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Better Than Happy

English, Personal/Lifestyle/Family, 1 season, 504 episodes, 3 days, 28 minutes
This podcast provides practical tools and real life application for taking your life from where ever it is to the next level. We cover relationships, health, emotions, mindset, confidence, entrepreneurship, money and all other parts of being a human. Did you know there is something better than happiness? It’s the life you were meant to live.
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446. Coaching with Jody: I Should Be Able to Handle This

Have you felt overwhelmed and unable to do something, but at the same time, hesitant to ask for help? Perhaps you were afraid the person you asked would say no, or that you’d be judged for not being able to handle the task at hand on your own.    This week, you’re hearing a coaching segment from The Lab with my client who was struggling at her job, unable to figure out why she wasn’t willing to ask for help at work. We’re exploring her current thought model and the power of owning where you’re at, even if it means being messy, vulnerable, and afraid.   Get full show notes and more information here:
2/2/202415 minutes, 32 seconds
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445. Becoming Empowered

As a coach, my goal is always to help people become empowered. Empowerment is the best gift I can give my clients, and today, I’m exploring what prevents us from feeling empowered, and what I’ve observed about the journey to becoming empowered.   I'm breaking down the four stages people go through on their journey to empowerment and what each stage looks like. You’ll hear how this journey is often not linear, what happens when we feel disempowered, and why empowerment is what truly serves us best.   Get full show notes and more information here:
1/26/202439 minutes, 32 seconds
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444. Coaching with Jody: It’s Not Fair

Have you ever felt like life wasn’t fair? I definitely have. We’ve all been there. We’re taught from a young age that life isn’t fair, and while we accept that and know that arguing with this is a waste of time, we still do it every now and then.   Tune in this week to hear some real coaching with a real client about a situation that they perceive to be unfair. This particular client is dealing with some issues related to child support, but there is value in this episode for anyone dealing with an unfair situation who just wants a fair outcome for everyone involved.   Get full show notes and more information here:
1/19/202420 minutes, 38 seconds
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443. Love Like Jesus with Ben Schilaty

Whether you’re an LGBTQ individual and want to hear from other church members about their experiences, or you want to learn more so you can be a better ally, today’s episode is for you.   I'm joined by therapist, author, and podcaster, Ben Schilaty to explore a new perspective on LGBTQ individuals and the doctrine of the LDS Church. We’re discussing the struggles that church members experience when coming to terms with their sexuality, and we’re looking at how we as a community can change our collective approach to supporting the LGBTQ members of the LDS Church.   Get full show notes and more information here:
1/12/202444 minutes, 17 seconds
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442. Future Thinking

2024 is officially here, and this is the perfect time to leverage the energy and excitement of a brand-new year to imagine the future you want. Whether you currently envision something entirely different for your life or simply have an area you want to tweak, change, or improve on, looking to your future is the only way you’ll create it.   Join me on this episode to learn my practice for training your brain for future thinking. I’m showing you why our brains are often past-focused, how to identify when your brain is tempted to use past stories to determine your future, and questions that will help you imagine the life you could have from your future instead of from your past.   Get full show notes and more information here:
1/5/202427 minutes, 18 seconds
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441. At-One-Ment with Thomas McConkie

Philosopher, thought leader, teacher, and author Thomas McConkie is one of my favorite people to learn from. He’s led an interesting life, becoming an expert in all things meditation and mindfulness.    Tune in this week for a conversation with Thomas about oneness, embodiment, self-esteem, and the invitation to become more in our lives. I’m asking Thomas about embracing vulnerability, the link between oneness and God, and how we can all experience more At-One-Ment in our lives.   Get full show notes and more information here:
12/29/202333 minutes, 46 seconds
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440. The Power of a Dream

Our dreams don’t always make sense, and they can even be totally outrageous. Whatever it is you want to achieve, whether you want to be a New York Times Bestseller or you want to make an impact in the world, your dreams are powerful, but they don’t come true by chance.   Tune in this week to discover the power of a dream, and what following your dreams really looks like. I’m sharing how I’ve been pursuing my dream through my business, why it’s okay to be bad at your dream, and why you have the capacity to do literally anything you actually want to.   Get full show notes and more information here:
12/22/20231 hour, 8 minutes, 11 seconds
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439. Determination vs. Scarcity

When you have a goal you want to achieve or something you want to create, you need to have at least some level of determination. However, in trying to generate determination, you might find yourself having scarcity thoughts like, “If this doesn’t work out, then I’m in trouble."   Tune in this week to discover the difference between determination and scarcity. I’m showing you why determination and commitment are essential for doing difficult things, how you might be unknowingly slipping into a scarcity mindset when you’re going all in on your goals, and what you can do before the scarcity takes over and leaves you stuck.   Get full show notes and more information here:
12/15/202323 minutes, 4 seconds
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438. Your Perfect Past

As we approach the end of 2023 and move into the New Year, this is a great time for reflection with intention. The way you think about your past is creating your experience of the present moment, and it’s a determining factor in what you create in your future. So, if you want to work on something in your life, develop habits, and cultivate a better future, it’s time to look at your past through a new lens. Listen in to find out how.   Get full show notes and more information here:
12/8/202328 minutes
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437. The Beauty of Contrast

You may have heard me mention that life is 50-50, half positive and half negative. That doesn’t mean that life has to feel terrible half the time while the other half you’ll be happy, and we’re just stuck with it. There are layers to this idea which I'm exploring this week. I’m sharing why constant happiness isn’t the goal, and showing you how finding balance and contrast is the secret to creating a fulfilling life that you truly love.   Get full show notes and more information here:
12/1/202316 minutes, 27 seconds
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436. UPDATED: How to Save Your Marriage

I love that marriage is hard work. The opportunity to grow and evolve is precious, and it comes in many different flavors, but the work needs to start with us.       If you’re struggling with trust in your marriage, if sex is a touchy subject, or you just think your marriage isn’t as good as it could be, this episode is for you. Tune in this week to discover how to save your marriage.       Get full show notes and more information here:
11/24/202332 minutes, 14 seconds
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435. Facts vs. Thoughts

Discover how to examine your thinking by separating your thoughts from the facts. I’m showing you how to get specific when identifying your circumstances without turning them into thoughts, and giving you examples of how to try on new, more useful thoughts that help you feel more empowered in your life.   Get full show notes and more information here:
11/17/202327 minutes, 45 seconds
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434. How to Be More Inclusive with Conlon Bonner

As a member of a community, business owner, and mother, diversity, equity, and inclusion are topics I still need some education on, and this is true for many of us.    Conlon Bonner joins me today to help us navigate the landscape of diversity, equity, and inclusion without the usual political tensions, or the overtones of shame and blame that often color such discussions. We will be broaching sensitive issues such as white privilege, emphasizing the need for open, graceful communication devoid of judgment, and you will find out how these types of dialogues can contribute to positive changes in the world.   Get full show notes and more information here:
11/10/202335 minutes, 12 seconds
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Entre-Talk: The Best Email Subject Lines

Your subject line is the most important part of your email. If you aren’t grabbing people’s attention with your subject line and creating some form of connection, your email doesn’t even get opened. So this week, I’m showing you how to connect with people on a personal level in just a few words and how to stand out from the crowd in your ideal client’s inbox.   Get full show notes and more information here:
11/6/202324 minutes, 8 seconds
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433. The Valley of Resistance and Fear

If you’ve ever found yourself jumping from one negative emotion to another and it seems like there’s no way out, you might be stuck in the valley of resistance and fear.   Join me on this episode to discover why it’s so easy to get lost in the fog of negative emotion, how your perspective gets clouded when you’re in the valley of resistance and fear, and the three things that are necessary to get out.   Get full show notes and more information here:
11/3/202319 minutes, 29 seconds
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Entre-Talk: Takeaways from Funnel Hacking Live

If your business is in the world of online marketing or you're interested in learning how to build funnels, I can’t recommend Funnel Hacking Live enough. I received lots of practical and tactical strategies, ideas, and best practices to try out that I know will change the game, and I’m offering them to you on this episode.   Get full show notes and more information here:
10/30/202316 minutes, 45 seconds
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432. Bringing Teens Closer to Christ with Randy Harward

I don’t know about you, but growing up, my experience of going to seminary was hit-and-miss. My kids, on the other hand, love seminary, and it’s all down to their seminary teacher Randy Harward, also affectionately known as BroHa.   Join us on this episode to hear all of Randy’s secrets when it comes to bringing teens closer to Christ. He’s offering his top tips on connecting with teenagers, his classroom traditions that you can use at home, and why effort goes a long way when you’re working with youth in any capacity.    Get full show notes and more information here:
10/27/202335 minutes, 16 seconds
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Entre-Talk: WILD Goals

We’re often taught about SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound) goals that prevent us from failing and take us forward one step at a time. These goals are amazing for changing habits. However, I’m a big fan of entrepreneurs setting WILD goals.   This week, discover what WILD goals are, and how they can change the trajectory of your business.   Get full show notes and more information here:
10/23/202318 minutes, 7 seconds
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431. Organized Living with Shira Gill

Discover the small and doable habits that ultimately lead to organized living. I'm joined by Shira Gill, a home organizing expert and author who uses coaching as a way to supplement all of the expertise she has in helping people live less cluttered lives.   Whether you consider yourself organized, messy, or somewhere in between, today’s episode is exactly what you need. Shira is giving us practical tips you can implement right now to start living a less cluttered life.   Get full show notes and more information here:
10/20/202337 minutes, 34 seconds
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Entre-Talk: My Recent Talk with Brooke Castillo

I recently reached out to my primary teacher and coach over the years: Brooke Castillo. I needed a little help in getting my head straight and what she said to me on that call was unique and extremely helpful. I’m bringing what we discussed on that call here to the podcast so her wisdom can help all of you as much as it helped me.   Get full show notes and more information here:
10/16/202318 minutes, 31 seconds
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430. Dating Tips for YSAs

Being a young single adult (YSA) is an exciting and fun time, but it can also feel like you’re on a rollercoaster. You might think you want to get married because then you’ll be happy. You may be struggling to meet anyone you think is a suitable partner for you. Whatever you’re struggling with right now, I’ve got you covered.   I’m sharing six things you need to keep in mind as you move through this phase of your life so you can find the right person while having a great time in the process.   Get full show notes and more information here:
10/13/202319 minutes, 24 seconds
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429. When You Hate Your Job

Discover what to do when you hate your job. I’m discussing why there’s nothing objectively wrong with your job, but that doesn’t mean you have to stay there. I’m sharing how to meet your job and your own experience with curiosity and start to see what you can do about your situation.   Get full show notes and more information here:
10/6/202330 minutes, 32 seconds
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Entre-Talk: How to Test Your Ideas

Coming up with ideas is one thing, but coming up with ideas for how to test your ideas can be a real challenge. This week, I’m sharing the testing strategies that have worked for me and the ideas I’ve seen some of the best entrepreneurs implement so you can get real consumer feedback on how your business performs out there in the real world.   Get full show notes and more information here:
10/2/202320 minutes, 34 seconds
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428. When You're Caring for Aging Parents

Join me on this episode to hear my coaching on the topic of caring for aging parents. You’ll hear how to let this be an amazing time of your life even if it’s not always easy, what happens when you show up as your most loving self, and how to be honest about and own your decision to care for aging parents.   Get full show notes and more information here:
9/29/202321 minutes, 35 seconds
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Entre-Talk: Should You Change Your Niche?

Tune in for my answer to the question of whether or not you should change your niche. You’ll hear how all niches have challenges and opportunities, why I used to discourage my clients from changing their niches, and what I think are great reasons to change your niche.    Get full show notes and more information here:
9/25/202318 minutes, 24 seconds
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427. Bad Advice

Sometimes, we hear things that sound good and righteous on the surface, but when you dig into them a little, they actually have the potential to cause problems.   Tune in this week to discover five pieces of advice that might not be the good advice you think they are. I’m sharing the story behind each piece of bad advice, and showing you how to start determining whether or not a piece of advice is as good as it first appears.   Get full show notes and more information here:
9/22/202316 minutes, 56 seconds
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Entre-Talk: Goal Heaviness

What is the reason behind your business goals? Whether it’s to make your parents proud, inspire your kids, or to simply have more money, putting pressure on your business in this way is not serving you.   This week, I’m sharing the difference between a compelling reason and a heavy reason, what happens when you create goal heaviness in your business, and the true reason for setting goals in the first place.   Get full show notes and more information here:
9/18/202317 minutes, 34 seconds
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426. Faith Matters with Bill & Susan Turnbull

Bill and Susan Turnbull are the founders of the wonderful organization, Faith Matters. Their mission is to help us expand our understanding of our faith, and Faith Matters does this through amazing events, gatherings, publications, podcasts, and they even published my book!    In this episode, Bill and Susan are sharing how they started doing their valuable work in the world, how you can get involved, and the details of a project that myself and Faith Matters have collaborated on that’s ready for you to enjoy.   Get full show notes and more information here:
9/15/202343 minutes, 3 seconds
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Entre-Talk: Meetings with Yourself

Discover the value of having meetings with yourself. I’m sharing what these meetings will look like, what the outcomes of these meetings with yourself should be, and I’m giving you my tips for getting clear on your thoughts about your day-to-day in your business, as well as all the big-picture stuff.   Get full show notes and more information here:
9/11/202319 minutes, 11 seconds
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425. Imposter Syndrome is Not Real with Lindsay Lyman

I’ve featured a few of my coaching family members on the podcast before, but I finally have my little sister Lindsay Lyman on the show! Lindsay coaches employees who are navigating careers in Corporate America, and imposter syndrome is something her clients come up against all the time.   We’re discussing how to spot imposter syndrome, and Lindsay is showing us how to transform our perception of imposter syndrome so we can try new things without feeling like there’s something wrong with us.   Get full show notes and more information here:
9/8/202342 minutes, 5 seconds
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Entre-Talk: What We Learned From Taylor Swift

Do you worry that your ideal clients can’t afford you? Whether you’re a Swiftie or not, Taylor Swift is serving us a huge lesson in business right now with her Eras Tour. People are literally begging to spend their money on a ticket to see her live, and the truth is you could have people beating down the door to work with you too.   Hear the reminder Taylor Swift is offering us right now about how lots of people have money they’re willing to spend. You just have to help them put it to use in a way that’ll serve them, and I’m sharing my tips with you today.   Get full show notes and more information here:
9/4/202310 minutes, 5 seconds
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424. Result Ownership

In all my years of coaching, I’ve discovered one foolproof way to gain awareness of what you’re thinking and believing, and it’s a practice I call result ownership. Discover the power of result ownership and why it’s key to gaining insight into what you’re thinking and believing. Hear common examples of results you can begin owning right now, what happens when you practice result ownership consistently, and why owning your results is vital if you want to change them.   Get full show notes and more information here:
9/1/202334 minutes, 40 seconds
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423. Encore: Mirroring Emotions

Most people are going through life completely unconscious of what is really creating their emotions. We’ve discussed on the podcast how thoughts create feelings, but another piece of the puzzle is unconsciously mirroring the emotions of others. In this encore episode, I’m revisiting a tool I use with my clients to gain awareness of when they’re mirroring emotions, which is the first step to creating a more peaceful life. Discover how, when you’re not feeling great and you can recognize your brain is just mirroring emotions, you can simply choose a different emotion instead.   Get full show notes and more information here:
8/25/202321 minutes, 34 seconds
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422. Encore: Transitions

If you’re trying to change anything in your life, or you’re dealing with a change in circumstances that you don’t feel like you have control over, this episode will be super useful. I’m sharing why times of transition are an emotional struggle, and I’m showing you how you can prepare to make decisions that serve you during these times.   Get full show notes and more information here:
8/18/202336 minutes, 32 seconds
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Entre-Talk: You Have 2 Jobs

If you run your own business, you have two jobs. Your first job is obvious: You’re a coach, a healer, a teacher, an expert, or whatever your area of expertise is. Your other job is an entrepreneur, but I know some of you haven't embraced this role yet.   This week, I’m showing you how to strengthen the part of your brain that thinks like a business owner so you always have clients to share your gifts with.   Get full show notes and more information here:
8/14/20239 minutes, 20 seconds
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421. Freedom from Anxiety

How do you find freedom from anxiety? And should that even be your goal?   Tune in this week to discover how to be a human who feels anxiety without it shutting you down and controlling you, and how to question your thoughts and feelings about anxiety in the most helpful way possible.   Get full show notes and more information here:
8/11/202319 minutes, 49 seconds
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Entre-Talk: The Algorithm

If you’ve been in the online business world for a while, you’ve probably heard advice about how to beat or leverage the algorithm. Most people don’t love the algorithm, but I do.   This week, I’m discussing what the algorithm is, how it works, and how to put your time into creating amazing content instead of trying to game the algorithm.   Get full show notes and more information here:
8/7/20238 minutes, 19 seconds
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420. Understanding Emotional Health

If you know someone who is struggling, or you’re struggling yourself and you're not sure what you need, this episode is for you.   Tune in for a deeper understanding of emotional health. I’m comparing emotional health to physical health so you can see why even perfectly healthy people still experience pain, the side effects of serious mental and emotional injuries, and how to deal with the emotional pain of simply being human on our planet.   Get full show notes and more information here:
8/4/202317 minutes, 25 seconds
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Entre-Talk: Keep It Simple

There’s one piece of advice I received when I first started to really scale my business, and it’s still a guiding principle that serves me every day. That piece of advice is: keep it simple.   I’m sharing why keeping it simple doesn’t mean keeping yourself small, how to scale what you offer without complicating your business in the process, and I’m showing you where I recommend you start in building a simple business.   Get full show notes and more information here:
7/31/202316 minutes, 24 seconds
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419. Co-Creation at Its Best

Do you feel like your life is currently lacking? Maybe you feel unfulfilled, bored, or like something’s just a little off. If this resonates, you might need to evaluate whether you’re creating at your best, or creating at all.   Discover what co-creation at its best means and the most common reasons we aren’t creating at our best. You’ll hear why why creation might not be bringing you joy right now and how to start seeing where else in your life you might have the chance to co-create.   Get full show notes and more information here:
7/28/202329 minutes, 49 seconds
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Entre-Talk: Fear of Success

We hear about the fear of failure often, but have you ever experienced the fear of success? It’s this odd thing that happens to most of us around all kinds of goals we have, and it certainly shows up when it comes to our businesses. Hear four ways the fear of success manifests in business, and why, in reality, it's not actually a problem.   Get full show notes and more information here:
7/24/202318 minutes, 12 seconds
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418. Nervous System Regulation with Leah Davidson

Sometimes, you know something is a thought, but you can’t stop thinking it. This is because of your nervous system. My guest this week is here to help you understand where these uncomfortable thoughts and emotions are coming from, and how you can start dealing with them through regulating your nervous system.   Leah Davidson is a registered Speech-Language Pathologist and a certified Life Coach with expertise in nervous system regulation. We’re discussing how our brains interact with our nervous systems, what it feels like when your nervous system is activated, and some of the ways you can regulate your nervous system when you notice it’s activated.   Get full show notes and more information here:
7/21/202335 minutes, 23 seconds
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Entre-Talk: Can You Be a Coach if You’re a Mess?

Do you feel like a fluke as a coach? Are you worried about being in a position where your clients trust you to help them, but you feel stuck in the same way they are? Can you be a coach if you’re a mess?   This is a question I’ve been asked time and time again, and I’m excited to share my thoughts with you this week.   Get full show notes and more information here:
7/17/202311 minutes, 36 seconds
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417. A’s to Your Q’s

It's time for another Q&A episode! I’m offering my insights on a variety of topics, from what we can do when we want the people in our lives to be different and why we self-sabotage on our goals, to staying positive and confident even when we’re faced with criticism or backlash.    Get full show notes and more information here:
7/14/202346 minutes, 47 seconds
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416. Selfish

Most of us will do anything to avoid coming across as selfish. Perhaps it’s a label you never want to be associated with. However, many of us (women especially) are using this advice against ourselves.   This week, I invite you to consider whose job it is to ensure you’re as happy and healthy as you can be. Hear the difference between taking care of yourself and selfishness, why it’s fine for other people to be inconvenienced sometimes, and how taking care of yourself first is an opportunity to paint a picture of what it really means to be a caring, loving, and serving adult in the world.   Get full show notes and more information here:
7/7/202324 minutes, 23 seconds
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Entre-Talk: How to Pitch Yourself

Discover how to pitch yourself in a way that will yield success. I’m discussing why pitching yourself is one of the tougher parts of being a new entrepreneur, how to think of your pitches as a numbers game, and how to get other people to say yes when you pitch yourself to them.   Get full show notes and more information here:
7/3/202312 minutes, 12 seconds
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415. Self-Accountability

Have you ever found yourself saying, “I just need someone to hold me accountable?” If you think you’d be able to be more consistent at creating a new habit if you had someone to hold you accountable, you’re in the right place.   Tune in to hear 6 things that stop us from practicing the skill of self-accountability. I’m outlining each one to show you how they might be showing up in your life, and what you can do to begin strengthening your ability to hold yourself accountable.   Get full show notes and more information here:
6/30/202325 minutes, 29 seconds
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Entre-Talk: The Brandi Carlile Way

Discover the value of overdelivering and surprising your audience. I’m discussing why you need to consider the ways you can surprise and delight your audience the Brandi Carlile way, how it benefits your business, and the importance of avoiding desperation as you overdeliver for your clients.   Get full show notes and more information here:
6/26/202319 minutes, 52 seconds
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414. The Importance of Social Connection with Andy Proctor

Have you ever felt lonely, even when you’re surrounded by people? Maybe you’re a new mom who doesn’t have extra resources, or someone who works full-time with no time to socialize. Too many people live without a sense of belonging or connection, and this is more deadly than we think.   I’m speaking to Andy Proctor, a psychology PhD student studying how friendship and social connection impact our health. He’s sharing the role social connection plays in our religion, why we underestimate the dangers of social disconnection, and his practical strategies for fostering more friendships and connections.   Get full show notes and more information here:
6/23/202347 minutes, 30 seconds
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Entre-Talk: Success Without Belief

It’s useful to believe you can achieve your desired outcome. But the truth is, you don’t necessarily need to believe you’re capable at all. Tune in this week to discover how it’s possible to create success without belief. I’m discussing why belief helps, but if you truly love what you’re doing, then you really can achieve anything you want.   Get full show notes and more information here:
6/19/202313 minutes, 27 seconds
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413. The Alternative to Fixing Feelings

Negative feelings are a natural, healthy part of the human experience. I’m showing you how you already have practice with accommodating uncomfortable parts of the human experience, and how to apply the same logic to sadness, loneliness, or any other negative emotion.   Find out why you can’t fix anybody else’s feelings, even your kids’ feelings, how to embrace the idea that other people are going to feel bad from time to time, and how to help others without trying to fix their emotions.   Get full show notes and more information here:
6/16/202328 minutes, 50 seconds
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Entre-Talk: Don’t Go Viral

Discover why, as an entrepreneur, going viral doesn’t actually serve us in the way we hope it will. I’m sharing why a piece of your work going viral doesn’t mean a successful business will be easy to create, why I’m nervous for people who do go viral, and what you should be aiming for instead.   Get full show notes and more information here:
6/12/202311 minutes, 44 seconds
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412. Unwanted Thoughts

I'm shedding some light on your unwanted thoughts and what you can do about them. Whether it’s a violent or destructive thought, an old relationship you can’t stop thinking about, or anything else you find yourself thinking about that you know isn’t serving you, I’m showing you how to make sure you aren’t giving any power to these unwanted thoughts.   Get full show notes and more information here:
6/9/202318 minutes, 37 seconds
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Entre-Talk: The Destination and The Plane

Succinctly and clearly describing what you do in your business is challenging. I know firsthand how hard it can be to put your offer into words that land for your ideal clients, and that’s why on this episode, I’m fleshing out this topic to help you gain clarity around your offer.   Hear why you have to describe the destination before the plane, and how to begin brainstorming the destination you want to take your people to.   Get full show notes and more information here:
6/5/202311 minutes, 23 seconds
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411. How to Set Yourself Free

Hear how you might be unknowingly trapping yourself, and three strategies that will set you free. I’m showing you the power of mindset awareness, emotional maturity, and allowing for yourself and others to have the full human experience, and why cultivating these skills gives you the opportunity to set yourself free.   Get full show notes and more information here:
6/2/202329 minutes, 53 seconds
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Entre-Talk: How to Get Over Yourself

Discover how to get over yourself if you’re fearful of the negative criticism and judgment that is part and parcel of business building. I’m showing you why this fear is normal, how to recognize that it can’t actually hurt you, and the decisions you get to make when you receive hate.   Get full show notes and more information here:
5/29/202314 minutes, 35 seconds
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410. What I Learned from the Amish

Discover what I learned from the Amish after a visit to Lancaster, PA. I’m not ready to abandon my television, my computer, or my car, but what I learned from the Amish community there about slowing down and simplifying my life has changed my outlook forever, and I think these lessons will benefit all of you too.   Get full show notes and more information here:
5/26/202320 minutes, 2 seconds
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Entre-Talk: What Might Be Wrong With Your Offer

Discover what's wrong with your offer. I'm discussing my own story of creating my first offer after experiencing the benefits of coaching and showing you how to create an offer that people really want to buy.   Get full show notes and more information here:
5/22/202312 minutes, 44 seconds
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409. The Power of Your Focus

