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Ambition and Grit

English, Finance, 2 seasons, 25 episodes, 6 hours, 38 minutes
In this podcast hosted by the trailblazing founder of RE/MAX, Dave Liniger, we discover the secrets of those who have overcome challenges, pushed past their own limits, and experienced the best life has to offer.
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How to Stay One Step Ahead of Your Competition

Dave Liniger shares hard-won wisdom and practical strategies for using competition to boost your business. In this episode, he tells the little known story about a lawsuit that threatened to destroy RE/MAX in its early years. Because RE/MAX was a rapidly growing change agent in the real estate industry, they became a target for their competition. A competing real estate company attempted to sue the company over bogus claims, which the jury recognized. They overwhelmingly decided in favor of RE/MAX. But not before six months had passed in litigation, during which time the other company hoped to bankrupt RE/MAX with legal fees. Once Dave and RE/MAX won the trial, he used the experience of being targeted to his advantage. As Dave grew into an icon in his industry, he began using ethically sourced intelligence about his competition as an important foundation for growth. He recommends gathering information on your top competitors’ strengths and weaknesses and using it to build your company’s growth benchmark. Another great way to outperform your competitors is by harnessing the most important resource already available to you— your employees. Those who work in the field have a unique perspective on specific challenges and can offer specialized insights. Finally, the best approach to staying ahead of the competition is by taking small steps on a consistent basis towards your goals. This allows for adaptability and constant reflection throughout the evolution of your business. And remember— if you’re a target, that probably means you’re doing something right. Main Topics Early resistance to innovative compensation models (01:40) Constant litigation threatened to destroy the company (03:23) Shifting the mindset towards competitors (06:45) Learning from competitors (08:30) Applying the Kaizen concept to business (11:20) Utilizing employees for growth plans (13:10)   Connect with Dave:https://www.daveliniger.com Listen, rate, and subscribe!
8/16/202316 minutes, 44 seconds
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The Gift of Mentorship: Reflections From Dave’s Mentee, Adam Contos

Adam Contos has had quite the career— from SWAT team leader to executive leadership professor to CEO of RE/MAX, his passion is changing people’s lives. In his retirement, Adam continues mentoring others in becoming as successful as they want to be. Sharing wisdom from his life experiences in the military, on the police force and in the boardroom, Adam embodies what it means to practice ambition and grit through life’s greatest challenges. Through Dave’s mentorship and his own inherent drive to be the best he could be, Adam tackled seemingly impossible tasks like earning a masters degree and running a global corporation at the same time. Even though his friendship with Dave was his door into the company, nothing was given to him. He proved himself every day by utilizing communication skills and knowledge of people to excel at one of the largest corporate real estate companies in the world. He encourages young entrepreneurs to find themselves a mentor and take full advantage of the wisdom offered through the relationship. Investing in people is the best way to model human-centered leadership that builds healthy teams and a powerful work culture.   Main Topics Adam’s wholesome childhood in Colorado (00:40) Experiences and lessons from the SWAT team (02:55) Adam and Dave meet on a ride along (05:20) Key traits of great leaders (07:38) The most rewarding aspects of police service (09:10) Transferable leadership skills for any industry (11:30) Mentorship requires action (13:30) Transitioning between industries (14:25) Adam becomes CEO at RE/MAX and earns a master's degree (15:30) Learning from the lessons (18:26)   Episode Links Connect with Adam: with Dave:https://www.daveliniger.com Listen, rate, and subscribe!
8/2/202324 minutes, 10 seconds
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How to Improve Your Employee Retention Even in Challenging Times

