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Christian Parent, Crazy World Cover
Christian Parent, Crazy World Profile

Christian Parent, Crazy World

English, Children-Kids, 1 season, 98 episodes, 2 days, 7 hours, 5 minutes
Christian Parent, Crazy World is a podcast dedicated to helping you be a godly parent in an ungodly world.
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How Is Equality Impossible without the Christian Worldview? (w/ Dr. Douglas Groothuis) - Ep. 92

Something in the human soul cries out for equality. It is certainly a virtue that our culture lauds and espouses.   Where does the idea of equality come from? Can we arrive at the concept of equality from a naturalistic or humanistic worldview? How do we obtain equality?   Catherine’s special guest in this episode is an expert in the fields of philosophy, theology, and apologetics. Dr. Douglas Groothuis has devoted an entire chapter of his recent book Fire in the Streets: How You Can Confidently Respond to Incendiary Cultural Topics to the topic of equality. The necessary foundation for equality is a huge argument in favor of the Christian faith and the Christian worldview.   The renowned atheistic historian Yuval Noah Harari openly admits in his bestselling book, Sapiens, that “the Americans got the idea of equality from Christianity, which argues that every person has a divinely created soul, and that all souls are equal before God.”   It is impossible to ground the concept of equality without the Christian worldview, which says that we are created in the image of a personal, loving, all-powerful, all-knowing God. We have all fallen short of His glory, so Christ paid an equal price to redeem us.   There is no basis for equality without the Christian God and the Christian worldview. Catherine and Dr. Groothuis unpack the concept of equality in this episode, and in doing so they arrive at a powerful argument in favor of the Christian faith. Our kids in live in a world that demands equality. We need to help them see where it comes from.   GROOTHUIS’ BIO: Dr. Groothuis holds a Ph.D. in Philosophy (University of Oregon, 1993) has served a Professor of Philosophy and the head of the apologetics and ethics program at Denver Seminary since 1993. He is looking forward to a new chapter as the distinguished university research professor of apologetics and Christian worldview at Cornerstone University in Grand Rapids, Michigan. He is the author of nineteen books, including the popular and voluminous textbook, Christian Apologetics: A Comprehensive Case for Biblical Faith, 2nd ed.(IVP Academic, 2022), as well as a poignant memoir, Walking Through Twilight: A Wife’s Illness—a Philosopher’s Lament(InterVarsity, 2017), and a bold critique of Critical Race Theory, Fire in the Streets (Salem Books, 2022).   Dr. Groothuis’ website Dr. Gruuthuis’ podcast: Truth Tribe   EPISODE RESOURCES:   Christian Apologetics: A Comprehensive Case for Biblical Faith by Dr. Douglas Groothuis Dr. Stephen Meyer’s website The Psychology of Totalitarianism by Mattias Desmet Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari John 18:37   Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
2/26/202445 minutes, 15 seconds
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The Shocking Roots of Cancel Culture (w/ Dr. Douglas Groothuis) - Ep. 91

Cancel culture is nothing new. We see it all throughout Scripture. The enemy loves to cancel people. He tried to cancel Jesus, but it didn’t work. Satan never stops trying to silence the truth.   In this episode, Catherine investigates the shocking roots of the new political movement that has codified cancel culture in our society. Where does it come from?   Catherine’s special guest has written a brilliant response to the radical ideology at the heart of cancel culture, an ideology that has set our cities on fire and exacerbated the racial divide. Dr. Douglas Groothuis has authored dozens of books and scholarly articles and is a leading expert on philosophy, theology, history, religion, and culture. His latest book, Fire in the Streets: How You Can Confidently Respond to Incendiary Cultural Topics, expertly traces cancel culture back to its Marxist roots.   Topics covered in this episode include:   Marxism & Neo-Marxism Repressive Tolerance Racism Black Lives Matter Defund the Police Cancel Culture Standpoint Epistemology Intersectionality   Dr. Groothuis takes us on a journey to dig up the toxic roots of cancel culture and points us toward the liberating truth at the heart of the Gospel.   DR. GROOTHUIS’ BIO: Dr. Groothuis holds a Ph.D. in Philosophy (University of Oregon, 1993) has served a Professor of Philosophy and the head of the apologetics and ethics program at Denver Seminary since 1993. He is looking forward to a new chapter as the distinguished university research professor of apologetics and Christian worldview at Cornerstone University in Grand Rapids, Michigan. He is the author of nineteen books, including the popular and voluminous textbook, Christian Apologetics: A Comprehensive Case for Biblical Faith, 2nd ed.(IVP Academic, 2022), as well as a poignant memoir, Walking Through Twilight: A Wife’s Illness—a Philosopher’s Lament(InterVarsity, 2017), and a bold critique of Critical Race Theory, Fire in the Streets (Salem Books, 2022).   Dr. Groothuis’ website Dr. Gruuthuis’ podcast: Truth Tribe   EPISODE RESOURCES:   Episode 66: How Can a Good God Allow So Much Evil & Suffering in the World?   Articles on Morgan Bettinger: Reason Magazine: How an Ill-Informed Internet Mob Ruined a UVA Student's Life The NY Post: BLM Activist Ruined White Univeristy of Virginia Student’s Rep over Misheard Remark Daily Mail: Celebrated BLM Activist Ruthlessly Destroyed White Woman’s Life   The Woodson Center “Repressive Tolerance” by Herbert Marcuse Heather MacDonald – The War on Cops: How the New Attack on Law and Order Makes Everyone Less Safe   Hosea 4:6 Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
2/19/202444 minutes, 59 seconds
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Infidelity in Marriage: Experience Restoration after an Affair (w/ Josh & Katie Walters) - Ep. 90

Is it possible for a marriage to recover from infidelity? Can the emotional wounds of an affair ever be a thing of the past? Can trust be rebuilt after betrayal?   Catherine’s special guests in this episode answer those questions with a resounding “yes!” Josh and Katie Walters, authors of New Marriage, Same Couple: Don’t Let Your Worst Days Be Your Last Days, had a marriage that was rocked to the core from an affair that nearly destroyed their relationship. Restoration required grace, forgiveness, hope, and leaning into God like never before, but now their marriage is the epitome of love and fulfillment that we all long for with our spouses.   In this raw conversations, Josh shares how the desperation of his darkest hours fed a hunger for God like never before, and that hunger brought hope and healing. Katie shares how she found in Christ a loving Savior who is kinder than anyone we know. Piece by piece, God put their marriage back together and has given them a ministry to restore other marriages.   The enemy has come to steal our marriages, our children, our families, our futures, but God is committed to bring abundant life into our closest relationships. Josh and Katie Walters have experienced this reality first hand and they seek to share that redemption with others.   Josh’s Bio: Josh has been on staff at Seacoast Church for the last 14 years where he currently serves as the Executive Pastor for Seacoast Experience. He is a member of the Teaching Team and helps oversee what happens in person and online each weekend.   Katie’s Bio: Katie serves on the Experience Team at Seacoast Church and teaches as well. She is the CEO of Francis and Benedict, a fashion line that creates waxprint clothing hand made by single moms and widows in Togo, Africa.   EPISODE RESOURCES:   Josh & Katie’s Website Connect with them on Instagram & Facebook New Marriage, Same Couple: Don’t Let Your Days Be Your Last Days New Marriage, Same Couple Workbook Josh’s Doppelganger   SCRIPTURES REFERENCED: John 10:10 Romans 5:3-5 Romans 4:17 John 16:33 Hebrews 11:6   Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
2/12/202431 minutes, 16 seconds
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The 4 Mindsets Every Couple Needs for a Marriage That Thrives... Just in Time for Valentine's Day! w/ Josh & Katie Walters - Ep. 89

We all want to have a marriage that thrives, but one-third of Christian marriages end in divorce, a figure that is “statistically identical to that of non-born again adults” according to recent research from Barna.   What critical foundation are so many Christians missing in their marriage that leads to the demise of their primary relationship?   Josh and Katie Walters, authors of the brand new book New Marriage, Same Couple: Don’t Let Your Worst Days Be Your Last Days, identify four essential principles that will help every marriage to thrive. After a devastating season involving an affair that rocked their marriage to the core, Josh and Katie discovered four Biblical mindsets that transformed their relationship. Those mindsets form the word STAY:   S—Start with you. T—Take quitting off the table. A—Allow others to be a part of your story. Y—Yield to God’s vision for your marriage.   The true testament of these mindsets is that they were applied to a dead marriage, and now that marriage is thriving. Catherine, Josh & Katie have a refreshing, raw, and grace-filled conversation about how we allow the enemy to sew seeds of discord and destruction into our relationships, but God has a plan to redeem what the enemy has stolen.   Josh’s Bio: Josh has been on staff at Seacoast Church for the last 14 years where he currently serves as the Executive Pastor for Seacoast Experience. He is a member of the Teaching Team and helps oversee what happens in person and online each weekend.   Katie’s Bio: Katie serves on the Experience Team at Seacoast Church and teaches as well. She is the CEO of Francis and Benedict, a fashion line that creates waxprint clothing hand made by single moms and widows in Togo, Africa.   EPISODE RESOURCES:   Josh & Katie’s Website Connect with them on Instagram & Facebook New Marriage, Same Couple: Don’t Let Your Days Be Your Last Days New Marriage, Same Couple Workbook Josh’s Doppelganger   SCRIPTURE’S REFERENCED:   1 John 1:9 James 5:16 Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
2/5/202432 minutes, 40 seconds
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The 3 Biggest Life Lessons Every Parent Needs to Teach Their Kids - Ep. 88

Life has tough lessons in store for all of us. Seeing those experiences through the lens of Biblical truth is imperative if we want to thrive in these difficult seasons and grow. As parents, we want to prepare our kids for these challenges so they can flourish.   What lessons are most important for our kids to learn?   In this wildly creative episode, Catherine digs into her acting roots and shares the three most important lessons life teaches everyone by examining the foundational principals of improvisational acting. Those lessons are:   1.  You can’t choose what happens to you in life, but you can choose your response.   At some point, life throws everyone a curve ball. An anticipated promotion doesn’t happen. A beloved child has a permanent disability. A routine outing results in a tragic accident. In big ways and small ways, life disappoints us. So what do you do? Life lesson # 2 tells us.   2.  Whatever life brings you in life, accept it and build.   When life gives us a sucker punch to the gut, we must remember that God causes all things work together for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose (Rom. 8:28) So we need to teach our kids to accept whatever comes our way, and build on it—expecting God to do something good with what ails us.   3.  With God, your mistake can become a masterpiece.   That excruciating loss in your life, that big mistake, that epic fail, that horrific accident… in the hands of God can become triumphant. It can become the greatest victory. It can become a new ministry that leads other people to victory—if we let God have His way.   Teaching our kids these practical principles will enable them to grow in the toughest seasons of life by trusting God to bring good out of what the enemy meant for harm.   SCRIPTURES REFERENCED:   James 1:2-4 Romans 8:28 Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
1/29/202427 minutes, 11 seconds
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How Can You Protect Your Kids from Being Sexually Exploited? w/ Dr. Rondy Smith - Ep. 87

We think of sex trafficking as being out there somewhere in the jungles of Central America or in Thailand and Cambodia. And to be sure, it is there. But what we must understand as parents and as Christians is that human trafficking is in every zip code in the United States as well. What do we need to know as parents to help prevent our children from being sexually exploited?   In this episode, Dr. Rondy Smith shares the shocking way many young girls are being lured by sexual predators. She reads a letter from a young woman with the pseudonym “V” who was sexually exploited for all of her teenage years—and  her parents had no idea even though it was happening under their roof. “V” was lured into a sexually exploitive relationship by a distant family member in his 30s who was posing as a suicidal 12-year-old boy from a neighboring school. Once this predator got his first image, he had control which he used to manipulate “V” for 8 years.   Rondy provides invaluable advice for parents to spot the signs of sexual exploitation. Moms and dads must:   *Heed that still, small voice—if something feels off, trust your instincts. *If your child panics when denied access to their devices, dig deeper. That could be a sign that they are in a sexually exploitive relationship. *Know that your child will often take the blame for their abuser and seek to shield others from the pain of what is happening. *Learn to think like a predator because they exist. *Not live in fear, but awareness.   Parents must be “wise as serpents but innocent as doves.” (Matt. 10:16). We must know the threats and the signs in order to prevent the spread of this evil.   Rondy’s bio: Dr. Rondy Smith is Founder & CEO of Rest Stop Ministries, which is a residential restoration program for female survivors of sex trafficking in the Nashville, TN area. Rondy is an ordained minister with a Doctorate in Education from Vanderbilt University in Human & Organizational Development, and she has served 37 years in Corporate, Academic, and Ministry professions.   EPISODE RESOURCES:   Rest Stop Ministries, Rest Stop: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter NCOSE: The National Center on Sexual Exploitation   SCRIPTURES REFERENCED: Galatians 1:5 Hebrews 10:23 Romans 4:17 Matthew 18:10-14 (the lost sheep) Psalm 40:1-3 Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
1/22/20241 hour, 29 seconds
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How Can Christians Get Involved in the Fight against Human Trafficking? w/ Dr. Rondy Smith - Ep. 86

January is National Human Trafficking Awareness and Prevention Month. Joining Catherine in a vital conversation to promote awareness is an expert in the field of sexual trauma recovery. Dr. Rondy Smith is the Founder & CEO of Rest Stop Ministries,Tennessee’s first long-term residential restoration program for female survivors of sex trafficking. Rest Stop walks hand-in-hand with victims of sexual trauma through a 3-year recovery program. Graduates are able live happy, healthy, productive lives after completing this God-ordained work.   Catherine’s powerful conversation with Rondy reveals the magnitude of the problem, highlighting the shocking fact that sex trafficking exists in every zip code in the United States. Human trafficking is a world-wide, multi-billion dollar industry that is hidden in plain sight. Here is the alarming reality:   There are 27 million people enslaved in the world today, more than any time in history.   80% are female and 50% of those are children trafficked for sexual exploitation. (That is over 10 million kids.)   Sex Trafficking is a 34 billion dollar business – it is the 2nd largest criminal enterprise and fastest growing crime in the world.   Every 2 minutes a child is trafficked for the purpose of sexual exploitation in the United States (according to the U.S. Department of Justice).   Almost 300,000 American children are at risk annually for trafficking into the sex industry (according to the U.S. Department of State).   The average age of entry into prostitution is 13.   There are girls as young as 5 and 6 years old in the U.S. that are forced to do sexual acts for economic gain by their pimp (U.S. Department of Justice).   (Stats from Rest Stop Ministries.)   The problem is overwhelming, but Rondy points listeners toward practical ways that they can get involved in the fight against human trafficking. Proverbs 24:11 tells us to “ Rescue those who are being taken away to death; hold back those who are stumbling to the slaughter.” The imperative from Scripture is clear, and we all have a part to play.   We can’t fix a problem that we refuse to look at. God hates injustice. So we must take a long, hard look at this problem and become a part of the solution.   RONDY'S BIO: Dr. Rondy Smith is Founder & CEO of Rest Stop Ministries, which is a residential restoration program for female survivors of sex trafficking in the Nashville, TN area. Rondy is an ordained minister with a Doctorate in Education from Vanderbilt University in Human & Organizational Development, and she has served 37 years in Corporate, Academic, and Ministry professions.   EPISODE RESOURCES: Rest Stop Ministries, Rest Stop: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter The Samaritan Women: Institute for Shelter Care   SCRIPTURES REFERENCED: Isaiah 61 Proverbs 24:11 Matthew 22:39 Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
1/15/202442 minutes, 51 seconds
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8 Words Every Parent Must Say To Their Child - Ep. 85

There are eight critically important words that as parents we need to say to our kids, as often as necessary—and they are hard. They may be the hardest words to say in the English language. They are relationship building words, and words that model what true repentance looks like. If you don’t learn how to say these words, at some point, your relationship with your child will break. Those words are:   “I’m sorry. I was wrong. Please forgive me.”   In this episode, Catherine walks through the vital components of this critically important admission. It isn’t enough to express regret or sorrow. When we have wronged our child, as parents we must also admit culpability, which helps to free our child from the injury and begin the process of healing. Finally, we must ask for forgiveness, which helps our child to actively release the wound to God.   Also in this episode, Catherine shares:   3 key objectives that repentance accomplishes 2 crucial ways parents can be wrong 4 primary stages of parenting 8 bonus words to restore your relationship with your child   Talking about what is wrong in the world is the central theme of CPCW, but talking about what is wrong in us is much harder. We can’t effectively address what is wrong out there until we first address what is wrong in us. Expressing humility and true repentance is one of the most important spiritual disciplines we can teach our child. We must teach our kids this vital disciple not just in theory, but also in practice.   SCRIPTURE PASSAGES REFERENCED:   1 Corinthians 13:1-7 John 13:2-17 Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
1/8/202420 minutes, 29 seconds
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13 Ways To Be a Better Parent This Year - "Best of" New Year's Episode

This is one of Catherine’s most practical podcast and has been selected as a "best of" episode from 2022. In this insightful message, Catherine helps you leave behind the old and embrace the new with a “Dashboard for Life,” which is a report card containing 13 gauges on how to improve in the new year. Catherine walks you through how to examine your faith life, your marriage or dating life, your family life, and nine other areas by offering simple, everyday guidance on how to make effective and lasting change.This powerful tool for self-assessment will help all of your relationships, especially your parenting relationships. But most of all, it will help improve your relationship with God. And when that relationship is better, all of your relationships are better. To get the “Dashboard for Life” Report Card, subscribe on Catherine’s website: RESOURCES MENTIONED:Chris Hodges’ Sermon, The Best Teacher, Dec. 26, 2021: class: Financial Peace University: One Year Bible:Paperback: Reading Plans: Application Bible: 17 of our show - “How To Discover Your Purpose in Life,” Gifts & Personality tests: mentioned:Psalm 100:4; Psalm 51:10; Romans 8:28; Proverbs 29:18; 2 Corinthians 10:5 Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
1/1/202431 minutes, 25 seconds
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How To Learn More Scripture in 2024 Than You Ever Have Before!

King David said, “I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.” (Psalm 119:11)   As Believers, we know that we are supposed to hide God’s Word in our hearts, but most of have a really heard time retaining Scripture. We know that a verse is somewhere in this book of the Bible, and we sort of know what it says—but we can’t quote it, or even find it without an aid.   What if there were some simple techniques that helped Scripture to stick in your memory and reside in your heart?   There are.   In this special New Year’s episode of CHRISTIAN PARENT/CRAZY WORLD, Catherine shares her tried and true method for memorizing Scripture. Her secret is the power of song. And she welcomes Zac Fitzsimmons, an insanely talented singer/songwriter to share his music with the CP/CW audience.   Zac is devoted to creating powerful, anointed songs from word-for-word passages of Scripture. He sings Psalm 1 and Psalm 8 live in this episode, and Catherine sings harmony. Catherine also shares the proven method she uses for committing Scripture to memory with her kids through song and sign language.   And Catherine issues a challenge to memorize one verse a week this year using a Scripture song—just one verse a week. Even if you fall short of 52 verses in 2024, you will have memorized quite a few and you will have soaked in God’s Word intently and intentionally, and that meditation will bear a lot of fruit in your life and in your family.   So join Catherine’s challenge to learn more Scripture in 2024 than you ever have before!   You can email Catherine to offer feedback and tell her about your Bible memory plan for the new year at   Zac Fitzsimmons Bio: Zac is a Christian singer/songwriter from Minnesota, USA. He has led various congregations in musical worship for over twenty years and is most known for his ongoing endeavor of writing music and melodies to the Psalms word for word from the English Standard Version of the Bible. These songs are being discovered by people worldwide as valuable tools for soaking in the scriptures in a new way and aiding in scripture memorization. You can find links to the audio, lyric videos and chord charts at   You can also find Zac on YouTube and Instagram.   To receive downloads of Zac & Catherine’s live perform of Psalm 8, Zac’s performance of Psalm 1, and all of Catherine’s Scripture songs, and pro tips for memorizing the Bible, subscribe at Catherine’s website:   EPISODE RESOURCES:   See Catherine’s complimentary article on Crosswalk: “How To Learn More Scripture in 2024 Than You Ever Have Before”   SCRIPTURE SONG ARTISTS:   The Corner Room Seeds Family Worship King Things Esther Mui Benjamin NG The Bigsby Show (for the books of the Bible and the 12 Disciples)   SIGN LANGUAGE RESOURCES:   Hands Speak,  Signs Savvy, ASL Dictionary   Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
12/26/202347 minutes, 58 seconds
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Family Traditions That Keep Christ at the Center of Christmas (w/ Bethany Kimsey) - Ep. 83