Discover the power of your focus. We tend to think we're just noticing what's happening in our lives, the things that come across our paths, and the challenges that come up. However, to a much greater extent than any of us realize, we are creating our experience with our focus.    I share how to redirect your focus to create the experience of life that you really want.   Get full show notes and more information here:
5/19/202323 minutes, 16 seconds
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Entre-Talk: No Such Luck

This week’s episode is a wake-up call that many of you need to hear. There’s this belief that if we just choose the right niche, the perfect image for our ads, or get featured on the right podcast or magazine, we’ll finally have our big break. Some of you are sitting around waiting to get lucky, and the truth is this is not how success happens. Hear why you have to stop waiting to get lucky.   Get full show notes and more information here:
5/15/202315 minutes, 54 seconds
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408. A Love Letter to All the Moms

This is for all the mommas, grandmas, aunties, moms-to-be, hopeful moms in the thick of infertility treatment, surrogate moms, birth moms, adopted moms, and moms who had it forced up on by falling in love with someone who already had children. This episode is for you.   I’m sharing what I believe all moms want this Mother’s Day, and showing you how to show yourself fierce love, kindness, and compassion when you feel like you’re falling short as a parent.   Get full show notes and more information here:
5/12/202313 minutes, 16 seconds
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Entre-Talk: How to Book More Consults

If you find that you’re having trouble getting people to book a consult, you are not alone. Hear why this is the one step in your marketing funnel that has the potential to make the biggest difference in your business, whether or not you succeed in getting your potential clients to take that next step, and what you have to consider if you want to book more consults.    Get full show notes and more information here:
5/8/202312 minutes, 41 seconds
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407. Cliques

Think about the people you often see in your communities. Whether at Church, school, work, or wherever you spend a lot of time, are there people who you deem to be in cliques or clique-y?    This week I dive into the term “clique” and my thoughts on the unhelpful ways we think about it. I’m sharing how it’s not loving or connecting, how to approach being included by other people if you want to, and more helpful ways to think about cliques.   Get full show notes and more information here:
5/5/202318 minutes, 59 seconds
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Entre-Talk: This Might Not Work

As an entrepreneur, you’ll have ideas all the time. Everything is worth a try. However, if you’re putting pressure on yourself by believing everything you try should work out, you’re setting yourself up for a rollercoaster of emotion and eventually burnout.   This week, I’m talking about the idea of approaching everything you do in your business through the lens of understanding that it might not work. Learn how this mindset will serve you best on your journey as an entrepreneur, and how to leverage this belief as you try new things.   Get full show notes and more information here:
5/1/202313 minutes, 37 seconds
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406. Marriage Prep with Natalie Clay

My guest this week is my sister, Natalie Clay, and she's a couples coach with tons of wisdom and experience when it comes to coaching couples around their marriages. She's sharing the value of knowing what challenges to expect and some tools to help you navigate these inevitable challenges, the myths about marriage and romance that aren’t helping, and she’s giving us her practical tips for building a close, lasting marriage.   Get full show notes and more information here:
4/28/202351 minutes, 26 seconds
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Entre-Talk: Investing in Your Business

Whether you don’t currently have the funds to invest in your business or you’re wondering where the best place to invest is, listen in.    I share my top recommendations for where to invest your time and money. Hear one of the most common mistakes I see when people are in the midst of growing their businesses, and my favorite ideas for helping, serving, and giving, even if you don’t have the funds right now.   Get full show notes and more information here:
4/24/202324 minutes, 31 seconds
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405. Doing the Right Thing for the Wrong Reason

Have you ever found yourself justifying your actions with reasons that others may disagree with? The reality is that there are no right or wrong reasons for doing anything - only different motivations that yield varying results.   In this week's episode, we're not here to judge your reasons for doing things. Instead, I want you to consider whether your motivations are truly helpful and aligned with your goals. Are they the best reasons for achieving what you want, and do you genuinely like them?   Get full show notes and more information here:  
4/21/202323 minutes, 1 second
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Entre-Talk: Ideas

Do you struggle with coming up with new ideas for your business or marketing plan? As a seasoned entrepreneur and creative thinker, I’ve discovered that ideas are abundant - it’s all about tapping into them and recognizing them when they come your way. But how can you become more open to receiving these ideas? Tune in and discover how to identify the ideas that are right for you and learn my personal tips for staying open to new opportunities.    Get full show notes and more information here:
4/17/202313 minutes, 5 seconds
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404. Win and Learn

Our daily lives are full of success stories, but so often we get lost looking at our failures. I'm telling you, your life has way more success stories than failures. Why not work toward your goals with this in mind - all your wins, all your ability, all the skills that come effortlessly?   This week, I am excited to talk to you about winning and learning from your successes. This practice is transformative and can be so simple once you have identified how it applies to your life.   Get full show notes and more information here:
4/14/202327 minutes, 25 seconds
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Entre-Talk: Work-Life Balance

Discover how a fear of lacking work-life balance might be stopping you before you even get started. I’m sharing why having work-life balance is a choice, and how to own the decision to focus your attention on your business in an empowering way, without feeling bad about it.   Get full show notes and more information here:
4/10/202310 minutes, 43 seconds
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403. Jealousy

Jealousy never feels particularly fun, but did you know that there are many interesting things to be discovered when you feel it? I try not to get upset about any perceived negative emotion that I experience, but with jealousy, I actually get excited when I notice it. And if this sounds crazy to you, you’re in the right place.   I show you how there is so much power in understanding what you truly desire, and why jealousy can sometimes be a doorway into helping you see that.   Get full show notes and more information here:
4/7/202328 minutes, 11 seconds
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Entre-Talk: Abundance Breeds Abundance

This week, I invite you to see the whole world as an abundant place. Your potential clients and customers have the same capacity for abundance as you do, and when you create value for them, they create value for someone else. Learn how to reframe the way you’re currently viewing your customers and stop being shy about creating amazing value for them.   Get full show notes and more information here:
4/3/202310 minutes, 11 seconds
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402. Biceps After Babies with Amber Brueseke

If you’re working on your relationship with your body and food, or on improving your physical health, you’re going to find so many gems in this week's conversation. I sat down with Amber Brueseke, a Registered Nurse, Personal Trainer, Crossfit Coach, and founder of Macros 101.   Amber shares her top tips for taking baby steps toward getting healthier and feeling better. She’s busting the top myths about weight loss that are keeping you stuck, showing you how to shift your relationship with the scale, and her favorite hacks for macro counting and getting more protein in your diet.   Get full show notes and more information here:
3/31/202348 minutes, 55 seconds
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Entre-Talk: When You Mess Up Publicly

I hope you never publicly make a mistake, and maybe you never will. But just in case you’re human and sometimes drop the ball, this week, I’m telling you how I think about messing up, and what I do to handle it.    Get full show notes and more information here:
3/27/202312 minutes, 7 seconds
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401. Goal Playfulness

If you want to feel lighter and more inspired about anything you want to achieve, create, or change in your life, listen in. Hear what happens when you get on the rollercoaster of motivation, why achieving a goal won’t actually make you happier, and why playfulness is the key to long-term sustainable goal achievement.   Get full show notes and more information here:
3/24/202324 minutes, 26 seconds
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Entre-Talk: No More Freeloaders

Have you ever been in a situation where people are asking for your services but they don’t want to pay you, or at least you think they don’t want to pay you? Maybe you’ve even provided your services for free in the past so you could gain some experience or test your offerings.   Discover what to do when you decide you’re done with the freeloaders and you’re ready to start exclusively charging for your services.   Get full show notes and more information here:
3/20/202315 minutes, 47 seconds
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400. Pretending vs. Becoming

To celebrate 400 episodes and show my appreciation to all of you who listen to this podcast, I’m sharing a message that’s near and dear to my heart that I think will have exponential value in your life if you apply it.   Want to change something about yourself? Want to land a new role at work? Navigating parenthood for the first time? All of it requires a phase of pretending before becoming. If you find yourself stuck in the loop of pretending, listen in.    Get full show notes and more information here:
3/17/202331 minutes, 24 seconds
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Entre-Talk: Courage and Purpose

Pursuing your purpose and living it out is extremely gendered in our society. As women, we’ve been conditioned to believe that we’re being selfish somehow if we pursue our purpose.   Discover why courage and purpose go hand-in-hand, and how, in general, men don’t seem to have the same fear about aiming high that women experience. You’ll hear why fulfilling your purpose requires courage, and how to know if you’re casting your purpose aside.   Get full show notes and more information here:
3/13/202311 minutes, 19 seconds
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399. The Comfort-Discomfort Cycle

There are two philosophies I use when coaching. First, I believe we should enjoy life and have fun, and second, I think that we need to get comfortable with being uncomfortable.   I’ve used both of these philosophies to achieve success in different areas of my life and help my clients achieve their dreams as well. Discover how these seemingly opposing outlooks can combine to help you have any experience you want in your life.   Get full show notes and more information here:
3/10/202322 minutes, 45 seconds
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Entre-Talk: Maybe I’m Just Not Good at This

When you’re struggling in your business, do you ever find yourself thinking that maybe you’re just not that good at what you do? It’s tempting for your brain to think that the problem is you, that you just don’t know what you’re doing. This week, discover how to respond to that part of your brain that’s telling you that you aren’t good enough.   Get full show notes and more information here:
3/6/202318 minutes, 25 seconds
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398. Fostering Unity with Julie Rose

In today’s world, where there’s a heavy focus on division, we need to make more effort to truly connect and foster unity, without losing sight of our values. Julie Rose has been a radio journalist for 20 years, and she has a real talent for helping us look at all sides of a situation in a way that fosters unity.   Julie is sharing her experience of listening to others with empathy, her insight around managing uncomfortable emotions in conversation, and some stick-with-it moments from her career that we can all learn from.   Get full show notes and more information here:
3/3/202349 minutes, 20 seconds
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Entre-Talk: 10X Ideas

Join me this week as I share my thoughts on 10X ideas, and how to look at your business through this lens. You’ll hear how to navigate unanswered questions about your business’s future, the fastest and most effective way to grow your business, and what is helping me 10X the way I’m thinking about mine.   Get full show notes and more information here:
2/27/202312 minutes, 48 seconds
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397. When You Talk Too Much

If you’re like me and talking just lights you up, there will always be a chance that you’re talking too much. But you’d be amazed at what you can learn when you sit back and listen instead.   Discover how to intentionally decide for yourself what talking too much means, and why silence is sometimes an amazing thing that others appreciate. I’m giving you some strategies that I utilize in managing that part of myself that wants to talk but isn’t always aware of how much talking is an appropriate amount.   Get full show notes and more information here:
2/24/202319 minutes, 52 seconds
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Entre-Talk: Thoughts on Social Media

There are endless ways you can grow your business, and there’s nothing you “should” do other than what you truly want. However, if you’re currently in the camp of not wanting to share on social media, listen in.   Discover the most common reasons I’ve heard for not wanting to have a presence on social media, and the importance of understanding your reasons if you resonate with this. I also share my own thoughts on social media, and why I feel great about it.   Get full show notes and more information here:
2/20/20237 minutes
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396. Supporting your LGBTQ+ Friends While Keeping Your Faith

TJ Thomas is a licensed therapist who specializes in sexuality and spirituality. We had the pleasure of welcoming him to do a workshop on exactly this topic in Be Bold, and the members in there wanted to share it with as many people as possible, so I’m putting it out here on the podcast. TJ is coming at this conversation from a place of compassion for both sides and sharing his valuable insights from his research and lived experience.   Get full show notes and more information here:
2/17/20231 hour, 1 minute, 9 seconds
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Entre-Talk: Useful Questions

The way that thoughts appear in our brains is generally in question format. Especially when you’re an entrepreneur, your brain is asking questions like, “Why isn’t this working?” or, “What’s the matter with me?” Sometimes, these questions are helpful; other times, they aren’t.   I’m sharing why our default brain tends to come up with unhelpful questions, and how to access the wisest part of your brain when coming up with solutions for your business.   Get full show notes and more information here:
2/13/202312 minutes, 47 seconds
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395. When You Don’t Like Someone

There will always be people in the world that we won’t like, and you can’t make yourself like them. So, what now?   I’m sharing how we tend to make this situation harder for ourselves and bring on our own negative emotion, and I’m showing you how to deal with your feelings about this other person, step by step, so you can make peace if you’re in this scenario.   Get full show notes and more information here:
2/10/202320 minutes, 41 seconds
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Entre-Talk: You and Your Dream

What is your castle-on-the-hill type of dream? Is it having a certain number of clients, or hitting a revenue milestone in your business? Do you even have a relationship with it?   Join me this week for a conversation about you and your dream. You’ll hear why building a fun, playful, and loving relationship with your dream matters so much, what happens when you truly love your dream.   Get full show notes and more information here:
2/6/202313 minutes, 21 seconds
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394. Shame, Pride, Confidence, and Humility

Tune in this week to discover why shame and pride are not opposites of each other but are the opposite of confidence and humility. I’m inviting you to consider that you may have had shame, pride, confidence, and humility wrong for your entire life, and how you can move from shame and pride into a place of confidence and humility, and consciously stay there.   Get full show notes and more information here:
2/3/202333 minutes, 57 seconds
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Entre-Talk: Raising Kids While Growing a Business

Join me today to hear my experience of deciding to grow my business and raise kids, and why I feel great about it. I’m sharing my insights on all your concerns about doing both, why you can’t expect perfection of yourself, and how to set parameters around your business and parenting that feel fulfilling and aligned to you.   Get full show notes and more information here:
1/30/202320 minutes, 58 seconds
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393. Finding Peace in Uncertainty with Tim and Aubrey Chavez

Tune in this week to discover the lessons that are available when we delve deep into our faith, even the parts we don’t necessarily agree with. I'm joined by executive board members and podcast hosts for Faith Matters Foundation, Tim and Audrey Chavez. Both of these thought-provoking speakers have had challenges on their faith journeys, and they have a beautiful and fascinating story about finding peace in uncertainty to share with you.   Get full show notes and more information here:
1/27/202358 minutes
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Entre-Talk: Do I Have the Right Niche?

If you want to build a successful business, you need a niche. However, searching for the ‘right’ or ‘best’ niche is one of the things that slows new coaches down the most. So this week, I’m sharing a story that illustrates why most niches will work for you if you’re willing to work them, how to decide what you want your niche to be, and how to be patient and consistent as you start building a business around your chosen niche.   Get full show notes and more information here:
1/23/202313 minutes, 5 seconds
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392. 3 Ways to Be Here Now

Being present is a peaceful way to live and it allows us to be the people we want to be. However, our world is filled with more and more compelling distractions and it’s getting increasingly harder to actually be present. So, tune in this week to discover my tips for staying present and three things you can try right now so you can just be here now in the moment.   Get full show notes and more information here:
1/20/202316 minutes, 10 seconds
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Entre-Talk: Are There Too Many Coaches?

Welcome to the first episode in a new series over here at Better Than Happy: Entre-Talk. These episodes are specifically for those of you who are or are interested in becoming entrepreneurs. I’ll be answering a different question in each episode, speaking to the topics that are most important to all the entrepreneurs listening, starting with a question that comes up all the time: are there too many coaches?   Get full show notes and more information here:
1/16/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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391. When Your Husband Doesn’t Want What You Want

What do you do when you want something, but your spouse doesn’t want what you want? Whether this is something you want to buy, or a change you want to make in your life like moving somewhere new or having more kids, it’s natural to want your spouse to be on board, but what do you do if they’re not budging this time?   This week, I’m sharing how to figure out a solution that serves both you and your spouse when you come up against a difference in desire.   Get full show notes and more information here:
1/13/202319 minutes, 15 seconds
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390. Cooperative Growth

Whether or not you do anything to further your own growth, the world keeps on moving like a river with a strong current. Sometimes it moves fast, sometimes it’s slower, but it’s never stagnant, and staying still becomes exhausting. So, instead of clinging onto the riverbank, this week, I’m showing you how to stop fighting and instead intentionally cooperate with growth so you can move towards whatever it is you want to create in your life.   Get full show notes and more information here:
1/6/202335 minutes, 50 seconds
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389. Get Your Own Back

Tune in this week to discover what it means to get your own back, what it doesn’t mean, and some tips for implementing this concept in a useful way in your own life. I’m sharing three strategies you can implement to start getting your own back, supporting yourself from a place of real love and positivity.   Get full show notes and more information here:
12/30/202232 minutes, 18 seconds
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388. Real Problems Vs. Thought Problems

Tune in this week to discover the difference between real problems and thought problems. I’m sharing some specific circumstances that people consider to be problems, how all of these problems are a result of your thoughts, and I’m sharing how to see where you can start using your thoughts about a problem to your advantage.   Get full show notes and more information here:
12/23/202228 minutes, 46 seconds
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387. Meet Jody’s Life Coach Bev Aron

I’ve talked a lot about my mentors here on the show, but not my coach, Bev Aron. She’s considered by many to be the mother hen of The Life Coach School. She’s outrageously wise, a super-experienced coach, and as well as having a deep knowledge of coaching tools, she lives them every day, and she’s here to share her light and wisdom with you.   Get full show notes and more information here:
12/16/202243 minutes, 41 seconds
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386. Success Courage

I recently realized how scary success can be and how common it is for the idea of success to hold people back from going after what they want, whether it's becoming a talented artist, rich, or any other idea you might have of success. You need to be brave to choose success, so this week, I'm sharing what Success Courage is and how to embrace it.   Get full show notes and more information here:
12/9/202230 minutes, 14 seconds
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385. How to Get Exactly What You Want for Christmas

Tune in this week to discover how to get exactly what you want for Christmas. I’m sharing what could have left you disappointed on Christmas morning in previous years, and I’m giving you two simple, practical tips to implement that guarantee you will get exactly what you expect to receive this holiday season.   Get full show notes and more information here:
12/2/202213 minutes, 24 seconds
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384. Overcoming Sex and Pornography Addiction with Jason Portnoy

This week’s episode is an incredibly special one. I’m sitting down with Tim Chaves from Faith Matters as co-hosts to speak to entrepreneur, venture capitalist, and author, Jason Portnoy. On the outside, Jason’s life looked perfect, but unhealed traumas from his past left him descending into sex and pornography addiction, and he’s sharing it all in his book, Silicon Valley Porn Star. Tune in to hear about his journey and the pieces that have been integral to his healing.   Get full show notes and more information here:
11/25/20221 hour, 4 minutes, 31 seconds
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383. Past and Future You

Tune in this week to discover what it means to separate your past self from your present self, and why doing so makes it so much easier to make better choices for your future self. You’ll hear how to start being kinder to your past self, and how you’ll love present and future you more when you begin loving on past you.   Get full show notes and more information here:
11/18/202226 minutes, 18 seconds
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382. Rich People

This week, I’m planting some questions in your head to give you the opportunity to become more aware of your current money beliefs, especially around what it means to be rich. You’ll hear why so many people have a fear of becoming rich, what actually makes someone rich, and what to do when you notice judgments coming up about rich people. And, if you’re fearful that being rich would make you greedy, selfish, or out of touch, listen in.   Get full show notes and more information here:
11/11/202224 minutes, 53 seconds
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381. Embarrassed of Your Family

Discover why feeling embarrassed of your family is normal and human, and how to loosen the grip of embarrassment so you can instead tap into curiosity and love for them. You’ll hear why you might feel embarrassed in some moments and not in others, and how to challenge yourself to embrace all of who someone you love truly is.     Get full show notes and more information here:
11/4/202225 minutes, 31 seconds
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380. How to Get Out of a Rut

I wanted to record this episode for you while I’m still in a rut because it’s one thing to hear me talk about a problem I’ve already solved in my life, but it’s another when I can share it with you from within. You’ll hear how being in a rut is part and parcel of the human experience, what being stuck in a rut looks like for me and the first signs that indicate I’m in a rut, and my favorite ways to try to pull myself out when I’m spiraling in complaining and self-pity.    Get full show notes and more information here:
10/28/202241 minutes, 51 seconds
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379. You’re Already Awesome with Alison Faulkner

Tune in this week to get some truly incredible knowledge and tools from Alison Faulkner. Alison is an author, writer, and content creator who believes in being who you want to be and feeling as awesome as you are. Her new book is amazing and she’s here to talk about that. She’s sharing everything she learned through the process of writing it and how you can start claiming your awesomeness, regardless of your own or other people’s thoughts about you.    Get full show notes and more information here:
10/21/202247 minutes, 17 seconds
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378. Effort and Skill

Most people who do something well don’t just wake up and decide to do it well. This week, find out the roles effort and skill play in you becoming amazing at something. I’m sharing how to deal with thoughts like, “What if I’m not good at it?” as you go after new goals, and how to see that an abundance of effort will always compensate for a lack of skill whenever you start something new.   Get full show notes and more information here:
10/14/202224 minutes, 48 seconds
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377. Stages of Faith

Discover why it’s a natural human developmental and psychological process for us to go through a phase of questioning. I’m referring to James Fowler’s Stages of Faith to show you all the different phases we go through in our faith and what you might experience in each stage. Learn how to channel trust and peace about your own struggles, or step into compassion and love for someone in your life who is going through their own faith journey.   Get full show notes and more information here:
10/7/202238 minutes, 10 seconds
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376. When Going to Church Feels Hard with Christine Cook

If you’re currently struggling with your faith, or you have somebody in your life who is navigating difficulty on their faith journey, this episode is for you. I have Christine Cook, a life coach for LDS women who are struggling with their faith, on the show to discuss what to do when going to church feels hard, and so many other aspects of faith crises. She's sharing her tips and strategies for seeking answers without relying on other people to give you their opinions.   Get full show notes and more information here:
9/30/202236 minutes, 36 seconds
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375. How to Lose Weight for the Last Time with Dr. Katrina Ubell

Tune in this week to discover How to Lose Weight for the Last Time. Dr. Katrina Ubell is sharing all of the details about her new book of the same name, how she’s made a career out of helping physicians feel great as they navigate the world of weight loss, and how she’s now expanding how she uses life coaching to help anyone and everyone who struggles with overeating.   Get full show notes and more information here:
9/23/202246 minutes, 9 seconds
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374. Worth and Worthiness

Join me this week to discover the difference between your human worth and worthiness. I’m showing you why your worth is a constant that can’t be increased or decreased, the dangers of tying your worth to something outside of you, and what becomes possible when you believe in your worth as a human.   Get full show notes and more information here:
9/16/202215 minutes, 43 seconds
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373. The Power of Thought Work for Women of Faith with Danielle Thienel

This week, I’m sitting down with my soul sister, Danielle Thienel. Danielle is part of the Be Bold team and also runs her own coaching business. She's sharing 5 tips for any mom who currently feels overwhelmed and wants to feel more balance and peace in their life. Find out why, as women and moms especially, we tend to get stuck in a cycle of self-criticism and perfectionism, and how to start shifting this experience for ourselves.   Get full show notes and more information here:
9/9/202240 minutes, 2 seconds
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372. Advice for New Life Coaches

Tune in this week for a mix of coaching advice and business advice that will get you well on your way to becoming an amazing coach. I’m offering eight pieces of advice that will clarify what your journey as a new life coach can look like, and how to serve at your highest level.   Get full show notes and more information here:
9/2/202223 minutes, 8 seconds
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371. What’s the Rush?

