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Bobby Schuller Profile

Bobby Schuller

English, Christianity, 1 season, 122 episodes, 2 days, 14 hours
Be inspired each week by Pastor Bobby Schuller's messages from Shepherd's Grove in Garden Grove, California.
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Do What the 99% Won't Do: How to Get Outsized Rewards

Pastor Bobby’s challenge today is to become more than 99% of people. Your life can be bigger, you can experience more, love more, touch more lives, dream more dreams, and accomplish more. Think about tomorrow when you make your decisions today. Begin with the end in mind and things will go better.
2/1/202428 minutes, 36 seconds
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Unlocking Passion and Zeal

Pastor Bobby’s encouragement is whatever you do in life, do it with passion, love and enthusiasm.
1/23/202428 minutes, 36 seconds
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The Power is Within You!

Pastor Bobby’s encouragement is to train yourself to become a magnet for what you need. Commit to becoming the person that attracts the thing you want.
1/18/202428 minutes, 36 seconds
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The Rich Rewards of Discipleship

Pastor Bobby’s teaching is that you can attain the life that God has called you to, but you need to be willing to pay the price by doing what nobody else will do.
1/13/202428 minutes, 36 seconds
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How You Do Anything, Is How You Do Everything

Pastor Bobby teaches that your life has immeasurable results even after you’re gone. The little things in your life matter to God because He loves you.
1/4/202428 minutes, 36 seconds
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The Cost of Not Investing

Pastor Bobby encourages us to take a risk for God. The Holy Spirit is always in us and is always urging us to walk by faith and not by sight; that even though things around us are chaotic or horrible, we can walk with an absolute trust in the Lord.
12/28/202328 minutes, 36 seconds
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Christmas Hope

In this special Christmas Eve service, Pastor Bobby reminds us that God has a great plan for each of us and we don’t have to be wrapped up in the shame of our past. Make a decision today to follow Jesus Christ, and your life will never be the same.
12/23/202328 minutes, 36 seconds
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Your Inner Circle Matters

Pastor Bobby teaches that, in order to live a joyful life, it's important that we surround ourselves with life-giving relationships. Iron sharpens iron, so may we be equally yoked and choose to go deeper with those who are in our lives. 
12/14/202328 minutes, 36 seconds
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God's Plan is Always an Upgrade

When we allow God to interrupt our plans, He will always give us an upgrade. All things are possible with Him, so may we put our absolute trust in Him today.
12/6/202328 minutes, 36 seconds
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The Promise Leads the Process

Pastor Bobby teaches that hope is a vision of your life that is based on God's Word. And we achieve that vision when we become a new person, the person God has called us to be. May we develop a new version of ourselves so that we may have an impact.
11/30/202328 minutes, 36 seconds
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How to Seize the Golden Opportunity

Pastor Bobby encourages you not to miss out on the life you RSVP’d for. Say “no” to unimportant things so you can say “yes” to important things.
11/21/202328 minutes, 36 seconds
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The #1 Reason You're Not Fulfilled

Pastor Bobby teaches that there’s no limit to how much provision God has for us. Wherever God is, provision is.
11/16/202328 minutes, 36 seconds
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If You're Going through Hell, Keep on Going

Pastor Bobby teaches that whatever you’re going through right now, God can turn it for good if you just keep going, with his message.
11/9/202328 minutes, 36 seconds
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Does God Bless Good Intentions?

Pastor Bobby teaches on the Good Samaritan story, which is a story within a story. Bobby shares four reasons why the Levites and the priests didn’t do all they could do for the injured man, and why the Good Samaritan shows how being a generous, servant kind of person is the thing that makes life worth living.
11/2/202328 minutes, 36 seconds
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Where Your Focus Goes, Your Energy Flows

Pastor Bobby’s encouragement today is to invest your energy, even if you only have a little bit. When you focus on God or on possibilities, your energy will grow. When you surround yourself with inspiring people, your energy is going to grow! Expand your bandwidth to think about what’s possible in your life.
10/26/202328 minutes, 36 seconds
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Many Start, Few Finish

Pastor Bobby’s encouragement is that God has something bigger for you than whatever it is you’re going through.
10/19/202328 minutes, 36 seconds
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You Are the Mountain

Pastor Bobby encourages you to change your life by planting seeds that grow over time and build your faith. He shares four Bible-based seeds that will help you make your thinking bigger than your emotions, and help you move your mountain.
10/14/202328 minutes, 36 seconds
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Keep Showing Up: Building Connection with God and People

Pastor Bobby teaches that becoming more starts with showing up. We live in a world where we don’t respond to phone calls, invitations or text messages, but be different than everyone else. Keep showing up and you’ll keep growing up.
10/5/202328 minutes, 36 seconds
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The #1 Thing That Ruins a Perfectly Successful Life

Pastor Bobby teaches that the greatest treasure in life is not what you get, it’s who you become.  
9/28/202328 minutes, 36 seconds
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How Service Changes Lives: The True Measure of Success

Pastor Bobby teaches that the goal of life is to make an impact; to have a service that you offer the world. When you serve others, you increase your achievement, your success, your possibility, your opportunity, and you feel better about life in general.
9/21/202328 minutes, 36 seconds
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Choose Your Hard; Choose Your Easy

