Title: 摇篮曲Author: 弗朗茨·舒 伯特Covered by: 明前奶绿Note: 清唱
2023-10-21 - Fly Me to the Moon
Title: Fly Me to the MoonAuthor: Bart HowardCovered by: 明前奶绿Note: 清唱片段
Title: 花海Author: 周杰伦Covered by: 明前奶绿Note: 清唱片段
Title: 最长的电影Author: 周杰伦Covered by: 明前奶绿Note: 伴奏跟唱片段
2023-10-13 - あなたに出会わなければ ~夏雪冬花~
Title: あなたに出会わなければ ~夏雪冬花~Author: AimerCovered by: 明前奶绿Note: 动画《夏雪之约》片尾曲。清唱片段
Title: 心中想的还是他Author: 禹丁洁Covered by: 明前奶绿Note: 动画《虹猫蓝兔》系列片尾曲。瞎唱
Title: 摇篮曲Author: 弗朗茨·舒伯特Covered by: 明前奶绿Note: 清唱片段
Title: 关键词Author: 林俊杰Covered by: 明前奶绿Note: 清唱片段
Title: 嘉宾Author: 张远Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 身骑白马Author: 徐佳莹Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 背叛Author: 曹格Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 悟空Author: 戴荃Covered by: 明前奶绿Note: 清唱
Title: 伤痕Author: 林忆莲Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 不为谁而作的歌Author: 林俊杰Covered by: 明前奶绿Note: 清唱
Title: 在水一方Author: 邓丽君Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 红豆Author: 方大同Covered by: 明前奶绿Note: 清唱半首
Title: 我要你Author: 任素汐Covered by: 明前奶绿Note: 清唱半首
Title: 小小Author: 容祖儿Covered by: 明前奶绿Note: 清唱
Title: 相思Author: 毛阿敏Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 大氿歌Author: 洛天依, ilemCovered by: 明前奶绿Note: Vocaloid
Title: 胡广生Author: 任素汐Covered by: 明前奶绿Note: 清唱
Title: 昔言Author: HITACovered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 大眠Author: 王心凌Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 匆匆那年Author: 王菲Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 香水有毒Author: 胡杨林Covered by: 明前奶绿Note: 清唱半首
Title: 车站Author: 李健Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 如愿Author: 王菲Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 赤伶Author: HITACovered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 月亮代表我的心Author: 陈芬兰Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 老公天下第一Author: 禤道秒Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 大鱼Author: 周深Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 忽如远行客Author: 杨千嬅, 云の泣Covered by: 明前奶绿Note: 原曲跟唱
Title: 雨爱Author: 杨丞琳Covered by: 明前奶绿Note: 清唱片段
Title: 慢慢喜欢你Author: 陈芬兰Covered by: 明前奶绿Note: 清唱
Title: 行かないでAuthor: 玉置浩二Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 老公天下第一Author: 禤道秒Covered by: 明前奶绿Note: 改词清唱片段
Title: 月亮代表我的心Author: 陈芬兰Covered by: 明前奶绿Note: 清唱半首
Title: 小白船Author: 尹克荣Covered by: 明前奶绿Note: 清唱片段
Title: 想你的夜Author: 关喆Covered by: 明前奶绿Note: 清唱片段
Title: 香水有毒Author: 胡杨林Covered by: 明前奶绿Note: 改词清唱片段
Title: 洋葱Author: 杨宗纬Covered by: 明前奶绿Note: 清唱片段
Title: 王招君Author: 任素汐Covered by: 明前奶绿Original clip: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Eh4y1T758
2023-08-19 - Fly Me to the Moon
Title: Fly Me to the MoonAuthor: Bart HowardCovered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 漠河舞厅Author: 柳爽Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 漠河舞厅(哼唱)Author: 柳爽Covered by: 明前奶绿Note: 清唱半首
Title: 灰色头像Author: 许嵩Covered by: 明前奶绿Note: 清唱片段
Title: 嘉宾Author: 张远Covered by: 明前奶绿Note: 清唱片段
Title: 不得不爱Author: 潘玮柏, 弦子Covered by: 明前奶绿Note: 清唱片段
Title: For YaAuthor: 蒋小呢Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 我怀念的Author: 孙燕姿Covered by: 明前奶绿Note: 清唱半首
Title: 我还想她Author: 林俊杰Covered by: 明前奶绿Note: 清唱片段
Title: 背叛Author: 曹格Covered by: 明前奶绿Note: 清唱片段
Title: 如愿Author: 王菲Covered by: 明前奶绿Note: 清唱片段
Title: 流年Author: 王菲Covered by: 明前奶绿Note: 清唱片段
Title: 胡广生Author: 任素汐Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 曾经你说Author: 赵乃吉Covered by: 明前奶绿Note: 清唱半首
Title: 达尔文Author: 蔡健雅Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 御龙吟Author: 姚贝娜Covered by: 明前奶绿Note: 网游《御龙在天》的插曲
Title: 明明就Author: 周杰伦Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 阴天快乐Author: 陈奕迅Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 我最亲爱的Author: 张惠妹Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 黑键Author: 林俊杰Covered by: 明前奶绿Note: 伴奏跟唱
Title: 绿色Author: 陈雪Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 走马Author: 陈粒Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 凉城Author: 任然Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 眼泪成诗清唱Author: 孙燕姿Covered by: 明前奶绿Note: 清唱半首
