing a suit.她坚持要他穿西装。I insisted on paying for the damage.我坚持要求赔偿损失。She insisted on taking care of her son by herself.她坚持要求自己照顾儿子。
2/1/202415 minutes, 3 seconds
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【发音版】Black Sheep败家子

欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily在微信公众号里回复:节目即可参与本节目的句子跟读练习A: I do not know how John can put up with his son who fools around without working. 我不知道约翰为什么能容忍他的儿子整天不工作瞎混日子。B: He's out of John's hands. Nothing he can do about such a black sheep. 约翰也管不了他。他管不了这个败家子。A: If I were him, I would give him a good talking-to. I would insist on his stopping fooling around like that.如果我是约翰,我会好好教训他一顿。我一定坚持不让他再这么瞎混了。
2/1/20247 minutes, 26 seconds
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【口语版】Stuck on Sb迷恋某人

欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily在微信公众号里回复:节目即可获取节目句子跟读课程A: I have never heard you mentioned this friend. Are you on very good terms with him or her?我从没听你提过这个朋友,你和他/她关系很好吗?B: We have been on good terms. She's a very nice girl, but she got in Dutch with her boss. I don't have the heart to see her pounding the pavements. 我们关系很好。她是一个非常好的女孩,但是她总是跟她的老板过不去,我不忍心看她自毁前程。A: You must be stuck on her, or you would not use your elbow grease.你一定是迷恋着她,否则不会这么费力。B: Well, we hit it off with each other. 我们相处的很好。01on good terms with...与某人关系好I'm not on good terms with my boss.我和我老板不大合得来。Bill is on good terms with his coworkers.比尔和他的同事关系很好。Despite the divorce, the couple remains on good terms.尽管离婚了,这对夫妻仍然相处融洽。02get in Dutch with得罪某人I don't want to get in Dutch with my boss.我不想得罪我的老板。offend得罪;冒犯I didn't mean to offend you.我不是故意冒犯你的。03have the heart to do有勇气做某事;忍心做某事I didn't have the heart to break the news to her.我不忍心把这个坏消息告诉她。He didn't have the heart to turn down their request.他不忍心拒绝他们的要求。I didn't have the heart to break up with her.我不忍心和她分手。04pound the pavement为了找工作,促销产品或进行调查而在城市街上走来走去After graduation, she spent days pounding the pavement, looking for her job.毕业后,她花了很多天在街上走来走去,寻找工作。The salesman pounded the pavement all morning, trying to sell his products.销售员整个上午都在街上奔波,试图卖自己的产品。05be stuck on sb迷恋某人She is stuck on you and can't seem to move on.她对你还有迷恋,似乎无法放下你。06elbow grease刻苦努力;费力的工作Success in this  business requires a lot of elbow grease.在这个行业取得成功需要付出大量的刻苦努力。It took a lot of elbow grease to clean the oven.清洁烤箱需要很多辛苦的劳动。07hit it off合得来We hit it off straight away.我们一见如故。I really didn't hit it off with his friends.我和他的朋友处不来。Do you hit it off with your husband's mother?你和你婆婆处得来吗?
1/28/202414 minutes, 33 seconds
Episode Artwork

【发音版】Stuck on Sb迷恋某人

欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily在微信公众号里回复:节目即可获取节目句子跟读课程A: I have never heard you mentioned this friend. Are you on very good terms with him or her?我从没听你提过这个朋友,你和他/她关系很好吗?B: We have been on good terms. She's a very nice girl, but she got in Dutch with her boss. I don't have the heart to see her pounding the pavements. 我们关系很好。她是一个非常好的女孩,但是她总是跟她的老板过不去,我不忍心看她自毁前程。A: You must be stuck on her, or you would not use your elbow grease.你一定是迷恋着她,否则不会这么费力。B: Well, we hit it off with each other. 我们相处的很好。
1/28/20247 minutes, 48 seconds
Episode Artwork

【口语版】Do Yoga做瑜伽

欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily参与每周定期英语直播分享干货多多~值得关注~Steven meets Lucy in the gym. She's a yoga trainer, so he consults her about yoga. 史蒂文在健身房遇见了露西。露西是一个瑜伽教练,所以他咨询了一些关于瑜伽的问题。A: Yoga is rather popular nowadays.现在瑜伽很流行。B: Yeah, especially among young people. 是的,尤其是在年轻人当中。A: But is it for women only? 但是不是只有女的才可以练呢?B: No. Men can also do it. As a matter of fact, yoga is simply a special gymnastic exercise. But you have to pay attention to its particular way of breathing while practicing it. 不是的,男的也可以练。实际上瑜伽是一种特殊的体操运动。但是在做瑜伽时,你必须注意其特别的呼吸方式。A: Oh, I see. Is it tiresome? 我明白了,练瑜伽累吗?B: Well, in the beginner's class, it's not tiresome at all. But in the advanced class, it's rather demanding. 在初级班,你一点也不会感觉到累。但在高级班,对体力的要求确实有点高。A: That sounds like aerobics. I used to do that.这听上去倒像是在做有氧运动,我以前常做。B: In that case, it's easier for you to learn yoga for it has something in common with aerobics.那样的话,你学瑜伽会更容易一些。因为它和有氧运动在有些方面是相通的。consult咨询;请教;查阅consult sb 咨询某人He consulted a doctor because he felt unwell.他咨询了医生,因为他感到不舒服。She consulted a fitness trainer to start her exercise routine.她咨询了她的健身教练,开始了她的锻炼。rather相当地;在某种程度上He is rather busy today.他今天非常忙。I felt rather tired after the long journey.长途旅行后,我感到非常疲惫。The movie was rather interesting.这部电影相当有趣。As a matter of fact实际上As a matter of fact, I don't like coffee at all.其实,我一点都不喜欢喝咖啡。As a matter of fact, he is not a teacher, but a doctor.其实,他不是老师,他是一名医生。As a matter of fact, I'm a vegetarian.实际上,我是一名素食主义者。gymnastic体操的gymnastic exercise体操运动gymanstics体操 n.demanding要求高的;需要高技能的;费力的Her job is very demanding.她的工作要求很高。The new project is quite demanding.这个项目要求很高。苛求的;难以满足的a demanding boss苛刻的老板The boss's expectations are quite demanding.老板的期望相当高。aerobics有氧运动 n.I do aerobics three times a week.我每周做三次有氧。I hate doing aerobics.我讨厌做有氧。have something in common with和...有共同点I found out that I have something in common with my new colleague.我发现我和我的新同事有一些共同点。I'm so glad that we have something in common with each other.我很高兴我们相互有共同之处。
1/22/202415 minutes, 14 seconds
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【发音版】Do Yoga做瑜伽

欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily在微信公众号回复:节目参与免费句子跟读练习课程Steven meets Lucy in the gym. She's a yoga trainer, so he consults her about yoga. 史蒂文在健身房遇见了露西。露西是一个瑜伽教练,所以他咨询了一些关于瑜伽的问题。A: Yoga is rather popular nowadays.现在瑜伽很流行。B: Yeah, especially among young people. 是的,尤其是在年轻人当中。A: But is it for women only? 但是不是只有女的才可以练呢?B: No. Men can also do it. As a matter of fact, yoga is simply a special gymnastic exercise. But you have to pay attention to its particular way of breathing while practicing it. 不是的,男的也可以练。实际上瑜伽是一种特殊的体操运动。但是在做瑜伽时,你必须注意其特别的呼吸方式。A: Oh, I see. Is it tiresome? 我明白了,练瑜伽累吗?B: Well, in the beginner's class, it's not tiresome at all. But in the advanced class, it's rather demanding. 在初级班,你一点也不会感觉到累。但在高级班,对体力的要求确实有点高。A: That sounds like aerobics. I used to do that.这听上去倒像是在做有氧运动,我以前常做。B: In that case, it's easier for you to learn yoga for it has something in common with aerobics.那样的话,你学瑜伽会更容易一些。因为它和有氧运动在有些方面是相通的。
1/22/202412 minutes, 11 seconds
Episode Artwork

【口语版】Having an Affair婚外情

欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily参与每周定期直播分享干货满满~~~Steven's friend Jim has an affair with his secretary. His wife has found it and is going to divorce him. 史蒂文的朋友吉姆同他的秘书有婚外情。他妻子发现了,要和他离婚。A: Steven, I need badly your help. 史蒂文,我真的很需要你的帮助。B: What's the matter? 发生什么事了?A: My wife has found that I have an affair with my secretary and now she's going to divorce me.我妻子发现我跟秘书有婚外情,现在她要和我离婚。B: How could you cheat on your wife? You have been married for ten years. 你怎么对你的妻子不忠呢?你们已经结婚10年了。A: Yes, I know I'm wrong, but I swear that the affair lasts only for two months and I still love my wife. I couldn't live without her. 是的,我知道我错了。但是我发誓这段婚姻外情只持续了2个月。而且我还很爱我的妻子。没有她,我活不下去。B: I will try my best to persuade her to reconsider the divorce. But are you sure that from now on you will be faithful to her forever? 我会尽力说服她重新考虑离婚的事。但你肯定从今往后会永远忠于她吗?A: Yes, I swear.是的,我发誓。have an affair with与某人有婚外情affair事件;事物;(已婚男女之间的)关系international affairs国际事物The affair affected their marriage, and they eventually divorced.外遇影响了他们的婚姻,他们最终离婚了。The government is currently dealing with the diplomatic affair between the two countries.政府目前正在处理两国之间的外交事件。She used to have an affair with one of her husband's friend.她之前和她丈夫的一个朋友有外遇。divorce离婚He divorced his wife.他和他妻子离婚了。They divorced after eight years.八年后,他们离婚了。cheat on(对伴侣或配偶)不忠She was heartbroken when she found out her husband cheated on her.她发现她丈夫对她不忠时,她感到非常伤心。I swear我发誓I swear I won't do that again.我发誓我不会再做那件事。I swear I'll never eat fast food again.我发誓我再也不吃快餐。persuade劝说;说服The doctor persuaded the patient to quit smoking.医生说服患者戒烟。The salesman persuaded me to buy the expensive car.销售员说服我买了这辆昂贵的车。be faithful to对...忠诚The dog is faithful to its owner and protects him whenever necessary.这只狗对其主人忠诚,并在必要时保护他。unfaithful不忠的Have you ever been unfaithful to him?你是否有过对他不忠的行为?
1/19/202413 minutes, 22 seconds
Episode Artwork

【发音版】Having an Affair婚外情

欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily在微信公众号回复:节目长按图片二维码即可参与句子跟读练习Steven's friend Jim has an affair with his secretary. His wife has found it and is going to divorce him. 史蒂文的朋友吉姆同他的秘书有婚外情。他妻子发现了,要和他离婚。A: Steven, I need badly your help. 史蒂文,我真的很需要你的帮助。B: What's the matter? 发生什么事了?A: My wife has found that I have an affair with my secretary and now she's going to divorce me.我妻子发现我跟秘书有婚外情,现在她要和我离婚。B: How could you cheat on your wife? You have been married for ten years. 你怎么对你的妻子不忠呢?你们已经结婚10年了。A: Yes, I know I'm wrong, but I swear that the affair lasts only for two months and I still love my wife. I couldn't live without her. 是的,我知道我错了。但是我发誓这段婚姻外情只持续了2个月。而且我还很爱我的妻子。没有她,我活不下去。B: I will try my best to persuade her to reconsider the divorce. But are you sure that from now on you will be faithful to her forever? 我会尽力说服她重新考虑离婚的事。但你肯定从今往后会永远忠于她吗?A: Yes, I swear.是的,我发誓。
1/19/202412 minutes, 37 seconds
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【口语版】In an Antique Shop在一家古董店

欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily参与每周定期英语直播分享纯干货~~Steven wants to buy a Chinese painting to decorate his new house, so he goes into an antique shop.史蒂文想买一幅中国画来装饰新居,所以他进了一家古董店。A: Good morning, sir,  could I be of any service to you? 早上好先生,有什么能为您服务的?B: Have you got any Chinese paintings? 你们这儿有中国画吗?A: Yes, we have landscape paintings, figure paintings and flower-and-bird paintings.有的,我们有山水画、人物画和花鸟画。B: I'd like a flower-and-bird painting.我想要一幅花鸟画。A: Good. How about this picture of cranes with pine trees? It was painted by a famous Chinese painter in Qing Dynasty.好的,您看这幅松鹤阁如何?这是中国清代的一名著名画家画的。B: Oh, they look just like live cranes. I like this picture very much. How much is it?哦,这些仙鹤看上去就像真的一样,我非常喜欢这幅画。多少钱?A: 1000 dollars? 1000美元。B: It's a lot of money, but the picture is excellent. I'll take it.太贵了,不过这幅画真不错。我要了。讲义:antique/ænˈtiːk/(家具;珠宝等)古老的;古董的I inherited an antique watch from my grandfather.我从祖父那里继承了一块古董手表。The antique furniture in the living room was passed down through generations.客厅里的古董家具是代代相传的。landscape风景;景色;乡村风景She loved to paint landscapes of the local countryside.她喜欢画当地乡村的风景画。We spent the morning hiking through the beautiful landscapes of the national park.我们花了上午的时间在国家公园美丽的风景中徒步。figure(绘画或模型)里的人物;My favorite figure in the story is the wise old man who guides the protagonist.在这个故事中,我最喜欢的人物是那个指导主人公的智者。(重要的)人物The figure of George Washington is an important symbol in American history.乔治华盛顿是美国历史上一个很重要的人物。身材,体型;She's got a great figure and works hard to keep it that way.她身材很好,并且努力保持这样。I've always admired her figure, she's so fit and healthy.我一直很羡慕她的身材,非常健壮健康。数字The figure 7 is my favorite number.数字7是我最喜欢的。crane鹤;起重机,吊车pine tree松树dynasty/ˈdaɪnəsti/王朝;朝代The Ming Dynasty is known for its production of fine porcelain.明朝以其精美的瓷器而闻名。live/laɪv/活的She bought live crabs for dinner.她买了活蟹来准备晚餐。现场直播的The concert will be live on TV for everyone to enjoy.音乐会将通过电视现场直播,让每个人都能欣赏到。
1/16/202412 minutes, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork

【发音版】In an Antique Shop在一家古董店

欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily在微信公众号里回复:节目长按自动弹出图片上的二维码即可参与句子跟读课程Steven wants to buy a Chinese painting to decorate his new house, so he goes into an antique shop.史蒂文想买一幅中国画来装饰新居,所以他进了一家古董店。A: Good morning, sir,  could I be of any service to you? 早上好先生,有什么能为您服务的?B: Have you got any Chinese paintings? 你们这儿有中国画吗?A: Yes, we have landscape paintings, figure paintings and flower-and-bird paintings.有的,我们有山水画、人物画和花鸟画。B: I'd like a flower-and-bird painting.我想要一幅花鸟画。A: Good. How about this picture of cranes with pine trees? It was painted by a famous Chinese painter in Qing Dynasty.好的,您看这幅松鹤阁如何?这是中国清代的一名著名画家画的。B: Oh, they look just like live cranes. I like this picture very much. How much is it?哦,这些仙鹤看上去就像真的一样,我非常喜欢这幅画。多少钱?A: 1000 dollars? 1000美元。B: It's a lot of money, but the picture is excellent. I'll take it.太贵了,不过这幅画真不错。我要了。
1/16/202412 minutes, 22 seconds
Episode Artwork

【口语版】Museum of Historical Relics历史文物博物馆

欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily参与每周定期英语直播分享Steven and May pay a visit to the museum of historical relics. And they see some precious things. 史蒂文和梅一起去参观历史博物馆,他们看到了很多珍贵的东西。A: May, is this the hall of ancient China? 梅,这是古代中国馆吗?B: Yes, look at these historical relics here, amazing! Why are they all in glass boxes?是啊,看这些文物,真令人惊叹。A: For protection. Some relics will turn to dust if exposed to air.为了保护它们啊。一些文物暴露在空气中就会变成粉末。B: So there isn't air in the glass boxes? 那玻璃盒中没有空气了?A: No, there isn't. There is a vacuum in every box. 没有,它们都是真空的。B: I wonder how old these things are. Thousands of years?真不知道这些东西有多古老。几千年?A: Yeah, they all come from a very ancient time.是啊,它们都来自古代。B: Hey, look at the tripod. I've seen it on TV. 看这个鼎,我在电视上看过。A: It was made 4000 years ago. It's priceless!4000年前的青铜鼎,这可是无价之宝!讲义:ancient古老的;古代的ancient civilization古代文明ancient myth古代神话ancient science古代科学historical relics历史文物historical/hɪˈstɔːrɪkl/和历史相关的;历史学的;基于历史的historical event历史事件historical figure历史人物historical document历史文献historic/hɪˈstɔːrɪk/具有历史意义的;历史上重要的historic occasion历史性的时刻historic decision历史性决定historic victory历史性胜利relic/ˈrelɪk/遗物;遗迹a relic of...的遗物The vase is an exquisite relic of the Ming Dynasty.这个花瓶是明代的精美遗物。The discovery of historical relics helps us better understand ancient civilizations.历史遗迹的发现帮助我们更好的理解古代文明。Many historical relics have been destoryed due to war.由于战争,许多历史遗迹被毁坏。expose暴露;显露;揭露The report exposed the company's illegal activities.报道揭露了公司的非法活动。His statements exposed his ignorance.他的言论暴露了他的无知。The research exposed the link between smoking and lung cancer.研究揭露了吸烟和肺癌的关系。vacuumn. 真空vacuum-packed foods真空包装食品vacuum cleaner真空吸尘器v. vacuum用真空吸尘器清扫Have you vacuumed the floor?你用吸尘器清扫地面了吗?tripod/traɪpɑːd/三脚架;三角桌;鼎He used a tripod to stabilize his camera for night photography.他使用三脚架来稳定他的相机进行夜里摄影。priceless无价的;极珍贵的;极重要的Time is priceless.时间是无价之宝。The diamond ring was priceless as it was passed down through generations.这枚钻戒是无价的,因为它被代代相传。
1/11/202413 minutes, 45 seconds
Episode Artwork

【发音版】Museum of Historical Relics历史文物博物馆

欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily在微信公众号回复:节目即可参与本节目句子跟读练习课程A: May, is this the hall of ancient China? 梅,这是古代中国馆吗?B: Yes, look at these historical relics here, amazing! Why are they all in glass boxes?是啊,看这些文物,真令人惊叹。A: For protection. Some relics will turn to dust if exposed to air.为了保护它们啊。一些文物暴露在空气中就会变成粉末。B: So there isn't air in the glass boxes? 那玻璃盒中没有空气了?A: No, there isn't. There is a vacuum in every box. 没有,它们都是真空的。B: I wonder how old these things are. Thousands of years?真不知道这些东西有多古老。几千年?A: Yeah, they all come from a very ancient time.是啊,它们都来自古代。B: Hey, look at the tripod. I've seen it on TV. 看这个鼎,我在电视上看过。A: It was made 4000 years ago. It's priceless!4000年前的青铜鼎,这可是无价之宝!
1/11/202412 minutes, 13 seconds
Episode Artwork

【口语版】Somebody Got Fired某人被解雇了

欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily参与每周定期英语直播听力陪练A: Hi John, sorry for calling so late. I hope I didn't wake you up.你好,约翰。这么晚打给你真不好意思,我希望没吵醒你。B: Actually, I was just finishing some work. I haven't gone to bed yet.实际上,我刚做完一些工作,我还没睡呢。A: Did you hear Bill got fired yesterday? 昨天比尔被炒鱿鱼了,你听说了吗?B: No, I didn't hear that. Are you sure?没有,我没听说,你确定吗?A: Yes, Sarah told me this afternoon. She was pretty upset about it.是的,今天下午莎莎告诉我的。她很担心。B: That's too bad. Bill's a nice guy. 那真糟糕,比尔是个不错的人。A: Yeah, I know. 是的,我知道。B: Why did they fire him? 他们为什么要炒他鱿鱼?A: She didn't say. 她没说。B: I see. Well, if you talk to Sarah again, tell her there's a job opening at my company. Bill can have an interview this week if he wants. 我明白了,你再看到莎莎时告诉她,我们公司这周有招聘会。如果比尔愿意的话,他可以去参加面试。A: Oh, thank you so much. I'll call her and tell her.哦,我非常感谢你,我会打电话给莎莎告诉她的。wake sb up叫醒某人Please wake me up at 6 tomorrow morning.请明天早上六点叫醒我。Don't wake him up, he's been working very hard lately.别叫醒他,他最近工作很辛苦。I don't want to wake you up, but it's time for school.我不想叫你,但是该上学了。I haven't gone to bed yet.我还没睡。I haven't gone to bed yet, I'm still cleaning the house.我还没睡觉。我还在打扫房间。I haven't gone to bed yet, I've been watching this interesting movie.我还没睡。我一直在看这部有趣的电影。get fired被炒鱿鱼He got fired because of his poor performance.他因为表现不佳被解雇了。He got fired for not following the company's policies.他因为不遵守公司政策被解雇了。He got fired for arriving late to work repeatedly.他因为多次迟到而被解雇。be upset about对...感到难过;不高兴;失望;沮丧He was upset about the loss of his favorite baseball team.他对自己最喜欢的棒球队输掉比赛而感到失望。I was upset about the misunderstanding with my friend.我对与朋友之间的误会而感到烦恼。There were upset about the noise from the construction site.他们对建筑工地里的噪音感到烦恼。fire sb解雇某人The boss decided to fire him for his bad attitude.老板决定因为他的不良态度解雇他。I heard they fired him for stealing from the office.我听说他们因为办公室盗窃而解雇了他。We have to fire her because she's not meeting the company's expectations.我们不得不解雇她,因为她未能达到公司的期望。job opening职位空缺The company announced a job opening for a software engineer.公司宣布了一个软件工程师的职位空缺。There's a job opening for a part-time assistant at the local library.当地图书馆有一个兼职助理的职位空缺。have an interview参加面试I have an interview for a new job tomorrow.我明天有一个新工作的面试。I have an interview for a summer internship at a law firm.我有一个在律师事务所暑期实习的面试。
1/9/202415 minutes, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork

【发音版】Somebody Got Fired某人被解雇了

欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily在公众号里回复:节目即可获取节目跟读课程A: Hi John, sorry for calling so late. I hope I didn't wake you up.你好,约翰。这么晚打给你真不好意思,我希望没吵醒你。B: Actually, I was just finishing some work. I haven't gone to bed yet.实际上,我刚做完一些工作,我还没睡呢。A: Did you hear Bill got fired yesterday? 昨天比尔被炒鱿鱼了,你听说了吗?B: No, I didn't hear that. Are you sure?没有,我没听说,你确定吗?A: Yes, Sarah told me this afternoon. She was pretty upset about it.是的,今天下午莎莎告诉我的。她很担心。B: That's too bad. Bill's a nice guy. 那真糟糕,比尔是个不错的人。A: Yeah, I know. 是的,我知道。B: Why did they fire him? 他们为什么要炒他鱿鱼?A: She didn't say. 她没说。B: I see. Well, if you talk to Sarah again, tell her there's a job opening at my company. Bill can have an interview this week if he wants. 我明白了,你再看到莎莎时告诉她,我们公司这周有招聘会。如果比尔愿意的话,他可以去参加面试。A: Oh, thank you so much. I'll call her and tell her.哦,我非常感谢你,我会打电话给莎莎告诉她的。
1/9/202411 minutes, 57 seconds
Episode Artwork


欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily参与每周定期英语主播分享干货多多~值得关注~~A: Hey, Michael, I'm tired. Would you mind driving for a while? 嗨,迈克尔,我很累,你可以开会儿车吗?B: Sorry, I would like to, but I don't know how to drive. 抱歉,我倒是想开,但是我不会开车。A: Really? You don't have a license? I thought everyone had a license. 真的吗?你没有驾照,我以为每个人都有驾照呢。B: No, I've lived in cities all my life. And when I'm at home, I usually take the subway or bus. 不是,我从小到大都住在城市里。当我在家时,我经常坐地铁或者公交车。A: I see. Do you think you'll ever learn to drive?我知道了,你以后会学开车吗?B: Yes, I plan to buy a car next year. I think you need one in the US.是的,我打算明年买一辆,我觉得在美国你需要一辆车。A: Actually, now that I think about it, a lot of people in cities here take the bus also.事实上,我现在也在考虑这个问题。在这个城市里,很多人也乘公交车。B: Well, I'd like to travel more. I've been here for a few months already. And I feel like I haven't seen anything yet.嗯,我想多旅游。我在这里已经有几个月啦,但是我觉得好像什么都没看呢。A: How are you going to learn to drive? Do you want me to teach you? 你打算怎么学开车呢?你想让我教你吗?B: No, I wouldn't want to trouble you. I've already signed up for a class near my house. It starts next month.不用啦,我不想麻烦你。我已经在我们家附近报了一个培训班,下个月就开始。讲义:Would you mind...?礼貌地询问某人是否介意做某事Would you mind waiting a little longer?你介意再等一会吗?Would you mind helping me with this box?你介意帮我搬这个箱子吗?Would you mind driving me to the airport?你介意开车送我去机场吗?I would like to..., but...我想做某事,但是....(表示某人有意愿做某事,但是由于一些原因而无法实现)I would like to attend the party, but I am not feeling well.我想参加派对,但是我不太舒服。I would like to take a vacation, but I have too much work to do.我想度假,但是我有太多工作要做。I would like to move to a bigger house, but I can't afford it right now.我想搬到一栋更大的房子,但是我现在负担不起。license执照;许可证driving/driver's license驾照take the subway乘坐地铁take a bus/taxi/flight/train乘坐公共汽车/出租车/飞机/火车She likes to take the subway because it's fast and convenient.她喜欢乘坐地铁,因为既快又方便。I avoid taking the subway during rush hour because it's too crowded.我避免在高峰时段乘坐地铁,因为太挤了。learn to drive学习开车learn to play the piano/bake cakes/swim/cook学习弹钢琴/做蛋糕/游泳/做饭I need to learn to drive because I want to be independent.我需要学习开车,因为我想独立。sign up for注册或报名某项活动,课程,服务或组织She signed up for driving lessons to learn to drive safely.她报名参加了驾驶课程来学习安全驾驶。She signed up for a marathon.她报名参加了马拉松。I signed up for a yogo class.我报名参加了瑜伽课。We signed up for a membership at the gym.我们报名了健身房会员。
1/5/202412 minutes, 13 seconds
Episode Artwork


欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily在微信公众号回复:节目即可参与该课程句子跟读A: Hey, Michael, I'm tired. Would you mind driving for a while? 嗨,迈克尔,我很累,你可以开会儿车吗?B: Sorry, I would like to, but I don't know how to drive. 抱歉,我倒是想开,但是我不会开车。A: Really? You don't have a license? I thought everyone had a license. 真的吗?你没有驾照,我以为每个人都有驾照呢。B: No, I've lived in cities all my life. And when I'm at home, I usually take the subway or bus. 不是,我从小到大都住在城市里。当我在家时,我经常坐地铁或者公交车。A: I see. Do you think you'll ever learn to drive?我知道了,你以后会学开车吗?B: Yes, I plan to buy a car next year. I think you need one in the US.是的,我打算明年买一辆,我觉得在美国你需要一辆车。A: Actually, now that I think about it, a lot of people in cities here take the bus also.事实上,我现在也在考虑这个问题。在这个城市里,很多人也乘公交车。B: Well, I'd like to travel more. I've been here for a few months already. And I feel like I haven't seen anything yet.嗯,我想多旅游。我在这里已经有几个月啦,但是我觉得好像什么都没看呢。A: How are you going to learn to drive? Do you want me to teach you? 你打算怎么学开车呢?你想让我教你吗?B: No, I wouldn't want to trouble you. I've already signed up for a class near my house. It starts next month.不用啦,我不想麻烦你。我已经在我们家附近报了一个培训班,下个月就开始。
1/5/202410 minutes, 35 seconds
Episode Artwork

【口语版】Opening An Account开一个银行账户

欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily参与每周定期英语直播分享干货多多~关注不吃亏~~~Steven has been waiting for the service for a few minutes now. It's his turn to handle his business. 史蒂文等候业务办理有几分钟了,现在轮到他办理了。A: Hello, what can I do for you? 你好,你要办理什么业务?B: Um, hello, I would like to open an account.你好,我想要开一个账户。A: Okay, what kind of account do you want to open?好的,你想开哪种账户?B: I want to open a current account. 我想开一个活期账户。A: I will open it for you right now. 我马上为您办理。B: What's the minimum deposit for opening a current account?开一个活期存款账户的最低存款额是多少?A: It's ten Yuan. How much money do you want to deposit? 10元就可以了,您要存多少钱?B: Well, here's 3000 Yuan. 我要存3000元。A: Please write down your name, address and the amount of your deposit here. And please choose a passcode of six numbers and confirm it. 请在这里写下你的名字、地址,还有你的存款金额。设置一个6位数的密码并确认。B: Okay, here you are. 好的,给你。A: Thank you. Please confirm your information and sign your name in the blank.谢谢,请确认你的信息,并在空白处签字。B: Done. What else should I do? 好了,我还要做什么吗?A: That's all. Here's your bank card and here's the certificate of deposit. Bring your bank card with you every time you come to deposit or withdraw money. 可以了,这是您的银行卡,这是存款证明。你每次来银行存钱或取钱时,请带着这个银行卡。B: Okay, thanks. Goodbye.好的,谢谢你,再见。A: Bye.再见。讲义:open an account开一个账户savings account储蓄账户current account活期账户fixed account定期账户I'd like to open a savings account.我要开一个储蓄账户。What documents do I need to bring to open a bank account?开银行账户我需要带哪些文件?depositv./n.存款;存钱I would like to deposit some money into my account.我想往我的银行账户里存些钱。She made a deposit of $1000 to her bank account.她在她的银行账户里存了1000美元。minimum/ˈmɪnɪməm/最低的;最小的;最低限度的minimum wage最低工资minimum charge最低收费minimum amount最低金额opp maximum最大的;最高的;/ˈmæksɪməm/withdraw/wɪðˈdrɔː/v. 取钱I need to withdraw some cash from my account.我需要从我的账户里取一些钱。withdrawal/wɪðˈdrɔːəl/n. 取款He made a withdrawal of $1500 from his savings account.他从他的储蓄账户里取出了1500美元。
1/2/202414 minutes, 46 seconds
Episode Artwork

【发音版】Opening An Account开一个银行账户

欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily在微信公众号回复:节目会弹出一个课程二维码长按直接进入句子跟读课程Steven has been waiting for the service for a few minutes now. It's his turn to handle his business. 史蒂文等候业务办理有几分钟了,现在轮到他办理了。A: Hello, what can I do for you? 你好,你要办理什么业务?B: Um, hello, I would like to open an account.你好,我想要开一个账户。A: Okay, what kind of account do you want to open?好的,你想开哪种账户?B: I want to open a current account. 我想开一个活期账户。A: I will open it for you right now. 我马上为您办理。B: What's the minimum deposit for opening a current account?开一个活期存款账户的最低存款额是多少?A: It's ten Yuan. How much money do you want to deposit? 10元就可以了,您要存多少钱?B: Well, here's 3000 Yuan. 我要存3000元。A: Please write down your name, address and the amount of your deposit here. And please choose a passcode of six numbers and confirm it. 请在这里写下你的名字、地址,还有你的存款金额。设置一个6位数的密码并确认。B: Okay, here you are. 好的,给你。A: Thank you. Please confirm your information and sign your name in the blank.谢谢,请确认你的信息,并在空白处签字。B: Done. What else should I do? 好了,我还要做什么吗?A: That's all. Here's your bank card and here's the certificate of deposit. Bring your bank card with you every time you come to deposit or withdraw money. 可以了,这是您的银行卡,这是存款证明。你每次来银行存钱或取钱时,请带着这个银行卡。B: Okay, thanks. Goodbye.好的,谢谢你,再见。A: Bye.再见。
1/2/202415 minutes, 8 seconds
Episode Artwork

【口语版】Performance Evaluation绩效考评

欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily关注我的视频号直播 干货全在直播间分享~欢迎关注~Due to Steven's good performance, Mr. Liang decides to give him a bonus. Now they're talking about it.由于史蒂文良好的表现,梁先生决定给他发奖金,现在他们两人正在讨论此事。A: Come in and sit down. 进来,请坐。B: Thanks, Mr. Liang.谢谢,梁先生。A: Among all the assistants, I think you are on top of it. Based on the annual evaluation, the board of directors decided to give you a bonus. 在众多助理当中,我认为你的能力是数一数二的。根据今年的绩效考评,董事会决定给你发放一笔奖金。B: Really, I'm too happy.真的吗?我太高兴了。A: I've been reviewing your work over the past few months. Thanks to your excellent work, we benefit much from your project and you should get the perfect attendance award too.过去几个月以来,我一直在考察你的表现。由于你的出色工作,我们从你负责的项目中受益匪浅,并且你也应该得到全勤奖。B: Thanks for your trust. Owing to my colleagues' help, I've successfully completed my task. 谢谢您的信任,多亏了同事们的帮忙,我才得以完成自己的任务。A: You're very modest and diligent. The distribution of bonus derived from the performance evaluation. You deserve it.你很勤奋,也很谦逊。奖金是根据绩效考评的成绩而发放的,是你应得的。B: Thank you very much. I will redouble my efforts in the future.非常感谢您,我以后会加倍努力的。讲义:evaluation评估;评价performance evaluation绩效考评Asset evaluation资产评估The school conducted an evaluation of teachers to understand their performance in the classroom.学校实施了对老师的教学评估,以了解他们的教学表现。In the annual performance evaluation, my colleague received a bonus for his outstanding work performance.在年度绩效评估中,我的同事因为工作表现优秀而获得了奖金。evaluatev. 评估During the job application process, the interviewer will evaluate the candidate's performance to determine whether to hire them.在求职过程中,面试官会根据应聘者的表现进行评估,以确定是否录用。bonus奖金;红利Tom worked extra hours this month and received a bonus from his company as a reward.汤姆这个月加班了很多小时,作为奖励,他从公司收到了一笔奖金。review复习;审查;检查例句:Before the final exams, students should review all the topics covered in the course to be well-prepared.在期末考试之前,学生应该复习课程中涵盖的所有主题,以便做好充分的准备。At the end of each quarter, the sales team meets to review their performance and discuss strategies for improvement.在每个季度结束后,销售团队会开会审查他们的业绩,并讨论改进策略。Thanks to多亏了(用于表示感激或庆幸)Thanks to your help, we finished the project on time.多亏了你的帮助,我们按时完成了项目。owing to由于;因为(用于表示因为某个原因而导致某种情况或结果)Owing to the bad weather, the game was postponed.由于恶劣的天气,比赛被推迟了。due to和because of也可用来表示因为某个原因而导致某种情况或结果The game was postponed due to/because of the bad weather.由于恶劣的天气,比赛被推迟了。owing to有时候也可以用来表示感谢,只是比较少见。Owing to your invaluable assistance, we were able to finish the project on time.多亏了你宝贵的帮助,我们能够按时完成项目。benefit from从...中受益We can benefit from regular exercise by improving our physical fitness and mental health.我们可以从规律的锻炼中受益,改善我们的身体健康和心理健康。Tom benefited from the training program provided by his company, which helped him improve his leadership skills.汤姆从公司提供的培训项目中受益,帮助他提高了领导能力。perfect attendance award全勤奖Could I get the perfect attendance award this month?我这个月能拿到全勤奖吗?modest谦虚的;谦逊的He is too modest.他非常谦虚。朴素的;庄重的She wore a modest dress to the wedding, which was elegant and appropriate for the occasion.她穿了一件朴素的裙子去参加婚礼,这件裙子既优雅又适合场合。不大的;些许的modest success小有成就modest salary不多的薪水modest increase适度增长He has a modest salary, but he manages to live comfortably and save a little each month.他工资不高,但是勉强过得舒服,并且每个月都能存一些钱。diligent勤奋的;刻苦的The diligent employee was always the first to arrive at work and the last to leave.勤奋的员工总是第一个到达工作场所,并且最后一个离开。She was diligent in her studies and received straight A's in all her subjects.她在学习上非常勤奋,所有科目都得了A。distributionn.分配;分发The distribution of resources should be fair and just.资源的分配应该公平合理。distributev.分配;分发The teacher distributed the exam papers to the students before the test.老师考试前把试卷发给学生。The company will distribute its profits among the shareholders at the end of the year.公司将在年底把利润分配给股东。derive得到;获得derive...from...从....获得...Many people derive comfort from having a pet at home.许多人从家里养宠物中获得了安慰。He derives great joy from accompanying his family and friends.他从陪伴家人和朋友中收获了快乐。deserve值得;应得You deserve a break after working so hard all year.你辛苦工作了一年,应该休息一下。He deserves a promotion because of his hard work and dedication.他因为努力和奉献应该得到晋升。应受He deserves a speeding ticket for driving too fast.他因为开的太快而应受一张超速罚单。She deserves to be grounded for coming home late again.她因为再次晚归而应该被禁足。redouble增加一倍;翻倍We must redouble our speed to catch the train.我们必须加快速度才能赶上火车。The company needs to redouble its investment in research and development.公司需要加倍在研究和开发方面的投资。
12/24/202329 minutes, 2 seconds
Episode Artwork

【发音版】Performance Evaluation绩效考评

欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily在微信公众号里回复:节目即可获取本节目句子跟读打分练习Due to Steven's good performance, Mr. Liang decides to give him a bonus. Now they're talking about it.由于史蒂文良好的表现,梁先生决定给他发奖金,现在他们两人正在讨论此事。A: Come in and sit down. 进来,请坐。B: Thanks, Mr. Liang.谢谢,梁先生。A: Among all the assistants, I think you are on top of it. Based on the annual evaluation, the board of directors decided to give you a bonus. 在众多助理当中,我认为你的能力是数一数二的。根据今年的绩效考评,董事会决定给你发放一笔奖金。B: Really, I'm too happy.真的吗?我太高兴了。A: I've been reviewing your work over the past few months. Thanks to your excellent work, we benefit much from your project and you should get the perfect attendance award too.过去几个月以来,我一直在考察你的表现。由于你的出色工作,我们从你负责的项目中受益匪浅,并且你也应该得到全勤奖。B: Thanks for your trust. Owing to my colleagues' help, I've successfully completed my task. 谢谢您的信任,多亏了同事们的帮忙,我才得以完成自己的任务。A: You're very modest and diligent. The distribution of bonus derived from the performance evaluation. You deserve it.你很勤奋,也很谦逊。奖金是根据绩效考评的成绩而发放的,是你应得的。B: Thank you very much. I will redouble my efforts in the future.非常感谢您,我以后会加倍努力的。
12/24/202311 minutes, 37 seconds
Episode Artwork

【口语版 】Work Progress工作进度

欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily参与每周定期直播分享干货多多~欢迎收看~Steven has been in office for a few days now. The director Daniel is asking how things are at Steven's work.史蒂文工作有一段时间了,现在负责人丹尼尔正在询问史蒂文工作的进展情况。A: Hi, Steven, take a seat. How are things at work? 嗨,史蒂文,请坐。工作进行的怎么样了?B: It's coming along well, but it is a little delayed. 进展不错,但时间上有点拖延。A: Can you finish it on time? 能按时完成吗?B: I'm pressed for time and I'm afraid I need someone to help me.我时间紧迫,恐怕需要有人帮忙完成。A: Okay. I will send Beker to help you. We need to get the brochures done and sent them to our clients on Friday without delay. 好,我派贝克去协助你。星期五一定要把小册子印好,并送到客户手上,不得拖延。B: Okay, we promise to do it well.好的,我们保证做好。讲义:Work progress工作进展progress进度;进展;进程Can you give me an update on the project's progress?你能给我关于项目进度的更新吗?I'd like to check on the progress of the report you're working on.我想了解一下你正在写的报告的进展。be in office某人目前担任某个职位或角色He has been in office as a president of the company for five years.他担任这家公司总裁已经五年了。How long has he been in office?他在职多久了?in the office在办公室He was back in the office, updating the work schedule on the computer.他已经回到办公室,正在电脑上更新工作日程。I spend most of my day in the office.我大部分时间都在办公室。He's not in the office right now.他现在不在办公室。come along取得进展Your French has come along a lot recently.你的法语最近进步很大。How is your project coming along?你的项目进展如何?The project is coming along quite well.项目进展的非常好。一起来;陪伴某人前往某地或参加某事We're going to the movies tonight. Do you want to come along?我们今晚要去看电影,你想一起吗?Come along, let's go for a walk together.一起来,我们一起去散步。delay(使)延迟;(使)延误;(使)延期Could we delay the meeting a few days?我们能把会议推迟几天吗?Heavy snow delayed the start of the game.大雪迫使比赛延期开始。We'll have to delay our departure because of the bad weather condition.由于糟糕的天气状况,我们不得不延期启程。n. 延期;延误;延迟The situation does not permit any delay.形势不容任何的拖延。After a delay of two hours, the plane took off.延迟两个小时,飞机起飞了。without delay不容拖延;立刻;马上Let's get the work done without delay.咱们要完成工作,不得拖延。be pressed for紧缺的I'm pressed for time. Could you speed up a bit?我赶时间,你能再快点吗?I‘m really pressed for cash at the moment. Will you be kind to lend me some?我眼下缺钱。你能不能省省好借点给我?brochure手册;小册子/broʊˈʃʊr/Could you give me a brochure describing your company?你能不能给我一份你们公司的宣传手册?
12/21/202312 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

【发音版】Work Progress工作进度

欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily在微信公众号回复:节目即可参与本节目句子跟读打分练习Steven has been in office for a few days now. The director Daniel is asking how things are at Steven's work. 史蒂文工作有一段时间了,现在负责人丹尼尔正在询问史蒂文工作的进展情况。A: Hi, Steven, take a seat. How are things at work? 嗨,史蒂文,请坐。工作进行的怎么样了?B: It's coming along well, but it is a little delayed. 进展不错,但时间上有点拖延。A: Can you finish it on time? 能按时完成吗?B: I'm pressed for time and I'm afraid I need someone to help me.我时间紧迫,恐怕需要有人帮忙完成。A: Okay. I will send Beker to help you. We need to get the brochures done and sent them to our clients on Friday without delay. 好,我派贝克去协助你。星期五一定要把小册子印好,并送到客户手上,不得拖延。B: Okay, we promise to do it well.好的,我们保证做好。
12/21/20238 minutes, 35 seconds
Episode Artwork

【口语版】Reporting Work汇报工作

欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily参与每周定期英语直播分享干货多多~~After the negotiation, Steven reports to his boss.谈判后,史蒂文向老板汇报工作。A: Hi, boss, I'd like to tell you what we've discussed during the day. 你好,老板,我想向你汇报一下今天谈判的情况。B: Okay, is it all going well? 好的,一切顺利吗?A: I think it's going very well actually. We had a long meeting with them. After several lengthy discussions, they decided to accept our offer.我认为情况进展的很不错。我们和他们谈了很久,经过长时间的讨论,他们决定接受我们开的价格。B: Really? That's great. You really did a good job. Anything else to tell me?真的吗?不错啊。你做的很好,还有别的要告诉我的吗?A: We're meeting with their finance director today and then with the other directors tomorrow, just to sort out some final details. 我们今天要和他们的财务主管见面,明天和其他的主管见面,最后商谈一些细节问题。B: Okay. If he wants to make any changes, minor alterations can be accepted. Let me know what happens. 好的,如果他有什么意见,我们还可以对计划稍加修改。告诉我结果。A: Okay. I never forget it.好的,我记着呢。讲义:reportv. 汇报;报告;通报Call me urgently if you have anything to report.如果你有什么事要汇报,立刻给我打电话。I want you to report to me on what you have done every Friday.我希望你每周五向我汇报进展情况。We rang the insurance company to report the theft.我们打给保险公司告知失窃案件。n. (新闻或报刊)报道;(调查)报告;成绩单newspaper report新闻报道weather report天气预报All reports must be sent in by the end of this week.所有的报告必须在本周末之前提交。My daughter got a good report last term.我女儿上学期成绩很好。The weather report says that it will be rainy tomorrow.天气预报说明天是雨天。lengthy漫长的;冗长的a lengthy discussion/process漫长的讨论/过程Many airline passengers face lengthy delays because of the strike.许多航空公司的乘客都因罢工而面临漫长的延误。finance director财务主管Do you know who was appointed to be the finance director?你知道谁被任命为财务主管吗?I had been working as a finance director in this company for three years.我曾在这家公司做了三年的财务主管。sort out解决sort out a problem/details解决问题/细节You'd better sort out the business affairs before going.你最好在走之前把生意上的事务处理一下。整理;收拾Sort out things you want to keep and throw everything else away.把你要留着的东西整理出来,其余的扔掉。minor较小的;次要的;轻微的minor change小改动minor burn轻度烧伤minor surgery小手术He had a minor burn to his shoulder and was taken to the hospital.他肩膀轻微烧伤,被送去了医院。It's only a minor problem.那只是个小问题。She suffered only minor injuries.她只是受了轻伤。It requires a few minor adjustments.需要做几处小的修改。opp major主要的;重要的;大的Sometimes a minor change will make a major difference.有时候,一个小的改变会变成很大的不同。alteration(通常指轻微地)改变;变化;修改We are making a few alterations to the house.我们正在对房子进行一些改动。minor alterations小改动Minor alterations can be made.可以做小改动。
12/19/202316 minutes, 28 seconds
Episode Artwork

【发音版】Reporting Work汇报工作

欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily在微信公众号回复:节目即可参与本节目句子跟读练习课程After the negotiation, Steven reports to his boss.谈判后,史蒂文向老板汇报工作。A: Hi, boss, I'd like to tell you what we've discussed during the day. 你好,老板,我想向你汇报一下今天谈判的情况。B: Okay, is it all going well? 好的,一切顺利吗?A: I think it's going very well actually. We had a long meeting with them. After several lengthy discussions, they decided to accept our offer.我认为情况进展的很不错。我们和他们谈了很久,经过长时间的讨论,他们决定接受我们开的价格。B: Really? That's great. You really did a good job. Anything else to tell me?真的吗?不错啊。你做的很好,还有别的要告诉我的吗?A: We're meeting with their finance director today and then with the other directors tomorrow, just to sort out some final details. 我们今天要和他们的财务主管见面,明天和其他的主管见面,最后商谈一些细节问题。B: Okay. If he wants to make any changes, minor alterations can be accepted. Let me know what happens. 好的,如果他有什么意见,我们还可以对计划稍加修改。告诉我结果。A: Okay. I never forget it.好的,我记着呢。
12/19/202312 minutes, 29 seconds
Episode Artwork

【口语版】Explaining the Job解释工作

欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily参与每周定期英语直播分享This is the first day of Steven's work. Mr. Kang is explaining the job to him. 今天是史蒂文第一天工作,康先生正在向史蒂文做职前工作说明。A: Did you call me, sir? 先生,是您叫我吗?B: Yeah, if you're available now, let me describe your work duties, ok?是的,如果你有空,就让我给你介绍一下你的工作内容,可以吗?A: What am I expected to do?我要做些什么工作呢?B: As a newcomer, you're going to be responsible for some basic tasks first, including certain routine duties like answering the telephone and typing. Later, you will be assigned to the Sales Department. 身为一个新员工,你必须要先负责一些基本的工作,包括一些每天的例行公事,比如说接电话、打字之类的。一段时间后,你会被分到销售部去。A: I see. It must be a challenging job, but I would like to do it. And what about now?我明白了,这一定是一个充满挑战性的工作,但是我愿意去做,那我现在做什么呢?B: For this is your first day in our company, you can begin with our special products. Before you do your job, it's necessary for you to be familiar with our own products. Sort these papers and file them correctly. 因为这是你上班第一天,可以先从了解我们的特色产品开始。在你开始工作之前,有必要先熟悉一下我们的产品。把这些文件分类,并将他们正确归档。A: Okay, I'll get to work on it at once.好的,我现在就去做。讲义:be responsible for对...负有责任;承担义务例句:You'll be responsible for anything wrong.如果出现了任何问题,你将负责处理。She is responsible for sales promotion.她负责推销工作。routine duties日常职责(指在工作或生活中经常要完成的任务或责任)routine常规;惯例daily routine日常生活(个人每天重复进行的生活习惯和活动)work routine工作日常My daily routine starts at 6:30 a.m. I take a shower after getting up and then brush my teeth. I make some breakfast at 7:30 a.m., and then leave for work at 8 a.m.我的日常生活从早上6:30开始。我起床后先洗澡,然后刷牙。我在早上7:30做早饭,8点去上班。assign分配;分派;布置sb be assigned to某人被分配到...Mr. Smith is assigned to take charge of the department.史密斯先生受命负责这个部门。The rooms were assigned to the workers.房间分配给了工人。be familiar with熟悉;通晓例句:He's familiar with the local laws.他对当地法律很熟悉。Are you familiar with this kind of business?你熟悉这类业务吗?sort整理;把...分类I need to sort these books by author.我需要根据作者将这些书分类。Can you sort these papers into piles according to their importance?你能根据重要性将这些文件分类成堆吗?file把文件归档My manager asked me to file the application forms.经理让我把申请表归档。Could you file the report for me?你能帮我把报告归档吗?work on努力做;从事;致力于She's been working on her novel for years and hopes to have it published soon.她已经写了几年的小说,希望能尽快出版。The company is working on a new product.这家公司致力于研发新产品。Our team is working on a new marketing strategy to increase sales.我们团队在实行一项新的营销战略来提高销量。
12/17/202318 minutes, 8 seconds
Episode Artwork

【发音版】Explaining the Job解释工作

欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily在微信公众号里回复:节目即可参与本节目跟读版本以及语音打分课程This is the first day of Steven's work. Mr. Kang is explaining the job to him. 今天是史蒂文第一天工作,康先生正在向史蒂文做职前工作说明。A: Did you call me, sir? 先生,是您叫我吗?B: Yeah, if you're available now, let me describe your work duties, ok?是的,如果你有空,就让我给你介绍一下你的工作内容,可以吗?A: What am I expected to do?我要做些什么工作呢?B: As a newcomer, you're going to be responsible for some basic tasks first, including certain routine duties like answering the telephone and typing. Later, you will be assigned to the Sales Department. 身为一个新员工,你必须要先负责一些基本的工作,包括一些每天的例行公事,比如说接电话、打字之类的。一段时间后,你会被分到销售部去。A: I see. It must be a challenging job, but I would like to do it. And what about now?我明白了,这一定是一个充满挑战性的工作,但是我愿意去做,那我现在做什么呢?B: For this is your first day in our company, you can begin with our special products. Before you do your job, it's necessary for you to be familiar with our own products. Sort these papers and file them correctly. 因为这是你上班第一天,可以先从了解我们的特色产品开始。在你开始工作之前,有必要先熟悉一下我们的产品。把这些文件分类,并将他们正确归档。A: Okay, I'll get to work on it at once.好的,我现在就去做。
12/17/202312 minutes, 28 seconds
Episode Artwork

【口语版】Preparing For A Picnic为野餐做准备

欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily参与每周的定期英语主播分享干货多多~Steven and John are preparing for a picnic. They're discussing what they should take along. 史蒂文和约翰在为野餐做准备,他们讨论应该带哪些东西。A: John, do you mind helping me prepare for the picnic? 约翰,介不介意帮我准备野餐的东西?B: Sure. Have you checked the weather report? 当然可以了,有没有看天气预报?A: Yes, it says it will be sunny all day. No sign of rain at all.看了明天一整天都是晴天,不会下雨。B: I'd like some toast and chicken wings. 我想要些吐司面包和鸡翅膀。A: Okay, please take some fruit salad and crackers for me.好的,给我带些水果沙拉和饼干吧。B: Done. Oh, don't forget to take napkins, disposable plates, cups and picnic basket. 没问题。别忘了带餐巾纸,一次性的盘子和杯子,还有野餐篮。A: That's great. We can also take the dragon kite with us. After the picnic, we can fly it.太棒了。我们还可以带上那只龙风筝,野餐之后可以放风筝。B: Cool. We can take shuttlecock and badminton racket. 好的,我们可以带羽毛球和羽毛球拍。A: Okay, it sounds good.好的,听起来真棒。讲义:picnic野餐have a picnicgo for a picnic去野餐It's a ne day. Let's go for a picnic.今天天气不错。咱们去野餐吧。We decided to have a picnic in the park on Sunday.我们决定周日在公园野餐。We haven't decided where we will have a picnic this weekend.我们还没有决定这周末在哪里野餐。prepare for...为...做准备注意prepare和prepare for的区别?prepare为“准备某物”,后面直接加名词,比如:prepare a meal准备一顿饭prepare food准备食物prepare a speech准备演讲稿prepare for是“为...做准备”,强调过程,比如:prepare for a journey为旅行做准备prepare for a meeting为会议做准备I need to prepare for my job interview tomorrow.我需要为明天的面试做准备。What a pity! I have to prepare for the speech competition.真可惜!我得为演讲做准备。cracker薄脆饼干take along带上;携带(将某物带到某个地方或与某人一起带走)take和take along的区别?take表示“取,拿”强调这个动作;而take along强调随身携带某物或某人I need to take this document with me.我需要带这份文件走。You have no choice, you have to take along your cat.你别无选择,必须带着你的猫。We should take along some pills just in case you get airsick.我们应该带点药片以防你晕机。Do you mind doing...?你介意做某事吗?Do you mind holding my bag for a minute?请你帮我拿一会包好吗?Do you mind giving me a hand?你介意帮我一把吗?Do you mind if...如果...你介意吗?Do you mind if I put some music on?我放点音乐你介意吗?Do you mind if I sit next to you?我坐你旁边你介意吗?disposable一次性的/dɪˈspəʊzəbl/Many restaurants in China provide disposable chopsticks.中国许多餐厅提供一次性筷子。I always bring my own reusable cup to the coffee shop instead of using a disposable cup.我总是带着自己的可重复使用的杯子去咖啡店,而不是使用一次性杯子。fly a kite放风筝We can fly a kite and climb mountains.我们可以放风筝,爬山。shuttlecock羽毛球/ˈʃʌtlkɑːk/racket(网球或羽毛球的)球拍/rækɪt/Can I try your new badminton racket?我能试用你的新羽毛球拍吗?She bought a new tennis racket for her tennis lessons.她为了网球课程买了一把新的网球拍。
12/14/202313 minutes, 16 seconds
Episode Artwork