Pastor Bobby encourages you to grow as much as possible; do as much as possible and be as much as possible. Get back on the narrow road and your life will never be the same. He shares four “why nots” that every person says as to why they don’t get on the narrow road that leads to life.
9/14/202328 minutes, 36 seconds
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Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Whole World

Pastor Bobby shares seven world changer thoughts to incorporate into your daily routine that will make a difference in changing your life.
9/7/202328 minutes, 36 seconds
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Fire Thrives on Obstacles

Pastor Bobby shares how obstacles in our lives create, make and build us, and the older we get, the more we need them so we don’t fall into the ruts of life that easily entangle us.
8/31/202328 minutes, 36 seconds
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Investing in Yourself is a Gift to Others

Pastor Bobby’s encouragement for you is to invest in yourself and see it as one of the most charitable, friendly, nice things that you can do for the people that live life with you.
8/24/202328 minutes, 36 seconds
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Sometimes, It Doesn't Happen to You, It Happens for You

Pastor Bobby’s encouragement for you is when there is a setback in your life or something goes wrong, believe in your heart that it’s happening for you, not to you.
8/17/202328 minutes, 36 seconds
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Keep Your Eyes on the Promised Land

Pastor Bobby encourages you to keep your eyes on the horizon. Set before yourself long-term goals that will pull you through the tough times and watch what God can do.
8/10/202328 minutes, 36 seconds
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Thriving in a Field of Weeds

Pastor Bobby’s encouragement for you is to grow because the more you grow, the better your life will be. Improve your thoughts, continue learning and become more confident. Don’t let weeds tell you how to live a good life.
8/3/202328 minutes, 36 seconds
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Don't Throw Away an Amazing Tomorrow for an Average Today

Pastor Bobby’s encouragement for you is to follow the formula Jesus gave: ask and it shall be given to you, seek and you shall find, knock and the door will be open for you.
7/27/202328 minutes, 36 seconds
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Holy Land Jerusalem: Do You Want to Get Well?

Pastor Bobby brings today’s message from Israel at the pools of Bethesda. He teaches from John chapter 5 – the story of the man who’s invalid and has been trying to get well for 38 years. This chapter is a great model of the gospel; that we look to all these other things in life to heal us, but it's only Christ who can heal us.
7/22/202328 minutes, 36 seconds
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Holy Land Masada: Trust God by Loving Your Enemies

Pastor Bobby brings today’s message from Israel at Masada, a fortress built by Herod the Great; a place which would eventually become the location of the final fight by the zealot riot. Bobby teaches that the lesson we learn from Masada is that our belligerence, anger and resentment always leads to innocent people getting hurt. In fact, loving our enemies is a great way to live.
7/13/202328 minutes, 28 seconds
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Holy Land Capernaum: It's About Faith

Pastor Bobby brings today’s message from Israel, at the synagogue in Capernaum. His encouragement for us is to let us see faith as taking huge risks because we believe what’s said in Scripture more than we believe what we’re seeing in the natural world around us.
6/26/202329 minutes, 5 seconds
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Old Men Will Dream Dreams, Old Women Will Laugh

Pastor Bobby teaches that the more your dream is aligned with the service of others, the more likely it is to come about.
6/19/202333 minutes, 14 seconds
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Born for a Miraculous Life

Pastor Bobby shares that greatness happens when you get something greater in you.
6/12/202329 minutes, 24 seconds
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Bear Fruit Where You're Planted

Pastor Bobby’s encouragement for you this morning is to blossom, flourish and bear fruit right where you are, rather than where you want to be.
6/5/202330 minutes, 34 seconds
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Would That All the Lord's People Were Prophets

Pastor Bobby teaches that what you have is in direct proportion to the quality and quantity of your service.
5/30/202330 minutes, 50 seconds
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If You're Going through Hell, Keep on Going

Pastor Bobby teaches that whatever you’re going through right now, God can turn it for good if you just keep going.
5/22/202332 minutes, 49 seconds
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Stay Faithful to the Sowing

Pastor Bobby teaches that the greatest indicator of your future is not what’s in the silo, but what’s in the ground with his message.
5/16/202330 minutes, 10 seconds
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Overcoming the Fear of Death and Decay

Pastor Bobby’s encouragement today is to remind you that you are alive for a reason, so get the work done. Find out what the work is, and get the work done with today’s message.
5/8/202329 minutes, 23 seconds
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The Two Types of Stress

Pastor Bobby’s teaching today is about the value of stress and how stress is actually helping you. In a world that’s allergic to stress, there is a type of stress that can improve your life.
5/1/202331 minutes, 46 seconds
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God's Promises Fulfilled

Pastor Chad Blake teaches that hope is flexible, it's alive, it's inspiring.
4/24/202325 minutes, 31 seconds
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You'll Have to Trust God Some Day

Pastor Bobby teaches that blessed is the one who believes before seeing. Everybody sees first and then believes, but you can be one of those who believes and then sees, with today’s message.
4/17/202332 minutes, 21 seconds
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The Will to Life

