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America Out Loud PULSE

English, Health / Medicine, 1 season, 184 episodes, 8 hours, 52 minutes
America Out Loud Network © – America Out Loud PULSE brings together top experts in healthcare-related fields to keep you a beat ahead. Extraordinary voices for extraordinary times.
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Predatory Rulers! Moving the world toward Totalitarianism

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Peter & Ginger Breggin – Don’t turn away from this show because it talks about “conspiracies” and “banking,” As individuals, we have been taught that “conspiracies” don’t exist and that “banking” is too complicated to understand. Neither is true. Banking can be easily understood as a conspiracy, the banking conspiracy, that oligarchs use to keep turning the screws of power on humanity. Who is Uwe Alschner?
2/3/202459 minutes, 1 second
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100 Calls for Pandemic Truth and Justice – Q&A 100

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Peter McCullough and Malcolm – Questions for the 100th show. Why is so much made of an accidental lab release of covid and so little - is it possibly being an act of stealth war on the world? Is there research being done on the side effects of vaccine shedding? What shocked you the most during the COVID-19 pandemic? What made you the most upset? If you could go back to the beginning, would you have done anything differently?
2/2/202458 minutes, 38 seconds
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Defining Death! With Heidi Klessig, MD

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Marilyn Singleton – Exploring the evolving definition of death in medical science, We delve into the ethical complexities of organ transplantation and patient rights. The rise of euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide, alongside advancements like CPR and mechanical ventilation, challenges us to balance technological progress with humanity. Join me as we discuss these critical issues, emphasizing the...
1/31/202458 minutes, 23 seconds
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Fighting back against the global assault on humanity

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Peter & Ginger Breggin – In this compelling interview, Major General Paul Vallely sheds light on the global assault against humanity's well-being and freedom. We explore threats from international cartels to political and economic domination, discuss COVID-19's impact, and address America's role as the last bastion of liberty. Join us in understanding these pressing issues and uniting for our nation's defense.
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Will the vaccinated die within 5 years? God is bigger than any vaccine! …and Q&A 99

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Peter McCullough and Malcolm – You spoke about the 5-year window of concern for the vaccinated. After 5 years, would you say you’re in the clear? Is it safe to take natto if your blood platelet count is low? Have the vaccinated had their DNA changed with the mRNA jabs, and will they all die within 3 to 5 years? How come some people die from a shot from a certain batch, yet others, getting shots from the exact same batch, are fine?
1/26/202459 minutes
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Living longer is great! But we need reforms to reduce dependency – Long Term Care solutions

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Marilyn Singleton – About 8 million people 65 and older (20 percent) reported that they had dementia or difficulty with basic daily tasks like bathing and feeding themselves. Worse yet, about 3 million of them had no assistance at all. Family or friends were their only option. But these days, family members are scattered across the country, and your friends may be in as poor physical health as you are...
1/24/202457 minutes, 36 seconds
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Disease X is a work of fiction

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Harvey Risch – In today's conversation with Mr. Paul Thacker, an esteemed investigative journalist, we delve into the murky waters of the biosecurity industry. We examine its dubious methods of sustaining fear through propaganda about impending pandemics. As COVID-19 variants lose their scare factor, we uncover how the fear-industrial complex is escalating its efforts to maintain public anxiety...
1/21/202458 minutes, 48 seconds
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Living with love in a time of tyranny

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Peter & Ginger Breggin – Our talk ranges from the destructive and highly organized nature of the global attack on humanity and what the globalists must be like inside themselves to how do we go on living and loving despite the grim future that we fear is coming. Dr, Garcia has already had a personal taste of our future, when the New Zealand medical board tried to make an example of him for standing up for informed consent and other individual rights...
1/20/202458 minutes, 36 seconds
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One step closer to understanding Long COVID …and Q&A 98

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Peter McCullough and Malcolm – Have the vaccinated had their DNA changed with the mRNA jabs, and will they all die within 3 to 5 years? Could the spike detox destroy the mRNA and could the spike protein test be a proxy that the mRNA has been destroyed? Dr McCullough, are all the vaccinated going to die of cancer?
1/19/202458 minutes, 58 seconds
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Do we really need to take so many pharmaceuticals? Richard Amerling, MD

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Marilyn Singleton – The doctor is not always right. In a trusting relationship, your doctor will welcome your questions and offer that you get another opinion. He or she will not be insulted if you ask whether the treatment is really necessary. Never feel rushed unless there is a real emergency. It’s your body; the final choice is up to you. One of the things I can thank Covid for is that it exposed the flaws in the “follow the science” mantra...
1/16/202458 minutes, 17 seconds
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Biowarfare Research: CDC identifies more than 200 lab leaks yearly!

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Harvey Risch – Today, we talk about whether or not the COVID-19 virus was a product of our Biowarfare-Industrial Complex and why we are still doing biowarfare research when the CDC routinely identifies more than 200 lab leaks or other lab accidents every year. Dr. Harvey Risch in conversation with Dr. Meryl Nass...
1/14/202457 minutes, 16 seconds
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The FDA’s sham support of poisoning the American public

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Peter & Ginger Breggin – For those of you who understandably find it hard to believe that there is a global governance trying to force itself fully upon the world by weakening all resistance from the least threat to them, which is us — we lace into Katherine Watt’s presentation a brief history of world empires since the dawn of civilization. Under the guise of public health, they unleashed upon us a supposed mRNA “vaccine,” but in reality...
1/13/202458 minutes, 42 seconds
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The House Select Subcommittee tightens the noose on Fauci …and Q&A 97

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Peter McCullough and Malcolm – Chairman Brad Wenstrup issued a statement: "Dr. Fauci's testimony today uncovered drastic and systemic failures in America's public health systems," he said. "While leading the nation's COVID-19 response and influencing public narratives, he simultaneously had no idea what was happening under his own jurisdiction at NIAID...
1/11/202459 minutes, 22 seconds
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The down-and-dirty business of medical care! Joel Strom, DDS and Kenneth Schell, D.Pharm

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Marilyn Singleton – The down-and-dirty business of medical care is starting to make the news as much as the end result: high costs. Five insurance companies control half the market. Now there is a proposed merger between two of them. Do buy-outs and mergers help or hurt patients? We are going to discuss the good, the bad, and the ugly of what is under the surface of medical care...
1/10/202458 minutes, 22 seconds
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Why doesn’t it feel like the COVID Emergency is over? Dr. Drew Pinsky with Dr. Harvey Risch

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Harvey Risch – Dr. Harvey Risch in conversation with Dr. Drew Pinsky, Dr. Drew. Just like a few people have been left with "long-COVID" syndrome or "long Covid vaccine" adverse effects syndrome, it seems that our society has been suffering from "long pandemic" syndrome, symptoms still present eight months after the pandemic emergency was declared over...
1/6/202458 minutes, 57 seconds
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Fighting Big Pharma! There is new hope for Psychiatry

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Peter & Ginger Breggin – Somehow a young psychiatrist has made it through not only his training but also brief stints at the FDA and the pharmaceutical industry, and now he is building his practice around helping people come off psychiatric drugs while benefitting from therapy. Our interview also looks at the importance of truth in our lives and how the dominant systems around us all seem bent on suppressing the truth...
1/6/202459 minutes, 11 seconds
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What would it take to restore trust in 2024? …and Q&A 96

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Peter McCullough and Malcolm – When do you all reckon will be the next world pandemic? And what might the symptoms be? What hope would you say is there for people who, like me, were conned into taking the vaccine? I know of the spike detox, but what else is there? Is there such a thing as a COVID-19 detox cleanse if we had the vaccine for Covid?
1/5/202458 minutes, 42 seconds
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No wonder Fauci is ‘the science’ …he plays god!

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Vaughn & Dr. Tankersley – Fauci has now elevated himself to that of god: in an interview with BBC last week; he affirmed his superior ethics to that of the Catholic church and how he is not bothered by the mores of his former church (because of their predilection to scandals). And people wonder how we've bought into so many COVID lies!
12/20/202357 minutes, 21 seconds
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The impact of social justice and artificial intelligence in the future of medicine

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Marilyn Singleton – It’s sickening that medicine is now burdened with an increase in violence — five times more than employees in all other industries. According to a survey of medical students in 91 countries, 21 percent are considering quitting. A whopping 60 percent are worried about their current mental health. Some contributing factors include...
12/19/202358 minutes, 15 seconds
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Periodontitis (gum disease) as a model of myocarditis, and its treatment

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Harvey Risch – Well before the Covid pandemic, Dr. Tenenbaum observed that the molecular processes and alterations he saw in patients with periodontitis (gum disease) were analogous to what happens in the heart in myocarditis. He suggests that the treatments that he uses for periodontitis...
12/16/202358 minutes, 34 seconds
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Invisible treason in America

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Peter & Ginger Breggin – In our experience, knowing, interviewing, and reading the works of people in the freedom movement, Thomas McInerney is nearest to us in his encompassing way of thinking and his understanding of globalism. Beyond our shared views, he continues to inform and inspire us in this...
12/16/202357 minutes, 52 seconds
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AI poised to be a weapon of propaganda …and Q&A 95

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Peter McCullough and Malcolm – What do you think will be the mark of the beast? A vaccine? Microchip? The news they’re going to start injecting MRNA vaccines into our meat and dairy products? Do you know if cooking the meat will destroy the damage the vaccine can cause? I'm wondering if there is any connection to the weakening of bones or ligaments from the injections?
12/14/202359 minutes, 9 seconds
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Political Influences and COVID Perceptions