This week, I invite you to ask yourself the question, what’s the rush? I’m showing you how asking yourself this question will not only minimize the frustration you might be experiencing right now, but also align you with what you ultimately want to feel and do. You’ll discover three reasons we experience the desire to rush, and how to go after your goals in a sustainable way instead.   Get full show notes and more information here:
8/26/202225 minutes, 22 seconds
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370. Real Marriage Advice

Tune in this week for some real marriage advice. I’m going deeper than the usual cliches about never going to bed angry etc., and sharing why the way you show up in your marriage is 100% up to you, the importance of openness around money, and how to take ownership of your experience of your relationship.   Get full show notes and more information here:
8/19/202232 minutes, 36 seconds
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369. How to Help Your Missionary with Jennie Dildine

This week, I'm joined by Jennie Dildine, the coach for LDS missionaries, and she's sharing her insights on preparing and supporting your kids around their mission. We’re discussing the mental and emotional challenges these young people are facing, the pressure they’re under, and why thought work is the answer to so many of the problems they face.   Get full show notes and more information here:
8/12/202246 minutes, 26 seconds
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368. What to Do with Emotions with Chantel Allen

This week, I'm chatting with one of our amazing coaches here at Jody Moore Coaching, Chantel Allen. Chantel specializes in helping high achievers break up with busy so they can stop the endless hustle, and she’s here this week to offer a practical approach for connecting with your emotions. If you don’t identify as someone with anxiety, but often feel overwhelmed, stressed, and busier than you want to be, you’re in the right place.   Get full show notes and more information here:
8/5/202239 minutes, 24 seconds
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367. Our Addiction to Problems with Dr. John Delony

Are you spending your time focusing on problems or on the solutions? Dr. John Delony is a national bestselling author, mental health and wellness expert, and he poses this question to us in today's episode. We’re discussing the hardwiring of our brains that contribute to us seeking problems, why this is sucking the joy out of your human experience, and how to stop dwelling on the mud.   Get full show notes and more information here:
7/29/202240 minutes, 38 seconds
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366. Not My Business

This week, I’m introducing you to a super-simple but effective concept: Not My Business. I’m giving you eight different scenarios where this concept will empower you in redirecting your brain towards what is useful and away from the things that might be causing you pain, setting yourself free from the things that are outside of your control.   Get full show notes and more information here:
7/22/202232 minutes, 6 seconds
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365. Financial Mindset with Telton Hall

Tune in this week to discover why a financial mindset needs to come first if you want to accumulate wealth. So many people try to ignore their finances or experience shame around their money, but financial planner and business owner Telton Hall is here to discuss a new way to think and talk about money, giving you a new angle from which to look at your finances.   Get full show notes and more information here:
7/15/202242 minutes, 51 seconds
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364. Making Millions

Tune in this week to discover why, despite what you might currently believe, making millions is possible for you. I’m sharing my journey through entrepreneurship, how my business has evolved, and how to see that the same is possible for you if that’s what you want to do.   Get full show notes and more information here:
7/8/202233 minutes, 54 seconds
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363. Thriving Post Divorce with Tanya Hale

Divorce can be so challenging, no matter your background or life experience. My guest this week, certified life coach Tanya Hale, specializes in coaching middle-aged divorced LDS women. She’s sharing why pointing fingers at your spouse is preventing your healing, how to approach yourself with compassion, and why a mid-life divorce can be the perfect storm for creating better versions of ourselves.    Get full show notes and more information here:
7/1/202235 minutes, 39 seconds
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362. When to Quit

Tune in this week for some help in deciding why it might be time to quit, and why it might not be. I’m sharing how to question yourself in a way that allows you to quit for the best possible reasons, instead of quitting to avoid discomfort, disappointment, or any reason that is truly not useful.   Get full show notes and more information here:
6/24/202227 minutes, 54 seconds
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361. When Your Spouse has a Pornography Problem with Jolene Winn

Listen in this week as Jolene Winn, a life coach for women who have a spouse addicted to pornography, shares her best advice and recommendations for anyone navigating their spouse’s pornography problem. She’s breaking down the experience of being a porn addict’s wife, the internal drama you need to work through, and how to turn it around so you can feel better, even if he doesn’t overcome it.   Get full show notes and more information here:
6/17/202235 minutes, 11 seconds
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360. How to Sell Without Being Salesy

Tune in this week to discover how to sell without coming across as pushy, annoying, or aggressive. I’m showing you how you can meet your potential customer where they are so you can actually serve their needs from a place of integrity, leaving you feeling a whole lot better about how you’re selling.   Get full show notes and more information here:
6/10/202225 minutes, 9 seconds
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359. How Yoga Helps Teens with Anxiety and Depression with Alli Louthain

Tune in this week to discover why yoga just might be the answer to helping your teens suffering from depression and anxiety. Alli is sharing why yoga is the perfect tool for people who are a little younger and maybe can’t manage their minds as well as you can, and how the teens in your life can get involved right now.    Get full show notes and more information here:
6/3/202242 minutes, 38 seconds
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358. How to Make an Impact

Listen in this week as I show you the keys to living the most exciting and empowering life, and making an impact in the world. I’m offering the three categories in which we experience growth and movement, seven reasons we stay in stagnation, and how to start pushing yourself so you can step into creation mode.   Get full show notes and more information here:
5/27/202235 minutes, 15 seconds
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357. Where Ideas Come From

Tune in this week to discover the truth about where ideas come from. I’m sharing why we need to be open to receiving when it comes to ideas, solutions, and new approaches, how our brain stops us from expanding on some ideas, and how to approach all ideas with an open mind.   Get full show notes and more information here:
5/20/202228 minutes, 32 seconds
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356. Owning What’s True

Tune in this week to discover why everything changes when you start owning what’s true. I’m sharing why so many people try to ignore where they are right now, and how to instead start owning wherever you are right now so you can decide how to get to where you truly want to be.   Get full show notes and more information here:
5/13/202234 minutes, 52 seconds
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355. The Positivity Model with Dr. Paul Jenkins

In this episode, I’m speaking with another one of my Business Minded students: Dr. Paul Jenkins. If you love learning about The Model and similar coaching concepts, this episode is for you. Dr. Paul Jenkins is walking us through the real psychology behind positive thinking and sharing a concept that he felt would complement The Model, as I use it in my coaching.   Get full show notes and more information here:
5/6/202254 minutes, 50 seconds
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354. Creating Your Business in 10 Hours a Week with Neill Williams

Join me this week as Master Life and Scheduling Coach Neill Williams drops some serious gems about creating your business in just 10 hours a week! You’ll hear why time truly isn’t the huge obstacle you think it is, how to reframe what you currently believe about your time, and how Neill can help you get started creating your dream business.   Get full show notes and more information here:
4/29/202231 minutes, 2 seconds
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353. Spiritual Awakening

We’re all on our own journey when it comes to spirituality, and it’s not going to look exactly the same for all of us. So, tune in this week to discover what might be missing from your current experience of spirituality, and how you can work toward your own spiritual awakening in a way that accounts for the human condition and the complexities of being a human on our planet.   Get full show notes and more information here:
4/22/202232 minutes, 15 seconds
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352. Expansion

In this episode, I’m offering you an opportunity to take a look at yourself, self-reflect, and get back in touch with the part of you that wants to create, connect, and expand. Hear what truly expands us as individuals, the work I do to expand myself personally, and learn how to get better at seeking to understand rather than seeking to be right and prove other people wrong.   Get full show notes and more information here:
4/15/202225 minutes, 19 seconds
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351. Music and Emotions with Bryson Merkley

This week, Business Minded student and musician Bryson Merkley shows us how to leverage the power of music to process our emotions. He’s offering his wisdom on using music to center ourselves in our bodies, how music helps us isolate what the emotions we’re experiencing feel like, and he’s also created playlists of symphonic music to help you take this work deeper.   Get full show notes and more information here:
4/8/202232 minutes, 26 seconds
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350. The Best of Ask Jody

The Best of Ask Jody is our exclusive book for Be Bold members where we’ve compiled some amazing questions from clients. On this episode, I’m sharing a handful of these questions with my answers for real-life application on a variety of topics, from self-sabotage to navigating slumps in your business or marriage, and I think you’re going to find these questions incredibly helpful.   Get full show notes and more information here:
4/1/202220 minutes, 56 seconds
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349. How to Find Your Spouse

Join me this week as I invite you to try four actionable things that will help you find your spouse. I’m being real with you about the discomfort you’ll inevitably feel on this journey, but I’m also showing you how the skills you’ll develop along the way will serve you in all areas of your life.   Get full show notes and more information here:
3/25/202222 minutes, 35 seconds
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348. What Your College Kid is Thinking with Caleb Price

Join Caleb I and this week as we dive into some of the most common mistakes we make as parents when our college-age kids start leaving the nest. He’s letting us in on the challenges his clients face, why there can often be friction between parents and children in this phase of life, the social impact of the pandemic on the lives of college students, and so much more.   Get full show notes and more information here:
3/18/202232 minutes, 48 seconds
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347. Managing Depression with EmyLee McIntyre

Join us this week as EmyLee lets us in on how she offers support and guidance to her clients managing depression. We’re discussing her history of struggling with depression, the science of mental health, and she’s giving us some practical tools you can implement right now if you’re feeling stuck.   Get full show notes and more information here:
3/11/202228 minutes, 49 seconds
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346. The School Bus

Join me this week as I share a story that perfectly encapsulates our human experience. Whether it’s school buses, being a parent, or anything else in your life, this episode will hopefully give you permission to have and embrace seasons of both light and darkness.   Get full show notes and more information here:
3/4/202228 minutes, 52 seconds
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345. Parent Child Dynamics

Tune in this week as I offer my theory on parent child dynamics based on the coaching work I've done and the observations I’ve made over the years. I’m showing you the most common challenges I see in parent child dynamics, what often creates the friction and tension that we experience, and three tips for navigating your relationships with mutual respect.   Get full show notes and more information here:
2/25/202225 minutes, 42 seconds
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344. Gospel Meets Dharma with Thomas McConkie

Join us this week as Thomas shares how both lineages of gospel and Dharma influenced his life, and why these two traditions ultimately enhanced one another for him. He’s sharing his thoughts on faith and wisdom traditions, and he’s giving us a sneak peek into what you can expect from his course.   Get full show notes and more information here:
2/18/202238 minutes, 39 seconds
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343. Facts Are Benign

Join me this week as I share some common examples of what clients have told me are the facts of their lives but are in fact actually thoughts. There will almost always be thoughts that you believe are facts, but I’m offering tips for pausing to assess if this is serving you so you can fully exercise your agency because I promise, you have so much more control over your life than you think you do.   Get full show notes and more information here:
2/11/202230 minutes, 41 seconds
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342. Mindfulness with Cory Muscara

Tune in this week to hear Cory Muscara’s incredible story of his mindfulness journey. I know that so many of you want to bring more peace into your life, and hopefully, this insight from Cory will show you that this kind of emotional awareness is available to all of us.   Get full show notes and more information here:
2/4/202240 minutes, 14 seconds
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341. Why Feelings Matter

Tune in this week to discover the truth about your feelings. I’m showing you how to get clear on your feelings, how they’re the driving force within you, what they’re trying to tell you, and how to treat your feelings with the respect and recognition they deserve.   Get full show notes and more information here:
1/28/202231 minutes, 46 seconds
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340. Trust

If you have someone in your life who you’re struggling to trust, you need to tune in this week because I’m showing why it might not even be necessary to start trusting others. I’m sharing why, despite what you might think, trusting someone doesn’t have anything to do with the other person, and how you can live a life you love whether or not you decide to trust other people unconditionally.   Get full show notes and more information here:
1/21/202224 minutes, 9 seconds
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339. Life with Adult Children with Jody’s Mom Bonnie Lyman

Discover how to experience a positive relationship and connection with your adult children, even if they aren’t making choices you appreciate, or even if they don’t actually speak to you. We have the power to decide what we want to believe about our kids, and Bonnie is sharing stories from her clients, as well as her own life, of choosing love for your children and yourself.   Get full show notes and more information here:
1/14/202238 minutes, 6 seconds
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338. Pretending Problems

Tune in this week to discover the problem with pretending. I’m sharing why, despite seeming noble and harmless, pretending isn’t serving you or anyone else in your life, it isn’t coming from integrity, and how to have fully authentic and honest relationships instead.   Get full show notes and more information here:
1/7/202232 minutes, 17 seconds
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Ep #337: Future Focus

Discover how to start creating the future that you want from a place of intention. I’m sharing the problem with letting your brain look to the past to decide where your problem is in the present, and how you can start looking forward with future focus instead.   Get full show notes and more information here:
12/31/202126 minutes, 49 seconds
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336. Get Unstuck

Whatever habits you’re trying to implement or goals you’re working towards, you’ve probably had them in mind for a while. And when you’re in that place of thinking about your goals, you can start to feel like you’re not getting anywhere with them. Maybe you feel stuck, like all the passion you have for the goal is gone. Well, this week, I’m giving you four ways to get unstuck and get moving.   Get full show notes and more information here:
12/24/202129 minutes
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335. Good Feeling Power

Discover the true power of positive emotion in your life. I’m sharing where I see people really struggling to feel good, choosing the drama when it’s not actually mandatory. Instead, I’m showing you the profound effect that feeling good will have on your life, and how to make it part of your everyday.   Get full show notes and more information here:
12/17/202120 minutes, 3 seconds
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334. How to Meet Your Own Needs

This week, discover the four steps to meeting your own needs. I’m sharing why relying on other people to meet our needs is a losing battle, and why even though our needs are complicated and difficult to manage sometimes, they’re an incredible gift from Heavenly Father.   Get full show notes and more information here:
12/10/202126 minutes, 42 seconds
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333. Wisdom From a High School Principal Life Coach

Listen in as Ben shares his knowledge on what it’s like being a teenager in the world today, how he helps parents guide their children without control, and the most powerful thing you can do as a parent in this position. We can all relate to the panic and anxiety that comes up when we think our teens are misbehaving, and Ben is offering his most powerful strategies for approaching these challenging moments with love.   Get full show notes and more information here:
12/3/202146 minutes, 55 seconds
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332. Finish Strong

Discover why I believe you should be using December to finish strong. How you carry yourself in December is the strongest predictor of who you will be next year, so I’m sharing how to keep your momentum going and finish 2021 in a way that will serve you throughout 2022.   Get full show notes and more information here:
11/26/202129 minutes, 38 seconds
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331. Work Worth Doing

Tune in this week to discover the Work Worth Doing in your own life. I’m sharing the situations where focusing on this work can change your life, where sometimes this work is not worth doing, and how to start making this a practice that can benefit your emotional experience of your time on this planet.     Get full show notes and more information here:
11/19/202134 minutes, 39 seconds
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330. Minimalista with Shira Gill

Tune in this week for a masterclass in home organization. Shira is sharing why so many people find this task intimidating, and how to simplify how you approach minimalism and elevate your space to ultimately make your life easier, and in turn create the mental space for you to process your thoughts and emotions.     Get full show notes and more information here:
11/12/202136 minutes, 33 seconds
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329. Better Than Happy: The Book

Tune in this week to hear chapter five of my new book, all about prayer and how it relates to the work we do on the podcast. I’m offering you a perspective that you may never have considered before, and I hope this preview shows you the value that this book could bring to your life, or the life of someone you love.     Get full show notes and more information here:
11/5/202140 minutes, 23 seconds
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328. Advanced Coaching Tools

Tune in this week as I give you five advanced coaching tools that will help you become an amazing life coach. I’m sharing my own experience of implementing these tools in my coaching, where I see newer coaches struggling especially, and where else in your life all of these tools are applicable.     Get full show notes and more information here:
10/29/202123 minutes, 54 seconds
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327. Navigating Family with Diverse Worldviews

Tune in this week to get your head in the right place when it comes to navigating family with diverse worldviews. Whether it’s religious views, political ideals, ideas about COVID and vaccinations, I’m sharing how to ease some of the stress around these situations, so you can give yourself the best chance of enjoying a holiday season free from contention and arguments.     Get full show notes and more information here:
10/22/202127 minutes, 38 seconds
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326. Abundant Decisions

This week, discover the power of making quick, decisive choices. I’m discussing how to come at your decisions from a place of abundance and positivity, why your brain will decide to worry about the unknown anyway, and how to navigate this worry without indulging in scarcity.   Get full show notes and more information here:
10/15/202122 minutes, 42 seconds
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325. Does The Model Lack Compassion?

Tune in this week to discover why I believe The Model does not lack compassion when used correctly. I’m sharing the ways I see people misusing The Model and misunderstanding its application. This work is not about using other people’s feelings against them or abdicating responsibility. So, if you’ve struggled with the idea that this tool lacks compassion, I invite you to listen closely.   Get full show notes and more information here:
10/8/202127 minutes, 37 seconds
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324. Why You Haven’t Been Successful with Weight Loss

Tune in this week to discover why, if this is something you’re struggling with, you haven’t been successful with weight loss yet. I’m sharing five totally normal things that might be playing into your thoughts and habits right now that are preventing you from losing weight, and I’m giving you some ways to address them so you can start approaching weight loss with even more intention.   Get full show notes and more information here:
10/1/202129 minutes, 20 seconds
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323. Grace

Discover how to give yourself a little more grace. I’m sharing why having grace for others doesn’t mean you have to agree with everything they do, and why the same is true for your opinions of yourself. And when you can meet yourself with grace and compassion, no matter the circumstances, you’ll be able to show up in the same way for the other people in your life too.   Get full show notes and more information here:
9/24/202122 minutes, 33 seconds
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322. Jumpstart Your Nutrition with Brad Jensen

I've got the one and only Brad Jensen on the podcast this week to discuss why it’s often the most overlooked things that make the biggest difference on our fitness journeys. And the best news is, these things are generally the easiest. So if you want to jumpstart your nutrition or fitness but you’ve always felt a little intimidated, this is the episode for you.   Get full show notes and more information here:
9/17/202129 minutes, 41 seconds
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321. Physical Pain

Discover four things you can try to manage your mind around your physical pain. Now, I don’t expect you’ll be able to implement all of them to your specific situation, and there’s a chance you might not be able to do any of them. And that’s okay because I’m also showing you how to show up for yourself with compassion and acceptance as you go through this trial.   Get full show notes and more information here:
9/10/202123 minutes, 13 seconds
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320. Complaint Addiction

This week I'm showing you why we’re all addicted to complaining and the detriments of this addiction. I’m sharing the most powerful thoughts that help me redirect my brain when I feel stuck, and my tips for how to approach the people around you who have a pattern of complaining.   Get full show notes and more information here:
9/3/202125 minutes, 9 seconds
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319. The Human Void

The human void is something we are all aware of, although a lot of us choose not to really think about it or break it down because it can be incredibly challenging. So, this week on the podcast, I’m talking about that space within us – the human void – and how it manifests in ourselves and the people in our lives.   Get full show notes and more information here: 
8/27/202125 minutes, 29 seconds
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318. Why You Aren’t Taking Action

Discover why you’re not taking action, and how to get some leverage over yourself when you’re not making progress in any area of your life. I’m sharing the seven most common reasons why you aren’t taking action, how to see which one applies to you (because I guarantee one of them will), and how you can use this newfound knowledge to your advantage and get yourself moving.   Get full show notes and more information here:
8/20/202122 minutes, 56 seconds
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Business Minded Bonus 9: It’s Not About Luck

This week I show you why creating a business is not about luck. The truth is creating what you want is not out of your control and you don’t have to be lucky to have it. You can have a reliable, sustainable, and extremely successful business, and I’m showing you what is required of you to make it happen.   Get full show notes and more information here:
8/17/202114 minutes, 4 seconds
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317. How to Stop Judging

Discover how to stop judging. I’m unpacking what’s going on in our human brain when we find ourselves judging others and how to tell when being in judgment is no longer serving you. And once you can get your mind around this, then you can do the work of moving towards a more productive way of thinking about others.   Get full show notes and more information here:
8/13/202124 minutes, 9 seconds
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Business Minded Bonus 8: Understanding Failure

No series of bonus business episodes would be complete without an episode about failure. Failure is the single biggest thing that is holding people back from starting their own business. And while there are tons of great resources out there about understanding failure and why it’s so important, this is still a problem, so we’re discussing it today.   Get full show notes and more information here:
8/10/202125 minutes, 53 seconds
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316. Expectation Pain

If you’re finding yourself resentful, angry, or hurt by other people, you need to listen in. This is not a lesson in ditching all your expectations, but rather noticing the ones that are causing you pain so you can leverage them, and I’m guiding you through the path of beginning to truly enjoy and love the people in your life.   Get full show notes and more information here:
8/6/202134 minutes, 53 seconds
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Business Minded Bonus 7: Sell Without Being Salesy

This week I highlight a pattern that I’ve seen in all different types of sales setting that will help you feel more comfortable with selling, no matter what type of business you’re running. I’m sharing the thoughts that make selling an uncomfortable experience for so many new entrepreneurs, and how to redirect your brain so you can sell from a place of offering value.   Get full show notes and more information here:
8/3/202126 minutes, 2 seconds
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315. How to Help and Control Them All

Discover how to help without resorting to trying to control other people. I’m answering your questions about your kids, your spouses, your friends, their decisions and their circumstances, and the work you can do to meet them as the most helpful version of you.   Get full show notes and more information here:
7/30/202130 minutes, 4 seconds
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Business Minded Bonus 6: When Others Don’t Believe in You

Discover the work that you have to do if you have someone in your life whose opinion you trust and they just don’t believe in you. I’m sharing why we crave approval from others, and how to get into the right mindset for creating a successful business, regardless of what other people think about your ability as an entrepreneur.   Get full show notes and more information here:
7/27/202123 minutes, 39 seconds
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314. Life Can Be Fun

Discover how to invite more fun into your life. I’m sharing why it’s possible to do this work in any area of your life that you currently don’t think is fulfilling the fun part of your personality, and how doing this work will change your whole life in the future, allowing you to step into the best version of yourself.   Get full show notes and more information here:
7/23/202126 minutes, 56 seconds
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Business Minded Bonus 5: Observe and Make Better

The next stage of the Business Minded framework is to observe and learn. Once you’ve come up with and nurtured your idea, then tested the waters and put it into practice, we need to observe how it’s going and learn what the next move is. Once you’ve done this, the final step is to make it better. And if that sounds overwhelming, don’t worry because I’m showing you exactly how to do it on this episode.   Get full show notes and more information here:
7/20/202125 minutes, 33 seconds
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313. Close Calls

Discover what’s going on in your brain when you have a close call and why your brain wants to react the way it does. Once you have this understanding, we can start looking at how you want to react intentionally, mentally, and emotionally with as little suffering as possible after a close call.   Get full show notes and more information here:
7/16/202119 minutes, 56 seconds
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Business Minded Bonus 4: B- Output and Invest Money or Time

I’m introducing you to the concept of B- output and showing you what investing either money or time looks like in your business. This step can be the best teacher on your entrepreneurial journey, which will set you up to take on the next step of investing either your money or time in the most effective way. Get full show notes and more information here:
7/13/202123 minutes, 29 seconds
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312. No Such Thing

Discover how to feel comfortable in the belief that there’s no such thing. I’m sharing how this thought has helped me and my clients, and what you can do to apply it in your own life when you find yourself thinking thoughts that don’t serve you.  Get full show notes and more information here:
7/9/202130 minutes, 51 seconds
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Business Minded Bonus 3: Take an Educated Guess

Discover why taking educated guesses is an unavoidable part of building a business. I’m sharing how to first educate yourself around the next steps that are available to you, and then how you can take what you learn to make the best possible guess at what’s going to help you reach your goal. Get full show notes and more information here:
7/6/202117 minutes, 54 seconds
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311. To Abstain or to Moderate

I'm discussing the idea of abstinence versus moderation, and I’m basing this conversation around an idea that I learned from the author Gretchen Rubin. I’m sharing the pros and cons of both abstinence and moderation, and how you can decide which one is the best approach for you. Get full show notes and more information here:
7/2/202117 minutes, 28 seconds
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Business Minded Bonus 2: Set a Goal

I’m giving you the first installment of a six-part framework that I have created especially for this Business Minded series. I’m going to teach you one piece of this framework at a time over the course of the next few weeks.    The first part of the process I’m sharing with you is setting short-term goals in your business.   Get full show notes and more information here:
6/29/202135 minutes, 47 seconds
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310. Change From Love

Discover how to make changes in your life from a place of love. I’m sharing why we often think we have to dislike something in order to change it, and why I believe deciding to love the things you want to change is always the most powerful way to live your life.   Get full show notes and more information here:
6/25/202127 minutes, 41 seconds
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Business Minded Bonus 1: Sisterpreneur

This week I offer you an insight into the work I’ve done on my own brain to get to the place I am today in terms of how I think about myself, my family, my religion, my business, and how they all fit together in my life. I’ve done this work with so many clients already, and I can’t wait to share it with all of you. Get full show notes and more information here:
6/22/202133 minutes, 46 seconds
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309. Business Minded

Discover why I love business so much, why I think this work is so valuable, and how I can help you if business is something that interests you. I’m sharing my story and how my business has developed over the years and what I can help you achieve if you decide that being an entrepreneur is the route you want to take. Get full show notes and more information here:
6/18/202144 minutes, 41 seconds
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308. All My Fault

Discover why I love thinking, “This is all my fault.” I’m sharing the specific moments from my own life and business where this thought has served me in ways you might never have thought possible. And hopefully, by the end of this episode, you’ll see why any problem you’re facing right now is all your fault, and that’s the best news ever. Get full show notes and more information here:
6/11/202122 minutes, 59 seconds
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307. Just a Thought

If you have been following me for a while, you might have found yourself saying the words “That’s just a thought” when something negative pops into your head. And for some people, they tell themselves this so often that it becomes second nature. But what does it really mean? This week we're dissecting "that’s just a thought" and why it’s such a powerful statement. Get full show notes and more information here:
6/4/202123 minutes, 47 seconds
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306. 5 Things to Unlearn from School

Discover some of the things we were taught in school that, as adults, we really need to start questioning. I’m sharing five things that may have served us as kids, and I’m dissecting them so you can see why we need to unlearn them. I find all of this so fascinating, so if you can think of any that I haven’t included here, reach out and share them! Get full show notes and more information here:
5/28/202118 minutes, 45 seconds
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305. Approval Power

Discover why, when you decide to exercise your approval power, so much more of your life will become enjoyable. I’m sharing why we often decide we just don’t like something, or choose not to have an opinion on it, and what you can do instead to start increasing your approval power right now and experiencing the benefits. Get full show notes and more information here:
5/21/202126 minutes, 43 seconds
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304. The Power of Quitting

Discover the surprising power of quitting with me today. I’m sharing the process I use to decide what is really a priority in my life, and how you can do the same. So, if the only reason you’re continuing with something is because you’ve told yourself quitting isn’t an option, you need to hear this episode. Get full show notes and more information here:
5/14/202126 minutes, 30 seconds
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303. Effective Boundary Setting

I'm showing you what the process of boundary-setting entails and why doing this work can be so life-changing. I’m laying out the 4 misconceptions about setting boundaries that might be standing in your way, and why they don’t have to stop you from living the kind of life you truly want. Get full show notes and more information here:
5/7/202131 minutes, 48 seconds
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Bonus: Train Your Brain