Pastor Bobby teaches that our lives are ever expanding or ever shrinking, based on our daily choices. Decisions you make every day will make your life bigger or smaller.
4/5/202332 minutes, 8 seconds
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Don't Limit God

Pastor Bobby teaches the importance of not limiting life and not limiting God with your thinking. What we think can lead to incredible miracles in our life, or it can fester and ruin relationships. No matter how big of a thinker you are, even more is possible.
3/31/202332 minutes, 25 seconds
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The Key to Do the Big Things

Pastor Bobby’s encouragement for you is if you want a big life, you need to change the little decisions you make. Start with the little things that nobody can see.
3/23/20231 hour, 5 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Words That Unlock the Promise

Pastor Bobby teaches that the number one way you can get better in life is to improve the words you say and hear.
3/13/202329 minutes, 35 seconds
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How to Use Fear and Stress to Your Advantage

Pastor Bobby’s encouragement for you is to see fear and stress as a good thing; as something that helps you to grow. Make a commitment that you are going to choose to do what’s scary because that scary thing is actually your destiny.
3/6/202330 minutes, 50 seconds
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Waking Up to the God Who is Always at Work

Pastor Bobby welcomes author and pastor Mike Erre. Mike has published five inspirational books, and has pastored several churches here in Orange County, including Mariners, Rock Harbor, and EV Free Fullerton. Mike currently serves as Teaching Pastor at Journey Church in Franklin, Tennessee. 
2/27/202328 minutes, 17 seconds
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You Are God's Beloved

Pastor Bobby gives the message "You Are God's Beloved" at Shepherd's Grove Presbyterian Church on Sunday, February 19, 2023. Pastor Bobby’s encouragement for you is that you can make of your life anything you want. Don’t let other people decide who you’re going to be, with today’s message.
2/21/202330 minutes, 43 seconds
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If You Do What Everyone Does, You Get What Everyone Gets

Pastor Bobby gives the message "If You Do What Everyone Does, You Get What Everyone Gets" at Shepherd's Grove Presbyterian Church on Sunday, February 12, 2023. Pastor Bobby’s teaching is that you can attain the life that God has called you to, but you need to be willing to pay the price by doing what nobody else will do.
2/13/202330 minutes, 3 seconds
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You Are Not a Wallflower

Pastor Bobby gives the message "Don't Wish it Was Easy, Wish You Were Wiser" at Shepherd's Grove Presbyterian Church on Sunday January 29, 2023. Pastor Bobby’s teaching encourages us and says the best way to become the person you were born to be is to do it for someone else. We are here to be salt and light to people who need it and when you recognize that you are the answer to someone else’s prayer, you get the answer to your own prayer!
2/7/202329 minutes, 39 seconds
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Don't Wish it Was Easy, Wish You Were Wiser

Pastor Bobby gives the message "Don't Wish it Was Easy, Wish You Were Wiser" at Shepherd's Grove Presbyterian Church on Sunday January 29, 2023. It's important that we don't ask for fewer obstacles in life, but instead ask for more wisdom. There's a difference between worldly wisdom and wisdom that comes from the cross. So may we cling to the cross and the Gospel of Jesus where real wisdom lies.
2/2/202328 minutes, 22 seconds
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God Can Do a Lot With Your Little

Pastor Bobby gives the message "God Can Do a Lot With Your Little" at Shepherd's Grove Presbyterian Church on Sunday January 22, 2023. God can do a lot even if you only have a little bit, and it all starts with choosing to be obedient to Him. May we draw near to Him and He will draw near to us.
1/24/202329 minutes, 47 seconds
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Power In, Power Out

Pastor Bobby gives the message "Power In, Power Out" at Shepherd's Grove Presbyterian Church on Sunday January 15, 2023. Your life can get better when you get better. And part of getting better is paying attention to the words that you consume. May we consume words that help us become more like Jesus.
1/19/202330 minutes, 42 seconds
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The Thick Skin of the Beloved

Pastor Bobby gives the message "The Thick Skin of the Beloved" at Shepherd's Grove Presbyterian Church on Sunday January 8, 2023. When we measure progress in our lives, it's easy to look at the outer progress, but what really matters is what is happening on the inside of us. May we hustle for our inner life as we learn to live a life set apart from the world.
1/12/202328 minutes, 44 seconds
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The Lord's Blessing

Pastor Chad Blake gives the message "The Lord's Blessing" at Shepherd's Grove Presbyterian Church on Sunday January 1, 2023. We are blessed so that we can be a blessing to others. May we become so convinced of God's goodness in our lives that it changes the way we think and act.
1/6/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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God Doesn't Anoint This Type of Person

Pastor Bobby gives the message "God Doesn't Anoint This Type of Person" at Shepherd's Grove Presbyterian Church on Sunday December 18, 2022. The work you do on yourself is one of the most loving things you can do for other people. May we grow and walk in humility as we become the kind of people who can love others well.
12/21/202230 minutes, 56 seconds
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Get Good People Around You

