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Generate Massive Energy for a Fulfilling Life Cover
Generate Massive Energy for a Fulfilling Life Profile

Generate Massive Energy for a Fulfilling Life

English, Personal health, 1 season, 52 episodes, 1 day, 23 hours, 28 minutes
Learn simple tools and techniques to achieve the basic ingredient on how to attract what you like in your life. I know a lot of people have learned affirmations to achieve their goal and sure enough, they get it but not everyone has that WILLPOWER to CONSISTENTLY maintain the energy to achieve it. The basic ingredient is your ENERGY CONDITION! Understanding how to change the condition of various energy centers may affect all areas of your life. Once you learn how to apply these teachings, it can lead to a happy and prosperous life! Hosted by Ellen Morano, plus a panel of guest experts including: Master Stephen Co, Karla Alvarez, Aiden Zea and Parents, Dr. Ted Leonido-John, Dr. Nancy Gabaldon, Dr. Nichole Perez and Sean Mulcahy.
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Million Dollar Wish Fulfilled PART 2

Million Dollar Wish Fulfilled with Kriyashakti There are coincidences in our lives. Are those really a coincidence or an effect of what we have been giving to our environment, family, friends, or any situation. Felisha will talk about her journey of giving and sharing. She will also talk about her close friend who got the MILLION DOLLAR wish fulfilled with Kriyashakti. Kriyashakti is a science of materialization. Master Co is teaching this class on Aug 11 and 12, 2018 in Anaheim California. Pranic Healing Level 1 2 and 3 are the pre-requisites to take Kriyashakti.
6/28/201853 minutes, 59 seconds
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Million Dollar Wish Fulfilled PART 2

Million Dollar Wish Fulfilled with Kriyashakti There are coincidences in our lives. Are those really a coincidence or an effect of what we have been giving to our environment, family, friends, or any situation. Felisha will talk about her journey of giving and sharing. She will also talk about her close friend who got the MILLION DOLLAR wish fulfilled with Kriyashakti. Kriyashakti is a science of materialization. Master Co is teaching this class on Aug 11 and 12, 2018 in Anaheim California. Pranic Healing Level 1 2 and 3 are the pre-requisites to take Kriyashakti.
6/28/201853 minutes, 59 seconds
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Attract Good Things in Your Life

We can attract both good and not good things in our lives! The key to atract the GOOD is to have a postivie inner clarity from heart to mind. Everything starts in the energy level. Therefore, energy cleansing or energy shower is as important as physical shower or bath. As Energy and Physical body are clean, its easy to hear the inner voice that serves as our guide to a better life. Then it is easy to connect to the right people who has the heart that gives and share. The espisode is about their desire to get helped and their receptivity opened the door to the blissful road.
6/21/201855 minutes, 21 seconds
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Attract Good Things in Your Life

We can attract both good and not good things in our lives! The key to atract the GOOD is to have a postivie inner clarity from heart to mind. Everything starts in the energy level. Therefore, energy cleansing or energy shower is as important as physical shower or bath. As Energy and Physical body are clean, its easy to hear the inner voice that serves as our guide to a better life. Then it is easy to connect to the right people who has the heart that gives and share. The espisode is about their desire to get helped and their receptivity opened the door to the blissful road.
6/21/201855 minutes, 21 seconds
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Empowering our Inner Wisdom

Ellen welcomes Dr. Steven Parkes, MD, Emergency Physician, Energy Healer, Clinician Coach and Public Health and Business Expert. In this episode, we explore the power of the subconscious as it relates to healing, behavior change, and energetic connectedness. This is a can't miss discussion that will open your mind even further to the endless untapped power within. From managing your state to the science of meditation, both the healer and the healed will love the gems illuminated by Dr Parkes.
6/14/201853 minutes, 16 seconds
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Empowering our Inner Wisdom

