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Background Briefing with Ian Masters Cover
Background Briefing with Ian Masters Profile

Background Briefing with Ian Masters

English, Political, 1 season, 619 episodes, 5 days, 3 hours, 16 minutes
BACKGROUND BRIEFING: A radio program featuring international and national news, expert guests, policy makers, and critics offering analysis and insight on national security, foreign and domestic policy, political, cultural, and social issues. Five days a week, Background Briefing asks knowledgeable and thoughtful experts to explain the complexities behind major news stories in long-format interviews. Background Briefing goes far beyond the headlines and deep under the radar to bring forward truths unheard elsewhere in American media. The program airs Monday-Thursday at 5:00 PM Pacific Time and on Sundays from 11:00 to Noon. Broadcast live on IAN MASTERS: Ian Masters is an Australian-born and BBC-trained journalist and filmmaker. He has made a career of asking provocative questions of the most informed thinkers in order to bring light to the day's most important news stories. Since 1980 his Sunday program, Background Briefing, has aired on KPFK-FM in Los Angeles. In 2009, the program expanded to five days each week. In addition to his work on radio, Ian Masters hosts monthly forums at Los Angeles's UCLA/Hammer Museum. The Hammer Forum invites prominent and provocative guests to address relevant issues of public concern in conversation with each other and the public. All events are free and open to the public. Videocasts are available at
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February 4, 2024 - Joshua Landis | Taras Kuzio | Lawrence Lessig

As US Bombing of Syria and Iraq Continues, Will Iraq's Government be Forced to Eject 2,000 US Personnel Who Could Become Hostages? | Conflicting Reports of Rifts in Ukraine's Leadership | Did SCOTUS Give Trump and Republican Legislatures a Way to Steal the 2024 Election?
2/4/202457 minutes, 50 seconds
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February 1, 2024 - Stephen Biddle | Asher Kaufman | Victor Pickard

Why Russia's War on Ukraine Has Reached a Stalemate | US Sanctions 4 Israeli Settlers But Not the Ministers Who Support Them | What it Will Take to Save American Journalism From Big Tech and Vulture Capitalism
2/1/20241 hour, 1 minute, 14 seconds
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January 31, 2024 - Gregory Brew | Benn Steil | Bartlett Naylor & Richard Anthony

With Biden Poised to Retaliate, Both the US and Iran Say They Don't Want a Wider War | In 1944 FDR Ditched VP Wallace For Truman, Should Biden Do the Same With Kamala Harris? | Bipartisan Outrage in the Senate Today at the CEOs of Meta, X, Snap, TikTok and Discord
1/31/20241 hour, 2 minutes, 19 seconds
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January 30, 2024 - Caroline Fredrickson | Jonathan Kuttab | Christian Dyogi Phillips

The Plutocratic War on the New Deal and American Democracy | With "End Times" Christian Zionists Supporting Israel's War, Could Trump be the Antichrist? | How Layoffs at Newsrooms Will Impact This Year's Elections
1/30/202459 minutes, 19 seconds
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January 29, 2024 - Nick Heras | Paul Pillar | Allan Lichtman

Biden's Options to Retaliate as Pressure Mounts to Strike Iran | Will the Presence of 2,400 US Soldiers in Iraq and Syria Become the Main Reason We Fight Iran? | One of 25 Historians of the Civil War and Reconstruction Who Signed An Amicus Brief to Have Trump Removed From the Ballot Under the 14th Amendment
1/29/20241 hour, 8 seconds
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January 28, 2024 - Jared Yates Sexton | Maria Popova & Oxana Shevel | Alexander Sammon

Texas Leads a Secession Movement as Militias Head to the Border in a New Civil War | The Real Reasons Behind Putin's War on Ukraine | Billionaire Republican Donors Are Prepared to Spend Over $100 Million to Primary Progressive House Democrats
1/28/20241 hour, 1 minute, 44 seconds
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January 25, 2024 - Dr. Bandy Lee | Nader Hashemi | Kim Lane Scheppele

Trump's Mental Unfitness Will Now be a Campaign Issue Thanks to Nikki Haley | Undeterred, an Emboldened Iran Benefits From Israel's US-Backed War on Gaza | Exposing Hungary's Dictator Orban as the Blackmailer and Kleptocrat That He Is
1/25/202458 minutes, 58 seconds
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January 24, 2024 - Stephen Wertheim | Nina Khrushcheva | Federico Perelmuter

The Need For a New Strategy to Defend Democracy at Home and Abroad as the US No Longer Deters Iran, Russia, China or North Korea | Life in Russia Which is Becoming a Garrison State With a Wartime Leader Who Started a War He Has No Intention of Stopping | Argentina Faces a General Strike in Opposition to Its Chainsaw-wielding New Leader's Slash and Burn Policies
1/24/20241 hour, 51 seconds
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January 23, 2024 - Matt Hongoltz-Hetling | Zaha Hassan | Sue Mi Terry

Why New Hampshire Republican Voters Love Trump | Coming Soon the ICJ Provisional Ruling on South Africa's Genocide Case Against Israel Will Further Isolate Biden | Has Kim Jong Un Made a Strategic Decision to Go to War Against the South?
1/23/20241 hour, 2 minutes, 11 seconds
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January 22, 2024 - Michael Binder | Michael Mechanic | Erica Payne

The Rise and Fall of the Warrior Against Woke, Ron DeSantis | An Editor and Contributor to the American Oligarchy Issue of Mother Jones Just Out | A Letter to Davos From 260 Millionaires and Billionaires Demanding World Leaders Increase Their Taxes
1/22/20241 hour, 1 minute, 37 seconds
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January 21, 2024 - Haggai Matar | Dalal Mawad | Brandon Formby

A Defiant Netanyahu Will Drag Out His War to Hurt Biden and Help Trump | A Failing State Lebanon Poised to Fail Completely Should War Between Israel and Hezbollah Break Out | Uvalde: So Much For the NRA Refrain That The Only Way to Stop a Bad Guy With a Gun Is a Good Guy With a Gun
1/21/20241 hour, 3 seconds
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January 18, 2024 - Michael Hiltzick | Daniel Markey | Adam Weinstein

January 18, 2024 - Michael Hiltzick | Daniel Markey | Adam Weinstein by Ian Masters
1/18/202459 minutes
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January 17, 2024 - Jody Freeman | James Goodwin | Christopher Preble

A Supreme Court Poised to Gut the Administrative State | Should Bitter, Angry Justices in the Thrall of Billionaires and Corporate Power Decide What We Eat, Breath, How Long We Live and What Kind of World We Live in? | Testing US Foreign Policy Assumptions on the Brink of a Wider War in the Middle East
1/17/202458 minutes, 39 seconds
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January 16, 2024 - Geoffrey Kabaservice | Dr. Allen Frances | Wladimir van Wilgenburg

After Trump's Blowout Victory in Iowa, He is All But Certain to be the GOP's Presidential Nominee | As MAGA World Celebrates Trump's Lawlessness, Is the Rule of Law Itself on Trial in This Election? | A Report From Erbil, Iraqi Kurdistan on an Iranian Missile and Drone Strike
1/16/202459 minutes, 58 seconds
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January 15, 2024 - Jon Hoffman | Michael Gerhardt | Timothy Hagle

Are Israel and Saudi Arabia Liabilities Emboldened by the US to Pursue Reckless Policies? | An Expert on Impeachment as Rep. Comer Backs Down on Impeaching Biden | An Update From Iowa on the Coldest Caucus Day in History
1/15/202459 minutes, 3 seconds
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January 14, 2024 - Shireen Al-Adeimi | Michael Swaine | Edward McCaffery

Will Strikes Against the Houthis Scuttle the Saudi Peace Deal to End a War in Yemen MbS Started in 2015? | According to China, the War Party Won and the Peace Party Lost in Taiwan's Election | "Christian" Corruption as Mike Johnson Kills Enforcement After the IRS Collected $520 Million From Rich Tax Cheats
1/14/202459 minutes, 52 seconds
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January 11, 2024 - Arnie Arnesen | Mike Spies | Joshua Green

Will Christie's Exit in New Hampshire Help Nikki Haley Who the Koch Network in Banking On? | The Reporter Behind the NY AG's Suit to Close Down the NRA | The History of Why the Democrats Got Into Bed With Wall Street and the Sanders, Warren, AOC Movement to Return the Party to Its Working Class Roots
1/11/20241 hour, 1 minute, 49 seconds
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January 10, 2024 - Robert Leonard | Guadalupe Correa-Cabrera | Charles Schmitz

The Last Days Ahead of Monday's Iowa Caucuses and Tonight's CNN Debate Overshadowed by a Trump Town Hall on Fox | Amid Gang Violence Ecuador Appears to be Close to a Failed State | Asymmetrical Clashes in the Red Sea Between Powerful Navies and Houthi Rebels
1/10/202459 minutes, 38 seconds
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January 9, 2024 - Laurie Levenson | William Cohan | Anne Nelson

Trump's Immunity Claim is Met With Deep Skepticism From the DC Appeals Court Judges | A Billionaire's War Against Harvard Now Shifts to the Media as His Wife's Plagiarism in Revealed by Business Insider | With Evangelicals at Over 50% of the Vote For Trump in Iowa, the Heathen is Promoting a Video "God Made Trump"
1/9/20241 hour, 4 minutes, 10 seconds
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January 8, 2024 - Jeff Wise | Chris McGreal | John Judis

Why Boeing's 737 Max is Grounded and is a Flying Turkey | The History Behind South Africa's Genocide Case Against Israel in the International Court of Justice | Can the Democrats Return to the New Deal Fight for the Common Man and Equal Opportunity?
1/8/20241 hour, 38 seconds
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Janaury 7, 2024 - Sean Wilentz | Anna Massoglia | Trita Parsi

An Historian Who Had Lunch With the President on Wednesday Ahead of Biden's Opening Campaign Speech of 2024 at Valley Forge | How Corporate America Caved After January 6 Pledges Not to Fund Congressional Insurrectionists | A Wider War Looms as the US Gears Up To Retaliate Against the Houthis and Israel Provokes Hezbollah
1/7/20241 hour, 1 minute, 28 seconds
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January 4, 2024 - Dylan Hedtler-Gaudette | Nina Burleigh | Nir Eyal

Trump Made $7.8 Millions From Foreign Governments While in the White House, $5.5 Million From China | The Names Named in the Documents Just Released About the Epstein Blackmail Factory | Is Israel's Disproportionate Use of Force in Gaza Intended?
1/4/20241 hour, 2 minutes, 5 seconds
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January 3, 2024 - Abbas Milani | Lee Galernt | Maureen Meyer

Will the Bombings in Iran Following Yesterday's Killing of an Hamas Official Spark a Wider War? | House Republican Grandstanding as They Weaponize Immigration | The Root Causes of The Human Flow From Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Mexico and Around the World Host: Ian Masters Producer: Graham FitzGibbon Assistant Producer: Evan Green
1/3/20241 hour, 1 minute, 39 seconds
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January 2, 2024 - Thanassis Cambanis | Paul Collins | Benjamin Carter Hett

Will Israel's Killing of the Hamas Ambassador to Hezbollah Trigger a Wider War? | The Move Underway to Get SCOTUS to Tear Down Jefferson's Wall Between Church and State | The Frightening Similarities Between Germany in 1933 and the US in 2024
1/2/20241 hour, 2 minutes, 29 seconds
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January 1, 2024 - Stephen Walt | Robert Hockett

The Foreign Policy Landscape Ahead in 2024 and the Chance For Peace in a World at War | The Economy in 2023 and What's Ahead in 2024
1/1/20241 hour, 9 seconds
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December 31, 2023 - Richard Parker | Mike Lofgren

Politics in the Year Ending and the Critical Year About to Begin | A Recovering Republican on the GOP's Embrace of Fascism
12/31/202357 minutes, 22 seconds
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December 28, 2023 - Miles Taylor | Steven Levitsky & Daniel Ziblatt | Jonathan Metzl

How to Save American Democracy From the Trump 2.0 Revenge Machine | How the US Constitution's Protection Against a Tyranny of the Majority Has Enabled the Opposite | After the 565th Mass Shooting This Year, a Look at Red and Yellow Flag Laws
12/28/20231 hour, 20 minutes, 30 seconds
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December 27, 2023 - Moira Donegan | Michael Weiss | Ryan Cooper

Growing Concern at the Supreme Court’s Impunity From Ethical Norms as Its Credibility With the Public Plunges | Evidence That it Was Ukraine, Not Russia Behind the Sabotage of the Nord Stream Gas Pipelines | Is America Now Divided Between “Team Crazy” and “Team Normal”?
12/27/202359 minutes
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December 26, 2023 - Jared Yates Sexton | Amb. Chas Freeman | Ian Haney Lopez

A History of Paranoid Fantasies and Today’s Rise of Fascism Led by a Reality TV Star | Rising Tensions With China and a U.S. China Policy of Self-Harm | Hatred and Division Intensifies in the US as the Phony war Against the Woke, Drag Queens and Trans Kids Accelerates
12/26/20231 hour, 12 minutes, 28 seconds
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December 25, 2023 - Aziz Rana | Lisa Graves

America's Foundation as a Christian Nation and How the Right Captured Freedom | The "Christian" Moral Authoritarianism of Supreme Court Justices in the Pockets of Plutocrats
12/25/202353 minutes, 59 seconds
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December 24, 2023 - Anne Nelson | Astra Taylor

As Christians Celebrate Christmas, a Christian Nationalist With a Smug and Sanctimonious Smile Wants to Undo the First Amendment | What Could Bring Us Together Over the Holidays
12/24/202354 minutes, 37 seconds
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December 21, 2023 - Dennis Aftergut | Lawrence Douglas | Mark Hannah

Will the Supreme Court Fall For Trump's Brazen Tried a True Delaying Tactic? | Will the Colorado Supreme Court's Ruling Hurt or Help Trump? | Will Biden Benefit or be Damaged if Foreign Policy Dominated the 2024 Campaign?
12/21/202358 minutes, 49 seconds
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December 20, 2023 - Lincoln Mitchell | Omar Shakir | Gus Bova

Netanyahu and Putin Drag Out Their Wars That Hurt Biden to Bring Back Trump | The Author of a New Report From Human Rights Watch on Starvation in Gaza | Having Stymied Prior Comprehensive Solutions, Republicans Now Demagogue The Border Crisis
12/20/202359 minutes, 14 seconds
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December 19, 2023 - James Moore | Gregory Brew | Jennifer Mercieca

Texas is About to Turn Into the "Show Me Your Papers" Gestapo State | The US and 10 Nations Will Police the Red Sea Following Houthi Missile Attacks That Have Scared off International Shipping | As Trump Channels Hitler, Insight Into America's 40% Who Would be Happy With an Authoritarian Leader
12/19/20231 hour, 22 seconds
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December 18, 2023 - Dov Waxman | Joshua McElwee | Aaron Reichlin Melnick

The White House Tells Israel That "Protecting Palestinian Civilians in Gaza is Both a Moral Duty and Strategic Imperative" | Pope Francis Approves Blessing For Same-Sex Couples | Republicans Hold Biden Hostage With An Immigration Deal That Will Anger the Democratic Base
12/18/20231 hour, 1 minute, 24 seconds
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December 17, 2023 - Gregory Treverton | Scott Horton | Sebastiaan Faber

The Top Secret 10 Inch 2,700 Page Binder of Russian Influence and Collusion That Went Missing When Trump Left Office | How Trump and His Minions Tried to Doctor the Evidence in the Missing Binder | The American Right's Embrace of Franco and the Hungarian Kleptocratic Despot Orban
12/17/202359 minutes, 56 seconds
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December 14, 2023 - David Redlawsk | R. Daniel Kelemen | Elizabeth Goitein

The House Republicans Unanimous Evidence-Free Vote For Biden's Impeachment | How Hungary's Crooked Despot Viktor Orban is Blackmailing the EU | Efforts To Reform FISA as Section 702 is Tucked Into the $886 Billion NDAA
12/14/20231 hour
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December 13, 2023 - Allan Lichtman | Grant Stern | Michael Mann

Hunter Biden Defies the House Witch-Hunters Ahead of the Vote To Impeach His Father | Hypocrisy Hardly Begins to Describe What is Going on With Florida Republicans | The COP28 Pledge to "Transition Away" From Fossil Fuels That Leaves a Lot of Wiggle Room
12/13/202357 minutes, 28 seconds
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December 12, 2023 - Michael Kimmaga | Olga Lautman | Mike Rothschild

Zelensky Tries to Break the Deadlock as Republicans Hold up Aid to Ukraine | How Putin is Determined to Win His War On Ukraine | Musk Offers a Preview of the Media Landscape Ahead If Trump Were to Win Host: Ian Masters Producer: Graham FitzGibbon Assistant Producer: Evan Green
12/12/20231 hour, 29 seconds
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December 11, 2023 - George Beebe | Juan Cole | Frances Kissling

As Russia Emphasizes its Maximalist Demands and Zelensky Heads to the White House to Try to Salvage the Aid Deal, What Kind of Peace is Possible? | How University Presidents Fell Into Congresswoman Stefanik's Trap | After a Death Sentence From the Texas AG and Supreme Court, a Pregnant Woman Escapes the State For an Abortion
12/11/20231 hour, 1 minute, 17 seconds
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December 10, 2023 - Jane Cohen | Thomas Nichols | Michael Kazin

The Casual Cruelty of the Recently Impeached Texas AG in Delaying a Life-Threatening Abortion | The Emerging Campaign Issue of Dictatorship and What a Second Trump Term Could Look Like | Biden Vetoes a Ceasefire Sticking With Netanyahu Like VP Humphrey Stuck With LBJ in 1968 Host: Ian Masters Producer: Graham FitzGibbon Assistant Producer: Evan Green
12/10/20231 hour, 6 minutes, 35 seconds
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December 7, 2023 - Aaron Rupar | Haggai Matar | Phil Gunson

A Meaningless Debate in a Democratic Ritual That Avoided Discussing Our Endangered Democracy | How Anti-War Left Wing Activists in Israel Are Being Threatened and Silenced | Growing Tensions as Venezuela Threatens to Annex an Oil-Rich Region of Guyana Host: Ian Masters Producer: Graham FitzGibbon Assistant Producer: Evan Green
12/7/202312 minutes, 54 seconds
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December 6, 2023 - Samuel Moyn | William Arkin | Stephanie Muravchik

How the Laws of War, International Law and the Right of Self-Defense Apply to the War in Gaza | Aid to Ukraine is Now Stalled in the House and the Senate | As Liz Cheney Campaigns to Stop Trump, "We Are Sleepwalking Into Dictatorship" Host: Ian Masters Producer: Graham FitzGibbon Assistant Producer: Evan Green
12/6/20231 hour, 3 minutes, 57 seconds
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December 5, 2023 - John Nichols | Rashid Khalidi | Susan Joy Hassol

The Target of a Lunatic Conspiracy Theory Who Trump Claims Encouraged Jan. 6 Violence on Behalf of the Deep State | Did Blinken Lean on Jordanian and Egyptian Leaders to Allow Palestinians to be Expelled Into Their Territories? | At COP28 Oil and Gas Delegates Vastly Outnumber Climate Scientists, Activist and Indigenous People
12/5/20231 hour, 4 minutes, 56 seconds
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December 4, 2023 - Chuck Collins | Robert Downen | Timothy Canova

SCOTUS Poised to Kill Any Wealth Tax Before It Even Exists | The Texas GOP Refuses to Ban Contacts With Anti Semites, Pro-Nazi Sympathizers or Holocaust Deniers in Resolution Supporting Israel | An Exploding Sexual Assault Scandal Involving A Threesome With A Founder of "Moms For Liberty" Has DeSantis Asking his Friend, Florida's GOP Chair, to Step Down
12/4/20231 hour, 1 minute, 16 seconds
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December 3, 2023 - Paul Pillar | Greg Grandin | Ganesh Sitaraman

An Assessment of the Chillingly Precise Intelligence Report on the Planned Hamas Attack That Was ignored | The Price We Paid For the Capture of US Foreign Policy by Kissinger's Realpolitik | How Deregulation Made Airline Travel Miserable as Underinvestment is Making it Dangerous
12/3/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 28 seconds
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How Deregulation Made Airline Travel Miserable as Underinvestment is Making it Dangerous

How Deregulation Made Airline Travel Miserable as Underinvestment is Making it Dangerous by Ian Masters
12/3/202315 minutes, 56 seconds
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The Price We Paid For the Capture of US Foreign Policy by Kissinger's Realpolitik

The Price We Paid For the Capture of US Foreign Policy by Kissinger's Realpolitik by Ian Masters
12/3/202321 minutes, 19 seconds
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The Chillingly Precise Intelligence Report on the Planned Hamas Attack That Was Ignored

The Chillingly Precise Intelligence Report on the Planned Hamas Attack That Was Ignored by Ian Masters
12/3/202319 minutes, 14 seconds
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November 30, 2023 - Jeremi Suri | Stephanie Carvin | Dr. Daniel Markey

The Death of Henry Kissinger, a great Elder Statesman to Some and a War Criminal to Others | The Canadian Connection to the Foiled Assassination Plot on US Soil | Why Did Modi's Government Take Such a Brazen Risk to Conduct a Hit on a US Citizen on US Soil?
11/30/202357 minutes, 20 seconds
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November 29, 2023 - Bill McKibben | Shibley Telhami | Ciara Torres-Spelliscy

The Host of the COP 28 Climate Summit in Dubai Exposed as a Cynic Willing to Sacrifice the Planet for Money and Power | Hugging Netanyahu is Hurting Biden | Charles Koch's $5 Billion Political Slush Fund Will Try to Elect Nikki Haley President
11/29/20231 hour, 1 minute, 53 seconds
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Russia's Penetration of Ukraine's Leadership Circle For Assassination

Russia's Penetration of Ukraine's Leadership Circle For Assassination by Ian Masters
11/28/202318 minutes, 30 seconds
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Tensions Inside Netanyahu's Cabinet and Between Him and the IDF Leadership

Tensions Inside Netanyahu's Cabinet and Between Him and the IDF Leadership by Ian Masters
11/28/202317 minutes, 52 seconds
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Hunter Biden Calls the Bluff of the Barking Fool Congressman James Comer

Hunter Biden Calls the Bluff of the Barking Fool Congressman James Comer by Ian Masters
11/28/202316 minutes, 59 seconds
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November 28, 2023 - Guy Ziv | Jacob Heilbrunn | Anders Aslund

November 28, 2023 - Guy Ziv | Jacob Heilbrunn | Anders Aslund by Ian Masters
11/28/20231 hour, 5 seconds
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The Possibility of a Ceasefire and the Probability of a Resumption of the War in Gaza

The Possibility of a Ceasefire and the Probability of a Resumption of the War in Gaza by Ian Masters
11/27/202319 minutes, 33 seconds
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November 27, 2023 - Brian Katulis | James Thurber | Cleo Paskal

November 27, 2023 - Brian Katulis | James Thurber | Cleo Paskal by Ian Masters
11/27/202359 minutes
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China's Influence in the Indo-Pacific Grows

China's Influence in the Indo-Pacific Grows by Ian Masters
11/27/202318 minutes, 19 seconds
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Many Members of Congress Quit in Frustration Over Polarization and Gridlock

Many Members of Congress Quit in Frustration Over Polarization and Gridlock by Ian Masters
11/27/202317 minutes, 36 seconds
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Did the Dutch Just Elect a Fascist as Their Leader?

Did the Dutch Just Elect a Fascist as Their Leader? by Ian Masters
11/26/202319 minutes, 23 seconds
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An Update on Trump's Many Trials and Whether He Will be Sentenced Before the Election

An Update on Trump's Many Trials and Whether He Will be Sentenced Before the Election by Ian Masters
11/26/202320 minutes, 29 seconds
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Did India Try to Assassinate a Sikh Activist on US Soil?

Did India Try to Assassinate a Sikh Activist on US Soil? by Ian Masters
11/26/202318 minutes, 36 seconds
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November 26 - Harry Litman | Rob Riemen | Christine Fair

November 26 - Harry Litman | Rob Riemen | Christine Fair by Ian Masters
11/26/20231 hour, 7 minutes, 31 seconds
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November 23, 2023 - Stefan Aune | Rev. Dr. Liz Theoharis | Stephan Schwartz

Was the Generosity of Native Americans Towards the Pilgrims Repaid With Genocide? | As the Poor and Homeless Are Fed on This Day, What Will it Take to Feed All Americans Every Day? | An Exploration of Future Trends We Can Be Thankful For
11/23/202358 minutes
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November 22, 2023 - Raz Segal | Kristin Kobes Du Mez | Reverend Billy Talen

An Assessment of Whether the Term Genocide Applies to What is Happening in Gaza | Speaker Mike Johnson's Pilgrimage to Mar-a-Lago as his Extremist Views Are Exposed | An Activist Who Preaches Against Consumerism and Black Friday Shopping
11/22/20231 hour, 1 minute, 27 seconds
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November 21, 2023 - Robert Baer | Dean Baker | Toby Miller

A Brief Pause in Gaza But a Long War to Follow | On Thanksgiving Should We Be Thankful For an Improved Economy? | Lesson For the Democratic Party From Spain Where a Fragmented Left Was Rebuilt to Now Hold Power
11/21/202357 minutes, 48 seconds
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November 20, 2023 - James Fallows | Leopoldo Rodriquez | Wendy Via

The Death of a First Lady Who Made a Difference | A Chainsaw-Wielding Madman Just Got Elected President of Argentina | Musk's Open Anti-Semitism is Being Spread to His 170 Million Followers
11/20/20231 hour, 3 minutes, 5 seconds
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November 19, 2023 - Simon Shuster | Mark Chiusano | Darrin McMahon

The US Priority of Helping Israel Over Ukraine Which is Repelling the Russian Invader While Israel Turns a Tiny Strip of Land Into Rubble | Will the House Finally Show George Santos the Door? | Most of Us Are Against Inequality, But Few Have Explored What Equality Is
11/19/20231 hour, 1 minute, 52 seconds
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November 16, 2023 - Thomas Mockaitis | Alexander Sammon | Michael Swaine

The Escalating Threat of Domestic Terrorism as a Result of the War in Gaza | The Likely Impact of AIPAC's $100 Million Targeting of the Squad in Next Year Primaries | An Appraisal of the Biden-Xi Meeting
11/16/202359 minutes, 49 seconds
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November 15, 2023 - Yaqiu Wang | Joanne Freeman | Dannagal Young

What the US Can Do To Reach Out To the Chinese People | The Breakdown of Decorum With Outbursts of Schoolyard Taunts and Threats of Violence From Congressmen and Senators | America's Appetite For Misinformation and How the Press Should Handle Trump's Nazi Threats
11/15/202359 minutes, 51 seconds
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November 14, 2023 - Dr. Trita Parsi | Craig Holman | Richard Briffault

Is Israel Trying to Drag the US Into a Wider War That Neither Biden or Iran Want? | The Surprising Pragmatism Coming From the New House Speaker | The Supreme Court's New Ethics Code as a PR Stunt Rather Than an Enforceable Regime
11/14/20231 hour, 57 seconds
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November 13, 2023 - Matthew Dallek | Will Bunch | Bennett Ramberg

On Veterans Day Trump Channels Adolf Hitler | Why Does the Mainstream Media Treat Trump With the Equal and Opposite Convention of So-Called Balance? | Should the US Prepare For a Post-Putin Russian Nuclear Meltdown?
11/13/20231 hour, 28 seconds
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November 12, 2023 - Lisa Graves | Orville Schell | James Van Nostrand

Senate Republicans Protect the Powerful From the Public | A Preview of the Biden/Xi Summit in San Francisco | Will the Saboteur Joe Manchin Deliver Biden a Fatal Blow?
11/12/20231 hour, 58 seconds
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November 9, 2023 - Justin Higgins | David Cay Johnston | Daniel Byman

Republican Presidential Hopefuls Want War Against Iran, China, Mexico and Even Canada | Ivanka Trump's Memory Lapses About Her Job That She Was Proud Of | Is Netanyahu Emotionally Destroyed and a Danger to Israel as a Former Israeli PM Charges?
11/9/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 24 seconds
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November 8, 2023 - David Pepper | Amanda Marcotte | Wajahat Ali

Democratic Wins Look Good For 2024 In Spite of the Party Leader's Poll Numbers | How the Politics of Abortion Will Play Out in 2024 | Islamophobia in the House as the Only Palestinian American in Congress is Censured
11/8/20231 hour, 1 minute
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November 7, 2023 - Miles Taylor | Rick Hasen | Seth Masket

One of the "Adults in the Room" on Trump's Vengeful Plans For a Second Term | A Silver Lining in the Looming Specter of American Fascism Under the Dear Leader Donald Trump | An Examination of The New York Times Poll That Has Trump Ahead in 5 of the 6 Swing States
11/7/20231 hour, 1 minute, 52 seconds
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November 6, 2023 - Dennis Aftergut | Rashid Khalidi

Trump on the Witness Stand in a Case He Has Already Lost | An Expert on Palestinian Issues Examines the Possibility of the End to the Agony in Gaza
11/7/202357 minutes, 31 seconds
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November 5, 2023 - Ghada & Ghaida Ageel | Thanassis Cambanis | Chenggang Xu

A Palestinian Mother and Daughter Who Just Lost 36 Members of Their Family in Gaza | An Analysis of the Speech by the Leader of Hezbollah Which Is Poised to Open a Second Front | US/China Relations Ahead of Next Saturday's APEC Summit Where Biden and Xi Will Meet
11/5/20231 hour, 1 minute, 56 seconds
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November 2, 2023 - Harold Meyerson | Andrew Nathan | David Schultz

Increasing Tensions Inside the American Left on Campuses and Among and Between Arab and Jewish Americans Over the Gaza War | As China Mourns Li Keqiang, Its Insecure and Unpopular Leader Xi Jinping Stifles Expressions of Grief | Will Minnesota's Supreme Court Take the Insurrectionist Trump Off the Ballot Along With Colorado, New Hampshire, Arizona and Michigan?
11/2/20231 hour, 22 seconds
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November 1, 2023 - Edward McCaffery | Gershom Gorenberg | Jennifer Taub