Pastor Bobby gives the message "Get Good People Around You" at Shepherd's Grove Presbyterian Church on Sunday December 11, 2022. To live a joyful life, it's important that we surround ourselves with life-giving relationships. Iron sharpens iron, so may we be equally yoked and choose to go deeper with those who are in our lives. 
12/14/202230 minutes, 8 seconds
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God's Promises Are Bigger Than Your Plans

Pastor Bobby gives the message "God's Promises Are Bigger Than Your Plans" at Shepherd's Grove Presbyterian Church on Sunday December 4, 2022. When we allow God to interrupt our plans, He will always give us an upgrade. All things are possible with Him, so may we put our absolute trust in Him today.
12/6/202230 minutes, 14 seconds
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Let the Promise Lead the Process

Pastor Bobby gives the message "Let the Promise Lead the Process" at Shepherd's Grove Presbyterian Church on Sunday November 27, 2022. Hope is a vision of your life that is based on God's Word. And we achieve that vision when we become a new person, the person God has called us to be. May we develop a new version of ourselves so that we may have an impact.
11/29/202230 minutes, 22 seconds
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How to Have Favor with God and Man

Pastor Bobby gives the message "How to Have Favor with God and Man" at Shepherd's Grove Presbyterian Church on Sunday November 20, 2022. There are two types of treasures: earthly and heavenly. It's important that we seek after heavenly treasures because they are what lead to blessed earthly treasures. We can do this by making ourselves better so that our lives get better.
11/22/202230 minutes, 51 seconds
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Where Your Focus Goes, Your Energy Flows

Pastor Bobby gives the message "Where Your Focus Goes, Your Energy Flows" at Shepherd's Grove Presbyterian Church on Sunday November 13, 2022. The things we focus on will shape how we live our lives. May we focus on our goals and things we can control so that we can carry out God's calling for us, which is to be the light of the world.
11/15/202232 minutes, 11 seconds
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The #1 Thing That Ruins a Perfectly Successful Life

Pastor Bobby gives the message "The #1 Thing That Ruins a Perfectly Successful Life" at Shepherd's Grove Presbyterian Church on Sunday November 6, 2022. It's important that we build our house on a firm foundation, meaning that the most important thing in life is who we become. May we get rid of envy and comparison as we strive to become the person God is calling us to be.
11/8/202235 minutes, 7 seconds
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How to Love Strangers, Competitors and Annoying People

Pastor Bobby gives the message "How to Love Strangers, Competitors and Annoying People" at Shepherd's Grove Presbyterian Church on Sunday October 30, 2022. We all want to be loved in life and loving others is the best way to be loved. What gets us love is becoming a loving person because every time we love someone, we experience more of God's love.
11/1/202232 minutes, 35 seconds
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Scrape the Barnacles Off the Boat

Pastor Bobby gives the message "Scrape the Barnacles Off the Boat" at Shepherd's Grove Presbyterian Church on Sunday October 23, 2022. Things are not going to get better for you until you become the kind of person that attracts the things you want. Instead of blaming things or people, may we make small decisions and goals in our lives to become the kind of people we want to be.
10/25/202233 minutes, 22 seconds
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Keep Your Eyes on the Promised Land

Pastor Bobby gives the message "Keep Your Eyes on the Promised Land" at Shepherd's Grove Presbyterian Church on Sunday October 16, 2022. It is so important that we have long term goals in our lives and that we keep our focus on the Promised Land God is calling us to. As we go through the process, may we hold the promises God has places in our hearts to get us through whatever we may be going through.
10/18/202232 minutes, 43 seconds
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The Win is in the Waiting

Pastor Bobby gives the message "The Win is in the Waiting" at Shepherd's Grove Presbyterian Church on Sunday October 9, 2022. The best thing we can do when we are in a season of waiting is work on ourselves and become a different kind of person. God is more interested in who we become rather than what we accomplish, so may we become what He is calling us to be.
10/11/202233 minutes, 43 seconds
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Carry The Name

Special guest pastor Mike Erre gives the message "Carry The Name" at Shepherd's Grove Presbyterian Church on Sunday October 2, 2022. Names have importance as they stand for someone's character. How much more important then is God's name? May we live and witness in a way that is honoring to the name of Jesus.
10/4/202227 minutes, 52 seconds
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Your Philosophy is Perfectly Designed to Produce the Results You're Getting

Pastor Bobby gives the message "Your Philosophy is Perfectly Designed to Produce the Results You're Getting" at Shepherd's Grove Presbyterian Church on Sunday September 25, 2022. Instead of asking God to change our situations or make things easier, we need to ask Him to make us stronger. May we not try harder, but train better so that we can become the person He is calling us to be.
9/27/202235 minutes, 18 seconds
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God's Solutions are Better Than the World's Solutions

Pastor Bobby gives the message "God' Solutions are Better Than the World's Solutions" at Shepherd's Grove Presbyterian Church on Sunday September 18, 2022. God's way of doing things is always better than the world's way. May we learn to be more like Christ, listen before we speak, and choose God's solutions, which will always be for our benefit.
9/20/202232 minutes, 32 seconds
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Do You Want to Get Well?