Title: 不该Author: 周杰伦, 张惠妹Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 英雄Author: 周杰伦Covered by: 明前奶绿Note: 游戏《英雄联盟》中国品牌主题曲
Title: 流浪记Author: 巴奈Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 想你的365天Author: 李玟Covered by: 明前奶绿Note: 电影《宝莲灯》的主题曲
Title: 眼泪成诗Author: 孙燕姿Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 到不了Author: 范玮琪Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 耳朵Author: 李荣浩Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 疑心病Author: 任然Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 也许明天Author: 张惠妹Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 一眼万年Author: 林俊杰Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: XAuthor: 林俊杰Covered by: 明前奶绿Note: 半首
Title: 你就不要想起我Author: 田馥甄Covered by: 明前奶绿Note: 清唱半首
Title: 黑夜问白天Author: 林俊杰Covered by: 明前奶绿Note: 清唱半首
Title: 倒带Author: 蔡依林Covered by: 明前奶绿Note: 清唱半首
Title: 黑暗骑士Author: 林俊杰Covered by: 明前奶绿Note: 瞎唱
Title: 蝉女Author: 陈婧霏Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 生日祝福歌Author: 格格Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 游园会Author: 周杰伦Covered by: 明前奶绿Note: 半首
Title: 嘉宾Author: 张远Covered by: 明前奶绿Note: 半首
Title: 我只在乎你Author: 邓丽君Covered by: 明前奶绿Note: 半首
Title: 大海Author: 张雨生Covered by: 明前奶绿Note: 半首
Title: 如愿Author: 王菲Covered by: 明前奶绿
2023-05-05 - 遇见你的时候所有星星都落到我头上
Title: 遇见你的时候所有星星都落到我头上Author: 高姗Covered by: 明前奶绿Note: 半首无混响清唱
Title: 可念不可说Author: 崔子格Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 星语星愿Author: 张柏芝Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 忽然之间Author: 莫文蔚Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 吻别Author: 张学友Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 红玫瑰Author: 陈奕迅Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 雨蝶Author: 李翊君Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 蒙娜丽莎的眼泪Author: 林志炫Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 问Author: 陈淑桦Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 十年Author: 陈奕迅Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 单身情歌Author: 林志炫Covered by: 明前奶绿Note: 半首无混响清唱
Title: 遇见Author: 孙燕姿Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 挥着翅膀的女孩Author: 容祖儿Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 一生守候Author: 陈淑桦Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 忘情水Author: 刘德华Covered by: 明前奶绿Note: 清唱
Title: 最熟悉的陌生人Author: 萧亚轩Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 没离开过Author: 林志炫Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 只对你有感觉Author: 飞轮海, 田馥甄Covered by: 明前奶绿Note: 半首
Title: 倒带Author: 蔡依林Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 我怀念的Author: 孙燕姿Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 女人花Author: 梅艳芳Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 绿光Author: 孙燕姿Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 黄昏Author: 周传雄Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 九万字Author: 黄诗扶Covered by: 明前奶绿Note: 清唱半首
Title: 夜空中最亮的星Author: 逃跑计划Covered by: 明前奶绿Note: 清唱半首
Title: 生日祝福歌Author: 格格Covered by: 明前奶绿Note: 清唱半首
2023-04-01 - 香水有毒 feat. 夜王莉莉丝
Title: 香水有毒 feat. 夜王莉莉丝Author: 胡杨林Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 那女孩对我说Author: 黄义达Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 反方向的钟Author: 周杰伦Covered by: 明前奶绿Note: 半首
Title: 轨迹Author: 周杰伦Covered by: 明前奶绿Note: 清唱
Title: 不潮不用花钱Author: 林俊杰Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 我怀念的Author: 孙燕姿Covered by: 明前奶绿Note: 伴奏跟唱
Title: 下雨天Author: 梁心颐Covered by: 明前奶绿Note: 半首
Title: 那些你很冒险的梦Author: 林俊杰Covered by: 明前奶绿Note: 清唱
Title: 金魚花火Author: 大塚愛Covered by: 明前奶绿Note: 金鱼花火
Title: 虚拟Author: 陈粒Covered by: 明前奶绿Note: 伴奏跟唱
Title: 反方向的钟Author: 周杰伦Covered by: 明前奶绿Note: 半首
Title: 赤伶Author: HITACovered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 不可说Author: 霍建华, 赵丽颖Covered by: 明前奶绿Note: 电视剧《花千骨》片尾曲
Title: 让她降落Author: 何璐Covered by: 明前奶绿Note: 电视剧《金粉世家》的片尾曲
Title: 那些你很冒险的梦Author: 林俊杰Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 轨迹Author: 周杰伦Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 我们Author: 陈奕迅Covered by: 明前奶绿Note: 电影《后来的我们》主题曲