Ellen welcomes Dr. Steven Parkes, MD, Emergency Physician, Energy Healer, Clinician Coach and Public Health and Business Expert. In this episode, we explore the power of the subconscious as it relates to healing, behavior change, and energetic connectedness. This is a can't miss discussion that will open your mind even further to the endless untapped power within. From managing your state to the science of meditation, both the healer and the healed will love the gems illuminated by Dr Parkes.
6/14/201853 minutes, 16 seconds
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Million Dollar Wish Fulfilled

Million Dollar Wish Fulfilled with Kriyashakti There are coincidences in our lives. Are those really a coincidence or an effect of what we have been giving to our environment, family, friends, or any situation. Felisha will talk about her journey of giving and sharing. She will also talk about her close friend who got the MILLION DOLLAR wish fulfilled with Kriyashakti. Kriyashakti is a science of materialization. Master Co is teaching this class on Aug 11 and 12, 2018 in Anaheim California. Pranic Healing Level 1 2 and 3 are the pre-requisites to take Kriyashakti.
6/7/201854 minutes, 53 seconds
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Million Dollar Wish Fulfilled

Million Dollar Wish Fulfilled with Kriyashakti There are coincidences in our lives. Are those really a coincidence or an effect of what we have been giving to our environment, family, friends, or any situation. Felisha will talk about her journey of giving and sharing. She will also talk about her close friend who got the MILLION DOLLAR wish fulfilled with Kriyashakti. Kriyashakti is a science of materialization. Master Co is teaching this class on Aug 11 and 12, 2018 in Anaheim California. Pranic Healing Level 1 2 and 3 are the pre-requisites to take Kriyashakti.
6/7/201854 minutes, 53 seconds
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Pets/Animals are Great Energy Sensors

Why does pets and animals sense energy more than most humans? Pranic Healing techniques has been used to animals and pets too! Liza Burney will share about her experiences in dealing with pets and animals who have had physical and emotional conditions using Pranic healing. She will also share simple techniques to have a lovely and healthy bond with your furry buddies. Stay tuned!
5/31/201854 minutes, 25 seconds
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Pets/Animals are Great Energy Sensors

Why does pets and animals sense energy more than most humans? Pranic Healing techniques has been used to animals and pets too! Liza Burney will share about her experiences in dealing with pets and animals who have had physical and emotional conditions using Pranic healing. She will also share simple techniques to have a lovely and healthy bond with your furry buddies. Stay tuned!
5/31/201854 minutes, 25 seconds
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Scary Ghost led Pamela to a Blissful Path

Pamela Dresser was led to see a clairvoyant to find out what she's supposed to be doing in this lifetime. This came upon when she got fired from her job and was so affected by it, got so depressed being jobless until she went to the gym and met a friend who told her to see a psychic. She got challenged when the clairvoyant/psychic tried to talk to her ancestors about what could have gone wrong with her present situation and what is the right thing to do. So, she thought, if the clairvoyant was able to access her ancestors, she could possibly do it herself too. That's how it all started when she herself tried to connect to her Grandma who passed away but a prankster in the inner world (a not so helpful Ghost) took her call. Enjoy Pamela's amazing story and how she got out of it!
5/24/201855 minutes, 6 seconds
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Scary Ghost led Pamela to a Blissful Path

Pamela Dresser was led to see a clairvoyant to find out what she's supposed to be doing in this lifetime. This came upon when she got fired from her job and was so affected by it, got so depressed being jobless until she went to the gym and met a friend who told her to see a psychic. She got challenged when the clairvoyant/psychic tried to talk to her ancestors about what could have gone wrong with her present situation and what is the right thing to do. So, she thought, if the clairvoyant was able to access her ancestors, she could possibly do it herself too. That's how it all started when she herself tried to connect to her Grandma who passed away but a prankster in the inner world (a not so helpful Ghost) took her call. Enjoy Pamela's amazing story and how she got out of it!
5/24/201855 minutes, 6 seconds
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Tricks for an Amazing Healing Life