Pastor Bobby gives the message "Do You Want to Get Well?" at Shepherd's Grove Presbyterian Church on Sunday September 11, 2022. If you want to get well, you may have to turn your back on the thing that made you sick. May we make a choice to become well and follow Jesus today.
9/14/202232 minutes, 46 seconds
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God Can Change You If You Let Him

Pastor Bobby gives the message "God Can Change You If You Let Him." at Shepherd's Grove Presbyterian Church on Sunday September 4, 2022. When we trust our lives to Jesus, our futures will be bright. May we let faith shape our future, not fear.
9/7/202229 minutes, 48 seconds
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Invest in God and People. It Pays Dividends.

Pastor Bobby gives the message "Invest in God and People. It Pays Dividends." at Shepherd's Grove Presbyterian Church on Sunday August 28, 2022. Real success comes when we humble ourselves. May we be exalted and store up treasures in Heaven rather than treasures here on earth.
8/29/202230 minutes, 7 seconds
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How to Discover Your Next Calling

Pastor Bobby gives the message "How to Discover Your Next Calling" at Shepherd's Grove Presbyterian Church on Sunday August 21, 2022. It's important to ask, "What is my calling?" The truth is that you have more than one calling, and it's not about you, but about others. As we discover our next calling, may we be faithful in the little things, so that God will trust us with the big things.
8/22/202228 minutes, 54 seconds
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Dig Deep. It's Worth It.

Pastor Bobby gives the message "Dig Deep. It's Worth It." at Shepherd's Grove Presbyterian Church on Sunday August 14, 2022. Free time is a precious gift, but how often do we use our free time wisely? May we use our free time to build the life we want and become more like Jesus rather than escape the life we have.
8/15/202231 minutes, 41 seconds
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Brush Your Shoulders Off, God Loves Re-Do's

Pastor Bobby gives the message "Brush Your Shoulders Off, God Loves Re-Do's" at Shepherd's Grove Presbyterian Church on Sunday August 7, 2022. Though we may experience shame in life, we are a new creation in Christ. God loves re-do's, and he calls us to brush our shoulders off, and walk in forgiveness, redemption, and love.
8/8/202228 minutes, 22 seconds
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Stay Humble, Keep Growing

Pastor Bobby gives the message "Stay Humble, Keep Growing" at Shepherd's Grove Presbyterian Church on Sunday July 31, 2022. Personal development is all about keeping good company with the Lord. When we do this we will receive the great reward He has in store for us. May we be sure that we are always growing, becoming a different kind of person who is more like Christ.
8/2/202231 minutes, 28 seconds
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Don't Let Anyone Disqualify You

Pastor Bobby gives the message "Don't Let Anyone Disqualify You" at Shepherd's Grove Presbyterian Church on Sunday July 24, 2022. People and failure do not disqualify you. If you are a follower of Jesus, you have a calling, and it's about taking action first and foremost. Living is the best education you can have, so may we get out and do things in life.
7/25/202229 minutes, 32 seconds
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God Didn't Make You Busy

Pastor Bobby gives the message "God Didn't Make You Busy" at Shepherd's Grove Presbyterian Church on Sunday July 17, 2022. Learning to forgive others and loving those who are hard to love is the best life we can live. May we strive to slow down and live an unhurried life for Jesus just as He has called us to do.
7/18/202231 minutes, 18 seconds
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It's Not Your Tribe, It's Your Faith

Pastor Bobby gives the message "It's Not Your Tribe, It's Your Faith" at Shepherd's Grove Presbyterian Church on Sunday July 10, 2022. In a world full of bad news, it is so important that we have faith and trust God. To please God, we should do it with faith, meaning we live life with confidence and believe in the miracles He has promised for us. Good things are coming, so may we act our faith today. 
7/11/202228 minutes, 52 seconds
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Temple Sermon

Pastor Bobby gives the message "Temple Sermon" at Shepherd's Grove Presbyterian Church on Sunday July 3, 2022. God's temple is a symbol of His love and grace for us. The good news is that we don't need a temple anymore to be with God because Christ has made a way and the Holy Spirit dwells in us. May Jesus be on the throne of our lives as we spend time with Him.
7/5/202220 minutes, 40 seconds
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Peter Stands Upon the Rock of the Gods

Pastor Bobby gives the message "Peter Stands Upon the Rock of the Gods" at Shepherd's Grove Presbyterian Church on Sunday June 26, 2022. The world needs Jesus. How do we find the balance to be a holy person, but also be in the world in order to help others? May we always live a purposeful life, one worthy of what God has in store for us.
6/27/202227 minutes, 48 seconds
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Follow Him Even Unto the Grave

Pastor Bobby gives the message "Follow Him Even Unto the Grave" at Shepherd's Grove Presbyterian Church on Sunday June 19, 2022. It's easy to forget that Jesus isn't just our Savior, but that he is also here to give us the words of life. May we build upon the words of Jesus and follow his ways so that we may do to others what we want done to us.
6/20/202228 minutes, 44 seconds
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Build Your House. God Lives There.

