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Slovak, History, 1 season, 7 episodes, 1 hour, 45 minutes
Nečakané súvislosti dejín
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Trianon: 100 years of controversies? (12.6.2020 11:40)

Treaty of Trianon was one of the international treaties signed as part of the Paris Peace Conference after the end of World War One. It sealed the fate of the Kingdom of Hungary and was important step towards modern and independent Slovakia. Despite 100 years having passed since its signing, this document remains a controversial part of Central European history in general, and Slovak-Hungarian relationships in particular.
6/12/202014 minutes, 56 seconds
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WE SHALL NEVER SURRENDER – part 6 – What came after the war (6.5.2020 16:00)

In the final episode of this historic series dedicated to the Czechoslovak-British wartime connections, we will speak about what happened to those connections after May 8, 1945, when peace was declared in Europe.
5/6/202017 minutes, 2 seconds
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WE SHALL NEVER SURRENDER – part 5 – Brits and the Slovak National Uprising (29.4.2020 16:00)

Even though the official name of the 1944 armed insurgency would suggest that only Slovaks were involved, the truth is that people from 35 nations and nationalities took part in the uprising, thanks to which Slovakia officially joined the alliance of countries that won the Second World War. This fifth episode introduces the British intelligence officers who took part in the Slovak National Uprising.
4/29/202014 minutes, 48 seconds
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WE SHALL NEVER SURRENDER – part 4 – A-class operations: Alsterufer and Anthropoid (22.4.2020 16:00)

The fourth episode looks closer at two military operations in which Czechoslovak soldiers based in the UK got involved. One was a comprehensive air combat mission, with the other being perhaps the most notable as well as controversial act of Czechoslovak resistance. Both of these stories have a name starting with the letter A: Altsterufer and Anthropoid.
4/22/202015 minutes, 45 seconds
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WE SHALL NEVER SURRENDER – part 3 – The years spent “somewhere in England” (15.4.2020 15:00)

 In the third episode of this “We shall never surrender” podcast we will take a walk around some of those places in the UK where thousands of Czech and Slovak soldiers spent time during the war - in training, learning the English language, and socialising with the locals.
4/15/202016 minutes, 1 second
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WE SHALL NEVER SURRENDER – part 2 - Leaving from and for war (8.4.2020 15:00)

 The second episode of this special “We shall never surrender” podcast series is dedicated to those men and women who escaped from the fascist Slovak state in order to join the resistance against the Nazis. We will speak about the routes they took, the obstacles they overcame on the journey, and the destinations at which they arrived.
4/8/202012 minutes, 57 seconds
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WE SHALL NEVER SURRENDER – part 1 - The calm before the storm (1.4.2020 15:00)

 To commemorate the 75th anniversary of Victory in Europe Day, the English section of Radio Slovakia International has prepared a special series on the Slovak, or rather the Czechoslovak-British wartime connections. Over the next six episodes, Zuzana Botiková will walk you through some historic milestones, places and personal stories that shaped the outcome of World War II in the Central European region. The first episode looks at the First Czechoslovak Republic, during those years which may be described  as “the calm before the storm”.
4/1/202014 minutes, 24 seconds