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Vaughn & Dr. Tankersley – A preprint study from the Netherlands shows that liberals have been much more prejudiced at blaming the (appropriately skeptical) unvaccinated for the COVID pandemic. In another preprint study out of Denmark, the dangers to children who received the COVID shots showed an increased risk of severe...
12/14/202358 minutes, 20 seconds
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Indoctrination, Antisemitism, and Empowering Humanity

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Marilyn Singleton – Exploring the intersection of education and politics, I delve into the challenges facing our schools. From the politicization of classrooms to the complexities of ethnic studies and the rise of antisemitism, I discuss the pressing need for a focus on human dignity and common humanity. Join my guests as we tackle these critical issues and seek ways to educate our children beyond...
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Skin and Cancer Diagnoses From the Pathology Clinic During the Pandemic

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Harvey Risch – Dr. Ryan Cole and I discuss the strange types of cases that Dr. Cole has seen over the pandemic. This includes unusual skin conditions, usual skin conditions but in unusual age groups, and cancers occurring of types and behaviors not expected for the age of the patient...
12/9/202358 minutes, 41 seconds
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The Long-Arm of Texas Law Reins In Pfizer for Deceptive Trade Practices …and Q & A 94

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Peter McCullough and Malcolm – Best antibiodic to take for this new 'white lung 'infection? Why haven't any politicians collapsed from the vax? Are they not taking the vax or taking a shot of saline? Still suffering from uncontrollable BP. Will your method for detoxing the spike protein work for me while taking Nifedipine?
12/9/202359 minutes, 9 seconds
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What Do Drugs for “ADHD” and COVID “Vaccines” for Children Have in Common?

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Peter & Ginger Breggin – The people who benefit the most from diagnosing children with ADHD are the drug companies, the doctors who prescribe the drugs, and the psychologists who diagnose them. Parents and teachers also benefit by subduing their children, much as the drugs subdue chimps or other higher animals, by making them less engaged...
12/8/202358 minutes
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King Fauci Is Henry Kissinger’s Daddy

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Vaughn & Dr. Tankersley – Kissinger's actions over the decades confirmed he had nothing but contempt for accountability or the rule of law. Kissinger had a plan to control the world's population. Ultimately there is a major tragic difference between the two ⏤ Fauci has his bloody hands on the lives of tens of millions more souls than did Kissinger...
12/7/202356 minutes, 42 seconds
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The Epidemic of Diabetes and Obesity, Daniel Weiss, MD

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Marilyn Singleton – Rising rates of obesity have led to significant increases in the prevalence and incidence of type 2 diabetes and Type 2 diabetes worldwide. In 2021, an estimated 536.6 million (10.5%) people aged 20-79 years were living with diabetes, a number that is projected to rise by 2045 to 783.2 million (12.2%)...
12/5/202358 minutes, 27 seconds
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Medical Economics, Healthcare Costs and Some Tips About How People Can Try to Lower Their Costs

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Harvey Risch – Today, we discuss medical care and medical insurance and why catastrophic care works best under an insurance model, while "every day" or primary, more routine care works better on a fee-for-service or medical membership model. This recognition has led to growing numbers of doctors and clinics supporting...
12/2/202358 minutes, 4 seconds
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Violations of the Golden Rule of Pregnancy

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Peter & Ginger Breggin – We delve into the critical issue of pregnancy care during the COVID-19 pandemic. Join us as Dr. Jim Thorp, an expert in Maternal Fetal Medicine, challenges medical norms and exposes the risks associated with novel treatments for pregnant women. We explore the clash between established medical practices and pandemic responses, spotlighting a courageous stand for...
12/2/202359 minutes, 2 seconds
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Chinese Pneumonia Revealed …and Q&A 93

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Peter McCullough and Malcolm – I know family and friends that are still getting boosters. What are the 2 or 3 key studies to enlighten them so they no longer take the shots? | Does everyone vaccinated have myocarditis? | Is there anyone working on a test to see if there is any mRNA in the blood?
12/1/202358 minutes, 19 seconds
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Global COVID Policies: A Critical Analysis

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Vaughn & Dr. Tankersley – Exploring the intersection of health policies and leadership in the COVID era, I delve into the Polish government's bold stance against COVID vaccines, legal tussles with Pfizer, and global studies revealing vaccine side effects. The piece also critiques the inefficacy of student testing and examines the debated effectiveness of face masks, spotlighting pressing issues in health...
11/29/202356 minutes, 25 seconds
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Exploring Direct Primary Care with Dr. Kimberly Corba

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Marilyn Singleton – Navigating the complex world of healthcare, I explore the increasing costs of doctor visits and insurance in 2023. I delve into the shift towards on-site clinics and Direct Primary Care, highlighting their impact on patient experience and healthcare accessibility. Join me as we unravel the challenges and transformations in today's healthcare landscape, emphasizing the importance of...
11/29/202357 minutes, 5 seconds
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A Newly Identified Serious Adverse Reaction to the COVID Vaccines

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Harvey Risch – In this discussion, Dr. Robert Sullivan, a Maryland-based anesthesiologist with a passion for aerial circus arts, shares his journey. He recounts his education, his specialization in cardiac anesthesia and echocardiography, and his challenging recovery from pulmonary hypertension following a COVID-19 vaccine. Join us as we explore his diverse interests and inspiring return to both...
11/25/202358 minutes, 9 seconds
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What will you regret at the end of your life? …and Q&A 92

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Peter McCullough and Malcolm – Is there anything you can recommend for me and my husband to take to avoid getting a clot? Do you take all three supplements at the same time to detox from the COVID-19 vaccine? Can pericarditis and myocarditis may show up in people previously free of such complications?
11/25/202359 minutes, 1 second
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Dr. Naomi Wolf on Facing the Beast, Courage, Faith, and Resistance in a New Dark Age

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Peter & Ginger Breggin – In this episode, we engage in an intimate conversation with Dr. Naomi Wolf. We delve into her new book "Facing the Beast" and explore the cultural and global impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Dr. Wolf shares her journey from academia to confronting global elites and examines the profound cultural divide and health policies that have shaped our world during these...
11/25/202358 minutes, 42 seconds
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Revealing Media’s Role in COVID Vaccine Narrative

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Vaughn & Dr. Tankersley – Exploring why the public remains unaware of increased death rates, we delve into the Trusted News Initiative's role in shaping vaccine narratives. We scrutinize UK government data, Alabama's mortality statistics, debunked studies on hydroxychloroquine, and alarming trends in pilot health. Our investigation reveals significant concerns about COVID-19 measures' impact on...
11/22/202357 minutes, 40 seconds
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One Surgeon’s Fight Against Race-Baiting Radicalism

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Marilyn Singleton – Exploring the evolution of medicine, I delve into its journey towards inclusivity across races and genders. I reflect on the changing landscape of medical care, addressing healthcare disparities and socio-economic challenges. I critically examine academia's approach to these issues, highlighting the importance of addressing deeper societal concerns beyond the scope of race in...
11/22/202359 minutes, 6 seconds
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College Students’ Fervent Opinions Despite Limited Facts

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Harvey Risch – In this episode, I'm joined by Christopher Messina, a market-savvy executive with a wealth of international experience. We explore the current state of college education, examining why students often defend unsubstantiated theories. Tune in for a thought-provoking discussion on these critical topics...
11/18/202358 minutes, 58 seconds
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US Is Being Inundated by a Blizzard of Alarming Circumstances

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Peter & Ginger Breggin – In today's discussion with Diana West, we delve into global crises, from the Israeli-Hamas conflict to the Chinese invasion. We explore the intricate links between politics, media narratives, and cultural wars, shedding light on the hidden forces shaping our world. Join us as we unravel the complex web of global and domestic challenges threatening our democracy and freedom...
11/17/202358 minutes, 17 seconds
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Why Are Americans Getting Short-Changed on Life Expectancy? …and Q & A 91

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Peter McCullough and Malcolm – Are there still safe vaccines? Or needed vaccines? Where do we find trusted info? Is it possible that we could see myocarditis or heart damage spring up a few years later if the antibodies stop neutralizing the spike? How does it work to treat brain fog in long Covid patients?
11/16/202359 minutes, 5 seconds
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Grace-Marie Turner: New in Healthcare Policy in Washington DC

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Marilyn Singleton – I explore the high costs and complexities of the healthcare system, discussing the Affordable Care Act's impact, the challenges of insurance policy selection, and the often overlooked importance of preventive healthcare. I also question the effectiveness of increased government intervention and emphasize the need for practical solutions through conversations with healthcare...
11/15/202358 minutes, 24 seconds
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Why Is the American Elite Class Failing in Its Job To Manage America

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Harvey Risch – Join me in a compelling discussion with Mr. Henry "Hank" Kopel, a seasoned federal prosecutor with a rich background in national security and law. We delve into his insights on fighting terrorism, his critical views on Marxism, and the balance between experience and common sense in Western societies. Discover the profound impact of his work and thoughts...
11/11/202358 minutes, 48 seconds
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China, Not Iran, Is Hamas’ Most Powerful and Dangerous Supporter