What is the life of a Pranic Healer like and what can we learn from it? Are special skills and abilities required to be a healer? Get the inside view of our healer’s way of living. Ellen discusses how she maintains her energy level and does all that she does. She describes and explains energy hygiene tools like cord cutting, meditation and breathing and how she keeps her energy channels clean and open for the flow of healing diving energy. She talks about how to avoid being drained by negative energy and how to detect it in yourself. This is a rare opportunity to learn about healing modalities from the inside out. Everyone can benefit from a few simple techniques that assist in keeping the energy flowing and inspire us to live a passionate life of serving those we meet as we go about our daily lives.
5/17/201857 minutes, 50 seconds
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Tricks for an Amazing Healing Life

What is the life of a Pranic Healer like and what can we learn from it? Are special skills and abilities required to be a healer? Get the inside view of our healer’s way of living. Ellen discusses how she maintains her energy level and does all that she does. She describes and explains energy hygiene tools like cord cutting, meditation and breathing and how she keeps her energy channels clean and open for the flow of healing diving energy. She talks about how to avoid being drained by negative energy and how to detect it in yourself. This is a rare opportunity to learn about healing modalities from the inside out. Everyone can benefit from a few simple techniques that assist in keeping the energy flowing and inspire us to live a passionate life of serving those we meet as we go about our daily lives.
5/17/201857 minutes, 50 seconds
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Pranic Healing in Action- Taiwan and China

Allen Chen and Amy Liu are dedicated students of GMCKS Pranic Healing. They will share their humble beginnings in building a strong community of Pranic Healers in Taiwan and China. They are the true embodiment of the Teacher's Teachings: People on the Spiritual path are not anemic. They must be sharp, strong and courageous. Being spiritual means being powerful, dynamic and intelligent. --MCKS The Golden Lotus Sutras on Spiritual Practice Creative Transformation
5/10/201856 minutes, 27 seconds
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Pranic Healing in Action- Taiwan and China

Allen Chen and Amy Liu are dedicated students of GMCKS Pranic Healing. They will share their humble beginnings in building a strong community of Pranic Healers in Taiwan and China. They are the true embodiment of the Teacher's Teachings: People on the Spiritual path are not anemic. They must be sharp, strong and courageous. Being spiritual means being powerful, dynamic and intelligent. --MCKS The Golden Lotus Sutras on Spiritual Practice Creative Transformation
5/10/201856 minutes, 27 seconds
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Maintain Beauty, Good Health and Happiness with Essential Oils

The guests will share their story why they are so passionate with essential oils. Why is it worth trying? If you have not tried it yet? What makes it so magical? Why is it invigorating? The use of essentials oils and the use of plant extracts is deeply rooted in traditions of the past. Ancient civilizations used different kinds of plants for things like aromatherapy, personal care, healthcare practices, religious ceremonies, beauty treatments, and food preparation. Essentials oils can be used in a variety of ways. These ways include topically (on the skin), aromatically (diffused through the air) and internally (by adding a few drops to water). Oils can be added to recipes, used as air fresheners, added to surface cleaners and a myriad of other things.
5/3/201853 minutes, 56 seconds
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Maintain Beauty, Good Health and Happiness with Essential Oils

The guests will share their story why they are so passionate with essential oils. Why is it worth trying? If you have not tried it yet? What makes it so magical? Why is it invigorating? The use of essentials oils and the use of plant extracts is deeply rooted in traditions of the past. Ancient civilizations used different kinds of plants for things like aromatherapy, personal care, healthcare practices, religious ceremonies, beauty treatments, and food preparation. Essentials oils can be used in a variety of ways. These ways include topically (on the skin), aromatically (diffused through the air) and internally (by adding a few drops to water). Oils can be added to recipes, used as air fresheners, added to surface cleaners and a myriad of other things.
5/3/201853 minutes, 56 seconds
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Healing Relationships using Pranic Healing Techniques