【发音版】Preparing For A Picnic为野餐做准备

欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily在微信公众号里回复:节目即可参与本节目跟读课程Steven and John are preparing for a picnic. They're discussing what they should take along. 史蒂文和约翰在为野餐做准备,他们讨论应该带哪些东西。A: John, do you mind helping me prepare for the picnic? 约翰,介不介意帮我准备野餐的东西?B: Sure. Have you checked the weather report? 当然可以了,有没有看天气预报?A: Yes, it says it will be sunny all day. No sign of rain at all.看了明天一整天都是晴天,不会下雨。B: I'd like some toast and chicken wings. 我想要些吐司面包和鸡翅膀。A: Okay, please take some fruit salad and crackers for me.好的,给我带些水果沙拉和饼干吧。B: Done. Oh, don't forget to take napkins, disposable plates, cups and picnic basket. 没问题。别忘了带餐巾纸,一次性的盘子和杯子,还有野餐篮。A: That's great. We can also take the dragon kite with us. After the picnic, we can fly it.太棒了。我们还可以带上那只龙风筝,野餐之后可以放风筝。B: Cool. We can take shuttlecock and badminton racket. 好的,我们可以带羽毛球和羽毛球拍。A: Okay, it sounds good.好的,听起来真棒。讲义:picnic野餐have a picnicgo for a picnic去野餐It's a ne day. Let's go for a picnic.今天天气不错。咱们去野餐吧。We decided to have a picnic in the park on Sunday.我们决定周日在公园野餐。We haven't decided where we will have a picnic this weekend.我们还没有决定这周末在哪里野餐。prepare for...为...做准备注意prepare和prepare for的区别?prepare为“准备某物”,后面直接加名词,比如:prepare a meal准备一顿饭prepare food准备食物prepare a speech准备演讲稿prepare for是“为...做准备”,强调过程,比如:prepare for a journey为旅行做准备prepare for a meeting为会议做准备I need to prepare for my job interview tomorrow.我需要为明天的面试做准备。What a pity! I have to prepare for the speech competition.真可惜!我得为演讲做准备。cracker薄脆饼干take along带上;携带(将某物带到某个地方或与某人一起带走)take和take along的区别?take表示“取,拿”强调这个动作;而take along强调随身携带某物或某人I need to take this document with me.我需要带这份文件走。You have no choice, you have to take along your cat.你别无选择,必须带着你的猫。We should take along some pills just in case you get airsick.我们应该带点药片以防你晕机。Do you mind doing...?你介意做某事吗?Do you mind holding my bag for a minute?请你帮我拿一会包好吗?Do you mind giving me a hand?你介意帮我一把吗?Do you mind if...如果...你介意吗?Do you mind if I put some music on?我放点音乐你介意吗?Do you mind if I sit next to you?我坐你旁边你介意吗?disposable一次性的/dɪˈspəʊzəbl/Many restaurants in China provide disposable chopsticks.中国许多餐厅提供一次性筷子。I always bring my own reusable cup to the coffee shop instead of using a disposable cup.我总是带着自己的可重复使用的杯子去咖啡店,而不是使用一次性杯子。fly a kite放风筝We can fly a kite and climb mountains.我们可以放风筝,爬山。shuttlecock羽毛球/ˈʃʌtlkɑːk/racket(网球或羽毛球的)球拍/rækɪt/Can I try your new badminton racket?我能试用你的新羽毛球拍吗?She bought a new tennis racket for her tennis lessons.她为了网球课程买了一把新的网球拍。
12/14/202310 minutes
Episode Artwork

【口语版】Wildlife Sanctuary野生动物保护区

欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily在微信公众号里回复:节目Steven and Daniel are visiting the national zoo, and Steven is telling Daniel something about the wildlife sanctuary.史蒂文和丹尼尔一起去参观国家动物园。史蒂文告诉丹尼尔一些关于野生动物保护的趣事。A: Daniel, have you ever heard about the wildlife sanctuary?丹尼尔,你听说过野生动物保护区吗?B: Is that different from the ordinary kind of zoo? 那和普通的动物园有区别吗?A: Yes, of course. 当然有啊。B: So tell me something about it.给我讲讲吧。A: There are a lot of wild animals and also some special rules while visiting.在那里有很多野生动物,而且在你游览的时候还有一些特殊的规定呢。B: Special rules?特殊规定?A: There, you only have two ways for visiting.在那里,你只有两种游览的方式。B: Details?说详细点。A: On their bus or in your own cars. And you won't be allowed to get off the bus until you reach the special region. 乘他们的车或者开自己的车,在你到达特殊区域之前是不允许下车的。B: Why not? 为什么呢?A: Because it is dangerous to get out of the car or bus. You can just imagine how fierce the wild animals can be.因为下车太危险了,你可以想象一下,野生动物是多么凶猛。B: That makes sense, but that sounds interesting. Is there one in Beijing? 有道理,这听起来太有趣了,北京也有这样的野生动物保护区吗?A: Yes.有的。B: I prefer to go there next time. 下次我要去那里。A: You won't be disappointed.你肯定不会失望的。讲义:wildlife野生动物;野生生物wild animal野生动物wildlife conservationwildlife reservewildlife refugewildlife sanctuary野生动物保护区captured animal圈养动物例句:We visited a wildlife park and saw various animals in their natural habitats.我们参观了一个野生动物园,看到了各种动物在它们的自然栖息地中。sanctuary鸟兽禁猎区/ˈsæŋktʃueri/The government has established a wildlife sanctuary to protect endangered species.政府已经设立了一个野生动物保护区,以保护濒危物种。避难所;庇护The local church became a sanctuary for the refugees.当地教堂成为难民的庇护所。take sanctuary in...在...避难If I want some peace and quiet, I take sanctuary in my study.如果我想清净一会,我就躲进自己的书房。(figurative)Have you ever heard about...?你曾经听说过...吗?Have you ever heard about the driverless cars?你听说过无人驾驶汽车吗?Have you ever heard that...?你曾听说过...吗?Have you heard that...?你听说了...吗?Have you ever heard that some animals do not need any sleep?你曾听说过有些动物不需要睡觉吗?Have you heard that our company is going to downsize staff?你听说了公司要裁员了吗?Someone be allowed to被允许做某事例句:The patient is not allowed to drink alcohol.(医生或家人)不允许这个病人喝酒。Students are not allowed to bring phones into the school.学生不允许带手机上学。on the bus&in the car为什么在公共汽车上用on,而在小汽车上就用in?记忆小技巧只要在里面能站起来随意走动的,用on。比如:on the bus在公共汽车上,on the plane在飞机上,on the train在火车里,on the ship在船上;在里面不能站起来随意走动的用in,in the car在小轿车里,in a taxi在出租车里,in a helicopter在直升飞机上相关表达:get on/off the bus/train上/下公共汽车/火车get in/out of the car/taix上/下小汽车/出租车board the plane/ship上飞机/登船例句:I need to get off the bus at the next station.我要在下一站下车。Hurry up and get in the car, we're going to be late.快点上车,咱们要迟到了。When can I board the plane?我们什么时候登机?imagine想象;设想I can't imagine life without income.我不能想象没有收入的日子。You'll never imagine what he has been through.你永远无法想象他经历了什么。Have you ever imagined your married life?你有想过自己的婚姻生活吗?make sense有道理;讲得通例句:It doesn't make any sense.这根本讲不通!It doesn't make sense to buy that expensive coat when these cheaper ones are just so good.这些便宜的大衣都很不错,何必买那些贵的。prefer to更喜欢做某事;宁愿做某事例句: I prefer to walk home after a big meal.吃了一顿大餐后我想步行回家。I prefer to stay at home and review my lessons.我宁愿待在家里复习功课。prefer to do...rather than do...比起...更喜欢...I prefer to stay at home and review my lessons rather than hang out.比起和朋友出去闲逛,我宁愿待在家里复习功课。I prefer to walk home rather than take a taxi after a big meal.吃了一顿大餐后,我宁愿步行回家,也不想乘坐出租车。
12/10/202321 minutes, 33 seconds
Episode Artwork

【发音版】Wildlife Sanctuary野生动物保护区

欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily在微信公众号里回复:节目Steven and Daniel are visiting the national zoo, and Steven is telling Daniel something about the wildlife sanctuary.史蒂文和丹尼尔一起去参观国家动物园。史蒂文告诉丹尼尔一些关于野生动物保护的趣事。A: Daniel, have you ever heard about the wildlife sanctuary?丹尼尔,你听说过野生动物保护区吗?B: Is that different from the ordinary kind of zoo? 那和普通的动物园有区别吗?A: Yes, of course. 当然有啊。B: So tell me something about it.给我讲讲吧。A: There are a lot of wild animals and also some special rules while visiting.在那里有很多野生动物,而且在你游览的时候还有一些特殊的规定呢。B: Special rules?特殊规定?A: There, you only have two ways for visiting.在那里,你只有两种游览的方式。B: Details?说详细点。A: On their bus or in your own cars. And you won't be allowed to get off the bus until you reach the special region. 乘他们的车或者开自己的车,在你到达特殊区域之前是不允许下车的。B: Why not? 为什么呢?A: Because it is dangerous to get out of the car or bus. You can just imagine how fierce the wild animals can be.因为下车太危险了,你可以想象一下,野生动物是多么凶猛。B: That makes sense, but that sounds interesting. Is there one in Beijing? 有道理,这听起来太有趣了,北京也有这样的野生动物保护区吗?A: Yes.有的。B: I prefer to go there next time. 下次我要去那里。A: You won't be disappointed.你肯定不会失望的。
12/10/202312 minutes, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork

【口语版】Cheer sb up给某人加油打气

欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily参与每周定期直播分享Jack was so nervous that he didn't perform well in the competition. Steven tries to cheer him up. 杰克由于紧张在比赛中没表现好,史蒂文尽力鼓励他。A: Don't worry, I'm sure you will do better next time. 不用担心,我相信下一次你会做的更好。B: I didn't realize it was so difficult, though I know I'm always too nervous in such competition. 虽然我知道在这种比赛中我总是很紧张,但我没想到会这么难。A: Doesn't matter. Forget it.没关系,忘了它吧。B: I don't think I performed well. 我觉得我没有表现好。A: Oh, that's much better than I did.比我做的好多了。B: Can you tell me how to improve myself? 你能告诉我如何提高吗?A: There's no secret at all. The only thing for you to do is to practice more. You will succeed. 这个没有秘诀,你唯一要做的就是多练,你会成功的。B: Thank you for your encouragement. 谢谢你的鼓励。讲义:So...that...太...以至于...She worked so hard that she got a promotion a year later.她工作非常刻苦,以至于一年后就晋升了。He was so tired that he fell asleep as soon as he got home.他太累了,以至于一到家就睡着了。The traffic jam was so bad that we missed our train.交通太差了,以至于我们错过了火车。perform well表现得好例句:We are more likely to perform well if we enjoy the process.如果我们享受工作过程,我们可能更容易表现得好。The teacher brings food and drink for students who perform well on tests.老师带了食物和饮料给在考试中表现好的学生。cheer sb up使某人振奋/振作例句:She told him a funny story to cheer him up.她给他讲了一个有趣的笑话,让他开心起来。When I do badly in study, she encourages me and tries to cheer me up.当我在学习上做得不好的时候,她鼓励我,试图让我振作起来。Forget it别在意;忘了吧A: I failed to pass the exam again.B: Forget it. Better luck next time.我这次考试又没过。别在意,下次会更好。没关系A: I'm so sorry for my lateness.B: Forget it. 我迟到了很抱歉。没事。不客气A: Thank you for your help.B: Forget it. I was just doing my job.谢谢你的帮助。不客气,我就是在做我的事情。想得美;不行A: Can you lend me $200?B: Forget it! You haven't returned the money you last borrowed.能借我200美元吗?想得美!上次借我的钱还没还呢。competition竞争;竞赛;比赛例句:Competition for jobs is intense.求职的竞争非常激烈。The two companys are in competition with each other.两家公司相互竞争。She decided to take part in the competition to challenge herself.她决定参加比赛来挑战自己。She trained hard to win the competition.她努力训练以赢得比赛。though虽然;尽管;即使例句:Though they may not succeed, they will still try.即使他们可能不会成功,但他们仍会努力。The article is very important though it is short.文章虽然很短但是很重要。不过;可是;然而Our team lost. It was a good game though.Our team lost, though it was a good game.我们队输了,可是这是个精彩的比赛。
12/7/202310 minutes, 44 seconds
Episode Artwork

【发音版】Cheer sb up给某人打气加油

欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily获取本节目跟读版本以及语音打分课程Jack was so nervous that he didn't perform well in the competition. Steven tries to cheer him up. 杰克由于紧张在比赛中没表现好,史蒂文尽力鼓励他。A: Don't worry, I'm sure you will do better next time. 不用担心,我相信下一次你会做的更好。B: I didn't realize it was so difficult, though I know I'm always too nervous in such competition. 虽然我知道在这种比赛中我总是很紧张,但我没想到会这么难。A: Doesn't matter. Forget it.没关系,忘了它吧。B: I don't think I performed well. 我觉得我没有表现好。A: Oh, that's much better than I did. 比我做的好多了。B: Can you tell me how to improve myself? 你能告诉我如何提高吗?A: There's no secret at all. The only thing for you to do is to practice more. You will succeed. 这个没有秘诀,你唯一要做的就是多练,你会成功的。B: Thank you for your encouragement. 谢谢你的鼓励。
12/7/202310 minutes, 44 seconds
Episode Artwork

【口语版】Making a complaint抱怨/投诉

欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily参与每周定期英语直播分享干货多多~~Steven and Dan are complaining about the food and price of their dining hall. They hope the situation can be improved. 史蒂文和丹在抱怨食堂的饭菜和价格,他们希望情况能得到改善。A: This dining hall is the worst ever. 这个食堂最差劲了。B: Yeah, they raised the price, but the food there still tastes like garbage.是的,饭菜涨价了,却依旧很难吃。A: And they never deal with our complaints.而且他们从不理会我们的投诉。B: Nope. I heard that nearly 2000 students have signed a petition showing our  dissatisfaction with the food, price and service. 就是。我听说有将近2000名学生在请愿书上签名了,表达我们对实物价格和服务的不满。A: Do you think it will work? 你说这管用吗?B: Many hands make light work. I think it will force them to improve a little. 众人拾柴火焰高嘛,我想总能让他们改进一点吧。A: I hope so.但愿如此。make a complaint=complain抱怨;投诉make a complaint to sb向某人抱怨/投诉make a complaint about sth抱怨/投诉某事make a complaint to sb about sth向某人抱怨/投诉某事If you're not satisfied with the service, you can make a complaint to the manager.如果你对服务不满意,你可以向经理投诉。If you're not satisfied with our service, you can make a complaint about it to our customer service department.如果您对我们的服务不满意,可以向我们客户服务部门投诉。the worst ever有史以来最糟糕的bad worse worst糟糕的 更糟糕的 最糟糕的例句:The restaurant is the worst ever.=It's the worst restauant I've ever been to.这是我去过的最差的饭馆。rasie增加;提高(数量/水平)raise salaries/prices提高薪水/价格a pay raise加薪rasie awareness提高意识The company decided to raise prices due to the increase in production costs.由于生产成本的增加,公司决定提高价格。The government plan to raise taxes.政府计划增税。I hope you seriously consider giving me a pay raise.我希望您认真考虑给我加薪。The nationwide campaign aims to raise awareness of the risks of smoking.这个全国性的活动旨在提高人们对吸烟危害的认识。举起;抬起;提起raise hands举手Raise your hands if you have any questions.如果你有问题,请举手。raise a question提出问题Every time I raise a question, she is the first to raise her hand.每次当我提出一个问题,她都是第一个举手的。抚养;养育raise a child抚养孩子It takes a lot of effort and patience to raise a child.抚养孩子需要付出很多努力和耐心。deal with处理;解决;应对例句:The manager needs to deal with the customer's complaint.经理需要处理客户投诉。与...有商业关系;打交道He is known for his ability to deal with difficult clients.他以应对困难客户的能力而闻名。接受(无法改变的事情);克服(坏情绪)He's trying to deal with the loss of his pet dog.他仍在试图接受失去宠物狗的事实。petitonn.请愿书sign a petition签署请愿书file a petition提出请愿书The citizens decided to file a petition to the local government to improve the public transportation system.市民们决定向当地政府提出请愿书,来改善公共交通系统。v.请求;情愿petition sb (to do/for sth)请求某人(某事)(make a formal request提出正式的请求)I think we should petition the government to increase the grant for the project.我认为我们应该请求政府增加对该项目的拨款。dissatisfaction不快;不悦;不满意express stong dissatisfaction表达强烈不满We expressed our strong dissatisfaction with the new policy.我们表达了对新政策的强烈不满。work起作用;奏效例句:His idea didn't work. 他的点子不奏效。It might work in the short term.在短期内,这可能有用。I know it sounds crazy but it might work.我知道这听起来很疯狂,但是也许管用。Many hands make light work众人拾柴火焰高例句:Many hands make light work. I believe we can deal with this difficult situation if we pull together.众人拾柴火焰高。我相信只要我们齐心协力,就可以解决这个困境。force强迫;迫使force sb to do sth强迫某人做某事My parents always force me to do something I don't want to do.我父母总是强迫我做我不喜欢做的事情。sb be forced to do sth某人被逼做某事He is forced to tell the truth.他被逼说出了真相。
12/5/202317 minutes, 32 seconds
Episode Artwork

【发音版】Making a complaint抱怨/投诉

欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily在微信公众号里回复:节目即可参与本节目跟读以及语音打分Steven and Dan are complaining about the food and price of their dining hall. They hope the situation can be improved. 史蒂文和丹在抱怨食堂的饭菜和价格,他们希望情况能得到改善。A: This dining hall is the worst ever. 这个食堂最差劲了。B: Yeah, they raised the price, but the food there still tastes like garbage.是的,饭菜涨价了,却依旧很难吃。A: And they never deal with our complaints.而且他们从不理会我们的投诉。B: Nope. I heard that nearly 2000 students have signed a petition showing our  dissatisfaction with the food, price and service. 就是。我听说有将近2000名学生在请愿书上签名了,表达我们对实物价格和服务的不满。A: Do you think it will work? 你说这管用吗?B: Many hands make light work. I think it will force them to improve a little. 众人拾柴火焰高嘛,我想总能让他们改进一点吧。A: I hope so.但愿如此。
12/5/20238 minutes, 54 seconds
Episode Artwork

【口语版】Stealing Things偷东西

欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily参与每周定期英语直播分享干货多多~Steven has stolen 100 Yuan from Jim, and he feels so ashamed to admit that.史蒂文偷了吉姆100元钱,他感到很羞愧而不愿承认。A: I heard that Jim lost 100 Yuan. Do you know that? 我听说吉美丢了100元钱,你知道这事儿吗?B: I don't know. 我不知道。A: Really?真的吗?B: Yes.是的。A: But some classmates said you took the money.但有同学说是你拿了那100元钱。B: It is not true. 不是的。A: Look at my eyes.看着我的眼睛。B: Well, I confess. I did it because I urgently need money to buy some medicine for my mother, for she is badly ill. I'm ashamed that I did that.好吧,我承认是我做的。因为我急需用钱给我妈妈买药,她病得很严重。我为自己所做的事情感到羞愧。A: Return the money to Jim and make an apology. I think he will forgive you.把钱还给吉姆道个歉,我想他会原谅你的。讲义:steal 偷过去式stole过去分词stolensteal sth (from sb)(从某人那里)偷走某物例句:He stole many valuable things from the house.他从房子里偷走了很多值钱的东西。The thieves stole many things from the supermarket and were put into prison.小偷们从超市偷了很多东西,被关进了监狱。feel ashamed感到羞愧be ashamed of sth/sb对某事/某人感到羞愧;惭愧例句:You don't have to feel ashamed.你不必感到羞愧。You should feel ashamed of yourself.你应该为你自己感到羞愧。I feel ashamed of my behavior last night.我为昨晚的行为感到羞愧。lose丢失;遗失;失去lost过去分词和过去式例句:I've lost my key.我钥匙丢了。He lost his legs in a car accident.他在一起交通事故中失去了双腿。He lost his mother last year.去年他母亲去世了。confess供认(罪行);承认(自己感到羞愧或尴尬的事)confess to sth/to doing招供某事/招供做了某事例句:He has confessed to the  murder.他供认了谋杀罪行。I must confess to konwing nothing about computers.我得承认我对电脑一窍不通。I confess to getting a little jeslous of him.我承认我有点嫉妒他。urgent紧急的;紧迫的;迫切的例句:There's an urgent need for medical supplies in the disaster area.灾区急需医疗物资。We received an urgent order from a client who needs the product by tomorrow.我们收到了一份紧急订单,客户需要明天之前收到产品。urgently紧急地;迫切地I need to talk to him urgently.我需要马上和他谈话。I urgently need a doctor.我急需一名医生。badly/very ill病得严重例句:She was badly ill and had to be hospitalized.她病得很严重,不得不住院治疗。return退回;退还例句:I'd like to return these pants.我要退掉这些裤子。Can I return these two tickets?我能退掉这两张票吗?make an apology=apologize道歉例句:You need to make an apology to the teacher for being late for class.你应该为你上课迟到一事向老师道歉。I make an apology to you for my rudeness last night.我为昨晚的粗暴向你道歉。I must apologize to you for my lateness.我迟到了,我必须向你道歉。forgive原谅forgive sb/sth原谅某人/某事forgive sb for sth/doing sth原谅某人某事/做了某事例句:I will never forgive you.我永远不会原谅你。I can't forgive that type of behaviour.我不能宽恕那样的行为。Forgive me for being late/my lateness, there was a traffic jam on the way.请原谅我迟到了,路上堵车。
12/3/202314 minutes, 37 seconds
Episode Artwork

【发音版】Stealing Things偷东西

欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily在微信公众号里回复:节目即可参与本节目句子跟读打分课程Steven has stolen 100 Yuan from Jim, and he feels so ashamed to admit that.史蒂文偷了吉姆100元钱,他感到很羞愧而不愿承认。A: I heard that Jim lost 100 Yuan. Do you know that? 我听说吉美丢了100元钱,你知道这事儿吗?B: I don't know. 我不知道。A: Really?真的吗?B: Yes.是的。A: But some classmates said you took the money.但有同学说是你拿了那100元钱。B: It is not true. 不是的。A: Look at my eyes.看着我的眼睛。B: Well, I confess. I did it because I urgently need money to buy some medicine for my mother, for she is badly ill. I'm ashamed that I did that.好吧,我承认是我做的。因为我急需用钱给我妈妈买药,她病得很严重。我为自己所做的事情感到羞愧。A: Return the money to Jim and make an apology. I think he will forgive you.把钱还给吉姆道个歉,我想他会原谅你的。
12/3/202310 minutes, 4 seconds
Episode Artwork

【口语版】Working Performance工作表现

欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily参与每周定期英语主播分享干货多多,欢迎关注~Steven does well in his job, so his boss praises him and encourages him to learn more professional skills rather than to be proud. 史蒂文在工作上取得了成绩,他的老板表扬了他,并告诫他不要骄傲,要好好学专业技能。A: Hi Steven, you have finished a wonderful project recently. 你好,史蒂文,你最近的项目完成的很好呀。B: Oh, yeah, boss. Thank you for approving my job. 哦,是的,老板。谢谢您对我工作的认可。A: Don't be proud. You'll gain a lot in the following job.别骄傲,你将在以后的工作中得到更好的锻炼。B: Yeah, I believe it. But I want to know if you will give me a raise.是的,我相信。但是老板,我想知道,你是否会给我加薪呢?A: Steven, talking about salary is not smart. You're a new manager and you'd better learn more professional skills. 史蒂文,谈薪资可不明智。你刚升做经理,应该多学些专业技能。讲义:performance①演出;表演;表现;性能;业绩The performance starts at 7 o'clock.演出七点开始。②表现;性能;业绩the country's economic performance国家经济状况high-performance cars高性能汽车Are you satisfied with the performance of your new car?你对新车得性能还满意吗?do well in在某方面做的好例句:Some students do well in their lessons, and some do well in sports.有的学生功课好,有的学生体育好。John did well in his work and got a promotion as we expected.约翰工作完成的出色,正如我们预料的那样,他升职了。praise表扬;赞扬;称赞praise sb (for sth)称赞/表扬(某人)某事praise sth称赞/表扬某事例句:My teacher praised me in front of the class.老师在全班同学前表扬我。He praised John for his good performance in the game.他称赞约翰在比赛中的出色表现。encourage鼓励;支持;激励encourage sb to do sth鼓励某人做某事sb be encouraged to do sth某人被鼓励做某事例句:We were encouraged to learn more professional skills at work.公司鼓励我们学习更多的专业技能。My mom always encourages me when things aren't going well.事情进展不顺利的时候,我妈妈总是鼓励我。professional skills专业技能例句:Having strong professional skills is essential for success in the job market.在职场上取得成功必须具备强大的专业技能。rather than而不是例句:I decided to stay at home rather than go out with my friends.我决定留在家里,而不是和朋友出去玩。He is a writer rather than a teacher.与其说他是老师,倒不如说他是作家。We need to take actions rather than talk about it over and over again.我们需要采取行动,而不是一遍又一遍地讨论它。I choose to take the bus rather than drive.我选择坐公共汽车,而不是开车。gain获得;赢得;取得;受益;获益;得到好处gain confidence获得自信gain skills and experience获得技能和经验gain happiness收获快乐gain knowledge获取知识例句:After you've gained some experience teaching abroad, you can come home and get a job.在获得一些海外教学经验后,你可以回国找份工作。give sb a raise给某人加薪例句:I'm going to talk to my boss and ask him to give me a raise.我打算和老板谈一谈,请求加薪。My boss is still considering whether to give me a raise or not.我老板还在考虑是否要给我加薪。
11/30/202313 minutes, 5 seconds
Episode Artwork

【发音版】Working Performance工作表现

欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily在微信公众号回复:节目即可获取本节目句子跟读和打分课程Steven does well in his job, so his boss praises him and encourages him to learn more professional skills rather than to be proud. 史蒂文在工作上取得了成绩,他的老板表扬了他,并告诫他不要骄傲,要好好学专业技能。A: Hi Steven, you have finished a wonderful project recently. 你好,史蒂文,你最近的项目完成的很好呀。B: Oh, yeah, boss. Thank you for approving my job. 哦,是的,老板。谢谢您对我工作的认可。A: Don't be proud. You'll gain a lot in the following job.别骄傲,你将在以后的工作中得到更好的锻炼。B: Yeah, I believe it. But I want to know if you will give me a raise.是的,我相信。但是老板,我想知道,你是否会给我加薪呢?A: Steven, talking about salary is not smart. You're a new manager and you'd better learn more professional skills. 史蒂文,谈薪资可不明智。你刚升做经理,应该多学些专业技能。
11/30/20236 minutes, 20 seconds
Episode Artwork

【口语版】Arguing With Someone与某人争辩

欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily参与每周定期英语主播分享干货多多,欢迎关注~Steven thinks it's time for his son Mike to go to school. So he talks about this matter with Julia. But they have different opinions about that. 史蒂文认为他的儿子麦克到了上学的年纪,于是和妻子茱莉亚商量,但是他们对此各抒己见。A: I think Mike is the right age to go to school.我想麦克到了去学校读书的年龄了。B: But he's still so young and I like staying with him.但是他还很小啊,而且我也喜欢和他待在一起。A: I know, but both of us have to work and we can't squeeze time to take care of him. 我知道,但是我们两个都要工作,挤不出时间来照顾他。B: Hey, it is not so serious. I work on night shift from next week. I'll be free in the daytime. 嘿,事情没那么严重。我下个星期开始上夜班,白天就有空了。A: But he's old enough to attain knowledge from school. 但是他也到了去学校学习知识的年龄。B: He's only five years old. It's time for him to play.他才五岁,正是玩的时候。A: But you aren't only five years old, it's your duty to plan his future.可是你不止五岁,你有责任为他的未来做计划。B: No, I couldn't agree with you. It's his own duty to plan his own future. 不,我不同意你的观点。为他将来做打算是他自己的事。A: I don't want to argue with you. Anyway, I will send him to the school this year.我不想和你争。不管怎样,我今年都要送他去读书。讲义:It's time for sb to do...某人该做某事的时候到了例句:It's time for you to have breakfast.你该吃早饭了。It's time for him to get up.他该起床了。opinion意见;想法;看法例句:That's my personal opinion.这是我的个人意见。What's your opinion on the matter?你对这件事有什么看法?SYNviewDo you have any views on what we should do now?对于我们现在该做什么你有什么看法?In my opinion/view在我看来;依我来看In my opinion/view, this movie is not worth watching.在我看来,这部电影不值得一看。Both两个;两个都(与复数名词连用)Both women are French.两名妇女都是法国人。both of后面接名词复数/代词宾格both of the girls=both girls(both of girls )both of us我们俩both of them他们俩(指两个人或物)Both of the women are French.两名妇女都是法国人。Both of the children have been to America.这两个孩子都去过美国。Both of us are going to the party tonight.我们两个今晚都要去参加聚会。squeeze time挤时间例句:I need to squeeze time to finish this report before the deadline.我需要挤出时间在截止日期之前完成这份报告。You have to squeeze time for sports. It's good for your health.你得挤出时间运动,这对你健康有好处。night shift夜班day shift白班例句:She works the night shift at the hospital.她在医院上夜班。I'm on the night shift today.我今天上夜班。old enough年龄足够例句:She's old enough to drive a car.她已经足够年龄可以开车了。He is old enough to make his own decisions.他已经足够成熟可以自己做决定了。attain(经过努力)获得;得到SYNacquire/əˈkwaɪər/获得;学到obtain/əbˈteɪn/获得;赢得gain/ɡeɪn/获得;赢得例句:He has attained the highest grade in his music exams.他在音乐考试中得了最高分。India attained independence in 1947, after decades of struggle.经过几十年的斗争,印度于1947年获得独立。agree with sb赞同某人例句:I agree with you on this issue.在这个问题上我赞同你的意见。agree with sth赞同某事例句:Forgiving me for interrupting, but I really don't agree with that.请原谅我插一嘴,不过我真的不同意那一点。duty责任;义务;本分例句:It's my duty to take care of her.照顾她是我的责任。It's his duty to get the work done.完成工作是他的责任。on/off duty值班/下班例句:What time are you on/off duty tomorrow?明天你几点上班/下班?out of duty出于义务/责任He only went to see her out of duty.他去看她只是出于义务。argue with sb (about sth) 和某人(就某事)争辩;争论例句:I don't want to argue with you (about this), but I just don't think that's a good idea.我不想和你争论,但我认为那不是一个好主意。send sb to...安排/打发某人去...例句:She sent the kids to bed early.她早早打发孩子上床睡觉了。My father sent me to the boarding school when I was 12.我12岁的时候,父亲安排我去寄宿学校。boarding school寄宿学校
11/26/202320 minutes, 3 seconds
Episode Artwork

【发音版】Arguing With Someone与某人争辩

欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily在公众号里回复:节目即可获取本节目句子跟读以及语音打分课程Steven thinks it's time for his son Mike to go to school. So he talks about this matter with Julia. But they have different opinions about that. 史蒂文认为他的儿子麦克到了上学的年纪,于是和妻子茱莉亚商量,但是他们对此各抒己见。A: I think Mike is the right age to go to school.我想麦克到了去学校读书的年龄了。B: But he's still so young and I like staying with him.但是他还很小啊,而且我也喜欢和他待在一起。A: I know, but both of us have to work and we can't squeeze time to take care of him. 我知道,但是我们两个都要工作,挤不出时间来照顾他。B: Hey, it is not so serious. I work on night shift from next week. I'll be free in the daytime. 嘿,事情没那么严重。我下个星期开始上夜班,白天就有空了。A: But he's old enough to attain knowledge from school. 但是他也到了去学校学习知识的年龄。B: He's only five years old. It's time for him to play.他才五岁,正是玩的时候。A: But you aren't only five years old, it's your duty to plan his future.可是你不止五岁,你有责任为他的未来做计划。B: No, I couldn't agree with you. It's his own duty to plan his own future. 不,我不同意你的观点。为他将来做打算是他自己的事。A: I don't want to argue with you. Anyway, I will send him to the school this year.我不想和你争。不管怎样,我今年都要送他去读书。
11/26/202315 minutes, 41 seconds
Episode Artwork

【口语版】Working Pressure工作压力

欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily参与每周定期英语直播分享干货多多,赶紧关注~工作压力working pressure/work stressSteven is so worried about his job that he feels very tired. He feels ill, so he goes to see the doctor. 史蒂文太担心工作,以至于感到非常的累,他觉得自己好像生病了,于是去看医生。A: I'm very worried, doctor. I'm afraid that I'm very ill. 医生,我很担心,我觉得自己好像病的很严重。B: Why do you think so? 为什么这么认为呢?A: Because I feel tired all the time, even when I wake up in the morning. I find it very difficult to do any work. I have no appetite. 因为我一直感觉很疲惫,即使是我早上刚起床的时候,我感觉工作也很吃力,胃口也不好。B: Are you worried about anything? 你是不是总担心什么事?A: Well, yes I am. I'm worried about my work. I've just taken a new one. I earned a lot of money, but it's difficult work. I'm always afraid of making a mistake.嗯,是的,我很担心我的工作,我刚找了个新工作,可以赚很多钱,但是工作太难了,我总担心出错。B: Well, there's nothing much wrong with you. You're under too much pressure.哦,你没什么病,你只是工作压力太大而已。讲义:be worried about...=worry about...对...担心例句:My parents are always worried about my health, so they always remind me to eat more vegetables and fruits and less junk food.我父母很担心我的健康,所以总是提醒我多吃蔬菜和水果,少吃垃圾食品。My boss is worried about my work performance, so he often gives me feedback and advice on how to improve.我老板对我的工作表现很担忧,所以他经常给我反馈以及如何提高的建议。feel ill感觉身体不适(头痛,恶心,呕吐等)同义表达:I'm not feeling well.I don't feel well.例句:I think I ate something bad for lunch, I feel ill now.我想我午饭吃了不干净的东西,现在感觉不舒服。go to see the doctor去看医生(指去医院或诊所就诊,寻求医生的帮助和建议)例句:I'm not feeling well, I think I should go to see the doctor.我感觉不舒服,我觉得我应该去看医生。Something went wrong with my skin, I need to go to see the doctor.我的皮肤不对劲,我要去看医生。wake up醒来例句:I usually wake up at 6 am.我通常在早上六点醒来。Wake up! It's ten o'clock!快醒醒!已经十点了。I find it +形容词+to do sth...我发现做某事很...例句:I find it hard to work at home because there are too many distractions.我发现在家工作很难,因为使人分心的事太多。I find it impossible to go to bed early in school days, since we have so much homework to do.我发现在上学的日子里想要早睡是不可能的,因为我们有太多的作业要做。appetite胃口;食欲例句:She feel ill and have no appetite.她感觉不舒服,没有胃口。I haven't got much of an appetite.我没什么胃口。The children all have good appetites.孩子们胃口都很好。I won't have any chocolate. It will spoil my appetite.我不吃巧克力,吃了会影响食欲。earn/make money赚钱例句:We will be more careful with money if we know how hard it is to earn money.如果我们知道赚钱不容易,就不会乱花钱。She loves writing, so she decided to write some articles for magazines to make money.她喜欢写作,所以决定为杂志写一些文章来赚钱。be under too much/a lot of pressure处在很大压力之下例句:I'm under too much pressure at work.我的工作压力很大。He has lost his job and has been under a lot of pressure recently.他丢了工作,最近亚历山大。I'm under a lot of pressure. My income can't even feed myself.我压力很大,我的收入根本连自己都养活不了。
11/24/202315 minutes, 55 seconds
Episode Artwork

【发音版】Working Pressure工作压力

欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily在微信公众号回复:节目即可获取本节目句子跟读练习Steven is so worried about his job that he feels very tired. He feels ill, so he goes to see the doctor. 史蒂文太担心工作,以至于感到非常的累,他觉得自己好像生病了,于是去看医生。A: I'm very worried, doctor. I'm afraid that I'm very ill. 医生,我很担心,我觉得自己好像病的很严重。B: Why do you think so? 为什么这么认为呢?A: Because I feel tired all the time, even when I wake up in the morning. I find it very difficult to do any work. I have no appetite. 因为我一直感觉很疲惫,即使是我早上刚起床的时候,我感觉工作也很吃力,胃口也不好。B: Are you worried about anything? 你是不是总担心什么事?A: Well, yes I am. I'm worried about my work. I've just taken a new one. I earned a lot of money, but it's difficult work. I'm always afraid of making a mistake.嗯,是的,我很担心我的工作,我刚找了个新工作,可以赚很多钱,但是工作太难了,我总担心出错。B: Well, there's nothing much wrong with you. You're under too much pressure.哦,你没什么病,你只是工作压力太大而已。
11/24/202313 minutes, 12 seconds
Episode Artwork

【口语版】Booking A Table 预定餐厅

欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily参与每周英语直播分享超多干货~~~Steven is calling a restaurant for booking a table. 史蒂文正在给一家酒店打电话预定餐厅。A: This is Hilton hotel. Can I help you? 这里是希尔顿酒店,请问您有什么需要?B: Yes, I'd like to book a table for dinner this evening. 对,我想预定今天的晚餐。A: All right. And what time would you like your table?好的,什么时候需要?B: Perhaps 7:30.大概七点半。A: Okay, but how many are there in your party? 好的,请问你们有几个人用餐?B: A party of eight.八个人。A: All right. Is there anything else I can do for you? 请问你还有什么要求吗?B: Can you arrange a table overlooking the river? We'd like to enjoy the evening view. 我希望您能给我安排一个能俯瞰到河的位置,我们想欣赏一下夜景。A: No problem. I'll arrange one for you. 没问题,我会为您安排的。B: That's great. Thank you. By the way, how late are you open until?那太好了,谢谢你。顺便问一下,你们晚上营业到几点?A: We are open until midnight. Would you give me your name? 我们一直营业到午夜。请问您贵姓?B: Steven Smith.史蒂文•史密斯。A: Okay, Steven Smith, a table for eight at about 7:30 this evening. 好的,史蒂文•史密斯,今晚七点半,八个人餐桌。B: Thank you very much. Goodbye.非常感谢,再见。
11/17/202310 minutes, 27 seconds
Episode Artwork

【发音版】 Booking A Table预定餐厅

欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily参与每周英语直播分享超多干货~~~Steven is calling a restaurant for booking a table. 史蒂文正在给一家酒店打电话预定餐厅。A: This is Hilton hotel. Can I help you? 这里是希尔顿酒店,请问您有什么需要?B: Yes, I'd like to book a table for dinner this evening. 对,我想预定今天的晚餐。A: All right. And what time would you like your table?好的,什么时候需要?B: Perhaps 7:30.大概七点半。A: Okay, but how many are there in your party? 好的,请问你们有几个人用餐?B: A party of eight.八个人。A: All right. Is there anything else I can do for you? 请问你还有什么要求吗?B: Can you arrange a table overlooking the river? We'd like to enjoy the evening view. 我希望您能给我安排一个能俯瞰到河的位置,我们想欣赏一下夜景。A: No problem. I'll arrange one for you. 没问题,我会为您安排的。B: That's great. Thank you. By the way, how late are you open until?那太好了,谢谢你。顺便问一下,你们晚上营业到几点?A: We are open until midnight. Would you give me your name? 我们一直营业到午夜。请问您贵姓?B: Steven Smith.史蒂文•史密斯。A: Okay, Steven Smith, a table for eight at about 7:30 this evening. 好的,史蒂文•史密斯,今晚七点半,八个人餐桌。B: Thank you very much. Goodbye.非常感谢,再见。讲义:book a table预定桌子例句:I want to book a table for six.我要预定一张六人的桌子。Could I book a table for tomorrow?我能预定明天的桌子吗?I'd like to book a table for two for 8 o'clock tonight.我想订一张今晚八点的二人餐桌。arrange安排例句:I'm trying to arrange my works so that I can have a couple of days off next week.我正设法把工作安排好,以便下周能够休息一两天。The meeting has been arranged for Wednesday.会议已经安排在了周三。She's arranged for her son to have swimming lessons.她已经安排她儿子上游泳课了。overlook眺望;俯瞰;俯视例句:From here you can overlook everything.从这里你可以俯瞰一切。Our hotel room overlooked the harbour.从我们酒店的房间可以眺望港口。
11/17/202314 minutes, 36 seconds
Episode Artwork

【口语版】Run A Stop Sign闯了停车指示牌

欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily参与每周定期直播分享干货满满 欢迎关注Steven ran the stop sign. Now a traffic police is talking about the violation. 史蒂文闯了指示牌。此刻,一位交警正在和他说交通违规的事情。A: You ran the stop sign. May I see your driver's license, please? 你闯了停车指示牌,请出示您的驾驶执照。B: Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't see the stop sign at the corner. I didn't mean it. 哦,对不起,不过我刚才没看到拐弯的地方有一个停车指示牌。我不是故意要闯的。A: That doesn't justify your violation. May I see your license, please?这并不能为你违反交通规则的事实开脱,能出示您的驾驶执照吗?B: Oh, sorry, I don't have it on me. Honestly, I forgot it at the house. But I have the insurance policy with me. Here it is. 哦,对不起,我没身上没带驾照。我把驾照忘在家里了。不过我带了车的保险,给你。A: Well, sir, your insurance looks good, but I still have to write you a ticket.您的保险没有什么问题,先生,不过我还是得给你开罚单。B: I understand, officer. I guess it's just not my day today. I will accept the fine.我明白,长官。我想今天是倒霉的日子,我接受罚款。讲解:run a stop sign闯了停车标志run a red light闯红灯例句:She was fined $300 for running a red light.她因为闯红灯被罚了300美元。The driver ran a stop sign and was fined $200.一位司机闯了停车指示牌,被罚了200美元。violationn. 违反;违规/ˌvaɪə'leɪʃ(ə)n/violatev. 违反;违背(法律,协议,原则,规定等)例句:The doctor has been accused of violating professional ethics.医生被指控违反了职业道德。v. 侵犯(隐私等);打扰例句:Questions of this kind violate my privacy and I am not willing to answer them.这种问题侵犯了我的隐私,我拒绝回答。I didn't mean it.我不是故意的。didn't mean to do..不是故意做某事例句:I didn't mean to break it. It was an accident.我不是故意打碎的。这是个意外。I didn't mean to bother you. It's just that I had to tell you in person.我不是故意要打扰你的。只是我亲口跟你讲。He didn't mean to upset you. He just wanted to tell you the truth.他不是故意要气你。他只是想告诉你真相。justify证明...有理;证明...正确;为...辩护/ˈdʒʌstɪfaɪ/例句:I can't really justify taking another day off work.我真的找不出理由再多休一天假了。I don't have to justify myself to anyone.我不必向任何人解释。Time will justify my decision.时间会证明我的决定是正确的。insurance policy保险单例句:Make sure to carefully read through the insurance policy before signing it.在签署保险单之前,请务必仔细阅读。write sb a ticket给某人开罚单a bus/concert/plane ticket一张公共汽车票;音乐会门票;飞机票a lottery ticket彩票a parking/speeding ticket违章停车/超速驾驶罚单例句:I'm going to write you a ticket and impound your car.我要给你开罚单,并且扣留你的车子。impound暂时没收;扣押/ɪmˈpaʊnd/I'll have to write you a ticket and suspend your driver's license for 3 months.我得给你开罚单,并且将您的驾驶证扣三个月。suspend暂停/səˈspend/It's not my day today.今天真倒霉。例句:My car broke down and then I locked myself out.—It's just not my day!我汽车坏了,我又没有带门钥匙。—今天真倒霉。I guess it's just not my day today. But thanks anyway.我想今天是我的倒霉日。不过无论如何谢谢你。fine罚款;罚单例句:She was fined $300 for speeding.她由于超速被罚了300美元。The fine will be taken out of your wages.罚款将从你的工资中扣除。
11/10/202315 minutes, 10 seconds
Episode Artwork

【发音版】Run A Stop Sign闯了停车指示牌

欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily在微信公众号里回复:节目即可获取本节目句子跟读练习课程Steven ran the stop sign. Now a traffic police is talking about the violation. 史蒂文闯了指示牌。此刻,一位交警正在和他说交通违规的事情。A: You ran the stop sign. May I see your driver's license, please? 你闯了停车指示牌,请出示您的驾驶执照。B: Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't see the stop sign at the corner. I didn't mean it. 哦,对不起,不过我刚才没看到拐弯的地方有一个停车指示牌。我不是故意要闯的。A: That doesn't justify your violation. May I see your license, please?这并不能为你违反交通规则的事实开脱,能出示您的驾驶执照吗?B: Oh, sorry, I don't have it on me. Honestly, I forgot it at the house. But I have the insurance policy with me. Here it is. 哦,对不起,我没身上没带驾照。我把驾照忘在家里了。不过我带了车的保险,给你。A: Well, sir, your insurance looks good, but I still have to write you a ticket.您的保险没有什么问题,先生,不过我还是得给你开罚单。B: I understand, officer. I guess it's just not my day today. I will accept the fine.我明白,长官。我想今天是倒霉的日子,我接受罚款。
11/10/202312 minutes, 34 seconds
Episode Artwork

【口语版】Buying A New Car买新车

欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily参与每周256晚上19:30的英语直播干货多多!!快来关注!Steven wants to buy a new car. Now he's negotiating the price with a car dealer. 史蒂文想买一辆车,现在他正在和一位卖车人议价。A: Wow, what a cool car. The styling of this car really appeals to me. 这辆车好漂亮啊,这辆车的风格样式真的吸引了我。B: Yes, this is a very popular car. 是的,这辆车很受大众欢迎。A: I want to buy it. How much does this car cost?我想买下它。这辆车多少钱?B: The car is beautiful, isn't it? Come on inside and we'll discuss the price.这辆车很漂亮,不是吗?进里面来,我们商量一下价钱。A: You can tell me here, I just want to know the price.你可以在这里告诉我,我只是想知道价钱。B: 50,000 Yuan. What a deal! That will, of course, include tax, license and registration fee. 5万元。多划算呀!这个钱包括车税、车牌执照费,还有注册费。A: I appreciate your help, but I think I'll look around a bit.很感谢,我想我还是再看看吧。B: Then, what price would be fair to you? 那么你认为什么价格对你合适?A: I think that 30,000 Yuan would be fair for this car.我认为这辆车值3万。B: I can see that you are a smart buyer. 40,000 is my best price.看得出你很精明啊,4万是我给你的最好的价钱。A: Can't you make it cheaper? I still can't afford the car.你就不能再便宜些吗?这个价钱,我还是买不下这辆车。B: 38,000 Yuan is my final offer. 38000元给你的最低价了。A: Um, okay, I'll take it.嗯,好吧,我买下了。讲解:negotiate/nɪˈɡəʊʃieɪt/谈判;磋商;协商常用搭配:negotiate sth with sbnegotiate with sb about sth和某人协商某事例句:I'm negotiating for a new contract.我正在为签订一份新合同进行协商。The boss refused to negotiate with employees about the pay raise.老板拒绝和员工商讨涨薪的事情。名词:negotiation/nɪˌɡəʊʃiˈeɪʃn/常用短语:conduct negotiations with sb和某人开始/展开/进行谈判under negotiation在商讨中be open to negotiation愿意协商例句:They conducted another round of negotiation on this matter.他们就此事又开展了一次商谈。The price is still under negotiation.价格还在商讨中。The seller is open to negotiation on the price of the house.卖家对房子的价格表示愿意协商。car dealer汽车经销商例句:I bought my car from a reputable car dealer.我从一家信誉良好的汽车经销商那里购买了我的车。appeal to sb引起兴趣;有吸引力例句:It doesn't really appeal to me.这个对我真的没什么吸引力。The new advertising campaign is designed to appeal to a younger audience.这个新的广告宣传活动旨在吸引年轻观众。How much does/do...cost?How much is/are...?....多少钱?例句:How much does your watch cost?=How much is your watch?你的手表多少钱?如果主语比较长,用it作形式主语,句型为:How much does it cost to....?例句:How much does it cost to fly to the United States?飞到美国要花多少钱?How much does it cost every month to rasie two kids?抚养两个小孩每个月要花多少钱?What a deal!真划算!(表示某个交易或购买是非常划算或有很好的价值)例句:I just bought this shirt for half the price, what a deal!我刚刚以半价买到了这件衬衫,真划算啊!They offered me an 80% percent discount on all these goods. What a deal!他们给我所有的这些商品打两折。太划算了!look around浏览;四处看看;环顾四周例句:May I look around the factory?我能在工厂里到处走走看看吗?I just want to walk and look around the city.我就想散散步,看看这个城市。fair合理的;恰当的;适当的常用搭配:a fair deal公平交易a fair trade公平贸易a fair trial公正的审判a fair wage合理工资a fair price公道的价格a fair election公正的选举a fair question恰当的问题常用句型:be fair to/on sb to do...对某人来说做某事是公平的例句:The punishment was very fair.这个处罚很公正。It's not fair on me to make me do all the work.让我一个人做所有工作对我不公平。the best pricefinal offera better offer最低的价格/最终价格/一个更好的价格例句:I always shop around to find the best price.我总是喜欢货比三家找到最低价格。Can you give me a better offer?你能不能再便宜点?This is our final offer. Take it or leave it.这是我的最终报价。要不要由你。make it cheaper再便宜些;降价例句:I really like this dress, but 3,000 yuan is not fair. Would you please make it cheaper for me?我真的喜欢这件裙子,但是3000太不合理了,能不能请你再便宜点?afford买得起;承担得起常和can, could, be able to连用,尤用于否定句和疑问句例句:40,000 is a lot of money. I'm afraid I won't be able to afford it.四万可不是一笔小钱,我恐怕承担不起。Can we afford a secondhand car?我们能买得起二手车吗?He can't even afford a pair of shoes.他甚至连一双鞋都买不起。
10/31/202320 minutes, 8 seconds
Episode Artwork

【发音版】Buying A New Car买新车

欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily在公众号里回复:节目可参与本节目语音跟读版本Steven wants to buy a new car. Now he's negotiating the price with a car dealer. 史蒂文想买一辆车,现在他正在和一位卖车人议价。A: Wow, what a cool car. The styling of this car really appeals to me. 这辆车好漂亮啊,这辆车的风格样式真的吸引了我。B: Yes, this is a very popular car. 是的,这辆车很受大众欢迎。A: I want to buy it. How much does this car cost?我想买下它。这辆车多少钱?B: The car is beautiful, isn't it? Come on inside and we'll discuss the price.这辆车很漂亮,不是吗?进里面来,我们商量一下价钱。A: You can tell me here, I just want to know the price.你可以在这里告诉我,我只是想知道价钱。B: 50,000 Yuan. What a deal! That will, of course, include tax, license and registration fee. 5万元。多划算呀!这个钱包括车税、车牌执照费,还有注册费。A: I appreciate your help, but I think I'll look around a bit.很感谢,我想我还是再看看吧。B: Then, what price would be fair to you? 那么你认为什么价格对你合适?A: I think that 30,000 Yuan would be fair for this car.我认为这辆车值3万。B: I can see that you are a smart buyer. 40,000 is my best price.看得出你很精明啊,4万是我给你的最好的价钱。A: Can't you make it cheaper? I still can't afford the car.你就不能再便宜些吗?这个价钱,我还是买不下这辆车。B: 38,000 Yuan is my final offer. 38000元给你的最低价了。A: Um, okay, I'll take it.嗯,好吧,我买下了。发音讲解:buy a→jəhe is→jɪwith a→ðəwhat a→dəreally appeals→jəthis is a→sɪzəbuy it→jɪisn't it→dɪcome on inside→mɑːnɪlook around a bit→kədəcan't you→tʃuːmake it→kɪcan't afford→dətake it→kɪ
10/31/202312 minutes, 42 seconds
Episode Artwork