Keeping Christ at the center of Christmas is a huge challenge. Busy parents are constantly pushed and pulled a hundred different directions, especially at the holidays. Our event calendar in December can look like a flow-chart from an international airport with constant departures and arrivals. It is easy to forget Christ in the hustle and bustle of baking, shopping, wrapping, and party-hopping.   How do we keep our families focused on Christ during the hectic holiday season? Bethany Kimsey, host of the Warrior Mama Podcast, joins Catherine again to discuss how to keep our hearts and our families concentrated on Christ during the Christmas season. These two moms have over 40 years of parenting experience, and in this episode, they share their favorite Christ-centered family traditions. These traditions are:   *Don’t compare yourself to other families. *Study the names of Jesus. *Celebrate Advent. *Watch Christ-centered entertainment. *Create a Jesse Tree. *Assign Scripture passages to each family member for Christmas. *Educate your kids and give to a Christ-centered mission. *Celebrate Jolaboklaflod (an evening of book-giving) with Christ-centered books.   Employing some of these wonderful family traditions will help counteract the busyness, the commercialism and materialism, and the overall stress of Christmas. Bethany’s bio: As a mother to 8 children, Bethany Kimsey has seen God radically change her messy motherhood from weary, anxious, and frantic to peaceful, joyful, and triumphant. She helps weary mothers win the battle against worry and fatigue as they understand their identity in Christ and rest in the hope of the Gospel in community with other moms.   Bethany recently authored A Warrior Mama’s Prayer Journal to help mothers pray intentionally over their children and anchor in gospel truths. This can be purchased at    She would love to connect at her website or her Warrior Mama podcast found on your favorite podcast platform. You can connect with Bethany on Instagram or Facebook as well.  Get Catherine's original Scripture songs by subscribing HERE.    OTHER EPISODES MENTIONED:   EPISODE 83: What Huge Lie Does Culture Teach Our Kids at Christmas? (w/ Bethany Kimsey) EPISODE 81: How Can Celebrating Advent Enrich Your Christmas Season (w/ Laurie Christine) EPISODE 51: 5 Family-Centered Films for Christmas Advent Devotional Guide with information on the Jesse Tree (by Laurie Christine)   5 Heartwarming Films You Should Watch This Christmas (article by Catherine Segars)   World Vision’s Gift Catalog   Jolaboklaflod – Icelandic Christmas tradition of giving books. Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
12/18/202331 minutes, 4 seconds
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What Huge Lie Does Culture Teach Our Kids at Christmas? w/ Bethany Kimsey - Ep. 82

“He sees you when you’re sleeping. He knows when you’re awake. He knows when you’ve been bad or good So be good for goodness sake.”   Our culture tells us that Jolly ole St. Nicholas is keeping a list, and he’s checking it twice. He’s gonna find out who’s naughty or nice. So the gifts under our tree at Christmas are a direct result of how good or bad we’ve been throughout the year.   Is that how our faith works?   Did God give the great gift of Christ to the world because we were good? Because we deserved Him?   No.   The Christian faith tells us that a very good God sent the gift of his Son to a broken humanity, to a hopeless people who have fallen short of His glory. We don’t deserve the gift of Jesus, but God gave this gift because of His overwhelming love for us.   Likewise, the gifts under our tree for our kids must not be attached to their behavior. Unlike Santa Clause, our gifts must not have strings attached. They should be a result our love, not a manipulative ploy to garner a good performance from our kids.   Joining Catherine as a co-host for this vital conversation about what our culture gets wrong about Christmas is Bethany Kimsey, a mother of 8 and host of The Warrior Mama Podcast, a show that is devoted to applying the Gospel to the daily details of parenting our children. Together, Bethany and Catherine tackle one of the greatest cultural lies about Christmas—the lie that your Christmas gifts are attached to your goodness.   Bethany's bio: As a mother to 8 children, Bethany Kimsey has seen God radically change her messy motherhood from weary, anxious, and frantic to peaceful, joyful, and triumphant. She helps weary mothers win the battle against worry and fatigue as they understand their identity in Christ and rest in the hope of the Gospel in community with other moms. As a writer, speaker, and encourager of mothers, she wants to see a generation of moms who can connect their motherhood to the love of Jesus in real and practical ways so that they can be confident.    Bethany recently authored A Warrior Mama’s Prayer Journal to help mothers pray intentionally over their children and anchor in gospel truths. This can be purchased at    She would love to connect at her website or her Warrior Mama podcast found on your favorite podcast platform. You can connect with Bethany on Instagram or Facebook as well.      EPISODE LINKS:   Bethany’s website: The Warrior Mama Podcast Collaborated episode: The Hope of Christmas and Ways to Walk It Well w/ Catherine Segars   PODCASTS & RESOURCES REFERENCED:   Episode 4: Is Christianity Just a Religion of Do’s and Don’ts The St. Nicholas Center Song facts about “Santa Claus is Coming To Town” Matthew 22:37   Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
12/11/202325 minutes, 56 seconds
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Can Your Kids Be Whoever They Want to Be in Life? - Ep. 81

There is a powerful and pervasive cultural myth being piped into our kids these days, and you are a bad parent if you don’t buy into it. The myth says that our kids can be whoever they want to be in life.   Is this idea BIBLICAL?   Is it TRUE or even REALISTIC?   In this solo episode, Catherine tackles this topic head on to establish what is Biblical and what is cultural when it comes to the dreams that our children pursue in life.   The idea that you can be whoever you want to be is the central theme in countless books, movies, and television shows. If you can dream it, you can be it. So the pressure is on for parents to support our child’s dream no matter what it is. After all, one of the most popular verses in the Bible tells us that “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” (Phil. 4:13)   We often fail to note that this verse is cherry-picked out of a section where Paul talks about his countless struggles, sharing how he has learned contentment with little or with much, in hunger or well fed. This verse is often used to promote the pursuit of a glorious dream yielding material success. It is seldom used to console someone whose dream has been crushed. And yet Paul said that in Christ, we can be content in both of those realities.   Can our kid be whoever they want to be in life?   No.   Nor do we want them to be.   But our kids can be who God created them to be in life. And who God has created them to be is the most exciting and fulfilling dream that our kids can pursue. God’s plan is what we should all be aiming for in life. As parents, we should let our kids see us aim for that mark, and hopefully they will learn to do the same.   RESOURCES MENTIONED:   World Magazine   “The Hill: Sports film inspires but falls into familiar prosperity Gospel trap” by Collin Garbarino   The Hill (2023)   SCRIPTURES REFERENCED:   Philippians 4:6   Philippians 4:8   Philippians 4:11-13 Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
12/4/202321 minutes, 27 seconds
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How Can Celebrating Advent Enrich Your Family's Christmas? (w/ Laurie Christine) - Ep. 80

Keeping Christ at the center of the Christmas season is always a challenge. The hectic pace of life intensifies during December, and often our focus shifts to the never-ending list of responsibilities and chores to complete before the big day.   Strategically celebrating Advent is a wonderful way to keep Christ central in all the commotion of gatherings, parties, concerts, baking, and buying. Utilizing Advent calendars, candles, and books help us to focus on the magnitude of what Christ accomplished in coming to earth while pointing us toward his return.   Catherine’s guest in this episode, Laurie Christine, has accumulated a wealth of devotional resources that will help enrich your Christmas season by celebrating Advent. Catherine and Laurie start by digging into the history of Advent, and then they highlight the great gift of celebrating God’s hope, peace, joy, and love in line with each candle lit. Laurie also offers devotional and book recommendations for all ages to participate in the wonderful celebration of Advent.   Laurie Christine’s Bio: Laurie Christine is an author, podcast host, Biblical Parenting Coach, wife, and mom of four loud, adventurous boys. Her podcast, Redeeming the Chaos, invites moms of boys to join her on the wild, wonderful adventure of raising courageous boys and connecting them with Christ.  In addition to hosting a podcast, Laurie writes devotions and Bible stories for families. Her passion is to raise strong, courageous warriors for the Kingdom of God, and to help families like yours do the same!  Her new devotional book for boys, Rise of the Enemy, just released on Amazon in November.   RESOURCES MENTIONED:   Laurie Christine has created a wonderful resource for CPCW listeners that contains all of the devotionals and books covered in this episode which can be accessed here: Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
11/27/202341 minutes, 50 seconds
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How To Biblically Parent a Child Who Identifies as LGBTQ (w/ Melinda Patrick) - Ep. 79

  Biblically parenting a child who struggles in their sexuality requires resting on a bedrock foundation of truth while always operating in a spirit of love, humility, and surrender to Christ. We must never deny God’s truth, but a child struggling in this area must first be completely secure in their parents’ unconditional love. Focusing on the relationship is paramount. That relationship is secured by practicing unconditional love, the same love that God gives to us.   What can parents do to build a strong relationship with a child struggling in their sexuality? Incorporate this guidance:   Commend your child’s courage for sharing their struggle with you. Express your unconditional love for your child. Say, “There is nothing you can think, say, or do that will change my love for you. I love you unconditionally, and so does God.” Pray fervently. Use the Word of God to pray over your child daily. (Find Scriptures to pray over you child HERE.) Listen. Listen. And when you’re done listening to your child.… listen some more. Humbly hold fast to Biblical truth on sexuality. Speak truth when prompted by the Holy Spirit. Don’t turn every conversation into a sermon. Instead, rely on the Holy Spirit’s guidance in your communication. Walk in HUMILITY. The LGBTQ community has adopted PRIDE as their virtue, so we must walk in the opposite spirit. Model a surrendered life for your child. Model repentance for your child. You won’t parent your child perfectly, so when you mess up, tell them you are wrong and ask for forgiveness. Forgive yourself for your parenting mistakes and allow God to redeem them.   Catherine’s guest in this episode has been ministering to parents of children in the LGBTQ community for many years because she is one. Melinda Patrick is a mother of a same-sex attracted daughter who has embraced an LGBTQ identity and union. Melinda shares the successes and failures of this parenting journey, and her advice will bless, encourage, and convict us all.   Melinda Patrick’s bio: Melinda is the Director of Parent Support for His Wonderful Works and is host of The Bridge Between Us Podcast: Loving Your LGBTQ Identified Child While Not Compromising Truth and The Even While Podcast: Living Well in the Midst of Waiting. Melinda has parented a same-sex attracted child for twelve years and is passionate about helping moms and dads build strong relationships with their children while not compromising truth.   RESOURCES MENTIONED/REFERENCED: Melinda Patrick’s Website Melinda Patrick’s email address: Melinda Patrick’s Instagram Page The Bridge Between Us Podcast: Loving Your LGBTQ Identified Child Well While Not Compromising Truth Catherine Segars email address: Debbie Causey’s Website  & Speaker bio Renovus website Greg & Lynn McDonald: Embracing the Journey The Unconditional Conference   SCRIPTURES REFERENCED: 2 Corinthians 5:11-21 Matthew 11:28-30 John 8:31 Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
11/20/202355 minutes, 11 seconds
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Should a Christian Identify as Gay or Trans? (w/ Melinda Patrick) - Ep. 78

A Christian can struggle with any number of attractions or temptations, including same sex desire and gender confusion. But should a Christian consider that struggle to be part of their identity? Should who we are attracted to or how we feel about our bodies be central to our being? Is our sexuality an immutable characteristic like our race or ethnicity? In other words, should we should claim our sexuality as part of our essence?   And if we do, what are the ramifications of this conclusion theologically and practically?   Christopher Yuan, author of Holy Sexuality and the Gospel, lived for many years as a gay man. He addresses the issue of our Christian identity very clearly saying:   “If I were to identify as a gay Christian, I would be trying to resuscitate my dead man. We should never put our identity in our sin nature or in our flesh. Sin is never meant to be sanctified. It is meant to be mortified.”   Who we are attracted to is part of our experience as human beings here on earth. So is how we feel about our bodies. So are our significant roles—husband, wife, father, mother, son, daughter, friend. So is what we do—teacher, doctor, business owner, plumber … fill in the blank. So is what we are afflicted with: depression, anxiety, disease, addiction, abuse. Those are all, sadly, a part of our fallen human experience.   But that is not who we are. As Christians, we must identify ourselves as sons and daughters of the most-high God. That is our identity. We must lay every other label down and brand ourselves with Christ. Then and only then can we walk in freedom.   Joining Catherine again to discuss the central topic of identity in the Christian life is Melinda Patrick, host of The Bridge Between Us Podcast: Loving Your LGBTQ Identified Child While Not Compromising Truth. As a mother of a same-sex attracted daughter who has embraced an LGBTQ identity and union, Melinda considers identity to be a central component to every Believer’s spiritual journey. To overcome any temptation or obstacle, we must have our identity firmly rooted in Christ.   OTHER EPISODES IN THIS SERIES:   EPISODE 76: An LGBTQ Mom Responds to Andy Stanley   RESOURCES MENTIONED/REFERENCED: Melinda Patrick’s Website Melinda Patrick’s email address: Melinda Patrick’s Instagram Page The Bridge Between Us Podcast: Loving Your LGBTQ Identified Child Well While Not Compromising Truth The Even While Podcast: Living Well in the Midst of Waiting His Wonderful Works: Hope Healing and Freedom The Freedom March Catherine Segars email address:   PODCASTS. ARTICLES, WEBSITES REFERENCED:   EPISODE 69: What Question Burns in the Heart of Your Gen Z Child? ARTICLE: “What Question Burns in the Heart of Your Gen Z Child?” by Catherine Segars “Sewing Heresy/Mainline Slide: The Push to Accept Homosexuality Gutted Traditional Protestantism. Evangelical churches Are Headed down the Same Road,” by Mary Jackson (World Magazine) “How to Confidently Minister to Friends Who Experience Same-Sex Attraction and Gender Confusion” Alisa Childers Podcast w/ Christopher Yuan “The Number of LGBTQ Identifying Adults is Soaring” (Axios/data from Gallup) Andy Stanley’s Message: “I Love My Church” Greg & Lynn McDonald: Embracing the Journey The Unconditional Conference Debbie Causey’s Website   SCRIPTURES:   Psalm 24:3 Jeremiah 29:11 1 Corinthians 13:6 Proverbs 11:2 John 6:68-69 Psalm 40:1-3 Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
11/13/202348 minutes, 12 seconds
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An LGBTQ Mom Responds to Andy Stanley (w/ Melinda Patrick) - Ep. 77

Statistics show that one in five Gen Z children are identifying somewhere on the LGBTQ spectrum. One in five. Parents must realize that all of our children are dealing with this issue, because even if our kids aren't personally struggling in their sexuality, their friends are. This issue affects every parent and every child.    The church needs to have a loving and truthful approach for families facing this issue.   One of the largest and most influential churches in the United States, North Point Community Church, pastored by one of the most influential ministers in the world, Andy Stanley, just went on the record telling us about his church’s approach. Stanley’s message, along with the Unconditional Conference for parents of LGBTQ identifying children held at North Point, signify a substantial departure from where the evangelical church has stood on this issue.   Does Stanley have the right approach? Is it Biblical? Should we be concerned?   Catherine’s guest in this episode has been ministering to parents of children in the LGBTQ community for many years because she is one. As a mother of a same-sex attracted daughter who has embraced an LGBTQ identity and union, Melinda Patrick is precisely the kind of parent that the Unconditional Conference was trying to reach. But she has deep concerns about this conference and Stanley’s teaching.   Together, Catherine and Melinda break down the troubling aspects of this conference and the message that Andy Stanley presented to his church.   Melinda's Bio: Melinda Patrick is the Director of Parent Support for His Wonderful Works and is host of The Bridge Between Us Podcast: Loving Your LGBTQ Identified Child While Not Compromising Truth and The Even While Podcast: Living Well in the Midst of Waiting. Melinda has parented a same-sex attracted child for twelve years and is passionate about helping moms and dads build strong relationships with their children while not compromising truth.   RESOURCES MENTIONED/REFERENCED:   Melinda Patrick’s Website Melinda Patrick’s email address: Melinda Patrick’s Instagram Page The Bridge Between Us Podcast: Loving Your LGBTQ Identified Child Well While Not Compromising Truth The Even While Podcast: Living Well in the Midst of Waiting His Wonderful Works: Hope Healing and Freedom   Catherine Segars email address:   “The Number of LGBTQ Identifying Adults is Soaring” (Axios/data from Gallup) “The Train is Leaving the Station” by Albert Mohler Jr. Andy Stanley’s Response: “I Love My Church” Greg & Lynn McDonald: Embracing the Journey The Unconditional Conference Debbie Causey’s Website The Freedom March   SCRIPTURES REFERENCED:   John 3:16-21 Matthew 10:34-36 John 18:37 John 14:15 John 15:14 John 15:1 John 8:30-31 Matthew 18:7 Matthew 7:21-23 2 Corinthians 6:14-18 Romans 6:23 Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
11/6/202351 minutes, 18 seconds
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What Vital Question Do Many Parents Never Ask God? - Ep. 76

There is a question that many Christian parents never ask God. Catherine and her husband didn’t ask God this question for the first two decades of their marriage, despite attending church weekly, tithing, going so small groups, and having daily devotionals. That question is:   WHAT DOES GOD WANT MY FAMILY TO LOOK LIKE?   We often seek God about where we should work, live, and go to church, what school our kids should attend, and how to raise our children—but many parents never ask God how many kids they should have, adopt, or foster.   Why is that?   In this episode, Catherine explores this topic and then allows listeners to be a fly on the wall of her post-interview conversation with Kirsten Vossler, a mother of nine (soon to be ten). They discuss how the church has been subtly influenced by the world’s perspective on parenting and children.   If Jesus is to truly be Lord of our lives, that means He must be Lord of our families. That doesn’t mean we have to crank out as many babies as possible in our child-bearing years, but it does mean we should seek God’s plan over our personal preference.   Kirsten Vossler’s Bio: Kirsten is a mother of 9, yes you heard that right—9 kiddos. She has been a Children’s pastor, a worship leader, a writer, a conference speaker, and now she is host of the Rejoicing in Motherhood Podcast.   Kirsten’s Website Kirsten’s Podcast: Rejoicing in Motherhood   RESOURCES & PODCASTS REFERENCED:   “Should God Have a Say in the Size of Your Family” by Catherine Segars   EPISODE 70: “When God Doesn’t Answer Our Prayers the Way We Hoped He Would” (w/ Andy Howard)   EPISODE 71: “How Does God Bring Beauty Out of the Broken Places in Our Lives?” (w/ Andy Howard)   Rejoicing in Motherhood Podcast EPISODE 120 – Dispelling 5 Cultural Myths about Motherhood (w/ Catherine Segars) Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
10/30/202344 minutes, 44 seconds
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What Is Really Happening When We Blow It with Our Kids? (w/ Kirsten Vossler) Ep. 75

When it comes to blowing up at our kids, it’s not a matter of if. It’s a matter of when. It happens to the best of us. But often the inciting incident isn’t the real issue because the thing that sets us off isn’t the root of the problem. We’ve got to dig up the root if we want to get rid of the bitter fruit.   In this episode, Catherine continues her encouraging and incredibly practical conversation with Kirsten Vossler, a mother of 9 and host of the The Rejoicing in Motherhood Podcast. Together, these mamas dig deep to find out what is really going on when that one last nerve is raw and exposed and we just can’t seem to keep it together. They also discuss how to exercise restraint and not indulge that fleshly desire to yell at our kids. The key is leaning into the Holy Spirit.   Using the 7 steps that Kirsten outlined in Episode 74, allowing the Holy Spirit to guide us and control our tongues, and getting to the root of what is really bothering will help us to mature as parents and believers. And as we commit to these steps, we will blow it a lot less with our kids.   Kirsten Vossler’s Bio: Kirsten is a mother of 9, yes you heard that right—9 kiddos. She has been a Children’s pastor, a worship leader, a writer, a conference speaker, and now she is host of the Rejoicing in Motherhood Podcast.   Kirsten’s Website Kirsten’s Podcast: Rejoicing in Motherhood   OTHER PODCASTS/EPISODES REFERENCED:   EPISODE 74 – 7 Steps to Reset When You’ve Blown It with Your Kids (w/ Kirsten Vossler)   Rejoicing in Motherhood Podcast EPISODE 120 – Dispelling 5 Cultural Myths about Motherhood (w/ Catherine Segars) Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
10/23/202328 minutes, 25 seconds
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3 Empowering Podcasts for Christian Moms

As a Christian parent, you can never have too many resources! Hear compelling segments from three fascinating LifeAudio shows hosted by Christian homeschooling moms and discover a new podcast you'll love!  Subscribe to the featured shows below & listen to more of their episodes! Empowering Homeschool Conversations with Peggy Ployhar: /  Real Refreshment with Rachael Carman: /  Homeschooling Families with Leslie Nunnery: /  Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
10/20/202316 minutes, 52 seconds
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7 Steps to Reset When You Blow It with Your Kids (w/ Kirsten Vossler) - Ep. 74

Let’s be honest… sometimes we blow it as parents. We lose our temper and fly off the handle. It is vital that we know how to reset when we do. All the hard work we do as parents to strategically establish a solid spiritual foundation for our kids will be severely comprised if our relationship is broken.   Catherine’s special guest in this episode is a pro on the parenting front. With nine kids, Kirsten Vossler is devoted to mothering full-time, and she imparts her hard-earned wisdom weekly on The Rejoicing in Motherhood Podcast. Kirsten shares with the CPCW audience seven vital steps that we should take when we blow it with our kids. Those steps are:   1. Stop. (Easier said than done, but shut your mouth.) 2. Get alone. Remove yourself physically from the crazy situation. 3. Cry out to God. Be honest. 4. Ask God what He wants to say to you. Not to your kids. To you. He will bring identity, clarity, and perspective to you and the situation. 5. Repent to God first. 6. Repent to your child. Humble yourself. Say “I messed up. Jesus would never talk to you like that.” Acknowledge their pain. Say “I’m sorry.” And ask for forgiveness. 7. Be tender with your child as they are healing.   These steps walk us through the full cycle of repentance. Committing to this process is a critical part of discipling our kids because not only will it help to heal the damage we have caused in the parent-child relationship, it also models for our kids what true repentance looks like.   Kirsten Vossler’s Bio: Kirsten is a mother of 9, yes you heard that right—9 kiddos. She has been a Children’s pastor, a worship leader, a writer, a conference speaker, and now she is host of the Rejoicing in Motherhood Podcast.   Kirsten’s Website Kirsten’s Podcast: Rejoicing in Motherhood   Bible Verse Referenced:   Psalm 90:4 Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
10/16/202324 minutes, 36 seconds
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How Can God Forgive Sins Like Abuse, Rape, and Murder? (w/ Elizabeth Urbanowicz)