Did you know that spring cleaning doesn't just apply to your home? You can also spring clean your brain, which is something I think many of us need after this past year.  Join me on May 24-28th for a 5-day workshop I'm calling Train Your Brain. For $19, you'll learn how to declutter five different areas of your life and how to choose which thoughts you want to put back in.  For all the details and to sign up, go to    
5/5/202115 minutes
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302. Coaching for Teens with Joey Mascio

Learn how to get more of an insight about what might be going on with your teen, how Joey helps teenagers through his coaching work, and how to know whether or not coaching is the right fit for your teenager. I love the work Joey is doing in the world, and if you’re struggling with your teens, this episode is exactly what you need to hear. Get full show notes and more information here:
4/30/202143 minutes, 32 seconds
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301. Scarcity Problems

Join me on the podcast this week to discover how to bring more awareness to where you might be limiting yourself and your life experience. I’m sharing where this scarcity comes from, how you can create more abundance in any situation (and I mean any), what this work requires of you, and how it will change everything for you. Get full show notes and more information here:
4/23/202139 minutes, 12 seconds
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300. What Happy People Think

Join me this week as we celebrate 300 podcast episodes! I’m so thankful to every single one of you for coming along for the ride, and so I’m sharing 7 things that happy people think, and I’m guiding you through how you can shift the lens through which you see your life to have a more balanced, fulfilled human experience. Get full show notes and more information here:
4/16/202123 minutes, 13 seconds
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299. Body Love with Kara Loewentheil

I have such a special treat for you listeners today. I am so pleased to bring you a conversation with my friend and fellow coach Kara Loewentheil. Kara has a slightly different approach than me when it comes to dieting and body image, and I know some of you listening do too. So tune in this week as I open myself up to the other side of the coin.  Get full show notes and more information here:
4/9/202146 minutes, 46 seconds
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298. How to Believe a New Thought

Tune in this week to discover how to believe new thoughts so you can start creating new results in your life. I’m sharing how to process the current default thoughts that come up for you, where people struggle with this, and how to make sure that this work leads to lasting change. Get full show notes and more information here:
4/2/202121 minutes, 19 seconds
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297. How to Feel Good Enough

Join me today to discover why we actually don’t need to completely solve for not feeling good enough, and what you’re inadvertently doing when you consistently try to resist or get rid of this thought. I’m sharing some tips on how you can counter it, but ultimately, I’m dialing into why it’s not a problem worth spending lots of time and energy on. Get full show notes and more information here:
3/26/202120 minutes, 13 seconds
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296. Money and Happiness with Jared Lyman

Join my big brother Jared and me this week as we dive into our thoughts on the connection between money and happiness. Money - or a lack of it - can be an extremely stressful experience, and Jared is sharing some of the biggest issues he sees clients coming to him with and how he helps them best tackle these issues. Get full show notes and more information here:
3/19/202138 minutes, 33 seconds
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295. When Your Husband Doesn’t Help

So many of us can relate to what I'm talking about in today's episode. You’ve spent the whole day running around looking after the home, making sure the kids are where they need to be. Then your husband comes home and expects dinner to be ready or makes a comment about the mess. I coach so many women on this kind of scenario, and I want to give you 3 ways to empower yourself in this situation. Get full show notes and more information here:
3/12/202122 minutes, 36 seconds
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294. Men and the Model with Jake Moore

Tune in this week for a male’s perspective on the Model. Jake is sharing how his understanding of the work I do has shifted over the years, starting from a pretty skeptical place to now working together, and how the gospel has played into both of our perspectives on the effect this work can have on the world. Get full show notes and more information here:
3/5/202138 minutes, 30 seconds
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293. Marriage Dynamics

This topic is one I coach on often, and there are many fears that come along with wanting to change the dynamic of your marriage. You always have the choice to wait for your spouse to change so you can have a happier marriage, but what I’m encouraging you to see is that you can create the kind of marriage that you didn’t think was possible by just working on yourself, and I’m showing you what that process looks like. Get full show notes and more information here:
2/26/202128 minutes, 19 seconds
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292. The Better Mom Process

Join me this week as I show you what The Better Mom Process entails. I’m teaching you one of the five steps of the full process that I think will be most transformative to you, and if you want to work through the whole process with me, make sure to sign up for Be Bold where we’ll be running a workshop on this very topic inside! Get full show notes and more information here:
2/19/202132 minutes, 5 seconds
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Ep 291. United as Humans

Tune in this week for an unbiased and non-partisan discussion about politics, division, and unity. Sharon McMahon is sharing arguments from both sides of the political divide with us, and we’re talking about how we perceive and react to each other’s beliefs, how our thoughts can feed into this divide, and what we can do to foster more unity in our society. Get full show notes and more information here:
2/12/202134 minutes, 31 seconds
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Ep 290. Why You Should Brag More

Join me on the podcast this week as I encourage you to question your beliefs about what it means to brag. Whether it’s thanking someone the next time you get a compliment instead of brushing it off, or outright stating how great you are, I’m inviting you to see how it’s possible that not wanting to brag is keeping you playing small. Get full show notes and more information here:
2/5/202121 minutes, 50 seconds
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Ep 289. Regret

Listen in this week to discover why I believe regret itself is a big lie. You might think feeling regretful is the righteous thing to do, or that feeling bad is the pathway to making amends, but I’m showing you how it’ll only keep you stuck in a toxic trap. Moving forward from this place feels so much harder than it needs to, and instead, I’m showing you the real key to creating an extraordinary life for yourself. Get full show notes and more information here:
1/29/202124 minutes
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Ep 288. The Speed of Your Decisiveness

Join me on the podcast this week to discover why the speed of your decisiveness will help you achieve your goals faster. I’m sharing where I see people getting caught up in unnecessary indecision, and what you can change to start acting quickly, so you can keep moving forward. Get full show notes and more information here:
1/22/202124 minutes, 13 seconds
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Bonus: What's Better Than Happiness?

Every single one of us is here on Earth to grow and to create and contribute to the world. So today, you have to tune in because I’ve got a super exciting announcement and the ultimate solution that’s going to help you expand your ability to experience joy beyond what you might know right now. Get full show notes and more information here:
1/20/20219 minutes, 57 seconds
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Ep 287. The State of the World

Join me on the podcast this week to explore how our thoughts and emotions relate to the state of the world, and how you can decide if you want your thoughts to carry positive or negative momentum. I share how to practice intentionally adding momentum to the thoughts you want, and how to practice slowing down negative thoughts. Get full show notes and more information here:
1/15/202125 minutes, 51 seconds
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Ep 286. Questions from High School Kids

Join me on the podcast this week as I answer questions from high school kids. I’m sharing why we have the ability to create whatever we want in this world, how to deal with conflict, negative thoughts, making decisions, and why no matter how hard something feels in this moment, everything works out in the end. Get full show notes and more information here:
1/8/202138 minutes, 8 seconds
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Ep 285. Optimizing for Empowerment

Listen in this week to discover how you have the ability to empower yourself in any situation. The option of shaming and punishing yourself to get moving in life is always available, but it will never lead you down a path of evolving into a better version of yourself. Channeling the feeling of empowerment is the key here, and I’m showing you how to tune into it today. Get full show notes and more information here:
1/1/202124 minutes, 35 seconds
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Ep 284. 20 Successes from 2020

Listen in this week as I share 20 of my successes from 2020! Regardless of the year, I always take the time to notice all the things that have gotten better in my own life to purposefully redirect my brain in this way. So if you find yourself feeling disappointed thinking about how you’ve fallen short of your dreams and what you didn’t accomplish, you need this exercise too, and I hope my list inspires you to get started. Get full show notes and more information here:
12/25/202023 minutes
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Ep 283. Money School with Mark Butler

Join Mark and I this week as we dive into all things money. Mark has such great perspectives to share on debt and shame, different money mindsets, and money motivations, and I know it’ll help you whether you’re in business or not. And make sure to listen all the way to the end because Mark has an amazing free offer to give away, and I’m definitely going to be taking advantage of it too! Get full show notes and more information here:
12/18/202044 minutes, 43 seconds
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Ep 282. The Spirit

Listen in this week as I answer some of your questions regarding my faith, the Spirit, and how it relates to the work I teach. I’m inviting you to choose different questions here and to give yourself the gift of the human experience by really allowing yourself to feel the Spirit and letting Him guide you in showing up as your highest self without needing to know how He works. Get full show notes and more information here:
12/11/202029 minutes, 47 seconds
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Ep 281. Spiritual Maturity with Jennifer Finlayson-Fife

Tune in this week to discover what spiritual maturity really is. Dr. Jennifer is sharing some false traditions and where she believes many people have gone off-track in terms of their understanding of what it means to be spiritual. And we’re discussing how our interpretations of the scripture have the ability to help us grow as humans, and what can be damaging about certain principles we teach in the LDS Church. Get full show notes and more information here:
12/4/202043 minutes, 4 seconds
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Ep 280. Money Love

Tune in this week as I invite you to loosen up your current stories about money to see if cultivating a different belief could be more useful to you. Learning to be okay with your money right now is the first step in making it feel lighter and more fun, and I guarantee that this will inevitably improve your relationship with it, and you may even start experiencing more of it. Get full show notes and more information here:
11/27/202028 minutes, 23 seconds
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Ep 279. How to Avoid Conflict

Listen in today to discover how it’s possible for you to have less conflict or even completely no conflict in your life. With the holidays coming up, this topic couldn’t be more fitting, and I hope that my suggestions for you today help you have a more peaceful and loving time with your loved ones. Get full show notes and more information here:
11/20/202031 minutes, 45 seconds
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Ep 278. Renewal

Tune in this week as I share my thoughts on the theory of renewal and how keeping this in mind can bring you peace in the midst of a changing and uncertain world. I’m outlining the four phases of the cycle and how it works to raise your awareness about what might be going on for you and help you move through it faster. Get full show notes and more information here:
11/13/202023 minutes, 58 seconds
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Ep 277. Fighting for Happiness with Meg Johnson

Join us this week as I quiz Meg about what drives her to be a fighter. All of us have our own personal struggles, and Meg is not immune to hard times either. But she has cultivated so much love and gratitude for her journey in a way that helps her find connection and purpose, and she’s sharing some of the ways in which she has built these skills. Get full show notes and more information here:
11/6/202045 minutes, 55 seconds
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Ep 276. Lighten Up for the Holidays

Listen in this week as I help you navigate the holidays this year without the relationship drama, overwhelm, or the weight gain that worries so many of us. If this year has taught me anything, it’s served as a great reminder of the things that are actually important, and I hope this episode helps you lighten up and hone in on what is important to you. Get full show notes and more information here:
10/30/202030 minutes, 17 seconds
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Ep 275. Help Your Kids Feel Their Feelings

Join me this week to discover how you can help your kids feel their feelings. I believe this is one of the greatest gifts you can give them, no matter how old they might be. This is work that I do continuously with my own kids of different ages, so I hope the action steps that I practice help you navigate this topic with your children. Get full show notes and more information here:
10/23/202040 minutes, 37 seconds
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Ep 274. Transformations of Faith with Thomas McConkie

Join Thomas and I today as we dive into his new course, Transformations of Faith. Thomas believes we all have a deep intuition about how we’re individually called to grow in our spirituality, and he’s here to share his insight on accessing our own wisdom and to encourage you to go on a journey of discovering your own path to spiritual development. Get full show notes and more information here:
10/16/202032 minutes, 53 seconds
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Ep 273. The Thought in Parentheses

Join me today to discover what the thought in parentheses means and how to identify it for yourself. We often think that the circumstances of our lives are causing us problems, but our thoughts are always the root of any problem, and understanding what your thoughts in parentheses are is going to be so freeing. Get full show notes and more information here:
10/9/202027 minutes, 20 seconds
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Ep 272. Exercising Intentionality

Join me this week as I show you why exercising intentionality is so important, and why doing this will help you stop self-sabotaging intentionally or unintentionally. Taking back ownership over your agency, deciding who you want to be, and honoring that version of you requires intentionality, so I hope this episode gives you clarity on how to best do that. Get full show notes and more information here:
10/2/202024 minutes, 3 seconds
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Ep 271. Discomfort Now or Later

Join me on the podcast this week as I show you the value of choosing discomfort sooner, and how choosing to either experience it now or later will bring you different results. Being willing to be uncomfortable requires conscious effort simply because we’re human, but practicing this will move you closer to your goals. Get full show notes and more information here:
9/25/202021 minutes, 43 seconds
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Ep 270. How to Say Hard Things

Listen in this week as I share four tools you can use the next time you have something that is hard to say. These tools will help you stay out of other people’s models where you’re trying to control their emotions and reactions, and instead, become comfortable with other people having their opinions, and show up from a place of love both for yourself and the other person. Get full show notes and more information here:
9/18/202028 minutes, 36 seconds
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Ep 269. Conquering Pornography with Zach and Darcy Spafford

Join us on the podcast today to hear about Zach’s struggle with  pornography and how both Zach and Darcy worked to overcome this challenge in their marriage. So many people compound this habit with layers of guilt and shame, and I know that hearing from both sides of the experience and how they’ve grown is going to be priceless. Get full show notes and more information here:
9/11/202041 minutes, 50 seconds
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Ep 268. Jody’s Rules for Weight Loss

Listen in this week as I share 10 weight loss rules that I’ve created for myself that are making my weight loss journey genuinely fun. Any big impossible goal can feel out of reach at times, but I encourage you to borrow these rules for yourself or tweak them to fit with your goals because I guarantee they'll help you start seeing a sustainable way forward to your desired results. Get full show notes and more information here:
9/4/202028 minutes, 30 seconds
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Ep 267. When You Didn’t Get Invited

Join me this week as I show you how to navigate the pain you experience when you don’t get invited to something. Looking at the facts is key here, and I’m guiding you through two ways to dig deeper into what you’re making it mean, and how to identify your thoughts and feelings past the surface level hurt so you can show up as your highest self. Get full show notes and more information here:
8/28/202037 minutes, 3 seconds
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Ep 266. Controlling vs. Holding Accountable

Join me on the podcast this week as I show you why we try to control our kids, and how to create a plan for what you can do instead. There is absolutely no one-size-fits-all approach to parenting, so I hope the questions I’m sharing with you today guide you in creating a parent-child dynamic that serves you. Get full show notes and more information here:
8/21/202036 minutes, 1 second
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Ep 265. Other People’s Models

Join me on the podcast today as I highlight the power of staying out of other people’s models and instead, keeping the focus on what you have control over. Doing the work of focusing on your own expansion and growth is the most effective thing you can do, and it will help you choose the highest version of yourself to become. Get full show notes and more information here:
8/14/202035 minutes, 18 seconds
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Ep 264. Creating Time with Tyson Bradley

Listen in today as I quiz Tyson about creating time with your mind. He’s generously sharing some strategies that will help you map out your calendar, focus in on your tasks in a productive way, and he’s also giving us some insights into the type of thought patterns that waste our time and block us from creating time. Get full show notes and more information here:
8/7/202038 minutes, 22 seconds
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Ep 263. Fun Creation

Join me on the podcast this week as I show you why fun is an experience we create for ourselves. Nothing that exists outside of us, whether it’s people, things, or events, can be fun or not fun in and of themselves. And so today, I’m sharing 6 things that you can try to make anything you’re doing more fun for yourself. Get full show notes and more information here:
7/31/202030 minutes, 28 seconds
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Ep 262. 3 Stages of Changing Your Brain

Join us this week as Natalie and I breakdown the three stages of changing your brain and how this process is really all about harnessing a deeper level of awareness. We’re outlining how each stage plays out, some of our personal favorite tips and tricks that we use to navigate our own brains, and we’ll also be laying out a few examples to illustrate the nuances of this process. Get full show notes and more information here:
7/24/202033 minutes, 7 seconds
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Ep 261. My 2 Best Friends

Tune in today to discover why I love and cherish my two best friends, and why I continually thank them for the life I have. I’ve done a lot of work to think about my past and future self as my best friends, and I urge you to do this work too. I’ll be sharing a few tips on how you can start thinking about them in your own life. Get full show notes and more information here:
7/17/202018 minutes, 14 seconds
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Ep 260. Strong Convictions Loosely Held

Join me today as I show you why we, as humans, don’t like to be wrong, and why this is work we all have to continually do on ourselves. Being wrong can feel terrible when shame joins the picture, but what if there was nothing wrong with being wrong? We’re all going to get it wrong half of the time and as soon as you can make peace with that, you’re free to love yourself and others deeply. Get full show notes and more information here:
7/10/202032 minutes, 1 second
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Ep 259. How to Make Achieving Your Goals Easier

Do you have any goals that feel overwhelming or even impossible to achieve right now? I hope you do. Join me today as I share five tips to make achieving your goals easier! Big goals will stretch you and can feel impossible, but implementing these tips will get you on your way and may even feel fun in the process. Get full show notes and more information here:
7/3/202027 minutes, 2 seconds
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Ep 258. Grief with Krista St-Germain

Join us today as Krista graciously shares the story of her loss and some things that helped her the most during her grieving process. She’s sharing her personal experience of therapy and coaching, the power of allowing your negative feelings, and why grief is not something you have to solve or resist feeling to move on with your life. Get full show notes and more information here:
6/26/202036 minutes, 27 seconds
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Ep 257. To the Mothers of Adult Children

Join me on the podcast this week to discover how to have the best possible experience as a mother and enjoy a wonderful fully-present relationship with your grownup kids. As parents, we tell ourselves so much that stops us believing that we are the best possible version of ourselves, so I’m sharing 10 beliefs that, if you can embody them, will improve every aspect of your life exponentially. Get full show notes and more here:
6/19/202027 minutes, 7 seconds
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Ep 256. Happiness Fix

Listen in this week to discover how dopamine functions and why concentrated amounts of it can create negative effects in your life. Cutting out concentrated dopamine will leave you feeling uncomfortable. So today, I’m sharing 17 healthy ways for you to get a happiness fix to substitute for those concentrated pleasures that aren’t actually serving you. Get full show notes and more information here:
6/12/202040 minutes, 17 seconds
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Ep 255. Examining Racism

Listen in today as I show you how to start examining your thoughts and three things that will sabotage your ability to do so. Coaching isn’t about getting rid of your thoughts, but rather assessing which ones serve you. I’m sharing some ways that I’m attempting to contribute to the solution, and I hope you find them useful too. Get full show notes and more information here:
6/5/202023 minutes, 35 seconds
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Ep 254. From Addiction to Nutrition with Brad Jensen

Listen in this week as Brad shares his experience of addiction and why he doesn’t regret that time of his life. We dive into his recovery and the way it has affected not only his life, but his family and loved ones too. Brad is also sharing some wisdom on how there isn’t one right way to go about nutrition and why food can be so emotional for us. Get full show notes and more information here:
5/29/202051 minutes, 17 seconds
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Ep 253. Anger Not Required

There are a handful of situations where getting angry seems like the normal, natural thing to do, but today, I’m showing you how anger might not be necessary for you to be effective and productive. I walk you through 10 examples where anger is not required, and how choosing other emotions can make the experience so much more pleasant.  Get full show notes and more information here
5/22/202029 minutes, 18 seconds
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Ep 252. Expectation Pain

This week I'm highlighting how you might be punishing yourself by holding onto your manuals, and why releasing them is the key to having happier, healthier relationships with everybody in your life. I’m also outlining the difference between expectation pain and clean pain, and how Christ is the perfect example of what being a human means. Get full show notes and more information here:
5/15/202033 minutes, 49 seconds
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Ep 251. Emotional Switch

Listen in this week as I show you what emotional switches are and why they’re so powerful. The power of this concept is what creates our human experience, and I’m also taking it up a level this week by showing you how you can invoke different emotions without changing the thoughts you think. Get full show notes and more information here:
5/8/202030 minutes, 43 seconds
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Ep 250. Mourn with Those Who Mourn

There’s a lot of pain going around at the moment, so tune in this week to understand where pain comes from for you and your role in the pain of others. I’m playing a game of true or false with some common beliefs about pain, and while some of the results might be uncomfortable, heeding these lessons will be an amazing opportunity for growth, both for you and those around you. Get full show notes and more information here:
5/1/202029 minutes, 48 seconds
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Ep 249. Circumstance and Result Differences

Join me on the podcast this week to discover for a little more understanding of the differences between your circumstances and your results. I’m sharing why this is such a confusing distinction, and how to identify your desired results, so you can start working towards them, instead of trying to constantly change your circumstances. Get full show notes and more information here:
4/24/202023 minutes, 51 seconds
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Ep 248. An Unknown Future

Join me today as I show you the truth about our future. It may feel incredibly uncertain right now, with a lot of people feeling the exact same way, but it could also be true that you’ve never known what your future will entail. I’m also sharing my thoughts on how, even if we could, knowing the future would be taking away from our human experience. Get full show notes and more information here:
4/17/202016 minutes, 34 seconds
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Ep 247. Value Flow

Join me today to discover a more in-depth perspective on the idea of value flow, how we contribute value as humans, and how that sometimes does and often doesn’t equate to market value. I’m also sharing how you can think differently, so you can add more value to the world through your work, with the intention of creating more monetary value. Get full show notes and more information here:
4/10/202028 minutes, 1 second
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Ep 246. Perfect Robots

Tune in this week to discover why I believe it’s so important that we open ourselves up to the imperfection of the full human experience, and how you can have the experience that you want to have during your time here on Earth without feeling any pressure to be a perfect robot. Get full show notes and more information here:
4/3/202023 minutes, 2 seconds
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Ep 245. Input and Output

Tune in this week to discover how our brains process the world around us, how it influences our thoughts and beliefs about things that are outside of our control, and how you can make sure that the things you choose to mentally consume are helpful. Life gives us lots of input, but we get to choose how it affects our output. Get full show notes and more information here:
3/27/202032 minutes, 36 seconds
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Bonus Episode. Homeschool Help with Laura Garn

Today, I have my friend and life coach, Laura Garn, on the show. Laura coaches homeschool moms on everything from getting your kids to pay attention to choosing the right materials to handling a determined child. You may be feeling a lot of pressure to be the best teacher right now, but Laura coaches us on how to let that thought go. Get full show notes and more information here:
3/26/202028 minutes, 23 seconds
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Ep 244. Coronavirus

What I have for you today is a recording of a live call I did in my Be Bold program where I shared my thoughts and answered some questions. Most of us haven’t lived through a health crisis like this, so tune in this week for a new perspective on how to manage your mind around what’s going on. Get full show notes and more information here:
3/20/20201 hour, 8 minutes, 46 seconds
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Ep 243. Future Dreams with Macy Moore

Today, I have my daughter on the podcast to provide a little bit of perspective on how our children think about what the future has in store. I believe that kids would rather hear from kids, over being given instructions by adults all the time, so this would be a great episode for your children as well! Get full show notes and more information here:
3/13/202024 minutes, 26 seconds
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Ep 242. Emotional Reality

Join me this week to discover what’s going on for you if you’re not experiencing the ideal sustainable living state of 50% positive emotion and 50% negative, and how paying attention to your emotional reality will allow you to readdress the balance when you find yourself drifting away from this 50-50. Get full show notes and more information here:
3/6/202022 minutes, 39 seconds
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Ep 241. Allowing People to be Wrong About You

Join me on the podcast this week as I share how to exercise your power to allow people to be wrong about you. If you’re a long-time listener of the podcast, you’ll know that we don’t need to worry about anybody’s feelings apart from our own. And the opinions of others, especially when they’re about you, are no different. Get full show notes and more information here:
2/28/202023 minutes, 2 seconds
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Ep 240. Talking About Money

I don’t mean you have to go around bragging about how much money you have. But I want you to understand why it’s worth questioning the belief that money is some sort of a taboo subject. So, join me this week to discover how talking about money more openly could actually be an opportunity for growth. Get full show notes and more information here:
2/21/202023 minutes, 37 seconds
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Ep 239. Love Wins

Join me on the podcast this week to discover why we are so reluctant to think positively in testing circumstances, and how our brain only stands in our way on this. Love is such an incredible feeling, we owe it to ourselves to experience it as often as we possibly can, and I want to explain why choosing love, even if it all ends in tears, is never a mistake. Get full show notes and more information here:
2/14/202024 minutes, 22 seconds
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Ep 238. God’s Thoughts About You with Kurt Francom

Listen in on our conversation on this week’s podcast for some insight into your relationship with God, and why it’s so difficult for us to understand Heavenly Father’s love for each and every one of us and his ability to love us perfectly. Kurt provides some wonderful insight into why it’s impossible for God to be disappointed with us, and what is really going on in your relationship with the Lord when you feel you’ve fallen short of his expectations. Get full show notes and more information here:
2/7/202041 minutes, 53 seconds
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Ep 237. Why We Give Up

Join me on the podcast this week to discover how to redirect your brain towards your desires so that giving up no longer looks like the best option. Pursuing big goals is always uncomfortable work, but when you know why you’ve given up in the past and how to change your perspective of what you’re going through, it gets a whole lot easier. Get full show notes and more information here:
1/31/202029 minutes, 24 seconds
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Ep 236. Boundaries