From Rapid Emotional Healing for Relationships All relationships are based on Energy. Positive relationships reflect intimacy in every aspect of togetherness: mental, physical, emotional and spiritual. The energy of a loving couple in an intimate relationship blends in a harmonious way, allowing love and good emotions to flow between them easily and freely. Conversely, when a couple is in a poor relationship, arguing and fighting, the energy fields don’t blend and flow. They actually clash and repel, manifesting as even more painful friction. Suzy will share her client's experience on how the relationship that was on the brink of divorce was successfully saved.
4/26/201856 minutes, 33 seconds
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Healing Relationships using Pranic Healing Techniques

From Rapid Emotional Healing for Relationships All relationships are based on Energy. Positive relationships reflect intimacy in every aspect of togetherness: mental, physical, emotional and spiritual. The energy of a loving couple in an intimate relationship blends in a harmonious way, allowing love and good emotions to flow between them easily and freely. Conversely, when a couple is in a poor relationship, arguing and fighting, the energy fields don’t blend and flow. They actually clash and repel, manifesting as even more painful friction. Suzy will share her client's experience on how the relationship that was on the brink of divorce was successfully saved.
4/26/201856 minutes, 33 seconds
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Energy Approach to Achieve your Goals

Jocelyn or commonly known by her friends as Ochie, was able to achieve a very good break in her career as a Court Immigration Interpreter. Traveling from different states and dealing with different time zones. It's not only one state in a week but she could be in 2 or more assignments from one state to another in a matter of days. She shared her story about being lost in the middle of nowhere and in the middle of night, trying to find her hotel. No cellphone signal meaning no GPS. How she managed all these interesting challenges? How did she attract more assignments? She is willing to share her exciting story.....
4/19/201855 minutes, 29 seconds
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Energy Approach to Achieve your Goals

Jocelyn or commonly known by her friends as Ochie, was able to achieve a very good break in her career as a Court Immigration Interpreter. Traveling from different states and dealing with different time zones. It's not only one state in a week but she could be in 2 or more assignments from one state to another in a matter of days. She shared her story about being lost in the middle of nowhere and in the middle of night, trying to find her hotel. No cellphone signal meaning no GPS. How she managed all these interesting challenges? How did she attract more assignments? She is willing to share her exciting story.....
4/19/201855 minutes, 29 seconds
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Gratitude: Key to Healing, Happiness, Prosperity and more..

Master Choa Kok Sui (MCKS) says gratitude opens the doors to receiving more and more – more healings, more success, more understanding and insights, more blessings and prosperity. From Gratitude, the Soul's Gateway to God The importance of Gratitude and how it can possibly affect every part of our lives, including our physical health, relationships with love ones and our careers. However, the most important aspect of Gratitude is that it awakens the Heart and Soul and that it leads us closer to God!
4/12/201856 minutes, 34 seconds
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Gratitude: Key to Healing, Happiness, Prosperity and more..

Master Choa Kok Sui (MCKS) says gratitude opens the doors to receiving more and more – more healings, more success, more understanding and insights, more blessings and prosperity. From Gratitude, the Soul's Gateway to God The importance of Gratitude and how it can possibly affect every part of our lives, including our physical health, relationships with love ones and our careers. However, the most important aspect of Gratitude is that it awakens the Heart and Soul and that it leads us closer to God!
4/12/201856 minutes, 34 seconds
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Near Death Experience

After undergoing thyroid surgery, Elpie Cerdenola had severe complications and fell into a coma. Her family felt helpless and asked for Distant Pranic Healing. She awoke right after the healing session. Elpie did not know that distant Pranic Healing was done on her because it was her other sister who called Ellen. Two weeks after the healing, I asked her if she had a remarkable experience during the time that she was drifting away. I was amazed that she did. A year or so later, Elpie experienced profuse bleeding for three months. She tried to maintain her blood count with medication but still the doctor suggested for hysterectomy. Just hearing the word “surgery” was traumatic because of her experience with the thyroid surgery. She did Pranic Healing daily for ten days. Her bleeding stopped. Since he has asked her 2 sisters for a favor of Pranic Healing many many times, she decided to take the class so she can heal herself.
4/5/201854 minutes, 22 seconds
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Near Death Experience