【口语版】Driving License 驾照

欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily参与每周256晚上的免费英语直播分享干货多多。欢迎收看~Steven wants to get a driver's license. Now he's talking with his friend Bob about the driving test. 史蒂文想要拿到驾照,现在他正和朋友鲍勃谈论驾照考试的事。A: Hi, Bob. I heard that you had passed your driving test. Is it true? 你好,鲍勃,我听说你已经考取了驾照,是真的吗?B: Yes. A few days ago, I have no right to get a driving license, but now I get it. 是啊,几天前我还没有资格拿驾照,但是现在我拿到了驾照。A: Is the driving test difficult? 考试难吗?B: Yes, it can be quite tough. Many people fail to pass the test at the first time. 是的,很难,不是每个人都能一次性通过的。A: What does the driving test require? 驾照考试要考什么呢?B: You should enroll in driving school and then take a road test and a written test. After you pass both tests, you will get your license. 嗯,报个驾校,然后参加路考和笔试,都过了就能拿到驾照了。A: Oh, I see. I need more practice before I take the driving test. 哦,我明白了,考驾照前我需要多多练习。B: Don't worry about your driving test. I think you will pass the test and get the driver's license very soon.别担心,我觉得你会通过考试获得驾照的。讲解:driver's license/driving license驾驶证例句:Make sure to carry your driver's license when you drive.开车时记得携带驾驶执照。You mustn't drive a car on the road unless you get a driver's license.你不能在马路上开车,除非你有驾驶证。He got his driving license last month.他上个月拿到了驾照。driving test/driving license test驾照考试例句:He took his driving test yesterday.他昨天参加了驾照考试。She didn't do well in the driving test.她驾照考试没考好。My roommate congratulated me on passing the driving test.我的室友祝贺我通过了驾照考试。talk with sb about...和某人谈论关于...例句:I had a long talk with my boss about my career prospects.我和老板就我的事业前景进行了一次长谈。The teacher had a serious talk with him about his grades.老师就他的成绩和他进行了一次严肃的谈话。pass通过考试例句:He didn't pass his driving test.他没有通过驾照考试。He failed to pass his driving test.他没有通过驾照考试。If he doesn't study hard, he won't be able to pass the final exams.如果他不好好学习,他无法通过期末考试。tough困难的;艰难的;棘手的例句:It was a very tough decision.这是一个非常困难的决定。enroll in参加;选课;报名例句:He enrolled in the Navy three years ago.他三年前参加了海军。
10/27/202311 minutes, 10 seconds
Episode Artwork

【发音版】Driving License驾照

欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily在微信公众号回复:节目, 即可获取本节目语音跟读打分练习Steven wants to get a driver's license. Now he's talking with his friend Bob about the driving test. 史蒂文想要拿到驾照,现在他正和朋友鲍勃谈论驾照考试的事。A: Hi, Bob. I heard that you had passed your driving test. Is it true? 你好,鲍勃,我听说你已经考取了驾照,是真的吗?B: Yes. A few days ago, I have no right to get a driving license, but now I get it. 是啊,几天前我还没有资格拿驾照,但是现在我拿到了驾照。A: Is the driving test difficult? 考试难吗?B: Yes, it can be quite tough. Many people fail to pass the test at the first time. 是的,很难,不是每个人都能一次性通过的。A: What does the driving test require? 驾照考试要考什么呢?B: You should enroll in driving school and then take a road test and a written test. After you pass both tests, you will get your license. 嗯,报个驾校,然后参加路考和笔试,都过了就能拿到驾照了。A: Oh, I see. I need more practice before I take the driving test. 哦,我明白了,考驾照前我需要多多练习。B: Don't worry about your driving test. I think you will pass the test and get the driver's license very soon.别担心,我觉得你会通过考试获得驾照的。发音讲解:get a→dəwith his→ðɪpassed your→tʃərdays ago→zəget it→dɪtake a→kəand a→dəget your→tʃər
10/27/202315 minutes, 34 seconds
Episode Artwork


欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily每周2/5/6晚上七点半直播Steven and Mary are good friends. Mary didn't get the scholarship and Steven is smoothing her. 史蒂文和马丽是好朋友,马丽没有申请到奖学金,史蒂文正在安慰她。A: Mary, I have some bad news for you. 马丽,我有坏消息要告诉你。B: I have already known that. I didn't get the scholarship, right?我已经听说了,我没有申请到奖学金,对吗?A: Yes, the board was favorably impressed with your application, but the competition was very fierce. 委员会对你的申请表印象深刻,但是竞争非常激烈B: Can you help me? You know I do need the scholarship.你能帮帮我吗?你知道我很需要奖学金。A: I'm afraid I can't. I advise you to try again next year. 这恐怕不行,我建议你明年再试一次。B: Thank you, I will.谢谢,我会的。讲解:▍scholarship奖学金get/win a scholarship获得奖学金apply for a scholarship申请奖学金例句:She got a scholarship to Cambridge but dropped out a year later.她得到了剑桥大学的奖学金,但是一年后就退学了。She won a scholarship to study at Stanford.她获得了奖学金,得以在斯坦福大学学习。I'm going to apply for a scholarship to study abroad.我打算申请一份留学奖学金。▍bad news坏消息例句:I heard some bad news about the company's financial situation.我听说了一些关于公司财务状况的坏消息。Do you want the good news or the bad news first?你是想先听好消息,还是先听坏消息。The bad news was that all the flights had been cancelled.坏消息是所有的航班都被取消了。▍be favorably impressed with对...印象很好leave a favorable impression留下良好印象例句:Her kindness left a favorable impression on me.她的善良给我留下了良好的印象。His boss was favorably impressed with his work.他老板对他的工作印象很好。We've tried the new product and we're favorably impressed with it.我们已经试过了这种新产品,对它相当满意。▍application申请;请求;申请书an application for......的申请/申请书an application for a job/membership/bankruptcy/reinstatement/scholarship工作申请/会员资格申请/破产申请/复职申请/奖学金申请submit an application提交申请例句:We regret to inform you that your application has not been successful.我们很遗憾地通知您,您的申请为通过。His application has been denied.他的申请被拒绝了。Where should I submit my application?我要在哪里提交我的申请?▍competition竞争;比赛;竞赛例句:The competition for jobs is intense.求职的竞争非常激烈。There's a lot of competition between computer companies.计算机公司之间竞争 很激烈。The two companies are in competition with each other.两家公司相互竞争。I won the first prize in math competition.我在数学竞赛中得了第一名。▍fierce凶猛的;激烈的;狂热的a fierce attack/battle猛烈的进攻;激烈的战斗▍I'm afraid恐怕(用于表示道歉或遗憾,表示可能不会发生或者不可能实现)例句:I'm afraid we cannot afford this house.恐怕我们买不起这套房子。I'm afraid I can't help you out this time.恐怕我这次不能帮你了。I'm afraid I have to go now.恐怕我得走了。I'm afraid I won't be able to attend the meeting tomorrow.恐怕明天我无法参加会议了。▍advise建议;劝告;忠告advise sb to do...建议某人做某事advise sb against sth/doing sth建议某人不要做..例句:His doctor advised him against smoking.他医生建议他戒烟。I strongly advise you to live a healthy life.我强烈建议你过健康的生活。
10/20/202318 minutes, 51 seconds
Episode Artwork


欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily每周2/5/6晚上七点半直播Steven and Mary are good friends. Mary didn't get the scholarship and Steven is smoothing her. 史蒂文和马丽是好朋友,马丽没有申请到奖学金,史蒂文正在安慰她。A: Mary, I have some bad news for you. 马丽,我有坏消息要告诉你。B: I have already known that. I didn't get the scholarship, right?我已经听说了,我没有申请到奖学金,对吗?A: Yes, the board was favorably impressed with your application, but the competition was very fierce. 委员会对你的申请表印象深刻,但是竞争非常激烈B: Can you help me? You know I do need the scholarship.你能帮帮我吗?你知道我很需要奖学金。A: I'm afraid I can't. I advise you to try again next year. 这恐怕不行,我建议你明年再试一次。B: Thank you, I will.谢谢,我会的。发音讲解:have already→vɔ:I'm afraid I can't→mə;daɪtry again→jə
10/20/20239 minutes, 55 seconds
Episode Artwork


欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily获取本期节目跟读版本参与每周256晚上的直播分享Steven and Bill are deskmates. After the summer vacation, they returned to school. Now they're talking about one of their classmates in the classroom.史蒂文和比尔是同桌,暑假后他们回到了学校,现在他们正在教室里谈论他们的一位同学。A: Do you know that John isn't going to come back to our school? 你知道约翰不回学校了吗?B: Really, why? 真的吗?为什么?A: He has moved and held a party on July 1st.他搬家了。而且7月1日那天组织了一场聚会。B: It's a pity that I was traveling around Europe at that time.很遗憾,那时我在欧洲旅游。A: Even he's not coming back to school anymore, you still can call him and meet him on weekends.虽然他不会回学校了,但周末的时候你还可以打电话约他见面。B: You're right. I will call him this weekend and meet him.你说的对,我这个周末就打电话给他,约他见面。讲解:▍return回来;回去; 返回例句:She left South Africa at the age of 15 and has never returned.她15岁离开了南非,再也没有回去过。I waited a long time for him to return.我等他回来等了很长时间。return to+地点再次回到...When will you return to the office after your vacation?你假期过后什么时候回到办公室?It's going to rain. Let's return to camp.天快下雨了,咱们回营地吧。come back to=return to▍move改变位置;移动;搬家例句:Don't move. Stay still.别动。保持在原地。Could you do me a favor and move this table?你能帮我个忙,搬一下这张桌子吗?I'm going to move next week.我打算下周搬家。move into...搬入...move out搬出...move out of...从...搬出去move on继续前进;开始一段新的感情;双方重新开始;We're going to move into our new house next week.下周我们要搬进新家。I decided to move out of my parents' house and live on my own.我决定搬出父母的房子,自己独立生活。After finishing high school, it's time to move on to college.高中毕业后,是时候继续前往大学了。Let's move on to the next topic.让咱们继续讲下一个题目。Three months after breakup, I decided to move on.分手三个月后,我决定继续前进。▍hold a party举办派对例句:We're going to hold a party to celebrate our graduation.我们将举办一场派对来庆祝我们的毕业。My new house is big enough to hold a party.我的新家举办派对足够大。▍lt's a pity that......真遗憾/可惜例句:It's a pity that I missed your wedding.我错过了你的婚礼,太遗憾了。It's a pity that we missed this good oppotunity.真遗憾我们错过了这次好机会。▍not...anymore再也不...例句:I won't lend him money anymore.我再也不借钱给他了。I won't say anymore on this topic.在这个话题上,我不再说什么了。▍call sb给...打电话例句:If you have any questions, feel free to call me.如果你有任何问题,随时给我打电话。Call me when you get there.你到了给我打电话。Should I call him and apologize?我应该打给他道歉吗?▍meet sb会见某人;遇到某人例句:I have a business meeting tomorrow, so I will meet him at the office.明天我有一个商务会议,所以我会在办公室与他见面。I met my former teacher today in a coffee shop and we had a long and nice talk.我今天在咖啡厅遇到了以前的老师,我们谈了很久并且很愉快。
10/13/202314 minutes, 40 seconds
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欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily获取本期节目跟读版本参与每周256晚上的直播分享Steven and Bill are deskmates. After the summer vacation, they returned to school. Now they're talking about one of their classmates in the classroom.史蒂文和比尔是同桌,暑假后他们回到了学校,现在他们正在教室里谈论他们的一位同学。A: Do you know that John isn't going to come back to our school? 你知道约翰不回学校了吗?B: Really, why? 真的吗?为什么?A: He has moved and held a party on July 1st.他搬家了。而且7月1日那天组织了一场聚会。B: It's a pity that I was traveling around Europe at that time.很遗憾,那时我在欧洲旅游。A: Even he's not coming back to school anymore, you still can call him and meet him on weekends.虽然他不会回学校了,但周末的时候你还可以打电话约他见面。B: You're right. I will call him this weekend and meet him.你说的对,我这个周末就打电话给他,约他见面。发音讲解:one of→nəJohn isn't→nɪto our→waʊheld a party on→də;jɑːIt's a→tsəthat I→daɪcall him→lɪmeet him on→dɪmɑː
10/13/202313 minutes, 3 seconds
Episode Artwork

【口语版】Keeping Pets养宠物

欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily参与每周256晚上19:30的免费英语直播分享超多干货 独家分享Steven wants to keep a pet, but he has no idea in his mind. So he asks Alice to give him some advice. 史蒂文想养宠物,但他不清楚要买什么。于是他向爱丽丝征求意见。A: I want to keep a pet, but I don't know which one to buy. 我想买只宠物,但我实在拿不定主意该买什么。B: Dogs are nice, but they are really energetic, and you need to make sure they get enough exercise every day.小狗很可爱呀,不过他们太好动了,最好每天都能带他们出去遛遛。A: Having a dog would probably be too much work for me then. Actually, I was thinking of something a little more exotic. I don't want a common pet like a dog or a cat.那养狗对我来说可能工作量太大了。实际上,我想要一只特别点儿的宠物,不想要猫狗这些常见的。B: What about a lizard? Are lizards more along the lines of what you were thinking of getting?养只蜥蜴,蜥蜴够特别的吧?A: Yeah, are they easy to look after?不错。蜥蜴好养吗?B: Yeah, they're pretty low-maintenance. They eat almost anything.嗯,挺好养的。基本上什么都吃。讲解:▍keep a pet养宠物例句:I want to keep a pet, but I'm not sure if I have enough time to take care of it.我想养宠物,但我不确定我是否有时间照顾它。My mom says keeping pets is a waste of time.我妈妈说养宠物是浪费时间。▍have no idea不知道例句:I have no idea.我不知道。I have no idea how I can help her.我不知道我该如何帮她。I have no idea about it.对此我一点也不知道。Could you recommend some specialties? I have no idea about Chinese food.你能推荐一些地方特色菜吗?我对中国菜不太了解。▍in one's mind在某人脑海里;在某人心里例句:There was no doubt in his mind that he would get the job.他毫不怀疑自己能够得到那份工作。Your words are deeply in my mind.你的话深深地印在我的脑海里。in one's mind和on one's mind区别?in one's mind表示“在某人心里;记得某事”,而on one's mind表示“有心思;引起担心”。例句:I've got so much on my mind recently.我最近心事重重。I tired to fall asleep but I just had too much on my mind.我想睡觉,但是脑子里事太多。▍give sb some advice给某人一些建议例句:Could you give me some advice on how to improve my spoken English?你能给我一些如何提高英语口语的建议吗?I'm thinking of buying some clothes, but I have no idea in my mind. Could you give me some advice?我想买一些衣服,但是我不知道买什么。你能给我一些建议吗?▍think of考虑...;想...例句:I'm thinking of applying for a new job.我在考虑申请一个新工作。I'm thinking of going back to college to get another degree.我在考虑重回学校再修一个学位。I'm thinking of starting a side business and making some extra money.我在考虑开始一项副业,赚点额外的收入。▍exotic来自异国的;奇异的;异国情调的exotic street异域风情街例句:This small town is known for its exotic architecture.这个小镇以异国风情的建筑而闻名。▍common常见的;普遍的例句:This is a very commom problem among any companys.这个问题在很多公司里都普遍存在。A common reason for this disease is bad living habits.这个疾病的一个常见原因就是坏的生活习惯。▍along the lines of类似例句:Can you make a table for me along the lines of what's in this picture?你能做出一张和图片里类似的桌子吗?▍look after照看;照顾例句:My sister will look after my cat while I'm on vacation.我度假的时候,我妹妹会照顾我的猫。Who's going to look after the children when I'm away on business?我出差谁来照顾孩子?Don't expect me to help you look after the kid.别指望我帮你照看孩子。▍low-maintenance低维护成本的;易维护的low maintenance低维护(花费少的时间,精力和资源来保养和维护的人或事)例句:Cats are low-maintenance. You don't have to walk them every day.养猫很好养活。你不需要每天溜它。I recommend this car for its low maintenance.我推荐这辆车,因为它好维护。
10/7/202317 minutes, 46 seconds
Episode Artwork

【发音版】Keeping Pets养宠物

欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily参与每周256晚上19:30的免费英语直播分享超多干货 独家分享Steven wants to keep a pet, but he has no idea in his mind. So he asks Alice to give him some advice. 史蒂文想养宠物,但他不清楚要买什么。于是他向爱丽丝征求意见。A: I want to keep a pet, but I don't know which one to buy. 我想买只宠物,但我实在拿不定主意该买什么。B: Dogs are nice, but they are really energetic, and you need to make sure they get enough exercise every day.小狗很可爱呀,不过他们太好动了,最好每天都能带他们出去遛遛。A: Having a dog would probably be too much work for me then. Actually, I was thinking of something a little more exotic. I don't want a common pet like a dog or a cat.那养狗对我来说可能工作量太大了。实际上,我想要一只特别点儿的宠物,不想要猫狗这些常见的。B: What about a lizard? Are lizards more along the lines of what you were thinking of getting?养只蜥蜴,蜥蜴够特别的吧?A: Yeah, are they easy to look after?不错。蜥蜴好养吗?B: Yeah, they're pretty low-maintenance. They eat almost anything.嗯,挺好养的。基本上什么都吃。发音讲解:keep a→pəin his mind→nɪzgive him→vɪmsome advice→məbut I→daɪdogs are→zərget enough exercise→dɪ;fewant a→dəlike a→kəwhat about a→də;dəmore along the lines of→rə;zəvlook after→kæeat almost→də
10/7/202314 minutes, 27 seconds
Episode Artwork

【口语版】 Birthday Presents生日礼物

欢迎关注微信公号号:英语主播Emily参与每周256晚上19:30的免费英语直播分享。Steven bought a beautiful dress for his wife Julia as a birthday present. Now Steven is showing it to Julia. 史蒂文为妻子茱莉亚买了一条漂亮的连衣裙作为她的生日礼物。现在史蒂文正在把这条裙子拿给他妻子看。A: Darling, this dress is for you, I hope you like it. 亲爱的,这条连衣裙是买给你的,希望你喜欢。B: Oh, very beautiful. Thank you, Steven, I like it very much. 太漂亮了。谢谢你,史蒂文,我很喜欢。A: Your birthday is coming and I think this dress suits you. Why not try it now?你的生日快到了,我想这条连衣裙适合你。为什么不试穿一下呢?B: My birthday present? I can't help telling you that I'm a happy woman, darling. I will come back soon. It fits me exactly. How does it look like?我的生日礼物?亲爱的,我都忍不住告诉你,我是一个幸福的女人了。我马上回来。它很合身,看起来怎么样?A: It displays your slender figure, Darling.亲爱的,它衬托出了你苗条的身材。B: The most important thing is that you bought it for me. I am happy that you know my size and style.最重要的是它是你买给我的,很高兴你知道我的尺寸和风格。讲解:buy sth for sb/buy sb sth给某人买东西buy的过去式是bought例句:He bought me a new coat.=He bought a new coat for me.他给我买了一件新衣服。I bought a gift for my friend as his birthday present.我给我朋友买了一个礼物作为他的生日礼物。suit(尤指颜色,款式)合身;相配例句:Yellow suits you. You should wear it more often.黄色很适合你。你应该多穿黄色衣服。This shirt doesn't suit me. 这件衬衫的款式不太适合我。The tie you're wearing doesn't suit you very well, but it matches your shirt.你戴的领带不太适合你,但是我认为它与你的衬衫很配。can't help doing忍不住做某事;不由自主的做某事例句:I can't help staying up to watch the movie.我忍不住熬夜看那部电影。I can't help smiling when I see her.我看到她就忍不住笑。He can't help checking his phone every few minutes.他每几分钟就忍不住看一下手机。fit指衣服尺码,大小的适合例句:This shirt doesn't fit me. It's too small.这件衬衫不适合我。这件太小了。The shoes doesn't fit. Do you have a bigger size?这鞋子大小不适合我。你们有大一码的吗?slender苗条的;纤细的例句:She's got a beautiful slender figure.她身材优美苗条。The dark jeans with that belt display your slender waist.深色牛仔裤配上那条腰带凸显了你的苗条的腰身。
10/4/202311 minutes, 14 seconds
Episode Artwork

【发音版】Birthday Presents生日礼物

欢迎关注微信公号号:英语主播Emily参与每周256晚上19:30的免费英语直播分享。Steven bought a beautiful dress for his wife Julia as a birthday present. Now Steven is showing it to Julia. 史蒂文为妻子茱莉亚买了一条漂亮的连衣裙作为她的生日礼物。现在史蒂文正在把这条裙子拿给他妻子看。A: Darling, this dress is for you, I hope you like it. 亲爱的,这条连衣裙是买给你的,希望你喜欢。B: Oh, very beautiful. Thank you, Steven, I like it very much. 太漂亮了。谢谢你,史蒂文,我很喜欢。A: Your birthday is coming and I think this dress suits you. Why not try it now?你的生日快到了,我想这条连衣裙适合你。为什么不试穿一下呢?B: My birthday present? I can't help telling you that I'm a happy woman, darling. I will come back soon. It fits me exactly. How does it look like?我的生日礼物?亲爱的,我都忍不住告诉你,我是一个幸福的女人了。我马上回来。它很合身,看起来怎么样?A: It displays your slender figure, Darling.亲爱的,它衬托出了你苗条的身材。B: The most important thing is that you bought it for me. I am happy that you know my size and style.最重要的是它是你买给我的,很高兴你知道我的尺寸和风格。发音讲解:bought a→dəas her→zərdress is→sɪzlike it→kɪtthat I am a→daɪ;jə;mədoes it→zɪtmost important→dɪbought it→dɪtsize and→zən
10/4/202312 minutes, 14 seconds
Episode Artwork

【口语版】National Day国庆节

欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily参与每周免费英语直播分享(超多干货分享)The National Day is drawing closer. Steven and Bill will have a week off. They're talking about the plans for the holiday.国庆节就要到了,史蒂文和比尔将会有一周的假,他们在讨论假期的计划。A: The National Day is coming. What are you going to do during the holiday? 国庆节要到了,你假期准备做什么?B: I have no idea. 我还没有想到。A: Why don't you go sightseeing? 为什么不去旅游呢?B: It isn't a good time because there must be many tourists in the scenic spots. What about your plans? 现在不是好时候,因为旅游景点的人肯定很多,你打算做什么呢?A: I intend to stay at home for the whole seven days and have a good rest.我打算在家待七天,好好休息休息。讲解:draw closer靠近(逐渐接近或移动到某个位置)同义词:approachcome例句:The final exam is drawing closer/approaching/coming.期末考试快要到了。have+一段时间+off有一段时间的休假例句:I will have two days off next month.下个月我有两天假期。We're going to have seven days off for National Day.国庆我们有七天假期。take+一段时间+off请一段时间假期(强调请假这个动作)例句:I'm going to take a week off to visit my family.我要休假一周去看望我的家人。You need a break. Why not take a few days off?你需要休息。为什么不请几天假?have no idea不知道例句:I have no idea how to deal with this issue.我不知道如何处理这个问题。He has no idea how to run a business.他不懂如何经营企业。go sightseeing旅游观光(到某个地方旅游名胜古迹或风景)例句:We plan to go sightseeing in Paris next week.我们计划下周去巴黎观光。We are planning to go bike riding and go sightseeing.我们打算骑自行车兜风,观光旅游。scenic spot旅游景点;风景名胜例句:We visited several scenic spots during our vacation.我们在假期参观了几个风景名胜。This scenic spot is really worth seeing.这个旅游景点真的值得一看。intend to计划;打算做某事例句:I intend to go on a vacation with my family and spend some quality time with them.我打算和家人一起度假,和他们共度美好时光。I intend to start a side business and make some extra money.我打算找一个副业,赚点额外收入。have a good rest好好休息例句:After a long day of work, it's important to have a good rest.工作了一整天后,好好休息很重要。You should have a good rest. Don't push yourself so hard.你应该好好休息。不要逼自己太紧。
9/29/202311 minutes, 44 seconds
Episode Artwork

【发音版】National Day国庆节

欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily参与每周免费英语直播分享(超多干货分享)The National Day is drawing closer. Steven and Bill will have a week off. They're talking about the plans for the holiday.国庆节就要到了,史蒂文和比尔将会有一周的假,他们在讨论假期的计划。A: The National Day is coming. What are you going to do during the holiday? 国庆节要到了,你假期准备做什么?B: I have no idea. 我还没有想到。A: Why don't you go sightseeing? 为什么不去旅游呢?B: It isn't a good time because there must be many tourists in the scenic spots. What about your plans? 现在不是好时候,因为旅游景点的人肯定很多,你打算做什么呢?A: I intend to stay at home for the whole seven days and have a good rest.我打算在家待七天,好好休息休息。发音讲解:have a week off→və;kɔːwhat are→da:don't you→tʃuːIt isn't a→dəwhat about→dəhave a good rest→və
9/29/20236 minutes, 31 seconds
Episode Artwork

【口语版】Planting Flowers养花

欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily参与每周免费英语口语直播分享(超多干货分享)Bill comes to visit Steven. Steven is talking about his flowers in the garden with Bill.比尔来拜访史蒂文,史蒂文正在花园里和比尔谈论他养的花。A: Oh, what a beautiful garden.哦,好漂亮的花园啊。B: These are my roses. The roses have been in flower for a week. 这些是我种的玫瑰,这些玫瑰已经开了一星期了。A: The garden looks lovely when the roses are in bloom. You must have a lot of pleasure in planting flowers.玫瑰花开时,园内美丽诱人。你一定因为养花而获得了不少乐趣吧。B: Yes, you're right. I love flowers and hence have taken to growing them. I take care of my flowers every day as if they are my good friends.是啊,你说对了。我爱花,所以也爱养花。我得天天照顾我的花,就像朋友似的关心它们。A: You did a good job, but I got tired of working in the garden. 你太棒了,我对养花已经厌倦了。B: Oh, I see. People who don't understand the nature of flowers won't be able to grow them well. I can help you learn more if you want to plant flowers one day. In this way, you need not be afraid of your own sweet flower garden's being neglected. 我明白。不懂花性的人可养不好花。如果你有一天想养花,我可以帮你多了解它们,这样你就不用担心你那漂亮的花圃会被荒废了。讲解:plant/grow flowers种花;养花例句:I love to plant flowers in my garden.我喜欢在我的花园里种花。It gives me great pleasure to grow flowers.种花给了我很大的乐趣。be in flower/bloom开花的;盛开的例句:The roses are in flower early this year.今年玫瑰花开得很早。The apple trees are in bloom.苹果树正在开花。have a lot of pleasure in doing sth做某事有很多乐趣例句:I have a lot of pleasure in doing exercise.做运动给我带来了很多乐趣。He must have a lot of pleasure in taking care of his pets.照顾他的宠物一定带给他不少欢乐。take to开始养成(某种习惯);喜欢上例句:After a few weeks of practice, I finally took to playing the guitar.经过几周的训练,我终于养成了弹吉他的习惯。It took me a while to take to my new job, but now I love it and can't imagine doing anything else.我花了一段时间才开始我的新工作,但现在我喜欢它,无法想象做其他事情。get tired of对...变得厌倦(对某事失去兴趣和耐心)例句:I'm getting tired of eating the same thing every day.我厌倦了每天吃同样的食物。I got tired of all these meetings.我厌倦了这些会议。need not do不必;无须need not=needn't,后面接动词原形。need not/needn't在句子中可以和not need to do进行转换例句:We need not hurry. We have plenty of time.我们不需要着急,我们有很多时间。=We don't need to hurry...You needn't pay for tonight's dinner, it's on me.你不需要付今晚的饭钱,我请客。=You don't need to pay for tonight's dinner...neglect疏于照管;忽视;忽略neglect sth...疏于照顾...neglect to do...忽视做某事例句:The garden has been neglected for years.这个花园已经好几年无人照看了。He was so busy that he neglected his health.他太忙了以至于无法顾及健康。Don't neglect to take good care of your teeth.别忽略了保护牙齿。
9/28/202322 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

【发音版】Planting Flowers养花

欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily参与每周免费英语口语直播分享(超多干货分享)Bill comes to visit Steven. Steven is talking about his flowers in the garden with Bill.比尔来拜访史蒂文,史蒂文正在花园里和比尔谈论他养的花。A: Oh, what a beautiful garden.哦,好漂亮的花园啊。B: These are my roses. The roses have been in flower for a week. 这些是我种的玫瑰,这些玫瑰已经开了一星期了。A: The garden looks lovely when the roses are in bloom. You must have a lot of pleasure in planting flowers.玫瑰花开时,园内美丽诱人。你一定因为养花而获得了不少乐趣吧。B: Yes, you're right. I love flowers and hence have taken to growing them. I take care of my flowers every day as if they are my good friends.是啊,你说对了。我爱花,所以也爱养花。我得天天照顾我的花,就像朋友似的关心它们。A: You did a good job, but I got tired of working in the garden. 你太棒了,我对养花已经厌倦了。B: Oh, I see. People who don't understand the nature of flowers won't be able to grow them well. I can help you learn more if you want to plant flowers one day. In this way, you need not be afraid of your own sweet flower garden's being neglected. 我明白。不懂花性的人可养不好花。如果你有一天想养花,我可以帮你多了解它们,这样你就不用担心你那漂亮的花圃会被荒废了。发音讲解:what a→dəThese are→zɑːbeen in→nɪfor a→rəroses are in→zɑːrɪhave a lot of→və; dətake care of→rəas if→zɪdid a→dəgot tired of→dənature of→rəbe afraid of→jə;dəyour own→rəʊ
9/28/202312 minutes, 2 seconds
Episode Artwork

【口语版】Do Housework做家务

欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily在微信公众号里回复:节目即可获取本期节目跟读版本以及智能语音打分Steven has just got home from work. He saw Julia was doing housework. Now he's talking about the housework with Julia. 史蒂文刚下班回到家。他看见朱莉娅在做家务。现在他正在和茱莉亚谈论家务事。A: Darling, I'm back. What are you doing? 亲爱的,我回来了。你在做什么?B: I'm washing clothes. Are you hungry now? Wait for a moment. I'll cook dinner for you.我在洗衣服。你现在饿了吗?稍等一下,我来给你做晚饭。A: Julia, should we get a maid? 茱莉亚,我们请个保姆吧。B: I can do all the housework. We don't need a maid. 家务事我都能做。不需要请保姆。A: You have worked very hard in the office. If we can get someone to help you, you can have more rest. 你在办公室已经很辛苦了。请个保姆帮你,你可以多休息。B: We really don't need to. 真的不用。A: You're a good wife, Julia. But you must take care of yourself. 你是一个好妻子,茱莉亚。但是你应该多关心你自己。B: Give me some time to think about it.让我考虑一下吧。讲解:get home from work下班回家例句:I usually get home from work around 6pm.我通常在六点左右下班。It takes me at least one hour to get home from work.下班到家至少得花一个小时。wash clothes洗衣服do the laundry洗衣服do housework做家务例句:I have to do housework every weekend.我每个周末都要做家务。I need to help my mom do housework.我要帮我妈妈做家务。cook dinner做晚饭例句:I can cook dinner for you, but don't expect me to do everything for you.我可以为你做晚饭,但别指望我为你做一切。I usually get home from work at 6. Then I cook dinner and do housework.我通常在六点下班到家。然后我做晚饭,做家务。maid女仆;女佣例句:We need a maid to cook dinner and do housework.我们需要一个女佣来做晚饭和家务。She got a part-time job as a maid.她找了一份兼职女佣的工作。have more rest多休息例句:You should have more rest and don't push yourself too hard.你需要多休息,不要逼自己太紧。You should take the medicine and have more rest recently.你最近需要吃药,多休息。think about it考虑一下例句:I need some time to think about it before making a decision.在做出决定前,我需要时间思考一下。I tried not to think about it.我试图不去想它。Don't rush into anything. Let's take some time to think about it.不要急于做任何事情。让我们花时间考虑一下。
9/21/20239 minutes, 28 seconds
Episode Artwork

【发音版】Do Housework做家务

欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily在微信公众号里回复:节目即可获取本期节目跟读版本以及智能语音打分Steven has just got home from work. He saw Julia was doing housework. Now he's talking about the housework with Julia. 史蒂文刚下班回到家。他看见朱莉娅在做家务。现在他正在和茱莉亚谈论家务事。A: Darling, I'm back. What are you doing? 亲爱的,我回来了。你在做什么?B: I'm washing clothes. Are you hungry now? Wait for a moment. I'll cook dinner for you.我在洗衣服。你现在饿了吗?稍等一下,我来给你做晚饭。A: Julia, should we get a maid? 茱莉亚,我们请个保姆吧。B: I can do all the housework. We don't need a maid. 家务事我都能做。不需要请保姆。A: You have worked very hard in the office. If we can get someone to help you, you can have more rest. 你在办公室已经很辛苦了。请个保姆帮你,你可以多休息。B: We really don't need to. 真的不用。A: You're a good wife, Julia. But you must take care of yourself. 你是一个好妻子,茱莉亚。但是你应该多关心你自己。B: Give me some time to think about it.让我考虑一下吧。发音讲解:what are you→dɑ:for a→rəget a→dəneed a→dəin the office→jɑːtake care of→rəthink about it→kə;dɪ
9/21/20238 minutes, 17 seconds
Episode Artwork


欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily回复:节目(在微信公众号里回复)即可获取本节目语音跟读练习Steven wants to eat dumplings today and his wife Julia asks him to help her in the kitchen. 史蒂文今天想吃饺子,他的妻子茱莉亚让她在厨房里帮忙。A: What do you want to eat today? 今天你想吃什么?B: I feel like having some dumplings. Let's go out to eat. 我很想吃饺子,那咱们出去吃吧。A: No need. I know how to make dumplings. Let's do it from scratch. Can you give me a hand in the kitchen? I don't think I can finish everything by myself.不用了,我会包饺子,我们自己做吧。能到厨房搭把手吗?B: Of course. What do you want me to do? 当然可以了,你让我做什么?A: Just trim vegetables for cooking. I will cut up the meat. 择菜吧,我去剁肉。B: I can do that. And I would like to make dumplings later. 我会做这些,稍后我还要包饺子呢。A: Yeah, you're my good helper, Steven. 是啊,史蒂文,你真是我的好助手啊。B: Absolutely.那是当然。讲解:ask sb to do让某人做某事例句:My mom asks me to help her do some housework.我妈妈让我帮她做点家务。My boss asks me to work overtime tonight.老板让我今晚加班。My teacher asks me not to talk in class.老师让我上课不要讲话。feel like感觉像是;有种感觉feel like doing想要/渴望做例句:I feel like eating pizza tonight.今晚我想吃披萨。I don't really feel like going out. I just want to stay at home.我不想出去。我就想呆在家里。I feel like I'm not myself today.我感觉今天状态不太好。from scratch从零开始;从最基础的地方开始例句:We need to start from scratch.我们得从头开始。I decided to learn English from scratch.我决定从头开始学英语。He built his business from scratch.他从零开始建立了自己的事业。give me a hand帮我个忙give me a hand=do me a favour例句:Will you please give me a hand?你能帮我个忙吗?Could you give me a hand and clean the table?你能帮我个忙打扫一下桌子吗?Could you give me a hand in the garden?你能来花园给我搭把手吗?trim修剪;切去;割掉例句:I trim my hair every month.我每个月都要剪头发。cut up切碎例句:She cut up the vegetables for salad.她把蔬菜切碎用于沙拉。She has to cut up the vegetables and meat to feed her little son.她为了给儿子喂饭,不得不把蔬菜和肉切碎。
9/20/20239 minutes, 4 seconds
Episode Artwork


欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily回复:节目(在微信公众号里回复)即可获取本节目语音跟读练习Steven wants to eat dumplings today and his wife Julia asks him to help her in the kitchen. 史蒂文今天想吃饺子,他的妻子茱莉亚让她在厨房里帮忙。A: What do you want to eat today? 今天你想吃什么?B: I feel like having some dumplings. Let's go out to eat. 我很想吃饺子,那咱们出去吃吧。A: No need. I know how to make dumplings. Let's do it from scratch. Can you give me a hand in the kitchen? I don't think I can finish everything by myself.不用了,我会包饺子,我们自己做吧。能到厨房搭把手吗?B: Of course. What do you want me to do? 当然可以了,你让我做什么?A: Just trim vegetables for cooking. I will cut up the meat. 择菜吧,我去剁肉。B: I can do that. And I would like to make dumplings later. 我会做这些,稍后我还要包饺子呢。A: Yeah, you're my good helper, Steven. 是啊,史蒂文,你真是我的好助手啊。B: Absolutely.那是当然。连读:help her→pərgo out→waʊgive me a→mɪjəcut up→də
9/20/20236 minutes, 27 seconds
Episode Artwork

【口语版】Mid-autumn Festival中秋节

欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily获取本期节目跟读版本以及语音智能打分The Mid-autumn Festival is coming. Steven's Chinese friend Li Lei invites him to celebrate the festival together.中秋节就要来了,史蒂文的中国朋友李雷邀请他一块共度佳节。A: Will you go back home to celebrate Mid-autumn Festival?中秋节你回家吗?B: Sure. In China, it is important for us to have dinner together on Mid-autumn Festival. 当然回了。在中国,中秋节这天在一起吃顿团圆饭是很重要的。A: How will you celebrate?那你们都怎么庆祝中秋呢?B: Our family will enjoy moon cakes and watch a beautiful full moon together. 我们会一起吃月饼,赏满月什么的。A: I like eating moon cakes. There are so many different kinds of fillings in them and they're all very delicious. 我很喜欢吃月饼,有很多种馅,很好吃。B: Would you like to go home with me? We can celebrate the festival together. 你愿意跟我一块回家吗?我们可以一起庆祝这个节日。A: That's great. Thank you.太好了,谢谢你。be coming即将来临be approachingbe around the cornerinvite sb to sth/do sth...邀请某人某事/做某事例句:Let's invite them to dinner tomorrow.我们明天请他们吃饭吧。Jack invited me to his birthday party.杰克邀请我参加他的生日聚会。He invited me to go to London with him.他邀请我和他一起去伦敦。It is important for sb to do sth做某事对于某人来说很重要例句:It's important for students to study hard at school.对于学生来说,好好学习是一件很重要的事情。It's important for teachers to prepare the lesson before class.对于老师来说,课前备课是很重要的。It's important for both of us to understand each other.对我们来说,相互理解是很重要的。filling陷Would you like to...?你愿意...吗?例句:Would you like to grab a coffee together?咱们一起喝杯咖啡吧?Would you like to come to the party with me?你愿意和我一起参加派对吗?Would you like to join us for dinner tonight?今晚你愿意和我们一起吃晚饭吗?
9/17/20238 minutes, 42 seconds
Episode Artwork

【发音版】Mid-autumn Festival中秋节

欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily获取本期节目跟读版本以及语音智能打分The Mid-autumn Festival is coming. Steven's Chinese friend Li Lei invites him to celebrate the festival together.中秋节就要来了,史蒂文的中国朋友李雷邀请他一块共度佳节。A: Will you go back home to celebrate Mid-autumn Festival?中秋节你回家吗?B: Sure. In China, it is important for us to have dinner together on Mid-autumn Festival. 当然回了。在中国,中秋节这天在一起吃顿团圆饭是很重要的。A: How will you celebrate?那你们都怎么庆祝中秋呢?B: Our family will enjoy moon cakes and watch a beautiful full moon together. 我们会一起吃月饼,赏满月什么的。A: I like eating moon cakes. There are so many different kinds of fillings in them and they're all very delicious. 我很喜欢吃月饼,有很多种馅,很好吃。B: Would you like to go home with me? We can celebrate the festival together. 你愿意跟我一块回家吗?我们可以一起庆祝这个节日。A: That's great. Thank you.太好了,谢谢你。英语连读(The linking Sound)It is→dɪfor us→fə;rəzwatch a→tʃəThere are→rərkinds of→dzəwould you→dʒu
9/17/20237 minutes, 20 seconds
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【口语版】Movie Star电影明星

欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily获取本期节目跟读版本以及语音智能打分Steven's favorite movie star is Julia Roberts, and now he's talking about her with Jack. 史蒂文最喜欢的电影明星是茱莉娅罗伯茨,此刻他正在和杰克讨论着她A: She's so beautiful, isn't she? 她很漂亮,不是吗?B: Who? 谁?A: Julia Roberts.茱莉亚罗伯茨。B: Yeah, she is so charming. I like her too. 是的,她很有魅力,我也很喜欢她。A: It's said that her new movie is going to come out. 据说她的新电影即将上映。B: What's the movie about?关于什么的电影?A: I'm not sure. 我不太清楚。B: Isn't it silly to see a movie that you know nothing about? 看一部你一点都不了解的电影,你不觉得很荒唐吗?A: I already told you because Julie Roberts is in it. I like her because she's not only a great actor, but also is very generous to give a lot to many kinds of charity. 我已经告诉过你了,我去看是因为茱莉亚罗伯茨出演了。我喜欢她,不仅仅是因为她是一个出色的演员,正因为她很慷慨,为许多慈善团体做出了很多贡献。B: Yeah, she's great. I also admire her for her concern about society.是的,她很棒。她关心社会,为此我也很仰慕她。charming令人着迷的;迷人的;吸引人的例句:She's a very charming, pretty girl.她是个非常有魅力,非常漂亮的女孩。He's a pleasant and charming young man.他是个可爱又迷人的年轻人。It's said that...据说例句:It's said that laughter is the best medicine.据说微笑是最好的良药。It's said that some measures have been taken to deal with this problem.听说已经采取措施解决问题了。come out指某物或某人开始公开出现或亮相例句:The new album will come out next month.新专辑将于下个月发行。When does her new book come out?她的新书什么时候出版?His book on language learning will come out next month.他写的关于语言学习的书下个月就要出版了。not only... but also...不仅...而且...例句:The house is not only large, but also very beautiful.这房子不仅大,而且非常漂亮。She's not only charming, but also very intelligent.她不仅有魅力,而且非常聪明。charity慈善组织;慈善机构例句:She does a lot of work for charity.她做了很多慈善工作。He gave away most of his money to charity.他把他的大部分钱都捐赠给了慈善事业。admire佩服;敬佩admire sb/sth佩服/欣赏某人/某事例句:I really admire his courage.我真的佩服他的勇气。I admire him for his determination.我很欣赏他坚毅的性格。I really admire people who can work in such difficult conditions.我实在佩服那些能在如此艰苦条件下工作的人。
9/15/202312 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

【发音版】Movie Star电影明星

欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily获取本期节目跟读版本以及语音智能打分Steven's favorite movie star is Julia Roberts, and now he's talking about her with Jack. 史蒂文最喜欢的电影明星是茱莉娅罗伯茨,此刻他正在和杰克讨论着她A: She's so beautiful, isn't she? 她很漂亮,不是吗?B: Who? 谁?A: Julia Roberts.茱莉亚罗伯茨。B: Yeah, she is so charming. I like her too. 是的,她很有魅力,我也很喜欢她。A: It's said that her new movie is going to come out. 据说她的新电影即将上映。B: What's the movie about?关于什么的电影?A: I'm not sure. 我不太清楚。B: Isn't it silly to see a movie that you know nothing about? 看一部你一点都不了解的电影,你不觉得很荒唐吗?A: I already told you because Julie Roberts is in it. I like her because she's not only a great actor, but also is very generous to give a lot to many kinds of charity. 我已经告诉过你了,我去看是因为茱莉亚罗伯茨出演了。我喜欢她,不仅仅是因为她是一个出色的演员,正因为她很慷慨,为许多慈善团体做出了很多贡献。B: Yeah, she's great. I also admire her for her concern about society.是的,她很棒。她关心社会,为此我也很仰慕她。movie is→jɪcome out→maʊmovie about→jətold you→dʒuːis in it→zɪnɪshe is→jɪnot only a→dəʊ;jəbut also is→dɔ;wɪgive a→vəkinds of→dzəI also admire→jɔ;wəconcern about→nə
9/15/202312 minutes, 25 seconds
Episode Artwork

【口语版】Talking about our boss谈论老板

欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily收看每周1236早上九点的直播分享讲解最详细的单词发音以及句子发音技巧During the work time, Steven and Susan are talking about their boss上班时间,史蒂文和苏姗正在讨论他们的老板。A: How do you think about our boss? 你认为咱们老板怎么样?B: He's the nicest boss I've had. 他是我共事过的最亲切的一个老板。A: Yes, I think he's the most relaxing person in management. 是的。我想,他是管理层里最让人放松的一个人。B: What's more, he said I was the hardest working person in the office. 另外,他还说,我是办公室里工作最勤恳的一个人。A: That's good. Maybe you'll get promoted.那好啊,也许你会得到晋升。B: I hope so.我也希望如此。How do you think about...?=What do you think of...?你觉得...怎么样?例句:How do you think about going out for a walk?你觉得咱们出去散步怎么样?How do you think about your work in this year?你觉得你今年工作情况如何?How do you think about the price we offer?你觉得我们的报价如何?How do you think about going for a movie after dinner?晚饭后看场电影你觉得如何?What's more.而且;另外;更重要的是例句:I like dealing with all sorts of person, and what's more, I've got plenty of experience.我喜欢和各种各样的人打交道,而且,我有丰富的经验。I don't want to seek for jobs after graduation, what's more, it's extremely difficult to get a suitable job.毕业后我不想找工作,另外,现在找到合适的工作太难了。She knew the first thing about the business, what's more, she's always patient with her customers.她对业务很了解,更重要的是,她对顾客总是很有耐心。get promoted提拔;晋升例句:Did you get promoted?你升官了吗?He failed to get promoted.他没能获得提拔。How long will it take me to get promoted?我要过多久才能提拔?the most+adjthe+形容词最高级最...例句:My hometown is the most beautiful place in my heart.我的家乡是我心里最美的地方。She's the smartest student in our class.她是我们班级最聪明的学生。We were served the most abominable coffee.给我们喝的都是最劣质的咖啡。abominable/əˈbɑːmɪnəbl/令人厌恶的;令人憎恨的
8/15/202315 minutes, 28 seconds
Episode Artwork

【发音版】Talking about our boss谈论老板

欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily收看每周1236早上九点的直播分享讲解最详细的单词发音以及句子发音技巧During the work time, Steven and Susan are talking about their boss上班时间,史蒂文和苏姗正在讨论他们的老板。A: How do you think about our boss? 你认为咱们老板怎么样?B: He's the nicest boss I've had. 他是我共事过的最亲切的一个老板。A: Yes, I think he's the most relaxing person in management. 是的。我想,他是管理层里最让人放松的一个人。B: What's more, he said I was the hardest working person in the office. 另外,他还说,我是办公室里工作最勤恳的一个人。A: That's good. Maybe you'll get promoted.那好啊,也许你会得到晋升。B: I hope so.我也希望如此。英语连读think about→kəboss I've→saɪin the office→ja:
8/15/20236 minutes, 53 seconds
Episode Artwork


欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily在公众号里回复“节目”即可获取本课程跟读练习课程science fiction科幻小说horror fiction恐怖小说romantic novels言情小说mystery novels悬疑小说detective novels侦探小说Steven likes reading books, and now he's talking about them with his friend Dora. 史蒂文喜欢读书,他正在和朋友多拉讨论书籍。A: Hey Dora, what kind of books do you like to read? 嘿,多拉,你喜欢读什么类型的书?B: I read everything I can get my hands on, but I like love stories best. What do you think about the love stories? 我拿到什么书就看什么书,但最喜欢看的是言情小说。你觉得言情小说怎么样?A: I hate to tell you this, but they're nothing but sob stories. 我不想说的,但是它们对我来说就是赚人眼泪的故事而已。B: I don't think so. I like them. Then, what's your favorite book?我不这么认为,我喜欢言情小说。那你最喜欢读什么书?A: I'm fond of history books. 我喜欢看历史书。B: Oh, the history books are dull to me.噢,历史书对我来说太枯燥了。What do you think about...?你觉得...怎么样?例句:What do you think about this plan?你觉得这个计划怎么样?What do you think about his comments?你觉得他的评论如何?sob story(目的在于引起同情或怜悯的)伤感故事例句:I'm not going to fall for your sob story again.我不会再相信你的伤感故事了。I hate to tell you this, but...我不想说的,不过...例句:I hate to tell you this, but tomorrow is the last day.我不想说的,但是明天是最后一天。I hate to tell you this, but I am afraid that I can't find them.我不想告诉你,但是我恐怕我找不到它们。What's your favourite...?你最喜欢的...是什么?例句:What's your favourite color?你最喜欢的颜色是什么?What's your favourite band?你最喜欢哪个乐队?What's your favourite food?你最喜欢的食物是什么?be fond of喜爱...例句:I'm fond of planting flowers.我喜欢种花。I'm very fond of sweet things.我非常喜欢吃甜的东西。dull枯燥无味的;无聊的例句:I slept through her dull speech.她的演说单调乏味,我一直在睡觉。It's very dull going for a walk alone.一个人散步很没意思。迟钝的;愚笨的He couldn't teach such dull children.他没法教这么笨的学生。(疼痛)隐约的a dull pain/acheI feel a dull pain in my stomach.我的胃有隐约的疼痛。He felt a constant dull pain in her back.她感觉到背部一直隐隐作痛。
8/1/202316 minutes, 40 seconds
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欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily在公众号里回复“节目”即可获取本课程跟读练习课程science fiction科幻小说horror fiction恐怖小说romantic novels言情小说mystery novels悬疑小说detective novels侦探小说Steven likes reading books, and now he's talking about them with his friend Dora. 史蒂文喜欢读书,他正在和朋友多拉讨论书籍。A: Hey Dora, what kind of books do you like to read? 嘿,多拉,你喜欢读什么类型的书?B: I read everything I can get my hands on, but I like love stories best. What do you think about the love stories? 我拿到什么书就看什么书,但最喜欢看的是言情小说。你觉得言情小说怎么样?A: I hate to tell you this, but they're nothing but sob stories. 我不想说的,但是它们对我来说就是赚人眼泪的故事而已。B: I don't think so. I like them. Then, what's your favorite book?我不这么认为,我喜欢言情小说。那你最喜欢读什么书?A: I'm fond of history books. 我喜欢看历史书。B: Oh, the history books are dull to me.噢,历史书对我来说太枯燥了。Pronunciation:he is→jɪwith his→ðɪwhat kind of→dəread everything→dehands on→dzɑːthink about→kəfond of→dəbooks are→sə
8/1/20239 minutes, 55 seconds
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【口语版】Good Neighbours好邻居

欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily在公众号里回复“节目”即可获取本课程跟读练习课程Steven and Julia is talking about their neighbor Tom. 史蒂文和朱莉正在讨论邻居汤姆。A: I've heard that Tom is going to move. 我听说汤姆要搬走了。B: What? Are you sure about that? 什么?你确定?A: Yeah, he's going to move next month. 嗯,他下个月就要搬走。B: Where is he going? 那他去哪里呀?A: He's going to Canada and to live with his son. 他准备去加拿大,去和儿子一起住。B: What a pity. 真遗憾。A: Why did you say that? It's a good thing for him to live with his son. 你为什么这么说?能和儿子住在一起对汤姆是一件好事啊。B: I know that. But it's a pity for us to lose such a good neighbor. You know, I always appreciate Tom's company. 我知道,但是失去一位好邻居对我们来说是一件遗憾。我真的喜欢汤姆做咱们的邻居。A: Me too. But anyway, we hope he lives happily in the future我也是,但不论如何,我们希望他日后生活地幸福。neighbour邻居;附近的人;邻国例句:I have a neighbour who lives on the second floor.我有一位住在二楼的邻居。Our next-door neighbours are very noisy.我们隔壁邻居非常吵。The United States has many neighbours.美国有很多邻国。I've heard that...我听说...例句:I've heard that you won the first prize in the speech competition of your school.我听说你在学校的演讲比赛中获得了第一名。I've heard that Mike got a new car.我听说麦克买了一辆新车。I've heard that you're getting married. Congratulations.我听说你要结婚了。恭喜。live with和...住在一起;忍受;接受例句:I live with my grandpa in central London.我和我爷爷住在伦敦市中心。They had to live with who they were after everything was different.在一切都变了之后,他们不得不接受自己。I just had to learn to live with the pain.我不得不学会忍受痛苦。It's a pity......真遗憾例句:It's a pity that we lost the match.很遗憾我们输了比赛。It's a pity that you can't stay longer.很遗憾你不能多待一会。It's a pity thatwe're not in the same class now.很遗憾我们现在不在一个班。appreciate/əˈpriːʃieɪt/感谢;欣赏;理解;领会;意识到例句:I really appreciate your help.我真的很感谢你的帮助。There's no point buying him expensive wines, he doesn't appreciate them.给他买名贵的酒没用,他不懂品酒。I appreciate that it's a difficult decision for you to make.我体会得到,你做出这样的决定有多难。company公司;陪伴例句:I had no company during the journey.我在旅途中没有同伴。keep sb company做伴;陪伴例句:Sit here and keep me company for a while.坐这里陪我一会。Would you keep me company at the dentist?你愿意陪我去看牙医吗?
7/25/202311 minutes, 36 seconds
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【发音版】Good Neighbours好邻居

欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily在公众号里回复“节目”即可获取本课程跟读练习课程Steven and Julia is talking about their neighbor Tom. 史蒂文和朱莉正在讨论邻居汤姆。A: I've heard that Tom is going to move. 我听说汤姆要搬走了。B: What? Are you sure about that? 什么?你确定?A: Yeah, he's going to move next month. 嗯,他下个月就要搬走。B: Where is he going? 那他去哪里呀?A: He's going to Canada and to live with his son. 他准备去加拿大,去和儿子一起住。B: What a pity. 真遗憾。A: Why did you say that? It's a good thing for him to live with his son. 你为什么这么说?能和儿子住在一起对汤姆是一件好事啊。B: I know that. But it's a pity for us to lose such a good neighbor. You know, I always appreciate Tom's company. 我知道,但是失去一位好邻居对我们来说是一件遗憾。我真的喜欢汤姆做咱们的邻居。A: Me too. But anyway, we hope he lives happily in the future我也是,但不论如何,我们希望他日后生活地幸福。Pronunciation:Steven and→vənTom is→mɪsure about→rəwhere is he→rɪzɪwith his→ðɪwhat a pity→dədid you→dʒuːbut it's a→dɪ;tsəsuch a→tʃəI always appreciate→jɔ;zə
7/25/202312 minutes, 20 seconds
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欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily在公众号回复:节目即可获取本期节目跟读版课程Steven and Susan are talking about the harm of gambling.史蒂文和苏珊正在讨论赌博的危害。A: Have you heard that Tom and his wife divorced? 你听说汤姆和他的妻子离婚的事吗?B: I didn't hear that, but I can deduce the reason. 没有听说,不过我可以推断出原因。A: Really? Say it.是吗?说说看。B: Tom is a kind guy, but addicted to gambling. He spends all his time gambling in the casino and his wife can't put up with his incessant gambling any longer, so she divorced him. Is that right?汤姆是个好人,但却赌博成瘾。他把时间都消磨在赌场上。他的妻子再也无法忍受他不断赌博,于是就和他离婚了,对吗?A: Yeah, quite right. Gambling broke up a happy family. 完全正确。你看,赌博竟然毁了一个幸福的家庭。B: Yeah, gambling is often a curse. By gambling we lose time and treasure. Two things most precious to a man.是啊,赌博往往是个祸根,浪费时间和金钱。这两样是人生最珍贵的东西。A: Besides that, many people took to gambling and got in over their heads and gradually ruined themselves. 此外,许多人染上了赌博的恶习,越陷越深,慢慢地走上了毁灭的道路。B: In a word, gambling is a vice. We should be away from it总而言之,赌博是一种恶习,我们应该远离它。harm/hɑːrm/伤害;损害;危害do harm to...对...有害例句:It is obvious that smoking does harm to our health.很显然吸烟有害健康。It wouldn't do any harm to walk to school for a change.改为步行去学校,对你没坏处。Have you heard that...?你听说了...吗?例句:Have you heard that Jack got a pink slip this morning?你听说今天上午汤姆收到解雇通知书了吗?Have you heard that Tom and his girlfriend are getting married?你听说汤姆和他女朋友要结婚的消息了吗?divorce/dɪˈvɔːrs/离婚例句:They got divorced.他们离婚了。I heard that they are getting a divorce.我听说他们正在办理离婚手续。Ellie wants a divorce.艾莉想离婚。deduce/deduce/推论;推断;演绎例句:We cannot deduce very much from these figures.我们无法从这些数字中推断出太多东西。The police have deduced that he must have left his apartment yesterday evening.警方推断他肯定是在昨晚离开公寓的。n.deduction演绎法spend/spend/花(时间);度过I spend too mucg time watching.我看电视时间太多了。We spent the weekend in Paris.我们在巴黎度过了周末。How do you spend your spare time?你业余时间都怎么度过的?be addicted to对...上瘾;沉溺于例句:He's addicted to computer games.他迷上了电脑游戏。He became addicted to alcohol at a very young age.他很小的时候就酒精上瘾了。gambling/ˈɡæmblɪŋ/赌博;投机Gambling is legal in some countries.赌博在一些国家是合法的。Many people want to make a fortune by doing nothing, which is the reason why the gambling industry thrives.许多人都想要不劳而获赚大钱,这就是博彩业蓬勃发展的原因。V.gamble赌博casino/kəˈsiːnoʊ/赌场例句:He visited the casino, lost $20, and left.他去了赌场,输了20美元就走了。put up with忍受;容忍例句:I can't put up with such treatment any longer.我无法再忍受这样的待遇。I can't put up with that woman any longer.我再也不能忍受那个女人了。SYNstand忍受incessant/ɪnˈsesnt/(令人不快的事情)不停的;连续的例句:I can't put up with her incessant complaints.我忍受不了她不断的抱怨。precious/ˈpreʃəs/珍贵的;宝贵的例句:We should seize the precious chance.我们应该抓住宝贵的机会。I didn't touch your precious car.我没有碰你那辆宝贝车。take to(尤指短暂接触后)喜欢上;喜爱例句:He left the medical profession and took to journalism.他离开了医学界,开始从事新闻工作。be in over one's head太难了,难以驾驭;陷入麻烦无法脱身(to be involved in a difficult situation that you cannot get out of)例句:Sean tried to pay his gambling debts, but he was in over his head.肖恩想还清赌债,但却深陷其中。I think I'm in over my head with Amy. She wants marriage, kids and a house, and I’m just not ready for any of that.  我觉得我跟Amy现在有点难搞,她想要结婚,要孩子,有个房子。但是我现在还没准备好。be away from...远离;离开;从...离开例句:It was very hard for me to be away from my family. 离开家对我来讲并非是件容易的事。He is away from the office today。今天他不在办公室。SYNstay away from...远离
7/13/202322 minutes, 23 seconds
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欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily在公众号回复:节目即可获取本期节目跟读版课程Steven and Susan are talking about the harm of gambling.史蒂文和苏珊正在讨论赌博的危害。A: Have you heard that Tom and his wife divorced? 你听说汤姆和他的妻子离婚的事吗?B: I didn't hear that, but I can deduce the reason. 没有听说,不过我可以推断出原因。A: Really? Say it.是吗?说说看。B: Tom is a kind guy, but addicted to gambling. He spends all his time gambling in the casino and his wife can't put up with his incessant gambling any longer, so she divorced him. Is that right?汤姆是个好人,但却赌博成瘾。他把时间都消磨在赌场上。他的妻子再也无法忍受他不断赌博,于是就和他离婚了,对吗?A: Yeah, quite right. Gambling broke up a happy family. 完全正确。你看,赌博竟然毁了一个幸福的家庭。B: Yeah, gambling is often a curse. By gambling we lose time and treasure. Two things most precious to a man.是啊,赌博往往是个祸根,浪费时间和金钱。这两样是人生最珍贵的东西。A: Besides that, many people took to gambling and got in over their heads and gradually ruined themselves. 此外,许多人染上了赌博的恶习,越陷越深,慢慢地走上了毁灭的道路。B: In a word, gambling is a vice. We should be away from it总而言之,赌博是一种恶习,我们应该远离它。Pronunciation:harm of→məTom and his→mənbut I→daɪsay it→jɪTom is a→mɪzəput up with his→də;ðəbroke up a→kəpəis often a→zˈɔː;nətime and→məngot in over→dɪnəʊin a word→nəis a→zəbe away from it→jə;mɪ
7/13/202315 minutes, 23 seconds
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欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily回复:节目,即可获取该课程的跟读练习课程In the office, Steven and Susan are talking about some gossip.办公室里,史蒂文和苏珊在讨论一些绯闻。A: It’s rumoured that Jane is fooling around with another woman's husband. 谣传珍与有妇之夫鬼混。B: You gossip. What's the basis of your opinion? 你真八卦,你这样说有什么根据啊?A: Someone declared that he saw it. 有人声称亲眼看见的。B: I don't believe it. Jane is such a kind lady. How could she do this?我才不相信呢,珍那么善良的人,怎么会做出这种事情?A: Who knows? You can't judge a book by its cover. 谁知道呢?知人知面不知心啊。B: Maybe或许吧。gossip①n.流言蜚语;闲言碎语例句:I've got some juciy gossip for you.我有些特别有趣的八卦要告诉你。②n.喜欢传播流言蜚语的人;爱说长道短的人You're such a gossip.你真是个八卦王。My neibour is such a gossip(n). She likes to gossip(v) about others.我的邻居是个八卦王。她喜欢八卦别人的事情。③v.传播流言蜚语;说三道四;说长道短I wouldn't want others to gossip about me, so I don't gossip about others.我不希望别人八卦我,所以我也不八卦别人。rumour谣言;传闻start/spread a rumour制造/散布谣言Rumours are flying.谣言四起You shouldn't spread rumours.你不应该散布谣言。I heard a rumour that they are getting married.我听到传闻,说他们要结婚了。Rumours are flying about the company's financial trouble.关于公司财务困难的谣言四起。Rumour has it that...有传言说...Rumour has it that John got a pink slip this morning.有传闻说约翰今天早上接到了解雇通知书。It's (widely) rumoured that...(到处)有传闻说...It's widely rumoured that she's getting promoted.到处都在传她要被提拔了。fool around鬼混;闲逛例句:You can't fool around with dangerous chemicals.你不应该玩弄危险的化学品。Fred did nothing but fool around all day.佛瑞德整天游手好闲什么也不做。Don't fool around. Come and do your homework.别瞎闹了。快来写作业。declare声称;宣布declare war宣战We declared our support for the proposal.我们声明了我们支持这项提议。judge a book by its cover以貌取人例句:You shouldn't judge a book by its cover.你不应该以貌取人。People always judge a book by its cover.人们总是会以貌取人。
7/8/202312 minutes, 5 seconds
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欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily回复:节目,即可获取该课程的跟读练习课程In the office, Steven and Susan are talking about some gossip.办公室里,史蒂文和苏珊在讨论一些绯闻。A: It’s rumoured that Jane is fooling around with another woman's husband. 谣传珍与有妇之夫鬼混。B: You gossip. What's the basis of your opinion? 你真八卦,你这样说有什么根据啊?A: Someone declared that he saw it. 有人声称亲眼看见的。B: I don't believe it. Jane is such a kind lady. How could she do this?我才不相信呢,珍那么善良的人,怎么会做出这种事情?A: Who knows? You can't judge a book by its cover. 谁知道呢?知人知面不知心啊。B: Maybe或许吧。Pronunciation:in the office→jɑwith another→ðəbasis of→səbelieve it→vɪsuch a→tʃəjudge a→dʒə
7/8/202312 minutes, 17 seconds
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欢迎关注VX公众号:英语主播Emily获取更多免费学习课程和资料Steven is a wealthy man but he's very economical. And Jack can't understand it and asks him the reason.史蒂文很富有,但依然很节俭。对此杰克很不理解,于是询问原因。A: Hey Steven.You have a large chunk of money, but why do you still live in the old flat instead of buying a new villa?嘿,史蒂文。你有大把的钱,为什么还住在那个旧公寓里,而不买一套别墅呢?B: I like to live here and enjoy my neighbor's company. And I don't think I should waste money just because I have much of it.我喜欢这儿,喜欢周围的邻居们。而且我不认为因为我有钱就可以随意地挥霍。A: But I found you always hate to part with your money. Look at the car you drive. It's such a junker. 但是我发现你很舍不得花钱,看看你开的车都破成什么样了?B: Oh, the car is old but still in good condition. I just think we should be thrifty whether you're rich or not.哦,那车是破了点,但性能还很好。我觉得无论我们是贫穷还是富有,都应该节俭。A: But, but...可是,可是...B: But what? Just remember that thrift is not only a great virtue, but also a great revenue.可是什么?记住,节俭不仅是一大美德,而且是一大财源。A: Maybe you're right.也许你说得对。wealthy/ˈwelθi/富有的;富裕的;富饶的例句:John is handsome and wealthy.约翰既英俊又富有。He has inherited a great deal of money and now is very wealthy.他继承了一大笔遗产,现在非常富有。rich富有的;富裕的be rich in富含;大量含有Oranges are rich in vitamin C.橘子含有丰富的维生素C。China is rich in minerals.中国的矿产丰富。economical经济的;实惠的节约的;节俭的精打细算的;省钱的/ˌiːkəˈnɑːmɪkl/He was economical in all areas of his life.他在生活各个方面都精打细算。This car is economical to run because it doesn't use much fuel.开这辆车省钱,因为它耗油不多。She is an economical housewife.她是个勤俭持家的家庭主妇。a chunk of...大量的;一大块a chunk of bread一块面包The rent takes a large chunk out of my monthly salary.房租占据了我月薪的一大部分。a large chunk of money一大笔钱company陪伴例句:Many parents work all day long to provide their children with a good living condition, but their kids might want for nothing else but the company of their parents.许多父母整日工作,想要为孩子创造好的生活条件,而他们的孩子却可能什么都不缺,唯独缺少父母的陪伴。part with...割舍;与...分开(指不愿意或不情愿放弃,出售,或交出某物)junker(美俚)破车in good condition处于良好状态;物品或设备保持在良好工作状态例句:I don't care about the price, so long as the car is in good condition.我不计较价钱,只要车很好用就行。The doctor said that the patient was in good condition.医生说病人的状况不错。thrifty/ˈθrɪfti/节俭的;节约的例句:They have plenty of mpney now, but they still tend to be thrifty.他们现在很有钱,但仍很节俭。My mother taught me to be thrifty.我妈妈教会我生活节俭。whether...or not表示在两种情况下都会发生,无论其中一种情况是否成立;是否例句:I'm going whether you like it or not.不管你愿不愿意,我都要走了。You'll have to decide whether to go or not.你得决定是否要走。Not only...but also...不仅...而且...例句:He was not only talented, but also hard-working.他不仅有才华,而且工作努力。He can not only play basketball but also play chess.他不仅会打篮球,还会下象棋。virtue/ˈvɜːrtʃuː/美德;优点;长处例句:Honesty is a virtue.诚实是一种美德。There could see no virtue in discussing it further.他们看不到再讨论下去的用处。revenue/ˈrevənuː/(企业或组织的)收入;收益;(国家的)税收例句:annual revenues(企业或组织的)年收入
7/3/202318 minutes
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欢迎关注VX公众号:英语主播Emily获取更多免费学习课程和资料Steven is a wealthy man but he's very economical. And Jack can't understand it and asks him the reason.史蒂文很富有,但依然很节俭。对此杰克很不理解,于是询问原因。A: Hey Steven.You have a large chunk of money, but why do you still live in the old flat instead of buying a new villa?嘿,史蒂文。你有大把的钱,为什么还住在那个旧公寓里,而不买一套别墅呢?B: I like to live here and enjoy my neighbor's company. And I don't think I should waste money just because I have much of it.我喜欢这儿,喜欢周围的邻居们。而且我不认为因为我有钱就可以随意地挥霍。A: But I found you always hate to part with your money. Look at the car you drive. It's such a junker. 但是我发现你很舍不得花钱,看看你开的车都破成什么样了?B: Oh, the car is old but still in good condition. I just think we should be thrifty whether you're rich or not.哦,那车是破了点,但性能还很好。我觉得无论我们是贫穷还是富有,都应该节俭。A: But, but...可是,可是...B: But what? Just remember that thrift is not only a great virtue, but also a great revenue.可是什么?记住,节俭不仅是一大美德,而且是一大财源。A: Maybe you're right.也许你说得对。Pronunciation:is a→zəunderstand it→dɪhave a→vəchunk of→kəlive in→vɪinstead of→dəmuch of it→tʃə;vɪbut I→daɪfound you always→dʒuːwɔːlook at→kəsuch a→tʃəcar is old→rɪ;zəʊstill in→lɪrich or not→tʃɔːrnot only a→dəʊ;jəbut also a→dɔ;wə
7/3/202316 minutes, 52 seconds
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欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily回复:节目即可参与本节目句子跟读打分练习Steven wants to improve his handwriting but finds it very hard to make it better. So he is complaining it to Julia.史蒂文想要提高自己的书法水平,却发现很难。于是他就向茱莉亚抱怨此事。A: I want to improve my handwriting and I've practiced it for several weeks, but nothing happened. You see, my handwriting is still bad. 我想提高自己的书法水平,而且已经练习了好几个星期了,但还是老样子。你看,我的字还是那么糟糕。B: Oh, come on, you know it's a long process. You have to be patient. 振作点儿。练字是个长期的过程,你必须耐心点。A: I know it, but I don't know when I can make it better. 我知道,但是我究竟什么时候才能练好呢?B: Steven, whatever you do, the most important thing is perseverance. So you have to hang on there. The longer the better. Then someday, you will find you've already made a lot of progress. 史蒂文,不管你干什么,最重要的就是坚持不懈。所以你必须要坚持,时间越长越好。总有一天你会发现自己已经进步很多了。A: Yeah, you're right. I must stop complaining and stick to it every day. 嗯,你说的对。我必须停止抱怨,每天坚持练习。B: Yeah, where there is a will, there is a way.是啊,有志者事竟成。handwriting书写;手写例句:Do you like handwritingor typewriting?你喜欢手写还是打字?Whose handwriting is it? Can you identify it?这是谁的笔迹,你辨认的出吗?make it better变得更好例句:There is always going to be another day and another chance to make it better.总有新的一天,也总有新的机会来修缮。complain抱怨例句:I'm going to complain to the manager about this.我要就此事向经理投诉。Lots of people have complained about the service.许多人都抱怨过服务。You're always complaining!你总是抱怨。improve提高;好转例句:He did a lot to improve conditions for factory workers.他为改善工厂工人的工作条件做了许多工作。I thought the best way to improve French was to live in France.我认为提高我法语的最好的办法就是在法国生活。Her health has improved dramatically since she started on this new diet.自从开始了新的饮食,她的健康状况大为改善。process过程例句:Losing weight is a slow, gradual process.减肥是一个缓慢而逐渐的过程。patient有耐心的;忍耐的例句:Dinner will be ready in half an hour. Just be patient.晚饭半小时后就好了。有点耐心。Be patient with her. She's very young.对她耐心点,她还小。perseverance不屈不挠;坚持不懈例句:They showed great perseverance in the face of difficulty.他们面对困难表现出了坚强的毅力。make progress取得进步例句:I believe I can make progress if I keep trying.我相信如果我一直努力,我就可以取得进步。stick to it坚持例句:It takes patience to learn English. You have to stick to it.学英语需要耐心。你必须坚持。Where there is a will, there is a way.有志者,事竟成。
6/26/202310 minutes, 26 seconds
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欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily回复:节目即可参与本节目句子跟读打分练习Steven wants to improve his handwriting but finds it very hard to make it better. So he is complaining it to Julia.史蒂文想要提高自己的书法水平,却发现很难。于是他就向茱莉亚抱怨此事。A: I want to improve my handwriting and I've practiced it for several weeks, but nothing happened. You see, my handwriting is still bad. 我想提高自己的书法水平,而且已经练习了好几个星期了,但还是老样子。你看,我的字还是那么糟糕。B: Oh, come on, you know it's a long process. You have to be patient. 振作点儿。练字是个长期的过程,你必须耐心点。A: I know it, but I don't know when I can make it better. 我知道,但是我究竟什么时候才能练好呢?B: Steven, whatever you do, the most important thing is perseverance. So you have to hang on there. The longer the better. Then someday, you will find you've already made a lot of progress. 史蒂文,不管你干什么,最重要的就是坚持不懈。所以你必须要坚持,时间越长越好。总有一天你会发现自己已经进步很多了。A: Yeah, you're right. I must stop complaining and stick to it every day. 嗯,你说的对。我必须停止抱怨,每天坚持练习。B: Yeah, where there is a will, there is a way.是啊,有志者事竟成。Pronunciation:and I've→daɪpractice it→dɪcome on→mɑːnit's a→tsəbut I→daɪwhen I→naɪmake it→kɪmade a lot of→də;dəstick to it→wɪthere is a→rɪzə
6/26/202313 minutes, 51 seconds
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【口语版】Developing Business Skills提高职业技能

欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily回复“节目”,即可参与本节目句子跟读练习,以及语言打分A: Where are you going? 你去哪里?B: It's Tuesday today. I always go to my class on Tuesday night. 今天是星期二,我星期二晚上通常要去上课。A: I didn't know you were taking any kind of class. Tell me about it. 我可没听说你要上什么课,跟我说说。B: Well, I'm learning how to use math in the business environment.我在学习如何在商务中应用到数学。A: What for?学这个有什么用呢?B: The job market is so competitive nowadays. I want to develop some useful skills. 现在人才市场竞争激烈,我想拓展一下有用的技能。A: I really admire you for that. How is it going? 真是佩服你,课进展如何?B: It's going all right. I'm learning some things for the first time, but I'm also brushing up on some things that I already know.一切顺利,我在学习一些新东西。同时,也在温习一些已经学过的知识技能。go to class去上课例句:What time do you go to class?你几点上课?I was sick so I didn't go to class today.我今天生病了,所以没有去上课。take/have/attend class参加课程例句:I take three English classes every week.我每周上三节英语课。How many classes do you have to take during this semster?你这学期需要上多少节课?I suggest you take classes in many different subjects before picking your major.我建议你再选择你的专业之前去参加不同学科的课程。develop发展;增长;增进例句:I'm looking for a job which will enable me to develop my skills/talents.我在寻找一份可以提高自己技能/才能的工作。We need more time to see how things develop before we take actions.我们采取行动前需要有更多时间观察情况的发展。admire倾佩;赞赏;仰慕例句:I really admire his courage.我真的佩服他的勇气。I really admire his capacity for work.我真的很佩服他的工作能力。How is it going?进展如何?例句:How's your novel going?小说进展的怎么样了?How's your diet going this week?你这周减肥进展如何?brush up on温习;加强...知识例句:I need to brush up on my English skills before I go to England.我在去英国之前要复习一下英文。polish up (on)加强例句:You need to polish up on math because that is your weakest subject.你需要加强数学,因为这是你最薄弱的科目。
6/13/202311 minutes, 51 seconds
Episode Artwork

【发音版】Developing Business Skills提高职业技能

欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily回复“节目”,即可参与本节目句子跟读练习,以及语言打分A: Where are you going? 你去哪里?B: It's Tuesday today. I always go to my class on Tuesday night. 今天是星期二,我星期二晚上通常要去上课。A: I didn't know you were taking any kind of class. Tell me about it. 我可没听说你要上什么课,跟我说说。B: Well, I'm learning how to use math in the business environment.我在学习如何在商务中应用到数学。A: What for?学这个有什么用呢?B: The job market is so competitive nowadays. I want to develop some useful skills. 现在人才市场竞争激烈,我想拓展一下有用的技能。A: I really admire you for that. How is it going? 真是佩服你,课进展如何?B: It's going all right. I'm learning some things for the first time, but I'm also brushing up on some things that I already know.一切顺利,我在学习一些新东西。同时,也在温习一些已经学过的知识技能。Pronunciation:where are→rɑːI always→jɔːclass on→sɑːkind of→dətell me about it→jə;dɪHow is it going→wɪzɪup on→pɑːthat I already→daɪ;jɔː
6/13/202313 minutes, 34 seconds
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暑期新加坡研学火热报名中!吃喝玩乐+研学(国际学校上课半天+南洋理工大学参访)欢迎添加客服老师高老师工作微信Singapore is an island country off the southern tip of the Malay Peninsula, 137 Kilometers north of the equator in southeast Asia.新加坡是马来半岛南端的一个岛国,位于东南亚赤道以北137公里处。Singapore is a cosmopolitan world city.Playing a key role in international trade and finance.新加坡是一个国际化的世界城市。在国际贸易和金融中发挥着关键作用。第一天形成安排介绍:Merlion鱼尾狮The merlion is a mythical creature with the head of a lion and the body of a fish used as a mascot and national personification of Singapore.鱼尾狮是一种具有狮子头和鱼身的神话生物,被用作吉祥物和新加坡的国家化身。如切路Joo Chiat峇峇娘惹文化娘惹博物馆松发肉骨茶Bak Kut Teh了凡油鸡米饭滨海湾花园“超级树”灯光秀
6/9/20237 minutes, 2 seconds
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【口语版】Go for a run去跑步

欢迎关注VX公众号:英语主播Emily获取更多免费英语学习资料和课程A: Hey, Tom, want to go for a run? 嘿,汤姆,去跑跑步怎么样?B: No, thanks. I like to run in the morning. I ran a couple of miles when I woke up today. 不了,谢谢。我喜欢在早上跑步。今天起床后我跑了几英里。A: I try to do that, but I can't get up early enough. 我也试着这样做,可是起的不够早。B: I couldn't either at first, but you get used to it.一开始我也不行,可是慢慢会习惯的。A: It's so hot at lunchtime. I'd rather run in the morning. 中午的时候太热了,我宁愿早上跑步。B: Well, why don't you come tomorrow? I'll stop by your house on my way out. 那么你为什么不明天来呢?我出去的时候顺便经过你家。A: I could try, but I can't say for sure if I'll get up in time. What time do you want to go? 我尽力,但是不能保证一定可以准时起床,你想几点钟去?B: I'll give you a call around 6 and stop by around 6:30. 六点的时候我给你打个电话,大约六点半的时候我经过你这儿。A: Okay, maybe if I have someone to go with, I'll be able to get up in time for a jog. 好的,或许如果有个伴儿的话,我可以按时起床跑跑步。B: Great, I'll see you then. 好的,到时候见。A: See you.再见。jog慢跑go jogging/running去慢跑/跑步go for a run/jog/walk去跑步/慢跑/散步例句:I go jogging every morning.我每天早上慢跑。like to do喜欢做...例句:I like to have a cup of coffee every morning.我喜欢每天早上喝一杯咖啡。wake up醒来;醒一醒例句:What time do you usually wake up in the morning?你早上通常几点醒?I wake up at six every morning.我每天早上六点就醒了。Wake up! It's already 8 o'clock! You're going to be late for school.醒一醒!已经八点了!上学要迟到了!either用于否定句,表示“也不”,与刚提过的人或事类似或有关例句:He can't go and I can't either.他不能去,我也不能去。I can't play chess, she can't either.我不会下象棋,她也不会。He didn't know it. I didn't know it either.他不知道这件事。我也不知道。get used to习惯例句:I still can't get used to the weather here.我仍然无法习惯这里的天气。I just couldn't get used to living in a big city.我就是不习惯生活在大城市。Life is not fair, get used to it.生活是不公平的,你要去适应它。I'd rather我宁愿例句:I'd rather stay at home and do the work.我宁愿呆在家里工作。I'd rather use up my money than save them in the bank.我宁愿把钱花光,也不要存银行。stop by顺便拜访;在去某地的途中,顺便拜访某人或某个地方例句:I have to stop by a friend's home to pick up a book on my way here.我来这儿的路上得顺便去朋友家取本书。Could you stop by for breadthe store on the way home?回来的路上能不能顺便在店里买点面包?I can't say for sure......我不能确定例句:I can't say for sure if he'll come.我不确定他会不会来。I think he'll come back on Monday, but I can't say for sure.我想他周一会回来,但是我不能确定。
6/6/202316 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

【发音版】Go fo a run去跑步

欢迎关注VX公众号:英语主播Emily获取更多免费英语学习资料和课程A: Hey, Tom, want to go for a run? 嘿,汤姆,去跑跑步怎么样?B: No, thanks. I like to run in the morning. I ran a couple of miles when I woke up today. 不了,谢谢。我喜欢在早上跑步。今天起床后我跑了几英里。A: I try to do that, but I can't get up early enough. 我也试着这样做,可是起的不够早。B: I couldn't either at first, but you get used to it.一开始我也不行,可是慢慢会习惯的。A: It's so hot at lunchtime. I'd rather run in the morning. 中午的时候太热了,我宁愿早上跑步。B: Well, why don't you come tomorrow? I'll stop by your house on my way out. 那么你为什么不明天来呢?我出去的时候顺便经过你家。A: I could try, but I can't say for sure if I'll get up in time. What time do you want to go? 我尽力,但是不能保证一定可以准时起床,你想几点钟去?B: I'll give you a call around 6 and stop by around 6:30. 六点的时候我给你打个电话,大约六点半的时候我经过你这儿。A: Okay, maybe if I have someone to go with, I'll be able to get up in time for a jog. 好的,或许如果有个伴儿的话,我可以按时起床跑跑步。B: Great, I'll see you then. 好的,到时候见。A: See you.再见。Pronunciation:ran a→nəcouple of→ləwhen I→naɪwoke up→kədon't you→tʃuːway out→jaʊIf I'll→faɪlget up in time→dəpɪby around→jəIf I→faɪ
6/6/202318 minutes, 36 seconds
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【口语版】You watch too much TV!你看太多电视了!

欢迎关注VX公众号:英语主播Emily获取本期节目跟读版本以及语言打分A: This soup is delicious. Jack? Jack! 这个汤非常美味,杰克?杰克!B: I'm sorry, what were you saying? 对不起,你刚刚说什么?A: I think you watch TV too much. 我认为你看电视太过了。B: No, I hardly ever watch TV. 不,我很少看电视。A: You always have a remote control in your hands. 你总是在手里拿着遥控器。B: No, I sometimes have a newspaper in my hand. 不,我有时会在手里拿着报纸。A: Also, you always have dinner in front of the TV. When do you talk with me? You never talk.而且,你总是在电视前吃晚饭。什么时候你和我谈话呢?你从来不和我谈话。B: Yes, I do. I talk with you during the commercials.不,我和你谈话,在广告时我和你说话。soup汤例句:The soup has very little taste.这汤没什么味。Watch Tv too much=watch too much TV看太多电视例句:Don't you think children watch too much TV?你不觉得孩子看太多电视了吗?hardly几乎不例句:I can hardly believe it.我几乎不敢相信。She hardly ever calls me.她几乎不给我打电话。remote control遥控器in front of...在....前面例句:The bus stopped right in front of our house.公共汽车就停在我们房子前面。There is a tree in front of the house.房子前面有一棵树。commercial电视广告a commerical=an advertisement例句:Turn the channel—There're too many commercials.转换一下频道,太多广告了。
6/3/20237 minutes, 6 seconds
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【发音版 】You watch too muchTV!你看太多电视了!

欢迎关注VX公众号:英语主播Emily获取本期节目跟读版本以及语言打分A: This soup is delicious. Jack? Jack! 这个汤非常美味,杰克?杰克!B: I'm sorry, what were you saying? 对不起,你刚刚说什么?A: I think you watch TV too much. 我认为你看电视太过了。B: No, I hardly ever watch TV. 不,我很少看电视。A: You always have a remote control in your hands. 你总是在手里拿着遥控器。B: No, I sometimes have a newspaper in my hand. 不,我有时会在手里拿着报纸。A: Also, you always have dinner in front of the TV. When do you talk with me? You never talk.而且,你总是在电视前吃晚饭。什么时候你和我谈话呢?你从来不和我谈话。B: Yes, I do. I talk with you during the commercials.不,我和你谈话,在广告时我和你说话。Pronunciation:soup is→pɪYou always→wɔːhave a→vəfront of→də
6/2/20234 minutes, 44 seconds
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【口语版 】Do the Shopping购物

关注VX公众号:英语主播Emily获取本期节目跟读以及语言打分A: What sort of shopping is nearby? 附近有什么购物中心?B: This is a great area of the city for shopping.There's a grocery store just around the corner. 这一带是市区里购物的好地方,在附近有一个食品杂货店。A: What about things other than food? 除了食物还有什么?B: Well, the Riverside Mall has 200 stores in it, including four major department stores. 河畔购物中心内有二百家店铺,还包括四家主要的百货商店。A: Are there small shops near here as well? 这儿附近也有小商店吗?B: Yes, on 4th street, near the movie theater, there are many specialty shops, including clothing boutiques.是的,在第四大街电影院附近有很多专卖店,其中还有专卖流行衣服的商店。A: Well, that sounds just wonderful. 听起来真棒。B: Yes, it's a really nice neighborhood.是呀,这个地方可真不错。What sort of...?什么样的...?例句:What sort of music do you play?你演奏什么样的音乐?What sort of school did you go?你上的是哪类学校?around the corner在拐角处/即将来临例句:There's a nice coffee shop around the corner.在拐角处有一家非常棒的咖啡店。My house is just around the corner.我的房子就在拐角处。The Final exam is just around the corner.期末考试就要到了。Thanksgiving is just around the corner.感恩节快要到了。other than除了...;不同于...例句:I personally think it's dumb, but other than complain, deal with it.我个人觉得这是愚蠢的,但除了抱怨,就要解决它。I have no ambitions other than to have a happy life and be free.我没有雄心大志,只求自由自在地过幸福日子。specialty shop专卖店wild delicious specialty shop野味专卖店running specialty shop跑步专卖店clothing boutique服装精品店
5/30/202311 minutes, 36 seconds
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【发音版】Do the Shopping购物

关注VX公众号:英语主播Emily获取本期节目跟读以及语言打分A: What sort of shopping is nearby? 附近有什么购物中心?B: This is a great area of the city for shopping.There's a grocery store just around the corner. 这一带是市区里购物的好地方,在附近有一个食品杂货店。A: What about things other than food? 除了食物还有什么?B: Well, the Riverside Mall has 200 stores in it, including four major department stores. 河畔购物中心内有二百家店铺,还包括四家主要的百货商店。A: Are there small shops near here as well? 这儿附近也有小商店吗?B: Yes, on 4th street, near the movie theater, there are many specialty shops, including clothing boutiques.是的,在第四大街电影院附近有很多专卖店,其中还有专卖流行衣服的商店。A: Well, that sounds just wonderful. 听起来真棒。B: Yes, it's a really nice neighborhood.是呀,这个地方可真不错。Pronunciation:sort of→dəThis is a→sɪzəarea of→jəThere's a→zəWhat about→dəstores in it→zɪnɪIt's a→tsə
5/30/20238 minutes, 2 seconds
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【口语版 】"停电了"英文怎么说?可不是Stop electricity!

欢迎关注VX公众号:英语主播Emily获取本期节目跟读打分课程并且参与每周1236早上九点的英语直播分享干货多多!!欢迎关注!!A: Mr Sellers, it's Steven speaking, your tenant. We've just suffered a power failure. What should I do now? 塞勒先生,我是你的住客,史蒂文。我们这里刚停电了,我该怎么办?B: Alright, Steven. Do you have a flashlight? 哦,史蒂文,你有没有手电筒?A: Yes, I do. 有的。B: Okay, now go down to the basement and find the circuit box. Open it and check if there are any fuses blown out.好,现在到地下室去找电箱,打开它看保险丝有没有烧断了。A: How do I know if it's blown out? 我如何知道保险丝烧断了?B: You'll see it's black and has burned smell.保险丝是黑色的,有焦味,就是烧断了。A: Then what should I do?接下来我要怎么做?B: Unscrew the burnt fuses and replace them with the good ones. You can find them on the rack in the basement. 拿下那些烧坏了的,再换上好的。你可以在地下室的架子上找到好的保险丝。A: Okay, I'll try. I'll call you if it doesn't work.好的,我现在试试。如果行不通,我再打电话给你。tenant/ˈtenənt/房客;租户suffer/sʌfər/遭受(不快的经历;挫折;损失)power failure(由于故障导致的)停电power outage断供power cut切断The power just went out/off.The power is out/offThe electricity is gone/out/off.We are having a blackout.We had a power outage for about half an hour.我们停了大约半个小时的电。basement/ˈbeɪsmənt/地下室;地库circuit box电箱fuse保险丝;导火索blow out(保险丝)熔断;吹熄例句:The fuse has blown out.保险丝烧坏了。unscrew旋松;拧下螺丝(to undo sth by twisting or turning it)例句:Can you help me unscrew the lid of this jar?你能帮我把瓶盖子拧开吗?You have to unscrew all the screws.你得把所有螺丝旋松。rack支架;架子not work不奏效;不起作用例句:God help us if it doesn't work.如果这个行不通,那就靠上帝了。The pump doesn't work and we have no running water.这个水泵不运转了,我们没有自来水。My washing machine doesn't work.我的洗衣机坏了。
5/12/202313 minutes, 7 seconds
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【发音版 】"停电了"英文怎么说?可不是Stop electricity!

欢迎关注VX公众号:英语主播Emily获取本期节目跟读打分课程并且参与每周1236早上九点的英语直播分享干货多多!!欢迎关注!!A: Mr Sellers, it's Steven speaking, your tenant. We've just suffered a power failure. What should I do now? 塞勒先生,我是你的住客,史蒂文。我们这里刚停电了,我该怎么办?B: Alright, Steven. Do you have a flashlight? 哦,史蒂文,你有没有手电筒?A: Yes, I do. 有的。B: Okay, now go down to the basement and find the circuit box. Open it and check if there are any fuses blown out.好,现在到地下室去找电箱,打开它看保险丝有没有烧断了。A: How do I know if it's blown out? 我如何知道保险丝烧断了?B: You'll see it's black and has burned smell.保险丝是黑色的,有焦味,就是烧断了。A: Then what should I do?接下来我要怎么做?B: Unscrew the burnt fuses and replace them with the good ones. You can find them on the rack in the basement. 拿下那些烧坏了的,再换上好的。你可以在地下室的架子上找到好的保险丝。A: Okay, I'll try. I'll call you if it doesn't work.好的,我现在试试。如果行不通,我再打电话给你。
5/12/202311 minutes, 35 seconds
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【口语版】Moving Into A New House搬新家

欢迎关注VX公众号:英语主播Emily参与每周1236早上九点的直播(干货多多,一定要参与哦~)A: This is a nice place, but you need to get some furniture.这地方不错,可你得弄些家具。B: I had planned to. I can bring some from my place. And there's some more at my parents'.我原先就这样计划的,从我住的地方搬一些过来,然后在我父母家里还有一些。A: Do you have a bed?你有床吗?B: Of course, I have. There is one in my old house and I have another one from college at my parents' house. 当然有啊,我的老房子里有一张床,我父母家还有一张我大学时代用过的床。A: That's good. You can put one in this room and put the other one in that room. 很好啊。你可以在这个房间放一张,并且在那间房间放上另一张。B: Yeah, it is a good idea. You can stay in my house for the night if you would like to. 是啊,好主意。如果你愿意的话,你还可以在我房子里过夜呢。A: Yeah, by the way, can I take a shower?好啊。顺便问一下,我可以洗个澡吗?B: Sure, but I don't have hot water yet.当然可以,可惜还没有热水。A: Really?真的吗?B: No, they're coming tomorrow morning to turn the gas on. My phone should be working then too. 是啊,他们明天才能帮我把煤气接上,电话也那时才能用。A: Well, do you want to go outside for dinner? 你想去外面吃饭吗?B: Yeah, I can't cook anything until tomorrow anyway. Let's go to the restaurant nearby. It's my treat. 好的,得到明天才可以自己做,我们去附近的餐馆吃饭吧,我请客。A: Okay, let's go.好的,走吧。furniture/fɜːrnɪtʃər/家具例句:We need to buy some new furniture.我们需要买一些新家具。the other和another区别?the other其余的;剩余的(有the有范围)Five books are on the table, the other two books are on the floor.五本书在桌子上,剩余的三本在地上。I have two apples, one is for you, and the other one is for Jane.我有两个苹果,一个给你,另一个给简。another又一个;再一个;另一个(三个或三个以上的任意一个)Can I have another drink?我能再来一杯吗?Can I have one more drink?Can I have another blanket?我能再要一条毯子吗?Can I have one more blanket?I have another three questions for you.我还要问你三个问题。I have three more questions for you.not...until直到...才...You are not allowed to come in until the meeting is over.直到会议结束你才能进来。You're not going out until you've finished this.你不把这事做完,就不许出去。
4/17/202318 minutes, 20 seconds
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【发音版】Moving Into A New House搬新家

欢迎关注VX公众号:英语主播Emily参与每周1236早上九点的直播(干货多多,一定要参与哦~)A: This is a nice place, but you need to get some furniture.这地方不错,可你得弄些家具。B: I had planned to. I can bring some from my place. And there's some more at my parents'.我原先就这样计划的,从我住的地方搬一些过来,然后在我父母家里还有一些。A: Do you have a bed?你有床吗?B: Of course, I have. There is one in my old house and I have another one from college at my parents' house. 当然有啊,我的老房子里有一张床,我父母家还有一张我大学时代用过的床。A: That's good. You can put one in this room and put the other one in that room. 很好啊。你可以在这个房间放一张,并且在那间房间放上另一张。B: Yeah, it is a good idea. You can stay in my house for the night if you would like to. 是啊,好主意。如果你愿意的话,你还可以在我房子里过夜呢。A: Yeah, by the way, can I take a shower?好啊。顺便问一下,我可以洗个澡吗?B: Sure, but I don't have hot water yet.当然可以,可惜还没有热水。A: Really?真的吗?B: No, they're coming tomorrow morning to turn the gas on. My phone should be working then too. 是啊,他们明天才能帮我把煤气接上,电话也那时才能用。A: Well, do you want to go outside for dinner? 你想去外面吃饭吗?B: Yeah, I can't cook anything until tomorrow anyway. Let's go to the restaurant nearby. It's my treat. 好的,得到明天才可以自己做,我们去附近的餐馆吃饭吧,我请客。A: Okay, let's go.好的,走吧。Pronunciation:This is a→sɪzɪmore at→rəhave a→vəthere is→rɪzand I→daɪhave another→vəthe other one→jʌit is a→dɪzə        good idea→daɪcan I take a→naɪ;kəgas on→sɑːngo outside→waʊcook anything→ke
4/17/202314 minutes, 36 seconds
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【口语版】Topic: 愤怒Being angry

That person is so rude.那个人太粗鲁了。How rude can you be?你简直太粗鲁了。That really makes me mad/angry/upset.那简直要让我发疯/生气/烦透了。He drives me crazy when he does that. 他那样做简直让我发疯。She is the most unpleasant woman I've ever met. 她是我见过的最令人讨厌的女人。I'm mad/angry/upset about what you said.你的话让我很气愤/生气/烦。Because of you, I'm in a bad mood. 都是因为你,让我心情很糟糕。That makes me feel bad/unhappy/upset. 那让我感觉很糟糕/不高兴/生气。Things like that are what really burn me.那种事情总是让我发火。Things like that really drive me crazy. 那种事情总让我心烦。I'm feeling a little bitter about what happened. 对于所发生的事情,我感到有些失望。I'm not happy about what you did. 你的所作所为让我不高兴。Those kinds of situations put me in a bad mood. 这种状况让我的心情非常糟糕。Conversation:A: What's wrong? You don't look too happy.B: No, I'm not.A: Why? What happened?B: I was talking with a customer who came into the office today. He was going to ABC University and he made a remark about DEF University which I went to. That really put me in a bad mood.A: Try not to let it get to you. Why don't you sit down here? I'll give you a massage.Notes:1.What's wrong?还可以说:What's wrong with you?或What's the matter(with you)?2.You don't look too happy.还可以说:You look unhappy/upset.3.get to sb表示“影响到某人”Translation:怎么了?你看起来不太高兴。是啊,我很生气。为什么?出了什么事?我今天接待了一位来我们办公室的客户。他要去ABC大学,但对我上的DEF大学评论了一番,让我很不高兴。别让这件事影响你干脆在这儿坐一坐吧,我来给你做做按摩。
11/30/20217 minutes, 54 seconds
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【发音版】Topic: 愤怒Being Angry

Conversation:A: What's wrong? You don't look too happy.B: No, I'm not.A: Why? What happened?B: I was talking with a customer who came into the office today. He was going to ABC University and he made a remark about DEF University which I went to. That really put me in a bad mood.A: Try not to let it get to you. Why don't you sit down here? I'll give you a massage.Translation:怎么了?你看起来不太高兴。是啊,我很生气。为什么?出了什么事?我今天接待了一位来我们办公室的客户。他要去ABC大学,但对我上的DEF大学评论了一番,让我很不高兴。别让这件事影响你干脆在这儿坐一坐吧,我来给你做做按摩。Pronunciation:with a→ðəcame into→mɪmade a remark about→də;kəin a bad mood→nəlet it→dɪdon't you→tʃugive you a massage→wə
11/30/20216 minutes, 44 seconds
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11/9/202117 minutes, 27 seconds
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【口语版】Topic: 八卦Gossip

想从头开始学英语吗?零基础不知道如何学习?欢迎参加我们免费的《新概念课程》参与方式,关注VX公众号:英语主播Emily,即可收看新概念第一册课程Conversation:A: I have heard a lot of gossips about you, Eve.B: Really? What gossip?A: You really want to know?B: Why not? It's interesting to know what people say behind my back, isn't it?A: Alright. They said that you're going out with Cindy's fiance.B: Oh. You don't believe that, do you?A: I don't, and that's why I came here. I'd like to know what you have to say about this.B: Nothing. I'd never ever do such a thing. Believe it or not!A: I believe you, Eve. Listen, I'm not here to accuse you or question you. But you have to keep it in mind that rumors don't come from nowhere. B: I know what you mean. I'll keep away from Cindy's fiance.A: Good. I knew you would listen to reason. Notes:gossip闲话;流言蜚语gossip about...说...的闲话gossip with sb和某人闲聊/八卦behind one's back在某人背后/背着某人Don't talk about me behind my back.不要背着我议论我。accuse指责/指控accuse sb of doing sth指控某人做某事She accused him of lying.她指责他撒谎。question询问;怀疑keep it in mind that...记住...You have to keep it in mind that this is our last chance to do that.你要记住这是我们最后一次机会做这件事。keep away from...远离...Please keep away from my daughter.请远离我的女儿。Translation:我听到一些你的闲言闲语,伊芙。真的?什么闲言闲语?你真的想知道?有何不可?知道别人在背后说你什么不是很好玩吗?好。他们说你和辛迪的未婚夫约会哦。你不会信以为真吧?我不会,所以我才来这儿,我想听听看你对这件事有何解释。我没有什么好说的。我绝不会做出这种事的。信不信由你!我相信你,伊芙。你听我说,我不是来指控你或者审问你。但是你要记住,谣言不可能是空穴来风。我懂你的意思,我会和辛迪的未婚夫保持距离。很好,我就知道你会听劝。
11/5/20219 minutes, 8 seconds
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【口语版】Topic: 减肥Losing weight

获取详细发音笔记,欢迎关注VX公众号:英语主播Emily,回复:20211027Conversation:A: I've been putting on a few pounds these days. Have you got any suggestions on how to lose weight?B: How much do you weigh now?A: About 150 Pounds. Can you believe it?B: But that weight looks good on you. I certainly don't think you need to lose weight. A: But I wish I had a slim figure like you. How often do you exercise?B: I go to the gym three times a week.A: What kind of exercise do you like to do?B: I like to pump iron, swim and go hiking. A: Cool. I'm just not interested in doing exercise. Are there any other ways I can lose weight without exercising?B: Then I'm afraid that you have to go on a diet. Eat less or no rich food and sweets. A: I will. B: Even if you're going on a diet, you still need to make sure that you have a good breakfast. Translation:我这几天长胖了,你有什么减肥的好的建议吗?你现在多重?大概150磅。你能相信吗?但是你看上去还好啊。我真的觉得你不需要减肥。但是我想拥有像你一样苗条的身材。你多久锻炼一次?我每周锻炼三次。你喜欢什么样的运动?我喜欢撸铁,游泳,和徒步旅行。真棒。我就是对锻炼没有兴趣。有没有其他不需要锻炼就能减肥的方法?那我恐怕你要节食啦。少吃或不吃油腻的食物和甜食。好的。即使你节食,你仍然需要确保早餐吃得好。
10/27/20219 minutes, 36 seconds
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【口语版】Topic: 成功与失败Success and Failure

基础薄弱的朋友注意啦!!!好消息!Emily开始免费更新《新概念英语第一册》啦~经典的教材,学一百遍都不为过!关注VX公众号:英语主播Emily,每周定期更新,快快关注跟上进度吧~Conversation:A: Steven, would you like to go dance with us tonight?B: John, I'm just not in the mood for this.A: You look upset. What's going on?B: I lost the table tennis game yesterday.A: What a pity!B: I just don't want to play table tennis anymore.A: Is it that bad? It's nothing more than a game.B: My opponent beat me on the very first ball. I was wondering if it's appropriate for me to play table tennis.A: Come on. Don't lose heart. I'm sure you will succeed.B: Perhaps you're right. But I just need some time to recover from this.A: I understand. Notes:Would you like to...用来委婉地询问对方要不要做某事。比如:Would you like to go to see a movie with me?你愿意和我一起看电影吗?Would you like to tell me what happened?你能告诉我发生了什么吗?be in the mood for/to do.表示“有心情做某事”,be not in the mood for/to do表示“没有心情做某事”I'm just not in the mood for the party.我没心情参加聚会。What a pity!是对他人遭受不幸时表达怜悯,同情时使用的句子。表示“真遗憾;可惜。”nothing more than表示“不过是;无非是”beat“击败”wonder相当于want to know,表示“想知道”appropriate“合适的”recover“(从不愉快的经历中)恢复”Pronunciation:would you→dʒuːwith us→ðəI am→jənot in→dɪso upset→wəwhat a pity→dəis it→zɪthan a→nəit's appropriate→tsəI understand→jʌcome on→mɑːTranslation:史蒂文,今晚和我们一起去跳舞怎么样?约翰,我现在没那个心情。你看起来很沮丧,怎么回事?昨天在乒乓球比赛中我输了。真遗憾。我不想在打乒乓球了。有那么糟糕吗?不过是输掉一场比赛而已。我的对手一球就把我淘汰了。我在想,可能我不太适合打乒乓球吧。别这样,不要灰心,我相信你一定会成功的。或许你说的对,但是我仍然需要时间从失败中恢复过来。我能理解你。
10/18/20217 minutes, 39 seconds
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【发音版】Topic: 成功与失败Success and Failure

基础薄弱的朋友注意啦!!!好消息!Emily开始免费更新《新概念英语第一册》啦~经典的教材,学一百遍都不为过!关注VX公众号:英语主播Emily,每周定期更新,快快关注跟上进度吧~Conversation:A: Steven, would you like to go dance with us tonight?B: John, I'm just not in the mood for this.A: You look upset. What's going on?B: I lost the table tennis game yesterday.A: What a pity!B: I just don't want to play table tennis anymore.A: Is it that bad? It's nothing more than a game.B: My opponent beat me on the very first ball. I was wondering if it's appropriate for me to play table tennis.A: Come on. Don't lose heart. I'm sure you will succeed.B: Perhaps you're right. But I just need some time to recover from this.A: I understand. Notes:Would you like to...用来委婉地询问对方要不要做某事。比如:Would you like to go to see a movie with me?你愿意和我一起看电影吗?Would you like to tell me what happened?你能告诉我发生了什么吗?be in the mood for/to do.表示“有心情做某事”,be not in the mood for/to do表示“没有心情做某事”I'm just not in the mood for the party.我没心情参加聚会。What a pity!是对他人遭受不幸时表达怜悯,同情时使用的句子。表示“真遗憾;可惜。”nothing more than表示“不过是;无非是”beat“击败”wonder相当于want to know,表示“想知道”appropriate“合适的”recover“(从不愉快的经历中)恢复”Pronunciation:would you→dʒuːwith us→ðəI am→jənot in→dɪso upset→wəwhat a pity→dəis it→zɪthan a→nəit's appropriate→tsəI understand→jʌcome on→mɑːTranslation:史蒂文,今晚和我们一起去跳舞怎么样?约翰,我现在没那个心情。你看起来很沮丧,怎么回事?昨天在乒乓球比赛中我输了。真遗憾。我不想在打乒乓球了。有那么糟糕吗?不过是输掉一场比赛而已。我的对手一球就把我淘汰了。我在想,可能我不太适合打乒乓球吧。别这样,不要灰心,我相信你一定会成功的。或许你说的对,但是我仍然需要时间从失败中恢复过来。我能理解你。
10/18/20217 minutes
Episode Artwork

【口语版】Topic: 就诊Seeing a Doctor

详细发音笔记,欢迎关注VX公众号:英语主播Emily,回复:20210923A: Good morning. What's the matter with you?B: Good morning, doctor. I have a terrible headache.A: All right. Tell me how it got started.B: Yesterday, I had a runny nose. Now my nose is stuffed up. I have a sore throat and I'm afraid I've got a temperature. I feel terrible.A: Don't worry. Let me give you an examination first. Let me take a look at your throat. Open your mouth and say"ah"B: Ah.A: Your throat is inflamed. And your tongue is heavily coated. You have all the symptoms of influenza.B: What am I supposed to do then?A: A good rest is all you need and drink more water. I'll write you a prescription.B: Thank you very much. Translation早上好,你哪里不舒服?早上好,医生。我头疼得厉害。好的,告诉我怎么回事。昨天我老流鼻涕。现在有点鼻塞,我喉咙很痛,恐怕还伴有高烧,感觉糟透了。别担心,让我给你检查一下。我先看看你的喉咙,张开嘴说“啊”。啊。你的喉咙发炎了,舌苔很厚,这些都是感冒的症状。那我该怎么做呢?你需要好好休息,多喝水,我马上给你开药方。谢谢。
9/23/20219 minutes, 7 seconds
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【发音版】Topic: 就诊Seeing a Doctor

