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African Roots Podcast Profile

African Roots Podcast

English, History, 1 season, 31 episodes, 10 hours, 21 minutes
African Roots podcast introduces men and women who shaped Africa's past, present and future. It meets big names, and tells the story of others who have stayed out of the spotlight. Their stories range from heroic to tragic. Some affect our lives today, while time has buried the legacy of others. But what binds them together, is their African Roots.
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Why Togo was NOT a "model colony" for Germany

In July 1884, the imperial German flag was raised for the first time on the African continent - not in Tanzania or Namibia, but in Togo. The tiny protectorate became Togoland, and because Germany's 30-year rule seemed relatively peaceful compared to other German imperial conquests, Togoland was promoted as "a model colony". But it was a self-serving myth for German colonial administrators.
2/5/20249 minutes, 54 seconds
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When East Africans resisted colonial rule

In East Africa and the Great Lakes region, German colonial conquest spurred courageous resistance from many local East African groups against well-armed and violent colonial forces.
1/30/202412 minutes, 16 seconds
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From Kaiser Wilhelm Spitze to Uhuru Peak: Why names matter

European colonial rule across Africa lasted over 70 years. During this time, communities were not only physically uprooted, resettled, or changed forever, but their identity was, at best, ignored, and in many cases destroyed. In the grand scheme of colonial rule, renaming areas seems fairly mild. But it wasn't: it was in fact the colonialists' final stamp in making African lands their own.
1/23/20249 minutes, 51 seconds
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Quane Martin Dibobe: From exhibit to anti-colonial activist

Summer 1896: A Cameroonian man appeared in Treptower Park, Berlin as part of a human exhibition to increase enthusiasm for German colonialism. Little did anyone know this man — Martin Dibobe — would later become a pioneering human rights activist.
12/19/202311 minutes, 5 seconds
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How a ship-owner drove German colonialism

Adolph Woermann's company went from being a shipping firm to an unofficial instrument of German colonization. We explore how a Hamburg merchant grew rich in West Africa and transported the troops that subjugated the OvaHerero and Nama people.
12/7/202310 minutes, 17 seconds
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How colonial Germany extended its empire in Africa

By 1885, Adolf Lüderitz had acquired vast territories in today's Namibia. But his contracts with local people were so dodgy that even German colonial officials doubted them.
12/6/202310 minutes, 44 seconds
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The long road to Liberation: Nelson Mandela and Eduardo Mondlane

For our last episode of African Roots, we profile two giants: Mozambique's Eduardo Mondlane and South Africa's Nelson Mandela. We look at how the two men shaped their respective nations' trajectories in different eras, and how their fight against oppression inspired thousands of young people to take up the armed struggle.
7/18/202336 minutes, 20 seconds
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Women to the Front: Margaret Ekpo and The Amazons

Cai finds out how the legendary warriors, the Dahomey Amazons, have recently gained recognition - to dazzling Hollywood effects. But not all women fought on the battlefield: Laila explores how in neighboring in Nigeria, Margaret Ekpo blazed a trail for female participation in local politics as independence took hold.
7/4/202320 minutes, 58 seconds
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Of myths and legends: Sunjata Keita and Bayajida

Oral histories are key to shaping nationalities, legends and identities. Cai and Laila explore the role of West African griots in keeping alive the phenomenal stories of Sunjata Keita from Mali and Nigeria's Bayajida.
6/20/202320 minutes, 35 seconds
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Legacy unravelled: Usman Dan Fodio and William Tubman

The relentless march of time changes histories and, sometimes, tarnishes reputation. Cai and Laila meet two nation builders, Usman Dan Fodio, and Liberia's William Tubman, whose legacies are perceived very differently today than during their lifetimes.
6/6/202325 minutes, 40 seconds
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Women lead the liberation: Josina Machel and Bibi Titi Mohammed