After undergoing thyroid surgery, Elpie Cerdenola had severe complications and fell into a coma. Her family felt helpless and asked for Distant Pranic Healing. She awoke right after the healing session. Elpie did not know that distant Pranic Healing was done on her because it was her other sister who called Ellen. Two weeks after the healing, I asked her if she had a remarkable experience during the time that she was drifting away. I was amazed that she did. A year or so later, Elpie experienced profuse bleeding for three months. She tried to maintain her blood count with medication but still the doctor suggested for hysterectomy. Just hearing the word “surgery” was traumatic because of her experience with the thyroid surgery. She did Pranic Healing daily for ten days. Her bleeding stopped. Since he has asked her 2 sisters for a favor of Pranic Healing many many times, she decided to take the class so she can heal herself.
4/5/201854 minutes, 22 seconds
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Moving on....

What is your life story? Are you creating your own life story or is your past doing it for you? What is it like to be an active participant in your own life? We all want to have a happy and fulfilling life. For some the good life includes lots of money, a nice house, nice car, great friends, a world tour For others it is a life of love, compassion and generosity, of awareness and enlightenment, achieving oneness with life’s mystery. It would be great to have both! We want it to be simple and easy And then life happens and our real life story begins….. I will share my story about how I found my way to living fully It was very challenging…. Very, very challenging….. It continues to unfold in its own unique way. May I guide you in finding your way? Not my way but your way.
3/29/201856 minutes, 2 seconds
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Moving on....

What is your life story? Are you creating your own life story or is your past doing it for you? What is it like to be an active participant in your own life? We all want to have a happy and fulfilling life. For some the good life includes lots of money, a nice house, nice car, great friends, a world tour For others it is a life of love, compassion and generosity, of awareness and enlightenment, achieving oneness with life’s mystery. It would be great to have both! We want it to be simple and easy And then life happens and our real life story begins….. I will share my story about how I found my way to living fully It was very challenging…. Very, very challenging….. It continues to unfold in its own unique way. May I guide you in finding your way? Not my way but your way.
3/29/201856 minutes, 2 seconds
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Master Stephen Co will give us more insight and tools how to achieve Awareness. From Your Hands Can Heal You Book page 48- Awareness In the West, we tend to relate awareness to one of the five senses. But the awareness you need to develop to clear negative emotions doesn't involve the ability to see or hear things; rather, it is more akin to what Zen literature calls MINDFULLNESS: a sustained, watchful state of sensitivity, in which you're open and receptive to sensations that arise within. Awareness can be achieved only through letting go of conscious thought and active sensing. Otherwise, the conscious mind overrides the unconscious mind and suppresses this heightened inner sense. Awareness is similar to self-hypnosis, which is really just a state in which you improve your rapport with your unconscious mind.
3/22/201852 minutes, 37 seconds
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Master Stephen Co will give us more insight and tools how to achieve Awareness. From Your Hands Can Heal You Book page 48- Awareness In the West, we tend to relate awareness to one of the five senses. But the awareness you need to develop to clear negative emotions doesn't involve the ability to see or hear things; rather, it is more akin to what Zen literature calls MINDFULLNESS: a sustained, watchful state of sensitivity, in which you're open and receptive to sensations that arise within. Awareness can be achieved only through letting go of conscious thought and active sensing. Otherwise, the conscious mind overrides the unconscious mind and suppresses this heightened inner sense. Awareness is similar to self-hypnosis, which is really just a state in which you improve your rapport with your unconscious mind.
3/22/201852 minutes, 37 seconds
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Spirituality and Pranic Healing

Spirituality is a heart centered way of being that is much more than meditation. Spirituality is a way of life and pranic healing is a natural companion to living a spiritual life. Our guest is Chandan Parameswara, a nationally known Certified Pranic Healer and Licensed Pranic Healing Teacher. He will discuss what spirituality is and how it translates into how we live our lives. He will look at the characteristics of a heart-centered spiritual life including attitude, character, the importance of service, and how these qualities create an inner environment conducive to healing. Once a spiritual connection with the Divin​e is in place, Pranic Healing uses these open channels for healing, maintaining good health, emotional stability and a strong immune system.
3/15/201855 minutes, 9 seconds
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Spirituality and Pranic Healing