From decades of wisdom forged in the fire of trial and error, Dave shares practical tips for building strong teams within an organization. One of the greatest challenges business owners face in today’s market is employee retention. The first and most important step to creating a successful team is the hiring process. During the interview, it is important to ask questions about previous places of employment and how long they worked there. Not everyone is a service-oriented superstar, so if one such person shows up for an interview, it’s beneficial to spend extra money hiring a strong employee. Diversity and inclusion are also priorities when building a team. It’s not enough to simply meet a quota; people need to feel connected. Feeling like part of a team is correlated with higher retention rates and employee satisfaction. Offer consistent gratitude and appreciation for all team members. And finally, the best way to fine-tune team building leadership is by asking for honest feedback from employees who leave the company. As Dave leads by example, the best way to keep people happy at work is by getting to know them personally and investing in those important relationships.  Main Topics Retention starts with the hiring process (01:15) Three categories of employees (02:18) Building a diverse workforce through inclusion (05:50) Communicating to an employee that they’re important (07:25) Employees are motivated by being part of a team (11:30) Ask for feedback when people leave the company (14:50) Leadership begins with building relationships (17:50)    Episode LinksBullet point links to the main sources you used in your research, to additional clips and media played during the episode, to your guests’ websites and social media, and any other further reading. Connect with Dave:https://www.daveliniger.com Listen, rate, and subscribe!
7/19/202319 minutes, 1 second
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The Power of Mentorship with Misty Lown

Since opening her first dance studio at age 20, Misty Lown has grown into a powerful leader, author and philanthropist in the global dance community through her tenacious determination. When her path crossed with Dave’s at a conference many years ago, he observed her passion and preparedness and knew she was someone worth investing in. Thus began Dave and Misty’s mentorship, which bloomed into a beautiful friendship built on mutual respect and inspiration. When Misty pursued her dream of running her own dance studio instead of studying in New York to become a professional dancer, people thought she was crazy to pass up the opportunity. But she understood her calling even though she didn’t have the knowledge or skills required to be successful in business at the time. Recognizing those gaps motivated her to conduct her own investigation and learn from experts in the field. Now she works with studios all over the world, providing them with training resources and growth models that make the power of dance accessible for thousands of young people. Her service mindset is fueled by the desire to give back the way other people gave to her. Whatever Misty does, she does it with all her heart and attention, which means her influence grows at both an individual and community level. Main Topics Misty and Dave’s unique friendship (0:54) Misty starts her first business in her 20’s with a dream (03:56) Challenges she had to overcome (05:25) Expanding her business to a licensing model (06:50) Misty’s makes an impact at community and individual levels (08:00) The success of her family is her greatest pride and joy (09:35) Finding harmony vs. balance (10:40) Misty’s most impactful experiences with Dave’s mentorship (12:00) Episode Links Connect with Misty: with Dave:https://www.daveliniger.com Listen, rate, and subscribe!
7/5/202313 minutes, 50 seconds
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Women in Leadership

When Dave Liniger founded RE/MAX in the early 1970s, the statistics of women attending college and seeking professional jobs outside the home were just beginning to increase. The real estate industry was traditionally an “old boys club” run by older men who were resistant to change. Women were not easily welcomed into sales and had to fight for opportunities to prove themselves equal to their male counterparts. RE/MAX was an early pioneer for providing equal employment opportunities for women, largely impacted by the leadership skills of Dave’s wife, Gail.Today, Dave has been influential in growing the percentage of women at the executive level. He has served on committees that provide education about the benefits of placing women in leadership positions, such as a typically more inclusive and personal leadership style. Transitioning away from the traditional militaristic approach to management increases productivity and retention rates. Placing well-qualified women in leadership roles is imperative to the success of any company, and Dave is hopeful about the changes he’s witnessed over the past several decades. As men and women work together to shatter the glass ceiling, we build a better future with more equity and inclusion in the workforce.Main Topics Post-WWII changes for women in the workforce (01:10) The real estate industry’s resistance to change (02:30) RE/MAX pioneers opportunities for women in sales (04:20) Women in leadership are essential to success in business (07:40) How Dave’s wife impacted the development of RE/MAX (09:05) Actively working towards change at the C-suite level (13:00) The future is bright for women leaders in many arenas (14:25)  Connect with Dave:https://www.daveliniger.com Listen, rate, and subscribe!
6/21/202316 minutes, 52 seconds
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Steak and Whiskey: Secrets to Running Nashville’s Oldest Fine Dining Restaurant with Mike Kelly