Boundaries are incredibly simple when you know how to set them and what results to expect, so listen in on my in-depth discussion with my sis and coach, Natalie Clay, on the subject to see where you might be going wrong. We’re putting the focus back on ourselves and what we have control over, rather than trying to control the people around us. Get full show notes and more information here:
1/24/202040 minutes, 49 seconds
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Ep 235. Accountability and Choice

Join me on the podcast this week and discover the power of taking responsibility for every aspect of your life and the amazing things that will happen when you can see life as something that is happening for you instead of to you. I’m sharing the three things that, if you can take responsibility for, then every result in your life will become positive. Get full show notes and more information here:
1/17/202035 minutes, 43 seconds
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Ep 234. Your 2020 Focus

This week, I’m showing you how to shift your focus and teach your brain a new way to redirect your thoughts. Practicing this is going to get you closer to achieving your long-term goals and feeling amazing about the things you might normally filter out, so I’m sharing a quick exercise that always helps me with this process. Get full show notes and more information here:
1/10/202026 minutes, 10 seconds
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Ep 233. Results Vs. Values

Join me on this episode as I discuss the relationship between our values and our results, how to spot a separation of results and values, and which one of these areas we should be trying to nurture if it’s becoming clear that we can’t have both. Get full show notes and more information here:
1/3/202025 minutes, 14 seconds
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Ep 232. False Pleasure

Join me on the podcast this week to discover how to identify your false pleasure habits and the negative impact they might be having in your life. Once you can identify your false pleasures, you can start to see how much better your life might be without them. Get full show notes and more information here:
12/27/201925 minutes, 1 second
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Ep 231. Entitlement Truth

Tune in this week to discover the relationship between abundance and entitlement, why your life is more abundant than you give it credit for, and how to get into a more abundant headspace in your life. If you’re struggling with any discomfort when it comes to embracing abundance, this episode is for you. Get full show notes and more information here:
12/20/201928 minutes, 5 seconds
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Ep 230. The Shame, Blame Trap

Join me on the podcast this week to discover how to see whether you’re stuck in the loop of the shame, blame trap as a result of believing thoughts that are unproven. Nobody is perfect, so I’m sharing how to get yourself out of this thought pattern by embracing the truth and beauty of the world we live in. Get full show notes and more information here:
12/13/201931 minutes, 39 seconds
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Ep 229. Shine Your Light

Join me on the podcast this week to discover three ways you can invite the light of Christ to shine through you. We owe it to ourselves and the rest of the world to let our light shine, and even though it can seem like you don’t fit in, Heavenly Father has a plan and I promise you, you will never regret shining your light. Get full show notes and more information here:
12/6/201920 minutes, 16 seconds
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Ep 228. Parable Insight from Hank Smith

Join Hank and I today as he takes us through the things we study in the scriptures and makes them relatable for everyone. I definitely learned a lot from him in this conversation, and I can’t wait for you to gain a new perspective on the meanings of the Parables too. Get full show notes and more information here:
11/29/201930 minutes, 16 seconds
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Ep 227. Happiness Set Point

Discover how to become more comfortable outside of your happiness set point, leaving you free to experience more of the joy that life has to offer, and feeling more comfortable in the negative emotions that get thrown your way. Get full show notes and more information here:
11/22/201922 minutes, 43 seconds
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Ep 226. Maximizing

Join me on the podcast this week and discover what I believe our most valuable resource is in this lifetime, and how you can maximize it to make every aspect of your life easier. This is not a linear theory and things might get a little complicated at times, but stick with me on this, because if you can apply what I’m talking about in your life, it will make every day easier and more fruitful. Get full show notes and more information here:
11/15/201930 minutes, 45 seconds
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Ep 225. Grief

Tune in this week to discover how to work with and allow your emotions, how to set up boundaries around your grieving process when dealing with other people, and eventually how to accept the reality of the situation. Losing someone we love is awful, and it will feel like nobody understands what you’re going through. There is some truth in that, but that doesn’t mean that grief has to hold you back forever. Get full show notes and more information here:
11/8/201924 minutes, 47 seconds
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Ep 224. Tell a Better Story with Matthew Dicks

Listen in on our conversation as Matthew shares his insights into what makes a great and engaging story, where people often go wrong when sharing their stories, and his specific tips for beginners. Stay tuned until the end to hear Matthew in action sharing a tale of his own with us. Get full show notes and more information here:
11/1/201939 minutes, 27 seconds
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Ep 223. Jody Moore Coaching Values

Join me on the podcast this week as I share how I was able to identify my values and implement them in every aspect of my business, hoping to impart the same values, ultimately, onto my clients. This episode will hopefully give you an insight into what your values are and how you can align with them in everything you do, whether it’s in a business, your family, or just how you want to approach every day. Get full show notes and more information here:
10/25/201921 minutes, 32 seconds
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Ep 222. Confidence and Curly Hair

Join me on the podcast this week as I discuss how I became confident and loving of something that I resented for years, and what I do to keep myself in love with this aspect of myself every single day. Building confidence isn’t easy, but when you can spot where it’s a problem for you, and with a little help from somebody who’s gone before you, you can make confidence a reality. Get full show notes and more information here:
10/18/201942 minutes, 10 seconds
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Ep 221. A Spiritual Journey with Thomas McConkie

Listen in on our discussion today as Thomas shares how he left the church and went on a journey of self-development that, in the end, brought him closer to God than he could have ever seen coming. Thomas has some incredible insights about our development through adulthood, as well as the power of combining mindfulness and faith. Get full show notes and more information here:
10/11/201933 minutes, 24 seconds
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Ep 220. Navigating Change with Peace

Join me on the podcast this week and discover how to navigate change with peace. Whether it’s moving to a new city, your kids going off to college, or even adjusting to life after the end of a relationship or the death of a loved one, this episode is for you. Get full show notes and more information here:
10/4/201930 minutes, 22 seconds
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Ep 219. Stages of Awakening

Join me this week and discover the three stages of awakening. I’m going to discuss the benefits of having a coach, and what kind of improvements you can expect to see in your life if you take this work and really run with it. Life was never meant to be 100% roses and easy sailing, but applying thought work in your life can make the less-than-perfect stuff become genuinely useful. Get full show notes and more information here:
9/27/201923 minutes, 12 seconds
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Ep 218. Positive Thought Problems

Join me on the podcast this week as I take a deep dive into the self-coaching model – specifically the point where we choose our thoughts about our circumstance. I’m sharing how you can identify where you might be going awry when identifying a circumstance, and how you can reframe your circumstances so that your positive thoughts don’t become redundant.  Get full show notes and more information here:
9/20/201927 minutes, 28 seconds
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Ep 217. The Power of Coaching

I was interviewed for the podcast of one of my clients recently and her questions were just so perfect that I thought I have to share this with all of you.  You’ll discover what real coaching is like, what you can expect if you decide to receive coaching, and the thoughts that you can apply to your own life to make every day as good as it can be. Get full show notes and more information here:
9/13/201928 minutes, 36 seconds
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Ep 216. Agency

Join me on the podcast this week to discover what other people having agency really means, and how you can flip some of the negative thoughts you have about other people’s actions. Our world would not be the same if people didn’t have agency, so it’s time we took a close look at it so we can use it in our favor, instead of thinking of ourselves as the victim of other people. Get full show notes and more information here:
9/6/201923 minutes, 2 seconds
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Ep 215. 8 Truths About Me

Join me this week for an insight into what’s going on in my brain when it comes to self-coaching and mind-management. I really wanted to get vulnerable with you guys this week so you can see that, even though I’m the one giving the answers, that doesn’t mean all of the stuff I teach is not a problem for me as well. Get full show notes and more information here:
8/30/201927 minutes, 54 seconds
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Ep 214. Anxiety

It’s clear to me that, with all the modern conveniences we have at our fingertips these days, our intolerance for discomfort has dropped dramatically over the past couple of decades.  Join me on the podcast this week for a frank discussion about anxiety, how it shows up for us, when we need to be concerned, and where there might be something we can do about it with a little self-coaching. Get full show notes and more information here:
8/23/201932 minutes, 2 seconds
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Ep 213. Tight Like Unto a Dish

Listen in this week as I provide insight as to where the work I do as a coach transcends into the scripture that I hold so dear as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. If you’re facing what seem like unjust difficulty in your life, tune in for a little reminder that Heavenly Father has your back. Get full show notes and more information here:
8/16/201917 minutes, 49 seconds
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Ep 212. Evolution

Tune in this week to discover why I think we have a natural propensity to pull together, join forces, and make changes that help us move forward, personally and as a society. I’m sharing how you can intentionally evolve yourself to get what you want out of this life and be at ease with the discomfort of growth. Get full show notes and more information here:
8/9/201920 minutes, 3 seconds
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Ep 211. Navigating a Faith Crisis with Amanda Voelker

Join us on the show this week as we discuss what contributes to people distancing themselves from the church and what they’re really going through. You’ll discover why questioning your faith is not the evil we sometimes consider it to be, and why, if somebody you love is going through a faith transformation or perceived crisis, that is not the end of their journey with Heavenly Father. Oftentimes, it’s just the beginning, and there are things you can do to help them through. Get full show notes and more information here:
8/2/201939 minutes, 7 seconds
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Ep 210. Empathy

Join me on the podcast this week as I explain my stance on empathy, why it might not work exactly the way you think it does, but also why it’s wonderful and an amazing part of being a human being. Some people might find this a touchy subject, but take a listen before you make up your mind. Get full show notes and more information here:
7/26/201921 minutes, 36 seconds
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Ep 209. Go Get It

Join me on the podcast this week as I unpack an idea I’ve been sitting with for a while. Whatever “it” is to you – it could be marriage, children, a new car, a new job, a business of your own – I have 5 elements to consider that could be holding you back from going and getting “it” and how to overcome these hurdles. Get full show notes and more information here:
7/19/201929 minutes, 38 seconds
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Ep 208. Family Reunion Perfection

Tune in this week as I share how to take the pressure off of yourself in family gathering situations. I’m sharing how you can go from fearing the worst about how everyone else is going to enjoy themselves to simply having a great time yourself and appreciating your family for who they are, misbehavior and dysfunction included. Get full show notes and more information here:
7/12/201920 minutes, 22 seconds
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Ep 207. Sexual Relations in Marriage

Join me this week, whether you’re engaged and looking for some insight into the sexual aspects of marriage, or you’ve been married for years and are struggling with your partner’s level of desire and arousal, whether that’s lower or higher than your own. What I have seen in my clients is that there are two people within the sexual dynamic of a marriage: the higher-desire partner and the lower-desire partner. I’m going to be addressing both sides of the story today and share what thoughts you can work on to look after yourself and your own needs, without making life any less comfortable for your spouse. Get full show notes and more information here:
7/5/201928 minutes, 20 seconds
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Ep 206. Your Relationship With Your Life

Join me this week and discover how you can have fulfilling relationships without changing anything or anybody. Once you come to grips with appreciating the external things you have to encounter daily, then before you know it, your relationship with your life will be completely different. Get full show notes and more information here:
6/28/201927 minutes, 26 seconds
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Ep 205. The Human Void

This week on the podcast, I’m talking about that space within us – the human void – and how it manifests in ourselves and the people in our lives. Tune in and discover how to know when you’re feeling it, and what you can do to ease the burden for yourself and the people you love. Get full show notes and more information here:
6/21/201925 minutes, 49 seconds
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Ep 204. Good Fruit

Join me on this episode as I discuss the process of incorporating my work as a life coach into my beliefs as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Discover not only how I came to see the two as compatible, but also what made my father realize the importance of the work I’m doing, not only for me, but for everyone in my community. Get full show notes and more information here:
6/14/201936 minutes, 16 seconds
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Ep 203. Feelings First

Tune into this week’s episode to discover how you can make every goal you set for yourself so much easier by choosing to put your feelings first. Sure, you can try losing weight by running yourself into a body shape you can begin to think about loving, or pay off your debts so you can start to feel financially free. But if you could feel that financial freedom or love your body first, trust me, you will 10X your progress in everything you set your mind to. Get full show notes and more information here:
6/7/201927 minutes, 14 seconds
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Ep 202. Finding Your Purpose

Join me on this episode as I explore the idea of choosing and creating your purpose. You’ll discover how to explore the many things you could dedicate yourself to and how to choose one, or more, without listening to all the reasons your brain will provide for why it should be easier than this and you should quit now. Get full show notes and more information here:
5/31/201923 minutes, 38 seconds
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Ep 201. Women's Conference Talk: Obedience

Join me on the podcast this week as I share my talk from the BYU Woman’s Conference and discuss some stories from my own life, with regards to my own obedience and that of others, which hopefully will reframe the way you consider your role in keeping the people in your life on the right track. Get full show notes and more information here:
5/24/201929 minutes, 55 seconds
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Ep 200. The Real Problem

Today my sister and fellow podcaster Natalie Clay joins me to talk about why all of our problems are, at their root, thought problems. We talk about why it's so tempting to think that our situation is the problem - rather than our thoughts about the situation - and how to start shifting away from this mindset. Get full show notes and more information here:
5/17/201928 minutes, 24 seconds
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Ep 199. The River of Misery

The River of Misery is that short but often difficult period of time where you're struggling the hardest with whatever change you're making. Join me today to learn all about the River of Misery and why it's one of the most essential experiences for personal growth. I'll describe the concept in detail and provide numerous examples of the River of Misery so you can start identifying it in your own life. Get full show notes and more information here:
5/10/201919 minutes, 22 seconds
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Ep 198. Leveraging Your Future Self to Achieve Impossible Goals

This episode is all about how you can achieve your impossible goals by envisioning your future self. But before that, I share seven of the biggest reasons why people don't achieve their goals and how you can avoid those pitfalls. Some of them are tricky, but if you try the future self exercise I walk you through, you can use your future self as a guide to becoming who you are meant to be and achieving all that you are meant to do. Get full show notes and more information here:
5/3/201935 minutes, 12 seconds
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Ep 197. Brain Software

In this episode, I talk all about brain software and how it shapes your thoughts, feelings, and actions. I share some of the most common situations where the Something Is Wrong tape starts playing, and encourage you to practice building some distance between you and these thoughts. And I also discuss whether or not we should try to change this software or just try to work with it. Get full show notes and more information here:
4/26/201918 minutes, 49 seconds
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Ep 196. How to Discipline Your Kids

I'm digging into parenting and discipline on this episode and sharing a framework for teaching and leading your children. I talk about what we should focus on as parents, how rewards and consequences can affect behavior, and how to set expectations in your household. Discipline doesn't have to be complicated - it just has to be rooted in love. Get full show notes and more information here:
4/19/201930 minutes, 41 seconds
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Ep 195. The Machine of Your Business

In this episode, I talk about some of the reasons why you might be uncomfortable giving your business the full attention it deserves. I also dive into the three buckets that make up your business and how you can fill them up. Filling up the buckets of strangers, acquaintances, and fans is essential if you want your business to generate profit. Get full show notes and more information here:
4/12/201922 minutes, 44 seconds
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Ep 194. Emotional Eating

  I talk about the importance of witnessing your eating habits without judgment, feeling your feelings, and planning out what you’re going to eat. I also discuss some of the emotional eating habits I’ve observed in myself as I’ve done this work and how I’ve come to love and accept my body exactly as it is. Losing weight shouldn’t be about trying to conform to some external standard of how your body should look. It should be a vehicle for leveling-up your relationship with yourself and your life.   Get full show notes and more information here:
4/5/201930 minutes, 40 seconds
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Ep 193. Relief

  Listen in as I share some stories about clients who have been seeking relief, what I recommended for them, and what I want you to think about when you’re feeling negative emotions that make you want to seek relief.  We’ll also talk about dirty emotions versus clean emotions, locating your emotions in your body, and why joy is the ultimate form of relief.   Get full show notes and more information here:
3/29/201920 minutes, 39 seconds
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Ep 192. Three Components of a Relationship

On this episode of the podcast, I’m walking through why every relationship we have exists entirely in our own mind. This is great news: it means that we are 100% in control of our relationships with other people. And that means we can choose to have compassion, curiosity, and love for other people, rather than worrying about whether or not they really like or approve of us. Get full show notes and more information here:
3/21/201919 minutes, 48 seconds
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Ep 191. Misuse of Religion

On last week’s episode Brooke Castillo and I discussed religion and the response has been so overwhelming about how much you loved it. This week I share some additional thoughts based on 5 years of coaching members of The Church about how we sometimes, unconsciously use the very beliefs that can make our lives better, to hurt us. Tune in and gain some awareness to help prevent falling into these traps. To register for a free upcoming webinar with Jody CLICK HERE.
3/15/201923 minutes, 53 seconds
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Ep 190. Jody Talks Religion with Brooke Castillo

Today I am sharing with you a conversation I recently had with Brooke Castillo about religion. We discuss the difference between your relationship with God and your relationship with your religion, where God fits in the model and why our experience of God is so much stronger when we’re suffering. Thanks to Brooke for her willingness to come on the show. I know you’ll enjoy this episode. The post Ep 190. Jody Talks Religion with Brooke Castillo appeared first on Jody Moore.
3/8/201934 minutes, 9 seconds
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Ep 189. What We Say and What We Mean

Part of our ability to interact with one another in an appropriate way means we censor ourselves. This is healthy and I wouldn’t want you to drop it. But sometimes we have an opportunity to be more honest with one another about what we think or feel. I wonder what would happen if we all started saying what we mean a little more and believing other people a little more as well. Tune in as I share some ideas about how this can deepen your connections with one another. The post Ep 189. What We Say and What We Mean appeared first on Jody Moore.
3/1/201920 minutes, 55 seconds
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Ep 188. How to Change a Circumstance

If you’ve listened to this podcast for long you know that I teach that your circumstance doesn’t need to change for you to get the result you want in your life. I also teach that focusing on the circumstance is not the most effective way, but today, I want to talk to you about the irony of how circumstances sometimes do change once we do the work of not needing them to. Tune in to learn more and for tons of real life examples. If you want to come to a live call and get some free help from me, click HERE. Grab your ticket to Better Than Happy Live in Salt Lake City or Seattle click HERE. The post Ep 188. How to Change a Circumstance appeared first on Jody Moore.
2/22/201925 minutes, 30 seconds
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Ep 187. Couples Counseling vs. Couples Coaching with Natalie Clay

One of the questions I get a lot is, “What is the difference between traditional therapy or counseling and coaching?” Today Natalie and I are tackling that question. We’ll tell you what we love about therapy and why we think coaching is a better fit in many situations. Tune in as we discuss the challenges of marriage, how a coach helps you through it, and why we believe not all marriages should last forever. Sign up for a free consultation with Natalie The post Ep 187. Couples Counseling vs. Couples Coaching with Natalie Clay appeared first on Jody Moore.
2/15/201939 minutes, 32 seconds
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Ep 186. Since You Asked…

Today I’m answering questions sent in by you, my listeners. I’ll be answering the following questions: How do I teach this to my kids? What do I do if people think I’m the difficult one in the family? How do you learn to hold yourself accountable and follow through? Where is the line between though work and changing up something that isn’t serving you in your life? What advice would you give to a classroom of 11 and 12-year-olds? How do I find my passion and purpose after being a stay-at-home mom for a long time? How do I slow down my thoughts enough to stop yelling at my kids? How can I stop being annoyed at my husband when he plays video games?”   You’ll also hear why I’m not a fan of love languages. Thanks to everyone who sent in a question for today’s episode. CLICK HERE to access my free course “How to Stop Yelling At Your Kids.” SIGN UP HERE for Ask Jody Anything to learn how to solve any problem in your life and to learn about how to get more help from me.  The post Ep 186. Since You Asked… appeared first on Jody Moore.
2/8/201933 minutes, 7 seconds
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Ep 185. Right and Wrong

Is there such a thing as right and wrong? Yes. And no. Today I’m talking about this concept with regards to decisions you make to help you be more confident and timely in your decision making. Indecision is a dream killer. Don’t fall for that. We’ll also talk about right and wrong with regards to your past, and to the decisions people in your life may be making that your brain keeps telling you they shouldn’t be. CLICK HERE to ask me a question. CLICK HERE to read the full document The Family: A Proclamation to the World  The post Ep 185. Right and Wrong appeared first on Jody Moore.
2/1/201927 minutes, 37 seconds
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Ep 184. When You Didn’t Get Enough Sleep

I love to sleep. I could be a professional napper. But sometimes I just don’t get as much as I wish I could. Sometimes it’s the kids in my bed or my brain running wild in the night.  The post Ep 184. When You Didn’t Get Enough Sleep appeared first on Jody Moore.
1/25/201916 minutes, 21 seconds
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Ep 183. Wisdom From My Girls

Today I have a fantastic treat for you. Natalie and I sat down with our daughters (ages 9, 10 and 11) to talk about emotions, thoughts, friends, advice for parents and what’s so great about being a kid today. You’ll hear about the tools Natalie and I teach which our girls understand, and the parts […] The post Ep 183. Wisdom From My Girls appeared first on Jody Moore.
1/18/201929 minutes, 43 seconds
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Ep 182. Sneaky Little Thoughts

Sometimes we have thoughts that we know are negative. We may not be able to change them but it’s easy to identify them as problem thoughts. Then, other times, we have thoughts that sound useful. They feel necessary. They sound pretty or righteous or feel very justified and reasonable. Maybe other people offer them to […] The post Ep 182. Sneaky Little Thoughts appeared first on Jody Moore.
1/11/201923 minutes, 13 seconds
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Ep 181. Faith and Magic

After achieving some mind-blowing goals in 2018 I decided to take a look at the 4-step process that got me there so I can utilize it again in 2019. Today I’m sharing that process with you to keep in mind as you set your goals. My most favorite part of achieving a goal is the […] The post Ep 181. Faith and Magic appeared first on Jody Moore.
1/4/201923 minutes, 55 seconds
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Ep 180. Better Than Happy Live Part 3

Today’s episode is the third and final segment of Better Than Happy Live. If you’ve been listening to this series you’ve heard just a tiny bit of what I cover at this full day workshop style event, but I hope it gives you a deeper look into how applying these tools in your life literally […] The post Ep 180. Better Than Happy Live Part 3 appeared first on Jody Moore.
12/28/201854 minutes, 21 seconds
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Ep 179. The Perfect Christmas and Live Part 2

Today I’m bringing you a second segment from Better Than Happy Live. Listen in as I coach real people with real issues and we apply the tools you’ve heard here on the podcast. Before the live segment I’m sharing with you some perspective on the perfect Christmas.  The post Ep 179. The Perfect Christmas and Live Part 2 appeared first on Jody Moore.
12/21/201824 minutes, 49 seconds
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Ep 178. Podcast Live Part 1

This is Part 1 of a series of segments from the live podcast event I did last fall. We spent a full day together diving into this work deeper, coaching to gain real life perspective, and getting to know one another. It was amazing.  The post Ep 178. Podcast Live Part 1 appeared first on Jody Moore.
12/14/201826 minutes, 24 seconds
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Ep 177. Busyness

December is the time of year when everyone starts talking about being so busy. The rush of the holiday, the endless to-do list and the expectations everyone seems to have can give you the opportunity to fall for this trick your brain plays. But busyness is not about what’s going on outside of you.  The post Ep 177. Busyness appeared first on Jody Moore.
12/7/201829 minutes, 56 seconds
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Ep 176. Transitions

Today I’m sharing something I’ve discovered about myself in my own self coaching and as I’ve stopped snacking. Transitions are uncomfortable. I’m sharing my own personal story of struggling with major transitions in my past, but I’m also sharing what I have discovered that has been so mind blowing for me... The post Ep 176. Transitions appeared first on Jody Moore.
11/30/201838 minutes, 7 seconds
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Ep 175. How to Teach Others About Thought Work

The tools you’re learning are changing things for you, so naturally you want to share it with others. I hear from listeners and my clients that they are trying to explain it and sometimes the people in their lives aren’t open to it.  The post Ep 175. How to Teach Others About Thought Work appeared first on Jody Moore.
11/23/201841 minutes, 6 seconds
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Ep 174. Gossip

Gossip is something that most of us agree we don’t want to participate in, but there is something about it that is exciting and compelling to our brains. Today we’re taking a look at why it’s so tempting, what the negative effect of it is in our lives, and I’m giving you a three-step process... The post Ep 174. Gossip appeared first on Jody Moore.
11/16/201822 minutes, 44 seconds
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Ep 173. A Thriving Mixed-Faith Marriage with Matt and Lindsay Kjar

On your wedding day, as you leave the temple hand in hand, nobody expects that one person will stop believing in the gospel and choose to leave the church one day, but sometimes it happens. Like most other parts of marriage, this requires some effort to navigate... The post Ep 173. A Thriving Mixed-Faith Marriage with Matt and Lindsay Kjar appeared first on Jody Moore.
11/9/201844 minutes, 31 seconds
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Ep 172. Editing Your Life

We live in a world full of options and everyone wants our time and attention. While having so many options is an amazing part of an advanced world, it also leads to decision fatigue for many. Today I’m going to talk to you about editing your life and making decisions ahead of time. The post Ep 172. Editing Your Life appeared first on Jody Moore.
11/2/201840 minutes, 43 seconds
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Ep 171. Being Wrong

Ever notice how painful it is to be wrong? Today we’re exploring why the brain has such an aversion to it, and some of the un-necessary problems we create for ourselves as a result. Of course we’ll address how to re-direct your brain and the benefits of doing so as you pursue your goals. The post Ep 171. Being Wrong appeared first on Jody Moore.
10/29/201825 minutes, 47 seconds
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Ep 170. Changing A Bad Habit

Today I want to give you an in-depth lesson in the concept of buffering. Buffers can include everything from drugs, alcohol and pornography to overeating, shopping or video games. You’ll know it’s a buffer if it has a net negative effect in your life. This episode is one of my most powerful. The post Ep 170. Changing A Bad Habit appeared first on Jody Moore.
10/29/201844 minutes, 22 seconds
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Ep 169. Negativity In Disguise

Our brains are very good at negativity. It’s a natural survival mechanism. But today I want to talk to you about judgement, fear, worry and self-loathing. These are the most common forms of negativity and in many ways they create un-necessary problems and suffering for us.  The post Ep 169. Negativity In Disguise appeared first on Jody Moore.
10/29/201827 minutes, 12 seconds
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Ep 168. Accessing Creativity

Lately I’ve been doing a lot of reading up on accessing your own creativity and today I want to share some of my biggest take aways. I’m sharing teachings from Stephen Pressfield, Austin Kleon and Elizabeth Gilbert. Tune in as I teach you why you don’t need to be original. The post Ep 168. Accessing Creativity appeared first on Jody Moore.
10/29/201832 minutes
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Ep 167. Successful Parenting

How do you know if you’re a good mom or a good dad? Is it if your kids are happy? They are obedient and get good grades? Is it based on how they turn out? Is it based on whether or not the like the way you raised them? Or is it none of those? The post Ep 167. Successful Parenting appeared first on Jody Moore.
10/29/201834 minutes, 44 seconds
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Ep 166. What Is Truth?