Spirituality is a heart centered way of being that is much more than meditation. Spirituality is a way of life and pranic healing is a natural companion to living a spiritual life. Our guest is Chandan Parameswara, a nationally known Certified Pranic Healer and Licensed Pranic Healing Teacher. He will discuss what spirituality is and how it translates into how we live our lives. He will look at the characteristics of a heart-centered spiritual life including attitude, character, the importance of service, and how these qualities create an inner environment conducive to healing. Once a spiritual connection with the Divin​e is in place, Pranic Healing uses these open channels for healing, maintaining good health, emotional stability and a strong immune system.
3/15/201855 minutes, 9 seconds
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Paramedics and Pranic Healing

Paramedicine and Prana an energetic approach to pre-hospital care.
3/8/201856 minutes, 6 seconds
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Paramedics and Pranic Healing

Paramedicine and Prana an energetic approach to pre-hospital care.
3/8/201856 minutes, 6 seconds
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Part 2 of Emotional Unloading- Get Out of the Emotional Rut

Emotional baggage weighs us down and affects our immune system! A healthy immune system is necessary to enjoy life to the fullest. Emotionally stability generates massive energy and leads to a satisfying and fulfilling life! Get lighter Unloading your emotional baggage with Pranic Healing! Reference Book: Pranic Psychotherapy by Master Choa Kok Sui
3/1/201855 minutes, 36 seconds
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Part 2 of Emotional Unloading- Get Out of the Emotional Rut

Emotional baggage weighs us down and affects our immune system! A healthy immune system is necessary to enjoy life to the fullest. Emotionally stability generates massive energy and leads to a satisfying and fulfilling life! Get lighter Unloading your emotional baggage with Pranic Healing! Reference Book: Pranic Psychotherapy by Master Choa Kok Sui
3/1/201855 minutes, 36 seconds
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Energy Tricks for Health Professionals

Health care professionals are in direct contact with their patients and can easily soak up their patients’ energetic condition which can lead to burning out or getting sick because a person’s aura absorbs the energy of the environment. To stay healthy and energized while frequently in the presence of illness, energy techniques can protect health care professionals, keep their immune systems strong, and keep them from feeling drained. Keeping a clean aura is very beneficial because health professionals may be unknowingly polluting their auras and weakening their immune systems. The next step is illness or burn out. In today’s show, we will share the “Keys to Energetic Hygiene” so health care professionals and care givers can learn how to be fully engaged in patient care without getting drained or sick. At the same those who care for the ill can more reliably maintain a healthy physical and emotional body for a healthy and happy personal and professional life.
2/22/201856 minutes, 15 seconds
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Energy Tricks for Health Professionals

Health care professionals are in direct contact with their patients and can easily soak up their patients’ energetic condition which can lead to burning out or getting sick because a person’s aura absorbs the energy of the environment. To stay healthy and energized while frequently in the presence of illness, energy techniques can protect health care professionals, keep their immune systems strong, and keep them from feeling drained. Keeping a clean aura is very beneficial because health professionals may be unknowingly polluting their auras and weakening their immune systems. The next step is illness or burn out. In today’s show, we will share the “Keys to Energetic Hygiene” so health care professionals and care givers can learn how to be fully engaged in patient care without getting drained or sick. At the same those who care for the ill can more reliably maintain a healthy physical and emotional body for a healthy and happy personal and professional life.
2/22/201856 minutes, 15 seconds
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Brain Power and Energy Generation Exercises