详细发音笔记,欢迎关注VX公众号:英语主播Emily,回复:20210923A: Good morning. What's the matter with you?B: Good morning, doctor. I have a terrible headache.A: All right. Tell me how it got started.B: Yesterday, I had a runny nose. Now my nose is stuffed up. I have a sore throat and I'm afraid I've got a temperature. I feel terrible.A: Don't worry. Let me give you an examination first. Let me take a look at your throat. Open your mouth and say"ah"B: Ah.A: Your throat is inflamed. And your tongue is heavily coated. You have all the symptoms of influenza.B: What am I supposed to do then?A: A good rest is all you need and drink more water. I'll write you a prescription.B: Thank you very much. Translation早上好,你哪里不舒服?早上好,医生。我头疼得厉害。好的,告诉我怎么回事。昨天我老流鼻涕。现在有点鼻塞,我喉咙很痛,恐怕还伴有高烧,感觉糟透了。别担心,让我给你检查一下。我先看看你的喉咙,张开嘴说“啊”。啊。你的喉咙发炎了,舌苔很厚,这些都是感冒的症状。那我该怎么做呢?你需要好好休息,多喝水,我马上给你开药方。谢谢。
9/23/202110 minutes, 40 seconds
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【口语版】Topic: 解雇Being Dismissed

详细发音笔记,欢迎关注VX公众号:英语主播Emily,回复:20210918Conversation:A: Please come in, Steven.B: All right, Mr Green.A: Have a seat over there. How are things going on in the office?B: Pretty well. Everyone is working hard.A: But our business has been going down sharply the couple of months and we have to reduce some staff.B: You mean I'm among the people who have to go?A: I'm afraid so.B: Did I do something wrong?A: You are the sales manager, but our sales didn't go up.B: But you know I've been working very hard and I have family to support. A: I feel sorry, but that's the decision of the directorate. Translation:史蒂文,请进来一下。好的,格林先生。坐吧,办公室里情况怎么样?相当好,每个人都在认真工作。但是这两个月来,我们生意滑坡的很厉害,我们不得不裁员。你是说我也是其中一员?恐怕是这样的。我哪方面做的不好吗?你作为销售部经理并没有使我们的销售量增加。可你知道,我一直都很努力的,而且我还要养家。我真的很抱歉,但这是董事会的决定。
9/18/20217 minutes, 27 seconds
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【发音版】Topic: 解雇Being Dismissed

详细发音笔记,欢迎关注VX公众号:英语主播Emily,回复:20210918Conversation:A: Please come in, Steven.B: All right, Mr Green.A: Have a seat over there. How are things going on in the office?B: Pretty well. Everyone is working hard.A: But our business has been going down sharply the couple of months and we have to reduce some staff.B: You mean I'm among the people who have to go?A: I'm afraid so.B: Did I do something wrong?A: You are the sales manager, but our sales didn't go up.B: But you know I've been working very hard and I have family to support. A: I feel sorry, but that's the decision of the directorate. Translation:史蒂文,请进来一下。好的,格林先生。坐吧,办公室里情况怎么样?相当好,每个人都在认真工作。但是这两个月来,我们生意滑坡的很厉害,我们不得不裁员。你是说我也是其中一员?恐怕是这样的。我哪方面做的不好吗?你作为销售部经理并没有使我们的销售量增加。可你知道,我一直都很努力的,而且我还要养家。我真的很抱歉,但这是董事会的决定。
9/18/20217 minutes, 12 seconds
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【发音版】Topic: 上下班On and Off Duty

更多发音笔记,欢迎关注VX公众号:英语主播Emily,回复:20210912ConversationA: Good morning, Paul.B: Hi, good morning. You're so early today.A: Yes, traffic wasn't much today, so I made it to the office earlier.B: I see. How long does it take you to reach the office everyday?A: Well, about an hour or so.B: That's quite a long journey. Do you drive a car?A: No, I take public transportation. It's safer. B: You're right. But I get up a little late, that gives me no other option but to travel by motorcycle.Translation早上好,保罗。嗨,早上好,你今天这么早。是啊,今天交通状况不错,所以我可以早点来公司。原来如此,你每天到公司要花多长时间?嗯,大约一个小时左右。很长的路程啊。你开车吗?不,我乘坐公共交通工具,这比较安全。你说的对,但是我起床较晚,那让我别无选择,只能骑摩托车。
9/11/20218 minutes, 57 seconds
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【口语版】Topic: 加班Working Overtime

参与节目跟读,欢迎关注VX公众号:英语主播Emily,回复:节目Conversation:A: Hi, Nancy, this is Emily. I'm afraid I can't have dinner with you tonight.B: Ok. What's going on?A: I have to work overtime tonight to finish my job. The deadline is coming up. B: I can understand.  But you have worked overtime for the entire week. A: Yeah, I don't have any chance to take a break. B: Don't be so serious. Pay attention to your health.A: Thank you for your concern. I really need a good rest after this project. I will let you know when I am available.A: Take care. Translation:南希,我是艾米丽,恐怕我今晚不能和你吃晚饭了。好的,怎么了?我今天要加班,时间不多了。我能理解,但是你已经加班一整个星期了。是的,我连休息一下的机会都没有。别这么认真,注意你的健康。谢谢你的关心。这个项目之后,我要好好休息一下。我有时间的时候会告诉你的。照顾好自己。
9/7/20218 minutes, 12 seconds
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【发音版】Topic: 加班Working Overtime

详细发音笔记,欢迎关注VX公众号:英语主播Emily,回复:20210907Conversation:A: Hi, Nancy, this is Emily. I'm afraid I can't have dinner with you tonight.B: Ok. What's going on?A: I have to work overtime tonight to finish my job. The deadline is coming up. B: I can understand.  But you have worked overtime for the entire week. A: Yeah, I don't have any chance to take a break. B: Don't be so serious. Pay attention to your health.A: Thank you for your concern. I really need a good rest after this project. I will let you know when I am available.A: Take care. Translation:南希,我是艾米丽,恐怕我今晚不能和你吃晚饭了。好的,怎么了?我今天要加班,时间不多了。我能理解,但是你已经加班一整个星期了。是的,我连休息一下的机会都没有。别这么认真,注意你的健康。谢谢你的关心。这个项目之后,我要好好休息一下。我有时间的时候会告诉你的。照顾好自己。
9/7/20218 minutes, 10 seconds
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【口语版】Topic: 骑自行车Riding A Bicycle

更详细的发音笔记,欢迎关注VX公众号:英语主播Emily,回复:20210905Conversation:A: Hi, Steven. What do you like to do during the weekend?B: I love swimming and cycling. On Saturday morning I usually ride my bike around the city or along the country road for almost two hours.A: That's great. I think they do you a lot of good.B: Sure, they do.A: But why do you choose cycling at first?B: Because it is convenient and good for environmental protection. A: You're really a good citizen.B: That's what I can do. Translation:嗨,史蒂文,你周末喜欢做什么?我喜欢游泳和骑自行车。星期六早上,我要花两个小时骑车在城里转一转,或沿乡间小路骑车。真不错。我想锻炼对你有很多好处。确实是。但是最初你怎么会选择骑自行车?因为骑自行车既方便又环保。你真是个好公民。这只是我能做的。
9/5/20216 minutes, 47 seconds
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【发音版】Topic: 抱怨他人Complaining about other

详细发音文本,欢迎关注 VX公众号:英语主播Emily,回复:20210821ConversationA: Do you want to go with me to Ellen's house?B: Not on your life. After her behavior at my party, I don't even want to see her again.A: Why not? What did she do?B: Well, it was very late and my neighbors complained several times about the noise.A: Why didn't you ask everyone to quiet down?B: I did. But every time I turned the music down, Ellen walked over to the stereo and turned the music up. When I asked people not to dance, she even said I was a terrible host. I was so fed up with her that I finally showed her to the door. A: Really? I never heard about all this. When did it happen?B: Last year, at my birthday party.A: A year ago? I think you should let bygones be bygones.B: Maybe. Translation你想和我一起去爱伦家吗?我才不去呢。自从她上次在我的聚会上那样表现以后,我就再也不想见到她了。为什么呢?她做了什么?哦,那天已经很晚了,邻居们都嫌我们吵,抱怨了好几次。那你为什么不让大家安静点儿呢?我说了。可是每次我把音乐声关小,爱伦都要走过来把音乐调大。当到我告诉客人不要跳舞时,她居然说我是一个很糟糕的主人。我受不了她了,最后我把她扫地出门了。真的吗?我还从来没有听过这事呢,什么时候的事儿?去年,在我的生日聚会。一年前?我觉得过去的事就让它过去吧。也是吧。
8/21/20219 minutes, 16 seconds
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【口语版】Topic: 抱怨他人Complaining about others

详细发音文本,欢迎关注 VX公众号:英语主播Emily,回复:20210821ConversationA: Do you want to go with me to Ellen's house?B: Not on your life. After her behavior at my party, I don't even want to see her again.A: Why not? What did she do?B: Well, it was very late and my neighbors complained several times about the noise.A: Why didn't you ask everyone to quiet down?B: I did. But every time I turned the music down, Ellen walked over to the stereo and turned the music up. When I asked people not to dance, she even said I was a terrible host. I was so fed up with her that I finally showed her to the door. A: Really? I never heard about all this. When did it happen?B: Last year, at my birthday party.A: A year ago? I think you should let bygones be bygones.B: Maybe. Translation你想和我一起去爱伦家吗?我才不去呢。自从她上次在我的聚会上那样表现以后,我就再也不想见到她了。为什么呢?她做了什么?哦,那天已经很晚了,邻居们都嫌我们吵,抱怨了好几次。那你为什么不让大家安静点儿呢?我说了。可是每次我把音乐声关小,爱伦都要走过来把音乐调大。当到我告诉客人不要跳舞时,她居然说我是一个很糟糕的主人。我受不了她了,最后我把她扫地出门了。真的吗?我还从来没有听过这事呢,什么时候的事儿?去年,在我的生日聚会。一年前?我觉得过去的事就让它过去吧。也是吧。
8/21/20218 minutes, 29 seconds
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【发音版】Topic: 抱歉迟到啦I'm terribly sorry I'm late

详细发音文本,欢迎关注VX公众号:英语主播Emily,回复:20210820ConversationA: I'm terribly sorry I'm late.B: It doesn't matter.A: Really sorry to have kept you waiting.B: That's quite alright. What made you so late?A: Well, when I was leaving, I just couldn't find the key to the door. I remembered that I put it on a table, but I just couldn't find it.B: Did you find it at last?A: No. My wife just came back and I rushed out of the room.B: It's so fortunate for both you and me. Otherwise, I would still be waiting.A: Definitely. To make it worse, the bus I took broke down halfway.B: How did you come here? Change to another bus?A: No. I got the taxi. Otherwise, I'd still be on the way. Translation真抱歉,我来晚了。没关系,真不好意思让你等我。真没关系,你怎么会这么晚呢?哦,我正要走的时候找不到门钥匙了。我记得我把它放在桌子上了,可是就是找不着。后来找到了吗?没有,我妻子正好回来了,我就赶紧冲了出来。对我俩来说都很幸运,要不然我现在还在等着呢。是呀。更糟糕的是,我乘的那辆车半路上坏了。那你怎么来的?换了一辆车吗?没有,我是打车来的,要不然我还在路上呢。
8/20/20218 minutes, 10 seconds
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【口语版】Topic: 告别

Conversation:A: Hello, Hanson. Today I come to say goodbye to you, for I'm going back to London tomorrow.B: No, not so soon. Couldn't I persuade you to stay a couple of days more?A: Much as I wish to, but I really can't. I've already booked the flight.B: I hope this won't be our last meeting.A: Of course not. You can come to London to visit me in future, and I also will come here if I have a chance.B: I'll Miss you.A: I'll Miss you too. You are really a good friend.B: It's a pity that I'm too busy to see you off tomorrow.A: It doesn't matter. B: Take care of yourself and remember to keep in touch.A: I will.B: Goodbye and have a good flight.A: Thank you. Goodbye. Translation:你好,汉森,今天我是来向你道别的,因为我明天就要回伦敦啦。不是这么快吧?我不能说服你多留几天吗?我也很想,但是真的不能,我已经订好票了。我希望这不是我们最后一次见面。当然不会,你以后可以来伦敦找我,而且我一有机会也会来这里的。我会想念你的。我也是,你真的是个很好的朋友。很遗憾,我明天太忙,无法给你送行。没关系。自己保重,记得要常联系哦。我会的。再见,祝您一路顺风。谢谢你,再见。
7/18/20218 minutes, 4 seconds
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【发音版】Topic: 初识Getting to know each other

详细发音笔记,欢迎关注VX公众号:英语主播Emily,回复:20210715Conversation:A: Hi, Annie. Do you know the girl in red who is standing by the door?B: Yes. She's my friend, Julia.A: Can you introduce her to me?B: Of course. Hello, Julia, come and meet Steven.C: Hello, Steven. Nice to meet you.A: Nice to meet you too. It's an honor to know a beautiful lady like you.C: Thank you. Annie has told me a lot about you.A: Really? What has she said about me?C: Don't worry. She was always praising you.A: Oh, she's always an honest friend. Can I have your contacts?C: sure. Translation:安妮,你认识站在门口的那个穿红衣服的女孩吗?是的,她是我的朋友,茱莉亚。你能介绍她给我认识吗?当然。你好,茱莉亚。过来认识一下史蒂文。你好,史蒂文,见到你很高兴。我也很高兴。认识你这样美丽的小姐是我的荣幸。谢谢你,安妮对我讲了好多你的事儿。真的吗?她都说了什么?不用担心,她一直都在夸你哦。噢,她一直是个诚实的朋友。能留下你的联系方式吗?当然可以。
7/15/20216 minutes, 50 seconds
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【口语版】Topic: 吵架

详细发音笔记,欢迎关注VX公众号:英语主播Emily,回复:20210714Conversation:A: Hello, Steven. Annie said that you and Julia have had a quarrel, haven't you?B: That's true. We had an argument yesterday. She blamed me for not preparing the supper that day, but it was her turn to cook the dinner.A: That's the reason why you fought?B: Yes.A: You two are always quarrelling over little things. B: That wasn't my fault, but she said "you are a disgrace" to me. I'm about to explode.A: Are you still mad at her now?B: To be honest, I'm not and I regret a little for what I've done. A: Will you apologize to her?B: No way. It's her who should apologize. Translation:你好,史蒂文。安妮说,你和茱莉亚吵架了,有这回事吗?那是真的。昨天我们吵了一架,那天她责备我没有准备晚饭,但那天是轮到她做饭呢。这就是你们吵架的原因吗?没错。你们两个总为一些小事争吵。那件事不是我的错,可她竟然对我说“你真丢人”。我肺都要气炸了。你现在还在生她的气吗?老实说,我不生气了。而且还有点后悔我做的事。你会向她道歉吗?没门,应该道歉的是她。
7/14/20218 minutes, 25 seconds
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【口语版】Topic: 选购商品Picking and Buying

发音详细发音标注,欢迎关注VX公众号:英语主播Emily,回复:20210702Conversation:A: Good morning. What can I do for you, sir?B: I'd like to see some coats. Would you recommend me some of them?A: Sure. Come to look at these styles. They sell very well.B: Which models do you sell the most?A: How about these? They are the current bestsellers.B: I like this style, but I don't like its color. Do you have this coat in yellow?A: Yes, I will find one for you. Here you are. It's made of exceptionally good quality, pure wool, and is very soft.B: It looks nice.A: Yeah, this is the latest model. If you like it, you can try it on. Translation:早上好,先生,您需要什么?我想看看上衣,你能推荐一些给我吗?当然可以。来看看这些款式,它们销量很好。哪一个款式你们卖的最好?这些怎么样?它们是最新的畅销品。我喜欢这个款式,但不喜欢这个颜色,这款有黄色的吗?有,我帮你拿。给你。这件衣服质量好,纯羊毛的,非常柔软。看上去挺不错的。是啊,这是最新的款式。如果您喜欢, 可以试一下。
7/5/20217 minutes, 14 seconds
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【发音版】Topic: 选购商品Picking and Buying

发音详细发音标注,欢迎关注VX公众号:英语主播Emily,回复:20210702Conversation:A: Good morning. What can I do for you, sir?B: I'd like to see some coats. Would you recommend me some of them?A: Sure. Come to look at these styles. They sell very well.B: Which models do you sell the most?A: How about these? They are the current bestsellers.B: I like this style, but I don't like its color. Do you have this coat in yellow?A: Yes, I will find one for you. Here you are. It's made of exceptionally good quality, pure wool, and is very soft.B: It looks nice.A: Yeah, this is the latest model. If you like it, you can try it on. Translation:早上好,先生,您需要什么?我想看看上衣,你能推荐一些给我吗?当然可以。来看看这些款式,它们销量很好。哪一个款式你们卖的最好?这些怎么样?它们是最新的畅销品。我喜欢这个款式,但不喜欢这个颜色,这款有黄色的吗?有,我帮你拿。给你。这件衣服质量好,纯羊毛的,非常柔软。看上去挺不错的。是啊,这是最新的款式。如果您喜欢, 可以试一下。
7/5/202110 minutes, 59 seconds
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【发音版】Topic: 去度假Go on holiday

详细发音笔记,欢迎关注VX公众号:英语主播Emily,回复:20210619Conversation:A: How do you arrange this summer vacation?B: I want to travel.A: Where would you like to go?B: The seaside.A: That's really a good idea. Taking a walk on the beach and lying in the son are pretty good. I recommend you QingDao or Dalian.B: I've been to Qingdao before. So I'll choose Dalian. I've heard that the environment there is very good.A: Yes. That's a good place to spend holidays. Last year I went there. It's really a beautiful and clean city. You'll have a good time.B: Thank you. Translation:你怎么安排这个夏季休假呢?我想去旅行。你打算去哪儿?去海边。真是个好主意,在海滩上散散步晒晒太阳挺不错的。我推荐你去青岛或者大连。青岛我去过了,这次我去大连,听说那里环境很好。没错,那是个度假的好地方。去年我去过了大连,这是既干净又漂亮的城市,你肯定会玩得很开心的。谢谢。
6/25/20215 minutes, 47 seconds
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【口语版】Topic: 去购物

Conversation:A: Steven, shall we go shopping tomorrow?B: Why not go shopping the day after tomorrow? Tomorrow is Saturday. I hate all the hustle and bustle of Saturday shopping.A: But Sunday is the same with Saturday. If you don't mind, that's okay.B: Maybe it will be better. The most important thing is that I can have a day to relax after a week's work.A: I see. We will go the day after tomorrow.B: By the way. What kind of stores do we need to go?A: I want to buy some clothes in shopping store. When we're going back, go to the butcher's shop and buy some chicken. B: Let's also go to the jewelry store to buy a crystal necklace. I want to buy one for you as your birthday present.A: Thank you, darling. 对话翻译:史蒂文,我们明天去购物,好吗?为何后天不去呢?明天可是周六,我讨厌星期六买东西那么挤来挤去的。但是周日和周六情况是一样的啊。如果你不介意的话,也可以的。或许会好点吧。最重要的是一周工作后我可以有一天时间放松一下。我明白了,那我们就后天去吧。顺便问一下,我们要去哪些商店呢?我想在服装店买几件衣服,当我们要回来时,去肉店买些鸡肉。我们也去珠宝店买条水晶项链吧,我想为你买一条作为生日礼物。谢谢你,亲爱的。
6/24/20217 minutes, 28 seconds
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【发音版】Topic: 去购物

详细发音笔记,欢迎关注VX公众号:英语主播Emily,回复:20210623Conversation:A: Steven, shall we go shopping tomorrow?B: Why not go shopping the day after tomorrow? Tomorrow is Saturday. I hate all the hustle and bustle of Saturday shopping.A: But Sunday is the same with Saturday. If you don't mind, that's okay.B: Maybe it will be better. The most important thing is that I can have a day to relax after a week's work.A: I see. We will go the day after tomorrow.B: By the way. What kind of stores do we need to go?A: I want to buy some clothes in shopping store. When we're going back, go to the butcher's shop and buy some chicken. B: Let's also go to the jewelry store to buy a crystal necklace. I want to buy one for you as your birthday present.A: Thank you, darling. 对话翻译:史蒂文,我们明天去购物,好吗?为何后天不去呢?明天可是周六,我讨厌星期六买东西那么挤来挤去的。但是周日和周六情况是一样的啊。如果你不介意的话,也可以的。或许会好点吧。最重要的是一周工作后我可以有一天时间放松一下。我明白了,那我们就后天去吧。顺便问一下,我们要去哪些商店呢?我想在服装店买几件衣服,当我们要回来时,去肉店买些鸡肉。我们也去珠宝店买条水晶项链吧,我想为你买一条作为生日礼物。谢谢你,亲爱的。
6/24/20217 minutes, 45 seconds
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【发音版】Topic: 家长会parents' meeting

Conversation:A: Hi Jack. You look upset. What's the matter?B: There will be a parents' meeting in our class this Saturday and I'm worried about worried about...“对...感到担心”A: Why? We can leave school earlier that day.B: I didn't do well in last exam. If my father knows it, he will beat me up. A: I can't believe it. My parents never beat me. B: You know that my father is irritable. irritable/ˈɪrɪtəbl/易怒的;暴躁的A: You can ask the teacher for help.ask sb for help“向某人寻求帮助”B: Good idea. Translation:A: 杰克,你看起来很苦恼,怎么了?B: 这周六咱们班要开家长会,我很担心。A: 为什么?我们那天还可以早点放学呢。B: 我上次考试考得不好,如果爸爸知道他会打我的。A: 我真不敢相信。我父母从来不打我。B: 你知道的,我爸爸脾气很暴躁。A: 你可以向老师求助。B: 好主意。
6/18/20218 minutes, 1 second
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【口语版】Topic: 养家糊口

Conversation:A: Julia, I have good news for you.B: What's up?A: I have earned a lot of money this week more than I do in a fortnight.B: It is really good news. How much do you earn a week now?A: My wages are six hundred dollars a week, but I find a part-time job to supplement my income. B: Darling, I know you're a good husband. You don't have to work so hard, after all your health is most important. A: I know, darling. I must earn enough money to buy a car. I do a part-time job to increase my income. Don't worry, I will take care of myself.B: I see. You must have more rest. 翻译:A: 朱莉亚,有个好消息要告诉你。B: 什么事?A: 这周我赚了好多钱,我在一周里赚的钱比我在两周里赚的还多。B: 确实是个好消息,你现在一周赚多少钱?A: 我的工资为每周600美元,但是我找了一份兼职工作来补贴收入。B: 亲爱的,我知道你是个好丈夫。你不必工作那么辛苦,毕竟你的健康才是最重要的。A: 我知道,亲爱的。我必须挣下足够的钱买车。我做兼职工作是为了增加收入。不用担心,我会照顾好我自己的。B: 我明白,一定要多休息啊。
6/15/20217 minutes, 23 seconds
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【发音版】Topic: 养家糊口

详细发音标注,欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily,回复:20210614Conversation:A: Julia, I have good news for you.B: What's up?A: I have earned a lot of money this week more than I do in a fortnight.B: It is really good news. How much do you earn a week now?A: My wages are six hundred dollars a week, but I find a part-time job to supplement my income. B: Darling, I know you're a good husband. You don't have to work so hard, after all your health is most important. A: I know, darling. I must earn enough money to buy a car. I do a part-time job to increase my income. Don't worry, I will take care of myself.B: I see. You must have more rest. 
6/15/202110 minutes, 20 seconds
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<发音版>Topic: 谈论工作

详细发音笔记,欢迎关注VX公众号:英语主播Emily,回复:20210602Conversation1:A: What kind of job have you ever had?B: I used to work as a teacher.&nbsp;used to do表示“过去经常做(暗指现在已经不做了);过去常常;过去曾经”I used to hang out here with my friends.我以前经常和朋友在这里闲逛。A: How did you like your job?B: Oh, if I hadn't moved here, I would have never thought&nbsp;of changing it.&nbsp;if I hadn't done...,I&nbsp;wouldn't have done/would have never done..如果没有做某事,我不会做了某事If&nbsp;I&nbsp;had done, I would have&nbsp;done如果已经做了某事,我们就可以做某事举个例子:If I hadn't left sooner, I would have&nbsp;never caught the bus.要不是出发的早,我不会赶上公共汽车的。(事实上赶上了公共汽车)If I had left&nbsp;sooner, I would have&nbsp;caught the bus.如果我出发早,我就可以赶上公共汽车。(事实上没有赶上公共汽车)Conversation2:A: What's your job?B: I am a teacher, and I like the feeling it gives me.A: Are you busy with the students every day?be&nbsp;busy with...忙于后面接名词或者动词ing形式He is usually&nbsp;busy with work.他通常工作很忙。B: You know, my working hours are flexible except the hours of lectures.&nbsp;flexible/ˈfleksəbl/灵活的lecture/ˈlektʃər/(通常指大学里的)讲座;讲课;演讲
6/3/20216 minutes, 12 seconds
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<发音版>Topic: 长胖了

5/29/20218 minutes, 49 seconds
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<口语版>Topic: 长胖了

VX公众号:英语主播EmilyA: Lucy, I had no idea that you were so depressed. Why didn't you say something sooner?B: Well, women just don't like to admit they are fat.A: To tell you the truth, I hardly noticed.&nbsp;B: That's probably because you have been working late and I'm usually ready for bed when you get home.&nbsp;A: Well, do you want to make some changes in your lifestyle?B: I don't know. I'm just so tired of staying at home all the time.&nbsp;A: Maybe you would like to go to a gym and get a personal trainer to help you.&nbsp;B: I'm too embarrassed to put on workout clothes in front of someone else.A: Come on, Lucy, you've got to take that first step.&nbsp;
5/29/20217 minutes, 19 seconds
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<发音版>Topic: 乘坐公共汽车

5/28/20218 minutes, 27 seconds
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Topic: 乘坐公共汽车

VX公众号:英语主播EmilyA: Excuse me. Could you tell me if this is the right&nbsp;bus for Qianmen?B: No, I'm afraid&nbsp;it&nbsp;isn't.&nbsp;A: Do you by any chance know what&nbsp;number I should&nbsp;take and&nbsp;where to get it?B: Well, you can take the number one from Gongzhufen.&nbsp;A: I see. But&nbsp;could you tell me how to get&nbsp;to Gongzhufen?B: Sure. Just&nbsp;go straight till you get&nbsp;to the traffic&nbsp;lights, then turn right and&nbsp;walk until you see the new flyover. The bus&nbsp;stop is on the left-hand&nbsp;side of the bridge, you can't&nbsp;Miss it.&nbsp;B: Um...Do I have to change?A: No, you don't. The bus&nbsp;stops at&nbsp;Tiananmen square. That's where you get off. Then you walk across the square. Qianmen is to the south of the square. But&nbsp;itwould&nbsp;be much quicker by underground this time of the day.&nbsp;B: I see. Thank you so much.A: You're welcome.Translation:打扰一下,请问这是到前门的公共汽车吗?不,不是的。那你是否碰巧知道我该乘哪辆车以及在哪里乘车?你可以在公主坟乘坐1路公共汽车。知道了,那你能告诉我怎么去公主坟吗?当然,直接往前走,直到你到达红绿灯处,然后向右拐,再一直向前走,直到你看到新建的立交桥。车站就在桥的左手边。一定能找到的哦。我需要换乘吗?不,不需要。汽车在天安门广场停车。你就在那里下车。之后你步行穿过广场,前门就在广场的南端。但这个点乘坐地铁会更快。知道了,非常感谢。不用谢。
5/28/20218 minutes, 14 seconds
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参与语音跟读(每句跟读)查看更详细文本(发音讲解标注)欢迎关注VX公众号:英语主播EmilyA:&nbsp;I'm going to meet a net&nbsp;friend this afternoon.我今天下午要去见一个网友。B:&nbsp;Really? Have you ever seen him before?真的吗?你之前见过他吗?A:&nbsp;This is our first meeting.&nbsp;这是我们第一次见面。B:&nbsp;Then I have to tell you that it is not safe enough for you to do that.那我不得不说,你这样见面未必安全啊。A:&nbsp;Don't worry, I'll&nbsp;take care of myself.别担心,我会照顾好自己的。B:&nbsp;Okay. Tell me whenever you need my help.好吧,什么时候有需要一定要叫我啊。A:&nbsp;Thank you.&nbsp;谢谢。
5/26/20217 minutes, 39 seconds
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V公众号:英语主播EmilyA: Good&nbsp;morning.B: Good morning, how are you doing?(How are you/How have you been都是表示“你好吗”?)A: Good, thanks, you?B: The same as usual(Same old, same old). How are your parents?A: Pretty well.B: Say hello to them for me.&nbsp;A: Of course. They will be happy you asked about them. I have to go to work&nbsp;immediately. See you.&nbsp;B: See you.&nbsp;
5/25/20218 minutes
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A: Are you ready to go shopping?你准备好去购物了吗?B: Just a few minutes. I need to make a list of things that we need.&nbsp;等一会儿,我先列个购物清单。A: Good idea. Have you written down tea, eggs and onions.好主意。你写茶叶,鸡蛋和洋葱了吗?B: Oh, I forgot about the onions. What kind of tea do you prefer? Green tea or flower tea?哦,我忘了写洋葱。我们买什么茶好?绿茶还是花茶?A: Let's just get both. Did you bring enough money?两种都买一点吧。钱带够了吗?B: We don't have enough cash, but I'll take my credit card.&nbsp;现金不是很多,不过我会带信用卡。
4/6/20215 minutes, 59 seconds
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Study和Learn都表示“学习”,区别到底在哪里呢?觉得长只想看结果版↓↓↓①study后面接“课程”,“学科”,“项目”,“话题”;learn后面接“技术”,“技能”②用法:study something;learn to do;learn how to do③主动学习的有study something; learn to do; learn how to do;被动学习(外部因素)learn something.④study通常伴随某一过程,learn则伴随结果study后面接“学科”,“课程”,“项目”,“话题”例句:I study Maths.I study English.I study the history of the CPC.I'm studying Engineering at UniversitLearn后面接“技术”,“技巧”用法为:learn to do something或者learn how to do something.例句:I'm learning to swim.I'm learning how to play the piano.区分:Members of the delegation studied the history of engineering in Scotland.&nbsp;代表团成员在苏格兰学习了工程历史。Members of the delegation learned how to operate high-tech processing equipment in a workshop in Scotland.&nbsp;代表团成员在苏格兰的一个车间学习了如何操作高科技加工仪器。I studied business management at college, but I learned how to run a business by doing it.&nbsp;我在大学学习商业管理,但是我从实践中学习如何经营生意。I studied medicine at university, but I learned how to be a doctor through practicing my skills.&nbsp;我在大学学习医药学,但是我通过练习技能学习如何当一名医生。在某些情况下,你可以&quot;learn&quot;某事物例句:My son learned Chinese as a baby.我儿子还在婴儿时期就学中文了。这句话包含的意义实际上是,我儿子并不是通过study学习中文的,而是通过另一些方法学中文的—沉浸在中文语言环境中,潜移默化的学习中文。拓展:He spent six months at the revolutionary base in Yan'an, where he studied the history of the Communist Party.&nbsp;他在延安革命基地呆了六个月,在那儿他学习了共产党的历史。He spent six months at the revolutionary base in Yan'an, where he learned the history of the Communist Party.&nbsp;他在延安革命基地呆了六个月,在那儿他了解了共产党的历史。两者的差别在于,第一句指的是有个人在延安主动的学习了中国共产党的历史;而第二句则是指有个人在延安通过不同的途径,被动的吸收了关于中国共产党历史的知识。总结:当你study某物或者learn怎么做某事时(learn to do或learn how to do),你便是主动施事方;而当你learn某事物时(learn something),一般情况下,主动施事方则为外部因素。但是也有特例,具体看下面讲解。study通常伴随着某一过程,而learn则伴随着结果。因此,下述例句的说法也是正确的:Today in class we studied irregular verbs, and I learned several new past tense forms.&nbsp;今天课上我们学了不规则的动词,我学会了一些新词的过去式形式。Today in class we studied the history of the Qing Dynasty and we learned the names of several emperors. We also learned the dates of their reigns. 今天课上我们学习了清朝的历史,从中我们了解了一些皇帝的名字和他们的在位时间。
3/31/20217 minutes, 21 seconds
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生活实用口语——相亲Blind Date

blind date相亲How was your&nbsp;blind date&nbsp;last night?你昨晚的相亲怎么样?I met my husband on a&nbsp;blind date.我是相亲认识我丈夫的。Conversation:A: Mike, are you interested in helping me out and going on blind dates with a friend of mine?迈克,你想不想帮我个忙,跟我出趟门去和我的一个朋友相亲?B: That depends. What does she look like?这得看情况,那女孩长得怎么样?A: Well, she's got a beautiful face and long curly red hair.她长得很漂亮,还有一头红色的长卷发。B: How tall is she?她多高?A: She's fairly tall. Maybe two inches taller than me.&nbsp;挺高的,大约比我高两英寸。B: Is she chubby?胖吗?A: Not at all. She's actually very athletic.&nbsp;一点都不胖,完全是运动型的。B: It sounds like she's pretty good-looking. Does she wear glasses?这样听起来她很漂亮,带眼镜吗?A: No. But she does wear contact lenses.不戴,但是戴隐形眼镜。B: How's her skin?皮肤怎么样?A: She's got a generous complexion with a few freckles on her nose.&nbsp;皮肤好极了,只是鼻子上有一点点雀斑B: Does she have any piercings or tattoos?她身上有纹身或者打过洞吗?A: I think she has her ears pierced and she definitely has a few tattoos.&nbsp;One on her lower back, one on her neck and one on her left foot.&nbsp;我记得她有耳洞,而且有一些纹身。腰上有一个,脖子上有一个,左脚上还有一个。B: What's the tattoo on her foot&nbsp;like?脚上那个是什么图案?A: It's a butterfly. Everyone in her&nbsp;family has one.&nbsp;是一只蝴蝶,她家里每个人都纹着一个。B: Even her mom?连她妈妈都纹了?A: Yes. Even her mom.&nbsp;没错,她妈妈都有。B: What's her personality like?她性格怎么样?A: She's a lot like me.很多地方跟我很像。B: So there is something wrong with her. It was beginning to sound like she was too good to be true.&nbsp;那她一定有什么问题,刚开始听起来处处都好,简直不像是真人。
3/17/20217 minutes, 4 seconds
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地道口语 | 外出Going out

I'm going out for a while.&nbsp;我要外出一段时间。Be sure to give me a call when you get there.&nbsp;到那儿记得给我打电话。I've booked tickets online.我已经在网上订好票了。Can you let me know when you get there?你到了能告诉我一声吗?It's going to rain. You'd better bring an umbrella.&nbsp;天要下雨了,你最好带把雨伞。I've got a matter&nbsp;to deal with and I need to go out.&nbsp;我有件事需要处理,要出去一趟。经典对话A: Honey, I'm going out for a few days.亲爱的,我要外出几天。B: Oh, my god. It's really not a good message, we've already booked a ticket to Denmark for a&nbsp;holiday.天呐,这可真不是一个好消息,我们已经定了去丹麦度假的机票。A: I'm so sorry. But there's something wrong with the project I'm in charge of. And my boss asked me to go on a business trip tomorrow.我很抱歉。但是我负责的一个项目出了点问题,老板让我明天出差去解决这个问题。B: Alright. Your job matters most. How many days are you going to be there?好吧,你的工作最重要,你要去几天?A: A week at most. I'll take you on a trip after I get back.最后一个星期,等我回来,我一定陪你去旅行。B: Well, plans always fall behind changes. I'll help you with the luggage.计划赶不上变化,我来帮你准备行李。A: By the way. It's winter in the city I'm going to. Get some heavy clothes for me.对了,我要去的城市,现在是冬季,你帮我准备些厚衣服。B: I see. Who are you going with this time?知道了,你和谁一起去呢?A: I will go alone, because my secretary has taken the wedding leave.&nbsp;这次只有我自己去,因为我的秘书请了婚假。B: You must take good care of yourself and drink more hot water. I put some cold medicine in the suitcase for you.你一定要照顾好自己,多喝热水。我在行李箱里为你放了一些感冒药。A: It's very considerate of you. Thank you, dear.&nbsp;这是考虑的太周到了,谢谢你,亲爱的。B: Remember to buy a present for me when you come back.&nbsp;回来的时候记得给我买礼物。
3/12/20216 minutes, 44 seconds
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I don't suggest you invest in stocks.我不建议你买股票。suggest (that)..I suggest (that) you take a walk after&nbsp;dinner.我建议你晚饭后散会步。What do you think of buying gold for investment?你认为买黄金作为投资怎么样?I don't believe this stock&nbsp;has a huge return.&nbsp;我不相信这支股票有巨额回报。We tend to invest in zero-risk projects.我们倾向于投资零风险的项目。We dare not venture into stocks.&nbsp;我们不敢贸然投资股票。venture into冒险(从事活动)Don't&nbsp;venture into the jungle without a guide.没有向导不能冒险到森林里去。经典对话A: Steve, I heard you made a lot of money by investing in the Internet. Is that true?史蒂芬,我听说你投资互联网大赚了一笔,是真的吗?B: It's an exaggeration. But I did benefit a lot. Are you interested in investing?太夸张了,但是的确获益了不少。你有没有兴趣投资啊?A: I'm ignorant of investing. My wife and I put our money in the bank, because we think it is the safest.我对投资一窍不通。我和妻子的钱都存到了银行里,因为我们觉得那样最安全。B: Come on. Bank interest rates are getting lower and lower, and most people tend to invest.得了吧。银行的利息越来越低,大多数人都倾向于投资。A: Do you have any suggestions? Many investments are risky now.你有什么建议吗?现在很多投资项目都有风险。B: Indeed. But the higher the risk is, the more rewards&nbsp;you get.&nbsp;的确是这样。但是风险越高,回报就越多。A: I don't dare to take risks. I just want to invest in low-risk projects. Do you have any good ideas?我可不敢冒险,我只想投资风险低的项目,你有什么好的想法吗?B: You can buy gold, antiques or art works. These projects are with particularly low risks, but with extremely long return cycle.&nbsp;你可以购买黄金,古董或者艺术品。这些项目的风险特别低,但是回报的周期特别长。A: Which one is best for us?哪一个最适合我们呢?B: The wisest&nbsp;option is to put the eggs in different baskets, which means to invest in each one, which is the safest.&nbsp;最明智的选择是把鸡蛋放在不同的篮子里。也就是说,每一个都投资一点,这样最保险。A: It makes sense. I'll go back and discuss with my wife.有道理,我要回去和妻子商量一下。B: Well. If you have any other questions, call me.&nbsp;如果你有什么疑问,可以打电话给我。
3/11/20217 minutes, 55 seconds
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【生活实用口语】介绍经历Talking about experience

I spent my childhood in Paris.我的童年在巴黎度过。I was brought up in Paris.我在巴黎长大。I graduated from...我毕业于....My major is...我的专业是...I'm self-employed.我自己创业。经典对话A: I don't know much about you. Where were you born?我不太了解你,你是在哪儿出生的?B: I was born in London, but I spent most of my childhood in Hong Kong.&nbsp;我是在伦敦出生,在香港长大的。A: What was your childhood like?你小时候过得怎么样?B: I had a pretty strict upbringing, and my parents and I were always fighting about it.&nbsp;小时候家教很严,那时我经常为这个和我母亲对着干。A: Do you get along with your parents now?那你现在跟父母相处的怎么样了?B: Oh sure. Once they reached middle age, they became a lot less uptight.&nbsp;好多了,人近中年心态就平和多了。A: Where did you go to university?你在哪儿上的大学?B: My parents wanted me to stay in Hong Kong, but I decided to go back to England. I graduated from Oxford university with a degree in English literature.&nbsp;我父母想让我留在香港,可是我自己决定回英国。后来我从牛津大学毕业,并且拿到了一个有关英国文学的学位。A: What is your current occupation?那你现在做什么工作呢?B: I'm a freelance writer. I write magazine articles and fiction books.我是个自由撰稿人,给杂志写点文章,也写些小说。A: Did you always know that you wanted to be a writer?当作家是你一直以来的愿望吗?B: No, I didn't. I was an English teacher for about five years. But by the time I was 30, I decided I wanted a fresh challenge.&nbsp;不是。以前我做过五年的英语老师,后来30岁那年,我觉得自己需要一些新鲜的挑战。A: How did you start writing?那你是如何踏上写作之路的呢?B: I started writing magazine articles for fun and eventually was asked to write a book, so I was pretty lucky.&nbsp;起初我只是给杂志写点小文章,写着玩儿。后来就有人请我写书,其实我挺幸运的。A: Are you writing a book now?你现在还在写书吗?B: Yes, it's about a group of friends living in a foreign country and all the strange experiences they have.有的。是一本关于几个朋友生活在异国他乡的奇特经历。A: Sounds interesting.&nbsp;听起来很有意思。
3/8/20217 minutes, 50 seconds
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地道生活口语——get to know new friends结识新朋友

Acquaintance/əˈkweɪntəns/熟人Buddy/ˈbʌdi/男性朋友close friend亲密朋友Mate/meɪt/伙伴Pal/p&aelig;l/好朋友Partner/ˈpɑːrtnər/同居者;合作伙伴Roommate/ˈruːmmeɪt/室友workmate/ˈwɜːrkmeɪt/工友colleague/ˈkɑːliːɡ/同事Get to know逐渐认识You'll like her once you&nbsp;get to know her.你一旦开始了解她,就会喜欢她的。Get on/along well相处很好Did you get on well with each other?你们之间相处的融洽吗?Hang out闲逛I&nbsp;usually hang out&nbsp;around here with my friends.我经常和我朋友在附近闲逛。Hold a grudge记仇It's better to&nbsp;forgive and forget rather than to hold a grudge.与其怀有宿怨不如去宽恕和释怀。Conversation:A: How are you doing, Andrew?你最近怎么样,安德鲁?B: Not well. I've been feeling pretty lonely lately.&nbsp;不怎么样,我最近觉得特别孤单。A: But you have so many friends, how could you be lonely?可是你有那么多的朋友,怎么会孤单呢?B: You know what they say, &quot;a friend to all is a friend to none&quot;. I don't feel like I really know any of my friends. In fact, I should probably call them acquaintances, not friends.你知道有句俗话是这么说的,“交满交友满天下,知心无一人”。我觉得我对自己的朋友,其实哪一个都不了解。坦白说,我不该管他们叫朋友啊,应该是叫熟人。A: What about me? I'm your friend.那我什么呢?我是你的朋友呀。B: I know you are. But you're my girlfriend. I wish I had a guy friend to hang out with sometimes.我知道你是可是。你是我女性朋友。我希望自己能有个男性朋友,有时候可以混在一起消磨时间的那种。A: I know what you mean. I find it difficult to make new friends too. It's not as easy as it was when we were young, is it?我懂你的意思。我也觉得这叫新朋友不是件容易的事,不像我们年轻的时候那么容易了,对吧?B:&nbsp;Yes.是的。A: I've made a lot of new friends since I started learning English. Maybe you could join a club or take a class&nbsp;to make some new friends.&nbsp;我开始学英语以后认识了不少新朋友。如果你去参加个俱乐部或者报个班,也许能认识新朋友。B: That's a good idea.&nbsp;这个主意不错。A: What kind of qualities do you look for in a friend?你希望找到的朋友有什么样的品质?B: I'm not sure. I guess I'd like to meet some people who have a positive attitude.&nbsp;我也说不好,我想我希望能认识一些有积极人生态度的人。
3/1/20217 minutes, 45 seconds
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旅游英语——在巴黎In Paris

A: Welcome back. How was your vacation?欢迎回来,假期过得怎么样?B: It was fantastic, but I'm glad to be back. Being a tourist is really tiring.好极了,不过回到家我还是很高兴,毕竟出门旅游还是挺累的。A: Where did you end up going?那你后来决定去哪里了?B: Because it's off-season, we got a really good package deal to Paris, so we went there.&nbsp;由于属于旅游淡季,我们赶上了一个去巴黎的特别优惠的旅游团,所以我们就去那里了。A: I've always wanted to go to Paris. The Eiffel Tower is one of the most famous tourist attractions in the world. Did you go to the top?我一直都很想去巴黎。埃菲尔铁塔是世界上最著名的名胜之一,你登到顶塔顶了吗?B: That was the first thing we did. I have a few pictures, do you want to see them?我们第一站就是去的那儿,我拍了一些照片,你想看看吗?A: Sure, what's this one a picture of?当然,就这样拍的是什么?B: That's a picture of me on our fourth&nbsp;day of traveling. I'm standing next to a famous fountain in the center of the city.&nbsp;这是我在旅游的第四天拍的,我站在市中心一个特别有名的喷泉旁边。A: You don't look very happy in that picture.你看起来怎么不高兴啊?B: No, by that time, I was sick of sightseeing. I had&nbsp;had enough of art&nbsp;galleries, cathedrals, fountains, statues and palaces. We spent that afternoon walking around a flea market. We had a few coffees, watched&nbsp;a&nbsp;movie and went for a swim in a pool at the hotel.&nbsp;不是,那时候我对观光已经有点腻了。我参观了太多的美术馆,教堂,喷泉,雕像和宫殿。那天下午我们去逛了跳蚤市场,喝咖啡,看电影,然后回酒店泳池游了泳。A: My travel agent always reminds me to plan a day of relaxing for every three days of sightseeing. Did you go to the Louvre?我参加的旅行社总是提醒我,每观光三天就要腾出一天时间来放松身心。你们去卢浮宫的吗?B: Of course. You can't go to Paris without going to their most famous art gallery. I was surprised by how small the Mona Lisa was.&nbsp;当然去了,去巴黎怎么能不去最有名的美术馆呢。但是,蒙娜丽莎那幅画怎么这么小啊!真让我大吃一惊!A: That's what everyone says. I can't wait to see it for myself someday.&nbsp;每个去过的人都这么说。我已经等不及了,一定要找时间亲自去看一看。
2/26/20218 minutes
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地道生活口语——面试准备preparing for an interview

interview面试interviewer面试官interviewee参加面试的人resume简历A: I have good news.我有好消息。B: What's that?是什么?A: I have an interview with an IT company on Wednesday.周三有一家it公司要面试我。B: That's fantastic. Have you prepared for the interview?太好了,你为面试做准备了吗?A: Not really. I've just looked over my resume&nbsp;a few times.还没有,我只是仔细检查了好几遍我的简历。B: Let's practice a few questions.咱们来演习几个问题吧。A: Okay, ask anyway.好的,问吧。B: What kind of applicant do you think we're looking for at our company?你觉得我们公司会聘用一个怎样的申请人?A: The successful applicant must be hardworking, responsible and honest.一个成功的申请者必须工作努力,有责任心,而且还要诚实。B: Good. What makes you think that you would be a success in this position?好,是什么让你觉得你可以胜任这个职位?A: I would do well in this position because I have four years of experience working in this field. I'm good at what I do and I'm easy to work with.我觉得我可以胜任这份工作,这是因为我有四年的相关工作经验,这方面我有专长,而且我非常容易与人相处。B: Okay. What are your salary expectations?好的,那你预期的薪水是多少?A: Oh, I haven't thought about that before. I guess I should. Well, to be honest, I don't mind if I start with the low salary because I'm rather desperate for work right now.这个我以前没想过,我是该想想。老实说,我不介意低起薪的,因为我现在非常渴望有一份工作。B: That might not be the best thing to say to an interviewer. You shouldn't ask too much or too little.对招聘的考官这么回答说可不太好,你说的太低或者太高都不行。A: But I have no idea how much freelance IT consultants earn.但是我真的对自由it咨询师的薪水没有概念。B: That's something you should research before you go to the interview.&nbsp;你面试之前应该调查一下。
2/25/20217 minutes, 30 seconds
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Do you want a doggie&nbsp;bag?你要打包袋吗?I need a doggie bag.&nbsp;我需要一个打包袋。You have ordered too much.&nbsp;你点的太多了。Jimmy doesn't want to waste the food.&nbsp;吉米不想浪费食物。经典对话A: Do you often take the leftover food home from a restaurant?你经常从餐馆打包食物回家吗?B: Not very often.&nbsp;不经常。A: What happens to the rest of the food?那剩饭剩菜怎么处理呢?B: It usually goes to the dump.&nbsp;通常就会直接倒掉。A: What an awful waste. People should have ordered fewer dishes so that they can reduce the waste of the food at the end of the meal.真是太浪费了,人们应该少点菜,这样他们就可以减少饭店饭后食物的浪费。B: Why don't people order fewer dishes?为什么人们不能少点些菜呢?A: It is a tradition to order a lot of food in a restaurant.&nbsp;在餐馆里,点很多食物是一种传统。B: It is better to take the leftovers home. However, many people are&nbsp;unwilling to do it. But if you want, you can take the leftovers home.&nbsp;那最好还是打包剩下的饭菜。然而很多人不愿意这样做,但如果你愿意,你可以把剩菜带回家。A: Yes, maybe it is the best way to reduce the waste.是的,也许这是减少浪费的最好办法。B: if you want to pack the rest of the food, the waiter will provide you with a doggie&nbsp;bag. But my wife refuses to eat the packed food. That makes me very confused.如果你需要打包剩余的食物,服务员会给你提供打包袋。但我的妻子不喜欢打包的食物,让我很困惑。A: That's ok. So does my wife.&nbsp;还好吧,我妻子也是这样的。
2/17/20216 minutes, 7 seconds
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地道生活口语——介绍朋友Introducing friends