There are some sins that seem unforgivable… and yet God forgives. But He doesn’t forgive because those sins are okay. He doesn’t brush those sins under the rug and say, “I’ll let it slide this time, but try your best not to torture, rape, or murder anyone again.”  That is not God’s response to these heinous acts.   So what is His response?   His response is the cross. His response was to take that sin upon Himself and pay the price so that every heinous act is punished. Every sin is paid for.   To thoroughly unpack this difficult topic, Catherine continues her conversation with Elizabeth Urbanowicz from Foundation Worldview, concluding last week’s conversation which analyzed some of the complaints and inaccurate portrayals of God in the deconstruction movement. In this episode, Catherine and Elizabeth discuss who God is more fully, in particular the extent of His mercy which forgives all who repent.   The fact that God is willing to forgive horrific crimes against innocent human beings is hard to fathom. But God’s mercy does not mean that the horrible things that happen in this world are not relevant or significant. God is not cavalier about these abhorrent sins. Quite the contrary. He paid the ultimate price to cover these sins.   Understanding all of God’s attributes is necessary in order to understand who He is. We cannot separate His mercy from His justice. But mercy and justice are perfectly satisfied at the cross in Christ, which enables God to forgive every sin.   Elizabeth’s bio: Elizabeth Urbanowicz holds a B.S. from Gordon College in Elementary Education and Spanish, an M.S.Ed. from Northern Illinois University in Literacy Education, and an M.A. in Christian Apologetics from Biola University. Several years into her teaching experience, Elizabeth realized that despite being raised in Christian homes, attending a Christian school, and being active in church, her students thought more like the culture than like Christ. Elizabeth began searching for curricular materials that would equip her students to think critically, helping them discover that Christianity is the worldview that lines up with reality. After not finding materials that effectively met this need, she created a curriculum that did.   Foundation Worldview exists to equip Christian parents with the resources they need to train children to soundly interpret Scripture, carefully evaluate every idea they encounter, and understand the truth of the biblical worldview. Elizabeth firmly believes that the Christian youth exodus can be a thing of the past. When kids are equipped to soundly interpret Scripture, they will quickly develop a biblical worldview. When kids are taught to think well, they can carefully evaluate the messages they are exposed to each day.   To see clips from this interview and find inspiring supplemental quotes and posts, connect with Catherine on Instagram and Facebook . To receive updates about each new podcast and free resources like Scripture songs, Bible verses to pray over prodigal children, and a topical index of Scriptures for prayer, subscribe to Catherine’s website.   COUPON CODE:   Use the coupon code “CPCW10” to get $10 off any family license with Foundation Worldview.   Foundation Worldview Website:   OTHER EPISODES IN THIS SERIES:   Episode 72: What Do Deconstructionists Often Get Wrong about God?   RESOURCES CONSULTED:   Presbyterians’ Decision to Drop Hymn Stirs Debate (USA Today, 8/5/13)   SCRIPTURE REFERENCED:   Romans 8:28 Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
10/9/202331 minutes, 55 seconds
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What Do Deconstructionists Often Get Wrong about God? (w/ Elizabeth Urbanowicz) - Ep. 72

  Deconstruction is a growing trend within evangelical circles. With a majority of Christian kids leaving the faith after they leave the nest, the number of young people sharing stories of how they are dismantling their faith is on the rise. Many of these stories have inaccurate or incomplete depictions of God.   Richard Dawkins opens the second chapter of his New York Times best-selling book The God Delusion describing the God of the Old Testament as “arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully.”   With false depictions of God rampant in our culture, a proper understanding of who God is according to His Word is vital for our children’s spiritual foundation, and for ours.   Catherine’s guest in this episode is a good friend of CPCW. Elizabeth Urbanowicz is founder and CEO of Foundation Worldview, a biblically-based curriculum for teaching children the Christian worldview. Elizabeth joins Catherine to have a deep conversation about who God is, His intrinsic attributes, while addressing some of the most popular complaints about God shared in these deconstruction stories.   We must understand all of God’s attributes. We cannot isolate his mercy and his love from his justice and his holiness as all of these inherent character traits combine to comprise who God is. This conversation will help parents and kids understand the totality of God by addressing some of the most misunderstood parts of the Bible.   Elizabeth’s bio: Elizabeth Urbanowicz holds a B.S. from Gordon College in Elementary Education and Spanish, an M.S.Ed. from Northern Illinois University in Literacy Education, and an M.A. in Christian Apologetics from Biola University. Several years into her teaching experience, Elizabeth realized that despite being raised in Christian homes, attending a Christian school, and being active in church, her students thought more like the culture than like Christ. Elizabeth began searching for curricular materials that would equip her students to think critically, helping them discover that Christianity is the worldview that lines up with reality. After not finding materials that effectively met this need, she created a curriculum that did.   Foundation Worldview exists to equip Christian parents with the resources they need to train children to soundly interpret Scripture, carefully evaluate every idea they encounter, and understand the truth of the biblical worldview. Elizabeth firmly believes that the Christian youth exodus can be a thing of the past. When kids are equipped to soundly interpret Scripture, they will quickly develop a biblical worldview. When kids are taught to think well, they can carefully evaluate the messages they are exposed to each day.   To see clips from this interview and find inspiring supplemental quotes and posts, connect with Catherine on Instagram and Facebook . To receive updates about each new podcast and free resources like Scripture songs, Bible verses to pray over prodigal children, and a topical index of Scriptures for prayer, subscribe to Catherine’s website.   COUPON CODE:   Use the coupon code “CPCW10” to get $10 off any family license with Foundation Worldview.   Foundation Worldview Website:   RESOURCES REFERENCED:   EPISODE 57 - How To Teach Our Kids the Christian Worldview (w/ Elizabeth Urbanowicz)   EPISODE 58 - 7 Lies Culture is Teaching Our Kids: Are They Buying? (w/ Elizabeth Urbanowicz)   Richard Dawkin’s quote about the God of the Old Testament from The God Delusion   Portia’s monologue on mercy and justice from The Merchant of Venice   Natasha Crain: A Christian Response to a Viral Deconversion Post Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
10/2/202339 minutes, 22 seconds
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How Does God Bring Beauty out of the Broken Places in Our Lives? (w/ Andy Howard Pt. 2) - Episode 71

Brokenness is a reality of life. We all experience it. Something breaks each and every one of us, usually many things. But God promises to use our brokenness to find beauty in this world.   Catherine continues her heart-warming conversation with Andy Howard, a father who received a devastating diagnosis with his first child that broke him. As we heard in the last episode, Andy’s daughter Peyton was born legally blind with 10% brain function. As a baby, Andy was told that she would never walk and would likely never speak. That diagnosis led to a four-year season of depression.   But the skies began to clear on a beach trip when Andy saw a couple picking up sea shells, and whenever they found a broken one, they would throw it back. God spoke so clearly to Andy’s heart that morning, telling him that there is beauty in those broken shells... and Andy has been collecting beautiful broken shells ever since.   In this episode, Catherine and Andy discuss how God is committed to bringing beauty from the broken places in our lives. You will get to peek behind the veil to see what Payton is really experiencing here on earth, and you will learn how to help families who have children with special needs.   “And we know that God causes all things to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28   To see clips from this interview and find inspiring supplemental quotes and posts, connect with Catherine on Instagram and Facebook . To receive updates about each new podcast and free resources like Scripture songs, Bible verses to pray over prodigal children, and a topical index of Scriptures for prayer, subscribe to Catherine’s website.   ANDY'S BIO: For over 20 years, Andy Howard has served in ministry as a youth pastor and marriage ministry pastor. Andy is an advocate for mental health awareness as he has known the heaviness of depression himself. That battle with depression led Andy to tip the scales at 345 lbs. He was Self medicating a crisis in his family with food. He and his wife Tiffany decided to change that, losing over 350 lbs. combined. They have co-founded a health coaching business called Taking Back My Life, where they have helped thousands of people get healthy and well. Andy is also host of the When Words Don’t Come Easy podcast, and he has authored a book with the same name. You’ll hear more about that in our conversation. He lives with his wife, Tiffany, in Bryan, Texas and their three beautiful daughters, Payton, Parker, and Presley.     OTHER EPISODES IN THIS SERIES:   EPISODE 70: When God Doesn’t Answer Our Prayers the Way We Hoped He Would   RESOURCES MENTIONED:   Andy’s WEBSITE Andy’s podcast: When Words Don’t Come Easy Andy’s book: When Words Don’t Come Easy Catherine’s episode with Andy on When Words Don’t Come Easy—From Grief to Redemption: Catherine Segars’ Powerful Story of Faith, Love, and Redemption CPCW Episode 66: “How Can A Good God Allow So Much Evil and Suffering in the World? (w/ Dr. Douglas Groothuis)”   SCRIPTURE’S REFERENCED:   Isaiah 61:1-4 Psalm 23 Matthew 7:24-27 Luke 4:14-30           Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
9/25/202329 minutes, 14 seconds
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When God Doesn't Answer Our Prayers the Way We Hoped He Would - (w/ Andy Howard Pt. 1)

It is so hard when God’s answer is no—for us and for our kids. There are times in our lives when we pray and we fast and we hope for a miracle and we speak the Word of God over a situation in our lives—and God is still faithful—but He doesn’t give us the answer we hoped for. The answer we prayed for. The answer that this person might have gotten and that person might have gotten, but for some reason we didn’t.   Catherine’s special guest in this episode has walked that path. A devastating diagnosis with his first child blindsided him and led to a four-year battle with depression. But God met him in the most beautiful way, walking with Andy Howard through his darkest hours as a parent. God has truly brought beauty out of what broke Andy. And what he has learned will bless us all.   In this first installment of a two-part interview, Andy share’s his testimony of receiving a life-altering diagnosis with his first child, Payton, at Dallas Children’s Hospital, how he has worked through an answer from God that wasn’t what he prayed for, and how God spoke a powerful message to him that we all need hear. Tune in next week to hear part two where we find out how God has brought so much beauty out of the broken places in Andy’s life, how his daughter Payton is doing now, and how we can help special needs families in the body of Christ.   Andy’s bio: For over 20 years, Andy Howard has served in ministry as a youth pastor and marriage ministry pastor. Andy is an advocate for mental health awareness as he has known the heaviness of depression himself. That battle with depression led Andy to tip the scales at 345 lbs. He was self-medicating a crisis in his family with food. He and his wife, Tiffany, decided to change that, losing over 350 lbs. combined. They have co-founded a health coaching business called Taking Back My Life, where they have helped thousands of people get healthy and well. Andy is also host of the When Words Don’t Come Easy podcast, and he has authored a book with the same name. He lives with his wife, Tiffany, in Bryan, Texas and their three beautiful daughters, Payton, Parker, and Presley.     *Please vote for Catherine to Win a Spark Media Ignite Fan Award in the category of “Best Female Host” here:   RESOURCES MENTIONED:   Andy’s WEBSITE Andy’s podcast: When Words Don’t Come Easy Andy’s book: When Words Don’t Come Easy Catherine’s episode with Andy on When Words Don’t Come Easy—From Grief to Redemption: Catherine Segars’ Powerful Story of Faith, Love, and Redemption CPCW Episode 66: “How Can A Good God Allow So Much Evil and Suffering in the World? (w/ Dr. Douglas Groothuis)”   SCRIPTURE’S REFERENCED:   Matthew 11:6 Job 13:15 Isaiah 61:1-4 Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
9/18/202334 minutes, 38 seconds
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Introducing: Hearing Jesus for Kids

The LifeAudio Podcast Network is thrilled to announce that Hearing Jesus for Kids is now available on all podcasting apps!  Sometimes people think that the Bible is just for adults, but God actually wants kids to know about Him and encourages parents to raise faithful families. So, on Hearing Jesus for Kids, your children are going to be able to learn all about God’s Big Story and how he shows Himself to us through the Bible. Host & Children's Pastor Rachael Groll is excited to help your kids learn what the stories in the Bible mean so that they can learn how to live out their faith in everyday life! SUBSCRIBE NOW:  Apple Podcasts:   Spotify:  Rachael Groll's Website:  Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
9/7/20231 minute, 7 seconds
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What Question Burns in the Heart of Your Child? - Episode 69

One prevailing question burns at the heart of each generation—one question keeps them up at night. Understanding this question helps us know how to reach people of every age, especially our kids.   For the Baby Boomers, people born in the 40s, 50, and 60s, that question is:   What is TRUE?   Like the great philosophers of old, this generation was preoccupied with truth.   For Gen X, born between 1965 and 1980, that question is:   What is REAL?   This generation invented reality TV because they are preoccupied with finding authenticity.   For Millennials, born between 1981 and 1995, that question is:   What is GOOD?   This generation is deeply concerned about the environment, justice, and contributing to the greater good.   Which brings us to our kids, to Gen Z. What question burns at the heart of this generation? They want to know:   What am I?   Or “Who am I?”   Our kids are preoccupied with understanding their identity.   In this episode of CPCW, Catherine expertly navigates each of these questions in the light of Biblical truth. Every generation is asking a vital question, but they aren’t necessarily asking them in the right order. We cannot know who we are, our true identity, unless we understand what is good. And we can’t understand what is good if we don’t know what is real. And we can’t know what is real unless we first know what is true.   Without a foundation of Biblical truth, we can’t arrive at the correct answer for any of these crucial questions. But when you start with the right question, you can arrive at the correct answer for each generation. Truth is paramount. This is why Jesus’ primary purpose in coming to the earth was to proclaim the truth. Christ said,“For this purpose I was born. For this purpose I have come into the world, to bear witness to the truth.” (John 18:37)   Truth leads to an accurate definition of reality, which leads to the correct definition of what is good, which leads to the proper understand of who we are, our identity.   Moms & Dads, this is the prevailing issue of our kid's day. Identity is it. We must understand what our kids are facing, and how to lead them back to truth.   LINKS:   RESOURCES REFERENCED/CONSULTED:   CPCW Episode 68: “What Critical Foundation Do Many Parents Miss When Discipling Their Kids?” (w/ Robby Angle, 8/21/23)   CPCW Episode 23: “What Is the Biggest Threat to Our Faith and Culture Today?” (1/31/22)   The Truth Project (Focus on the Family)   “Powerlifter Reacts To Biological Male Taking Women’s National Record: ‘Completely Unfair’” (The New York Post, 8/16/23)   Midland Public Schools October 2021 Board of Education Meeting (Midland Public Schools, 10/25/21)   “No Litter Boxes for Students Who Identify As Cats: Superintendent” (, 2/26/22)   “Kentucky School District: Students Are Dressing and Acting like Cats” (WLWT Channel 5, 8/25/21)   “What’s the Deal with Furries?” (Psychology Today, 7/24/17)   SCRIPTURES REFERENCED:   John 18:37 John 14:6   Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
9/4/202332 minutes, 54 seconds
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What Critical Foundation Do Many Parents Miss When Discipling Their Kids? w/ Robby Angle - Episode 68

Where does discipleship in the home start? Do you use a particular curriculum or a new Bible study or is there a check list that gets the job done? All of those things can be helpful, but they aren’t where discipleship starts. Discipleship needs to begin with a spiritual truth that so many parents miss because often they don’t know it themselves.   That truth is identity.   Understanding our identity in Christ is central to our walk with God, which makes it central to our parenting and our discipleship of our kids and their understanding of who God has created them to be. If we miss the core component of identity, that omission will show up everywhere else.   Joining Catherine to unpack the foundational truth of identity is Robby Angle, President and CEO of Trueface, based in Dawsonville Georgia. A small groups expert, Robby is the author of Embark as well as The Cure for Groups. He also hosts a podcast, Trueface: Beyond The Mask, which helps listeners learn how to increase trust in God and experience his grace.   Robby and his wife, Emily, both worked in professional counseling and aid work, where they served with Samaritan’s Purse in Pakistan and Myanmar overseeing international disaster response teams. They received a Master's in Community Counseling from Appalachian State University, which has equipped them to teach others how to have a deeper relationship with God. They now have 8 children, most of which are adopted.   Together, Catherine and Robby unpack the critical foundation of our shared identity in Christ and then apply that understanding to our children's specific identity, their purpose in life. The theology and practical applications revealed in this episode are indispensable in our parenting and discipling our kids.   EPISODE LINKS:   Robby’s Website: Trueface Robby’s Podcast - Trueface: Beyond The Mask More about Robby Angle: Robby’s Bio   BOOKS REFERENCED:   The Cure: What If God Isn’t Who You Think He Is and Neither Are You by John Lynch, Bruce McNicol, and Bill Thrall The Cure for Parents by Lynch, McNicol, and Thrall The Practice of the Presence by Brother Lawrence Humility: The Journey Toward Holiness by Andrew Murray Living Fearless: Exchanging the Lies of the World for the Liberating Truth of God by Jamie Winship   WEBSITES REFERENCED:   The Giftedness Center – Discovering Your Giftedness: A Step by Step Guide Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
8/21/20231 hour, 4 minutes, 46 seconds
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5 Simple Habits That Will Reduce Stress in Your Parenting (w/ Elizabeth Andreyevskiy) - Episode 67

There isn't a more stressful job in life than raising children to be God-loving, God-fearing, competent, motivated, responsible adults. After all, that is the goal. A large part of that process, we don’t have control over. But there are parts that we do. There are habits we can employ that will reduce stress and promote peace in our parenting.   Catherine’s guest in this episode is Elizabeth Andreyevskiy, a stress coach for Christian moms and host of the Emotionally Healthy Legacy Podcast. A mom of 4 herself, Elizabeth knows the value of emotional wellness in parenting and the impact it has on the whole family. She is passionate about teaching moms how to prioritize their needs guilt free, lower daily stressors, set healthy boundaries and implement healthy habits. Elizabeth teaches moms how to manage mom rage and overcome guilt and shame. She believes that a strong relationship with God and simple mindset shifts can transform moms in their emotional wellness and break destructive patterns.   Elizabeth has 5 simple, practical habits that parents can employ today to de-stress their lives and experience more peace in their parenting, and she shares those life-changing pro tips with the CPCW audience. They are:   1. Get up earlier than your kids to spend time with God. 2. Journal to process your thoughts. 3. Limit your screen time and turn off notifications. 4. Put downtime in your schedule (don’t over schedule). 5. Ask for help.   Sometimes it isn’t the big, shiny new thing that makes the difference in your life. Sometimes it is a simple, practical change, perhaps something that you used to do that you stopped doing, that makes all the difference. Implementing these practical habits will bring peace into your parenting and eliminate stress.   LINKS:   Elizabeth’s website The Emotionally Healthy Legacy Podcast Promised resource: 5 Simple Ways to Calm Down When You Feel Triggered   RESOURCES MENTIONED:   God is Good, But This Isn’t published at inCourage Take Heart: 100 Devotions To Seeing God When Life’s Not Okay Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
8/7/202358 minutes, 57 seconds
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How Can A Good God Allow So Much Evil and Suffering in the World? (w/ Dr. Douglas Groothuis) - Episode 66

According to recent Barna research, reconciling a good God with an evil world is the number one barrier to the Christian faith for the next generation. As parents, if there is an obstacle to our kids’ faith, we need be prepared with some answers.   Catherine’s special guest for this episode is eminently qualified to help us reconcile any difficult question concerning the Christian faith. Dr. Douglas Groothuis is one of the great apologetic voices in the world today. He is the author of 17 books, including Christian Apologetics: A Comprehensive Case for Biblical Faith, Walking through Twilight: A Wife’s Illness—A Philosopher’s Lament, and most recently, Fire in the Streets: How You Can Confidently Respond to Incendiary Cultural Topics. He is currently a professor of philosophy and the head of the apologetics and ethics program at Denver Seminary.   Dr. Groothuis has a brilliant mind that he has employed for God’s glory and the good of the church for many decades. But most striking in this conversation is not only how this masterful apologist ponders the great perplexities of life through the lens of our faith, but also how he has employed that faith in the midst of great heartache. Dr. Groothuis shares his own deeply personal experience with suffering in the loss of his late wife, Rebecca. His thoughts are deep, and his journey is powerful and poignant.   Every worldview must wrestle with the problem of evil. The Christian worldview provides philosophical and theological answers that are rational and that resonate with the human experience. But most of all, our faith provides hope, meaning, and redemption in life’s heartache. As Dr. Groothuis says, “We can smelt meaning out of suffering.”     RESOURCES:   Dr. Douglas Groothuis website Truth Tribe with Douglas Groothuis (podcast) Dr. Groothuis speaking request   BOOKS REFERENCED:   Christian Apologetics: A Comprehensive Case for Biblical Faith  (2nd ed.) by Dr. Douglas Groothuis Walking through Twilight: A Wife’s Illness—A Philosopher’s Lament by Dr. Douglas Groothuis   RESEARCHED REFERENCED:   Emerging Gen Z May Deliver Huge Blow to Religion in U.S. (Baptist News Global, 6/8/18)   SCRIPTURES REFERENCED:   Gen. 50:20 Isaiah 50:4 1 Kings 19 John 11:35 Romans 8:28 John 6:68-69 Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
7/17/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 55 seconds
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Where Did Woke Come from and Where Is It Going? - Episode 65