Mike Kelly is the proud owner of family-founded Jimmy Kelly’s Steakhouse in Nashville, TN, the oldest fine dining establishment in the city. In the hospitality industry, Mike has hosted guests from all corners of the world including a long list of local and global celebrities. But what is most important to him is preserving the legacy of his family. Mike’s great grandfather Jimmy, an irish immigrant seeking his own American Dream, transitioned from bootlegging into the restaurant business in the 1930’s during one of the most challenging economic decades in American history. Mike attributes the success of his family’s restaurant, now celebrating its 89th year, to hard work, perseverance, and building intentional relationships with employees and customers. He wrote his book A Generous Pour to chronicle the inspiring history of the restaurant and the family that overcame all obstacles to keep the doors of a cultural and historical institution open against all odds. Main Topics Mike’s book and the history of his family (01:07) Jimmy Kelly immigrates to America (01:40) From bootlegging to fine dining (02:30) Success despite the Great Depression (04:05) Keeping employees happy (05:45) Personal relationships lead to sustainability (08:05)   Episode Links Connect with Mike: with Dave:https://www.daveliniger.com Listen, rate, and subscribe!
6/7/20239 minutes, 19 seconds
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The American Dream is Alive and Well with Glenn Stearns

Glenn Stearns’ personal mission is to prove the American Dream is still alive. As the founder of the country’s largest privately held mortgage lending company, his entrepreneurial spirit and persistent work ethic have taken him down some interesting paths. But none of Glenn’s success was handed to him; he built it from the ground up through a series of painful challenges that pushed him to get clear about his dreams. Through a difficult childhood, struggling in school, and becoming a teen parent, Glenn used each situation to strengthen his resolve. He wasn’t going to let anything get in the way of his personal success. As an adult, Glenn applied the lessons from his youth to building his business. After defeating cancer and selling his mortgage lending company, he traveled the world with his family and gained new perspectives on life. His travels reinforced his belief in the opportunities America affords those who are willing to work for them. He publically experimented with this notion by starting from nothing and opening a successful BBQ restaurant on reality television. But success cannot be won by going it alone. Some advice he gives to young entrepreneurs is to surround yourself with good people who will help you achieve your dreams. Discover your unique gifts and find ways to capitalize on them. America is still the land of opportunity for those who know where to look. Main Topics Glenn’s challenges in childhood (01:00) The difficult decision to sell his business (02:50) Starting another company after beating cancer (05:15) Glenn and his wife win a reality TV show (6:50) Glenn’s experiment to prove the American Dream is still alive (08:45) Tips for achieving goals and maintaining resiliency (10:50) Practical tips for young entrepreneurs(13:57) Definition of success (15:40)    Episode Links Connect with Glenn: with Dave:https://www.daveliniger.com Listen, rate, and subscribe!
5/24/202318 minutes, 11 seconds
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How to Improve Your Productivity

In the beginning of his career at RE/MAX, Dave Liniger admits he struggled to manage a quickly growing business. After decades of running a successful global company, he now offers practical wisdom for unlocking the power of productivity that can be applied to all walks of life. Time management is really about organization. Business owners should find systems that work for them to keep information organized. Dave utilizes the 4D theory: dump distractions, delegate tasks, delay when necessary, and do the most prioritized action items. Another helpful strategy for increasing productivity is to document how you spend your time in a day. Evaluate the percentage of time dedicated to actions that make money versus mundane tasks. Set goals to prioritize what generates revenue for your business and create a daily to-do list. Finally, commit to taking small steps that will help you achieve the goals you set for yourself and your team. Patience and dedication create lasting change for those willing to put in the work. Main Topics Playing all managerial roles in the early stages of a business (02:00) 4D theory for time management (03:07) Dave’s system for organizing daily tasks (04:20) Make specific and measurable goals (07:25) Overcome challenges to productivity (10:37) Set boundaries around your time (12:30)   Connect with Dave:https://www.daveliniger.com Listen, rate, and subscribe!
5/10/202314 minutes, 57 seconds
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Fast Cars and the American Dream with John Hennessey