Title: 我的果汁分你一半Author: 花儿乐队Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 不为谁而作的歌Author: 林俊杰Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 勇气Author: 梁静茹Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 红豆Author: 方大同Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 嘉宾Author: 张远Covered by: 明前奶绿Note: 清唱半首
Title: 爱在西元前Author: 周杰伦Covered by: 明前奶绿Note: 清唱半首
Title: 双节棍Author: 周杰伦Covered by: 明前奶绿Note: 清唱 rap 部分
Title: 半岛铁盒Author: 周杰伦Covered by: 明前奶绿Note: 清唱
Title: 悟空Author: 戴荃Covered by: 明前奶绿Note: 清唱
Title: 耳朵Author: 李荣浩Covered by: 明前奶绿Note: 半首
Title: 起风了Author: 买辣椒也用券Covered by: 明前奶绿Note: 清唱
Title: 离歌Author: 信乐团Covered by: 明前奶绿Note: 清唱
Title: 下一秒Author: 张碧晨Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 在树上唱歌Author: 郭静Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 寂寞沙洲冷Author: 周传雄Covered by: 明前奶绿Note: 半首
Title: 雪の华Author: 中島美嘉Covered by: 明前奶绿Note: 雪之华
Title: 会呼吸的痛Author: 梁静茹Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: First LoveAuthor: 宇多田ヒカルCovered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 说谎Author: 林宥嘉Covered by: 明前奶绿Note: 半首
Title: 烟霞Author: 容祖儿Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 不得不爱Author: 潘玮柏, 弦子Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: Number NineAuthor: T-araCovered by: 明前奶绿Note: 半首
Title: 修炼爱情Author: 林俊杰Covered by: 明前奶绿Note: 半首
Title: 情人Author: 蔡徐坤Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 夜夜夜夜Author: 齐秦Covered by: 明前奶绿Note: 半首
Title: 心墙Author: 林俊杰Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 嘉宾Author: 张远Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 心墙(女声版)Author: 林采欣/林贝芳Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 背叛Author: 曹格Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 夜曲Author: 周杰伦Covered by: 明前奶绿Note: 半首
Title: 当你Author: 林俊杰Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 不潮不用花钱Author: 林俊杰Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 爱笑的眼睛Author: 林俊杰Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 说了再见Author: 周杰伦Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 山外小楼夜听雨Author: XUNCovered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 相见恨晚Author: 彭佳慧Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 如果没有你Author: 莫文蔚Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 再见青春Author: 汪峰Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 过火Author: 张信哲Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 一生等你Author: 袁娅维Covered by: 明前奶绿Note: 电视剧《媚者无疆》主题曲
Title: 可惜没如果Author: 林俊杰Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 黑夜问白天Author: 林俊杰Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 爱如潮水Author: 张信哲Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 四块五的妞Author: 隔壁老樊Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 伤痕Author: 林忆莲Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 想你的365天Author: 李玟Covered by: 明前奶绿Note: 电影《宝莲灯》的主题曲
Title: 危险派对Author: 王以太, 刘至佳Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 光辉岁月Author: BeyondCovered by: 明前奶绿Note: 半首
Title: 不为谁而作的歌Author: 林俊杰Covered by: 明前奶绿Note: 清唱
Title: 为你我受冷风吹Author: 林忆莲Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 在水一方Author: 邓丽君Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 车站Author: 李健Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 等你下课Author: 周杰伦, 杨瑞代Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 记得Author: 林俊杰Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 西风Author: 阿鲁阿卓Covered by: 明前奶绿Note: 电视剧《芈月传》片尾曲,半首
Title: 黄昏Author: 周传雄Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 记事本Author: 陈慧琳Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 爱如潮水Author: 张信哲Covered by: 明前奶绿Note: 半首
Title: 枫Author: 周杰伦Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 山外小楼夜听雨Author: XUNCovered by: 明前奶绿Note: 半首
Title: 说好不哭Author: 周杰伦Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 迷迭香Author: 周杰伦Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 一路向北Author: 周杰伦Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 算什么男人Author: 周杰伦Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 袖手旁观Author: 齐秦Covered by: 明前奶绿