Woke ideology is everywhere. You can’t escape it. As parents, we need to understand exactly what it is so we can help our kids to understand it. That means we need to know where it came from and where it is going.   Catherine wraps up this two-part series on Woke by digging into the history of Woke philosophy:   Who were the major players? What did they believe? How did they introduce Woke ideology to the West? What tools do they use? What is the ultimate goal of Wokeism?   Catherine answers those questions by giving an aerial view of Woke’s history and then shows where it is headed.   OTHER EPISODES IN THIS SERIES: Ep. 64 "What Gives Woke Ideology Its Power?" PODCASTS REFERENCED & CONSULTED:   CPCW Worldview Series: Ep. 6 “5 Reasons You Should Teach Your Kids about Other Worldviews” Ep. 7 “What Worldviews Are Competing with Your Kids’ Faith?” Ep. 8 “What Sets the Christian Worldview Apart from Other Worldviews” Ep. 9 “How Does the Christian Worldview Create a World We All Want to Live in?”   Red Pilled America Woke Army Series (re-released) Ep. 120 Woke Army (Part One) Ep. 121 Woke Army (Part Two) Ep. 122 Woke Army (Part Three) Ep. 123 Woke Army (Part Four) Ep. 124 Woke Army (Part Five)   The Liz Wheeler Show Ep. 4 What Do You Like about Being White? Ep. 270 The Cult of Woke Is… an Actual Cult (with Dr. James Lindsay) Ep. 291 How To Extract Your Friends and Family from the Woke Cult (with Dr. James Lindsay)   RESOURCES CONSULTED:   “Karl Marx Lived in Fifth and Neglected His Children” (HubPages, 6/21/10)   “BLM removes page on ‘nuclear family structure’ amid NFL vet’s criticism” (New York Post, 9/24/2020)   “Blood-boiling moment woke Stanford law school students taunt conservative judge invited to speak there—before dean of ‘equity’ ambushed him with pious speech accusing him of ‘harm’” (Harriet Alexander, Daily Mail, 3/11/23)   “Terrified swimming champion Riley Gaines is ambushed by screaming trans activists and ‘hit twice by a guy in a dress’ after Saving Women’s Sports speech at San Fran State Uniersity – as cops say there were no arrests” (Rohan Gupta, Daily Mail, 4/7/23)   “High School volleyball Player Injured by Trans Athlete Speaks Out to Megyn Kelly, with Payton McNabb” (The Megyn Kelly Show, 4/28/23)   “How the ‘Battle of the Sexes’ between Venus and Serena Williams and World No. 203 Karsten Braasch played out” (Urvi Mehra, Sportskeeda, 6/22/23)   “Dear Patti LuPone: The ‘Christian Right’ and the Taliban are far from the same” (Billy Hallowell, The Washington Times, 4/27/23)   Want more on Christian Apologetics for Parents? Visit  Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
7/3/202339 minutes, 2 seconds
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What Gives Woke Ideology Its Power? - Episode 64

Woke ideology permeates our culture. It has saturated our airwaves—sung in our songs, read in our novels, acted out in our films, espoused by our educators, preached by our politicians, and even (re)written into our history.   But what exactly is woke, and what makes it so powerful?   Catherine begins a new two-part solo series on woke ideology by looking at the long view of history to properly establish the platform it rests on. After all, you can’t de-platform something unless you understand what is holding it up. There is a kernel of truth that perpetuates this dangerous philosophy.   So in this episode, Catherine identifies that truth by examining the abuse of power operating in hierarchical structures throughout human history, from the Egyptian subjugation of the Israelites to the conquest of Canaan to the Hebrew occupation by the Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, and Romans. She also examines this oppressive structure in the Japanese Heian period, European feudalism, and the Indian caste system.   What is the woke answer to oppression?   Erase the hierarchy. Defund the Police. Demolish our legal system. Destroy the nuclear family. Put children on par with parents in the home.   What is God’s answer?   It is an entirely different way of doing things. Jesus said, “You’ve observed how godless rulers throw their weight around, how quickly a little power goes to their heads. It’s not going to be that way with you. Whoever wants to be great must become a servant. Whoever wants to be first among you must be your slave. That is what the Son of Man has done: He came to serve, not be served—and then to give away his life in exchange for the many who are held hostage.” (Matt. 20:25-28)   God doesn’t erase the hierarchy. He turns it upside down. Those in charge must serve, not make slaves of others.   Woke cannot answer the problems it criticizes. But we’ve got to recognize the tiny bit of truth that woke ideology gets right if we want to explain everything it gets wrong.   RESOURCES MENTIONED:   Stolen Youth: How Radicals Are Erasing Innocence and Indoctrinating a Generation by Bethany Mandel   “I Was Asked To Define Woke. My Humiliation Went Viral” by Bethany Mandel in Newsweek The Last Samurai,  Warner Brothers Picture   SCRIPTURES REFERENCED:   Colossians 3:25 Isaiah 1:17 Psalm 72:4 Zechariah 7:10 James 1:27   Want more on Christian Apologetics for Parents? Visit Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
6/19/202335 minutes, 52 seconds
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Practical Advice for Parenting through a Crisis (with Laine Lawson Craft) - Episode 63

At some point, every parent will have to work through a crisis with their kids. Whether their child deals with a substance addiction or battles an eating disorder or questions their sexuality or walks away from the faith, parents need encouragement and strategy to work through these difficult seasons.   Joining Catherine again to discuss parenting through the hard times is best-selling author Laine Lawson Craft. Laine’s brand new book, The Parent’s Battle Plan: Warfare Strategies to Win Back Your Prodigal, covers a plethora of parenting potholes. Together, Catherine and Laine cover this vital parenting ground:   Maintaining self-care in a crisis Evicting enablement Establishing healthy boundaries Changing the rules Responding to manipulation Dealing with the judgment of others Establishing community Finding a Christian counselor Guarding our minds from discouragement Praying the Word over our children   And at the end of this episode, these ladies offer a powerful, Spirit-filled prayer to wage war in the heavenlies for this next generation.   LINKS:   Laine’s Book: The Parent’s Battle Plan: Warfare Strategies to Win Back Your Prodigal Laine’s website Laine’s Instagram Page Laine’s Facebook Page Laine’s podcast: Warfare Parenting Podcast   To receive a free copy of “Scriptures to Pray Over Children Who Have Walked Away from the Faith,” subscribe HERE   STUDY REFERENCED:   “45% of Parents with Adult Children Are Helping Them Pay Their Bills” (   RELATED ARTICLES:   Crosswalk: “What Every Parent Needs to Know about the Prodigal Child” by Catherine Segars   Crosswalk: “What To Do if Your Child Has Walked Away from the Faith” by Catherine Segars (2/2/22) Lifeway Research: “Most Teenagers Drop Out of Church When They Become Young Adults” (1/15/19) Cold-Case Christianity: “UPDATED: Are Young People Really Leaving Christianity” by J. Warner Wallace (1/12/19) Barna Research: “Atheism Doubles Among Gen Z” (1/24/18)   SCRIPTURES REFERENCED:   Isaiah 43:5-6 Isaiah 54: 13,15,17 Romans 4:17 Jeremiah 31:16-17 Want more on Christian Apologetics for Parents? Visit   Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
6/5/202353 minutes, 12 seconds
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Hope and Strategy for Parents of Prodigal Children (with Laine Lawson Craft) - Episode 62

Statistics show that a majority of Christian kids are leaving the faith when they leave the nest. That means a majority of Christian parents are parenting a prodigal child. Support for those walking through the prodigal journey is one of the greatest needs for parents in the body of Christ today.   Where does the prodigal parent start?   Joining Catherine to discuss parenting prodigal children in a two-part series is bestselling author Laine Lawson Craft. Laine’s brand new book, The Parent’s Battle Plan: Warfare Strategies to Win Back Your Prodigal, chronicles her 15-year journey with multiple prodigal children who struggled with drugs, sex, depression, suicidal ideation, and so much more.   Parenting has always been hard, but it’s even harder in today’s dark world. Children are bombarded with technology, peer pressures, and substances that can lead to devastating repercussions for not only the child, but also their family. Today’s youth are just one click away from a destructive path.   How do parents recover from the shock, panic, and guilt they feel when a child chooses a destructive path? What can parents do to help their children when they continue making self-destructive life choices?  How can parents partner with God, the perfect parent, to win back their child?   In this episode, Catherine and Laine answer these questions while pointing parents to the single greatest weapon we have in the battle to win back a prodigal child—that is prayer.   Laine’s Bio: Laine Lawson Craft is an award-winning author, popular media host, and in-demand speaker. The founder and publisher of WHOAwomen magazine (2010-2018), she regularly hosts online challenges and masterclasses as well as Facebook Live events that reach thousands. Her Livin' Lively with Laine podcast encourages women around the world, and her Warfare Parenting podcast encourages parents of adult children.    Links: Laine’s website Laine’s Instagram Page Laine’s Facebook Page Warfare Parenting Podcast   To receive a free copy of “Scriptures to Pray Over Children Who Have Walked Away from the Faith,” subscribe HERE   REFERENCED AND RELATED PODCASTS: EPISODE 13: 4 Types of Prayer Every Believer Should Know EPISODE 14: How To Battle for Your Kids in Prayer EPISODE 15: What Should I Expect When I Battle in Prayer? EPISODE 26: What Every Parent Needs to Know about the Prodigal Child EPISODE 12: What To Do if Your Child Walks Away from the Faith   BOOKS REFERENCED: The Parent’s Battle Plan: Warfare Strategies to Win Back Your Prodigal by Laine Lawson Craft Intercessory Prayer: How God Can Use Your Prayers to Move Heaven and Earth by Dutch Sheets   RELATED ARTICLES:  “What Every Parent Needs to Know about the Prodigal Child” by Catherine Segars (3/22/22) “What To Do if Your Child Has Walked Away from the Faith” by Catherine Segars (11/2/22) "Christian Kids Are Leaving the Faith. What Can We Do about It?" by Catherine Segars (2/9/22) Lifeway Research: “Most Teenagers Drop Out of Church When They Become Young Adults” (1/15/19) Cold-Case Christianity: “UPDATED: Are Young People Really Leaving Christianity” by J. Warner Wallace (1/12/19) Barna Research: “Atheism Doubles Among Gen Z” (1/24/18)   SCRIPTURES REFERENCED:  Deuteronomy 20:4  Matthew 16:19, 18:18  Mark 11:23  Luke 10:19  John 10:10  James 1:5  Romans 8:28    Want more on Christian Apologetics for Parents? Visit Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
5/22/202344 minutes, 25 seconds
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What to Pray in the Morning for a Worry-Free Day | Teach Us to Pray

Do you wake up anxious first thing in the morning? Is your mind racing with thoughts of what you need to get done today and what you failed to do yesterday? If this is a pattern for you, we challenge you to break the morning cycle of worry with prayer! In this episode preview from Teach Us to Pray, host Christina Patterson shares what to pray in the morning for a worry-free day.   Discover More Episodes of 'Teach Us to Pray' with Christina Patterson: 3 Signs God Is Trying to Get Your Attention: /  How to Turn Your Worries into Prayers: /  How to Pray When You Sense God Moving You In a New Direction: /  Why Prayer Is So Hard: /   Follow the Show, 'Teach Us to Pray': Apple Podcasts: Spotify:   Want more on Christian Apologetics for Parents? Visit  Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
5/18/202315 minutes, 27 seconds
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Hope for Families That Are Battling Mental Health Disorders (with Peyton Garland) - Episode 61

May is mental health awareness month, and more families than ever are battling challenges in this area of health. Catherine and her special guest, Peyton Garland, dive deep into the topics of OCD, anxiety, and depression in this episode to offer unique insights, education, and encouragement to weary parents.   Peyton has a powerful testimony of how God is using a mental health disorder in her life for her good and for His glory. Having dealt with obsessive compulsive thoughts since early childhood, Peyton breaks down the four primary types of “sticky thoughts” that people who battle OCD contend with. They are:   Mental Thoughts & Taboo Rituals (a.k.a. Religious OCD) Symmetry Contamination Harm   Peyton expertly navigates the detours and dead ends associated with these compulsive thoughts, and Catherine shares the victory she has experienced in her 17-year battle with clinical depression, highlighting the most dangerous prayer you can pray as a Christian! Along the way, these ladies offer hope while pointing families that deal with mental health disorders towards healing.   Peyton Garland is an author and coffee shop hopper who loves connecting people to a grace bigger than expected. Her debut book, Not So by Myself, was ranked on Kharis Publishing's 2021 Bestseller List. Meanwhile, Wipf & Stock recently released her second title: Tired, Hungry, & Kinda Faithful. Outside the writing world, Peyton is a pilot's wife, dog mom, and soon-to-be boy mom who loves reading WWII fiction and faithfully defending the Oxford comma.    LINKS:   Peyton’s website Peyton’s blog: Uncured & Okay Peyton’s Instagram & Facebook Pages   BOOKS REFERENCED: Tired, Hungry, and Kinda Faithful: Where Exhaustion and Exile Meet God by Peyton Garland Not So By Myself: A safe space where God doesn’t fix the loneliness but sits with you instead by Peyton Garland The Book of Mysteries by Jonathan Cahn (day 191)   ARTICLES REFERENCED: “To the Mama with a Mental Health Disorder” by Peyton Garland “A Few Not So Stereotypical Thoughts on OCD” by Peyton Garland “What I Wish People Knew about Mental Illness” by Catherine Segars “What I Wish People with Mental Illness Knew” by Catherine Segars   SCRIPTURES REFERENCED: Psalm 40:1-3 2 Corinthians 10:5 1 Timothy 2:7 Want more on Christian Apologetics for Parents? Visit   Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
5/8/202359 minutes, 11 seconds
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How Does a Drag Queen Become a Minister of the Gospel? (with Blake Howard) - Episode 60

In this episode, Catherine continues her riveting conversation Blake Howard, the committed church kid raised in a Christian home who struggled with same sex attraction from a very young age. Then, tragically, Blake was molested and bullied in school for acting gay. So after high school, he became gay. He was also addicted to drugs and was doing drag to receive the love and affirmation that his heart longed for. Blake shares this part of his testimony in Episode 59.   Now you will hear the rest of the story… as Paul Harvey used to say. You will hear about Blake’s dramatic alter-call conversion to belief in Christ, his deliverance from drug addiction through the power of the Holy Spirit, and his continued struggle with homosexuality and eventual complete submission to Christ in that area of his life. You’ll also hear about his marriage and parenting and how he came to be a minister.   It is an incredible story!   And along the way, you will get some priceless, hard-earned advice on how to walk in relationship with the people in your life who struggle with same sex attraction and gender dysphoria… all from a guy who knows exactly what they need because he’s been there.   Blake Howard is the Associate Pastor & Creative Director at Xtreme Harvest Church in San Antonio, TX. Blake graduated from Ramp School of Ministry in Hamilton, AL.   To see clips from this interview and find inspiring supplemental quotes and posts, connect with Catherine on Instagram and Facebook . To receive updates about each new podcast and free resources like Scripture songs, Bible verses to pray over prodigal children, and a topical index of Scriptures for prayer, subscribe to Catherine’s website.   LINKS: Blake’s Instagram & Facebook Pages   BOOK REFERENCED: From Mascara to Manhood by Benjamin Blake Howard Gay Awareness: Discovering the Heart of the Father and the Mind of Christ on Sexuality by Landon Schott   SCRIPTURES REFERENCED: Romans 5:8-10   OTHER EPISODES IN THIS SERIES: Episode 59: How Does a Committed Church Kid Become a Drag Queen?   RELATED PODCASTS WITH BLAKE HOWARD: Red Pilled America, Episode 149: Bondage, February 10, 2023 Allie Beth Stuckey, Episode 748: From Drag Queen & Drug Dealer to Jesus Follower   CPCW Series on Sexuality: Episode 45: How Do We Help Our Kids to Understand Biblical Sexuality? Episode 46: How to Talk to Your Kids about Biblical Sexuality Episode 47: What is Our Culture Teaching Kids about Sexuality Episode 48: How Our Culture is Distorting Sexuality and Harming Children   RELATED ARTICLES “Understanding Biblical Sexuality and How To Talk about It with Your Children” by Erin A. Barry and Catherine Segars “What Culture Is Teaching Our Kids about Sexuality: 7 Ways to Respond” by Erin A. Barry and Catherine Segars Want more on Christian Apologetics for Parents? Visit Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
4/24/202343 minutes, 17 seconds
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How Does a Committed Church Kid Become a Drag Queen? (with Blake Howard) - Episode 59

We've all heard the story of a kid in the church youth group who is now on a destructive path. Many parents are living this story. Sometimes the lessons we teach our kids don’t stick. The faith we hand down doesn’t become their own. They have outside influences that erode the foundation that us parents seek so diligently to build.   In this episode, Catherine shares a cautionary tale of a young man who was raised in the church, in the Bible belt, and yet he chose a very destructive path. Blake Howard found love and affirmation under layers of make-up and pounds fake body parts. There are a lot of lessons that parents can learn from his story. Catherine and Blake discuss:   Why we need to talk to our kids about sex early, and how to go about that. The effects of bullying on kids who are struggling in the area of sexuality. How the church often reinforces unhealthy ideas about gender. How to help our kids understand masculinity and femininity. The effects of worldly affirmation.   Along the way, you will see how a church kid can slowly descend into a life of sexual confusion and gender dysphoria, all from a guy who has been there and has a lot of wisdom to offer.   And while today’s tale is tragic, in the very next episode you will hear how this same young man went from being a drag queen to being a minister of the Gospel.    Only God could write a story like that!   Blake Howard is the Associate Pastor & Creative Director at Xtreme Harvest Church in San Antonio, TX. Blake graduated from Ramp School of Ministry in Hamilton, AL.   To see clips from this interview and find inspiring supplemental quotes and posts, connect with Catherine on Instagram and Facebook . To receive updates about each new podcast and free resources like Scripture songs, Bible verses to pray over prodigal children, and a topical index of Scriptures for prayer, subscribe to Catherine’s website.   Episode Links: Blake’s Instagram & Facebook Pages   BOOK REFERENCED: From Mascara to Manhood by Benjamin Blake Howard God’s Design for Sex Series (4 books) by Stan & Brenna Jones   PODCASTS REFERENCED: Red Pilled America, Episode 149: Bondage, February 10, 2023 Allie Beth Stuckey, Episode 748: From Drag Queen & Drug Dealer to Jesus Follower CPCW Series on Sexuality: Episode 45: How Do We Help Our Kids to Understand Biblical Sexuality? Episode 46: How to Talk to Your Kids about Biblical Sexuality Episode 47: What is Our Culture Teaching Kids about Sexuality Episode 48: How Our Culture is Distorting Sexuality and Harming Children   ARTICLES REFERENCED: “Understanding Biblical Sexuality and How To Talk about It with Your Children” by Erin A. Barry and Catherine Segars “What Culture Is Teaching Our Kids about Sexuality: 7 Ways to Respond” by Erin A. Barry and Catherine Segars Want more on Christian Apologetics for Parents? Visit Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
4/10/202348 minutes, 1 second
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7 Lies Culture is Selling Our Kids: Are They Buying? (with Elizabeth Urbanowicz) - Episode 58

Our culture is selling a pack of lies to the next generation. Are your kids buying?   Joining Catherine again in this episode is Elizabeth Urbanowicz, creator of Foundation Worldview, a Christian worldview curriculum for kids ages 14 to 4. Elizabeth has distilled the catalog of cultural falsehoods into a best-of list containing the top seven most prevalent lies being sold to our kids.   They are: If I feel it, it must be true. Follow your heart. Love is affirming everything we feel. Faith is the opposite of knowledge. Humans are the products of blind, unguided evolution. You are the one you’ve been waiting for. A good God wouldn’t judge.   In this episode, Catherine and Elizabeth break down each lie and offer ways that you can teach your children to recognize them, reject them, and stand for what is true. We’ve got to know what these lies are if we want to help our kids not to fall for them.   Elizabeth Urbanowicz holds a B.S. from Gordon College in Elementary Education and Spanish, an M.S.Ed. from Northern Illinois University in Literacy Education, and an M.A. in Christian Apologetics from Biola University. Elizabeth created Foundation Worldview to equip Christian parents with the resources they need to train children to soundly interpret Scripture, carefully evaluate every idea they encounter, and understand the truth of the biblical worldview. Elizabeth firmly believes that the Christian youth exodus can be a thing of the past. When kids are equipped to soundly interpret Scripture, they will quickly develop a biblical worldview. And when kids are taught to think well, they can carefully evaluate the messages they are exposed to each day.   To see clips from this interview and find inspiring supplemental quotes and posts, connect with Catherine on Instagram and Facebook . To receive updates about each new podcast and free resources like Scripture songs, Bible verses to pray over prodigal children, and a topical index of Scriptures for prayer, subscribe to Catherine’s website.   COUPON CODE: Use the coupon code “CPCW10” to get $10 off any family license with Foundation Worldview.   STUDIES & QUOTES: Lord Acton Quote: “Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” Ligonier Ministries Bi-annual State of Theology Report Richard Dawkins’ quote from The Blind Watchmaker   SCRIPTURES REFERENCED: Jeremiah 17:9 Psalm 52:5-8 1 Corinthians 15:14 Matthew 11:1-6 Mark 12:30 Hebrews 11:1 To receive my free Scripture songs including Psalm 52:5-8, subscribe HERE.   RESOURCES MENTIONED: Mama Bear Apologetics The Discovery Institute The Gospel Project by Lifeway Dr. Stephen Meyer, Signature in the Cell Want more on Christian Apologetics for Parents? Visit Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
3/27/20231 hour, 3 minutes, 30 seconds
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Break the Grip of Anxiety & Worry: What You Can Do to Stop Stress | Breathe