make friends交朋友Don't make friends with strangers.不要和陌生人交朋友。What's he like?他是一个什么样的人?(用来询问对方的外貌或性格)What&nbsp;does he look like?他长什么样?(用来询问对方的相貌)经典对话A: Jenny, you always stay at home alone. You should often go out with your friends.珍妮,你总是自己一个人呆在家里,你应该经常和朋友出去玩。B: But I have few friends. Most of all, I don't know how to&nbsp;make friends.可是我几乎没有朋友。最重要的是,我不知道如何交朋友。A: I give you best. Well, my friend and I are having a barbecue party on the beach next week. Why don't you come?我服了你了。这样吧,下周我和我的朋友要在海滩举行一个烧烤派对,你也来参加吧。B: I don't know your friend, I'll be embarrassed.我不认识你的朋友,我觉得会尴尬。A: I'd like to introduce you to a friend of mine, Jack. Jack is a warm and cheerful American, he always makes everyone laugh. We all call him&quot;pleaser&quot;. I believe he will make you change.我想给你介绍一个我的朋友杰克。杰克是一个热情开朗的美国人,他总是能够令大家捧腹大笑,我们都叫他开心果,我相信他会让你改变的。B: But&nbsp;will he be my friend?可是他会愿意做和我做朋友吗?A: You have the same hobby, that is, playing the piano. I'm sure you will be friends. He is very helpful, and that is the reason why we all like him.&nbsp;你们有共同的爱好就是弹钢琴,我相信你们可以成为朋友的。他非常乐于助人,这也是我们都喜欢他的一个原因。B: What's he like?他是什么样的人?A: He's a little taller than me, very white and has brown curly hair. He&nbsp;is passionate about&nbsp;life and insists on visiting old men in welfare institutions every week.&nbsp;他比我高一点,很白,有一头棕色的卷发。他对生活很有热情,他还坚持每周去探望福利院的老人。be passionate about...对...充满热情B: Sounds like he's a great guy.&nbsp;听起来他是一个很不错的。
2/16/20216 minutes, 34 seconds
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I have a complaint.我要投诉。The&nbsp;shower head&nbsp;in the&nbsp;bathroom is broken.&nbsp;The&nbsp;shower head&nbsp;in the bathroom doesn't work.&nbsp;卫生间里的淋浴头坏了。shower head淋浴头I can't stand such a dirty environment.&nbsp;我不能忍受如此脏的环境。stand忍受I'm not content with your service.我对你们的服务不满意。be content with...对...满意The guest&nbsp;in the next room made&nbsp;great noise.&nbsp;隔壁房间的房客很吵。经典对话A: I have a complaint.我要投诉。B: What's your problem. Madam?女士,你有什么问题呢?A: I called room service last night to tell them the broken bathroom lights and asked them to come over and fix it. No one comes to fix it till now. Your service attitude annoys me too much.昨天晚上我给客房服务打电话说浴室灯坏了,让他们过来修。直到现在也没有人来修,你们的服务态度太让我生气了。B: I apologize to you on behalf of our hotel. What time did you call room service last night?我代表我们酒店向您道歉。您是昨天晚上几点给客房服务打电话的呢?on behalf of...表示“代表...”A: Before eight o'clock. It's not late, right?不到八点,这不算晚吧?B: This is our error, please tell me more details. Please let me know your room number and your name.&nbsp;这是我们的错,请您告诉我更多的信息。请您告诉我您的房间号和姓名。A: I'm Joe. My room number is 1203. A&nbsp;woman answered when I called yesterday.我叫乔依,我的房间号是1203。昨天我打电话时是一位女性接的。B: Alright, I see. I'll check with the&nbsp;room service department at once. I promise this won't happen again. To make up for our mistakes, I decide&nbsp;to let you stay in our hotel for another day for free.&nbsp;好的,我了解了。我马上和客房服务部核实情况。我保证这样的情况不会再发生了。为了弥补我们的过错,我决定让你免费在我们酒店多住一天。
2/9/20216 minutes, 14 seconds
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anniversary/ˌ&aelig;nɪˈvɜːrsəri/周年纪念日wedding anniversary结婚纪念日the&nbsp;10th anniversary&nbsp;of&nbsp;our marriage我们的十周年结婚纪念日We have just celebrated&nbsp;the&nbsp;10th&nbsp;anniversary of our marriage.We have just celebrated the 10th wedding anniversary.我们刚刚庆祝了我们的十周年纪念日。celebrate/ˈselɪbreɪt/庆祝经典对话A: Why did you prepare a candlelight dinner. Is there anything special to celebrate?你为什么准备了烛光晚餐?有什么特别的事情要庆祝吗?B: You won't forget what day it is, will you?你不会忘记今天什么日子了吧?A: Of course. I remember it was on this very day last year that we tied the knot.&nbsp;我当然记得,就在去年的今天,我们结为夫妻。tie the knot表示“结婚;永结同心”,比如:My friend is going to tie the knot.我朋友要结婚了。B: To tell you the truth, I'm very impressed that you remember. I thought for sure you would&nbsp;forget.说实话,你还记得我很感动,我还以为你肯定忘了呢。A: How could I forget such an important day? This is our wedding anniversary. Look at that case over there.我怎么会忘记这么重要的一天呢?这是我们的结婚纪念日,看看那边的那个盒子。B: What's in it?里面是什么?A: Please open it.打开看看。B: Oh, my god, a diamond&nbsp;ring. It looks very beautiful. You're so nice to me. I really like it very much. But it must be expensive.&nbsp;天啊,钻戒。看起来真的很漂亮,你对我真是太好了,我真的非常喜欢,但是一定很贵吧。A: Don't worry about the price. I just want you to be happy. You're more beautiful than this diamond ring.&nbsp;不要担心价格,我只想让你开心,你比这个钻戒更好看。B: I don't know what's going on, but I love you now more than the&nbsp;day we got married. Thank you very much.我不知道怎么回事,但是我比结婚那个时候更爱你了,谢谢你。A: You're welcome. Happy anniversary.&nbsp;不用谢,结婚纪念日快乐。
2/5/20215 minutes, 51 seconds
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pop music流行音乐classical music古典音乐I've heard that...我听说...I've heard that&nbsp;Manchester has a really good chinatown, like the one in&nbsp;San&nbsp;Francisco.我听说曼彻斯特有一条非常好的中国城,就像旧金山的那样。To be honest老实说To be honest, I really don't like the way he talks.老实说,我不喜欢他说话的方式。be into喜欢...;对...感兴趣I&nbsp;am&nbsp;really&nbsp;into&nbsp;finance.我真的很喜欢金融。经典对话A: What are you listening to? Is that Beethoven or Mozart?你听什么呢?贝多芬还是莫扎特?B: It's Beethoven. Do you like it?贝多芬,你喜欢他的音乐吗?A: I think Beethoven's music is incredible.&nbsp;I've heard that&nbsp;listening to it can make you more intelligent too.&nbsp;Do you believe that?我觉得贝多芬的音乐简直好听到不可思议。我还听说常听他的音乐可以让人变得更聪明,你相信吗?B: I don't know about that, but I do think that it helps people relax.这个我倒不知道,不过我相信它有助于放松身心。A: What other kind of music do you listen to?其他类型的音乐,你喜欢听什么?B: Actually. I mostly just listen to classical music. What about you?其实,我一般听古典音乐,你呢?A:&nbsp;To be honest, I think classical music is too complicated for me.&nbsp;老实说,我觉得古典音乐对我来说有点儿太深奥了。B: What kind of music do you prefer then?那你喜欢听什么?A: I like pop music. Do you?我喜欢听流行音乐,你喜欢吗?B: Not really. I don't think pop music has much depth.&nbsp;不怎么喜欢,我觉得流行音乐都没什么深度。A: I see what you mean. I think that's why I like it so much.我明白你的意思,不过这也正是我喜欢它的原因。B: How long have you&nbsp;been into&nbsp;pop music then?那你喜欢流行音乐有多久了?A: I've always&nbsp;been into&nbsp;it. Have you always liked classical music?我一直都很喜欢听,你是一直都喜欢听古典音乐吗?B: Not really. When I was little, we didn't really listen to music at all.也不是,我小时候根本就不听音乐。A: So how did you become interested in it?那你怎么就开始对古典音乐感兴趣了?B: Well, when I was about ten years old, I started playing the piano. I think that's how it all started.大概是十岁的时候我开始学钢琴,我想就是从那时候开始的。A: Do you still play piano?你现在还弹钢琴吗?B: Yes, it's one of my hobbies.&nbsp;对,那是我的一个爱好。
2/4/20218 minutes, 38 seconds
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jewelry珠宝;首饰ring戒指diamond ring钻戒necklace项链pearl necklace珍珠项链jade/gold bracelet玉/金手镯earrings耳环a pair of earrings一副耳环经典对话A: Welcome. What can I do for you?欢迎光临,需要我帮忙吗?B: Yes, I'd like to buy a diamond ring for my fiancee.&nbsp;Could you recommend some of them for me?是的,我想给我未婚妻买一枚钻戒,你可以给我介绍几款吗?B: It's my pleasure. Do you know what style your fiancee likes?我很乐意,你知道你未婚妻喜欢什么样的款式吗?A: I have no idea. Can I take a look firstly?我也不清楚,我能先看看吗?B: Sure, this way please. It is full of diamond rings. Look at this one, it is very popular among young people.当然。这边请。这里面都是钻戒,你看看这个,钻戒就在年轻人中很受欢迎。A: Yes, it's beautiful. Do you have a simpler style than this one? My fiancee likes simple and generous ornaments.&nbsp;是啊,很漂亮,有比这个简单一点的款式吗?我未婚妻喜欢简单大方的饰品。ornament/ˈɔːrnəment/表示装饰品B: How about this one? The style concept of this ring&nbsp;is forever love. The cutting technology of this diamond is first-class.&nbsp;这枚钻戒怎么样?这枚钻戒的设计理念是永恒的爱。这款钻石的切割工艺是一流的。A: Wow. I like it very much. Do you have a certificate in diamonds?哇,我很喜欢,你们有钻石证书吗?B: Of course. Wait a minute, I'll show it to you. Here you are.&nbsp;当然,请稍等一下,我让你看看给您。A: Yes. great. How much is the diamond ring?是的,很棒。这枚钻戒多少钱?B: 2,230 Dollars.2230美元A: It is a little expensive. Can you make it cheaper?有点贵,能再便宜一些吗?B: Sorry. sir. This is a unified national price.很抱歉,先生,这是全国统一的价格。A: All right. I'll take it.&nbsp;好吧,我买了。
1/28/20216 minutes, 49 seconds
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地道生活口语——Drinking Coffee喝咖啡

be busy with..(sth/doing sth)忙于...He&nbsp;is busy with&nbsp;cleaning the house.他正忙于打扫房间。I'm busy with&nbsp;my homework/doing my homework.我正忙着写作业。It is convenient/a convenience&nbsp;for sb to do...对于某人来说,做某事很便利/方便It is convenient/a convenience for&nbsp;me to&nbsp;drive to the station.对我来说,开车去车站很方便。be esential to..对...来说至关重要Working experience&nbsp;is esential to&nbsp;this job.工作经验对于这份工作很重要。It is reported that...据报道...It is reported that&nbsp;the&nbsp;prince and the princess will get married next month.据报道,王子和公主下个月要结婚了。经典对话A: Hi, Jessica. Long time no see. How are you all keeping?杰西卡,好久不见,一切都还好吗?How are you all keeping用于打招呼,表示“你最近怎么样?你身体好吗?”B: Not bad. I'm busy with decorating the coffeeshop. I'm&nbsp;exhausted, but it is nearly finished.还不错,我正忙装修咖啡店,真是快累死了,还好就快完成了。exhausted表示“疲惫的;精疲力尽的”,相当于“very tired”A: Congratulations. I heard the coffee shop is near the park,&nbsp;it is a great convenience for&nbsp;most people.祝贺你。我听说咖啡店在公园附近,这对于大多数人来说是一种极大的方便。B: Do you like drinking coffee?你喜欢喝咖啡吗?A: Of course. Coffee is a good thing that can make my brain work.&nbsp;当然了,咖啡是个好东西,能让我的大脑保持清醒。B: Yes. What kind of coffee do you&nbsp;prefer? The white coffee or black coffee?是啊,你更喜欢哪种咖啡,白咖啡还是清咖啡?prefer表示“更喜欢...”,比如“Which do you prefer?你更喜欢哪个?”white coffee指加牛奶的咖啡;black coffee指不加牛奶或糖的咖啡A: The black coffee. But my wife likes the white coffee with two sugars. What kind of coffee have you got?清咖啡,但是我妻子更喜欢加两块糖的白咖啡。你们的咖啡厅都有什么咖啡啊?B: We have espresso, cappuccino, latte, skinny latte and Americano.我们有意式浓缩咖啡,卡布奇诺咖啡,拿铁咖啡,脱脂拿铁咖啡,还有美式咖啡。A: Are you kidding me? You have so many choices. But environment&nbsp;is essential to&nbsp;a coffee shop.你不是开玩笑吧?这么多种啊,但是环境对于咖啡店来说是很重要的。B: You're right. A&nbsp;caf&eacute;&nbsp;can give people a comfortable environment.&nbsp;对呀,一家好的咖啡馆能给人一个舒适的环境。A: Hmm, maybe. It is reported that drinking coffee is good for health.&nbsp;或许吧。据报道,喝咖啡对健康是有益的。B: Drinking coffee is not harmful, and in some cases may have benefits.&nbsp;喝咖啡不仅无害,而且在某种情况下还有益处。
1/27/20217 minutes, 57 seconds
Episode Artwork


praise赞扬;夸赞praise sb for sth因为某事夸赞某人The manager&nbsp;praised Tom for&nbsp;his hard work.经理夸赞汤姆工作努力。The manager didn't have a word of&nbsp;praise&nbsp;for me.经理没有一句夸奖我的话。Tom said that he didn't deserve such&nbsp;praise.汤姆说他当不起这样的夸奖。I have&nbsp;praised&nbsp;Mary to her face.我已经当面表扬玛丽了。to her face表示“当面”经典对话A: Hello, sir. Melody told me you're looking for me. How can I help you?您好先生。麦乐迪告诉我您在找我,有什么事可以为您效劳吗?B: Yes, I'd like to talk with you about your recent performance. Firstly, you tell something about your recent job.是的,我想跟你谈谈你最近的工作表现,你先简单说说你最近的工作吧。B: All right. In this month, I received one hundred groups of clients and made efforts to overfulfill all sales performance.好的。在这一个月里,我接待了100组客户,努力超额完成了所有的销售任务。overfulfill表示“超额完成”A: Good job. I always hear that you often work overtime after work. You must be a model employee in our company.干的不错,我总是听说你经常下班之后加班,你在我们公司绝对是一个模范员工。B: Thank you for your compliment. I still have a lot of things to learn.&nbsp;谢谢您的夸奖,我仍然还有很多需要学习的地方。A: You're very modest, that's a good point. Modesty helps one advance, whereas conceit makes one fall&nbsp;behind.&nbsp;你很谦虚,这点不错。谦虚使人进步,骄傲使人落后。whereas表示“然而”B: It's nothing. You're flattering me.哪里,您过奖了。A: I wish you could talk with Peter in private. Not only is he often late for work, but he is also a lazy man.我希望你能和彼得在私下谈谈,他不仅上班经常迟到,而且是一个爱偷懒的人。in private表示“私下地”B: He is a bit of a loafer.他是有一点儿游手好闲。A: I hope you can help him correct these mistakes.我希望你能帮助他改正这些错误。B: I will do my best to help him and others become model employees.&nbsp;我会尽力帮助他和其他人成为模范员工。
1/27/20216 minutes, 54 seconds
Episode Artwork

职场口语——After the meeting会议后

ask for leave请假May I&nbsp;ask for leave&nbsp;tomorrow?我明天能请假吗?Could you&nbsp;ask&nbsp;for leave&nbsp;for me? I need to go home.你能帮我请假吗?我需要回家。turn down拒绝I thanked him for the offer but&nbsp;turned it down.我感谢了他的好意,但是拒绝了。I&nbsp;turned down&nbsp;his invitation.我拒绝了他的要求。经典对话:A: Good afternoon, Tim. I asked for leave this morning, could you tell me something about the meeting in the morning?下午好,蒂姆。今天早上我请假了,你能告诉我关于早上开会的事宜吗?B: Certainly. On the whole, the meeting was quite successful. There was a lively discussion on each subject.&nbsp;当然了。本次会议整体上还是比较成功的,每一个议题都进行了热烈的讨论。A: Sounds great. I regret not taking part in the meeting. I am very concerned about whether the previous resolutions have been passed.&nbsp;听起来很不错,我很后悔没有参加这次会议,我很关心是否通过了之前的决议。B: Some resolutions have been passed and others need to be discussed at another meeting tomorrow.有一些通过了,还有一些需要明天再开个会讨论一下。A: Do you mean to have another meeting again?你的意思说要再开一个会?B: Yes, you can go and see Nancy's minutes, very detailed, so that you can familiarize&nbsp;yourself with the contents of the meeting.&nbsp;是的,你可以去看一下南希的会议记录,非常详细,这样你就可以熟悉会议内容了。minute除了表示“片刻,分钟”,还可以表示“会议记录”familiarize/fəˈmɪliəraɪz/表示“使熟悉”A: Nancy? The secretary of our general manager?Nancy?总经理秘书吗?B: Yes. Her office is on the third floor to the left.&nbsp;是的,她的办公室在三楼,左手边。A: But I don't know her very well. Is it possible that she will lend it to me?但是我跟她不太熟悉,她会借给我吗?B: Don't worry. She is easy to get along with and very helpful. Just have a try, she&nbsp;won't turn you down.别担心,她很好相处,而且很乐于助人。去试试吧,她应该不会拒绝你的。A: I hope so.但愿如此。B: If you need any help, just let me know.如果你需要帮忙,就告诉我。A: Thank you.&nbsp;谢谢。
1/26/20216 minutes, 51 seconds
Episode Artwork

职场口语短语——be absent from

be absent from缺席He has&nbsp;been absent from&nbsp;work for three days.他已经三天没来上班了。be entitled to使有权做Everyone&nbsp;is entitled to&nbsp;give their own&nbsp;opinions.每个人都有权发表自己的看法。经典对话A: Hello, Nick. Could you tell me if there are any special rules in our company?你好,尼克。你能告诉我公司的一些特别规定吗?B: Sure. The working time is from nine to five. Don't be late or absent from work. You should report&nbsp;your work to manager Wang&nbsp;every week.&nbsp;当然可以,工作时间是从早上九点到下午五点,不要迟到或者旷工。你每周要向王经理汇报工作。表示“向...汇报”A: Is there anything else? What about my salary?还有别的吗?我的薪水怎么样?B: There is a strict and reasonable salary standard in our company. You can get your salary on the 10th day of every month. Benefits are paid according to the employee's&nbsp;length of service and the employee's&nbsp;past attendance&nbsp;record.&nbsp;在我们公司有严格又合理的工资制度。你可以在每月的十号领到你的薪水。福利是根据员工的服务年限和考勤记录发放的。A: Thank you for telling me about this. Would you mind telling me something else, such as attendance record, the holidays and how to ask for leave.&nbsp;谢谢你告诉我这些,你不介意告诉我其他的事吗?比如考勤,假期以及如何请假。ask for leave表示“请假”B: All employees seem to ask the same question and I can understand. In addition to the important holidays and weekends, there are three days off a month.&nbsp;所有的新员工似乎都问同样的问题,我能理解。除了重要的假期和周末,每月还有三天的假期。in addition to表示“除了”,相当于“besides”A: How about the annual leave?年假呢?B: After working for a year, you're entitled to a week's annual leave.&nbsp;工作满一年之后,你就有资格享受一周的年假。A: I see, thank you very much.&nbsp;我明白了,非常感谢。B: You're welcome.&nbsp;不客气。
1/25/20215 minutes, 49 seconds
Episode Artwork


dismiss(尤指因做错事)使免职,将...解职He&nbsp;has been dismissed&nbsp;from his job for&nbsp;incompetence.他因无法胜任工作而被解职。axe(美亦作ax)He has been axed from the team.他被团队开除了。lay off开除;罢免The factory is going to lay off many workers.工厂打算裁员。经典对话A: Hello, John. Could you come to my office?你好,约翰,能来一下我的办公室吗?B: Sure. I'm just coming. Mr green, what can I do for you?当然,我马上就来格林先生,请问您找我有什么事吗?A: Have a seat, please. The staff in your department are pretty good. Everyone is working hard, these are all inseparable from your management.&nbsp;请坐。你们部门的员工都很努力,每个人都在认真的工作,这些都离不开你的管理。B: It's nothing. We also need to improve sales&nbsp;performance in every month to create greater value for the company.&nbsp;这没什么,我们还需要提高每个月的销售业绩,为公司创造更大的价值。A: Our business has been going down sharply in the past few months and we have to lay off some staff members.&nbsp;我们的业务在过去几个月里急剧下降,我们不得不裁减一些工作人员。B: Do you mean to cut staff in our department?你的意思是说在我们部门裁减人员吗?A: Yes, I'm sorry to tell you the news. Although you have been working very hard, your department's performance is not very good.&nbsp;是的,很抱歉告诉你这个消息,虽然你们一直都很努力,但是你们部门的业绩一直不好。B: I'm among the people who have to go?我也是其中一员吗?A: As a sales manager, you have not increased our sales.作为销售经理,你没有增加我们的销售量。B: You know, I've always been very conscientious. This job is especially important to me. I was counting on it to feed my family.你是知道的,我一直都很尽职尽责。这份工作对我来说很重要,我还指望他养活我的家人呢。A: I'm so sorry, but this is the board's decision, there's nothing I can do.我真的很抱歉,但这是董事会的决定,我也无能为力。B:&nbsp; All right. I try to accept the fact.&nbsp;好吧,我尽量接受这个事实。
1/22/20216 minutes, 40 seconds
Episode Artwork


Jason was late for work because of the traffic jam.&nbsp;由于交通堵塞,约翰上班迟到了。traffic jam交通堵塞I'm so sorry for being late.&nbsp;很抱歉我迟到了。Why are you always late for work.&nbsp;你为什么总是上班迟到?I'm sorry. I misjudged&nbsp;the time.&nbsp;很抱歉,我时间看错了。misjudge对...判断错误;看错Our company is not allowed to clock on late or clock off early.&nbsp;我们公司不允许迟到早退。be(not) allowed to do(不)被允许做某事clock on上班打卡clock off下班打卡经典对话A: John, you're late this morning. Why are you always late for work?约翰,你今天早上迟到了,你为什么总是上班迟到?B: I'm sorry to be late for work. There was a traffic accident in a city square this morning, I'm stuck on the road.很抱歉上班迟到了。今天在城市广场发生了交通事故,我被困在路上了。be stuck表示“被困住”A: You always have a good reason for being late. But you should call the manager in advance to explain your situation, it really burns him up.你迟到总是有一个很好的理由。但是你应该给经理提前打个电话,说明一下自己的情况,这件事的确激怒经理了。burn sb up表示“使某人生气”B: Really? I don't want to be late either. But my house is too far from the office. I get up at six o'clock every morning, I think I need to get up at five o'clock from tomorrow.&nbsp;真的吗?我也不愿意迟到,但是我家离公司太远了,我每天早上六点就起床了,我想从明天开始我需要五点起床。A: According to company regulations, if you're late more than three times a month, you will be fired.公司规定,如果你一个月内迟到超过三次,你就会被开除。B: Yes, you're right. I have been late three times. I don't want to be fired. What should I do?是的,没错,我已经迟到三次了,我不想被开除,我该怎么办呢?A: You should go to the manager's office to explain. You have to be prepared to be quarrelled by him.&nbsp;你应该去找经理好好解释,你得做好被他大吵一顿的准备。B: I know. I swear I won't be late again.&nbsp;我知道了,我发誓再也不迟到了。A: You should have realized this long ago. Don't worry, perhaps the situation is not as bad as we thought.&nbsp;你早就应该意识到这样。不要担心,或许情况没有我们想得那么糟糕。B: When do you think I should go to the manager's office?你觉得我什么时候去经理办公室合适?A: After the morning meeting.早会结束以后。
1/21/20217 minutes, 4 seconds
Episode Artwork


实用短语major in...专业是...I&nbsp;major in&nbsp;administrative management.我的专业是行政管理。graduate from...毕业于...I&nbsp;graduated from&nbsp;Harvard University.我毕业于哈佛大学。be good at..擅长...I&nbsp;am good at&nbsp;analyzing the market.我擅长分析市场。be proficient in…在...方面非常精通She's proficient in several languages.她精通几种语言。I believe I'm a good fit as the...position.我相信我适合在...公司做...职位I&nbsp;believe I'm a good&nbsp;fit for&nbsp;the PG company as the&nbsp;Department Assistant&nbsp;position.我相信我适合在PG公司做部门助理这个职位。I&nbsp;believe I can do a great job as your...我相信我在...职位上会有出色表现I believe I can do a great&nbsp;job as your department assistant.我相信我能在部门助理职位上有出色表现下面是一些套用的关于技能的回答经典对话A: Could you introduce yourself to me?你能介绍一下你自己吗?B: Yes. My name is Tim and I&nbsp;major&nbsp;in business administration. I was born in 1985. And I graduated from university of California.可以,我的名字叫蒂姆,专业是商务管理,我出生于1985年,毕业于加州大学A: What kind of work do you do in the previous company?你在之前的公司从事什么样的工作?B: I have been a manager in a productive department.&nbsp;我做过生产部门的经理A: Could you tell me about your performance?能跟我说说你的业绩吗?B: Sure. I introduced&nbsp;a&nbsp;new product line that&nbsp;increased the output. The company has also reduced its labor costs by a great deal.当然,我曾经引进了一个新的生产线,从而提高了产量,公司也减少了很多的劳动成本A: What are your professional skills?你的专业技能是什么?B: I'm good at computer, proficiency in Microsoft word or Microsoft Excel.我擅长电脑,熟悉微软word和ExcelA: In your resume. I know that you have worked in PG&nbsp;company for three years. Could you tell me why you want to leave your present company?从你的简历中,我知道你已经在PPG公司工作了三年,能告诉我为什么想离开你现在的公司吗?B: My present company offers me a low salary. In addition, in the department we also often work overtime, I feel that this has greatly affected the quality of my life.现在的公司给我很低的薪水,除此之外部门也是经常加班,我觉得这严重影响了我的生活质量A: All right. We'll call you if we decide to employ you.好的,如果我们决定录用,你会给你打电话的B: Thank you very much.非常感谢。A: Not at all.&nbsp;不客气。
1/19/20217 minutes, 51 seconds
Episode Artwork


Certificate/sərˈtɪfɪkeɪt/证书;结业证书a birth/marriage/death certificate出生/结婚/死亡证明How many honorary&nbsp;certificates&nbsp;do you have?How many honorary&nbsp;certificates&nbsp;have you got?你拿过多少个荣誉证书?Have you ever got any&nbsp;honorary certificates&nbsp;in college?你在大学拿过一些荣誉证书吗?Have you got a&nbsp;computer certificate?你有计算机证书吗?经典对话A: Could you give me a brief introduction for yourself?你能简单介绍一下你自己吗?B: Alright. I am Linda. I major in English. I live at 66 king St. I graduated from London university in 2009.可以。我叫琳达,英语专业。我住在国王街66号,2009年毕业于伦敦大学。A: London university is really a great university. Have you ever got any honorary certificates in college?伦敦大学的确是一所很棒的大学,你在大学里获得过荣誉证书吗?B: I have received more than ten honorary certificates, such as the outstanding young graduates, three goods outstanding students, outstanding class cadres and&nbsp;so on.&nbsp;我获得了十多个荣誉证书,比如优秀毕业生,优秀三好学生,优秀班干部等等。A: Pretty good. It seems that your college experience is very rich. Which honorary certificate do you think you're most proud of?那相当不错,看来你的大学经历很丰富,你觉得你最自豪的是哪个荣誉证书?B: The outstanding young graduates. It's hard to get the certificate.&nbsp;优秀毕业生,这个证书很难获得。A: Well, why did you choose our company?好的,你为什么选择我们公司?B: I believe the development prospect of your company. I think I can make better progress in your company.我相信贵公司的发展前景,我认为我可以在贵公司得到更好的发展。A: All right. Is there anything you want to know about our company?好的,关于我们公司,你有什么想知道的吗?B: Does the new employee require training?新员工需要培训吗?A: Of course. The training will last one month.&nbsp;当然,需要培训将持续一个月。B: That would be great.&nbsp;那真是太好了。
1/18/20217 minutes, 52 seconds
Episode Artwork


get along with与...和睦相处Did you&nbsp;get along with&nbsp;your colleagues?你和你的同事相处的好吗?It's impossible to&nbsp;get along with&nbsp;him.根本无法跟他和睦相处。major in专业是...I&nbsp;majored in&nbsp;Business English when I was in college.我在大学时主攻商务英语。经典对话A: Hello, is this your first day to our company?你好,你是第一天来上班吗?B: Yes. Nice to meet you.是的,见到你很高兴。A: Nice to meet you too. What's your name?我也很高兴见到你,你叫什么名字?B: Allow me to make an introduction of myself. My name is Wilson and I graduated from California university. It's really my honor to have the opportunity to work with you.允许我介绍一下我自己,我叫威尔森,毕业于加州大学,有机会能和你一起工作,我感到很荣幸。make an introduction of..表示“做...的介绍”A: You look easy to get along with. It's my pleasure to meet you here. Which department do you belong to?你看起来很容易相处,很高兴能够认识你,你是哪一个部门的?B: The human resources department. I majored in human resources in college. I want to be able to engage in professional-related positions. What about you?人力资源部门,我大学学习的是人力资源专业,我希望能从事与专业相关的工作,你呢?A: I'm also a member in&nbsp;human resources department. It seems that we come together as if by predestination.&nbsp;我也是人力资源部门的,看来我们两个真的比较有缘。predestination意思是“命运;宿命”的意思B: Yeah, you're right. I have many hobbies, such as singing, reading, dancing and go hiking. What about you?是的,没错,我有很多爱好,比如唱歌读书跳舞和徒步旅行,你呢?A: In&nbsp;my spare time, I would like to go fishing.在我空闲的时间,我喜欢去钓鱼。B: I hope to have a chance to go fishing with you in the future.我希望将来能够有机会和你一起去钓鱼。A: No problem, I can show you around our company later.没问题,我一会儿可以带你参观一下我们的公司。B: That's great. I am new here, please kindly give me your advice.那太好了,我是新来的,请多指教。A: If you need any help, just let me know.如果你有什么需要,尽管告诉我。B: It's really&nbsp;nice of you.&nbsp;你人真是太好了。
1/17/20217 minutes, 40 seconds
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地道生活口语——Marry a "Soul Mate"!嫁给灵魂伴侣!

soulmate灵魂伴侣;知音I won't settle if he isn't my&nbsp;soulmate.如果他不是我的“唯一”,我不会安定下来的。engaged已订婚的/ɪnˈɡeɪdʒd/Mary&nbsp;was engaged to&nbsp;Joe.玛丽和乔订婚了。propose/prəˈpəʊz/求婚propose to sb向某人求婚He&nbsp;proposed to&nbsp;me.他向我求婚了。meant to be with&nbsp;each other/be perfect&nbsp;for each other天生一对经典对话A: Have you heard the big news?你听说那个特大新闻了吗?B: What big news?什么特大新闻?A: Olivia and Nicholas are engaged. He proposed to her last night at a fancy restaurant.奥利维亚和尼古拉斯订婚了,他昨晚在一家高级餐厅向她求婚了。B: I didn't even know they were dating.我压根就不知道他们俩在约会。A: After Nicholas' ex-girlfriend cheated on him, they realized that they had a great friendship and that maybe they were meant to be with each other.尼古拉斯的前女朋友背叛了他之后,他们才意识到彼此的友情有多深后,对方才是自己的那个人。B: They really are perfect for each other. I can't think of a better matched couple than them.他们俩真是天生一对,真是再没有什么人比他俩更般配了。A: I heard that they're planning to have an extravagant wedding ceremony in a church with a reception in an&nbsp;expensive restaurant on the lake.&nbsp;我听说他们打算在教堂办一场豪华的婚礼,还在湖边的一家高级餐厅订了酒席。B: Have they asked anyone to be in a wedding party yet?他们还有没有请人参加他们的婚礼?A: I think Nicholas asked Jack&nbsp;to be his best man and olivia asked Kate to be her maid of honor.&nbsp;我想尼古拉斯会邀请杰克做伴郎。奥利维亚会邀请凯特做伴娘。B: It sounds like they've done a lot of planning in a very short time. Have they decided where they're going to go for their honeymoon?好像他俩在很短的时间里策划了很多事情,他们决定去哪里度蜜月了吗?A: I haven't heard where they will go yet, but I bet you they'll go to a beach somewhere. You know how they both love surfing.这个倒还没有听说,不过我敢打赌肯定会去海边。你知道的,他们俩有多喜欢冲浪。B: You know most people find it difficult to find their soulmate, but they've made it seem extremely easy.&nbsp;要知道,想找个心灵相通的伴侣有多难,可是他们俩好像手到擒来。
1/12/20217 minutes, 23 seconds
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Can you tell me where I can&nbsp;catch&nbsp;the number&nbsp;8 bus, please?您能不能告诉我8路车在哪儿?catch有“赶上”的意思Hurry up or we'll&nbsp;miss&nbsp;it.快点,不然我们就赶不上了。miss表示“未赶上;错过”We should buy&nbsp;return&nbsp;tickets&nbsp;because&nbsp;they are much&nbsp; cheaper than getting two&nbsp;singles.我们应该买往返票,这样比两张单程票要便宜。ConversationA: So, how should we get to the theater?咱们怎么去剧院?B: Let's take the bus.坐公共汽车吧。A: I hate the bus system in London. The bus drivers are rude, the buses are never on time, and there are few people around who can help you.我讨厌伦敦的公交车体系,公共汽车司机总是很无理。而且从来都不按时到达,周围也没有什么人能帮忙。B: It's not that bad. You probably just had a bad experience once.没那么糟糕吧,大概你以前有过一次很糟的精力,A: It wasn't just once. Every single time I take the bus, something bad happens to me or to someone else on the bus.可不止一次,每次我坐公共汽车总会遇到什么点状况,不是我就是车上的其他人。B: We could take the subway. But we have to go three stops along the line, and then change trains twice.那咱们可以去坐地铁,但是得沿着一条线坐三站。然后还得换乘两次。A: Train fares are twice as expensive as the bus fares, too.地铁票价可是公共汽车的两倍呢。B: If we don't hurry up, we'll miss the show. Shall we take the bus?如果咱们再不抓紧时间,可是误了这场演出了,坐公共汽车怎么样?A: We are already late, so I think we had better take a taxi.咱们已经晚了,我想最好还是打辆出租车吧。B: I don't think we'll be able to find a taxi very easily during the rush hour. Let's just take the bus.我觉得在交通高峰期,叫出租车不是那么容易的事,还是坐公共汽车吧。A: Fine. Have a look at the timetable to find out when the next one arrives.好吧。查看时间表,看看下一班几点到。B: It looks like it should be here in just a few minutes. Don't worry, nothing bad will happen. I'll even buy your ticket for you.&nbsp;好像还有几分钟就来了,别担心不会出什么状况的,我还可以替你买票。A: Thanks. That was nice of you.&nbsp;谢谢,你真好。
1/8/20217 minutes
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company公司He&nbsp;works in the largest computer&nbsp;company&nbsp;in the world.他在全球最大的计算机公司工作。陪伴;作伴I enjoy&nbsp;Joe's&nbsp;company=I&nbsp;enjoy being with her.我喜欢和乔在一起。Don't go. I need your&nbsp;company.不要走,我需要你的陪伴。keep sb company陪某人作伴He is busy with his work. But he&nbsp;always&nbsp;finds time&nbsp;to&nbsp;keep me company.他工作很忙,但是他总会找到时间陪我。Conversation:A: What are you doing this weekend?你这周末打算干什么?B: I don't have any plans yet, do you?我目前还没有什么打算,你有吗?A: Yes, I'm going to go bungee jumping on Saturday.我想好了,我打算周六去蹦极。B: Can I come and watch?我可以去看看吗?A: Sure. You should do a jump yourself.&nbsp;当然可以,你还可以亲自跳一下。B: Are you kidding? Believe it or not, that is the last thing I'd ever want to do.&nbsp;开玩笑吧,信不信由你,实在没得干我才会想去做这个。the last thing表示“最不想做的事情”A: People do it all the time. You won't get hurt.&nbsp;大家都玩这个,你不会受伤的。B: Don't you think it's just a little bit dangerous?你不觉得这个有点危险吗?A: The people who run the company have lots of safety procedures.&nbsp;蹦极公司的工作人员有很多安全措施。B: That's not the point. I don't like doing risky things.重点不是这个,我不喜欢做任何有风险的事。A: Okay. You don't have to do it if you don't want to.好了,如果你不想跳,可以不跳。B: Good, I'll come and watch though.好极了,我还是会去看看的。A: It'll be good to have some company.有人陪着我也挺不错的。B: Will&nbsp;they teach you how to use any safety equipment before you jump?你跳之前,他们会教你怎么使用安全设施吗?A: They will explain what to do and what to expect, but there isn't much you can do if the cord&nbsp;breaks.他们会向你讲解清楚怎么做,会发生什么事情。可是一旦绳子断了,你也无计可施。B: So it is really dangerous then!所以这项运动还是相当危险的。A: Don't worry, I'll be fine.&nbsp;别担心,我不会有事的。B: You're absolutely crazy. I can't believe you're going to do it.你真是疯了,我真不敢相信你会去蹦极。A: You should try it. If you face your fears, you'll be able to do anything.&nbsp;你应该尝试一下,如果你敢于直面自己的恐惧,你就什么都不怕了。B: Trust me, extreme sports are not for me.&nbsp;相信我,极限运动不适合我。
1/6/20218 minutes, 25 seconds
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celebrate庆祝Jack&nbsp;has passed his exams. We're going out&nbsp;to&nbsp;celebrate.杰克已经通过考试,我们要外出庆祝一下。Chinese&nbsp;celebrate&nbsp;the Lunar New&nbsp;Year.中国人庆祝农历新年。We&nbsp;celebrate&nbsp;the Mid-Autumn Festival with some mooncakes.我们用月饼来庆祝中秋节。I've never done..我从没做过...I've never&nbsp;heard of&nbsp;the place.我从来没有听说过这个地方。I've&nbsp;never been&nbsp;to the States.我从来没有去过美国?ConversationA: Do you know when Spring Festival is this year?你知道今年春节是什么时候吗?B: Yes, it's next Saturday.知道啊,是下周六。A: Oh, good. I thought I had missed it .Are you going to celebrate?太好了,我还以为已经过了呢,你们打算庆祝吗?B: I don't have any plans to celebrate. What about you?我还没有什么过节的安排,你呢?A: I'm having some friends and family over for dinner. Do you want to come?我请了一些朋友,和家里人一起吃晚餐,你想过来吗?B: Sure. Are you going to do anything special to celebrate?当然好了,你们会做什么特别的事情来庆祝节日吗?A: Yes, we're going to have a big meal together, play&nbsp;mahjong, and make dumplings together.会呀,我们打算一起吃顿大餐,玩麻将,然后包饺子。B: When do you plan on eating the dumplings?你们打算什么时候吃饺子?A: It's a tradition in China to eat dumplings at midnight.中国的传统习惯是半夜吃饺子。B: I see. I've never celebrated the Spring Festival before.我知道了,我以前没庆祝过春节。A: Well, you should definitely come to mine&nbsp;this year then. We're going to set off some fireworks in the evening too. It will be a lot of fun.&nbsp;那你今年一定要来找我一起过。我们晚上会放烟花呢,咱们一定会玩得很开心的。B: Okay, what time should I come by?好的,我几点钟去?A: You can come anytime before six PM.只要晚上六点以前到就行。B: Should I bring anything with me?我应该带点什么东西吗?A: You don't have to bring anything. But if you want to, you could bring a bottle of wine.你什么都不用带,不过如果愿意的话,你可以带一瓶红酒。B: OK, should I bring some red envelops for the kids as well?好的,我是不是还应该给孩子们带点红包?A: Sure, if you want to. I'm sure they'd appreciate it.&nbsp;你愿意的话,那再好不过了。我保证他们会特别喜欢的。
1/4/20217 minutes, 27 seconds
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地道口语表达 | “以防”,“万一”用英语怎么说?

in case of...万一;如果;防备in case也是表示“以防;万一”,但是in case后面接条件状语从句,而in case of后面接名词或代词等。You'd better take&nbsp;an umbrella&nbsp;in case of rain.=You'd better take an umbrella&nbsp;in case it rains.你最好带把雨伞,以防下雨。Conversaton:A: It's the&nbsp;conference room ready?会议室准备好了吗?B: Yes. I have put the meeting agenda and the minute book on the conference table. There are also papers and pens next to each nameplate. But I found something confusing on the&nbsp;nameplates.&nbsp;准备好了。我已经把会议议程和会议记录本放在会议室的桌子上了。每个姓名牌的旁边也都有纸张和钢笔,不过我在姓名牌上发现了让人感到困惑的事情。A: What is it?什么事儿?B: Two of them were misspelled on&nbsp;the nameplates, a bit different from what I had seen on the file.其中两个姓名牌上名字的拼写方式不对,跟我之前在文件上看到的有一些差异。A: Remember to check it out&nbsp;in case of&nbsp;such a silly mistake.&nbsp;记得去核对一下,以防出现这么低级的错误。B: Okay.好的。A: I remember there was something wrong with the&nbsp;projector in a conference room. Has it been adjusted&nbsp;this time?我记得会议室里的投影有些问题,这次都已经调整好了吗?B: Yes. I have asked a professional repairman to check it and he said that there is no big problem. Just be careful not to let the thread&nbsp;loose in the process of using it.是的,我找专业的维修室检查过了,说是没有什么大问题。只要在使用过程中注意不要让线头松动就行。A: That's good. I come to tell you that you need to send the meeting notice to the attendees in advance. Once some people are unable to attend the meeting, we need to adjust immediately.那就好。我是来告诉你,你需要提前将会议通知发送给参会者,一旦有些人无法参加这次会议,就需要立即做出调整。B: Alright.&nbsp;好的。A: Additionally, you should personally check the necessary items in the meeting room, such as microphone, loudspeaker, lighting and so on. And make sure to provide boiling water, teacups and ashtrays at the conference table.另外,你要亲自检查会议室必备的东西,比如话筒,扩音器和灯光等。还有,到时一定要在会议桌上放开水,茶杯和烟灰缸。B: OK, no problem. I will certainly do these things myself.&nbsp;好的,没问题,我一定会亲自做这些事情的。
12/31/20207 minutes, 25 seconds
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minute/mɪnɪt&nbsp;/分钟;片刻I'll be back in a few&nbsp;minutes.我一会儿就回来。I enjoyed&nbsp;every&nbsp;minute&nbsp;of the party.我在这次聚会上从头到尾都非常开心。会议记录;将...记入会议记录Come in and bring in the&nbsp;minutes&nbsp;of yesterday's meeting.你进来一下,顺便把昨天的会议记录带过来。You don't need to&nbsp;minute&nbsp;that.你不必把那点记入会议当中。经典对话A: What should I do before the meeting?我在会议前应该准备什么工作?B: You have to prepare the agenda and make sure that everyone is notified before the meeting.&nbsp;你要准备好会议议程,并且要确保在开会前通知到每一个参会者。agenda表示“议事日程”A: I see. So what should I do during the meeting?明白了,那我在会议期间要做什么?B: Of course.You're supposed to&nbsp;take the minutes, which is one of your most important tasks.当然是要做会议记录了,这是你最重要的任务之一。be supposed to do表示“应该做...”A: Do I need to make a note of every word?我需要把会上每个人说的每句话都记下来吗?make a note of表示“记录”B: No. This depends on the nature of the meeting. For example, you're in charge of informal meeting this time, you only need to record the topics and the results of the discussions. And in a formal meeting, you basically need to keep track of everything, especially the speech at the meeting.&nbsp;不需要。这要根据会议的性质来决定。比如你这次负责的是非正式会议,你只需要记录会议上的主题和讨论的结果。而在正式会议上,你就基本上要记录所有的内容了,尤其是会议上的演讲是最重要的。keep track of表示“记录;与...保持联系”A: And then?然后呢?B: After the meeting, you need to print out the minutes and send them to the manager's office, because our company will adjust the company's policy according to these minutes.&nbsp;会议后,你需要将你做的会议记录打印出来送到经理的办公室,因为我们公司会根据这些会议记录调整公司的政策。A: The minutes of the meeting are very important.会议记录很重要呢。B: Of course. So you must be careful when you take minutes at the meeting.当然了,所以你一定要认真做会议记录。A: Okay. Thank you very much. You're very helpful to me.好的,非常感谢你,你对我的帮助很大。B: Not at all. Your study spirit deserves praise.不用客气,你的学习精神是值得夸奖。
12/28/20207 minutes, 40 seconds
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情景短语Stay in shape保持体型stretch the arms伸展手臂bend&nbsp;forward前倾look upward向上看pay attention to the breath关注呼吸实用句子Yoga is a method of staying in shape as well as a way of handing stress.瑜伽既能保持体型又能舒缓压力。a method/way of...是一种...的方式Doing some relaxing exercise can't be a bad thing.做一些放松的锻炼不是坏事。&nbsp;Can you tell me anything about Yoga?你能告诉我一些关于瑜伽的事吗?It's a good way to lose weight and calm&nbsp;down.&nbsp;这是个减肥和平静下来的好办法。Dialogue1A: You look terrific and in good shape.你看上去真棒,身材真好。B: Thank you.谢谢。A: How do you keep fit?你是怎么健身的?B: I've been doing Yoga for a long time.&nbsp;我练瑜伽有很长一段时间了。A: Can you tell me anything about Yoga?你能给我介绍一下瑜伽吗?B: It's perfect for physical and spiritual well-being.&nbsp;它对人的身心健康极有好处。physical and spiritual well-being表示“身心健康”A: How do you feel when you practice Yoga?你练瑜伽时感觉怎么样?B: I sweat a lot and feel very peaceful.&nbsp;我会出很多汗,并且感觉很平静。Dialogue2A: Why did you start to do Yoga?你怎么开始练瑜伽了?B: Because my cervical vertebra hurts a lot.&nbsp;因为我的颈椎很疼。A: It can't be easy to start,&nbsp;right?这个不好学吧,对吗?B: Sure. The first few classes were tough. I was not flexible enough.当然,刚开始的几节课很痛苦,我的柔韧性不够好。A: You&nbsp;must be used to it now.那你现在应该适应了吧。B: I&nbsp;still find some postures&nbsp;challenging.&nbsp;有些体式还是感觉有点难度。
12/24/20206 minutes, 20 seconds
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情景短语At the start开始year-end bonus年终奖Housing&nbsp;fund住房公积金Provide...with...提供对答如流A: How much do you expect for the job?你希望这个工作的薪水是多少?B: I expect to get a yearly salary of $4000.&nbsp;我希望年薪是四千美元。A: By the way. Can I know about the salary?顺便问一下,我可以知道薪水的情况吗?B: The pay includes a basic salary and the commission.&nbsp;薪水包括底薪和提成。A: Can I take a paid holiday?我可以带薪休假吗?B: Yes. You have a paid month holiday per year.&nbsp;可以。你每年有一个月的带薪休假。A: Do you provide accommodations?你们提供住宿吗?B: Yes. You may get a single room in the living quarters for free.&nbsp;是的。你可以免费住单间宿舍。实战演练A: Now, let's talk about the salary. If we employ you as the secretary of the sales manager, how much would you expect of us?现在我们来谈谈薪水问题,如果我们聘你做销售经理的秘书,你期望的薪水是多少?B: Well. I don't have any special requirements for salary. I know you have a certain salary system and I'll follow it.我对薪水没有特别的要求。我知道你们有固定的薪资制度,我服从。A: I'd still like to tell you about the pay&nbsp;so that you can make a decision whether you'll&nbsp;take the job.我还想告诉你一遍,你可以决定是否接受这份工作。B: I'm all ears.&nbsp;愿闻其详。A: We offer you a starting salary of $200 a month, yearly bonus and a paid-month holiday a year as well as the statutory holidays, together with health insurance, retirement insurance, unemployment insurance and housing fund.&nbsp;我们给你提供每月200元的起薪以及年度奖,除了法定节假日之外,每年可以带薪休假一个月,还有医疗保险,养老保险,失业保险和住房公积金。B: As far as I'm concerned, it's a good treatment.就我而言,这个待遇很好。A: You'll get extra pay if you work overtime. What's more, your monthly salary will be increased every two years.如果你加班的话,报酬另给,而且你的月薪每两年上调一次。B: It couldn't be better.&nbsp;那就再好不过了。
12/23/20207 minutes, 35 seconds
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appointment/əˈpɔɪntmənt/make/arrange an appointment with&nbsp;sb和某人预约have an appointment with sb和某人有预约Do you have an appointment?您预约了吗?I'd like to arrange an appointment with your assistant manager.&nbsp;我想和你们的副经理预约。How about nine o'clock on Thursday morning?周四上午九点如何?The Friday is full of appointments.&nbsp;周五预约满了。Mr. Black is pretty busy. He can't see you until next Friday.&nbsp;布兰克先生非常忙。他直到下周五才能见你。Our manager schedule is full on Wednesday, he can only squeeze time for you today.&nbsp;我们经理周三的行程很忙。他只有今天能挤出时间见你。经典对话A: Good morning. Mr. Mason's office. Is there anything i can do for you?早上好,这里是马森先生的办公室,有什么能为您效劳的吗?B: Good morning. I'd like to make an appointment to see Mr. Mason . When will he be free?早上好,我想预约和马森先生的见面,他什么时候有空?A: Just a moment, please. I 'll look at his schedule. When would you like to meet our manager?请稍等,我正在看他的行程,请问您想什么时候跟我们的经理见面呢?B: This week is best. I know that he will be very busy next week.最好是这个星期内,我了解到他下周会很忙。A: Yes. He's going on a business trip to New York next week, and our manager has told me in advance that I can't arrange any appointment for him next week.&nbsp;是的,他下周要去纽约出差。我们经理已经提前交代过,下周的所有时间都不能被预约。B: I plan to see him before he goes on a business trip. Is he free this Wednesday?我要在他出差前去你们公司见他,这周三他有空吗?A: Well, Let me see. I'm afraid not. Our manager needs to meet a very important client that day, he won't have time until eight o'clock in the afternoon.&nbsp;我看一下。恐怕不行,我们经理在那天需要会见一个很重要的客户,他到下午八点才有空。B: What about the other time?那其他的时间呢?A: He is free on Monday, Tuesday, and Friday.周一,周二以及周五,他都有空。B: That's terrible. I'll come to your city on Wednesday and Thursday to see him and show him the new samples of our company.&nbsp;那真糟糕,我正好周三和周四要来你们的城市,想要拜访一下他,给他看一下我们公司的新样品。A: Are you free any other day?剩下的这几天你有空吗?B: No. I'm free only on Wednesday and Thursday.没有,我只有周三,周四有空。A: That's too bad. Maybe you can only come&nbsp;the week after next.&nbsp;那太遗憾了,或许您只能下下星期来了。B: Well, then. Please make an appointment for me, the sooner the better.那好吧,你帮我预约吧,越早越好。A: Alright.&nbsp;好的。
12/21/20208 minutes, 40 seconds
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Welcome to join our team.&nbsp;欢迎加入我们的团队。This is Mr Smith. The leader of your department.&nbsp;这是史密斯先生,你们部门的领导。I'll show you around in our office.我带你参观一下我们的办公室。show sb around带某人参观某地From now on, you are part of the company.&nbsp;从现在开始,你就是我们公司的一部分。经典对话A: Good morning, Mr white. It's my pleasure to meet you.早上好,怀特先生,很高兴见到你B: Glad to see you. Welcome to join our team. There will be a party to welcome the newcomers tonight.很高兴见到你,欢迎加入我们的团队,今晚将举行欢迎新人的宴会A: That's wonderful. I'm particularly honored to take part in the party. Will you be there this evening?那真是太棒了,我特别荣幸参加这个宴会,你今晚也会去吗?B: Of course. All the employees in the company will attend. You'd better prepare a self-introduction, which may be used then.当然了,公司里所有的员工都会参加,你最好准备一个自我介绍,到时候可能会用到A: I will, thank you for your reminding. In that case, I can meet a lot of colleagues tonight. Could you introduce them to me?我会的,谢谢你的提醒,这样的话我就可以在今晚见到很多同事了,你到时候可以给我介绍介绍吗?B: Sure. My mission is to get you to&nbsp;know each other tonight.&nbsp;当然,我今晚的任务就是让你们互相认识A: I feel very excited to think of many colleagues.我一想到见到很多新同事,就觉得好激动啊B: Take it easy.&nbsp;放轻松。A: I know. Could you tell me where my office is?我知道了,你能告诉我,我的办公室在哪里吗?B: This way, please. I'll take you there.这边请我带你去那里A: It's nice of you.你人真好。B: If you need anything, just let me know.如果有什么需要,告诉我就好了。A: Thank you very much.非常感谢。B: You're welcome. Here is your office.&nbsp;不用谢。这是你的办公室。
12/17/20206 minutes, 3 seconds
Episode Artwork