2023-01-23 - Always Online
Title: Always OnlineAuthor: 林俊杰Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 一生所爱Author: 莫文蔚Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 如果没有你Author: 莫文蔚Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 难忘今宵Author: 李谷一Covered by: 明前奶绿Note: 半首
Title: 胡广生Author: 任素汐Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 老公让我为你捶捶背Author: 崔子格Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 千年泪Author: TankCovered by: 明前奶绿Note: 《天外飞仙》片尾曲
Title: 记得Author: 林俊杰Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 笑忘书Author: 王菲Covered by: 明前奶绿Original clip: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1HR4y1e7y4
Title: 会呼吸的痛Author: 梁静茹Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 老公天下第一Author: 禤道秒Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 小酒窝Author: 林俊杰Covered by: 明前奶绿
Title: 奇迹再现Author: 毛华锋Covered by: 明前奶绿Note: 《迪迦奥特曼》中文主题曲
Title: 小星星Author: Jane TaylorCovered by: 明前奶绿Note: 一闪一闪亮晶晶
Title: 关键词Author: 林俊杰Covered by: 明前奶绿Original clip: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1dD4y1h7sV
Title: 如愿(清唱)Author: 王菲Covered by: 明前奶绿Original clip: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV19Y411R736Note: 清唱
Title: 相思(清唱半首)Author: 毛阿敏Covered by: 明前奶绿Original clip: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1ZD4y1e7mZ
Title: 晴天Author: 周杰伦Covered by: 明前奶绿Original clip: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1av4y1S79a?p=16
Title: 编号89757Author: 林俊杰Covered by: 明前奶绿Original clip: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1av4y1S79a?p=20
Title: 涉川Author: 不才Covered by: 明前奶绿Original clip: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1av4y1S79a?p=13Note: 《剑侠情缘网络版叁》同人曲
Title: 蒲公英的约定Author: 周杰伦Covered by: 明前奶绿Original clip: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1av4y1S79a?p=24
Title: 东风破Author: 周杰伦Covered by: 明前奶绿Original clip: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1av4y1S79a?p=9
Title: 孤勇者Author: 陈奕迅Covered by: 明前奶绿Original clip: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1av4y1S79a?p=25Note: 动画《英雄联盟:双城之战》中文主题曲
Title: 暗号Author: 周杰伦Covered by: 明前奶绿Original clip: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1av4y1S79a?p=19
Title: 卷珠帘Author: 霍尊Covered by: 明前奶绿Original clip: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1av4y1S79a?p=14
Title: 轨迹Author: 周杰伦Covered by: 明前奶绿Original clip: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1av4y1S79a?p=3
Title: 那些你很冒险的梦Author: 林俊杰Covered by: 明前奶绿Original clip: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1av4y1S79a?p=26
Title: 江南Author: 林俊杰Covered by: 明前奶绿Original clip: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1av4y1S79a?p=4
Title: 曹操Author: 林俊杰Covered by: 明前奶绿Original clip: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1av4y1S79a?p=10
Title: 一千年以后Author: 林俊杰Covered by: 明前奶绿Original clip: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1av4y1S79a?p=6
Title: 七里香Author: 周杰伦Covered by: 明前奶绿Original clip: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1av4y1S79a?p=8
Title: 发如雪Author: 周杰伦Covered by: 明前奶绿Original clip: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1av4y1S79a?p=2
Title: 香水有毒(半首清唱)Author: 胡杨林Covered by: 明前奶绿Original clip: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1av4y1S79a?p=18Note: 清唱
Title: 豆浆油条Author: 林俊杰Covered by: 明前奶绿Original clip: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1av4y1S79a?p=5
Title: 枫Author: 周杰伦Covered by: 明前奶绿Original clip: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1av4y1S79a?p=1
Title: 被风吹过的夏天Author: 林俊杰, 金莎Covered by: 明前奶绿Original clip: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1av4y1S79a?p=11
Title: 背对背拥抱Author: 林俊杰Covered by: 明前奶绿Original clip: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1av4y1S79a?p=22
Title: 一路向北Author: 周杰伦Covered by: 明前奶绿Original clip: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1av4y1S79a?p=7