What type of mindset makes us vulnerable to chronic stress, anxiety & depression? When you are stressed, what automatic coping mechanisms have you adopted that don’t help, but diminish your wellness?  What holds you back from getting the rest that you need when you’re stressed?   In this episode from Breathe: The Stress Less Podcast (another free show from LifeAudio), soul care coach Bonnie shares how to ditch mindsets that keep you stuck in anxiety, worry, and stress and what you can do to stop the stress, when you need it most. This episode will help you let go of unhealthy thinking patterns and replace them with a healthy biblical mindset to create a new rhythm to stop the stress cycle.   DISCOVER MORE EPISODES OF BREATHE: THE STRESS LESS PODCAST FROM BONNIE GRAY: Is Self-Care or Soul-Care Selfish or Unspiritual? - /  How to Stop Numbing Your Emotions & Stop Negative Self-Talk with Jesus - /  Feeling Anxious? Cast Your Cares on God Because He Cares For You - /    LINKS & RESOURCES: Take the Soul Care Quiz at – your FREE personal wellness assessment – to learn which areas of wellness you’re missing most to flourish with God’s peace and joy in your life. Grab Bonnie’s new book to lower stress, Breathe: 21 Ways to Stress Less & Transform Chaos to Calm Join the FREE Breathe Wellness Book Club to tackle for areas of wellbeing: emotional, physical, spiritual, and social wellness at Get 4 LIVE sessions + community support! Want scientific articles mentioned in today’s show? Sign up for the FREE Breathe newsletter Get Bonnie’s FREE 7 Prayers & Scriptures to Calm Anxiety here!   FOLLOW BONNIE: Instagram: Facebook: Website: Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
3/24/202320 minutes, 38 seconds
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How To Teach Your Kids the Christian Worldview (with Elizabeth Urbanowicz) - Episode 57

The Christian worldview is challenged like never before in American culture. With a majority of kids leaving the faith after they leave the nest, Christian parents need to prioritize establishing a biblical worldview in the lives of our children.   Our kids can’t keep what they don’t own, and they can’t own what they haven't received.    But how do we teach our kids the Christian worldview?   What foundational principles need to be covered and how do we break it down for young minds to grasp?   Catherine’s guest in this episode is an expert at teaching the Christian worldview to children. Elizabeth Urbanowicz holds a B.S. from Gordon College in Elementary Education and Spanish, an M.S.Ed. from Northern Illinois University in Literacy Education, and an M.A. in Christian Apologetics from Biola University.   Several years into her teaching experience, Elizabeth realized that despite being raised in Christian homes, attending a Christian school, and being active in church, her students thought more like the culture than like Christ. Elizabeth began searching for curricular materials that would equip her students to think critically, helping them discover that Christianity is the worldview that lines up with reality. After not finding materials that effectively met this need, she created a curriculum that did.   Foundation Worldview exists to equip Christian parents with the resources they need to train children to soundly interpret Scripture, carefully evaluate every idea they encounter, and understand the truth of the biblical worldview. Elizabeth firmly believes that the Christian youth exodus can be a thing of the past. When kids are equipped to soundly interpret Scripture, they will quickly develop a biblical worldview. When kids are taught to think well, they can carefully evaluate the messages they are exposed to each day.   To see clips from this interview and find inspiring supplemental quotes and posts, connect with Catherine on Instagram and Facebook . To receive updates about each new podcast and free resources like Scripture songs, Bible verses to pray over prodigal children, and a topical index of Scriptures for prayer, subscribe to Catherine’s website.   COUPON CODE: Use the coupon code “CPCW10” to get $10 off any family license with Foundation Worldview.   CPCW WORLDVIEW SERIES REFERENCED: EPISODE 6: 5 Reasons You Should Teach Your Kids about Other Worldviews EPISODE 7: What Worldviews Are Competing with Your Kids Faith? EPISODE 8: What Sets the Christian Worldview Apart from Other Worldviews? EPISODE 9: How Does the Christian Worldview Create a World We All Want To Live In   RESOURCES MENTIONED: “Only 4 Percent of Gen Z Have a Biblical Worldview”, Impact 360/Barna Research “Atheism Doubles Among Gen Z”, Barna Research “Do We Live in a Post-Modern Society?”, William Lane Craig   SCRIPTURE MENTIONED: John 18:37 John 14:6 John 1:1 Want more on Christian Apologetics for Parents? Visit Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
3/13/202341 minutes, 25 seconds
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How To Teach the Next Generation To Pray (with Erica Renaud) - Episode 56

There is no greater discipline that we can teach our children than the daily practice of prayer. Communing with our heavenly Father is the lifeblood of our faith.   But how do we teach our kids to pray?   Catherine wraps up this series on Gen Z by exploring that question.   Joining Catherine to discuss this vital topic is Erica Renaud, author of the brand new book Pray with Me: Help Your Children Engage in Authentic and Powerful Prayer. In addition to being a captivating speaker and writer, Erica is a mother five kids ages 18 to 6, and she is passionate about prayer.   Together, Catherine and Erica investigate what prayer is, why we pray, what prayer accomplishes, how to prepare for prayer, and how to respond when our prayers aren’t answered the way we hoped—all using terminology that your kids can understand. Their conversation is insightful, practical, encouraging, enlightening, and refreshing.   You don’t have to be an expert on prayer to teach your children how to pray... so breathe a sigh of relief, moms and dads! You just have to be willing to guide your kids on a journey to engage with God.   To see clips from this interview and find inspiring supplemental quotes and posts, connect with Catherine on Instagram and Facebook . To receive updates about each new podcast and free resources like Scripture songs, Bible verses to pray over prodigal children, and a topical index of Scriptures for prayer, subscribe to Catherine’s website.   OTHER EPISODES IN THIS SERIES: EPISODE 55: “The 5 Greatest Cultural Challenges Facing Gen Z” with Dr. Jonathan Morrow EPISODE 54: “5 Things Every Parent Needs to Know about Gen Z” with Dr. Jonathan Morrow EPISODE 53: “Practical Ways to Disciple Gen Z” with Dana Che   RESOURCES MENTIONED: Erica’s Website Erica’s Book: Pray with Me: Help Your Children Engage in Authentic and Powerful Prayer Erica’s Instagram and Facebook Pages   EPISODES ON PRAYER MENTIONED EPISODE 13: “4 Types of Prayer Every Believer Should Know” EPISODE 14: “How To Battle for Your Kids in Prayer” EPISODE 15: “What Should I Expect When I Battle in Prayer?”   BOOKS MENTIONED: Watchman Nee: Let Us Pray Watchman Nee: The Prayer and Ministry of the Church SCRIPTURE MENTIONED: 2 Chronicles 2:9   Want more on Christian Apologetics for Parents? Visit Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
2/27/202343 minutes, 1 second
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The 5 Greatest Cultural Challenges Facing Gen Z (with Dr. Jonathan Morrow) - Ep. 55

Every generation has faced challenges from the culture, but the intensity and ferocity of the challenges facing Gen Z is new. These challenges are pummeling the next generation like waves, one after another after another.   What are the cultural waves facing Gen Z?   We can’t respond to them if we don’t know what they are.   Joining Catherine again to discuss these cultural waves is Dr. Jonathan Morrow, the director of cultural engagement and student discipleship at Impact 360 Institute. Jonathan has been equipping students and parents in biblical worldview, apologetics, and culture for over 16 years and is passionate about seeing a new generation build a lasting faith. He holds a Master of Divinity, a Master of Philosophy of Religion and Ethics, and a Doctorate in Worldview and Culture from Talbot School of Theology. An adjunct professor of Christian apologetics at Biola University, Jonathan has authored several books on apologetics and resides near Atlanta with his wife of 20 years and three kids.   In this episode, Jonathan dives deep into his area of expertise to illuminate and connect these cultural waves. They are:   Scientism Relativism Tribalism Sexual Revolution 2.0 Progressive Christianity   Each successive wave builds on the one that precedes it. Understanding these waves will help parents, grandparents, mentors, and guides of Gen Z to better equip and disciple them.   To see clips from this interview and find inspiring supplemental quotes and posts, connect with Catherine on Instagram and Facebook . To receive updates about each new podcast and free resources like Scripture songs, Bible verses to pray over prodigal children, and a topical index of Scriptures for prayer, subscribe to Catherine’s website.   OTHER EPISODES IN THIS SERIES: EPISODE 54: “5 Things Every Parent Needs to Know about Gen Z” with Dr. Jonathan Morrow EPISODE 53: “Practical Ways to Disciple Gen Z” with Dana Che   RESOURCES MENTIONED: Jonathan Morrow’s website Impact 360 Institute BOOKS & ARTICLES MENTIONED:   The Magician’s Twin: C.S. Lewis on Science, Scientism, and Society by John G. West The “A Study Has Found…” Fallacy by Martin Cothran   BOOKS BY JONATHAN MORROW: Welcome to College: A Christ-Followers Guide for the Journey Questioning the Bible: 11 Major Challenges to the Bible’s Authority Is God Just a Human Invention?: And Seventeen Other Questions Raised by New Atheists Want more on Christian Apologetics for Parents? Visit Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
2/13/202344 minutes, 33 seconds
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5 Things Every Parent Needs to Know About Gen Z (with Dr. Jonathan Morrow) – Ep. 54

The gap between generations has never been greater. Understanding the unique aspects and challenges of Gen Z is vital if we want to reach this generation with the truth of the Christian worldview.   How well are we doing?   Recent statistics show that half of Gen Z children raised in the church are leaving the faith after they leave the nest, and recent research from Barna shows that only 4% of Gen Z has a Biblical worldview.   How do you disciple them?   How do you relate?   What obstacles do they face and how can you teach them to pray?   To answer those questions, Catherine launched a new 4-part series on Gen Z.   Joining her for the second installment is Dr. Jonathan Morrow, the director of cultural engagement and student discipleship at Impact 360 Institute. Jonathan has been equipping students and parents in biblical worldview, apologetics, and culture for over 16 years and is passionate about seeing a new generation build a lasting faith. He holds a Master of Divinity, a Master of Philosophy of Religion and Ethics, and a Doctorate in Worldview and Culture from Talbot School of Theology. An adjunct professor of apologetics at Biola University, Jonathan has authored several books on apologetics and resides near Atlanta with his wife of 20 years and three kids.   In this episode, Jonathan helps bridge the gap to Gen Z by sharing five things that every parent needs to know about this generation.   OTHER EPISODES IN THIS SERIES: EPISODE 54: “Practical Ways to Disciple Gen Z” with Dana Che   RESOURCES MENTIONED: Jonathan’s website Impact 360 Institute   BOOKS BY JONATHAN MORROW: Welcome to College: A Christ-Followers Guide for the Journey Questioning the Bible: 11 Major Challenges to the Bible’s Authority Is God Just a Human Invention?: And Seventeen Other Questions Raised by New Atheists   GUIDES MENTIONED: Gen Z: The Culture, Beliefs, and Motivations Shaping This Generation (Volume 1) Gen Z: Caring for Young Souls and Cultivating Resilience (Volume 2) RESEARCH: Barna Research: “Only 4 Percent of Gen Z Have a Biblical Worldview”   OTHER EPISODES MENTIONED: EPISODE 48: “How Do We Combat the Epidemic of Teen Suicide?” EPISODE 49: “What Can We Learn from a Survivor of Teen Suicide?”   *Note that in this interview I said “Hawkins and Dickens.” I meant to say “Hitchens and Dawkins.” Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
1/31/202340 minutes, 5 seconds
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Practical Ways to Disciple Gen-Z (with Dana Che) - Episode 53

Raising the next generation presents some very unique challenges. Recent statistics show that half of Gen Z children raised in the church are leaving the faith after they leave the nest. And recent research from Barna shows that only 4% of Gen Z has a Biblical worldview.   How do you disciple them?   How do you relate?   What obstacles do they face and how can you teach them to pray?   Catherine and her guests will answer all of those questions in this new 4-part series on Gen Z.   Joining her for the premier episode of this series is special guest Dana Che, marriage coach and host of Real Relationship Talk, a podcast that delivers authentic, inspirational relationship advice for your most intimate relationships. Dana, a mother of four Gen Z’rs, shares her relationship expertise and hard-earned advice on how to disciple the next generation through everyday conversations with your kids. She shows us how to make an infinite God relatable to our little ones while engaging our teens and adult children through the challenges all around them.   This episode is chocked full of practical advice, wisdom from a wealth of experience, and a lot of laughter as these two mamas get real about discipling Gen Z.   RESOURCES MENTIONED: Dana Che’s podcast and website:; Statistics on Gen Z:  4% have a Biblical worldview: Most leave the faith: “Unashamed” by LeCrae:   SCRIPTURES REFERENCED: Deuteronomy 11:18-21Psalm 103:7Hebrews 11:25Deuteronomy 30:19Psalm 103:14 Follow Catherine at her website and on Instagram and Facebook. Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
1/16/202343 minutes, 44 seconds
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12 Ways to Improve Your Relationship with Your Kids This Year - Episode 52

How can you eat better, sleep better, exercise better, work better, play better, spend better, save better, serve better, worship better, and pray better? Those are very good questions to ask at the beginning of a new year.   But how can you improve your relationship with your kids this year?   Now that’s a question to put at the top of the list.   In this special New Year’s episode, Catherine specifically talks about how we can improve our relationships with our kids.   CPCW spends a lot of time counteracting the onslaught of secular ideology and theology that is coming against our children in an attempt to subvert their faith, and that is critically important work for us to do. But we can’t really help our kids with those ideas if we don’t have a solid relationship with them to start with. So this episode is all about improving our relationship with our kids. Catherine offers 12 ways that you could do that—including the question every parent needs to ask their child—to provide a great way to start off the new year in our families.   To see clips from this interview and find inspiring supplemental quotes and posts, connect with Catherine on Instagram and Facebook . To receive updates about each new podcast and free resources like Scripture songs, Bible verses to pray over prodigal children, and a topical index of Scriptures for prayer, subscribe to Catherine’s website.   LINKS: Scripture list to pray over children:   EPISODES REFERENCED: Episode 22: “13 Ways To Be a Better Parent in 2022” Episode 13: “What Should I Expect When I Battle in Prayer” Episode 14: “How To Battle for Your Kids in Prayer” Episode 15: “What Should I Expect When I Battle in Prayer” Episode 37: “7 Ways To Bless Your Kids with Words” Episode 49: “How Do We Combat the Epidemic of Teen Suicide?” Episode 50: “What Can We Learn from a Survivor of Teen Suicide?”   GAMES REFERENCED: Apples to Apples: Settlers of Catan: Rummikub: Lost Cities:    Other Game Recommendations: For families: Do You Really Know Your Child? For couples: The Date Deck Bob Ross Stuffed Doll:   BOOK REFERENCED: “Praying God’s Word” by Beth Moore: SCRIPTURE REFERENCED: Numbers 6:24-26 Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
1/2/202328 minutes, 9 seconds
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5 Family-Centered Films for Christmas - Episode 51

Finding worthwhile holiday entertainment is quite a challenge these days. A recent list of “The Top 100 Christmas Movies of All Time” on Rotten Tomatoes placed a movie called “Tangerine” at number 4. Brace yourself for the description:   “After hearing that her boyfriend/pimp cheated on her while she was in jail, a transgender sex worker and her best friend set out to find him and teach him and his new lover a lesson.”   According to the largest movie review website in the world, this is the fourth-best Christmas movie OF ALL TIME. What exactly transgendered prostitution and revenge have to do with the birth of our Lord is unclear, but parents are certainly struggling to find family-friendly entertainment when this is what the film industry celebrates.   In this episode, Catherine offers five wholesome, family-centered Christmas movies for your viewing pleasure this holiday season. She has a recommendation for the kids, the guys, the girls, the couples, and the whole family.  Several of them have a strong Christian theme, and they are all off the beaten path making them truly “fresh.”   Merry Christmas from CPCW!   To see clips from this interview and find inspiring supplemental quotes and posts, connect with Catherine on Instagram and Facebook . To receive updates about each new podcast and free resources like Scripture songs, Bible verses to pray over prodigal children, and a topical index of Scriptures for prayer, subscribe to Catherine’s website.   Links: “The 100 Best Christmas Movies of All Time” according to Rotten Tomatos: CATHERINE’S KIDS’ PICK: “Journey to the Christmas Star” CATHERINE’S GUY’S PICK: “Joyeux Noel” (Merry Christmas) CATHERINE’S GIRL’S PICK: “The Christmas Candle” CATHERINE’S DATE NIGHT PICK: “The Family Man” CATHERINE’S FAMILY PICK: “The Nativity Story” Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
12/19/202228 minutes, 3 seconds
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Should We Baptize Our Babies? | Kainos Project

Baptism is an important part of being a Christian, regardless of your theological tradition. However, we can’t all seem to agree upon exactly how we’re supposed to do it. In this special episode, Catherine provides a special preview of Kainos Project, another podcast on the LifeAudio podcast network that's perfect for parents! Every week, hosts Dale and Tamara Chamberlain help you tackle ancient truths in everyday settings. Tune in to hear Dale and Tamara discuss the different traditions and beliefs surrounding baptism in the western Church, where they find their scriptural support, and how these views affect our faith and theology overall. LISTEN & FOLLOW KAINOS PROJECT: Apple Podcasts: Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
12/19/202258 minutes, 48 seconds
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What Can We Learn from a Survivor of Teen Suicide? (with Emma Benoit) - Episode 50

Did you know that 20 young people take their own lives every single day in the United States? Catherine recently sat down with one such teen for a two-part series on suicide. Emma Benoit had a picture-perfect life. She was a vibrant, beautiful 16-year-old varsity cheerleader whose secret battle with anxiety led her to take a gun, point it at her chest, and pull the trigger. Only 1% of people with self-inflicted gunshot wounds survive. Emma is in that 1%. She is an absolute miracle and an inspiration. Joining Catherine and Emma for this vital conversation is Jennifer Ellers, a Christian counselor, crisis responder, and trainer. Jennifer has authored a course on youth suicide and is an instructor of the American Association of Christian Counselor’s Hope-Focused 3-R Suicide Program. In Episode 49, part one of this series, Jennifer discussed the explosion of suicides occurring in very young children and shared the signs we should look for in kids under the age of twelve as Emma shared her journey leading up to the day that she attempted to end her life. This episode, part two of that interview, picks up just after Emma pulled the trigger. It focuses on the spiritual, mental, and physical aspects of suicide, the signs we should look for in older children, specific steps we can take to prevent suicide, and Emma’s recovery. According to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, a 2019 study revealed that 8.9% of youth in grades 9-12 reported that they had made at least one suicide attempt in the past twelve months. There has been a 33% increase in suicides since 1999. Suicide is now the 2nd leading cause of death in young people. Look for Catherine’s upcoming article on youth suicide to see all the signs parents should look for in their children and recommendations on how to prevent suicide in your family.   To see clips from this interview and find inspiring supplemental quotes and posts, connect with Catherine on Instagram and Facebook . To receive updates about each new podcast and free resources like Scripture songs, Bible verses to pray over prodigal children, and a topical index of Scriptures for prayer, subscribe to Catherine’s website. Links: Other Episodes in this Series: Episode 49 – “How Do We Combat the Epidemic of Teen Suicide? Emma Benoit Interview (Part One)” Suicide prevention hotline: call or text 988. (This 3-digit code, launched in July of 2022, will connect you to the national suicide hotline.) “My Ascension” the documentary: Emma Benoit/My Ascension Facebook group: American Association of Christian Counselors: American Foundation for Suicide Prevention Study: Kevin Hine’s story: Kevin Hines’ website: Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
12/12/202239 minutes, 24 seconds
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How Do We Combat the Epidemic of Teen Suicide? (with Emma Benoit) - Episode 49

Did you know that 20 young people take their own lives every single day in the United States? Catherine recently sat down with one such teen for a two-part series on suicide. Emma Benoit had a picture-perfect life. She was a vibrant, beautiful 16-year-old varsity cheerleader whose secret battle with anxiety led her to take a gun, point it at her chest, and pull the trigger. Only 1% of people with self-inflicted gunshot wounds survive. Emma is in that 1%. She is an absolute miracle and an inspiration.According to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, a 2019 study revealed that 8.9% of youth in grades 9-12 reported that they had made at least one suicide attempt in the past twelve months. There has been a 33% increase in suicides since 1999. Suicide is now the 2nd leading cause of death in young people. Joining Catherine and Emma for this vital conversation is Jennifer Ellers, a Christian counselor, crisis responder, and trainer. Jennifer has authored a course on youth suicide and is an instructor of the American Association of Christian Counselor’s Hope-Focused 3-R Suicide Program.In this episode (part one), Jennifer shares the signs we should look for in younger children (under the age of twelve) who are contemplating suicide as Emma share’s her journey leading up to the day that she attempted to end her life.Next week’s episode (part two) will focus on the spiritual, mental, and physical aspects of suicide, the signs we should look for in older children, specific steps we can take to prevent suicide, and Emma’s recovery.Look for Catherine’s upcoming article on youth suicide to learn all the signs parents should look for in their children and recommendations on how to prevent suicide in your family.SUICIDE PREVENTION HOTLINE:Simply call or text 988. This 3-digit code, launched in July of 2022, will connect you to the national suicide hotline.RESOURCES MENTIONED: “My Ascension” the documentary: Emma Benoit/My Ascension Facebook group: American Association of Christian Counselors: American Foundation for Suicide Prevention Study: Kevin Hine’s story: Kevine Hines’ website: Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
12/5/202233 minutes, 5 seconds
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How Our Culture is Distorting Sexuality and Harming Children - Episode 48