Pastor Bobby gives the message "Build Your House. God Lives There." at Shepherd's Grove Presbyterian Church on Sunday June 12, 2022. It is important that we renovate our hearts to come in line with the mission of God. Though it won't always be easy, it is what will help us fulfill the calling God has for us. May we take responsibility to fix our own house today, and may we always do it to give God the glory.
6/14/202230 minutes, 36 seconds
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The Tower of Babel and the Upper Room

Pastor Bobby gives the message "The Tower of Babel and the Upper Room" at Shepherd's Grove Presbyterian Church on Sunday June 5, 2022. As Christians, it is important that we live life in the Spirit. A temple without the Spirit is just a tomb, so may we fill our lives with the Spirit of God.
6/7/202231 minutes, 7 seconds
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Get Your Garden On

Pastor Bobby gives the message "Get Your Garden On" at Shepherd's Grove Presbyterian Church on Sunday May 29, 2022. God encourages us to eat from the tree of life, meaning to live with eternal treasures in mind and not of this world. May we live life for God and His Kingdom as we walk with Him.
6/1/202231 minutes, 32 seconds
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I Hear You

Special guest preacher, Tim Timberlake, gives the message "I Hear You" at Shepherd's Grove Presbyterian Church on Sunday May 22, 2022. The voices we listen to will determine our destinies, which is why it is important that we listen to the voice of God, who will help us navigate this world. May we put our hope in Jesus because He can help us through anything we are going through.
5/24/202225 minutes, 12 seconds
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Jesus Had an Eating Ministry. You Can Too!

Pastor Bobby gives the message "Jesus Had an Eating Ministry. You Can Too!" at Shepherd's Grove Presbyterian Church on Sunday May 15, 2022. Jesus had an eating ministry, meaning that He showed hospitality to those around Him, especially those who were unlike Him (sinners and outcasts). May we learn and be transformed by Him so that we can be at peace with our neighbor.
5/16/202228 minutes, 56 seconds
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Becoming Who You Are

Special guest preacher, Mike Erre, gives the message "Becoming Who You Are" at Shepherd's Grove Presbyterian Church on Sunday May 8, 2022. God's gift to us is the Gospel, which is grace and freedom. Because we have grace, we can now live into it. May we walk in grace and freedom everyday, and live a life worthy of the Gospel.
5/9/202228 minutes, 8 seconds
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You're Not Crazy, It's Just God Talking

Pastor Bobby gives the message "You're Not Crazy, It's Just God Talking" at Shepherd's Grove Presbyterian Church on Sunday May 2, 2022. One of the most important things in living life as a Christian is hearing God's voice. Just like sheep know a shepherd's voice, the more we spend time with God, the more we know His voice. 
5/2/202230 minutes, 18 seconds
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The Rejection Was a Gift

Pastor Bobby gives the message "The Rejection Was a Gift" at Shepherd's Grove Presbyterian Church on Sunday April 24, 2022. In life, we are going to face rejection. Although it may sting, may we be reminded that there is freedom in God's love, and His love is greater than rejection.
4/26/202231 minutes, 3 seconds
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The Prodigal Father

Pastor Bobby gives the message "The Prodigal Father" at Shepherd's Grove Presbyterian Church on Sunday April 17, 2022. He is risen! May we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and come home to Him today. 
4/18/202234 minutes, 47 seconds
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Save Us Lord! No, Not Like That!

Pastor Bobby gives the message "Save Us Lord! No, Not Like That!" at Shepherd's Grove Presbyterian Church on Sunday April 10, 2022. The hardships we face in life may cause our hearts to be hardened. But may we always soften our hearts to the Holy Spirit and our neighbor.
4/12/202232 minutes, 3 seconds
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God is Doing a New Thing

Pastor Bobby gives the message "God is Doing a New Thing" at Shepherd's Grove Presbyterian Church on Sunday April 3, 2022. Just because there are bad things happening in the world around us doesn't mean that God isn't working. God is still doing a new thing, and He can bring that new thing into your life today!
4/5/202229 minutes, 43 seconds
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The Manna is a Promise of Better Days to Come

Pastor Bobby gives the message "The Manna is a Promise of Better Days to Come" at Shepherd's Grove Presbyterian Church on Sunday March 27, 2022. When we find ourselves in an in-between season where we feel stuck in life, may we remember to have faith in God. May we receive the manna from God, which is His promise of better days and better things to come.
3/29/202229 minutes, 15 seconds
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When You Fear The Lord, You Will Be Free Of Fear

Pastor Bobby gives the message "When You Fear The Lord, You Will Be Free Of Fear" at Shepherd's Grove Presbyterian Church on Sunday March 20, 2022. When we worry or experience fear in life, instead of running to things that are of this world, it's important that we run to God. God is our stronghold, and may we run to Him during the hard seasons.
3/23/202231 minutes, 38 seconds
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Give God a Little & He Will Do a Lot

Pastor Bobby gives the message "Give God a Little & He Will Do a Lot" at Shepherd's Grove Presbyterian Church on Sunday March 13, 2022. In life, we are called to make sacrifices. And while they are not always easy, sometimes those sacrifices are worth it. Even if it costs us, may we live our lives for the sake of God's Kingdom because it is the best life we can live.
3/15/202229 minutes, 3 seconds
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Don't Veil Your Fading Glory