MAGA Mike Johnson's Top Priority to Cut Taxes on the Rich by Gutting the IRS's Ability to Collect Revenues From Wealthy Tax Cheats | A Report From Israel Inside the Homes Where Hamas Terrorists Butchered Families | Donald Junior's Testimony in the $250 Million Fraud Trial In Which the Trump Organization Has Already Been Found Liable
11/1/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 19 seconds
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October 31, 2023 - M.J. Rosenberg | Anne Nelson

More Civilian Deaths in Gaza as Israel's Ground Campaign Intensifies | Both Trump and Mike Johnson Were Backed by the Council For National Policy Founded by Right-Wing Fundamentalists and Oil Barons
10/31/202357 minutes, 31 seconds
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October 30, 2023 - Andrew Payne | Emerson Brooking | Steven Greenhouse

How the War in Gaza is Impacting U.S. Electoral Politics | With the New House Speaker a Champion of the Big Lie, How Do We Deal With the Challenges Ahead From Fake News and Deep Fakes? | After Big Wins For Labor, the UAW Seals a Good Deal With the Big Three
10/30/20231 hour, 1 minute, 8 seconds
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October 29, 2023 - Lara Friedman | Jonathan Metzl | Frederick Clarkson

Winning the Military Campaign But Losing the Information War | After the 565th Mass Shooting This Year, a Look at Red and Yellow Flag Laws | The Ascension of Mike Johnson as a Christian Fundamentalist Politician
10/29/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 25 seconds
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October 26, 2023 - Clyde Wilcox | Abbas Milani | Franklin Foer

Trump's Christian Soldier MAGA Mike Johnson | Will Iran's Aging Supreme Leader Avoid a Wider War or Bring on the Apocalypse? | An Inside Look at the President and Joe Biden's First Two Years in Office
10/26/20231 hour, 51 seconds
Episode Artwork

October 25, 2023 - Allan Lichtman | Nick Heras | Juan Cole

Trump Gets His Speaker With a Friendlier Face But a Hard Right Record | A Strategic Overview of the Middle East on the Brink of a Wider War | The Reemergence of the Palestinian Statehood Issue
10/25/20231 hour, 3 minutes
Episode Artwork

October 24, 2023 - Lawrence Jacobs | Rebecca Gordon | Maziar Behrooz

Emmer Gets the Nomination, Trump Calls Him a RINO, Then He Drops Out of the Race For Speaker | Are the Insurrectionist House Republicans Fascist or Nihilists, or Both? | When Israel Invades Gaza They Will Cross Iran and Hezbollah's Red Line
10/24/20231 hour, 34 seconds
Episode Artwork

October 23, 2023 - E.J. Dionne | Jon Hoffman | David Adler

The Continuing Paralysis of the Legislative Branch | Instead of Doubling Down on Failed Policies, It's Time to Reconsider Our Position in the Middle East | Argentina's Potty-Mouth Populist is Down But Not Out
10/23/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 10 seconds
Episode Artwork

October 22, 2023 - Victoria Nourse | Stephen Wertheim | David Daley

Putin, Hamas and Trump's House Republicans Demonstrate Their Contempt For Democracy | Biden's $105 Billion Aid Request Goes to a Leaderless House With No One Constitutionally Able to Act on It | How Much Will Third Party Candidates Swing the 2024 Election to Trump?
10/22/202359 minutes, 50 seconds
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October 19, 2023 - Amy Wilentz | Sa’ed Atshan | David Graham

The War on Children as Bombs Fall on Gaza Where Half the Population is Under 18 | The Search for Humanity and Compassion Amid the Killing | The Kraken is Released on Probation and Will Testify Against Trump and His Cohorts
10/19/202358 minutes, 57 seconds
Episode Artwork

October 18, 2023 - William Arkin | Haggai Matar | Moira Donegan

An Assessment of the Latest Intelligence on the Strike on the Gaza Hospital Parking Lot | A Local Reaction From a Journalist and Activist to Biden's Short Visit to Israel | Jordan Fails Again After Unleashing Fox News Junkyard Dogs and MAGA Threats at the House Republicans Cowards Caucus
10/18/202358 minutes, 9 seconds
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October 17, 2023 - David Hearst | Ryan Cooper | Michael Hiltzik

With the Facts of Who and What Was Behind the Bombing of a Hospital in Gaza Not Yet Verified, We Look Into How it Has Backfired on Israel | Jim Jordan Falls 20 GOP Votes Short, So Trump Does Not Yet Control the House | Is the Supreme Court's Right Wing Majority Using a Specious Case For a Massive Gift to Their Billionaire Backers?
10/17/20231 hour, 31 seconds
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October 16, 2023 - Julian Zelizer | Jan Kubik | Anita Isaacs

Paralysis at Home While Wars Rage Abroad With the House to Vote on Jim (Gym) Jordan For Speaker on Tuesday at Noon | Sunday's Election in Poland a Welcome Reversal of Democratic Backsliding | Will the Corrupt, Crooked and Reactionary Establishment in Guatemala Deny the Democratically-Elected President Arévalo His Right to Govern?
10/16/202356 minutes, 38 seconds
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October 15, 2023 - Steven Simon | Katherine Franke

Can Israel Destroy Hamas Then Hand Over Gaza to the UN and Arab States to Rebuild and Sustain it? | Rising Tensions on Campuses Between Pro-Israel and Pro-Palestinian Students
10/15/202355 minutes, 56 seconds
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October 12, 2023 - Michael Kimmage | Leila Hilal | Ben Freeman

The Role the Great Powers are Likely to Play in Israel's War Against Hamas | Gaza Civilians Caught Between Israel's Retaliation For Atrocities by Hamas, and an Illegitimate, Repressive, Religious Fundamentalist Government | Another Indictment Against Senator Menendez For Acting as a Foreign Agent For a Foreign Government While Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee
10/12/202358 minutes, 3 seconds
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October 11, 2023 - Paul Pillar | Andy Kroll | Paul Light

Israel's Intelligence Failures and the Recriminations Soon to Come | The Religious Fanatic Who Stacked Our Judiciary Believes Catholics Are Under Threat From Barbarian Secularists | Chaos With No New Speaker as a Block of Republican Members Want to Vote For McCarthy
10/11/202359 minutes, 19 seconds
Episode Artwork

October 10, 2023 - Mitchell Plitnick | Nader Hashemi | Emma Steiner

Jared, MbS, Biden and Bibi Ignored the Palestinians as They Dreamed Up Their Plan for Peace and Prosperity in the Middle East | The Distinction Between Supporting Palestinian Rights and Supporting Terrorists | Elon Musk's X Now Monetizes Disinformation by Fake Journalists With Blue- Check Accounts Who Get Paid to Spread Lies
10/10/202358 minutes, 55 seconds
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October 10, 2023 - Asher Kaufman | Denver Riggleman | Richard Parker

The Intensifying War Between Israel and Hamas | The Election of a New House Speaker and Jim Jordan as a Leading Insurrectionist | Democrats Should Get Behind Joe Biden and It's the Democratic Party That's Ailing, Not Him
10/9/202359 minutes, 24 seconds
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October 8, 2023 - Dr. Guy Ziv | Daniel Byman | Emma Ashford

After Declaring War on Hamas, Could the Conflict Escalate Against Hezbollah in the North? | The Colossal Israeli Intelligence Failure on the 50th Anniversary of Another Intelligence Failure | The Future of the Israeli/Saudi Arabia Normalization Deal That Does Not Add Up For the U.S.
10/8/202359 minutes, 12 seconds
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October 5, 2023 - Sam Quinones | George Beebe | Shushan Karapetian

Top Biden Officials Meet With Mexico's President AMLO Who Denies Fentanyl is Made in Mexico and Blames the US For Refugees From Cuba and Venezuela | A Warning Against Cutting Off Aid to Ukraine and Expecting a Complete Victory | The Blowback Armenia's Leader Faces After Azerbaijan's Ethnic Cleansing of Nagorno Karabakh
10/5/20231 hour, 52 seconds
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October 4, 2023 - James Thurber | William Hartung | Michael Mann

The United States is Without a Functioning House of Representatives | "Will the Pentagon's Techno-Fantasies Pave the Way for War with China?" | Can Lessons From the Past Save Our Future on an Endangered Planet?
10/4/20231 hour, 1 second
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October 3, 2023 - John Lawence | Thomas Kahn | Garry Pierre-Pierre | Sumit Ganguly

Far-Right House Freedom Caucus Rebels Led by the Brat Matt Gaetz Who Hates McCarthy, Topple the Speaker | Today's Fratricide in House With Democrats Joining the Insurrectionists in a 216 to 210 Vote to Remove McCarthy | The UN Plan to Deploy 1,000 Police From Kenya to Free Haitians From Gangs | Growing Tensions Between Canada and India
10/3/20231 hour, 1 minute, 21 seconds
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October 2, 2023 - Lloyd Green | Persis Yu | Christopher Peterson

Trump's Day in Court Lashing Out Against New York Fraud Charges | 43 Million With Student Debt of $1.65 Trillion Now Have to Make Loan Payments | Will the Supreme Court Give Predatory Payday Lenders a Win as They Rule to Deconstruct the Administrative State?
10/2/202359 minutes, 34 seconds
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October 1, 2023 - Scott Horton | Sasha Abramsky | Astra Taylor

Apart From Helping Putin, Why is Cutting Aid to Ukraine the Top Priority of Trump and a Handful of Republicans in Congress? | The Urgency to Replace Senator Feinstein as Governor Newsom Backtracks | Astra Taylor on Her New Book The Age of Insecurity: Coming Together as Things Fall Apart
10/1/202358 minutes, 55 seconds
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September 28, 2023 - Kate Andrias | Mike Rothschild | Dr. Herb Lin

With the Deck Stacked Against American Workers, the Competition to Win Their Votes | The Rise of Antisemitism and the Role of Conspiracy Theories in Our Politics | With 60,000 Emails Hacked From the State Department, An Assessment of the Government's Cybersecurity
9/28/202359 minutes, 16 seconds
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September 27, 2023 - David Cay Johnston | Robert Kuttner | Sidney Blumenthal

After Losing His Business License in New York, Trump Could Lose All His Businesses Built on Fraud | Voters Care More About the Economy Than Losing American Democracy | Will Trump's Call to Shut Down the Government Backfire?
9/27/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 34 seconds
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September 26, 2023 - Alexander Sammon | Barry Lynn | Eric Levitz

Biden Sides With Workers on the Picket Line | The FTC's Antitrust Suit Against Amazon Which 17 States Are Joining In | Why Is Trump So Afraid of General Milley and Cassidy Hutchison?
9/26/202358 minutes, 29 seconds
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September 25, 2023 - Anne Nelson | David Dayen | Doris Meissner

Trump’s Latest Full-on Fascist Rant to Shut Down Any Media That’s Critical of Him | The Role of the Supreme Court in Helping Sen. Menendez Dodge a Bullet the First Time | As Thousands Arrive at the Southern Border, Biden Is Under Increasing Pressure From Republicans and Democrats
9/25/202359 minutes, 15 seconds
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September 24, 2023 - Nelson Lichtenstein | Perry Link | Diane Winston

Tuesday Will See the First American President to Join a Picket Line in the UAW Strike in Detroit | How Shaky is Xi Jinping's Hold on Power? | The Failure of Journalism in the Reagan Era and Now the Trump Era
9/23/20231 hour, 3 minutes, 43 seconds
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September 21, 2023 - Mike Lofgren | Caroline Fredrickson | Christian Leuprecht

The House Freedom Caucus Nihilists Further Weaken McCarthy as They Head For a Shutdown | Judicial Activists Focused on Civil Liberties While Plutocrats Captured the Supreme Court to Deconstruct Government Itself | Investigating Credible Evidence That Indian Agents Assassinated a Sikh Activist on Canadian Soil
9/21/20231 hour, 1 minute, 2 seconds
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September 20, 2023 - Dr. Monique Ryan | Mathias Döpfner | Houri Berberian

A Member of a Delegation of Australian Politicians in Washington Urging the US Not to Extradite Julian Assange | How To Stop Doing Business With Dictators and Undo the Trade Trap We Built | An Update on the Tense Armenia/Azerbaijan Confrontation as a Ceasefire is Reached
9/20/20231 hour, 15 seconds
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September 19, 2023 - Steven Levitsky & Daniell Ziblatt | Dawn Clancy

How the US Constitution's Protection Against a Tyranny of the Majority Has Enabled a Tyranny of the Minority | Presidents Biden and Zelensky at the UN today and the Reactions of World Leaders
9/19/20231 hour, 15 seconds
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September 18, 2023 - Zach Despart | Thomas Nichols | Mansour El-Kikhia

In Spite of Damning, Salacious Testimony, Texas Republicans Acquit AG Paxton | Mitt Romney, the Last Honest Republican in the Senate | The History of What Contributed to the Tragic Loss of Life in Libya
9/18/202359 minutes
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September 17, 2023 - Steven Greenhouse | Roberto González | Ali Abdullatif Ahmida

The UAW and the Transition to EV: Avoiding the False Choice Between a Good Job and a Green Job | After Trillions Wasted by the Military Industrial Complex, Cheap Drones and Robotic Vehicles Operating on AI Are the New Global Arms Race | The Tragic Loss of Life in Libya Already Riven by Civil War and Beset by Corruption
9/17/20231 hour, 41 seconds
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September 14, 2023 - David Shapiro | Sarah Chayes | Sylvia Allegretto

The False Equivalence of Hunter Biden on Trial While His Father is Running Against the Head of the Trump Crime Family | The Grey Area Between What is Illegal and What is Corrupt | The Looming Strike by the UAW Against the Big Three Automakers
9/14/20231 hour, 3 minutes, 15 seconds
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September 13, 2023 - David Faris | Stephen Noerper | Karen Dolan

How Delusion and Distraction Now Dominate Our Politics | What is Kim Jong Un Getting For Helping Putin's "Great Victory in the Sacred Struggle" in Ukraine? | Child Poverty Has Doubled in a Year From an Historic Low of 5.2% to 12.4%
9/13/20231 hour, 1 minute, 44 seconds
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September 12, 2023 - Frank Bowman | Ruth Conniff | Karina Montoya

McCarthy Caves Into House Radicals to Impeach Biden After 9 Months of Fruitless Investigation of Hapless Hunter Biden | Can the Democrats Shame Wisconsin's Republican Legislative Thugs? | The DOJ Accuses Google of Illegally Protecting Its Monopoly Via Billions Paid to Apple and Samsung
9/12/202359 minutes, 15 seconds
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September 11, 2023 - Philip Shenon | Ariel Dorfman | Zack Cooper

Why Can't Biden and the Pentagon Control Elon Musk From Helping His Pal Putin? | Ariel Dorfman on the 50th Anniversary of the Coup Against Allende | On the 22nd Anniversary of 9/11 the Senate Homeland Security Committee Wants an Unredacted Report on Saudi Arabia's Role in the Attack
9/11/20231 hour, 58 seconds
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September 10, 2023 - Christine Fair | Victor Shih | David Phillips

Modi, the Host of the G20, Employs Fascist Tactics to Make India a Hindu Only Nation | As China's Economy Stumbles With Youth Unemployment at 21.3%, Xi Doubles Down on Repression | The Looming Possibility of Ethnic Cleansing and Genocide Against Armenia
9/10/20231 hour, 28 seconds
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September 7, 2023 - Simon Rosenberg | Steven Donziger | Alexander Motyl

An Alarming Poll by CNN Has 46% Against Biden With 44% Saying Any Democrat Would Be Better Than Trump As Biden and Trump's Favorability Stands at 35% | The Only American to be Jailed by a Corporation For Winning a Lawsuit Against Chevron | The Firing of Ukraine's Defense Minister and Zelensky's Efforts to Root Out Corruption
9/7/20231 hour, 6 minutes, 8 seconds
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September 6, 2023 - Jeremi Suri | Will Potter| Ronald Suny

The Impeachment Trial of the "Christian" Crook Ken Paxton Divides Texas Republicans | Over 60 Environmental Activists Charged Under the Same RICO Statutes Trump and His Allies Face For Trying to Steal an Election | On the Brink of Another War Between Armenia and Azerbaijan as the Kremlin Switches Sides and the U.S. Holds Military Exercises in Armenia
9/6/20231 hour, 4 minutes, 27 seconds
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September 5, 2023 - Christopher Miller | Sue Mi Terry | Jacob Heilbrunn

Erdogan Fails to Revive the Black Sea Grain Deal as Ukraine Breaks Through Russian Defenses | Leaked Intelligence on Putin's Plans to Meet With Kim Jong-Un | The Rising GOP Star Ramaswamy is Angling to Be Trump's Running Mate or Secretary of State
9/5/20231 hour, 24 seconds
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September 4, 2023 - Lane Windham | Sarah Anderson | Lee Harris

The Summer of Strikes Enters the Fall With Energized Labor Movements From Hollywood to Detroit | Wage Disparity Grows as CEOs Write Their Own Multi-Million Compensations, Buying Back Stock to Boost Their Earnings | How Much of the Billions in the IRA and CHIPS Act Will End Up in the Pockets of Workers?
9/4/20231 hour, 1 minute, 13 seconds
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September 3, 2023 - Samuel Moyn | Jonathan Taplin

What Happened to America's Liberals and Can They Reimagine a Vision For the Future? | The Greatest Threat to Our Politics, Economy and Culture From Big Tech's Billionaires Musk, Thiel, Zuckerberg and Andreessen
9/3/20231 hour, 1 minute, 4 seconds
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August 31, 2023 - David Neiwert | Kathryn Edin | Stephen Biddle

Proud Boys are Sentenced but Not Their Strategists Roger Stone and Alex Jones | America's Internal Colonies of Poverty | The High-Tech Hype of a Revolution in Weaponry in Ukraine as WWI Trench Warfare Grinds on
8/31/20231 hour, 1 minute, 43 seconds
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August 30, 2023 - Jacob Silverman | Jason Stanley | Ananya Kalahasti

The Political Rise of the Annoyingly Ambitious Ramaswamy Who Will Do or Say Anything to Get Ahead | How Trump and DeSantis Brought Racism Out Into the Open | How Big Pharma With the Help of the Corporate-Friendly Supreme Court Could Kill the Lowering of Drug Prices
8/30/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 2 seconds
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August 29, 2023 - Brenda Priestly-Jackson | Alex Lawson | Chris Whipple

As DeSantis Erases Black History, His Campaign Appeals to the Likes of the Young White Nazi Who Murdered 3 Blacks In Jacksonville | The First of Ten Drugs Medicare Will Bargain Down the Prices Of With Big Pharma | Mark Meadows Fumbles Answers to Key Questions in 3 hours of Testimony
8/29/20231 hour, 16 seconds
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August 28, 2023 - Dan Grazier | Eugene Gholz | Frances Kissling

Today's Pentagon Announcement to Deploy Thousands of Drones and AI Robotic Warfare Platforms Against China Within Two Years | The Emerging Digital Military Industrial Complex as Silicon Valley Meets the Pentagon | The Pope Criticizes American Bishops for "A Very Strong, Organized, Reactionary Attitude" as "Ideologies Replace Faith"
8/28/20231 hour, 38 seconds
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August 27, 2023 - John Pike | William Arkin | Ekow Yankah

How NASA and the DoD Defer to Elon Musk Who Holds Ukraine's Fate in His Hands While Buying What Putin is Selling | How Much the U.S. is Helping and Hindering Ukraine's War Effort | While Trump Gets Celebrity Treatment at the Atlanta Jail and Makes Money Out of His Mugshot, Inmates Inside Rot for Months Without Trial
8/27/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 33 seconds
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August 24, 2023 - Geoffrey Kabaservice | Taras Kuzio | Jennifer McCoy

Republican Presidential Hopefuls Deny Global Warming and Would Support Trump For President Even If He Is In Jail | The Threat to American Democracy When One of the Two Parties Embraces Authoritarianism and Rejects Election Results | A View From Kyiv of Putin's Assassination of Prigozhin and How the U.S. Does Not Want Ukraine to Win the War
8/24/202359 minutes, 11 seconds
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August 23, 2023 - Olga Luatman | Justin Higgins | Jeffrey Mankoff

Revenge is Putin's Dish Best Served Cold to His Former Chef | The Winner of Tonight's GOP Presidential Primary Debate in Not on the Stage | Moscow is Tightening Its Grip on Belarus, Georgia and Moldova
8/23/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 5 seconds
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August 22, 2023 - Jon Hoffman | Dr. Tatsiana Kulakevich | Jodie Evans

Under the Leadership of Their Murderous Dictator, Saudi Border Guards Slaughter Ethiopian Refugees | The US Government Warns Americans to Leave Belarus "Immediately" | The Co-Founder of CODEPINK Argues That The New York Times's Criticism of Her and Her Husband is Propaganda and McCarthyism
8/22/20231 hour, 8 seconds
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August 21, 2023 - Troy Andrade | Jo-Marie Burt | Sarang Shidore

Biden's Visit to Maui Where 850 Are Missing After the Worst Fire in American History | Guatemala Elects a Reformer in a Landslide | The BRICS Summit in South Africa With China's Xi But Absent Putin
8/21/202359 minutes, 32 seconds
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August 20, 2023 - Sung Yoon Lee | Anders Åslund | Stephen Pyne

The Camp David Summit to Bring Japan and South Korea Together as China, Russia and North Korea Strengthen Ties | The U.S. Does Not Want Ukraine to Win and Defeat Russian Aggression | We Are Entering the Age of Fire
8/20/20231 hour, 1 minute, 3 seconds
Episode Artwork

August 17, 2023 - Dr. Mike Flannigan | Amber Polk | Lawrence Douglas | Toni Aguilar Rosenthal

Canada on Fire | Rights-Based Environmentalism as a Legal, Political and Moral Movement | Trump's Only Path to Victory in 2024 | Anti-Democratic Rules Hold up Biden's Diplomatic, Judicial and Military Nominees
8/17/202358 minutes, 51 seconds
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August 16, 2023 - Michael Gerrard | Robert Hockett | Andra Gillespie

Trump's Racist Response to the Latest Indictments is to Call Black Judges, Prosecutors and Election Workers "RIGGERS" | A Win For Young Environmentalists in Red State Montana | Biden Celebrates the One Year Anniversary of the Inflation Reduction Act
8/16/202359 minutes, 47 seconds
Episode Artwork

August 15, 2023 - Jon Sale | Richard Hasen | Barbara F. Walter

Fani Willis's 98-Page indictment With 19 Defendants Including Trump Who Faces 13 Charges | An Expert on Election Law on the Latest Indictments | The Real World Consequences of Trump's Incitement of Violence
8/15/202359 minutes, 26 seconds
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August 14, 2023 - Spencer Sunshine | Stephen Marche | Howie Klein

Threats of Civil War From a US Congressman While Judges and Prosecutors on Trump's Cases Get Death Threats | The Likelihood of Trump Inciting Violence in the 2024 Election as the Law Closes in on Him | House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries Face Criticism From Progressive Democrats
8/14/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 29 seconds
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August 13, 2023 - Kristy Parker | Jennifer Taub | David Redlawsk

Trump Faces Jeopardy From Reconstruction Era Laws | Trump Warned Not to Turn January 6 Trial Into a Carnival | After 5 Decades in Public Office the So-Called Head of the "Biden Crime Family" Has No Charges Against Him, Unlike the Head of the Trump Crime Family
8/13/202359 minutes, 33 seconds
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August 10, 2023 - Richard Parker | Nader Hashemi | Amy Lind

August 10, 2023 - Richard Parker | Nader Hashemi | Amy Lind by Ian Masters
8/10/202359 minutes, 33 seconds
Episode Artwork

August 9, 2023 - Carol Sanger | Orville Schell | Josh Kurlantzick

A Resounding Defeat of an Anti-Abortion Power Grab in Ohio | What Genuine Peace Efforts Can be Taken Following Revelations in the NY Times That An American Peace Group Appears to be Shilling for the Chinese Communist Party | An Examination of the Chinese Government's Global Influence Campaigns
8/9/202359 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork

August 8, 2023 - David Pepper | William Robinson | Tommy Miles

The Power Grab by Ohio Republicans Behind Today's Election | The 'Socialism of Fools' of the 'Anti-Imperialist Left' | The Situation in Niger and the Sahel Where Wagner Mercenaries are Making Inroads
8/8/20231 hour, 19 seconds
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August 7, 2023 - Mathew Burrows | Shuja Nawaz | Andrei Markovits

Have Putin and Xi Handed a Strategic Opportunity to the West? |The Downfall and Jailing of Pakistan's Former PM Imran Khan | Sunday's Loss by the US Women's Soccer Team Celebrated by Right Wing Trolls and Donald Trump
8/7/20231 hour, 7 minutes, 52 seconds
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August 6, 2023 - Charles Kupchan | George Beebe | Amanda Marcotte

Ukraine Tries to Woo the BRICS Nations to Get About Their Peace Plan | Did Saudi Arabia Make a Mistake in Not Inviting Russia to the Peace Talks? | Trump Claims Victimhood But the Real Victims Are the 90 Million Americans Whose Votes he Tried To Steal
8/6/20231 hour, 6 minutes, 11 seconds
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August 3, 2023 - Frederick Baron | Timothy Karr | Dr. Olayinka Ajala

Trump's Arraignment Today and Why His Defense Won't Work | The Commanding Role Trump Plays Over the Press as the Top Fox News Executives Dine With Him on the Evening of His Indictment | What is Behind the Coup in Niger Where Putin and Wagner Are Seen as Heroes and the French Villains
8/3/20231 hour, 11 seconds
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August 2, 2023 - Victoria Nourse | Justin Levitt | Dennis Aftergut

Trump's Latest Indictment is not a First Amendment Issue About His Words. It's About His Deeds | Examining the Indictments With an Expert on Elections and Election Law | Jack Smith's 45 Page Indictment as a Prosecutorial Masterstroke
8/2/20231 hour, 12 seconds
Episode Artwork

August 1, 2023 - Joseph Lowndes | Michael Brenes | David Broder

The GOP's Long Quest For an Imperial Presidency. Now They're About To Crown Trump King Donald the First | What Broke the American War Machine That Now Hobbles Ukraine | How Italy's PM Giorgia Meloni Leads the Far Right in Europe
8/1/20231 hour, 1 minute, 8 seconds
Episode Artwork

July 31, 2023 - Mary Ellen O'Connell | Sarah Leah Whitson | Sidney Blumenthal

The Ukrainian Peace Plan to be Discussed by 30 Nations in Saudi Arabia on August 5 | Questions Following Jake Sullivan's Saudi Trip to Bolster the Abraham Accords | The Republican Napoleon is Getting Smaller and Smaller
7/31/20231 hour, 1 minute, 56 seconds
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July 30, 2023 - Karen Greenberg | Michael Kimmage | Lisa Graves

More Indictments of Trump That Pro-Trump Jurors in Florida Could Agree Are Crimes | Do the US and NATO Really Want Ukraine's Counteroffensive to Succeed? | A Defiant Alito Tells the Congress He is Above the Law
7/30/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 34 seconds
Episode Artwork

July 27, 2023 - Kim Lane Scheppele | Harold Meyerson | Jill Quadagno

Netanyahu's Path of Autocratic Legalism Following Orban, Erdogan, Bolsonaro, Modi and Putin | The Attempt Underway to Give Republicans and Independents Who Can't Vote For Trump an Alternative to Voting For Biden | Senator McConnell Freezes Then Senator Feinstein Has to be Told Repeatedly to Vote "Aye"
7/27/202358 minutes, 23 seconds
Episode Artwork

July 26, 2023 - Adam Klasfeld | Dr. Allen Frances | Quinn Slobodian

A Roundup of Legal Issues Facing Hunter Biden, Guiliani, Flynn, Navarro and Trump | Biden's Mental Health Initiative as Addiction and Mental Illness Remain Untreated Across the Country | The Techno-Autocracy of Saudi Arabia as an Example of Capitalism Without Democracy
7/26/20231 hour, 4 seconds
Episode Artwork

July 25, 2023 - Guy Ziv | Monica Medina | John Nichols

Deepening Divisions in Israel With the Country's National Security Threatened by Netanyahu's Power Grab | Scientists Predict a Tipping Point Where the Atlantic Gulf Stream Current Could Collapse as Early as 2025 | Is Governor Ron DeSantis Going the Way of Governor Scott Walker?
7/25/20231 hour, 1 minute, 1 second
Episode Artwork

July 24, 2023 - Avraham Burg | Michael Mann | Elizabeth Beavers

Massive Demonstrations in Israel Against Netanyahu's Power Grab to Avoid Jail | The Global Heatwave and It's Not Game Over on Climate Change But Game On | Does The US Government and the Pentagon Want Ukraine to Lose the War?
7/24/20231 hour, 3 minutes, 47 seconds
Episode Artwork

July 23, 2023 - Miles Taylor | Danielle Allen

How to Save American Democracy From the Trump 2.0 Revenge Machine | A Plan to Solve the Electoral College and Gerrymandering Problems Undermining American Democracy
7/23/202356 minutes, 54 seconds
Episode Artwork

July 20, 2023 - Lincoln Mitchell | Joe Glauber | Jonathan Zasloff

Today's Republican Lovefest With RFK Jr. Which Had Democrats Attacking the Anti-Vaxxer and Anti Semite With the Storied Democratic Name | As Russia Attacks Grain Terminals, Mines the Black Sea and Threatens Shipping, Grain Prices Soar | A Legal Historian on How and Why Trump Has Avoided Accountability So Far
7/20/20231 hour, 53 seconds
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July 19, 2023 - Allan Lichtman | Fred Wertheimer

Trump Facing a Third Indictment From Jack Smith in DC for the January 6 Insurrection | Pro-Trump Fake Electors Charged in Michigan With Cases Pending in Arizona and Georgia
7/19/202359 minutes, 56 seconds
Episode Artwork

July 18, 2023 - Naomi Oreskes | Peter Strauss | Aziz Huq

As the Planet Bakes, Oil Companies Enjoy Record Profits From a Product that is Killing the Planet | The Heritage Foundation Plan to "Deconstruct the Administrative State" and Install Trump as Dictator | What if Trump Controlled the IRS, FDA, FTC, EPA and DOJ and Who Would Benefit?
7/18/20231 hour, 1 minute, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork

July 17, 2023 - Dennis Aftergut | Chris Barrett | Rachel Schmalz

No Labels, Flush With Republican Billionaire Dark Money, Woos Joe Manchin to Split the Biden Vote to Elect Trump | Russia's Suspension of the UN-Brokered Black Sea Deal to Export Grains and Fertilizer | The Underground Tartar Resistance Group in Crimea
7/17/20231 hour, 35 seconds
Episode Artwork

July 16, 2023 - Wendy Via | Lawrence Korb | Lane Windham

What is Behind the Hatred Spewing Forth From House MAGA Republicans? | The Hate-Filled Amendments to the NDAA Which McCarthy Hailed as Stopping "Wokeness" in the Military | The Impact on the Broader Labor Movement of SAG-AFTRA Joining the WGA Already on Strike
7/16/20231 hour, 32 seconds
Episode Artwork

July 13, 2023 - Michele Bratcher Goodwin | Jo-Marie Burt | Mike Lofgren

Birth Control Pills Will Soon be Available Over the Counter Without a Prescription | A Brazen Coup Attempt in Guatemala Which Has the Leading Presidential Candidate Suspending Her Campaign | What Has Happened to the GOP, the Party of Law and Order?
7/13/20231 hour, 1 minute
Episode Artwork

July 12, 2023 - Ryan Busse | James Goldgeier | Henri Barkey

The Growing Threat to Public Safety From Ghost Guns | An Assessment of the Just-Concluded NATO Summit | Erdogan Did Not Steal the Limelight at the Summit or End up With Much
7/12/20231 hour, 9 seconds
Episode Artwork

July 11, 2023 - Jeffrey Goodell | Ahmet Yayla | Olivia Buckley

Record Heat in the South and Southwest as Climate Change Scorches the Planet | Considered the Most Corrupt Leader in the World, Erdogan's Successful Blackmail | The Crypto Industry Throws Money at House and Senate Democrats
7/11/20231 hour, 22 seconds
Episode Artwork

July 10, 2023 - Stephen Wertheim | Oxana Shevel | James Browning

Should Ukraine Model Its Security Future on Israel, Not NATO? | What Does Zelensky Want From the NATO Summit? | The Researcher Who Exposed How Fossil Fuel Lobbyists Also Represent the Victims of the Climate Crisis
7/10/202359 minutes, 41 seconds
Episode Artwork

July 9, 2023 - Amb. Steven Pifer | Ryan Cooper | Jared Holt

As Russia's Nuclear Threats Recede, Some NATO States Call For Ukraine to be Admitted | Is America Now Divided Between "Team Crazy" and "Team Normal"? | When Will Those Who Incite Violence Be Held to Account For the Consequences?
7/9/20231 hour, 4 minutes, 46 seconds
Episode Artwork

July 6, 2023 - Brian Concannon | Jonathan Taplin | Blake Zeff

The US Secretary of State and the UN Secretary General to Send an International Police Force to Haiti to Prop Up a Corrupt Government in League With the Gangs and Repugnant Elite | The Battle of the Billionaires As Zuckerberg's "Threads" Challenges the Future of Musk's Twitter | The Maker of the LOAN WOLVES documentary Which Shows How and Why 43 Million Americans Were Trapped Into $2 Trillion in Student Debt
7/6/20231 hour, 1 minute, 7 seconds
Episode Artwork

July 5, 2023 - Mariana Budjeryn | Edwin Lyman | Anders Åslund

Alarming Reports That the Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant Could be Blown Up | Can the IAEA Save Zaporizhzhya While Giving the Go Ahead to Dump Fukushima's Radioactive Water Into the Pacific | Biden Meets With Sweden's PM Ahead of Next Week's NATO Summit
7/5/20231 hour, 1 minute, 8 seconds
Episode Artwork

July 4, 2023 - Aram Shabanian | Robert Crews

The Strategy Behind the Ukrainian Counteroffensive Many Pundits See as Being Bogged Down | Our Cavalier Disregard of Nuclear Threats From Putin Who Said "We Have No Need For a World Without Russia"
7/4/202359 minutes, 51 seconds
Episode Artwork

July 3, 2023 - Garrett Epps | Khaled Elgindy | Alexander Motyl

American Democracy Under Threat as Unelected Justices Veto Policies They Don't Like Aided By Phony Front Groups | The Israeli Military Targets Angry Young Palestinians Alienated From Their Own Aged and Inept Government | Has Putin Lost His Monopoly on Violence and Will the ICC Charge Him With Genocide?
7/3/20231 hour, 1 minute, 9 seconds
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July 2, 2023 - René Christian Moya | Dr. Steven Hassan | Olga Lautman

Why Not Cancel Student Debts Now Using The Higher Education Act of 1965? | How to Deprogram the Followers Inside the Cult of Trump | An Update on the Mutiny in Russia and Ukraine's Counteroffensive
7/2/20231 hour, 3 minutes, 42 seconds
Episode Artwork

June 29, 2023 - Katherine Franke | Kevin Kumashiro | Wesley Lowery

Another Right Wing Front Group Gets SCOTUS to Rule With a Predetermined Outcome, This Time Against Affirmative Action | How Asian Students Were Used to Perpetuate the Myth of Colorblindness | The Pulitzer Prize-Winning Author of American Whitelash: A Changing Nation and the Cost of Progress
6/29/20231 hour, 1 minute, 24 seconds
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June 28, 2023 - Nick Schwellenbach | John Bonifaz | Juan Cole

The SBA Finds That Over $200 Billion Was Stolen From Covid Relief Funds With Billions More Unaccounted For | The Terrible Electoral Systems We Are Left With After the Supreme Court Voted Down an Outrageous GOP Power Grab | What is Being Discussed and Could Emerge From Talks Between the US and Iran in Oman and New York?
6/28/20231 hour, 1 minute, 33 seconds
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June 27, 2023 - Thomas Mockaitis | David Marples | Dr. Tatisana Kulakevich

A Scathing Senate Report "Planned in Plain Sight" Compiles the Failures of the FBI, DHS and Capitol Police to Act on January 6 Warnings | Prigozhin's Fate Now That He is in Belarus Without His Mercenary Army | Did Putin and Lukashenko Set Up a Gangster Style Trap For Prigozhin?
6/27/202358 minutes, 56 seconds
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June 26, 2023 - Andrew Weiss | Ben Terris

Putin's Angry Address Tries to Drive a Wedge Between Prigozhin and the Rank and File of His Wagner Mercenary Army | How Trump Changed the Culture of Washington With the Influx of Grifters, Con Men, Racists, Creeps and Bottom Feeders
6/26/202359 minutes, 18 seconds
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June 25, 2023 - George Beebe | Robert Young Pelton | Scott Horton

Putin's Brush With Civil War in Nuclear-Armed Russia | A Profile of the Russian Warlord Yevgeny Prigozhin | What we Might Learn About Trump's Ties to Putin and Collusion with MBS from the Upcoming Trial
6/25/20231 hour, 20 seconds
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June 22, 2023 - Dr. Sumit Ganguly | Leah Litman | Dr. Margot Kushel

India's Controversial Leader Modi Gets the Royal Treatment at the White House But is an Alliance with the US in the Cards? | A Supreme Court Captured by Plutocrats Has Thomas and Alito Serving Their Billionaire Buddies | Homelessness is Caused by Loss of Income and Just $300 a Month Could Keep People Off the Streets
6/22/202356 minutes, 23 seconds
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June 21, 2023 - David Cay Johnston | William Arkin | Jacob Silverman

GOP Show Trials Sputter As 5 Years Later We Have Durham's Nothingburger and Hunter Biden's Misdemeanor Plea Deal | Why Tech Billionaires and Bannon Are Promoting RFK Jr's Primary Challenge of the Biden Presidency | An Update on the Ukraine War and What Russia Has Learned From Past Mistakes
6/21/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 48 seconds
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June 20, 2023 - Corey Brettschneider | Lawrence Gostin | Alfred McCoy

Why Were the DOJ's Investigations Into January 6 and the Theft of Documents Delayed For 15 Months? | What is Behind Tech Billionaires Elon Musk, Jack Dorsey and David Sacks' Promotion of RFK Jr's Spoiler Campaign? | Will China Play the Leading Role in Ending the Ukraine War?
6/20/20231 hour, 1 minute, 9 seconds
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June 19, 2023 - Tanner Mirrlees | Andrew Nathan | David Schultz

Can the GOP Convince American Voters That Biden's Government Has Been Captured by Marxists and Communists? | Blinken and Xi Jinping Agree on the Need to Stabilize US-China Relations | The Scathing DOJ Report on the Minneapolis Police
6/19/202359 minutes, 35 seconds
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June 18, 2023 - Thom Hartmann | Margaret MacMillan

Why Did Trump Steal Classified Documents? Maybe Because Putin Told Him To | Analogies Between World War I and the War in Ukraine
6/18/20231 hour, 1 minute, 24 seconds
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June 15, 2023 - Thomas Edsall | Jackson Lears

Are We at the Point of No Return With American Democracy at the Crossroads? | A Cultural Historian on "Animal Spirits" and How the Universe is Alive
6/15/202357 minutes, 37 seconds
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June 14, 2023 - Lyle Goldstein | Laura Rodriguez | Alexander Stille

Blinken Sets Out to Try to Repair Dangerously Frayed Relations Between the World's Leading Military Powers | With Florida Trump Country, Can the Democrats Reverse GOP Gains? | Comparisons Between Berlusconi and Trump and the Media Mogul Turned Italian Leader's Close Relationship With Putin
6/14/20231 hour, 1 minute
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June 13, 2023 - Harry Litman | Lisa Graves | Azamat Junisbai

Arrested and Arraigned Today, Trump is So Lucky to Have Judge Aileen Cannon Preside over His Prosecution | Could Judge Cannon Influence the Jury Pool to Ensure a Hung Jury? | How Did a Ruthless Colonial Power The Soviet Union Get Away With Portraying Itself as the Anti-Colonial Champion?
6/13/20231 hour, 44 seconds
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June 12, 2023 - Dr. Allen Frances | Sean Wilentz | Matt Stoller

An Overwhelming Majority of Republicans Think Trump Should Serve as President if Convicted and That the Indictments Are Politically Motivated | At War With the Rule of Law, Trump is Calling For a Right Wing Rebellion | Why the PGA - Saudi LIV Merger Will Not Happen
6/12/20231 hour, 25 seconds
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June 11, 2023 - Michael Greenberger | Frederick Baron | Bruce Green

Overwhelming Evidence of Trump's Endangerment of US National Security | Republican Efforts to Portray the Prosecution as Biden Taking Out His Main Rival For the Presidency | Trump's Uncanny Luck at Having His Pliant Judge Who He Appointed Hear the Case
6/11/20231 hour, 4 minutes, 26 seconds
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June 8, 2023 - Michael Waldman | Kate Mackintosh | Charles Kupchan

A Surprise Ruling From the Supreme Court Whose Supermajority is Increasingly Out Of Touch With Mainstream America | Is the Breaching of the Dam in Ukraine an Act of Ecocide? | The Impact on European Public Opinion From Revelations Ukrainians Blew up the Nord Stream Pipeline
6/8/202359 minutes, 46 seconds
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June 7, 2023 - Michael Weiss | Sarah Leah Whitson | Stephen Vladeck

Evidence That it Was Ukraine, Not Russia Behind the Sabotage of the Nord Stream Gas Pipelines | Is the Merger Between the PGA and LIV Golf Tournaments a Way For the Saudis to Pay Off Donald Trump? | The Supreme Court's Shadow Docket Where 99% of Unseen, Unsigned and Unexplained Cases are Decided
6/7/20231 hour, 3 minutes, 40 seconds
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June 6, 2023 - Dr. Sasha Dovzhyk | Simon Shuster | Emily Channell-Justice

Flooding From a Breached Dam Delays Any Ukrainian Military Attack From the South Into Crimea | A Reporter's Earlier Conversations With Zelensky About Russia Blowing up the Dam | The Impact on Ukrainian Civilian Infrastructure and New Reporting That Ukraine Was Behind the Nord Stream Pipeline Sabotage
6/6/202359 minutes, 10 seconds
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June 5, 2023 - Peter Dreier | Tom LoBianco | Jan Kubik

The False Equivalence of the Far-Right House Freedom Caucus and the Democrat's Progressive Caucus | Mike Pence and the Growing Republican Ranks of Hopefuls Challenging Trump | Sunday's Massive Demonstrations in Poland Against Anti-Democratic Authoritarianism
6/5/20231 hour, 4 minutes, 3 seconds
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June 4, 2023 - James Galbraith | Lauren Kahn | Antony Loewenstein

A Phony Crisis Averted Now a Celebration of Compromise and Bipartisanship | The Next War of Drones and AI Now in Ukraine | Exporting the Technology of Repression and Australia's Trial of the Century
6/4/20231 hour, 3 minutes, 52 seconds
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June 1, 2023 - Dennis Aftergut | Richard Parker | Ben Freeman

Trump Eviscerates His Own Defense as Jack Smith Closes in on Indicting Him | The Disconnect Between Biden's Low Poll Numbers and His Many Achievements | How Defense Contractors Influence the Ukraine Debate
6/1/20231 hour, 42 seconds
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May 31, 2023 - Chris McGreal | Daniel Serwer | Jake Grumbach

The Sacklers Get to Keep Most of Their Money After a Million Americans Have Died From Their Drug OxyContin | Serbia's Authoritarian Leader and Russian Provocateurs Are Behind What Lavrov Says is a Big Explosion Looming in the Heart of Europe | The March Towards Authoritarianism in States Taken Over by Republican Supermajorities
5/31/20231 hour, 7 seconds
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May 30, 2023 - Jeff Hauser | Paul Pillar | Aaron Stein

The Hazardous Passage of the Debt Ceiling Deal Through Congress | Will Putin Get the Traitor-in-Chief Back in the Oval Office? | Is Erdogan's Victory Also a Victory For Putin?
5/30/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 1 second
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May 29, 2023 - Lucian Truscott IV | Julia Gledhill | Scott Shapiro

Remembering an American General Who Would Not Speak of the Glorious Dead on Memorial Day | How Defense Contractors Are Gouging the Taxpayer While Rewarding Shareholders at the Expense of R&D | Is Cybersecurity an Unsolvable Problem?
5/29/20231 hour, 5 minutes, 52 seconds
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May 28, 2023 - Jeremi Suri | Steven Harper | Branislav Slantchev

The Impeachment of a MAGA Crook by a Far-Right Republican-Dominated House of the Texas Legislature | Ron DeSantis's Alarming Promise to Do To the Nation What He Has Done To Florida | The Ukrainian Counteroffensive and the "Game of Thrones" Power Struggle Inside the Kremlin
5/28/20231 hour, 1 minute, 41 seconds
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May 25, 2023 - David Roth | Steven Greenhouse | Shibley Telhami

The Meltdown of DeSantis's Big Announcement on Elon Musk's Troubled $44 Billion Platform | A Chief Justice Out of Touch With Reality and a Call For Justice Thomas to Resign | Time to Deal With the One State Reality of Israel
5/25/20231 hour, 6 minutes, 36 seconds
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May 24, 2023 - E.J. Dionne | Ari Berman | Nina Burleigh

The Continuing Standoff Over the Debt Ceiling as the Congressional Clock Runs Out | As a Red State Turns Blue, New Bills in Texas Target Democratic Voters in Houston | The Shadowy Fixer For the Reverse Altruism of Right Wing Billionaires Who Have Captured Our Courts and Want the Rest
5/24/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 10 seconds
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May 23, 2023 - Michael Binder | Whitney Tucker | Kent Harrington

Ron DeSantis Will Announce His Bid For the Presidency in Conversation With Elon Musk on Twitter | Debt Ceiling Negotiations Will Determine How Much Punishment Will Be Inflicted on the Poor to Reward the Rich | Putin Could Be Arrested If He Shows Up For the BRICS Summit in South Africa in August
5/23/20231 hour, 3 minutes, 18 seconds
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May 22, 2023 - Alec Bertina | Joshua Shifrinson | Quinn Slobodian

Ukrainian Sabotage Operations Inside Russia as Part of the Upcoming Counteroffensive | Europe Can Provide More Military and Economic Assistance to Ukraine | Free Trade Zones as Capitalist Nirvanas to Unleash the Market From the Tyranny of Government and Bureaucracy
5/22/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 13 seconds
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May 21, 2023 - Ellis Krauss | Jon Hoffman | Aram Shabanian

Zelensky's Surprise Visit to the G7 in Hiroshima, Japan | MBS Welcomes Assad Back Into the Arab League While Also Welcoming President Zelensky | Russia Warns of Escalation as Biden Allows Ukrainian Pilots to Train on F-16s
5/21/20231 hour, 3 minutes, 55 seconds
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May 18, 2023 - Mark Fitzpatrick | Dean Baker | David Dayen

The G7 Summit Underway in Hiroshima, Japan and the Haunting Spectre of Nuclear Weapons | Can the House Radicals Compromise on a Deal Many Democrats Say Biden Should Not Be Negotiating? | The Politics Behind Diane Feinstein's Sad Return to the US Senate
5/18/20231 hour, 4 minutes, 42 seconds
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May 17, 2023 - Cleo Paskal | Lloyd Green | Jessica Melugin

How Domestic Turmoil Caused by GOP Radicals Makes the U.S. an Unreliable Partner on the World Stage | What Does Trump Owe Rudy Giuliani and Will he Throw Him Under the Bus? | Regulation of Promising But Potentially Dangerous AI Technology is Necessary But is it Practical or Possible?
5/17/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 31 seconds
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May 16, 2023 - Thomas Kahn | Scott Horton | Aslı Bâli

A Lawsuit With Recorded Evidence Against Giuliani By A Woman Scorned Could Be Devastating For Trump | Democrats Cave on a Clean Debt Ceiling Bill | The Disappointing Results of Sunday's Elections in Turkey
5/16/20231 hour, 1 minute, 56 seconds
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May 15, 2023 - Stephanie Kelton | Nicholas Danforth | Fred Turner

As the Standoff Over the Debt Ceiling Gets Closer to Default, Can Biden Call the House Republicans Bluff? | Running an Anti-American Campaign, Erdogan is Likely to be Reelected, Making Him Less Constrained and More Authoritarian | Not Only Do We Have a Mad Candidate, Countries Can Fall Into the Grip of Madness as Germany Did in the 1930's
5/15/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 30 seconds
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May 14, 2023 - Miles Taylor | Orville Schell | James Risen

The First White House Insider to Expose Trump on How Trump Will be Even More Dangerous Next Time | After Top Officials Met For 8 Hours, Could China and the U.S. Work Together to End the War in Ukraine? | A Champion of Democracy and Transparency Who Took on Powerful Interests and Won
5/14/20231 hour, 3 minutes, 4 seconds
Episode Artwork

Could China and the U.S. Work Together to End the War in Ukraine?

Could China and the U.S. Work Together to End the War in Ukraine? by Ian Masters
5/14/202319 minutes, 5 seconds
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May 11, 2023 - Dr. Bandy Lee | Michelle Garcia | Christine Fair

Trump's Unstable Unfitness For Office on Display as the Much of the U.S Falls into the Grip of Madness | A Flood of Desperate and Destitute Migrants Face More Military and Police Response Than Humanitarian Assistance | The Arrest of Imran Khan, the Pakistan Military's Favorite who Fell Out of Favor With Them
5/11/20231 hour, 3 minutes, 44 seconds
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May 10, 2023 - Will Brederman | Michael Gorham | Elmira Bayrasli

Today's Indictment of Congressman George Santos on 13 Counts and Calls For Him To Resign, But Not From Speaker McCarthy | Prigozhin Throws Shade on Putin's Victory Day Parade Telling Him Not to F**k Around On Red Square | Could Turkey's Kleptocratic Authoritarian Be Voted out on Sunday and Will He Accept the Results?
5/10/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 46 seconds
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May 9, 2023 - Anthea Butler | Robert Hockett | Hamilton Nolan

A Former President Has Been Found Guilty of Sexual Assault But Does the Party of Donald Trump and George Santos Care? | After Today's Pointless Meeting, Biden Should Now Call McCarthy's Bluff on the Debt Ceiling | The Writers' Guild Strike Has Much More Significance Beyond Hollywood
5/9/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 57 seconds
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May 8, 2023 - Victoria Sanford | Garrett Epps | Sam Biddle

Thursday's Expected Influx of Immigrants at the Southern Border and the Failure to Deal With the Root Causes | As Republicans Try to Extort Budget Cuts, the Counter Leverage of the 14th Amendment is in Biden's Pocket | The Weaponization of AI Tech as the Pentagon Looks at CHAT GPT
5/8/20231 hour, 3 minutes, 7 seconds
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May 7, 2023 - Jacob Heilbrunn | Eric Segall | Brendan Ballou

A Reporter Who Was Banned From Entering the "Woke Free Zone" at CPAC's Conference in Orban's Hungary | The Growing Evidence of Ethical Violations by Justice Clarence Thomas and His Right Wing Activist Wife | The Pillage by Vulture Capitalist in Private Equity Who Make Huge Profits Plundering Companies They Buy
5/7/20231 hour, 1 minute, 21 seconds
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May 4, 2023 - Andy Campbell | Lucas Webber | Dov Zakheim

Trump's StormTroopers the Proud Boys Found Guilty of Seditious Conspiracy | The Possibility the Drone Attack on the Kremlin Was Carried Out By Anti-Putin Russian Partisans | Why Does the Biden Administration Create Red Lines For Ukraine Then Eventually Deliver the Weapons Months if Not a Year Later?
5/4/20231 hour, 32 seconds
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May 3, 2023 - Vera Mironova | James Thurber | Henry Giroux

Was the Drone Attack on the Kremlin Staged or a Ukrainian Attempt to Rattle Putin's Cage? | In the Face of House Republicans Extortion, is the Democratic Work-Around of a Discharge Petition Feasible? | 40% of 8th Graders Are Below Average in History and 31% Are Below Basic Proficiency in Civics
5/3/20231 hour, 3 minutes, 44 seconds
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April 2, 2023 - Norm Ornstein | Graham Smith | Michael Hiltzik

How the Press Has Framed the Looming Act of Insanity by House Republicans as Dueling Budget Proposals | Royal Fever Ahead of King Charles's Coronation and a Plan to Abolish the Monarchy | Republican Governors are Bringing Back Child Labor in the United States
5/2/20231 hour, 1 minute, 6 seconds
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May 1, 2023 - Moira Donegan | Sirang Shidore | Simon Rosenberg

Growing Concern at the Supreme Court's Impunity From Ethical Norms as Its Credibility With the Public Plunges | Biden Pledges "Ironclad" Military Ties With The Philippines As China Warns of "Stoking the Fire" | Biden's Reelection Strategy of Running Against Hate and MAGA Madness
5/1/20231 hour, 4 minutes, 24 seconds
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April 30, 2023 - Alden Young | Branislav Slantchev

Sudan is Descending Into a Destructive and Bloody Civil War Along the Lines of Syria and Libya | An Extensive Look Into Military Preparations For a Ukrainian Spring Offensive Aimed at a Decisive Victory Over Russia
4/30/202359 minutes, 11 seconds
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April 27, 2023 - Jeff Madrick | Sung Yoon Lee | Michael Kimmage

A Republican Budget That Punishes the Poorest Americans, Children, to Deal With A Debt They Caused by Cutting Taxes For the Rich | The U.S. Nuclear Guarantees To South Korea to Stop Their Self Nuclearization | Short of a Decisive Blow Against Russia in the Upcoming Offensive, the Ukraine War Will Go On For Years
4/27/20231 hour, 47 seconds
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April 26, 2023 - Charles Kupchan | Deborah Tuerkheimer | David Smilde

China's Peace Offer to Ukraine and Does the US Want to Avoid Ukraine Humiliating Putin With Its Upcoming Offensive? | Today's Testimony by E. Jean Carroll Describing How Donald Trump Raped Her in a Bergdorf Goodman's Dressing Room | A Summit on Venezuela in Bogata, Colombia to Which the Former Venezuelan Opposition Leader Showed Up Uninvited
4/26/20231 hour, 4 minutes, 6 seconds
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April 25, 2023 - Jonathan Alter | Christopher Whipple | Ryan Cooper

Biden Announces He is Running For a Second Term at the End of Which He Will be 86 | Biden's Relationship With Kamala Harris Who Might Succeed Him | DeSantis's Surgeon General Doctors Data to Support his Anti-Vaxxer Lunacy
4/25/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 31 seconds
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April 24, 2023 - Ben Smith | Adele Stan | Dr. Michael McDonald

Murdoch's Abrupt Firing of Tucker Carlson and How Progressives Assumed They'd Dominate Social Media Only to be Outflanked by Right Wing Populism | The Sudden Silencing of the Loudest and Most Commanding Voice That Had Republican Leaders Grovelling | DeSantis's Faltering Campaign as the Anointed Alternative To Trump is Starting to Look Like A Loser
4/24/20231 hour, 41 seconds
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March 23, 2023 - James Zirin | Ryan Busse | Lako Tongun

Tensions Within the Supreme Court As Its Popularity and Credibility Suffers While Justice Thomas Flouts Ethics | More Guns and No Restrictions For the Few Or Safety in Schools, Churches, Malls and Theaters For the Many? | While Foreigners Evacuate, Sudanese Face Starvation, Bombs and Bullets as Two Warlords Fight For Power
4/23/20231 hour, 6 minutes, 56 seconds
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April 20, 2023 - John Donohue | Craig Holman | Mike Lofgren

What Will it Take For the Supreme Court to Deal With Reality and Politicians to Ignore the NRA? | Growing Pressure From the Clarence Thomas Scandal on the Supreme Court to Adopt a Code of Ethics | How Wall Street Dictates to CEO's of the Military Industrial Complex Have Led to the Ukrainians Running Out of Ammunition
4/20/20231 hour, 1 minute, 27 seconds
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April 19, 2023 - Caroline Light | Harold Meyerson | Carol Sanger

How Innocent Mistakes Can Get You Killed in the NRA's America | A $787 Million Loss For Fox is a Win In Not Having Tucker Carlson Squirm on the Witness Stand Confronted by His True Statements About His Repeated Lies | Will the Supreme Court Continue Their Moral Crusade Against Abortion or Accommodate Big Pharma?
4/19/20231 hour, 50 seconds
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April 18, 2023 - Karen Dolan | Joseph Bodnar | Steven Simon

The House Republican Caucus Fails to Agree on a Budget to Punish the Poor and Reward the Rich Using the Debt Ceiling as Leverage | "Donbass Devushka", The Navy Vet Behind the Pro-Putin Site that Doctored and Spread Documents Stolen by a 21 year-old National Guard Airman | A Chronicle of 40 Years of Delusional Misunderstanding, Appalling Errors and Death and Destruction by the US in the Middle East
4/18/202358 minutes, 19 seconds
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April 17, 2023 - Angelo Carusone | Dave Kamper | Steve Howard

How Americans Alarmed by the Murdoch Propaganda Machine and Appalled by Trump, Subsidize Fox News | Speaker McCarthy Declares War on the Poor Before the New York Stock Exchange | The Callous Barbarism of Duelling Warlords in Sudan
4/17/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 41 seconds
Episode Artwork

April 16, 2023 - Robert Young Pelton | Karen Greenberg | Kerry Howley

Prigozhin's Call to End the War is Actually a Call to Rise Up From a Temporary Defeat as a "War Monster" | Our Zombie National Security State Transitions From "Forever War" to Eternal War | As the Government Collects More Data Than in the Course of Human History, Deep State Conspiracies Flourish
4/16/20231 hour, 13 seconds
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April 13, 2023 - William Arkin | Dr. Heidi Beirich | Alexander Sammon

The Arrest of the Leaker and the Inordinate and Unnecessary Amount of Widely Circulated Classified Material | The Dangers Racist, White Supremacist, Anti Semitic and Anti Government Views Pose to the US Military | Having Missed 60 Votes, Senator Feinstein is in No Hurry to Go Back To Work As She Holds Up Judicial Nominations
4/13/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 9 seconds
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April 12, 2023 - Rachel Rebouch | Jacob Heilbrunn | Luke Tonachel

How the FDA Overregulates Mifepristone and Why it Should Decline to Enforce a Ban | The Intellectual Leader of GOP Insurgents Who Want to Abandon Ukraine to Confront China | The New EPA Rules to Ensure Two Thirds of Cars and a Quarter of Trucks Are All-Electric By 2032
4/12/20231 hour, 13 seconds
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April 11, 2023 - Scott Horton | Alexander Motyl | Rory Carroll

The Manhattan DA Sues Congressman Jim Jordan and the Pentagon Leaks That Have the IC in a State of Alarm | Rumors of Divisions, Russian Moles and Corruption at the Highest Level Inside Ukraine's Leadership | Biden's Visit to Ireland and a New Book There Will Be Fire: Margaret Thatcher, the IRA, and Two Minutes That Changed History
4/11/20231 hour, 3 minutes, 33 seconds
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April 10, 2023 - Olga Lautman | Lawrence Korb | Lisa Tucker

Damaging Leaks From Inside the Pentagon Embarrass Allies and Demoralize Ukrainian Officials | Along With the House, Senate and Fox News, is There a Pro-Putin Network Inside the Pentagon? | What Will it Take to Censure or Impeach Justice Clarence Thomas?
4/10/20231 hour, 4 minutes, 51 seconds
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April 9, 2023 - Caroline Fredrickson | Anne Nelson | Jeff Sharlet

A Far-Right Anti-Abortion Zealot Bans a Drug the FDA Approved 23 Years Ago Which is Safer ThanViagra or Tylenol | The Shadow Network Behind the Capture of Our Judiciary | The Author of The Undertow: Scenes From a Slow Civil War
4/9/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 4 seconds
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April 6, 2023 - John Nichols | Scott Kennedy | Michael Swaine