For over 30 years, John Hennessey has turned his passion for modifying cars into a thriving high performance vehicle brand. Making fast cars faster, Hennessey Performance Engineering has become a name worth knowing in the sports car industry. And it all began with John’s belief in the American Dream. As a young man, he learned that he had to work hard for everything he wanted. This persistent level of effort and the ability to learn from mistakes is what allowed John to go from racing his own modified cars to making an impact in the automobile industry with his elite, high-performance vehicles. As his brand grew, so did his family. John wanted to bring his family together through his passion for cars. Now the Hennessey family travels the world both working events for the company and taking in the sights together. John is proud of what he’s built and values his legacy carried on through both his cars and his children. Main Topics How John got started in modified vehicles (02:17) John is determined to race at Pike’s Peak (04:46) Taking the risk to start Hennessey MotorSports (06:19) Balancing work and home life (09:00) John’s creations are his legacy (10:30)   Episode Links Connect with John: with Dave:https://www.daveliniger.com Listen, rate, and subscribe!
4/26/202312 minutes, 48 seconds
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Overcoming Challenging Times in Business

Having lived through nine presidencies and seven major economic recessions, Dave Liniger knows what it means to adapt business methods in order to thrive when others are failing. From solopreneurs to C-suite executives, many people fear how the current economic recession will impact their businesses. Pivoting in the face of challenges means looking for creative solutions that will allow you to stay ahead of the competition. The best way for leaders to manage times of crisis is through outthinking and outworking others in the same industry. Another important business strategy that stands the test of time is being honest and transparent with employees. When team members trust their leadership to openly communicate an organization's obstacles, they are more likely to get on board with the plan for addressing those challenges. It is important for team members to feel a sense of investment in a company’s values, especially for younger generations in the workforce. Remembering that success is not linear, those who approach difficult times with perseverance and a positive attitude have a much better chance at surviving whatever roadblocks arise. Main Topics The impact of the 2007 recession on the housing market (02:20) How RE/MAX responded by adjusting business methods (03:27) Going on the offensive in a recession (04:51) Pivoting means adaptability (06:28) Outthink and outwork your competition (07:50) How to manage crisis in business (08:50) Business practices that stand the test of time (10:20)   Connect with Dave:https://www.daveliniger.com Listen, rate, and subscribe!
4/12/202313 minutes, 1 second
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Fearlessness in the Face of Adversity with Joan Lunden

A legend and trusted voice of America, Joan Lunden overcame immense obstacles on her path to personal and professional success. Over the span of forty years, Joan built her inspirational career as a nationally loved television host, award-winning journalist, best-selling author, and motivational speaker. She isn’t afraid to take risks. When life presents her with an opportunity, she says yes and figures out how to make it happen later. This fearless approach to life has allowed her to be a living example of perseverance through deeply challenging seasons in her life. As one of the first female news anchors, Joan worked within a system plagued by sexism and bigotry to create space for women in the industry. A pioneer in her own right, she earned her place as one of America’s most beloved interviewers, pursuing the truth with tenacious candor. She started each morning with a smile in the mirror, choosing a positive attitude regardless of external circumstances. This resiliency pushed her to accomplish her goals, including overcoming her fear of public speaking and performing as a Las Vegas showgirl. Her love for life helped her battle bravely through the terror of breast cancer, survive, and share her inspirational story with others. Retirement for Joan looks like hosting a television show and a podcast, serving as an adjunct professor, and traveling the country as a keynote speaker. As a woman who believes herself capable of accomplishing anything, her legendary life reflects what is possible with fierce hard work and determination. Main Topics Joan’s initiation into the world of broadcasting (01:26) Joan’s rise to the top from weather girl to anchor (04:06) Revolutionizing the status quo as a woman in a male-dominated industry (07:00) Her greatest challenges as co-host of Good Morning America (07:49) Joan performs as a Las Vegas showgirl (09:43) Overcoming her fear of public speaking with Tony Robbins (11:25) Her greatest hurdle yet: surviving breast cancer (15:00)   Episode Links Connect with Joan: with Dave:https://www.daveliniger.com, rate, and subscribe!Apple PodcastsSpotifyGoogle Podcasts
3/29/202318 minutes, 23 seconds
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How to Avoid Failing in the First 5 Years of Your Business