When we share our testimonies at church we often say, “I know this church is true.” We find great peace in knowing it’s true. So when I teach people the CTFAR model they often want to put their religious beliefs in the circumstance line.  The post Ep 166. What Is Truth? appeared first on Jody Moore.
9/21/201829 minutes, 55 seconds
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Ep 165. Meeting Your Own Needs in Marriage

The idea that we should get married, then try to meet one another’s needs sounds like a nice one in theory, but in reality, it causes more problems and puts distance and resentment in homes and families. Today I’m breaking down the concept of meeting your own needs. I want to clarify what this means and why I believe this is what Heavenly Father wants for us. We’ll touch on the Family Proclamation and I’ll explain why this helps couples be closer and stronger than ever. The post Ep 165. Meeting Your Own Needs in Marriage appeared first on Jody Moore.
9/14/201818 minutes, 27 seconds
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Ep 164. Organize Like A Pro with Shira Gill

The clutter. The chaos. It’s everywhere. You agree that having it organized would be life-changing and magical but it’s so overwhelming. Allow me to introduce Shira Gill. Shira is not only a professional organizer, she’s also a Certified Life Coach and today she’s allowing us to steal some tips and tricks to allow you to get started tackling the toy bin, the pantry, your sock drawer, and even your closet. The post Ep 164. Organize Like A Pro with Shira Gill appeared first on Jody Moore.
9/7/201834 minutes, 27 seconds
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Ep 163. Behind the Scenes

Today I’m giving you a behind the scenes look at my business. If you’ve ever thought, “I wish I could sit with Jody and pick her brain,” then today is your day.  The post Ep 163. Behind the Scenes appeared first on Jody Moore.
8/31/201841 minutes, 53 seconds
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Ep 162. Jody Coaches Sara on Frustration With Her Kids

Today I’m sharing a real coaching session with a real client. Listen in as Sara talks about her frustration with her children when they don’t do what she asks them to do. This is a powerful session if you have kids and even if you don’t. The post Ep 162. Jody Coaches Sara on Frustration With Her Kids appeared first on Jody Moore.
8/24/201832 minutes, 59 seconds
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Ep 161. To the Teenagers

Today’s episode is a special back to school message for your youth. Please help me share it with them and check it out yourself. You might be surprised at how much you’ll learn. To grab a seat at Better Than Happy Live visit To register for Foundations of Marriage with Natalie Clay visit The post Ep 161. To the Teenagers appeared first on Jody Moore.
8/17/201818 minutes, 3 seconds
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Ep 160. Empowering Thoughts

Today I’m sharing some of my favorite thoughts with you. Feel free to grab any you like and work to find evidence for them in your life. As you choose intentionally what you want to believe, you’ll find your life changing as well.  The post Ep 160. Empowering Thoughts appeared first on Jody Moore.
8/10/201828 minutes, 31 seconds
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Ep 159. DON’T GET MARRIED Until You Listen to This Episode w/Natalie Clay

I’m SOOOOO excited for you to get to hear the wisdom of my brilliant and hilarious sister Natalie Clay. Today Natalie and I talk though 6 tools we believe everyone who is getting married (or already married) needs to understand to have a joyful marriage and create healthy families. Don’t miss this episode! The post Ep 159. DON’T GET MARRIED Until You Listen to This Episode w/Natalie Clay appeared first on Jody Moore.
8/3/201852 minutes, 53 seconds
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Ep 158. “How” is None of Your Business

Most people are searching for the answers to “how” to achieve the things they want to in life. They think if they can figure out how, then they will believe it is possible and then they will go for it. Today I want to teach you why this is backwards and how to let go. The post Ep 158. “How” is None of Your Business appeared first on Jody Moore.
7/27/201820 minutes, 13 seconds
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Bonus Episode: Free Webinars

This is a bonus episode to invite you to some free webinars I’ll be teaching online live next week. To register for them head over to The post Bonus Episode: Free Webinars appeared first on Jody Moore.
7/24/20181 minute, 45 seconds
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Ep 157. Accepting and Questioning

In our natural unsupervised state our brains want to focus on and try to change things outside of us. If this worked I would tell you to keep doing it but it mostly doesn’t work. So today I want to teach you how to accept the things that happen that are outside of your control. The post Ep 157. Accepting and Questioning appeared first on Jody Moore.
7/20/201822 minutes, 35 seconds
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Ep 156. Authenticity with Alison Faulkner

Buckle your seat belts kids. I have a special treat for you today. If you’ve never listened to “Awesome with Alison” then I’m happy to get to introduce you to Alison Faulkner. And if you are already a fan, then I don’t have to tell you how much fun she is to learn from. The post Ep 156. Authenticity with Alison Faulkner appeared first on Jody Moore.
7/13/201855 minutes, 35 seconds
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Ep 155. Beyond Normal

My clients like to ask me if their feelings or behavior is normal given a certain situation. It’s as though our brains want to be justified in some way. Today I want to talk to you about what is normal and I recommend that you question whether or not “normal” is going to create the life you truly want.Join me today as I dive into this topic including tons of examples. The post Ep 155. Beyond Normal appeared first on Jody Moore.
7/6/201823 minutes, 57 seconds
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Ep 154. Excellence

Are you a person of excellence? Or are you more of a 75% person? And what is the difference between excellence and perfectionism? These questions are answered on today’s episode and I’ll also be sharing with you why I’m committing today to be a person of excellence. Will you join me? The post Ep 154. Excellence appeared first on Jody Moore.
6/29/201814 minutes, 24 seconds
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Ep 153. Let’s Play

Play is an important part of your life. It not only is fun and feels good, but it impacts your emotional health as well. As kids we understand this but as we grow up we tend to allow the responsibility and pressure of being an adult get in the way of play.  The post Ep 153. Let’s Play appeared first on Jody Moore.
6/22/201815 minutes, 35 seconds
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Ep 152. Pride

Pride is one of the greatest hazards to us in this lifetime. It’s a concept that is often misunderstood and easy to neglect but something I think is powerful to take a closer look at today. I have found myself falling into the trap of pride in a few ways lately and today I’m sharing my experience with you as well as some thoughts on pride including how is it different from confidence? Join me today as we explore this important concept. The post Ep 152. Pride appeared first on Jody Moore.
6/15/201823 minutes, 19 seconds
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Ep 151. What to Pray For

Ever feel like your prayers aren’t being answered? Well, it’s not that you’re doing anything wrong, but today I’m sharing some insight based on the tools I use as a Coach as well as examples from the Book of Mormon about how to pray in the most effective way.  The post Ep 151. What to Pray For appeared first on Jody Moore.
6/8/201824 minutes, 29 seconds
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Ep 150. Loveability

What makes someone lovable? Is it the things they do or say? Is it how they feel about us? And what makes someone un-lovable? Is it that they aren’t nice, don’t like people or don’t love us? The answer is no. What makes another person lovable is your decision to love them. Period.  The post Ep 150. Loveability appeared first on Jody Moore.
6/1/201824 minutes, 17 seconds
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Ep 149. Fear

Fear is a protective mechanism designed to aid in our survival. Today I want to teach you 5 things about fear to help minimize your fear of fear. Because showing up in your life may require some fear but with the tools I want to teach you today, you’ll be better equipped to handle it. The post Ep 149. Fear appeared first on Jody Moore.
5/25/201826 minutes, 2 seconds
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Ep 148. Confusion

Today I’m teaching you about confusion, overwhelm and indecision. These are what I call indulgent emotions. Feeling them does not get you closer to clarity and focus. Instead it keeps you unconscious and stuck. They are a result of a mismanaged brain and while it may feel like they just happen to you, I have actionable tips to help you get out of confusion and on with solving problems and accomplishing your goals. Tune in and let’s do this. The post Ep 148. Confusion appeared first on Jody Moore.
5/17/201829 minutes, 2 seconds
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Ep 147. Thoughts on Mother’s Day

It’s nearly Mother’s Day. And if you’re like many women I know you secretly hate this day. You try not to but it seems like your expectations are never met. You don’t know why you’re disappointed but you just are. Or perhaps you hate it because of the strained dynamic that exists between you and your mother and this day brings up all of it for you. Well I have good news for you. You can love Mother’s Day and it’s simpler than you ever imagined. The post Ep 147. Thoughts on Mother’s Day appeared first on Jody Moore.
5/11/201818 minutes, 50 seconds
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Ep 146. Virtuous Wanting

What do you want? Do you know? When I first began coaching LDS women I discovered that many of them didn’t allow themselves to want. They felt like wanting might mean they were not grateful for what they had or that it was not keeping their priorities in check. Other times I work with clients who find the wanting to be painful because they don't believe they can have what they want. Today I am going to teach you why I believe that wanting, when done from abundance, is a virtue. The post Ep 146. Virtuous Wanting appeared first on Jody Moore.
5/4/201819 minutes, 54 seconds
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Ep 145. I’m a Mormon

I’m a Mormon. This is not a surprise to you I hope. But today I want to talk with you about why I’m a Mormon. I want you to decide why you believe whatever you believe because the why matters. Are you a Mormon because of the community? Is it because of a certain church leader? Is it because of Joseph Smith? Are you a Mormon by default or is it rooted in sound doctrine that makes your life better? Just something to consider. Tune in to learn how I answered this question for myself. The post Ep 145. I’m a Mormon appeared first on Jody Moore.
4/27/201824 minutes, 18 seconds
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Ep 144. Friendship

Today I’m teaching you the way to have deeper, more fulfilling friendships and how to show up when you meet new people in a way that feels confident and helps you attract your tribe. We’re also talking about what to do when you don’t get invited out and you’re feeling hurt about that. The post Ep 144. Friendship appeared first on Jody Moore.
4/20/201826 minutes, 51 seconds
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Ep 143. 4 Stages of Skill Mastery

Whether you’re setting big goals or just navigating the changes of life, learning to master skills will serve you well. Sure there are skills that are obvious like playing an instrument or a sport, but I want you to consider the skill of being uncomfortable, overcoming procrastination, and being more patient.  The post Ep 143. 4 Stages of Skill Mastery appeared first on Jody Moore.
4/13/201820 minutes, 48 seconds
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Ep 142. Blogging and MLM Success with Crystal and Sean Escobar

Crystal and Sean live an amazing life. They’ve been successful in their endeavors in blogging and Network Marketing and today they’re sharing how they’ve created these results for themselves. But they are not amazing people because of their success. Instead, you’ll hear as you listen to them, that their success has come because they first have chosen deliberately who they want to be. Listen up as they tell you their story. The post Ep 142. Blogging and MLM Success with Crystal and Sean Escobar appeared first on Jody Moore.
4/6/201847 minutes, 16 seconds
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Ep 141. Forgiveness

Forgiveness is a divine attribute. We are commanded to repent and seek His forgiveness and we are also commanded to forgive others. But only every time. But how? How do we know if we’ve been forgiven and what is Godly sorrow? Forgiveness is not something you do. It’s a change in the way you think and feel about someone else. It’s your opportunity to be a higher version of you. The post Ep 141. Forgiveness appeared first on Jody Moore.
3/30/201831 minutes, 28 seconds
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Ep 140. Intentionality

When we have a challenge, most of us become focused on figuring out what to do. We share advice with one another about what to do and we search for the right action to solve the problem. But none of our action is as effective as it could be if we stop and align our intentions first. The post Ep 140. Intentionality appeared first on Jody Moore.
3/23/201820 minutes, 39 seconds
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Ep 139. Self Respect

What is respect anyway? What qualities do we look for in someone that we respect? Today I’m walking you through a closer look at respect and then we take what we learn and apply it to self respect. In today’s world of instant gratification and concentrated pleasure, erosion of self respect is a problem.  The post Ep 139. Self Respect appeared first on Jody Moore.
3/16/201819 minutes, 31 seconds
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Ep 138. Narcissism and More with Tony Overbay

Today I’m talking with Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist Tony Overbay about narcissism, depression and anxiety, and his advice to couples struggling in their marriages. Tony is so insightful and as you’ll see, he never takes himself too seriously. Please enjoy this episode where we dive into these topics and more. The post Ep 138. Narcissism and More with Tony Overbay appeared first on Jody Moore.
3/9/201848 minutes, 13 seconds
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Ep 137. Shame Attack

Ever have a shame attack? Happens to us all from time to time, right? I had one this week. It was a great opportunity for me to practice what I preach. sharing my experience with you and giving you the steps to deal with a shame attack and come out stronger on the other side. The post Ep 137. Shame Attack appeared first on Jody Moore.
3/2/201824 minutes, 59 seconds
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Ep 136. Finding the Motivation to Rock Your Side Gig

One of the most common things I hear from my clients who have businesses or side gigs is, “How do I get motivated to do what I need to do?” Of course this doesn’t just apply to building a business, but today I’m sharing with you how to get out of overwhelm, indecision, stress, and doubt. The post Ep 136. Finding the Motivation to Rock Your Side Gig appeared first on Jody Moore.
2/23/201830 minutes, 48 seconds
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Bonus Episode. Better Than Happy

Did you know there is something available that’s better than happy? It’s your most complete life and the most amazing experience available to you. Check out today’s episode where I teach you all about this, clean pain versus dirty pain, and spill the beans about the changes happening her on the podcast.  The post Bonus Episode. Better Than Happy appeared first on Jody Moore.
2/21/201815 minutes, 4 seconds
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Ep 135. Fat Adaptation

Fat adaptation is your body’s natural metabolic state. It means that when you eat food, you store some of it on your body as fat to be used in case there is no food available. It mean that hunger is not an emergency. It’s just a whisper that comes and goes.  The post Ep 135. Fat Adaptation appeared first on Jody Moore.
2/16/201828 minutes, 4 seconds
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Ep 134. Sensations and Emotions

The body is an amazing creation that provides an internal navigation system for helping us navigate what is useful and what is dangerous. It gives us physical clues (sensations) and emotional clues (emotions). Today I want to challenge you to really tap into what’s going on and ask yourself whether it’s a sensation or an emotion. The post Ep 134. Sensations and Emotions appeared first on Jody Moore.
2/9/201825 minutes, 12 seconds
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Ep 133. Dealing with Depression as an 11-year-old with Ellie DaBell

I’m so grateful to sweet young Ellie for being willing to share her story today. Her experience with depression and anxiety has made her wise beyond her years. Check out today’s episode as she shares her experience and some word of advice to anyone (especially your kids) who struggle with depression. The post Ep 133. Dealing with Depression as an 11-year-old with Ellie DaBell appeared first on Jody Moore.
2/2/201817 minutes, 31 seconds
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Ep 132. How to Help Your Troubled Child

If you have a child you want to help or motivate or change in some way… this episode is for you. First Ask yourself WHY you want to change them. It’s always so we can feel better. This doesn’t mean it’s wrong or you should let go of it in every case but really be intentional. Then remember your child has agency. This means they are going to make some choices we don’t like. The post Ep 132. How to Help Your Troubled Child appeared first on Jody Moore.
1/26/201830 minutes, 27 seconds
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Ep 131. Your Future Self

Spending time with my future self has made a huge difference in what I create in my life. What will you look like in the future? What will you think about and what will you have done? Your future self has so much wisdom and if you learn to ask her, she will help you with whatever you need right here and now. Your future self is also someone you are currently creating. Are you creating her intentionally or just allowing life to take you where it will? The post Ep 131. Your Future Self appeared first on Jody Moore.
1/19/201827 minutes, 47 seconds
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Ep 130. Be Bold Pillars Part 5: Contribution

Making a contribution in the world is an important part of a fulfilling life. Today I want to teach you more about how to find your zone of genius. It begins by finding fulfillment in whatever you do right now. Then to keep making progress to become the person you have the potential to become.  The post Ep 130. Be Bold Pillars Part 5: Contribution appeared first on Jody Moore.
1/12/201829 minutes, 47 seconds
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Ep 129. Be Bold Pillars Part 4: Money

I love making money. Most people think that making money means sacrificing your time and effort and giving up part of yourself in exchange for money. The harder you work and more you sacrifice, the more money you can make. I believe different.  The post Ep 129. Be Bold Pillars Part 4: Money appeared first on Jody Moore.
1/5/201832 minutes, 24 seconds
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Ep 128. Be Bold Pillars Part 3: Confidence

Confidence. It feels amazing and it makes you better at anything you’re trying to do. Confidence is the solution to so many problems we create for ourselves from people pleasing to worry to relationship problems. We’re spending some time today learning about the opposite of confidence, shame, and then I’m teaching you how to build confidence. The definition we’ll use is knowing and embracing all the parts of yourself. The post Ep 128. Be Bold Pillars Part 3: Confidence appeared first on Jody Moore.
12/29/201736 minutes, 41 seconds
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Ep 127. Be Bold Pillars Part 2: Mental, Emotional and Physical Health

Today I’m teaching you about mental, emotional and physical health. It’s a longer episode because this topic is so all encompassing but make sure you listen to the end where I teach you about how to utilize what we know about human nature and the brain to lose weight without relying on willpower. The post Ep 127. Be Bold Pillars Part 2: Mental, Emotional and Physical Health appeared first on Jody Moore.
12/22/201749 minutes, 38 seconds
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Ep 126. Be Bold Pillars Part 1: Mastering Relationships

This is the first of a 5 part series on the Be Bold Pillars. All of the tools I teach are centered around these 5 areas and focusing on these areas is the key to living an amazing life where you grow and thrive, reach your full potential and leave the world a better place.  The post Ep 126. Be Bold Pillars Part 1: Mastering Relationships appeared first on Jody Moore.
12/15/201727 minutes, 11 seconds
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Ep 125. Mindset and Special Guest Macy Moore

I learned so much from reading Carol Dweck’s book about a growth versus a fixed mindset that helped me really recognize a lot of fixed mindset early on in my daughter. On today’s episode I’m teaching what Dweck has discovered through her research and how to talk to your kids in a way that fosters a growth mindset to set them up for confidence and fulfillment. But for the majority of this episode I’m interviewing my 10-year-0ld daughter Macy. The post Ep 125. Mindset and Special Guest Macy Moore appeared first on Jody Moore.
12/8/201727 minutes, 29 seconds
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Ep 124. Focus on Starting, Not on Stopping

Our brains are really good at noticing what we don’t want, what’s not right, and what we need to stop doing. But the things we focus on are the things we give energy, attention and power to. So if you have a habit you are trying to change, try focusing on what you want to START doing instead of focusing on what you want to STOP doing. This is challenging to figure out in many cases which means it’s no wonder we have a hard time changing course. The post Ep 124. Focus on Starting, Not on Stopping appeared first on Jody Moore.
12/1/201724 minutes, 58 seconds
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Ep 123. How I Grew My Business

I’ve learned so many things as I’ve built this business over the last few years and I want to share it with you to help you achieve the goals you are working towards. I’ve had so much help from mentors, support from family, and divine guidance that I can’t take the credit for, but today I will be sharing the mindsets I have that I believe have allowed me to utilize all of it to help people and reach my goals. The post Ep 123. How I Grew My Business appeared first on Jody Moore.
11/24/201722 minutes, 56 seconds
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Bonus Episode: How to Get Exactly What You Want For Christmas

Surprise! It’s a Thanksgiving bonus episode to make sure you get exactly what you want for Christmas or any other time. Check it out and have an awesome holiday. The post Bonus Episode: How to Get Exactly What You Want For Christmas appeared first on Jody Moore.
11/23/20178 minutes, 49 seconds
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Ep 122. Happiness with Hank Smith

I love it when you put a request out and people show up in droves to make it happen. I asked for your help getting Hank Smith on the podcast and you all pulled through. Thanks so much for helping make it happen. I love this conversation with Hank and I know you will too. The post Ep 122. Happiness with Hank Smith appeared first on Jody Moore.
11/17/201736 minutes, 25 seconds
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Ep 121. Why Try?

Guilt and shame are not useful emotions and not necessary. Everything that happened in the past is exactly how it was supposed to happen. The decisions you made. The events you cherish and the ones you wish you could erase forever. All of it is right on track. In addition, making the best choice you can is important, but there is no wrong choice. You will make it right. The post Ep 121. Why Try? appeared first on Jody Moore.
11/10/201728 minutes, 47 seconds
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Ep 120. Pornography Part II; Knowledge is Power with Brian Willoughby

Studies show that 100% of our kids will view pornography by age 18. On episode 111 I talked about some useful ways to think about porn when this happens or if you have a spouse who views it. Today we’re continuing the conversation about this important and sensitive topic. I believe knowledge is power and the more we know about the effects of pornography and useful ways to interact with one another, the more we'll be able to show up as our best, most loving, most capable selves. The post Ep 120. Pornography Part II; Knowledge is Power with Brian Willoughby appeared first on Jody Moore.
11/3/201731 minutes, 42 seconds
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Ep 119. Mirroring Emotions

Most people are living their lives unconscious of what is creating their emotions and a portion of this includes mirroring the emotions of others. We get mad that our husbands are mad about something. We worry about our children when they are worried. We feel negative about our sisters’ negativity. This is a tool I use with my clients to gain awareness which is the first step to creating a more peaceful life. When you recognize your brain is just mirroring emotions, you can choose a different emotion. The post Ep 119. Mirroring Emotions appeared first on Jody Moore.
10/27/201724 minutes, 14 seconds
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Ep 118. Mental Hygiene

We have so much knowledge about how to take care of ourselves physically. We teach our kids about nutrition and we understand the value of exercise. We brush our teeth even when we don’t have a toothache. All of this in the name of physical hygiene. But when it comes to our mental and emotional health most people have no idea where to begin with hygiene. Today I’m going to help you get started. The post Ep 118. Mental Hygiene appeared first on Jody Moore.
10/20/201731 minutes, 20 seconds
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Ep 117. Equal Partners in Marriage

It’s common in a marriage for one person to take a one-up position and the other a one-down. This dynamic can easily get reinforced over time and ultimately causes problems in the marriage. Today I’m taking you on a deeper dive of what each looks like so you can identify where you place yourself in your marriage. Then I’m talking you through the main problems created with this type of inequality in your mind. The goal for each of us should be equality in our marriage. The post Ep 117. Equal Partners in Marriage appeared first on Jody Moore.
10/13/201728 minutes, 40 seconds
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Ep 116. Should You Have More Babies?