Pastor Bobby gives the message "Don't Veil Your Fading Glory" at Shepherd's Grove Presbyterian Church on Sunday March 6, 2022. We all seek glory in life, but worldly glory will fade. The only glory worth having in life is glory from God. May we seek His Kingdom first and do all things to glorify Him.
3/8/202232 minutes, 42 seconds
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For Those Who Serve & Need to be Served

Special guest preacher, John Huffman, gives the message "For Those Who Serve & Need to be Served" at Shepherd's Grove Presbyterian Church on Sunday February 27, 2022. It's important that we serve others as well as let others serve us. And while we serve others, may we be reminded that the task within the task leads to the big picture. And when we are being served, may we remember that Jesus will heal us in His time and way.
3/1/202227 minutes, 54 seconds
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Your Dreams Will Annoy People and Get You in Trouble, So What?

Pastor Bobby gives the message "Your Dreams Will Annoy People and Get You in Trouble, So What?" at Shepherd's Grove Presbyterian Church on Sunday February 20, 2022. When it comes to discipleship and following Jesus, there is a value in dreaming. God's dreams for you may take time, but we can rest in the truth that He will always turn tragedy into triumph.
2/23/202232 minutes, 1 second
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If You Want a Happy Life, Lead a Good Life

Pastor Bobby gives the message "If You Want a Happy Life, Lead a Good Life" at Shepherd's Grove Presbyterian Church on Sunday February 13, 2022. God wants us to have a happy life. But in order to have a happy life, sometimes it requires us to do the more meaningful, harder thing. May we choose to live the way God calls us to, knowing that what He has planned for us will lead us to the most joy.
2/14/202232 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Van Gogh Scenario

Pastor Bobby gives the message "The Van Gogh Scenario" at Shepherd's Grove Presbyterian Church on Sunday February 6, 2022. People desire fame, glory, and meaning. But even though God calls us to a meaningful life doesn't always mean it will be a famous one. Instead of desiring fame, may we desire being true to ourselves and trusting God over everything.
2/8/202233 minutes, 34 seconds
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God Will Qualify You

Pastor Bobby gives the message "God Will Qualify You" at Shepherd's Grove Presbyterian Church on Sunday January 30, 2022. When we think of fear, we often see it as a bad thing. However, fear is a gift for brave people because it shows us where we are called to go. May we trust God's plan, even though it may be scary, and He will qualify us as we move forward.
2/1/202237 minutes, 39 seconds
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Eternal Life is the Quality of God's Life

Pastor Bobby gives the message "Eternal Life is the Quality of God's Life" at Shepherd's Grove Presbyterian Church on Sunday January 23, 2022. Scripture says that the joy of the Lord is our strength. We can have joy, a spirit of lightheartedness, because God gives it to us. No matter what we are facing in life, we can rest in the truth that God will bring our joy back to us. 
1/25/202234 minutes, 41 seconds
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Hey You! You Are Chosen

Pastor Bobby gives the message "Hey You! You Are Chosen" at Shepherd's Grove Presbyterian Church on Sunday January 16, 2022. There are times where we feel like we aren't seen or chosen, but the truth is that God has chosen and adopted us. He is choosing soldiers, and even when we are going difficult times, He still calls us to do something great.
1/18/202230 minutes, 50 seconds
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God's Plan is Better Than Your Plan

Pastor Russ Jacobson gives the message "God's Plan is Better Than Your Plan" at Shepherd's Grove Presbyterian Church on Sunday January 9, 2022. Though we may try to plan it out ourselves, in the end, God know what He is doing and His plan will always be better than ours. May we put our trust in Him today.
1/11/202236 minutes
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But God

Special guest speaker Pastor Bayless Conley gives the message "What Are You Expecting?" at Shepherd's Grove Presbyterian Church on Sunday January 2, 2022. There will be many trials and difficulties we face in this life, but there is peace in knowing that all things are possible when God is in the picture. In whatever we say or do, may we always say, 'But God.'
1/4/202228 minutes, 49 seconds
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What Are You Expecting?

Pastor Chad Blake gives the message "What Are You Expecting?" at Shepherd's Grove Presbyterian Church on Sunday December 26, 2022. Instead of always wondering what's waiting for us and looking ahead in life, it's important that we see God in the present moment. May we see the little things as big things in life, and trust God's provision though it all.
1/3/202230 minutes, 44 seconds
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Christmas Hope

Pastor Bobby gives the message "Christmas Hope" at Shepherd's Grove Presbyterian Church on Sunday December 24, 2021. As we celebrate Christmas, may we remember the deep love that God has shown to us through the gift of His Son, Jesus Christ. May we walk in the grace and freedom of the Gospel this holiday season.
12/24/202119 minutes, 28 seconds
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Venite Adoremus

Pastor Bobby gives the message "Venite Adoremus" at Shepherd's Grove Presbyterian Church on Sunday December 19, 2021. All of us have things in life that we adore and make us come alive. However, everything on this earth fades away, but the one thing in life that does not come and go is Jesus. May we adore and worship the Lord so that we may come alive this season. 
12/20/202129 minutes, 59 seconds
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The Joy of God