Just mentioning God’s plan for our sexuality has become hate speech these days. How did that happen? That question is answered as Catherine concludes this series on sexuality by discussing the overarching narratives that are competing with the Biblical view on sexuality. Also addressed is the sinister agenda taking place in our nation’s hospitals where children are being maimed in transitional surgeries disguised as “gender affirming care.” Joining Catherine again is Erin Barry, an author, speaker, counselor, and educational consultant. Erin has a bachelor’s degree in education, a master’s degree in counseling, and is working on her doctorate in Christian counseling with an emphasis on the topic of sexuality. Erin and her husband Brett are founders of The Home Educated Mind, a Christ-centered community dedicated to providing materials and support for Christian parents. As parents, we need to be proactive about discussing sexuality with our children because the world is selling them a message that is physically, spiritually, and mentally toxic. Our culture’s view on sexuality will destroy our kids’ relationships, their God-given purpose, and their God-given bodies.   To see clips from this interview and find inspiring supplemental quotes and posts, connect with Catherine on Instagram and Facebook . To receive updates about each new podcast and free resources like Scripture songs, Bible verses to pray over prodigal children, and a topical index of Scriptures for prayer, subscribe to Catherine’s website. OTHER EPISODES IN THIS SERIES:Episode 45—How Do We Help Our Kids Understand Biblical Sexuality: Episode 46—How Do We Talk To Our Kids about Biblical Sexuality: 47—What Is Our Culture Teaching Our Kids about Sexuality?: RESOURCES MENTIONED:Erin Barry’s website:“Strange New World” by Carl Trueman:“Love Your Neighbor Enough to Speak the Truth: A Response to Jen Hatmaker,” by Rosaria Butterfield:“Tucker Carlson: Hospitals Are Mutilating Children,”“Matt Walsh Investigates Nashville Gender Clinics,”“Long-term follow-up of transsexual persons undergoing sex reassignment surgery: cohort study in Sweden,” National Library of Medicine: “Tavistock clinic to be sued by 1,000 families,” The Christian Institute: “Tavistock transgender clinic could face mass legal action ‘from 1,000 families of children who claim they were rushed into taking life-altering puberty blockers’…” The Daily Mail:“Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters” by Abigail Shrier: Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
11/14/202234 minutes, 16 seconds
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What Is Our Culture Teaching Our Kids about Sexuality - Episode 47

Biblical sexuality and cultural sexuality are diametrically opposed to one another. Our kids are neck deep in a culture that says everything the Bible teaches on sexuality is not only wrong but oppressive, divisive, and hateful.As parents, we need to know what our culture is saying about sexuality. We must know where these ideas are coming from and how to talk to our kids about it.In part 3 of a 4-part series on sexuality, Catherine and her guest break down our culture’s definition of sexuality starting with the philosophical roots and ending with the barbaric fruits.Joining her again is Erin Barry, an author, speaker, counselor, and educational consultant. Erin has a bachelor’s degree in education, a master’s degree in counseling, and is working on her doctorate in Christian counseling with an emphasis on the topic of sexuality. Erin and her husband Brett are founders of The Home Educated Mind, a Christ-centered community dedicated to providing materials and support for Christian parents.You can find Erin's resources at: EPISODES IN THIS SERIES:Episode 45 - How Do We Help Our Kids Understand Biblical Sexuality: 46- How To Talk To Your Kids about Biblical Sexuality:—Connecting parents, teens, & Jesus in a disconnected world: “Homosexuality and the Christian: A Guide for Parents, Pastors, and Friends” by Mark Yarhouse: “The Difference between Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity” by Cydney Adams (Brendan Jordan quote) “Love Thy Body: Answering Hard Questions about Life and Sexuality” by Nancy R. Pearcey: “Transgressive,” Tucker Carlson: Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni quotes G.K. Chesterton: Full Quote from G.K. Chesterton: Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
11/7/202234 minutes, 54 seconds
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How To Talk To Your Kids about Biblical Sexuality - Episode 46

Some topics that CPCW covers are relevant to lot of parents and a lot of kids, but the topic of sexuality is relevant to ALL parents and ALL kids. We cannot escape this issue in our families and our friendship circles. So who defines our sexuality? Our celebrities, our politicians, our teachers and school administrators, our friends, our feelings… or God. If we want to call ourselves Christ followers, the answer to that question must be God because He designed our sexuality. And the parameters He places around it in His Word are not there to oppress us and deny our authentic selves. Those parameters exist to bless us and to bring us freedom. In part 2 of a 4-part series on sexuality, Catherine discusses the loving parameters that God places around our sexuality to protect us and how can we communicate Biblical sexuality to our kids. Joining her again is Erin Barry, an author, speaker, counselor, and educational consultant. Erin has a bachelor’s degree in education, a master’s degree in counseling, and is working on her doctorate in Christian counseling with an emphasis on the topic of sexuality. Erin and her husband Brett are founders of The Home Educated Mind, a Christ-centered community dedicated to providing materials and support for Christian parents.You can find Erin's resources at: REFERENCED AND CONSULTED:“Holy Sexuality” by Christopher Yuan: “God and the Gay Christian” by Matthew Vines: “Assessing God and the Gay Christian” by Joe Dallas:Part 1: Part 2: “Love Your Neighbor Enough to Speak the Truth” (a Response to Jen Hatmaker) by Rosaria Butterfield: “Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters” by Abigail Shrier: BOOKS ON DISCUSSING BIBLICAL SEXUALITY WITH YOUR KIDS: “How and When to Tell Your Kids about Sex: A Lifelong Approach to Shaping Your Child’s Sexual Character” by Stan and Brenna Jones:“The Talk: 7 Lessons to Introduce Your Child to Biblical Sexuality” by Luke Gilkerson: SCRIPTURES REFERENCED:Genesis 1:27-28John 3:17Leviticus 18:22, 20:131 Corinthians 6:11 Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
10/31/202231 minutes, 41 seconds
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How Do We Help Our Kids to Understand Biblical Sexuality? - Episode 45

Your kids cannot go into a public restroom these days, turn on the television, go to school, or play high school or collegiate sports without being confronted with the question of sexuality. Who defines it? Our politicians, our celebrities, our educators, our feelings… or God? This is the most relevant cultural issue of our day. The question of sexuality goes to the very core of who we are as human beings. Are we made in our own image according to our own feelings, or are we made in God’s image according to His design?In this first episode of a four-part series on sexuality, Catherine digs into what God has to say about our sexuality. We need to be having discussions with our kids about this topic because the world is. Our voice needs to be a trusted source of truth for our kids to navigate the dangerous secular landmine of their sexual identity. Joining Catherine for this vitally important discussion is Erin Barry, an author, speaker, counselor, and educational consultant. Erin has an M.A. in counseling and works professionally as both a counselor and consultant, and she is working on her doctorate in counseling where she is specializing in the field of sexuality. Erin and her husband Brett have founded the “The Home Educated Mind,” a Christ-centered community dedicated to providing materials and support for Christian parents. You can find Erin's resources at: REFERENCED AND CONSULTED:Books:“Gay Girl, Good God: The Story of Who I Was, and Who God Has Always Been,” by Jackie Hill Perry: “Mama Bear Apologetics Guide to Sexuality: Empowering Your Kids to Understand and Live Out God's Design” by Hillary Morgan Ferrer: Articles:“Why We Should Reconsider What the Bible Really Says about Women in Ministry,” by Catherine Segars:“Does Scripture Oppress of Liberate Women?” by Catherine Segars: SCRIPTURES REFERENCED:Gen. 1:27-28Micah 6:4 Judges 4Song of Solomon 1:2CONTACT:To find out more about Erin Barry and HOME (The Home Educated Mind), visit or email Erin at You can contact Catherine by email at, Instagram at, and Facebook at Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
10/24/202231 minutes, 15 seconds
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Have You Or Your Kids Been Wounded in the Church? - Episode 44

Sometimes we can feel like the walking wounded in the church. Some people will jump from church to church trying to forget their wounds. Others will leave the church altogether. The injuries we incur in these close quarters can follow us around for a lifetime if we let them.In this episode, Catherine talks about the wounds that can happen when we walk closely with other believers in the church. She also reveals the central role that the church plays in our lives as believers and in the world, because knowing that divine design helps us to stay planted when we are tempted to leave. Then Catherine offers FOUR STEPS you can take when you or your kids have been wounded in the church. When we realize how important the church is for our individual purpose in life, we can make sense of why we get wounded there. The answer isn’t remaining a Christian casualty. The answer is finding healing through God in the church.PODCASTS MENTIONED:“The Rise and Fall of Mars Hills” podcast by Christianity Today: Episode 43: “Why Does Abuse Happen in the Church?” Episode 17: “How To Discover Your Purpose in Life” RESOURCES MENTIONED:Mark Driscoll quote: “Abuse in the SBC: Why It Happened and Where We Find Hope” “Driven by Eternity” by John Bevere: “When Narcissism Comes to Church” by Dr. Chuck DeGroat: “When Godly People Do Ungodly Things” by Beth Moore: “Bait of Satan” by John Bevere: SCRIPTURES REFERENCED:Psalm 92:12-13Hebrews 10:25Matthew 16:18 Ephesians 2:19-22Isaiah 61:3 Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
10/10/202226 minutes, 58 seconds
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Why Does Abuse Happen in the Church?--Episode 43

Abuse in the church is hard to understand ourselves, much less to explain to our kids. But we need to have these conversations. CHRISTIAN PARENT/CRAZY WORLD focusses on topics that can build our kid’s faith or tear it down. This is most certainly one of those dangerous topics that can tear down their faith as they get older, causing them to leave the church and Christianity altogether.Why does this happen?In this episode, Catherine looks at an underlying root cause, and then she points us towards we want and need to offer to our kids—that is hope and healing.RESOURCES CITED:“Growing Home Together” Podcast with Rob and Joanna Teigen: ARTICLES CITED:“Abuse in the SBC: Why It Happened and Where We Find Hope,” “The Ugly Truth the MacArthur/Moore Controversy Reveals,”“Southern Baptist Convention Leaders Mishandled Sexual Abuse Allegations, Report Says,” ARTICLES/SOURCES REFERENCED: Beth Moore Leaving the SBC:“Ravi Zacharias Hid Hundreds of Pictures of Women, Abuse During Massages, and a Rape Allegation,”“Bombshell ‘Hillsong’ doc details sex scandals that battered celeb megachurch,”“Sexual Harassment Went Unchecked at Christianity Today,”“Misconduct allegations against Willow Creek founder Bill Hybels are credible, independent report finds,”“The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill” Podcast,“John MacArthur’s Church Supported Convicted Child Abuser & Pedophile, Records Show,” Acton’s Quotes:“Are Parents Being Tagged As ‘Domestic Terrorists’ by the FBI? Justice Department Needs to Show Its Cards,” CITED: John 17:1-2Genesis 11:6Psalm 82:3Isaiah 1:17Matthew 23:27-28 2 Corinthians 5:10 Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
9/26/202228 minutes, 23 seconds
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Three Steps to Take When You Or Your Kids Are Judged - Episode 42

Being under the scrutiny of a fellow believer is such a painful place to be. And when someone judges our kids, we often feel it more than they do. If we don’t deal with the judgements of others properly, the wounds can lead us and our kids away from the body of Christ and from the faith.Judging is going to happen in the church, and as we have learned in this series, that is by design. We are supposed to keep one another accountable, and we need to respond properly.Catherine gives the most practical advice yet in this final episode on judging by properly defining the criteria of a Godly judgement. Then Catherine show us how to respond when we are judged. SCRIPTURES CITED IN THIS SERIES:Hebrews 4:12-131 Corinthians 5:1-13Psalm 139:23-24Psalm 51:10-12Proverbs 27:6Galatians 2:11—212 Peter 3:15Luke 23:34OTHER EPISODES IN THIS SERIES:Episode 39: Have You Ever Been Judged by Other Christians? Episode 40: Is It Ever Right to Judge Others? Episode 41: Six Problems When We Encounter When It Comes to Judging Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
9/12/202224 minutes, 16 seconds
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Six Problems We Encounter When It Comes to Judging - Episode 41

As parents, we have to judge the actions of our kids. And we live in families, neighborhoods, communities, and churches where we hold each other accountable. So sometimes that requires us to assess the actions of other people. (Especially the little people who live with us.) We have to consider the fruit in people’s lives, as Jesus said to do. And they have to do that with us as well.But in that process, there can be some problems. If not done properly, judging can create wounds in our lives and in the lives of our kids. We want to avoid these pitfalls, so we need to address them head on.In this episode, Catherine continues in a series on judging by discussing the problems we encounter when it comes to examining the lives of others. They are:1. Judging the motive, not the action.2. Adding to God’s standard.3. Judging without love.4. Judging with grace.5. Thinking that stating God’s standard is judging.6. Not judging at all.Knowing these difficulties can help us to avoid some serious spiritual hazards and heal from relationship wounds.SCRIPTURES CITED:Matthew 7:1-31 Corinthians 5:9-13Luke 19:11-12Psalm 103:12John 8:1-11EPISODES CITED:Episode 11: What Does It Mean to Speak the Truth in Love? OTHER EPISODES IN THIS SERIES:Episode 39: Have You Ever Been Judged by Other Christians? Episode 40: Is It Ever Right to Judge Others? Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
9/5/202225 minutes, 44 seconds
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Is It Ever Right to Judge Others? - Episode 40

Some would say that it’s never right to judge another person. Others say that it is. So which is it? At some point in our Christian walk, we are going to be judged by other believers, and so will our kids. It is important that we know what Scripture says about this issue.In this episode, Catherine continues in a series on judging by examining what the Bible has to say on this critical topic. Everyone knows Christ’s instruction to “judge not lest ye be judged,” but most people don’t know that just after these words, Jesus told us to examine the fruit coming from the lives of fellow believers. And the Apostle Paul gives us some vital guidelines on judging as well. Join Catherine to discover the when, where, why, and how of judging. SCRIPTURES CITED:1 Corinthians 5:5, 9-13Matthew 7:1-3, 15-20SOURCES CITED:CPCW Episode 26: What Every Parent Needs to Know About the Prodigal Child: EPISODES IN THIS SERIES:Episode 39: Have You Ever Been Judged by Other Christians?: Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
8/29/202220 minutes, 33 seconds
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Have You Ever Been Judged by Other Christians? - Episode 39

We’ve all come under the scrutiny of others, and so have our kids. When we are judged by other Christians, the pain can be acute. It can lead us away from God and the faith. Catherine begins a new series on judging by establishing a proper foundation of God’s overwhelming love before we dissect someone’s behavior. Then she examines the pain that ungodly judgments can cause. With those critical prerequisites in mind, Catherine begins to unpack what Scripture has to say about judging other people. This series will bring a lot of insight, hope, and healing to parents and kids dealing with the pain of judgment from others. SCRIPTURES CITED:Matthew 18:6Romans 5:8Luke 15Romans 8:35-39Matthew 7:1-3Romans 7:7SOURCES CITED:Episode 4: Is Christian Just a Religion of Do’s and Don’ts?: of Satan: Living Free from the Deadly Trap of Offense by John Bevere: Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
8/22/202223 minutes, 58 seconds
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How Do Our Words Form a Legacy for Our Children? - Episode 38

Catherine concludes this uplifting series on the power of our words by pulling the lens way back to show how our words water the seeds of legacy in our kids’ lives. In this episode, Catherine travels to the future, to a place where all our hard parenting work is done. All the seeds are planted. All the water has poured out of us onto those little seeds, and these precious plants are strong and vibrant. The fruit growing out of their lives is bold and beautiful. And these plants are blessing others. They are blessing us. That may seem like a long way off, but when you are in the thick of a long journey, you need to be reminded of the destination, because those sweet reminders keep us going. “Teach us to realize the brevity of life, so that we may grow in wisdom… Let us, your servants, see you work again; let our children see your glory.” (Psalm 91:12, 16)SCRIPTURES CITED:Proverbs 18:21Deuteronomy 11:18-21Psalm 90:12, 16OTHER EPISODES IN THIS SERIES:Episode 36: How Powerful Are Our Words in the Lives of Our Kids?: 37: 7 Ways to Bless Your Kids with Words: CITED:Blog: Sing to Me by Catherine Segars: 14 (testimony): How To Battle for Your Kids in Prayer: Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
8/15/202221 minutes, 1 second
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Seven Ways to Bless Your Kids with Words - Episode 37

Words can change the course of a life. They can build dreams, or they can break them. Proverbs 18:21 says, “The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.” We want our words to produce healthy fruit in the lives of our children. But how can we do that specifically?In this refreshing episode, Catherine offers seven ways to bless your kids with words. As a parent, you need to:1.Speak into your kids’ strengths.2.Speak into your kids’ weaknesses.3.Thank your children for what they do well.4.Ask God to give you a life verse for your child.5.Ask God to give you a specific word of encouragement for your child.6.Write a note of encouragement for your child7.Speak this blessing over your child.SCRIPTURES REFERENCED:Proverbs 18:212 Corinthians 2:9Psalm 46:4SOURCES CITED:“Olympic Memories of Wilma Rudolf/Doctor Said She Could Not Walk, So She Ran,” Sports Café: Blessing with Kari Jobe & Cody Carnes: A Father’s Blessing by John Paul Jackson: CITED:Episode 14: “How to Battle for Your Kids in Prayer”: on Catherine’s website to receive a special copy of John Paul Jackson’s blessing for your child. Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
8/8/202226 minutes, 25 seconds
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How Powerful Are Our Words in the Lives of Our Kids? - Episode 36

A little boy whose dreams were dashed by the words of a teacher. A young man whose aspirations were ignited by the words of a co-worker. A poor child who believed he could be anything if he kept reading because his illiterate mom said so. These are some of the incredible stories that Catherine brings to life in this uplifting series on the power of our words. Words are weighty. They can shape the course of a life.Scripture tells us that “Life and death are in the power of the tongue.” Proverbs 18:21Our tongues can be a megaphone we use to cheer our kids on in their purpose and calling in life, or they can be a sword that cuts them down, that brings death to their destiny. We’ve got to speak life over our kids because what we tell our kids sticks. The good and the bad.Join Catherine in this uplifting series on how impacting our words can be in the lives of our kids. RESOURCES CONSULTEDSean Dietrich, a.k.a. “Sean of the South”: Personal Memoir - and Dr. Ben Carson’s story: VERSE:Proverbs 18:21FOLLOW CATHERINE:Email questions or answers to Catherine Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
7/25/202219 minutes, 24 seconds
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What Do We Do with the Parts of Scripture We Still Don’t Understand? – Episode 35

In this episode, Catherine wraps up this series on dealing with the difficult parts of the Bible by addressing those parts of Scripture we still don’t understand. Let’s be honest—sometimes Scripture does say what we want it to say. What is the point of these passages dealing with rape, slavery, and murder? Issues like these frequently come up when discussing the Christian faith with unbelievers and with our kids. They wonder how we can overlook such things.We shouldn’t.We should wrestle with these sections of Scripture. We must not change them. We must not discard them. We must study and question and pray and wring our hands. Often when we do, we will find answers rendered more precious because of the journey it took to find them. Join Catherine in this divine search for answers to the tough questions in the Bible.EPISODES IN THIS SERIES:Episode 31: Why Does the Bible Say… Fill in the Blank? – 32: How Can Parents Deal with the Difficult Parts of Scripture? - Episode 33: Is the God of the Old Testament a Monster? - 34: How Can We Help Our Kids Understand Who God Is? - MENTIONED:Article: “How Do I Deal with the Terribly Disturbing Parts of Scripture?” - “Where Does the Evidence Lead? What Darwin Didn’t Know.” - “Jonathan Wells: Zombie Science Keeps Pushing Junk DNA Myth” - “There’s Nothing Blind about Faith,” by Alister McGrath - SCRIPTURES MENTIONED:The Rape of Tamar: 2 Samuel 13The Levite Concubine: Judges 19-20Jesus allows divorce: Matthew 19:8Love your neighbor as yourself: Mark 12:311 Corinthians 13:9-12Proverbs 25:2 Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
7/12/202220 minutes, 21 seconds
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How Can We Help Our Kids Understand Who God Is? - Episode 34

Catherine continues in a series on dealing with the difficult parts of Scripture by discussing two often misunderstood aspects of God’s nature: his mercy and his justice. These attributes are opposite ends of the divine pendulum. If we don’t understand them, we don’t understand who God is. We must properly comprehend these parts of God’s character if we want to prevent our kids from falling for the mischaracterizations of God that abound in our culture. In a tour through literature that ends with a fascinating story from a world-renowned theologian, Catherine unpacks these beautiful attributes of God. He is passionately concerned about justice, but he is equally if not more concerned about mercy. Time and time and time again we see that God forgoes justice and gives mercy. Mercy literally runs through God’s veins. But God does not force his mercy upon us. If we don’t choose to receive God’s mercy, we will receive his justice. We must teach our kids that God is merciful and He is just. How he interacts with us is up to us. So, we must teach our kids to choose wisely.OTHER EPISODES IN THIS SERIES:Episode 31: Why Does the Bible Say… Fill in the Blank? – 32: How Can Parents Deal with the Difficult Parts of Scripture? - Episode 33: Is the God of the Old Testament a Monster? - for the Merchant of Venice:’s Speech:“Holiness and Justice” by Dr. R. C. Sproul: SCRIPTURES CITED:Psalm 82:3Isaiah 1:17Micah 6:8Jeremiah 1:5Psalm 139Psalm 56:8Genesis 16:1-16 (Story of Hagar)FOLLOW CATHERINE:Email questions or answers to Catherine: Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
7/4/202223 minutes, 11 seconds
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Is the God of the Old Testament a Monster? – Episode 33