实用句子What's your&nbsp;personality&nbsp;like?你的性格怎么样?Do you think your personality is right for this job?你觉得你的性格适合这份工作吗?What is the strength of your character?你性格中的优势是什么?What is the weekness your character?你的性格弱势是什么?My life experience has shaped my character.我的生活经历塑造了我的性格。Are you a person with a clear goal?你是一个目标明确的人吗?经典对话A: Could you tell me something about yourself?能告诉我你个人的一些情况吗?B: My pleasure. My name is Tony, and I major in business English. I graduated from the university of Florida in 2012.&nbsp;我很乐意,我叫托尼,商务英语专业,2012年毕业于佛罗里达大学。A: Tell me a little bit about your character trait.&nbsp;跟我说说你的性格特征吧。B: I am confident with a&nbsp;sunny disposition. I was the&nbsp;monitor of our class during college. I'm good at communicating with people. My classmates spoke highly of me.我很自信,并且性格开朗。我在大学期间是我们班的班长,我很善于与人交流,同学们对我的评价很高。A: It sounds great. Do you think your personality is right for this job?听起来很不错,你觉得你的性格适合这份工作吗?B: First of all, my major is very relevant. Secondly, a cheerful personality can make me quickly adapt to working environment. So I think I'm fit for the job.首先,我的专业很对口。其次,开朗的性格可以使我很快适应工作环境,所以我认为我适合这份工作。A: Could you tell me your leisure interests?你能告诉我你的业余爱好吗?B: I often go fishing on my day off. That can exercise my patience.我经常在休息日去钓鱼,能锻炼我的耐心。A: I like fishing too, but it's a bit of a waste of time.我也很喜欢钓鱼,但是有点浪费时间。B: As long as you balance your work and&nbsp;hobbies. You won't waste your time.只要你平衡好工作和爱好,就不会浪费时间了。A: I wish we could go fishing together someday.希望有一天我们能一起去钓鱼。B: That would be great.&nbsp;那就太好了。
12/16/20207 minutes, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork


make ends meet收支平衡I'm trying to&nbsp;make ends meet.我尽力保持收支平衡。due/duː/到期When is your paper&nbsp;due?你的论文什么时候到期?due to...由于;因为The sports meeting was cancelled&nbsp;due to&nbsp;the bad weather.由于糟糕的天气,运动会取消了。renew/rɪˈnuː/重新开始;更新;续费I&nbsp;renew&nbsp;my&nbsp;membership card&nbsp;of the gym every year.每年我都续期健身房的会员卡。frugally/ˈfruːɡlɪ/She lost her job and now lives a&nbsp;frugal&nbsp;life.她丢了工作,现在生活很节俭。greedy/ˈɡriːdi/He's&nbsp;greedy&nbsp;for power.他贪婪权利。经典对话A: I don't know what I'm going to do. It's going to be impossible to make ends meet if I lose my job.我真不知道该怎么办,我要是丢了工作,一定会入不敷出的。B: Don't worry. I don't think you're going to lose your job over one mistake.别担心,我觉得你不会因为只犯一次错误就丢掉工作的。A: It was a rather big mistake when you work as an investment advisor. One small mistake can cost the company millions.可真的是个大失误。如果你是投资顾问,那么,即使一个很小的失误,也会造成公司上百万的损失。B: But it wasn't just you who was involved, right? You're only doing what your supervisor told you to do.不过这事又不是只归你一个人负责对吧,你只是做了你上次吩咐你做的事情而已。A: That's true. But my supervisor is very dishonest. There's no reason he needs to tell our boss the truth. I'm sure he will tell our boss that it was all my fault. And there's nothing I can do about that, my boss won't believe me if I tell him the truth.&nbsp;这是事实。可是我上司可不是个诚实的人。他不可能跟我们老板说话。我敢肯定他会跟我们老板说全是我的错儿。我也根本什么都做不了,就算我跟老板说实话,他也不会相信的。B: Let's think realistically about what might happen. How much money do you have in your savings?那咱们模拟想象一下接下来会发生什么,你有多少存款?A: I have enough to get me through about three months. But I really don't want to spend my savings on just living.&nbsp;I'd rather invest my money somehow.大概有足够支撑我生活三个月的,可是我真不想把存款都花在日常生活上,我想做点投资。A: Well, you can't have everything. Let's just figure out what you will do if you lose your job. When is your rental contract due?你不可能什么都占着。咱们算算,如果你失业了该怎么办?你房租什么时候到期?B: Next month. So I can either move out then or renew my contract for another year.下个月,所以我要么搬出去,要么再续签一年的合同。A: Well, that's good. If you lose your job, you can just move in with me until you find another job. That will save you plenty of money.那好办呢。如果你被炒了,你就搬过来跟我一起住,直到你找到新工作,这样可以帮你省一笔钱。B: That's very generous of you. I guess that would work.你真是太慷慨了,我觉得这样行得通。A: If you lose your job, you just have to go for a few&nbsp;month without buying all the junk you usually buy. If you live frugally, you'll save plenty of money.如果你真的失业了,你恐怕要有几个月不能再买你平常爱买的那些杂七杂八的东西了。如果你过得简朴一点,也能省下不少钱。B: I guess working with so much money has made me rather greedy. Maybe losing my job would be a good thing.&nbsp;我也觉得上班挣这么多钱使我变得有点贪心了,也许失业反倒是件好事。
12/16/202010 minutes, 21 seconds
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expensive/ɪkˈspensɪv/昂贵的I can't afford it.&nbsp;It's too&nbsp;expensive.我买不起,太贵了。cost sb an arm and a leg价格昂贵;付出过高的代价I saw a beautiful&nbsp;dress. But it&nbsp;cost&nbsp;an arm and a leg.我看到了一件漂亮的裙子,但是很贵。cost sb a fortuneThis camera&nbsp;cost me a fortune.这个照相机花了我好多钱。try on试穿Can I&nbsp;try on&nbsp;the the shoes?我能试穿这双鞋子吗?gorgeous/ˈɡɔːrdʒəs/非常漂亮的;美丽动人的;性感的a&nbsp;gorgeous&nbsp;girl/man漂亮的女郎/美男子You look&nbsp;gorgeous.你真漂亮!fantastic/f&aelig;nˈt&aelig;stɪk/极好的You look&nbsp;fantastic&nbsp;in that dress.你穿那件连衣裙看起来棒极了。We had a&nbsp;fantastic&nbsp;time.我们玩的很愉快。经典对话A: What do you think about this store?你觉得这家店怎么样?B: I love this store.&nbsp;The only problem is that is extremely expensive.&nbsp;我喜欢这家店。唯一的问题就是价格太贵了。A: Don't worry. I've decided that for your&nbsp;birthday, I'm going to take you shopping for a new dress.别担心,我已经想好了,为了给你庆祝生日,我带你逛街给你买条新裙子。B: Really? I thought you hated shopping.真的吗?我记得你讨厌逛街吧。A: I do. That's&nbsp;why you should appreciate this gift.我是讨厌,所以你该特别珍惜这个礼物。B: Sure. That's really nice of you. Let's go in and try some things on.我当然会的,你真是太好了。咱们进去试穿几件吧。A: How about this red dress? I think it would really suits you.这条红裙子怎么样?我觉得它特别适合你。B: That's gorgeous. Do you have it in a size eight?真是太漂亮了。这个有八号的吗?A: Here you go. On any other day, it will cost me a fortune, but it's on special offer today.给你。要是别的日子,这件会花掉我不少钱,不过今天是特价。B: I think this color isn't quite right for me. Do you have the same dress in white?我觉得这个颜色不是太适合我,这款有白色的吗?A: Let me look...Let's see. They've got one in blue, green, pink black and white. Here you are.我找找...让我瞧瞧...有蓝色,绿色,粉色,黑色,还有白色。给你。B: This is perfect! What do you think?真是太棒了,你觉得怎么样?A: I think you look fantastic. Happy birthday.&nbsp;我觉得你看起来美极了,生日快乐。
12/13/20207 minutes, 52 seconds
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实用句子What do you have in mind?你有什么想法/主意吗?souvenir/ˌsuːvəˈnɪr/纪念品a&nbsp;souvenir&nbsp;shop纪念品商店I bought&nbsp;a&nbsp;ring as a&nbsp;souvenir.我买一个戒指当作纪念品。homemade/ˈhəʊmˈmeɪd/手工的/自家做的She had&nbsp;homemade&nbsp;ice&nbsp;cream for dessert.她吃了些自制冰淇淋当餐后甜点。经典对话A: Hello. Do you remember me? I bought some vases from&nbsp;you yesterday.&nbsp;你好,你还记得我吗?我昨天在你这儿买了两个花瓶。B: Yes. You sent them to New York, right?是的,你要寄到纽约去对吧?A: That's right. I thought I'd come back to buy some more souvenirs.没错,我想我回来还需要多买一些纪念品。B: What do&nbsp;you have in mind?你想要买什么吗?A: Well, first, I'd like to buy a few postcards.我先买一些明信片。B: We have plenty of postcards to choose from here. The same designs can be found on these posters.我们这里有很多种明信片可以供你选择。同样的图案设计,还有这些海报形式的。A: Posters are difficult to travel with. I think I'll just buy the postcards. I heard that you might also have some of the masks that are made in Venice.旅行携带海报有点不方便。我想我还是买点明信片吧。我听说你这里还有一些在威尼斯生产的面具?B: Yes, we do. They are on the wall behind you.是的,我们有就在您身后那面墙上。A: How much do they cost?多少钱?B: The prices are clearly marked on the back of each mask. Would you like me to get one down for you to look at?每个面具后面都明确的标有价格,我帮您拿一个下来看看?A: Yes. I think I'd like the green mask in the middle.好的,我喜欢中间那个绿色的面具。B:&nbsp;Here you go.给你。A: I'll take it. I'd also like to buy some chocolate.这个我要了,我还想买些巧克力。B: Are you looking for some homemade chocolate as a gift?您是想要买一些手工制作的巧克力做礼物吗?A: Yes. It's my girlfriend's birthday today, and&nbsp;she loves chocolate.是的,今天是我女朋友的生日,她爱吃巧克力。B: We've got plenty to choose from here.&nbsp;我们这里有很多种可以选。A: They look delicious. I think she'll be pleased.&nbsp;那边的看起来很好吃,我觉得她一定会喜欢的。
12/11/20207 minutes, 37 seconds
Episode Artwork


delay/dɪˈleɪ/延迟;延期;耽搁We are terriblely sorry&nbsp;for the&nbsp;delay.我们对延误表示非常抱歉。The train was&nbsp;delayed.火车延误了。turbulence动荡;湍流We experienced severe&nbsp;turbulence&nbsp;during&nbsp;the&nbsp;flight.我们在飞行中遇到了强烈的气流。take off起飞;脱下We evetually&nbsp;took off&nbsp;at 11 and arrived&nbsp;at&nbsp;1:30我们终于在11点起飞,在1点半抵达。You should&nbsp;take off&nbsp;your&nbsp;shoes before entering&nbsp;the house.进屋子之前你需要把鞋子脱了。经典对话A: Is everything alright?一切都正常吧?B: Yes, everything's fine.是的,还不错。A: What took so long? I thought your flight was about to arrive three hours ago.怎么花了这么长时间?你的班机三小时之前就该到了。B: Didn't they announce that our flight was delayed?没有广播通知我们的班机晚点了吗?A: I didn't hear anything about a delay. I thought everything was running on time. What happened?我没有听到任何关于晚点的广播。我以为都会正常到达呢,出什么事儿啦?B: We boarded the plane on time. But then we were held up for almost an hour due to a maintenance problem.&nbsp;我们是准时登机的,但是后来由于设备维修,我们整整耽误了将近一个钟头。A: Then what? Your plane was three hours late!那后来又出什么事儿了?你们可是晚点了三个钟头呢。B: We finally took off. But about 30&nbsp;minutes later, the capital came on the loudspeaker to warn us that there would be some bad turbulence for most of the flight.&nbsp;后来我们好不容易起飞了,可是半个小时以后,机长广播说,我们这次航程将会遇到很厉害的气流。A:&nbsp;The turbulence&nbsp;is pretty normal, isn't it?遇到气流很平常吧,对吗?B: Yes, but this was the worst turbulence I have ever&nbsp;experienced in my life. Everyone started getting sick. The flight attendants had to stay in their seats. The capital decided to land early.是的。可是我从来没有遇到过这么强的气流,所有人都开始晕机,空乘人员也不得不在他们位子上坐好,机长决定提前降落。A: So where did you land?那你们在哪儿着陆了?B: We landed in Southampton&nbsp;and waited an hour for the storms to pass and then took off again.我们降落在南安普顿,在地面上等了一个小时,等暴风雪的气流过去之后才再次起飞。A: That sounds like a nightmare.听上去简直是场噩梦。B: It&nbsp;wasn't too bad. At least I'm alive.也不是太糟糕,至少我还活着。A: Have you had anything to eat?你吃过饭了没?B: I managed to get a sandwich from a flight attendant. How about you?空姐给我送过一个三明治,你呢?A: I had a few coffees while I was waiting. Let's get out of here.&nbsp;等你的时候,我喝了一点儿咖啡。咱们离开这儿。
12/10/20209 minutes, 4 seconds
Episode Artwork


do sb a favor帮某人一个忙owe sb sth/owe sth to sb欠某人某物He&nbsp;owes his father&nbsp;$200.=He&nbsp;owes&nbsp;$200 to his father.他欠他爸爸200美元。loan借;借款a car loan车贷It took three years to&nbsp;repay my student&nbsp;loan.我花了三年时间才还清我的学生贷款。经典对话A: Hey. I was wondering if you could do me a favor.嗨,我正想找你帮忙呢。B: That depends. What is it?看情况吧,什么事儿?A: It's kind of a big favor. I'm absolutely flat broke and I owe my landlady $200. She's given me until Friday to give it to her, but I don't get paid until next Monday. Do you think you&nbsp;could loan me some cash until I get paid?是件大事儿。我身无分文,还欠了房东太太200美元。她限我星期五之前还钱,但是我下周一才能领薪水。在领工资之前,你能不能借我点现金?B: I'd love to help you out, but I'm a bit short on cash this month as well. I have to get a new engine put into my car and that ate up my savings.我很想帮你解决这个困难,但是我这个月也很缺钱。我刚刚给我的汽车买了新的发动机,还花光了我所有的积蓄。A: If&nbsp;you can't give me the full amount ,a fraction of&nbsp;it will still help. I'll pay you back on Monday, I promise.如果你不能借我全款,借我一部分也能帮上忙。我下周一一定还给你,我保证。a fraction of表示“少量”B: Let's see, I've got about $50&nbsp;to get me through the weekend. I can only spare about $20. I would give you more if I had it. I just don't have much money to my name right now.&nbsp;咱们看看啊,我撑到这周末一共需要50块,那就还能剩下20块给你。要是有的话我一定多给你一些,可是现在我名下真的没什么钱了。A: Thanks a lot. Every little bit will help.&nbsp;If you aren't doing anything tonight, why don't you come over and have dinner at my place?非常感谢。每一点钱都会非常有帮助的。我跟你说,要是你今天晚上没有什么安排的话,来我家吃晚饭吧。B: That'd be great, thanks. What time should I come over?那太好了,谢谢,我几点钟过去?A: How about at six p.m?晚上六点怎么样?B: See you then.&nbsp;到时候见。
12/9/20207 minutes, 14 seconds
Episode Artwork


ace the test&nbsp;考高分Look! I aced the test! I'm so happy!看!我这次考得好极了!我太高兴了!pass the test&nbsp;通过考试I got a B on the test. I passed, but I think I could have done better.我考试得了B. 我考过了,但是我本应考得更好的!fail the test&nbsp;考试挂科了OMG. I failed the test. My mom's gonna kill me!!天啊。我这次考试挂科了。我妈妈还不得打死我!mess up搞砸I messed up badly.我考砸了。resit补考I'll have to resit the exam next term.&nbsp;我下个学期要重修。cram突击准备(考试)He's been&nbsp;cramming for his exams all night.他整个晚上都在拼命准备应考。经典对话A: You look better today. What did your test go?你今天看起来好多了,你的测试怎么样?B: Much better than it did yesterday.比昨天好多了。A: Did you pass?及格了吗?B: I not only passed my test, but I aced it.&nbsp;I'm so happy.&nbsp;不仅及格了,而且成绩还特别高,我真高兴。A: You should be. You worked really hard last night, preparing for it.应该的,你昨天晚上复习的特别认真。B: Thanks for helping me with it. If you hadn't encouraged me to do my best, I wouldn't have ever been able to pass.谢谢你帮我复习,如果不是你鼓励我要全力以赴,我肯定及不了格。A: You don't have to thank me. It's just a part of my job as your counsellor.你不用感谢我,作为你的辅导员,这是我工作份内的事。B: Did you always do well at school?你上学的时候是不是总是学得很好?A: No. In fact, I was terrible at taking exams.不是,实际上,我曾经很害怕考试。B: Really?真的吗?A: Sure. But my teachers always encouraged me to do the best that I could and that helped me a lot. When are your final exams?没错,不过我的老师总是鼓励我让我尽力而为,这帮了我不少忙。你们的期末考试是什么时候?B: I'll get my finals in two months.&nbsp;两个月以后。A: When do you plan on studying for those exams?你打算什么时候开始准备这些考试?B: Most students just cram the night beforehand.大多数学生都打算在考试前夕突击。A: Do you think that's a good idea?你觉得这是个好办法吗?B: No. I think I should study a little bit at a time, starting a few weeks before the exam.不是,我想我应该平时每次学一点,考试前再提早几周复习。A: That sounds like a good idea. What are you going to do if you have any questions while you're studying?这样听起来还不错。如果学习的时候遇到困难,你会怎么办?B: I'll go and talk to my professor or a learning support assistant.我会去找我的教授或者助教咨询。A: It sounds like you've learned something useful this year.&nbsp;听起来,你这一年学了不少有用的东西了嘛。
12/8/20208 minutes, 30 seconds
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a pain in the neck讨厌的家伙I really wish he would stop calling me. He's such a pain in the neck.我真希望他不要再打电话给我。他真的很烦人。take&nbsp;the&nbsp;cake某人坏到极点He&nbsp;blamed&nbsp;all the mistakes on me. It really takes the cake.他把所有错误都怪到我身上。真是坏极了。grin and bear it默默承受;苦笑着忍受All he could&nbsp;do was&nbsp;to grin and bear it until he got a new job.他所能做的,就是在他找到新工作前忍气吞声。经典对话A: How was your day?今天过得怎么样?B: I don't think you really want to hear about it.&nbsp;我想你不会想听我发牢骚的。A: It can't have been that bad. Go on and tell me about it.情况能有多糟糕呢,跟我说说吧。B: To be honest, it was horrible. My manager is such a pain in the neck.&nbsp;老实说,真是糟透了。我上司实在是太讨厌了。A: Why? What happened?为什么这么说?出什么事了?B: Well, he made quite a few mistakes on a monthly report and when his supervisor found them, my manager blamed them on me.他写的每月报告里出了好多错,结果他的主管发现之后,他居然都赖在我头上。A: That's not fair. What did you do?真是不公平,那你该怎么办?B: There wasn't really anything that I could do. There's always been a lot of bad blood between my manager and myself. If I had said anything, he would have fired me for sure.&nbsp;实际上,我无计可施。我们俩的关系一直很紧张,只要我随便说点儿什么,他肯定就会把我给炒了。A: Does he treat everyone in the&nbsp;department like this?他对你们部门的其他人也是这样吗?B: He treats everyone pretty poorly. But the way he treats me really takes the cake.&nbsp;他对每个人都不怎么样,但尤其对我可以说是坏到极点了。A: Do you have any idea why he treats you worse than the others?你知道他为什么对你比其他人还糟糕吗?B: I really have no idea.我真是不明白。A: Is there anyone else you can talk to about it at your company?这些遭遇,你能跟公司里的其他什么人交流吗?B: Not really. I'm hoping to live with it for a while until I get a promotion.恐怕不能,我只希望自己能坚持忍耐直到升职。A: That's very sensible. It sounds like you have a good head on your shoulders.这样很理智,你能这么想说明你还挺聪明的。B: I try to be sensible about it, but it's not very easy. Sometimes I just have to grin and bear it.&nbsp;我努力让自己尽量保持客观去看待这件事,但真是不容易做到,有时我不得不逆来顺受。
12/3/20209 minutes, 3 seconds
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The objective is&nbsp;to&nbsp;gather customer feedback on new products.&nbsp;目的是搜集顾客对新产品的反馈。Do you have any thoughts on&nbsp;the quality of our new product?你对我们新产品的质量有什么看法?Are there any other problems or suggestions you have about&nbsp;our products?你对我们产品还有什么其他问题和建议?What's your opinion about&nbsp;the price of our products?你对产品的价格有什么看法?How do you like/What do you think about&nbsp;our new design?你觉得我们的新设计怎么样?Do you think our product is at a reasonable cost?你觉得我们的产品价格合理吗?How is market research carried out?如何进行市场调研?In which aspects do you think we need to improve?你觉得我们哪个方面有待提高?经典对话A: In recent years, we have made amazing achievements in electronic products.近几年,我们在电子产品方面取得了很惊人的成绩。B: I heard. How did you do that?我听说了,你们是怎么做到的?A: The main reason is that we often do market research, research customer attitudes and hobbies.&nbsp;最主要的原因是我们经常做市场调研,研究客户的态度和爱好。B: As far as I know, you have a lot of regular customers.据我所知,你们有很多的老顾客。A: Yes. We regularly maintain regular customers and collect their feedback.&nbsp;是的,我们会定期维护老顾客以及收集他们的反馈。B: How do you protect your regular customers?你们是如何维护老客户的?A: We have special people who are responsible for regular contact with regular customers and we give birthday or holiday gifts to regular customers who buy a lot of products. This is a great way to get a boost in sales. But then we found that relying solely on regular customers was not a good decision, so we decided to strengthen&nbsp;the market research and gather more information from different resources.&nbsp;我们有专人负责定期联络老顾客,而且对于那些购买很多产品的老顾客,我们会赠送生日或者节假日礼物。这是一个很好的办法,我们之前就借助这个,销量得到了提升。不过后来我们也发现,纯粹依靠老顾客也不是一个很好的决策,我们研究后决定加强市场调研,从不同渠道搜集更多的信息。B: That means you're only working on new customers?意思是你们只致力于开发新客户?A: No. We will stick to our approach to old customers and develop new ones.不是的,我们会坚持对老顾客的做法,并且开发新顾客。B: okay. Can you explain the market research to me?好的,你能给我解释一下市场调研吗?A: Well, in a nutshell, one of the goals of market research is to know whether there's a market for the product and its sales potential.简单地说,市场调研的目标之一就是了解产品是否有市场以及产品的销售潜力。B: Yes, but I'd like to remind you that you must not ignore regular customers.&nbsp;是的,不过我要提醒你的是,你们千万不能忽略老顾客。A: You said it.&nbsp;你说的对
12/2/20208 minutes, 31 seconds
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I feel so grateful.我很感激。I really appreciate it.&nbsp;我很感谢/感激A really appreciate your invitation.&nbsp;我很感谢您的邀请。Thank you for having me here.&nbsp;谢谢你邀请我来你这里。Thank you for your hospitality.&nbsp;谢谢您的盛情款待。Thank you for coming.&nbsp;谢谢你能来。I want to first thank you for the wonderful dinner you arranged.&nbsp;我想首先感谢一下您安排的丰盛的晚宴。Thank you for the hospitality of your company.&nbsp;谢谢贵公司的款待。Thank you, the feast is so rich I have a pleasant evening.&nbsp;谢谢,晚宴很丰盛,我度过了一个愉快的夜晚。Thanks for taking time out of your busy schedule to attend this banquet.&nbsp;感谢您在百忙之中抽空参加宴会。经典对话A: Hello. This is Daniel.你好,我是丹尼尔。B: Hello. This is Michael.你好,我是迈克尔。A: Do you remember me? I'm from Best company.&nbsp;你还记得我吗?我是来自贝斯特公司。B: Oh, yes.奥,记得。A: The main purpose of my call to you is to thank you for your careful arrangements and hospitality last night. I had a very pleasant evening yesterday.&nbsp;我给你打电话的主要目的就是感谢您昨天的精心安排和盛情款待,我昨天度过了一个很愉快的夜晚。B: Well, I'm glad you had a nice dinner time.很高兴你有一段愉快的晚餐,时间A: Yes. But, unfortunately, we didn't have a chance to chat. I mean I couldn't find a chance to talk to you last night when you were hosting so many guests.&nbsp;是的,但遗憾的是我们并没有机会聊天。昨晚你要招待那么多的客人,我都找不到机会和你聊天了。B: It doesn't matter. We can find another time for coffee and chat.没关系,我们可以再找时间喝咖啡聊天。A: Okay, I'd love to. But we can go to dinner first, and then go for coffee because I know a Chinese restaurant. It's on me&nbsp;this time.&nbsp;好啊,我很愿意。不过我们可以先去吃饭,然后再去喝咖啡。因为我知道一家很好吃的中国餐厅,这次我请客。B: Well, it's my favorite.&nbsp;哇,我的最爱。A: Yes. I heard you like Chinese food, so I'd like to invite you to try it.是的,我听说你喜欢中国菜,所以想邀请你品尝一下。B: Thank you for being so thoughtful.很感谢你这么体贴。A: You're welcome. I also want to take this opportunity to thank you for your advice to me.&nbsp;不客气,主要我也是想借此机会感谢你曾经给我的建议。B: You remember. I just expressed my thoughts.你竟然还记得,我也只是表达了自己的想法而已。A: Of course. I wouldn't forget the kindness of anyone to me.&nbsp;那当然了,我是不会忘记任何人对我的有好的。
12/1/20208 minutes, 7 seconds
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What would you like to drink?你想喝什么?It is my honor to be invited to dinner.&nbsp;很荣幸被邀请参加晚宴。&nbsp;How about a rain check?要不下次吧?What kind of food do you prefer?你喜欢什么类型的食物?I'm glad you like it. Let's drink to our cooperation.&nbsp;很高兴你喜欢这个菜。让我们为我们的合作干杯。I hope we can have a good cooperation. Cheers.&nbsp;希望我们能合作开心。干杯。经典对话A: Hello, Mr Phillips. Do you have any plans for tomorrow night? Our manager would like to invite you and your team to a French restaurant.你好,菲利普先生,您明晚有安排吗?我们经理想邀请您和您的团队成员明晚到法国餐厅吃饭。B: Thank you for asking, but sorry, I'm tied up. I need to talk to my team about the next project tomorrow night. We need to consider a lot of questions, so we don't have extra time to attend.谢谢你的邀请,但不好意思,我已经有安排了。我明晚需要和我的团队商量下一个项目地计划,我们需要考虑很多的问题,所以没有额外的时间参加。A: That's alright. We can schedule the dinner according to your time, any time when you're free.&nbsp;那没关系,我们可以根据您的时间安排晚宴看您什么时候有空。B: Let me have a look at my work schedule, I may not be free until next week.让我看一下我的工作日程表,我可能下个星期才有空。A: Okay. I'll explain to our manager. Our manager said&nbsp;that he must have dinner with you this time, so it's okay whenever you are&nbsp;free.&nbsp;好的,我会向我们经理说明的。我们经理说这次一定要跟您一起用餐,所以您无论什么时候有空都是可以的。B: Well, please convey to your manager that we will have dinner together next week.请向您的经理转达,我们下星期一定会一起吃饭的。A: Great. I also heard that you like wine, so the French restaurant we arranged will certainly satisfy you.那太好了。我还听您说您喜欢喝葡萄酒,所以我们安排的那个法国餐厅一定会让你满意的。B: It's very kind of you. Alright, I'll have my secretary make an appointment with you next week.你真的太好了。好了,那我会在下星期让我的秘书跟你预约具体的时间。A: No problem. We will be at the gate of the company to pick you and your team up then.没问题,我们到时候可以去公司门口接您和您的团队。B: OK, see you then.&nbsp;好的,到时候见。
11/30/20206 minutes, 57 seconds
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I'm an excellent team player.&nbsp;我富有团队合作精神。All the staff were really helpful when I joined the farm a couple of months ago.&nbsp;我来这个公司上班有两三个月了,这里所以的同事对我都很好。He always gets on well with his colleagues.&nbsp;他总能和同事们相处很好。He sounds pretty hard to get along with.&nbsp;听起来他这个人很难相处。We are fed up with him.&nbsp;我们已经受够他了。经典对话A: How did your interview go?你面试的怎么样?B: Pretty well. I don't know if I'll get the promotion or not, but I feel good about it.挺好的,虽然我不清楚是否能成功升职,但是自我感觉还不错。A: If you get the promotion, what will your new title be?如果你真的升值了,那你的头衔是什么呢?B: If I get the promotion, I will be a senior engineer&nbsp;instead of an assistant engineer.&nbsp;由助理工程师变为高级工程师。A: Who interviewed you?我明白了,谁面试的呢?B: My boss.我的上司。A: What kind of questions did she ask you?他问了你一些什么类型的问题?B: She asked me about my ability to work in a team and what I thought a good boss should be.&nbsp;他问我在团队中的工作能力如何,以及在我心中一个好的上司应该是什么样的?A: The second one sounds rather difficult to answer. What did you tell her?第二个问题,听上去似乎很难回答,你是怎么说的?B: I told her that I'm an excellent team player and a good boss should treat male and female employees equally.&nbsp;我告诉他,我富有团队合作精神,而一个好的上司应该做到对待下属,无论男女都一视同仁。A: Those are good answers. How did she react?回答的很好啊,她有什么反应?B: She told me that even when I become a senior engineer, I'll have to work with the assistant engineers as a team.&nbsp;她跟我说,即使我升职为高级工程师,我还是得和助理工程师一起在一个团队工作。A: What do you think about her?你觉得她作为上司做的怎么样?B: As a boss, she's pretty easy to get along with. She listens to her employees and treats everyone equally.她很平易近人,善于听下属的意见,而且能一视同仁。A: You're lucky. Not everyone has such a great boss.你真是太走运了,不是所有人都能遇到这么好的上司。B: That's true. She's highly esteemed among everyone at my company.&nbsp;没错,我们公司里大家都对他评价很高。
11/25/20207 minutes, 44 seconds
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It's been nice talking with you.和您谈话非常愉快。keep in touch.保持联系。Say hello to your sister for me。代我向你姐姐问好。Take care, bye.保重,再见。See you later then.&nbsp;到时候见。经典对话A: That was a great dinner. I didn't know that you knew how to cook.晚餐真是美味极了,我不知道你会做饭。B: I'm glad you like&nbsp;it. Are you ready for the dessert?你喜欢吃我就很开心了,准备好吃甜点了吗?A: I don't know. I'm pretty full. What are we having?我不知道,我真的很撑了,咱们要吃什么?B: I made strawberry shortcake.我做了草莓酥饼。A: Oh, that's my favorite. Maybe I'll &nbsp;just have a small slice.那可是我的最爱,也许我就再吃一小块。B: Great. Would you like coffee or tea with that?好极了,你想配咖啡还是茶?A: I'll have a cup of tea.一杯茶就好。B: Do you take cream or sugar with your tea?茶里放奶油,还是放糖?A: Could I have some milk with that?放牛奶行吗?B: Definitely. Would you like skim&nbsp;or whole milk?绝对没问题,牛奶要脱脂的,还是全脂的?A: Skim, please. That'd be very nice, thanks. Oh, no, Jenny. I'm so sorry, but I've got to go.脱脂的吧。这杯一定会很好喝,谢谢。哦,不,詹妮,实在对不起,可是我得走了。B: What happened?出什么事了?A: I just got a message from my sister saying that she's been in a car accident. I&nbsp;need to go pick her up.我姐姐刚刚给我发了条短信。说她出了交通事故,我得去接她。B: I'll go with you, where is she?我陪你一起去吧,她在哪儿?A: She's on M40,&nbsp;near Reading.&nbsp;她在瑞丁附近的M40号公路上。B: Is she&nbsp;alright?她人没事吧?A: I don't know. She didn't say. I'm so sorry about this.我不知道,她没说,真不好意思。B: Don't worry. Family comes first. Come on, let's go.&nbsp;别担心,家人第一嘛。来吧,咱们出发。
11/24/20206 minutes, 46 seconds
Episode Artwork


I got sacked&nbsp;I have been demoted.&nbsp;你被解雇了。Are you in the middle of something?你在忙吗?Today is terrible, it's been one thing after another.&nbsp;今天太可怕了,一件事接着一件事。经典对话A: How was your day?你今天过得怎么样?B: Let's start with you. How was yours?你先说吧,你怎么样?A: It's really busy. I had to work straight through my lunch break.我特别忙,我午休的时间都在干活。B: Did you get to leave early then?你能早点走吗?A: My boss told me that I could either go home early or take a long lunch break another day, so I decided to wait and take a long lunch break another time.&nbsp;我上司跟我说可以早点回家,或者改天午休休的长一点。所以我决定等到哪天有空中午多休息一会儿。B: It was nice of your boss to give you an option. My boss would never do that. Let's get back to you, how was your day?你上司人不错,还给你选择的机会,我上次从来都不会这样。A: It was horrible, it was just one thing after another.还是说说你吧,你今天怎么样?B: You look pretty upset. Are you okay?你看起来情绪不高,没事儿吧?A: I'm fine, but I have bad news.我没事儿,但是我有个坏消息。B: What's that?什么事儿?A: I got sacked today.我今天被解雇了。B: You're kidding. How did that happen?你开玩笑吧,到底怎么回事儿?A: Well, I was late to work today. It was the third time I was late this week.&nbsp;我今天迟到了,这是我这周第三次迟到了。B: How late were you?迟到多长时间?A: Only about five minutes.&nbsp;大概只有五分钟。B: You&nbsp;got fired for being a few minutes late?就因为迟到几分钟,你就被解雇了?A: My boss is really picky about that. He never arrives late, usually works overtime, and always gets his work done on time.&nbsp;我上司对迟到最敏感了,他自己从来不迟到,经常加班,而且还总是按时完成任务
11/21/20206 minutes, 59 seconds
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What do you do (for a living)?你是做什么的?What salary do you expect?你期望的薪水是多少?Have you ever done this kind of work before?你以前做过类似的工作吗?What makes you think that you would be successful in this position?你怎么知道你能胜任这份工作?I don't mind I if I start with a low salary because it is my first time hunting for a job and I lack experience.&nbsp;我不介意刚开始薪水低,因为这是我第一次找工作,而且我缺乏工作经验。对话:A: Hi, my name's Amy. What's your name?你好,我叫艾米,你叫什么?B: I'm Linda. It's nice to meet you. What do you do?我叫琳达,很高兴认识你,你是做什么的?A: I'm a freelance English teacher. How about you?我是个自由英语教师,你呢?B: I'm in between jobs at the moment.我目前还在找工作呢。A: What kind of job are you looking for?想找什么样的工作?B: I'd like to find a job with flexible hours in the IT&nbsp;field.我想找份IT业的,上班时间比较灵活的工作。A: Have you ever thought about becoming a freelance&nbsp;consultant?你有没有想过做个自由It咨询者顾问呢?B: No. Is it&nbsp;difficult to find such a job?没想过。找一份这样的工作很难吧?A: Not if you're good at net-working. Do you like to meet new people?不会,只要你擅长使用网络就行,你喜欢接触陌生人吗?B: Yes, I'm pretty out-going and friendly.是的,我性格很外向而且随和。A: Do you have experience in the IT&nbsp;field?你有IT业的相关工作经验吗?B: I have some. I worked in the IT&nbsp;department at a language school for four years in Spain.有的,我在西班牙一所语言学校的IT部门工作过四年。A: Do you speak Spanish?你会讲西班牙语吗?B: Yes, but not fluently.&nbsp;会,但是不太流利。A: That's okay. Have you sent your resume&nbsp;out to anyone yet?这没关系,你给公司发过简历吗?B: I've sent my resume&nbsp;to dozens of companies. But nobody has got back to me.我发了许多简历,可是没有一个公司回复我。A: Did you write a clear objective in resume?简历中求职意向写的明确吗?B: No, because I didn't know what I wanted to do.不明确,因为我也不知道自己想干什么。A: I think you need to update your resume. Bring it over to my office tomorrow, and I'll help you with it.&nbsp;我觉得你需要改一改你的简历了,明天把你的简历拿到我办公室来,我帮你看看吧。B: Thanks, I will. I'll see you tomorrow then.&nbsp;谢谢,我会的,明天到时候见。
11/8/20208 minutes, 49 seconds
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语音测试,请关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily,在公众号里回复”节目“即可。He took Monday off.他星期一休息。He is on annual leave.&nbsp;他休年假去了。I'm taking a few days off next week, the kids are off school.&nbsp;下周我要请几天假,孩子们放假了。Why don't you take a day of sick leave?你为什么不请一天病假呢?I'm asking for a three-day personal leave, because my wife is giving birth.&nbsp;因为我太太要生了,我要请三天假。You may have one month of paid-holiday every year.&nbsp;你每年有一个月的带薪假期。经典对话:A: Have you finished&nbsp;going through&nbsp;the contract?你看完合同了吗?go through表示“浏览”B: Yes, but I have a few questions for you.看完了,不过我有几个问题要问你。A: Okay, ask anyway.好,你问。B: First, I'd like to know if you offer employees sick leave?首先,我想知道你们这里有没有为员工提供病假?A: Employees can take up to 10&nbsp;days of sick leave per year. However, in order to get paid, you will have to bring in a note from the doctors.有,员工每年有十天病假。不过如果不想扣工资的话,最好找医生开假条。B: Even if I'm only sick for one day?即使我只生病一天也要开吗?A: That's correct.没错。B: That's pretty strict, if you ask me.&nbsp;如果你问我意见的话,我觉得这条规定太严苛了。A: Well, we've had to add that to the contract because we found that many of our employees were taking almost one day a month, even though they weren't sick.&nbsp;嗯,我们必须要把这条写进合同。因为以前我们这儿有很多员工即使没有生病,也几乎每月都要修一次病假。B: I see. I guess that&nbsp;makes sense.我懂了,你们这样做确实有道理。make sense表示“有道理;讲得通”A: Do you have any other questions?你还有其他问题吗?B:Yes. Maternity leave&nbsp;is mentioned in&nbsp;the contract, but there's nothing in the contract about paternity leave. Do you offer anything to fathers?有,合同里涉及了产假,可是没有提到父亲假,公司有没有为新父亲们提供假期?be mentioned in...表示“有在...被涉及/提到”A: We do actually. We can add that as an&nbsp;amendment&nbsp;to your contract.有的。我们可以把这一条作为补充条款写进你的合同。amendment表示“修正案;修改”B: How many days of paternity leave do you offer?你们提供多少天的父亲假期?A: Men&nbsp;are allowed to&nbsp;take ten days of paternity leave for their first child.男性员工有十天假期。be allowed to...表示“被允许...”比如“你被允许吃完饭抽根烟”翻译为“You are allowed to smoke after the meal”。那“不被允许做”就是“be not allowed to”B: Why are women allowed so much more time for maternity leave?为什么女性的产假比这要多的多呢?A: Well,&nbsp;women are the ones giving&nbsp;birth. I think it's fair to give them more time, don't you?女性要经历生产过程,我觉得给她们更多时间休息很合理,你不觉得吗?B: I guess so. I don't have any other questions. Should I sign here then?合理,我没有其他问题了,是在这儿签字吗?A: Yes, please.&nbsp;是的,请签吧。
11/7/20208 minutes, 10 seconds
Episode Artwork


I am here to pick you up.&nbsp;我是来接您的。Let me take the luggage for you.&nbsp;让我来帮您拿行李。We have a car waiting outside.&nbsp;我们的车在外面等待。I hope you'll have an enjoyable stay here.&nbsp;我希望您能在这里过得愉快。I've heard a lot about you. Nice to meet you.&nbsp;久仰大名,很高兴见到你。Our manager is expecting you.&nbsp;我们的经理正等着您呢。Conversation:A: You must be Jason from the Best company.你一定是来自贝斯特公司的Jason吧。B: Yes. Glad to meet you. Thank you for taking the time to pick me up.&nbsp;是的,很高兴见到你,谢谢你抽空来接我。A: You're welcome. Glad to meet you too. How was your flight?不客气,我也很高兴见到您,您的旅途如何?B: My flight stayed in New York for two hours, but overall it went well.我的航班在纽约滞留了两个小时,但总的来说还是很顺利的。A: That's good. Shall we go now? Our car is waiting outside and we've booked a room for you.&nbsp;那就好,我们可以走了吗?我们的车就在机场外面等着,而且我们已经帮您预订好了房间。B: I really appreciate it. I really feel tired. I just want to take a bath and have a good rest now.&nbsp;谢谢,很感激你。我确实感觉很累,我现在只想洗个澡,好好休息一下。A: Is this your first visit to the city?您是第一次来这个城市吗?B: Yes, I've always wanted to come, but I've never had a chance.是的,我一直想来,但总是没有机会。A: If you're free. I would like to show you around here.如果你有空的话,我希望能带您在这里走走。B: OK, thanks. When will the meeting begin?好的,谢谢,会议什么时候开始?A: We have arranged for a formal meeting tomorrow afternoon. This way, please. Let me help you with your luggage.我们已经安排好了,明天下午会议正式举行。请走这边,我来帮您拿行李吧。B: Thank you. I can manage it myself.谢谢,我可以自己来。A: Would you like to go to the restaurant or the hotel first?您稍后是先去餐厅还是先去酒店?B: I'd like to go to the hotel first. I'll eat after I put my things in the hotel.我想先去酒店,我把东西放在酒店后,就去吃饭。A: Good idea. What kind of food do you like? We have a lot of good restaurants here.好主意,你喜欢什么样的食物?我们这里有很多不错的餐馆。B: I'd like to eat some of your special snacks.我想吃一些你们这里的特色小吃。A: Okay, that's settled.&nbsp;好的,就这么定了。
10/5/20208 minutes, 24 seconds
Episode Artwork

商务口语 | 预约见面

I'm afraid he can't see you now. He's in a meeting.&nbsp;恐怕他现在没空见你,他在开会If you'd like to sit for a moment, I'll see if Mr black has time to see you now.&nbsp;如果你愿意坐一会儿的话,我这就看看。布兰克先生,现在是否有空见你?Mr John&nbsp;has been waiting for you.&nbsp;约翰先生一直等着你Would you mind waiting for a moment.&nbsp;你介意等一会儿吗?A:&nbsp;Good morning,sir? Can I help you?早上好,先生,有什么需要帮助的吗?B:&nbsp;I want to see your&nbsp;manager.&nbsp;我想见你们的经理。A:&nbsp;Do you have an appointment?请问您预约了吗?B:&nbsp;I'm afraid not.&nbsp;I'm Mason from Rainbow company and I come to see your manager to discuss the sales plan of our new medical devices.恐怕没有。我是来自彩虹公司的马森,来找你们的经理谈谈新款医疗器械的销售计划。A: How should I adress you?我该如何称呼您?B:&nbsp;Mason mellow mason. Here's my business card.&nbsp;马森。米洛马森。这是我的名片。A: Mr mason, if you'd like to sit for a moment, I'll see if our manager has time to see you. Let me get you something to drink, first. Would you like coffee or tea?马森先生,如果您愿意坐一会儿的话,我这就去看看我们的经历是否有空见您。我先给您弄点喝的,你想喝茶还是咖啡?B:&nbsp;Coffee, please.咖啡,谢谢。A: Alright. Please wait a moment. I'm sorry. Our manager is in a meeting right now and it's discussing important matters. So he can't see you at the moment.好的,请稍等一下。很抱歉,我们经理正在开会,而且是商议很重要的事情,所以他现在无法见您。B: How long will the meeting take?会议大概需要多长时间?A:&nbsp;I'm not sure about that, because they're talking about something urgent. Maybe you can make another appointment with our manager in the afternoon or tomorrow. Do you want me to reschedule your meeting?这个我不是很清楚,因为他们在讨论很紧急的事情,或许您可以下午或者明天跟我们的经理预约,需要我重新安排你们见面吗?B:&nbsp;Does anyone in your company know about medical devices? Maybe I can meet other persons in charge.&nbsp;你们公司有谁了解医疗器械吗?或许我可以见见其他的负责人。A:&nbsp;Sorry. The persons&nbsp;in charge of medical devices are also at the meeting.&nbsp;抱歉,负责医疗器械的人都在开会。B:&nbsp;Alright. I'll come back tomorrow.好吧,那我明天再来吧。A: Shall I make an appointment for you now?那我现在就帮你预约好吗?B: Okay.&nbsp;好的。
9/29/20207 minutes, 58 seconds
Episode Artwork

商务口语 | 双方议价

make concessions做出让步We&nbsp;made too many concessions&nbsp;and we got too little in return.&nbsp;我们做了很多让步,但是回报太少。have no point in doing something.../There is no point in doing something...做某事没有意义We would&nbsp;have no point in&nbsp;going on talking.&nbsp;我们没有意义继续谈下去了。meet each other halfway相互让步;相互妥协;各让一半I suggest we&nbsp;meet each other halfway.&nbsp;我建议我们互相妥协。Reach/Come to&nbsp;an agreement on...在...上达成协议/一致I'm glad that we have&nbsp;reached an agreement on&nbsp;the price.&nbsp;我很开心我们在价格问题上达成 一致。Conversation:A: Mr Smith. This is our rock-bottom price, we can't&nbsp;make any further concessions.史密斯先生,这是我们的最低价了,我们不能再做出让步了。B: If that's the case, we would&nbsp;have no point in&nbsp;going on talking. You and I both know that I am a wholesaler. If I sell it to others at this price, not only will they not buy it, but I have no interest in it.&nbsp;如果是这样的话,就没有谈下去的意义了。因为你我都明白我是批发商,如果我以这个价格成批的卖给他人的话,不仅他们不会购买,我也没有什么利益可图了。A: I mean the price you asked for is too low. We can't go down to that level. We wouldn't be willing to lose money in business, right?我的意思是你方要求的价格实在太低了,我们是绝对不可能降到那种程度的,我们都不会愿意赔本做生意的,对吗?B: I think it's unwise for either of us to insist on our own price. We should all make some concessions so that our business can be settled.&nbsp;我觉得我们双方都坚持自己的价格,是不明智的。我们都应该做出让步,这样我们的生意就能谈成了。A: What's your advice?你的建议是什么?B: The price you offered is $160 more than our acceptable price. I suggest we&nbsp;meet each other halfway.&nbsp;你方提出的价格与我们可接受的价格相比,多了160美元。我建议我们各让一半。A: Do you mean I should make further reduction of $80. That is impossible.你的意思是我在给你降价80美元吗?那是不可能的。B: So what is your suggestion then?那你们的意见呢?A: We can only offer you a reduction of $20, which is really our rock-bottom price. I swear we never sold it at this price.我们最多只能给你降价20美元,这真的是我们的最低价了。我发誓我们从来没有以这种价格出售过。B: Okay, I am glad that we have&nbsp;reached an agreement on&nbsp;the price. Let my assistant contact you for the next thing.好的,很高兴我们在价格上达成了一致。接下来的事情就让我的助理联系你吧。A: Alright. You can really have a way. I admire you.&nbsp;好的,你可真有办法,我佩服你。
9/19/20208 minutes, 31 seconds
Episode Artwork

地道职场口语 | 招聘信息

The agency needs an experienced teacher.&nbsp;这家机构需要一个有经验的老师We need a person who is good at computer.&nbsp;我们需要一个擅长电脑的人The college needs several chemistry teachers.&nbsp;这个学院需要几个化学老师The factory badly needed a line supervisor.&nbsp;这家工厂急需生产线主管The job is only open to people with over three years'&nbsp;experience in teaching.&nbsp;该职位只有面向三年以上有教学经验的人A department needs a person who is competent in marketing management.&nbsp;这个部门需要一个能够胜任销售管理工作的人There is a vacant position for a secretary in our company.&nbsp;我们公司有一个秘书的空缺职位ConversationA: Good morning, sir. May I help you?早上好,先生,我能帮您吗?B: Yes, I'm calling in reference to a job which&nbsp;your company posted on the line. Could you check it for me?是的,我打电话是询问你们公司在网上登出的那份工作,你能帮我查一下嘛?A: Certainly. Just wait a moment. We have posted several positions, which position are you interested in?当然,稍等一下。我们登出了好几个职位,你对哪个职位感兴趣?B: It is a position in your marketing department. Is it available?是你们销售部门的职位,这个职位还有吗?A: Yes. Do you have any experience?有的。你有经验吗?B: Yes, I have. What are your requirements for the job?是的,我有。你们对这个工作有什么要求吗?A: If you're interested in this job, please give me your resume.如果你对这个工作感兴趣,请把你的简历给我吧。B: Ok. I can send you one. Could you give me a brief introduction about this position?好的,我可以寄给你一份。你能简单介绍一下这个职位吗?A: Sure. The job is only open to people with over three years' experience in selling. It belongs to the marketing department.当然可以,该职位只面向有三年以上销售经验的人,属于销售部门。B: I think I can do this job.我认为我可以胜任这份工作。A: Can you fill out the application form right now?你现在可以填一份申请表吗?B: Of course.当然可以。
9/4/20206 minutes, 53 seconds
Episode Artwork


》》》》》》》》一键领取入口《《《《《《《I need to buy a dress for this banquet.&nbsp;我需要买一条宴会穿的裙子。Could you bring me a smaller one?你能给我拿个小一点的吗?This dress is too small for me to wear.&nbsp;这个裙子对我来说太小了。Which coat&nbsp;do you sell the most?你们哪个大衣最好卖?Would you recommend me some wind coats?你能给我推荐一些风衣吗?Do you have any pants to go with the shirt?你们有没有和这个衬衣配的裤子?Conversation:A: Good afternoon, Madam. Welcome to our shop. Can I help you?下午好,女士欢迎光临,需要我帮忙吗?B: I want to buy a dress for my daughter. Would you like to recommend me some of the dresses in your shop?我想给女儿买一条裙子,你能给我推荐一些你们店里的裙子吗?A: Sure. Which color does your daughter like most? I can show some for you.&nbsp;当然可以,你女儿最喜欢什么颜色?我可以给你拿几款。B: Her favorite color is pink, but most of her clothes are pink. So I want to choose a different color for her.她最喜欢的颜色是粉色,但是她的很多衣服都是粉色的,我想给她选个别的颜色。A: Like what?比如说呢?B: I have no idea, it depends on the style. Would you recommend me some of the best selling dresses in your shop?我也不太清楚,这得看款式了,你给我介绍几款你们店里最畅销的裙子吧?A: Look at this dress. It was designed by the chief designer of our brand. The fabric is very comfortable.&nbsp;看看这款裙子,它是由我们品牌的首席设计师设计的,面料也很舒服。B: What a beautiful dress. How many colors does this skirt have?多么漂亮的裙子啊,这款裙子有几个颜色?A: Yellow, red and white. But most of people buy the yellow one.&nbsp;黄色红色和白色,但是大多数人都买黄色的。B: Yes, I think my daughter will like the yellow one. But the size is too small for her, could you show me a larger one?是呀,我认为我女儿喜欢黄色的裙子,但是这个尺码对他来说太小了,你能给我拿个大点的吗?A: Of course. Here you are.&nbsp;当然可以给你。B: How much is the dress?这款裙子多少钱?A: 129 Dollars.129美元。B: I'll take it. Thank you very much.&nbsp;我买了,非常感谢。
7/20/20207 minutes, 5 seconds
Episode Artwork


Have you already fixed the meeting time?你已经确定好会议的时间了吗?Are the microphones and loudspeakers ready?话筒和扩音器都准备好了吗?Where will the meeting be held?会议将在哪里举行?Are there enough tables and chairs for the meeting?会议的桌椅都够用吗?Is everything ready for tonight's meeting?今天晚上的会议,一切都准备就绪了吗?Have you informed everyone to have a meeting in the conference room on the third floor?你通知所有人在三楼会议室开会了吗?Who is in charge of receiving the guests before the meeting?开会前谁负责接待来宾?How about the preparations for the&nbsp;meeting?会议的准备都怎么样了?A: Hello, Mary. We plan to hold a meeting on the launch of the new product next Monday. Your department needs to prepare ahead of time.你好,玛丽。我们计划在下周一召开一个关于新产品发布的会议。你们部门需要提前做好准备工作。B: Yes, sir. Which departments need to be notified to attend this meeting?好的,先生。都需要通知哪些部门参加本次会议?A: The entire staff in our company. Because of the large number of people, the venue of the meeting is located in the lecture hall on the 9th floor of the company.&nbsp;公司的全体员工。因为人数比较多,所以会议地点就定在公司九楼的报告大厅。B: I know. I will prepare all the relevant meeting documents. What are the requirements for the layout of the meeting?我知道了。我会把会议文件准备好。您对会场的布置有什么要求吗?A: Nope, I was very satisfied with the layout of the meeting last time.没有,我对上次会场的布置非常满意。B: I see. We decorated the meeting room with flowers. This time, we will arrange the meeting more attentively.&nbsp;我明白了。上次我们用鲜花布置好了会场,这次我们会更用心安排。A: I believe you&nbsp;can do it. Could you tell Linda to buy the refreshments to be served at the meeting?我相信你可以做好的。你能告诉Linda买些在会上供的点心吗?B: Sure. There is something wrong with the computer in the lecture hall.当然可以,报告厅里的电脑出问题了。A: I'll tell Jack to fix it. You had better check all the equipments.我会告诉杰克让他去修修,你最好检查一下所有的设备,B: I will.&nbsp;我会的。A: Are there enough tables and chairs for the meeting?会议的桌椅都够用吗?B: Yes, we have many spare&nbsp;things.够用,我们还有很多备用的。A: That's good.&nbsp;那就好。
4/28/20207 minutes, 49 seconds
Episode Artwork


You can do Yoga to&nbsp;ease the stress&nbsp;from work.&nbsp;你可以做瑜伽来缓解工作压力The working pressure has influenced my personal life.&nbsp;工作压力已经影响到我的个人生活Our company is full of competition and job stress.&nbsp;我们公司充满了竞争和工作压力I have realized that the working pressure had begun to affect my health.&nbsp;我意识到工作压力已经开始影响我的健康Could you tell me how to deal with stress.&nbsp;你能告诉我如何缓解压力吗?A certain amount of work pressure can improve working efficiency.&nbsp;一定的工作压力可以提高工作效率A: Good morning, Nancy. You look tired. Didn't you sleep well last night?早上好Nancy,你看起来很累,昨天晚上没有休息好吗是的?B: Yes, I worked overtime to complete the financial statements yesterday evening.&nbsp;是的,我昨天加班完成了财务报表。A: You've been working very hard, but you&nbsp;also have&nbsp;to pay attention to the body. Do you feel stressed doing this&nbsp;job?你工作一直都很努力,但是你也得注意自己的身体啊,你做这份工作感觉有压力吗?B: I have had expectations of myself. I finished my work on time every day. The boss's expectations of me are getting higher and higher.&nbsp;我对自己的要求很高,每天的工作都会按时完成,老板对我的期望越来越高了。A: A certain amount of work pressure can improve working efficiency, but more working pressure is just the opposite to what one wished.一定的工作压力可以提高工作效率,但是过度的压力往往会适得其反。B: Yes, I know.&nbsp;What should I do to manage my job stress?是的,我知道。我应该做什么去处理工作压力?A: There are many ways. Breathing deeply can help you relieve stress. You can do Yoga to ease the stress from work.有很多方式。深呼吸可以使你缓解压力,你可以做瑜伽来缓解工作压力。B: Yes, you are right. It's time for me to have Yoga classes.&nbsp;是的,你说的没错,我该上瑜伽课了。A: What's the reason for your job stress?工作压力的原因是什么?B: Our company's&nbsp;competition is the major factor for the working pressure.竞争是工作压力的主要因素。A: But life is full of competition, you should think it right.但是生活中处处充满了竞争,应该正确面对。
4/24/20207 minutes, 17 seconds
Episode Artwork