The role of women in Africa's liberation movements is underrepresented. African Roots meets Josina Machel, a freedom fighter whose efforts reshaped Mozambique's liberation movement in exile, and Bibi Titi Mohammed, who arguably won the grassroots support that drove Julius Nyerere to power in Tanzania.
5/23/202322 minutes, 17 seconds
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The Return of Forgotten Warriors: Dedan Kimathi and The Lion of Gaza

History often leaves many vital figures out, and only after a few years does their absence stand out. We meet two anti-colonial fighters, Dedan Kimathi and Ngungunyane, and find out why their legacies were left to fade, and why great efforts have been made to remember them.
5/9/202328 minutes, 21 seconds
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Power players: Taytu Betul and Queen Njinga

Ethiopia's Taytu Betul and Angola's Queen Njinga live large in their countries' historical memory as strong female leaders, and both embody the complicated power dynamics of their times. Just how did Taytu Betul help face down a European invasion? And why were Portuguese colonialists forced to talk with Queen Njinga on equal terms? Cai and Laila bring you their remarkable stories.
4/25/202322 minutes, 18 seconds
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Viva Independence: Amilcar Cabral and Louis Rwagasore

Arguably Africa's most influential revolutionary thinker, Amilcar Cabral, never saw his country gain independence. In the 1950s, Louis Rwagasore, briefly, seemed to unite a divided Burundi, but his time was cut short. We find out the tragic fates of these visionary leaders and how their ideas spread beyond their respective nations.
4/11/202319 minutes, 21 seconds
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African Mavericks: Wangari Maathai and Njoya Ibrahim

Every generation throws up a maverick - and Africa has had many! Laila introduces Cai to Wangari Maathai, who rewrote the rules for environmentalism in east Africa, and faced down stiff resistance in the process. Cai looks back to Cameroon's colonial era leader Njoya Ibrahim, a man of many talents who could have been anything - but, above all, achieved the status of an African hero.
3/29/202321 minutes, 39 seconds
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Warrior Queens: Amina of Zazzau and Queen Abla Pokou

Season 2 of the African Roots podcast is here! And we start off with two West African icons: Queen Amina of Zazzau and Queen Abla Pokou. Both women are nation builders of almost mythical proportions, so hosts Cai and Laila delve into why these two royals went on to drastically change their society's fate.
3/14/202318 minutes, 37 seconds
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Captured! Sengbe Pieh and King Afonso the First

What was it like living under the tyranny of slavery? Cai and Laila open a cruel chapter of human history by meeting two figures who felt the consequences of the Transatlantic slave trade very differently: Sengbe Pieh, hero of the Amistad court case, and Afonso the First, whose Kongo Kingdom was decimated by slave raids.
1/2/202324 minutes, 48 seconds
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Pride in Wisdom: Fatima al-Fihiri and Ahmed Baba

Fatima al-Fihiri's legacy as a supporter of education hold immeasurable cultural and educational value, still being felt today. Meanwhile, further south into the Sahara, Ahmed Baba's teachings became a landmark for Muslims across Africa. Listen to their stories right here on the African Roots podcast!
12/20/202216 minutes, 40 seconds
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Warrior Women: Princess Yennenga and Yaa Asantewaa

When the men stood down, the women stood firm. Cai and Laila meet the fearsome warrior Princess Yennenga, whose famous stallion has become a symbol of Burkina Faso. Meanwhile, Yaa Asantewaa caused such problems for British colonialists that an entire war was named after her.
12/6/202221 minutes, 20 seconds
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Independence Now! Kwame Nkrumah and Julius Nyerere

When the winds of freedom from colonialism swept across Africa in the 1960s, new nations were tasked to develop into functioning democracies overnight - most without success. Cai and Laila profile two giants of the African independence era - who took radically different, but in some ways similar, paths.
11/22/202219 minutes, 28 seconds
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Journeys that changed history: Kanku Musa and Queen of Sheba

Some figures transcend all borders - physical, religious or spiritual: Cai goes in search of the legendary Kanku Musa, possibly the richest person who ever lived, and who changed the course of Muslim history forever. Meanwhile, Laila recounts the mythical tale of the Queen of Sheba and her roots in Ethiopia.
11/8/202222 minutes, 1 second
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Revolutionary martyrs: Thomas Sankara and Patrice Lumumba