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Peter & Ginger Breggin – In today's discussion, we delve into the Chinese Communist Party's global influence, from Ukraine to the U.S. border. We explore the CCP's ties with Hamas and the threat to America, with insights from courageous virologist and dissident Dr. Li-Meng Yan. Join us as we uncover alarming global strategies and their implications for international politics and security...
11/11/202358 minutes, 49 seconds
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Deaths Among Young People Surge, States Ban COVID Vaccination Efforts …and Q&A 90

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Peter McCullough and Malcolm – Do the new RSV vaccine for infants involve mRNA, or just monoclonal antibodies? Is a clear EKG and echocardiogram a sign of no cardiomyopathy? Can a vaccinated man transmit any portion of the vaccine to an unvaccinated woman during sexual intercourse?
11/10/202358 minutes, 28 seconds
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Just One Year Ago in the Fight Against COVID…

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Vaughn & Dr. Tankersley – In a landmark move, the US Supreme Court will hear Biden vs. Missouri, a pivotal Free Speech case. Our federal government's silencing of eminent scientists raises alarms for all. We also explore a study affirming hydroxychloroquine's benefits against COVID and introduce the invaluable Additionally, we reflect on COVID's challenges from a year ago...
11/8/202355 minutes, 16 seconds
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The Critical Race Theory Scam

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Marilyn Singleton – Tonight, we delve into the realm of indoctrination through education. I forfeit my usual introduction to highlight poignant truths from historical figures and current thinkers. We explore the potent influence of teaching on the young and the government's role in shaping minds. Join me as we dissect the intricate web of educational control and its implications, guided by insights...
11/7/202358 minutes, 35 seconds
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COVID Vax Tops Death Rates of Others

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Harvey Risch – Join me as I explore the innovative journey of Steve Kirsch, from pioneering the optical mouse to spearheading the COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund and the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation. We delve into a critical study on vaccination effects and examine intriguing findings published in JAMA regarding flu and Covid vaccines' impact on hospitalization risks...
11/4/202358 minutes, 23 seconds
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mRNA – Gateway to Nanotechnology Control of Human Beings

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Peter & Ginger Breggin – We explore the alarming intersection of biotech and potential misuse. We delve into how mRNA technology could enable the dark side of nanotechnology, risking our neurological integrity and freedom. We discuss Pfizer's internal findings on adverse neurological effects from their vaccines and the broader implications for health and autonomy amid technological...
11/4/202359 minutes
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Aggressive News Cycle Quiets COVID Fear Hustlers, and Q&A 89

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Peter McCullough and Malcolm – Can you tell if the current flu vaccines are safe for children and myself, age 45? Is the natto safe to take if you have previously had cancer since it is a soy-based product? Is Base Spike Detox okay for women of childbearing age? Is there treatment for menstrual irregularities after getting the "vaxx"?
11/3/202358 minutes, 50 seconds
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Avoiding Accountability: Nothing Is Going To Return To Normal

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Vaughn & Dr. Tankersley – Decades of planning have come to light as misinformation spreads. Tony Fauci faces accusations under sworn testimony, mirrored in Australian Senate hearings. The intricacies of mRNA vaccines are unveiled, while concerns about global governance rise. Dr. Meryl Nass uncovers plans at the Alaska COVID Alliance, highlighting the UN's growing influence. As they seek more control...
11/1/202356 minutes, 38 seconds
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Andy Schlafly, JD: Illegal Immigration and How It Impacts You

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Marilyn Singleton – Over the past year, U.S. Customs and Border Patrol encounters 3 million at the southern border. As citizens face homelessness, illegal immigrants receive housing. Since Biden's inauguration, unaccompanied children challenge educators. The state introduces Assembly Bill 714...
10/31/202358 minutes, 39 seconds
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Who Is Behind the Public Globalists

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Peter & Ginger Breggin – Dive deep into the entities behind global predators such as Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab. Explore their characters, motivations, and the advanced technologies at play. I, James FitzGerald, former Sunday Times and Financial Times journalist, share insights from my vast network spanning Wall Street to the space industry. Discover the intricate web of control, technology, and power...
10/27/202358 minutes, 39 seconds
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State By State, The Pushback Against Unsafe COVID-19 Vaccines …and Q & A 88

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Peter McCullough and Malcolm – Is it safe to take all 3 products if you are on blood thinners? Should I give my healthy 4-month-old the new RSV vaccine that uses monoclonal antibodies? I took two shots 2 years ago, and I’m getting more worried with each passing day. Is SV40 in all vials of Pfizer, and have I altered my DNA?
10/27/202358 minutes, 59 seconds
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Finally, the Feds Find Pfizer Fraud!

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Vaughn & Dr. Tankersley – In a pivotal interview, Steve Kirsch sits with renowned scientists discussing Canada's FDA's recent acknowledgment of an SV40 DNA promoter contaminant in Pfizer shots. As governments face scrutiny for their pandemic response, various studies shed light on modeling inaccuracies, mask research, and vaccine safety concerns. Dive into these revelations and the pressing need...
10/25/202358 minutes, 16 seconds
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Alternatives To Traditional Health Insurance With Charles Frohman

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Marilyn Singleton – Many believe the Affordable Care Act would revolutionize medical care access, but insurance premiums remain a hurdle for many. In 2023, ACA plan costs soar for different family structures. Half of U.S. adults struggle with healthcare costs, even with insurance. The solution? Healthcare price transparency. We aim for medical services to mirror grocery shopping: clear prices and...
10/25/202358 minutes, 35 seconds
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Media, Misinformation, & Israel: A Deep Dive With Karys Rhea

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Harvey Risch – Delving into the intricacies of Israel's media narratives, I shed light on the controversial ties between the Health Freedom movement's claims and Israel's stance during the COVID pandemic. Exploring the juxtaposition of public health mismanagement and existential threats from regional adversaries, this piece offers a nuanced perspective on Israel's multifaceted challenges. Join me as we...
10/22/202357 minutes, 56 seconds
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Fact Checkers in the Deception Business …and Q & A 87

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Peter McCullough and Malcolm – What is the mechanism for these sudden deaths? Are they all subclinical myocarditis? Have you seen myocarditis 2 years post jab in people previously myocarditis-free? What would be the best way to detox from possible spike proteins from the blood transfusions?
10/20/202358 minutes, 51 seconds
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Crispr/Cas9 Re-Writes Fundamental Blueprint of Humanity

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Peter & Ginger Breggin – Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger delves deep into the advancements of genetic manipulation, highlighting the groundbreaking CRISPR/Cas9 technology that has the power to alter human DNA. As we explore the profound implications of such advancements, the ethics of science take center stage. With a notable career spanning the World Health Organization and the United Nations...
10/20/202358 minutes, 13 seconds
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Woke Antisemitism and Response to Hamas Attack

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Marilyn Singleton – Over the years, racists have faded, yet a surge in antisemitism signals growing acceptance of overt contempt. The war in Israel and American lives lost show the severe impact of unchecked hatred. Institutions like Stanford and Harvard witness support for Hamas. This divisive mindset, masked under equity, threatens unity. As the worldwide day of jihad dawns, I delve into the...
10/18/202358 minutes, 19 seconds
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Where Did Medical Ethics Go During COVID-19?

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Harvey Risch – Dr. Steven Kritz, with a healthcare legacy spanning 50 years, joins me in a candid conversation. We delve deep into his vast experience, from direct patient care in rural settings to pioneering roles in clinical research on Substance Use, HIV, and HCV. As the current IRB Chair, he voices concerns about the sidelining of medical ethics during the COVID-19 pandemic. Discover how core...
10/15/202358 minutes, 15 seconds
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The Dreadful Effects of ‘COVID Vaccines’ Are Overwhelming

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Peter & Ginger Breggin – Dr. William Makis, a renowned Canadian physician specializing in oncology and radiology, shares alarming insights on the mRNA vaccine, once considered for cancer treatment. He discusses its potential systemic risks and its link to a surge in turbo cancers. Drawing from his expert knowledge, Dr. Makis delves into the grave implications of these so-called COVID vaccines on...
10/14/202358 minutes, 37 seconds
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Biopharmaceutical Complex Lights the Fire on a Modern-Day Book Burning …and Q & A 86

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Peter McCullough and Malcolm – In regards to these turbo cancers we’ve seen people having, do you have an idea of how close the onset is in regards to the time a person gets the jab and then cancer? How can I find out if I have Spike Protein or mRNA in my blood? Do you recommend ECGs for young teens and adults getting sports physicals?
10/14/202358 minutes, 42 seconds
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“A Campaign of Dishonesty” Dr. Joseph Ladapo

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Vaughn & Dr. Tankersley – Unveiling the chilling truth about mandatory COVID-19 vaccination policies, revealing a glaring disregard for individual rights and religious beliefs. Exploring a lawsuit exposing this infringement and share damning vaccine data from Canada. Witness the campaign of dishonesty led by health authorities, and join us in seeking transparency, integrity, and justice in public health...
10/11/202354 minutes, 58 seconds
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Trivia Night With Jenny Powell, MD

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Marilyn Singleton – Facing issues like failing schools, teen theft, border crisis, physician burnout, and ongoing conflicts abroad, it feels like anxiety has become our companion. Even conversations with family can be like navigating a minefield. Tonight, I take a pause to delve into presidential trivia before sharing the story of Dr. Jenny Powell’s journey from a young mother to a dedicated physician in...
10/10/202358 minutes, 19 seconds
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What Does It Take for a Propagandized Society To Reject Its False Beliefs

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Harvey Risch – Join me as I engage with Jan Jekielek, a seasoned journalist from the Epoch Times, unraveling the intricate dance between belief systems and society. We delve deep into how collective beliefs, often rooted in falsehoods, can sway entire societies and explore the liberating journey to break free, embracing truth and critical thinking. Dive into a conversation that transcends borders...
10/7/202358 minutes, 49 seconds
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Decoupling From China From the Ground Up!