Tennessee's Republican Majority Railroad Three Democratic State Legislators in a Display of Anti-democratic Thuggery | The Dangerous Lack of Dialogue Between the World's Biggest Military and Economic Powers | How to Reverse the Downward Spiral of U.S.- China Relations
4/6/20231 hour, 3 minutes, 13 seconds
Episode Artwork

April 5, 2023 - Corey Brettschneider | Victor Pickard | Matthew Hongoltz-Hetling

As Trump Faces Further Legal Jeopardy, Is the Manhattan DA's Case Against Him Weak or Strong? | After Trump's Prime Time Tirade of Bitter Fury and Paranoid Delusion, Will the Mainstream Media Continue to Give Him Free Campaign Advertising? | How Libertarians and Alternative Health Gurus Created the Medical Freedom Hustle
4/5/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 26 seconds
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April 4, 2023 - Sidney Blumenthal | Dr. Allen Frances | Lisa Graves

With Today's Indictment Securing Trump's Domination of the GOP, is the Monster Right Wing Plutocrats Created Now Out of Their Control? | With So Many Americans Seeing Trump as a Hero and Martyr, What Explains the Failure to Communicate Who He Really Is? | Why Today's Supreme Court Election in Wisconsin Has Critical National Implications
4/4/20231 hour, 47 seconds
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April 3, 2023 - Lawrence Douglas | Jonathan Zasloff | Derek Schearer

The GOP Embraces Lawlessness Placing Trump Above the Law While Denigrating the Rule of Law | The Republican Strategy of Weaponizing the Judiciary by Forum-Shopping in an End-run Around the Executive and Legislative Branches | The Youngest Female World Leader Loses to Older Men as Finland is Poised to Enter NATO
4/3/20231 hour, 30 seconds
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April 2, 2023 - Harry Litman | Allan Lichtman | Daniel Runde

What Changed the Manhattan DA's Mind to Charge Trump on 34 Counts? | Trump Will Delay and Defame Into the Summer of 2024, Rallying the GOP to His Side While Locking Out His Primary Challengers | How to Reverse the Global Decline in Democracies and the Rule of Law
4/2/20231 hour, 3 minutes, 22 seconds
Episode Artwork

March 30, 2023 - David Satter | Will Bunch | Dr. Sumit Ganguly

An American Journalist Charged with Spying Who Was Arrested in Russia For the Crime of Reporting | More Chemical Spills into Rivers as Plan B for Big Oil is the Manufacture of Plastics | How Far-Right Religious Nationalism Has Captured the World's Biggest Democracy
3/30/20231 hour, 3 minutes, 30 seconds
Episode Artwork

March 29, 2023 - Laura Thornton | Lane Windham | Guadalupe Correa-Cabrera

Biden's Second Summit for Democracy and the Need For a Plan to Combat the Growth of Autocracies | Starbucks CEO in the Hot Seat Before Bernie Sanders' Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee | Immigrants Burned Alive in Mexico as Guards Refuse to Open Locked Gates
3/29/20231 hour, 1 minute, 42 seconds
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March 28, 2023 - Jonathan Metzl | Jon Hoffman | Barbara Walter

A Majority of Americans Want Their Kids to Come Home From School Alive So It is Time For Them to Stand Up and Be Counted | As MBS Plays America Off Against China, the Abraham Accords Are Stalled With Turmoil in Israel | Is Trump About to Start a Civil War or Fade Away as His Act Gets Stale?
3/28/20231 hour, 1 minute, 34 seconds
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March 27, 2023 - Avraham Burg | Dr. Tatsiana Kulakevich | Seth Hettena

Netanyahu Postpones Power Grab in the Face of Massive Demonstrations and a National Strike | Putin Threatens Nukes in Response to Ukraine Getting 14 British Tanks with Depleted Uranium Ammunition | New Revelations of a CIA Coverup of Saudi Hijacker's Activities in US Before 9/11
3/27/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 29 seconds
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March 26, 2023 - Jennifer Mercieca | David Andelman | Michael Kazin

Trump's First 2024 Presidential Rally Shouts Out to the Far Right, Militias and Insurrectionists That He is Their Fuhrer and They Are Coming After You | The Massive Protest in France to Protect a Social Safety Net Americans Could Only Dream Of | How Foreign Wars Test the Moral Convictions of American Leftists
3/26/202359 minutes, 35 seconds
Episode Artwork

March 23, 2023 - David Carroll | James Bamford

Beating up on TikTok While Ignoring the Data Mining Business Model of Big Tech Based on Surveillance Capitalism | Netanyahu's Unreported Collusion to Elect Trump in 2016
3/23/20231 hour, 1 minute, 20 seconds
Episode Artwork

March 22, 2023 - Mark Hannah | Deak Baker | Matthew Dallek

Xi Fails to Deliver a Viable Peace Plan Leaving Putin to Pursue His War While Appearing to be Open to Peace Talks | The Fed Raises Interest Rates for the Ninth Time to Just Under 5% | The Roots of the Radical Right's Capture of the Republican Party
3/22/20231 hour, 3 minutes, 11 seconds
Episode Artwork

March 21, 2023 - George Beebe | Michael D'Antonio | Jane McAlevey

Could China Deliver a Peace Deal to End the War in Ukraine? | On the Day Trump Said He Would Be Arrested, Where are the Indictments? | Reinvigorating the Labor Movement as Strikes and Union Negotiations Gain National Attention
3/21/20231 hour, 4 minutes, 2 seconds
Episode Artwork

March 20, 2023 - H. W. Brands | Gary Sick

An Historian Who First Learned of the 1980 October Surprise Which Helped Elect Reagan and End Carter's Presidency | A Carter White House Insider on the Second Act of Treason by Republicans Which Deserves More Than an Apology to Jimmy Carter
3/20/20231 hour, 56 seconds
Episode Artwork

March 19, 2023 - Rachel Denber | Stephen Wertheim | Dr. Ariel Cohen

What An Arrest Warrant For Putin Means and What it Will Achieve | Our Historical Memory Lapse on the 20th Anniversary of the U.S. Invasion of Iraq | A Scholar's Critique of Tucker Carlson's Pro-Russia Talking Points
3/19/20231 hour, 8 minutes, 35 seconds
Episode Artwork

March 16, 2023 - David Cay Johnston | Cleo Paskal | Paul Pillar

The Under-reported Role of Crypto in the Silicon Valley Bank Crash | Mass Hysteria Got Us Into the Iraq War 20 Years Ago and is on Display Today Over China | An Update From Taiwan, the Flashpoint For a Possible War With China
3/16/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 49 seconds
Episode Artwork

March 15, 2023 - John Pike | Dr. Ushma Upadhyay | Dennis Kelleher

Russian and American Military Aircraft Clash Over the Black Sea | A Zealous Anti-Abortion Judge in Texas is Poised to Ban an Abortion Drug Nationwide | Fallout From the Failure of the SVB Bank is Spreading to Europe
3/15/20231 hour, 5 minutes, 39 seconds
Episode Artwork

March 13, 2023 - Ian Haney López | Bonnie Glaser | Juan Cole

Hatred and Division Intensifies in the US as the Phony War Against the Woke, Drag Queens and Trans Kids Accelerates | China's Reaction to the AUKUS Deal on Display Yesterday With Biden Beside the PMs of Australia and the UK | What China's Diplomatic Initiative in the Middle East Portends for the Region
3/14/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 25 seconds
Episode Artwork

March 13, 2023 - Graham Fuller | Robert Hockett | James Henry

China Brings Diplomacy to the Middle East Where the US Has Wasted Trillions on Endless Wars | Trump and the Fed Chair's Role in the Collapse of the Silicon Valley Bank | Are There More Shoes to Drop Following the SVB Failure?
3/13/20231 hour, 5 minutes, 2 seconds
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March 12, 2023 - Jennifer Taub | Katheryn Russ Russ | Lincoln Mitchell

An "Invitation" to Trump to Testify Before a Manhattan Grand Jury Will Likely be Followed by the First Indictment of a President in US History | The Dire Consequences of Defaulting on Our Debt | Demonstrations in Georgia, Destabilization in Moldova and Russian Pressure on Belarus
3/12/202357 minutes, 34 seconds
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March 9, 2023 - Ben Jacobs | Annelle Sheline | Max Bergmann

More Damning Texts and Emails Show That Fox News Considers Telling the Truth Bad For Business | The Saudi War Against Yemen Could be Coming to an End | The Threadbare State Of NATO's Military Readiness
3/9/20231 hour, 4 minutes, 53 seconds
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March 8, 2023 - Richard Parker | Amanda Marcotte | Anders Åslund

The Fed Chair is asked if he is OK With Putting 2 Million Americans Out of Work by Raising Interest Rates to Curb Inflation | How Best to Respond to Increasingly Extreme GOP Trolling | Another Thinly-Soured Article on Who Blew Up the Nord Stream Pipelines
3/8/20231 hour, 1 minute, 59 seconds
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March 7, 2023 - Carol Anderson | Jessica Melugin | Mitchell Plitnick

Environmental Protestors in Georgia Are Charged With Domestic Terrorism for Exercising Their First Amendment Rights | Why in the Land of the Free Are we Afraid of Being Turned Into Communists by TikTok Videos | Will the Biden Administration Make a Stand Against Netanyahu's Assault on Israeli Democracy?
3/8/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 40 seconds
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March 6, 2023 - Aaron Rupar | Aram Shabanian | Mark FitzPatrick

Trump's Bizarre Fact-Free Speech to CPAC Where He Out-Polled DeSantis for the Nomination 3 to 1 | The Russian Strategy to Draw Ukraine's Main Force Into the Bakhmut Battle is Not Working | An Assessment of Reports That Russia Will Supply Uranium to Iran in Exchange For Drones and Missiles
3/6/20231 hour, 39 seconds
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March 5, 2023 - Stephen Walt | Betsey Stevenson | John Mill Ackerman

Can Germany Persuade its Biggest Trading Partner China to to Bring Russia to the Peace Table? | 200 Economists Urge Leaders of Congress to Raise the Debt Ceiling to Avoid a "Dangerous and Unnecessary" Economic Crisis | A Different Perspective on Demonstrations in Mexico Against AMLO's Electoral Reforms
3/5/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 55 seconds
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March 2, 2023 - William Arkin | Olga Lautman | Michael Binder

With Biden's First Veto of a Culture War Absurdity "Woke Capitalism" Which Does Not Exist, Is Ron DeSantis Setting the Republican Agenda? | Is There Any Possibility of a Peaceful Solution to the War in Ukraine? | As Putin Spreads Alarm About "Nazi" Terrorist Attacks Inside Russia, Is He Setting the Stage For a False Flag Act to Justify Martial Law?
3/2/20231 hour, 4 minutes
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March 1, 2023 - Joshua Shifrinson | Ellen Vollinger | Persis Yu

Amid Rising U.S./ China Tensions, the House Holds a Hearing of Its New Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party | As of Today 42 Million Americans Will Have Food Stamp Benefits Cut Down to $6 Per Person Per Day | The Latest Power Grab by Our Far-Right Supreme Court Using Its "Major Questions Doctrine."
3/1/202359 minutes, 39 seconds
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February 28, 2023 - Adele Stan | Barmak Nassirian | Rob Wallace

Bombshells in Unsealed Deposition Have Murdoch Revealing Biden's Ads and Debate Strategy to Trump | Republicans With Shaky Standing Urge the Supreme Court to Kill Biden's Student Debt Relief | The Deeper Structural Failures to Deal With the Coronavirus Pandemic
2/28/20231 hour, 15 seconds
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February 27, 2023 - Khaled Elgindy | Stanley Perlman | Patrick Allen

New Intelligence Has the DOE and the FBI Suggesting the Coronavirus Pandemic Could Have Originated from a Lab Accident in China | As Settlers Rampage on The West Bank, a Jordanian/Israeli Agreement is Overruled by Israel's Far-Right Finance Minister | Could an Agreement Between the UK's PM Sunak and the Head of the EU be the Beginning of the End of Brexit?
2/27/20231 hour, 45 seconds
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February 26, 2023 - Simon Shuster | Gilbert Rozman | Naomi Oreskes

Russia's War on Ukraine One Year Later | Skepticism About China's "Position Paper" on Ending the Ukraine War Although Zelensky Welcomes It | How the Magic of the Free Market Ended Up Impoverishing Democracy and Weakening Our Ability to Tackle Major Challenges
2/26/20231 hour, 53 seconds
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February 23, 2023 - John Nichols | Will Sommer | Christian De Vos

The Ohio Derailment as an Example of Wall Street's Priority of Extracting Wealth Not Creating It | The Vast Constituency of Americans Comprising Much of the GOP Who Believe in Lies and Conspiracies | A New Report on Russia's War Crimes Targeting Ukraine's Healthcare Infrastructure and Personnel
2/23/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 26 seconds
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February 22, 2023 - Greg Miller | Marci Shore | David Salvo

The Spy Scandal Rocking the German Government and the Roll-up of Russian Spies Across Europe | The Orwellian Tone and Stalinist Paranoia and Brutality in Putin's Speech to the Nation | Biden's Meeting With the Bucharest 9 Who Expressed Unanimous Solidarity With Ukraine
2/22/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 5 seconds
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February 21, 2023 - Stephen Young | Andrew Michta | Ioan Grillo

Putin Puts Russia on a Nuclear Hair Trigger While Blaming the U.S. For the War in Ukraine | A Paranoid Russia Threatening Nuclear War While China is Poised to Deliver a Peace Plan or Deepen Its Alliance With Russia | Mexico's Equivalent of the Head of the FBI Convicted for Receiving Briefcases Full of Cartel Cash
2/21/20231 hour, 4 minutes, 23 seconds
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February 20, 2023 - Jacob Heilbrunn | Michael Swaine | Jeffrey Kosseff

Biden's Surprise Visit to Kyiv and Hysteria From Putin's Supporters on America's Far Right | Deteriorating Relations With China Amid Fears China Will Supply Lethal Aid to Russia | The Supreme Court About to Hear Two Case That Could Determine the Future of the Internet
2/20/20231 hour, 1 minute, 38 seconds
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February 19, 2023 - Charles Kupchan | Peter Pomerantsev | Clyde Whitaker

An Update From the Munich Security Conference | Fox News is Afraid of Its Viewers and the Truth Which Would be Bad For Business | The Origins of the Derailment in Ohio
2/19/20231 hour, 3 minutes, 38 seconds
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February 16, 2023 - Adam Klasfeld | David Graham | Nelson Lichtenstein

The Partial Release of Findings From the Special Grand Jury Investigation of Trump's Attempt to "Find" 11,780 Votes in Georgia | Which of the Many Cases Against Trump Will be the First to Issue Indictments | Why the Department of Transportation Can't Regulate Rail Companies to Prevent Derailments of Toxic Chemicals
2/16/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 48 seconds
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February 15, 2023 - Brian Kalt | Dr. Tatsiana Kulakevich | Stuart Kaufman

How Was a Mentally Ill Man With a Gun Conviction Who Shot Up His Neighborhood Able to Buy Guns and Kill 3 MSU Students? | 54 Countries Make Commitments to Arm Ukraine For a Spring Offensive | What Does Putin Have in Store as His War Begins Its Second Year on February 24?
2/15/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 41 seconds
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February 14, 2023 - Jason Stanley | Frederick Clarkson | Andrew Whelton

The Authoritarian Movement Underway to Ban Books, Ideas, Knowledge and History in America | The Pious Bigots Behind the $20 Million Superbowl Ad Buy For a Hip and Cool Jesus Who Gets Us | Delayed and Insufficient Information Following the Ohio Derailment That Spilled Hazardous Chemicals
2/14/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 27 seconds
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February 13, 2023 - R. John Hansman | Gregory Treverton | Rachel Schmalz

What Hazards Did the Unidentified Objects that Were Shot Down Pose to Commercial Aviation? | The Risks to Diplomacy From Intelligence Collection | Russia's Plans to Topple the Government in Moldova
2/13/20231 hour, 1 minute, 37 seconds
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February 12, 2023 - Leah Litman | Peter Bergen | Tom LoBianco

A Religious Zealot Could Ban Nationwide the Pill Used in Over 50% of Abortions and Do So Without Evidence | The History of Balloons Used For Spying and How Many UFOs Were Balloons | Will Mike Pence Tell the Truth About How His Boss Tried To Have Him Lynched?
2/12/202358 minutes, 41 seconds
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February 9, 2023 - Andrew Feinberg | Duncan Campbell | David Vine

The Far-Right House Republican's Madcap Hearings Yesterday and Today | The Spiking of a Story on The Nation Magazine's Publisher's Pro-Putin Bias By the CJR's Kyle Pope | What Are "Spaces Not Bases" When the US Already has 750 Bases in 80 Countries?
2/10/20231 hour, 3 minutes, 23 seconds
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February 8, 2023 - Robert Johnson | Amb. Chas Freeman | Henri Barkey

Biden's Pro-Worker Anti-Corporate Profiteering SOTU Speech | Rising Tensions With China and a U.S. China Policy of Self-Harm | As Erdogan Shuts Down Criticism on Social Media, What Will He Do to Stay in Power?
2/8/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 24 seconds
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February 7, 2023 - Hümeyra Pamuk | Susan Hough | Paul Glastris

Erdogan's Role in the Critical Delay in Getting Rescue Teams to the Sites of Devastation from the Earthquake | An Expert on Intraplate Earthquakes and Seismic Similarities Between Turkey and California | Can Biden Close the Gap in His SOTU Between His Accomplishments and the Public Perception That Most Americans Are Not Satisfied With his Leadership?
2/7/20231 hour, 1 minute, 19 seconds
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February 6, 2023 - Sibel Oktay | Thomas Mockaitis | James Cronin

Will Western Donors Respond to Erdogan's Plea for Aid After Earthquakes Devastate Southern Turkey and Northern Syria? | The GOP House Plans To Cut FBI Funding Just as They Stop American Neo-Nazis From Attacking Critical Infrastructure | The Global Struggle Between Democracies Under Threat and Encroaching Autocracies and Kleptocracies
2/6/20231 hour, 42 seconds
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February 5, 2023 - Wajahat Ali | Victor Shih | Pavlina Tcherneva

What it is Like to Be a Person of Color and a Muslim American Constantly Having Your Loyalty Questioned | Did Xi Jinping Authorize the Chinese Spy Balloon's Intrusion Over the US? | As Pundits Warn of Recession and Inflation, We Get the Best Economic News Since 1969
2/5/20231 hour, 23 seconds
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February 2, 2023 - Thomas Kahn | Luke Cooper | June Dreyer

Speaker McCarthy Will Continue Legislative Terrorism to Extort Budget Cuts by Threatening to Crash the US and Global Economy | Cleaning Up Corruption Ahead of Ukraine's Talks on EU Membership | The US/Philippines Deal For "Spaces Not Bases" Close to Taiwan
2/3/20231 hour, 4 minutes, 50 seconds
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February 1, 2023 - Angela Stent | Wendy Via | Christina Fair

Facebook/Meta Reinstates Trump While Allowing Other Despots to Incite Violence and Genocide and Spread Hate and Disinformation | A Top US Russia Expert on Mistakes Made in Dealing With Putin | Pakistan Faces Blowback From the Afghan and Pakistan Taliban
2/1/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 4 seconds
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January 31, 2023 - Scott Horton | Olga Lautman | Tom Collina

Trump Could be Indicted in Atlanta and Manhattan Within Days or Weeks | The Ukraine War Has Derailed Russian Espionage Activities Leading to an Unprecedented Number of Arrests | The State Department's Announcement Today that Russia is Not Complying With the New START Treaty
1/31/20231 hour, 1 minute, 42 seconds
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January 30, 2023 - Lara Friedman | Will Bunch | Stuart Schrader

Secretary of State Blinken's Meeting with Netanyahu and Israeli Drone Strike on Iran | Was Top FBI Agent Involved in Comey's Nothingburger and the NY Times's Dismissal of Trump's Russia Ties That Helped Elect Him? | The Systemic Problems From Elite Police Units and Militarized Policing
1/30/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 14 seconds
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January 28, 2023 - Cheryl Dorsey | Frank Costigliola | Daniel Nexon

The Culture of Violence in Elite Police Squads and the Failure of Command to Know or Want to Know What is Going on at the Street Level | George Kennan's Warning About NATO Expansion Eastward | The Rise of the Radical Right at Home and Abroad
1/29/20231 hour, 4 minutes, 52 seconds
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January 26, 2023 - Jeff Stein | Matthew Connelly | Daniel Holz

Could the Arrest of a Top FBI Counterintelligence Agent in New York on a Russian Oligarch's Payroll be Connected to HRC's Claim that Comey Cost Her the Election? | The Understaffed National Archives Tries to Preserve the Historical Record While the $18 Billion Classification Machine Keeps Too Many Secrets and Is Slow to Declassify Them | The Doomsday Clock is Now the Closest Ever at 90 Seconds to Midnight
1/26/20231 hour, 1 minute, 8 seconds
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January 25, 2023 - Mark Lowenthal | Dr. Sumit Ganguly | Harold Meyerson

McCarthy's Revenge as he Strips Schiff and Swalwell of Their Seats on the House Intelligence Committee | India's Prime Minister Modi's Frantic Efforts to Prevent 1.4 Billion in the World's Biggest Democracy From Seeing a BBC Documentary | Although the Republicans Did Not Vote For the IRA, Green Money is Pouring Into Red States
1/25/20231 hour, 1 minute, 40 seconds
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January 24, 2023 - John Donohue | Douglas London | Katherine Stewart

Another Mass Shooting in California, a Record 39th So Far This Year in the US | Assessing Russia's anti-Putin Partisan Movement and How Much the US Should Support Russia's Armed Opposition | The Alarming Growth of Spirit Warrior Christianity
1/24/20231 hour, 1 minute, 15 seconds
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January 23, 2023 - Jonathan Alter | Jim Small | David Schultz

Another Gift From Biden to Trump and Whether Biden Should Not Run in 2024 | Congressman Ruben Gallego's Announcement Today He is Running to Replace Sinema | Attacks on Academic Freedom by DeSantis and at Harvard and Hamline Universities
1/23/20231 hour, 1 minute, 44 seconds
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January 22, 2023 - Anna Grzymala-Busse | Alexander Motyl | Robert Young Pelton

Why is Germany's Chancellor Scholz Stubbornly Dragging His Heels Lagging Behind German Public Opinion? | Is Russia Becoming a Case in Which a State Fails When it Loses Its Monopoly on Violence? | Inside the Wagner Group the US Just Designated as an International Criminal Enterprise
1/22/20231 hour, 1 minute, 17 seconds
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January 19, 2023 - Robert Hockett | Maria Armoudian | Jo-Marie Burt

How to Deal With the Economic Suicide Attack by Legislative Terrorists | The Surprise Resignation of New Zealand's Much Admired PM Jacinda Ahern | Political Instability in Peru as Voters Feel Betrayed by a Left Wing President Propped up by the Right Wing Establishment
1/19/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 55 seconds
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January 18, 2023 - David Satter | Thomas Berger | Morris Pearl

A Call to the World's Billionaires at Davos to End the Age of Extreme Wealth by Starting to Pay Taxes | Germany on the Spot For Vacillating Over Sending Arms to Ukraine | Why Tucker Carlson and Elon Musk on the Right and Many on the Left Are Apologists For Putin
1/18/202358 minutes, 35 seconds
Episode Artwork

January 17, 2023 - Jessica Feezell | Zachary Carter | Jared Yates Sexton

A "Stop the Steal" Loser Shoots up the Homes of Democrats Claiming "I stand with Donald J. Trump" | The Good Faith and Credit of the US at the Mercy of Freedom Caucus Nihilists | A History of Paranoid Fantasies and Today's Rise of Fascism Led by a Reality TV Star
1/17/202359 minutes, 6 seconds
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January 16, 2023 - Jefferson Cowie | David Phillips | Ellis Krauss

On MLK Day: Taking on the Jan. 6 Coalition of Racists, Christian Nationalists, Anti-Government Radicals and the Freedom Caucus | Could Russia's Indifference Allow Another Genocide of Armenians? | Japan Joins in a New Arms Race in North East Asia
1/16/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 10 seconds
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January 15, 2023 - Julian Zelizer | Luke Harding

What to do When You Elect a Fictional Character and Get Stuck With an Abject Fraud | A Reporter Who has Been Covering the War in Ukraine For The Guardian Since it Started 326 Days Ago
1/15/202359 minutes, 8 seconds
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January 12, 2023 - Frederick Baron | Jared Olson | James Goldgeier

AG Garland Appoints a Special Counsel in Biden’s Classified Docs Self-Inflicted Wound | Brazen Murders in Honduras Raise Questions of How the US Is Dealing With the Root of the Migrant Problem | The Need to Engage Both Russia and Ukraine as a Long War in Ukraine Promises to Grind On
1/12/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 15 seconds
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January 11, 2023 - Thomas Kahn | Alexander Sammon | Joshua Horowitz

Out With the Old and in With the New in the California Race to Replace Senator Feinstein | The New House and the GOP Tradition of Decrying Deficits While Running up the Debt | A Six Year Old in Virginia Shot His Teacher In What is Sadly Not Unusual in America
1/11/20231 hour, 44 seconds
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January 10, 2023 - Steven Rosenthal | Kenneth Roth | Laura Rodriguez

The First Bill the House Republicans Pass Cuts Funds For the IRS to Help Tax Cheats and Run Up the Deficit | The Former Head of Human Rights Watch is Denied a Fellowship at Harvard by the Pro-Israel Thought Police | 11 of the 17 New Chairs of House Committees are Election Deniers Some of Whom Supported the Insurrection
1/10/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 20 seconds
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January 9, 2023 - Andre Pagliarini | Nancy MacLean | William LeoGrande

Brazil's Pro-Bolsonaro Riot Pales in Comparison to the January 6 Insurrection | McCarthy Has Been Installed by the Same Right Wing Oligarchs Behind, Trump and DeSantis | Mexico's President Calls on Our Right Wing Congress to stop Funding the Pentagon and Fund Central American and Caribbean Countries to Stop the Flow of Refugees to the US
1/9/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 52 seconds
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January 8, 2023 - Michelle García | Geneive Abdo | Thomas Balcerski

Biden's Visit to the Border at El Paso on his Way to the North American Leaders Summit in Mexico | Why is the US Not Doing More to Support the Popular Revolution Underway in Iran? | An Historical Perspective and Assessment of the Price McCarthy Will Pay For His Speakership
1/8/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 46 seconds
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January 5, 2022 - James Thurber | Alexander Butterfield | Guy Ziv

After 10 Rounds of Voting Still No Speaker as Dysfunction Spills Over to Tomorrow's Second Anniversary of the Jan. 6 Insurrection | 50 Years From One Whistleblower Who Brought Down a President to Another He Inspired to Tell the Truth to the Jan. 6 Committee | Israel's Far-Right Government as Netanyahu Models the Authoritarian Agenda of Viktor Orban
1/5/20231 hour, 10 seconds
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January 4, 2023 - Jacob Heilbrunn | Paul Light | William McGee

The Nihilism of Trump's Republican Party on Display in the House Today | A Twice in 100 Years Failure to Elect a Speaker With 9 Ballots in 1923 and 6 Failures So Far Today | Southwest Airlines Executives Blame the Weather for 5,000 Cancellations After Pocketing Billions of PPP Money For Themselves
1/4/20231 hour, 1 minute, 25 seconds
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January 3, 2023 - Dr. Bandy Lee | Dennis Aftergut | Robert Lipsyte

With the Head of the House and the Head of Our Military Agreeing Trump is Crazy, Why Has it Taken So Long For the Truth to Come Out? | The Chaotic Election Underway For the Next House Speaker | The Violence Inherent in NFL Football
1/3/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 46 seconds
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January 2, 2023 - Ruth Ben-Ghiat | Steven Levitsky | Dr. Brad Onishi

How in America Liars and Cheats Can Become Presidents or be Sworn in Tomorrow as Congressmen | What Makes Dictatorships Like Russia and Iran so Durable | The Threat of White Christian Nationalism in 2023
1/2/20231 hour, 1 minute, 32 seconds
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January 1, 2023 - Adele Stan | Sean Wilentz

The House in 2023 Crippled by Polarization and the Growing Threat of American Fascism | Are We Seeing a Replay of the 1850 Collapse of the Whig Party and the Rise of the Know-Nothings?
1/1/202359 minutes, 6 seconds
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December 29, 2022 - Pavel Felgenhauer | Michael Weiss | Andrew Weiss

A Moscow-Based Defense Analyst on How the Ukrainians Are Winning So Far | Ukraine’s Successful Counter Offensive and Pressure on Putin to Take More Desperate Measures | Why has Such a Small Man as Putin Had a Disproportionate Impact on the World Stage?
12/29/20221 hour, 30 minutes, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork

December 28, 2022 - Ian Haney López | Allan Lichtman | Sarah Churchwell

What Patriotic Americans Can Do to Save Their Democracy From the Resurgence of Plutocratic Populism | Trump’s Pressure Campaign on the DOJ and Pardons Sought by the GOP’s Most Ardent Trumpsters | American Fascism Was Never Exorcised, It Was Obscured Beneath Romantic Mythmaking
12/28/20221 hour, 14 minutes, 1 second
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December 27, 2022 - Jody Freeman | Robert Baer | David Victor

The Climate Bill Biden Signed Into Law Today is a Major Victory | The US Fought Two Wars To Protect the Saudi Regime, Now They Are Allied With Russia and China | An Update on the COP 27 Climate Talks Underway and an Alternative Approach to the Fight Against Climate Change
12/27/20221 hour, 5 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

December 26, 2022 - Samuel Moyn | Nancy Maclean | Jared Yates Sexton

How the American Majority Can Thwart the Tyranny of the Minority | Billionaires Behind Dark Money Can’t Openly Sell Their Terrible Ideas to a Public That Doesn’t Want Them | Having Bought the Supreme Court, American Oligarchs Are Now Trying to Buy the Legislative Branch
12/26/20221 hour, 1 minute, 35 seconds
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Decemberr 25, 2022 - Reverend Dr. Liz Theoharis | Frank Schaeffer