There are many out there who would mischaracterize God. We need to prepare our kids for these mischaracterizations of God. We must not ignore, sanitize, or downplay the difficult parts of Scripture. We must address them head on and give our kids an accurate understanding of who God is.If we read the Old Testament honestly, we will see a God of great compassion and mercy. A God who pleads with his people to choose wisely. A God who continually points to his plan of salvation for all mankind – Jesus. And Jesus continually points back to God in the Old Testament. You can’t separate the God of the Old Testament and Jesus. “Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” - John 14:6OTHER EPISODES IN THIS SERIES:Episode 31: Why Does the Bible Say… Fill in the Blank? – 32: How Can Parents Deal with the Difficult Parts of Scripture? - RESOURCES MENTIONED:A New Kind of Apologist by Sean McDowell: Mary Film Trailer: Mrs. Doubtfire Film Trailer: Dawkins Quote: 4: Is Christianity Just a Religion of Do’s and Don’ts?: CATHERINE:Email questions or answers to Catherine: Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
6/27/202220 minutes, 27 seconds
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How Can Parents Deal with the Difficult Parts of Scripture? – Episode 32

Catherine continues in her series on dealing with difficult parts of Scripture with installment two. In this episode, Catherine applies the practical guidelines that she gave in episode 31 to a difficult story from the Bible that led a young college-age Christian to abandon his faith. Our kids are getting blindsided by parts of the Bible that they haven’t heard or haven’t properly considered, and this is causing many young believers to leave the faith.We need to help our kids find reasonable, rational answers for why the Bible is true. As you walk with Catherine through this difficult part of Scripture, you will learn how to provide those answers yourself.GUIDELINES for dealing with the difficult part of Scripture:1. Take away the ambush.2. Don’t ignore the question.3. Don’t downplay the question.4. Pray about it.5. Get to work. (Research)6. Stand on what you know.7. Wrestle out loud.RESOURCES MENTIONED:Episode 31: Why does the Bible Say… Fill in the Blank?: New Kind of Apologist by Sean McDowell, Chapter 6: “Don’t Blame Us, It’s in the Bible” by Dan Kimball: REFERENCED:- James 1:5- The Exodus & the ten plagues: Exodus 1-12- Herod’s massacre of the innocent: Matthew 2:1-18- Exodus 1:22- Galatians 6:7-9 Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
6/15/202226 minutes, 34 seconds
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Why Does the Bible Say… Fill in the Blank? - Episode 31

There is stuff in the Bible that is hard to understand and difficult to explain. And too often, the first time many Christian kids encounter these difficult parts of the Bible is when an atheist professor brings them up in a class, or a friend who is a secular humanist challenges them in the cafeteria or at work. Kids are getting blindsided because they didn’t cover those topics in Sunday School or in their youth group. Moms and dads, we aren’t doing our kids any favors when we skip these parts of the Bible. In this episode, Catherine discusses what can happen when our kids get questions about parts of the Bible that they’ve never considered or even heard before. Then she offers 7 practical guidelines on how to approach these sections of Scripture with your kids.GUIDELINES: 1. Take away the ambush. 2. Don’t ignore the question.3 .Don’t downplay the question. 4. Pray about it.5. Get to work. (Research)6. Stand on what you know.7. Wrestle out loud. ARTICLES & PODCASTS MENTIONED:1. “How Do I Deal with the Terribly Disturbing Parts of Scripture?”: 2. “Why Does the Bible Tell Women to be Silent and Not to Teach?”: “Christian Kids Are Leaving the Faith. What Can We Do About It?”: CPCW Episode 2: “What is the Key for Our Kids to Have an Authentic Faith?”: 5. CPCW Episode 3: “How Do I Teach My Kids to Contend for Their Faith?”: RESOURCES CITED:A New Kind of Apologist by Sean McDowell: The Questions Christians Hope No One Will Ask by Mark Mittelberg: CITED:James 1:5FOLLOW CATHERINE:Email questions or answers to Catherine Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
5/31/202226 minutes, 20 seconds
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Is It Okay to Question God and The Christian Faith? – Episode 30

In this episode, Catherine tackles a question that every parent needs to have firmly settled: is it ok to question God and the Christian faith? Kids are coming home from school, extracurricular activities, higher education, work, or even church with serious questions about their beliefs. This is a good thing. But how do you handle that? How do we help our kids with these difficult topics? How do we encourage them to seek answers?Catherine answers those questions in this episode of CHRISTIAN PARENT/CRAZY WORLD. And she gives some critically important advice on how to prepare for the tough conversations that inevitably arise in our parenting.*REFERENCES CITED:The Lee Strobel Center for Evangelism and Applied Apologetics at Colorado Christian University: Case for Christ by Lee Strobel: Case for Christ for Kids by Lee Strobel: Case for Christ Movie DVD: Apologetics: A Comprehensive Case for Biblical Faith by Dr. Douglas Groothuis:*SCRIPTURE REFERENCED:Acts 17Job 38Luke 1:18Luke 1:38Proverbs 25:2*FOLLOW CATHERINE: Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
5/16/202229 minutes, 25 seconds
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7 Guidelines for Challenging Our Culture – Episode 29

When it comes to defending your faith, you don’t always need to play defense. Sometimes you need to go on the offense. These 7 guidelines will help you and your kiddos challenge cultural lies and lead others to the truth. You and your children need to:1. Always define your terms.2. Question everything.3. Challenge labels. (Don’t label and discard.)4. Don’t Cancel. Instead, consult.5. Don’t censor lies. Defeat lies with the truth.6. Use the boycott wisely. 7. Go directly to the original source.Moms and dads, let’s be a force for good in the way we engage others to think and act!ARTICLES REFERENCED OR CONSULTED:6 Guidelines for Challenging Our Culture: York Post: “Judge Jackson declines to define ‘woman,’ says she’s ‘not a biologist’,”: News: “Columbia student who escaped North Korea says she sees similarities in the US”: Library: “Learning Voices of the Holocaust”: United Holocaust Memorial Museum: “Adolf Hitler Issues Comment on the “Jewish Question”: The Independent: “Jen Psaki Urges Spotify to take further action on Joe Rogan: ‘More can be done’”: New York Post: “The White House Is Spreading Vile Lies about the ‘Don’t Say Gay’ Bill”: PODCASTS REFERENCED:Episode 19: 6 Guidelines to Living a Counter-Cultural Life: REFERENCED: Ephesians 6:12**Follow Catherine:Instagram: Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
5/2/202234 minutes, 7 seconds
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Can Our Words Change the Future? – Episode 28

How powerful are our words? Can they change the future? In this episode of CPCW, Catherine takes a fascinating, prophetic look at how words have the power to shape reality in the past, present, and future. Our leaders are using words to confuse and distort reality. But as faith-filled parents, we can use our words through prayer to effect change in our lives, in our kid’s lives, and in the world. When our words have the power of TRUTH behind them, God’ truth in His Word, and when they are connected to His will—things can change. Radically.Let hope stir within you, moms and dads. Do our words have the power to change the future? You be they do. If our words are backed with the Word of God and the will of God, they can change everything for the better. So speak to the wall that your child is facing and command it to come down in the name of Jesus.SCRIPTURES REFERENCED:Proverbs 18:21Genesis 1:3Romans 4:17Galatians 6:9Scripture List to pray over your children: REFERENCED:The Glenn Beck Show: Episode 136, “How the War In Ukraine Fast Tracks the Great Reset” (starting at 1:09): Truth Series:Episode 23: WHAT IS THE BIGGEST THREAT TO OUR FAITH AND OUR CULTURE TODAY? We established that truth is central and foundational to the Christian faith. 24: WHAT IS THE ENEMY’S GREATEST WEAPON OF MASS DESTRUCTION IN OUR LIVES? The greatest WMD in Satan’s toolbox is the lie. Words are powerful. God created the entire universe through the spoken word, which is precisely why the enemy wants to attack truth by redefining words. And his favorite thing to do is to take a word and make it mean its opposite. Episode 25: HOW DID WE END UP WITH 50+ GENDERS AND DRAG QUEEN STORY HOUR? In this episode, we discussed nominalism, a philosophical doctrine that says there is no such thing as universal truth so there is no such thing as universals in reality. 26: WHAT EVERY PARENT NEEDS TO KNOW ABOUT THE PRODIGAL CHILD. This vital episode brings some much needed truth to our parenting by discussing the four stages of parenting and sharing the most important question you could ever ask your child. Other podcasts mentioned:Episode 14: HOW TO BATTLE FOR YOUR KIDS IN PRAYER: 13: FOUR TYPES OF PRAYER EVERY BELIEVER SHOULD KNOW ARTICLES REFERENCED:New York Post: “Judge Jackson declines to define ‘woman,’ says she’s ‘not a biologist’” Read here: Books by Dutch Sheets on prayer: Intercessory Prayer: How God Can Use Your Prayers to Move Heaven and Earth: in Prayer: Praying with Power and Purpose: Prayer: Protecting Your Family, Home, and Community from the Enemy's Schemes: REFERENCED:Ronald Reagan’s 1987 “Tear Down This Wall” Speech Listen here: Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
4/18/202232 minutes, 43 seconds
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What Do Christian Apologetics and Nashville Hot Chicken Have in Common? – Episode 27

Get to know Catherine better in this wacky bonus episode of CP/CW as she shares a very fun and lively interview with Larry Roberts from the recent Spark Media Conference in Nashville, TN. Hear more about her background, how the podcast started, her passion for Christian apologetics, her two miraculous trips to the maternity ward in her 40s, and more than you ever wanted to know about Nashville hot chicken. What do Christian apologetics and Nashville hot chicken have in common? Tune in to find out.Resources Cited: Catherine: Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
4/4/202228 minutes, 14 seconds
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What Every Parent Needs to Know about the Prodigal Child – Episode 26

What Every Parent Needs to Know about the Prodigal Child – Episode 26*CONGRATULATIONS to CHRISTIAN PARENT/CRAZY WORLD for being named the 2022 Best Kids and Family Podcast by Spark Media.* Catherine brings some much-needed truth to our perspective on parenting in this episode of CPCW by discussing what is the parent’s responsibility, what is the child’s responsibility, and what is God’s responsibility. By addressing the four stages of a child’s development, Catherine delineates the proper role of the parent throughout your child’s life. And Catherine will share what is the greatest question you could ever ask your child. The fact is, some kids are hardwired to do things the hard way. They are made to push the boundaries. By examining God’s response to the wandering child in Scripture, we can gain clarity, insight, direction, and hope as parents in our pursuit of godliness ourselves. RESOURCES MENTIONED:“What Every Parent Needs to Know about the Prodigal Child” Parenting by Russell Moore and Phillip Bethancourt: CITED:The Prodigal Son: Luke 15The Fall: Genesis 3PODCASTS REFERENCED: Episode 4: “Is Christianity Just a Religion of Do’s and Don’ts”: 12: “What To Do if Your Child Walks Away from the Faith”: 14: “How To Battle for Your Kids in Prayer”: Catherine: Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
3/21/202234 minutes, 56 seconds
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How Did We End Up With 50+ Genders and Drag Queen Story Hour? – Episode 25

Catherine continues in a series on truth by examining another way that the enemy is attacking the Christian faith and the next generation. In this episode, Catherine connects the dots between a prominent philosophical movement and the current state of gender and sexuality in our culture. The influence of nominalism has led not only to the denial of universal truth, but the denial of universals in reality. This denial is having a tremendous impact on society and our children, especially in the area of sexual identity and gender.The Christian faith is not a nominalist doctrine. It is a faith that supports universal concepts in reality—universal truth being chief among them. As parents, we need to teach our kids that Jesus is truth and truth is universal, and therefore there are universal truths all around us. There are trees and clouds and cats and dogs. There are boys and girls. These aren’t just names that we’ve forced onto things and people—they are truths that correspond to reality, the reality that God created. Equally true is the fact that there is a God who loves us no matter what we believe or what we do. And because God loves us, He wants us to walk in the truth. Because when we don’t walk in the truth, we hurt ourselves and others. We must teach our children what is true, and we must teach them to love like Jesus. Don’t forget to leave a review of CPCW on both Apple Podcasts and Spotify!WORK CITED:Drag Quest Story Hour: Scripture Oppress or Liberate Women?: K. Chesterton Quote: 11: What Does It Mean to Speak the Truth in Love?: 8:32WORKS CONSULTED:Socratic Logic by Peter KreeftIs It Possible to be a Christian and a Modern Feminist?: Amendment: Women’s Suffrage, Violence in the United States, Athletes Like Lia Thompson are Destroying Women’s Sports, New York Post: Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
3/3/202234 minutes, 49 seconds
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What Is the Enemy’s Greatest Weapon of Mass Destruction in Our Lives? – Episode 24

Catherine continues in a series on truth with this second installment, which identifies the leading way that the enemy tricks Believers. Truth is the central issue of the Christian faith—it is the primary reason Christ came to earth, and yet nearly half of all born again Christians do not believe in universal truth. The enemy has a plan to twist and contort the truth, and in this episode, Catherine examines his tactics by peering into his playbook. She will take you on a tour of history, literature, current media trends, and even a classic hymn, all the while using theological truth as our guide to uncover the enemy’s greatest weapon of mass destruction in our lives. Teach your children to see what the enemy is doing. Let your home be a place where truth reigns supreme.SPARK MEDIA FAN AWARDS: Nominate CHRISTIAN PARENT/CRAZY WORLD for a Spark Fan Award in the categories of “Best Female Podcast” and “Best Solo Podcast.”’t forget to leave a review of CPCW on both Apple Podcasts and Spotify!WORKS REFERENCED:CW Article: “What is the Biggest Threat to Our Faith and Our Culture Today?”: Headlines: “58 Percent of Americans Believe Moral Truth ‘Is Up to Each Individual,’ New Poll Finds”: by George OrwellCNN Story: “Fiery But Mostly Peaceful Protests After Police Shooting”: Federalist: “Death Toll Rises to Estimated 30 Since ‘Mostly Peaceful Protests’ Began”: Luther: “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God”: SCRIPTURES REFERENCED:John 18:37John 8:44Genesis 3:1, 4John 3:5Matthew 26:65Acts 6:11Follow Catherine:Instagram: Image Credit: Getty/z_wei Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
2/14/202230 minutes, 43 seconds
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What Is The Biggest Threat to Our Faith and Our Culture Today? – Episode 23

In this episode, Catherine identifies the greatest threat to our faith and our culture today. That threat involves an attack on something that is so central, so foundational to our faith, that to attack it is to attack the very core of who we are as Christians. Truly, it is an attack on Christ Himself. This threat is leading to an erosion of both our faith and our culture, and it is leading to the massive youth exodus from the church that we have been trying to assuage since episode 1 of this podcast.But first, Catherine asks this question: “Why did Jesus come into the world?” The answer to that question is central to our faith, and it shows us why the biggest threat to our faith and culture is what it is today.Nominate CHRISTIAN PARENT/CRAZY WORLD for a Spark Fan Award in the categories of “Best Female Podcast” and “Best Solo Podcast.” Cited:“What is the Biggest Threat to Our Faith and Our Culture” on the Family: The Truth Project (Digital, Small Group Curriculum CDs): Headlines: “58 Percent of Americans Believe Moral Truth ‘Is Up to Each Individual,’ New Poll Finds”: Headlines: “Record Low 6% of Americans Adhere to a Biblical Worldview, New Study Shows”: Research Center: “American World Inventory 2020—At a Glance”: Chronicle: “Evangelical, Fundamentalist, and Born Again Aren’t the Same”: Referenced: John 18:37Genesis 3:1John 1:1, 14John 14:6Hebrews 13:8Malachi 3:6Numbers 23:9Deuteronomy 30:19-20***Follow Catherine:Instagram: Image Credit: Getty/Svitlana Tytska Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
1/31/202233 minutes, 3 seconds
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13 Ways to Be a Better Parent in 2022 – Episode 22

This is Catherine’s most practical podcast yet. In this insightful episode, Catherine helps you leave behind the old and embrace the new in 2022 with a “Dashboard for Life,” which is a report card containing 13 gauges on how to improve in the new year. Catherine walks you through how to examine your faith life, your marriage or dating life, your family life, and nine other areas by offering simple, everyday guidance on how to make effective and lasting change. This powerful tool for self-assessment will help all of your relationships, especially your parenting relationships. But most of all, it will help improve your relationship with God, and when that relationship is better, all of your relationships are better. NOW, with each and every one of these gauges, don’t just write something down on how to improve. Our methods, our remedies often fall short. Ask God. And listen to His prompting. See what He has to say. Because He has the remedy that really works.To get the “Dashboard for Life” Report Card, subscribe on Catherine’s website: RESOURCES MENTIONED:Chris Hodges’ Sermon, The Best Teacher, Dec. 26, 2021: class: Financial Peace University: One Year Bible: Paperback: Reading Plans: Application Bible: 17 of our show - “How To Discover Your Purpose in Life,” Gifts & Personality tests: mentioned:Psalm 100:4; Psalm 51:10; Romans 8:28; Proverbs 29:18; 2 Corinthians 10:5Episode Image Credit: Getty/gvardgraph Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
1/17/202234 minutes, 22 seconds
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Why Are So Many People Obsessed with Hallmark Films? – Episode 21

The Hallmark Channel has found a cash cow with their Countdown to Christmas, attracting around 80 million viewers during the 8-week event. These films are a cultural phenomenon. Why are they so popular? After all, they are predictable and a little cheesy. Why do we love them so much?Catherine has a theory on that, which is both enlightening and entertaining. The answer is very significant both culturally and spiritually. In this episode of CHRISTIAN PARENT/CRAZY WORLD, Catherine identifies what we are really looking for when we imbibe hours of this fluffy, feel-good entertainment. And then she points us towards what we really need.ARTICLES REFERENCED:“Why Are So Many People Obsessed with Hallmark Movies?”“Hallmark Christmas Movies: Five Reasons To Be Careful”:“Should Christians Be Concerned by the LGBTQ Direction in Hallmark Movies?”:“How Should Christians Talk to Their Kids about LGBTQ Issues?”:“Is It Possible to Be a Christian and a Modern Feminist?”: MENTIONED:“How Hallmark Takes Over Your TV Every Christmas” by Emily VanDerWerff, Vox“Why Netflix Is Making Hallmark Christmas Movies” by Caroline Fox, Screenrant“The Impact of Coronavirus on Cable TV is Mixed” by Brad Adgate, Forbes & BLOGS REFERENCED:CPCW Episode 13: “Four Types of Prayer Every Believer Should Know”:“I Want to Live in a Hallmark Film”:***Follow Catherine:Instagram: Image Credit: Getty/Svitlana Tytska Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
12/20/202130 minutes, 31 seconds
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How Does the Enemy Use Culture to Lead Us Astray? - Episode 20

Culture swings on a pendulum between two extremes, and the enemy is very adept at using these extremes to his advantage. He is masterful at hiding our vices, and using a complementary virtue to reinforce what is our greatest area of weakness, as a culture and as individuals. In this episode, Catherine shows how culture how ebbs and flows between these two extremes throughout history. Then she identifies what is the greatest virtue of our culture and how the enemy is using that virtue to lead us astray.Resources mentioned:The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis: version from Focus on the Family: Unfortunate Tale of the Witch of Pungo: Lewis quote: from Lewis (The Gospel Coalition): (Philosophy Terms): Referenced:Exodus 32 (The Golden Calf)2 Kings 17:33-41***Follow Catherine:Instagram: Image Credit: Getty/Flash Vector Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
12/13/202133 minutes, 18 seconds
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6 Guidelines to Living a Counter-Cultural Life - Episode 19

HOW DO YOU LIVE BIBLICALLY WHEN EVERYONE AROUND YOU ISN’T? Or a lot of people around you aren’t. In other words, how do you live a counter-cultural life? Good question, huh? We are in the middle of a series on how to be a counter-cultural Christian. In this episode, Catherine offers six guidelines to help you and your kids swim upstream in our downstream culture.At the end of life, all that matters is our faithfulness to God. Did we stand strong? Culture is always flowing downstream. Always has been. Always will. Did we go with the flow, or were we determined to swim the other way?If we want to swim upstream, we need to:(1)Know the Word(2)Find encouragement in those who swam upstream before us.(3)Question everything.(4)Expect opposition and even persecution.(5)Listen intently for God’s voice.(6)Maintain an ETERNAL MINDSETIf we can do these things, and if we can teach our kids to do these things, we will be swimming the right way. RESOURCES MENTIONED:Keys for Kids: Website: Devotional: Jesus Storybook Bible: What We Believe Series:Who Is God? And Can I Really Know Him?: Am I? And What Am I Doing Here?: Is My Neighbor? And Why Does He Need Me?: On Earth Can I Do?: Bible Project: Website – To Read the Bible (videos): on Yeonmi Park: “Columbia student who escaped North Korea says she sees similarities in the US”:“Only One Life” by C.T. Studd:***Follow Catherine:Instagram: Image Credit: Getty/Jorm Sangsorm Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
11/29/202126 minutes, 3 seconds
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How to Swim Upstream in a Downstream Culture - Episode 18