Two of Africa's most famous, young revolutionaries gave their fledgling nations hope, if just for a short while. Laila explores how Patrice Lumumba's dreams of independence rattled Western powers, while Cai reveals why Burkinabe Thomas Sankara is still an icon for young leaders across Africa.
10/25/202223 minutes, 56 seconds
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Unifying warriors? Shaka Zulu and Gobena Dache

Laila and Cai explore the complex and controversial legacies of two of Africa's military men: South Africa's Shaka Zulu and Ethiopian Gobena Dache. While both are renowned for their military prowess, their repressive attempts to unify their people caused rivers of blood to flow.
10/11/202222 minutes, 11 seconds
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Nein to the Kaiser! Douala Manga Bell and Hendrik Witbooi

When the scale and racist nature of Germany's colonial ambitions in Africa became apparent, leaders Rudolf Douala Manga Bell and Hendrik Witbooi resisted. Cai and Laila narrate how the two men from Cameroon and Namibia respectively took very different paths to impede German imperial domination.
9/27/202229 minutes, 31 seconds
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Reclaiming Heritage: Dinknesh and Sarah Baartman

One of the world's oldest humanoid fossils, colloquially known as Dinknesh or "Lucy", has intrigued paleontologists for decades. But her name is also a point of pride for Ethiopians. Meanwhile Laila narrates how fascination and racist attitudes around Sarah Baartman resulted in a harrowing, cautionary tale of human exploitation.
9/13/202220 minutes, 4 seconds
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Culture in Chief: Oba Ewuare and Leopold Sedar Senghor

Cai explores how Senegal's first president, poet Leopold Senghor, believed a mix of African and French culture could carry Senegal into independence. Meanwhile Laila tells Cai how Nigerian Oba Ewuare's taste in cultural investment still has African nations and European museums at loggerheads.
8/30/202221 minutes, 41 seconds
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When you strike a woman, you strike a rock! Charlotte Maxeke and Helen Joseph

Laila and Cai explore the roles of two remarkable South African women who fought white-oppression in two different eras. Golden voiced Charlotte Maxeke formed the ANC's Women's League in the early 20th century. Decades later, Helen Joseph led the historic Women's March and co-wrote the Freedom Charter. Though neither saw the fall of apartheid, their struggle inspired millions of South Africans.
8/16/202223 minutes, 45 seconds
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Fighting Spirits: Kimpa Vita and Kinjeketile

Resisting oppression comes in many forms. But few embody spiritual resistance like Kimpa Vita, who adapted the Catholic religion to the chagrin of Portuguese colonists. Meanwhile in East Africa, prophet Kinjeketile raised an army against German imperialism. But how did they inspire resistance movements simply with their aura?
8/2/202219 minutes, 11 seconds
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Given half a chance: Cheikh Anta Diop and Hamilton Naki

Despite colonial oppression limiting opportunites for talented African scientists, Senegalese polymath Cheikh Anta Diop dispelled whitewashed myths of Ancient Egypt. Meanwhile in South Africa, Hamilton Naki defied the apartheid regime by training among the elite heart surgeons that paved the way to the world's first heart transplant in 1967.
7/19/202218 minutes, 39 seconds
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Making history her story: Flora Nwapa and Siti Binti Saad

Cai introduces Laila to Zanzibari icon, Siti Binti Saad. Not only did she rewrite the rules of Taarab music, she became the genre's biggest star. Meanwhile, Laila's countrywoman Flora Nwapa literally wrote herself into history as a glass ceiling smashing novelist.
7/5/202218 minutes, 8 seconds
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Royal rebels: Haile Selassie and Queen Muhumuza

In our first podcast, hosts Laila Johnson Salami and Cai Nebe profile two leaders who were a thorn in the side of imperial powers. And both have a surprising role in the foundations of Rastafarianism, and reggae music.
6/14/202220 minutes, 9 seconds