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Peter & Ginger Breggin – We unveil the urgency of decoupling from China, emphasizing the need to rebuild American industry and counter China’s influence. We offer specific actions for local levels to assess and mitigate Communist China’s property ownership, sparking a grassroots movement to defend our nation and freedoms against encroaching control. Join this vital conversation...
10/6/202358 minutes, 28 seconds
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Nobel Irony Long-Lasting mRNA Causes More Harm Than Good …and Q & A 85

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Peter McCullough and Malcolm – I am an unvaccinated massage therapist. How is my body being infected by touching patients? What can I take to undo what is in my body from the shedding of these vaccines? Dr. McCullough, is everyone damaged by the vaccines, and is everyone a ticking time bomb?
10/6/202359 minutes, 4 seconds
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More Sinister Developments

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Vaughn & Dr. Tankersley – I expose the truth in the ongoing trial of Dr. Ryan Cole, shedding light on deceit and lies surrounding COVID-19 and vaccines. Dr. Pierre Kory's testimony and Dr. Dalgeish's insights reveal increased cancer rates and medical incompetence. I also unveil WHO's sinister attempt to undermine national sovereignty. Join me in uncovering these revelations, seeking truth in a world...
10/4/202357 minutes
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Renée S. Kohanski, MD, Forensic Psychiatry

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Marilyn Singleton – I'm discussing the overlooked intersection of mental health and crime, spotlighting Proposition 47 and its unintended consequences. With a dive into the 1992 execution of Ricky Ray Rector, I question the treatment of mentally ill criminals and explore the complexity of punishment, touching on the controversial death penalty, and its financial and moral implications in our society today.
10/3/202358 minutes, 44 seconds
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RI Public Health COVID Follies as a Microcosm of How the US Managed the Pandemic

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Harvey Risch – Dr. Andy Bostom, affiliated with Brown University's Center for Primary Care and Prevention, delves into his extensive background in epidemiology and clinical trials. As the designer of the largest trial in chronic kidney transplant recipients, his expertise is vast. I share insights on testifying as an expert witness in COVID-19 lawsuits, specifically on vaccine and mask mandates, and reflect on...
9/30/202358 minutes, 40 seconds
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An Iconic Moment for the World, Truth Comes to the European Parliament, and Q&A 84

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Peter McCullough and Malcolm – What is the protocol to get rid of spike protein if you have had COVID-19 many times and have taken the vaccine? How long does it take to detox from Covid with your three ingredients? Is the spike detox protocol safe during pregnancy? What were the names of the detox...
9/30/202359 minutes, 12 seconds
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Dr Astrid Stuckelberger Fights the Global Predators

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Peter & Ginger Breggin – Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger, a health expert uncovering truths that impact our well-being and survival. Join me as I delve into public health issues, global predators, and threats from nanotechnology and graphene oxide. My insights, backed by extensive experience with WHO and UN, unveil critical aspects of health and human rights, bridging the gap between what's known and...
9/29/202358 minutes, 11 seconds
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Even More Dangerous Than We Thought

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Vaughn & Dr. Tankersley – We expose more unsettling deceptions impacting our health and trust in public health leaders. We dive into a revealing study that illustrates the damage caused by the shots, highlighting an alarming increase in myocardium uptake. Uncovering lies backed by FOIA discoveries, we echo Naomi Wolf's alarming revelations and explore Prof. Buckhaults' insights on DNA...
9/27/202357 minutes, 34 seconds
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Kenneth H. Schell, Pharm.D: A Pharmacist Tells All

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Marilyn Singleton – Diving into the transformative power of medications, we explore the vast landscape of prescription drugs, their life-altering impacts, and the staggering numbers behind their use. As pharmaceutical prices soar, the Inflation Reduction Act aims to intervene, but at what cost? Constitutional challenges, potential stifling of drug development, and the fine balance between...
9/26/202358 minutes, 31 seconds
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Conversation on Issues in Management of the COVID Pandemic

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Harvey Risch – Dr. Reid Sheftall, an MIT-educated surgeon who started a charity foundation, where, for the last 23 years, he has been performing burn reconstruction and cardiac surgery on children of limited means. He is the author of Heroes and Villains: The COVID-19 Book of Lists, where he explains not only where things went wrong in managing the COVID-19 pandemic but also who exactly pushed...
9/23/202358 minutes, 30 seconds
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New Approach To Calling For COVID Investigations and Justice

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Peter & Ginger Breggin – A new American organization, the National American Renaissance Movement (National ARM), advocates for criminal investigations into COVID-19 actions by state officials. Offering templates for grand jury petitions tailored by state, the group champions a return to America's foundational values. Joining this fight for freedom, we envision an American renaissance, aligning...
9/22/202358 minutes, 29 seconds
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Dr. Desmitt Explains: The Psychology of Pandemic Fear

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Vaughn & Dr. Tankersley – Explore the latest revelations from a European Union Parliament hearing featuring world-leading scientists on the COVID pandemic. Dr. Desmitt delves into the psychology of fear, while legal experts question the absurd mandates in Los Angeles schools. Learn about the role of media, the hijacking of science, and the lack of accountability in today's critical issues. Our evidence is...
9/20/202357 minutes, 27 seconds
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Hope Amidst Healthcare Mental Health Struggles

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Marilyn Singleton – We delve deep into the pressing issues plaguing the healthcare sector. From the alarming rates of depression and suicidal thoughts among physicians to the rise in workplace violence, we explore the dark corners often overlooked. We also discuss the encroachment of corporate entities into medicine, compromising both patient care and the physician's oath. Lastly, we touch on the...
9/19/202358 minutes, 45 seconds
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Government Regulatory Agency Failure with Mr. James Bovard

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Harvey Risch – Mr. James Bovard is a prolific writer, satirist, and social commentator. Today, we discuss why so many different parts of the administrative state seem to fail when critical issues arise. This partly goes to the long provision of plausible public messaging not substantiated by actual evidence. This problem occurs not only in scientific questions; it pervades numerous circumstances of public...
9/16/202358 minutes, 3 seconds
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A Culture of Death: “Deprogramming With Grace’s Dad”

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Peter & Ginger Breggin – Scott is on a mission to spotlight the crimes of the American medical system, including the new data that documents deaths caused by the medical system through malpractice or alleged intent are now the # 1 cause of death in America. Scott has shared his insights, research, and personal stories through hundreds of television, radio, and podcast appearances. Also, he...
9/15/202357 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Clot Factor With Sharyl Attkisson

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Vaughn & Dr. Tankersley – With his hard work and leadership, Jordan Vaughn continues to provide effective treatment against the injuries that the spike protein causes as he opens up the Microvascular Research Foundation. Unlike the unsuccessful attempts at helping patients who have been injured by the engineered spike proteins at major medical institutions like UAB, an independent physician...
9/13/202355 minutes, 39 seconds
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Doctors Preparing for Disasters With Jane M. Orient, MD

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Marilyn Singleton – Natural or man-made disasters are always on the horizon. Throngs of people begging for help from government entities are a lasting memory of Hurricane Katrina. The stranded folks soon learned the local, state, and federal responses were inadequate. Over a dozen train derailments have occurred so far in 2023, some with the release of toxic cargo. Wildfires in Maui brought...
9/12/202358 minutes, 45 seconds
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Are ‘Mistakes’ of Recent Events Accidental or Intentional?

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Harvey Risch – Today, we discuss the circumstances leading up to and managing the Lahaina, Maui fire and how scientifically improper public health policies were almost universally applied throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. The global forces behind the lockdowns, the suppressed medical treatments, and the deadly pseudo-vaccines...
9/9/202358 minutes, 44 seconds
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Joe Sansone’s “Ban the Jab Resolution”

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Peter & Ginger Breggin – What kinds of grassroots attempts are being made to rescue America? I recently learned about an organization that specializes in working with states and counties, and to my delight, it turned out that their major project was relying on and citing our book, COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey, as a major source scientific backup. They invited me to one of...
9/9/202358 minutes, 15 seconds
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Fear & Fauci Are Back, COVID 2.0 …and Q & A 83

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Peter McCullough and Malcolm – What can be done to find subclinical myocarditis? What tests can be done to be absolutely sure that there is no myocarditis? Should I stop cardio exercise due to athletes dying until we have more long-term evidence? Do you reckon I’m going to be safe from serious illness or death?
9/8/202359 minutes, 6 seconds
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Mental Health and Gender Care With Dr. Lauren Schwartz

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Marilyn Singleton – Words mean everything. There is a growing movement in certain medical circles to change the name of obesity to make it more patient-friendly. Adiposity-Based Chronic Disease (ABCD) was proposed in 2016 but hasn't seemed to have caught on. Abortion services became reproductive health. That one stuck. Sex-change surgery is now called gender-affirming care. Sex change...
9/5/202359 minutes, 7 seconds
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Turbo Cancers & Other New Diseases in the COVID Vaccine Era