If we are going to swim God’s direction in this downstream culture, people will think that we are odd. They will have all kinds of choice words to describe us. We need to have this expectation in life, and we need to give our kids this expectation as well. If our children stay true to God’s Word and God’s standard, our culture will not celebrate them. In fact, our culture will accuse and may even cancel them. Other Christians may accuse and cancel them. But that’s ok. We stand in good company when we are accused and canceled for our faith. This episode is the first in a series on being a counter-cultural Christian. In order to do that, we need to (1) stay grounded in the Word, and (2) draw inspiration from those who swam upstream before us. In this first installment, Catherine gives some practical tips and lots of Biblical inspiration to help us swim upstream in our downstream culture.PODCASTS REFERENCED:CPCW 4-part Worldview series – you can find all the episodes at Episode 6: Why You Should Teach Your Kids About Other WorldviewsEpisode 7: What Other Worldviews Are Competing for Your Kids’ FaithEpisode 8: What Sets the Christian Worldview Apart from Other WorldviewsEpisode 9: How Does the Christian Worldview Create a World We All Want To Live In?Episode 4: Is Christianity Just a Religion of Do’s and Don’tsSCRIPTURES REFERENCED:Hebrews 4:12 Proverbs 14:12RESOURCES FOR SCRIPTURE SONGS:Catherine Segars’ Website: Resources : Mui: Scripture Songs for Worship: Family Worship: Corner Room: Youngward: Things: The Bigsby Show - Books of the Bible Song: Bigsby Show - 12 Disciples Song - Page on Handspeak (motions to aid in Scripture memory): REFERENCED: “Factose Intolerance,” by Cheryl Lowe, Memoria Press:***Follow Catherine:Instagram: Image Credit: Getty/PeterHermesFurian Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
11/15/202125 minutes, 28 seconds
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How to Discover Your Purpose in Life - Episode 17

EPISODE 17—HOW TO DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSELinks3:38Do you know that you have a purpose in life? Like beyond parenting. Beyond what you do for a living, even, perhaps. Beyond paying the bills and doing the chores and feeding the kids. You have a purpose in life. Something that God created you to do before you were ever born. God has a very specific part for you to play in the grand story He is writing throughout all of historyIn this podcast, I’m going to talk about how to discover why you were born. I will give you the Five P’s of finding your purpose.Discovering your purpose in life really does tie into your parenting in a big way. Because when your kids see you living your purpose in life, they are going to be inspired to live out theirs. The majority of people live and die without ever discovering their purpose in life, the reason God created them. Isn’t that sad. But what is even more sad is that the majority of Christians, the majority of people who know the God who created them with a purpose to fulfill for His Kingdom, they never discover that purpose is either. They never realize why they were put on this earth. How sad is that? It is tragic, really.The 5 P’s to Your Purpose:People who fulfill their God-given purpose in life are people of prayer.They are people who plant themselves in Christ’s body, in the church. They are people who allow God to prune them without losing their faith.They are people who persevere. And all the while, they never stop praising God. The question is not “Do I have a purpose?” Scripture is clear—you do. The question is, then, “Will I discover God’s purpose for my life?” And then, “Will I fulfill God’s purpose for my life?” Or…“Will I usurp God’s purpose for my life with my own?”I encourage you to fulfill your purpose by praying, planting, allowing God to prune, the persevere, all the while praising God. And as you do this, you will be modeling for your kids how to fulfill their purpose in life too.SCRIPTURES REFERENCED:Jeremiah 1:5Isaiah 49:1-2Psalm 139:13-17Ephesians 2:10 Isaiah 46:10-11Proverbs 25:2Psalm 92:12-13John 15:1-2Psalm 144:1OTHER SOURCES REFERENCED:John Bevere Devotional“Jobs Are Hard” videoThe Road Not Taken by Robert Frost Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
10/25/202135 minutes, 4 seconds
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How to Help Your Kids Develop Their Spiritual Gifts – Episode 16

The more your kids understand their God-given purpose in life, the more likely they are to stay grounded in their faith into adulthood. As parents, we have this incredibly unique position in our kid’s lives. We are literally front row center for most of the first two decades. We are, hands down, the most important influence on our kids during their formative years. We have not just the ability, but the responsibility to uncover those spiritual gifts in our kids’ lives, and to cultivate them. You could say that we are the chief gardener in their lives. How well those little seeds do is, in a large part, up to us.“God gave you your kids for a reason, your specific kids. That’s because you hold the key to unlocking who God created them to be.”***Tips for Cultivating Your Child’s Spiritual Gifts:1. What do you see in your child’s life that isn’t like your other kids, or other peoples’ children? When you see a gift – feed it. Call it out and encourage it. Water that gift and watch it grow.2. Don’t compare your parenting or your kids to other kids. God specifically chose you to parent your children. What your kids need is quite simple: they need you. And God will meet all the needs you have as you parent them.***Resources Mentioned in this Episode:Pass the Baton (blog): at Mere Mother Blogcast on Apple Podcasts:’s Faith Testimony in Episode 14: to Me (blog post):***Scripture Mentioned in This Week's Episode:Jesus at the Temple: Luke 2:41-52; Philippians 4:19***Follow Catherine:Instagram | FacebookEpisode Image Credit: Getty/Olha Khorimarko Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
10/4/202130 minutes, 36 seconds
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What Should I Expect When I Battle in Prayer? – Episode 15

When you step out with God in prayer, you need to expect opposition from the enemy. That’s because prayer changes history. Your history, your child’s history, human history.***Resources:Read my article on this topic on Crosswalk.comGod Is Good, But This Isn’t: Blogcast Recording | Article.Take Heart: 100 Devotions to Seeing God When Life's Not Okay***Scriptures to Pray When You Go to Battle in Prayer:Jeremiah 24:7John 8:31-32 2 Corinthians 3:16-172 Peter 3:9 Exodus 23:25-26Galatians 3:29 Matthew 6:10Romans 8:28Whatever happens in this life, it won’t happen because I didn’t pray with faith. Whatever doesn’t happen in this life, it won’t fail to happen because I didn’t pray with faith. Because I didn’t fight, because I didn’t take the authority that God has given me, those keys, and use them to speak forth what I believe is His will here on earth. HERE’S THE BOTTOM LINE when it comes to prayer. Our faith in prayer must not be in a certain outcome—now we may be praying for a particular outcome. Our faith must be in God regardless of the outcome. ***Follow Catherine:Instagram | FacebookEpisode Image Credit: Getty/Yelyzaveta Hryhorieva Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
9/13/202128 minutes, 34 seconds
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How to Battle for Your Kids in Prayer – Episode 14

Get close to God. Seek His face. Declare who He is. Exclaim His goodness. Ask for direction. Request what you need. And command His will to be done here on earth in your life as it is in heaven. Pray some bold prayers. Scriptures referenced:James 1:5Philippians 4:6-7Psalm 37:4Psalm 144:1-2Article referenced:Is God Still Speaking to Us in Dreams, Even Today?Read my article on this topic on Crosswalk.comTeaching referenced:8 Steps to Find Redemption after Loss***Follow Catherine at Image Credit: Getty/Yelyzaveta Hryhorieva Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
8/30/202136 minutes, 31 seconds
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4 Types of Prayer Every Believer Should Know - Episode 13

I love apologetics, explaining the faith and equipping parents to help their children stand strong in the faith. But there comes a time in life when we need to stop explaining and start exercising – we’ve got to start walking out all that we know.In this episode, we will cover:1. The four types of prayers we should be praying when we are in a battle for one of our kids2. The greatest impediments that keep us from being effective in our prayers.***The Four Types of Prayers:1. Declarative Prayer2. Exclamatory Prayer3. Interrogative Prayer4. Imperative Prayer ***Scriptures referenced:James 1:5Phil. 4:6-7Matthew 16:19 Matthew 18:18Luke 10:19Mark 11:23John 14:122 Chronicles 16:9Matthew 13:58***Read my article on this topic on***Books referenced:Intercessory Prayer: How God Can Use Your Prayers to Move Heaven and Earth by Dutch Sheets, pg. 23 & 29.Confronting the Powers by C. Peter Wagner, pg. 242.The Circle Maker by Mark Batterson***Follow Catherine at Image Credit: Getty/siraanamwong Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
8/16/202127 minutes, 56 seconds
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What to Do If Your Child Walks Away from the Faith – Episode 12

We spend a lot of time worrying that our children will leave the faith in college. But statistics show that children are more likely to leave the faith before they leave the nest.In this episode, Catherine covers:1. What is to blame when your child walks away from the faith (and what NOT to blame).2. A battleplan for going to war for your child’s faithArticles and Resources Mentioned in this Episode:Read Catherine's accompanying article on Crosswalk: Gone: Why Your Kids Will Quit Church And What You Can Do To Stop It by Ken Ham, Britt Beemer, and Todd Hillard (pgs. 31-32)Fasting: Opening the Door to a Deeper, More Intimate, More Powerful Relationship with God by Jentzen Franklin.Praying Circles Around Your Children by Mark Batterson.House of Miracles by Brandon Lake.***Scripture Referenced in this Episode:The Good Shepherd & the lost sheep: Luke 15:3-71 Peter 5:8 “Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.”Hebrews 4:12 “For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.”The Armor of God: Ephesians 6:10-20 Exodus 17:8-16: Israel’s battle with Amalekites.***Quotes on prayer:J. Edwin Orr “History is silent on revivals that did not begin with prayer.” The Great Oswald Chambers called prayer "the greater work."W. Clement Stone: “Prayer is man’s greatest power.” Watchman Nee: “Our prayers lay the track down through Gods power can come. Like a mighty locomotive, his power is irresistible, but it cannot reach us without rails.” ****Follow Catherine at Image Credit: Getty/Qvasimodo Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
8/2/202135 minutes, 47 seconds
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What Does It Mean to Speak the Truth In Love? - Episode 11

We have all heard at some point to “speak the truth in love." But how exactly do we do that? Where in scripture are we instructed to do so? In this episode, we are going to break down this popular saying and discuss how to humbly lead others to the truth. Our goal should not just be to speak the truth, but that our expression of truth is effective and genuine. Resources Mentioned:Article: The Danger of Speaking Truth without Love by Catherine SegarsScripture Referenced:Paul’s admonition to speak the truth in love: 1 Corinthians 13Zacchaeus’ story: Luke 19The woman at the well: John 4The woman caught in adultery: John 8"But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8 NIV)Paul’s admonition not to judge the world: (1 Corinthians 5:12).Follow Catherine at Image Credit: Canva Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
7/6/202127 minutes, 46 seconds
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6 Guidelines for Discussing Sensitive Topics with Your Kids – Episode 10

Our social and political landscape is incredibly contentious. We need guidelines to help us and our kids navigate these treacherous waters. In this episode, we discuss how to talk about sensitive topics with our kids, telling them the truth – which is often offensive -- but with love. How do we do that? I’ve got 6 guidelines.Read the article that goes with this episode.GUIDELINES:1. Listen. Really listen.2. Respect other people’s beliefs. Don’t ridicule3. Don’t assume a motive. Challenge methods, not motives.4. Be more concerned about people than your position.5. Speak in love while never denying truth.6. Recognize that what people need most is not an argument, it is an experience with God.Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. (Matt. 7:12)***Resources and Articles Mentioned in This Episode:The “love” chapter: 1 Corinthians 13The Danger of Speaking Truth without LoveC.S. Lewis' "Mere Christianity" BroadcastC.S. Lewis' conversion from atheism to Christianity C.S. Lewis quote on his encounter with God at Oxford***Follow Catherine at***Episode Image Credit: Getty/Gvardgraph Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
6/21/202131 minutes, 19 seconds
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How Does the Christian Worldview Create a World We All Want to Live In? – Episode 9

This episode is the culmination of all the hard work we have done in the last three episodes! We are going to look at why the other worldviews we’ve looked at begin to fall apart because they don’t accurately explain and represent reality.Resources and Articles Mentioned in This Episode:1. Eric Metaxas interview with John Smirak2. John Smirak article: Is the Woke Cult Just a Spastic Reaction to Darwinism?3. Christian Headlines article on Richard Dawkins, Atheist Richard Dawkins Says Its 'Wise and Sensible' to Abort Babies with Down Syndrome, Serious Disabilities4. Five Worldview Comparison Chart from Xenos.org5. Postmodernists deny that there "are objective, or absolute, moral values.”6. William Wilberforce’s Christian faith and crusade to end the slave trade.7. The testimony of John Newton8. Martin Luther Kings’ 'I Have a Dream' Speech“***Follow Catherine at***Episode Image Credit: Getty/ Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
6/7/202130 minutes, 16 seconds
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What Sets the Christian Worldview Apart from Other Worldviews? - Episode 8

Natasha Crain expertly challenges us: Instead of asking if a worldview is religious or non-religious, we should ask – from where does this worldview get its authority?Research and Resources That Went into This Episode:Natasha Crain’s Website:’s podcast that asks, “From where does this worldview get its authority?”Debate between Alan Dershowitz and Alan Keyes on religions role in society (quoted material starts around 32:00) Sold by African Rulers and Tribal Merchants: Slave trade: Catherine at Image Credit: Getty/Qvasimodo Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
5/24/202132 minutes, 4 seconds
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What Worldviews Are Competing with Your Kids' Faith? - Episode 7

Today, we’re getting brainy. But we’re also going to have a lot of fun. The subject of worldviews can be overwhelming and confusing. But you and your kids are going to need to understand these concepts. I break down each main worldview in easy-to-understand terms and have a ton of resources to help you explore and explain these worldviews to your kids.When it comes to worldviews, the question we have to ask ourselves is: “Which worldview best represents and explains reality?” We don’t want our kids to believe the Christian faith just because we told them to, but because they have investigated other worldviews and believe Christianity is the best explanation of reality.We want our kids’ beliefs to be:Sound, Logical, Cohesive, Coherent, and ConvincingWhen you combine all of that with a personal relationship, your kids will have a really solid faith. If you missed Episode 6, be sure to go back and check it out.So, what are the various worldviews?1. Naturalism 2. Pantheism3. Theism or Monotheism4. Spiritism and Polytheism5. Postmodernism6. Pluralism7. Moralistic Therapeutic DeismMORE RESOURCES ON WORLDVIEW:- article, “Five Worldviews,” by Dennis McCallum: - Chart on worldviews: Cheat sheet on existentialism: MIT Physicist Ian Hutchinson quote on scientism: Pew Research Center statistic on belief in God: Ligonier Ministries article “What is a Worldview” by James Anderson: FOLLOW CATHERINE Image Credit: Getty/Benjavisa Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
5/10/202132 minutes, 23 seconds
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5 Reasons You Should Teach Your Kids about Other Worldviews - Episode 6

Some might argue that we should simply teach our kids the principles of the Christian faith and ignore other worldviews. Isn’t knowing the truth enough?Catherine doesn’t think so. We want our kid’s faith to be challenged. Resistance creates strength. Lack of resistance creates a wimpy, flabby faith.In this episode, she will give you FIVE reasons why we want to teach our kids other worldviews. You can read the article that accompanies this episode here.Resources Mentioned:Mama Bear Apologetics: Empowering Your Kids to Challenge Cultural Lies, by Hillary Morgan Ferrer, states: “Most studies indicate between 45%-48% of youth leave the church after their freshman year in college and never return” (pg. 27)Bible Verses Referenced:“Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.” 1 Peter 3:15“Be of sober spirit, be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.” 1 Peter 5:8Jesus told us to be “be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.” Matthew 10:16The Great Commission: Matthew 28:18-20“I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some. I do all this for the sake of the gospel, that I may share in its blessings.” 1 Corinthians 9:22-23The Athenian Altar to the Unknown God: Acts 17:22-34Follow Catherine at Image Credit: Getty/lemono Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
4/26/202124 minutes, 43 seconds
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Is the Bible Just a Book Written by Some Ancient Dead Guys? - Episode 5

If we want our kids to stand strong in their faith, we need to have real answers to some of their hardest questions about God and His Word.Why did God use men to write his book? In this episode, Catherine unpacks this question and the powerful, life-altering answer. The fact is: that God used the men and women he did to write the Bible and share the gospel should give us incredible hope for our own lives.Resources Mentioned in this Episode:Intercessory Prayer: How God Can Use Your Prayers to Move Heaven and Earth by Dutch SheetsBible Verses Discussed in This Episode:2 Chronicles 16:9; Matthew 13:54-58Find Catherine at Image Credit: Getty/Daseugen Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
4/12/202126 minutes, 21 seconds
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Is Christianity Just A Religion of Do’s and Don’ts? – Episode 4

One of the main reasons young people are leaving the faith is because they are growing up in a legalistic faith. They approached their faith as a list of do’s and don’ts. Their relationship with God was a checklist, a duty.In this episode, Catherine unpacks what the rules in the Bible are all about, why they are important, and how we sometimes misunderstand what they are about. The rules aren’t about pleasing God. God’s rules are given as a way to approach us.Scripture Referenced in This Episode:The tree of knowledge of good and evil: Genesis 2:15-17The Parable of the Lost Sheep: Luke 15:1-7The Parable of the Lost Son: Luke 15:11-32Resources Mentioned in This Episode:Church of the Highlands: Freedom CurriculumLiving in the Tree of Life, Jan. 17, 2021, Chris Hodges, Church of the HighlandsEpisode Image Credit: Getty/Maliha Majeed Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
3/29/202122 minutes, 45 seconds
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How Do I Teach My Kids to Contend for Their Faith? - Episode 3

In the last episode, we talked about what our kids need for an authentic faith. We concluded that we need to teach our kids how to wrestle - how to contend - for their faith. One of the primary reasons cited for this youth exodus by Tom Bisset in his book Why Christian Kids Leave the Faith is surprisingly simple: “They left because they never personally owned their faith.” In other words, their faith was an offshoot of their parent’s spiritual journey. Like Esau, who didn’t value the birthright his father wanted to bestow, these kids never found a personal faith. They never wrestled with God like Jacob did. They never contended with the ideas of men and women. They never learned how to overcome. And when faced with worldly ideals backed by popular secular ideology, the faith of these young people couldn’t stand.In this episode, Catherine shares 7 steps parents can take to help their kids begin to wrestle with their faith.Be sure to check out Catherine's accompanying article: Christian Kids Are Leaving the Faith. What Can We Do About It?Episode Image Credit: Oleksandr Pupko Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
3/22/202122 minutes, 27 seconds
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What Is The Key for Our Kids to Have an Authentic Faith? - Episode 2

The key to an authentic faith? Wrestling. In this episode, Catherine walks us through the story of Jacob and how, through his wrestling, his faith became his own.A new LifeWay Research survey says Two-thirds of young people say they stopped regularly going to church for at least a year between the ages of 18 and 22.Why Christian Kids Leave the Faith by Tom Bissett. In that book, he gives the top four reasons. Scripture Covered in this Episode:Esau despises his birthright: Genesis 25:19-34Jacob takes Esau’s blessings: Genesis 27Jacob wrestles with God: Genesis 32:22-32Be sure to check out Catherine's related article: Christian Kids Are Leaving the Faith. What Can We Do About It?Find Catherine at Episode Image Credit: Getty/SurfUpVector Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
3/16/202114 minutes, 39 seconds
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Why Are So Many Kids Falling Away from The Faith? - Episode 1

An astronomical number of Christian young people are leaving the faith after they leave the nest. A recent New LifeWay Research survey shows that two-thirds of Christian youth stop attending church for at least a year between the ages of 18 and 22.A study from the Assemblies of God shows that “at least half and possibly over two-thirds of Christian young people will step away from the faith while attending a non-Christian college or university.” A similar study from the Southern Baptist Convention “indicates that they are currently losing 70-88% of their youth after their freshman year in college.”In her recent book, Mama Bear Apologetics, Hillary Morgan Ferrer offers a somber reality when it comes to our Christian teens and twenty-somethings: “Most studies indicate between 45%-48% of youth leave the church after their freshman year in college and never return.” (pg. 27)If the massive youth exodus we are experiencing in the church doesn’t concern us as parents, it should.In this inaugural episode of CPCW, Catherine breaks down what is happening to youth in our churches, so we as parents can understand how to counteract this trend.See Catherine’s supplemental article on Crosswalk: “Christian Kids Are Leaving the Faith. What Can We Do About It?” RESOURCES REFERENCED:“Most Teenagers Drop Out of Church When They Become Young Adults,” Lifeway Research: “Young adults are dropping out of church in large numbers, survey finds. This is Why.” USA Today:“Mama Bear Apologetics: Empowering Your Kids to Challenge Cultural Lies” by Hillary Morgan Ferrer: “You Lost Me: Why Young Christians Are Leaving the Church… and Rethinking Faith” by David Kinnaman: “Are Young People Really Leaving Christianity,” Cold Case Christianity:; (This resource contained the following referenced studies: Assemblies of God Study by Dayton A. Kingsrite, 2007; Southern Baptist Convention Data T.C. Pinkey’s remarks to the Southern Baptist Convention Executive Committee, Nashville, Tennessee, 2001; Southern Baptist Council on Family Life report to Annual Meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention, 2002)“The Tops Reasons Young People Drop Out of Church,” by Griffen Paul Jackson, Christianity Today: “Why Christian Kids Leave the Faith” Tom Bisset, Discovery House Publishers (1992). Find Catherine at Episode Image Credit: Getty/Aleksei Morozov Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at
3/15/202119 minutes, 50 seconds