The Co-Chair of the Poor People's Campaign on How We Treat the Least Among Us on the Birthday of Jesus Christ | A Warning From the Son of the Founder of the Religious Right About the Dangerous Heresy of Christian Nationalism
12/24/20221 hour, 14 seconds
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December 22, 2022 - Emily Channel-Justice | Jennifer Taub | Lisa Graves

Ukraine's President Zelensky's Rousing Speech to a Joint Session of Congress | An Update on the Public Release of the House January 6 Committee Report | Democratic Party Leaders Need to Understand What They are Up Against and Build a Massive Grassroots Movement Against a Radicalized GOP
12/22/20221 hour, 5 seconds
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December 21, 2022 - Anders Aslund | Edward McCaffery | Robert Baer

Over Objections From Republicans, the House Ways and Means Committee Make Public Trump's Taxes | Today's Visit of Ukraine's President Zelensky to the White House and the Press Conference That Followed | Is Fox News's Tucker Carlson a Russian Agent?
12/22/20221 hour, 1 minute, 34 seconds
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December 20, 2022 - Aziz Huq | William Hartung | Michael Kimmage

More Important Than Jailing Trump, the Jan. 6 Hearings Cry Out For Us to Fix Our Fragile Electoral System That He Exploited | Just the $80 Billion Increase From Last Year's Defense Budget to Today's $858 Billion is More Than Germany, Japan, France and the UK Spend on Defense | As Putin Makes His Last Stand, We Assess the Promise and Peril of Russian Defeat
12/20/20221 hour, 1 minute, 29 seconds
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December 19, 2022 - Corey Brettschneider | Zak Smith | Dr. Tatsiana Kulakevich

The House January 6 Committee Sends 4 Indictments of Trump to the DOJ | An Assessment of the Just-Concluded UN COP15 Biodiversity Conference | Putin Met Today With Lukashenko to Put the Squeeze on Belarus to Join a Russia Offensive From Ukraine's
12/19/20221 hour, 1 minute, 52 seconds
Episode Artwork

December 18, 2022 - James Zirin | Linda Greenhouse | David Roth

3 Criminal Referrals of Trump From the Jan. 6 Committee to the DOJ Expected on Monday | The Decades-Long Far-Right Capture of the Supreme Court | How Long Can We Endure the Curse of the Manchild With Musk's Trolling and Trump's Grifting?
12/18/20221 hour, 3 minutes, 54 seconds
Episode Artwork

December 15, 2022 - Aaron Rupar | Tom Diaz | Cristina Florea

Trump's "Major Announcement" Falls Flat as the White House Recalibrates, Expecting to Run Against DeSantis | Ten Years After Sandy Hook, 150 Million Guns Have Been Sold in America | The European Parliament Recognizes Stalin's Starvation of Ukrainians as Genocide
12/15/20221 hour, 1 minute, 49 seconds
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December 14, 2022 - James Risen | Nader Hasemi | Dr. Steven Nabieu Rogers

Finally the Law is Catching up to Trump and It's Happening on Many Fronts | The UN Votes to Remove Iran from the Commission on the Status of Women | The Second Africa Leaders Summit Underway in Washington
12/15/202259 minutes, 38 seconds
Episode Artwork

December 13, 2022 - Robert Hockett | Peter Ward | Arjun Makhijani

A Bipartisan Bill Introduced Today For a National Development Strategy to Rebuild Our Industry and Build Back Our Middle Class | The UN COP15 Biodiversity Conference Underway Aimed at Conserving 30% of the World's Land and Sea by 2030 | The Historic Breakthrough on Nuclear Fusion Announced Today
12/13/20221 hour, 3 minutes, 25 seconds
Episode Artwork

December 12, 2022 - Michael Edison Hayden | Joseph Lowndes | Kai Newkirk

At Saturday's Celebration of American and European Fascists and Their Sympathizers, Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene Called for an Armed Insurrection | How the House Was Flipped by Black and Latino Republicans Who Won Decisively Without Moderating Their MAGA Politics | The Pledge to Primary Sinema Who Bernie Sanders Says Sabotaged the Most Important Legislation and Voting Rights
12/12/20221 hour, 3 minutes, 45 seconds
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December 11, 2022 - Alejandra Gomez | Daniela Schwarzer | Steven Greenhouse

Sinema, the Saboteur of the Democratic Agenda, Pulls Another Selfish Stunt | Germany's Bizarre Coup Plot and Putin's Spy Swap Attempt of Paul Whelan For an FSB Assassin | What Biden Can do to Repair Frayed Ties With Labor
12/11/20221 hour, 1 minute, 17 seconds
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December 8, 2022 - George Beebe | Stephen Braun | Peter Bergen | Jo-Marie Burt

More Deals With Putin Unlikely Until After a Russian Offensive in the Spring of 2023 | Why Putin Wanted the Merchant of Death Viktor Bout Back | The Dangers Facing Americans Who Travel to Russia, China, Iran and Venezuela | A Farcical Coup Attempt in Peru Which Has Had Five Presidents in Two Years
12/8/20221 hour, 1 minute, 2 seconds
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December 7, 2022 - Fred Wertheimer | Sarah Leah Whitson | Bret Schafer

Far Right Supreme Court Justices Seem to Support a Dangerous Fringe Theory That Could Upend Our Elections | The Biden Administration Gets a Lawsuit Against MBS Dismissed in Return he Greets China's Leader With a State Visit | Why Are Top US Conservatives Giving Aid and Comfort to Putin?
12/7/202258 minutes, 57 seconds
Episode Artwork

December 6, 2022 - David Cay Johnston | Charles Bullock | Dr. Paul Sullivan

The Trump Organization Found Guilty With Trump Accused of Explicitly Sanctioning Tax Fraud | The History of Runoff Elections in Georgia Designed to Dilute the Power of the Black Vote | The Mysterious Attacks on Our Electrical Infrastructure
12/6/20221 hour, 1 minute, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork

December 5, 2022 - Jill Hasday | Jennifer Mercieca | Brian Concannon

Our Far-Right Supreme Court Appears Sympathetic to Imposing Conservative Christian Dogma on American Life in the Name of Freedom of Speech | Trump's Call to "Terminate" the Constitution as Treason to the Democratic Way of Life | US Culpability for the Hellscape in Haiti Now Ruled by Violent Gangs
12/5/20221 hour, 1 minute, 16 seconds
Episode Artwork

December 4, 2022 - David Redlawsk | Andrew Weiss

The Democrats Change Their Presidential Primary Nominating Calendar for 2024 | Why has Such a Small Man as Putin Had a Disproportionate Impact on the World Stage?
12/4/202258 minutes, 55 seconds
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December 1, 2022 - David Andelman | Nelson Lichtenstein | Jeffrey Winte

The Biden White House's First State Visit by France's President Macron | Railway Workers are Denied Paid Sick Leave in Today's Senate Vote to Avert a Strike | The Plutocratic Takeover of Our Information Space
12/1/20221 hour, 3 minutes, 8 seconds
Episode Artwork

November 11, 2022 - Carlton Larson | Robert Mackey | Sam Quinones

Why the Seditious Conspiracy Convictions of the Oath Keepers' Leaders Matter | Why Americans Like Nick Fuentes and Elon Musk Admire and Support Putin | The Epidemic of Fentanyl Deaths Enabled by Social Media and the DEA's Response
11/30/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 14 seconds
Episode Artwork

November 29, 2022 - Jeffrey Lazarus | Michael Hiltzik | Dr. John Mueller

An Update on the Heavily-Contested Georgia Runoff For the US Senate | The Decline and Possible Fall of Twitter as Musk Invites Right Wing Trolls, Anti-Vaxxers and White Supremacists Aboard His Platform | Why, Like Other Dictators, Putin Might Endure Staggering Defeats
11/29/20221 hour, 3 minutes, 36 seconds
Episode Artwork

November 28, 2022 - Perry Link | Francisco Monaldi | Chuck Collins

Aspirations for Freedom and Democracy Erupt in Demonstrations Across China | Maduro's Deal With Chevron and the Venezuelan Opposition | Pledges by Billionaires to Give Away Vast Fortunes and What Charities End up With
11/28/20221 hour, 2 minutes
Episode Artwork

November 27, 2022 - Robert Young Pelton | Tara Kangarlou | Richard Parker

A Veteran War Reporter Just Back From a Month in Ukraine | An Update on the Revolution in Iran Led by Brave Young Women | Progressive Strategies to Build a Democratic Majority in 2024
11/27/20221 hour, 1 minute, 48 seconds
Episode Artwork

November 24, 2022 - Kate Mackintosh | Stephan Schwartz

What We Can Be Thankful for in Spite of Hate-Filled Politics at Home and War Crimes Abroad | Making a Future We Can Be Thankful for With Daunting Challenges Ahead
11/23/202258 minutes, 13 seconds
Episode Artwork

November 23, 2022 - Edward McCaffery | Michael J. Wilson | Beverly Gage

Finally Trump is Forced to Release His Tax Returns Just Before the House Republicans Shut Down Investigations | Food Insecurity on Thanksgiving in the World's Richest Country | As Trump Attacks the FBI, We Look Into the Life and Legacy of J. Edgar Hoover
11/23/20221 hour, 1 minute, 1 second
Episode Artwork

November 22, 2022 - Lisa Graves | Mike Lofgren | Jeremi Suri

Scandal at the Supreme Court Where There is No Ethical Code of Conduct | The Midterms For the Democrats Were More Like Deliverance Than Victory | Biden Should Stop Fighting For America's Soul and Start Fighting The Far Right Radicals
11/22/20221 hour, 34 seconds
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November 21, 2022 - Jo Wenke | Laurie Levenson | Andrei Markovits

The Connection Between the Killings of Gay and Trans Americans and the 300 Anti-LGBTQ Republican Bills in 36 States This Year | The Special Counsel in Private on a Parallel Track With the Media and Radical Right House in Public | An Assessment of the World Cup Underway in Qatar
11/21/20221 hour, 32 seconds
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November 20, 2022 - Frederick Baron | Michael Li | John Christensen & Jim Henry

Will Indictments of Trump That Even Bill Barr Expects, be Delayed by the Appointment of a Special Counsel? | Why Did Deep Blue New York Democrats Cost Their Party the House? | How Big Banks Can Loot Pension Funds Due to Little Oversight From the Department of Labor
11/20/20221 hour, 3 minutes, 50 seconds
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November 17, 2022 - John Lawrence | Sidney Blumenthal | Amb. Cynthia Schneider | John Bongaarts |

Nancy Pelosi's Former Chief of Staff on Her Career and Legacy | Trump is Now Effectively in Control of the US House of Representatives | Convictions of Those Responsible For Downing a Malaysian Airliner Over Ukraine | The World's Population Has Skyrocketed in Less Than a Century From 2 Billion to 8 Billion
11/17/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 17 seconds
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November 16, 2022 - Christopher Beem | Aram Shabanian | Frank Dikötter

Trump's Boring Announcement and the Election Deniers Electoral Rebuke | The Work of the Ukraine Defense Contact Group of Almost 50 Nations | Inside the Black Box of Chinese Communist Leadership
11/16/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 51 seconds
Episode Artwork

November 15, 2022 - Michael Weiss | Zaha Hassan | Dr. Allen Frances

Russia Rains Missiles Down on Ukraine as Top US National Security Officials Meet With Their Russian Counterparts | What is Behind the FBI Probe Into Israel's Killing of a Palestinian Journalist and US Citizen? | Trump is Determined to be Relevant Again and Dominate Our Politics for the Next Two Years
11/15/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 9 seconds
Episode Artwork

November 14, 2022 - Orville Schell | Darrell West | Molly White

After a 3 Hour Meeting with Xi Jinping, Biden Declares No New Cold War With China | With Election Deniers Making Up a Third of the New Congress, Could They Elect Trump as Their Speaker? | The Collapse of the FTX Cryptocurrency Exchange and the 75% Loss in the Value of Bitcoin
11/14/20221 hour, 1 minute, 57 seconds
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November 13, 2022 - Lincoln Mitchell | Samuel Moyn | Mark Galeotti

Contrary to the Punditry, Trump is in Firm Control of the GOP and Bent on Destroying His Rival | Time For the Democrats to Move Past Trump | Russia's Future as Putin Clings to Power But His Legend in Dead
11/13/20221 hour, 39 seconds
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November 10, 2022 - Sasha Abramsky | David Daley | Alexander Stubb

How Europe is Adapting to a Cutoff of Russian Energy and Moving Towards a Green Energy Future | Cliffhanger Races in Arizona and Nevada and California Congressional Races Will Determine Who Controls the Senate and House | Apart From the Absence of the "Red Wave", the Other Big Election Story is Court-Sanctioned GOP Gerrymandering
11/10/20221 hour, 2 minutes
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November 9, 2022 - Simon Rosenberg | David Weigel | Paul Light

The Results of Yesterday's Election Defy the Poll and Pundits and Shock the Republicans | An Update on the Races and Recriminations | We Can Expect Government Paralysis and the Trump/DeSantis War to Escalate While Questions About Biden Running Again Persist
11/9/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 1 second
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November 8, 2022 - Anand Giridharadas | David Victor | Dr. Louise Shelley

Can Persuasion Overcome Delusion in American Politics? | An Update on the COP 27 Climate Talks Underway and an Alternative Approach to the Fight Against Climate Change | Prigozhin Epitomizes the Takeover of Russia by Thugs and Gangsters
11/8/20221 hour, 1 minute, 32 seconds
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November 7, 2022 - Ari Berman | Dr. Michael McDonald | Scott Horton

Efforts to Stop Democrats From Voting and Why It Will Take So Long to Count the Vote | Although Not on the Ballot, American Democracy is What is at Stake in Tomorrow's Election | Putin's Election Interference Was All About Ukraine and Still is Today
11/7/20221 hour, 1 minute, 28 seconds
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November 6, 2022 - Peter Dreier | J.W. Mason | Abbas Milani

The Person Most Responsible For Hate, Delusion, Threats and Acts of Violence in Our Politics | With Inflation the GOP's Main Election Issue and the Fed's Cure Worsening it, Who is Most to Blame? | How Will Israel and Saudi Arabia React to Reports Putin Will Help Accelerate the Breakout Period For an Iranian Nuclear Bomb?
11/6/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 55 seconds
Episode Artwork

November 3, 2022 - John Nichols | Amb. Steven Pifer | Nathan Park

Biden Makes an Urgent Case to Defend American Democracy From MAGA Republicans | Putin is Hoping a Republican Victory on Tuesday Will Lead to Less US Support For Ukraine | Kim Jong-un Fires a Record Number of Missiles Ahead of an Expected Nuclear Test
11/3/20221 hour, 1 minute, 42 seconds
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November 2, 2022 - Allan Lichtman | Joshua Douglas | Charles Kupchan

Questioning Pollsters and Pundits Assumptions That Republicans Will Take the House and the Senate | Changes in Voting Laws Make it Easier to Vote in Some States and Harder in Others | The Need to Prevent the War in Ukraine Escalating Into a Confrontation Between NATO and Russia
11/2/20221 hour, 1 minute, 23 seconds
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November 1, 2022 - Michael D'Antonio | Anne Nelson | Dr. Guy Ziv

The Party of Trolls Makes Fun of an 82 Year-Old Man Who Was Beaten Over the Head With a Hammer in a Home Invasion | Conspiracy Theories Have Entered the Mainstream of Republican Discourse | An Update on the Israeli Election Trending For a Netanyahu Comeback
11/1/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 27 seconds
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October 31, 2022 - Nico Lusiani | Douglas Rushkoff | James Green

Biden Takes on Big Oil and Their Record Windfall Thanks to the Actions of Putin and MBS | The Latest Tweet From a Trump-like Troll With an Ego Inflated by Billions Who Now Owns Twitter | Lula's Narrow Victory in Brazil Where Bolsonaro Has Yet to Concede
10/31/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 30 seconds
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October 30, 2022 - Wendy Via | Jacob Silverman | David Rothkopf

After Being Demonized by Trump and Republicans, Pelosi Was Targeted by a "Stop the Steal" Q-Anon Follower | In the Name of Free Speech, The World's Richest Man Just Turned a Public Company Into His Own Private Media Megaphone | How America Was Saved From Trump and How the GOP May Save Putin
10/30/20221 hour, 8 minutes, 55 seconds
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October 27, 2022 - Tom Mockaitis | Stephen Wertheim | Sarah Leah Whitson

Far-Right Vigilantes Engaged in Election Intimidation Will Escalate Violence If the Election Does Not Go Their Way | How to Stop Escalation and Achieve a Peaceful Solution Without Helping Putin and Selling out the Ukrainians | What Should Biden Do in Response to MBS's Insulting and Hostile Moves?
10/27/20221 hour, 1 minute, 26 seconds
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October 26, 2022 - Harold Meyerson | Dr. Terry Madonna | Shibley Telhami

In an About Face the House Progressive Caucus Withdraws a Letter Urging Biden to Negotiate With Putin Over Ukraine | Last Night's Debate For the Critical US Senate Seat in Pennsylvania | MBS Strung Biden Along Promising to Lower the Price of Oil Only to Stiff Him After the Fist-Bump
10/26/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 44 seconds
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October 25, 2022 - Polly Toynbee | Edwin Lyman | Lynn Parramore

What Does Britain's Latest PM Mean by "Difficult Decisions to Come"? | Running Against the Biden Economy, Republicans Promise to Tank the Global Economy to Force Cuts in Social Security and Medicare | Escalating Talk of a "Dirty Bomb" Raise Fears Putin is Looking For an Excuse to Use a Nuke in Ukraine
10/25/20221 hour, 4 minutes, 18 seconds
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October 24, 2022 - Robert Draper | Quinn Slobodian | Victor Shih

The Author of Weapons of Mass Delusion: When the Republican Party Lost Its Mind | Rishi Sunak, Britain's Third PM in Less Than Two Months | Communist Chinese Officials and Intelligence Officers Accused by AG Garland of Trying to Steal Secrets, Punish Critics and Recruit Spies
10/24/20221 hour, 1 minute, 16 seconds
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October 23, 2022 - Dennis Aftergut | Alec MacGillis | Eric Levitz

Friday's Subpoena From the January 6 Committee and Trump's Next Move | The Senate Race in Ohio as a Referendum On the Direction the Democratic Party Has Taken in Recent Decades | The Education Divide in America and How Republicans Exploit it
10/23/202259 minutes, 54 seconds
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October 20, 2022 - Patrick Allen | Amb. Peter Galbraith | Anna Massoglia

The Paralysis Caused by Brexit Claims Another British Conservative Prime Minister | Is Putin Planning to Sabotage Norwegian Gas Pipelines and Infrastructure? | A New Study Finds Record Amounts of Money Pouring into State Races
10/20/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 2 seconds
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October 19, 2022 - Annelle Sheline | Mohsen Sazegara | Joseph Fishkin & William Forbath

US Generals and Admirals on MBS's Payroll Oversee the Transfer of Advanced Weapons Even Our Reliable Allies Can't Buy | Iran's Regime is Losing Its Grip as Members of the IRGC and Basij Refuse to Shoot Down Teenage Girls | How to Reverse Our Slide Into Oligarchy Enabled by a Reactionary Supreme Court
10/19/20221 hour, 3 minutes, 31 seconds
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October 18, 2022 - Mike German | Taras Kuzio | Mitchell Plitnick

The FBI's Failure to Act on Warnings Before Jan. 6 and Sympathy For the Insurgents Within the FBI's Ranks | Why Did American Experts on Russia Get the Ukraine War So Wrong? | AIPAC is Backing Trumpist White Nationalist Candidates As Trump Spouts Antisemitism
10/18/20221 hour, 3 minutes, 32 seconds
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October 17, 2022 - Dov Waxman | Jeffrey Sonnenfeld | Sasha Abramsky

Anti-Semitism From Trump and Kanye West is Feeding the Dual Loyalty Trope | Alarm That the Latest Weapons to Saudi Arabia Now Allied With Putin Could End up in the Wrong Hands | Could Democrats Lose in the Blue States of the West?
10/17/20221 hour, 3 minutes
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October 16, 2022 - Jared Yates Sexton | Moira Donegan | Susan Shirk

Having Bought the Supreme Court, American Oligarchs Are Now Trying to Buy the Legislative Branch | Did the House January 6 Hearing Move the Needle For Democrats Ahead of the Upcoming Election? | With Its Economy in Deep Trouble, the Chinese Communist Party Congress Will Anoint Xi Jinping to Another Decade in Power
10/16/20221 hour, 35 seconds
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October 13, 2022 - Norman Ornstein | Adele Stan | Laura Thornton

An Analysis of Today's Final House January 6 Committee Hearing | Who Did Liz Cheney Have in Mind When She Said "We Have Enough Information For Criminal Referrals?" | With the UN Voting Overwhelmingly to Condemn Putin, Why Does Elon Musk, JD Vance, Tucker Carlson and Fox News Support the Murderous Dictator?
10/13/20221 hour, 30 seconds
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October 12, 2022 - Tom Collina | Gary Pierre-Pierre | Matthew Rothschild

Biden's New National Security Strategy and the Danger Putin May Not be Able to Accept Losing His War Without Escalating to Nukes | Haiti Now a Lawless State Controlled by Gangs, is Poised For Another Intervention | Why Is the Democratic Candidate Behind the Most Beatable Republican, Senator Ron Johnson?
10/12/20221 hour, 1 minute, 41 seconds
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October 11, 2022 - Jennifer McCoy | Robert Alexander | David Marples

The Pernicious Polarization Gripping Our Politics As We Head For Electoral Autocracy or a Democratic Collapse | The Ohio Senate Race as a Contest Between an "Ass-kicker and an "Ass-kisser" | Zelensky Expresses Concern to the G7 That Putin is Pressuring Belarus to Enter the War
10/11/20221 hour, 1 minute, 35 seconds
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October 10, 2022 - Hossein Askari | Robert Baer | Simon Shuster

Apart From Angry Denunciations of MBS From Congress, What Can Be Done About His Perfidy? | The US Fought Two Wars To Protect the Saudi Regime, Now They Are Allied With Russia and China | Inside Ukraine's Military Strategy and Recriminations Within Putin's Military
10/10/20221 hour, 3 minutes, 23 seconds
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October 9, 2022 - Francesca Giovannini | James Galbraith | Dahlia Lithwick

Biden Warns We Are Close to Armageddon and Have To Take Putin's Nuclear Threats Seriously | How We Can Build a Fair and Secure Middle Class Society | Women in America and Iran are Leading the Fight For Democracy Against the Repression of Women in the Name of Religion
10/10/20221 hour, 3 minutes, 41 seconds
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October 6, 2022 - John Hudak | Anthea Butler | David Hearst

Biden Will Pardon all Federal Offenses of Simple Marijuana Possession | The Breathtaking Hypocrisy of the GOP's "Christian" Base Doubling Down in Their Support of a Brazen Liar and Serial Sinner | Calls to Cut Ties With Saudi Arabia After MBS and His Mentor Putin's "October Surprise"
10/6/20221 hour, 48 seconds
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October 5, 2022 - Jon Hoffman | Stephen Young | Assal Rad

The Murderous Pals MBS and Putin Jack Up the Price of Oil Ahead of the Midterms to Help Republicans and Bring Trump Back | How Putin Uses Mutually Assured Destruction as a Shield to Conduct a Conventional War in Ukraine With Impunity | The Youthful Revolt Underway in Iran Against a Hypocritical and Hated Clerical Kleptocracy
10/5/202259 minutes, 58 seconds
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October 4, 2022 - Anders Åslund | Hans Kristensen | Lawrence Douglas

Is Putin Desperate or Upping the Nuclear Ante to Force Biden to the Negotiating Table? | How Close Are We to Having the Nuclear Taboo Which Has Existed Since Nagasaki, Broken By Putin? | What Practical Steps Can be Taken to Restore the Supreme Court's Legitimacy
10/4/202259 minutes, 45 seconds
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October 3, 2022 - Eric Segall | Jamie Court | Zhong-Ren Peng

Questioning the Supreme Court's Legitimacy as a New Term Begins | Oil Company Extortion in California as Consumers Pay Twice as Much Per Gallon as the Rest of the Country | Does it Make Sense to Build High Rises on Ocean Fronts as Hurricanes Get More Powerful?
10/3/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 2 seconds
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October 2, 2022 - William Arkin | George Beebe | Andrew Pagliarini

Will Biden's Threats Deter Putin? Apparently Our Military Does Not Think So | Could Our Shadow War With Russia Spiral Into Nuclear Catastrophe? | The Loser in Today's Election in Brazil Will Contest, Not Concede
10/2/20221 hour, 20 seconds
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September 29th, 2022 - Claire Connolly Knox | Cleo Paskal | Daniel Boguslaw

Hurricane Ian's Path of Destruction and the Need To Update Building Codes | Today's First Pacific Islands Summit at the White House as China Makes Inroads Into the Region | The CIA's Investment in Colossal Biosciences to Bring Back the Wooly Mammoth and the Tasmanian Tiger
9/29/20221 hour, 33 seconds
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September 28th, 2022 - Dr. Paul Sullivan | Steven Simon | Dr. Mohsen Sazegara

Who Sabotaged the Nord Stream 1 and 2 Undersea Gas Pipelines? | Is the Disunited States of America Heading For a Civil War? | The Revolution in Iran Broadens Across Society Including Strikes
9/28/20221 hour, 1 minute, 59 seconds
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September 27, 2022 - David Faris | Zach Despart | Péter Krekó

Are the Democrats Too Timid Playing Defense While the Republicans Dominate With Illusion? | Highlights From the Texas Tribune Festival in Austin, Texas | Why Does Hungary Have Such an Outsize Influence Over American Politics?
9/27/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 46 seconds
Episode Artwork

September 26, 2022 - Ruth Ben-Ghiat | Andrew Feinberg | Barbara Walter

Italy Lurches to the Far Right in a Low-Turnout Election With the Left Divided | An Update on the Investigations Into Trump Ahead of Wednesday's Jan. 6 Hearing | As Trump Drags the Country Towards Civil War, What Can be Done to Stop Him
9/26/20221 hour, 1 minute, 58 seconds
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September 25, 2022 - Christopher Chivvis | Aram Shabanian | Roya Hakakian

Putin's Nuclear Sabre-Rattling and How to Deal With It | Hideous Russian War Crimes Unearthed in Ukraine | Iran's Corrupt and Hypocritical Clerical Mafia Could Soon be Toppled
9/25/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 29 seconds
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September 22, 2022 - Adam Klasfeld | Jacob Love | Maziar Behrooz

The 11th Circuit's Blistering Smackdown of Judge Cannon's Ruling and Judge Dearie's Call For Trump's Lawyers to Put up or Shut up about Claims the FBI Planted Documents | A Lawyer for Some of the Venezuelan Asylum-Seekers Used in DeSantis' Sadistic Trolling | How Close is Iran to Another Revolution?
9/22/202258 minutes, 42 seconds
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September 21, 2022 - David Cay Johnston | Michael Kimmage | Richard Gowan

The New York AG Sues Trump, the Trump Organization, Don Jr., Eric and Ivanka for Staggering Fraud | Putin Threatens to Use Nukes, Declaring "It's Not a Bluff" | President Biden's Address to the UN General Assembly
9/21/20221 hour, 3 minutes, 36 seconds
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September 20, 2022 - Karen Greenberg | Craig Holman | Nader Hashemi

The Special Master Essentially Tells Trump's Lawyers to Put Up or Shut Up | Biden Makes a Pitch For the Disclose Act Which Americans Favor But Republicans Don't | The Violent Crackdown on Demonstrations Across Iran After the Death of a Young Woman in the Custody of the Morality Police
9/20/20221 hour, 3 minutes, 48 seconds
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September 19 - Robert Ford | David Pepper | Ryan Cooper

Wall-to-Wall Media Coverage of Mourning and Ritual has Given the British PM a Break From the Crises Left to Worsen | Trump's Humiliating Praise of His Ohio Senate Candidate Before a QAnon Crowd | Could Governors DeSantis and Abbott be Charged With Kidnapping or Human Trafficking?
9/19/20221 hour, 41 seconds
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September 18, 2022 -Justin Elliot | Michael Swaine | Kristin Rowe-Finkbeiner

How an Unqualified Trump Judge Got on the Bench With the Dark Money That Bought the Supreme Court Which Could Also Buy the Next Election | China's Troubled Ties With Putin | With American Women Registering to Vote in Record Number, the Need For Care Infrastructure is a Winning Electoral Issue
9/18/20221 hour, 1 minute, 21 seconds
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September 15, 2022 - Michael Binder | Rachel Premack | Nelson Lichtenstein

Ron DeSantis's Politics of Hate is Met By the Politics of Love in Martha's Vineyard | After a Cut of 25% of Workers in 7 Years, Railway Workers Fight Back to Be Able to See a Doctor | How Railway Strikes in 1916 Brought About the 8 Hour Workday
9/15/20221 hour, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork

September 14, 2022 - David Enrich | Paul Sullivan | Emily Channell Justice

The Shadow Power of Trump's Law Firm and the Corruption of Justice | With Russian Gas Cut Off, the Head of the EU Vows "Putin Will Fail, Europe Will Prevail" | Will the Ukrainian Counteroffensive Rout the Russians or Provoke Putin to Use Cyber and/or Nuclear?
9/14/20221 hour, 1 minute, 38 seconds
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September 13, 2022 - Amanda Marcotte | Steven Walt | Sheri Berman

Senator Graham's Attempt at Damage Control for the GOP on Abortion | As Global Order Deteriorates Before our Eyes, a Proposal to Establish a New and Benign Order | The Shift to the Right in Sweden and Across Europe
9/13/20221 hour, 1 minute, 41 seconds
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September 12, 2022 - Michael Weiss | Julian Zelizer | Thomas Mockaitis

Ukraine's Successful Counter Offensive and Pressure on Putin to Take More Desperate Measures | Internal Republican Friction and What it Will Take For the GOP to Abandon Trump | "Biden Was Right: MAGA Ideology is Fascism"
9/12/20221 hour, 3 minutes, 30 seconds
Episode Artwork

September 11, 2022 - Bill Yeomans | Maya Jasanoff | Douglas Rushkoff

The DOJ's Polite Request in Response to the Trump Judge's Indefensible Ruling | The Distinction Between the Queen's Admirable Service and Duty and the Empire and Commonwealth She Served | How the Billionaire Tech "Preppers" Plan to Escape the Apocalypse of Their Own Making
9/11/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 48 seconds
Episode Artwork