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Harvey Risch – Dr. Risch is joined by Dr. William Makis. Dr. Makis trained as an undergraduate in immunology at the University of Toronto and then did his medical education and residencies at McGill University in Montreal. Dr. Makis practices in the province of Alberta, with a specialization in radiology and oncology, and has done extensive cancer research, publishing more than 100 scientific...
9/2/202358 minutes, 59 seconds
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CDC Turns a Blind Eye to Safety as Biden Rolls Out New Vaccines …and Q & A 82

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Peter McCullough and Malcolm – Is it possible to fully recover from vaccine injury? There's a lot of talk about how the damage is irreversible, and it terrifies me as I'm in my mid 20's and disabled due to the vax. Do you know roughly how many people get myocarditis, both clinical and subclinical? Is there any evidence that the COVID-19 vaccine can cause hepatitis?
9/2/202358 minutes, 46 seconds
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Blurring Lines: Nanotechnology, Vaccines, and Control

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Peter & Ginger Breggin – We are now in the year 2023. Humans everywhere have been under assault and have been being attacked for four years. Increasing numbers of freedom-loving scientists and physicians fear humankind is on the brink of a mass extinction event. The health and life impact COVID “vaccines,” including the mRNA and DNA versions, immune destruction, neurological disorders...
9/2/202358 minutes, 25 seconds
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It’s a Damn Shame What the World’s Gotten To

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Vaughn & Dr. Tankersley – In the 'Red State' of Alabama, we have a governor, legislature, and State Health Officer who have failed big throughout the pandemic. Last week, Dr. Harris made some stunningly ignorant statements on public TV, and we discussed them this week. One of the most egregious statements was their challenge of dealing with a public with too many information sources. As...
8/30/202358 minutes, 6 seconds
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Sleep Heals: Brainwashing Is a Good Thing

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Marilyn Singleton – These days everything seems so contentious. War, political verbal sniping, no-fault theft, and the incessant natter on multiple 24-hour news stations is unavoidable. The networks feed us a steady diet of bad news for the sake of keeping us glued to their stations. Our cell phones, once a miracle, have become a curse as people expect you to be available 24/7. Consequently, many...
8/29/202358 minutes, 43 seconds
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Today’s Game: What Is the Scariest COVID Mutant This Week?

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Harvey Risch – Dr. Risch is joined by Drs. May and Tim Hindmarsh. The Drs. Hindmarsh are the hosts of the podcast BS Free MD. Both of them are Board Certified Family Practice physicians, currently practicing Urgent Care, and they each have more than 28 years of experience in family practice, hospital medicine, obstetrics, and urgent care, and they are very outspoken about good medical...
8/26/202359 minutes
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What Do J6 and the Maui Fire Have in Common?

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Peter & Ginger Breggin – What do the fires in Hawaii have to do with the January 6 political hoax about an “insurrection”? How has the major media distorted both events? Diana West is one of the most important journalists of our time, daring to go where no other has dared to go for fear of being canceled as she has done before. People even heard the dreaded word “cancellation.” Diana West’s book...
8/26/202358 minutes, 18 seconds
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Old Man COVID Is Back, Brother Can You Spare a Mask?

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Peter McCullough and Malcolm – I’ve seen people say that all vaccinated are going to be dead within 3-5 years after the vaccination. I’m terrified as I am double-jabbed. You’re one of the few voices I trust, so I would like to know what your thoughts are on this. Are we all doomed, or are most people lucky?
8/25/202359 minutes, 4 seconds
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Regulators in Chief!

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Vaughn & Dr. Tankersley – The elites disregarded countless fundamental principles and panicked. Ultimately, they continue to give themselves an excuse for their criminal decisions that have resulted in such terrible outcomes. "All in the name of doing something because it was such a bad pandemic." As the FDA Commissioner, Robert Califf broke many protocols. He decided that advocating for...
8/23/202353 minutes, 44 seconds
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People Damaged by the COVID Vaccines Are Not Human Junk

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Harvey Risch – Dr. Risch is joined by Angela Wulbrecht, RN, who is a registered nurse who worked for 17 years as a pediatric intensive care unit nurse at UC San Francisco. During the Covid pandemic, she sustained severe vaccine injuries and spent a number of months seeking and finally obtaining treatment that has essentially re-established normal daily life for her. Angela now works to counsel...
8/19/202359 minutes, 12 seconds
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Eris Emerges Just as Big Push for Fall Vaccination and Q & A 80

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Peter McCullough and Malcolm – Can I safely take Nattokinase and 81mg aspirin together? Or do I even need the aspirin? Will ingest mRNA cause the same adverse effects as the shot? How is it safe for people to ingest mRNA every single day, day after day? Are you studying the effects of 22GHz 5 G Pulse Signals? Is America under the WHO?
8/19/202359 minutes, 7 seconds
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Do They Really Want Us To Die?

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Peter & Ginger Breggin – Physician Lee Vliet, MD, CEO of Truth for Health Foundation, takes us on an enlightening and frightening journey through the history of "population control," which often means the theory and practice of killing people. While we add to this discussion, we also learn from it, and so will anyone who listens to this remarkable interview. This is a hard reality to confront—that...
8/18/202358 minutes, 34 seconds
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Dr. Patricia Powers, Col US Army, Can 5G Make You Sick?

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Marilyn Singleton – We live in a world where a new technological device pops up daily. Many of these devices, such as cordless phones, cell phones, and wireless internet routers, use radiofrequency (RF) electromagnetic fields (Electromagnetic radiation (EMR) or electromagnetic fields (EMFs). And then there are smart meters many utility companies have installed to monitor your gas and electric...
8/16/202357 minutes, 30 seconds
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Dr. Levi Decodes: Analytics, Pandemics, and Public Health

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Harvey Risch – Dr. Risch is joined by Professor Retsef Levi, the J. Spencer Standish (1945) Professor of Management at the MIT Sloan School of Management. Dr. Levi's academic training is in mathematics and operations research, and he worked for more than a decade in Israeli military intelligence before moving to academia, where he has been studying how advanced analytics informs the...
8/12/202359 minutes, 6 seconds
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School District Weaponizes “Psychosis” Against Hero Teacher

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Peter & Ginger Breggin – Today's interview is about a psychiatrist and a school district weaponizing the diagnosis "psychosis" to undermine and harm protestors against the COVID narrative. This is something I have been fearful might happen. Now in a school district on Long Island, New York, a psychiatrist hired by a school district has declared a middle school teacher...
8/12/202358 minutes, 2 seconds
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Disease X Is the Darling Dream Of Vaccinology, mRNA Heart Damage May Be Permanent, and Q&A 79

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Peter McCullough and Malcolm – Disease X is a term coined by the World Health Organization for an unknown pathogen that could cause a future pandemic, and scientists worldwide are working to develop a vaccine in preparation. Hong Kong Study Finds 58% of COVID-19 Vaccine Myocarditis Confirmed by MRI Not Resolved at One Year...
8/10/202359 minutes, 18 seconds
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Truce?… Not on Your Life!

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Vaughn & Dr. Tankersley – In normal (pre-2020) science, there was no need to bring up the concept of a truce. However, given the tyrannical narrative that we've all had to suffer through the past three and a half years, the other side now has only three options: 1 Complete repentance, 2 Seek a 'truce,' or, 3 Press ahead with...
8/10/202356 minutes, 35 seconds
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Health Freedom Is More Than Insurance Coverage

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Marilyn Singleton – Today my guest and I will discuss various forms of unnecessary government intervention in our overall health and some solutions rooted in freedom. Covid brought out the brewing distrust of the government to do what is best for the general populace, not merely their biggest donors. There are attacks on our health and freedom from many directions. The Biden administration...
8/9/202358 minutes, 47 seconds
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Bring Your Gifts to the Fight

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Peter & Ginger Breggin – We start by talking about a range of stuff that's on our minds, with Peter's focus on the latest assaults from predatory globalism and Ginger's focus on what people need to know to stand up to the globalists and save the world while it still can be saved. Ginger discusses the fundamentals that should...
8/4/202358 minutes, 2 seconds
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Rand Paul Files Criminal Referral on Fauci, Biden Takes Credit for Historic Progress in Managing the Pandemic, and Q & A 78

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Peter McCullough and Malcolm – How can I find out which batch of the mRNA vax (Pfizer) was sent where in the US (cities/states)? Nattokinase - With or without food? Should I be using Nattokinase even though my d dimers are normal, but I’m experiencing vax injury in form of POTS, palpitations and heart pains...
8/4/202359 minutes, 4 seconds
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Excess Deaths Explode but No One Seems to Care… We Know Why!

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Vaughn & Dr. Tankersley – We have known for at least 15 years that Spike Protein is a toxin by itself & will cause many types of adverse effects (including death). We know several of the mechanisms by which the shots injure and kill - so it is not surprising that so many are falling victim to such evil...
8/2/202358 minutes, 35 seconds
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How To Take Charge of Your Medical Bills

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Marilyn Singleton – As health expenditures grow year after year, politicians relish using costs and access as a campaign issue but only in the last few years have pushed for price transparency – that’s the buzzword of the day. Only in health care do we routinely make use of a product or service without knowing the cost...
8/1/202359 minutes, 20 seconds
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The Government Censorship Industry as the New Normal

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Harvey Risch – Not just many thousands of federal government employees across many agencies working full time to promote social media and traditional media censorship, but university training programs to train people how to be censors, and non-governmental organizations given government grants to promote censorship...
7/29/202358 minutes, 26 seconds
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An Epidemic of Cardiac Arrests in the Fit and Strong and Q & A 77 on America Out Loud PULSE

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Peter McCullough and Malcolm – This has become all too commonplace with young athletes. How many more will it take before athletes and public figures come out and talk about #CovidVaccines and cardiac arrest? Simple YES  or NO is a good start with the smallest morsel of courage from patient and family...
7/28/202358 minutes, 49 seconds
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The Pharmaceutical Industry’s Control Over Media and Government, With Sharyl Attkisson

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Vaughn & Dr. Tankersley – Very few are talking about the corruption in the vaccine industry and the government's involvement in vaccine approval and reporting. Case in point, the recent revelations about the proximal origins of COVID-19 and the cabal of scientists trying to protect themselves. Sharyl shares...
7/27/202359 minutes, 13 seconds
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Doctors and Patients or Bureaucrats; Who’s in Charge of Our Medical Care?