SuperBrain Yoga® is a simple and effective technique to energize and recharge the brain. It is based on the principles of subtle energy and ear acupuncture to balance the left and right brain energies. Through this simple yet powerful exercise you can experience mental clarity, emotional calmness, razor sharp focus and increased learning ability. Pilot studies show dramatic improvements in children diagnosed with Autism, ADD and ADHD, such as increase in academic and behavioral performance, greater class participation and improved social skills. This is also a great exercise to keep the mind sharp as the body ages! “Mentalphysics Exercises were given by the Teacher (MahaGuruji Mei Ling) to generate tremendous amounts of pranic energy. Pranic Healing® is given to utilize that pranic energy to heal/alleviate pain and suffering.” -GrandMaster Choa Kok Sui
2/15/201856 minutes, 16 seconds
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Brain Power and Energy Generation Exercises

SuperBrain Yoga® is a simple and effective technique to energize and recharge the brain. It is based on the principles of subtle energy and ear acupuncture to balance the left and right brain energies. Through this simple yet powerful exercise you can experience mental clarity, emotional calmness, razor sharp focus and increased learning ability. Pilot studies show dramatic improvements in children diagnosed with Autism, ADD and ADHD, such as increase in academic and behavioral performance, greater class participation and improved social skills. This is also a great exercise to keep the mind sharp as the body ages! “Mentalphysics Exercises were given by the Teacher (MahaGuruji Mei Ling) to generate tremendous amounts of pranic energy. Pranic Healing® is given to utilize that pranic energy to heal/alleviate pain and suffering.” -GrandMaster Choa Kok Sui
2/15/201856 minutes, 16 seconds
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Part 2 Super Mom's Secret Weapon!

These super moms used the tools and techniques they learned in Pranic Healing to help their family from FLU and other common illnesses. We call them Super Moms because they don't only take care of their own families but also serve in their respective community in healing people's discomfort. They have applied these tools too, where ever they can or at their work place.
2/8/201855 minutes, 38 seconds
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Part 2 Super Mom's Secret Weapon!

These super moms used the tools and techniques they learned in Pranic Healing to help their family from FLU and other common illnesses. We call them Super Moms because they don't only take care of their own families but also serve in their respective community in healing people's discomfort. They have applied these tools too, where ever they can or at their work place.
2/8/201855 minutes, 38 seconds
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Super Mom's Secret Weapon!

These super moms used their Pranic Healing tools and techniques to help their familes quickly recover from colds and flu, sometimes overnight! We call them Super Moms because they don't only take care of their own families but also serve in their respective community by healing others’ discomfort. In addition, they have applied these tools wherever they can, even at work.
2/1/201853 minutes, 22 seconds
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Super Mom's Secret Weapon!

These super moms used their Pranic Healing tools and techniques to help their familes quickly recover from colds and flu, sometimes overnight! We call them Super Moms because they don't only take care of their own families but also serve in their respective community by healing others’ discomfort. In addition, they have applied these tools wherever they can, even at work.
2/1/201853 minutes, 22 seconds
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Easy Way to Calm Your Mind-Meditation on Twin Hearts

Of all the techniques developed and taught by GrandMaster Choa Kok Sui, perhaps none prompts as many glowing testimonials of personal healing and positive life transformation as the Meditation on Twin Hearts. This meditation is truly special. It works on the physical, mental, and spiritual levels to open the heart chakra (the emotional heart) and the crown chakra (the spiritual heart), thereby enabling you to draw down a great amount of high-quality divine energy into the crown. The prana that this meditation produces greatly promotes physical and mental health as well as inner illumination. The actual short version of the Meditation on Twin Hearts will be played in the last segment of the episode.
1/25/201855 minutes, 17 seconds
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Easy Way to Calm Your Mind-Meditation on Twin Hearts

Of all the techniques developed and taught by GrandMaster Choa Kok Sui, perhaps none prompts as many glowing testimonials of personal healing and positive life transformation as the Meditation on Twin Hearts. This meditation is truly special. It works on the physical, mental, and spiritual levels to open the heart chakra (the emotional heart) and the crown chakra (the spiritual heart), thereby enabling you to draw down a great amount of high-quality divine energy into the crown. The prana that this meditation produces greatly promotes physical and mental health as well as inner illumination. The actual short version of the Meditation on Twin Hearts will be played in the last segment of the episode.
1/25/201855 minutes, 17 seconds
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Unloading the Emotional Baggage