September 8, 2022 - Polly Toynbee | Jedediah Purdy

The Death of Queen Elizabeth II and the Royal Family's Future Under a New King Charles | How American Political Culture Disempowers Ordinary Citizens and How to Take Back the Ground We Have Ceded to Anti-Politics
9/8/20221 hour, 1 minute, 2 seconds
Episode Artwork

September 7, 2022 - Paul Carroll | Lisa Graves | Anne Nelson

Now We Learn How Trump Has Endangered Our National Security and Given Aid and Comfort to Our Enemies | Judge Cannon is the Culmination of the Right Wing Project to Capture the Courts to Make Political Rulings in the Name of the Law | The Change in the GOP From National Security Hawks to Lackeys For a Criminal and Traitor
9/7/20221 hour, 4 minutes, 21 seconds
Episode Artwork

September 6, 2022 - Daniel Uhlfelder | Paul Whiteley | David Daley

Trump, Who Has Contempt For the Law, Has an Unqualified Judge He Appointed Give Him More Than He Asked For | After Months of Leadership Paralysis, the UK Has a New PM Who Promises Tax Cuts For the Rich While Most Britons Can't Pay Their Utility Bills | The Role Of Ranked Choice Voting in the Recent Elections in Alaska
9/6/20221 hour, 15 seconds
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September 5, 2022 - Lane Windham | Thom Hartmann | Steven Greenhouse

Good News For Labor With 71% of Americans Approving Unions | Thom Hartmann on The End of Neoliberalism and the Renewal of Social Democracy | How Anti-Union Corporations Delay Contracts After Unionization
9/5/202258 minutes, 47 seconds
Episode Artwork

September 4, 2022 - Harry Litman | Alexander Keyssar | Dr. Sasha Dovzhyk

Trump Will Likely be Indicted But Not Until After the November Elections | Biden's Speech to Save American Democracy Was Too Partisan for the TV Networks | Growing up Next to the Nuclear Plant Now Threatened by Russian Occupiers
9/4/20221 hour, 1 minute, 29 seconds
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September 1, 2022 - Jason Stanley | Lincoln Mitchell | Mikhail Chester

In Tonight's Speech Will Biden Go From Semi Fascist to Full on Fascist in Describing the MAGA Republicans? | Is Fascism in America's Political DNA or Has Trump Brought it Into the Mainstream? | Across the Country Infrastructure is Breaking Down From Underinvestment and Climate Change
9/1/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 35 seconds
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August 31, 2022 - Ilya Yablokov | Stanislav Kucher | Michael Gorham

A Russian Journalist Remembers Gorbachev | Will Russians Eventually See Gorbachev in a Kinder Light? | Internal Battles Within Russia's Security Services
8/31/20221 hour, 3 minutes, 3 seconds
Episode Artwork

August 30, 2022 - Dr. Allen Frances | Nicole Hemmer | Douglas London

In Declaring Himself President Today, Has Trump Lost it? | The Origins of MAGA Republican Radicalism | An Assessment of Ukraine's Offensive in the South and the State of US Intelligence
8/30/20221 hour, 1 minute, 5 seconds
Episode Artwork

August 29, 2022 - Juan Cole | Dr. Richard Alley | Regina Hsu

Iraq on the Brink of Civil War | Inevitably 3.3 % of Greenland's Ice Sheet Will Melt Causing a Global Sea-Level Rise of 10 Inches | The Need to Electrify Diesel-Burning Trucks That Haul Most of America's Interstate Commerce
8/29/20221 hour, 1 minute, 56 seconds
Episode Artwork

August 28, 2022 - Gregory Treverton | Wil Jordan | Richard Hasen

Damning Evidence Against Trump Who Held Onto More Top Secrets Than the Trove Just Revealed in the Unsealed Affidavit | Could the Mar-a-Lago Grifter Posing as Anna de Rothschild be What the KGB Called a "Red Sparrow?" | The Scope of MAGA Voter Suppression and What Can Be Done About It
8/28/20221 hour, 3 minutes, 32 seconds
Episode Artwork

August 25, 2022 - David Victor | Taras Kuzio | Trita Parsi

California Will Ban Gasoline Cars Aiming to be 100% All-Electric by 2035 | An Update Six Months Into a War Russia is Waging Against An Embattled Ukraine | With The Revival of the Iran Nuclear Deal Near, Could MBS Drive up the Price of Oil to Hurt Biden in November?
8/25/20221 hour, 1 minute
Episode Artwork

August 23, 2022 - Jack Blum | Kent Harrington | Bandy Lee

Trump's Amateurish "Special Master" Ploy and the 300 Classified Documents Found at Mar-a-Lago | Hostile Intelligence Services Would Be Remiss in Not Targeting Mar-a-Lago | Does Trump Have the "Samson Complex" in Threatening Civil War if he is Indicted?
8/23/20221 hour, 3 minutes, 56 seconds
Episode Artwork

August 22, 2022 - Brendan Fischer | Nancy MacLean | Douglas Century

The $1.6 Billion in Dark Money Leonard Leo Got to Finance Far-Right Causes | Billionaires Behind Dark Money Can't Openly Sell Their Terrible Ideas to a Public That Doesn't Want Them | Russian Organized Crime's Foothold in the US and Putin's "Street University" as a "Khuligan"
8/22/202255 minutes, 53 seconds
Episode Artwork

August 21, 2022 - Jeffrey Lewis | Cristina Florea | John Gibler

Amid Fears Over Ukraine's Nuclear Plant, Putin Appears Poised to Steal 20% of the Country's Electricity | Fears of Revenge For the Assassination Attempt on the Russian Nationalist Called "Putin's Brain" | The Arrest of Mexico's Former Attorney General In Charge of the Investigation Into the Disappearance of 43 Students
8/21/20221 hour, 1 minute, 31 seconds
Episode Artwork

August 18, 2022 - Marcy Wheeler | Scott Horton | Casey Michel

Florida Judge Rules on Unsealing the Affidavit Subject to DOJ Redaction | The Ramifications of the Trump Organization CFO's Guilty Plea | Senators Cruz and Grassley Make Outrageous Threats Against IRS Personnel
8/18/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 49 seconds
Episode Artwork

August 17, 2022 - Sidney Blumenthal | Jacob Heilbrunn | Stephanie Muravchik

Unanswered Questions Swirling Around the Mar-a-Lago Document Seizure | Has the Law Finally Caught Up to Donald Trump? | Liz Cheney's Wyoming Is Now Trumpland
8/17/20221 hour, 1 minute, 13 seconds
Episode Artwork

August 16, 2022 - Jody Freeman | Michael Greenberger | Susan Greenhalgh

The Climate Bill Biden Signed Into Law Today is a Major Victory | Did Trump Lose His Get-Out-Of-Jail Bargaining Chip With the Seizure of the Documents? | Did Trump's Lawyers Get Hold of Sensitive Software to Undermine Elections in the Name of Protecting Them?
8/16/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 20 seconds
Episode Artwork

August 15, 2022 - Sarah Kendzior | Natalie Southwick

Trump Attacks the FBI Inflaming His Base While Warning the AG "Our Country is on Fire. What Can I do to Reduce the Heat" | The Threat to Journalists in Mexico From Drug Cartels and in Nicaragua From the Ortegas
8/15/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 4 seconds
Episode Artwork

August 14, 2022 - Robert Baer | Joseph Cirincione | David Rohde

Why Did Trump Take the Top Secret Documents and For What Purpose? | An Investigation Into Reports That Trump Took Nuclear Secrets | Trump Tries to Blame the "Deep State" For His Treasonous Behavior
8/14/20221 hour, 56 seconds
Episode Artwork

August 11, 2022 - Sean Wilentz | Grant Stern

Merrick Garland Speaks After Trump Makes Wild Claims About the FBI Whose Office in Cincinnati Was Attacked | A Local Perspective from Miami, Florida on the Mar-a-Lago Raid
8/11/202258 minutes, 36 seconds
Episode Artwork

August 10, 2022 - Caroline Frederickson | Chris Whipple | Abbas Milani

Trump Pleads the 5th as he Doubles Down on Lawlessness to Scam Donations | Other Cases Involving the Theft or Mishandling of Classified Material | Iran's Plot to Kill John Bolton and Another Unnamed Senior Official
8/10/20221 hour, 3 minutes, 48 seconds
Episode Artwork

August 9, 2022 - Peter Strzok | Lloyd Green | Anna Merlan

What Did Trump Take to Mar-a-Lago He Wanted Kept Secret and What Did the FBI Find? | The Party of Law and Order in Complete Submission to Trump's Lawlessness | The Fallout From the Alex Jones Trial
8/9/20221 hour, 5 minutes, 36 seconds
Episode Artwork

August 8, 2022 - John Nichols | Bennett Ramberg | John Mueller

Biden's Big Wins Defy Pundits Who Were Writing His Political Obituary | Russia's Reckless Endangerment of Europe's Biggest Civilian Nuclear Reactors | Putin's Disastrous War in Ukraine is Making Major Wars Less Likely
8/8/20221 hour, 1 minute, 12 seconds
Episode Artwork

August 7, 2022 - Jim Small | Erica Payne | Izabella Tabarovsky

The Trump GOP Sweep in Arizona | The Sellout Senator Sinema Auditions for a Job With Hedge Fund Billionaires | Putin’s Weaponization of History
8/7/20221 hour, 47 seconds
Episode Artwork

August 4, 2022 - James Moore | Oliver Bullough | Jamie Martin

Alex Jones on Trial and His Lawyer's Blunder That Will Prove a Gift to the January 6 Investigation | How the UK Has Become a Haven For Laundering Dirty Money | Many Countries Are Poised to Default as Rising Interest Rates Make Debt Servicing Harder
8/4/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 37 seconds
Episode Artwork

August 3, 2022 - Tiffany Muller | Carol Sanger | Jonathan Weiler

Results From Kansas Signal a Robust National Majority Against the Supreme Court and Republican Legislators | Americans Are in Favor of Settled Law Which the Right Wing Radicals on the Supreme Court Upended | "We Are the Majority: Nothing's the matter with Kansas"
8/3/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 53 seconds
Episode Artwork

August 2, 2022 - Peter Bergen | Perry Link | Bruce Fein

The Drone Strike on Al Qaeda's Leader the Taliban Were Hosting in Spite of Reassurances to the Contrary | Why is Xi Jinping Making Such a Big Deal About Pelosi's Visit to Taiwan? | Why Have Efforts to Bring Trump to Justice Been So Timid and Faltering?
8/2/20221 hour, 2 minutes
Episode Artwork

August 1, 2022 - Henry Giroux | Anders Aslund | Matthew Klein

Ron DeSantis's Nazification of American Education | When Russia Annexes Captured Territory, Will They Consider an Attack On It a NATO Attack on Russia? | The State of the US Economy and Relations With China
8/1/20221 hour
Episode Artwork

July 31, 2022 - Erica Newland | Stephanie Kelton | Andre Pagliarini

The DOJ Prepares to Force Top Trump Officials to Testify About the Insurrection and Trump's Role in It | Are We In A Recession Or Entering One? | Brazil's Bolsonaro Poised to the Violently Contest an Election He's About to Lose
7/31/20221 hour, 1 minute, 58 seconds
Episode Artwork

July 28, 2022 - Tyson Slocum | Robert Hockett | Kim Lane Scheppele

Manchin's Surprise Agreement to a $369 Billion Climate and Tax Increase Deal | While the Fed Frets Over Inflation, Everyone Else Worries About Recession Which the Fed's Actions Make More Likely | Orban Quotes "Pure Nazi Text Worthy of Goebbels" But CPAC Still Wants Him in Dallas Next Week
7/28/20221 hour, 3 minutes, 42 seconds
Episode Artwork

July 27, 2022 - Tom LoBianco | Shelley Rigger | Jayati Ghosh

What is Pence's Strategy in Challenging Trump Without Condemning Him? | Pelosi's Trip to Taiwan Has Created an Unnecessary Crisis in an Already Deteriorating Relationship | The Coming Global Debt Crisis That Won't Stop at Sri Lanka
7/27/20221 hour, 48 seconds
Episode Artwork

July 26, 2022 - Harold Meyerson | Robert McElvaine

Pence and Trump's Dueling Speeches and Some Legislative Victories For Biden | How the Oligarchy Bought the Supreme Court to End American Democracy by Decree
7/26/202259 minutes, 13 seconds
Episode Artwork

July 25, 2022 - James Risen | Kristin Kobes Du Mez | Linc Kessler

Should Crime Reporters Replace Political Reporters in Covering Trump? | The Growing Influence of White Christian Nationalism in the GOP | The Pope Apologizes to Canada's Indigenous Peoples
7/25/20221 hour, 3 minutes, 27 seconds
Episode Artwork

July 24, 2022 - Adele Stan | Sarah Churchwell | Deepa Ollapally

Bannon, the Mini-Me of Grifters, Grandstands After His Conviction | American Fascism Was Never Exorcised, It Was Obscured Beneath Romantic Mythmaking | How the Corrupt and Brutal Rajapaska Family Brought Sri Lanka to Its Knees
7/24/20221 hour, 58 seconds
Episode Artwork

July 21, 2022 - Lisa Graves | William Arkin | Stephen Marche

The Powerful Case Against Trump Must Result in an Indictment and a Trial Even If There Will Be Trumpsters on the Jury | Will Putin's Strategy of a Long War With Ukraine Work? | If the Crimes Revealed by the Jan. 6 Hearings Go Unpunished, Unacceptable Political Behavior Could Become the Norm
7/21/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 34 seconds
Episode Artwork

July 20, 2022 - Rep. Ro Khanna | Julia Gledhill | David de Jong

Rep. Ro Khanna on Democrats More Angry at Biden Than Alarmed by the Embrace of Fascism by Trump’s GOP | The Real Defense Budget of $1.4 Trillion | Comparing German Industrialists’ Support of Hitler With American Plutocrats’ Support of Trump
7/20/20221 hour, 1 minute, 4 seconds
Episode Artwork

July 19, 2022 - George Beebe | Rob Johnson | Mike Lofgren

The Purge at the Top of Ukraine's Intelligence and Prosecutor's Office | With 75% of Americans Seeing Inflation as Their Top Concern, What Will the White House Do to Stop a Wipeout in November? | Will American Plutocrats Support Trump Just As German Industrialists Supported Hilter?
7/19/20221 hour, 1 minute, 32 seconds
Episode Artwork

July 18, 2022 - Alan Morrison | Rachel Rebouché | Dov Waxman

Why Trump Should Immediately be Sued Under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment | The Call For Biden to Declare a Public Health Emergency on Abortion | Enormous Sums Are Pouring Into Democratic Primary Races Over Support For Israel That the Campaign Ads Do Not Mention
7/18/20221 hour, 22 seconds
Episode Artwork

July 17, 2022 - Robert Baer | David Dayen | Corey Brettschneider

Why Did Biden Meet With Middle East Leaders Who Want Trump Back in the White House? | The Futility of Dealing With Joe Manchin Who Just Stymied Biden's Agenda for a Second Time | Why is the DOJ Prosecuting Low-Level Insurrectionists Instead of Those Who Planned and Led the Coup Attempt?
7/17/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork

July 13, 2022 - Zach Despart | Dan Friedman | Shanta Devarajan

The Impact of the Video of Police Inaction While Children Were Being Slaughtered | The Oct. 31, 2020 Leaked Recording Of Bannon Making Predictions That Proved Eerily Accurate | The Crisis In Sri Lanka and the Default on Its $50 Billion Debt
7/14/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 24 seconds
Episode Artwork

July 13, 2022 - Jon Hoffman | Dean Baker | Monica Muñoz Martinez

What Will Biden Gain From Meetings With Middle East Leaders Who Want Trump Back? | Could Alarm Over Inflation Trigger a Recession? | Texas Officials More Concerned Over The Leak of a Video Than Holding Police to Account
7/13/20221 hour, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork

July 12, 2022 - Rachel Kleinfeld | Lara Friedman | Gary Jacobson

How Trump Mainstreamed Violence as a Political Tool | The Centerpiece of Biden's Israel Visit Will Be The Jerusalem Declaration, a US-Israel Strategic Partnership Against Iran | Biden at 44% to Trump at 41% in a 2024 Rerun of the 2020 Election
7/12/20221 hour, 1 minute, 52 seconds
Episode Artwork

July 7, 2022 - Jonathan Stern | Ryan Cooper | Brian Levin

Western Europe Braces For Putin's Permanent Cutoff of Russian Gas | The Political Left is More Focused on Biden's Shortcomings Than a Looming Fascist Takeover | An Assessment of the Upcoming Hearing on Trump's Connections to the Militias
7/11/20221 hour, 3 minutes, 7 seconds
Episode Artwork

July 10, 2022 - Jeff Sharlet | Gaby Goldstein

Inside Trumpworld Civil War Looms in Our Deeply Polarized and Divided Country | The Need For the Democrats to Pay Attention to State Legislature Races
7/10/20221 hour, 25 seconds
Episode Artwork

July 7, 2022 - Chris Whipple | Ben Burgis | Pia Malaney

A New Hearing on January 12 Will Add to the Portrait of a Disastrously Dysfunctional Trump White House | The Texas GOP Explodes the Myth of the Party of Shills For the Plutocracy Caring For Working Americans | The Real Driver of Inflation is Not Worker's Wages But Corporate Price-Gouging
7/7/20221 hour, 1 minute, 21 seconds
Episode Artwork

July 6, 2022 - Paul Whiteley | David Marples | Lawrence Douglas

The UK's Scandal-Plagued Prime Minister Circles the Drain | Under Enormous Pressure From Putin, Belarus Will Soon Enter the War Against Ukraine | SCOTUS is Using the Constitution to Destroy the Very Democratic Governance it Was Designed to Protect
7/6/20221 hour, 1 minute, 22 seconds
Episode Artwork

July 5, 2022 - Jared Holt | Simon Rosenberg | Helen White

The Violent and Macabre Online Posting by the Assassin Who Fired 70 Shots Into a 4th of July Parade | Instead of a Red Wave, The Democrats Could Pick Up 4 New Senate Seats | SCOTUS Could Give Republican State Legislatures Sole Control Over Elections
7/5/20221 hour, 8 seconds
Episode Artwork

July 4, 2022 - Geoffrey Kabaservice | Nicole Huberfeld | Guadalupe Correa-Cabrera

Is Trump Blackmailing the GOP Into Submission Threatening to Run as an Independent? | What Can the Biden Administration Do to Mitigate or Undo the Supreme Court's Assault on Women's Reproductive Rights? | Breaking up the Callous Human Trafficking Network Exploiting and Endangering Migrants
7/4/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 25 seconds
Episode Artwork

July 3, 2022 - Norman Ornstein | Joseph Fishkin & William Forbath

Will Trump Soon Announce He is Running For the Presidency to Get Legal Cover and Fleece the MAGA Crowd? | As We Celebrate the Constitution, Are We Still a Democracy or Have We Become a Plutocracy?
7/3/20221 hour, 3 minutes, 34 seconds
Episode Artwork

June 30, 2022 - Michael Mann | James Van Nostrand | Michael Gerrard

Thanks to the Supreme Court, Will There Be a Liveable Planet in Our Children and Grandchildren's Future? | As Electrical Generators Move Away From Coal, SCOTUS Turns Back the Clock | Will This Unpopular Ruling Motivate the Young to Vote For a Liveable Future?
6/30/20221 hour, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork

June 29, 2022 - Jean Guerrero | David Cay Johnson | Kani Xulam

Our Borderlands With Mexico Are Becoming a Graveyard | The Likelihood That Giuliani and Flynn Will Go To Jail and That Meadows, Clark, Eastman and Trump Will be Indicted | Did Sweden and Finland Sell Out the Kurds in Their Deal With Turkey to Enter NATO?
6/29/20221 hour, 1 minute, 30 seconds
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June 28, 2022 - Paul Campos | Lance Dodes | Daniel Treisman

With Evidence Against Trump Piling Up, Why is he Not in Jail? | Today's Witness Describes a Psychotic Trump Strangling His Bodyguard and Throwing Dishes | An Update on the G-7 Summit Just Ending and the NATO Summit Just Beginning
6/28/202258 minutes, 42 seconds
Episode Artwork

June 27, 2022 - Gloria Browne-Marshall | Scott Horton | Casey Michel

Alito's "Victory for White Life" and the Freakout on the White Right | The Case So Far Presented by the House Select Committee | How American Think Tanks do the Bidding of Their Foreign Patrons
6/27/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 28 seconds
Episode Artwork

June 26, 2022 - Gloria Steinem | Jill Hasday | Michael Greenberger

Gloria Steinem on a New Wave of Activism and Voting Beginning to Swell | State Versus State in a Fight Over Abortion Pills and Interstate Travel | A Radical Supreme Court Just Starting to Enact Its Reactionary Agenda
6/26/20221 hour, 1 minute, 42 seconds
Episode Artwork

June 23, 2022 - Allan Lichtman | Saul Cornell | Brad Snyder

Trump's Pressure Campaign on the DOJ and Pardons Sought by the GOP's Most Ardent Trumpsters | If Today's Supreme Court Ruling Against Gun Safety Had Been in Effect on Jan. 6, Bullets and Bloodshed Would Have Ensued | With Originalists Imposing Government by Judiciary, Liberals Must Find an Alternative Legal Doctrine
6/23/20221 hour, 49 seconds
Episode Artwork

June 22, 2022 - Steven Harper | Nico Luciani | Henri Barkey

The Hearings Portray Trump as a Mafia Boss With Giuliani His Consigliere | Fight Inflation With An Excess Profits Tax to Rein in U.S. Corporate Markups | Erdogan Washes the Blood From MBS's Hands
6/22/20221 hour, 1 minute, 25 seconds
Episode Artwork

June 21, 2022 - Dr. Michael McDonald | Diane Ravitch | Forrest Hylton

More Powerful Testimony From Republican Witnesses Demolish Trump's Election Lies | The Supreme Court Decision to Fund Religious Schools With Taxpayer Money | A Former Guerrilla and Domestic Servant Elected to Lead Colombia
6/21/20221 hour, 32 seconds
Episode Artwork

June 20, 2022 - Jeremi Suri | Dr. Trita Parsi | Philippe Marlière

The Face of Trump's GOP on Display at the Texas Republican Convention | Biden Will Get Nothing in Return For Bowing to the Sociopathic Crown Prince | Far Right Gains and Ruling Party Loses in French Elections
6/20/20221 hour, 3 minutes
Episode Artwork

June 19, 2022 - Lincoln Mitchell | Richard Parker | Sarah Lipton-Lubet

The Critical Tipping Point For Democracy and the Rule of Law America and the World Faces | What the Democrats Can Do As a Perfect Storm of Economic Gloom Approaches | How to Fight Back Against Our Courts Stacked With Far-Right ideologues
6/19/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 21 seconds
Episode Artwork

June 16, 2022 - Jennifer Taub | Robert Hockett | Michael Swaine

The Internal White House Battles Between Pence and His Lawyers and Trump and His Legal Charlatan John Eastman | The Fed's Interest Rate Hike and Its Impact on the Markets and Economy | Growing Tensions Over the Taiwan Straits
6/16/20221 hour, 21 seconds
Episode Artwork

June 15, 2022 - Rick Perlstein | Samuel Moyn | Michael Binder

A History of the Right Wing Grift Machine Now That the "Big Lie" Has Become the "Big Grift" | How the American Majority Can Thwart the Tyranny of the Minority | The Presidential Ambition of Florida's "Grievance Governor"
6/15/202259 minutes, 45 seconds
Episode Artwork

June 14, 2022 - Jonathan Zimmerman | Christopher Leonard

Republicans Don't Trust Teachers to Teach But Trust Them to Have Loaded Guns Around Children with Little Training | Blaming the Fed Instead of Biden For the Economy As the Era of Easy Money For Wall Street Ends
6/14/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 36 seconds
Episode Artwork

June 13, 2022 - John Bonifaz | Daniel Weiner | John Donohue

After Manufacturing the Big Lie, Trump Engineered the Big Ripoff to Fund His Comeback and Intimidate the GOP Into Supporting the Big Lie | Are the Hearings Meant to Educate Americans or Get AG Garland to Indict the Criminal Behind the Coup? | What is In and What is Out of the Senate's Bipartisan Gun Safety Reforms
6/13/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 9 seconds
Episode Artwork

June 12, 2022 - Joseph Lowndes | Shane Burley | Stephen Wertheim

Coordination Between the Proud Boys and the Mob Trump Sent to the Capitol | Trump's Seven-Point Plan to Undo American Democracy | Now That Putin Wants to "Return and Fortify" Russia's Lost Lands, the Fight is Not Just For Democracy But For Sovereignty
6/12/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 46 seconds
Episode Artwork

June 9, 2022 - Federico Finchelstein | Michael Kimmage | Christopher Barrett

An Historian of Fascism on Trump's January 6 Fascist Coup Attempt | Could Ukraine Win Small or Win Big? | The Global Food Crisis Caused by Russian War on Ukraine
6/9/20221 hour, 2 minutes
Episode Artwork

June 8, 2022 - Gary Blasi | Peter Dreier | Lara Bazelon

Homelessness as a Moral Issue Not A Blight the Privileged Have to be Protected From | Adding More Police Will Criminalize a Problem Rooted in Inequality, Poverty and Unaffordability | Are We Seeing a Rebuke of the Progressive Left And a Warning to the Democratic Party?
6/8/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 30 seconds
Episode Artwork

June 7, 2022 - Will Bunch | Eric Wesoff | Laura Carlsen

The January 6 Hearings Will Not Be Like the Watergate Hearings But It Could Expose Trump as a Criminal and a Fascist | Biden Moves to Stop One Defunct Company From Killing the US Solar Industry | A Report From Mexico on Its President's Boycott of the Summit of the Americas
6/7/20221 hour, 23 seconds
Episode Artwork

June 6, 2022 - Josh Horwitz | Javier Corrales | Michael Hiltzik

As More and More Americans Are Killed in Mass Shootings, What Will the Senate Do? | Will This Week's Summit of the Americas Be a Bust? | Will Another Billionaire Real-Estate Developer's $33 Million Buy a Political Office?
6/6/20221 hour, 1 minute, 45 seconds
Episode Artwork

June 5, 2022 - William Arkin | Sarah Leah Whitson | Polly Toynbee

An Assassination Attempt on Putin in March and Cancer Treatment in April | How Much Will the American President Have To Bow Before the Entitled Saudi Thug? | Amid Pomp and Ceremony, a Majority of Young Britons Want an Elected Head of State
6/5/20221 hour, 21 seconds
Episode Artwork

June 6, 2022 - Michael Mann | Philip Alpers | David Halperin

How People Power Trumped the Murdoch Press and How Ranked-Choice Voting Could Revive Our Democracy | How After Mass Shootings, 3 Nations Radically Reduced Gun Massacres | After Relieving Debts of $5.8 Billion For 560,000 Defrauded Students, $1.7 Trillion in Student Debt Remains
6/2/202259 minutes, 35 seconds
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June 1, 2022 - Paul Pillar | Lawrence Korb | Harry Litman

Are We Heading Into a New Cold War With Russia? | Biden's Decision to Deploy U.S. Rocket Systems In Ukraine | After 3 Years the Failure to Prove Barr's Trumpworld Fantasy That Trump Was Spied On
6/1/20221 hour, 1 minute, 39 seconds
Episode Artwork

May 31, 2022 - Patrick Blanchfield | Nicholas Heras | Emma Ashford

Amid Growing Outrage Over Police Inaction as Kids Were Slaughtered, What Might The Senate Do About Guns? | Biden Decides Not to Send Offensive Weapons Systems to Ukraine | The E.U. Will Block Most Russian Oil Imports by the End of the Year
5/31/20221 hour, 2 minutes
Episode Artwork

May 30, 2022 - Lucian Truscott IV | Norman Naimark

Although We Arm Police With Military Equipment, 19 Officers Stood By As 19 Kids and 2 Teachers Were Slaughtered | Will Democracies Remain United As Putin Intensifies His Destruction of Ukraine?
5/30/20221 hour, 1 minute, 37 seconds
Episode Artwork

May 29, 2022 - Angela Stent | Christopher Atwood | Marci Shore

Putin Digs in For a Long War While His Security Services Tighten Control of Russia | Russia is Inciting Genocide and Violating the U.N. Genocide Convention | Ukrainians Are Fighting For All Who Believe in Democracy and the Rule of Law
5/29/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 32 seconds
Episode Artwork

May 26, 2022 - James Moore | Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz | Sarang Shidore

Now Governor Abbott Wants More Action on Mental Health After Calling on Texans to Buy More Guns, Tweeting "Let's Pick up the Pace Texans" | Our Gun Culture and Its Historical Roots | The Chinese Foreign Minister's Tour of Pacific Island Nations Has the U.S. and Australia Alarmed
5/26/20221 hour, 7 minutes, 44 seconds
Episode Artwork

May 25, 2022 - Lydia Camarillo | Jonathan Metzl | Jo-Marie Burt

Following Today's Thoughts and Prayers Press Conference, Abbott and Cruz Will Join Trump at Friday's NRA Convention | Blaming Mental Health, Not the Availability of Weapons of War in the Hands of Teenagers | Dealing With the Root Causes of Immigration From Central America
5/25/20221 hour, 38 seconds
Episode Artwork

May 24, 2022 - Jared Yates Sexton | Ruth Ben-Ghiat | Mark Wolfe

Primaries in Georgia as 14 Children and 1 Teacher are Shot Dead in a Texas Elementary School | Pessimism as a Weapon Authoritarians Use to Defeat Hope | The Urgent Need to Lower the Price and Increase the Availability of Solar Panels
5/24/20221 hour, 3 minutes, 11 seconds
Episode Artwork

May 23, 2022 - Shelley Rigger | Robert Kuttner | Anthea Butler

No More Strategic Ambiguity When it Comes to China Invading Taiwan | The New Indo-Pacific Economic Framework and Is SCOTUS About to Gut the SEC? | Sexual Abuse Inside The Church That Is Not Without Sin But Casts the First Stone
5/23/20221 hour, 1 minute, 10 seconds
Episode Artwork