50% of small businesses fail within the first five years. Founder of RE/MAX and real estate titan Dave Liniger has over 50 years of experience in growing, managing, and investing in business. Though the first two years of RE/MAX threatened to defeat him in his goal of improving the lives of real estate agents nationwide, he persevered through the challenges and revolutionized the industry. He encourages founders to make sure they have the capital backing needed to support the business through natural ups and downs of the first few years. And most importantly, those trying to build a business from the ground up should always keep their vision at the forefront of every decision. Being a young man himself in the early days of his company, he especially supports young adults in their endeavors to pursue a dream, however big or small it may be. With enough confidence, enthusiasm, and a community of like-minded individuals surrounding you, your business can avoid the pitfalls that many encounter in the early stages of an organization. Main Topics Dave revolutionized the real estate industry in spite of perceived failure (02:04) Incentivizing engagement in real estate from diverse demographics (04:36) How Dave persevered through the challenges (07:03) Important tips for business founders (09:10) Youth can be an advantage in startups (11:05) Pitfalls to avoid while building a business (13:37)  Connect with Dave:https://www.daveliniger.com Listen, rate, and subscribe!
3/15/202315 minutes, 16 seconds
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Shattering Limitations with Guts and Grit with Vernice “FlyGirl” Armour

Coming from a legacy of military heroes, FlyGirl knew early on she wanted to follow in her family’s footsteps and serve her country. Her desire to be a police officer led her to enroll in the army during her college years. One day, seeing a black woman in a flight suit opened her eyes to limitless possibilities, and from that day forward FlyGirl worked tirelessly to become the best fighter pilot she could be. Though a mountain of challenges stood in her way such as discrimination, sexism, and numerous rejections, she embraced her tenacious determination to achieve her dreams. Having cultivated a life of gritty perseverance, FlyGirl now applies strategies she learned in the military to business. Much of her coaching centers around making gutsy moves. In her experience as an executive coach and consultant, she encourages leaders to make decisions that push them outside their comfort zone every day. This courage allows people to push past what she calls the “gutsy gap,” that challenge that seems insurmountable. By taking calculated action even in the face of fear, FlyGirl helps activate leaders towards their highest potential. Of course, she leads by her powerful example.Main Topics Vernice’s military family background inspired her career in the Marines and law enforcement (01:00) How seeing a black woman in a flight suit changed the course of her life (02:48) Through willful determination, she excelled in flight school (05:19) How Vernice dealt with discrimination and sexism in the Marines (06:20) Tips for success at any stage of business (09:50) Making gutsy moves in business and on the battlefield (13:00)  Episode Links Connect with Vernice: with Dave:https://www.daveliniger.com, rate, and subscribe!
2/26/202316 minutes, 14 seconds
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Ambition & Grit Trailer

In this season, we'll hear from guests like Vernice "FlyGirl" Armour, America's first black female combat fighter pilot. Legendary American journalist Joan Lunden. Automotive pioneer John Hennessey, founder and CEO of Hennessey Performance Vehicles—manufacturer of some of the world's fastest cars. And J.R. Martinez, an Army veteran, burn survivor and New York Times Best-Selling author.Dave also delves into his decards of knowledge and experience spanning as he shares leadership insights and stories of drive and determination that will leave you inspired!
1/25/20231 minute, 30 seconds