How do you know if you should have another baby or you’re done? And what if you feel you should have more but your husband is done? How do we know what Heavenly Father wants for us and how can we find peace about such a big decision?  The post Ep 116. Should You Have More Babies? appeared first on Jody Moore.
10/6/201718 minutes, 55 seconds
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Ep 115. Zoom In or Zoom Out

When you’re in an emergency situation your brain knows to laser focus in on what’s happening right here right now. It’s one of the amazing functions of the amygdala. But when we’re in the midst of a trial or challenge, zooming in to have a more short-term focus can be useful.  The post Ep 115. Zoom In or Zoom Out appeared first on Jody Moore.
9/29/201721 minutes, 5 seconds
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Ep 114. Circumstances Are Neutral

Circumstances are neutral. Always. Our brains don’t always want to embrace this and often don’t remember it, but it’s still true. Today I’m teaching you three things that prevent us from really understanding this. Number one, we have memorized thought loops that have to be retrained in our brains or the feeling we have about circumstances happens instantly. Secondly, if everyone around us has the same opinion we do about our circumstance, we have a hard time recognizing that all of this is optional. The post Ep 114. Circumstances Are Neutral appeared first on Jody Moore.
9/22/201732 minutes, 30 seconds
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Ep 113. Appreciation, Gratitude, Abundance and Desire

When we operate from gratitude and abundance, we attract more goodness into our lives. We get to experience the world differently. We get to feel what we desire to feel right here and right now even without anything changing or without having anything different. Today I'm teaching you about appreciation (which I like to utilize to build confidence and recognize my own value which comes from Heavenly Father who created me) as well as gratitude and abundance and how to experience more. The post Ep 113. Appreciation, Gratitude, Abundance and Desire appeared first on Jody Moore.
9/15/201714 minutes, 34 seconds
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Ep 112. I Learned This From My Mama

I have an amazing mom. Seriously. The best. She’s been on my mind a lot lately as she is battling some health issues and my heart is hurting for her. Today I want to share with you 20 things I learned from her so as to share her with all of you and pay tribute to this woman I love. The post Ep 112. I Learned This From My Mama appeared first on Jody Moore.
9/8/201734 minutes, 6 seconds
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Ep 111. Pornography

In the LDS Church we’re counseled to stay away from pornography and taught that it can have a negative impact on relationships and on the home and family. Today I want to teach you more about what goes on in the brain with pornography and my goal is to minimize the damage that pornography can cause in your home and your life if you or someone you love struggles with it. The post Ep 111. Pornography appeared first on Jody Moore.
9/1/201726 minutes, 43 seconds
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Bonus Episode. Real Questions & Real Answers

Last week I did a Q/A call. You showed up and brought amazing questions! I loved answering them from you and wanted everyone who couldn’t be there to benefit from hearing them. It’s the real life application of this work that makes it life altering. Check it out here. Real questions. Real answers.  The post Bonus Episode. Real Questions & Real Answers appeared first on Jody Moore.
8/30/20171 hour, 31 minutes, 8 seconds
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Ep 110. Three Types of People

There are three types of people operating in this world. The first type of person doesn’t realize that they are the cause of all of their emotions and outcomes in life. They believe that outside forces are the reason and they delegate the responsibility to them leaving themselves powerless in their lives. The second type of person doesn’t sit back and remain a victim. Instead they step up and change their circumstances to make things better. The post Ep 110. Three Types of People appeared first on Jody Moore.
8/25/201727 minutes, 52 seconds
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Ep 109. Anxiety

Anxiety is defined as a form of worry, fear or stress but if you’ve ever experienced anxiety, you know it’s much more than that. Anxiety is a secondary emotion and it’s caused by resisting the primary emotion which is likely worry, stress or fear. Today I’m going to teach you what to do with the primary emotion to keep it from escalating. I’m also going to help you know what to do when (despite your best efforts) you find yourself experiencing anxiety anyway. The post Ep 109. Anxiety appeared first on Jody Moore.
8/18/201728 minutes, 6 seconds
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Ep 108. Stop Counting Points and Start Losing Weight

Dr. Deb Butler is a Master Certified Life and Weight Coach and today she’s sharing with us some of her most valuable tools. First we’ll learn about the hunger scale and why most of us have lost touch with our bodies. When you learn to eat when you’re just slightly hungry and stop when you’re just slightly full, your body will be your guide and you get back in touch with what food should be… fuel for your body. The post Ep 108. Stop Counting Points and Start Losing Weight appeared first on Jody Moore.
8/11/201744 minutes, 45 seconds
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Ep 107. Stay in Your Own Business

There are three types of business. Your business, other people’s business and God’s business. Your brain wants to spend a lot of time in God’s business and even more in other people’s business because it believes that if you can get the things outside of you to do what you want, then you can have the life you want. This is a waste of your mind juice. Today I am going to teach you how to stay in your business and why doing so will give you freedom and peace. The post Ep 107. Stay in Your Own Business appeared first on Jody Moore.
8/4/201731 minutes, 54 seconds
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Ep 106. Money Beliefs

The way you think about money will determine what your result with money looks like in your life. So many people are struggling with the drama of money and today I want to give you some insight to help you gain some leverage on it. Money is neutral. It is just simple math.  The post Ep 106. Money Beliefs appeared first on Jody Moore.
7/28/201731 minutes, 49 seconds
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Ep 105. How To Become a Life Coach

This is a question I get asked a lot so I thought today I would answer it for you. If you’re interested in learning more about how to become a Life Coach, OR you’re considering hiring a coach, there are some things I want you to understand and consider.  The post Ep 105. How To Become a Life Coach appeared first on Jody Moore.
7/21/201731 minutes, 27 seconds
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Ep 104. Discernment

Judgement never serves us. It’s small minded and fear based and toxic for our Spirits in the long run. Discernment on the other hand is wise and loving and useful to help us feel more love, protect ourselves, and deliberately create the lives we want. Check out today’s episode to minimize judgement and increase discernment. The post Ep 104. Discernment appeared first on Jody Moore.
7/14/201719 minutes, 41 seconds
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Ep 103. Why We Cry

You know that feeling. Your lip starts quivering and despite your best effort you’re unable to stop the waterworks. Crying is an automated response to intense emotion and it’s a part of our humanness. It’s nothing we need to apologize for. Our natural response is to begin worrying about what other people think or to tell ourselves to stop but neither of these is going to be helpful. Instead, just give yourself a moment. Pause. Breathe. Remind yourself that you are just feeling an emotion intensely. The post Ep 103. Why We Cry appeared first on Jody Moore.
7/7/201722 minutes, 6 seconds
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Ep 102. When You’re Not Feeling the Spirit

What makes us feel The Spirit? Is it doing things like reading our scriptures, saying prayers or going to the temple? If we don’t feel it does it mean we aren’t allowing it or that it’s just not there? What if I’m doing all the right things but I’m not feeling close to God? Today I’m going to teach you what creates that feeling and I hope to correct the way we talk and think about this important part of our experience here on Earth. The post Ep 102. When You’re Not Feeling the Spirit appeared first on Jody Moore.
6/30/201729 minutes, 47 seconds
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Ep 101. Self Compassion vs. Self Pity

After working with hundreds of women on improving themselves and their lives I find that there is a lot of confusion about self compassion and self pity. Self pity keeps you stuck and is extremely disempowering and generally leaves us overwhelmed and hopeless. Self compassion on the other hand gets us moving in the right direction, brings us out of hiding and helps us redirect in a useful way. The post Ep 101. Self Compassion vs. Self Pity appeared first on Jody Moore.
6/23/201721 minutes, 46 seconds
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Ep 100. 100 Things to Love About You

Did you know that when you take some time to retrain your brain to think loving, kind, compassionate thoughts about yourself, you end up thinking about yourself less often? Today I’m talking to you about choosing your thoughts about yourself on purpose.  The post Ep 100. 100 Things to Love About You appeared first on Jody Moore.
6/16/201715 minutes, 9 seconds
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Ep 99. Individual Worth with Kim Giles

Today I’m talking with fellow LDS Life Coach Kim Giles of Clarity Point Coaching. Kim’s teachings were one of the first I discovered when I began my own journey as a coach and I am thrilled to get to share her with you today. We dive into the idea that life is a test and Kim explains that while doctrinally this is correct, in reality life is actually a classroom. The post Ep 99. Individual Worth with Kim Giles appeared first on Jody Moore.
6/9/201737 minutes, 43 seconds
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Ep 98. When You Feel Like A Failure

Today I want to reframe the way you think about failure. I want to clear up the misunderstanding most people have about what it is, what causes it and what it means about us and our lives. I also want to talk to you specifically about the question many moms have, "What if I am failing at being a mom?"; I am all for doing better but I want you to make those changes from a place of empowerment rather than from a place of shame. The post Ep 98. When You Feel Like A Failure appeared first on Jody Moore.
6/2/201726 minutes, 12 seconds
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Bonus Episode. Why Emotions Matter

I’ve got a bonus episode for you today and it’s going to teach you 3 reasons why emotions matter. Listen up and then make sure you sign up for my monthly coaching program Be Bold before June 1st as doors close and we get started mastering emotions on June 2nd.  The post Bonus Episode. Why Emotions Matter appeared first on Jody Moore.
5/31/20176 minutes, 53 seconds
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Ep 97. When Someone Is Mad At You

Let’s face it. Most of us are approval addicts. When other people adore us we give ourselves permission to believe we are worthy of adoration. This is only a problem when someone doesn’t adore us or is mad at us. Today I want to give you some tools and knowledge about why this is a challenge and what to do to find some relief from that tricky part of your brain that wants to tell you that this is a huge problem. The post Ep 97. When Someone Is Mad At You appeared first on Jody Moore.
5/26/201718 minutes, 12 seconds
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Ep 96. 5 Secrets to a Happy Marriage

Your marriage is the most prevalent relationship in your life. When you are happy in it, your life feels happy. When it’s difficult, your life feels difficult. Human nature is to believe that what’s preventing happiness in our marriages has to do with how our spouse behaves or feels or treats us. This is never true. It is always up to us what we want to experience and the feelings driving us will create our marriage. The post Ep 96. 5 Secrets to a Happy Marriage appeared first on Jody Moore.
5/19/201730 minutes, 34 seconds
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Ep 95. Avoiding the Mom Traps with Molly Claire

Today I’d like to introduce you to a fellow coach and dear friend of mine Molly Claire. She’s a phenomenal coach and she has some great insight to offer to us about some of the traps we fall into as mothers. With the best of intentions, many parents are not deliberately conscious of what is our responsibility and what is not. We are taking on our kids’ success and emotions in a way that is harmful to us and our children. The post Ep 95. Avoiding the Mom Traps with Molly Claire appeared first on Jody Moore.
5/12/201735 minutes, 53 seconds
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Ep 94. Teachings of Byron Katie

I’m so excited to teach you a little bit about Byron Katie and what she calls “The Work.” These four questions followed by turnarounds give you a new perspective on any problem you are facing. Katie is one of the most inspirational and truly peaceful people I’ve observed and I know you will love learning about some of the wisdom she shares. The post Ep 94. Teachings of Byron Katie appeared first on Jody Moore.
5/5/201727 minutes, 18 seconds
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Ep 93. Questions and Answers

I’ve pulled some of the questions sent in by listeners and I’m answering them for you on today’s episode. These questions were selected because of the relevance I know they’ll have for so many of you listening. I’ll answer questions such as: “Where should I begin when I need a complete life make-over? How do I deal with the challenge of living with my parents? How do I forgive myself and my Bishop?” and “How do I let go of the need to be in control?” The post Ep 93. Questions and Answers appeared first on Jody Moore.
4/28/201735 minutes, 35 seconds
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Ep 92. Jody Coaches Danielle on Maintaining Her Routine

Today I’m sharing another real coaching call with a real client. Danielle is having trouble maintaining the schedule she outlined for herself and to make matters worse she feels pressure from her husband to do a better job. She’s overwhelmed, feeling guilty and ready to do something about it.  The post Ep 92. Jody Coaches Danielle on Maintaining Her Routine appeared first on Jody Moore.
4/21/201723 minutes, 19 seconds
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Ep 91. Difficult People

If you’ve been listening to the podcast you know logically that other people do not have the control over our emotions that we tend to believe they do. But why is it so difficult to remember this? Why does it feel like they absolutely do make us feel things? Today we’re taking a closer look at “difficult people” in particular and I’m giving you some specific examples and concrete steps to try out to minimize the impact of any difficult people in your life. The post Ep 91. Difficult People appeared first on Jody Moore.
4/14/201725 minutes, 26 seconds
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Ep 90. Jody Coaches Kassie on Body Image and Weight Tools

Today I’m coaching another member of the Be Bold Community. This time Kassie talks to us about the roller coaster many of us know well when it comes to our health and weight. Do I keep trying to lose the weight or do I just be kind and compassionate toward myself and accept my body as is. Listen as I coach her on how to keep working on her goal without creating more shame and overwhelm around this challenging topic. The post Ep 90. Jody Coaches Kassie on Body Image and Weight Tools appeared first on Jody Moore.
4/7/201719 minutes, 18 seconds
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Ep 89. What’s Fueling Your Action?

Today I’m talking to you about the action that you take in your life. When there is a problem to solve or a goal you want to reach, I’m all for taking action…but first I want you to pay attention to the emotions that are fueling your action. The emotions fueling you will determine how effective your action is and what the result is that you get from that action. I want your fuel to be as empowering as possible. Tune in today for more explanation and specific examples. The post Ep 89. What’s Fueling Your Action? appeared first on Jody Moore.
3/31/201718 minutes, 59 seconds
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Ep 88. Automated Blessings From God

We’re told that when we do what we’re commanded, we are blessed. Today I’m sharing with you how the way the human brain functions and what we know about human behavior is a solid case for these blessings being automated when God created us. We’ll talk about scripture study, prayer, forgiveness, service and tithing. The post Ep 88. Automated Blessings From God appeared first on Jody Moore.
3/24/201734 minutes, 5 seconds
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Bonus Episode: Why You Shouldn’t Listen to Me

I have 3 reasons why you shouldn’t listen to me and I’m sharing them with you today. I’m also answering the most common questions I’ve been getting about the Be Bold Membership Program since there are just a couple days to get in!  The post Bonus Episode: Why You Shouldn’t Listen to Me appeared first on Jody Moore.
3/22/201723 minutes, 41 seconds
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Ep 87. New Listener? Start Here: 5 Lies About How the World Works

If you’re new to the podcast this is a great first episode to introduce you to this work. These are the 5 lies about how the world works that most people don’t realize are lies. Most people operate under the assumption these things are true and it causes a lot of unnecessary suffering, frustration, resentment and keeps us from reaching our full potential. The post Ep 87. New Listener? Start Here: 5 Lies About How the World Works appeared first on Jody Moore.
3/17/201747 minutes, 3 seconds
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Ep 86. Jody Coaches April Who Wants to Be the Favorite

I’m so excited for you to listen to this coaching session. I believe listening to coaching will help you take what you’re learning here on this podcast to the next level. It’s the direct application of this work. Many of you will relate to what April has to say in some way but even if you don't, plug your own struggle in and see if you can gain some awareness for yourself as well. The post Ep 86. Jody Coaches April Who Wants to Be the Favorite appeared first on Jody Moore.
3/10/201741 minutes, 25 seconds
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Ep 85. Self Actualization

Today I’m going to begin by sharing a bit about my journey to becoming a Life Coach. Then we’re going to learn about self-actualization. This term, coined by Abraham Maslow, is one most people have heard of but few understand. Today we’re breaking down the 12 characteristics of a self-actualized person.  The post Ep 85. Self Actualization appeared first on Jody Moore.
3/3/201737 minutes, 58 seconds
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Ep 84. The Law of Chastity Shame Free, with Jennifer Finlayson-Fife

Today I’m delighted to welcome back Dr. Jennifer Finlayson-Fife. We’re talking about how to teach our kids about their sexuality and the law of chastity without inviting shame. Dr. Finlayson-Fife touches on topics such as masturbation and pornography and helps us understand now to navigate these topics with children from babies through teenaged and young adult years. You won’t want to miss this episode. The post Ep 84. The Law of Chastity Shame Free, with Jennifer Finlayson-Fife appeared first on Jody Moore.
2/24/201743 minutes, 57 seconds
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Ep 83. Love and Hate

Love and hate are powerful emotions. Many of us don’t experience them at their extremes very often. But they have relatives known as like and dislike and many others. Today I’m challenging you to think about what you are creating in the world. Are you creating more love or more hate?  The post Ep 83. Love and Hate appeared first on Jody Moore.
2/17/201726 minutes, 55 seconds
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Ep 82. Brooke Castillo on Connection in Your Marriage

Today I am so thrilled to have Brooke Castillo join me on the podcast to talk about connection in your marriage. Brooke teaches us more about connection and love, what creates them in our minds, and how to feel more of both in our marriages. She explains how to feel whatever you want even if your husband doesn’t do what you wish he would do. Brooke is an amazing teacher and dear friend and I can’t wait for you to hear her thoughts on this topic. The post Ep 82. Brooke Castillo on Connection in Your Marriage appeared first on Jody Moore.
2/10/201726 minutes, 57 seconds
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Ep 81. It’s Not About You

Your brain thinks that the things that happen in your life should be filtered through the lense, “How does this affect me?” This self interested position is not only unnecessary, it keeps us stuck, inhibits our relationships, limits our parenting and causes many other problems. But when we remember to tell ourselves, “It’s not about you,” we get to live the higher, more fulfilled life we are meant for. The post Ep 81. It’s Not About You appeared first on Jody Moore.
2/3/201718 minutes, 12 seconds
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Ep 78. How to Get Started on Your Goals

Do you have a goal? I’m not talking about the to do list or the things you wish were habits but aren’t yet. I mean a big, scary goal or a dream. If you believe you will do it someday…I want to help you make that someday be today.  The post Ep 78. How to Get Started on Your Goals appeared first on Jody Moore.
1/30/201737 minutes, 26 seconds
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Ep 80. Jody Coaches Amanda on Fostering Confidence

Confidence requires ongoing work. It’s not a checkbox that we’re done with. Today I’m coaching a member from the Be Bold Community on how to quiet the voice in her head that tells her she’s not enough and decide for herself exactly what enough means.  The post Ep 80. Jody Coaches Amanda on Fostering Confidence appeared first on Jody Moore.
1/27/201739 minutes, 53 seconds
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Ep 79. Victim Mentality

All of us have moments when we feel like a victim. A part of us finds some relief or validation in identifying this way. But for some people, victim mentality becomes a dominant personality trait leaving them constantly delegating responsibility for their emotional lives to people and things outside of them.  The post Ep 79. Victim Mentality appeared first on Jody Moore.
1/20/201721 minutes, 10 seconds
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Ep 77. How to Have a Difficult Conversation

If you describe yourself as someone who avoids conflict and is uncomfortable having a difficult conversation then I have good news for you. You just haven’t been taught the skill of having difficult conversations and I’m going to teach it to you on today’s episode. If you prepare yourself properly and utilize the tips I’m providing you today, then no matter what the outcome of the conversation you will feel good and you will take yourself and your relationships to the next level. The post Ep 77. How to Have a Difficult Conversation appeared first on Jody Moore.
1/6/201726 minutes, 56 seconds
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Ep 76. Vulnerability

To be vulnerable means to expose your weaknesses in such a way that you risk being harmed. No wonder we don’t like it. We didn’t get this far as a species by being vulnerable. But the truth is allowing ourselves to be vulnerable is how we truly connect with one another and as Brene Brown teaches, connection is what we are here for. Today I'm teaching you more about vulnerability and how to get more comfortable letting your representative take a back seat when it's appropriate. The post Ep 76. Vulnerability appeared first on Jody Moore.
12/31/201624 minutes, 55 seconds
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Ep 75. Changing Your Results and an Announcement

I’m so excited about this episode. I have some great content for you dealing with why it’s so difficult to change the results in our lives. If you find that you sometimes do better at your health goals or financial goals or being patient with your kids… but then you revert back to your old ways… there is a reason and there is a way to break the cycle. Today I’m teaching you the why and introducing a brand new program for 2017 where we will do the work together to help you conquer yourself. The post Ep 75. Changing Your Results and an Announcement appeared first on Jody Moore.
12/23/201632 minutes, 27 seconds
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Ep 74. Perfect Timing

Ever feel like there isn’t enough time? Like you’re too busy? Like you missed a deadline? Time is like money in that it’s easy to develop a scarcity mindset around. But being in a rush and worrying about what comes next robs us of enjoying the present moment and living our fullest lives.  The post Ep 74. Perfect Timing appeared first on Jody Moore.
12/16/201615 minutes, 56 seconds
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Ep 73. What Other People Think

Do you have that voice in your head that cares about what other people think? Ever wish you didn’t? Well, the truth is it’s human nature and not caring at all isn’t actually healthy. It’s the part of you that makes you compassionate, empathetic and kind. Today I'm giving you some scenarios to consider and teaching you how to quiet that voice and feel more confident. The post Ep 73. What Other People Think appeared first on Jody Moore.
12/9/201619 minutes, 9 seconds
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Ep 72. Jody Coaches A Mom Who Is Ready to Find Herself

You guys. Are you ready for this? Today I’m coaching a real live client. A fantastic, amazing woman who wants to find herself. She struggles with feeling like her husband has expectations of her and we do some great work here helping her see that what she believes is the problem is of course not the problem at all. Check this out and see if you can relate to any of what this woman is going through. The post Ep 72. Jody Coaches A Mom Who Is Ready to Find Herself appeared first on Jody Moore.
12/2/201640 minutes, 16 seconds
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Ep 71. Clean Parenting Part 3: Leadership

This is the final episode in the clean parenting series and it’s packed with goodness. As a parent, you are a leader and good leadership skills can help create the results you want in your home and your family. Utilizing these tools contributes to the type of home and family life you desire. On this episode I’m first going to each you about servant leadership. Then I’m going to give you a suggestion you can use in Family Home Evening or Family Council around defining values. The post Ep 71. Clean Parenting Part 3: Leadership appeared first on Jody Moore.
11/26/201637 minutes, 12 seconds
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Ep 70. Election Results and Q/A

Today I’m taking a break from the Clean Parenting Series (which will be back next week) in order to talk about the 2016 Presidential Election results. More specifically, I want to talk about what you’re feeling and how to manage your emotions through this process. Then I have some questions sent in by listeners that I want to answer today. The post Ep 70. Election Results and Q/A appeared first on Jody Moore.
11/18/201638 minutes, 47 seconds
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Ep 69. Clean Parenting Part 2: When Your Child Feels Bad

Our children are here on earth to experience an entire range of emotions and as parents it can be heartbreaking to watch. But for your child (and for yourself) resisting emotion actually feels much worse than just allowing and processing it. Most of us were taught to resist it as children and when we try to talk our kids out of feeling bad we're passing on that same harmful message. Today I'm teaching you how to help them process it at any age in the hopes you will give your children this gift. The post Ep 69. Clean Parenting Part 2: When Your Child Feels Bad appeared first on Jody Moore.
11/11/201624 minutes, 38 seconds
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Ep 68. Clean Parenting Part 1: Coach Yourself

You’ve heard of clean eating and how good it is for your body. Getting rid of toxins and chemicals and all the things that are not natural or good for us in the end? Clean parenting is how you get rid of the dirty pain that is keeping you from showing up how you really want to for your family. The post Ep 68. Clean Parenting Part 1: Coach Yourself appeared first on Jody Moore.
11/4/201638 minutes, 1 second
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Ep 67. Creating a Home You Love with Jessica Bennett of Alice Lane Home

Gretchen Rubin says “outer order contributes to inner calm,” and if you find that keeping your house clean and orderly is a challenge, today’s episode is for you. Jessica Bennett is the founder and co-owner (along with her husband) of Alice Lane Home. Today she talks to us about how to create a space that we love and that loves us back. Creating an interior space that contributes to your lifestyle and is elegant to you, sends a message to yourself about your value. The post Ep 67. Creating a Home You Love with Jessica Bennett of Alice Lane Home appeared first on Jody Moore.
10/28/201651 minutes, 11 seconds
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Ep 66. Politics and Energy

Our energy is like time or money in that it is in limited supply at any given time and it's something I want you to consider using wisely and investing to get a return on when you can. Many of us don't pay attention to where we are putting our energy and this lack of intention will not always create the life and feelings you want to have. The post Ep 66. Politics and Energy appeared first on Jody Moore.
10/21/201628 minutes, 42 seconds
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Ep 65. Turning Points

We all have interactions and events in our lives that help mold and shape us in profound ways. Sometimes they affect us in positive, empowering ways and sometimes they impact us negatively and keep us from progressing and feeling confident about ourselves and our world. I call these turning points. Turning points usually have a significant amount of emotion attached and cause us to realize that something we thought was true isn’t or to consider something we never had before. The post Ep 65. Turning Points appeared first on Jody Moore.
10/14/201634 minutes, 46 seconds
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Ep 64. Strengths and Weaknesses

Sometimes we’re grateful that other people are good at things we’re not good at. Other times we wonder why everyone isn’t like us and at times we even find it very annoying and inconvenient. But we are all different and of course this is a good thing.  The post Ep 64. Strengths and Weaknesses appeared first on Jody Moore.
10/7/201630 minutes, 5 seconds
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Ep 63. How to Say No

Sometimes it’s hard to say no but failing to do so can lead to a life that is less than authentic. In fact it’s living in dishonesty or at the least without full integrity for yourself and others. There is no room in your life or mine for this.  The post Ep 63. How to Say No appeared first on Jody Moore.
9/30/201622 minutes, 24 seconds
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Ep 62. Interview with LDS Sex Therapist Dr. Jennifer Finlayson-Fife

If you haven’t heard Dr. Finlayson-Fife’s message before you are in for a real treat. On today’s episode I interview her and she talks to us about our sexuality in the context of our religious beliefs. She offers useful advice about how to best teach children about their sexuality and the law of chastity without shaming or creating potential problems later in life. We discuss pornography, what to do if you are married and feeling a lack of desire, and other insight related to this topic. The post Ep 62. Interview with LDS Sex Therapist Dr. Jennifer Finlayson-Fife appeared first on Jody Moore.
9/23/201640 minutes, 48 seconds
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Ep 61. Creation and Consumption

Do you consume more than you create? We consume thing like food, clothing, housewares, electronics, information, entertainment, social media and much more. A part of you desires to contribute something in the world in order to give a part of yourself and feel connected to the greater whole.  The post Ep 61. Creation and Consumption appeared first on Jody Moore.
9/17/201620 minutes, 6 seconds
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Ep 60. Up Level Your Marriage

In today’s episode I’m providing you with an introduction to the 4 main concepts I’ll be teaching in greater detail in the Up Level Your Marriage Coaching Class. The class begins Oct 19th and will include lecture from me as well as coaching so you can get help applying them to yourself or learning them to better help others. You can attend the class on your own or with your spouse (who is free with your enrollment). The post Ep 60. Up Level Your Marriage appeared first on Jody Moore.
9/9/201626 minutes, 37 seconds
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Ep 59. What Does Perseverance Mean: Failing Up

Failure. Most of us are afraid of it. Most of us have spent much of our lives avoiding or even running from it. Today we’ll explore and de-bunk the main reasons why it feels so scary including that it triggers both of our core fears. We’ll also take a look at how failure only lies in your definition of success and in fact the opposite of failure is not success, but perseverance. But what if you understood that failure lives in the same neighborhood as success? The post Ep 59. What Does Perseverance Mean: Failing Up appeared first on Jody Moore.
9/2/201627 minutes, 55 seconds
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Ep 58. I Want to Know Why

This week in Take Tuesday I sent out a message asking, “why?” I wanted to know why you’re thinking of your life as overwhelming and unfair and hard. We describe our lives this way as though we are just stating facts but the truth is all of it is the story we are telling ourselves and that story becomes our reality. Why would you want your reality to be so full of suffering and so lacking in joy? The post Ep 58. I Want to Know Why appeared first on Jody Moore.
8/27/201634 minutes, 16 seconds
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Ep 57. Should Kids Have Homework?