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Marilyn Singleton – Medical freedom for doctors and patients is becoming a distant memory. Physicians are afraid to go into pain management for fear of being labeled a pill pusher. They are bullied by medical boards with the specter of losing their licenses. Patients with chronic pain are resorting to getting heroin on the...
7/25/202359 minutes, 7 seconds
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The Courts Are Our Tool for Keeping Our Rights

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Harvey Risch – Today we discuss the profound destructiveness of public censorship and how we regain the open society that the Founders of the US constructed through the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, as well, the role of government mismanagement and who more specifically was responsible for that mismanagement...
7/23/202358 minutes, 40 seconds
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Our Own Government Is Serving the Interests of the Global Predators

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Peter & Ginger Breggin – Sasha Latypova, a retired expert and consultant with the pharmaceutical industry, has become a most profound investigator of what has been the collaboration of the Department of Defense (DoD), Moderna, Pfizer and ultimately what we call the organized global predators...
7/22/202358 minutes, 23 seconds
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Dr. McCullough Stands Firm on CPSO Dr. Trozzi Pandemic Trial and Q & A 76

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Peter McCullough and Malcolm – Can mRNA pass through saliva two years later? OR is it just the spike proteins? Is there anything I can do to stop the effects? I understand Lyme disease can be difficult to treat, and symptoms can be severe. Are you aware of a successful treatment protocol? Would ivermectin help with an active case of SSHL?
7/21/202358 minutes, 4 seconds
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Governmental Disinformation Does Real Harm to Science

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Vaughn & Dr. Tankersley – More evidence has come to light of how to assist patients deal with their loss of smell/taste from COVID. A clear example of the ineptitude of those in charge has been the readily apparent dearth of evidence that there was planning for the varied responses that are to be expected during a threat such as...
7/20/202357 minutes, 49 seconds
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I Have 5 Words for These Legislators: Stay Away From Our Children

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Marilyn Singleton – Some schools are going gradeless, canceling honors classes, and not informing students that they received National Merit scholarships. This is carrying diversity, equity, and inclusion too far. As Booker T. Washington said, “No greater injury can be done to any youth than to let him feel that because he belongs to this or...
7/19/202359 minutes, 5 seconds
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Vaccine Adverse Events Are Not Just Numbers & CDC Misrepresents Those Also

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Harvey Risch – Mr. Hertzberg is working with the group React19 to compile and manage more than 3000 case report studies documenting Covid vaccine injuries and deaths. How the CDC has changed and misused the death certificate coding rules to misrepresent the involvement of Covid-19 status in deaths from...
7/15/202357 minutes, 29 seconds
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A Key Node in the Web of Evil

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Peter & Ginger Breggin – It helps to see that banking is not so much about esoteric financial maneuvers. It’s about bloating the wealth of the elite by sapping it from the rest of us. We also explore... How not to let the corruption of the world corrupt the rest of us. Right now, this world seems corrupt from top to bottom, but it does not have to stay that way.
7/14/202359 minutes, 2 seconds
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Missouri v. Biden Turns Free Speech on Its Head and Q & A 75 on America Out Loud PULSE

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Peter McCullough and Malcolm – All these unexpected deaths that we have seen these last few years, what is the cause? Are they all most likely myocarditis? Am I able to take the Spike Support medicine as a precautionary measure without side effects? In your professional opinion, would it be wise/safe to have a child with a 2x vaccinated woman?
7/14/202359 minutes, 23 seconds
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A Federal Judge Just Took the US Federal Government to the Woodshed

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Vaughn & Dr. Tankersley – Every one of the first amendment RIGHTS that our Creator bestowed on us has been abrogated over the past three-plus years. The judge's statement that follows is hopefully one of the many clarion calls that our country must accept in order to begin to set our house in order: the illegal and abusive...
7/13/202355 minutes, 46 seconds
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The War on Drugs Is a War Against All Americans

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Marilyn Singleton – Patients and physicians alike have been demonized and turned into criminals over the use of certain medications. Over thirty years ago, physicians were told that pain is the 5th vital sign and to treat pain with any medication available. Get that pain down to zero. They complied. Relying on pharmaceutical...
7/11/202358 minutes, 59 seconds
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Does the Institution of Public Health Have Any Moral Justifications?

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Harvey Risch – Today we discuss how public health's understanding of utilitarianism ⏤ "the most benefit for the most people" ⏤ is, at the base, undemocratic and contradictory to human dignity and fundamental constitutional rights. We need to have a kind of moral calculus, a way of making value decisions in public life...
7/9/202358 minutes, 40 seconds
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The Greatest Threats to Freedom Today

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Peter & Ginger Breggin – Leo Hohmann provides a brilliant analysis, starting with the flooding of American and European cities with aliens from other cultures, in part leading to the riots and uprising in France that are spreading throughout Europe, and then globalism itself. Leo has a great grasp of the overall threat of...
7/8/202357 minutes, 53 seconds
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A More Virtuous Time in Our Country’s Past

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Vaughn & Dr. Tankersley – A split-second instinctive response from a buddy from the Bronx at Iwo Jima epitomized the character of what made America great. Another story is of a wonderful lady that I got to know 20+ years ago, Eve Gordon, Ph.D. She was a brilliant woman who lived such a valorous life that her portrait...
7/6/202355 minutes, 51 seconds
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Freedom, Not Government Control, Is Key To Good Medical Care

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Marilyn Singleton – Starting in World War II, the government became more and more involved in managing our medical care. It started in 1965 with Medicare and Medicaid. Through the years, more regulations, prior authorizations, and patient databases became commonplace. The stake in the heart of physician autonomy...
7/4/202358 minutes, 35 seconds
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Democrats, Republicans & Libertarians Are All on the Same Side?

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Harvey Risch – Today's wide-ranging discussion covers how the national security state apparatus took immediate control of the Covid-19 pandemic, what the prolonged secrecy of this fact means for their motives and reasons, and how this has played out for the large-scale interests of big corporations and not for the health and welfare of...
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Dr. Breggin Speaks Out About Dr. Malone’s $25 Million Dollar Lawsuit

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Peter Breggin – Most stunning is how Malone made up or fabricated quotes that I never said or wrote. Another remarkable fact is that I never libeled or slandered him or displayed any malice. We now await Malone’s response to our response, and then we will respond to that — after which the judge will decide if the suit...
7/1/202357 minutes, 56 seconds
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The Arcturus Variant, New Hopes for Cancer & Pride Month Ends With Dark Threat to Children

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Peter McCullough and Malcolm – New COVID Variant Has Unusual Symptoms | The next big advance in cancer treatment could be a vaccine | Drag marchers spark outrage with ‘we’re coming for your children’ chant at NYC Pride event | Q & A 74 on America Out Loud PULSE...
6/30/202359 minutes, 9 seconds
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Captives of the ‘Scientific Elite’

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Vaughn & Dr. Tankersley – Novel SARS-CoV-2 has a higher chance of inducing cancer in non-cancerous individuals and aids in cancer acceleration in cancer patients. This poses a threat to cancer patients and immunocompromised individuals.It is clear that when cancer patients, especially with lung and breast cancer...
6/29/202356 minutes, 5 seconds
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The Superhighway of Medical Progress or the Road to Nowhere?