Emotional baggage weighs us down and affects our immune system! A healthy immune system is necessary to enjoy life to the fullest. Emotionally stability generates massive energy and leads to a satisfying and fulfilling life! Get lighter Unloading your emotional baggage with Pranic Healing! Reference Book: Pranic Psychotherapy by Master Choa Kok Sui
1/18/201855 minutes, 17 seconds
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Unloading the Emotional Baggage

Emotional baggage weighs us down and affects our immune system! A healthy immune system is necessary to enjoy life to the fullest. Emotionally stability generates massive energy and leads to a satisfying and fulfilling life! Get lighter Unloading your emotional baggage with Pranic Healing! Reference Book: Pranic Psychotherapy by Master Choa Kok Sui
1/18/201855 minutes, 17 seconds
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Pranic Healing Complements Cancer Treatment

Because of the difference it made for their son, Aiden’s parents became strong proponents of combining Eastern and Western medicine, and the mom took a Pranic Healing Course so that she could participate in their son’s healing. The parents are convinced that pranic healing has helped Aiden with every step of this treatment. Aiden’s Pranic Healer worked on him prior to a scheduled twelve hour surgery to remove the growth, but his surgery took only three and a half hours. Original diagnostic tests showed that his tumor had wrapped itself around his arteries. When Aiden’s surgeon spoke to the parents after the surgery, he reported that the tumor had encased itself in a shield, and all he had to do was remove the shield. Aiden's parents tell their story of their son's illness, his treatment and healing, and the joy of having him back.
1/11/201852 minutes, 32 seconds
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Pranic Healing Complements Cancer Treatment

Because of the difference it made for their son, Aiden’s parents became strong proponents of combining Eastern and Western medicine, and the mom took a Pranic Healing Course so that she could participate in their son’s healing. The parents are convinced that pranic healing has helped Aiden with every step of this treatment. Aiden’s Pranic Healer worked on him prior to a scheduled twelve hour surgery to remove the growth, but his surgery took only three and a half hours. Original diagnostic tests showed that his tumor had wrapped itself around his arteries. When Aiden’s surgeon spoke to the parents after the surgery, he reported that the tumor had encased itself in a shield, and all he had to do was remove the shield. Aiden's parents tell their story of their son's illness, his treatment and healing, and the joy of having him back.
1/11/201852 minutes, 32 seconds
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Autism Miracle: From Special Child to No Trace of Autism

Master Stephen Co will share the story of his daughter who was diagnosed with Autism as a child and is now living a normal teenage life. She graduated Middle School with an Exemplary Award, exceeding that of Valedictorian. Not only is she a straight A student, she also has a normal social life full of friends and activities! The discussion will include the unique key to her recovery which consisted of integrating the appropriate energy techniques to enhance routine therapy and physical exercises. Master Stephen Co supports that Energy work is complementary to Western Medicine, as this holistic approach led to full recovery of his daughter. He will also share information about how energy centers contribute to various desired conditions and the capability to generate massive energy for a fulfilling life!
1/4/201845 minutes, 59 seconds
Episode Artwork

Autism Miracle: From Special Child to No Trace of Autism

Master Stephen Co will share the story of his daughter who was diagnosed with Autism as a child and is now living a normal teenage life. She graduated Middle School with an Exemplary Award, exceeding that of Valedictorian. Not only is she a straight A student, she also has a normal social life full of friends and activities! The discussion will include the unique key to her recovery which consisted of integrating the appropriate energy techniques to enhance routine therapy and physical exercises. Master Stephen Co supports that Energy work is complementary to Western Medicine, as this holistic approach led to full recovery of his daughter. He will also share information about how energy centers contribute to various desired conditions and the capability to generate massive energy for a fulfilling life!
1/4/201845 minutes, 59 seconds