May 22, 2022 - Robert Baer | Helen Thompson

How U.S. Intelligence Missed Putin and the Takeover of Russia by the Security Services | Oil continues to rise as MBS and MBZ collude with Putin to turn American voters against Biden to bring back Donald Trump
5/22/20221 hour, 1 minute, 42 seconds
Episode Artwork

May 19, 2022 - Jonathan Martin & Alexander Burns | John Nichols

The Authors Who Revealed Tapes of Top Republicans Speaking as Patriots in Private But Traitors in Public | The Supreme Court OK's Bribing Senators and The Israel Lobby Goes After Minority Congresswomen They Deem as Too Progressive
5/19/20221 hour, 21 seconds
Episode Artwork

May 18, 2022 - Charles Kupchan | Dr. Terry Madonna | Lloyd Green

The Need to Focus on Ending the War in Ukraine Over a Push For Victory | The Results of Yesterday's Primaries in Pennsylvania | The Competition to be the Furthest Out on the MAGA Fringe of Trump's GOP
5/18/20221 hour, 1 minute, 2 seconds
Episode Artwork

May 17, 2022 - Thomas Mockaitis | Kenneth Dekleva | Jamie Martin

The Need For Media Outlets Like Fox News and the Murdoch Family to Take Responsibility For What They Air | A Former State Dept. Profiler of the Mental And Physical Health of World Leaders on Putin's Health | Is Raising Interest Rates the Best and Only Tool to Fight Inflation?
5/17/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 2 seconds
Episode Artwork

May 16, 2022 - Jason Stanley | Molly White | Anders Åslund

Texas's Social Media Censorship Law and Elon Musk Owning Twitter Will Allow More Racist Hate Speech Like the "Great Replacement" Theory | Last Week's Crash of Cryptocurrency That Wiped Out a Lot of Users' Life Savings | Sweden's Entry Into NATO Along With Finland's
5/16/20221 hour, 20 seconds
Episode Artwork

May 14, 2022 - Karen Greenberg | David Phillips & Madeleine Joelson | Ian Morris

Top Republicans Are Patriots in Private But Traitors in Public | An Axis of Autocrats While Orban, Ergogan and Senator Rand Paul Act as Pro-Putin Spoilers | How Central Asia Could be the Key to Driving a Wedge Between Russia and China
5/15/202259 minutes, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork

May 12, 2022 - David Hearst | Kim Lan Scheppele | Andrew Noymer

Israel's Killing of a Popular Al Jazeera Journalist Roils the Palestinian Territories | Orban's Hungary is the Lone Holdout as the E.U. Moves to Ban Russia Oil | The U.S. Passes the Grim Milestone of One Million Covid Deaths
5/12/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 10 seconds
Episode Artwork

May 11, 2022 - Jim Manley | Max Chafkin | Michael Gorham

Today's Senate Vote Binding Republicans to the Radical Supreme Court's Pending Ruling | Elon Musk Admits That Once He Owns Twitter, He Plans to Bring Back Trump | Looking For Signs of a Lessening of Patriotic Fervor as the War Goes Badly For Russia
5/11/20221 hour, 3 minutes, 37 seconds
Episode Artwork

May 10, 2022 - Lisandro Claudio | Daniel Treisman | Katherine Stewart

The Philippines' Strongman Problem With the Return of the Marcos Kleptocracy | With No End in Sight, Putin Will Turn to More Drastic Means in Ukraine | The Christian Nationalist Takeover of Our Judicial System
5/10/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 7 seconds
Episode Artwork

May 9, 2022 - Stephen Marche | Christopher Mitchell | Dulcie Leimbach

Will the Supreme Court Spark Civil Unrest in This Election Year? | Broadband for 48 Million Low Income Households Welcome But Not Enough | Corruption and Impunity at a Little-Known U.N. Agency
5/9/20221 hour, 1 minute, 8 seconds
Episode Artwork

May 8, 2022 - Miles Taylor | Robert Young Pelton

The Growing Influence of the Pro-Putin Republicans in Trump's GOP | The Russia, Saudi, UAE Alliance Against the United States and Democracy
5/8/20221 hour, 3 minutes, 22 seconds
Episode Artwork

May 5, 2022 - Moira Donegan | Oleh Kotsyuba | James Galbraith

Republican Moves to Ban Medication Abortion Which is 54% of all Abortions | Rumors Putin Has Cancer and is Crazy Allow Him a Nuclear Advantage | The Economic and Political Consequence of the Fed Interest Rate Hike
5/5/20221 hour, 6 minutes, 16 seconds
Episode Artwork

May 4, 2022 - Lisa Graves | Caroline Frederickson | Laura Thornton

Alito's Opinion Opens the Door to Overturning Laws Protecting Rights to Privacy | The Legislative Path Forward to Protect Abortion Rights | The DHS IG Reports On Trump's 2020 Russia Coverup as Pro-Putin Republicans Try to Shut Down the DHS Disinformation Board
5/4/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 9 seconds
Episode Artwork

May 3, 2022 - Michele Goodwin | Ilya Yablokov | David Kotz

Alito's Leaked Draft Opinion Overturning Roe and Casey | The Five Conspiracy Theories Putin Has Weaponized | The Dilemma Putin's Ukraine War Has Created For the U.S. Left
5/3/20221 hour, 3 minutes, 16 seconds
Episode Artwork

May 2, 2022 - Gideon Levy | Angelo Carusone | Jeffrey Frankel

Russia's Foreign Minister Lavrov's Ignorant Racism Infuriates Israel | The Murdoch Family Are Fully Onboard Tucker Carlson's Racist Propaganda | National Security and Environmental Concerns Over Dependence on Russia Could be a Win-Win
5/2/20221 hour, 41 seconds
Episode Artwork

May 1,, 2021 - Rupert Russell | Cristina Florea

How Escalating Commodity Prices Will Cause a Decade of Global Turmoil | Can Putin Be Fairly Described as a Fascist?
5/1/20221 hour, 1 minute
Episode Artwork

April 28, 2022 - Robert Baer | Tyson Slocum | Dean Baker

Does Putin Have a Samson Complex and Will He Use a Nuke on Ukraine? | What is Driving the Price of Commodities, Especially Oil | How Bad Are Today's Economic Numbers For Biden and the Democrats in the Midterms?
4/28/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 45 seconds
Episode Artwork

April 27, 2022 - Jonathan Stern | Michael Greenberger | Jonathan Katz

What's Next After Russia Cuts Off Gas to Poland and Bulgaria? | The Most Revealing Episode to Emerge From the January 6 Insurrection | Is Putin About to Expand the War Into Moldova?
4/27/20221 hour, 1 minute, 44 seconds
Episode Artwork

April 26, 2022 - George Beebe | Daniela Shwarzer | Cleo Paskal

Options For Ending the War in Ukraine | At the 40 Nation Meeting in Germany Scholz Pledges Heavy Weapons to Ukraine | A Secret Agreement Between China and the Solomon Islands Has the U.S. and Australia Worried
4/26/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 19 seconds
Episode Artwork

April 25, 2022 - David Carroll | Lawrence Gostin | Christina Ponsa-Kraus

A Mega-Billionaire Buys a Public Media Company to Take it Private in the Name of Democracy? | First OSHA Now the CDC, SCOTUS and Trump Judges are Deconstructing the Administrative State | What the Supreme Court's Decision on Puerto Rico Could Open the Door to
4/25/20221 hour, 28 seconds
Episode Artwork

April 24, 2022 - Michael Weiss | Tom LoBianco | David Andelman | Jonathan Taplin

Putin's Russia Now a Complete Mafia State | Will Kevin McCarthy Pay a Price For Being a Liar and a Coward? | An Update on the French Presidential Election | The Shakeup Among Streaming Services and Obama's Charge Silicon Valley is "Turbo-Charging Humanity's Worst Impulses"
4/24/20221 hour, 3 minutes, 49 seconds
Episode Artwork

April 21, 2022 - Anna Grzymala-Busse | Hans Kristensen | Rebecca Roiphe

The Gap Between the German Government's Promises and What They are Not Delivering to Ukraine | Putin's Nuclear Saber-Rattling With the Launch of His Satan 2 ICBM | What is Going on with The Manhattan DA Who Shut Down the Trump Probe Which he Denies
4/21/20221 hour, 48 seconds
Episode Artwork

April 20, 2022 - Bill Browder | Anne Nelson | James Henry

One of the Few People to Stand Up to Putin Who Are Still Alive | The Shadow Network Behind the Judge Who Ended the CDC's Mask Mandate | DOL About to Ban Repeat Felon Credit Suisse From Pension Fund Management
4/20/20221 hour, 3 minutes, 53 seconds
Episode Artwork

April 19, 2022 - William Arkin | Michael D'Antonio

On May 9 Victory Day Could Putin Announce a Ceasefire and Declare Victory? | Is the Already Mentally Unstable Trump Getting Even Crazier?
4/19/202258 minutes, 24 seconds
Episode Artwork

April 18, 2022 - Anna Merlan | Paul Keil | Emily Channell-Justice

The Heartless and Vile Liar, Alex Jones Tries to Avoid Paying the Parents of the Children Massacred at Sandy Hook | How the U.S. Tax System is Making Inequality Worse | Russian Nationalists and a Public Indoctrinated by Bloodthirsty Propaganda Want Putin to Destroy Ukraine
4/18/20221 hour, 1 minute, 21 seconds
Episode Artwork

April 17, 2022 - Simon Shuster | Yascha Mounk | Gary Gerstle

A Report From Kyiv Ahead of the Decisive Battle For the Donbas | Amid Republican Anti-immigrant Grandstanding, a Case for Diversity and an Inclusive Patriotism | The Rise and Fall of Neoliberalism
4/17/20221 hour, 4 minutes, 25 seconds
Episode Artwork

April 14, 2022 - Derek Shearer | Victor Pickard | Ryan Cooper

Russia Threatens and Warns Finland and Sweden Not to Join NATO | Elon Musk Wants to Buy Twitter For $43 Billion Then Bring Back Trump | Does the NYPD Need More Than 3,500 Transit Cops and Its $11 billion Budget?
4/14/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork

April 13, 2022 - Saul Cornell | Timothy Frye | David Faris

SCOTUS Will Soon Make it Easier to Arm Mass Shooters on New York Subways | The Decisive Battle in Ukraine Putin is Determined to Win and Can't Afford to Lose | A Path to Stop the Authoritarian Takeover of American Democracy
4/13/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 55 seconds
Episode Artwork

April 12, 2022 - Stanislav Kucher | Gregory Treverton | Juan Cole

With Putin at 83% Approval in the Polls, Will the War in Ukraine Bring Him Down? | How Can Ukraine and Europe Stop Trading With the Enemy and Financing the War Against Them? | The Best Way to Defeat Putin is to Deliver on the Green New Deal
4/12/20221 hour, 52 seconds
Episode Artwork

April 11, 2022 - Annelle Sheline | Philippe Marlière | Robert Bell

While Republicans Obsess About Hunter Biden, MBS Rewards Jared Kushner With $2 Billion Over Objections From the Saudi Sovereign Wealth Fund | Can Macron Win Back the 22% of Voters on the Left He Has Alienated? | As Europe and Ukraine Trade With the Enemy Financing the War Against Them, Solar and Wind Stand Out as the Cheapest and Quickest Solutions
4/11/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 32 seconds
Episode Artwork

April 10, 2022 - Keith Darden | Ron Fein | David Neiwert

Facing Defeat, Russia Mobilizes for the Decisive Offensive in Eastern Ukraine | The Lawyer Leading the Fight to Take Insurrectionist Members of Congress Off the Ballots | The Consequences of the Failure to Convict the Wolverine Watchmen Who Plotted to Kidnap and Kill Governor Whitmer
4/10/202259 minutes, 58 seconds
Episode Artwork

April 7, 2022 - Lincoln Mitchell | Barmak Nassirian | Carol Sanger

The War in Ukraine Could Last For Months If Not Years | As Long as Students Are Exploited For Profit, Extending the Moratorium on Student Debt Does Not Solve the Problem | Oklahoma's Punitive Abortion Ban Anticipates SCOTUS Overturning Roe
4/7/20221 hour, 4 minutes, 33 seconds
Episode Artwork

April 6, 2022 - Julia Davis | David Kaye | Garrett Epps

An Analyst Who Exposes Russian Propaganda, Watching it For 8 Hours a Day | Russian Propaganda Takes a Sinister Turn, Now It's All Ukrainians, Not Just the Government Who Are Nazis | The Continuing Smears Against Ketanji Brown Jackson and Public Defenders
4/6/20221 hour, 54 seconds
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April 5, 2022 - Kenneth Roth | Taras Kuzio | Christine Fair

Zelensky's Call For a Nuremberg Tribunal Accusing the Russian Military of Behaving Like Nazis | The Brainwashing of the Russian Military and the People About Fighting Nazis When it's Their Government, Leaders and Soldiers Who Act Like the Nazis | Pakistan's PM Imran Khan's Desperate Fight to Hold Onto Power Now That the Army Has Dumped Him
4/5/20221 hour, 5 minutes, 42 seconds
Episode Artwork

April 4, 2022 - Rebecca Hamilton | L. Gordon Crovitz | Harold Meyerson

Prosecuting Putin For Going to War and Then Committing War Crimes | The U.S. Has Tools to Stop Russian Propaganda Which We Are Not Using | The David Versus Goliath Victory Over Amazon to Unionize a Warehouse
4/4/20221 hour, 1 minute, 7 seconds
Episode Artwork

April 3, 2022 - Kim Lane Scheppele | Marlene Laruelle | David Victor

Today's Hungarian Election as a Test Case For America's Democratic Future | The Russian Philosophers and Intellectuals Who Influence Putin's Thinking | Instead of Finding More And More Oil and Gas, We Should be Investing in More Clean Energy
4/3/20221 hour, 5 minutes, 33 seconds
Episode Artwork

March 31, 2022 - David Knight Legg | Bruce Bueno de Mesquita | Fred Wertheimer

Is Putin's Real Target in Ukraine the Energy Riches in the East of the Country? | How Much is Putin Vulnerable to a Backlash from Parents of Dead Sons? | "Finally, a Road Map to Hold Trump Accountable?"
3/31/20221 hour, 2 minutes
Episode Artwork

March 30, 2022 - Gerard Toal | Ruth Ben-Ghiat | Paul Ehrlich

What Territorial Division of Ukraine Might Emerge From Peace Talks | Hungary's Orban Avoids the Taint of His Toxic Pal Putin Ahead of Sunday's Election | Climate Catastrophes in Australia Which is Led by a Global Warming Denier
3/30/20221 hour, 37 seconds
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March 29, 2022 - Andrew Feinberg | Lindsay Koshgarian | Eliot Borenstein

The Seven Hour Gap in Trump's White House Phone Records on January 6 | Putin's Culture Wars and His American "Family Values" Allies | Defense Spending Gets 2 Out of Every 3 Dollars in Biden's FY 2023 Budget
3/29/20221 hour, 1 minute, 20 seconds
Episode Artwork

March 28, 2022 - Christopher Chivvis | Olga Lautman

Biden Tries to Make Clear He Was Expressing Moral Outrage, Not Calling For Regime Change in Russia | An Expert Analysis on the Ties Between Russia's Intelligence Services and Organized Crime
3/28/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 19 seconds
Episode Artwork

March 27, 2022 - Michael Kimmage | Kathryn Stoner | Leah Litman

Biden's Call to Remove Putin and is Russia's Main Objective to "Liberate" the Donbas? | How to Get Around Putin's Orwellian Grip on Information Inside Russia | What to Do About a Supreme Court Justice's Wife Involved in Insurrection
3/27/20221 hour, 4 minutes, 56 seconds
Episode Artwork

March 24, 2022 - Kimberly Wehle | Kate Mackintosh | R. Daniel Kelemen

American Law and Government Are Under Attack by the Radical Right in Concert With Our Right Wing Supreme Court | Assessing U.S. Evidence of Russian War Crimes in Ukraine | In Stressing Steps He Will Not Take in Ukraine, Has Biden Emboldened Putin?
3/24/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 40 seconds
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March 23, 2022 - Erwin Chemerinsky | Robert Mackey | Richard Hasen

A Second Day of Sleaze and Slime From Republican Senators | Putin's Totally Orwellian State and the Bioweapons Lie Fox News Echoes | The Undermining of American Democracy by "Cheap Speech"
3/23/20221 hour, 3 minutes, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork

March 22, 2022 - Lisa Graves | Douglas London | Benn Steil

Republican Attack Dogs Try to Portray Judge Jackson as Soft on Pedophiles | Is Putin's Purge an Attempt to Preempt a Coup Against Him? | Will Freezing Russian Reserves Cause Blowback Against the Dollar as the Reserve Currency?
3/22/202259 minutes, 50 seconds
Episode Artwork

March 21, 2022 - Natalie Jaresko | John Burgess | Matthew Klein

A Case for More Sanctions On Putin For the Death and Destruction he is Inflicting on Ukraine | The Role of Religion in Russia's War Against Ukraine | Can the Autocracies Work Around the Dollar as the Global Reserve Currency?
3/21/20221 hour, 4 minutes, 14 seconds
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March 20, 2022 - Casey Michel | Alfred McCoy

Hitting Back at Putin Where it Hurts | How Long Will the Xi - Putin Bromance Last?
3/20/20221 hour, 4 minutes, 52 seconds
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March 17, 2021 - David Hearst | Steven Harper | Steven Greenhouse

Saudi Arabia's Arrogant and Entitled MBS Adds Injury to his Insulting Behavior Towards the U.S. | Trump Targets Secretaries of State in His War on American Democracy | Good News For a Change on the Labor Front
3/17/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

March 16, 2022 - Emma Ashford | Michael Newton | Gregory Koblentz

Having Been Fought to a Standstill, Russia Now Appears Interested in Peace | Biden Calls Putin a War Criminal as Mounting Evidence in Ukraine Makes the Case | The Possibility Russia Might Use Chemical Weapons in Ukraine
3/16/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 10 seconds
Episode Artwork

March 15, 2022 - Thomas Berger | Jacob Heilbrunn | Alan Zibel

The Change in German Attitudes to Russia and Three Prime Ministers Show up in Kyiv | Many Republican and a Few Democratic Hawks are Animated by the War in Ukraine | As Oil Prices Dip, Price Gouging and Profiteering Continues
3/15/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 23 seconds
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March 14, 2022 - Zack Cooper | Ian Johnson | Dr. Sumit Ganguly

How Far Will Xi Jinping Go in Supporting His Fellow Dictator Putin? | Possible Blowback Against China's Support of Putin | Why is India's Modi Siding With Putin?
3/14/202259 minutes, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork

March 13, 2021 - Dr. Pavel Felgenhauer | Malcolm Nance | Cole Smith

A Moscow-Based Defense Analyst on How the Ukrainians Are Winning So Far | An Assessment of the Military Situation From an Analyst Who Surveyed the Terrain | A Perspective From a U.S.A.F. Nuclear Missile Operator on Putin's Possible Use of WMD's
3/13/20221 hour, 1 minute, 11 seconds
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March 10, 2022 - Jeffrey Lewis | James Goldgeier | Karen Greenberg

Is Putin's Nuclear Alert a Bluff and Could He Cross the Nuclear Threshold by Firing a Tactical Nuke? | Will the $7 Billon in Arms For Ukraine the Congress Just Passed Hold Putin Off? | The War in Ukraine as a Window Into Our Increasingly Endangered Planet
3/10/20221 hour, 4 minutes, 18 seconds
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March 9, 2022 - Oleh Kotsyuba | Sarah Leah Whitson | Jennifer Taub

An Appeal to Western Academic and Cultural Institutions to Sever Ties With Putin's Oligarchs | After 50 Years of U.S. Support, the Saudi and Emirati Leaders Stiff Biden | Has Trump Again Skirted the Law With the Manhattan DA Poised to Drop Cases Against Him?
3/9/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 47 seconds
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March 8, 2022 - Peter Bergen | Ilya Zaslavskiy | Tom Kloza

An Analysis of Ukraine's Military Capabilities | The Influence of Money From Putin's Oligarchs on U.S. Politics | Biden Bans Russian Oil So As Not to Subsidize Putin's War
3/8/20221 hour, 1 minute
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March 7, 2022 - Craig Unger | Thomas Homer-Dixon | David Smilde

The Consequences Today of Trump's 40-Year-Long Effort to Help Russia by Getting the U.S. Out of NATO | The Impact of the War in Ukraine on Global Food Supply | Replacing Russian Oil With Venezuelan Oil in a Global Ban on Putin's Oil and Gas Exports
3/7/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 49 seconds
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March 6, 2022 - Nicholas Heras | Jason Stanley | Michael Kazin

Putin's Strategy to Weaponize Refugees | The Fascist Autocrat and Leader of the Global Far-right is Trying to Restore Soviet Power in a Fascist Form | As Ukrainians Suffer the GOP Blames it all on Biden's Alleged "Weakness"
3/6/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 4 seconds
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March 3, 2022 - Dr. Louise Shelley | Thomas Mockaitis | Harry Litman

The Limits of Sanctions and Going After Putin's Enablers Like Trump | Ukrainian Civilians Will Increasing Become Putin's Targets | A Criminal Collusion Case is Building Against Trump For Obstructing Government
3/4/20221 hour, 2 minutes
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March 2, 2022 - Marci Shore | Scott Horton | James Risen

Is Putin, Like Many Tyrants in History, Mentally Ill? | Dissent Among Russia's Top Intel and Military Officials Who Likely Leaked War Plans | The GOP is Torn Between Putin Haters and Putin Lovers Like Trump
3/3/20221 hour, 1 minute, 18 seconds
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March 1, 2022 - William Arkin | Thomas Nichols | Jeremi Suri

A Leading Military Expert on Russia's Seige of Kyiv and Kharkiv | How to Respond to Putin's Nuclear Provocation | Will Tonight's State of the Union be Biden's "Ich bin ein Ukrainian" Moment?
3/1/20221 hour, 1 minute, 9 seconds
Episode Artwork

February 28, 2022 - Emily Channell-Justice | David Marples | James Moore

Why Ukrainians Are Fighting and What They Are Fighting For | The Belarus Dictator Welcomes Russian Nukes and Offers up his Army to Putin | Massive Texas GOP Voter Suppression is Working With 46% of Mail-in Ballots Rejected
3/1/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 38 seconds
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February 27, 2022 - Col. Alexander Vindman | Keith Darden | Charles Kupchan

Colonel Vindman on Ukraine's Military Situation and the Prospects For Diplomacy | Russia Goes to Full Nuclear Alert as Putin's Invasion Suffers Setbacks | Could the Czar in the Kremlin's Brutal Miscalculation be the Beginning of the End For Putin?
2/27/20221 hour, 4 minutes, 45 seconds
Episode Artwork

February 24, 2022 - Nina Khrushcheva | Anders Åslund | Moisés Naím

Why Did Putin Start a War Against Ukraine and What Will He Get Out of It? | Assessing the Sanctions Announced Today by President Biden | Putin and How Dictators are Reinventing Politics For the 21st Century
2/24/20221 hour, 3 minutes, 23 seconds
Episode Artwork

February 23, 2022 - Steven Pifer | Daniel Treisman | Jack Blum

Ukraine Calls Up Reservists as Putin Moves Forces Into Donbas | Will Putin Cross the Line of Control and Provoke a Shooting War With Ukraine? | Will Rudy Giuliani Give up Others Except Trump to the January 6 Committee?
2/23/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 40 seconds
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February 22, 2022 - Simon Shuster | Mike Lofgren | Amy Myers Jaffe

Has Putin Become Even More Hawkish Than His Sycophantic Coterie? | How Trump's GOP Mirrors Putin's United Russia Party | Biden Warns of a Spike in Gas Prices as He Sanctions Russia
2/22/20221 hour, 6 minutes, 35 seconds
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February 22, 2022 - Alexander Cooley | Bartlett Naylor | Simon Rosenberg

In An Angry Speech Putin All But Declares War on Ukraine | The Leak of Dictator's $100 Billion in Credit Suisse, Often Originating as US Foreign Aid | How the Democrats Can Avoid an Electoral Wipeout in the Midterms
2/21/20221 hour, 41 seconds
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February 20, 2022 - Alexander Motyl | Michael Gorham | Lee Fang

Russian Military Preparations for an Invasion of Ukraine Intensify | How Propaganda is Preparing the Russian People For War With Their Neighbor | Lawyers Line Up For a Slice of the $3.5 Billion of the Afghan People's Assets
2/20/20221 hour, 4 minutes, 20 seconds
Episode Artwork

February 17, 2022 - Gregory Treverton | James Henry | Kevin Kumashiro

Rumors of War Intensify as Putin Has No Reason to Invade Ukraine | How Effective Would Sanctions be Against the $2 Trillion in Russian Capital Flight Abroad? | The Nationwide Attack on School Boards
2/17/20221 hour, 1 minute, 10 seconds
Episode Artwork

February 16, 2022 - Annelle Sheline | Tara Connolly | Annie Bird

The Saudis Stiff Biden's Effort to Lower the Price of Gas at the Pump | How To Get Europe Off Russian Gas and Reduce Global Warming | The Former Honduran President's Perp-Walk on His Way to a U.S. Prison to Join His Brother
2/16/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 44 seconds
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February 15, 2022 - Joshua Shifrinson | Bennett Ramberg | Stanley Greenberg

Could Ukraine Become Finlandized? | The Danger of Ukraine's 15 Nuclear Power Reactors Being Struck or Their Back-up Power Cut Off | How to Reverse the Democrats' Loss of Working-Class Voters
2/15/20221 hour, 4 minutes, 54 seconds
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February 14, 2022 - Michael Kimmage | Gilbert Rozman | Justin Gest

NATO Should Not Expand Eastward For Its Own Sake, Not Russia's | Could the U.S. Find Itself in Two Cold Wars, the One We Have With Russia and Another With China? | Why Latinos Are Turning to the Republican Party and What Democrats Can Do About It
2/14/20221 hour, 1 minute, 42 seconds
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February 13, 2022 - Adam Tooze | Zack Kopplin | Jen Senko

With Warnings War Could Break Out on Wednesday, Ukraine's Other Problem is Its Economy | 23 Million Afghans Face Starvation While We Decide What to do With Their Money | Fox's Propaganda is Undermining Our Military and National Security
2/13/20221 hour, 6 minutes, 7 seconds
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February 10, 2022 - Joseph Cirincione | Julian Zelizer | Max Chafkin

The Shadow of Nuclear Weapons Looming Over the Ukraine Crisis | Trump's Ripping, Burning and Toilet Flushing of Protected Documents | Trump Ally Peter Thiel's $5 Billion Deployed to Elect Trumpsters to House and Senate
2/10/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 22 seconds
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February 9, 2022 - David Kramer | Christopher Shaw | Zachary Carter

Strategies to Prevent a War in Ukraine and Soft Power Alternatives to Reach the Russian People | Good News From Congress That Will Save the U.S. Postal Service | The Economy is Good, Actually, But the Fed Might Reverse Gains For Working Americans
2/9/20221 hour, 3 minutes, 36 seconds
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February 8, 2022 - Chris McGreal | Kenneth Dekleva | Rob Ford

Big Oil Representatives a No-Show a House Oversight Hearing Today | Should Biden Negotiate Like Putin? | Has Boris Johnson Just Gone One Scandal Too Far?
2/8/202259 minutes, 34 seconds
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February 7, 2022 - Andrew Cohen | David Andelman | Thomas Berger

Right Wing America Cheers Canada's Truckers But Canadians Prefer the Loss of Liberty to the Loss of Life | Putin and Macron's Marathon Meeting Which Might Yield Results | The Leaders of Germany and America Try to Show a United Front
2/8/20221 hour, 1 minute, 14 seconds
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February 6, 2022 - Stephen Wertheim | Anne Nelson | Robert Lipsyte

Finding a Path to Back Away From Brinkmanship Over Ukraine | The Shadow Network Behind the Right Wing Takeover of America Underway | The Sleazy Secrets and Unsportsmanlike Conduct of the NFL
2/6/202258 minutes, 48 seconds
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February 3, 2022 - Dr. Allen Frances | Michael Weiss

The Crisis of American Sanity As We Tolerate Our Own Division and Destruction | Updates From a Leading Expert on ISIS Just Back From Ukraine
2/3/20221 hour, 1 minute, 21 seconds
Episode Artwork

February 2, 2022 - Nicholas Mulder | Timothy Sayle | Jessica Lee

What Kind of Sanctions and Will They Work Against Putin? | Russia and America's Different Interpretation of the History of James Baker's "One Inch" Remark | The Need to Resume Talks With Kim Jong-un and His Dramatic Weight Loss
2/2/20221 hour, 47 seconds
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February 1, 2022 - Peter Strzok | Amanda Starbuck | Sheila Krumholz

With Trump the GOP Frontrunner, Are We Heading For Putin-style Gangster Government? | What Can Be Done To Stop Corporate Price Gouging | Big Oil Rewards Senator Sinema For Killing Build Back Better Which Manchin Pronounced Dead Today
2/2/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 10 seconds
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January 31, 2022 - Jennifer Mercieca | Dulcie Leimbach | Max Bergmann

In Incendiary Racist Demagoguery, Trump Threatens Civil War if He is Indicted | Today's UN Security Council Deliberations on Russia's Threats to Ukraine | How Should the US Respond if Russia Invades Ukraine
1/31/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 18 seconds
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January 30, 2022 - Nestor Gomez | Brad Adams | Jonathan Katz

Will the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill Meet the Infrastructure Crisis With 43,000 Unsafe Bridges Nationwide? | Multinational Oil Companies Cut Off Revenues to the Burmese Junta | Similarities Between the Plot Smedley Butler Exposed and the January 6 Coup Attempt
1/30/20221 hour, 8 minutes, 37 seconds
Episode Artwork