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Marilyn Singleton – With schools latching on to this new twisted version of diversity and equality, I worry about what happened to people merely treating one another like fellow human beings. What is motivating the rich and powerful to decide that we should be categorized in perpetuity by race instead of our...
6/27/202359 minutes, 8 seconds
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Vaccine Delusions Hotez Debate & the Future of Science and Q & A 73 on America Out Loud PULSE

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Peter McCullough and Malcolm – I have heard you recommend natokinase as a solution for ridding the body of the spike protein. I have heard concerns about soy products related to phytoestrogen. How would those concerns apply to taking nattokinase? Is there any way to stop post-COVID cough? Can you please provide your informal perspective about potential health concerns and intervention protocols I may follow?
6/23/202358 minutes, 29 seconds
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Deferring to the ‘Lying Experts’

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Vaughn & Dr. Tankersley – RFK's guttural suspicion of the deep state seems more palpable than even Trump could muster -- needless to say, it was very impressive. He exposes the deep state's motives, tactics, and absurdities that clearly run counter to the founding principles that created the greatest country on earth. He calls out Fauci, Collins, and Hotez...
6/22/202355 minutes
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Fentanyl Is Now the Top Cause of Death Among U.S. Adults (Drug Addiction & Treatment)

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Marilyn Singleton – Now that fentanyl has become a street drug; it has become a quick path to death. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), fentanyl is now the top cause of death among U.S. adults (ages 18-45) — more than COVID-19, suicide, and car accidents...
6/21/202358 minutes, 57 seconds
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Fear as a Tool of Government Propaganda

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Harvey Risch – Today we talk about real fear vs. idea-based fear, the latter a state of fear-imagination, as opposed to actual threatening circumstances where fear induces proper protective behaviors. We have been propagandized with daily fear messaging from the outset of the pandemic, yet the perceived reality of...
6/17/202358 minutes, 31 seconds
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Your Future Will Be Totally Controlled

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Peter Breggin – Eventually, as in all such efforts to control us, there will be information gathered on you that you never imagined. Your location at any time up to the exact moment will be logged into your chip. So will your biometrics. Anyone with the proper authority will be able in an instant to access...
6/17/202356 minutes, 2 seconds
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Global Transgender Contagion Sowing Seeds of Indecent Division on America Out Loud PULSE

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Peter McCullough and Malcolm – After seeing the decimation of medicine throughout COVID, we are now seeing doctors perform the most heinous surgeries. It is the medicine orthodoxy through COVID, to refuse to treat it, let the virus slaughter the patient, and push the vaccines, and it is the same orthodoxy that's pushing this transgender agenda...
6/15/202359 minutes, 20 seconds
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The Myth of Medical Privacy With Twila Brase RN

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Marilyn Singleton – There is nothing more private than our personal health information. Yet now our information has become just another product to sell to the highest bidder. In 2018, Amazon made a software application that could mine a patient’s medical data and convert it to a searchable database. Amazon could customize the database for pharmaceutical companies, insurers...
6/14/202359 minutes, 12 seconds
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COVID Summit at the EU Parliament in Brussels

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Harvey Risch – Discussion with journalist Glen Jung of Bright Light News, about issues discussed in the two days of talks given at the third International Covid Summit at the EU Parliament in Brussels. Numerous scientists and clinicians from around the world talking about the Covid Plandemic...
6/10/202358 minutes, 47 seconds
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Jamie Foxx’s Health Looms Large, US Life Expectancy Problem, and Q & A 71 on America Out Loud PULSE

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Peter McCullough and Malcolm – My daughter is pregnant. Should she avoid having her baby get all shots (and vaccines) post-birth? I had an EKG and some blood tests when I had a panic attack in late 2021. Nothing was found. Why am I okay, but others aren’t? Perhaps the issue of stomach burn shows no correlation with long-Covid; I was just wondering whether there might be a prolonged state that never really fully heals?
6/10/202359 minutes, 21 seconds
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As the Tide Turns…

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Vaughn & Dr. Tankersley – No one signed informed consent for these COVID shots (not even our state health officer) - and now they're asking questions... and refusing to get anymore! Over the last 9 months, the public's rejection of any more of these jabs is unquestioned. The dangers associated with them are undeniable...
6/8/202357 minutes, 5 seconds
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The Ins and Outs of Long Term Care

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Marilyn Singleton – Among those 60 or older, at least 80 percent have one chronic illness, and 50 percent have two. Such conditions include heart disease, cancer, stroke, dementia, Parkinson’s, diabetes, kidney disease, debilitating hearing loss, blindness, and chronic lower respiratory disease (COPD, bronchitis, emphysema, asthma)...
6/7/202359 minutes, 8 seconds
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Lessons From Anthrax Were Not Learned, Why Should Lessons From COVID Be Learned?

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Harvey Risch – Colonel Rempfer blocked the military from continuing forced use of the experimental anthrax vaccine, and during Covid, the military employed the same illegal acts of mandating vaccination by the experimental Covid vaccines...
6/3/202359 minutes, 6 seconds
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The Rise of AI, Neuralink and Elon Musk, AG Paxton Is Framed, and Q & A 70 on America Out Loud PULSE

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Peter McCullough and Malcolm – Artificial intelligence poses a threat to humanity on par with nuclear war or a pandemic. “Mitigating the risk of extinction from AI should be a global priority alongside other societal-scale risks, such as pandemics and nuclear war,” reads a one-sentence statement, from the Center for AI Safety...
6/2/202359 minutes, 21 seconds
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The Government-Imposed Epidemic of Loneliness Study

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Marilyn Singleton – The federal government’s solution to this deadly epidemic is its plan to establish a “National Strategy to Advance Social Connection.” Maybe this is precisely what is wrong. Since the Great Society programs in the 1960s, the federal government’s ever-expanding regulation of our lives has encouraged us to...
5/31/202357 minutes, 38 seconds
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Silencing the Victims, How Far Will This Go?… on America Out Loud PULSE

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Peter McCullough and Malcolm – A recent lawsuit has been filed against President Joe Biden, the US Surgeon General, the CDC, and others for pressuring social media platforms to censor the vaccine injured. This case challenges the government’s mass-censorship program and the shocking role that it has played...
5/27/202359 minutes, 27 seconds
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State Health Officers Must Be Held to Account

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Vaughn & Dr. Tankersley – The loss of the public's trust in medicine will take generations to regain, because of the lack of open dialogue, hubris, and fear. There was a perpetual bastardization of the data by the elites. Everyone was harmed (many killed) by their incompetence...
5/24/202357 minutes, 29 seconds
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Six Lessons in Healthcare Mythology

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Marilyn Singleton – From 2000 to 2022, the price of medical care, including services, insurance, drugs, and medical equipment, increased by 115.1 percent, whereas prices for all consumer goods and services increased by 78.2 percent. Hospitals' “facility fees” are of particular concern...
5/24/202358 minutes, 34 seconds
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Immigration and Infectious Diseases at the Border

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Harvey Risch – Dr. Diaz has served as an immigration panel physician, which is the medical screening process for admitting legal immigrants into the US and other English-speaking countries. These experiences provide a perspective for understanding prevalent infectious diseases in other countries...
5/21/202359 minutes, 10 seconds
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NIH & EcoHealth Back at SARS Mischief and Q & A 68 on America Out Loud PULSE

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Peter McCullough and Malcolm – The headline caused great consternation for those in the medical field that have been on the front lines fighting the good fight. EcoHealth Alliance Receives NIH Renewal Grant for Collaborative Research to Understand the Risk of Bat Coronavirus Spillover Emergence - Have we not learned anything from these past few years?
5/19/202358 minutes, 44 seconds
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The Lies of the Public Health Elite – Dr. Joseph Lapado Calls Out the FDA & CDC

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Vaughn & Dr. Tankersley – Integrity in Public Health is long overdue as we turn the page on the deceitful & disastrously illegal actions of the elite. Dr. Joseph Lapado's important letter demanding answers from the FDA & CDC. The whole charade was organized by the intelligence apparatus of our country...
5/18/202356 minutes, 37 seconds
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A Pediatrician Talks PBMs, Politics & Porn

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Marilyn Singleton – But 25 years ago, the government made exceptions to this Anti-kickback law. This allowed some middlemen to do some fancy footwork when negotiating prices. In the world of prescription drugs, pharmacy benefits managers (PBMs) are the middlemen. Their price negotiation was supposed to save patients money...
5/16/202358 minutes, 50 seconds
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The Nasal Hygiene Summit on America Out Loud PULSE

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Peter McCullough and Malcolm Out Loud –When the nose is not properly cared for, it can become a breeding ground for bacteria, which can lead to infections, viruses, and other complications. In the treatment of SARS-CoV-2, nasal hygiene was responsible for saving many lives, and it's no telling how many more we could have saved, had this life-saving information been embraced...
5/15/20231 hour, 53 minutes, 51 seconds
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COVID as a Tool for the ‘Elites’ to Shift Economic Resources From ‘The People’ to Themselves

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Harvey Risch – Our discussion today addresses whether the response to the Covid pandemic was a public health strategy, or served as a tool to further economic and political corporate interests at the expense of public health and general human suffering. Dr. Harvey Risch is joined by Dr. David Bell...
5/13/202359 minutes, 25 seconds
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Time Honored Principles and the Sanctity of the Human

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Vaughn & Dr. Tankersley – Now that the pandemic has been declared over, the wreckage in its wake will be felt for generations to come. Today we review a major part of the disaster, the 'vaccine' campaign that was built around a bunch of lies. We have known for centuries that the sole objective of a vaccine campaign has been...
5/11/202358 minutes, 58 seconds
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US Gov’t Impact on Policy, Consolidation & Challenges in Healthcare

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Marilyn Singleton – Nearly 70 percent of Americans take at least one prescription drug. Should we seriously assess whether Americans take too many drugs in the first place? Should the government cap prices? If the government regulates prices, will the drug companies still make enough money for R&D? Another issue is the shortage of healthcare workers...
5/9/202357 minutes, 57 seconds
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Finally! Biden Announces End to Federal COVID Vaccine Mandates and Q & A 67 on America Out Loud PULSE

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Peter McCullough and Malcolm Out Loud – “Our COVID-19 vaccine requirements bolstered vaccination across the nation, and our broader vaccination campaign has saved millions of lives,” the White House added. Saving Millions of Lives? …or more Propaganda? Find out on this episode of America Out Loud PULSE...
5/5/202359 minutes, 15 seconds
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Helping the Millions Injured by the Poisonous Shots

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Vaughn & Dr. Tankersley – This past weekend Dr. Vaughn spoke at the 2nd FLCCC science conference, which was another huge success. The evidence that was presented needs to be understood and distributed widely in order to help the millions (? billions) of those injured (many killed) by these poisonous shots...
5/3/202358 minutes, 22 seconds
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Has the Fear of Nuclear War Tainted the Benefits of Clean Nuclear Energy?