Title: 我还想她(清唱)Author: 林俊杰Covered by: 明前奶绿Original clip: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1av4y1S79a?p=12Note: 清唱
Title: 神的随波逐流Author: れるりり, 泠鸢yousaCovered by: 明前奶绿Original clip: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1av4y1S79a?p=15Note: 中文改版
Title: 童话镇Author: 陈一发儿Covered by: 明前奶绿Original clip: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1xG4y1f7bD
Title: XAuthor: 林俊杰Covered by: 明前奶绿Original clip: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1av4y1S79a?p=23
Title: 醉赤壁Author: 林俊杰Covered by: 明前奶绿Original clip: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1av4y1S79a?p=21
Title: 开不了口Author: 周杰伦Covered by: 明前奶绿Original clip: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1av4y1S79a?p=17
Title: 小酒窝Author: 林俊杰Covered by: 明前奶绿Original clip: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV18G4y1h7UA
Title: 听妈妈的话Author: 周杰伦Covered by: 明前奶绿Original clip: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1YD4y1r7uW
Title: 童话Author: 光良Covered by: 明前奶绿Original clip: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1y14y1877o
Title: 当你Author: 林俊杰Covered by: 明前奶绿Original clip: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Z8411s7N1
Title: 夜曲Author: 周杰伦Covered by: 明前奶绿Original clip: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV16W4y1n7vm
Title: 至少还有你Author: 林忆莲Covered by: 明前奶绿Original clip: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1xG4y1W7iU
Title: 江南Author: 林俊杰Covered by: 明前奶绿Original clip: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1214y187ur
Title: 日不落Author: 蔡依林Covered by: 明前奶绿Original clip: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1zV4y1N79fNote: 合唱
Title: 青花瓷Author: 周杰伦Covered by: 明前奶绿Original clip: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1WG411E7My
Title: 胡广生Author: 任素汐Covered by: 明前奶绿Original clip: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1aW4y1e7E8
Title: 香水有毒Author: 胡杨林Covered by: 明前奶绿Original clip: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Md4y1i7YX
Title: 总是学不会Author: 林俊杰Covered by: 明前奶绿Original clip: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1f24y1X7x9
Title: 美人鱼(清唱半首)Author: 林俊杰Covered by: 明前奶绿Original clip: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Se4y1B7i4
Title: 醉赤壁(清唱半首)Author: 林俊杰Covered by: 明前奶绿Original clip: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Sd4y1q7X2
Title: 她说(清唱半首)Author: 林俊杰Covered by: 明前奶绿Original clip: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1124y1X7Fy
Title: 烟花易冷Author: 周杰伦Covered by: 明前奶绿Original clip: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1nG411n7eU
Title: 王招君Author: 任素汐Covered by: 明前奶绿Original clip: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV13e4y1z7tm
Title: 漠河舞厅Author: 柳爽Covered by: 明前奶绿Original clip: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1EG411n7r7
Title: 黑夜问白天(清唱半首)Author: 林俊杰Covered by: 明前奶绿Original clip: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV16D4y1C7yu
Title: 爱人错过Author: 告五人Covered by: 明前奶绿Original clip: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1M8411t7Sc
Title: 给电影人的情书Author: 蔡琴Covered by: 明前奶绿Original clip: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1md4y1B7uq
Title: 迷迭香Author: 周杰伦Covered by: 明前奶绿Original clip: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1i14y1h7R7
Title: 流年Author: 王菲Covered by: 明前奶绿Original clip: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1kV4y1K7wn
2022-09-19 - 遇到你的时候所有星星都落在我头上
Title: 遇到你的时候所有星星都落在我头上Author: 高姗Covered by: 明前奶绿Original clip: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1424y1d7n4
Title: 相思Author: 毛阿敏Covered by: 明前奶绿Original clip: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1KB4y1H7ic
Title: 如愿Author: 王菲Covered by: 明前奶绿Original clip: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1bg41127mT
Title: 最长的电影Author: 周杰伦Covered by: 明前奶绿Original clip: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1rG411n7qp