今晚4月21日晚上8点喜马拉雅直播主题:音标中的长短元音i:和ɪIs the result of the interview coming out?面试结果出来了吗?Does your company consider me acceptable?贵公司是否聘用我了?I'm calling to ask if you have made a decision on this position.&nbsp;我打电话是想询问你们是否对这个职位做出了决定。I would like to know about your consideration of my qualifications.我想知道贵公司对我的资格的考虑情况。We will call you if we decide to employ you.&nbsp;如果我们决定录用你,给你打电话的。Congratulations, you passed the interview.&nbsp;恭喜你通过了面试。Our company needs people like you.本公司很需要像你这样的人才。I'm afraid you lack experience in this field.恐怕你缺乏这方面的经验。Your work experience doesn't fit for this job.&nbsp;你的工作经验不适合这份工作。May I know the reason why you don't hire me?我可以知道你们不聘用我的原因吗?I sincerely hope you can give me another chance.&nbsp;真心希望你们能在给我一次机会。Conversation:A: Hello, this is Jackson. May I speak to Manager Green?你好,我是杰克逊,我能和格林经理通电话吗?B: This is Green speaking. What can I do for you?我就是格林,有什么需要我帮忙的吗?A: Good afternoon, Mr green. I'm calling to ask if you have made a decision on administrative assistant position.下午好,格林先生。我打电话是想询问你们是否对行政助理这个职位做出了决定。B: I'm sorry, sir.&nbsp;The company is preparing an event these days and the result&nbsp;of the interview will be announced later.很抱歉先生,公司这几天正在筹备一项活动,面试结果会晚些时候再公布。A: I can't wait to know the result&nbsp;of the interview. Could you tell me when I can know the interview outcome?我迫不及待想知道面试结果,你能告诉我什么时候能知道面试结果吗?B: We will tell you the result by the end of next week. I'm very impressed with you, you will have great hope of passing the interview.我们会在下周末前告诉你结果的,我对你的印象很深,你通过面试的希望很大。A: Thank you, sir.&nbsp;It's really my honor to have an opportunity to work with you. I hope you can consider my ability.谢谢你先生,真的很荣幸有机会和你一起工作,我希望你能考虑我的能力。B: I will.我会的。A: I really want the position. You must let me know if you have any concerns.我真的很想得到这个职位,如果您有任何顾虑,一定要告诉我。B: Certainly. I'll inform you in time if I know the result.当然,如果我知道结果,会及时通知你的。A: Thank you so much.非常感谢。B: You're welcome. Thank you for calling.&nbsp;不客气,感谢你的来电。
4/20/20207 minutes, 28 seconds
Episode Artwork


欢迎订阅每周6更,早间6点更新(记得起床收听哦~)节目亮点练习英语口语最要注意循序渐进,那些简单生活口语,往往最实用。1. 每日精选高频率实用句子(5-10条),帮助你脱口而出地道表达;2. 精简小对话,模拟生活场景,覆盖日常生活方方面面(餐饮、购物、看病、旅游、学习、工作等),聊天不尴尬;适合谁听1. 词汇量小,口语表达不成句的英语学习者;2. 想要夯实自己听说能力的初级学习者;3. 想要提高发音和培养英语语感的英语爱好者;你将获得1. 1000+实用口语表达2. 3000+日常生活词汇,扩充词汇量3. 学会地道表达,应对日常生活...Could you tell me about the&nbsp;benefits&nbsp;in your company?你能给我说说公司的福利待遇吗?What kind of&nbsp;treatment&nbsp;can I get in your company?在贵公司,我能够得到什么样的待遇?What you can enjoy is the&nbsp;unemployed insurance treatment.&nbsp;你能享受的是失业保险待遇。Our company provides perfect&nbsp;medical insurance.&nbsp;本公司提供完善的医疗保险。You will be entitled to15 days of&nbsp;paid annual leave.&nbsp;你会享有15天的带薪年假。The bonus is related to&nbsp;sales performance.&nbsp;奖金和销售业绩是相关的。What is your expected salary?你希望的薪水是多少?How long is the&nbsp;probation period?试用期是多长时间?Your probation period is three months.你的试用期是三个月。A labour contract&nbsp;will be signed when you become a permanent employee.&nbsp;转正之后会签订劳务合同。Your starting salary won't be too high, but the benefits are good.&nbsp;你的起薪不会很高,但是福利很好。The company will provide free&nbsp;dormitory.&nbsp;公司将免费提供宿舍。Conversation:A: Thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to work in your company. Could you tell me about the benefits?非常感谢你给我在贵公司工作的机会,你能给我说说公司的福利待遇吗?B: Sure. The period of your probation is three months. After the probationary period, you can enjoy perfect medical insurance.当然可以,你的试用期是三个月,试用期之后你可以享受完善的医疗保险,A: Does the company have anual leave?公司有年假吗?B: Yes. Apart from statutory holidays, you will be entitled to fifteen days of paid annual leave.&nbsp;有啊,除了法定节假日,你还可以享有15天的带薪年假,A: That's great. How about employee training in the company?那很不错,公司的员工培训怎么样?B: We have seminar and professional training sessions throughout the year to help employees improve their skills.&nbsp;我们全年都有研讨会和专业培训课程,帮助员工提高技能,A: May I ask about the sick leave rules?我能问一下病假的规定吗?B: There are ten days of paid sick leave every year.每年有十天的带薪病假,A: That sounds great. Is your bonus system excellent?那听起来不错,对公司的奖金制度完善吗?B: It depends on your sales performance. The higher your performance you finish, the higher your bonus will get.这得取决于你的销售业绩,你的业绩越高,奖金就越高,A: I'll give you a reply by this Wednesday.我会在本周三之前给你答复。B: It's a pleasure to talk to you.&nbsp;很高兴和你谈话。
4/18/20208 minutes, 32 seconds
Episode Artwork


欢迎订阅每周6更,早间6点更新(记得起床收听哦~)节目亮点练习英语口语最要注意循序渐进,那些简单生活口语,往往最实用。1. 每日精选高频率实用句子(5-10条),帮助你脱口而出地道表达;2. 精简小对话,模拟生活场景,覆盖日常生活方方面面(餐饮、购物、看病、旅游、学习、工作等),聊天不尴尬;适合谁听1. 词汇量小,口语表达不成句的英语学习者;2. 想要夯实自己听说能力的初级学习者;3. 想要提高发音和培养英语语感的英语爱好者;你将获得1. 1000+实用口语表达2. 3000+日常生活词汇,扩充词汇量3. 学会地道表达,应对日常生活...Why did you quit the previous job?为什么辞去之前的工作?I'd like to change my working environment.我想换一个工作环境。The previous company&nbsp;went bankrupt.&nbsp;之前的公司倒闭了。There is a problem with the company's capital chain.那家公司的资金链出现了问题。The company always&nbsp;withholds&nbsp;wage payment of employees.&nbsp;那家公司总是拖欠员工的工资。But salary wasn't the only reason I switched jobs.但是工资不是我跳槽的唯一原因。I want to have a high-paying job我想用一份高薪水的工作。I want to engage in a job that is relevant to my major.&nbsp;我想从事与我的专业相关的工作。My last job is out of my major.&nbsp;我的上一份工作不属于我的专业范围。I like more challenging work.&nbsp;我喜欢更具有挑战性的工作。The training mechanism&nbsp;in your company is perfect.&nbsp;贵公司的培训机制很完善。The place of work is too far from home.&nbsp;&nbsp;工作地方离家太远。Conversation:A: From your resume, I know that you have worked in PSA&nbsp;company for five years. Could you tell me why you quit this&nbsp;job?从你的简历中,我知道你已经在工作了五年,能告诉我你为什么辞职吗?B: Because I like more challenging work. I also hope to increase my income. Your&nbsp;company is global, it's my honor&nbsp;to be able to work here.因为我喜欢更具有挑战性的工作,我也希望能增加自己的收入,贵公司是全球化的公司,能在这里工作是我的荣幸。A: Is that the only reason you want to leave?这是你想离职的唯一原因吗?B: No. Your company is near my home. This makes it easier for me to commute to work. My present job is relevant to the position I am applying for in your&nbsp;firm.不是,贵公司离我家很近,这样我上下班比较容易。我现在的工作与我在贵公司申请的职位相关。A: What is your ideal job like?你理想的工作是什么样的?B: I think the job could make good use of my professional knowledge and provide me with broad employment prospects.&nbsp;我认为应该能充分运用我的专业知识,而且能够提供广阔的就业前景。A: Why do you think you would be a success in this position?你为什么认为自己能胜任这个职位呢?B: I think my educational background and experience are very suitable for the job and I like the job very much.&nbsp;我认为我的教育背景和经验都很适合这份工作。而且我很喜欢这份工作。A: How do you know about our company?你是怎么知道本公司的?B: Your firm&nbsp;is very famous. I&nbsp;knew your company long ago.贵公司名气很大我,早就知道贵公司了。A: We'll call you if we decide to employ you.如果我们决定录用你的话,会给你打电话的。B: Thank you very much.&nbsp;非常感谢。
4/15/20207 minutes, 45 seconds
Episode Artwork


I'm&nbsp;sick and tired of&nbsp;it.&nbsp;我对这件事感到恶心,厌倦。be sick and tired of...对...感到厌烦/恶心I'm&nbsp;fed up with&nbsp;studying French.&nbsp;我讨厌学法语。be fed up with..对...感到厌倦I'm so&nbsp;tired of&nbsp;listening to techno&nbsp;music.&nbsp;我非常讨厌听电子音乐。I can't do this work anymore. It's the same thing over and over again.&nbsp;这份工作我再也做不下去了,总是在一遍一遍地重复。Is there anything more&nbsp;tedious&nbsp;than this?还有比这更无聊的吗?tedious/ˈtiːdiəs/乏味烦人的I'm so angry that I'm&nbsp;speechless.&nbsp;我气得话都说不出来了。speechless无语的I'm&nbsp;not happy with&nbsp;the television&nbsp;I bought.&nbsp;我对我买的电视机不满意。not happy with..对..不满意The service here is&nbsp;awful.这里的服务太糟糕了。awful糟糕的This is the worst service I've ever encountered.&nbsp;这是我遇过的最糟糕的服务。This is&nbsp;pathetic.&nbsp;太令人生厌了。pathetic/pəˈθetɪk/差劲的;不足的(非正式)A:&nbsp;Excuse me, waiter. This food is terrible. The steak is under cooked and the potatoes are cold.服务员,这食物太糟糕了,牛排没熟,土豆是凉的。B:&nbsp;I'm sorry.&nbsp;I'll take it back right away and bring you out a new dish.&nbsp;非常抱歉,我这就拿回去给您换一份新的。A: How is your new car?你的新车怎么样?B: Oh, don't mention it. It's caused&nbsp;me nothing but trouble since the day I bought it.别提了,自从我买了它那天起,它就一直给我惹麻烦。A: Really? What's the problem? You seemed so happy when you decided to buy it.是吗,怎么回事?你决定买车的时候看起来可是很高兴啊。B:&nbsp;Where do I start? First, the brakes went and then like a week later I started having engine problems.从哪说起呢?先是刹车坏了,然后大约过一个星期吧,车的引擎就开始出问题了。Where do I start?表示“我该从何说起呢”?在文中表示由于车的问题太多,不知从何提起。A: That's too bad. Didn't you bring it in to have them take a look at it?太糟糕了,你没把车开回去让他们检查一下吗?B: That's another story altogether. When I brought it back, they said I&nbsp;waivedthe&nbsp;warranty&nbsp;in the contract that I signed. I told them they never said anything about a warranty. We went back and forth and finally I got fed up and walked out.&nbsp;那就是另外一回事了,我把车开回去的时候,他们说根据我签的合同,我已经放弃了保修。我跟他们说他们从来没有跟我提过什么保修的事,我就这样反反复复的争吵,最后我实在忍不了了就走了。
3/12/20207 minutes, 17 seconds
Episode Artwork

“表示惊讶”别总是用"I don't believe it"!

I&nbsp;can hardly believe my ears.&nbsp;我简直不敢相信自己的耳朵。What a surprise!How surprising!真令人惊讶。Fancy that!&nbsp;She remembered my name after all those years.真想不到!这么多年后她依然记得我的名字。I'm&nbsp;really&nbsp;surprised at&nbsp;the news.&nbsp;对于这个相信我真的很惊讶。be surprised at..对...感到惊讶We&nbsp;are&nbsp;all&nbsp;amazed at&nbsp;her beauty.&nbsp;我们都被她的美丽震惊。be amazed at...对..感到震惊It's&nbsp;unbelievable.&nbsp;太难以置信。You've got to be kidding.&nbsp;你一定是开玩笑吧。I&nbsp;was astonished at&nbsp;what he had said.&nbsp;对于他说的话我感到很惊讶。be astonished at...对...感到惊讶A: Hey, Maggie. Do you know who just got married?嗨,麦琪,你知道刚刚谁结婚了吗?B: Who?&nbsp;谁?A: Old John.&nbsp;老约翰。B:&nbsp;It can't be.&nbsp;Are you&nbsp;serious?不会吧?你是认真的吗?A: Of course. I just saw him at the hotel in a black&nbsp;tuxedo. He is really handsome.当然了,我刚刚在酒店看到他了,穿着黑色的燕尾服,真的很帅。B: Wow,&nbsp;I can hardly believe my ears.&nbsp;He is in his sixties. Who is his lovely bride?哇,我简直不能相信自己的耳朵,他都60多岁了,谁是他可爱的新娘?A: He met the woman at church events, and he said he fell in love with her at first sight and was impressed by her beautiful dance.They all went to church very often and as time went by, the woman was moved by old John.&nbsp;他是参加教堂活动时认识那个女人的,他说她对他一见钟情,被她美丽的舞姿所折服。他们都经常去教堂,时间长了,那个女人就被老约翰打动了。B:&nbsp;You don't say.真的吗?A: It's&nbsp;true. The woman is 72&nbsp;years old, and this is her fourth marriage.&nbsp;是真的,那个女人都已经72岁了,而且这是她第四次结婚。B:&nbsp;Unbelievable.&nbsp;How do you know this?难以置信,你怎么知道这些的?A: I asked him when I met him at the hotel. His wife is quite a woman. Guess what, she has nearly 30&nbsp;grandchildren.&nbsp;我在酒店遇到他的时候问他了,他的妻子是一个不一般的女人,你猜怎么着?她有将近30个孙子孙女。A:&nbsp;Amazing.&nbsp;难以置信。B: I also saw that woman at the hotel, she was really elegant and beautiful. She gave me the feeling of being very knowledgeable and charming.&nbsp;我在酒店还看到那个女人了,她真的很优雅,也很漂亮。她给我的感觉就是非常有见识和有魅力。A: I look forward to seeing her.&nbsp;我期待能见到她。
2/29/20207 minutes, 58 seconds
Episode Artwork


I just&nbsp;kick ass.&nbsp;我太厉害了。kick ass了不起;很棒It is a&nbsp;beautiful place and the restaurants&nbsp;just&nbsp;kick ass.这是个很美的地方,而且餐馆很赞。I believe I&nbsp;have a good eye for&nbsp;fashion.&nbsp;我相信我对时尚有很好的眼光。have a good eye for..对...有好的眼光I&nbsp;have a lot of confidence in&nbsp;choosing Jewelry.&nbsp;我对挑选珠宝很有自信。have&nbsp;a lot of confidence in...对...很有自信I do&nbsp;have a flair for&nbsp;writing.&nbsp;我确实在写作方面有天赋。have a flair for..在...方面很有自信I&nbsp;have a good taste in&nbsp;shoes.&nbsp;我在鞋子方面有很好的审美。have&nbsp;a good taste in在...方面有品位A: How come you're still up? Didn't you get any sleep last night?你怎么还醒着?你不会昨晚都没有睡觉吧?B: I did have a hard time sleeping last night.&nbsp;我昨晚确实很难睡着。have a hard time doing表示“做某事很困难”,相当于have trouble&nbsp;doing.A: As far as I know, insomnia is caused by stress. Are you stressed out?据我所知,失眠是有压力大造成的,你压力很大吗?be caused by...表示“是由...造成的”。B: No, just a little. But I don't know why I was full of beans. Is it because I had three cups of coffee last night?没有啊,只是一点点。不过不知道为什么我就是精神很好,难道是因为我昨晚喝了三杯咖啡?full of beans/life表示充满精力A: Maybe. You're going to take part in the English speech contest tomorrow. Do you have confidence?或许是的。明天你就要参加英语演讲比赛了,你有信心吗?take part in表示“参加(会议,比赛,活动等)”B: Sure. I've been preparing for this contest for a long time.当然了,我已经为这次的比赛准备了很长时间。A: That's good. Remember to put your speech draft together with your number.那就好,记得把你的演讲稿和你的号码牌放在一起。B: Well, I've got everything ready.我都已经准备好了。A: You look very confident.看你很有信心的样子。B: Yes.&nbsp;In my opinion, as long as I am not nervous on stage, I will definitelywin the&nbsp;championship.&nbsp;是的。在我看来,只要我在台上不紧张,我就毫无疑问能拿到这场比赛的冠军。A: I believe you can make it. But you'd better&nbsp;take a deep breath&nbsp;before the speech to ease your nervousness.我相信你能做到的。不过,你最好在演讲前深吸一口气来缓解你的紧张感。B:&nbsp;Rest assured. I learned it all through the computer yesterday.&nbsp;放心吧,我昨天都已经通过网上了解到了。rest assured口语用于,表示“放心”,相当于&quot;set your heart at rest&quot;A: Wow, you're really well prepared.哇,你真的准备很充分。B: Absolutely. I must show my confidence to the judges so that I can impress them.那必须的,我一定要以自信的面貌出现在评委面前,这样我就能让他们印象深刻了。A: Right. But you must get enough sleep tonight or your efforts will be wasted.你说的对,不过今晚你一定要得到充足的睡眠,否则你的努力都白费了。B: Okay, I remember it.&nbsp;好的,我记住了。
2/26/20208 minutes, 16 seconds
Episode Artwork


01Just a moment/minute, please.Just a minute, please.&nbsp;Let me check my schedule.请稍等,让我看看我的日程安排。02Bear with me.Bear with me&nbsp;please while I look through the paperwork.请耐心等我看一下文件。03I/It won't be long.Oh, it's in my house. One&nbsp;moment&nbsp;please,&nbsp;I won't be long.哦,在我的房子里,请稍等,我马上就来。I'm stuck in traffic but I promise&nbsp;it won't be long.我堵车了,但是我保证不会太久。04Wait/Just a second/sec.Just a second, I need to&nbsp;find my pen.等一下,我找一下我的钢笔。05Excuse me for just a moment/minute.I'm sorry.&nbsp;Excuse me for just a moment&nbsp;while&nbsp;I see who's at the door.我很抱歉,请大家稍等我一下,我看看是谁在门口。06Hold on(a sec/a second/moment).Hold on. I forgot my phone.等一下,我忘了带手机。Hold on a sec. I've got to answer the phone.等一下,我得去接电话。07Hang on(a sec/second/moment).Hang on. What did you say?等一下,你刚刚说什么?Hang on a&nbsp;moment, my mom's&nbsp;calling. I need to answer it really quickly.等一下,我妈妈打来电话了,我得赶快接。08Gimme a second/moment.I'm sorry.&nbsp;Gimme a second. I have to find my wallet.我很抱歉,等我一会,我得找找我的钱包。09Hold your horse.Hold your horse! Where are you going without your jacket? It's cold outside.不要着急,你不穿夹克衫要去哪里?外面很冷。Hold your horse.&nbsp;Let's calm down for a&nbsp;moment.不要着急,让我们冷静一下。
2/25/20208 minutes, 2 seconds
Episode Artwork


business/ˈbɪznəs/TRADE贸易商业;买卖;生意It's been a pleasure&nbsp;to do business with&nbsp;you.和你做生意很愉快。How's business?生意怎么样?Business was bad.生意不景气。WORK工作商务;公事on business出差I'm here on business.我来这里出差。He's&nbsp;away on business.他出差去了。COMPANY公司企业;公司;商店to have/start/run a business拥有/开办/经营企业He&nbsp;started his own business&nbsp;after graduation.他毕业后自己创业。RESPONSIBILITY职责归(某人或某机构)管的事;职责government business政府事务This is none of your business.这与你无关。Mind your own business.管好你自己的事情。Linda is going to&nbsp;lay aside&nbsp;money to start a business.&nbsp;琳达打算把钱存起来创业。Jack&nbsp;dropped out of school&nbsp;and planned to start his own business.&nbsp;杰克辍学并计划自己创业。The little boy has a dream that one day he can have his own company.&nbsp;小男孩梦想有一天可以建立一家属于自己的公司。More and more college students choose to start a business after graduation.&nbsp;越来越多的大学生毕业后选择创业。A: You will graduate next month, why not start searching for a job?你下个月就毕业了,为什么不开始找工作呢?search/look for表示“寻找”B: I want to do something more challenging.我想做点更具有挑战性的事情。A: Like what?比如说呢?B: I plan to&nbsp;set up in business&nbsp;on my own account.&nbsp;我计划自己创业。set up in&nbsp;business表示“创业”,on my own account表示“为我自己”A: That sounds great, but it is not a good time for you to start your own business.听起来很不错,但是对你来说,创业还不是时候。B: Why?&nbsp;为什么?A:&nbsp;In my&nbsp;personal point of view, it's unpractical for college students to be self-employed. College students have little experience in managing a business. They're not familiar with the real business&nbsp;world.&nbsp;我个人认为,大学生自主创业是不现实的。大学生几乎没有从商经验,而且他们对商业圈还非常陌生。in my&nbsp;(personal) point of view表示“依我个人看来”,类似表达还有in my view/opinionB: More and more college students choose to start a business after graduation. I think it is an attractive choice and a good way for college students to start careers.越来越多的大学生毕业之后选择创业,我认为这是一个极具吸引力的选择,也是一个好的职业开端。A: I don't mean to&nbsp;discourage&nbsp;you, but most new business has failed. Are you fully prepared for starting a business?我不是想打击你,但是很多刚开始创业的人都失败了,你准备好作业了吗?be fully prepared for doing..表示“做好充分准备做...”,比如:I am fully prepared for this exam.这次考试我已经充分准备好了。B: Sure I am.&nbsp;当然准备好了。
2/18/20208 minutes, 5 seconds
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blame sb责备某人sb&nbsp;be to blame某人对(坏事)负有责任Don't&nbsp;blame yourself.别自责。If anyone's&nbsp;to blame,&nbsp;it's me.如果有任何人应该被责备,那个人是我。Don't get me wrong, you know I'm not blaming you.&nbsp;别误会我,你知道我没有责备你。scoldHe&nbsp;scolded them&nbsp;for being late.他因为他们迟到,训了他们一顿。reproachYou don't have to reproach yourself. It's not your fault.不要责备你自己,不是你的错。A: Why didn't you tell me you're fired again?为什么不告诉我你又被辞职了?B: Sorry, I thought you knew.不好意思,我以为你知道的。A: You should tell me that you quarrel with your boss this time because of your female colleague.&nbsp;你应该告诉我,你这次和你老板吵架,是因为你的女同事。B: Didn't I?&nbsp;我没有告诉你吗?A: You know you didn't tell me, how can you do such a silly thing?你知道你没有告诉我,你怎么能做这种傻事呢?B: The main reason is that I am afraid you are angry.&nbsp;主要是我害怕你生气。A: Of course I am. How absurd of you to do so. Have you forgotten that you still have to support our family?我当然生气了,你这么做是多么荒唐呀。你已经忘了,你还要养活我们这个家庭吗?B: I'm sorry. I was so angry that I was a little impulsive.&nbsp;抱歉,我当时真的很生气,所以有点冲动了。A: I'm not patient with you. You know you've changed three jobs in the past few months, right? Please put yourself in my shoes, I need to take care of our children, do housework and work on time. And you're always fired for all sorts of minor problems. How can I put up with you like this? You're really good for nothing.&nbsp;我对你真的忍无可忍了,你这个月已经换了三个工作了,对吗?也请你站在我的立场上想想问题。我需要照顾孩子,做家务还得按时工作,而你却总是因为各种各样的小问题被辞退。我怎么能忍受得了这样的你,你真的是一点用都没有。B: It's my fault, I shouldn't be fired for other people's business. I promise I will make a lot of money to keep you and our kids in the future.是我的错,我不应该因为别人的事被辞退,我发誓,我以后会好好赚钱养你和我们的孩子。A: Come on, that's what you said last time. I 've heard enough of you to be so nonsense.算了吧,上次你也是这样说的,我已经听够你这样胡说了。B: But this time is true. Please trust&nbsp;me again. I won't let you down.&nbsp;但这次是真的,请再相信我一次,我不会让你失望的。
2/16/20207 minutes, 58 seconds
Episode Artwork


1What women look for in a partner?leadership qualitiesearnings potentiala sense of humorintelligencejob skillssuccess2What men look for in a partner?physical attractivenesswarmth and affectionhomemaking abilityfashion sensesocial skillssensitivityConversationA: What kind of guys do you like?你喜欢什么类型的男生?B: I like guys who aren't too serious and have a good sense of humor.我喜欢不严肃的,有幽默感的。I like guys&nbsp;who...我喜欢...的男生A: Ok, what else?好的,还有吗?B: Well, I'd prefer someone I have something in common with——Who I can talk to easily.我喜欢和我有共同点,和我容易沟通的人。I'd prefer&nbsp;someone who&nbsp;has something in common with me.我喜欢和我有共同点的人。A: I think I know just the guy for you. Bob. Do you know him?我觉得我正好认识这个人,鲍勃,你认识吗?B: No, I don't think so.不认识。A: Ok, I'll ask him to meet us for coffee, and you can tell me what you think.好,我让他出来和我们喝咖啡,你可以告诉我怎么想。Personalities●sociable/ˈsəʊʃəbl/A person who enjoys being with other people.&nbsp;合群的;好交际的●intolerant/ɪnˈtɑːlərənt/A person who won't accept other people's differences.&nbsp;不能容忍的●modest/ˈmɑːdɪst/Someone who doesn't brag about his or her accomplishments.谦虚的●temperamental/ˌtemprəˈmentl/A person who has unpredictable or irregular moods.&nbsp;喜怒无常的●egotistical/ˌiːɡəˈtɪstɪkl/Someone who expresses a very high opinion of him or herself.&nbsp;自我本位的;自负的●easygoing/ˌiːzi'ɡəʊɪŋ/A person who doesn't worry much or get angry easily.&nbsp;随和的;轻松的●stingy/ˈstɪndʒi/Someone who doesn't like giving things to people; ungenerous.小气的;吝啬的●unreliable/ˌʌnrɪˈlaɪəbl/A person who doesn't do what he or she promised.不可靠的;不值得信赖的●supportive/səˈpɔːrtɪv/Someone who is helpful and encouraging.&nbsp;给予帮助的;鼓励的
2/14/20207 minutes, 27 seconds
Episode Artwork


decide和determine都是表示“决定”。在语气方面,determine比decide要更坚定。在用法上区别不大,具体如下:decide on/to dodetermine on/to dobe determined to do类似表达还有:make up one's mind tomake a decisionThey&nbsp;decided to&nbsp;break up.&nbsp;他们决定分手了。We have&nbsp;reached a decision.我们已经做出了决定。I&nbsp;made up my mind&nbsp;to study hard and&nbsp;win&nbsp;a scholarship this year.&nbsp;我决定今年好好学习获得奖学金。What have you decided?你做了什么决定?I've&nbsp;decided to&nbsp;study abroad.&nbsp;我已经决定去国外学习了。I will&nbsp;back you up&nbsp;no matter what you decide.不管你做什么决定,我都支持你。I can't&nbsp;make a decision&nbsp;without knowing the facts.&nbsp;在不了解事实的情况下,我不能做出决定。经典对话A: The summer vacation is coming up. Do you have any plans?暑假就快要到了,你有什么计划吗?B: I haven't decided yet, but my parents want to travel to Mexico this summer and they want me to go with them.&nbsp;我还没有决定好,不过我父母想在这个夏天去墨西哥旅游,他们想让我跟他们一起去。A: That's a good thing. You can&nbsp;take advantage of&nbsp;this holiday to relax for getting better results next year.&nbsp;那是好事啊,你可以利用这个假期好好放松一下,以备明年取得更好的成绩。take advantage of...表示“利用”,take good advantage of..表示“好好利用”,take full advantage of表示“充分利用”B: Yes, I think so too. How about you? Have you made any decisions yet?是的,我也这样想你呢,已经做了什么决定吗?A: Well, I have decided to travel to Europe this summer holiday.&nbsp;是的,我已经决定在这个暑假去欧洲游。B: Alone?你一个人吗?A: I would like that very much. But my parents feel worried about me, so I have to go with my classmates.&nbsp;我很想这样,但是我父母不放心,所以我只能跟同学一起去了。B: Your parents are right, it's safer.&nbsp;你父母很对,这样比较安全。A: Yeah, anyway, I'm glad I can visit Europe this time.是的,不管怎么样,我还是很高兴这次能去欧洲旅游的。B: I know this is your dream&nbsp;all along.&nbsp;I'm so happy for you.&nbsp;我知道这是你一直以来的梦想,真替你高兴。all along表示“自始至终”,相当于all the timeA: Thank you, and I've planned my routes. I'll&nbsp;travel through all the countries I like, especially Britain, Germany, the Netherlands and France.&nbsp;谢谢,而且我已经计划好了路线,我会把我喜欢的国家都逛一遍,尤其是英国,德国,荷兰和法国。B: Good idea. Well, I've decided I'm going to travel to Europe with you. I think it'll be more interesting.&nbsp;好主意。好了,我已经决定了,我要跟你一起去欧洲旅游,我觉得这样会更有趣。A: Okay. Welcome to join us. But you will have to talk to your parents first.好啊,欢迎加入我们,不过你还是先跟你父母商量一下。B: I know, I'll tell them tonight.&nbsp;我知道,我今晚就跟他们说。A: Alright.&nbsp;I wait for your good news.&nbsp;好的,等你的好消息。
2/11/20208 minutes, 8 seconds
Episode Artwork


Could you tell me how to&nbsp;deal&nbsp;with/handle&nbsp;the&nbsp;stress?你能告诉我如何缓解压力吗?The boy has&nbsp;felt the pressure&nbsp;of life.男孩已经感受到了生活的压力。My father&nbsp;was under&nbsp;the pressure&nbsp;to solve this problem.我父亲承受着很大的压力去解决这个问题。常用搭配处理压力deal with/handle/cope with&nbsp;the stress/pressure缓解压力relieve/ease&nbsp;the pressure/stress遭受压力的痛苦be sufferig from&nbsp;stress承受压力be under&nbsp;pressure/stress感受到..压力feel&nbsp;the pressure of...A:&nbsp;You look very pale.&nbsp;Is there anything wrong with you?你看起来脸色不好,怎么了?B: I&nbsp;worked overtime&nbsp;yesterday, so I&nbsp;had to&nbsp;stay up&nbsp;last night.我昨天加班了,所以昨天晚上我不得不熬夜。A: I&nbsp;see. You look worried, is there any trouble with you? Would you like to talk to me about it? Perhaps I&nbsp;can help you.我明白了,你看起来很忧郁,有什么困难吗?你想跟我说说这件事吗?或许我可以帮你。B: I've been&nbsp;under a a&nbsp;lot of stress&nbsp;lately. My leader is very strict and&nbsp;asked me to do two projects all at once. I didn't want to&nbsp;let him down.我最近压力很大。我的领导很严格,让我同时做两个项目,我不想让他失望。A: You should&nbsp;handle&nbsp;the stress actively.你应该积极应对压力。B: What am I supposed to do?我该怎么做呢?A: A&nbsp;positive attitude is very important when you face stress. Besides, you should share your feelings with your friends, which will make you feel better.当你面对压力的时候,积极的心态很重要。除此之外,你应该与朋友分享你的感受,这样会让你感觉好一点。B: Yes, I need a person to talk to so that I can&nbsp;relieve the stress.&nbsp;Do you think stress is a good thing or a bad thing?是的,我需要一个可以说话的人,这样我就可以缓解压力了,你认为压力是件好事还是坏事?A:&nbsp;It depends.&nbsp;In my opinion, stress can push someone forward and it is not a bad thing.&nbsp;这要看情况。在我看来,压力可以使人进步,这并不是一件坏事。B: Maybe you're right.或许你是对的。A: Take it easy. You can say something to me if you like.放松点,如果你愿意的话,可以跟我说点什么。B: You're so kind, thank you.&nbsp;你真是太好了,谢谢你。
2/3/20207 minutes, 37 seconds
Episode Artwork


I am hesitating about taking part in the debate.&nbsp;我在犹豫要不要参加辩论比赛。hesitate about doing...犹豫做某事Don't hesitate to do...别犹豫做...I could not hesitate any longer.&nbsp;我不能再犹豫了。not..any longer再也不...How should I choose?我该如何选择?I don't know how to make the choice.&nbsp;我不知道该怎么决定?make the choice做决定I can't decide yet.我现在还没办法决定。Don't push me to decide.&nbsp;别逼我做决定。push sb to do逼迫某人做...I haven't made up my mind yet.&nbsp;我还没有下定决心。make up one's mind某人下定决心I know that hesitation is no good for me.&nbsp;我知道犹豫对我没有好处。be no good for...对...没好处Why can't I be decisive.&nbsp;我为什么不能果断一点呢。decisive果断的;决定性的A:&nbsp;Have you made up your mind?你做好决定了吗?B: What do you mean?你指的是什么?A: I mean, have you decided to continue to study or get a good job in a large city after graduation?你决定好继续深造,还是毕业后在大城市找一个好工作?B:&nbsp;I haven't decided yet.&nbsp;I think it's really a hard decision.我还没决定呢,我觉得这真的很难做决定。A:&nbsp;How come?&nbsp;It's actually quite simple. If you want to study, you can continue your education, whereas you can find a steady job after graduation.&nbsp;怎么会呢?其实很简单啊,如果你想学习的话就继续你的学业。反之,你就在毕业后找一份稳定的工作。B: Yes, but my mother has been in bad health for years. I should take care of my parents, shouldn't I?是啊,但是我妈妈最近几年一直身体不好,我应该担负起照顾家人的责任了,不是吗?A: Did you tell your parents about it?你跟你家里人说这件事了吗?B: Yes, but my mother certainly supports my continued study.&nbsp;是的,但是我妈妈肯定支持我继续学习啊。A: What about your dad?那你爸爸呢?B: My dad asked me to&nbsp;make my own decision.&nbsp;So I didn't know what to do.我爸爸让我自己做决定,所以我才不知道该怎么办。A: I see. It's a really tough choice. I guess there is a good way to&nbsp;satisfy both sides.明白,这的确很难取舍,我猜有一个两全其美的办法。B: What?&nbsp;什么办法?A: There is a vacancy in the English Department. You can study while working.英语系正好有一个职位空缺,你可以一边打工一边学习。B: But will it affect my learning?这样会不会影响我学习啊?A: Don't think about it too much. As long as you work hard enough, I'm sure you'll get a lot. Besides, the job is a great opportunity, I suggest you grab it immediately, or it will be fleeting.不要想太多,只要你足够努力,我相信你会有很大的收获的。而且这份工作的确是个很好的机会,我建议你立即抓住,否则它就稍纵即逝了。B: Okay. I'll think about it again.&nbsp;好的,我再考虑一下。
1/31/20208 minutes, 35 seconds
Episode Artwork


Believe in yourself and give it your best effort.&nbsp;相信自己,尽自己最大的努力。Don't&nbsp;be discouraged by&nbsp;this bad performance.别因为表现不好就灰心丧气。Don't let this bad performance&nbsp;get you down.I'm always right behind you.我会一直支持你。I'll always be there for you.&nbsp;Keep your chin up.&nbsp;别灰心;保持斗志A: Which sport are you going to participate in during this sports meeting?这次的运动会,你准备参加哪个项目?B: I&nbsp;signed up for&nbsp;the 400-metre&nbsp;relay race. But I have no confidence.我报名了400米接力赛,但是我很没有信心。A: Why?为什么?B: I am afraid that my teammates were not be able to get good results because of me.我担心我不能让我的队友取得好成绩。A:&nbsp;How come? As long as you&nbsp;play steady&nbsp;that day, you are sure to achieve good results. Anyway, I believe you.怎么会呢?只要你在那天发挥稳定就肯定能取得好成绩。不管如何,我是很相信你的。B: Thank you, but I'm still afraid that I will be too nervous on that day to do well.谢谢,但是我还是害怕那天会太紧张而导致自己表现太差劲。A: I think you can do it. And I heard you've been participating for a long time, I'm sure you can get good results as long as you concentrate on the day of the match. Besides, a certain amount of tension will&nbsp;help you perform better.我觉得你能行的,而且我听说你们已经练了很长时间,我相信只要你在比赛那天集中精力就能取得好成绩。另外,一定的紧张有助于你发挥的更好。B: Thank you.&nbsp;Your encouragement strengthens&nbsp;my belief.&nbsp;But the relay race is a&nbsp;team race and the important thing is our cooperation.谢谢。你的鼓励坚定了我的信念。但是接力赛是一个团体性的比赛,重要的也是我们的配合。A: Right. That means you have to focus on teamwork for the rest of your training. A person's success is not a real success, it depends on the team.是的,这意味着,你们在接下来的训练中也要注意团队间的合作。一个人的成功并不是真正的成功,它取决于这个团队。B: That's right. But I get a little nervous when I think about it.没错,但一想到这个,我就有点紧张。A:&nbsp;Take heart.&nbsp;You have to believe that your confidence will infect your teammates which will certainly help you get good grades.&nbsp;鼓起勇气来,你要相信你的自信会感染你的队友,这肯定有助于你们取得好成绩。B: Um...I see.呃,我知道了。A: Come on,&nbsp;I'm on your side&nbsp;and I'll&nbsp;watch the game live and&nbsp;cheer you on.加油吧,我支持你,而且我也会去现场观看比赛,给你加油助威的。B: Wonderful. Look forward to your arrival.&nbsp;太好了,期待你的到来。
1/27/20208 minutes, 7 seconds
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I suggestI thinkI don't think you should...You should..You ought to..You'd better..I&nbsp;suggest&nbsp;you keep early hours from now on.我建议你现在开始早睡早起。A:&nbsp;Are you feeling better today, Steven?史蒂芬,你今天感觉好点了吗?B: Much better. But I am still coughing at night.好多了,就是晚上睡觉的时候还会咳嗽。A: You should take advice from your doctor to quit smoking. It's bad for your health.你应该听取医生的建议,把烟戒掉,它很不利于你恢复健康。B: It doesn't matter. I'm sure I'll be all right in a few days. Just like I got sick last time, I still got better even if I smoke.没关系,我相信过几天我的病就会好了。我上一次生病,即使我吸烟也不照样好了。A: That's because you weren't seriously ill last time. But this time, the doctor has made it clear to you not to smoke.&nbsp;那是因为你上次病的不严重,但这次医生已经明确给你建议,让你不要吸烟。B: Easier said than done. I'm a heavy smoker and it's really hard for me to quit smoking now.&nbsp;说的容易做着难。我是老烟民了,现在戒烟对我来说真的很困难。A: Not that hard. You can make it if you make up your mind.&nbsp;并没有那么难,只要你下定决心,就一定能成功的。B: Actually, I tried it a long time ago, but it all ended in failure.其实我很早以前就是过了,但都以失败告终。A: But this time is different. You're working for your health. You have a goal.但这次不一样啊,你是在为了你的健康而努力,你有了目标。B: But you know, I often stay up late and smoking keeps me awake.&nbsp;但你知道的,我经常熬夜,吸烟能让我保持清醒。A: Why didn't you go to bed earlier?你为什么不早点睡呢?B: I've been busy with a project recently. And one week is the deadline. I have to finish it during this time.&nbsp;最近我忙于一个项目,还有一个星期就是截止时间了,我必须在这段时间内完成。A: You will have plenty of time after this, so you'd better go to bed and get up early by then.忙完这段时间,你的时间就很充足了,所以你最好还是早睡早起吧。B: You are right. I should change my habits. I'll give it a try. Thank you.说得对,我是应该改改我的习惯了,我会试试的,谢谢你。A: I hope you can get better soon and quit smoking successfully.&nbsp;希望你能够尽快好起来,并且成功戒烟。
1/10/20207 minutes, 27 seconds
Episode Artwork


A: Hello, Maxwell's Steakhouse. Trudy speaking. How may I help you?你好,马克斯韦尔牛排馆,我是特鲁迪,有什么可以为您服务的吗?B: I am terribly sorry, but I need to cancel a reservation I made for this evening.实在非常抱歉,我需要取消今晚的预约。A: Oh, that's unfortunate. Under what name was the reservation made?那真是遗憾,请问订位的名字是?B: Mr. Lai.赖先生。A: Oh, there are actually two Mr. Lais&nbsp;listed tonight.实际上名单中有两位赖先生。B: That's right. The other reservation was made by my brother. We had a breakdown in communication and we both made reservations for the same night.没错,另一个是我弟弟定的,我们没沟通好,所以我们在同一晚上都订了位。A: And you want to cancel one of the reservations.因此,你想要取消其中的一个预约。B: That's correct.是的。A: I'll cancel one of them, but I'm sorry to inform you that we charge $100 for cancellations.我会取消其中一个,可是因为取消的缘故,我很抱歉告诉您,我们会收100美元。B: You can't be serious. That's daylight robbery.你不是在开玩笑吧,这根本是光天化日下抢劫A: I'm sorry sir. It's management policy. May I have your credit card number?对不起先生,这是管理部门的规定。请问您的银行卡卡号多少?B: No, you can't! Just cancel both reservations.&nbsp;不,你不能这样,把两个订位都取消吧。
10/10/20196 minutes, 2 seconds
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A: Your daughter will be back soon. I'm going to start making dinner. You can just watch some TV in&nbsp;TV room if you like. We just bought a new TV with an LCD&nbsp;screen. The remote control is on the coffee table next to the armchair.B: Would you mind if I helped out in the kitchen instead? I do enjoy cooking.A: This is supposed to be your&nbsp;vacation. We'd like you to just relax.&nbsp;B: Cooking makes me feel relaxed. So what are we cooking?A: Okay, well, we're going to make a pan of lasagna, a&nbsp;salad and some garlic bread. Here's the&nbsp;recipe. Do you want to get the ingredients we need out of the cupboard?B: Sure. We should probably &nbsp;pre-heat the oven right away too.&nbsp;A: That's a good idea. Can you set the oven to 200 degrees Celsius?B: That's a bit high&nbsp;for&nbsp;lasagna. I'll just set it at 180&nbsp;degree and we can take it from there.A: Fine. I'll just get out the casserole dish, the saucepan, the salad bowl, and the &nbsp;baking sheet.&nbsp;B: You know, I could do this myself. Why don't you go get the screwdriver and the pliers and go fix the vacuum cleaner so it works better?A: I don't think it's broken. Well,&nbsp;if it's not broken, then you need to learn how to vacuum better because it doesn't look like you've vacuumed&nbsp;for ages.B: Fine. I'll&nbsp;go vacuum. Let me know if you need any other &nbsp;help.&nbsp;
8/14/20198 minutes, 48 seconds
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How can I help you?I'd like to send this package to China.&nbsp;Would you like to send it surface or airmail?What's the difference between surface and airmail?If you send&nbsp;the parcel with surface mail, it will take about two months to arrive. Whereas with airmail, it will arrive in 7-10&nbsp;days.&nbsp;That's a big difference. I suppose airmail will be much more expensive.That depends on the weight.How much will it cost to send it airmail?Place it on the scale, please.Okay.That's 500 grams. It will cost 10 pounds for airmail.That's not bad. I'll do that, then. Does that include insurance on the contents of the parcel, or is that a separate fee?That's separate. It's another 50&nbsp;P.Ok.Just fill in this customs form. Make sure you press hard so that the information transfer&nbsp;to all three papers.&nbsp;Alright. Do I need to put a return address on the package?Yes, that would be ideal. If the package doesn't make it to the recipient's address, then it will be sent back to the sender.Okay. Thank you very much.You're welcome.&nbsp;
8/12/20196 minutes, 52 seconds
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I really need to lose some weight, I think I'm going to go on a diet.&nbsp;我真的需要减肥了,我想我该节食I think a little exercise would do you good. Why don't you join a fitness center?我觉得少量的运动会对你有好处,你为什么不参加一个健身俱乐部呢What's wrong with going on a diet? If I don't eat much for a few weeks . I should be able to lose a few pounds.&nbsp;节食减肥有什么不好,只要有几个星期少吃一点,你就能够减掉好几磅体重Combining exercise with a healthy diet is the most effective way to lose weight, but if you have to choose between exercise and diet, exercise is the better choice.健康饮食再结合运动对减肥效果更好,但是如果你非要在运动和节食中间选一样的话,那还是运动比较好I hate working out, besides, I don't want to get too muscular.我不喜欢卖力气,而且我也不想变得很有肌肉If you do low-impact aerobics, Pilates&nbsp;or Yoga, you can tone up without building up too many muscles.&nbsp;只要你做一些低强度的有氧运动,像普拉提或者瑜伽,你就可以健美身形,而且还不会长很多肌肉I do like Yoga. Do they have any Yoga classes at your gym?我确实很喜欢瑜伽,你健身的俱乐部里有瑜伽班吗I'm not sure, but I can look for you. If you join a gym, you can use the pool and take any of the classes you want for free.我不太清楚,不过可以帮你问问,只要你加入了这个俱乐部,你就可以免费游泳,或者参加任何你喜欢的健身班I didn't know they had a swimming pool at your gym. Do you think swimming would help me lose weight?你那个健身俱乐部里有游泳池吗,我怎么不知道,你觉得游泳能减肥吗Sure it would. It's&nbsp;an excellent form of exercise.当然能,那可是一种极好的健身方式Do you think I'd still have to go on a diet to lose weight?那你觉得我还有必要节食减肥吗I'm not an expert, so I can't tell you. But the trainers at the gym will be able to advise you on your diet and can help you come up with a fitness plan.我可不是专家,所以说了不算,但是俱乐部你的教练可以针对你的饮食给你提一些建议,并且可以帮你制定一套健身计划That's exactly what I need! Thanks for your help.那可正是我需要的,非常感谢你的帮助Any time.&nbsp;随时。
8/11/20197 minutes, 40 seconds
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【商务版 | 和Emily一起练口语】I'm completely booked up

A: Hello, Bill Burton speaking. What can I do for you?您好,我是比尔伯顿,您有事吗?B: Hello, Mr Burton. This is Jenny Jenkins of Bradford and Sons returning your call. I'm sorry you missed me when you called my office this morning. My secretary said you called concerning our meeting next Tuesday?您好,伯顿先生。我是布拉德福家庭公司的詹妮詹金斯,您给我打过电话,非常抱歉,您今天上午往我办公室打电话时我正好不在,我的秘书说您打电话问我们下周二见面的事是吗?A: Yes, Ms Jenkins. Thank you for returning my call. I'm glad I finally get a hold of you. I wanted to let you know I would not be able to make our meeting next Tuesday. I will be out of town that day. Is there any possibility we can move the meeting to Monday?是的,詹金斯小姐,谢谢您能给我回电话,很高兴我终于能联系到您了,我想告诉您,下周二我不能赴约,那天我出城去办事,有没有可能把见面时间改到周一?B: I'm sorry, I'm afraid I'm completely booked up on Monday. Would it be possible to postpone until you return?对不起,恐怕我周一的日程已经满了,能否等您回来再说?A: Oh dear, I was counting on taking care of our meeting before I leave. But I suppose I could shuffle a few things. Yes, we can arrange something. I'll be back Thursday morning. What about Thursday afternoon? Would that work for you?噢,天啊,我原来打算在离开之前处理好见面之事,不过我想我可以重新安排一下,没错。我们可以安排一下,我周四上午才回来,那周四下午怎么样,这个时间你可以吗?B: That should be fine, Shall we say about 2 o'clock?应该没问题,我们定在两点可以吗?A: Perfect. I'll look forward to seeing you at two o'clock next Thursday afternoon. If you need to change the time, please feel free to call me on my cell phone.好极了,我盼着下周四下午两点与您见面,你如果要更改时间请随时打我手机联系。B: Thanks Mr Burton, I'll see you on Thursday. 谢谢,伯顿先生,下周四见。
12/26/20187 minutes, 15 seconds
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【商务版 | 和Emily一起练口语】Can you hold for a moment?

A: Hello, thank you for calling Bradford and Sons. This is Tracy speaking, how may I help you?您好,感谢您致电布拉德福家庭公司,我是特雷西,有什么需要我帮忙的吗?B: Hello, I would like to speak to your director of human resources, Ms. Jenkins, please.你好,我想找你们的人力资源部主任詹金思小姐通话。A: Just a moment, I'll check to see if she is at her desk. May I tell her who is calling?稍等,我去看看她是否在办公室,请问您是哪位?B: This is Bill Burton from Milford Insurance. I'm calling in regards to our meeting next Tuesday.我是米尔福德保险公司的比尔.伯顿。我想问一下,关于下周二我们见面的事情。A: Thank you, Mr. Burton. Can you please hold for a moment? I'll check to see if she is available. 谢谢你, 伯顿先生,请您先等一会儿好吗,我去看看她是否在办公室。B: No problem. 没问题。A: I'm sorry, Ms. Jenkins is away from her desk. She has already left for lunch. Would you like to leave a message for her?非常抱歉,詹金思小姐现在不在办公室,她去吃午饭了,您愿意给他留个口信吗?B: Yes, please have her return my call when she returns to the office. It's best if she can get in touch with me before 3 PM today. She can reach me at my office number, 635-879好的,请她回办公室后给我打电话,如果今天下午三点以前能与我联系的话就再好不过了,打办公室电话635—8799可以找到我。A: I'm sorry I didn't quite catch that. Could you please repeat the number?对不起,我没跟上,您能再重复一下电话号码吗?B: No problem. My office number is 635-8799. Tell her to ask for extension 31. 没问题,我办公室的电话是635—8799后再接31分机。A: I'm sorry, Mr Burton. Just to confirm, Your name is spelled B-U-R-T-O-N. Is that correct?伯顿先生,不好意思。我想确认一下您的名字是B-U-R-T-O-N,对吗?B: Yes, and I represent Milford Insurance. 是的,我是米尔福德保险公司的。A: I will make sure Ms. Jenkins receives your message and returns your call before 3 PM this afternoon. 我会把您的口信告诉詹金思小姐,让她在今天下午三点以前给您回电话。B: Thank you very much. 非常感谢。
12/22/20188 minutes, 25 seconds
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A:You told me that John likes to boast about his capability.你告诉我约翰喜欢自吹自擂。B: Yes. He always talks about things that are beyond his reach.是的,他总是谈论他办不到的事情。A: But when I went to ask him to help me, he kept on poor-mouthing himself.但是我去叫他帮我,他却很“谦虚”。
9/28/20187 minutes, 28 seconds
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【和Emily一起练口语】tie up loose ends!

查看完整文本,欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播EmilyA:Mr.Black,I'd like to take some time off.I've been feeling exhausted these days.布莱克先生,我想请假。我这些天感觉太累了。B:That's no problem.Let me see...You still have 10 days of annual leave left.Is that right?没问题。我来看一下 ...你还有十天年假没休。对吗?A:Yes.I was wondering if I could take another two weeks off.是的,我在想能否再多请两周的假。B:That's long leave.How's your project coming along?这个假可够长的了。那你的项目进行的怎么样了?A:The project I'm in charge of now will be done by the end of this week.I'd like to take my leave from next Monday on.我现在负责的这个项目到这周结束就能做完。我想从下周一开始休假。B:Well,alright,but you make sure to tie up any loose ends before you leave.恩,那好吧。但是你一定/确保要在走之前把那些细枝末节的结尾工作都做完。A:Thank you.Mr Black.There are no immediate projects coming up at the moment.Mr.White will be in charge during my absence.He's taken part in several projects as my assistant and knows how to maintain relationships with our clients.谢谢您,布莱克先生。目前不会立即有什么新项目。我不在的时候,怀特先生会负责。他以我助理的身份也跟着我做了几个项目了,他知道怎样和客户维系关系。B:Great.I hope you have a good relaxation and come back refreshed.很好。我希望你好好休息放松。回来工作的时候精神焕发。A:I will.Many thanks.Mr.Black.我会的,非常感谢您。布莱克先生。
5/26/20186 minutes, 15 seconds
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【和Emily一起练口语】Why this sudden change?

A:Hi,Henry,what's new?嗨,亨利,有什么新鲜事吗?B:Where have you been?I've been trying to get in touch with you for two days.你跑到哪里去了?我找了你两天了。A:I went to Salt Lake City on business.What's up?我到盐湖城出差了。什么事?B:I got fired.我被开除了。A:How come?Last time I saw you,you told me it was a good job and you would like to take it as a career.That was only one month ago.Why this sudden change?怎么会呢?上回我见到你的时候,你还说这份工作很好,你想以它作为事业呢。那才一个月前的事,怎么会突然改变了呢?B:It's a long story.In a word,I didn't do a good job of it.I messed up a business deal.A deal that would have made ten million dollars and I messed it up.说来话长。总的一句话。我没把工作做好。我搞砸了一笔生意。一笔1000万美元的生意,而我搞砸了。A:What are you going to do now?那你现在打算怎么办?B:I'm trying to find a job as soon as possible.Nancy doesn't know yet.I didn't tell her.I spent the last three days at the coffee shop next to your offiice.She thought I was going to work as usual.我正在尽快找工作。南希还不知道。我没告诉她。这三天我都耗在你们公司隔壁的咖啡馆。她以为我还是像往常一样去上班。A:That's not the way to solve the problem.Did you look in the classified advertisements column?这不是解决问题的办法。你找过分类广告栏吗?B:Yes,I did,but I'm not qualified for most of the jobs that I was interested in.找过了,可是大部分我有兴趣的工作,我都不够资格。A:Listen.I'll see what I can do,OK?You go home and tell Nancy about this problem you have now.She is your wife,and I'm sure she'll understand.听着,我会看看我能帮你做些什么好吗?你回家把你现在的问题告诉南希。她是你的妻子,我相信她会理解的。B:I just don't know how to bring it up...Well,all right.She has the right to know anyway. 我就是不知道该怎么跟她提这件事。好吧,她终究是有权利知道的
3/5/20187 minutes, 49 seconds