Pastor Bobby gives the message "The Joy of God" at Shepherd's Grove Presbyterian Church on Sunday December 12, 2021. All of us seek happiness in life, and while the world can offer good things to us, the Holy Spirit is the only thing that can give us a limitless, sustainable joy. May we seek spiritual rewards and God's Kingdom as He blesses us with His joy.
12/13/202129 minutes, 54 seconds
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All Things Made New

Pastor Bobby gives the message "All Things Made New" at Shepherd's Grove Presbyterian Church on Sunday December 5, 2021. Some of us have experienced loss or tragic events in our life. However, the promise God gives us is that He can grow anything out of anything that has been chopped down, turning tragedy into triumph.
12/6/202130 minutes, 56 seconds
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Hope is For Noobs

Pastor Bobby gives the message "Hope is For Noobs" at Shepherd's Grove Presbyterian Church on Sunday November 28, 2021. While we can have hope in Jesus, there comes a point where we need to stop hoping and start having faith in action. May we stop hoping and start believing as we act out our faith today.
11/29/202130 minutes, 35 seconds
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Christmas Everyday

Pastor Bobby gives the message "Christmas Everyday" at Shepherd's Grove Presbyterian Church on Sunday November 21, 2021. God lives is in us and He can work through us even in our weaknesses. May we be people who who put God on display through our hearts and actions, so that others may experience His love.
11/22/202134 minutes, 42 seconds
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Crossing the Finish Line

Pastor Bobby continues his sermon series, "A Life of Real Power," with the message "Crossing the Finish Line" at Shepherd's Grove Presbyterian Church on Sunday November 14, 2021. We are all running races in our lives, meaning we all face trials and things we must overcome. With whatever race we find ourselves running today, may we finish and finish well, and trust God throughout it all. 
11/15/202132 minutes, 2 seconds
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Strong Friends for Strong Enemies

Pastor Bobby continues his sermon series, "A Life of Real Power," with the message "Strong Friends for Strong Enemies" at Shepherd's Grove Presbyterian Church on Sunday November 7, 2021. When we come across enemies or face challenges in life, we are not meant to face them alone. God will send us a friend to come alongside us and help us face whatever hard thing we may be going through.
11/8/202129 minutes, 47 seconds
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Like a Lighthouse

Pastor Bobby continues his sermon series, "A Life of Real Power," with the message "Like a Lighthouse" at Shepherd's Grove Presbyterian Church on Sunday October 31, 2021. Jesus calls us to be the light of the world, a city on a hill that can't be hidden. In other words, we are to let our light shine before others by being people who are a source of nourishment to those around us. 
11/1/202135 minutes, 22 seconds
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What to do While Waiting on the Lord

Pastor Bobby continues his sermon series, "A Life of Real Power," with the message "What to do While Waiting on the Lord" at Shepherd's Grove Presbyterian Church on Sunday October 24, 2021. In seasons of waiting, it is important that we abandon our outcomes to God. And while we are waiting on Him, though we may suffer, there are many things we can do for His Kingdom during that time.
10/25/202135 minutes, 7 seconds
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Enduring the Crucible

Pastor Bobby continues his sermon series, "A Life of Real Power," with the message "Enduring the Crucible" at Shepherd's Grove Presbyterian Church on Sunday October 17, 2021. In order to be a disciple of Jesus, we must endure suffering and go through hardships. And although it may cost us everything, being in the fullness of Jesus allows us to live the best life He wants for us. 
10/18/202133 minutes, 20 seconds
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Courage is For Others

Pastor Bobby begins a new sermon series, "A Life of Real Power," with the message "Courage is For Others" at Shepherd's Grove Presbyterian Church on Sunday October 10, 2021. To have a truly happy life means to invite Jesus into it and He will bless us. May we live according to God's truth and love so that we can live the abundant life He wants for us. 
10/11/202132 minutes, 21 seconds
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Who is the King of Kings?

Pastor Bobby continues his sermon series, "The Kingdom of God in the Roman World," with the message "Who is the King of Kings?" at Shepherd's Grove Presbyterian Church on Sunday October 3, 2021. It's important that we keep God's Kingdom at the center of everything we do, and put our trust in Jesus and not man. May we put our hope and trust in the Lord today as we serve Him.
10/4/202130 minutes, 22 seconds
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Special guest preacher, Lisa Bevere, gives the message "Focus" at Shepherd's Grove Presbyterian Church on Sunday September 26, 2021. There is so much in the world today that can distract us. But instead of focusing on the things of this world, it is important that we keep our focus on Jesus. 
9/27/202130 minutes, 50 seconds
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Power Over the Darkness

Pastor Bobby continues his sermon series, "The Kingdom of God in the Roman World," with the message "Power Over the Darkness" at Shepherd's Grove Presbyterian Church on Sunday September 19, 2021. In the material world we live in, there may be things that won't go the way we'd like or things happen that we won't understand. But the truth is that God is working all things out behind the scenes, and it's up to us to trust the authority of His Kingdom.
9/20/202129 minutes, 6 seconds