Homework. Kids hate it. Teachers probably hate it. Most parents I know hate it. But whether or not we agree, it looks like most schools are going to keep offering homework. Given that, there are 3 valuable lessons your kids can learn from homework and they have nothing to do with Math or Spelling. Homework provides a perfect scenario to teach them that they don't "have" to do anything. Secondly it allows them to learn time management. The post Ep 57. Should Kids Have Homework? appeared first on Jody Moore.
8/19/201631 minutes, 29 seconds
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Ep 56. When Your Faith is Wavering

When Your Faith is Wavering To have faith is to choose to think thoughts that will never be proven in this lifetime. We think about faith in a religious context but there are actually many things we have faith in every day. If you are a logical, analytical thinker your mind will naturally want to see how things add up. If you are a more organic, creative thinker faith might come easier. The post Ep 56. When Your Faith is Wavering appeared first on Jody Moore.
8/12/201631 minutes, 22 seconds
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Ep 55. When Your Husband Leaves the LDS Church

We all grow up hoping for happily ever after but knowing that life is full of challenges and unexpected turns. When your husband decides he no longer believes in the religion you both have practiced, it can be an all-consuming challenge that can wreck havoc on your marriage, your confidence, and the dynamic in your home. OR, it can be a way to provide your children an amazing opportunity, a chance to truly discover who you are and an opportunity to connect. The post Ep 55. When Your Husband Leaves the LDS Church appeared first on Jody Moore.
8/5/201634 minutes, 22 seconds
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Ep 54. Questions and Answers

I asked if you had any questions I could answer and you showed up in full force. One of many reasons I love you. Today I'm answering questions about everything from how to love your post-baby body to how to keep the intimacy alive in your marriage. The post Ep 54. Questions and Answers appeared first on Jody Moore.
7/29/201647 minutes, 22 seconds
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Ep 53. Finding Yourself: Discovering What Defines You

What does it mean to "find yourself" and is that a worthy endeavor or just an excuse people use for otherwise unusual behavior? This episode is all about why knowing yourself is an important part of intentional living and some simple exercises you can try if you want to know yourself better. The post Ep 53. Finding Yourself: Discovering What Defines You appeared first on Jody Moore.
7/22/201625 minutes, 23 seconds
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Ep 52. Core Fears: Unworthiness and Missing Out

Everything you feel that is keeping you stuck is based on one of the two core fears I'm going to teach you about today. All bad behavior from yourself or other people is rooted in these same two core fears. The first is the fear of unworthiness and the second is the fear of missing out. The post Ep 52. Core Fears: Unworthiness and Missing Out appeared first on Jody Moore.
7/15/201625 minutes, 41 seconds
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Ep 51. How to Stop Yelling at Your Kids

You don’t want to yell at your kids because you don’t like being “that mom” and you also don’t believe it’s good for them in the long run. But sometimes you just lose your patience and some days it’s harder than others. There is a reason for this. It’s your lower brain. Your lower brain memorizes behaviors, thoughts and feelings and repeats them. It’s concerned with immediate survival and helping you get more of what is pleasurable and avoid what is painful. The post Ep 51. How to Stop Yelling at Your Kids appeared first on Jody Moore.
7/8/201625 minutes, 6 seconds
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Ep 50. How to Make Friends

This episode comes in response to questions from listeners about how to connect more deeply with other and how to feel comfortable when you're new and feeling excluded. It's human nature to want to be liked and noticed. But when we operate from a place of needing to be liked we open ourselves up to rejection and are less than authentic which is not an attractive trait. The post Ep 50. How to Make Friends appeared first on Jody Moore.
7/1/201637 minutes, 15 seconds
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Ep 49. Sensations and Emotions

I'm sharing some insight about stress, hunger, and fatigue. Ever wonder if some of it is just in your mind? Or all of it? What is the difference? When you understand the difference between sensations and emotions (even when they feel the same) you'll know how to find a remedy that truly addresses the cause of your problem. Failing to recognize the true problem means your remedy is only a distraction and might have adverse consequences like weight gain, lack of motivation or inability to find solutions. The post Ep 49. Sensations and Emotions appeared first on Jody Moore.
6/25/201624 minutes, 43 seconds
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Ep 48. Wanting Without Needing

As human beings we all have needs and we all have wants. There is nothing selfish or wrong with any of it. But many of us feel our wants and needs just happen to us and we believe that if people and things outside of us changed, we would have those desires fulfilled. I have found tremendous peace in realizing I can want things without needing them. Especially when it comes to other people's behaviors. Wanting and needing are not the same thing and your desires are within your control. The post Ep 48. Wanting Without Needing appeared first on Jody Moore.
6/17/201620 minutes, 44 seconds
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Ep 47. Meet Bold New Mom Lindsay Peterson

Today I'm introducing you to Lindsay Peterson, one of my beloved clients. Lindsay shares her insight with you and the changes she's experienced as she's applied the tools of intentional thinking and emotional management. Take a listen as you can probably relate to what she is going though. Beware. You might fall in love with her as I have. If you have any questions or want to reach out to her you can find her at The post Ep 47. Meet Bold New Mom Lindsay Peterson appeared first on Jody Moore.
6/10/201646 minutes, 34 seconds
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Ep 46. Zero Mommy Guilt

We talk about "mommy guilt" like it's just something that comes with the role of being a mom. But it's not. It's not necessary and it's not helpful. It doesn't allow inspiration to find you. It keeps you blocked and frustrated and disconnected. Today I break down why it's a prevalent problem and help you think about it differently. The post Ep 46. Zero Mommy Guilt appeared first on Jody Moore.
6/4/201621 minutes, 32 seconds
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Ep 45. Life Is a Mastermind, Not a Test

We're here to be tested. Or are we? Didn't we all fail the test right away? There is no passing of the test. That's why I like to think about it differently. If you're not sure what a Mastermind is, neither was I until recently but check out today's episode and see if you agree with me. This life is a mastermind, not a test. The post Ep 45. Life Is a Mastermind, Not a Test appeared first on Jody Moore.
5/27/201621 minutes, 40 seconds
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Bonus Episode: Girls Camp Message

This is not a typical podcast episode. It's a talk I recorded especially for the young women of the Saint George 5th ward who will be listening to this under the starts at Girls Camp in a few weeks. I love sharing this message with youth and only wish I could be there in person. Have a lovely week girls and I'm hoping putting this out on iTunes will give some other youth a chance to hear it as well. The post Bonus Episode: Girls Camp Message appeared first on Jody Moore.
5/24/201632 minutes, 4 seconds
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Ep 44. How to Make Your Husband Happy

"I just want my husband to be happy." This sounds good and innocent and selfless. And sometimes it is. But many times it causes more problems for us (and our husbands) than we might realize. But never fear. I have some solutions for you today. Tune in to learn about the steps you can go through to get to the place where you will find peace which is, "I want him to be happy but I don't need him to be happy." Seriously. Amazing. The post Ep 44. How to Make Your Husband Happy appeared first on Jody Moore.
5/20/201626 minutes, 49 seconds
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Ep 43. Take Tuesday

Every Tuesday I send out short bits of mom gold to your inbox if you’re subscribed to my email list. Today I’m sharing some of the more popular messages I’ve sent. If you’re not on the list, go to to sign up. The post Ep 43. Take Tuesday appeared first on Jody Moore.
5/13/201629 minutes, 34 seconds
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Ep 42. Is Decision Making Adding to Your Level of Exhaustion?

Hey there stay at home mom and others. Are you exhausted? Is there one big reason why or is it a bunch of little things that are hard to identify and even tougher to change? The way most people go about making decisions adds a tremendous amount of exhaustion and self doubt. In today's episode I'll explain some alternative ways to make decisions. Even the big ones. The post Ep 42. Is Decision Making Adding to Your Level of Exhaustion? appeared first on Jody Moore.
5/7/201641 minutes, 10 seconds
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Ep 41. Layering Emotions

Emotions can be like a pebble dropped in the water and there is a ripple effect. Sometimes in life we need to feel sad or disappointed or bad in some way. But many times we layer additional negative emotions to them that keep us stuck. Anger, resistance, worry and guilt are secondary emotions that we invite when we don't pay attention. Today I'll talk to you about this cycle and how to stop getting stuck in it. The post Ep 41. Layering Emotions appeared first on Jody Moore.
4/29/201626 minutes, 30 seconds
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Ep 40. Questions and Answers

Today I'm answering questions sent in by 4 of my listeners. They are questions I picked because I know they will benefit all of you. First I'll address what I mean when I say to, "clean up your thinking." Then I'll talk more about holding the space and helping friends and children with these tools. Next is a question centered around Mormon doctrine and I'll end with help on dealing with a difficult manager or person in your life. Don't forget to send me YOUR question for next time. The post Ep 40. Questions and Answers appeared first on Jody Moore.
4/22/201636 minutes, 29 seconds
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Ep 39. Parenting with Thought Work

I never give parenting advice. Usually. Ok sometimes I do. Today I am. Kids are very open to this work because they aren't so hard wired. They are still developing belief systems and they are highly influenced by you. Today I'm giving you 5 areas to think about so you can be intentional in the beliefs you offer to your kids. You won't want to miss this one. The post Ep 39. Parenting with Thought Work appeared first on Jody Moore.
4/16/201617 minutes, 25 seconds
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Ep 38. Don’t Fall for Worry

Worry much? Wanna know why? Worry is one emotion that is never helpful and never necessary. Many people tell me they don't want to worry but they feel they can't help it. In this episode, we'll break down what worry is exactly and what causes it. This awareness alone will begin to change things for you. Then I have a few things you can try out the next time you find yourself worrying about anything. The post Ep 38. Don’t Fall for Worry appeared first on Jody Moore.
4/9/201635 minutes, 4 seconds
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Ep 37. Thoughts You Can Try On

Once you discover the thoughts that are keeping you stuck, you’re going to want to swap them out for more empowering ones. Today I’m sharing 27 empowering things I believe. Every one of them has changed my life for the better. Try some on. See how they fit. Then send me some of your own. The post Ep 37. Thoughts You Can Try On appeared first on Jody Moore.
4/2/201645 minutes, 49 seconds
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Ep 36. Difficult People

Today’s episode address an issue that was sent in by a listener who was treated really unkindly by someone else. It’s an example I know you’ll be able to relate to if you have ever encountered someone in your life who is difficult. Check it out and if you have an issue of your own you want to hear about, send it in to The post Ep 36. Difficult People appeared first on Jody Moore.
3/25/201622 minutes, 42 seconds
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Ep 35. Breaking the Habit of People Pleasing

Even understanding that we can't please everyone all of the time doesn't stop most of us from trying to. Being liked and approved of feels good. What you may not realize is that living this way can be very harmful and ultimately won't create the life you want. Tune in to this episode to better understand why and how to break the habit. The post Ep 35. Breaking the Habit of People Pleasing appeared first on Jody Moore.
3/18/201634 minutes, 16 seconds
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Ep 34. Godly Sorrow

Nobody on planet Earth is exempt from needing the Atonement. But sometimes the way we think about Repentence and Godly Sorrow makes us feel like there is something terribly wrong with us. I don't believe that's what God wants us to feel. I think it's the opposite. Tune in to find out what I believe Godly sorrow really is and why it's an empowering and loving way to trust His plan. The post Ep 34. Godly Sorrow appeared first on Jody Moore.
3/11/201621 minutes, 54 seconds
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Ep 33. The Science of Your Mind and Personality

You guys. I’m talking Science today. I know… that’s not like me right? If you like Science then you’re welcome but even if you don’t, check this one out. This is not typical Science. This is the Science of your mind, your personality, and your life. Good stuff. Trust me. The post Ep 33. The Science of Your Mind and Personality appeared first on Jody Moore.
3/5/201635 minutes, 24 seconds
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Ep 32. Intention and Surrender

Joe Dispenza talks about finding the space between intention and surrender. It's not an exact science, but once you start to recognize which one comes easier to you and shoot for the middle, you catch a glimpse of the ability you have to create any result you want. Tune in to this episode and I'll show you what I mean. The post Ep 32. Intention and Surrender appeared first on Jody Moore.
2/27/201631 minutes, 1 second
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Ep 31. Finding Inspiration and Meaning In The Journey

Enjoy the journey. We hear it. We say it. What does it mean exactly? What is the journey supposed to look like? And if it's not enjoyable does that mean I'm on the wrong path? Why is it so hard and when will it get easier? Understanding a bit about human behavior when it comes to learning a new skill or taking on a project or challenge, you can find the inspiration and meaning in the journey and the journey truly does become more than the destination. Today's episode will teach you the 4 steps. Let's do it. The post Ep 31. Finding Inspiration and Meaning In The Journey appeared first on Jody Moore.
2/20/201627 minutes, 33 seconds
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Ep 30. Conquering Indecision

Today I'm talking about conquering indecision. Fearing there is a wrong choice keeps us from taking much of the action we want to take in our lives and misleads us into believing that our happiness is dependent on making the right choice. In the end we can't possibly predict even the majority of the challenges or rewards that will be triggered by any decision but the good news is we don't have to. The post Ep 30. Conquering Indecision appeared first on Jody Moore.
2/12/201641 minutes, 38 seconds
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Ep 29. On Loving and Being Loved

This week I'm talking about love in a way you've never heard before. First we'll explore how to be more lovable and more likable. Then we'll talk about how to love other people...yes...even the ones who seem unloveable. Even better, I'll explain to you WHY I highly recommend you allow yourself to feel love. You won't want to miss this one if you want to have more friends, and less angst around the people who challenge you. The post Ep 29. On Loving and Being Loved appeared first on Jody Moore.
2/5/201635 minutes, 35 seconds
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Ep 28. Perfectionism

Perfectionism is not the same as doing your very best. It is not the same as striving for more and better. Instead, it is a means by which we deprive ourselves of feelings of satisfaction, fulfillment and pride. Rather than having a realistic gauge of what is good and complete, we fixate on what is missing or wrong and it can impact so many areas of our lives. In today's episodes we'll explore some possible causes and as always, some things you can try at home to loosen your perfectionist tendencies. The post Ep 28. Perfectionism appeared first on Jody Moore.
1/29/201628 minutes, 50 seconds
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Ep 27. Culture vs. Doctrine

When your beliefs make you unique and you tend to associate with people who share your values, the culture becomes strong and sometimes we don't pause to consider the difference between culture and doctrine. Other times we use the culture to remain in a place of spiritual immaturity. This episode will illustrate examples and teach you how to break this cycle. The post Ep 27. Culture vs. Doctrine appeared first on Jody Moore.
1/22/201631 minutes, 22 seconds
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Ep 26. Hard, Harder, Hardest

Sometimes I remind myself that nothing is truly "hard" unless I choose to believe that. But other times this causes conflict and chatter in my head that distracts me from reaching my goal so I just give in to the thought it is hard. But the good news is I can do hard things and doing the hard work minimizes the harder and hardest. Listen to this episode and you'll see what I mean. The post Ep 26. Hard, Harder, Hardest appeared first on Jody Moore.
1/16/201636 minutes, 35 seconds
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Ep 25. Finding Authentic Happiness

What is happiness and how much happiness should we even expect to experience? On today’s episode I talk about what I have learned in this area along with practical ways to invite more happiness into your life. The post Ep 25. Finding Authentic Happiness appeared first on Jody Moore.
1/8/201642 minutes, 36 seconds
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Ep 24. Finding Your 2016 Focus

Before you set goals or resolutions, think about what your focus will be for 2016. Having a word or a short phrase can be the simple re-direction that will ensure you are taking your life in the exact direction you want. This episode will explain why having the right focus will create the results you want, and give you a head start on choosing yours as you dive into the new year. The post Ep 24. Finding Your 2016 Focus appeared first on Jody Moore.
1/2/201626 minutes, 35 seconds
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Ep 23. Follow Through

Ever wonder why one day you feel committed to do (or stop doing) something and the next day it's so easy not to follow through? Today's episode sheds some light on what's going on, highlights just how harmful this cycle can be, and provides some simple ways to end it. Why not make this the year you find more discipline, more follow through and more joy. Come on mama. Let's do it. The post Ep 23. Follow Through appeared first on Jody Moore.
12/26/201522 minutes, 59 seconds
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Ep 22. How To Have More Energy

It’s holiday season which is beautiful and exciting and fun but often exhausting as well. Especially if you’re a mom. On today’s episode you’ll learn some ways to generate more energy for yourself and enjoy getting more done. The post Ep 22. How To Have More Energy appeared first on Jody Moore.
12/19/201529 minutes, 40 seconds
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Ep 21. Dealing With Change

Today you’ll get some insight about why change, whether we invited it or not, causes so much overwhelm and frustration for many of us and what to do about it. You’ll also get some insight from Gretchen Rubin about how to utilize change to create better habits and routines for yourself. The post Ep 21. Dealing With Change appeared first on Jody Moore.
12/11/201522 minutes, 51 seconds
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Ep 20. What to Say to Your Suffering Friend

When someone comes to you with bad news, what is the appropriate thing to say? Or when you can see how a friend is keeping herself stuck, how can you help her? And what if it's your kids? Well, good news. You're probably already doing it right. Tune in to today's episode to find out why. The post Ep 20. What to Say to Your Suffering Friend appeared first on Jody Moore.
12/5/201519 minutes, 46 seconds
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Ep 19. The Future

When you think about the future what do you think about? Or do you find yourself defining who you are and what you're capable of by evidence from your past? The future is yours for the taking and accessing it can help you create a life you love. Find out more on today's episode all about the future. The post Ep 19. The Future appeared first on Jody Moore.
11/27/201528 minutes, 11 seconds
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Ep 18. The Present

This week I talk about the present, why it is the only thing that is real, and how to experience it more fully. When we are able to be in the moment, we literally experience life more fully. It's powerful work and if sounds good but you're not sure how to actually do it, this is the episode for you. The post Ep 18. The Present appeared first on Jody Moore.
11/14/201543 minutes, 35 seconds
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Ep 17. The Past

Whether you've been through something really traumatic or had a blessed life, the things that happened in our past affect us. But only if we choose to allow them to. On today's podcast I'll teach you how to honor yourself and to take back your confidence regardless of what has happened or what you've done in the past. The post Ep 17. The Past appeared first on Jody Moore.
11/7/201522 minutes, 10 seconds
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Ep 16. A Metaphor for Life

Today’s episode is a short but powerful metaphor that might just change how you view that one thing you’re afraid to let go of. Check it out. The post Ep 16. A Metaphor for Life appeared first on Jody Moore.
10/30/201510 minutes, 58 seconds
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Ep 15. True Lies I Tell My Kids

What lies do you tell your kids? I tell a lot to mine. Find out what I mean in today’s podcast. The post Ep 15. True Lies I Tell My Kids appeared first on Jody Moore.
10/24/201522 minutes, 2 seconds
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Ep 14. How to Deal With Toxic People

If you liked Episode #5 about dealing with difficult family members, this episode will take you to the next level. We’ll talk about when to eliminate people from your life, when to set boundaries, and how to do all of it with love, respect and authenticity for yourself and other people. You can do this. The post Ep 14. How to Deal With Toxic People appeared first on Jody Moore.
10/16/201525 minutes, 10 seconds
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Ep 13. What to Do When You Don’t Know What to Do

"I don't know" seems so innocent and feels like a fact when in reality it is only a thought. Everything is figureoutable and there is no wrong choice. What if you made decisions and sought answers from that belief? In today's episode I'll give you some ways to tap into it and begin feeling confident about yourself, your life experience and your decisions. The post Ep 13. What to Do When You Don’t Know What to Do appeared first on Jody Moore.
10/9/201519 minutes, 22 seconds
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Ep 12. Am I a Good Mom?

All of us understand that being our kids' mom is the most important job we'll have on this planet. At the same time we know we'll never be perfect, so how do you gauge how you're doing? On this episode we'll talk about the importance of defining it for yourself, the power of diversifying where you receive validation from, and we'll wrap up talking about tantrums from kids (and adults) of all ages. Go get um' mama. You've got this. The post Ep 12. Am I a Good Mom? appeared first on Jody Moore.
10/3/201536 minutes, 10 seconds
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Ep 11. The Simple, Powerful Truth About Marriage

Whether your marriage is one of the best parts of your life right now or one of your biggest challenges, this episode will provide you tools for not just staying married, but staying in love. The post Ep 11. The Simple, Powerful Truth About Marriage appeared first on Jody Moore.
9/26/201532 minutes, 28 seconds
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Ep 10. Self Care: The Best Gift You Can Give Them

True self care is much more than a girl's night out or a break from your routine. It's a consistent practice and it is critical to your mental and emotional health. It's not only the best gift you can give your kids, it's your responsibility. In this episode you'll get a different perspective on it and tips you've probably never heard before. Check it out. You deserve it. The post Ep 10. Self Care: The Best Gift You Can Give Them appeared first on Jody Moore.
9/18/201537 minutes, 22 seconds
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Ep 9. How to Stop Worrying

In this episode we explore why worry shows up for all of us. While it feels like a protective mechanism, in most instances it is preventing us from having our best lives and best results. Learn 4 simple things you can do to minimize it by clicking play on this episode. The post Ep 9. How to Stop Worrying appeared first on Jody Moore.
9/11/201520 minutes, 58 seconds
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Ep 8. Watch Out for All or Nothing

All or nothing mentality affects all of us and while it’s not always a bad thing, in many instances it keeps us stuck and frustrated. Learn more about how to watch for it and minimize it in today’s episode. The post Ep 8. Watch Out for All or Nothing appeared first on Jody Moore.
9/4/201522 minutes, 56 seconds
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Ep 7. Service and Boundaries

In today’s episode you’ll learn all about boundaries and how to set them in a way that feels good. When used properly, boundaries create more love and less resentment in our lives. If you know this cognitively but struggle to use boundaries effectively, take a listen. The post Ep 7. Service and Boundaries appeared first on Jody Moore.
8/29/201526 minutes, 55 seconds
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Ep 6. What To Do With Negative Emotion

Feeling sad? mad? frustrated? It’s ok. Sometimes it’s necessary and sometimes it can create the exact life you want. Find out what to do with it when it’s necessary and how to minimize it when it’s not in today’s episode. The post Ep 6. What To Do With Negative Emotion appeared first on Jody Moore.
8/22/201529 minutes, 5 seconds
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Ep 5. How to Deal With That Difficult Family Member

You know that one person who you wish would just stop doing what they do or start doing what you think they should be doing? Maybe it’s your mother-in-law or your husband or your brother. Well, I have great news for you. Press play and find out what it is. The post Ep 5. How to Deal With That Difficult Family Member appeared first on Jody Moore.
8/14/201530 minutes, 3 seconds
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Ep 4. How to Have the Habits You Wish Came Naturally

You know those things you do really well at until you fall off the bandwagon and then you’re back to where you started? In today’s episode I’ll teach you why and how to end that cycle for good. The post Ep 4. How to Have the Habits You Wish Came Naturally appeared first on Jody Moore.
8/7/201524 minutes
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Ep 3. How To Solve Any Problem

In today’s episode I will teach you the 5 part model that can solve any problem in your life. Once you know this it will change the way you look at the world. Don’t say I didn’t warn you. The post Ep 3. How To Solve Any Problem appeared first on Jody Moore.
8/1/201526 minutes, 52 seconds
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Ep 2. Being Committed vs Stuck

Do you do the things you do each day because you are committed or because you are stuck? Here’s how you’ll know and what you can do to get un-stuck when you find yourself there. The post Ep 2. Being Committed vs Stuck appeared first on Jody Moore.
7/23/201517 minutes, 36 seconds
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Ep 1. Being Bold Is Being Confident

This first audio blog will teach you simple steps to build your confidence. Press play and lets’ do it. The post Ep 1. Being Bold Is Being Confident appeared first on Jody Moore.
7/16/201523 minutes, 24 seconds