January 27, 2022 - Emily Channel-Justice | Rob Jackson | Ryan Cooper

Understanding Putin's Mindset and Why He Won't Accept Ukrainian Sovereignty | Your Gas Stove is Killing You and Your Planet | Why Americans are Detached and Alienated From the Purpose of Government
1/27/20221 hour, 1 minute, 52 seconds
Episode Artwork

January 26, 2022 - Aziz Huq | David Dayen | Robert Hockett

Lessons Learned From RBG With Justice Breyer Retiring From the Supreme Court | What Biden Can Accomplish With Executive Orders | The Fed Signals Interest Rates Will Go Up in March
1/26/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 34 seconds
Episode Artwork

January 25, 2022 - Peter Pomerantsev | Steven Levitsky | Carlos Lauría

How to Penetrate Putin’s Wall of Propaganda Inside Russia Instead of Feeding It | Our Increasingly Incendiary Politics and the Spark of a Rigged Election That Will Ignite Political Violence | A Murdered Journalist Who Asked Mexico’s President for Protection
1/26/20221 hour, 4 minutes, 54 seconds
Episode Artwork

January 24, 2022 - Anders Åslund | Kevin Carey | Martin Carnoy

Mounting Russian Military Preparation as Ukraine Disperses its Army in Readiness For Guerrilla War | The Supreme Court Targets Affirmative Action | How the Politics of White Grievance is Infecting American Education
1/24/20221 hour, 1 minute, 40 seconds
Episode Artwork

January 23, 2022 - Dr. Pavel Felgenhauer | Astra Taylor | Daniel Uhlfelder

Russia's Military Industrial Complex and Hawkish Generals Driving the War Party | How Do Democrats Get Out the Vote and Motivate Their Demoralized Base? | Florida's Thuggish Governor to Form His Own Election Police Force
1/23/20221 hour, 2 minutes
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January 20, 2022 - Lisa Graves | Peter Goodman | Donald Cohen

SCOTUS Slouches Towards Right Wing Lunacy with a Maskless Gorsuch and Clarence Thomas's Sole Dissent | The Author of Davos Man: How Billionaires Devoured the World | The Links Between Privatization and the the Undermining of Rights, Freedom and Democracy
1/20/20221 hour, 6 minutes, 12 seconds
Episode Artwork

January 19, 2022 - David Cay Johnston | David Feinberg | Thomas Zimmer

The New York AG Lays out a Pattern of "Fraudulent and Misleading" Practices by the Trump Organization | Biden's Second Press Conference on the Eve of His First Year in Office | An Expert on Democracy and Its Discontents on America's Slide Into Authoritarianism
1/20/20221 hour, 19 seconds
Episode Artwork

January 18, 2022 - Christopher Chivvis | Paul Glastris | Valeria Sinclair-Chapman

A War Between Russia and Ukraine Will Likely Break Out Within Weeks | Biden's First Year in Office at a Time His Domestic Agenda is Stalled and Poll Numbers Are Sinking | The Apparently Futile Senate Debate to Change the Filibuster Rules
1/19/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 8 seconds
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January 17, 2022 - Anthea Butler | Sam Pizzigati | Dr. Alan Robock

On MLK Day Rancor From African American Leaders at Senators Sinema and Manchin | The World's 10 Richest Men Double Their Wealth While 160 Million More Are Pushed Into Poverty | With Tonga Covered in Ash, the Effects of Volcanic Eruptions on Climate
1/17/20221 hour
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January 16, 2022 - Kimberly Wehle | Spencer Sunshine | Toby Miller

The Supreme Court's Power Grab Puts the Authority of All Government Departments and Agencies in Jeopardy | "Seditious Conspiracy" Charges Against the Oath Keepers and Their Plans to Hold the Capitol | Prince Andrew Blows Up The British Royals' Symbiotic Relationship With the Tabloids
1/16/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 32 seconds
Episode Artwork

January 13, 2022 - William Haseltine | Jonathan Metzl | Rodolfo Espino

In a Deadly Ruling the Supreme Court Takes the Public Out of Public Health | The Politicization of Public Health Has Led To the Defiance of Common Sense and Science | Senator Sinema's Death Blow to Biden Ensures GOP Voter Suppression Will Doom Her Party
1/14/202257 minutes, 37 seconds
Episode Artwork

January 12, 2022 - Garrett Epps | Richard Briffault | Aya Gruber

Could Biden and the Democrats Have Stopped the "Big Lie" Just After January 6? | Will Biden's Speech Change Minds in the Senate? | Does the Ruling Against Prince Andrew Mean He Will Pay Off His Accuser Before the Trial Goes Public?
1/12/20221 hour, 32 seconds
Episode Artwork

January 11, 2022 - Fred Wertheimer | Sally Denton | Taras Kuzio

Biden Gets Tough on Voting Rights and Republican Obstruction Via the Filibuster | The 1933 Coup Attempt Against FDR and Today's Plots By Plutocrats | What a War Between Russia and Ukraine Might Look Like
1/12/20221 hour, 5 minutes, 29 seconds
Episode Artwork

January 10, 2022 - Peter Stone | Thomas Homer-Dixon

Has Bannon's Precinct Strategy Caught the Democrats Napping? | A Warning From a Scholar of Violent Conflict That the U.S. Is Heading for a Dictatorial Takeover
1/10/20221 hour, 25 seconds
Episode Artwork

January 9, 2022 - Michael Greenberger | Barbara Walter

The Homeland Security Election Year Landscape in Which Violence is Expected | Is a New American Civil War Led By Trump the "Ethnic Entrepreneur" Possible or Inevitable?
1/9/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 21 seconds
Episode Artwork

January 6, 2022 - Elie Honig | Robert Pape | Sidney Blumenthal

Biden Accuses Trump of Holding "A Dagger at the Throat of America" | Who the January 6 Insurrectionists Really Were As the Movement Moves From the Far Right Fringes to the Mainstream | The Coup Plot Preceded Jan. 6 and Failed So the Insurrection Was Plan B
1/6/20221 hour, 4 minutes, 38 seconds
Episode Artwork

January 5, 2022 - Aaron Rupar | John Bonifaz | Richard Hasen

Even Fox's Sean Hannity Could Not Get Through To Trump That He Lost the Election | The Campaign to Bar Jan.6 Insurrectionists From Future Public Office | Democracy As We Know It Could Come To An End In 2024
1/5/20221 hour, 3 minutes, 50 seconds
Episode Artwork

January 4, 2022 - William Arkin | Constanze Stelzenmüller | Stephen Marche

The Untold Story of Top Secret Teams Sent to Protect the Capitol on Jan. 6 | How Germans See the Challenges to American Democracy From Within | How the Next Civil War is Already Here But We Refuse to See It
1/4/20221 hour, 1 minute, 51 seconds
Episode Artwork

January 3, 2022 - Michael Gorham | Scott Horton | Ian Haney López

Putin and Biden and NATO Continue to Speak Past Each Other Ahead of Talks in Geneva | The DOJ's Failure to Stop the Rewriting of History of Jan. 6 and Putin's Ties to Trump | What Patriotic Americans Can Do to Save Their Democracy From the Resurgence of Plutocratic Populism
1/3/20221 hour, 3 minutes, 10 seconds
Episode Artwork

January 2, 2022 - Harry Litman | Deborah Tuerkheimer | Michael E. Hayden

Will Merrick Garland's Caution Allow the Insurrectionists to Get Away With Treason? | Will Maxwell Give Up the Rich and Powerful Who Availed Themselves of Epstein's Sex Trafficking? | The New Year in Which the Heavily Armed Hard Right Will Dig In
1/2/20221 hour, 47 seconds
Episode Artwork

December 30, 2021 - Jan-Werner Müller | Sean Wilentz | John Nichols

Background Briefing's September 5, 2021 broadcast on the Global Growth of Plutocratic Populism | Our October 25, 2021 Broadcast on the Red State Secession to Create a Permanent Tyranny of the Minority | The December 8, 2021 Broadcast Trying to Understand the Hate and Anger-Filled Trump Party With No Policies, Plans or Platform
12/30/20211 hour, 26 minutes, 28 seconds
Episode Artwork

December 29, 2021 - Chas Freeman | Adam Weinstein | Fiona Hill

Background Briefing's April 28, 2021 Broadcast on China and the Middle East With Veteran Diplomat Chas Freeman | An August 26, 2021 Broadcast with an Analysis of Biden's Afghanistan Withdrawal From a Marine Who Served There | Background Briefing's October 12, 2021 Broadcast With Fiona Hill on Her Journey From the Coal House to the White House
12/29/20211 hour, 22 minutes, 39 seconds
Episode Artwork

December 28, 2021 - Rob Wallace | Jonathan Metzl | Adam Tooze

Background Briefing's March 1, 2021 Broadcast on the Origins of Covid-19 | Our July 14, 2021 Broadcast on How Republicans Don't Believe You Have a Right to Vote, But You Do Have a Right To Infect | The September 3, 2021 Broadcast on How the Pandemic Provides an Opportunity to Rebuild a New Society Not Preserve the Old
12/28/20211 hour, 13 minutes, 17 seconds
Episode Artwork

December 27, 2021 - Michael Mann | Srecko Horvat | Laurie Laybourne-Langton

Background Briefing's Feb 3, 2021 Broadcast on Polluters Trying to Blame Climate Change on Personal Responsibility and Not the Fossil Fuel Industry | Our Broadcast From May 24, 2021 With the Philosopher/Author of After The Apocalypse | The November 14, 2021 Broadcast on How Our Fragile Planet Hangs By a Thread With a Meek and Weak COP 26 Agreement
12/27/20211 hour, 26 minutes, 24 seconds
Episode Artwork

December 26, 2021 - Will Sommer | Rep. Adam Schiff | Kathleen Belew

Background Briefing's January 6, 2021's Broadcast With a Reporter on the Ground Who Covered the Storming of the Capitol | The Congressman Who Led the Second Impeachment of Trump on Insurrectionists in Suits from the October 17 Broadcast | How QAnon, Stop the Steal and White Supremacy Coalesced Around Trump From the November 9 Broadcast
12/26/20211 hour, 7 minutes, 20 seconds
Episode Artwork

December 23, 2021 - Rachel VanLandingham | Lawrence Douglas

Dealing With the Threat of Political Extremism Within the Ranks of the Military | The Plot to Destroy America From Within
12/23/20211 hour, 1 minute, 7 seconds
Episode Artwork

December 22, 2021 - Rev. Dr. Liz Theoharis | Richard Parker

Celebrating the Birth of Jesus and the Poor People's Campaign | Reviving Build Back Better and Saving American Democracy
12/22/20211 hour, 3 minutes
Episode Artwork

December 21, 2021 - Robert Kuttner | Alfred McCoy

Will Putin be Trapped Into War With Ukraine By His Own Hawkish Rhetoric? | The Geopolitical Upheavals Ahead From Climate Change
12/21/20211 hour, 37 seconds
Episode Artwork

December 20, 2021 - James Van Nostrand | Karen Dolan | Barry Barish

Manchin's Death Blow to the Biden Agenda is Not About Cost But About Stopping Alternative Energy | Manchin Criminalizes Poverty Claiming Child Tax Credits Used to Buy Drugs | A Nobel Laureate Who Signed a Letter Urging Biden to Cut the Nuclear Arsenal
12/20/20211 hour, 35 seconds
Episode Artwork

December 19, 2021 - Arthur Caplan | Charles Stewart | Paul Pillar

Will Omicron Overwhelm Us and Will SCOTUS Uphold Employer Vaccination Mandates? | Could Voting Rights Bills Head Off the GOP Tsunami of Voter Suppression? | Israel's Intel Chiefs Decry Netanyahu and Trump's Tearing up of the Iran Nuclear Deal
12/19/20211 hour, 1 minute, 14 seconds
Episode Artwork

December 16, 2021 - Paul Waldman | Daniel Rogers | Gilbert Rozman

If or When Will Biden's Build Back Better Bill Pass Now That it is Shelved Until Next Year | A Blow to a Veteran of the Senate Adding to the Exaggerated Perception of a Failing Presidency | Could Russia and China Form an Enduring Alliance Against the U.S.?
12/17/20211 hour, 25 seconds
Episode Artwork

December 15, 2021 - Samuel Moyn | Lloyd Green | Michael Swain

Time is Running Out For Senate Democrats on Election Reform and Build Back Better | The Race Between the Law Catching Up On Trump and Rigging the Vote to Ensure His Comeback | The Virtual Summit Between China's Xi and Russia's Putin
12/15/20211 hour, 5 minutes, 10 seconds
Episode Artwork

December 14, 2021 - Debbie Berkowitz | Will Bunch | Ruth Ben-Ghiat

Workers at the Candle Factory and the Amazon Warehouse Were Not Allowed to Seek Shelter From Deadly Tornadoes | The Dickensian Disregard for Workers American Employers and Supervisors Have | Liz Cheney Implies Trump Could Eventually be Charged for the Insurrection
12/14/20211 hour, 45 seconds
Episode Artwork

December 13, 2021 - Jennifer Marlon | John Allen | Thomas Bollyky

Will More and More Extreme Weather Events Make Climate Change a Clear and Present Danger? | Why do Tornadoes Now Happen in the Winter Instead of the Spring? | The Grim Milestone of 800,000 Covid Deaths in America
12/13/20211 hour, 51 seconds
Episode Artwork

December 12, 2021 - James Risen | Naomi Oreskes | Jennifer Pribble

The Dire Implications For Press Freedom in the Extradition of Julian Assange | Big Oil's Global Warming Strategy From Climate Denial to Climate Delay | Pinochet's Ghost Emerges With the Son of a Nazi Running For President of Chile
12/12/20211 hour, 2 minutes
Episode Artwork

December 9, 2021 - Steven Feldstein | Robert Shapiro | Daniel Ziblatt

The White House Heads-of-State Zoom Meeting for Democracy | The Health of Our Own Democracy Under Attack From Trump's GOP | In Spite of Biden's Successes, the Perception of Failure Persists
12/9/20211 hour, 2 minutes, 13 seconds
Episode Artwork

December 8, 2021 - Michael Sandel | John Nichols

The American Political Philosopher the New Chancellor of Germany Consulted | Trying to Understand the Trump Party Propelled by Hate and Anger With no Policies, Plans or Platform
12/8/20211 hour, 3 minutes, 22 seconds
Episode Artwork

December 7, 2021 - Laura Thornton | Daniel Treisman | Jared Holt

As the White House Hosts a Summit for Democracy, American Democracy is Under Attack by the GOP | An Assessment of Today's Biden and Putin Virtual Summit | The Chances of Success For Trump's Social Media Venture Headed by Dairy Farmer and Loyalist Devin Nunes
12/7/202159 minutes, 50 seconds
Episode Artwork

December 6, 2021 - Lydia Camarillo | Michael Beer | Sean Roberts

The Attorney General Takes on Texas Republicans Over Their Brazenly Racist Redistricting | Myanmar's Military Mafia Sentences the Country's Former Civilian Leader | The Diplomatic Boycott of the Beijing Winter Olympics Announced Today
12/7/202158 minutes
Episode Artwork

December 5, 2021 - Steven Pifer | Dick Lehr | David Cay Johnston

The Presidents of the U.S. and Russia Will Speak on Tuesday as Putin is Poised to Invade Ukraine | The Rise of Political Hatred in the Pro-Trump Red States | Trump Made $1.7 Billion While in Office While Jared and Ivanka Brought in $640 Million
12/5/20211 hour, 2 minutes
Episode Artwork

December 2, 2021 - Jared Olson | Robert McChesney

A Narco-Dictatorship is About to be Transformed Into a Social Democracy | How Public Funding Could Save American Journalism Where it Began, at the Local Level
12/2/202157 minutes, 44 seconds
Episode Artwork

December 1, 2021 - Sherry Colb | Michael McDonald | Joshua Douglas

The Supreme Court Appears Ready to Restrict Abortions or Overrule Roe | An Expert Witness the University of Florida Barred From Testifying Against Gov. Ron DeSantis' Voting Restrictions | The Attacks on the 2024 Election Are Already Underway
12/1/20211 hour, 12 seconds
Episode Artwork

November 30, 2021 - David Rothkopf | Trita Parsi | Ronnie Yearwood

Reports Emerge That Trump Played a Hands-on Role in the Coup Attempt | Mixed Messages From Iran as the Nuclear Talks Resume | Barbados Cuts Ties With the British Crown to Become a Republic
12/1/202159 minutes, 36 seconds
Episode Artwork

November 29, 2021 - David Pepper | Dr. Stanley Perlman | Annie Bird

Democrats Are Asleep as the Republicans Quietly Rig the Vote | Mixed Messages About the New Covid Variant Omicron | An Overwhelming Victory to Oust the Narco-Dictator in Honduras
11/29/202159 minutes, 33 seconds
Episode Artwork

November 28, 2021 - Shannon Bennett | Philippe Marlière | Sarah Williams

The New Variant of Covid the WHO Has Designated as Omicron | Boris Johnson's Shameful Grandstanding Over the Channel Crossing Tragedies | 1.8 Million Central American Refugees in 5 Years Each Year Pay $2.2 Billion to Smugglers
11/28/20211 hour, 2 minutes, 50 seconds
Episode Artwork

November 25, 2021 - Rev. Billy | Stephan Schwartz

Thanksgiving for the Earth and Stopping Shopping on Black Friday | What We Can Be Thankful For and Aspire to Become
11/25/202159 minutes, 39 seconds
Episode Artwork

November 24, 2021 - Lincoln Mitchell | Ekow Yankah

The Alleged Rift Between VP Harris and the White House is the Last Thing Biden Needs | Guilty Verdicts in the Ahmaud Arbery Case Come as a Relief to Many
11/24/202159 minutes, 48 seconds
Episode Artwork

November 23, 2021 - Alan Leveritt | Tyson Slocum | Mike Konczal

The Attack on the First Amendment From ALEC's Anti-boycott Laws | The U.S., China, India, Japan, South Korea and the U.K. Tap Into Their Strategic Petroleum Reserves | An Appraisal of President Biden's Speech Today on Inflation
11/23/20211 hour, 9 seconds
Episode Artwork

November 22, 2021 - Edward McCaffery | Georg Diez | Samuel Charap

Democrats' Tax Bill Helps Blue State Millionaires While Leaving Billionaires Unscathed | Anti-vaxxer Violence in Europe and Mandatory Vaccination in Austria | Fears of a War Between Russia and Ukraine as the U.S. Ignores Putin's Red Lines
11/22/202158 minutes, 25 seconds
Episode Artwork

November 21, 2021 - Ruth Conniff | James Van Nostrand | Aluf Benn

Open Season on Left Wing Demonstrators by Right Wing Vigilantes Sanctioned by Self Defense Laws and Now Considered Heroes | Build Back Better Now in the Hands of Senator Joe Manchin | The Editor-in-chief of Haaretz on the UCLA Conference on Israel's National Security
11/21/20211 hour, 37 seconds
Episode Artwork

November 18, 2021 - Jonathan Cohn | Robert Hockett | Matt Angle

Big Pharma's Blitz to Weaken Biden's Build Back Better Bill | The History of Combating Inflation and Replicating FDR Today | Can Democrats Overcome Gerrymandering and Voter Suppression to Win Texas?
11/18/202159 minutes, 28 seconds
Episode Artwork

November 17, 2021 - Patrick Blanchfield | Chris Arnade | Anne Marie Lofaso

Will an Acquittal of Rittenhouse Embolden the 30% of Republicans Who Believe Violence is Necessary? | The Defiance of Back Row Americans Who Consider Being Unvaccinated a Badge of Honor | Trump's Vengeance Tour in West Virginia Against a GOP Rep. Who Voted For the Infrastructure Bill
11/17/20211 hour, 26 seconds
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November 16, 2021 - Thomas Carothers | Jennifer Taub | Mandy Smithberger

Backsliding Among the World's Democracies | White Collar Crime Moves From the Freezer to the Front Burner at the DOJ | The CBO Outlines 3 Ways to Cut $1 Trillion From the Pentagon
11/16/202159 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

November 15, 2021 - Perry Link | Anders Aslund | Rep. Ruben Gallego

A Virtual Summit of America's Messy Democracy Versus Xi Jinping's Efficient Autocracy | Is Putin Poised for a Knockout Blow of Ukraine's Shaky Government? | How the January 6 Insurrection Was a Flashback For a Congressman Who Fought in Iraq
11/15/20211 hour, 3 minutes, 22 seconds
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November 14, 2021 - Laurie Laybourn-Langton | William Yeomans | Annelle Sheline

Our Fragile Planet Hangs By a Thread With a Meek and Weak COP 26 Agreement | Bannon Will Likely Refuse to Testify and Instead Go To Jail as a Martyr | Is the Saudi Crown Prince the Main Driver of Inflation Dogging Biden?
11/14/20211 hour, 4 minutes, 51 seconds
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November 11, 2021 - Ion Meyn | Matthew Lawrence | Benn Steil

The Judge in the Rittenhouse Trial Tips the Scales For an Acquittal | After a Disappointing COP26 Climate Activists Must Now Double Down | Xi Jinping's "Historic Declaration" As He Rolls Back the Clock
11/11/20211 hour
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November 10, 2021 - Katheryn Russ | Michael Gerrard | Sam Quinones

Exaggerated Fears of Inflation and Keeping Powell at the Fed | COP26 Draft Agreement Seen as Too Little Too Late | Prosecutors Seek Murder Charges in the Fentanyl Epidemic Killing Teenagers
11/10/20211 hour, 1 minute, 18 seconds
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November 9, 2021 - Adam Klasfeld | Kathleen Belew | David Marples

The Jan. 6 Committee Drops 10 Subpoenas Today After Issuing 6 on Monday | QAnon, Stop the Steal and White Supremacy Coalesce Around Trump | Refugees Used as Pawns by the Belarus Dictator as Border Tensions Increase
11/9/20211 hour, 29 seconds
Episode Artwork

November 8, 2021 - Robert Baer | Dr. Stephie Wooldhandler | Charles Gaba

The Latest Twist in the Tangled Tale of Trump's Ties to Putin | Are Republicans Killing Americans For Political Gain? | The Covid Death Toll Between Red and Blue America Grows Wider and Faster
11/8/20211 hour, 20 seconds
Episode Artwork

November 7, 2021 - Robert Stavins | Anatol Leiven | Joel Rogers

An Assessment of the Work So Far at the COP 26 Climate Conference | Great Power Competition is in the Way of the Real National Security Threat, Climate Change | Exaggerated Alarm at the Alleged Demise of the Democrats
11/7/20211 hour, 11 seconds
Episode Artwork

November 4, 2021 - Jacob Heilbrunn | Stephen Farnsworth | Ben Freeman

Trump Appears to Have Failed to Block Documents For the 1/6 House Investigation | Democrat's Blame Each Other for Losses in Virginia | The FEC's Appalling Decision to Allow Foreign Money to Corrupt State Ballot Initiatives
11/4/202156 minutes, 55 seconds
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November 3, 2021 - Amy Fried | Amanda Marcotte | Jake Charles

Dog Whistles Worked for Republicans in Virginia While Intraparty Fighting Hurt the Democrats | Can the GOP Run Two Campaigns in 2022, One For the Trumpsters and a Youngkin-like One? | SCOTUS Seems to Want Red State Gun Laws in Blue State
11/3/202156 minutes, 52 seconds
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November 2, 2021 - Andrew Revkin | Basav Sen | Robert Johnson

COP26 Agreements on Cutting Methane and Ending Deforestation | How Climate Agreements Impact the North-South Divide | The Worsening Standoff Between Manchin and Sinema and House Progressives
11/2/202157 minutes, 35 seconds
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November 1, 2021 - Dean Baker | Aziz Huq | Natalie Jackson

Manchin Throws a Grenade Into Biden's and the Democrats' Hopes and Plans | SCOTUS Hears The Texas Abortion Law Which Has a Lot in Common With the Fugitive Slave Act | An Alarming New Survey on Our Divided and Increasingly Delusional Populace
11/1/20211 hour, 27 seconds
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October 31, 2021 - Daphne Wysham | Sydney Blumenthal | Andrew Cockburn

Solutions at the COP 26 Conference to Remove Atmospheric Methane | Virginia's Trial Run For the GOP to Campaign on the "Critical Race Theory" Lie | No $3.5 Trillion to Build Back America, But For the Next 10 Years, the Pentagon Gets $9 Trillion
10/31/202159 minutes, 29 seconds
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October 28, 2021 - Jim Manley | Lauren Windsor | Tracey Lewis

Biden Implores His Fellow Democrats to Accept the Slimmed-down $1.85 Trillion Reconciliation Bill | The Real John Eastman Praises His Memo For the Trump Coup Attempt | Oil Executives Deny Global Warming Disinformation While Funding Attack Ads Against Democrats Who Support Climate Change Initiatives
10/28/202159 minutes, 13 seconds
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October 27, 2021 - Todd Gitlin | Morris Pearl | Erica Payne

An Open Letter by Prominent Progressives and Conservatives to Save American Democracy From Trump's GOP | Manchin Boasts to a Billionaire Tax Cheat That he Stopped the IRS From Taxing Them
10/27/20211 hour, 17 seconds
Episode Artwork

October 26, 2021 - Carlton Larson | Anna Massoglia | Steve Howard

Does Sedition or Treason Apply to Trump, Bannon and Members of Congress Behind the Planning of January 6? | We "Follow the Money" Behind the Financing of January 6 | An Expert on Sudan on the Military Coup Leader and his Backers in the Gulf
10/26/202158 minutes, 30 seconds
Episode Artwork

October 25, 2021 - Sean Wilentz | Ali Alyami | Henri Barkey

The Red State Succession to Create a Permanent Tyranny of the Minority | Top Saudi Intelligence Official Calls MBS a Psychopath Threatening His People, Americans and the Planet | Erdogan Walks Back Kicking Out 10 Western Ambassadors as Turkey's Economy Takes a Hit
10/25/20211 hour, 42 seconds
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October 24, 2021 - Lawrence Lessig | Lincoln Mitchell | Carol Sanger

How Facebook Turns Conservatives Into Extremists | Will Delivering on Biden's Promises Lead to Victory in the Midterms? | Again The Supreme Court Refuses to block Extreme Texas Abortion Law
10/24/20211 hour, 5 minutes, 56 seconds
Episode Artwork

October 21, 2021 - John Dean | Alexander Keyssar | Ryan Cooper

John Dean On How Bannon Is "Up to His Eyeballs" in January 6 and So Is Trump | The Next Step For Senate Democrats After Republicans Kill Manchin's Freedom to Vote Act | Democratic Dithering is Hurting Biden's Popularity
10/21/202158 minutes, 17 seconds
Episode Artwork

October 20, 2021 - Casey Michel | David Faris | Rachel Cleetus

Why the U.S. is the Kleptocrats Preferred Destination to Launder Billions | Is the Secretary of Defense Opening the Door for Ukraine to Enter NATO? | Coal Makes a Comeback as Manchin Blocks Clean Alternatives
10/20/20211 hour, 40 seconds
Episode Artwork

October 19, 2021 - Geoffrey Kabaservice | Lydia Camarillo | Aaron Scherb

Colin Powell's Passing As a Metaphor For the Death of Republican Moderation | Texas's Nakedly Racist, Greedy and Undemocratic Redistricting Maps | Do Democratic Politicians in Washington Realize Trump's GOP Wants to Drive Them Into Extinction?
10/19/202159 minutes, 20 seconds
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October 18, 2021 - Jane McAlevey | Brian Concannon | Cas Mudde

Labor Fights Back Against Inequality With 176 Strikes Launched So Far This Year | As Haiti Collapses, Kidnapping and Extortion Now Claims U.S. Missionaries | Inside the Far-Right International Network Ted Cruz and Tucker Carlson Are Embracing
10/18/20211 hour, 3 minutes, 16 seconds
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October 17, 2021 - Bill McKibbon | Adam Schiff | George Magnus

Manchin Holds Biden Hostage to Coal Ahead of the UN Climate Conference | Congressman Adam Schiff on the Insurrectionists in Suits Threatening Our Democracy | Xi's "Common Prosperity" Hoax and the Faltering of The Chinese Economic Miracle
10/17/20211 hour, 4 minutes, 41 seconds
Episode Artwork

October 14, 2021 - Harry Litman | Miles Taylor | Nader Hashemi

Trump Faces a Deposition as Bannon Defies a House Subpoena | The Resistance Movement of the Rationals Against the Radical in the GOP | Iran Stalls the Nuclear Talks as it Moves Closer to a Nuclear Weapon Israel Will Not Tolerate
10/14/20211 hour, 3 minutes, 26 seconds
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October 13, 2021 - Amy Myers Jaffe | J.W. Mason | Mike Kugelman

Relieving the Bottlenecks in the Supply Chain While Not Giving in to Panic Over Inflation | What is Behind the Rise in Oil and Gas Prices | How to Help the Afghan People Avoid Starvation While Not Recognizing the Taliban
10/13/20211 hour, 5 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork

October 12, 2021 - Aaron Rupar | Fiona Hill | Justin Vaughn

Trump on the Stump in Iowa Running for the Presidency He Claims He Never Lost | Fiona Hill's Journey From the Coal House to the White House | Idaho's Governorship, a Clash Between the Old and the New GOP
10/12/20211 hour, 39 seconds
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October 11, 2021 - Lawrence Gostin | David Halperin | David McClotsky

A Better Way to End the Covid Nightmare | Finally the Government is Cracking Down on the Taxpayer-Funded Crooks of the For-Profit Colleges | A Former CIA Analyst on What Could Have Been Done to Prevent the Syria Tragedy
10/11/202159 minutes, 10 seconds
Episode Artwork

October 10, 2021 - Frank Vogl | Patrick Wyman

The Continuing Fallout From the Pandora Papers | The Less Discussed Elite, Trump's American Gentry
10/10/20211 hour, 41 seconds
Episode Artwork

October 7, 2021 - Simon Rosenberg | Shelley Rigger | Ryan Devereaux

Intra-party Democratic wrangling is Hurting Biden and the Chances of Holding the House and Senate | China's Escalating Military Pressure on Taiwan Could Get Out of Hand | While Arms From the U.S. Flow to Mexican Criminals, the U.S. Sells Guns To The Mexican Marines
10/7/20211 hour, 3 minutes