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Marilyn Singleton – Thousands of nuclear weapons, 20 to 30 times more powerful than those used on Japan, reside all around the world. Adding to our Armageddon fear level, we have people going on and on about climate change and stopping the use of fossil fuels like oil and gas ASAP in order to save Mother Earth...
5/2/202359 minutes, 3 seconds
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Why Is the US Government Still Pushing Failed Vaccines?

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Harvey Risch – The Covid-19 vaccines have failed to control the spread of the pandemic, and other countries have increasingly stopped recommending vaccination, yet the US government is still pushing these failed "countermeasures." Why? Dr. Harvey Risch is joined by Ms. Christine Dolan...
4/29/202358 minutes, 49 seconds
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Future of Media, Sudan Lab Crisis & Root Cause of Transgenderism and Q & A 66 on America Out Loud PULSE

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Peter McCullough and Malcolm Out Loud – Dr. McCullough says testing directly for spike protein is not available, but he tests indirectly. Can he specify what those tests are so we can have our healthcare providers assess us? How can a vaccinated person get tested to see if any calamari-type rubbery growths are present in their veins/arteries?
4/27/202358 minutes, 54 seconds
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The New World Order Mantra, ‘Heads We Win, Tails You Lose’

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Vaughn & Dr. Tankersley – A couple's infant needed urgent heart surgery, so they sought to ensure that the child received only pure (unvaccinated) blood. They lost the fight to remain the child's guardian for this. The judge awarded the cardiologist the temporary guardian of the child's health. Not only is your body not your own, your children are not either...
4/26/202355 minutes, 56 seconds
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Ego Must Not Trump Patient Care

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Marilyn Singleton – Medicine traditionally is full of all sorts of information and differing opinions. After all, the human body and its reaction to medications and other treatments are not always predictable. Continually questioning the so-called settled science is how progress is made. It became clear to...
4/26/202357 minutes, 52 seconds
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Why Is Vaccine Safety Research So Filled With Manipulation and Corruption?

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Harvey Risch – Why is vaccine safety research so filled with manipulation and corruption? Not just during Covid, but going back decades. Dr. Harvey Risch is joined by Mary Holland and Zoey O'Toole. In today's conversation, we talk about the massive scale of corruption of vaccine safety studies going back decades...
4/23/202359 minutes, 8 seconds
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Double Lab Leak Theory & SARS-CoV-2 Intersects Geopolitics on America Out Loud PULSE

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Peter McCullough and Malcolm Out Loud – "Millions of lives could have been saved — including those of more than 1 million Americans — if not for a “coverup” by the Chinese government during a theorized initial outbreak," explains Sen. Roger Marshall (R-Kan.). Dr. Peter McCullough and Malcolm Out Loud spar on Trump and the Establishment...
4/20/202359 minutes, 6 seconds
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As Momentum Builds, Will the Will of the People Be Honored?

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Vaughn & Dr. Tankersley – As more and more evidence shows the death and destruction from the government's actions, the resistance builds! This week we expose a duplicity of the FDA that is undeniable. The FDA director's statement last week may have him in hot water with his overlords...
4/19/202359 minutes, 13 seconds
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What do Roe, Doe, and Dobbs Really Mean?

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Marilyn Singleton – Fortunately for unborn children, the recent Supreme Court case, Dobbs v Jackson, brought the abortion debate to the forefront. The pro-Roe crowd went so far as to surround the homes of conservative Supreme Court justices. The media could not continue to ignore the large numbers...
4/19/202359 minutes, 23 seconds
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Where Is the Focus on Federal Government Policy Incompetency? And Not Just During COVID

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Harvey Risch – Dr. Harvey Risch is joined by Christopher Messina, who is a markets-focused executive and entrepreneur with deep, international experience in the global capital markets. We discuss how so much bad federal government administrative policy has made the country very dysfunctional...
4/16/202359 minutes
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Dr. Peter Breggin & Family Survive COVID

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin – Ginger Ross Breggin delivers a very personal account of her family's encounter with COVID and Dr. Peter Breggin's hospitalization for COVID pneumonia. Editor's Note: While Ginger was very ill herself with COVID, she also was caring for her 96-year-old mom and our beloved Dr. Peter Breggin...
4/15/202355 minutes, 34 seconds
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Don’t Eat Your Vaccines and Q & A 64 on America Out Loud PULSE

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Peter McCullough and Malcolm Out Loud – What are the risks and the benefits? Where is informed consent? What are they putting in our foods? They’ve had this technology available since late 2019, and now they want to say we don’t have the right to informed consent when it comes to engineering our foods...?
4/14/202357 minutes, 34 seconds
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National Health Emergency Ends! Brain-Dead Leadership Continues…

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Vaughn & Dr. Tankersley – Today, we look at more and more evidence of the negative neurological impacts of the experimental biological agents called "COVID Vaccines." We discuss the latest country to join the list of many others who are running away from these shots: Switzerland is the latest to NOT recommend...
4/12/202356 minutes, 53 seconds
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Medical Care Is About Patients, Not Politics w/ Dr. Richard Amerling

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Marilyn Singleton – Over the last few decades, medical care’s focus seemed to shift from the patients to “the system.” To remind physicians, patients, and policymakers who’s the boss when it comes to medical care, the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons published a Patient Bill of Rights...
4/11/202359 minutes, 11 seconds
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Who is Running the Pandemic Response? It Has Not Been Who You Think…

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Harvey Risch – The catastrophic and paradoxical pandemic response shattered Debbie's worldview. Her work is focused on investigating who initiated the response and why. In this hour, we discuss how the vaccines came to be developed and distributed, and for what motivations and circumstances...
4/8/202358 minutes, 57 seconds
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Omicron XBB.1.5 Variant – Is This the End of the Pandemic? America Out Loud PULSE

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Peter McCullough and Malcolm Out Loud – The subvariant was responsible for approximately 90% of new infections. The highly transmissible strain is also the most prominent globally and the only one showing a significant growth. Coronavirus cases in the U.S. continue to decline...
4/8/202358 minutes, 54 seconds
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6 Major COVID Lies – Chain Reaction of Deception

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Vaughn & Dr. Tankersley – With such a stark reminder of the importance of dialogue to expose the truth, today's podcast focuses on many of the COVID lies that were promoted to the destruction, injury, and death of billions. With the tragedy of the intentional murdering of six Christians by a trans woman last week, we'd be remiss if we ignored the reality of where we are today as a profession...
4/6/202357 minutes, 22 seconds
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Stopping Government Tyranny Through the Courts

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Marilyn Singleton – Lawyers can be a big part of preserving our liberty. The state and federal governments took advantage of Covid-19 to further sink their claws into our lives and manipulate our behavior. The legal fights to reign in government overreach are about more than Covid. Andy Schlafly is general counsel to the AAPS...
4/5/202359 minutes, 11 seconds
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“The Good German.” Then: “The Good American.” Now I Think Dennis Prager Is Ready To Write, “The Good Doctor.”

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Harvey Risch – Dennis Prager, is one of the clearest ethical thinkers of our generation, in both secular and religious contexts. We discuss the infection of politics into medicine and the resulting major distrust of the profession by the general public. Dr. Harvey Risch is joined by Dennis Prager...
4/1/202359 minutes, 3 seconds
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Dr. McCullough & Foster Coulson on The Future of Healthcare and Q & A 62

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Peter McCullough and Malcolm Out Loud – We start by looking at four key areas of healthcare highlighted by our listeners. 1 FEAR AS DOCTORS PUSH VACCINE AGENDA * 2 HOSPITAL PROTOCOLS RESULTING IN DEATH * 3 LOST TRUST IN THE SYSTEM * 4 ACCOUNTABILITY - NEVER FORGET...
4/1/202358 minutes, 55 seconds
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Narrative Driven Swiss Study Has Huge Holes, but Fear Not

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Vaughn & Dr. Tankersley – For generations, we've known this. This is the latest example of 'science' rejecting known immunology to the detriment of those affected by the pandemic: the scientific community at large should have been doing real investigations into the things that will affect our response to...
3/30/202356 minutes, 35 seconds
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Can ‘Bad Parents’ Be Better Than Foster Care?

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Marilyn Singleton – A GAO audit of foster care records from 2008 in five representative states found that 39 percent of foster children are being prescribed psychiatric medications compared to 10 percent of non-foster children. Although the actual percentages of children who received five or more psychiatric drugs...
3/29/202358 minutes, 43 seconds
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The Reasoning About Evidence for Medical Care and Prevention

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Harvey Risch – In today's conversation, we talk about scientific evidence on a number of topics, including randomized controlled trials, the treatment of blood infections (sepsis), Covid, diabetes, high cholesterol, etc. Dr. Harvey Risch is joined by Dr. Paul Marik, an internationally renowned star of clinical medicine...
3/26/202358 minutes, 1 second
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Selling Vaccines Door-to-Door and Q & A 61 on America Out Loud PULSE

America Out Loud PULSE with Dr. Peter McCullough and Malcolm Out Loud – One man challenged Fauci: "So, I'm not going to be lining up taking a shot on a vaccination for something that wasn't clear in the first place," he said. He pressed Fauci and Bowser about the length of time it took to develop the vaccine and said...
3/23/202357 minutes, 10 seconds